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by christianna marks years' Colony Days King and Queen Atascadero home 61 years ago. The two met when they were in high school, in love, married, had two children, the rest is history. In April 2023 two will celebrate years of marrige.
Colony Days christianna Atascadero's 2022 Grand Marshal who moved here with her late husband Gaylen Little in 1976 on their first wed ding anniversary.
by the fall season where the word “pumpkin” is popping up everywhere, the true pumpkin lies — in a patch on a farm and we have the best in the county the Cover
With the 49th Annual Parade and Festivities all happening this month (page 18), it finally feels like things are falling back in place after a rough but enlightening few years.
We again had the honor to share this year’s Grand Marshal, Ann Little, and King and Queen, Dan and Ramona Phillips on our cover with you.
The resilience and passion of the people who came before us are beyond measure. The ones who helped shape the community we have today from nothing. The ones who took all the risks and had a vision of what they wanted to see Atascadero grow into are the true pioneers that we all can celebrate, and what better way to do that than a parade filled with our friends and community. A huge congratulations to Ann, Dan, and Ramona. See you at the parade!
As the leaves start to turn to gold and the chilly nights' return, we are ready for pumpkin season and all that comes with it. The farms, pumpkin patches, hay rides, corn mazes, and of course, Halloween and Pumpkin Spice Lattes; even though I am not a fan of the lattes, I will partake in everything else. This month we have your guide to North County’s Pumpkin Patch Farms (page 25), and of course, Mrs. Barbie Butz gives us some homemade cooking ready for pumpkins with her recipe “A Trifle Pumpkin” (page 30).
Life is a precious gift; every day we wake up, we are given a choice on how we will face the world and connect with those we hold dear, those we come into contact with, and those we would rather avoid. How we choose to handle every encounter has a deep impact on our souls and well-being.
That is what Sherman Smoot lived for, the joy of giving back to his community, fellow veterans, and his family. Unfortunately, Smoot was lost too soon, but his legacy will live on (page 16).
That is what makes our community so special and why it is so important to connect and give back. We teach this to our boys who just started school again after two years; they are growing up fast and absorbing everything around them, which is why it is so important as parents that we are present and live as examples that we hope they will be proud of.
We are so honored to be able to bring you the Atascadero News Magazine each month, and thank you for your continued support for our family and our team.
if thou wouldest win immortality of name, either do things worth the writing, or write things worth the reading.
COMMUNITY WRITER Christianna Marks
COMPANY ADMINISTRATOR Cami Martin | office@13starsmedia.com
Barbie Butz Blake Ashley Frino-Gerl James Brescia, Ed.D.
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The Natural Alternative
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It was recently announced that Atascadero's beloved rock snake will officially be dismantled and removed from around Atascadero Lake in Octo ber. The snake originated in August 2020 when Atascadero resident Wanda Kohl started it. In the past two-plus years, the snake has grown to wrap around the entirety of the lake.
"It was not an original idea," said Kohl. "I was a member of a couple of rock painting groups, and I had seen a couple of different posts that showed where people had done the exact same thing, and I thought, that would be fun; I wonder how it would take off?"
She said she thought a lot about where she was going to start the rock snake. Kohl wanted it to be some
where it would be seen by as many people as possible, but also where it wouldn't be destroyed. That's when she thought of the lake, made a sign to tell people what she was starting, and placed the first couple of rocks down.
"The rest is history. That's really literally all I did. Everybody else took it over," added Kohl.
It didn't take long for the commu nity to start adding to, rallying behind, and enjoying the snake during the onset of the covid-19 pandemic. It was an activity that connected residents one rock at a time.
Earlier this year, the rock snake was vandalized in a way that made it hard to repair the damage.
"I started thinking maybe it's run its course," Kohl said. "We tried to repair it. Different people went out and attempted to fix it, and it just hasn't come back."
The snake's current condition is nothing like it was in its glory days, and while the community is sad to see it go, safety concerns and the condi tion of the rocks have both the city and Kohl noting that it's time to move
on. Kohl added that many of the rocks have already returned to their natu ral state and that the weather and the elements have worn the paint away.
"It's just been deteriorating and becoming an eyesore and maybe a little bit of a hazard, so we're going to take it down," Kohl stated.
Community members are welcome to pick up their rocks during the rest of September. Kohl and a team will be coming Saturday mornings from 9 to 11 a.m. in October to collect the remaining rocks. And while the snake's next life is still uncer tain, Kohl is looking for suggestions on what to do with the rocks next.
To volunteer with rock clean-up, please contact Kohl either by phone or text at (805) 468-9084.
"Hasn't it been so fun? I'm defi nitely going to hold that in my heart and just remember all the good stuff and how everybody was so excited, and how it took people's minds to a different place during a dark time. So, I'm good with what's happening," concluded Kohl.
The residents of North County were taken by surprise when Jeanie Dagnall, the former owner of A-Town Diner, took to the busi ness's Facebook page on Thursday, Septem ber 1, to announce that the Atascadero staple would be closing for good at 2 p.m. on Sunday, September 4.
"We were just so blessed; I mean, this weekend it was just so wonderful. It was super busy and people from all over, I had people that came out of town, that come in from out of town that found out we were closing that drove all the way here to come and eat at our restaurant," Dagnall said. "To see the support, I mean, we had just so many tears. It was a lot of emotions going on this weekend. It was so great to have the support of the A-Towncommunity."Dinerdid not make it to its September 4 closing date and officially closed on Saturday, September 3, due to how many long-time customers came in to eat one last time.
A-Town Diner was founded by Dagnall's late husband Steve in 2002, and she took over running the diner after his passing in
September 2014. Upon finding out that the much-loved diner would be closing last Thursday, the Dagnall's long-time friends, Robert and Melinda (Mimi) Davis, reached out to Jeanie with a proposition to take over the"Idiner.called Jeanie and asked her if she was in talks with anybody about the restaurant. She said no, so we sat down and talked, and even without having all the details hammered out, we knew it was time sensitive, so we started going forward with things," said Robert Davis. "First contact we had to start this process was last Thursday, so it's come a long way really quickly. We're hitting each hurdle as it comes. We're dealing with licensing, different governmental agencies, landlords, and vendors, everything. We're making really goodTheprogress."Davises are excited to extend the legacy that Steve built and that Jeanie continued. Meanwhile, Jeanie will be step ping down from ownership to put her focus on other parts of her life, including taking care of her mother.
When Mimi and I heard that the diner was closing, it kind of broke our heart because it's been this staple of the commu nity," added Robert.
While all of A-Town Diner's former employees were terminated due to the restaurant's closure, The Davises have kept most of the staff on while also cutting staff size due to new hours of operation.
"We are going to be forced to shorten hours of operation," Robert said. "We're not going to be able to provide dinner for a while, but everybody wants that to come back, and we'll do that as soon as we can."
A-Town Diner will be carrying on with Steve's early-bird system, where they will be open at 6 a.m. for early risers, and the diner will be seating customers until 2 p.m., seven days a week.
"It was a totally unexpected situation, and I'm so thrilled to have them and their hearts wanting to keep Steve's business alive," stated Jeanie Dagnall.
The Davis family is excited to get through the transition period of changing hands so the doors can open to the public as soon as possible. Robert added that the menu and the classic diner vibes that the community has come to know and love are here to stay.
"We never thought in a million years that we'd ever be taking on something like this, but we've had a ton of support from the community," he concluded.
As more walls around downtown Atascadero are being painted by the Equality Mural Project (EMP), we’re looking deeper into how the nonprofit works by exploring how the murals themselves are approved and where some of their funding comes from.
For the EMP to have their murals approved, they must first apply for an Administrative Use Permit (AUP) through the city after the building owner, business owner (when applica ble), and artist have been chosen for a specific project.“Anapplicant submits an application with an image of the proposed mural and its location. It is then scheduled for an AUP hearing where the community development director is the hearing officer,” said Deputy City Manager of Outreach, Promotions, and Events Terrie Banish.
