Colby Magazine vol. 89, no. 4

Page 1

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Mayflower Hill's Magazine Connection About Politics: Who You Gonna Call?

Peter Golden's Casting Magic

Dale Skrien Teaches What Computes Tony Marin Q&A Barbara Coulon Is Cool and Hot ·

"The empires of the future are the empires of the mind '' Winston Churchill


Your cla s correspondent is looking for news for the next issue of Colby magazine. Please take a moment to respond to the questions below and on the back to let your classmates in on what you've been doing recently or hope to be doi,lg eventually. Have you moved? Changed career ? Traveled? Read a great book? This new questionnaire will be in each issue of the magazine, allowing alumni to contact their class corre pondent four times a year. The past ystem for collecting news, sending separate letters once a year, was unwieldy and time consuming for the small staff in the Alumni Relation Office and the postage was expensive. Now we look forward to hearing from you more than once a year! Please mail or e-mail your news

directly to your class correspondent. The correspondents' addresses are listed within the

Alumni at Large section of the magazine. Keep the news coming! Basic Information

Na me:

________________________________________________________________________________ ____

A ddress: (please indicate if recent change): ---Occupation (and title, if applicable):


Spouse's/Partner's Name (if applicable): -----pouse 's/Partner's Occupation (if applicable): -----Family Unit: children, friends, pets: ------

- --- -------

- --






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Your recent "milestones" have been (grad school, new job, children/grandchildren, le on in life, etc.):

What i your fa,·orite memory about dorm life at Colby?

Attach an additional sheet if necessary.

Please mail this questionnaire or, if possible, e-mail this information to your class correspondent. Correspondent names, addresses and e-mail addresses (if available) are listed in the Alumni at Large section of this magazine. - - - - -- - - -- - -


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Features 6

ational magazines are experiencing

Print Lives

an unprecedented boom, and Colby alumni are there. 14

In the Loop, Outside the Beltway �en the

national press wants perspective and insight, it turns to Colby's political pundits. 20

The Midas Touch Peter Golden '80, head of

casting at CBS, turns actors into stars.

Dispatches 2

editor's desk In focusing on protest, do we


letters Vietnam debate continues; Colby Jack


periscope Gleanings from Earl Sm.ith's campus

disparage veterans? Coombs didn't have children. newsletter, FYI.

From the Hill


24 Hector Mondragon,


on campus Hector Mondragon sidesteps death;

Robert Gordon cherishes tJ1e plays of

Oak Fellow

Pinter; Richard Serra's new sculpture has

6 Colbians Make Mags

the campus-and the critics-talking. 28

nited World College link makes


Class of 2004 most international class ever; COOT celebrates its 25th; Colby students get bum rap. 30

faculty Dale Skrien is a calming presence in tJ1e



frenetic world of computer science. ickJans 7 7 finds the right words-and '

photographs-for Alaska's beauty; Brent Katz '98 makes his film dream happen. 33

development Science study at Colby fueled by

major grants from Sherman Fairchild


Foundation, Howard Hughes Medical

14 In the Know

Institute. 34

alumni Barbara Coulon '94 is a professional

trend spotter, finding what's cool before it gets hot; alumni activists gamer in Cuba.

Alumni 36



class notes profiles



Robert C. Gerrard '60


Helena Bonnell Gilman '78


Carolyn Treat '82


�\t1ichael Eash '93


The Last Page 64

A Script for Tipper An essay by Jonathan E.

Kaplan '94


Dispatches editorial

From the Editor's Desk The intent was simple enough: to revisit the years when the Vietnam War


turned the Colby campus from a bucolic hideaway to a stage for vociferous, if not truly violent, protest.

volume 89

Published in the spring 2000 issue of Colby, the story had some effect. For


some alumni in the protest ranks, it documented and perhaps dignified a

Gerry Boyle

Brian Speer

both alumni and administrators of that time, the story offered a chance to

art director

recollect and reconsider. And as the letters in this issue show, the story re颅

Robert Gillespie Alumni at Large editor

opened an unhealed wound.

executive editor

microcosm of the nation today. Some Americans feel the war was ill conceived;

Leo Pando

some feel it was merely poorly executed. Some felt it was their duty to serve;


others felt it was their duty to object. Some feel that today the reasons for the

Alicia Nemiccolo MacLeay

Joanne Lafreniere

for the war becoming clear.

staff assistant

There was no consensus in 1970; there is no consensus now. Nor should

Karen Oh

Karen Oh


contributing photographers

Jonathan Kaplan

was not intended to show disrespect for these or other Vietnam veterans. In my view, the story of those who served had been written before; the story of the protest movement had not. I don't think that reading either story would prompt readers to drastically change their views of the Vietnam War. Those views are continually evolving. Cons1der the words of one Vietnam combat veteran who, when a spate of Vietnam War movies was released, found himself being asked, "Was the war really like that?" The veteran said he never found an answer because what really happened had been so mixed up with what had been said about what happened. "The Vietnam War is no longer a definite event so much as it is a collective and mobile script in which we continue to scrawl, erase, rewrite our conflicting and chang1ng v1ews of ourselves," wrote William "Bro" Adams, Colby's new president, 1n Mother Jones magazine in 1988.



Earl Smith

contributing writers

about the four who died; I did not write as eloquently as Robert M. Lloyd '68 did

Ransom Jr. '66 and James H . Shotwell '62. The story of the protest movement

P.T. Sullivan, Bridget Besaw Gorman,

Brian Speer (front cover)

the story did a disservice to Colby alumni who served in the Vietnam War, and, in

the sacrifice made by Leslie A. Dickinson Jr. '67, David T. Barnes '68, Robert C.


on-line coordinator

one be expected.

that story at www.colby.edujcolby.magjissuesjfaiiOO/vietnam and consider


staff writer

war are grossly misunderstood; others feel that only in hindsight are the reasons

in an article published in Co/by in the spring of 1988. I invite readers to go to


Stephen Collins

If Colby was a microcosm of the nation in 1970, its alumni are a sort of

some cases, died there. Many years ago, I had written as a newspaper columnist


managing editor

movement that, in their view, had been disparaged and subsequently ignored. For

That said, I must admit that I was chagrined to hear and read that some felt

number 4


William D. Adams, president; Earl H. Smith, dean of the College; Peyton R. Helm, vice president for development and alumni relations; Margaret Felton Viens

'77, director of alumni relations

Alumni Council Executive Committee

'78, chair; Lou Richardson '67, vice chair; "75, Rebecca Birrell '92, James Bourne '81, Hope Palmer Bramhall '56, Karl Dornish Jr. "54, Bruce C. Drouin '74, Ernest V. Fortin '51, Todd W. Halloran '84, Joanne Weddell Magyar '71, Wendy Kennedy Ralph '90, Christopher Tompkins '89, Frank A. Wilson '73, Philip Wysor '70 John Devine

Eleanor Amidon

Colby is published four times yearly.

Address correspondence to: Managing Editor, Colby

4181 Mayflower Hill 04901-8841

Waterville, ME

or e-mail to: visit us on the internet: Alumni Office:





letters On history, timidity and Vietnam

Editor's note: Space limitations r·equired that the lette1·s submitted to Colby fo7' thefoil issue be

Messrs. B rassem and B i shop (Colby summer 2000) apparently fai l to understand that it was the pro-war movement which supported unpopular governments around

edited fm· length. The complete versions of all of these letters can be rend at colby.magjissuesjfaiiOO/Ietters in the on-line magazine. livhters who would prefer that their letters be published in full in the print ver-sion of Col by should limit their letters to 3 50 won/s.

the world, ran covert i l legal wars to support tl1e quasi -legal conflict in Vietnam, and

1. Before America's involvement, why was

answers, I decide whether J should continue

abandoned the loyal supporters of America

what was happening in S EA.sia

to participate in the discussion. Unless people

a fter the final troop withdrawal. Mr.

happen ing?

know the accurate context in which the

Brassem's impl ication that the anti-war

2. Why was my government concerned

Vietnam vVar evolved and was fought, there

movement opposed tl1e B i l l of Rights is

w i th what was happening tl1ere?

can be l i ttle gained by rehashing the circum­

al most laughable, not only because i t's

3. Why had my government decided to

nonsense but also because su bsequent


revelations have shown the Pentagon and the F B I, not to mention tl1e Ni xon adminis­ tration, to be the ones who trampled on the first 1 0 Amendments.

4. What was tl1e best way to assist/

involvement and the horrifying results to those left behind because of our cowardly,


I had recently flOWll 55 nuclear-armed, ai rborne alert mi ssions during the real world,

Both wri ters confuse patriotism, which i s

stances of tl1e Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, the subsequent consequences of our increased

inunoral though politically expedient, hasty withdrawal from that part of tl1e world.

terrifying, Cuban Crisis. They lasted an

defined as "devotion to one's country"

average of 24 hours each and were sti l l fresh

Glen P Goffin '58

(Webster's 7 th Coll egiate ), wi tl1 blind

in my memory, as tl1ey were in tl1e minds of

Fruitland Park, Fla.

obedience to superi ors. Such obedience can

our national leaders. The initial si tuation in

and d i d occur without regard for the

SEA.sia did not call for chancing a nuclear

mora l i ty or legality of their actions. Mr.

war. However, when Fidel Castro had come

Bishop's claim that the only Colby patriots

to power in Cuba, no one ever suspected tl1at

Vietnam, and in response to a Colby article

were pro-war students (and, apparently, only

wit!Un only a few years we could find

about the anti-war movement on our campus,

males ) shows his fai l ure to unde rstand the

ourselves on the very brink of such a cala!1Uty

he asked the question: "Why not write about

rights of Americans to support change in

at the hands of a conunwlist lawyer-cum­

the Colby men who served their country?"

the i r ow11 government.

dictator. (At that time, most of the future

Final ly, I would ask Mr. Brassem why he feels it was acceptable for his cadre of veterans to "put that !1Ul i tary portion of

He perhaps has forgotten, or never saw,

anti-Vietnam War demonstrators had just

the spring 1 988 issue of Colby. There, spread

graduated from o·icycles to bicycles. )

eloquently over five pages, are the stories of

Twice, wh ile on ground alert,

I had

tlwught tl1at tl1e ulti mate moment of human

tl1eir lives behind tl1em" but at the same

J ohn B rassem '64 wrote poignantly (Colby summer 2000) of his own experience in

four Colby men who served the i r country in the most noble way-tl1ey gave the i r lives. Robert M. Lloyd '68 wrote with great

time denow1ce anti-war activists for alleg­

insanity had come as I sat at the end of tl1e

edly doing the same tl1ing.

runway with engines rwu1ing awaiting the

care and respect of] ames Shorwell '62 ,

final " Launch" message. (For those who

Robert "Mike" Ransom '68, Les Dickinson

Cad Witthoft '77

have never experienced the feeling tl1at

'67 and David Barnes '68. Rubbings of the

Acton, Mass.

accompanies that moment, tl1ere i s no

name of each man from the Vietnam

adequate explanation. ) Suffice to say that

Memorial in \i\Ta shington, D. C., were done

In al most any d i scussion of America's

almost any alternative, short of tl1e dreaded

by Lloyd hi mself and accompanied each

"Red Dot-1" message, which sti l l al lowed

story. This project sprang from a statement

individual l i berty and consc ience to prevail,

made by Boston Globe columnist M ike

actions during tl1e Vietnam era, opinions will run fast and often furious.



can say will change that. However, having flown 1 76 combat missions in tl1at war, I

was the better option.

Barnicle, who, in his conu11encement

Thus, when I had satisfied myself that I

address to the Colby Class of '87, claimed,

have had to examine it very closely in order

had tl1e most accurate and reasonable

in support of his contention that minorities

to come to terms with tl1e arguments and

answers to my basic questions,

and the poor fight t!Us country's wars, that

actions of those Americans tl1at were

hesitation about participating in my

verbally and physically against it. Fortu­

government's course of action.

nately, my examination began well before

aware of the potential consequences of

that conunent struck a sorrowful place for

inaction . . . complete and utter world­

many of us who attended Colby with these

my actual participation. Some of the first questions I had asked myself, wh i l e waiting for the Strategic Air

I had no I was well

destroying insanity. Today, whenever a discussion turns to

Command alert fac ility klaxon to announce

Vietnan1, I ask tl1ose involved what they know

tl1at nuclear Armageddon may have j ust

about the world situation before America's

arrived, were:

involvement tl1ere. Depending on tl1eir

"no Colby graduate died in Viemam." \Vh.i le narrowly and technically correct,

men who had had their Colby years disrupted by military service, served with honor and courage, and made the ultimate sacrifice. Reca l l ing Mike Ransom and Les Dickinson from my personal experience, I





Dispatches letters

wrote a letter to this magazine reminding Barnicle and others of the loss that our Colby community had, in fact, suffered even though neither Les nor ?.like were techni­ cally "graduates." Robert Lloyd, similarly touched with emotion, carried his concern much further by doing the rubbings and the painstaking research that resulted in the moving stories he told so well in these pages. The strength of response to Barnicle's cynical statement (not the last time he would be troubled by his lack of homework) contrib­ uted, I am sure, to the belated but appropriate decision by the College to place a monwnent to the dead of the Vietnam and Korean wars on the lawn of Miller Library. I had the pleasure of being present at the dedication ceremony in June 1988 and was seated next to :\like Ransom's mother. During the ceremony, he turned to me and whispered: "Even after ali these years, it still hurts." It till hurt for all of us. But, in the in ranee I ha1·e described, we offered our re peer and thanks to all who served by honoring these four men who sen,ed and did not return. lrv Faunce '67

Kennebunkport, :\1aine John Brassem's suggestion that the magazine turn some attention to tl1e Colby men (and women') who erved in\ 1etnam is an excellent one; I hope to see it happen. That sen·ice deserves to be honored, and their experience and perspectives merit at lea t as much attention as is gi1·en to those 11ho sought to top the war. \\'here I part company with ?.1r. Brassem ��in the ea e "ith "·hich he stereotype Colb) \ \lemam 1eteran a stout-hearted men "ho "ent on to Ji,·e "happy and producti1e li1es" and tho e Colb�· alumni 11 ho demomtrated again t the war as "anti­ "ar radical," "ho, ""hen the war ended. ... qUJd.l� bec.tme 'main stream' and now dri1e B \I\\ s ro their kid' occer practice," h.11 mg �h1rked an 1mplied duty tO" a1·[e] the ten of thousand of innocent, outl1 \ letname e people "ho lost their freedom or "erL �ummanl� murdered became they bel1e1ed m \menca." \lr. Bra� em' g-ood-gu), bad-gu� 1·ie" of the "oriJ ma� he .1 comfort to hm1, but to me n 1s the �.tme mentaht) that got us intO and usmmed the \I em am debacle.




· FA

l\I y time a t Colby (1964-1970) went from the button-down to the unbuttoned. I ' ve often talked about the amazing change in the place between my leaving in the spring of 1966 and my return in the fall of 1968. Bur what that change did not entail was any diminution of the honor, integrity and generosity of spirit that I found generally in Colby men and women. It saddens me that Mr. Brassem's letter suggests that he may never understand that. Andy Starkis '70

Milford, Mass. Having participated in the ROTC takeover of 1972, I was pleased to see your recent article on the Vietnam era at Colby (Colby spring 2000). I was particularly struck by President Strider's comment that he opposed the war but felt he could not say anything because he was in a position of aumority. In my view, President Strider's remark reveals a personal timidity, which I think reflects tl1e timidity of Colby as an institu­ tion at the time. Looking back, I can hardly blame � Ir. Strider for keeping his thoughts private. I was certainly a rather timid soul myself, though deeply troubled by that timidity and by the events swirling arow1d us. But I am also troubled by what it says about an institution supposedly devoted to the pursuit of me truth, mat tlle president felt he could not share his personal beliefs on one of me most important issues of t11e day. I clunk it would have made a tremen­ dous difference if he had been willing to share Ius personal views. I participated in a nw11ber of anti-war demonstrations and activities, but I would hardly call myself an activist. Still, one afternoon in April 1972, the tide of events flowed over me and I found myself sitting in me ROTC offices chanting and listening wlule President Strider and members of the admini tration delivered an ultimatum mat we leave tl1e premises by 5 p.m. If anytl1ing, I recall tl1e tone of tl1eir remarks and meir demeanor to be anything but sympametic to our l'iew . \\'hen the hour passed, I was among mo e who remained to defy the order. On unday, it became lm wn tl1at anyone "ho remained on ,\1onday morning would be arre ted and suspended. bout half of our group decided to leave before that hour, though mo t of us arrived at me building

that morning and stood outside in solidarity as the Waterville police came and arrested our comrades. L1 the aftermath, I was most disillusioned by the outright hostility of some of my classmates as I tried to collect signatures on a petition that requested leniency for the suspended students. I was also dismayed that so many of my classmates simply did not want to get involved. I wanted something that approached greatness but got merely a reflection of my own ambivalence. That weekend was, in many ways, one of my first tentative steps away from the timidity that had previously defined me. I was at least a bit player in the drama, and probably more observer than participant, but the heady rush of those times can still be intoxicating. All around us there are issues of great importance, probably of greater importance than Vietnam ever was. But there are so many of them and they seem so overwhelm­ ing. We somehow need to focus our attention on the world as it is today and find ways to make it better. For the students of today, I hope that Colby has outgrown its timid isolationism. Jim Heald '74

Alexandria, Va. This Grandson Was News

I just read "Periscope" and was more than astounded to read thatJohn Coombs '97 is the great-grandson of ColbyJack Coombs. Surely, the writer failed to do his or her homework! My great w1cle,John Coombs, was married but had no children. It is quite unlikely that he had a great-grandson. If so, no one in our fanuly ever lmew of it. A careful research ofUncleJoh.n will show that he attended Freeport High School and Coburn Classical L1stitute and gradu­ ated from Colby in 1906. His subsequent major league baseball career and coaching career at Williams, Princeton and Duke are all well documented. IfJohn Coombs '97 is, indeed,Uncle John's secret great-grandson, I and otl1er members of our family would certainly like to meet him I

.Velson Wentwo11:h

Kennebunk, Maine


periscope Dispatches

Who's Hiding?

Mason ("the nutbag in the attic

A new book published by Greene's Guides to Educational Planning and called The Hidden

Ivies includes Colby as one of 30 schools where o n e c a n get "an Ivy League education at a college of comparable excel­ lence." H a l f of the NESCAC colleges made the list, half did not. Authors Howard and

lighting the house a fi re i n ]a u e

Eyre"). Rocca credited Colby (White Mules and all) and Charlie Bassett in particular

for his penchant for l i terary references. Rocca covered the Mets, Dodgers and Angels in the past and, since

1998, has

Matched Set

Folks i n Lovejoy will have noticed that Lisa Du Bois, the new administrative assistant to the dean of students, looks a whole lot l i ke Cora Clukey, PC consultant i n ITS. That, of course, is because they are identical twins. And, if you see them again on TV, that is because the pair are featured in a Pert com­ mercial, airing nationally since J une, with the tag line: " ow there's two . " Then, of course, there are the already we ll­ known Colby twins, Carmeline (Toots) Fredette (business office) and Carmen Ey ( P P D shops).

covered the Yankees for Newsday. Summer Stalwart

'8 1 , both Maine natives have

California. Stewart Stokes,

places a premium on its faculty

The Lancaster Course, held at

returned to Colby as major gifts

recently the freshmen men's

teaching and advising students

Colby each summer since

in a personal and fri endly

enjoyed a n increased enro l l ­


m e n t t h i s summer, w i t h

and co-captain of Colby's football

You May Have Seen

nations. T h e seven-week course

the Alumni Fund Committee and

For the fi rst time ever, this year's

has several years of experience in

graduatiJ1g class topped


nonprofit fund raising and

percent participation i n the

recognized Dr. Kathie Pooler

philanthropy in the Boston area.

anJlual Senior Pledge e ffort

'94, a native of Fort Kent,

Bully for Billy

Jamie Brewster '00 joined

before commencement. The Class of '99 hit

M atthew Greene say, "Colby

195 3 ,

71 participants representing 18

Several fans of ABC's hit television series " H opkins

2 4/7''

provides specia l ized lectures i n

officers in the development army.

rowillg coach at Trinity College,

Brad was an economjcs major

has accepted the Colby job.

team. Lisa was recently chair of

Seniors Set Record


53 percent i n the

Perhaps you caught Billy Bush

admissions and financial aid staff

a resident at Johns Hopkins

'94 (GWs cousin) on ABC TV's

as a counselor. J amje was a

post-com mencement counting,

Medical Center i n Baltimore. A

show " Politically Incorrect" with

sociology major and a four-time

and when all was said and done

Bill Maher on August 1 6. He

Division ill

All American in the

th is year, tl1e Class of 2000 tied

appeared with Alec Baldwin,

hammer throw.

Maine, now in her third year as

six-part documentary news series, " Hopkins

24/7'' was

fi lmed at the top-rated hospital

Barbara Boxer and Joan Rivers­

with hand-held cameras and

a pretty eclectic group.

included a segment in which

that mark and became only the second class with more than half

Quite a Crew

its members donating to the

Congratulations to Colby's eight­

Senior Pledge. Beyond all those seniors, credit pledge chair

Pooler talked about the fear she

To Name a Few

woman crew, which finished

experienced when she was

Lauren Bliss '03 has been

second in the prestigious Henley

Sarah Church '00 (Stoddard,

exposed to HIV-infected blood.

awarded a

Royal Regatta in England in

N . H .) and the annual giving

$30,000 Henry David

Thoreau Environmental

J une, defeating England's Bristol

office leadership of Dave Beers

A Bronte-esque Yankee

Scholarshlp by Northeast

University and University of

'85 and Flannery Higgins '99.

On September 6, sports fans

Educational Services. Lauren, a

Southampton and Ireland's

across the land who rurned on

native of Attleboro, Mass., is

Dublin University before coming

All Hail!

the ESP

pursuing academjc work and a

up short to Imperial University

The Board of Trustees approved

career in environmental studies.

iJl the finals. Mark Davis, who

six promotions to the rank of

drive-time sports

radio show "Game Day" got to hear Larry Rocca '90 compar­

gets credit for bui lding a splendid

ful l professor e ffective Septem­

ing New York Yankees owner

Back Home

Colby program, is off to warmer


George Steinbrenner to Bertha

Brad Smith '96 and Lisa Hallee

waters-a coaching job in

'75 (phllosophy), Suellen

1. They were Dan Cohen

Diaconoff (French), Patrice Franko (economics), Cheryl


The American Art Revi�rUJ issue published in June

ago Fitzgerald wanted to present the new stamp

Townsend Gilkes (sociology),

has a splendid story on the Colby College

Pat Onion (English) and Tom

(commurucations ) . . . major exposure for the

(89.7 FM) increased its transmitter strength to 1 10 watts on J uly 1 5 following many months at a mere 10

museum, and for Colby. . . . The Lincoln (Mass.)

watts whlle awaiting FCC approval to move up.


Joumal reports that Tom Fitzgerald's installa­

VVith its full wattage and a new antenna,

Corrado (government) and

tion as Lincoln's new postmaster was delayed so that hls daughter, Jessica Fitzgerald '03 ,

WMHB expects coverage from Augusta to

Femando Gouvea (mathemat­

would be home from Colby and could

I n August, students placed signs along

attend . . . it seems the installation would

welcoming freshmen . . . we especially l i ked the

fal l was Michael Burke

introduce a new U.S. stamp commemoratin g adoption, and since Jessica was adopted 1 9 years

one i n Brunswick that said: "Good things come

(English). We salute them a l l .

Museum of Art by Alicia MacLeay '97

to her. . . . Colby's WMHB-FM

Bangor and from the coast to Skowhegan. . . .


Shattuck (chemjstry). Promoted

to fu ll professor effective

200 1 are Tony

ics). Promoted to the rank of associate professor effective this

to those who wait, Colby Class of 2004."




At a t i m e when tec h n o l ogy is cha ng i ng o u r homes, o u r wo rk, o u r l a n g u age, o u r l ives, w h o wou ld have t h o u g ht that com m u n i cation via a sta p l ed stack of paper wou ld not o n l y s u rvive but th rive? National magazines are experiencing an unprecedented boom as Internet and new-tech companjes turn to the traditional monthlies to del iver their message. Colby tal ked to alumni working for a variety of magazines and found that the business is a natural for bright l iberal arts graduates with inquiring rru nds. "If you know how to tilln k and you know how to write, you can pretty much do anythj ng with it," said Jennifer Pi erce Barr '89, deputy editor of Hmpe1路's Bazamr. Proof is in the stories of more than a half dozen Colby grads making magazine news . . .

By Gerry Boyle '78


I 7

In Ius office in the Time & L i fe Building at Rockefeller Center in New York Ci ty, Michael Federle ' 8 1 was sitting pretty. The publisher of F011:zme, Federle has seen h i s magazine reach one goal after another. A redesign five years ago resulted i n i ncreased circulation. With the stock market on a record roll, readers were hot for

Fo1·11me 's i nvestment news.

