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JUNE 2022
fe at ures
Issue No. 48
18 21
Citizen of the Year
Kevin Campion By Christianna Marks
Whether you’re stepping into Atown Park or 805 Boardshop, you’re met with the electric and welcoming energy of Kevin Campion, who has made it his life’s mission to support all the kids of Atascadero.
Community Organization of the Year
Atascadero Printery Foundation by Christianna marks
The Atascadero Printery Foundation has been hard at work restoring the historic Printery Building one project at a time, and this year’s organization of the year.
20 22
Business of the Year
Central Coast Distillery by christianna marks
Central Coast Distillery and its brand, Forager, have made themselves at home in Atascadero for the last five years when husband-and-wife owners Eric and Anna Olson moved here to pursue a family legacy.
2021 Women of Influence
Penni Monroe by Christianna Marks
The much-loved Pen ni Janice PierceMonroe, co-owner of Hush Harbor, passed away last October was named the Woman of Influence for 2021.
On the Cover
The Atascadero Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year: Kevin Campion Photo by Rick Evans for Atascadero News Magazine 17,000 PRINTED | 15,000 DIRECT MAILED LOCALLY! Atascadero 93422 • Santa Margarita 93453 • Creston 93432
Hotels • Wineries • B&Bs • Waiting Rooms • Restaurants • High-traffic Visitor Hotspots
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Publishers Note
Do you have an inspiring image of our amazing community? Do you know of a story that needs to be shared? Email us today at
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Going BIG in Business?
We’ve got your JumpStart™
30 Something Worth Reading
Publisher’s Letter: Bring On the Long Summer Days
ARE YOU STARTING A NEW BUSINESS? YOU NEED TO FILE YOUR FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME, LEGAL NOTICE OR CLASSIFIED AD? Contact The Paso Robles Press at (805) 237-6060 or your local hometown newspaper since 1889. Ask us about our free Business JumpStart™ Guide. N O R T H
Round Town 12
Atascadero Chamber of Commerce: Cross Talk with Josh Cross
The Natural Alternative: It’s Not Goodbye!
Santa Margarita: Out of the Boredom of a Creative Mind Atascadero People
AUSD School Bus Driver: Tonya Pennington Averts Distaster Taste of Atascadero
Taste of Americana: June is Bustin’ Out All Over Features
Art Issue: Get to Know Our Local Artist
$6 $7 $8
Eats, Drinks Treats Discover the Best Tasty Delights Around! • • • • • •
Santa Margarita Atascadero Templeton Paso Robles San Miguel Creston
Vol. 1 // 2021 // Autumn
EATS, DRINKS & TREATS • SUMMER ISSUE! Don’t miss out on our local guide to all the flavors of San Luis Obispo County. The Central Coast is home to some of the best cuisine and we tell the world about it in our digest sized guide to all the best Eats, Drinks & Treats around. Deadline to advertise is June 10. To advertise call us at (805) 466-2585 or email
Tent City 28
SLO County Office of Education: : Future Careers Locally Grown
Awareness: A Evening of Aloha
Calendar & Events 31
Calendarof Events: June
Service Directory: Atascadero Last Word
Holiday: Juneteenth
Directory of our Advertisers
6 | June 2022
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Atascadero News Magazine
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Voted “Best Outdoor Experience”
$60 - Now to April 30 $70 - General Admission $80 - At The Gate
- Best of North SLO County
Elevate Your Experience
100+ Wine Beer Food Art Vendors Shooting Gallery
3 Bands & Dancing
Photo Booth
Zoo Tasting Area
Wine Glass Painting
Picnic Areas
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Publisher’s Letter
Bring on the long summer days
ummertime is here once again, and this year we are ready to enjoy some of our much-loved events and gathering that we missed last year. Summer brings a sense of adventure and endless possibilities, long summer days filled with trips to the beach, the ravine water park, and the pool.
Hayley Mattson
Nicholas Mattson COPY EDITOR
Mike Chaldu
Camille DeVaul AD DESIGN
Jen Rodman
Christianna Marks
Dana McGraw Brooke Brinar Jamie Self
Neil Schumaker Evan Rodda
Cami Martin |
Fresh produce and watermelons are a must this time of year, so don’t forget to enjoy the fresh produce made ready for us by our local farmers at our North County Farmers Markets (page 31).
On June 9, our daughter Elle will officially end her High School career. She technically has been done since December, but this will mark the milestone, and we are looking forward to celebrating the start of her new journey.
In June this year, on the 19th, we celebrate our fathers for all the love, support, and guidance they give to our families and us. Watching Nic guide and mentor our boys as they grow fills my heart and soul. He is an incredible father and friend. We are truly blessed to have him. Happy Father’s Day to all the dads and men who step into that role when one is needed. I miss my dad each and every day—much love to you all who are missing your loved ones. This month we are proud to be able to feature all of our Chamber of Commerce Community Award honorees. The 2021 Atascadero Citizen of the Year, who is also on our cover, is the energetic Kevin Campion (page 18), who really is just a kid himself and a great mentor and friend to all.
We were honored to be able to share this year’s Woman of Influence, Penni Monroe (page 22), who passed away last October. Her daughter Morgan accepted the award in her honor and shared with us what an inspiration her mother was and how much she loved the community of Atascadero. Each month we are deeply moved by the incredible stories we get to share. We are blessed with an incredible team that helps us put it all together and our advertisers who continue to believe in us and the community. We always will be grateful to be able to do what we love, and we will keep it going as long as we have stories to tell. We hope you enjoy this month’s issue of Atascadero News Magazine. Hayley & Nic
Barbie Butz
The Natural Alternative
James Brescia, Ed.D.
Rick Evans
Josh Cross
Simone Smith
JULY 2022 PUBLICATION DELIVERY DATE JUNE 28, 2022 ADVERTISING DEADLINE JUNE 10, 2022 For more advertising information, contact our advertising representatives above, or see our media kit at
5860 El Camino Real Ste G Atascadero, Ca 93422
P.O. Box 6068 Atascadero, Ca 93423
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Commentary reflects the views of the writers and does not necessarily reflect those of Atascadero News Magazine. Atascadero News Magazine is delivered free to 17,000 addresses in North San Luis Obispo County. Our costs are paid entirely by advertising revenue. Our Local Business section spotlights select advertisers. All other stories are determined solely by our editors.
Atascadero News Magazine is owned and published by local people — Nicholas & Hayley Mattson Atascadero News Magazine is a trademark of 13 Stars Media ©2022. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form by any means without written consent.
if thou wouldest win immortality of name, either do things worth the writing, or write things worth the reading. — Thomas Fuller, 1727
This month’s edition of Atascadero News Magazine is brought to you by all the local advertisers that fill our pages. Thanks to them, we are able to bring you your local Hometown Magazine.