Community Development Director Phil Dunsmore is the hearing officer for all AUP hearings, and his actions during the hearings are also appealable to the Planning Commission. Before the AUP hearing takes place, all property owners and private residents within 300 feet of the project are notified, and a lot posting goes up on the site 10 days (or more) before the hearing. The hearing itself is free of charge to the applicant. While the city does
not regulate the mural’s content, the artwork, if deemed commercial, will then have to comply with Atascadero’s signage ordinance.
“The Administrative Use Permit Hearing is a public hearing," Terrie said. "At this time, we are holding these meetings virtually, and everyone is welcome to listen, attend, speak and take part in these meetings.”
Agendas for past and future AUP meetings can be found by visiting atascadero.org, and all residents are encouraged to join via Zoom and comment during the meetings.
“The city does not make any decision or opin ion on the content of the artwork, as that is free speech, but it does have to comply with our signage ordinance if it is deemed commercial,” added Terrie. “All of the murals proposed to date, have just been a question of whether the mural was commercial or noncommercial. There is no other discretionary review or permits required. We don’t regulate the content or the location.”
Though the EMP has no affiliation with The City of Atascadero, the Atascadero Tourism Business Improvement District (ATBID) has been one of the project’s biggest local support ers. They have donated to the project twice; each donation was for the sum of $5,000.
“On Sept. 16, 2020, the Equity Mural Project was brought to an ATBID board meeting for
the board to consider sponsorship of the new mural project," said Banish, who is also the Tourism Liason for the ATBID. "At that time, the ATBID considered this an opportunity to do a Mural Walking Trail Map that would highlight the murals already in place on the Artery wall, Historical Woman’s Republic near Ancient Owl, and on the back wall at Colony Market and Deli. The murals highlight the art element that the Downtown has always worked to create. Mural Walking Trails are something that tourists seek out, and people are attracted to them. At that time, the ATBID supported the Mural idea with a $5,000 sponsorship.”
The EMP addressed the ATBID at one of their meetings again on Aug. 18, 2021. EMP gave the ATBID an EMP update and addressed the district with a request for further funds to help the project finish the 10 murals proposed in early 2020 while also building out the upcoming Mural Walking Trail Map. Once again, the ATBID donated another $5,000 sponsorship. Recently the EMP addressed the ATBID a third time, but unlike before, the board did not make a motion to sponsor a third mural.
This is a continuing series, and we will look into more facets of the Equality Mural Project and the art planned downtown in future articles.
How murals are approved and how the city of Atascadero is involvedPhoto by Victoria Carranza
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Born on September 2, 1922, World War II veteran Charles "Cap" Capper celebrated his 100th birthday last month.
"If I go to pick up a couple of prescriptions, they always ask you your birthdate, and I'll tell them 'September 2, 1922, do the math,'" Cap said with a laugh.
Cap was born and raised in a small town in Illinois. And before joining the military at the age of 20 in 1942, he had never left that state. After becoming part of the 8th Cavalry Reconnaissance in the 8th Division, he traveled from one coast to the other before being shipped overseas.
"I was stationed up at Belmont, in Petaluma, and we were supposed to be defending the West Coast," he said. "I was there for a while, and then I went to Oklahoma for about a month, and then I went to New Jersey and got my shots forHeoverseas."landed in Belfast, Northern Ireland, on December 3, 1943, but his ship continued around the horn before he departed in Scotland. Cap caught a train to the Southern part of England in Scotland for advanced training at Tidworth Barracks six months before the D-Day invasion.
"I landed on Omaha Beach [in Normandy, France] Jul. 4, 1944, and went through France, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg," Cap added. "We linked up with the Russians in Schwerin,
Germany; it was May 3, 1945. All of these things are really vivid in my mind."
Cap fought in the Battle of Hurtgen Forest, and while the series of battles lasted from September 19 thru December 16, he was there for seven days. Cap also liberated a concentra tion camp during his time in the 8th Cavalry Reconnaissance."Yousee,atthat time, we didn't have the cloth ing or near the guns that they have now. But it was quite an experience," Cap continued.
In June of 1946, he was discharged at Fort Leonard in Missouri, which is where he met his wife,NineBetty.years later, in 1955, Cap moved his family out West to Oxnard, and around 18 years after that, in the early '70s, they moved to Atascadero.
"I liked California, so I moved up here about 48 or 49 years ago," Cap said.
After his wife's passing 20 years ago, Cap started delivering meals to local seniors through Meals on Wheels. His delivery route included Atascadero and Templeton, and he would drive about 25 miles a day, five days a week. He contin ued delivering meals for 13 years before retiring at the age of 92. Up until he stopped driving six months ago, Cap also enjoyed helping his neigh bors and friends by driving them to appointments
refrigerators, and the addition of the flushing toilet instead of the outhouses he grew up with. He also went into some of the changes he's seen in "WhenAtascadero.Icame here, that was a two-lane road," he said of El Camino Real. "Once in a while, you'd see a pickup go by with a gun rack and a barking dog. A horse driving down the street."
In 2014, Cap was Grand Marshal during Atascadero's Colony Days and was named Senior Citizen of the Year in San Luis Obispo County in 2013, among the many other accolades through out the years on the Central Coast.
"I attribute my longevity to my father [who lived to be 96] and my parents and Dr. [Gregg] Ellison," Cap said of hitting 100. "He's the best. He's been taking care of me since I've been here."
Happy Belated Birthday, Cap, and cheers to 100 years!
There are few people in this world who can be considered a legend. And for those who knew him, Sherman Smoot was the stuff of legends.
Sherman was a local aviator who lost his life in a plane accident in Kern County on Friday, September 2. He died while piloting his Yakovlev Yak-11, named “Czech Mate,” in preparation for the Reno Air Races, held yearly in September.
Sherman was a consistent and familiar face at the STIHL National Championship Air Races. You could find him taking to the skies at speeds of 500 mph in the Unlimited Class, racing against, mostly, other stock or modified World War II fighters in “Czech Mate.”
At the Air Race, he was constantly surrounded by his friends and family, who would come from near and far to watch him or race against him. After hours you could often find him in a hangar singing a rollicking karaoke version of the Eagles’ hit “Hotel California” — usually more than Shermanonce.wasalso a long-time and dedicated member of the Estrella Warbirds Museum in Paso Robles and pilot for the nonprofit Honor Flights.“Ahuge hole will be missing from the Paso Robles community, especially the museum there,” said Sherman’s friend and local aviation mechanic Marc Dart. “He was one of the few pilots that could fly a number of those airplanes out there and teach other people how to fly those aircraft.”
Sherman was one of the primary pilots for
the county’s famed 1944 World War II C-47, “Betsy’s Biscuit Bomber.” In 2019 Sherman and fellow friend and pilot Scott Stelzle flew Betsy to Normandy for a re-enactment of D-Day to celebrate the historical day’s 75th anniversary.
Just a week prior to his untimely death, Sher man and the Gooney Birds flew 17 local veterans around San Luis Obispo County. The flight was an effort to thank and honor the veterans as they await their official Honor Flight Tour to the East Coast later this year. Following the mini-tour, Sherman spoke with emotion, thanking the veterans for their service.
President of Honor Flight Bear McGill was honored to have had Sherman pilot the veterans for the flight but was disheartened knowing they couldn’t give Sherman his own Honor Flight.
“He was a wonderful man,” Bear said.
“Whenever we needed anything, Sherm was there to give us a hand on things. We greatly appreciate all he has done for us.”
A Vietnam veteran himself, Sherman excelled as a Navy Aviator, piloting F-4Js from the Ranger Aircraft carrier in the Tonkin Gulf. Some would say his life paralleled the likes of characters in “Top Gun” and “Top Gun: Maverick.”
