The Colorful Side of God

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understand. They said, “These men are filled with new wine.” Acts 2:13. While they weren’t drunk by an intoxicating beverage, they undoubtedly were acting like it. That raises a pertinent question. Why would God do such a thing or did God not have anything to do with it? The Bible clearly indicates about two verses later that it was of God. Well if it’s of God, how does it occur? It’s a supernatural working of God’s Holy Spirit. As I mentioned previously, it happens in my meetings and with a lot of frequency. The Spiritual Inebriates (How’s that for a sophisticated term) are colorful and sometimes very hilarious. Want to hear about them? Of course you do. I bet you wouldn’t miss it.

CAN CHURCH BE LIKE THIS? The answer to that with a lot of people might be, well maybe it could be but should it? Of course it should. Why? God gets them drunk and He does not make mistakes. “Oh, I don’t believe He would do anything like that,” you say. Now if that were true, then He lied, and we know He doesn’t lie. If you still don’t believe it, talk to one of the “Spiritual drunks.” They’re the ones with the experience and you can’t argue with experience.

DRUNKS AND MORE DRUNKS Just as in the world, spiritual drunks are sometimes very funny. I’ve seen them with that “nobody home” look in their eyes and unable to navigate. Oh you should feel sorry for them. It’s so embarrassing. I don’t feel sorry for them. They are so full of joy and carefree, without stress, plus no hangover the next morning. That is and sounds great. Try it, you’ll like it. Some act so goofy that you would think they would be embarrassed and wouldn’t dare come to church again the next night. Yet, they not only show up the next night, but they sit on the front row. Bet you thought they would sneak in the back, with their face covered. No way, they’ve got nothing to hide, because the almighty God gloriously met their need the night before.

A CLASSIC DRUNK In one of my meetings, a man got drunk and said he had a word from the Lord. (He thought it was a word of prophecy, which people 18

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