The Malibu Times • March 28, 2024

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Malibu High School community comes together at topping-out ceremony for new campus

dates back to ancient Scandinavian times. The topping-out ceremony celebrates the uppermost steel beam being placed at its highest point in a structure.

As is tradition, an evergreen tree, once used to appease spirits and to signal to builders when the wood frame was dried and cured, as well as an American flag, were attached to the beam on its ascent.

Director Yolanda Bundy

The LA County Fire Brigade Program, involving seven pilot communities, makes presentation

To start off the Malibu City Council meeting on Monday, Environmental Sustainability Director Yolanda Bundy was recognized for receiving an award from the Los Angeles Basin Section. Bundy was awarded the Supervisor of the Year Award from the California Water Environment Association for her outstanding efforts in her role. As Mayor Steve Uhring explained, “There are 10 thousand supervisors in the state of California and they pick one of them as the best... this is the best.” he said as he pointed at Bundy.

A significant milestone was celebrated at the construction site of the new Malibu High School. A topping-out ceremony was held as part of a construction tradition that

Just five months after initial groundbreaking the topping-out ceremony was held last Thursday before the Malibu High School community and supporters who signed the steel beam before it was hoisted by crane to its loftiest spot at the new Malibu High School.

Students, teachers, parents, Malibu officials, and school district representatives came to the ceremony to witness the progress at the building site of the new campus. It will include 70,000 square feet of

Mayor Uhring presented the award to Bundy and thanked her for her service to Malibu.

“I couldn’t do this without my staff and just being a part of the team,” Bundy said. “This has been a great blessing, so thank you.”

Brigade Chairman and CEO Brent Woodworth and Director of Operations Keegan Gibbs provided an update on the Los Angeles County Fire Brigade Program in Malibu.

“The Community Brigade Program is a monumental change in how fire departments work with the community,” Woodworth said.

Women’s Leadership Awards Ceremony Luncheon honors community leaders

A panel discussion, moderated by Malibu Times publisher Hayley Mattson, was held the following day

“My favorite role has always been that of a cheerleader — empowering and encouraging other women to

reach their highest potential, because I believe that we are so much stronger together,” Ani Dermenjian said as she accepted the Lifetime Legacy Award at the Malibu Pacific Palisades Chamber of Commerce’s 4th annual Women’s Leadership Awards on March 21.

For public comment, Community

The seven pilot communities involved in the program include: Mali-

AMPS president and Public Works commissioner advocates

Born and raised in Malibu, Wade Major is working to make the city an even better place

While he doesn’t like being called an activist, Wade Major is certainly active working on behalf of Malibu. The Malibu native is a busy volunteer helping to improve the quality of life here and for the city to get local control over its public schools.

bu West, County Line, Point Dume, Corral Canyon, Big Rock, Topanga Canyon, and Hidden Hills.

The presentation included a brief overview of the communities, engagement roles, pre-incidents, during an incident, post incident, and how it empowers our communities.

“A really interesting stat that I don’t think most people know is

The highest beam on the new facility is put in place before an appreciative crowd  CONTINUED ON PAGE A9

two positions for Malibu. The 59-year-old is president of AMPS (Advocates for Malibu Public Schools) and is on the Public Works Commission.

Keynote speaker Dr. Deborah Crown, dean of the Pepperdine Graziadio Business School, brilliantly set the tone for the event as she focused on leading with kindness.

“Female leadership is essential and when women are respected and empowered to lead, everyone benefits,” Crown said. “A dimension

The well-attended event, held at Duke’s Restaurant, celebrated local women who have distinguished themselves in their careers in the public and private sectors and in philanthropy.


“When I hear the word activist I think of people marching with signs, walking across bridges, and leading protests trying to make changes,” Major said. “I’m not that far different from a lot of other people that I work with in the community who are born and raised here or have lived here long enough to feel, you know, Malibu gets its hooks in you. It’s a beautiful place and it’s a precious place. You want to take care of it. This is home and I’m just working to make it a better place for everybody.”

Major is currently serving in

‘Mining the Soul’: Leigh McCloskey’s

Malibu native’s artworks explore the artist’s journey into creative consciousness

Special to The Malibu

“One can look at life as a miracle or not,” Malibu native Leigh McCloskey says. “I choose to think of it as miraculous because it’s very important to have a sense of allowing a greater wonder to be part of the story.”

AMPS was started more than a decade ago, Major said, “By some of our most amazing local leaders — Craig Foster, Karen Farrer, and Seth Jacobson who started the fight for a Malibu Unified School District. Now it falls to those of us who have younger kids … with their guidance and support we’re keeping the fight going and we’re very close.”

Major’s child attends Webster

art graces Malibu City Gallery

As one enters the Malibu Art Gallery to view “Mining the Soul,” he is immersed in and fascinated by McCloskey’s visionary art works, works that discuss and probe into the human and spiritual narrative through ethereal, often geometric, Mandalan and hieroglyphic images.

With titles such as “Palimpsest Gnosis,” and “Alchemy of Worlds,” McCloskey’s art leaves

some viewers to wonder, “What is the artist saying?” while others discern that his works reveal the artist’s prescient presence within the illumination afforded by conscious mindfulness.

Often, when an Irish writer pens about an Irish creative, she reviews the creative’s family coat of arms. It’s one of our cultural ways to try to ascertain the measure of the man. The McCloskey clan’s


• $.50 • WEEKLY
Malibu Cub Scouts 224 tour City Hall, meet city staff, and propose new laws | B1 INSIDE this week Opinion A2 News Briefs A3 Stay Safe on PCH week April 29 through May 3 Calendar A4 Events Business A6 Malibu Association of Realtors among several named real estate sector defendants in copycat lawsuit Real Estate A8 Malibu Life B1 Couple provides coffee and respite to bicyclists, runners, and visitors at Malibu’s ‘Top of the World’ People B2 The Afro Beat Legal Notices B4 Business & Directory B5 Classifieds B5 Sports B8 Waves baseball team defeats Pacific in three-game series
recognized by City Council
for Malibu Environmental
SAMANTHA BRAVO Of The Malibu Times
BARBARA BURKE Special to The Malibu Times
JUDY ABEL  Special to The Malibu Times  By JUDY ABEL  Special to The Malibu Times
Thursday, March
21, Malibu High School staff, students and members of the Malibu community attended the last steel topping-out
for the new Malibu High School. Photo by Samantha
Yolanda Bundy is shown with Malibu Mayor Steve Uhring during the Monday, March 25, City Council meeting after she was recognized for her Supervisor of the Year honor by the California Water Environment Association. Photo Courtesy of City of Malibu Public Works Commissioner Wade Major
(From left): Heidi Bernard, Deborah Crown, Alice Meyering, Ingrid Steinberg, Ani Dermenjian, Bridget Thomas, Diane Kale, Barbara Bruderlin, and Erica Segel pose for a photo at the Women’s Leadership Awards Ceremony Luncheon. Photo by Samantha Bravo/TMT Holland, during the opening reception of his “Mining the Soul” exhibit March 24 at the Malibu City Gallery. Photo by Devon Meyers/TMT

In Case

You Missed it

The top stories from last week you can read at



Showcase for third tournament win of the 202324 campaign


Congress compromise: When is cost too high?

From the Left

Six months ago, Congressman Kevin McCarthy was unceremoniously relieved of his position as Speaker of the House. Now Speaker Mike Johnson is in the sights of angry Republicans who are similarly flirting with relieving him of his duties as well. There is an intra-party divide within the GOP that threatens to open a pathway to relinquishing either practical or de facto political control to Democrats.

At present there is about to be a one-vote margin of error that threatens either relinquishing power or total legislative paralysis. Either capitulation is unacceptable and compromise is the order of the day, especially in matters of grave international consequence, i.e., Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, or the southern border.

Chief among critics of compromise is Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene from Georgia, who has filed a resolution with the House clerk known as a motion to vacate, which was so successfully engineered to oust former speaker McCarthy. Assuming that all 213 Democrats in the House will vote and they pick up either two or more votes from the Republican side the GOP could lose effective control of the policy agenda, or even loss of control of the House.

While Greene did not force the resolution to be taken up immediately and Congress is currently on a two-week recess she has let it be known “we’ve started the clock to start the process to elect a new speaker.”

The mere mention that potentially such chaotic maneuvering could result in loss of the House is enough to send shivers into the spines of House veterans, but it reflects the degree to which our democratic functions of governing have been practically eviscerated by the obstinance with which the divisions among the party in power have opened the door for a historical reorganization of policy and process.

The potential for ousting two Speakers within the six months would be something that Capitol Hill veterans would shudder to think of. The degree to which adherence to bipartisanship in the formulation and implementation of important legislation is a time-honored practice that allows for, if not speedy change, then at least steady progress.

Not only have we veered away from decorum and adherence to respect for differences and the need to work across the aisle in order to make even the most minimal progress but we have seemingly lost respect and insight into the huge role that compromise plays in our democratic structure.

I worked on and with the Hill for over two decades and learned to appreciate the debate and giveand-take that was required in order to reach consensus.

My Capitol Hill experience allowed me to witness both the difficulty of negotiating difficult decisions and the need to allow room for realizing when to exercise creativity that allows for reaching consensus that is not optimal but acceptable. There is always time to fight another day.

I would like to offer two instances where I have found courage to prevail on potentially critical policy making and even though I am writing from the left, both examples involved key Republican senators.

On March 25, 1986, an amendment to the Constitution calling for a mandatory balanced federal budget was being debated on the Senate floor under the guise of Senate Joint Resolution 225. The proposed resolution would require passage by two-thirds of the Senate. Oregon Senator Mark Hatfield, chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, cast a vote in opposition to the legislation, the only Republican to do so and the legislation failed 66-34, falling one vote short of the two-thirds needed.

At the time, I was budget counsel to Senator Jim Sasser (D-Tenn.) on the Senate Budget Committee, and I had not been able to persuade my boss to vote against the legislation. However, as I sat on the floor and watched the vote fall short by one vote, I was overtaken by pride that took this important act of courage. As the senator was leaving the floor, I introduced myself, shook his hand, and told him while a Democrat I was awed by the courage he exercised that day. He looked me in the eyes and said “Thank you very much, that means a lot to me.”

The other instance I watched from afar, and it involved Arizona Senator John McCain, who cast the deciding vote against legislation that would have effectively repealed Obamacare. McCain explained that it was a matter of principle, and he objected to the process by which the bill made its way to the floor.

“We must now return to the correct way of legislating and send the bill back to committee, hold hearings, receive input from both sides of the aisle, heed the recommendations of nation’s governors, and produce a bill that finally delivers affordable health care for the American people,” he said. “We must do the hard work our citizens expect of us and deserve.”Two profiles in courage where politics took a backseat to principle and process, the benchmarks for sound policy making. We need more examples of bipartisanship, compromise, and consensus rather than political saber rattling. The need for profiles in courage is needed now more than ever.

Lance Simmens is an independent columnist for The Malibu Times, he along with Don Schmitz write a bi-weekly column on national topics from the perspective of their political leanings you can forward any comments you have to editorial

From the publisher HAYLEY MATTSON

From the Right

Compromise in the legislative process is important, and we used to be better at it in America. Over the last few decades, Congress has grown increasingly gridlocked along party lines, with both parties more interested in partisan gain rather than doing the people’s work.

Legislative gridlock has doubled in the last 65 years. The 80th Congress in 1948 passed legislation on 70 percent of their significant issues, but the 112th Congress in 2012 passed only 29 percent of their major items, according to the Brookings Institute. In 2023, the 118th Congress passed the fewest bills in modern history.

It is true that things are more partisan gridlocked today than historically, but what happened? Polarization between the parties, which is reflective of the polarization of the American people, is the obvious catalyst for this trend. Although America enjoyed a political center in the ’50s, polarized politics has historically been the norm for our country. In fact, there are many who believe the less that Congress does to spend money and pass more regulations, the better.

Take, for example, the $1.2 trillion spending bill Congress passed this weekend. It averts a government shutdown, which is proper, funding 70 percent of the government until September. It was passed by the House 286-134, with more Democratic votes than Republicans. Many

Friday, April 5 from

Each month the agenda consists of:

“At the heart of western freedom and democracy is the belief that the individual man…is the touchstone of value, and all society, groups, the state, exist for his benefit. Therefore the enlargement of liberty for individual human beings must be the supreme goal and abiding practice of any western society.”

Republicans voted no, as did some Democrats. Nothing wrong with that, it is the legislative debate process in action. However, the spending bill is unfunded, fueling the deficit runaway train ballooning a debt that is bankrupting our country. We are currently $35 trillion in debt, which is 129 percent of our GDP. Interest on the debt will cost us $870 billion this year, larger than the entire defense budget of $822 billion. On our current spending path, we will be $54.39 trillion in debt by 2034.

According to the University of Pennsylvania, on this current path without painful corrective measures like huge tax increases and spending cuts in programs in the next few years, the United States will default on its debt. Our economy, and the world economy, will crash. Even without that cataclysmic outcome, fixing this will certainly mean draconian cuts in federal programs, and tax increases on the already struggling middle class. Strident calls are already being made to increase taxes on corporations which are currently taxed at a global average. Of course, corporations simply pass on their costs to consumers, spiking our cost of living, and over-taxing them means they leave America for other countries more business-friendly. It’s a helluva thing that we are doing to our children and grandchildren.

Fiscal conservatives, of which there are very few in either party, are furious at this spending bill. Actually, there are only 10 “Blue Dog” Democrats of the 218 in the house that take a fiscally responsible balanced budget position, while many Republicans talk the talk, but don’t walk the walk. Everyone else is giving each other high fives and congratulatory back-slapping for not shutting down the government via this spending bill. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene filed a motion to kick out the Republican Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, because he didn’t demand more spending cuts, although she left out a component

that would have required a vote within two days. It was a symbolic shot across the bows.

I’m no fan of Rep. Greene, who has threatened a “national divorce” over our current path. Anyone who suggests succession is my avowed enemy, but even a broken clock is right twice a day. I don’t believe in refusing to compromise on legislation, but what is a principled elected official to do when they see unending deficit spending bankrupting our children? Some have concluded that they cannot in good conscience vote for more debt. Some politicians, and many voters, albeit not close to a majority, have concluded that it would be preferable to stop funding the government with deficit spending bills and require it to run off the billions in taxes it already receives monthly, without borrowing more money. Some are willing to play the part of spoilers and take the heat for not compromising and being “bipartisan.”

Although it has shaped up to be the Republicans demanding cutting the deficit, the aforementioned hard line shouldn’t be a partisan issue, unless Democrats want to admit that they don’t care about the debt. Is it truly partisan gridlock to demand that we don’t bankrupt our children? Yes it is, because the fiscal hawks want deeper “cuts” than those agreed to by President Joe Biden and then House Speaker Kevin McCarthy last May. That agreement was bipartisan. But the cuts weren’t in spending, they were cuts in the growth of spending. The feds deficit spending in February alone was $296 billion, in just one month. Legislative compromise is laudable, but not when it constitutes national suicide.