Following his Navy career, Sherman spent more than 30 years in commercial flying for Continential Aviation. By the end of his commer cial career, Sherman earned high seniority as a 777Hiscaptain.travels around the world let him experience unique wine from various countries. This experi ence led him to open and build Bella Luna Estate Winery in Templeton with his high school friend Kevin Healey. The two played football together
and graduated from Atascadero High School — Kevin as the quarterback and Sherman as theShermancenter. was a beloved member of not only the aviation community but every aspect of life he“Hetouched.just had that way of having a captive audience,” Scott explained. “People were drawn to whatever he said or whatever he did. It was interesting ... it was absolutely natural.”
After meeting Scott in the early 2000s, Sher man taught him how to fly the various warbirds at the Estrella Warbird Museum. Then in 2007, they formed the Gooney Birds and had the opportunity to purchase Betsy.
They would fly Betsy to air shows all over California, Nevada, or anywhere they wanted her.
Through all of Sherman’s lessons, Scott said
he learned to “Live every possible day full throttle. Never hold back, whatever happens, happens.”Theaviation commu nity is tight-knit, unique, and full of characters. Through that community, Sherman was known for being a highly intelligent pilot, some saying the air was where Sherman was most at home.
Speaking to some of his talents, Jack Sinton of Sinton Helicopters says, “He was one of those guys who was extremely calm in a bad situation.”
As if his talents in the sky weren’t enough, Sherman’s warm personality made him loved by all who met him.
“I don’t think I ever met anyone who didn’t totally love Sherm,” said Mike Kelley. “He was a great guy. When he got in the cockpit, he was incredibly professional and over the top.”
Adding to Sherman’s praises, Marc said, “Sherm was always a happy guy. He pursued the things that he loved to do. Especially in aviation, he didn’t let anything stop him from achieving those goals that he wanted to accomplish and fly ... he lived life to the fullest. He enjoyed what he did and pursued his passions.”
After a rather “hairy” situation, while flying,
Sherman told Scott, “Someday we’re going to get too old to do this ... I want to die with my flight suit on, and I want to die with my boots on.”
And because of that, Scott wants people to know, “He [Sherman] has no regret that he lived every day and died doing what he loved."
The Smoot/Zanoli family released a state ment to Atascadero Magazine regarding the loss of Sherman Smoot:
Sherman had an incredible impact on the community here in North County with his work at the Estrella Warbirds Museum and as an owner of Bella Luna Estate Winery, and an even broader impact as an aviator — a navy fighter pilot, airline pilot, and a race pilot at the Reno Air Races.
But, for us, his family, his impact extends beyond measure. We cherish the more personal side of Captain Smoot, from his love of dancing and singing at nearly every family party, the joy he had in bringing people together at the table over good food and wine, and his belly laugh and warm hugs. We know that, as fearless as he was, he would want everyone to have the most fun and squeeze everything out of life.
So for him, we live boldly, and though we miss him here on the ground, we know he is in the skies, where he always loved to be.
The family has asked, in lieu of flowers or gifts, to please donate in Smoot’s name to Estrella Warbirds Museum. In the memo, add “Youth Aviation Scholarship” or “Gooneybird Group Incorporated.”
Atascadero has celebrated Colony Days with a parade in October for the last 49 years. This year, the celebration, which centered on the theme "The Roaring '20s", just happened to land on Saturday, October 1. People come out to celebrate our community's history and cheer on their fellow residents marching, floating, and driving in the parade before expe riencing all the festivities.
Unlike many parades in the county, the Colony Days Parade persisted even during the COVID19 pandemic. Though in 2020, it was held in a "drive-by" reverse-style parade where the floats were parked, and the residents drove past to see what people had created. Then, in 2021, things were practically back to
is a week-long cele bration started by resident Maggie Rice Vandergon. She saw what Pioneer Days in Paso Robles did for their community and wanted to bring Atascadero together in a similar way. Thus, Colony Days was born in 1973, with the first parade kicking off in 1974.
For the last 44 years, the Colony Days week has started with a Colony Days Reception Tea put on by the Quota Club of Atascadero. This year the tea took place at 2 p.m. at Atascadero Bible Church on Sunday, September 25, and inducted this year's Grand Marshal and King and Queen to a select number of invite-only residents. Dan and Ramona Phillips were crowned King and Queen, while Ann Little was announced as Grand Marshal.
While the roles of King and Queen require that those crowned have been a resident in Atascadero
• Parade and Festival: a.m.
• The Parade Body Palma Sunken
• The Festival start the parade until p.m.
• Wiener
for the last 50 years, the Grand Marshal only needs a 25-year qual ification. The Grand Marshal posi tion was started when Colony Days' founder didn't qualify for Royalty. The next event in the week's lineup is the Colony Days Mixer, which took place at Wild Field's Brewhouse on Thursday, Septem ber 29. The party was open to the public, and residents showed up to celebrate the year's Royalty and Grand Marshal being presented with their plaques prior to the parade on "SaturdaySaturday.isthe Colony Days Parade, where the Royalty and Grand marshal are driven down the parade route at the head of the parade and then taken back to a special seating area on El Camino in front of the sunken gardens to watch the rest of the parade," said Kent Kenney of the Atascadero Colony DaysColonyCommittee.Dayshas changed over the years — there used to be Mud Hole Follies, where Atascadero locals would compete in fun games and contests the week leading up to the parade. Many will also remem ber Tent City being set up to the side of Sunken Gardens next to the creek, which was then moved to Sunken Gardens prior to the covid-19 pandemic. This year, a smaller version of Tent City will be available with food, beverages, and vendors.Every year, the Colony Days festivities are put on by the Atascadero Colony Days Commit tee. The group is a 501(c)3 non-profit, fully supported by the community since it started, and we're excited to see the party continue.Formore information visit colo nydays.org.
Atascadero resident Ann Little was honored with the role of Grand Marshal by the Colony Days Royalty Committee at this year's Colony DayAnn,Parade.who grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area, met her late-husband Gaylen Little, origi nally from Redondo Beach, when they both attended Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo. After they married, Gaylen and Ann decided Atascadero was the perfect place to settle down, as it was directly between their families."Myhusband and I moved here on our first wedding anniversary in 1976," Ann said. "We had both just graduated from Cal Poly, and we liked the area and just decided this was a nice community to stay and raise a family."
Gaylen became a self-employed building contractor and built homes, apartments, and commercial build ings in the area. The Littles were also a part of the first remodel of Century Plaza and constructed Creekside Lanes, a 26-lane bowling center many local residents fondly remember. It now houses Wild Fields Brewhouse and Atascadero's Chamber of Meanwhile,Commerce.Annhelped set up the dietary department at the then brand new Twin Cities Hospital
before working in parent education at Head Start Preschool. Ann was also one of the original employees at Mary Anne's Hallmark, which used to be located in Adobe Plaza. She then worked in the Atascadero School District for 15 years.
"We made this our home and raised two daughters, Stephanie and Jennifer, here from pre-school through high school," added Ann.
Her daughters still live on the Central Coast. One in Morro Bay and the other in Cambria.
Aside from immersing herself in the lives of the youth of Atascadero, Ann put her energy into supporting global peace, awareness, and equality. She was named charter president of a local Philanthropic Educational Organization (which provides scholarships for women's education), PEO Chapter VF in 1981.
In 1989, she created (along with four others) a grass-roots movement that brought five Soviet citizens to Atascadero in a peace exchange called Soviets Meet Middle Amer ica. Ann and the rest of the group created the Eagle and Bear Friend ship Project from that exchange. The private exchange included 20 youths and lasted six years. She was also involved with finding placements and hosting international and summer exchange students all over the Central Coast for over 20 years through Youth for Understanding and the EF organization.