The advent

of the Internet and a new focus on technology had created a seencingly insatiable thirst for stories on this new generation of business. Time Inc., parent company of

Fo11:1me (and subsicliary of AOL-Time Wa rner), had just launched a new magazine ca lled E Company Now about Internet business. " It's funny because a few years ago everybody said, of course with the advent of the Internet, it would be the end of the magazine business," Federle said. "Al l i t has been to date has been a source of a lot of money concing into the magazine business." From 1 995 to 1 999 advertising i ncome for consumer magazines nearly doubled, from $9 billion to almost $ 1 6 bi l l ion. Magazines are so stuffed with advertising pages

(Fortune broke its own record with a 63 0-page issue in Apri l ) that a recent Tbe Ne"tV Y iwk Times reported that one executive gauges the financial health

story in

of his magazine by the thud it makes when dropped on his desk. "The great thing about the tech companies is they're all being rw1 by baby boomers or younger," Federle said, "and they're all big bel ievers in marketing. We're seeing some l a rge budgets. They're not afraid to spend money."

m a k i n g the money for "the book" Federle moved to vVatenril l e i n high school and came to Colby from h i s home a half nule away on Mayflower H i l l Drive. After graduation he took a job with a Camden-based publisher of canoeing and kayaking magazines. Then the company launched a magazine cal l ed

Tbe Colo7' Compute�·,

for users of Tandy Radio Shack

computers. The new computer magazine was scooped up by Ziff Davis, the national publisher, wluch scooped Federle up, too. He moved to Time Inc.,

People magazine on the West Coast and came back to ew York to work Life magazine. Married, with two children, Federle came to Fot"ttme five years

marketed on

ago, just in time for the technology-Internet explosion. " I 've been blessed by my tincing i n my career," he said. The technol ogy boom has meant big bucks for Fortune. Some of that money comes from circulati on-subscription and newsstand. Federle is i n charge of bringing i n all of the rest: advertising, marketing, sales, new development-and he oversees more than 1 00 sales staff worldwide. "They're out ca lling on clients and customers who are using Fm-ttme as their advertising vehicle to senior execs i nside companies, the business audience i n general," Federle said. "That's where most of our revenue comes from-driving advertising pages into the magazine." \Vith a circulation of 950,000 worldwide-2 .5 million with a

F011:une supplement in

Latin Ametica-that's a lot of pages. But print is just part of the equation. More and more, magazines are part of what Federle calls "integnted packages" that allow advertisers to coordinate their messages tlu·ough an array of different media. "So for the big companies, like a Time Inc. and an AOL-Time \Varner, the more resources we can bring to bear to these advertisers and marketers-hey, we can put packages together that include a C

l and a

F011"tme and an on-line component on

or CN1 .com, an advertiser's \Veb site. And those kind of capabilities are going to increase as you see consolidation of the publishi ng-entertainment industries." Also on the way? H eadli nes del ivered to your Palm Pilot; a

Fortune-ge nerated

tradeable Internet stock index, "the e - 5 0 . " "You hear 'ubiquitous computing' everywhere," Federle said. " \Ve call it 'ubiquitous


a " d i a l o g u e " with 4 m i l l i on women \\'hen she was i nterviewed last summer, Jenn ifer Barr was eight days into her ne\\ job as deputy editor at




Harper's Bazaar and a l ready she was working on


redesign of the front part of the magazine, looking for ways to rei n force the magazine's new voice in the marketplace. Brought in from competitor

Elle, where

she had been managing editor, B a rr brought a fresh eye to Bazar/1'-and the a b i l i ty to push the design and content of the magazine to the next leve l . That's what Barr did at


revamped the fron t section, brought in new wri ters, i n j ected new

"attitude" i n to the magazine's voice. "The goal of the section was to tap i nto the Zeitgeist and present it to the

Elle reader in

a way that made them excited about

what was happening," B a rr sai d . " H ow do you make all those topics come together in a rea l ly i n teresting, smart way and present them to people who have so much going on in their l ives? That's the chal lenge." She talks about the relationship between the magazine and its readers, the "dia­ logue" that goes on every month. At

Elle Barr and the magazine chatted with about a Ba::;nrtr has slightly fewer but-witl1 Vogue-is still one of the big tl1ree fashion magazines. " Vogue is the fantasy," Barr said. "Elle is the reality and Bawm· is somewhere i n between."

mill ion subscribers, which figures out to be some 4 mil lion readers.

1'v1ost women, she beli eves, choose the magazi ne tl1ey mink most resembles them and tl1at can divi ne-and defi ne-their interests. For much of her career, B a rr's specialty was film and the arts. She i n terviewed actors and directors, popped in at screenings and a rt openings. She h i t the S u n dance F i l m Festival and traveled from New York to L.A. to keep tabs on what was emerging in Hollywood. Barr sti l l takes pride i n discovering actor Tobey McGuire Tobey M c G u i re before

(The Cidn House Rules). "\tVe did Vanity Fah· did," she said. " I t sounds trivial but we were

really excite d . " But her magazines have done more than discover n e w talent, B a r r s a i d . H e r position carries tremendous responsi bility because tl1e magazine h a s t o cull s o much iJ1formation. \t \Then it's a healm issue or a story about turmoil i n a war-torn counti-y, decisions on what will be featured-and what will not-are not taken lightly. An English major aJld fiction Wl'iter at Col by, she said tl1e love for good writing tlut was engendered in college has served her wel l . She still reads constantly, loves good writing and enjoys "meeting writers who have smart ideas, trying to discover stories tl1at are fresh and i nterestiJ1g." Barr has a recent i n terest tl1 a t may fi nd its way into tl1e magazine. In j a n uary she and her husband, Edward Barr


had their first child, a daugh ter, Hadl ey. " I ' m

defi n itely more i nterested i n strong women now," B a r r s a i d . " I 'd l i ke t o see more stories like that, women who are juggl ing careers, tryi ng to fi n d tl1at balance."

pondering the c i rcu lation puzz l e 1\l [ agazines aren't beamed t o homes a n d newsstands. A t Hearst Magazines, the complex task of bringing magazines to the readers belongs to Terrence "Terry" Day


Day, vice president, circulation di rector for Hearst, has helped devise circulation

strategies for magazines such as



Ha1per's Ba:,am; Erquh·e, Good Housekeeping, j\;fm·ie Livi11g and most recently 0: The Opmb Nlaga:::.iue. Oprah's latest

venture a l ready appears to be a success. \Vith a million-copy first mn, Hearst went back for a second printing, Day said. "This is a huge launch" in terms of public awareness, he said. "There have been very few, i f any, that have been like tl1is." The i n i tial success of tl1e magazine is testimony to Oprah \Vinfrey's connection to her aud ience and the apparent appetite for her i nspirational message. For Day and others a t H e a rst, the new magazine's success raised some interesting questions. H ow big is the u n tapped consumer demand for the magazine' "I think it's substan­ tial," Day said.

0 sold more I n ternet subscriptions i n its launch than a l l of Hearst's other magazines com bined. In three issues, tl1e advertising rate increased (based on an ticipated circulation), jumping from

500,000 to a conservative 900,000,

but Day

and H e a rst were focusing on the magazine's long-term growth . "I look at i t as a marathon. It's not a spri nt," Day said. "You want to build it smartly."

finding a salt-water niche Matthew M u rphy '87 was giving a tou r of the Wooden Boat School one day last spring when a man strode up to a boat shed and introduced h i mself. The visitor, AI Grinspoon of Ma ry­ land, with the U . S . Department of Naval H i story, said he wa s retiring in a ceremony on the h i storic sa i l i ng s h i p U . S . S . Con­ stellation in Balti more Ha rbor. WoodenBoat magazine had done a feature story on the Conste l l ation's restorati o n , he noted. Grin spoon told M u rphy, " If you 're the editor of this magazine, it's sacri l ege if you don't come a n d see her." M u rphy u nderstood. Most readers of WoodenBoat would u n derstand if M u rphy d id n 't make it to Ba ltimore ( i nvitations pou r in faster than u n s o l icited m a n u scri pts) but they a l so wou l d know why a reader m ight travel to Brookl i n , M a i n e , to i n­ vite the editor to h i s retire­ ment pa rty. WoodenBoat readers are a brotherhood, and the magazi ne, if it is not the i r Bible, is certa i n l y part o f the canon . W i t h M u r p hy at t h e h e l m , WoodenBoat goes o u t e v e r y m o n t h to 105,000 subscribers from Maine to the Pacific North­ west to remote South PaMatt Mmpby '87 cific islands. B i l l ing itself as the magazine for wooden boat owners, bui lders and de­ signers, it offers everyth ing from boat plans to travel stories {about trips in wooden boats, of course) to how-to stori es on the nuts and bolts-or planks and screws-of wooden boat bui l d i ng and restoration. Proof that you don't h ave to be i n Man hattan to b e i n the magazine business, WoodenBoa t 's offices a re i n a t u rn-of-the-century m a n s i on overlooking Eggemoggin Reach a nd the islands of East Penobscot Bay. For Mu rphy, a Wooden Boat reader a n d boat builder si nce h igh school , it's a nautical parad ise. " Honestly," he said. " It j ust never seemed rea l i stic that I wou l d work here." He tacked his way to the job, working on wooden s a i l i n g yachts as a kid i n S a l e m , Mass . , studying biol ogy at Col by, going on to earn a ma ster's degree i n marine affa i rs from the University of Rhode I s l a n d . Murphy was working i n a Rhode I sland boat yard when he spotted a classified a d for a n asso­ ciate editor at WoodenBoat and applied. H i s publ ication ex­ perience was l i m ited to one semester as photo editor of The Colby Echo. " WoodenBoat has a sol id tradition of hiring people who don't have any experience in their job," M u rphy said. But he learned, soon moving u p from associate editor. Murphy writes occa sionally ( h i s first story was on ice boats­ wood e n , of course) but mostly edits storie s , fi shes through unsolicited proposa l s and develops the stories. Most maga­ zines require advance planning, but Wooden Boat story devel­ opment can stretch for years. One project was begun five years ago when the magazine decided to do a piece on b u i ld­ ing a Lightni ng-class sloop. The magazine had one built. Editing such stories req u i re s being more than a gram­ mari a n . M u rphy built h i s first boat, a rowing shel l , when he was 1 5 . He's rebu i ld i ng a 28-foot sailboat but may not see that one through. " I 've had an eye on this boat for eight years," Murphy said, holding up a snapshot from h i s desk. " It was built i n 1926. It's been neglected . . . :· It seems Murphy would rather talk boats than ta l k about himse lf. WoodenBoat readers would u nderstand that, too.




from one hill to another

H e ponders these issues i n an eighth -floor office overlooki ng downtown Charlotte, T.C., where Hearst moved some operations from 1 ew York seven years ago. Day said he's grown to l i ke Charlotte, though "it isn't

Some journ a l i sts work for years before they get their own col u m n . A l l Ezra Dyer ' 9 9 had to do was ask. A former writer for the Echo, Dyer was painting houses i n M a i n e when he s a w a n ad i n The Boston Globe for a job open­ ing at The Improper Bostonia n , a n 80,000-c i rcu lation free magazi n e for 20-somethings. " I a pplied to be features editor or something l i ke that that I had no shot of getting," Dyer s a i d . " But I sent in a bu nch of Colby Echo articles and I got a call from the publisher a n d I went in to see h i m a n d he sa i d , ' I d i d n 't want you t o come i n t o t a l k about t h e features editor position beca use, honestly, you're right out of school a n d you've never even done a nything l i ke that.' But he sa i d , 'What wou l d you i deally l i ke to do down the road?' I said, 'We l l , I 'd l i ke to do what I have been doing, basically what I was doing for the Echo, have a column l i ke that.' He said , ' Okay, I ' l l give you a col u m n .' " Done. Dyer has been a col u m n i st si nce October 1999, combin­ ing that writing job with a staff position at CE Pro, a Wayl a n d , Mass .-based magazine for people who i n stall custom e l ec­ tronics, a nother of h i s i nterests. When he i s n 't writing about plasma screens and outdoor speakers (he did wangle a n i n­ terview with Dave Barry on " s mart" a p p l i ances). Dyer is turn­ i ng his experiences i nto prose. From his perch on Beacon H i l l , where he lives with two Colby roommates, Dyer pecks out h i s bi-weekly col u m n , occa­ sionally i njecting literary references ( " I ' l l bet you don't know much about the constructions of fem i n i n ity in the texts of Edith Wharton and Henry James, now do you?" he asks a gym m u scleman featured i n one piece . Dyer has fa n s : more letters run for than against, though a piece to l d from the point of view of an SUV-driving gas hog drew i nd ignant pro­ tests from readers who mi ssed the sati re . Dyer a l so h a s written about h i s new gym ( " a m i n iature n u d i st colony popu lated entirely by overweight, midd le-aged m e n " ) , a tour he took of CIA headquarters ( " If it's so unusual for tours to go through here, why do they have a gift shop that hawks a l l manner of CIA logo schlock? " ) and the time h i s car was towed ( " By car it's just a short jaunt to the tow lot. On foot, it's a short jaunt through the parking lot of a wholesale fish warehouse, through a train yard. Then you climb over a barbed-wire fence a n d , voi l a , you 're there . " ) . T h e bottom l i ne is that Dyer is making a living writing, though some weeks he barely breaks eve n . Ta ke the week they hauled h1s car. " What I paid to get my car back and what I got paid for the column ended up being about the same," Dyer said.

ew York."

or is it

rural Waldo County, Maine, where Day began his magazine career after Col by. An Engl ish major, Day was editor of Frwmstead, a magazine published in Freedom, Maine, for homesteaders and back-to-the-landers. I n 1 985 Day left Maine for

ew York to work for Hearst Magazines i n circulation. "I had n o idea

what I 'd be doing, but what was interesting about i t was that it was sort of a puzzle," he said. Invisible to magazine readers, Day and his counterparts consider the pieces of the puzzle: sales data, advertising rates, sustainable circuJation. H e didn't study business but said someone in his end of the magazine i nd ustry doesn't rea l ly have to. " I think you need to be comfortable analyzing things," Day said. " You can 't be afraid of numbers, but you do not have to be a mathematician or a statistician or anything. You just have to have a base comfort level with analytical thought and an i n terest in printed product. vVe tend to hire a lot of smart, recent grads . "

f i n d i n g your voice One such recent grad is Lauren Iannotti '96, an assistant editor at

Esqui1'e (a

Hearst magazine) in Manhattan, who broke away from her cubicle and jangling telephone to chat i n a conference room-under the watchful gaze of George Clooney. A blow-up of an

Esquh·e cover featuring the

red-hot actor was propped

against the wall in the room, but that month Q u ly) there wou l d be no celeb on the magazine's cover. The J u ly

EsquiTe cover was a

mocked-up fireman to accompany a

lengthy feature on the Worcester, Mass . , warehouse blaze that claimed the lives of six fi refighters. There was considerable debate over the cover, I a nnotti said, \vith the newsstand sales faction saying the fireman was a downer, not sexy. "It's rea l ly interesting to listen to the guys talk about it because they're sort of completely split," she said. "'

o, our readers are too smart. We don't have to pander.' Some­

body else says, 'No, they're not

ow ·

readers. They're readers and we have to grab

them . ' It's pretty coo l . " Last year, s h e conceded, t h e best-selling

Esqui1'e w a s February:


Anderson Lee. "How did Heather Graham (Apri l) do?" Iannotti was asked. "The numbers aren't back yet," she said. "My guess is she did pretty wel l . Unfortunately." And she laughed. Iannotti knows which side she's on. And though she considers herself a feminist, and still recalls hating herself for buying Seventeen at prom time, she also accepts the realities of the marketplace. But she also said she likes being a woman at a quality men's magazine and, 'vith her editing and freelance writing, hopes to make a difference. " I f you don't have a voice, what's the point?" Iannotti said. That day it wasn't one voice calling I a nnotti but dozens. "Someone in the know up there" had decided it was time that schedules were met and the list of tasks was overwhelmi ng. Galleys for September and October. Special sections coming up.

Esquh·e deparnnents l i ke "Man

at his Best" and "The I n formation," a compendium

of arts, music, restaurants, openings, had to be assembled. Iann otti was focusing on September: "It's a matter of contacting everybody you know who's representing anybody else, kind of what's coming up." " H ow do you get a handle on a l l of it'" she was asked. " I don't know that we ever do. vVhat we do is just ta lk to people. And we have writer who are l i nked. v\Te have a restaurant writer who has been doing it for so long that anytime anything opens anywhere he's on top of it. We read The New }(wk

Times every day. That's a

major source for about everything for us. We read our

Briti h version, which is sometimes ahead of us on stuff." " Do you have to be hip to work here ? "





"No," Iannotti said, laughing. "You have to be dor1'Y l i ke me. Are you kidding? I came from the suburbs. If you have good ideas and you can write, it doesn't matter how cool you are. If it did, I wouldn't have made it. We had VH l . That was my ..

source for everything." Iannotti's route from the suburbs (Barrington, R.I.) to Esquire was a circuitous one. Before graduation from Colby she did an internship at the P7�ovidence Jounzal. Her mentor there routed her to journalism school at Syracuse University. Master's degree in hand, she contacted alumni in New York, including one at Selfmagazine. "She said, 'I don't need anybody but my boyfriend needs an assistant at Esqui1·e,"' I annotti said. She started as an editorial assistant in 1 998 and was recently pro­ moted to assistant editor. "I probably could be higher up at another magazine," she said. " But I'm proud of what we do. I want to be someplace where I can be proud of tl1e product. I'm on tl1e slow elevator up, I guess." Or maybe not so slow. I a�motti has a studio aparonent (about the size of a Colby double) on tl1e Upper West Side. She freelances for various magazines and recently had a piece in Sports Illustratedfor· Women. At 2 5 , she's working on not being too much of "a softie" when writers don't make deadline. In fact, after the interview and tour of tl1e Esquire offices-lots of cubicles, lots of people working-lannotti was hoping there would be a message waiting from a writer whose computer had eaten his story just as he was about to catch a o·ain to Boston. "He was going to write it longhand and fax it to me when he gets there," I annotti said skeptically. But she still took the time to walk her visitor to the foyer, where celebrities stare from framed Esquire covers: Nicole Kidman, Mr. Rogers, David Letterma11, Helen Hw1t, Denzel Washington, icholas Cage. Does she meet the celebs? ot really. lam10tti said most of them are photographed elsewhere, though Bill Murray strolls through the offices regularly to visit Esquin editor David Granger. "I met [Murray] at a party once," lanJ10tti said. "I said, 'Hi, how are you? ' He said, ' Fine. How are you? ' He was perfectly pleasant."

" no mode ls, either. " S o does everybody get to meet celebrities a t magazines? " ot generally," said Alyssa Giacobbe '98, an associate features editor at Elle who, in August, was about to make tl1e jump to Hm�pe1··'s Bnzam: "Not through tl1e office. There's no models, either. Which is always the next question." Giacobbe worked at Elle for the managing editor, Jennifer Barr, before Barr moved to Hmpe1·'s as deputy editor. It was Barr who helped Giacobbe get an internship at Elle after her junior year. Weeks before graduation, Giacobbe was offered a job with the magazine's features editor. She graduated May 2 4 and started work j une 1 in Manhattan, just up Broadway from Times Square. By this june she was living alone in the East Village but was about to move in witl1 friends on the Lower East Side. Giacobbe, who is from Rhode Island, isn't into the club scene and eats out most of the time. One of tl1e perks is that her cubicle has a view of the Statue of Liberty. Another is that working at Elle, with invitations to screenings and pren'l ieres, she doesn't have to pay to go to the movies. But most of tl1e time Giacobbe works. "I have pages of my own," she said. "We have a section called ' Firsts.' It's a lot of small pieces. A lot of arts and entertainment, pop culture-type stuff. And I work a lot on that. I have a couple colwnns that I 'm in charge of editiJ1g. And usually each month I 'll take an entire page that will be just mine to see through the whole process. For August, I did page four." That page included a "trend" on the vacation spot Bikini Island and short pieces on food and politics. For the j w1e issue Giacobbe wrote a small piece on the "Sound ofl\l lusic Siug-a-lo11g," the audience participation version of the movie, which was coming to ew York. " I 'm really excited for it." For liberal arts graduates who spend four years writing 3 ,000-word papers,

magazine unbound That Kath leen Bolick '95 can write HTML is helpfu l . That she reads and appreciates contemporary poetry is essen� tia l . That noth ing Bol ick writes or edits at The A tlantic Monthly is printed on paper is a sign of our changing times. Bolick is one of four e d itors of The A tlantic Unbound, the on-l i n e version of The A tlan tic Monthly. Her s pe c i a l ty i s poetry. " J u st the fact that I h a d these l iterary a n d poetic i nterests m e a n t I cou l d k i n d of craft a position that I wante d , " Bolick s a i d . " The rea d i ng that made me fa m i l i a r with t h e contem porary l iterary l a n d s c a p e , that rea l ly wa s u sefu l . And nobody e l se wa s i nterested in work i n g with the poets, especial ly." Not that they aren't interesting. Bolick has interviewed re-. nowned writers-Edna O ' Brien, Nadine Gordimer, M a ry Gor­ don and Annie Proulx ' 5 7 , to name just a few. She went to poet Donald H a l l 's home and taped him reading his work. The day we spoke she was about to interview poet Phi lip Levine a n d h a d recently spoken a t length with Joseph Epstei n . " He was great," she said. "A lot of fu n . The • _.. A. u-. --�-' funny thing about these interviews Atlantic Unbound is [that] the more C••rtHr'1'J rentfea ,1 famous a person a r....owo•""'• is, the less i nter­ � �-0.. · ---1*---.t·PQoe st i n g they c a n =��o...· tend to be because they've got �:�:.'::'� kind of a schtick ..,._.,_ go i ng o n . W h e n e=.=:.-:-, you have these ==::.:-.:=.-. �... m i d-fa mou s people, they tend to be more i nterested i n the publ icity I guess." And the on-l i n e Atlan tic does put poets in the p u b l i c e y e . The Atlantic Unbound (www.theatla ntic . comj u nbound) gets 1.8 m i l l i on page v i ews per month , a n d that n u m b e r i s r i s i n g stea d i ly, Bol ick says . The i ntent i s t o provide d i ffer­ ent content from the print vers i o n of the magaz i n e-d iffer­ ent col u m n s , stories about d igital c u l tu re . " We're tryi ng to a pp e a l to a younger a u d i e nce , or a more tech-savvy a u d i­ ence," B o l i c k s a i d . Readers/l isteners o f A tlantic Unbound c a n , v i a audio l i nks, hear poets read their works p u b l i shed i n the print magazine (Peter Harris, poet and professor of Engl ish at Colby, is now on the site). An offering called " Soundings" has an essay about a poem, and then four poets read the work. Last month Lloyd Schwa rtz wrote an essay about a poem by E l izabeth Bishop. Schwartz, U . S . Poet Laureate Robert Pinsky, G a i l Mazur and M a r k Stran d read t h e poem a l o u d . With previous experience l im ited t o a n internship at a book review journal a n d wa iti ng ta bles, Bolick broke into maga­ zines as assistant to a n Atlantic vice president and learned on the job; soon she was " putting out the content:· Every six weeks or so she would take a two- or th ree-week break from the Web pages to bone up on a poet or novelist to prepare for an interview. Last summer, Bolick opted for a bigger break. She left her ful l-time job at The Atlantic to enter the cultural reporting and criticism program at New York U n iversity. She planned to con­ tinue at The Atlantic as a contributing writer and editor for Atlantic Unbound, which for Bolick can hardly be called work. Asked what she does for fun on her own time, she said , " I read a lot."

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COLBY · F A L L 2000

I 11

Step into the editorial offices of the country's biggest maga足 zines and you 'll hear-very little. Putting out a magazine is both crea tive and painstaking work, and the hush in the offices is the sound of staffs on task. At lower left, Lauren Iannotti '96, an assistan t editor at Esq u i re, con fers with colleagues and pauses in the magazine's hall of covers. Above, Catharine Long '90 scans slides and photos of mod足 els who hope to make it into the pages of Jane magazine, where Long is bookings editor and fashion fea ture writer.

Giacobbe's 3 00-word l i m i t m i ght seem a snap. In fact, a short piece may be more work when you know your 3 00 words w i l l appear in 900,000 magazi nes. " I 've been here long enough now that I feel l i ke I'm doing som ething," G iacobbe said. " I 'm actual l y responsi b l e for a lot, and I can look at a page and say, 'Nobody knows that I did this and i t looks rea l l y great.' Of course, too, seeing your name i n there . . . " G iacobbe described Elle as very n u turing, not at a l l i n t i m i dating or catty. A few blocks downtown, Catharine Long '90 said the same about her magazine, Jrme: "No diva thing going on here," she said.

"ed itori a l g i r l s " i n for a "go see " Long, 3 2 , is bookings editor/fashion feature writer a t ]rme, a l i festyle magazine for women in their 20s. "\Ve don't take ourselves, at least we try not to take ourselves too seriously, which is what I really l ove about it," she said. " I t 's told in a hu morous way. Lighthearted and irreverent. Even with fashion, we try to do thi ngs a little di ffer足 ently." She held up a ]rme fashion spread. "You wou ldn't see tl1is in Bn:::.anT." The feature, titled " Southern Fiction," showed models in gingham dresses and aprons, clothes shot i n the boonies i n Georgi a . Long-who the clay she was i n tetYiewecl was wearing jeans, a long-sleeved black top and black heels with square toes-wrote the text. She booked the models, too, and they don't look l i ke models at a l l . ,\ 1ore l i ke cha racters i n a Carson iV l cCullcrs story. "There a re some models '' ho are right for some thi ngs, some models who are right fo r other thi ngs," Long said. "There are some girls that an agency won 't show m e because they know I ' ll nc, er use them."




A cork board on the front of Long's cubicle is layered with Polaroids, mugshots of "girls" who have caught her eye during a "go see" (as the models' rounds are called) at Jrme. These are the models who have made the cut from the stacks of portfolios that fill the floor w1der Long's desk. If the models are among the very few who make the magazine, they'll earn $2 2 5 a day, which is working gratis compared to what they'll earn doing advertising jobs. The Jane gig is for exposure, something to propel their careers. But the models on the board "have got a couple of more stops," she said. "They've got to make it through the photographer and stylist." Long made a few stops on her way to 600,000-circulation Jane. Growing up in Chevy Chase, Md., she asked for a subscription to Vogue for her 1 3 th birthday. At Colby, she majored in studio art and generally followed her parents' advice: that you go to college to learn how to learn, not to pursue a career. After graduation, she made a beeline for New York, breaking in as a rover ("kind of a horrifying job") jumping from assignment to assignment at different magazines at Conde Nast, the magazine publisher. Long was assigned to A!luTe, where she stopped roving and fow1d she had a talent for picking out up-and-coming models. From Allm·e Long moved to do bookings at Mrwie Clah·e. Four years ago she came to Jane. "Since the first issue," she said. " I 'm the start-up queen." But she's settled in now, married to Steven Masur '88, a Manhattan attorney, living downtoWll and hanging out with a group of friends, several of whom went to Colby. At Jane she is the casting director, looking for the right woman, the right face. That afternoon, yet another "girl" was scheduled to stop by for "a go see," and there was copy to write, a studio to book for a shoot the following week. And of course, the inescapable budgets, bills and other administrative stuff, "which is really a drag," Long said.

