Volume 6 Issue 9 May 2024

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Volume 6 Issue 9


HowdoBusinessesBalanceImplementation ofALtoolwhileMaintainingAuthenticHuman Connections?

- ScottPickard SuperpowerProject - BlaiseHunter

RockstarLeadership - BryanSchaefer

HopesCorner - KimberlyDawn

TellingItLikeItIs - JadeAlberts

SpringMentalHealthTips - JeffSturgeon

RevolutionizingBrain Health: - SimoneFortier

FreedomfromDomesticViolence &Abuse - KimRuse

ExploringtheCommunity: CalgaryExpo


HeadwaterLearningFoundation:Mental HealthSummit


In the spirit of respect and truth, we acknowledge the traditional territories of the people of the Treaty 7 region in Southern Alberta, which includes the Blackfoot Confederacy (comprising the Siksika, Piikani, and Kainai First Nations), as well as the Tsuut’ina First Nation, and the Stoney Nakoda (including the Chiniki, Bearspaw, and Wesley First Nations). The city of Calgary is also home to Metis Nation of Alberta, Region III.


Copyright 2024 ZX Media Corporation, Calgary Alberta Canada Community Now! Magazine. Volume 6 Issue 9 – May 2024 All rights reserved. This magazine or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher, writer, artist, or photographer.


How do Businesses Balance Implementation of AI tools While Maintaining Authentic Human Connections? Scott Pickard

I attended a conference in San Francisco recently and one of the speakers was a high-level Visa executive and she spoke about how Visa has been using machine learning and variations of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for about three decades. It was interesting to hear her eloquently speak about the value it has brought to Visa and how it is used to protect card holders from fraud, among other business benefits. If you have ever received a text to call from a credit card company asking if you recently made a transaction, you will know how this is working in real time and the value it provides. Thousands of companies are using AI that you may or may not be aware of and the connection between the customer, companyandsoftware toolsis

forever evolving. Balancing the use of technology tools and the customer experience is not new. The art of integrating people and technology is what enables greatoutcomes.

As a business leader, how you balance the customer experience, manage your team, and implement software (AI) is a matter of your leadership style and company goals. Humans will continue to drive the relationships of business and the tools will continually evolve to drive execution. The art of this intercept is where businesses will flourish. Here are a few items to consider when pondering connecting the people of businesswiththebusinessofbusiness.

Clear communication – CLARITY is foundational for success. Whether you have one employee or one thousand, clarity in priorities is the only way to forward progress. An AI strategy is one tool for business and needs to align with the company mandates. Leadership needs to communicate this message clearly in a way that eliminates confusion fromthe team. AIdoesnotreplace culture. AIdoes not replace strategy. AI does not replace clear communication. Humans drive these core requirements.

Training and Upskilling – If you have heard that programmers’jobs will be eliminated because of AI, doyoubelieve it? Bothtechnicalandnon-technical employees need to be upskilled to embrace AI. Programming jobs are not going to be eliminated any time soon, but they will change. More alarmingly, non-technical jobs are going to be replaced with advanced tools and this is the area more job losses will be lost because of AI and other softwaretools. Asaresult,trainingshouldbean

ongoing priority in business and the kinds of employees that will be extremely valuable in the future are those thatare nimble intheirthinkingandembrace learning. Don’t stifle learning, encourage it.

Ethical AI practices – Visions, mission, KPI’s and goals are great on paper but unless leadership actively manages and leads, the words are meaningless. AI practices must be inline with the corporate identity and not implemented for the sake of doing it. Humans are more critical to business than tools, in almost everycase. Rememberwhat matters in your business. High ethical standards and integrity amongst people reignsupremeinbusiness.

Feedback loops – In order drive positive change, feedback is mandatory. Incorporating AI into practice requires close monitoring and course correction when outcomes do not match expectations. Humans are the intermediary on this and cannot be replaced. If AI were to take over, we don’t know where things would endup,goodorbad.

People - “Set it and forget it” no longer applies. People need to drive the process for AI implementation and no other way will be successful. The most successful AI implementations should be seamless to the customer and leave them with a great experience. At minimum, the customer should not see any change in service level or frustrations with interactions with the customer.

Grading Leadership – What would your employees and/or team grade you for your overall leadership skills? Would this change with or without AI in the discussion? AIis atool forenablementnottotake over your company or to strike fear in employees about job security. Implementing an AI plan or strategy needs to align with corporate goals and initiatives and if leadership is not knowledgeable enough about how to do this, engage your team or outside experts. Leadership is about flexibility and enabling people and the path to AI enablement is no different. Don’t forego values and ideals because of the new shiny object that is AI. Remember that we have two ears and one mouth; listen more than you talk and be thoughtful in your approach and guidance from people smarter that may be more knowledgeable on this topic may be required. Bealeader.

