Paso Robles Press Magazine • #273 • January 2024

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Roblan of the Year

DICK WOODLAND Paso Robles, Templeton Chamber of Commerce Award Honorees

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INSIDE Mayor's Vision for 2024

A Year of Growth, Connectivity, and Community

A Look Back

Paso Robles Press 2023 Year In Review

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CONTENTS Publisher’s Letter 08

Something Worth Reading

Round Town 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18


Paso Robles Main Street Association The Natural Alternative San Miguel General Store Paso Robles Templeton History Shift'N Gears Paso Robles Area Historical Society Kid Friendly Paso

Business 38

2023 Paso Robles & Templeton Chamber Awards By Camille DeVaul

Celebrate the 2023 Roblan of the Year Dick Woodland, Business of the Year Paso Robles Waste & Recycle, Citizens of the Year Jason and Rebekah Carvalho, and the Beautification winner Paso Robles Golf Club and Deeds Bar & Grill.


Spotlight: Stadium Nutrition Paso Robles & Templeton Chamber

Oak Leaf 42

SLO County Office of Education

Taste 43 44

Sip & Savor: International Cab Franc Day Farm Stand: Healthy Start to New Year

Calendar 46 48 49

Event: Holidays in Photos Worship Directory Calendar

Last Word 50 50


Rotary Club 100 Years Directory of our Advertisers


Mayor's Vision 2024

Year in Review

By John Hamon

By Paso Robles Editorial Board

Focus on budget, economic development, The Editorial Board of the Paso Robles infrastructure, housing, public safety, and Press reflects on the year by revisiting some quality of life improvements. of the most influential and uplifting stories.


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Publisher's Letter • Something Worth Reading


appy New Year! As we wave goodbye to 2023 and eagerly embrace 2024, we trust that you enjoyed a holiday season filled with safety, delight, and cherished moments. The winter season is enriched by festive gatherings and snowy days, creating a sense of warmth and togetherness. Nic and I had the pleasure of attending a few holiday parties, and we are eagerly anticipating getting the boys back on their snowboards. The start of a new year always carries a sense of renewal and hope. It is a time when we reflect on the past and look forward to the future with fresh eyes and eager hearts. The arrival of 2024 is no different, offering us the opportunity to embrace the possibilities and challenges that lie ahead. For the second consecutive year, our January issue features our esteemed "Roblan of the Year" accolade, along with other notable awards from the Paso Robles and Templeton Chamber of Commerce. We are delighted to shine a spotlight on Richard “Dick” Woodland and extend our congratulations to all the deserving award recipients. In this issue, we take a moment to revisit the events that have shaped our community over the past year. We are blessed to have documented nearly every significant occurrence, from the lively events and festivities to the somber farewell to Paso Robles Mayor Steve Martin, these stories remind us of the resilience and unity that define our community. As we turn the page to a new year, let us not only remember the past but also use the lessons we have learned to propel us forward. Each experience, whether joyful or challenging, provides us with valuable insights and opportunities for growth. It is through this process of learning and adapting that we become better versions of ourselves, not only as individuals but also as a community. In the spirit of the new year, we extend our warmest wishes for a year filled with joy, success, and meaningful experiences. Together, let us embrace 2024 with open hearts and open minds, ready to seize the opportunities that await us. We look forward to sharing another year of stories, milestones, and community moments with you. Happy New Year, and may 2024 bring you everything you hope for and more. Hayley & Nic

if thou wouldest win immortality of name, either do things worth the writing, or write things worth the reading. — Thomas Fuller, 1727 This month’s edition of Paso Robles Magazine is brought to you by all the local advertisers that fill our pages. Thanks to them, we are able to bring you your local Hometown Magazine.

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Camille DeVaul AD DESIGN




Jen Rodman

Christianna Marks



Evan Rodda Neil Schumaker Anthony Atkins

Dana McGraw Ellie Baisch



BeeWench Farm Blake Ashley Frino-Gerl Elisa Huot James Brescia, Ed.D John Hamon Karyl Lammers Gina Fitzpatrick Paso Robles Area

Historical Society Shift'N Gears Mira Honeycutt The General Store The Natural Alternative Templeton Historical Society Lynne Schmitz



January 10, 2024 For more advertising information, contact our advertising representatives above, or see our media kit at:





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EDITORIAL POLICY Commentary reflects the views of the writers and does not necessarily reflect those of Paso Robles Magazine. Paso Robles Magazine is delivered free to 26,700 addresses in North San Luis Obispo County. Our costs are paid entirely by advertising revenue. Our Local Business section spotlights select advertisers. All other stories are determined solely by our editors.


Paso Robles Magazine is a local business, owned and published by local residents Nicholas & Hayley Mattson Paso Magazine, Paso Robles Magazine and Paso Robles Press Magazine are trademarks of 13 Stars Media. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form by any means without written consent.

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Go to for more information January 2024 | 9

Round Town • Paso Robles Main Street Association

Wishing a healthy & prosperous New Year to each of you KARYL LAMMERS


ay the turn of your calendar reflect on your growth in 2023 and find you planning your goals for 2024. We’ve been traveling down “memory lane” for the past few months (the holidays make that happen every year). Now, let’s start plotting for the new year and beyond. “New” means it never existed before; it’s fresh, unused, unfamiliar, and foreign. Looking at 2024 from this perspective makes it an exciting adventure. Face it with hope and love, and your dreams will come true. Without dreams, nothing will change; they are what creativity is made of. Thank you, Norma, for all your “dreams” for Paso Robles over the past 30 years! oad, Suite A“Main Street Association” wants to give Your dero a heartfelt thank you to all of our volunteers and


staff. You are the backbone of this organization. Your hard work and dedication have helped us succeed in creating a Downtown Association,

Every day is a chance to begin again. Don’t focus on the failures of yesterday, start today with positive thoughts and expectations.” — Catherine Pulsifer

which is the commercial, governmental, and cultural entertainment destination of Paso Robles. We’d also like to express our gratitude to our members for your support, help, and encouragement. We’re a collaborative of this

incredible community. Thank You, Paso Robles! Time is moving so fast that one of the ways we use to gauge the passing of time is to look toward the sky for daylight and dark. The rising and setting of the sun denotes a single day, while the full moons happen every 29.5 days. One of our strongest meteor showers can be seen on Jan. 3-4 around 1 a.m. PST. On the 25th, we are blessed with the Full Wolf Moon beginning at 9:54 a.m. PST. The wolves can be heard howling during this time frame; defining their territory, locating other pack members, reinforcing social bonds and coordinating their hunts (gee, isn’t that also what we’re doing this month?). Enjoy the journey closing one year and opening the next. Want to slow down and eliminate the feeling that time seems to be flying by? We’ve become desensitized to our experiences, so time speeds up. Expose your mind to new information, hobbies, and skills, then put mindfulness in your experiences. Life is too short not to capture every moment!

ew Years HappytrN ic Car

ome t p O from Dan Hile, OD ABO Doug Major, OD FAAO ABO Brent Wells, OD Karen Kudija, OD JoAnna Vrotsos, OD Steve Jio, OD 1112 Vine Street Paso Robles (805) 238-1001 2231 Bayview Heights Drive Los Osos (805) 528-5333 8105 Morro Road, Suite A Atascadero (805) 466-6939 10 |

e Associ ates!

May your New Year be fun-filled and prosperous!


Start the New Year off CLEAN

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New Year, New You with Standard Process

ello January. Let’s talk about how to start off 2024 with Total Wellness. Join us for our Standard Process 21-Day Purification Program. We’ll kick start our classes with a 6 p.m. info class on Wednesday, January 10, followed by a second 6 p.m. info class on Monday, January 22. Both classes will be held at The Natural Alternative in Downtown Paso Robles at 1213 Pine St. Come learn about how our 21-Day Purification Program can support your body in detoxifying and balancing body systems for optimal health. This program is gentle yet effective. A simple shake, three basic supplements, and a clean eating protocol make this cleanse accessible to even the busiest individual. Improvement has been reported in: Weight loss, Joint pain, Headaches, Fatigue, Allergies, Digestive problems, Sugar cravings, Disrupted sleep, and many other areas. Class will be led by Margaret Pauls FNTP, our Natural Alternative nutritionist. Call (805) 237-8290 or stop by the store at 1213 Pine St. to sign up today. Classes will be held bi-weekly at 6 p.m. with a Monday and Wednesday option in January.

Free instruction/recipe booklet and shaker cup with purchase of the program. Weekly meetings for education, questions, and post-detox support. For the month of January, enjoy 10 percent off of the 21-day Purification Program. We are proud to be starting off the New Year with a new look as well, from a remodeled store featuring the largest selection of Standard Process on the Central Coast to our new online store. You will still find expert care and the highest quality nutritional products only available through the offices of natural healthcare practitioners, such as Standard Process and Metagenics. As always, we also carry a wide selection of herbs, vitamins and minerals, local products, everything CBD, organic snacks and drinks, natural skin and haircare, probiotics, essential oils, and non-toxic home products. Don’t forget to call and RSVP to let us know if you’ll be attending a class with us this month. We’re always here for you, The Team @ The Natural Alternative Shop online with us today at or visit us on Instagram and Facebook



Your Shipping Store with Gifts Galore. January 2024 | 11

Round Town • San Miguel


This El Camino bell was installed in October by the San Miguel Parlor 94 Native Daughters Of the Golden West, and dedicated to Jean Thacker Hoffman.

ew Year’s greetings to all from San Miguel. I’d like to start by welcoming new residents and invite everyone to participate in making and keeping San Miguel a nice place to live. I am now an “old-timer” as I’ve lived here for 73 years with many wonderful friends and neighbors. When we settled here, San Miguel School was located on K Street, and Highway 101 ran right through town. In the 1950s, to accommodate the new four-lane highway being built, the school was moved to its present location at the north end of town and dedicated to Lillian Larsen, who taught first grade for many years. At the K Street location, the county created San Miguel Park. For information and to rent the Community Building, call (805) 781-5000, (800) 834-4636, or go online to Our two historic churches are well attended. The town’s namesake, San Miguel Mission on South Mission Street, was established in 1797 and continues to serve the North County. Pastor Father Lucas Pantoja invites all to attend masses on Saturdays at 5 p.m. in English and 7 p.m. in Spanish and on Sundays at 11 a.m. in English and 1 p.m. in Spanish. The office is at (805) 536-0532. Their website is The “Little White Church,” which today is the FTIV Iglesia, has graced the corner of 13th and L streets since the 1920s and also serves a Spanish and English congregation. Pastor Mike Duran is enthusiastic, energetic, and


San Miguel By Lynne Schmitz

generous. Sunday services are at 10:30 a.m. For information, call (805) 467-5508. The Historic Rios-Caledonia Adobe Museum and Gift Shop, located in a county park at the south end of town, is open Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays from noon to 3 p.m. It is staffed and run by Friends of the Adobes. The Wally Ohles Research Library is open on Fridays from noon to 3 p.m. A section of the original 1915 Highway 101 runs through the property. Recently, with the help of the Native Daughters of the Golden West San Miguel Parlor 94, an El Camino bell was installed along the little stretch of road and dedicated to long-time NDGW member and San Miguel volunteer Jean Thacker Hoffmann. For all information, call (805) 467-3357. Their website is The Native Daughters meet on the second Wednesday of each month at the Senior Center. For information, call (616) 550-1053. Our Senior Center is located at 601-12th Street off of N Street. The Quilters meet there every Thursday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and welcome people who sew or do crafts. For information, call (805) 975-6996. Seniors Bingo is held at 6 p.m. on the second and fourth Friday of each month except holidays. On the second Friday, they start early with a potluck supper at 5 p.m. For information, call (805) 467-3445 to leave a message. Their website is There’s good food at Leo’s and Dos Hermanos, just off 101 at 10th Street, and Taco Mafia, on 14th Street downtown. Welcome.

