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Revitalizing Traditions


Gathers Knowledge to Feed the Future

Walking in Their Footsteps


The Gift of the Healing Dance

Northwest Nature Perspectives




Kwa’lilas—a traditiona word meaning ‘a place to sleep’—was chosen by the Gwa’sala ‘Nakwaxda’xw The elders North for this hotel, in hopesonly that travelers and guests Island’s would find peaceful rest here after a day of exploration in the North Island. After exploring, refresh with lunch or dinner from Nations our Aboriginal-inspired west coast premier First menu in Ha’me’, our restaurant. Relax with an Island brew, glass of fine wine and tasty snacks in Nax’id’, our comfy, nautical-themed pub. hotel, four-star destination

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8 10


The History of the Jingle Dance JoAnne Restoule

REVITALIZING TRADITIONS Wade Charlie Gathers Knowledge to Feed the Future Dave Flawse

13 14



Kieren Britton


Qwaya Sam | Strength and Resilience Kealy Donaldson




What Is the Overall Integrity of Your Body?




The Lady Alliance


Lido Pimienta & Kinnie Starr at the Tidemark


Ingrid Pincott, ND


Are you an Empath Andrea Wagemaker


How to Start Gardening with Native Plants Luna Loiseau-Tremblay


Courtenay Office:

Accounting / Bookkeeping We treat your business like it was our own. W W W. C O M PA S S M A G A Z I N E . C A

206-501 Fourth St. Courtenay, BC V9N 1H3 Phone: 250 334-6068 Fax: 250 338-6068

Campbell River Office: 1250E Cedar St. Campbell River, BC V9W 2W5 Phone: 250 850-1943 Fax: 250 338-6058 Issue 37 |

C O M PA S S M A G A Z I N E | 3


PUBLISHER'S NOTE INTEGRITY How does one navigate one's own truths? Is it best to live a life of simplicity—and is that possible? If we can commit to honesty, it benefits us through mental health and overall wellbeing. If we could wrap our heads around truth and justice, and live by a code of ethics, it would almost be an ideal society. Let’s just keep it realistic to start! Try to be present in our respect for one another and hold space for doing the right thing—even when no one is watching. As society continues to travel down a road of unknowns, rebuilding a trust structure that includes our loved ones, neighbours, co-workers and leadership would seem key at this time. When you come to the line in the sand, is the right decision easy or hard? It is hard, in most circumstances, so reflect upon the outcome—good and bad—and choose the path of healthy habits, even if it’s simply one at a time. Keep your integrity tucked in your pocket so it’s ready to use every time you need it!

Kealy Donaldson PUBLISHER

(250) 850-0989 ­­ 4 | C O M PA S S M A G A Z I N E | I s s u e 3 7




Qwaya Sam

The Compass Magazine is produced on Vancouver Island, printed on the West Coast of British Columbia and published on Vancouver Island paper by: Kiki's Communications Inc. ISSN# 2369-8063 2100 Park Road Campbell River, BC V9W 4P7 250.203.1880 To Advertise & Subscribe Kealy: 250.203.1880 In-Store Purchase $5 Back Issues $10 Annual Subscription $50 6 Issues

Hummingbird Pendant

CONTRIBUTORS JoAnne Restoule Dave Flawse Luna Loiseau-Tremblay Andrea Wagemaker Ingrid Pincott, ND Kieren Britton Joseph McLean Kealy Donaldson

CONNECT WITH US Facebook | LinkedIn Kealy Donaldson

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada.

Entire magazine contents are copyright. All rights reserved.

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We lc om e to Hous e of Treasure s, a m a gn ifi cent cont emp orar y interp re t atio n of a Fir st N at ions Big Hou se. With 18 ye ar s’ h a ve so m et h ing for ever yon e and fo r ev e r y b ud g et . We p roud ly f eature orig in al artw o rk b y F irs t N ations art i st s of the No rthw est C oa s t , w it h a focus on Vanc ouve r I sla nd. WEIWAIKUMHOUSEOFTREASURES.COM HOUSE OF TREASURES 1 3 7 0 I S L A N D H I G H WAY CAMPBELL RIVER, BC | V9W 8C9 W W W. C O M PA S S M A G A Z I N E . C A



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Photo © Kym Gouchie

WE ARE ART The Sid Williams Blue Circle Series Welcomes Storyteller Kym Gouchie ONL I NE


F EB R UA RY 21 -22


$1 5+

With ancestral roots in the Lheidli T’enneh,

my grandparents who at points in their lives were pun-

Cree and Secwépemc Nations, Kym Gouchie is fostering

ished for speaking their language and I'm very aware of

change through her music and art. Her music and story-

that. I want to be the change. I want my grandchildren

telling bring awareness to First Nations and women’s is-

to be able to listen to these songs, to learn them and to

sues, promoting reconciliation and community building

understand who they are through music. It's difficult to

while reminding us that we are all in this together. Her

teach someone their identity but I think music is a beau-

stories are a testament to the human spirit, weaving to-

tiful vehicle for that."

gether threads of her own journey from personal tragedy to triumph.

A respected elder-in-training of the Lheidli T’enneh Nation, also known as Prince George, BC, Kym is sought

Kym’s traditional hand drum, acoustic guitar, full-bodied

after to perform and speak at schools, conferences, tra-

voice and authentic storytelling make her a powerful solo

ditional welcoming ceremonies, and cultural gatherings.

artist. She also performs as a duo, trio and full band, adding in vocal harmonies, keyboard, electric guitar, mandolin, banjo and cello by talented accompanists. Traditional First Nations, folk, and country tones alongside poignant and inspirational lyrics capture the hearts of young and old — her eloquent performances have a lasting impact on her audience.

