Vantage Fall 2013

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c o l u m b i a t h e o l o g i c a l s e m i n a ry | Va n tag e fa l l 2 0 1 3

fa i t h fu l d i s c i p l e s

National Events for New Hymnal Planned Speakers and Preachers Announced


he Presbyterian Publishing Corporation (PPC) is pleased to announce six national conferences around the publication of its new hymnal, Glory to God. These two-day educational events are being designed for pastors, musicians, worship committees, and ecumenical friends. Focus topics include global music, how to teach a new hymn, liturgy in Glory to God, and much more! Nationally-recognized musicians, preachers, and theologians will be featured at each event. Here is a list of locations, dates, speakers, and preachers for each event.

Wayne Presbyterian Church (Wayne, PA) October 18–19, 2013

Plenary speaker: Walter Brueggemann Preacher: Kimberly Bracken Long First Presbyterian Church (Albuquerque, NM) November 1–2, 2013

Plenary speaker: Michael Hawn Preacher: Margaret Aymer First Presbyterian Church (Salt Lake City, UT) November 4–5, 2013

Plenary speaker: Marva Dawn Preacher: Gláucia Vasconcelos Wilkey First Presbyterian Church (Ft. Worth,TX) January 9–10, 2014

Plenary speaker: Don Saliers Preacher: Laura Mendenhall

The Board of Trustees met together with faculty, staff and students on September 30 to dedicate a new sculpture of a Celtic Cross. At 12 feet 6 inches and 2,000 pounds, it is one of the largest Celtic crosses in North America. The bronze and steel cross now stands in front of the John Bulow Campbell Library in the middle of campus. The sculpture was given as a gift to the seminary by Irwin Belk in honor of his wife Carol Grotnes Belk. The artists who created the sculpture are Jodi Hollnagel-Jubran and Hanna Jubran.

Central Presbyterian Church (Atlanta, GA) February 21–22, 2014

Plenary speaker: Craig Barnes Preacher: Theresa Cho Harvey Browne Presbyterian Church (Louisville, KY) March 14–15, 2014

Plenary speaker: Martha Moore-Keish Preacher: John Wurster Information is available online at Registration will open in May 2013.

The hymnal will be published in September, in a variety of print and digital formats. For more information or to order the hymnal, visit News and resources are also available on the blog, which can be found at 2

VANTAGE Fall 2013

Columbia Theologic al Seminary Report oN 2012–2013 Ac ademi c Y ear


This fall begins the 186th year for Columbia Theological Seminary. Over 350 students are enrolled with 35% representing racial-ethnic minority populations. Last spring, we welcomed an accreditation committee which renewed our accreditation for another 10 years.

Va n tag e P o i n t

Following the Faithful God “Look toward heaven and count the stars, if you are able to count them.” In Genesis 15, God comes to Abram with a vision under a starry sky. God makes more than just an assurance that Abram will have a child. His descendants, and God’s people, will someday be more numerous than all the stars he could possibly count. Through the dry, clear atmosphere without any nearby cities, the stars within Abram’s view would have numbered in the billions. At a time when the world population was still less than 15 million, Abram could not have even imagined that many people. Ultimately, this covenant is not about numbers as much as a steadfast promise made to one person by the One who is faithful. In our effort to be “faithful disciples” living faithful lives ourselves, we can forget the fundamental gift of grace that God is for us. In this edition of Vantage, we are talking about what it means to be “faithful disciples who live consistently with focus and integrity.” It seems almost like a contradiction to talk about being faithful in a changing world. We can mistakenly assume that our task is to stubbornly take our stand against anything around us that may seem out of place. At the same time, we are not called to be blown about by every wind of change. In my last column, I reminded us that we are in “God’s changing world.” As such, God brings change not only to the world, but to us as well. God is on the move, and our goal is to keep pace. God initiates change in us to transform the world, and God also initiates change in the world to transform us. I’m always excited to see updates from our students, staff and faculty who travel around the region and all over the world for various conferences, internships, and our Explorations opportunities. These experiences are sometimes

every bit as formational as Abram’s trip from Ur to Canaan. Each student sees and does wildly different things, but all of them know that the same God is at work wherever they may be. Faithfulness is not always about being unchanging and static, nor is it always about “going with the flow.” Faithfulness does not always manifest itself in grand and revolutionary gestures. Sometimes, all we are being asked to do is to be present for a neighbor in need. It is always about being consistently responsive to the dynamic of God’s Spirit and the character of Christ. We are faithful disciples only to the extent that we listen to the leading of the God who is faithful. Just as a church is a group of people rather than a building, a seminary is not an institution as much as a gathering of God’s people sent into the world for a special purpose. Our task at Columbia Theological Seminary is to continue seeking this same faithful God who is persistent in making a connection with humanity and all Creation. We, as faithful disciples, are to live out of this connection and draw others in with us. All of life possesses a certain integrity when we do this well. Still we are tested at every point in a fallen world. So we need to keep imagining possibilities which are still unfolding. At Columbia we are preparing leaders for challenges which have yet to emerge. All the while, we focus on the One who is faithful.

Steve Hayner VANTAGE Fall 2013



Cliffs Notes for the Spiritually Reluctant Israel Galindo, Associate Dean of Lifelong Learning This following was presented as part of a sermon in Campbell Hall Chapel on September 10, 2013.

A c o u p l e o f w e e k s a g o , I found myself in one of the local bookstores, browsing as all good book-lovers must do every once in a while. I came across a rack of Cliffs Notes. You remember these, don’t you? The answer to every academically challenged college student’s anxiety! Written by some of the experts in academia, these small pamphlets contain the answers to the deeper questions about some of the world’s greatest literary works. Over the years, they have become the salvation of many academically reluctant students, promising to raise grade point averages with painless alacrity. It seems you can find a Cliffs Notes for just about everything now. From the ancient Beowulf to contemporary questionable young adult fiction, there’s a Cliffs Notes. Everything you wanted to know about each work is broken down and spelled out in bite-sized paragraphs: background on the author, synopsis, summaries and commentary, and gratefully (for students experiencing their first inklings of the real-life economics of personal time management) a section called “review questions and essay topics!” This alone justifies spending $3.95 on a very thin book you really don’t want to purchase. Here, for the sake of full disclosure, I’ll confess that I once used these tools for the literary challenged. We had finished studying The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in our college freshman American Literature course. The professor obviously thought there was more to it than just an adventure story about a wayward boy growing up in the South. As I surely couldn’t see more than that as the day of the final exam loomed closer, I looked to the oracle of the Cliffs Notes for answers. I’m sure it helped, since I passed the course. However, my grade on the final exam suggests that the professor suspected my keen observations on the essay questions were…less than original. Despite the hazards of a steady diet of Cliffs Notes, there are times I wish for a volume of Cliffs Notes for the Spiritually Reluctant. I wouldn’t expect it to be a best-seller, although it may be a hit in our seminaries. Of course, no self-respecting


VANTAGE Fall 2013

seminary professor would have such a book listed on his or her course bibliographies. So I envision hundreds of contraband copies of the Cliffs Notes for the Spiritually Reluctant finding their way to seminary campuses, wrapped in plain brown paper, tucked between the covers of a Harper Collins NRSV Study Bible and Gonzales’ The Story of Christianity (both volumes). I wonder what the content would be. Would it contain a chapter on “The Hard Sayings of Jesus Made Easy?” Would it teach “Theological Gamesmanship” for when one is caught in an awkward theological discussion with an overlyenthusiastic elder? Would there be a section on “How to Sit Through a Chapel Sermon?” Or, “How To Get Off A Church Committee Without Feeling Guilty?” Or, “What to do When the Minister Wants To Visit”? Or, “How To Preach The Same Sermon All Year Without Your Congregants Realizing It?” And in keeping with contemporary best-sellers, surely there would be a section called “Dogmatics for Dummies.” Of course, there can never be such a book as Cliffs Notes for the Spiritually Reluctant. Nor should there be, for the same reason that our more passionate teachers argue against the use of Cliffs Notes as a substitute for reading the actual thing. In fact, there is just such a disclaimer on the inside cover of every copy of Cliffs Notes. It’s the first thing you read when you open it up. The text is boxed off on the page and looks disturbingly similar to the Surgeon General’s warning on packets of cigarettes—and probably just as effective. But there is truth there: just as there is no shortcut to insight or to the attainment of enlightenment, there are no shortcuts to spiritual maturity. The classics are classics, because they open the door for us to worlds previously unseen and unimagined. They hint at greater realities than those in which we’ve become comfortable. They disturb eternal themes and feelings within us that, till the moment, had lain dormant in the slumber of ignorance. On the journey to spiritual maturity, there are no Cliffs Notes to make the path to maturity easier or smoother. The Samaritan Woman, the woman Jesus met at the well in John 4, is such a wonderful portrait of the spiritually reluctant. Like all who are spiritually reluctant she wants the perks without the work. She wants to enjoy the fruit of the

lifelong learning

Spirit without the cultivation of the soul. And like all who Faith i s a g i ve n , are spiritually reluctant, she but growt h is is unable to see beyond the not. Mat uri ty is self and the moment to find the re sult of God’s true intent for her life. lo ss...o f th i n gs Jesus offers her eternal life, we’ ve c hos e n to living and fresh and flowing, leav e behin d. . . . like water that gushes from a fountain. “Give me of this water, so I’ll never be thirsty again,” she asked, “and I won’t have to come out here to draw water in the heat of the day.” The spiritually reluctant are often spiritually clueless. Jesus’ pun was lost on her. She missed the punch line—didn’t get the joke—and missed the point. In the same way, an academically reluctant student may not see beyond the simple storyline of a mischievous boy named Huck, and miss the richness of a brilliant commentary on culture and prejudice and human nature. Faith is a given, but growth is not. Maturity is the result of loss: the loss of things we’ve chosen to leave behind, of things that hinder us from moving on, of things that will impede our progress in life and living despite our fondness for them. We need to give up our prejudices in order to see truth; beliefs in order to attain faith; certitude in order to trust; and sometimes, to let go of what we know, in order to learn. The Greek Church Fathers said that we are like the Israelites in the desert: “we live in tents, not houses, for spiritually we are always on the move. We are on a journey through the inward space of the heart, a journey not measured by the hours of our watch or the days of the calendar, for it is a journey out of time and into eternity.” Likewise, Jesus said that now is the time when we worship not in place or places, but in Spirit and in truth. This is our bold endeavor during our brief sojourn together. It is our peculiar and shared response of obedience in faith to the God who makes all things possible and all things new. In the midst of letting go those things that once anchored us, we remind ourselves that the thirst for life and learning can be quenched only by the One who obtained them for you and me out of an obedience even unto his death. The work of learning and spiritual growth demands such obedience of us. It is a way of life now framed by worship in Spirit and Truth with no room for shortcuts from effort, or work, or sacrifices. This is the calling we have embraced, and share. Even if, at times, reluctantly. Thanks be to God.

Upcoming Events Unless otherwise noted, all events take place on the seminary campus in Decatur, GA. For detailed registration information, go to and scroll to the dates of events you wish to attend. Please check the website for additional programs and updates. You may also call 404-687-4577 or email November 7–10 Articulation Our Mission, Role and Value Compass Points Certification Program

This course will be offered as a pre-event prior to the 2013 PCCCA/LOM Annual Conference at Zephyr Point Conference Center (Zephyr Cove, NV). Course content will include the development, implementation, and articulation of a mission statement. Learners will discover how this statement helps drive and shape all aspect of ministry at a camp and conference center. The class is centered around storytelling, worship and community building as we explore the meaning of personal and collective calling and mission. For details and to register, visit www.compasspointsprogram. org. Questions about the conference pre-event or the certification program in general? Contact Joel Winchip, PCCCA Executive Director, at or 803.322.0232. November 10–15 Capstone Course Compass Points Certification Program

This Capstone Course concludes the inaugural series of courses in the Compass Points Certification Program and will be held concurrently with the PCCCA/LOM Annual Conference at Zephyr Point Conference Center (Zephyr Cove, NV). Questions about the conference pre-event or the certification program in general? Contact Joel Winchip, PCCCA Executive Director, at joel@pccca.netor 803.322.0232.

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VANTAGE Fall 2013


lifelong learning

Teaching Spiritual Formation in the Congregation “My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come to behold the face of God?” (Psalm 43:2). So wrote the psalmist long ago, but the words are easily our own. We also thirst for God. We are hungry for a deeper, more intimate relationship with God. Our interest in spiritual formation is often related to our individual lives. We search for ways to grow closer to God through a variety of spiritual practices and may seek out others committed to the spiritual journey. But we often are unable to take the next step, which is to create a community dedicated to spiritual formation. March 30 – April 4, Jane Vennard and the participants of the Teaching Spiritual Formation in the Congregation class will explore and engage a variety of practical ways for

building such a community by teaching spiritual formation in our congregations. “In our time together,” Vennard says, “we will begin by discussing what we mean by spiritual formation and envision what it might look like in a congregation. We will experience practices that guide our own spiritual formation, and find ways to share these disciplines with others. We will look closely and compassionately at our own churches to discern their needs for spiritual growth. And, we will discuss specific methods for introducing spiritual formation and eliciting commitments from our congregations.” The course will include prayer, small groups, individual reflection, and silence as well as presentations and discussion. Participants will begin their own teaching plan and have the opportunity to share ideas with others so as to learn from one another. All are invited to join the conversation. Details and registration information may be found at Lifelong-courses-and-events or by calling 404-687-4577.

Applications Being Accepted for 2014 Thompson Scholars


VANTAGE Fall 2013

T h e T h o m p s o n S c h o l a r s p r o g r a m for 2014, A Different World: Evangelism for the Screen Share Generation, will take place April 29 – May 2, 2014 on the Columbia Theological Seminary campus. This annual event brings together pastors and other church leaders with a special interest in evangelism. The program will be led by Ralph C. Basui Watkins, associate professor of evangelism and church growth. The number one device in the world today is the cell phone. How do we share the gospel with a generation that lives through a mobile device? The seminar will focus on how we share the gospel with a generation that lives via the small screen. We will look at the generation some call the “the screen share generation” and consider how we might effectively build relationships and foster discipleship with them from the virtual world to the face to face world. This is an application-based program. Qualified applicants will be accepted until we reach maximum enrollment. For more information and a link to the application, go to http://www. The application deadline is December 1, 2013. Applicants will be notified of their status by January 15, 2014. Preference will be given to applicants who have not participated in the Thompson Scholars program within the past 5-10 years. The program fee of $150 includes the course fee, on-campus meals and refreshments. Participants are responsible for their housing and transportation; on campus housing is available. This program is generously supported by an endowment in honor of Cecil Thompson, former professor of evangelism at Columbia. For more information, please contact Sarah Erickson, director of Lifelong Learning, at or 404-687-4526.

reasonable service

The Mary Bray Spence Collection By Chris Paton, Archivist, John Bulow Campbell Library C a m p b e l l L i b r a r y i s p l e a s e d t o a n n o u n c e the release into the archives online catalog of descriptions and photographs of the Mary Bray Spence collection of crosses and religious symbols. The collection includes nearly 760 crosses and other religious objects dating from approximately the 13th century to about 1972. Representing a variety cultures from around the world, the items were collected by Mary Bray Spence of Gulfport, Florida. Ms. Spence began the collection while recuperating from a serious accident by asking friends who were traveling to send her crosses and continued to build the collection following her recovery. The collection was formerly housed at the archives facility at Montreat, North Carolina and was transferred to Columbia Theological Seminary in 2007. The smallest crosses measure approximately ¼” and the largest one is 4 feet tall. The collection includes crosses and crucifixes representing many countries, Christian traditions, and time periods. It also includes some items from other religions and examples of cross motifs used in nonreligious items, such as military medals. Many of the items were made to be worn for decorative or devotional purposes. These are made of materials such as gold, sterling silver, precious and semi-precious gems, ivory, hair, and wood. Other crosses were made for display or practical use. Materials include metals, wood, bone, glass, plastic, stone, textiles, and other media. Unusual and rare items include Victorian hair crosses, Maria Laach limited edition crosses, elaborate filigree items, items attributed to indigenous peoples of several regions, and many unique, hand-made crosses. The collection also includes modern costume jewelry, souvenir crosses, and other mass-produced items. Over the past few years, archives staff members examined the crosses, housed them in new containers, and created catalog records for them. Beginning in the fall of 2012, student Myung Jin Chae (’15) worked with archives staff member Meredith Torre to photograph the crosses, so that they can be viewed online. The catalog records and images can be viewed from the link on this page: http://www. Typing terms such as “cross” or “crucifix” will locate most of the items; additional terms can be added to look for specific types or shapes, such as “Jerusalem cross” or “ivory.” Most of the descriptions in the catalog are very brief because the descriptions that accompanied the crosses were brief. The archives staff invites the public to look at the crosses and descriptions online and send corrections or additional information to the archivists at VANTAGE Fall 2013


reasonable service

An Imaginative and Resilient Summer By Kimberly Clayton, Director of Contextual Education

Feasting on the Gospels Published T h e f i r s t t w o v o l u m e s of Feasting on the Gospels (Matthew) were released in early October. This has been a joint project of Columbia Seminary and Westminster John Knox Press alongside the Feasting on the Word series. Feasting on the Gospels is to be a new seven-volume series following up on the success of the Feasting on the Word series. It will provide another unique preaching resource, this time on the most prominent and preached upon New Testament books, the four Gospels. With contributions from a diverse and respected group of scholars and pastors, Feasting on the Gospels will include completely new material that covers every single passage in the New Testament Gospels, making it suitable for both lectionary and non-lectionary use. Moreover, these volumes will incorporate the unique format of Feasting on the Word, with four perspectives for preachers to choose from for each Gospel passage: theological, pastoral, exegetical, and homiletical. Feasting on the Gospels will provide a special resource for all who preach, either continuously or occasionally, on the Gospels. For information, see: http://www.feastingontheword. net/Products/CategoryCenter/FOGS/Feasting-On-The_ Gospels.aspx.

Call the Columbia Bookstore at 404-6874550 for a discounted price! 8

VANTAGE Fall 2013

F i f t y - f i v e s t u d e n ts f ro m C o l u m b i a engaged in a variety of internships over the summer of 2013. The majority of students served congregations, but others served as chaplains in hospitals and community ministries through CPE (Clinical Pastoral Education), as teachers in an educational institution, and one student served in a non-profit community-rebuilding agency in downtown Baltimore. These opportunities for Contextual Education help our students integrate academic knowledge with the practice of ministry, develop pastoral skills, gain greater vocational clarity, and receive vital feedback on their strengths as well as areas for further growth. As Columbia Theological Seminary focuses on helping our students to develop a pastoral imagination and to become resilient leaders for God’s changing world, this summer has provided challenging opportunities: •B ethany and Kate went to South Africa and Kenya respectively to experience ministry in a new culture. •E rin served two churches in Las Cruces, New Mexico —one Spanish-speaking and one English-speaking. •L isle went to Asheville, NC to employ her artistic abilities by combining faith and the arts in congregational worship and in community mission through a non-profit ministry. • J ehunghoon served a Korean congregation that stresses fervent prayer in its life together. The form of prayer is called Tongsung Gido which means “prayer at the top of one’s voice.” •C andi and Marcus served an exciting new church development in a neighborhood where many live below the poverty line, and the church is trying to make a broad impact. • J ason decided to visit the congregation a week before his internship. As he walked through the door, a member greeted him saying, “Jason, our pastor has just phoned in and is very sick. Can you preach for us today?” Jason quickly scribbled some notes of a sermon outline as the prelude music began. •W ill co-officiated at three funerals within a four-week time span—all in different settings: one in the church sanctuary, one at the funeral home, and another at the cemetery mausoleum.

•F red learned about blending a traditional Presbyterian congregation and reformed style of worship with the faith and culture of the Mizo immigrant community who is joining in growing numbers. Their joyful singing is contagious and laypeople lead most of the service, often including the preaching. Ridgley learned a lot about resilience while serving as a pastoral intern at Sunrise Presbyterian Church on Sullivan’s Island, SC. Vance Polley is the pastor and served as her Supervisor. The Sunrise congregation learned about resilience when their church building was destroyed in 1989 by hurricane Hugo. An outpouring of donations from all over the country helped them rebuild. Since then, the congregation has used some of the funds donated and their own resources to establish a mission fund. They have engaged in many projects in their community and beyond. A recipient of mission themselves, being a mission to others is now a hallmark of this congregation. But Ridgley was to learn something more personal about resilience. In the last few miles of a 4-day bike ride for charity, Ridgley had an accident, falling onto a bridge made of steel grates. The fall heavily damaged her knee. When I talked to her, she was staying home for the week, taking pain medication and keeping her leg propped up— yet still working on a sermon and a lesson plan for the coming Sunday. Only 7 days after the accident, Ridgley preached at both services and taught an adult class in between—from a wheelchair! When I visited her two weeks after the accident, she had graduated to a crutch. I was awed by her good spirits and calm demeanor. What follows are excerpts from an article she wrote for the church newsletter. Resilient indeed, with eyes able to see the steadfast love God that endures forever!

me to a bed. It was here, when I didn’t have my mom and dad that strangers came and cared for me lovingly. It was humbling. Love in Action. This week I’ve been overwhelmed with flowers, emails and phone calls, and gifts, and simple help from those that aren’t my family. Those that were strangers. Those that I now call family. This is the love in action that I think we read about in 1 John. Today I invite you to go from this place, and love. Love with God’s sacrificial love that knows no bounds. Live for moments when we can encourage, comfort, hold a stranger when they’re in need. Leave this place and love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action. Love one another, pulling one another along, protecting one another when the time comes. Keep pedaling through the journey, even if you’ve fallen at mile one. Encourage one another to continue biking one more mile through the journey, whatever struggles lie ahead. Most importantly, I invite you to open yourself up to accept the love that is given to you. If you’re hurting, if you’re on the brink of giving up, even if you’re sure you can do it on your own. Open up and accept God’s steadfast love in action. Strangers becoming lifelines. Love in action.

My bike lost control on the drawbridge over the Ashley River, and Lori and I both went down. I rolled out of traffic yelling to see if she was okay. I was met with Tracey, holding my head in her arms, calmly telling me not to look at my leg. I was hurt. I was very hurt. All my friends that I had only known for a few short hours were now holding me, comforting me, and helping me get the care I needed. Love in Action. When I got to the ER my nurse was a girl I grew up with in high school. I was surrounded by strangers, and here was a friend to care for me in my time of need. Her sweet smile assured me that it all was going to be fine. Will, my boyfriend and his family met me in the ER and sat with me all night, through the consults, through the surgery. Getting my things, bringing me clothes, driving me home, carrying VANTAGE Fall 2013


sensible horizons

Sing a New Song

A Review of Glory to God by Stephen M. Fearing ’14 (MDiv/MAPT) “ T h e h y m n a l , f r o m s ta rt t o f i n i s h , i s m e a n t t o h av e a p l o t l i n e … [it is] all about a narrative story of salvation.” David Eicher, the editor for the new hymnal of the Presbyterian Church (USA) called Glory to God, spoke these words during a conversation that we had earlier this year. “The past six years,” he said, “have been a journey to embody the musical story of God’s action in the world and our response, as God’s people, in this current historical context.” Indeed, Glory to God will allow God’s people in today’s Church to sing their part of the salvific history of the creation’s Divine Composer. T e l l i n g t h e S to ry Glory to God’s cohesive narrative can perhaps be best separated into three major sections of hymns: • God’s actions (past, present, & future) . . . . . . . . . . . Hymns 1-384 • Our worship of God . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hymns 385-610 • Our faithful response (past, present, & future) . . . . . Hymns 611-853 The structure reveals a profound theological statement: the worship to which we are called exists, quite literally, in the space between the reality of God’s actions upon our lives and our human response to this narrative. This outline is not intended to present the narrative in a strictly linear timeline (i.e. what God has done in the past, what worship we are doing in the present, and what our response will be in the future). Instead, God’s actions and our faithful response are represented as two sides of the same “musical coin.” One cannot be spoken of justly without the other in either past, present, or future terms. A refreshing aesthetic characteristic of the new hymnal is that each and every text contains, at the bottom of the page, a few sentences that will enhance congregations’ embodiment of the music. These “blurbs” for each hymn serve to inform the reader/singer of relevant facts including: • Historical information about the author or hymn • Statements regarding its theological purpose • Applications of the text to current events • Suggestions regarding liturgical use


VANTAGE Fall 2013

There is a total of 225 texts, approximately 25% of Glory to God, devoted to what I will call “liturgically specific” texts (sung portions of liturgy or service music). In addition, Glory to God will also include thirty pages of liturgical resources for congregations, drawn primarily from The Book of Common Worship. The contents of Glory to God also reflect the exciting renewal in the singing of the Psalms. Recent publications such as Michael Morgan’s Psalter for Christian Worship and the Calvin Institute’s Psalms for All Seasons have helped reintroduce Christian communities to a rich heritage of singing the Psalms in worship. Rather than placing all of the Psalms together, the members of the hymnal committee chose to spread the Psalms throughout the hymnal to help educate congregations on how the respective Psalms can be used for liturgically specific portions of regular worship.

S h a r i n g A c r o ss C u lt u r e s Mary Louse Bringle, the chair of the Presbyterian Committee on Congregational Song which was responsible for compiling Glory to God, has likened denominational hymnals to a family album. Like family photo albums, hymnals bring together all sorts of family and friends for the purpose of sharing and expressing a common narrative. Families, however, are not static entities, but rather grow and change. Younger generations are born and are welcomed into the narrative, joining generations that preceded them. Denominational hymnals, likewise, are diverse entities which embody the sung story of a people young and old, male and female, from a variety of cultures and experiences. Glory to God will feature music from the global community, including music from Korea, China, the Middle C o lu m b i a C o n t r i b u to r s to East, Latin America, Europe, and Africa. In my conversation Glory to God with Glory to God editor, David Eicher, he marvels at the fact that, in this post-modern world, a Christian community in C o m m i tt e e M e m b e r s : tribal Africa can sing a worship song from its own tradition Dr. Paul Huh, Assistant Professor of Worship which can be immediately shared with a click of a button Rev. Adam Copeland, MDiv ’09 to any fellow sister or brother in Christ around the world. Rev. Eric Myers, MDiv ’91 Such simultaneous interconnectedness simply was not available when the previous hymnal was being compiled W o r s h i p C o n s u lta n t : in the late eighties. Glory to God takes advantage of this Dr. Kimberly Long, Associate Professor of Worship global interconnectedness and gives voice to our increasing awareness of the fact that our faith family is one of many Authors & Composers: colors, many languages, and many voices! Dr. Brian Wren, Professor Emeritus Michael Morgan, Seminary Musician T h e N e w F a m i ly A l b u m Glory to God is an appropriate balance between the H y m n a l P r o j e c t S ta ff : family that we have been, the family that we are now, and Mary Margaret Flannagan ’06 the family that God is calling us to be. Despite the fact that Glory to God will contain almost 250 more texts than its 1990 predecessor, it will be roughly the same size and will, in fact, weigh less than the previous hymnal. Unlike the 1990 hymnal, Glory to God will be made available as a digital eBook and will also be published in a projection edition that will be useful for churches that use projectors in worship. Perhaps the most attractive aspect of Glory to God is its flexibility. With 853 hymns and songs to choose from, a variety of worshiping communities will find the hymnal to be a helpful resource for generations to come. Glory to God is not the first hymnal of the PC(USA) and neither will it likely be the last. However, for our time, the new Presbyterian hymnal will provide diverse congregations the means by which to sing the faith and give glory to God as we have been called to do.

Stephen Fearing is finishing his fourth and final year of study at Columbia where he is working on his Masters of Divinity and Masters of Arts in Practical Theology with an emphasis in Worship. After graduating from Presbyterian College in 2010, he moved to Atlanta to continue his studies and work towards becoming ordained as a Teaching Elder in the PC(USA). You can learn more about Stephen at his blog (stephenmfearing. where he posts sermons, liturgies, hymns, liturgical art, and other things of the geeky liturgical persuasion. VANTAGE Fall 2013


commencement 2013

David Bartlett, Professor Emeritus Baccalaureate Sermon*: Columbia Theological Seminary May 17, 2013 2 Corinthians 3:1-6

I t h a s n o t b e e n s u f f i c i e n t ly n o t e d by New Testament scholars that, when he wrote 2 Corinthians, Paul was undoubtedly considering becoming an apostle Emeritus. Otherwise it is hard to understand why he takes time to talk quite so much about himself. He is clearly slipping into what my fellow Emeritus professor David Kelsey calls his “anecdotage.” I was tempted to follow something of Paul’s example and talk far too much about myself during this sermon. My beloved wife told me that that would be a stunning example of self-indulgence. My dear colleague, Anna Carter Florence, assured me that it was really just testimony. Of course, as you read 2 Corinthians it is also clear why Paul decided against retirement. A whole new generation of apostles was wandering into Corinth with exceedingly impressive credentials and stunning letters of recommendation. But nonetheless he was concerned, legitimately of course, that his beloved school—I mean his beloved congregation—would never be the same again. So retirement got postponed. What annoys Paul about the newcomers is not that they have letters of recommendation, but that they think those letters are somehow proof of their competence, signs of their giftedness. “For we are not peddlers of God’s word, like so many.” Paul’s word of warning to the confused Corinthians is also a word of encouragement for us: faculty, staff, families, students, and tonight, especially graduates.


VANTAGE Fall 2013

“Such is the confidence we have through Christ toward God.” Forget the credentials and the diplomas and the prizes for a minute; forget the letters of recommendation we wrote for you seniors to the graduate schools and the committees on ministry and even those phone calls where we honestly, and I do mean honestly, assured the eager committee member that yes, you really are quite terrific. For the moment forget all that. For the moment remember what Paul says: Christ is our recommendation, and God is our sufficiency. “Such is the confidence we have through Christ toward God. Not that we are competent of ourselves; our competence comes from God.” “Okay, superapostles,” says Paul, and of course by “super” he means, “not all that great.” “Okay superapostles, you show me your letters of recommendation. I’ll show you what I’ve got. God is my sufficiency and Christ is my Lord, and oh by the way, if you want to talk about letters of recommendation I’ve got those, too.” These people, these Corinthians, are my letters of recommendation. We all know about Paul, bright light on the way to Damascus, call from God, sent on a mission. We sometimes forget Paul the pastor who was never just an apostle, he was an apostle, to somebody, always…partner in the gospel. He was credentialed by his call, but he was also credentialed by his compassion. God will be your sufficiency, Christ your lord, and the people your letter of recommendation.

* Editor’s Note: What appears here are highlights of the original sermon followed by a poem Prof. Bartlett wrote for his first graduating class.

commencement 2013

Those to whom you minister. Those to whom some of you will preach the gospel week after week. Those for whom some of you will consecrate bread and wine. Those whom some of you will visit in times of deepest joy or saddest grief. Those whom everyone of you will teach, some in the classroom, some in the parish, some as your serve them in the crowded ways of life. Those to whom by word and deed, imperfectly but incessantly you will declare freedom from captivity and to whom by word and deed you will feed the bread of life. They are your credentials. And you, beloved, are our credentials: Faculty, staff, administration—you students are our credentials. Not the books we write or the lectures we give, or the budgets we balance or the towers we build. You are our credentials and were we to boast we would boast of you. Of you and of those who preceded you and those who will follow, the astonishing company of those of us who of course do not really master divinity or theological studies or theology and who are do never quite ready to doctor anything at all. But who are servants of Christ and offspring of God You are our credentials; we carry you as a badge of honor on our hearts.


Eighty students received degrees in May 2013.This was the first year for students to receive diplomas in the dual degree program. Degrees were conferred in seven academic programs. Dr. David L. Bartlett preached the baccalaureate sermon at Columbia Presbyterian Church. Commencement services were held at Peachtree Presbyterian Church.