8 | June 2022
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Atascadero News Magazine
5/25/22 7:54 PM
Happy Father’s Day “Dads are most ordinary men turned by love into heroes, adventurers, storytellers and singers of song.” — Unknown
Dan Hile, OD ABO Doug Major, OD FAAO ABO Brent Wells, OD S N O I T CA LO
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Schedule your appointment online ANYTIME! 2231 Bayview Heights Drive Los Osos 805-528-5333
Karen Kudija, OD Steve Jio, OD
8105 Morro Road, Suite A Atascadero 805-466-6939 June 2022 | 9
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Round Town • Atascadero Chamber of Commerce
Raise A Glass
to the Remarkable Story Behind the
CEO/President | Atascadero Chamber of Commerce
Adelaide Floral Caindonagh Kitchen Damsel in Defense Home Connect Integrity Systems Meals That Connect Paso Robles Wineries St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
The Essential Entrepreneur Visit Barrel Creek
Atascadero Lakeside Wine Festival
alk back with me in time, 25 years ago. A small group of people united in a single goal to create something truly spectacular for Atascadero. They wanted to establish an event that locals would love and that visitors would get excited about. Together they formed a committee chaired by the passionate community advocate and leader Barbie Butz with the support of the Charles Paddock Zoo, the team moved forward to create two of the most loved events in Atascadero. You can guess what they are. These two signature events were the Mayor’s Winemaker Dinner and the Atascadero Lakeside Wine Festival. Much to their surprise, both events were a great hit! The attendance of both events increased every year until the Mayor’s Winemaker Dinner grew to such a size that it was given to the Atascadero Kiwanis Club. The Atascadero Lakeside Wine Festival continued to grow and thrive, so the committee partnered with the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce for additional help in leadership and staffing. From the beginning, the committee had a heart for their community. Atascadero is a Central Coast gem, filled with outstanding people doing amazing things. The committee
wanted to support the community in a new and creative way, so every year since its founding, some of the proceeds earned from both the events go to the Charles Paddock Zoo. As the Atascadero Lakeside Wine Festival gets ready for its big 25th Anniversary celebration on June 25, it’s keeping to its community heart. It continues to offer a genuine wine tasting experience for locals and visitors — sun, food, wine, art, and music — all together at this sun-splashed wine festival overlooking the Atascadero Lake and nestled next to the Charles Paddock Zoo. This year’s festival will feature hundreds of premium California wines served up along with the best of the regional craft brews, cider, and spirits. Three live bands triangulate the festival grounds to keep the beat going for this lively event. Attendees can enjoy 60+ wineries, 10+ breweries, 3+ cideries, 2+ spirit vendors, 20+ artists, 10+ retail vendors, 10+ food vendors, and three live bands. For the 25th Anniversary, we’re also rolling out some brand new, fun activities, including photo booths by Medina Light Show Designs and Selfie Booth 805, a wine glass painting station, corn hole, and an old west shooting gallery by Lets Party. Combined, all of this creates a truly unforgettable 2022 summer experience! Don’t delay; purchase your tickets by visiting
June Membership Mixer At Portola Inn June 16 | 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
oin us for the June Membership Mixer at Portola Inn hosted by the Kiwanis Club of Atascadero! Get to know local business professionals and explore new businesses in OUR community at “Member Alley” while enjoying complimentary bites and drinks. Membership Mixers are free to members. Registration is encouraged to assist with food and beverage planning purposes. If you are not able to register ahead of time, we still welcome your attendance.
JUNE PROGRAMS and EVENTS 12 | June 2022
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Atascadero Lakeside Wine Festival — 25th Anniversary June 25 | 4 to 8 p.m.
he genuine wine tasting experience — sun, food, wine, art, and music — all come together at this sun-splashed wine festival overlooking the Atascadero Lake and amongst the environs of the Charles Paddock Zoo. Now celebrating its 25th year, this festival will feature hundreds of premium California wines served up along with the best of the regional craft brews, cider, and spirits. Three live bands triangulate the festival grounds in order to keep the beat going for this lively event. Get your tickets at Atascadero News Magazine
5/24/22 8:09 PM
It’s Not Goodbye!
20% Off ALL Sunscreen through June!
20% OFF Any One Item
Some exclusions apply. Expires 6/30/22 8 31 2021 Limit 1 coupon per customer per transaction
y heart is feeling a bit heavy but certainly happy as I pass the torch as owner of The Natural Alternative, a store I gave birth to 27 years ago! You will meet the new owner in the very near future with the finalization of the sale. My team, which is led by my amazing and talented manager, Rachel Howell, will continue to provide all our loyal customers with the same standard of care and compassion that has made us a respected resource for the community’s health care needs. I will continue working part-time, doing nutritional consultations, and helping you reach your optimal health goals! Rachel is currently studying for her CNC board certification as well as future training in Applied Clinical Nutrition, so she will pick up where I leave off! Rachel graduated in May 2021 from Colorado State University with a BS in Nutritional Sciences. She is a great asset to The Natural Alternative and the community. So, it’s not goodbye, but see ya around! I am planning to enjoy a new freedom to travel and enjoy life with my new hubbie (just got married in May!). After making the decision to sell The Natural Alternative and shedding a few tears (bittersweet!), I hope to see you around town as Steve, and I love to frequent our amazing restaurants,
wineries, hiking trails, and beaches! Now, onto our June summertime promo! Enjoy 20% off ALL sunscreen at The Natural Alternative! We carry top-selling sunscreens such as Badger, Original Sprout, Derma E, and local All Good from Morro Bay! As not all sunscreens are created equal, the difference is mineral protection vs. chemical protection. New research by the Environmental Working Group reveals that chemicals commonly used in sunscreens are endocrine disruptors (upsetting hormonal balance), estrogenic (mimic estrogen), and may interfere with thyroid and hormone processes in the body. The Natural Alternative only carries mineral-based sunscreens with ingredients such as zinc oxide or titanium oxide, which create a physical barrier protecting the skin from the sun. We have sunscreen creams, sprays, and sticks available. There’s an amazing tinted sun protection facial powder from Derma E with SPF 30 for easy brush and go sun protection! Stop putting chemicals ON your body that end up IN your body! Take the natural route with 20% off your favorite sunscreen from The Natural Alternative. Stay well and be safe this summer! Bobbi & The Team @ The Natural Alternative
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805-434-4848 June 2022 | 13
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Out of the
Boredom of a C reative Mind
Round Town • Santa Margarita
ot many people can claim that they’ve even visited most of our 50 states. To have actually worked in 47 out of the 50 is even more impressive, but that’s just a small part of Aaron Trejo’s story. We first began to learn of Aaron Trejo and his artwork this past January on a local Facebook group page post offering his mural services and subsequent posts showing results and photos from happy customers. His work locally has gone from a fish pond/fountain, where he created an aquarium scene in Creston, to interior home walls with tree and baseball park murals, water tanks with horse and native butterfly murals, and a pizza oven at a farm with a pig, goat and alpaca looking over guests in Santa Margarita. Aaron’s work is quick, creative, beautiful and really adds to and highlights the uniqueness of each location and client with seemingly no obstacles getting in the way or any challenge too great. Customers of Aaron’s, like Tina Ballantyne from Giving Tree Family Farm, say that the process of working with him was very simple, giving him a rough idea and maybe a few pictures of what they would like to see and he’s off and running with his own ideas and interpretations to fit the project. Speaking with Aaron recently, I was able to get a better understanding of his background, creative process and a crash course on graffiti arts and hip-hop culture. Growing up very poor, in an area of New Jersey five minutes outside of New York City, Aaron lived in an apartment house with friends who lived a few blocks away in an area that was a “dumping zone” — a stereotypical “hood” with abandoned buildings, trash in the streets and drug dealers on the corners. This was no place for kids to grow up, but nobody seemed to care and the city just turned their back on the area. Aaron was a high-achieving honors student who hung out with kids at least four years older, totally bored at school and for four years was kicked out of every summer camp he was sent to in an attempt to keep him busy and out of trouble. After the failed summer camp attempts, his family decided to send him to be with his very talented aunt at her renaissance art studio where he learned all forms of artwork from painting to ceramics, woodworking, and more. Artistic talent runs in the family and Aaron looked up to and was influenced by his cousins, Rob and Aden, who were into comic book art, BMX riding and a nomadic lifestyle. His aunt’s work has been placed into various museums and Aden’s sketch of a pair of Converse shoes was placed in MOMA before he met an untimely death as a passenger in a car accident at the age of 16, a mere two weeks after his older brother Rob passed in a tragic train incident. That year, with the random passing of five other important people in his life, was the turning point for Aaron. He realized life is too short — anything can happen at any time to anyone, no matter what age or circumstance, and he didn’t want to waste his time. Aaron wanted to get out there, do things and make a difference. Through BMX riding, Aaron was inspired by Joe Tiseo, a New Jersey BMX legend who rode for Animal and Kink, and who built three bikes for Aaron over the years “Joe was a super nice guy who worked at a local BMX shop, he really liked seeing kids have a good time and elevate their lives,” Aaron said. “He just loved to help out and see others succeed.”