New Business Models – There are leading companies that are creating new business models around AI and having great success. These models will not work for every business, nor will they work for certain industries. However, there can be lessons taken from these companies to investigate if your business can use different models for competitive advantage. A few examples are usagebased revenue enablement, customer monetization and embedded finance. A thorough understanding of your market and customer can unlock additional revenuestreamsforthe rightbusiness.

Balancing the many facets of business, technology and human behaviour is complicated. Implementing AI for the benefit of the business and customer is not simple but the rewards can be game changing. Thoughtful planning, feedback and continuous learning can lead to great outcomes for allthepeopleinvolved. Balanceisthekey.

If you missed the Article: The Fundamentals Have Not Changed – or Have They? Click here to read it!

The Superpower Project Innovating Heart Connections

In a world where data reigns supreme and technological advancements seemingly dictate the pace of progress, it's easy to overlook the timeless wisdom that lies within the human heart. Yet, amidst thebuzzof algorithms andautomation, thereexistsa profound truth: the ability to forge genuine connections, to reach out and touch the hearts of others, remains the cornerstone of blazing new trails. Innovation, at its core, is not merely about cutting-edge breakthroughs, data, or streamlined processes. It's about understanding human needs, desires, and emotions on a fundamental level. It's about recognizing that innovation is not just about what we create, but how we connect with one another in the process. This takes the skill of being in tunewithbeinghuman.

"Sensitivity is true innovation."
BlaiseHunter|CommunicationsExpert| Truthteller

The Superpower Project is about highlighting various challenges or “kryptonites” facing people and helping us neutralize their effect on us. A deadly kyrptonite facing us these days is we're so focused on pushing the boundaries of what's possible with machines that we’re inadvertently creating barriers with our own humanity. Real revolution begins with the human heart.

Our pursuits have made us lose touch with what makes us totally unique and evolved as a species. We've forgotten that the very essence of life itself is found in the rhythmic thump-thump of a heartbeat, the first sign of vitality on an ultrasound. It's this primal rhythm, this proof of life, which sets us apart from the cold, mechanical world of technology. While AI may excel at processing data, accelerating calculations, and performing complex tasks in mere seconds, it can never replicate the warmth, empathy, and intuition of the human spirit. It lacks the capacity to feel, to empathize, to connect on a deeply emotional level. It's this innate ability to connect with one another, to share our joys and sorrows, our hopes, and fears, that defines our humanity and fuels trueprogression.

As a creative person guided by the magnetic pull of my heart, I've often found myself labeled as "too sensitive," urged to toughen up and conform to a world that values thick skin and stoicism over vulnerability. But don't mistake my softness for weakness – beneath the surface lies a fire-breathing dragon ready to roar when called upon. Yet, it's the gentleness that truly defines my strength. In embracing my intrinsic softness, I've discovered a profoundgift – the abilitytofashion deepconnections with others. My energy, guided by a tender heart, serves as a safehouse, inviting others to shed their armour and meet me in a space of vulnerability and authenticity. Within moments, I'm able to establish a bond that surpasses surface-level interactions, delving straight to the core of human connection. What some may perceive as weakness or fragility has becomemygreatestsuperpower.

The ability to connect with hearts, to create a sanctuary where others feel seen, heard, and valued, is an attribute that needs to be cultivated, promoted, and celebrated by all. It requires being attuned to the intricacies of one's own emotional landscape while embracing the kaleidoscope of human emotions and experiences. It's a dance of vulnerability and courage, a readiness to open oneself up to the possibility of rejection and disappointmentinpursuitofrawconnection.

A few months ago, while attending a trades convention, I encountered someone who boldly declared, "Emotions have no place in the workplace." I found this notion profoundly inhumane. How can we divorce emotion from our very essence as human beings? Emotion embodies a form of intelligence that technology willneverreplicate.

As we persist in prioritizing robotic, data-centric procedures and interactions over our inherent humanity, it becomes increasingly critical to recognize the essential role vulnerability and heart connections play in our survival. When we allow ourselves to be exposed, when we open up and share our experiences, fears, and dreams, we create space for true connection to flourish. This is the birthplace of transformation. Innovating heart connections transcend the boundaries of time, formulas, and technology, drawing upon the nucleuswisdomthatdefiesalllogic.

WhileIappreciatetechnologyandtheefficiencyit bringstomyworkandlife,Iseeitasavaluable toolratherthantheepicentre.Thetrueessence lieswithintheorganicintelligenceofoursix senses.Inourincreasinglydigital culture,

it's all too easy to become disconnected from our own humanity, to lose sight of the deeper truths that unite us all. We're bombarded with information, inundated with distractions, and often find ourselves feeling more isolated and disconnected than ever before. Yet, it's precisely in these moments of humanness, when we allow ourselves to be truly seen and heard, that the seedsofinnovationare sown.

Innovating heart connections prompts us to step out of our comfort zones, to embrace the uncertainty and messiness of human interaction. They challenge us to set aside our preconceived notions and biases, to approach each other with curiosity, empathy, and compassion. They remind us that true innovation is not about being the smartest or most accomplished person intheroom,butaboutbeingthemostopen-hearted.