" if you ever wonder who decides


But the administrative stuff is inescapable in the magazine business, especially when you're breaking in. Ask Erika Blauch '99, who as assistant to the editor of Boston magazine goes through mail, answers phones when the editor, Craig Unger, is out, keeps tabs on travel and other expenses, maintains a computer file of "a million 8osto11 magazine contacts" and does all the other things that make an assistant indispensable to the rest of the staff. "I often feel like I 'm the mom," Blauch said. " It's a weird thing because I 'm also the youngest." At 2 3 , she already is a veteran of book publishing (Oxford University Press in New York) and is gradually getting bigger and better assignments. In fact, she interrupted this interview to run though the writing she was doing: table of contents, press releases, 3 00-word news items, shorts on arts and entertainment. Blauch was doing research and writing for August's annual " Best of Boston" issue ("If you ever wonder who decides what the best is, it's me") and was excited about writing a 500- 1 ,000-word sidebar for a July article about ski areas that have gone four season: "I really played up the whole ' Hey, I went to school in Maine. I know lots of people who ski . "' Five hundred words might not seem like much, not for someone like Blauch, who crafted short stories as a creative Wl·iting/English major and wrote thousands of words for a paper called "\Nomen, Men and Chivalry in Si1· Gawain and tbe Green K11igbt." But writing in college and writing for your livelihood are very different things. At her cubicle in the magazine's offices in the former Horticultural Hall, across from Symphony Hall, Blauch said she thinks she now knows what she wants to do: be a regular conu·ibutor or editor for a national magazine. And that is no small realization. "That I could actually have a career out of writing," Blauch said. "I don't think I really believed."


following their footsteps When Erika Blauch '99, assistant to the editor of Boston magazine, learned of the magazines and a lumni included in this feature story, her reaction was spontaneous: "Oh, contacts! " Contacts, Col by-affi l i ated a n d otherwi se, are a n accepted and effective way to break into the magazine business. It isn't only who you know-if you don't have the req u isite abi li­ ties a n d motivation, don't bother-but a connection can at least get you through the door. Some a necdotal advice:

Jennifer Pierce Barr '89, deputy editor, Harper's Bazaar: " I think a lways the best thing to d o i s to start out as a n i ntern. Even if it's JanPian the senior year, do a n intern s h i p because it can really show you what's out there. Most of the people I look at, as resumes come across my desk, they've a l l done intern­ s h i ps. If you haven't, you're definitely at a disadvantage." Blauch at Boston: "There was a job for an entirely adm i n­ istrative position that opened here . I sent in my resume for it. Thank god they didn't call me but they kept my resume on file. They cal led me when this job opened u p . " I wou l d s a y y o u can't expect t o s e n d i n a resume a n d a cover letter a n d have that person call you . I guess that's true for any job, but i n this case I'm the person who gets that resume and cover letter and then it stays i n my i n-box for about five weeks and then I say, ' O h , I have to bring that downstairs to our office manager to put in her fi l e .' "You don't need clips necessarily but you need to prove that you can write. And that you want to write and you can learn. And ca l l places and keep ca l l i ng them because they don't know who you are. Work your connections. And don't be shy." Alyssa Giacobbe '98, at Elle and Harper's Bazaar: "I had actually interned the summer before [graduation]. I found the job through Jennife r Barr [ ' 89]. She ca l l ed me when a posi­ tion opened up. I think it's very hard to get a job i n magazines without a n intern s h i p because so many people do [ i ntern ] . or they know somebody." Lauren Iannotti '96, at Esquire: "After Col by, I received a master's degree in journalism from Syracuse U n ivers ity. When I was done I wanted to fi n d out where the jobs were a n d I knew they were i n New Yor k so I started ca l l i ng [Syracuse] a l u m s . I called a woman at Self magazine and she said, ' I don't need anybody b u t m y boyfriend needs a n assistant at Esquire. So I i nterviewed with him and he took me on a n d we've been working together ever since. "The greatest thing about it, for all the students who read th is, there are so many idiots in th is business in New York right now. I know that sounds obnoxious, but evidently there m u st be because most of the editors I 've written for have been re­ a l l y im pressed by the smal lest amount of effort and intelli­ gence. I found you've got to get a foot i n and then you're off. There are a mil lion jobs in th i s business in New York." Terry Day ' 78, senior group vice president, circulation director at Hearst Magazines: "You can't be afra i d of n um­ bers but you do not have to be a mathematician or a statisti­ cian or anyth i ng. You j ust have to h ave a n i nterest. I don't think it's that hard to get into this business. If you want to get into this side [of the b u siness]. you need to just contact some people who do it. We tend to h i re a lot of smart, recent grads. You just have to start writing letters." Kathleen Bolick '95, at The Atlantic Unbound, the on-line version of The Atlantic Monthly: Bolick was considering a p­ plying for an i nternsh i p at The A tlantic Monthly in 1996. I n­ stead she ta l ked to a Colby graduate who was leaving the magazine. " He said, ' M y job i s open i ng u p right now. Why don't you apply for thi s?"' Bolick did and was h i re d .





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It was the opening night of the Democratic Convention and Anthony Corrado, head­ phones in place, was seated in a soundproof cubbyhole on the fourth floor of the Eustis Building at Colby awaiting a call from National Public Radio's Scott Simon. The N PR host was at the convention in Los Angeles. The interview was to be broadcast live. Corrado had been told he would be discussing President Clinton's fund-raising legacy. When Simon came on the line, his first question was whether the entertainment industry is more likely to give to the Democratic Party than to Republicans. "They certainly are," Corrado said, without missing a beat. "In fact, one of the groups that the Clinton administration has brought into the Democratic fund raising over the past eight years is the so-called Holly­ wood money. He had roots there with the Thomasons back in his first bid in 1992 . . . " Corrado's face was turned to a bank of dials, his words beamed from the dimly lit room to listeners across the country. "With experience, one gets used to the surreal character of live broadcasts," he said later. And like fellow Colby political scientists G. Calvin Mackenzie and L. Sandy Maisel, Corrado has had plenty of experience .



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All th ree a re a ffi l iated w i th prestigious Was h i ng­ ton t l1 i n k tanks. All th ree are a uthors wh ose works are prereq u i s i te to u n d ersta n d i n g the Anlerican pol i tical system. All m ree are eq ually at home i n the classroom, i n front o f a m i crophone o r m u l l i n g pol i tics wi tl1 the press. Corrado sai d . .




I t h i n k i t's w h o l l y u n usual , "

" I don 't m i n k tl1ere's another

govern m e n t d e partment a t a four-year i nsti tution that match es u s i n terms o f m e amount o f research work tl1at's done here, tl1e depm and q ua l i ty o f the faculty and i n terms o f the p u b l i c profi l e . " One of tl1e lead i ng congressional scholars, o n e o f tl1e leading campaign fmance scholars and o n e of the leading scholars of the presidency can be found not at a major research i nstitution but at one smal l col lege 600 miles outside the Beltway. In fact, they can be found in the same corridor in M i l l e r Library, which Maisel points out when h e gets a press query better To ny Corrado at t h e m i cro p h o n e i n t h e radio stu d i o i n E u sti s , where h e d o e s l i ve c o m m e nta ry with t h e national pres s .

I n recent weeks Corrado, associate professor of government, one of the country's most respected experts on campaign finance, has

suited to one of h i s co l l eagues. "I say, ' Look. You've got one of tl1e country's leading experts on my campus two doors away from me. Why are you talking to m e ? "

For the nation's pol i tical writers, Corrado, Mackenzie and Maisel are go-to guys on Rolodexes that hold names and numbers of

logged 2 5 calls a week from reporters, a relative luU before the pre­

l i terally mousands of sources. Some sources are political s taffers or

e l ection press crush that sees the number double. Mackenzie,

consultants. Others are academics, used to add perspective and

Col by' Distingu i shed Presidential Professor of American Govern­

weight to news stories. "When you're covering the W h j te H ouse or

ment, 11·as in \\'a shington assisting with a multi-mill i on dollar

politics, you skip from issue to issue, whether i t be tobacco legisla­

b i partisan rudy of the presidential appointment process-and

tion or defense policy or education and health care," sai d Warren P.

girding for h i s media turn after the November election. "And then

Strobel, former Whjte House correspondent for

that goes on for about a year," Mackenzie sai d . "That's one of the

Times, who now covers national security issues for U.S. News &

cycles of my l i fe . "

Wodd Report. " You don't have tl1e chance, oftentimes, to be very

\ la ise l , \\'i l l iam R . Kenan J r. Professor of Govenunent, recently 11 eathered t\1 o pres fl u rries, one on tl1e pick of Sen. J oseph Li eberman, an Orthodox J ew, as a vice presidential candidate, and

The Washington

deep. It's really good to have somebody who you can go to very quickly who can help explain tl1. i ngs." For Strobel, it was Mackenzie explai 11 i ng tl1e i ntricacies of

another on t h i rd partie _ I n the t\I'O days after the Lieberman pick,

presidential appointments. For Jonathan Salam, correspondent for

\ lai sel d i d i n ten·ie11 s with the

The Associated Press in vVashington, i t was a question relating to a

Dallas .Homing Ne·ws, the Philadelphia

lnqum r, the Den·oit Free Press, The Christian Science jV Jonitor and The

story in September. "The [Republican

ational Comm i ttee ]

I f li// .'-)tn•(•/ Joumfll. " An d then t\1 o days later, because of tlus book

transferred m i l l ions of dollars to various state parties," Salant sa i d ,

1 \ e done on t h i rd partie�. it started all over again," i\ Iaisel sai d .

tl1e day he was writing t h e story. " I ' m guessing they're earmark ing i t

... 1 h 1 s gu� from t h e Dallas paper, he called me back and he said, ' I 'm

for the fal l election. Th ey' re getti ng prepared early for stu ff.

not ul 1 1 11 g � ou about I the Li eberman] story. I ' m doing another

T right? Am I wrong? Is there some other possible explanation:J I

sto� . Put on � our t h i rd parties hat."' \ Lmcl .111d h1s Colb� colleagues take their roles as poli tical


1 11 stndc, but the fact is that these three members of the

don't know_ You l i ke to step back and have somebody take a look, \\'hom d i d he cai P Corrado. " T j us t left a message for him," Salant sai d .

all� 11 cll.

l l e Fi rst learned of Corrado several years ago at





. _ Am

some objective source. "

C . m c rn mcnr Dep,lrtnlent 11 ear their commentator ha� exception­




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where the Colby Col lege professor was on a list of good

academjc sources. Salam has been calling Waterville ever since. "Some people have a national reputation," Salam sai d . "Whenever


.,.,e J f� e lu.J ;,.,, f� e l u .J ;,., ,

someone you can go to for clear-eyed, objective commentary," Overby sai d . The need i s for comment a ry that i s succinct b u t i n formative.

there's a group of academicians, they' re there. They're doing thi s

Poi n ted but objective. "Our e d i tors i n New York and vVashington

campaign fi nance institute i n Washington now. Corrado's on the

want more of thi s , " sai d Glenn Adams, who covers Maine for the

board. There's a study on financing th e elections; he's part of that

AP. "There i s a place for horse-race stories . . . . But there's a l so a

group. . . . He's up at Colby, which is in the corner of the coun try,

need to supplement that b n d of thi n g w i th more perspective and

but if there's a group of campaign finance scholars i nvolved, he's i n

more analysi s . " A n d the one-liner. Mackenzie, who lands frequently i n t h e q u i ps

the middle of i t . " But there's more to b e i n g a good source than being a plugged-in

columns in


Wall Street Joamal and

Ch1·istian Science Mo77itor,

academician. Asked i f there are knowledgeable academics who don't

recollects a call he received before the

cut i t on the a i r, NPR reporter Peter Overby sai d , "Yes. Am I going

reporter for

to name any of them?

explicitly but I could tel l he just needed one more quote , "


Some wou l d-be sources ramble, said Overby, who covers the

The Bosto11 Globe.

1 996 election from a political

"He cal l ed me and he d i dn't say it

Mackenzie sai d . " I said, ' I t's a Sei n feld election; i t's an election about

"power, money and i nfluence in politics" beat for l\TPR. Some

nothing.' That was all I needed to say. I t was going to be quoted

sources di gress. And Corrado? " H e's known around NPR as

exactly l i ke tl1at. You get a sense of the words you use . " I f that qual ifies a s a sound bite, s o b e i t. "There's notl u ng wrong with that," said Mark Barabak, a pol itical reporter for


The Los Angeles

" People tend to disparage sound bites but i f a sound bite i s

tabng a complex subject, breaking i t down and mabng i t accessible and w1derstandable to a nonexpert i n the field, then there's nothing wrong with that. That's sometlung that Tony can do very we l l . " I f you' re good , word gets around. Barabak, who has used Corrado several times on campaign finance, also had spoken with Maisel on congressional issues. But i n the course of the interview for tlus story h e was told o f ?v 1aise l 's editing of a forthcom i ng book on the roles of] ews in American politics. There was a pause. Barabak, i n Crucago to do a story on the place of the i\ 1 i dwest in the

2000 presidential race, was puncrung

Maisel's name into a Palm Pi lot under the category J ews i n Pol i tics.

Cal Mackenzie, a leading presidential sc h o l a r, now i m mersed in a b i pa rtisan study of the pres idential a p p o i ntment proce s s .




more frequently than that. At

The Boston Globe,

Pul i tzer Prize-winning

columnist and editor David Shribman said he cal ls Maisel a l l the time. " I talked to Sandy only twice yesterday," S h ri bman said. "About L ieberma n ? " he was asked. "About everytl1ing," he said. There are occasions when tl1e press queries are outside of the academics' particular areas of expertise. Maisel said h e gets calls about everything from foreign pol icy to obscure state legislative races. Corrado said h e once was chatting with a reporter about a movie, presumably off the record, and found himself quoted in the newspaper's arts section the next day. "You're trying to be h e lp ful," he said. "And I can expound inte l l i gently for

30 seconds on just

about anytlu ng." I n most of tl1ose cases, they decli n e comment. Corrado says h e can't return a l l tl1e press queries and sometimes has t o l i nut h i m s e l f t o t h e biggest national outlets and M a i n e newspapers and radio. B ut one quote leads to more queries. Make the front page of

Wasbi77gto77 Post or Tbe New S a n d y M a i s e l i n h i s M i l l e r L i b ra ry offi c e , where repo rters c a l l seeking c o m m ent o r c o u n s e l o n state and nati o n a l p o l itical i s s u e s .

Y ork



and suddenly calls pour i n

from reporters at regional dailies around the country. A few just want a quote to fi l l out a story. Most of the reporters are sincerely interested in better knowing tl1e issues about which tl1ey're writing,

Another source h a d been added t o t h e l ist. " I ' l l hear about them i n com·ersation, or I ' l l s e e someone quoted somewhere. I ' l l ca l l them up," Barabak sai d .

tl1e professors say. In fa ct, Col by's pol i ti ca l pundits spend a substantial amow1t o f t i m e briefing and bra i nstorm i n g with reporters. I t i s no

I f t h e c a l l is t o Colby, h e ' l l l i ke ly get a c a l l back.

exaggeration to say tl1at many of me pol itical stories and

The Colbr threesome takes its role as de facto advisors to the

commentary in tl1e nation's most i n fluential newspapers began w i m

national and state press seriously. They spend hours educating

a conversation with a professor i n an office i n M i l ler Library.

reporter , after spending hours educating students. They don't

Consider a chat Maisel had a few weeks back with a

mind. I n fact, Corrado said the press isn't given enough credit for its

who was posted outside the recent Mideast peace ta l ks at Camp

crucial role i n informing the e l ectorate with academics' assistance.

David, during which the participants were not talking to m e press .

Globe staffe r

"] \·e al \\'ays een it as part of the process of h e lping, in a way, to try

" Sh e'd been mere seven days witl1 no news ," M a i s e l said. " Wh a t

to promote ci,ic education, to try to provide more information to

she's d o i n g i s trying t o fi nd someth ing t o write about. Someming

the public," he aid.

new to write about every day."

_\ l o t o f that process ne,·er makes i t into print. \Vhile h e puts ,orrado on the air fi,·e or si-x times a year, Overby said he calls him





They talked about what C l inton had been doing over the summer, i n 1\ /[aisel 's view, to appear presidenti a l . He said Clinton

" H ow w i l l the country react to an Orthodox Jew? My answer has

put forth, they can i m mediately assess how that would affect them.

been that there are four different sets of people i n this country you

Or how that might affect a potential opponent. And by a ny defini颅

have to deal with. One is Jews . . . I t h i n k the biggest beneficiary of

tion, a ny reform will make it easier for c h a l lengers to run against

a l l this is H i l l a ry Rod ham C l i nton. I t h i n k New York may go big for

cu rrent members of Congress . . . . It's kind of a Sisyphean task."

Gore-Lieberma n a n d that may draw her i n . The second group,

-Anthony Corrado

average Americans, w i l l l i ke h is values, will love anti-violence on TV, respect the Sabbath. The t h i rd group is the evangelicals, which 1

"I doubt that George W. Bush has spent one second saying, 'I

said in these interviews I just don't know. I said 1 could argue it

wonder who our Supreme Court nomi nees should be?' That's

either way-with the phi lo-Semitic movement, rediscovering Israel,

something, if there's a slow day at the White House, he might say to

[they might s u p port h i m ] . On the other hand, some of those people

the Attorney Genera l : 'You know, we should probably t h i n k about

are thought to be q u ite n arrow and may not respond positively. The

putting together a list:" -G. Calvin Mackenzie

fourth group is the a nti-Semites. I don't t h i n k many of those people a re going to vote for Gore in any case." -L. Sandy Maisel

"The primary barrier to campaign fina nce reform is that the p u b l i c h a s n ' t shown a w i l l i ngness t o broadly vote on this issue. Every

"One of the t h i ngs that doesn't work in American politics right now

opin ion poll you read says that 90 percent of the public th i n ks the

is that people a re bored to death, and one of the reasons is that it

current system doesn't work. The problem is that there are very few

just comes at them too m u c h , too often. I remember as a kid, even

examples of members of Congress or the Senate who a re defeated

as a college student, that the conventions were just the peak of

because they're against ca mpaign fina nce reforms. It's a ma ntra on

excitement because you h a d n 't heard much about the elections

Capitol H i l l that nobody ever lost a race because of their stance on

before that. And the vice presidential nomi nees were always

campaign fina nce reform." -Anthony Corrado

selected late at night at the conventions and you'd see M ike Wallace. He's down on the floor with Dan Rather and they're saying,

"We're at this very i nteresting crossroads, where the technology is

' I 've got a story over here in Pennsylva n i a : You sat there and it was

developing that will make it easier to participate in politics than

really f u n . Now, it's beaten to death before it's actually news." -G.

ever before. [The new generation of voters] can make a contribution

Calvin Mackenzie

over the Internet. They will be able to vote on line soon. They can

"One of the thi ngs that has a m azed me in my work on Capitol H i l l

from all over the world. Yet at the same time we have a group that's

get any piece of i nformation they want. They can read newspapers

is t h e knowledge i ndividual members o f Congress have on where

less and less i nterested in pursuing the information opportunities

their own money comes from. No matter what reform option you

that are out there:' -Anthony Corrado

probably was doing it for his own reputation but i t pl ayed very well

at the AP bureau in Washington. " You're doing the studies. You're

for AJ Gore, too, as the convention loomed. "Cli nton gives this

doing the i n tenriews . . . . I say, ' Look what I got . ' He says, 'Oh,

uplifting speech that everybody thinks of as presidential and then he

that's very interesti ng."'

disappears and passes the mantle on," Maisel said. "She thought he was only playing to the h istory. I said, ' I t's got political impl ications . ' "\iVe ' l l see i f it leads t o a story. I f it does, it does; i f it doesn't, wel l , I saw things from a way I hadn't. She was asking good, probing questions. There is a gai n . " T h e relationship t h e Colby poli tica l scientists have with the

And then they talk, the professor in h i s office, the reporter in a newsroom. The jobs are different but the objectives-analysis of poli tica l trends and events, education of the publ i c-are not. Reporters l i ke Strobel , who has written a book on the numbing effect of the electronic news barrage on the public, respect the expertise academics have gained through years of careful study.

press i s symbiotic, with bene fi ts that extend from the newsroom to

Professors l i ke Corrado respect how much the press accomplishes

the classroom. For the professors, information gleaned from

with l inlited space and time. "These guys tal k our language," said

conversa tions with reporters is fodder for scholarship, for i n -c l ass

Shribman, the

Globe columnist.

"They understand our needs. "

d i scussion, for students' independent study. Corrado said he often

\Vith a deadline often hours o r nlinutes away, those needs are

takes notes during his conversations with the press. " You're ca l l ing

simple enough, said Corrado. "The first step is to return the phone

h i m with i n formation that he may not have access to," said S a l am,

cal l , " he said. "The second step is to have something valuable to say. "





In the world of network television, Peter Golden casts a magic spell.

rr-' he story of this "Golden" age of j_ television begins not on a sound

up, Golden said, "there were people l ined up around the block wait­ ing to see J u l i e . It was very exci ting."

lot or a srudio set but in a secondhand

He was h i red to work for the agency a t $50 a week. H e copied

car bound for New Jersey from Colby.

scripts, delivered scenes to actors and took calls from agents. Hughes/

I t was spring break, 1980, and Man­

Moss was casting Broadway shows l ike Peter Pan (starring Sandy

' 80

Duncan), network programs and fi lm projects, and Golden was intro­

agreed to deliver Colby jwuor Susan

duced to marquee stars. H e met Liz Taylor. He worked with actor

hattan-bound senior Peter Golden

Perry '81 to her home. They drove and

Robin Wi J[jams, playwright Neil Simon and choreographer Bob Fosse.

talked, and somewhere in Massachusetts

"There were people who had won Tony awards con1 i ng in and out of

Golden mentioned that he wanted to

our offices," Golden said. "I wasn't doing much as far as the job was

work in the movie or television indus­

concerned, but I was working in a building on 45 th and Broadway,

try. Peny said her friend's mother was a

surrounded by actors, with a view of all of Manhattan. I called Otto

casting di rector in New York C i ty.

Preminger and told him I wouldn't be coming." That was

Maybe Golden should give her a call.

20 years ago. Today Golden is the guy people l i ne up to

" I didn't even know what a casting

see, the guy who "takes meetings," who launches careers. As senior

director was," recalled Golden in an interview recently at his Los Angeles

vice president at CBS, he oversees an operation responsible for select­

office. "I assumed tl1at producers and directors already knew who they

ing the stars, the supporting casts and the weekly guest stars for all of

wanted for their movies or television shows. It never occurred to me that

tl1e network's original programs.

tl1ere were professionals who were responsible for casting actors. "

Golden has played a role i n some of television's biggest hits of the

Golden took t h e n a m e a n d number, b u t he never expected t o make

past 1 5 years. You can identify some of them by the insignias on the

the ca l l . He already had a job. A few months earlier, in his dorm room at Col by, he had taken a ca l l from Academy Award-winning di rector

baseball caps piled in his office, located at C B S 's Te levision C i ty sru­

Otto Pren1inger, whose apprenticeship program Golden had app[jed to. After the two met in New York Ci ty, Premi nger offered the Colby

h a d t o supply the b a d guy of the week"); Baywatch (no, t h e auditions


senior the chance to apprentice on his next film, to be shot in Israe l . T h e school y e a r ended, Golden graduated, a n d he rerurned to New York. But when he called Preminger he learned that the fi l m had been delayed until September. \tVith no other job t o tide him

dios. Cosby is up there; the

1980s detective series Simon & Simon ( " I

weren't done in swimsuits); and two movies, Pu1ple Rain (starring Prince) and Blood Simple, the Coen brothers' film that was re-released tl1 is summer. And perhaps you've heard of a show about a band of castaways on an island in Borneo? Golden helped select the Sun;ivor cast, which

over for the summer, he dug out the phone number Perry had pro­ vided and called J u lie H ughes, a partner i n Hughes/Moss Casting.

held Americans i11 its grip duringJuly and August. More people watched

She i nvited him to an "open call" that her agency was holding hop­ i ng to hook new, young actors for ABC programs. \tVhen he showed

Bowl and the Academy Awards. The Sun;ivo1' ballcap is first in the row

the Szn-vivm· finale than any other show tlUs year except the Super on the top shelf of Golden's bookcase.

B._, · Kecin

Coo l




convinced his persistence in want­ ing to be i n enterta i nm e n t was honed by his ex'Posure to people

who sti l l regularly ca l l s Golden to ta l k about

who did not understand his ob­

actors for upcoming fi l m s .

s e s s i o n w i th i t , " s a i d Myette .

After two years on Cosby, Golden w a s wooed

"Many of us, myself included, to

to Hol lywood to take a job with Uruversal Te le­

this day l isten to h i m drop names

�sion, and six months later h e jumped to NBC.

from his prol ific catalogue of cast­

By then, Golden says, h e was casting 1 0, 1 5 , 2 0

ing options without recogni zi n g

actors per week for television programs. In

a single name."

company run by Grant Ti nker, the former

i n te r e s ts v i go r o u s l y w h i l e a t

chairman of l\TBC. He stayed for three years,

Colby, using spare hours t o run

casting a dozen pilots and h a l f a dozen origi­

the sound board and camera at

n a l series. Then came two years with Steve

IVC B B in Lewiston, s p e n d i n g

Cann e l l Productions and a year with d i rector

summers internjng at NBC a n d

J o h n Landis's production company. In

d o i n g a Jan P l an for Midday Live,

Golden moved to C B S . He is qujte sure he's

Iew York.

Then came the phone c a l l

won the E m my for best comedy series . Patricia Heaton ( right) was na med best lead actress in a comedy serie s .