“Kym Gouchie is an artist who can momentarily make time stand still. Performing with a combination of soulful expression, focused intent, integrity, and artistic depth, she embraces and holds audiences while imparting messages and truths in songs that need to be heard. I have witnessed Kym Gouchie mesmerize an audience and inspire fellow artists. She is a force—and a truly unique

"It truly is an expression of creativity through language

artist who seamlessly blends the contemporary with the

and music," Gouchie said. "I'm just going to have fun with


it and hopefully honour my ancestors and hold space for language, for culture, for stories, for my grandmothers, 6 | C O M PA S S M A G A Z I N E | I s s u e 3 7

– Peter North, Artistic Director, Salmon Arm Roots & Blues W W W. C O M PA S S M A G A Z I N E . C A



Storm Watching Season at the Cottages!



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W W W. C O M PA S S M A G A Z I N E . C A

Issue 37 |

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WA L K I N G I N T H E I R F O O T S T E P S Noojim Owin : The Gift of the Healing Dance, the Jingle Dance JOANNE R E STOU LE · C U LT U R A L P R ESENT ER According to Oral History over 100 years ago, it

and joined them in the sacred dance. This is a time in

is said that a vision or a dream came to the Anishnabe

our history where we witnessed the healing energy of this

people. In this vision or dream, a man of the village saw

sacred dance and vision…. which is why it is known as the

four women, who appeared wearing distinctive dresses in

Healing Dance.

red, yellow, green, and blue. The dresses were covered in shiny metal cones that made a great sound as the women danced. The woman held themselves in an upright manner and danced in a circle, as the sun travels across the sky, carrying a bag filled with the sacred medicines. This vision was transformed into reality, the women of the village were called together (the Healing Warrior Women) and they worked preparing the dresses as they had appeared in this sacred vision. The people gathered in the village and the singers began to sing for the women who were wearing the sacred dresses. Very gently they stepped onto the earth and began to dance.

In broader terms we can now see how the Healing Dance—now known as the Jingle Dance—has been sent to us as a gift from the Great Mystery Kitchi Manidoo. Sent at a time in our history when there was great suffering and uncertainty. At this time our people were being greatly impacted by the Spanish Flu and many of our relatives were travelling to the “Other Side”. The gift of the Healing Dance-Jingle Dance allows us to open our minds and our hearts, to believe in the mystery and energy of healing as part of the strengths we have been given to use on our life journey. The resurgence of the Healing Dance-Jingle Dance comes

The man who had been gifted this vision was in atten-

to us at a time where we are once again facing great un-

dance with his family, and his youngest child, a daughter,

certainty. The gift of the Healing Dance is here to help

who had taken very ill. As the dancers made their way

guide us into the teachings of the Sacred Circle, where

around the centre in a circle stepping gently upon the

we have been taught that we “are all One” and to support

earth, it is said that the young girl sat up and began to

one another in all ways, to live the Good Life Teachings.

watch the dancers. In time it is said that she stood up and

We have been told by our Ancestors that when we dance,

very slowly made her way towards the group of women

"we dance for the people”.

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Nathan Age 8, born prematurely Loves dancing, singing, and making people laugh After complications in her pregnancy, expectant mom Alyna was immediately sent to Victoria from her home in Courtenay to give birth nine weeks before her due date. And while their baby Nathan stayed in the hospital, Alyna and her husband Nick needed a place to stay. Thankfully, Children’s Health Foundation of Vancouver Island’s home away from home, Jeneece Place, was there. The Foundation’s new home away from home, Q̓ ʷalayu House, is now open for families who need to travel to Campbell River for pediatric and maternal health care.

Noojim Owin / The Gift of The Healing Dance – When We Dance, We Dance For the People is being presented at Comox Valley Art Gallery until February 14. This Community Cultural Revitalization Project is part of the convergent program Where You Are / CVAG Winter Incubator Labs.

IKWE NOOJIM OWIN NIIMI IDIWIN Women’s Circle Dancers Kim McWilliam, JoAnn Restoule, Jaqueline Morgan, Gwen Monnet, Holly Douglas, Maybel McDonald, Brooke -Lin Jestico, Danielle Chartand, Serena Rotter, Jeannie McDonald, Jeannine Walker “Relevance is the key that unlocks meaning. It opens the doors to experiences that matter to us, surprise us, and bring value into our lives .”

Where You Are / CVAG Incubator Labs provides an opportunity to activate relevance in our community through cross-cultural sharing, emergent artistic practice + professional development, creative residency, inquiry based research, and innovative experimentation + creation.

Children’s Health Foundation of Vancouver Island has invested in the health of Island kids for 96 years. We touch the lives of more than 16,000 Island kids and youth each year through our homes away from home in Victoria (Jeneece Place) and Campbell River (Q̓ ʷalayu House); our Bear Essentials program, which provides direct funding to families who need financial support to meet the immediate care needs of their child; and by investing in essential community-based services, interventions, therapies, and resources that optimize the health of our children and youth.

Island kids, like Nathan, need you. Donate now at or scan to give:

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Issue 37 |

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Land Based Learning © Wade Charlie

R E V I TA L I Z I N G T R A D I T I O N S Wade Charlie Gathers Knowledge to Feed the Future DAV E FLAWSE

On the northern tip of Vancouver Island, a

After the forced relocation by the RCMP and Federal

low-lying fog obscures the treetops. The Island’s knotty,

Government, the ‘Nakwaxd’xw lost some knowledge of

mountainous spine, and the brooding faces of the Coast

not only drum making but traditional practices, and, as

Mountains across Queen Charlotte Strait sit fat with snow

the owner of the outdoor education program, Ma’pa’gam,

to sea level. It’s mid-January 2022, and the exceptionally

Charlie teaches youth and adults traditional hunting,

chilly winter has lingered for almost a month.

harvesting, and processing techniques intertwined with

Some reprieve comes when a sodden low-pressure sys-

‘Nak’wala language and protocols.

tem blows up from Hawaii and melts just enough snow

‘Nak’wala is the language of the ‘Nakwaxd’xw People, and

to allow Wade Charlie to get to work; he speaks with me

Charlie’s grandpa was a hereditary chief. Charlie says he’s

while he scours the forest for a red cedar snag.