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Local Goods Report January 2024


Reset for the New Year

anuary finds us sweeping up the glitter, tucking away the tiny lights, and this year, finding a home for the giant paper chains that happily criss-crossed our ceiling for the holiday months. It also finds us grateful and a bit stunned at just how supportive of its small businesses this community continues to be. So, January finds us saying thank you. It also means a reset. A little more sleep, a little less powdered sugardusted peppermint cookies, and yes, less of that incredible Hearst Family Winery Rose that we sipped to celebrate the end of a hustling and bustling season. We have a few things we’ll be leaning into as we begin 2024, and thought we’d share in case you’re looking for some inspiration as we start a new season and a new year: Green up that plate! There has been an explosion of vegetarian and vegan cookbooks in the past two years, and we’re genuinely surprised at how deeply nourishing these dishes can be to those of us used to meat as the center of every meal. Two books you’ll almost always find on our cookbook table: SALADE, by Pascale Beale, and SIX SEASONS by Joshua McFadden. Both are visually satisfying ... Pascale’s book has a photo next

to every single recipe in the book. McFadden’s pictures just call out for a trip to the farmer’s market, and I have yet to find a less pretentious champion of one of my kitchen goals: never buy tomatoes out of season. LA Republica Mushroom Coffee and Tea The owners of this organic coffee superfood split their time between the Central Coast and down south, and their products get raves for not only their nutrient-rich, no-jitters, lower caffeine coffee, but also for the taste. It’s the best instant coffee we’ve ever had, with not a hint of mushroominess to it. Plus, it improves focus, energy, neural protection, digestive support ... all while boosting your immunity and stress resilience! Who couldn’t use that in the new year? Write a card According to the American Psychiatric Association, everyday simple acts of kindness can contribute to boosting your mood, reducing stress, and possibly alleviating symptoms of depression or anxiety. We’ve got cards for every reason, by dozens of stationery artists. Grab a pen, make someone’s day. Wishing you health, connection, and love in the new year. —The Team at General Store Paso Robles

January 2024 | 13

Round Town • Templeton History

From Roadside Landmark to Templeton Museum Icon By Camille DeVaul and the Templeton Historical Society & Museum

or years, travelers along Highway 101 may have noticed a curious sight near an Oak tree — a towering 12-foot tall milk bottle, an iconic symbol of the region’s rich dairy heritage. This bottle, synonymous with the dairy industry that played a pivotal role in the area’s development, can now be seen at its home on Main Street at the Templeton History Museum. The story behind this colossal milk bottle dates back to 1886 when Vincent Rossi, the

grandfather of Ray Rossi, arrived in Ellis Island, New York, from Switzerland. Starting his dairy endeavors where the California Men’s Colony now stands, Vincent eventually established the Crescent Farm in Crocker, later known as Templeton. By 1925, his two sons, Vincent and Gregory, took over the family business. In the 1930s, Gregory Rossi, as a creative form of advertising, commissioned the construction of the enormous milk bottle. Crafted from chicken wire, stucco, and various materials, it served as a striking roadside advertisement for the Rossi Brothers on Highway 101. Despite changing times and evolving business landscapes, the iconic bottle proudly stood as a landmark for decades. Over five years ago, fourth-generation Templeton resident David Bond initiated the idea to relocate the bottle to the Templeton Historical Museum on Main Street. With the support of Darrell Radford, then the chairman of the Templeton Museum, and Jim Greer, a board member, the plan came to fruition. In 2018, and with the help of many, the milk bottle carefully made its way to Main Street. Welcomed by many upon its arrival, the moment was a historical one. The next phase of the plan was to restore the milk bottle, and with David as a professional sign painter, “Crescent Farm” is back on the bottle.


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The 12-foot milk bottle, now prominently displayed in front of the Templeton History Museum on Main Street, serves as a reminder of the town’s agricultural roots and a nostalgic landmark for long-time residents who once witnessed it during their travels through North County. The Templeton Museum is located at 309 S. Main St. and is open Friday through Sunday from 1 to 4 p.m. with free admission. The museum offers a glimpse into the history of Templeton.”

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appy New Year From Jimmy, If you find auto shops daunting, fear Leigh-Ann and the whole not. Shift N Gears is here. We offer a staff at Shift'N Gears Garage. thorough vehicle inspection and We are your local full-service auto assessment, complete with prioritized repair experts with multiple Master recommendations for preventative ASE Certified Technicians to make maintenance and necessary repairs. sure you keep your freedom and We guide you in creating a persondrive safe. From brakes to transmis- alized schedule that aligns with your sions and everything in between — lifestyle, ensuring you have a secure we do that! We sincerely thank you and reliable vehicle at your disposal. for all of your support and can't wait Stay informed and take charge — to continue to provide superior car wouldn’t you prefer to be in the know? care through, what will no doubt be, Be In The “Know” Universal Rules: the best year yet. We have all heard of tune-ups, but New Year — New You — what is it exactly? Due to the sheer New Car? No way! volume of variety in vehicle manufacTake pride in both your posses- turing and parts the term "tune-up" is sions and your identity. Embrace almost obsolete. However, there are the arrival of a new year not neces- some general rules to apply when sarily with the expectation of radical caring for your vehicle, despite some change, but with rejuvenation. Your manufacturer recommendations. vehicle serves as the conduit for the Average Lifespans: life you aspire to lead, providing the • Coolant = 2-5 years key to your freedom. Having been a • Motor Oil = 3-5k miles or 3-5 steadfast companion through all situmonths ations, it’s essential to reciprocate the • Transmission Fluid = 30 (if you’re favor by ensuring proper care. towing) or 50k miles For your vehicle to endure the test • Spark Plugs = 60-90k miles of time, regular maintenance and • Timing Belt & Water Pump = 100k annual inspections are imperative. miles Similar to regular health check-ups, • Steering & Suspension = Requires adopting a proactive approach and Annual Inspection making wise choices are crucial for Everything else is based upon maintaining peak performance. This physical condition and inspection. We involves keeping your vehicle’s fluids all drive to different places on differclean and fresh, addressing any ent roads — Some of us are stop-light worn-out components resulting from warriors and others are cruisers, and regular use. it matters!

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Round Town • Paso Robles Area Historical Society

A look back on 2023 & looking forward to 2024 By Paso Robles Area Historical Society & Museum Caterina Dusi, seen here in an undated photo, is one of five Italian women the gallery will showcase that changed the landscape and culture of our area. Contributed Photo


s we bid farewell to the chapters of 2023 and eagerly anticipate the unwritten pages of 2024, the Paso Robles Area Historical Society and Museum takes another look at last year's exhibits, welcoming you to join us for the next journey that 2024 brings. Our main exhibit entitled “Mighty Oaks from Little Acorns Grow,” gives a timeline of Paso Robles from its Rancho days to the small town of “Hot Springs” and onto "Paso Robles Meets the World." Through a series of beautiful panels visitors are able to see the growth of Paso Robles through the years beginning with the discovery of the natural hot springs. To compliment this theme, we have exhibits on the Salinan tribe who first discovered these natural springs, an exhibit on Ignacy Jan Paderewski who came to this area because of the curative powers of the waters, and an almond exhibit — we were professed to be the "Almond Capital of the World" during the 1930s. Our "Pioneer Families" display features an outstanding background historical study of the Claassen and Franklin families. As Paso Robles grew and was settled, wine production became an integral part of our history. The Wine History Gallery at the museum opened in October of 2021 and is curated by Libbie Agran of the Wine History Project of SLO County. Through Libbie’s vision and knowledge, the gallery continues to be of great interest to our visitors. The present exhibit is titled "How the Italians Changed the Landscape and Wine Culture of SLO County." In the months to come, the gallery will showcase the Italian women who changed the landscape and culture of our area. These strong women cleared the land, planted vines, tilled the soil, picked grapes, ran the harvests, made and sold wine, and cooked for family members and workers each day. Five critical women to be featured

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are: Caterina Dusi, Catterina Pesenti, Silvia Nerelli, Dorothy Dusi, and Joni Dusi. In 2023, the first of these women, Caterina Dusi, was showcased in the gallery. Displays in the gallery also feature our wine partners. Evenings of History & Wine has become extremely popular. Our first evening was held in October 2022 and featured EPOCH Estate Wines. Our second evening was in January and celebrated Italian families, charcoal production, and featured Janell Dusi and Frank Nerelli. In March, Erik Hormann presented the history of the almond industry in Paso Robles and Ray Derby of Derby Wine Estates spoke on the almond processing plant, which he thoughtfully and successfully restored and which is now 100 years old. The July Evening of History and Wine featured the Dubost family and the history of Adelaida. In October the program, presented by Coral Kessler, the “Ghosts Stories of Paso’s Past,” were showcased. These evenings are quarterly events our members receive advanced invitations. QR codes have been developed for a historic walking tour and for the Salinan display. A guided walking tour is being developed as well. Our website, pasorobleshistorymuseum. org, features several history based blogs of interviews with some of our local pioneer families and a fascinating conversation regarding our Richard J. Arnold photography archive. The annual meeting for the Historical Society was held in June at Halter Ranch Vineyard Estate. Attendees enjoyed a delicious lunch, a new board of directors was installed and a review of accomplishments for the year was presented. Amyl Perkins Sisk, granddaughter of Juanita Booker (a local soloist who sang the national anthem at President-elect Ronald Reagan’s inauguration), gave a stunning rendition of the national anthem to those present. Our team of dedicated docents share their knowledge of Paso Robles’ history with our visitors to the museum, and our hardworking volunteers in the research area continue to collect, archive, and preserve our extensive collections. If you have an interest in local history, please consider becoming a member and/or joining our team of volunteers and docents.


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Round Town • Kid Friendly Paso



nspired by a farm stay in Italy, Sofia Howard and her husband moved from their urban cul-de-sac in Orange County to tend to the land on a 22-acre almond orchard in the west hills of Paso Robles wine country in 2019. Howard Ranch is now home to the couple and their two children, who, as a family, are living out their dream of running a modern-day homestead. Homesteading entails living off the land and one’s own resources. It requires a deep respect and understanding of biodiversity and permaculture. As Sofia adopted a learn-as-you-go approach, watching videos on YouTube and reading books, her kids were immersed in this experiential education as well. First was the chicken coop, then the garden, then goats for milking, then cows and sheep. The couple planted fruit trees and began to harvest honey. They went off the grid, installing full solar. While they still make the occasional run to Costco or Tractor Supply Co., most of what they are using comes from the animals and the land. Living in accordance with the seasons and the weather takes grit, something that her little ones are learning through helping with chores like feeding the animals, planting seeds, and collecting eggs. Wool from the sheep becomes yarn, animal waste becomes fertilizer, and milk from the goats becomes fresh mozzarella.


Being able to explore, tinker, and let their imaginations run wild with activities like the mud kitchen has helped to keep boredom at bay for these kiddos. The variety of life cycles and daily tasks informs the curriculum for their homeschool, or farm school. Community sharing provides connectedness through the teaching of new skills and the trading of resources. Their first cow, Lisa, was a gift from the neighbors. Part of a self-sufficient lifestyle is the cultivation of herbal medicine. Sofia completed an herbalist course and uses an app to identify the many plants on their property as well as how best to draw out the medicinal qualities. Pomegranate fire cider stimulates immunity and garlic honey ferment is an excellent natural remedy for colds or the flu. Elderberry syrup is rich in antioxidants and lowers inflammation. The elderberries are popular with the birds, but they excrete the seeds in their guano which naturally leads to the planting of new elderberry trees, that biodiversity in action. Life on a homestead of course comes with challenges. Being responsible for the land means little to no vacations, and practicing animal husbandry covers a wide range of meeting the needs of the current animals while planning for new ones. Patience is a much-needed virtue when waiting for eggs to be laid or meat to age. Homesteading is a state of mind and can be practiced in an apartment or a small backyard, otherwise known as urban homesteading, by producing a significant part of the food. Acquiring food from local farms or the farmers market, starting a garden, or buying local, humanely raised meat are all a part of living in a more environmentally conscious manner. Experiment with using bones and vegetable scraps to make stocks for soup or try crafting with nature (think pine cone ornaments, leaf garlands, and botanically dyed linens). Letting your little ones be a part of the process (washing and storing fruits and veggies, cutting with safety knives, cooking or gathering supplies for crafts) teaches them essential life skills along with appreciation for the abundance that this planet affords us. Book a farm stay at Howard Ranch on Airbnb or Hipcamp for a true homesteading adventure. For some tips on homesteading, Sofia recommends “Backyard Homestead.” Follow Elisa on IG @pasomommy.

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Pomegranate Fire Cider Ingredients 64 oz raw Apple cider vinegar 10 oz raw local honey 2 chopped medium onions 2 chopped large cloves of garlic 1 cup of coarsely chopped ginger root 1/2 cup coarsely chopped turmeric 1 1/2 cup of coarsely chopped horseradish root 1-2 plump pomegranates or juice 2 sliced jalapeños 1/2 cup dried elderberries Directions Combine all ingredients in a jar and cover it with a nonreactive lid or line the inside of the lid with parchment paper. Store in a cool dark cabinet for 4-6 weeks stirring/shaking the jar daily. Once the cider has been infused, strain and discard the pulp. Store the fire cider in the fridge for a longer shelf life. Take 1-2 oz as needed. There are many recipes for fire ciders. It’s best to use what you can source locally and organic. Fire cider helps to clear out sinuses and stimulate the immune system through the powerful blend of immune-supportive ingredients. Take it to weld off colds or other respiratory infections by thinning mucus and assisting with excretion.