In the domain of innovation, shedding our protective masks in conversations is akin to unlocking a treasure trove of creative potential. Rather than approaching dialogue with the guarded stance of a professor lecturing a student, embracing curiosity through intentional questioning nurtures an environment where ideas can thrive, and collaborations can multiply. At its core, conversation is not merely an exchange of information, but a dynamic interplay of concepts, perspectives, and experiences. However, societal norms often dictate a hierarchical structure where one party assumes the role of the expert imparting knowledge, while the other passively receives it. This paradigm limits the richness of polarizing views and stifles the emergence of innovative ideas.

By ditching this hierarchical mindset and embracing curiosity, conversations become more than just transactions of facts they evolve into journeys of exploration and discovery. Intentional questions serve as catalysts, igniting new pathways of thought and challenging entrenched assumptions. In this way, both participants are liberated from the constraints of their preconceived notions, opening themselves up to a world ofpossibilities.

When individuals openly share the realities of their lives, they often reveal common pain points that resonate with others. These shared experiences provoke inquisitiveness in conversations, creating moments of connection and understanding. When individuals approach interactions with a sincere desire to understand and learn from one another, barriers dissolve, and trust grows. This lays the groundwork for meaningful partnerships where diverse perspectives converge to tackle complex challenges.

Innovation thrives in environments where curiosity is embraced, and intentional questioning is encouraged. Breakthrough ideas rarely emerge in isolation; they are often the result of interdisciplinary collaboration and collective intelligence. By embracing curiosity and intentional questioning, we invite a multitude of voices to the table, each offering unique insights and expertise. Through this inclusive approach, the seeds of heart innovation can take root and triumph, propelling society forward in unexpected and transformative ways. When interacting with others, don’t ever be the professor; be a stethoscope. Detection is a mighty superpower and is the bedrock of all inventions. For more information about Blaise Hunter visit www.blaisehunter.com

Life was never meant to be journeyed alone. We need others to come along side of us through the ups and downs of life. We are here to support you through your

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Meet Bryan Schaefer; a leadership coach and Certified Alignment Practitioner (CAP). Bryan has over 30 years experience as a leader, speaker & business owner. He is passionate about helping others make the world a better place, one leader at a time. He is a compelling storyteller and takes what he has learned by doing and presents it in a waythatisfunandeasytounderstandandapply.

As an Alignment Practitioner Bryan helps leaders and teams Master the Art of Alignment. Alignment is what you need to become a Rock Star Leader. Alignment ensures everyones voices are heard so the best ideas are implemented. It also creates a truth-telling culture where all team members feel valued and a positive contributor to the process. Alignment evokes a common passion that helps youachieveyourmission,vision,andgoals.

Bryan offers coaching, team building, online coursesandkeynotespeakingthrough hiscompany RoskStarLeadershipTraining.

Rockstar Leadership!

Q & A with Bryan Schaefer


I had been in corporate learning and development for over 25 years. I changed directions to open a School of Rock Franchise, which I owned for 8 years. We grew it to be the #1 Franchise in Canada, one of the top in the world. I used many of the previous training and leadershipskills andexperience tobuildagreatbusiness and a high performing team. That is where the branding Rock Star Leadership Training came from. Running my own business, I learned what type of leadership approachis required to get your team aligned, focused, engaged and all movingin the same direction. I successfully proved in my own business what works and how to do it, and now want to share this with the world. Mymissionistochange theworld,oneleaderatatime.

Whatmakesyoudifferentfromotherleadership coaches?

Idonotfocusonallaspectsofyourbusiness.Ifocus strictlyon teamalignmentandhelp youbecomean inclusiveleader.Gettingyourteamsalignedto your mission,visionandvaluesandgettingthem committed togetthingsdone.Guesswhathappenswhenyoudo this?Thepositivebusinessresultswillfollow.Ihaverun severalsuccessfulbusinessesandhaveappliedwhatI teachinmyownbusinesses.IamaCAP(Certified AlignmentPractitioner). Ihavestudiedandgained knowledgeaswellashavepracticalexperience.Ialso haveover25yearsasatrainer.


We all know as a business we must constantly evolveto stay competitive, so change is inevitable. When is a leader at their best? When things stay the same and during the status quo? No, leaders are at their best, or required to be their best when things are changing. When your business is facing challenges, when you must change direction, implement new systems, policies, programs, new goals and targets, growthor expansion, COVID, increased competition, new KPIs, whatever it is, that is when as a leader you must be at your best. You also need to get everyone who is required to execute on thesechanges to be their best. How you manageyour staff through these challenges and changes and how you introduce new ideas, that is change management. I teach leaders a systematic approach to introducing new ideas to your employees, getting them to agree on a path forward, and commit to carrying their weight in getting ideas acrossthefinishline.Ithelpsleadersgetthingsdone!

Why do organizations need to switch their style from change management to a leader who can facilitate alignment?