“the oldest of the oldest” in his family, and “that’s how the

I hear his footsteps on the other end of the line crunch

chieftainship is passed down.”

against a gravel road. “We are going to start to teach the

The ‘Nakwaxd’xw (10 clan tribe) are part of the Kwakwa-

Guskamuxw youth how to sing on the log,” he tells me in

ka’wakw Nation which consists of 18 tribes whose terri-

a tone mixed with excitement and pride. “A round drum

tory encompasses the northern tip of Vancouver Island,

or hand drum is from the over the mountains people. We

Johnstone Strait south to Campbell River, Queen Char-

use a dugout log. We have to cut it to length then hollow

lotte Strait north to Smith Inlet and east up the many in-

it out.”

lets of the mainland.

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When he’s not busy teaching the next generation, barbequing and smoking salmon and clams—or searching for logs—Charlie is rebuilding a remote cedar cabin built by his grandpa, “who was very land-based and very cultural,” says Charlie. In the summers of his childhood, when Charlie had finished school for the year, his grandpa would drop him and his brothers off with his uncle at the cabin, “and we’d live off the land there until September.” They carved traditional halibut hooks and sunk them to the murky depths, dug a meter into the sand to pluck out geoducks as large as dinner plates, and tended a small garden—whatever would satisfy their rumbling bellies. When they weren’t harvesting food, they dug a well and did their laundry by peddling a bike connected to the washing machine to agitate the water. However, not every member of his tribe had a grandpa who still practiced traditional harvesting. Most stopped living that way after the Canadian Government forced the Gwa’sala and ‘Nakwaxda’xw peoples to relocate to their current site in 1964. “It was a forced relocation from Ba’as and Giga’ak which are our traditional villages,” says Charlie, “to Tsulquate which is Kwagu’ł traditional homelands.” In the middle of the twentieth century, the Canadian Government sought to assimilate Indigenous peoples and eliminate any special status. The government pressured geographically isolated nations to amalgamate into larger units and relocate to semi-urban locations. They promised the Gwa’sala and ‘Nakwaxda’xw Peoples improved living conditions if they moved from the mainland to a site near Port Hardy on the Island. When over 200 people left their traditional lands at the end of the fishing season in 1964, they arrived at Tsulquate where only three, partially constructed homes waited for them. In their absence, the homes they had left back across Queen Charlotte Strait were looted and burned. With nowhere to go and winter looming, many lived on their boats on the Tsulquate River. Much like the winter of 2021/2022, the mercury plummeted, and over a meter of snow smothered the ramshackle settlement. A quote from Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Stories published in 1997 reads, “liquor was easy to get. Then you could forget your troubles for a while. All of us have heard stories about that terrible time from our relatives who lived here W W W. C O M PA S S M A G A Z I N E . C A

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eggs and have a deep, almost red yolk. He gathered only what he needed and distributed 300 eggs to the whole community. The elders told Charlie they hadn’t had them since 1961. Back under the forest’s canopy, Charlie has found a red cedar snag, a dead tree that’s dry and ready to be made into a drum. Slushy snow slides off the high branches to splat amongst the moss and sword ferns, and he wastes no time and digs his chainsaw into the snag. With 30 years experience of living off the land, Charlie strives to revitalize as many traditions as possible and then. Most of those people don’t really want to talk about it because it was so bad.” Alan Fry, who spent fifteen years working for the Canadian Government as an Indian Agent in rural B.C., captured their dire situation and based his fictional book, How to Let a People Die, on what he witnessed when he travelled to the area. After the forced relocation, the Gwa’sala and ‘Nakwaxda’xw stopped harvesting foods like sea urchin. “That’s one thing I don’t know too much about,” says Charlie. “I do not harvest it, nor does anyone in our village from what I understand. It’s a lost tradition, unfortunately.” The ‘Nakwaxda’xw traditionally gathered seagull eggs as well, and no members had harvested them in over a half a century until Charlie decided to give it a try.

teach them through Ma’pa’gam. For traditional practices unfamiliar to Charlie, he consults the elders. “My grandmother told me 21 different ways to process seaweed,” he says. “How they used it. How they buried it. How they dried it. How they mixed it, everything.” His next task is to revitalize another almost forgotten tradition. “We call it ‘stink eggs’ in English,” he says. “I don’t know that process quite yet. I’m going to be talking to my grandma soon, and she’ll explain how my grandpa did it.” Charlie does know you take any kind of salmon roe and let it ferment for six months. “It’s a delicacy, believe it or not.” The low-lying fog on the North Island lifts, and the familiar white mountains on the mainland across the Strait peek out to greet the Gwa’sala and ‘Nakwaxda’xw from their vantage point in Tsulquate. The fog begins to lift too from the area to the north around their traditional villag-

It was early June, and he motored out into the leaden-blue

es, Ba’as and Giga’ak, and, with the help of Charlie, the

swells of Queen Charlotte Strait. “They build these nests

shroud around the traditional life taken from the Gwa’sa-

on rocks that are quite secluded,” he says. “They are way

la and ‘Nakwaxda’xw Peoples after their forced relocation

out there in the middle of the ocean, so you have to go at

from the area begins to diminish.

the right time and in the right conditions.”

Now, with the snag in a place he can work on it, Charlie

His first task after arriving on one of these islands was

begins to strip the bark. The aromatic bark curls from

to break the existing eggs, “that forces them to relay all

the log, andview like warm rain© that’s exposing the moss Underwater of the a Dall's porpoise Josh McInnes

the eggs. So, when you crack it on the pan, it won’t go squawking around.” Seagull eggs are larger than chicken


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and ferns in the forest around him, he bares yet another tradition stuck for so long in deep freeze.