Don Schmitz is an independent columnist for The Malibu Times, he along with Lance Simmens write a bi-weekly column on national topics from the perspective of their political leanings you can forward any comments you have to editorial@

The community is welcome to join the meeting by sending an email to us at, and we will add you to the email invitation.

The Malibu Times, along with the Malibu Chamber of Commerce, look to make each meeting informative and engaging, allow for open conversations and an in-depth look at what is important to the community and keep everyone well informed. We look forward to seeing you.

— Abraham Lincoln FROM

PAGE A-2 • Thursday, March 28, 2024 Malibu’s Award-Winning Community Paper Since 1946
members continue to advocate for a safer road for all
residents run roads in Los Angeles Marathon
Malibu Times contributor has run in all 39 editions of the event
Surf Sounds Loudly’ here: Photo exhibit on display at Surfrider Gallery on the Pier
Klein’s images provide fresh perspective of the powerful, artistic waves along Malibu’s coastline
Mending Kids success story
update on a beloved young man, Werkneh Ourga, who grew up in Malibu
tire added to Ghost Tire memorial to honor motorcyclist killed on Christmas Eve Community
leads Waves women’s golf to tournament victory in Bay Area
tops in Silicon Valley
24955 Pacific Coast Highway, Suite A102 • Malibu, CA 90265 Editorial: (310) 456.8016 | Advertising: (310) 456.8016 | | © 2022 The Malibu Times • A 13 Stars Publication Periodical postage paid at Malibu, CA 90265. Send address changes to: The Malibu Times, P.O. Box 1127, Malibu, CA 90265 PUBLISHER EDITOR IN CHIEF SALES DIRECTOR COMPANY ADMINISTRATOR CONTENT EDITOR COPY EDITOR GRAPHIC DESIGNERS PHOTOGRAPHERS CONTRIBUTORS DISPLAY ADVERTISING Hayley Mattson Hayley Mattson Nic Mattson Cami Martin Samantha Bravo Michael Chaldu
Schumaker, Jen Rodman, Anthony Atkins, John Nygaard Devon Meyers Judy Abel, Barbara Burke, McKenzie Jackson, Burt Ross, Emmanuel Luissi Mary Abbott, Anthony McDemas, Dorie Leo, Kaleb Rich-Harris “I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong.”
SPRING 2024 MALIBU'S VIBRANT ART SCENE N tu beaches, and beautiful oundings inspi of the GET TY V ILL A tal gem Years p i g ma ga z ne
Chamber of Commerce Update • City Manager Update City Council Update School District Separation Traffic & Law Enforcement • California Coastal Commission Pepperdine University Report Any other discussion items
The Malibu Round Table
8:30 to 10 a.m.


60º | 53º



56º | 50º


56º | 50º




TUESDAY 69º | 53º



The following incidents were reported between:

FEB 24 - MaRCH 1

 2/24 | Vandalism

A vehicle parked near the Malibu Pier was vandalized. The victim said they noticed their entire vehicle had been keyed. The damage was estimated to cost $8,000 to repair. There was a security camera at a nearby business, but it was closed during the time the incident took place.

 2/24 | Vehicle Burglary

A vehicle parked on Latigo Canyon Road was broken into and the driver side window was shattered. The victim was unable to determine if there was anything missing from their vehicle. The damage was estimated to cost $1,445 to repair. There were no witnesses or security cameras available for evidence.

 2/25 | Vandalism

A mailbox on Sumac Ridge Road was broken into, and mail was taken. The victim was notified by a neighbor of his mail scattered throughout the neighborhood. The damage was estimated to cost $500 to repair.

 2/29 | Petty Theft

A vehicle parked near Westward Beach Road was broken into, and the victim’s wallet was missing from the center console. There were no witnesses or security cameras available for evidence.

 3/1 | Burglary

A home on Latigo Canyon Road was broken into, and an estimated $50,000 worth of jewelry and $20,000 worth of handbags were stolen. There was no sign of forced entry, nor were security cameras available for evidence.

Stay Safe on PCH week April 29 through May 3

LA County Supervisor Lindsey P. Horvath, The City of Malibu, and local activists will be holding a weeklong event that will feature daily educational activities for students, information for parents on supporting teen drivers, and conversations around the unique dangers of driving on PCH and local canyon roads.

Monday, April 29: Lunchtime Fair

During each student’s lunchtime, there will be a fair where students can get safe driving resources and information. There will be the California Highway Patrol, LA County Sheriff’s Department, City of Malibu, and Supervisor Lindsey Horvath’s staff in attendance.

Stop by to get some cool resources and learn about how to stay safe on the road!

Tuesday, April 30: Sheriff IMPACT Presentation

Sheriff presentation to parents 9 to 10:30 a.m. (more info to come)

Wednesday, May 1: “21 Miles in Malibu” film by Michel Shane

When: 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Where: Malibu High SchoolRoom TBD

Panelists: Capt. Jennifer Seetoo, Capt. Dennis Ford, Dr. Robert D Cohen, Michel Shane

Link: Eventbrite for Film RSVP

Thursday, May 2: CHP Presentation for students

Friday, May 3: Principal Newsletter

Principal newsletter out to parents on driver safety info

MHS Youth of the Year Winner Emily S. advances to the next round of the 2024 LA County Youth

of the Year

Emily S., winner of the Boys & Girls Club of Malibu’s Youth of the Year, has advanced to the next round and has been selected as a finalist for the 2024 Los Angeles County Youth of the Year. Two Los Angeles County finalists will be selected on April 6, and will progress to the California Youth of the Year competition on April 16.

Malibu Farmers Market Annual Paws for a Cause takes place on April 14

O ffering an extraordinary opportunity to connect with like-minded animal lovers, savor unparalleled culinary creations, and possibly find a new furry friend to become a lifelong companion, the annual Malibu Farmers Market Paws for a Cause pet adoption event, one of the largest animal rescue gatherings in LA County, will take place on Sunday, April 14, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Malibu Farmers Market, 23555 Civic Center Way, Library Plaza, Malibu ( Promising a diverse array of animals in need of forever homes — from majestic horses to playful puppies and kittens to graceful seniors and everything in between — Paws for a Cause is a special day filled

with compassion, community, and culinary delights sponsored by the Cornucopia Foundation’s Malibu Farmers Market.

At the Paws for a Cause event, visitors can meet and interact with lovable animals up for adoption by many of the leading pet rescues in the LA area, gain valuable insights from experts in the field, and explore an exquisite selection of local gourmet foods, all while embracing the joy of giving back. According to Debra Bianco, CEO of the Cornucopia Foundation and overseer of the Malibu Farmers Market, Paws for a Cause celebrates the spirit of pet adoption and offers a new lease on life for animals of all ages and sizes. “We encourage everyone in the community to bring a friend, come for lunch, shop to your heart’s content, and support a noble cause! Let’s make a difference together at this oneof-a-kind event!”

The Cornucopia Foundation was one of the first organizations to get hands-on environmental education into the schools of Southern California. To partially fund its mission, the Cornucopia Foundation established the Malibu Farmers Market in 2000 which is dedicated to environmental stewardship, animal welfare, and philanthropy. Bianco has meticulously hand-selected vendors who not only produce the highest quality goods but also share the Foundation’s commitment to ethical practices and sustainability.

Private street residents asked to help with installation of ‘Bot Dots’ to aid firefighters

Residents on private streets in Malibu are asked to help firefighters responding to fires by allowing the installation of “Bot Dots” that indicate fire hydrant locations. The reflective blue dots are highly visible at night and are placed at the edge of the roadway. Many Bot Dots were never installed, and some have been scraped away during storm debris clearance work. The Bot Dots cannot be placed on private streets without permission and access from the property owner or Homeowner Association (HOA). For more information, or to help provide street access, please contact the Fire Safety Liaisons at

Revised Housing Element public review period March 13-20

On March 13, the city published an updated Revised 20212029 Housing Element, which is available to review on the website Community members are encouraged to review it and provide comments on Malibu’s housing needs and potential strategies to address them. The Revised Housing Element was updated in response to the California Department of Housing and Community Development’s (HCD) preliminary review of the city’s February 2024 submittal. Comments may be submitted to Planning Director Richard Mollica at rmollica@malibucity. org. For information on where to review the document and other

information, visit the Housing Element webpage https://www.

Clean Power Alliance update

Clean Power Alliance (CPA) is a locally controlled electricity provider in Southern California, including Malibu and 30 other communities. As part of the city’s commitment to protecting the environment, addressing climate change, and building resiliency, city staff attends local meetings, researches potential grants, and stays up-to-date on relevant legislation. Through collaboration between the city and the CPA, Malibu’s residents and businesses are leading the way to a greener future. The recently released quarterly status report shows that 95.2 percent of Malibu participates in Clean Power Alliance, and 96.5 percent of active customers have taken the 100 percent Green Power option. Overall, member agencies reduced greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 10 billion pounds since 2018, which is equivalent to planting 74 million trees over 10 years. For more information, visit the webpage

Homeless encampment removed from Sweetwater Mesa Area

On March 5, Malibu city staff partnered with the TreePeople Land Trust to clear a homeless encampment in the canyon area adjacent to the Sweetwater Mesa neighborhood.

The area was cleared of large amounts of wooden pallets, tarps, desks, wagons, clothes, and other debris. The people living at the site were offered services and housing assistance.

City staff continues to work with our state, county, and community partners to ensure homeless encampments are being addressed in a proactive, service-oriented manner. The sites are monitored afterward to ensure that encampments are not reestablished. As a result of the city’s approach of balancing meaningful services and connection to shelter and housing with addressing public safety and quality of life concerns, Malibu counted 51 people experiencing homelessness in 2024 Homeless Count, the lowest number since 2016. That was a 30 percent decline from 2023, and significantly lower than the 239 counted in 2020. The city’s Homeless Outreach Team helped 51 people in Malibu exit homelessness in 2023.

To learn more about the city’s efforts to address homelessness, visit the webpage https://www.

Homeless Outreach update

The city’s Homeless Outreach Team, which consists of two outreach workers and a housing navigator from The People Concern, reported that in February 2024, it engaged with 69 people experiencing homelessness in Malibu, 11 of whom went into

permanent or interim housing where they will be connected to a broad network of services. The high number of people who exited homelessness throughout February is a reflection of the Outreach Team’s success in being proactive with their engagement, service provision, and housing identification, as well as a strong partnership with city staff and the LA County Sheriff’s Department. Current and past monthly Homeless Outreach reports are available on the webpage www.malibucity. org/1051/Outreach-Support.

Update on CHP traffic enforcement in Malibu

The CHP Malibu Task Force reported on its enforcement work between March 4 and March 10. They issued 87 citations: 77 for speeding, six for other moving violations, one for unsafe turning, one for distracted driving, one for a seatbelt violation, and one for an equipment violation. Three verbal warnings were issued. A motorcyclist going 115 mph was arrested for reckless driving. Year to date, the CHP Malibu Task Force issued 612 citations. The city signed a long-term contract to bring CHP patrols back to Malibu as part of the city’s efforts to address PCH safety. This active, visible enforcement sends a strong signal that speeding and reckless driving in Malibu will not be tolerated. For more information on the city’s efforts

to address PCH safety, visit the webpage at

Wildfire and Disaster Insurance Online Town Hall on Thursday, April 4

California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara, Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin, and the Las Virgenes-Malibu Council of Governments (LVMCOG) will host an online town hall meeting to discuss wildfire and disaster insurance on Thursday, April 4, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Hear from the experts about how California is addressing the homeowner insurance crisis and how you can navigate the tools to help you get coverage for fires, floods and earthquakes. Free with RSVP. Register for the Zoom event at register/WN_9OLNwviLQ8CGfdzJJB6kMQ#/registration.

24th Annual Chumash Day

Native American Powwow and Intertribal Gathering, April 6-7, at Malibu Bluffs Park

CONTINUED ON PAGE A7 Malibu’s Award-Winning Community Paper Since 1946 Thursday, March 28, 2024 • PAGE A-3
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The Malibu Times

c/o Calendar Editor, to

thu mar 28



Little ones are invited to join

Third Space Malibu’s “Parent and Me Music Class” on Thursday, March 28, from 2 to 2:45 p.m.

Kids ages 6 months to 2.5 years old can shake, drum, sing and dance during a 45-minute work

shop with local music teacher Sierra Drummond. Participants do not have to bring instruments as Third Space will provide shakers and Stapelstein elements to drum on. If interested, please RSVP at workshops?event-id=23280.



Join the City of Malibu for the Malibu Senior Center’s Shamrock’n luncheon on Thursday, March 28, from 12 to 1:30 p.m. Lunch will be catered by Brent’s Deli, and entertainment will be provided by the O’Connor School of Irish Dancing. Pre-registration is required. Maximum 70 participants.

sun mar 31




Celebrate Easter Sunday at Malibu Pacific Church at 9 or 11 a.m. as it offers a moment of spiritual renewal and heartfelt worship, reflecting the hope and joy of the season. Immerse yourself in uplifting music, inspiring life-changing messages, and a warm, welcoming atmosphere for everybody and every story that embodies the essence of Easter’s promise. Also join the church for their annual EasterFest on Sunday, March 31, from 8 a.m to 1 p.m. Enjoy a delightful brunch, bounce houses for endless fun, a petting zoo that promises smiles, balloon artists creating whimsical shapes, an artisan coffee cart for your caffeine fix, and a variety of crafts for all ages. There’s more in store, ensuring a memorable day for the entire family and did we mention ... EasterFest is FREE!

* Malibu’s LARGEST Egg Hunts will be at 10:15 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. at 3324 Malibu Canyon Road, Malibu.



Join the Malibu United Methodist Church for Palm Sunday Worship on Easter Sunday, March 31, Sunrise Service on Zuma Beach, 6:30 a.m.; (if it rains on Sunday, service will will be at church, 30128 Morning View Drive) Worship Service in the Sanctuary, 10:30 a.m.; Children’s Program during Worship, 10:30 a.m; and Egg Hunt, at 11:30 a.m.

thu apr 4


at Malibu Bluffs Park. The next one is on Thursday, April 11, at Malibu Bluffs Park, from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. and May 9 at Solstice Canyon Road. For more info visit,

sat apr 13-14



The Malibu Art Association Spring Fling Art Show will take place on April 13 and 14 at 3728 Cross Creek Road from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Enjoy music, food, drinks, and of course, art. This is in conjunction with and sponsored by Surf Canyon. For more information visit, www.


apr 18


fri apr 26



Discover the nighttime magic of Charmlee Wilderness Park on Friday, April 26, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. During the 90-minute hike, participants will learn about the nocturnal surroundings of the Santa Monica Mountains. Participants should feel comfortable walking on uneven terrain. Bring water, a headlamp or flashlight, appropriate shoes, and dress in layers. Reservations are required for this free event. The hike will be canceled in case of rain. For more information, visit the outdoor recreation webpage https://malibucity. org/1090/Outdoor-Recreation.

