COLlive Magazine - Kinus 5780

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8 LAMPLIGHTERS Outstanding Individuals Dedicated to Chinuch Share Thoughts




Exclusive Photos 5748 With the Rebbe



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CONTENTS COLlive Mag Kislev 2019 11-13__final-changes_Layout 1 11/14/2019 1:45 AM Page 4



16 23 26 4 COLlive Magazine

From Crown Heights To the World

8 Outstanding People Dedicated to Chinuch

The Sefer That Was Left Behind

The Rebbe’s Arsenal of Tanks


Chanukah 5748 with the Rebbe


Things To Do on Chanukah


World’s Largest Menorah Stands Tall


The National Jewish Monument


6 Most Unique Menorahs



A Food Destination Like No Other


The Crown Heights Food Guide


Oven Baked Chocolate Doughnuts


Apple & Pear Spiced Sufganiyot

Rivkah Krinsky

Itta Werdiger Roth



From the Publisher


Dvar Malchus

Mica Soffer

From the Rebbe


Weekly Features on







Dr. Avraham J. Gottesman

Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch

Mordechai Schmutter

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Mica Soffer EDITOR


Leibel Baumgarten Libby Herz Shifra Klein Rivkah Krinsky Mordechai Schmutter Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch Sara Spielman Itta Werdiger Dovid Zaklikowski DESIGN

Toiby Hayes PHOTOS

Shimi Kutner RebbeDrive Hasidic Archives Shimon Roumani PARTNER Yossi Rivkin

I have found there to be a

light. From the Car Menorah

beautiful and emblematic

Parade in the streets of New

connection between the

York City to Mivtzoim at public

International Kinus

Menorah lightings and

Hashluchim, the chassidishe

celebrations, Pirsumei Nissa is

yomim tovim of Kislev, and

an effort joined by chassidim

Chanukah - and the role Crown

of all ages.

Heights plays in them.

What connects all of these

The kind residents of the

special occasions is the focus

shechuna open their homes

outward, sharing Yiddishkeit

and hearts to Shluchim during

and Chassidus with others, and

the Kinus (and year-round),

fulfilling the instruction of

enabling them to continue

“Hafotzas HaMayanot Chutza.”

succeeding in their holy work to prepare the world for the

After our first issue of COLlive Magazine, many reached out to

coming of Moshiach.

say they were delighted to read

Yud Tes Kislev, the Rosh

it because it highlighted

ADVERTISING Phone: 718-679-9450 ext: 2 Email:

Hashana of Chassidus, is the

people and events that bring

day that Chassidus was allowed

goodness and joy to our

to be taught without

beloved Crown Heights. In this

EDITORIAL INQUIRIES OR SUBMISSIONS Phone: 718-679-9450 ext: 1 Email:

limitations. It is marked here

second issue, we tried to

with farbrengens and special

reflect these elements and the

learning programs in

spirit that defines the

the schools.

upcoming days and our

COLlive does not endorse any products or services reported about or advertised in COLlive Magazine unless specifically noted. The acceptance of advertising in COLlive Magazine does not constitute a recommendation, approval or other representation or quality of products or services, or the credibility of any claims made by advertisers including, but not limited to, the kashrus or advertised food products. The use of any products or services advertised in COLlive Magazine is solely at the user’s risk and COLlive accepts no responsibility or liability in connection therewith.

And Chanukah is when Crown Heights residents take an

Wishing you all a month of

active part in spreading the

Kislev full of light and joy,

Mica Soffer


6 COLlive Magazine



Photo: Nechama Photography

COLlive Magazine is published in print periodically by the Collive Media Group Inc. and is distributed free in Brooklyn, NY.



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The Rebbe’s answer to a Jewish New Yorker who criticized public Menorah lighting ceremonies by Chabad in the USA By the grace of G-d 3rd of Sivan, 5738 Brooklyn, N.Y. Dr. New York, N.Y. Greeting and Blessing: This is to confirm receipt of your letter and I regret the unavoidable delay in replying to it more promptly. In it, you express your reservations about the kindling of the Chanukiot in public places on the ground of (a) the principle of the separation of church and state (b) it being “counterproductive.” Had I received your letter years ago, when the practice started, I would have had a more difficult task defending it, for the simple reason that the expected positive results were then a matter of conjecture. But now, after the practice and the results have been observed for a number of years, my task is an easy one since the general acclaim and beneficial results have far exceeded our expectations. The fact is that countless Jews in all parts of the country have been impressed and inspired by the spirit of Chanukah which had been brought to them – to many for the first time. Indeed, the

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eternal and always timely message of Chanukah – the victory of the outnumbered forces of light over the overwhelming forces of darkness that attempted to make Jews forget G-d’s Torah and mitzvos (as we say in the prayer of “V’al Hanissim”) – struck a responsive chord in the hearts of many Jews and strengthened their sense of identity with the Maccabees of all ages. This year, too, now that some six months have elapsed since Chanukah and reports have come in from various places where Chanukah lamps were kindled publicly, the results have been most gratifying in terms of spreading the light of the Torah and mitzvos, and reaching out to Jews who could not otherwise have been reached, either because some of them are unaffiliated with any synagogue or, though loosely affiliated, thought that the religious practices belong within the confines of a synagogue and do not relate to the personal everyday life of the individual. It was precisely through kindling the Chanukah lamp in public places, during “ordinary” weekdays, with dignity and pride, that it was brought home to them that Judaism is practiced daily, and that no Jew should feel abashed about it.

Photo courtesy of RebbeDrive


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Photo courtesy of RebbeDrive

With regard to the “Constitutional” question, I can most assuredly allay your apprehensions on this score. I am fully certain that none of all those who participated or witnessed the kindling of a Chanukah Lamp in a public place (and in all cases, permission was readily granted by the authorities) felt that his or her loyalty to the Constitution of the U.S.A. had been weakened or compromised thereby. Indeed, many expressed surprise that this practice had not been inaugurated years earlier, seeing that the U.S. Congress opens with a religious invocation by a representative of one of the major religions in this country; and, surely, the U.S. Congress, comprising each and every State of the Union, is the place where the Constitution of the U.S.A. should be most rigidly upheld. There is surely no need to belabor this point. As for you stating that some Jews did object to the ceremony on Constitutional grounds, to my knowledge, these were exceptional and isolated instances. Moreover, I dare say that (entre nous) the objectors, though ostensibly citing the Constitution, were motivated by other sentiments, a plausible assumption, since they are identified with organizations that thwart every effort to get State aid for Hebrew Day Schools and Yeshivos to alleviate their burden of the secular department and other “nonreligious” needs. Be it noted that the money that would have been received in such aid carried the motto “In G-d We Trust!” it Is lamentable that as a result of this attitude thousands of Jewish children have been deprived of their right to a Jewish education. It is not surprising therefore to see such an appalling rate of intermarriage, nor is it surprising, however sad and deplorable, that the vast majority of intermarriages take place among the ranks of young people who have been deprived of Jewish education, for one reason or another.

In view of your expressed concern for the preservation of Judaism in this country and for the protection of our children against proselytizing etc., I am encouraged to take advantage of this unexpected exchange of correspondence between us to express my ardent hope that you will use your influence to put an end to the destructive fight against State aid to parochial schools – at any rate insofar as the secular department is concerned, so as to enable Jewish Day Schools and Yeshivos to open their doors to the maximum number of students, starting with the next school year and thereafter. For, only an adequate Jewish education can preserve our young generation and future generations from alienation, intermarriage and complete loss, G-d forbid. I hope and pray that everyone who has a voice and influence in Jewish community affairs and is concerned for the Jews and Judaism in this country no less than for the preservation of the American way, will indeed act in the spirit of the basic principle of “this nation under G-d, and government of the people, by the people and for the people,” including also the Jewish people, and do everything possible for the good of every Jewish child, that he and she remain Jewish, marry a Jew and live Jewishly; and of course a good Jew is also a good American. With prayerful wishes for an inspiring Yom Tov of

Mattan Torah and the traditional blessing to receive the Torah with joy and inwardness. Sincerely yours, (The Rebbe’s signature)

This letter is presented by Nissan Mindel Publications (NMP) as part of The Letter & The Spirit series of original English Letters of the Lubavitcher Rebbe selected and arranged by his personal secretary, Rabbi Dr. Nissan Mindel. Volume Five is ready for print (sponsorship available).

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F E AT U R E S C O L L I V E . C O M MOTZEI SHABBOS S H A B B O S N I G H T L I V E RABBI SHMUEL BUTMAN Now in its 11th year on, Shabbos Night Live is viewed by thousands of steady viewers from all over the world. Rabbi Shmuel Butman, Executive Director of the Central Lubavitch Youth Organization (Tzach), shares a weekly story from the Rebbe followed by a sicha of the Rebbe. Some programs are filmed at the Kosel, Paris and even Kazakhstan.


A weekly Chassidic story for the Melave Malka table is presented by Dovid Zaklikowski, an author and writer and Director of Hasidic Archives. These cherished tales about the Baal Shem Tov, Alter Rebbe, Berditchever Rebbe and other luminaries warm the heart and inspire the soul.

S U N D AY MYLIFE: CHASIDUS APPLIED RABBI SIMON JACOBSON An hour-long dose of insights into the teachings of Chassidus dealing with practical and emotional challenges in personal lives and relationships. Presented by Rabbi Simon Jacobson, choizer of the Rebbe and bestselling author of “Towards a Meaningful Life.” Every question is answered in a simple, clear language with eye-opening advice from the Rebbeim.

10 COLlive Magazine

M O N D AY STUMP THE RABBI Providing a quick answer to every question, Rabbi Yossi Paltiel, Rabbi Noam Wagner, Rabbi Shlomo Goldfarb, Rabbi Mendy Wolf, and others take on hundreds of topics and questions about Jewish life and Chassidic practice. Made possible by the Chanin Fund and Reliable Fast Cash.


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T H U R S D AY H E R E ’ S M Y S T O R Y JEM A fascinating and uplifting encounter with the Rebbe is told in first-person as documented by the team of Jewish Educational Media (JEM).

T U E S D AY CHABAD & FRIENDS RABBI CHAIM DALFIN Facts, stories and anecdotes of the Rebbe and the Chabad-Lubavitch movement’s connection and communications within the frum Jewish world. Presented by Rabbi Chaim Dalfin, a Chabad historian, a u t h o r and ethnographer of Chassidism.

S O U L W O R D S RABBI SHAIS TAUB A 30-minute class on the Parshah based on a sicha of the Rebbe and presented with a story to share at your Shabbos table. Filmed at Chabad of the Five Towns - Levi Yitzchak Library and presented by Rabbi Shais Taub, renowned author and teacher of Chassidus.


