Memorandum on Aspect the Organization and Administration of the University of Puerto Rico (1955)

Page 25


7. His responsibility for reserving sorne time for r eflection upon matters such as the purposes of a university, the purposes of university


educntion, the validity of the goals that are a ctually determining education a t the Univ ersity of Pue rto Rico, nnd the ext ent to which the program of the University of to b e valid



Rico squar es with whnt s eems to him

for the institution.

8. His r esponsibility for reserving to himself sorne time for the pursuit of scholarly interests and for discussing such inte r e sts with stude nts, with f aculty members, nnd with other persons with whom suc h discussions might be profitnble. 9 . His r esponsibility for res e rving to himself sorne degree of l eisure to use as he s ee s fit. Although the Chancellor of the University of Puert o Rico h as been des i gnated ns th e

F~e cutive

Dir ector of the Universit y , at no time ha s he

been abl e t o function fully in that c npacity. for him to do so for two ¡ r ensons:

It ha s not been possible

( a ) a f aulty administr ativa structure

through which the Unive rsity is r equir ed by l aw to op erat e , and (b) an inadequa t e staff of qualifi ed p ers ons attnched direotly to his own offioe . Among th e ways in which the Unive rsity hns suff er ed bec ause of these defici enc i as ar e t he following: l. Public r el a tions of the University have at t i mes b een l oss than

so.tisfactory. 2. Pl anning for the long-range future of t h e Univ ersit y, including both pl anning to s ecure coordination of activi ti es and pr og r ams within the Univ0r s ity, and plAnning to s ecure ooordination of the i nstitution's

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