1988 Golden joined a new production

G o l d e n pursued h i s television

a ta l k show in

Everybody Loves Raymond, cast by Peter Golden '80, recently

country. " I t was clear then that h e was goi n g t o go a long w a y in t h e business," said J i nks,


in the right p l ace. " I love television," he said with unabashed sincerity.

from P rem i nger. " I w a s i n my

And Golden wiiJ argue with anybody who

room a t K D R, gettin g ready to go

suggests that television progra m m i n g i s a

to di1mer, and the phone ri ngs­

poorer, weaker cousin of fi l m m aking. "Tele­

' H e l lo, this is Otto Preminger,"'

vision now attracts tal ent every bit as good as

Golden said, mimicking the

the major studios," h e said. The critical suc­

director's voice. " I remember ru m

cess of dramas l i ke Chiwgo Hope and ER has

e never wanted to b e an astronaut, or a

saying, 'vVhen are you going to be in New

convinced actors th at television offers great

fi reman, or a b a l l p l ayer. Growing up in

York? I want to sit down with you."'

opportunities, says Golden. Tha t's why a n A­

Greenwich \ll lage, i n the midst of one of the

After passing up Prerrun ger's offer for the

l i st fi l m actor l i ke George Clooney can return

world' en tertainment meccas, Golden devel­

a l l ure of B roadway, Golden spent his early

to ER for guest appearances without harming

oped a n early affinity for p l ayacting.

years i n the i ndustry bujlding experience and

rus film career. And Golden isn't all that far

years old, rus father

making cmmections. H e settled on casting, h e

from the fi l m world, a nyway. One of h i s clos­

purchased a reel-to-reel 1�deo recorder, osten-

says, because it cuts across a l l aspects of pro­

est fri ends is actress Cath eri ne Keener, an

ibly to document patterns of customer traffic

duction. "You are sort of a central clearing­

Academy Award norrunee last year for her per­

at h i re taurant. Peter and his friends began

house, so you deal with actors, agents, d i rec­

formance in Being Jobn Malkovicb.

making \'ideo

tors, everybody," h e said.

\\'hen Golden was

superhero sagas i n wruch they

' sa,·ed the world. II 'hen his e l ementary school c i a s was a

llis big break came i n

Keener and Golden met w h i l e they were

1985 when h e was

worbng at Hughes/Moss in New York in the

igned a fi l m m a k i n g p ro j e c t ,

ha nded the Cosby s how. Golden remembers

early '80s. They became fast friends, a l though

:r olden igned up t o be a n actor. B u t at some

that as a time that combined creative enrich­

Keener concedes there was one moment when

point, he recal l , he noticed that the people

ment and personal en joyment. Not only was

their relationsh ip could have gone the other

'' orking behind the camera were ha,;ng more

h e working with one of televi si o n 's most in­

way. " Peter was sort of l i ke my boss. I was sti l l

fun than h e ,,.a , sitti ng around waiti n g for

fluential d i rectors, Jay Sandrich (The iVImy

i n col lege a n d he wasn't,

�omebody to say "action."

Tyler N lo01·e Show), h e was a member of B i l l

difference. Anyway, one day h e ordered me

I guess that was the

"T remember thinking, ' I ' m on the ''Tong

Cosby's i n n e r circle dur i n g a period when

a row1d once too often and I said, 'Is the word

�1de, "' ,olden said. "'I want to be back there."'

Cosby was arguably America's most popu l a r

please anywhere in your vocabu lary? ' Peter just

\t I - he landed a ummer job at public tele­

enterta i n e r. " B i l l w a s very i nvolved i n t h e

started laughi ng; h e loved that. liVe knew th en

, l �lon station \ \ ' :-,; ET in �e11 \ark. H e con­

casting, so h e and I worked closely together,"

that we were going to be fri ends."

�1dered attending film chool but h is mentors

Golden said.

at \ \

conducted a p o l l that asked the questi o n ,

fessional acting job in television, casting her

c a u o n . l l 1 s p a re n t s ( h i s moth e r attended

' \ll1o would you most l i ke t o have d i n n e r

i n the pilot for Tbe Alan King Sbow. "He over­

\ \ elblc} and h1s fa ther Bowdoin) encouraged

with ? ' The Ol'erw h e l m i n g choice was B i l l

paid me," she said, laugh ing.

Colden to look at college in \ I aine. "The first

C o br. I l ere J was having dinner with h i m

u m e I d rm e up \ L 1 } fl o11 e r l l i l l O r i 1 e , I

a l l the time . "

thought, 'Th1s I'> like 111} fanta�} '\"e11 England . college., C . olden reca l l e o .

D a n J i nks, w h o last year won an Academy

pari n g to move to H o l lywood. " H e rode in

.\11 ard a producer of Amerimn Bmuty, arrived

the l i ttle ai rport shuttle bus with me from my

at I I ughes/.\ Toss casting in

apartment in

'FT �ugge�ted he get a l i bera l arts edu­

' I < >m \ I } em: '. 0, C :roluen \ fre hman room­ nure and �o i l


good fn end, reca l l � rhar rhe

furure r T o l l } I I ood

e\CCU ( I I

e 11;1�






being ama;;ed as


1986 Golden gave Keener her fi rst pro­

But a more revealing act of friendsh i p had come a few years earlier when Keener was pre­

1985 and reca l l s

ew York a l l the way out to

:rolden, years younger than

Newark, saw me off and wished me wel l , and

bit of an

his fe l l o11 casting d i rectors, a l most single­

then rode the bus back into the ci ty. That's

" I am

handed!} ca r the most popular shm1 i n the

Peter in a nutsh e l l .

anc1chron�o,m at Colb} . bur a happ} one. 22

"I re member People magazine

" T h e re a r e a l o t of ta l e n t e d c a s t i n g people," Keener said. "VVhat sets him apart is


that he's a genuinely good person."

low a grid depicting prime time sch edules for

The auditions tl1emselves reveal fairly clearly

As cable cha1mels have prouferated and the

all of the major networks, Golden acknowl­

who would and who would not be good for a

number of broadcast networks increased from

ointing in the direction of a comfortable­

build up experience in smaller roles and even­

looking sofa against his office wall, be­

tually move up to larger ones . "

edged "there is a couch." He says that the


three to seven, competition for actors has be­

practice of granting work i n exchange fo r

said. "Some actors come in so eager to please

"I look for an honest performance," h e

come fierce, according to Golden. "Two ac­

sexua l favors-perhaps most visibly charac­

that they play to the casting people, and it comes

tors who had been on my wish list for quite a

terized by the "casting couch" stereotype in

off as insincere. I 've always thought the best

while were Sarah J essica Parker [Sex and tbe

Hol lywood-unfairly dogs the entertainment

acting was the kind that seemed e ffortl ess.

Ci�] , and James Gandolfini [ Tbe SopYanos] , and

in dustry. " I t's horrific, but it happens i n ev­

When a person is right for the role, tl1ey seem

then HBO snapped them both up."

ery ind ustry, not j ust entertainment, [though]

to be playing tl1emselves rather than a charac­

i n my 2 0 years here I've never come across

ter, and you forget for a moment that they're

Golden says h e keeps an eye out for actors he thinks would be particularly interesting i n

reading someone else's words. It's pretty obvi­

it," he said.

television roles, and sometimes he waits years

J okes about the casting couch come less

for the right script before asking them to com­

often as the respect and esteem for his and his

m i t . T h a t was the case with a ctor A l fred

colleagues' work grows, says Golden. Casting

And when that perfect actor is discovered

M o l i n a , whose fi l m cre d i ts i n c l u d e Boogie

di rectors are more prominent and respected

for a role, says Golden, "producers and d i rec­

Nigbts, MaveYick and Raiders of tbe Lost A1·k.

in the industry now than when he began

tors th ink you're a genius. They want to know,

Golden believes Molina is a perfect fit for the

years ago. " I t used to b e that t h e casting d i ­

new CBS series Ladies lvlan, a comedy about a

rector credit was buried at the e n d o f the fi lm.

Nancy Teliem, president of CBS Enterta in­

man surrounded by female relatives. " I f you

Now you see that title right up front with the

ment, says Golden is essential to the success­

have the right show at the right time you can

d i rector and producer. That has happened

fu l creation of programming at the network,

get just about any actor," Golden sai d .

because of tl1e realization of tl1e importance

tl1at he "has the uncanny ability to identi fy

of getting just tl1e right actor for a part.

talent and cast tl1em appropriately."

Golden is full of stories about actors who


ous when tl1at happens, so often it isn't difficult to choose who is best for tl1e part."

'Where d i d you fin d this person?"'

read for parts before anybody knew who they

"vVhen you find the actor who defines a

But Golden claims no particular genius and

were. H e gave former L.A. Law star B l a i r

character, that can make a show. When I tl1ink

in fact defers credit for what may be the great­

Underwood a n d film star Angela Bassett early

of tl1e shows I watched as a kid, I can 't imag­

est casting story in recent television history­

exposure-as guest stars on Cosby.

ine anybody except Elizabeth Montgomery as

the selection of tl1e 1 6 SzwvivoY cast members. " We all sat i n a room considering the final 3 0

And then there was an 1 8 -year-old actor

S a m a nt h a on Bewitched. O r Peter F a l k a s

who auditioned for the 1 98 1 movie Endless

Columbo. J a m e s Garner as Rockford. With­

contestants and said 'yes' to this one and 'no'

Love. The actor's professional experience at

out those particular personauties, those shows

to that one, but it was a d i fferent process than

that point consisted of one day on a soap op­

would not have worked."

a typical casting. I t wasn't about actors . "

era. He read for the role of the brother of a

One thing that hasn't changed about Hol­

Then Golden paused momentarily and re­

character played by actress B rooke Shields, but

lywood is that every audition attracts hundreds

considered, perhaps remembering the theat­

d i d n 't get i t . H o w e v e r, d i re c t o r Franco

of actors hungry to break in. But the stories of

rics of R i ch a rd and h i s fe l l o w m i l l i o n a i re

Zeffi relli was so taken with the actor that he

actors " d i s covered" i n d rugstores, o ff the

wmmabees. "vVe l l , maybe it was about actors,"

placed him in two scenes. "All of us who were

street, are mostly myth, according to Golden.

Golden said, and smiled.

involved in casting that show knew that this

"There aren't many overnight successes," he

guy was somebody we should keep our eye on,"

said. "Actors we hire almost always have been

Kevin Cool, a fo77ne7· editor of Colby, is edito1· of

Golden said. The actor was Tom Cruise.

i n other shows, fi l ms or on Broadway. Actors

StanfoYd U11iveni� 's alumni magazine.

Casting Survivors

Golden put together the cast of the s u m m e r hit Survivor. From left, Survivor winner Richard and fellow castaways J e n n a , R u dy a n d Kel l y.



FALL 2000



From the Hill on campus

A Most

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. .


O a k Fel l ow H ector M o n d ragon s idesteps death i n C o l o m b i a to try to protect the d ispossessed

Hector Hernan Mondra­ gon Baez says he a lways i g­ nored death threats and "kept working." H i s commit­ ment to the rights of indig­ enous tribes, peasants, the urban poor and laborers in h i s native Colombia was stronger than any fear for own safety, even after he was tied to a tree and tortured for n.ine days in 1 97 7 . \Vhen c h i l d re n were threatened, though, he finally took heed and left Colombia for Spain Oa k Fel low Hector Mondragon in 1 998. But only briefly. l\ 1 o n d ragon, w h o i s o n campu as the : WOO fel low of Colby's O a k I nstitute for the Study of I nternational H uman R.ights, had returned to his country last sum­ mer to carry on his \\"Ork. oon friends showed him lists published in Bogon\-20 names including his own. Another list surfaced this -\pril and he \\ as one of 60 people targeted by what he calls "the re­ gime," a term he use to describe corrupt government officials and the ruling landed class \\ hich he says are interested i n protecting and e\panding i t� O\\ n po\\"er and \l·ealth. " I n Colombia in the last day , my work is not easy," l\ Iondragon �aid \1 hile decompre sing in a LO\·ejoy office a week after arriving in \ la me. "I can't li\ e in one place--change lodgings day to day. I can't dm e m� �elf. ff the� �ee me, I'd be murdered. " As a result he had a�l.. ed that <ln) announcement of his selection as the 2 000 Oak Hu­ man R 1ght� Fello\1 be delayed until he \l·as safe!) our of the country. E1l..m g a break from hi� \1 ork at Colby-preparations for a one-credit hour cou�e he' teachmg nded "I I uman Rights in Global Perspecti1·e"­ h1� hand� \h<x>l.. a� he e\plamed his situation. "\ \ nen �·ou called T am ncr. ou� on d1e telephone, bur I reali;e I c-an talk here," he said. The on of a chenm� profe�sor and a pediatrician, _\ l ondragon \\"JS 1 2 ) ear.. old \1 hen lm church group \isired the shantyt0\1 n neighbor­ h<X>ds in h1s homet<l\1 n of Bogod and sa\1 \1 hat he calls the "precarious ·





lodgings." The experience set compass, which has not been deflected by discouragement, threats or even physical abuse. "In these houses I decided dus was my l i fe," he said. Trained as an economist, he has worked for more than 3 0 years to secure the environmental, economic and cultural survival o f dispos­ sessed Colombians. "Colombia is the most dangerous place on earth­ for the peasants. Last year there were 420 massacres," he said, defin­ ing a massacre as at least six people killed, sometimes many more. " I ndians, peasants, workers, clu ldren. The rural sector is the worst." At issue are land and resources. Large landowners, oil and nun era! compa1ues and hydroelectric developers want the land. I n the last 1 5 years, he says, 1 . 5 nul lion peasants have been displaced. "Twelve nu l­ l ion acres are lost to land speculators, the political class, party leaders and corrupt government officials," he said. "I call this bureaucratic capitalism . . . class domination . " Mondragon worked as an advisor t o d1e Indian a tiona! Organ.iza­ tion of Colombia and the Peasant National Council . He also advised d1e \ Vorld Bank, the Orgmuzation of American States (OAS) and the International Labor Orgmuzation on their projects in Colombia and tried to protect indigenous people and their territories and peasants and their lands. In 1 99 1 he spent si.x months l iving with the Nukak, a recently contacted indigenous group, and helped them to secure one of the largest areas of protected resenre lands in Colombia. He recently worked with tl1e Embera Katfo tribe to resist a hydroelectric develop­ ment project that threatens the tribe's ancestral lands. " I have supporters within tl1e regime, but the regime runs an effi­ cient system of elimination," Mondragon said, citing the m urders of numerous opposition leaders, including five presidential candidates in the last 1 5 years. " I n 1 998 they tl1reatened my son and daughter because I supported tl1e Embera Katfos against tl1e Urra hydroelec­ tric project." I I is wife and son, Daniel, came to Maine witl1 him, and Daniel enrolled as a student at Colby this fal l . The Oak fellowship was created to 1 rovide a semester's respite to front-l ine human rights practitioners who come to Colby for rest, reflection, study and writing. Mondragon is the third Oak H uman Rights Fello\1". He follows Zafaryab Ahmed, a Pakistani crusader against child labor, and Didier Kamundu Batundi, a peace and human right activist from the Republ ic of Congo. -Stepben ColLins '74

"A N ewsroom Hero" to rece ive Lovej oy Awa rd B i l l Kovach, "the conscience of American journalism," "a newsroom hero" and " a pope of the press," according to recent headli nes, w i l l receive the Ebjah Parish Lovejoy Award at Colby on Thursday, ovember 9. Kovach rose from very modest family cir­ cumstances to editorial positions at Tbe New

Yo1'k Times, Tbe Atlanta ]ou11wl-Constitution and Tbe Washington Post before leading the ieman Fow1dation at Harvard U niversity for 1 1 years. He currently is chairman of me Com­ m i ttee of Concerned Journalists. He quit his first job as a reporter, at me Jobnson City (Term.) P1·ess-Cb7w7ide, when his editors wouldn't let rum cover civil rights, and he resigned from Ius last job as a newspaper editor, at the Atlanta ]ozu-nal-Comtitutio11, after

clashing witl1 management over how aggres­ sive and crusading me newspaper would be. Kovach will receive an honorary degree and w i l l speak at 8 p . m . in Lorimer Chapel on Nove m b e r 9, t h e 1 9 8 t h a n n i ve r s a ry o f Lovejoy's birm and tl1e l 63 rd anniversary o f his funera l . Lovejoy, valedictorian of Colby's Class o f 1 826, became America's first martyr t o free­ dom of me press when he was kil led defend­ ing his presses against a pro-slavery mob he had angered with his anti -slavery wri tings . Si nce 1 95 2 Colby h a s honored his memory by presenting tl1e Lovejoy Award to a news­ paper wri ter, editor or publisher who has con­ t r i b u ted to t h e n a t i o n 's j o u rn a l i s t i c achievement.

Bill Kovach, reci pient of the 2000 Elijah Pa rish Lovejoy Awa rd .

Colby 's New Serra is Collecting Com ment First there was tl1e crane, towering heron­ like over the Colby campus in J uly. \Nhen the crane departed, it left behind three 3 0 -ton blocks of solid steel, each measuring four feet by five feet by six feet. The blocks were placed precisely, as directed by sculptor Richard Serra, in the granite-paved Paul J Schupf Sculprure Court at tl1e enu·ance to the M useum of Art. " I t coLlects tl1e buildi11g," Serra said. And l ike most of Serra's work, i t has col ­ lected comment.

Elizabeth Broun director of tl1e Smitl1sonian American Art Museum: "J ust tl1e sheer irre­ ducible mass of90 tons of compressed steel con­ veys a kind of belief mat mey're u-uly building for me ages here."

Hugh Gourley director, Colby College M useum of Art: "I do mink tl1ey have a subtlety. Once you get up onto me court i tself there's a lot of activity mere in terms of tl1e surfaces. They're almost like abstract pai ntings, actually."

C hristine Temin Boston Globe art critic: "vVhile

Edgar Allen Beem in N laine Times: "You want

the Serras pull you in from a distance-boxes are i nherently i ntriguing, making you won­ der if tl1ere could be anything inside-mey're equally rewarding up close. The steel is rust­ i ng, pocked and clupped away at spots; me surfaces look l i ke complex abstract paintings, or archeological finds."

modernism? This is cubism witl1 a vengeance. . . . 4-5-6 is a late modernist masterpiece."

Paul J. Schupf trustee of me Col lege and long­

time Serra col lector. (Schupf had only seen photographs of "4-5-6" as Colby was goil1g to press): " Based on the pictures. I thillk it's won­ derful. I think it's a great work of art. Serra's works redefine tl1e space around tl1em. I t's most unusual . I 've been collectiJ1g since the late '60s and I 've never seen an artist whose works have done tl1at-ever. He's a genius at i mpacting positively tl1e space around tl1e work." Renato Denase 1 ew York gallery owner wim

"4-5-6, " R ichard Serra's monumenta l work recently i nsta lled at the Colby College M useum of Art.

whom Colby worked when commissionillg tl1e piece, quoted in tl1e Ba11gor Daily Ne-ms: " In R i chard's work, tl1ere's a l o t of romantic sen­ sibility-sometll_ing that has a heroic pres­ ence-and people sense it. Richard has created a piece he has wedded to t!Us site. The site and tl1e piece are ine:\.tricably bound."

Nathaniel C hamberlin '03 "I don't know i f it's appropriate where i t is, but my taste does not run in mat direction." Julianne Heck '04 "I prefer more traditional

art." Kate Ennis '04 " Interesting." Aimee Jack '04 " It's an i n teresting addition but may not fit i n tl1e aunosphere of me rest of the campus." Eric Crabtree '03 " I l i ke it! It catches your eye." Katherine Dunn '02 " I like i t, but I miss the tables that were mere before." Theodore Fowler '01 "Mixed feel ings. I l ike

me sculprure, but I 'm not sure I l i ke where i t i s . I l iked m e way i nvas before-more green." Kate Carroll '03 " Horrible! Much prettier be­

fore. I t now has a metallic flavor. " Sarah Culbertson '01 " Extremely i mpres­ sive . . . i t's j ust illspirillg."




From the Hill on campus


physical plant mechanic Tony Marin tel l s why he's wedded to Colby

I n May, the Student Gov­

me up with some racks of ribs, I brought some sausage. I brought a

Ton y .M arin, a mechanic with

whole cooler fuJI of food. 'Cause they feed 'em trail food. They feed

the Physical Plant Deparnnent,

'em rice and beans and gorp. Iothing I 'd eat. So I had my Jeep and I

\Ieith a n Admi n istrative Staff Appreciation Award. Colby visited with Marin recently as he recuperated from knee surgery. A C l i nton nati1·e, a n d the youngest of nine children, Marin l ives i n Benton 11ith his w i fe, Patricia O' Keefe.

brought all my stuff and I was \iVishbone. I was the cook.

You still see those kids? Oh, yeah. They've been over a couple times. My w i fe wi l l feed them. We had them over for Easter. They're good kids. They just need a place

There's a story told about what brought you to Colby. Could you tell it again? That' a

was going. I brought my cooking grill , my little Sunbeam. Jody fixed

ernment Associ a tion honored

to come to. They l i ke Colby but they l i ke to get away, too. Mark Johnston, he works in mechanical services, we took a day


story. I came to Colby so I could get married in tl1e

off and went b i rd hunting up north. That was tl1e fi rst time I ' d ever

chapel. In the fal l of '9 1 . The story goes, I tol d Pat it was time to get

done that, riding the roads up there. Paul New1dorfer [ '0 1 ] went

m a rried. \Ve'd been hanging out for probably eight years or so, and

a long. And Drew Johnson [ '0 1 ] had to get back for footba l l practice.

I said, " \\'e can get married i n the backya rd . " [He laugh s . ] But she

And we lost com munications w i tl1 h i m . So on tl1e way home, I was

said, " I f we can get married in [ Lorimer] chapel, that's where I ' d l ike

trying to figure out how I was gonm ta l k to [ Dean of Students]

to get marri e d . " So she called and she talked to Darlene Hallee [now

Janice [Kassma n ] and tel l her, " We lost one of your footba l l p l ayers.

retired from the Office of the Dean of the Coll ege] and Darlene told

And now we gotta go find h i m . "

her you e i ther have to be alumni or work up there. So we didn't have a chance. \Vhen Pat told me tl1at, I said, "Wel l , I ' l l get me a job at Colby."

t the time I was working at Houle's [ Plumbing, Heating

a n d Air Conditioning i n \\'atervi l l e ] . So I went to work up there and before I e1cen left personnel, I hadn't even worked at Colby at all, I knew the day I was getting married. The girls in personnel sched­ uled it for me . .\ l a rch 7 , 1 992 . That was the day we got married.

Ever get strange service calls? \iVe're a hero when we get a chance to go fish out somebody's earri ngs or somethjng . . . . One of th e apartments we were in, i t was a beauti ful apartment, they had a plugged shower. And i t was

plugged. You get gi rls with long h a i r, i t doesn't take long for that shower drain to catch u p . \tVe got the snake down i n tl1ere. Vle call it

They ga1·e me two days to pick from and that's the one I picked.

going fi s hi ng. \tVe p u l led back tlus ratta i l . It was huge. And tl1e girl,

You 're a people person. Do you know everybody at Colby?

because I 'm going to show everybody else what we fow1d . "

I la1011 a lot of people \ l ore than a lot of us at physical plant, but .

J don't la1011 'em a l l . I 'l l a�· hello to everybody.

There was a fe l low from ,\ l i ddl ebury and he was sharp. He was � oung. I en joyed l i stening to him. I went and ate my dinner back at the �hop and 11 hen 1 came around back by B ixl er, I knew i f l timed it right, I 'd get a chance ro sa� hello to him. And I come around and wre enough, he 11 as 11 a I king awa) with [Colby n·ustee] Larry Pugh. The� 11 ere hanging out. One of the students came by that was on [.\ l i ddl ebury] fel l a

got �111 a� from me �o 1 11 hi�tled to h i m l i ke a rabbit, you la1ow' I topped him in hi� tracks. I 11 ent


er and I told the guy, 1 said, " I ' l l

te l l � ou 11 h a t . " 1 �<l i d , " 1 don't kn0\1 i f you ' I I be president at Colby bur � ou ' I I be pre.,Idenr ome11 here . " You could �ee that the guy was .,harp. \nd th�o:n rhe� picked Bro. Bro \ a good choice.

But you enjoy the students? J \ e b een on COOT [Colh� Ourdoo� Oncmanon T ri p� [ . Last year it \1 3'> 111� fi�r nme. �o l go luck ro ee m� buddies. lt 11 as _lod) Pelone [ d m m g ..emce.. ] . I -.�1� . " ] l e � . I ' m gomg on COOT" r told him II here r 26




. . . This spring the students honored m e witl1 a service award. They i nvited me to this presidential luncheon . I d i d n 't know what it was so I showed up there, my normal self, and tl1 i s place i s ful l of

You met the candidates for Colby president?

COO' J 11 1th me �o 1 had a ta lk 11·ith h i m . Thi

she says, " I 'l l take that off [ th e snake] and I'm goi n g to keep it

people from Lovejoy and Eustis. I wal ked i n tl1ere, they says, "Tony. \Ve got troubles' " I says, "No, I don't tl1 i n k so." I says, " I got me a l etter to come to l unch so here I a m . " ](jds look at you a l i ttle d i fferent after tl1at. They see you and they say, "Aren't you tl1e guy who got the service award ' " I say, "Yeah . " They say, " H ow d i d tl1ey decide that? " I say, " I have no idea, but tl1ank you . " That was kind of nice . \Ve hung it up downstairs. Put it on tl1e mantel. Another story I was going to tel l you, I told President Cotter, " 1 \·e got something for you. A s m a l l token." . . . J says, "Well here it is." 1 handed him a two-cent coi n . It was dated

1 86 5 . That was tl1e

time they were changing the name of \iVaterville College to Col by. I d i d a little h istory on i t. The guy Colby offered them a hundred grand to get them through some rough times. So old Bill Cotter, he's looking at the date on it, [ said, "Tha t's 1 86 5 . " T told him that Stol) . 1 I e said, " \ \ 'e l l , you're right '' I said, " Keep this two cents. And 11 hen you look at i t, know that I ' l l be giving my two cents for the good of the College . "

wit & wisdom " M y c h i l d h ood was spent

"Some 35 tons of e n e rgy a n d

p reten d i ng I cou l d see. I tho ught

com m itment. It's a stagge r i n g

people wo u l d n 't l i ke m e if t hey

tho ught:'

k n ew h ow b l i n d I was."

President William D. Adams, at the Class of 2 004 matriculation convocation, sizing up the incoming class by estimating its col lective weight.