PAGE A-4 • Thursday, March 28, 2024 Malibu’s Award-Winning Community Paper Since 1946
Submission deadline is Monday at noon. Please email submissions to:
events with a connection to Malibu will be considered. Calendar events are scheduled in advance and subject to change.
Only Malibu’s Award-Winning Community Paper Since 1946 Thursday, March 28, 2024 • PAGE A-5 20% OFF ALL HONEY PRODUCTS USE CODE MTSTPATTY24 TO GET YOUR DISCOUNT Expires March 31, 2024 *See disclaimer on the checkout page of our website at BENNETT’S HONEY FARM Tasting 3176 Honey Lane Fillmore, CA 93015 Mon-Fr 8 am - 4:30 pm Sat & Sun 9 am 5 pm ww w.b 805.521.1375 Great Holida Bennett s Hon holid •Lotions • Candles • Books • Gourme & BBQ Sauces • Honeycomb and MUCH Mo TO GET YOUR 20% DISCOUNT BRING THIS COUPON INTO OUR STORE OR USE THIS QR CODE TO ORDER ON OUR WEBSITE: BENETTHONEY.COM Topanga Quality Honey 3176 Honey Lane · Fillmore, CA 93015 Mon - Fri 8am - 4:30pm Sat & Sun 9am - 5pm · 805.521.1375 St. Patrick’s DAY! HAPPY



of leadership is kindness — often in the business world, kindness is viewed as a weakness and a luxury we cannot afford. However, studies concerning transformational leadership theory have established that effective leadership involves inspiring and empowering others to reach the pinnacle of their careers. Consider the leadership styles of leaders such as Angela Merkel, Mother Teresa, Oprah Winfrey and Condoleeza Rice — those distinguished women demonstrated leadership with unwavering kindness and empathy — kindness is not tantamount to indecisiveness, rather it is a leadership strength.”

Presenting sponsor Aaron T. Jones of International Protective Services summed up his reaction when asked to support the annual gathering.

“As the proud dad of three daughters, when the Chamber approached me to support this event, I was all in!” he said. “I’m honored to celebrate women and their accomplishments.”

The ceremony recognized five local women at various stages in their successful careers in various economic sectors.

Ingrid Steinberg, co-founder and board president of Resilient Palisades, a climate-focused, neighbor-led nonprofit organization dedicated to responding to climate crises and protecting the environment. Steinberg embodies the power of women leading in the philanthropic sector, stated Pepperdine’s Heidi Bernard, who introduced her.   volunteer teams to address solar power, concerns relating to waste and composting, and taking a water census.

gardeners using electric leaf blowers and to facilitate segueing away from toxic gas blowers,” she said. “We don’t shout at our neighbors — that never works. Rather, we are here to help and we firmly believe that when people in neighborhoods take action, we can do great things.”

The extremely honored Bridget Thomas, a Pepperdine student, received the Emerging Leader Award in recognition of her tireless advocacy for improving Pacific Coast Highway safety after the unfathomably tragic loss of her four friends who lost their lives on the highway last October. Thomas addressed her parents’ modeling leadership skills.

“My mom has taught me to be a strong leader with resilience and strength,” Thomas said. “My Dad taught me to always lead from the heart.”

Chamber member Cinda Roffman, a trained hypnotherapist and counselor, who specializes in helping others realize their full potential, warmly complimented the next awardee — Diane Kale, a certified health coach who was honored with the Women’s Leadership Committee Member of the Year Award.

“Diane brings people together with positivity,” Roffman

CEO of the Chamber, and Erica Segel, chair of the Chamber’s Women’s Leadership Committee, was instrumental in strengthening the ties between Malibu and SMC.

Women leaders reflect on how they succeeded and how they mentor others

On March 22, the honorees and guests attended a panel discussion hosted by the Chamber, featuring five local leaders and moderated by Malibu Times publisher Hayley Mattson.

Assemblywoman Jacqui Irwin; Los Angeles County Supervisor Lindsey Horvath, the youngest elected woman to serve on that currently all-female board; Karen  Jackson, executive director of recruitment at Pepperdine’s Graziadio Business School; and Malibu City Councilperson Marianne Riggins, the only woman serving on the council, gathered to discuss how they became leaders and how they support and mentor

“I started to work when I was 7 years old,” Jackson said. “I would roll pennies for my Dad and I observed that he led by example — if there was no one else available to do whatever needed to be done to run the business, he’d do it himself.”

Addressing how she mentors, Horvath noted how important it is to let younger women know they’re not alone as they learn how to balance work and life and business and social activities.

“When I was first appointed to City Council, I was only 26 years old,” Horvath said. “Then, I was the youngest mayor in Los Angeles County, and recently, I was the youngest to be elected to the Board of Supervisors. Now, I’m the youngest in that body to serve as chair — it was pivotal that as I ascended to various positions, I remained mindful of bringing in young women and giving them an opportunity to replace me.”

Nodding her head in agreement, Irwin phrased that

PAGE A-6 • Thursday, March 28, 2024 Malibu’s Award-Winning Community Paper Since 1946
Malibu Campus, who has been a driving force in bringing the campus to scale. Expressing how honored she is to be recognized by the Chamber, Meyering noted that the support of Barbara Bruderlin, Jackson shared that for her, leadership was exemplified by her mother and father, whom she characterized as leaders in their respective businesses, in their community and in their home.
Thursday, 28 Feb Friday, 29 Feb Saturday, 30 Feb Sunday, 31 Feb Monday, 1 Feb Tuesday, 2 Feb Wednesday, 3 Feb Time Height Time Height Time Height Time Height Time Height Time Height Time Height HIGH 12:04 PM 4.86 ft 12:56 PM 4.4 ft 2:29 PM 4 ft 12:31 AM 6.3 ft 1:32 AM 6.14 ft 3:13 AM 6.07 ft 4:54 AM 6.27 ft LOW 5:55 AM 1.84 ft 6:40 AM 1.97 ft 7:39 AM 2.1 ft 9:04 AM 2.13 ft 10:39 AM 1.9 ft 11:50 PM 1.51 ft 12:39 PM 1.12 ft HIGH 11:26 PM 6.53 ft 11:53 PM 6.43 ft 2:29 PM 4 ft 12:31 PM 6.3 ft 1:32 AM 6.14 ft 7:38 PM 4.89 ft 7:42 PM 5.28 ft LOW 5:01 PM 3.31 ft 5:08 PM 3.64 ft 4:57 PM 3.9 ft 9:04 AM 2.13 ft 10:39 AM 1.9 ft 10:54 PM 4.59 ft 12:39 PM 1.12 ft Malibu Beach, Tide Chart Powered by 99 High Tide MALIBU’S PREMIER CANNABIS RETAILER ‧ Free delivery in 90265 ‧ (310) 456-9930 MALIBU
Leadership Awards
at Duke’s Restaurant
Malibu Pacific Palisades Chamber of Commerce held the
March 21. Photos by Samantha Bravo/TMT.

The City of Malibu will host the 24th Annual Chumash Day Powwow and Intertribal Gathering at Malibu Bluffs Park (24250 Pacific Coast Highway) on Saturday, April 6, and Sunday, April 7. The community is encouraged to attend the festive cultural celebration honoring Malibu’s original residents and First Americans, the Chumash

Continuing a generations-long tradition of powwows in California, Native Americans will gather at Malibu Bluffs Park to sing, dance, socialize, and heal. The event will feature a variety of Native American arts and crafts, Native American tribal ceremonies, dances, special guest performances, and Chumash history storytelling.

This family-friendly cultural festival is free and open for all to attend, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. No on-site event parking. Parking is available off-site, with free shuttle rides available to Malibu Bluffs Park. General off-site parking and complimentary shuttle: 23575 Civic Center Way. ADA off-site parking and complimentary shuttle: 23825 Stuart Ranch Road. For more information, contact the City of Malibu Community Services Department at (310) 317-1364 or visit ChumashDay.

Spring Recreation Guide and City Newsletter

be mailed to Malibu residents the week of March 4. The guide includes information on Spring programs offered March through May, such as Afterschool Programs, Outdoor Recreation, Parent and Me Programs, Senior Programs and Excursions, Spring Break Day Camps, and the 24th Annual Chumash Day Native American Powwow and Intertribal Gathering. Registration opens on Monday, March 11, at 8 a.m., visit the registration webpage for a list of programs at malibucity. org/335/Community-Services.

Participate in the LA County storm damage survey to help with the recovery effort


Applications are being accepted through March 29 for general fund grants to support local nonprofits

Applications are being accepted through Friday, March 29, for the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 General Fund Grant Program from local nonprofit organizations to fund efforts that benefit residents of the community. All Malibu community-based organizations are encouraged to apply for a General Fund Grant. Applications will be reviewed by the City Council’s Administration and Finance Subcommittee in mid-Spring. The subcommittee’s recommendations will be presented to the City Council for award during the annual budget approval in June. For more information and to apply, visit the webpage at

ers community members to help themselves and their neighbors during disasters. Through handson training, participants learn the most up-to-date information on basic disaster preparedness, the use of a fire extinguisher, disaster medical care, first aid, search and rescue, disaster psychology, and neighborhood team building. For more information and to sign up, visit the webpage, at malibucity. org or email, or call (310) 456-2489, ext. 237.


‘Agents of Discovery’ program promotes environmental education and

exploration of Malibu’s habitats

To get started, download the free Agents of Discovery mobile app from Google Play or the Apple App Store. Click on the “Legacy Park” mission, and the city’s great blue heron will guide the user through the challenges.  While the challenges are meant to start and end at the library, they can be started anywhere in Legacy Park by opening the app and scanning the QR code on one of the informational signs posted around the park.

New challenges will be created each season to provide young explorers with new opportunities to learn about Legacy Park’s ecosystems and habitats.

For more information about the Agents of Discovery Program, visit the webpage at

City Fire Safety

Registration is now open for the next CERT training, starting April 18

T he city’s Spring 2024 Recreation Guide and City Newsletter are available online ( View/33335/2024-Spring-Recreation-Guide-WEB) and will

T he Los Angeles County Office of Emergency Management (OEM) has created an online survey to gather storm damage information as part of the effort to assist residents, businesses, cities, and property owners impacted by the recent storms. You can help by completing the survey. Identifying damage helps direct recovery activities and resources after any disaster, and helps to determine if the county is eligible for disaster assistance, which in turn helps LA County communities. (Disaster assistance is not guaranteed, so residents and businesses are encouraged to continue working with their insurers.) For more information and to take the damage survey, visit the county storm recovery website at For assistance in completing the survey, call 2-1-1.

The City of Malibu Community Services Department invites children to join the new “Agents of Discovery” augmented reality program, which promotes environmental education and encourages exploration of Malibu’s beautiful natural habitats.

Liasons get advanced radios for improved communications and collaborations

gency Operations Center, advocate for the community, and assist out-of-area agencies with locally specific information.

The Malibu Art Association Spring Fling Art Show to take place on April 13-14

The Malibu Art Association Spring Fling Art Show will take place on April 13 and 14, at 3728 Cross Creek Road. From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Enjoy music, food, drinks, and of course, art. This is in conjunction with and sponsored by Surf Canyon. For more information visit,

Wastewater and Recycled Water Rate Study Public Hearing set for April 22

The Malibu City Council will hold a public hearing on wastewater and recycled water rates for the Civic Center Water Treatment Facility (Phase One) on Monday, April 22, at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall and virtually via Zoom. During the hearing, wastewater and recycled water rates will be established for Fiscal Years 2024-25, 2025-26, 2026-27 and 2027-28. If approved by the City Council, the proposed rate increases will be effective for services provided on or after July 1, 2024. For more information, visit the CCWTF Rates webpage  NEWS

Registration is now open for the city’s next Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training. As part of its ongoing efforts toward community-wide wildfire and disaster preparedness, the city is offering the next round of the highly popular free training with seven classes to be held on Thursday evenings from 6 to 9 p.m., April 18 through May 30, at Malibu City Hall. The program is administered by the city and other public safety agencies across the country and empow-

The mobile app guides kids ages 4-12 on a “mission” throughout Malibu’s beautiful Legacy Park to learn about native plants, insects, animals, and birds. The mission starts at the Malibu Library and has 11 challenges, such as finding and identifying plants and animals and answering trivia questions. Children who complete the mission will get a free Malibu Agents of Discovery badge at the Malibu Library. The Malibu Library is located at 23519 West Civic Center Way, Malibu, across the street from Legacy Park.

The City Fire Safety Liaisons procured three fully programable radios that meet the Cal Fire standard for working within the operational area of a wildfire. The radios were funded by a Fire Prevention grant. This will enable the Fire Safety Liaisons to have full incident communications with Los Angeles County, Ventura County, and Los Angeles City fire departments, Cal Fire and all other out-of-area agencies responding to an incident in Malibu. These important tools will help the Fire Liaisons get accurate, real-time incident information back to city leadership, staff, and the Emer- Malibu’s Award-Winning Community Paper Since 1946 Thursday, March 28, 2024 • PAGE A-7

coat of arms denotes a heritage and legacy of being industrious, peaceful, and sincere, adjectives that aptly describe McCloskey’s artistic approach to creating works celebrating the universe as an organism and sharing and reflecting upon mankind’s ongoing and evolutionary spiritual metamorphoses as we collectively strain and struggle throughout our

journey toward becoming human enough to understand, instead of to defy, reality.

As attendees gathered on March 24 at the City of Malibu Art Gallery, Malibu Arts Commissioner Julia Holland and

McCloskey explored his artistic process in hopes of providing insights into what his art depicts and examines. McCloskey is, through his art, sharing human and spiritual narratives and, in doing so, he arduously seeks to comprehend and illuminate the fundamental characteristics, practical implications, and theoretical frameworks within universal existence.

McCloskey is, in a phrase, a spiritual seanchai whose world of spheres, angles, allusions, and Mandals seem to begin, end, define, redefine, and discover the tensions between and harmony within what our eyes perceive and our minds know and the intersections between matter, humanity, family, and universal understanding. A viewer of his works need not be overly intellectual, but must be open to seek more insights into knowing.

“Leigh’s works exemplify an internal process that many of us have a hard time defining,” Arts Commissioner Fireball Tim Lawrence observed.

“I am humbled and honored to have my works exhibited at

City Hall in our town where my father, an artist, helped to found the Malibu Art Association,” McCloskey said. “It means the world to me.”

McCloskey spoke about his father’s admonishment, “When you can’t talk about something, paint it, and how, in his perspective, ‘Art is the language of creating and is literally a way of communicating as it embraces us to explore our inner sensibilities.’”

