Colby Magazine vol. 90, no. 2

Page 1

pi, Brittany Ray D wn E


rk Venola Mason won't be deterred

''Ifone advances confidently in the direction ofhis dreams, and endeavors to the life he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. Henry David Thoreau

-- -

' ,, ....,'

Your class correspondent is looking for news for the next issue of

- ---


Colby magazine. Please take a moment to respond to the

questions below and on the back to let your classmates in on what you've been doing recently or hope to be doir,g eventually. Have you moved? Changed careers? Traveled? Read a great book? This new questionnaire will be in each issue of the magazine, allowing alumni to contact their class correspondent four times a year. The past system for collecting news, sending separate letters once a year, was unwieldy and time consuming for the small staff in the Alumni Relations Office, and the postage was expensive. Now we look forward to hearing from you more than once a year! Please mail or e-mail your news

directly to your class correspondent. The correspondents' addresses are listed within the

Alumni at Large section of the magazine. Keep the news coming!

Basic Information Name:

______________________________ ______________________________________________________

Address (please indicate if recent change): Occupation (and title, if applicable):


Spouse's/Partner's Name (if applicable):


Spouse's/Partner's Occupation (if applicable): Family Unit: children, friends, pets:



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Your recent "mile tones" have been (grad school, new job, children/grandchildren, les on in life, etc.):

Have you ever been back to Colby? When, why, after how many years? How did you feel?

Attach an additional sheet if necessary.

Please mail this questionnaire or, if possible, e-mail this information to your class correspondent. Correspondent names, addresses and e-mail addresses are listed in the Alumni at Large section of this magazine. --- --------- -�----


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How Should We Teach Colby's voices resonate in

education reform debate.


Small Triumphs Alex Quigley

'99 finds hope

and despair in the Mississippi Delta.


A Ray of Hope Brittany Ray

'93 inspires

where she fow1d inspiration. 14

An Education CEO Robert Furek

'64 brings

accountability to Hartford schools.


Charting SuccessJames Verrilli

a school for inner-city

'83 fashions



2 3

editor's desk


periscope Gleanings from Earl Smith's campus

letters Don't party in class notes; cheers for

Colin MacKay, Mary Marshall. newsletter,


From the Hill


30 Racing uphill


on campus Morris Dees speaks; Edson Mitchell

Award created; first Morton Brody Award; Q&A with Allen LaPan.


faculty Adriam1a Paliyenko (French) sees

language as "the key"; Jack Axelrod's world is a stage; Peter Westervelt dies at 66.


media Paul Machlin (music) gets Fats Waller


sports Ski team races to new heights; ECAC


students L1 L.A., Venola Mason

down on paper; Ben Griffin '02 illustrates. title for women's basketball.

'01 kept her eye

on tl1e prize;Jan Plans Away; Stephanie


22 Morris Dees

Mc1\llurrich '01 a Colby Companion.


development Corrado's research puts students in



center of campaign finance debate.

C. Kenneth Ongalo-Obote '94 returns

to Uganda to run for parliament. Alumni @ Large 41

class notes profiles

38 ,t\T. Malcolm \i\Tilson '33 42 Dale Kuhnert '68 46 Judith Kenoyer Stay '71 48 Gwynelle Dismukes '73 58 ll1organ Filler '97 61 KathrynJohnson '00 62


The Last Page


Ben Ling's Life Sandy Maisel reflects on the life

and nntimely death of a Colby friend.

Dispatche�ditorial From the Editor's Desk There are two resta urants in the Delta town of Marks, M i s s . There is the new McDonald's , one of those m i n i ones with a convenience store and gas p u m p s . And


there i s The Din ing Room, a brightly lighted place where they serve great fried catfish and okra . Both restaurants are on the main drag, which i s cal led Martin Luther King

volume 90

J r. Drive . When King visited here more than 30 years ago it was widely reported that


number 2


the poverty among African Americans in the town moved him to tears.

Gerry Boyle

I n February I visited Alex Quigley '99, who i s a Teach for America teacher i n the


managing editor

elementary school i n Lambert, the next town over. I found that C o l by was we l l

Brian Speer art director

represented i n t h e area , with Tyler Peterson '00 d o i n g h i s Teach for America stint at the high school i n Marks. The three of us had d i n ner at The D i n i ng Roo m , which is

Robert Gillespie alumni at large editor

owned by a M r. Figgs, whose son, Dwight Barfield , i s mayor of Ma rks and works with


Stephen Collins

Quigley. Quigley and Barfield have become friends, and at the restaurant that night

executive editor

there was a lot of banter between the m . Barfield, who i s African American, poi nted

Leo Pando

out that he and Quigley-who is white, from Massachusetts-are from very different


c u ltural backgrounds . ,;Growing up I never had real close friends of another eth nic

Alicia Nemiccolo MacLeay

grou p," Barfield said. "[Knowing Qu igley) has taught me a lot." Quigley's story appears here as part of a pac kage on education reform . The story

Joanne Lafreniere

was not intended to be about race, but sadly i t i s . You can't talk about problems in

production coordinator

America's schools without talking about race. You can't ta l k about race without talking

Karen Oh

about poverty. And i n the greatest democracy i n the worl d , the kind of education you get too often i s d i rectly related to how much money you have. How much money you have is too often related to the color of your skin.


media editor


online coordinator Anne Garinger

'01, Blake Hamill '02, '01, Aimee Jack '04

Michelle Chandler

It was obvious i n Newark, N.J., where d i sadvantaged kids I visited at a charter school run by Jamie Verri l l i '83 were a l l of color. It was obvi ous i n Ha rtford , where Robert Furek ' 64 confronted a broken c ity schools system and concluded that our

staff assistants Brian Speer, Jeff Earickson, Amity Burr Stephen Collins

nation has written off countless thousands of African-American and H i spanic c h i ld re n .

school is l ocated: Quigley's kindergarten kids playing on the patch of gravel that served

'71, '01,

Martha Mickles


contributing photographers

B u t nowhere w a s i t more glaring t h a n in t h e Delta. I have a few indelible memories of Marks and neighboring Lambert, where Quigley's


Jonathan Olson, Nikki Boertman, Michelle Chandler

Blake Hamill

'02, Jennifer Carlson '01, '76, Rick Green

Douglas Rooks

contributing writers

as a playground at Quitman Elementary. Young men standing outside a swaybacked backstreet Lambert tavern , only their eyes moving as strangers drove by. Quigley's story about coaching Little League and finding that there was another league for white kids. A little boy named Keith, whose hunger for knowledge was ravenous. Enter Qu igley and Peterso n , fresh from Mayflower H i l l . How could they possibly be prepared? What could they accomplish ? Maybe big things, i n a small way. Qu 1gley was intensely loyal to h i s students and h i s fe l l ow teachers, repeated ly suggestmg that the story be about them, not about him. He hoped showing the area's problems might somehow a l leviate them, but he didn't want his commun ity held up to nd1cule. Th1s is a guy, after a l l , who stayed in Mississi ppi for the summer, helping to coach three different ball tea m s . Pete rson, who once canoed from M i nnesota to H udson's Bay, had rougher padd l i ng at M . S . Palmer H igh Schoo l , where he worked to convmce special-education students that reading was i m portant to their l ives . "I pretend to be a teacher" was h i s self-effacing comment at the restaurant that n ight. "For some reason they believe me." Barf1eld sa1d there was resentment when the Teach for America teachers first arnved. But the newcomers' work ethic and commun ity spi rit had won over the skeptiCS. he sa1d, pred1ct1ng the next gro u p would be welcomed wholeheartedly. "They are the first." he sa1d. "They have planted the seed."

£178g i

Mooog;,g Edno'



Peyton R. Helm, vice president for college relations; Margaret Felton Viens

'77, director of alumni relations

Alumni Council Executive Committee

'78, chair, Lou Richardson '67, vice chair, '75, Rebecca Birrell '92, James Bourne '81, Hope Palmer Bramhall '56, Karl Dornish Jr. '54. Bruce C. Drouin '74, Ernest V. Fortin '51, Todd W. Halloran '84, Joanne Weddell Magyar '71, Wendy Kennedy Ralph '90, Christopher Tompkins '89, Frank A. Wilson '73, Philip Wysor '70 John Devine

Eleanor Fleming Amidon

Colby is published four times yearly. Address correspondence to: Managing Editor, Colby


Mayflower Hill

Waterville, ME

Or maybe he 1sn't pretending at a l l .

Aod hot. oil by '"elf, " •omethmg.

Administration William D. Adams, president; Earl H. Smith, dean of the college;


or send e-mail to: v1sit us on the mternet: Alumm Office:


letter±ispatches letters 'Party action' Sends Wrong Message

The references to "serious party action" and margarita conswnption in the Class of 1978 notes (Colby, winter 2001) are mis­ placed and unnecessary. What is the message? When our children ask why drinking is so important that it is incl uded in a Colby publication, I wonder. Hopefully, we have gotten beyond our adolescent over-indulgence to a point where we can drink responsibly or not at all. Every day, I see the effects of parental consump­ tion or of adolescent abuse of this drug. Almost daily, we read about teenage deaths related to a lcohol on our roadways. Our actions as adults play a large role in how our children behave. References to alcohol use have no place in a Colby journal . Bmdfm·d S. Gennnin '78

Attleboro, Mass. Mary Marshall's Challenge

research techniques and read term papers that were tl1e first such effort for a lot of us, got us on our feet in front of the class to give oral reports from notes on cards, and managed to convey to some of us that she was our friend. My special debt to her is that she told me explicitly and clearly to get ready to go to graduate school because, she said, "you can do it." Other professors at Colby engaged my mind, read my papers, and graded my exams. But Mary Marshall a lso challenged my spa·n. Bm·bnm Gmnt Nuokn '43

Arlington, Va. COOT Fires Still Kindled

It is spine-tingling wonderful to hear of the u·emendous participation in the fal l COOT u·ips (Colby, fa ll 2000). Our dream 25 years ago was si mply to keep the fires kindled and increase the number of u·ips to four. I was one of the 18 those long (but oh-so-short) 25 years ago who vent11red up Mt. Katahdin witl1 Professor [Robert] Reumann . With a great sense of adventure, along with tl1e usual freshman j itters, we set out from tl1e quad behind the library . At that time the Outing Club room was in the basement of one of the dorms and that was our initial staging area. As many of you now know and understand, there is hardly a better way to gel as a group than the rigors of tl1e outdoors and a focused goal of a diverse group. Back on campus we were able to spread that warmth of fi·iendship to other freshmen, upperclassmen and professors. The dreams of Nancy oreen '76 have been embraced and ex'Panded beyond all possible hope. Happy anniversary to a u·uly inspired program, and to those cow1tless individuals who participate in tl1e planning of the trips and those who have taken part over the years. Three cheers!

Cheers for Language, Colin MacKay

I was very interested to read " Pri nt Lives" in tl1e fa ll 2000 Colby. How wonderful to know tl1at so many Colby graduates are engaged in tl1e fascinating business of magazine production. I sit here today writing tlus letter from my office at Avenues magazine, in Cleveland, where I have been editor since 1991. Before tl1is I was editor of anotl1er magazine for two years. It is amazing to me tl1at these opportu­ nities came to someone starting so late. So many times I've tl1anked my outstand­ i ng high school English teacher in my mind. Even my assistant editor and interns know her name. And so often I've felt enormous gratitude for the sacrifices my parents made to send me to Colby. Freshman year I was placed i n an advanced EngLish class witl1 Professor Colin MacKay. I used to count tl1e hours and tl1en the nlinutes until I could walk i nto his class again. vVhat a privi lege to be his student! I raise my famous red pen (my primary editing tool) to salute The \iVord. May all of us who work in print love our language, guard i ts use and celebrate tl1ose who taught us to use it wel l .

I am wri ting a brief tribute to Mary H atch Marshall, whose death was reported in Colby, winter 2001. She taught my section of Freshman English in tl1e fall of 1939. ln my Omcle (1943) she is l isted among associate professors. There were four 81·endn L . Lewison '62 women i nstructors, two in health and Cleveland Heights, Oluo physical education, one in religion, and one in English. The photo roster of faculty in In Iowa, Hospitality Rules 1943 included 49 males. Regarding tl1e essay by Sarah Eustis '96 Mary Marshall's academic specia l ty was ("A Road Marked w i th Kindness," Colby, medieval Engl ish, both the language and tl1e winter 2001), since graduating from Colby literature. In alternate years, she offered in 1976 I have lived in three counu·ies and courses on Chaucer and Spenser and 12 cities more or less. Now we live in Iowa Contemporary Drama. She also covered for Ci ty. I am not a native I owan, but I have other members of the English Department come to real i ze, over the years, that tl1e during their leaves. But if it had not been for hospita lity that Sarah descri bed a fter Freshman English, she would have been getti ng st11ck in Fort Dodge was the norm, known only to English majors. not tl1e exception. Iowa is a strange and Freshman EngLish must have been a wonderful place; protected, because East challenge. There were no Standards of and West Coast people view i t as a backwa­ Learning tests that assured minimal skills in ter where you wouldn't rea l ly want to go. reading and writing, and we came from varied \i\Then I joined the faculty, here at the backgrOtmds: a few from gTeater New York, a University of lowa, I had extreme reserva­ Anne Luedemmm Hunt '79 few of us fi·om southern New England, more tions about coming to Iowa. I was comMcLean, Va. of us fi·01n the greater Boston area, pletely wrong, of course! and most of us from tl1e great variety Bill Silvmnnn '76 The Vietnam \iVar discussion continues with letters from alumni of acadern.ies and institutes that Iowa City , Iowa responding to former Colby President Robert E.L. Strider's made up the secondaty education comments on Ius role as a college president during public network in Maine. outcry about tl1e war. The letters appear in Colby online Mary Marshall led us tl1rough (ww\v.col by.edulcolby. maglissues/sprO 1/letters). Greek drama, taught us basic




2 0 01



Oispatche�eriscope Gleaned from Earl Smith's newsletter, FYI

In a double-elimination tourna­

Colby Goes Hollywood

ment, the best Colby team went

a result of economics profes­ sors Randy Nelson and Michael

undefeated and beat its five

Donihue 79's article "\\'hat's An

Bowdoin opponents by a

Oscar \Vorth," which appeared in

combined score of 55-7.

the january 2001 Economic Inquiry journal, Colby has been making

For Want of a "C"

other Academy Award appear­

A typographical error in

ances.The February 15 eclicion of

December's faculty meeting


agenda proposed allowing

Today had a story on the

committee nominees to post

Oscars,picked up by Chicago and Dem·er papers,with the following lead: "Ho!Jywood is scrambling to make the most from this week's Oscar nominations-make the most money. Late-year releases up for best picture can bring in more than 30 ntillion after nontinations,according to a Colby CoUege study." We Remember Michael

When Michael Daisey gradu­ ated in 1996, we might have predicted he would enjoy at least 15 minutes of fame.He got that much in February when Scott imon, host of 1'\ational Public Radio's Weekend Edition, intef\'iewed him.Mike, a performer a a student here, nm\- has a one-man show, "21 Dog Years: Doing Time@ \" \\'atch Daisey's ;hO\\ at www.mikedaisey. com. Long Arm of the Web

In 1996 Raffael check (history) po�ted lecture notes for his cour;e Cerman� and Europe I -1-194-on the\\'eb a an online te\t for the cia s. ince then the te\t ha; dra\\ n re­ �pon�e� from �cholar and �tudent� in South Korea, Ronunia, C:hilt: ,md Finland,

informal statements on "the Dean of Faulty Web page. " The Dean of Faulty Web Pages would be right next door to the Ministry of Silly Walks,accord­ ing to one Eustis wag. A Muddied Report Cal Mackenzie (government) was the first person NPR called for reaction to

GW's inaugural speech January 20. Mackenzie, who had front-row seats, spoke by cell phone with NPR's Scott Simon, and Colby was mentioned several times. It "was like reporting from a war zone," Mackenzie told our Office of Commun ications. The weather was "horrid" and a military band blared in the background while what he cal led "a very Republican crowd" celebrated noisily. "I kneeled down in the mud and had S a l ly su rround me with her coat while I tal ked on the cell phone," Cal said.

and professors around the world have built it into their syllabi, Scheck reports. Now \VebPath Express,a sef\rice developed to help students find online resources,has tapped into the site, and the Scottish Executive School Committee will include material from personallr/rmscheck in a CD­ RO�I going to high schools in Scotland to improve teaching with the Internet. All for Tenure

.\lost e\·erybody already knows, but now that the Board of l}u tees has affirmed this year's


The \\ ell-remembered "Colb� Corner" sign that once hung in the rear of the Le\·ine�· �rore in dmmtO\\ n\\'aten·ille can now be found m Colb�\Sea\ em� Bookstore ... Pacy and Ludy would he plea�ed.... See the \larch i��uc of Dfr..:n : F-tlst magazine and read the p1ece on the huge �ugar camps on the Quebec border of . omer et Coun�. b� .\[ichael Burke (Engli;h). ...Bruce Barnard report' that boobrore ;ale; ha\ e more than doubled in the �ear "nee t'";Jtalogue item� ha\ e been a\ ailable on the\\'eb.



tenure class,let's tip the mortar­ boards to Jeffrey Anderson (anthropology), Elizabeth DeSombre (environmental studies and government), Leo Livshits (mathematics), Veronique Plesch (art) and Tarja Raag (psychology).All have also been promoted to the rank of associate professor, effective in the fall.

The Mule before Jakarta As if our political scientists

haven't been busy on tl1e home front, Sandy Maisel did a live videocast to Jakarta, Indonesia, on election night. Speaking from Augusta, Sandy provided commentary while the L1done­ sian Ambassador to the U. S. joined from Washington and a GOP consultant chimed in from Denver.The audience was about 500 people organized by the Chamber of Conunerce and tl1e U.S.Embassy in Jakarta, where Bob Gelbard '64 (and P'03 ) is our ambassador. Research assistant Alexandra Gelbard '03 was clearly visible in tl1e video feed. Fast Company

Soccer Stimulation

L1 early December Bowdoin students taking a computer science course on artificial intelligence challenged Colby to a "simulated soccer " tourna­ ment, where participants were required to build computer programs that would intelli­ gently control teams of soccer­ playing agents. sistant Professor of Computer Science Randy Jones, together with students Ray Mazza '01 and Eric Fleischman '02, built four different teams and pitted them against H teams From Bowdoin.

The autunu1 2000 Politique lnternatio77ale, the French equivalent of our Forei[';n A./a f in magazine, lists 19 contributors, including two presidents (Tunisia and Croatia), two prime ministers (Ukraine and Hun­ gaqr), France's foreign minister, German Chancellor Gerhard Schroder, Dick Cheney and Joseph Lciberman.And among the heavyweights tl1ere's Guilain Denoeux (government).Guilain has a 25-page article titled "La Face Cachee du Miracle Tunisien "-T he Hidden Face of the Tunisian Miracle.

'II Education reform is a top priority in America. Publ ic opinion polls rank it as the country's most pressing issue, and debates rage over Bush administration initiatives on school vouchers and standardized testing. Public educa­ tion and how to improve it are at center stage. 'II But the cacophonous debate about public education can drown voices that have been speaking on education reform for decades. The political hue and cry about problems can cause us to overlook the crucial work now being clone in schools across the country. Many of those voices belong to Colbians and much of that work is being clone by Colby alunu1i and faculty. 'II Over the winter,Colby spoke with and visited alumni on the front lines and in universities in an effort to frame the education reform issue and to show what is and isn't being done to educate ch_ildren in our country. A fundamental question that emerged: What is the purpose of education? 'II For Carl Glickman '68, head of the influential Program for School Im­ provement at the University of Georgia,education is key to the survival of our democracy. G lickman is dismayed that Americans increasingly see education as a tool for personal-not civic-gain. "Education is more and more being seen as a private commodity of ' I go to school for what I learn and the kind of wealth I can acquire with the kind of job I have,"' he said. "The idea that it is a public purpose that connects me to the . . . improvement of life with others is something that has been glaringly missing in public education." 'II Are standardized tests the answer' Not according to Eleanor R. Duckworth '5 7, founder and acting director of the teacher education programs at Harv a rd. She argues that such tests are "uncharacteristic of anything else to do with living one's life," that they do not assess or increase a child's knowledge,confidence or creativity. Rather,she says,the testing-and preparation for the testing-distracts students and teachers from more i m portant ways


of learning and teaching. 'II That teaching is taking place, con­ trary to what you might hear. At Colby,a college with a historic

reputation for excellence in n·aining teachers,the last decade saw the number of education minors double. "They're idealistic," said Mark Tappan,associate professor of education and human development. "They're giving up other careers to make a change,make a difference in the world, and I think we promote that." 'II Legions of Colby alumn_i work on the front lines. vVe imrited some to comment,and we've profiled what we hope is a representative selection . Online is a wide-ranging exploration of school reform featuring Duchvorth and Glickman, two nationally renowned experts and advocates for education reform, and Colby education professors (ww..v.colby.eclu/colby.mag/issues/sprO l /reform). In this print magazine,educators profi led range from begin­ ners like Alex Quigley '99, an inspired kindergarten teacher in one of the nation's neediest schools (page 6), to dedicated professionals like B rittany Ray '93 (page 10), who returned to her hometown in Down East Maine to give back some of the inspiration she received . Some are leaders like Bob Furek '64, who helped get the entire Hartford school system back on track (page 1 4), and James Verrilli '83, who is bullish on the success of h_is charter school in Newark (page 18). Also presented here are the comments of a cross section of the hundreds of Colby alumn_i who are at work i n our nation's schools and responded to a Colby poll . 'II Unden_iably,problems do face our schools, some of them of national magrutude. But gifted,i ntelligent people also are proposing solutions, working locally and globally to make a difference in cruldren's l ives and in the nation's welfare. Their stories are provocative,inspirational and sometimes controversial.







Alex Quigley


'99 finds

hope and despair in the Mississippi Delta By Gerry Boyle '78, photos by Nikki Boenman


t wa s a n h o u r i nto t h e s c h o o l day a n d A l ex Q u ig ley ' 99 wa s sta n d­ i ng i n fro nt of a ro o m fu l l of k i n d e rga rte n stu d e nts . T he stu d e nts

we re s i tt i n g o n a ca rpet, each c h i l d a s s igned to a co l o red s q u a re . Q u i g l ey, m oti o n i ng with a p o i nter ti p ped by a ye l l ow sta r, l o o ked l i ke h e wa s wavi ng a m agic wa n d . "Who knows a word l i ke bat?" he said. " Bat. Bah-tuh." "Cat," a boy named Tony said . "Good," said Quigley. " Fat," said a little girl named Quintina. "�That letter makes the ' fuh,fuh' sound?" Quigley asked. Quintina looked stumped. "Fuh,fuh," Quigley said,his pointer at his side. "Call someone to help you." Eventually someone came up witl1 the answer and tl1e class moved on,the children blissfully unaware that they are being educated by a game young teacher working to oy to make a difference in what is arguably-if you can judge a school by its students' performance on standardized tests-tl1e most challenged elementary school in Mississippi,and one of the poorest-performing schools in tl1e counoy. Quigley arrived here in September 1 999, sent by Teach for America,an organization that d ispatches recent college graduates to schools where teachers are in critically short supply. A government major from Wellesley,Mass.,who spent his junior year at the London School of Economics, Quigley had hoped to be assigned to vVashington,D .C.,but he did i nclude Mississi ppi on his preference l ist,and that was like buying a one-way ticket to tl1e Delta. Days after fi nishing a crash Teach for America education course,Quigley arrived in Quitlnan County. He was given emergency certification and a room full of expectant second graders. This year,one kindergarten class didn't have a teacher and was staffed by substitutes. Says Dr. J une Jordan,the school principal: " We work witl1 whatever we can get."

Quitlnan County Elementaty School has about 620 students, kindergarten through third grade. The SUI­ dents travel as far as 20 m iles by bus to tl1e single-story brick school in Lambert,a smattering of mostly dilapi­ dated buildi ngs set in the seemingly endless cotton and soybean fields of tl1e northwest Delta. v V i th tl1e excep­ tion of a single storefront used for a community center, Lambert's entire downtown is boarded up. v V i th tl1e exception of about eight chi ldren,all of the swdents at Qui t111an Elementaty school are African American. i\1ost of Quit111an County's vast farms are owned by






Teach for Amer i ca's assi stan ce), a depressed econ omy, ch ron i c teen pregn an cy an d ch i ldren w h o en t er sch ool as vir tu al blan k sl ates. "We h ave a l ot of babies h avi ng babi es," sai d vet­ eran kin dergarten teacher] ewe! 1

Ki l librew. "Th at's a l ot of our problem. Th ey don 't kn ow h ow to care for them." En ter peopl e l ike Quigl ey: young, smart, earnest an d i n ex­ per i en ced. A ls o w or k i n g at Qui tman E lemen tary are Teach for America teachers from Wil­ liams College, th e Un iversi ty of Virgin i a an d oth er prestigi ous schools. In n earby M arks, Tyl er Peterson '00 i s teaching speci al education at Qu itman Cou n ty High School.

\\'hires, an d n early all whi te paren ts sen d th eir children to private schools-in cluding Delta Academy in th e town of M arks, just down the road from Lambert. At Quigl ey's school, 98 percen t of students qualify for th e free lunch program. Some l i ve in modest bu t comfort­ able h omes. And others' "I've been to some of [ my stu den ts'] h ou ses," Quigley sai d."Non e of th e l ights work. Some of my ki ds don 't h ave their own bed, or they pull ou t a bed in their trail er that they sl eep on 11·ith their broth er. There's n o desk, n o pl ace to work." i xty-eigh t percen t of thi s year's Quionan County Elementary third graders, incl u ding Quigl ey's stu dents from l ast year, failed th e state a�sessmem test for their grade. The sch ool h ad the worst test results in ,\ l i ssi ssi ppi . School offici als poin t out that th e test, a n ati on all y n ormed as­ sessmen t, in cludes r eferen ces that are unfami l i ar to stu den ts wh o prob abl y h a1·e n el'er l eft even this part of th e Delta. B ut Jordan an d teacher� al o acknowl edge th e chall enges th ey face: shoestring bud­ gets, a teacher h onage so di re that posi ti ons go unfi l led (even with

Alu mni o n Educat io n Reform In an effort to further explore the national debate on education reform, Colby posed quest1ons to 50 a l umni in the educat1on fiel d . In the1r responses, excerpted here, a l u m n i expressed w1dely d1ffenng views on t h e merits of many proposed reforms, from school vouchers to l 1 11k1ng federal fund111g to a ssessment test results. The project was produced by Blake Hamill '02.





Qui gley sai d he got support an d materials from oth er te achers when h e arrived, but as of February he h ad n ot been evaluated in h i s cl assroom. Putting togeth er h i s kin dergarten curri culu m, h e pul l ed in tech n i qu es h e h ad h eard abou t from oth er school s, from books, from rel atives. "In my mi n d th i s i s what kin dergarten sh oul d look l i ke," h e said. That day i t l ooked l i ke a busy place. Quigl ey's charges sat on the carpet, talked abou t th e visitor to the classroom. They spell ed "Febru ­ ary" alou d an d th en sang enthusi asti cally abou t the days of the w eek to th e tune of Tbe Addams Family. "There's Monday an d th ere's Tuesday, there's Wedn esday an d there's Thursday . . . " Quigley sang al ong; it was apparent he was n ever in The Col by Eight. There was a snack-animal crackers h an ded ou t by assi stan t teacher M audi e Stanford, Quigl ey's right h an d. Quigl ey read al oud from H·og and Toad An H'iends. Studen ts sel ected pain ted cl oth espi n s that desig­ nated differen t activity centers: a pl ay kitchen, bl ocks, a compu ter game,

\1 What is your gut reaction to the debate surrounding proposed reforms? Karen Kusiak

Mark Tappan

Assista77t Professor of Educflti071 & Human Developme77t

Associate Professor and Cbai1; Depm-rment of Educatio77 & Human Development

The suspicion is that colleges of education are

I think the p u b l i c discourse around public education is j ust rea l l y problematic a l l the way around because the public is clamoring for

not doing thei r job, that we're graduating people and making them teachers and they're not capable of being teachers and that's why we have poor performance in schoo l . I question a l l of those assumptions.

accountability and standards and a l l of this, or the folks who make education policy c l a i m the public is c l a moring for th i s . So there's a mandate to try to respond to that but it's not getting into the realities of the c l a ssroom .

Alex Quigley '99, at left, walks through Lambert, Miss., which bills itself as "The City of Hope" though all but one down· town storefront is boarded up. A teacher shortage has added to the woes of the economically depressed community in Mississippi's Delta region. Below, Quigley directs as his kindergarten students at Quitman County Elementary School act out a scene from the children's book Frog and Toad Are Friends. At right is Assistant Teacher Maudie Stanford.

painting at an easel . All the while, discipline was meted out I through a system of cards that were moved in a wall rack. Pad- ..-�Iii• dling is accepted and encouraged in Mississippi schools, but Quigley said he has done it only twice, as a last resort. That day the most serious punishment was a time out. Mrs. Stanford and a visitor were enlisted to help students, but sti ll the room rang out with calls of "Mr. Quigley 1 " " It's s o amazing, the amount o f things t o manage," Quigley said. "Colby was hard but this is much harder." In fact, all of the pithy social problems facing this school tend to be forgotten when the room is ful l of 5 -year-olds. Then 1 the chal lenges are the same as those faced by teachers in any classroom: keepi ng all of the students constructively occupied; crafting activities and lessons appropriate to a broad range of abilities; making sure kids don't miss the bus. And while one staffer, parent coordi nator Dwight Barfield, praised Quigley and the other Teach for America teachers for their energy, innovation and community spirit, Quigley said he sometimes stil l wonders whether he is teaching his kids anything. moments I had was this kid. I sent post cards from Boston to all my "Some days, no," Quigley said. "Some days I felt l ike I basically kids when I was home for Christmas. H e came into school the day we got back and he said, 'Mr. Quigley, you wrote me a post card . ' And he stw1k as a teacher and my kids weren't learning anything . . . . There were a couple of days, I was just l i ke, cal l my mom or somebody and proceeded to recite the post card exactly as I wrote it, line for line. He say, 'I'm not succeeding at a l l . ' That regardless of what I do, my kids had memorized the tl1ing, he had read i t so many times. " are going to return to the worlds that they live in." Progress, it seems, is measured in smal l triumphs. At Quitman El­ ementary, Quigley waves the star pointer, but there is no magic wand, And good days? "On my good days I feel great. I feel l i ke, it will be something little. just chi ldren waiting expectantly to be taught. Like you see a kid who couldn't read and he'll read a whole sentence. " I can spell 'coffee' Mr. Quigley," one little boy said proudly. "C­ You feel l ike the kids are really responding to the attention and the H-C- D - E." love you're giving them . . . . "Close, J amal," Quigley said, giving tl1e boy an affectionate pat on " I had one kid a fter Christmas break (last year] . One of the best the shoulder. "Very close." W hat are the biggest challenges facing our nation's educators? Jane Hunter Bates


Fifth Grnde Tenclm; Flnnden ElementmJ' School, East Lyme, Conn.

One chal lenge is to find the bala nce between teaching of life-long learning skills with the time needed for preparation and taking of state mastery tests. We need to determine how time needed for "teach i ng to the test'" can also be time used for developing thinking productive citizens who are prepared for l ife, not just the test.

Sandi Hayward Albertson-Shea


Richard Abramson


Projesso1· of Hmnm1ities, Middlesex College, Middlesex, i\! lnss.

Superintendent, Anmdel Public cbools, Anmdel, lv !nine

A major issue for our country that i m pacts educators is the need for an informed, thoughtful and compassionate citizen ry.

The baby boomers who have been the nation's teachers and school administrators over the past 30 years are retiring at an ala r m ing rate.

Because my field is human ities/Engl ish in a commun ity col lege setting, I am acutely aware of the gaps in my students' knowledge and understanding re: gl obal issues and current events beyond the i m mediate perimeters of their own l ives and day-to-day d i lemmas. Motivating students to think and read deeply/ critical ly, to explore opposi ng points of view and then to risk taking a stand is an ongoing chal lenge. The I nternet, with its vast potential and abundance of materi a l , needs to be a pproached carefu l l y, not sim ply downloaded.

One of the biggest chal lenges facing our nation will be teacher and admin istrator shortages. Many states-Maine included-are looking at ways to recruit young teachers and retool teachers a s a d m i n i strators.




Brittany Ray


'9 3

inspiTes where she found inspiration By Gerry Boyle '78, photos by Brian Speer




igh s c h o o l Engl i s h tea c h e r B ritta ny R ay ' 93 grew u p i n the t i ny Down East town of M i l br i dge , a fi s h i ng com m u n ity pe rc h ed at t h e

m o uth of t h e N a r ragu agu s R i ve r. Ray's fat h e r, G a ry R ay ' 7 2 , h e l ped run the fa m i ly b u s i n e s s , a sa rd i ne ca n ne ry, a n d h e m a d e s u re h i s d a ughte r worke d t h e re , too , pa c k i ng s a rd i n e s begi n n i ng w h e n s h e wa s 1 1 . " H e wa nted m e t o know I needed t o get out o f M i l b ri dge ," Ray sa i d . " H e rea l l y q u esti o n e d , ' I s tea c h i ng what you rea l ly wa n t to d o ? And c o m i ng b a c k [to Wa s h i ngton Cou nty ] ? ' But I co nvi nced h i m that that re a l ly wa s what I wa nted ." Ray d i d get out o f M i lbridge. A n Engl ish major, she spent her junior year in D ijon, France. A t Colby she was valedictorian of her class. But by her sophomore year, Ray had decided she wanted to go back home to teach high school in Washington County. Weathering questions from skeptics ("vVhy would you want to teach if there were other options?") she returned to the county, teaching a year in Machias and then moving to Narraguagus High School i n Harrington, where she was once a student. Since she first stepped to the front of a classroom, Ray has known it's where she belongs. "I was hooked," she said, between classes at Narraguagus High recently. "I stil l am. I love what I do." Colby historically was a college that turned out "teachers and preachers," and altl1ough the preachers' numbers have dwindled considerably over tl1e past century, graduates continue to answer the otl1er calling. For teachers l i ke Ray, there is a missionary aspect to the vocation, a sense that there are produc­ tive l ives hanging in the balance, students to be i nspired, if not saved. Ray got tl1at inspiration from her own English teacher at Narraguagus High, Liverpool native Robbie Wel ler, who brought witl1 her to the States a contagious love of literature. vVeller set Ray down the path tl1at led to Colby and a teaching career. Now the younger colleague tries to do tl1e same for another generation of Down East teenagers. "I just felt I got a lot and I wanted to give back," she said. "Obviously tl1e schools are poor, and people might tlll nk you can't get a good education. I feel that I was real ly wel l prepared by a community that might often get a bad rep." What is vVashington Cow1ty's reputation? That it's naturally beautiful but economically depressed, relying on seasonal industries l i ke lobstering, blueberries, lumber and pulpwood. The area is geo­ gTaphically isolated, beyond tl1e reach of most tourists and their dollars. N lany children here have never been anywhere else. "We do




creditation. "It's hard to teach our there sometimes, " Ray said. " I keep my heat on high, but I don't tell anybody that. B ut it's cold comi ng back. There's no bathroom. T here's no place to wash your hands. It's a

. .

ha\·e an 0\'erwhelming number of impoverished households, " Ray acknowl­ edged. "That's omething that we struggle with every day. For the most part [ students] are eager to try new things. They just haven't had the ex­ posure that another person might have had. " Poverty and i olation create obstacles simil ar to those faced by disad­ \·antaged children in cities. The essay questi on for the statewide fourth grade as essment test for ;\laine was about a visit to a museum; many fourth grader in ;\ l ilbridge probably have never been to one, Ray said. \nd � arragu agus High chool was built for 1 7 5 students; it now houses ju�t under 300. "1 I ave you seen where I teach? " Ray said. She led the \\"a)' ro one of five double-wide trail ers set in the school parking lot. I l er clas room is one of tw o in the trailer, and whil e it is cl ean and ne\\, it's feared that ha\· ing students trek back and forth through the sno\\"-and other is ues-could cost the school its ac-

hard t hing. " B ut i f a bigger school i s a pipe dream, it doesn't intrude on her teaching. Weller and Principal Pe­ ter Doak lauded R ay's enthusiasm, -�l'&J-...1 organization, commitment to the students and cont agi ous love of books and writing. That day, one of her classes had just finished Tbe Cmcible and was heading inro Tbe Great Gatsby. The discussion was about censorshi p and challenged books. The students fanned out to cull the shelves of the classroom for books they thought might have been challenged in the past. The conversation leapt from Maya Angelou to Yertle tbe Tzn1:le to the tel evi sion series B oston Public. "\ Ve don't come up with a firm answer but they do a l ot of think­ ing, " R ay said. She does, roo. She talked of finding just the right book ro hook non-readers and of the college-search progTam she recently inn·oduced as part of the curriculum at N arraguagus High. Ray and tl1 e students explore different colleges and talk about ways for stu dents to tell which college is right for tl1em. She invites parent s tO bring in their financial aid paperwork so she can hel p tl1em through the process.

Do you t hink the nation's public schools are doing their job? Michael A. Gerard ' 92 Lncr,lnb Ti:adltT and Department Cbail; .\ /my ln.rfltlltt· 2 Sr. Louts Counn1• Da)' chool, r r i·b..-rcr Cror·e.l". . \ lo. I bel ieve that the nat1on's public schoo l s are do1ng a s good a JOb a s can be expected, given he extens1ve factors a l l 1ed against them. Low pa . overcrowded c l assrooms. less educable students and a general lack of respect from pupils. parents. administrators and general soc1et all con nbute to the fa i l ure to draw or keep talented teachers 1 n the c lassroom. Unt1l cond1t1ons change substantial ly. schoo l s w111 be powerless to 1 m prove the qual ity of educat1on that they del 1ver.


'59 Rerh·ed Professor ofJ\ liddle East hist01y, Penn tate University, State College, Pa. I don't bel ieve that, overal l , our nation's schools are doing what they should to prepare an educated citizenry, although I believe that many states and districts have improved their own schools during the past decade and hope that the Bush administration will continue what the Cl inton adminiStration has tried to do. But in general I think that too much time in our schools I S wasted and that the young people who emerge do not have the academic or intellectual skills that they need to do college-level work or to succeed 1n the1r jobs. There is much room for cumcular reform. The leadership should come from the teachers themselves.

Arthur Goldschmidt

'64 Teaelm; Mattituck High School, Mattituck, N. Y Certa in ly, some of the nati o n 's public schools are failing miserably, but I am convinced that this situation . . . might result from what scientists would call a Type 2 Error-a fa lse negative. Furthermore, I would suggest that the answer to your question might fall prey to the "Third Variable" problem. The fa i l ure of public schools to produce well-educated students, who score adequately on evaluative testing i n struments, may not be the result of any variables connected to the school whatsoever. The best indicator of academic success is the education and, perhaps more im portantly, the subjective value placed upon the im portance of education in the student's household.

John Gibbons

Students leave mobile classrooms at Narraguagus High School in Harrington, Maine. The trailers ease overcrowding at the school but present logistical problems for teachers and students, says teacher Brittany Ray. Below, long·time En· glish teacher Robbie Weller confers with students as she did with Ray when she was a Narraguagus student. Ray says she hopes she can serve as an inspiration to her own students just as Weller inspired her more than a decade ago. "They're frightened to apply to col leges with high tuitions," she said . "I really want to get the message out that my senior yea r at Colby I went for under

300 that my parents could contribute,and the rest

was my own and scholarships. I want them to know that in the end, going to an Orono or to a Colby or a Bates might be the same finan­ cially. I like to really push thinking about a j unior year abroad be­ cause,again, they'll say,' We ' l l never have the money to do that. "' Ray is concerned about a tendency for loca l students to leave col­ lege after a semester or two and is trying to come up with ways to lessen the culmre shock some Washington County students feel when they go away to school . She also is concerned that outcome-based school reforms (testing to see if students have reached a certain level of information or proficiency) will continue to whittle away at the op­ portunity her students have to be inspired ratl1er than taught. "I tl1ink the outcomes are important but I ' m not sure if tl1e process of getting tl1ere is sometl1ing tl1at should be tol d to a teacher, because how can you be excited about doing that every day? You need to be excited

I can be a person they look back on fondly and say, 'Oh,you know we

about what you do."

really did learn sometlung.' . . . I hope that I make a difference. That's

That excitement can overcome daunting obstacles. Ray's husband, Ron Smith, teaches in a nearby elementary school tl1at recently was

all I can do,I guess." And that the torch will be passed?

selected as one of five outstanding schools in the cow1try. Narraguagus

In me class mat day, junior Danielle Meneses of H arrington said

High can't claim that sort of notice,but Ray said she hopes her stu­

she felt her career path bei ng set already. "I know for a fact mat I'll be

dents benefit from tl1eir time with her. "I hope that for some of them,

a teacher," she said.

Do yo u think it is the school's responsibility to teach character and morals? Jane Hunter Bates


Sandi Hayward Albertson-Shea


Flanden Elementmy School, East Lyme, Co1m.

Middlesex College, Middlesex, Mass.

Education should be a partners h i p between parents and teachers. The respon s i b i l ity l ies in both sets of hands. The character b u i l d i ng and moral standards c a n 't stop at either side of the school door. Students need models and strategies to h e l p them l ive a l ife that

I think i t i s the responsibil ity of academia to expose students to models/examples of

considers the effect their i ndividual conduct has u pon others as they m a ke decisions.

moral ity and cha racter, to rei nforce and affirm those qua lities [that] reveal the best of what it mea n s to be both human and humane. When I discuss plagiarism with my composition students, I tell them that, in addition to being

Richard Abramson


Arundel Public Schools, Anmdel, ,'vfaine

I bel ieve that schools are in the best position to provide character education to our young students. It i s the most consistent place and has the most well-tra ined cadre of i n d ividuals to provide such educati on . Ideal ly, it wou l d be the home and churc h .

a form of theft and a negation of the i r a b i l ity, I know that they have to do the assignment on their own [and that] the act of plagiarizing d i m i n i shes their sou l . A student wrote last semester that she'd never had a professor care about her soul before.






RobeTt Furek



brings accountability to Hartford public schools

By Rick Green, photos by Jonathan Olson


r m e d state tro o p e rs sta n d i n g by h i s s i d e , a n a s h e n-faced R o b e rt Fu re k ' 64 wa ded ca refu l l y t h ro ugh the j e e ri ng c rowd l i n i ng t h e

h a l l way o f t h e o rn ate H a rtfo rd c i ty ha l l . " R a c i sts a n d fa sci sts ! " s o m e ye l l ed . Fu re k , c h a i r m a n of the boa rd of tru stees ru n n i ng the H a rtfo rd , Con n . , p u b l i c s c h oo l s , q u i c k l y left t h e b u i l d i ng , the ta u nts and fi nge r-po i nt i n g . Fu re k and h i s c o l l e agu e s h a d j u st voted t o re m ove t h e d i strict 's s u pe ri nte n d e nt o f s c h o o l s , a n Afri c a n-A m e ri c a n wo m a n s o m e i n th i s d owntro d d e n com m u n ity saw as a s o u rce of h o pe a n d i n s p i rat i o n . Looking back, it m ight be hard to find a lower point in this a ffable chief executive officer's long career. For Furek, this tense moment in May of 1 998 made it frighteningly clear that directing a troubled urban school district made the cutthroat spirits industry seem a l most low-pressure. A year a fter the state of Connecticut voted to replace the local board of education and take over the H artford schools, it appeared that events were spinning further out of control. F urek had been tapped by the governor to lead a group of no-nonsense executives and community leaders to straighten out the problem. \Nith impeccable business credentials honed during a 2 5 -year career in the wine and spirits business, Furek appeared to be going the way of everyone else who had tried to run this m ulti-headed beast known as the H artford schools: down in flames. VVithin months,a criminal investigation would begin into mismanaged school board finances. Yet another in­ terim superintendent would abruptly leave. A top admin­ istrator would resign in disgrace. Long-forgotten bills­ unpaid, of course-would be discovered. And most de­ pressing of all, tl1ere were still no signs tl1at the worst-in­ the-state test scores of Hartford's 2 3 ,000 students would i mprove any time soon. This chaotic scene seemed a long way from tl1e hope­ ful expectations of just a year before, when Furek and six others stood beside Gov. John G . Rowland in the state capitol as they were appointed to run city schools. After years of mismanagement, the state had stepped in to bring order in a first-ever takeover of a public school district in Connecticut, i nstalling Furek as chairman of a hand­ picked board of trustees. Today, Furek's outlook is very different, and so is the prognosis for the Hartford schools. He left tl1e board of UL!Stees late in 2000, completing a three-year term that




ow, for the first time in years the dis­ trict is focused on improving student achieve­ ment. In 1 999, a permanent superintendent, Anthony Amato, was hired. H e brought a dis­ c i pl i n ed new curri c u l u m for e l e m e n ta ry school students-and striking progress on standardized tests. BiUs are being paid and spending moni­ tored. Nearly two-thirds of top managers have been replaced. And most reveal i ng: more often media reportS are about things that are work­ ing in the Hartford schools. These days, the district marches to a new mantra: "we will never be last again." And Furek, a suburban executive with all

�···· the right socia l and charitable connections,

has an outlook one doesn't associate with a boardroom guy. " I clUnk tl1at an i nadequate education is a primary cause in the racial dif­ ferences that exist i n the United States," he

- I said. "Very few people are rea l ly comprehen­ \ sively addressing trying to fix i t . "

brought stability to Connecticut's largest and poorest school district. \\'hat happened in H artford, a city of 1 .2 million people with a school sy tem tl1at is 95 percent minority and where nine out of 10 children come from families below tile poverty line, is fairly simple. Furek and his board stayed focused, e,·en when it appeared tlungs were not in1proving. "I spent a lot of time in business turnarounds. Things almost always get worse. \ou "il l be doing tl1e right tl1ings but it doesn't show up," he re­ called recently. " I f we did one thing, we just stayed on course, and even tl1rough tile tough times we continued to rry to pursue tllose priorities." 1t helped, of course, tllat state la\\·makers were committing nuUions of dollars in ne\\· funds to tl1e city. Furek's board of trustees, meanwhile, u�ed the ample powers gi,·en tl1em by tile state to remove incompetent adminiqrator " bile a! o upgrading the curriculum and facilities.

