Compers News August 2019

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August 2019

DISNEY TIME Hilary Lister has recently returned from a brilliant family holiday… a prize she only knew about thanks to Compers News!

“Just before Christmas I heard that I had won a holiday to Disneyland Paris from Animal World magazine, in a prize draw that you featured in the November 2018 issue of Compers News. The prize was for two adults and two children between the ages of 3 and 11. I was in a dilemma as I have three grandchildren in that age group so I asked the promoter if I could add the extra child at my own expense. They were happy to agree, and said that they would only ask me to pay if it took the value of the holiday above the prize budget which they didn’t think it would. What a result! We waited until Christmas Day to tell the grandchildren, and needless to say they were all over the moon. In January, Disney contacted me to say that there would be no charge for the extra child and they would even include breakfast and dinner which had not been mentioned in the original prize description. We took the prize in May and had the most wonderful time. The weather was great and the hotel amazing. It just goes to show that it is well worth asking a promoter if the package you have won does not quite meet your needs. A massive thank you once again for your fantastic magazine without which I would not have known about this brilliant competition.”

Our Latest Wins... Compers News members have reported these BIG prizes since our last issue!

✓✓£10,000 Cash ✓✓Holiday for 4 to Australia ✓✓TWO £2,000 flight and accommodation packages

✓✓Behind-the-scenes VIP trip to the F1 British Grand Prix

✓✓Airbnb break worth £2,000

And here’s just a small selection of the other prizes you’ve told us about during the past month! Seven-day trip to the French Riviera Holiday to Marbella Seven-night break in France Gourmet trip to Modena, Italy £1,500 holiday voucher TWO VIP Edinburgh Festival Experiences Family forest lodge break Dog-friendly holiday worth £1,000 TWO family glamping weekends Weekend trip to Paris

London theatre break TWO £1,000 cash prizes FOURTEEN London in the Sky Extreme Dining Experiences Family seaside break TWO luxury gift hampers worth £1,000 each FIVE pairs of Wimbledon tennis tickets TWO helicopter flights for 2 £100 FootLocker gift card Larunda hot water tap worth £699 Luxury picnic hamper Sony wireless speaker

VQ retro radio THREE full-team football kits Lapierre bike worth up to £1,000 Isle of Wight Festival tickets Fitbit activity tracker Plus LOTS of NERF toys from Kellogg’s Activity vouchers from Maynards Cricket tickets from Rubicon Roald Dahl-themed prizes from Mr Kipling And much more… Est.


Editor’s Comment

Card Tricks Write to Steve at Compers News, PO Box 8763, Nottingham NG2 9BS or via

Hello again everyone, and welcome to the August issue.

As usual, there are hundreds of brand new comps and prize draws for you this month – and we’ve tried our best to find a few extra kid-friendly comps to keep them busy over the long summer holidays. Check out our very special ‘Guess the Year’ family challenge on pages 16 & 17, which includes a retro colouring competition for our younger readers to get stuck into… well, it’ll hopefully keep them quiet for a couple of hours at least! Thank you for all your feedback following the comping Q&A feature that appeared in these pages last month. One subject in particular kept cropping up in your responses, perfectly summarised in this email from TWH:

Following your advice in the July edition, I would like to comment on a problem I have been having with postcard entries. I write the destination address on the righthand side of the postcard - clearly writing ‘TO’ above the address. My own address, printed on a sticky label, is placed on the bottom left corner of the card. Sometimes, the postcards are returned to me and when I ask why this has happened the Royal Mail scanning system always gets the blame. I would be grateful to hear your views on this. Also, would I be correct in assuming that competition 2

handling houses electronically scan the sender`s details so that they can be included in the draw - if so, at what position on the postcard (and orientation) should the sender`s details be placed?

The ‘boomerang’ postcard – so called because it comes straight back to you! – has long been a bugbear for compers and, as TWH points out, the Royal Mail scanning system is usually the culprit. Although, having said that, a postman or postwoman still has to physically put the card back through your door – and it’s at that point where I’d personally expect to see a bit more common sense. You’d expect a Royal Mail staff member to know what a postcard looks like, how it’s traditionally laid out, and the meaning of the words ‘To’ and ‘From’ – so even if a boomerang postcard finds its way into their sack in error, surely it’s not unreasonable to expect them to quickly realise the mistake and reroute the card to its proper (and, usually, pretty obvious) destination? Or am I expecting too much? Anyway, I digress. In reply to the question from TWH (and others), Royal Mail do indeed use scanners to automatically ‘read’ the addresses on post – and there are, of course, two addresses on a typical postcard: the competition address, and your own. In the early days of scanning technology, the scanner would identify the postage stamp in the top right-hand corner of the card as its reference point

and would then read straight down, expecting to find the destination address at some point below the stamp. Your own details could therefore be ‘hidden’ with simple techniques like writing them on the unstamped side of the card, not directly underneath the stamp, or in a different direction (e.g. sideways on) to what the scanner had been programmed to expect. Sadly for us compers, technology has now moved on – and modern Royal Mail scanners are designed to spot an address wherever it appears on a letter or packet. This can sometimes mean that the old ‘hiding’ tips and tricks of the past are not as effective as they once were. The first thing to do these days is to read the entry instructions properly. Do you even have to provide full address details? Given all the concerns about identity theft and data protection, many promoters nowadays simply ask for a contact email or phone number at the initial point of entry, so always double check – the big TV postcard comps DON’T ask for your postal address, for example.

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Follow our tips to help your postcard reach the intended destination

If you ARE asked for an address, the knack nowadays is to make sure that the Royal Mail scanner finds and locks on to the destination postcode first. Which means making the ‘To’ postcode nice and clear – write it neatly in block capitals on a separate line at the very bottom of the address, write it in the correct format with proper spacings (e.g. AB1 2CD), use black or blue ink, don’t add ANY full stops or punctuation and, ideally, keep the space immediately alongside and below it completely empty. And your own postcode – which you don’t want the scanner to spot first – should be the opposite to all of those things! Try your best to bury it by not giving it a separate line, adding some unnecessary punctuation, and by writing other information underneath. For example: FROM: Mrs May Dupname, 123, Winn Street, Prizetown, AB1-2CD, Tel. 0123 456789. Email: Answer: 1. A; 2. B; 3. C.

Write this information sideways on to the destination address, and you should be OK. TWH mentions that his own details are printed on a sticky label, and this can sometimes cause a problem because the scanner will nearly always find a printed address first. If you’re using an address label, either try to bury the postcode by adding extra information as per the above example or, better still, think about omitting your postcode from the printed label completely and writing it in by hand. Another option, if you print your own labels, is to use a Royal Mail-unfriendly font or colour for the postcode. Remember though, you’re not trying to make your address details TOTALLY unreadable – a promoter won’t know where to send your prize otherwise! – you’re just trying to fool a Royal Mail scanner for a split second so that it finds the proper, destination postcode first. And, ultimately, it shouldn’t be something you need get too forensic over or worry about too much. Although they’re irritating, boomerang postcards are still very much in the minority and the vast majority of postcards you send will reach their intended destinations perfectly fine. If a postcard DOES find its way back to you, it’s always worth complaining to Royal Mail as they’ll often send you a few stamps as an apology. See https:// answers/detail/a_id/307 for more details. But do be very careful if you’re tempted to simply re-post the card. When a piece of mail has

been scanned, it may be coded for automatic sorting – look for a row of feint dots or lines somewhere on the card. If your card has been coded in this way and you repost it, it won’t even be scanned next time – the Royal Mail machines will just immediately latch on to that earlier coding and the card will be delivered straight back to you! So, take care to block out some or all of this coding if it’s present on a postcard that you’re thinking of reposting. TWH’s final point referred to how handling houses deal with postcards when they receive them. It’s true that some – but by no means all – of the larger handling houses use scanning equipment, but this is on a much smaller scale than those hi-tech Royal Mail machines. In the majority of cases, postcards will be loaded by hand to ensure that the information for inputting is the right way up – so the direction of writing etc. won’t matter. There’ll also be much more human input generally – hand-keying information that a scanner can’t read, for example – so I don’t think that a comper need worry about what might or might not happen at this stage of the process. Just make sure that your handwriting is legible, as a handling house is unlikely to spend too much time deciphering an entry when they’ve got hundreds or even thousands of other cards to choose from!

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Comping Crusader Write to Comping Crusader at Compers News, PO Box 8763, Nottingham NG2 9BS or via

Element-ary, SIN CE 1913

Compers News is the UK’s only magazine dedicated to competitions and prize draws. With classic comping titles including Competitors’ Journal, Competitor’s Companion and Prize Draw Winner having joined us along the way, we can trace our comping heritage back to 1913. It’s an unrivalled history of which we’re justifiably proud.

my dear winner! This month I am delighted to be interviewing Zoe Homewood who is a Winner Manager for Element London, one of the UK’s biggest prize and incentive fulfilment companies. They represent some very well-known brands including Coca Cola and Bacardi.


I have been contacted by several readers who have had the wonderful experience of having a prize handled by Zoe. They have all commented on how helpful and professional she is, making the whole prize experience so much more special and enjoyable.


Welcome to Compers News, Zoe. Can you please start by telling us about yourself, your background, how long you have worked for Element and how you got the job?


Thank you so much for reaching out to me, it’s very kind that your lovely readers have put me forward to be involved with Compers News! I haven’t been part of Element for very long, about a year and a half, so it’s nice to be recognised and appreciated so early on.

Payment and delivery queries, change of address etc: 01778 395 170 Compers News, Warners Group Publications plc, West Street, Bourne PE10 9PH

Reader stories, photos and contributions: Compers News, PO Box 8763, Nottingham NG2 9BS Or you can send a Private Message via Chatterbox to: SteveCompersNews

Press, advertising and business queries: Compers News, Data Locator Group Ltd, Sunningdale, The Belfry Business Park, 13 Colonial Way, Watford, Hertfordshire WD24 4WH

Important information

Compers News Vol. XIX No. VIII August 2019 Editor: Steve Middleton This publication is registered with the British Library ISSN 2046-195X (Print) ISSN 2046-1968 (Online) ©2019 Accolade Publishing Limited. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher. We may monitor or record calls to maintain or improve our service. Registered company no. 5228102. Registered Office: Green Heys, Walford Road, Ross on Wye, HR9 5DB. Subsidiaries of DM Ltd. Printed in the United Kingdom.


This is my first job out of university, I studied Television Production at the University of Westminster, specialising in Set Design as my mum is an interior designer so I always saw myself doing something creative. I applied for a fair few jobs but the television industry is really competitive and with thousands of students leaving university at the same time, all looking for the same jobs, it makes it near impossible. I’ve had a background in customer service since I started working alongside

my studies at 16 years old. Element were advertising for my position and I found it really interesting, I had never thought of how winners were handled after they had won. I applied and they were impressed with the customer service skills I had built up over the years and by the budget skills I had learnt with building sets through university - so I got the job! Thanks Zoe. What brands do Element represent, and what campaigns have you worked on that compers might recognise? Element London are really lucky to represent a whole load of notable names across the film, television and brand industry. We have a large range of clients and organise incredible prizes from Hollywood film prizes to smaller brand ones. Whilst we manage key clients we also do smaller incentives for businesses, managing prizes for staff members they think deserve a shout out for their hard work. Even though I have only been at Element a short while I have managed lots of interesting prizes. Is there a typical working day for you? There is a routine to my days but every day is unique which is why I think this job is so interesting. A standard day would be a 7:50am office arrival,

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go through my emails and then prioritising the most pressing jobs which get added to my never ending to-do list. I then start working through the list but there are still surprises throughout the day.

If you’re lucky, Zoe could be contacting you soon!

When my winners travel they have my work mobile number as they are able to contact me at any hour. As I always try to be organised, I send out documents for winners with plenty of time for them to read through everything. This means I don’t often get called. I can only imagine how daunting it must be for a stranger to organise your prize trip of a lifetime! You mention above that winners have your phone number. Do you have an example of when you have had to help people out when they get into difficulties on a trip? All the winner managers have a work phone and we give this number to those travelling. This number is only for emergencies so it is rare we get called. The last phone call I can remember getting was 5 o’clock in the morning and the winner was asking why his

plane tickets hadn’t been delivered yet. He didn’t realise that he had to check in to get his boarding passes – this was explained in the trip documentation but I don’t think he was a frequent traveller so it may have been overwhelming. So, in bed at 5am, I was checking him and his guest in and sending his boarding passes. Luckily I wasn’t asleep when he phoned! I help in any way I can, sometimes this help is limited due to what time it is, where I am etc., but I will do everything possible to sort out a problem. How many winners are you dealing with at any one time? Is there a team of people at Element working on prize fulfilment? There is a team of five of us, myself included. Winner numbers vary a lot, the busiest periods are summer and Christmas as most competitions are held around then. I’ve already dealt with over 700 winners in my year and a half, the least amount of winners I deal with at one time is around 100.

Are you part of the winner selection process, or are you usually informed when the winners have already been chosen? I’m not part of the winner selection process. I constantly get asked by friends if I can fix it, which is impossible as winners are already sent to us by the client and I had to sign an anti-bribery contract when I first started! I’m also not allowed to arrange prizes for anyone I know and I can’t win them myself. There are a lot of prizes I have been jealous of! I know that you often get to book lovely holiday prizes. Can you please tell us about some of the destinations you have arranged trips to? Every amazing location you can think of, I have probably arranged a prize trip there. My top locations for amazing prizes would be Australia, Bali, Vietnam, New York, Morzine and Iceland. Continued overleaf >

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I know that Element also arrange “Money Can’t Buy” prizes, can you tell us about any examples of this type of prize? Yes, clients love ‘money can’t buy’ prizes, but this gets harder and harder as time goes by as they want something completely original. We often have to use our connections with suppliers to design something bespoke for us to then input into prize promotions. A recent example of a ‘money can’t buy’ experience was arranging for a make-up artist who works on Hollywood films to do a makeover on winners, transform them into a character within a film and then sourcing a professional photographer to do a photo shoot with them on the streets of San Francisco! How flexible can you be with arranging a prize holiday? If the winner wanted to pay for an additional child for example, would this be possible? I always try to be as flexible as possible. There are things I can definitely do, such as extensions and bringing child(ren) along, obviously at an additional cost as it is outside of the prize inclusions, but I want the trip they have won to be as perfect as possible so I will always go above and beyond to help a winner achieve this. Of course there are some times that this cannot be done such as pre-booked and ticketed events, but I will always discuss a range of options with the winner so they know exactly what can and can’t be done. I understand that at the end of last year Element were the prize fulfilment company for the Coca Cola Jingle Bell 6

Logistical problems can be multiplied when the number of winners increases

Ball competition. There were 100 prizes of a pair of tickets to the event, plus hotel accommodation and transport to the venue. That was 200 people to organise! How do you even begin to plan an event like that, how long does it take, and how many people are involved from Element? That was really fun to arrange, and we had the winners split evenly between four of us on the team. We had a big group booking with the hotel in place, the tickets were being sorted by Coca-Cola, and we had a coach company on standby. We just had to organise the finer details with each individual winner. The event was split over the Saturday and Sunday, and there were two chaperones each night. I chaperoned the Saturday winners. There were a lot of registers for the coaches to be taken in the wind and the rain. All the winners were really friendly and happy, plus I got to watch the Jingle Bell Ball which was an added bonus! We did an event not too long ago for around 700 people, which makes organising 200 people an absolute breeze!

Do you ever have difficulties contacting a winner? Would you make several attempts before another winner was chosen? Yes there is the odd occasion when contacting winners is hard. Most of the time the client has already been in contact to let them know they have won, so in that case it’s not too difficult. However, there are occasions where winners don’t know and emails might go to junk or the winner might think they’re spam. Then we try and call, leaving voicemails and sending texts. But some people are impossible to get hold of. In these cases, after two weeks of trying, we will contact the client to let them know we have been unable to get in touch with the winner, sometimes the client will then try and contact them so they know they have officially won. If they are still not successful, they’ll then select another winner. I will always send a follow-up email to winners, letting them know they have until a certain date to respond before the prize is awarded to someone else.

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I know that last year you organised a festival competition for Bacardi, as one of the prizes was won by a Compers News reader. The prize included flights, transfers in Amsterdam and 3 nights’ luxe glamping accommodation at Lowlands Festival, staying in a furnished tipi. Do you have to personally organise all these separate pieces of the jigsaw? Do you need to be able to speak other languages, or can you mainly book online? Each set of winners needs different flights from different airports and then different transfers - isn’t it a logistical nightmare?!

Does your job involve foreign travel? I know you are recently back from Los Angeles. Was this a chaperone event? My job does include foreign travel, which is very cool and exciting! With my job, you definitely get out of it what you put into it, and I was lucky enough to be selected to go to LA twice. I was chaperoning studio tours out there which was really exciting. I went on the tours with the winners so I am also in the role of a winner during those times.

You have to correspond with the studio out in LA and then the winners. Once the arrangements Yes, we organise every aspect of the are sorted with the studios I can jigsaw and, for me, the stress of the then book all the winners and their small things is sometimes bigger guests in. I book them all at the than the big things. I can organise same hotel and I stay there too, so a trip to LA in my sleep, but ticketed I’m always on hand if I’m needed. events really worry me. I’ve never I went in May and some lovely had anyone phone with a duplicate winners took me out for lunch, we ticket to an event but I think that’s also all had drinks one evening as a a reflection on how much time I group. It’s just all about being nice, spend on spreadsheets making sure everyone has the correct tickets friendly and approachable. All the (I’m currently sending out tickets to winners I’ve met on the studio tours summer festivals in Ireland so I really have been so kind and warm. hope I haven’t jinxed myself now!). You obviously deal with Being able to speak different hundreds of lucky winners, languages definitely helps, and we Zoe. Do you ever have any have some people in the office who strange or unusual requests or speak French and Spanish. A lot questions? of people overseas speak English, I do get some strange questions which is very useful, and I must and comments, sending out the admit that when I’m on the phone to suppliers I do the classic British amount of emails I do that’s bound thing of ‘they’ll understand me if to happen. I have three absolute I speak louder and slower’! The favourites that spring to mind. One extent of my school French doesn’t winner queried the flight times I get me very far at all. Luckily a lot had given him to France, I didn’t of the bookings are made online, really understand what he was so it’s not too bad. With regards getting at so it went back and forth to it being a logistical nightmare, for a while until I realised he wasn’t it definitely can be. I think it’s so aware of time differences. easy to become overwhelmed, so you have to look at it individually, winner by winner, rather than all the winners together.