As he does when he graciously gives a tour of his home studio, Olander, a dynamic, threedimensional, interwoven world of mythical, spiritual, and esoteric explorations of transcendental transformations, McCloskey explained that “everything I’ve done is based on a certain set of questions and when I am creating, it is more musical than visual — things come up through my head and become optical which leads to the consciousness that doesn’t assume a shape — I never know what will appear on the canvas.”

McCloskey does, he says, “feel like a happy gardener because I am not getting in the way of what is being manifested.”

Elementary, the same school he attended as a youngster.

“That’s a very touching thing,” he commented.

Major is hopeful on wrapping up the drawn-out process of separating from the Santa Monica district in what is called “unification” for a Malibu Unified School District. He stated the revenue sharing agreement is complete, and an operational and joint powers agreement is still being finalized.

“In April there will be outreach in Malibu and Santa Monica to educate the communities on what is in that agreement,” he said. “There presumably will be a town hall to make sure everybody completely knows what’s in it, what it means for the community at large. My hope is that by no later than May we get it ratified by City Council and by the school board.”

Major’s ambition is to have a separate Malibu school system ratified by July of next year, but realistically it could take longer.

“We are literally the last non-contiguous school district in the state,” he said. “The law says you have to have contiguous communities if you’re going to share a school district.”

Once Malibu Unified is official, it will be a trustee district with school board candidates elected from five separate geographical areas, unlike the at-large voting system currently employed by the Malibu City Council and SMMUSD. “Because we have people who attend different schools, it makes the most sense for this community,” Major said.

Major was appointed four years ago to the Public Works Commission. “It’s been incredibly rewarding and very educational,” he said, praising city Public Works

When reacting to the world, McCloskey suggests, “we should realize that we often have what can be characterized as an autoimmune reaction to the human condition — in my art, I don’t seek to escape, but rather to turn inward, respecting  the fact that everyone needs a place in their home to honor the yes, not the yikes of life.”

In celebrating McCloskey’s brilliance and thought-provoking works, Jae Flora-Katz summed up how insightful and groundbreaking they are, “It’s like having Rembrandt living in our midst who has yet to be fully discovered.”


McCloskey’s chiaroscuro creations illuminate the light within the universe and all living things and matter, all the while probing as he seeks to differentiate planes within our universe and dimensions within our spirits, exploring nuances and mysteries.

McCloskey’s prolific oeuvre of phenomenally intriguing art works are on show at the Malibu City Gallery located at City Hall through May 3.

employees Rob DuBoux and Travis Hart for getting the job done when faced with challenges, especially during recent local rains causing road troubles. “They do a great job.”  He pointed to Caltrans regarding lingering road work projects.

The Public Works Commission just teamed up with Public Safety on a project to restore and reconfigure part of Westward Beach that suffered erosion especially after last year’s heavy rains. The commissions helped to preserve “one of the last old school Malibu spots” while keeping public safety in mind too.

“Residents weighed in,” the commissioner commented. “That’s always a good thing when residents are vocal because it helps us know where the community stands.”

Major reminded that those who serve on Malibu commissions are unpaid volunteers. As a screenwriter, film critic, and father his life is busy but he said, “You have to make time. It’s not like Los Angeles, where a lot of these commission positions are paid. Malibu is a volunteer community. When we became a city not a lot of people who were born and raised here were serving in these positions. It’s incredibly rewarding to me now to see so many of us who were born and raised here and we’re still here and they’re all stepping up.” He name-checked “Skylar Peak, his sister Alicia, Carl Randall, Marianne Riggins on City Council.”

“There are people with deep roots here. The fact that these are volunteer positions is heartening,” Major said. “That’s what Malibu, a small community, needs: people to step up and help us turn the corner. Once we have our own school district, that’s almost like cityhood all over again. Now That we’ve taken hold of one more piece of our destiny it’s just going to be an even better community than it was before.”

PAGE A-8 • Thursday, March 28, 2024 Malibu’s Award-Winning Community Paper Since 1946
‘MINING THE SOUL’ CONTINUED FROM A1 AMPS PRESIDENT CONTINUED FROM A1 ATTENTION MALIBU HOMEOWNERS Malibu and Surrounding Neighborhoods CAN’T BUILD YOUR HOME? Water and Fire department issues? Fire-rebuilds and New homes? Too Much Bureaucracy? LET US TRY AND HELP! (310) 435-5542 PAID ADVERTISEMENT PAID ADVERTISEMENT
Attendees gathered at the Malibu City Gallery to view artist Leigh McCloskey’s artwork on display for the opening reception on Sunday, March 24. Photo by Devon Meyers/TMT.




Unified School District’s Chief Operations Officer oversees buildings.

“This is such a great milestone. We’ve been waiting so long for this building and what we can do with the Malibu campus,” Upton said. “Building a new space that’s uniquely for this population of students will provide them with a great, comprehensive high school.

that flows to the outside.

Malibu Middle School will be a completely separate campus next door upon completion which officials hope will be for the 2025-26 school year if all goes smoothly.

Carey Upton, Santa Monica-Malibu



during Woolsey, 250,000 people were evacuated and in the first 36 hours there was 2,000 911 calls, and in that first 36 hours, there was 200 fire engines, and you may think that’s not enough, but that’s probably the best response you’ll get anywhere in the world — probably by far,” Gibbs said. “So 250,000 people evacuated, 2,000 911 calls, 200 engines, that is a stat that exposes the gap between agency and community that we’re hoping this brigade solves.”

Councilmembers shared similar remarks on the importance of the fire brigade program.

“I’m really grateful that you’re taking this and expanding this and running with it, and I would urge any resident of Malibu or any of the surrounding neighborhoods who are in an area that’s going to be served by this, to look into joining the group,” Councilmember Paul Grisanti said. “It’ll make you feel much better about what’s going on in your neighborhood when the wind starts blowing.”

Malibu resident and film producer Michel Shane attended the meeting to ask the council for their support for his film “21 Miles in Malibu.”

Shane has been at every press conference regarding the accident that took the lives of four Pepperdine students as well as the recent White Tire memorial that occurred on Feb. 26 and the most recent City Council meeting on March 11 to continue his advocacy for not only the film but also the message behind the film, the education.

City Manager Steve McClary provided an update on the current weather conditions, road closures, and the city’s projects regarding safety on PCH.

McClary also wanted to remind the community about the upcoming events such as the 24th Annual Chumash Day Powwow and Intertribal Gathering on Saturday, April 6, and Sunday, April 7, at Malibu Bluffs Park (24250

“Many may remember originally the campus was a middle school and we added the high school students. They used to go to Santa Monica High. This is the first building being built specifically to teach high school. This is a state-of-the-art building for educational purposes. Not only in its structure and in its look, but in the educational program it delivers. We wanted to make sure it fits in its environment.”

Pacific Coast Highway).

The event will feature Native American tribal ceremonies, dances, and special guest performances. Twenty Native American artisan vendors will have merchandise for sale including: jewelry, flutes, moccasins, beading accessories, leatherworks, pottery, dream catchers, and more. Food will be available for purchase from Bison Burger, Drizzle, Gostosas Thrill from Brazil, Rice Balls of Fire, Salt ‘N Pepper, and Tropic Truck.

McClary also reminded the community about an upcoming workshop with California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara, Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin, and the Las Virgenes-Malibu Council of Governments (LVMCOG). Speak-

Upton touted the building’s use of solar panels and a special water system.

“It’s a really special day to get the beam on and have the community together again,” SMMUSD School Board member Stacy Rouse commented. “We haven’t been together like this since the dedication a few months ago.”

One special attendee was Dr. Mike Matthews, MHS’s first and longest-tenured principal, who served from 1993 to 2004.

“We built a lot of new buildings when I was here, the pool and the gym, but we always knew newer facilities were needed,” he said. “To watch this new high school building going up is a fantastic feeling.” Matthews described his time leading MHS as “magical.”

ers will be experts on how California is addressing the homeowner insurance crisis and how you can navigate the tools to help you get coverage for fires, floods, and earthquakes. The workshop will be on Thursday, April 4, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.

Sheriff’s Sgt. Chris Soderlund provided an update on the traffic, the recent incidents on PCH, and an update from the incident that involved Pepperdine cross-country students who shared their experience of being harassed by a homeless individual in Malibu.

“Deputies located that suspect waiting for a bus here in Malibu and arrested that suspect, and the DA filed felony criminal threats against the suspect, so he’s currently in LA County jail with a pending court day

Matthews is now retired after serving as superintendent of schools in Manhattan Beach and then in Orange County, but called MHS “my home forever. I love this place.”

Malibu parent and former school board member Craig Foster said, “It’s amazing to see all this hard work and so many people coming together. I can’t wait to see the kids in the actual space. That’s really going to be wonderful.”

SMMUSD Superintendent Dr. Antonio Shelton commented, “This is an historic moment for the Malibu community because we are doing probably what should have been done a long time ago, prioritizing our community here in Malibu. I think the voters said what they wanted and we are producing that, a high school that’s state-of-the-art that

in April,” Soderlund said.

Soderlund said the Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriff’s Station participated in the Baker to Vegas, an annual running tournament.

“Our team came in 19th out of 32 in our category; we ran it in 17 hours, 43 minutes and 27 seconds,” Soderlund said. “There were 258 teams overall that participated in it, and the NYPD won this.”

Soderlund said he ran 8.2 miles at a 7:22 mph pace.

For council reports, Uhring asked the city for an update on the Malibu Lumber Yard and the retail issues.

“What did we do, what did we find out, and what are we going to do to fix it?” Uhring questioned.

Deputy City Manager Alexis Brown presented Ordinance No.

will allow our students and teachers to have the instructional space that’s necessary for them to be productive. The building just facilitates that.”

Seventeen-year-old MHS senior and ASB President Felix de Raspide Ross was enthusiastic about the new campus even though he said, “I won’t be able to enjoy it, but it’s worth celebrating. A building is just a building. More concrete, more classrooms will not bring to that building more value. It may bring more monetary value, but it will not bring it more value because a place is only a place until people step foot on it. It’s the people, the culture, the energy, the laughter, that will bring this building value. It’s by loving our school today that students will love it tomorrow.”

516 to Amend Malibu Municipal Code 2.04.030 and Modify the Official Holidays of the City of Malibu. The item would adopt Juneteenth as a city holiday and institute a winter closure and amend the definition of holiday in Malibu Municipal Code. Uhring asked if there was an update on the city’s recruitment and retention.

“After the winter closure, staff was more refreshed and ready to come back more motivated and definitely more engaged in their day-to-day work,” Brown said. “Overall, what comes out of that is the residents benefit from a higher level of customer service, higher efficiency, and more engaged staff in terms of accomplishing projects, so that’s how this translates to that initiative. We

are doing an overhaul in continuously looking to come up with innovative ways to recruit and retain staff.”

Bundy presented an update on the Developer Fee Program for the Benefit of the Consolidated Fire Protection District of Los Angeles County.

The council adopted the program.

Councilmember Marianne Riggins thanked Cayley Jenner for her service and appointed Jake Lingo to the Parks and Recreation Commission.

“I think he’s going to bring a lot of really exciting energy to the commission and to our community as it relates to Parks and Rec facilities,” Riggins said.

The short meeting ended around 8 p.m. The next City Council meeting is scheduled for April 8 at the Council Chambers. Malibu’s Award-Winning Community Paper Since 1946 Thursday, March 28, 2024 • PAGE A-9
general, art, and special education classrooms; science, technology, engineering, and math classrooms; campus food services, including the kitchen and high school eating area; and a library and space for high school administrators. The campus plan envisions a student eating area that will take advantage of Pacific Ocean views under double-height commons and a flexible and inclusive space Members of the community were able to sign the steel beam before it was placed on the top of the new Malibu High building. Photos by Samantha Bravo/TMS
PAGE A-10 • Thursday, March 28, 2024 Malibu’s Award-Winning Community Paper Since 1946 $3,90 0 ,0 0 0 JAC K PR I TCH ET T 310. 9 24. 99 2 8 $ 4,195, 00 0 JA C K P R I T CH E T T 310. 9 24. 99 2 8 $5,995,0 0 0 T HE O’ H E R LI H Y G ROU P 310.98 0 .11 9 4 $7 ,395, 00 0 JOHN CO S ENTINO 310.365.20 0 1 $ 8 ,499,0 0 0 T RA C Y T E S T I N 310.94 0 .55 7 8 $17 ,9 00 00 0 S HEN SC H U LZ 310.98 0 8 8 0 9 $2 4,95 0 00 0 MA RY D AV ID 310.433. 8 8 6 2 $8 ,995, 00 0 T H E O’HE R LI H Y GROUP 31 0 9 80.119 4 © 2024 Sotheby’s International Realty All Rights Reserved. The Sotheby’s International Realty trademark is licensed and used w s nternationa Realty nc. The Sotheby’s International Realty network fully hanges including price or withdrawal without notice. Agent DREs: Gayle Pritchett 585628 | Mary David 934384 | Tracy Testin 1212 506 | Marcus Beck 971376 | Wailan O’Herlihy 1264113 | Cormac O’Herlihy 787980 | John C sentin 1500327 | J hua Spiegel 1861803 | J k Pritchett 454234 | She Sch lz 1327630 S O TH E B Y S REALT Y .CO M MAL I B U B ROKERAG E | 23 7 32 MALI B U ROA D , MALIB U 3 / 27/2 4 AN N UAL V ISITS T O SOTHE B YSREALTY.COM A 3% I N CREASE YEAR OVER YEA R V I D EOS PLAYED IN 202 3 MOST PROFILED REAL ESTAT E COMPA N Y IN THE PRES S CO U NTRIES & TERRITORIE S WORLDWID E ENGAGED SOCIAL MEDI A FOLLOWER S MOST V IEWED AN D SUBSCRIBE D REAL ESTATE C H ANNEL ON YO U TUB E OFFICES WORLDWID E SALES ASSOCIATE S GLOBAL SALES V OLUME IN 20 2 3 S ot heby’ s Auction H o us e AFFILIATIO N W e Si m pl y

Last week, Malibu city staff were delighted to get a visit from the Malibu Cub Scouts 224 as they took a tour of each department of the Malibu City Hall. The fun and informative tour gave the scouts an opportunity to learn about what each department and staff member does for the Malibu community.

The scouts met officials from each department: public safety, public works, planning department, and the community services department. The kids also met Community Services Director Kristin Riesgo, Public Safety Director Susan Dueñas, Mayor Steve Uhring, Mayor Pro Tem Doug Stewart, City Councilmembers Paul Grisanti and Marianne Riggins, and City Manager Steve McClary.

The Malibu Scouts Committee Chair Ann Gorby said the visit to Malibu City Hall was a great success and was enjoyed by both kids and adults.

“This was a very informative session — questions kept on coming from both kids and adults,” Gorby said. “They learned that the public safety helps keep everyone safe by coordinating fire and sheriff departments and helping them focus on Malibu.”