"We are tel l i ng thousands and thousands of teenagers that their l i fe is over at sixteen," """--.--' said Furek, 5 8 . "They have none of the op­ portunities that [middle-class] kids have. I t is stunning to me and scary to me that thousands of African-American children and H ispanics are treated as disposable, cast-off kids." Notillng, not three decades as a hard-charging corporate climber, i ncluding nearly 1 0 years as president and CEO of Heublein, Inc., prepared Furek for what he fow1d i n Hartford. " I have never i n any orgarti zation seen tl1e level of dysfwlction that I saw in the school sys­ tem. ever," said Furek, a man who once directed North, South and Cenu·al American operations for I nternational Distillers and Vinmers, where he managed assets of $ 1 bi llion and 4,500 employees. vVhen Furek agreed to lead tile board of trustees after the stil l ­ fresh state takeover of H artford schools, i t w a s a school system that had seen four superintendents in five years. A private company had failed in i ts attempt to bring order to tile district. Finally tl1e state,

Are teachers' unions an obstacle to education? John G i bbons '64

\ /,muud..·

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Michael A . Gerard

.\ lnrflfuck, .\'. J :

Teachers· u n 1 ons protect the contractua l rights of teachers and perform the funct1on of a collective barga 1 n 1 11g u111t dunng contract negot1at1ons. From a h 1 stoncal perspective, teachers· u n 1 on s have protected the academ1c 1 n egnty of the cla ssroom. What i nd 1v1dual sc1ence teacher 1 n the " B ible Belt"' would feel comfortable 1 ntrod uc111g the sc1ent1fica l ly va l i d pnnc1 ples o f evo l ution w1thout t h e su pport o f a professional organ 1zat1on? You r quest1on m1ght really be address111g the 1ssue of tenure a n d u n 1on s u p por for teachers d u n ng com petency hea n ngs. I wou l d po1nt o u that he grant1ng of an a d m 1 n 1 strat1 e decis1on denved w1thout an 1 n put from the u n 1o n s . e n u re




.Hmy lnstitllte & St. Louis Commy Day School, Webster Groves, J lo. Teachers' u n ions aren't a n obstacle to education , but they aren't h e l p i ng change the q u a l ity of education in substantive ways. Their agendas focus largely on increasing teacher salaries, and that is only [one) piece of the puzzle. However. I think it is i m portant to note that un1ons promote the interest of their members, not the general welfare of society, a n d the teacher's unions are no exception ; our JOb as cit1zens I S to promote q u a l ity education .

Arthur Goldschmidt


Penn State Univenity (ntired), State College, Pa. Teachers' u n i o n s can become a n obstacle to education if they penal ize the a b lest a n d most i n n ovative o f the i r m e m bers . . . . On the other h a n d , if teachers in a d i strict suffer from low pay and a by s m a l work i n g c o n d i t i o n s , and if they a re given no v o i c e i n the m a n age­ ment of their schoo l s , then I do b e l i eve that they s h o u l d be u n io n ized. I also b e l i eve that parents s h o u l d i nvolve themselves more in the i r own c h i l d re n 's educati o n , not necessar· i ly by home schoo l i ng but by vi siting their c h i l d re n 's teachers and, where a p propriate, c l a s ses a n d by express i n g to those teachers a d e s i re to be their partners i n ed ucating their c h i l d re n .

Facing page, a new Montessori magnet school, one of three new schools in Hartford's "Learning Corridor." Also added to the city school system were specialized schools for science and technology and performing arts. Before Robert Furek was appointed chairman of the board of trustees for the school system, Hartford schools were acknowledged to be in trouble. Below, a stairwell in one of Hartford's aging elementary schools, where problems are being addressed. spurred by a n elected board that couldn't get along-let a lone pay the

be it the neighborhood pastor, angry parents or i ts own employees. When Furek stepped down from the board a fter three years, he left

b i l l s or fi x l e aky roofs-had stepped i n . This w a s a school system that couldn't accurately count the number

H a rtford with "a focus and consistency" that it has not seen in years,

of employees i t had, where less than 10 percent of fourth graders reached

said Theodore S. Sergi, com missioner of education for Con_necticut.

state goals for reading. "I don 't think anybody knew how bad i t was,"

Of course officials are years from declaring victory i n H a rtford. J ust

Furek said recently. "They

two i n 1 0 fourth graders are reaching state goa ls for reading, for ex­

had measurements of the test

ample. But Sergi believes what's changed is that Furek and od1ers have

scores, but I don't think any­

shown that success i s possible, even if i t has to come under state control.

body had a real sense of the

Schools are cleaner. For the first time i n as long as anyone can re­

i ncompetence and the lack of

member, incompetent school princi pa l s are being replaced. Textbooks

l e a d e r s h i p a n d d i recti o n .

are plenti ful. Test scores are up under a renewed emphasis on reading,

There was a pervasive sense

writing and mad1. " H e was able to tackle the business end of it. A lot of

of ' t h i ngs c a n 't be d o n e '

that got cleaned up," said Kathy Evans, a parent and one-time board

throughout the system."

member. She says many questions remain about th e future, though,

Soon a fter fi r i n g the su­

and about whether H artford can continue to i m prove. No one rea l l y

peri n te n d e nt i n M a y 1998,

knows what w i l l happen when the state turns control of t h e d istrict

F u r e k a n d h i s c o l l eagu e s

back over to the c i ty i n 200 3 . Sergi, however, believes that d1e tone set

z e roed i n on the m os t ba­

by Furek was i nvaluable. " I t's about saying, 'I stick to what we laid out

sic t h i n gs : start m o n i tor­

here and I don't waiver on that,"' he said.

ing s p e n d i n g better, h i re

"When people say to me, 'do you d1 ink people outside of educa­

m ore competent a d m i n i s ­

tion can run a school system,' I now say, ' I 've met a guy I th ink can do

trators, fi x t h e h o l e s i n the

i t,"' Sergi said. "I didn't think so before . "

roofs , b a l a n c e the bu dget,

ow, t h e nation is focused on school reform, and Furek sees a lot

n egoti a te m o re fa vora b l e

of similarity i n his ideas and those of President George \tV: Bush. " H i s

l a b o r contracts.

focus o n accountabi l i ty i s very, very i m portant. I agree w i th i t . B u t I

"He brought a tremendous

don't believe vouchers [alone] are sufficient," he said, referring to one

vision of how service should

of the president's proposa ls that would give cash payments to parents

be provi ded," said Mathew

who want to send their children to private schools.

Borrelli, an interim superin­

The problem, he says, i s that vouchers only help a small percentage

tendent brought i n during

of students-leaving most students i n schools that sti l l need to be re­

the summer of 1 998. The re­

formed. " Real reform, particularly reform of broken urban school sys­

sult was a board of trustees

tems, does not lend itself to simple one-shot solutions," Furek said.

that didn't bow to pressure,

Rick Green is education w1·ite1·jor The

H a rtford Courant.

Should federal funding be linked to how well students perform on standardized t ests? '70


Lyn Mikel Brown

Emmanuel Thomann

Teacher's Assista7lt, The Blake chao!, Hopkins, Minn.

Associate P1·ofesso1· ofEdumtion and Human Developme77t and Women 's S111dies.

[Chal lenged] schools actually need more fu nding to reduce class size or add more

There's no appreciation that people start in diffe rent places. You have very poor com m u n ities without the resources to

Graduate studem, Uuiversity of Connectiwt. Thommm maj01·ed in hist01y at Colby with a 111i11o7· in education.

Dee O'Heron Pederson

assi stants to the classroom to deal with many at-risk students and attract the best teachers. I d o want to point out that there are many excellent teachers in the d ifficult districts, but often they can only d o so m uch to i m prove test scores when a l l the factors are consi d­

do what they need to do to meet those standard s . And then you're going to punish them? It's really outrageou s .

You 're looking for two scapegoats. You 're blam ing the students. If they do wel l , they get more federal funding. It doesn't make any sense at a l l . And you're punishing the school for not doing as we l l .

ere d . I do not favor school fu nding being l i nked to how we l l students perform on sta ndard ized tests. I wou l d prefer to see the federal govern ment send a task force into the fa i l i n g schools to help them achieve better test scores.






James Ve1Tilli




3 fashions

a school joT inneT-city Newark By Gerry Boyle '78, photos by Brian Speer


a m e s Ve rri l l i ' 83 h a s hea rd it m a ny ti m e s befo re . T he sugge st i o n i s t h at stu d e nts a t N o rth Sta r Aca d e my i n N ewa rk , N . J . , d o so we l l

o n a s s e s s m e nt tests beca use they 've bee n " c rea m ed ," s k i m m e d fro m t h e top o f t h e poo l o f t h o u s a n d s o f k i d s i n the c ity's co nve n­ t i o n a l-a nd tro u b l ed-pu b l i c schoo l s . When the suggest i o n wa s m a d e yet aga i n d u ri ng a recent i nterview, Ve rri l l i tried n ot t o b ri st l e . " I would disagree," h e said. " I thi n k people say that because poor fol ks have never had a choice. Rich fol ks get choices all the time. They choose where they want to l ive, they choose what com m u n i ty they want their house in. They choose what private school or public school they want thei r kids to go to. Poor folks don't get a choice. We give them a choice and we automatically say, 'Oh, wel l , only the best ones will take the choice . ' I say, 'Garbage.' I say every parent cares about thei r k i d . " North Star Academy, founded b y Verri l l i and col league

onnan Atkins, is j ust three years old and

a l ready one of the two top performers on standardized assessment tests among

ewark's more than -+0

public schools. Wh i l e Verr i l l i is quick to acknowledge problems with standard i zed tests, he also accepts that they are "the coin of the rea l m " i n today's public schools. H i s bottom l i n e is th is: North Star gives poor urban fam i l ies a choice. When they snap it up, Verrilli couldn't be less surprised. His respect and empathy for disadvantaged kids has grown over the more than 20 years since he fi rst arrived at Colby from suburban Connecticut. At Col by, faculty members soon raised his awareness of social issues, he said. He volunteered as a Big Brother i n \Naterville and saw the i m pact of poverty on his young friend and the boy's fam i ly. A Sea-Mester p rogram took Verri l l i to the Caribbean, where he was confronted by the pov­ erty there. After graduation, he went back to work on a Sea­ Mester ship and saw deplorable living conditions i n Haiti. From that experience his course was set: two years in the J esuit Vol ­ unteer Corps, working as a tenant organizer i n t h e Bronx and Newark; a stint as a teacher i n a private community school i n Newark; a graduate degree i n education from Brown, where he worked in tough city schools i n Providence; back to


ark, where he was principal of Project Link community school. Then, with Atkins, Verri l l i founded North Star, an amal­ gam of what he had learned i n years i n i nner-city education. "\i\Te have a long m i ssion statement," he said, "but if I had to boil i t down to one or two sentences, i t's to provide a high quality, world-class education to kids i n Newark by building a



S P R I N G 200 1



dent would be asked to apologize to the group-they wore the

orth Star uni­

form of dark green school polo shirt and khaki s . The school 's core val ues were posted on the wal l : caring, respect, responsibi l i ty, j ustice. Students i n tro­ duced themselves by name with the same greeting: " W e l come to


Star." If they sounded a bit b lase, i t could b e because t h e school attracts about 1 ,000 visi tors a year. Recent drop-i ns i ncluded George W. Bush. Former New J ersey Gov. C h ristine \Nh i tman has stopped i n several times.

strong ense of commwuty and proviiling rigorous acade11Ucs, in hopes that tl1ose two things will give them the foundation to make them the masters of their O\\"n destiny." That may seem a bit high flown on the page; it isn't when you hear it from \'erri lli. He and his colleagues are absolutely, 70-hours-a-week seriou about giving students from Newark a sanctuary where they can thri,·e, a refuge from the ,;olence and dysfunction that is part of tl1eir "·orld outside of school. Verrilli calls i t their "educational justice." .0-'orth tar Academr is a public school option very different from the big urban schools from wluch it accepts students. This charter school is marked br order and discipline, rigorous teaching standards and equal !�· rigorous expectations for learning. On a Tuesday morn­ ing in Februa�·. it looked l i ke tlus: tudents gathered in the cafeteria. \VIth one exception-that stu-

This morni ng, the sound of \Nest African drums cal l ed students i n to a circle, with Verri l l i at the center. H e told a Vietnamese fol ktale about a rice farmer who went i nto debt to send his son to school. The moral, picked out by one student, was that education made the son clever so he could out­ smart the evil moneylender. \i\Tith that reinforcement, classes began. In North Star classes, there is no dead air. F i fth grade math was rhythmic recitation of multiplication tables punctuated by questions from the teacher, Julie Jackson. H ands shot i nto the a i r. The correct answer was rewarded with a ticket to be added to the pot for a draw­ ing at the end of the week. Then the next table began. "Twelve, twenty­ four, thi rty-sLx, forty-eight . . . The pace of the class was relentless. Jackson, charged witl1 bringing lagging students up to grade level, had tl1e peripheral vision of a hawk­ not to spot transgressions but to ensure tl1at nobody is left behind. "She holds them in the very highest esteem," Verrilli said in tl1e doorway. "

A tour of classes in the upper grades showed less recitation but equally intense interaction benveen teachers and students. There was no fidg­ eting, much less nusbehavior. Earlier, VerrilL had explained tl1e stages of discipline at the school, but it seemed these students would never

Do you think there is a place for a voucher system in American education? Dee O'Heron Pederson '70 Tbt Blu/..·t School. Hopkins, .\ linn. I am a passionate a dvocate for vouchers since I have taught 111 a public schoo l , a Catholic school and an elite pnvate school, and I Sincerely bel1eve that one s1ze does not fit a l l . Presently, only the wealthy have the opt1on to enroll the1r chi ldren 111 the school that best su1ts hem. and I feel th1s IS d i scnminat1on. Every child should have the best poss1ble opportunity to attend a pnvate school 1f the public school I S not working for them. If the voucher system IS 1nst1tuted I feel very strongly that the government should not be able to legislate how the pn ate schools are run .

Geoff Becker




b7st7'!tctional Assistant, Cbesbi7·e Public Schools­ Special Education, Cbesbi7·e, Conn.

I find the proponents of so-ca l led vouchers to be pushing something at best s i m p l i stic, and

voucher syste m . There is no question that

more l i kely d i shonest. Just try send i ng your kid to private school with $ 1800 , or whatever it is that is going to be d iverted back into your pocket. I l i ke capita l ism as much as the next Wai-Mart shopper, but free-markets are not the answer to everyth i ng; as a society, we ought

I strongly d i sagree with President B u s h 's certain schools, especi a l l y i n ner-city schoo l s , a r e n o t provid i ng good educati onal opportuni­ ties, but letting the fa m i l ies of any of those schools "j u m p s h i p " with money to go elsewhere i s not going to help that school improve itself. Substant i a l money i s needed

to (and su pposedly do) agree that certain th111gs-educat1 on, health care-benefit ALL

for motivated faculty, adequate fac i l ity

of us. The shameful q u a l ity of some public schools need s to be addressed, but by ra i si ng teachers· salanes and focusing on what takes

all of which are lacking now i n so many of these schoo l s .

place 1n the cla ssroom.


Frances Birkinbine Welch

Fiction T V7·iter (l1/d Assistant Projesso1· ofEnglish, Towson University, Towson, Jl!fmyland.

i m p rovements/ repairs and u pdated resources,

James Verrilli, at left, recounts a folktale to students during morning "community circle" at North Star Academy, the charter school Verrilli co·founded in Newark, N.J. The school's disciplined approach to learning has increased achievements and aspirations of students, including those in Julie Jackson's math class, shown below. Ms. Jackson's fifth grade students answer a series of rapid·fire questions, an unrelenting pace that continues for much of the period. step out of line. That, Verrilli said, was the result of weeks and months of very hard work. " I t's a l i ttle bit l i ke a boot camp experience when they first come," he said.




"They've had a lot of experience with adults who say 0 things they don't mean. And we mean what we say." They say there is no figh ting. No d i srespect to­ ward teachers or peers. And no place to hide. "We know everything they do, we watch everythi n g they do," Verri l l i s a i d . "The standards o f behavior here, i t's a much h i gh e r bar than i t i s i n the schoo l s they come from. In the schools they come from there's a lot of chaos, a lot of violence. I t varies from teacher to teacher. You might have a good teacher, there might ---


be a lot of order in the room . You don't have a good teacher, i t's chaotic." Because of its small size , North Star's teachers are evaluated frequently. Because of tl1e longer school day and school year (September to late J uly), tl1ey tend to be dedicated by nature. They gauge their effectiveness not only by

pleased w i th tl1e school's perform ance, he i s the fi rst to a d m i t that

assessment tests but by students' aspirations. "They told me I can do

the Nortl1 Star model isn't tl1e solution to a l l o f the problems facing

anything I want to, " said ninth grader Marron Pickett, "so I want to

tl1e nation's schools.

go to H a rvard. None of my fa m i ly members went to college so that's sometlung I definitely want to do."

" I clUnk we have one of many answers," he said, "a piece of the puzzle here. The problem i s people are looking for simple answers. There's no

Verri l l i said tl1e job won't be done until North Star places i ts fi rst class o f students i n colleges tl1ree years from now. And though he's

simple answer. The problem is poverty. And until we solve mat, we're not going to solve tl1e educational problems of this country. "

Are yo u enco uraged or discouraged by the current education reform debate? Michelle Farrell


Education minor There seems to be an extreme amount of " crisis ta l k " surrou n d ing the subject of education reform. At this point I am encour­ aged by the current debate because through the d i scourse we cou l d arrive at some valuable cha nges in how we "do schoo l ." U nfortunate ly, oftentimes when reform is considered the teachers ( d i rect educators of the students) are not heard from, a n d more i m portant, students are not able to voice their o p i n i ons i n the d i scussions.

Cindy Rosenbaum


Educntion mino1·

I am both encouraged and d i scouraged. I am encouraged by people l i ke Alfie Kohn [author and outspoken critic of the use of grades and test scores] who chal le nge current assump­ tions about education. People l i ke Kohn take the perspective of, and certa i n l y l i sten to, students, parents and teachers. I become discou raged by many articles I read in the major newspapers about state and federal politicans who are wi l l i ng to put their faith i n a s i ngle measure of success or fa i l ure: stan­ dardized test scores. I feel that sta ndardized test scores shou ld be considered as a way to look at what i s happe n i ng with i n a schoo l , or a cl assroom , but not the only way to do so.

Karin Felmly


Educntion mi77oT For the most part, I am encouraged by the education reform debate because it shows that our nation is finally paying much-needed attention to schools and young children. While a solution may not be easy to reach, considering the debates on testing standards and contro­ versy over achievement levels, awareness is a crucial first step. After learning from Colby professors and working for the Department of Education in D.C. , I now realize that there are people who are truly devoted to i mproving education in America. Education reform is not a lost cause, it is merely a chal lenge.






From the



Morris Dees recounts quest for rac i a l j u st i ce



orris Dees, head of the Southern Pov erty Law Center and the scourge of hate-mongering organizations, addressed a crowd in Cotter Union on ,\ Iartin Luther King J r. Day in January and described the ugly mes­ sage and ,·iolent tactics of the Klan, Aryan :-\ation and other hate groups. Recounting ti­ r<lde against immigrants and people of color that ' f( )lll .\ l etzger used to mobilize his \\'h i te . \�·an Resi�tance group in the late 1 980s, Dees told students, "the America that 1om Metzger belie' e� in is <ln .\merica that ne,·er existed. Our nation i great because of our di,·ersi ty, nor in �pitc of it." Dee� hJs made a career of bringing hate-

mongers, i n c l u d i n g Metzger, to justice. In case a fter case he has b r o u g h t c i v i l s u i ts against those who ad­ vocated and instigated violence, a n d he has won j udgments l a rge e n o u g h to fi s ca l l y bankrupt the men and organizations he deems morally bankrupt. He recounted his case against Metzger after White Aryan Resistance thugs beat an Ethiopian im­ migrant to death in Oregon. By proving that l\ Ietzger's hate speech and literatme motivated the crin1e, Dees and his Southern Poverty Law Center won a 1 2 -mii Lion judgment that put Metzger and his organization out of business. Dees spoke for 45 minutes without notes, his sooth ing Alabama drawl and cal m de­ meanor belying the fact that he has to o·avel with bodyguards, that secmity officers watched the entrances and that only Colby's security office was privy to his o·avel arrangements. "A lot has happened since Dr. King left us,"

D i a l l o's M other Speaks on Racism · o n February 3 , 1999, Amadou left h i s j o b t o g o on the su bway and arnved 111 the Bronx. A little before m id n ight he went into the a partment. H e talked with one of h1s roommates about paying a uti l ity b i l l . He then went outs1de . stood 1 11 the entrance of hiS b u i l d i ng. He was relaxing after work a n d had had a hard day. He was do1ng nothing wrong. He was not armed. He had only a wa l let. keys and a beeper. He had taken no a lcohol of any k i nd and had taken no drugs. There had been no com­ pla111t by any person that anyone was act111g susp1c1ously on the avenue that n1ght."

lv�tft,ttoll Dutflu ·'Pt'ttl.:ing at Coil�)' 011 tbc dwtb of bcr .1'011, . lwado11 Dlllllo. ;rbo <ras sbot l�)' .\'ru · J 'ark police.


he told students. "\iVe've taken three steps for­ ward and two back . " " It's going to b e u p t o each of us to carry out the legacy of Dr. King and Rosa Parks and all the other people who voted with thei r feet i n this nation at a time when our country had lost its way. I t's up to us. It's not enough j ust to come to an M L K celebration and think about a time i n history, because the time i n history is right now. "There are issues on the table today that are just as important as those when the blacks went to the back of the bus and whites went to the front. When I hear people in this cow1try cry­ ing out for equal treatment-for people who might have a different se:m<ll orientation, or for

yam ·

women, or for handicapped people-they're not crying out for special trea011ent, they're simply asking for justice. And those who lash out against them with violence are enemies of our democracy. And it's going to be up to you when you get in those seats of power in this cow1o-y . . . to, some kind of way, wipe the blinds of stereotypes and bias and prejudice from our eyes."-Stepben Colli11S '74

Calabresi to Receive Fi rst B rody Awa rd U n ited States Circuit Judge Guido Calabresi of New Haven, Conn., was chosen as the i n a ugural recipient of the Morton A. Brody Distinguished Judicial Service Award, to be presented April 18. Calabresi also will receive an honorary doctor of laws degree and will del iver a public lecture in Given Auditori u m . T h e Brody Award was esta blished t o recognize a federal or state judge w h o demonstrates t h e qual ities o f integrity, compassion, humanity and judicial excellence-in memory o f t h e Honorable Morton Brody, a U.S. District Court judge who passed away i n March 2000. Brody, a long-time Waterville resi­ dent, taught courses at Colby on the judicial syste m, was the husband of Associate Dean of Admissions Judith Brody '58 and was long a friend of the College. Calabresi was born i n Italy and in 1939, at age 6, i m m igrated to the U n ited States with his family to escape fascism. Prior to his appointment i n 1994 as U.S. Circuit Court Judge for the Second Circuit, he was dean and Sterling Professor at the Ya le Law School, where he contin ues to serve as a member of the facu lty. He earned a B.S. and an LL. B . degree at Ya l e as well as a B.A. and an M.A. (as a Rhodes Scholar) at Oxford U n iversity. He clerked for U.S. Supreme Court Justice H ugo Black i n 1958-59 before retu rning to Ya le to teach. He has written four influential books. The Brody Award selection committee is chai red by Brock Horn by, ch ief judge of the Federal District Court i n Ma ine, and incl udes distinguished active and retired judges, lawyers, law professors, represen­ tatives of the College and a member of the Brody fa m i ly.

Edson V. M itc hell ' 75 K i l led i n Plane C rash Edson V M i tchell ' 7 5 , a loyal

reported on December 26. "Si nce

Last summ er, at his 2 5 th re­

fri e n d a n d s u p porter of Colby

joining the bank in 1 99 5 as head of

union, M i tchell received Col by's

Coll ege,





its global markets organization, he

D i stinguished Al u m n u s Award.

College's Board of Trustees and

took it from

also-ran in n·ading

Two of the M i tchells' five ch i l ­

co-cha i r of the most successful

bonds, securities and foreign cur­

dren, Erik '97 and Katie '00, are

capital campaign i n Col by's his­


Colby graduates.

tory, was kil led in an airplane crash

itable player in those activities."

on December 2 2 .



a major and highly prof­

The tragedy also left a painful

A native of Portl and, Maine, Mitchell earned an M . B .A. degree

Among the most i n fl u e n t i a l

void at Col by, where M i tchell had


executives i n the world of i n ter­

served as a trustee since 1 990. " In

Schoo l . H e was a n overseer a t

D a r t m o u t h 's A m o s Tu c k

n a t i o n a l fi n a nce, M i tc h e l l was

a l l the years I knew Edson, I never

D a rtmouth a t the t i m e o f h i s

head of global markets and global

knew him to say ' no' to any re­

death . H e was co-founder o f tl1e

equities a t Deutsche Bank AG , of

q u e s t the Coll ege m a d e , " s a i d

Rangeley Lakes Heri tage Trust,

Germany, and he was a full mem­

former Colby president vVi l l i a m

an environmental orga n i zation.

ber of the company's n ine-mem­

R. Cotter at a memorial service i n

B e fore wor k i n g for D e u ts c h e

ber board of m a naging di rectors.

Lorimer Chapel o n December 2 6 .

Bank he w a s employed b y B a n k of America for two years before

He had been named to take over

"Only a mountain would have

the firm's i nvestment banking op­

been capable of stopping Edson , "

erations next year upon the retire­

s a i d VVi l l i a m B roeks m i t, a col­

At i ts J a n u a ry meeti n g, the

ment of the company's chairman

le ague a t D e utsche Bank, who

Al umni Counci l 's Awards Com­

C o n t r i b u t i o n s i n M i tc h e l l 's

and executive officer.

spoke at the memorial service.

m i ttee crea ted the E d s o n V.

m e m o ry m a y be m a d e to t h e

joining Merri l l Lynch in 1 980.

Edson V. M itche l l '75

end awards banq uet on J une 8.

M i tchel l , who was 4 7 , and pi­

M i tc h e l l was co-ch a i r, w i th

M i tchell ' 7 5 D i stinguished Ser­

Edson M i tchell Scholars11ip Fund

lot Stephen A. Bean, 5 8 , were fly­

La rry Pugh ' 5 6, ofThe Campaign

vice Award. Honoring extraordi­

for Maine Students a t Col by. For

i n g in a twi n -engine Beechcraft

for Col by that raised

1 5 1 n1i l l ion

n a ry s e r v i c e , l e a d e rs h i p a n d

more deta i l s regarding this a n d

fro m

R a n g e l e y,

and concluded at the end of 1 999.

susta ined dedication to Col by's

other Al umni Association awards

Maine, when the a i rplane crashed

H e a n d h i s w i fe , Suzan, estab­

n1ission and goals, tl1e award w i l l

con tact M a rgaret Felton Vi e n s

i n to the side of a mom1tain while

l i shed the M i tchell Fa mily Chair

be presented periodically t o a n

' 7 7 , d i rector of a l u m n i relations,

on approach to the Rangeley a i r­

i n Economics in 1 99 1 and pro­

alumnus or alumna within 2 5

2 0 7 - 7 2 - 3 1 9 0 , or go o n l i n e

port. A resident of London most

,,ided one of three nan1ing gifts for

years of his or her grad uation.

(''""'''.co l by.ed u/ a l u m n i/awards/

of the year, M i tchell was travel­

t h e .A .nth o n y - M i tc h e l l - S c h u p f

The council created the award

i n g to

residence halls, which opened i n

to recognize � 1 i tchel l's outstand­

P o r t l a n d to

a vacation



i ndex.html).- tepben Collins '7-t

Rangeley for the holi days when

1 99 7 . H e established the Edson V

ing contributions and to i nspire

Tbe W nteruil/e � 1oming Sentinel

the crash occurred.

i\litchell Financial Aid Fund to as­

others to fol low his example. The

published n st07J' on tbe J litcbell me­

"i\ 1 r. M i tche l l 's death leaves a

sist Maine students and conn·ib­

in augural award w i l l be presented

gaping hole in the bank's manage­

uted time a n d resources to th e

to M i tchel l postlmmously and to

ment ranks," Tbe Ne-w York Times

College in countless otl1er ways.

his fam i ly at the Reunion \ \Teek-

morial se-rvice. It cnn be found online

(<r<.L-u:.crmtmlmnine.crmllnewslstories/ 00 1 22 ":memorinl.sbtml). c 0 L 8 y


s p R I N G





From the Hill



( wit & wisdom


" I n truth, the only reason these

"We d o n 't rea l l y have a t ra d i t i o n of

" G i rls' f r i e n d s h i ps , eve r y p a r t of

officers approached m y son and shot

t h a t in A m e rica, Scott:'

gi rls' a n d wo m e n 's expe r i e n ces,

h i m , I later understood, was that he

Distinguished Presidential ProfessoT ofAmeTica77 Gove111ment G. Calvin Mackenzie, whm asked by NPR s \ Veekend E d i tion host Scott Simon i11 Jmmmy if there were ever a bipmtisan spi1'it in American democracy.

a re f i ltered t h ro u gh patri a r c h a l

was a black man . . . . His only crime was to believe he could stand safely in front of his own home:'

Kndiatou Diallo of Guinea, speaking Februmy 1 2 in Cotter [/nion, 011 the death ofher son, Amadou Diallo, who was shot by ;\ e-tt· York police.

"The m ost i nte rest i n g m o m e nts a re th ose m o m e nts in t h e m o r n i n g w h e n a l l t h e pets a re i n

" I j ust sa id to the tea m , when the re's pain and this fee l i n g and

t h e kitchen at t h e s a m e t i m e-th e p i g, t h e fe r rets, t h e b i rd is o u t

d i sa ppointme nt, you can grow from

sq uawking. I t 's a great way to

it. My job is to m a ke th ese guys

sta rt the day a n d prepares m e

prod uct ive after they l eave Col by. If

we l l fo r t h e [off i c e ] :'

t h ey can take this and grow in t h e i r

P1·esident William

l ives, I 've done my job:'

Varsity men s hockey coach Jim To rtore l l a, quoted in the T¥aterui/le M o rning Sentinel follo<ring a 4-0 loss to Hamilton in the NESCA C toumament.

c u lt u re a n d i d e a l s a bo u t ge n d e r. Those i d ea ls, potenti a l ly, c a n be destructive :'

Associate Pr·ofessoT ofEducation and Human Development and Women s Studies Lyn M i kel Brown, quoted in The Maine Campus, the Univenity ofMaine student newspape1: "The gover n m ent's n ot i n t h e busi n ess o f trying to h o l d a lot of mo ney in . . . accou nts . . . . If t h e gove r n m e nt ta kes i n money, t hey're obl igated to do som et h i n g with it:'

quoted i11 The Chronicle of H i gher Education on the subject ofcollege p1·esidents' pets. D. Adams

Associate Projess01· ofEconomics Michael Donihue ' 79, in the Janumy 2 7 Atlama Journal-Constitution, commenting on the political and economic dange1-s ofthe U.S. sznplus.

C o l by Friend Paga n ucci Passes Paul D. Paganucci, a Colby trustee si nce 1 97 5, d ied a t his home i n H ano,·er, i\T. H. , o n February 2 6 at the age o f 69. A native of v VaterviUe, he earned degrees at Dartmouth, the Tuck School and H a rvard Law chool prior to a distinguished career i n business, finance and aca­ deme. D u ring h i career he served as president and later chair of the executive c o m m i ttee of \tV. R . G race & C o . ; a s pres i d e n t of Lombard, Vitalis & Paganucci Inc., a member of the New York


Ton s of ferti l izer u sed on c a m p u s per yea r


Ton s of " secret-form u la " fert i l izer used to clear snow from ath l etic fields in spring

S tock Exchange; a s vice presi ­ dent, treasurer a n d chief finan­ cial

o ffi c e r



College; a n d as founding chair­ man of Ledyard

ati nal Bank

i n H anover. He and h i s wi fe, Marilyn , en­ d owed schol a r h i ps a t Col by, and Ia t year they established the P a u l a n d ,\ l a r i l yn P a g a n u c c i

Pa u l D Paga n u

C h a i r i n I ta l i a n L a nguage a n d

L 1 terarure. Pagan ucci l e d t h e trustees' l m·estme nt Commi ttee fo r man� � e;tr<, <tnd '' a� c re d i ted for the successful performance of the en do'' m e nr <tnd 1 t � di' er�i fi carion i n to nC\\ i m·estment vehicles. He '' <h pr;l l�ed a� " t he con�c1 ence of the board" for the fi . cal d i sci p l i n e h e brought t o t h e College\ l n , estment strategies, which empha­ �lted long-term pnonne� .1 m l e�pec i a l l � grO\\ th o f the endowment. I [c 1

�un l \ ed b� h 1 � \\ l fe ;tnd t\\ O c h i l d ren, Elizabeth and Tho­

ma�. both of '\' e,, l l amp-. h 1 re.







4,620 7 3 , 920,000

H o u rs p u t on the lawn mowers p e r yea r S q u a re feet o f gra ss mown p e r yea r

1 ,789

Pa r k i ng s paces o n c a m p u s


Ve h ic l e s registered with secu rity

3, 6 54

Pa r k i ng tickets issued ( 9.00 - 3 .01)

450 , 576

Cookies b a ked *


G a l l on s o f ora nge j u ice served *

3 2 , 3 82

G a l lo n s of m i l k served *

1 6,800

Dozen eggs used *


In an academic year at Colby's three dining halls


Allen LaPan on student m a i l , su rrogate parenthood and being gay at Colby

"' For the record, what is your

� official title? Slave.

If you got the honorary degree, what color would your robe be?

Oh, lavender, of course. Or maybe gold lame.

o, student postal

supenr1 sor.

Now, you're the advisor to The Bridge?

Yeah, i t's been about five years now. Again, a student request to Mr.

What are your official duties?

Cotter. . . . S tudents were very generous in that kind of gesture. I

Incoming m a i l , on-campus m a i l , outgoing m a i l . Staff of about

don't get i nvolved on a day-to-day basis. V\Then they need to know where to get money or they need resources of any sort. That's th eir

twenty-five student employees. And your unofficial duties?

S urrogate parent. I sti l l get letters and e-mail from students who

club. I ' m only there for support. Sti l l , isn't it a big responsibility?

graduated fi fteen years ago. I t's lcind of n i ce. I had someone shadow

For me, I 'm so out I don't see i t as any responsibi l i ty. I rea l i ze that

me one day from a sister school. She was amazed. \tV hile she was

former students have said, "Thank you for getting me through the

here I got a call from Paris. It was a former student. She said, "You

four years, letting me see someone who has been successfu l , who has

sti l l keep in contact with them? " I said, "\tVe l l , yeah."

a domestic partner for thirty-four years." The same one. And that

What do they call you?

I 'm ve ry, very i n formal with the students. They don't ca l l me Mi ster.

you can hold a job, that you 're not s i n ful, a l l the negatives that the Right l i kes to show you.

Queen once in a while but that's O K . I'm fortunate that I can be me.

Do you see continued progress in gay rights here?

Mr. Cotter promoted that a l i ttle bit, certainly accepted i t.

One of my students said to me several years ago that this campus

Speaking of Mr. Cotter, we heard you had a long-time relationship-­

V\Tith his mom. Yeah. \Nhen I fi rst came to Colby I was h i red as switchboard supervisor. At that time we had an old cord-board so a l l t h e ca l ls had t o g o through t h e board. So whenever s h e woul d cal l , of course s h e had t o get me fi rst. A n d after a few m i nutes conversa­ tion she'd say, "Oh, Allen, I do want to ta l k to B i l l . " W e also were told you help students emotionally and even financially.

Yea h , yea h . I 've paid for lcids' trips home in emergency s i tuations and their parents were thankfu l . . . . I have the best job i n the whole college. I woul dn't take president. I wouldn't take anything. Because I have this interplay on a very personal leve l . I have eighteen hundred children, none of whom I have to support. Speaking of another job, weren't you asked to lead a student book discussion group?

Yes, a student came to the win dow and asked me i f ! would do it, which blew me away. D o I get faculty parlcing now? \Nhat do I get? What is the book?

I t's the Rev. Peter Gomes's Tbe Good Book. I t's a collection of contemporary sermons on social issues from anti-Semitism to abortion to gay rights. How did it make you feel to be asked?

Absolutely floored. \Nhen a n honor comes from a student l i ke that, tha t's a n honor. I t's l i ke earlier i n the year, two of my foreign students showed me a letter that was presented to the board [of trustees] for my nom i nation for an honorary degree, which really blew me away. Unfortunately I ' m not retiring so there goes that.

would not be satisfactory to a gay or lesbian person until she could walk across campus holding her girlfriend's hand and nobody turns around. Some days I feel positive about that, some days I feel negative. I thi nk we change the minds of vety few and that's unfortunate. I th i n k maybe we're changing more and more minds, and I 've seen wonderful success stories. I the fact that they have to deal with a gay man almost every day for the four years they're here is, i n fact, part of their train ing. I 'm harmless. I think they need to know that. Why do you think students confide in you so much?

Because I ' m at that unique layer at Col by, I represent the admin is­ u·ation but I 'm not the administration. I hope I make them feel comfortable. Now I have a steady su·eam i n and out. I t's a wonder we get any work done at a l l . D o parents still send care packages t o kids?

Oh, yeah. \tVhen they started e-ma i l , they thought, oh, regular m a i l i s going t o drop. I t's increased. They sti l l L i ke t o g e t t h a t letter from mom or dad. Especially if there's that check in it. Open it up. That tangible thing. This time of year, Va lentine's Day, it's ridiculous. Beginni ng of the semester, September is a lways heavy. Unfortu­ nately, by senior year parents don't even know they're here. And what about those years when you were the voice of Colby on the switchboard. Did funny things happen?

Oh, god, yes. vVe were Colby I n formation so you'd get, " H ow do you make zucchi n i brea d ? " All of that. One time, Helen Staples, she was the secretary in the i\ I usic Department. Her husband, he called me one time and he said, very gruffly, " G ive me M usic." So I went " La, Ia, Ia, Ia, l a , Ia, la." And then I patched him through. c 0 L 8 y

. spRI N


2 00 I



From the

Hil±acu!ty Langu0ge 1 s the


Adrianna Pa l i yenko opens d oors that open m i n d s P a l iyenko sweeps her charges

Switching from French to English to Ukrai­

a long w i th chipper h u mor and

nian, she says, was "gynu1asti c . "

enthusiasm. A speci a l ist i.n 1 9th­

" You never know when t h a t extra l a n guage

centu ry French poetry w hose

may open a door to study, to work, to travel,

resume includes a lengthy l ist of

to simple gestures of friendship on d1e street,"

articles a n d a book on Rimbaud

she said.

and Claude!, she teaches the full

Language-meticulously crafted " to &·,

range of French courses from

conceptualize, historicize," she said-is d1e life­

begi n n i n g French to s e n i or


ou\·e been displaced. \\nat you relied on

blood of her scholarship, too. Her work on French

" � sem i n a rs . B u t i n French 1 2 5

women poets has become increasingly interdisci­

she's talking with baby speakers

plinary, reflecting her deepening immersion i n history, psychology a n d art a n d her appreciation

of the language.

i n the past i s no longer a1·a i l able. You've

"I couldn't explain why I love this so much , "

got to start from scratch. Think in French,

s h e s a i d . " I t's an extension of m y rea l l y deep

In P a l i yenko's course The C u l tural Legacy

Adrianna Paliyenko tel l s her begi nning l a n ­

commi t m e n t to somehow m a ke the world

of 1 9th-Century France, says Anne Garinger

guage tudents. Try t o stop fi l tering through

fi l led with people who can commw1icate and

'0 1 , a French and i n ternational s tudies m a j or,

Engli h . .\ l ake a leap of faith.

understand the point of view of the other."

"she d i d a great job" as th e s tudents experdy

"I re m i n d t h e m that I ' m n o t a n a tive

She wonders if this l i ngu istic bent

ru ns


for literarw-e and


as culrw-al docwnents.

resuscitated the culture of d1e 1 800s. Delving

�peaker," Paliyenko said one day last Febru­

her Slavic fam i l y. Her fa d1er, who escaped at

i n to economics, d1e s h i ft of power between

ary before heading off to teach French 1 2 5 .

the end of \Vorld \Var I I from a forced labor

social classes, sl avery and colonization, the ar­ ch i tectural reorganization of P a r i s , fe m a l e

Rai�e d i n a fa m i l y that spoke Ukra i n i an a t

camp at d1e age of ! .+, did duty as a n inter­

home, �he learned French i n high chool and

preter in si.x languages in a d i spl aced persons

hysteria, they d i scovered h o w poets, novelists

col l ege and, in her graduate chool m i nor, a l o

c a m p in P o l a n d . L a t e r h e i m m i grated to

and artists throughout d1e century represented

ga i ned " fa m i l i a ri ty"' \\"ith Russian. " I \ e been

Canada. E1·en after h i s work as a chemical

and called th at cultu re i n to question.

'' here the� are," she said. " I try to put my e l f

engineer took d1e family to

orth Carol i n a

"The great about d1e course-we had

in t h e >eat of m1 >tudent."

w h e n Pal iyenko wa 2 , h e r mother mainta ined

to do our own research and make two presenta­

Ukrainian traditions and conducted Ukrai nian

tions," Garinger said. "She emphasized explor­

The '>Cat> i n the cia sroom loop around her in a hor>e.,hoe. 'he daru. a round the space,

school at home on Saturdays.

ing all possible sow-ces. We learned from om

encouraging '>tudent after student, correcting

At 1 6 Pal iyenko received a summer schol­

pron unciation, repeating phra�e�. 'he hands

arship to the Harvard I nstitute of Ukra i n i a n

one '>tu d e nt a .,ruffed dol l-the mm i e charac­

rudy for formal language study and-because

own research. I t was helpful for aU of my classes." Teaching, Pal iyenko says, is bod1 i m part­ ing knowledge and fac i l i tating learni ng.

ter FT-11 hen the e\erci�e i ll\ oh e> asking a

her home language was i nterlaced w i d1 Pol­

"I want to be fu l l y present to my audi ence


ish-re learned Ukrainian from scratch. Dur­

at every leve l , " she said. " I t's like my l i fe . I

e'>t m a L1de ? " <,a� ., the '>tudent, hi., di�comforr

ing a Fulbright fellm1 ship in Paris between her

switch l a nguages at home. I t's very natura l ,

ea.,ed h� the prop. ·'Ohh ' " .,he e \claim'>, cLlp­

Boston U n i ,·er>ity .\ 1 .. \ . a n d

very organic."

pmg. I fl., ph r<l'>ll1g i., on the mone� .

'\'onh Carol ina Ph. D . she met weekly with a

per.,o n a l , perhap'> emba rra.,�ing q uesti on.

\.,.,oc J ;lte Profc>>Or of J'rench \drianna





group of adult children of

n i vers i ry of

krainian refugees.

n d sometimes d1e stuff of thri ll ers. In 1 99 3 Pal iyenko and her husband, Le-

" I coul dn't exp l a i n why I l ove this [tea c h ing la nguage] so m u c h , " Paliyenko sa id. " It's a n exte nsion of my rea l ly deep commitme nt to somehow make the world filled with people who can communi cate . . . " vering Sherman, adopted Ludmi l a , Yuriy and

ing a foreign language," she said, "turned my

Nata l i a , Ukra i n i a n sibli ngs who spoke not a

l i fe aroun d .

word of E n gl i s h . As s h e a n d the c h i l dren

l i na h igh school, liste ning to t a l k a b o u t abol­ ishing the language req u i rement-a bad idea,

"The chil dren a re my story. Witnessing

she says, a t any educational leve l .

waited at the Borispol Airport i n Kiev to de­

th eir rebi rtl1 feeds into my professional l i fe,

"We'd be protecting them from a very real

part Ukraine, out marched two men to deta i n

too. I t sol i d i fied what ! do. I t rem inded me of

part of living. We have to engage with cul­

t h e m . The chil dren remember t h i s , s h e says,

what i t takes to develop a cultural identity. I t 's

tural d i fferences, and a l arge part of that is

as "the time Mama yel l e d at the K G B . I spoke

an intimidating, frightening process. But lan­

learning a foreign l anguage," she said. "The

Ukrai nian fl uently, and that enabled me to be­

guage i s a cornerstone."

onus i s on us to show why it i s i ncreasingly

c o m e more of a p l ayer. " U l t i m a te l y s h e

Pal iyenko recal l s her three-year teaching

reached an official who released them. " Know-

stint i n her early 2 0s in a rural North Caro-

essential to a sense of communi ty. Language i s tl1e key."-Robert Gillespie

A C o l by C lassic Professor Peter Westervelt, w h o taught classics at Colby for more than a qua rter cen­ tury, died on February 1 i n Watervi lle at age

66. After earning bachelor's, master's a n d P h . D . degrees at H a rvard, he taught ful l time at Colby w1til l 9 78, when health prob­ lems led to a reduced schedule. He had senred as deparonent chair and as chair of the experimental Center for Coordi ­ nated Studies. He remained a scholar a n d a teacher, edited faculty books and brought spe-

Peter Westerve lt

cial precision to the teA.'t of me Colby Qum1e1'ly and other publications. \i\Testervelt is survived by six children and by his wife, Nancy (Fortuine Jack Axelrod coaches A l l ison T h readgold '02, left, as Adela Kim '01 looks o n . The students were rehearsing a scene i n Axelrod's class Acting I I .

Remembering Lines , Bea uty a n d Truth

' 5 4), who worked i n tl1e offices of the Dean of the College, Al umni Relations and Commwlications during the 1 980s. Their daughter Sa­ rah Bizier is a registered nurse in the Colby health center. Children Peter '85 and Hilda \i\Testervel t '92 were both valedictorians at Colby.

Los Angeles native Jack Axelrod was a n architect when he began study­ i ng with the legendary acting teacher Uta Hagen in 1967 at the suggestion of Lee Grant, h i s Academy Award-winning cousin. "She cha nged my life," Axelrod said of Hagen. I n only his second year with Hagen, Axelrod landed parts i n Woody Allen's

What they're saying . . . Colby faculty stepped u p to the lectern recently to spea k on a variety of topics, includi ng:

Bananas a n d on Broadway. "It was the greatest year of my life;' he said.