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Paso Robles • Templeton Chamber of Commerce

Roblan of the Year



hen a young Dick Woodland rode around the racetrack, the last thing on his mind was that one day he would be a figure in his community. While his eyes were on the pavement prize, Dick was also paving his way to being named the 2023 Roblan of the Year by the Paso Robles and Templeton Chamber of Commerce. An annual tradition embodying our community, the Roblan of the Year is chosen from the previous Roblans of the Month. The award is an initiative put together by the Paso Robles Chamber of Commerce to recognize individuals who make significant contributions to Paso Robles through community action, donations, and other ongoing community outreaches. When asked about his childhood, Dick recalls growing up in a time of innocence. It was the days of leaving cars and homes unlocked, kids freely roaming the streets, and when everyone literally knew everyone. “I was very surprised when my name was brought up as Roblan of the month,” said Dick. “When I heard discussions that I was possibly going to be selected as Roblan of the Year, I was extremely flattered, or honored, but I really didn’t expect to be selected. It truly is an honor to receive this recognition.” To know Dick Woodland is to know his passion for cars and racing. Opened to the public since 2009, the Woodland Automobile Display, which is affiliated with the Estrella Warbird Museum at the Paso Robles Airport, holds 20,000 square feet of one of the most diverse collections of automobiles out there. From NASCAR Sprint, Modified, Super Modified, and Midget race cars to motorbikes and vintage favorites, it’s there. In a way, Dick was born to love cars. Growing up in his parent’s Norwalk Service Station located on 9th and Spring 20 |

streets, he was surrounded by vehicles and people of all kinds. And that, one could say, is what imprinted the racing bug. “It was excitement. Instead of a football player or baseball player being my hero, it was the driver,” he says. After high school, Dick went on to Fresno State for a spell. That is, until he dropped out to pursue racing — which he notes was not one of his best decisions. But by the mid-'60s, the Vietnam War was heating up and Dick was drafted into the Army. He was sent to Europe, where he spent most of his time in Fulda, Germany, and married his first wife, Patricia Diane Beckman, who followed him there. Life took Dick to Southern California for a time, but his heart never left Paso Robles, and when an opportunity came to come back, he did it without skipping a beat. Soon, Dick would become an essential piece to Paso Robles' economic and development puzzles. In 1982, he became one of the original partners in Eberle Winery, and still is to this day. He was a founder of the Citizen’s Bank of Paso Robles and eventually merged it into the Bank of Santa Maria. What most of you are familiar with is the Woodland Plaza Shopping Centers — Dick also notes that he did not choose the name. Dick operated an alfalfa farm in the area during the time, and in an effort to bring more economy to the city limits of Paso Robles, Dick donated land to the city to build to build the original Niblick Bridge and again when the Niblick Bridge and connector roads were widened to four lanes. In the late '90s, he developed the Woodland Plaza I shopping center, where Albertson’s is located now. That development was soon followed by the second Woodland Plaza across the street, keeping even more future tax dollars in Paso Robles.

January 2024 | 21

Roblan of the Year

“I’ve done things around the state and around the country, but this is home"

22 |

In the late ’90s, Dick ventured into further vineyard development with Patricia Diane Vineyards and later worked extensively with the Paso Robles Housing Authority to secure approvals for the construction of River Walk Terrace, a 79-unit Senior Citizen Affordable Apartment project. Beyond business, Dick and his current wife Claudia initiated the Woodland Auto Display at the Estrella Warbird Museum, showcasing over 100 vehicles and attracting thousands of visitors annually. He has received Beautification Awards for various projects, participated in historical preservation, and now has over 65 years in the auto racing industry. Reflecting on changes, Dick acknowledges the growth and transformation in Paso Robles, citing the establishment of a junior college, the flourishing wine industry, and increased job opportunities. He recognizes the challenges posed by issues like water scarcity, homelessness, and drugs but emphasizes the enduring small-town atmosphere and the beauty of the region will prevail. “I’ve done things around the state and around the country, but this is home,” he says. Dick is described by friends as a humble man with a genuine love for his community — that he is truly a Roblan.

Alongside Dick Woodland, the Chambers are recognizing recipients of the Beautification Award, Business of the Year, and Citizen of the Year. Upon learning of his new title, Dick said, “I was surprised going back to Roblan of the Month. I wasn’t expecting that ... I was somewhat in a state of shock. I am very proud of it, and it’s a wonderful recognition in the community.” Paso Robles and Templeton Chamber of Commerce President/CEO Gina Fitzpatrick tells us, "We are acknowledging individuals in both the business sector and the community who have pursued their aspirations while generously enhancing our communities' cohesion and economic vitality. I commend the commitment demonstrated by each of the honorees and value the compassionate deeds and community spirit they exemplify." Roblan of the Year, Citizen of the Year, Beautification Business, and Business of the Year recipients will all be honored at the Paso Robles and Templeton Chamber of Commerce Annual Gala at Rava Wines on February 24. At the Gala, the new 2024 Board of Directors will be welcomed in, and goodbyes and thank yous will be said to the 2023 outgoing board members.

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January 2024 | 23

Paso Robles • Templeton Chamber of Commerce

Business of the Year



hey are always there — the unsung heroes of the city, always dependable to clean up after us — that is why Paso Robles Waste & Recycle has been named 2023 Business of the Year for its contribution to the economy and long-standing commitment to the community. Third generation at Paso Robles Waste and Recycle, and Chief Operation Officer Isiah Gomer sat with Paso Robles Press Magazine to talk about what makes Paso Robles Waste & Recycle (PRWR) successful and what the future may hold. PRM: What was your reaction to learning Paso Robles Waste & Recycle is the 2023 Business of the Year? Isiah Gomer: I was surprised to learn we are the business of the year. It is a great honor and a fantastic achievement for the company's history in Paso Robles. PRM: From your perspective, why do you think PRWR was named Business of the Year? Isiah: We value our employees, pour our heart and soul into the community, and always try to improve. We give the best level of customer service possible and strive to be one of the safest companies in California. PRM: How has your business been involved in the local community, and do you believe community engagement played a role in winning the award? Isiah: My grandfather and grandmother made a rule in the late 1950s that we would always support our neighbors and community first. My father continued that tradition, and I continue it today. We continuously engage with chamber members, using local businesses for our operations, and we participate and donate to many local organizations and nonprofits. PRM: Are there specific community projects or initiatives that you are particularly proud of? Isiah: I am incredibly proud of our Compressed Natural Gas fueling station, which was developed 24 |

in 2014. We have plans to combine this facility with an anaerobic digestion facility that would take our organic material and process it into renewable natural gas, turning our station into a full-circle carbon-negative fleet. PRM: How has PRWR adapted to the times to remain competitive and a vital business in the community? Isiah: With all the economic factors over the last few years, our family of companies has had to increase wages to remain competitive in the job market. We continue to have significant benefits in attracting the best talent, but finding skilled local labor is the most challenging part of running a business in our community. PRM: Were there any significant challenges your business faced, and how did you overcome them? Isiah: We continue to find it a challenge to employ commercial drivers. We are working on new advertisements to promote our company. Hopefully, this will expand our reach in the county and engage more applications. PRM: Are there any lessons learned along the way that you would like to share with other business owners? Isiah: Dale Gomer's number one rule always revolves around the employees. You have to listen to them, invest in them, and provide them with the tools and resources to become more successful. When you accomplish that, your company will be successful. PRM: Where do you see PRWR in the next 10 years? Isiah: In the next 10 years, I see PRWR continuing its vision statement by using the latest innovative technologies for customer engagement, fleet management, and safety programs. We strive to set new standards for the waste industry regarding sustainable practices with our unique anaerobic digestion facility.

January 2024 | 25

Paso Robles • Templeton Chamber of Commerce

Beautification of the Year



Photos are courtesy of TravelPASO

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he Paso Robles & Templeton Chamber of Commerce has awarded the Paso Robles Golf Club and Deeds Bar & Grill the 2023 Beautification of the Year Award. In fact, this is the second time the club has been awarded the Beautification award, first for their renovations to the golf course and now for their work in renewing the bar and grill on property, known as Deeds. The Beautification Award is presented to a business that has enhanced the community by beautifying an area through new construction or redevelopment of a project that preserves Paso Robles’ heritage through the renovation of a historic building. For owner Mike Rawitser, golf has been a way of life. Beginning his career in the game at the age of 20, Mike operated multiple golf courses and ventures in the Silicon Valley/San Jose area. With people knowing about his career in the golf world, it was suggested to him more than once to purchase the Paso Robles Golf Club, but Mike had no interest in another project — until he did. Built in 1961, the Paso Robles Golf Club was an instant fixture in the community as a private country club. As happens, time had worn down the club. In October 2010, the club was again up for sale, and Mike began to consider the idea, thinking that he could turn things around for the club. So, he bought the club, and a new adventure began. “There is such a personal connection that people have had with this place,” says Mike. Since being purchased, a lot has changed at the club. In 2019, they completed the new onsite restaurant, Deeds Bar & Grill — a name inspired

by his grandkids. With the new restaurant, the club has become more than a golfing destination for Paso Robles. As Mike says, it’s become a place for an all-day affair — golfing, food and drinks, or just socializing on the veranda. And the community has taken Deeds up on the invitation, becoming a new local favorite. Since renovations of the club, Mike has seen a renewal of community interest in the club, “People sort of adopted this place again which is great.” Among locals and anyone who comes through their doors, Deeds is known for its great atmosphere, delicious food and top-notch drinks. Their covered and heated veranda offers dinner with a view any time of year. The best sports bar viewing is a known fact. Speaking of the food, some familiar faces helm the kitchen there too. Lorena Lopez and Jorge Quintero, formerly owners of Golden Oak Grill, are the Executive Chefs for Deeds Bar & Grill. “My philosophy is a simple thing. You’ve got to have a great staff,” says Mike on what really makes the club stand out. The golf course is the product of Superintendent Doug Westbrook and his great team, truly the definition of “Beautification.” Last year Paso Robles Golf Club was ranked 9th in California by NBC owned GolfPass. A poll was taken from actual customer comments of their personal experience of their days at multiple courses, including Paso Robles. Mike hopes everyone who visits Paso Robles Golf Club has a great experience, whether or not you made that hole-inone. Maybe next time, right? Paso Robles Golf Club — “There’s no place like it.”

Happy New year from Blake’s!

January 2024 | 27

Paso Robles • Templeton Chamber of Commerce

Citizens of the Year



he Paso Robles and Templeton Chamber of Commerce has named BarrelHouse Brewing Company owners Jason and Rebekah Carvalho as the 2023 Citizens of the Year. A Citizen of the Year is someone who lives for their community, and the Carvalhos' hearts truly beats for Templeton. “I was totally surprised,” says Rebekah when she and her husband Jason got the call while visiting family in San Diego. Feeling flattered, honored, and shocked all at the same time that the community thought of them, the Carvalhos reminisce on how they got here. Their story begins when they met in kindergarten back in their hometown of Lemoore. Unknowingly, that was the start of their lifelong journey together, and the two would eventually become high school sweethearts. After attending Cal Poly and settling in South County, they knew that the Central Coast was where they wanted to raise a family. Making beer in the garage soon sparked the idea of opening a brewery. Jason planned and plotted, and presented the idea to Rebekah. Hesitant, the two remained optimistic and hopeful for the new adventure. Coming from humble beginnings, it wasn’t as easy as cracking open a cold one — but hey, it’s the journey that matters. Jason explored the Central Coast, looking for the perfect location for his brewery. Heading to North County over the grade, he felt like they were welcomed with open arms. Templeton was willing and ready for this new concept of beer and family. If you know anything about the conception and ideals of BarrelHouse Brewing Company, this story explains it all: While searching property off Ramada Drive, Jason meandered around a large oak tree. Looking closely, you can find the mark of an equal-armed cross carved into its bark. Carved sometime between 1775 and 1776 when Spanish Lt. Colonel Juan Batista de 28 |

Anza led more than 240 men, women, and children on an overland journey from the frontier of New Spain to settle in Alta (New) California. Historians believe the cross as a symbol used by the travelers to signify a safe place to camp — or the perfect place for a family brewery. Inspired by the oak’s carving, the Carvalhos integrated the cross into their logo, signifying them as a safe place. Sitting on the street with her then 3-yearold and 5- year-old, at their first Templeton Fourth of July parade, Rebekah recalls, “It just felt like home.” Some blood, sweat, and tears later, the first BarrelHouse Brewery opened its doors in 2013. A few months later, Rebekah was offered a teaching job at Templeton Elementary School teaching second-graders — what she loved — and everything fell into place. “Luckily, we created a spot that people wanted to come to, so we met a lot of people that way, and her [Rebekah] being a teacher, we started meeting really nice community members,” said Jason on their new journey into the Templeton life. “Once we became a part of the community, we realized, hey, this is an amazing opportunity to give back to the people who allowed us to do what we love to do.” Coming from a family of teachers and veterans, the Carvalhos have gravitated towards supporting organizations and causes surrounding veterans, first responders, and education. “We have been so blessed to be able to do it,” Jason explains. “It feels nice to be able to give back to the local community because without them we wouldn’t be able to do this.” From making beer in a closet to building a family-oriented brewery and business, the Carvalhos are proud to be able to provide their employees with a work environment where they, too, can feel supported. Again, on receiving the recognition of Citizens of the Year, Rebekah says, “I appreciate the support for us as people, our family. I think that’s the special part of the community.”