Poet and memoirist Stephen Kuusisto, speaking at Colby about growing up blind in the 1 960s. "Yo u can m a ke your h i story, you c a n end i nj ustice, you c a n m a ke a d iffe rence. Go out a n d do it:' Activist Kevin Jennings, referring to the upcoming vote on a gay rights referendum in Maine and urging students at Colby (cited by The Princeton Review for "gay commLmity accepted- there is very l ittle discrimination against homosexuals") to support the measure.

"We m ay be wowed by t h e scu l pt u re, but I know I ' m go i n g t o love the crane:' Joe Feely, an art h istmy major and now Colby's staff archi tect, anticipating the 450ton crane required to put the three pieces of the new Richard Serra sculpture, each weighing 30 tons, i nto the Paul ] . Schupf Sculpture Court.

A Penchant for Pi nter-with an Engl ish Accent As a student at the U n iversity of Naata l in

tion of Pi nter's 70th bi rthday. "Once we gave him

" P i nter doesn't write in the obviously avant­

D u rba n , South Afri ca, Robert Gordon d i rected

an honorary doctorate at Goldsmiths College and I

garde, that Beckett uses. H e 's not a bstract. H e

H a rold Pi nter's play Silence. After graduation Gor­

had to host him a bit," Gordon said. " One thing

doesn't just write t h e stream o f consciousness­

don spent two years as an actor in South Africa ,

about h i m i s you don't tackle him on his political

type stuff. Because he's English and he's a n En­

but because Pinter was among the artists who

opinions. Because he a lways tells you what he

glish actor, he starts with the terms of the Engl i s h

boycotted South Africa in protest of the a partheid

thinks and he's capable of using four-letter word s,

theater i n h i s head."

regime there, his work was off-limits to profes­

if you d i sagree with him too violently. Also, he's a

Gordon says Pinter wrote i n his early plays with

sional theater com panies. Gordon moved to Lon­

very k i nd man. I was at a Pinter conference earlier

great skill of the world of the working-class Engl ish

don, where he tried to quench h i s Pinter thirst.

thi s year and he came just to the d i nner and did a

and i n recent years has effectively portrayed the

H e took i n John Gie lgud and Ralph Richardson in

reading for us. He's a brilliant actor. Very good. He

upper class in England. "The question i s , when you

Pinter doesn't write i n the obviously ava nt-garde . . . . He's not abstract. He doesn't write the stream of consciousness-type stuff

do it i n the States, does it change?" Gordon asked. "Can you still capture these nuances? Does the American actor try to adopt a kind of fake British accent? We do that for Tennessee Wil liams and our actors are appa l l i ng."

Pi nter's No Man 's Land and Peggy Ashc roft i n a

read the short play Celebration. He read it bri l l iantly.

Brancaccio and Brooks chose to do the plays

Pinter reviva l . " It just fasci nated me," Gordon said.

He was n i ne characters. Just one person. He was

with a n English accent that, while not absolutely

"The cadences, really. The music of the la nguage."

every single cha racter. He made each one seem

accurate, Gordon th i n ks would pass for an Ameri­

slightly d ifferent. He was extraord inarily good ."

can audience. "As long as you can hear the style

C h a i rman of the drama department at Gold­ sm iths College , U n iversity of London, Gordon was

Gordon says Pinter i s a very private person

invited by Jim Thurston, chair of Col by's Theater

and told the assemb led scholars that he doesn't

sumptions that the la nguage makes, for an Ameri­

and Dance Department, to take part i n yet an­

feel he can be in the same room w h i l e his work

can a u d i ence that w i l l be fi n e , " Gordon s a i d .

other Pinter festiva l , one held at Colby i n Septem­

i s being d i scussed , which it has been for nearly

"That's o n e of the things that I ' m trying t o test.

ber. The festival incl uded Gordon and actors Lisa

a h a lf centu ry. Gord o n , who has written a book

It's a kind of practical research project."

Brancaccio (da ughter of Colby's Pat and Ruth

on Tom Stoppard, said he considers Pi nter the

The research will continue i n H ungary and South

Brancaccio) and her husband, Torb i n Brooks, in

greatest l iving English-la nguage p l aywright. " I

Africa, where Gordon will stage Pinter plays. In those

three short Pinter plays, i nc l u d i ng Ashes to Ashes.

t h i n k it's probably the l a nguage, i n a sense. And

countries, he intends to examine whether the mean­

Also, i n the R u n n a l s Cellar Theater, Anna-M ichelle

the sense of su rrea l i s m of the p l ays. When the

ing of the plays changes i n relation to the surround­

You ng '02 d i rected Stuart Luth ' 0 1 a n d Noah

p l ay o p e n s you 're in a recogn i z a b l e soci a l

ing context. But there i s one source Gordon won't

Cha rney '02 i n The Dumb Waiter. Lauren Schaad

worl d . . . . More a n d more you realize it's a very

be able to ta p , and that's the playwright h i mself:

'01 d i rected Mountain Language.

deconstructed real wo rld. There are ga ps. He

" He doesn't l i ke to be q u iued . . . . He'd rather just

refuses to expl a i n certa i n thi ngs . . . .

be with actors in the pub."--Gerry Boyle '78

The festival was part of the ongoing celebra-

of the l a nguage, as long as you can hear the as­

c0LBy . FALL 2000 ----

---- ------



From the Hill students

U n i ted Wor l d C o l l ege boost expan d s borders for 2004

The Most

International Freshman Class

olby's C l ass of 2 004, 4 7 0 strong and more international than a ny of i ts predecessors, set a new record before school even opened this yea r-it was the fi rst class to get 1 00 p e rcent participation in the Colby Outdoor Orientation Trips (COOT) p rogram . President B ro Adams expanded to 4 7 1 the number of new Colby recruits expl o ring Maine and getting to know one another when he j oined COOT trips for kayaking on the Kennebec River, h iking on the App a l achian Tra i l and theater exercises at a camp on Messalonskee Lake. The Clas of ' 0 4 represents 3 7 states and 2 8 countries, and i ts members were selected

from among 3 ,907 applicants. 1\1·enry-six of the new srudents were high school valedicto­ r i a n s a n d a n o t h e r 1 0 were s a l u ta tori a n s . Twenty-two are the son o r daughter o f a Colby graduate (or two). Addre sing the matriculation com·ocation, Dean of Admissions ParkerJ. Beverage's big­ ge t applause line 11·a : "One of you is named Col by, and none of you is named Bates or Bo11 doin." (Colby Scroath '04 is from Ohio.) I lei ping to make thi group the most inter­ national of freshman classes are 1 1 Da1;s nited \ \ 'o rld College ( U \ \'C) cholars-freshmen 11 ho completed two year in one of the U\ VC s�·stem 's international secondary schools and then 11 on scholarships through a program an­ nounced last spring b� Colby truStee Andrew

Where are they coming from? Eleven students in the Class of

2004 are

Davis United World College scholars. Below is a list of countries they call home.


Argen 1na Bulgana



U kra ne

Kaza khs an


La 1a

Zim ba bwe

L• huama

Davis '85 and his fanuly. The inaugural group of Davis U\VC scholars at Colby (there are others at Princeton, Middlebury, \ Vellesley and College of the Atlantic) come from Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Jordan, Sudan, 1acedonia, Zimba­ bwe, Yugoslavi a , Argentina, Bulgaria, Latvia and Litlmania. Seven of them graduated from the Red Cross Nordic U\VC in orway. No other sec­ ondary school, abroad or stateside, sent more members of tl1e Class of '04, tl1ough Lexi ng­ ton (Mass.) High School was a close second, sending six, Beverage said. Charles Data is from the Sudan but l ived ganda, Jus mother's native country, for a m decade before attending Red Cross Nordic U\".'C. Like the other UvVC grads he earned an I nternational Baccalaureate ( I B) degree but found that tl1e only university in Uganda that recognizes tl1e I B is a medical school. Si nce he' interested in economics ratl1er than medi­ cine, Data applied to Colby before the Davis \'C scholarships were announced. Ana Prokic from Belgrade, Yugoslavia, left her home to attend Armand l 'lammer U\VC in :\"ew ;\ lexico. I ler plan was to "finish high school in the nited tares, get good grades, attend uni1·er i�· and become a lawyer," she said. he cited the example of an acquaintance in Belgr<1de, 11 ho was trained as a dentist but had to spend se1·en years dri1·ing a bus, as one of tl1e thi ngs mat mOO\'ated her to srudy abroad.





Davis U n i ted World College scholars Ana Prokic '04 of Yugoslavia and Peter Rushkov '04 of B u lgaria i n the Mary Low Coffeehouse. The former U vVC students a rrived at Colby after spending two years o f srudy, con­ ducted in English, at one of the 1 0 U\VC schools. Reflecting on her first two weeks get­ ting acclimated to Col by, Prokic said, " We're at a big advan tage; we've been away from home for two years a l ready. My roommate is only from Connecticut but it's her fi rst time away from home." And, she said, her room­ mate told her that an early bout of home­ s i c kness was put i n perspective when the roommate considered what international sru­ dents experience, leaving home for a year or more on another con tinent and in another cui tu re .-Stephen Colli11s '74

Fa r From C a m pus, A Fi rst Look at Colby ame the

i n g a tou r of Col by, Jor­

groups things l ike " S u rplus-Elephant A" and " Fl agstaff-Bigelow B." Drop each group off i n the Maine woods for four days. They'll con­

Take 470 strangers and divide them i nto groups of 1 0.

dan Burke '04 told her

front challenges l ike finding trails, climbing mountains, purifying wa­ ter and claiming the best sites for shelter. Sound like Sun;iv01 ·? vVell, it's actually COOT-Colby Outdoor Ori­ entation Tri ps--designed to bring first-year students closer to their class­ mates and to the surrounding environment. And the challenge has been going on for 2 5 years now. Colby's first official freshman wilderness orientation trips, organized jointly by tl1e Outing Club and Student Activities Office, took place i n 1 97 5 , when 1 8 freshmen were selected from 9 0 applicants. Along with nine upperclassmen and professors Robert Reuman and Donald Small, tl1ey arrived on campus five days early and split into two groups. Most hiked Maine's nighest peak, Mount KatahcliJ,, but a small number worked on a volunteer u-ail crew on the Appalachian Trai l . " I t w a s very seat of your pants," s a i d Susan Benson Turnbull '7 5 , who served as director o f student activities from 1 97 5 to 1 97 7 . The concept was the brainstorm of Nancy Noreen '76, who was active in the Outing Club. She worked witl1 B ruce Cummings ' 7 3 , di rector of student activities from 1 97 3 to 1 97 5 , to organize the first trip. The fol lowing year the number of trips increased to five, incl uding hiki ng, canoeing and biking. " Even to send out five was a big produc­ tion ," said Turnbu l l . Now trips are four days long a n d each includes a trained m a l e and female upperclassman leader. This year's 49 u-ips included sea kayaking, backpacking, fly fishing, canoeing, theater and conservation projects. " We have a COOT for everyone," said Alex Chin '96, former assistant director of student activities. " Even i f you've never camped out in the woods before, we have a COOT for you ." Though recent classes have come close, the Class of 2 004 was the first to achieve 1 00-percent participation-i ncluding President \Ni l l ­ i a m Adams, w h o visited fishi ng, theater, kayaking a n d hiking trips. COOT's i n fluence is fel t even before students enrol l . After tak-

H a ppy Is As H a ppy Does As a faculty member who l ives with his fa m i ly i n Lovejoy C o m m o n s , Assoc i ate Professor of Econ omics M i c h a e l Don i h u e ' 7 9 w a s amazed t o s e e j u s t h o w engaged, busy and com m i tted Colby students a re , both i n the i ntellectual and social l ife on campus. The observation made h i m curiou s . Colby students operate i n h igh gear, but are they happy? In 1995 The Princeton Review rated them the happiest i n the nation, but that ra n k i ng s l i pped in subsequent years and Colby hasn't made Pri nceton Review's top-20 " h a ppiest students" l i st for the last two years. Don ihue decided to i nvestigate. Last fa l l students i n his Eco­ nom ics 393 l a u nched the first " Colby Lifestyle Su rvey," and the second a n n u a l poll was slated to begin th i s month. " Basically I conc l ude that students are not the beer-drinking, irresponsible , juve n i l e stereotypes sometimes portrayed i n the media," Doni hue said. " . . . While there is a lot of drinking and even some problem drinking, it's not a rampant problem on cam­ pus. Students are involved in a lot of good behavior and more studying

p a r e n ts , " I ' d go t h e re just to go on COOT. " Chris Sussman '02 , a transfer st11dent who of­ fered his thoughts on the trip while hiking the p­ palachian Trail in western Maine, said COOTers are too busy to be homesick, and the camaraderie of the trips exempl i fies tl1e com m u n i ty atmosphere The latest generation of Colby "COOTers" poses on the Appalachian Tra i l . of the College. ot only do students learn about t h e M a i n e environment, b u t l i fe at Colby is discussed in depth. Leaders share thoughts on who are the best teachers in which deparunents, where you can get good pizza or Thai food and how to maximi ze your dorm space. "The first impression these kids get as students is your trip, and if you can make tl1at awesome, tl1at affects how they do at school," said Alex Browne '0 3 , a trip leader. In 1 97 5 leaders were taken straight from tl1e Outing Club roster; now there is a formal selection process and a week of wilderness lead­ ership and medical training for all leaders. "So much energy is put in to make it fun," said Burke. "The leaders can make or break the trip." "These kids go back and, even though they may not be similar, they have a base group," said Browne. " I nstead of wandering i nto this big dining hall alone witl1 all of these upperclassmen, they have friends. " Spending four continuous days hiking with otl1er students not only offers scenery but opportunities to bond in ways that would never hap­ pen on campus. "You learn about people in different ways," said Eliza­ betl1 Turnbull '04 (daughter of COOT pioneer Susan Turnbull). " People get pushed out of their comfort zones." -Alicia Nemiccolo i'VIacLeny '97

The Findings © About 100 students were expected to complete the survey. Six hundred responded in the first week. © 88 percent said they were either mostly h a ppy or very happy with academic l ife at Colby and 78 percent said the same of social life. © 60 percent of students spend at least an hour i n the gym each week a n d 78 percent partici pate i n a t least o n e c l u b . © 1 1 percent cla imed they watch more t h a n 10 hours of television a week ; 23 percent said they skip more than five classes i n a semester. © 18 percent of female students are vegeta rian but only 4 percent of m a les a re . Vegeta ri ans are less l i kely to d ri n k beer but more l i kely to smoke ciga rettes . © Watch i ng televi sion, d ri nking beer a n d skipping classes all are hazardous to your grade point average . Studying results i n higher GPAs.

l eads to better grades:· -Stephen Collins ' 74 c0LBy


FALL 2000



From the Hill faculty

An Island in the

Virt ual Str eam ············································-·· · ··········· ················ ···············

-··························· · ··························· ·············· · ···

Dale Skrien finds one t h i ng has n ' t changed in the rea l m of

computer science-the teaching my lectures, I ' m tryin g to th.i n k to myself, ' \iVhat does their i ntuition

I t d o e s n 't t a k e m u c h prompting to get Dale Skrien

tell them i s obvious? ' The i r i n tu ition will give them the wrong a n ­

to share a factoid to illusu·ate

swer. It's getting t h e m t o develop new i nstincts . " T h a t l o n g view of learnin g wasn't lost o n h i s students.

how the world of computers

Dale Skrien teaches com puter sc1ence the old-fashioned way.

h a s c h a n ged . S kr i e n reca l l s

Charles Herrera '87 and his w i fe, Tammy Parker Herrera '89, both

tha t when h e arrived at Colby

managers in SiLicon Val ley computer firms, had thei r fi rst exposure to

i n 1 98 0 there was o n e aca­

computer science w i tl1 Skri en . " I f I hadn't been so encouraged by h i m

demic computer-typical for

early on, I m.ighr have given up on computers," s a i d C h a rles Herrera.

a l i be r a l a rts co l l ege. T h a t

That encouragement i s spread around. S krien says there i s n o such

computer h a d eight megabytes

thing as a dumb question i n his classes. "It's an indication to me that I

of RAM and served the entire

didn't present very well," he said. " I go over it aga i n . " So S krien a n d h i s col l eagues answer questions i n class. After class.

campus. "?'\ow you can't buy a machine with less than five gigabytes,"

During office hours. Via e-mail. "They answer [questions] so d i l i ­

krien said.

gently t h a t I wonder h o w they have t i m e t o do anyth i n g e l se," said

Yes, th.i ngs have changed since those not-so-long-ago days when Colby students had to learn

Joshua Ladieu '02 .

JJX operating system to use the College

But there was one question Skrien couldn't reply to. So two years

computer. But ome things about computer science remain as relevant

ago, h e went searching for tl1e answer.

now as they were when Skrien first came to Colby. H e is one of them.

He applied for a sabbatical year and took a part-time job with Digital

graduate of St. Olaf College in :\ 1 innesota, Skrien arrived at Colby fre h out of graduate school at the Un.iversity of \ Vashi ngton in Se­

Equipment Corp. in


as a software engineer. He l i ked the job so much tl1at h e went ful l

t that time :\ l i crosoft was just a gleam i n Bill Gates's eye; i n

graduate chool

ashua, N . H . S krien worked in "a cube fa rm"

t i m e and changed h i s sabbatical to a leave of absence.

krien took just o n e course i n computer science. H e

taught tatistic and mathematics at Col by, s a t i n on a few computer

But the year i n private industry taught him he belongs i n a class­

cience classes and then spent his pre-tenure sabbatical year earning

room. " During the time I was at DEC, every time I was learning something, I was th.i nking, how can I teach this to my student s ? "

h i ma ter' degree i n computer science. He's been teach ing computer

S o he returned t o Col by, better able t o answer smdents' questions

science to l i beral arts tudents ever s i nce. Bearded and oft- poken, Skrien i s l i ke a rock i n the middle of a

about the big world of tl1e computer i ndustry. "I would say, 'I have no

ru hing tream. And a e,·eryone knows, the computer world never

idea,"' Skrien said. "Now I can say, 'I have n o idea except this one


ru h i ng. "Three years from now, half of

'' a ) '' e try tO do it i try to a,·oid teaching that half th at'. going tO be i rreb·ant." For m o t upper-]e,·e! computer science cour es t.har means teaching what

situation. I can give you a n example."'

Dale's Computing

'' hat � ou know ,,-i l l be i rre]e,·ant " h e said. "The

Though many of h i s students have gone on

Below is an a b b reviated l ist of computing instruments Dale Skrien has used over the past

krien calls "the foun­

25 years.

to careers in the computer industry, and tl1e two­ year-old Computer Science Department con­ tinues to grow ( 1 0 majors th is year, compared to j ust one independent major in 1 996), Skrien's

daoonal tuff'- orting algoritl1m , knowing the




Hard Disk

teachi n g rema i n s more foundational than voca­

ath ant<lge� and d isad,·antage of each one. Apply­


slide rule



tional. And for Skrien i t rem a i ns i ts own reward.

mg tlut kno'' ledge tO exten i,·e programming


Mac Plus




Mac SE

"One tl1ing that makes i t worthwhile i s a t tl1e

proJeC�. " \ \'e th ink of our computer cience ma­



'90- '9 1

Mac llfx

end of a class . . . and they've been tel l i n g me

jor a teaching problem soh-ing," he a i d .




Quadra 950



thi ngs; I 've been telling them thi ngs. Maybe we






Powerbook G3

1 2 8M B


Dell Latitude

1 2 8M B


! Jo,,


d o rh.n? The old-fash ioned ,,·a�··

Slrien �rand

i n front of tl1e classroom and

lecture�. I n the age of the i l icon chip, he goe through bo\e

of chalk. f I e cominuall� a ks for

feedback from �tudent�, trying to change the '' a� tudent con 1der problem� . " \ \ 'hen I 'm '' riting



t- A



haven't even covered what I was planning to cover. \Ne've gone off on tangents but we've gone off on important, useful tangents, and I feel i t's been a very pr ductive day and the stu­ d e n t s h a v e l e a r n e d a l o t . T h a t 's w h a t i s important to m e . "-Geny Boyle '78



Fr:m the Hill

Tracking the Real Alaska N ick j ans fi nds words for a p l ace a n d i t s peo p l e

Nick Jans ' 7 7 's third

a l ly, but together the na rratives build upon

collection of essays on Alaska wildlife, landscape

each other to create an interwoven and com­

and photography, is a compilation of honest and

life and death. "And so we turn to nature, maybe

plex pi cnu·e of the Alaska he has come to know

to fu1d what we once knew:

thoughtful reflections th a t produce a broad

and love over 20 years.

or forgotten," he writes. " I t's the land-the stone

Tracks of tbe Unseen,

ox, and he straightforwardly tackles issues l ike othing is ever lost

sense of place-a place of mow1tains, valleys

In 1 979 J a ns arrived in Alaska ready for a

and tw1dra. But from the startJans breaks down

year of adventuring. " I wanted a poiJlt-b lank

Death ami rebirth are no more tl1an its breatll­

our stereotypical images of the Alaskan bush

grizzly, a pack of wolves, or a double ra inbow

ing, the process of l i fe itself."

and rivers, snow and mountains-that is alive.

and replaces them with an w1sentimental real­

each time out-or better yet, all three at once,"

But whatever the subject, Jans's wit, good

i ty, one of bears and u·ash dw11ps, snowmobiles

the author admits. But through time and the

hwnor and common sense rem a in evident, even

and rusting bed frames, basketbal l courts and

patience necessitated by photography he came

when fishing for mudsharks at 40 below. "Over

mm1bing darkness. The result is 27 insightful

to appreciate the more subtly sublime mo­

a l l these years of l iving up here, I 've found

essays that reflect both the reality of Alaska to­

ments, a lone owl i n a tree, fresh wolverine

A ashes of illumination in unexpected moments,

day and the county's raw beauty.

tracks or the golden fra i l ty of autunm.

been overtaken by insight when I least ex­

J ans's essays cover photography, wi ldlife be­

In each essay J a ns describes a singular tie

havior, landscape, environmental change, Es­

to the place, its history and i ts people. His ex­

kimo culture, relationships and the logistics of

a m p l es-m a m mo t h bones, snowmo b i l e rs

l iving north of the Arctic Circle. By refraining

gone missing or tl1e slow shifting of treelines­

from nostalgic musings or attempting to viv­

are evocative of a setting tl1at he admits is hard

idly describe the cow1try's grandeur, Jans in­


stead gives the reader a far deeper appreciation

pected," he wri tes. " B ut if there's some subtle lesson here, i t escapes me. All I feel i s cold." L i ke J ans, readers of

Ti ·acks of tbe Unseen

will lose preconceptions along the way and end t h i s jou rney w i th a c l e a rer perspective of


Alaska and deeper regard for the place and i ts

J ans's voice is spare and direct, whether he is

people. "True respect seldom grows out of ig­

for his setting. Not only does the reader learn

explainiJ1g the large-scale shifts of a white spruce

norance," J a ns writes, and his essays are an

about the real Alaska i n each essay, one not

forest or describing being charged by a buJJ musk


fmmd i n a coffee table book, but the reader also learns abou t J ans h i mself. "Most outsiders just don't get it," he wri tes. " P i ctures help a l i ttle, but they're never big enough, and there are things no snapshot can capture-the bite of fi fty below zero, for ex­

Tu ndra is one of those small words that spans a n entire state of m i n d . There's a h igh, lone­ some sound to it, something that summons longings half-forgotten , a vision of l i m itless space, si lence, wind, a n d cold. An austere world where l ife wrestles with its alternative. A world our ancestors, ice-age h u nter-gatherers, must have known i nti mately. The a l most-a rchetypal image that we carry i s , for once, accurate.

nmdra vall ey, a hundred miles from anyone. "

The River With i n

well -crafted essays i s complemented b y one of his own intriguing color photographs of the l a nd. The book i tself i s dedicated to Jans's friend, the l ate w i l d l i fe photographer Michio Hoshino. As in h i s essays , J a ns 's photography focuses on a single object or moment-cari­ bou rwmi ng, a sole grayli ng, tundra plants­ to elici t a broader understandi ng. Any of J a ns's essays can be read i ndividu-


These Small Lives

ample, or what it feels l ike to stand alone i n a However, each of J a n s 's thoughtful a n d

-Alicia Nemiccolo iHacLeay

My experience i n Alaska began with water, a n d the tie remains. A s I write, I look out over the river that brought me i nto this country, and feel a s u rge of emotion: q u iet fa milia rity, gratitud e , passion, a sense o f shared t i m e and h istory. Love w o u l d be another n a m e for i t . After l iving along a river, as so many thou sands of Alaskans do, it's almost i m possible for me to imagine a life not connected intimately with its clear, cold substance. The va l ley this river has carved defines my home grou n d , both actual and spiritu a l ; its channels and many tributaries are, summer and wi nter, my pathways. From it a n d along its banks I draw much of my food. I n a real sense, part of the river flows inside me. Ti·acks

of the

Uusem br Nick Jans, Fulcrum Publishing (2000)




From the Hill media

A Ste p p i ng Stone of a Fi l m


nearly 18 years as a professional actor, doing both commercials and

Perish Twice


Robert B. Parker '54

(Amityville 2: The Possession and Last Exit to B1 ·ooklyn, among oth­

ers). At Colby, Katz decided to change his focus to the other side of

G.P. Putn a m 's Sons (2000)

the camera . "I really made a film

The prolific Parker retu rn s with a second ad­

school for myself in Colby," he said.

venture for h i s recently created female pro­

"There was no set curriculum or

tagon ist, Boston detective S u n ny Randa l l . The

anything, but there are opportuni ­

creator of Spen ser-a nd more than 36 nov­

ties up there that I just took advan­

els-Parker puts h i s newest gumshoe through

tage of."

particula rly perilous paces th i s time aroun d .