This spring Axelrod is at Colby d i recting the Roman comedy Rudens by

" Racism and Anti-Semitism in the Politics of German Right-Wing Women, 1918-1933" Raffael Scheck ( h i story)

Plautus (whom Axelrod calls "the Neil Simon of his day") as a visiting artist in the Department of Theater a n d Dance. When not acting, d i recting or teaching on stage, Axelrod occasionally appears i n television roles, which include recent parts on Star Trek Voyager, Dharma and Greg, Gideon 's Crossing and Ally McBeal. Axelrod is probably

best known as General Hospital's mob boss Victor Jerome, which he turned from a one-time guest shot into a 1987-89 run. " I was head of the most incom petent crime family," said Axelrod. "Oh, if only I hadn't d ied." Axelrod prefers theater to television (which he describes as opening night without a rehearsal). "We've developed a society that's forgotten that it should

" Not Artificially Sweetened: Mother-Daughter Depictions Maggie Libby '81 (Special Col lections, Bixler Li brary)

"Red Terror or Boss Rule?: Political Homicide in Revolutionary Yucatan, 191 7-1923" Ben Fallaw ( h i story and Latin American studies) "What Do We Learn from Literature? or, Propos itiona l i s m Revisited" Walter Ott ( p h i losophy)

" Do Not Risk Federal Arrest by Looking Glum: Ballyhoo Magazine and the Cultural Politics of 1930s Humor" Magaret McFadden (women's studies and American studies)

be concerned with bea uty, truth a nd justice," he said. I n plays "you 're creat­ ing the life of a h u m a n spirit."-A /icia Nemiccolo MacLeay '97



LBy .

s p R I N G


0 0 I



From the


Editor's note: Paul Machlin, Colby's An10ld Bemhard Professor of Music, 1·-ecently saw five yean ofpainstaki11g tm11scription of Fats "Waller recordings na/i::;ed in print, with the help of research assistants T Casey NicCollough '96 a11d Km1 Kelley '99, wbo tra11sje1nd Machlin 's handw1·iting imo computer notations. The 1·esulting Thomas \ATright "Fats" Wal ler: P erformances i n Transcription 1 92 7 - 1 943 (A-R Editio11s 200I) higblights tbe vm·iety of Waller's improvisationaljazz compositions, styles and pe1jwmtmces. Nfacblin is also tbe author of Stri de: The Music of Fats Waller. Stephen Budiansky is a con-espondentfm· The Atlantic Monthly, where the full venion ofthis stmy fint appem·ed in Mm·ch 2000. It is reprinted with pennission . The full text can be found online (wt11W. thentlantic.comlissues/2000103/budiansky2.htm) .


au l M ach l i n 's volume of 1 7 transcriptions of Fats Wal l er's organ,

subtleties. So Mach l i n works the ol d-fash ioned way. First he l i stens

piano, and vocal performances (Thmnas

Wright "Fats" Walle1·: Pe7·­

to a song unti l he has a basic p icture firmly in his mind o f its har­

1 92 7- 1 943), published as part of the Ameri­

monic shape and of what the hands are doing in each phrase. Then he

can M usicological Society's M usic of the United States of America

l istens to one bar-or sometimes h a l f a bar-at a time, writes down

fomwnces in TmnscTiption (i\1

SA) series, may go a long way toward establishing Wa l ler as an

i m portant, even great, American composer.

what he thinks he hears, and then tries i t out on the keyboard to see i f i t sounds right. Then h e goes back a n d fi l l s i n what he's missed. Some­

A few of \Valier's more popular piano pieces were published as

times he plays a tape a t half speed to try to pick out what Wal l e r was

sheet music during his l i fetime-but, Mach l i n says, these are "deeply

doing. Next comes an extensive process of edi ti11g and checking, and

simplified" versions cranked out by "some Tin Pan All ey hack" who

seeking tl1e opinions of others. "You have someone look over i t and

l i stened to \Valier's playing and came u p with a t best a rough approxi­

iliey question just about everyilili1g," he says. The low fidelity of many

mation. The recordings of Wa l l er's performances are thus the only

of the early recordings doesn't help. Because musical sounds contain

authentic source for producing a written score.

natural overtones, i t can be extremely difficult to tel l whether a l l or

Transcribing these musical sounds onto paper decades after they

only some of the notes of a chord were actua l l y played. I n a few pas­

were recorded was a surprisingly difficult and exacting task. Machlin

sages, where "despite a lot of l istening and agony" M a c hl i n i s s ti l l not


motivated to try it, he says, in part because he was frustrated a t

absolutely sure, he has marked i n brackets on ilie transcriptions what

thinks Wa l ler was

h o w often \Va l i er's work has been misun derstood b y critics and histo­


ri an

j ust a starting draft of twenty-four bars; transcribing a first draft of


im ply do not appreciate his form idable keyboard tech­

nique and his inventive genius. "You only rea l ly understand that when you write it down and look at it," .\ I achlin says.

doing. I t can take a ful l day's work to produce

one complete piece can take weeks. Machlin says he hopes iliat pianists and organists will play the pieces, but he admits that some funny

L i ke many piani ts, Machlin rea l ized that

questions do arise. Dan Morgenstern, the di rector

\ \ 'a l ler' keyboard works were omething excep­

of ilie Rutgers Institute ofJazz Studies, has observed

tional. 1 fe wa di mayed by critics who said that

that \Va l ier must have played a piece l i ke " Honey­

\ \'aller had "wa ted his talent" or wasn't serious

suckle Rose" every working day of his l i fe, and he

about hi music. "There's a particular kind of white

never played it d1e same way twice. "The recording

jan hisrorian who ees jazz a an e>:pression of

becomes a frozen performance," Maclllin says, "a

oppre ed people," ,\ lachlin says. "And o when

benchmark-wi lly-nil ly, in spite of itself." But it's all

the� ee a commercially ucce ful African-Ameri­

we have to go on, and "whatever else you may specu­

can, it �omcho" 'le ens d1e aud1enticit:y."'

late about, you

omputcr program exist that can automati­

know d1at that happened."

" Some people say to me, '\AThy should someone

call� tran cribc m usical ound into mu ical no­

play these pieces when Fats Wa l ler has a l ready done

tat:ion, but \ l achlin found they 11 ere of l i ttle use

i t ? "' M achlin says. "My answer is ' For the same

ith \ \ 'a l lcr' mu ic, mainly becau e they are not

reason you'd play a Chopin etude when Chopin


�ophi ricatcd enough ro capture hi







G 2 00 1

rh) hmic

has a l ready done it . "'-Steph en




__ __ __ __ __ __ __

If Gumdrops Fell Like Raindrops . . .

Written by Thalia Marakas with illustrator Ben Griffin '02

TM Publishing (2000)

The Croton Dams and Aqueduct

Christopher R. Tompkins '89

If Gumdrops FeU Uke Raindrops. ..

Arcadia P u b l i s h i n g (2000)

For Arca d i a 's Images of America s e ri e s ,

,\f;.6,;""" o(""­






Tom pkins resaarched and compi led a photo­ graphic h i story of New York's Croton River and its watershed. The book chronicles the construction of the 1842 original Croton Dam and Aqueduct-considered a n engineering

No More Dood l i n g

marvel for its inverted si phon and gravity flow

Because Ben Griffin '02 spent a lot of time doodling at Ridgefield (Conn.) High School, his senior ceramics teacher referred him to Thalia M a rakas, a local writer who was looking for an i l lustrator for her col­ lection of children's poems. "I would draw all the time," Griffin said. "She probably thought, ' "\iVhy don't you do something useful with it?"' Griffin showed Marakas a few doodles, i l l ustrated three trial poems and was hired for IfGumd1'ops Fell Like Raind1··ops . . . " She gave me all the poems and I had to come up with an i l l ustration for each one," said Griffin, who used color pencils and a black pen to create each vivid and imaginative drawing. Griffin had already developed his own style but modified i t slightly­ adding brighter colors-to appeal to children. "I grew up reading tons of children's books and I went off what I remembered I l i ked when I was l i ttle," he said. To tie together the 48 poems, witl1 subjects from adoption and race to tonsils and siblings, Griffin created Wilson-a faceless black and white line fi gure-to visual l y guide the reader through the text. Amid Griffin's original and occasionally psychedelic art, Wilson can be seen swinging on a trapeze, riding a fish or relaxing in a daffodil. "I'd love to do i t again," Griffin said of the project. An anthropol­ ogy major, he hasn't taken an art class since, but continues to draw constantly. "Mostly in class," he joked. -Alicia Nenziccolo NlacLeay '97 .

design that carried water more than 30 m i les to the ra pidly expand ing New York C ity-as wel l as the New Croton Dam com pleted in 1907. Engineering methods, la bor conditions a n d a changing landscape are j u st some o f t h e subjects o f t h e rare photo­ gra phs that document this hi story. Call and Response

Call and Response Kindercore Records (200 1 )

The S a n Francisco q u i ntet Ca l l and Response defies sonic categoriz­ ing with its self-described "fun time, bubble-funk and pop" music. The 10 songs on their self-titled debut a lb u m evoke chi ldhood happi ness­ " blowi n ' b u bbles" and " rol lerskate"-a m i d dreamy bal lads and dance­ floor j a m s . Carrie Clough '98 sang opera and choral music at Colby, but since graduation she has s u ng and pl ayed percussion and organ for the pop band. Call and Response cites i nfluences from d i sco and h i p-hop to '60s orchestral pop and ' 7 0 s easy l i stening. The result i s a breezy blend of catchy harmon ies and carefree tunes. Nothing Is As It Seems: The Tragedy of the Implicit in Euripides' Hi ppolytus

Hanna Roisman (classics) Rowman & Littlefield Publi shers ( 1 999)

I n this vol u m e , one in a series on interdiscipl inary approaches to Greek studies, Roisman chal lenges the orthodox ways of reading Euripi des's tragedy Hippolytus, the story of Phaedra's unrequ ited love for Hi ppolytus. Roisman provides a comprehensive look at the play, i ncluding ana ly­ sis of significant scenes, interactions between characters and com­ parisons with Seneca's Phaedra. She exam i nes the m a n i pulation of la nguage and the a u d ience's broad knowl edge of mythic material and i nterprets the play not only through the text but through present-day understa n d i ng of the play's h i storical period. Willow

Willow Flute Ensemble The Studio (200 1 )

The 11-member Wil low Flute Ensemb l e , b a s e d i n Boston , performs w o r k s a r­ ranged for m u ltiple-flute groups, without accompaniment by other i n struments . The ensemble was founded in 1997 with the help of Liz Ya nagihara Horwitz '80, who plays the piccolo, concert flute and bass flute. The 20 tracks on W i l l ow's debut CD include Bach's Prelude and Fugue , V ictor Roj a s 's Salsita a n d Sonny Burnette's five-part Jazzscapes among an unexpected variety of American , Ja panese and Afrikaans-inspired works written for flute chamber groups.

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From the Hill sports

hris Cogb i l l '02 arrived at Colby never having slcied on a nordic tean1 before, because there was none near h i s Wisconsin h ometown . Though h i s father gave h i m pointers and h e competed i n two major races a yea r, Cogb i l l

d escri bes his pre-Colby training as self-discovery. " I bought a

technique video and watch ed it," he said. "Then I bought a race

vi deo . " Cogb i l l , whose fi rst formal slci training was at Colby,

now places i n the top 1 0 i n D ivision I nordic races. He i s a rarity i n both D ivision I ath l etics and at Colby. At one time the alpine and nordic teams

program's hjstory. This despite the fact that

consi ted of good skiers ,,· i th ,-aty'ing le,·els of

the men's nordic team has only five competi­

race experience who came to Colbr because

tors tills season, while teams usual ly take six

they l i ked other aspects of the Col l ege. �ow

to each carn jva l , with one as a non-scorer.

the �ki program, under head alpine coach :\ lark

"In the fou r years I 've been at Col by, the

Godomsky and head n o rd i c coach Tracey

team has gotten a lot better," said alpine co­

Thomas R ic h a rdson '03 ca rves a turn d u r i ng

The�·erl, competes to ecure the best and most

capta i n E l i za beth Festa '0 1 . " \ Ve have a l ot

com petition at the Colby Carnival at Sugarloaf/

di�ciplined athletes that meet Col br's academic

more skiers who come from ski academies and

requirements. " E ,·ety·one wants the same small

a lot of skiers who have been fi n ishing i n the

group of kids, ' a i d Godomsl·y.

top ten to fi fteen in races."

USA in J a n u a ry, as the Col by ski team was en route to its best season in the progra m 's h i story.

teams in the fumre. " I t's i nterestin g to see ath­

Colb� \ o n ! � Di,·ision I sport, skiing com­

"The expectation level i s higher now," said

letes changing th e i r view of you and your

pete� in '' eekl� carni\"<Jis against established

Godomsl·y. � l ore skiers are com i n g in from

school," lliss said. "Tracey has done a lot to

pO\\ e r h o u o, e '> , i n c l u d i n g D a r t m o u t h a n d

competitive programs, having raced at the i n ­

improve our progra m , " added nordic skier

L \ " \ I , man� of '' h ich offer athl etic scholar­

ternational b·el o r i n J un i or Olympics races.

Annie E i s in ge r '0 1 , citing better tra i n i n g,

-. h l p'> and e m p lo� t\\ ice a s m a n �- fu l l -time

Last year Colby sent nvo alpine skiers to na­

equipment and recruits.

coache'>. " Sometimes it\ a l i ttle bit d i ffi c u l t

tion als. This year Cogbill and alpine co-cap­

" I concern myself with going forwa rd," said

'' hen ' ' e ' r e agaimt D I schools '' ho a r e using

tain Da,·id Riss '0 1 q u a l i fied for nationals. I t

Theyerl, whose co-ed team of 1 3 has eight fresh­

quanunes of the most e\pemi' e waxes in one

wi l l b e Riss's third trip t o the event.

'' eekend that '' e \ e a l lotted for our en tire sea­ '>on , " -.aid nordic skier \nn<1 Carlson ' 0 3 .

Riss, who was named N IVP as a freshman,

men. She says she looks for athletes who are or­ ganized and willing to put in the time to train

sophomore and junior, says the current alpine

intensely year-row1d. Often Theycrl will pur­

( ,odom-.k� and The� erl h a \ e done ' ' har­

ream is extremely focused. " I 've got competition

sue skiers who have as much talent as the top

t.:\ er 1 t uke-. to gam e\po'>ure <1mong recruit­

and that's a good thing," he said. "1\'e're skiing

prospects but less ex-perience-Cogbi ll, for ex­

ing prospect-.. '' hether 1t\ ha' mg .,ki cr'> '' car

fast and that's a result of :\ lark's recrlliting."

ample. " I n nordic it's about potential," she said.

rhe1r Colb� u n 1 form'> ,md J<1cker to non-col­

"The biggest struggle i s competing against

The team i s conti n u i n g to surprise com ­

legl<Ht.: r;Jce-. or Theyerl r<1CJng on her time

e s t a b l i s h e d progra m s , " s a i d G o d o m s k y.

petitors and aspires to a top-five ra nki ng. " I t's

off. It\ '' orling, roo. Thi'> '>e<1'>011 mclu ded


"\ \ l1en Da' id R i ss goes out and wins the sec­

more exciting to be on a team that's up a n d

record -.econd-place Colb� ti 1mh 1 11 men\ gi ­

ond run in C S , that helps. 0:o one's seen Colby

rising than o n e that's on a plateau," said Riss.

a n t -. L l l om at one carnl\ al and ream fi ni o,he-. of

do that before . " That �ucccss means more re­

" \Ve ' re s t r i v i n g fo r s o m e t h i n g . "-Aiicia

-.e' er,d carnl\ ;J I-., the be-.r in the

cruiting po'>si h i l ities, '' hich mean stronger

Xemiccolo ,l facLeay '97

-,e, enrh



Women R e bo u n d for Cham pions h i p The Colby women 's basketball

A St roke Ahead

We l l esley C o l l ege i n the c h a m ­

Tom Burton, men's and women's

team e n tered the E a stern Col­

pionships. The

l e g i a te A t h l e t i c C o n fe r e n c e

22 from the free - th row l i n e , a n d

was named N ESCAC Women 's

( E C AC)

s o p h o m o re

Swimm ing Coach of the Yea r in

ew England champi­

fo r w a r d


o n s h i p s s e e d e d fi fth o f e i g h t

vVa l s h s c o r e d 1 4 p o i n t s a n d

teams a n d missing senior guard

g r a b b e d 1 2 r e b o u n d s to h e l p

a n d 1 , 0 0 0 - po i n t s c o r e r K i m

l e a d Colby t o a 6 2 - 5 8 c h a m p i ­

Condon due to a kJ1ee i n j ury. Not

onship w i n .

to worry. "vVe wanted to prove

"The reason w e won was team

someth i n g," s a i d h e a d coach

' D '," said O ' Brien. "We clamped

Tricia O ' B rien . " A s t h e number

down on defense."

five seed, we fel t we weren't get­ ting the respect we deserve d . "

head swi m m i ng and d iving coach ,

tl u l e s s h o t 1 5 of

February following h i s second season guiding the water M u l e s . Burton's expertise showed when the women's team ( 7-2) placed fourth at the N ESCAC swi m m i ng and d iving championships, its best fi n i s h ever.

The win gave Colby i ts fi rst


ECAC title since 1 99 1 and a 2 2 - 7

Sixteen Colby record s-from the 50meter fly to the 800-meter free relay-were broken.

I n t h e fi rs t round t h e M u les

season record. \i\Talsh was named

faced fourth-seeded Bates, a team

the ECAC tournamen t's M o s t

they lost to twice i n overtime dur­

Valuable Player, t h e 2 00 1 M a i n e

( sports shorts

i n g the regu l a r season. I n t h i s

Women's Basketball Coaches As­

MEN'S BASKETBALL closed out the 2001 season with an i m pressive

meetiJ1g Colb y w o n decisively, 7 5 -

sociation Player of the Yea r and

17-10 overa l l record and played host to Emerson in ECAC first-round

6 0 . N e x t u p w a s to p - r a n k e d

second team AJl -l'\TESCAC. She

action. The sixth-seeded Lions p u l led off a stu n n i ng u pset, 73-68. The

Amherst in the semifinals, another

a lso was second i n

ESCAC play

Mules tied for first place in the N ESCAC regu lar season standi ngs with

team C o l by h a d l o s t to in the

i n rebounds, averaging 1 1 .4 re­

a 6-3 record and beat Midd lebury in the first round of the conference

regu l a r s e a s o n . In t h e s i n gl e ­

bonnds per league game, and led

tournament, 54-49 . The Mules fell to Amherst in second-round action,

e l i m ination tournament Amherst

Colby in scoring with 1 3 .2 poi n ts

went down 80-64.

per game and 1 0.6 rebounds per

C o l by fa ced s e c o n d - s e e d e d

game for tl1e entire season.



61-46 . . . . WOMEN'S ICE HOCKEY fin i shed its second consecutive winning season with a 10-9-4 overa l l record and a n 8-7-4 record in conference play. Al l-American goaltender JOSIE CHAPMAN '01 closed out her career with a .932 save percentage and a 1 . 67 goals aga i n st average . . . . MEN'S ICE HOCKEY wrapped up the season with a 15-91 overa l l record and fi n i shed in a tie for third in the N E SCAC with a 124-1 mark. The M u l es avenged an ea rly-season loss to Bowdoin in Brunswick when the Pol a r Bears came to Mayflower H i l l . Colby reeled off five unan swered goals to s i l ence the Bowdoin fans en route to a 52 victory. Senior forward FRED PEROWNE earned first team AII-N ESCAC honors . . . . MEN'S SWI M M I N G A N D DIVING finished with a w i n n i ng record (5-4) and captured the CBB title for the first time since 1996. Co-capta in STEVE FELDMAN '01 placed third at the N ESCACs and qual ified for the NCAAs. N I C K WALENDZIAK '04 domi nated at the NESCACs, esta b l i s h i ng new Colby records in the 50-yard and 100-yard freestyle events . . . . MEN'S AND WOMEN'S I N DOOR TRACK saw many strong i n d ividual performances. Seven members of the teams had personal bests at the State of Maine Meet. MATT RIPORTELLA-CROSE

'03 placed first in the long j u m p , and captain JARED BEERS '01 placed second in the 200-meter race. The meet a l so saw strong results from

Sarah Walsh boxes out a Tufts player in a game earl ier this seaso n . The Wh ite M u les won the ECAC C h a m pionship as a fifth seed and Wa lsh was na med the tou rnament's most va l ua ble player.

captain C O N N I E BEAL '03 , who provisionally q u a l ified for nationals in both the shot put and the 20 l b . weight throw. KAR I M A U M M A H '04 won the tri ple j u m p at the State Meet with a leap of 3 5 ' 2 " . . . . Ranked 11th i n the nation, WO M E N ' S SQUASH earned its highest ranking in the h i story of the program , posting impressive wins over Amherst,

Sam C l a r k Named Player of the Year Forward Sam Clark '01 was named the 2000-01 New England Small Col­ lege Athletic Conference (NESCAC) Men's Basketball Player of the Year. Clark, who earned second-team honors last year, averaged a conference-best 20.4 points per game this season. He also averaged 9.3 rebounds and 1.9 blocks per game, leading Colby to the semifinals of the NESCAC tournament . Ear­

M i d d lebury, Bates, Mt. Holyoke and Va ssar. Strong p l ay from LIZ WAINRIGHT '01 , who played at nu mber four after being gone for Ja nu­

ary, co-capta in ANNE GARINGER '01 at five, and co-capta i n WHITNEY DAYTON '01 at the one spot helped the M u les achieve this succe s s .

. . . MEN'S SQUASH had a nu mber o f strong i n d i v i d u a l performers , including TODD H U NSDORFER ' 04 , who lost only four matches a l l sea­ son in the five and six spots.

lier in the season Clark became the 30th player in Colby h istory to reach the prized 1,000-point mark. He was the Division Ill News player of the month for January and a NESCAC player of the week i n February.




200 1



From the


Venola ?11ason '0 1 doesn't remember the window in her high school classroom shattering, dril led by a bullet. ;\ 1 ason shrugged off the shot as "no big deal," according to Los Angeles Times journalist M iles Corwin , who spent a year shadowing .\ l ason and other African-American and Latino high achievers in ad­ vanced placement English at Crenshaw High School i n South-Cen­ tral Los Angeles. Corwin chronicled their chal lenging senior year of high school in his book And Still We Rise, which depicts South- Central as an area where fathers all too often are ab­ s e n t a n d s i n g l e m o t h e rs l i ke Mason's work two jobs to pay the el ectric b i l l a n d the rent. G a n gb a n gers r o a m the h i gh school campus and h a l l s , cash­ strapped classes sometimes make do without textbooks, kids face scorn for being smart or "acting white." In the midst of all these ob­ stacles the students work, sometimes while on paying jobs and often with tunnel vision, to prepare themselves for S Ts and advanced place­ m e n t e x a m s . A l l for a chance to go to college. Back home in Los Angeles last winter to work on a J a n Plan project, Mason didn't

remember the bullet, but she does remember the days when her mother worked two jobs, carried water from a neighbor's spigot to wash her children and gathered scraps of wood and branches to cook on a hiba­ chi. She also remembers her high school English teacher Anita Moultrie, who, M ason said, stressed "basical ly, competition with the rest of America." These gifted and talented children of unequal opportunity knew they were competing for admission to college with students from affluent neighborhoods with well-funded schools. Mason says she didn't have a specific col lege or university in mind­ she applied to 1 5-but she was impressed with the way the Colby admissions people kept on her. "Every day I was getting stuff i n the mail and calls. I thought, 'These people are really aggressive,"' she said. When she visited the campus i n March 1 997, the bucolic setting, the Maine woods, the remove from the congestion and crime of South­ Central and the friendly Colby people won her over. Accustomed to skirts and sandals in L.A., she knew when she ar­ rived on Mayflower H i l l the next fal l that she'd have to l ive with cold and snow. She didn't anticipate getti11g into outdoor activities or sports or even having much of a social l i fe. But she knew that in Colby's small classes she would get to know her professors. Topping her l ist of teachers, who she says are even more impressive than she anticipated, sociology professor Cheryl Townsend G i l kes "has got me into learn­ ing just to learn . " ow Mason looks at journal articles on her own, tracking down coru1ections, findi11g out who she is and what she needs. Her recent jan Plan developed from a paper she wrote in G i l kes's course African-American Women and Social Change. Calling on video ski lls learned in a junior high magnet school, Mason turned inter­ views with three South-Central men into a documentary examining how they fared with family and education, how the criminal j ustice system affected them, how they coped with unemployment.

And Still We Rise d e p i cts Sout h - C e ntra l as a n a rea where s i ngle m ot h e rs l i ke Mason's work two j o b s to pay the e l e ctric b i l l a n d the rent. G a ngbange rs roa m t h e h i gh s c h o o l c a m p u s a n d h a l l s , c a s h - stra p p e d c l a sses s o m e t i m e s m a k e d o with o ut text b o o ks, k i d s face s c o r n for b e i n g s m a rt o r " a ct i n g wh ite . "





" I was trying to see how close my conclu­ sions i n the paper and the conclusions of so­ ciologists were to people's l ives," she said. Va l i dating her research, "The first guy h i t right on t h e d i m e , " Mason said. " I w a s a k i n d of expert." Mason has worked in Colby's admissions office, coordinates programs for the African­ American Studies Program, is a research as­ sistant for Spanish professor Betty Sasaki and serves as a peer mentor in a new program for first-year students. Whil e she wishes for more diversity on campus, she reali zes that groups tend to hang together and sees the benefits of the mentoring project. "You pair up and j ust be a friend. I had an international student, who I probably wouldn't have met any other way," she said. " I 've a lways done stuff-i t a lways got me to where I need to be," Mason said. Even so, looking a head to the job market, she worries that she has no internships on her resume.

But then, how many students have published a n essay in Tbe C/n··istian Scimce Monitor? "Somebody at the Manito?' is a friend of a friend who said, 'It sounds l ike she could write an article for us.' Okay," Mason said, charac­ teri sti c a l l y un dersta t i n g her a ccom p l i s h ­ ments. " I just d i d it." A Sparush major aiming for a career i n busi­ ness and financial services, she studied one semester in C u e r n avaca a n d a n o t h e r i n Salamanca. L1 between she spent a semester at Clark Atlanta but is quick to say she never thought about transferring. "I love Col by. Colby has taken me in and treated me l ike a grandchild," she said. " I can go into any office on campus and they say, ' Hi Venola " Even the secretaries know me." "I don't thi n k I 've grown as much person­ ally as I have cultural ly," she said, reflecting on her time at the College. "I knew before I got here there were thmgs I'd have to put on hold. I knew there weren't going to be many

black people. People tel l me, 'Venola, you'll never get a husband ! ' But you make decisions, and I can l ive with it." She's i nspired, she said, "just to learn and be a better person." Mason down plays her role i n And Still We Rise as she down plays her own determination. ill fact, until she read the book she didn't know about the l ives her rugh school classmates lived outside of class. S he didn't know O livia had no parents and bounced from foster home to living in her car to jai l . "You'd just never think that any of that was goi ng o n , " Mason s a i d . Recently she saw Olivia, a business major at Babson Coll ege, at a black solidari ty conference at Yale. As Ma­ son wrote i n the Monitm; " Being at Colby . . . has helped me real i ze tl1at there is an entire world waiting for me to embrace it. I have grown n·emendously si nce my departure from Los Angeles and it hurts to see some people at home i n the same place they were when I left."

-Robe1'1: Gillespie

Fleischman Makes C o l by Com puter Connection When Eric Fleischman '02 was 13, most o f h i s budd ies wanted Rollerblades. Fleischman wanted a compute r. He got it, and he hasn't strayed far from a keyboard since. Fleischman began working with Student Computer Services (SCs) soon after he a rrived on campus his freshman year and was soon promoted to coordi nator, a position he currently holds. SCS helps students solve the tiniest to the most troublesome of their computer problems, and Fleischman helps SCS. He trains other SCS workers, provides faculty members with computer assistance and even leads workshops for academic classes that need special ized com­ puter instruction. Last September Fleischman helped initiate "Colby Computer Connec­ tion 2000," a program that helps connect inco m i ng students with the cam­ pus computer network. Unfortunately, his expertise was noted all too well. "I was getting five to ten calls a day from students, sometimes at three i n the morning, asking for help with their computers," he said. " I had to unl ist my phone n u m ber from the d i rectory." A computer science major with two Dell computers of his own, the New York native li kes to take a break from his busy schedule by hanging out with friends, skiing and taking part i n H i l lel, Col by's student-run Jewish orga nization. Who maintains the H i llel Web site? Fleischman, natural ly. So where does Fleischman see h i mself in the years following his graduation in 2002? "Hopefully I'll be working for some sort of a technology compa ny, doing more business manage­ ment-oriented stuff. I l i ke to work on lots of different technology projects," he sa i d . "Ideal ly, I'd be handling a whole slew of technology issues for one la rge compa ny." I n the mea nti me, he keeps adding technology projects to his list. Fleischman has set u p the first Col by-Bates-Bowdoin I nternet chess competition and helped with a "virtual " soccer match. As of t h is writing, Colby had won an early chess match against Bates and romped i n soccer. No sweat. -Jennifer Carlson '01


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B i g Heart Has Room for ' Litt le S iste r' Other students k n ow w h e n S te p h a n i e :\ I c:\ lurrich '0 1 comes to the dining hall with

H e a d s t a rt fo r h e r fi r s t three yea rs a t Colby b u t

her friends. "They 10\·e to get up and walk around and check things out,":\ Ic:\ lurrich said.

this year sought a more

" Sometimes the�' put food all 0\·er their faces

one chi l d . I t worked. T h o u g h l\ l cl\ l u r r i c h

and just act plain silly." H i gh-spirited' :\ l aybe, but what do you expect from 9-year-olds' At 2 1 , :\ lc:\ l urrich is a ,·eteran ,·olunteer whose latest endea,·or has been to link with Colby Companion, a program affiliated with the B i g B rother/ B i g S i ster program that matche Colby students with children from the greater Y\'atenille conmmnity. :\ Ic:\ lurrich's " little sister" is Anjelika Cray ofY\Inslow. The other kids are her friends. " Sometimes it is dif­ ficult because e,·ery time I go to pick up my ' little sister,' all the neighborhood kids want to come, too," :\ lc:\ lurrich said. There is room for more Colby volunteers, but .\ Ic :\ I urrich couldn't be expected to do more. She started volunteering as a high school senior in the Framingham, .\ lass., Headstart progra m . he conti n u e d w i th \Vaterv i l l e

persona I relationship with

sometimes gets the whole troop, she gets time with her young friend, too. "She loves to come to Colby and hang out at my senior apartment with my friends," McMur­ r i c h s a i d . " \Ve d o fu n Stephanie M c M u rrich '01 with her " l ittle sister, " Anjel i ka C ray. things together l i ke swi mm a ke their stays as p a i n l ess a s poss i b l e , " ming in the Colby poo l , checking out new McMurrich s a i d a t the time. "We chat a n d products at Bath & Body \\'arks, and some­ play, a n d sometimes I just hold the children." times we go to movies." And they hold her, too, in more ways than She and her young friend were apart dur­ one. "The last ti me I left my ' li ttle sister's' ing J a n uary when l\ lcl\ 1 urrich worked in a house, she told me she loved me," McMurrich pediatric unit at Newton-\Vellesley Hospital said. "She also tells me tl1at she wants to work i n Newton, Mass. A psychology major, she real ly hard so that she too can go to Colby. It worked with a child life specialist, an expert in makes me feel good because I feel l ike I in­ helping hospitalized children cope. "So I spend time with all sorts of sick children and U')' to spire her to do wel i . " Biake Hamill '02 -

Jan P l ans Away FoT the moTe than 200 students who left ,\1ayflowe1" Hill in Janumy fm· internships, "1·eal 1.vodd" is 71101·e than a TV sho·w. ConsideT a sample from this year� crop: Emily Condon '03 Sotheby's, New York City H i 'ilei Dye '03 Honolulu Magazine, Hono l u l u , Hawa i i Patrick Fahey '02 U . S . E m bassy i n Kuwait, Kuwait City Jutika Kalghatgi '01 U . S . E m ba s sy, Department of State,

Rome, Italy Marion Matthews '01 U . S . Academy of Parachute R igging,

Eloy, Ariz. Anne M i ller '01 National Geogra phic Society, Washington, D.C. Gregory Robinson '02 Royal Society for the Protection of Bird s ,

Edinburgh, Scotland Erika Togashi '03 S l i n ky Vaga bond-Fashion Design ,

New York City Benjamin Tuff '03 Salt Lake City Olympics, Utah M i chael Wiley '03 Comedy Centra l , New York City Anna Beardslee '02 Norfo l k County Juve n i l e Court, Ded h a m , M a s s . Hannah Arnold ' 0 3 Office o f t h e President of t h e Un ited States ,

Ka h e n n e Meyerhans '01 works o n restorat1on o f t h e 1 6th-century pa 1nt111g The Coronat10n of Hebe d u r·ng her Jan Plan 1 nternsh1p at the Isabella Stewart Gard n e r M useu rr 1r Boston . S porsored by Valen me Ta l la n d '8 1 . the m uc;eLM s sen 1or objec s conservator, Meyerhans pa nted a sect1on of the c a n as at er res orers had stnpped pamt from severa l prev1ous restorations.


Office of Management and Budget, Washington, D . C . Au brey Frank ' 0 1 Genetics and Birth Defects C l i n i c , Portl a n d , Ore. Gretchen Groggel '03 Booker T. Washi ngton H igh Schoo l ,

New York City Karli Jaffe '03 N ickelodeon Producti ons, New York City

From the

Hi/±evelopment ayer

A $ 1 . 3 -m i l l ion grant to bring new voices-and the C o l l ege-to national debate


ssociate Professor of Government An­

and efforts to challenge

thony ] . Corrado and a corps of Colby

religious extremism. I t

students will play a key role in a national ef­

has worked for ethical

fort to bring new voices i nt o the debate over

practices in campaigns

c a m p a i gn fi n ance refo r m . A

Anthony Corrado confers with his resea rch tea m , a l l Col by government majors. The team is gathering information a bout ca m pa ign finance

1 . 3 -m i l l ion

and against attack ads

project funded by The Pew Charitable Tt·usts

but is only now getting

is bei n g a d m i n i stered by Corrado, who i s

into campaign finance issues. The Green lining

of public funding initiatives in Maine and Ari­

working with two influential nonprofit orga­

I nstitute is a San Francisco-based coalition of

zona, the concerns of d i fferent ethnic and in­

reform in order to bring new voices i nto the debate.

nizations, The I nterfa i th Alliance Foundation

orga n i zations concerned w i th multi-eth n i c

c o m e g r o u p s a n d the role of p o l i ti c a l

and The Green lining I nstitute, as well as with

public policy advocacy a n d comm i tted to em­

contributions b y big healtl1-care fi rms.

his student researchers.

powering communities of color and other dis­

A leading national expert on campaign fi­

advantaged groups.

nance reform, Corrado sees broad public in­

Corrado's charge is to help both groups

volve m e n t in the d eb ate as a catalyst for

understand the issues so they can come up with

change. " Reform is more Ekely when a diverse

their own ideas for reform. Currently he has

coal i tion of people raise their voices," he said.

two research assistants, sen.iorsJenn.ifer vVord­

I t is tl1e first real inqui ry i n to attitudes to­ ward the campaign finance issue that is seg­ mented a l ong ethnic, raci a l , religious a n d socioeconomic l ines, Corrado said. H e expects the two nonprofit coalitions to present tl1eir ideas in 2 002 .

Corrado spent 1 998-99 working with the

en of Iashvi lle, Tertn., and Bradford \Nand of

Corrado described an antic schedule that

Comm i ttee for Economic Development as

Avon, Conn., and a group of 1 2 j un ior and

splits his time between Maine and the Dis­ n·ict of Col umbia. \Nhy push himself so)

project director for what that gToup called "a

senior government majors. As part of a for­

business proposal for campaign finance reform,"

credit course the teams are creating bibl iog­

"If you look at the current campaign finance

a project also timded by The Pew Charitable

raphies and assembling and analyzing data to

system, there are no l i m i ts on the money go­

TtLJsts. Now he is the principal investigator for

help the nonprofit groups understand the role

ing in," he said. "Tens of m i l lions of dollars

the initiative to engage multicuJtural and reE­

of corporate and labor money, tl1e experience

[are] being spent to influence policy decisions."

gious communities.

Major Gifts

"The notion that 'the p u b l i c doesn't care' is perceived as a bar­ rier to reform," Corrado said. H e identified t h e need t o expand the

In recent months, Colby received contributions of $100,000 each from loyal a l u m n i and friends. Niki and Rodger H. Silverstein '74 made an un restricted gift to the

" I f you wanted to be among the top one hundred individual donors in the last election, you had to give

l . l m i llion," he said.

"That's not healthy for democ­

coalition of voices engaged in the

College. Rodger, an ophthalmologist in Clifton, N.J., said he is grateful to

racy. \Vhile financial participation

discussion beyond Washington in­

Colby and to Professor Emerita Miriam F. Bennett, who helped him to enter

i s an important part of pol itical

siders and public i n terest groups

medical school. Son Rhett Silverstei n will join the Class of '05 i n the fall.

that traditionally shaped the debate.

Mary Ramundo '80, a n M . D. , and Joseph Faulstich '80, a building

The partnership created by this

contractor, met at Col by, where Joe was three-time men's hockey MVP as

project, li nking Colby and the di­

a goaltender for Coach Jack Kelley. The couple, from B u r l i ngton, Vt., en-

verse membership of the two non­

dowed a financial aid fund.

profi t groups, is unique, Corrado said. The I n terfa i th Alliance Foun­ dation, based in \Vashi ngton, i n ­ cludes m ore than 5 0 fa iths a n d n·aditions and engages in advocacy

Bruce and Ellen Lederman esta blished their second Colby research fellowsh i p-The Mark Lederman '66 Memorial Student Research Fellowship in Environmental Science, a memorial to Bruce's brother, who died in a swi m m ing accident after his sophomore year. Their gift helps meet a 3-to-1 chal lenge grant for student research summer fellowships.

participation, there needs to be a workable set of regu lations that safeguards the process." "As recent news events show," he said, a l l u d i n g to presidential pardons a n d legislative b a ttles on Capitol Hill, " money i s play­ i n g a l a rger and l a rger role in public poli cy m a k i ng. "-Stephen Colli11s '74


0 L 8 y


s p R I N G

20 0




From the


From Caning to

Campaigning Kenneth Ongalo-Obote returns to Uga n d a in bid for p a r l i ament


or a schoolboy w h o regularly

agreed to be Kenneth's hosts. I n

received three strokes of the

1 989 he left Africa for Massachu­

cane for arriving late to school, C.

setts and enrolled in American

Kenneth Ongalo-Obote '94 grew

International College. I t was Rev.

into a man with a knack for being

Campbe l l 's brother, Levin, then a

the first fellow and went to work for

He tried everything, including ap­

in the right place at the right tin1e.

Colby trustee, who suggested that

South Afri c a 's P o r t fo l i o Com ­

peals to friends in the U.S., Linda

Ongalo-Obote left his small

Colby might be more satisfactory.

mittee ofjustice in 1 997, research­

Cotter an1ong them. Disheartened

ing a legislative resolution on the

and ready to retreat to his village,

fate of 477 death-row prisoners.

Bululu, he finally received a fax from

ganda t o e a rn a degree

The news that he woul d need

in phi losophy and government at

to study liberal arts for four years

Colby and a law degree at Boston

before law school came as a shock,

In the corridor on his third day

Donald Clark '69, men head o f

C o l lege, a n d he m o destly d e ­

Ongalo-Obote says. He consid­

there, he looked up to see Presi­

USAID i n Kam p a l a . Clark had

scribes subsequent jobs-includ­

ered going back to join his friends


elson Mandel a headed for

learned of Ongalo-Obote's plight

i ng helping South Africa make its

i n law school but realized he had

a n A I C c a u c u s . " I ' d a l w ays

from Mrs. Cotter. He provided an

vi l l age i n

transition out of apartheid-as the

lost his place i n the Ugandan u n i ­

thought of Mandel a as thi s figure

i ntroduction that led O n g a l o ­

result of serendipitous tim i ng. In

versity. " A few months i n to i t I

of mythical proportions. I never

Obote to a job working o n a do­

J a n uary he returned to his coun­

really decided I l iked it [ l i beral

t h o u g h t I ' d see h i m in l i fe , "

mestic relations report and a bi ll to

try to run for a seat in the national

arts] . I was thinking of going on

Ongalo-Obote said.

" I just froze

emancipate women, who are con­

parl iament. 0-'ow, at 29 and with

to do a master's i n phi losophy."

righ t there. He gets to w i th i n

s i d ered p r o p e rty i n U ga n d a . Ongalo-Obote submitted the re­


In his last year at law school

three feet o f m e and h e waves to

dan women, he recognizes that he

Ongalo-Obote heard a South Afri­

me, and I ' m total l y frozen on that

port in 1 999 and, "things being the

ha gro1111 into a leader who may

can official lecture about the shift

spot. I couldn't even wave back."

way they are in Uganda . . . as far as

be perceived as ahead of hi time.

from apartheid to multiracial de­

When his fellowship ended he

ngalo-Obote grew up i n the

mocracy. The talk was so compel ­

went home. Ironical ly, because the

rural Kalaki region in northern

Ling that the law school established

U.S. doesn't recognize the Ugan­

He returned to the U . S . a n d

C ga n d a . f T i

fa th e r, a m i n ister,

a fe l l ows h i p in South Afr i c a .

d a n l aw d e gree he o r i gi n a l l y

passed the Massachusetts bar exam.

made him walk I 0 kilometer to a

Ongalo-Obote, bolstered by a rec­

planned to get, Uganda wouldn't

Interviewed in Boston injanuaq he

better choo l . Ongalo-Ob te says

ommendation from Bill Cotter, was

recognize his American credentials.

talked about his political ambitions,

goal such as emancipating

he ne1·er made it on time. " For three years I 11 as as u red fi fteen �rrokes of the cane each week," he �<l i d . On 11 e e k e n d s h e and hi fri e n d s 11 o u l d l ead the fa m i l y's cattle


pa�tures and water. l i e

ranked third in his cia

and fi n ­

Alumni Club Circuit From a lecture by h i storian Doris Kearns Goodwin '64 to a performance

I know that was the last time that bill was ever mentioned."

his opponents and major planks of his campaign (education, health care, rnicroeconornic development

of Aida with pre-c u rta i n prepping from Paul S. Machlin ( m usic), Colby

and rural aid programs). The par­

clubs offered a cornucopia of events for a l u m n i i n recent weeks.

liamentary election was scheduled

March as he continued his national tour of a l u m n i clubs. Also in late

12. " I don't think anybody would

President William D. "Bro" Adams hit L.A. and San Franci sco in late

for a date no later than ] w1e

I�hec.l �� school eager to

March, in New York City the N ESCAC Career Network covered two

have thought [when I was young]

�tud� l a 11 , '' three-year under­

c a reer fields: m u s e u ms/ga l l eries and venture c a p i ta l ists. The

that I 'd be sitting here today talk­

graduate program in Cganda.

Colbyettes w i l l hold their 50th reunion on campus on April 2 1 .

ing to you and going back to run

Ongalo- Obore \ fa ther, 11 ho

A t t h e C C l u b Spring Awards Banquet, in Portland , M a i n e , A p r i l 30, Elmer

earned a c.l i 1 i n i � c.legree i n Tc\aS,

Bartels '62 will get the Carl N e l son Athletic Achievement Awa rd. In

q u iet!� a rranged for him


1960 Bartels was para lyzed i n a hockey accident. His career took

will d o this,' I would have to ld

\menca for college. \ couple

h1m to MIT, where he was i n strumental in esta b l i s h ing the first Bay

them, 'thank you, but someth ing



rhe fJther h,Jd mer in Belgium, the Re1 . and \ l r, . \\'onh Campbell,





State Wheelchair Games. Contact a l u m n for information. For other events go to o n l i n e .

for parliament," he sa id. " I f some­ one had told me that 'one day you

is wrong with

-Stephen Collins

y o u r h e a d . "' '74

'20s/'30s- 1 940

kept them from joining us, and now


with the club's

2000 Disti nguished

Service Award. A

lifetime member of Disabled American Veterans, Boulos has served as di rector of Catl10lic Charities of Maine and on tl1e United Fund Construc­ tion Division, the Greater Portland Development Com!1Ussion and other boards and committees primarily involved with Mercy Hospital.

great-grandchi l d . . . . John and I thor­ oughly enjoyed our trip to Provence but didn't get to hike as much as expected. Highlights were the town ofTourettes, the Canyon ofVerdun, a cooking class and several memo­ rable meals. L1 the spring we'll be visiting Spain, fol lowed by a week


with a son in Germany . . . . I wish

3 1 , 200 1 , in Newtown, Conn., at 94 ·:· Nathaniel L. Sills '29, October 30, 2000, in New York, 1 . Y ., at 93 ·:· Margaret Shaw '30, November 3, 2000, in Presque Isle, Maine, at 90 ·:· Theora Doe Stubbert '30, December 3, 2000, in Bristol, R.I., at 94 ·:· Marjorie Van Horn Bernier '32, January 2 1 , 200 1 , in Augusta, Maine, at 90 ·:· Mancle F. Cole ' 3 3 , January 1 8, 200 1 , in Sebec, Maine, at 93 ·:· Bertrand W. Hayward ' 3 3 , January 7, 2000, in Brewer, Maine, at 89 ·:· Harry M. Huff ' 3 3 , January 3, 200 1 , in Farmington, Maine, at 92 ·:· Stuart H. Record '34, November 1 9, 2000, in Livermore Falls, Maine, at87 ·:· Thomas G . van Siyke '36, ovember l 2 , 2000, inJonesboro, Ark., at 87 ·:· Robert S. William '36, December 7, 2000, in Los Angeles, Calif., at 86 ·:· Harold M . Wolff'36 , November 27, 2000, in Boston, Mass., at 85 ·:· Abbie Hooper Morrison '37, November 5, 2000, in Ellswortl1, Maine, at 85 ·:· Thelma Beverage Parker '37, December 1 7, 2000, in Cheshire, Mass., at 85 ·:· Roger B. Tilley '3 7, August 1 8, 2000, in Pinellas, Fla., at 83 ·:· Harold P. Davis Jr. ' 3 8, ovember 1 0, 2000, in Venice, Fla., at 84 ·:· Marcus C. Oladell '38, January 4, 200 1 , i n Rockport, Maine, at 83 ·:· Donald W. Maxim '39, January 1 1 , 200 1 , in Bradenton, Fla., at 85 ·:· Viola Economu Moran '39, January 1 5, 200 1 , in San Diego, Calif., at 82 ·:· Donald N. Thompson '39, November 1 1 , 2000, in Brewer, Maine, at 8 2 . Deaths: Ernest E. Miller '29, January

more of you would send me news. There are many whom I haven't heard from i n years. How about surprising me before the next deadline. -Mmy "Liz " Hall Fitcb


Dear classmates, we have not

received any i n formation i n the last few months, so we' l l give you some idea of our Colby contacts. vVe went

to \Vaterville for the inauguration of Bro Adams-a ga l a weekend and one we shall long remember. All of you should try to meet Bro. We're cer­ tain that he is going to lead Colby to new heights. Our daughter, Deborah ' 7 5 , who is a Colby overseer, a l so attended the festivities and brought our 1 6-year-old granddaughter,) es­ sica, and our 1 2 -year-old grandson, M a rk. We gave them a guided tour of the campus and rega led them with


and his winter home in Florid a . He

stories of our undergraduate days. . . .

Leonette Warburton Wishard '23

and his wife, Dorothy, moved to

We have seen Carol Silverstein

wrote that at the age of 98 she is

Folsom, C a l i f. , to be n e a r their

moving to a retirement community.

daughter 1 ancy, her husband a n d

Baker and Kay Weisman Jaffe in the past few months.

She has three grandcnildren, six great­

t h e i r two grandsons, ages I 0 and 1 4.

are in J upiter, F l a . , we regu larly see

gran dchildren and two great-great­

Their home is located in a gated

Leonard Warshaver '49 . . . . Re­

grandchildren. Her favorite memories

retirement community and has a club

cently we had a visit by David Pulver

ow that we

of Colby dorm life include late night

house and pool . Their other daugh­

'63 and his wife, Carol . . . . We did

"feasts" witl1 friends when a box of

ter, Jean, is a physician's assistant

receive an e-mail from Joan Crawley

food arrived from home and cookouts

and lives in Man hattan .

Pollock right a fter we had submit­

after going on a hike. She remembers


on October 5 that she and her hus­

that on one hike the sugar and salt got

ted our l ast c l ass notes. Joan wrote December, and the deadline

mixed up on the way. It made the

for the spring issue of Colby is here.

band drove from Pasadena, Cal i f. ,

cookout more interesting.

Got the blues.