My second favourite has got to be a lady asking me if the duty free was

any good in the Isle of Wight. And to round off my top three I had a very confused winner ask me what 18:00 meant in ‘normal time’ as military time doesn’t ‘exist’ in America…. Thank you so much for sharing your job with us Zoe. Any final words of advice if we are lucky winners? My advice for a winner would definitely be… be kind! We have over a hundred winners assigned to us individually and in really busy times I’ve had close to 200. We are working and trying our best to get back to everyone as quickly as possible. It can be really intense. We are more likely to go above and beyond for the winners that are kind and understanding towards us. Also a ‘thank you’ after an event/ trip is really appreciated. It may seem so small but around 90-95% of our winners don’t get back to us afterwards to say thanks, often we are busy so don’t have the time to reach out or we don’t want to chase and pester them. Kindness definitely gets you further! I just wanted to end by saying a massive thank you to my past winners who put my name forward for this interview. It’s very kind of you. It was a pleasure arranging your trips and hopefully you’ll win a competition we are handling again in the future!

Thank you so much Zoe for taking the time to tell us about your fascinating job we all look forward to having a winning message from you very soon.

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Readers Letters Send your letters and photos to: Readers Letters, Compers News, PO Box 8763, Nottingham NG2 9BS, or email: – putting ‘READERS LETTERS’ in the subject line.


I’m thrilled to report a fabulous hamper win from Fortnum & Mason, who ran a creative comp on their social media channels. Entrants were invited to upcycle any F&M packaging so I designed a bird box using a much loved biscuit tin. I was delighted to have won and will now be inviting all my friends round for posh afternoon tea! Thanks for inspiring me to enter, and I always look forward to Compers News dropping through my post box each month.


Flying High


Following on from our report on the very special Just Plane Lucky prize in our June issue, we recently came across a remarkably similar photograph in our archive… do any of you recognise yourselves here?!

were a big favourite. But if anyone can shed any further light on this particular prize, or can even point themselves out in the photo, we’d love to hear from you so please get in touch.

We don’t know a lot about the specific prize. The back of the photo is captioned ‘Concorde winners ready for takeoff, July 1995’ – but as anyone who’s been a comper for a long time will know, big ‘event’ prizes like this were fairly commonplace back in those days and Concorde charters

It’s a bit of a fluke that this photo survives in the archive, as it had found itself accidentally sandwiched between some old magazines. But it did seem a spooky coincidence that, after almost 25 years, it re-emerged at exactly the same time as our Just Plane Lucky cover story – so over to you!

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I have just enjoyed a great holiday thanks to Compers News. I won a £1,500 holiday voucher in a competition run by Sudafed at Tesco, and used it to book a holiday for me and my daughter to Niagara Falls – somewhere I have always wanted to go to. We had an absolutely fabulous holiday, so thank you. Compers News really works!


That’s My Girl

I was over the moon to have been able to encourage my daughter into the world of comping. At 11 years of age she appeared uninterested until I won a few things and it sparked her curiosity. All of a sudden she was searching competitions online and came across one for the Ideal Home Show. Sponsored by Flymo, you had to design one of Flymo’s robotic lawnmowers which would be used in the Ideal Home Show in London. My daughter Maisie asked me to print her off the template, so I did. She sat down and drew a design and when she had finished I helped her send her entry in by email. I told her not to be disappointed if she didn’t win as there were probably hundreds of entries, if not thousands, and thought no more of it. Three weeks later and I received an email for Maisie telling us that she had won. I was shocked. It was

Maisie’s first win and she won the actual robotic lawnmower with her design on it and £50 worth of Love2shop vouchers. Flymo also gave us tickets to the Ideal Home Show to see her design being showcased. It was a long way to go but I wanted to make a fuss with it being her first win and thought it would encourage her to enter more children’s competitions and expand her education designing things and writing stories. It was an amazing trip. The Flymo team were fantastic with us all, and we met several celebrities on the day. Maisie was so happy and I am too because I never have to cut the grass again. Result! What’s more, she asks me regularly to save the children’s competitions on my computer for her. I have high comping hopes for her.


WIN ! Send your letters and photos to: Readers Letters, Compers Write to us and win!

News, PO Box 8763, Nottingham NG2 9BS, or email: – putting ‘READERS LETTERS’ in the subject line. There’s a £20 shopping voucher on offer for everything we use – or even £50 CASH if we use your letter as our main front cover story!

Compers News • August 2019 • 9

Ask Di

Holiday Comping Need comping advice? Di is here to help! Email or write to: Ask Di, Compers News, PO Box 8763, Nottingham NG2 9BS

School’s out for summer! The next six weeks offer the perfect opportunity for some of us to get comping with the kids, visit festivals and events, go camping and plan the perfect picnic. Di looks at how you can incorporate comping into your summer break!

Be prepared Are you and the family staying at home this summer? Make sure you’re on the email list - and follow the social media pages - of all your local summer destinations, whether that’s theme parks, Go Ape, outdoor pools and sports venues, amusement arcades, zip wires, crazy golf, etc. Don’t forget rainy day activities too - cinemas, Laserzone, bowling, etc. All these places will want to attract customers over the holidays, and will be giving prize tickets away.

Fun competitions for kids Keeping the kids busy over summer can be hard work - but what about setting them a few comping challenges? Ask them to create a den in the garden or build the most creative sandcastle they can there are always comps for photos of these! A few nice current comps are: • Baker Ross - create a Playmobil character and win a trip to London: • Creation Station - win a £250 bundle of craft goodies with the 12 challenges: • Eco Kids Planet - win eco toys with the Beach Clean challenge:

Summer events There are thousands of events - both big and small - taking place over the summer months. For most of these, there will be an opportunity to win tickets, and in addition lots of them will have prize draws, raffles and comps at the events too! To find local events, check your town’s listings website, newspapers and free magazines, or try Check your local library for family magazines like Primary Times, which usually gives away tickets to local events. 10

You can also find events by logging in to Facebook, choosing Events on your Home page, then Discover (or go to discovery). Facebook will show events based on your location and what your friends are interested in - filter results by Family Friendly if you like. Try Google or Twitter searches for “win tickets” and include your local town, city or county name - for example the Googled search string “Win tickets” Brighton OR Sussex will show results for ‘win tickets’ that also mention Brighton or Sussex on the same web page! Larger events and festivals often have many sponsors (try beer and food companies!) - if you visit the sponsors’ social media pages, you can usually find ticket giveaways there. There’s also outdoor film screenings - Luna Cinema regularly give away tickets. When you’re at the event itself, make sure you check every stall for comps - selfie comps are popular, although some stalls seem to be a bit useless at actually promoting their competitions! If you’re a member of a local comp club, ask the members if they’d like to accompany you to events in the summer - you’ll spot more comps working together.

Essential photos Summery photo comps usually have the same themes, so make sure you get lots of snaps of picnics, dad buried on the beach, splashing in the sea, creative sandcastles, barbecues, hikes, camping trips, tourist attractions - and don’t forget your sunglasses selfies!

Holiday comping... without wi-fi! If you’re heading abroad on holiday this summer, don’t let it stop you from getting your comping fix! Whether it’s a vacation in Valencia or a staycation in Somerset, comping on holiday can be fun. Compers News • August 2019 •

Hopefully you’ll be somewhere with free wi-fi or if you’re in Europe, you may be able to use your mobile data allowance. If you’re further afield, the difference in time zones could give you an advantage in winning moments competitions - for example entering your unique code at 10.30pm while in Florida would be 3.30am in the UK! But what about if you don’t have internet access on your hols? Here’s a few tips for offline comping... • Search for creative comps before you go. Check comping websites, do Twitter and Google searches and make a list in a notebook or on your mobile’s notes app. Time away from your computer can give you the inspiration you need for original and creative slogan, poem or photo ideas. There are always picnic, sandcastle and beach photo comps during summer so make sure you get some good photos while away. • Take inspiring reading. It goes without saying that you should be packing the latest issue of Compers News! Make sure you complete all the puzzles and slogan comps. You could also pack puzzle magazines (the ones with comps!), or a book about comping - there’s my own ‘SuperLucky Secrets’ book of course, and also ‘Overcoming the Odds’ by Rebecca Beesley. ‘The Luck Factor’ offers an interesting insight into the science of luck and if you believe in the law of attraction, you’ll love ‘The Secret’. And keep your eyes peeled for a second-hand copy of the fabulous ‘The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio:

How My Mother Raised 10 Kids on 25 Words or Less’. • Write down your stories. Reminisce about your funniest or most touching stories - you know, the kind that promoters always ask for! - and write them down as creatively as you can. Save them into a note or document on your mobile device - then they’re ready to copy and paste for future competitions. • Organise your phone photos. Ever spent ages scrolling through 2,000 photos trying to find a specific shot of your flip flops for a Twitter comp? Spend time organising your photos into albums on your phone, and deleting any that aren’t up to scratch! Save photos to new albums - for example ‘Family holidays’, ‘Comp entries’, or even ‘Quallies & receipts’. It will save you so much time in future. • Make a prize wishlist. Holidays are the best time for dreaming – lie on your sunbed, relax and allow yourself to imagine all those magnificent prizes you could be winning on your return.... ah, heaven! Have you got more tips for summer comping? Share them on Chatterbox!


Di Coke Chatterbox Username: SuperLuckyDi Di is arguably the UK’s most well-known comper. She regularly appears in mainstream media to promote our hobby and is an active member of Chatterbox. She also authors the SuperLucky blog at: www.

Compers News • August 2019 • 11

New Postcard Designs For Summer 2019! We were overwhelmed with orders when we advertised our special one-off postcard packs recently, and they completely sold out. So we’ve decided to print some more! If you missed out last time, or want to place another order, now’s your chance.

These postcards are exactly the same quality that you’ve come to expect from Compers News, printed with a high-gloss finish on super-heavyweight card. And, as usual, each Winning Mix pack will include a wide selection of eye-catching designs.

We’re keeping things simple with a single ‘Winning Mix’ pack size and price, but you can order as many packs as you like while stocks last. And, as always, the price you see is the price you pay – there’s nothing extra to pay for postage and packing.

By keeping administration to a minimum this time around, we’ll be able to deliver your order in just a few days subject to stock availability. But do ACT FAST... if these new cards sell out as quickly as the last batch, they’ll not be around for long. So order TODAY!

Order easily online at What our members think of our postcards... “Thank you for the brilliant postcards that have just been delivered. They are really excellent.” “A really good selection of images. Thank you.” “Lovely designs and quality postcards.” “Thank you, my gorgeous postcards arrived this morning. That was quick! I really like the designs.” Terms and conditions apply. The designs here are a small selection from our collection. All orders are put together completely at random to keep costs down, and we cannot guarantee that specific designs will or will not be supplied as part of your order. It is not possible to choose the designs supplied as part of an order. Accolade Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any items lost or damaged in the post, no cash alternative. Offer is available while stocks last. For full terms and conditions please email: Open to UK residents only. Please allow 28 days for delivery. Prices inclusive of VAT.



Simply visit:


300 Postcards






Only £20

Simply return this completed order form together with a cheque for the full amount (made payable to Accolade Publishing Limited) to: Compers News, Warners Group Publications, The Maltings, West Street, Bourne, Lincs, PE10 9PH, UK

Delivery Instructions Title & Full Name Address Postcode: Email Address (optional)



This Month’s Lucky Winner! Each month, we select ONE of the nine categories shown on your Golden Ticket Bingo card. We’ll then randomly draw one entry from that category as the category winner.

Eyes down, look in… welcome to our EXCLUSIVE photo comp for 2019 with lots of great prizes to be won!

Each of our nine individual category winners will win EITHER a Golden Ticket Comping Day prize, or a £50 cash prize. There are FOUR Golden Ticket prizes and FIVE £50 cash prizes up for grabs for our lucky category winners – prizes are allocated entirely at random.

How To Play Can YOU complete any of the nine categories on your Golden Ticket Bingo card? If so, cross off the relevant square(s) on your Golden Ticket Bingo card, and send us the photographic evidence. How you interpret each square is entirely up to you – anything goes, as long as a 2018 or 2019 issue of Compers News is clearly featured in the photo. If you can complete more than one of the categories on your card, send us photos for them all and cross them all off… the more photos you send, the better your chances of a prize – and we’re giving away special LINE and FULL HOUSE prizes too! You’ll need a copy of the special Golden Ticket Bingo supplement that was printed in our March 2019 issue for full game instructions, rules and your all-important Golden Ticket Bingo card. If you don’t have this supplement you can download a copy at or send a stamped SAE to: Golden Ticket Bingo Card Request, Compers News, PO Box 8763, Nottingham NG2 9BS and we’ll send one to you.

MAIN CATEGORY WINNER! CATEGORY: YOUR BEST EVER PRIZE PRIZE: £50 CASH WINNER: EDITH COCKBURN COMMENTS: I won a £5,000 Dream Cruise from L’Oreal in a Facebook competition, which coincided with our 63rd wedding anniversary. We were pampered throughout, and it was more like a fairy tale than a holiday!

Here’s your up-to-date Bingo Card! Here’s your 2019 Golden Ticket Bingo card, with the squares that have been “called” so far crossed out in traditional bingo style. Once a square has been crossed out, it means that the main category prize and winner has already been drawn for that square – but you can still enter your photos for any crossed-out squares to complete your line and/or full house combinations, or for a chance to win one of our monthly spot prizes. Remember that remaining squares can be ‘called’ at ANY time, and once a square has been called it won’t be included in any further monthly draws. So, get your entries in as soon as possible… the earlier you enter, the more prizes you could win!



Your Silliest Ever Prize

Comping On Holiday

Any Prize From 2019

Show Us Your Comping Pets

Out On A Comp Or Qualifier Hunt

Enjoying Your Comping Hobby At Home

Keeping Comping In The Family

Your Best Ever Prize

It’s A Comping Christmas!

Compers News • August 2019 • 13

Spot Prize Special!

We’ll be printing a selection of Spot Prize winners in the magazine throughout 2019 and anything we use will win the sender a £10 shopping voucher… or even a £50 cash prize if your photo makes it on to our front cover! And that’s not all… our Spot Prize winners still qualify for all the other Golden Ticket Bingo prizes too!

SPOT PRIZE WINNER! CATEGORY: COMPING ON HOLIDAY PRIZE: £10 SHOPPING VOUCHER WINNER: LINDA MATTHEWS COMMENTS: Here I am on my Snapple win, glamping in Slovenia complete with our own outside hot tub. I was trying to win a #PringlesTakeaBite prize when this photo was taken!


Don’t forget that each photo you send us MUST include a 2018 or 2019 issue of Compers News!

SPOT PRIZE WINNER! CATEGORY: ANY PRIZE FROM 2019 PRIZE: £10 SHOPPING VOUCHER WINNER: FIONA WILSON COMMENTS: Here’s a photo of me with my annual National Trust membership, which I won in February after opening a Post Office account (details found in Compers News, obviously!) 14

Compers News • August 2019 •




The feedback from our previous Golden Ticket Comping Day winners was so positive, that we’re doing it all again! Our SIX main Golden Ticket Bingo winners – each with a guest – will join the Compers News team in London in early 2020 for another day of fun and surprises. We’ll also throw in some spending money for the winners to use towards travel, accommodation or anything else they like to make their day in London even more memorable!

SPOT PRIZE WINNER! CATEGORY: ANY PRIZE FROM 2019 PRIZE: £10 SHOPPING VOUCHER WINNER: VESTA POULSTON COMMENTS: Our Burmese boy Finn has a delicious feast to look forward to, with a month’s supply of food won in a recent Facebook competition.


FIVE PRIZE £50 CASH WINNERS! Each of our FIVE lucky runners-up will win a £50 cash prize!

SPOT PRIZES SPOT PRIZE WINNER! CATEGORY: KEEPING COMPING IN THE FAMILY PRIZE: £10 SHOPPING VOUCHER WINNER: CHARLOTTE CAULDWELL COMMENTS: Here is my daughter Ava with a chocolate pizza we won. She is always on the hunt for comps!

Compers News • August 2019 •

SPOT PRIZES GALORE! Even if you don’t win one of our main prizes, we’ll be printing a selection of entries in the magazine throughout 2019 and anything we use will win the sender a £10 shopping voucher… or even a £50 cash prize if your photo makes it on to our front cover! 15

Comping Club Call Do you run a local comp club? Then list your contact details here for FREE! Email: with ‘Club Call’ in the subject line, or post the information to: Club Call, Compers News, PO Box 8763, Nottingham NG2 9BS. Please note that we reserve the right to edit or omit listings for space reasons, and the editor’s decision on the suitability and/or publication of listings is final. BRISTOL Email:

Prize Puzzles

Join In The Fun With Our Guess The Year Summer PUZZL Family Challenge ONE E WIN £50 WORTH OF NATIONAL BOOK TOKENS

CHELMSFORD Email: DORSET & SOMERSET Email: or phone Kat on 01935 475535. EAST KILBRIDE Email: or phone Ann on 07858 792559. ESSEX Phone Dawn on 07974 022631. GLASGOW Email: or phone Alfie on 07541 311666. GREAT YARMOUTH Email: or phone Sue on 01493 780762. KEMPSEY, WORCESTERSHIRE Email: or phone Valerie on 01905 821462. LANCASHIRE Email: or phone 01772 748109. LEEDS Email: or phone 01937 573496. MANCHESTER Email: MID DEVON Email: or phone Sue on 07933 592539. OXFORD Email: SOUTHAMPTON Email: sotoncompetitionsclub@ or phone 02380 693952. SOUTH DEVON Email: STAFFORDSHIRE Email: NATIONWIDE The London Competitors’ Club attracts members from all over the country. For more details see and click on ‘Contact Us’ to get in touch.


Compers News • August 2019 •

This month’s regular Guess the Year challenge comes in two parts – one for the grown-ups as usual, and one for the kids to keep them busy over the summer holidays.