‘Treasures’ from the archives of Rabbi Dr. Nissan Mindel OBM, the personal secretary of the 6th and 7th Chabad Rebbes, is shared by his son-in-law, Rabbi Sholom Ber Schapiro, Director of the Nissan Mindel Publications (NMP). The program uncovers fascinating stories, rare artifacts and precious documents from the Chabad-Lubavitch movement.

F R I D AY W E E K LY M O M E N T W I T H T H E R E B B E AVNER INSTITUTE A weekly feature showing a beautiful photo of the Rebbe along with an interesting document, Yechidus, story or letter from the Rebbe.

L A T E P A R S H A S H O W ELI WEISS Eli Weiss, who grew up on Shlichus in Miami Lakes in Florida and is a Yeshiva student, presents a humorist and meaningful take on the weekly Parsha - with the help of friends, special guests and even animals.

HALACHA DISCUSSION RABBI NACHMAN WILHELM Similar to his classes on, Rabbi Nachman Wilhelm of Minnesota discusses a modern-day question or issue and how it is adequately addressed by halachic poskim and rabbonim over the decades.

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Photos by Shimi Kutner

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Photos by Shimi Kutner

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By Leibel Baumgarten


xcuse me,” asks a

Shabbatons, to Tishrei, Yomim

year, says the Crown Heights

young man in 770,

Tovim and innumerable family

community’s generosity is

holding a cell phone with a credit

events, each year the Crown

invaluable. “The way people

card reader attached. “I’m

Heights community hosts tens of

open their hearts and their

heading out on Shlichus next

thousands of visitors in just a few

homes is unbelievable,” he said.

month, would you like to be

square blocks.

“A large part of the success of

mishtatef (participate)?” A card

these programs is thanks to the

swipe, a warm smile, and wishes

hospitality offered by the families

for hatzlacha follow in quick

of Crown Heights.”

succession. So begins a lifelong journey, along which the Crown

But beyond the Friday night

Heights community will continue

meals, Shabbos afternoon

to offer support, encouragement,

farbrengens, and midweek

and a home base for the Shliach.

sleepovers, Crown Heights offers Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Vice

Shluchim much assistance in

Crown Heights has been dubbed

Chairman of Merkos L’Inyonei

numerous areas of their Shlichus.

the “hosting capital of the

Chinuch, who oversees the Kinus

Aside from the financial help new

world.” Indeed, from the Kinus

and many of the organizations

Shluchim receive, many Shluchim

Hashluchim, Kinus Hashluchos,

which arrange numerous events

rely heavily on the support they

annual Campus, JLI and CTeen

in Crown Heights throughout the

receive from friends and family in

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Crown Heights year-round.

with enthusiasm and pride.

organizations serving the Shluchim located in the

Between matching campaigns and collecting in person while in

“My wife and I didn’t grow up in

neighborhood. Residents are

Crown Heights, it’s impossible to

Chabad families, and when we

well accustomed to filling

truly know how much financial

went on Shlichus 18 years ago

suitcases to the limit with all

support is offered to the global

we worried we wouldn’t have the

kinds of necessities for Shluchim

network of Shluchim from Crown

support or network other

and have become experts in

Heights residents alone.

Shluchim with families in Crown

airline baggage rules and

Heights have. But over the years

regulations. “If you fly Southwest

“There’s a lot more that is

the effect the Crown Heights

you get two free bags,” one

sacrificed than finances,” says

community has had in Chevron is

Crown Heights resident

Rabbi Danny Cohen, of Chabad of

incredible. Besides for donations

explained. “But if you are taking

Chevron. “When parents send

from communities like Bais

frozen fish or meat, pack it in a

their children to help Shluchim,

Shmuel Chabad Congregation,

suitcase; if you pack it in a box,

that’s a big sacrifice and it’s done

when a Crown Heights family

Southwest will make you repack

comes to Chevron, they don’t

it in their waxed corrugated

just leave a check, they get

boxes and charge you an extra

involved with doing Mivtzoim,

$10.00.” Numerous stores and

buy pizza for the soldiers and

vendors in Crown Heights will go

help out in many ways.”

out of their way to accommodate


the needs of Shluchim. Of course, Crown Heights is many a Shliach’s source for food

But perhaps the greatest asset to

and resources, with central

THE REBBE’S ANSWER Rabbi Schneur Oirechman Our son Shmuly was four years old when he was struck in the eye by an arrow on Lag B’Omer. Almost immediately, through COLlive and others spreading the word, we were receiving many messages of support and encouragement from Crown Heights, and we found out how many people there were davening for our son, including numerous schools that took time to say Tehillim for his recovery. Specialists in Miami advised that there was nothing to be done to save the eye, and it would have to be removed. We traveled at once to the Rebbe, poured out hearts at the Ohel, and asked the Rebbe for clear and direct guidance as to what to do. From there we traveled to Philadelphia, where another specialist advised us to visit his teacher in California who might be able to save the eye, and once again returned to the Ohel. It was on this journey that we received a Facebook message from a stranger who had heard about the story thanks to a Crown Heights resident. He told us that when he was four years old he had a similar accident and his parents were advised his eye would 14 COLlive Magazine

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KINUS HASHLUCHIM Shluchim is not the money,

“They’ve never seen anyone

goods and volunteers they get

open their home to strangers, let

from Crown Heights, it is the

alone such a large amount.

solely out of kindness.” As one Shliach put it, “the model Chabad House is the Crown

people of Crown Heights that greet their community members.

“While they have seen hachnasas

Heights community. It is there

As much as the Shluchim teach

orchim at the Chabad House,

that we learned how to open our

and inspire their communities, it

there is a sort of expectance they

homes, accept people lovingly

is often a trip to Crown

without judgment, and

Heights, where they see so

create a nurturing

many families living day-to-

environment in which to

day with the ideals and

inspire, teach and

passion seen in the

facilitate spiritual and

Chabad House, which

personal growth.”

crystalizes the lessons. “18 years ago, we worried “When our teens come for

about an adequate

the CTeen Shabbaton and

support system,” says

they eat a Shabbos meal in a

have from the Rabbi and

Rabbi Cohen. “Today it is

private home packed wall to wall

Rebbetzin whose job it is to lead

touching to think about the

with almost 50 teens, none of

the community and who receive

massive network of friends and

whom the hosts have met

financial support from their

supporters we have in a

before, they are astounded,”

guests. But the Crown Heights

community without any friends or

says Rabbi Sholom Rodal of

families receive no such

classmates that already supports

Chabad of Mt. Olympus.

compensation; they’re doing it

thousands of other causes.” n

need to be removed. His parents took him to the Rebbe for dollars, and asked for a bracha. The Rebbe advised them not to remove the eye, and after successful surgery, he regained sight in the eye. We knew that this was the direct answer we had asked for from the Rebbe. We flew to California, and the “stranger” was kind enough to send us the very dollar he had received from the Rebbe at that meeting, and our son was able to hold on to the dollar during the surgery that helped save his eye and began his journey to restore his vision. Throughout the ordeal, the Crown Heights community have not only davened and said Tehillim on Shmuly’s behalf, but they have also helped financially and offered immeasurable support and comfort. But it is also thanks to Crown Heights that we were able to receive the Rebbe’s bracha and advice.

Rabbi Schneur Oirechman is the co-director of Chabad Lubavitch of the Panhandle in Tallahassee, Florida Kislev 5780 Edition


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NIGHTS By Libby Herz



word Chanukah means to inaugurate, commemorating the rededication of the Beis Hamikdash after it was liberated from the Greek-Syrian forces.

After being defiled, the kohanim purified it and renewed its activity as the seat of the divine presence in our world. The Rebbe explained that Chanukah serves as a model for all inaugurations, including the most significant inauguration of all—education, a child’s inauguration into life (chinuch and Chanukah share the same root). The uncompromising insistence on purity and perfection which Chanukah represents holds an important lesson regarding the essence of the educator’s task, the Rebbe said. To highlight the strides being made in chinuch, COLlive reached out to 8 outstanding individuals who are brightening Crown Heights with their devotion and care for Chinuch. We heard from them what they love about education, which teacher inspired them most and what is their message to parents today.

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Having been in Chinuch for 40 years (25

their way of life in every facet of their life.

years of which as principal), the greatest pleasure

When I was in elementary school, we had a Rebbi

that I have is seeing children being productive,

who told us that at the end of the year he would

happy and accomplished. We take the Mesorah of

award prizes to two boys. When the time came, we

Yiddishkeit and Chassidishkeit and imbue it in the children. We want them not only to learn it but also to live it. When they internalize what they


Principal - United Lubavitcher Yeshiva of Crown Heights

were all expecting the two boys with the highest marks to be called up. To everyone’s surprise, they didn’t get the prize. It was the two talmidim

learn, it becomes second nature.

who put in the most effort

Our objective is that by the time a

who got rewarded. This left a

talmid graduates 8th grade, he is on

strong impression on me. It’s

his way to becoming a chossid, yire

not only about marks, but the

shomayim and lamdan. This is what

work you put in. This is

the Rebbe Rashab envisioned for his

something that every student

Talmidei Hatmimim.

has the ability to excel in.

We start the process when the

Parents must spend time

children are still in kindergarten by

with their children. It

introducing elements of

shouldn’t be only when it

Chassidishkeit through stories, niggunim and

comes to learning. It can be time spent going for

listening and seeing how the Rebbe conducted

a walk, working on a hobby, or just sitting around

himself. The children keep on hearing the same

talking and really paying attention. It should be a

message year after year in so many different ways.

given that a parent needs to communicate and

The goal is not to view Chassidishkeit as a subject

interact with his child every day. This is for

but as a way of life. The Talmidim should leave our

children of all ages. Just look each other in the

Yeshiva feeling that Yiddishkeit and Chassidishkeit is

eye and communicate.

After a few years of teaching second and fifth grade, I began to teach English and history at Bais Rivkah High School. A few years later, with the Rebbe’s direction and encouragement, I began to teach limudei kodesh. As the years passed, the school grew and there was a need for a seminary, as well as a high school principal. The hanhala of Bais Rivkah, Rabbi Chaim Mordechai Hodakov, the Rebbe’s secretary, asked me to be the principal. I have been in this position for over 35 years, along with being a teacher for 46 years.


Principal of High School - Associated Beth Rivkah Schools

I love working in Bais Rivkah because it’s not just another school. It was established by the Frierdiker Rebbe and is under the auspices of Merkos. The Rebbe showed a personal interest in the school and we were asked to send reports. A life in Chinuch is a life dedicated to my students. I love developing beautiful relationships with my students and I see the possibility of growth in each girl. What gives me the ability to continue with full force is the fact that the Rebbe gave my husband

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and I a brocha during a yechidus. The Rebbe told us, “May you take your students to Torah, chuppah and maasim tovim and your students are also your children.” The greatest impact a teacher has on her students is caring. A teacher can prepare the most professional, scintillating, exciting lesson, but if the student does not feel that the teacher is concerned with her hatzlacha, the lesson cannot be regarded as a successful one. The goals and objectives of Bais Rivkah have not changed. Our students are the future and we want to give them the tools to be the best they can be. We strive to imbue them with a strong sense of identity and pride which they can then share with others.