The Journey I send you forth to the land that has been promised. That it has been promised is all I know. I do not know the shape of the land, the route that you must go, The dangers certain to befall along the way. My small experience leads me to suggest You should expect your share of desert places Where oases vanish upon close inspection And water springs from most unlikely rocks. Also, you should beware the golden calf, Or any beast pretending to be God. The likely candidates will have immense appeal And an unpleasant after taste. The great advantage of the promised land Is that it will wait for you. If on the road someone waylaid by thieves Or sudden beauty should detain you, there is time. You will know when you have reached the land By the sudden fear you feel at the edge of grace And the strong pull of familiar Egypt on your soul. And the knowledge that there is no turning back. Farewell, beloved Put on the whole armor of God, but leave your heart exposed Since life, like death, demands a certain vulnerability. And learn a song or two to sing in a strange land. Be wise as serpents, innocent as doves; Accepting the worst from all, expecting the best. You are less what you’ve learned than what you’ve learned to love. Love is your journey’s name, and your final rest. Amen

VANTAGE Fall 2013


c l a ss o f 2 0 1 3 a w a r d s

Lyvonne Elise Patty Briggs

Justin David Burgess

H. J. Riddle Memorial Book Award

The John Nelsen Award

Sharon E. Gregory

Columbia Emma Gaillard Friendship Boyce Memorial Circle Graduate Award; William Fellowship Rivers Waddey Award

Chanmi Park

Heather Elizabeth Fosburgh Bardole

Lucille MillerTrumbull Baum

James T. and Celeste M. Boyd Book Fund

Anna Church Whitnor Fellowship

John Winslow Fawcett

Jacob K. Geerlings

Emma Gaillard Boyce Graduate Fellowship


Alison Leigh CampbellTaylor

Jennifer Carlier

Ellen Gollihue Carrington

Alexina Kathleen EagleRomaine

James T. and Celeste M. Boyd Book Fund

St. Andrew Presbytery Preaching Award

Julia Abdullah Award

Ralph C. Griffin III

Sunghee Hammersley

Kenneth Earl Hughes

Soo Kwang Lee

Frank Marion McCracken

Florie S. Johnson Award

Harvard A. Anderson Fellowship; Ludwig Richard Max Dewitz Biblical Studies Award (OT); Wilds Book Prize

William Dudley Fund Award

George and Sally Telford Award

Samual A. Cartledge Biblical Studies Award (NT); Columbia Graduate Fellowship

Indiantown Country Church Award

Rachel Morgan Whaley Pate

Brittany Lynn Harrold Porch

Sally Ann McKinsey Sisk

Shavon Chappelle Starling-Louis

Lucy Catherine Strong

Joseph William Taber

Searcy Allen (Buz) Wilcoxon

James T. and Celeste M. Boyd Book Fund

Fannie Jordan Bryan Fellowship

Fannie Jordan Bryan Fellowship; The TomsMcGarrahan Award

William Dudley Fund Award

The Robert Ramey, Jr. Christian Leadership Award

Paul T. Fuhrman Book Prize in Church History

Lyman and Myki Mobley Prize

VANTAGE Fall 2013

Paul T. Fuhrman Book Prize in Church History

j o y f u l G i fts to t h e S e m i n a ry July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013 This Annual Report includes donors whose gifts were received between July 1, 2012, and June 30, 2013. Gifts received after June 30, 2013, will be acknowledged in next year’s annual report. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the annual report. We apologize for errors or omissions and ask that you bring them to our attention. Please report corrections to Diane Thorne, gift records coordinator, at 404-687-4590 or

Table of Contents Board of Trustees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Partners in Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Columbia Gift Societies

Presidents’ Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peter Marshall Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . William Marcellus McPheeters Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Woodrow Wilson Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Agnes Law Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Charles A. Stillman Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thomas and Anne Holbrook Goulding Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

19 19 20 22 23 25 29

Giving by Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

33 36 40 41 42

................ ................ Memorials & Tributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Columbia Founders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. McDowell Richards Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gifts to Endowed Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Key to Special Notations * Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle † Raised to the Church Triumphant

VANTAGE Fall 2013


b o a r d o f t r u st e e s 2 0 1 3

Emily J. Anderson Maryville, TN

Gail S. Glover Atlanta, GA

Charles R. Nash Tuscaloosa, AL

Lee W. Bowman Cashiers, NC

Elizabeth C. Goodrich Birmingham, AL

Philip S. Noyes Atlanta, GA

Bennett A. Brown Carrolton, GA

Joseph S. Harvard Durham, NC

Richard A. Oglesby, Jr. Atlanta, GA

Eva O. Carter Birmingham, AL

Susan N. Haskell Mountain Brook, AL

Pendleton B. Peery Charlotte, NC

Maggie Chandler Columbia Heights, MN

George J. Hauptfuhrer, III Atlanta, GA

Derrick J. Quattlebaum Greenville, SC

Ann D. Cousins Atlanta, GA

Stephen A. Hayner Decatur, GA

Margaret C. Reiser Atlanta, GA

Laura A. Cunningham Pearl River, NJ

Hayne Hollis Dothan, AL

William E. Scheu Jacksonville, FL

Thomas Daniel Decatur, GA

Billy M. Honor Atlanta, GA

J.Todd Speed Decatur, GA

Pam Driesell Atlanta, GA

James M. Jeter Moultrie, GA

Jan O. Swetenburg Charlotte, NC

Lucie B. Eggleston Columbia, SC

Andrew Kintz Nashville, TN

Thomas W. Walker Ponte Vedra Beach, FL

Florida S. Ellis Atlanta, GA

Dennis M. Love Atlanta, GA

Sue S. Williams Atlanta, GA

Nancy P. Giguere Greenville, SC

Hamilton W. McKay Charlotte, NC

Valarie D. Wilson Atlanta, GA

Elizabeth B. Moore Pensacola, FL


VANTAGE Fall 2013


Two Columbia Students received Apollos Scholarships.They are Ridley Beckett, Spartanburg, SC and Shavon Starling-Louis, St. Petersburg, FL. Shavon was also a finalist for the Marilyn A. Jackson Memorial Award.

Partners in Ministry Started in 2003, the Partners in Ministry initiative raises awareness about Columbia Theological Seminary to encourage intentional and generous giving to our Annual Fund. Events are held each year where we tell stories of the many ways God is at work on campus, in our churches, homes, and communities. With almost $4 million raised in financial support, our Partners have made a difference for our students and programs. For more information about our Partners in Ministry program, please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement at 404-687-4588.

Leadership Partners Pledged $50,000 or more over five years Mr. and Mrs. Howell E. Adams, Jr. Ms. Jocelyn C. Bauer John T. Benton, Jr. and Suzanne B. Benton Mrs. Nancy P. and Dr. Jeffrey K. Giguere Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Love Mr. Jeffrey D. McEwen

Faith Partners Pledged $25,000 or more over five years Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Belk Fulcrum Equity Partners, Inc. Mr. David H. Gill, Jr. The Rev. Elizabeth C. and Mr. T. Michael Goodrich Mr. and Mrs. T. Michael Goodrich Mr. and Mrs. George J. Hauptfuhrer Ms. Jane Boyd Lee Mrs. Gay M. Love Gay and Erskine Love Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Muir Roswell Presbyterian Church, Roswell, GA St. Luke’s Presbyterian Church, Dunwoody, GA

Impact Partners Pledged $5,000 or more over five years Anonymous Dr. and Mrs. E. Lane Alderman The Rev. Mary G. and Mr. Anthony L. Amos Mr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Armistead Mr. and Mrs. William R. Bassett Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Bedford Dr. Cynthia M. and Mr. Steve N. Benz Mr. and Mrs. Jerry M. Bowden Mr. W. Howard Boyd, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett A. Brown III The Rev. Mary Miller Brueggemann Dr. M. Rebecca and Mr. John F. Burton Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Carr, Jr. Dr. Connie L. Carson Mrs. Gwendolyn M. Cleghorn Mrs. Charlotte M. Connah Mr. James C. Connah Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Drake The Rev. Pamela G. Driesell and Mr. L. Joseph Loveland, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. William T. DuBose Dr. and Mrs. H. Alan Elmore The Rev. Jane E. Fahey Ms. D. Gayle Gellerstedt and Mr. William J. Funk Mrs. Gail S. and Mr. Marion B. Glover Mrs. Rutledge I. Gross Mr. and Mrs. Ted S. Gum The Rev. and Mrs. C.J. Hammet, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Dexter V. Hancock Susan and Wyatt Haskell The Rev. Morgan M. and Mr. Robert S. Hay, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Hechenbleikner The Rev. Alexandra K. and Mr. Charles V. Hedrick Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hoener Mrs. Cecile M. Hooks Mr. and Mrs. Hugh F. Hunter, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Hyde Dr. and Mrs. Ben C. Johnson Dr. E. Elizabeth Johnson and the Rev. Peter M. Paulsen Mr. and Mrs. Ronald K. Johnson Mrs. Catherine D. Jones The Rev. and Mrs. Walter M. Jones, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. John B. Kline Dr. Charles C. Knox Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Lassiter III Mr. and Mrs. William J. Martin, Jr. Mr. Jack L. McGinnis Dr. Belle Miller McMaster

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

† Raised to the Church Triumphant

Mr. Thad L. McNulty IV Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Meier Mrs. C. Faye Mills Mr. and Mrs. William H. Moore, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Moseley, Jr. Dr. Deborah F. Mullen Myers Park Presbyterian Church Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Nash Dr. and Mrs. William O. Nisbet, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Norris Mr. and Mrs. Ellis R. Norton Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. John F. Oglesby Dr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Oldenburg Dr. and Mrs. Paul M. O’Neal The Rev. W. Larry Owens Dr. and Mrs. W. Jefferson Pendergrast, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Perkins, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. John R. Ragsdale II Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Reed Dr. and Mrs. W. Harrison Reeves The Rev. and Mrs. James T. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. S. Mark Roberson Mr. and Mrs. N. Allen Robertson Ms. Mary L. Rogers Mr. Ross C. Royce Mr. and Mrs. David R. Rozier Mr. William E. and Mrs. Margaret C. Scheu The Rev. and Mrs. William M. Schotanus Mr. and Mrs. Roland H. Seaman, Jr. The Rev. Lib McGregor Simmons and Mr. W. Gary Simmons Dr. Katherine C. and Dr. Bertram C. Sippola Mr. B. Franklin Skinner Mr. and Mrs. Terry Slaughter Mr. John E. Smith II Mr. and Mrs. R. Lee Smith Dr. and Mrs. William A. Smith, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Cary G. Speaker Mr.† and Mrs. James L. St. John Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Taylor Dr.† and Mrs. Hubert V. Taylor Mr. George E. Thurmond Mr. and Mrs. William M. Timberlake Mr. and Mrs. Eric B. Toole Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Uthlaut, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James P. Van Pelt Mr. and Mrs. Kennon D. Walthall Dr. and Mrs. David D. Weitnauer The Revs. Deborah D. and John D. Wells Mrs. Almonese B. Williams Mrs. Sue S. and Mr.† L. Neil Williams The Rev. and Mrs. Donn W. Wright

VANTAGE Fall 2013


Partners in Ministry

Contributors Made commitments to the Partners in Ministry program at other levels Anonymous Dr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Albright, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Albright Ms. Ashley P. Alderman Mr. Stephen W. and Dr. Carolyn S. Ashworth Rick and Beth Atkerson Mr. and Mrs. Randall P. Ayer, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Juventino R. Ballesteros Ms. Ann M. Barnwell Dr. and Mrs. John N. Bartholomew Mr. and Mrs. N. William Bath Dr. and Mrs. Dwight S. Bayley II Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Victor A. Bell The Rev. Ewell C. Black, Jr. Ms. Patricia R. Black Mr. Clay C. Boyles Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bradley, Sr. Mr. Marc D. Brinks Mr. and Mrs. R. Alex Brown Mr. Herbert H. Browne, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Shepard Bryan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip R. Burnaman Mr. and Mrs. Stokely G. Caldwell, Jr. The Rev. Amy Lehr Camp and Dr. W. Hunter Camp II Ms. Anne B. Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Wallace W. Carr Lee and Betty Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Cavey Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Chandler Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Clarke The Rev. S. Bradley Clayton Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Coburn The Rev. and Mrs. G. Wayne Cole The Rev. Dr. Deborah M. and Mr. Stephen D. Conner Mr. Edward K. Cottrell The Rev. Mary P. and Mr. William L. Cox The Rev. and Mrs. William A. Crosland The Rev. and Mrs. Patrick T. Day The Rev. Kathryn Heard Day and Mr. Kevin M. Day Mr. and Mrs. W. Fred Denkman Mrs. Lisa A. and Mr. David H. Dillard Mr. and Mrs. Travis A. Doak Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Dorman Dr. Laura W. Dorsey Mr. and Mrs. William D. Duke Mr. and Mrs. D. Carl Duvall Mr. Joseph H. Eberly The Rev. and Mrs. Joseph C. Eckstine The Rev. Debra D. Feagin Mr. and Mrs. William K. Fuller


VANTAGE Fall 2013

The Rev. Lauren L. Furr-Vancini and Mr. Jeffrey T. Vancini Mr. and Mrs. George D. Gabel, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Gallagher Dr. and Mrs. J. Sherrick Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Gillander, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Goff, Jr. Dr. Cheryl A. Gosa The Rev. and Mrs. W. Stephen Goyer The Rev. and Mrs. Daniel W. Graham Mr. and Mrs. John C. Grant-Dooley Mr. and Mrs. Torsten J. Greife Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Grier Ms. Dorie L. Griggs and Mr. Stanley Leary Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Haisten Mr. and Mrs. J. Ronald Hankins Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hardman Mr. John C. Harper Mr. and Mrs. Larron C. Harper The Rev. and Mrs. Robert S. Hay The Revs. Marilyn T. and Ingram P. Hedgpeth Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Heeg Mrs. Lucile L. Heeseman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Helweg III Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hester The Revs. Penny J. and Richard G. Hill Mr. Brandon N. Hillard Mr. Jason R. Hinkel Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Hodges Ms. Vivian J. Hodo Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hoener The Rev. and Mrs. William H. Hoff Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Holcomb Mr. and Mrs. Mason P. Holland, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. R. Cal Holt Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Howell Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Hudson Dr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Huntley, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Edwin G. Hurley The Rev. and Mrs. James H. Irwin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Johnson Mr. David E. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Kaercher The Rev. Caroline M. Kelly Ms. Mary Alice Kemp Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen Kennedy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher H. Kronzer Dr. and Mrs. William P. Lancaster, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steven S. Lefler Mr. and Mrs. Martin C. Lehfeldt Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Loftis Mrs. Dorothy R. Lott The Rev. and Mrs. Cyrus S. Mallard, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ronald Martin Mr. and Mrs. John D. Massey Ms. Margie M. McCarter Dr. and Mrs. Donald H. McClure Mr. and Mrs. Pender R. McElroy Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. McIntyre Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. McLeod The Rev. Cynthia M. and Mr. Jim Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. Terry W. Nall Mrs. Dorothea E. Neinstedt

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Nellson Mr. and Mrs. Adam H. Noyes Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Oglesby, Jr. Mrs. Elizabeth B. and Mr. Charles A. Orth Mr. and Mrs. Macon G. Patton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin B. Peacock, Jr. The Revs. Pendleton B. and Lindsey W. Peery Dr. Jeri Parris Perkins and Mr. Phillip D. Perkins Mr. and Mrs.† Gary W. Phipps The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. J. David Pierce Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Price, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Pritchard Mr. David L. Quackenbush Mrs. Lee T. and the Rev. Timothy T. Read The Rev. and Mrs. Ross M. Reddick The Revs. Nicholas K. Reed and Kathryn M. Wolf Reed Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Reed Mr. Chris L. Regas Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Renck The Rev. Catherine Cavazos Renken and Mr. Bradley J. Renken Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Ridgeway Ms. Ann M. Riley Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Roberts Mrs. Rachel R. Robinson Mrs. Susan W. Rumble Mr. and Mrs. George W. Rumsey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Adam M. Schauer Mr. Emory A. Schwall Mr. William A. Sibley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. L. William Silzle, Jr. The Rev. Lyndsay L. and Mr. B. Scott Slocum Mrs. Anna C. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Brandon M. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Greg R. Smith Ms. Judy B. Smith The Rev. Dr. R. Millie Snyder and Mr. Leif T. Aus Dr. and Mrs. J. Todd Speed Mr. and Mrs. Billy L. Starnes Mrs. Betty Marie Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Carl M. Stewart Mr. and Mrs. George A. Stewart, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Stewart The Rev. Tina E. Sweet Mr. and Mrs. John A. Tate III The Rev. Michelle and Mr. David Thomas-Bush Mr. and Mrs. David C. Turner Mr. David E. Tuttle Dr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Vance Dr. and Mrs. G. Dana Waters III Dr. D. Ronald Watson, Jr. Ms. Margaret S. Watson Mr. Patrick M. Williams, Jr. Mrs. Jane L. Wilson Mrs. Teresa A. Wohlbruck Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Wolters Ms. Ellen P. Womack Mr. and Mrs. Carleton F. Zacheis

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

† Raised to the Church Triumphant

Columbia Gift Societies

Presidents’ Society

Peter Marshall Society


$15,000 or more

$5,000 to $14,999

I n d i v i d ua l s

I n d i v i d ua l s

Anonymous Dr. Mary Virginia Allen† Ms. Jocelyn C. Bauer Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Belk John T. Benton, Jr. and Suzanne B. Benton Mr. and Mrs. George E. Cates Mr. Curtis W. Cheshire Mrs. Ann D. and Mr. Thomas G. Cousins Mrs. Florida S. and Mr. W. Douglas Ellis Dr. Joseph M. Gettys, Sr. Mrs. Nancy P. and Dr. Jeffrey K. Giguere Mr. and Mrs. T. Michael Goodrich Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Love Mrs. Gay M. Love Mr. Edwin Malloy, Jr.† Mr. and Mrs. William S. Morris III Dr. Betty Scott Noble Dr. J. Phillips Noble Mrs. Lou H. Reaves Mr. and Mrs. John H. Weitnauer, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Barrow, Jr. Dr. Lee W. Bowman Mr. and Mrs. Bennett A. Brown III Mrs. G. Scott Candler, Jr. Dr. Ludwig R. Dewitz† The Rev. and Mrs. Charles M. Durham Mrs. Lucie B. and Mr. Robert D. Eggleston Mr. David H. Gill, Jr. Mrs. Gail S. and Mr. Marion B. Glover The Rev. Elizabeth C. and Mr. T. Michael Goodrich Susan and Wyatt Haskell Mr. and Mrs. George J. Hauptfuhrer The Rev. Louly F. and Mr. Samuel B. Hay, Jr. Dr. Stephen A. and the Rev. Sharol R. Hayner Mr. and Mrs. R. Hayne Hollis Mr. and Mrs. Laurence E. Mansfield III Mr. Jeffrey D. McEwen Mrs. C. Faye Mills Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Moore† Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Muir Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Noyes Mr. and Mrs. James D. Philips, Jr. Mrs. Margaret C. and Mr. Robert E. Reiser Mrs. Helen C. Richardson† Mr. John J. Schumann, Jr. Dr. B. Lynn Stall and Mr. G. Edward Bruce Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Uthlaut, Jr.

Covenant Presbyterian Church, Athens, GA First Presbyterian Church, Gainesville, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Moultrie, GA First Presbyterian Church, Nashville, TN First Presbyterian Church, Quincy, FL First Presbyterian Church, Spartanburg, SC First Presbyterian Church, St. Petersburg, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Tuscaloosa, AL First United Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville, AR Florida Presbytery, Chipley, FL* Foothills Presbytery, Simpsonville, SC* Greater Atlanta Presbytery, Atlanta, GA* Dugald W. Hudson Charitable Trust, Atlanta, GA Independent Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, AL Palma Ceia Presbyterian Church, Tampa, FL Schwab Charitable Fund, San Francisco, CA Sheppards and Lapsley Presbytery, Birmingham, AL* St. Luke’s Presbyterian Church, Dunwoody, GA Synod of the Sun, Irving, TX White Memorial Presbyterian Church, Raleigh, NC Wynne Presbyterian Church, Wynne, AR



O r g a n i z at i o n s

Campbell Trust, Atlanta, GA The Journey Church of Atlanta, Atlanta, GA Presbyterian Church (USA), Louisville, KY Roswell Presbyterian Church, Roswell, GA*

F o u n d at i o n s


C o r p o r at i o n s

CF Foundation, Inc. Community Foundation of Greater Memphis Cousins Foundation, Inc. Cully A. & Lois Dowdle Cobb Foundation Faith Based Ministries, LLC Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund H.P. Bridges Ministers’ Trust Gay and Erskine Love Foundation Patrick Family Foundation Pesto, Inc. Printpack, Inc. Mabel Stowe Query Foundation SEI Giving Fund John I. Smith Charities, Inc.


F o u n d at i o n s

O r g a n i z at i o n s


C o r p o r at i o n s

The Mary Alice and Bennett Brown Foundation, Inc. The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta Community Foundation of South Georgia, Inc. Fulcrum Equity Partners, Inc. The Betts and Dennis Love Family Foundation Lyford Cay Foundation The National Christian Foundation The Noyes Foundation ScholarLeaders International Synod of the Sun Presbyterian Foundation Texas Presbyterian Foundation


Pastor Nominating Committees met seniors at Call Fair. Columbia hosted its eighth annual Call Fair for Pastor Nominating Committees in March 2013. Profiles of graduating seniors who are seeking a call are posted at www.ctsnet. edu/student-placement.

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

† Raised to the Church Triumphant

VANTAGE Fall 2013


Columbia Gift Societies

William Marcellus McPheeters Society $1,000 to $4,999

I n d i v i d ua l s Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Dr. Joanna M. and Mr. Alfred B. Adams III Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Adle* Ms. Ashley P. Alderman Dr. and Mrs. E. Lane Alderman Mr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Armistead Mrs. Randolph N. Armstrong The Rev. Christie L. and Mr. William H. Ashton III Mr. Stephen W. and Dr. Carolyn S. Ashworth Mrs. Jane E. Bailey Mr. David D. Baird Mr. and Mrs. James S. Balloun Mr. and Mrs. William R. Bassett Dr. Cynthia M. and Mr. Steve N. Benz Mr. and Mrs. Barry C. Blackburn Drs. Janice L. and Joseph A. Blissit Mr. and Mrs. Jerry M. Bowden Mr. W. Howard Boyd, Jr. The Rev. Mary Miller Brueggemann Dr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Bryan Mr. and Mrs. J. Shepard Bryan, Jr. Dr. M. Rebecca and Mr. John F. Burton The Rev. and Mrs. Randolph S. Calvo, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Carini Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Carr, Jr. Lee and Betty Carroll Dr. Connie L. Carson Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Cavey Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Chandler Dr. and Mrs. T. Erskine Clarke Dr. Kimberly L. Clayton Mrs. Gwendolyn M. Cleghorn Mrs. Charlotte M. Connah Mr. James C. Connah The Rev. Pamela Cooper-White, Ph.D. and the Rev. Michael Cooper-White, D.D. Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Cousar Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Cross Dr. Kathy L. Dawson Dr. Mary Lynn Dell Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Dillon Drs. Dabney W. and W. Thomas Dixon Dr. Mark A. Douglas and the Rev. Lindsay P. Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Drake The Rev. Pamela G. Driesell and Mr. L. Joseph Loveland, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William D. Duke The Rev. Christine K. Dungan Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. DuPre Dr. and Mrs. H. Alan Elmore The Rev. Jane E. Fahey


VANTAGE Fall 2013

Dr. and Mrs. H. James Free Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gandy The Rev. Eleana M. Garrett Drs. Catherine G. and Justo L. Gonzalez Mr. and Mrs. James C. Graves Mr. and Mrs.† William M. Graves The Rev. Joan S. and Mr. William A. Gray Mrs. Rutledge I. Gross Dr. Thomas H. Guthrie Mrs. Vivian H. Guthrie Mrs. Nell F. Hall The Rev. and Mrs. C.J. Hammet, Sr.* Mr. and Mrs. Dexter V. Hancock Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery B. Hansen Mr. and Mrs. C. Miner Harrell The Rev. Joseph and Mrs. Carlisle Harvard The Rev. Mary Alice Haynie† Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Hechenbleikner The Rev. Alexandra K. and Mr. Charles V. Hedrick Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hoener Mrs. Cecile M. Hooks The Rev. and Mrs. Ray A. Howe Mr. and Mrs. William C. Hyde Dr. and Mrs. D. Orvin Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. James M. Jeter Dr. and Mrs. Ben C. Johnson Dr. E. Elizabeth Johnson and the Rev. Peter M. Paulsen Mr. and Mrs. Ronald K. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. William R. Johnson Mrs. Catherine D. Jones Mr. John R. Jones, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Jones* The Rev. and Mrs. Walter M. Jones, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harvie C. Jordan III The Rev. and Mrs. In Soo Jung Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Kelly Mr. Andrew P. and Mrs. M. Towles Kintz Mrs. Nancy C. and Mr. Mark W. Kinzer Ms. Virginia H. Klettner Mr. and Mrs. John B. Kline Dr. Charles C. Knox Dr. and Mrs. James F. Langford Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Lassiter III Ms. Jane Boyd Lee The Rev. and Mrs. William F. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Aaron W. Leland Mrs. Dorothy R. Lott Mr. and Mrs. J. Ronald Martin Mr. and Mrs. William J. Martin, Jr.* Mrs. Jean M. McCarter Mr. Jack L. McGinnis Dr. and Mrs. Hamilton W. McKay, Jr. Mr. Thad L. McNulty IV Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Meier Mr. and Mrs. Harmon B. Miller III Dr. Margaret G. and Mr. Charles E. Miller The Rev. and Mrs. A. Cecil Moore, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Moore, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Moseley, Jr. Dr. Deborah F. Mullen Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Nash Mrs. Dorothea E. Neinstedt

Dr. and Mrs. William O. Nisbet, Jr. Dr. Rodger Y. Nishioka Mr. W.J. Noonan III Mr. and Mrs. Ellis R. Norton Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Glenn B. Ogden Mr. and Mrs. John F. Oglesby Mrs. Lamar E. Oglesby Dr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Oldenburg Mr. and Mrs. John A. O’Neal Dr. and Mrs. Paul M. O’Neal The Rev. W. Larry Owens Mr. and Mrs. Ashley D. Pace, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Patrick, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William P. Payne Dr. and Mrs. W. Jefferson Pendergrast, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Perkins, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. John R. Ragsdale II Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Ramey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Reed Dr. and Mrs. W. Harrison Reeves Dr. and Mrs. J. Steve Rhodes The Rev. and Mrs. James T. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. S. Mark Roberson Ms. Mary L. Rogers Mr. Ross C. Royce Mr. and Mrs. David R. Rozier Dr. Stanley P. Saunders and Ms. Brenda L. Smith Mr. William E. and Mrs. Margaret C. Scheu The Rev. and Mrs. William M. Schotanus Mr. and Mrs. Roland H. Seaman, Jr. Mr. Thomas L. Shields, Jr. and Ms. Charlotte G. Montague Mr. William A. Sibley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. L. William Silzle, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Marvin L. Simmers Mrs. Betty C. Simmons* The Rev. Lib McGregor Simmons and Mr. W. Gary Simmons Mr. T. Clark Simmons* Dr. Katherine C. and Dr. Bertram C. Sippola Mr. B. Franklin Skinner Mr. and Mrs. James A. Smith Mr. John E. Smith II Mr. and Mrs. R. Lee Smith Dr. and Mrs. William A. Smith, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Cary G. Speaker Mrs. Frances S. St. John Mr. and Mrs. Shellie S. Stroman, Jr.* Mrs. Jan O. and Dr. Raymond L. Swetenburg, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Taylor Dr.† and Mrs. Hubert V. Taylor Mrs. Sally S. Telford

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

† Raised to the Church Triumphant

Columbia Gift Societies

Mr. George E. Thurmond Mr. and Mrs. William M. Timberlake Mr. and Mrs. Eric B. Toole Mr. and Mrs. James H. Topple Mr. and Mrs. James P. Van Pelt Burt and Martha Vardeman Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Wallingford Mr. and Mrs. Kennon D. Walthall Dr. and Mrs. G. Dana Waters III Dr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Watkins Dr. and Mrs. David D. Weitnauer The Revs. Deborah D. and John D. Wells Mrs. Almonese B. Williams Mrs. Sue S. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Glen E. Williamson Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Wilson* Mr. R. Dan Winn, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Wolters The Rev. and Mrs. Donn W. Wright Mrs. Bonnie P. and Mr. Stephen E. Wurzbacher Mr. and Mrs. Carleton F. Zacheis



O r g a n i z at i o n s

Baptist Convention of Georgia, Duluth, GA Black Mountain Presbyterian Church, Black Mountain, NC Blessed Earth, Inc., Lexington, KY Briarwood Presbyterian Church, Jackson, MS* Brittains Cove Presbyterian Church, Weaverville, NC Calvin Presbyterian Church, Louisville, KY Cedarwood Holdings, Inc., Jacksonville, FL Center for Scholarship Administration, Inc., The Daniel R. Hoover Scholarship Fund, Taylors, SC Central Florida Presbytery, Orlando, FL* Central Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA* Decatur Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Athens, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA First Presbyterian Church, Bay Minette, AL First Presbyterian Church, Casper, WY First Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, NC First Presbyterian Church, Covington, GA First Presbyterian Church, Greeneville, TN First Presbyterian Church, Huntsville, AL* First Presbyterian Church, Marietta, GA First Presbyterian Church, Muskogee, OK First Presbyterian Church, Ocean Springs, MS First Presbyterian Church, Springdale, AR First Presbyterian Church, Tupelo, MS First Presbyterian Church, Vero Beach, FL* Fort Hill Presbyterian Church, Clemson, SC* Fountain Inn Presbyterian Church, Fountain Inn, SC Fourth Presbyterian Church, Greenville, SC Helen Davis Brown Trust, Lake City, FL Idlewild Presbyterian Church, Memphis, TN Immanuel Presbyterian Church, McLean, VA

Indian Nations Presbytery, Oklahoma City, OK John Knox Presbyterian Church, Greenville, SC Kairos Church, Atlanta, GA Korean American Presbyterian Church, Sumter, SC* Korean Community Presbyterian Church, Duluth, GA Korean Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL Long Creek Presbyterian Church, Kings Mountain, NC Madison Presbyterian Church, Madison, GA* Mississippi Presbytery, Hattiesburg, MS* Morrow Presbyterian Church, Morrow, GA National Korean Presbyterian Women, Lynnwood, WA Newnan Presbyterian Church, Newnan, GA North Alabama Presbytery, Huntsville, AL* North Decatur Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA Northeast Georgia Presbytery, Watkinsville, GA* Oconee Presbyterian Church, Watkinsville, GA Providence Presbytery, Rock Hill, SC* Real Estate Management Services Group, Naples, FL Riverside Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL* Shallowford Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA* South Highland Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, AL St. Augustine Presbytery, Jacksonville, FL* St. John’s Presbyterian Church, Reno, NV Starmount Presbyterian Church, Greensboro, NC Synod of South Atlantic, Jacksonville, FL* Timothy J. Reed Family Ltd Partnership, Greenville, SC W.J. and Jane C. Noonan Charitable Trust, Pensacola, FL Walhalla Presbyterian Church, Walhalla, SC Western North Carolina Presbytery, Morganton, NC Westminster Presbyterian Church, Durham, NC Westminster Presbyterian Church, Greenwood, SC


* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

F o u n d at i o n s


C o r p o r at i o n s

Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund Beard Payne Family Foundation Churches Homes Foundation, Inc. Class Investments Company LLC Eaton Deadening Plantation, Inc.* Foundation for the Carolinas Blake P. Garrett, Sr. Foundation The Graves Foundation William E. and Audrine C. Honey Foundation Missionary Emergency Fund National Christian Foundation Tampa Bay The Outreach Foundation Dr. P. Phillips Foundation Presbyterian Foundation Regions Bank The Spartanburg County Foundation Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Waccamaw Community Foundation Wheaton College

Students are still facing the increasing weight of undergraduate indebtedness, with a greater need for those wanting to come to seminary. 85% of Columbia students received financial aid with the average need-based scholarship being $10,206 and the average merit-based scholarship being $11,229. Federal loan costs increased for graduate students because they no longer have access to subsidized loans as of the 2012-13 academic year.