I recently co-authored a book with Brian Tracy where I talkaboutthis verything.Igive examplesof themillions of dollars wasted on projects thatdid not meet the goals, or failed because they did not align their teams properly. Twoof the top 5 reasons projects fail are poor collaboration with all parts of the organization and lack of a shared vision about what we are doing, where we aregoing,andtheWHY wearedoingthis.

The old way of thinking of Change management is that it is something that happens AFTER a decision has been made on the direction we are going to take. Then you tell your staff what has already been decided and ask them to get to work to implement these changes. This does not work. It makes staff feel, unappreciated, and "victims" of change, rather than part of the solution. They will push back, not commit to the project, not execute on the changes, and become disengaged andfrustrated. This is why: projectsfail, not becauseofpoorplanning.

"People do not tear down what they build".

As a leader you will see issues, problems, and challenges in your company that need to be solved.BEFORE you make any decisions on how you want to solve the problem, you must engage with your teams, and use the simple approach I teach in my Mastering the Art of Alignment course. Everyone gets a voice, everyonecanshare ideas, everyonecan contribute to the solution. You create psychologicalsafetywhere people feel safe to speak up, evenif they opposeyour ideas. By inviting all parts of the organization, and especially those who are most affected by the proposed change into the planningprocess,youget2benefits:

1) Betterideasandsolutions

2) Buy-in, commitment and support for those ideas. Becausethe peopleyou need to deliveron theplanwerepartofbuildingtheplan.

This is how you facilitate alignment, and how you approachchange and become an inclusive leader. The alternative is the top-down, command and control, carrot and stick, micromanagingapproach toleadership,whichnobodywants.

Advice to leaders who are just starting out and buildingtheirteams?

I was asked this question recently in an interview I did with Brian Tracy. He asked what the 2 most important traits of a good leader are. (My answer to that question also answers this question on advice togiveanewleader.)Hereare2things:


Being an inclusive leader means every voice matters (not just yours). You spend more time listening thantalking. You care about and include your team in decisions. You create a culture that is a safe place to shareideasandtakeinterpersonalrisks.

When you become an inclusive leader, you are seen as a“Rock Star”, and you will create a committed and engaged workforce who will work hard for the successofthecompany.


In the book I talk about a quote from The Rock “Check Your Ego at The Door”. Your Ego can be a success inhibitor. Your Ego is attached to ownership of ideas. If you are the only one that can have good ideas, and you always need to be right and in charge, you will not create an aligned team. I have seen bad leadership because the leader was insecure and unable to let go of their power and control. You must share the spotlight. Let others have and take credit for ideas. Surround yourself with people that are smarter than you, then let them do their jobs. Everyone on your team will feel safe to share ideas and do great things for you and the company. Part of being humblealso means saying thank you and showingyourappreciationtoyourstaff.

One of the principles taught in our course is bringing SHUVA into your culture. SHUVA is an acronym that describes a basic universal need all humans have to be: SEEN, HEARD, UNDERSTOOD, VALUED and APPRECIATED When your employeesfeel SHUVA they feel terrific, and this is your path to alignment. If you do nothing else but make your employees feel: seen, heard, understood, valued, and appreciated, youwillbecomeagreatleader.

Learn more about me, purchase my book or book an appointment to chat aboutyour leadership goals visit mywebsite:


Voice of Hopes Corner is Kimberly

Dawn & L.E.A.D. For Changes Photography.

May6-12, 2024, the week’s purpose was about mental health & hope, connection & belonging. Bringing peopletogetherforcommonpurpose;tobekind.Comingtogetheris keyforhealingafterpain,grief,trauma, andloss.



Bekindevenasmile&hello ,canhelp .

This year’s Mental Health Week is centered on the healing power of compassion. Inaworldplaguedbysuffering,weemphasize thatkindnessisequallyintrinsictoourhumanity. https://cmha.ca/mental-health-week/

Hopeconnectsustogether! Togetherforpeace&healing,onedayata time. Foreveryone,everywhere,everyday,standtogether&apart,inaworlddividedandatwar.

Humanity/Healing Of/On



Builduphopewithusin June;helpushelpotherswith#hope. Lethopebringuspeace,togetherwithwordsofhopeoverthenextfew months.

This issue of Telling It Like It Is feature’s Eva Choi, Founder of

The Chocolate Lab

The secret to our success is fulling a deeper need – taste buds are but the door to the heart and soul –the need to feed the human spirit. “ “

I love founding stories; please share how you founded The Chocolate Lab and your passion forchocolate?

I was laid off from the oil and gas sector when i went to apply for my seat again after maternityleave. Dallas (my business partner, bestie, Father of my boys) had been the at homeparentandwas queueduptotake achocolatiering course. After that, he got an internship with a certain local chocolatier in town and resigned early. He wanted to create a chocolate aestheticthat is for our generation and our kids' generation. We opened our first little shop in 2016 - on Centre Street/Chinatown. By the time COVID came,itwastoosmall tobringinmoreequipment, add staff or clients while safely distancing. So we made a move to go into a factory setting and deliver/ship. It was an exhausting and bumpy transition from high touch sales to marketing, but we did what we needed to stay afloat and keep at it. We went from making chocolate moustaches for our kids' birthday parties, to seeing if we could make a go of an idea in business. The Chocolate Lab has gone from really small into ‘the little business that could’. Over the last 8 years I couldn't have imagined how this would go - I am so proud of our teams, what we have created and the culture of kindness and excellence that we havemaintained.

