2018 Fall CoMoNewman Newsletter

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God through community

How you created a faith home for Katherine


thought that Newman was going to be on the periphery when I got to college. I knew I wanted to go to Mass and join a bible study, but I didn’t expect to find my best friends here.” Katherine Stevenson’s life now is not exactly what she planned for her time at Mizzou. “I came to Mizzou for news journalism. I did some things at Newman my first year, but got really involved in the campus newspaper because it’s what I thought I had to do for my career.” After a summer camp experience after her freshman year, Katherine knew God was calling her in a different direction. “I realized that I need to love people in a way that God calls me to love people. It’s not just being successful like the world wants.” Katherine found an avenue to live out this call through the bible studies which donors like you fund. Eventually, Katherine went on to lead a bible study and has found that one of her favorite parts is meeting one on one with the women in her study. “Whether it’s hanging out, grabbing coffee, or talking about our lives, it’s so nice to form a community where we can let ourselves be seen and known in the moment.” Katherine didn’t switch majors, but did change her focus to international strategic communications. From her experiences back home to her time on campus, Katherine has grown to love getting to know people and

cultures throughout the world. She hopes one day serve as an international missionary. “I knew from growing up that I loved learning about people and cultures different from me and I loved it. America is such an individualistic culture. I like the international approach of ‘How is my community working?’ ‘How can we as a group make an impact?’” Earlier this month, Katherine served as a small group leader and gave a talk on prayer on the Awakenings Retreat. “Essentially, my talk is about how I kept trying to answer the question, ‘Is Jesus the center of my life?’ I want the Awakeners to think about what it looks like to be so in love with God that you go wherever he’s calling. Essentially, this talk is about my love story with God!” Katherine is on campus serving her peers and sharing Christ’s love which she feels so deeply in her heart. Your support gives her the resources to make her calling a reality. Above: Katherine giving the talk on prayer to a group of 58 Awakeners along with retreat staff on Saturday morning. Left: Bible studies do more than study scripture! Last spring, some members of Katherine’s bible study attended a Cardinals game together. Pictured (from left to right) are Madison Rial, Meghan Lawlor, MaryRose Ornosky, and Katherine.

From the Pastor

Saying “Yes” to the Spirit



am a firm believer in the Holy Spirit. I hope in the Spirit. I trust in the Spirit. And the Spirit has never let me down. At the Welcome Mass at the beginning of the school year, I made a promise to our students. I told them that if they begin this year at the Newman Center open to the presence of the Spirit in their hearts, they will experience a year full of tastes and sounds and experiences blessed by the Triune God that they can experience no where else. I made this promise because I knew the Campus Ministry Team had spent the entire summer preparing for our students’ return. We had been in prayer, training, conversation, and planning - all for the students. We exist to serve the student community - to minister, to support, to direct, to hold, and to nurture each of our students in their experience on campus and at the Newman Center. We begin this year hopeful and excited for the potential of each student that walks through the doors. I hope in reading some of the stories within this newsletter, you can join us in this exciting ministry. Each student brings to the table their own skills, challenges, blessings, and burdens. With your prayers and support, we will be here to help students live more deeply their strengths and to help them through the challenges that will come. If we open our hearts to the Holy Spirit, there is nothing that we can’t accomplish as a faith community. This extends to you as well. Your prayers and support enliven - often from a distance - the Spirit on campus. By being your true self, animated by the Spirit, and sharing your energy and grace, you bring a light to our ministry and to your own community. Thank you. Our hope is that our students spend the year in the Spirit, being enlivened. I invite you to join with us to support our young adults as they say “yes” to the Spirit in their lives and hearts. In Catherine & Dominic,

hannnnah923”For though I am absent in body, yet I am with you in spirit, rejoicing to see your good order and the firmness of your faith in Christ.” Colossians 2:5 • My heart is bursting with love, thanksgiving and joy for all of these wonderful people who have in some way paved the path to @focuscatholic for me and held my hand along the journey. Let’s go make disciples of all nations (i.e. college campuses)! #onemizzou #comonewman Photo taken at FOCUS staff training in Florida with MU FOCUS Team and MU alumni now serving as campus missionaries.