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Paso Robles Mayor's Vision for 2024

the Chamber of Commerce, Travel Paso, Visit Invest in Public Safety Infrastructure and SLO CAL, Main Street Association and the operate public safety agencies efficiently to reduce s we close 2023 and turn to see a Hispanic Business Association. response times, procure necessary equipment and new year before us, a significant task vehicles, maximize partnerships with regional to make Paso Robles a better place Infrastructure Improvement and agencies, target staffing goals as outlined in to live, work, and play for early 2024 will be maintenance of existing facilities, investing Measure J-20 staffing plan. planning our city’s next two-year budget. The Measure J-20, Measure E-12 Supplemental City Council goals serve as the policy direction Sales Tax and other funding sources to enhance Improve Quality of Life Amenities by document for city government as well as the city streets, and downtown parking lots by Expanding Library and Recreation road map for developing and implementing the improving pavement conditions and lighting. Programming, Events, and Activities, provide city’s biennial budget. Our current 2022-2024 staffing to restore weekend and evening recreation budget will conclude at the end of this coming Preparing for Community Growth by programming, introduce books-by-mail library June. New discussions will begin early next developing shovel-ready transportation projects program for homebound residents, implement a year to develop, propose, and adopt a two-year to obtain state and federal grants. Projects in the “loan-a-librarian” program for local organizations budget cycle for 2024-2026. planning stage are the State Route 46/Union to request a librarian as a guest speaker, expand Below are a few City Council goals derived Road Overpass, the Huer-Huero Creek Bridge, utilization of library facilities through partnerships from public input. They are a guide for the the Vine Street Realignment and Bridge, Bike with local service clubs, government agencies and allocation of resources through the budget and Pedestrian Plan, Salinas River/Grand Loop private sector industries, enhance park, complete and capital improvement program, which then Bike Trail, and the Mill Road parallel route the new pickleball courts at Sherwood Park, aligns with department work plans and desired annexation. develop pedestrian lighting improvement plans, capital projects. and develop alley and pedestrian accessibility These workplans, projects, and priorities Increase Affordable and Market-Rate improvement plans. are intended to be implemented, achieved, or Housing Units. Support affordable housing There is not enough space in this message constructed within the two-year budget cycle. development through site selection assistance to tell the public all that is happening within Here are some examples that council will be and fee deferral. Advance opportunities to your city government, but I hope this will paint using during this budget development period. update land use designations to facilitate a picture for what we are trying to achieve over construction of new higher density residential the next few years. All council goals are driven by Economic Development and Vitality to units. Support homelessness by partnering with Roblan needs and desires to improve your City support local businesses, Paso Robles as ECHO and other stakeholders for emergency of Paso Robles. I encourage you to communicate a destination for the “Remote Economy,” sheltering services. Create Regional Homeless with your City Council and city staff in ways complete the FAA licensing process and plan Services Strategic Plan with ECHO and other that can make Paso Robles a better place to live, for a Spaceport and Tech Corridor, expand stakeholders including County of San Luis work and play. Broadband internet access and connectivity; Obispo Homeless Manager and Behavioral I look forward to forward to hearing from continue strategic, long-term partnerships with Health Department. you in 2024.

By John Hamon, Paso Robles Mayor


30 |


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VOL. CXXXIV British Royal Air Force Conducting Training Operations in Paso Robles

Published January 26 The British Royal Air Force conducts training in Paso Robles with their new aircraft, the Airbus A400M Atlas.

Hundreds Attend Paso Robles 2023 New Years Celebration

Performing Arts Center Committee Announces Merger with Atascadero Printery Foundation

Published January 5 Paso Robles hosted its first New Published January 26 Year’s Eve bonfire in six years to ring The Atascadero Performing Arts in 2023 at Paso Robles City Park. Center Committee (APACC) announces the dissolution of its Hounds Celebrate Championship 501c3 at its annual meeting.

with Parade to City Hall

Published January 5 Atascadero celebrated CIF and State Champions via a parade ending at City Hall.

First Baby Born at Sierra Vista Hospital

Bella Otter Takes First in the U21 Women Compound Bow Division at the 2023 State Championships

Planting Ordinance

Published February 2 San Luis Obispo County Published January 12 Supervisors vote to rescind the An atmospheric river brought rain Paso Basin Land Use Management and destruction to San Luis Obispo Area Planting Ordinance. County on Monday, January 9.

Judge Dismisses Jodry Civil Death Suit

Published January 12 Thomas Jodry’s parents' wrongful death lawsuit was dismissed by a San Luis Obispo County judge on January 5.

Search Efforts Continue for Kyle Doan

Kristin Smart Case Lead Detective Announces Retirement

Published: February 16 Detective Clint Cole retires after a 32-year career with the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff ’s Office.

Atascadero Chamber of Commerce President/CEO Wins Esteemed Chamber Award

Published: February 23 At the WACE annual conference in Sacramento, Atascadero Chamber of Commerce President/CEO receives a prestigious chamber award.

Published February 2 Local archer Bella Otter wins first place in the U21 Women Compound Bow Division at the 2023 State Championships.

Published January 5 Luca Mattias Hermosillo arrived on New Year's Day, January 1, at 10:03 Supervisors Rescind Newly a.m. at Sierra Vista Medical Center. Approved Paso Basin

Storm Surge Tears Through Paso Robles

community members at the Annual Published: March 16 Gala and Awards Ceremony at Two atmospheric rivers impact Rava Wines. North County, bringing significant weather events in March.

Community Members Honored Published January 19 at Annual Paso Robles A week after his disappearance Templeton Chamber Gala

Published: March 16 Paul Flores receives a 25-year-tolife sentence for the 1996 murder of Kristin Smart, a Cal Poly student.

Lopez Lake Reservoir Spills Over First Time in 25 Years

Published: March 23 Lake Lopez reservoir reaches capacity and spills over for the first time in 25 years on March 23.

North County Delighted as Snow Blankets Region

Published: March 2 A cold storm front blankets parts of North County in pure white snow, defying some skeptics' predictions.

PRJUSD Trustee Candidate Files Complaint Against District

Published: March 2 PRJUSD addresses concerns about its logo on a district Board of Trustees candidate's campaign sign.

Atascadero's City Manager Announces Retirement

Published: March 9 City Manager Rachelle Rickard announces her retirement after 26 years with the City of Atascadero.

following a car accident, search Published: February 16 efforts continue to find missing Paso Robles and Templeton Atmospheric Rivers Flow 5-year-old Kyle Doan. Chamber of Commerce celebrated Through North County 32 |

Paul Flores Sentenced to 25 Years to Life for Murder of Kristin Smart

Rotary Crab Feed Sells Out a Week in Advance

Published: March 30 The Rotary Club of Atascadero's Annual Crab Feed sells out a week in advance, offering seafood and fun.

Georgia Brown Principal Named Woman of the Year

Published: March 30 Celia Moses, Principal of Georgia Brown Elementary School, recognized as "Woman of the Year" by Senator John Laird.

Sunshine Welcomes Riders to 15th Annual ‘Tour of Paso’

Published: April 5 Over 100 cyclists enjoyed sunny weather during the 15th Annual Tour of Paso Bike Ride, supporting Cancer Support Community

– California Central Coast (CSC-CCC) in Templeton.

raised over $22,000 to support the The Smart Family is honored at Charles Paddock Zoo, featuring the Second Annual Sheriff ’s Rodeo beer tasting and festivities. hosted by the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff ’s Department.

Young Entrepreneurs Take Part in First Jr. CEO Business Day

Published: April 5 Atascadero Chamber's inaugural Jr. CEO program culminated in Jr. CEO Business Day, where young entrepreneurs aged 6 to 16 sold their products. ECHO Hosts First Empty

California Eases COVID Rules in Healthcare Settings

Bowls in Paso Robles

Retired detective reflects on Nancy Woodrum murder case

Published: May 11 Retired Detective Clint Cole reflects on the 2018 murder case of Paso Robles hairdresser Nancy Woodrum.

Published: May 4 El Camino Homeless Published on April 5 Organization (ECHO) holds its California health officials inaugural Empty Bowls fundraiser announce plans to ease COVID-19 in Paso Robles, supporting their masking guidelines and vaccination mission. requirements for healthcare workers in high-risk settings.

Enney sworn in as PRJUSD trustee following successful special election win

Atascadero Chamber of Commerce Celebrates Its 100th Year on the 100th Day of the Year

Record-breaking numbers show up for the seventh annual Tamale Festival

Published on April 13 The Atascadero Chamber of Commerce marks its centenary with a celebration on the 100th day of the year, highlighting 100 years of community impact. Three Speckled Hens

Supervisors Adopt New Redistricting Map

Welcomes New Owner

Published: May 4 Antique vendors gather at the Published: April 20 Paso Robles Event Center for the San Luis Obispo County Board Three Speckled Hens Antiques of Supervisors approves a new and Old Stuff Show under new redistricting map (Map A) with ownership. a 3-2 vote in response to a 2022 lawsuit. County Approves Funding Plan

Central Coast Condors Table Soccer Club Hosts Tournament in Atascadero

to Repair Storm Damages

Published: May 4 San Luis Obispo County allocates $3,250 in funds to repair and Published: April 20 restore storm-damaged buildings, The Central Coast Condors covering various expenses. Table Soccer Club introduces the fast-paced tabletop soccer game Atascadero High Swimming: Subbuteo to San Luis Obispo No Pool? No Problem County. Published: May 4 Despite lacking a pool, Atascadero Atascadero Chamber of High School's swim teams Commerce Hosts 100th achieve success and become Anniversary Awards league champions in various Dinner and Gala competitions. Published: April 27 Atascadero Chamber celebrates its Brew at the Zoo Raises Over 100th anniversary with an Awards $22,000 for Friends of the Dinner and Gala, recognizing Charles Paddock Zoo community contributors. Published: May 4 The 9th Annual Brew at the Zoo

Published: May 11 Kenneth Enney is sworn in as a new trustee for the Paso Robles Joint Unified School District after a successful special election.

Published: May 11 The seventh annual Atascadero Tamale Festival draws recordbreaking crowds, celebrating tamales and Cinco de Mayo weekend.

Third annual ‘An Evening of Aloha’ brings fentanyl awareness to the community

Published: May 11 The community gathers for "An Evening of Aloha" to raise awareness about fentanyl poisoning, hosted by The Emilio Velci Share Aloha Project.

Revamped Paso Wine Fest delights attendees

Published: May 25 The 2023 Paso Wine Fest offers a theatrical wine-tasting experience, featuring unique presentations and wine offerings.

County supervisors approve their own pay increase in a 3-2 vote

Published: May 25 San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors approves a pay increase for themselves in a 3-2 vote, sparking community interest.

Construction on Georgia Brown Elementary placed on hold

Published: May 25 Construction on Georgia Brown Elementary School is halted due to geohazard study results revealing potential dangers.

Atascadero appoints James R. Lewis as new city manager

Published: May 11 James R. Lewis is appointed as the new city manager of Atascadero, succeeding Rachelle Rickard.