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O F F T H E B E AT E N PAT H The Lady Alliance Degenders the Backcountry One Adventure at a Time K I ER EN B R IT TON After being told too many times that she was

in person. It reached capacity in only a matter of

"brave for a girl", Kieren Britton, founder of The Lady

weeks and was full of inspiring women from all over

Alliance, had had enough. We have this bravery in all

the globe.

of us, it's not restricted by gender. Kieren was determined to bring this to light.

Since that first trip, The Lady Alliance has grown to include other adventures, re-

The Lady Alliance started as an on-

treats, and courses. The community has

line social community where women

yoga'd in Bali, surfed in Tofino, learned

had the chance to share their story.

avalanche safety, and so much more.

Whether it was a photo or adventure

They have hosted film festivals and ed-

article, ladies could submit their adventures and speak through The Lady Alliance.

ucational workshops with brands such as Fjällräven, Mammut, Arc'teryx, Red Bull and more all around North America, and new this year have shifted into a scholarship based non-

As the community grew, so did the demand for a

profit organization aiming to change the face of lead-

chance to meet everyone in person. The Lady Alli-

ership in the backcountry.

ance's first all women meet up was held in September 2017 at the A O Wheeler Hut in Glacier National Park.

The Lady Alliance is new to the island, and is excited

This meet up was titled the "First Annual Long Week-

country Fest. A day full of education, community and

end Meet Up" as there was no original intention of

fun in the snow. If you're interested in joining this

becoming an adventure traveling community. We

vibrant community, connect with The Lady Alliance

had no idea how excited this community was to meet

- Vancouver Island Chapter on Facebook.

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to host a women's event up at Mount Cain for Back-

Issue 37 |

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Born in Port Alberni, Qwaya Sam spent his youth in Ahousaht territory, part of the Nuu chah nulth Nation, and has now resided in Campbell River for 16 years. He has been an artist as far back as he can remember. “My art is a small part of who I am. Culture is the most important thing in my life,” he shares. “Anything I do is culture related – work in schools, drumming groups and my art. It gives me strength and resilience.” Qwaya Sam is currently contributing to Cedar Elementary, and teaching and leading drumming once a week is a key focus for him. “Connecting to culture and nature is critical, and so important to pass on the medicine,” he adds. He learned to carve with Patrick Amos and Tim Paul, along with his late father and brothers, who are also carvers and jewelers. In 1986, he entered the arts world professionally, making drums by hand; scraping and stretching the hide. Qwaya Sam’s uncle from the US Pacific Northwest really connected with him and taught him how to make drums. He was then able to pass on the teachings through his family. Galleries like Roy Vickers in Tofino, Victoria, and Vancouver picked up his work quite quickly. One of his drums was gifted to Bill Reid, and Reid called him and asked him to come see him right away. At the time, Reid was working on his pinnacle carving of ‘The Spirit of Haida Gwaii’, now located in the Vancouver International Airport. Reid bought 47 undecorated drums from Qwaya and gifted them at a potlatch. It was a true inspiration for Qwaya and a very special connection. While visiting, Reid was shaking from Parkinson’s and working on a mouse mask; Qwaya Sam watched the Master at work and as soon as Reid’s hands touched the wood he stopped shaking. It showed Qwaya Sam the power of connection. Another memorable project was the totem pole he did for Van-

Q WA Y A SAM Strength and Resilience

couver Island University in 2015, representing the Nuu chah nulth people, at the same time Noel Brown was working on his representing the Snuneymuxw (Nanaimo) First Nation people. Qwaya Sam went to art school, learned about painting, and upgraded; then applied to go to school in Nanaimo at Vancouver Island University for Visual Arts. There was a satellite program

from Emily Carr in Courtenay in 2007 which he attended and received his Bachelor of Fine Arts. “It’s been a bit of a journey; I’ve always been passionate about Art. Culture allows me to

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stay strong – it kept me away from addictions and personal issues. I’ve been sober for 25 years,” he notes with an acknowledging smile. Qwaya Sam has worked in many local schools including Sandowne, Southgate, Carihi, Pinecrest, and Phoenix Ecole, and one of his biggest dreams is to create an Aboriginal Art School – using Kwakwaka’wakw, Nuu chah nulth and Coast Salish teachings. He has met with VIU, NIC, and Emily Carr to discuss collaboration. “With Truth and Reconciliation coming to fruition, it’s time to take a stand as to who we are. Under the flag of education - colleges, universities, school districts – all these academic houses need to be brought together to teach the true history of this land by the ways of the Aboriginal peoples and nature. Our culture is a window to nature; we deliver that through our medicine teachings and this allows us to survive in our true beings," he says. "The more we educate people, the better the opportunity becomes to unite and honour each other.” Qwaya Sam’s message to Indigenous Youth is strong. “Never give up – always believe in yourself and find your roots of who you are, because that is what will guide you forward. I wanted change from fishing and partying, so I was taken to a sacred pool by my Uncle, at my father’s request. At the end, my Uncle said 'come see me tomorrow'. I walked down the beach looking at all the beautiful nature and animals surrounding me. He taught me medicine teachings and to know how to pray and how to sing and believe in our culture. The third day, I went and knocked on my uncle’s door. He wouldn’t answer his door so I yelled through the door ‘it’s time to go’. My uncle responded ‘you know where to go, how to do it, how to hold your culture’. I had this fear of doing this by myself; I didn’t know if I was ready to do it by myself. I started walking home and twenty yards later, I told myself I needed to do it. I begun praying for my own prayer song and it came; it all woke up inside me and the animals connected with me. It was so important that I made that decision and I connected from the physical world to the spiritual world. That is the passion I put in to my art and I share that with those who want to hold space for it. Life wasn’t easy for us, we still struggle today but if you have culture, you can change and make a difference. We can only stand each other up but you must learn to walk alone!”

