November 2020 Volume 3 Issue 4

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Volume 3 Issue 4 • November 2020

published by ZX Media Corporation

Clean Resources

Agriculture, Forestry & Food

Emerging Technologies

Health Innovation

MAXIMIZING POTENTIAL Innovation is creating the future for Alberta’s energy resources. Alberta Innovates develops and invests in applied research and innovation programs to sustain, grow and diversify the province’s energy and resource sectors, develop clean technology and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Our programs and expertise help create, adapt, and commercialize innovative technologies that maximize the value of Alberta’s natural and renewable resources while protecting the environment.

Learn how


Engage. Inspire. Educate. Together.

Krista Malden & Kenzie Webber

CONTENT CONTRIBUTORS VOLUME 3 ISSUE 4 This grassroots magazine is a platform for, about and by the community.

Subscribe for your free issue of Community Now! at Copyright 2019 ZX Media Corporation, Calgary Alberta Canada Community Now! Magazine Copyright 2018, published by ZX Media Corporation. Volume 3 Issue 4 | November 2020 All rights reserved. This magazine or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher and writer.

Seize the Drive

Seize the Drive

Seize the

“Fall Forward” Reggie Jackson struck out 2,600 times in his career, the most in the history of baseball, but you don’t hear about the strike outs. People remember the homeruns. Fall Forward. Thomas Edison conducted one thousand failed experiments, do you remember? I don’t, because the one thousand and first was the lightbulb. Fall Forward. Every failed experiment is one step closer to success. - Denzel Washington

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A Note from the Publisher Krista Malden

Let’s Inspire...

2020 has been a year like no other, but together, together, we are stronger!

 The globe stopped but the community never did. Community is making sure we stand together even if that means we stand together 6 feet apart or virtually. We can inspire change with simple acts, and in this issue, I want to share some moments of Inspiration that continue to happen in our community while we fight our way through a pandemic, by showcasing leaders, businesses, award winners and people who actively inspire within the community. Together, We Are Stronger. The Story of CN! Magazine I want to take a minute to share a bit about how Community Now! Magazine came together and how the vision came to life. This grassroots magazine is a platform for, about and by the community. 6 // Community Now!

HOW THE VISION BECAME A REALITY “Until thought is linked with purpose there is no intelligent accomplishment.” -James Allen

Growing up, I had many thoughts but I had no purpose or place to put those thoughts. From playing music to teaching, to working full time in sales and getting involved in the not-for-profit community, to parenting two beautiful girls..... I loved it ALL. But how could I do one thing that allowed me to put everything into one place? What was my purpose? Then, I was introduced to the vision of building a magazine by my friend, mentor and now CN! contributor; Tracy Beairsto. Sometimes all you need is for one person to point you in the right direction and believe in you. How cool....all my passions and experiences could be in one platform...Community Now! became a vision.

 The vision was brought to life by designer, creative & friend, Kenzie Webber.

Fun Fact: • I worked with Kenzie and Tracy 15 years ago at a publishing company.

 “Connect Jobs



- Steve

“It takes a village” (CN! Magazine will continue to repeat this until everyone gets it. ) This quote was introduced to me by Marilyn Dyck; Community advocate for young people, writer, creator... also a contributor to CN! Fun Facts: • I worked for Marilyn at The Doorway (10 years ago) • I met Les Mottosky, innovative creative and CN! contributor, at The Doorway • The Doorway is a contributor to CN! “Connect the dots backwards” said Steve Jobs, “you can’t see the connections looking forward.” My parents let me dream and let me play out and fail at my dreams, while teaching me to get involved in community by showing community support through their work Great life lessons I didn’t see until later in life. I had the opportunity growing up to participate in rallies--for better healthcare, rallies to protect workers, to support fair wages and better working conditions--alongside my dad. I had the opportunity to see how important it was for people to have a voice and to watch the people support the people! I had the opportunity to watch my mom start and run a successful business, manage and train teams, participate and organize fundraisers (making me and my brother dress up

as Elves or the Crayola bunny). *Life experiences we carry forward.

 “Connect Jobs



- Steve

I studied and fell in love with music...but never had the confidence to be “the best”. I performed, wrote music and taught music.... but I didn’t have the confidence to run the stage..confidence plays a role in all aspects of life. Did I fail or did I learn(?) Fun Facts:
 • Music is the greatest form of storytelling.
 • Music is a universal form of communication we all understand. • I still love music and have learned more from teaching than I did studying. • I am always asked “How did you go from drumming to publishing a magazine; they are such different worlds” 

Wrong; they are both worlds of storytelling. I went from storytelling through music to storytelling with words.