†Raised to the Church Triumphant

VANTAGE Fall 2013


Columbia Gift Societies

Woodrow Wilson Society $500 to $999

I n d i v i d ua l s Dr. Ann Clay Adams and the Rev. C. Fritz Bogar Capt. and Mrs. Edward L. Alderman Mr. Hillel J. Amos Dr. Emily J. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Ayres The Revs. Amy L. and Ryan J. Baer Dr. and Mrs. William R. Barron Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Bedford Mr. and Mrs. Jessee R. Begley Mr. and Mrs. Victor A. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Bishop Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bradley, Sr. Mr. Jerry W. Braxton The Rev. Janet Ann Briscoe and Dr. R. Page Shelton Dr. and Mrs. Walter A. Brueggemann Mr. and Mrs. Phillip R. Burnaman Dr. and Mrs. Gray V. Chandler The Rev. S. Bradley Clayton The Rev. Martha J. Clinkscales and Mr. David R. Forquer Dr. Yvonne M. Collie-Pendleton The Revs. Susannah A. and John R. Cook The Revs. Sarah Cooper Searight and William H. Searight Mrs. Pamela W. and Mr. Chris L. Cottrell, Sr. The Rev. Mary P. and Mr. William L. Cox Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Crawford* Dr.† and Mrs. Richard M. Cromie Mr. and Mrs. John J. Cross Dr. and Mrs. Christopher L. Crotwell Ms. Linda D. Davis The Rev. Kathryn Heard Day and Mr. Kevin M. Day Mrs. Lisa A. and Mr. David H. Dillard Dr. and Mrs. William T. DuBose The Rev. Karen R. Dukes and Mr. Marc W. Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Dan A. Dunaway Drs. M. Julian and Sue M. Duttera The Rev. and Mrs. Joseph C. Eckstine Dr. Sarah F. Erickson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Evans* Mr. Matthew F. and the Rev. Mandy Sloan Flemming Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Flowers Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Foster Dr. and Mrs. Clarence D. Fouse, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. M. McCoy Franklin Mr. and Mrs. James E. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Gillander, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Goff, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. H. Scott Gregory Mr. and Mrs. Torsten J. Greife Mr. and Mrs. Ted S. Gum


VANTAGE Fall 2013

Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Haisten Mrs. Anne M. Haltiwanger Mr. and Mrs. J. Ronald Hankins Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hardman Mrs. Ruth D. Hatcher Drs. Susan M. Heafield and Brian A. Wren Mr. Curtis T. Henson, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Roy W. Hicks The Revs. Penny J. and Richard G. Hill Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hoener Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Holcomb Mr. and Mrs. R. Cal Holt Mrs. Martha Ann B. Howell Mr. and Mrs. Arnold T. Hulteen Mr. and Mrs. Hugh F. Hunter, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David B. Ingram Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Jenkins Dr. and Mrs. William L. Jenkins, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. J. Ernest Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. A. Thomas Jones Mr. David E. Jones Dr. Sara C. and Dr.† Daniel P. Juengst The Rev. Caroline M. Kelly Dr. and Mrs. John W. Larson Dr. and Mrs. John H. Law Dr. Yonggyu Lee The Rev. and Mrs. S. Edwin Lewis The Rev. and Mrs. Cyrus S. Mallard, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. C. David Markle The Rev. and Mrs. Arvie L. Maynard Dr. and Mrs. Donald H. McClure The Rev. and Mrs. John T. McCrea Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. McLeod Mrs. Catherine G. McNair Dr. Paige M. McRight Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Moffatt Mrs. Betsy Broyles Moore and Mr. Calvin B. Moore Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Morris Mrs. Joan H. and Dr. D. Cameron Murchison, Jr. Dr. Kathleen M. O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Oglesby, Jr. Mrs. Elizabeth B. and Mr. Charles A. Orth Dr. Kevin Park Mrs. Diane S. Pedersen The Revs. Pendleton B. and Lindsey W. Peery Dr. Jeri Parris Perkins and Mr. Phillip D. Perkins Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Perrin Mr. and Mrs. David L. Pierson Mr. and Mrs. A. Marvin Quattlebaum, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David A. Quattlebaum III Dr. and Mrs. James M. Rice, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. N. Allen Robertson Dr. and Mrs. William D. Russell Dr. and Mrs. Samuel F. Rutland Mr. and Mrs. Adolph A. Schuetz* The Revs. William H. Searight and Sarah Cooper Searight The Rev. Martha C. Sexton Dr. R. Page Shelton and the Rev. Janet Ann Briscoe The Rev. and Mrs. William F. Shouse Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson V. Smith, Jr.

Mr. Sean R. Smith, Sr. and Ms. Mary L. Walker Mrs. Barbara M. Snelling Dr. and Mrs. James O. Speed, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. J. Todd Speed Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Stauffacher Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Stewart The Rev. Jan Stewart-Tolbert and Mr. Jerry C. Tolbert Drs. George W. and Donna F. Stroup Mr. and Mrs. C. Brent Trexler Ms. Betsy M. Wade The Rev. and Mrs. J. Gary Waller Dr. Haruko N. and Mr. Peter H. Ward Ms. Margaret S. Watson Mrs. Donna W. Weaver The Rev. Monica L. Wedlock The Revs. Laurie Taylor Weicher and John V. Weicher Mr. Thomas J. Wigley Dr. S. Allen Wilcoxon and Ms. Patti L. Harrison Dr. Harriett S. and Mr. Blake T. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Neal L. Williams, Sr. Mrs. Jane L. Wilson Mrs. Valarie D. and Mr. Carter Wilson Mrs. Emily C. Wood* Dr. Christine Roy Yoder and Mr. Reinald S. Yoder



O r g a n i z at i o n s

ASK Research & Development, Duluth, GA Auburn Theological Seminary, New York, NY Covington Presbyterian Church, Covington, LA Erin Presbyterian Church, Knoxville, TN First Presbyterian Church, Dalton, GA First Presbyterian Church, Durham, NC First Presbyterian Church, Greenville, MS First Presbyterian Church, Knoxville, TN* First Presbyterian Church, Naples, FL* Flint River Presbytery, Albany, GA* Gretna Presbyterian Church, Gretna, FL Highland Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville, NC Korean Presbyterian Church, Columbus, GA Lake Erie Presbytery, Erie, PA Lakeview Presbyterian Church, St. Petersburg, FL New Harmony Presbytery, Florence, SC* Orangewood Presbyterian Church, Phoenix, AZ Peachtree Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA* Savannah Presbytery, Brunswick, GA* Second Presbyterian Church, Spartanburg, SC South Aiken Presbyterian Church, Aiken, SC Synod of Living Waters, Spring Hill, TN* Trinity Presbytery, Lexington, SC* Williamston Presbyterian Church, Williamston, SC

F o u n d at i o n s


C o r p o r at i o n s

The CBT Charitable Trust The Community Foundation, Inc. Ingram Entertainment Inc. JTM Minerals, LLC National Philanthropic Trust Personal Care, Inc. The Marguerite Young Endowment Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

† Raised to the Church Triumphant

Columbia Gift Societies

Agnes Law Society $250 to $499

I n d i v i d ua l s Anonymous Dr. and Mrs. Jefferson K. Aiken, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Albright, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Albright Dr. and Mrs. J. Eade Anderson Rick and Beth Atkerson Mr. and Mrs. Randall P. Ayer, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. John A. Azumah Dr. Stephen A. and Mrs. Edna M. Bacon The Rev. Alexander K. Barnes Dr. and Mrs. John N. Bartholomew The Rev. and Mrs. Eric W. Barton Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Baxter The Rev. Maggie F. and Mr. David K. Beamguard The Rev. and Mrs. Teddis H. Beasley, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Berry The Rev. Ewell C. Black, Jr. Ms. Patricia R. Black The Rev. Dorothy T. and Dr. Russell S. Blackwelder The Rev. and Mrs. Frank I. Blankinship III Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Blincow Drs. Martha M. and Richard L. Blount The Rev. and Mrs. James E. Bowden Dr. and Mrs. William P. Brown Mr. Herbert H. Browne, Jr. Mrs. Frances D. and Dr. Clarence E. Calcote Mr. and Mrs. Clark E. Candler Dr. and Mrs. William B. Carr, Jr.

Drs. Anna L. Case-Winters and R. Michael Winters III Dr. and Mrs. Huw M. Christopher The Rev. and Mrs. Franklin B. Clark, Jr. Ms. Julie M. Cline and Mr. Thomas E. Frey Mrs. Gretchen A. Cloud The Rev. Rita E. Cochrane The Rev. and Mrs. G. Wayne Cole Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Collinsworth, Jr. Dr. Thomas H. Cook The Rev. Sharon K. Core and Mr. Nicholas J. Kuhn Mr. Edward K. Cottrell The Rev. and Mrs. William A. Crosland Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Cunningham The Revs. Laura A. Cunningham and H. Scott Ramsey The Rev. MaryAnn McKibben Dana and Mr. Robert M. Dana Ms. Mary Lynn Darden Mr. and Mrs. Glenn H. Davis, Jr. Mrs. Harriet S. Davis Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Dendy Mr. and Mrs. W. Fred Denkman Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Denny Mr. and Mrs. W. Brinkley Dickerson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald V. Dirvin The Rev. Andrew J. Ditzel Ms. C.J. Drymon Mrs. Diane L. and Mr. Thomas K. Duane The Rev. Mary Kathleen Duncan and Mr. David Duncan Mr. Nathaniel J. Dunlap The Rev. Virginia Simmons Ellis and Mr. Harry W. Ellis

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

† Raised to the Church Triumphant

The Rev. and Mrs. Christopher O. Erde Mr. and Mrs. Luther F. Fant The Rev. and Mrs. George H. Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Calvin N. Ford* Kay and Phil Gehman Ms. D. Gayle Gellerstedt and Mr. William J. Funk Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gilmore The Rev. and Mrs. Ronald J. Gilreath Dr. Jerry A. Gladson Dr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Green, Jr. Chaplain and Mrs. Henry D. Gregory IV Dr. and Mrs. Ford F. G’Segner Dr. and Mrs. D. Raymond Guterman The Rev. Barbara B. Hamilton Dr. and Mrs. D. Scott Hargrove Dr. George D. Harper, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Albert G. Harris, Jr. Ms. Martha L. Hatcher The Rev. Morgan M. and Mr. Robert S. Hay, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Robert S. Hay The Rev. and Mrs. A. Kyle Henderson The Rev. Carolyn K. and Dr. Charles C. Heyward, Sr. The Rev. Sandy and Mr. Robert M. Hill Dr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Hix The Rev. and Mrs. William H. Hoff Mr. and Mrs. Mason P. Holland, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Ramon E. Hunt The Rev. Robert F. Hunt The Rev. and Mrs. William C. Hunt, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Huntley, Jr. The Rev. Glen F. Hutchison Mr. W. Seaborn Jones

VANTAGE Fall 2013


Columbia Gift Societies

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Kaercher Dr. Bettina B. and Mr. Norman W. Kilburn The Rev. and Mrs. Howard Y. Kim Mr. and Mrs. R. Ruffin King Mr. and Mrs. David R. Krick* Dr. and Mrs. J. Bruce Lancaster The Rev. Laury W. Larson Dr. and Mrs. Gene Lassiter The Rev. Richard G. Laurens The Rev. and Mrs. Myung Jong Lee The Rev. and Mrs. Jerry W. Long Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Lott, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. James S. Lowry Dr. Tommie G. Malone The Rev. and Mrs. Michael D. Manaugh Mr. and Mrs. John D. Massey Mr. and Mrs. Joe F. Mattison The Rev. Rebekah A. and Mr. Derek S. Maul Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. McCormick Ms. Sara S. McDaniel The Rev. and Mrs. Frank G. McDonald III Mrs. Marjorie S. Miller The Rev. Cynthia M. and Mr. Jim Montgomery Dr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Montgomery Dr. Martha and the Rev. Chris Moore-Keish Mr. J. Raymond Morris The Rev. and Mrs. Robert O. Moss III Drs. Laurey Hartwell Murphy and Robert F. Murphy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Neldon The Rev. Laurel D. Nelson and Mr. N. Rick Castor The Rev. and Mrs. H. Gudger Nichols, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Oldenburg The Rev. Kathryn E. Owen The Rev. and Mrs. Richard W. Paddon Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Patton Mr. and Mrs. Edwin B. Peacock, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. William C. Pender The Rev. Gail R. Perkins Dr. Wendell B. Phillips, Jr. Mr. and Mrs.† Gary W. Phipps The Rev. Robert P. Piephoff Mr. and Mrs. J. Derrick Quattlebaum The Revs. H. Scott Ramsey and Laura A. Cunningham Mrs. Rosemary A. and Dr. Charles E. Raynal Mr. and Mrs. Milton L. Redd* The Revs. Nicholas K. Reed and Kathryn M. Wolf Reed Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Reed The Rev. Catherine Cavazos Renken and Mr. Bradley J. Renken


VANTAGE Fall 2013

Mr. John R. Richardson Dr. Marcia Y. Riggs Ms. Ann M. Riley Dr. and Mrs. A. Don Robb III Dr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Rogers* Mr. and Mrs. J. Martin Sadler Mrs. Jody D. and Mr. D. Ed Sauls Mr. and Mrs. Adam M. Schauer The Rev. and Mrs. John T. Schuldt Dr. Patricia L. and Mr. Jack H. Senterfitt Dr. Carolyn J. Sharp The Rev. and Mrs. R. Paul Sherwood, Sr. Mrs. Edith M. Simmons Mrs. Dorothy D. and Dr. Robert E. Smith Ms. Lorraine Sostowski and Mr. Robert D. Booth Mr. and Mrs. Alan W. Speaker Mr. and Mrs. James W. Spradley, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. James I. St. John The Rev. Tina E. Sweet Ms. Sandra D. Taylor Mrs. Edythe T. Tebbs Dr. and Mrs. Ernest T. Thompson III Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Thompson Mrs. Martha B. Tissington* The Rev. Joyce C. Tucker The Rev. and Mrs. Ernest R. Tufft Dr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Vance Dr. and Mrs. T. Mark Verdery Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Vogel Dr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Walker Dr. and Mrs.† Robert M. Wallace, Jr. Mrs. Auwina S. Weed Dr. and Mrs. John E. White The Rev. J. Mark Wilburn Mr. and Mrs. David M. Wilkinson Mr. Patrick M. Williams, Jr. Drs. R. Michael Winters III and Anna L. Case-Winters The Revs. Kathryn M. Wolf Reed and Nicholas K. Reed



O r g a n i z at i o n s

Brookmeade Holdings, LP, Jacksonville, FL Charleston Atlantic Presbytery, Charleston, SC* Cherokee Presbytery, Cartersville, GA* East Tennessee Presbytery, Knoxville, TN* First Presbyterian Church, Cleveland, MS First Presbyterian Church, Grand Haven, MI First Presbyterian Church, Maitland, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Murfreesboro, TN First Presbyterian Church, Norman, OK First Presbyterian Church, Ocala, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Savannah, GA* General Synod – Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, Greenville, SC Holston Presbytery, Kingsport, TN* Korean Presbyterian Church of South Bay, Gardena, CA Moorings Presbyterian Church, Naples, FL* National Ministries, Valley Forge, PA Network for Good, Bethesda, MD Park Lake Presbyterian Church, Orlando, FL* Parkway Presbyterian Church, Panama City, FL Peace Memorial Presbyterian Church, Clearwater, FL* Rogersville Presbyterian Church, Rogersville, TN Shandon Presbyterian Church, Columbia, SC Southminster Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, AL* St. John Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville, TN St. Mark’s Presbyterian Church, Altamonte Springs, FL* St. Simons Presbyterian Church, St. Simons Island, GA* Trinity Presbyterian Church, Gadsden, AL Trinity Presbyterian Church, Meridian, MS* Tropical Florida Presbytery, Pompano Beach, FL* Venice Presbyterian Church, Venice, FL* Westminster Presbyterian Church, Hattiesburg, MS* Westminster Presbyterian Church, Rome, GA*

F o u n d at i o n s


C o r p o r at i o n s

The Malloy Foundation The Patton Advised Fund of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee Soil Foundation, Inc.

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

† Raised to the Church Triumphant

Columbia Gift Societies

Charles A. Stillman Society $100 to $249

I n d i v i d ua l s Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Drs. Fahed L. Abu-Akel and Mary S. Zumot Dr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Howell E. Adams, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Adams Mr. and Mrs. John R. Addison The Rev. Ann F. and Dr. Frank C. Aichinger The Rev. and Mrs. Wyatt M. Aiken, Jr. Ms. Jarda A. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. A. Lamar Alexander, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Robert M. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Harris M. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Bona I. Allen IV The Rev. Kelly S. Allen and Mr. John P. Rezentes The Rev. and Mrs. Robert R. Allen The Rev. Jaina W. Anderson The Rev. and Mrs. Paul O. Ard, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Robert L. Armistead Drs. William V. Arnold and Margaret Anne Fohl Mr. Walter D. Bach, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Bailey Mr. R.W. (Bill) Bailey The Rev. and Mrs. Juventino R. Ballesteros Ms. Shirley L. Ballowe The Rev. and Mrs. Alan D. Bancroft Dr. Edna J. and Mr. Warren L. Banes, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Bankhead Mr. and Mrs. Bradley L. Barrett Dr. and Mrs. Earle P. Barron, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. N. William Bath The Rev. and Mrs. C. Frank Beall Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Beall, Jr. The Rev. C. Benjamin Beasley Dr. and Mrs. James W. Beaty The Rev. and Mrs. Gerald L. Bell, Jr. Dr. Carol T. and Mr. Michael S. Bender Mrs. Clark D. Benson Dr. Barbara D. Bishop Dr. and Mrs. Linton H. Bishop Mr. and Mrs. David L. Black The Rev. and Mrs. Buren Blankenship Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Bollinger Dr. and Mrs. R. Jerome Boone Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin S. Booth Mr. and Mrs. David E. Boozer, Jr. Mrs. Laura G. Bordeaux and Dr. Michael T. Lacey* The Rev. and Mrs. Robert W. Boston Dr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Botsford Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Bottorff Dr. and Mrs. David L. Boumgarden Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. Bovee Mrs. Theodora L. Bowen Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Boyer Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Bozman, Sr. The Rev. Cynthia W. and Mr. Craig A. Brasher Mrs. Berney M. Bridges The Rev. and Mrs. Troy E. Bronsink

Mr. and Mrs. Leslie R. Brooks III Dr. Anna M. and Mr. James C. Brown Dr. and Mrs. Frank M. Brown Dr. Loretta G. Brown Mr. and Mrs. R. Alex Brown Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Brown Dr. and Mrs. J. Malcolm Brownlee, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. F. Sibley Bryan, Jr. Ms. Ann W. Bullard Mr. John A. Bullard and Ms. Kathryn Scofield The Rev. and Mrs. Malcolm M. Bullock The Rev. and Mrs. James H. Bumgardner Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Bunch Mr. and Mrs. Morgan W. Bunch Ms. Patricia H. Bunzl* Mr. and Mrs. John R. Burch, Sr. Mrs. Elizabeth B. Burgess The Rev. and Mrs. Sidney M. Burgess Mrs. Gretta W. Burns* Dr. and Mrs. William W. Burns The Rev. Catherine Neelly Burton and Mr. John Burton Mrs. Zoe Anne Henderson Cagle and Dr. David A. Cagle Drs. James W. Calhoun and Alice C. Feist The Rev. Amy Lehr Camp and Dr. W. Hunter Camp II Ms. Thelma J. Campbell Dr. and Mrs. William S. Campbell Ms. Anne B. Carlson Dr. and Mrs. John S. Carothers III Mr. and Mrs. Wallace W. Carr The Rev. Jennifer Sumner Carswell Mrs. Eva O. and Dr. Clyde L. Carter Dr. Anna and the Rev. W. David Carter Florence Dr. and Mrs. Gregory D. Chapman Mr. James E. Cheeks, Jr. Mrs. Roberta F. Childress Mr. Edward J. Clark The Rev. Molly C. and Mr. Colquitt I. Clark III Mr. and Mrs. William A. Clayton, Jr. Mrs. Marjorie M. Claytor Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Coburn Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Coe Mr. Robert W. Coggin Dr. and Mrs. Frank D. Colclough, Sr. The Rev. Dr. Deborah M. and Mr. Stephen D. Conner Judge Lew H. Conner Dr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Cooley The Rev. and Mrs. Pemberton I. Cooley III Mr. and Mrs. William A. Coombs* Mr. and Mrs. Melvin G. Cooper Sen. Bob P. Corker The Rev. Mary Jane K. and Mr. Gary A. Cornell Dr. and Mrs. David B. Cozad Dr. and Mrs. Julian F. Craig, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Craig Ms. Miriam G. Craig Dr. and Mrs. John W. Craven Mr. Brownlee O. Currey, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Cushman, Sr. The Rev. and Mrs. Michael A. Daffin The Revs. Mary D.P. and David J. D’Alessio

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

† Raised to the Church Triumphant

Mrs. Rose M. Daniel Dr. Thomas R. Daniel IV and the Rev. Beth M. Daniel Ms. Susan R. Danner The Rev. Jean L. Davidson The Rev. and Mrs. Archie Davis Ms. Edwina B. Davis The Rev. Heather Wood Davis and Mr. Claude T. Davis III Ms. Linda K. Davis and Mr. Mark A. Maharg Mr. Maclin P. Davis, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Patrick T. Day The Rev. and Mrs. James F. Dickenson Ms. Lois E. Dickey Ms. Joyce Ann Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Travis A. Doak Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Dodds Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Dorman Dr. Laura W. Dorsey Dr. and Mrs. Leslie W. Doss Dr. Barbara D. and Mr. Lou J. Douglass Mr. and Mrs. Clarke B. Dowling Mr. and Mrs. George W. Dunaway Dr. and Mrs. R. Ellis Dunbar Dr. Philip W. Dunford Dr. Priscilla B. Durkin Mr. and Mrs. J. Frazer Durrett, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. D. Carl Duvall Mr. and Mrs. Alan F. Dyer The Rev. Martha M. and Mr. Paul E. Ebel Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Eberle Mr. Joseph H. Eberly Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Exley Mr. Richard D. Ezell and Mr. J. Michael Morgan The Rev. and Mrs. L. Franklin Fant, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. James O. Farmer, Jr. Ms. Mary M. Farmer Mr. and Mrs. George W. Farr Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Farris The Rev. Debra D. Feagin The Rev. Amy Summers-Minette Fetterman and Mr. David Fetterman Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Fitze The Rev. Mary M. Flannagan The Rev. Kaye L. and Dr. Joseph A. Florence The Rev. and Mrs. Richard A. Floyd The Rev. and Mrs. James H. Foil, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Folks Dr. and Mrs. Leighton S. Ford Mr. and Mrs. Edgar T. Fowlkes Dr. and Mrs. Donald R. Frampton Dr. and Mrs. James T. Frazier Mr. and Mrs. William W. French III Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Friese* The Rev. Lauren L. Furr-Vancini and Mr. Jeffrey T. Vancini Mr. and Mrs. George D. Gabel, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. James C. Gable Mr. James D. Galloway, Jr. Dr. Robert D. Gamble and Ms. Yulia Sheludko Mrs. Cheryl F. and the Rev. Andrew J. Gans Mrs. Burney H. Gardner The Rev. and Mrs. Irwin P. Gates, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Larry B. Gates

VANTAGE Fall 2013


Columbia Gift Societies

Dr. and Mrs. T. Schley Gatewood, Jr. Mrs. Helen C. Gibbons Ms. Barbara A. Gifford Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Gignilliat, Jr. Mrs. Jeanne B. Giguere Dr. Marie E. Gill Mr. Robert E. Gill II Ms. Stella Marie Gill Dr. and Mrs. John J. Gleason Ms. Eunice M. Goodin Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Gooding The Rev. James S. Goodlet Dr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Goodwiller The Rev. and Mrs. Robert G. Googe The Rev. Katelyn M. Gordon The Rev. and Mrs. W. Stephen Goyer The Rev. C. Annette and Mr. Jeffrey S. Graham Mr. and Mrs. John C. Grant-Dooley Dr. Robert W. Gray Dr. and Mrs. Wayne D. Griffin Dr. and Mrs. Guy D. Griffith Ms. Kelly K. Gunter* The Rev. Leroy P. Gwaltney III The Rev. and Mrs. Thomas R. Hagood, Jr. Mr. Richard L. Hall Hallford, Hardin, Patterson Families Mrs. Peggy K. Hallman Mrs. Sunghee and the Rev. Jason S. Hammersley Mr. and Mrs. Darrell R. Hankins Dr. and Mrs. Martin L. Harkey, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. J. William Harkins III Mr. John C. Harper Mr. and Mrs. Larron C. Harper Ms. Cordia W. Harrington Colonel and Mrs. H. Eugene Harris Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Harriss Ms. Barbara H. Hartt The Rev. and Mrs. Robert A. Hatcher, Jr. Dr. Pamela C. and Mr. Raymond W. Hawkins Dr. and Mrs. Lewis S. Hay Dr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Hay Ms. Phyllis G. Heard The Revs. Marilyn T. and Ingram P. Hedgpeth Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Heeg Mr. and Mrs. Don F. Heim Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hemby, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Armand E. Hendee The Rev. and Mrs. William F. Henning, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Norman W. Hibbard Mr. and Mrs. Waymon L. Hickman Mrs. Mary D. Hicks Mrs. Gladys C. Hiles The Rev. Fred R. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Hill Mr. Jason R. Hinkel Dr. B. Keith Hodges Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Hodges Ms. Vivian J. Hodo Dr. and Mrs. Adlai C. Holler, Jr. Mr. Christopher T. Holmes The Rev. and Mrs. Billy M. Honor Dr. Thomas W. Horton, Jr.


VANTAGE Fall 2013

Jenell S. Hottinga The Rev. and Mrs. Gary E. Howell Mr. Jefferson T. Howell III Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Howell The Rev. Leah R. Hrachovec Dr. and Mrs. R. Steven Hudder Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Hudson Dr. and Mrs. James H. Huffaker Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Hufford II Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Huh Mr. John E. Huie Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Hull Mr. and Mrs. Dan E. Hunt Dr. and Mrs. Vernon R. Hunter Dr. and Mrs. Edwin G. Hurley The Rev. and Mrs. Clyce H. Hurst, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Huss, Jr. The Rev. Dawn Martin Hyde and Mr. Timothy A. Hyde Dr. and Mrs. Robert F. Inman The Rev. and Mrs. James H. Irwin, Jr. Dr. Sarah E. Jackson Mrs. Susan B. and Mr. Marshall A. Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. James III Dr. and Mrs. Richard T. James, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Jarrett Mr. and Mrs. Archie O. Jenkins II* Dr. and Mrs. Alvin S. Jepson Mrs. Betty N. Johnson Mrs. Dianne L. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Johnson Dr. Paul J. Johnson III and Ms. Dale Ann Joslin Dr. and Mrs. G. William Jones, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Jones, Jr. The Rev. Barbara P. Jordan Mrs. Mary Jane Jordan Dr. Eun-Gee Jun Dr. and Mrs. Jasper N. Keith, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Leland C. Keller Dr. and Mrs. Gene M. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. John M. Kelly* Dr. and Mrs. James M. Kennedy Dr. Sandra M. and Mr. David L. Kern Mr. D. Jae Kim

The Rev. Dr. Myong Sun Kim and the Rev. Michael W. Woods Drs. Barrie M. and Randal V. Kirby The Rev. and Mrs. Gerald H. Kirby Dr. Deborah A. Kirk The Rev. and Mrs. John A. Kirstein Dr. and Mrs. Calvin W. Kropp The Rev. Laura L. Kuster Mr. and Mrs. K. David Lake, Jr. Mrs. Muriel H. Lake Dr. and Mrs. William P. Lancaster, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Stuart Land Ms. Tammy L. Lane Mrs. Griselda N.C. and Dr. Emmanuel Y. Lartey The Rev. and Mrs. John T. Lattimore The Rev. Mary Beth Lawrence Dr. and Mrs. Sheppard D. Lawrence Dr. and Mrs. Henry L. Laws Mr. and Mrs. Duane W. Layton The Revs. Caroline Leach and Gibson P. Stroupe Mr. and Mrs. Steven S. Lefler Mr. and Mrs. Martin C. Lehfeldt Mrs. Rebekah Close LeMon and Mr. Joel M. LeMon Mr. Ernie Lewis, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Robert M. Lewis, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Tod A. Linafelt The Rev. Jacqueline H. Lindberg The Rev. and Mrs. W. Marvin Lindsay III Dr. and Mrs. J. Miller Liston The Rev. and Mrs. Clayton K. Little, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Loftis Drs. Kimberly B. and Thomas G. Long The Rev. Ruth L. Lovell The Rev. and Mrs. Frederick W. Lupton II The Rev. and Mrs. Clarence O. Magee, Jr. Mrs. Diana W. and Mr. W. Blair Malcom Mrs. Anna K. Mansfield Ms. Julia D. Markley Dr. and Mrs. Carl B. Marshall Dr. and Mrs. Roger A. Martin Dr. Albert F. Masters III Mrs. Jacqueline W. Mathes The Rev. M. Beecher Mathes

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

†Raised to the Church Triumphant

Columbia Gift Societies

The Rev. Elizabeth D. McAliley Dr. and Mrs. G. Daniel McCall, Sr. Ms. Margie M. McCarter Ms. Ruby N. McCarter Mr. and Mrs. Peyton P. McCrary Dr. and Mrs. Anthony W. McDade The Rev. and Mrs. Emmett S. McDowell Mr. and Mrs. Pender R. McElroy Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. McEwen IV Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. McIntyre Dr. and Mrs. Douglas S. McLeroy Mr. and Mrs. William A. McManus Ms. Emily F. McMullen Ms. Gloria J. McPherson Dr. and Mrs. James E. Meyer Dr. and Mrs. Roger G. Miller Mr. and Mrs. William C. Miller* The Rev. Sandra E. and Mr. Eugene F. Monroe Mr. James H. Montgomery Dr. Robert L. Montgomery The Rev. and Mrs. Park H. Moore, Jr. Mr. J. Michael Morgan and Mr. Richard D. Ezell Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry Morgan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dale K. Mullis Dr. Albert A. Myers, Jr. Chaplain† and Mrs. Roy R. Myers, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Raj Nadella Dr. and Mrs. William R. Neelly Drs. Wanda S. and William K. Neely Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Nellson The Rev. and Mrs. R. Montgomery Nelson The Rev. and Mrs. Arnold K. Newman Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Newman Dr. and Mrs. Howard H. Nichols The Rev. and Mrs. A. Stuart Nickles, Jr. Drs. Melanie G. and James D. Nogalski Mr. and Mrs. Adam H. Noyes Ms. Shelia A. Odusote Dr. Nancy Graham Ogne and the Rev. Paul M. Ogne Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Oldham Mr. Richard A. Oliver, Sr. and Ms. Marjorie H. Anderson Dr. and Mrs. William D. O’Neal The Rev. Carson M. and Mr. Douglas S. Overstreet Mr. and Mrs. Gary B. Overton Ms. Christopher A. Paton Mrs. Lee R. Patterson Dr. and Mrs. John H. Patton The Rev. and Mrs. John N. Payne Dr. William J. Pendergrast Dr. and Mrs. Grady J. Perryman Mr. Lee M. Peterson Dr. and Mrs. Bobby E. Pettit The Rev. and Mrs. J. Thomas Phillips Ms. Jimmie G. Phillips The Rev. and Mrs. William G. Phipps The Rev. Rupert H. Pickett, Jr. The Rev. Lori E. Pistor and Mr. Terry L. Allebaugh The Rev. Ann L. Pitman Mrs. Barbara G. Poe* Dr. and Mrs. John B. Ponder The Rev. Vanessa C. Potter Dr. A. Lamar Potts

Dr. and Mrs. George K. Preston III Mr. John M. Preston VI The Rev. Joy W. Pruett Mr. and Mrs. Ian C. Punnett Ms. Joan W. Quattrocchi Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Queener Ms. Linda S. Quick Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Quillian III Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Raines Mr. and Mrs. James G. Rakes Dr. and Mrs. George W. Ramsey Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Rankin Mrs. Lee T. and the Rev. Timothy T. Read The Rev. and Mrs. John M. Reagan, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Ross M. Reddick Dr. Walton H. Reeves, Jr. and Dr. Catharine A. Enright Mr. Chris L. Regas Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Reno Ms. Deborah L. Rexrode Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen Reynolds Dr. and Mrs. George B. Richardson Ms. Jackie H. Richardson Dr. Mardee D. Rightmyer Mrs. Mary Martha and Mr. J. Kenneth Riviere The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Clarence W. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Roberts Mrs. Rachel R. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. John T. Rochford Dr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Roddy The Rev. and Mrs. David W. Rogers Mr. A. Paul Romjue Ms. Mary I. Roomes Dr. Richard F. Rouquie, Jr. Mrs. Jervey D. Royall Mr. and Mrs. George W. Rumsey, Jr. Mrs. Hayden S. Sams Mrs. Kathryn H. and the Rev. Joe W. Sandifer, Jr. Mrs. Suanne B. SauerBrun