You have created a cult like following with some of the most people chocolate on the market. Howimportantarethepeopleinyoucompany?

Our staff are the heartbeat of our organizationwithout our amazing staff and teams, there would be no Chocolate Lab. We offer a level of service, kindness and generosity that is part of the experience when you walk in. The execution and precision that goes into creating product at scale (especially ones this pretty and tasty) takes a lot of traininganda deeplove ofthecraft. WhatisnextforTheChocolateLab?

Chocolate Lab is scaling production and tapping intonewmarketsalongtheway.

If you had one piece of advice for a startup or entrepreneur,whatwouldthatbe?

My one piece of advice for a startup or entrepreneur is to try and enjoy the ride. I was always trying to get as much done as I could every day in the early years, and it led to burnout, and I wasn't a lot of fun to be around. Nowadays, I know the tasks or projects I didn’t get to nurture today will wait until tomorrow. If I am enjoying the process, celebrating the wins, learning the lessons andstrivingtobebetter -Icansmileandlaughalot more with the people who matter. You get a whole lotmore workdonewhilelaughingandsmiling!


TellingItLikeItIsYouTube: PeerGuidance/ TellingItlikeItIs-YouTube

Peter Lafontaine, Jade Alberts, Mo Aladin, Kyle Kanovsky


Spring is the season of renewal and revitalization for both the environment and our well-being. Amidst the blossoming flowers and longer days, it's essential to prioritize mental health wellness to fully embrace the joys of this vibrant season. This month we'll explore five tips tailored to the unique context of springtime in Calgary, designed to help you cultivate a sense of balance, tranquility, and vitality in mind and spirit. From embracing the outdoors to nurturing social connections and practicing self-care, let's discover how to harness the rejuvenating energy of spring to nurture our mental well-being amidst the backdrop of Calgary's stunning landscapes and bustling city life.

Embrace Outdoor Activities: Take advantage of the longer days and warmer weather by spending time outdoors. Calgary offers beautiful parks, pathways, and green spaces perfect for activities like walking, jogging, or cycling. Connecting with nature can help reduce stress, boost mood, and increase overall well-being.

Practice Mindfulness: Incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily routine to stay grounded and present. Whether it's through meditation, deep breathing exercises, or simply taking moments to appreciate the sights and sounds of spring, mindfulness can help alleviate anxiety and promote mentalclarity.

Stay Connected: Spring is a time of renewal and social connection. Reach out to friends and family members to plan outdoor gatherings, picnics, or leisurely walks. Building and maintaining strong social connections can provide essential support and foster a sense of belonging, which is crucial for mentalhealth.

Prioritize Self-Care: Make self-care a priority by engaging in activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul. This could include getting enough sleep, eating nutritious foods, practicing relaxation techniques, or indulging in hobbies and interests that bring you joy. Taking care of yourself holistically can help buffer against stress and enhanceresilience.

Set Realistic Goals: Set achievable goals for yourself and break them down into manageable steps. Whether it's tackling a spring-cleaning project, starting a new hobby, or pursuing personal or professional aspirations, having goals to work towards can provide a sense of purpose and accomplishment. Remember to celebrate your progress along the way and be gentle with yourselfifsetbacksoccur.

By incorporating these tips into your lifestyle, you can promote mental health wellness and enjoy the vibrant energy of springtime in Calgary to the fullest.

8 Bit Cortex, in partnership with Community Now! Magazine has launched a gamified Recovery Capital Resource Navigation tool. We know mental health and addiction challenges are complex and your unique needs need to be accounted for. Scan one QR code and based on the demographic information in your profile you will receive personalized resource recommendations from other DesigntheShiftMembers.


Ty"theNeuroGuy"McKinney,Ph.D. Co-Founder&CEO 8BitCortex
One-Size-Fits-All Addiction Recovery
Away from

Revolutionizing Brain Health:

A New Era of Concussion Care

In the last decade, a transformative wave has emerged, reshaping our approachtobrainhealthwithunparalleledprecisionandinnovation.

At the heart of this revolution are cutting-edge technologies that offer a deeper understanding of the brain, akin to providing a roadmap of its complex workings.

This leap forward empowers medical professionals to tailor treatments as unique as the individuals they assist, marking a new chapter in personalized healthcare.


Before delving into the array of advanced treatments, it's crucial to acknowledge a foundational principle: our brain's well-being. Stress, fear, and constant alertness can barricade the effectiveness of any therapeutic intervention. Particularly for those navigating the challenges of concussions or PTSD, achieving a serene mental state is the preliminary step toward recovery. This holistic view underscores the necessity of addressing the mind's tranquilityasaprecursortophysicalhealing.