To news. Hoping,

t o Phoenix, Ari z . , for a men's Y


though, that Y2K+ 1 \viii be kind to a l l

meeting. They a l s o v i s i ted w i th

Eleanor Smart Braunmuller

and that at least some '45ers will write

reports that her grandson, Albert

just a few words about their activities

Goodman, is a sophomore at Col by

and events to share with the rest of us.

and a member of the swim team. Her

-Naomi Collett Paganelli

Shirley Carrier Brown a n d her husband, George, whose three sons l ive nearby. One son, Bruce '79, i s a lawyer.Joan remarked that they h a d

granddaughter, Sarah, is a senior at

1940s Correspondents

they're awaiting the birth of a first

The Portland, Maine, Kiwanis honored Edward S. Boulos Jr. '39 on November 1 4,

1umni at large

47 Dana

b e e n del ighted to receive a bi rthday

1940 Ernest C . M a rriner Jr. 1 0 Walnut Drive Augusta , ME 04330-6032 cla ssnews1940@alum 1941 Bonnie Roberts Hathaway 400 Atlantic Avenue #34C Leo m i n ster, MA 01453 9 78-343-4259 1942 1943 1944 cjo Meg Bernier Colby Col lege A l u m n i Office Watervi l l e , ME 04901 207-872-3185 classnews1943@a classnews1944@a lum 1945 Naomi Collett Paga n e l l i 2 Horatio Street #5J New York, NY 10014-1608 2 12-929-5 2 7 7 classnews1945@alum 1946 Anne Lawrence Bondy 7 7 1 Soundview Drive Ma m a roneck, NY 10543 914-698-1238 classnews1946@alum 1947 Mary " Liz" H a l l Fitch 4 Canal Park # 7 1 2 Cam bridge, MA 02141 6 17-494-4882 fax: 6 1 7-494-4882 classnews194 7@alum 1948 David and Dorothy Marson 41 Woods End Road Ded h a m , MA 02026 781-329-3970 fax: 6 1 7-329-6518 classnews1948@alum 1949 Anne Hagar E u stis P . O . Box 594 Princeton, MA 01541-0594 978-464-5513 fax: 978-464-2038 classnews1949@alum

a n d Harriett Nourse

card from N largaret F e l ton Viens t i o n s . . . . Please try to s t a y i n touch

Although Eleanor says she never lived

Robinson attended the Old China Hands reunion i n Scottsdale, Ariz., and then i n Phoenix visited friends

so that we w i l l have i n formation

don't let that discourage any of you

in a dorm on campus, she thoroughly

they had known in Beijing. They then

about classmates for the next e d i ­

from sending me your updates . . . . I

enjoyed visiting friends who did. She

continued on to the Grand Canyon,

t i o n of Colby.

heard almost immediately from Celie

also fondly remembers having friends

Canyon de Chelly i n

stop by her house on Main Street in

other sights before completing a

Goucher College. L1)une her mother, Ethelyn Smart, passed away just four months shy of her 1 00th birthday.

\VateJ·ville. She still stays at the family home in Watenrille whenever she's not in

ew Jersey . . . . Three years

ago Donald Whitten sold both his Middlebury, Conn., home of32 years

'77 from the Office of Alumni R e l a ­

avajo land and

three-week trip. They spent Christ­ mas with Harriet's sister, Fran


Jolmston '49, and fa!1Uly. The wed­


-David and Dorotby iV Ianon

Farnham Sturtevant, who expressed

Many thanks to those of you

news-an unbelievable year of trave l .

surprise that she really did have some

who responded to my recent letter. I now have news to pass on to you­

ding of a granddaughter on the same

perhaps even more than wi I I fit in this

weekend as our mini-reunion in June

column . Now isn't that novel' But

First, it was 1 0 perfect days i n E n ­ g l a n d i n April visiting h e r s o n and daughter-in-law. L1 August she and

husband )uss went to Bermuda to

c0 L B y


s p R I N G

200 I

I 37

Alumni at Large

1 94Ds-1 95Ds

celebrate their 50th anni,·ersary and i n October they tra,·eled to \ ' � ezu­

barge," about 90 feet long with four

-t Riverview Terrace, H i l lsborough,

haven't heard from in a l o n g time,

bedrooms and baths, a kitchen, lounge

i'{) 08 8-t-t . . . . Ruth Endicott Free­

Richard Fisch, sent me an e-maiL

ela with her brother and sister, Frank

and "dining room." The barge was

man, now a semi-retired physician,

Richard i s still enjoying his fi eld of

Farnh a m '-tO and Lydia Farnham . Joh nson '-tO, for th e wedding of

moored near a small town in south­

and her husband, M i l es, l i ve in

psychiatry so much that he doubts he

ern France, Portiragne, but Barbara

Ogunquit, 1\ Iaine. Their two mar­

will ever quit. Last year he came out

Frank's grandson. \\'o\1·1


hopes to ,-isit again in the spring,

ried daughters and three grandch i l ­

with his third book, 81·iejPsycbothempy

one who didn't think she had any ne\1-s \\·as Barbara Grant Doyle. he

"-hen they may have made i t as fa r as Toulouse. (Keep us posted, Barbara!) Their older son, Peter, is a professor

dren live n o t far away. T o celebrate a

with Intimidating Cases. I t shows how

recent mi lestone birthday, Ruth went

such problems as excessive drinki ng,

parasa i l ing. Go for it, Ruth1 And she

"paranoid" delusions and self-muti­

of math at Dartmouth . . . . Guy Smith writes that h e had a stroke in july and i s working hard to regain ful l recov­ ery. It looks l i ke Guy hasn't moved,

wants to know i f anyone remembers when Kevin H i l l '50 brought into

lation can be a·eated psycho-thera­ peutically, but the therapy can be

Mower House a live chicken in a burlap bag that had been " l i berated"

brief. H e enjoys the moderate weather

but he has a recent post office change:

from a nearby fa rm . . . . Someone we

a l lows him to continue his flying on a

• • •

and her husband had just returned from France, where ther ,-isited with their �-oungest son , J eff, who "·ith his wife and three young daughters is spending a year on a barge. The 90year-old barge \\·as formerly a "hotel

i n Palo AJto, Calif. , where he lives. It

mal wi


H ed m a n H a l l for h i s boa rd , majored in h i story a nd won

" I t h m k I ' l l a lways be i nvolved , " sa id W . Malcolm W i lson

the Condon M e d a l at gra d u a t i o n . W i lson lettered i n

'33, ta l kmg a bout his advocacy for people and fa m i l ies

hockey, footba l l a n d te n n i s , was a m e m be r o f P h i Delta

afflicted by mental i l l ness. "As long as I l ive and breathe,

Theta a nd president of his sophomore class. (The former Phi Delt

that's what I wa nt to d o . " At 89, W i lson IS l iving a n d res piring at a rate t o m a ke you nger folks envious. H e d rops 1n to visit a t the Waterv i l l e Social C l u b-a s u p port

house is now Perki ns-Wi lson, in honor of h i m and Cy Perk i n s '32 . ) H e worked for W . T . G ra n t before serving i n the Navy d u ri n g WW I I ,

system for people w1th mental i l l ness that he helped to esta blis h-at

a n d afterward he ta ught school i n M a i n e a n d Wa s h i ngton state. H e

least o n ce a wee k , he d i d n 't m i ss a home ga me of the Colby men's ice

worked f o r I nvestors Diversified Services ( I DS) i n Seattle a nd ret u rned

hockey tea m a l l year, a nd the former ice-hoc key ca pta i n at Colby is sti l l

to M a i n e in the 1 960s, retiring from Coles Express in 1 980.

skatmg tw1ce a wee k . Wi nter before last, some you nger friends ta l ked

" I 've a lways been a sucke r for gett i n g i n volved in com m u n ity

h 1 m mto skatmg the length of Messa lon skee La ke-a bout eight m i les

activities , " he sa i d . H e c h a i red West Coast fu nd ra ising for C o l by's

from S 1 d ney to Oa k l a n d . "I a l most d i ed , " he sa i d , with the sa me mock

Ford Foundation c h a l lenge i n the 1 960s, a nd i n Waterv i l l e he served

alarm you hear from a teenage ath lete after a hard practice.

the Rotary, the Y M CA , the U n ited Way a nd the America n Friends

Wi lson grew up 1n Frammgh a m , Mass . , and was recru ited to play

Service Com m i ttee . I n the late 1 970s h i s activism focused after one of

hockey at Dartmouth. B ut when the stock ma rket crashed in 1 929 and

his c h i l d re n suffered a breakdown a n d e n tered years of mental health

h1s father was " c leaned out, " Wi lson told his h i story teacher, " I ' m going

care and re h a b i l itati o n .

to have to go to work . " That teacher, the late Ed Merrill '25, i ntervened and got Wi lson a place 1n the Class of '33. H e d i d j a n itorial work in old

Wi lson a n d h i s wife, Barba r a , got i nvolved w i t h t h e National A l l i a n c e for the Mentally Ill ( N A M I ) , h e l p i ng to launch a M a i ne a l l ia nce a n d setting u p fa m i ly s u p port orga n izations "from Madawaska to Portla nd . " For three years he served on the N A M I 's national board of d i rectors. Loca l l y he h e l ped esta blish the H igh H o pes House , a tra n sitional em ployment program for persons with mental i l l ness, a nd the Waterv i l l e Social C l u b , where he sti l l visits for coffee, cri bbage and friendsh i p H e received a Colby B ri c k in 198 1 and the M a i ne B roa dcast i n g Syste m 's J efferson Award i n 1 987 . W i l son is sti l l passionate a bout the need for soc i a l services a n d com passi o n . Progress i n treating mental i l l ness, part i c u larly bra i n resea rch, has been i m pressive i n recent years, a n d services i n Waterv i l le a re pretty good ; " bu t there's a lot of t h i ngs a bout the system I 'd wa nt to see cha nged , " he sa id . "There a re sti l l too many stigmas . " Tho ugh m u c h of the progress i n Waterv i l l e c a n b e laid at h i s feet, Wi lson says he repeatedly dec l i ned to serve on the board of the K e n n e bec Va l ley M e n ta l Health Center. "I t h i n k I c a n d o more good on the outsi d e , " he sa i d . " I t h i n k one-on-one i s t h e way t o go. Tha t's t h e way

II 38





J e s u s operated . " -Stephen Collins '74

year-round basis. Richard sends h i s and hopes you are " d o i n g better than

Its Histo1y, Its People, Its Places was pu b lished

Ann Jennings Taussig

last Decem ber. The 240-page illustrated book

repo rts th at the best part of the year

covers the evolution of the town from Indian

2 000 was celebrati ng their 5 0th a n n i ­

hunting grounds to a prosperous fa rm com­

versary w i t h t h e i r k i ds at The Clois­

munity through the great estate era to the

ters i n Sea Island, Ga. S h e says she

affluent family-center residential community

laughed for three days with them1

of today. Kent,

The other news from Ann is that as

vation commission, is historian for the town of

Wolfeboro, N . H . , can be stretched

North Hempstead and president of the Cow

and w i n terized, she and J o h n w i l l be

Joan Gay Kent '45

leaving vVi l l iamsburg and moving back north for good . . . . just as I was

Carleton Porter.

Carl a n d

Dottie h a v e fon d memories of cam­ pus life and the vets apartments, where they were l iving when their daughter was born 5 1 years ago 1 This October found them trave l i n g to Greece fo r two weeks. Carl reports, " I t is quite a n experience


visit a n area of such

ancient ruins and h i story.] ust to touch

Neck Historical Society.

outfit, t h e Army 2 80th Com bat E n ­ gi neering Batta lion, which crossed the R h i n e River at \Vesel, Germany, i n M a rch 1 94 5 . . . . I look forward to reading the biography of each one of you-and seeing your pictures, too.

-Bm·bam Jeffe7'S011 Walker


Steve Kenyon

recently ac­

lliver i n \Nest Bath, 11 1a i n e . Steve's

Sheila Jellison Tennant '40, ] anuary 1 8 , 200 1 , in Boston, Mass., at 82 : Benjamin Hains ' 4 l , ]anuary 8, 200 1 , in Naples, Fla . , at 82 : Hiram P. Macintosh '4 1 , October 4, 2000, in Philadelphia, Pa., at 86 : E. Gilman Taylor '42 , Decem ber 1 6, 2000, in Duxbury, Mass., at 8 1 : Frederick P. Blake '47, Septem b er 1 8 , 2 000, i n Chapel Hill, N.C. : Lillian Hinckley Worcester '47, Decem ber 26, 2000, in Ellsworth, Maine, at 74 : J ustine J ackson Doherty '49, November 3 0, 2000, in North Andover, Mass., at 72 : Ethan E. Newton '49, Decem ber 24, 2000, in Burlington, Vt., at 7 3 . ··








h i s age class o f 70- 74. He a lso at­ te nded the reu n i o n o f his \V\V I I

wife, Helen, passed away in tl1e spri ng

Dea tbs: John K. Chase '40,]une 2 5, 2000, in Bothell, Wash., at 83 ·:·

thi ngs dating back to 400- 3 00 B.C. 1 "

h a l f- m i l e freestyle s w i m m i n g race in

quired a home on the New Meadows


starting to compose these notes, I from

former resident of Sands


Point and past chairman of its historic preser­

soon as their summer home i n

checked my e-mail and there was word

S e n i or Olympics b y completing the

Joan Gay Kent '45's Discovering Sands Poiut:

the 49ers we have here i n San Fran­ cisco." . . .

gold medal in tl1e North e rn Virgi n i a


" b e s t regards to the rest ofy o u '49ers"

of 1 998, a n d h e since has married Mat-y Schausbach of Sea Girt, N.J. They plan to divide their time be­ tween M a i n e and Nlat-y's New J e rsey home. A 1 9-foot Cape Dory sailboat has been hau led to Maine and a dock built by Mary's son, Eric. Steve re­ ports that the sailing is delightful, striped bass take tl1e hook, and seals, osprey and eagles a re fre q u e n t l y sighted. ( O n e questions t h a t w i t h a l l

He sends best wishes to you a l l for

Benson were given a surprise golden

good health and prosperity in the years

a n niversary party i n September as

Clearwater, Fla., writes that she is

. . .

to come . . . . I th ink I'm about out of


Shirley Raynor Ingraham,

this, why go back to New Jersey' Ever.)

Mel Lyon

reports tl1 a t although

enjoying her new volunteer job as

h e is about to retire from the Univer­

my allotted space for this columJl and

. . . I received a wonderful letter from Rev. Win Clark. I would like to

secretary of Florida L i fe Care Resi­

s i ty ofArkansas for Medica l Sciences,

I haven't even mentioned the long

include it all here, but I ' l l quote from

dents Associ ation (FliCra) i n her new

he plans to stay on without pay w h i l e

letter I had from Jack Mahoney. Suf­

part of it and perhaps include one of

retirement center. The Florida crisis

h e completes a n article on " h ow cog­ nitive behavior arises in normal people

fice it to say t h a t J ack l ives o n

h i s Colby anecdotes i n a later col­

was the massive increase i n l i a b i l i ty

Androscoggin Lake i n vVayne, M.aine,

umn. Win was a mortar man i n the

insurance for nursing homes-that

and schizoph ren i c pati e n t s . " Not

and is deeply involved i n combating

97th I n fan try Division attached to

is, unti I last fa I I 's election came a long.

wanting to get too tecruucal, he writes,

the pollution of the lake. I found it

Patton's Third Anny late in the war.

The state board of d i rectors has sent

"\Ne tl1 i n k tl1ere is a subconscious

fascinati n g and will report i n more

On May 7 , 1 94 5 , near Pilsen, Capt.

drafts of recommendations to Lt.

process related to the precise timing

detail in my next class notes.

Homer Knight, "B" company, 3 8 7 tll

Gov. Brogan's task force, and fi nal

of behavioral events, which is dis­

-A1111e Hagm· Eustis


Regiment of the 97th, sent out a pa­

recommendations will be forthcom­

turbed i n sch izophrenia, so I am us­

trol that came under fire from a

ing soo n . FliCra now has seats on

i n g a special method for computer analysis of temporal relationships in

The year 2 000 was i n deed a

vVaffen S S unit. As the fighting ended,

several of the governor's boards con­

golden a n n iversary year for our class.

a member of " B " squad shot his rifle

cerning elderly affairs and was to

the stream of behavior to try to sort

Lots of Colby friends gathered at Ben

at a sound near a wounded buddy.

travel as voting delegates to Talla­

this out." (Thanks, 111el, for keeping

5 0th

This proved to be the last official shot

hassee i n February to meet with leg­

it simple.) IV l e l is partway through his

wedding anniversary celebration last

of vVorld vVar II i n Europe. Decid­

islators on these issues. S h i rley fi nds

fourth year fol lowing a kidney trans­ plant; both h e and it are doing w e l l . .

' 5 1 and

Nancy Ricker Sears's

Bob a n d Barbie Hill Millett, R a y and Bar­ bara Miller Green, Dick and Nancy Ardiff B o u l ter, P e t e a n d P u s s Tracey Tanguay, Barbara a n d Dick

i n g i n tl1e last few years tl1at the last

this concern very interesting. Re­

shot fired i n Europe should be com­

cently Shirley had lunch with New­

. . Every four weeks or so ll l i m i a n d I

memorated, Homer Knight con tacted

ton Bates '50 and his fiancee, Carolyn

have intermittent conversations with

97th vets. They raised the funds and

( n ow M r s . B a te s ) , a n d a n o t h e r

Edie Carpenter Sweeney,

had the monument designed and

Watervi lle, M a i n e , fri end. During

subscription dates for Portland Stage

Granger '46 andJane P erry Lindquist

p l a ced a t Sacrifice Field i n Fort

Colby years Newt was part of a young

and I

C o m p a n y perfo r m a n c e s c o i n c i d e

'5 1 .

Benning, Ga. On October 1 2 , 2 000,

couples' club, as was S h i rley, meet­

went together with Susi's husband,

at i\l l r. Knight's request, \Vin gave

October. They included

Susi Goldey Morrison


with ours. E d i e and h e r husband,

ing at a local Baptist church . . . .

Arthur, live i n South Freeport, ll laine,

Kerm, and my fri e nd Bob Bundgaard

the prayers of dedication at Fort

Harry Wiley,

Scarborough, Maine,

w h e re s h e i s busy i n a n umber o f

to Lexington that beauti ful fal l after­

Benni ng, where it was accepted as a

wants to be sure that each and every

c o m m u n i ty a c t i v i t i e s , i n c l u d i n g

noon to attend the Sears festivities

new national memori a l . Two hun­

member of our class submits an auto­

t h e i r church c h o i r . I n the s p r i n g o f

and a lso traveled tog·ether to South

dred fifty veterans and guests from

biography for the 5 0th yearbook. H e

2 00 0 , s h e a n d h e r si ster, C a r o l Car­

across tl1e coun try attended, com­

writes, " I fou n d it t o b e an interesting

penter Bisbee '49, toured G e r m a n y

plete witl1 a color guard, rifle squad

challenge to look objectively at my

and band participating. \Vin de­

life and what I have done with it." . . .

a n d A u s t r i a a n d e x p e r i e n ce d t h e

Srurley Cookson Hall's

scribed i t as an "unforgettable expe­

William Burgess, Tucson, Ariz., has

some o f t h e w i n t e r months, the

three chi ldren gave them a lovely

rience." . . . Keep those letters coming.

taken his third trip to Austral i a . Thjs

Sweeneys vacation i n ll lesa, Ari z . ,

a n niversary party in September, a n d

-fllire Jmuiugs Castelli

time h e went by freighter. . . .


where, j u s t to k e e p i n run e , Edie si ngs

Alexandria, \Ta., earned a

in a 70-member choir. . . . A fol low-

H a m i lton i n December for another lovely party honoring Barbie and Bob i\IJj l let's golden wedding a n niversary. . . . Gil and

I u nderstand t h a t B o b a n d Dale Avery


Oberammergau P a s s i o n P l ay. For

C0 L B Y








Alumni at Larg


up on Rod Howe's airplane projects: "The first plane I built was . . . a two p lace side by side, a l l metal, 2 0 0 mph, fun to fly airplane [that took] seven years to build. The one I just com­ pleted is a fabric covered steel frame [and] weighs only 5 00 pounds." Rod says it took 00 hours to build, flies at I 0 0 mph and is for sale. He feels "much satisfaction i n flying 2 0 0 mph i n a n airplane that comes out of your garage." (Good for the heart muscles, too, I suspect.) . . . A number of Colby friends have had mini-reunions. One such event took place l ast fal l when J udy a n d H erb Nagle, E1·ie and George Bazer '53 and Ann and Bob Peck ' 5 1 spent an evening together at the Hyatt in Cambridge, iVIass . . . . And if you want an inexpensive "Eu­ ropean" vacation, � lark ' 5 1 and Eddi Miller Mordecai will tell you of the sinfully good food and pampered treatment they received in Montreal. . . . \\'hen Sheila and Don Hailer moved to Cape Cod a year ago, I warned that taking up residence in a popular vacation spot might result in being discovered by friends not heard from in years. Don writes, "Boy, were you right. \\'e had guests coming out our ears. Relatives from both sides. Friend . College and high school chums. You name it, they have come! \\'e have had 4 people since Febru­ ary 2 0 (as of September 2 8)." Truth be told, the Hailers are wonderful hosts, and for an appropriate contri­ bution to the Alumni Fund I could be induced to gi1·e you their address. . . . Enjoy the pring1

-Pnui .H. .rlld1·ich


J ohn Lee sent me a "filler" in ca e I needed more news. \\'ell, it seem that he has become, for this ume, the only corre pondent. He .,a,·ed me once before and now again. John had a busy season in \\'ashing­ ton, D.C., " ith his tour-guiding du­ ne� but took ome time off in Augu t to go on a bu� rour of candina1·ia 1·ia L o n d o n , B ru.,.,e l s , \m t e r d a m , Lubeck (( ,ernuny ) , Copenhagen and 'ltock h o l m . l i e ;ay'> h e belie1 e'> �tockholm 1 home to some of the n l < h t heaunful " omen in the \\ orld and that the �tght of the fjords " as hreathta l.. mg .md \\ ell " orth the " hole mp. 1 n �eprcmber he became ad­ IUilCL a"octare profe"or at �olllh­ ea�rcrn L Il l \ er,tt) 1 11 \\ a�htngwn, D.C., reach 1 11g couN:' 1 11 L . �. gm ­ ernmenr and 111troducnon to phtl(hO­ phy . l i t daughter ll\ e� 1 11 \'trgt nta Beach a � her hu.,band ha had 'ea 40






• G

2 00 •

NEWSMAKERS The Middle East Studies Association hon­ ored Arthur E . Goldschmidt Jr. '59 with its 2000 Mentoring Award. The citation recognizes the retired Pennsylvania State University professor for his "generous shar­ ing of wisdom, advice and research assis­ tance 11�th students, colleagues and other scholars throughout the world," especially through his widely used textbook, A Concise Hist01y of the Middle East : Carlene Price Arthur E. Go ldschmidt ' 5 9 White '59 was featured in the ipswich (Mass.) Cb1·onicle last fall when she donated a Great Dane to Independence Dogs, a nonprofit organization that pro1�des highly trained dogs to assist people 1vith mobility impairments. Vlhite, who cares for 1 5 0 animals ranging from chickens and homing pigeons to donkeys and a l lama at Animal Episodes, her farm in Ipswich, makes a practice of donating animals to worthy causes. ··

M I LESTONES Deaths: E lizabeth Pierce Braley '50,January 4, 200 1 , in Augusta, Maine, at

74 : David G. Montt '50, January 1 3 , 200 1 , in Hyannis, Mass., at ··

7 8 ·:· Barbara Fisher Dorfman '54, January 2 1 , 200 1 , in New Britain,

Conn., at 68 : Cynthia Cook ' 5 1 , December 1 3 , 2000, in Hingham, Mass., at 0 : Paul B. Kilmister ' 5 1 , January 6, 200 1 , in Concord, I .H., at 1 : Betty Cuthbertson Crossen '55, October 3 I, 2000, in Essex, Mass., at 67 ·:· Judith H. Wiggin '57, February 7, 200 1 , in Sanford, Maine, at 6 5 ·:· Thomas R. Bailey '59, December 3 0, 2000, in Bangor, Maine, at 64.

were at the footba l l g a m e- B i l l H aggett, P e t e r L u n d e r, Larry Pugh-wa tching our winning tea m . ( I had my very first c u p of coffee a t a chilly footbal l game as a freshm a n . I thought it was horrid.) We returned to Colby a few weeks later to attend a lecture/book signing by Robert B . "Ace" Parker ' 54. W e stayed a t H i l l House as guests of t h e College and a s "chaperones" for Ace a n d Joan H a l l Parker ' 5 4. W h i l e there we m e t our new college president, Bro Adams . . . . Sara Dunbar LaMonica retired i n June after a long career of teaching that started right after gra d uation (she took a few years out to raise her two children). She and Ray stay busy with their church and choir and are looking forward to traveling. Hope­ ful ly, vVatervil l e is on the itinerary. Sara would like to hear from anyone who remembers her. I can forward e-mail to her if you send it to me . . . . News i s bri ef. H ope to see many of you i n June.

-Kathy McConaughy Znmbello




duty on the aircraft carrier].F.K. His son was to be married in Connecticut in February. . . . Nelson Beveridge sent me some old memoirs, which he found while "house cleaning." I w i l l b e sure t o include them at o u r 5 0th. Nellie retired i n December-but I'm not sure i f he meant the year 1 999 or 2 0 0 0 because I thought he made that move before I did . . . . I'm sure that 2 0 0 1 will bring up some news ideas, so try not to let John Lee be the star yet another time. W1·ite!

-Bm·bnm Ensterbrooks j\1niley


Carol Dyer Wauters writes that a lthough she hasn't traveled to any exotic places in the last year or so she continues to make photographs, show her work and occasionally sell some. Two years ago she spent six weeks backpacking all over Viemam. Thi ummer she p l a n s to visit Tuscany and Provence. Carol has a son and daughter living in \Vyoming, " here he goes often to see them and tO ;ki. he also has a daughter in L. . \ I I th ree are married, but so far no grandchildren . . . . Last fa ll Robert B. P a rker recei1·ed the arahjosepha l lale \\\ ard in �el\ pOrt, :\' . I I . The J\\ ard i� gi1·en annuallr to an author \\ ho reflects '\"e\\ England connec­ non m htS \\ riting. Parker's detec-

tive hero, Spenser, works in the Bos­ ton area, where Parker himself has spent most of his life. His \vife, Joan Hall Parker, also attended the award presentation. Robert Parker says she is very influential in his writing and also describes the occasion of their meeting at a freshman dance at Colby as "the central event" i n his l i fe. Parker, who has written more than 2 5 novels, several made into movies and a TV series, joined such writers as Robert Frost, Michael Dorris, Stephen Jay Gould and Arthur Miller i n being honored with the Sarah Josepha H a l e Award . . . . Although most of us are not as famous as Rob­ ert B. Parker, we are all interesting to old friends from Colby. So do send along a little about yourselves for this colu m n '

-Helen O·oss Stabler


By the time you read this column we will be close to reunion time. \Vith all of us past the big 65 and joining the retirement ranks, we are ready for a nostalgic journey to ,\ [ayflower H i l l in June. I was back twice last fal l . Once, to wimess our good friend Ed Fraktman ' 5 3 receive the Carl 1\'elson Award from the Colby lub on Parents/Homecom­ ing \Veekend. � 'lany familiar faces


As I write, everything is rela­ tively quiet here in Maine after a busy summer and fal l . The perermials have all been put to bed, the golf clubs are cleaned and stored away, and we have squirreled arow1d and dug up some news, including friendships that were renewed on the golf course this sum­ mer' A mutual friend of Marilyn Perkins Canton and mine arranged a gol f foursome for us at the Bridgton (Maine) H i gh l ands Golf Course, which evolved into our playing to­ gether several times over the sum­ mer. vVe ended the season in late September by including our husbands (Guy Vigue and Dick Canton-Guy made the money) and then going to Perk's beautiful summer home on Long Lake for a potluck supper. The L PGA need not feel threatened by us yet, but hopefully Carol Ann Cobb Christ will join us next summer, and that might be anotl1er stot-y. . . . Janice Thomson Christensen's spirits are soaring these days, and she is getting her life back on course after her hus­ band, Howie, had a stroke a year ago. He is doing very well, and they are able to resume their busy schedule and concentrate on their nine grand­ children again . . . . Jerry Ventra and his son stopped by to visit with us earlier in the fal l on their way home to New York from a fishing trip on the Belgrade Lakes.] erry said that his cousin Vic Ventra is retired and liv­ ing in Florida and that he had seen

Sam Graft ' 5 3 earlier in the city. I

and George had been an associate

tried to catch up on news regardi n g

professor in education. They have

H arry and J oan Shaw liVhitaker have moved back to Ply­ columns,

Zeta P s i brothers, b u t i n formation

tl1ree grown chil dren and four grand­

moutll, Mass., a fter spending several

was nonexistent. Come on you guys,

c h i ldren. One month after standing

years in Las Vegas . . . .

write, ca I I , e-ma i 1-let us know what's


is lookjng forward to retirement at

happening! . . . After living 3 8 years in

I sland to welcome i n the year 2 000,

tl1e end o f 2 00 I . She will be trave l i ng

Ellie Shorey Har­

M a ry , H e l e n ' s o l d e s t d a u g h t e r ,

and tl1en locating in M a i ne to see if

h a s sold her o l d homestead and

moved t o Alexandria, Va . , t o begin a

she and her husband can survive win­

Wayland, Mass.,


on the eastern shore of

Jane Gibbons

moved i n to a new condom i n i u m i n

new l i fe after her divorce. She then

ters tl1ere. Currently J a n e is living in

nearby M a rlborough. A s many o f you

di scovered she had advanced stage

Apple Valley, Calif. . . . Marty Burger

k n o w , E l l i e' s h u s b a n d , J oe , h a s

Hodgkjn's disease. Helen moved to

sent a nice letter accompanied by a

Alzheimer's, a n d E l l i e's l i fe h a s been

Alexandria for several mon tl1s to see

great group photo of the -+2nd re­

greatly altered. Putting her heart and

M a t·y through the chemotl1erapy and

union ofTau De its on April 29, 2000,

soul into renovating her two cottages

ultim ate recovery. \tVhen asked what

in Swampscott, Mass. (Spouses were

on the shore of C h i na Lake, Maine,

she remembered when thinkjng back

included; not just a stag party.) Those

has helped her tl1rough a very diffi­

about her years at Colby, Helen re­

cult transition . . . . It was n i ce to hear

plied that she most remembered tl1e


Aaron Schless, AJ Dean, Bob Saltz, David Rhoads, Marty Burger, Peter Doran and George Deneen. All are grandpar­

is sti l l a registered representa­

ents except for i\l la rty and Aaron, who

Allan van Gestel,


who is a

music, Dr. Bixler and the inte l l ectual

who attended were

judge in Massach usetts's Suffol k Su­

and spiritual excitement. . . .

perior Court. A two-year pilot pro­


gram, created by the court to be

tive of Phoenix and a financial advi­

has a son who is a sophomore at

devoted exclusively to complex busi­

sor for clients and poten tial clients

Colby. The next reunion w i l l be at

ness cases, w i l l be presided over by

but works now i n a more l imited

Dusty's summer home in Montana.

Judge van Gestel. Before becomjng a

capacity. He and his wife, Valerie,

\tVe must have been eating some­

judge, Allan spent 3 5 years as a busi ­

have seven chil dren, nine grandch i l ­

thing right because a l l these guys

n e s s l i ti gator a t the l a w firm o f

dren, o n e great-grandch i l d and two

look q u i te terrific, and we know how

Goodw i n , Proctor & H o a r . . . . And

Cairn terriers' So you know how the

old you are1

last but not least, we have wonderful

Edeses spend tl1e i r time. John is also

good to hear from more of you. Take

"new" neighbors (moved in five years

q uite involved with workjng with the

a hint from Jane and try the e-ma i l

ago) down the lane: Larry ' 5 6 and

h o m e l ess, support grou ps, Amos

way; it works. My own e-mail address

And that's it. I t was

Jean Van Curan Pugh ' 5 5 . Can you

House and various charitable endeav­

is mhenry5, or you can

imagine? Forty years later, two Colby

ors. H is favorite memories of Colby

route your news through tl1e Alumni

couples meet up wi tl1 one another

dorm l i fe, and one that might sur­

Office. Have a great summer.

aga i n ! And what fun we have all had

prise you, is when his grandmotl1er

since then, including a great tllree­

used to bring her homemade angel

day stay at the B a l sams resort i n

food cakes to the dorm to be rapidly

-Nlmgnnt Smith Hemy


R e t i re d profe s s o r

A rt h u r

otch, N . H . , this past Sep­

devoured by the Lambda Chi's . . . .


tember. . . . \Ve're enjoying doing the

Jane Daib Reisman actually sent me

Penn State students, gives guest lec­

D i xville

continues t o advise

column but need help i n getting i n ­

her news via e-ma i l , so you see, it can

tures and even taught a course to

formation on our classmates. \Ne'll

be done! J a ne and John ' 5 7 continue

senior citizens off campus. Artlwr

even accept hearsay (sorry, J udge van

to travel during tl1eir retirement. Over

was honored witl1 the 2000 Mentoring

Geste l). So keep the news coming; we

the past nvo years tl1ey have been to

Award from the M i ddle East Studies

do not want our m a i l box to languish '

Costa llica, several Caribbean islands,

Association. The citation recogn izes

-Guy nud Elennor Ewing Vigue

G reece, Turkey and the state of

"his remarkable talents for inspiring

Wash i n gton, w h ere they v i s i te d

learning and for instructing otl1ers in

Marietta Pane in

Seattle. There are

the fi ne art of teacrung" and "his gen­

lately, but ! sti l l could use more input.

also annual trips to Maine and fre­

erous sharing of wisdom, advice and

Linda Corcoran Smith-Criddle,

quent stays wi tl1 their children and

research assistance with students, col­

chapla i n , di rector of pastoral care and

fa mi lies, who l ive near Columbus,

leagues and other scholars through­


Responses have been better

Carol Sandquist

clinical ethicist at lliverside Mercy

Ohio. During the swnmer of 2000,

out the worl d . " . . .

Hospital in Toledo, Ohio, received a

J a ne and John shared a cottage in


Ph . D . in theological studies in May

cate from Oxford University, En­

Boothbay H a rbor with Jack and Su­ san Bower Hendrickson. \i\Thile tl1ey were tl1ere, Bob ' 5 6 and Fran Wren Raymond came by. Then in October

g l a n d , w h e re s h e compl eted a

2000 Jane hosted nine of tl1e Class of

regent for the

substantial portion ofher course work.

1 95 8 Tri Delts for their tri ennial re­

sota, a six-year tenure. She is consid­

2 000 from the Graduate Theological Foundation, which incl uded a certifi­

recently fi nished a year­

long fel lowship at St. Thomas Uni­ versity and continues wi tl1 part-time work and volunteerism. The state leg­ islature has offered her a position as a niversit:y of M i n ne­

Linda continues in her role as dean of

union. In addition to Fran, those who

ering it; the Barusters love i\ 1 i nnesota

the Toledo-area deanery ofthe Epis­

were able to attend were Judy

and don't plan to move . . . . Phsh

her hus­

Gar­ land Bruce, Betty Cooper Cochran, Beryl Scott Glover, Cindy Allerton Rocknak, Willie McDonald Saw­ yer, Marian "'oodsome Springer and Judy Hince Sqwre. \Vas Co­

band, George, are botl1 retired now.

lumbus, Ohio, ever the same si nce)

of us); hope we'll see you at the next

Helen was a community organizer,

. . . As you may know from pre,-ious

rem�on, P h i l . . . . Jane

copal Diocese of Toledo and as a member and secretary of the bioeth­ ics comn�ttee of the National Asso­ ciation of Professional Chaplains . . . .

Helen Payson Seager and

leckj@aol .com w i l l connect you with Sheila and

Phil Suchechl

in south­

east i\ lich igan. P h i l attributes much of the success he has enjoyed i n life to his experiences at Colby (as do many

Mills Conlan

1950s Correspondents 1950 A l i ce J e n n i ngs Caste l l i 6 S a l e m Road M a d i s o n , CT 06443 203-245- 7 7 2 5 classnews1950@a l u m . 1951 Barbara Jefferson Wa l ker 3915 Cabot Place #16 R ic h m o n d , VA 23233 804-527-0 726 classnews1951@a lum 1952 Paul M. Aldrich P.O. Box 2 1 7 Bristol , M E 04539 207-563-8744 classnews1952@alum 1953 Barbara Easterbrooks M a i ley 80 Lincoln Ave nue South H a m ilton , MA 0 1 982 978-468-5 1 1 0 9 78-7 7 7-5630 x3310 1954 Helen Cross Sta bler 206 Crestwood Drive North Syra c u s e , NY 1 3 2 1 2 3 1 5-457-5 2 7 2 classnews1954@alum 1955 Ken Van Pragg P . O . Box 87 ( M ay-early Nov) G rafto n , NY 12982 207-873-3616 22 Gold Drive ( Early Nov-May 6) Pt. St. Lucie, FL 34952 1956 Kathleen McConaughy Zambello 135 Iduna Lane Amherst, MA 0 1 002 classnews1956@a l u m . 1957 G uy and Eleanor Ewing Vigue 238 Sea Meadow Lane Yarmout h , ME 04096 207-846-4941 cl assnews1957@a l u m . 1958 Ma rgaret S m ith Henry 1304 Lake Shore Drive M assa pequa Park, NY 1 1 7 6 2 516-541-0790 classnews1958@alum 1959 Ann Segrave Lieber 7 Kingsland Court South Orange, NJ 0 7 0 7 9 973-7 63-6 7 1 7 classnews1959@a


· S P R I N G

200 1

I 41


Alumni at Larg

950s-1 960s band Bob's attempts to keep up 11-ith

a n d Pat Richmond Stull joined

can look forward to another 30 years'

up a l l your news

Cyndy Crockett

1endelson for a

Ob,·ious ly he has forgotten my cur­

and that that's whr I have heard from

her. The good news i s that her atten­

11· o n d e r fu l m i n i - r e u n i o n at t h e

rent age, but his confident words


� lendelson's Florida condo. They

certainly sounded good. il ly dear lady

only two people in the past three months . . . . Amy Eisentrager Birky

laughed and talked, just l i ke the old

readers, i f it i s time for your mam­

IITites from Lincoln, ,\ [aine, that she

MS . . . . By the time you read this, I

days, got i n plenty of beaching and

mography, p lease make the appoint­

i s retired from her career as a teacher

will be back in the sadd l e again (i.e.,

enjo�·ed a get-together 11·ith other

ment now . Do i t for yourself and for

and l i brarian. Her marriage


teaching English a t the University of

Colb�· alums . . . . On a personal note:

a l l those who ]o,·e you.

ard Britton five years ago added fou r stepc h i l d ren and six step-gran dch i l ­

Maine) after eight months of sem i ­ retirement. A s m u c h as I have loved

I\·e had m y fifth successful mammo­

-rlnn Segmve Lieber

gram; the magic number "fi,·e" makes me feel as i f I 'l'e crossed a line back


i n to the world of good health and long l i fe. I n fact, my surgeon says I

suming that, because you are all com­ ing to ou r -+Oth reunion, you are sa1ing

Okay, dear classmates, I 'm as­


share in person

S pend t i m e w i t h Dale K u h nert ' 6 8 a n d y o u m ight feel t h a t , contrary K u h nert, ed itor of Down East magazine for the past s i x years, has see n measurable i m p rove ments i n the fort u nes of the magaz i ne i n that t i m e . And there's a s i m i l a r u pswing i n all of midcoast M a i n e , K u h n e rt's t u rf for more t h a n 30 yea rs . After grad uating from Col by, K u h nert spent fou r years tea c h i n g i n

to to

diet and l i festyle are continu­ have a positive effect on her

dren t o her own fa mily ofo n e daugh­

teaching, I decided to limit myse l f to

ter and one grandch i l d . . . . Reading J eannette Benn Anderson's annual

one semester a year for the next few years. That enabled me to visit my

C h ristmas letter, I don't envy hus-

son and grandchildren in Kentucky


dale to the preva i l i ng sentiment, life actua l ly is getti n g better.



neigh borhood is n icer a n d the new people know t h e i r place. They ca m e here t o a ppreciate it, n o t change it. " Kuh nert is even more b u l l ish a bout M a i ne's future. H e surpasses even the opti m i sm of Gov. Angus King by predicting "a tidal wave of retirees" a nd m i d d le-aged profes­ sionals coming from Boston a n d beyo n d , attracted by i n expen sive rea l

Searsport, a s m a l l town n e a r B e lfast. " A s a teacher, you f i n d o u t how a

estate, the q ua l ity of l ife a n d t h e i r a b i l ity to operate a busi ness a l most

s m a l l com m u n ity works. It's held me in very good stead ever since

a n ywhere. " T h ese a re people who d o n 't wa nt to s it in a c h a i r , wh o ' l l be

then , " he sa 1 d . H e was teac h i ng when he heard a bout a n ope n i ng at

i nvolved in the com m u n ity, who care a bout it, " he sa id . Those who

Down East, went for an i nterview a n d was h i red on the spot. Twenty­

bemoa n M a i ne's fate as a n eco nomic bac kwater a re n 't pa ying atte n ­

five years later he sti l l considers the Camden-based magazine the

tion, h e conte n d s .

perfect place to wor k . " A good magazine ma kes the j o b of prod u c i ng it

W h o a re a l l t h ese prospective n ewco m e rs? " T h e y ' r e a lot l i ke

look easy , " he sa 1d . " B ut we meet every morning a nd every n ight.

t h e peo p l e I k n ew at C o l by , " he sa i d . " T h ey ' r e o u r rea d e rs . You

P l a n n m g IS what ma kes i t wor k . "

c a n bet that t h e y ' r e rea d i n g in pa rt beca u s e t h ey ' re h o p i n g to be

U nd e r K u h n e rt's watch Down Easfs c i rc u lation a n d ad reve n u es have nsen stea d i ly . Pa1d C i rc u l ation i s up from 70,000 to 1 00 , 000,

h e re s o m e d a y . " Of h is Colby days h e says being a n English major "was hard , but I ' m

a d vert1smg has grown by 60 perce n t , and the maga z i n e has a 75

glad I d id i t . I ' m one o f t h e few people I know who's sti l l using it . " H e took

percent renewa l rate-a l l figu res that a re exceptional for a general

every Mark Benbow cou rse he could find, both for the Sha kespearean

mterest p u b l 1cat1on d u n ng a decade when most have struggled to

language a nd the d isci p l i ned study.

stay even .

Maga z i n e ed i tors, he sa i d , l i ke l i beral a rts stu dents, "get to

R eadersh i p contm u es to be a bout a t h i rd from M a i n e , two-t h i rds from out of state. B ut he latter a re n 't tourists, K u h nert sa rd . " T hey have some lie to M a i n e . They were born here. own property here, would l i ke to ret u r n here or move here . "

da b b l e in everyth i ng . Everyt h i ng you hear a bout or read is releva nt to what you're d o i n g . " I t pa i n s h i m to have to c u t a rt i c les f o r pu b l icati o n , b u t "at l e a s t I g e t to r e a d i t a l l , " he sa i d . T o those who m ight t h i n k that writi ng o n l y a bout

K u h n e rt's hometown o f B e lfast, 3 0 years ago home to d 1sa ppea nng po u ltry ba rns a n d

Maine is l i m it i ng, K u h nert politely d i sagrees. " We take off on Friday a n d go to see M a i ne . When

m a l odorous waterfront c a n nenes, has been

we come ba c k , there's a lways somet h i ng new

ransformed by several thousand jobs from

to d iscuss , " he sa id . "I st i l l feel l i ke we're at

cred1 card grant M B N A of Delaware. MB

A ' s ch e executrve had a s u m mer

home 1n Camden a n d dec1ded o d o most o

he com pa ny's expandmg

1 n m r dcoas Ma1ne. To hose who c a r p a bou

he tra nsfer­

rna o n , K u h n ert replres " I s prospen

bad7 My

axes a re down , he







the beg i n n i ng, f i n d i ng ways to m a ke it a stronger maga z i n e . " Retirement a n d gett i ng away from it a l l a ren't t h i ngs he t h i n k s a lot a bout: " T here a re sti l l a lot of places i n M a i ne I have n 't bee n , " h e sa id . -Douglas Rooks '76

a n d my other son in Oregon last fal l .

licitation for news of"your last week"?

I enjoyed a brief b u t del ightful trip

her sister, my son a n d I vacationed

Jerry Shapiro

for two weeks in Lake Tahoe i n m i d ­

through eastern W a s h i n gton a n d

gets a gold star for

giving a nice account, which is a real

summer. My sister-in-law s o l d her

family. The weather was perfect a n d

ins ight into his life . I quote in fu l l :

store, so both she and M a d i e are now

" Last week, h u h . Boy,

the scenery was spectacular. . . . O n e

retired until someth i n g comes along

remember. Here's tl1e busy but ple­

to interest th em. The two ladies are

beian week of J e iTY Shapiro in S i l i ­

correspon dent for the past nearly five

going to Japan for three-plus weeks

c o n Valley. Most o f tl1e workweek

i n October

years is that I 've h a d an inside view on

was spent grading grad student pa­

I ' l l be working to support Madie's

pers at the end of the term in my

retirement! . . . And from

ups," a n d I t h i n k we're a great bunch1

marital and group therapy classes. I

Farrington Mayo:

I do hope you will start planning now

also got to sit through long meetings

do go by faster than ever I I am keep­

Monta n a visiting my l a t e husband's

of the ben efits of being your class

how we have turned out as "grown­

I can vaguely


visit our fam i l y there.


"Years certa i n ly

to come to our reunion on J un e 8- 1 0

at the university practicing the op­

ing busy as a consultant in workers'

so you can see w h a t I mean. You will

eration of my ear lids as long-winded

compensation. I work for a statewide

be glad you d i d .

colleagues turned five m i nutes of

organization that fol l ows the Work­

business into tv;o-plus hours. At home

ers' Compensation Board and any

-Jane Holden Hnena

I spent evening hours wi tl1 my son

legislative i nitiatives. The latter phase

The absence of news is over­

and his seventh grade homework and

gets me to the State House, where

whelming-not even clippings from

my daughter by phone experiencing

can keep in touch with my husband



the College. I ' m w i l l ing to do my

her first col lege fi nals week. On the

duri n g legislative sessions. H e is in

part, but I need lots of help a n d i n put

weekend I attended a mandatory psy­

h i s fourtl1 term in the legislamre. I f

from you fol ks . . . . A couple Xmas

c h o p h a r m acol ogy conti n u i n g e d

a l l tl1at is not enough fun , I am i n ­

notes came in.

Kathy H ertzberg re­

workshop, where t h e y provided a

volved i n historic preservation. I am

ported from Concord, N . H . , that she

great deal of i n fo but no samples. I

past president of the local preserva­

is just a year away from retirement.

also had the opportunity to begin

tion group and on the board ofMaine

She has taken up kayaking and even

interviewing for a new book project.

Preservation. I am tl1e liaison for a

d i d some w hitewater rafti n g on the

My wife and I spent the remainder of

survey of architecture and related his­

Kennebec last summer. . . . Linda Laughlin Seeley enjoys qui lting and

the week trying to discern if Florida

tory of the south end of Bath. I am

was truly a state and reca l l i n g tl1e civil

also chair of the Squirrel Island H is­

rights marches of college days that

torical Society. The best event of the

making dolls. She a n d Elmer will be first-time grandparents in May . . . .