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

† Raised to the Church Triumphant

Mr. and Mrs. Dan A. Schafer Dr. and Mrs. John A. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. G. Dal Schreck Mrs. Sandra J. Schrohenloher Mr. Emory A. Schwall Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Seaborn II Mr. and Mrs. Rallie M. Seigler The Rev. Mindy S. Serafin Mr. and Mrs. Sam B. Shackelford, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Shafe Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Shampain Dr. and Mrs. Angus R. Shaw III Mrs. Florence H. Shelor Dr. Wade H. Sherard III The Revs. Rebecca S. and John D. Shillingburg Mrs. Anne J. Sims Mr. and Mrs. John S. Sirockman, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Thomas A. Sizemore The Rev. Lyndsay L. and Mr. B. Scott Slocum Mr. Alden H. Smith, Jr. Mr. Barry R. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Brandon M. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Carl J. Smith Mrs. Carolyn T. Smith Ms. Carolyn T. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Earl J. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Greg R. Smith Dr. and Mrs. H. McCord Smith The Rev. and Mrs. L. Ted Smith Dr. Steven R. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Snyder The Rev. Dr. R. Millie Snyder and Mr. Leif T. Aus Mrs. Ann M. Speer Mr. Willard D. Squires, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Billy L. Starnes Mr. J. Wesley Starnes Dr. Linda T. and Mr. Gary D. Steber The Rev. Daniel D. Stephens Mrs. Betty Marie Stewart

VANTAGE Fall 2013


Columbia Gift Societies

Mr. and Mrs. George A. Stewart, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. John W. Stodghill Dr. and Mrs. Harold M. Stone Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Streetman* The Rev. and Mrs. Donald E. Stribling The Revs. Gibson P. Stroupe and Caroline Leach Dr. and Mrs. James G. Stuart Dr. and Mrs. Robert V. Sturdivant Dr. Augustus E. Succop III Dr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Talbot Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Taratus The Rev. and Mrs. C. George Tatro III Dr. and Mrs. John G. Taylor, Jr.* Dr. and Mrs. L. Jackson Taylor The Rev. and Mrs. Walter B. Tennyson, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Terrell Mrs. Amanda H. Thompson Dr. Kathryn E. and Mr. Thomas M. Thoresen Mrs. Diane K. and Mr. Ralph Y. Thorne, Jr.* The Rev. Yvonne M. Thurmond Mr. and Mrs. B.T. Tillman, Jr. Mr. Carl Toole Mrs. Meredith E. and Mr. Robert Torre Dr. Jeffery L. and Mrs. Cherlyn A. Tribble, Sr. Mrs. Anne S. Turnage Mr. and Mrs. David C. Turner The Rev. Elizabeth M. and Mr. Ian M. Turner The Rev. Lucy E. Turner Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Turner Mr. David E. Tuttle The Rev. and Mrs. Thomas A. Ulrich Dr. Robert M. Urie Mr. and Mrs. George E. Uthlaut Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott Uthlaut* The Rev. Dr. Augusta B. Vanderbilt The Rev. Earl M. Vaughan The Rev. Hannah H. Vaughan and Mr. Norman J. Robinson Dr. Carolyn J. and Mr. Benton E. Visser The Rev. Lindsey M. Wade Dr. and Mrs. William B. Wade, Jr. The Rev. Eldon D. Wadsworth Dr. and Mrs. Desmond M. Walker Dr. and Mrs. C. Arthur Wall Mr. and Mrs. Paul H.L. Walter* The Honorable and Mrs. Robert G. Walther The Rev. and Mrs. Andrew I. Walton The Rev. and Mrs. Hugh B. Ward Mrs. Sarah R. Warrington Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Watkins, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Jim Watkins The Rev. J. Ed Wayland, Jr. Dr. Frank D. Weathersby The Rev. and Mrs. Clarence D. Weaver, Jr. Mr. Roberts V. Weaver, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. John T. West The Rev. and Mrs. Andrew C. Whaley The Rev. Karen Whelchel-Redwine


VANTAGE Fall 2013

The Rev. and Mrs. Robert I. White Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Whitmire Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Wideman Mr. and Mrs. William A. Wier, Jr. Mrs. Janice P. and Mr. James A. Wiesner The Rev. and Mrs. Robert C. Wilkes, Jr. Mrs. Celeste B. Wilkinson The Rev. Patricia B. Willard Dr. and Mrs. Alex W. Williams Mr. and Mrs. E. Keith Williams Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. Williamson Dr. and Mrs. William W. Williamson, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. J. Ronald Wilson Mrs. Paula R. Wilson Ms. Ellen P. Womack The Rev. Michael W. Woods and the Rev. Dr. Myong Sun Kim The Rev. and Mrs. Jia De Wu Dr. Paul F. Wubbena, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. R. Nils Young The Rev. and Mrs. Samuel T. Young The Rev. and Mrs. Daniel E. Youngblood



O r g a n i z at i o n s

Bee Ridge Presbyterian Church, Sarasota, FL* The Benjamin School, Joanna Hogan’s 5th Grade Team, North Palm Beach, FL Board of Pensions of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Philadelphia, PA Central Presbyterian Church, Anderson, SC Christ Presbyterian Church, Ormond Beach, FL* Clairmont Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA* Covenant Presbyterian Church, Albany, GA* Covenant Presbyterian Church, Augusta, GA* Covenant Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, NC Dawson Presbyterian Church, Dawson, GA* Deaconess Community of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, Chicago, IL Dunnellon Presbyterian Church, Dunnellon, FL* Faith Presbyterian Church, Canton, GA* Faith Presbyterian Church, Tallahassee, FL* Fayette Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Andalusia, AL* First Presbyterian Church, Cleveland, TN First Presbyterian Church, Dadeville, AL* First Presbyterian Church, Green Cove Springs, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Kissimmee, FL* First Presbyterian Church, LaGrange, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Lakeland, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Laurens, SC* First Presbyterian Church, Mount Dora, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Sarasota, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Sevierville, TN* First Presbyterian Church, Valdosta, GA* Forest Hills Presbyterian Church, Tampa, FL* Georgetown Presbyterian Church, Georgetown, SC Hyde Park Presbyterian Church, Tampa, FL* Jekyll Island Community Presbyterian Church, Jekyll Island, GA* Jesup Presbyterian Church, Jesup, GA* Memorial Presbyterian Church, St. Augustine, FL Monticello Presbyterian Church, Monticello, GA*

Mount Vernon Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA* Mountain Presbyterian Church, Blairsville, GA* North Avenue Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA* North Lake Presbyterian Church, Lady Lake, FL* Northminster Presbyterian Church, Roswell, GA* Oakland Presbyterian Church, Oakland, FL* Oakmont Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, AL* Old Brick Presbyterian Church, Muscle Shoals, AL* The Palms Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville Beach, FL* Peace Presbyterian Church, Goose Creek, SC* Pine Shores Presbyterian Church, Sarasota, FL* Port Orange Presbyterian Church, Port Orange, FL* Presbyterian Church of the Resurrection, Conyers, GA Quality Enhancement Plan Team of Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, GA Rivermont Presbyterian Church, Chattanooga, TN* Rock Spring Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA* Skidaway Island Presbyterian Church, Savannah, GA* South Lake Presbyterian Church, Clermont, FL* Synod of the Rocky Mountains, Centennial, CO Tampa Bay Presbytery, Clearwater, FL* Trinity Presbyterian Church, Louisville, KY* Trinity Presbyterian Church, Pensacola, FL* United Presbyterian Church, Sandersville, MS Wekiva Presbyterian Church, Longwood, FL* Westminster Presbyterian Church, Montgomery, AL* Ysabel Odom Sunday School Class, Newnan, GA

F o u n d at i o n s


C o r p o r at i o n s

Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga Community Foundation of West Alabama Historic Columbia Foundation Studio 136

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

†Raised to the Church Triumphant

Columbia Gift Societies

Thomas and Anne Holbrook Goulding Society $10 to $99

I n d i v i d ua l s Anonymous Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Abbott, Jr. Mrs. Louise E. Abbott Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Abernathy, Sr. The Rev. and Mrs. J. Benjamin Acton Mr. and Mrs. Jerry B. Adams* The Rev. Nan M. Adams The Rev. Robert B. Allman Mr. and Mrs. Warren K. Anderson Dr. William R. Anderson, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Louie V. Andrews III Mr. and Mrs. George H. Armistead III

The Rev. Dr. Neal Presa, moderator of the 220th General Assembly PC(USA), spoke at the 186th Convocation on September 5.

Mr. L.H. Armistead III Mrs. Jane L. and Mr. Michael D. Armstrong Dr. and Mrs. Frank L. Arnold The Rev. Joe P. Arnold Dr. and Mrs. John S. Bacot, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. David J. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Brock W. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Baker Mrs. Elizabeth H. Ball Ms. Alice A. Barge Mr. and Mrs. Phil S. Barksdale Ms. Ann M. Barnwell Dr. Harry H. and Mrs. Madeline H. Barrow The Rev. and Mrs. D. Clyde Bartges Mr. and Mrs. John E. Bateman Mr. and Mrs. Edwin T. Bates, Jr. Ms. Martha J. Becker* Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Bell Mrs. Naomi W. Bell Dr. and Mrs. David M. Bender Mr. and Mrs. James W. Berry, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney L. Berry Mr. and Mrs. David E. Betts Dr. George C. Boone Mrs. Kate O. Boone The Rev. and Mrs. Marion B. Boozer The Rev. and Mrs. Leonard G. Boswell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Bowen* Mrs. Ella Banks W. Boyle† Ms. Gladys P. Bracy* The Rev. David M. Bradley and Ms. Margaret G. Rada Mr. and Mrs. W. Ray Brakebill Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Brandon Ms. Kristen S. Brandon* The Rev. Willie M. Brazil Dr. and Mrs. John C. Brearley Dr. and Mrs. Brennan W. Breed Mr. and Mrs. John J. Brennan The Rev. Margaret B. and Mr. William L. Brinck Ms. Carolyn H. Broady* Dr. Gina M. Brock The Rev. and Mrs. Paul S. Brokaw Mr.† and Mrs. Byron C. Brown Ms. Susan D. Buell Mrs. Miriam C. Burch Mrs. Anne O. Burks*† Mrs. Jimmie M. Byal Mr. and Mrs. Joe D. Calhoun, Jr.* The Rev. and Mrs. Murdoch M. Calhoun The Rev. and Mrs. J. Reid Cameron The Rev. and Mrs. Gordon C. Campbell The Rev. John D. Campbell, Jr. Mr. W. Curtis Campbell Ms. Betty B. Cannon Dr. Carlos F. Cardoza-Orlandi and Mrs. A. Lizette Oquendo Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Cardwell Bert and Kaye Carmichael The Rev. Katherine L. Carpenter and Dr. James C. Klagge Dr. Mary Ann Gantt Carter

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

† Raised to the Church Triumphant

Mr. and Mrs. John B. Cartledge Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Castner Mrs. Orlean Y. Castronis Mr. and Mrs. James W. Cawood Dr. and Mrs. J. Harley Chapman The Rev. Frank K. Chapo Vijoya Chappelear Michael Chappelear Mrs. Natalie B. Chappelear Mr. Miguel A. Chavez Mr. James R. Cheshire III Ms. Faye J. Chiles Dr. Beunghoon Choi Mr. William B. Christians Dr. and Mrs. David L. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Clark, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. James G. Clark Mr. Harold G. Clayton Ms. Elizabeth P. Coble Mr. and Mrs. W. Gene Coggin Dr. David D. Colby and Ms. Laura A. Clay The Rev. and Mrs. Jerry F. Conner, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Robert L. Conner The Rev. and Mrs. William J. Connolly The Rev. and Mrs. Joseph W. Conyers, Jr. The Rev. Walter G. Cook Dr. and Mrs. Walter C. Cottingham* Mr. and Mrs. H. Edward Cox Mr. Robert L. Craigmile The Rev. Kathleen N. Crighton Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Cushman, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. J. Lawrence Cuthill Mrs. Helen H. Dale Mr. and Mrs. James W. Dale Mr. Jeffrey H. Dale Ms. Susan B. Dance Mr. and Ms. Howard Daniel* Ms. Joe Ella Darby Dr. and Mrs. Curry W. Davis, Jr. Mrs. Ellen Q. Davis Mr. J. Holmes Davis IV Ms. Martha C. Davis Mr. and Mrs. W. Lipscomb Davis, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Warner F. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Dawson Mr. Dean T. DeCandia Mr. and Mrs. Dallas S. Deer, Jr. The Rev. Elizabeth M. and Dr. Richard I. Deibert Dr. and Mrs. J. Jey Deifell, Jr. The Rev. E. Peter Denlea Drs. Susan L. Denne and David C. Stover Ms. Louise H. Dixon* Mr. and Mrs. Stuart J. Dornblaser Dr. and Mrs. E. Jones Doughton

VANTAGE Fall 2013


Columbia Gift Societies

Mr. and Mrs. William C. Douglas The Revs. Rebecca A. and Mark P. Downs The Rev. and Mrs. Pierre W. DuBose, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. DuBose Mr. and Mrs. James G. Dungan-Seaver Dr. and Mrs. Winfield C. Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Norman B. DuPre The Rev. Erica E. Durham Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Dusing Mr. and Mrs. John C.B. Earthman Mr. and Mrs. James D. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Ellison Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Erwin Mrs. Iris H. Eskew Mrs. Joan C. Everett* Dr. David W. Fahner Mr. and Mrs. William R. Feagin* Mrs. Anna Beth Felner Mr. and Mrs. James R. Feltner Mr. and Mrs. John M. Fenton The Rev. and Mrs. Harry M. Ferguson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jaylon L. Fincannon Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Flinn The Rev. Catherine E. Foster Mrs. Mary S. Foster Mr. and Mrs. Philip F. Foster Mr. and Mrs. Keith D. Frazier Mr. and Mrs. James E. Freeman Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Frick Dr. and Mrs. John L. Frye, Jr. The Rev. Joan W. Gandy Mrs. Dora D. Gaston Drs. Rebecca K. and James A. Gaudino, Jr. Miss Jean L. Gettys The Rev. and Mrs. Alan J. Gibson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Gillespie, Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Gilreath Ms. Deborah P. Gipson Mr. and Mrs. Alan E. Glenn Ms. Heather A. Goodenberger Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Goodman Dr. Cheryl A. Gosa The Rev. and Mrs. G. Everett Gossett Mr. Everett E. Gourley, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Daniel W. Graham Ms. Louella L. Grayson* Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Grier Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Griffis Mr. and Mrs. Allan G. Griffith Ms. Dorie L. Griggs and Mr. Stanley Leary Colonel Thomas C. Grissom Dr. and Mrs. David L. Hale Dr. and Mrs. C. Jarred Hammet, Jr. The Rev. Stephanie Coble Hankins and Dr. C. Davis Hankins


VANTAGE Fall 2013

Mr. and Mrs. E. Victor Hanson Mrs. Frances K. Hardcastle Mrs. Ann T. Hare Mr. Christopher W. Harris* Mr. and Mrs. P. Scott Harris* The Rev. and Mrs. Abel M. Hart Dr. Mattie E. Hart Mr. and Mrs. James D. Harvey Mr. and Mrs. William E. Haslam The Rev. and Mrs. Bill R. Havens Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Hawks Mrs. Lucile L. Heeseman Mrs. Margaret E. Hellgren* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Helweg III Mrs. Helen F. Henderson Mrs. Catherine G. Henson Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hester Dr. and Mrs. John E. Hill Mr. Brandon N. Hillard Dr. J. Dale Hobbs Dr. and Mrs. J. Richard Hobson Mrs. Nancy C. Hollingsworth Dr. and Mrs. R. Daniel Holloway, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. W. Douglas Hood, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. R. Eugene Horne, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Ira G. Howard Mr. and Mrs. James E. Howe* Drs. William R. and Sara L. Hoyt Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Hughes The Rev. Scott W. Huie Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Hurford The Rev. and Mrs. George B. Hutchins Mr. and Mrs. Seong Cheol Im Ms. Patty M. Inacker The Rev. Elizabeth E. Inman Ms. Myra M. Ishee The Rev. C. Anderson James The Rev. and Mrs. Young Chul Jeon Mr. and Mrs. Edgar W. Johnson Mrs. Karen E. Johnson* Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Clyde W. Jones Ms. Katherine O. Jones Colonel and Mrs. LaVert W. Jones* Mrs. Linda P. Jones Dr. Winona M. Jones-DuCille Mrs. Carolyn L. Jordan* Mrs. Maurice F. Kahlmus* Mrs. Frances C. Kauffman Dr. and Mrs. James D. Kearny, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Fred L. Keith Mrs. Barbara T. Keller Ms. Mary Alice Kemp Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Kemp III The Rev. Paul L. Kendall Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Kerr The Rev. Shannon J. and Mr. Gregory J. Kershner Dr. and Mrs. Jin S. Kim Mr. and Mrs. Won H. Kim The Revs. Andrew P. King and Melissa L. McNair-King

Dr. Leslie A. Klingensmith Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Knight Mr. and Mrs. Christopher H. Kronzer Dr. and Mrs. David E. Kunselman The Rev. Sandra E. and Mr. Michael W. Lacey Dr. and Mrs. P. Berke Landrum The Rev. and Mrs. Patrick W. Laney The Rev. Edward C. Langham, Jr. Mr. Samuel B. Ledbetter The Rev. Connie S. and Mr. Gentle G. Lee Ms. Julie E. Lehman and the Rev. Michael J. Poulos Mr. and Mrs. David R. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lewis Ms. Julie A. Lewis The Rev. and Mrs. Thomas K. Lewis III The Rev. Emily Zeig Lindsey and Mr. Rodney P. Lindsey II Mr. and Mrs. Melville C. Lindsay, Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Marvin H. Locey* Ms. Catherine B. Loflin The Rev. Robert F. and Dr. Kimberly H. Lohmeyer Dr. and Mrs. David A. Long III Ms. Elizabeth M. Lyles Dr. John S. Lyles Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Lyman Mrs. Savannah C. and Mr. Christopher W. Malarney Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Marshall Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Marvin Ms. Gail E. Mason Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. May Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. McCabe Dr. and Mrs. John K. McCallum, Jr. Dr. Clyde T. McCants Dr. James W. McCormack Mrs. Ellen W. McCort Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. McCully, Jr. The Rev. Fred W. McDaniel, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. George H. McDonald Mrs. LaBelle D. McDow Dr. and Mrs. Elliott W. McElroy Mrs. Carolyn B. McGough Dr. and Mrs. Matthew M. McGowan The Rev. and Mrs. Woodrow O. McKay, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. McKemie The Rev. Michael D. McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Claiborne K. McLemore III Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. McLendon* The Rev. and Mrs. Cliff H. McLeod, Jr. The Revs. Melissa L. McNair-King and Andrew P. King Mr. and Mrs. Clifton E. McPherson, Jr. Dr. Larry R. McQueen Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Medford Ms. Lucretia H. Meece* Dr. and Mrs. David B. Miller Dr. Gordon C. Miller The Rev. Dr. John N. Miller, Sr. Mrs. Leigh Ann and Mr. Philip E. Min Ms. Janet F. Misner

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

†Raised to the Church Triumphant

Columbia Gift Societies

Mr. and Mrs. H. Petrie Mitchell Dr. T. Jeffreys Mitchiner, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Joseph G. Moore, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Lardner C. Moore, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Matt E. Moore Dr. and Mrs. David R. Moorefield The Rev. Susan E. Moorefield and Mr. Ken M. Muenster Mr. and Mrs. E. Allen Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Morgan The Rev. and Mrs. H. Edward Morren Ms. Elizabeth L. Morris The Rev. Katherine Giguere Morris and Dr. Daniel A. Morris Ms. Patricia M. Morrison* Mrs. Martha W. Morrow Reedy The Rev. Maryalice O. and Mr. Jon O. Moses Mrs. Gloria H. Moss* The Ralph Muller Family Mrs. Leigh S. and Mr. Carroll E. Mullis II Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Murdock Dr. Spencer C. Murray Dr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Murray The Donald R. Myers Family Mrs. Lisa N. and Dr. Eric T. Myers Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Nellis* The Revs. Lisa Traynham Nelson and Ron E. Nelson Dr. and Mrs. Vance S. Nesbit Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Neuenschwander Mr. and Mrs. William G. Neville III Dr. and Mrs. James D. Newsome, Jr. Mr. Paul C. Ney, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Nickle Dr. and Mrs. Eugene B. Norris Dr. and Mrs. M. Thomas Norwood, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Jack C. Oates III Ms. Frances S. Olson Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Owens Mrs. Vivian W. Owens* Mrs. Mary Anne Padget* Mrs. Maxine M. Pankonin The Rev. and Mrs. Daniel B. Parker Ms. Trish Parker Ms. Martie E. Patterson* Dr. and Mrs. John G. Payne Dr. Martha Jane and the Rev. Harry F. Petersen III The Rev. and Mrs. Lyle W. Peterson Dr. Harry W. Philips Drs. John H. Pickens and Suzanne Satterfield Mrs. Ana S. and Mr. Raphael J. Pinto Mrs. Patsy H. Pittenger The Rev. and Mrs. James W. Platt Dr. and Mrs. Andral B. Plexico Dr. and Mrs. Scott M. Poole Mrs. Katherine L. Potter* The Rev. Michael J. Poulos and Ms. Julie E. Lehman Ms. Eugenia T. Pratt Ms. Elizabeth D. Preston Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Price, Jr. The Revs. Emily Rose Proctor and Richard G. Proctor Mr. and Mrs. M. Julian Proctor, Jr.

Mr. David L. Quackenbush Mr. and Mrs. David S. Rader Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Reardon* The Rev. Stacy K. Rector The Rev. Greta S. Reed Dr. and Mrs. William T. Reinhold Dr. Jeanne C. and the Rev. Jeffry L. Reynolds Dr. and Mrs. P. David Reynolds Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. Richards Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Richardson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Riddle, Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Ridgeway Dr. and Mrs. John H. Roark Dr. Jeannette G. and Mr. Charles D. Rodenbough The Revs. Judith Gabel Roeling and Ted W. Roeling The Rev. and Mrs. James T. Rogers Mrs. Sara H. Rogers The Rev. Libby McIntosh Rollins and Dr. David N. Rollins The Rev. Marianne McMasters Romanat and Mr. A. Kyle Romanat Dr. and Mrs. Beryl G. Rosenberger Dr. and Mrs. J. Robert Ross Chaplain Etta C. Rossman Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Rourk Dr. and Mrs. John C. Sandefur* The Rev. and Mrs. Bertram H. Saunders The Rev. Thirza C. Sayers The Rev. Merritt Nickinson Schatz and Mr. Noel R. Schatz Mr. and Mrs. Karl B. Schnelle, Jr. Mrs. Catherine E. and Mr. Jeffrey L. Schreiber The Rev. and Mrs. Charles F. Scott Dr. and Mrs. Paul S. Seelman Ms. Susan H. Sellman Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Sessions Dr. Sandy P. Shawhan Mr. William S. and Dr. Anne T. Sherren Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Shirley The Rev. Diane D. and Mr. David L. Shoaf Ms. Barbara R. Simard Mr. and Mrs. Ellis C. Simmons Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Sims

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

†Raised to the Church Triumphant

Mr. and Mrs. Aden R. Sirles Drs. Ellen F. and J. Eric Skidmore Dr. and Mrs. G. Douglas Slagle The Rev. M. Joy Smith and Mr. Charles R. Paulson Mr. and Mrs. John P. Snodgrass The Rev. Maetta M. and Mr. D. Sam Snyder Dr. and Mrs. H. Gray Southern Mr. and Mrs. Jack N. Spencer Dr. and Mrs. W. Anderson Spickard, Jr. Mrs. Mary H. Stallworth Dr. Sharon G. Stanley Ms. Winifred M. Steadley-Campbell* Mr. and Mrs. Roland H. Stevens III Mr. Merrill R. Stone III The Rev. and Mrs. Cory S. Stott The Rev. Dean W. and Mr. Joseph S. Strength* The Rev. Kristin F. Stroble Drs. Frank S. and Josephine Y. Sullivan Dr. and Mrs. Philip H. Summerlin The Rev. and Mrs. Bert C. Swearingen Ms. Nellie S. Swensen* The Rev. and Mrs. David E. Swindall Mrs. Elizabeth A. Swink Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Tacker Mrs. Patricia Talley Newbold Mrs. Cynthia S. Tarrant Mr. and Mrs. John A. Tate III Mr. and Mrs. William H. Tate Mr. and Mrs. David K. Taylor The Rev. and Mrs. L. Sherwood Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Taylor Mrs. Joanne W. Thach* Mrs. Doris T. Thomas The Rev. Michelle and Mr. David Thomas-Bush Mr. and Mrs. Joe H. Thompson Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Thompson Mrs. Doris S. Tippens The Rev. and Mrs. C. Craig Topple

VANTAGE Fall 2013


Columbia Gift Societies

Mr. and Mrs. C. Heide Trask Mr. and Mrs. Neil W. Trask Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Trost Dr. and Mrs. Lewis E. Trotter Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Turner II Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Vinson* Dr. and Mrs. G. Oliver Wagner Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Walker, Jr. Mrs. Sarah C. and Mr. Adam Walker Cleaveland Mr. and Mrs. Marcus H. Wall Dr. Wayne G. Warner Dr. and Mrs. William E. Warren Mr. and Mrs. Bernard R. Wasserman The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Watkins Dr. Karen B. Watson Ms. Lillian V. Watson The Rev. and Mrs. Robert E. Weaver The Rev. Lucy Waechter Webb and Mr. Daniel N. Webb Mrs. Roy A. Weidman Mr. and Mrs. C. Geoffrey Weirich* Mr. Michael D. Weitnauer Mr. and Mrs. S. Hugh Welch Mr. and Mrs. Ted H. Welch Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Wells Mr. Dan C. West The Rev. and Mrs. William W. Westlund Dr. Mark D. White The Rev. and Mrs. Raymon L. White Dr. and Mrs. Olin M. Whitener, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Wichterman Mr. and Mrs. Bailey L. Wiener Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Williams, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David A. Williams Ms. Margaret C. Williams* The Rev. and Mrs. Reginald C. Williams Mr. Justin P. Wilson Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. Wilson Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Wilson Ms. Susan S. Wilson The Revs. Andrew P. and Stephanie S. Wing Mr. Harrington G. Witherspoon, Sr. Ms. Virginia B. Wohlford Dr. and Mrs. R. Scott Woodmansee



O r g a n i z at i o n s

Arlington Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL* Bethany Presbyterian Church, Covington, GA Blountville Presbyterian Church, Blountville, TN* Booneville Presbyterian Church, Booneville, MS* Boston Presbyterian Church, Boston, GA* Carolina Presbyterian Church, Clio, SC* Christ Presbyterian Church, Largo, FL Cold Springs Presbyterian Church, Bristol, TN* Commerce Presbyterian Church, Commerce, GA* Community Presbyterian Church, Atlantic Beach, FL* Covenant Presbyterian Church, Marietta, GA* Dancing Goats Coffee Bar, Decatur, GA First Presbyterian Church, Auburn, AL* First Presbyterian Church, Canton, MS* First Presbyterian Church, Cornelia, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Dade City, FL* 32

VANTAGE Fall 2013

6 The Global North-South Consultation on Human Sexuality was hosted jointly by the Akrofi-Christaller Institute in AkropongAcuamen, Ghana and Columbia Theological Seminary. It was directed by Dr. John Azumah (third from left), Associate Professor of World Christianity and Islam, director of International Programs. The consultation brought together 45 leading church figures, biblical scholars and theologians of different persuasions within the Reformed Communion from four continents. Dr. Brennan Breed, Dr. Ralph Watkins, Dr. Deborah Mullen (second from left), and Dr. Azumah represented CTS as presenters and respondents. First Presbyterian Church, Fernandina Beach, FL First Presbyterian Church, High Springs, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Inverness, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Jackson, TN First Presbyterian Church, Jonesboro, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Lake City, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Lynn Haven, FL* First Presbyterian Church, McColl, SC* First Presbyterian Church, Piedmont, AL* First Presbyterian Church, Port Charlotte, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Port St. Joe, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Somerville, TN* First Presbyterian Church, Starke, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Sumter, SC* First Presbyterian Church, Sylacauga, AL* First Presbyterian Church, Thomaston, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Titusville, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Williston, FL First Presbyterian Church, Winter Haven, FL* Fondren Presbyterian Church, Jackson, MS* Fort Gaines Presbyterian Church, Fort Gaines, GA* Fort King Presbyterian Church, Ocala, FL Glen Leven Presbyterian Church, Nashville, TN* Grace Presbyterian Church, Gainesville, FL* Grace Presbyterian Church, Panama City, FL* Grace Presbyterian Church, Trussville, AL* Gulf Breeze Presbyterian Church, Gulf Breeze, FL* Gum Creek Presbyterian Church, Oxford, GA Harmony Presbyterian Church, Crocketville, SC* Henry Memorial Presbyterian Church, Dublin, GA* Heritage Presbyterian Church, Acworth, GA* Hillside Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA* Hodges Boulevard Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL* Hopewell Presbyterian Church, Florence, SC* Hunter Memorial First Presbyterian Church, Sikeston, MO

Kingston Presbyterian Church, Conway, SC Lake Shore Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL* Lakewood Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL* Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church, Laurel Hill, FL* Loyd Presbyterian Church, LaGrange, GA* Madisonville Presbyterian Church, Madisonville, TN* Marion Presbyterian Church, Marion, SC* McDowell Presbyterian Church, Greeleyville, SC* Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church, Stone Mountain, GA Montgomery Presbyterian Church, Savannah, GA* Mt. Pleasant Presbyterian Church, Mt. Pleasant, SC* Murray Hill Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL Oak Grove Presbyterian Church, Newberry, SC Oakhurst Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA* Oakland Avenue Presbyterian Church, Rock Hill, SC* Philadelphia Presbyterian Church, Forest Park, GA* Pleasant Grove Presbyterian Church, Springfield, KY Riverside Presbyterian Church, Cocoa Beach, FL* Second Presbyterian Church, Fort Lauderdale, FL* Southminster Presbyterian Church, Marietta, GA* St. Andrew Presbytery, Oxford, MS* Summerville Presbyterian Church, Summerville, SC* Tallapoosa Presbyterian Church, Tallapoosa, GA* Timmonsville Presbyterian Church, Timmonsville, SC* Trinity Presbyterian Church, Clearwater, FL* Washington Presbyterian Church, Washington, GA* Westminster Presbyterian Church, Mobile, AL* Williamsburg Presbyterian Church, Kingstree, SC Williston Presbyterian Church, Williston, SC* Woodland Presbyterian Church of Quincy, Gretna, FL*

F o u n d at i o n s


C o r p o r at i o n s

Chicora Real Estate, LLC Hawthorn Charitable Foundation Spaulding Land Surveying

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

†Raised to the Church Triumphant

Giving By Classes

Alumni/ae names are listed by year of first degree only.