Connect with Qwaya Sam on Facebook | Qwaya Sam Art W W W. C O M PA S S M A G A Z I N E . C A

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Cole Speck Box End Rendition Panel, 2021 W W W. C O M PA S S M A G A Z I N E . C A

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Photo © Lido Pimienta


The Garden City Electronic Music Society presents…

LIDO PIMIENTA & KINNIE STARR AT T H E T I D E M A R K T H E AT R E | S AT U R DAY F E B R U A R Y 2 6 Afro/ Indigenous/ Colombian/ Canadian/ punk/

of the year. The latter was the first 100% independently

folklorist/ traditionalist/ transgressive/ diva/ angel.

released, non-English or French album to win the

There are so many layers to Canadian-Colombian

$50,000 prize. Produced with Matt Smith, aka Prince

singer Lido Pimienta’s identity that you might get lost

Nifty, Miss Colombia overflows with the kind of un-

in them. But if you did, you’d be missing the point.

derstated genius that promises yet another breakthrough.

Her multi-textural, mind-bending voice and music project what Canada’s The Globe and Mail called her

As a Canadian global-beats trailblazer, Lido has an af-

“bold, brash, polarizing” persona, which constantly

finity for acts like A Tribe Called Red and Inuk throat

confronts the powers that be. But it also reveals an

singer Tanya Tagaq, but her work also resonates with

embrace of the Afro- and Indigenous traditions that is

British-Sri Lankan rapper MIA and she draws un-

at once defiant, delicate and sweetly nostalgic.

abashed inspiration from the New York-bred Dominican-Trinidadian rap queen Cardi B. Miss Colombia

Pimienta’s new album Miss Colombia takes her ecstatic

has the effect of expanding the narrative about her

hybridity to a new level, building on the “nu” inter-

dual Colombian/Canadian identity to her family’s

section of electronica and cumbia established by her

mixed roots in the Afro-Colombian and Indigenous

first two albums, Color, released in 2010, and the 2016

Wayuu communities, while establishing an ambitious

Polaris Prize-winning La Papessa as Canadian album

new sonic palette that brings her closer to home.

This event takes place on the traditional unceded territory of the Ligwiłda’xw people: the We Wai Kai, Wei Wai Kum, and Kwiakah First Nations and is supported by the Government of Canada and BC Arts Council. 1 8 | C O M PA S S M A G A Z I N E | I s s u e 3 7

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W W W. C O M PA S S M A G A Z I N E . C A

Issue 37 |

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What is the overall

INTEGRITY of your body?

Photo © Adobestock / Song_about_summer

The body is a miracle of a machine and has its

Eat less food out of a box or can. Eating out of packages

own healing ability. In Naturopathic Medicine we call

provides more “additives” than your body needs.

this the VIS. There is much you can do to support your VIS, starting with these steps you can take to help improve the overall integrity of the miracle of your body. This is where Naturopathic Medicine shines: by looking at the integrity of your whole body, not system by system. NDs will look at mitochondria function; immune function; inflammation and oxidative stress; co-infections; biochemical imbalances and your lifestyle. So if you're concerned, get a complete naturopathic check-up.

These nutrients benefit most people because most are deficient in them: vitamin D, C, A, zinc, essential fats, calcium and magnesium and B complex. Detox your liver and kidney: This is the time of year when people think about cleansing by supporting organs that help with detoxification: liver, kidney and lymph systems. The homeopathic Pascoe Detox Kit targets the lymph, kidney and liver and is easy to add to your daily water bottle. Infrared Sauna sessions are also

Easy Steps to Health

great way to drain the lymphatic system.

Make one day a week meatless. Meat may signal higher

Resist infections with the use of favorite herbs used by

inflammatory markers in the body.

NDs to help the integrity of your body systems includ-

Walk a few more steps: We know that exercise will lower

berine, licorice and medicinal mushrooms.

the risk of disease, so simply walking a few more steps

ing curcumin, andrographis, astragalus, echinacea, ber-

one day at a time will help.

B complex, B12 injections, anti-inflammatories such as

Vitamins, minerals and herbs can help with the integ-

tion throughout the body and brain fog.

rity of your body but we need to change and remove any causes of disease as well. We think the body can get rid of all toxins as they come in but it depends on the integrity of your elimination organs, such as the kidneys, liver and lymphatic system. Your body is exposed to toxins at every turn, and while our body has wisdom if you overload it, it can’t keep up. 2 0 | C O M PA S S M A G A Z I N E | I s s u e 3 7

SPM’s by Metagenics and ginkgo may improve circula-

Liver and kidney integrity support includes milk thistle, curcumin, berberine and NAC. After 3-6 months have your ND recheck the biochemical markers to see the effects of your improved VIS. There is always something you can do—and that is the definition of hope! W W W. C O M PA S S M A G A Z I N E . C A

MORE Workshops at Kiki’s 2.0 Saturday, February 26 • 11am




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Pinesap © Luna Loiseau-Tremblay

F L O R A + FAU N A O F T H E N O R T H W E S T C OA S T The Underground Life of Plants LU NA LOISEAU -T R EM B LAY Our temperate rainforest ecosystem is full of

its nutrients through fungi; and partial myco-heterot-

wonders at every trophic level, from the old growth

rophy, when a plant can photosynthesize and supple-

Douglas Fir dripping with Common Witch’s Hair

ments its nutrients through the parasitism with fungi.

lichen, to the playful calls of ravens and the gentle scur-

Nutrients are shared through the mycelium of a fun-

ry of camouflaged Brown Creepers. One of the many

gal mycorrhizae, which is the relationship between the

amazing associations present is that of the underground

plant and fungus, using the hyphae, which are micro-

life of mycorrhizae and myco-heterotrophic plants.

scopic filaments of the fungi to extend the root system

Myco-heterotrophy is a symbiotic relationship be-

for extra intake of nutrients.

tween certain species of plants and fungi, in which the

All species of the orchid family exhibit myco-heterot-

nutrition by the plant, or myco-heterotroph, is gained

rophy at germination and during growth of the seed-

by partial or full parasitism of the fungi instead of mak-

ling, as orchid seeds are “naked” and have no energy re-

ing its own nutrients through photosynthesis. The fun-

serves, relying fully on a fungal symbiont for nutrition.