Campus Ministry Staff

Fr. Rich Litzau, O.P. | Pastor Fr. Reginald Wolford, O.P | Associate Pastor Angelle Hall | Director of Campus Ministry Yvonne Chamberlain | Assistant Director of Campus Ministry Allison Stuesse | Resident Campus Minister Kelley Burns | Campus Minister for Music & Liturgy JoAnn Shull | Development Director Karianne Bolduc | FOCUS Team Director Connor Evans | FOCUS Campus Missionary McKenna Kukla | FOCUS Campus Missionary Jack Crisafi | FOCUS Campus Missionary

Freshman Spotlight: Lucas Smith


here was not really one big thing that brought me to the Catholic faith, but many genuine moments that led me down the path to joining the Church.” Lucas Smith, a freshman sports journalism major from Bloomington, Illinois, joined the church just over two years before starting at Mizzou. After growing in his faith at Central Catholic High School, Lucas knew that maintaining his faith life in college was important to him. “When I was looking at colleges, the faith aspect became more and more important. When I visited Mizzou, I got an impromptu tour from someone at Newman. I knew this was a place where I could be challenged in my degree field and the faith aspect was there too.” Lucas’ first experience of the Newman Center was during Welcome Week, where he attended the Newman BBQ. From there, he went to all the other welcome events. “There’s a feel about the people here at Newman. I see genuine smiles and joy. I can tell they want me to be a part of something bigger than themselves. They earnestly want me to grow in my faith.” With your support, Lucas was able to participate in many of the ministries offered to new students who come

Lucas with Newman friends after Ephesians 3. From left to right: Jaynie Vanatta, Andrew Slater, Mitchell Sedgwick, Lucas Smith, and Jordan Layton.

to Newman. Throughout the first few weeks of school, Lucas joined a bible study, attended Freshman Overnight, and participated in Ephesians 3 Weekly Fellowship. “I also just spend a lot of my time at Newman studying and hanging out.” Though he’s found a community here, Lucas knows it’s still hard to maintain a faith life in college. “Sometimes that Lucas with mom, Mendy (MU’94), during MU Family ten minute walk across campus to get to Newman Weekend in September. seems like a lot. But I know there are people there. It’s a lot easier to maintain those relationships when I know there are others there to help me. Everyone has been so generous with their time and getting to know me as a person.” Your support has created the space where Lucas can come to experience a community which gives him so much. “Really, the intangible aspects these people bring to me is unfathomable. It’s been about five weeks and I know the people I’ve met here are going to be in my life forever.” Lucas’ favorite part about being Catholic is Adoration. Since coming to college, he attends Power Hour (an hour of music and Adoration on Monday nights) and Holy Hours during the week. “At every mass, we see Jesus and I know I sometimes take it for granted. In Adoration, He’s right there - sometimes just a couple of feet away from me - and it’s the most beautiful thing on earth to sit at His feet. It’s our life goal to end up at Jesus’ feet and Adoration is a way for us to experience that in this life.”

Our students & missionaries are gearing up for this great conference... are you? On #GivingTuesday, help our students get to SEEK - let’s fund the busses! Will you be there? Contact JoAnn at joann@comonewman.org to learn more about the CoMoNeman Reception on Saturday at the Indianapolis Granite City Brewery!