1942 (25% participation)


1945 (50% participation)

Presidents’ Society

J. Phillips Noble P

$15,000 or more


D. Clyde Bartges TG

1946 (33.33% participation)


John W. Craven CS Hubert V. Taylor† WM

William Marcellus

1948 (50% participation) Thomas W. Horton, Jr. CS John A. Kirstein CS

McPheeters Society $1,000 – $4,999

WW Woodrow Wilson Society $500 – $999

AL Agnes Law Society $250 – $499


1949 (33.33% participation) John T. McCrea WW

1950 (50% participation) J. Eade Anderson AL Burney H. Gardner CS Park H. Moore, Jr. CS L. Sherwood Taylor TG

1951 (44.44% participation) Joseph C. Eckstine WW Albert G. Harris, Jr. AL Charles L. Moffatt WW David R. Moorefield TG

Charles A. Stillman

1952 (36.36% participation)


William A. Crosland AL William R. Hoyt TG Richard G. Laurens AL Matthew M. McGowan TG John M. Reagan, Jr. CS James G. Stuart CS J. Ed Wayland, Jr. CS Samuel T. Young CS

$100 – $249

TG Thomas and Anne Holbrook Goulding Society $10 – $99

1965 (28.57% participation)

Earle P. Barron, Jr. CS Gerald L. Bell, Jr. CS Frank K. Chapo TG Walter G. Cook TG James H. Huffaker CS John H. Law WW Clayton K. Little, Jr. CS G. Daniel McCall, Sr. CS Andral B. Plexico TG

Ewell C. Black, Jr. AL J. Reid Cameron TG J. Harley Chapman TG Richard A. Cushman, Sr. CS R. Eugene Horne, Jr. TG Mary Jane Jordan CS David A. Long III TG Richard W. Paddon AL James T. Richardson WM Robert E. Smith AL Bert C. Swearingen TG Frank D. Weathersby CS Donn W. Wright WM

1953 (50% participation) Julian F. Craig, Jr. CS Philip W. Dunford CS Abel M. Hart TG Roy W. Hicks WW Douglas W. Hix AL Robert L. Montgomery CS Lardner C. Moore, Sr. TG H. Edward Morren TG Spencer C. Murray TG William M. Schotanus WM Ernest R. Tufft AL

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

1961 (29.41% participation)

Malcolm M. Bullock CS Dan A. Dunaway WW Leighton S. Ford CS Leroy P. Gwaltney III CS William F. Lee WM Robert M. Marvin TG James D. Newsome, Jr. TG

Wyatt M. Aiken, Jr. CS Stephen A. Bacon AL James W. Beaty CS G. Everett Gossett TG Gary E. Howell CS Stephen M. Huntley, Jr. AL Robert G. Newman CS Rupert H. Pickett, Jr. CS Thomas R. Roddy CS Robert V. Sturdivant CS

1956 (23.81% participation)

1962 (50% participation)

John D. Campbell, Jr. TG William F. Henning, Jr. CS Robert F. Hunt AL Gerald H. Kirby CS Emmett S. McDowell CS

George C. Boone TG Franklin B. Clark, Jr. AL Harry M. Ferguson, Jr. TG George D. Harper, Jr. AL Ray A. Howe WM Clyce H. Hurst, Jr. CS Calvin W. Kropp CS Robert M. Lewis, Sr. CS A. Cecil Moore, Jr. WM Robert R. Morris WW Bobby E. Pettit CS James M. Rice, Jr. WW J. Robert Ross TG Beryl G. Rosenberger TG John G. Taylor, Jr. CS

1955 (43.75% participation) 1947 (50% participation)


1960 (36% participation)

Teddis H. Beasley, Jr. AL Murdoch M. Calhoun TG Kenneth P. Craig CS Archie Davis CS Richard A. Dodds CS Pierre W. DuBose, Jr. TG Lewis S. Hay CS Edward C. Langham, Jr. TG Cyrus S. Mallard, Jr. WW Roy R. Myers, Jr.† CS William D. O’Neal CS Robert I. White CS

Lyle W. Peterson TG

Peter Marshall $5,000 – $14,999

1954 (41.38% participation)

1957 (40.74% participation) Robert B. Allman TG Frank M. Brown CS Joseph W. Conyers, Jr. TG Robert S. Dendy AL George H. Fitzgerald AL Irwin P. Gates, Jr. CS C.J. Hammet, Sr. WM Robert H. Hull CS Glen F. Hutchison AL William F. Shouse WW James O. Speed, Jr. WW

1958 (37.93% participation) Robert C. Bankhead CS Gordon C. Campbell TG Robert L. Conner TG Charles B. Cousar WM Paul L. Kendall TG Fred W. McDaniel, Jr. TG Harry F. Petersen III TG Harry W. Philips TG Angus R. Shaw III CS Eldon D. Wadsworth CS G. Dana Waters III WM

1959 (23.68% participation) Robert W. Boston CS Jerry F. Conner, Jr. TG James T. Frazier CS George B. Hutchins TG Frederick W. Lupton II CS Eugene B. Norris TG Lawrence H. Richards TG J. Gary Waller WW Clarence D. Weaver, Jr. CS

1963 (35.29% participation) Robert L. Armistead CS C. Frank Beall CS Charles C. Bovee CS Ann W. Bullard CS Martin L. Harkey, Jr. CS Fred R. Hill CS S. Edwin Lewis WW Roger A. Martin CS William D. Russell WW Dorothy D. Smith AL L. Jackson Taylor CS Raymon L. White TG

1964 (31.58% participation) Elizabeth H. Ball TG Martha M. Blount AL James E. Bowden AL M. McCoy Franklin WW John E. Hill TG A. Stuart Nickles, Jr. CS Jack C. Oates III TG John H. Roark TG Robert E. Weaver TG Alex W. Williams CS Glen E. Williamson WM Robert A. Wilson TG

† Raised to the Church Triumphant

1966 (30.43% participation) Anonymous CS Joe P. Arnold TG William V. Arnold CS Joseph W. Berry AL T. Erskine Clarke WM J. Jey Deifell, Jr. TG D. Scott Hargrove AL Joseph S. Harvard III WM James S. Lowry AL Elliott W. McElroy TG Lewis E. Trotter TG Earl M. Vaughan CS William W. Westlund TG Daniel E. Youngblood CS

1967 (24.39% participation) William R. Barron WW Bert K. Carmichael III TG James G. Clark TG Clarence D. Fouse, Jr. WW J. Miller Liston CS Robert O. Moss III AL Arnold K. Newman CS H. Gudger Nichols, Jr. AL Robert P. Piephoff AL George K. Preston III CS

1968 (25.64% participation) John S. Bacot, Sr. TG Juventino R. Ballesteros CS Marion B. Boozer TG Leonard G. Boswell TG R. Leon Carroll, Jr. WM Philip R. Gehman AL William G. Phipps CS Thomas A. Sizemore CS G. Doug Slagle TG Robert M. Wallace, Jr. AL

1969 (22.22% participation) Jefferson K. Aiken, Jr. AL H. Alan Elmore WM James M. Kennedy CS John N. Payne CS P. David Reynolds TG Charles F. Scott TG

VANTAGE Fall 2013


Giving By Classes

1983 (8.7% participation)

1988 (11.27% participation)

James C. Gable CS Sara C. Juengst WW

Anonymous TG Clyde L. Carter CS Edwin M. Cooley CS Pemberton I. Cooley III CS Laura W. Dorsey CS Robert A. Hatcher, Jr. CS Charles C. Heyward, Sr. AL M. Joy Smith TG

1970 (30% participation)

1976 (33.33% participation)

1984 (27.27% participation)

James H. Bumgardner CS John J. Gleason CS Ford F. G’Segner AL Mattie E. Hart TG Bill R. Havens TG William C. Hunt, Jr. AL G. William Jones, Jr. CS John W. Stodghill CS Robert C. Wilkes, Jr. CS

Joan S. Gray WM Henry D. Gregory IV AL Winona M. Jones-DuCille TG Albert F. Masters III CS William O. Nisbet, Jr. WM Cary G. Speaker WM Olin M. Whitener, Jr. TG R. Michael Winters III AL

Frank L. Arnold TG Kimberly L. Clayton WM Warner F. Davis TG Robert S. Hay AL William H. Hoff AL Walter M. Jones, Jr. WM Robert A. McCully, Jr. TG Daniel B. Parker TG James W. Platt TG Scott M. Poole TG Raymond R. Roberts AL Merritt Nickinson Schatz TG Kathryn E. Thoresen CS Charles C. Williamson CS Richard B. Wilson TG

1971 (30.30% participation) William R. Anderson, Sr. TG Ronald A. Botsford CS Wayne D. Griffin CS Fred L. Keith TG John W. Larson WW Tommie G. Malone AL John K. McCallum, Jr. TG Kenneth J. Terrell CS T. Mark Verdery AL Jim Watkins CS

1972 (22.22% participation) J. Lawrence Cuthill TG J. Ernie Johnson WW Gene Lassiter AL Caroline Leach CS Clarence O. Magee, Jr. CS David E. Swindall TG

1973 (31.82% participation) Robert R. Allen CS E. Victor Hanson TG H. Eugene Harris CS William P. Lancaster, Jr. CS Elizabeth D. McAliley CS Richard P. Neldon AL J. Mark Wilburn AL

1974 (27.27% participation) Fahed L. Abu-Akel CS Harry H. Barrow TG William B. Carr, Jr. AL Sheppard D. Lawrence CS A. Lamar Potts CS Etta C. Rossman TG

1975 (33.33% participation) John S. Carothers III CS J. Steve Rhodes WM Gibson P. Stroupe CS Joyce C. Tucker AL Hugh B. Ward CS


VANTAGE Fall 2013

1977 (16.67% participation) James H. Foil, Jr. CS M. Thomas Norwood, Jr. TG J. Thomas Phillips CS R. Scott Woodmansee TG

1978 (25% participation)

1985 (18.52% participation)

Anonymous AL Paul O. Ard, Jr. CS Anna L. Case-Winters AL Virginia Simmons Ellis AL R. Daniel Holloway, Jr. TG George H. McDonald TG James I. St. John AL

1979 (20% participation) Joanna M. Adams WM Cheryl A. Gosa TG Jasper N. Keith, Jr. CS J. Bruce Lancaster AL R. Montgomery Nelson CS Kathryn H. Sandifer CS Lib McGregor Simmons WM

1980 (13.73% participation) E. Lane Alderman WM Buren Blankenship CS D. Raymond Guterman AL R. Steven Hudder CS Cliff H. McLeod, Jr. TG William C. Pender AL William B. Wade, Jr. CS

Julie M. Cline AL Martha J. Clinkscales WW C. Jarred Hammet, Jr. TG Ira G. Howard TG Robert F. Inman CS William L. Jenkins, Jr. WW Wanda S. Neely CS Vance S. Nesbit TG R. Page Shelton WW Thomas A. Ulrich CS

1986 (10.53% participation) Janice L. Blissit WM Penny J. Hill WW Mary Beth Lawrence CS T. Jeffreys Mitchiner, Jr. TG Albert A. Myers, Jr. CS A. Don Robb III AL L. Ted Smith CS David D. Weitnauer WM

1987 (27.87% participation)

1981 (23.33% participation) Janet Ann Briscoe WW Randolph S. Calvo, Jr. WM Mary Jane K. Cornell CS Michael A. Daffin CS Ronald J. Gilreath AL Robert F. Murphy, Jr. AL Stephen R. Vance AL

1982 (17.31% participation) David J. Bailey TG Donald R. Frampton CS Robert D. Gamble CS Norman W. Hibbard CS Randal V. Kirby CS Rebekah A. Maul AL Laurey Hartwell Murphy AL Grady J. Perryman CS Janice P. Wiesner CS

Anonymous WM Curry W. Davis, Jr. TG Daniel W. Graham TG Richard G. Hill WW J. Dale Hobbs TG Adlai C. Holler, Jr. CS W. Douglas Hood TG Howard Y. Kim AL Clyde T. McCants TG Stephen R. Nickle TG Gail R. Perkins AL Jeri Parris Perkins WW Martha Jane Petersen TG Robert P. Reno CS B. Lynn Stall PM Frederick H. Talbot CS Karen Whelchel-Redwine CS

1989 (23.19% participation) R. Jerome Boone CS William J. Connolly TG Jean L. Davidson CS Richard I. Deibert TG E. Peter Denlea TG Susan L. Denne TG David L. Hale TG J. Richard Hobson TG Ramon E. Hunt AL Arvie L. Maynard WW Wendell B. Phillips, Jr. AL Judith Gabel Roeling TG Samuel F. Rutland WW Maetta M. Snyder TG Augusta B.Vanderbilt CS Thomas W. Walker AL

1990 (14.08% participation) Anonymous WM Sidney M. Burgess CS David L. Clark TG Elizabeth M. Deibert TG Tammy L. Lane CS Douglas S. McLeroy CS Joan W. Quattrocchi CS Martha C. Sexton WW Earl J. Smith CS Philip H. Summerlin TG

1991 (16.67% participation) Huw M. Christopher AL Deborah M. Conner CS Sharon K. Core AL Michael L. Dusing TG Michael L. Fitze CS Tod A. Linafelt CS Eric T. Myers TG Greta S. Reed TG Diane D. Shoaf TG Harold M. Stone CS Lucy E. Turner CS Deborah D. Wells WM

1992 (26.09% participation) Anonymous CS Nan M. Adams TG Kelly S. Allen CS James W. Calhoun CS David J. D’Alessio CS Mary D. Platt D’Alessio CS Mark P. Downs TG Elizabeth E. Inman TG Julie E. Lehman TG M. Beecher Mathes CS Stephen R. Montgomery AL Susan E. Moorefield TG Lisa N. Myers TG

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

Lisa Traynham Nelson TG Lori E. Pistor CS Michael J. Poulos TG Robert A. Stauffacher WW Andrew I. Walton CS

1993 (21.88% participation) Richard C. Atkerson AL Carol T. Bender CS J. Malcolm Brownlee, Jr. CS Katherine L. Carpenter TG E. Jones Doughton TG Rebecca Ardell Downs TG Martha M. Ebel CS Richard D. Hawks TG David E. Kunselman TG Carl B. (Jake) Marshall CS Ron E. Nelson TG Nancy Graham Ogne CS Ann L. Pitman CS Vanessa C. Potter CS Jeffry L. Reynolds TG Jeannette G. Rodenbough TG Patricia L. Senterfitt AL J. Todd Speed WW Donald E. Stribling CS Walter B. Tennyson, Jr. CS C. Arthur Wall CS

1994 (21.21% participation) Willie M. Brazil TG Zoe Anne Henderson Cagle CS Rita E. Cochrane AL Kathy L. Dawson WM Barbara D. Douglass CS Rebecca K. Gaudino TG Robert G. Googe CS Scott W. Huie TG W. Marvin Lindsay III CS John R. Ragsdale II WM Jeanne C. Reynolds TG Michelle Thomas-Bush TG Thomas J. Watkins TG William W. Williamson, Jr. CS

1995 (20.99% participation) David E. Betts TG Frank I. Blankinship III AL Benjamin S. Booth CS David M. Bradley TG Margaret B. Brinck TG David A. Cagle CS James G. Dungan-Seaver TG Eleana M. Garrett WM Barbara B. Hamilton AL Ingram P. Hedgpeth CS Deborah A. Kirk CS P. Berke Landrum TG Larry R. McQueen TG Joy W. Pruett CS John A. Schmidt CS Ernest T. Thompson III AL Jia De Wu CS

† Raised to the Church Triumphant

1996 (11.76% participation)

2001 (11.81% participation)

2005 (16.25% participation)

2008 (22.47% participation)

2011 (17.65% participation)

Anonymous P Anonymous TG Molly C. Clark CS Thomas R. Hagood, Jr. CS Louly F. Hay PM Marilyn T. Hedgpeth CS Thomas K. Lewis III TG Diana W. Malcom CS Stacy K. Rector TG John D. Wells WM

Louie V. Andrews III TG David M. Bender TG Cynthia W. Brasher CS Amy Lehr Camp CS W. Hunter Camp II CS Christopher L. Crotwell WW Linda K. Davis CS Jane E. Fahey WM Barbara P. Jordan CS Bettina B. Kilburn AL Leslie A. Klingensmith TG Myung Jong Lee AL Ruth L. Lovell CS James W. McCormack TG Anthony W. McDade CS Sandra E. Monroe CS J. Ronald Wilson CS

J. Benjamin Acton TG Jaina W. Anderson CS Alan D. Bancroft CS Amy Summers-Minette Fetterman CS Andrew J. Gans CS C. Davis Hankins TG Pamela C. Hawkins CS Leah R. Hrachovec CS C. Anderson James TG Young Chul Jeon TG Jin S. Kim TG Lindsey M. Wade CS Laurie Taylor Weicher WW

Anonymous CS Amy L. Baer WW Richard N. Baxter AL Catherine Neelly Burton CS David D. Colby TG Heather Wood Davis CS Debra D. Feagin CS Katherine Giguere Morris TG Susan B. Jacobson CS Andrew P. King TG John T. Lattimore CS Emily Zeig Lindsey TG Michael D. McLaughlin TG Catherine E. Schreiber TG Gregory A. Sims TG H. Gray Southern TG Sharon G. Stanley TG Daniel N. Webb TG Lucy Waechter Webb TG Andrew P. Wing TG

Dennis M. Adams CS Beunghoon Choi TG William B. Christians TG Mary Kathleen Duncan AL Timothy R. Green, Jr. AL Jason S. Hammersley CS Eun-Gee Jun CS Nancy C. Kinzer WM Carson M. Overstreet CS Kathryn E. Owen AL Ross M. Reddick CS John D. Shillingburg CS Rebecca S. Shillingburg CS Kristin F. Stroble TG Andrew C. Whaley CS

1997 (20% participation) Ann F. Aichinger CS Frank C. Aichinger CS M. Becky Burton WM Christine K. Dungan WM Erica E. Durham TG A. Kyle Henderson AL Sandy Hill AL Linda P. Jones TG James D. Kearny, Jr. TG Jacqueline H. Lindberg CS William T. Reinhold TG David N. Rollins TG Libby McIntosh Rollins TG Marianne McMasters Romanat TG Richard F. Rouquie, Jr. CS Hannah H. Vaughan CS

1998 (17.46% participation) Jocelyn C. Bauer P Paul S. Brokaw TG Yvonne M. Collie-Pendleton WW Laura A. Cunningham AL C. Annette Graham CS Carolyn K. Heyward AL Roger G. Miller CS Paul M. Ogne CS H. Scott Ramsey AL Timothy T. Read CS Jan Stewart-Tolbert WW

1999 (11.84% participation) John R. Cook WW Susannah A. Cook WW Richard A. Floyd CS Lauren L. Furr-Vancini CS Caroline M. Kelly WW Gregory J. Kershner TG Shannon J. Kershner TG Laury W. Larson AL Robert F. Lohmeyer TG

2000 (9.3% participation) Robert M. Alexander CS Susan D. Buell TG Kathleen N. Crighton TG David W. Fahner TG Guy D. Griffith CS Cynthia M. Montgomery AL Lee T. Read CS Augustus E. Succop III CS

2002 (11.49% participation) Emily J. Anderson WW Maggie F. Beamguard AL David B. Cozad CS Dorie L. Griggs TG Connie S. Lee TG Frank G. McDonald III AL Paige M. McRight WW Carolyn T. Smith CS Wayne G. Warner TG

2003 (16.49% participation) Edna J. Banes CS Cynthia M. Benz WM David L. Boumgarden CS MaryAnn McKibben Dana AL Thomas R. Daniel IV CS Priscilla B. Durkin CS Sarah F. Erickson WW Elizabeth C. Goodrich PM Mary Alice Haynie† WM Rebekah Close LeMon CS Joseph G. Moore, Jr. TG Laurel D. Nelson AL Pendleton B. Peery WW Ian C. Punnett CS Sandy P. Shawhan TG R. Millie Snyder CS

2004 (16.22% participation) John C. Brearley TG Troy E. Bronsink CS S. Bradley Clayton WW Beth M. Daniel CS Kevin M. Day WW L. Franklin Fant, Jr. CS John L. Frye, Jr. TG Thomas L. Griffis TG Lyndsay L. Slocum CS Daniel D. Stephens CS Tina E. Sweet AL John V. Weicher WW

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

2006 (23.3% participation) Dorothy T. Blackwelder AL Russell S. Blackwelder AL Gray V. Chandler WW Sarah Cooper Searight WW Kathryn Heard Day WW Karen R. Dukes WW Meg M. Flannagan CS Kaye L. Florence CS Ani A. Goodenberger TG Stephanie Coble Hankins TG Sharol R. Hayner PM Susan M. Heafield WW Patrick W. Laney TG Jerry W. Long AL David B. Miller TG John R. Richardson AL James T. Rogers TG William H. Searight WW Mindy S. Serafin CS Cory S. Stott TG C. Craig Topple TG G. Oliver Wagner TG Patricia B. Willard CS Michael W. Woods CS

2009 (24.66% participation) Christie L. Ashton WM Mary P. Cox WW Mary Lynn Dell WM Diane L. Duane AL Katelyn M. Gordon CS Jeffery B. Hansen WM Sandra K. Hedrick WM Barrie M. Kirby CS Maryalice O. Moses TG Emily Rose Proctor TG Richard G. Proctor TG David W. Rogers CS Thirza C. Sayers TG R. Paul Sherwood, Sr. AL C. George Tatro III CS Elizabeth M. Turner CS Desmond M. Walker CS Kathryn M. Wolf Reed AL

2007 (16.19% participation)

2010 (21.84% participation)

Jane L. Armstrong TG Ryan J. Baer WW Sarah C. Walker Cleaveland TG Christopher O. Erde AL Cheryl F. Gans CS James S. Goodlet CS Morgan M. Hay AL Laura L. Kuster CS Sandra E. Lacey TG S. Kate Malarney TG Michael D. Manaugh AL Melanie G. Nogalski CS Robert L. Owens TG Nicholas K. Reed AL Catherine Cavazos Renken AL Carolyn J. Visser CS Monica L. Wedlock WW

Robert C. Abernathy, Sr. TG C. Ben Beasley CS Anna M. Brown CS Jennifer Sumner Carswell CS Thomas H. Cook AL Andrew J. Ditzel AL Catherine E. Foster TG Joan W. Gandy TG Alan J. Gibson TG Seong Cheol Im TG Myong S. Kim CS Melissa L. McNair-King TG Leigh Ann Min TG Mardee D. Rightmyer CS T.J. Shirley TG Linda T. Steber CS Yvonne M. Thurmond CS William E. Warren TG

† Raised to the Church Triumphant

2012 (17.72% participation) Jarda A. Alexander CS Alexander K. Barnes AL Eric W. Barton AL Mary Ann Gantt Carter TG Joe Ella Darby TG Nathaniel J. Dunlap AL B. Keith Hodges CS Dawn Martin Hyde CS Sandra M. Kern CS D. Jae Kim CS Ana S. Pinto TG Raphael J. Pinto TG Paul S. Seelman TG Mark D. White TG

2013 (4.35% participation) Gina M. Brock TG Alan F. Dyer CS Sunghee Hammersley CS

VANTAGE Fall 2013


Memorials & Tributes

Memorials Dr. J. Don Aderhold By Dr. and Mrs. William L. Jenkins, Jr. All Saints Day By The Rev. and Mrs. J. Thomas Phillips Mr. Robert F. Ault, Jr. By Mrs. Barbara G. Poe Ms. Carolyn Bach By Mr. Walter D. Bach, Jr. The Rev. Donald B. Bailey By Dr. and Mrs. David J. Bailey Mr. Richard Bell By Mrs. Anna K. Mansfield The Rev. and Mrs. Buell E. Bingham By Dr. Priscilla B. Durkin The Rev. Leonard C. Blanton By Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Moffatt The Rev. Linda L. Blessing By Dr. and Mrs. William O. Nisbet, Jr.

The Rev. William R. Childress By Mrs. Roberta F. Childress Mr. Scott Clayton By Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Abbott, Jr. Mrs. Louise E. Abbott Capt. and Mrs. Edward L. Alderman Mr. and Mrs. A. Lamar Alexander, Jr. Mr. Hillel J. Amos Mr. and Mrs. George H. Armistead III Mr. L.H. Armistead III Mr. R.W. (Bill) Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Brock W. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Baker Ms. Alice A. Barge Mr. and Mrs. Phil S. Barksdale Mr. and Mrs. Bradley L. Barrett Mr. and Mrs. John E. Bateman Mr. and Mrs. James W. Berry, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David L. Black Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Bottorff Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Bozman, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Brandon Mr. and Mrs. Leslie R. Brooks III Mr. and Mrs. John R. Burch, Sr. Ms. Betty B. Cannon Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Cardwell Mr. and Mrs. James W. Cawood Vijoya Chappelear Michael Chappelear

Mrs. Natalie B. Chappelear Mr. James R. Cheshire III Ms. Faye J. Chiles Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Clark, Jr. Mr. Harold G. Clayton Mr. and Mrs. William A. Clayton, Jr. Ms. Elizabeth P. Coble Judge Lew H. Conner Sen. Bob P. Corker Mr. and Mrs. H. Edward Cox Mr. Brownlee O. Currey, Jr. Mrs. Helen H. Dale Mr. Jeffrey H. Dale Ms. Susan B. Dance Mr. and Mrs. W. Lipscomb Davis, Jr. Mr. Maclin P. Davis, Jr. Ms. Martha C. Davis Dr. and Mrs. Leslie W. Doss Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. DuBose Dr. and Mrs. Winfield C. Dunn Mr. and Mrs. John C.B. Earthman Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Eberle Mr. and Mrs. James D. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Farris Mr. and Mrs. James R. Feltner Mr. and Mrs. Jaylon L. Fincannon Mr. and Mrs. Keith D. Frazier Mr. and Mrs. James E. Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Larry B. Gates Dr. Marie E. Gill

Gifts to Endowed Funds Funds established or added to during the fiscal year are listed. Jefferson K. Aiken, Sr. and Jefferson K. Aiken, Jr. Scholarship Fund Jane and Donald Bailey Scholarship Fund Benton Chair of Christian Education Vernon S. Broyles, Jr. Leadership Center Harry H. Bryan Scholarship Fund Betsey Burgess Staff Award Scott Candler, Jr. Scholarship Fund Elizabeth and Mayson Cheshire Scholarship Fund T. Erskine Clarke Lectureship Program Charles Blanton Cousar Scholarship Fund Bettie and Bonneau Dickson Scholarship Fund Dan Alexander Dunaway Fund for Urban Church Development Dr. McCoy and Mary Franklin Scholarship Fund Dr. Paul T. Fuhrmann Endowment Fund Dr. Joseph M. Gettys Scholarship Fund Hal and Anita Gilmore Fund Henry and Billie Grace Goodrich Scholarship Fund Shirley Guthrie Memorial Fund HALY Scholarship Fund Joseph E. Hannah Memorial Scholarship Fund William W. Hatcher Scholarship Fund Jefferson T. Howell, Jr. and Martha A. Howell Scholarship Fund Wade and Vee Huie International Scholarship Fund Douglas Henry Jenkins Memorial Scholarship Fund Catherine Boyd Johnson Scholarship Fund Jasper N. Keith, Jr. and Betty Morgan Keith Fund for Supervised Ministry Kline Fund for Library Archives Aaron W. Leland Memorial Scholarship Fund Lydia’s Fund Arch L. MacNair Scholarship Fund


VANTAGE Fall 2013

Cyrus S. Mallard, Jr. Scholarship Fund Mansfield Memorial Loan Fund Mathes-Woolfolk Memorial Scholarship Fund John Nelsen Award Milton Scott Noble Memorial Fund Jane C. Noonan Scholarship Fund William J. Noonan Scholarship Fund Oldenburg Quadrangle Douglas W. Oldenburg Scholarship Fund Mary B. Ormond and J. Will Ormond Scholarship Fund Joseph and Geraldine Patrick Scholarship Fund J. Davison Philips Scholarship Fund Tommy Pritchard Scholarship Fund James S. Query, Jr. Scholarship Fund James B. Reaves Scholarship Fund J. McDowell and Evelyn Knight Richards Fund for Continuing Education Mr. and Mrs. James McDowell Richardson Endowment Fund James T. and Sally G. Richardson Scholarship Fund Harold J. Riddle Book Award Henry Edward Russell Scholarship Fund The Rev. C. Walker and Louise M. Sessions Scholarship Fund John I. Smith Scholarship Fund Robert and Cola Stamper Scholarship Fund J. Walton and Margaret Stewart Scholarship Fund George W. Stowe Scholarship Fund George and Sally Telford Award James Samuel Ross Tippens Scholarship Fund Dr. Herbert T. and Birma Scott Uthlaut Scholarship Fund William Rivers Waddey Scholarship Fund G. Dana and Catherine Yancey Waters Scholarship Fund Weitnauer Family Scholarship Fund Emily Wood Scholarship Fund

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

† Raised to the Church Triumphant

Memorials & Tributes

Mr. Robert E. Gill II Ms. Stella Marie Gill Ms. Cordia W. Harrington Mr. and Mrs. James D. Harvey Mr. and Mrs. William E. Haslam Dr. Stephen A. and the Rev. Sharol R. Hayner Ms. Phyllis G. Heard Mr. and Mrs. Don F. Heim Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hemby, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Waymon L. Hickman Mr. Christopher T. Holmes Mr. and Mrs. David B. Ingram Ms. Myra M. Ishee Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Johnson Ms. Katherine O. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Kerr Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Knight Mr. and Mrs. Duane W. Layton Ms. Julie A. Lewis Ms. Catherine B. Loflin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. May Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. McCabe Mr. and Mrs. Clifton E. McPherson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. H. Petrie Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. E. Allen Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Murdock Mr. Paul C. Ney, Jr. Ms. Shelia A. Odusote Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Oldham Mr. and Mrs. Gary B. Overton Ms. Trish Parker Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Patton Dr. and Mrs. John G. Payne Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Queener Mr. and Mrs. David S. Rader Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Raines Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Karl B. Schnelle, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Shampain Mr. and Mrs. Ellis C. Simmons Mr. Alden H. Smith, Jr. Mr. Barry R. Smith Ms. Lorraine Sostowski and Mr. Robert D. Booth Dr. and Mrs. W. Anderson Spickard, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Roland H. Stevens III Mr. Merrill R. Stone III Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Tacker Mr. and Mrs. William H. Tate Mr. and Mrs. David K. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Joe H. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Trost Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Turner Ms. Lillian V. Watson Mr. Roberts V. Weaver, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. S. Hugh Welch Mr. and Mrs. Ted H. Welch Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Wichterman Mr. Justin P. Wilson Mrs. Paula R. Wilson

Mrs. Margaret Cogswell By Dr. and Mrs. T. Erskine Clarke

Mr. Austin Pace Coker By Mr. and Mrs. Glen E. Williamson

The Rev. William B. Johnson By Mrs. Dianne L. Johnson

Mrs. Florida V. Collie By Dr. Yvonne M. Collie-Pendleton

Dr. Daniel Purdy Juengst By Dr. Sara C. Juengst

Mr. James C. Corry By Bethany Presbyterian Church, Covington, GA

Mr. Kenneth Kite By Mrs. Anna K. Mansfield

The Rev. C. Edward Davis By Mrs. Harriet S. Davis

Dr. C. Benton Kline, Jr. By The Rev. Mary Jane K. and Mr. Gary A. Cornell Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Dusing Dr. Sara C. Juengst

Dr. Bonneau H. Dickson By Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Johnson Mrs. Elizabeth L. Dickson By Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Johnson Dr. Robert A. Dobbins, Jr. By The Rev. and Mrs. William M. Schotanus Mrs. Margaret Ellis By Mrs. Anna K. Mansfield The Rev. Robert E. Frost By The Rev. Barbara B. Hamilton Mr. Hal M. Gilmore By Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gilmore Mrs. Rachael S. Glass By Mr. T. Clark Simmons Mr. Roy L. Graves III By Mrs. Rosemary A. and Dr. Charles E. Raynal Dr. James H. Griesmer By Ms. Susan D. Buell Dr. Kathleen M. O’Connor Dr. Shirley C. Guthrie, Jr. By The Rev. Nan M. Adams The Rev. and Mrs. Franklin B. Clark, Jr. The Rev. Mary Jane K. and Mr. Gary A. Cornell The Rev. Elizabeth M. and Dr. Richard I. Deibert Ms. Virginia H. Klettner Dr. and Mrs. Gene Lassiter Dr. and Mrs. William D. Russell Mrs. Betty R. Gwaltney By The Rev. Leroy P. Gwaltney III The Rev. Edward N. Hallman By Mrs. Peggy K. Hallman Mr. and Mrs. Edgar W. Johnson The Rev. and Mrs. Robert I. White Dr. John A. Hare By Mrs. Ann T. Hare The Rev. William Wayne Hatcher By Ms. Lois E. Dickey Ms. Martha L. Hatcher Mrs. Ruth D. Hatcher