Enter by following the instructions in our Komping Kids listing on page 44. If there’s more than one child in the family, and/or you don’t want to cut up your magazine, we’ll accept photocopies of the picture. The sender of GROWN-UPS – Using your skill and judgment, estimate the best entry in the opinion of our judges – and taking the year in which this classic competition from the age into account – will win another £25 National Book Compers News archive originally closed. Write your answer Token, and depending on the quality of the entries we on the entry form on page 21, and the sender of the first may award one or two extra bonus runner-up prizes too. correct entry drawn will win a £25 National Book Token. That’s at least £50 worth of prizes up for grabs in this month’s special Guess the Year summer family challenge! KIDS – We want you to colour in the picture from this month’s original Guess the Year competition leaflet below.

Compers News • August 2019 • 17

Prize Puzzles 2019 P R I Z E T O K E N S G A M E


WIN A £250 SHOPPING SPREE August 2019

Win a £250 gift voucher for the supermarket, store or online retailer of your choice!


We print a PRIZE TOKEN every month in Compers News. Keep your tokens safe, as you’ll need ORIGINAL tokens to enter each draw (no photocopies or digital edition print-outs accepted). You’ll also need to answer a question based on the pink word that appears on each token – so make sure you don’t lose them! You need to collect as many Prize Tokens as you can from our 2019 issues to give you the best chance of winning this year’s prize. You won’t necessarily need every token to enter, but every token you do manage to save will give you a better chance of winning our very special prize – a £250 GIFT VOUCHER FOR THE SUPERMARKET, STORE OR ONLINE RETAILER OF YOUR CHOICE! This fantastic prize MUST be won by one lucky Compers News member, so remember to keep the token here safe and we’ll tell you what to do with it in our December issue.



Carefully count the cash in the photo here and write your total on the entry form on page 21. There are no hidden tricks or catches, and every coin and note is at least partly visible. The sender of the first correct entry drawn will win a cheque for the amount shown in the picture. The prize is guaranteed to be won, and if there are no correct entries we’ll randomly draw a winner from all entries received. 18

Compers News • August 2019 •

Win a £30 Primark Gift Card Fit the 64 listed words, crossword-fashion, into the grid provided, without bothering about clues or numbers. You must use all the words and black out the remaining squares so that the result is a classic crossword grid with a traditional symmetrical design. To get you started, you are given one black square (fill in the seven corresponding ones right away) and two letters.




The yellow squares, once rearranged, will spell out your prize answer to be written on the entry form on page 21.




Spot the Postie Win a £20 Shopping Voucher






Our CN Postie is hiding somewhere in this month’s magazine, find him and you could win a prize! Just write the page number where you spotted him on this month’s Prize Puzzles Entry Form and you could be a lucky winner.

Compers News • August 2019 • 19

Prize Puzzles



Win a £30 Boots Gift Card

Each letter in the alphabet is represented by a number. Begin by entering the ones we’ve given you and you’ll soon be able to guess whole words. This will give you other letter values which you can enter into the lower grid. The yellow squares, when rearranged, will spell out your prize answer to be written on the form on page 21. 16










16 5



























2 9




3 19























15 4




9 9







21 9



18 4









24 3


4 7





19 4


3 9



4 5


9 13


9 13









16 15





15 24






21 4




9 4



13 2


10 2

3 18



21 9



Alphabet check-list
































Compers News • August 2019 •

August 2019 Entry Form Complete this entry form for the puzzles that you wish to enter in clear, legible handwriting and return to: Compers News Puzzles, PO Box 8763, Nottingham NG2 9BS. Alternatively, complete the online version of this form at

This is the place to look each month to see if you’re a lucky Compers News winner. If you see your name listed here, please allow up to 8 weeks for delivery of your prize although we’ll try our best to be much quicker. If you have a query after this time, please email:

Puzzle 1 £20 Primark Gift Card Answer: 73261 Winners: Susan Hilson, West Sussex Philip Havard, Swansea Puzzle 2 £20 Shopping Voucher Answer: Page 15 Winner: Lauren Caisley, Bedlington

Monthly Postcard Draw £25 Boots Gift Card Winner: Tracey Highland, Preston Winning Mix Postcard Pack worth £20 Winner: Lynne Rielly, Flint

Puzzle 3 £10 Amazon Gift Card Answer: 1968 Winner: Mike Jones, Weston-super-Mare

Komping Kids Prize Draw £20 National Book Token Winner: Chloe Snape, Stoke-on-Trent

Puzzle 4 Count The Cash Answer: £26.23 Winner: Tom Lafford, Barry Puzzle 5 £20 Sainsbury’s Gift Card Answer: Bamboozle Winner: Margaret Aulton, Torquay Puzzle 6 £40 Starbucks Gift Card Answer: Brady, Obelisk, Stockton, Raisin, Branch Winner: Ruth Burrows, Sale

How to submit your entry


In-house Comp Winners From Our May 2019 Issue

PRO TIP: Save postage by sending everything for our PO Box 8763 address together in one envelope, but please ensure that full postage is paid. We cannot accept unstamped or underpaid envelopes.

Closing date for this month’s entries is 31st August 2019 Title & Full Name Address

Monthly Text Draw £20 M&S Gift Card Winner: Stacey Caine, Darlington

Membership No. Telephone Number Email Address

Beat The Ed 12 x 2nd Class Stamps Winners: Helen Evans, Chester Fran Norris, Plymouth Pauline Dring, Daventry

Prize winners will be notified by email or telephone, please therefore ensure that you complete at least one of these fields.

Slogan Competition £50 Cash Winner: Polly Klidaras, Birchington My favourite kind of comp is… Slogan comps are always best, Nothing beats winning in 12 words or less!

Rules For Compers News Puzzles – Please Retain Please see the entry form for the closing date. Postal entries must be made on the official entry form provided. Damaged, defaced, illegible or copied entry forms will not be accepted. Only one entry per Compers News member. The publisher reserves the right to substitute any of the prizes shown for a similar item of equivalent or greater value. Unless otherwise stated, no cash alternative will be offered. The publisher’s decision is final and binding for every puzzle and/or competition. No correspondence will be entered into in relation to any competition. The publisher cannot accept responsibility for any entries lost, delayed or damaged in the post. Proof of posting is not proof of delivery. Entries with insufficient postage will not be accepted. The publisher, its employees, and their families are excluded from participating in Compers News puzzles and competitions. Except where otherwise stated, all correct entries will be subject to a random draw to determine the winners. All winners will be notified and should receive their prizes within 8 weeks of notification. A list of winners and puzzle answers will be available on request from the publisher, on receipt of a stamped addressed envelope within 6 weeks of the closing date. Winners details will also be published in a future issue of Compers News.


Please note that anything you send to Compers News – including letters, stories, puzzles and photographs – must be your own original work, and must not include any material that infringes any third party’s rights, such as copyright. You indemnify Compers News and its publisher against any of the costs of any legal action that may arise through the alleged infringement of any third party’s rights. Submissions must not be duplicated to any other publication. We publish contributions in good faith, but cannot guarantee that submissions will be published. Items may be edited for publication at the sole discretion of the Editor. By submitting items, you are agreeing to allow Accolade Publishing Ltd to reproduce them at any time in any media, publication or advertisement without further permission or payment. Please see for full Terms and Conditions. These terms apply to all Compers News contributions (including, but not limited to, the monthly magazine, website, message board and social media pages), and you confirm acceptance and agreement when you submit your contribution to us.


Prize Puzzle 1

Prize Puzzle 2

Prize Puzzle 3

Prize Puzzle 4

Prize Puzzle 5 Monthly Slogan Competition (see page 40)

The Competition Listings File August 2019 Inside every issue of Compers News you’ll find our unrivalled Listings File – a concise digest of the very latest competition and prize draw information. We give you all the details you need to find and enter every competition and prize draw listed here, but don’t forget that your Compers News membership package includes lots of other services and tools to help you in your quest for prizes.

Visit our website Crammed with comping advice and all the information you need to make the most of your membership. Save time and postage by contacting us via the site, and enter our exclusive monthly competitions and puzzles for free too!

Purchase Needed

You need to buy something to enter the comps in this section – but if a free ‘No Purchase Necessary’ (NPN) option is offered, we’ll give you all the details. We strongly recommend that you keep your original codes, packaging, till receipts etc. safe as they may be needed to claim a prize.





Closes: Prizes: Type: Entry:

Digital magazine Compers News is published on our website around 10 days before it arrives in the post. Our online edition means no postal delays, no rush to catch early closing dates, and features extra benefits including a search facility and clickable web links too! There’s also a growing library of back issues – indispensable for tracking down where your prizes have come from!

Chatterbox discussion board Join our online community to chat with like-minded friends, and to discover the very latest comping news and gossip. See page 47 for more details.

Winning slogan database Discover tens of thousands of past winning slogans and get inspiration for your own winning words in our easy-to-search database.

About Our Listings File

NEW This is the first time that the listing has appeared in Compers News, so we give detailed information about the competition and how to enter. ONGOING This listing has previously appeared in Compers News, so in some cases only brief information may be included to remind you that the competition is still out there and to carry on entering. UPDATED This listing has previously appeared in Compers News, but there have since been changes to the original information.

++ The closing date shown is the final one for the competition, but there are

earlier closing dates during the promotion too – for example, multiple draws and/ or a final ‘mop-up’ draw for late entries after the main prizes have been awarded. So always check to make sure you don’t miss out on the earlier draws and prizes.

Costs: For phone and text entries, the amount shown in brackets is a guide to the

total cost of entering each comp. For PHONE comps, your Network Access Charge (NAC) will typically be up to 12p per minute from a landline and up to 50p per minute from a mobile, depending on your network and tariff. Unless we tell you otherwise, your call will usually last around one minute. For TEXT comps, your Standard Text Rate (SR) will typically be around 10-15p depending on your network and tariff; note that these texts are unlikely to be included in monthly plans or free text bundles so you should always expect to be charged when entering a text competition.


30th July 2019 10 x Bonne Maman hamper Swipe to win Purchase a qualifying Bonne Maman cake or tartlet product at a participating Booths store between 3rd and 30th July 2019 inclusive, and swipe your Booths Card at the time of purchase for automatic entry into the draw.

Closes: 30th July 2019 Prizes: 1 x Six-litre bottle of Mirabeau Pure wine and 12 glasses, 1 x three-litre bottle of Mirabeau Pure wine and 12 glasses, 1 x 1.5 litre bottle of Mirabeau Pure wine and 12 glasses Type: Swipe to win Entry: Purchase a qualifying bottle of Mirabeau wine at a participating Booths store between 3rd and 30th July 2019 inclusive, and swipe your Booths Card at the time of purchase for automatic entry into the draw. ONGOING

Closes: Prizes: Type: Entry:


30th July 2019 1 x Five-night family holiday to Orlando, 100 x pair of Sea Life day passes Prize draw Purchase any Cadbury chocolate or confectionery product flashed with the ‘Free Merlin Tickets’ offer at a participating Co-op Food store between 3rd and 30th July 2019 inclusive and keep your promotional packaging and till receipt safe. Then text MERLIN followed by a space and then the last four digits of your product’s barcode number to 81222 (SR). Notes: One entry per person. See cadburymerlin for a full list of qualifying products. NEW


Closes: Prizes: Type: Entry:

30th July 2019 50 x £300 live music voucher Swipe to win Purchase any qualifying Rowntree’s pack (see below) in a participating Co-op Food store between 3rd and 30th July 2019 inclusive, and swipe your blue Co-op membership card at the time of purchase for automatic entry into the draw.

Compers News • August 2019 •

Notes: Qualifying packs are the following Rowntree’s bags and pouches: Randoms 150g, Randoms Squish’ems 140g, Randoms Sours 140g, Randoms 30% Reduced Sugar 110g, Pick & Mix 150g, Fruit Pastilles 150g and Fruit Pastilles 30% Reduced Sugar 110g. NEW


31st July 2019 ++ 155 x £60 Virgin Experience Days gift voucher Prize draw Purchase a 75cl bottle of Gallo White Zinfandel or Gallo White Grenache wine (despite their names, these are both blush wines so are likely to be displayed with the rosé wines in most stores) from any participating retailer between 1st and 31st July 2019 inclusive and keep your till receipt safe. Then complete the entry form online at Notes: One entry per person per week. There are 31 daily draws between 1st and 31st July 2019 inclusive, each with 5 prizes to be won. Closes: Prizes: Type: Entry:



Closes: Prizes: Type: Entry: NEW

31st July 2019 3 x VW Camper Van mini-break Prize draw Enter the unique code from any promotional ‘Yeokens’ Yeo Valley pack online at


Closes: Prizes: Type: Entry:

1st August 2019 5 x Pair of The Big Feastival VIP weekend camping tickets Instant win Enter the unique code from any promotional Veuve Clicquot Yellow Label NV Champagne 75cl bottle at





Closes: 4th August 2019 Prizes: 1 x Three-night trip for 2 to Munich, including Oktoberfest tickets – prize must be taken 21st-24th September 2019, 60 x case of Red Bull Original (24x250ml) Type: Prize draw Entry: Purchase a Red Bull Original 8x250ml pack at a participating Londis store between 8th July and 4th August 2019 inclusive and keep your till receipt safe. Then text LONDIS60 to 78866 (SR). Notes: One entry per person per day Closes: Prizes: Type: Entry:

11th August 2019 1 x iPhone XR, 100 x Pedigree SelfieSTIX clip Prize draw Purchase any qualifying Pedigree DentaStix product at a participating Poundland store between 3rd June and 11th August 2019 inclusive and keep your till receipt safe. Then text PEDIGREE to 81400 (SR).

Notes: One entry per person. See for a full list of qualifying products and participating Poundland stores. NEW










Closes: 19th August 2019 Prizes: 1 x Gaming bundle including monitor, keyboard, mouse, mouse mat and Bluetooth headset Type: Prize draw Entry: Order a copy of Ninja: Get Good by Tyler Blevins online at to get automatic entry into the draw. Closes: 22nd August 2019 Prizes: 1 x South African safari holiday for 2 up to the value of £10,000, 50 x Longleat Safari Park family day pass Type: Prize draw Entry: Purchase any Maynards Bassetts confectionery product at a participating Cineworld cinema between 11th July and 22nd August 2019 inclusive and keep your proof of purchase safe. Then text SAFARI followed by a space and the last 4 digits of your product’s barcode number to 62277 (SR). Notes: One entry per person Closes: Prizes: Type: Entry: Notes:

23rd August 2019 3 x Gas BBQ worth up to £100 Prize draw Enter the batch code from any promotional Irwin’s Premium white or brown rolls pack at One entry per person per day

30th August 2019 ++ 1 x £10,000 cash, 9 x £1,000 cash, 1,000,000 x Brewers Fayre discount voucher Instant win / prize draw Visit any Brewers Fayre restaurant between 28th June and 30th August 2019 inclusive, purchase at least one qualifying main meal, and you’ll receive a voucher containing a unique code with your bill. Enter this online at Notes: All prizes except the main prize will be awarded instantly (including one £1,000 cash prize per week for each of the nine weeks of the promotion). All entries will also go into a further draw after the final closing date for the main £10,000 cash prize. Closes: Prizes: Type: Entry:

Closes: Prizes: Type: Entry:

31st August 2019 ++ 75 x Pair of premium West End Theatre tickets to see either Waitress, School of Rock or Phantom of the Opera Prize draw Enter the barcode number from any qualifying Carte D’Or Layer Desserts ice cream pack, purchased at a participating Tesco or Sainsbury’s store, at

Compers News • August 2019 • 23 win.html Notes: There are three monthly draws until the final closing date, each with 25 prizes to be won. Losing entries roll over to all subsequent draws. NEW


Closes: Prizes: Type: Entry:

31st August 2019 2,250 x One-month Now TV Sky Cinema pass Instant win Purchase a 75cl bottle of Casillero del Diablo wine (Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Shiraz, Pinot Noir, Pinot Grigio, Malbec, Viognier, Rosé, Sauvignon Blanc, Devil’s Brut or Reserva Especial Cabernet Sauvignon) at any participating store between 20th June and 31st August 2019 inclusive and keep your till receipt safe. Then text CELLAR to 80878 (SR). Notes: Maximum 5 entries per mobile phone number. Prizes will be awarded instantly on a ‘winning moments’ basis. NEW


Closes: Prizes: Type: Entry:

31st August 2019 5 x One-year Now TV Sky Cinema pass, 250 x one-month Now TV Sky Cinema pass Instant win / prize draw Purchase a 75cl bottle of Casillero del Diablo wine (Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Shiraz, Pinot Noir, Pinot Grigio, Malbec, Viognier, Rosé, Sauvignon Blanc, Devil’s Brut or Reserva Especial Cabernet Sauvignon) at a participating Co-op Food store between 17th July and 31st August 2019 inclusive and keep your till receipt safe. Then text DEVIL to 80878 (SR). Notes: Maximum 5 entries per mobile phone number. The 250 x one-month passes will be awarded instantly on a ‘winning moments’ basis, all entries will also go into a further draw after the final closing date for the 5 x one-year passes.

backstage passes draw. And if you selected ‘Durex Online’ or ‘Others’, you will go into the UK festival draw. NEW


Closes: Prizes:

31st August 2019 1 x £500, 5 x £100, 5 x £50, 20 x £20, 20 x £10 (all cash prizes paid in a currency of your choice), 3 x one-year supply of ice cream (prize paid as £365 cash), 500 x Tiggeuro Cub soft toy, 1,199,446 x buyback or next purchase special deal voucher Type: Instant win Entry: Receive a scratchcard with every currency purchase at a participating Eurochange counter or online. See for more details. UPDATED

Closes: Prizes: Type: Entry:


31st August 2019 300 x The Secret Life of Pets 2 toy storage case Prize draw Enter the code from any promotional Kinder Surprise or Kinder Chocolate pack at Update: We have updated our original listing this month for the following reason(s): This promotion has now entered its final mop-up phase. NEW




Closes: Prizes: Type: Entry:

31st August 2019 1 x Kia Sportage 4x4 car Swipe to win Purchase any bag of Purina Beta dog food in a Pets at Home store between 1st June and 31st August 2019 inclusive, and swipe your Pets at Home VIP card at the time of purchase for automatic entry into the draw. Notes: One entry per VIP membership number