Bais Rivkah parents are the best. They want only the best for their children and want them to be happy and to have pride as frum, Lubavitch girls. I would like parents to know the following: 1. Understand that parents and the school are a team. 2. Take out the “oy” of yiddishkeit and put in the “J” for joy. Show your children the joy in yiddishkeit. 3. Being a parent is a great zechus and responsibility. It requires love and positivity, yet comes with the immense responsibility of guiding, nurturing and developing the child. 4. Listen to your child. Listening doesn’t mean agreeing.

group of teachers and mechanchim who are When I was 16 years old, Rabbi Hillel talented and extremely devoted. Heller offered a small group of students, myself included, the opportunity to spend the summer I love having the ability to help each student learning and assisting the once prestigious realize and reach their potential. It’s important for community of Lugano, Switzerland. That summer me to be there for them in the same manner that was an amazing experience on many levels, and it so many of my mechanchim were there for me, really helped cement my motivating and guiding me commitment towards Limmud through so many points of life. RABBI Hatorah. The following year, MENDEL BLAU I have gained from so many Rabbi Heller invited me to join Principal and Director of the special people who taught me as an Eltere Bochur and Junior Tomchei Tmimim and Achei and were role models to me. Reb Teacher. I returned to the Tmimim Yeshivos at Hillel and Reb Zalman Heller Lugano summer yeshiva for Chovevei Torah. helped me realize that I have four summers and took an something to contribute in the active role in the community. chinuch field, and how to Following my year of Shlichus approach chinuch. Some of the at Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon in Los mechanchim who most impacted Angeles, I accepted Rabbi me were Rabbi Hershel Lustig, Zalman Heller’s offer to join his Rabbi Zushe Wilhelm, Rabbi Mesivta (today near Yonkers, Levke Kaplan, Rabbi Sholom NY) as a primary maggid shiur Dovid Geisinsky, and Rabbi which I did for two years. I then Ephraim Piekarski. continued in Mesivta Oholei I am currently focused on helping to improve Torah for four years. Nine years ago, I was asked yeshivos gedolos. Many of our elementary schools by Rabbi Yisroel Labkowsky and Rabbi Zushe and mesivtos are tremendously successful. Winner, the Roshei Yeshiva of Chovevei Torah, to However, the yeshiva gedolah years are the most join and take a leading role at the yeshiva. B”H, I crucial time to help a bochur take ownership of his am fortunate to be working with a wonderful yiddishkit and personal growth. The transition to

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yeshiva gedolah (zal) comes with many challenges, and each student must be guided according to his individual needs.

underappreciated for their commitment and contribution

There is a need for more options in yeshiva gedolah and we have thus created two entirely separate yeshivos that operate independently, each with its own clearly defined standards, schedule, and learning curriculum. This has proven to be very successful and we see a tremendous difference in the way we are reaching our students.

parents knew or did. While there is always room to grow,

towards their children’s growth. We are living in a time when it’s fashionable to talk about what we wish our I work closely with many parents and am usually left very impressed and inspired to see how dedicated they are towards their children’s chinuch and how open they are to continue to grow, listen, and adapt to their children’s needs and growth.

I think more often than not, parents are

After our first year of marriage, my husband and I began searching for a shlichus that we felt would suit us. One day, we received a request from Rabbi Moshe Feiglin to open a Chabad House - an equivalent of the Aliya Institute for girls in Crown Heights.

One thought that the Rebbe shares is about how a tree is compared to a person. The Rebbe explains that when a seed is planted, it will grow to be strong as long as it is whole. Such a seed will be able to withstand some damage. But should a seed have a nick in it, there is no assurance that it will grow big and strong, or that it will grow at all. Our words, our hugs, and our facial expressions are the roots for our kids and teenagers. I think about this a lot.

We began with programs held once a month in our apartment. 7 years later, we are open every night with dinner and a MRS. program in our center. Plus, we have CHAVIVA NEW 18 incredible staff members, Baruch Co-Director of Aliya Girls Hashem.

loft and

I love spending time with teenagers. I appreciate teens and understand the struggle. I remember my teen years, and it was a very confusing time. There are a lot of changes happening to you and around you. It’s an in-between growing stage from child to adult. Your brain hasn’t settled, so there are the ups and downs and sideways turns. I found that being busy and focusing on giving was very fulfilling for me. It helped me feel powerful and needed. I try and hope to share that opportunity with the teens that join our Aliya Girls Family. There are really so many teachers who impacted me. Still, I cannot think of a better teacher than the Rebbe. I have received clear guidance and direction from letters in Igros Kodesh and there is no greater gift than knowing you are doing good for the world and getting clear guidance on how to do it.

I would say that for a parent, every single moment is a teaching moment. Our kids are sponges and are constantly learning from us. Mostly, they are looking for our approval. When you spend time with them and see their eyes shining, that’s your super-parent power working. And if their eyes are frowning, sit with them, hear them, and talk with them from your inner child until their eyes light up again. Food for the parent’s soul: 1. Home is not an actual physical shelter but the feeling parents create when the family is together.

2. Every child needs a warm loving home. 3. It’s ok for a parent to say they made a mistake and they are sorry. 4. You can always reach out for help. Hashem created the refuah before the maka (cure before the illness). 5. Connect, connect, connect. 6. You can do it! We support you!

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Both of my grandfathers were

yeshiva, we have resource rooms, tutors,

teachers. My father was a principal, and my

therapies, and remedial programs. We also

mother is a teacher. As a child, I watched how

aspire to overwhelm talmidim with kedusha by

my father dedicated his every fiber to Oholei

offering programming to keep the talmidim

Torah and to chinuch and I’m always inspired by

involved with the right things and contribute an


exciting environment to the yeshiva. The

As a bochur, I was a learning teacher in summer camp for a few years, as well as a learning director. After I returned from Yeshiva shlichus, I taught in Mesivta in Staten Island and later as a part-time teacher in the Oholei Torah Mesivta during my second year of kollel. Soon after,

programs motivate and inspire students to do well in and out of the classroom. Programs include davening competitions, Tzivos Hashem, mivtzoim opportunities, Avos U’banim, Yeshivas Erev, Connection Point, mishnayos ba’al peh, chidon mitzvos, and programs geared towards upcoming yomim tovim and

there was a need for another principal in Oholei Torah and my father, along with the board, offered me the job. There’s a lot that I love about chinuch. I feel like it’s the most important shlichus and that we


Principal of Grades 5-7, Oholei Torah Elementrary School

are on the front lines. There’s a huge zchus in teaching yiddishe neshamos, and it comes with a huge responsibility. It’s very rewarding to make an impact on young children’s lives and to be able to help them. Oholei Torah and other

yomah depagrah. We have made big strides to ensure the wellbeing of our talmidim, some of whom face struggles on a daily basis. Issues can range from broken homes, illness in the family, social challenges, anxiety, a diagnosis such as ADHD, and the like. We have processes and procedures to reach each child to make sure their individual needs are met. Help comes in many forms. Sometimes a student needs a mentor, a big brother, a kriah

schools in Crown Heights are constantly

tutor, a therapist, a remedial program, or a new

improving and growing in all areas. The

pair of glasses. We try to create a safety net

schools in Crown Heights have had

where every talmid gets what he needs; not just

tremendous growth in recent years. There is a

those with glaring struggles, but also those who

very big focus on making every talmid feel safe

may go undetected.

and secure and that he receives individualized attention and care. We constantly seek ways to make yeshiva a very warm and positive environment; a place where talmidim feel happy and excited to attend.

I hope parents realize how much chinuch in Lubavitch is constantly improving and that we’re always working on ourselves. We appreciate feedback and we value communication. Sometimes a simple phone call notifying a

In addition to all the improvements made to the

teacher or principal about a concern is all that is

daily operation and core responsibilities of a

needed to prevent and resolve an issue.

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I began teaching in Machon Chana and was then a machaneches in Bais Rivkah High School. During Bnos Menachem’s first year, I worked behind the scenes. I became the principal in the second

Tanya and Likkutei Sichos. In the 7th grade, I had a teacher who taught us a sicha every week and we all soaked up every word. Those teachers helped build my own connection to the Rebbe.

year. At the time, the school was geared towards preschoolers through 6th graders. When the school expanded a high school principal was needed, so I walked away from everything that I had helped build and started the high

MRS. RISHE MAJESKY Hebrew Principal of High School - Bnos Menachem

school for them. I love that I have the ability to influence lives, influence the future, and help shape the future mothers, shluchos - the Rebbe’s children. And I just love the girls; they’re what keeps me going. Chinuch is one of the most difficult jobs, but one of the most rewarding jobs. It’s called meleches shamayim (heavenly service). As Lubavitchers, we know how the Rebbe treasures chinuch. Teachers who taught the foundations of chassidus are the ones I remember most. They were my role models. We didn’t have that much chassidus when I was growing up, and it was a real treat to learn the

Connection Point was created by JEM in collaboration with Tzivos Hashem, that helps children watch Sichos from rallies of the Rebbe and understand what the Rebbe is saying.

My focus is very much on being there for the girls emotionally. Chinuch today is only successful when girls feel cherished and loved. I think of each student not what she is today, but what she will become, the family she will build, and I try to think of that when I deal with her.

The challenges kids face today are tremendous. They have more p’nimius than we do. It was easier in our day to be a good girl or bochur. Kids now are facing tremendous challenges and you can see how these are the Rebbe’s children. They never saw the Rebbe and yet their chassidishkeit is so real, despite, or because of, the challenges they face. I would like parents to know that their relationship with their children is crucial. If children feel a connection to the adults in their life, all the ruchnius will come. Love your kids, hug them and cherish them and all the ruchnius and values will come.


Program Creator and Coordinator of Connection Point

motivates them to continue learning from, and connecting with, the Rebbe. I began the program 3 summers ago in Camp Gan Israel in Parksville, New York. I realized that children need to

This unique program gives

feel a direct connection to the

children the tools to watch a

Rebbe without needing others’

Sicha on video, and to

help, and I worked until I came

understand directly from the

up with this program. When

Rebbe.This creates a great

it was presented to the

sense of pride and contentment

campers in Parksville, it was a

within the child which, in turn,

great success.