City staff also provided the scouts with gifts from each department. Building department representatives also showed the scouts books full of codes that they have to go through before issuing a building permit such as the Malibu

Malibu Life

Malibu Cub Scouts 224 tour City Hall, meet city staff, and propose new laws Couple

Municipal Code book.

“After the Woolsey Fire, the Malibu City Hall created a new position for firemen with the city to help prevent future disasters,” Gorby said. “Commu -

nity services department was the most familiar to the kids who spend a lot of time in the Malibu parks playing in playgrounds, baseball, softball, soccer, and just rolling in the grass. It was a relief to find

out that since 2019 they implemented earth-friendly policy and no pesticides are used in the parks so the environment is safe for kids and animals.”

Kids learned that the City Council

proposes and makes rules for everyone to follow and that we vote to elect all the officials on the City Council. Gorby said Uhring was very gracious explaining what

Pop-up espresso bar

Hanjay Café is a surprise to weekend warriors

Every weekend hundreds of cyclists are drawn to Malibu’s rolling hills offering breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean and an abundance of nature. Now, a new treat awaits those with enough strength and fortitude to make it up one of Malibu’s most challenging peaks known as “Top of the World.”

Grinding up a mountain early in the morning knowing a hot coffee was waiting for you at the top might make that slog a little easier thanks to the charming espresso bar, Hanjay Café, which is often parked at the top of Stunt Road.

The portable, tiny Hanjay Café was dreamed up by Hannah and Andrzej Lawnik using a portmanteau of their names. This mountaintop pop-up miniature café turns out made-to-order handcrafted specialty coffees, cappuccinos, cortados, and more from a single Italian-made, solar-powered espresso machine offering an unexpected treat that’s more than just food and a hot beverage.

The Lawniks are avid cyclists and wanted to support the local cycling community. “We missed this after Europe,

those little espresso stops while biking. This seemed like a perfect spot for us,” said Hannah Lawnik. While training for Ironman races, the 31-year-old noticed a lot of cyclists stopping at the summit of Stunt Road, but “there was no community. I always

thought it’d be so great to have someplace to refuel water, have a snack and develop a community.” For the last two years the café has been operating sporadically but “it’s been a huge success.” Hanjay Café offers homemade treats,

Section The Malibu Times THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 2024
People B2 Community B3 Legals B4 Classifieds/ Directory B5 Sports B8 WHAT’S INSIDE
of the World’
Judy Abel Special
The Malibu Times
provides coffee and respite to bicyclists,
By SAMANTHA BRAVO Of The Malibu Times CONTINUED ON PAGE B3 CONTINUED ON PAGE B2 Cyclists enjoy a cup of coffee on a Sunday morning at Hannah and Andrzej Lawnik’s portable, tiny Hanjay Café. Photo by Andrzej Lawnik With a lightning storm happening in the distance and the sun was setting the a SpaceX rocket launch was visible in Malibu, captured at El Matador 3-18-24. Photo by Benton Ward. To submit your community spotlight, send a high resolution (300 dpi) jpeg photo by email to editorial@malibutimes. com, along with a caption up to 85 words MALIBU’S BEST SHT City staff made troop’s visit fun and informative Malibu Cub Scouts took a field trip to Malibu City Hall on Wednesday March 20 and met the faculty, staff and members of the City Council. Photo by Samantha Bravo/TMT SPRING 2024 cover 50 Years of the Getty Villa the art issue Malibu Vibrant Art Scene malibu fashion Coastal Chic Trending in 2024

Course covers the Afro-Beat


Pepperdine’s ‘African American Aesthetic Culture From Spirituals to Hip Hop’ with Dr. Mathew Knowles and Dr. Joi

When Millennials sneeringly tease Boomers just because they were born from 1946 to 1964, one sneers back: “You wish you were a child of the ‘60s. You wish you were a teenager in the ‘70s. You wish you were a 20-something in the ‘80s. The soundtrack! Forgetaboutit!” Well up at Pepperdine, Dr. Mathew Knowles and Dr. Joi Carr don’t want this new generation to forget about all the great music of the past, and they are co-instructing a course called “African American Aesthetic Culture From Spirituals to Hip Hop.”

In my vast experience, the most musical people I have encountered are the Irish and Brazilians. Any opinion on that from either of you: Who are the most musical nation/ people you have come across?

Dr. Mathew Knowles: It’s hard to definitively say which nation is the most musical, as music is a universal language that transcends borders and is present in every culture around the world. However, some countries are known for their rich musical traditions and contributions to the global music scene.

Countries like the United States, Nigeria, Brazil, Cuba, Jamaica, India, and Ireland have all made significant impacts on various genres of music and have produced many world-renowned musicians. Each of these nations has a unique musical heritage and a deep connection to music that is ingrained in their cultural identity.

The United States, for example, has been at the forefront of popular music for many decades, with influential genres like gospel, country jazz, blues, rock, R&B, hip-hop and Afro-Beats originating there. Brazil is known for its vibrant music scene,

including bossa nova, samba, and música popular brasileira. Cuba has a rich tradition of Afro-Cuban music, while Jamaica is famous for reggae and dancehall. Nigeria has taken the world by storm with its popular Afro-Beats.

Dr. Joi Carr: I agree with Dr. Knowles. Music is universal. It explores all the complex ways we experience the human condition. At this point in history there has been so much cross pollination. We know where certain sounds/styles come from originally, but most commercially successful music is a bit transnational in many respects. The unique contributions of African Americans from the United States and the countries Dr. Knowles mentioned have changed the sonic landscape around the world.

“African American Aesthetic Culture From Spirituals to Hip Hop.” I know enough to know that is a juicy topic. You can cover all that in one Spring season?

Dr. Joi Carr: We wanted to create a class that traced the interdisciplinary nature of African American music all the way from chattel

Burt’s Eye View: Africa,


Yslavery to the present. The journey has been incredible: The history and social-cultural context alongside the music, literature, and film.

Dr. Mathew Knowles: First and foremost, we have very engaged students who want to learn our musical and cultural history. Some of the stories that have been told were not accurate. The way Dr. Carr and I have been effective in getting our students involved is by prioritizing the curriculum and identifying the key concepts and topics that must be covered to meet the learning objective of the course. A well-structured syllabus can help students and professors stay organized and on track.

My teaching style is one that I call “Edutainment” where I supplement some parts of my lectures with multimedia resources such as videos and simulations.

Yes, I try to write history that way: Educational and entertaining. Holding the attention of this fractured generation is tricky.

Dr. Mathew Knowles: Lastly, we have provided resources for self-study and encourage students to explore additional resources outside of class,

Part III: Ripples

ou, my reader, are going to have to trust me on this one — before this column ends, we will be back in Africa. Just be patient.

Let’s be honest with one another. Unless we have achieved the fame of a Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and have a national holiday named after us, we are pretty much forgotten in a generation or two. By the time our great grandchildren come around, we will be ancient history at best, little more than a sandcastle before the first wave hits.

I felt a bit down about this reality, but my bride, as usual, came to the rescue. She had another way of looking at our immortality and expressed it in one word, “ripples.” Whenever we do something good, we create ripples, and they will go on and on. She was right again.

And so my story begins: When I was 14, my leg was operated on at Boston Children’s Hospital. In a neighboring room was Barbara Holtz, a 14-year-old girl who had surgery performed on her arm, which like my leg, had been weakened by polio. We shared a bathroom, and despite her coming into the bathroom on two occasions without knocking, we became lifelong friends.

Several years later, around the time I entered Harvard, Barbara matriculated at Mount Holyoke, a top women’s college in Massachusetts. In my sophomore year I roomed with Aggrey Awori, an Olympic sprinter from Uganda who never lost a dual meet in his four years at college. He was the fastest person in the Ivy League, and, if the truth be told, I was the slowest. We were the original odd couple. I tried to convince my mother to let me go to Uganda over the summer, but Mom was not about to let her Jewish American Prince get eaten by a lion. My idea fell on deaf ears and was dead on arrival.

That same year, Barbara befriended a classmate of hers named Thelma from Liberia. Two matchmaking geniuses, Barbara and I figured out that two people from the same continent with over a billion people would naturally hit it off. And, by God, they most certainly did. Within a year,

such as textbooks and educational websites and we encourage students to share their feedback in class. “African American Aesthetic Culture From Spirituals to Hip Hop” is a combination of research from Dr. Carr and one of my published books, “The Emancipation of Slaves Through Music.”

Dr. Joi Carr: Yes, students read seminal works and listen to music extensively, from early recordings to the present day. We study the material chronologically and highlight significant moments, figures, and innovations in each time period.

Sounds like a Ph.D version of the Music Appreciation classes the stoners took in high school in Santa Cruz in the 1970s. Taught by people who know what’s up. Is the music appreciated up there on the hill?

Dr. Joi Carr: That is humorous. I would not call the class exactly that. But Pepperdine has a strong Fine Arts Division that has introductory level courses for students to explore music. This class is unique and has a critical edge. It is a journey through the evolution of African American music, from spirituals to gospel, blues, country, jazz, and R&B through contemporary hip-hop. Students are wrestling with the music in the context of a rich intellectual history of Black thought. Students are excited about learning about each era and placing the music in context. Some of the songs they have heard before (in movies etc.), but not in this immersive and comprehensive way.

Where did the idea come from?

Did you contact the school or vice versa?

Dr. Joi Carr: The class developed organically. Dr. Knowles just finished co-teaching a course at Pepperdine’s Graziadio Business School on entrepreneurship. We were connected by a colleague and after we explored our respective interests and expertise, the course was a natural outcome. Teaching a course with African American


Continued from B1

they got married, and Thelma transferred to Harvard.

A year later Thelma got pregnant and delivered two boys named Nabongo and BaiSama. They were born two months premature and each weighed 2.5 pounds.

After Aggrey, Thelma, and I graduated, we occasionally saw each other, but ultimately they all moved back to Uganda. Aggrey died several years ago, and I had not seen the boys since they were infants. I finally decided to go to Uganda to see Thelma and her family 60 years after my Mom had closed the door.

The boys, now men of 60, picked my bride and me up at our hotel in Kampala, Uganda. When I saw them, I had to fight back tears. They gave us a tour of Kampala, and then we all went to Thelma’s home, where we met one of her three daughters, grandchildren, and daughters-in-law. I looked at this loving family, which existed because two teenagers shared a bathroom at Boston Children’s Hospital. The accompanying photo was taken at their 60th birthday party.

Most of the time we do not know the ripples we create, but every once in a while we are blessed to see in our lifetime where the ripple goes. This was such a time, and what a blessing.

music at the center with Dr. Knowles, with his extensive background as an educator and groundbreaking work in the music industry as an executive, just made sense. This new course will help reinvigorate the African American Studies program at Seaver College.

I have always wondered where inspiration for songs comes from. Beyoncé for example: I know “Crazy in Love” funkifized a sample from the Chi Lites and spun it into gold. I wonder how “All the Single Ladies” evolved: What came first? So where did the inspiration for this class come from? Was it taught elsewhere and brought to the hills and dales of Pepperdine?

Dr. Mathew Knowles: The inspirations for songs can come from a variety of sources and experiences. Songwriters often draw inspiration from their own lives and emotions, using their personal experiences to create meaningful and authentic music. Relationships, both romantic and platonic, can be a common source of inspiration, as well as feelings of love, heartbreak, joy and sadness. Observing the world around them can spark ideas for lyrics and melodies, as can exploring different musical styles and genres as we’ve seen with Beyoncé entering into the country music genre.

Some artists find inspiration in social issues, politics, or personal beliefs, using music as a platform to share messages and provoke thought. Great examples are “Single Ladies,” “Bills, Bills, Bills,” “Don’t Touch My Hair,” “Survivor,” and, “Run The World” were all female empowerment songs by Destiny’s Child, Solange, and Beyoncé.

Dr. Joi Carr: I have been teaching some of this course content in another class called Music and Text. I explore American literature and music thematically. This music inspires me and it is exciting to teach it in the context of the culture and history. I let the era lead me to the song selections

a full espresso menu with lattes, cappuccinos, including with oat milk.

“We stick to the European style, nothing flavored. No caramel macchiatos,” Hannah said. “We’re based on the model of a European café. Only decaf teas.”  Their biggest sellers are lattes and baked goods.

Asked about the joy she brings people, Hannah answered, “Oh my gosh. I’m sometimes brought to tears. There’ve been people who told us that they take off of work on a Saturday so they can come up here and catch us, that they heard about us from a friend of a friend of a friend. We’ve been told that people are talking about us in cafes in Italy. It’s an excitement that word’s getting out, that we’re just up here for the community.”

Andrzej added, “This is where we live, where our home is. This is where Hannah was born. Even though I come from Warsaw, this is where I’ve planted my roots. There’s nothing more joyful than to be in nature and supporting local community with something we love. It’s pure joy being here.  We love hiking as well and this couldn’t be a better place for it.”

Joshua Mandell from Sherman Oaks first noticed the café when cycling and noticed a “big line” at the “Top of the World.” On a recent Saturday he sipped an espresso during a pause on his 60-mile ride. “It’s a perfect break on a nice ride,” he said. “It’s picturesque, this café with the view behind it.”

Ido Shalmoni isn’t a cyclist. The Woodland Hills resident likes to drive up just to see the view, saw the café, and stopped for a drink. “It’s crazy in a good way,” he said, and when asked if he’ll return, Shalmoni answered, “100 percent!”

The young married Lawniks have full-time jobs in the adventure travel business and Andrzej is a professional photographer. So,the café operates spontaneously, but typically Saturday mornings.

Cyclist Tricia Baak of Pacific Palisades found the café a few months ago. “I biked up here and discovered them,” she said, adding that she usually rides every Saturday in Malibu. On her typical 40-mile rides Baak stops at “this little gem of community” for coffee and pastries.

Homemade dairy- free cookies were $4 last Sat -

and literature for the course.

How has the response been? Pepperdine comes off as a serious-minded campus.

Dr. Mathew Knowles: The response has been overwhelming, both from student interest and media interest from the U.S. and internationally.

Dr. Joi Carr: The response has been wonderful. I have heard from colleagues, current students, and alumni. People have expressed appreciation for this new exciting course content.

Where are the lectures given?

How many people attend?

Dr. Joi Carr: The course is offered at Seaver in a multimedia classroom with an average class size of 16-18 students. We did not “advertise” the class with Dr. Knowles name attached to it. The course was posted in the schedule as usual without fanfare. We wanted students to migrate to the class naturally, for the course subject matter. It makes the teaching and learning process exciting. Plus, this material is incredible, life-affirming. We are having a great time teaching it together!