31st August 2019 1 x Seven-night holiday for 2 to the Maldives Prize draw Purchase any Flash, Fairy, Febreze, Bold or Lenor product at a participating Poundland store between 1st NEW DUREX July and 31st August 2019 inclusive and keep your till Closes: 31st August 2019 receipt safe. Then text HINCHYMOON to 81222 (SR). Prizes: 1 x Three-night trip for 2 to a European music festival, Notes: One entry per mobile phone number 1 x pair of UK festival backstage passes, 1 x pair of UK festival passes, 6 x £100 Eventim ticket voucher, NEW THE ROYAL MINT 25 x £20 Eventim ticket voucher, 71 x £10 Eventim Closes: 31st August 2019 ticket voucher Prizes: 4 x 1oz Britannia Gold Minted Bar, worth over £1,000 Type: Instant win / prize draw Type: Prize draw Entry: Purchase a qualifying Durex product from any UK Entry: Purchase any qualifying bullion product online stockist between 17th June and 31st August 2019 via, and complete the entry form at competition between 1st July and 31st August 2019 inclusive to get automatic entry into the draw. Notes: One entry per email address. The Eventim ticket voucher prizes will be awarded instantly throughout NEW COPELLA JUICE the promotion, entries will also go into a further draw Closes: 1st September 2019 after the final closing date for one of the main prizes Prizes: 4 x Luxury three-night break for 2 in Suffolk, depending on your store of purchase. If you selected including Copella cooking class, orchard tour and ‘Boots’, you will go into the European music festival £500 spending money draw. If you selected ‘Superdrug’, you will go into the Type: Instant win 24

Closes: Prizes: Type: Entry:

Compers News • August 2019 •

Entry: Look for a winning Golden Sticker inside the label of NEW ANIMED DIRECT any promotional Copella 900ml or 1.35L bottle, or see Closes: 30th September 2019 for more Prizes: 1 x £1,000 Landmark Trust dog-friendly details. holiday voucher Type: Prize draw NEW WATERSTONES / ALASTAIR COOK Entry: Place a single order with Animed Direct to the value Closes: 4th September 2019 of £60 or more, including at least one qualifying Prizes: 1 x Gray-Nicolls cricket bat signed by Sir Alastair Cook product, between 1st July and 30th September 2019 Type: Prize draw inclusive and complete the entry form online at Entry: Order a copy of Alastair Cook: The Autobiography online at a) Kitten prize-draw to get automatic entry into the draw. NEW




Closes: 4th September 2019 Prizes: 1 x VIP Lancaster Taxy Ride Experience Day at the Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre Type: Prize draw Entry: Order a copy of Chastise by Max Hastings online at to get automatic entry into the draw. Closes: 6th September 2019 Prizes: 1 x ‘Key to the Brewery’ party at the Tennent’s brewery for up to 30 people, 10 x Sonos speaker and Tennent’s party pack, 20 x personalised brick on the Tennent’s Wall of Fame, 100 x Tennent’s Story experience voucher Type: Instant win / prize draw Entry: Enter the batch code from any promotional Tennent’s pack at Notes: One entry per person per week. All of the above prizes except the main prize will be awarded instantly on a ‘winning moments’ basis. All entries will then go into a further draw after the final closing date for the main ‘Key to the Brewery’ prize.





Closes: 30th September 2019 Prizes: 1 x A month’s accommodation of your choice, anywhere in the world (prize paid as a £6,000 pre-paid Mastercard) Type: Prize draw Entry: Purchase any qualifying Energizer battery, battery charger or flashlight pack and enter the barcode number from your product at Closes: Prizes: Type: Entry: NEW

30th September 2019 10 x HP Sprocket Photo Printer Prize draw Purchase Kanzi apples from any UK stockist between 1st July and 30th September 2019 inclusive, and upload your itemised till receipt(s) at


Closes: 30th September 2019 Prizes: 20 x Pair of VIP festival tickets, 14 x pair of standard festival tickets, 10 x fire pit, 15 x BBQ accessory set, 16 x large BBQ, 20 x pair of wellies, 20 x crate of Magners (12x500ml bottles), 25 x apron, 25 x small NEW PIZZA EXPRESS BBQ, 50 x picnic throw, 100 x T-shirt Type: Instant win Closes: 16th September 2019 Entry: Enter the batch code from any promotional Magners Prizes: 12 x Jet2 Holidays trip to selected destinations, Original or Magners Dark Fruit multipack at 5 x £1,000 Pizza Express gift card, 5 x Sipsmith gin hamper, 10 x £200 Pizza Express gift card, 10 x pair of Premier League football tickets, 40,000 x free Notes: One entry per person per day. No purchase is drink (including Coke, Sipsmith gin & tonic and Aperol necessary - for a free entry send your name and email Spritz), 750,000 x £5-off-£15 Deliveroo discount address to: Magners Ciderland Promotion, c/o Multiply voucher, 750,000 x one-month free Apple Music Agency, 26 Palmerston Place, Edinburgh EH12 5AL. Type: Instant win Maximum one free entry per person per week, only Entry: Dine in any Pizza Express restaurant between 18th winners will be notified. June and 16th September 2019 inclusive, and you’ll NEW PEPSI MAX receive a unique code printed on your bill. Enter this online at Closes: 30th September 2019 Prizes: 1 x £10,000 cash, 100 x £50 Ticketmaster gift card, NEW NEW YORK BAKERY CO. 1,000 x £2.50 money back on your Pepsi Max purchase Closes: 17th September 2019 Type: Instant win / prize draw Prizes: 41,000 x Limited-edition bagel tin Entry: Request a ‘Pepsi Max Black Card’ at any participating Type: Instant win pub or bar, and enter the unique code from the card at Entry: Enter the unique code from any promotional New York Bakery Co. bagel pack at Notes: Maximum 10 entries per person Notes: One entry per person per week, to a maximum of Compers News • August 2019 • 25

10 entries per person in total. All prizes except the main prize will be awarded instantly between 9am and 11pm daily, 3rd June to 30th September 2019 inclusive via ‘winning moments’. All entries will then go into a further draw after the final closing date for the main £10,000 cash prize. UPDATED


Closes: 30th September 2019 Prizes: 1 x Forest Holidays Family Escape worth up to £650, 1 x annual Kids Pass, 1 x three-month supply of HelloFresh food boxes Type: Prize draw Entry: Enter the unique code from any promotional Plenty pack at Update: We have updated our original listing this month for the following reason(s): This promotion has now entered its final mop-up phase. NEW


Closes: 30th September 2019 Prizes: 20 x Pair of tickets to an exclusive fan experience day with Stormzy Type: Prize draw Entry: Enter the unique code from any promotional Relentless 500ml can at Notes: Prize event is expected to take place in London between 15th October and 31st December 2019. NEW


Closes: Prizes: Type: Entry:


30th September 2019 5 x £1,000 Quality Unearthed holiday voucher, 16 x £300 Quality Unearthed holiday voucher, 10 x Fitbit Alta activity tracker, 100 x Stowford Press 4-pack Prize draw Enter the unique code from any promotional Stowford Press Apple or Mixed Berries 4x440ml can multipack at


Closes: 13th October 2019 ++ Prizes: 961 x Pair of Premier League tickets for the club of your choice, plus £50 travel allowance Type: Prize draw Entry: Enter the unique code from any promotional CocaCola, Diet Coke, Dr Pepper, Fanta, Oasis or Sprite bottle, can or multipack at Notes: Maximum 5 entries per person per day. There are 8 weekly draws between 8th July and 1st September 2019 inclusive, each with 120 prizes to be won (6 prizes for each of the 20 Premier League clubs). Entries received between 2nd September and 13th October 2019 inclusive will go into a final mop-up draw, with one further prize to be won. NEW


Closes: 20th October 2019 Prizes: 1 x Overnight family stay at Thorpe Park Resort, 20 x one-year subscription to National Geographic 26

Kids magazine, 20 x one-year subscription to Story Time magazine, 20 x £10 Waterstones gift card, 25 x six-month subscription to Science & Nature magazine, 200 x £5 WHSmith gift card, 720 x Pitch pencil case set, 2,000 x Pitch lunch box Type: Instant win Entry: Enter the unique code from any promotional Pitch brioche pack at Notes: The 2,000 x lunch boxes will be awarded on a firstcome-first-served basis to the first 2,000 people who enter FIVE unique codes. All other prizes will be awarded instantly on a ‘winning moments’ basis. NEW








Closes: 30th October 2019 Prizes: 1 x Trip for 2 to London including overnight accommodation in a 5* hotel, tasting menu at Marcus at The Berkeley and meet and greet with Marcus Wareing – prize must be taken on Tuesday 28th January 2020 Type: Prize draw Entry: Order a copy of Marcus Everyday by Marcus Wareing online at to get automatic entry into the draw. Closes: Prizes: Type: Entry: Notes:

31st October 2019 50 x £100 Rat Race gift voucher Instant win Enter the unique code from any promotional Mud House wine bottle at One entry per household per day, to a maximum of 12 entries in total per person.

Closes: 31st October 2019 Prizes: 5 x Utility bills paid for a year (up to the total value of £1,154), 3 x iPhone XS, 4 x £250 Love2shop gift voucher, 20 x Merlin Annual Family Pass, 30 x £100 UK holiday voucher, 100 x £25 Love2shop gift voucher, 100 x £20 Cineworld gift voucher, 100 x £10 Love2shop gift voucher, 100 x bottle of Silver Bay Point wine Type: Instant win Entry: Enter the unique code from any promotional Silver Bay Point wine bottle at 7th November 2019 ++ 1 x £1,000 Champneys spa gift voucher, 100 x Palmer’s coconut pamper hamper Instant win / prize draw Enter the unique code from any promotional Mrs Crimble’s product (Big Coconut Macaroons 6-pack or Big Choc Macaroons 6-pack) at www.mrscrimbles. com/pamper Notes: The above prizes will be awarded instantly between 17th June and 24th September 2019 inclusive on a ‘winning moments’ basis. Entries received between 25th September and 7th November 2019 inclusive Closes: Prizes: Type: Entry:

Compers News • August 2019 •

will go into a final mop-up draw, with a further 10 x Palmer’s coconut pamper hampers to be won.



Closes: 30th November 2019 ++ Prizes: 1 x Ten cases (120 bottles) of Old Tom beer, 12 x Robinsons brewery tour, 18 x case of Old Tom beer, 30 x Old Tom keyring, 60 x Old Tom gift pack Type: Prize draw Entry: Purchase a bottle or case of Robinsons Old Tom beer from any participating retailer – or online via the link on the competition entry page – and keep your till receipt safe. Then complete the entry form online at Notes: There are six monthly draws until the final closing date, each with 2 x brewery tours, 3 x cases of beer, 5 x keyrings and 10 x gift pack prizes to be won. There will also be a further draw at the end of the promotion for the main prize – according to the T&Cs at the time of writing, this draw will take place on 2nd November 2019 so make sure you enter before then just to be on the safe side if you want to be in the running for the top prize. NEW


30th November 2019 ++ 500 x Three-month Spotify Premium subscription Instant win Enter the unique code from any promotional Wrigley’s Extra (60 pieces), Starburst Fruity Mixies (100 pieces) or Starburst Strawberry Cubes (30 pieces) pack at Notes: The main promotional period runs between 16th June and 24th August 2019 inclusive, when 450 prizes will be available. 25 prizes were available between 1st and 15th June 2019 inclusive, and the final 25 prizes will be released between 25th August and 30th November 2019 inclusive. Closes: Prizes: Type: Entry:



Closes: Prizes:

31st December 2019 1 x £1,000 Joules gift card, 1 x Floors for Paws pet-friendly flooring worth over £1,000, 1 x £500 Forest Holidays voucher, 1 x Land Rover VIP Experience voucher, 1 x one-night Country Living Hotels stay for 2, 1 x seven-day Barking Mad dog sitting service, 1 x one-year Country Living magazine subscription, 1 x Mutts and Hounds dog bed, 3 x Cotswold Wildlife Park family ticket, 100 x selection of Laughing Dog products Type: Prize draw Entry: Enter the unique code from any promotional Laughing Dog complete or treat pack at www.laughingdogfood. com/madeinbritain NEW


Closes: 31st March 2020 ++ Prizes: 100 x Joseph Joseph Index Bamboo Chopping Board set, 100 x limited-edition Kikkoman Soy Sauce bottle Type: Prize draw

Entry: Enter the unique code from any promotional Kikkoman neck collar at www.kikkomancampaign. Notes: Draws will be made weekly throughout the promotion, with the above prizes being allocated at random across all draws. NEW




Closes: Prizes: Type: Entry: Notes:

30th June 2020 ++ 60 x Family set of bikes, worth up to £1,500 Prize draw Enter the unique code from any promotional Nestlé or Rowntree’s pouch bag or multipack at There are 56 daily draws between 1st July and 25th August 2019 inclusive, each with one prize to be won. Entries received between 26th August 2019 and 30th June 2020 inclusive will go into one of two final mopup draws, each with a further two prizes to be won.

Closes: 24th February 2021 ++ Prizes: 600 x Brunicorn inflatable toy, 900 x Irn-Bru towel, 2,000 x Irn-Bru fanny pack, 7,510 x Irn-Bru beach ball, 9,000 x Irn-Bru can cooler Type: Instant win / prize draw Entry: Enter the unique code from any promotional Irn-Bru bottle or 330ml can multipack at Notes: The above prizes will be awarded instantly between 17th June and 26th August 2019 inclusive on a ‘winning moments’ basis. Entries received between 27th August 2019 and 24th February 2021 inclusive will go into a final mop-up draw, with 1 x £500 travel voucher to be won.

Free Prize Draws

A quick postcard or plain paper entry is all that’s needed for everything in this section – there’s nothing else to buy or do! Where other entry methods are available (e.g. phone, text or online) we list these too, so just enter in the way that’s easiest for you.



Closes: 1st August 2019 Prizes: 10 x Set of Mouseloft Paw Prints cross-stitch kits, worth £25 Entry: Send your name and address on a postcard to: Mouseloft Paw Prints 257 giveaway, Cross Stitch Crazy 257, 2nd Floor, Tower House, Fairfax Street, Bristol BS1 3BN Notes: One entry per person Prizes: 10 x Madeira stitching bundle, worth £25 Entry: Send your name and address on a postcard to: Madeira bundle 257 giveaway, Cross Stitch Crazy 257, 2nd Floor, Tower House, Fairfax Street, Bristol BS1 3BN Notes: One entry per person

Compers News • August 2019 • 27

Prizes: 10 x Pair of Knitting & Stitching Show tickets (London, 10th-13th October 2019), worth £37 Entry: Send your name and address on a postcard to: Knitting & Stitching Show 257 giveaway, Cross Stitch Crazy 257, 2nd Floor, Tower House, Fairfax Street, Bristol BS1 3BN Notes: One entry per person Prizes: 12 x Bothy Threads Bebunni To Do List cross-stitch kit, worth £22 Entry: Send your name and address on a postcard to: Bebunni To Do List 257 giveaway, Cross Stitch Crazy 257, 2nd Floor, Tower House, Fairfax Street, Bristol BS1 3BN Notes: One entry per person



Closes: 3rd August 2019 Prizes: 3 x Pair of VIP tickets to The Handmade Festival (Hampton Court Palace, 13th-15th September 2019), worth £190 Entry: Send your name and address on a postcard to: Prima / The Handmade Festival GVPRAL19088, The Data Solutions Centre, Worksop S80 2RT. You can also phone 0905 789 1009 (80p/min + NAC, 2 mins), or text PRIMAWIN1 followed by a space then your name and address to 84915 (£1.50 + SR) – phone and text lines close on 31st July 2019. Notes: One entry per person

Prizes: 7 x Love Henri Beautiful Rose Facial Oil set, worth £65 Entry: Send your name and address on a postcard to: Prima / Love Henri GVPRAL19089, The Data Solutions Centre, Prizes: 1 x Anne Boleyn cross-stitch kit, worth £20 Worksop S80 2RT. You can also phone 0905 789 Entry: Send your answer, name and address on a postcard to: 1010 (80p/min + NAC, 2 mins), or text PRIMAWIN2 Crazy 257 Crossword, Cross Stitch Crazy, Immediate followed by a space then your name and address to Media Company Bristol Ltd, 2nd Floor, Tower House, 84915 (£1.50 + SR) – phone and text lines close on Fairfax Street, Bristol BS1 3BN 31st July 2019. Advice: Celery Notes: One entry per person Notes: One entry per person. A selection of Cross Stitch Crazy competitions can also be entered online at Prizes: 1 x Overnight spa break for 2 at Bannatyne Charlton House in Somerset, worth £500 Entry: Send your name and address on a postcard to: Prima NEW BEST MAGAZINE / Buyagift GVPRAL19090, The Data Solutions Centre, Closes: 2nd August 2019 Worksop S80 2RT. You can also phone 0905 789 Prizes: 10 x £50 Wilko gift voucher 1011 (80p/min + NAC, 2 mins), or text PRIMAWIN3 Entry: Send your name, address and phone number on followed by a space then your name and address to a postcard to: Best / Wilko voucher giveaway, 84915 (£1.50 + SR) – phone and text lines close on GVBSTN19529, Hearst Magazines UK, The Data 31st July 2019. Solutions Centre, Worksop S80 2RT. You can also Notes: One entry per person phone 0901 027 2721 (30p/min + NAC, 2 mins), or enter online at Prizes: 1 x £50 cash best2919 – phone and online entry routes close at Entry: Send your answer, name and address on a postcard to: 11.59pm on the above date. Prima Puzzles / PUPRAN19286, The Data Solutions Notes: One entry per person Centre, Worksop S80 2RT. Or phone 0906 470 1007 NEW


Closes: 2nd August 2019 Prizes: 10 x Pair of Coronation Street Tour tickets Entry: Send your answer, name, address and phone number on a postcard to: My Weekly Corrie Tours Comp, DC Thomson & Co Ltd, 2 Albert Square, Dundee DD1 1DD. You can also phone 0901 292 5028 (£1 + NAC), or text MYWEEKLY A followed by a space and then your name and address to 64343 (£1 + SR) – phone and text lines close at 9am on the above date. Advice: A. Annie Walker NEW