A h istory major from New York

H i red t o protect a promi nent fem i n i st, Randall

City, Katz tapped the hundreds of

grapples with a double m u rder a n d wrenching

fi lms available at M iller Library and

personal battles in her own fami ly. Another trip through the Boston

took a

film course from Ken Eisen

' 7 3 , a theater owner, movie critic and film d istributor. Katz i ncorporated h i s own ,rjdeo i n to class projects whenever possible, took film courses in London during a semester abroad

B rent Katz '98


__ __ __ __ __ __ __

B y the time Brent Katz '98 arrived a t Colby h e already had spent

and churned out screenplays in his

spare time. " During my senior year I was sending them out to different studios," Katz said. "I soon learned the futility of that task."

u nderworld, with Parker's elegant prose as you r guide. Feminism, the Family, and the Politics o f the Closet: Lesbian and Gay Displacement

Cheshire Calhoun ( p h i l osophy) Oxford U n iversity Press (2000)

Has fem inism failed lesbianism? Calhoun a nswers this question through a n in-depth examination of lesbian and gay subordination. She critiques the ana lytic frameworks employed within fem i n ism that render invisi b le the differences between lesbian and heterosexual women in order to

But Katz d i d n 't giYe up. H e j ust regrouped.

bring the study of lesbian l ife from the margins to the center of feminist

A filrnmaker friend advised h i m to make a short film that would

theory. She strives to move lesbian and gay pol itics away from the con­

show studios his abilities. Katz selected a section of one of his screen­

cerns of sexual regulations and toward concerns of d i splacement of

plays and, with his best friend, Gregg Simon, tried to figure out how to

gays and lesbians from both the public sphere of visible citizenship and

turn his story into film. "At first we thought it was going to cost ten or

the private sphere of romance, ma rriage and fami ly.

twelve thousand dollars," he sai d . " \Ve were kind of naive at that point." This was the fa l l of 1 998. Katz and his partner decided to try to raise money by throwing holiday parties. A Iew Year's Eve party at a .\ I a n hattan club raised $ 1 0,000; the film was underw·ay. Titled "The Final Solution," the fi lm is the story of a Holocaust un·i,·or who, on a tra i n years after vVorl d Vlar I I , happens upon a concentration camp guard who killed the survivor's w i fe . The survi­ vor must decide whether to take revenge. The fi l m was shot over three days at a train museum in Connecti­ cut, where Katz and friends (including Brendan G i l l igan '96, Aaron igman '96, X i ma Karamouz '98 and Amy Spratt '99) spent months restori ng a dilapidated passenger car. \\'h e n the $ 1 0,000 ran out, Katz borro11 ed from fri ends. "There was a point [during the fi lming] when it wa ra i n i n g so hard and it was just not letting up and everybody was sa�·ing, ' Let's pack it up and go home,"' Katz recalled. " I said, 'That's not an opti o n . I ha1 e other people's money at take."' The I - - minute film was made-witl1 Katz i n a lead role-and then taken on the film fe�ti,·al circuit. Stop included Flagstaff, Ariz., Hous­

Sunday at the Ballpark: Billy Sunday's Professional Baseball Career 1883- 1890

Wendy Knickerbocker '73 Scarecrow Press (2000)

The aptly named B i l ly Sunday was a great Ameri­ can evangelist, once ranked in the top 10 when a national magazine asked readers to name the greatest man i n the U n ited States (Teddy Roosevelt and Thomas Edison also made the list) . But as Knickerbocker explores i n this book, Sunday was also a fine major league baseba l l p layer. D i rector o f l i brary services a t M a i n e Maritime Academy and a long-time baseba l l fan, Knickerbocker shows us Sunday's struggles and accom pli shments as a truly exceptional base­ ball player i n the game's rough-and-tumble early years. H e refused to play on Sunday and was a n ardent champion of Proh ibition. Needless to say, the only thing Sunday ever stole was bases.

ton and \ \"aten·ille, '' here Ei en, an exacting critic, was impressed. " B rent'� '' ork i s both technical]� assured and ful l of passion," h e said. \t the In titute of Contemporary Arts in London, the film was noticed b� producer

11 hose credits i n clude ff7Jat 's Eating Gilbert

Gmpe? and .\'ottlllf!, 1 /J!/. "The� 11 ant us to do someth ing younger, a romantic comed� , a \ l i rama\ kind of thi ng," Ka tt. said.

l i e 1 . \ second �hort film i s in the 11 arks. I !e said he hopes to deli1 er it 11 I th a fu l l -le n gth screen pia� . " f t's kind of a stepping stone to <ret to make commerc i J I films," Kau said. " Xobodr's going to gi 1·e , -o


� t11 ent\.



m i l l 10 n dollars 1 f the\. don't kno11 11 ha � rou\·e do�e. " .

Bo_Jir · -:-.� B



Campaign Finance Reform: Beyond the Basics

Anthony Corrado (government) Brookings Institute Press (2000)

In the wake of yet another fa i led effort to enact campaign finance reform during the 1998 legislative session, the new Congress will once aga i n wrestle with a n issue that the public continues to ra n k a s a h igh priority. Political scientist Corrado, o n e o f t h e nation 's foremost experts on campaign fina nce and the political proces s , provides es­ sential facts about campaign fina nce reform as we l l as clear explana­ tions of key concepts and areas of dispute.


development From the Hill


Physi cs

Sherman Fa irch i l d grant funds new c h a i r, prope l s p l a n n i n g process

L1 his State of the College address on Sep­

lished an endowment t o fund a faculty posi­

tember 1 1 , President Wi l liam D. Adams out­

for students and faculty that will enrich the al­

tion-an endowed chair in physics-and pro­

l i ned the strategic planning initiative that is

ready strong learning experience at Colby."

vided $ 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 for the strategic planning

underway at Colby and that will help guide

The strategic planning effort, whose goal is

process. It also included endowments to sup­

to create a vision of cl1e College's future that will set priorities and guide activities, will pro­

the College as i t enters a new millennium and

port student research and internships as well as

prepares to celebrate its 2 00th ann iversary in

an endowment for professional development

ceed through the coming year. A comprehen­

1 3 years. The planning process was begun af­

opportwuties for the facul ty.

sive plan will be drafted for presentation to the

ter former president Wi lliam R . Cotter an­

"The moment of leadership u·ansition pre­

nounced his retirement and w i l l continue

sents an unparalleled opportun i ty to engage in

under the guidance of Adams and a 1 7-mem­

In the State of cl1e College address Adams

a strategic a11d comprehensive reassessment of

also promised to have an institutional plan for

ber committee empanelled this fal l .

Board of Trustees at its fall meeting in 2 00 1 .

the College's educational profile and fundamen­

L1 September, Adams aru1ow1eed that the

diversity completed by the end of clUs school

tal institutional goals," Adams said. "Tlus ex­

year. He said furcl1er increasing cl1e diversity

planning i nitiative received a major boost with

traordinary gift provides unique opportunities

the receipt of a $2 .8-rnil bon grant from the

of cl1e student body and the faculty is a per­

for the new president of a college. More im­

sonal goal as well as an institutional priority.

Sherman Fairchild Foundation. The gift estab-

portantly, though, it creates exciting advantages


····································· ················································

················· ·······························

Pa rtici pation Rate Passes


One of t h e more gratifying statistics at t h e close of the

...... ......................................

Collins '74





H H M I Adds to Science Awa rds Colby's leadership in teaching natural sciences to undergraduates got a boost th is summer when the College received a four·year $800,000 award

overachieving Campaign for Colby, which raised $ 1 5 0

from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute ( H H M I ) . This award for undergradu·

m i l l ion and concluded last winter, was the growth of the

ate biological science education was the third major grant the College has

College 's alumni participation rate. It took an extraordinary effort by the annual giving office, alumni volunteers and, not least of a l l , alumni donors to achieve 5 0 percent participation i n 1 998-99, the first time above 50 percent in Colby's history. Even better news-it was no flash in me pan. This year ( 1 999-2000) me all-important participation rate edged even higher, to 5 0 . 5 8 percent. The participation rate is watched closely and used to gauge alumni satisfaction with and support for their college. The total raised by the Alunuu Fund also was a record, and the fund posted one of its largest­ ever one-year gains- 1 3 . 6 percent. Nearly 40 of the gifts were above $ 1 0,000-a dozen more cl1an cl1e previous high for donors i n The President's Cabinet category. The ever­ cr Parents Fund set a new record, too, raising a total of crrmvi n 0


$ 5 02 , 7 1 9.

received since 1991 from H H M I , the nation's largest private supporter of sci­ ence education. Only 53 of more than 200 schools that applied received grants. The H H M I grant provides funding for laboratory instruments and comput­ ers as well as money to h i re an i mmunologist to expand Colby's cell and molecular biology/biochemistry curricu l u m . It funds student research assis· tants h i ps and attendance at national science meetings, and it makes pos· sible programs on career opportunities in biology. The award will a l low Colby to bring nationally recognized speakers on challenges of women scientists to campus and to host a regional workshop on gender issues in science. In addition this award su pports the continuation of a h ighly effective partners h i p progra m , begun with the first H H M I grant, which has i mproved secondary science education in four local school systems by providing l a b and computer equi pment for area schools a s w e l l as workshops a n d courses for teachers. Colby's science partnership with area schools even fu nds re­ placement teachers so that high school science teachers can take col lege and u n iversity courses to keep u p with the changes in their fie l d s . H H M I 's latest undergraduate awards , tota l i ng $50.3 m i l l i o n , were de· signed to help i nstitutions that grant bachel or's and master's degrees re­ spond to a recent surge in enrollments in the biological sciences as wel l a s t o rapid advances i n molecular biology, genetics a n d related life sciences. c0


By . FALL 2000



From the Hill alumni

So Cool, She's Hot Barbara C o u l o n turns a nose for trends i n to a career

B a r bara Coulon '94

I f you l i sten to "emo" music, wear T\Tike Pre tos, ride a collapsible bike or have a jacket "1th a buil t-in pocket for an N I P3 player, Bar­ bara Coulon '94 want to t a l k to you. O r maybe s h e already has. Coulon is a professional trend spotter, which i to a) he is paid to spot \\·hat's hot before the re. t of us know it' e\'en immering. From her ba e in �ew York, she prowls the streets and boutique , re taurants and club of the nation' trendie t cities and reports back to her clients: .\IT\� Procter - �amble, Cah1n KleiJl and print, among many others. " I t's ort of the ultimate liberal arts," oulon sa�· . "You ha\ e ro ha\·e your hand in e\ e[)1:hing." \ Ice pre ident of trend for an agency called Youth I ntelligence, Coulon i part p ycholo­ gi�l, pc1rt anthropologist and part marketing ma\ en. \n art major \1 ith a bu ine s minor at olb� , �he �et out ro find a \1 J) tO combine her pop-culture creatn 1� Jnd bu�ines� �an� . -\I­ ter a '>Dnt \1 J th <1 Bo�ton ad\ erti. ing agenC) , oulon mm ed to )(mth I ntelligence, \1 here she a n d c o m pc1 n � fo u n d e r J a n e R i n 7 l e r Budmgham and one other trend '>potter \1 ere the on I� emplo� ce'>. Three � car> later Coulon i one of I 0 employee'>, and bu'>ine.,., I'> boom34





ing . " I n terms o f youth marketing, it's a great time to be in it just because 'Gen Y' is so in the

more fun than i t rea l ly is, there is the satisfac­ tion of seeing your picks go mainstream.

meclia and they're a huge consw11er group," she said i n a recent interview from her Manhattan office. "liVe never have a slow time." For those who need a glossary, "Gen X" is 2 0-somethings. "Gen Y" is teenagers, the con­ sumer group watched most closely as compa­ n ies try to predict what products will be in demand in the future. Buckingham is 3 2 ; the rest of the staff is under 3 0. At 26, Coulon is a veteran. The 2 0-something trend spotters col­ lect intell igence on the street and deliver it to corporate boa rdroo m s : A B C 0.1 etworks, American Express, Coca - C o l a a n d Sony among them. The companies subscribe to The Cassandra Report, a Youth I n telligence study that runs 2 00 pages and reveals tastes of 3 00 young "trendsetters" and 7 5 0 mainstream consumers. "\Ve usually always do New York, L .A. and one other trendy city l i ke Miami , San Fran­ cisco, Atlanta," Coulon said. "So first we' l l go to a happening area or store or a boutique, where trendsetters would normally hang out. Then we'll ask them a series of questions: 'What activities do you like to do? \iVhat maga­ zines do you read? Tell me something iJlter­ esting about yourself.' I f tl1ey have interesting answers, then those are the types of people tl1at we talk to. " It's hard, because tl1e mai nstream sample, that we can do quantitatively." For the trend­ setter , it's a mixture of instinct and analysis. Coulon has tl1e ability to do both. " She's really able to piece together trends from d i fferent places," Buckingham s a i d . Coulon al o has the discipline needed t o back up her trend-spotti ng opinions with data, Buckingham said. " It 's sort of a fun business, �o people think it' all about shopping and buying products. T t's al o about quantitative research and making sure that the numbers add up and making sure e\·eryth ing is done as methodological!) correctly a'> possible." \\'bile Buckingham noted that the media

Scooter- l i k e go-peds, an o d d i ty w h e n Coulon first spotted them, are n o w sold i n Macy's. Coulon a lso spotted "emo" music (like

ha\ e a tcndenq to make trend spotting a bit

pwlk but mel low), fur wraps, Braille jewelry, hipsacks, Cuban j azz and l i festyle stores (fur­ n i shed a pa rtments where everything is for sale). "It's j ust sort of detecting it earber than everyone else," she said. All this from a product of suburban Boston (l1er mother is a nurse, her father a retired fi­ nancial services manager) who wore baseball caps and plaid shirts in college, and who by her own admission wasn't tl1e trendiest person at Colby. Now she reads UK magazines like Wall­ paper and The Fact and ID, Jjves on 2 3 rd Street in N lanhattan and travels at least one week a month. Coulon has been featured in Glm7IOZIT magazine, which called her career "crave­ worthy." Coulon concedes it's pretty cool but points out tl1e downsides. For one, talking to 2 00 people in a week can be draining. Another potential downside: youth market­ ing is best left to the yow1g, and youth, like a trend, is fleeting. Coulon said her age isn't yet an issue. "Not right now," she said. " People still ask me i f l'm stil l i n schooi ."-Ge77)' Boyle '78

Alumni Club Circuit Upcoming events Bu ild ing upon the success of the 2000 N ESCAC A l u m n i Networking events i n New York C ity, Alumni Relations is coord inating four N ESCAC Career Networking events in Boston between Oct. 17 and Nov. 2. Topics include the I nternet (Chris Vickers '87), not-for-profit organizations (Chip Gavin '90), finance and sports (Stephen Fryer '68). More career events will be held in New York in 2001. Other colleges participating include Amherst, Bates, Bowdoi n , Connecticut College, Hamilton, Trin ity, Wesleyan and W i l liams. For more deta iled information on career events a n d other c l u b news visit



American activists hel p pa i n t a m u ra l at the town com m u nity center i n La G u i nera, Cuba , last J une. A t far right, Eric M i les '93 applies pa int. I n center photo, Elizabeth Maclean '94 gets \ i nstruction from a Cuban tradesman on

Enveloped by C u ba When bills were i n troduced in the House and Senate last year that would have made it easier for U . S . citizens to travel to Cuba, Eliza­ b y tl1e United Nations as o n e o f 50 m o d e l global communi ties. The

beth Maclean '94 saw her phones light up. Maclean works for the Center for Cuban Studies, a nonprofit or­

American group visited a school for mentally cha llenged c h i l d ren,

ew York whose mission is normal i zation of relations

poured cement, hung doors and painted a mural a t the town com mu­

between Cuba and the U . S . From i ts offices in Chelsea in lower Man­

nity center. " I really find i t's such a great way to get to know otl1er

ganization in

hattan, the center publishes a magazine called

Cuba Update, maintains

a Web site (www., houses a research l i brary and art

people and to work togetller," 1\1 aclean said. " You learn a lot." After fou r trips to Cuba, including a six-month stay i n 1 994,

gal lery-and takes tours to the long-restricted island. " We've gotten

Maclean says she finds tile Cuban people are generous, warm and

a m i llion calls where people are l i ke, ' Does that mean we can go now?"'

o p e n , v e ry d i ffe r e n t from A m e r i c a n s . " I t 's a d i ffe r e n t fo c u s

Maclean said.

entirely. . . . (Whetller tlley are) political or not, tllat comes across . "

Not a t a l l . As of tll i s writing, i t appeared the bills would leave travel

She also noted tile a l lure o f Cuban arcn i tecture wi tll its balconies

restrictions in p l ace in exchange for relaxing l i mits on sales of food

and courtyards, buildi ngs sti l l beautiful even in a state o f disrepair.

and medicine to Cuba. That means i t's unlikely that there w i l l be a

Everywhere i n tile towns one hears motllers cal l i ng chi ldren, c lli l ­

big increase in the number of Americans visiting Cuba ( 1 65 ,000 went

dren playing. "It's l i ke everyone i s talking t o everyone a l l tile time,"

last year, including 1 00,000 Cuban-born naturalized Americans, ac­

Maclean said. "It kind of envelops you . "

Those Americans who do travel to

Licensed by tile Treasury Department, tile Center for Cuban Stud­

Cuba may take a circuitous route through Mexico, Canada or the

ies is not affected by tile travel restrictions. I n fact, more Americans

Caribbean to sidestep restrictions. Others can fol low Maclean's ex­

have expressed i n terest in tile next La Abeja Obrera trip, Maclean

ample and go to Cuba to work.

said. The

cording to

Tbe New

Y ork


A veteran activist who began working wi tl1 Habitat for Human ity

ew York contingent i s l i m i ted to 2 5 people because larger

numbers can become unwieldy and i mpersona l , she said.

in high school in Ohio, Maclean went to Cuba in June wi tl1 other

B u t even small groups are wortllwhile, she said, as tile projects

Colby alumni as part o f a "construction brigade. " Along w i th Eric

connect activists who can remember when tl1e economic embargo

Mi l es ' 9 3 , Prentice Grassi '95 and Karen Oh ' 9 3 , Maclean joi11ed in a

was imposed in 1 962 and tl1ose who were born 20 years l a ter. "I j ust

project ca l led "La Abeja Obrera," Spanish for "The Worker Bee."

feel i t fills tills void," Maclean said. "I feel l i ke people my age and

Joined by a contingent from San Francisco, tl1e group, now number­

yow1ger are rea l ly doing stuff, are rea l ly looking for a way to be con­

ing approximately 2 5 , met w itl1 Cuban mLmicipal officials in the town

nected, to do international work but not to be a tourist. To do i t ac­

of La Gi.iinera, a city with a rich community activist tradition, chosen

tively. To participate."-Gmy



Medal Round i n Sydney

H i lary Gehman '93 , far right, with tea mmates Laurel Korholz, Kelly Sa lchow and Jen nifer Dore, after qual ifying for the finals of the Olympic quadruple scu l ls i n Sydney. The team fin ished fifth i n the medal round. c0 L8y . FALL 2000

I 35

'20s/'30s-1 940s

Alumni @ Large


lot of sparkle to the reun i o n .

a me­

know how and what you are doing.

would l i ke

Mike Cohen ' 3 5 offers h i s recipe for

sake Art

I'll share your news wid1 your fel l ow

quarterly column for our class, pl ea se

54 years of happy marriage: when he


Thompson lives i n \Ve l l ­ .\ lass., n e a r Marge Chase's

octogenarians! And Lin, thanks again

call Meg Bernier '8 1 a t 2 07-872-3 1 90.

asks h i s wife to do something, by the

old home. M arge was delighted with

for a great job at reu n i o n .


-Emest C. Mn1Ti11er ]1·.

time she hasn't done it, he has forgot­

Art's descriptions of her old neigh­

Marjorie Gould

borhood. . . . Our third Thompson,

Shuman '3 7 h a s rediscovered Shakes­ peare by virtue of her membership in

Ruth " Krummy" Blake Thomp­ son reports that a h i p replacement

a S hakespeare Reader group . Her hus­

kept her from anending our 60th . . . .

October to a brand new retirement

Isabel Abbon is

cotllillwury in Springfield, Va. The

ten what it was . . . .



volunteer to write a

It's clear that the classmates

who attended our 5 5 th reu n i on had a

Hubert Beckwith writes that

very fi n e time. They were, specifi­

he and his \l�fe, Elizabeth, moved in


community has stimulating clientele,

Marge Chase Chapman

most having spent their lives in the area

vilJage with extended care facilities in

suffered through a recent, botched

in govenunentand related occupations.

Boothbay Harbor, Maine . . . . Please

home repair job but h a s enjoyed for­

Hubert is still i nvolved in writing and

cally, Shirley (Frances '46) and Chuck D u d l e y , R o z K r a m e r, H e l e n S t rauss, M a u rice Whitten a n d Doris, Adele Grindrod Bates and Ralph, George Heppner a n d Joan, Michael Nawfel and Dolores, and Ronald Roy and Millie. On Friday

Doris Rose Hopen­

enjoyed a course he had time to take in

night (6/2/00), everyone gathered for

garten is also a veteran traveler and is

the history of art. He participates in a

the all -classes banquet, awards cer­

doing medical research on her fam i ly

play-reading group . . . .

Louis De­

emony and presentation of class gi fts

band, Ed ' 3 8, has a great time building and fixing clocks . . . .

low Seepe

Virginia Swal­

' 3 5 li,·es i n a retirement

send your news to Fletcher Eaton,

Maine . . . .


eign travel . . . .

Perry Drive, i\eedham, M A 02 1 9 2 .


devoted to geneal­

ogy a n d to the h istory of

Thanks to L i n Workman for

m e m bers . . . .

M a rge Lier Reed

and his wife, Leonora, live i n

($) to the ColJege. On S a turday night,

Roslindale, Mass. In Seattle on a visit to

the 50-plus classes had dinner together

'41 ,

at Dana Hall, where most everyone


most of this column. Lin gathered

wrote a n i c e note (beautiful, steady

the information from our classmates

handwriting) expressing her regrets

his daughter, Louis met Jim Daly

who anended our 60th reunion in

due to a conflict-the high school

who was a senior a t Colby when Louis

was quartered. Chuck tells me that a l l

June and sent me a detailed lener

gra d u a t i o n of h e r only g r a n d ­

was a freshman. Louis, who left Colby

t h e food t h e College served w a s great

promptly t h e r e a fter. H e reports

daughter. . . .

Ralph Delano experi­

in 1 9 4 3 to join the Navy, started a

(for sure they no longer serve that

"good food, good fellowship, good

enced an i l lness i n his family that kept

tradition within h i s fam i ly. Their

dreadful angel pudding-all froth and

weather." And "no boring speeches"

him at home . . . . Someone reported

daughter Jean is a Navy veteran who

cornflakes-we rebelled against our

at the b a nquets. L i n a n d J o a n n a

that class agent

was en­

met her husband i n Okinawa, Japan.

freshman year i n Foss H a l l dining

.\ 'lac.\ l urtry '4 1 participated t h i s year

ticed onto a cruise instead of coming

Another one of their children is sta­

room). He also said that Dana has

tioned in Cwnberland, Maine, after

been enlarged and greatly changed

Bob Bruce

'20S,t"30S Doris Dickey Besse ' 2 3 , .\ lay 2-t, 2000, in Watervil le, Maine, at ·:· Helen Coburn Smith Fawcett ' 2 7 , June 1 6, 2000, i n Berkeley, Calif., at 95 ·:· Murray A. Coker ' 2 9, June 8, 1 999, in San D iego, Calif. , at 90 ·:· Robert A. Peterson ' 2 9 , M a y I I , 2 000, i n Fitchburg, Mass., a t 9 3 ·:. 1iriam Sanders Marcho '30, October 2 5 , 1 999, in Bangor, Maine, at 92 ·:· Edward U. MacConnie ' 3 1 , J uly I I , 2 000, in .\- leriden, Con n . , at 9 3 •:· Samuel H . Marder ' 3 2 , July 9, 2000, i n Boca Raton, Fla., at 9 1 ·:· John H. Wibby ' 3 2 , August 1 2 , 2000, in Yarmouth, .\ 1aine, at 89 ·:· George E. Lowell ' 3 5 , August H, 2 000, in Dover, 1\". H . , at 87 : Grace Wheeler Marsh ' 3 5 , July I , 2 000, in Waten�lle, :\ 1aine, at 86 ·: Sidney Schiffman ' 3 5 , .\ l ay I 0, 2000, in Longwood, Fla . , at 8 5 ·:· Joseph L. Stevens ' 3 5 , ,\ lay 2 3 , 2 000, in "C'niry, .\ I aine, a t 86 : Gordon Patch Thompson ' 3 5 , .\ l ay 2 2 , 2 000, in Cl eamater, Fla., at 87 : Albert 0 . Piper ' 3 6 , July 6 , 1000, in \\'atenille, ,\ 1aine, at 8 6 ·:· Robert D. Hussey ' 3 7 , August 2 2 , 1000, in Roseland, Fla . , at 83 ·:· Ruth Yeaton McKee ' 3 7 , July 4 , 2000, in Boothbay Harbor, .\ Iaine, at 8 5 : Lillian Stinchfield Salmon ' 3 7 , J u n e I , 2 000, i n ko\\'hegan, ,\ Iaine, at 86 : Alyson C. Hooper '39, May 2 2000, in Portl and, .\ Iaine, at 85 ·:· Louis Sacks ' 3 9, August 1 7, 2000, in \\ ampscott, .\ las . , at 3 ·:· Jean Burr Smith '39, July 30, 2000, in \\'ayne, .\ Iai ne, at 2 : Clayton E . Young ' 3 9 , ,\ lay 2 5 , 2 000, in Freeport, Deaths:










.\ I a ine, at

3. back to \\'aterville . . . .

Co' entr) , England . . . .

Ruth Gould Stebbins


Lyd ia Farnham joh nson



the 50-plu�d mnen• tth brother Frank


F r a n k \ truck garden op­

R og e r



their 60d1 wedding ann i,•ersary this past summer. Roger is prospering in hi; retirement career as a landscape

er,ltiOm 111 Belgrade, \ la me, are do" n

artist. . . . \s for me, I spent reunion

he '>ti l l '>Upphe'> ht

Com ention of Funeral C o n umers


t\1 o acre'>

Route 2-. .



a peak of 40), bur


n,l l ly gi• en up do"

fa rm '>tand on

,\ l c



ha., fi ­

.,ku n g but

n i l " h tzze cro'>'> count[) on thme

ion�. · thm sl a r, .