gi itself is in a mutual symbiosis (relationship) with tree

Some species in the orchid family do not photosynthe-


size at all while others do but may depend on a fungal

There are different degrees of parasitism, and some

partner for supplemental nutrients.

plants exhibit one kind or another depending on the

Myco-heterotrophy has evolved many times, through

phase of their life cycle. Some examples of this are full

many different plant families resulting in large spe-

myco-heterotrophy when a plant is completely lacking

cies diversity. Here in our forests we have a var-

chlorophyll, unable to photosynthesize and getting all

ied array of colorful perennial species that exhibit

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W W W. C O M PA S S M A G A Z I N E . C A

Buying? I'll find your Dream Home myco-heterotrophy to varying degrees, standing out against the shades of green and brown. A common sight in mid-summer is the beautiful iridescent Ghost Pipe, Monotropa uniflora which is a full myco-heterotroph, unable to photosynthesize and gaining all of its nutrition through fungi that itself is gaining nutrition from coniferous trees. Ghost Pipe is usually

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shiny white and sometimes even a lovely pale pink. An-

Sayward · Campbell River

other common species is Pinesap, Monotropa hypopitys.

Pinesap is small, fleshy, myco-heterotroph, with small scale-like leaves that are not green. It can vary widely in color, from shades of yellow or orange, to bright scarlet red, often dispersed throughout an area in which it is spotted. Gnome-plant, Hemitomes congestum, a less common non-photosynthetic plant can also be spotted, often bright pink with thin semi transparent flowers laying much closer to the mossy ground than other myco-heterotrophs. The orchid family has a handful of common species that fall into this group which occur in our area, all in the genus Corallorhiza. Western Coralroot, Striped Coralroot and Spotted Coralroot orchids are easily mistaken for one another. All three have no green parts and are varying degrees of purple to reddish brown. The flowers of Spotted Coralroot have a white lip with magenta spots, while Western coralroot orchid does not have any spots on the lip. Striped coralroot is more common on southern Vancouver Island, with pinkish-yellow flowers and 3 reddish-purple stripes on each sepal. The rare and elusive myco-heterotroph, the Phantom orchid (Cephalanthera austiniae) is a plant that is completely white, and designated as a species at risk only occurs in four areas in BC. Worth mentioning are two other myco-heterotrophs, Candystick (Allotropa virgata) and Pinedrops (Pterospora

A freelance writer and an editor devoted to thoughtful analysis of your work. ing

andromedea). Candystick is colored exactly like a candy cane, with strong red and white stripes along the entire stalk. Pinedrops is the tallest myco-heterotroph in our area and can grow to one metre tall. Fungi plays such an incredible role in plant diversity and the breakdown of detritus in the forest. Many

services for fiction and non-fiction, from novels and short stories to feature articles.

More at

plants cannot live without fungi, and research shows that a vast network of fungal interconnectedness under theground is the base of a healthy ecosystem. Opening our eyes to the incredible richness that surrounds us helps us be better stewards of nature. W W W. C O M PA S S M A G A Z I N E . C A

Issue 37 |

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How do you know YOU'RE AN EMPATH?

Photo © Adobestock / pogonici

Em·path noun — a person with the paranormal

animals in pain or suffering, to the point that you feel the

ability to apprehend the mental or emotional state of

same discomfort in your own body.

another individual. Empaths feel the emotions of every person they are around, whether they want to or not.

When empaths enter a room, they are surrounded by the

They may not even like the person whose emotions they

energy of everyone present. It’s like swimming through

are feeling, or care what is going on in a particular cir-

energy, and the more people in the room, the thicker it

cumstance or argument. They may completely disagree

feels, especially if anyone is feeling upset and emotion-

with the person who is emitting strong energy, but they

al. The difference in emotional intensity can range from

still feel all of the associated emotions.

feeling like we are floating in a pool of water with a few fish swimming around, to being pulled under a title wave

In general most empaths are very sympathetic and car-

during a tsunami.

ing, and deeply want to help people feel better. If you are an empath, you may also notice that you are strong-

Empaths may find it difficult to deal with other peoples’

ly affected by watching TV, or reading about people or

feelings or emotions, as it can be challenging to know

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which emotions belong to others and which are true to them. The very thought of being surrounded by people who are stressed out about paying bills, hung over, dealing with infidelity and family secrets, people arguing and feeling the million other stresses that adulthood brings can shut an empath down for days. As an empath you feel the seasons; sensing the earth as the seasons change, feeling fall in the air before it turns, and the pent-up energy in early spring as the bulbs under the earth and leaves in the trees are ready to burst into bloom. Empaths might enjoy a sensual and sensory experience of people, places, nature, and things that not everyone will know. So how do you handle this energy and transform it into positive experiences? Being an empath is something like having a super power! Learn how to handle this energy so that it does not feel overwhelming, because you are here for an important reason, and this is the time to awake into your spiritual gift. This ability offers enormous potential to do great good in the world. The first step is to visualize a strong energy grid around your aura and see it filled with massive amounts of white light energy, so that you can do the type of work described above and so much more. As human all of our cells communicate thought light. Empaths can benefit by a modality called Lucia N°03.

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This powerful light brings in light frequencies to relax and dilate the central nervous system. The brain moves from beta-dominance to alpha-theta and it can move into harmonic coherence. This can lead to lower stress, increased creativity, more frequent flow states and a feeling of wonder and awe. The Lucia N°03 grows with you, from resetting the nervous system and lowering the baseline levels of stress during intense periods, to opening the space for peak experiences, to inspiring creativity and accessing flow states more regularly. The challenging aspects that you feel as an empath when emotions enter your auric field are very similar to the grain of sand in an oyster: they lead to a pearl. These experiences are guiding you to build a strong aura, so that you can direct your positive energy to do great good.