Closes: 2nd August 2019 Prizes: 1 x Pair of tickets to the Barenboim Prom at the Royal Albert Hall in London on Monday 12th August 2019 Entry: Send your name, address and phone number on a postcard to: Radio Times Barenboim Prom, PO Box 501, Leicester LE94 0AA. Or enter online at Notes: One entry per person 28

(65p/min + NAC, 2 mins) – phone line closes on 31st July 2019. Advice: Favourite Notes: One entry per person

Prizes: 1 x £50 cash Entry: Send your answer, name and address on a postcard to: Prima Puzzles / PUPRAN19287, The Data Solutions Centre, Worksop S80 2RT. Or phone 0906 470 1009 (65p/min + NAC, 2 mins) – phone line closes on 31st July 2019. Advice: Thirty-three Notes: One entry per person Prizes: 1 x £50 cash Entry: Send your answer, name and address on a postcard to: Prima Puzzles / PUPRAN19288, The Data Solutions Centre, Worksop S80 2RT. Or phone 0906 470 1008 (65p/min + NAC, 2 mins) – phone line closes on 31st July 2019. Advice: Buzzing Notes: One entry per person Compers News • August 2019 •



Closes: 5th August 2019 Prizes: 1 x Two-night stay for 2 at Wyck Hill House Hotel & Spa in the Cotswolds, worth £760 Entry: Send your answer, name, address, phone number and any email address on a postcard to: HEALTHY / Wyck Hill House, River Group Content Ltd, PO Box 36, Plymouth PL1 2YU Advice: B. 60 Notes: One entry per person Prizes: 6 x Nature’s Aid Pro-100 Ultra gut supplement pack, worth £44.95 Entry: Send your name, address and phone number on a postcard to: HEALTHWIN1, healthy, River Group Content Ltd, PO Box 36, Plymouth PL1 2YU Notes: One entry per person Prizes: 6 x Natura sheet mask bundle, worth £30 Entry: Send your name, address and phone number on a postcard to: HEALTHWIN2, healthy, River Group Content Ltd, PO Box 36, Plymouth PL1 2YU Notes: One entry per person Prizes: 5 x Eat Real free-from snacks hamper, worth £40 Entry: Send your name, address and phone number on a postcard to: HEALTHWIN3, healthy, River Group Content Ltd, PO Box 36, Plymouth PL1 2YU Notes: One entry per person

postcode to 84901 (£1 + SR) – phone and text lines close on 2nd August 2019. Advice: 1. Kaye Adams 2. Page 26 3. Caroline Flack NEW






Closes: 6th August 2019 Prizes: 1 x £50,000 cash Entry: Send your name and contact phone number on a postcard to: J19, PO Box 7558, Derby DE1 0NQ. You can also text FIFTY to 80060 (£2 + SR) or enter online at (£2) – text and online entry routes close at 3pm on 1st August 2019. Closes: Prizes: Entry:

8th August 2019 1 x £1,000 Artfinder gift card, 3 x £500 Artfinder gift card Send your answer, name and phone number on a postcard to: Homes & Antiques, Issue 323, Artfinder competition, PO Box 501, Leicester LE94 0AA. Or enter online at competitions Advice: C. 2011 Notes: One entry per household Closes: 8th August 2019 Prizes: 1 x £35,000 cash and a £15,000 bespoke holiday/ travel voucher Entry: Send your name and contact phone number on a postcard to: BK28, PO Box 7558, Derby DE1 0NQ. You can also phone 0906 878 2525 (£2 + NAC), text WIN to 62525 (£2 + SR), or enter online at win (£2) – phone, text and online entry routes close at 2pm on 2nd August 2019.

Prizes: 8 x Dr. Dünner PhytoVitality capsule pack, worth £25.99 Entry: Send your name, address and phone number on a postcard to: HEALTHWIN4, healthy, River Group Content Ltd, PO Box 36, Plymouth PL1 2YU Notes: One entry per person. A selection of healthy magazine NEW ITV / TOUR DE FRANCE competitions can also be entered online at Closes: 8th August 2019 Prizes: 1 x £15,000 cash, Boardman Bikes road bike package and a one-year Zwift cycling app subscription NEW TV TIMES MAGAZINE Entry: Send your name and contact phone number on a Closes: 5th August 2019 postcard to: TDF 0119, PO Box 7558, Derby DE1 0NQ. Prizes: 1 x £100 cash You can also text TOUR to 61333 (£2 + SR), or enter Entry: Send your answer, name and address on a postcard to: online at (£2) – text and online TV Times Crossword Week 30, PO Box 502, Leicester entry routes close at 3pm on 5th August 2019. LE94 0AB. You can also phone 0900 100 0503 (65p/ min + NAC, 2 mins), or text TVTCROSSC followed by a Prizes: 1 x £15,000 cash, plus a Brompton and CHPT3 bike space then your answer, full name, house number and and cycling package postcode to 84901 (£1 + SR) – phone and text lines Entry: Send your name and contact phone number on a close on 2nd August 2019. postcard to: TDF 0219, PO Box 7558, Derby DE1 0NQ. Advice: White Gold You can also text RIDE to 61888 (£2 + SR), or enter online at (£2) – text and online NEW WHAT’S ON TV MAGAZINE entry routes close at 3pm on 5th August 2019. Closes: 5th August 2019 Prizes: 1 x £500 cash, 2 x £100 cash Prizes: 1 x £20,000 cash, Le Col bike package and a one-year Entry: Send your answers, name, address and phone number Zwift cycling app subscription on a piece of plain paper inside a sealed envelope Entry: Send your name and contact phone number on a to: What’s On TV Competitions No. 30, PO Box 502, postcard to: TDF 0319, PO Box 7558, Derby DE1 0NQ. Leicester LE94 0AB. You can also phone 0901 293 You can also text WIN to 82227 (£2 + SR), or enter 0401 (£1 + NAC), or text WOTVA followed by a space online at (£2) – text and online entry routes close at 3pm on 5th August 2019. then your answers, full name, house number and Compers News • August 2019 • 29



Closes: 15th August 2019 Prizes: 5 x Trimcraft gardening-themed die and paper bundle, worth £23 Entry: Send your answer, name and address on a postcard to: Prize Crossword 198, Cardmaking & Papercraft, Immediate Media, Eagle House, Colston Avenue, Bristol BS1 4ST. Or enter online at Advice: Watercolour Notes: One entry per person NEW


Closes: 16th August 2019 Prizes: 5 x £20 Claire’s gift card Entry: Send your name, address, phone number and any email address on a postcard to: Best Giveaway GVBSTL19492, Hearst Magazines UK, The Data Solutions Centre, Worksop S80 2RT. You can also phone 0901 027 2711 (30p/min + NAC, 2 mins), or enter online (see below). Notes: One entry per person Prizes: 3 x M&S summer homeware bundle, worth £58 Entry: Send your name, address, phone number and any email address on a postcard to: Best Giveaway GVBSTN19470, Hearst Magazines UK, The Data Solutions Centre, Worksop S80 2RT. You can also phone 0901 027 2712 (30p/min + NAC, 2 mins), or enter online (see below). Notes: One entry per person

Prizes: 6 x Spicentice Ultimate BBQ set, worth £19.99 Entry: Send your name, address, phone number and any email address on a postcard to: Best Giveaway GVBSTN19468, Hearst Magazines UK, The Data Solutions Centre, Worksop S80 2RT. You can also phone 0901 027 2716 (30p/min + NAC, 2 mins), or enter online (see below). Notes: One entry per person Prizes: 2 x Amazon Echo smart speaker, worth £89 Entry: Send your name, address, phone number and any email address on a postcard to: Best Giveaway GVBSTN19463, Hearst Magazines UK, The Data Solutions Centre, Worksop S80 2RT. You can also phone 0901 027 2717 (30p/min + NAC, 2 mins), or enter online (see below). Notes: One entry per person Prizes: 8 x OSMO Deep Moisture shampoo and conditioner set, worth £15 Entry: Send your name, address, phone number and any email address on a postcard to: Best Giveaway GVBSTC19467, Hearst Magazines UK, The Data Solutions Centre, Worksop S80 2RT. You can also phone 0901 027 2718 (30p/min + NAC, 2 mins), or enter online (see below). Notes: One entry per person. All of these Best Summer Special prize draws can also be entered online at www. – phone and online entry routes close at 11.59pm on the above date. NEW






Prizes: 1 x Mavala summer beauty kit, worth over £100 Entry: Send your name, address, phone number and any email address on a postcard to: Best Giveaway GVBSTC19466, Hearst Magazines UK, The Data Solutions Centre, Worksop S80 2RT. You can also phone 0901 027 2713 (30p/min + NAC, 2 mins), or enter online (see below). Notes: One entry per person

Closes: 30th August 2019 Prizes: 1 x Two-night trip for 2 to London, including hospitality tickets for Day 3 of the England v Australia Ashes Test at The Oval and a travel allowance of up to £200 – prize must be taken 13th-14th September 2019 Entry: Send your name and contact phone number on a postcard to: MATCH, PO Box 7557, Derby DE1 0NP. Or text MATCH to 65555 (£2 + SR) – text line closes at midday on 27th August 2019.

Prizes: 10 x Cambridge Flamingo travel mug, worth £6.99 Entry: Send your name, address, phone number and any email address on a postcard to: Best Giveaway GVBSTN19469, Hearst Magazines UK, The Data Solutions Centre, Worksop S80 2RT. You can also phone 0901 027 2714 (30p/min + NAC, 2 mins), or enter online (see below). Notes: One entry per person

Closes: 30th August 2019 Prizes: 1 x Seven-night holiday for 4 to Universal Orlando Resort, including £1,000 spending money Entry: Send your name and contact phone number on a postcard to: WIN, PO Box 7557, Derby DE1 0NP. Or text WIN to 65555 (£2 + SR) – text line closes at midday on 27th August 2019.

Prizes: 1 x Two pairs of Vision Express Polaroid sunglasses, worth £100 Entry: Send your name, address, phone number and any email address on a postcard to: Best Giveaway GVBSTN19471, Hearst Magazines UK, The Data Solutions Centre, Worksop S80 2RT. You can also phone 0901 027 2715 (30p/min + NAC, 2 mins), or enter online (see below). Notes: One entry per person

Closes: 30th August 2019 Prizes: 1 x Pair of tickets to the Last Night of the Proms at the Royal Albert Hall in London on Saturday 14th September 2019 Entry: Send your name, address and phone number on a postcard to: Radio Times Last Night 2019, PO Box 501, Leicester LE94 0AA. Or enter online at Notes: One entry per person


Compers News • August 2019 •



Closes: 31st August 2019 Prizes: 1 x £25 gift card for the store of your choice – with a possible BONUS BOOST to either £50 or even £100 (keep reading for details), 1 x ‘Winning Mix’ pack of 300 Compers News postcards worth £20 Entry: Continuing this month, it’s our exclusive monthly draw for all you postcard fans. No online or email entry, no social media, phone or text… it’s entries on a postcard ONLY please, just like the good old days! Entering couldn’t be simpler – just send your name, Compers News membership number and the name of your preferred store if you’re our lucky winner on a postcard to: August Postcard Draw, Compers News, PO Box 8763, Nottingham NG2 9BS Notes: One entry per person. You must be a current, paid Compers News member to enter this exclusive prize draw. If you’re sending anything else to our PO Box 8763 address, you can save on postage by enclosing your Postcard Draw entry – but make sure it’s on a separate postcard! Our first prize winner will receive a £25 gift card, which we’ll DOUBLE UP to £50 if the winning entry has been made on a Compers News postcard (any age or design). And that’s not all… we’ll DOUBLE UP the prize again to a bumper £100 NEW


Closes: 31st August 2019 Prizes: 3 x Green People organic sun lotion set worth £39.50 (Draw Code: YHL-GREEN-0719), 5 x Ancient Magnesium + CBD Cream pack worth £29.95 (YHL-GHN-0719), 5 x Royal Green Astaxanthin antioxidant supplement pack worth £27.99 (YHLROYALGREEN-0719), 10 x Three-month supply of LithoLexal Advanced Joint Health supplement worth £89.85 (YHL-JOINT-0719), 10 x Sativa Soothe Hemp Balm pack worth £9.95 (YHL-SATIVA-0719) Entry: Send your name, address and the Draw Code(s) for the prize(s) you’d like to win on a postcard to: Reader Offers, Your Healthy Living, JFN Productions, Unit G2, Blois Meadow Business Centre, Steeple Bumpstead, Essex CB9 7BN – you can enter for as many of the prizes as you wish on a single postcard. You can also enter by emailing: with the Draw Code in the subject line (send a separate email for each prize you’d like to win), or online at Notes: One entry per person per Draw Code NEW


Closes: 31st August 2019 Prizes: 3 x Creative Walls book, by Geraldine James Entry: Send your name, address and phone number on a postcard to: Creative Walls Giveaway, Your Home, HBM UK, The Tower, Phoenix Square, Colchester, Essex CO4 9HU Notes: One entry per person






8.indd 7

gift card if the winning entry has been made on the Compers News ‘jackpot’ postcard design shown here, which we’ve selected from our extensive postcard range, past and present. Are you lucky enough to have this one in your postcard stash? Don’t forget, you can enter this draw on ANY postcard – but you’ll potentially BONUS BOOST your prize with a Compers News card! 13/09/2018


Check out our latest postcard offers at NEW


Closes: 13th September 2019 Prizes: 1 x Luxury two-night stay for 2 at the Lords of the Manor Hotel in the Cotswolds, including a year’s Joint Annual RHS Membership and a travel allowance of up to £500 Entry: Send your name and contact phone number on a postcard to: MANOR, PO Box 7557, Derby DE1 0NP. Or text MANOR to 65555 (£2 + SR) – text line closes at midday on 10th September 2019. NEW


Closes: 29th September 2019 Prizes: 1 x Luxury two-night stay for 2 at Ellenborough Park in the Cotswolds, including £1,000 spending money and a travel allowance of up to £500 Entry: Send your name and contact phone number on a postcard to: PARK, PO Box 7557, Derby DE1 0NP. Or text PARK to 65555 (£2 + SR) – text line closes at midday on 26th September 2019. NEW


Closes: 3rd October 2019 Prizes: 1 x Two-night trip for 2 to York, including £500 spending money and a travel allowance of up to £300 Entry: Send your name and contact phone number on a postcard to: CHOCOLATE, PO Box 7557, Derby DE1 0NP. Or text CHOCOLATE to 65555 (£2 + SR) – text line closes at midday on 30th September 2019.

Compers News • August 2019 • 31



Closes: 3rd October 2019 Prizes: 1 x £30,000 cash, plus a two-night trip for 4 to Ascot including hospitality tickets to British Champions Day on 19th October 2019 and a meet-and-greet with Frankie Dettori Entry: Send your name and contact phone number on a postcard to: HR 03, PO Box 7558, Derby DE1 0NQ. You can also phone 0906 878 8555 (£2 + NAC), text RACE to 68555 (£2 + SR), or enter online at (£2) – phone, text and online entry routes close at 3pm on 30th September 2019.

Phone & Text

A quick call or text is all that’s needed to enter the comps in this section.

Prizes: 1 x Luxury three-night trip for 2 to Greece, worth over £3,100 Entry: Phone 0905 669 0131 (50p/min + NAC, 2 mins), text TRAVEL4 followed by a space and then your answer, name and address to 84915 (£1.50 + SR), or enter online at Advice: Zagori Notes: One entry per person NEW



Closes: Prizes: Entry: Notes: NEW

30th July 2019 20 x Cineworld Unlimited Annual Membership Card Text CINEMA to 80878 (SR) One entry per mobile phone number


Closes: 13th August 2019 Prizes: 1 x Two-night trip for 2 to London including a onehour tennis lesson with a former British player and £500 spending money, 10 x Babolat tennis racket Entry: Text TENNIS followed by a space and then your full name and postcode to 60110 (SR) Notes: One entry per person


Closes: Prizes: Entry: Notes:


Closes: Prizes: Entry:

6th August 2019 1 x Bespoke holiday up to the value of £10,000, 10 x three-night European weekend break for 2 Text ALPEN followed by a space and then your full name and postcode to 60110 (SR) Notes: One entry per person


22nd August 2019 (8pm) 1 x £5,000 cash Text PRIZE AUSTRALIA to 82122 (£1.50 + SR) Maximum 20 entries per person. This draw is running across the entire Global Radio network, with different text numbers and/or keywords depending on the station, but all entries go into a single draw. The above details relate to the Heart UK-wide presentation of the draw, but if you’d prefer to enter using another station’s details (other participating stations include Capital, Capital Xtra, Smooth, Classic FM, Radio X and Gold) we suggest that you check the station’s website for alternative entry instructions.


27th August 2019 1 x £1,000 Traveleads travel voucher, Closes: 6th August 2019 10 x Brunicorn inflatable toy Prizes: 42 x £2,000 to spend on a variety of ‘summer fun’ Text BRUNANZA to 66777 (SR) prizes and activities One entry per mobile phone number per day Entry: Text SUMMER followed by a space and then your full name and postcode to 60110 (SR) NEW COMPERS NEWS EXCLUSIVE! Notes: One entry per person. Winners will be given a selection of 100 prize options including days out, tech Closes: 31st August 2019 items, UK holidays, experiences, dining and tickets to Prizes: 1 x £25 gift card for the store of your choice events, and will be able to choose any item(s) up to a Entry: Text CNAUG followed by a space then your full name, Compers News membership number and the name total value of £2,000. of your preferred store if you’re our lucky winner to 07855 965053 (SR) NEW SUNDAY TIMES TRAVEL MAGAZINE Notes: One entry per person. You must be a current, paid Closes: 10th August 2019 Compers News member to enter this exclusive prize Prizes: 1 x Luxury seven-night trip for 2 to the Maldives, draw. This text number is a standard UK mobile worth over £10,650 number, so your entry may not be charged if your Entry: Phone 0905 669 0121 (50p/min + NAC, 2 mins), text phone tariff includes free texts. This number is not TRAVEL3 followed by a space and then your answer, monitored and has been set up to receive entries for name and address to 84915 (£1.50 + SR), or enter this prize draw ONLY, please do not use it for any online at other purpose. Please note that you will not receive a Advice: Veli Spa reply / bounce-back message. Notes: One entry per person NEW



Closes: Prizes: Entry: Notes:

Compers News • August 2019 •



Closes: 31st August 2019 Prizes: 3 x The Burger Book by DJ BBQ, worth £12.99 Entry: Text CW3 followed by a space then your answer, name and address to 85100 (£1 + SR), or enter online at Advice: Scotch eggs Notes: One entry per person NEW


Closes: Prizes: Entry: Notes: NEW

29th September 2019 10 x Merlin Annual Family Pass Text PASSES to 80878 (SR) One entry per person

Entry Forms

You need an official entry form to enter the comps in this section. We tell you where to look, and how to enter without a form if it’s possible.