Peter F. Knauert By Dr. and Mrs. T. Erskine Clarke Mrs. Frances F. Lane By Ms. Tammy L. Lane Professor Aaron Whitney Leland By Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Gignilliat, Jr. Mrs. Linda P. Macgregor By Dr. Mattie E. Hart Dr. Arch L. MacNair By Ms. Emily F. McMullen Mrs. Helen G. Mansfield By Mr. and Mrs. William A. McManus Mr. Laurence E. Mansfield, Sr. By Mr. and Mrs. William A. McManus Mr. Laurence E. Mansfield, Jr. By Mr. and Mrs. Laurence E. Mansfield III Mr. and Mrs. William A. McManus Mr. William E. Mansfield II By Mr. and Mrs. William A. McManus Mrs. Willyne P. Mansfield By Mr. and Mrs. Laurence E. Mansfield III Mr. John McLean, Jr. By The Rev. and Mrs. J. Gary Waller Mr. Howard N. “Bud” McNish By Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Rogers Mr. Harry E. Murphy By Presbyterian Women, Sheppards and Lapsley Presbytery, Birmingham, AL Mrs. Grace L. Nealeans By Presbyterian Women, First Presbyterian Church, Sylacauga, AL Mrs. Alice Aiko Nishioka By Ms. Marilyn Y. Nichols Mrs. Rosemary A. and Dr. Charles E. Raynal

Dr. Basil V. Hicks By Mrs. Mary D. Hicks The Rev. Christine C. Hill By Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Taylor Dr. Jefferson Trent Howell, Jr. By Mr. and Mrs. George W. Farr Mr. and Mrs. Glenn B. Ogden Mr. W. Deloney Hull, Jr. By Mrs. Anna K. Mansfield

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

† Raised to the Church Triumphant

VANTAGE Fall 2013


Memorials & Tributes

Mrs. Betty P. Noble By Frank Maloney and the Staff of the Board of Pensions of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Philadelphia, PA Dr. and Mrs. Walter A. Brueggemann The Rev. and Mrs. Randolph S. Calvo, Jr. Bert and Kaye Carmichael Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Cousar The Rev. and Mrs. James S. Lowry Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Orth Mrs. Barbara G. Poe Mrs. Rosemary A. and Dr. Charles E. Raynal Dr. and Mrs. John H. Roark Mr. T. Clark Simmons Ms. Sandra D. Taylor Dr. and Mrs. William B. Wade, Jr. Dr. J. Will Ormond By The Rev. Gail R. Perkins Burt and Martha Vardeman Mrs. Mary B. Ormond By Burt and Martha Vardeman Mr. William Orr By Dr. and Mrs. Ira G. Howard Dr. David B. Pedersen By Mrs. Diane S. Pedersen Dr. J. Davison Philips By The Estate of Dr. Mary Virginia Allen The Rev. and Mrs. Randolph S. Calvo, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Joseph S. Harvard III Mrs. Anna K. Mansfield Mrs. Suanne B. SauerBrun Mrs. Martha B. Tissington Dr. and Mrs. William B. Wade, Jr. Dr. Richard R. Potter By Mrs. Katherine L. Potter Mr. Thomas Scot Pritchard By Ms. Patty M. Inacker Mr. Michael Ragsdale By Mrs. Anna K. Mansfield Mrs. Joanne C. Rea By Presbyterian Women, First Presbyterian Church, Sylacauga, AL

Mrs. Evelyn Richards By Ms. Ann W. Bullard Dr. and Mrs. H. McCord Smith Dr. J. McDowell Richards By Ms. Ann W. Bullard Dr. and Mrs. Roger A. Martin Dr. and Mrs. H. McCord Smith Mrs. Dorothy C. Riddle By Mr. Jerry W. Braxton Your Friends at Chicora Real Estate, LLC, Myrtle Beach, SC Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Cushman, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Frick Mrs. Ellen W. McCort Donald R. Myers Family Hardin, Hallford, Patterson Families, Marietta, GA Mrs. Roy A. Weidman Mr. and Mrs. David A. Williams Dr. E. Joyce Rimes By Ms. Jimmie G. Phillips Mr. Mark Rohrs By Dr. and Mrs. J. Lawrence Cuthill Mrs. Ala Joanna Brewton Russell By Mrs. Kate O. Boone Mr. and Mrs. W. Ray Brakebill Mr. J. Holmes Davis IV Mr. Dean T. DeCandia Mr. and Mrs. William C. Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Flinn Mr. and Mrs. Alan E. Glenn Ms. Eunice M. Goodin Mr. and Mrs. Allan G. Griffith Mrs. Helen F. Henderson Joanna Hogan’s 5th Grade Team, the Benjamin School Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Jarrett Mrs. Frances C. Kauffman Mr. and Mrs. MIchael R. Marshall Ms. Janet F. Misner The Ralph Muller Family The Rev. and Mrs. R. Montgomery Nelson Drs. John H. Pickens and Suzanne Satterfield Mr. and Mrs. M. Julian Proctor, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. William D. Russell Ms. Barbara R. Simard Mr. and Mrs. C. Heide Trask Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Walker, Jr. Mrs. Sarah R. Warrington Mr. and Mrs. Bailey L. Wiener

Dr. Hubert V. Taylor By Mr. and Mrs. Howell E. Adams, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Walter A. Brueggemann The Rev. and Mrs. Randolph S. Calvo, Jr. Mr. Edward J. Clark Dr. and Mrs. T. Erskine Clarke The Rev. Walter G. Cook Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Cousar Ms. Susan R. Danner Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Hurford The Rev. Elizabeth E. Inman Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Newman Dr. and Mrs. James D. Newsome, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. William O. Nisbet, Jr. Mrs. Barbara G. Poe Dr. and Mrs. J. Steve Rhodes The Rev. and Mrs. William M. Schotanus Mrs. Anne J. Sims The Rev. and Mrs. Hugh B. Ward Mr. and Mrs. R. Nils Young The Rev. George B. Telford, Jr. By The Rev. and Mrs. Joseph S. Harvard III Mrs. Joan H. and Dr. D. Cameron Murchison, Jr. Dr. Augustus E. Succop III Mrs. Sally S. Telford The Rev. James S.R. Tippens, in celebration of his life By Mrs. Lou H. Reaves Mrs. Peggy B. Vaughan By The Rev. Earl M. Vaughan Mr. William Rivers Waddey By Mr. and Mrs. A. Thomas Jones Mr. and Mrs. L. William Silzle, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Whitmire Dr. Ronald S. Wallace By Chaplain Etta C. Rossman The Rev. W. Steve Watson By Dr. Karen B. Watson The Rev. Thurlow Benjamin Weed By Mrs. Auwina S. Weed Mr. Gene D. Weitnauer By Mr. Michael D. Weitnauer Dr. David E. Wilkinson By Mr. and Mrs. David M. Wilkinson Mr. L. Neil Williams By Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt R. Haskell Ms. Elizabeth Adair Wyche By Mr. and Mrs. C. Miner Harrell

Mr. J.T. Simmons By Mrs. Barbara G. Poe Mr. Hal L. Smith By Mr. John E. Smith II Mr. August and Mrs. Helen Stauffacher By Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Stauffacher


VANTAGE Fall 2013

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

† Raised to the Church Triumphant

Memorials & Tributes

Tributes Dr. Ann Clay Adams By Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Coe Kay and Phil Gehman Dr. E. Lane Alderman By Ms. Ashley P. Alderman Capt. and Mrs. Edward L. Alderman Mr. and Mrs. John J. Brennan In honor of the marriage of Beth Scott Clayton and Timothy Laurence Amos By Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Abbott, Jr. Mrs. Louise E. Abbott Capt. and Mrs. Edward L. Alderman Mr. and Mrs. A. Lamar Alexander, Jr. Mr. Hillel J. Amos Mr. and Mrs. George H. Armistead III Mr. L.H. Armistead III Mr. R.W. (Bill) Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Brock W. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Baker Ms. Alice A. Barge Mr. and Mrs. Phil S. Barksdale Mr. and Mrs. Bradley L. Barrett Mr. and Mrs. John E. Bateman Mr. and Mrs. James W. Berry, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David L. Black Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Bottorff Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Bozman, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Brandon Mr. and Mrs. Leslie R. Brooks III Mr. and Mrs. John R. Burch, Sr. Ms. Betty B. Cannon Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Cardwell Mr. and Mrs. James W. Cawood Vijoya Chappelear Michael Chappelear Mrs. Natalie B. Chappelear Mr. James R. Cheshire III Ms. Faye J. Chiles Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Clark, Jr. Mr. Harold G. Clayton Mr. and Mrs. William A. Clayton, Jr. Ms. Elizabeth P. Coble Judge Lew H. Conner Sen. Bob P. Corker Mr. and Mrs. H. Edward Cox Mr. Brownlee O. Currey, Jr. Mrs. Helen H. Dale Mr. Jeffrey H. Dale Ms. Susan B. Dance Mr. and Mrs. W. Lipscomb Davis, Jr. Mr. Maclin P. Davis, Jr. Ms. Martha C. Davis Dr. and Mrs. Leslie W. Doss Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. DuBose Dr. and Mrs. Winfield C. Dunn Mr. and Mrs. John C.B. Earthman Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Eberle Mr. and Mrs. James D. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Farris Mr. and Mrs. James R. Feltner

Mr. and Mrs. Jaylon L. Fincannon Mr. and Mrs. Keith D. Frazier Mr. and Mrs. James E. Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Larry B. Gates Dr. Marie E. Gill Mr. Robert E. Gill II Ms. Stella Marie Gill Ms. Cordia W. Harrington Mr. and Mrs. James D. Harvey Mr. and Mrs. William E. Haslam Dr. Stephen A. and the Rev. Sharol R. Hayner Ms. Phyllis G. Heard Mr. and Mrs. Don F. Heim Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hemby, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Waymon L. Hickman Mr. Christopher T. Holmes Mr. and Mrs. David B. Ingram Ms. Myra M. Ishee Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Johnson Ms. Katherine O. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Kerr Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Knight Mr. and Mrs. Duane W. Layton Ms. Julie A. Lewis Ms. Catherine B. Loflin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. May Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. McCabe Mr. and Mrs. Clifton E. McPherson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. H. Petrie Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. E. Allen Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Murdock Mr. Paul C. Ney, Jr. Ms. Shelia A. Odusote Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Oldham Mr. and Mrs. Gary B. Overton Ms. Trish Parker Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Patton Dr. and Mrs. John G. Payne Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Queener Mr. and Mrs. David S. Rader Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Raines Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. John T. Rochford Mr. and Mrs. Karl B. Schnelle, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Shampain Mr. and Mrs. Ellis C. Simmons Mr. Alden H. Smith, Jr. Mr. Barry R. Smith Ms. Lorraine Sostowski and Mr. Robert D. Booth Dr. and Mrs. W. Anderson Spickard, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Roland H. Stevens III Mr. Merrill R. Stone III Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Tacker Mr. and Mrs. William H. Tate Mr. and Mrs. David K. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Joe H. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Trost Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Turner Ms. Lillian V. Watson Mr. Roberts V. Weaver, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. S. Hugh Welch Mr. and Mrs. Ted H. Welch Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Wichterman Mr. Justin P. Wilson Mrs. Paula R. Wilson

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

†Raised to the Church Triumphant

Mrs. Jane E. Bailey By Dr. and Mrs. David J. Bailey The Rev. Shawn E. Barkley By Presbyterian Women, Trinity Presbyterian Church, Louisville, KY Dr. David L. Bartlett By The Rev. Pamela Cooper-White, Ph.D. and the Rev. Michael Cooper-White, D.D. The Rev. C. Benjamin Beasley By Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry Morgan, Jr. Mr. John T. Benton, Jr. and Ms. Suzanne B. Benton on their 58th anniversary By Mr. and Mrs. Glenn H. Davis, Jr. The Rev. Deb Bibler By The Rev. and Mrs. Jerry W. Long Mrs. Jane A. Blincow By Dr. and Mrs. Jefferson K. Aiken, Jr. The Rev. C. Fritz Bogar By Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Coe The Rev. Marion B. Boozer By Mrs. Muriel H. Lake The Rev. James E. and Jere Bowden By Mr. and Mrs. Jerry M. Bowden Ms. Lyvonne E. Briggs By Mr. and Mrs. Rallie M. Seigler Dr. Walter A. Brueggemann By Dr. and Mrs. Gene Lassiter The Rev. Randolph S. Calvo, Jr. By Central Presbyterian Church, Anderson, SC Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Quillian III The Rev. Jan Stewart-Tolbert and Mr. Jerry C. Tolbert Dr. S. Wallace Carr By Covington Presbyterian Church, Covington, LA Dr. Anna Carter Florence By The Rev. Ruth L. Lovell Mr. A. Paul Romjue Staff of Central Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA By Mrs. Anne S. Turnage The Rev. Marcus G. Coker By First Presbyterian Church, Laurens, SC The Rev. Ernestine B. Cole By Kay and Phil Gehman Columbia 1989 Staff By The Rev. and Mrs. Arvie L. Maynard

VANTAGE Fall 2013


Memorials & Tributes

The Rev. and Mrs. Craig N. Goodrich By Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Bedford Dr. Denise M. Hall By Ms. Deborah L. Rexrode

Dr. Charles B. Cousar By Dr. and Mrs. Harry H. Barrow The Rev. Elizabeth M. and Dr. Richard I. Deibert Dr. and Mrs. D. Scott Hargrove Mr. James H. Montgomery Dr. and Mrs. Eugene B. Norris Dr. Nancy Graham Ogne and the Rev. Paul M. Ogne The Rev. Robert P. Piephoff The Rev. and Mrs. David E. Swindall Mrs. Ann D. Cousins By Mr. and Mrs. George E. Cates Mrs. Betsy Broyles Moore and Mr. Calvin B. Moore

The Rev. C.J. Hammet, Sr. By Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Dendy Mrs. Sara R. Harrington By Dr. and Mrs. Walter C. Cottingham Mrs. Shirley C. Harris By Ms. Kristen S. Brandon Mr. Christopher W. Harris Mr. and Mrs. P. Scott Harris Mr. and Mrs. James E. Howe Providence Presbytery, Rock Hill, SC The Rev. Dr. Meda Stamper Harrison By Dr. Sarah E. Jackson

The Rev. Cyrus S. Mallard, Jr. By Dr. and Mrs. James F. Langford Mrs. Ann Mallard Roswell Presbyterian Church, Roswell, GA The Rev. Robert E. Malsbary By Covington Presbyterian Church, Covington, LA Dr. Douglas S. McLeroy By Mrs. Dana B. McLeroy Dr. Laura S. Mendenhall By The Rev. and Mrs. A. Kyle Henderson Dr. Stephen R. Montgomery By Ms. Virginia H. Klettner Mr. William S. Morris III By Dr. and Mrs. G. Daniel McCall, Sr.

The Rev. Joseph S. Harvard III By The Rev. and Mrs. R. Leon Carroll, Jr.

Dr. Rodger Y. Nishioka By Anonymous Mr. A. Paul Romjue Mrs. Dorothy D. and Dr. Robert E. Smith

The Rev. Louly F. Hay By Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Bollinger

Dr. J. Phillips Noble By Mrs. Frances D. and Dr. Clarence E. Calcote

The Rev. Laura A. Cunningham By Dr. and Mrs. George W. Ramsey

Dr. Stephen A. Hayner By Dr. and Mrs. E. Jones Doughton The Rev. Louly F. and Mr. Sam B. Hay, Jr.

The Rev. Christin Johnson Norman By Presbyterian Women, Roswell Presbyterian Church, Roswell, GA

Dr. and Mrs. F. Barry Davies By Dr. and Mrs. James G. Clark

Dr. Joy C. Heaton By Mr. and Mrs. Melvin G. Cooper

The Rev. Holly Shoaf O’Kula By Mrs. Elizabeth A. Swink

Dr. Douglas DeCelle By Dr. and Mrs. John T. West

Dr. Douglas W. Hix By Dr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Talbot

Mrs. Claudia S. Oldenburg By Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Oldenburg

The Rev. Caroline V. Dennis By Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Vinson

Mrs. Martha Ann B. Howell By Mr. Jefferson T. Howell III

Dr. Douglas W. Oldenburg By Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Oldenburg

The Rev. Phillip D. Dennis By Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Vinson

Dr. Stephen M. Huntley, Jr. By Dr. and Mrs. Walter C. Cottingham

Mrs. Robin S. Dietrich By Kay and Phil Gehman

Institutional Advancement Colleagues By Ms. Sandra D. Taylor

Mrs. Elizabeth S. Preston By Ms. Elizabeth D. Preston Mr. John M. Preston VI

Dr. Carol L. DiGiusto By Dr. Bettina B. and Mr. Norman W. Kilburn

Dr. Ben C. Johnson By Dr. and Mrs. Guy D. Griffith Dr. William J. Pendergrast

Mr. Thomas G. Cousins By Mr. and Mrs. George E. Cates Mrs. Mary Joe Crosby By Mr. William N. Crosby

The Rev. Shannon Dill By Mrs. Marylyn B. Brown The Rev. Pamela G. Driesell By Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Bedford Dr. Sarah F. Erickson By Dr. Mardee D. Rightmyer The Rev. Clarence D. Fouse III By Dr. and Mrs. Clarence D. Fouse, Jr. The Rev. Jennifer E. Fouse By Dr. and Mrs. Clarence D. Fouse, Jr. The Rev. M. McCoy Franklin By Mrs. Roberta F. Childress Dr. and Mrs. Eugene B. Norris The Rev. A. Schaap Freeman By Dr. and Mrs. Clarence D. Fouse, Jr. The Rev. Lauren Louise Furr-Vancini By Dr. Bettina B. and Mr. Norman W. Kilburn Mrs. Anita B. Gilmore By Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gilmore


VANTAGE Fall 2013

Mrs. Nancy N. Jones By Presbyterian Women, Fort Hill Presbyterian Church, Clemson, SC The Rev. David Jordan By Mrs. Anne J. Sims Dr. and Mrs. Jasper N. Keith, Jr. By Dr. and Mrs. James G. Clark Dr. Jasper N. Keith, Jr. by First Presbyterian Church, Gainesville, GA Mrs. Jewel E. Kirkus By Kay and Phil Gehman The Rev. Meredith F. Loftis By Mr. and Mrs. William J. Martin, Jr. Dr. Thomas G. Long By Dr. Kathryn E. and Mr. Thomas M. Thoresen

Mr. John M. Preston V By Mr. John M. Preston VI Mr. and Mrs. David A. Quattlebaum III By Mr. and Mrs. J. Derrick Quattlebaum The Rev. H. Scott Ramsey By Dr. and Mrs. George W. Ramsey The Rev. Nicholas K. Reed By Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Reed The Rev. Todd A. Reinschmidt By Mrs. Anne J. Sims The Rev. Steven H. Rhodes By Mr. and Mrs. K. David Lake, Jr. Dr. Marcia Y. Riggs By Dr. Yvonne M. Collie-Pendleton The Rev. Mary Katherine Gregory Robinson By Dr. and Mrs. H. Scott Gregory The Rev. William B. Robinson By Dr. and Mrs. H. Scott Gregory

Ms. Elizabeth M. Lyles By Mr. and Mrs. John A. Tate III

The Rev. Matthew E. Ruffner By Dr. Walton H. Reeves, Jr. and Dr. Catharine A. Enright

Mrs. Elizabeth F. MacNair By Ms. Emily F. McMullen

Mrs. Suanne B. SauerBrun By The Rev. and Mrs. Joseph W. Conyers, Jr.

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

† Raised to the Church Triumphant

Dr. Christian A. Scharen By Quality Enhancement Plan team, Columbia Theological Seminary Dr. Marvin L. Simmers By Mrs. Rosemary A. and Dr. Charles E. Raynal Ms. Kimberly G. Skeen By Presbyterian Women, Roswell Presbyterian Church, Roswell, GA Mrs. Shavon C. Starling-Louis By The Rev. Jaina W. Anderson Ms. Mary C. Stewart By Presbyterian Women, Roswell Presbyterian Church, Roswell, GA Mrs. Jane K. Stodghill By Dr. John W. Stodghill Dr. James J. Truesdell By Dr. and Mrs. Henry L. Laws Dr. Lynn A. Turnage By Mrs. Anne S. Turnage Mr. Jeffrey R. Vaughan By The Rev. Thirza C. Sayers The Rev. Ms. Lindsey M. Wade By Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Richardson, Jr. Dr. Thomas W. Walker By Dr. Bettina B. and Mr. Norman W. Kilburn Dr. Robert M. Wallace, Jr. By Dr. and Mrs. John S. Bacot, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. G. Dana Waters III By Mr. and Mrs. Leland C. Keller Mrs. Carrie A. Weatherford By Presbyterian Women, Roswell Presbyterian Church, Roswell, GA The Rev. Robert M. White By Covington Presbyterian Church, Covington, LA Dr. Elizabeth E. Whiteley By Mrs. Anne S. Turnage The Rev. Kathryn M. Wolf Reed By Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Reed Mrs. Emily C. Wood By Ms. Eugenia T. Pratt Mr. William York By Mrs. Orlean Y. Castronis

Columbia Founders

The Columbia Founders have demonstrated extraordinary levels of support for the seminary, some over the course of a lifetime. Words cannot adequately express the depth of appreciation felt by all friends of Columbia for the sacrificial ways in which the Founders have contributed to the seminary’s programs, buildings, and grounds. Their generosity calls all of us to practice better stewardship of what we have been given. Thanks be to God!

I n d i v i d ua l s Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Howell E. Adams, Jr. The Rev. Lucy R. and Mr. John G. Aldridge Dr. Mary Virginia Allen† Mr. and Mrs. Ralph R. Almand† Dr. Harvard A. Anderson† Ms. Bonnie Arnall† Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Ayres Ms. Rose M. Barnwell† The Rev. N.G. Barron† Mrs. Ruby H. Barron† Ms. Jocelyn C. Bauer Mrs. Nellie M. Beatie† The Rev. and Mrs. Francis B. Benton† Mrs. John T. Benton† John T. Benton, Jr. and Suzanne B. Benton Mr.† and Mrs. John Blue III Dr. Vernon S. Broyles, Jr.† Mrs. G. Scott Candler, Jr. Ms. Edith G. Carter† Mr. and Mrs. George E. Cates Mr. Curtis W. Cheshire Mr. and Mrs. Sidney R. Clotfelter† Mrs. Juliana C. Cole† Mr. and Mrs. John A. Conant† Mr. and Mrs. George H. Cornelson IV Mrs. Ann D. and Mr. Thomas G. Cousins Mr. and Mrs. John J. Cross Mr. and Mrs. James G. Dalton, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Ludwig R. Dewitz† Dr. and Mrs. Bonneau H. Dickson† Mr.† and Mrs. J.K. Dickson Mr. H. Talmage Dobbs, Jr.† Mrs. Boyce Edwards† Mr. and Mrs. W. Douglas Ellis Mr. and Mrs. William D. Ellis† The Rev. Helen Q. Fisher† Mr. and Mrs. Langdon S. Flowers† Mr. John P. Garrard† Mr. and Mrs. Ben G. Gautier Ms. Alice G. Geekie† Ms. Sara Gibbs† Dr. and Mrs. Richard T. Gillespie† Mr. and Mrs. T. Michael Goodrich Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Goulding† Mr. and Mrs. Dean L. Griffith Mr. Harry C. Hannah, Jr.† Mrs. Ruth Harpster† Dr.† and Mrs. W. Frank Harrington Ms. C. Virginia Harrison†

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

† Raised to the Church Triumphant

Mr. and Mrs. George J. Hauptfuhrer The Rev.† and Mrs. Fred J. Hay The Rev. Louly F. and Mr. Sam B. Hay, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hayne Hollis Dr. George Howe† Mr. and Mrs. James M. Jeter Dr. Charles C. Jones† Dr. and Mrs. C. Benton Kline, Jr.† Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Love Mr.† and Mrs. J. Erskine Love, Jr. Mr. Edwin Malloy, Jr.† Ms. Lina Matthews† Mr. Robert J. Maxwell, Jr.† Mrs. Ruth R. McDonald† Dr. Jack B. McMichael† Mr. T.S. McPheeters† The Rev. James L. Merrick† Mr.† and Mrs. James D. Miller, Jr. The Rev.† and Mrs. Max Milligan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Moore† Mr. and Mrs. William S. Morris III Dr.† and Mrs. W. Donald Munson Dr. and Mrs. John L. Newton† Dr. J. Phillips Noble Mr. and Mrs. William J. Noonan, Jr.† Dr. J. Will Ormond† Dr. B.M. Palmer† Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Palmer† Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Patrick† Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Patrick, Jr. Mr.† and Mrs. John D. Pellett, Jr. Dr.† and Mrs. J. Davison Philips Mr. and Mrs. J. Sidney Query† Dr.† and Mrs. Thomas E. Rast Mrs. Lou H. Reaves Dr. and Mrs. J. McDowell Richards† Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Shaw Mr. and Mrs.† B. Franklin Skinner Mr. and Mrs. Hal L. Smith† Mr. John E. Smith II Mrs. Laura Maddox Smith† The Rev. Paul E. Smith, Jr.† Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Spencer Ms. Margaret H. Spencer† Mrs. Agnes D. Spivey† Dr. Charles A. Stillman† Mr. H.A. Street† Mr. John W. Thatcher Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Thomas† Mr. Clyde H. Thompson† Mr.† and Mrs. Malcolm A. Thompson Dr. James H. Thornwell† Mr. J.M. Tull† Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Uthlaut, Jr. Mr. and Mrs.† John H. Weitnauer, Jr. Mrs. Susan W. and Mr. John F. Wieland Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Wilgus† Mrs. Sue S. and Mr.† L. Neil Williams The Rev. John L. Wilson† Mr. J. Barnett Woodruff† Mrs. Julia M. Woodward†

VANTAGE Fall 2013


Columbia Founders



O r g a n i z at i o n s

Agape Christian Council, Decatur, GA Bethesda Presbyterian Church, Camden, SC Campbell Trust, Atlanta, GA Central Florida Presbytery, Orlando, FL Central Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA Charleston Atlantic Presbytery, Charleston, SC Charlotte Presbytery, Charlotte, NC Clairmont Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA Decatur Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA Easley Presbyterian Church, Easley, SC First Presbyterian Church, Aiken, SC First Presbyterian Church, Athens, GA First Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA First Presbyterian Church, Clinton, SC First Presbyterian Church, Columbus, GA First Presbyterian Church, Dalton, GA First Presbyterian Church, Florence, SC First Presbyterian Church, Gainesville, GA First Presbyterian Church, Greenville, MS First Presbyterian Church, Greenville, SC First Presbyterian Church, Greenwood, SC First Presbyterian Church, Hartsville, SC First Presbyterian Church, Huntsville, AL First Presbyterian Church, Leesburg, FL First Presbyterian Church, Marietta, GA First Presbyterian Church, Moultrie, GA First Presbyterian Church, Myrtle Beach, SC First Presbyterian Church, Nashville, TN First Presbyterian Church, Orlando, FL First Presbyterian Church, Pensacola, FL First Presbyterian Church, Quincy, FL First Presbyterian Church, Shreveport, LA First Presbyterian Church, Spartanburg, SC First Presbyterian Church, St. Petersburg, FL First Presbyterian Church, Sumter, SC First Presbyterian Church, Tampa, FL Flint River Presbytery, Albany, GA Florida Presbytery, Chipley, FL Foothills Presbytery, Simpsonville, SC Fort Hill Presbyterian Church, Clemson, SC Fountain Inn Presbyterian Church, Fountain Inn, SC Fourth Presbyterian Church, Greenville, SC Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA Greater Atlanta Presbytery, Atlanta, GA Independent Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, AL Indiantown Presbyterian Church, Hemingway, SC Korean Community Presbyterian Church, Duluth, GA Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church, Houston, TX Nazareth Presbyterian Church, Moore, SC New Harmony Presbytery, Florence, SC North Avenue Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA Northeast Georgia Presbytery, Watkinsville, GA Oakland Avenue Presbyterian Church, Rock Hill, SC Peace Memorial Presbyterian Church, Clearwater, FL Peachtree Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA Pine Shores Presbyterian Church, Sarasota, FL Presbyterian Church (USA), Louisville, KY Reid Memorial Presbyterian Church, Augusta, GA Riverside Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL Roswell Presbyterian Church, Roswell, GA Savannah Presbytery, Brunswick, GA


VANTAGE Fall 2013

Sequoyah Hills Presbyterian Church, Knoxville, TN Shandon Presbyterian Church, Columbia, SC Signal Mountain Presbyterian Church, Signal Mountain, TN South Highland Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, AL St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Tucker, GA St. Luke’s Presbyterian Church, Dunwoody, GA St. Simons Presbyterian Church, St. Simons Island, GA Synod of Living Waters, Spring Hill, TN Synod of South Atlantic, Jacksonville, FL Synod of the Sun, Irving, TX Trinity Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA Trinity Presbytery, Lexington, SC Westminster Presbyterian Church, Greenville, SC White Memorial Presbyterian Church, Raleigh, NC Winter Park Presbyterian Church, Winter Park, FL

F o u n d at i o n s


J. McDowell Richards Society

The J. McDowell Richards Society was inaugurated to recognize those who have made provisions for a gift to Columbia in the course of their estate planning. Planned gifts, such as charitable remainder trusts, charitable gift annuities, life estate gifts of residences or other real estate holdings, or an intended bequest to the seminary, all qualify a contributor for membership in this society. Those interested in learning more about the tax and income advantages of planned giving are invited to contact Columbia’s Office of Institutional Advancement at 404 687-4525 or toll-free at 1 888 601-8918.