 “Fall Forward” Denzel Washington ...“You will fail. You will be embarrassed. You will make mistakes. You will find your purpose.” I fell many times... at work, life, music, parenting, friendship.... but did I fail? Or was it all about learning … gaining experience… I’m still learning. To me, that’s the best part of CN! it’s getting to know and learn from the people throughout this community--and how lucky am I ... my job is to get to know people and share their stories! (continued on next page) Community \\ 7

(continued from page 7...) The First Issue of CN! Aug 2018

 People from various industries came together to make the very first issue of CN! Magazine happen (*within two months.) Stacy Richter, Diane Swiatek, Sophia Fairweather, Jill Quirk, MJ, Tracy Beairsto, Peter Lafontaine, Adette Lacerte, Scott Pickard, Carol Odell, Zanika Malden, Nicole Langton, The Rainforest Calgary, The Costume Shoppe and Kenzie Webber (*Kenzie took the vision, everyone’s stories and content and brought it to life!) Thank you! This is possible because of you. Because you ALL believed in this vision. Peter Lafontaine, The Rainforest, and Stacy Richter helped me launch the first issue of CN! at the Rainforest’s Lunch Without a Lunch. It was perfect. Stacy also helped me host a tiny event at The Costume Shoppe... our 1st celebration! 

 Jade Alberts, Al Del Degan, Vanisha Breault, Marilyn Dyck, Steven Archumbault, Les Mottosky, Wendy Hutchins, Derek Fraser, Brian Cymbaluk - Thank you for joining CN! Magazine you have helped elevate this to a new level.

Alberta Innovates, SheInnovates, School of Rock, Koleya Kerringten, Deborah Nichol, Shawna Curry, Greg MacGillivray , Robin Woods, Jim Gibson, Wayne Steer, Garry Woods, and ALL CN! Magazine contributors and supporters - Thank you for showing up. The meaning behind “It takes a village” shines in every issue and at every event.

 Fun Facts: • Tracy introduced me to Rainforest Calgary & Peter Lafontaine. • I met many amazing people at the Rainforest Calgary LWOL who became contributors. 
 • Becoming a SHEInnovator has connected me to extraordinary women and stories and has inspired me to keep learning, • Being involved with Women of Inspiration has connected me to stories, friends and remarkable people • We are all connected • I have a story about every contributor and how they came to be one. • I am grateful for all of you!


Engage. Inspire. Educate.


8 // Community Now!

“Raise The Bar”

What an amazing saying! We all need to “raise the bar”. Thank you Monica Kretschmer; Founder and CEO, Universal Womens Network™ | Women of Inspiration™ | Universal Women-Owned™ | Universal Women-Led™ for setting an example and promoting women in every industry and walk of life. The outcome of what you do is remarkable. You bring strongminded, fun women together to showcase how they make an impact to inspire the whole community. To all the Women of Inspiration 2020 nominees, Congratulations! I am honoured to stand with you and excited to learn from you. Winning this award is remarkable, uplifting and such an honour.

Mentors: Tracy Beairsto, Marilyn Dyck & Diane Swiatek
 Business partner & friend: Kenzie Webber Friend & advisor: Nicole Langton. And to all of the other amazing women and men who inspire me everyday… Thank you for believing in me and for inspiring change. To my daughters Zanika and Xalynn : I have learned more from the two of you over anything else in my life... you inspire me every day! DREAM big and never let anyone stand in your way and that includes yourself.

Thank you, Jennifer Cockton for nominating me. To my Community Now! Magazine family Thank you for ALL you do. To the women who inspire me: My mom Kathy Malden, Aunts Nancy & Carol Odell

Congratulations again to ALL the nominees and winners of WOI2020! 
Let’s Raise The Bar! Together! Community \\ 9

Congratulations! 2020 Women of Inspiration™ Raising the Bar to recognize the achievements of women locally, nationally and globally!

Nominate 365 Days a Year!

@UWomensNetwork |


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BLAISE HUNTER Author, Speaker, Award-Winning Mental Health Advocate, Fertility Expert, Podcast Host, Mother of Purpose, Heroine, 2020 Women of Inspiration, Women of Influence award, and CEO of Blaise the Trail Inc. Consulting Agency. The power of the human spirit inspires me. When I see the struggles people have endured, I am in awe of the resiliency that penetrates through. I am moved by the unrelenting strength deep


within all of us. I am so incredibly honoured to receive this award and all what it represents. This isn’t about elevating me—it’s about elevating the message. This platform has the capability to shift the focus from how the world defines women. We are not objects to be desired after and our worth shouldn’t be measured by the number on the scale or the way we look. Women have a higher calling and I dedicate my life to let that be known in this world. This award means my voice is being heard. For so long I allowed society to muzzle my words, but I have learned how to break the shackles of oppression and help other women discover their voice as well. There is power in numbers. The more battle cries we can unleash upon this world, the more change we will see. This is about fanning the flames of my Heroine Movement. This recognition adds more fuel to the fire I already breathe. Congratulations to all of the winners and my fellow nominees. Together, we are the change. - Blaise Hunter Love is that condition in the human spirit so profound that it empowers us to develop courage; to trust that courage and build bridges with it; to trust those bridges and cross over them so we can attempt to reach each other. - Maya Angelou

VANISHA BREAULT Hope & Courage Creator| Mom & MaG | Founder Terminator FDN | Ordinary Courage Podcast | Courage inspires me, that first step taken to exit shame & tell your story “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly... — Theadore Roosevelt 12 // Community Now!