Closes: 31st July 2019 Prizes: 1 x £1,000 cash Entry: Entry form at participating Hays Travel stores, or enter online at


Closes: 31st July 2019 Prizes: 5 x £150 voucher to spend on accommodation and food/drink at the Queens Head Hotel in Troutbeck, Cumbria Entry: Entry card at participating Robinsons pubs, or enter online at Notes: One entry per person NEW

You can make your comping even easier by logging on to our digital edition at - it includes quick one-click links to every web address listed in this month’s issue! Want more? You can find THOUSANDS of extra online comps listed at – and all for FREE!


Closes: 30th September 2019 Prizes: 1 x £4,000 Virgin Gift Card to spend on a holiday of your choice, plus £1,000 spending money Entry: Text SUMMER to 80878 (SR) Notes: One entry per person


Famous Brands Online Selected Web Comps


Closes: 31st December 2019 Prizes: 1 x £5,000 holiday voucher Entry: Complete the entry form available at participating A World of Furniture stores, and post the completed form instore. Advice: 25 years Notes: One entry per household. Entrants must live within a 50-mile radius of any of the four A World of Furniture stores, located in Blandford Forum, Chandler’s Ford, Poole and Salisbury. See www.aworldoffurniture. for more details.













Closes: 29th July 2019 Prizes: 1 x Trip for 2 to Edinburgh, including overnight travel on the Caledonian Sleeper, one-night hotel accommodation and Fringe Festival tickets – prize must be taken 9th-11th August 2019 Entry: Notes: One entry per person Closes: 30th July 2019 Prizes: 20 x Chernobyl DVD Entry: AtlanticChernobylDVDnetwork_networ.php Advice: 1986 Closes: 30th July 2019 Prizes: 2 x The Perfume Studio Platinum Perfume Experience for 2 Entry: Notes: One entry per person Closes: 30th July 2019 Prizes: 1 x The Ludlow shed from The Posh Shed Company Entry: Closes: 30th July 2019 Prizes: 5 x Teletubbies summer fun bundle Entry: TeletubbiesFunnetwork_network.php Advice: Four Closes: 30th July 2019 Prizes: 1 x Luxury two-night stay in South Kensington, London Entry: competition/ChevalResidences_womanandhome.php Advice: The British Museum

Compers News • August 2019 • 33





Closes: Prizes: Entry: Notes: Closes: Prizes: Entry: NEW

31st July 2019 1 x £2,500 Traveleads travel voucher One entry per person 31st July 2019 1 x Two-night trip for 2 to Paris, including €500 spending money


Closes: 31st July 2019 Prizes: 1 x Overnight family stay at Holiday Inn MaidstoneSevenoaks on 18th August 2019, including a Diggerland family ticket Entry: NEW


Closes: 31st July 2019 Prizes: 1 x Six-night safari holiday for 2 to Kenya Entry: Advice: Maasai Mara Notes: One entry per person NEW


Closes: 31st July 2019 Prizes: 1 x Two-night family break to Disneyland Paris Entry: Advice: To infinity and beyond Notes: One entry per person NEW















Closes: 31st July 2019 Prizes: 1 x £250 Pride of Britain Hotels gift voucher Entry: Advice: B. Cotswolds Notes: One entry per person Closes: Prizes: Entry: Notes:

31st July 2019 1 x £500 Hoseasons holiday voucher One entry per person




Closes: 31st July 2019 Prizes: 1 x Luxury two-night break for 2 at the Macdonald Inchyra Hotel & Spa in Falkirk Entry: Advice: The Firth of Forth Notes: One entry per person 34


Closes: 31st July 2019 Prizes: 1 x Two-night stay for 2 in Bath Entry: Advice: The Roman Baths Notes: One entry per person

31st July 2019 1 x One-year Cohorted beauty box subscription, plus a selection of Sophie Kinsella books One entry per person

Closes: 31st July 2019 Prizes: 1 x Weber Spirit Classic Gas BBQ Entry: Advice: Anthony Joshua Notes: One entry per person NEW


Closes: 31st July 2019 Prizes: 14 x Strawberry-shaped pinata filled with a selection of Haribo summer treats Entry: HARIBOSTRAWBnetwork_network.php Advice: Strawberry


Closes: 31st July 2019 Prizes: 1 x Seven-night family holiday to Abu Dhabi Entry: NEW


Closes: Prizes: Entry: Notes:

Closes: Prizes: Entry: Notes: NEW


Closes: 31st July 2019 Prizes: 1 x Private dining experience in your own home, for up to 10 people Entry: Advice: 10 years Notes: One entry per person

31st July 2019 (midday) 1 x £1,000 cash One entry per person

Closes: 31st July 2019 Prizes: 1 x Eleven-day voyage for 2 to Iceland, Jan Mayen and Svalbard, worth over £10,000 Entry: Advice: June and July Notes: One entry per person Closes: 1st August 2019 Prizes: 2 x One-night family stay in Liverpool Entry: MERSEYFERRIES_cosmopolitan.php Advice: 50 minutes Closes: 1st August 2019 Prizes: 1 x Pair of kids’ Nike running shoes and two signed Compers News • August 2019 •

Jason Reynolds books, 10 x two signed Jason Reynolds books Entry: Notes: One entry per person Prizes: 5 x Set of thirteen Malory Towers books and a pin badge Entry: Notes: One entry per person NEW


Closes: 1st August 2019 Prizes: 1 x Overnight cookery experience for 2 at Season, the Exclusive Cookery School at Lainston House in Hampshire Entry: Notes: One entry per person NEW


Closes: 1st August 2019 Prizes: 4 x Meal for 4 at Turtle Bay, worth up to £80 Entry: TurtleBaynetwork_network.php Advice: Caribbean NEW


Closes: Prizes: Entry:

2nd August 2019 1 x Taskers of Accrington three-seater sofa, worth £1,373 idealhome.php Advice: Forrest NEW


Closes: 2nd August 2019 Prizes: 1 x £500 to spend on Boux Avenue lingerie and swimwear Entry: Advice: £500 Notes: One entry per household NEW


Closes: 3rd August 2019 Prizes: 5 x Pair of tickets to the Emmerdale Studio Experience in Leeds Entry: EmmerdaleStudioExperience_realpeople.php Advice: The Woolpack NEW


Closes: 4th August 2019 Prizes: 1 x Complete set of Hotel Chocolat Selector packs, worth £500 Entry: Advice: More Cocoa, Less Sugar



Closes: Prizes: Entry:

5th August 2019 2 x 2AM Gel nail bundle and LED lamp, worth over £250 competition/2AMLONDON_cosmopolitan.php Advice: Get Naked NEW


Closes: Prizes: Entry: NEW

5th August 2019 1 x Seven-night Mediterranean cruise for 2, worth over £2,000


Closes: 6th August 2019 Prizes: 1 x Signed Messi football shirt and a Messi Pro Training Ball, 5 x Messi Pro Training Ball Entry: Notes: One entry per person NEW


Closes: 6th August 2019 Prizes: 4 x Family day pass to Paultons Park in Hampshire Entry: PaultonsParknetwork_network.php Advice: Muddy puddles NEW


Closes: 6th August 2019 Prizes: 2 x Sony GTK-XB72 wireless speaker, worth £300 Entry: SonyXB72network_network.php Advice: Extra Bass NEW


Closes: 7th August 2019 Prizes: 1 x £1,000 worth of Swift Direct Blinds Entry: DirectBlinds_idealhome.php Advice: Swift Track NEW


Closes: 7th August 2019 Prizes: 1 x Seven-day holiday for 2 to Majorca Entry: competition/toMajorca_womansownmagazine.php Advice: Spain NEW


Closes: 8th August 2019 Prizes: 4 x Pair of VIP tickets to Kynren 2019 in Bishop Auckland Entry: Advice: June-September Notes: One entry per person

Compers News • August 2019 • 35



Closes: 8th August 2019 Prizes: 1 x Mira Décor Dual shower, worth £330 Entry: MiraDecor_goodtoknow.php Advice: White, Warm Silver and Black Onyx NEW


Closes: 8th August 2019 Prizes: 1 x £500 Niche Retreats holiday voucher Entry: Notes: One entry per person NEW


Closes: 9th August 2019 Prizes: 2 x Hot air balloon ride for two, plus a hamper of Schär gluten-free chocolate treats Entry: Schargluten_marieclaire.php Advice: Delishios NEW




Closes: 10th August 2019 Prizes: 1 x £1,000 voucher to be used towards any flight and/or hotel booking to Germany Entry: Notes: One entry per person Closes: 10th August 2019 Prizes: 1 x Liz Earle skincare bundle and a selection of summer reading books Entry: Notes: One entry per person NEW


Closes: Prizes: Entry: Notes: NEW

11th August 2019 1 x Three-night trip for 2 to Belfast, worth £1,500 One entry per person


Closes: 11th August 2019 Prizes: 1 x One-week holiday for 6 at Nettlecombe Farm on the Isle of Wight Entry: Advice: Heron NEW


Closes: 12th August 2019 Prizes: 2 x SONOS One Gen 2 speaker and a set of Ladybird Audio Adventures Entry: Notes: One entry per person 36



Closes: 13th August 2019 Prizes: 1 x Dunelm Eva Cocktail Sofa Entry: Advice: The Cotswolds Notes: One entry per person NEW


Closes: 14th August 2019 Prizes: 1 x One-night gourmet getaway for 2 in the Yorkshire Dales, worth £1,000 Entry: Notes: One entry per person Prizes: 1 x Overnight stay for 2 on the Scottish coast, worth £500 Entry: Notes: One entry per person Prizes: 1 x Overnight stay for 2 at a choice of two luxury boutique hotels, worth £250 Entry: Notes: One entry per person Prizes: 1 x Bake and Brew annual subscription, worth £280 Entry: Notes: One entry per person NEW


Closes: Prizes: Entry: Notes: NEW


Closes: Prizes: Entry: Notes: NEW

15th August 2019 3 x Pair of Leeds Festival 2019 tickets One entry per person


Closes: Prizes: Entry: Notes: NEW

15th August 2019 1 x African safari for 2, up to the value of £3,000 One entry per person

15th August 2019 25 x Family cricket set One entry per person


Closes: 16th August 2019 Prizes: 1 x Merlin Annual Family Pass, worth £556 Entry: Advice: Blackpool Notes: One entry per person Compers News • August 2019 •



Closes: 18th August 2019 Prizes: 6 x Toy Story 4 puzzle bundle Entry: prima.php Advice: Me NEW


Closes: 19th August 2019 Prizes: 1 x Selection of sunglasses from the Foster Grant 90th Anniversary Limited Edition collection Entry: FosterGrant_marieclaire.php Advice: 90th Anniversary NEW


Closes: 20th August 2019 Prizes: 1 x Crosley Keepsake Deluxe USB Turntable Entry: Advice: His ambitions Notes: One entry per household NEW


Closes: 21st August 2019 Prizes: 1 x Overnight family break to Northumberland, including admission to Housesteads Roman Fort on Hadrian’s Wall and £175 travel allowance Entry: Advice: A sponge on a stick Notes: One entry per person NEW


Closes: 23rd August 2019 Prizes: 1 x Pair of return British Airways flights to Osaka, Japan Entry: Advice: Winnie The Pooh NEW


Prizes: Entry: Notes:

1 x Three-night city break for 2 to Nice, including £500 spending money One entry per person

Prizes: 1 x Fenty Beauty by Rihanna make-up set, worth £114 Entry: Notes: One entry per person Prizes: 10 x Cover girl make-up set, worth over £60 Entry: Notes: One entry per person NEW


Closes: Prizes: Entry:

27th August 2019 1 x Three-night narrowboat mini-break for up to 4 people, worth £1,100 Advice: Warwickshire Notes: One entry per person NEW


Closes: 28th August 2019 Prizes: 1 x Puffin summer reading bundle, worth over £100 Entry: Notes: One entry per person


Prizes: 5 x SEA LIFE annual pass Entry: Notes: One entry per person


Closes: 29th August 2019 Prizes: 1 x Eight-day family adventure holiday in Jordan Entry: Advice: Aladdin Notes: One entry per person

Closes: Prizes: Entry: Notes: NEW


Closes: 27th August 2019 Prizes: 1 x Seven-night family holiday to Mexico Entry: Notes: One entry per household

Closes: Prizes: Entry: Notes:

23rd August 2019 150 x Toy Story 4 Talking Action Figure One entry per person per day 25th August 2019 ++ 100 x Luxury centenary hamper, worth over £1,000 One entry per person per day. There are 100 daily draws until the final closing date, each with one prize to be won.

Prizes: 100 x Luxury centenary food hamper Entry: Notes: One entry per person per day. There are 100 daily draws until the final closing date, each with one prize to be won.





Closes: 29th August 2019 Prizes: 1 x Overnight stay for 2 at The Swan at Lavenham Hotel & Spa in Suffolk Entry: Advice: The Suffolk Wool Towns Notes: One entry per person

Compers News • August 2019 • 37



Closes: 30th August 2019 Prizes: 1 x Arctic Survival Kit including a Kelty backpack, Vapur water bottle, Timex Expedition watch, Olympus Trip Light binoculars and Maglite Mini torch Entry: Advice: Rocky Mountains NEW


Closes: 30th August 2019 Prizes: 5 x In The Night Garden summer bundle Entry: Gardenprizes_goodtoknow.php Advice: Upsy Daisy NEW






Closes: 30th August 2019 Prizes: 1 x Fourteen-night Grand American Adventures Deep South & Delta Blue Tour for 2 Entry: Advice: Mahershala Ali Closes: 30th August 2019 Prizes: 1 x Choice of any holiday from the National Holidays 2019 programme for 2 people Entry: Notes: One entry per person Closes: 30th August 2019 Prizes: 1 x Two-night Best Loved Hotels break for 2, pair of Eves&Gray brogues, Laurel and Hardy jigsaw puzzle and a Stan & Ollie DVD Entry: Advice: Laurel and Hardy NEW


Closes: 30th August 2019 Prizes: 1 x One-night Best Loved Hotels break for 2, £50 Eves&Gray shoe voucher, Cumbria Crystal Grasmere whisky tumbler and a StudioCanal Vintage Classics DVD Collection Entry: Advice: 6th June 1944 NEW


Closes: Prizes: Entry: Notes: NEW


Closes: Prizes: Entry: Notes: NEW

30th August 2019 1 x Four-night trip for 2 to Chicago One entry per person 31st August 2019 1 x Trip for 2 to New York One entry per household


Closes: 31st August 2019 Prizes: 1 x One-night gourmet break for 2 in Wales 38

Entry: Advice: The Fernery Notes: One entry per person NEW
















Closes: 31st August 2019 Prizes: 1 x Three-night stay for 2 in the North York Moors National Park Entry: competition Notes: One entry per person Closes: 31st August 2019 Prizes: 1 x Naturalmat double lambswool mattress and Tremendous Topper bundle Entry: Advice: Devon Notes: One entry per person Closes: 31st August 2019 Prizes: 1 x Four-night Lake District glamping experience for up to 6 people Entry: Notes: One entry per person Closes: Prizes: Entry: Notes:

Closes: Prizes: Entry: Notes:

31st August 2019 3,000 x Limited-edition Jane Eyre mug One entry per person 31st August 2019 1 x Two-night trip for 2 to Matera, Italy One entry per person

Closes: 31st August 2019 Prizes: 2 x Hotpoint Total NoFrost fridge-freezer Entry: Advice: A+ Notes: One entry per person Closes: 31st August 2019 Prizes: 1 x Fisher & Paykel fridge-freezer, worth £2,499 Entry: Advice: 45-degree Notes: One entry per household Closes: 31st August 2019 Prizes: 1 x Two-night stay for 2 in Durham City Entry: Advice: November Compers News • August 2019 •





Closes: 31st August 2019 Prizes: 1 x Two-night weekend stay for 2 at the Riviera Hotel in Torquay Entry: Notes: One entry per person Closes: 31st August 2019 Prizes: 2 x Leisure Cuisinemaster Pro range cooker, worth £1,199 Entry: Advice: 3 Notes: One entry per person NEW




Closes: 31st August 2019 Prizes: 3 x Us movie poster, signed by Lupita Nyong’o and Winston Duke Entry: Advice: Get Out Closes: 1st October 2019 Prizes: 5 x BBQ in the Forest family break at a choice of UK locations including £200 spending money, 5 x Ultimate Summer BBQ party in your own home for up to 25 people, 5 x garden furniture set, 5 x outdoor dining set, 5 x garden music set, 15 x gas BBQ, 25 x portable picnic BBQ, 50 x BBQ tool kit, 50 x garden game, 100 x BBQ apron, 600 x Guzzini kitchen roll holder Entry: Notes: One entry per person. All of the above prizes will be awarded instantly throughout the promotion, between 25th June and 1st October 2019 inclusive. NEW


Closes: 20th October 2019 ++ Prizes: 1 x Four-night trip for 2 to New York including £250 spending money, 9 x Bose Soundtouch 20 wireless speaker, 63 x £50 Amazon or Love2shop gift voucher Entry: Notes: One entry per person per day. Entries received between 1st July and 1st September 2019 inclusive will go into one of 63 daily draws (for the gift voucher prizes), one of 9 weekly draws (for the speaker prizes), and the main New York draw. Entries received between 2nd September and 20th October 2019 inclusive will go into the main New York draw only. NEW


Closes: Prizes: Entry: Notes:

30th November 2019 ++ 100 x £50 Pizza Express gift card One entry per person. There are five monthly draws until the final closing date, each with 20 prizes to be won.