C o r p o r at i o n s

The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations The Bailey Foundation CF Foundation, Inc. The J. Bulow Campbell Foundation Churches Homes Foundation, Inc. The Citizens & Southern Fund The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta Cousins Foundation, Inc. Cully A. & Lois Dowdle Cobb Foundation The Florence C. and Harry L. English Memorial Fund English Memorial Fund Lettie Pate Evans Foundation John and Mary Franklin Foundation, Inc. Garrett Foundation Blake P. Garrett, Sr. Foundation David H. and Mary Lou S. Garrett Foundation Griffith Theological Research Foundation H.P. Bridges Ministers’ Trust The Hack Foundation, Inc. John H. & Wilhelmina D. Harland Charitable Foundation, Inc. The William Randolph Hearst Foundation, Inc. Heart of the City Foundation Helen C. Richardson Foundation William E. and Audrine C. Honey Foundation The Imlay Foundation, Inc. Lilly Endowment, Inc. Gay and Erskine Love Foundation The Henry Luce Foundation, Inc. The Outreach Foundation of the Presbyterian Church Patrick Family Foundation The Pattillo Foundation The Pellett Foundation The Pew Charitable Trusts The Pittulloch Foundation Presbyterian Foundation Mabel Stowe Query Foundation The Rockdale Foundation Schumann Foundation, Inc. Shaw Family Foundation The Hal and John Smith Family Foundation John I. Smith Charities, Inc. Nora Smith Foundation SunTrust Bank Atlanta Foundation Samuel E. and Mary W. Thatcher Foundation, Inc. Tull Charitable Foundation, Inc. Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning The Joseph B. Whitehead Foundation David, Helen and Marian Woodward Foundation

Anonymous† Anonymous† Mr. and Mrs. Howell E. Adams, Jr. Dr. Joanna M. and Mr. Alfred B. Adams III Dr. Millard E. Agerton† Mrs. Jane H. Aiken† Dr. and Mrs. Jefferson K. Aiken, Jr. Dr. Mary Virginia Allen† Mr. K.F. Anderson† The Rev.† and Mrs. James T. Anderton Mrs. Marguerite M. Appleby† The Rev.† and Mrs. Donald B. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. James J. Baird, Jr. Ms. Rose M. Barnwell† Ms. Myra A. Barron† Mrs. Ruby H. Barron† The Rev. C. Benjamin Beasley The Rev. Eugene G. Beckman† The Rev. and Mrs. Francis B. Benton† Mrs. John T. Benton† John T. Benton, Jr. and Suzanne B. Benton Ms. Julia C. Boswell† Mr. and Mrs. David M. Bradfield Dr. Cecil Brearley, Jr.† Dr. and Mrs. John C. Brearley Mrs. Helen D. Brown† Mr. Leonard T. Brown† Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Brown The Rev. Mary Miller Brueggemann Dr. Walter A. Brueggemann Dr. Harry H. Bryan† Dr. and Mrs. John C. Bryan Mrs. Nell Scott Buice† Ms. Mary C. Campbell† Ms. Anne C. Carr† Ms. Edith G. Carter† Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Castles Mr.† and Mrs. John R. Chambless Mr. Curtis W. Cheshire Dr. and Mrs. J. Calvin Chesnutt Mr. Scott Clayton† The Rev. Roy W. Coker Mrs. Juliana C. Cole† The Rev. Franklin G. Colladay Mr. and Mrs. John A. Conant† The Rev. Mary Jane K. Cornell Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Cousar The Rev. and Mrs. William A. Crosland Mrs. Claire L. Cross

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

† Raised to the Church Triumphant

Ms. Margaret I. Dalzell† Mr. J. Kenneth Davis† Dr. and Mrs. Ludwig R. Dewitz† Dr. and Mrs. Bonneau H. Dickson† Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Dodds The Rev.† and Mrs. Robert I. Doom, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. William T. DuBose Dr. and Mrs. Dan A. Dunaway Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ector† The Rev.† and Mrs. R. Foster Edwards Dr. and Mrs.† Sterling J. Edwards, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Harris Edwards† Dr. and Mrs. H. Alan Elmore Mr.† and Mrs. Robert E. Eskew Mrs. Frances D. Fabrick† Mrs. C.W. Fargason† The Rev. Helen Q. Fisher† Dr. and Mrs. Clarence D. Fouse, Jr. Ms. Verna Freeman† Dr. and Mrs.† James H. Gailey, Jr. Mrs. Jane H. Gardiner† The Rev. Eleana M. and Mr.† David C. Garrett, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ben G. Gautier Ms. Alice G. Geekie† Ms. Sara Gibbs† Drs. Catherine G. and Justo L. Gonzalez Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Grafton† Dr. and Mrs. D. Raymond Guterman Ms. Ruth C. Hambright† Mrs. Elliott K. Harbison† Mrs. Mildred R. Harding† Mrs. Edna M. Harman† Mrs. Marion J. Harper† Dr.† and Mrs. W. Frank Harrington The Rev. Carolyn Robinson Hart The Rev. Joseph and Mrs. Carlisle Harvard Dr. and Mrs. T. Fleetwood Hassell Mr. and Mrs. George J. Hauptfuhrer The Rev. Fred J. Hay† The Rev. Morgan M. and Mr. Robert S. Hay, Jr. Dr.† and Mrs. Basil V. Hicks Mr.† and Mrs. John G. Hiles Mrs. Helen R. Hodgson† Dr. and Mrs. Wayne W. Hoffmann Mrs. A.C. Huber† Dr. Wade P. Huie, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh F. Hunter, Jr. Mr. Walter Ingram† Mr. Charles E. Irvin† Dr. Sarah E. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. James III Dr. E. Elizabeth Johnson and the Rev. Peter M. Paulsen Mr. and Mrs. Eugene B. Johnson Mr. William R. Johnson Mrs. Shirley S. Johnston Dr. and Mrs. Franklin T. Jones Mrs. Walter M. Jones† Mr. and Mrs. Vernon C. Jordan Dr. and Mrs. William C. Keller† Mr. Berthold S. Kennedy† Mrs. Elza D. Kirckhoff† Dr. and Mrs. C. Benton Kline, Jr.† Mrs. Helen J. Kohl† Dr. and Mrs. William P. Lancaster, Jr. Mrs. O’Neal H. Lannon† The Rev. and Mrs. William F. Lee Dr. John H. Leith†

Mr. and Mrs. Aaron W. Leland Ms. Madeline S. Lewis† Mrs. Jane L. Liston† Dr. and Mrs. David A. Long III Mr. Edwin Malloy, Jr.† Ms. Louise O. Manning† Dr. William H. Marquis† Dr. and Mrs.† Albert F. Masters III Ms. Lina Matthews† Mr. Robert J. Maxwell, Jr.† Ms. Pearl I. Mayo† The Rev. R. Donnell McCall† Mrs. Elizabeth G. and Mr. James F. McCallen The Rev. and Mrs. John T. McCrea Mr.† and Mrs. W. Sloan McCrea Dr. Janet McDonald† Mrs. Dorothy McEwen† Ms. Celeste S. McGill† Dr. Angus M. McGregor† The Rev. Angus W. McGregor Mrs. Adele D. McKee Ms. Dorothy E. McKuen† The Rev.† George R. and Dr. Belle Miller McMaster Ms. Anne Elizabeth McMichael† Dr. Jack B. McMichael† Ms. Theo McNeil† Mrs. Almetta W. Mencer† Drs. Laura S. and Charles M. Mendenhall III Mr.† and Mrs. James D. Miller, Jr. The Rev. Max Milligan, Jr.† The Rev. J. Fred Moore† Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Moore† Dr. and Mrs. Chester W. Morse† Dr. and Mrs. David W. Nash Ms. Mary S. New† Dr. and Mrs. John L. Newton† Mr. John A. and Mrs. Kemie Richards Nix Dr. and Mrs.† J. Phillips Noble Mr. and Mrs. William J. Noonan, Jr.† Dr. T. Russell Nunan† Dr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Oldenburg Dr. J. Will Ormond† Mrs. Clarence E. Palmer† The Rev. and Mrs. Stanford Parnell† Mrs. Geraldine A. Patrick† Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Patrick, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Bob E. Pettit Dr.† and Mrs. J. Davison Philips Ms. Ailene S. Phillips† Mrs. Aubrey Pogue† Mrs. Ina B. Poston† Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Price The Rev. and Mrs. Harold B. Prince† Mr. James W. Putnam† Mr. and Mrs. David A. Quattlebaum III Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Ramey, Jr. Dr.† and Mrs. Thomas E. Rast Dr.† and Mrs. Charles E. Raynal, Jr. Ms. Harriet Reeves† Mrs. J. McDowell Richardson† Dr. Keith L. Riddle Mr. John J. Robertson† Mrs. Sibyl R. Robinson† Mrs. Susan V. Russell† The Rev. John H. Sadler†

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

† Raised to the Church Triumphant

The Rev.† Richard W. and Mrs. Suanne B. SauerBrun The Rev. Anne J. Sawyers† Dr. Ruth A. Schmidt† The Rev. and Mrs. William M. Schotanus Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Schwanebeck† The Rev. and Mrs. Charles F. Scott Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Shaw Ms. Bonnie J. Shoemaker Ms. Jane E. Silkworth† Mr.† and Mrs. G. Ballard Simmons The Rev. Lib McGregor Simmons and Mr. W. Gary Simmons Mr. T. Clark Simmons The Rev. John D. Simpson† The Rev. Glenn W. Small, Jr. Mrs. Nancy H. Small† Mrs. Dorothy D. and Dr. Robert E. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Hal L. Smith† Mrs. Laura Maddox Smith† Mr. William T. Smith† Mr. and Mrs. James M. Smyth† Mrs. Barbara M. Snelling Dr. Cary G. Speaker Dr. and Mrs. James O. Speed, Jr. Ms. Margaret H. Spencer† Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Stamper† Mrs. Mary A. Staples† The Rev. and Mrs. Russell L. Strange† Mrs. Varnelle C. Swanson† Dr. B. Harrison Taylor The Rev.† and Mrs. George B. Telford, Jr. Mrs. Mary G. Terry† Mr. John W. Thatcher Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Thomas† Mrs. Vera C. Thompson† Mr. and Mrs. William M. Timberlake Mrs. Eva G. Towne† The Rev. Edwin G. Townsend The Rev. Joyce C. Tucker The Rev. and Mrs. Ernest R. Tufft Mr. Richard L. Turner† Mr. Raymond C. Turpin† Mrs. Lillian T. Urschel† Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Uthlaut, Jr. Mrs. Nancy M. Van Deventer† Mr.† and Mrs. Roland Walker The Rev. Thomas B. Warren† Dr. and Mrs. G. Dana Waters III The Rev. E. McKinley Weaver† Mr. and Mrs.† John H. Weitnauer, Jr. Mrs. Annie Weltner Mrs. Lulu S. Westcott† Mr. and Mrs. A. Ralph Wham† Mrs. Celeste B. Wilkinson Mrs. Sue S. Williams The Rev.† and Mrs. Jack J. Wolf Walter† and Emily Wood Mr. J. Barnett Woodruff† Mr. Charles A. Wyatt† Mrs. Sara R. Wyatt† Mr.† and Mrs. Thomas L. Yount Dr. Christopher E. Zorn†

VANTAGE Fall 2013


2 0 1 3 g r a d u at e s

Doctor of Theology in Pastoral Counseling Jean Ercella Williams Beedoe Stone Mountain, Georgia B.S., Pratt Institute M.S., San Jose State University M.Div., Columbia Theological Seminary Vanlal Ruata Hmar Aizawl, Mizoram, India B.Th., Aizawl Theological College B.D., Bishop’s College M.Th., United Theological College Doctor of Ministry Frank Alvin Barker ** Kingston, Jamaica B.A., University of the West Indies Dip.Min., Union Theological Seminary M.A.E.T.S., Union Theological Seminary Justin David Burgess Joplin, Missouri B.J., University of Missouri M.Div., Princeton Theological Seminary Brandi Casto-Waters Greer, South Carolina B.S., Presbyterian College M.Div., Columbia Theological Seminary Michael Keith Edwards Powhatan, Virginia B.A., Bob Jones University M.Div., Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary Robert Lane Harrell III McDonough, Georgia B.A., University of Florida M.Div., Candler School of Theology


VANTAGE Fall 2013

Kenneth Earl Hughes Buffalo, New York B.A., State University of New York College of Buffalo M.Div., Yale University Divinity School Carole L. Hulslander Atlanta, Georgia B.S., Lee University M.Div., Asbury Theological Seminary Diane L. Janssen Hemmen Rapid City, South Dakota B.A., University of Sioux Falls M.Div., Duke Divinity School David Richard Kaiser-Cross Jupiter, Florida B.A., San Diego State University M.Div., Pacific School of Religion Dianne Loren McCann Roswell, Georgia B.A., California State University, Chico M.S., Emory University B.S.N., Emory University M.Div., Candler School of Theology Michael Brent Norris Asheville, North Carolina B.A., Furman University M.Div., The University of the South Ronald Lewis Owens Conyers, Georgia B.S., St. Leo University M.Div., Interdenominational Theological Center

Graham Scott Robinson Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania B.S.B.A., Bucknell University M.Div., Princeton Theological Seminary Th.M., Princeton Theological Seminary

Doctor of Educational Ministry

Patricia Ann Parker Slomanski Burgaw, North Carolina B.A., B.A., University of North Carolina at Wilmington M.A.C.E., Presbyterian School of Christian Education, Richmond, VA M.Div., Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, VA

Leslie Anne Choplin Richmond, Virginia B.A., Wake Forest University M.A.C.E., Union Theological Seminary and Presbyterian School of Christian Education

Travia Lynnett Speer Decatur, Georgia B.A., West Georgia College B.S., Georgia State University M.Div., Interdenominational Theological Center

Lyvonne Elise Patty Briggs (in absentia) Queens, New York B.A., Seton Hall University M.Div., Yale Divinity School

Jeffrey Alan Sumner Port Orange, Florida B.A., DePauw University M.Div., Princeton Theological Seminary Cindy Rebecca Wallace Carpentersville, Illinois B.M., William Carey College M.Div., George W. Truett Theological Seminary Mary Elizabeth Yarborough Orangeburg, South Carolina B.A., Charleston Southern University M.Div., Columbia Theological Seminary

Lelar Kay Pasley Pendleton Anniston, Alabama B.A., Clark Atlanta University M.Div., Interdenominational Theological Center Gerald Franklin Richardson Spartanburg, South Carolina B.A., Knoxville College M.S.W., University of South Carolina M.Div., Candler School of Theology ** Awarded the degree at commencement exercises at the Union Theological College of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica.

Gina McCarver Brock Paducah, Kentucky B.A., Wake Forest University M.Div., Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond

Master of Theology

Zechariah Preston Eberhart Hampton, Georgia B.A., Point University M.A.(T.S.), Columbia Theological Seminary Young Hyun Kim Seoul, South Korea B.Th., Asia Center for Theological Studies and Mission M.Div., Presbyterian College and Theological Seminary Miriam Nyambura Muringi Nairobi, Kenya B.D., St. Paul University B.Ed., Maseno University Robert Waihenya Ngugi Nairobi, Kenya B.Th., Presbyterian University of East Africa Sheldon Jacob Steen Tampa, Florida B.A., Flagler College M.Div., Columbia Theological Seminary Monica Lynnell Wedlock Baltimore, Maryland B.S., University of Maryland, College Park M.Div., Columbia Theological Seminary

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Master of Divinity Simone Stacy Adams Duluth, Georgia B.B.A., University of West Georgia M.B.A., Devry University Heather Elizabeth Fosburgh Bardole Des Moines, Iowa B.A., Simpson College Lucille Miller-Trumbull Baum Durham, North Carolina B.A., Davidson College Coenraad Frederik Johannes Brand IV Riebeek-Kasteel, South Africa B.A., Atlanta Christian College Alison Leigh Campbell-Taylor Nashville, Tennessee B.A., Vanderbilt University Jessica Leigh Chancey Athens, Georgia B.M., University of Alabama Alan Folsom Dyer Dayton, Ohio B.A., Vanderbilt University John Winslow Fawcett Raleigh, North Carolina B.S., Appalachian State University Douglas Allen Friesema Charlottesville, Virginia B.A., University of Virginia Jacob K. Geerlings Chattanooga, Tennessee B.S., Emory University Sharon E. Gregory Atlanta, Georgia B.S., University of Florida M.N., Emory University Ralph C. Griffin III Erie, Pennsylvania B.A., Fresno Pacific University M.A., Geneva College Sunghee Hammersley Duluth, Georgia B.A., Kyung Hee University M.A., M.A., Ball State University

Rachel Rentz Hood Tallahassee, Florida B.A., Florida State University

Sharon Louise Roland Charleston, South Carolina B.S., Limestone College

Mia Levetan Salt Lake City, Utah B.S., University of Utah

Jeachul Kang Chungnam, South Korea B.A., Seoul Theological University M.A., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

Tad Robert Schuldt Seattle, Washington B.A., University of Washington

John Frederick McDonald Elkton, Maryland B.A., Eastern University Yohan Mun Suwon Gyunggi, South Korea B.A., Ajou University M.Div., Presbyterian College and Theological Seminary

Joshua Euimin Kim Murray, Utah B.A., Emory University

Shavon Chappelle Starling-Louis With Honors in the Practical Theology Area Saint Petersburg, Florida B.A., Saint Leo University

Hyun Woo Lee Pinellas Park, Florida B.A., University of South Florida

Lucy Catherine Strong Memphis, Tennessee B.A., Presbyterian College

Mia Levetan Salt Lake City, Utah B.S., University of Utah

Daniel Cooper Vanek Theodore, Alabama B.A., Huntington College

Meredith Frances Loftis Atlanta, Georgia B.S., Clemson University

Christopher Paul Vogado Maryville, Tennessee B.A., University of Tennessee

Sarah Louise McClelland Lenox, Georgia B.A., Transylvania University

Rachael Morgan Whaley Pate Muncie, Indiana B.A., Maryville College

Frank Marion McCracken Birmingham, Alabama B.A., Birmingham-Southern College

Robert Michael White Vero Beach, Florida B.S., Arkansas State University

Daniel Spencer McCurdy Alliance, Ohio B.A., Calvin College

Robert James Wolf Baltimore, Maryland B.S., Embry-Riddle University

John Frederick McDonald Elkton, Maryland B.A., Eastern University

Master of Arts in Practical Theology Ellen Gollihue Carrington Smyrna, Georgia B.A., Furman University

Sally Ann McKinsey Sisk Aiken, South Carolina B.A., Furman University William Evans Norman Atlanta, Georgia B.S., Georgia Institute of Technology Bethany Lee Olson Erie, Pennsylvania B.A., Westminster College

Patricia Dawn Garrett Snellville, Georgia B.A., Georgia State University Sharon E. Gregory Atlanta, Georgia B.S., University of Florida M.N., Emory University

Brittany Harrold Porch Saint Augustine, Florida B.A., Presbyterian College Mary Kay Cristina Stewart Milton, Georgia B.P.S., Memphis State University Lawrence E. Williams II Atlanta, Georgia B.S., Alabama A&M University Master of Arts in Theological Studies John Ashley Porter Davis (in absentia) Atlanta, Georgia B.A., James Madison University MaryBeth Heidrich Hamburger Lilburn, Georgia B.A., Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri Ph.D., University of Albany, State University of New York Soo Kwang Lee Daejeon, South Korea B.A., Handong Global University M.Div., Seoul Theological University Hyoung Gu Yang Namwon, South Korea Th.B., Presbyterian College and Theological Seminary M.Div., Presbyterian College and Theological Seminary

Chanmi Park Incheon, South Korea B.A., Yonsei University VANTAGE Fall 2013


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VANTAGE Fall 2013

The alumni/ae, faculty, staff, administration, and students of Columbia Theological Seminary are part of a living tradition that reaches back to the earliest days of God’s people reflecting on their world, their experience of God, and their sense of God’s calling. The title of this section of Vantage reminds our readers of our common connection to this venerable and ever-changing stream of witness. Tauta Panta refers to “all these things,” as in “Seek first God’s kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6.33).

1950’s John Wingard ’51, ’61 (THM) reports he is still teaching an adult Sunday school class and pastors a small congregation, preaching each Sunday. He lives in Covington, TN... Benson Cain ’52, ’59 (THM) and wife Coline have moved to Wesley Commons Senior Living Community in Greenwood, SC...Bill Crosland ’53 and his wife Charlotte have moved to Huntcliff Summit Sunrise Senior Living in Sandy Springs, GA...Robert Henderson ’54 has recently released his book The Church and the Relentless Darkness...Rob Roy McGregor ’57 and Donald Fairbairn’s translation from Latin of the letters of Fulgentius of Ruspe, with notes and commentary, is published under the title Correspondence on Christology and Grace: Fulgentius and the Scythian Monks. (Catholic University of America Press, vol. 126 in the Fathers of the Church Series, 2013).

1960’s Michael Andrews ’61 is interim pastor at Palmdale Presbyterian Church, Melbourne, FL... Hubert Wardlaw ’68 was honorably retired in Strongsville, OH.

1970’s Patrick Willson ’71 is interim pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Albuquerque, NM... William Holmes ’73 was honorably retired from Manning Presbyterian Church, Manning, SC...Steve Rhodes ’75 has pursued, with his presbytery’s blessing, a ministry of writing for the past fourteen years, publishing poems and essays in close to fifty journals and magazines, including JAMA, Shenandoah,The International Poetry Review, Brevity and Now and Then. His first collection of poems appeared in 2008 under the title, The Time I Didn’t Know What to Do Next, written after his daughter’s suicide. He is about to complete a second collection of poems and is working on a poetic bestiary in collaboration with North Carolina artist Amanda Chao. His writings can be read and heard at his website: ... Joan Gray ’76 is Interim Vice President for Student Services and Dean of Students at Columbia Theological Seminary. She joined the seminary community September 16th...Madison Highfill ’76, ’01 (DMIN) was honorably retired as pastor, Winter Park Presbyterian Church, Wilmington, NC...Jeff Hale ’77 recently portrayed John Wesley, founder of Methodism, in a performance called “If John Wesley Were Here Today” featuring stories of the founding fathers and mothers of the Methodist tradition...Truman Geeslin ’79 was honorably retired from Whites Memorial Presbyterian Church, Berea, KY.

1980’s Mary Jane Cornell ’81 is interim pastor at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Tucker, GA...Robert Murphy ’81 is interim pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Galveston, TX... Barry Davies ’82, ’87 (DMIN) received from the Government of Jamaica the “Order of Distinction in the rank of Commander” for his 25 years of “distinguished contribution to the development of music, television production and broadcasting” ...Rebekah Maul ’82 is pastor of Wake Forest Presbyterian Church, Wake Forest, NC...Ronald Stone ’82 was honorably retired from First Presbyterian Church, Bay Minette, AL...Bill Jenkins ’85 (DMIN) is semiretired and serving as executive director and pastor emeritus of Christ United Methodist Ministry Center, an urban ministry in San Diego, CA. His book, Three Steps to Integrity:

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the ABC Model was published by Zulon Press...Maynard Pittendreigh ’86 (DMIN) is pastor of Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church in Orlando, FL...Ted Smith ’86 has been published in the June/July 2013 edition of Lectionary Homiletics, writing the “Sermon Reviews” section for three Sundays in June...Stephen Nelms ’87 was honorably retired as pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Hartwell, GA...Bill Connolly ’89 was honorably retired from Ripley Presbyterian Church in Ripley, MS.

1990’s Todd Jenkins ’90 had a collection of poems published entitled Tuesday’s Muse, Visual & Verbal Appetizers for the Great Banquet of Your Life...Polly Deppen ’92 married Matthew Williams May 26, 2013 in North Platte, NE...Beth Faulk ’92 and Clay Faulk ’94 are co-pastors of Providence Presbyterian Church, Nederland, TX...Tamara Puffer ’92 had an article in the May 27 issue of The Presbyterian Outlook. The article was entitled “The Struggle for People is to Recognize Our Gifts.” She shares her story and her hope after suffering a traumatic brain injury in 1996... David Kunselman ’93 (DMIN) was honorably retired as designated pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Springville, NY...Craig Goodrich ’94 is senior associate pastor at Trinity Presbyterian Church, Atlanta...Tim Slemmons ’95, ’99 (THM) has just published a Christmas story: A Phenomenal Llama: A Tall Christmas Tale for Children of All Ages. The artist is Danielle Castronis, the spouse of Mike Castronis ’88...Charles Vorderberg ’97 was honorably retired in Sterling, CO...Robert Weathersby ’96 was honorably retired from Happywoods Church of God of the Abrahamic Faith, Hammond, LA...John Morgan ’97 and wife Andrea have a baby daughter. Cora Anne Morgan was born August 31, 2013, and weighed 7 lb. 2 oz...Kevin Campbell ’98 was recently interviewed for The Carroll News in Hillsville, VA...John Cole ’98 ’05 (DMIN) is pastor at First Presbyterian Church in Rock Hill, SC...Rob Sparks ’98 was pictured and featured in an article in the August 12 issue of the Gwinnett Daily Post. The article was entitled “Historic Lawrenceville Church celebrates 190th anniversary.” Founders of the church held their first worship service August 10, 1823...Victor A. Feliberty-Ruberte ’99 earned a PhD degree (Philosophy and Letters in History of the Americas) in May from the Metropolitan Campus of the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico, in San Juan.


Partners In Ministry (PIM) Events Scheduled in Atlanta, GA and Nashville,TN. With decreasing support coming from denominational sources, we are connecting with alumni and key donors to build up the diminished Annual Fund which supports student scholarships. To date, the PIM events remain the most cost effective measure of raising money for our Annual Fund, with an average cost of eight cents on the dollar. Let us know if you would like to host a PIM event for your area.

2000’s Brant Baker ’00 (DMIN) ’93 (THM) has recently published two studies for use in either a small group or Sunday School class: Wine in the Bible and Hands-On Christianity...Jeanette Pinkston Jackson ’00 is pastor of Salem-Farmington AME Church in Watkinsville, GA...Pressley Cox ’02 is director of Christian Education at Eastminster Presbyterian Church, Simpsonville, SC... David Dault ’02 and his family have moved to Chicago. After several years as assistant professor of religion at Christian Brothers University in Memphis, David has accepted the position of executive director of the Chicago Sunday Evening Club. The CSEC was founded in 1908 by the Chicago business community as a nonsectarian outreach ministry. It is one of the oldest religious broadcasters in the world, and was a pioneer in radio and television production. You can hear some of David’s work online with his ongoing podcast, Things Not Seen: Conversations about Culture and Faith. His wife, Kira, is now assistant editor of U.S. Catholic Magazine. Along with their children, Maggie and Beckett, they are enjoying their new home in Hyde Park. Before starting his new job, David spent a week traveling through Kansas and Missouri with Walter

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The 7th Annual Reformed Theology and History summer lecture series was sponsored by Columbia Theological Seminary, Johnson C. Smith, and the Montreat Conference Center in NC during July 15-17.The theme this year was The Role of Religion and Race in U.S. Politics: A PostElection Conversation on Christian Faith and Public Life. Featured speakers were Johnny Hill, Mark Douglas and Julia M. Speller. Deborah Flemister Mullen, Paul T. Roberts and Charlie Raynal were facilitators.


VANTAGE Fall 2013

Brueggemann, visiting several towns and sites from his childhood, as part of their work together on Dr. Brueggemann’s biography. They were joined on the trip by Brueggemann’s son, John... Neal Earley ’02 (DMIN) was honorably retired from Faith Presbyterian Church, LaVista, NE... Jennifer Fouse ’02 married Dean Sheorn August 24th. Anne Apple ’01 and Tim Reynolds ’01 officiated...Shelaine Bird ’03 is pastor of Cahaba Springs Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, AL. Grace Presbyterian and Eastminster Presbyterian churches merged to form Cahaba Springs...Ian Punnett ’03 began his PhD studies at the Cronkite School of Journalism and communications at Arizona State University. Random House has just released his book, How to Pray When You’re Pissed at God ...Kate Rascoe ’03 is associate pastor at Bayside Presbyterian Church, Virginia Beach, VA...Chris Tuttle ’03 ’12 (DMIN) is the featured speaker September 29 and October 6 on “Day 1”, the nationally syndicated ecumenical radio program. Chris is pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church, Durham, NC...Carol Wade ’03 is interim pastor at First Presbyterian Church, Murray, KY...David Watson ’03 (DMIN) was honorably retired from First Presbyterian Church, Visalia, CA...Kimberly Parker ’04 is the new executive director of Central Outreach & Advocacy Center in Atlanta...Tom Shuler ’04 is pastor of Our Lady of the Mount in Lookout Mountain, TN and also St. Katharine Drexel Mission in Trenton, TN...Dan Stephens ’04 received his MA in Counseling from the University of Alabama at Birmingham in May...Andy James ’05 is stated clerk of the Presbytery of New York City...Patrick Marshall ’05 is pastor of St. John’s Presbyterian Church in Devon, PA...Richard Simpson ’05 (DMIN) was called as Canon to the Ordinary for the Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts...Leo Chen Chu Chang ’06 (MATS) was ordained as pastor at Taipei Holiness Church, Taipei, Taiwan...Katie Heard Day ’06 and Kevin Day ’04 have moved to Monterey, CA. Katie is associate pastor at First Presbyterian Church of Monterey. Kevin is working on a book exploring the intersection of spirituality and education, and is hoping to find a school there. He is ordained to validated ministry of teaching/coaching...April Love-Fordham ’06 is an aspirant for Holy Orders in the Anglican Church...John Richardson ’06 married Shanda Boetcher August 21, 2013. Officiating at the ceremony were Jim Richardson ’65 and Mary Amos ’85...Bill Davis ’07 married Katie Robb May 10, 2013. He is the program director at Highlands Presbyterian Camp in Allenspark, CO...Sandy Lacey ’07 is pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Frankfort, KY... Rob McClellan ’07 is pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church, Tiburon, CA...Reggie Weaver ’07 is pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church in Greensboro, NC...His installation service was on September 22, 2013. Dr. Charles Campbell, former Columbia Professor, will preach the sermon...Collin Adams ’08 was a contestant on “Jeopardy” September 23...Andy Chambers ’08 is pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Cleveland, GA...Sara Hayden ’08 was featured in an article in the August issue of Presbyterians Today. The article was entitled “To Hapeville, With Love” and tells the story of El Nazareno Presbyterian Church and its ministry to the Hapeville community. The photograph showed volunteers and church members who came together to build the first playground in the city...Shively T.J. Smith ’08 (THM) received a Dissertation Fellowship from the Louisville Institute, a Lilly Endowment-funded program based at Louisville Seminary supporting those who lead and study American religious institutions. This fellowship supports the final year of PhD or ThD dissertation writing for students engaged in research pertaining to North American Christianity...Gray Southern ’08 (DMIN) is pastor of Apex United Methodist Church, Apex, NC...Emily Proctor ’09 and Richard Proctor ’09 have relocated to Jacksonville, FL. Emily is interim pastor for youth and young adults at Lakewood Presbyterian Church and Richard is associate rector at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church.

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2010’s Camille Josey ’10 is pastor at Silver Creek Presbyterian Church, Lindale, GA...Soonki Lee ’10 is a pastoral counselor with Pastoral Care and Counseling Center in Atlanta...Todd Reinschmidt ’10 is associate pastor at Venice Presbyterian Church, Venice, FL...Gary Stevens ’10 (DMIN) is the transitional pastor at Harrison Square Presbyterian Church in Centralia, WA...Lynn Turnage ’10 (D.Ed.Min) is director of children and family ministries at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Greensboro, NC...Sydne Check Allen ’10 and Travis Allen ’11 announce the birth of a son, Barrett, born June 14, 2013. They are co-pastors at First Presbyterian Church, Canadian, TX... Jeannie Harsh ’10 (DEdMin) was ordained to interim executive presbyter, Presbytery of Scioto Valley, Columbus, OH...Marcel van Bulck ’10 is pastor of Seville Presbyterian Church in Seville, OH...Carrie Bowers ’11 is associate pastor at Buford Presbyterian Church, Sugar Hill, GA... Tara Bulger ’11 is pastor at Acworth Presbyterian Church, Acworth, GA...Jason Hammersley ’11 is pastor of Ebenezer Presbyterian Church, Coats, NC...Scott Hill ’11 is pastor at John Calvin Presbyterian Church, Florence, SC...Christine Kaplunas ’11 is the intern of outreach and college ministry at Cedar Heights Community Presbyterian Church in Waverly, IA...Zac Wolfe ’11, associate pastor for youth and contemporary worship at First Presbyterian Church, Jefferson City, MO, gave the baccalaureate sermon to students who attended the Christian service at Jefferson City High School...Stephanie Crumpton ’12 (THD) is assistant professor of pastoral care and counseling at Hood Theological Seminary...Kyle Kyzer ’12 led the homecoming service at the Smyrna Presbyterian camp meeting in Conyers, GA, this summer. Kyle is the founder of Common Cup Coffee and Tea, a coffee house ministry in Greenville, SC...Charles (Trip) Porch ’12 is associate pastor for youth and college ministry in Granville, OH...Sheldon Steen ’12, ’13 (THM) is pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Jasper, FL...Jonathan West ’12 is pastor at Jefferson Center Presbyterian Church, Saxonburg, PA...Jean Beedoe ’13 (THD) is teaching at Oakwood University in Huntsville, AL...Shavon Starling-Louis ’13 is pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Midwest City, OK...Ronald Owens ’13 (DMIN) is pastor of St. Joseph AME Church in Durham, NC...Rachel Whaley Pate ’13 was installed September 8th as pastor of Rehoboth Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA...Daniel Vanek ’13 will be ordained October 20th at Grace Presbyterian Church in Mobile, AL.

In Memoriam Don Aderhold ’51 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 4, 2013 David G. Boyce ’60 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 4, 2013 Michael DiPalma ’66 . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 22, 2013 Paris Eley ’01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August 8, 2013 William R. Floyd . . . . . . . . . . . . . February 6, 2013 Christine Hill ’07 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 8, 2013 James O. Maner ’67 . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 13, 2013 William McKinnon ’57 . . . . . . . . . . . . June 18, 2013 Ernest Mellor ’55 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 22, 2013 William Mills ’77 . . . . . . . . . . . . December 11, 2012 George Nickels ’57 . . . . . . . . . . . December 29, 2012 Gerald Richardson ’13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 12, 2013 Hubert Taylor ’47 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 2, 2013 Newton Wilson ’66 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 23, 2013 VANTAGE Fall 2013


T a u t a P a n t a | Faculty & Staff

Dean of Students John White Accepts Call to Princeton Former Moderator of PC(USA) Appointed Interim Dean Vice President for Student Services and Dean of Students John White accepted a call as Dean of Students for Princeton Theological Seminary starting in September. “John has been such a valued member of this community and our administrative team,” stated President Steve Hayner in a memo to the campus. “I deeply appreciate his amazing connection with so many students, his unflappable spirit, and his organizational wisdom.” As Dean of Students, Dr. White oversaw a wide variety of student services since coming to Columbia Seminary in January 2006 including admissions, financial aid, chapel services, student government, MCA’s, student orientation, and more. The Dean also taught Presbyterian polity, helped many prepare for their ordination exams, and then find their first post-seminary call. Dr. White previously served the Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church in Princeton as their pastor throughout most of the 1990’s.