 Winning this award means that my message and advocacy for mental health is being heard. There is still so much work to be done, but this gives my heart courage to face the giants in front of me. It reminds me to stay brave, to stay rebellious to the status quo, and to keep dreaming for better. My resolve for the mental health of our families and youth has never been greater. Let’s kick mental illness in the ass.”

MONICA DAUENHAUER An accomplished Twin Otter Polar Pilot! Being nominated for a Woman of Inspiration award is a chance for my family and friends to get a better understanding of what I do and recognizing that I have an impact on people.

MONIQUE AUFFREY CEO Carya Family Services Calgary, MSW, RSW and (Hon) Secretary-General of the Commonwealth Organization for Social Work “WOI2020 has brought me joy and hope for a future where more and more people work together at #Lifting each other up” “My definition of a Woman of Inspiration™ is someone who leads with purpose, dreams big, and rolls up her sleeves to use her voice for good. She is humble, kind, tenacious and a badass warrior! Women who inspire me to know the value of hard work, overcome adversity and use their experience to serve others and make an impact in the world!” Monica Kretschmer Community \\ 13



ROBYN WOODS The Uncomplicated Family/ Teleroo World - CEO/ Founder Robyn Woods is, word for word, taking

Co-Founder and President, Safe Haven Foun-

the road less traveled and ignoring the naysay-

dation of Canada; Women of Inspiration 2019,

ers. Robyn has responded as a hurricane force

L’Oréal Women of Worth Honouree 2020;

transforming dis- ability service delivery with

Global Ambassador 2020, Universal Women’s

TelerooTM World, a patented, evidence-informed,


secure, and globally relevant collaborative suite

It is the power of connectedness, of community that unites to make our world a better place for those less fortunate.

But perhaps my greatest

inspiration that prevails over all is Love. “Being successful doesn’t necessarily make you great. . . What makes you great is when you reach back and help somebody else become great.”

of technologies that can be used in health, education, the community, and the home to deliver personalized disability care. People have said she’s biting off more than she can chew as a Registered Speech-language Pathol- ogist single-handedly boot-strapping the funding for TelerooTM World and taking it from concept to commercialization. They were wrong! TelerooTM World is at work helping families achieve quality of life outcomes in half the time of traditional dis- ability services and is being piloted in world-class locations, such as the Stollery Children’s Hospital

MARY FISCHER Acting Captain, Calgary Fire Department The amazing women I work with inspire me! “If you’re always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.” Maya Angelou 14 // Community Now!




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2020 has been an unprecedented year for technology and innovation in Alberta and the rest of the world. Despite the difficulties and curveballs this year has thrown, the resilience that Albertan's tech and innovation community has exhibited is as impressive as it is inspiring. Now more than ever, is the time to come together to support and celebrate Alberta startups. The third annual Start Alberta Tech Awards recognize both individuals and organizations for their contributions to Alberta’s innovation ecosystem and those making a significant impact on the province’s tech sector. The Start Alberta Tech Awards stemmed from the idea that we as a Province could be a lot better at promoting our entrepreneurial successes. Three years ago the founding partners of the awards (organizations such as Alberta Enterprise, PwC Canada, BDC, the A100, the Venture Capital Association of Alberta, Startup Calgary and Startup Edmonton) came together and acknowledge the real opportunity we have to champion the Alberta tech and investment industry and to celebrate the successes of our tech startups! This event is really meant to showcase the very best of what we have and to spread the news. The Awards are an extension of the Start Alberta portal (, the pre-eminent ecosystem portal for entrepreneurs, investors and external stakeholders, to connect with each other, find investment and programming resources. Beyond providing a comprehensive list of tech deal flow in the province, the platform provides a critical forum for telling Alberta’s entrepreneurial successes story and enticing investors both internal and external to Alberta to invest in what Alberta has to offer. The tech community and all the tech organizations in Alberta have now really gathered around this event. Every year more organizations rally around the vision of these awards, including Technology Alberta and TEC Edmonton last year, and this year we are excited to welcome the BDC Women in Technology Venture Fund as sponsors of the event and of the new Women in Tech Award category. We are also so excited to welcome TMX Group on board, TMX includes TSX and the TSX Venture Exchange. The fact that TMX is a sponsor of this event is a testament to Alberta’s growth and the future potential of our scaling companies. 16 // Community Now!