Closes: 31st January 2020 ++ Prizes: 68 x Replica home international football or rugby union shirt of your choice Entry: Notes: One entry per person per draw. There are 13 weekly draws between 11th August and 3rd November 2019 inclusive, each with 5 prizes to be won. Entries received between 4th November 2019 and 31st January 2020 inclusive will go into a final mop-up draw, with a further 3 prizes to be won. Closes: 15th January 2021 ++ Prizes: 90 x One-night family stay at CBeebies Land Hotel at Alton Towers Resort, 180 x Alton Towers Resort family day ticket Entry: Notes: There are 18 monthly draws between 15th August 2019 and 15th January 2021 inclusive, each with 5 x hotel stay prizes and 10 x family ticket prizes to be won.

Effort Needed

It’s one of our favourite sayings… the harder a comp is to enter, the easier it is to win! Everything in this section may take a little extra time and effort, but why not give some of them a go? Don’t forget to check out our exclusive Windex database if you’re looking for slogan inspiration –



Closes: 31st July 2019 Prizes: 1 x Your perfect ‘Week Well Spent’ turned into reality, up to a value of £1,000 Type: Slogan Entry: Enter online at Slogan: Tell us your perfect ‘Week Well Spent’… (no word limit) Style: Eye-catching Notes: One entry per person ONGOING


Closes: 31st July 2019 Prizes: 1 x £2,000 LoveHolidays voucher and a Calypso suncare hamper, 1 x pair of Calypso suncare hampers, 2 x Calypso suncare hamper Type: Photo Entry: Post a picture of yourself on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram that expresses a special holiday feeling, by following the instructions at

Compers News • August 2019 • 39





Closes: 31st July 2019 Prizes: 1 x Seven-night P&O cruise for 2, with £1,000 to spend on board Type: Slogan Entry: Enter online at Slogan: Come up with a name for the P&O cruise ship Iona’s new gin still, and tell us the inspiration behind your choice… (no word limit) Style: Not specified Closes: Prizes: Type: Entry:

31st July 2019 1 x £1,000 FatFace gift card Photo Share your best ice cream face by posting a photo on Instagram with the hashtag #fatfacemoments. See for full details. Notes: One entry per person. Winner will be selected at random. NEW


Closes: Prizes: Type: Entry:

31st July 2019 1 x £1,000 Holiday Cottages gift voucher and a £500 Joules gift card Photo Submit a photo on the theme of: Beautiful Britain. Rolling hills, quaint villages, rugged coastlines and enchanting forests… what does Beautiful Britain mean to you? Enter online at making-memories or via Instagram by following the instructions on the website. Notes: One entry per person NEW


Closes: Prizes: Type: Entry:

31st July 2019 1 x £50 Pets at Home gift voucher Photo Take a photo of you and your pet enjoying the summer, and upload it at VIPsummersnap - or enter via Twitter or Instagram by following the instructions on the website. Notes: One entry per person ONGOING










Closes: 13th August 2019 Prizes: 1 x G Adventures Asia Pacific tour of your choice, for 2 people Type: Slogan Entry: Enter online at Slogan: Where in Asia Pacific would you like to go and why… (max. 25 words) Style: Not specified Notes: One entry per person Closes: 19th August 2019 Prizes: 1 x Ultimate garden party, worth £1,000 Type: Slogan Entry: Enter online at Slogan: Tell us one thing it’s not summer without… (no word limit) Style: Not specified – T&Cs state that winner will be randomly drawn, with entries not being judged. Notes: Maximum 5 entries per person Closes: Prizes: Type: Entry:


Closes: 31st July 2019 Prizes: 5 x Three-night trip for 2 to Sweden, staying at ICEHOTEL Type: Photo Entry: Purchase a promotional 70cl bottle of Shackleton Blended Malt Scotch Whisky between 22nd April and 31st July 2019 inclusive and keep your promotional packaging and till receipt safe. Then post an ‘epic photo’ of you with your bottle/glass of Shackleton on Instagram with the hashtag #ShackletonWhisky – see promotional neck collar for more details. Notes: One entry per person. Entries will be judged, and prizes awarded to the senders of the five most creative photos. 40


Closes: 8th August 2019 Prizes: 1 x Trip to New York (prize paid as a £1,000 Love2shop holiday voucher) Type: Photo Entry: Try the new Triple Jack Stack burger at a TGI Fridays restaurant, take a photo using #JACKSTACK and tag @tgifridaysuk on Twitter or Instagram. See for full details. Notes: One entry per person. Winner will be selected at random.

30th August 2019 1 x £500 worth of Theatre Tokens Observation Play the Where’s Wally-style observation game at – there are 41 characters from London’s biggest shows hidden in the interactive illustration, and you’ll receive one entry into the prize draw for each one you can find.

Closes: Prizes: Type: Entry:

31st August 2019 1 x £50 cash Slogan Write your slogan on the official entry form on page 21 of this month’s issue, or enter online at Slogan: My favourite thing about summer comping is… (max. 15 words) Style: Apt and original Notes: One entry per person. You must be a current, paid Compers News member to enter this competition. Compers News • August 2019 •


15 x Refreshers beach towel, 25 x Love Hearts water bottle, 30 x Love Hearts cup Type: Photo Entry: Are you jetting off on holiday this summer? Perhaps you’re planning a staycation? Or maybe you’re just enjoying a day out with friends or family? Whatever your summer looks like, we want you to share it with us! Simply take a picture of yourself enjoying your summer with any Swizzels sweet, and upload it at www.swizzels. com/summer - or via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram by following the instructions on the website. Notes: Entries will be judged. One winner will be chosen each day until the final closing date, and will be randomly allocated one of the above prizes (except NEW SMIGGLE the main prize). After the final closing date, one Closes: 10th September 2019 overall winner will be chosen from all entries to Prizes: 3 x Smiggle shopping spree for you and your entire class receive the £5,000 holiday voucher. Type: Slogan Entry: Entry form at participating Smiggle stores, or enter NEW COCO FUZION 100 online at Closes: 31st December 2019 backtoschool-competition-uk Slogan: Tell us how you’re going to choose kindness this new Prizes: 1 x Pair of England v Ireland Six Nations 2020 rugby tickets, 1 x pair of England v Wales Six Nations 2020 school year… (max. 25 words) rugby tickets Style: Creative and original Type: Slogan Notes: This competition is aimed at children, although no upper age limit is given. Each member of the winner’s Entry: Like and retweet the competition post published on Twitter by @fuzion100uk along with your slogan. class (max. 35) will receive a £20 Smiggle gift card. See for full details. NEW POMEGREAT Slogan: I’m a Fuzion fan because… (no word limit) Closes: 30th September 2019 ++ Style: Not specified – T&Cs state that winners will be Prizes: 92 x Year’s supply of Pomegreat pomegranate juice randomly drawn, with entries not being judged. Type: Estimation Notes: One entry per person Entry: Enter the unique code from any promotional NEW

Closes: Prizes: Type: Entry:

31st August 2019 100 x Nescafé Gold hamper Writing Retweet any post published on Twitter by @ nescafegolduki between 1st July and 31st August 2019 that includes the hashtag #winitwednesday, then visit to complete your entry. You must leave a review on any of the Nescafé Gold products listed, including your email address and Twitter handle as part of the review. See website for full details.

Pomegreat 1L carton at You must also answer a qualifying question by estimating: How many people will participate in this competition between the dates given? Notes: There are 92 daily competitions until the final closing date, each with one prize to be won.

Komping Kids



Closes: 30th September 2019 Prizes: 1 x One-night family break to Alton Towers Resort, plus a free school trip to Alton Towers and a set of Maped Helix stationery for your child’s entire class Type: Photo Entry: Upload a photo of yourself with the Maped Helix promotional display unit advertising this competition in participating Poundland stores to the Maped Helix Facebook page by following the instructions at view/id/124/ Notes: One entry per person. The above link makes a brief mention of entering the competition “when you buy any Maped Helix stationery product from the promotional display”, so you may wish to make a purchase just to be on the safe side. NEW

Winning’s not just for grown-ups! Here’s a selection of current competitions and prize draws, specially chosen for our younger readers.


Closes: 30th September 2019 ++ Prizes: 1 x £5,000 On the Beach holiday voucher, 5 x Drumstick inflatable, 10 x Drumstick beach towel,





Closes: 30th July 2019 Prizes: 5 x Looney Tunes DVD bundle Entry: Enter online at Advice: Rabbit Notes: One entry per person. Although this prize draw is featured on an activity sheet and is clearly aimed at children, entrants must be aged 18 or over – so ask a parent or guardian to enter on your behalf. Closes: 31st July 2019 Prizes: 10 x Artie 3000 drawing robot Entry: Text COMP GT12999C followed by a space and then your name, age and full address to 66644 (SR). Or email the answer ‘C. Wall-E’ with your name, age and address to: – putting ‘12999’ in the subject line. Notes: One entry per household

Compers News • August 2019 • 41

Prizes: 1 x Craft and stationery bundle, worth around £40 Entry: Text COMP GT12986C followed by a space and then your name, age and full address to 66644 (SR). Or email the answer ‘C. Purple’ with your name, age, address and phone number to: – putting ‘12986’ in the subject line. Notes: One entry per household NEW


Closes: 31st July 2019 Prizes: 10 x Set of two of Ty Flippables toys Entry: Text COMP GT13013C followed by a space and then your name, age and full address to 66644 (SR). Or email the answer ‘C. Butterfly’ with your name, age and address to: – putting ‘13013’ in the subject line. Notes: One entry per household Prizes: 16 x Gelli Spa inflatable foot spa set Entry: Text COMP GT13030C followed by a space and then your name, age and full address to 66644 (SR). Or email the answer ‘C. Cucumber’ with your name, age and address to: – putting ‘13030’ in the subject line. Notes: One entry per household Prizes: 1 x Emoji Baff Bombz set Entry: Text COMP GT13063C followed by a space and then your name, age and full address to 66644 (SR). Or email the answer ‘C. Justin Bieber’ with your name, age and address to: – putting ‘13063’ in the subject line. Notes: One entry per household NEW


Closes: 31st July 2019 Prizes: 1 x Three full sets of David Baddiel books for your school library Entry: Enter online at www.harpercollinschildrensbooks. Advice: Mr Carter Notes: One entry per household NEW


Closes: 31st July 2019 Prizes: 1 x Kindle Fire 7, wireless Bluetooth headphones, Cluedo board game, Mega Slime Kit & Putty Lab, plus two Adam Baron books Entry: Enter online at www.harpercollinschildrensbooks. Advice: Put blue jelly in her shoes Notes: One entry per household NEW


Closes: 7th August 2019 Prizes: 1 x Selection of LEGO Friends toys and accessories plus a Combi Annual Pass to LEGOLAND Discovery Centre and SEA LIFE in Manchester, 3 x Combi Annual Pass to LEGOLAND Discovery Centre and SEA LIFE in Manchester 42

Entry: Text COMP FRI12941A followed by a space and then your name and phone number to 66644 (SR). Or email the answer ‘A. Emma’ with your name and phone number to – putting ‘12941’ in the subject line. Notes: One entry per household NEW




Closes: 7th August 2019 (10am) Prizes: 5 x Moj Moj Itty toy pack Entry: Email your answer, full name, address, date of birth and a parent or guardian’s name and contact email address to: – putting ‘#TRENDING SWEET 32 WIN’ in the subject line. Advice: A. Edinburgh Notes: Entrants must be under 18 years old Closes: 7th August 2019 Prizes: 1 x iPad Mini signed by stars including Mabel, Sigrid, Maya Jama, HRVY, James Arthur and Zara Larsson Entry: Text COMP TOTP13025B followed by a space and then your name to 66644 (SR). Or email the answer ‘B’ with your name and phone number to: 13025@ – putting ‘13025’ in the subject line. Notes: One entry per household Prizes: 1 x £200 Primark gift card, to spend on the Saffy B range Entry: Text COMP TOTP13041A followed by a space and then your name to 66644 (SR). Or email the answer ‘A’ with your name and phone number to: 13041@ – putting ‘13041’ in the subject line. Notes: One entry per household Prizes: 2 x Set of three weekend tickets to Fusion Festival (Liverpool, 31st August-1st September 2019) including meet and greet with HRVY Entry: Text COMP TOTP13002C followed by a space and then your name and age to 66644 (SR). Or email the answer ‘C’ with your name, age and phone number to: – putting ‘13002’ in the subject line. Notes: One entry per household. Prize is for the winner and one friend, both of whom must be aged between 9 and 16 years old, and one parent/guardian. No travel or accommodation is included. Prizes: 1 x The Big Feastival 2019 family weekend camping ticket Entry: Text COMP TOTP13015B followed by a space and then your name and age to 66644 (SR). Or email the answer ‘B’ with your name, age and phone number to: – putting ‘13015’ in the subject line. Notes: One entry per household Prizes: 1 x £100 River Island gift card Entry: Text COMP TOTP13037C followed by a space and then your name to 66644 (SR). Or email the answer Compers News • August 2019 •

‘C’ with your name and phone number to: 13037@ – putting ‘13037’ in the subject line. Notes: One entry per household Prizes: 1 x £100 JD Sports gift card Entry: Text COMP TOTP13038C followed by a space and then your name to 66644 (SR). Or email the answer ‘C’ with your name and phone number to: 13038@ – putting ‘13038’ in the subject line. Notes: One entry per household Prizes: 1 x £100 New Look gift card Entry: Text COMP TOTP13039C followed by a space and then your name to 66644 (SR). Or email the answer ‘C’ with your name and phone number to: 13039@ – putting ‘13039’ in the subject line. Notes: One entry per household Prizes: 1 x £100 Lush gift card Entry: Text COMP TOTP13040C followed by a space and then your name to 66644 (SR). Or email the answer ‘C’ with your name and phone number to: 13040@ – putting ‘13040’ in the subject line. Notes: One entry per household Prizes: 5 x Instax Mini camera and The Switch Up book Entry: Text COMP TOTP13029C followed by a space and then your name and full address to 66644 (SR). Or email the answer ‘C’ with your name and full address to: – putting ‘13029’ in the subject line. Notes: One entry per household NEW


Closes: 8th August 2019 Prizes: 8 x Pikmi Pops DoughMis Surprise Pack Entry: Email your child’s name, address and phone number to: – putting ‘Pikmi Pops SW263a’ in the subject line. Prizes: 5 x Shopkins Family Mini Packs Fun Pack Entry: Email your child’s name, address and phone number to: – putting ‘Shopkins SW263b’ in the subject line. Prizes: 4 x L.O.L. Surprise! #Hairgoals Doll Entry: Email your child’s name, address and phone number to: – putting ‘L.O.L. Dolls SW263c’ in the subject line. Prizes: 6 x JoJo Siwa Walk Along Bow Bow toy Entry: Email your child’s name, address and phone number to: – putting ‘JoJo Siwa SW263d’ in the subject line. NEW


Closes: 14th August 2019 Prizes: 5 x Toy Story 4 Interactive Friends Woody and Buzz Lightyear set Entry: Text COMP STARS12813B followed by a space and

then your name to 66644 (SR). Or email the answer ‘B. Jessie’ with your name to: 12813@disneystarscomps. com – putting ‘12813’ in the subject line. Notes: One entry per household NEW




Closes: 14th August 2019 Prizes: 2 x LEGO Star Wars: AT-AP Walker set Entry: Email the answer ‘B. Battle Droids’ with your name, age, address and phone number to: 12981@ – putting ‘12981’ in the subject line. Notes: One entry per household. Entrants must be aged between 5 and 13 years old. Closes: 15th August 2019 Prizes: 12 x Waffle the Wonder Dog Soft Toy with Sounds Entry: Email your child’s name, address and phone number to: – putting ‘Waffle the Wonder Dog Prize Draw (F415a)’ in the subject line. Prizes: 3 x Zog goody bag Entry: Email your child’s name, address and phone number to: – putting ‘Zog Prize Draw (F415b)’ in the subject line. NEW




Closes: 18th August 2019 Prizes: 1 x One-night trip for 2 to Barcelona, including a meetand-greet with Lionel Messi and £100 spending money Entry: Enter online at Advice: Blue Notes: One entry per person Closes: 27th August 2019 Prizes: 5 x Lumo Stars toy Entry: Send your name, address, phone number and any email address to: Win! Lumo Stars, Go Girl magazine, PO Box 6988, Sleaford, Lincolnshire NG34 9WE Prizes: 5 x Set of two Kosmos fun science kits Entry: Send your name, address, phone number and any email address to: Win! Fun Science Kits, Go Girl magazine, PO Box 6988, Sleaford, Lincolnshire NG34 9WE Notes: A selection of Go Girl competitions can also be entered online at NEW


Closes: 29th August 2019 Prizes: 8 x Trumpeting Elmer soft toy Entry: Email your child’s name, address and phone number to: – putting ‘Elmer Giveaway (F418a)’ in the subject line. Prizes: 10 x Gruffalo Snakes and Ladders game Entry: Email your child’s name, address and phone number to: – putting ‘Gruffalo Giveaway (F418b)’ in the subject line.

