Spring 2021 CoMoNewman Newsletter

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COMO NEWMAN A publication of Catholic Campus Ministry at St. Thomas More Newman Center | Spring 2021

Finding Grace In a year of great unpredictability, God’s abundant grace blessed our ministry and our students as they grew in faith and shared that faith with their peers. This issue, you can read about how endowments at Newman sustain and help grow student ministries. 602 Turner Ave, Columbia, MO 65201 | 573.449.5424 | www.comonewman.org

From the Pastor: For the Long Haul “We’re in this for the long haul!” Those are beautiful words to hear when wondering if the people you’re working with are really committed. Jesus heard a version of those words from Peter after Jesus asked him and the other Apostles if they wanted to leave Him. Peter replied, “To whom else should we go? You have the words of everlasting life.” So, I want to say to you of our commitment to evangelization, formation, and social justice – we’re in this for the long haul. There’s a lot of exciting ministry and ministry possibilities unfolding here, and – thanks to your support - we’re committed. To have a complete vision for Newman, I believe it’s also important to have a ‘long haul’ mentality regarding our financial stewardship. The better we can steward your gifts, the more we can grow our ministry, and the more people we can invite to partner with us in this important work. So, I want to invite you to partner (or renew your

partnership) with Newman, particularly with our two endowment funds which provide sustaining support to Newman ministries. Giving to one (or both) of these enables you to give today and continue giving as your gift grows in impact throughout your lifetime and beyond. In fact, all gifts made through this newsletter mailing will be added to the endowment fund of your choice! I’m grateful for the gifts that God has given you, and I’m grateful for your consideration to share them with this precious ministry at Newman. I assure you, many lives will be touched. Our efforts at evangelization and social justice aren’t going away. We’re with Jesus for the long haul! Peace and All Good,

Thank you for your support on Giving

Tuesday! This year was a groundbreaking year with 162 donors raising $28,580.05 in just 24 hours! Your support fully funded both projects: • Hosting 170 students at Newman for the SEEK Conference (Mass during SEEK pictured above), and; • Founding the Martha Trauth Social Justice Endowment Fund to promote social justice education at Newman.

Endowment Support: Partners in Mission Hannah Dustman

“My involvement at Newman was an integral part of my time at Mizzou and was the backdrop of my coming to know Christ in a personal way. I am very proud of the tremendous efforts that I was fortunate enough to be a part of during my college career and am so grateful for the opportunities to continue to be involved in supporting the ministry and expanding its impact to draw others into the Church and arms of Jesus. Giving is an important aspect of my spirituality. Offering my time and resources for the greater good of our Church helps convict me of the beauty and universality of our faith. Giving in support of a mission reminds me that I am called to give my entire self for the glory and praise of God. For nothing I possess is truly my own, but the Lord’s. I am merely the steward of His good gifts and what I do with the treasure entrusted to me plays a part in my own conversion and sanctification. Having experience giving even the little that I could while in college better prepared me to step into mission myself. It gave me the confidence to ask others for support because I knew the invitation to support my mission was really an invitation to encounter Christ by giving from a joyful and generous heart. Giving motivates me to work hard so that I have the means to be able to give more and participate in the life of the Church even if I am unable to be the actual boots on the ground.” Hannah (MU’18) is serving in her third year as a FOCUS missionary at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. As a student, Hannah was involved in Awakenings Retreats, Bible studies, CSA Executive Board, and held two Newman internships. Hannah is currently a Legacy Fund supporter. The Legacy Fund is Newman’s class gift program which directly supports the growth of the Campus Ministry Endowment Fund.

Josh & Anita Campbell

“Social Justice, serving our community, and helping others, has been at the core of our lives before we were married. Having both attended St. Louis University, social justice was a strong part of our faith and our relationship for the past 20 years. Outside of tithe to the church, we also look for other ways to make a positive impact in our community. The new Social Justice Endowment works to put into practice our faith’s teachings of loving our neighbors and ensuring all have a feeling of community and dignity. The creation of such an endowment and the work that will go along with it demonstrates the strength of our faith community and it is why we support the endowment.” The Campbell family have been parishioners at Newman since 2017. They have two boys, Avi (4) and Elijah (9). Anita works as Physical Therapy Professor at MU and Josh is an attorney with Missouri Energy Initiative. Josh and Anita supported the Martha Trauth Social Justice Endowment Fund on Giving Tuesday this past December.