A new database of the African American Historical Serials Collection. Documents of the history of African American life and religious culture in America during the 19th and early 20th centuries are now available to Columbia alumni/ae. It includes African American periodicals, annuals and reports published from 1829-1922. For example, the 1891 report of the Institute for the Training of Colored Ministers in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, which later became Stillman College lists the names of the 21 African American Presbyterian college students from around the South. For more information, contact the Reference Desk (404-687-4620 or


VANTAGE Fall 2013

Dr. Joan Standridge Gray was appointed as Interim Vice President for Student Services and Dean of Students. She began on Monday, September 16, and met with students for a special forum the following Wednesday. Joan Gray grew up in South Carolina. She received a Bachelor of Arts summa cum laude from Presbyterian College in Clinton, SC, then graduated from Columbia Theological Seminary with her Masters of Divinity. In 1994 Joan received a Masters of Sacred Theology in Spiritual Direction from General Theological Seminary (Episcopal), New York City. She earned her Doctor of Ministry degree from Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington, DC, in 2009. The topic of her DMin research was helping congregations heal after conflict. In 1978, Joan was the first woman ordained to pastor a church in Atlanta Presbytery, PC(US). Since then she has worked with ten churches in the Atlanta area. Her ministries have included solo pastor, associate pastor, lead pastor/head of staff, parish associate, and interim pastor. Joan served as Moderator of the 217th General Assembly (2006-2008) of the PC(USA). Her publications include Presbyterian Polity for Church Officers (fourth edition, 2012), co-authored with the Rev. Joyce C. Tucker in 1986, and Spiritual Leadership for Church Officers, released 2009. Sailboat Church: Helping Your Church Rethink Its Mission and Purpose, is scheduled for publication in Spring, 2014. Joan is married to Bill Gray, a ruling elder in the PC(USA) and an attorney in the firm of Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak, and Stewart. The Grays live in Atlanta, GA. Announcement of a new Dean of Students is expected in 2014.

T a u t a P a n t a | Faculty & Staff

Betsey Burgess Staff Award Each year we have the pleasure of presenting the Betsey Burgess Staff Award to a member of our staff. Betsey served Columbia Seminary faithfully for 22 years and upon her retirement established the Betsey Burgess Staff Award. This award is given to one “who has demonstrated faithfulness, dedicated service, and Christian character upholding the Seminary’s purpose and mission.” It is open to staff associates, administrative assistants, and departmental support staff. In the entrance way of the Business Office hangs a plaque engraved with the names of all Betsey Burgess Award recipients. We are proud to add to that plaque this year’s Betsey Burgess Award recipient, Tammy Johnson. A lifelong reader and person of faith, it is little wonder that Tammy Johnson became a theological librarian. She received her Master of Divinity from Candler School of Theology at Emory University and a Master of Library Science from Clark Atlanta University. Tammy became the Technical Services Librarian at John Bulow Campbell Library at Columbia Theological Seminary in 2000. In her time here, Tammy has been instrumental in multiple ways. Her skills and leadership were crucial with the incorporation of the Montreat materials. Tammy led the library to refining structures and processes which aid library patrons both in acquiring and making materials accessible. Several times, Tammy has been called upon to step into a leadership position including as the interim Library Director. Tammy is active in the American Theological Library Association (ATLA), presenting at the annual conference the last two years and serving on the Executive Director Search Committee. In 2013, she was appointed to the ATLA Board. In addition to her work with ATLA, Tammy is a member of the American Library Association and the Black Caucus of the American Library Association.

C. Virginia Harrison Memorial Award In the President’s Office hangs a picture of Virginia Harrison who served Columbia in innumerable administrative capacities from 1925 to 1961. Her official position was as secretary to the president, but she also worked as registrar, supervisor of buildings and grounds, purchasing agent, manager of the bookstore, publisher of the catalogue and bulletins, postmistress, keeper of alumni records, and assistant secretary of the board. Columbia Seminary has grown considerably since that time, but imagine fulfilling all these duties even for a much smaller group! Upon Miss Harrison’s death in 1988, members of her family established an award to be given each year to a rising senior who is conscientious, responsible, hardworking and who shows great potential for leadership in the church. This year the Virginia Harrison Memorial Award goes to Karen B. Stevenson. Karen is a Senior MDiv student. Married to her husband Rodrick for almost 27 years, they are the parents of Cecily, Christopher, Charlotte, and Corey. They are the proud parents of Doralyn and another precious baby girl, due in December. Prior to being called to the ministry, Karen practiced adult and child/adolescent psychiatry, working with women and children traumatized by physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. Karen has spent many years speaking, writing, and preaching about women’s mental health and spiritual issues. She has been a seminar and women’s retreat leader for community and religious organizations. At Columbia, Karen has worked on several MCA teams, served as a Scripture reading practicum teaching assistant, performed on her flute for chapel services and for Dean Deborah Mullen’s installation, sang in the CTS Gospel Choir, and served as the president of the African Heritage Seminarians Association. Dr. Stevenson’s calling includes continuing in women’s ministry, as well as pastoral counseling. Her ministry efforts will be directed especially towards pastors and their families. She also has a passion for teaching those who are in training for the various aspects of ministry. Dr. Stevenson has been called to inspire, exhort, and empower God’s people to walk in deep fellowship with God and to live an abundant life in Him. VANTAGE Fall 2013


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Dr. Martha MooreKeish, Associate Professor of Theology took part this summer in the Chistian Leadership Initiative (CLI) a jointly sponsored program with the American Jewish Committee and the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem during July 15-26. The CLI Fellowship offers participants an opportunity to study the intellectual foundations of religious pluralism and interreligious studies, the central ideas of Jewish ethics and faith, and the diverse ideologies and practices within contemporary Jewry in a dynamic and internationally acclaimed educational setting.


VANTAGE Fall 2013

John Azumah, Associate Professor of World Christianity and Islam, co-edited with Peter Riddell a new book Islam and Christianity on the Edge: Talking Points in Christian-Muslim Relations into the 21st Century (Sydney: Acorn Press, 2013). A second new book was released co-edited with Lamin Sanneh, The African Christian and Islam (London: Langham Monographs: August 2013). This book is a collection of papers presented at an academic conference convened and facilitated by John during the summer of 2010. The book constitutes a historical survey and thematic assessment of African Christians’ understanding of Islam and relations with Muslims. Key information on the introduction, spread and engagement of Islam and Christianity within 9 African countries with very different models of Christian-Muslim relations is presented. From June 13-16, John gave lectures on “The Paradigm Shift in World Missions: Opportunities and Challenges for the Western Church” at the Research Center for Intercultural and Religious Studies at Liebenzell International University just outside Stuttgart, Germany. From June 18-24, he attended a Lausanne world leadership gathering in Bangalore where he chaired the Issue Group on Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations looking at formulating a Lausanne Mission Statement and Working Document to serve as a broad biblical basis for constructive engagement with Muslims and exploring ways of resourcing, equipping and training the Majority World Church in its interface with Islam and engagement with Muslims. From July 22-26, John facilitated the Global North-Global South Consultation on Sexuality in Accra, Ghana, jointly convened by Columbia Theological Seminary and the Akrofi-Christaller Institute in Ghana. The consultation brought together 45 leading church figures, biblical scholars and theologians of different persuasions within the Reformed Communion from the USA, Canada, Mexico, Jamaica, South Africa, Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon, Liberia, Kenya, Uganda, Egypt, Scotland, England, Germany, Switzerland and India. Deborah Mullen, Brennan Breed and Ralph Watkins also represented Columbia Seminary...David Bartlett, Emeritus and Distinguished Professor of New Testament, gave the sermon at the 2013 Baccalaureate Service on May 17 at Columbia Presbyterian Church...Brennan Breed, Assistant Professor of Old Testament, recorded a series of videos for use in Williamsburg Community Chapel’s worship services, and participated in the service to deliver the last of these “Character Context” pieces. You may find a sample of the six presentations at: http://vimeo. com/64971432. Brennan travelled to Ghana for the conference with John Azumah and delivered a paper titled “Bringing the Case before the LORD: A North American Perspective on the Bible and Human Sexuality.” In August, he led a staff development workshop at Roswell Presbyterian Church...William Brown, William Marcellus McPheeters Professor of Old Testament, has a sermon titled “The Ecology of Resurrection” featured in the latest issue of Journal for Preachers (Easter 2013), pp. 20-23. During June 24-29, he co-led “A Desert Faith for a Desert Time” at Ghost Ranch with Larry Rasmussen and Terry Tempest Williams. Bill was Resident Theologian at Montreat in July. He presented the paper “When Wisdom Fails” at the annual Colloquium for Biblical Research in Boston during August 7-11...Anna Carter Florence, Peter Marshall Associate Professor of Preaching, lectured at the Pastoral Institute, University of Uppsala, Sweden on June 13-15. On July 26-August 4, she was the evangelist for Berwick Camp, Nova Scotia (United Church of Canada). Anna was Preacher and Lecturer for the Festival of Homiletics, Nashville, TN where she interviewed Walter Brueggemann for a crowd of 1,500 pastors! Anna taught a workshop at Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School, Rochester, NY, and lectured at the University of Uppsala, Sweden, and taught pastors from the Church of Sweden for a week-long course. She preached to 300 girls at Camp Dudley at Kiniya in Colchester, VT. Anna served as the Evangelist for Berwick Camp in Nova Scotia (United Church of Canada). She preached for a meeting of the Foothills Presbytery at Camp Buc, Sapphire, NC, where her husband David is the director. On

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August 17, Anna preached for Foothills Presbytery Meeting at Camp Buc, NC. On September 3, she was the Convocation Speaker for Eden Seminary, St. Louis, MO. On September 15, Anna preached at Carrollton Presbyterian Church, Carrollton, GA for Theological Education Sunday. On September 23, she was a preacher and lecturer at Wake Forest Divinity School’s “Elevating Preaching” Conference. On October 22-23, Anna will be the keynote speaker at Meetings of Synod of Southwest, Ontario, United Church, Canada. On October 27-29, she will give the McNair/Evans Memorial Bible Lectures at Laurinberg Presbyterian Church, NC...Randy Calvo, Director of Alumni/ae and Church Relations, preached at First Presbyterian Church, Athens, GA on July 7. On September 22, he preached at Newnan Presbyterian Church for Theological Education Sunday. Randy is facilitating a CTS student-preaching weekend in the Nashville, TN area with the help of alum Rev. Joe Evans, pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, TN and 7 other area churches...Pamela Cooper-White, the Ben G. and Nancye Clapp Gautier Professor of Pastoral Theology, Care and Counseling, attended the Editorial Board meeting for the Journal of Pastoral Theology at the Society for Pastoral Theology meeting on June 14. She presented Beyond “A Dangerous Method”: Sabina Spielrein’s Groundbreaking Contributions to Psychoanalysis for the Jung Society of Atlanta on June 15. Pamela preached and presided at the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg special chapel service during the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg on July 2. She was a guest speaker/seminar instructor, together with Marie Hoffman (Director) and Jessica Benjamin at the Brookhaven Institute for Psychoanalysis and Christian Theology, June 25-26, in Fogelsville, PA. Pamela performed in Songs and Stories from a Civil War Hospital at Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, Gettysburg, throughout the summer as part of the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg. Pamela departed on September 15 for Vienna, Austria to begin her Fulbright fellowship as the Fulbright-Freud Scholar of Psychoanalysis...Mark Douglas, Professor of Christian Ethics, is co-taught “Science, Religion, and the End of the World”—an online undergrad course with Prof. Chris DePree, who is the Charles Dana Professor of Astronomy and directs the Bradley Observatory at Agnes Scott College. In June, he taught at First Presbyterian Church, Atlanta. In July, Mark gave a keynote lecture on “Politics, Ethnography, and the Church” at the Montreat Conference on Race, Religion, and Politics. In Winchester, England at the 5th International Conference on Children and War, Mark gave a paper entitled, “Reshaping Theologies of Childhood in Light of War”. He is the first theologian/scholar of religion to present a paper at any of these conferences. He has been elected to chair the board of Georgia Interfaith Power and Light, a nonprofit organization that is part of the national IPL program and that helps communities of faith establish more environmentally sustainable ways of living (e.g. by doing energy audits of churches, mosques, synagogues, etc. and put in new energyefficient systems). Cheryln Tribble, Jeffery’s wife, has just joined the board as well. Mark was at Wake Forest Divinity School for the annual fall meeting of the Social Ethics Network, serving as convener. SEN is composed of Presbyterian ethicists, ethicists who teach at Presbyterian-related schools, and other interested parties and it serves to resource the denomination’s office of social witness policy as well as engage in conversations and joint projects on social ethics more generally. While there, he presented work on conflict and climate change...Sarah Flynn Erickson, Director of Lifelong Learning, preached and led worship at Ray Thomas Memorial Presbyterian Church, Marietta, GA on June 23 and 30...William Harkins, Senior Lecturer of Pastoral Theology and Care, was a guest lecturer for Sewanee/University of the South, School of Theology, DMin Summer Program in June. He was Faculty at College for Bishop’s, Living Our Vows Residency on June 17-21 at Roslyn Conference Center in Richmond, VA. He and Martha Stern presented “Finding One’s Voice in Sacred Matters” at the Cathedral of St. Philip in June. Bill presented a

Erskine Clarke has published a new book: By the Rivers of Water is the story of an aristocratic young couple who embark on a 17-year odyssey in West Africa. Leighton and Jane Wilson encountered many diverse landscapes, peoples, and cultures, and became the most influential American missionaries in West Africa during the first half of the nineteenth century. While Jane established schools, Leighton fought the international slave trade and the imperialism of colonization. He also translated portions of the Bible into Grebo and Mpongwe and thereby helped to lay the foundation for the emergence of an indigenous African Christianity.

VANTAGE Fall 2013


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Dr. Pamela CooperWhite, Ben G. and Nancye Clapp Gautier Professor of Pastoral Theology, Care, and Counseling and Co-Director of the ThD Program was awarded awarded a Fulbright Scholar grant to do research and teach a seminar at the Sigmund Freud Foundation and Museum in Vienna, Austria 20132014 academic year. Dr. Cooper-White will hold the title of Fulbright-Freud Visiting Scholar of Psychoanalysis. She is the first theologian ever to receive this award.


VANTAGE Fall 2013

workshop “Transition, Imagination, and Resilience” at the AAPC Southeast Region Conference, Kanuga Episcopal Conference Center in Hendersonville, North Carolina, October 24-27. He presented “Pastoral Resilience and Leadership: Address to local clergy and therapists” at the Care and Counseling Center of Georgia on September 19. Bill was guest homilist and forum speaker at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Newnan, GA, on October 13. He has written blog posts for the CREDO Health Vitality Blog: July 1 “Conditions May Vary”, July 24 “Inside Passages” on August 18 “Get Out!”. They may all be seen at Bill presented a workshop “Leadership and the BVP” for the Living Our Vows Bishops’ Conference in Richmond, VA, during June 17-19. He was a leader/facilitator for the Mutual Ministry Review at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church on June 13 June in Newnan, GA. Bill was guest lecturer on “Family Systems Theory, Resilience, and Ministry” at St. Luke’s School of Theology, University of the South, Sewanee, TN, on June 13-14 June. Feasting on the Gospels; Theological Perspective Essays (Westminster/John Knox Press, Louisville, KY) is being released. Bill has entries for Luke 15:1-10, Luke 15: 11-32, and Luke 16: 1-13...Paul Huh, Assistant Professor of Worship and Director of Korean American Ministries, gave a cello piano recital titled “Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, and BIBLE” with a new MDiv/MAPT dual degree student Emily Choi who holds a DMA in piano on September 8...Beth Johnson, J. Davison Philips Professor of New Testament, preached at the Holden Beach Chapel, Holden Beach, NC on June 2...Kimberly Bracken Long, Associate Professor of Worship, served as liturgist and faculty for the Montreat Worship and Music Conference during June 16-28. She preached at the Atlanta Taiwanese Presbyterian Church on September 15. The third of six volumes of the Feasting on the Word Worship Companion (Year A, Vol. 1, Advent to Pentecost) has just been released. Kim will lead a Workshop on writing liturgy for the Reformed Communion conference to be held in October at All Souls’ Presbyterian Church in Decatur. She is preaching and leading a workshop for the first launch event for the new PC(USA) hymnal, Glory to God, October 18-19 in Wayne, PA. Kim is leading a one-day event on Marriage Liturgies and participating in a panel for the Covenant Network National Conference in Chicago, October 31-November 2...Martha Moore-Keish, Associate Professor of Theology, participated in the second year of the Luce-funded AAR summer seminar on comparative theology meeting in Atlanta, GA during May 29-June 5. She participated for the second year in the Christian Leadership Initiative (CLI), a jointly sponsored program by the American Jewish Committee and the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem during July 15-26. The Christian Leadership Initiative (CLI) Fellowship offers participants an opportunity to study the intellectual foundations of religious pluralism and interreligious studies, the central ideas of Jewish ethics and faith, and the diverse ideologies and practices within contemporary Jewry in a dynamic and internationally acclaimed educational setting. Christine Yoder was previously a participant in the CLI initiative. Martha had an article published in the spring newsletter of the Association of Reformed and Liturgical Worship on “This Bread of Life,” one portion of the report from the U.S. ecumenical dialogue between the Reformed and Roman Catholic churches on baptism and eucharist. Martha recently recorded a series of podcasts for a series by Wayne Presbyterian Church (pastored by Casey Thompson MDiv ’05) on “Confirmation for the Rest of Us”. You can read about the series here:, and see the list of podcasts here: (Martha’s are #3-5)...Raj Nadella, Assistant Professor of New Testament, went on tour this summer with scholars in Turkey and Greece...Deedra Rich, Associate Director of Spirituality and Lifelong Learning, preached at Scott Boulevard Baptist Church on July 28. On August 16-18, she led a church wide retreat for Emory Presbyterian Church on Intentional Rhythm in our Spiritual Life...Dominique Robinson, Staff Associate,

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Contextual Education, lectured on her book, Unspoken Praise, for Kim Long’s worship course at Columbia in May. She also preached at the Crossroads Presbyterian Church Women’s Breakfast in Stone Mountain, GA. In June, Dominique preached and presented at the Sunday Church School Convention for the Alachua District of the AME Church in Jacksonville, FL, at the Sunday Church School Convention for the Conyers-Winder District of the AME Zion Church in Winder, GA, and preached for Missionary Night at the Ohio Annual Conference of the AME Zion Church in Cincinnati, OH. In July, Dominique instructed a Vacation Bible School Adult Class for Solid Rock AME Zion Church in Lithonia, GA, preached at Youth Quake for St. Paul AME Church in Lithonia, GA, and presented on the Moses/Joshua Panel for the Connectional Lay Council Convention of the AME Zion Church in Montgomery, AL. In August, Dominique was guest speaker at the Coretta Scott King Young Women’s Leadership Academy in Atlanta, GA. She preached at the Opening worship for the Augusta District Conference under the leadership of Presiding Elder Jeffrey Tribble in Augusta, GA, at the Annual Homecoming Service for Mt. Vernon AME Zion Church in Mt. Vernon, SC, and the Student Recognition Back-to-School Service for St. Stephen AME Zion Church. In October, Dominique will preach and present at the Northeastern Leadership Institute of the AME Zion Church in Albany, NY, Women’s Day at Wesley Temple AME Zion Church in Pittsburgh, PA, Women’s Day at First AME Zion Church in Columbus, OH, and Women’s Day at Price Memorial AME Zion Church in Youngstown, OH. In November, she will present at the And It Came to Pass Women’s Conference in Athens, GA, the Young Adults in Christian Ministry (YACM) Weekend of Green Memorial AME Zion Church in Portland, ME, and the Christian Education Department (CED) Day of the Pee-Dee Annual Conference of the AME Zion Church in Lancaster, SC...Marcia Y. Riggs, J. Erskine Love Professor of Christian Ethics, attended the Transatlantic Roundtable on Religion and Race in Accra, Ghana in July...Michael Thompson, Director of Communications, preached at First Presbyterian Church, Covington, GA for Theological Education Sunday on September 15... Jeffery Tribble, Associate Professor of Ministry, preached at New Hope Baptist Church in Covington, GA, on June 2. Dr. Tribble continued his collaborative research on Integration in Theological Education at the Collegeville Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research, located at St. Johns University in Collegeville, MN, June 24-26. He participated in ministerial workshops at the Bishop Arthur Marshall Faith and Order Institute June 27-29 in Augusta, GA. His book Transformative Pastoral Leadership in the Black Church was released in August. Dr. Tribble preached and presided over the 146th Session of the Augusta District Conference on August 10-11 held at Mt. Zion A.M.E. Zion Church in Augusta, GA...Haruko Nawata Ward, Associate Professor of Church History, preached her sermon “Communion of the Crumbs” (Mark 7:24-30) for the opening worship and delivered her key note lecture, “Women of Memories, Visions and Reforms” for the tri-annual meeting of the National Asian Presbyterian Women Gathering in Houston, TX, on April 26-27, 2013. She also participated in a workshop co-led by Paul and Thao Hoang. Paul (MDiv ’07) is associate pastor for English ministry at Young Nak Presbyterian Church of Houston...Ralph B. Watkins, Associate Professor of Evangelism and Church Growth, published a chapter, A Black Church Perspective on Minorities in Evangelicalism, in the book Aliens in the Promised Land edited by Anthony Bradley for Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company. He traveled to Israel and Palestine with Interfaith Peace Builders during May 24 - June 7 to shoot, produce and direct a feature length documentary, “Its-Real: The Story of the 46th Delegation of Peace Builders” to be aired on Atlanta Interfaith Broadcasting Network...Christine Yoder, Professor of Old Testament Language, Literature, and Exegesis, presented a paper in July as part of a panel at the International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature in St. Andrews, Scotland. VANTAGE Fall 2013


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Upcoming Events continued from page 5 November 16 Inhabiting Advent 1/2 Day Spirituality Retreat

“If Advent is a time of watching for signs of hope and waiting for the light of Christ, a time for God to enlarge us with his quiet presence how can we enter into this season and let it enter into us?” Bobby Grass, Living the Christian Year: Time to Inhabit the Story of God November 15 marks the beginning of the Orthodox and Celtic Advent Fast. With them we will begin our Advent journey with a morning for prayer and reflection center on Advent themes. Bring your ‘life questions’ and willingness and let advent inhabit your waiting through worship, art, silence, and quiet reflection in community. Leader: Debra Weir February 6–9 Immersion Experience: An Invitation to a Deeper Spiritual Life Certificate in Spiritual Formation

Discover the key ideas and foundational practices for the grand adventure of life in the Spirit! During this Thursday-Sunday Spirituality Immersion Experience, you will explore the origins of the Christian spiritual tradition, while learning the formative elements of Biblical, monastic, and Reformed spirituality. Our schedule includes time for personal reflection through guided meditative journaling — an exercise for exploring your own unique journey with the living God. Getting to know your fellow students, in both small group and one-on-one settings, will support your practical application of the knowledge acquired over the course. Led by CTS Faculty.


VANTAGE Fall 2013

February 13–16 Hildegard of Bingen Certificate in Spiritual Formation

Some 800 years ago, Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179), visionary, theologian, composer, artist, physician, and naturalist received a divine mandate to awaken her contemporaries to the tremendous love God has for the whole of creation—cosmos, creatures, and especially God’s beloved humankind. She was bidden to write down the WORDS, to sketch out and illuminate the VISIONS, and to compose the MUSIC through which God wanted to re-awaken and alert her era to God’s presence in Creation. Her insights into God’s ways with us and God’s universe correspond profoundly with the concerns of our own era that Hildegard’s work is serving as inspiring guide for contemporary living today. Instructor: Dewey Kramer

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March 16–19 Compass Points: Biblical and Theological Foundations PCCCA Certificate Program

This course begins the second cycle of the PCCCA/ CTS “Compass Points” certificate program in camp and conference ministry. It includes biblical foundations, methods of interpretation and resources for scriptural study within the unique context of camp and conference ministry. It will explore the basics of reformed theology, an overview of historical creeds, and how theology shapes the practice of ministry in our camp and conference centers. Instructors: William P. Brown and Martha Moore-Keish March 19–22 Compass Points: Program Design and Implementation PCCCA Certificate Program

Course content will include an overview of human growth and development in relation to Christian education. Learners will encounter a variety of models of teaching, as well as methods of curriculum and program development, interpretation, implementation, and evaluation in a camp and conference setting. Instructors: Kathy Dawson and Joel Winchip March 30–April 4 Teaching Spiritual Formation in the Congregation Certificate in Spiritual Formation

Participants of this class will explore and engage a variety of practical ways for building a community dedicated to spiritual formation through teaching in our congregations. Instructor: Jane Vennard. See full story on p. 6.

April 24–27 Inhabiting Eden Certificate in Spiritual Formation Location: Montreat Conference Center

Some think the Bible concerns only humans and God. Yet from the first creation story to the end of Revelation, Scripture imagines a larger universe inhabited by other creatures besides ourselves. Genesis 1 shows God’s pleasure with the earth and all its species long before humans appear. Genesis 2 pictures humans made from the ground in order to serve and preserve God’s garden. The speeches of God in Job imagine nature as a wild place, barely understandable to people, yet adored by God. As we come to terms with our ecological limits, we can reignite the imagination to see more clearly our place in creation’s intricate web, to cherish more actively its delicate beauty, and to relish our responsibilities to treat life—human and other—with respect and awe. Enjoying the Eden of Montreat and listening to Scripture, we will explore a spirituality of grateful care, and of realistic hope for facing our generation’s ecological crises. Instructor: Patricia Tull. May 5–9 A Contemplative Retreat Certificate in Spiritual Formation

We will host two retreats at the same time: Exploring the Monastic Experience: A Contemplative Retreat for Men at St. Bernard’s Monastery, Cullman AL

with Carl McColman. Coming Home to Our True Selves — A Lifelong Journey: A Contemplative Retreat for Women at the Sacred Heart

Monastery in Cullman, AL with Lalor Cadley and Deedra Rich.

VANTAGE Fall 2013


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Certificate in Spiritual Formation F o r a l m o s t t w o d e c a d e s , Columbia and Pittsburgh seminaries have partnered to offer courses leading to the Certificate in Spiritual Formation, a journey through which modern-day, world-weary pilgrims may quench their spiritual thirst. The Certificate in Spiritual Formation offers people in the pulpit, in the pew, in all denominations and stages of life, an exploration of community-grounded Christian spirituality that is rooted in scripture, theology, a history of the tradition, reading in the spiritual classics, prayer and meditation, and in skills for assisting others on a spiritual journey. You will learn spiritual practices experientially, and, at the same time, develop skills for helping others in their spiritual growth. And, as seminary faculty members and other carefully selected, experienced teachers guide you through structured study, you will discover the relationship in Christian spirituality between compassion, justice, and effective ministry. Our most recent graduates to receive a Certificate in Spiritual Formation are as follows: Jean Meredith F e l i c i a S t e wa rt H oy l e M a rt h a B e rt r a n d K e v i n P att o n P at W h i t e Brenda Lisenby For more information about how you can pursue a Certificate in Spiritual Formation, visit our website at You may also find details for our introductory Immersion Experience: An Invitation to a Deeper Spiritual Life (February 6-9) on our events page at


Lifelong Learning publishes the online e-newsletter, Journeying Together. This resource contains a list of upcoming events, and articles focusing on various aspects of Lifelong Learning. Each issue is distributed via email to approximately 4500 individuals and posted on the seminary website at link is also shared in email and posted on Facebook (Lifelong Learning at Columbia Theological Seminary) and Twitter (LLatCTSeminary).

Va n tag e Vol. 106, No. 1, Fall 2013 E ditor

Michael Thompson D esign

Lucy Ke P hotography

Coenraad Brand ’13 Myung Jin Chae ’15 Ralph Basui Watkins Ron Witherspoon Katie Archibald Woodward ’13 C ontributors

David Bartlett Ridgley Beckett ’16 Randy Calvo, Jr. ’81 Kim Clayton ’84/DMin ’08 Pam Cottrell Mary Lynn Darden C.J. Drymon Sarah Erickson ’03/DEdMin ’10 Stephen Fearing ’14 Israel Galindo Steve Hayner Deborah Flemister Mullen Elizabeth Orth Chris Paton Barbara Poe Deedra Rich Stan Saunders Joshua Stanley ’16 George Stroup Alisha Michelle Tatem Doug Taylor Sandra Taylor Diane Thorne This issue of Vantage is available online at Go to News & Publications, then Vantage.

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St. Stephen’s Votive Prayer Candles. Flickering votives bearing the burning prayers of faithful hearts in Vienna’s Stephanskirche. (Photo by Katie Archibald Woodward)

“ God of our weary years, God of our silent tears, Thou who hast brought us thus far on the way; Thou who hast by Thy might led us into the light; Keep us forever in the path, we pray. Lest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met Thee; Lest, our hearts drunk with wine of the world, we forget Thee; Shadowed beneath Thy hand may we forever stand, True to our God, true to our native land.” — James Wheldon Johnson (Lift Every Voice and Sing)

We are not meant to die merely in order to be dead. God could not want that for the creatures to whom He has given the breath of life. We die in order to live. — Elisabeth Elliot

Faith is the virtue by which, clinging to the faithfulness of God, we lean upon him, so that we may obtain what he gives to us. — William Ames

God has to work in the soul in secret and in darkness because if we fully knew what was happening, and what Mystery, transformation, God and Grace will eventually ask of us, we would either try to take charge or stop the whole process. — St. John of the Cross

I learned a history not then written in books but one passed from generation to generation on the steps of moonlit porches and beside dying fires in one-room houses, a history of greatgrandparents and of slavery and of the days following slavery; of those who lived still not free, yet who would not let their spirits be enslaved. — Mildred Taylor The word “Disciple” occurs 269 times in the New Testament. “Christian” is found three times and was first introduced to refer precisely to disciples of Jesus—in a situation where it was no longer possible to regard them as a sect of the Jews. The New Testament is a book about disciples, by disciples, and for disciples of Jesus Christ. — Dallas Willard, The Great Omission There is no life that does not contribute to history. — Dorothy West

The only humility that is really ours is not that which we try to show before God in prayer, but that which we carry with us, and carry out, in our ordinary conduct; the insignficances of daily life are the importances and the tests of eternity, because they prove what really is the spirit that possesses us. — Andrew Murray

To live is to suffer; to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering. — Roberta Flack Waiting is an art that our impatient age has forgotten. It wants to break open the ripe fruit when it has hardly finished planting the shoot. But all too often the greedy eyes are only deceived; the fruit that seemed so precious is still green on the inside, and disrespected hands ungratefully toss aside what has so disappointed them. — Dietrich Bonhoeffer You will know as much of God, and only as much of God, as you are willing to put into practice. — Eric Liddell Proverbs are short sayings made out of long experience. — Zora Neale Hurston VANTAGE Fall 2013


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Contents Vantage Point: President’s Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Hyper-Focus: Lifelong Learning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Reasonable Service (News). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Sensible Horizons (Features). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 A Review of Glory to God by Stephen Fearing. . . . . . . 10 Baccalaureate Sermon by David Bartlett. . . . . . . . . . . 12 Class of 2013 Awards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Joyful Gifts to the Seminary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2013 Graduates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Tauta Panta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46–55 Alumni/ae News and Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Faculty/Staff Tributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Lifelong Learning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Candelights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Look inside for our new section “Candlelights”! Each issue, we will highlight inspirational quotes and artwork reflective of our theme. Our next issue will be about “Anchored Influencers.” Feel free to submit your own ideas to

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