I plan to propose the course as a permanent catalog offering to fulfill academic units for the African American Studies program and general studies. It will go through a faculty review process. I imagine “From Spirituals to Hip Hop” being offered in the course rotation with the other offerings in the program. Current students tell me almost every week how much they are enjoying the journey this semester. We are excited for them, what they are learning. Dr. Knowles and I are truly delighted about it.

You might need a bigger room when this gets out.

Dr. Joi Carr: Absolutely. The course will be offered again. It is just a matter of time and logistics.

urday. Drinks are pay what you can. Baak says she usually spends $12 by Venmo. “They haul this all up here for us,” she said. “Why not?”

It takes the couple a full day to prepare their cart loaded with coffees, milks, espresso machine, cookies, and cups, plus a full day to clean up once they’re home. On a recent Saturday the café was bustling with visitors gazing over the sprawling vista, sipping espressos, and enjoying a moment of respite, while meeting new friends over the simple pleasures of coffee.

Check Instagram @HanjayCafe for their Saturday schedule, typically 9 a.m. to noon or when they sell out.   “It’s a big commitment, but we love doing it,” Hannah said.

PAGE B-2 • Thursday, March 28, 2024 Malibu’s Award-Winning Community Paper Since 1946
Burt Ross, Contributed Column
Drs. Mathew Knowles and Joi Carr teach the “African American Aesthetic Culture From Spirituals to Hip Hop” course at Pepperdine University. Photos by Elyse Jankowski Nabongo and BaiSama Awori. Photo submitted by Thelma Awori A cyclist is welcomed with a bar full of treats while he orders his drink with Hannah and Andrzej Lawnik at Hanjay Café. Photos by Andrzej Lawnik.


Continued from B1

the City Council does. He also let the children sit on the dais and hold the gavel.

While meeting the City Council members, Uhring invited the Cub Scouts to walk up on stage and view the

chambers from the

Keller known for her environmental advocacy and pushback on unnecessary development

“Tenacity and a relentless sense of purpose are crucial if residents want to retain Malibu’s rural lifestyle,” Lucile Keller said after being honored for a half-century of civic service.

At a Malibu Township Council (MTC) Valentine’s Day luncheon at Tramonto Restaurant, Keller received MTC’s top honor, a 12-inch crystal tower with a personal inscription.

“From working to safeguard the environment, to establishing the City of Malibu, and to prevent incompatible development, Lucile has made a remarkable difference in Malibu’s character,” MTC President Jo Drummond said during the presentation. “Along with her late husband, Walt, Lucile was crucial in coordinating local efforts for Malibu to become a city and in establishing and fighting for sound land-use policies that retain open space. She is a guiding light for us all.”

members’ point of view. While they were getting their photos taken by their parents, they proposed new rules for the city of Malibu such as, “Eat your vegetables, speed limit should be 45 miles per hour (so many people died on PCH), inflation is bad and we need to lower the prices, everyone should get a million dollars, everyone should get what they dream of, freedom, no plastic, and make your parents do your homework.”

Gorby said they are planning to make the Malibu City Hall trip an annual tradition.

Malibu staff, members Cecilia Raspe and Cynthia Alba gave the Cubs the tour and made sure they were able to ask questions about each department.

After the tour, Alba said the purpose of the tour was

to make City Hall accessible for everyone of all ages. “If we make City Hall accessible from a really young age as they grow up they will be more involved and engaged,” she said. “Everyone was really excited, every single department lit up, it was really nice to have a spark of life coming from City Hall and a reminder of why we do what we do for the community at the end of the day.”

Malibu Township Council honors Lucile Keller for over 50 years of exceptional community service

or asking them to do things for us,” she recalled. “But there were fun times, too. We printed T-shirts that we wore to L.A. County Board of Supervisors’ meetings.

“On the front they said, ‘What is the difference between America and Malibu?’ The answer was on the back: ‘In America, you get to vote.’”

One of Keller’s most memorable challenges was working to keep the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company from building a hotel on El Matador Beach, she said. The company owned the entire stretch of dry beach and bluff at El Matador. Opposing such a formidable company was a challenge in terms of marshaling local help from resident experts as well as raising enough money to pay attorneys.

But, she said, she and a group of opponents “showed up at every hearing, and every meeting.” She said she learned that tenaciousness and persistence were important because it was impossible to tell where unexpected support might develop.

building that would contain a sizeable sewage treatment plant required for the hotel.”

Once he opposed the plan, the hotel could not be built, and the land was given to the county.

During the MTC luncheon, board member Dru-Ann Jacobsen told stories of her own childhood in which her mother would send her “over to Lucile’s house,” where she said Keller gave her lessons by example.

“She taught me how to fight for what you believe in,” said Jacobsen. “She was very inspirational.”

Malibu Township Council, Inc. is a nonpartisan, nonprofit California corporation established in 1947. Its purpose is to promote, stimulate, and further community spirit, and to sponsor any project that may benefit any area within the City of Malibu, or the area designated as Malibu within LA County. MTC’s goal is to foster and promote the cultural development of Malibu and, in general, to build and uphold its character as a residential area.

Keller became an MTC member in the mid-1960s and joined the Board of Directors in 1972. Over the years, her role changed from activist to archivist, as she not only became the MTC secretary, but also acquired a large library of organizational forms and records that will be useful to future historians.

1980s effort that ended successfully when the state’s Local Area Formation Commission approved its Articles of Incorporation on March 28, 1991.

The turning point came when Metropolitan Life appeared at a meeting of the Regional Water Quality Control Board, where Malibu’s surfers turned out in large numbers.

Keller was among leaders of Malibu’s fourth fight for cityhood. She joined the

“I spent hundreds of hours a month at my kitchen table making difficult calls to people and asking them to donate money or time to help Malibu become a city,

“It turned out that the chair of the RWQ Control Board had been a surfer in previous years,” she said. “He was worried that the El Matador surfers would hit their heads on a beach-side concrete

EDITOR’S NOTE: While the Committee working to establish a City of Malibu was originally part of Malibu Township Council, the responsibilities of its members grew tremendously. So, it was decided that the MTC Committee would break away from MTC and establish a separate organization called the Malibu Committee for Incorporation.

Optimist Club of Malibu honors winners of essay contest

Malibu High junior Chloe Loquet wins first place, earns right to compete for $2,500 scholarship The

The Optimist Club of Malibu just concluded the 2023-2024 Optimist International Essay Scholarship Competition with an Awards Ceremony on Thursday, Feb. 29. Eight students from Malibu High School entered the competition by submitting essays on the official topic “Optimism: How it Connects Us.” The Optimist International Essay Contest is divided into two levels of competition: Club (preliminary contest) and District (scholarship competition). The winner of the local club contest, in this case the Optimist Club of Malibu, advances to the District Scholarship Competition.

The essays were judged by a panel of three judges who were not acquainted with the contestants. The judges were:

Joshua Corrigan , screenwriter who graduated from MHS and earned his degree in dramatic writing from the NYU Tisch School of the Arts.

Theresa M. Flynn , professor of teaching of composition and director of the Writing Center at Pepperdine University

Maire Mullins , professor of English and holds Blanche E. Seaver Chair of English Literature at Pepperdine University.

The top three scorers are all juniors at MHS:

Chloe Loquet - 1st Place ($300 cash prize)

Payton Pollack - 2nd Place ($200 cash prize)

Kylie Epstein - 3rd Place ($100 cash prize)

Chloe Loquet, as the first-place winner, earned the right to compete at the District level for a $2,500 college scholarship. Malibu’s Award-Winning Community Paper Since 1946 Thursday, March 28, 2024 • PAGE B-3
members of Cub Scouts Troop 224 enjoyed their trip to Malibu City Hall, the Planning Department and Council Chambers. Photos
Lucile Keller (front center) was awarded a 12-inch crystal tower from the Malibu Township Council (MTC) for her service. Keller joined the MTC in the mid-1960s, and the Board of Directors in 1972. Contributed Photo (From left) Program chair Mona Kyle, third-place winner Kylie Epstein, second-place winner Payton Pollack, and first-place winner Chloe Loquet pose together at the Optimist Club of Malibu Essay Contest Awards Ceremony. Photos courtesy Mona Kyle.





Publish in The Malibu Times: 3/14, 3/21, 3/28, 4/4/2024 MALIBU 65






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Case No. 24SMCP00128


Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles



Petitioner: FLORA JANE MANTARAS JENSEN a petition

with this court for a decree changing names as follows:


posed Name: FLORA JENSEN, Present Name: b. ARLO



The Court orders that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. Notice of Hearing:

Date: 05/03/2024 Time: 8:30AM, Dept.: K

The address of the court is:



A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county (specify newspaper): The Malibu Times


HON. LAWRENCE CHO, Judge of the Superior Court

DAVID W. SLAYTON Executive Officer/Clerk of Court

PUB: 3/14, 3/21, 3/28, 4/4/2024 The Malibu Times



Case No. 24SMCP00117

Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles



Petitioner: LISA JOANNE MCGEE a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows:


The Court orders that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. Notice of Hearing:

Date: APRIL 26, 24 Time: 8:30AM, Dept.: K

The address of the court is:



A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county (specify newspaper): The Malibu Times

Date: 3/1/2024

HON. LAWRENCE CHO, Judge of the Superior Court

DAVID W. SLAYTON Executive Officer/Clerk of Court

PUB: 3/14, 3/21, 3/28, 4/4/2024 The Malibu Times


Notice of Public Hearing – Measure R Parcel Tax Notice is hereby given that the Board of Education of the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District will conduct a public hearing on the matter of the 2024-25 Special Parcel Tax (Measure R) regarding applying a Consumer Price Index (CPI-U) adjustment. The public hearing will be held on April 18, 2024 at 7 p.m. in the Santa Monica-Malibu District Office at 1717 4th Street, Santa Monica, CA 90401 and via Zoom. The link to provide public comment via Zoom may be found at the top of the agenda. Agendas may be found at https:// Subsequent to the public hearing on April 18, 2024 at the regularly scheduled meeting, it is the intention of the Board of Education to adopt a resolution to levy the tax at the rate of $512.86 per parcel, which includes a 3.4% CPI adjustment. The CPI-U for Los Angeles-Riverside-Orange County, base year 1982-84=100, from February 2023 through February 2024, was used to calculate the adjustment. Information to apply for the Measure R Senior Exemption may be found at The application form and supporting documentation must be completed, signed and returned by June 30, 2024. To

be added to the mailing list, please email MeasureR@




2104, will be received by the City Clerk, at Malibu City Hall, 2825 Stuart Ranch Road, Malibu CA 90265 at or before 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 25, 2024, at which time they will be publicly opened and read by the City Clerk (or designated representative).


The proposed improvements include mobilization, traffic control and construction signing, stormwater pollution prevention plan and implementation, record of construction changes, construction of concrete swale, installation of new storm drain facilities, rehabilitation of asphalt dike, full depth pavement repair, cold milling, pavement overlay with asphalt rubber hot mix, pavement delineation striping and signing, utility cover adjustments, drainage catch basins and storm drain pipes and appurtenant work as shown in the Contract Documents and Specifications.

The bid shall be submitted and the work shall be performed by a Class “A” or “C-12” State of California licensed contractor in strict conformance with the project specifications for MORNING VIEW DRIVE REHABILITATION & DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS, Specification No. 2104 now on file in the City’s Public Works Department.

An electronic copy of plans and specifications may be obtained by prospective bidders from the Public Works Department through

All prospective bidders shall abide by the provisions of the Bid Terms and Conditions listed in the project’s specifications.

The City reserves the right to retain all bids for a period of 90 days after the bid opening date for examination and comparison and to delete any portion of the work from the Contract. The City reserves the right to determine and waive nonsubstantial irregularities in any bid, and to reject any or all bids. The bid shall be balanced so that each bid item is priced to carry its share of the cost of the work and also its share of the contractor’s overhead and profit. The City reserves the right to delete any bid item to the extent that the bid is qualified by specific limitation. An unbalanced bid shall be considered as grounds for rejecting the entire bid. The City shall award the bid to the lowest responsible bidder as the interest of the City may require.

In accordance with the provisions of Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1 of the California Labor Code, the California Department of Industrial Relations has established the general prevailing rates of per diem wages for each craft, classification and type of work needed to execute contracts for public works and improvements. The per diem wages published at the date the contract is advertised for bids shall be applicable. Future effective wage rates which have been predetermined are on file with the Department of Industrial Relations, are referenced but not printed in said publication. The new wage rates shall become effective on the day following the expiration date and apply to this contract in the same manner as if they had been included or referenced in this contract. The website for California Department of Industrial Relations Prevailing Wage Unit is currently located at www., prevailing wages are located on the website at

The wage rate for any classification not listed by the California Department of Industrial Relations, but which may be required to execute the proposed contract, shall be in accord with specified rates for similar or comparable classifications or for those performing similar or comparable duties, within the agency’s determinations.

At the time of submitting the bid the Bidder shall be registered with the California Department of Industrial Relations in accordance with the provisions of Section 1771.1 of the California Labor Code, as amended by Senate Bill 854. No public work contract may be awarded to a non-registered contractor or subcontractor.

Without exception, the bidder is required to state the name and address of each subcontractor who will perform work or labor or render service to the prime contractor and the portion of the work which

each will do in their bid as required by Section 23, “Subcontracts”, of the Standard Specifications and in conformance with Public Contract Code, Sections 4100 to 4113, inclusive.

The City will not consider awarding any contract based upon any bid submitted by any contractor nor consent to subletting any portions of the Contract to any subcontractor located in a foreign country during any period in which such foreign country is listed by the United States Trade Representative as discriminating against U.S. firms in conducting procurements for public works projects.

All bidders are hereby notified that any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, Business Enterprises must be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color or national origin consideration for an award.

The Contractor may substitute securities for retention monies pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22300.

Date this 21st day of March 2024


Travis Hart, Deputy Public Works Director

Published: Malibu Times on March 28 and April 4, 2024



CASE NO. 24STPB03221

To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the WILL or estate, or both of MARILOU MILLER.

A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by MARGARET JANE GEGENWORTH in the Superior Court of California, County of LOS ANGELES.

THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests that CRIS TIKFESI be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent.

THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority.

A HEARING on the petition will be held in this court as follows: 04/22/24 at 8:30AM in Dept. 99 located at 111 N. HILL ST., LOS ANGELES, CA 90012

IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney.

IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law.

YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk.