Funding the Future Campus Ministry Endowment Fund

Conversations about beginning investment, that doubled the a Campus Ministry endowment capacity of the Campus Ministry fund began when Newman staff. We were able to dedicate received an estate gift from the more time to investing in students late Mary Nell Porter who was than before,” Angelle Hall, Director a long-time parishioner of the of Campus Ministry, shares. Newman Center. She Since then, “The offertory keeps the often volunteered at numerous supporters lights on and the bills paid. have contributed gifts Newman, including This endowment is an selecting the Newman to the endowment. Scholars, a program opportunity to expand the Notably, all seniors which has since who commit to a margin of excellence.” transformed into the class gift pledge -Ellen McLain, former Newman internship become Legacy Fund parishioner & Leadership program. members, whose gifts Board member Ms. Porter had a are also added to the deep commitment to endowment fund. As stewardship and was aware that of December 2020, the value of the God had blessed her financially. endowment fund is $2.7 million. Because of her great love of The interest withdrawn each year Newman and the students, she funds approximately one-quarter worked with Fr. Charlie Pardee to of the Campus Ministry budget. enable Newman to receive a large “The offertory keeps the gift. “She knew her mind and knew lights on and the bills paid. This what she wanted to accomplish,” endowment is an opportunity to Leadership Board member, Ellen expand the margin of excellence McLain recalls. and focus on doing something The endowment fund was great in Campus Ministry!” Mrs. officially established in early McLain shares. 2007 for the specific purpose of Since 2007, the Campus enhancing the Campus Ministry Ministry program has continued program. Along with Ms. Porter’s to expand ministry offerings and gift, the parish matched her gift reach more students. Mrs. Hall with reserve funds to double notes, “We can really measure the impact. As a result of the the impact of the investment endowment, Newman was able to in Campus Ministry in small hire a second campus minister in groups, the Awakenings Retreat, 2007. This allowed the program to and overall student involvement.” expand ministry offerings to the Notable program advancements collegiate community. have also included: “With the initial endowment • Adding a second Awakenings

Retreat in the spring • Partnering with FOCUS to bring missionaries to campus • Moving the Campus Ministry internship to a full-time professional position With these additions, the Campus Ministry team is better equipped to minister to the students. “When you add more staff, you can take care of more students. And those students can reach others,” Mrs. Hall explains. We are grateful and humbled for Ms. Porter’s initial investment in our students. We also feel blessed for those who have and will contribute to the sustained impact of Campus Ministry at the Newman Center. Remember, all gifts received from this newsletter will be added to the endowment fund of your choice!

Mary Nell Porter

The Campus Ministry and Social Justice Education endowment funds both began with a vision of the future. Your support has allowed these endowment funds to serve as a sustaining force and agent of growth for Newman ministries.

Martha Trauth Social Justice Education Endowment Fund

The Newman community has always had a heart for Catholic Social Teaching. This core part of our mission and identity is now solidified with the creation of the Martha Trauth Social Justice Education endowment fund. Parishioners and MU faculty, John Gahl and Kate Trauth, desired to create an endowment fund to honor Kate’s mother, Martha. “I remember her as very devout and intellectual, and making that connection between the two. She read Thomas Merton and Teilhard de Chardin. The magazines that came into our house were the National Catholic Reporter, Maryknoll Magazine, and the Ligourian. That was the atmosphere growing up – she had a strong interest in the scholarship of Catholic theology and social justice,” Kate remembers. Martha passed on January 1, 2020 at 103 years old. She left a legacy of family and responsibility. Her seven daughters are honoring her memory through the establishment of this fund. Thanks to the support of many this past Giving Tuesday and a matching gift from Martha’s family, we have established a designated account for this social justice education fund. Once the value of the fund reaches $50,000, the endowment will be officially

established. “I think if we can have people come to learn about social justice there will be this flowering of what it means to be Catholic. With the knowledge of this Martha Trauth authentic part of Catholic teaching people can learn and then say, ‘How does this inform how I live my life?’ They can learn and grow, and it can influence what they do on a daily basis,” Kate shares. With this fund, Newman will be able to host workshops, seminars, and experiences where student and resident parishioners can learn and embody Catholic Social Teaching. Your contributions will not only grow in perpetuity in this fund, but will ensure the growth of Catholic Social Teaching within the minds and hearts of the college community for many years to come! Photos below from the January 2021 Blood Drive. Volunteers and donors made it possible for the drive to collect 62 pints of much needed blood.


at Work

SEEK Small Group

Newman is dedicated to supporting and serving students on their faith journey while in college. Prior to 2007, funding traditionally came from the parish budget. With the growth of the endowment fund as well as the increase in annual support from parents, alumni, and friends, the source of revenue supporting Campus Ministry is shifting. While Newman will always support Campus Ministry as its primary apostolate, growing the endowment as well as annual fund contributions are leading us towards a sustainable future oriented towards growth of mission.