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I get tremendous satisfaction when I see the

Program with over 2500 students enrolled.

children feeling a direct connection to the Rebbe and feeling like they are an integral part

Parents should work on giving the real Rebbe to

of the Rebbe’s mission. They develop

children and shouldn’t dilute it. Let them

confidence in being connected to the Rebbe -

experience it. The Rebbe spoke to children for

they own it.

hundreds of hours from the age of zero. The Rebbe

Growing up, I was most impacted by watching farbrengens myself. A lot of times in life people tell us what to feel, but seeing the Rebbe talking

didn’t believe the children are the future - he believed they are the “now.” If we give the direct

is the greatest thing we have now. Last year, 34

experience of the Rebbe to children, they will feel

schools joined the Connection Point Affiliate

that connection and they will live accordingly.

We got started in the summer of 5768 with training young men to become mechanchim. Today, we are the largest organization in Chabad focused on bettering Chinuch for Lubavitch children and have empowered those leading the chinuch in their communities. I love working with the best people in Lubavitch; the educators who work without desire for recognition. Every teacher is a legend and has such an impact. They work for our families, and they don’t want anything in return. If I can help them in their sacred work and make their work more successful, I’m in the best place.


Executive Director and Founder of the Menachem Education Foundation (MEF)

I was greatly impacted by my Rosh Yeshivas in Beis Medrash (Zal). One was Rabbi Moshe Stern, Maggid Shiur in Tomchei Tmimim Lubavitch Zal in Montreal, and Rabbi Yitzchok Goldberg, Rosh Yeshivah in Tomchei Tmimim in Migdal Emek. One of my main focuses is to bring our best, brightest, chassidish, most passionate into

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chinuch and build their capacity as teachers, principals and menhalei mosdos chinuch. Going forward, the most important position is going to be the mechanchim and specifically the Menahel Mossad Chinuch. Currently, we are providing training for that position. It’s always been our focus to make chinuch our #1 shlichus. The Rebbe said the call of the hour is chinuch. If you have money, put your money into chinuch. If you have time and energy, put it into chinuch. If we are serious about our community, we have to be serious about the chinuch of our community.

My message to parents is that any effort put into chinuch pays back a thousandfold. Being in touch with teachers, and going down to your child’s school is priceless. Investing in chinuch is the greatest investment that parents can ever make. If you have extra money, make chinuch your number one tzedakah. You can outsource a lot of things, but not parenting.

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The Sefer That Was Left Behind A Crown Heights author describes the most prized book in his possession By Dovid Zaklikowski

My grandparents’ home in East Flatbush was a second home to me. Many a weeknight supper, almost every Yom Tov, and for several years, every Shabbos, I sat at their large dining room table. It never struck me as odd that the walls of the room were almost invisible, lined with the bookcases that held my grandfather’s extensive collection of seforim. The same went for the bedrooms, the living room, the basement, the office. Every room was a library, except for the kitchen—my grandmother’s sanctuary. Looking back two decades

after my grandfather, Rabbi Chaim Meir Bukiet, Rosh Yeshiva of the Central Tomchei Tmimim Lubavitch Yeshiva, passed away, I marvel at his love for Torah study. He never left home without a sefer in his hand, to be used at every free moment, whether he was waiting for a city bus or a friend. Even his rebukes to his lively grandson took the form of a learned discourse. I’ll never forget how he would say in his Polish Yiddish, “Dovid, Ich hob geleint oifen veg in a sefer vos ich hob gefinen…” (I read in a sefer on the way, where I found…). Then would come

the halacha that prohibited whatever it was I had just done, or the piece of wisdom that he tried to encourage me to make better choices. An amateur sleuth of historical documents and information, I often asked him about his eventful life. But for many years he resisted all my questions. He was living in the present, and reveled in every moment he could study another page of Torah. Then, out of the blue, at the Shabbos table, he said with a smile, “If I were you, I would not have sold the sefer with the Chofetz Chayim’s signature in it…”

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FAMILY For the first time, he described some of his experiences during the Second World War (later he would share many more details). He was a young yeshiva bochur in Otwock, near Warsaw, when war broke out. Inexplicably, the small resort town, then the home of the Frierdiker Rebbe and the Lubavitch yeshiva, was among the first targets for the Nazi Luftwaffe air force on September 1, 1939. My grandfather described the scenes of carnage and bedlam as the civilians reacted to the surprise attack. The yeshiva immediately disbanded, the students scattered, and my grandfather, an only child, returned to his hometown of Chmielnik. His town was soon occupied by the Germans, who made their intentions toward the Jewish population clear. Meanwhile, the Frierdiker

Rebbe was sending urgent messages to all the yeshiva students, begging them to go to Vilna which he believed would be a safe haven. Reluctantly, my greatgrandmother agreed to allow my grandfather to make the dangerous trip. She bid him farewell and gave him her precious ring, saying, “Use this in a time of dire need.” Vilna turned out to be only the first stop on a long journey, as the group of several dozen Lubavitch bochurim fled the German onslaught. Eventually, they arrived in Shanghai, where they established a yeshiva in exile. There was only one problem: they had no seforim and no money. It was then that my grandfather decided to pawn his mother’s ring. With the money, he purchased seforim from another exiled Jew in the city. Many of them were rare

Rabbi Bukiet with a sefer in his hand at the Agudas Chasidei Chabad Library. (Photo: Agudas Chasidei Chabad Library)

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editions signed by great rabbinical figures. After the war, the group of Lubavitch bochurim made their way to the United States on a ship organized by the Frierdiker Rebbe, who was now in New York. They were greeted with great joy at Chabad headquarters - 770 Eastern Parkway and went on to become notable chassidim and Shluchim. My grandfather settled down in Brooklyn. His love of learning required a large library, and he decided to sell some of the rare seforim he had purchased in Shanghai to pay for more books. That was how the sefer with the Chofetz Chayim’s signature passed out of his hands, a priceless treasure sacrificed to his insatiable hunger for Torah. By the time he passed away in

Rabbi Bukiet learning a the Central Tomchei Tmimim Lubavitch Yeshivah. (Photo: Lubavitch Archives)

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1998, he had more seforim than he could count. I was studying in Israel at the time and did not return for the levaya and shiva. When I did, I thought more about my grandmother than of the books. I dreaded seeing my kind, gracious bubbe devastated by her husband’s loss. The first visit was as difficult as I had feared. As my grandmother sat sobbing in the kitchen, I walked around the apartment. Now, I realized, I had missed an important opportunity. The shelves were bare. Uncles, aunts, siblings, and cousins had emptied them. There was almost nothing left to take. It hurt, but I understood. He had been their grandfather too. Recalling the last time I had spent Shabbos there, I made my way to the dining room/living room. In the corner was my grandfather’s favorite recliner. There he would sit, shokkeling to and fro, humming a tune, his eyes glued to the sefer in his hand. There he would learn his daily shiurim, and there he would take the tens of phone calls, the shaalos that he received as the chairman of Vaad Rabonei Lubavitch. I looked at the chair’s worn-out pink material. I could only imagine how much good had

been done from this humble piece of furniture. Next to the chair stood yet another bookshelf, where he kept the seforim he used most often. It was almost full, a testament to the poor state of the books—many were literally in tatters. There was his prized Rambam, which he used for his daily study regimen, and there was his one-volume Shulchan Aruch of the Alter Rebbe. At some point, it had fallen apart and been rebound with the cover from a different sefer (that had also fallen apart). I took it out and admired it. How many times had he used it to answer difficult questions? How many people had he aided in their struggles as he leafed through the brittle pages? This was going to be my heirloom, I decided. Its market value was probably nothing, but to me it was precious. It was a tangible expression of my zaide’s love for learning.

The volume came in especially handy recently, when I was working on a project of a basic introduction to Judaism for those interested in learning more about their heritage. It seemed appropriate that it should be written using my grandfather’s well-worn sefer. “Judaism in a Nutshell” is dedicated to my dear zaide, in tribute to a life devoted to Torah. n

Born and bred in Crown

Today, it sits on a shelf in my office among my relatively new and beautifully bound seforim. I do not answer questions in halacha like my grandfather did. But I make a point of using it when I need to look something up. I know my grandfather would not want it to go unused.

Heights, Dovid Zaklikowski is a writer, author and historian. He lives with his wife, Chana Raizel, and their five children, Motti, Meir, Shaina, Benny and Mendel in Crown Heights. His books are available in Jewish bookstores, on and

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TANKS It’s a dazzling sight that

bochrim did throughout the

thousands look forward to every

years. Whoever got cars, did

Chanukah – the Menorah

parades. Before we took over,

Parade whizzing through the

there were maybe 25 cars on

streets, lively music blaring,

average on Chanukah. Some

children shouting “Happy

years, if there were bochrim

Chanukah” to pedestrians,

interested in arranging it, it was

stopping on corners to hand out

done, if not, it didn’t happen.”

doughnuts and Menorahs.



Photos courtesy of RebbeDrive

Building on the success of the

setting up contacts. In the past, there

Mitzvah Tanks have become

Mitzvah tank parades for Yud

were 5 or 6 tanks, compared to 30 or

synonymous with Chanukah in

Alef Nissan – which Hirsch and

35 tanks now. Bochurim usually rented

the Big Apple.

Schmukler started together 23

Cadillacs because tanks were so

years ago under the auspices of

expensive and demanded

Lubavitch Youth Organization --

experienced, vetted drivers.

Behind the scenes of this spectacular parade – the largest in the world – is a multi-faceted team involved in strategically planning an event that began with a handful of cars driving

they began the Chanukah operation four years later, until it grew into the monumental accomplishment it is today.

together to Manhattan many

It didn’t come without

years prior.

challenges at first and still

“We inherited the parade,” organizer Mordy Hirsch said, referring to himself and Moishe Schmukler. “It was something

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requires months of preparation every year, including trips Schmukler takes across the country to RV headquarters

“There used to be very few classes [of yeshiva students] who could afford a tank,” Schmukler said. “We became like their travel agent.” Instead of young students going to expensive companies not knowing where or how to navigate affordable prices, Schmukler went to RV companies and guaranteed a price through them, becoming the middle

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1991 than a car.’ We did everything

throughout the night. They also

for them. We vetted drivers,

work with the sanitation

made sure they had enough

department, highway patrol,

money, told them what gas and

and activist Devorah

tolls cost, which parkways to

Halberstam. In addition, they

stay off of… All the things that

coordinate with Rabbi Shmuel

over the years caused so much

Butman to drive by the lighting

headache in Crown Heights, like

of the World’s Largest Menorah,

The first year they sealed a deal

mess and garbage that caused

when it takes place on Motzei

and rented 18 tanks. Schmukler

police and sanitation to be

Shabbos on 5th Avenue,

now has professional

upset, we made it organized,”

ensuring he lights at the same

relationships, flying to

explained Hirsch.

time as the parade arrives.

