Colby Magazine vol. 90, no. 3

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at the Ya le University School of D rama and i s now l iving i n New H aven, Conn . . . . Thank you aga i n t o a l l of you w h o sent i n news. I m iss you a l l and hope you are healthy and well.

-Jennifer Wood Jencks


Sarah Hamilton Barringer just gave birth to her fi rst child, H arold H a m i lton Barringer. . . . M e l i s s a S m a l l i s s ti l l l i v i ng i n Kents H i l l , M a i n e , a n d work i n g o n her d issertation i n educational psychology from UConn . Meli ssa, h u s b a n d S t e p h e n a n d t h e i r son Joshua just welcomed their second son , Isaac, to the fam i ly. . . . Helen H op k i n s K e l logg was m a r r i e d t h i s p a s t fa l l a n d n o w l i v e s i n Newburyport, Mass . . . . Tracey McCormick h a s spent the past five y e a r s l i v i n g in and around Denver, Colo. She's back i n school pursuing her master's in English at the University of Colorado, Denver. Tracey writes that getting her degree w i l l be the ful fi l lment of a pact she made with Julie Trodella Bruneau the n ight before graduation-to be i n Colorado in 10 years and teach ing at a u n iversity. Julie and Tracey w i l l finish up at the University of Colorado at the same time, and w h i le J u l ie w i l l most l i kely head on to a doctoral progra m for medieval studies i n English, Tracey expects to share her newfound k nowledge with her bar customers "or somet h i ng similarly profound." . . . Chris and Karen Larson F l i nt recently bought a new home in Barrington, R . I . They have a 2-year-old son, Andrew, and were expecting child number two i n April. Karen works for Textron Financial in Providence, and Ch ris is coaching at Bryant Col lege i n Smithfield . . . . Jen Kosek Walker and her husband welcomed thei r second child, Sara Madeleine, last November. . . . A n ne Maddocks and B i l l M ichels '93 were married i n Dorset, Vt., i n M a y 2 000 w i t h more than 60 Colby alumni present' Best man Torin Taylor was accompanied by groomsmen M i ke Rosenblum '93, Scott Reed '93, Marshall Dostal '93, Tyler Merritt '93, Ed Ramirez '94 and Chris \l\Ti lder '93. Bridesmaids i ncluded Kristin Wal lace Livezey, Sura Dubow, Molly Beale, J e n Nehro Patriacca a n d Elaine Bue足 schen. A n n e recent l y gradu ated from medical school at Columbia University and is curreml y a n ob-gyn resident at New York Presbyterian

Hospital . B i l l is a 1 998 Columbia Busi ness School graduate and i s employed i n business development at VCommerce Corporation . . . . Tanya Nygaard is l iving in San Francisco and working for UC Berkeley Exten足 sion, managing and coord i nating the travel/study programs around the world . . . . Rob DeLello and wife Kathy have been married for six years and have two children, A n n ie, 2 1 12 , and Tom my, I . Rob recently visited with E r i n (Kelly ' 9 1 ) and Chuck DiGrande at Chuck's 30th birthday party. Chuck and Erin have a 2-year-old daughter, Maggie, and were expecting their second child i n May. Other party guests included Terry Reidy, an assistant d istrict attorney in Boston, Greg Mahoney, who recently bought a house with his wife in Walpole, Mass., and Jim Dionizio and his wife, D i na, and their son, Nicholas. Jim had been tra i n i ng rigorously for the Boston Marathon . . . . Todd Alexander compl eted the master's program in city and regiona l plan n i n g at Cornell (May 2000) and now l ives in Portland, Maine, working as the d irector ofnew business development for Maine & Company, a private, statewide economic development orga n ization.

-Michelle Fortier Biscotti


Marshall Dostal is l iving i n .Y.C. and writi ng comedy fo r a \l\Teb site ca l led Heavy, which can be viewed at Marshall sees a lot of B i l l Michels, Dan Harris, Chris Wilder and Mike Rosenblum, who also l i ve i n M a n hatta n . Spea k i n g of D a n , Emily Muldoon, who just recently got engaged, said she was listeni ng to ABC News recently and recogni zed the steady, reassuring voice of one very poised reporter' I , too, have seen Dan on TV and I just have one question: was he that good looking at Colby? . . . Also i n .Y.C. is Tim Merrigan, who is a district manager for EMC. He recently caught up with a few of his Colby buddies at the Superbowl and reports that Eric DeCosta is l iv i ng in Baltimore and is the head scout for the Balti more Ravens; Steve Hatch is begin n i ng h i s residency as a proctologist i n Oregon; Bob Ward is a l s o i n L.A., perform ing i n com mercia l s ; and Gregg Suffre d i n i just opened a chai n of pizza restaurants in Boston cal led Surfy's Sl ices. Tim h i mself j u s t m i ssed the fi n a l roster cut