Written by Simone Smith Photo by Aaron Trejo 14 | June 2022
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Atascadero News Magazine
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From BMX riding to photography and the car scene, Aaron had gotten into tagging but really got into painting after breaking up with a girlfriend. Aaron and his friends had lots of time and room to practice throughout New Jersey until getting into trouble and being required to “pay back through the Jersey City Mural Arts Program”. This was the point that the friends decided to try to make their painting legal and Aaron helped his friends Robert Ramone & Andre Leone to found Rorshach brand. “Rob was the main idea man”, who became the curator of Abington Walls, an outdoor mural and graffiti arts gallery which started when Rob wanted to clean up his neighborhood and have a block party. The friends organized “gorilla style,” — not knowing the owner of the half-abandoned building they had been painting on for years, Aaron created a fake permission slip, Andres father had access to dump trucks to help clear the area of trash and they asked drug dealers to move out of the area. They then proceeded to put on their first event which “showcased 30 of the best of the best artists doing live painting, DJs, dancers, musicians and vocal artists performing jazz, rap and spoken word, they had food vendors and clothing companies. Not only did they clean up and entertain the neighborhood, but the event also gained the attention of the building owner and city, allowing it to become a legal, annual, one- or two-day event called “Brick City Jam.” After three years at Abington Walls, it became a city-sponsored event and moved to Riverfront Park, in Newark, New Jersey. Through his involvement in the car scene at 19, Aaron caught the attention of Donwan Harrell “The Don of Denim” from New York. His companies, PRPS Denim and Akademiks, had more street style and a “brand at the intersection of art, music and fashion.” Aaron’s main project was for another company of Donwan’s called “GIMPT” or Gaget Import, a company fully focused on car events, street racing, and Hot Import Nights. At one point, Aaron was the youngest to ever host a BMW event as the company created merchandise, and hosted and attended events all over the U.S. Although Aaron grew up in New Jersey, he has spent time over the years visiting relatives here on the Central Coast and most recently moved to the area near family outside of Santa Margarita to take a break after working on two of the largest murals in Jersey City. Through Rorschach, Aaron and his friends helped paint a piece by San Francisco-based artist Mona Caron. Her 20-story-tall “Joe Pye Weed” is part of a series of beautiful murals she has done around the world to show “a vision of nature winning,” highlighting the resilience of weeds to put us in our place. The crew worked on making the mural come to life in three weeks from July 13 to Aug. 4, and although they worked hundreds of feet above the city “any fear of heights was gone after the first couple of days” and they “really had fun working on the project.” The piece was completed in August 2021, commissioned by Jersey City for their Mural Arts Program. The second mural, titled “The Future Nurtures the Past,” was designed by friends Andre and Rob of Rorschach, and is a double-sided, quarter-milelong project taking the team two months to complete in December 2021 with the support of Newark Mayor Ras Baraka and the city’s Division of Arts and Culture to beautify Raymond Boulevard. Aaron is planning to stay in this area, although he will continue to travel back and forth to spend time with his 5-year-old son, continue involvement with Jersey City Arts events, and work on multiple business and private mural projects. Aaron was really dismayed at the drug and homeless situation he has seen around our area and California in general and says that he would love to work on some local projects to get kids involved and give them something creative to do. Aaron really enjoys the challenge of doing letterwork and would like to teach how to “keep the structure of letters but getting really funky with it, tweaking them to make it your own.” Maybe a skatepark or graffiti jam — there’s so much untapped talent and potential out there. He’s also thinking he’d really like to start up a West Coast version of a hybrid arts festival, similar to Brick City Jam, to highlight upcoming artists and uplift communities. Whatever he does, it won’t be boring and I’m looking forward to seeing more of what Aaron Trejo does in the future.
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Artists paint from scaffolding multiple stories up
June 2022 | 15
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People • Atascadero Chamber of Commerce
r e v i r D s u B l o o h Sc e r i F s u B g n i r u D r e t s a s i D s t r Ave By Christianna Marks
n Saturday, April 2, Tonya Pennington, a school bus driver for the Atascadero Unified School District (AUSD), averted a potential disaster when her bus started having mechanical failures due to an electrical fire. “I was en route to Atascadero from Morro Bay with our JV baseball team after they played their game,” said Tonya. “I drive Bus 36, which is my favorite bus. I’ve been in that bus for a very long time. In saying that, I know that bus inside and out.” Tonya explained she heard a loud pop and instantly knew something pretty major was wrong with her bus. She quickly noticed that the power to the bus was being affected, and her gauges started fluttering, which indicated to her that she was probably dealing with an electrical fire. Her suspicions were confirmed when she saw smoke coming from the back of the bus. “I looked back at the coaches, and I said, ‘I have a little problem, so I’m going to find a safe place to pull over, and then you guys are going to evacuate the scene, and you’re going to get them [the team] off the roadway, about 10 to 20 feet from the bus,’” Tonya said. “I was hoping to pull over quickly before anyone got alarmed. And so as I was starting to pull over into this perfect pullout (it was like it was customized for me), one of the boys goes, ‘there’s smoke back here.’ I said,
16 | June 2022
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‘it’s fine; we’re pulling over.’ So I pulled over, pulled my brake, turned off my bus, and got everyone off to safety.” Tonya worked with coaches Scot Craycraft and Chance Viale, delegating making phone calls to 911 and Atascadero High School’s athletics director, Sam DeRose to them. Tonya wanted to make sure that everyone knew their kids were safe and that the incident was solely a mechanical situation. Tonya then grabbed a fire extinguisher and went to the back of the bus. There were flames both under the bus and shooting up its side. Because of dry brush in the area, Tonya decided to cross the whole team, with the help of coaches Scot and Chance, across Highway 41. “Those coaches were amazing,” added Tonya. “Best coaches, best kids in the world. They listened, they didn’t argue, left their equipment like I asked, and walked to the other side [of 41]. They entertained themselves and kept off the roadway.” Not only did Tonya make sure that every single team member and coach was off the bus, but she also managed to get all the team’s gear to safety as well. “Every time a team gets on the bus, it’s like getting on an airplane; they take you through all the safety precautions and protocols should there be an incident. And our bus drivers do that every time we go on a trip,” said Sam. “That’s part of the districts and our normal procedures whenever we travel, is we go through all of our safety protocols.” Sam, who wasn’t on the bus himself, was
Tonya Pennington (middle, with flowers) is shown with the Atascadero School Board and members of the AUSD Transportation Department, and AHS JV baseball team. Contributed photo
busy communicating with the Atascadero High administrators and the Transportation Department during the incident, making sure everyone knew what was transpiring. “I spoke to Tonya a little bit after they had got everybody out and moved, and she handled it with such grace and professionalism and kept the situation calm. You couldn’t ask for anything more,” Sam said of how Tonya handled the situation. “We are very grateful. We feel blessed. We’re very appreciative of Tonya.” Tonya has been driving buses for AUSD for over 20 years, starting as a substitute, but she has officially been working for the district for almost 19 of those. “When our teams travel, kids will ask, ‘is Tonya driving today?’ She has that respect and care from our kids and coaches,” added Sam. Tonya, who was lead during the incident, also had help and support from the transportation office, her boss, the district office, and people who offered to pick up kids, while another bus driver showed up to get the athletes home. On top of Sam, Scot, and Chance’s help. At the Atascadero Unified School District Meeting on Tuesday, April 19, Tonya was celebrated for her heroics and was presented with flowers and a baseball that the entire JV baseball team signed. “Sometimes bus driving is a very thankless job, and these parents and these kids were really, really amazing,” expressed Tonya. “It touched my heart.” Atascadero News Magazine
5/24/22 8:09 PM
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5/24/22 8:09 PM
H ap m Fro
Citizen of the Year
Kevin Campion By Christianna Marks
hether you’re stepping into ATown Park or 805 Boardshop, you’re met with an electric and welcoming energy. So it makes sense that the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce awarded owner Kevin Campion Citizen of the Year for 2021. “Maybe almost 10 years ago, I was Volunteer of the Year. I think it was part of the same celebration and acknowledgment, a dinner gathering, and it was awesome,” Campion said of his award and his role in the community. “I didn’t really imagine being recognized for what I do; so I’m humbled because I’m kind of the guardian of the underdogs. That’s kind of my role in the community. I serve kids, mostly, and a lot of the kids that I serve are the invisible kids.” Campion, who started swimming competitively when he was just 5 years old, began his teaching career by the time he was 14, assisting coaches while helping to train other swimmers. Later, when he headed to Northern California for college, he landed a full-time professional coaching position with a year-round swim program. “That was like 50 years ago. From that period until now, I’ve always served kids,” Campion