The team works closely with the

Although it’s a big operation,

NYC police, especially the 71st

the organizers take into

“There was a slogan: ‘Today it’s

precinct, who arrange parking

consideration everything to the

easier to rent a Mitzvah tank

for the tanks and check on them

smallest detail, in order to think

man between driver and tank. Before Chanukah 19 years ago, the idea was born: to be upfront, reveal to RV companies what they are doing with so many tanks, rent it as a block and ensure safety.

headquarters of different RV locations every year.

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what the Rebbe wants on Chanukah. The tanks are run by boys for the parade and all through Chanukah. “I’ve watched kids say year after year, ‘I don’t want to go to a party, but I want to go on mivtzoim on a tank.’ It’s their first real exposure to mivtzoim. Mothers say they can’t get their kids motivated with other stuff, but here, the boys are thrilled to take part,” Hirsch said.

of the community’s needs. They

parents. Every tank has a class

secure all the tanks on President

mother coordinating who goes

Street, since it’s a wide street

each night.

with fewer residents, to make parking easier.

Groups of students raise money in advance, starting from Rosh

Their detailed rules en route,

Chodesh Kislev, working hand

such as where they can park or

in hand with the organizers “so

deposit garbage, ensures a

kids feel it’s their tank, yet

smooth run. “A parent has to

there’s a layer of responsibility

drive, not just a bochur. They

that we’re putting on to make

have to be back in time

sure it’s a success,” Hirsch said.

because of yeshivah the next day and the music must be off when they come back into Crown Heights so they don’t wake sleeping children,” Schmukler said. Working now with all boys schools in Crown Heights, particularly for 7th and 8th grades, Schmukler and Hirsch meet with every principal and speak to students in classes, forming partnerships with

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Young students learn budgeting, delegation and social skills, and hone their outreach talents while doing

Now, throughout Chanukah, it’s a common sight to run into 3 or 4 tanks anywhere in the city. “It’s a very powerful part of the Rebbe’s arsenal,” Hirsch continued. “The tanks go to the front line, they go through hard places, they get to people who otherwise can’t be gotten to, it’s the marines in the Rebbe’s war against assimilation.” In 1974, soon after the Yom Kippur war, the Rebbe had already initiated a few campaigns by then, and


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Chassidim were looking for

Once, the Rebbe walked by a

Schmukler shared a humorous

creative ways to bring tefilin to

truck outside 770 and said,

story of a bochur calling an RV

the streets. They used trucks

“This is a tank against

company for a tank and was

back then - not tanks – and tried

assimilation.” The Rebbe

told to call the U.S. army.

to promote the campaigns by

created a new category, Hirsch

Nowadays, however, all the

going to the city.

believes, which has its own

heads of RV companies

unique mission.

Schmukler works with use the

Rabbi Kasriel Kastel from Tzach

lingo themselves, calling them

remembered that the first truck

“Thousands are getting

went out with loudspeakers

Menorahs, we’re bringing

promoting campaigns of the

excitement to Chanukah that

Now they own two tanks that go

time. Rabbi Sholom Duchman

people won’t get elsewhere. A

to Wall Street and Park Avenue

helped start it with some

lot of them are roaming the

with bochrim every Friday, as well

Israelis and took it to 5th

streets, they are lonely, lacking

as renting pick up trucks as

Avenue, just driving up and

meaning. They enter a

Sukkah mobiles for shluchim,

down with speakers, not even

welcoming environment

bochrim and restaurants during

getting out. At one point they

sheltered from the hustle and

the Sukkos holiday.

stopped for a drink and

bustle of Fifth Avenue and

someone asked what it was

experience yiddishkeit in a

about, which led to exchanging

way that they don’t get

phone numbers. And so the

anywhere else in Manhattan

concept of using a Mitzvah tank

with non-judgmental bochrim

for Mivtzoim was born.

department and shluchim

who just want to bring the

department, which reach out in

messages of the Rebbe out

the Tri-State area to get tanks to

there to the masses. So a tank

enhance Menorah lightings or

is the perfect vehicle for that.

do mivtzoim at a mall. There’s

That’s why I dedicated my life

also a driver department, which

to Mitzvah tanks.”

oversees drivers each night,


“tanks” in place of RVs.

Hirsch and Schmukler are strong partners, teaming up with many others, including Chanukah project directors, a group


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getting tanks moving along


legally and returned properly, and a dispatch like in an airport, who knows when tanks are going out, and to where. Schmukler does walkthrough and damage checks so when drivers show up they just sign and drive off. He checks everything, even marking tape with how much gas there was when rented (he rents from NY, NJ or CT locations). Parade directors are focused on the parade itself, registering cars with the police department, while Shmuly Shuchat runs databases and the IP department. Many Crown Heights families register for the parade approximately 300 families participate in their cars – ordering car Menorahs, kits and doing mivtzoim with their children. Since everyone has to

mother in a vast city of non-


be ready and synchronize to leave at the same time, the

“The parade is not always

organizers came up with

perfect in one lane, sometimes

schedules and manuals of how

it breaks up, as it is hard driving

to pull off a parade of this size,

through with so much traffic,

coordinating different zones for

but it’s not an issue because

cars, leaving and returning

there are so many people on

systematically. Led by tanks,

the streets that see the cars

followed by cars, the parade

coming past,” Schmukler

sometimes double up in


Brooklyn lanes and in Manhattan

He described a scene he once

use triple lanes just to be able to

witnessed of a little girl with her

move together efficiently.

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Jewish holiday sights and the child looked so proud to have something that’s hers. “Just from driving by with a Menorah on your car affects people’s lives,” Schmukler said. “Car Menorahs have become more accessible. When you drive around the whole week, even before Chanukah, and people see it on the car, you never know what you’re accomplishing by just one person seeing it.” This year’s parade will take place on Monday night, the second night of Chanukah, at the height of holiday shopping season when hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world – both Jews and non-Jews -- come to shop at this destination city. “We aim for that, for the busiest time, for the biggest pirsumei nissa,” Schmukler said. n

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CHANUKAH 5748 WITH THE REBBE Never before released photos of Chanukah in 5748 (1987) show the Rebbe during Menorah lighting at 770 Eastern Parkway with chassidim and children Courtesy of Hasidic Archives

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Chanukah happenings Lighting of Brooklyn’s Largest Menorah at Grand Army Plaza in Brooklyn Sunday, December 22, the first night of Chanukah, Grand Kickoff Concert at 4:30 pm Live music, gifts for the children, special program. A bone marrow donor and recipient will meet for the first time at this special event! Every night of Chanukah beginning Dec. 23 at 6 pm Saturday night at 7:15 pm

Nightly Menorah Lighting and Chanukah Wonderland in the Five Towns, Long Island • Nightly Grand Menorah Lighting - every night at 6:00 PM at Andrew J. Parise - Cedarhurst Park and Friday at 3:00 PM • Special Glow Night at the Menorah on Monday, December 23 • Car Menorah Parade in the Five Towns, following the grand Menorah lighting on Thursday, December 26 RSVP Required • Chanukah Experience - Sunday and Monday December 29 and 30 at Chabad of the Five towns

Friday 3:30 pm

For more information and details: / 516.295.2478

Lighting of the World’s Largest Menorah

Chabad Chanukah Telethon

On Fifth Avenue in New York City Nightly lighting beginning Sunday, 24 Kislev - December 22 at 5:30 PM. On Friday, 29 Kislev - December 27, at 3:30 PM. On Saturday night, 30 Kislev - December 28, at 8:30 PM The World’s Largest Chanukah Menorah will be lit again this year during the Chanukah festival at New York’s most fashionable plaza, Fifth Avenue and 59th Street, by Central Park, between the Plaza and the Pierre Hotels, with live music and Latkes each night.

Annual Menorah Parade in NYC The grand Menorah parade will take place on Monday, 25 Kislev - December 23, the second night of Chanukah at 5:00 pm. The parade of Car Menorahs and Mitzvah Tanks will depart from Kingston Avenue and Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights at 5:00 pm and will spread the light of Chanukah throughout the streets of New York City. The parade is organized by the Mitzvah Tank Organization, under the auspices of Lubavitch Youth Organization. For more info visit MenorahParade.NYC.

36 COLlive Magazine

Tune in: The Chabad Chanukah Telethon will be broadcast live with dancing Rabbis and special guests. Watch live Sunday Dec 22, 2019 at 7pm to 11pm Chabad of Mineola’s annual Telethon is one of the most watched Jewish event of the year with hundreds of thousands tuning in on On TV: RCN Channel 16 Optimum Altice - 6, 19, 48 Spectrum - 22, 91 Dish 62 Direct TV - Ch 48, 3, 88 JBS Jewish Broadcasting Service Optimum Altice - Ch 138 Spectrum - Ch 219 Fios Verizon - Ch - 798 Direct TV - Ch 388 COMCAST: Chl 19 (NJ), Chl 25 (CT) FIOS VERIZON: Ch 6, 798

A project of NCFJE Chabad of Mineola

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sh li a ch p ro mo

for A T I C A

f free ree t travel r av e l case ca s e

w i t h yyo our purchase

FREE STEAM AND CLEAN eexclusively x c l u s i vel y a t our ou r at




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Photo: Shimon Roumani

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World’s Largest Menorah Stands


Photo: Shimon Roumani

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Chanukah at New York’s most fashionable plaza Then NY City Mayor Michael Bloomberg joined Rabbi Shmuel Butman for the lighting of the Menorah.

“It has long been a joyous

increasing the pirsumei nissa.

Schumer and other dignitaries.

New York City since it was first

This is all part of the campaign

Rabbi Shmuel Butman,

erected in 1977,” the New

started by the Rebbe in 1973.

Director of Lubavitch Youth

fixture of the holiday season in

York Times wrote about the World’s Largest Menorah in a glowing article last year. For many, the gold-colored Menorah that stands at New York’s most fashionable Plaza, on Fifth Avenue and 59th Street, near Central Park, between the Plaza and the Pierre hotels, is a source of Jewish pride.

Organization (“Tzach”), says Certified by Guinness World

it was specially designed by

Records as the world’s largest,

world-renowned artist

the Menorah rises to 36 feet and weighs 4000 pounds. It is lit on genuine oil in glass chimneys to protect the light from the Central Park winds. Due to its height, it is lit with the help of a special 45-foot “cherry-picker” crane as well as two lifts on both sides of the Menorah.

Yaacov Agam. Inspiration for the design came from the hand drawing by the Rambam showing the straight, diagonal branches of the original Menorah in the Beis Hamikdash. “The Menorah has the singular honor of standing in miniature

The lighting each night of

Honored over the years with

on the desk of the Rebbe,”

Chanukah, for over 40 years

going up on the crane were

Rabbi Butman notes. “The

now, is a central event for

Mayors Abraham Beame, Ed

Rebbe personally approved

millions of residents of New

Koch, David Dinkins, Rudy

the form of the Menorah. It

York and visitors to the Big

Giuliani, Michael Bloomberg

was only after the Rebbe’s

Apple. Photos and selfies with

and Bill de Blasio, Governors

personal approval that the

the Menorah are shared by

George Pataki and David

Menorah was built to its

many on social media,

Paterson, Senator Chuck

present dimensions.”