Ann and her husband also had the privilege of being a part of Atascadero's history when they attended its very first City Council meeting in 1979.
"Up until then, Atascadero was a colony, and it was still called a colony of San Luis [Obispo] County. And then voters decided we needed to have our own city," stated Ann. "We stood up in the rotunda at the tap of the very first gavel of the very first true City Council meeting as presided by Mayor Bob Wilkins. And [I remember] saluting the flag and feeling so patriotic that we were a part of that first night's cityhood. I knew I was part of history at that
point."Since Gaylen's passing nine years ago, Ann has continued to stay active and deeply involved in the local community as a volunteer at the library bookstore and by giving her support to the Cham ber of Commerce and the Printery Renovation Project. She's also kept busy with being the grandma to two beautiful grandchildren.
"But now to think, 47 years later, I'm the Grand Marshal in the town parade," Ann said. "I think, when did I go from being the new bride to having lived here long enough to be the Grand Marshal of the parade?"
The Colony Days Committee announced that Dan and Ramona Phillips were taking the King and Queen crowns for 2022 and becoming this year's Colony Day Royalty.Danand
Ramona have always lived in Cali fornia, but they officially made Atascadero their home 61 years ago.
"I'm glad that I've lived in Atascadero all these years, and it's been very good to us and good for our family," stated Dan, who's also known in Atascadero as Dan the Barber.
Dan was born in Bakersfield and then grew up in a little company town near Taft called Fellows.
"I grew up there [Fellows] until the seventh grade, and that was the end of World War II, and my dad transferred with the oil company from there, same company, down to Olinda, Califor nia, which is in Orange County," added Dan.
That's when Dan and Ramona met. Ramona lived in Brea, right next to the much smaller Olinda. She went to school there, and her parents owned one of the markets in town.
"Olinda was like living in Pozo back then, and there were just a few people that lived there," Dan said. "There were 20 kids in the school, and
I was the only one in the eighth grade."
The two met when they were in high school, fell in love, got married, had two children, and the rest was history. In April, Dan and Ramona will have been married for 70 years, and on their next birthdays, Dan will be 90, and Ramona will be After87.their marriage, Dan got drafted into the Army and spent two years in the military, from 1952 to 1953. He served over in Korea for around 17 months before returning home. Less than 10 years later, the Phillips settled down in Atascadero with their family.
"We weren't attracted to it," Ramona says of her and Dan's initial thoughts of Atascadero."Wewere wanting to go to Grass Valley, and it didn't work out, so we decided to come through [Atascadero]. I had a brother who lived in Arroyo Grande. We stopped down here, and there was a real estate office, and so we got to talking to the guy, and he said, 'hey, you wanna buy this place?' I said, 'I don't know, what do you got?" said Dan. "So he showed us the place, and I had my brother come and take a look at it. We bought it, and that was in 1961. So me and my brother put the barber shop in here. And we've been here ever since."
Before becoming a barber, Dan used to work in the oil fields. But his brother-in-law, who was also a barber, encouraged him to go to barbering school when he got back from Korea. Dan decided to go when he discovered that since he was a veteran, the military would pay for him to go to school.
"I said, I can't quit my job in the oil fields because we've got two little kids," Dan continued. "I've got to make a living. So they said, well, you can go [to school] part-time; it takes longer. So I went to school, and I finally got my license."Hecontinued to work in the oil fields but started working part-time as a barber. It didn't take long for him to realize that barbering was an easier way to make a living.
"I was making pretty good money working the oil fields, but it's hard work. Dirty. So I quit the oil fields and started looking around and found this place. I never quit the oil fields until I got the barber shop ready to go. We left down there [Southern California] on a Friday
and opened up here on a Tuesday morn ing," Dan said. "We bought this place about 61 years ago this month. By the time we got it through escrow and got everything put together, we opened up in January of '62. The first day of '62."
Dan and Ramona raised their two children, Denise and Daniel, in Atascadero. Both their son and daughter have now returned, and Daniel has a Farmer's Insurence office right next to Dan's Barber Shop.
"They [both] went to school here," said Ramona of their kids. "They grad uated, and our son went to Cal Poly, got an engineering degree, went to Florida, and worked on the Space Shuttle. Our daughter went to the University of Utah and went into radiology. She came back and worked here."
Dan has mostly worked solo in his barber shop all these years and is proud that Dan's Barber Shop is one of the oldest businesses left in Atascadero. On top of his barbering, Dan was also a part of the Chamber of Commerce in his early years in Atascadero and was also involved in the Boy Scouts of America as the district chairman in the county. He even deemed himself the "self-proclaimed mayor of Eaglet." Dan and Romana are also proud members of the Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay
"ItSaints.feels good. We've got a lot of friends. We've enjoyed our life here," Dan says of being a part of the commu nity for so long.
Dan and Ramona reminisced about how they used to walk to Martha's BBQ, for her prime rib, from their home. They also commented on how much Atascadero has changed in the 61 years they've been here.
"It's grown, but it's been a healthy growth, I think," added Dan. "It's changing, and I think changing probably for the better."
"I just appreciate the good people that are here. We've met so many good people, and as Jimmy Stewart always said, 'You're never a failure when you have friends.'" Ramona said. "And there are a lot of good friends here in Atascadero and all over the county. We just appreciate them over all the years. Wonderful people. Dan keeps saying, 'this is the best of what's left in Cali fornia.'"
The historic Carlton Hotel on Traffic Way in downtown Atascadero is known for its luxury and class. The boutique hotel is perfectly established between Los Angeles and San Francisco, with nearby wine regions like Edna Valley and Paso Robles and beach cities Pismo Beach and Morro Bay.
Yet, aside from its ideal location to sightsee, the hotel’s intent was to provide a full-service stay for its guests. Having originally opened in 1929, it holds a lot of weight within its walls, and one may even wish those walls could talk. The stories it could tell. However, its history isn’t that simple, but rather interesting.
Before it became a Central Coast hotel, it began as the Atascadero Development Syndi cate in 1928. Initially designed as a single-story block-long building, Fred Bartholomew (owner/ manager of the Atascadero Inn, which is where the current junior high is now) made an agree ment to open a 52-room hotel on the second floor. The luxury hotel used to be called “The Annex” and was a companion to the Atascadero Inn, as well as one of the most luxurious places to stay in California. On the first floor were retailers such as J.C Penney, Sprouse-Reitz, and Safeway.
A few years later, Kenneth Filmore took over ownership of The Annex and renamed it the “Hotel Halfway and Coffee Shop.” However, very soon after that, in 1931, Nola Tunks and her brother George Clark bought the building and renamed it The Carlton. The new name was deemed “a more distinctive name that was well known in the east and associated always with hotels of high standing,” according to a document on the hotel’s history, provided by current manager Deana Alexander, in which Tunks is quoted. Tunks also added a neon sign to the rooftop that is still there today.
The luxurious rooms and suites, appointed with attentive detail from handcrafted ironwork
to meticulous moldings, soon had high-profile guest during that time. Radio and TV personal ities frequented the hotel, including Bette Davis, Jack Benny, Dick Powell, Ralph Bellamy, and Fred MacMurray. It was at the hotel where people could relax away from big-city life, but redeem all of the affluence they desired.
However, new owners over the next 20 years would bring more change to the hotel. In August of 1936, it was sold to Lewis Sutton and F. Porter Brown. The two businessmen constructed a new entrance in the corner of the building to create a champagne glass made of tiles to welcome visitors at the door. The next owner, Phillip Zarabozo, made the most significant change by adding the clock tower in 1952, which remains a city land mark to this day.
Over the years, several more people owned The Carlton, but it eventually went into flux as it at one time became a senior housing complex and then sat vacant for 30 years, according to Alexan der. Then in 1999, the current owners, David and Mary Weyrich, purchased the hotel with plans to renovate and restore it to its first incarnation. After
its construction of rebirth, it re-opened in 2005, reflecting its history with modern conveniences.