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said. “That’s been my focus and my career. And I’ve done it through a myriad of different ways, including retail. I started my first surf shop in 1984. I’ve sponsored events, sponsored athletes, developed brands, and sold brands several times over my career.” Kevin and his family moved to Atascadero almost 25 years ago, when he retired after selling three of his stores in Marin County, which is where he was raised. He’s been looking out for the kids of Atascadero ever since. “I use the 80/20 analogy, where 10 percent of the kids in our community are giving us a lot of trouble, and we have to focus on them a lot, 10 percent of the kids in our community are excelling and take up a lot of our attention because they’re shining so bright,” Campion said. “And then there’s 80 percent that are kind of lost, and sort of navigating on their own and those are the ones that I go out of my way and try to provide something [for] other than what’s there for them.” He added that that’s what ATown Park, which has been a part of the community for almost two decades, is all about. And that’s what he’s
providing to the community through the skate park as well as 805 Boardshop. “My background’s surfing and skateboarding. I’ve been selling skateboards for 40 years and been involved and had my own brands,” Campion said. ATown Park, on top of being a fully supervised skate park, is also one of the first facilities nationwide that earned a conditional permit to allow non-collapsible scooters, all thanks to Campion. This also led Campion to start learning how to work on and maintain scooters, and around eight years ago, he started a scooter brand called SCT USA, which sells premium scooter parts. Kevin said that the scooter parts are a huge part of how the skate park is funded, as they do wholesale business and sponsor riders. “A supervised facility like ATown Park is a place where they [kids] can be safe. If they get hurt, they can have help. If there’s any oppression or misbehavior, it gets squashed; we run a really tight ship here,” Campion said. “We don’t necessarily embrace the older, more rebel skateboarder per se, and therefore we do seem to have a lot more scooter riders than skateboard riders. Because of the age group that we focus on.” Campion said. The slogan of ATown Park is “it’s not what you ride, it’s how you ride.” And Campion prides himself on providing a safe place for kids to ride skateboards or scooters authentically. “We’re not biased towards scooters or Atascadero News Magazine
5/24/22 8:09 PM
skateb skateb welcom yourse that de he said any bia what s allow and th that’s w 12-yea “It’s based their se ing, or they r themse the co that’s w Cam for kid
men’s retail 805.464.2538 5908 entrada avenue
skateboards. We allow scooters and skateboards in the park. Everybody’s welcome, but it’s how you conduct yourself while you’re at the park that determines your success here,” he said. You can’t come in and have any bias towards what you’re into vs. what someone else is into. We don’t allow any kind of oppression here, and that’s why it’s a safe place, and that’s why we focus mostly on 8 to 12-year-olds. “It’s time to stop judging people based on the color of their skin, or their sex, or the color of their clothing, or what they’re riding. It’s how they roll, it’s how they represent themselves as a citizen and a part of the community that they’re in, and that’s what we teach here.” Campion also provides coaching for kids who want to participate
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competitively. “We’ve got kids traveling all over the world out of ATown Park that are ranked top athletes in the world because of their training that they do here,” he stated proudly. On top of providing Atascadero and anyone traveling through with a safe place to ride and providing Boardshop culture to North County residents, Campion also offers free after-school programs for the kids in the community at ATown Park. “Our goal is to provide a facility that’s safe for kids, for grandma, for anybody that’s here, that’s family-oriented,” he said. “And you don’t necessarily have to be athletic to enjoy the facility. Our goal is to try to serve as many in our community as possible. And I guess we’re doing a pretty good job.”
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Includes a side salad and glass of house wine MONDAY
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Mole Enchiladas
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June 2022 | 19
5/24/22 8:09 PM
Central Coast
By Ch
By Christianna Marks
he Atascadero Chamber of Commerce announced in May that Central Coast Distillery had been awarded Business of the Year for 2021. Central Coast Distillery and its subsequent brand, Forager, have made themselves at home on Traffic Way for the last five years when husband-and-wife owners Eric and Anna Olson opened the distillery in 2017. “When I found out, I said, ‘this is the opposite of a nightmare.’” said Eric of winning the award. “It’s kind of shocking, you know, you’re like, ‘wow, unbelievable.’ I thought I’d be the last one.” Eric states that Central Coast Distillery and everything provided on-site, including their Forager rums, vodkas, gins, and bourbon whiskeys, could not have been possible without the help of the community. “To give you a little background, when I was building the place, the mayor’s husband, Mike Moreno, came and helped us build our distillery,” Eric said. “And one of the local brokers, Rich Shannon, he’s the one who got me the lease on the property. I needed extra
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Business of the Year
ceiling height, and he went around and found that for me. And those stories just keep going on and on about all the different people that just jumped on board to help me become successful. “During the pandemic, the city gave me a grant, so I would have some money so I could move my seating outside. Everywhere along the way, it seemed like there was always somebody behind me, and I just feel like, ‘wow, I think we all got the award.’” Not only do the Olsons make delicious spirits and alcohols at Central Coast Distillery, but they also give out safe certifications to all the bartenders in the county, teaching them how to check different IDs and how to serve alcohol to the community safely. The certification program is universal and can be used anywhere in the world. “We’re really doing our part to make sure that alcohol is being served safely throughout our county,” continued Eric. On top of winning Business of the Year, Central Coast Distillery just won the Visitors Experience
Award from CalTravel for bringing tourists into San Luis Obispo County. They were also written up in the Los Angeles Times for their foraging experiences. “Worldwide, we get calls, people want to forage, and that’s part of what we do, and now we’re going to work with Gallo Wine and their senior team on foraging some gin botanicals in our county. Which is really exciting.” Foraging is in the Olson’s blood and has been passed down through generations on Eric’s mother’s side. “My family was the first druggist in the state of California; back then, they didn’t use chemicals. They foraged everything for medicine back in the 1800s. The medium was alcohol; they put it in there so if you had something that ailed you. A stomach issue or a heart issue or whatever, they would go and forage items and blend them. Apothecary blend them. And that’s how that name became forager.” But that’s not where Eric’s foraging background stops; he also used his foraging knowledge
while gaining more insight during his military career. He also worked with some of the top foragers in California while building his chef career and during his world travels. While Anna took her experience working in the resort industry and became the Distillery’s Compliance Officer, as well as being in charge of branding. Central Coast Distillery not only uses foraging in the making of their alcohols but also in the cocktails that are served on-site as well. ‘We put different botanicals in our bitters and different things in our drinks that are healthy and are high in nutrients. We try to use all fresh ingredients [that we forage],” added Eric. Central Coast Distillery has classes every month for distilling, cocktail making, holiday food and appetizers, rum making, and foraging classes. They also forage for other branding companies. “I love the community. I love all the regulars. I like bringing the tourism to our county through Atascadero,” concluded Eric. Atascadero News Magazine
5/24/22 8:10 PM
Community Organization By Christianna Marks
he Atascadero Printery Foundation has been hard at work restoring the historic Printery Building one project at a time. In May, the Atascadero Printery Foundation was recognized by the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce as the 2021 Community Organization of the Year. “I was very overwhelmed and honored. It’s such an honor, and we’ve worked so hard. Everybody has put so much effort into this and for it to be recognized in this manner means a great deal,” said Printery Foundation President Karen McNamara. “It’s a very joyous moment. I immediately started thinking of everybody who has just done so much to get us to this point.” The Printery Building was completed in 1915 and actually hosted the Atascadero News building from 1916 to 1949. The Printery restoration, when completed, will include a performing arts center that can hold up to 300 people, meeting spaces for the community to use, and an interactive printing museum. “I think that this honor from the Chamber speaks to the worthiness of our project,” Karen said. “That everyone is recognizing that this is such a valuable asset for our community. Not just to Atascadero, but the whole region, because there is not a community arts and events center here, so I just believe that it shows that people are understanding how valuable this will be to everyone here.” Last month, the Atascadero Printery Foundation applied for a substantial grant. The foundation is hopeful that they will get the funds, which will help them move along in the retrofit of the building. “We’re very hopeful that we’re getting a lot closer,” added Karen. The Printery is also making great strides to
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of the Year
The Atascadero Printery Foundation
demolish the added-on karate studio soon. The foundation has appropriated the funds and is ready to move on with the next steps in the demolition. “We’ve looked forward to that. It’s kind of a mess, so we’ve looked forward to it coming down for a long time,” Karen said of the studio add-on. The Printery will also be participating in Open Doors California, which is a part of the Annual Conference of the California Preservation Foundation. The Printery Building will be one of the 70 sites available to visit on June 11 and 12 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The open house will also include a virtual tour for people who aren’t local, music, a barbecue, and games. The Printery is kicking off the weekend with a dance a 6 p.m. on Friday, June 10. “[People can have] a fun day at the Printery and learn more about it and appreciate this wonderful historic site that we have,” said Karen.