The evolution in treatment options is broad and inspiring, offering hope and new possibilities for those affected by brain injuries or conditions. Let's explore these pioneering therapies: NOTE: (The initial four treatments, though not specifically designed for concussions or trauma, prove effective for 80% of patients requiring minimal intervention. However, the remaining 20% those neurodivergent or with multiple traumas and concussions demandamoretailoredapproachmentionedin5.)

1. Eye Therapy: Leveraging the latest technological advancements, eye therapy has transcended traditional limits, offering new hope for visual processing and ocular motor issues. This approach mainly benefits those experiencing vision-related difficulties from head injuries, highlighting the significance of specialized ophthalmological support.

2. Motion Therapy: Combining the thrill of gaming with therapeutic objectives, motion therapy introduces an engaging way to rehabilitate. This innovative method utilizes virtual reality and real-time feedback, revolutionizing the rehabilitation process for athletes and individuals eager to reclaim mobilityandstrength.

3. Vestibular Treatment: Dizziness and balance issues often point to vestibular system disruptions. Thanks to advanced diagnostic tools, treatments for these symptoms have grown in accuracy and efficacy, offering individuals a solid ground forrecovery.

4. Cervical Manual Treatment: Addressing softtissue injuries inthe neck, this treatment acknowledges the intricate connection between the cervical region and brain health. It's a nuanced approach that seeks to alleviate symptoms by targeting soft and connectivetissue.

5. DynamicBrainHealing:AGame-Changer: The introduction of Dynamic Brain Healing marks a pivotal moment in concussion therapy. This novel methodology, born from extensive research and clinical practice, is tailored to meet each patient's individual needs, offering a beaconofhopeforthoseseekingrecovery.

• Fascial Release for Brain Decompression: Imagine granting your brain the space to breathe and heal by gently releasing the fascia's grip. This technique relieves pressure and enhances the brain's natural repair mechanisms.

• Creating Intracranial Space: By alleviating compression, this strategy improves the flow of vital fluids within the brain, facilitating a nurturingenvironmentforrecovery.

• Alleviating Neurological Stress: Transitioning the brain from alert to peace is crucial for healing. This aspect of therapy focuses on soothing the neurological system, allowing the braintomendmoreeffectively.

• Nutritional Support for Brain Recovery: The role of nutrition in the recovery process cannot be overstated. A diet rich in brain-boosting nutrients lays the groundwork for a strong and resilientrecovery.

• Personalized Assessment and Care: This approach recognizes each brain's unique blueprint and employs thorough testing to craft a recovery plan that addresses each patient's needs, from nutritional support to stress management.

InnovativeTherapiesatthe Forefront

Dynamic Brain Healing isn't just a method; it's a paradigm shift in treating concussions and brain injuries.

It represents a holistic, nuanced, and profoundly impactful approach to recovery, prioritizing the body'sinherentabilitytoheal.

With the support of these advanced therapies and a focus on personalized care, the journey toward brain health is becoming more accessible and empoweringthanever before.

Take the clinically proven test to show your brain's current health. Unlock the Secret to Superior Brain Health-FasciaTrainingInstitute

Contact us for more information on treatment Fascia and Myofascial Treatment and Manual Therapy-Simone Fortier

“Theevolutionintreatmentoptionsisbroadand inspiring,offeringhopeandnewpossibilitiesfor those affected by brain injuries or conditions.”


Freedom from Domestic Violence and Abuse

Fear Is Not Love

- Kim Ruse

FearIsNotLove, formerly known as the Calgary Women’s Emergency Shelter, is a Calgary-based social agency dedicated to supporting people affected by domestic violence and abuse. The organization recently underwent a brand evolution while still keeping its emergency shelter program as a cornerstone of the agency. FearIsNotLove has been working towards a single goal of creating freedom from domestic violence and abuse for everyone for the past 50years.

Domestic violence and abuse is a serious issue that affects individuals regardless of gender or sexuality. It is defined as any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening behavior, violence, or abuse between individuals who are or have been intimate partners or family members. The abuser deliberately chooses to dominate, control, or harm the victim,whoneverasksorchoosestobeabused.

The types of abuse include physical abuse, stalking or harassment, sexual violence, emotional/psychological abuse, financial abuse, spiritual abuse, reproductive coercion,coercive

control, and technology-facilitated violence. Shockingly, more than 4 in 10 women in Canada have experienced some form of domestic violence or abuse in their lifetime. In Canada, a woman is killed by a partner or former partner every six days. In Alberta, 74% of people know someone in their close network who is impacted by domestic violence, and one in two women in Alberta will experience domestic or sexual violence in their lifetime.

Domestic violence and abuse impacts people of all genders, ages, socioeconomic, racial, ethnic, cultural, religious, and educational backgrounds.Women account for the vast majority of victims – rates vary given the lack of public disclosureandreportingforthisveryseriousissue.