The new amenities that came with the reno vation include a meeting space, a fitness room, and a business center. In addition, there is a retail space currently leased to Back Porch Bakery and a restaurant space that once housed the Nautical Cowboy, and a Tuscany-style courtyard on the third
Thefloor.Carlton Hotel’s location has only helped its notoriety be reincarnated with the increase of nearby restaurants, wineries, breweries, and retail businesses, as well as the esteemed Sunken Gardens, which all reside within walking distance and therefore provide an opportunity for out-of-towners to come and stay, while enjoying what the downtown has to offer.
While the renovation of The Carlton came with modern amenities, it also still holds its historical value, which guests can appreciate and find endearing to its past. Going through its ups and downs throughout its nearly 100 years, The Carlton has proven that its history is embraced with utter intrigue.
OnSeptember 1, the City of Atascadero braved the heat to celebrate the official grand opening of La Plaza on El Camino Real. The building has been in the works for five years, with the Zappas family and the city teaming up to bring La Plaza to life downtown.Thename La Plaza was inspired by the first set of buildings the town's founder, E.G., Lewis, erected in the early 1900s that served as one of California's first enclosed shop ping malls. In 1917, when the orig inal La Plaza building was finished, it not only serviced the people of Atascadero by providing a vibrant hub of retail but also included resi dential living on the upper floors, which Z Villages recreated.
"I'm hoping that the people of Atascadero can understand our history and cherish it, and I'm hoping this building will help bring that as well as the City Hall did," said Mike Zappas, owner of Z Villages, who built the building, in his speech at the grand opening. "It was a real big struggle to build this in the spot here. There was a lot of things that popped up and kicked us in the butt, but we just kept going."
Z Villages acquired all the lots needed to build La Plaza from February 2017 through June 2017. Five years later, the building stands tall, with La Plaza paying homage to the Atascadero of old while push ing the city forward into the future.
The bottom floor of both build ings is dedicated to retail and restau rants and creating an environment
that will drive business, while the top floor offers a unique downtown living experience.
"In 1917, there was La Plaza, the original La Plaza, over on Traffic Way, over by Fire Station 1," Atascadero Mayor Heather Moreno shared in her speech. "It was a place for outdoor shopping with merchants, and this is sort of meant to mirror that with the archi tecture, the pillars, the high ceilings, and of course, it compliments all the architecture in our downtown."
The grand opening paid homage to the original La Plaza's 1917 opening by including the Atascadero Community Band, which started playing as soon as the ribbon cutting and speeches concluded. In addition, music was provided by DJs from Traffic Records and a live set from local band IMUA on the main stage.
"In the past couple of years, the most common questions I get from
people in town are, when is that building opening, what is going to be in there, what's the restaurant, when can we make reservations? On and on and on. That has been what's so exciting," added Moreno. "The growth that we've seen in our downtown, a lot of that has been because of the commitment and the investment that the Zappas family has made to the downtown. And people have seen that, and they have hopped on board and been a part of it Morenotoo." went on to say that having La Plaza in Atascadero is going to create economic oppor tunity for the entirety of the downtown.Theevent also included over 20 local vendors set up along El Camino Real, selling food, drinks, and other experiences to everyone in atten dance. Vendors included Hungry Mother Truck, Taqueria Don Jose, Mary's Cuisine, Colony Culture,
Paradise Shaved Ice, Atascadero LIGHTHOUSE Coffee, CIELO, LOL Yogurt Shop, and Lou Lou Cheese Girl selling food. Wine from, Carbon 6, La Perdingus, Desparada, Herman Story, Ultima Tulie, and Lone Madrone. Beer from Ancient Owl Bottle Shop, Santa Maria Brew, Wild Fields, and Central Coast Brewery. Cider from, The Poisoned Apple and Bristol's Cider. SLO Axe Co., LC Clothing, Ametza, Earnest Grace, Peaceful Plants, and Off the Wall Custom Creations also participated.
Z Villages partnered with the El Camino Homeless Organization (ECHO) for the Grand Opening.
Proceeds from food and drink sales went directly to ECHO's efforts to help the local unhoused community and raised approximately $5,000 for the"Iorganization.can'thelpbut
smile every time I drive past this building and the finished product and how it just finishes off downtown Atascadero in such a beautiful way. You can tell it's a labor of love by a family that belongs to this community," San Luis Obispo County District 5 Supervisor Debbie Arnold shared of La LocalPlaza.officials in attendance included Atascadero City Coun cil members Mark Dariz, Charles Bourbeau, and Susan Funk, Mayor Heather Moreno, Mayor Pro Tem Heather Newsom, San Luis Obispo County Supervisors Debbie Arnold, and Bruce Gibson, along with city staff.
For those interested in La Plaza or looking for more information, visit atascaderolaplaza.com.
W e are entering the fall season now, where the word “pumpkin” is popping up everywhere, especially in food and drinks. But we can’t forget where the true pumpkin lies — in a patch on a farm! In San Luis Obispo County, we are fortunate that there are many pumpkin patches for us to purchase that special pumpkin(s). Whether you want to go to North County or South County or want a pumpkin patch with additional activ ities surrounding the picking-out fun, there is a patch for you.
River K in Paso Robles is a family-owned and operated business by the Kunze family, and they have been growing pumpkins for 25 years. They also have a fun 3-acre corn maze to meander through and weekend hay rides for an added fee, according to Zak Kunze.
Customers are also given clippers to pick and cut their pumpkins. The patch is open October 1 through 31, and during the week, the hours are 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and on the weekends from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Jack Creek Farms in Templeton is a fifth-gen eration-run farm. It is open year-round, selling
produce and honey, and offers what they deem a pumpkin palooza centering around pumpkin crafts and activities for fami lies to Kidsenjoy.canenjoy playing with their wooden train and haystack. Their farm also features Happy Acres (paid entrance fee required). Families and children will enjoy their fort polli wog maze, tractor tire garden, farm animals, farmer’s market, corn bin, sand trough, story book trail, laundry adventure, little buckaroo cafe, and more.
Jack Creek visitors can even get a Pumpkin Palooza “to go” kit, which is available September 16 and while supplies last. The kit includes one small pumpkin, one apron, one table cover, six acrylic paint cups, one paint brush, one paint tray, one cup for in-between paintbrush rinsing, one glue stick, and one bag of decorations. The Jack Creek Farms is open most days, from 11 a.m. to 4 Chesebroughp.m. Farms in Templeton, founded by Bob and Donna, has been running a seasonal pumpkin patch for over 20 years. The patch is open October 1 through 31 from 10 a.m. to 6
p.m. and specializes in growing fresh pumpkins, squash, and corn, but also offers other fresh vegetables in season. There are plenty of photo opportunities on the farm, including at their old-fashioned roadside stand, complete with their “Pumpkin and Winter Squash Cookbook.” Also, for an additional cost, you can make an early request to artist Donna to scar a pumpkin for you next year — something she is known for around town!
Andrea Hambro got her start working in the medical field as a certified nurse, but after 10 years, she realized she wanted to help heal people in a more holistic way by taking a more natural approach. That’s when she left nursing behind and decided to become a massage therapist.
“I went to Touch Therapy Institute [in Cali fornia] and became a licensed and state-certified massage practitioner in 1996,” said Andrea.
She then decided to specialize in Ayurvedic therapy, a healing method that comes from a period in time dating back 5,000 years ago that comes out of India.
“Ayurvedic therapy is the science of life and is believed to help sustain the flow of energy throughout the body and help heal the mind, body, and spirit," Andrea said. "I believe peace of mind is our common thread. We all want to achieve a state of peace. My purpose and passion
In 2013, Andrea brought her love of the healing arts to the Central Coast from the San Fernando Valley and continued to learn more about the healing arts before opening her first Peace of Mind massage center in Morro Bay in In2017.2022, Andrea opened a second Peace of Mind location in Atascadero because she wanted to serve more of the Central Coast.