Bessie Most Promising Startup Entrepreneur of the Year Spencer Kerber, Co-Founder

Athennian Fast Growth Awards Under $5M Josh Malate, CFO, Adrian Camara CEO

321 Growth Academy


Rod Charko Service Award

Ecosystem Supporter of the Year

Carey Houston, Founder & CEO

Alice Reimer, Site Lead

(continued on next page)

AWARD SPONSOR: The A100 Alberta Enterprise Corporation BDC BDC Capital’s Women in Tech Venture Fund PwC Canada

Start Alberta Partners Startup Edmonton and Startup Calgary Technology Alberta The Venture Capital Association of Alberta (VCAA) Community \\ 17

(continued from page 18...)

Provision Analytics

Decisive Farming

The A100 One to Watch Award

Most Significant Tech Transaction of the Year

Erik Westblom, Co-Founder & CEO

Remi Schmaltz, CEO at Decisive Farming Corp., Powered by Telus

AltaML Applied AI Lab Most Significant Cross-Community Collaboration of the Year Nicole Janssen, Co-Founder & Co-CEO

Symend Women in Tech of the Year Tiffany Kaminsky, Co-Founder & Chief Strategy Officer Symend Tech Deal of the Year Hanif Joshaghani, Co-Founder & CEO

Inovia Capital

Fast Growth Awards Over $5M

Tech Investor of the YearÂ

Samuel Prochazka, President & CEO

18 // Community Now!

Shawn Abbott, Partner








Inspirational Businesses: Bessie Box

CONNECTING COMMUNITY: A FULL CIRCLE Bessie Box isn’t just about delivering healthy food in a box. Bessie Box created a business based on connecting the community through connecting local farmers to consumers. It’s a full circle! COFOUNDERS ALEX LEAKOS, SHANIKA ABEYSINGHE AND SPENCER KERBER knew they had to find a way to build strong farms, healthy families and connected communities. In 2019, Bessie launched their business working with one farmer and a handful of committed customers through farm visits, emails and phone calls. Today, Bessie works with several local farmers and fishermen and has been a part of dinner time for hundreds of families. Not only does Bessie Box support local farmers in the process of distribution but they also share and encourage farmers to share their stories. A great way for the community to get to know their local farmer and about agriculture. While building their business all co-founders are always looking for ways to bring the community together … This holiday season Bessie Box will be doing a giving campaign partnering with the Calgary Drop-In Centre and Leftovers Foundation to tackle food insecurity! For every order, Bessie will be donating 1lb of meat to the Calgary Drop-In Centre or Leftovers Foundation.

Community \\ 19

Bringing the community together over great food!












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Buy one Entrée and receive the second of equal or lesser value for free. Cannot be combined with any other offer. No cash value. Dine-on only. 2 For 1 Entrée valid prior to 4pm only. ® Registered trademark of Cara Operations Limited.

Marilyn Dyck; Advocate for Children & Young People, Award: Woman of Vision People who live their survival and reality with hope, dignity and grace inspire me. ‘Never wait for yourself’ - Alan Fletcher. Graphic Designer

Authentic People & Nature inspire me. “Be the Change you wish to see in the World” - Gandhi

Nicole Langton; Collaborator, Communicator, Connector. My Community brings me inspiration every day. People trying new things. People learning & sharing what they’ve discovered. People coming together to help each other. People who see the best in each other & shine a spotlight on amazing ideas. “My mission in life is to not only survive but to thrive & to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humour & some style” -Maya Angelou

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Jennifer Koury; Independent Director, Inclusionist, Wife, Mother, Friend, Partner, Goddess.

LEADING BY INSPIRING! Favourite inspirational quote: Something an old friend and Boss in the Army once told me when I was facing a really hard & tough situation. I was struggling to find my way through and out of it, Buck said to me: 'Steve, just make it up because no one knows the difference and they have no idea what to do either' I think of that often, because he trusted that I knew what to do and that I could figure it out

22 // Community Now!

Meet Steven Armstrong; For more than three decades, Steven Armstrong worked around the world as a member of the Canadian Armed Forces and the Red Cross. On the literal frontlines for many of the globe’s most notable humanitarian crises during that time – ranging from the shores of Sri Lanka after the 2004 tsunami, to the aftermath of 9/11 in New York, to fighting wildfires in Fort McMurray in 2016. Steve has proven, over and over again, what true leadership means by properly inspiring his teams to act, move, and overcome obstacles which is and has become the key to ongoing success for Steven and all of the teams he has led, and leaders he has inspired.