Karen added that donations and volunteers are always and continually welcome by the Atascadero Printery Foundation. “I’m just so grateful to every single volunteer and donor that has put forth so much effort to make this happen,” she said. “The board does a lot of work, and the fundraising committee does a lot of work, but it’s all the small and large pieces from everyone that has brought us to this next stage of being able to demo and then move forward with the retrofit, and get the red tag off and get the doors open. I think it’s an amazing attribute of our city and our region that people have done so much to help. This community is amazing.” To find out more, volunteer, or donate to the Atascadero Printery Foundation’s continuing mission to bring a fully functioning arts center to the North County, visit June 2022 | 21
5/24/22 8:11 PM
Woman of Infuence: THE LEGACY OF:
Penni Monroe
he much-loved Penni Janice Pierce-Monroe was honored by the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce when she was named the Woman of Influence for 2021. Penni, who passed in October of 2021, left behind a legacy of change and inclusion for everyone whose lives she touched. "Well, I'm definitely not surprised because my mom has always been involved in everything my whole life," said Morgan Monroe, Penni's daughter, of her mother being honored. "Church, she was a Sunday school teacher; school, she read in class; she volunteered, and she donated books to our library. She's always been like that. Definitely a community servant."
Penni was born on March 24, 1958, to her mother, Harriet Vandergrift, and father, Robert Pierce. She graduated from Dillard University in New Orleans with a bachelor's degree in business. At Dillard University, a historically Black univers i t y, Pe n n i pledged Alpha Kappa Alpha (AKA). Other AKA members include Martin Luther King Jr.'s wife Coretta Scott King, Vice President Kamala Harris, and Maya Angelou. "It's hard to sum her up. I tell people, I said at her service, 'if I really had to sum her up, I'd say, Maya Angelou, Michelle Obama, Nina Simone, Penni
that she is," added Morgan. After graduating from college, Penni worked in aerospace, in the
missiles department, until opening Hush-Harbor with her husband, Donnie Monroe. The artisan bakery opened in Atascadero in January 2002, with the Monroes creating freshly baked products for the community. Penni also contributed scholarships for Black students attending Cal Poly and was known as a "mom" to a whole slew of young adults in the area. She was always there with words of encouragement, strength, and faith. And would share the gospel and her love of God with everyone she met who wanted to hear it. "Powerful, she's just a powerful, very spiritual, very real, connected, human being," continued Morgan. Penni also loved watching Morgan's band, The Monroe, perform live and never missed a show. She also traveled the world with her son Malcolm, getting into many fun adventures with him. While her favorite thing of all was being a grandmother to her granddaughter Chloé Gottfried.
"It's bittersweet," Morgan said of Penni being awarded Woman of Influence. "I wish she was around to know how highly she was regarded. It's a bummer to get this kind of thing when you're
Monroe.' That's just the best way I can describe the phenomenal type of woman
5940 Entrada Avenue, Atascadero (805)423-2338
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Atascadero News Magazine
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gone. But I definitely, it's like, what more could you ask for, because I feel like a whole book should be written about her. I'm just so glad that there's some type of a memorializing happening."
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June 2022 | 23
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Max Randolph
Max Randolph forges a sculpture. Photo by Bradical Photography
By Christianna Marks
s a kid, Max Randolph was always up to something creative, whether it was sculpting with clay, drawing, or playing with Legos, but it was when he learned to weld at 14 that his creativity really exploded. “Suddenly, I was able to make things out of metal, but what really started to happen was I knew I could get it hot and then I could move it, and that’s truly when, all of the sudden, I fell down the rabbit hole,” he said. Though his dream is to one day create things directly from the source with untapped creativity, Randolph is currently working on commissioned projects. He says that skewing his perception through someone else’s lens is a fun challenge. “Someone needs something, and then I create it for them,” he added excitedly. Randolph has a plethora of projects currently being molded or fresh out of his forge, including a massive sculpture of an oak tree with copper leaves that will be going to Mission San Antonio de Padua. You can see Randolph’s art locally in The Alchemist’s Garden’s sign and the clock tower located in Tin City in Paso Robles, where he lives.
Sally Lamas paints her mural on the side of the Monarch Behavior Solutions Building. Contributed Photo
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o stranger to paint, Sally Lamas is a muralist who’s had her work all over San Luis Obispo County, from Pismo Beach to her newest mural in Atascadero. “There’s something special about a public mural because it’s almost ... I actually took a lot of solicited suggestions from people,” Lamas said. “When you’re working in your studio, it’s you and whoever might be your family doing that. But it’s not an integral thing with the community that then walks by and remembers how they talked to you about that piece of art.” Lamas not only paints her art on public surfaces in the community, but she’s also been known to work on canvases, her own greeting card line, and many more artistic endeavors. Lamas’s most recent mural, which was a part of Atascadero’s Equality Mural Project, can be found on the side of the Monarch Behavior Solutions Building.
Sally Lamas Atascadero News Magazine
5/24/22 8:11 PM
Marie Ramey
An abstract are piece by Marie Ramey. Photo by Marie Ramey
ince the start of COVID, Marie Ramey’s art process has changed. Over the last couple of years, she has repainted over some of her older pieces that she was dissatisfied with, using them to create new paintings. “I haven’t bought canvas since COVID started, and that’s been very fun to do, leaving a little bit of the history of the old painting. I know it’s there, and it contributes to the new painting,” Ramey said. Ramey, who’s been a North County local for 21 years, is currently painting out of her home studio in her barn. where she also teaches classes to locals. She also taught art history and drawing part-time for 10 years at Cuesta College. “I’m always experimenting,” Ramey said of her art process. “Trying to get looser and looser.” For announcements on classes and upcoming events, check out Marie’s website at:
ordan Hockett grew up in the North County, left to get his art degree from San Francisco State, and returned to Paso Robles in 2015. Initially, Hockett started his college journey wanting to study graphic design, but along the way, he switched over to studying the fine arts. To this day, graphic design still influences his work. “I’ve always loved color and pattern,” Hockett said. “I also worked as an upholsterer for five years, so a lot of textiles influence my current work with the color and the pattern.” Hockett has been a part of Studios on the Park for the last seven years after working for a handful of galleries in San Francisco. He says that, in addition to textiles and graphic design, human interaction plays a big role in his work. “I like to look at how people are interacting with different people and sometimes present it in a humorous way,” Hockett said. You can see Hockett’s art in Paso Robles at Studios on the Park, where he is also Studios on the Park’s curator.