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One of the most prominent

all 50 US states and around

more and greater public

public Chanukah programs in

the world.

Menorah lighting ceremonies

lighting ceremony of the

Standing tall with the

the essence of the celebration

National Chanukah Menorah

Washington Monument

– to increasingly proclaim and

on the Ellipse, just across from

commemorating America’s first

celebrate the miracle of

the White House in

president and the White

Chanukah – The Festival of

Washington, DC.

House behind it, this Menorah

Lights, in the most public

is highly visible from the

manner possible.

The lighting of this golden

nearby government buildings,

branched Menorah is attended

world-class museums and the

In this way, we actively reaffirm

by thousands every year and

through traffic Constitution

the celebration of our

seen via TV newscasts,

Avenue. It can be considered

freedom, inspired by the

internet feeds and other

the national Jewish monument

historic and present victory of

media across the nation and

of sorts.

right over might, light over

around the world, many of

darkness, and understanding

them hundreds of miles from

Indeed, this Menorah has

and justice over intolerance

any Jewish community. Last

become a premier national

and bigotry, says Rabbi Levi

year’s ceremony reached a

and even international symbol

Shemtov, Head Shliach of

record amount of people, with

of the festival of Chanukah,

Washington, DC and

tens of millions watching it on

inspiring many communities

Executive Vice President of

nearly 1,000 TV newscasts in

across the globe to sponsor

American Friends of Lubavitch.

40 COLlive Magazine

Photos by Shimi Kutner

of their own. After all, this is

the world is the annual

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Photos by Shimi Kutner

al ment

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Ever since the first Menorah on public property in the United States was lit at Independence Mall in 1974, the unifying initiative of public Menorah lightings has become a sensation at prestigious, even unimaginable locations such as the Sydney Opera House, Moscow’s Red Square, Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate, Hong Kong Harbor, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, Independence Mall in Philadelphia and, obviously, the Kotel in Jerusalem. “We are proud to have played an active organizing role in nearly all of these festivities,” says Rabbi Shemtov. n

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6 MOST UNIQU MENO This Menorah created with sand on a beach in Miami Beach may not last long, but it got the shape of the Menorah accurately, following the Rambam’s drawing @Joseph_Waks

“Officers Yitzy K. and Gene P. of the NYPD 61st Precinct in Brooklyn escorted the car Menorah parade of Chabad of Sheepshead Bay. When we suggested they put on a Menorah on their police vehicle, they were thrilled and left it on for the rest of the evening.” Rabbi Shlomo Z. & Tzippy Cohen

“It was our first Chanukah on the island and we needed a big Menorah. What better Menorah for Maui than one made with indigenous material? Working together with a local Israeli, the Tiki Torch Menorah became real! Out of necessity, it became a wonderful chance for pirsumei nisa We’re so excited to pull it out again this year and share the light ‘island style’.” -Chabad of Maui @JewishMaui 44 COLlive Magazine

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Every year, Jewish minds come up with creative ways to publicize the miracle of Chanukah by constructing and displaying Menorahs in unique places or materials.

There’s no car too fancy for a Menorah! Shluchim Itche and Chana’le Itkin decked out this Ferrari for the Kansas City Menorah Car Parade in 2016. Chabad of Kansas City, 2016

The Basketball Menorah blends in perfectly when thousands of Jewish fans fill Barclays Stadium in Brooklyn for Jewish Heritage Night. The CTeen youth organization, a division of Merkos 302, kindles this Menorah with a resounding blessing. Photo: Itzik Roytman

Eight short surfboards and one longboard make up the iconic Menorah that is displayed at the Laguna Main Beach each year by the Chabad Jewish Center of Laguna Beach. The Menorah was designed by Steve Sasche and built by local contractors, with all nine surfboards donated by friends, congregants and Laguna Beach locals. - Chabad of Laguna Beach, CA @chabad_lagunabeach Kislev 5780 Edition


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As surely as the leaves change

specific common symptoms.

dangerous illness. This is

colors and a chill in the air

These include high fever,

especially true for young

makes us dig out our winter

headache, muscle aches, and

children, the elderly, pregnant

clothes, the Influenza virus or

a sore throat. The illness also

women, and those with

“the flu” shows up mid to late

tends to last longer than most

chronic illnesses.

fall in the United States.

common colds and to be

Complications of flu can

more severe.

include bacterial pneumonia,

The flu can be thought of as a bad cold that has some

ear infections, sinus infections Seasonal flu can be a

and worsening of chronic

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medical conditions, such as

with flu symptoms, the

often, even when people feel

congestive heart failure,

doctor may treat accordingly

better and are back in the

asthma, or diabetes.

without testing.

community they can continue

Many wintertime viruses give

The flu is very contagious and

Therefore, it is very important

similar symptoms. Doctors will

the contagion can last for a

for people recovering from

often refer to these as “flu-

while. Any droplets from the

the flu to be extra careful to

like illnesses” because

eyes, mouth, or nose of the

cover their mouths when they

without specific testing it can

sick person easily spread by

cough, throw away dirty

to spread the illness.

tissues, and of course wash hands or use hand sanitizer. It is best for all of us to make a


habit of not touching our mouth and eyes especially when we are out in public. This particularly applies to children, caregivers and food handlers. Another way to prevent the spread of flu is by getting a flu shot. The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) recommends that everyone 6 months and older get a flu shot. For those who are at higher risk of getting

copyright © RISING: The Book of Challah by Rochie Pinson / Feldheim 2017

be difficult to differentiate

coughing, touching surfaces

serious complications from

between various viruses.

with contaminated hands, and

the flu, such as young

Rapid tests for the flu are

food handling.

children, the elderly, pregnant women, and those with

available but are not completely reliable. Many

The best way to prevent the

chronic medical conditions, it

doctors and hospitals prefer

spread of flu is by practicing

is particularly important that

to use their clinical judgment

good hand hygiene and

they are vaccinated.

rather than testing. For

keeping sick people home.

Vaccination is also important

example, if the flu is

The sick person is most

for health care workers and

circulating in a community or

contagious while they have a

others who live with or care

family, and a patient presents

fever and feel ill. However,

for high-risk people to keep

48 COLlive Magazine

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from spreading the flu to

benefit in preventing other


causes of cold symptoms.

The effectiveness of the flu

While there is no medication

shot varies from year to year.

to cure the flu, there is

This is because the flu illness

medication such as Tamiflu

changes every year and

that can shorten the disease

because there are many strains

duration and lessen its

that circulate. The better the

severity. When taken within 48

match between the vaccine

hours of the onset of the

and the circulating strains the

illness, Tamiflu can cut down

more effective the vaccine will

the length of illness by about

be. Over the past 15 years, the

a day. It also may decrease

vaccine effectiveness has

the risk of severe

averaged >35% with some

complications or

years being much higher. The

hospitalization. The decision

vaccine also appears to

to prescribe Tamiflu is

decrease the severity of the

different in every case and

Dr. Avraham Gottesman is a

illness even if you do get the

should be discussed with your

board-certified doctor

flu. Although the vaccine is far


specializing in pediatrics.

from perfect, it leads to a dramatic decrease in illness,

In most cases, the best

hospitalization and deaths,

remedy for flu is rest, fluids,

particularly in high-risk people.

and medications such as


He graduated from Albert Einstein School of Medicine and received his pediatric

Tylenol or Motrin to treat

training at Long Island

Despite the common

symptoms. It is important to

Jewish Medical Center. He

misconception, you cannot get

stay home until you have

has been a practicing

the flu from the vaccine. This

gone at least 24 hours without

pediatric doctor and has

misconception comes from the

fever, and symptoms have

served the Crown Heights

fact that people get the shot

improved to the point where

community for over 12

during flu season. Inevitably,

you no longer risk spreading

some people will come down

the virus through coughing

with a flu-like illness right after

and/or sneezing. Flu season

getting the vaccine but it is

peaks December through

not from the shot.

February but can last as late as until May.

Additionally, it is important to note that the vaccine only

May we all have a healthy and

helps with the flu. It has no

safe winter. n

years. His practice is located at 555 Lefferts Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11225, Tel- 646-757-8751.

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Dear Rabbi Schonbuch, My son just turned 15 and I’m having trouble communicating with him about his yiddishkeit and behavior. What should I do? — A concerned parent Dear concerned parent,

challenging times in the life

Despite your tension with

of a child and their parents.

him, it would be helpful to

Assuming that your son just

notice that his greatest

started Mesivta (High School),

Around this age, your child

challenges lie outside of the

I can only imagine some of

has turned into a young

home - and may have

the difficulties you are having.

teenager and is dealing with

nothing to do with you as a

This is one of the most

many new challenges.


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CHINUCH At this critical juncture in your

the more you can benefit

Communication also matters.

son’s life, he is dealing with

from it.

In general, positive statements, complimenting

new academic challenges, peer pressure, and beginning

The way to develop your

him, sharing appreciations

to question some of the

emotional wealth is to invest

and speaking kind words are

values he grew up with.

as much positive equity as

“deposits.” Every time you

Internet access and

possible, so when the going

tell your son that you

smartphone use can expose

gets tough (especially with

appreciate him or his actions,

him to new ideas and

your teenage son), you can

you are building more

possibly inappropriate

dig into your savings without

emotional wealth.

content that can make his

going into the red. By changing from direct

behavior even worse. I suggest that instead of

control to building a

The main point here is to

fighting and trying to control

relationship and influencing

stop assuming that you will

him, schedule weekly time

your son, you have begun to


alone with him to focus on your

make a paradigm shift that

(or restore him to the little

relationship. Despite the

will help you enjoy his

child you once knew).

pressures of your busy

teenage years and reduce

Instead, you need to

schedule, carve out some time

tension. Successful parents

embrace a new paradigm

to take him to eat at a

try to maintain the paradigm

about your relationship.

restaurant or a walk around the

shift and by doing so, create

block together, go shopping, or

an environment for personal

I often share with my clients a

even take him to play ball in

change and growth.

simple yet powerful analogy:

the park. Of course, if you’ve been

Think about your relationship as you do your bank account.