Andrea Wagemaker Shift Happens & Lucia Light in Courtenay • 250-338-3401 W W W. C O M PA S S M A G A Z I N E . C A

Issue 37 |

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Photo © Adobestock / asayenka

I heard them talking quietly together, when they

the hats, and the hoods, the giant overhoods. And out

thought I wasn’t listening. “There are lots of days,” Kevin

went the brave adventurers. Five minutes later, we all

was telling Ryan. “But the best day is Sunday. And do

marched back home. Off came the hats, the boots, the

you know why? Because that is the day Daddy doesn’t

giant overhoods. The door burst open. “I really need to

even work a little bit. Instead we get to adventure from


the lightness until the darkness. It is the day we wake up and eat our breakfast FAST and go for a big adventure.

Outside, a momentary silence. Snowflakes fluttered

In fact, it is the greatest day.”

down, settling gently into our fresh footprints. Then the door sprung open once more. And out went the brave

I’ve read the manual, and I’m pretty sure four year olds

adventurers. This time we followed a series of trails

aren’t supposed to know what day it is. But just like

known to the localest of locals. The wind was bitter and

clockwork, 8am Sunday morning, a visitor padded soft-

full of powdery snow, darting around us like a vortex of

ly into my bedroom. He was wearing flannel pyjamas,

tiny polar bears. “Why is the ice cream place not open?”

floppy socks, and an enormous all-over smile. “Daddy,

the children asked. We could not think of a reason.

do you remember what day it is? This is the day you don’t have to get up and work. Get up! Are you ready for

Now came the crux of our mission, a challenging march

our biggest adventure?”

through an open field in full face of the wind. Over the dread marshes and through some incredibly secret

And yes, yes I was. It took me a moment, and I may have

trails, until at last the ice palace of Edgehill School Play-

dozed off a few times with my son under my elbow, but I

ground opened before us. Our goal at long last, glitter-

was ready. I was motivated. I was... surprised, as I rubbed

ing under a pale sun. We frolicked and played for exactly

my eyes and read the weather forecast. Arctic Outflow

10 minutes until everyone decided they were freezing. It

Polar Vortex Blast is not the name of a mouthwash — it

was a tremendous success.

is a chilling combination of weather patterns that knock temps down to -10° C. Snow was falling steadily outside

Feeling proud and chilly, we activated our emergency

our windows, with absolutely no chance of stopping. It

hand warmers and headed for home. “I am now a medi-

was perfect.

um temperature,” Kevin declared happily. Then he began skiiing down the sidewalk, and since I was holding

On went the layers, the puffy jackets, the alpine snow-

his hand I began skiing too. So we slid home in record

bo boots. On went the backpack with a emergency bivy

time, singing, shouting, and snacking, as the sun set on

sack, extra buffs, bank robber ski masks, and dozens of

our adventure, and the snow spun around us like crazy

snacks. (“I’ll carry the pack of course,” said Ryan. “Even

confetti. After all, this was Sunday. This was the greatest

though it’s very heavy, it’s not heavy for me!”). On went


Joseph McLean lives in Powell River BC, where he runs a computer specialty store, a whimsical blog, and the occasional marathon. 2 6 | C O M PA S S M A G A Z I N E | I s s u e 3 7

W W W. C O M PA S S M A G A Z I N E . C A

WIth over 40 shops, restaurants, banks and services, Discovery Harbour Shopping Centre is a convenient and relaxing place to stop, shop and dine on the North Island. Visit for a complete list of shops and services available at the Shopping Centre.

1416 Island Highway, Campbell River, BC,V9W 8C9 | W W W. C O M PA S S M A G A Z I N E . C A

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W W W. C O M PA S S M A G A Z I N E . C A

2019-03-27 6:47 PM

Issue 37 |

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HEALTH & WELLNESS Orange Honeysuckle © Luna Loiseau-Tremblay

N O R T H W E S T N AT U R E P E R S P E C T I V E S Gardening with Native Plants LUNA L OIS E AU - TR E M B L AY As we begin the third year of the pandemic, the

and how the quality of our choices can help and sup-

cold season seems longer than usual. But with winter

port the biodiversity of the nature that surrounds us.

solstice finally behind us, the daylight hours are slowly increasing, promising us the return of spring, the songs of migrating birds, and renewed hope unfurling with fresh leaf growth. Late January to early February is a perfect time to transplant and prepare our gardens for the upcoming spring, with many of us making plans to buy new shrubs, make a laurel hedge, or fill our flower pots and flower beds with colorful flowers.

Although non-native plant choices may provide some quick beneficial nutrients to insects and birds, it is nothing compared to the long list of benefits and nutritional diversity provided by native plants. Logging, overfishing, residential and commercial development, and urban sprawl are just some of the things that have contributed greatly to the degradation of our ecosystems. While a lot of these big scale restorations may be

Now that the impacts of climate change are being felt

out of our reach, our properties, yards, decks, lawns

in every season, it is time to pay real attention to our

and gardens are perfectly accessible for us to make

own personal habits when it comes to interacting with

changes. Even if you are a renter, have a smaller home

the environment and ecosystems that we live and play

with just a deck, or only garden in a community gar-

in. One of the ways that we can do that on a personal

den space, replacing or making space to accommodate

level is give conscious thought to what we are planting,

native plants is just as easy as any old plant you pick

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W W W. C O M PA S S M A G A Z I N E . C A

HEALTH & WELLNESS up at the grocery store and plunk into the flower bed

With yearly drought restrictions, lawn watering is less

in front of the house. Many species of native plants,

common and the benefits of “rewilding” our yards

whether annual or perennial, grow extremely well

has become more popular. Many people are taking

in pots, can be used to make hedgerows, used as or-

to restoring their lawns into native wildflower mead-

namentals, and used in property restoration. In fact,

ows, which cuts down on mowing, provides amaz-

anything that can be done with ornamental non-na-

ing resources for pollinators and other wildlife, and

tive plants, their native counterparts will do better, be

keeps moisture from escaping during the hot summer

more efficient, and provide much greater benefits in


the short and long term.

