My name s Ian and I am a mechan c. For the last 25 years I have been serv c ng and repa r ng cars n the Parramatta and H lls d str ct. I am now blessed to settle my bus ness Carl ngford Mechan cal at Carl ngford.
I have been n the Carl ngford area for the last 7 years and have had the pr v lege to get to know the Carl ngford res dents very closely. My w fe Sevan has dec ded to jo n our team and expand th s fam ly run bus ness as far as we can. Our head mechan c Avo s an excellent add t on to our team as he br ngs w th h m the expert se and exper ence on all European veh cles such as Mercedes-Benz, VW, Aud , and many more.
Carl ngford Mechan cal's m ss on statement s "To prov de the h ghest qual ty of work at the lowest poss ble pr ces w thout jeopard z ng the safety of the veh cle or anybody ns de t"
We l ke to th nk we go the extra m le for our customers. We do most of our work n house, wh ch means you don't need
to go to d erent shops for d erent parts of the veh cle. For example we do tyres as well as serv c ng and repa rs.
The follow ng s just a s mple overv ew of the serv ces we prov de, - All logbook manufacturers serv c ng,
- Brakes and suspens on
- all mach n ng s done n-house
- Eng nes and gearboxes
- Tyres and wheel al gnments
- A r cond t on ng gas and repa rs
- reg strat on nspect ons, nclud ng *p nk sl p *blue sl p *LPG nspect on
- exhausts and mu ers
- batter es
We carry all of the state of the art d agnost c equ pment and computers, so all d agnost cs are done r ght here. w th the loan cars we o er there really s no reason to go anywhere else. So please jump n your veh cle next t me you need a serv ce or repa r and come and meet our team.
We look forward to meet ng you.
1A Jenk ns Rd Carl ngford 98735666
carl ngfordmechan cal@gma l.com
106 Derby Street Silverwater 2128 NSW www.transomscaffolding.com.au info@transomscaffolding.com.au
Transcom Scaffolding is Australian owned & operated. We are providing a 360 Solution from supply to setup & removal of scaffolding.
Transom scaffolding are leading specialists in residential, commercial and high rise scaffolding. Our team is made up of highly skilled and experienced scaffolding professionals, who are fully committed to the adherence of OH&S regulations for the safety of our clients, the public and our team.
North Rocks Gourmet Pizza are proud to have been filling the stomachs and hearts of North Rocks and the surrounding area for the past 33 years.
Trading hours Tuesday till Sunday from 5 pm till late. Delivery and takeaway available (dine in currently closed due to covid but plan to open later this year or early next) still undecided.
Online ordering through our website https://www.northrockspizza.com and app available
Full range of traditional pizzas as well as gourmet meat chicken vegetarian and seafood pizzas
Over 50 different pizzas to choose from.
Head 2 Toe Kids & Family Health is an innovative, multidisciplinary allied health practice. We integrate assessment and therapy for children with developmental, learning and behavioural difficulties, all in the one convenient location. We also do home and school visits.
Our focus is on your child and working together with you to assist them in reaching their unique potential.
Our experienced team can assist with issues such as:
Feeding concerns
Fine and Gross motor developmental concerns
Attention difficulties
School support
School readiness
Parenting and family support
Learning difficulties
Behavioural challenges
Developmental delays
Speech, language and communication
Social skills development
Coping with trauma
Orthopaedic Conditions
Providing Group Therapy
Extra-curricular fitness programs
Musculoskeletal pains and Injuries
Instagram instagram.com/head2toe_kids_health
Address 55 Kirby St, Rydalmere NSW 2116
When J hn Aquilina frst started Te Lim usine Line, he had n idea he w uld be celebrating its success 25 years later with his wi e Rita; wh he met a er re using every passenger in a 5-star h tel queue, t er Rita a ride h me.
It’s unusual r a lim usine service t stay in business r 25 years. C untless thers have c me and g ne while Te Lim usine Line has serviced the Sydney c mmunity and its highest-pr fle guests as well as interstate and internati nal c rp rate and leisure travelers.
Teir clients have included every ne r m superstar D lly Part n t appearing n H me and Away. Tey were the transp rt pr vider r Te Matrix m vie tril gy, have h sted Arabian princesses, the rmer Prime Minister India as well as Federal and State G vernment Ministers r many years. Teir l yal clients include c rp rate travelers and th se wishing t celebrate special ccasi ns.
During ne their biggest events, Te Lim usine Line transp rted 1,100 passengers r m Sydney t Te Hunter Valley with 27 vehicles ver three days. Just ne a number events they have managed transp rtati n r.
Te Lim usine Line is thrilled t have been selected as a Finalist r the L cal Business
Awards 2020 – Parramatta, a testament t their ability t pr vide an utstanding cust mer experience.
Tis ll ws their success receiving the 2019 ripAdvis r Certifcate Excellence where their 100% 5-star cust mer reviews speak v lumes ab ut the quality their service.
What has set them apart for all these years?
J hn and Rita put their success d wn t the pers nalised attenti n they give t each cust mer, g ing ab ve and bey nd ther chau eured transp rt and lim usine perat rs in Sydney. J hn describes himsel as his client’s pers nal c ncierge with a luxury lim usine service included.
Te Lim usine Line all ws travelers t relax and enj y their ccasi n with ut w rrying ab ut travel l gistics r the day. Unlike
m st ther lim usine services in Sydney, by ering the zer -emissi ns esla X 90D lim , passengers experience b th luxury and sustainability at the same time. “Much is said ab ut sustainable transp rtati n, reducing carb n emissi ns and ur “ tprint” n this w nder ul planet.” J hn and Rita want t share these n ble g als with all those wh ch se t travel with Te Lim usine Line and kn w that the changes they make t day, are paving the uture transp rtati n r their children’s generati n.
J hn and Rita want y u t kn w that while C vid-19 has been their biggest trial in business, they are still standing str ng because their s lid undati n and supp rt r m clients ver the past 25 years.