Q & A with Steven Armstrong How long did you serve in the army and what was your position? I served 22-years joining as a skinny kid and as a private infantry soldier. My rank when I got out was Master Warrant Officer and my job title was Sergeant Major. In layman's terms Officers are management and soldiers are workers, a Sergeant Major is 'like' a Head Foremen.(Kinda but much more.) Why did you join the army? Two reasons. One simple, I needed a job. I was going nowhere fast in school. The second was more complex. I was involved with the cadet program and I loved it. I thrived in the concept of the Regimental family, the belonging. I sometimes joke that I was lucky and joined the biggest gang in Canada. I loved the physically demanding, hard work and was super motivated. I learned I was a good leader and wanted to excel Why do you focus on building better leaders? I can tell you about times when I was part of a team that was well led, tight, strong and focused ... there was nothing we couldn't do. You could feel the energy hum, and I still feel what it was like today. I love teaching, coaching & mentoring. There is a huge scepticism of people telling you what to do without telling you how to do it. So I combine the two things into an amazing 3rd & last career.

If you could give a boss/ business owner/ CEO advice about being a better leader what would it be? Two things 1) Every single hour of every day a leader's mouth is building people & teams up or dismantling them. So be deliberate, thoughtful and careful about your actions and words and 2) Stop 'running' your organization and start leading it. The leader should be way more (continued on next page) Community \\ 23

(continued from page 23...) present in their organization than they would ever imagine. If they spent at least 50% of their time talking to employees. seeing what was going on in the field or shop-floor and being the Chief Reminder Officer by explaining what is important & why, they would be shocked by the almost immediate change in culture and results


The MILLION DOLLAR questions : What is a leader? A leader is the person who connects a group of people to themselves and then to an objective or goal bigger than themselves. Then motivates, inspires & drives to achieve something far beyond what they could ever do individually or even as a loose group of people. How has leadership changed over the past day 10 years? I do not believe that good leadership ever changes. What worked for Alexander the great, Caesar, Washington, Churchill and on & on still works today. As I look back over time since the dawn of the industrial age, I think people were/are trying to science their way out of leading people. Managers are looking for a system or a tool or a model that will answer all of their needs. As a result has become an over saturation of business & management 'thought leadership'. The last thing the world needs is another inspirational TED Talk or a 'leadership' system. The gap is a focus on being exceedingly human, understanding your people, building high trust teams and being extremely clear about expectations, objectives and goals. Who or What Inspires you?

To be honest, I'm not sure who is the who in 'who inspires me'. Lots of people inspire me from the famous to the unknown. I suppose I get more inspiration from the unknown than Ghandi King or Kennedy. I think the 'What' might be easier. As a leader I am inspired by people around me and what they want to achieve. And then us achieving things that they never in a million years could imagine.

24 // Community Now!

Jade Alberts; Founder Peer Guidance and Multi-Sport National Champion I am inspired daily by Entrepreneurs in Alberta. It does not matter what challenges are thrown at them; they step up.

Deborah Nichol; Happiness Designer I get stoked about collaborating and being part of a team that inspires others to create a life they love! I am collaborating now with some truly spectacular humans, everyone should have such an opportunity to be part of something bigger than themselves. Ahhh, this fills my bucket! “Don't look back-You're not going that way" -Mary Engelbreit

Kaitlin O’Grady; Program Manager, The Doorway The below quote has stuck with me since the first time I read it. It inspires me to look for the people, places and things that fascinate me. When I’m viewing my surroundings with this lens I get a ton of inspiration in return. Especially from people; their innovation, resilience and the small moments of connection they share with each other inspire me most. “The world fascinates me” -Andy Warhol

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“Remember to keep your thoughts positive, for your thoughts become your words; remember to keep your words positive, for your words become your actions; remember to keep your actions positive, for your actions become your habits; and remember to keep your habits positive because your habits become your destiny”


RESCUE • CARE • PROTECT Bringing a dog into your home is a special, heartwarming, and highly rewarding experience…to make it even more special why not adopt a rescue? Saving a dog is more than bringing a pet home! You are saving a life and adding a family member to your household by adopting a rescue. By adopting a rescue you're giving a dog that crucial second chance to live a life full of warmth, happiness and love. WHY ADOPT? Rescue dogs make amazing pets and companions. There can sometimes be a misconception that rescue dogs come with physical and behavioral problems. While it is true that some 26 // Community Now!

dogs require a little more patience and behavior training, most pooches are ready and eager to join new families. They make just as amazing pets as store-bought pups (plus, some of them are already house-trained - score!). They give so much more than they take. Studies have shown several benefits of owning a dog. Not only is it proven to lower stress, depression, and anxiety in humans, but pet ownership has been linked to: better self-esteem and self-care, increased physical fitness, heightened conscientiousness, and a sense of purpose and fulfillment. There are also many positive benefits for children. Those who are raised with pets exhibit higher self-esteem, compassion and empathy for others, and better non-verbal communication skills - to name a few. Adopting helps more than one dog. By adopting a rescue dog, you're making room in the shelter for another dog in need, and freeing up resources so we can continue to help dogs in need.