Attorney for Petitioner



1400 N DUTTON AVE., STE. 21


Telephone (707) 545-6542

BSC 224908 3/28, 4/4, 4/11/24




PAGE B-4 • Thursday, March 28, 2024 Malibu’s Award-Winning Community Paper Since 1946 NEED TO PUBLISH YOUR LEGAL NOTICE OR FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME? CALL: 310-456-8016 EMAIL: OFFICE@MALIBUTIMES.COM 2024049397 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT THE FOLLOWING PERSON IS (ARE) DOING BUSINESS AS: 1. AURORA CREATIVE, AURORA AGENCY 1122 HARTZELL ST, PAQCIFIC PALISADES, CA 90272, LOS ANGELES COUNTY Articles of Incorporation or Organization Number (if applicable): Registered Owner(s): 1. AURORA MARKETING LLC 1122 HARTZELL ST, PACIFIC PALISADES, CA 90272 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization CA This business is conducted by: A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: 02/2024. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed, AURORA MARKETING LLC, SPENCER KLEYWEG, CEO This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 3/6/2024.
THE Thursday, March 28, 2024 • PAGE B-5 BUSINESS DIRECTORY BUSINESS DIRECTORY FUR BABY SERVICES CONTRACTOR DIRECTORY 310-456-6841 Builders of Fine Homes & Commercial Real Estate since 1989 Custom Quality Construction Lic# 569337 A BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Quicken, QuickBooks, Excel. QuickBooks Pro Advisor. Honest, reliable, discreet. Local references. Patti 310.720.8004 Wood, Chain link & Vinyl Fencing Custom Gates. Entry Systems Windscreens. Snake Fences & Corrals. Wrought Iron Competitive prices | Quality work Local Malibu Co. for over 26yrs OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Jeff Turner 310.457.2139 Lic#965437 d CUSTOM MIRRORS d SHOWERS d DOORS d WINDOWS d SKYLIGHTS d WINDBREAKS d SCREENS 3547 WINTER CANYON RD MALIBU, CA 90265 310-456-1844 WWW.MALIBUGLASS.NET Lic. #396181 Malibu GLASS & MIRROR PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY CONSTRUCTION BOOKKEEPING ATTORNEYS ATTORNEYS FENCING REAL ESTATE AGENT MASSAGE PERSONAL TRAINER PERSONAL TRAINER GLASS LAUNDRY MEDIA PAINTING PAINTING Pets & Business Dirc tor ies December 9, 2021 FEATURING PET CARE & ANIMAL SERVICES Poppy ’s P et P o u r r i call 310.456.8016 or email Is your f avori t e f urr y, f ea t hered or scale y f riend pupp- t a c ula r or divinely purr-liciou s ? Do they love the limelight and being the center of attention? Do you want the whole world (or at least Malibu) to marvel at their T hen s ubmi t a pho t o o f t hem along wi t h a c le v er c ap t ion t o c la ss ad s @malibu t ime s.c om f or a c han c e t o ha v e t hem f ea t ure d in P opp y ’s P al s ! To submit a Poppy s Pal photo of your pet, please email to: 200 photos are published in the order in which they are received To place your ad in Poppy’s Pet Pourri BOURGET BROS. BUILDING MATERIALS 1636 – 11TH STREET SANTA MONICA, CA 90404 (310) 450-6556 BOURGET FLAGSTONE CO. 1810 COLORADO AVENUE SANTA MONICA, CA 90404 (310) 829-4010 Since 1947 Celebrating over 75 Years TREE CARE The Malibu Times Advertise with us. C: 424.309.4535 O: 310.457.6550 LifeStyleValue! 29178 Heathercliff Rd. #3 Malibu, CA 90265 REALTOR CaRE# 02114825 PERSONAL TRAINER Billy Moss Malibu Fitness In home training 310.420.4199 • Traditional weight training Body Sculpting & Toning Competing Bodybuilder THE MALIBU TIMES DIRECTORY ADVERTISE WITH US CALL (310)456-5507 OR EMAIL OFFICE@MALIBUTIMES.COM (805) 910-9247 Call or Text a Free Estimate CSLB 1084319 We do it right the first time We do it right the first time Since 1965 1st Place AIA Awards Interiors • Exteriors Marine & Custom Finishes Licensed • Bonded • Insured Serving Malibu Since 1965 310 456 0409 Lic# 491492 PAINTING (310) 304-3302 401 Wilshire Blvd, 12th FL Santa Monica, CA 90401 Injured? The Right Advice Matters Civil Litigation & Personal Injury EAGAN LAW RICHARD GLEASON LA’s #1 Bodyworker Manual TherapeuticsTM (310) 429.3218 FOR APPOINMENT (626) 375-2518 CERTIFIED MASSAGE THERAPIST To submit a Poppy’s Pal photo of your pet, please email to: 200DPI as jpg or pdf file. Include pet’s name along with a clever caption, and/or their name, breed and age. Poppy’s Pall photos are published in the order in which they are received. POPPY’S PALS Best pals Tutu and Morning Glory basking in the California sun.


“NOTICE TO READERS: California law requires that contractors taking jobs that total $500 or more (labor and/or materials) be licensed by the Contractors State License Board. State law also requires that contractors include their license numbers on all advertising. Check your contractor’s status at www.cslb. or 800-321-CSLB (2752). Unlicensed persons taking jobs that total less than $500 must state in their advertisements that they are not licensed by the Contractors State License Board.”

ALL REAL ESTATE advertised herein are subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act and the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, ancestry or national origin or intention to make such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertisements for real estate in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.

THE MALIBU TIMES reserves the right to refuse the publishing of any advertisement(s) and to delete any objectionable word(s), phrase(s) and/ or image(s) from such advertisement. If there is an error or omission in the printing and/ or publication of an advertisement, The Malibu Times’ liability is limited to only one incorrect insertion or omission.

Advertising, Marketing & Web

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Advertising Packages

DO YOU WANT YOUR BUSINESS KNOWN IN MALIBU! .We can make it happen with our SPECIAL ADVERTISING PACKAGES. . Our low discounted rates will save you up to 50%. *Billing on monthly basis. *Get in 2-3 sections of the paper + online. *Your ad will be seen weekly in print & 24/7 Online at Call 310456-5507


AGOURA ANIMAL SHELTER 29525 West Agoura Road, Agoura, CA 91301 (west of Kanan Road) 818-991-0071. Morning visits from 10-12 daily except Wednesdays are by appointment only. Visits to the Care Centers between the hours of 2pm-5pm DO NOT require an appointment every day EXCEPT Wednesday, when visiting hours will be 2pm-7pm.

When veterinary care is unavailable or un-affordable, ask for Happy Jack® animal healthcare for cats, dogs, & horses. At Tractor Supply® ( (Cal-SCAN)


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er package and $1600 Off for a limited time! Call today! Financing available. Call Safe Step 1-888-989-5749 (Cal-SCAN)

Wesley Financial Group, LLC Timeshare Cancellation Experts. Over $50,000,000 in timeshare debt and fees cancelled in 2019. Get free informational package and learn how to get rid of your timeshare! Free consultations. Over 450 positive reviews. Call 866-6752404 (Cal-SCAN)

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Prepare for power outages today with a Generac Home Standby Generator. Act now to receive a FREE 5-Year warranty with qualifying purchase. Call 1-844-439-5645 today to schedule a free quote. It’s not just a generator. It’s a power move. (Cal-SCAN)

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Get your deduction ahead of the year-end! Donate your car, truck, or SUV to assist the blind and visually impaired. Arrange a swift, no-cost vehicle pickup and secure a generous year-end tax credit. Call Heritage for the Blind Today at 1-844-491-2884 today! (Cal-SCAN)

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Get your deduction ahead of the year-end! Donate your car, truck, or SUV to assist the blind and visually impaired. Arrange a swift, no-cost vehicle pickup and secure a generous year-end tax credit. Call Heritage for the Blind Today at 1-844-491-2884 today! (Cal-SCAN)


EAGAN LAW Personal Injury Attorney. Auto accidents, slip and fall, dog bites, wrongful death. Call Todd Eagan today 877-70-INJURY / (310) 3043302 /

OLAN LAW Personal Injuries, Auto Accidents, Wrongful Death, Uninsured Motorist, Premises Liability, and Product Liability. Call David Olan 310566-0010

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Donating your vehicle? Get more! Free Towing. Tax Deductible. Plus a $200 restaurant voucher and a 2-night/3day hotel stay at one of 50 locations. Call Heritage for the Blind to donate your vehicle today. CALL 1-844-491-2884 (Cal- SCAN)


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Quicken, QuickBooks, Excel. Honest, reliable, discreet. Local references. Patti 310-7208004.

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Available. Catch up your books. Sales & Payroll Tax Filing. My Nearby Office Or Yours. 310454-1675


KANEROY and ASSOCIATES has been proud to serve Malibu & the Westside for the past 20 years, and look forward to putting it’s broad experience, creativity and craftsmanship to work for you on your next construction project. Kane Sickner 310-456-6841, www.kaneroy. com. Lic.#569337-Bonded/ insured.


Dr. Sherri Nader PSY 22116 / LCS 22848 License Clinical Psychologist Adjunct Faculty, USC. Individuals *Couples *Families * Parenting * Children *Adolescents *Teenagers. Malibu & Pacific Palisades. Weekend Appointments Available. 310-459-6350,

Eva Ackerman - Consultant, Coach, Mediator, Lighthouse. Se habla español. Eva blends psycho-spiritual training, transformational leadership and Sacred Commerce consulting to provide loving support, insightful reflection and effective tools for grounding and executing your vision into physical reality. Call 503-791-9939.


CONEJO VALLEY ELECTRIC Lighting & electrical solutions. Full service electrical contractor & lighting specialist. We also install all wall mounts, flat screen TV’s, speakers & network systems. Family owned. Call 818-259-4055 or 805-4977711. Lic#922260.


PAGE B-6 • Thursday, March 28, 2024 Malibu’s Award-Winning Community Paper Since 1946 BUSINESS & SERVICES PERSONAL TRAINER Billy Moss Malibu Fitness In home training 310.420.4199 Traditional weight training Body Sculpting & Toning Competing Bodybuilder Windows & Doors Showers & Mirror Railings & Skylights Replacements & Repairs 310.456.1844 3547 WINTER CANYON, MALIBU LICENSED CONTRACTOR #396181 Est. 1971 310-456-6841 Serving Malibu and the Westside for over 25 yrs Lic# 569337 Builders of Fine Homes & Commercial Real Estate since 1989 Custom Quality Construction, New & Remodels Traditional Styles to Cutting Edge Contemporary SUBMIT CLASSIFIEDS AND LEGALS TO (310) 456-8016 | | Classified Ads are posted on The Malibu Times website | CLASSIFIEDS The Malibu Times Advertise with us. (310) 304-3302 877-70-INJURY 401 Wilshire Blvd, 12th FL Santa Monica, CA 90401 Injured? The Right Advice Matters. With more than two decades of experience helping clients with personal injury claims and sophisticated civil litigation, we are ready to help you win. Civil Litigation & Personal Injury EAGAN LAW RICHARD GLEASON LA’s #1 Bodyworker is bringing Manual TherapeuticsTM to Malibu residences in 2024 Bookings: (310) 429.3218 HEAL INJURIES, RELIEVE MUSCLES, & OPTIMIZE PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE. Professional Massage Many Satisfied Malibu Clients MALIBU HOUSE CALLS $300/hr Discount for same day family members CERTIFIED MASSAGE THERAPIST Sasipon Belle SUBMIT CLASSIFIEDS AND LEGALS TO (310) 456-8016 | | Classified Ads are posted on The Malibu Times website |
link & Vinyl Fencing
Custom Gates & Entry Systems
FENCE CO Wood, Chain


Stunning, Spacious, Oceanfront, 2 Story Condo on private beach, PCH & Corral, Furnished, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 2 balconies overlooking ocean, catch the sunrise & sunset, 2 fireplaces, gourmet kitchen, washer/ dryer, covered parking, Pepperdine students welcome (3 max), $15,000 a month, long or short term. Available immediately. Call / text Natalia - 310924-9804

For Sale

Flea Market


Call 213-944-4619 or 310739-2738.

2022 Generac Home generator -New in box/on pallet wrapped still. Bought for Malibu home...never installed. 24kW/200amp system w/ disconnect, wifi-smart switch, works w/solar… +floorpad and battery. New was $7500 (have receipt). SELLING for $5500 or best offer. Text Steve at 310-780-7375


DUARTE LANDSCAPING Complete Garden Service Yard & Hillside Clean Up. Tree * Trimming * Topping * Shaping *Palm *Cleaning *Sprinkler Work. Insurance. Bonded. Free Estimates. Jose Duarte, Owner. 323-733-2699 or 323-333-7003


MANNY’S THE HANDYMAN Construction, including demolition. Carpentry, plumbing, electrical, masonry/concrete, retaining walls, drywall, tile, roofing & painting, framing, finish

carpentry. Power washing: decks, driveways & roofs. 30 yrs experience. Call Manny: 323-445-9622.

Your local handyman Professional Repair Services * Knowledge in all trades. We Fix It!. Call Bob 818-6359319. Lic#924813



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Malibu’s Premier Laundry Service with Daily Pickup & Daily Delivery Routes. We Tailor the Laundry to You. We do Residential & Commercial Laundry with a Smile. Call RQL at 424.322.0315. Visit and @royalqualitylaundry on IG.

Lost & Found

*FREE LOST & FOUND ADS.* Have you lost a pet or found an article? Please call our Classified Dept. at 310-456-5507 and we will be glad to take your classified ad at NO CHARGE

Massage Therapy

Heal injuries and optimize physical performance with deep tissue master

Richard Gleason LA’s #1 bodyworker. 310-429-3218

Online Advertising IS YOUR WEB SITE LOST IN CYBERSPACE? Get LINKED to www. and get NOTICED! 45,000+ Visitors. Over 250,000 Page Views per month! Call 310-456-5507.



COMPANY Interior, Exterior, Water Damage, Cabinetry, Stucco, Plaster, Drywall Repairs, Deck Restorations & Specialty Finishes. Call 310-4560409. Lic#491492, bonded/insured.

Paradise Painting - 15% OFF SPECIAL - We do it right the first time! Complete interior & exterior restoration specialists. Call or Text for a free estimate 805-910-9247. CSLB 1084319

Real Estate Loans

RETIRED COUPLE $$$$ for business purpose Real Estate loans. Credit unimportant. V.I.P. Trust Deed Company Call 1-818248-0000. Broker-principal DRE 01041073. No consumer loans. (CalSCAN)

Rental Office Space

OFFICE AVAILABLE Located at 21223 PCH, Malibu Plaza at Las Flores. Call

Carter (949) 374-4093 or Nik (707) 601-0466

21355 PCH Malibu: Great office spaces for lease. .Unit 101A & 101B /Approx. 500 sq. ft. each @ $2,500/m. OBO. Professional, Medical, Wellness, Retail etc. Ample parking. For more info Call/Text/Email Kim, 310-617-6339 or Mayra @ 323-559-8119

22235 PCH Malibu (Tramonto Bldg)

: Unique 2-room w/ waiting area office space for lease. Suite G /- Approx. 700 sq. ft. @ $3,400/m. OBO. Private bathroom. For more info Call/Text/ Email Mayra 323-559-8119 or Kim 310617-6339



ING SPECIALIST Seamless gutters, slate, decks, shingles, copper, hotmop, torch. All types of Roofing and Repairs. Residential* Commercial* Industrial. Call for a GREAT free quote 310-779-5265. #726424. Bonded/Insured.