Domestic violence and abuse also impacts many children.Even if they do not directly experience the abuse, witnessing this abuse impacts them as if theyweredirectlythetarget.

So – why should it matter to all of us?

This issue is a PUBLIC CONCERN, and it IMPACTS US ALL!

Every mass casualty report in Canada for the past 15 years has named domestic violence as a contributing factor to those mass murders. Victims of these tragedies include first responders, community members, extended family as well as partnersorformerpartners.

Effectively addressing domestic violence is essential to not only increasing safety in families butsafetyinthebroadercommunityaswell.


Oneofthemost impactfulthingswecandoisbecome a great social responder. The greatest weapon we have against domestic violence and abuse is each other – our community.No agency or organization alone will stop this tide – it will take all of us. Most victims and people who use violence will disclose their concerns to a friend or family member first before they ever call an agency. It is critical that our community members learn how to be great listeners. There are three key steps you can use to build your capacity to support victims and those who use violenceinyourcommunity.



· Become familiar with the issue and educate yourselfonthesignsofviolence.

· Takeacourseonunderstandingdomesticviolence. Ensure your workplace has domestic violence policiesthatsupportvictims. Respond:

· Leanintolistening.

· Providing encouraging and non-judgemental responseswillencouragehelpseekingbehaviour. Refer:

· You don’t have to have all the answers. You can refer people to the 24 hour Connect Family Violence Crisis Line at 403-234-SAFE. This line can answer questions you may have o r support people needing services.

It is time to take a stand against domestic violence and abuse. FearIsNotLove is committed to creating a safe and supportive community for everyone impacted by domestic violence and abuse. Join us in our mission to create freedom from domestic violence and abuseforall.

As an attendee, you will build upon your knowledge of inclusive workplaces by considering an intersectional lens. Learn how to better curate your workforce, consult your employers, and impact your community through an equitable approach to employment.

This all-day event will include:

Networking opportunities

Engaging activities

Insightful speakers


A chance to hear from Government of Alberta leadership

Frominnovation,celebrations,mentalwellness,andthecomic andentertainmentindustries!Exploringcommunityisabout gettingtoexperienceALLandEVERYopportunity.


THE CALGARY EXPO is a four-day Comic, Sci-Fi, Horror, Anime, and Gaming event that attracts hundreds of thousands of people to come to Calgary, Alberta at Stampede Park, offering exciting family-friendly event with world-renowned celebrities!

This four-day event has something for everyone! “It’s amazing to watch the community come together to explore the comic & entertainment industry and connect with people. We highly recommend this event to everyone!” Through out this event, you will find things to explore in the BMO Event Centre, including vendors, both local and from across Canada, panel discussion and photo shoots with your favorite celebrities, you can head outside to find local food trucks and then head over to the big four building, to meet local and celebrity artists!

It’s remarkable to see downtown Calgary and the Calgary Stampede grounds full of superhero’s and, comic & entertainment characters…People of all ages from every community.* Cosplay allows people to express themselves, take on a new form, YOU CAN BE WHO EVER YOU WANT! “I loved watching my friends and family members transform into superheroes with confidence!”

“I love how expo brings all the different fandoms together. From admiring allthe wonderfulcosplayers who get to be a character they love for a day to standing in line chatting with the person you just met while waiting for a panel, autograph, or photo op. Watching the brief joyful interactions as people get to experience their fandoms with other peopleisamazing. “


Ota fest is Calgary’s volunteer-run, non-profit, allages Japanese anime and pop culture festival featuring anime screenings, an exhibitor hall, community panels, cosplay contests, voice actors, concerts,andsomuchmore!

Three days of exploring Ota Fest through the Calgary Telus Convention Centre! One of our favorite parts of this event is seeing all the Cosplay and exploring the vendors in the exhibit hall. The vendors ranged from local artists, to charities, and local businesses Outside throughout the day there was performance along 8ave. There were voice actors appearing for panel discussions and photo shoots. There was also a sketching contest, and people connecting in every hallway over cosplay! There was also a cosplay contest sponsored by The Costume Shoppe andhostedbyownerRyanSchoel.

Mental Health in Schools Summit with Headwater Learning Foundation

A day focused on mental health in education. Bringing the community together to discuss the importance of mental wellness, resources and howwe canbettersupportoureducationsystem as awhole, sowe can focus on providing students and teaches with the proper resources, to besuccessfulineverythingtheydo.

Insights from the Mental Health Summit by Headway Learning Foundation

“Sparking the Conversation on Mental Health in Schools”.

The Impact of Stress on Mental Health and Community Development with Dr.


Recent breakthroughs in psychological research have illuminated the extensive reach of stress, revealing it to be not just a personal ordeal but a communalplague.

A simple Saliva test can determine that the stress contagion effect, as it's known, spreads anxiety like a virus. Our mirror neurons help suck us into the emotional eruptions of others. Emotions are highly contagious, and that can be highly dangerous when the emotional storms of others reflexively trigger the stressresponseinus.