A dog's love is priceless. By taking in a homeless dog and giving them a family, you become their entire world - and there is truly no price you can put on a dog's love. Founder of Almost Home Canine Rescue; Dawn MacDonald found her passion and purpose in fostering rescue dogs for other rescues while struggling with depression. “The dogs gave me a purpose. That’s when I knew what I was meant to do.” Said Dawn. Dawn started rescuing dogs in California. Saving dogs that were going to be ethnized at high kill shelters and getting them flown in to Calgary. Then she bought a bus and drove to California and back to bring the dogs in. Then she quickly realized that there is a huge need to rescue dogs right here. Thousands of dogs are suffering here in Canada. AHCR now mostly saves dogs from all over Canada. “There are Thousands of dogs suffering all over Canada. Dogs that are abandoned, starving and sick. Strays and surrendered and abused dogs.” Said Dawn. All dogs deserve a great, loving forever home.

How Can the Community Help Support AHCR? By donating time, dog food, blankets, but mostly by SPREADING THE WORD about AHCR and the work we are doing. MON & TUES: Closed WED - FRI: 10:00am SAT: 11:00am - 5:00pm SUN: 11:00am - 4:00pm ALMOST HOME CANINE RESCUE YYC (403) 262-4364 Community \\ 27


Brian Cymbaluk; President of B LIEVE PRODUCTIONS / WE GOT the BEAT My wife inspires me to LOVE, deeply, my kids inspire me to be a great father, and the universe inspires me to become a better musician daily!


“The best way to predict the future, is to create it!!!”

Al Del Degan; Founding Partner & Anthologist What inspires you?: My son, Tony, because he is willing to jump into things and do the work to make his dreams come true. Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend.

Shawna Curry, Health and Wellness Expert Helping others to realize the ability to help themselves is what inspires me. “If you keep doing what you’ve been doing, you’ll keep getting what you’ve been getting.” It rings true about so many lifestyle changes and shows how important it is to listen to pivot and adjust when things aren’t working.

28 // Community Now!

BUSINESS LINK Business Link opened its doors in 1996, in Edmonton Alberta. Today they have staff working

Business Link is a non-profit that helps entrepreneurs navigate the steps toward starting, running and growing their own businesses. Each year more than 11,000 entrepreneurs from across the province connect with Business Link. Whether you live in a city, small town or in rural Alberta They will guide you to the resources you need for your own business venture.


Businesses that fail often do so because of a lack of support and guidance, not because they

didn’t have a good business idea.

Why is it important to support new businesses? Small business is the backbone of the Alberta economy. In Alberta, small businesses make up 95.5% of all businesses and employ more than 485,000 people. New businesses will be critical to economic recovery in the province. Many Albertans have lost their jobs, employment opportunities are scarce, and new opportunities have arisen as we navigate a ‘new normal’. Why should new businesses get support? Starting and running a business is challenging, and many businesses don’t survive 5 years post-launch. The clients that we work with at Business Link are incredibly talented, ambitious, and creative; they are often (continued on next page) Community \\ 29


remotely across Alberta!

(continued from page 29...) exceptional at what they do, from accounting to woodworking, but aren’t as experienced at business. They often don’t have any formal training or education in business and weren’t exposed to entrepreneurs in their lives. Additionally, running a business requires them to know about everything from financing to marketing to licensing and regulations (and everything in between). This is where we come in – to help provide information, connect them to the right resources, and point them in the right direction. Businesses that fail often do so because of a lack of support and guidance, not because they didn’t have a good business idea. What services do you offer? At Business Link, we offer supports for Albertans starting, running and growing their small business. You can connect 1:1 with a Business Strategist for personalized advice, access free market research support, connect

with experts like lawyers and accounts, attend educational webinars and virtual trainings, access online resources including recorded webinars, downloadable templates, and more, access specialized support for Indigenous and immigrant entrepreneurs, and much more. Visit or call us at 1-800-2729675 to get started today. How did the pandemic change how you do business? We were very lucky to have the infrastructure in place to go virtual as soon as the pandemic hit Alberta. There has been almost no disruption to our services. We are currently providing all services virtually, via phone, video conferencing, or email, and have gone virtual with almost all of our events and training. In fact, going virtual with some of our workshops, like the Business Foundations Series (which includes presentations on business financing, start-up steps, and more) has allowed us to reach more entrepreneurs across the province, particularly in rural areas.

Free expert business advice. No strings attached. Business Link provides 1:1 support and guidance, market research, access to experts, training, networking opportunities, and specialized support for Indigenous and immigrant entrepreneurs. 1-800-272-9675

30 // Community Now!


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Introducing the NEW... “It’s not a sign of weakness to ask for help”

Peer Guidance


Introducing the NEW...