Bearcat Boosters Cornhole Tournament shatters fundraising Templeton High School records with community support girls track and field team Published: May 18 run home with Division III The Paso Robles High School championship

Bearcat Boosters Cornhole Published: May 25 Tournament breaks fundraising The Templeton High School girls records, raising significant funds. track and field team wins the CIF Central Section Division III Smart Family Recognized at championship, ending a 17-year Second Annual Sheriff’s Rodeo drought. Published: May 18 January 2024 | 33

YEAR IN REVIEW 2023 Record number of cardboard boats entered to race at the Friends of Atascadero Lake LakeFest

of Police for Atascadero Police Department

a proposed Statement of Equity for the Paso Basin Groundwater Published: June 1 Sustainability Plan during a Robert Molle’ serves as Acting meeting. Published: May 25 Chief of Police for the Atascadero A record number of cardboard Police Department after the Charles ‘Cap’ Capper’s life boats participate in races at the departure of the former chief. celebrated with military 6th Annual Friends of Atascadero honors memorial Lake LakeFest. Over 4,000 attend the 10th Published: June 22 Annual Firestone Walker Charles ‘Cap’ Capper receives full Invitational Beer Fest military honors at Atascadero Published: June 8 Cemetery, attended by family, Over 4,000 beer enthusiasts friends, and community members. gathered at the Paso Robles Event Center for the 10th Annual Firestone Walker Invitational Beer Festival.

Editorial Team Recognized as Elks Citizen of the Year

City votes to continue with downtown parking program

Published: June 8 Paso Robles City Council decides Published: May 25 to continue the downtown parking Camille DeVaul and Christianna program, sparking discussion Marks of the Atascadero News among business owners and Golden Hill and Union Road editorial team receive the Elk’s community members. roundabout now open for traffic Citizen of the Year award. Published: June 29 Radio announcer for Atascadero The Golden Hill and Union Roads Former Paso Robles Pioneer High School football games fired roundabout officially opens for Day Marshal honored at Published: June 8 traffic in Paso Robles, marked by Memorial Day services Jerry Tanimoto, the longtime a ribbon-cutting ceremony. Published: June 1 announcer for Atascadero High Thomas Flynn Sr., the 2021 School football games, is fired from Atascadero Lakeside Wine Pioneer Day Marshal, is honored his position after 35 years. Festival Returns for 26th Year at Memorial Day services after his Published: June 29 passing in Templeton. The 26th Annual Lakeside Wine Festival at Atascadero Lake Park Teen girl from Templeton features over 70 wineries, breweries, injured in tragic car accident and cideries. Published: June 1 A 15-year-old teen from North County celebrates Fourth Templeton is critically injured in of July with patriotic parades, a car accident on Las Tablas Road. music, and festivities Published: July 6 Showing off cars for a cause North County communities Published: June 1 Paso Robles Pioneer Day celebrate Independence Day The 15th Annual Golden State announces 2023 royalty with patriotic parades, music, and Car Show brings classic cars Published: June 15 festivities. to Paso Robles, supporting the The Paso Robles Pioneer Day industry and local nonprofits. committee announces Marshal Former Cal Poly student Don Campbell and Queen sues university, county Memorial Day Ceremony at Face Margaret Avila as the 2023 Pioneer Published: July 6 of Freedom Veterans Memorial Day Royalty. A former Cal Poly student files a Brings in Large Crowds civil lawsuit against the university Published: June 1 City council rejects proposed and county administrators for Large crowds gather for the Statement of Equity for alleged violations of his rights. Memorial Day Ceremony at Paso Basin Groundwater the Faces of Freedom Veterans Sustainability Plan Search for missing 5-yearMemorial in Atascadero. Published: June 22 old Kyle Doan ends in Robert Molle’ acting as Chief Paso Robles City Council rejects disappointment despite 34 |

intensive efforts

Published: July 13 The search for missing 5-year-old Kyle Doan concludes without success six months after his disappearance.

Community ready to return the love as Malibu Brew owner faces cancer

Published: July 13 Malibu Brew owner Paul Say faces a cancer diagnosis, prompting community support for the beloved coffee shop.

New Atascadero city manager addresses unhoused encampment near southbound Highway 101 and Morro Road

Published: July 13 Newly appointed City Manager Jim Lewis addresses a homeless encampment near Highway 101 in Atascadero.

Community icon, founder of Paso Robles Main Street Association celebrates milestone 90th birthday

Published: July 13 Norma Moye, founder of Paso Robles Main Street Association, celebrates her 90th birthday with a surprise party.

'Sound of Freedom' hits local theaters for a controversial cause

Published: July 20 The film "Sound of Freedom" centers around anti-sex-trafficking activist Tim Ballard's work with Operation Underground Railroad.

Charles Paddock Zoo’s Ice Cream Zoofari back for 20th year

Published: July 20 The 20th Annual Ice Cream Zoofari at Charles Paddock Zoo

offers visitors a chance to enjoy ice A memorial bench in downtown cream while observing the animals. Paso Robles honors two siblings lost in separate vehicle accidents, Businesses on Entrada Avenue a heartfelt gesture by their mother.

affected by construction and lack of parking

Published: July 20 Businesses on Entrada Avenue face parking issues due to construction and lack of enforcement of parking regulations.

Sold-out crowd cheers on cowboys and cowgirls at rodeo finals

Central Coast Cider Festival Returns to Atascadero

Published: August 17 The 5th Annual Central Coast Cider Festival returns to Atascadero, delighting attendees with a variety of ciders.

Published: July 27 The California Mid-State Fair begins its 77th year with carnival rides, food, and entertainment.

Kerrigan Jensen Crowned Miss California Mid-State Fair 2023

Published: July 27 Kerrigan Jensen is crowned Miss California Mid-State Fair 2023 during the annual pageant.

Templeton High School sweeps JB Dewar Tractor Restoration Program at California Mid-State Fair

Published: July 27 Templeton High School wins all three top spots in the JB Dewar Tractor Restoration Education Program Competition.

Cattlemen and Farmer's Day recognizes three industry leaders at fair

Published: August 3 The California Mid-State Fair's Cattlemen and Farmer's Day celebrates local farmers and ranchers.

Memorial bench unveiled in Paso Robles to honor tragically lost siblings Published: August 3

Published: August 3 Ella Genece Nelson celebrates her 100th birthday, leaving a lasting Paso Robles mourns the passing impact on the San Luis Obispo of Mayor Steve W. Martin County community. Published: August 17 Paso Robles grieves the loss of California Mid-State Fair has Best Mayor Steve W. Martin, who Selling Concert Lineup in Years passed away after battling illness. Published: August 3 The California Mid-State Fair Printery’s North County features a successful concert has talent show returns lineup, including Sammy Hagar, for second year Parker McCollum, Pitbull, and Los Published: August 17 Tucanes De Tijuana. The second annual North County Has Talent Show showcases local Remembering Harry Ovitt: performers on the Printery's A man for the community outdoor stage. Published: August 10 Paso Robles mourns the passing Local teen becomes Woman’s of community advocate Harry Park Scootering World Champion Ovitt, who dedicated his life to Published: August 17 the betterment of the city. Local teenager Claire Parks achieves the title of Woman’s Park Scootering World Champion, marking her second world championship win.

93rd Annual Paso Robles Pioneer Day kicks off with Royalty Announcement Dinner

24th Annual Rotary Winemakers’ Cook-Off showcases the best in Paso food and drink

Published: August 17 Paso Robles Rotary Winemakers’ Cook-Off highlights the region's culinary and wine offerings at a popular annual event.

Published: August 24 Community remembers Suzie VanBenthuysen, an Atascadero resident who made an impact on the town before her passing.

30th Annual Hot El Camino Cruise Nite features 500 classic and fun vehicles

Published: August 3 The California Mid-State Fair Wrangler Country Rodeo Finals draw a sold-out crowd to watch local cowboys and cowgirls compete.

Ella Genece Nelson Turns 100

Shake, Rattle and Roll: California Mid-State Fair kicks off for 77th year

Suzie VanBenthuysen: A Life Well Lived

Published: August 24 The countdown to the 93rd Annual Paso Robles Pioneer Day begins with the Royalty Announcement Dinner.

County agriculture exceeds $1 billion for the third time in history

Published: August 24 San Luis Obispo County's agricultural industry reaches a record-breaking value despite some profit declines.

Published: August 24 Atascadero's 30th Annual Hot El Camino Cruise Nite attracts 500 classic and fun vehicles to the downtown streets.

Community rallies behind Kyndal’s brave battle against cancer

Published: August 31 The community supports 7-yearold Kyndal in her ongoing battle against cancer, with treatment in Georgia.

They came in to buy a book, left with a bookstore

Published: August 31 Best friends Clio Bruns and Carla Cary purchase Spare Time Books, the last bookstore in Paso Robles, together.

Templeton Park playground in disrepair

Published: August 31 The Templeton Park playground faces disrepair and closures due to damaged equipment and lack of replacement parts.

Paul Flores now in reasonable condition after being airlifted to hospital from prison

Published: August 31 Paul Flores, a high-profile inmate, returns to prison after being airlifted to a trauma center due to an attack. January 2024 | 35

YEAR IN REVIEW 2023 Local donors make 2022-23 Atascadero Middle School water polo season possible

Published: August 31 Local donors and organizations contribute to ensure the Atascadero Middle School water polo season can proceed.

Atascadero football breaks six-year losing streak against Paso Robles

Published: September 7 The classic rivalry reignites as Atascadero Greyhounds defeat Paso Robles Bearcats at War Memorial Stadium.

Six senior cheerleaders from Atascadero High to perform in London’s New Year’s Day Parade

Published: September 7 Habitat for Humanity's ReStore reopens in North County, welcoming 700 visitors during its grand opening weekend.

Published: September 21 The Design Review Committee advances the New Mixed-Use Development at Dove Creek during a City Hall meeting.

Published: September 7 The ongoing debate over Paso Robles' downtown parking program continues without a resolution.

Controversial gender identity policies spark debate at AUSD meeting

John Hamon sworn in as new Paso Robles mayor

Published: September 14 Longtime councilmember John Hamon takes office as the new mayor of Paso Robles.

Long Walk Home raises over $50,000 for El Camino Homeless Organization

Published: September 28 The 12th Annual Long Walk Home organized by ECHO garners strong community support and funds to aid the homeless.

Redwings Horse Sanctuary Block Party raises over $40,000 for equine welfare

Doan Family Files Lawsuit Against County, City, and State

14 years for distributing fentanyl, Published: September 28 leading to Emilio Velci's tragic Paso Robles Municipal Airport death. marks its 50th anniversary with a community celebration, attracting AUSD addresses high school over a thousand guests. Published: September 14 Atascadero Unified School District reminds families of California state laws regarding gender identities.

Published: October 5 Over 200 attendees gather in Paso Robles Park gazebo on September 27 to honor late Mayor Steve Martin.

Published: October 12 Atascadero community celebrates the 50th Annual Colony Days Parade and festivities on October 7.

Community comes together Published: September 14 to celebrate 50 years of Paso Timothy Clark Wolfe sentenced to Robles Municipal Airport

families on gender

Heartfelt Memorial for Mayor Steve Martin

Atascadero Celebrates 50 Years of Colony Days

Justice granted for Emilio Velci’s family

Published: September 7 Controversial gender identity policies at Atascadero Unified Colony Days Committee School District prompt debate announces Robert ‘Grigger’ among parents and citizens. Jones as Grand Marshal Published: September 21 Progress being made on Robert “Grigger” Jones named Atascadero High School pool Grand Marshal for the Colony Published: September 7 Days Parade, with Donn and Wysong Construction rebuilding Christine Clickard as King and the AHS pool, with hopes to Queen. reopen it by New Year. 36 |

Published: October 5 Atascadero Chamber of Commerce hosts inaugural Women of Influence North County (WINC) Luncheon on September 28.

Published: September 28 The Pioneer Day Kick Off Party features Grand Marshal Don Campbell, Queen Margaret Avila, and Belle Kayla Degnan.

Published: September 14 The annual fundraiser at Redwings Horse Sanctuary raises an impressive $40,000 with the help of volunteers and auctions.

Paso Robles downtown parking program faces ongoing debate

Atascadero Chamber's Women of Influence North County Event

Countdown is on with Pioneer Day Kick Off Party

Published: September 7 Six senior cheerleaders from Atascadero High School are selected to perform in London’s New Year’s Day Parade.

Habitat ReStore’s grand opening welcomes 700 people over weekend

Atascadero Design Review Committee moves Dove Creek Project forward

Published: October 12 Parents of Kyle Doan file wrongful death lawsuit against San Luis Obispo County, Paso Robles City, and CalTrans.