Compers News • August 2019 • 43

Prizes: 10 x Top Trumps Thomas & Friends set Entry: Email your child’s name, address and phone number to: – putting ‘Thomas Giveaway (F418c)’ in the subject line. NEW


Closes: 29th August 2019 Prizes: 6 x Boxy Girls doll Entry: Email your child’s name, address and phone number to: – putting ‘Boxy Girls SW264a’ in the subject line. Prizes: 5 x Glam Goo Deluxe slime pack Entry: Email your child’s name, address and phone number to: – putting ‘Glam Goo SW264b’ in the subject line. Prizes: 3 x Poopsie Surprise Unicorn toy Entry: Email your child’s name, address and phone number to: – putting ‘Poopsies SW264c’ in the subject line. NEW


Closes: 30th August 2019 Prizes: 1 x Two Brainstorm toy sets, plus a Sue Hendra & Paul Linnet book bundle Entry: Enter online at Advice: Fish Fingers Notes: One entry per person Prizes: 5 x Brainstorm robot toy and Destination: Adventure book bundle Entry: Enter online at Advice: They are built by engineers and scientists Notes: One entry per person Prizes: 1 x Ultimate Tom and Jerry DVD bundle Entry: Enter online at Advice: Chocolate Notes: One entry per person Prizes: 1 x LEGO DC Comics Super Heroes DVD bundle Entry: Enter online at dcsupers Advice: Bruce Wayne Notes: One entry per person. Although these prize draws are featured on activity sheets and are clearly aimed at children, entrants must be aged 18 or over – so ask a parent or guardian to enter on your behalf. NEW


Closes: 31st August 2019 Prizes: 1 x £25 National Book Token Entry: This month, we want you to colour in the picture in our special Guess the Year Summer Family Challenge on pages 16 & 17 – if there’s more than one child in the family, and/or you don’t want to cut up your 44

magazine, we’ll accept photocopies of the picture. Send your entry, along with your name, age and address, to: Komping Kids Colouring Competition, Compers News, PO Box 8763, Nottingham NG2 9BS Notes: Only one entry per child please, aged 15 or under. Entries must be the child’s own work – but an adult can add information and/or address the envelope if the child’s handwriting isn’t clear. The sender of the best entry in the opinion of our judges – and taking age into account – will win a £25 National Book Token, and depending on the quality of the entries we may award one or two extra bonus runner-up prizes this month too. NEW


Closes: 31st August 2019 Prizes: 1 x £100 Build-a-Bear gift card, plus a bundle of Judith Kerr books worth £50 Entry: Enter online at www.harpercollinschildrensbooks. Advice: A bonnet Notes: One entry per household NEW


Closes: 3rd September 2019 Prizes: 1 x LEGO Star Wars: X-Wing Starfighter set Entry: Send your answer, first name and parent or guardian’s email address to: LEGO Star Wars 48, PO Box 6988, Sleaford NG34 9WE Advice: A. Red Five NEW


Closes: 15th September 2019 Prizes: 1 x Set of five Odeon Cinema family admission tickets, 1 x Odeon Cinema family admission ticket Entry: Design a movie poster using the online tools at Notes: One entry per person. Winners will be selected at random. Although this competition is clearly aimed at children, entrants must be aged 18 or over – so ask a parent or guardian to submit your entry on your behalf. NEW


Closes: 16th September 2019 Prizes: 1 x Thirty-second product grab at your local Smiggle store, worth up to £500 Entry: Collect any TWO different tokens from the four printed in Pink magazine, issue numbers 272, 273, 274 and 275, and affix them to the entry form printed in the magazine. Notes: Pink magazine is published every three weeks. Issue 273 is due to be on sale until 31st July, issue 274 from 1st-21st August, and issue 275 from 22nd August-11th September 2019. Compers News • August 2019 •

Bits ‘N’ Pieces

This is where you’ll find anything that doesn’t fit into any of the above categories… a veritable pot-pourri of prizes!

NEW And vote for your favourite new products of 2019 in the Asda Innovation Awards and you could win one of 1,000 x £50 Asda gift cards. Vote at closing date is 4th August 2019.

NEW If all that voting isn’t enough, Cadbury have launched three new Dairy Milk flavours and want you to vote for your favourite – with the winning bar becoming a permanent part NEW It’s holiday awards season at the moment, and here’s a of the range. When you vote at brief round-up of some of the best prize polls. Starting with you’ll be asked where you bought your bar, and depending The Times, who are giving away no less than 13 holidays on your answer you may qualify for entry into a prize draw… in their annual Travel Awards survey, including trips to you can only vote once in total though, so make your choice Grenada, Bali, Goa, Tanzania, Mexico, Florida and more. So, depending on the prize you’d most like to win. Make sure if you’ve got a few minutes to spare, answer the questions you keep your product packaging and qualifying till receipt at to get yourself into the from your chosen store safe, and that you enter between the draw. Closing date is 4th September 2019. individual promotional periods shown. Select TESCO for a chance to win one of three holidays – either a seven-night NEW The British Travel Awards are giving away a whole host trip for 2 to Mauritius, a seven-night trip for 2 to Los Angeles of prizes worth over £30,000 in total, including holidays, or a five-night trip for 2 to New York – and ensure your Tesco vouchers and more in their annual survey. Answer the till receipt is dated between 17th July and 7th August 2019 questions at to get into the inclusive. Select ONE STOP for a chance to win a seven-night draw, closing date is 30th September 2019. trip for 2 to California – and ensure your One Stop receipt is dated between 2nd July and 30th July 2019 inclusive. Select NEW The Sun is giving away five holidays – to the Maldives, BOOKER for a chance to win a five-night trip for 2 to Rio de Mexico, Dubai, Disneyland Paris and the Algarve – in their Janeiro – and ensure your Booker receipt is dated between annual survey at Closing date 10th July and 6th August 2019 inclusive. Or select OTHER for is 4th September 2019. a chance to win a seven-night trip for 2 to Cancun – ensuring that your till receipt is dated between 8th July and 7th NEW And last but certainly not least, the Daily and Sunday August 2019 inclusive. We think that ‘Other’ is intended to Telegraph are giving away 15 luxury holidays and travel cover smaller convenience-type stores, so it might be best to experiences worth more than £500,000 in their annual find a shop where the Cancun competition is actually being Telegraph Travel Awards survey. Prizes this year include advertised to ensure that it’s a participating store. Remember the chance to enjoy a holiday on a private island in the that if you select any other supermarket on the drop-down list Caribbean worth an amazing £73,000, a luxury tour of India – e.g. Asda, Co-op, Morrisons, Sainsbury’s or Waitrose – then worth £40,000, an African safari worth £35,000, an Arctic these stores currently don’t have a prize draw running (at the expedition worth £25,000, a luxury holiday to Croatia worth time of writing), so although your vote will count you won’t be £42,000, and much more. So, if you’ve got a few minutes to in the running for a holiday. Choose wisely! spare, complete the survey at to enter the draw. Closing date is 6th October 2019. NEW Puzzler Mammoth Family Wordsearch magazine has 1 x £2,500 cash, 2 x £1,000 cash and 3 x £500 cash prizes to NEW Staying with awards and surveys, vote for your be won. Enter by post using the official entry form inside the favourites in the Great British Food Awards 2019 at magazine, or online at (choose and you could Mammoth Family Wordsearch issue 52) – the answer you need win a share of prizes worth over £7,000 – including a River is ‘VISA’. Closing date is 31st July 2019. Cottage Escape for 2 worth £1,000, a Juliana Greenhouse worth £499, a Fortnum & Mason hamper worth £250, and NEW When it comes to competitions linked to any kind much more. Closing date is 15th August 2019. of financial product or service, please remember that it’s important to take suitable advice before committing to any NEW Vote for your favourite brands and products in the Baby investment. Bearing that in mind, if you invest a lump sum of Awards 2019 at and you at least £1,000 in a Fidelity ISA, or set up a monthly savings could win a family holiday to Phokia Beach Resort in Turkey, plan for £100 or more, at worth over £5,000. Closing date is 27th August 2019. between 1st June and 30th September 2019 inclusive you could win one of 4 x £1,000 Amazon gift vouchers – there’s NEW Vote for your favourite Cars of the Year at www.driving. one voucher to be won each month. Please read the T&Cs and you’ll go into a prize draw to win a carefully to make sure you understand everything before seven-night holiday for 2 to Thailand. Closing date is 1st deciding whether to enter this one, and there’s a limit of one entry per person per month. September 2019. Compers News • August 2019 • 45

NEW The system of Co-op stores in the UK can sometimes be confusing for compers, with various different regions and societies often running comps exclusive to their own stores and areas. For example, Central England Co-op are giving away a £10,000 holiday for 2 in a prize draw running in their stores through the summer. We can’t see any restrictions on ‘out of area’ entries, but we suggest that you try to find time to read the T&Cs before deciding whether to enter this one if you’re not a Central England Co-op customer just to make sure you’re happy. Enter the draw online at - closing date is 28th August 2019. NEW Another local comp that might interest some readers is being run by FJ Chalke & Vale Motors in South West England, to celebrate their 90th birthday. The prize is a Suzuki Ignis car worth over £13,000. Again, it looks like the draw is open UKwide – but bear in mind that you may need to travel to collect the prize if you’re the winner. Enter at offers/new-cars/win-a-car - only one entry per person, closing date is 7th August 2019.

comment to the post with the correct answer to the question (our advice: Forky). Only one entry per person, closing date is 31st July 2019. NEW Brief details now of three comps where we couldn’t find any closing dates at the time of writing. They should all still be running when you receive this issue of Compers News, but we suggest entering sooner rather than later if you want to give them a go. First off, copies of the Rocketman book exclusively at Tesco feature a sticker to ‘Win two tickets to Elton John’s farewell tour’. Entry to the draw is at www.rocketmancomp. – there’s not a lot of information there, but the entry confirmation message says that ‘Winner will be announced 31st October 2019’ so make sure you enter well before then.

NEW Cadbury advertising banners appeared – briefly – at Sainsbury’s stores, saying simply ‘Text CADBURY to 81222 for a chance to win Premier League tickets. There was none of the usual small print, and the speed with which the banners were removed suggests that something went wrong somewhere along the line. Text competitions to this number are usually charged at standard rate, and are usually limited to NEW This one isn’t really a competition, but we do know that one entry per person, but as for what’s included in the prize, some readers like an occasional freebie to keep the postie busy the number of prizes on offer, whether or not there should so here are some brief details. Listerine is offering a free scale be a purchase requirement… your guess is as good as ours! If and polish at any dental practice (up to the value of £50) in you want to take pot luck with an entry, the text line was still exchange for purchasing two promotional bottles, which are live at the time of writing and the reply message suggested a available exclusively at participating Tesco stores. You’ll need probable closing date of 31st July 2019. But, no promises! the unique codes from the neck hangers on your bottles and – NEW And finally in this section, a competition with a as you’d probably expect with an offer as good as this – there deliberately vague closing date… again though, it SHOULD are a few hoops to jump through regarding claim deadlines still be running for a little while longer. Take On Me, the etc. so make sure you read the instructions and T&Cs properly – see for more iconic a-ha music video, is fast approaching one billion views on You Tube, and you need to guess the time and date when details. The final closing date is 31st December 2019, but promotional bottles are only expected to be widely available that magic one billion figure will be hit. The prize is tickets, until approximately 13th August 2019 so we suggest picking flights and accommodation for 2 to meet a-ha at their show in Trondheim, Norway on 7th February 2020 and is worth them up as soon as possible if this is something you’re around £5,000. Enter the competition at https://takeonme.ainterested in. - it’ll close when the number of video views hits NEW Buy any fridge freezer costing £399 or more from Currys 999,900,000. The total was just over 913,000,000 at the time of writing, so there’s probably a while to go yet… it might be PC World online or instore between 19th June and 30th July a good idea to wait until it gets nearer to the magic number 2019 inclusive, and you’ll have a 1-in-20 chance of winning before finalising your entry, but don’t get caught out by a supermarket gift card to help you fill it. 75% of winners will receive a £100 gift card for a week’s free shopping, 23% leaving it too late! will receive a £400 gift card for a month’s free shopping, and NEW Mars are once again running a ‘Sweet Sundays’ 2% will receive a £5,200 gift card for a year’s free shopping. promotion across their pouch range this summer, including See for full details, and it’s M&M’s, Maltesers, Revels, Minstrels, Skittles, Starburst and important that you keep a close eye on dates for this one – more. As usual you need to redeem unique codes from inside you can only register your entry between 32 and 42 days promotional packs for free cinema tickets on Sundays – but after your purchase date, so make a note in your diary and this year, there’s a prize draw exclusively for Tesco customers. don’t forget! Just select ‘Tesco’ from the drop-down menu when you’re asked where you purchased your pack and, when you enter NEW Tesco are running a prize draw to promote their F&F your unique code, you’ll be automatically entered into a draw clothing range, with a seven-night VIP family holiday to to win one of 50 x Cineworld Unlimited annual memberships. Walt Disney World Resort in Florida up for grabs. To enter There’s no need to collect the multiple codes needed for a the draw, visit the F&F Facebook page at cinema ticket if you don’t wish to do so, just entering a single FFGB and look for a post advertising the competition – if code will get you into the Tesco draw. The promotional you’re struggling, a direct link that might work is https://www. website is at, and the closing date is Then add a 7th August 2019. 46

Compers News • August 2019 •

NEW How’s this for a niche comp? If you personally have or know someone with - parental responsibility for a child born between 1st-7th June 2019 inclusive and named André, Andre, Andrew, Andree, Andrée or Andrea, you can enter a draw to win a Citroën C3 Origins vehicle personalised with the baby’s first name. We suspect that there won’t be too many entries (!), but you can find all the details at if needed. Closing date is 31st July 2019. NEW Puzzler Travel Special magazine has a Sonos One smart speaker on offer to two lucky winners. Enter by post using the official entry form inside the magazine, or online at (choose Puzzler Special issue 107) – the answer you need is ‘SNAP’. Closing date is 21st August 2019. NEW If you do choose to enter the above Puzzler Travel Special competition online, you’ll also see a ‘Pack Up Your Troubles’ option listed. This competition – with 2 x £1,000 Love2shop holiday gift cards to be won – is being promoted across a wide range of puzzle magazines this month, and you can either enter by post using the entry form included in participating titles (just look for the prominent flash on the front cover), or online at – you’ll see the prize option when you select a participating magazine. The easiest way to enter online if you’re reading this is to add the answer to your Puzzler Travel Special entry above – the prize answer you need is ‘ISLAND’. Closing date is 21st August 2019 – but pick up a qualifying magazine as soon as you can if you want to enter by post, as they won’t be on the shelves for long. NEW Parcelforce are giving away 3 x £1,000 Lastminute. com Travel Gift Cards to members of their Rewards4U loyalty scheme. The prize draw is open to new and existing members, so either sign up for free at (don’t worry, there are no membership commitments) or sign in to your existing account and follow the links to the draw. Only one entry per person, closing date is 31st August 2019.

Competition Listings Small Print • W e pride ourselves on our accuracy here at Compers News, and all of the information in this newsletter is researched and checked thoroughly. But we cannot take responsibility for any errors, omissions, or changes made by a Promoter after we’ve gone to press. We recommend that, where possible, you check original literature, websites, entry forms etc. for the full details and up-to-date terms and conditions of any competition that you wish to enter. • A ll web links in this magazine are tested at the last possible moment prior to publication to ensure that they are still current at the time of going to press. But we cannot be held responsible for web pages subsequently moving or disappearing prior to a published closing date. If a link no longer works, try finding the competition via a site’s main Home page, or by using any ‘Site Map’ or ‘Search’ facilities on the site. If this fails, you should contact the site owner direct. • U nless otherwise stated, you should assume that competitions listed in Compers News are only open to mainland UK residents aged 18 or over. Due to legal and geographical variations, a competition may run differently in Northern Ireland, Eire, CI and IoM – and sometimes may not be available at all. If you live in these areas, we strongly recommend that you obtain and check the full rules of a promotion before entering. • We try our best to cover the widest possible range of promotions in Compers News every month. For this reason, we may not feature every competition from a particular issue of a magazine, or every possible entry route for an individual competition. You should consult the original magazine and/or promotional literature if you require definitive information.

Beat The Ed Find a new competition and

win yourself up to £100 cash! Your editor has been a genuine comper for over 40 years, and prides himself on going out most days looking for new comps. But he can’t be everywhere – and this is where you come in! Chances are you live in a different area, shop at different stores, buy different products or read different newspapers and magazines… so can you find a brand new comp first and BEAT THE ED? Any comp that we can use in Compers News or Compers News Express qualifies – including any on-pack or in-store promotion, any entry form or leaflet, any magazine or booklet... and even major web comps too! Simply send us an original or clear photocopy of all the actual comp material – including the small print. And if you are sending us something from a magazine where the answers and/or T&Cs appear on different pages, please make sure that you send us everything. Post entries to: BEAT THE ED, Compers News, PO Box 8763, Nottingham NG2 9BS, or scan and email to: – putting ‘BEAT THE ED’ in the subject line. Please enlarge any particularly tiny small-print before emailing. Every time you send us a comp we haven’t seen before and that can be included in Compers News or Compers News Express, you’ll get an entry into our monthly AND annual draws. The more times you BEAT THE ED, the more entries you get – so if in doubt, send it in!

At the end of every month we’ll draw out THREE lucky winners who’ll each receive a book of twelve second-class stamps. And on 31st December 2019 we’ll draw out another TWO lucky winners from all of this year’s qualifying entries who’ll each receive a bumper £100 CASH prize! So, go on… rise to the challenge and try to BEAT THE ED.

Want To Chat About The Latest Comps? Join Our FREE Discussion Board: Chatterbox

As a Compers News member, you’re entitled to sign up for our members-only online discussion board if you want to chat with fellow compers. Sign up for FREE today and join our comping community.

1. Visit 2. Log in using your Compers News membership number (8-characters long and printed below your address on the back cover of this magazine).

3. Click ‘Chatterbox Forum’ in the top menu. 4. Click ‘Register’ on the right-hand side and complete the form. 5. We’ll check your application and get back to you within 3 working days. Please be patient, and don’t attempt to register more than once during this period.

Your Chatterbox Access Code is: JOININTHECHAT

Sometimes you might be asked for this as an additional security / anti-spam measure and it needs to be entered in BLOCK CAPITALS with no spaces. Chatterbox is an INTERACTIVE discussion board, so we do ask for a minimum level of participation. Full details of our discussion board’s User Policy, Terms & Conditions and a selection of other useful user information can be found on the forums at once your registration has been approved, and we recommend that you take some time to read this as soon as possible after joining. We look forward to seeing you!

Compers News • August 2019 • 47

Pick of the Month!


Walkers are celebrating summer with a special ‘Grab Summer by the Snacks’ campaign running at several retailers, and the Tesco version has an amazing 42 prizes on offer worth up to £2,000 each! The lucky winners will each be able to choose from a selection of a hundred ‘summer fun’ options including days out, tech items, UK holidays, experiences, dining and tickets to events. Winners will be able to select any item(s) up to the total value of £2,000, meaning that they’ll definitely have a summer to remember! You don’t have to buy anything to enter this draw, all it takes is a quick text message. See page 32 for all the details. This is just one of hundreds of new comps and prize draws listed inside this month’s bumper August issue… it’s a scorcher! Have a winning summer everyone.

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