Host Joanne Neweduk


Mo Aladin BSc, President, Blue Sky Hospitality Inc. Ordinary people like me doing ordinary things to put food on the table, treating people with respect and just putting their head down and getting it done inspires me.

Patricia Morgan; Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology, Certified Canadian Counsellor, recipient of Woman of Vision award (YWCA & Global TV) and Spirit of CAPS (for contributions to the Canadian speaking industry), therapist, speaker, mentor, and author of Love Her As She Is: Lessons from a Daughter Stolen by Addictions and other publications. Creativity, activism, philanthropy, TEDTalks, Stephen Lewis, Maya Angelou, Brene Brown, bell hooks, Dr. Vincent Cavello, Jean Huston, and my Juni, our 8 year old granddaughter..INSPIRE ME! “If I am not for me, who will be? If I am only for me, what is the point?” Hillel (ancient philosopher)

Joanne Neweduk; Owner and creative director Fabulous at 50Founder FabulousHealth, Registered Nurse, Integrative practitioner I am inspired by women who push the limits on how they live life through new eyes and in new ways. “The greatest obstacle we will ever have to overcome, is ourselves.” Community \\ 33


I am just a squirrel trying to gather a few nuts.

Photo: Adobe Stock

WHERE DO YOU GET YOUR INSPIRATION? When you think about inspiration, the first thing that comes to mind might be something you saw on social media. Perhaps a quote by Will Smith, or the Dali Lama. Of course there are people who have overcome disabilities and have gone on to share their stories and help motivate people to be positive and strive towards their own accomplishments. There are also public speakers like the author, Jack Canfield, who have actually made a career based on being inspirational. Inspiration, by nature, is a very personal thing. What is inspiring to some, may not be to others. I find that I am deeply inspired by people who have overcome extremely difficult situations and have come out the other side with a profound new outlook on life. I believe that every individual is responsible for their lives and how they respond to situations and events. I have been lucky to have the opportunity to speak with people who were around during World War II. With all the crazy stuff going on today, it still does not begin to com34 // Community Now!

pare with what people went through during those times back in 1939 - 1945. No matter what you might be going through, there is someone who went through something considerably more difficult, and yet they found a way to make it through. If you are lucky enough to still have grandparents, or even more rare, great grandparents, make sure you spend time with them and have them tell you all their life stories. I suggest you record them too. Notice how they talk about their experiences. At the time, they probably didn’t know if they would even make it through, but today they are able to share those experiences. If you have had difficult times, you may want to consider telling your stories. What you went through might just inspire someone else, and help them get through a rough period in their lives. Al Del Degan Founding Partner & Anthologist Capturing Legacies Inc.

CN! magazine’s 3rd Annual Mental Health Event:

“Take the Day”

Online on Dec 15 2020.

Hear from amazing speakers, get up and move and participate in Online activities ... Visit and search Community Now Take The Day Ticket sales end Dec 1 2020 Host: Jade Alberts Co-Host: Vanisha Breault Speakers: Koleya Karringten, Shawna Curry, Blaise Hunter, Deborah Nichol, Wayne Steer, Karen Judge, Mo Aladin, Steven Armstrong, Krista Malden, Marilyn Dyck, Sharyl Madigan, Ken Goldstein, Kimberley Dawn, Connie Jakab, Joanne Neweduk, Adette Lacerte, Al Del Degan, Robert Manolson, Patricia Morgan, Shanika Abeysinghe

36 // Community Now!

I n s p i r at i o n : Through Dance Education By Sarah Schulz and Stephanie Staniforth of Elements Dance Co.


t is a well-known fact that staying physically active plays an integral role in our physical, social, and emotional well-being. This is the case for children and adults alike! It’s more important now than ever during these vulnerable times that we take care of ourselves not only on an emotional level, but a physical one as well and what better way to do that than through dance! As a dance studio in Airdrie Alberta, at Elements Dance Co. we pride ourselves on our family-friendly environment, quality dance education, and being a safe space for our students. Our motto is create.elevate.achieve.- through creating in the studio we hope to elevate our students to achieve whatever they strive for in their life. One thing that makes dance such an incredible outlet for people of all ages, is its ability to strengthen us in ways we didn’t know possible! When we look at the benefits of dance, we can break it down into three main areas: physical, social, and emotional. When you think of dance, the most obvious may be of course the active aspect of the artistic sport. Dance enables students to grow through developmentally sound exercises and progressions, as well as tune into their fine and gross motor skill development — something that is crucial for young children! At Elements Dance Co., our programs are developed to reflect the physical and emotional capabilities of each age group, providing a challenge while work-