. . . Ai leen Thomp­

n i l health) and JO) fu l , added a



and is really, really nice. On Saturday

Leonard Caust

afternoon there was the traditional

had d1e opportwlity

last April to "spill Ius guts" regarding

lobster feed for a l l . Chuck and Shirley

his 'Vorld vVar II ex'j)eriences. Leonard

visited the M a rgaret Chase Smith

states that after 55 years of only reluc­

Museum in Skowhegan, wluch Chuck

tantly relating a few details concerning

reports is fascinating. An interesting

his harrowing experiences in the war,

fact: the late great senator received

he changed his mind when d1e Mu­

1 65 honorary degrees, d1e first and

seum ofJewish Heritage asked him and

the last of which were awarded by

other Jewish veterans to supply "eye­

Colby . . . .

"�rness accounts of \Norld vVar I I

d1e Colby Coll ege Museum of An,

events." The t\vo-hour interview was

already outstanding, has added more

taped in a professional studio. Leonard




2 000

" eekend at the Biennial �ation a l \ J i tance at Reed College in Portl and, Ore. Reed


) ounger and smaller

than Colh) hut boasts



�cholar � . . . I'd rea l ! ) l i ke to hear from the rest of) ou our there. Let me

Helen Strauss found that

and more galleries. Sony to say, I was

was asked to respond to prepared ques­

unable to attend the reunion and so

tions and to give details concerning

missed out on all of d1e above. As I


relevant photos and memorabilia that

write this (early June), Helen is on a

he had with him. Although he describes

tour ofthe Baltic countries . . . . Muriel

it as eerie to leave d1is visual record dut

Marker Gould and

will be avai lable to generations of his

for a cruise along the Norway coast in

descendants, Leonard was told that Ius

August. First, we plam1ed to spend

interview added a muque perspective

two days in Copenhagen.

to the horrible events of d1e war. He writes, " I am now part of d1e historical record; I feel like an artist who leaves

i n the I n ternational Church .\ l usic Fe.,m al

being reassigned from Tampa, Fla . . . .

something tangible behind for the fu­

I were scheduled

-Nnomi Collett Pngnnelli


Start planning to be at our

5 Sd1 next year. As I write d1is, Helen

ture. That l have survived long enough

Strauss '45 (who was in our class but

to have this happen is indeed a constant

accelerated) has just gotten back from

source of delight. Su·ange how it took

her rew1 ion and said she had a great

55 years to happen."

time and plans to go again next year.


and stopped in Worcester on d1e way

She saw The Class of 1 944 would like

to thank Vivian Maxwell

Brown for

the wonderful job she has done as our

Emily Holbrook Pelissier Hannah Karp Carol Robin Epstein,

to vVaren•ille to see



class corre pondent. Vivian has kept

who are both doing well after various

us informed and connected


surgeries. Hannah is our new class


other for more than four years. Re­

agent, a tough job that she'll do wel l in

cently, \'i1'ian informed us that she is

her usual efficient way. Considering

unable to continue in her role. If you

the wartime disruption of our class,


'40S MILESTONES Deaths: Russell M. Birtwistle '40, June 1 0, 2000, in Attleboro, Mass., at 8 2 ·:· Virgini a Gray Schwab '40, May 1 1 , 2000, in Ventura, Calif., at 82 ·:· Elizabeth Youmans Wathen '42, May 1 5 , 2000, in Bastrop, Texas ·:· Walter A. Woodward '42, August 1 7, 2000, in Keene, N.H., at 8 1 : Arlene O' B rien Sampson '44 , November 2 8 , 1 999, in Duarte, Calif. , at 77 ·:· Martha Blackington Caminiti '46,]une 3 0, 2000, in Portland,Maine at 7 5 .;. Florence Craig Stanley '46, June 8, 2000, i n Bridgton, Maine, at 76 : Harold M. Keamey ' 47 ,Jw1e 2 3 , 2000, in New Sharon, Maine, at 79 ·:· Everett S. Bauer '48,]une 1 2 , 2 000, in Attleboro, Mass., at 77 ·:· George M. Kren '48,]uly 24, 2000, in Manhattan, Kan., at 74 ·:· Pauline Vitkauskas Kusmeski '49, August 1 7 , 2000, in Springfield, Mass., at 73 ·:· Robert B. Maxell '49, August 7, 2000, in Tucson, Ariz., at 7 1 . ··


think our record o f participation is very good-keep it up! . . . Faithful correspondent Charlene Blance Ray recommends Tbe Hrmg1y Ocean by Linda Greenlaw '83, and I agree, es­ pecially after reading A Pe1fect Sto1711. Linda was captain of the sister ship Hmmnb Boden and was out there i n the storm when the Andrea Gail went down. Remarkable woman wim an interesting career-for an English major' She's now lobstering outoflsle au Haut . . . . Sad news that Ruth Drapeau Hunt died in Brunswick, Maine, last year. She was a chemistry major at Colby and worked as a lab and x-ray technician. Her husband, Philip, was in the Navy, and after the war they were stationed at Brnnswick Naval Air Station. She leaves her hus­ band and four sons . . . . Please send news. Don't be discouraged about the long wait to see it in print. That's the publication schedule. -A1me Lnw1·ence Bonro'


The Class of'47 enjoyed a mini­ rew1ion on the weekend of] w1e 1 -4. People from our class attending were Dorothy Briggs Aronson, B etty Wade Drum, Liz Hall Fitch, Dorie Meyer Hawkes, Ray and Tossie Campbell Kozen, Marjorie May­ nard Englert, Marilyn H ubert, Roberta Young, Patricia and Les Soule and Chuck '45 and Shirley Martin Dudley '46. (Chuck considers himself Class of '45 , but he's in our yearbook and we were glad to claim him for the weekend.) . . . It was also very good to see Shirley Besse '-+8, who has had a very full career-study­ ing at Springfield College and teach­ ing there one semester, setting up recreational programs and attending conferences all over the counay and who is now living back at the family farm, 1 8 miles from Colby. . . . I had the pleasure of riding up with Betty Wade Drum and B riggsey, both of

whom are as busy as ever, Betty with music, Alumni Cow1cil and various clubs and Briggseywith singing, teach­ ing, hiking and the Medfield Histori­ cal Society. We three enjoyed seeing Dorie Meyer Hawkes in her new home, which was completed and fur­ nished by her three daughters and their spouses while she was on a five­ week trip. It is a lovely place, beauti­ fully decorated, and Dorie had been busy gardening just before we arrived. She obviously has a devoted family. . . . Lester Soule is retired from the fur­ niture industry. He and his wife have been married 45 years and have two daughters and three grandchildren. They live in Maine and winter for seven months in North Carolina, where they own a tov.rnhouse on a golf course and regularly play golf and te1mis. They do some a·aveling in the U.S. and overseas. . . . After spending their first winter in Maine in 16 years, the Kozenscelebrated their 50th wed­ ding anniversa1y in J\l [ay . . . . Roberta Young fi nds that retirement offers many social and volw1teer opportwli­ ties. She e n joyed accompanyi n g Marilyn Hubert to the rennion and renewing old acquaintances, roaming me campus and eating the delicious meals provided. Her disappoinm1ent was in finding no mayflowers on the hill. Her hope is to see more class­ mates in 2002 . . . . Again, we thank Tossie and Dorie for the great job they did setting up this rennion. -JUmy "Li� " Hnf/ Fitcb


\Ve do have some news for the class but not as much as we wanted. L1 desperation we requested the Alumni Office to send out an e-mail to those of you who have registered your e­ mail address with the Colby Alumni on-line Community, and we received a quick response from Joan Crawley Pollock . She reported that mey spent .i\Iother's Day in Lagw1a Niguel,

Calif., with their five adult children, spouses and their children. They had fun showing the pictures of their re­ cent Tew York tri p-two weeks in New York City and one upstate at the Watson Homestead near Corning. All mree stops were Elderhostels. The first, in Irish New York, included seeing the St. Patrick's Day parade i11 a snowstorm. Joan highly recom­ mends Elderhostels, having partici­ pated in 1 0 of them. While in New York City Joan met with P.J. Fratano '49 and enjoyed seeing many of her eastern cousins. Upstate,Joan visited her brother who has a farm south of Elmira. She commented that it is about reunion time and that she loved going to our 5 0th . . . . We just re­ ceived an e-mail from David Beers '85, director of annual giving at Colby, informing us that Kay WisemanJaffe has agreed to take the assignment of class agent. Our class is indeed fortu­ nate to have such a competent and dedicated person assume the role that was so capably filled for many years by Peg Clark Atkins . . . . \tVe hear fairly regularly from Howell Clem­ ent . Howell i s refereei n g soccer games on Saturdays and plays golf about two days a week. He had a three-day soccer tournament on Me­ morial Day weekend in Butte. He said that the weather was finally get­ ting warm enough to do bike riding, although he pointed out that it had not been low temperatures but rather strong winds that prevented him from riding. Howell keeps i nquiring about our golf scores and we keep waiting to improve so we can give him the lowest possible number without stretching the truth . . . . The Alumni Office sent us Doug Borton's lengthy article in the ActunTinl Digest titled "Reflections on a Golden Age for Actuaries." In the article Doug traces parts of h is impressive career, includ­ ing an anecdote about when he was a senior at Colby and took a bus to Portland to sit for the first nvo parts of the associate examinations . . . . If you use e-mail we suggest that you register wim the Colby on-line Com­ munity so that we can reach you with a class letter or an appeal for news . . . . On April 7 we drove to \Vaten,ille to attend a dinner honoring Bill and Linda Cotter. It was a great affair, with many special presentations and testimonials to the incomparable Cot­ ter \'ears. At this writing, we have just returned from me ! 79th Colby com­ mencement. The weamer was quite chilly but the rain held off and com-

1940s Correspondents 1940 Ernest C. M a rr i n e r Jr. R R #1, Box 1 8 1 5-P North Monmouth, ME 04265 207·933-2401 classnews1940@a l u m . 1941 Bon n ie Roberts Hathaway 400 Atl a ntic Ave n u e #34C Leom i n ster, MA 01453 9 78·343-4259 cla ssnews1941@a lum 1942 1943 1944 cjo Meg Bern i e r Colby Col lege A l u m n i Offi ce Waterv i l l e , M E 04901 207-872·3185 classnews1943@a l u m 1945 Naomi Collett Paga n e l l i 2 Horatio Street #5J New York, NY 10014-1608 2 1 2-929·5 2 7 7 1946 Anne Lawrence Bondy 771 Soundview Drive Ma m a roneck, N Y 10543 914·698-1238 classnews1946@a 1947 Mary " Liz" H a l l Fitch 4 Canal Park # 7 1 2 Cambridge, MA 0 2 1 4 1 6 1 7-494-4882 fax: 61 7-494-4882 classnews1947@a l u m . 1948 David and Dorothy M a rson 4 1 Woods E n d Road Ded h a m , MA 02026 781-329-3970 fax: 617 ·329-6518 classnews1948@a lum 1949 Anne Hagar Eustis P.O. Box 594 Pri nceto n , MA 01541·0594 9 7 8-464·5513 fax: 9 7 8-464-2038 classnews1949@a

mencement was held on the gronnds in front of the l ibrary. It was a bitter­ sweet moment because it marked the end ofBili and Linda's service to Colby. Both Bill and L inda received honor­ ary degrees . . . . \Ye planned to rerum to Florida for nvo weeks to close up the house for me summer and to play c0LBy


FALL 2000

I 37

Alumni @ Large

1 940s-1 950s

a l ittle golf before we start spending most of our spare time on our boat. -David and Dorotby J fm·sou


Time to be i n touch again1 Don and Hilda Farnum Nicoll attended this year's reunion weekend and re­ port that "a small, but good group" of our classmates and spouses joined them. They "·ere housed i n Dana Hall, which i s "marginally less posh" than our dormitorya year ago. The focus of the weekend 11·as on President Cotter's farewells. Don reports that he and his wife, Linda, are ob1·iously held i n great affection by alL Don also reconunends making the reunion an annual occa­ sion for 50-plus alumni How about it in J une 2 00 1 ? Don went on to say that he and Hilda spent a 1·ery busy and happy month last fall ,;siting family and friends in 1·arious parts of Japan, including an overnight i n the home where Hilda lived i n the 1 93 0s on the i land of lnnoshima, Hiroshima pre­ fecture. On the way back home, they spent se1·eral days in Honolulu with Bob and Alice Covell Bender. I n January, Hilda had a mild stroke from which she has happily made a good recovery 11·ith ,-irtually unnoticeable residual effects. Almost as an aside Don admitted to ha1ing been preented i n :. lay the :. Iuskie Access to j ustice Award br the Edmund S. :. r uskie Fund for Legal Senices. This award recognized his work i n expand­ ing the a1·ailability oflegal senices for the poor and elder!�·- Congratulations, Don1 . . . And speaking of awards, tl1e .-\lumni Office sent me an article about Jeanne Littlefield Hammond, who has recei1·ed the Achie1·ement Cita­ tion Award from the American Asso­ ciation of C"n i,·ers i ty \\'omen of .\ 1aine. The article peaks of Jeanne's '·abi li� to 'accomplish quieti�·': with­ out fanfare, bur 11 ith gentle humor, compassion and tirele s effort." on­ gratulauom,Jeanne� . . . Also from the \lumni Office came the ad ne11 s that Burt ilber rei n had to close olby Foon1 ear at the end of J une after 40 � t:ar' of producmg>hoe'> " \ lade in tl1e L .S .. \. '' l ie tned ro -,un i1 e but final l�­ .,uccumbeJ to c<'mpennon from the foreign labor market. Burt comment'> that 9� percent of all shoe-, are n011 made oubJJ�: the L n1ted State'>' . . . \ I 1 ne11 , " h.1pp11:r than m the pre1 l­ . ou I'>'>Ue. I n \ Ll� I finall� became a morher of the hnJ�: 11 hen m� tbugh­ ter, Fh,aherh I Llgar Fu'm I , 11 a marneJ' It \I J '> a Colh� 11 edJ111g· Su­ '>an Oram · -9 officl,lted . and [! J,aheth 11 .ts attended h� Care Talhor \., hron ·




'80 and Elizabeth Stuart Bailey '80. -Anne Hagm· Eustis


:1'\ancy and Allen Langhorne set the tone for our 5Oth college re­ union weekend by inviting the entire class to a pre-reunion cocktail parry at their lo,·ely home overlooking Penob­ scot Bay in Rockport, il faine. On that \Vednesday evening more than 35 of us began "·hat was to be a spectacular 11·eekend. By Saturday l 34 classmates, spouses and friends had come together to renew old friendships and admire 11·hat has become arguably the most beautiful college campus in New En­ gland. The class reunion was remark­ able in many ways, but most impressive to me was the spirit and cohesiveness of the class. Everyone was genuinely delighted to see old friends and ac­ quaintances. \Ve seemed to pick up 11·here we left off so many years ago. Bob Millett regaled us with stories of some of his professors, notably of his English classes with Dr. Norwood -who would refe r to her "boy" (\Vil­ l iam \Yordsworth) 11ith tears stream­ ing down her cheeks-and of " Pop" Newman, who drove his car as if it had only one gear-first1 The Class of '50 distinguished itself by breaking the record for contributions to the Alumni Fund with 70 percent participation. Since july 1 , 1 995, our class has con­ tributed a total of 1 ,642 , 2 2 3 .001 An­ other highlight was the well-deserved Colby Brick Award given toJackAiex for his dedicated senice and lovalry to the College. There were a number of classmates who were missed and asked about at reunion. Among them were Janet Haynes Lord and Kenneth " Kenny" Jacobson. I u-acked Janet down in Carmel, Calif., and learned that she went on ro graduate school at Yale niversit:y, earning her R.N. as well as a master's degree in nursing management. She married and had four daughters and a son, including a set of t\1 ins. (One of her daughters is about to retire from her career as a prima ballerina in Amsterdam.) Janet makes her home near Pebble Beach, ha three grandchildren and is an a1·id tennis player and gardener. Those of us 11 ho sang and danced in some of Kenny Jacobson' musical comedies '' hile at Col b) 11ere confident that he 11 0uld make music his life\ 11ork, and mdeed he has. ince graduation from Colb� , Kenn� has Ii,·ed and '' or ked in '\'e11 't ork C1� , '' riring music for tele1 1�1on and the theater a� 11 ell as rra11:hng all 01 er the 11 or! d . . . . \s 1 our ne11 chw, corre!>pondenr I am

Locked into your stocks?

I f the prospect of cap i tal gai ns taxes has you fee l i ng that you can't afford to sell your apprec i ­ ated stock, y e t the recent volat i l i ty o f the market has you wishing you could lock in some of the gains you've achieved, you m ight want to contact the Planned G iv i ng Office at Colby. A l ife i ncome plan can provide income to you based on the fu l l fair market value o f your stock w i thout i nc urring any capital gai ns tax l iabi l i ty.

For more information on how to make a bequest, write Steve G reaves, d i rector of capital g i v ing, or

' 7 5 , a ociate d i recto r of planned giving, Colby ol lege , Waterv i l le , M a i ne 0490 1 . phone: ( 20 7 ) 7 2 - 3 2 1 0

ue Cook

e-ma i l :

looking forward to hearing news from

next trip is with 1 0 fellow advenmrers

you all. Perhaps in addition to family

to the wild areas of Alaska . . . . The

tireless president, Norma Bergquist Garnett, continues to goad your 50th

news and your advenmres traveling,

more you classmates write, the more

you will include some amusing anec­

reunion committee into preparations

i nteresting "smff" you will have to

dotes regarding your professors and

for both a pre-reunion event and a

read in the next issue of the magazine.

friends of 50 years ago. By e-mail, snail

weekend on Mayfl ower Hill. You are

You send news in and I will send it out.

advised that it will be well worth your

-Bm'bnm Jefferson Wnlker

time to be sure no other events are

mail or phone, please communicate!

-Alice Jennings Castelli



allowed to interfere. Although

Bob Hooper

had a

In its search for alumni, Wells

quadruple heart bypass in March it

-Pnul M. Ald1·ich


H igh Schoo l , \t\Te l l s , Maine, found

didn't keep him and his wife, Iris, from

Joyce Hutchins, who was i n the first

a 1 7 -day trip to Ireland in June. Iris

class to graduate afrer \.Vorld War I I .

grew up i n DubLin and had not been

change after t h e n e x t due date. The

Among h e r memories o f the war years are the blackout curtains and gaso­

back in 1 0 years. During the year Bob will have had visits from his three

only contact I have had lately was a quick phone call from Priscilla Eaton

l i n e rationing. Joyce is the executive

daughters and their children, who live

di rector o f M a i n e Prevention of

in California, Penmylvania and Aus­

B l i n d ness and a l so the new president

t ra l i a . Bob a l s o m a d e a trip to

tl1is writing. She and Ray ' 5 4 hope to

of her high school a l umni associa­

Waterville to visit his motl1er, Marion

move into a brand-new house before

tion . . . .

Harland Eastman has been

M y "Colby mailbox" has been

empty, but I am hoping tl1at w i l l

Billington .

She says tl1at her fu m re

home is just a hole in tl1e ground at

Bob Ryley

too long . . . . I have recently joined all

i n ducted i nto the H a l l of Fame of the

and his w i fe , Allison, toured Scotland

you other retired classmates-my last

Merriam Hooper '2 5 . . . .

Sanford (Maine) H igh School. After

in the spring. vVhile there they visited

day was May 3 1 -but I do have a

graduation from Col by, H a r l a n d

Brechin, hometown of Dave


family obligation that will keep me

e a rn e d a m a s t e r ' s d e gree at t h e

er s father, and

sent Dave a photo of a

quite busy. I am getting acquainted

Fletcher School of L a w a n d D i plo­

local pub. I have not learned whetl1er

wi tl1 a new computer, the surprise

macy i n Medford, Mass., and attended

tl1is was an indoor shot or part of a

g i ft from m y fo r m e r e m p l oy e r ,

the London School of Economics as

smdy of Scot architecmre Bob may

vVakefield Distribution Systems . . . .

a Rotary Scholar. He had a diplo­

have undertaken. Dave has "discov­

Ginnie Falkenbury Aronson

matic career that spanned 2 4 years

ered" genealogy, has identified a num­

planning on traveling to Germany

and six foreign countries, and since

ber of forebears and unearthed some

tl1is summer especially to see the Pas­

his retirement he has written and

he retofore u n k nown cous ins. Al­

sion Play at Oberammergau. She a l so

published five photographic books

though I have not talked with Dave's

planned to take in Expo 2 000 at

on local hi story . . . . John


wife, Bee, my guess is that she wishes

H a nover as well as some of the castles

Crawford recently visited in Sarasota, F l a . , where Bob Brother! in saw him

Dave could come up with sometl1ing

along the Bavarian Alps. It i s her first

else to talk abou t a t dinner. Genealogy

trip to Germany since the ' 5 0s, so she

for the first time in 50 years and

hobbyists can bore you to tears wi tl1

was getting excited to check i t all out again . . . . Please, all write soon.


Ernie Fortin joined them for dinner.

their tales of tl1e hw1t and the discov­

Wi tl1 Bob's maps of the M i dd l e East

ery. I know this because my wife, Mimi,

handy, tl1ey had a grand time going

is married to one . . . . AI and



-Barbnm Ensterbrooks JV!niley

over Crifs exploits with various oil

Martin Lamont will be heading back to Smart, Fla., in October after a sum­


We were saddened to learn of

companies in Libya and Saudi Arabia.

the death of

S h o rt l y a ft e r th i s m i n i - r e u n i o n

mer at tl1eir cottage on Lake Sunapee,


Dot was a fe llow English ma­

Dorothy Duda Ce­

w a s in Sarasota, and

N.H. AI has retired from optometry

jor and took Chappie's contemporary

Ernie hosted another mini -reunion

but is still working at golf and tennis.

literamre class with me. T . S . Eliot

soutl1. (Okay, classmates, i t is time to

Joan, no longer a banker, is an accom­

was one of the more challenging writ­

think and plan for a major reunion­

plished ringer in a bell choir. . . . Joan

ers smdied, and I was awed when Dot

Maine!) Class agent Ernie himself re­

Acheson Bridge,

anotl1er classmate

chose Eliot's "Four Quartets" as the

ports that May is an exciting month

suffering from snow avoidaJ1ce, now

subject of her term paper. She was

because he heads back to Madison,

retired from full-time teaching in Sat­

honored in her senior year as a mem­ ber of Phi Beta Kappa . . . . Susan Johnson writes tl1at her l i fe i s brim­

Danny H a l l

Maine, for the summer. This year he

ellite Beach, Fla., divides her time

was to attend his sixth Colby Alumni

between homes in Melbourne, Fla.,

College and then have a trip to En­

and East Bootl1bay, Maine. An auto

ming with a part-time job as trea­

gland and Scotland. Of course he puts

accident last December slowed her

surer/bookkeeper for an international

in another plug of encouragement for

down a bit, but she tells me tlut both

association, the Sacred Dance Guild,

all of the Class of'5 1 to attend its S Otl1

she and her steering wheel have recov­

i n volve m e n t with s e v e r a l d a n ce


ered nicely, thank you . . . . Last spring

groups and classes and trying to keep

reunion in ]w1e 200 1 . . . .

Concord, Mass . , is

Bob ' 5 0 and Nan cy Weare Me rriman

up with four children, their three

working on and looking forward to

enjoyed a Mediterranean clipper ship

spouses, five grandchildren and two

our SOtl1 next year. He writes that the

cruise, which included stops in Sicily

step-grandchildren. She says, "All that

River City All Stars Barbershop Quar­

and the Greek islands, among others.

plus active participation in Seekers

tet is sti II going su·ong after 2 5 years.

In November they w i l l be on a n

Church, an exciting community and

He and his fam i ly are anticipating a

Elderhostel .1\ Iississippi River cruise,

lots oftravel make for a busy, rich l i fe,

" Bump" Bean,

Rhine River cruise and also a cruise

M e m p h i s to New O r l e a n s . T h e

with its ups and downs and many

ci rcumnavigating Newfoundland . . . .