Joann Sexton Hardy sold her home i n Rangeley, Maine, and is now living part time in Mexico, Maine, and part time i n Wesley, Maine. She works part time for Mead Corp. and is ex­ pecting her third gTandch i l d . . . . I see J u dy (Thompson ' 6 3 ) and

Garth Chandler frequently at church. Gartl1 has made a great comeback from h i s bout w i t h cancer. Their daughter, the mother of 2 -year-old twin boys, is in law school in Portland . . . . Rollie a n d I have just returned from a trip to Monterey, Calif. , where we attended

tl1e wedding of my n i ece, daughter of Charles '66 and Jane Farnham Rabeni '66. We made a circle trip traveling via Amtrak. We enjoyed seeing a lot of the U.S. and Canada on tl1is trip and on our VIA rail trek across Canada a year ago. A great way to travel-no a i rport del ays and hassles1


drop an e-mail or note. vVe want to

last year was the bi rtl1 of my grand­

cans. Apropos of the election, for

son, who joins his 5-year-old sister,

reading pleasure I am now three­

whom I adore. They live right a rOLmd

fourtlls through McCulloch's bio of

tl1e corner. My otl1er daughter is also

H a r ry Truman. It's over 1 ,000 pages

in Maine. L i fe is good 1 "

and for me absolutely wonderfu l . Fascinating that tile issues oftl1e 1 948 election and tl1e arguments and words are so similar to today. As I read th is, I think you must have asked about the busiest week of my year. Next week looks to be a lot more fun. I get to go

-Sam Sbaw Rboades


Reunion part 3-I think some

of us are sti l l ya kking and ya kking. Chris a n d Eliot Terborgh are sti l l in California, where Eliot continues as president a n d CEO of SmarTrunck

to Napa (wine country) to consult

Systems, Inc. His company has a fo­

with some fam i ly businesses." . . . Jim

cus of w i reless comn11mications and

also updated me b y e-mai l ,

radio tracking. Eliot thought h e had

b u t for more t h a n j u s t o n e week. H e

talked Ralph Bunche into attending


writes, "This summer s a w me take a new position, Northwest regional manager, with Graphic Arts Center

from h i s home i n London, where he is wi tl1 AI11bro Bank, but last m inute

Publ ishing Co. i n Portl and, Ore. In

business took priority . . . . Louise Mac Cubrey Lord and Tom joined

my new role, besides sales, I will be

us from tl1eir home i n Unity, Maine.

involved in promotion, advertising,

Louise continues i n counseLing wi tl1

marketing and autl1or tours. I n addi­

offices in \Vaterville a n d elsewhere

tion, there is the fun partofthe acqui­

i n central Maine . . . . May-Lis and Jay

sition of new titles and determ ining

Gronlund were

-Pat Fambmn Russell

what current books i n the pipeLine

t h r i v i n g i n t e r n a t i o n a l consu l t i n g

will acmally get published. Our son,

business and had occasion t o visit

I was telephoning a substitute

Bill, who was supposed to be in Texas

George Hooker in Thailand in

until next spring, instead w i l l be re­

w h i l e on assignment. . . . Theresa a n d

know what you are doing1


supposedly gave the vote to all Aineri­

organist this week (one of my job lets), and h is wife said to me, "vVere you Sara Shaw?" Startled, I owned up. Tu rn e d out to b e

Linda C u rtis

Marshaill She reports tl1at her daugh­ ter is marri ed, a n d they are expecting tl1eir fi rst grandch i l d soon. Such good newsl . . . Remember my e-mail so-

there, too. Jay has a

1 999

mrning to Issaquah early in October.

John Bragg j o i n e d us

My nephew, Scott '89, and his wife,

where John continues with the family

from Bangor,

Erin, and son Nat, who have been in

business . .

Tokyo for six montl1s of an 1 8-month

lives in East Vassalboro with Ernie

stint, announced that tlley are now expecting a second son, who w i l l ar­ rive in December. J\ Iy wife, J\ Iadie,



Pat McClay Gauer

' 5 8 . S h e is a teacher at \Vatervi l l e H i gh . . . . Kathryn and

Russ lves live

i n Wyckoff, N.J. Russ is president of

1960s Correspondents 1960 Jane H o l d e n H u e rta 2955 Wh ite head Street M i a m i , FL 33133 305-446-5082 classnews1960@alum 1961 J udy H offma n H a ka l a 25 C h a rles Place Orono, M E 04473 207-866-4091 classnews1961@a l u m . 1962 Patri cia Fa rnham R u s s e l l 1 6 S u n set Avenue H a m pden , M E 04444 207-942-6953 classnews1962@a l u m . 1963 Karen Fors l u n d Fa l b 245 Brattle Street Cam bri dge , MA 02138 6 1 7-864-42 9 1 1964 Sara Shaw Rhoades 7 6 Norton Road Kittery, ME 03904-54 1 3 207-439-2620 classnews1964@a lum 1965 R ichard W. B a n ka rt 20 Valley Avenue Apt. 0 2 Westwood , NJ 0 7 6 7 5-3607 201-664-7672 classnews1965@alum 1966 Nata l ie Bowerman Zaremba 1 1 Linder Terrace Newton, MA 02458 6 1 7-969-6925 Fax: 6 1 7-266-9 2 7 1 x 1 0 7 196 7 Robert Gracia 295 Burgess Avenue Westwood, MA 02090 781-329-2 101 classnews1967@a l u m . J udy Gerrie Heine 21 H i l l c rest Road Medfi e l d , MA 02052 508-359-2886 classnews1967@alum 1968 Na ncy Dodge Brya n 7 We i r Street Extens ion H i ngh a m , MA 02043 781-740-4530 classnews1968@alum 1969 Sari Abul-J u b e i n 257 L a k e V i e w Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138 6 1 7-868-82 7 1 classnews1969@a lum


0 L B y


s p R I N G

200 1

I 43


Alumni at Larg

960s-1 970s graduate school program s tu dyi n g

Guaranteed Lenders ;\ l anagement

marriage and family therapy in the

I nc. i n \Yald11·ick, ?\.] . . . . Also spot­ ted at d i n n er, L a u r a a n d M i k e

What she i s A n a rtist.

applied psych o l ogy department at Anti och

Gilman . . . . J o h n Comell i s a Colby

W h e re h e r work has recently been

trustee and joined us from Atlanta,

featured T h e South S h o re Art Center,

where h e i s a lawyer speci a l izing i n executi1·e compensation . . . . Anna

H i ngh a m , M ass. What she has b e e n p a i nt i n g lately

Owens Smith and Bud.')' were there,

A p p les a n d pears.

too, from their home i n Stockbridge,

What aspe ct of the a p p l e s and pears

;\ lass. Bud..)' does r e a l estate ap­ praisal , Anna works i n a local ga r­ den shop, and they entertain wandering c lassmates visiting n e arby Tangle11·ood . . . . Shirlee Clark Neil and Bill arrived from South bun·, Conn . B i l l is retired from 0.10-""EX . . . . Patti Raymond Tho­ mas and Tom '63 took a break from t h e i r t ra 1· e l a ge n cv b u s i n e s s i n Do)·lestown, Pa., t o join i n a l l the yakking and yakking. . . . Pam Harris Holden '66, 11·idow of Randy, started with our class and enjoyed the festivi­ ties . . . . Rand Antik joined DL\IAC .\ Iarketing Corporation i n ;\ lay 2 000 as executive \'P sales and strategic initiatives and chief marketing of­ ficer. DL\ IAC is in the d i rect re­ sponse marketing field . . . . Although I tal ked with Don S hort '6-t, I missed speaking w i th his w i fe, Lynn Smith Short, but with a l l the )'akking and y a k k i n g . . . G l o r i a and J o h n Tewhey drove i n from Gorham, .\ I a i n e , w h e re John i s self-empl oyed i n hydrogeologic consulting. He ex­ plains this as water moving through the ground in ways only he can ex­ plain . He charges people a fee to expla i n . . I saw Betty and Eric Beaverstock a we toured the art museum. Eric is a systems analy t i n rner I l udson , � . H . . . . Lyn.n Boxter and J oh.n took time to prowl fo r a n t i q u e fo r t h e i r s h o p i n Gettysburg, Pa., 11 hile dri1·ing u p to reunion . . . . I did not get new on e1 t!f) one, bur also at the reunion were ,\ [ arcia H a rd i n g

Anderson, Joss

oyle Bi e rm a n and �onnan, Callie K e l l e y G o t h a r d , Vi rgi n i a


H e n k l e and Bruce "6-t and �ancy

ami nie Repetto. . . . econd-hand nc11 ., ha> m) old roommate Dave Beag remarned and sti l l 11 ith the l n 11 er.,lt\ of \lhena in Edmonton 111 the dep,lrtment of anatom) and cell h10lo�o: . . . . Ken ray was to c�trend bur had a hou e clo'>mg . . \l.,o regl\tered bur llll\'>mg 11 ere G i n ­ g e r Goddard Bamc a n d H ow a rd , J o h n ,\ l o rri

and Fran H l m c

\'a mcy . . . . \frer r h e c i a ., banquet,

tht:rc 11 ere four d 1 ffcrenr band ro choo c from. \n \1 Core) -'>t) le ' 3 0.,/ "-I{), group pro1 1ded a n1ce atmo ph ere




· S P R

i n s p i res her The stickers. What she sees that others may not " I 've

been i ntrigued by the stickers on fru it,

school gujdance deparonent and says, "At times I fee l crazy starting on this at the age of 5 5 , but I love it." Her husband, John, also fol lowing a new i n terest, teaches a course i n business and government at Franklin P i e rce Col l ege in Ri ndge, N . H . They also

which most people f i n d a n noy i n g , but

are the proud grandparents of3 -year­ old Gi lbert Herrera-Bieyle, son of their daughter Susan, who l ives in

for talking. A '60s OJ i n the new Spa had some appeal to our crowd. How­ ever, most fol ks stayed outside in the clear, warm June summer air where )'OU could have a beer, yak and still hear the music. On Sunday we said our fin a l fa rewe l l s at the Dana dining hall breakfast buffet. I left 1ria down­ town \Vatcrville. On Sunday morn­ ing it i s a ghost town, Parks Diner is gone, Levine's is "for sale"; Onie's, the Sentiue/ bui l d i ng, Diambri's, the J\ Iajcstic restaurant-a parking lot; the State Theater, Dick's place and the plumbing store on the corner of Silver and Main are all restaurants w i th unfamiliar names. The two­ penny bridge is there. The Opera House i s sti l l standing and in active usc. The Chez Parec is also in busi­ ness but no word about tl1e Prince. bout the only business that seems unchanged is Joe's Smoke Shop, still redolent of cigars, pipe tobacco and newspri nt. Joe is gone, but his store is in good hands. I fi nished the reunion by dri1·ing soutl1 on Rt. 1 0-t, the Sidney Road, on the right bank of the Kennebec. That side seemed as I re­ membered it from excursions to pub­ lic suppers on Saturday nights 3 5 -plus years ago. Colby is bigger, more beau­ tiful and just as fri endly a place as when we were there. It continues to attract the finest and brightest. Sorry you could not all be there to sec what B i l l Cotter's stewa rdship has meant. But we do have a -l-Oth reunion in 2 00 5 . So . . . I I ail, Col by, Hail1 -Ritbnrd r v. Bnukm1 1a tin writes that ;he and husband B i l l are retired and are thorough!) adjusted to their ne11 I! fest) l e and tO ha1 ing less en­ erg) than 111 their youtl1 but are en­ JO) ing e1 ef) 11 aking minutc1 Their dJughter, \m� , i; still a student in \ lontana, and '>On ha11 n i s in the ,\lary Gourley

a practicum i n a local elementary

which someti mes have a special beauty of their own either in what they say or in color or design . "


ew E n g l a n d Graduate

School in Keene, N.H. S h e is doing

Army in B o s n i a . M a ry ' s favorite memory from dorm l i fe at Colby was being "hazed" as a freshman by being forced to creep down the s t a i r s wrapped i n a sheet, saying " fetal , fe­ tal-oink, oink" and getting smeared with Vaseline by uppcrclasswomen­ ouch I . . . Robert and M erri Aldrich Egbert write that they are still mar­ ried after all of these years. Their daughter was married last year, and their finances survived i t-a real feat today1 They had their own celebra­ tion by taking a spring trip to Italy, which they highly recommend. Bob has been a therapist with the Veterans Hospital in Richmond, Va . , for the last 2 5 years, and i\llerri has been a technjcal specialist with GE Lighting for the last 1 3 years. They have two children , one son-in-law and a red 1\ l.iata, just to prove they are middle­ aged. Actually there is no mid-life crisis to justify the M .iata . . . and Bob sti l l has his hair. . . . Brad Simcock and his wife are i n Japan this year while on leave from teaching sociol­ ogy at Miami University i n Ohio. They had a recent visit from Peter Grabosky, who stopped in on his way through from the . S . to his home in Austra l i a . I guess you never know where you nught have an opportunity to catch up with friends.

-Nntnlie Bowerman Znrembn


The mil lennium seems to have brought many classmates to a cross­ road in life, and many are busy shift­ ing focus but feeling renewed and invigorated . . . . J ean Howard Bleyle c-mailcd that she tries to get together with Elaine Dignam Meyrial and D i a n a Weatherby at least once a year. Diana w i l l be retiring from her De fen e Depa ron en t career soon, and Elaine i s back in onnecticut after se1·eral years living in Brazi l . J ean embarked on a new path, a two-year

Atlanta, Ga . . . . In tl1e past several years Clemence Ravacon-Mershon has done a career change opposite to those of most of her age cohorts, graduating " from semi-retired sub­ stitute teacher and part-time poul­ u-y-truck fa rmer to foreign language teacher at coll ege, then high schoo l . " (Interesting, C C , since many o f us i n education are nearing t h e e n d o f our carccrs1) She taught German at Al ­ legheny Coll ege in Meadville, Pa., a college vct-y similar in outlook and size to Colby (and she continues to serve as chapter advisor to Allegheny's Alpha Delta Pi chapter). Last year she taught French and world cu l tures at a private high school 40 mi les from home-she and her husband, Homer, a full-time foreign l anguage teacher, drove i n opposite d i rections w h i l e a l s o runn ing the farm. The school year culmjnated witl1 tl1ree big events: Home r's retirement from c o l l ege tcachjng and, a montl1 later, tl1eir 2 5 th weddingarUliversary on the same weekend and in tl1e same outdoor amphitheater in wh ich their daugh­ ter, Claire-Helene, graduated from high school. Their son, Andre, flew in from Seattle, where he works for an environmental watch firm a fter graduating wi tl1 top honors from American University in 1 999. Claire­ Helene's now a freshman at Oberlin Col l ege. This year CC's school asked her to teach French and Spanish, and she feels that teaching several lan­ guages has given her a new insight into how l anguages work, leading to freq uen t " Eureka ! " moments. Homer is beginning to tackle much-needed fa rm repairs during daylight hours while conti nuing to write about the universality of l anguage at night. In her spare time, CC volunteers for Quaker organ izations and their com­ mittees as well as for La Leche League I n t e rn a t i o n a l . Vol u n t e e r i n g h a s drawn h e r t o meet with many people

NEWS MAKERS The Lake Champlain Regional Chamber of Commerce presented its 2000 Communjty Excellence Award to Michael D. Flynn ' 6 1 for "makjng a significant difference in im­ proving education, economic development and the busi ness c l i m a te in the Lake Champlain area." Managing director of Gallagher, Flynn & Company, PLC, an ac­ counting and business consulting firm in Burlington, Vt., Flynn has been active in the community and state for years. Michael D.

Flynn ' 6 1

MI LESTONES Deatbs: Robert M. Peters '60, December 1 7, 2000, in Lewiston, Maine, at 67 : George E. Bitgood '6 1 , December 1 2 , 2000, in Old Saybrook, Conn., at 63 : Norman C. Mitchell '64, November 2 6 , 1 99 7 , in Mechanicsburg, Pa., at 55 : Valerie ]. Noble '69, November 2 5 , 2000, in Cape Coral, Fla., at 5 3 . ··



in numerous countries a n d U.S. states over the last 1 2 years. One highlight of summer 2000 was her work as a French - E n g l i s h i n te rp re te r at a Quaker i n tern ational conference i n N e w H a m ps h i re, which reminded her of "many Colby l anguage class discussions about how mentally de­ manding i nt e rpreti ng (particularly simultaneous interpreting) can be." Another highlight was a graduation trip to Peru after she completed a three-year full spectrum healing pro­ gram. Upcoming is a fourth-year as­ sistantship. CC hopes sometime to be able to revisit Colby, maybe for our 3 5 th reunion ' . . . In July, F1·ed Hopengarten was a referee at the \Vorld Radiosport Team Champi­ onships i n Slovenia, then traveled with his wife in Austria and Hungary . . . . Susan Mersky Fooks returned home to Melbourne, Ausu·alia, after visit­ ing fam i ly and friends in the U . S . , where s h e caught up w i t h Phyllis Jalbert in B rooklyn. Susan says, " Phyllis has kjndly opened her heart and home on various occasions this year to my two sons, as well as some of their friends. My older son has been studying (architecture in Texas) and working (in New York) for the past 14 months, and my younger son went to visit him i n N .Y. as well as to do a bit of exploring of Europe." Actually i t was the second time last year that Susan got to see Phyllis­ she had two fam i ly weddings to go to, one in New York in March and one in Boston i n September. She keeps try­ ing to convince Phyl lis to come for a

visit to Australia-it really isn't that far away, if there are any travelers out there. . . . On a lovely day in midTovember I attended the Colby­ Tufts football game and enjoyed the company o fJ im Thomas, Bob Field, Lee Potter and Phil Kay. vVe had a chance to watch the Mules take a step toward another C B B title and shared t\TESCAC crown. Later that montl1 I had the pleasure of watching a high school game with Dave Aaronson . . . . By the time you read tl1is, the first planning meeting for our 2002 re­ union will have been held in Boston. Keep June 9- 1 1 , 2002, open so tl1at you can join us for the 3 5 th. But don't wait that long to get in touch 1

-Robe11 Gmcia andJudy Gerrie Heine


Jay Sandakwrites that he con­ tinues to practice law in his home­ town of Stamford, Conn., with an emphasis on commercial and per­ sonal injury litigation. H e anticipates that tl1is will continue for the fore­ seeable future since his three sons insist on being educated (Colby '03 , University o f Notre Dame '04 and high school '03). His wife, 1\ lary, is also practicing law and everpresent on numerous community nonprofit boards. Family vacations have prima­ rily been ski trips to \Vhistler, J ack­ son Hole, Heavenly and, this year, Snowbird. Their true love continues to be tl1eirweekend retreatat Bromley 111 Ianchesrer, \Tt. . . . Barbara Brown has returned to her maiden name. She is teaching an at-risk class offourth grade children and lm·ing it,

and she has started workjng on her doctorate i n educational administra­ tion at tl1e University of Idaho in Boise. She also plans to start skiing again this winter. Says she's always been a beginner and needs to try doing it more than every 1 0 years. Her two older daughters, Alixe and Michelle, are married. M ichelle is teaching algebra at a nearby high school, and Alixe is working on a SC. master's in soci al work at Jamison, her youngest daughter, is making a career out of finding herself while working and attending Boise State University. Barb says she has adjusted to her new single l i fe and finds it quite relaxing' I f anyone is ever in this area-please go and see her. Her new address is 744 Palmetto Drive, Eagle, I daho 8 3 6 1 6 . . . . Sandy High Walters writes with news from Grosse Pointe Park, Mich. Her hus­ band, Kenneth (Bowdoin '68), is the current chairman of tl1e classics de­ partment at v\Ta)'11e State University. Her eldest daughter, who was mar­ ried in Seattle, \Vash., last summer, is an environmental planner, and her new husband is a geo-tech engineer. Sandy says it was difficult having a wedding 2 , 5 00 m i les from home. They drove back cross-country, and it was tl1e highlight of tl1e summer s e e i n g the vVest. Com i n g back through the mountain passes ofWyo­ ming and Soutl1 Dakota, their other tl1ree children broke out into every patriotic song they could remember. Her eldest son is a sophomore at Michigan State, majoring in zoology, and is on the lacrosse team. Her third child is a junior in high school and may be considering Colby. And her fourth (1) is i n the seventh grade and keeps tl1em yow1g with his acti,•ities. Sandy is still working at Al R Pipe­ line Company (natural gas pipeline transportation, gathering and distri­ bution company) as project leader, currently of a corporate warehouse project, primarily IT work. Her com­ pany is undergoing a merger, and this time next year she will be working at anotl1er job. ",\1y option was to take early retirement or relocate to Hous­ ton, Texas. I don't think soooooo. You asked about thoughts on retire­ ment: I'd love to but still ha\'e to keep pursuing the mighty green dollar to get my brood tl1rough college ex­ p e n s e s a n d e\·en t u a l l y a n o t h e r daughter's wedding." Reno\'ations and additions on their Tudor house continue. . . That's all the news I ha\'e-each came via e-mail, and I

encourage all of you with I n ternet access to take a few moments and send a few thoughts.

-Nancy Dodge 87J'fll7


Bonnie Belanger Gautluer

describes her l i fe as always being in " fast forward mode . " Her daughter is a sixth grader involved in community and children's theater-the budding thespian had the lead i n a production of Annie and just finished a produc­ tion of Joseph. They are also in the process ofbuildinga new home, which Bonnie calls a "true test of character and stamina." Bonnie's career is go­ ing well, but she says the health care climate is increasingly tense. She'd love to hear from classmates. You can e-mail her at bgauthier@hebrew­ . . . . \Ve're work­ ing on the final details for our 3 0th reunion coming up the weekend of June 8- 1 0. You will receive your reg­ istration information and details in March or early April . If you can't wait, please check out the list on the Web ( w w w . co l by. edu/a l u m n i/re union/list.hml l). I fyou don't see your name there or someone else's who is planning to attend, please let the O f­ fice of Alumni Relations know (2078 7 2 - 3 1 90 or See you in June1

-Ja111es Hawkins


You must be annoyed with me-l have been a bit delinquent with our column. Recently I turned my part-time job into a ful l-time one, and I have felt l ike I was on a tread­ mill, maintaining family, home and job. So many of you are a l ready pros at this routine, but I am still learning. ,\ly oldest is off to college next year, so I fel t it was time to ease into more productivity. As always, your news is wonderful to read. vVhat a l w ays strikes me most is the tremendous variet:) of l i fest:)'les and jobs we have all taken on . . . . Carolyn Dewey reminded me to tell you that she has lived in N'orwich, Vt., for the last 1 2 years, not Norwich, Conn . , as I m is­ takenly told you. he occasionally sees her freshman roommate,Jeanne Emerson Young, who Ji,,es across the river in Hanover, ,'\ . H . . . . Larry Linnell now works in Roswell, T.J\1. , as an assistant clinical professor of medicine at a U n i\'ersit:)• of N'ew .\ Iexico location. He writes, " P a m [ \\'arson ' 4] and I a r e ha,'ing lots of fun watching bat flights, counting birds, doing desert h i kes and desert camping and watching wildlife." . . .

C0 L B Y

· S P R I N G



J 45


Alumni at Larg

1 9 70s

Congratulations, Carol Beaumier

positions as a trustee of the College

ago. She trained to complete the event

e ryday simple and manageable activi­

and the Arthur Andersen company. I quote from a press release: "The

and as a member of the Board of

as a benefit for the Leukemia Society

ties." . . . And another cla5smate is

Go,·ernors for the Colby museum .

of America . . . . Susan Colantuono,

ii ierro ?\ew York practice of Arthur

Thank you, Caro l ,

of Green Hill, J\ 1ass., wrote

Andersen LLP i s pleased to a n nounce

congratulations . . . . And speaking of

that Carol .\ I . Beaumier has joined

College trustees, Bill Rouhana has

in addition to


recently in print. Ruth Shagoury

H ubbard co-edited a col l ection of

Room faT Joy fo l l owing a period of

essays titled

intense personal struggle. After this

We Want to Be Known: Leaming from Adolescent Girls. The

the firm as parmer i n the regulatory

married Amy

ewmark, whom h e

di fficult two-year period, she found

risk sen·ices practice . .\ Is. Beaumier,

m e t through business. A m y is a spe­ cialist i n technology investments. B i l l

that she had not only sunrived but

book "details practical strategies for changing curricula and building com­

thrived. The book tel ls of "the tools that kept [her] from givi ng in to bit­

grow up secure and strong. The es­

formerly a managing director and fou n d i n g parmer o f The Secura Group, \\'ashington, D.C., ,,·ill lead the banking practice of Regulatory Risk Sen;ces in .\ Ietro l'\ew York." .\ Iost of \'OU may kno\\' that Carol holds a n honorary ii i .A. from Colby in addition to her B .A., and she holds

i s t h e chairman and c h i e f executive o f \YinstarCommunications, a telecom­ munications company i n i\ 1a n hattan. Best wishesl . . . I am wondering if Rhee Griswold Fincher has contin­ ued running marathons after her first, the Bermuda ,\ larathon of one year

judith kenoye

terness, anger, despair and other en­ e rgy- s a p p i n g e m o t i o n s . " It is a "blueprint based in deep wisdom for creating a more satisfying l i fe" and tel ls readers how to find joy not only i n "extreme experiences" but i n "ev-

For Her

'i'i 1

munities that help adolescent gi rls says, written by teacher researchers throughout the country, address top­ ics such as including strong female role models i n mathematics and sci­ ence to developing service learning programs to considering the special

yes O n ly

S h e may not be able to tell yo u , or her own

ago, so the cou ple has some u nd e rsta n d i ng of each other's positions.

fa m i l y , what she does every day a s a m a nager

While the NSA ca n 't te l l the public specifics a bout its activities, i t has

for the National Secu rity Agency ( N SA)-the

become more open recently. " U p until five years ago most Americans

govern ment's cod e-making and -breaking

d i d n 't know i t existed , " said Stoy. " N ow it's econ o m ics. You ca n 't

orga n 1zat1on a t Fort George M eade i n M a ryl a n d . She may not be a b l e to tell you how many people NSA em ploys ( it's i n the thousa nds)-or

expect people to pay you r b i l l s if they d o n ' t know what you d o . " With t h e attention come m i sconceptions. " M ost movies give a

what types of projects they work on or who their ta rgets a re . But J ud ith

negative i m pression a n d warped idea of what we d o , " said Stoy.

Stoy IS not a spy. "I have worked with some of the most bri l l ia nt people

Genera l ly people tend to focus on the C I A i n stea d . " T h ey ' re more h igh

that Amencans w111 never know a bout , " she said . She c u rrently serves as one of t h ree tea m leaders overseei ng 300 peo ple, m c l u d mg civi l i a ns , non-civi l i a ns and "a whole bunch of

profi l e , " Stoy sa id , and deserving of the spy l a b e l . "We're not spies. We do more scie ntific , techn ological researc h . " I n t h ree decades a t the N SA Stoy has wit nessed major tra nsforma­

others . " many w1th l i nguistics, math , com puter sc ience a n d engi neer­

tions, espec i a l l y with tec h nology. With i n a few months of joi n i ng she

Ing backgro u n d s . " M y JOb 1 s n 't to do the wor k , but to get them the tools

got a personal com puter on her desk. "This was

to d o the wor k , " she expla i ned .

u n heard of for an average America n , " she sa i d .

Stoy set out on a career w1th the NSA nearly 30 years ago as a

" M ost d i d n 't have a c l u e that there was s u c h

fore1gn la nguage a na lyst. It a l l began d u ri n g her senior year at Co l by

a t h i ng. Tec h n o l ogy revo l ution i zed h o w we

when she wa l ked 1 nto the College placement center and asked what

do busi ness a n d how we go after targets . "

she could d o w1th a R u ss1an maJOr. She was pointed toward gove rn­

She said she has fo u n d fulfi l l ment i n

ment work "Gover n m e n t was n 't consid ered a n e m ployer of first

her career, even i f she can't tell you

renown a t that t 1 m e . " sa1d Stoy. She a pplied to the NSA figu r i ng she'd

what that is. S h e ' l l be e l igible for

work there one to two years and move o n .

ret i rement in five years. " I 've heard

After passmg a backgro u n d check, l i e detector test a n d psyc h iatric

from friends that the hard part of

exa m , Stoy JOined the agency m 1 9 7 2 . "You d o it on a leap of fa ith,

ret i rement is when there's a

because they d o n 't tell you what you ' l l be domg, " she sa id . " I ' m a very

world crisis a nd you can't fi nd

c u no u s perso n . I was a good fit . " Stoy spent the f1rst 1 5 years as a n

out what rea l l y ha ppened , " she

a n a lys a n d gra d u a l ly moved mto manage ment pos1t1ons.

sa i d . " I 've been i n volved with a


he thousands of people who work at the agency there a re two

ypes· he world's experts on one s u bject (the N SA IS reportedly the largest e m ployer of mathemat1 c 1 a n s 1 n the U.S. a n d pe rhaps the world ) a nd others. l i ke Stay. who sh 1ft a reas repeatedly. Stoy says the N S A

lot of t h i ngs that a re i m porta nt to the world . " How7 She ca n 't say. -Alicia Nemiccolo MacLeay '97

encou rages d1 e r s 1 1cat1on . I n c n s e s l i ke Desert Storm the agency needs people who ca n a d a pt a nd d o what's needed . Secrec

1s cruc1al to he N SA's m i SSIOn "We have to be careful not

o re eat t10w we d o wha we d o ." Stoy sa1d . "The rule IS ' n eed to k n ow.· J us because someone IS cleared , doesn't mean they need to kno


I 's m o s d

1cult for a m h e s w h o a re kept m the d a r k . Stay's

h us ba n d . B i l l , JOi ned he agency a s an elec neal engmeer 18 years






-- -- -------

Van Eeghen


was named vice presi­

dent fo r behavior h e a l t h for the

H i s n e w gig Executive d i rector o f M a i ne

A u d u bon Society.

M a ineGeneral Healtl1 System. Emilie has been vice president of commu­ n i ty and support for 1 3 years and has

The path that took h i m there The

i nvestment ma nagement fie l d , con s u l t­ a nt for The N a t u re Conservancy I nternational Progra ms, c h a i r for ca pita l c a m paign for the M a i n e Center for

supervised a staff of95 working in the areas ofsubstance abuse, mental health and AIDS services programs. . . . I, on the other hand, have quit my 5 6 hour-a-week "part-time" job a n d have

C u l t u ra l Exchange i n Portla nd , co-chair

assumed tl1e new title of "event coor­

of sign ificant gifts phase of The Nature

dinator" around the house, a position

Conservancy's St. J o h n R iver ca m pa ign .

I ' ve actually held for 26 years. Our

Pit stops a l ong the way Belize, M icronesia.

son is at vVasatch Academy in Utah,

How h e enj oys the M a i n e outd o o rs

Kaya k i ng, canoeing, sa i l i ng, h i king.

husband when he's in town I

How m a n y o f h i m t h e national Audubon Society wishes it h a d Severa l . W h a t o n e n a t i o n a l A u d u b o n p e rs o n s a i d

and it is nice to be free when he is home and to actually see my travel ing

-Robin Sweeuey Peabody

" I f w e h a d someone

l i ke Kev i n a p p l y for a n other state d i rector pos i t i o n , we'd snatch him up." Why Because of his u n d ersta n d i ng of the fi nancial field , fund ra ising

a n d ded ication to the enviro n ment.


Hello to all my classmates. I

am writing th is in tl1e midst of the

Christmas season, when S. Claus and J\1anny Ramirez are com in' to town. In fact, tl1e first snowstorm of tl1e

needs of m inority girls. I t also in­

clearance. Look her up i f you're i n

cludes poems and essays written by

D.C. . . . T i m Glidden sent a brief e ­

will not read it m1til sometime around

adole sce n t girls." Ruth is on the

m a i l saying that h e enjoyed three

opening day of the baseball season.

teacher-education faculty at Lewis

weeks in Italy this summer with Kathy

So all tl1e news in here will be hope­

year rages outside even now. But you

and Clark College i n Portl and, Ore.

Lyon '72 and has reconnected wi tl1

lessly outdated by tl1en. My sugges­

. . . Finally, thank you,

Dan Alexander '7 5 . Tim wants Scott

tion is to send me tl1e news of what

Shel Ball,


writing to me ( I think i t is the first


h i m a call. . . .

Bill Howe to give Ann Earon sent an e­

you plan to do in tl1e coming months.

t i m e ) . She resides in Greenfi e l d , J'v1ass., works as a cook and is mother

mail saying tl1at home tl1ese days is

of you is running for president. You


Here's an example. Suppose tl1at one

to Abel, 20, and P h i l , 1 8. She tel ls of

two houses, one in Princeton and the

might be inclined to write that you

her delight i n mastering a daunting

other on tl1e shore. She shares them

are currently taking your case to tl1e

chemistry course, which she fel l into

witl1 her husband, 5 -year-old daugh­

Supreme Court, blah, blah, blah. But

when an anatomy course she hoped

ter and a terrier named Colby. Ann

by the time tl1e issue comes out, you've

to take was fu l l . . . . I ' l l close wi tl1 a

has had her own consulting firm for

already been home for tl1ree months

plea to hear from more of you men.

1 8 years, speci a l i zing in a l l aspects of

collecting stamps or something. So

This column had more "girl stuff, " as

conferencing and communications.

instead, you ought to write tl1at a fter

my mail tl1is time is mostly from the

She landed an i n teresting client this

g i v i n g a c o u r a geous c o n c e s s i o n

ladies. Till next time . . . keep well and

year when tl1e Kamehameha Schools

speech, you a r e going t o b u y a bee

keep writing.

in Hawaii h i red her. Ann enjoyed

farm and learn to play the bassoon.

working in Hawaii and says tl1e project

See how much better that sounds,

-Janet Ho/111 Gerbe1·


I received a questionnaire from

was fasci nating-tile native Hawai­

nice and fresh) Anyway, I hope this

ian school system has an endowment

clears up any misconceptions, and

Cindy Vietor Kahle, who writes that

larger than Harvard's or Yale's1 Kathy

remember, class participation is 20

u·avel has been a fu11 pastime recently

Tibbetts was one of the

percent of your grade . . . . On to tl1e

people Ann

wi tl1 trips to Africa, Scotland, I reland

interviewed. Ann topped off the year

news. Sarah Vetault, who is in charge

and Costa Rica. Cindy is married to

by being inducted into tl1e Telecom

of the class \Veb site, reports that she has forgotten her password and tl1e

Kent Kahle, an investment banker,

Hall of Fame, a top honor in tl1e

and lives i n Houston. Her sons, Carter

indusrry . . . . I received a newspaper

secret handshake. So if anyone knows

and vValker, are at Deerfield Acad­

clipping tel l i ng of tl1e art exhibit of

it, please ca l l her immediately. Or


better yet, i f you want to take over the

emy w h i l e daughter Page, I I , attends

Ann Bicknell Christensen's

school in Houston. In responding to

i n Oaks Bluffs in J uly. Ann became a

responsibility of maintaining the \Yeb

the questionnaire, Cindy recalls tl1at

graphic designer after graduation and

site, let her know. Drop her a line

Professor G i l l um, who taught his­

l ater stu d i e d at H a rvard and the

(svetault® On a more

tory, was her favorite teacher because

School of the Boston J\ Iuseum afFine

positive note, Sarah earned her pri­

he made h istory come a l ive by weav­

Arts. She uses color to "render the

vate pilot certificate in November

ing personal incidents into tl1e events.

essence of her landscapes," and she is

and w i l l try to fly herself to the next

. . .

the "-inn er of tl1e Farber Birren color

reunion. She regrets not having the

Laurel Bedig wTites tl1at she


accepted a new job in tl1e environ­ mental defense section of the De­ partment of J ustice. She expected to start i n J anuary, at the earli est, be­ cause she has to wait for security

award. The article says that her work

time to make the 2 5 th . . . .

has brought her to the forefront of



got married this past J une

the art commUlli()• and tl1at her work

to Lynne Chittenden. H e claims that

is coll ected worldwide . . . . In i\ Iaine,

is why

i n fact right i n ·waterv i l le,

union. Seriously, it sounds l i ke i t was



didn't make i t to the re­

1970s Correspondents 1970 Brenda Hess Jordan 141 Tanglewood Drive Glen E l lyn, IL 60137 630-858- 1 5 14 classnews1970@a lum 1971 James Hawkins 485 Locust Street Att l e boro , MA 0 2 7 03 508-226-1436 classnews1971@alum 1972 Ja net H o l m Gerber 409 Rea d i ng Avenue Rockvi l l e , MD 20850 301-424-9160 classnews1972@a lum 1973 Jackie N i enaber Appeldorn Mohonk Mountain House New Paltz, NY 1 2 5 6 1 914-255-4875 cl 1974 Robin Sweeney Peabody 46 Elk La ne Littleton, CO 80127 303-978-1129 fax: 303-904-0941 classnews197 4@a lum 1975 Bruce Young 20 Applewood Ave nue B i l lerica , MA 0 1821 978-443-64 1 7 1976 Valerie Jones Roy 38 H u nts Point Road Cape E l izabet h , ME 04107 207-76 7-0663 fax: 207-767-8 125 classnews1976@al u m . 1977 Ellen D . O ' Brien 205 Fernwood Ave n u e Davenport, lA 52803-3606 3 1 9-359-4665 cl assnews1977@alum 1978 Robert S . Woodbury 484 Bridge Street H a m i lton , MA 0 1982 978-468-3805 fax: 6 1 7-951-9 9 1 9 1979 Cheri Bai ley Powers 6027 Scout Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80918 7 1 9-532-9285 cla ssnews19 79@a lum


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at LargJ!

a great wedding. Vinnie's children, Ariel, 2 0, and :\ l ichael, 1 2 , both get along well with L�nne, and both also participated i n the ceremony. The local constabulary decided t� crash the party, apparently to deli,·er a com­ mendation to \'innie for his good judgment. Lynne is a veterinarian, and a serious horse person, according to \'inn.i e . As for \' himself, he is currently associate head of the de­ partment of biology at Texas A&.. \ I , which h e likens to being \'ice princi­ pal of a junior high "·ithour a paddle.


His research group i n the depart­ ment was awarded a program project grant to study the genes associated "·ith biological clock function. He was also recently selected as a mem­ ber of the first class of university faculty fellows at A&M, a honor "·ith a five-year cash award for scien­ tific projects. You can reach him at nnc@mail or write to him the old-fashioned way at the Department ofBiology, Texas A&M, College Station, TX 778·+3 . . . . Dan Alexander is currently taking a sab-

batical from Drake University in Des i\ 1oines. If he weren't on sabbatical, the former English major would be teaching mathematics and helping colleagues develop \Veb courses. He reports that the great joy in his l i fe now is his family, including his w i fe, Rebecca (Bowdoin 1 980 no less'), and daughters, Elise, 4, a budding stand­ up comic, and Caroline, 8, whose love of music, math and the outdoors she shares with her dad. Despite the family duties, Dan and Rebecca do get out now and then to hear live

gwyn elle



When Gwynelle Dism u kes '73 was at Colby , her mother, bac k home

music. He says that while l i fe in Iowa is pleasant enough, he does occasion­ ally escape to Chicago and usua lly gets to Maine every summer. He promises a quick response to any e­ m a i l correspon dence (dan i e l . a l ex . . . . After spend­ ingyears in corporate America, Steve Tait has said goodbye to his job and house in San Francisco and moved to Provincetown, Mass. , to become an in nkeeper with his partner, Dave Cook. They j ust finished their first summer season and thoroughly en-


f i n a l l y decided to j o i n u p . She now edits the

1n Nashville, sent h e r news stories a bout a horde of h i ppies who had

co m m u n ity's newsletter a nd is a n ed itor at

descended on tiny S u m mertow n , Te n n . The grou p , a d m i rers of the

the p u b l i s h i ng house r u n at T h e Fa rm . " I

c h a nsmatic Sa n Fra n c isco college professor Stephen Gask i n , a rrived in

have a friend who's a lawyer i n Atla nta , "

more tha n 60 colorfu lly painted school buses and fo u n d ed one of the

D i s m u kes sa id . " H e sa id , 'You mean now you're goi n g to work more

nation's most fa mous com m u nes. T h i rty years later, The Fa r m , a s the

hours for less money and you're ha ppy a bout th is?' But I rea l l y a m . "

com m u n e was know n , sti l l exists. Gaskin sti l l l i ves there. Dismu kes does, too.

The Farm operates several com pa n ies, from a birthing center to a soy-products d a i ry , a n d , of course, has a Web site (www.thefa r m . org) .

She moved to the a lternative com m u nity from Nashville th ree years

B ut i t provides Dism u kes with m u c h more t h a n a j o b , s h e sa i d : " I j u st

ago, JOi n i ng the 200 residents-i n c l u d i ng some of the origi n a l " Farm ies."

have t h i s real fee l i ng of sec u rity. My parents a re both passed o n . I

Over the decades the com m u n i ty has s h r u n k from its peak population of

don't have sisters a n d brothers, so I feel l i ke my kids a re k i nd of out

1 , 500 and has shed its pure communal form. B ut the place, with

here a l ittle bit. B u t I feel we're s u pported h e re a n d people a re go i ng to

houses, school, store and busi nesses on 1 , 700 mostly wooded , ridge­

help out. "

crossed acres, offers Dismu kes a haven far from the hazards of the big

Dism u kes a n d her c h i l d re n l ive in a m o b i l e home a nd a re in the

c1ty. " O h , Lord , I J USt hated the city , " she sa i d , showing a visitor from

process of renovating a house. They a re the o n l y Africa n-America n

Colby arou n d The Farm recently. " I 'm a si ngle mom with this teenage

fa m i ly at T h e Fa r m , wh i c h sometimes gives D i s m u kes pause. B ut she

boy. And you know you n g black men i n this society do not have a n easy

says the a lternative com m u n ity could serve as a model for ra i s i n g

t1me of 1t. And I J USt needed peace of m i n d . I j ust hate that city l ife. I

c h i l d re n n o w at risk i n b i g c i t i e s . H e r so n , C h a i ng-t u , is 1 5 . H e r

hate the rush. I hate the congestion . I hate the traffic . I hate having to

da ughte r , A m i , i s 1 2 . T h e y can g o out the d o o r i n the morn i n g a n d

d ress a certa 1 n way, do the n 1 ne-to-five th i n g . "

roam t h e place i n to the n ight w i t h their friends. "And I have not h i n g to

N o t t h a t movmg t o a com m u n e m e a n s putt i n g you r feet u p . A writer and ed 1tor who has worked for non profit orga n izations and p u b l i c telev1s1on 1 n Bosto n , North C a rol i n a a nd Washi ngto n , D . C . , Dism u kes was p u b l i s h i ng an a lternative newspaper in Nashville when she came to The Farm to d o workshops on Kwa n zaa nearly 1 0 years ago.

worry a bout, " D ism u kes sa i d . " T hey d o n 't a l low g u n s h e re . " N o r is there m u c h o f t h e l i centiousness o f t h e '60s com m u ne stereotype. Most of the residents a re a pproa c h i ng reti rement age, their ponyta i l s grayi ng. That week a recent Farm canasta tou rnament was sti l l a topic for conversatio n . The issue for the potl u c k d i n n e r was how aging residents can attract more you ng people to The Fa r m . "There's a lot of m a i ntenance here , " D i s m u kes sa id . "And fol ks a re gett i ng u p to where they ca n 't m a i n ta i n it q u ite l i ke they used to. " With that she contin ued the to u r : the Ecov i l lage Tra i n i ng Center, the store, the solar schoo l , the com m u n ity center. T h e roads lead past

She contmued

orchards and pastures, t h rough oak woods where some of the origi n a l

to v1s1t and

caravan buses can be s e e n m o l d e r i n g a m ong the trees. She says the f1elds fill with deer at d u s k , a n d orga n i c ga rd e n s someti mes f i l l with deer, too, m u c h to the a n noyance of the vegeta ria n ga rdeners. "That , " Dism u kes said with a n easy l a u g h , " is t h e only t h i n g that ma kes people somet i mes regret t h e i r nonviolent pol icy . " -Gerry Boyle '78



. s f-

joyed the experience. This winter they are planning renovations and a new name for the inn, Aerie House & Beach Club. I ' m sure he would wel­ come any M ules spending vacation time on the Cape. Steve also reports the happy addition of a couple of Lab pups to the household . . . . That's it for now, but keep those cards and letters coming. I promise to read each and every one.