“I believe that we are all meant to thrive and evolve to wholeness,” Andrea says of her life and herBothbusiness.Peace of Mind locations are integrative medical massage centers with the main focus of providing quality therapeutic massage and bodywork while also healing the mind.
“We support you in your healing process, offering holistic solutions which target your needs through a variety of therapeutic techniques for requisite health and wellness,” continued
Peace of Mind massage centers offer an array of services to help heal your body and
your mind. Not only do Andrea and her small staff of trained professionals offer 60-, 75-, and 90-minute therapeutic massages, but they also offer Ayurvedic therapeutic treatments. Some of those treatments include Shirodhara scalp massages, where a slow stream of aromatic oil is slowly poured onto your scalp and massaged into your head for up to 45 minutes to help clear mental stress, anxiety, and insomnia.
They also provide their clientele with facials featuring a facelift acupressure massage using a blend of essential oils and vitamins for the face and neck and hot and cold stones. These can help relieve migraines, headaches, and TMJ.
And if you’re looking for something different, Peace of Mind also has vibrational sound therapy to support your body’s natural rhythms by using sound
“Ourwaves.main focus is to provide quality ther apeutic massage and bodywork, to promote healing to the mind and body,” Andrea said.
To book an appointment with Andrea and her team, go to Peaceofmind-massage-morrobay
You’ve seen our team at mixers, community events, and ribbon cuttings, but do you know what projects we’ve been working on behind the scenes? The team here at the Chamber doesn’t stop moving! We’re busy from sunup to sundown developing and supporting programs and initiatives that serve and empower OUR business community. Below are a few projects we have undertaken.
The first thing is our programs and events that support local small businesses. We coordinate events like the Art & Wine Tour that drive foot traffic, build awareness of shops downtown, and increase sales. We’ve had many businesses share how they’ve seen an increase in traffic and sales in their store for weeks after an Art & Wine Tour. Another event supporting local businesses is our annual Business Walk, where we hit the streets to learn about issues facing the local business community. This is an excellent opportunity for our team to learn about new challenges that may have arisen and work on solutions to help.
Oktoberfest Membership Mixer October 20 | 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Join us for our Octoberfest Mixer at the Atascadero Lake Park in the Zoo Gardens! Get to know local business professionals and explore new businesses in OUR community at “Member Alley” while enjoying complimentary bites and drinks.
Registration is encouraged to assist with food and beverage planning purposes. If you are not able to register ahead of time, we still welcome your attendance.
Within a similar category is our events that support our general community. One of these events is the Candidate’s Forum, where we partner with the League of Women Voters to host a panel with questions for candidates from Atascadero voters. We believe that helping our community access the information they need about candidates to make a well-informed decision benefits our entire community. Another event is our Tuesdays in the Park, where we partner with nonprofits to fundraise while enjoying the Atascadero Community Band at the Atascadero Lake Park. It’s a win for everyone!
We do more than just events to support and empower our business community. Our team has worked hard to develop resources for new business owners. Not only did we establish the first Coworking Space in North County, BridgeWorks Coworking, but we recently created the Business Start-Up Guide to help new business owners as they navigate opening a business in Atascadero. Our goal is to help support these
entrepreneurs to make it as easy as possible for them to know what they need to get started. From there, we’ve partnered with the Women’s Business Center (WBC) to open the first-of-its-kind hub for business development servicing the entire northern San Luis Obispo County region. This service offers one-on-one business consulting, classes, and more! Then we put together The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Handbook because we believe that diversity is absolutely critical in our business community. The book contains essential tools and insight on how businesses can embrace, encourage, and support diversity.
Our Chamber team has been hard at work and this article only skims the surface of the programs and projects we’re working on. I didn’t even have the chance to provide details of our 12@12 Luncheons, Employee Retention Tax Credit program, Jobs Hub, and more. Our team puts their all into supporting and empowering our businesses so we can Move Atascadero Forward. Ridge Christian
Over the past two years, because of the pandemic, I attended most local school board meetings virtually and observed local governance in action. Like the rest of the state, San Luis Obispo County experienced a much higher participation rate because of the virtual access to meetings. After returning to in-person meetings, some San Luis Obispo County School districts and charters continue offering a hybrid option for remote participation. Several districts through out the state have made formal resolutions to continue the hybrid practice. The County Board of Education is holding in-person meet ings with an option for the public to partici pate virtually. Because County Board meetings are primarily appellate, many participants are from across the county. The remote option for County Board meetings was available before the pandemic but was rarely implemented. Regardless of the type of access, the public must remain engaged in local government.
A few years ago, I mentioned to a friend that an upcoming local board meeting required my attendance, and John joked, “You mean a bored meeting, don’t you?” I said, “No, not really.”
Local school board meetings are not dull, irrelevant, or wasted time. Today, more than at any time in my nearly 40-year career, I find local boards important, relevant, and crucial in navigating today’s complex issues. Locally elected school board members or “trustees” are non-partisan members of our commu nity that ideally reflect the diversity of those they serve. According to the National School Boards Association, 44 percent of school trust ees are female (more than the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate), and over 25 percent of elected school board members are from underrepresented ethnic populations.
Every school district in the country has an elected board of trustees. Approximately 95,000 school board members make up the country’s largest group of elected officials. In addition to parents, teachers, staff, and admin istrators, school board members support qual ity education provided within the communities theyMostrepresent.school boards convene one-to-two times per month, are open to the public, are often one of the largest employers in a city or community, and provide governance for the schools they represent. A subtle but significant note is that board meetings are meetings of the school board in public, not public forums. The public can become frustrated by the formality of school board meetings because of govern ment and education code regulations. It is best to ask the school administration how to share information or comments outside the 3-minute time limit for public input. Trust ees serve four-year terms staggered to prevent large vacancies from occurring all at once. A trustee must be a registered voter who is at least 18 years old, a citizen of the state they represent, live in the jurisdiction boundaries, and eligible under the state’s constitution to be elected to public office. Depending upon the school district's size, most trustees are unpaid or receive a small stipend and possibly health insurance coverage. School districts are complex, multimillion dollar organizations. Board members can work from 10 to 40 hours per month on school district governance matters. Governing boards oversee the needs of students, families, and budgets. Trustees also provide solid stewardship for the nation’s schools.Highly functional school boards fill a vital role in maintaining local districts by always keeping the best interests of all students first. Boards should model civility when celebrating successes or dealing with challenges. Success ful school boards understand that boards govern while the superintendent, district
administrators, teachers, and staff manage their schools. Five critical components of effective school boards are setting a vision, advancing policy, demonstrating accountability, play ing a leadership role in the community, and forging civil consensus. The last component is often one of the most difficult to maintain in today’s media-drenched political atmosphere. The title of this article is “Motion, Second, Discussion, & Civility,” not “my way or the highway.” An effective board is secure with differing votes that reflect the community they represent. Confident boards often encourage diverse opinions while building a consensus that moves items forward with a majority vote representing the people who elected the trustees.Experienced school board members know that true consensus is not about winners and losers. Motion, Second, Discussion asks all participants to consider and eventually affirm the key points:
1. “Are all voices heard?”
2. “Is the item understood?”
3. “Is it clear that the group's will has emerged around the proposal?”
When a trustee makes a motion and another trustee seconds the motion, the board then discusses/listens/votes on the action. True democracy exists when civility is maintained, authentic dialogue occurs, and a majority vote takes place. I encourage everyone reading this article to thank our locally elected trustees, attend a school board meeting, and engage in the civic process with civility. The Institute for Local Government reminds us that local officials grapple with complex issues regu larly. Bringing as many perspectives on the best solution to a given problem increases the likelihood that the solution will be successful and enduring. Please get in touch with your local school district or the San Luis Obispo County Office of Education for additional information. It is an honor to serve as your County Superintendent of Schools. and Civility
“I’d be very happy serving on alocal school board. I just knowthat I have a responsibility to giveback.” — Andrew Zimmern
“Service is the rent you pay for room on this earth.”