Surprised by God

Katie’s SEEK experience transformed her life


y SEEK experience was not at all what I thought it would be. I went on multiple retreats and Steubenville conferences in high school, so I was confident that I knew what I was in for. I figured I would spend a week with my friends in San Antonio, get to know some more Newman people, sing some praise and worship songs, hear some talks, and go home. What I did not know was the transforming experience that I would be going through, and the incredible encounter with Christ that was coming my way. I can still remember sitting in the women’s session one morning, listening to Crystalina Evert share her testimony and her heart with us, and it inspired me to make a difference in the way I was living my life and the way I was letting the world tell me what it means to be a woman. I had spent the first half of my freshman year falling short of my own expectations, and living for what the world wanted me to be, not who God had called me to be. One night in adoration, while listening to the 13,000 voices sing “Something Beautiful” by NEEDTOBREATHE, I decided I had had enough of feeling sorry for myself. The Lord helped me to realize that the things that happened first semester did not define me. What defines me is that I am a beloved daughter of the God of the universe, and that is the only label that I need in life. That night, I put my life in God’s hands and told Him that I was giving up control (which is not something that I do easily). After realizing who I was in Him, my heart was transformed. God gave me a new heart full of love for Him, others and myself, full of understanding and full of compassion. No longer was I going to chase after an image of who I thought I had

to be. I knew that who I had to be was a representation of the kingdom of Heaven on earth, and that has been my mission ever since. This spark only grew when I got back to campus. With this heart that God transformed on SEEK, I have since lead Bible studies, entered discipleship, led multiple small groups on retreats, and helped welcome people into the Newman community so that they can come to know Christ in the ways that I have been fortunate enough to. It is incredible to think about how many lives we can touch, and how many souls we can save, just by opening our hearts to God and giving Him our ‘yes,’ exactly like I was able to on SEEK. If it wasn’t for this conference, I know that I would not have the relationship with Christ that I do today.” Katie Nations MU junior from Chesterfield, MO SEEK 2019 is happening again this January 3-7 in Indianapolis. You can make it possible for students like Katie to attend this life-changing conference! On November 27, #GivingTuesday, all funds raised on this day will offset the cost of the busses to send 200+ students to SEEK. Or, contact JoAnn in the Development Office (joann@comonewman.org, 573.449.5424x205) if you would like to support this project today!

WHY WE GIVE Why Robert & Darla support Catholic Campus Ministry


ur Catholic faith is very important to the Dorsey family. We are honored to tithe to the St. Thomas More Newman Center in support of all Catholic Mizzou students who enjoy the worship, faith life, and friendships they are experiencing through the Catholic Campus Ministry. Our two Mizzou students, Hope and Cole, appreciate the ability to share their college life with their Catholic friends through all the Newman ministries.” Robert & Darla Dorsey Dallas, Texas

The Dorsey family have been monthly supporters of Campus Ministry since their daughter, Hope started at Mizzou as a freshman. Hope is now in her junior year while her brother, Cole joined her at Mizzou as a freshman this fall. From left to right: Cole, Darla, Brooks, Hope, Lanie, and Robert Dorsey.

You bring students to relationship while on retreat


e saved us and called us to a holy life, not according to our works but according to his own design and the grace bestowed on us in Christ Jesus before time began.” Called, the theme of Awakenings #36, was based on the scripture above from 2 Timothy 1:9. During the first weekend of October, 146 students traveled to the Lake of the Ozarks for a weekend of encountering God’s love through community and listening to their call to a holy life. Though students pay a fee of $50 (for which those in

need can receive a scholarship to cover), it actually costs $115 per student for the retreat experience. Your support makes it possible for hundreds of students to experience Awakenings each school year! This fall’s rector, MU senior Tommy McAndrews, feels blessed to have been a part of this year’s retreat: “It was incredible to be able to take a step back and truly see the Lord moving within the Awakeners and see the impact He had in their lives this weekend and hopefully going forward.”

Yes! You have my support!

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Thank you to our ‘18-’19 business sponsors Knights of Columbus Council #7231 Mpix.com Stringcreek Lawn & Landscape Peckham Architecture Asbestos Removal Services, Inc. Central Missouri Auto Body Rolling Hills Veterinary Clinic

Our Faith Our Mission Knights of Columbus Council 7231 Proudly serving St. Thomas More Newman Center since 1979

THANK YOU for your generous support! Last year we raised over $8500 to support 17 different charitable activities, including distributing Coats for Kids in partnership with the other two Columbia councils.

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