play i ng football i n the XFL for the N.Y. H itmen. I checked, and Tim

confirms that this is all true. Pretty i mpressive, guys ' . . . Mark Radcliffe is a copy writer at an ad agency cal led Nerve in Portl and, Ore, w r i t i ng commercials, radio, print ads and finishing his fi rst novel. . . . Also i n Portland, Ore., is Scott Greenfield, a senior fi nancial analyst at I ntel. He has seen Nive Filipo, who works for Intel in Santa Clara, Cal i f. Scott attended Jen Bierwirth Shurman's weddingin ovember i n Phi ladelphia and said it was "very elegant." Also attending were John Poirier, Karen Lipman and Sarah Inman. Scott and h i s w i fe a re plan n i ng a trip to I srael this sum mer. . . . Lots of weddings and babies! Amy Duncan and Jason Kirkfield were engaged last summer and w i l l be ma rried October 6, 200 1 , on Cape Cod . . . . Mike Tracy marriedJennifer Conley in Boothbay Harbor, M a i ne, last July, and they moved to Hamilton, Mass., after honeymooning i n I re足 land . . . . Catherine Coyne is l iving i n London a n d was getti n g married this spring to Nlat Lown. This romantic Englishman proposed to Catherine and then whisked her off to Boston to celebrate with friends Stephanie Goff '94, Tracey Hardman '92 and Marty Hergert. Catherine works for the I mperial Cancer Research Fund . . . . Jason Soules married Piper Mc Tealy in February and is l iving in Cambridge, Mass. Jason sees a lot of his ex-roomies, who were his best men. Jack Higgins is l iving i n Cambridge as wel l, Dana "Doogie" McClintock is working at CBS i n T.Y.C. and expecting a bundle of joy i n June, and Dan O'Grady is up at UNH "playing with lobsters" and finishing up his Ph.D . . . . Libby Repass Dumas and her husband, Dave, had a son, Caleb R ichard, i n October. . . . Simone Cella Miller gave birth to Catherine Julia on February 28. Simone received her M.A. from Teachers Col lege at Columbia last year and is l iving i n Springfield, .]. . .. Laura Steinbrink Novak had a baby boy, Brandon Scott, last September. Laura is the executive di rector at Cleveland Bridge Build足 ers, a nonprofit organ i zation she co-founded, which offers leadership s k i l l s tra i n ing for civica l ly active young professionals. She writes, " I keep i n close contact with Brandy S h a fter C h ap m a n , w h o w o r k s fo r Liberty Mutual a n d l ives with her husband, Pau l , in H i ngham,

1990s Correspondents 1990 Laura Senier 38 Pitts Street Natick, MA 0 1 7 60 508-653- 7 9 2 7 cla ssnews1990@alum.col

1991 Lesley Eydenberg Bouvi e r 6 1 4 C M a i n Street Winchester, MA 01890 J e n n i fer Flynn 16 Lakev i l l e Road #12A J a m a ica Pla i n , MA 02130 cla ssnews1991@alum

1992 Michelle Fortier Biscotti 8232 Arbor Drive S h rewsbu ry, MA 01545 508-845-6507 fax: 508-845-6483 cla ssnews1992@a lum

1993 Beth C u rran 64 Dane Street #1 Somerv i l l e , MA 02143 classnews1993@a lum

1994 Tracy K. Larsen 3 7 56 Normandy Drive La Canada, CA 9 1 0 1 1-4155 classnews1994@a lum

1995 Yuhgo Ya maguchi 124 Oxford Street #4 Cambridge, MA 02140 617-354-0289 classnews1995@a

1996 Kim Schock 3201 Copper Mill Trace Apt. J Richmond, VA 23294 classnews1996@a

1997 K i m berly N. Parker 72 Prescott Street Everett, MA 02149 classnews1997@a

1998 Allison L. Brown Flynn 6948 Avery Road Dub l i n , O H , 4301 7-2865 classnews1998@alum

1999 Lindsay Hayes 130 Long Neck Point Road Darien, CT 06820 203-655-4664 cla

2000 H i lary Smyth 29 Marl borough Street Apt. #5 Bosto n , MA 02116 6 1 7-266-5440 classnews2000@a


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