Try to enjoy a few minutes

fighting with your teenager, it’s

Investing in your relationship

alone just schmoozing. What

never too late to apologize

is similar to saving money;

matters most is to give your son

and explain to him your new

the more you put into your

the feeling that he is the most

position. Authentic

bank account or relationship,

important person in the world.

apologizing necessitates

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hearing out how someone felt

you anymore. I will be here as

Some parents may feel that

about something you may have

a friend who will give you

this is akin to agreeing to

said or done, without justifying

advice only when you want it.”

negative behavior. However,

your actions. To listen deeply

as we have previously

and apologize can be

Of course, words are not

discussed, parents no longer

challenging, but the results are

enough. They must be

yield full control over their

worthwhile. It’s not really about

followed up with actions.

being right or wrong, it’s

Improve your connection,


reduce control, and stay

the hurt.

teenagers and would have an easier time if they would be more flexible and accept their teenager’s differences.

but teenagers are old enough


to appreciate this type

within the guidelines of

and fun we make our homes,

of reconciliation.

positive and compassionate

the more our children will want


to be connected to Yiddishkeit

If your relationship has been very rough, I suggest you verbally declare your intent to restart the relationship. Here is one way to say it: “I’m sorry we have had a difficult relationship over the years. I will no longer fight with you or try to control you. I would just like to have a good relationship with you.” For some parents, these words may seem hard to say,

Imagine that someone you This process may take time.

many years said, “I’ve been

Be patient. And when your

thinking a lot about our

teenager sees that you are no

relationship, and how our

longer criticizing or controlling

fighting has driven us further

him, he will begin to trust you

we stop fighting and start over again? I promise not to nag, bother, and attack or criticize

52 COLlive Magazine

of weakness; rather, it is part of an overall strategy to regain momentum in the relationship. In regards to Yiddishkeit, keeping yourself inspired and connected will model for your teen how to serve Hashem. Even if you don’t always see the behavior you would like, we are all a “work in progress”. Now, you can only plant seeds. The warmer and more loving

and to us. n

have been fighting with for

and further apart. How about

Reducing control is not a sign

and be open to having a more meaningful relationship.

Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch, LMFT (Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist) is renowned for improving the emotional lives of individuals, couples and families. He is the author of 4 books. He can be reached at or 646-428-4723.

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Money talks. We translate.




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A FOOD DESTINATION Like No Other Editor of Fleishings Magazine reflects on the third kosher food crawl By Shifra Klein

The third Taste of Crown Heights food crawl, benefiting Toys For Hospitalized Children and sponsored by, The View Optique & Hal’s New York Seltzer, truly represented how Crown Heights has become a kosher hotspot. Over 20 food spots showcased their specialties to a crowd of kosher diners from all walks of life. It is fascinating to me, as a Crown

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Heights native, how this

sourdough is trending in the

neighborhood expanded from

kosher market. This naturally

a hub for Lubavitchers

leavened bread (no

worldwide to an established

commercial yeast whatsoever)

food destination like no other.

is a true art form that Crust has perfected.

Crown Heights has enough food options to satisfy every

We walked up Kingston to try

palate and budget. From basic

food from Meat and Agripas,

staples like pizza, falafel

who both share sister

(Essen) sushi (Sushi Spot),

restaurants in Crown Heights.

Chinese (Prime Avenue),

Meat NY is the brainchild of

bagels, deli (Mendy’s) and

Dani Branover of Basil and

bakery (Albany Bake Shop), to

Agripas is the fast-casual spot

fun spots like Beouf & Bun,

opened by Judah Schlass and

Izzy’s Smokehouse, Izzy’s Fried

Chef Elior Balbul of Alenbi.

Chicken, Gruit, Mozzarella, to

Meat executive chef Rayim

the more upscale Basil, Meat

served an update on meat and

and Alenbi — it can take a real

potatoes with yukon gold

professional over a month of

potatoes, homemade garlic

eating out to really grasp the

aioli and house-cured

full impact of the Crown

charcuterie. Alenbi (and

Heights food scene.

Agripas) executive chef Elior Balbul served out of this world

Our first stop for the crawl was

melt-in-your-mouth pulled

Gruit, the newest restaurant to

tongue in a harissa-like sauce

join the impressive lineup of

with creamy tahini and pops of

Crown Heights restaurants.

fresh herbs.

Gruit served up the creamiest most luscious liver mousse

We really appreciated the

that the chef paired with a

hospitality Mermelstien’s

blueberry agrodolce, which

brought to the crawl. A huge

was a sweet and tangy

buffet of many of their classics,

complement to the rich liver.

and drinks and cups were a

Right next door (at the crawl)

welcome surprise. Mama’s

was Crust Bakery, whose bread

Kitchen really impressed with

was truly outstanding and a

their mixed Jerusalem Grill. I

reflection of how much

love that they added liver to

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Photos by Shimi Kutner

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THIS NEIGHBORHOOD EXPANDED FROM A HUB FOR LUBAVITCHERS WORLDWIDE TO AN ESTABLISHED FOOD DESTINATION LIKE NO OTHER the mix and included their signature creamy hummus as well. The Boozery showcased their hit sorbets which everyone around me couldn’t stop praising. Across the street, TableOne Catering served crunchy chicken lollipops with an array of dipping sauces that made the experience more exciting. We heard incredible feedback about the pastry and most specifically the sfinj from Koshertown and the sushi from Sushi Spot. The chicken fingers from Empire Grill were also a huge hit. It was inspiring to walk the streets in Crown Heights and meet fellow Jews from all walks of life, celebrating k o s h e r food for a good cause. n

Shifra Klein is the founder and editor of Fleishigs magazine, the newest kosher food magazine to hit the foodie scene. Check out their new Travel Issue with guest editor Dani Klein of @yeahthatskosher. No passport is needed to join their search for the best getaways, including 5 cities you must visit, the top 5 cruises, the latest trends in travel, destination weddings like you have never seen and food tours. Subscribe at and follow them @fleishigsmag

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Tzfasman Jewelers | 718.774.2770 | 551 Crown St, Brooklyn, NY 11213


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Crown Heights Kosher Food Guide

Kosher restaurant presenting refined Israeli plates in a chic, modern space with large windows. Kosher Certification: OK 887 Nostrand Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11225 Phone: (347) 529-3739

Albany Bakery Local bakery 339 Albany Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11213 Phone: (718) 778-1733

BAKERIE Modern bakery for kosher breads, sweets & daytime noshes with housemade spreads & coffee. Kosher Certification: OK Kosher 252 Albany Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11213 Phone: (718) 693-8248

Baguette Express Israeli style falafel, shwarma and sandwiches. Kosher Certification: CHK 250 Kingston Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11230 Phone: (718) 484-7814

Basil Pizza & Wine Bar Kosher pizzeria & wine bar offering wood-fired pies & other Italian fare in a homey-sleek setting. Kosher Certification: OU 270 Kingston Av, Brooklyn, NY 11213 Phone: (718) 285-8777

by Toiby Hayes

Boeuf & Bun Innovative, handcrafted burgers pair with a variety of craft beers at this upbeat locale. Kosher Certification: CHK 271 Kingston Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11213 Phone: (718) 221-8900

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Benny’s Brick Oven Pizza Dark wood & exposed brick adorn the interior of this upmarket pizzeria with specialty slices. Kosher Certification: OK 419 Kingston Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11230 Phone: (718) 484-4817

Brooklyn Artisan Bakehouse Rustic decor, down to earth ambiance and flavorful menu. Kosher Certification: OK 529 E New York Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11225 Phone: (347) 292-1382

Bunch-O-Bagels Cafe offering bagels plus a roster of entrees, omelets, salads, sandwiches & pasta dishes. Kosher Certification: OK 361 Troy Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11213 Phone: (718) 604-0634

Gruit A neighborhood restaurant & garden with a modern American kitchen and strong focus on seasonality & cocktails. Kosher Certification: OK Kosher 252 Empire Blvd, Brooklyn, NY 11225 Phone: (347) 846-0622

Holesome Bagels Bustling shop offering house-baked bagels, breakfast, sandwiches, pizza & salads. Kosher Certification: CHK 333 Kingston Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11213 Phone: (347) 955-5300

Izzy’s BBQ Smokehouse Kosher BYOB barbecue restaurant serving platters, sandwiches, sides & desserts in hip digs. Kosher Certification: OK 397 Troy Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11213 Phone: (347) 425-0524

Chocolatte Bright & Modern cafe in crown heights, free WiFi Open 24 hours. Kosher Certification: CHK 792 Eastern Pkwy, Brooklyn, NY 11213

Empire Grill Full-service eatery for an assortment of sandwiches, & Chinese food. Kosher Certification: CHK 597 Empire Blvd, Brooklyn, NY 11213 Phone: (718) 221-8579

Ess And Bentch Offering hot dogs, shnitzel, sandwiches and french fries Kosher Certification: CHK 313 Kingston Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11213 Phone: (718) 705-7770

Gombo’s Heimishe Bakery Counter-serve bakery specializing in jelly doughnuts, plus other sweets, sandwiches & coffee. 328 Kingston Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11213 Phone: (718) 771-7701

Izzy’s Fried Chicken With fried chicken and waffles and fish and grits, Izzys Fried Chicken serves southern comfort and soul food. Kosher Certification: OK 262 Kingston Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11213 Phone: (718) 925-2242

Izzy’s Taqueria Kosher restaurant serving Mexican cuisine next door to the flagship izzy’s BBQ. Kosher Certification: OK 399 Troy Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11213 Phone: (718) 975-2295

Kingston Bake Shop Kosher Certification: CHK 380 Kingston Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11225 Phone: (718) 467-2047

Koshertown Cafe Kosher Certification: CHK 469 Albany Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11213

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MEAT MEAT is where food and design meet. Extremely elegant restaurant featuring modern Mediterranean cuisine. Kosher Certification: OU 123 Kingston Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11213 Phone: (516) 888-1730

Mendy’s Mendy’s Deli is the place to go for burger, a delicious steak,or a heAvenly sandwich. Kosher Certification: CHK 792 Eastern Pkwy, Brooklyn, NY 11213 Phone: (718) 907-8877

Phomen Easygoing Kosher Vietnamese restaurant specializing in pho & ramen noodle selections. Kosher Certification: CHK 411 Troy Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11213 Phone: (718) 697-1947

Sauce N Cheese Stop-in kosher pizzeria offering slices, calzones & salads in a simple counter-serve setting. Kosher Certification: CHK 509 Albany Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11203 Phone: (347) 425-1450

Mermelstein’s Deli & Home-style Jewish Food Kosher Certification:CHK 351 Kingston Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11213 Phone: (718) 778-3100

Sushi Spot Fine Dining Dairy establishment conveniently located in Crown Heights. Kosher Certification: CHK 265 Troy Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11213 Phone: (917) 633-6770

Noribar High quality Sushi meals using fresh ingredients and skilled preparation techniques. Kosher Certification: CHK 326 Kingston Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11213 Phone: (347) 913-8888

Prime Avenue Prime Avenue offers a delicious global menu that includes schnitzel sandwiches & Chinese dishes. Kosher Certification: CHK 377 Kingston Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11213 Phone: (718) 576-6665

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Snug storefront offering both basic & specialty kosher sushi rolls for delivery & curb-side pickup. Kosher Certification: CHK 426 Kingston Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11225 Phone: (718) 756-4040

Sweet Expressions Ice cream shop, candies, chocolates and sweets Hot and cold shakes and smoothies. 310 Kingston Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11213 Phone: (718) 613-0188



Dovid Malka 1552 Carroll Street 718-773-2335

Koshertown 469 Albany Ave phone 718-778-6171

The Marketplace 589 E New York Ave phone (718) 363-1300

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OVEN BAKED CHOCOLATE DOUGHNUTS TOPPED WITH A SWEET DOUGHNUT GLAZE AND SPRINKLES By Rivkah Krinsky Chanukah is a beautiful time to experience joy, light and connection with our families and friends. Doughnuts and latkes play a big role in our enjoyment together and we can do so with a healthy balance. With an array of delicious options to buy; jelly, dairy, custard (you name it) the amount of doughnuts we can consume can become overwhelming over the eight days of Chanukah. A lovely way to enjoy them and at the same time tone down the oil and feel lighter, would be to change it up some of the time with a healthy alternative as such that both kids and adults can create and enjoy in good health!