-Bruce Young


Greetings from cold and snowy Maine. Ken Curtis e-mailed about a wonderful reunion with old room­ mates Tom Silverman (and Donna) and Garth Everett (and Sue), who met in New York City i n November, their first get-together since Garth's wedding many years ago. Ken re­ ported that he is l iving in Tolqro with his wife, l kuko, and two boys. Last year he established Compass Part­ ners with colleagues in Tokyo to i nvest in Japanese companies, and he works with several Colby alumni in the pro­ cess . . . . Bill Silverman reports that he is "sti ll in Iowa" working as associ­ ate professor of medicine, division of gastroenterology, University oflowa, and was elected as a Fellow of the American Col lege of Gastroenterol­ ogy this year. Congratulations' H e h a s b e e n m a rr i e d t o Nlargarida Magal haes for 1 3 years and has two daughters, Joanna, 7, and Pombie, 5-and three dogs but no goldfish or gefilte fish . H e really wants to hear from Michael North, Will Parrish, Steve Parks and Bob McAuliffe . . . . Jayne Sutton confessed that she hasn't exactly been in constant touch over the past 25 years but went on to say tl1at she is in tl1e vVashington, D.C., area, doing publications man­ agement and consulting for E E l Communications i n Alexandria. She spends a lot of time with three Pem­ broke \tVelsh corgis, including a re­ tired best- i n -s h ow c h a m p i o n , a retired matron and a current champi­ onship contender. So far she has bred rwo litters under the kennel prefix "Banner" and has produced a couple of champions. I n tl1e past year or two she has found hersel f drawn back into singing and acting again-strictly part time and amateur at the moment, but who knows? She would love to hear from anyone who m ight be suffering an attack of nostalgia; her e-mail ad­ dress is j ayneosu tton ® i x . netco m . com . . . . Steve Shafarman a l s o con­ fessed to not staying in touch re­ cently, but he's been busy publishing

NEWS MAKERS Joseph M. Koch I I I '72, president of Dragon Cement and Concrete in Portland, Maine, has been elected chairman of the board of the Maine State Chamber of Commerce ·:· York County, Maine, district attorney Michael P. Cantara '75 was the subject of a feature article in the Biddeford­ Snco-0/d Orcbnd Bench Com·ier. AJ though crime i dropping on a state and federal level, Cantara said, his caseload is grow­ ing because "we have better law enforce­ ment strategies" : Doner, the large t Joseph M. Koch I l l ' 7 2 independently owned advertising agency in North America, recently named Robert D. Petersen '76 executive vice president, account management di rector. In 1 999 he was honored by the American Marketing Association with an Edison ··

his most recent book, Healing Politics:

Citizen Policies and tbe Punuit ofHap­ piness (check it out on tl1e publisher's \tVeb site, ''' Politics. html). The book examines how pollution, racism, homelessness, crime, war and other problems are interrelated and argues tl1at solutions depend on empowering ordinary citi­ zens politically and economically. The book is getting enthusiastic responses from liberal Democrats, conserva­ tive R e p u b l i c a n s , L i berta r i a n s , Greens and many people who de­ scribe themselves as apolitical or antipolitical. Specific proposals up­ date an idea presented by Tom Paine, Martin Luther J(jng J r., Richard 1 ixon, George McGovern, Milton Friedman, john Kenneth Galbraith and many others. A di rect quote from Steve: " I t seems I never outgrew the protest pol i tics from our time at Colby." Steve is living i n \tVashing­ ton, D.C., and is active with the Green Party. \tVhen not writing, he teaches and practices the FeldenkraisMethod, which is the subject of an earlier book,

Awm·euess Heals: Tbe Feldenkmis Metbodjo1· Dyumnic Herdtb . . . . Saw a press release that announced Rob Petersen's newest position as EVP, account man agement di rector at Doner, the largest independently owned advertising agency in North America. Prior to joining Doner, Rob spent 1 0 years at N lessner Vetere Berger i\ 1cNamee Schmenerer/Euro RSCG in .Y. as group account di­ rectO r on t h e i. I C I - \Yo rldcom, Dtmkin' Donuts and Schering Plough brand accounts. L1 1 999 he was hon­ ored by the American Marketing As­ sociation with an Edison Award. Congratulations, Rob' . . . \\ ' riting from the Seattle area, Dan Dittmann

said his blues band, Sticksh ift Annie and tl1e Overdrive, were to be re­ cording their first original music CD in January and February and to start CD release gigs in May at the \Vash­ ington Blues Society montl1ly meet­ i n g . vVh en n o t w o r k i n g a t h i s company, Dittman-Design, wh ich designs brochures, logos and pack­ aging, he works as a volunteer team leader at the Experience the M usic Project at the new Seattle rock-and­ roll m useum designed by Frank Gehry and paid for by Paul Allen. H e invites Colby visirors to Seattle to come to a gig or stop by the museum on Sundays to say hello. Be sure to c h eck out his \Neb s i te ( for the gig schedule and a bit of i n fo about the band . . . . That's it for now. Keep those e-mails coming'

-Valerie Jones Roy


Hey '77s1 I'm short on news, but nevertheless I do have a few things for the colunm. I heard from Charles Frankel (cfrankel® last September. He has been married to Denise for 1 5 years and has two chil­ dren, Elisa, 1 1 , and Angela, 8. They live in Cornwa l l -on-Hudson, N.Y. Charles is a partner in a law firm in New \Vindsor, handling real estate, estates and trusts. He reports that he is still passionate about skiing and so is his fam ily-they spend tl1eir winter weekends at Ski \\'indham i n the Catskills. They also lo\'e to play ten­ nis, in-line skate and bike. He la­ ments (is this our class lament?) that there just doesn't seem to be enough time for "all the demands, require­ ments, meetings, acti,�ties, hobbies and sports that now fill the calendar." H e is really looking forward to our

2 5 th class reunion in J une 2002. So, all '77s, fol l ow Charles's lead, mark your calendars, getaway from all those requirements and demands and come to the 2 5 th. I t will be great' . . . Alexandra Levintow Howell (alex a n d ra . l . h ow e I I @ d a r t m o u t h . e d u ) writes thatshe is still working in HIV/ AIDS research at the VA Hospital in \Vhite RiverJunction, Vt., and teach­ ing part ti me at Dartmouth Medical School, where she is an associate pro­ fessor in tl1e department of microbi­ ology and medicine. She and her husband, Scott, are staying \'ery busy with two teenage sons, Cameron, 1 7, a n d N a t e , 1 5 , a n d a d a u g h te r , Caroline, 5 . They spend most of their off-work h ou rs renova t i n g t h e i r Lyme, N. H . , home a n d driving the boys to hockey games everywhere. Alexandra writes tl1at "if anyone is in tl1e area, please stop by and visit." . . . J oanne Karlin Giudicelli (joane lives in California. Her two oldest boys (twins) started their freshman year in college this past fal l , of Colorado and Michael at the Ch risto p h e r at San Di ego State. Third son, Brian, 1 1 , is in the sixth grade and happy to still be living at home. Joanne writes, "of course we are all too young to really have kids in college, right? " Right! To keep her mind off her nearly empty nest, she manages her own business, Informa­ tion Technology Partners, a high­ tech executive search fi rm in Forest City, Calif. (www. Along with son Brian she is planning to add an additional four-legged member to the family (tl1ey already have two dogs and two cats), a puppy that they will train and socia l ize for their new­ est endeavor, Guide Dogs for the Blind. Joanne would love to hear what Kathleen Keegan is up to . . . . Deb Cohen (debora h.cohen®rockmail. is an associate professor of Spanish and Italian at Slippery Rock University in Slippery Rock, Pa. Last October she translated a .\ Iexican play, Tu Voz, and directed it under the title On6' You. The play was a great success, and she was able to get funding to bring the playwright, Felipe Gah'an, to campus for the world premiere in Engli h. ill addition to tr3\·eling fre­ quently to .\ Iexico, she ha also vis­ ited Italy and Spain recently and will be going to Argentina and Brazi l this summer for the first ti me.

-Ellen D. O'Brien


Be careful what you wish for, i t m a y come true' After m y manr pitiful

c0 L B y


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at Larg1970s-1980s

solicitation , you guys ha,·e responded wonderfully' You ha,·e buried me in news. I may not be able to get it all i n t h i s t i m e , b u t I ,,· i l l e,·enru a l l y . Thanks! . . . Dennis "Decibel De � ­ nis" .\1acDonald \\Tites that he is the general manager of Looney Tunes Records in Boston and Cambridge. He is married to \'icroria Keirnan (Bowdoin ' 0), ,,·ho is a \ice presi­ dent at Houghton :\ li fflin. They ha,·e two Cairn terrier , Bertie, 1 1 , and J ake, - , and one \\'e t Highland ter­ rier, Rollie. ! . Dennis and his former Boston roommate, Peter T. Gra,·es, ,,·ere recently inteniewed on ,-ideo­ tape for an online documentary on the Boston " Punk Roc�e,,- \Va,·e Scene" circa 1 978- 1 986. Peter man­ ages �ewbury Comics on �ewbur�· treet. Dennis sa�·s he was interested in the feature article in the summer 1 000 i ss u e of Colby a b o u t a ,· Zembillas '79. From Colb�- da�·s on radio \\ -:\ l H B aqnd Dennis shared a common interest in the emerging punk rock culture. Dennis has one question : the article mentioned Sa,­ singing '' ith the punk/an band La Peste. Dennis wants to know when that was, ha\'ing seen La Peste per­ form at least - o times and ne\'er ha\'­ ing seen a,-_ :\n�·one know' . . . Abi Rome is an independent consultant in consen·ation and ecorourism. he bought a house in il\'er Spring, :\ ld . , b u t apparent!�· h a s n o t p u t down roots as she say'> she is tra,·eling more than e' er. She\ been to Brazil , Ecuador, uri name, Central America and Aus­ tralia. She abo does an annual trip to the coast of _\ Iaine, and of course, Colb� . _\hi im ires an�·one " ith an mtere'>t to an \bi-ecorour' . . . Tim Hu ey ,., fatrl� senled in Kennebunk, \ l ame, rJI'>mg three kids " ith his " 1 fe. \ Llrc1a. and running the famil� hu-,mc'>'>. l l m'>e� ·eating Compan� . l i e " a-, JOillcd 1n Kennebunk last � ear h� Bob J o h nston and hi'> f.t mt!� and '>J� ., he ,cc., plcn� of Colb� 1 te> dur­ In� t ill " 1 nter ( h ri s B ra d l ey and I red \ l .tdc.:1 r't · 0) at �u�arloaf and dunng the .,ummer ( Bob Kel log .llld ( .co fiT m.mucl ·-<)) around the boat­ I n !! .,ccnc.:. I I " thrc.:e-� ear Colh� roommate. Les \ f o ro-a n, ' "ttc.:d Lt.,t .. ummer on h1, " .1� to tal.. m g h" old­ "'t tbughtc.:r. l. .tura. to Colh� ·" a frc hm.m. f .t:,, h" '" fe. C1mh . .tnd t hrce l.. 1 d' h.t , e 'pent rhe J .t,t I 0 � e.t r' II\ 1ng an .unJtin� mi,"on. The� ha' e het:n d 1 r�.:cror of a mcdiul mi.,.,lon .,p o n ,o re d h� r h c P r e , h � r e r u n Church 1 11 B.m �Ltde,h a n d .t re mal.. ­ lng ,, differu1ee 1 11 the ,t.t tc of he.t lth 50

care in that part of the "·orld. They were in the States on sabbatical but are probably back in Bangladesh now. Tim sa)'S Les "·oul d lm·e some Colby ,·isirors . . . . Old pal Pat Sweeney (who I'"e since gonen rogetl1er with along "·ith Ben Thorndike '78 and Dwight Allison '79) sent the news that he and J oan (Vicario) dropped their daughter, Katie, off at Colby to join the Class of 2 00-+1 S"·eens and J o a n had l u n c h "·i th J a n ice (Seitzinger) Kassman (some things ne,·er change) and said that b)· the time the�- left Katie she was actually admitting mat she was me product of a "Colby couple." He claims she had more stuff (TV, computer, fridge, etc.) than he and Joan had for meir first aparm1ent. Sweens is now at Contact East i n ?\Torth Andover, :\ lass., as CFO and operations man­ ager. He's big inro marathons (sub 3 l /2 hours-l'\'e had cars that couldn 't do mat), and mey all do a bunch of skiing from meir home in \ Vaten-ille \'aile�-. �.H . . . . It was terrific to hear from Clarke Moody. Clarke had a great "memory bowl" last summer as he and his wife, Betsy, and three daughters-Brett, 1 5 , Brookie, 1 3 , and Kelsey, 1 1 -went cruising from their summer place in l\"arragansett Bay to :\larma's \'ine�·ard and �an­ rucker. The high point \\'as sropping to see like Fa ra ca, his wife, Susanne, and their -+-)·ear-old son, Lee, in their hidea\\'ay in \\'est Tisbury. For some­ one \\'ho's been "s,l-imming \\'ith the financial sharks on and off\\'all Street for 20 years" it was great for Clarke's soul to see someone so at peace with himself and the world as ,\ l ike, \\'ho's been on the \'ineyard for near!�· 2 0 years. Clarke also h a d ne\\'S of Luke Alessandroni, \\'hO roughed it out " ith our class for 2 1 /2 years before disappearing to the jungles of Co­ lombia tO teach English at a Catholic girl\ high school by day and play conga in a jazz band in Cali by night for his junior year abroad. Luke ap­ pan.:ntl� had some interesting health i.,.,ue., in Colombia in the early '80s, " h1ch Clarke " ould be happy to e\­ plaln to an� one " ith an interest. l le recent !� JOined a friend\ firm a> a J l'lrtner, and the\ do mternational equ1� mone� management for a nice lt,t of Ill� name foundatton and en­ do" ment cltcnt'> and h1gh net-\\ onh t� pt:'>. U.trke\ been all O\ er th<: map (the !'>land.,, '\'.'t .C:., Puerto R ;co, l l ou..ton) hut ha-, no\\ .,ettlc.:d hac\.. 1 11 J . . . I ha' e a lot more late arm ing llc\1 " h 1ch I ' I I "" e for llC\t tunc '> 0 '


I f you' re l i ke many Co l by a l u m n i , you're too bu'>y but ldmg a career and raising a fam i l y


spe nd much t i me plannmg for

re t i rem ent . But, p lanning w h i le yo u re young i; i m por t an t. '

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And, best of all, your gift annuity u l t i m a t e l y w i l l help build Colby's endowment-for scholarships, fac u l ty development and other College needs. I f you a re age

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your tax

and your annual

give Co l by


income for l i fe

now is

at 6 5 would be


2 5 ,000

1 6, 1 5 1


2 5 ,000

1 4 ,788

5 ,07 5


2 5 ,000

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2 ,900


Want more information ? Call or write with your name, address, phone number and b i rthdate; of intended income benefic iaries

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iving or

ook '75 , Associate Director of Planned Giving olby College

4373 Ma)•flower Hill Wlatemlle , M E 0490 I Phone 207-872-32 I 0 or fax 207-872-3073 E-mail plangift®colby .edu


Colby doesn'tedit anything out. I hope you a l l had wonderful h o l idays and a terri fie start on 2 0 0 1 1

Julia Greenwood Kreutz has made

with her husband and son, )onathan,

the Atlanta, Ga., area her home for 20

6. . . .

Diana Herrmann is president

years. S h e i s practi c i n g p hy s i c a l

-Robe1-t S. Woodbmy

and CEO of Aquila Management

tl1erapy and manages a rehabi l i tation

Corporation, a mutual fund company

J 9 As I write, it's that time of the

department. She reports that her

in N.Y.C. Aquila manages 1 5 funds

daughters keep her busy with tl1eir

in H a w a i i , Kentucky, Utah, Arizona,

year again when we scurry around,

trying to fi n d the best Christmas gift

activities, she enjoys cycl ing on their

Rhode Island, the Rocky Mountain

tandem b i ke with her husband, D ave,

to give. If I could just get my Christ­

states and the Pacific Northwest.

and they travel to Maine every sum­

mas cards out. For now, I w i l l get this

\Vhile the company's regional orien­

mer for kayaki n g and hiking . . . .

column out to you. . . . Kathy Quimby

Neal resides in


tation and educational approach for

Bethesda, Mel. She is

shareholders has resulted i n a heavy

wrote to say that she has

a horticulturist and spends her time

been published. Kathy responded

u·avel schedule and high su·ess, Diana

raising plants as well as her children,

reports that tl1e frequent flyer miles


some years ago to a call for brief mem­

Catie, 4, and Lia, 1 . Barb sti l l finds

oirs about interesting grandmothers.

are a nice perk. She planned an ad­

the ti me to play soccer and enjoys

That led to her being one of68 women

venture vacation to Patagonia for

working on their cabin i n the West

included in

January 2 00 1 . She has ski patrolled at

Virgi n i a woods . . . .

At Gnmdmotber's Table: Women W1'ite about Foods, L1fe ami the Endw·hzg Bond between Gm11dmotbers and Gmuddaugbte1'S. The book fea­

Erin Ireton

Stratton Mounta i n i n Vermont for

reportS that " l i fe out i n M i l l

2 6 years and is active i n the N.Y.C.

Valley, Calif., is grea t ! " . . . Elizabeth Yanagihara Horwitz, husband Ba rry

Colby Club. Diana and I caught up

tures memoirs, photographs and reci­

'79 and children live i n Newton, Mass.

last summer on Cape Cod, where we

pes. Kathy said that it has been fun

She has been playing with the Wi l­


promoting the book. Congrats1

low Flute Ensemble for three years

surfboard i n h a n d . J o n ny C. l i ves on

Gayle Amato passed along highlights

and says i n formation on tl1eir first

the Cape w i th h i s fa mily i n Brewster.

ofher year. Gayle, husba n d J erry and

CD can be found at www . w i l low

... . . . . Jim and Laurie

b a l a n c i n g act of fu l l -time work/

the kids, Tucker, 8, Jacob, L O, and


with each other at Nauset Beach inlet

Jon Covell

on the beach with

Alice Domar is l iving the "crazy

Amanda, 1 2 , moved to Glastonbury,

Munson Lowe

e-mailed me from

motherhood/wifedom . " Her second

Con n . , on J u ly 3 1 . They turned right

their home in St. Louis, Mo. J i m is

daughter, due last December, joins

around and left town for a two-month

teaching Latin and Greek at John

sister Sarah, 4. Alice's third book came

cross-coun try trip , cove ring more

Burroughs School, where three of

out in October 2 000, and her team at

than 1 4,000 m i l es, h i tting most of the

their chil dren attend. Laurie is pur­

work is expa nding their research and

national parks and lots of other inter­

suing a master's degree in early child­

clinical work on women and stress in

esting places. She said it took some

hood education a n d is d o i n g a n

the corporate setting. She lives i n

adjusting to new schools when they

i n t e rn s h i p a t C h e s t e r fi e l d D a y

Sudbury, Mass., a n d reports seeing

got back October 1 5 . Gayle is sti l l at

School, where daughter Sara h , 5 , at­

K a r e n S o n d e rg e l d a n d D u n c a n

Bayer Pharmaceutical i n West H a ­

tends. J i m and Laurie keep busy wi tl1

\Vhimey, botl1 '8 1 , often, along with

ven as a clinical systems analyst, work­

kids, school and church activities.

their neighbor

ing on systems in the c l i n ical trials

Their hobbies include working with

Dan Berger,

Tom Rudder. . . .

wife Shelley (Pomona

area. Her duties have been expanded

stained glass, gardening and trying to

'82 ) and fam i ly have returned to the

to include a role on an international

get 2 0 years of photos into albwm . . . .

New England area after 1 7 years away.

team addressing global cli nical sys­

Jim Nelson

has been the assistant

In May 2 000 he accepted the position

tems standardization and manage­

p r i n c i p a l in a m i d d l e school i n

of pre s i d e n t a n d CEO o f S a l es

ment. J erry works from home as a

Pi ttsford, N.Y., a suburb o f Roches­, a Web-based service that enables sales managers to run sales

computer consultant and helps keep

ter, N.Y., for tl1e last eight years. He

track of the kids' activities-soccer,

and his wife, Heidi, have two great

i ncentive contests entirely onli ne. He

music lessons, school. . . . Keenan and

kids, Greg, 9, and Rachel, 7, whose

is based i n Maynard, Mass., but sti l l

have fi­

basketball and baseball teams J i m

maintains a residence i n northern

n a l l y put down roots in Bedford,

coaches. A recent addition to tl1eir

California. Dan and Shelley enjoyed

N . H . , where they purchased a home

family is a golden retriever, Buddy.

seeing so many old fri ends at our 2 0th reunion. H e wrote, " I could not have

Kathy B leakney Pawley

i n October. Kathy i s enjoyi n g being

Last September, 1 2 of the "chop­

back i n New England. Sean, 8 , and

pers" went to Ireland for a week of

returned to Colby wi tl1out feeling

Nlel issa, 3, have settled i n to new

intense golf competition-a memo­

the deep lossofGeoffBrown's tragic

schools a n d have actu a l l y enjoyed a

rable trip. H e saw Dave H u l l '79, h i s

passing. He was my roommate and

snow day or two si nce moving north

wife, Pam, and tl1eir tl1ree k i d s dur­

my fraternity brother, but most of a l l

from Roanoke, Va . vVe hope to visit

ing last Thanksgiving weekend in

m y friend." . . . Two columns ago I

them this summer and check out the

Dunwoody, Ga . . . .

asked you all to submit a funny Colby

new house.

reports seeing

Mark Garvin Doug Herbert last

memory to add to our class news. A

year i n \Vashington, D . C. , at N liguel

number of us, when pressed to do

Browne ' 7 8 's wedding. Doug l ives in

this, acknowledged that most of our

Caroline Weeks DiProspero,

Arlington, Va ., with wife Gayle and

humorous memories are not suitable

h e r h u s b a n d , Art, a n d d a u g h ter

son Ted. Doug recently took up golf,

for publication. These incidents en­

Chelsea live i n vVatertown, Conn.

which Mark says is "scary for anyone

compass happy events and mishaps

-Cbe1'i Bailey Powen


Carrie is a first grade teacher at a school near her home, Art has h i s o w n business, and Chelsea plays o n her middle school soccer t e a m . . . .

who ventures out onto the fairways of

or missteps that helped shape our

Virginia 1 "

college experience. To even prod you

Roni Wechsler Ford

has her own dermatology practice in

tO dig up these stories accomplishes

Gaithersburg, i\ ld . , "·here she l i\'es

what we set out to do, \\'hich was to

1980s Correspondents 1980 Lynn C o l l i n s Fra n c i s 1 6 O a k ridge R o a d S u d b ury, MA 0 1 7 7 6 classnews1980@a lum 1981 Beth P n i ewski Wilson P . O . Box 602 H a rva rd , MA 01451 978-456-8801 cl 1982 M i m i H. Rasmussen 2 1 9 Lexington Aven u e Cambridge , MA 02138 6 1 7-492-1002 classnews1982@alum 1983 S a l l y Lovegren Merchant 24 Easy Street Mt. Desert, ME 04660 20 7-244-0441 fax: 20 7-244-9445 1984 Cynthia M. M u l l i ken-Lazzara 18 Sunsh ire Ave n u e Sausa lito, C A 94965 415-332-3542 classnews1984@a lum 1985 Sue James Gere m i a 8 7 Ce ntre Street Dover, MA 02030 508-7 85-8366 classnews1985@a lum 1986 Wendy Lapham Russ 146 West M a i n Street, Apt. #1 Newark, D E 1 9 7 1 1 302-283-1225 classnews1986@a lum 1987 Jane N icol M a n u e l 8 Wentworth Drive Beverly, MA 0 1 9 1 5 978-92 7-6084 fax: 520-833-6214 cl assnews1987@a 1988 cjo Meg Bernier Colby College A l u m n i Office Watervi l l e , ME 04901 207-872-3185 1989 An ita L. Terry 501 Warwick Street St. Pa u l , MN 5 5 1 16 65 1-698-9382 fax: 651-848-1182 classnews1989@a l u m .


· S P R I N G

2 0 0 1



Alumni at La



get you to remember, and to laugh. To end in �·our news you can com­ plete and send in the questionnaire located in this magazine, e-mail me a t classnews 1 980@ a l u m or 11-rite to 16 Oak-ridge R d . , Sudbury, ..\L\ 0 1 7 7 6 .

N EWSMAKERS The islands of Maine's Penobscot Bay and the marshlands and open spaces of lps11�ch, iiiass., are the subjects of Andrew Ander­ son-Bell '8 1 's landscape pastels. Recently featured in the Ips-U!icb Cln-onicle, Anderson­ Bell has exhibited paintings in galleries all

-Lynn Collins H·nncis

along the East Coast ·:· "Mount Abram is where I learned to ski," said Jeremiah S.

8 1 \\Tith our 20th reunion coming up in J une 11·e need to find a new class president! The main responsibility is to help organize our 2 5 th reunion. Ha1·ing worked on our 20th reunion this past year with the Alumni Office, I can say they ha1·e made it l'ery easy. So please contact me or 1eg Bernier in the Alumni Office if you are inter­ ested in being president of the Class of 1 98 1 1 Eljzabeth Eustis works at I m age \\Torks in Portland, .\ Iaine, as a customer experience strategist and i n formation architect. She makes sure that \\reb sites they develop are pertinent to �·our needs, easy to use and don't inspire �·ou to exercise your colorful l'ocabulary. She says it is a fun job workjng with companies to identify online business opportuni­ ties, doing field research to target what the site should offer and design­ ing the flow of i n formation through the site. And Elizabeth says it is all ,·ery pertinent to her East Asian stud­ ies degree' . . . Ben i\Ierrill li1·es in Randolph, \'r., and is the director of marketing communications and cre­ atil e er�·ices at �ational Life I nsur­ ance Company. He and his 11·i fe, ..\ l a rdee, ha1·e four children, Kelsey, amantha, Rachel and Asa. Ben is abo a freelance writer whose articles ha1 e appeared in f f'ine pectntor and Califonun Broker magazines. H e re­ centh attended Robert Barnes ' 3 's 11 edding, 11 here he ran into Bonnie Turnbull and Brian Skene . . . . a toru Orlandella a to ga1·e up his career a'> a htgh-11� ing, international 101 e-,tment banker and relocated hi� famd� from japan ro the metro T11 in Ctue-,, \ l m n . l i e made a comciou'> deu'>lon t'J uke a � ear off tO 11 ind dm1 n from a l t fe-,� le of h tgh pre'>­ -,urc:. reconneu 11 l[h hi'> famd� and reonent ht, pcr-,mul chotce'>. �an ,., conducrmg tnformanonal tnterl 1e11 ., ro get a hener feel for the area and w ,earch out a career that i-, more con­ duel\ e to a f,u llll� -onented life.,� I e. �,111 -,a\ ., that tf am d,I..,.,m,lte'> are in the ar� a he 11 o ul �l lo1 e to hook up 11 1th 1 ou. I l c un he't he reached ,u -, . o . a � H o@ bt m . . . . J o c · K e l li h e r and h,., 11 1 fe. \ !a rrha ! ! all , nounce the htrth ot their ). m ( Bate •








, 00 !

"Josh" Bums Jr. ' 8 1 on taking ownership of the l llaine ski resort last November. A senior 1-ice president and portfolio manager with Kathryn M. Soderberg '84

Salomon Smith Barney in Portland, Burns said he wanted to strengthen the resort's

"great reputation as a famil}'-oriented, affordable, friendly and accessible ski area" .;. Kathryn M. Soderberg '84 has been named president of Soderberg Insurance Sen-ices, Inc., of Lynnfield, Iass. She has spearheaded several community e1·ents such as financial planning for women, and the company has recei1·ed national recognition from ,VIs. ,1Jngn�ine as a leading woman-led organization : St. Lawrence University visiting assistant professor of reli­ ··

gion M. Whitney Kelting '88 was awarded a senior fellowship by the American Institute of lndian Studies to support several months of research in India during 200 1 -02 : Michael R. D'Agostino '89, senior consultant at Hartland & Co., 11·as appointed president of the Cleveland, Ohio, inde­ ··

pendent, employee-o1med im·estrnent-consulting firm.

M I LESTON ES .1 fa1Tinges: Katherine Pratt ' 8 1 to Daniel V. Pincetich in Aptos, Calif. ·:· Patrick J. Fortin '82 to Kathleen Girard in Winchester, ii iass. : Brigid M. Hoffman '86 to John P. Murray III in New York City : Jos h ua D. Shapiro '87 to Suzanne Juster in \Vest Orange, I .]. ··


Bi11bs: A girl, �ora Frances Faulstich, to Mary B. Ram undo '80 and Joseph Faulstich '80 : A boy, ;\ Iatthew Gregory Clark, to Scott R. '85 and Sarah

mittee. Anyone in the Class of 1 98 1 can join in to call their classmates and make a 'stretch pledge . ' As always, more helpers a re welcom e ! "

-Beth Pniewski Wilson


Lisa C lark sends i n formation in for tl1e first time. She is married to Tim Bureau from Watemlle, and they have two boys, Nick, 1 1 , and Alex, 8, who both p l ay travel hockey. Lisa is a parmer in a law fi rm i n \ Vashingron, D.C., where s h e has l ived since starting l a w school at Georgetown University Law Center in 1 98 3 . Lisa would l i ke to hear from Sarah Perry, and she a lso hopes that all is well in the great white north . . . . ews from J effra Becknell and her parmer, E l i zabeth Grossman, is the birth of Remy Beckn e l l Grossman. Congratulations' . . . Carolyn Berry Copp and her family spent a month last summer camping and touring the countryside i n Tew Zealand. I t was winter there and chil ly, but they a l l had a great t i m e . Carolyn's 4-year­ old daughter is takjng ballet class, and they ran into Steve Trimble escorting his daughter to ballet, roo. Tills recentJanuary marks Carolyn's fourth year of working on her own as a marketing consultant for confer­ ence a n d p u b l i s h i n g compa n ie s . Thanks t o L i s a , Jeffra and Carolyn for writing in.

-iV limi H. Rasmussen


Stevens Clark '85. daughter, ;\ Iegan Elizabeth Kelliher, on �m·ember 2 2 , 2000, at ;\ la i ne :\ l edical Center in Portland. Joe says he is looking for�1·ard to a continued close bond with David and Amy Haselton Bolger,Jane Hartzell and Joanne Terry Swanson, all of whom hal'e children less cl1an a year old . . . . Sue Perry and her horse :\ Iagic, age 1 6, competed in the big �'EDA Fall Ores age Festi1·al. It is a huge show, including Grand Prix classes that are q u a l i fier for the 2 00 1 D ressage \\'oriel Cup. Sue says they were little fish in a big pond, sort of like being in the 01) mpics. She and :\ Iagic are going back next ) ear to t�· e1·en harder . . . . Josh Burns had the win­ ntng bid on the ..\ fount .\bram Skj Re<.,ort comple.\ at a foredo urc auc­ tion i.I'>t '\o1 ember and was t�·ing to gcr the re>ort read� for the 11 inter >ea>on. Thl'> ,., the fir<,t bmmes� ,·en­ rure for J o>h, " ho i'> a portfolio man­ ,,ger for )olomon �mtth Barne) in Portland. I ( ,., 11 ife, �u�an, is an anor­ nc� ltcen-,ed w pracrtce tn \ latne and

l\ 1assachusetts. During the week, Josh, Susan and their two children, J ake and Anna, live in Fal moucl1 . On weekends they live in vVaterford at Skye Farm, a workjng farm featuring H ighland cattle and an apple orchard. At age I OJosh began skjing at Moum Abram with his older sisters and par­ ents and says the driving force behind tl1e purchase was "good memories and the belief that Mount Abram can be successful if we keep to the charac­ ter that made cl1e mountain success­ ful . " Good luck to Josh in cl1is new venture! . . . And here's a note from Laura Littlefield Bourne: "I am writing on December 1 3 , the day Gore looks like he will concede in the presidential election. I am sti ll lobby­ ing on behalf of supermarkets and their customers. The last five weeks ha1·e been unprecedented for the na­ tion and for \\'asbingron, D.C. Per­ haps 11 e can now get on with it. T am leading the fund raising for our re­ union-year cla;s for tl1e olby Alumni Fund and ha1·c a l'cry energetic com-


April 2 0 0 1 will bring another chance for Col byettes to s i n g to­ g e t h e r . The 5 0 t h y e a r of t h e Colbyettes will be celebrated o n cam­ pus the weekend of April 2 0-2 1 . I plan to be cl1ere, as do many of our alumnae. Ofcl1e 1 98 3 'Ettes, I haven't heard from Deb Holmes Bean1, Nora

Pumarn Dunn, Dawna Eastman­ G a l la, J anet J andreau o r Amy Fisher Kelly, but I t h i n k Barb Leona1·d plans to be cl1ere. She and Dan Marra live in \Naterville and work nearby. Hope ro see many 'Ettes in attendance, and I hope many of you living close enough can make the trip Saturday night, April 2 1 , to hear some fun groupings of past a n d present Colbyettes1 Gretchen a n d J ake Filoon announced the birth o f their son , Camden \Vhipple Filoon, in March 2 000 . . . . And George and Liz M u rphy Kloak sent me the news of the arrival of their fourcl1, Lillian "Lillie" Regina Kloak, in J une 2 000. . . . Dan Weeks was married in Au­ gust 2 000 to Mary Jo Flint. Dan is enjoying his career as an associate • • .

professor of human genetics, tryi n g

seems we called h i m " L ioydie." Does

t o map and di scover disease genes

. . . Jim Traettino

this ring a bel l for anyone? Anyway,

from 1 992 to 1 998. In this role she will

i n fluencing human disease. Dan notes

vVashington, D . C. He has his own

B i l l says he lives near Geneseo,

company, which provides professional

serve on the Educational Policy :u1d

.Y. ,

e-mailed from

she previously served on cl1is board

that he's also taking piano lessons . . . .

which is about 3 0 miles south ofRoch­

Bradford, Pa.,

guided tours and transportation in

onunatin g committees and chairs clle

Don Ulin wrote from

ester, N.Y. H e has been married to

Student Affairs Committee. She is cur­

where he l ives with h i s w i fe, Susan

the nation's capital. H i s company uses

Meg for 1 5 years, and they have four

m i n i buses for tours and private char­

rently a vice president and general COLUl­

\Vyss, and their two c h i ldren, Colin

chil dren, Coyne, Andrew, Catherine

sel of Sapient Corp., an e-business

and Alexandra. Don is in his third yeari11

ters for corporations and meeti n g

and Maggie. B i l l ' s i n his 1 3 th year

a tenure-o·ack position teaching En­

events in D . C. T h e n a m e of h i s com­

with Merri ll Lynch, working in the

pany is Tour One I nc. a t www.

glish at a smaU wuversity in rural, moun­

Rochester office as a vice president

wh . . . . John Tawa

Debora h 1

tainous northwestern Pennsylv:uua. Don

and senior financial consultant. Bill

e - m a i l e d to say h e 's taken a new job.

also learned that

says that after 1 1 yearsofgraduateschool

has stayed in contact with

S i nce l ast fa l l he's been work i n g as

was promoted to managing d i rector,

in Bloomington, Ind., this a lmost feel s

a senior wri ter for

pet treats, for H e i n z

has moved to a new

Carpenter, Tyger Nicholas, Lance '84 and Anna \Vhite Hanson and Mark Federle. Bill and Meg have writi n g about

me an e-mail i f you or a class friend

opportunity at a start-up company

enjoyed devoting their time to rais­

high school sports nationally. J ohn

have updates or news of promotions,

that's all about marketing. Her com­

i n g the kids, helping to manage fam­

shared a great story of returning to

appointments, etc.) . . .

pany, Inceptor, I n c . , sells conversion

i l y fa rms in the Geneseo area, skii ng,

Colby with his wife, Lisa, a graduate


marketing software and set-vices to

reading, running and fox hunting the

of UCLA. Wh i l e in the bookstore,

social worker in the L.A. Department

marketing management at Fortune

way his family has done it for over

Prof.] im Meehan, whom John hadn't

of Public Health, wh ich is the largest

l ike being back in New England . . . .

Deb Pappas





(Cai - H i and

consultancy headquartered in Cam­ bridge, N l ass. Congratu lations, • • •

From a press release we

Todd Lachman Torth America.

Congratul a tions, Tod d 1 ( Please send


writes that she is a psychiatric

2 000, click-and-mortar and dot-com

1 00 years, the old-fashioned way­

seen in 1 4 years, walked in, came over

public mental hea lcl1 system in the

companies that help them maximize

on horseback. Thanks for writing . . . .

to]ohn, greeted him warmly and said,

country. This is a significant career

online customer conversion. Deb is

Other classmates who started with us

"The last I heard you were going to

change for J\' [ aureen, who prior to

chief marketing officer, and her of­

in 1 9 79 have also been "lost. " \Ve'd

law school in Virginia. \Vhat are you

grad school worked in el ectron i c

fice is in Maynard, Mass . . . . I ' m

love to encourage you to contact the

up to now ? " Apparently John's wife

banking services . . . .

always looking for h e l p from o u r class­

Al umni Office, as B i l l did, to regain

was floored-I guess that doesn't hap­


mates. Those of you who have been

your standing as one of us. We are

pen a lot at UCLA . . . . Kurt Wolffe­

was married on June 3, 2 000,

contacted by me, by Duncan Gibson

anxious to hear from you. In 2 003 we

m a i l ed to "blow his own h o rn , "

Ployer in Wellesley, Mass. (the same

or by anyone else !mows that the calls

w i l l celebrate our 2 0th reunion, and

something more of o u r classmates

day as our 1 5 cll-year reunion!). Her

for our classmates to continue to share

perhaps we can do i t as a very la rge

should do, as it's fun

matron ofhonorwas Cynthia Vill arreal

our gifts with the Alull1lli Fund of

group. Please consider helping plan

our successes. Kurt had

Colby Coll ege do get made and are a

that reunion and what you'd l ike to

published in the fa l l of 2 000, both on

vital part of the givi ng process. Many

see us do. I only have, from right now,

cl1e subject of couno-y music and bocl1

of you have a nswered by helping to

two short years to do the planni ng.

published by the British company

fession, who coached his fi rst eason

make calls or recruit volunteers. All

Seems l i ke a lot, but not when this is

Rough Guides. One is a 600-page

for the Tarragansett ( R . I . ) Regional


hear about two


Kelli Crump

sent exciting news that she to


Buckley '84 . . . . Another news clip from Colby contained i n fo on

Joe Mizhir, a \-\'ichenden lawyer by pro­

of us have way too many things i n our

a biggie. Let me know how you can

reference/history guide to music from

Footba l l Squad. The article praises

busy l i ves to do. That's a given. But

h e l p . . . . A news clip from Colby came

the 1 92 0s to the present day, titled

Joe (husband to Amy and father to

there is sti II a great need for class

to me about our own

Betsy Thomp­

Tbe Rougb Guide to Comltl)' 11 fusic.

two sons, Tucker, 1 0, and joey, 6) for

associate agent volunteers to contact


who is the director of publ ic

The other is a smaller companion

other classmates. If you are w i l l in g to

relations at Talbots in H i ngham,

book, Cammy: 1 00 Essential COs. Both

off the fi eld . . . . Back in Boston,

balancing h i s responsibilities on and

help, please contact me or contact

Mass. Betsy, who joined Tal bots in

take the approach that there is a lot

Christine Elaine Petersen-Wells

Dave Beers ' 8 5 , director of annual

1 992, oversees fashion and reta i l pub­

more to couno-y music than Garth

and her husband, Robert \Ve i ls , ven­

givi n g ( The more

licity and coordinates all new store

Brooks . . . . Maura Cassidy e-mailed

tured back to the East Coast for a visit

the merrier, many hands make light

open ing events. She is responsible

tl1at she did her first sailing charter as

over the holidays. (Christine, San

work, etc. Our class continues to earn

for writing and producing Talbots'

a captain last fa l l . She chartered a 4 1 -

Francisco may be beautiful, but Bos­

a better name for itsel f as our giving

seasonal newsletters, press releases

foot Benneteau i n the British Virgin

ton will always be home ! ) . . .

ratios slide upwards, slowly. Consis­

and commentary on trends and ad­

Islands and went island hopping and

tency is key to our success. Thanks to

vice on wardrobing. Betsy has exten­

scuba diving with six friends. I f any­

all of you who can contribure. . . . In

sive i nterview experience with both

one wants an "experienced" captain

mas and reports that Laurie, Jim and

October our man

Mike Schafer

broadcast and print media in her more

for their next trip to cl1e islands, give

their rwo boys, i\ [ichael and Ryan,

Cici Bevin Gordon saw Laurie Herlihy Murphy i n N . H. just before Christ­

wrote from M iddlesex t o s a y t h a t h e

than 1 5 years in public relations, hav­

Maura a call . You can find her work­

are doing well and managed to hit the

won't b e a b l e t o help o u t w i t h the

ing appeared on various fashion news

ing in electronics marketing at Fidel­

s l o p e s b e fo re h e a d i n g h o m e to

class givi ng duties at this point i n h i s

segments in several major markets,

iry Invesonents. iV [aura says she's kept

Doylestow n , Pa. Cici also m e n ­

l i fe because h e ' s settl ing i n as assis­

i n c l u d i n g Boston, San Francisco,

in touch with J u l i a B l anchard ' 8 5 ,

t i o n e d t h a t s h e a n d h e r fa m i l y

C h i cago, P h i l a d e l p h i a , Toronto,

who's Livil1g in L.A., S u e Hahn Rieck,

Phoen ix and Birmingham, Al a . T am

Sally Lee

unclear where Betsy now lives in

Frank is living i n \\'eston, .\ l ass., and


N l assachusetts, but we wish her well.

he and h i s "'ife ha,·e two chil dren, Ben and Grace . H e 's work i n g at

two c h i l dren, .\ [eghan, 9, and Jack,

. . . Please write soon.

tant head of school, and his workload is huge. He sounded great, however, noting that the family had grown in J un e 2 000 with the birth of number three, Jonathan. Thanks, M i ke ! . . . I heard from

�'illiam Lloyd,

-Sally Loveg;·en J fercbant

a voice

from our past, who started out with us in 1 979, took a year offafter sopho­ more year and ended u p graduating with the Class of 1 984. He's decided to rejoin us i n the C l ass of 1 98 3 , and we welcome h i m back in a b i g way1 It


and Frank H amblen '84.

Peabody and Arnold . . . . Keep those cards and letters coming.

Hello and thanks to those of

you who wrote. To those of you who haven't checked in for a while, now is

-Cyntbia .H. .1 Iulliken-Lac:::,a m


Last .\ lay

headed south t o D . C. t o vi i t our \'ery own " G i n




h i s w i fe, ,\ I aureen, thei r

7, a n d a \\'heaten terrier n a m e d Dubl i n . C i c i a l so shared a Col l i n s family secret t h a t .\ leghan discov­ ered w h i le researching her family h is­

tory for a school project. E,,idencly

Deborah England

began a four-year term as a

the time to fi ll out one of the sur\'eys


in the magazine and mail it in to me.

Colby trustee. As many of you know,

the Gaelic translation for Collins is "young dog or pup." (Gin Pup-she made me do i t ! ) Rumor has it that

c0 L B y


s p R I N G

200 I



Alumni at La


980s - 1 990s

Cici and Gin Pup are a l ready plan­ ning the entertainment for our 2 005 reunion . . . . E1·en closer to home, Katie Hollander-Adams lives just three m i l es down the road from me with her husband, Rob, and ) -year­ old n1·ins, Cameron and E l i za . . . . I n Duxbury, .\ l ass., B i l l "Hoolie" ' 4 and Beth Garcia Wiese and their m·o boys, H u n te r and J ustin, are in the throes of house construction and are looking forward to mo1ing back i n for summer 2 00 1 1 . . . Lastly, Car­ rie Rymer Elliott recently mol'ed from Prm'idence to Barrington, R . I . , "·ith her husband, G l e n , and their three girls, .\ I a rgaret, Caroline and Francie. She is happy to hal'e the mol'e Ol'er and is beginning to settle in tO her ne\\· home . . . . As alwai'S, please send e-mail updates to class­ news l 9 5 @a l u m . I f you a l read)· sent a n e-mail sometime i n late :woo a n d ha1·e not yet read it in this column, please send it to me again. (AOL deleted a collection of e­ mail just prior to my writing this column-mea culpa ') In fact, I be­ liel'e that Rich MacNeille m.ight have ent ome hot info on a classmate appearing on Suri.'h'o1·. Can R.ich or anyone l'erif)· this? ·

-Sue Jnmes Geremia

86 Class o f '

6, reunite! Start get­ ting geared up for our 1 5th reunion this summer-it will be here before )·ou know it. Check out Colby's \\'eb ite for the late t news on our big 1 5 , l i e n at j a m e s . or c on t act J ay allen@c tO volunteer. . . . i\ ews comes tO me 1·ia olb)· that Ke l l y C h o p u s has been h i red by the Ctah tarzz of the \\'omen's :\'BA as 1ice pre�ident of ticket sales. \ \'rite tO us, Kell) , and tell us more . . . . Robin C h a l m e r .\ lason was married tO J erod .\ la'>on in Jul)· and bought a hou.,e 1n Bedford, .\ l a s., in :\'o, em­ hcr . . . . Ro d n e y outlm·orth i. al o l a risa a ne11 h " ed . I l e married Ibarra 1 n Februaf) ]000 and \\ JS re­ cent!) tran.,ferred from Guadalajara m \ l e>.ICO CIC") J'> tlirecto r ofQuimica Moll, � - \. de C. \ ·., the pharmaceun­ e.ll compan) of the B \.'F group. . . . Bob i d m a n and h i'> 11 1 fe. LJUra, are the hu'>) parent., of three g1rb and !11 e m Rhode ].,!Jnd, " here Bob " orb <1 '> .111 emergenc) ph) '>ICIJn Jt Rhode b­ land l l o . . p l u l and "' an a'>'>! tam pro­ fc.,.,or Jt Bro\\ n l n 1 1 e r'>! l:) . I l e ha'> .,een B rent and J i l l t a 7 Harri and Bill Yardle) and recent!) heJrd from Da1id Ep rein. l ie J) '· ·• f f ) OU are m the J rea. plea c g11 c U'> a call. \ \'e're 54




:. P R I N G

200 I

in the book." . . . Robin Cl.isby Pelczar works i n h u m a n resources for .\ l eredith Vil l a ge Sa,·i n gs B a n k i n .\ Ieredith, N . H . S h e a n d h e r husband, Ted, are building a new house i n Cente r H a rbor. . . . Rob Cummings sent in his own text for the class notes, which was thought­ ful . Here it is: "after a year-long surfari, Rob Cummings has washed up in Sydney, Ausu-alia. Highlights of the l ast vear on the road include surfing the Outer Hebrides, getting barreled near B i a rritz, f\1'0 months exploring .\ Iorocco's point breaks and some truly awesome waves off Sumbawa, I n donesi a . Next, Rob plans to circumnavigate the I s l a n d Continent i n a H o l d e n looking for waves." . . . Hang ten and keep e­ mailing and sending your updates. And please try to circumnavigate your way to the reunion this year. S u rPs up on Dana Beach '

-f Veudy Lnphmn Russ


Any new volunteer projects' Exciting trips) Cool new hobbies? . . . Besides trying to get piles of photos into albums, my ne\\· hobby is the scenery for my oldest son's new elec­ tric train set. I think I'm more excited than he is1 . . . Sean Sullivan and An1y Drury Sullivan (sister of Sarah Drury '85) welcomed their son, Owen Drury Sullivan, to the world on September 1 1 . . . . Ben Diebold \\Tites, " I 'm sti l l grinding away on a dissertation at Yale. I'm excavating a l a rge l ate i\eolithic town in southern Turkey. .\ Iostly I \\Tite proposals seeking fund­ ing for additional research (if anyone feels the inclination to contribute, please step forward ' ). In tl1e spring I ' l l be in .\ lissouri, where I won a fel lowship to work in a nuclear reac­ tor for four months, analyzing an­ cient potter)'· Hope all is well with you all and top by and visit. " . . . Cindi and Ted Grevelis announce the birth of their second son, Forrest Christian, " ho joins big brother Ben­ jamin, -+. ""o other news except we mo1 ed tO Las \'egas four years ago from Guam, I'm nO\\ international �ale; manager for il icon Gami ng, and 11 e'll be here for a " hile," writes Ted . . . . Kat h) and M i ke Archibald ! 1 1 e in Canton, � - \ ' . , with their three g1 rb-Crace, I lannah and Emily, age'> o to I I . \ l ike i; director ofmajor g1ft� at 't. La11 renee and is helping to run a 1 30-mdlion capital campaign, -,o he enJO) ., getting Col b) \ m<l ilings ro compare notes. The) get w their -,ummcr p!Jce on hie au ! -Taut in

Penobscot Bay for nvo weeks each summer. M i ke usual l y makes it to Colby for a day or f\1'0 to get reac­ quainted with the campus and to see his dad, English professor Doug Archibald. He'd love to hear from old friends (3 7 Farmer Su-eet, Canton, 1\TY 1 3 6 1 or marchibald@stlawu. edu) . . . . Thanks to Liz Kotler Hayes for sending her first update. Since Colby, Liz went to niversity, where she received her P h . D . in in­ dustrial/orga n i zationa l psychol ogy and also met her husband, who was also completing the same degree. For the past si..x years they have lived in Omaha, Neb., where thei r son,Julian, was born in April 1 999. As she wrote, Liz was in the m.idst of packing for a job-related move to the liVashington, D.C., area, which puts them closer to fam.ily and old friends . . . . H ere's news I received from press releases: John Bookis, who received a master's in education from Boston College, has joined the faculty of Concord­ Carlisle H igh School in the math­ ematics deparm1ent . . . . Straight from an article: "Dan Webster was sworn in as a member of tl1e board of trust­ ees for l\ I assasoit Commurrity Col­ lege. Gov. Celluci appointed after being nominated by Rep. Marini as someone who can help the school thrive. Dan received a law degree from Suffol k n iversity, is married and has fou r children ages 1 2 to 1 8 months." . . . I received a brochure from Chester Easnnan Homestead, a l i v i n g h i storical fa r m i n North Chatham, N . H . , run by Steve and Jeanne Guild Eastman. They have created their 01m living farm based on diaries tint Steve's grandfather, Chester, kept every day of his adult life. Although tl1e farm is not open to the public on a daily basis they do host seasonal events tl1roughout the year. Find out more from sjsseast @landmark:net. net. And go 1risi t tl1em 1 . . . Congrats to Kurt and Gorton 1acnarnara on the birth of\Villiam, who was born on ovem ber 9 in Bos­ ton. He joins big sisters Brinley, 4, and Lily, 2 . . . . And welcome to \\'illiam Brown, son of Chris and Lisa Kerney Brown (both ' ), who was born in Boston in Tovember. Great name! . . . J ust think, one year from now we'll be back at Colby for our 1 5th1 -]nne Nicol ;Hm7!tel


\\'ell, apologies are in order. I know that many of you have come to rely on the consistency of my column

and have graciously thanked me for my efforts! Then, on the heels of praise, I get even more insanely busy than usual and fnil you these past few issues' I 'm really sorry. I n the past, I have tried my best to make this col­ un1l1 happen regularly, but lately I have been incredibly busy both at work and play (all good !), and this has caused me to m.iss column deadlines! \Vhich leads me to my next dilemma . . . how can I say this? . . . I think i t's time for me to hang up my hat as class secretary. As much as I have enjoyed this charge over the past three years, l i fe l a tely has been so hectic that ! fea r I won't b e able t o consistently deliver on my column responsibility. I must say, it's been great to receive all your letters and catch up with many of you after all these years' B efore you know it, it will be our 1 5th-year rew1ion (how scary is that;), and it's to know that many of you have enjoyed l i fe, love and happiness. But until that reun.ion weekend, we need to keep in touch. \tVh.ich leads me to the most logical question: wbicb one ofyou will vohmtee1·jo1· tbejob? I promise you­ it's lots of fun, not that time-consum­ ing, and the rewards are great. If you don't think you are up for the chal­ lenge, put on your thinking cap and nominate someone. I mysel fhave even thought of a fine prospect . . . can you say Mark Wylie, aka MayorofColby; Unforrunately, Mark has informed me that his schedule may in fact be more chaotic tl1an mine1 So, ifyou are interested in the post or can recom­ mend someone in our class, please contact 1eg Bernie r ' 8 1 in the Colby Alumni Office at mbernier@colby .edu or 207-872 - 3 1 85 . My last re­ quest on behalf of your furure class secretary: please keep writing, and more often . There's notl1ing better tl1an havi n g more news than you can print1 And for those of you under­ ground, believe it or not-people do remember you and want to hear from you. Hey, if you write, I ' l l even prom­ ise not to fal l off the face of the eartl1 (like I had prior to my class secretary starus, I confess') and inform you just exactly what it is that keeps me so busy in life and love. Best to each of you and see you at tl1e reunion. Seri­ ously, ho·w scm)' is tbnt? I am fl i pping! Love and peace, Lauren (aka Lo, Falan, LoFra, Frazz to many of you).