Many common ornamentals that are sold through

Many of the species of native plants that grow around

greenhouse or big box stores become invasive when

us are very generalist in their requirements and much

planted out, leading to less native plant diversity

easier to grow than many would assume. One of my

which deeply impacts wildlife. In order to access na-

personal favorites, which grows extremely well in pots

tive plants, it is strongly advised that we do not take

on my deck and in my flower beds, is the lovely local

them out of the ecosystem that they are already in but

taproot perennial, Red Columbine, Aquilegia formosa.

instead purchase them from native plant nurseries

Native to western North America, the colorful blooms

such as Satinflower Nurseries in Victoria or Stream-

are a favorite for bees, hummingbirds and swallowtail

side Native plants in Bowser, both of which sell plants

butterflies, offering weeks of flowering in full sun to

that are native to our coastal areas.

part shade with medium moisture.

Satinflower nurseries has an excellent website and is

Instead of purchasing nameless succulents for a rock

very active on social media (Facebook and Instagram)

garden that will escape out of where it is planted, con-

with great information relating to all the needs of any-

sider using a local native succulent, like Oregon Stone-

one exploring their options to use native plants in any

crop, Broad Leaved Stonecrop or Spreading Stone-

space. This includes plants, seeds and amazing seed

crop. All three of these native species produce vibrant

blends that can be accommodated to different habitat

yellow flowers that attract bees and small butterflies,

requirements. In addition to that, Satinflower nurser-

leaving space to fill in with other native plants adapted

ies has a consulting service available for residential,

to growing around mossy rock outcrops. These could

commercial, restoration and meadowscaping, also

be Nodding Onion, Blue Eyed Mary, Field Chickweed,

providing many opportunities to learn through edu-

Sticky Cinquefoil, Slim Leaf Onion, Seablush, Small

cational workshops. Streamside Native plants is locat-

Alumroot and Woolly Sunflower.

ed in Bowser and also services residential and com-

While popular vine-like ornamentals such as Clema-

mercial restoration needs.

tis, Wisteria, Passionflower are inviting to grow over an arbor or along the fence, consider instead planting our native honeysuckles, Orange Honeysuckle (Lonicera ciliosa) and Pink Honeysuckle (Lonicera hispida) to attract hummingbirds. If your property has more shade, instead of planting shade tolerant ornamentals, try these shade tolerant native plants; Foamflower, Fringcup, False Lily of the Valley, Western Trillium, White and Pink Fawn Lily or Yerba Buena. There are a multitude of beautiful native plants, shrubs and trees to choose from, whether you are wanting to build a pond, plant a hedgerow, restore a mossy bluff, build a rock garden, stabilize soil on the edge of a ditch, rewild an empty lot back into a wildflower meadow, or plant in between garden food plants to attract pollinators.

W W W. C O M PA S S M A G A Z I N E . C A

Red Columbine © Luna Loiseau-Tremblay Issue 37 |

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RUN or WALK YOUR WAY to a 5K! Photo © Kealy Donaldson

Doing a 5K run can add a new level of

This 5K training schedule includes a mix of running and

challenge and interest to your exercise program. A 5K

walking. This combination helps reduce the risk of inju-

run is 3.1 miles, but don't be daunted by the distance. A

ry, stress and fatigue while boosting your enjoyment of

5K run is a great distance for a beginner. You can pre-

physical activity. Remember, you can run or walk slowly

pare for a 5K run in just two months.

to help your body adjust to this 5K training schedule. If you'd like to choose a different exercise instead of

If you don't think a 5K seems possible or you don't think

walking on the walking days, you can try cross-training

you have enough time or energy, this 5K schedule may

and do alternative exercises such as water running, cy-

help you. It includes several short sessions during the

cling or rowing.

week of only about 30 minutes each. Write when you'll exercise in your calendar, and make a note of when your

Under this 5K run training schedule, you'll spend some

5K race is taking place. If you're not comfortable run-

of your time walking. For instance, during week one on

ning, you can walk instead! Give it a try and you might

run/walk days, you'll run for 1 minute and then walk for 1

just meet your goal and finish a 5K.

minute, repeating that cycle for 20 minutes. You should do a 5 minute warm up and cool down post walk. Your

If you're only beginning to exercise, make sure you start

goal should be to complete this training three times per

slowly. Start with a slower pace and exercise for shorter

week for cardio and tone.

times, such as a few short walks spread throughout the day. Work your way up to moving faster and for longer

As the weeks progress, you'll gradually increase time

periods as your body adjusts. Then begin the 5K training

spent running by a minute per week and be consistent

schedule once you're able to exercise for 30 minutes at

with walking for a minute between run sets. Your train-

a time.

ing schedule can go for eight to ten weeks increasing with 2-1s, 3-1s, 4-1s, 5-1s, 6-1s, 7-1s, 8-1s and so on. At the

Recommended is 150 minutes of moderate aerobic ac-

goal of running for eight minutes straight, you should

tivity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity a week,

be able to tackle a full 5 km with walking breaks as need-

or a combination of moderate and vigorous activity. Be-


ing active 30 minutes, 5 days a week can help you meet a sustainable fitness routine without making it cumber-

Find your favourite trail or road circuit with road light-


ing to ensure your safety through the late winter / early spring. Footwear is key; be sure your runners are fitting

Consider using this eight-week 5K run training schedule

properly and laced to hold your foot. This is a simple

as your guide. It's tailored for beginners or anyone who

training schedule to get you sustaining a running rou-

wants to complete a 5K race. You can also adapt it for a


5K walk. 3 0 | C O M PA S S M A G A Z I N E | I s s u e 3 7

W W W. C O M PA S S M A G A Z I N E . C A


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