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Photos by Mushka Krinksy / @Mush_mkp

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Rivkah is a Certified Health Coach based in Brooklyn, NY with clients around the globe. She offers her guidance and expertise in weight loss, maintenance and energy through balanced healthy living. On her page you’ll find motivation to empower and recipes to inspire a healthy balanced lifestyle. Follow Rivkah on IG: @revive_with_rivkah FB: Revive with Rivkah Website:

INGREDIENTS: Makes approx 20 mini doughnuts or 8 regular size

UTENSILS: You will need regular size or mini size doughnut

1 egg

pans. They can be purchased at Kettle and Cord

1/4 cup cocoa powder

or Amazon. You can alternatively take your

1/2 cup coconut sugar

favorite muffin recipe and bake them in these

2 tablespoons maple syrup 2 tablespoons coconut oil melted 1/4 cup almond milk 2 tbsp apple sauce 1 cup spelt flour

pans in addition to this recipe. Due to the baking method instead of deep frying, these doughnuts are lighter and healthier.


1 1/4 tsp baking soda

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease doughnut

1 tsp vanilla extract

pans with coconut spray. Mix wet ingredients in a bowl. Add dry and mix till combined. Spoon

GLAZE: 3 tbs cocoa powder

batter into doughnut molds 3/4 way full. Bake for 10 min till tester comes out clean. When cooled pop out of pans. Mix glaze ingredients

1 tbsp hot water

with a fork. Drizzle glaze on cooled doughnuts

3-4 tablespoons maple syrup

and add sprinkles.

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Itta Werdiger Roth is responsible for Mason & Mug and the Hester. She also wrote the official New York Times recipe for potato kugel.

In this recipe Itta Werdiger Roth uses her homemade Apple, Pear & Cinnamon Jam to create a delicious Chanukah doughnut. Preserving fruits while they’re at their peak is an age-old tradition. The cold north-east has produced tons and tons of different varieties of apples and pears, let’s take advantage as winter hits! Whether you just want to try something new, taste real fruit with less added sweeteners or use only organic ingredients, there is something quaint to the experience of cooking and then preserving this sweet delicacy. Spread it on toast, save it for your Hamentaschen or do what I like to do: Doctor up some fresh bakery doughnuts! Your home-made filling will be far superior to anything commercially made.

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3 lb. of apples and pears (unpeeled & roughly chopped) 2 sticks cinnamon pinch allspice pinch ground cardamom 2 lemons (juiced) 2 cups sugar 12 fresh Sufganiyot (Israeli style doughnuts, plain, no filling or icing)

GLAZE: 1 cup powdered sugar 1 tbsp whole milk (substitute brandy or soy/nut milk) ½ tsp vanilla extract


1/8 of a nutmeg (freshly ground)

• Combine everything but the sugar in a heavy bottomed pot. Cover and turn the flame on low to simmer for 15-20 mins. Remove the cinnamon stick and discard. Using either a blender or stick mixer, puree ingredients. • Add sugar to the fruits & continue cooking for about 1½ hours stirring intermittently. (The fruits will spit a little, this is normal but watch out for burns!) Use a soft rubber spatula to regularly scrape the sides and bottom of the pot. Your jam will set as it cools. • Slice sufganiyot in half like a bagel and shmear jam on the bottom half, then cover with the top. • Whisk all icing ingredients together until smooth. Spoon icing over the center of doughnuts & watch as they drip. Let sit for 10 mins at room temp (or cooler) until icing hardens and you’re ready

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The safest place to light your

hurts for that first second. And then

no dreidel-shaped sucking candies.

candles, fire-hazard-wise, is outside.

again when you pull it off, if there’s any

You’d think there would be lollies,

hair there.




Lubavitch holds it should also be up on a huge Menorah so the whole neighborhood can keep an eye on it.


If you are lighting inside, and all the tables in your house are made

Your wife lights candles every Friday night no problem, but you

can’t light for 8 nights of the year without this turning into a whole thing?

table in foil, followed by a layer of cute

Syrian-Greek, don’t make a big

deal about Chanukah at the office. Despite them making a big deal about their holidays.

of a material that can catch fire, the best thing to do is to cover an entire

If any of your coworkers are


If somebody doesn’t help Bubby carry in the presents from the back

placemats that your kids made in

room, she’s going to get tackled by


kids on the way in.

3 4



Don’t schedule a doctor’s appointment for Chanukah, or

the doctor will develop serious opinions about your eating habits.

Foil foil foil! Even the coins should be covered in foil.

Do not try to put a toy together

“Why is your skin glistening?” “Oh,

yourself. If it says, “Assembly

that? My kids spilled a gallon of oil.”

required,” it means you’re going to

Before lighting Chanukah candles,

need to hold an assembly to figure out

make sure your home has a

how to put it together.

working fire extinguisher. If you’re not sure if your fire extinguisher works, use it once as a joke.


Whoever decided that the letters on the dreidel should

be the same color as the dreidel has


14 15

When you’re frying oily foods, make sure to wear shoes. If you spill oil on the floor, put up a yellow sign that shows

someone slipping, so people have

Kids using candles instead of oil is

obviously never tried to play dreidel by

something to grab on the way down.

less about the pretty colors of the

candlelight. (“Is that a nun or a

That spot on the floor will be slippery

candles that last 20 minutes and more

gimmel?” “You’re asking ME? I can’t

forever until you spill something sticky

about how we don’t want little kids

even tell with the lights on!”)

to balance it out.



pouring giant bottles of oil into tiny cups.


If, while you’re holding the candle, some wax drips on you, don’t

There is no bigger choking hazard than a dreidel. Actually,

that’s not accurate. There are no big

That said, dropping a jelly doughnut is okay, because the

jelly will help counteract the oil.

shriek and throw it across the room. In

choking hazards. If it’s big, it’s not a

Doughnuts are magic anyway, because

fact, some people have wax poured

choking hazard. Point is, dreidels are a

they don’t have a five-second rule. If

onto them on purpose, and it only

choking hazard, which is why there are

you dropped a doughnut 8 days ago,

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HUMOR it’s still okay to eat. Such is the neis of

all eating together, the party is going


to be extra stressful, because you just know everyone’s going to bring their


The best way to cut through

it with dish soap, which we’re pretty sure is also slippery. And then to hose the whole thing down with water. You don’t actually have to eat

that a little bit of oil can go a long way. Whereas our philosophy is, “Kal

is to peer across the top of it and see if everything is out of focus.



If you’re leaving the house while the candles are still lit,

make sure to put them out, as if the

Try to eat at least something healthy over Chanukah, such

as apple sauce, jelly, or dark chocolate.

If you want to serve something healthy at your party, you can

serve Greek salad. If you’re not sure

candles aren’t safer with everyone out

what’s in a Greek salad, just start

of the house than with everyone in the

throwing things in that you think are


Greek – yogurt, baklava, bed sheets – and if someone says, “Why is this in


Your neighbors’ pirsumei nisa

here?” you can say, “It’s Greek!” and

notwithstanding, keep your

no one will question it. Who’s going to

eyes on the road.

vachomer a lot of oil...”


Don’t schedule more than 8 Chanukah parties for yourself.

It goes: mother’s side, father’s side, mother’s mother’s side, mother’s father’s side, father’s mother’s side,

20 21

Sterno is still lit. Your best bet

kids with them.

oil all 8 days of Chanukah. In

fact, the moral of the Chanukah story is


There’s no good way to tell if a

spilled oil, they say (if you

don’t have jelly doughnuts), is to clean



argue with you? How many Greeks are you having at your party, exactly?


If your Syrian-Greek coworker shows up and tries to stop the

party, you can finally put the fire extinguisher to use to fend him off.

There is no such thing as

father’s father’s side, shul party, and

“light sour cream.”

“Oh no it’s the 8th night and we

In all seriousness, though, Chanukah

haven’t played dreidel with the kids

safety is a serious matter, as opposed


to, say, Purim, when Chanukah safety is

Before you eat a latke, make sure to dab it with a paper

towel so no one will want to sit next to

not a serious matter. At that point

are newspaper, kitty litter, and, in my


post allergen signs that say things like,

experience, Shabbos shirts.

But these safety guidelines apply any

“There are no nuts in the doughnuts.”

time, really, such as when you’re frying

Unless you decided to make a peanut-

latkes for another holiday when latkes

butter-and-jelly doughnut, which

are a really good idea, such as Pesach.

probably sounds worse than it is.

So make sure that, in any case, you

you. The best materials to absorb oil


If frying latkes keep setting off the smoke alarm, move the

alarm to somewhere with less smoke, such as the fireplace.

23 24

Fact: There is no good way to wash a food processor. If something catches fire, make sure to remember the

three steps: Stop, Drop, and Roll. (“Yuck! What are you doing to the latkes?” “They caught fire!”)



If you’re making food for a

we’re more focused on Purim safety.

Chanukah party, make sure to

(We have very short attention spans.)

take all the proper precautions to If you’re having bagels at your

make sure that Chanukah is as happy

party, you run the risk of

as can be. But not so happy that you

people cutting themselves while trying

have to worry about Purim safety.

to get the bagels open. To prevent this, put out only plastic knives.


Have a happy and… well, not healthy… Chanukah!

Chanukah games, such as “Pin the Candle on the

Menorah” are fun and all, but before you blindfold a child and hand him a

If you’re having a huge family

pin, make sure all the onlookers have

Chanukah party, make sure

had their tetanus shots. (On a side

everyone lights where they sleep. If

note, this game doesn’t exactly teach

they light where they eat, and they’re

the importance of fire safety.)

Mordechai Schmutter is a freelance writer and a humor columnist for Hamodia, and other publications. He also has six books out and does stand-up comedy. He can be contacted at

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some have well guarded trade secrets we just call them family traditions

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