Winter and Ward Garage building gets new life on El Camino

Published: September 28 The historic Winter and Ward Garage buildings on El Camino Real are undergoing revitalization after years of vacancy. Local Army Veteran takes Honor

Roden Sworn in as District 1 City Councilmember

Flight with all of his sons

Published: October 12 Atascadero's beloved Korean Published: October 5 War veteran, John Butz, aged 90, After interviews on September embarked on an Honor Flight 26, Roden chosen as new District alongside his three sons, leaving 1 councilmember in a special a heartwarming mark on the meeting. community.

Atascadero Celebrates 16-Year-Old Scooter Athlete

Published: October 12 Atascadero celebrates world champion Claire Parks and her achievements in scooter competition.

The Historic Carlton Hotel Has New Ownership

Published: October 19 After over a year on the market, the iconic Carlton Hotel found new ownership in Capricorn Property Group, a family business with 40 years of hotel experience.

members into the Greyhound Vineyards for nearly $1 billion. Foundation Athletic Hall of Fame.

Atascadero Chamber, Wine Festival Committee donate $10,000 to Charles Paddock Zoo

Council declares all businesses in city essential; masks optional

Published November 9 City Council declares all Paso Published October 26 Robles businesses essential Atascadero organizations donate and makes masking a personal $10,000 to Charles Paddock Zoo preference. in a mini-ceremony at the flamingo exhibit.

Templeton Fall Festival raises funds for community park

Paso Robles District Published November 2 Cemetery hosts Veterans District 2 Supervisor Bruce Gibson Day ceremony, honoring local faces recall following allegations of heroes across generations

Published: October 19 Pioneer Day festivities, including a spirited parade featuring historical tractors and local businesses, marked 93 years of tradition and community spirit.

Paso Robles High School wrestling team raises $5K in annual Turkey Trot fundraiser

New tree lighting tradition planted in Templeton

County supervisor faces recall over alleged abuses of power

Celebrating 93 years of tradition and community at Pioneer Day

Published November 30 Paso Robles City Park dazzles with holiday lights during the 37th Annual Light up Downtown and Lights of Hope fundraiser.

Published November 30 Paso Robles High School's wrestling team raises $5,000 in their 18th annual Turkey Trot.

Published October 26 Templeton's inaugural Family Fall Festival aims to raise funds for Templeton Park repairs.

abuses of power.

Paso Robles shines bright at 37th annual Light up Downtown and Lights of Hope fundraiser

Published November 16 Paso Robles District Cemetery hosts a Veterans Day ceremony to honor local heroes.

Mid State Cruizers raise $11,000 for local charities

Published December 7 Templeton starts a new tradition with a tree lighting ceremony in Templeton Park.

Council approves strategic plan to address homelessness

Published December 7 Paso Robles City Council approves a strategic plan to address homelessness during the December 5 meeting.

Published November 23 Mid State Cruizers donate $11,000 Atascadero’s General Plan to local charities from their 32nd Update moves onto next steps Annual Car Show. Published December 7 Atascadero's General Plan Update County health director Youth Competition Winners Council approve changes to progresses with community input issues vaccine mandate pianists stun audience Downtown Parking Program and an early draft of the Land Use for health care workers Published November 9 Published November 23 Plan. Published October 19 Up-and-coming pianists impress at Paso Robles City Council makes County health director mandates the Youth Competition Winners' changes to the downtown parking vaccines for healthcare workers Recital, a part of the Paderewski program after extensive discussion. after public outcry during a board Festival's lineup. meeting. City Council votes to rejoin

North County shows support for Israel by attending prayer gathering

Published October 19 North County's Jewish community joins a virtual prayer gathering in support of Israel after recent terrorist attacks.

the Integrated Waste Management Authority

Published November 30 Paso Robles City Council votes to rejoin the Integrated Waste Management Authority.

Paso Thanksgiving tradition serves over 1,400 meals at the 39th annual community feast

Dick Woodland Named Roblan of the Year

Published December 21 Dick Woodland receives the honor Greyhound Foundation Athletic Daou Vineyards sells to Published November 30 of being named Roblan of the Year Hall of Fame adds seven new Australian-owned company The 39th annual Thanksgiving by the Paso Robles Templeton inductees to its roster for nearly $1 billion for Paso Robles serves over Chamber of Commerce. Published October 26 Published November 9 1,400 homemade meals to the Atascadero High School celebrates Australian-owned company community. Read the full 2023 review in the the induction of seven new acquires Paso Robles-based Daou December 28 Paso Robles Press. January 2024 | 37

Business Spotlight • Stadium Nutrition


By Blake Ashley Frino-Gerl

manda Adams purchased Stadium Nutrition in Atascadero this past August and has since expanded the product selection and hours of operation. She and her son decided that they would like to own a place that would help “the community by supplying high quality supplements and vitamins.” Adams’ passion for nutrition began when her son started weightlifting and discovered supplements helped him with workouts and gaining muscle. Adopted from Ukraine, Adams’ son was severely underweight. “I tried to get him to take protein, but at the time when we didn't know about good products — the cheap products did not taste

good and he wouldn't take them,” she says. Stadium Nutrition has a wide selection of vitamins, protein powder, energy drinks, fat burners, muscle builders, hydration, EAAs, BCAAs, pre-workout, and more. They strive for good-tasting and effective products. They have comparable prices and price match. Adams is proud to “provide a place to read all the ingredients and discover the right products for their body and fitness level.” She prides the store in carrying highquality products with no fillers. The business sponsors the Atascadero Greyhounds athletic boosters and Cuesta College athletics, and recently took part in

stadium nutrition

Vitamins • Supplements • Wellness

vitamins supplements wellness

the Atascadero Fall Festival. As members of both the Atascadero and SLO Chambers of Commerce, she hopes to sponsor Atascadero Little League teams soon. Adams says they would like to add a cold plunge to aid in sore muscles and circulation, as well as a sauna blanket for altering between hot and cold. They are also looking for vendors to create vegan/vegetarian clean meals to sell so anyone looking to eat clean can grab and go without having to meal prep.

STADIUM NUTRITION 8548 El Camino Real, Atascadero (805) 203-0705

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Business • Paso Robles & Templeton Chamber of Commerce



e are welcoming 2024 with arms wide open. New year, new you? This year we are focusing on community involvement and what that means for our chamber and it’s growing members. Community involvement is a cornerstone of a thriving society, offering a myriad of benefits that extend far beyond individual satisfaction. With that growth it feels fitting to explore the reasons why actively participating in your community is not just a choice but a responsibility. First and foremost, community involvement builds a sense of belonging and connection. In an era where digital communication dominates, faceto-face interactions within a local setting become increasingly valuable. Engaging in community events, meetings, or volunteering opportunities provides individuals with the chance to forge meaningful relationships, breaking down the barriers of isolation that can pervade modern life. Involvement in community activities also

nurtures a strong sense of civic responsibility. Understanding the needs of the community and actively working towards addressing them fosters a sense of duty and accountability. This, in turn, creates a more engaged and responsible citizenry, laying the foundation for a healthier and more resilient society. Moreover, community involvement is an excellent platform for skill development and personal growth. Volunteering, participating in community projects, or joining local clubs exposes individuals to diverse experiences and challenges. These encounters contribute to the development of invaluable soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and leadership, enhancing personal and professional capabilities. A vibrant community is built on shared values and mutual support. Active participation fosters a culture of collaboration and solidarity, where individuals come together to address common concerns and celebrate shared achievements. This collective spirit strengthens the social fabric, creating a resilient community capable of facing challenges with unity and determination. In 2024 the Paso Robles & Templeton Chamber plans to continue and enhance several programs that benefit our community. Our growing Women in Business luncheons not only help to educate our business community

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but also utilize this opportunity to donate proceeds from the event to local nonprofits and scholarships. The ambassador program helps support our business community by mentoring and guiding our business culture. Leadership North County will graduate Class 5 in May, and Class 6 will begin in August. LNC provides a way for our future leaders to create a better business community while learning all about what our county has to offer. Our largest community event is held on the 4th of July at the Templeton Park. This event creates a platform for our citizens to create pride in their hometown. It’s also showcasing small local businesses by creating a space and platform for business owners and community members to comingle. These are just a few ways that the Chamber fosters our community involvement. In conclusion, getting involved in your community is not merely an option but a vital aspect of responsible citizenship. It builds connections, fosters positive change, instills a sense of civic duty, and promotes personal growth. If you are looking for ways to get involved, reach out to us! As we mark the passage of another year, let us celebrate the power of community involvement and recognize its role in shaping a brighter, more interconnected future for us all.

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January 2024 | 41

TasteLeaf Oak of Paso • SLO• County Sip & Savor Office of Education

San Luis Obispo County School Wellness Centers JAMES BRESCIA, ED.D



chool Wellness Centers provide critical access to behavioral and health services and positive youth activities in a safe and convenient location. Wellness Centers are vital to supporting student mental health and student success. Mental health is crucial to overall health and warrants attention and support within educational settings. The San Luis Obispo County Office of Education is proud to partner with school districts, charters, and communitybased organizations to support Wellness Centers throughout the county. Research indicates that, on average, the proportion of total days in school was declining for students with challenges before visiting the centers but began to improve after visiting Wellness Centers. Students’ attendance increased by 5.4 school days per year following any visit to a school-based intervention and increased even more after mental health support. The best practices in school-based centers include comprehensive offerings such as mental health referrals, self-led relaxation activities, connections with wellness staff, and other local community-based organizations. Most centers are open when school is available, some during the summer, and all have direct support/ interactions with mental health professionals. Centers are tightly integrated with the

community and have ongoing opportunities to coordinate outreach, prevention, and care. Centers can also serve as a hub for youth engagement, leadership, and peer-to-peer models of support. In 2021, California passed a state budget with significant support for child and youth behavioral health, focusing on school-based services. Local school districts, charters, and community-based organizations continue to struggle with staffing these programs because of the shortage of mental health professionals in our community. Additional challenges include staff, building new infrastructure, and partnerships focusing on sustaining investments after the federal, state, and local fiscal recovery funding terminates. All San Luis Obispo County agencies collaborate to share best practices and success strategies. Centers that leverage health care reimbursement for services are one path to sustain and expand existing programs. Several local districts and charters have embraced school wellness programs — including popular “calming rooms” that provide a safe space for students grappling with increased anxiety, stress, and depression.

Some centers include: Holistic Support (Increased access

to supports that address physical, mental, emotional, and social support at school.) Holistic support means that supporting social, emotional, and ethical well-being is a responsibility shared with the family, in addition to

ensuring academic success. Holistic education has gained popularity recently as a mitigation to the increased learning loss and school dropouts occurring post-COVID.

Family Support Services (In-

creased provision of outreach, psychoeducation workshops, and navigation of services for students and families.) Family-school-community partnerships are a shared responsibility and reciprocal process whereby schools and other community agencies and organizations engage families in meaningful and culturally appropriate ways, and families actively support their children’s development and learning. Schools and community organizations must listen to parents, support them, and ensure they have the tools to be active partners in their children’s school experience.

Staff Support (Provides professional

development and wellness support to school staff.) School districts and charters have local school wellness policies that guide a Local Education Agency (LEA) in creating supportive school environments. The main goal of these local School Wellness Centers is to improve the mental health, well-being, and educational outcomes of all students in San Luis Obispo County. I encourage you to learn more about the local Wellness Centers throughout our county and thank you for your continued support of our schools. It is an honor to serve as your County Superintendent of Schools.