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Jordan Hockett June 2022 | 25
5/24/22 8:11 PM
Ov • June is Bustin’ Out All Over
Leigh Ann’s Potato Salad Barbie Butz
June is Bustin’ Out All Over
s the Rodgers and Hammerstein lyrics imply, “June is bustin’ out all over,” and around these parts, it’s bustin’ with graduations, weddings, wine festivals, barbecues, family reunions, and so much more. Funny how our menus change with the onslaught of summer. We go from those warm and cozy comfort food meals by the fireplace to casual outdoor picnics in a park. I love the way our north county seasonal changes inspire us to “cook with the weather.” Potato Salad is always on my summer menus, and I have a minor collection (and growing) of potato salad recipes. I can’t seem to pass up a new or even an old recipe from a friend for that picnic classic. As a matter of fact, a friend has been visiting from North Carolina, and while here, she prepared her version of the salad for Easter dinner. It was served with baked ham. I now have the recipe for my collection, and I’m sharing it with you.
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Ingredients: 5-6 potatoes, boiled with skins on 2-3 hard-boiled eggs, finely mashed with a fork 2 stalks celery, finely chopped 1 medium onion, finely chopped
4 dill pickle spears, finely chopped 1 handful pimento-stuffed green olives, finely chopped Paprika and fresh chopped parsley
Directions: Wash potatoes, place in large pot, cover with water, and cook until tender but not over-cooked. Remove from pot and peel when cool. Coarsely chop potatoes and put in large bowl. Add eggs, celery, onion, dill pickle, and green olives. In small bowl, mix mayonnaise, mustard, salt, pepper, dill weed, and a little milk to thin the mayonnaise. Using a wooden spoon or a spatula, mix dressing into potato mixture. If salad is too dry, mix more dressing, thinning with milk. Lightly sprinkle top of salad with paprika and fresh chopped parsley. Here’s another salad for your summer “people-gathering” menus. Potato salad and coleslaw have always been go-together offerings for picnics and barbecues. There are probably as many recipes for coleslaw as there are for potato salad. This is a lower-fat version of the classic recipe and uses nonfat Greek yogurt and less mayonnaise.
Creamy Coleslaw Ingredients for slaw: 1 large carrot, grated 1 head cabbage, finely chopped Ingredients for dressing: 3 tablespoons sugar 2/3 cup nonfat Greek yogurt 2 tablespoons prepared horseradish 1/3 cup mayonnaise (I like Best Foods) 1⁄2 teaspoon salt 2 ounces vinegar (cider, white wine, or rice wine) Directions: Chop cabbage into 1/8 to 1⁄4 inch pieces in a food processor or by hand. Put cabbage and grated carrot in a large bowl. Whisk dressing ingredients together in a medium bowl. Taste dressing and adjust if desired. Add the dressing to the cabbage (using less than full amount if desired), stirring to coat evenly. Best if made at least 2 hours ahead or the day before.
Additional Dressing
Note: I’m including this recipe for an optional dressing. Use the same ingredients and directions for the cabbage, using the following dressing recipe. Ingredients: 1 cup sour cream 1⁄2 cup mayonnaise 1⁄4 cup vinegar (cider, white wine, or rice wine)
5 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1 heaping teaspoon horseradish Follow same directions for this dressing as given in the above recipe.
Atascadero News Magazine
5/24/22 8:11 PM
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June 2022 | 27
5/24/22 8:11 PM
• SLO County Office of Education
Future Careers Locally Grown James Brescia, Ed.D.
question all Americans should ponder is how we guide the next generation. Community leaders hope for solid, decent, wellrounded young people who will value their families, strengthen their communities, and uphold the democratic values of our civil society. The future of humanity depends on success in fostering the next generations’ healthy intellectual development and curiosity. The students that live in our community today are the citizens, leaders, workers, and parents of tomorrow. If we invest wisely in these young people who are our greatest assets, the next generation will pay that investment back with productivity, civic engagement, and responsible citizenship. If we fail to invest in building a solid foundation, we put our future prosperity and our national security at risk. Tools for fostering engagement such as apprenticeships, internships, Career and Technical Education (CTE), and summer employment are programs that promote a path for today’s youth. The San Luis Obispo County Office of Education (SLOCOE) has fostered a partnership with the County of San Luis Obispo to boost youth employment, apprenticeships and expand our childcare workforce. Apprenticeships are industry-driven, high-quality career pathways developed in partnership with
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employers. These programs are often called internships, job awareness programs, or work experience. The San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors, the Workforce Development Board, Cuesta College, and SLO Partners are all committed to making use of our American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to enhance and expand paid apprenticeships, on-thejob learning experiences, CTE, job mentorships, and employer accepted job certifications. Investment in these programs allows employers to recruit and develop a diverse and skilled workforce, improve profitability, minimize employee turnover, and create flexible training opportunities. Many apprentices, interns, and on-the-job learning participants become regular or seasonal employees. San Luis Obispo County employers report that these programs provide a pipeline of skilled employees, reduce recruiting costs, and better match employee skills with workplace needs. The SLOCOE Ticket2Teach program inspires future Early Childhood Educators by providing tuition assistance while completing Cuesta College’s Associate of Arts degree in Early Childhood Education (ECE), guiding participants through the ECE permit process, and supporting access to pathways to advance employment. Applications for Ticket2Teach are online at By leveraging existing SLOCOE programs, the funds provided by the Board of Supervisors support a collaborative
consortium of local partners, including the SLO County Child Care Planning Council, CAPSLO Child Care Resource Connection, Quality Counts SLO County, First5 SLO County, and the We Are the Care Initiative. All partners are engaged in the shared development and implementation of this ARPA Child Care Funding Plan to support San Luis Obispo County in growing a skilled ECE workforce. Our newly approved Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Youth Services program is structured to provide pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship programs in online and in-person formats serving disadvantaged populations who often lack capacity in school schedules or have dropped out of school. The SLOCOE Youth Services program facilitates in-school and out-of-school paid and unpaid work-based experiences in partnership with apprenticeship programs, Cuesta College, and adult education. Work-based learning opportunities, including apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship offered by SLOCOE and SLO Partners, assist students in developing soft skills, basic job skills, and work experience skills expected of applicants in highly competitive hiring processes seen among many San Luis Obispo County employers. SLOCOE and SLO Partners have data-supported programs that serve students who are disabled, second-language speakers, disadvantaged, and under-represented in exploring career
pathways. The collaborative efforts of our community provide space for employers across the county to facilitate career pathways. For example, although Pacific, Gas, and Electric (PG&E), the largest private employer in the area, represents a specific industry sector (Energy, Environment, and Utilities), the company employs workers in Informations Communications Technology (ICT), engineering, product design, and hospitality. In addition to providing workplace opportunities for students in multiple pathways and giving significant financial support each year to education, PG&E has a representative advising our workforce development programs. The SLOCOE in-school and out-of-school programs also provide time for tutoring to ensure participants acquire the academic skills to compete successfully for apprenticeships and job placements. These partnerships foster sustainability by leveraging funds from SLOCOE, our CTE Foundation, employers, the Workforce Development Board, the California Department of Rehabilitation, the Adult Education Block Grant, First5, and the Extended Learning Opportunity Grant. I thank the Board of Supervisors, the Workforce Development Board, First5, CAPSLO, Cuesta College, SLO Partners, partner agencies, and local employers for investing in our next generation. As your county superintendent of schools, I am committed to promoting future locally grown careers. Atascadero News Magazine
5/24/22 8:11 PM
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June 2022 | 29
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‘An Evening Of Aloha’ Brings Fentanyl Awareness to North County By Christianna Marks