Atascadero City has four seats up for re-election on November 8. The open seats are as follows: Mayor (currently held by Heather Moreno), two City Council seats (currently held by Mayor Pro Tem Heather Newsom and Susan Funk), and Trea surer (currently held by Gere Sibbach).
Funk and Newsom are both running for re-election as council members.
Local businessman and writer Bret Heinemann also filed his nomination for one of the two open City Council seats, which is a four-year term.
Mayor Heather Moreno is running unchallenged for re-election as mayor, for a two-year term.
Current Treasurer Gere Sibbach is also running for re-election and is unopposed for the four-year term.
The Atascadero Unified School District (AUSD) also has four four-year-term seats to fill. The seats up for re-election are currently held by George Shoe maker, Tami Gunther, Ray Buban, and Donn Clickard.
While other school districts in the county have switched to by-trustee voting for the November 8 election, AUSD will continue with “at-large” voting
in 2022, which means that everyone of voting age in the city where the school district is held can vote.
Candidates officially running for the open AUSD seats are as follows:
• Rebekah Koznek, a parent involved in the AUSD
• Tracy Ellis-Weit, a retired teacher from the district
• Vy Pierce, a parent from the district
• Shoemaker, a current trustee
• Dan L. Hathaway, a retired security officer
• Denise McGrew Kane, a parent and local business owner
• Chris Collins, a retired educator
• Scott Staton, a rehabilitation therapist
• Gunther, a current trustee
Atascadero can also look forward to voting for a new San Luis Obispo County Supervisor for their district.
Bruce Gibson currently holds the seat as the District 2 Supervisor. He is running against Bruce Jones, a retired physician residing in Atascadero.
For general voting information, visit November-8,-2022,-General-Election.aspxducted-by-County-of-San-Luis-Obispo/vices/Elections-and-Voting/Elections-Conca.gov/Departments/Clerk-Recorder/All-Serticle&id=1314&Itemid=2185org/index.php?option=com_content&view=aratascadero.orslocounty.
Nina has thirteen years of nursing experience, including ten years in intensive care. She holds a Master’s degree in nursing science and is now focusing on women’s health. If you need an annual wellwoman exam or have other gynecological needs, Nina will provide compassionate care.
In the office of Steven J. Herron, M.D., OB/GYN 1111 Las Tablas Road, Suite N Templeton, CA 93465 805 434-1825
Several years ago, my husband and I were coming home from Branson, Missouri, when we spotted a Case Cutlery Outlet. John has been a collector of their beautifully crafted knives for many years, so of course, we stopped. I came home with a wonderful cookbook titled W.R. Case & Sons Cookbook and Historical Compan ion, published in 1996. The cutlery company has been producing hand-crafted knives since 1889. The fascination of the book is that the recipes are from members of the company at all levels and include the associate’s name, department or title,
11⁄2 cups flour
1 cup sugar
3 tablespoons baking cocoa
and years of service.
It also included recipes from some of the retirees, one of who had worked for the company for 70 years.The Letter from the President, George T. Brin kley, stated, “Too often companies are viewed as buildings, products, or machines. In reality, a company consists of people — ordinary folks making a living, raising families, and doing all the things that make life worthwhile.”
He went on to say “Many of our activities seem to revolve around cooking and eating food. What
we eat often says who we are. Ethnic foods, health foods, fattening foods — they all combine to define our personalities and preferences.”
The proceeds from the book were directed to Big Brothers/Big Sisters of McKean County and the McKean Literacy Team.
Cookbooks such as this are a huge part of our “Americana” and sharing recipes is a wonderful way of communicating with each other here in this country and around the world.
The following recipes from the Case book are for cakes with fun names.
1 teaspoon baking soda
1⁄2 teaspoon salt
5 tablespoons melted butter
1 teaspoon vinegar
Sift the flour, sugar, cocoa, baking soda and salt into a large bowl. Add butter, vinegar, vanilla and warm water and
Ingredients: 1 (4-ounce) package vanilla instant pudding mix
1 (2-layer) package yellow cake mix
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup warm water
mix well. Pour into a nonstick 8×8-inch cake pan and bake at 350 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes or until the cake tests done. Yields 8 to 12 servings.
5 eggs, beaten
2 tablespoons sour cream
1⁄2 cup whiskey
1⁄2 cup milk
Combine pudding mix, cake mix, eggs, sour cream, whiskey, milk and oil in a large bowl. Mix well. Layer batter and walnuts 1⁄2 at a time in a greased bundt pan. Stir gently with a spoon several times. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.
Ingredients: 1 bakery angle food cake
2 cups canned pumpkin pie mix
Cut cake into 1-inch cubes. Place pumpkin pie mix in medium bowl. Beat whipping cream in large bowl with electric mixer at medium-high speed until stiff peaks form. Spoon one-third of whipped cream into pumpkin pie mix; fold with spatula until blended. Add another third of whipped cream to pumpkin mixture; fold gently until uniform in color. Reserve remaining one-third of whipped
3⁄4 cup vegetable oil 1 cup chopped walnuts
Yields 12 to 15 servings. This next recipe is in honor of October and Pump kin Month. Try it and I know you will receive many compliments.
11⁄2 cups whipped cream black and orange sprinkles
cream for garnish. In a trifle bowl or a deep glass bowl layer cake cubes and pumpkin mixture, beginning and ending with pumpkin mixture. Spread last layer with reserved whipped cream and sprinkle black and orange decorations. Refrigerate until serving time. Makes 8-10 servings. Enjoy October and all of the fun activities it brings.
Cheers from Barbie Boooooootz !
The parade will start at 10am and run down El Camino Real from Davis Auto Body to West Mall and Palma Ave. by Sunken Gardens
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2814’s fall car show will be held with an Oktoberfest theme, with proceeds benefiting local veterans and their families.
Festive Oktoberfest meal with strudel, beer & wine. Live music for dancing by German Umpah band with Cactus Harris. Generously hosted at Harris Stage Lines. German attire and polka dancing are encouraged. Come benefit our north county neighbors in need.
The scariest haunted house on the Central Coast is back in a new location! 6000 sqft of chills and thrills. Now in our 11th year. 100% volunteer, proceeds benefit the local community. Visit nightmarefromainst.com for more information.
Register on Sept 22 and pick up materials on Sept 29 for a fun intermediate sewing project of a Black Cat to share on Oct 7. For more info and to register, contact by phone at (805)237.3870 or email kchristiansen@prcity.com
Bring the entire family to see running antique tractors, horse-drawn wagons, marching bands, mounted equestrian groups, dancers, floats, fire engines, vintage cars, and more.
Join us as we honor the volunteers that make our world go ’round and raise some much needed funds for the Department to keep the grass green and the good times coming your way!
In addition to 20+ organizations and vendors, a free lunch will be provided, as well as live music. The event is designed to connect seniors and caregivers with the many resources available within our community.
Annual Downtown Golden Oak Honey & Pumpkin Festival and Kids’ Flea Market, in the Downtown City Park from. For more information, call the Downtown Paso Robles Main Street office at (805)238-4103
Join us for Euro Bungy, Rock Wall, Crafts, Carnival Games, Food truck, BounceHouses, Beer Garden, and more! Costumes encouraged! (Please leave toy weapons at home) Price: $15 for kids, free for Parents
The Atascadero Community Band presents their Fall Concert, “Celebrations!” Conductor Randy Schwalbe will lead the band in songs including Exhilaration, In the Mood, Candide Overture, Rhapsody in Blue, and many more
Join in on the fun on Entrada Ave in Downtown Atascadero, people and pets of all ages are welcome to come and enjoy family, children, and pet costume contests, hay maze, and of course, Trick or Treating!
