Rimma Gerlovina Valeriy Gerlovin THOUGHT OF THOUGHTS book 1: BE-LIE-VE

Page 131

Looking Grass may sprout one day. And so it did. If in the male image Be-am the blackening of the face emphasizes the linearity of the light (the source of which is not shown), then in the female image or, better to say, androgynous Looking Grass, the light seems to come from within. Here we step down to one more level of density showing light in a tormenting fall into gravitating substance of matter. Far not everyone is able to go through the gloomy night with steady virtue. After the sun goes down, the moon is the only eye of the night, remaining an uncertain companion on the narrow path. Even if we treat that problem with poetic elegy, it is only in form, not in content. With no intention of any kind, indifferently, the moonlight dimly transmits and simultaneously obscures the spiritual aspect of light which “shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not” (John 1:5). Yet, preserving its origin, the light-imparting

Looking Grass © 1991


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