riends, family, and local community members gathered at the Colony Park Community Center in Atascadero on Saturday, April 30, for the Second Annual “Evening of Aloha.” The event, put on by the Velci family, promotes fentanyl awareness and raises money for the Emilio Velci Aloha Project in memory of their late son. “My son passed away when he was deceived into thinking he was getting a pharmaceutical-grade Percocet, and in reality, it was a counterfeit pill made of fentanyl, and he passed away,” Emilio’s mother, Cammie Velci, explained. “He went home and played video games and passed away at home. He was found the next day.” Cammie Velci dedicated “An Evening of Aloha” to the parents and siblings who’ve lost their siblings and children to fentanyl homicide. “I had never known about fentanyl and never known about the drug culture and what was going on out there,” Cammie said. “And so I started doing my research, and I decided to do awareness and create awareness for our community and our county in saying what is going on about the counterfeit pills and the illicit drugs laced with Fentanyl.” Stories from other families who lost a loved one to fentanyl poisoning were also shared at the event, and a mother from Gilroy spoke about her son, who she lost in March 2020, the same month and year that Emilio passed away. “It was devastating to find out what has been going on in our state and our country,” Cammie said. “It’s a complete tragedy of the amount of people dying every day.” San Luis Obispo County Assistant District Attorney Eric Dobroth gave a speech in lieu of County District Attorney Dan Dow, who was called away on business the night of the event. Eric went on to say that fentanyl is being cut into other illicit drugs like methamphetamines, heroin, powder cocaine, and fake pharmaceutical pills. He explained that as little as 2mg of fentanyl can kill an average male adult. He also gave the fentanyl stats for San Luis Obispo County from the Sheriff ’s Coroner’s Office. In 2018, out of 44 drug-related overdose deaths, three involved fentanyl. In 2019, out of 53 drug-related overdose deaths, 12 involved fentanyl. In 2020, out of 88 drug-related overdose deaths, 34 involved fentanyl. In 2021,
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out of 123 drug-related overdose deaths, 74 involved fentanyl. District Attorney Dan Dow is currently working on the Velci family’s case. “I created this foundation to create awareness, to educate the public on what is going on, and to give back,” Cammie said. “My son was very generous, and he truly never met a stranger. I decided to give scholarships to the high schools and give back and support youth athletics at the Atascadero Recreation Center.” Emilio was a referee and coach at the Atascadero Recreation Center. The center honored him by putting his jersey on the wall. “[“An Evening of Aloha” is] a way to raise awareness because this is such a crisis, and also, at the same time, we want to give back,” Cammie said. “One hundred percent of the proceeds go back into our community. None of us have paid positions in the foundation, we are all considered volunteers, and 100 percent goes back into the community. We are giving away three scholarships to Atascadero High School and two scholarships to Paloma Creek this year.” Cammie and her three surviving sons issued scholarships to the recipients at scholarship night. Students were asked to write an essay on what “aloha” means to them. The five scholarships awarded are each worth $500, and the foundation was also able to purchase jerseys for the youth basketball program. The Velci family, who are from Hawaii, decided to name the foundation The Emilio Velci Aloha Project because of aloha’s many meanings. “Aloha has many meanings, and a big one is love and sharing, and so that’s the name,” added Cammie. You could feel the aloha spirit at the event, where Zoe’s Hawaiian BBQ from Santa Maria catered, and DJ Joy Bonner MC’d and provided music. The event also included hula dancing, a silent auction, and a fashion show featuring clothes from Farron Elizabeth and Bloke. Both stores, owned by Farron Elizabeth, had pop-up shops at the event, and Farron Elizabeth donated 20 percent of all sales the night of the event to the foundation. To find out more about the Emilio Velci Aloha Project and to donate, visit
Atascadero News Magazine
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jun-JUl all
Atascadero Summer Concert Series
Templeton Concert in the Park Series
Paso Robles Concerts in the Park
6:30 - 8:30pm Band Lineup Includes: June 18: The Counterfeit Kings July 2: The Rockin’ B’s Band July 9: The Jump Jax
6 - 8pm Band Lineup Includes: June 15: Truth About Seafood June 22: The Rockin’ Bs Band June 29: Bad Obsession
6 - 8pm Band Lineup Includes: June 9: Sound Investment June 16: Earls of Tuesday June 23: Carbe & Durand Trio of Incendio June 30: Monte Mills & the Lucky Horse Shoe Band
Backyard Jam
Wines & Steins
5 - 8pm Live music by the Youth Arts Student and Alumni Bands presented by Paso Robles Youth Arts Center to support the free visual & performing arts programs.
10am - 2pm John for Music, Silent Auction, Bake Sale (Dog & Human) and BBQ Lunch available for purchase. For more info visit
6pm A local home wine and beer making club will have wine, beer, and appetizers and a presentation by Pedro Vargas owner and awardwinning wine maker of Vino Vargas.
8 - 11am Join LIGHTHOUSE to raise awareness for families affected by addiction. To register and for more info visit
6 - 7pm Register by June 8, to attend the Paso Robles City Library zoom class on learning to macrame baskets. To register and for more info visit prcity. com/246/Classes-Events
2 - 10pm Free admission and parking Children’s activity booths
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5pm Join Paso Pinot Producers and local chefs for an afternoon of great wine, creative Paella dishes, and live music. For more info visit
Pinot & Paella Festival
July 4th in Paso Robles
Macramé a Basket
Atascadero 4th of July Music Festival 4 - 8pm Free family friendly Bluegrass Festival
8th Annual Lighthouse 5k Fun Run
Father’s Day & Juneteenth jul
KJUG broadcast Music throughout the day Fireworks show starts around 9:30 PM Concession stand and food trucks Limited free RV Parking
Atascadero Lakeside Wine Festival ATASCADERO LAKE PARK
4 - 8pm Celebrate the 25th Anniversary and experience some of the best wineries, craft beer, food, and more while listening to live music!
July 4th in Templeton DOWNTOWN TEMPLETON
7am - 3pm Start the day with the Pancake Breakfast at 7am and then grab a seat for the hometown parade at 10am
Paso Robles
Paso Robles: County Farm & Craft Market
9am - 11am
3pm - 6pm
9am - 12:30pm
9am - 1pm June 2022 | 31
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Service Directory
At The Library
Health & Wellness
Service Organizations
Atascadero Library
Cancer Support Community
Optimist Club
6555 Capistrano • (805) 461-6161 Register online at Hours: • Tuesday 10-6 • Wednesday 10-6 • Thursday 9-5 • Friday 10-5 • Saturday 9-5
Providing support, education and hope 1051 Las Tablas Road, Templeton • (805) 238-4411 • Visit: for more info Cancer Support Helpline • (888) 793-9355, 6 a.m.- 6 p.m. PST.
Special Programs Email for Zoom links • Every Wednesday • Tai Chi Chih | Virtual via Zoom• 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. June Programs: • Mindfulness Hour | Virtual via Zoom • Storytime with Ms. Sally 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. June 03, 10, 17, 24 at 10:30 a.m. - Join Ms. • 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month Sally for story time to read books, sing songs • Grief Support Group | Virtual via Zoom • and have fun! 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. • 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month Teen Jackbox Games • Adv. Cancer Support Group | Virtual June 03 & 10 at 3:45 p.m - Join us for JACK• 10:00 a.m - 11:00 a.m. BOX GAMES! • 2nd Wednesday of each month Virtual Teen Advisory Board • Caregiver Support Group | Virtual • June 11 at 3:30 p.m. - Looking for volunteer 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. hours? Join Atascadero Library’s Teen Advi• 2nd Thursday of each month sory Board (TAB)! • Cancer Patient Support Group | Virtual • 11:00 a.m - 12:00 p.m. Storytime at Sunken Gardens • 2nd Tuesday of each month June 08, 15, 22, 29 at 10:30 a.m.- Join Ms. • Young Survivor Support Group | Hybrid • Sally at the Sunken Gardens for an outdoor 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. storytime! Comics Camp for Kids with Kane Lynch at the Atascadero Library June 23 at 11 a.m. - Learn how to make comics in this one-day in person comics class. Register for these virtual programs online at
Creston Library 6290 Adams St.,• (805) 237-3010
Santa Margarita Library
Government Atascadero Unified School Board • first and third Tuesday, Closed Session 6pm, Open/Regular Session 7 p.m
Planning Commission
• first and third Tuesday, 6 p.m. at City Hall Council Chambers, 6500 Palma Avenue
City Council
San Miguel Library
• second and fourth Tuesday, 6 p.m. at City Hall Council Chambers, 6500 Palma Avenue Visit for virtual & up to date meeting info. General information: City Hall M-F, 8:30 a.m. to 5p.m. (805) 461-5000
Shandon Library
Rotary International • Atascadero • Meeting • every Wednesday, 12 p.m. at Springhill Suites by Marriott, 900 El Camino Real
Kiwanis International • Atascadero • 7848 Pismo Ave. • 805-610-7229 • Meeting • In person or Zoom every Thursday, 7:00 a.m.
