Spring 2020 CoMoNewman Newsletter

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Joy in the journey

Emma’s heart for service cultivated because of you


ngelle knew that I was involved on campus and had a heart for service. I have always found joy in serving others and seeing their joy. When she approached me about applying for the Service & Justice internship for this year, I was definitely interested.” Emma Heienickle, sophomore from St. Charles, Missouri, has been fostering her passion for service since she was in high school. When Emma first stepped on campus as a freshman, she started attending Ephesians 3 Weekly Fellowship. “I met a lot of people and found my community there.” She then joined a small group and, in the spring, attended the Awakenings Retreat. This year, she leads a small group for the high school confirmation program. After Angelle Hall, Director of Campus Ministry, approached Emma and hired her for the service and justice internship this year, Emma began to share her passion for service with the students. She hopes to encourage students to carve out time in their busy schedules to serve. Your support gives students, like Emma, diverse opportunities at Newman and with the greater Church. Through your support, Emma had the unique opportunity to attend the Catholic Climate Covenant Conference at Creighton University last

year. “I was definitely the youngest person there! But I was talking with all these adults about how the Catholic Church can increase its sustainability and care for creation. We talked about Pope Francis’ Laudato Si and how we should love the earth that God created.” Emma came back inspired to bring the principles of the pope’s writings to campus. She also plans to pursue a career in sustainability, potentially with air quality controls. Emma is grateful for your support and the experiences she’s had. “Newman has drastically changed my life. I am so humbled that I have this great community. I have made lifelong friends that I can pray with, grow in my faith with, and just hang out with. It’s so much better to be going on this journey of faith with this powerful faith community. I am so thankful for the support that I have found!” Above: Emma (top row, left) leading an Awakenings small group this past fall. Left: Emma taking a photo with Fr. Mike Schmitz at SLS. Your support allows Emma to grow in her faith and leadership skills through retreats and conferences!

From the Pastor: A fond farewell


n my first column here six years ago, I wrote that Pope Francis, in “Joy of the Gospel”, laid out his vision of a Church that was lively and humble, holy and engaged, pastoral and prayerful. He invited us to develop coherent, compassionate approaches to our ministries. As I prepare to move to a new assignment, I would like to acknowledge the role that each of you has played in bringing about that community here at the Newman Center. Your support of our students through your prayers, presence and financial gifts has helped to create a dynamic, engaged, and energetic faith community. As an alumnus, you’ve experienced our community in a particular way. You’ve been responsible for its energy, its passion and its engagement with the larger Mizzou family. I thank you for your presence during my time here and challenge you to continue your faith

journey with the tools and experiences you gained at Newman. I invite you to support our community through your prayers and financial support. As a parent, your support and prayers for our staff and ministers has been invaluable. Your willingness to trust us with your children encourages and challenges me to be a better servant leader. I thank you for your prayers and presence. Know that wherever the Lord leads me, you stay in my prayers and thoughts. It has been a privilege to serve as the servant leader of the Newman Center at Mizzou. Dominicans believe that formation continues past our time in seminary. Students, alumni and parents have all contributed to that formation for me. May the work that we have begun continue in Dominic and Catherine; blessings on each of you.

New life through liturgy

Chris finds depth of faith through service at mass


oming into this school year, I realized I did not know anything about liturgy. I was learning how to pray, read scripture, and live like Jesus. But the mass is such a pivotal part of the faith!” Sophomore Chris Bonderer knew he was seeking a deeper relationship with God when he came to college, but didn’t know how to make that happen. “As a freshman, I went to a bible study launch party and started getting involved at Newman that way. I was pledging a fraternity at the time so I wasn’t super involved until I went on the Awakenings Retreat in the spring. That was a game changer for me.” From there,