Endowment Market Value

Awakenings Leadership 3,000,000

(value as of December 2020: $2,758,536)

2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 -

Campus Ministry Budget (endowment support in yellow)

Feast of St. Blaise blessings

450,000 400,000 350,000 300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0

2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

*Though the endowment began in 2006, Newman did not start drawing interest until 2012, allowing the endowment to grow during its early years.

SEEK Small Group

Awakenings talk by Mike Schwinn

Fr. Paul Clark at SEEK

The IMPACT of Endowments on Ministry

Andrea King MU junior biology major


sssdidn’t have any friends at Newman until this year. I had tried out E3 a few times in the past, but it never really stuck. I was going to give up, but then I met my now friend and bible study leader Jordan Layton. It took her a whole semester, but she roped me in. I’ve met a lot of friends this semester and have a community here now. I forgot how cool Jesus was! Now, I feel like my activities are more life-giving than before. I’m so grateful for our amazing priests and this great community.

What is an Endowment Fund? An endowment fund is a fund where donated gift(s) are invested to produce ongoing income for a particular project. The principal remains invested while a percentage of the income (through interest earned) is withdrawn for use. At Newman, we have two endowment funds - one for Campus Ministry and one for Social Justice Education. Why establish an endowment fund? An endowment fund allows gifts to benefit the ministry in perpetuity. Endowment funds are an excellent way to honor or memorialize an individual or family while supporting the ministry in a specific way. Donors wishing to begin a new endowment fund must work with the Development Office to craft a letter of intent and a formal proposal which must be accepted by the pastor and the Diocese.

Mass with Bishop McKnight

How can I give? Gifts can be accepted at any time to be added to the endowment fund of your choice. This can be done through: • Outright gifts: cash, check, stocks, and securities • Wills & Bequests: This is becoming a more popular tool where you can name Newman in your will through a specific amount or percentage from your estate to permanently benefit the ministry forever. These funds can be directed to the endowment of your choice, or for general use. • Life Insurance Policies: You can direct the proceeds, cash value of policy, or any portion of it to benefit Newman and/or the endowment. • Retirement Plan/IRA: You can name Newman as a beneficiary upon death to reduce or eliminate estate and income tax savings. You can designate that your gift be used for a specific purpose, such as adding to one of the endowment funds.

Family Feud at Awakenings

Awakenings talk by Elizabeth Weller

The Cor Ad Cor Circle recognizes those who have made an investment in the future of St. Thomas More Newman Center by including a gift to Newman in their will or trust, naming Newman as a beneficiary of retirement assets or life insurance, or some other type of planned gift. Cor Ad Cor Circle members receive the following benefits: • Mass celebrated each year for all circle members. • Inclusion in public listings of the Cor Ad Cor Circle (if desired). • At your passing, you will be remembered at a special memorial Mass, celebrated at Newman.

You, too, can make a difference and ensure that Newman’s mission to serve the Catholic Community on campus and in Columbia will be sustained in the future. We invite you to walk together with Newman on this journey to be Christ’s light in Columbia. Don’t Delay! If you have already included Newman in your will, or are interested in doing so, contact the Development Office today. This Easter season we will be unveiling the public launch of the Circle and will be especially honoring founding members of the Circle. For more information, contact the Development Office at 573.449.5424 x205 or email joann@comonewman.org.

Knights of Columbus Council 7231 Proudly serving St. Thomas More Newman Center since 1979

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Thanks to your support of our activities, in 2019-20 the Mizzou Knights Council gifted over $12,700 to 18 causes, including: Catholic Campus Ministry The Food Bank Meet Life Campaign COVID Relief CoMo LifeTeen Seminarian Support Special Olympics & More!

THANK YOU for your generous support! mizzouknights.org | mizzouknights@gmail.com

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