Annual Report 2012 - CNseg

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Committee on Human Resources President: Vanessa Angélica Campos Pina Meetings held: 5 Number of members: 29 Major Subject Matters Strategic Planning: The advisory services of

Research: Topics of interest to the Human

the Business Lab SSJ (LABSSJ) were contracted

Resources were researched among the members

to assist the members of the Committee in

of the insurance companies, as follows: quarterly

the planning process, aiming at restructuring

survey of HR amongst insurance companies

its operating model.

Two workshops were

(closing of the indicators for the 4th quarter of

held: one in March, whose agenda mission of

2011, 1st and 2nd quarter of 2012); sales versus

the group approached major themes / subject

trade union category; reimbursement of work-

matters; model of governance of the process;

related expenses; evaluation of 360° competence;

and planning of the activities; and the other, in

telematic-based work (home office) – Law no.

May, to discuss policy of governance and trade

12.551/11; transportation vouchers / RJ; process

union negotiations, with the creation of three

of merit-based increase;

working groups: Compensation – Salary Survey,

training operations;

HR Performance Indicators and Labor Issues

versus HR; organizational structure – secretaries

(working-time accounts, flexible working-time

of the boards;

and home office).

hours on December 24th and 31st.

Collective Labor Agreement: The 2012 Collective

Technical certification: In 2012 were granted

Labor Agreement was closed on February 1st,

607 technical certificates for years of service.

selection process;

internal communication

maternity leave;

and business

within the term planned to formal conclusion of Technical Certification

the salary negotiations. Trade union and economic environment: In

Customer service | Insurance


lecture given by Professor Hélio Zylberstajn,

Internal controls


of the labor, the trade union negotiations of

Losses adjustments | Motor


other categories, the level of employment in the

Losses adjustments | Insurance


Direct sale


in July, were evaluated the economic aspects

insurance companies, the emerging themes, the trade union agendas and the behavior of the insurance and Open Private Pension segments in relation to further economic activities. The purpose of the lecture was to assist the companies for planning the budget of the trade union negotiations of 2013.




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