How to Make Home Extensions Eco Friendly

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How to Make Home Extensions Eco Friendly Eco-friendly: it’s the catch-cry we hear daily in North London. From energyefficient lighting to recycled paper, the concept of ‘green’ living is gaining momentum all around us. And if a house renovation is on the cards for 2021, homeowners have the perfect opportunity to contribute to this cause by opting for eco-friendly options in their build. The team at Combit Construction is keenly aware of our environmental responsibility, and as one of the most innovative north London builders, we’re committed to helping you design and create a home renovation that will fulfill your needs and those of the environment.

When planning their house renovation, North London homeowners can make a meaningful contribution to society by choosing methods and products that have the least impact on the environment. Often it comes down to the finer details: swapping one material for another or investing in energy efficient lighting and heating. The important thing to realize is that your decisions count: every homeowner is responsible for his/her patch of ground, and your ‘green’ choices matter. So, how can I make my house renovation eco-friendly? The topic is a big one, so let’s break it down a bit:

Recycling: Plan to recycle. Reclaimed building materials are a great way to reduce the environmental impact of your house renovation. They can be sourced from many different places: • • • •

direct from your own demolition project from other demolition projects salvage yards or reclamation yards websites specializing in reclaimed materials

By re-using or re-purposing materials from your existing home, you can also save yourself a pretty penny: doors, windows, bricks and glass panels are all items that don’t come cheap, so ask the team at Combit Construction to help you reduce the hit to your back pocket by using them again in your new build.

Insulate, Insulate, Insulate: Maximizing thermal protection is very important for your house extension. Adding extra insulation in the walls, floors and ceilings is a must to ensure protection from both the heat and the cold, and the extra effort will have a massive impact on the cost of heating and cooling the new part of your home.

Energy Efficient Windows: A huge amount of heat is lost and gained via the exterior windows of your home. Energy efficient windows can greatly reduce your heating and cooling costs, while helping to maintain an even temperature within your home extension. Double glazed windows are guaranteed to slash the amount of heat loss and save you a lot of money in ongoing energy expenses.

Lighting: A well-lit house is a must but choosing the ‘right’ type of lighting for your house renovation might be a bit tricky. At Combit Construction, we believe in great lighting, and that starts with the sun: after all, why not make the most of nature’s gift and fill the interior of your home with natural light? Velux windows, skylights and glass panels are a great way to achieve those open, light-filled living spaces, and add that undeniable modern charm to your home.

We understand that artificial lighting is also a consideration for any house renovation. North London homeowners are advised to choose eco-friendly options including LED fittings and energy efficient light bulbs. Sensor technology can also help to reduce energy consumption by automatically turning off lights when a room or area is unoccupied.

Solar Panels: Installing solar panels is becoming a popular method of supplying energy to UK homes. Solar panels are a great way to reduce your impact on the environment, and you have the option to sell your extra power back to the national grid!

Heating: Excellent insulation will minimize the need for extra heating in your extension, however, as we all know, the UK winters are not kind and extra heating is a big consideration. Underfloor heating is a great way to provide consistent and efficient heat to the new part of your home, as it heats a room from the floor upwards rather than isolated ‘pockets’ of heat given by traditional radiators.

As environmental awareness grows, building practices are constantly evolving, choose the building team that is committed to reducing environmental impact as much as possible. The construction team should have the skills, the experience and the innovation to create living spaces that are beautiful for you and the environment.

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