Features local crafters and artisans from throughout San Luis Obispo County selling handmade and unique items. Find jewelry, apparel, fashion accessories, home décor, health and beauty products, art, antiques, handmade eats, used items, and more.
Get your best costume ready and bring the entire family out to a not-too-scary evening at Zoo Boo! You can expect Halloween decorations throughout the Zoo along with Carnival games, a costume contest, Halloween activities, a Haunted House, and tricks & treats to enjoy!
Safe & Fun Trick or Treat Downtown, in Downtown Paso Robles. Costumes required, admission is free. Come take your picture with our witches! Dance Demos, Trick or Treat, and Hot Dog BBQ (fee). For more information, call Paso Robles Main Street at (805)238-4103
6555 Capistrano • (805) 461-6161 Register online at slolibrary.org
• Tuesday 10-6
• Wednesday 10-6
• Thursday 9-5
• Friday 10-5
• Saturday 9-5
Storytime at at Atascadero Library
Every Wednesday at 10:30 a.m.- Join Ms. Sally in the library and read books, sing songs, and have fun! For ages 0-5.
Outreach Team at Atascadero Library
Every Wednesday in September at 1011:30am - Get connected with Primary care, recovery, clothing, food, Medicare, shelter, mental health, showers, health insurance, and more.
Magazine Makeover for Teens
Friday 10/7 at 2:30-3:30pm - Images from magazines and old books are embellished with white dimensional ink creating a tactile texture. These images are glued onto black gessoed pages of comp or old books. A per fect backdrop for Black-out Poetry pages, Journals, or sketch books. Kit provided.Ages 10-17. Registration required.
Family Maker Day
Saturday 10/15 1-4pm - Spend the afternoon tinkering, playing, and making! A variety of stations will all be available for families to play with.
Lego Club at the Atascadero Library
Saturday 10/22 - Create and build with Legos at the Library! For kids age 5-12
Creston Library
6290 Adams St. • (805) 237-3010
Santa Margarita Library
9630 Murphy Ave. • (805) 438-5622
San Miguel Library
254 13th St. • (805) 467-3224
Shandon Library
195 N 2nd St. • (805) 237-3009
Providing support, education and hope 1051 Las Tablas Road, Templeton • (805) 238-4411 •
Cancer Support Helpline • (888) 793-9355, 6 a.m.- 6 p.m. PST.
• Visit: cscslo.org for more info Special Programs Email programs@cscslo.org for Zoom links and more info
• Every Wednesday
• Tai Chi Chih | Virtual via Zoom• 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
• Mindfulness Hour | Virtual via Zoom • 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
• 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month
• Grief Support Group | Virtual via Zoom • 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
• 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month
• Adv. Cancer Support Group | Virtual
• 10:00 a.m - 11:00 a.m.
• 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month
Caregiver Support Group | In Person • 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
• 2nd & 4th Thursday of each month
Cancer Patient Support Group | In Person • 11:00 a.m - 12:00 p.m.
• 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month
Grief Support Group (Templeton) | Virtual via Zoom • 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Explore Cancer Support Community’s Virtual Home:
• cancersupportcommunity.org/virtual-programs
Atascadero Unified School Board
• first and third Tuesday, Closed Session 6pm, Open/Regular Session 7 p.m
• first and third Tuesday, 6 p.m. at City Hall Council Chambers, 6500 Palma Avenue
• second and fourth Tuesday, 6 p.m. at City Hall Council Cham bers, 6500 Palma Avenue
Visit atascadero.org for virtual & up to date meeting info.
General information: City Hall M-F, 8:30 a.m. to 5p.m. (805) 461-5000
• Atascadero #14927 • 2rd Thursday of each month, 6:00 p.m., Outlaws Bar & Grill, 9850 E. Front Rd.
• Atascadero • Meeting • every Wednesday, 12 p.m. at Springhill Suites by Marriott, 900 El Camino Real
• Atascadero • 7848 Pismo Ave. • 805-610-7229
• Meeting • In person or Zoom every Thursday, 7:00 a.m.
• Atascadero #2814 • 9555 Morro Rd., • 805-466-3305
• Meeting • first Thursday, 6:30 p.m.
• Atascadero Lodge 2733 • 1516 El Camino Real • 805-466-3557
• Lodge Meeting — second and fourth Thursdays
Atascadero Club 2385 • 5035 Palma Ave. Atascadero
• Meeting — Every 2nd, 4th Wednesday at 7 p.m. Santa Margarita Club 2418 • 9610 Murphy St.
• Meeting — 2nd, 4th Monday, 7:30 p.m. Shandon Valley Club • (630) 571-5466
• Meeting — Call ahead for meeting times Templeton Club 2427 • 601 Main St.
• Meeting — 1st and 3rd Thursday, 7 p.m.
• Atascadero 2067 • 8507 El Camino Real • 805-466-5121
• Visit mooseintl.org for more information
• Republican Headquarters - 7357 El Camino Real, Meetings • 4th Tuesday 11:00 am
• visit atascaderorepublicanwomenfederated.com
Atascadero Chamber of Commerce atascaderochamber.org • (805) 466-2044 6907 El Camino Real, Suite A, Atascadero, CA 93422
Templeton Chamber of Commerce templetonchamber.com • (805) 434-1789
321 S. Main Street #C, Templeton, CA 93465
S eventeen U.S. veterans took flight on August 27, in the “Betsy’s Biscuit Bomber,” a restored World War II C-47 aircraft, for an Honor Flight around the Central Coast.
Aboard Betsy were two WWII veterans, one pre-Vietnam veteran who served between Korea and Vietnam, and 14 Vietnam veterans. They came to the Estrella Warbirds Museum in Paso Robles for take-off from areas ranging from Santa Ynez to Paso Robles. All of them have been waiting their turn for an Honor Flight to Washington, D.C., for their Tour of Honor.
“The flight yesterday turned out better than we could have expected,” said Flight Coordina tor for Honor Flight, Caralee Wade. “Our team at Honor Flight worked hard with the Gooney Birds and the staff at the Warbirds museum in putting it all together, and it all came off without a hitch.”Theflight was gifted to Honor Flight Central Coast California by the Estrella Warbirds Museum and plane owners, the Gooney Birds, to thank the veterans who have been waiting on the long wait list for their Washington, D.C., trip.
Honor Flight Central Coast California is a nonprofit organization that takes veterans to
Washington, D.C., for a Tour of Honor trip to see the memorials honoring their service. Honor Flight took the veterans on a 40-minute tour over Morro Rock and Hearst Castle that day.
“Welcome Home Military came to help welcome them back,” said Wade. “Our commu nities helped at the two piers in Cayucos and San Simeon and even at Heritage Ranch show their support with flags waving as they flew past.”
Waiting for the veterans back at Warbirds was the El Paso de Robles Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR).
“As Regent of the El Paso de Robles Chapter, NSDAR, I was very honored to have our chapter participate in the welcoming home of the Honor Flight this past Saturday,” El Paso de Robles Chapter Regent Susan Howard said. “Seven
members of our chapter were able to attend the ceremony and honor our heroes.”
Due to covid-19 precautions, Honor Flights were delayed, but flights are now back running.
The Honor Flight organization was originally focused on WWII veterans, but the flights are open to any veteran of any era. Vietnam veterans now make up the biggest proportion of veterans on the
“Theflights.veterans exited the plane with big smiles and huge hugs, thanking us for a flight they will always remember,” Wade shared.
The next Honor Flight will be October 24-26 and will be the last one of the year. More details on the flight will be available at a later date.
For more information on Honor Flight, visit honorflightccc.org.