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Sip & Savor • Taste of Paso

Paso wine producers enjoy themselves at the Cab Franc Day at Cass Event Center. Photo by Parker Sanpei.


ardinal Armand Richelieu did more than act as the trusted advisor to King Louis XIII. He transported vine cuttings of Cabernet Franc, his favored wine, from Bordeaux to the Loire Valley. This established the variety’s deep-rooted connection to the region’s exalted wines such as Chinon, Samur-Champigny, and Bourgueil. So, marking Richelieu’s death anniversary, December 4 gets honored by Cabernet Franc lovers worldwide reveling in this perfumy, herbaceous wine. Popularly called Cab Franc, Paso’s second annual Cab Franc Day celebration was staged on December 3 at the Cass Event Center with a daylong immersion of an educational seminar and tasting, attended by some 155 Cab Franc enthusiasts. The Paso Cab Franc celebration got its start in 2022, spearheaded by Neeta and Kunal Mittal, co-founders of LXV Wines and aficionados of this variety. In two short years, this grassroots movement has gathered such momentum that Neeta announced that plans include rebranding the event next year as "Cabernet Franc Masters" with a vision to invite global winemakers to Paso’s annual event. Certainly, it takes a village to generate such

enthusiasm and support for a variety nowhere near as popular as its offspring Cabernet Sauvignon. There were plenty of local wine professionals offering their sponsorship, wineries such as Brecon Estate, CV Wines, DAOU, LXV Wine, J. Lohr, and Hope Family Wines. Other sponsors included the CAB Collective, The SOMM Journal, The Tasting Panel Magazine, Parker Sanpei, and Riedel. Cab Franc is among the 20 most widely planted wine grape varieties in the world. It’s a medium body variety, low in tannins, herbaceous and often fragrant with notes of violets. In the Loire Valley, it shines as a varietal wine. In Bordeaux, it’s an important blending component on the Left Bank and a significant part of the signature Right Bank style, usually blended with Merlot. Paso’s December 3 celebration kicked off with a seminar presented by wine educator Wes Hagen who, in an inimitable, highly charged PowerPoint presentation, familiarized the 60-plus seminar attendees with the lore of this grape. He began with a nod to Paso winemaker Lori Budd, co-founder of Dracaena Wines, who initiated the worldwide dedication to Cab Franc in 2015 when she and her husband Mike launched an online event with participation from various international Cab Franc producers. Hagen guided us through six iterations of Cab Francs from France, Hungary, Argentina, Italy, Napa Valley, and New York’s Finger Lakes region. With the usual sip and spit tasting ritual, we began with the 2021 Ravines Estate from Finger Lakes showing confectionary notes, followed by the 2020 Gabare from Domaine Grosbois in Chinon, the spiritual home and a mecca of Cab Franc. Expressing its varietal typicity the wine was savory touched by dry garrigue. The brilliance and purity of Tuscany’s 2020 CiFRA came through this biodynamic/natural wine aged in amphora followed by a richer and riper 2018 Gere from Villány in southwest Hungary. The deep-hued 2020 El Enemigo blended with Malbec from Mendoza’s Uco Valley

expressed savory notes; in the classic Napa style, the 2021 Vidi Vitas from Old Federal Vineyard was structured and cellar-worthy. A panel discussion followed, moderated by wine journalist Matt Kettman with local industry professionals: vintner Austin Hope, vineyard proprietor Bill Gibbs, winemaker Jeff Strekas and Chris Taranto, communications director of Paso Wine. The group reflected on Cab Franc from its potential in Paso to its status in the current marketplace. “We know we’re in an uphill battle,” Hope said of its appeal to distributors, retailers, and consumers. He cited the example of Quest, their first release of a Cab Franc blend. The label said Cabernet [Sauvignon] and Cab Franc. Although the majority of it was Cab Franc, it worked with consumers. With subsequent vintages, the Cab Franc percentage was increased. Now the $27 Cab Franc Quest is doing well in California and Texas, Hope asserted. “As time goes on consumers will be more open.” Attendees were now ready to savor Cab Franc’s diversity offered by some 20 Paso wineries. Ryan Kemp, associate winemaker at Adelaida Vineyards & Winery offered an ethereal 2014 vintage from Viking Vineyards. There was a refreshing Cab Franc sparkling Rosé from Field Recordings and some impressive current vintages from Le Vigne, Daou, Four Lanterns, Dracaena, and Union Sacré. Blends included Absolution Cellars’ Great Odin Blend (with Syrah and Cabernet Sauvignon); JUSTIN’s Justification and LXV’s The Tempo in the classic Right Bank styles blended with Merlot. Dracaena, Chateau Margene, Brecon, J. Lohr, Union Sacré, mid.point, Villa St. Juliette and Field Recordings were among other wineries. This year the participants were encouraged to create educational displays alongside their tasting tables. Indeed, there were several creative interactive themes from displays of soils and stones to samples of fresh fruit and spices. The tasting was complimented by an elaborate grazing table plus an array of Chef Charlie Paladin Wayne’s creations who collaborated with Neeta Mittal in crafting sumptuous appetizers. January 2024 | 43

Taste of Paso • BeeWench Farms

A Healthy start to the New Year By BeeWench Farms


he start of the year is the best time to make some changes. Deciding to eat healthier has been the best decision I’ve made for myself and my family. It’s given me more energy, better mental clarity, clearer skin, and more. I feel good about what I feed my family and I have the energy after work to play with my kids and get farm chores done. Visiting your favorite local farmer’s market is also a great way to start eating healthier and get a little exercise walking around in the fresh air. If you are serious about eating healthier but are short on time, make sure to clean and cut up veggies as soon as you get home from the market. Having ready to use veggies in your fridge makes it much more likely to grab them for a snack or to use in your meals. Make sure to grab the in-season citrus for snacks and get some extra vitamin C. If you are looking for more in-season produce here is what to look for: Fruits:


Grapefruit Oranges Kiwi Lemon

Broccoli Cabbage Cauliflower Celery

Brussels Sprouts Potato Leek Beets Kale Spinach

This sheet pan recipe is great because you can make extra to have leftovers for another meal. You can also swap chicken for salmon or shrimp in this recipe but cook them separately because they will take less time. Use veggies like bell pepper, broccoli, cauliflower, or butternut squash. I usually just use what I get from the market and it’s always tasty. I always serve this with rice to make it a bit more filling, so adding your favorite grain will take this meal a little further for extra servings. If you’re trying to get extra veggies in, serve this with some cauliflower rice. This is the rainy season, but most markets will stay open unless it is too windy for the pop-ups to be up safely. You can always check to make sure they are open by looking at the North County Farmer’s Market Facebook or Instagram accounts the day of the market. Winter is always a bit more stressful for farmers at the market with the weather, so make sure to go if you can and pick up the best produce, meats, and more at your local farmer’s markets. We really appreciate the support and love meeting everyone. 44 |

One Pan Curry Honey Mustard Chicken & Veggies Ingredients For the chicken and veggies

sliced into ½ inch thick chunks (or use 6 small heirloom • 1 ½ pounds boneless rainbow carrots) chicken thighs or • 1 yellow onion, cut breasts into chunks • 2 cups 1-inch diced • 8 ounces brussels potatoes- visit the sprouts, cut in half farmer’s market and and outer yellow pick your favorite leaves removed1 ¾ variety cup buttermilk • 3 large carrots,

Ingredients olive oil For the curry honey • 1 tablespoon mustard yellow curry • ¼ cup honey (we powder mixed a little hot • Optional if you honey with oak like a bit of heat: honey from Sierra ¼ teaspoon Honey Farm and it cayenne pepper was amazing) • Freshly ground • ¼ cup dijon salt and LOTS of mustard black pepper • 2 tablespoons

Instructions 1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Line a large baking sheet or two small baking sheets with parchment paper or foil. Set aside. 2. Add chicken thighs, potato cubes, carrot chunks, onion chunks and halved brussels sprouts into a large bowl. 3. In a medium bowl, mix honey, Dijon mustard, olive oil, yellow curry powder, cayenne pepper and salt and pepper. Use clean hands or a tong to toss all the ingredients together until well combined and spices and sauce evenly coat the chicken and veggies. Pour onto prepared baking sheet (or evenly divide between two baking sheets.) You’ll want to group the vegetables as best as possible: carrots in one section, chicken in one section, potatoes in one section and brussel sprouts and onions in one section. Season with additional salt and pepper. Bake for 25-35 minutes, rotating the pan(s) and stirring vegetables halfway through to encourage even cooking. You’ll know it’s done when the carrots and potatoes are fork tender and chicken reaches an internal temperature of 165 degrees F. 4. Once chicken and veggies are done cooking, remove from the oven and immediately garnish with fresh chopped parsley, if desired. Serve immediately. Serves 4.

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Front Porch Properties Luxe Vacation Rentals 805.610.0920


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January 2024 | 45

Oak Leaf • Downtown Holidays

The Holidays in Paso Robles The 37th annual Vine Street Victorian Showcase returned after a three-year hiatus, transforming the streets into a Christmas Wonderland. On December 9, Vine Street, located between 8th and 21st streets, was closed to vehicles, drawing families from across the Central Coast. The event, canceled last year due to heavy rain, featured Victorian homes decorated for Christmas, with homes and businesses offering music, cocoa, entertainment, and vendors serving treats. Norma Moye, co-founder of the event, praised the community's collaboration, particularly highlighting the support from the Paso Robles Police Department in managing the closed road. The showcase is part of a series of holiday events in Paso Robles, including Elegant Evening, Lights of Downtown festival, Christmas Light Parade, and the Vine Street Victorian Showcase. In a separate event, the 62nd Annual Christmas Light Parade in downtown Paso Robles showcased over 80 floats under the theme "All is Bright." Notable awards were given to Zoo to You for the Sweepstakes Award and Paso Robles FFA for the Judges' Award. The Chabad of Paso Robles hosted the second annual Menorah Lighting at Paso Robles Downtown city park, celebrating Hanukkah. The event included speeches from local officials, prayers for those in Israel, and performances by the Paso Robles Fire Department and Ignite Fire Dance. The menorah lighting symbolized the triumph of light over darkness, freedom over oppression, and spirituality over materialism.

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Photos by Becca Sligh, Camille DeVaul, and Christianna Marks

From the annual Light Parade to Vine Street, it was a cheerful holiday season

January 2024 | 47




The following listing of area houses of worship is provided by the partnership between Adelaide Inn and PASO Magazine. We hope to include all houses of worship in the Paso Robles, Templeton, San Miguel, Shandon, and Bradley areas. Your congregation is welcomed to send us updates and information to make our list complete and accurate. If you have information, please send an email to or call (805) 237-6060. Please include your name, address, phone, service times, and name of spiritual leader of your congregation. Thank you, and stay blessed.



“ABC” Atascadero Bible Church 6225 Atascadero Mall Atascadero (805) 466-2051 Sunday 8am, 9am, 10:45 Thursday 7pm, Celebrate Recovery Pastor Jeff Urke Awakening Ways Center for Spiritual Living 9315 Pismo Ave. 10:00 a.m. at the Pavilion Rev. Elizabeth Rowley Hogue (805) 391-4465 Congregation Ohr Tzafon “The Northern Light” 2605 Traffic Way Atascadero, CA 93422 Friday Night Service 7:30 PM (805) 466-0329 Cornerstone Community Church 9685 Morro Road 8:45 & 10:45 AM Pastor John Marc Wiemann (805) 461-3899 Hope Lutheran Church 8005 San Gabriel Road, Atascadero 9am Sunday (in-person and livestream on YouTube) Pastor: Aaron Smith (805) 461-0340

Apostolic Assembly of the Faith of Christ Jesus 2343 Park St Bilingual Services: Services: Thursday 7 p.m. Sunday 2 p.m. Pastor Miguel Alvarado (805) 610-2930 Bridge Christian Church Centennial Park Banquet Room 600 Nickerson Dr. Service: 9:30 a.m. Pastor Tim Mensing (805) 975-7178 Calvary Chapel Paso Robles 1615 Commerce Way Service: Sunday at 9 a.m., Wednesday at 7 p.m. Pastor Aaron Newman (805) 239-4295 Chabad of Paso Robles Rabbi Meir Gordon. 805-635-8684 Monthly - Friday evening at 7:00pm, Saturday morning at 10:00am Please contact us for address and current schedule Christian Life Center 1744 Oak St. Service Time: 9:30 a.m. Home Groups during the week Preschool: Christian Life Early Learning Ctr. Pastor Guy Drummond (805) 238-3366 Christian Science Services 17th & Chestnut Streets Service: 10 a.m. Sunday & 2nd and 4th Wednesdays 7 p.m. (805) 238-3833 Church of Christ 3545 Spring St. (Corner 36th & Spring) Service: Sunday, 11 a.m. Evangelist Bob Champion (805) 286-5875 Sam Hogan (310) 602-9516 Delbert Arthurs (805) 238-4412 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 1020 Creston Rd. Service: 10 a.m. (805)-406-8910 Missionaries: (805) 366-2363 Covenant Presbyterian Church 1450 Golden Hill Rd. Service: Sunday, 10:30 a.m. Pastor Dan Katches (805)238-6927 Family Worship Center 616 Creston Rd. Service: 10 a.m. Pastor Patrick Sheean (805) 239-4809 First Baptist Church 1645 Park St. Pastor Michael R. Garman Services: 8:30 a.m. & 11 a.m.