Emotions, like all psychological processes, are psychophysiological. The physiologicalresponse toa stimulusiscentraltoallaffectiveprocesses.

This phenomenon holds significant implications within educational environments. A striking 2021 survey conducted by the Alberta Teachers Association highlighted a troubling reality: 62% of teachers are apprehensive about their mental health. This sentiment undoubtedly influences the students in their charge. This pervasive stress creates a cycle of emotional overwhelm, significantly impeding teaching efficacyandstudentlearning.

The implications are clear: stress is a powerful force that ripples through communities, affecting brain development in children and adults and altering epigenetics, mental health, and educational outcomes.

Addressing this issue head-on is crucial for fostering environments where educators and learners can thrive unhinderedbyitsdebilitatingeffects.

Dr. Jean Clinton’s three ways to reduce stress:

1.) Prioritize Relationships: Dr. Clinton emphasizes the importance of strong, supportive relationships in mitigating stress. Cultivating close connections with family, friends, and colleagues can provide emotional support and reduce feelings of isolation. Engaging in regular, meaningful conversations can help share stressors and diffusetension.

2.) Embrace Play and Creativity: Dr. Clinton advocates incorporating play and creativity into daily life to reduce stress. This could mean engaging in artistic activities like drawing or music or incorporating more playful interactions into everyday tasks. Play helps stimulate the brain positively, encouragingrelaxationandjoy.

3.) Practice Mindfulness and Reflection: Mindfulness and reflective practices are key components of Dr. Clinton's recommendations. Taking time daily to meditate, practice yoga, or reflect quietly can help center the mind, reduce anxiety, and enhance overall well-being. These practices foster a heightened awareness of the present moment, enabling individuals to managestressmoreeffectively.

We will never remove stress, but we have to movethroughit.

The level of mental health knowledge among the presenters and vendors in the room was exceptional at the Headwater Learning Foundation’s, Mental Health Summit.

Sustainable mental health support for educators has become critically important, as 52% of K-12 teachers report experiencing significant burnout, oneofthehighestratesamongallprofessions.

In 2020, 70% of teachers stated they felt physically and emotionally exhausted. Today, that has risen to between 90%-95%. Our Educators are hurting in numbers not seen before.

“Sparking the conversation on Mental Health in Canadian Schools” isatopicweneedtocontinue to have. Thank you to everyone involved in this remarkablesummit!.

“Wakefield Brewster is an artist,painting pictures with his words of wisdom.”

– ChristinaHenderson
“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” Henry Ford




Learn more here!

Takes a Community!


Brought to you by Design the Shift


We champion individuals struggling with addiction & mental health to triumph! Through our rigorous and innovative Activity-Based Recovery Therapy Program

Simon House provides a unique and innovative approach to addiction recovery. Rooted in the 12 Steps, Simon House incorporates various multidisciplinary techniques and therapies to empower change and support long-term recovery.

Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre is a long-term, semi-residential program for young, people & their families. A community of care.

Canada's leading mental health programs, providing innovative and comprehensive support for individuals struggling with complex mental health issues.

Improving the lives of 2SLGBTQ+ individuals impacted by addiction through specialized, innovative treatment programs and enhanced community partnerships on a local and national level.



LIVE YOUR BEST SELF. We all have the opportunity. Goal: to help clients to build a state of mind that is self-resilient, mentally tough, tenacious and full of grace.


Mission: To provide Advocacy, Balance, Clarity, and Documentation for our clients throughout their healthcare journey.

Our Mission at Calgary Institute of Counselling is to provide a safe place, free of judgement, for clients to find healing.

Remember it’s your counselling, and together we will find the right approach for you.

Mission: Get you inspired, be curious and discover the feeling of your health and wellbeing. We want you to be more adaptable and feel great in the process.



A volunteer organization providing wholesome nourishment and nurturing care to mothers and young children facing situations of adversity and crisis.

Mission: A Program dedicated to keeping homeless and at-risk girls safe, off the street and in school.

Footprints Infertility & Pregnancy Loss Support Society provides free resources tools & mental health support bags for parents navigating these challenging issues, ensuring that every family is supported, and their angel babies count.

Strives to build confidence and self-esteem in teens and young adults. Together we support youth to unlock their inner releasing of the magic within pointing the way when all seems lost.



Offering individuals, leaders, and teams peer support resources. Helping people focus on what’s strong, instead of whats wrong.

GEDI-Hub, Albert’s first and only workplace resource centre for workplace equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI.)

Transforming strategies to combat Burnout by measuring impacts and implementing engaging, gamified solutions accessible to profit, volunteer, and social sectors.

Seven Principles to Intuitive Leadership. Let’s dive into what can make you lead again, differently. Individual & Business Strategies.

My mission is to support you in moving to a new perspective that is expansive and allows you to see a bigger picture for yourself.

IT TAKES A COMMUNITY www.communitynowmagazine.com

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