Veterans of Foreign Wars • Atascadero #2814 • 9555 Morro Rd., • 805-466-3305 • Meeting • first Thursday, 6:30 p.m.
Elks Lodge • Atascadero Lodge 2733 • 1516 El Camino Real • 805-466-3557 • Lodge Meeting — second and fourth Thursdays
Lions Club Atascadero Club 2385 • 5035 Palma Ave. Atascadero • Meeting — Every 2nd, 4th Wednesday at 7 p.m. Santa Margarita Club 2418 • 9610 Murphy St. • Meeting — 2nd, 4th Monday, 7:30 p.m. Shandon Valley Club • (630) 571-5466 • Meeting — Call ahead for meeting times Templeton Club 2427 • 601 Main St. • Meeting — 1st and 3rd Thursday, 7 p.m.
Loyal Order of Moose
9630 Murphy Ave • (805) 438-5622
254 13th St. (805) 467-3224
• Atascadero #14927 • 2rd Thursday of each month, 6:00 p.m., Outlaws Bar & Grill, 9850 E. Front Rd.
• Atascadero 2067 • 8507 El Camino Real • 805-466-5121 • Visit for more information
Business & Networking Atascadero Chamber of Commerce • (805) 466-2044 6907 El Camino Real, Suite A, Atascadero, CA 93422
Templeton Chamber of Commerce • (805) 434-1789 321 S. Main Street #C, Templeton, CA 93465
195 N 2nd St. • (805) 237-3009
32 | June 2022
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Atascadero News Magazine
5/24/22 8:11 PM
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June 2022 | 33
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Juneteenth: A Special to Atascadero News Magazine
une, the first month of Summer, is home to a day of remembrance that has been recognized and celebrated over the years; however, it only recently became a federally observed holiday. Juneteenth marks the final stop on June 19, 1865, of Union Major General Gordon Granger arriving in Galveston, Texas, to announce, “The people of Texas are informed that, in accordance with a proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free...” Juneteenth (which is short for June 19) marks the emotional and purposeful end to the American Civil War, fought between a Democratic Party intent to expand slavery into new states and a Republican Party created in 1854 to oppose the extension of slavery led by then-President Abraham Lincoln. Upon Abraham Lincoln’s election as the 16th president of the United States, with a clear mandate to act in some way on the existence of state-sanctioned slavery — which violated the inalienable human rights emblazoned in the Declaration of Independence and principles vested in the Bill of Rights. The conflict was inevitable, and the Civil War was a long and bloody war that cost 620,000 American lives on both sides of the conflict. Juneteenth is the proclaimed end to that conflict, announced to the people of Galveston, Texas, in June of 1865 — little more than a month after the final battle of the Civil War, the Battle of Palmito Ranch. The final conflict of a war that spanned more than four years — April 12, 1861, to May 13, 1865 — was fought on what the Texas Observer described as “an unremarkable patch of salt prairie to the east of Brownsville, where on May 12 and 13, 1865, a Union advance was beaten back by Confederate artillery fire. About 800 troops were involved at what came to be called the Battle of Palmito Ranch.” 76 Gas Station.................................. 27 A Heavenly Home............................ 35 American West Tire & Auto............... 17 Atascadero Chamber...........................7 Avila Traffic Safety............................. 33 bloke................................................. 19 Brad’s Overhead Doors.................... 27 By The Sea Productions.................... 13
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California Mid State Fair................... 36 California Mid State Fair......................5 Central Coast Casualty Restoration.. 17 Club Pilates....................................... 35 David “Al” Murphy............................ 29 Deep Steam Carpet and Upholstery Cleaners............................................ 17 Educated Gardener.......................... 22
Approximately 300 miles north, Maj. Gen. Granger rode into Galveston with his announcement less than 40 days later, and the day would live on as a true day of celebration for the end of state-sanctioned slavery in the United States. While the Emancipation Proclamation was far more famous, ringing the words of President Lincoln in the heart of the nation, it was Granger’s announcement that gave birth to the holiday, Juneteenth. According to the National Archives, “Although the Emancipation Proclamation did not end slavery in the nation, it captured the hearts and imagination of millions of Americans and fundamentally transformed the character of the war. After January 1, 1863, every advance of federal troops expanded the domain of freedom.” Moreover, the Proclamation announced the acceptance of black men into the Union Army and Navy, enabling the liberated to become liberators. By the end of the war, almost 200,000 black soldiers and sailors had fought for the Union and freedom.” DIRECTORY TO OUR ADVERTISERS Atascadero News Magazine is brought to you by Five Star Rain Gutters....................... 27 Greg Malik Real Estate Group....10, 11 Hearing Aid Specialists Of The Central Coast....................................................3 House of Moseley............................ 35
John Donovan Insurance & Financial Services, Inc...................................... 33 JUICEBOSS....................................... 22 Kenneth’s Heating & Air................... 33 Masterpiece Framing & Gifts........... 35
With new vigor, Union soldiers battled against a ferocious Confederate Army for another two and a half years after Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863. Ironically, the Second Battle of Galveston also happened on January 1, 1863. A land-sea attack by Confederate Maj. Gen. John B. Magruder successfully retook the island of Galveston and forced the Union out to sea. The Civil War waged on with 257 more battles in 29 months after the famous Emancipation Proclamation, according to the Civil War Sites Advisory Commission. The end of the Civil War came not with a bang, but a whimper as 800 soldiers on both sides fought the Battle of Palmito Ranch, which the Confederate army won — on the southern-most land to hold a battle in the war. But the final Confederate victory was of little to-do, as the announcement by Maj. Gen. Granger was a proclamation of victory for the Union and the end of the practice of slavery in the United States. Juneteenth today stands as the day in history when the proclamation that “all slaves are free” was made in all corners of the nation. The holiday had gained attention in the latter part of the 20th century, but the celebration of the holiday remains concentrated in southern states, especially in Texas, where it has been celebrated for more than 150 years. In 2020, then-President Donald Trump announced Juneteenth would be made a national holiday; and it become official when the Senate unanimously passed a resolution and then signed into law by President Joe Biden on June 17, 2021, which established June 19 as Juneteenth National Independence Day, commemorating the end of slavery in the U.S. The now federal holiday is culturally significant to all Americans as the announcement of the end of state-sanctioned slavery and the unceremonious end of the most deadly war in American history. Midnight Cellars Winery.................. 23 Nick’s Painting.................................. 29 North County Pilates........................ 23 O’Conner Pest Control...................... 27 Odyssey World Cafe......................... 19 Optometric Care Associates................9 Peace of Mind Massage Therapy..... 29 Robert Fry M.D.................................. 13
Robert Hall Winery..............................2 San Luis Obispo County Office of Education.......................................... 29 Solarponics....................................... 27 The Natural Alternative..................... 13 Upbeats & Accents............................ 23 Wine Country Theatre.........................9 Writing Support Group.................... 29
Atascadero News Magazine
5/24/22 8:11 PM
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