-Launn Fm-::.-::.a


Liz Clapham has three yea rs to go to get her degree at the Ta­ tional College of! aturopathicMedi-

cine in Portland, Ore . . . . I f you hear

Dyanne is a fi rst grade reading teacher

a fa m i l i a r voice on N P R, it's because

in the M anhattan public schools and

Gerry Hadden

is the Mexico/Cen­

Her c o m p a ny N a ncy M a rs h a l l Com m u n i ­

tral America/Caribbean correspon­

cations, a p u b l i c relations/marketing

dent, based in Mexico C i ty. l- I e 's

as an attorney in meir business and

What she does S uccessfu l l y com petes

on his roof!deck, playing in a Cuban

with the top p u b l i c re lations firms in the

song band and loving "the greatest

G lenn Powell recently joined Bergen & Parkinson of Kennebunk, i\t laine,

services agency, fo u nded 1 99 1 .

having a great time holding dances

J a mes works for Network Plus . . . .

real estate law group . . . .

Jennifet· SY"uonds Holloran and her husband,

j o b on e a r t h . " H e repo rts t h a t

cou ntry.

Lawrence CoUins just came o u t with his fourth C D and that Dan Sullivan's

of Tou rism , Sugarloaf/U SA, U . S . Cel l u la r ,

wife was due to give birth to a baby

T h e H i nc k ley C o . , kensc h u .

living i n North Andover, ,\ l a ss . , and

girl at any moment . . . .

What she does for M a i n e Takes M a i n e to

Jennifer is on mate rn i ty leave from

journal ists a round the cou ntry.

her job as a senior accountant at C S L


Former and cu rrent c l i e nts M a i ne Office

Liz Schwartz

wrote with news of her

wedd ing to Tom Anderson. Liz and Tom live in Edina, Minn. L i z also tells me that Jim Novick and h i s wife, iVleg, h a d a l i ttle boy in J u ly 2000 . . . .

Kaari Busick

is also recently mar­

ried. At her wed ding to Jim YVhigham

rival of their daughter, ,\ I a rissa, last November 2 0 . They are currently

International in Beverly . . . . A s I

One way she does this M a rs h a l l orga n izes a day every year when

" rite this,

Governor Angus King a n d h i s wife go to New York C ity to speak


with b u s i n ess writers, food ed itors and recreation reporters a bout



Erika Dresser

are expecting the birth of

their second child in Februa t-y. They

the state of M a i n e . Where she does s e r i o u s networking On the slopes at Sugarloaf/USA.

in August were several Colby fol ks :

What Governor Angus K i n g (who also s k i s ) has to say " I ' m not s u re

Mary LaPointe Farley and husband J ulia Lewis Petersen and Jen Joseph. Kaari is working as a

re lations c o u n s e l meet on the c h a i rl i ft . "

Jeff '88,

J o h n , are happy to announce the ar­

there a re too many places where a state's governor a nd p u b l i c

are living in Bethel, M a i ne, where Rudy teaches mathematics at Gould Academy. They a l ready ha,·e a 2 year-old boy named J\'icholas . . . .

Graham Powis and

h i s w i fe , Diane,

had a baby boy named Benjamin in

fi nishing a certificate program at mv

Rockport, Mai ne, and Scott works

know that

for M BNA in Belfast. . . .

Randy Barr

his bid to get reelected to the town

rector in m e equity capital markets

in technical writing and editing . . . .

is practicing medicine in Portland,

council in Scituate, R . I . , last fa l l .

group at S.G. Cowan in New York

lives in San Fran­

Maine, and is married with tl1ree kids.

'"'inning b y more than 400 votes is

City . . . .

. . .

is an ordained

no mean feat i n this GOP strong­

her husband, Tom, had a baby boy

new daughter, Lucy Bi rdsong, born

minister and pastor of the Phi ppsburg

hold, and M i chael is the only Demo­

named \Vi lliam in November. They

in September. Erik is the d i rector of

(Mai ne) Congregational Church. He

crat c u r r e n t l y servi n g ( w i th s i x

a re l i v i n g in Hen ley-on-T h a m es ,

and his wife , Eri n , have three daugh­

Republicans) and one of only three

England, although they may be mov­

ters. . . .

is in his 1 2 th

Democrats to hold office since 1 9 1 3 .

ing to Geneva soon. Congratu l ations

daughter H ad ley Emmet is wonder­

year as a teacher/coach at Thayer

N l ichael i s sti l l working at Morrison,

to all the new parents1 . . . And fi nally,

technical editor at Mi crosoft after

Erik Whiteford

cisco with his wife, Sarah, and their

marketing for EA Games. .

Pierce Barr

. Jen

reports that l i fe with

Mark Wilson

Mat·c Rando

J\1ichael Marcello


November. Graham is managing eli­

Kate Brerman Dailey and

fu l . After maternity leave , J e n started

Academy i n Brai ntree, N l ass. He

Mahoney and M i l ler in Providence

those of you following the news of

work at Hmper's Bnznrw, while Ed '88

coaches wrestling and football and is

as a litigation associate, speci a l i zing

the AOL-Time \Varner merger last

works i n the technology corporate

the head of the foreign la nguage de­

in premises and municipal l i a b i l i ty

fa ll may have spotted our very own

finance group at Arthur Andersen . . . .

partment. His daughter, Samanma,

and civil rights defense. . .

Kathy McKiernan's

Rob Hoopes made Ca111pnigns & Elec­

was just christened, and Mark hoped

Albano '92 wrote to let me know tl1at

tions magazine's

to see Matt Sotir, Christine (Murphy

he and Kristin \\Thite married in Sep­

AOL and manages to exude calm con­

'9 1 ) and

tember of last year and are living in

fidence in all her communiques . . . .

list of rising stars of


out of her busy emergency medicine

Tom Abbatiello, Stew '88 and Tanya Goff Richmond, Andy Schmidt, Roger '88 and Danielle Archambault Nowak and Jen (Cos '9 1 ) and Jim Brayer at the festivities. . . . Eric Stram has his M . D . and just

resident schedule to send me a Christ­

joined Kennebec Valley Radiology in

of 1 992 . He attends as many Colby

mas card with news of her upcoming

Rockland, Maine . . . . Last but not

soccer games as he can, a l tl10ugh he

politics. You go, Rob . . . .



undoubtedly had a busy

fa ll as the new head of the middle school at Chestnut Hill Academy in Philly . . . .

Deb Greene

found time

name in the

news. Kathy is a spokeswoman for

Peabody, Mass. Eric is an associate

That's all tl1e news I have for now­

for \ Va i-1\ I art, and Kristin is a human

keep those cards and letters coming1

services caseworker. Eric was seri­

-Laum Swier

ously inj ured in 1 989 but returned to Colby and graduated with me Class

9 1 Excitement is building for our

L Otl1 reunion during the weekend of

J une 8 - 1 0. You can be on the lookout

wedding to Jim Nairus, who is a resi­


me with a

also works as a soccer referee, and

for another class letter witl1

dent in orthopedics . . . . Rob Cloutier

long e-mail that he dared me to print

that keeps him tied up most week­

those attending, or, i f you can't wait,

is also a resident in emergency medi­

(probably because he called H i l l ary

ends. H e recently completed h i s

c h e c k out the l i s t o n the \\'eb

Cli nton the anti-Ch rist). He is madly

3 5 0th career game a n d sees no slow­

(w"·w . c o l by. eel u / a l u m n i / r e u n i o n /

in love with his new daughter, Kaitlyn,

ing down in his future!

who took her first steps recently and


cine, at Chi ldren's Hospital of P h i l a ­ delphia. H e is m a rried to Nicola Rotberg '88, and they have two l i ttle ones. Rob and

icola will be movi ng

to Portla n d , Ore . , next summer. And he w a n t s t o k n o w w h e r e

"J\1anute" Carr i s .

. . .

Bill Britt Moore

h a s l i ved in N e w Zea l a n d for 1 0 years, th ough s h e gets back



home s t a r e o f i owa e v e r y y e a r. B ri tt o w n s t h e w o r l d ' s s o u t h e rn m o s t c y b e r coffees hop on Stewart I s l a n d . . . . Scott Kessel ' 9 0 and h i s w i fe h a d t h e i r t h i r d daughter, Kaitlyn, i n Oc­ tober. They a re b u i l d i n g a house in

Bill Thayer amused


l ist of

. . . Richard

l i st.htm l ) . I f you don't s e e your name

is a newly ap­

there or someone else's who is plan­ ning to attend, please let the Office of

made her daddy cry. And now B i l l ' s

pointed '·i siting assistant professor of

w i fe, Luisa, is pregnant with baby

English at Kenyon College. He com­

Alumni Relations know ( 2 0 7 - 7 2 -

number two. I ' m not sure B i l l w i l l

pleted his P h . D . at ,\ l iami U n i versity

survive. T h e rest of t h e story w i l l

of Ohio . . . . Jennifer

3 1 90 o r alumni@colb)·.edu). Only we

have t o w a i t for t h e next column . . . .

,\ 1 . Sn1art Latl1ers J r . are planning a

please plan to get back to campus!

H appy 2 00 1 to everyone 1

J u ly wedding. Ther live in Connecti­

Keep those e-mails com ing . . . and

cut, where Jennifer is a nurse practi­

see vou i n june1

-;·/nita L.


90 Greetings from wintry Boston1



can make our reunion successful, so

tioner for H i l l Health Center in �ew Haven and

tuart is an a rchitect. . . .

-Jennifer Wood Jencks


I t's always a pleasure to start the col­

Dyanne Kaufman

umn with good news, so I ' l l announce to tl1ose of you who don't a l read)·

' 9 1 are also planning a J u ly wedding.

teaching special ed a n d loving i t . S h e

They are l i ,·ing in �ew York, where

n o w has t w o boys, Griffin, 3 , and

and James I-Ia)·es

Jenn Griffin Harkins

c 0 L B y

s p R I N G

200 I

is sti l l




Alumni at Larg


Conor, 1 . . . . Suzanne Regnier married � lark Koschmeder on April 1 5 in her hometown of S h re,,·sbury, � l as s . G u es t s i n c lu d e d C h a r l i e B assett a n d P a u l ' 9 3 a n d Angela Ten nett B u tler '93 . After a two-week trip to E ngland, Suzanne and ,\ lark settled in Philadelphia . . . . Nikki Vadeboncoeur Dresser and hus­ band Derek ,,·elcomed a baby boy, · Samuel � lyles Dresser, o n J u n � 6 . . . . Heather B elanger is a neuropsy­ chology intern at Shands Hospital in Gainesville, Fla., and is about to fin ­ i s h her P h . D . at the ni,·ersity of outh Florid a . She \Hites that Kathy Lyford just had a baby boy! . . . JC Klick graduated in 1 999 from U \ I ass medical school and is currently in his second year of residency training i n anesthesiology and critical care medi­ cine at Brigham & "'omen's Hospi­ tal i n Boston. Andrew ;\ l iller '82 is one of the attending physicians in J C' s department. J C writes that Jim Albright is currently a chief resident in otolaryngology-head and neck sur­ ger\· in Philadelphia and was plan­ ning an April wedding in California. . . . Tabby Archer Biddle is living i n � e w York City and offering private Yoga lessons. . . . icole Farkas married Ken � l ogul on � l ay 20 last �·ear. Guests i n c l uded Cecily Von Z i egesar and her h usband of nearly fi,·e years, R i c h a rd Griggs . . . . .\ l o l ly B e a l e i s l i,·i n g i n C a m ­ b r i d g e , .\ l a s s . , a n d w o r k i n g for P a l l otta Team \\'orks, the company that created and produces the na­ tiom' ide AID Rides, Breast Cancer 3 - Da,·s and .\ l D \'accine Rides. \ lolh attended Sarah B l ock's wed­ dll1g tO Chad \\'allace in Colorado la<,t eptember. Guests i n c l uded E l a i n e Bueschen, K r i s t in


Livezey, A n n e Maddock i\ U c h e l s a n d K e l l y \\'enger. . . . Joh n Cook

completed the \Ja<,ka A I D S \'accine R1de. a '> 1 \ -da� , 500-mile bicycle trek to ra!'>e J\\ a rene.,-, of and mone� for rc.,earch LO\\ ani., an \J DS ,·accine. l i e recent !� JOII1cd the con;ulting fi rm of �panglc \'>'>OC�<He'> 1 11 Portola \'aile� . Calif. , '' here he \\Ork'> \\ lth tllent c1� gm crnment; 111 manag111g uul de' elop111g long-range planmng ,rutile.,. John " ' ,11.,o rhc pre'>ldent of rhe a n Franc!'>CO l\unam1 �'' 1 m I cam. a I Hl-plu, member ga� and le,hl,lll lllJ'>ter\ '\\ 1 m ream . . . . A n n e . \ l addocks 1mrned Bdl \ l 1chcl., '<.13 1 11 Dor,cr, \'r.. IJ-,r \ I a� . . . . � icole Da u t e u i l B e gi n J U'>t completed a ma.,rer of arr' degree 111 '' nung from '\ o rr hea-rern L Il l\ er>l� and "' 1 11 .



0 .


<; P R


drew Eldredge, J ason Eslick and

NEWS MAKERS Cynthia Demskie Mulligan '90 has been elected senior vice president, consumer bank­ ing, at Abington Savings Bank, a $703-mil­ lion savings institution headquartered in Abington, Mass. Her responsibilities include overseeing the bank's 12 branch offices and customer call center as well as consumer lending and i m·estment services ·:· The Randolph, Vt., Hem!d lauded MeghanJeans '97 for her participation in community ac­ tivities. While working on both a juris doctor degree and a master of studies in environmental law at the University of Vermont Law School, Jeans is president of the school's emergency medical services club and a member of two local response and rescue teams : The Cleveland Cynthia o. M u l l igan '90


and Cincinnati, Ohio, law firm of Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff LLP named Andrew R. Kruppa '97 an associate in the firm's general practice group.

M I LESTON ES 11fnrringes: Marc A. Winiecki '90 to Elizabeth R . Longsjo in Westmoreland,

i\'.H . .;. Rebecca C. Brackett '91 to Le,,is S. Price in Dallas, Texas : Joshua H. Friedman '91 to Jo B. Hoffman in New York City : Elizabeth G. Preston '91 to Peer C. J\liramon in \Vest Linn, Ore. : Andrew F. Williams '9 1 to Sharon E. Vegh in Falls Village, Conn. : Deborah E. Fuller '92 to Edward G. Berger in Edgartown, Mass. : Steven B. Lilley ··





Deborah ;\ ladden in Needham, Mass. ·:· Tracy E. Callan '93 to Jeffrey .\ 1. Robillard in ,\ 1anchester, Conn. : Justin A. Sheetz '93 to i\'uala N. Thompson in \Voods Hole, 111ass. : Gary R. Bergeron '94 to Laura Gibbons in Bridgton, Maine ·: Dickinson C. Gagnon '94 to Julie Curran in Boston , ll 1ass. : Elizabeth C. Stewart '94 to Thomas McFarland







II in Belfast, ll laine : Elizabeth ]. Tabor '94 to Michael ] . Robinson in PrO\idence, R.I. : icole A. Clavette '95 to Sean B. Devine '94 in Scarborough, .\ 1aine :· Mark C. Griffin '95 to Emily A. agel in San .\Iateo, Calif. : Anna W. Lowder '95 to Jeffrey Monaco in Bedford, .\ lass. : Lauren M. O'Toole '95 to Stephen G. Davis '95 in Teedham, ,\ lass. : Lauren A. Pelz '95 to Christopher B. Kearney in Old Lyme, Conn. : Sarah E. Hamlin '96 to Gregory T. Walsh '95 in Chatham, ,\ lass. : Elisabeth A. Riley '96 to Frank Burns in Carlisle, N.H. ·:· Philip W. Svor '96 to Janet Schultz in Holland, Pa . .;. Lee A. St. George '96 to tuart .\ IacGregor in Dartmouth, .\ lass . .;. Rachel K. Wolf '96 to Brian T. Preti in Belmont, .\1ass. : Kimberley A. Woodman '96 to.Joseph Coronati in Port mouth, N . H . : Amanda K. Randolph '97 to Patrick E. Doyle '97 in .\lystic, Conn. ·:· Allison L. Brown '98 to Terrence \V. Flynn in Dallas, Texas : . M a tth e w P. Jancovic '98 to Meredith McNeil in Waterville, .\Iaine : Jennifer E. Spiess '98 to Raji C. Gupta '99 in Amherst, N . H . ··












Garin Arevian '9 1 . Mark and Kate just bought a house in Hingham and will be neighborsofChrisand Whitney Adams Ward and babysitters to Chris and \Nhitney's daughter, L i l y.

-Michelle Fortier Biscotti


Congratulations to Crawford Strunk, who recently began h i s pe­ d i a trician resi d e n cy a t Geisi nger Medical Cente r in D a n vi l l e, Pa., a n d to Kat C reeden, w h o received her M . B .A. from B oston College l a s t spring . . . . Stephanie Doyon is a published author- 1 3 times over! Stepha n i e writes for a youn g a d u l t audience, and her m o s t recent novel, On the Rand, is being developed for a television pi lot. S h e does book signings regu l a rly and has sold more than 600,000 copies i n tota l 1 . . . In wedding news, J ason B a rnes was m a r r i e d to M a n d y B r e b a c h i n M a rblehead, Mass., i n J u l y 2000 . J a ­ s o n and M a n dy a re teaching at the N e w H a m p t o n S c h o o l in N e w Hampshire . M any Colby folks came i n to town for that wedding, and I had the pleasure of seeing the l i kes of Tyler Lewis, Mike Powers,

Tyler M erritt, Rob O'Neil, Tim von Jess, Louisa Merianos and Rob Danis ( a n d m a n y others whom I a m forgetti n g ! ) a t the beautiful Marblehead home of Bart and Betsy

Arden Rickards . . . . Simone Cella i s engaged t o J ames M i l ler, a n d Stephanie M i l l e r is engaged to M axwell Repaci1 Congratulations to one a n d a l l . . . . There is a famous saying that I want to share with you a l l : she who wri tes the class news and gets no fodder from her cl ass­ mates does a crappy j ob. Profound, e h ? I certainly thi n k so. I don't know about you, but 1 can relate! There are only so many times that I can cajole a n d beg and wheedle vexingly for news before I start to a n noy even myse l f-so please help me out

be1·e, folks. Binbs: .\ daughter, Sienna \\'hire Probert, to Sharyl A. White '9 1 and Brian \V.

Cape Cod \•isiting family and friends, i n c l u d i n g B o n n i e D e w s b e rry C h ase, Beth B a u m e r LeBlanc and Heather Post LaFrance '94 . . . . Mark Boles is working as an account su­ per\ isor for the ad,•ertising agency, TF,VLeo Burnett Technology Group in Boston. He is engaged to marry Kate La \'igne '95 in South Yarmouth on August I I , 200 I . G roomsmen will be B e n Beatie, Steve Swartz, An-

knees ove1 · he1·e

-Beth CmTan

Probert '88.

her nimh year of teaching Eng I ish at r. J o h n � b u ry A c a d e m y i n r. johmbu� , \'t. T lerdaughter, Emilie, turned 2 la<,t year. . . . a 1·ol C h a m ­ b e r l a i n 1\ l a rt i n li, es ju;r out�ide of \tlama 111 \ l ariena, Ga., and teaches math at \ la m t, ,1 Catholic high 'ochool 1n \rlanta. �he has a 3-) ear-old ;on, Dan1el, '' ho keep; Carol and her hu,band, Dan1el, \ e� bm) . The) >pt:nr a fc,, '' eek.. la.,r <,ummer on

1 fl'l ll 011 111)'

(figuratively speaking, of course)!


Chris Wilde graduated from 1'\T YU law school and is an environ­ mental attorney at a public interest law firm in J uneau, Alaska. H e wrote that it is a change from T . Y. C. but a little like Maine, and any Colby a­ lums who fi nd themselves in Alaska should look him up . . . . J osette H untress is spending a year volun­ teer reaching in Li longwe, M alawi. She is reach ing psychology and com-

puters a n d is the dean of students at the Kamuzu College of Nursing . . . .

John Bond

married J u l i e Erickson

'96 i n H o l l i ston, M a ss . , on October 28.

Shawn Kee l e r

was the best

man, Susan M a c C a u l e y '96 w a s the maid o f h o n o r , and D e i rd re Foley

t e r . T h e r e s t o f the y e a r she races for a road cyc l i n g team based in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., and for a moun­

tain b i ke team i n Ithaca, N .Y. . . .

Stephanie Cain

copal Church in the Di ocese of Con­ necticut at the cathedral in H a rtford. On j u ly 2 8 , 2 00 1 , she will be married to Adam Kraclel in Little Compton,

worked as a crime

R . I . Adam is a priest serving at St.

reporter for various daily newspapers

John's Episcopal Church in Charles­

since graduation. I nj a n ua1·y 1 999 she

' 9 6 w a s a bri d e s m a i d . O t h e r C o l by

ton , W.Va . . . .

took a job as a reporter for the N !nl'ine

a l u m s in atte n d a n c e were

is work ing at Emerson College in

C01-ps Ti111es, a Gann ett-owned weekly

downtown Boston as senior cata­

Donna Bacchiocchi

C h ri s A n d r e a B ow m a n R o g e r s , Laura Keally H eywood, Steve a n d

based in Springfield, Va . , where she

loguer in the l i brary. She l i ves in

spent nine months covering m i l i tary

C r i s s i e C o l e m a n S i m c h ock ' 9 3 ,

J a m a i ca P l a i n , clown the street from

l i fe, including a two-week sti nt in

Daniel Rheaume '96 a n d A l i \Verner

Bonnie J ohnson and Elliott Barry,

Kosovo in the aftermath of TATO's bombing campaign there. L1 Septem­

who just got engage d ' She wrote

and her

husband, Corey, are living in Dou­

ber 1 999 she moved to Pasadena,

glas, Alaska. She is working fu ll time

that she saw Jessica Haskell a n d Todd Curtis at t h e Tufts-Colby

Calif., and took up crime reporting

at the

football game.

niversity of Alaska Southeast

again as a staffwriter a t the Srm Gabriel

and is teaching creative writing and

Valley Tribtme. She is in touch with


'96 . . . .

Emily Davis Wall

l iterature . . . .

Lynette Millett

study director at the

is a

ational Acad­

Lee Awbrey, who is enjoying l i fe Ana Pitchon, who is


in in



Sandy Bugbee



graduated in

M ay from Champlain Coll ege in

emy o f Sciences in Wash ington, D . C.

\Nashington state working on her

Burlington, Vt., with an associate's

She works for the computer science

master's in anthropology, and


degree. She is now an occupational

a n d t e l e co m m u n i c a t i o n s b o a r d ,


who plans to be mar­

therapy assistant and is working at St.

where t h e primary focus is o n i n for­

ried in Japan in the spring . . . .

m a t i o n tech n o l ogy p o l i cy . . . .


Heather Johnson

is living in Bos­


lvlary's hospital in Lewiston, Maine.

is completing her first year

. . . Anne McManus spent the sum­

as a Peace Corps volnnteer in the

mer at Oxford Un iversity, where she

ton, finishing up her Ph . D . in sociol­

Republic of Kiribati in the central

fi nished her master's degree in En­

ogy at Northeastern University with

Pacific. She has been assigned to the

glish through M i ddlebury College's

a dissertation on the role of wealth

island o f M aiana to assist and teach at

Bread Loaf School of Engl ish. She

and ideology in black and w h i te fam i ­

the junior high level. . . .

has been teaching for the past six


l ies' decision making about where to


is living in Mountain View,

years, the past two at Berwick Acad­

send their young c h i ldren to school

Calif. She is at Stanford for a P h . D . in

emy in South Berwick, M a i ne. She

and how these processes contribute

educational li nguistics, focusing on

teaches seventh grade English and

to race and class stratification in the

supporting immigrant youth in pub­

social studies and loves it. I n her spare

U . S . She w i l l graduate i n J u n e .

lic schools. In August 2 00 I she will

Heather and

Braydon McCormick

marry A. M a x i m i l i a n o Vi l l a lva, a

possible. She talks on a d a i ly basis to

are planning a September 1 5 , 2 00 1 ,

manager at an academic software

Christa Riepe,

wedding i n N. H . Heather wrote that

company. H er family will host the

living in Park C i ty, Utah, while she

they got engaged on September I 0 at

wedd ing in Boston, and his fa mily

mends the broken bones of the U.S.

9 a . m . on the end of a dock at a

will have another reception in lVlex.ico.

Ski Team. Christa is returning to

cottage on L a ke W i n n epesaukee,

. . .

started as a senior

Boston this winter, where she will

N . H . , and that on the exact same day

an alyst dealing with sales data at

pursue a degree in athletic tra i n i ng.

Chris Sharpe

time she l i kes to create as much art as who is doing well,

at the same time (by total coinci­

Streamware Inc. Streamware has a

She has a yellow Lab named Kibo

dence) on the other side of the coun­

variety of software a n d hardware

(appropriately named a fter the peak at lVlt. Kilimanjaro, which she climbed

try (Califo rn i a) her Colby roommate

products that facil itate market re­

Jennifer Morrow also got engaged'

search in the vending industry . . . .

a couple of years ago with her fa ther

J e n n i fer will ma rry Anthony Slavin

Michelle Mathai is sti l l working as a

and brother) . . . . John Cannon '96

on October 6, 2 00 l, in Harvard, Mass.

diplomat in New Zealand but will

was a l so in O x ford this summer

. . . Caleb Winder l i ves i n Boston and

move to El Salvador in April 2 002 for

through Bread Loaf. . . . Christy

is working for a computer-aided en­

her nex.t assig·nment. For now she is

Everett '94 is out in Alaska pursuing

gineering software company as a re­

having a great time exploring the

a degree in outdoor education and

gional sales manager . . . .

South Paci fie, venturing to such places

will then go on to start her "save the

and her husband, Pat

as Samoa, Fiji and Austra lia . . . . I n

world" camp . . . . Kevin O'Grady '94

Han ley ' 9 3 , were expecting their first

September, Gary Bergeron married

is working tow a rds fi n i s h i n g h i s



baby in February. Both are doctoral

Laura Gibbons i n Bridgton, Maine.

master's degree i n geological ocean­

students at Harvard University. In

MattTrudeau, Aram Goudsouzian, Andy Colligan, Ethan Spencer, Glen McCrum,Jac Coyne, Patrick and Brooke Porteous Skulley and

ography. He has gone on two re­

December they renm1ed to Colby, where Kristin gave a talk in the Reli­ gious Studies Department . . . .



is a research biologist for

C o rn e l l U n i versity at the orn i t h o l ­ o g y lab, r u n n i n g three conserva­ tion/citizen-science grants. S h e a l so runs the a l p i n e ] I I I s k i program a t H o l i m ont S k i C l u b i n E l l icottv i l l e, T. Y . , on the w e e k e n d s i n the w i n -

search cruises to the southern Pacific Ocean and once went down in the AJ,•in to collect samples from the hy­

Rod '93 and Candace Killmer Corey

drothermal vents1 This spring he is

'93 a l l attended. The couple honey­

going on a cruise in the I n d i a n Ocean.

mooned in JV Iontana . . . .

. . . Karen Goodrich '96 is back i n



will graduate from \'irgin i a

Boston working for a n d

Theological Seminary in J\I a y with a master's in divinity. On J une 9 she

fi n a l ly h a s a place t o live! . . .

will be ordained a deacon of the Epis-

engaged. They've been together since



Kristen John Gorczyk are

1990s Correspondents 1990 Laura Senier 38 Pitts Street Natick, MA 0 1 760 508-653-7 9 2 7 classnews1990@alum 1991 Jenn ifer Wood J e ncks 80 Wa l n ut Street Seeko n k , MA 0 2 7 7 1 508-336-7049 classnews1991@a lum 1992 M ic h e l l e Fortier Bi scotti 8232 Arbor Drive Shrewsbury, MA 01545 508-845-6 507 fax: 508-845-6483 classnews1992@alum 1993 Beth C u rra n 64 Dane Street # 1 Somervi l l e , MA 02143 classnews1993@a lum 1994 Tracy K. Larsen 3756 Normandy Drive La Canada , CA 9 1 0 1 1-4155 classnews1994@a 1995 Yuhgo Yamaguchi 124 Oxford Street #4 Cam bridge, MA 02 140 6 1 7-354-0289 1996 Kim Schock 3201 Copper M i l l Trace Apt. J Richmond, VA 23294 classnews1996@a 1997 Kimberly N. Parker 7 2 Prescott Street Everett, MA 02 149 cla ssnews199 7@a l u m 1998 A l l ison L. Brown Flynn 6948 Avery Road D u bl i n , OH, 43017-2865 classnews1998@alum 1999 Lindsay Hayes 120 E. 34th Street, #PH D New York, NY 100 16 classnews1999@alum 2000 H i l a ry Smyth 29 Marl borough Street Apt. #5 Boston, MA 02116 617-266-5440 fax: 6 1 7-248-7100 classnews2000@a lum

C 0 L B Y


2 00 I



Alumni at Larg

they met on their COOT in 1 99 1 , thanks i n part to one o f their COOT leaders, Katie ;\ lartin '92 , who con1-i n ced them to go to the mo�es to­ gether when they got back on campus. The1·'re getting married, just after their 1 0-year anniversary in October 2 00 1 , in San D iego, Calif., where they ha1·e been l i1·ing since 1 996. John's in grad school at SD and working for Chase .\ lanhattan, and Kristen is an account exec at an ad­ vertising agency dealing exclusively with publi hing and author signing e1·ents . . . . Kate Fabozzi graduated from �ortheastern n iversity in September with an .\ I . S ./.\ I . B . A. She current!�· works for P ri ce\Vater-

990s houseCoopers i n tax and legal ser1-ices and anxiously awaits the results of the C . P .A. exam she took in No­ ,·ember. She is a l so training for the Hyannis Sprint Triathlon to be held in June 2 00 1 . . . . Sam White works as an editor in Boston, runs a poetry r e a d i n g s e r i e s , a s s i s t a n t d i rects children's theater and is the manag­ ing editor of \'ersePress . . . . Wendy Oram-Smith Marr is a teacher at Cresth i l l Middle School in Littleton, Colo., where she helped create a pro­ gram called Voyagers for "at-risk" seventh grade students, a dream she made a reality. The teaching is very hands-on and project-based. There is a community service component,


Morga n F i l l e r '97 was an accom­ p l i shed d i sta nce swi m m e r at Col by. Her j u n ior a n d senior years she com peted at

and they are outside the classroom on a field excursion once a week. She finds the work rewarding and chal­ lenging. \Vendy and her husband, Da�d, have a 5 -year-old golden re­ triever named Sassy. . . . Beth Whelen is engaged to marry Andrew Thut in June 2 00 I. She works at Circles, and he 1 1 orks at i\1FS Investment J\1an­ agement, both in Boston . . . . Stefanie Tre pp e r and . Matthew Feldman were married i n New York in October. Stefanie teaches third grade at Co­ lumbia Grammar and Preparatory School in New York, and Matthew is getting his M . B .A. at ew York Uni­ versity . . . . John Carolan and Sarah Christie '98 are engaged and have

planned a J u n e 200 l wedding. Sarah works at the New England Research I nstitute, and J o h n is getti n g his M . B.A. at Babson . . . . Michelle Safter recently married Alan Epstein. The Epsteins live in Atlanta, Ga., where she works at the Arthritis Foundation as a manager in personal giving . . . .

Abe Rogers moved to Boulder, Colo., i n J a nuary. He has been coaching the Burlington YMCA Dynamo swim team (www.dynamo.o rg) in Vermont since 1 996. Abe competed at the 2000 Olympic Triathlon Trials in D a llas, Texas, and moved to Boulder to fo­ cus on train ing for 2 004 . . . . Robin Ottoway is the president of Craft Brewing Guil d in Randolph, Mass.

brought enough of the h igh -carbohydrate d r i n k s h e consu mes every 1 5 m i n utes d u ri n g a race. So she i m provise d . " I knew t h i s water was very d i rty, " she sa i d , " s o , I wou l d c l e n c h my

Nationals 1 n the 200-meter butterfly a n d the 500-meter a n d one- m i le

jaw a n d teeth together to m a ke a h u m a n - mouth filte r while s u c k i ng in

freestyle events as we l l as the 200 freestyle. Now that m i l e swi m see ms

water. " She fin ished the race, the last of the season , but was s i c k for

l i ke a s p n n t .

two days afte rwa rd s , pass i ng out on the plane ride home. "I had

F i l l e r's shortest races n o w begi n at 1 6 m i les ( s o m e reach u p to 6 2

noth i ng to lose , " she sa id . "I needed the prize money, the World C u p

m i les) a n d a re com pletely i n o p e n water-from the Atlantic a n d Pacific

ra n k i ng poi nts a n d t h e personal satisfaction o f never getting o u t o r

ocea n s to the R e d , Med iterra nean and Baltic sea s . A profess ional

giving u p i n a race . "

open -water m a rathon swi m m e r on the Federation l nte rnationale De Natation ( F I N A l World C u p circuit, F i l l e r was named to the U . S . national tea m a n d ra n ked fourth i n t h e world i n 1999 a n d e n d ed 2000 ran ked fifth after suffenng a m i nor m uscle tear near her ribs. I t isn't J USt the d istance a n d a bsence of

After gra d uating from Colby, F i l ler spent a year com pet i n g i n a n d w i n n i ng shorter a mate u r races i n the States. I n 1 998 s h e was ac­ ce pted to the pro c i rc u i t and moved to C a l ifor n i a to tra i n . ( H e r fi rst profess ional race was a 26- m iler a c ross Lake M e m p h re magog from Ve rmont to Canada . ) " I swam 2 0 h o u rs a wee k , 80,000

c h l o r i n e that m a ke open -water

yards a n d had S u n d ays off , "

m a rathons d ifferent from

s h e sa i d . T h i s past year

racmg 1n a pool. Each open­ water sw1 m m e r races with a

F i ller moved her tra i n i ng to

s u p port boat, with a coach

Seattle, " a city with friend s . " Despite h e r success o n

who g1ves m i leage reports on

t h e World C u p c i rcuit, F i l le r a n d

a d ry-erase board a n d h a n d s

other m a rathon swi m mers a re u n h e r­

off f l u 1 d s a nd energy bars at feeding t1me F i l l e r has been stu n g for e1ght h o u rs by sheets of Jellyfish a n d has swu m 1 nto snakes. The waters can be glass smooth or pun1sh sw1 m m e rs w1th fou r-foot- h 1gh waves. "You get tossed a ro u n d l i ke a wa shmg ma­ c h i n e , " s h e sa 1 d .

a ld ed i n the States. Abroad it's a nother story. In a d d ition to signing a u togra phs, r i d i n g in parades and gett i n g free desserts at resta u ra n ts, F i l l er has h a d bodyguards assigned to her i n cou ntries l i ke Arge ntina where the sport i s wors h i pped . " M obs of loca ls wa nt to touch me and

Fil ler's races typica l l y last s1x to n m e hours, a n d water tem peratu res ca n be as cold as 55 degrees Fahrenheit A n d no, she does n 't wear a

wa nt my swi m ca p a nd goggles , " s h e sa i d . F i l le r h a s m a d e m a n y sacrifices for h e r sport. T h e biggest prize

wet s u 1 . "Wea n n g a ny wet su1t IS considered c heatmg, because 1t h e l ps keep you b uoya nt, wh1ch mea n s faster 1n the wate r , " she sa 1 d .

she's won was $5,000 for w i n n i ng a race in J a pa n . She does n 't

" A n d 1 h e l p s agamst t h e cold , w h 1 c h IS a n element that m u st b e part

at Sta rbucks. " I 've lear ned to m a ke choices to a l l ow me to d o the


th i ngs that a re priorities to me," s h e sa i d . " N o matter where I am, how

he c h a lle nge "

soc 1 a l 1ze as m uc h as h e r frie n d s ; between tra i n i n g sessions s h e works

l ro n 1cally, d e h yd rat1on IS one of a m a rathon sw1 m mer's m a 1 n concerns. F o u r h o u rs 1 nto a race 1 n Argentma's Parana R iver-pre­

many races I do, each t 1 m e I am i ntroduced it's a t h r i l l to be on

race prepara 1on m c l u d ed h e pat1 1s shots-Filler rea l ized she h a d n 't

-Aitcta Nemtccolo MacLeay '91




'• C.


0 I

pa ra d e , to represent myself, my h a rd work a n d my cou ntry. "

The guild d i stributes beers from Bel­

been working with Andersen Con­

non profit environmental organ iza­

back from the West Coast,

gium, Brazil and beyond to h igh-end

sulting for the past three years and

tion a n d t h i n k i n g about doing a



who sti l l ca l l s San Francisco

and ethnic restaurants along the East

recently proposed to his gi rl friend,

teacher certification program and

home, and

Coast. They hope to branch out to

Cathleen Thorrez, in Yosemite. They

you h a v e s o m e t i m e , c h e c k o u t

wine d i stribution in the near furure.

Brett is working as a substitute teacher

are planning to get married in June.

Alice Amstutz

and studying to get his teacrung l i ­

Lawrence's business venrure, Diva

. . . I bumped i n to

Brian also reports tl1at he has been

Designz ( She

McDonald on the Red L i n e the other

cense and a master's in educational

travel i n g quite a bit recently, includ­

adnunistration . . . . Happy reunion

m a r k e t s h a n d - p a i n te d g l a s s w a r e

day. She and her husband, Greg '94,

i n g a 2 0-day safari in Kenya and Tan­

are living i n Cambridge, Mass. She is

and keep the news com ing'

zania with his parents and Mike Sabin

work i n g a t M i l l e n n i u m Pharmaceu­

and a trip to northern California to

ticals . . . . And I (not Alyssa) am


B ryant Johnson,

who is work­

Jenllifer Lawrence.


a n d h o m e accessories as w e l l a s

-Kim Scbock

custom desi gns for i n teriors. Tony

97 Hey, how is everyone doing' I

settled b a c k i n Boston for t h e time

also at the pa rty, h a s


living i n C a m bridge, w o r k i n g a t

ing as a creative ad man in San Fran­

hope you're havi n g a wonderful new

being after hjs extensive travels abroad

M a i nspri n g, coo k i n g part t i m e i n

cisco . . . .

Lesley Finneran fi nished a

year. I know, I know, you're dyin g to

and is a cook at the French restaurant

Boston a n d officiating a t i c e hockey

master's degree in Asian srudies at

know who got married and/or en­

L'Espalier in Back Bay. He continues

games i n the area . . . . P l ease keep

Cornell University last summer and

gaged, so I won't keep you in sus­

to write for the Globe.Jenna and David

has moved to Nepal for the year to

pense any longer:

McLaughlin were there, too.

work as a teaching fellow . . . .


engaged. T o whom? I don't know.

sending news.

-Yubgo Yrrmagucbi It's hard to believe that our


Dave is

an assistant men's basketball coach at

is pursu i n g her M . B.A. at

All I know is his fi rst name, Will. See,

Stonehill College.

UMass and has found time to be a

i f you people would actually drop me

made the drive up from New Jersey, where he remains in the office of ath­



Sandra Lund

five-year reunion is just around the

tea ching assistant as well as to travel

an e-mail sometime, this i n fo would

corner. I t seems l i ke just yesterday

to London tl1is past fa l l . . . .

be complete' . . .

that we were freshmen, and look at

Earl" Lewis

how far we've all come. . . . Bernadette is in her second year as a

Patrick McBride


letic media relations at Rutgers while

married to Jenn Iverson i n Fort

working on h i s master's in communi­

of his P h . D . program at S UNY­

Worth, Texas, late last fa l l . The

cations. The pleasant surprise of the

Stonybrook last May and spent this

couple will reside in North Carolina,

night came from

teach ing assistant in the Biology De­

past summer working in a lab in Ger­

where Lieutenant Ginn will be flying

who made a much-welcomed appear­

partment at Colby. She reports that

many . . . .

Nate HoweiJ was recently

Cobra attack hel icopters. Classmates

ance from New York. The Nooge is

Melissa Taylor is i n her fourth year

married to J u l i e Howel l , whom he

in attendance at the wedding included

working for VH l and on his screen­

of medical school at the Universi ty of

managed to convince to move up to

play as wel l . . . . I had the opporrunity

America Online i n Virgi n i a and re­


" Big

fi n i shed the first year

John Ginn

David Bruinooge,

2 00 1 . Bernadette also met u p with

attended the September wedding of

Glenn and Gregg Forger, Jamie H a rris, Doug E l linger, Hobie Antik, Seth B l umenthal, Tom Beedy and Jerrod Deshaw. The

NancyZierman, who is in an M . B .A.

Gregg LeBlanc

and Catl1y Teuger

weekend was a good time for all in

ports that Javier Fernandez recently

program at the U niversity of Colo­

'97 along with 22 other Colby alums,

atte n d a n c e , a s t h e Yankee crew

moved back to Miami . . . .

rado i n Boulder, and with


headed down to the Deep South. On


New England and is engaged to be

Boston with him from her home in

married to Jesse Beckwith in June

Virgi n i a Beach. Nate reports that he

busy with t h e i r new son, N o l a n

Simon Dalgleish a n d Lauren Iannotti, w h o were part of the wedding party, Andrew Steckler, Noah Wepman, Jeff SkJarz, Nick Lambert and Rachel Simson. Nate also attended Ken Fowler's wedding

Walker Potter, who w a s b o rn last Apri l . . . .

R o b i n s o n P o ll ac k ,


m a r r i e d to

Woody '97, who j ust graduated from law school last spring . . . . Tasha (Walker '95) and

Adam Potter are

togodancingwith An thonyMou lton

over the holiday break. He works for


is in law school at George­

Friday night following the rehearsal

town in D.C. . . . In case you haven't

dim1er, the Colby posse took Ginn to

noticed, I 've moved to Boston and am

B i l l y Bob's, known as the largest

the \Veb content manager for City

hanky-tonk bar in the world. The

Year. It's a nke gig. We'll see how

place included a " l ive bull ring and

long it holds my interest. And for

to Melissa Libby in October. . . .

about seven thousand of your closest

those of you scoring at home (or alone),


Rachel Moritz and Matt O'ConneiJ

Texas friends. " Harris and Beedy l i ne

thjs is job number five for me since

ated in December with a master's i n

are living i n Waltham with their cat,

danced with the locals under the

graduating from the H i l l . If Caner's

physical therapy from t h e U niversity

Zooey. Matt is teaching junior h i gh

watchful eyes of all there. At the re­

predictions are correct, then I should

of Florida and moved back to Boston

school, and Rachel is working for a

ception the next day, Brett

have two more changes to go. Hmmm.

in search of some much-missed snow

security software company called

'96 led the alums onto the dance floor

. . . I haven ' t h eard ftom a lot of people.

as well as a fu l l -time job . . . .

Qiave Technologies. Rachel a n d

(why is this not surprisi ng?) to the

Drop me a line, though, and I 'll defi­

M a t t recently m e t u p with

nitely get your info into the next one.

Susannah Kowal



Maura McLaughlin, who is attending Tufts

M i chael Jackson rune tl1at rocked

November to Brent Reichow, whom

many parties back in the day, "Don't

Be sure to get in engagement and

she met i n Tokyo, J a p a n . Maid of

medical school and keeps in touch

Stop Till You Get Enough," imme­

wedding announcements for inclusion



diately preceded by a spur-of-the­

on the hot list. Stay true.

in Oklahoma . . . .

moment River Dance routine. The

Kishimoto was married in Hawaii


Basu, Catherine Page, K a t e Lawn

Beth Dunn Allen, who is living Brett and Jen Hellman Wilfrid write that their

' 9 7 a n d Nozomi as t h e y p l ayed

August wedding i n Door County,

ended at 5 a . m . , with, as Deshaw

hearts at the condo the fi rst n i gh t

\Vis., was a nuni Colby reunion. At­

recollects, "my last image being of

tendees included

who is

Janue Harris wearing a silver wig

now living in San Francisco and work­

(who knows where that came ftom)

Kylie Taphorn

r e m i n i sced

about C o l by a l o n g with


night (or morning, if you prefer),

-JUmberly N. Pm·ker


Portland, Ore., and is in grad school

that is beconung legendary in some

Andy Hutchins andJonathan Sickinger got married in July. Patrick Cramb, Chris Bunge and Doug Comeau were i n the wedding party, and Melanie Puza, Jessica Banos, Sharon Capobianchl and Linda Hayes all attended. Andy is working

he has helped to revive a fa i l i n g legal

for couns e l i n g psychol ogy,

fraternity and is an editor of a journal.


circles, Lucas Penney, Deshaw and Andy Pease threw a great holiday

search assistant i n the depression re­

they were i n H a w a i i . . . .