Chris began to make going to Newman a regular part of his schedule. He would come for daily mass, attend his bible study, teach second grade religious education classes, go to Ephesians 3 weekly fellowship, and just hang out or study in the Student Lounge. This year, Chris realized that he wanted to learn more about the mass. So, when student registrations came around in August, he quickly signed up to be trained as a eucharistic minister, lector, and mass coordinator. “I didn’t really even know what a mass coordinator was! Getting trained in all three ministries has been an amazing experience. If it weren’t for those trainings, I would have never been able to understand the mass. I now feel the reverence in mass and can live it out.” Liturgical and music ministries are one important way that your support allows students to grow in participation in the life of the Church. For Chris, he knows that his experience at Newman was an answer to his thirst for God. “The resources Newman provides for its students have the ability to take hearts and bring them to the hands of God. I know this because it happened to me. Without Newman and the people here and the programs and activities, there’s literally no way that I would know God the way I do now.”


Why Joe & Donna support Catholic Campus Ministry


thriving Newman Center was one of our criteria as our children chose their colleges. It was important to us that they be able to participate in a Catholic community so they could maintain and continue to develop their faith. After attending the Family Weekend mass and luncheon in September of Andrew’s freshman year, we realized that the St. Thomas More Newman Center was now Andrew’s parish and we wanted to support it financially. The Newman Center has certainly lived up to, maybe even exceeded, our expectations! Andrew has had numerous opportunities to grow his faith through worship, fellowship, and music. He is involved in E3 music on Wednesday evenings, sings in the choir for 8 p.m. Sunday masses, participates in Bible study, and has attended the

Joseph and Donna Goerlich, from Quincy, Illinois, have been monthly supporters of Campus Ministry since their twins started attending college, Andrew at Mizzou, and Emily at Truman State University. Awakenings r­etreat. He has developed many friendships, some of which are likely to be lifelong. The Newman Center has truly become Andrew’s “home away from home”. That is why we continue to support the Newman Center. Joe & Donna Goerlich | Quincy, Illinois


Above: Chris (top left) at Awakenings earlier this month. “Awakenings channeled the zeal and fire and love for people and community that I was seeking,” Chris shares about his first Awakenings experience. This semester, he served on prayer staff. Opposite page: Chris (orange bandana) and members of his bible study. Chris joined a bible study his first year and is now growing in leadership and preparing to lead a bible study with his fraternity.

#humansofnewman Annika Meyer is a junior at Mizzou studying hospitality management: “To me, the Newman Center is more than just a building that is made up of a roof and 4 walls. The Newman Center is a place built on the cornerstone of community and prayer that stretches far beyond the building itself. The true authentic relationships that I have formed because of this community is what comes to mind when I think of Newman.”

2020 Business Sponsors Columbia Landcare Knights of Columbus

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Mpix.com Peckham Architecture Richmond Place Apartments Rolling Hills Veterinary Clinic

In response to the gifts the Lord has given me, I want to invest in the students and their faith life while in college! Name: ___________________________________ Street: ___________________________________ City, State Zip: ____________________________ Phone: ________________________ (cell home) Email: ___________________________________

My gift of $___________ is enclosed. I commit to making a monthly gift! I’ve filled out my information below: Monthly Giving by EFT

(most preferred option)

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) is an option that allows you to give faithfully without writing a check every month. In addition, neither you nor Newman incurs fees so 100% of your gift goes to support the students. Your gifts will be automatically transferred from your bank account each month. To get started, fill out and sign below. Return this form with a voided check.

EFT Authorization

I authorize an automatic Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) from my bank account each month. This authorization will remain in effect until I notify St. Thomas More Newman Center that I wish to end this agreement, which I may do at any time. _________________________________ _______________ Signature Date

Please transfer my gift of $ ________ from my checking/savings on the 1st Friday or 3rd Friday of each month, beginning on ____________. Date

Gift by Credit or Debit Card

You can also set up a one-time or recurring gift online with your credit or debit card at www.comonewman.org/givecm. S20N

Knights of Columbus Council 7231 Proudly serving St. Thomas More Newman Center since 1979

Our Faith

Our Mission

THANK YOU for your generous support! In February, the council completed our annual Food for Families drive, which raised $3,400 from the parish to support The Food Bank for Central and Northeast Missouri.

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