Tree Services

JOHNSON TREE CO. Fruit tree care, brush clearance & removals, pest control, pruning, preservation, Tree surgery, trimming & feeding. Call 310-393-5700.


Affordable Tree Care Certified Arborists, Family Owned Business, 25 + Years Experience. Palm Tree Specialist, Citrus Pruning for high yield, Brush Clearance, Disease, Pest, and Tree Removal. Call 310-456-6564.

Joseph Christman’s West Coast Tree, Inc. LIC #1109716


FRIENDS OF THE MALIBU LIBRARY Volunteering for the Malibu Library Bookstore contact Harriet Pollon at

Window Cleaning

MR. CRYSTAL WINDOW & Pressure cleaning Free estimates, friendly service, seasonal discounts, local references. Call Gary 310-828-1218. Lic/Bonded/Insured.

Mr. Crystal

Window & Pressure Cleaning

Free Estimates Friendly Service Seasonal Discounts Local References Call Gary 310-828-1218

Licensed/Bonded/Insured Malibu’s Award-Winning Community Paper Since 1946 Thursday, March 28, 2024 • PAGE B-7 The Malibu Times BUSINESS & SERVICES ‧ ADVERTISE WITH US CALL: (310) 456-5507 EMAIL: OFFICE@MALIBUTIMES.COM BOURGET BROS. BOURGET FLAGSTONE CO. BUILDING MATERIALS BOURGET BROS. BUILDING MATERIALS 1636 – 11TH ST. SANTA MONICA, CA 90404 (310) 450-6556 BOURGET FLAGSTONE CO. 1810 COLORADO AVE. SANTA MONICA, CA 90404 (310) 829-4010 Since 1947 Celebrating over 75 Years • Natural Stone Pebbles Glass • Landscaping Products Brick • Tile Fire Pit Supplies Plumbing • Hardware Doors/Windows • Lumber Masonry & Plastering Supplies Power Tools • Repair Department Delivery Service (805) 910-9247 Call or Text a Free Estimate We do it right the first time We do it right the first time • Drywall Repair & Texture • Stucco Repair • Acoustic Ceiling Removal • Decorative European plaster • Residential/Commercial • Interior/Exterior • Cabinets Complete Interior or Exterior The Restoration Specialists 15% OFF CSLB 1084319 SUBMIT CLASSIFIEDS AND LEGALS TO (310) 456-8016 | | Classified Ads are posted on The Malibu Times website | BUSINESS & SERVICES CLASSIFIEDS Business & services BUSINESS & SERVICES Continued *Windscreens * Snake Fences & Corrals. Competitive prices * Quality work. Local Malibu Co. for over 26yrs Jeff Turner 310-457-2139 Lic#965437 Financial Services / Money to Loan Over $10K in Debt? Be debt free in 24 to 48
months. No upfront fees to enroll. A+ BBB rated. Call National Debt Relief 1-888-231-4274. (CalSCAN)
For Rent
ADS CALL 310-456-5507 OR
apartment for rent,
spacious+bright, large
La Costa area, ocean views,
balcony, car-
parking. No pets, $3950/month
security deposit. Available im-
Advertise with us.


Waves baseball team defeats Pacific in three-game series at Pepperdine diamond

Catcher Andrew Savage hits team’s first grand slam this season, leads Pepperdine to first victory

Pepperdine Waves baseball player Andrew Savage knocked one out of the park in a grand way on March 23.

The junior catcher smashed his first home run of the season and his squad’s first grand slam of their 2024 campaign in the sixth inning of the Waves’ matchup against the Pacific Tigers. Savage’s four-run homer gave


Pepperdine a 7-4 lead in the contest that ended up a 13-6 victory at Pepperdine’s Eddy D. Field Stadium.

Savage’s grand slam happened in an inning full of highlights for the Waves, which also included two suc-

cessful bunts and a handful of singles that had the bases loaded for Pepperdine most of the inning. The squad

scored eight runs after Pacific started the inning with three runs.

The Waves took two out of three from the Tigers in the home series. Pacific won the first game 9-6 on the first day. Pepperdine won the last game 11-4.

Graduate student Brady Renck, an infielder, went 3-for-5 at the plate with two RBIs in the eighth inning in the opening game of the series. Corwin Hemmingsen, a freshman utility player, went 2-for-5 with an RBI. Redshirt junior Luke Pemberton, an outfielder, went 2-for-4 with one run scored.

Savage wasn’t the only Wave with a hot bat in their first win of the series. He went 3-for-5 with five RBIs and two runs. Renck went 4-for-4 with two doubles, two RBIs, and an insidethe-park home run. Hemmingsen, serving as the designated hitter, went

5-for-5 with a RBI.

Pepperdine scored six runs in the third inning and tallied three runs in the eighth in order to win the third game of the series.

Senior infielder Charles Masino hit his first homer of the season for an RBI, while senior outfielder Conner Bradshaw went 2-for-4 with a home run and four RBIs. Julian Nunez, a junior infielder, went 2-for-5 with a double and two RBIs.

Pepperdine played at CSU Bakersfield on Tuesday, March 26. The Waves begin a three-game series against Loyola Marymount on Thursday, March 28. On April 2, they host Long Beach State.

The Waves had a 7-17 record at press time. They have beaten Utah, UC Santa Barbara, UC Riverside, CSU Bakersfield, and Tulane this season.

The Waves enter their matchup against San Francisco on Friday with a 10-3 record

Five Pepperdine Waves athletes scooped up weekly honors from their respective conferences last week. Men’s volleyball player Ryan Graves was named the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation Offensive Player of the Week on March 18. The next day, the West Coast Conference placed the Doubles Team of the Week honor on two Waves tennis pairs. Women’s tennis players Savannah Broadus and Janice Tjen and men’s players Linus Carlsson Halldin and George Davis were named the conference’s top duos in their sports on March 19. Graves, a freshman setter, seized his first offensive weekly honor from the MPSF five days after leading the Waves to a 3-1 victory over the 11th-ranked USC Trojans and then a sweep over the Concordia Golden Eagles on March 16. Graves, from Irvine, had 47 assists, tying a career high, in the triumph over the Trojans. His passing helped Pepperdine achieve a .358 hitting percentage. Against Concordia, Graves served up 37 assists and 10 digs as Pepperdine registered a .513 hitting percentage.

Graves averaged 12 assists and 2 digs a set in the two matches. Pepperdine had an average .423 hitting percentage with 14.86 kills a set.

Graves tallied 47 assists, 3 digs, 2 blocks, 1 ace, and 2 kills in Pepperdine’s 3-2 loss to the BYU Cougars on March 22. The next day, BYU beat Pepperdine in five sets again. Graves rang up 38 assists, 6 digs, 2 kills, and 1 block.

The Waves enter their Saturday matchup against USC with a 16-7 record.

Broadus, a junior, and Tjen, a senior, have now won the

WCC Doubles Team of the Week award five times this season. The duo, who are the country’s second-ranked doubles team, garnered the honor after staging a comefrom-behind victory over the 14th-ranked doubles team, Hannah Viller Moeller and Mao Mushika of California, on March 17. The 7-6 (3) win pushed Broadus and Tjen’s record to 9-0 this season.

The Pepperdine pair came back to force the California twosome into a tiebreak. Viller Moeller and Mushika took a 3-0 lead, but Tjen and Broadus stormed back to tie the match and then used their rackets to register four consecutive points to give the Waves the doubles point in their 6-1 victory over California.


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Broadus and Tjen have an overall record of 20-1 this year. Their only loss was in the semifinals of the Intercollegiate Tennis Association National Fall Championship last November.

Broadus and Tjen defeated 15th-ranked duo Emma Charney and Eryn Cayetano 6-3 in Pepperdine’s 4-0 win over USC on March 24. Waves tennis duo Tjen and Broadus earn fifth WCC honor of the season.

Halldin, a sophomore, and Davis, a graduate student, won the WCC’s weekly doubles award on the men’s side after grabbing an upset win over Max Westphal and Nicolas Kotzen of Columbia, the 22nd-ranked doubles team in the country, on March 13. The win was the Waves

pair’s first win over a top 25 duo this season.

Halldin and Davis downed Harvard’s Cooper Williams and Ronan Jachuck 6-3 two days after the win over the Columbia pair. The Pepperdine twosome’s wins resulted in them garnering their first-ever WCC weekly recognition.

Halldin and Davis were beaten 6-4 by Cesar Bouchelaghem and Dzianis Zharyn in Pepperdine’s 4-3 defeat of Washington on March 21. On March 24 in the Waves’ 4-0 victory over Gonzaga, the two beat Sasha Trkulja and Matthew Hollingworth 6-3.

The Waves have a 7-9 record heading into their match against San Diego on Saturday.

PAGE B-8 • Thursday, March 28, 2024 Malibu’s Award-Winning Community Paper Since 1946
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ACROSS 1 Hot topping for a cone? 5 Practical joke 9 Tricky billiard shot 14 Way off 15 Ensconced in 16 Asian dog breed 17 *Ensign 19 Rich sources of beta carotene 20 Joint 21 One of millions in New Zealand 23 Migration pattern? 24 Lose one’s shirt, say 25 *Emirate 28 Coup planners 30 Ensiform, adj.: Shaped like a 31 ___ Valley 34 Singer Williams who founded the Temptations 36 Split up 38 Pre-med pre-req 39 *Arbiter 41 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, e.g. 42 Came to pass 44 Bibliographer’s abbr. 45 Ceremony 46 They’re typically older than seniors 48 One in it for the long haul 50 *Depot 52 Put on a big smile 56 ___ Formosa (barrier island system of Portugal) 57 Figure in I Samuel 58 Issuance from an American embassy, in brief 59 Discombobulated 61 *Begin 64 Meant to be 65 “And so …” 66 Actor Woo-shik of “Parasite” 67 Long hauls 68 Doesn’t stay tight 69 Hankerings DOWN 1 Scores 2 Underway 3 Steamy stuff 4 Most-grown coffee bean in the world 5 Copacetic 6 Bon ___ 7 Exemplar of neatness 8 Barely defeated 9 Launches an attack 10 Going by, in brief 11 Chevy truck since 1998 12 Staple of Trinidadian music 13 Plein-air prop 18 Kelly of morning talk 22 “Time ___ …” 25 Nonreflective, in a way 26 Not too much 27 First part of a triple jump 29 Stole from a burlesque act 31 With 50-Down, annual June sports event 32 It’s never out of tune 33 Anathema to an aesthete 35 Cut down 37 Surpass 39 What some people are dyeing to be? 40 Puckish sort 43 ___ fly 45 Implied right in the First and Fourth Amendments 47 Big star, in Spain 49 If-then-___ (programming construct) 50 See 31-Down 51 Things one might pick up while entering a room 53 Church offering 54 Apply to 55 2024 Olympics site 58 Focus of the U.S.A.F.’s Project Blue Book (1952-1969) 60 “Yikes!” 62 Time to remember 63 ___ white PUZZLE BY DAN SCHOENHOLZ Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and more than 7,000 past puzzles, ($39.95 a year). Read about and comment on each puzzle: ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE The New York Times Syndication Sales Corporation 620 Eighth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10018 For Information Call: 1-800-972-3550 For Release Thursday, March 28, 2024 Edited by Will Shortz No. 0222 Crossword ACROSS 1 Throw in 4 Not fixable, as an error 9 Group whose full name translates as “Bulletproof Boy Scouts” 12 Hit or miss, perhaps 14 It makes you “dance down the street with a cloud at your feet,” in a 1953 hit 15 Red ___ (serving at a Carolina barbecue) 16 People also known as the Cat Nation 17 Powered down, in a way 18 “The pause that refreshes” sloganeer, once 19 Disturb, in a way 21 Bill supporting public television 22 Told where to go, say 23 Use X-ray vision on 25 Graceful 27 Make love? 28 So-called “missing links” 29 Chignon, for one 31 In the past 32 Risky wager ... with a hint to the letters in this puzzle’s circled squares 41 State in debate 42 Phenomenon nicknamed “Karl” in San Francisco 43 Biblical site of a burning bush 44 Soft rock 45 Doctor for kids 47 Cleans (up) 48 Olympic champion who said he threw his gold medal into the Ohio River 49 Garden party annoyance, colloquially 51 Spider web, effectively 52 Part of a pen name? 53 Philanthropy 55 Characteristic of video poker, lottos and casinos 59 Results of some dating app matches 63 Hoodwink 64 Fat substitute 65 Second of five? 66 Totally pumped DOWN 1 Disinclined 2 Response to “Merci” 3 Sat on a clothesline, say 4 This too shall pass 5 Kind of acid 6 ___ gun 7 Dizzy 8 Was up 9 Flower 10 “I want to go with you!” 11 Nation with a four-century “Viking Age” 13 Controvert 15 Italian apology 20 Permit 22 Hundos 24 Approved on PolitiFact, say 26 Speaker of the line “I follow him to serve my turn upon him” 30 Landlord-paysbroker, in rental lingo 31 Existential unease 32 Word with bank or base 33 Not written 34 Jamaican tangelo 35 N.F.C. South pro 36 Degenerate 37 Meaning of the Italian “lui” or German “ihn” 38 Aware of 39 Part of yourself that you can’t see without two mirrors 40 Essence 45 Careened across snow, maybe 46 Sleek ocean swimmers 49 Broke one’s silence 50 Life of ___ 52 Impressive showbiz quartet 54 CD component 55 “Windowpane” 56 Plastic ___ Band 57 “I meant that sarcastically” 58 Title of respect 59 Stylish dresser 60 Degree in math? 61 Test for a future Ph.D. 62 Blue PUZZLE BY TEDDY KATZ AND RICH KATZ Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and more than 7,000 past puzzles, ($39.95 a year). Read about and comment on each puzzle: ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE The New York Times Syndication Sales Corporation 620 Eighth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10018 For Information Call: 1-800-972-3550 For Release Thursday, March 21, 2024 Edited by Will Shortz No. 0215 Crossword By McKENZIE JACKSON Special to The Malibu Times By McKENZIE JACKSON Special to The Malibu Times
tennis, volleyball players garner weekly
Janice Tjen (left) and Savannah Broadus were named the WCC Doubles Team of the Week for women’s tennis. Photos by Kyle Cajero Pepperdine’s Linus Carlsson Halldin (left) and George Davis were named the WCC Doubles Team of the Week for men’s tennis. Janice Tjen (left) and Savannah Broadus were named the WCC Doubles Team of the Week for women’s tennis. The Pepperdine baseball team, including Charles Masino (32, center), celebrates during its win over Pacific last weekend. The Waves had a 7-17 season record so far after taking two of three over the Tigers. Photo by Morgan Cheatham
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