ing within the appropriate framework for that particular level. It comes as no surprise that dance will benefit through a balance of strength, flexibility, and mobility. Not all dancers can or need to be able to lift their legs up to their face, but dance can help establish a healthy level of flexibility and mobility. The increased time seated and in front of screens, associated with today’s lifestyle, means we have to move more often in order to counter these sedentary actions. Along with these important benefits comes the development of coordination and endurance! As children are growing, coordination can be something that they lose and regain many times over their adolescent years. Dance can also help to build cardiovascular endurance and stamina through repetition and high energy activities, as well as contribute to positive spatial and body awareness. Dance has the special ability to help teach children about their own unique physical characteristics, and all the amazing things their bodies can do for them! A dance education contributes to dancers being educated on taking care of their bodies through strength, stretching, rest, and nutrition to help them feel the best version of themselves. The social benefits gained through dance are just as important as the physical benefits! A dance studio provides a fantastic environment to develop social skills. Dancers are often required to interact with one another through a guided means, which helps them meet new people, vocalize, and break social (continued on next page) Community \\ 37

(continued from page 37...) boundaries. Dancers are able to develop leadership skills within their classes. At Elements Dance Co., our Assistant Teacher Program allows dancers ages 12 and up the opportunity to develop their leadership skills through assisting our staff in the classroom, coaching and mentoring young dancers. Our various community based events also offer our young adults the opportunity to work alongside our staff, helping to deliver a fantastic event experience. The teamwork skills gained through dance are truly irreplaceable. In the context of a group class or routine, dance is as much a team sport as anything else. Dancers are required to manage their space in relation to their teammates, execute steps at the same time and in the same style/rhythm as their peers, and in more advanced levels, dancers work on lifts and partner work which require the utmost communication and trust. All of these aspects lead to patience with oneself, for instance when learning a challenging new step, but also patience with others when facing challenges within the team. The third important type of benefit gained through dance is the emotional benefit. Dance has the ability to instil self-confidence in the student. In dance, constant repetition ultimately leads to the positive feeling of improvement or achievement. At Elements Dance Co., we believe in the power of positive reinforcement, and our ability to contribute to building each child's confidence- this is something we strive for on a daily basis. Learning the technical details of a ballet step, the counts, the rhythm, and the direction, all have a positive impact on the dancer’s mental dexterity. Their perseverance is highlighted when a step is challenging and could take weeks, maybe even months or years to master. That same perseverance is required in post-sec38 // Community Now!

ondary education, the workforce, and daily life, and so a dance education is the perfect building block towards a successful future. While teachers are there to help motivate each student, dance teaches children how to be intrinsically motivated, meaning they possess the ability to motivate themselves from within. Many of the classes we offer at Elements Dance Co. integrate goal-setting into the classroom for older dancers, which can positively contribute to their future goals and endeavours. Communication skills are highlighted every time a dancer steps foot into class, as students will have to practice communication with their peers, their teachers, as well as looking within. A dance class can provide a dancer with a form of stress-relief and distraction- whether it’s been a big day at school, or there’s a global pandemic taking place, getting into the dance studio can be a great way to live in the moment and blow off some steam. At Elements Dance Co., we feel that one of the most crucial benefits of dance is expression. Expression can be one of the most difficult things in life to feel comfortable with. A child who is comfortable expressing their emotions through movement, in a safe space, is learning a skill that will benefit them throughout their life and in future relationships on all levels. We hope that after learning about all of the incredible benefits that dance has to offer people of all ages, that you get up, turn on some music and dance it out! And of course, please feel free to contact us at Elements Dance Co. and see how you can reap the full benefits of dance for you and your family! Elements Dance Co. 3109 109 Gateway Drive NE, Airdrie AB, T4B 0J6 403-744-4141

Tracy Beairsto Retired CPA, Active Rockstar I am inspired by those who have embraced their passions and talents, combined these with the grateful dignity and grace inside themselves to find their purpose in helping others as well as themselves grow and transform, bringing their shining light to all they meet.

Kenzie Webber; CN! Designer I am inspired by the world and those around me, and I hope to be just as inspirational in return. “Don’t just wake up and think about the woman you want to become wake up and be her.”

Kimberly Dawn; Founder of Butterflies Family Concierge Services Incorporated in 2016 My leadership is under subdivision of inc. LEAD4changes. Lived Experience Advancement & Development “Sometimes success is simply a matter of hanging on when others would let go” by Eddie Pinero @ Your World Within #liveinspired This video inspires me to bravely stand alone with courage as I rise up today in #covid19 to be bolder & a different type of thinker. As a consultant, advocate, peer supporter & inspiring story teller of HOPE. Community \\ 39


“If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” – African Proverb

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Building B1, #201, 2451 Dieppe Ave SW, Calgary, AB T3E 7K1

Building B1, #201, 2451 Dieppe Ave SW, Calgary, AB T3E 7K1




Our Mission: Promoting curiosity, communication and engagement in making Alberta a stronger and better place to live, to be educated, do business, promote innovation and community celebration. Facebook: @communitynowmagazine Twitter: @communitynowma1

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