Stephanie Paul graduated w i th an M . B .A. from

Georgetown Unjversity last May . . . .

Michael Goode is a second-year law srudent at \tVilliam and Mary, where

. . .

Cindy Starchman

is teaching

English at an a l l - boys Catholic prep school in Lakewood, Ohio, and is planning a J u ly wedding with fiance Mark Hurby . . .


Brian Stenger has

JiH Picard,

James Loveland,

and tl1e bride's garter over h i s suit

who is Living with Jen Vogt '97 in

pants." Say no more. . . . At a pa rty

ing for the Gap,


who is working on an or­

at l\ 1ass. General Hospital as a re­

gatheri n g a t t h e i r n e w place i n

search clin ic, and Jonathan works at

who is working for a recording studio

Brookline, j\ifass.

Cambridge Associates, where

i n Boston, and

has been promoted to ful l-time scout

Niner and Mike Salerno

and Jen are currently living i n Madi­

by the Red Sox, was in attendance, as

Sharon is engaged to Brendan Burke;

son, Vilis., where Jen is working for a


Sharon and Brendan both attended

ga nic farm in Oregon,

WiJJ SandaiJs,

Julia Tatsch.


Galen Carr,

Ben Russell,


who has moved

c 0 L B y


s p R I N G


also work.






Alumni at Larg

B r a i n tree H i g h Schoo l . . . .




business development, product di­


married Allison App l i n g i n

� o ,· e m b e r, ,,· i th

J a m e s Spidle, l atasha Detweiler and Doug H ickman i n attendance. B i l l a n d

rection a n d I n te rnet-based software

What he's d o n e Added a doctorate i n

meteorol ogy a n d a n M . B . A . ( both from Penn State) to his C o l by d o u ble major:

Al l ison a r e camp d i rectors of C a m p

science a nd tec h n o l ogy stud i es a n d

L a J un ta , a n a l l -boys s u m m e r c a m p


i n Texas . . . .

Katie Quackenbush and Eric Gordon '96 were married in �o,·ember . . . . Sandra DuBarry

management. In November, Alex met up with

He a l so talked a bout the spectacular H a ll oween pa rty thrown by


What he's d o i ng with those degrees

and other

Tyler Dewing

Colby grads l iving in San Francisco.


Casey Piche '98 and Drew

Porter '98, w h e re

Matt Sawatzky Emily

Sta rted Weather Venture Ltd . , w h i c h

sported a fabulous costume . . . .

got e n gaged i n October to J esse

h e l p s compan ies assess a n d m i n i m ize

Etchells teaches S p a n i s h a n d horse­

L a fl a m m e , a Bates graduate.

their weather-related risks.

back r i d i n g a n d coaches the defend­

is curre n tl y coach i n g t h e n o1·ice

What sort of c o m pa n i es do that Energy

i n g C a l i fo r n i a state l acrosse champs

m e n ' s and women's cre11· team at

and agric u l t u re, a m ong others.

.\ l i d dlebury Coll ege . . . .

What h e was known for in c l a s s Very


a ndra


and .\ I anhew Da1·is '00 are

rigorous n u merical a n a lysis.

engaged to marry i n j une; they both

What his dad says about him " H e figured out a long time ago that

l i 1·e in St. Louis . . . . In J a n u a ry :2000

Alison Teder

the i ntersection between meteorology and business is what he

m a rried Issam E I ­

wanted to d o . "

Ayadi, ,,·hom s h e met duri n g her study

What he says " There's more t o weather t h a n T h e Weather Cha n n e l . "

abroad program in .\ Iorocco. They and Alison is about to fin i sh her mas­


ter of public health at Tulane

Catherine Garland,


her master'

in chemistn· from the

Anne Nettles

I ta l y . Jon



w h o is a l s o in

the graduate school at U F . . . .

Bossio, Kristin Fainnan


Deb Teal

underwater photography equipment. . . .

Becca Leslie and Nate Jue work

is a

R e a d B oston A m e r i C o rp s * VI STA worker at the South Boston Neigh­ borhood H ouse, where she assists in promoting a n d incorporating l i teracy into local chil dcare programs . . . .

Larry Spollen

wrote a touching ar­ to


pers: Being Ruined for L i fe" for the spri n g 2000 FOCUS Qesu it Volun­

just north of Key \Vest as emriron­

teer Corps: Northwest), in which he

mental educators at a program called

writes about his l i fe as a teacher in

h e and J ake

Axt are also plarmi n g a trip to Greece

Newfound Harbor J\l larine Institute.

pre-schoo l . " I pictured myself as a

rogether in Ann Arbor and

this summer to catch up with Jenni­

They spend their days teachi n g kids

mounta ineer o r a rock star," he wrote, "not a pre-school teacher." Larry is

Cni,·ersity of.\ l ichigan.

Berg ]i,·e

C a l i fo rn i a . . . .

ticle called " From Descartes

are happi l�· l i 1ing i n �ew Orleans,

l er in· . . . . Rebecc a Pi unun er earned

at the Thacher School in southern

are planning an Ocroberwedding that

fer i\1eEihinney,

who is currently

benveen fi fth grade and h igh school

11 i l l i n c l u d e

teachi n g in Showbak, Jordan, as a

about marine biology and taking them

doing very w e l l . . . .

Peace Corps volu n teer. Teal is sti l l

snorkeling and exploring i n d1eir lo­

former Colby All -America, was h i red

11·orking at B\VH in Boston and is

cal marine habitats.

getting her .\ I .A.T. i n biology and

on a neighboring island . . . .

1 er) mi>leading m istake in the w i n ­

French on the side . . . .


ter i>sue.

left Bo ton and is currently in law

medical school in Chi cago, and she

school in Rhode Island . . . .

spent last swmner working at fam i l y

Wi l l B a rndt, Josh Young, Kris .\ lurphy (who got mar­ n e d Ia t s u m m e r ) a n d D e n n i s D'Angelo . . . . I must apologize for a O l i ve r G riswold

fact, h e l d ontO h i s

has, in

urname. Ol i,·er

In ed out 11 est for fi1·e month before


l a n d m g m .\ l a n h a ttan I a t fa l l . He

D . C. to Boston i n


rans Baldwin

both work at, and Oli1 er, Ned and


Eu tace

\\'i l l ia ms kick it from

l l ou.,ton . l. ro I f e l l 's Kitchen i n

· . ) .C. . . . Dave \Vii kens a n d Mo l l y

P i n d e l l mcl\ cd December.


�an Franci SCO in

D a 1 e 11 o r k s a t


C . lad.,rone l mntute'> of\'irolog) and l m munolog) at CC: F.

. . Pete

\ 'a n d e n1 e i l report> that h 1 > que>t tO


Steve Mosca Siddha

Lisa Berry moved

Dave Bryan l ives Anna

is in her second year of


practices i n M a i ne . . . . Andrew Wnek

eptember . . . .

was recently com missioned as a sec­

Matt Williams,

by Trin i ty Coll ege as an assistant coach for men's lacrosse and men's soccer. -Liudsny Hayes


Gre e t i n g s from Bosto n .

H ere's w h a t some o f you have sent

N.Y. C.

ond l i eutena nt in the Air Force a fter


and sti ll worki ng as a trend analyst for

being selected for a pilot tra i n i n g

n o rthern Vi rgi n i a / D . C . w i th Tracy

Lauren Rothman, who is in

Meghan M atschke

i s l i v i n g in

Faith Popcorn's Brain Reserve, con­

spot w i th t h e M a i n e A i r National

Freuder. S h e is work i n g for an envi­

duct fascinating research to under­

Guard. Andy has been atte n d i n g un­

ronmental co n s u l t i n g firm cal led

stand what's dri1�ng the culture by

dergraduate p i l o t tra i n i n g w i t h the

Project Performance Corporation.

connecting the dors between fashion,

Air Force i n Del Rio, Texas . . . .

She reports that she is seeing lots of


Steph Sharples and Shelby Thi­ bodeau finished a year ofAmeriCorps

Colby people, all h a v i n g a great time

in Los Angeles, working in a l i teracy

i n D . C . a tten d i n g l a w school at

program called Rol l i n g Readers as

Georgetown Un iversity . . . .

\ 'ISTA volunteers. Steph traveled this

I zumi

pirituality, e1•en food.

Lauren often h a n gs out with

El i Cohen and Samantha Bender. . . . Bryan Cunitz mm·ed to Seattle a n d

(of course) . . . . J ed


is a l so


hcc.:omc ,1 dot-com mdlwna1re 11 a>,

1 1 o r b at the U of \\'a s h i n gton a s a

.1 1.J,. unfru i t fu l , 'o he ha'> mo1 ed on to

re;earch engineer for the Center

past fal l with her boyfriend d1rough

University for graduate studies in

.1 nc11 p.1 "1on. hcekcepmg. l i e\ ln­

fo r I n dustrial and :\ l edical Ul tra­

,\ lexico, Guatemala, Belize and Peru.

chemistry . . . .


. . Robyn Osborn and Matthew Olsen, who are both sti l l l iving in

in B r i g h t o n , M a s s . , w i t h

S a rah Cleary,] ason Gatlin and jose Larios


'99 (no rel ation). She is working in

t c rnt c d to 'cc \1 hat all the hun I'>

'>Oun d . B r� an l i 1·es with

h 1 ' \ \ 1u t L \ l u lc home� '· . . . \\'i l l

ronmcntal engineer for URS. Bryan

.1hout . \nd h e 'cml, a .,hout out to all C u t h ri e 1

l t 1 1 11 !.! m '- c " ) or !. Cit) .

\nd ) \ l cl . e tc hie

llr t


11 1 1


u r of !.111 ,t hool

fi m,hcd h 1 , H

Lr'll\ 111 I kmp-rc.H I.

l l of,t r.1 .)

hLr lllJ , t c r\ de!.!rLe 1 11 c.: l unell l .1 f\ e d uu non from \ J i c h c ) J e fOSt C r Llfi1Cd

. 11d 11011 11 1 1 rk ,1, .1 I e'kl ( ol lcl!e 1 . tir,l !(r Hk tclthtr m 'l op f t c.: l d , \ I .J" . . J on Zare k.i I n c m C • •unc" d i e .

. ,IL.ll 'nal­ .1, .1 m .1, t l r\ ' t ttdcn r 1 n t l h le .11 t h e l n n c.:r 1 1� o f rlond.1 , .111d

p l.J n, to pe nd t h e ' u m m c r 111 ( . rc.:nc



G ia u d ro n e , 11 ho 11 orks a� an em·i­ ran IIllO

. , got a dog, .\ l u rphy; d1ey adore

hris Einstein in Seattle, 11 here '> he l11 e>, too . . . . Jason Stauth

him . . . .


ing her P h . D . in immunology . . . . J o n H i l tz works as a fi nancial repre­

l i 1 1 n g 11 1 t h \ 1 1ke Doogue '97 in

Concord, '. . I I . , and the� are both 11 orking for \llegro �em1ccmductor a' clennc.1 l cngmecr'>. . . .

o l l een

ch11 a rT 7 " 11 orkmg d l i 1gcntl) on

her Ph I ) 1 11 a'>rroph� '>It''> at L C-Santa lt� rh.1 ra

F a mo n Briggs l n cs in

\ l o n t crc� . C.1 l t f. , and 11 orb at L1ght c

\ l ot u m l ndu,tn c '


1. mcc.:hamcal

cn!.!lnecr dnll!llllll! l u ke hght., and

Andrea Wooley

Louis at \\'a h ington

is in St.

niversity do­

scntatil·e with liTetLife in Augusta, \ Iaine . . . . M a ry Schwalm has moved

to �e11 York to take a job as a photo a.,si-,tant 11ith the ,\ssociated Press . . . . Alex Parrillo works in Boston for the

l mernet company Jenzabar. Travcl­ mg nation-wi de, Alex holds an inte­ gral position i n the company's

is atte n d i n g Northwestern

Mary Larios

is living

Cambridge at Educators for Social Responsibil ity, which does K- 1 2 con­ fl ict reso l u tion workshops. Sarah works at a transition house for men­ tally disabled adults, and jason works at tl1e H a rvard I nstitute of Chemistry a n d C e l l B i o l ogy . . . .



is a banking legal assistant

at S k a d d e n , Arps, S l ate, M eagher & F l o m L L P in New York C i ty . S h e is living with

Alexis Fine



Mal lett, who is now workingat Merrill

L)l1Ch. They often run into


Heather Daur, M organ McDevitt, Matt Todesca and Ross Frankenfield. Anne Cammack recently v i s i ted them i n New York before movi ng to

Cambridge Computer Services. She

Vail to be a ski i n structor . .

planner and has been trave l i n g to cit­

reported l y l ooking for a job i n a d ­

is l i v i n g in Allston, iV Iass . , with

ies across the U.S . . . .


vertising. H e is a l so work i n g on a

a l so been trave l i n g for her

few \Veb sites. One w i l l be l i k e a


. . Adam

is l i v i n g and working in

reports that Cipperly Good is work­

Mass .

is l iving in

is a set production assistant for an

ing in Honduras for Habitat for H u ­

N.C. and working for Cisco Systems.

indie fi l m c a l l ed Pipe Dren711s, which is

manity . . .


. . . Wendy Heywood is in N.J. work­

filming in New York City1 . . .

enjoying her job in corporate sales at

ing for Design "'rite as a meeting



Courtney Genovese

Car­ Trish

. .

Chris Duffy

i s a lso i n


. Y . C. and was

downtown C hicago for a small soft­

rie Keeling, Jen Lisk and Akins . . . . Kate Davies is living


\Veb magazine, w i th short opinion

ware development company .


job at Booz Allen and H a m i l ton in

Some1·v i l l e , M a ss . , and working as a

D.C. and even got to spend some time

pieces and journ a l - type articles, and


a n other will be a Zagats-style s i te

is in Cincinn ati work­

that w i l l review di ners in N.J. . . .

. .

Dorr has

is worki n g as an as­

research chemist for a sma l l start-up

sistant editor for E L, the vVeb

work i n g in Las Vegas1 . . .

in \1\Toburn, M ass. Also l i v i n g in


site for Elle magazine. She spent last

Somervi l l e are

ing for GE, and

Meghann Foye

Paris before moving t o New York . . . .

Erin Roberts, Jenny O'Donnel l , Melanie Guryansky and Kate Gardiner. Kate is working

Carolyn Clark

is doing w e l l and

at Forrester Research i n Cambridge,

Museum of Art.

summer and fal l working for Elle i n

Annalise Blech

kathryn john

living in

, A H igh Diva

Catie Nelson


Portl a n d , .\ I a i n e , with

Keep i n touch and send m e your news1 Take care.

and working at the

-Hilary S711ytb

. . . Dave Ferguson


G rass s k i rts a n d coconuts were not h i n g new to Hawa i i a n

u n s u re how she was go i n g to spend her post-gra d uation s u m m e r

Kathryn J o h n son '00. B u t growing u p i n t h e i s l a n d s , s h e never

u n t i l s h e received a n e-ma i l from Sacco Prod uctions u rging her to

thought she'd wear the m .

join the traveling d i ving show. She j u m ped at the c h a n c e . " H ow

J o h n so n , a n environ mental pol icy major now working for a water pu rification com pa n y in Bosto n , spent the s u m m e r after her gra d uation with a tou ring show in which she performed d ives

often does one have the opport u n ity to be a profession a l ath lete7" she asked . Diving was second nature to J o h nson by then . She began

from a 60-foot tower i n to a s m a l l co l l a ps i b l e poo l . B r u s h i n g off

d i v i n g in tenth grade when her geometry teacher, the school's

her fa m i ly's m isgivings that she was " r u n n i n g away to join the

d iving coa c h , recommended the sport as a n alternative to the

c i r c u s , " she spent the s u m me r trave l i ng across the cou ntry,

physical stress of gymnastics. She took easily to the sport a nd

d ressi ng a s a mermaid and performing for c rowd s , i n c l u d i ng

swept the B ig I sland C h a m p i onsh i p t h ree years in a row. H e r

c h i l d re n who gathered a ro u n d afterward to a s k , " Are you a real mermaid?" T h e show went l i ke t h i s : F i rst, s u rf i ng m u sic b l a red . Then J o h n son a nd the other d ivers c l i m bed d i v i ng platforms a n d l e a p t i nto the a i r . T h e y s u rfaced from their 1 0-foot-deep pool to reso u n d i ng a pplause. The rest of J oh n son's performance was less splashy and more ed ucationa l . A n ecological lesson was i m parted t h rough a skit sta rring Big Ka h u na , k i ng of the bea c h , and a ba nd of s u rfers. J o h n son played the part of a s u rfer, encou raging the a u d ience to keep the beaches clea n . B u t

success conti n ued at Col by, where she w a s a four-year varsity letter w i n n e r and set several school records. Her senior year she won the M i l l ett Awa rd as the student who contributed the most to her sport at Co l by . J o h nson d id n't t h i n k her experiences as a d iver wou l d translate d i rectly t o t h e working world . Neither d i d h e r parents. "At first they sa i d , 'You're d o i ng what?' a nd 'Are we su pposed to be ha ppy a bout this? How h igh7'" she reca l l e d . " B ut i n t h e e n d they were h a p py as long as I was happy a n d not getting myself k i l led . " She was ha ppy, but eve ntua l l y J o h n son traded i n her

she s a i d crowds were most fascinated b y t h e magical

coconuts a n d grass s k i rt for profession a l c l othes, though

c h a racter she played wea r i ng a mermaid ta i l . U s i ng a

she kept her ties to the water. She now i s working in

hose attached to a h i d d e n ta n k to breathe, J o h nson looked so rea l that kids wou l d often a pproach to ask her, " Do you know Ariel?" J o h n son sa i d she loved the easy-going camaraderie of the trave l i ng show a n d enjoyed the eclectic gro u p of d i vers

Boston for lon ics, I n c . , a n i nte rnatio n a l water pu rification a n d desa l i n ization company. Though she left her mermaid suit beh i n d , Joh nson sa i d her fling with h igh d iving ta ught her some t h i n gs : "You can successfu l l y s u p port yourself doing a nyth i ng you want and enjoy l ife at the same t i m e , "

brought together for the performa nce. Most were in their

s h e sa i d . "Working at t h e d iving show was a very l i berating

m i d -20s a n d at tra nsition points i n their l ives. One d iver had

experienc e . " -Blake Hamill '02

tra i ned as a n u c l ear engi neer in the Navy. J o h nson was


· S P R I N G

200 1

I 61

0 Iathaniel L . Sills '29,








s ovem­

Pastor of the Year by the Massachu­ setts Baptist Convention in 1 9 5 1 . He


ber 1 2 , 2 000, i n Jonesboro, Ark . , at 87. After serving i n New Guinea and

Stuart H. Record '34,

the Phi lippines during World War II, he was called back to duty during

October 30,

two sons, i nclucling Andrew Hayward

2000, in J\'ew York, N" . Y . , at 9 3 . H e

'6 1 , eight grandchildren and seven

w a s chairman o f the board of Stan­ dard :\ iotors Products, Inc., a com­ pany he served for more than 57 years.



Thomas G. van Slyke ' 3 6,

leaves his wife of 59 years, Myrtle Eaton, a daughter and a son .

Abbie Hooper Morrison '3 7,


He also sen·ed his com m u n i ty ";th

1 9, 2000, i n LiYermore Falls, Maine,

distinction and was a strong supporter


. A native of L i vermore Falls, he

the Korean Conflict and attained the rank of colonel i n the Retired Re­

of Colby capital campaigns as well as

was a life long dairy and poultry farmer

serves i n 1 970. H e earned a master's

ar 85 . A homemaker, she was a member of the Maine Coast Memorial Hospital

vember 5, 2 000, in E l l sworth, Maine,

who sen·ed on local grange and con­

in education at Boston University,

nion. He i s sun·ived

sen•ation committees. For many years

where for two decades he was a pro­

Auxiliary in Ellsworth. Predeceased by

ons, including Arthur S.

he worked as an agent for National

fessor o f business a d m i n istra tion.

her husband, Darwin A. Morrison, she

S i l l s ' 6 5 , six grandchil dren and three

Grange Insurance Co. Predeceased

\ Vhen he retired i n 1 9 7 7 he was pro­


by his brother Thomas A. Record ' 3 0

fessor emeritus of guidance at the

ion, Charles A. H o l t, a son, two

and b y his second wife, he i s sumved

un iversity. He leaves his daughter­


by his first \\·ife, Althea ] . Fournier,

i n -law, Mary Jane van Slyke, a sister­

great-grandchildren and jerry Holt.


donor of laboratories and a game

room in Cotter by three

1argaret H ale Shaw

' 3 0, 1\"'ovem­

ber 3, :WOO, in Presque Isle, :\ laine, at

three sons, i n c l u d i n g D u a n e C.

and brother-in-law and several nieces

90. A summa cum laude and Phi Beta

Record '65 and Ralph S . Record '66,

and nephews.

Kappa graduate, he taught English at

rwo daughters, 1 5 grandchildren, in­

is survived by h e r long-time compan­

I 0 gra n d c h i l d ren, five

Thelma Beverage Parker ' 3 7,


cember 1 7 , 2 000, i n Cheshire, Mass.,

Caribou H igh School and later was a

cluding four Colby alumnae, 1 7 great­

Robert S . William ' 3 6, December 7,

substitute teacher in the public schools

grandchildren and his brother, Frank

2000, i n Los Angeles, Calif. , at 86.

from North Adams State College and

ofPortland, :\ laine, Springfield, :\ iass.,

A. Record ' 3 8 .

For 3 0 years he headed \Vesrern

for 45 years taugh r at schools i n Maine

at 85. She earned a master's degree

Globe Products, the largest pasta

and at Cheshire Elementary, Adams

her husband, Bernard C . Shaw ' 3 0,

Edwin E. Getchell ' 3 4,


manufacturing company i n the west­

High School and Wi l l i amstown El­

she is sun·ived by her cousins, Charles

28, 2000, in Portl and, N iaine, at 87.

ern U.S. Always i nterested in avia­

ementary School in Massachusetts.

Hatch and Gwen Harmon.

From the 1 93 0s to the 1 960s he was a

tion, he witnessed Lindbergh's l i ftoff

She is survived by a son, Norman ] .

reacher in schools in Benton, Port­

on the first transatlantic fl ight and

ParkerJ r . , a daughter, M i riam Parker,

and Bellow Falls, \'t. Predeceased by

Theora Doe Stubbert '30,


land, Gray and Lewiston, lv 1 aine, and

Howard Hughes's one and only fl ight

three grandch il dren, a brother and a

ber 3, 2000, in Bristol, R . I . , at 94. She

during \Vorld \Var I I he worked at

in the famed Spruce Goose. A cam­

nephew, Richard Beverage ' 7 3 .

was employed by the :\ laine Power Co.

the South Portland shipyard. For most

eraman who pioneered helicopter

and later was a teacher in Barrington,

of h i s l i fe he was self-employed in

photography, he also was a studio


advertising sales. He is survived by

publicist for \Varner Brothers and

in Pinell as, Fla., at 8 3 . He spent 42

three daughters and three sons, 1 8

personal pubLicist for Bette Da1'is, a

m o n t h s w i t h t h e Q u a rtermaster

grandchildren, several great-grand­

"golf doctor" with a knack for diag­

Corps in Europe during World Vlar

children, a sister and two brothers.

nosing flaws in a golfer's swing a n d a

I I a n d later served in Naval I n telli­

mortgage lender during his long, col­

gence i n \Vashington and the Phil ip­

he lea1·es a son, Shern1an D.

tubbert, and three grandchildren.

\larj ori e



Bernier ' 3 2 ,


J anua!} 2 I , 2 00 I , in Augusta, :\ l aine, he 11 orked for the

at 90.

\ I a ine

tate of

Bureau of Taxation I n herit­


Frederic B. Champlin ' 3 5 ,


I.C., at 90.

ber 9, 1 998, i n I redell,

ance Ta\ Oi1 ision for 1 5 years. Prcl�­

fter graduating from Columbia

ou'>l) �he was a teacher at

niversity and receiving his medical


,\ la!")•'

Roger B. Tilley '3 7, August 1 8, 2000,

orful career. H e leaves five children

pines. In 1 9 5 6 he was appointed to

and six grandchildren.

the State Department Foreign Ser­



Wolff ' 3 6,

vice i11 Belgi u m . He was head of tl1e November

procurement and processing division of the Library of Congress Law Li­

School m \ugu ta, _\ laine, and a sub­

degree from Cornell

niversity, he

2 7 , 2000, in Boston, Mass., at 8 5 . A

'> t l l u t e reacher in other Augusta

sen•ed in the Army Resen•es during

graduate of H a rvard Law School, he

brary when he retired i n 1 97 3 . Survi­

<,chook Predeceased by her son John

\\'orld \\'ar I I . H e conducted a n

resumed his law practice in New York

vors include his ,yjfe, Mary Tilley, his

P. Bermcr '6 1 , �he i

in ternal

City after semce as a captain in the Transportation Corps during \Vorld

sister, Constance Tilley '40, and his

un i1·ed by her

'>011'> Robert F. and \ \'illiam R. Bernier,

m e d i c i n e p ractice


\ \'aten·i lle, ,\ [aine, a n d sen·ed local

daughrer<,Juhe Bern1er, Elaine .\ Iorin

ho pitals before become supen·ising


physician at Broadacres Sanatorium

Flt.,c Patenaude, 1 2 grandchil­ three great-grandchildren.

dren and

Bertrand \\'. Ha)


'tica, :\'. Y. Later he joined Grass­

land� I l ospital in \'alhalla, N.Y. 1·ard ' 3 3 , jan uar)

- , 2 000, 111 Brc\\ cr, \ l ame, at

9. \



Tu r by n e '35,

:\'o1 ember 5 ,

poe t , puhlt( '>pcakcr and '>Upporter of cd uc.H 1on. he " a prc'>ldcnt of the

:?OOO, 111 \ \ 'aren-i l le, .\ I aine, a t 8 7 . l i e " J'> J\\ arded the Purple I !cart and


Bronte Star for his sen ice a; a first

Ph1 Ltdclph1<1 College of Te\tlle


(no" Phtladclph1a C nn e r­

l t cutcnaiH " 1 th the


\ rm�

in the

\\'orld \\"ar

'lt\ ) after a �.1recr a., reacher and pnn­ ci];al ln \lame and \ Ll'>\achu,ert' h1gh

'\ormand) 1 11 1 a


Paper Com pan) , retinng a<, technical

111 rhe I <J .W, and '4(k I k



For 40 ) car., he 11 or ked for . ccm un 11 or� 1ncludc

recci1 cd counrlc ' profc.,.,1onal and

control manager.

audcm1c J\\ anb and honor.. �un 1I Or. lncludc lm ll lfc, rl cl)"ll l I J) l ard,

h1., " i fc of :4 � car-,, \ Ia!} T urb)"!lC,

n1 o 'om, a b rot ht: r, m O '>l'>tCr'>, a grand­

h 1 ' daughrcr, Jo l l a)"'l .mi-l I aine

'>011 and



· - r R I




cral mcce., and ncphc11 '>.

\ Var I I . I n 1 9 5 7 he joined the Dexter hoe Company, where he served as an executive until his retirement in 1 9 8 1 . S u rvivors include h i s w i fe,

cousin Claire Tilley Henderson '4 1 .

Harold P . Davis J r. ' 3 8 ,


1 0, 2 000, in Venice, F l a . , at 84. For more tlnn 40 years he was an execu­

jeanne \Vol ff, a sister, nvo nephews and many cousins, including Howard

tive witl1 tl1e New England Tele­

;\ I i l ler '40,

se1-vice as a pi lot in tl1e 1 aval Air

G lenyce M i l ler Kaplan '46 and Tema Kaplan Cushner '48.

David S . Eaton '3 7, October 3, 2000, in Lawrence, .\ lass., at 5. During a 50-rear career he sen·ed as pastor for churches in ;\ Iaine and Massach u ­

setts, including 2 8 years as pastor of the First Baptist Church of Methuen ,

.\ l ass. A member of several associa­ tions and societies , he was named

phone Company, with four years of Corps during World War I I . Survi­ vors include his wife of 49 years, Constance Davis, and three children.

Marcus C. Oladel! '3 8 , J a n uary


2 00 1 , in Rockport, Maine, at 8 3 . Af­ ter service as a staff sergeant in the South Pacific during World vVa r I I he was a process engineer for 2 9 years at Seth Thomas Clocks and for 1 1

' 5 1 , December 1 3 ,

years at the Torrington Company i n

Meat M a rket in Fairfield and later in

photogra p h i c e d i tor, coordinating

Cynthia Cook

Connecticut. A graduate of H artford

li\Taterv i l l e . H e also served on the

l oc a l , n a t i o n a l a n d foreign visual

2000, i n H i ngham, Mass., a t 70. She

School of Music, he also was the

board of Good Wi l l - H inckley School

media for H a rvard events until h i s

was employed i n sales for Holiday

school's choir di rector and taught

in Skowhegan. He leaves his w i fe,

retirement in 1 986. Su nrivors include

I n n and also operated Cynthia Cook

guitar and piano. Survivors incl ude

Marion H a i ns, a son, a daughter, a

h i s wife,Jacqueline Tobey, a son, two

Llteriors i n Sarasota, Fla. She is sur­

h i s w i fe, Sh i rley Oladell, a daughter,

brother, and four grandchildren.

daughters, seven grandchildren and

vived by her d a ug h ters, Amy C.

seven great-gran dch i l d ren.

Gower and Deborah Gair McCartney

Richard R. Fellows

children and nieces and nephews.

a son, two sisters, seven grandc h i l ­ dren, three step-grandchildren, seven

H iram P. Macintosh

g r e a t - g ra n d c h i l d re n a n d s e v e r a l

4, 2000, in P h i l a delphia, P a . , at 86.

nieces and nephews.

' 7 7 , a sister and brother, four grand­

'4 1 , October '45, April 2 5 ,

He served with the Navy in Europe

2000, in South H a m i l ton, Mass., a t

during \Vorld ViTar II and retired

7 8 . He served with the I Oth Moun­

Paul B . Kilrnister

' 3 9 , J a nuary 1 1 ,

from the Naval Reserve as a com­

ta in Division i n Italy during \i\Torld

2 00 1 , i n Concord, N . H . , at 7 1 . H e

2 00 1 , in Bradenton, F l a . , at 8 5 . H e

mander in 1 968. Fol l owing active

\Var II. He was vice president of

served w i t h t h e Army in Korea and

served i n the Army in t h e Pacific

service he was a sales representative

purchasing of food services for the

later earned a master's in education

during ViTorid li\Tar II. For many years

with Gooda l l Rubber Co. for 2 3

Sheraton Hotel Corp. Predeceased

from the University of New Hamp­

he owned and operated Maxim Feed

years a n d w i t h Bevco I n dustries for

by his first wife, Muriel Sterling Fel­

shire. H e h a d a long career in public education i n New H ampshire, advis­

Donald W. Maxim

' 5 1 , J anuary 6,

and Grain Store in \tVinthrop, Mai ne.

1 3 years. H e is survived by h i s w i fe,

lows '-+5, he is survived by his wife,

Predeceased by h i s w i fe and h i s

Rita M a c i n tosh, his da ughter and

Jacquelyn Fellows, four daughters,

ing the legislature and serving as a

brother, D. Harold Maxim ' 3 2 , he i s

th ree grandch i l dren.

including Karen RJ1odes Fellows '74,

teacher, school principal and a d m i n ­

a son, I 0 grandchildren, a brother, a

istrator on the di strict and state lev­

sister and several nieces and nephews.

els. H e is survived by his wife, Barbara

Helen Small Martino

brother, P h i l l i p M . l(j ln1ister ' 5 5 ,

survived b y h i s companion, E l iza­ beth Roe, two sons, six grandchildren and six great-grandch i l dren .

E. Gilman Taylor

'42 , December

K i l m i s t e r , two s o n s , a s i s t e r , a

1 6, 2 000, i n Duxbury, Mass., at 8 1 . H e served with the Army i n the Pa­

'45, October

Donald N. Thompson ' 3 9 , Novem­

c i fic from 1 9-+3 to 1 9-+6. An Eagle

1 5 , 2 000, in Portland, Maine, at 7 7 .

ber 1 1 , 2000, in Brewer, M a ine, at 8 2 .

Scout and later a scoutmaster, he was

During World W a r I I s h e was a me­

He served t h e Baptist C hurches o f

general manager of the Donald B.

teorologist for the Augusta (Maine)

Betty Cuthbertson Crossen

M a i n e i n Mexico, t h e Danforth par­

Chapman Co. automobile agency for

Ai rport. She was employed at Baybank

October 3 1 , 2000, in Essex, Mass., at

a n d three granddaughters. '55,

ish, Bri dgewater, M i l l i nocket, Calais

many years before taking the posi­

Norfolk TrustCo. and for many years

67. She was a special education teacher

and Isl esboro before retiring i n 1 98 3 .

tion of business manager at Dean

was a fi nancial secretary at \Vm.

and later an a d m i n istrator in the

Later he pastored the United Meth­

Junior Col lege. H e leaves his two

Carter Co. in Teedham, Mass. She is

Melrose, Mass., school system for

odist Churches of Maine i n Pem­

chi ldren, Beth Taylor and Eric Tay­

survived bythree daughters,Jane Roy,

many years before retiring in 1 99 2 .

broke and Robbinston Ridge and in

lor, six grandchildren and a sister.

Gail Bonin and Lucia Olson, four sons,

She is survived b y her husband, Wi l l ­

Frank J r., Timothy, Raymond and

i a m P. Crossen, two sons, two daugh­

Peter Martino, and 1 2 grandchildren.

ters, three grandchildren, a brother, a

retirement was active in community programs. H e was predeceased by his

Mary Foster Kimball

brother Keith K. Thompson '4 1 . Sur­

ber 29, 2000, in Concord, N . H . , at

vivors include his wife of59 years, Lucy

80. After working as a dental assistant

Thompson, three children, six grand­

she was a Sears I nc. accountant for 30

December 26, 2000, in E l l swortl1,

Thomas R . Bailey

children and three great-grandchildren

years. Survivors include her two sons,

Maine, at 7-+. She was a schoolteacher

3 0 , 2000, i n Ba ngor, M a i ne, at 6-+. He

and many nieces and nephews.

Gary Kimball and David Kimba l l , a

in Sherman M i l ls, E l lsworth a n d

was the owner, operator and presi­

daughter, Mary Morgan, two grand­

Surry, M a ine. She is survived b y her

dent of

c h i l d ren and a sister.

husband, ViTi l l iam \Vorcester, tl1ree

Bangor and a member of several tex­

John K. Chase

'40,June 2 5 , 2000, i n

'43 , Septem­

Bothel l, li\Tash . , at 8 3 . H e served in

sister and many nieces and nephews.

Lillian Hinckley Worcester

'47, '59, December

Jew Franklin Textiles in

sons, three grandchildren and her

tile associations. He also served with

sister, Edith H inckley Turner '-+5 .

several local organizations, including

the Tavy from 1 940 to 1 946 and later

Wendell F. Phillips '44,J u ly 2 , 2000,

earned a law degree from Boston

in Moorestown, N .j . , at 79. H e sen,ed

College. H e retired in 1 986 a fter a

in Europe during \Vorld \Var II be­

Justine Jackson Doherty

3 8 -ye a r career in i n s ur a n ce w i t h

fore returning to Colby for a degree

vember 3 0, 2000, in North Andover,

the S h riners. Sunriving are h i s wife, '49, No­

Laura Bailey, two sons, two grand­ sons, a brother and two n i eces.

Safeco. Survivors include h is daugh­

in chemistry. He worked for Old Mr.

Mass., at 7 2 . li\Tith a bachelor's de­

ter, Deborah Chase, a sister and a

Boston and Squibb- Beech Nut Co.

gree i n m e d i c a l tech n o l ogy, she

Robert M. Peters

nephew and niece.

before joining the Campbell Soup Co.,

worked for 2 0 years at Holy Family

1 7 , 2000, in Lewiston, J\ laine, at 6 7 .

'60, December

where for 26 years he was manager of

Hospital in Methuen, Mass., until

H e was a salesman for t h e computer

Rowena Buzzell Funston '4 1 , Sep­

laboratories. He published many ana­

her retirement i n 1 99 3 . Predeceased


tembe r 6 , 2 000, in Vancouver, \tVash.,

lytical chemistry papers and received

by her husband, J ames P. Doherty

33 years prior to his retirement. He

at 80. She received a master of arts

several patents. Survivors include his

' 5 -+, she is survived by her sons, John,

also was a tax aid volunteer. Survivors

degree from Clark University and for

wife, Louise Boudrot P h i llips '47, six

JamesJ r., Joseph and Jeffrey Doherty,

include his wife, Suzanne, three sons,

many years was an economist and

chil dren and 1 1 grandchildren.

and her daughter, Tina Bucchio, nine

a daughter, seven grandch i l d ren, a

grandchildren, two brothers and a sis­

brother and two nieces.

consultant with the Army Corps of Engineers i n \Vash i n gton, D . C. , and

William H. Tobey

'44, October I ,

n i sys for more than

ter and several nieces and nephews.

orman C. Mitchell '64,


Portl a n d , Ore. S u rvivors i n c l u d e

2000, i n Brunswick, M a ine, a t 7 7 . H e

three nieces and a nephew.

served w i t h t h e Signal Corps in Af­

Ethan E. Newton

'49, December

26, 1 997, in ;\ lechanicsburg, Pa., at 5 5 .

rica and Europe during \\'oriel \ Var II and also volunteered for m i l i tary

2-+, 2000, in Burlington, Vt., at 7 3 .

H e received an iii.A. from \\'esleyan

Benjamin Hains '4 l ,J anuary 8, 200 I ,

After Armysenrice duri n g \ Vorld \Var

University. After a career in teaching

in Naples, F l a . , at 8 2 . H e served fou r

duty in the Korean Conflict. H e was

II and a brief time teaching, he pur­

he was a sales and marketing manager

years w i th t h e M i l i ta ry P o l i ce dur­

sued a career as a l i brarian, serving 2 8

for Xerox and later for Endovations in

ing \Vo r l d \Va r I I . A long-time

a reporte r-ph otogra p h e r for the \Vaterv i l l e J\ Jomiug Seutiuel u n t i l

years wi tl1 t h e vil lage o f Essex, Vt. H e

Camp H i l l , Pa. Survivors include his

Vhtervi l l e, Maine, resident, he was

1 9 5 6 , w h e n he joined t h e Harvard

is survived by fou r sisters, two brotll­

daughter, Kristen Mitchell.

the owner and proprietor of Ben's

niversity News Office. He was the

ers and several nieces and nephews.

c0 L 8 y


s p R I N G

� 0 0 I



the last page

b_en _llng's _life_ _

By Sandy Ma isel

Ben Ling '98 nnd Snndy J lnisel nt The Broken Spoke Saloon in [-lustin, Texns. �'here they snu: tbeirfm:orite cotmtly musician, Jeny Jeff Walke1; pe1[onn. J lnisel describes Ling in Walker's wo1·ds: "contrmy to ordinmy. " Editor's note: Ben Ling '98 passed nway ,I !arc/; 1 ';', follou:ing n battle with cnncer. Ling, who graduated mngnn cum /nude with honon in got·emmellt, u•ns elected to Phi Betn Kappa nnd to Pi Sigma [-//phn, the politicnl science honor society Few students 1n my more than three decades at Colby have affected me as d1d Ben Ling. I

were contra ry to Col by ord i n a ry , lessons they w i l l l o ng remem ber. Seco n d , Ben was fiercely smart and


B u t I re mem ber Ben most for the depth of h i s frien d s h i p . He taught me more a bout seeing d i fferent sides of people and h o n o r i n g a l l of

i n tellectual. He read constantly and remem­

them than has any other student. I hope a n d

bered a n d thought about everything he rea d .

t h i n k I a m a better professor, a better parent

H is comments i n class a lways made classmates

and a better friend because of lessons I learned

take notice and th i n k , "Why d i d n 't I see that?"

from Ben. He d rew around him a n i n c redi bly d iverse grou p of frie n d s . During h i s final i l l ness,

remember so clearly the sk1nny k1d from Houston,

Ben and his wonderful friend Lizzie lvry '98

complete w1th cowboy boots and a black cowboy

were my resea rch-assistant team for three and a

he had visitors from all over the cou ntry. The

hat, who led the d1scuss1on 1n my Government

half years. As a resea rch assistant, Ben

a d m i n istrators i n the hospital sa id that no other patient had had so many people fly in from so

1 1 1 class 1n the fall of 1994. Ben was the linchpin

contributed to my projects in im portant ways:

for a group of students who stayed together-as

ra i s i ng q uestions, seeing connections, t h i n k i n g

many d i fferent places: Col by friends, Washing­

fnends and many of them as government

of n e w a pproaches. I tried s o hard t o convince

ton friends, Texas friends, Kansas friends.

maJors-throughout their Colby careers. B e n ' s fnends w i l l re mem ber h 1 m for many

him to go on for a P h . D . , because he wou l d

Litera l ly dozens of people came together with

have been a terrific professor. B u t Ben wanted

nothing i n common except for having been

to go 1nto policy work, to help with agricu lture

touched by and having loved this re markable

a m l l . a r to a I who knew h 1 m . F i rst, Ben l1ved

and farm policy. Of course, Ben d i d not follow

you ng man. A n d i n all of o u r sorrow over Ben's

he words of a n old song by Je rry Jeff Walker,

the normal route. Dunng a semester in Wash­

i l lness, we marveled at h i s courage and at o u r

Ington he worked on grazing fee pol icy-an

good fort u n e i n knowi ng h i m and i n meet i n g

was "con rary to ordmary . " He d1d th1ngs h1s

obscure spec1alty to be s u re. He became a n

e a c h other through h i m .

own way-a n d h1s nends learned to enJOY

expert, a n d other experts in Was h i n gton

reasons. T h ree stand out to me a n d w 1 l l be

B e n ' s favon e country s1 nger a nd m 1 n e Ben

W e a l l ga i n s o m u c h b y b e i n g part o f t h e

cont1nued to consult h 1 m after he returned to

Col by fa m i ly. T h o s e of us who k n ew B e n L i n g

were genume; he was Texan a n d proud of 1!.

Colby for h 1s senior yea r . When he graduated,

w i l l a lways c o n s i d e r o u r t i m e with h i m o n e o f

H e loved he ou -o -doors a n d he loved the

Ben's fi rst JOb was work1ng as a ra nch h a n d . He

Col by's greatest gifts t o u s . T h ose w h o d i d n ' t

loved that life and he wanted to lea rn on the

can learn as well f r o m the t e r r i b l e l o s s we

ground how pol1cy affected ranchers and

feel-by t h i n k i n g of the f r i e n d s t h ey a re

farmers. At the t1me of h 1 s death he was a

meet i n g or have met on M a yflower H i l l , by



Un� ke mme, h1s cowboy hat a n d boots

H 1s 1 u mor year "a broad" was to Kansas

S a e and he convmced he B 1ology Depart­ mer'

e cou'd u l 111 h 1 s na ural sc1ence


req u remen w1 h courses n agronomy H e a nd

leg1slat1ve assistant on agnculture policy for Se n .

h o n o r i n g those friend s h i ps a n d by b u i l d i n g on

h1s nend Chris Coa kley '98 had

Mike Enz1 ( R -Wyo . ) . H is approach there was

t h e m . L i ke n o t h i n g else, the loss of a n

he r s e n or o

re on y

Intellectual as well as pract1ca l . During my last

extraord i n a ry friend-or a contra ry-to-o rd i na ry

e a r A n d he d 1 d love c o u n ry

two v1s1 s w1th B e n , while he was f1ghtmg

ha loud modern coLon ry bu

one-in the f u l l ness of youth c l a rifies what is

cancer, we debated a favonte policy issue,

i m porta nt: T i m e with good f r i e n d s should be

snowmob le pa r ed 1n


' ha m s lo d u n n g

He sha red

comparmg pract1cal and ph1 losoph1ca l a p­

prec ious to all of us.

proaches to solv1ng 1!. Ben knew the I m portance

-Sandy Maisel is the William R. Kenan Jr.

o both poht1cal cons1derat1ons and JUStice.



Professor of Government

Alumni Council Awards Committee Seeks Nominees

The Blue Light Alumni Web Site www. alumni

The Alumni Council Awards Committee continually seeks nominations for five annual alumni awards. The criteria for each award are listed briefly below. Your nominations are welcome-please take a moment to complete the form, sharing your knowledge of the nominee's qualifications. Thank you.

Colby Brick Award Presented at Reunion to a few individuals who have

served Colby in a variety of volunteer roles. Your source for u p-to-date information about a l u m n i events, regiona l club

Marriner Distinguished Service Award Given to alumni or friends of Colby

who have demonstrated a lifetime of exceptional commitment to the College. Distinguished Alumni Award Recognizes one Colby alumnus/na for

activities, Reu n ion sched u les a nd egistration, Homecomi ng, Al u m n i College and more. We've posted a l u m n i news, >hotos you've sent us and Alu m n i Counc i l

outstanding professional achievement. Outstanding Educator A ward Presented to an alumnus/na for outstand足

ing teaching in the classroom, at any level. Edson V. Mitchell ' 75 Distinguished Service Award This newly created

award is given to a young alumnus/na within 2 5 years of graduation for exceptional service to the College.

minutes, and you can subscribe t o our monthly e-m a i l newsletter, Out of the Blue, for the most u p-to-date i nformation about what is happening at Colby.

For more detailed descriptions and lists of past honorees, go to: ! nominate Class of for the


__ _ _ _ _ _ _



My recommendation is based on the nominee's Colby activities or professional achievements listed below (use the back if necessary) : To search for your classmates and other alumni or to update your own record, visit our online directory (www

If you haven't yet registered to use this password-protected directory, all you

Nominated by Date


__ __ ____ __ __ __ ____

need is the number above your name on the back of this magazine.

Please complete and mail to: Alumni Council Awards Committee c/o Office of Alumni Relations Colby College

43 1 0 Mayflower Hill Waterville, ME 0490 1 Questions: 207-8 72-3 1 90

If It Wasn 't For The Women A c o l l ecti o n of essays that exa m i n es the ro l e s of women i n the i r c h u rc h e s a n d c o m m u n i t i e s , the i m p l ication o f t h o s e ro l e s fo r Afri c a n-American cu lture a n d the te n s i o n s a n d stereotypes that s h a pe soci eta l re sponses to these ro l e s . Paperback


C h e ryl Townsend G i l kes i s the J o h n D. a n d Catheri n e T. M a cArth u r P rofessor of Soc i o l ogy a n d Afr i c a n-A m e r i c a n Stud ies a n d t h e d i rector of t h e Af rica n-A m e r ica n St u d ies Progra m a t Co l by.

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From Caning to Campaigning C. Kenneth Ongalo-Obote runs for Uganda' s parliament. Page 36

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