CRESTON Creston Community Church 5170 O’Donovan Road Service: 9:00 a.m. Pastor JD Megason LOCKWOOD True Life Christian Fellowship Lockwood/Jolon Road, across from the school in Lockwood Service: 9:30 a.m. Pastor Erick Reinstedt (805) 472-9325 NACIMIENTO Heritage Village Church At The Don Everingham Center Heritage Ranch Service: 10 a.m. Pastor Brad Brown (805) 712-7265 Hilltop Christian Fellowship 2085 Gateway Drive Heritage Ranch Service: 10:30 a.m. Pastor Perry Morris & Jerry Gruber (805) 239-1716 Oak Shores Christian Fellowship 2727 Turkey Cove Rd., at the Oak Shores Community Clubhouse Service: 8:30 a.m. Pastor Jerry Gruber (760) 304-2435

Discipleship 10 a.m. (805) 238-4419 First Mennonite Church 2343 Park St. Service: 11 a.m. Pastor Romero (805) 238-2445 First United Methodist 915 Creston Rd. Service: 11 a.m. Pastor Josh Zulueta (805) 238-2006 Grace Baptist Church 535 Creston Rd. Service: 10 a.m. Pastor Gary Barker (805) 238-3549 Highlands Church Corner S. River and Niblick | 215 Oak Hill Services: 9-10 am & 10:30-11:30 am Pastor James Baird (805) 226-5800 Live Oak 1521 Oak St. Service: 10 a.m. Pastor John Kaiser (805) 238-0575 New Day 1228 11th St (east off Paso Robles St) Services: Sunday 10 a.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Pastor Brad Alford (805) 239-9998 New Life Tabernacle 3850 So. Ramada Dr. Ste. D Service: 10 a.m. Pastor Efrain Cordero North County Christian Fellowship 421 9th St. Service: 10 a.m. Pastor Steve Calagna (805) 239-3325 Paso Robles Bible Church 2206 Golden Hill Rd. Service: Sunday 9:30 a.m. Pastor Mark Wheeler/Pastor Dave Rusco (805) 226-9670 Paso Robles Church of the Nazarene 530 12th St. Service: 10:30 a.m. Pastor Stephen Anastasia (805) 238-4300 Paso Robles Community Church 2706 Spring St. Service: 9:00 a.m. Pastor Shawn Penn (805) 239-4771 Plymouth Congregational Church, UCC Thirteenth & Oak Street Service: 10 a.m. Rev. Wendy Holland (805) 238-3321 Poder de Dios Centro Familiar 500 Linne Road, Suite D Services: Sun. 4:30p.m., Wed. 7p.m. Pastors: Frank and Isabel Diaz (805) 264-9322 / (805) 621-4199

Redeemer Baptist Church Kermit King Elementary School 700 Schoolhouse Circle Service: 10:30 a.m. Pastor Christopher Cole (805) 238-4614 Second Baptist Church 1937 Riverside Ave. Service: 11 a.m. Pastor: Gary Jordon (805) 238-2011 St. James Episcopal Church 1335 Oak St. Services: 8 a.m. (Rite I), 10 a.m. (Rite II) Reverend Barbara Miller (805) 238-0819 St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church 820 Creston Rd. Daily Mass- 8:30 a.m. Saturday 8 a.m. Tues. 7 p.m. Spanish Saturday 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Spanish Vigil Mass Sunday 8 a.m. & 10 a.m.; Spanish Mass at 12:30PM Father Rudolfo Contreras (805) 238-2218 The Revival Center 3850 Ramada Dr., Ste. A-3 Service: 10 a.m. Pastor Gabe Abdelaziz (805) 434-5170 The Light of the World Church 2055 Riverside Ave. Services: Everyday, 6 p.m. Sundays 10 a.m. & 5 p.m. Pastor Bonifacio Robles (612) 990-4701 Trinity Lutheran Church 940 Creston Rd. Worship Service: 9:30 a.m. (805) 238-3702 Victory Baptist Church 3850 Ramada Dr. Ste D4 Sundays - 10 & 11 a.m. Wednesday - 6:30 p.m. Pastor Bruce Fore (805) 221-5251 Victory Outreach Paso Robles 2919 Union Road, Paso Robles, CA Services: Sunday, 10:30 a.m. Thursday, 7:00 p.m. Pastor Pete Torres (805) 536-0035 TEMPLETON Bethel Lutheran Church 295 Old County Rd. Service: 9:30 a.m. Interim Pastor Russ Gordon (805) 434-1329 Celebration Worship Center Pentecostal Church of God 988 Vineyard Drive Pastor Roy Spinks Services: 10:30 a.m. & 6 p.m. (805) 610-9819

P.O. Box 427 • Paso Robles, CA 93447 • Phone: 805-237-6060 or

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Family Praise & Worship Located at Vineyard Elementary School 2121 Vineyard Dr, Templeton Service: 10 a.m. Pastor Vern H Haynes Jr. (805) 975-8594 Templeton Presbyterian Church 610 S. Main St. Service: 10 a.m. Reverend Roger Patton (805) 434-1921 Higher Dimension Church 601 Main St. 1st Sunday: 1:30 p.m. 2nd - 5th Sundays 12:30 p.m. Pastor Charlie Reed, Jr. (805) 440-0996 Life Community Church 8:30 & 10:30 Sundays 3770 Ruth Way, Paso Robles, CA 93446 (805) 434-5040 Pastor Brandon Hall Solid Rock Christian Fellowship 925 Bennett Way Service: 10 a.m. Pastor Jeff Saylor (805) 434-2616 Seventh-Day Adventist Church Templeton Hills 930 Templeton Hills Rd. Services: Saturday 9:30 & 10:30 a.m. Pastor Zac Page (805) 434-1710 Vineyard Church of Christ 601 So. Main St. Service: 10 a.m. Evangelist: Steve Orduno (805) 610-4272 Vintage Community Church 692 Peterson Ranch Road Services: 9 & 11 a.m. Coaches: Aaron Porter, Dayn Mansfield (805) 296-1120 SAN MIGUEL Iglesia Fuente De Agua Viva 301 13th St. Services: 10 a.m. & 7 p.m. Pastor Mike Duran (805) 467-5500 Mission San Miguel Parish 775 Mission Street Daily Mass: Monday – Friday, 8:00 am Father Lucas Pantoja (805) 467-2131 1 SHANDON Shandon Assembly of God 420 Los Altos Ave. Spanish Service: Sun. 5 p.m., Thurs. 7 p.m. Pastor Jim Mei (805)226-9737



Calendar of Events JAN 1



The 12th annual Avila Beach Polar Bear Plunge is a celebration of fitness, nature, a New Year, camaraderie, and still having dessert.



Take the plunge at their 44th Annual Carlin Soule Memorial Polar Bear Dip. Join them late morning for festivities that include music, dancing, prizes, and participant certificates.

JAN 15


Join us for a Community Walk/March at the Spring Street side of City Park. Event includes Singing & Dancers, Paso Robles High School Black Student Union.



Bring your special girl to the FatherDaughter Dance at the Pavilion on the Lake for a semi-formal evening of music, dancing, refreshments, & more! A professional photographer will be onsite with affordable picture packages.


Bring your special girl to the FatherDaughter Dance at the Pavilion on the Lake for a semi-formal evening of music, dancing, refreshments, & more! A professional photographer will be on-site with affordable picture packages.

FEB 11


Watch "Ziegfeld Girl" (1941). Tickets are $12 and include chocolate, popcorn, and soda. For more information visit

FEB 24


Welcome the 2024 Board of Directors and thank the 2023 outgoing Board members. They will also honor the Roblan of the Year, Citizen of the Year, Beautification Award recipient, and Business of the Year, as they share the Chamber’s accomplishments from 2023 and look forward to the year ahead.










9am - 11am

3pm - 6pm

9am - 12:30pm


11TH & SPRING, PASO ROBLES 9am - 1pm

January 2024 | 49

Last Word • Rotary 100 Years

Paso Robles Rotary Club

Marks a Century of Service: Join the 100th Anniversary Celebration! By Camille DeVaul


he Rotary Club of Paso Robles is gearing up for a momentous milestone — its 100th anniversary. Since its inception in 1924, this esteemed service club has been an unwavering force for positive change in the community. To commemorate a century of service, the Paso Robles Rotary Club is hosting a grand celebration on Saturday, January 27, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Paso Robles Event Center. Rotarians, their friends, families, and all supporters of the community are invited to partake in this historic event. The celebration promises a delightful evening featuring catering by Good Eats, delectable cakes from the iconic Madonna Inn, local wines, and a special Rotary memorabilia display. Tickets for the celebration are priced at $50 per person, and payment can be made by cash or check at the door. To ensure your spot at this once-in-a-century celebration, please RSVP to Joan Walker by Friday, January 12, via email at joanwalker1@ or by text/call at 650-704-2219. The roots of the Paso Robles Rotary Club trace back to the vision of J. Valentine Wachtel Jr., president of the Paso Robles National Bank, in the early 1920s. His commitment to forming a local Rotary Club, comprised of individuals of "unquestioned honor and integrity," materialized in the club's formal application to Rotary International on November 13, 1923. The official charter, Rotary Club of

A Heavenly Home.............................. 12 A List Properties................................ 40 A1 Glass Paso Robles......................... 17 AM Sun Solar....................................... 31 Athlon Fitness & Performance.... 29 Awakening Ways Center for Spiritual Living...................................................... 31 Blake's True Value............................. 27 Bob Sprain's Draperies................... 42 Brad's Overhead Doors.................... 41 Bridge Sportsman's Center............. 41 CalSun Electric & Solar................... 23

Paso Robles (#1602), was dated January 15, 1924, and presented at a special banquet at the Paso Robles Hot Springs Hotel on March 15, 1924. Over its century of existence, the Rotary Club of Paso Robles has been a pillar of support for the community. In addition to numerous charitable endeavors, the club consistently champions the youth through grants, school projects, and scholarships, empowering them to pursue further education. With a commitment to both local and global service projects, the Rotary Club of Paso Robles has contributed to environmental cleanup initiatives, provided resources for the local homeless population, and supported educational projects for underserved populations internationally. Local organizations that have benefited from the Rotary Club of Paso Robles' generosity include Boy Scouts of America Troops 60 and 160, Assistance League of San Luis Obispo County, the Boys & Girls Clubs of Mid Central Coast, the Children’s Museum, Paso Robles Youth Arts, the Pioneer Museum, and many more. Through successful fundraising events like the Annual Rotary Golf Tournament and Annual Rotary Winemakers’ Cookoff, the club has raised over $1,000,000 dedicated solely towards scholarships. To learn more about the Rotary Club of Paso Robles, their fundraising initiatives, events, speaking opportunities, or how to join, visit their official website at

Central Coast Casualty Restoration. 17 City of Paso Robles Rec & Library. 7 Coastal Pines Medical Practice.... 38 Deep Steam Carpet and Upholstery Cleaners................................................ 17 Five Star Rain Gutters....................... 31 Freedom Group - Monica Sheldon.... 39 Front Porch Properties.................... 45 Gallagher Video Services.................. 31 General Store Paso Robles.............. 13 Hamon Overhead Door................... 19

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DIRECTORY TO OUR ADVERTISERS This issue of Paso Robles Magazine brought to you by Hearing Aid Specialists Of The Central Coast........................................ 3 Hedges Insurance............................. 19 John Glau Insurance....................... 25 Kaitilin Riley, DDS............................. 45 Kula Vineyards & Winery............... 29 Kyra Patterson Attorney at Law.... 19 Lansford Dental................................... 5 Mathnasium...................................... 52

Nick's Painting..................................... 17 North County Pilates....................... 45 O'Connor Pest Control.................... 42 Odyssey World Cafe......................... 14 Opera SLO.......................................... 23 Optometric Care Associates.......... 10 Pappy McGregors Pub & Grill...... 39 Paso Pool & Spa................................. 41 Paso Robles Handyman................ 27

Paso Robles Health Food................. 15 Paso Robles Radio Shack................ 14 Paso Robles Rotary........................... 4 Paso Robles Safe and Lock........... 25 Paso Robles Waste & Recycle....... 9 Perry's Parcel &Gift............................ 11 Red Scooter Deli................................. 13 Robert Hall Winery.............................. 2 Run 4 Bitti and Brynn...................... 19 San Luis Obispo County Office of Education - SLOCOE.................. 9, 45 Shift'N Gears Garage........................ 15

SLG Senior Care.................................. 15 Solarponics......................................... 39 Stadium Nutrition............................ 38 Templeton Glass............................... 39 Teresa Rhyne Law Group............... 23 The Natural Alternative...................... 11 The Revival Center........................... 40 Wyatt Wicks Finish Carpentry, Inc.... 41

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