Merrimans attended Bob's 50th Colbv

blessings." Susan also reports that

I circumnavigated Baffin Island my­

reunion in June and challenge us to

while in California inJanuary, she, her

self on a Russian ice breaker, and my

match it! . . . Speaking of which, our

brother and his wife and her mother

1950s Correspondents 1950 Alice J e n n i ngs Caste l l i

6 Salem Road M a d i so n , CT 06443 203-245- 7 7 2 5 classnews1950@a 1951 Barbara J efferson Walker 3 9 1 5 Cabot Place #16 R i c h mond , VA 23233 804-527-0 726 cla ssnews195 1@a l u m 1952 Paul M . Aldrich P.O. Box 2 1 7 Bristo l , M E 04539 20 7-563-8 7 44 cla ssnews1952@alum. 1953 Barbara Easterbrooks M a i ley 80 Lincoln Ave n u e South H a m i lton , MA 0 1982 9 7 8-468-5 1 1 0 9 7 8- 7 7 7-5630 x3310 cla ssnews1953@a l u m . 1954 H e l e n Cross Sta bler 206 Crestwood Drive North Syracuse, N Y 13212 315-457-5272 cla ssnews1954@alum 1955 Ken Van Pragg P . O . Box 87 ( M ay-early Nov) G rafto n , N Y 12082 5 18-279-1696 22 Gold Drive (early Nov-May 6) Pt. St. Luc i e , FL 34952 classnews1955@alum 1956 Kathleen McConaughy Za mbello 135 I d u n a Lane Amherst, MA 01002 1957 Guy and Eleanor Ewing Vigue 238 Sea Meadow Lane Yarmout h , M E 04096 207-846-4941 classnews195 7@a l u m . 1958 M a rgaret Sm ith Henry 1304 Lake Shore Drive Ma ssapequa Park, NY 1 1 7 6 2 516-541-0790 cla ssnews1958@a l u m . 1959 Ann Segrave Lieber 7 Kingsland Court South Orange , NJ 07079 973-763-6 7 1 7 cla ssnews1959@a l u m



F ALL 2000



Alumni @ Large

1 950s-1 960s

were diru1er guests at the home of Bill and Rosemary " Penny" Thresher Edson. She also had dinner another night with Dick Gilman, who was pro­ fessor of philosophy and religion at Colby while we were there and has now retired as president of Occidental College. Also in .\ larch Susan sa,,· Scottie Lee Austin, who ,,·as at Colby our first two years. Scortie is busily retired, along with her husband,John, a former curator for Colonial \\'il­ l iamsburg . . . . The trustees of the Richards Free Library i n 1\'ewport, � . H . , a nnounced that Robert B . Parken,ill recei,•e the Sarah Josepha Hale Award in October. The award is gi,·en a n n u a l l y to a w r i te r who, "through his or her life work, main­ tains a connection to 1\'ew England." Robert, better kno"·n to us as Ace, has written more than two dozen Spenser mysteries plus other books. His recenr bestsel ler, Family Honor, is soon to be made into a film staring Helen Hum. . . . Keep the news coming' -Helen Cross Stabler


The reunioning for 1 95 5ers started earl)' for several couples who met at Black Point I n n at Prouts 1\'eck in carborough, fairly near \ \'inslow Homer's studio. Besides the fun of being together, we had golf at the edge of the sea, many laughs and won­ derful meals. Ann Burnham Deering helped make the arrangements. Then it was back to dorm life-no turned do" n heets with chocolates on the pillo" s, though-with Chaplin and Pepper halls the headquarters for the class. J u dy Orne Shorey greeted and made C\ en one welcome. After Friday morning golfcompetition, many class­ mates " ent to Great Pond in the Belgrades to Paul and G e rm a i n e t\ l ichaud Orloff home for ome so­ ctalizmg. Then it wa the all-College dmner, " here J ane Whipple Cod­ dimrron and K.adl) (.\lcConaugh) '56) and Lou ZambeUo " ere honored "·ith Colh) Bnck;,. Congratulation;' On �aturda) class pre'>tdent J ean H a h J ­ bohm H a m pton, A n n Deering and Jane odd i n !!ton earned the 1 95 banner 111 the parade of cla.,.,e., to the fidd hou'>C, " here the fund-rat'>t ng re.,ult> " ere announced. ( l t \\ J'> '' " etrd feeling ro thmk " e are approachmg bemg the olde t cia'>'> " hde tho e ) ounger cJa.,..,e., appl.wtled m a., " e pa ...etl h) .) \\ e all .,houltl he proud of the " ork of George H a kell and h" ream of john D u tton, id Farr. J u dy H o l t z Le ,·o" , Germaine Orl off, Jean \'an



u rran Pugh, Ann E i l ert-




NEWSMAKERS Albert Stone '5 1 was awarded an honorary degree last .May by Fitch b urg State U niver­ sity in Fitch b urg, Mass. A noted supporter of education and former member of Colby's Board ofT rustees, he is currently chairman ofSterilite Corporation, "·hich established a Fitch burg State scholarship fund to support students from me region ·:· Former trustee Jane Whipple Coddington '55 and her husb and, Chan, were named Citizens of the Year by the United Way of Summit, New Providence and Berkeley Heights, N.J. And Albert Stone ' 5 1 on September 9 me Coddington family re­ cei,·ed m e Overlook Hospital Lifetime Achievement Award. Since me 1 940s, "·hen Chan Coddington's momer reorganized the hospital, he has senred the i nstitution on boards and committees; Jane Coddington has been a volunteer for many years ·:· Massachusetts Superior Court judge Allan van Gestel ' 5 7 was featured recently in a Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly "Bench Conference" Q & A column. His advice to lawyers who appear before him: "Get it direct and to the point, and get it to me early."

Deatbs: Christine Lucy MacDonald '50,June 1 3 , 2000, in Lee, Mass., at 7 1 ·:· Joseph E. Makant Jr. '50, April 1 9, 2000, in Tallahassee, Fla., at 7 1 ·:· A. \Vinston Naugler '5 1 , August 1 6, 2000, in liVayland, Mass., at 73 : Robert F. Hudson '54, May 1 2 , 1 999, in Houston, Texas, at 67 ·:· Raymond F. Keyes '52,July 1 5, 2000, in Needham, Mass., at 70 ·:· Alfred G. Legge '52, August 26, 2 000, i n Norm Palm Beach, Fla., at 72 : Ann Seguin Horne '55, April 29, 2000, in Litchfield, Conn., at 66 ·:· Ruili-Ann Waters '56, Jul)' 29, 2 000, in New Haven, Conn., at 66 ·:· Sally Turner Searles '57, �larch 23, 2000, in �1ecklenburg, .C., at 6-J. ·:· Carl }. Bourassa '58, May 1 1 , 2 000, in Portsmoum, N.H., at 6-J. : Aubrey E. Jones '58,June 20, 2000, ··



in Weston, Mass., at 66.

son 1cDonough, Lou Zambello and Millett Domish as our class

J ane

surpassed its goal for the annua l Alumni Fund. Thanks t o all o f you who responded so generously. Fol­ lowing the awards we were serenaded by an alumni choral group, directed by Professor Emeritus Peter Re, which included se\'eral of our classmates and which was organized by Kathy Flynn Carrigan. It was \'cry mm' ing to hear some of the old Colby songs and to all join in on the alma mater. Then on to the lobster bake, to museum tours, lectures and naps. One hundred ten of us were gathered for dinner at the Roberts Building-Linda and outgo­ lllg pre ident Bill Cotten isited, prais­ lllg us for the many im·oh·ed and generou (in time and money) clas�­ mate� " e ha' e. President) ean passed the ga\ el (and a fe" funn) stories) to Lou Z., " ho had funn) �rories of hi� O\\ n. Thank<., jean, for all ) our hard " ork 1 11 maktng dw, reun1on such a '>ucce�s. \'tee prestdent '' ill be Kathy Flp1l1 arrigan, and Ken Van Pragg

has agreed to be secretary/treasurer and so will take over writing this col­ umn next issue. Karl '54 and I were sorry not to host d1e Sunday brunch this year (two daughters each had ba­ bies at d1e end of May-we have a new granddaughterm1d a grandson-yea'). For d1ose of you who were unable to attend, we missed you. \,Ye remember those classmates whose lives touched us with their friendship; they are missed. Retirement, grandchildren, o·avel and memories keep many of us active. Thanks to those who took time to write during the past five years. As I look over the notes and comments from the columns, I greatly appreciate the talent, d1e ingenuiry and d1e com­ mitment of our classmates, who -J. 5 years ago were eager to move into the world to make their contribution after their Colby education. Keep in touch.

-]nne ,\ !illett Domish


,\s I " rite, I 've just returned from the Class of 1 95 5 's big 45th reunion at Colby. ,\ wonderful crowd

of more than 1 00 classmates showed up, and many of them were on hand at me awards banquet Friday n ight as Lou '55 and I received Colby B ricks. It was a wonderful event for us both. I was glad that Larry Pugh was on hand to be a witness for our class. The great weather and wonderful cama­ raderie has me all charged up for our 45th next year' Next week we have our first planning meeting at Hope Palmer Bramhall's in Falmouth, Maine. Joining us will be Don Rice, John and Joan Williams Marshall,

Pete Lunder, Bill Haggett, Harry a n d Lyn Brooks Wey, Dave Van A l l e n a n d Dave a n d Rosem a ry Crouthamel Sortor. I encourage any of you who want to be i nvolved or who have questions or suggestions to call any of us and climb on board. liVe are looking for a slate of new class officers to present at reunion. Since the 5 0th reun io n is practically ar­ ranged i n toto by the College i t would be a very easy five-year stint. I would be more than happy to relinquish d1is column to a new voice . . . . Frank Huntress had lunch wid1 George Rudolph recently in Beverly, Mass. George left the sunny climate of J u­ piter, Fla., to visit h i s newest grand­ chi ld, his seventh and the third child of h i s son Edward, who l i ves in liVenham. Dick Adler ' 5 7 also was on hand. liVe hope George will schedule his visit next year to coincide with our reunion. Meanwh i le, Frank, our head class agent, has been organizing his group of reunion class agents, and our goal is to have every classmate con­ tacted personally to encourage them to come to Colby next June. I hope these many phone calls will uncover some new news for d1is column.

-Knthy McCounughy Zn111bello


Greetings from Yarmouth, Maine-Cousins Island to be exact. "The Vigs" will be taking pen in hand from our outpost here on the coast where, despite an w1believably cool and rainy spring, all of our namre has burst forth . . . . Our current news is scant but certainly newsword1y. From Dana Hall School in Wellesley, Mass., comes word thatJohn Cameron, head of the English department, was one of d1e two first recipients of the James R. Rinehart and Molly Rinehart Faculry Chair in the H umanities at the school. john has been at Dana Hall for 24 years, and his distinguished career has been marked by many academic hon­ ors . . . . Jeanne Arnold, M . D., writes from \-\Talpole, I.H., that she takes

time each year from her busy medical practice


ski i n Utah and work on

genealogy. Wonderful change of pace! ow some news that may be on

hear from you in the near future.

-Guy n11d Elen11o1' Ewing Vigue


siology at the Un iversity ofCalifornia not plan to move from Long Island

You have been duly warned,

the o l d e r s i d e , but . . . M e redith

and sti l l

Lermond Vallis and her husband,

reported . . . . Marian Woodsome

Peter, a re l i v i n g i n P a n ttygasseg,

Ludwig-Springer dropped me a note

Wales, where Meredith does volwl­

in her role as our new class agent. As


l i ttle news has been

but will travel from time to time and take some time to smell the roses . . . . There you have it.

-Mmgm·et Smitb Hemy


teer work in a Christian bookstore. A

this was an official note, she refra ined

1 998 was

from passing along her personal news,

a visit from Eleanor Roberts Little­

the "new document" icon will pass to

which we could use, and just let us

field and Carol Ann Cobb C h rist.

Jane Holden Huerta. My thanks to

know that she retired in Ju11e and is

all of you for your letters, e-mails and

Meredith goes on to say, "a mark of

fi nally setting i n full time on Cape

questionnaires.Jane will be most grate­

true friendship is being able to pick up

Cod with her husband, \Volfe . . . .

1 9691

ful for your continued support . . . .

Howard C l arke (a n n h ow@world

Our -+Otl1 reunion in June was won­

An active sportswoman, Meredith also reported that he retired last

derful-and the weather cooperated

enjoys climbing in the mountains of

year and has never been busier. He

in fine Maine fashion. About 3 5 of us

Wales and hiking on the rocky coastal

and his wife, Ann, planned to leave in

met in Portland on Friday morning

paths . . . . Nancy and John Conkling

October for eight weeks to visit New

for a cmise of Casco Bay and the

are living in New Hampton, N . H . ,

Zealand, Australia and Papua New

islands. The skies were a bit gray, but

where J o h n works as a real estate ap­

Guinea. The visit will include scuba

that certainly didn't cloud the enthu­

praiser. They have three grown chil­

diving from live-aboard dive boats on

siasm and lively conversation. As an

dren and two grandsons . . . and maybe

tl1e Great Barrier Reef and in tl1e

added bonus, Ann Kimball Chase

1 998,

Solomon Sea. They also plan to spend

and Dave Tierney, who both have

John and Taney had a great visit with

a few months on Casey Key in Florida

homes on those islands, were able

Mary (Stetson ' 5 8 ) and Buddy Bates

to avoid tl1e New Hampshire winter.

give those ofuswitllin earshot a guided

in Aspen, Colo . . . . From up the coast

. . . Joan Muir Hocking ( j m 5 @

tour. As with previous reunions, we

wonderful highlight of J u ly

where we l eft off'-way back in

more by now. I n December

This will be my last column­


in Newcastle, Mac Blanchard sends retired in early June from

have found that tl1e Friday pre-re­

us his good wishes and says he is a

Penn State, Mount Alto campus, after

union function is a great introduction

"little older, more handsome, no wiser"

2 7 and a half years of service in the

to the weekend. It provides a good

but still gainfully employed as a builder

English department and a stint as act­

opportunity for people to get re-ac­

of custom homes. He and Dorothy

ing director of the 1 2 campuses in

quainted and for friends to pick up

have four grown children and four

Commonwealth College. Her teach­

right where tl1ey left off-and in a few

grandchildren . . . . Out on the West

ing career has spanned 40 years, and

cases, that was 40 years before' Keep

Coast in Fayette, Calif., Bill and Judy

she enjoyed every minute. Although

tl1at in mind for our 45th (never too early to start tllinking and planning).

Prophett Timken are busier than

she will miss her students and col­

ever' B i l l , an investment banker, is

leagues, it is now time to go on to

. . . The Awards Banquet was held on

vice chairman of H ambrecht and

other tl1ings, such as editing a book to

Friday evening, preceded by a recep­

celebrate the 1 OOth anniversary of tl1e

tion and followed by our own class gatl1ering back at The Heights. Satur­

Quint, and i n tl1e fal l of

1 998


accepted the role of chairman of the

Nlount Alto campus and to travel and

board of trustees at California College

visit her married daughter in Virgi nia.

day was an absolutely beautiful Maine

of Arts and Crafts. Congratulations'

. . . As for me, I , too, have retired,

day. Most of us spent the greater part

And may you continue to enjoy excel­

having been secretary to a high school

of the time outside, and there were

lent health . . . . Some of you may re­

administrator for the past


acti\•ities to appeal to everyone. After

call that not too long ago I was

After Colby I got a master's in el­

the gathering of all the reunion classes,

lamenting about our lack of grand­

ementary education and taught third

there was a short presentation by a

children. Wel l , not to worry' We are

grade for three years. But tl1en there

reunion chorus under the di rection of


seven, three of them born

were nvo children right in a row, and

Peter Re. He has not lost his touch'

this March within two weeks of each

I opted to stay at home until they

This was all followed by the lobster

other, including nvins (a boy and a girl

reached junior high and did not regret

bake, mn at the AI fond Athletic Cen­

to our daughter, Anne, and a baby girl

one minute of that choice. i\ 1y hus­

ter, which provided more great con­ versation opportu n i ties . . . . A few

now up


'86). Guy has finally

band has already been retired for a

years on the Yarmouth

year; he was a science chai rperson at

hours later, we all met back at The

Town Council, retired once again and

MacArthur H igh School in Levittown,

Heights for our class reception and

will devote full time to the game of

N.Y. \Ve have nvo sons, both doctors.

b a n q u e t . J o h n J os e p h , D o r o t h y

golf and carving rocking horses for the

Michael is an internist and what is

Reuman, N lr. and i\ lrs. C a r l Nelson

to our son Peter completed


grandchildren . . . . Come on gang, send us your news-any way that you can get it to us. \-\Te'll accept anything from pony express Gust my speed) to

e-mail (GuyJ 's preference). \Vitl1 that information, we won't have to make up stories about your stay in jail, tax evasion problems or paternity suits pending. Our imaginations could lead to some very wild stories i f we don't

knoWll as a hospitalist at i\ 1aimonides

and Colin MacKay were guests of the

Medical Center i n Brooklyn. H e re­

class. Professor ;\ l acKay was our

ceived his medical degree from NYU

speaker, and Bill and Linda Cotter

School of Medicine and will be mar­ ried in Tovember. Tom recei,·ed his

versation followed, and dancing to

medical degree from Columbia Col­ lege of Physicians and Surgeons mis

1960s Correspondents

in San Francisco. And \Valter and I do

came by to say " farewell." .Hare con­ music of )'Our choice in several loca­ tions on campus . . . . Some observa­

past 1\ lay and is now interning at ;\ It. Sinai in New York. After tl1is year he

tions on the weekend:

will go on for his residency in anesthe-

(and for some it was the first) they had



everyone said it was the best reunion

1960 Jane H o l d e n H ue rta 2955 Whitehead Street M i a m i , FL 33133 305-446-5082 cla ssnews1960@a l u 1.961 Judy Hoffman H a kola 2 5 Charles Place Orono, M E 044 7 3 207-866-4091 classnews1961@a 1962 Patricia Fa rnham R u s se l l 16 S u n set Ave n u e H a m pd e n , M E 04444 207-942-6953 classnews1962@a lum 1963 Karen Fors l u n d Fa l b 2 4 5 Brattle Street Cambri dge , MA 02138 6 1 7-864-4291 1964 Sara Shaw Rhoades 76 Norton Road Kittery, M E 03904-5413 207-439-2620 cla ssnews1964@alum 1965 Richard W . Bankart 20 Valley Ave n u e Apt. D2 Westwood , NJ 0 7 6 7 5-3607 201-664-7672 classnews1965@alu 1966 Nata l ie Bowerman Zaremba 11 Linde r Terrace Newton , MA 02458 6 1 7-969-6925 Fax: 6 1 7-266-9 2 7 1 x107 1967 Robert Graci a 2 9 5 B u rgess Aven u e Westwood , MA 02090 781-329-2101 cla ssnews1967@a lum

J udy Gerrie H e i n e 2 1 H i l lcrest Road Medfi e l d , MA 02052 508-359-2886 classnews1967@a 1968 Nancy Dodge Bryan 7 Weir Street Extension H i ngha m , MA 02043 781-740-4530 classnews1968@a lum 1969 cjo Meg Bernier Alumni Offi c e , Colby Col lege Wate rv i l l e , ME 04901 207-872-3 185 classnews1969@a lum


I 41

Alumni @ Large

1 960s niversity of Maine called

m a i l from Brenda Wrobleski Elwell.

she w i l l continue workjng for the

from the

fee l i ng of closeness and cohesion than

I R S , as she has for the past 3 0 years.

\Vriters of Maine. I have used one of

B renda says, "I q u it my job w i th

in pre,ious years. This was the final

She w i l l be a territory manager of the

the Jack McMorrow mysteries by

Carlson Wagon l i t Travel last fa l l ,

attended and that there was a greater

reunion for the Cotters, and there

small business/self-employed busi­

Colby's managing editor, Gerry Boyle

after 1 0 years of the Fortune 500

were many tributes to them through­

ness division "ith an office i n Au­

'78, as a text, and Gerry has very

world, and cast my lot with a start-up

out the ,,·eekend. They have accom­

gusta. ;\ lary recentl y spent six months

graciously called into the classroom/

globa l travel I n ternet company ca l l ed

plished so much for Colby, and Ted

i n \Vashington, D .C . , workjng on

studio to talk about his writing. The \Ne just launched our e­

and I ha,·e commented many times

the major IRS restructuring you have

Jack McMorrow books give insights

commerce solution fo r tours a n d

ho"· effective President Cotter has

probably heard about. \Vh i l e there,

into a side of i\ Iaine l i fe tl1at most of

Monday wi l l launch h o te l s . The site

been at bringing issues before us in a

she ,-isited Carla Possinger Short,

us were unfa m i l iar with w h i l e living

is designed for independent adven­

,·ery personal way. \ \'e wish them well

who lives in Dover, D e l . . . . H a n k

on i\1ayflower H i l l , and I recommend

turous travelers who want to book a Ia

in their new venture. 2) The College

Sheldon broke i n the n e w fast-for­

them highly . . . . Ah , yes, reunion. It

carte. We launched with Central

does an incredible job of handling all

ward, on-line, a l umni news service

w i l l be 40 years next June that we

America and soon will expand around

of the details for special e,·ents, espe­

that Colby has i n i tiated. If you send

l istened to Supreme Court Chief] us­

the globe. I t is a dot com with a dot

cia l ly reuruons. 3) >'\en time we "·il l

an e-mail message containing news

rice \Vi l l i am 0. Douglas t e l l us about

mom. M y daughter i s the CEO and

remember to bring our foam "egg

to class news 1 96 1, i t

the importance of wil derness when

my boss. I have been trave ling all over

crates" for the dorm mattresses. ('\Te

"i l l b e fonvarded d irectly t o m e for

he spoke at our commencement cer­

Latin America on business the past

did remember the washcloths and pil­

inclusion in tl1e next issue of


emony. It's .none too soon to mark

few montl1s. " We enjoyed meeting

lows!) \Ye also wonder if there is a

Hank used that method to let us know

J une 8- 1 0, 2 00 1 , as a vet·y important

Brenda's daughter at our 3 5 th. She is

corre l ation between reunion year

he retired last October afrer 3 3 years

date since that's when our reunion

definitely a "chip off the block." . . .

number and the number of resen·a­

as a pilot for United Ai rlines. H i s

will be. You ,vi i i receive mailings from

Sam Cohen has been e l ected chair­


daughter is a freshman at Indiana

the AJumni Office as the time draws

man of the board of di rectors of the Mid-Coast Bancorp and the vValdo­

at local motels1 And finally, we

hope e,·eryone will plan to come to our -+ 5 t h 1

-Carolyn Webster Lockbart


niversity this fal l , and his son i s a

nearer, bur if you have any ideas for

junior in high school, so ful l -time

activities, special guests, etc., pass

boro (Maine) Bank. Sam is an attor­

retirement isn't an option yet. How­

them along to me. And start practic­

ney who has been practicing law in

ever, he is hoping to get back to

ing " H a i l , Colby, H a i l . "

vVa l doboro for more than 30 years.

J\ 1 a ry Sawyer Durgin writes

\\'atenci l l e for our -+Oth reunion next

from D a l l as, Texas, that she will soon

year. . . . For the past two years, I

be relocating back to :\ Iaine, where

have taught an interactive TV course

-Judy Hoffman Hakola


The Natural 1reasures of Costa Rica &J the Darien Jungle plus the Panama Canal


MARCH 1 8 , 2001

Aboard t he 1 3 -Passenger Yorktown Clipper oin fellow Colby graduates, alumni from Bates and Bowdoin, and expert fac­ ulty from the three schools as we explore Costa Rica and Panama, where the terrain ranges from luxuriant rain forests and jungle landscapes to deserted beaches and windswept volcanic summits. Along the way, we'll view land­

He l ives witl1 his wife, Harriet, in \Valdoboro and has two grown sons,

I received a most interesti n g e -

Philip, who practices law with his


Tile Bemtty ofS111olfSAip Arlvml111-e Trove/


San Jose

Day 2

San Jose

Day 3

San Jose/Puerto Caldera (Embark)

Day 4

Curu Wildlife Station

Day 5

Marenco Biological Station

Day 6

Exploring the Islands of Panama's Pacific Coast

Day 7

Darien Jungle

Day 8

Panama Canal Tra nsit

Day 9

Colon (Disembark)/Panama City

scapes of rushing waterfalls and sleepy lagoons, unspoiled beaches and tropical rain forests, where a virtual kaleidoscope of plants, birds, and wildlife may be found. Costa Rica is naturalist's paradise that has remained largely immune to commercial development and is home to more than 12,000 species of plants,

235 species of mammals, 845 species of birds, and 360 species of amphibians. And transit the Panama Canal for a firsthand look at the workings of this man-made phenomenon, whose six locks lift our ship 85 feet at the Continental

Special Rates for Colby Travelers! For further information, contact:

The Office of Alumni Relations

(207) 872-3190

Divide and then back down to sea level. In the Darien Jungle, an excursion up the Sambu River in "cayucos" (motor­ ized dugout canoes) takes us to the village of the Choco Indians, whose lifestyle remains largely unaffected by modern times. In San Jose, ride an aerial tram into the canopy of the rain forest, where you will enJOY an up-close view of this unique ecosystem.


c. 0

L B y






father, and Michael, who is a portfo­

Thanks t o Sandy for catching me up

years. H e r love of learning and read­

made it tl1is year and had a great time,

lio manage r worki n g i n London . . . .

on several classmates. ( I f what I ' m

ing continued throughout her entire

especia l ly as Pat (Raymond '64) and

Dennis Kinne, the girls' varsity bas­

about t o s a y is i n error, t h e n maybe

l i fe . Other special interests included

Tom Thomas were also tl1ere. We

ketba l l coach at S u ffield Academy

you w i l l e-mail or write me with your

NASCAR, gardening, participation

enjoyed the good Colby vitality, food

(Conn . ) , was recently named one of

corrected up-to-date happenings.) . . .

i n I n ternet news groups, collecting

and fellowship and meeting with stu­

Connecticut's coaches of the century

B re n d a Lewison h a s a year-old

postal stamps, travel and interacting

dents, professors, administrators and

by the

Dennis has

granddaughter. Husband B i l l is an

with staff and patrons at the li brary.

the Cotters in their last year. Impres­

been at the academy since graduating

architect, and Brenda edits Avmues

Survivors include her husband, Charles

sive was how much Colby has re­

from Colby. At various times h e has

magazi ne in Cleveland. Her daugh­

Kent, three sons and five grandchil­

mained true to the spirit of our day.

been a history teacher, director of

ter, Becky, was married in Jamaica in

dren. Pat's parents and my parents

Major d i fferences were the number

athl etics and coach of boys basket­

M a y '99 . . . . Cynthia Barber has

were Colby classmates ('28 and '3 1 ) ,

and growth oftrees and the absence of

bal l , gol f and girls basketba l l . . . .

retired from i n n keeping at Smug­

s o my association with Patty began

sulfur fumes &om the paper mill down­

Hooper Cutler has retired a fter a

glers' Notch and recently bought a

when we were young teens. vVe had

town. I was glad to see the January

Hmifonl Coumnt.

3 3 -year career with the Marblehead

Program still strong if not stronger


(Mass.) Fire Department and as fire captain since 1 98 3 . A l i fetime resi­

and also the growth in the art program

Marjeanne Banks Vacco '62 , a professor in

dent ofMarblehead, Hooper a trended

with the addition of the new wing to the College's museum and the pro­

Colby for two years before serving on

the School of Human Services at Springfield

posed student studios to be built next

a Navy submari n e for twoyears . . . . A

College in Manchester, N . H . , has been

year . . . . George Swasey's short e­

very i n teresting newspaper articl e,

awarded a Fulbright grant to teach in the

mail is full of good humor and encour­

"At Home i n the Worl d , " featured

sociology and social work department of the

agement for us to enjoy l i fe . He keeps

Philip Janes of Bloomfield, Conn.

Al-Farabi State National University i n

in touch with Ed Winkler, who is

For the last 2 5 years P h i l has served as

Almaty, Kazakhstan, beginning this fal l


vigorously trying to give up Big Macs

the impassioned founding di rector of

Gayle Lenz Mitchell


has been chosen

and to lose some weight. Ed hears

Arts Exclusive G a l l e ry, a Simsbury

by Coldwell Banker Hunneman as one of the

&om Charlie Cary . . . . Beili (Mary)

gal l ery devoted


the work of l a te

company's International President's Elite,

2 0th-cen tury American artists. H is studio apartment on the second floor of a Simsbury Victorian is a biogra­ phy of his l i fe , from his boyhood in Bloomfield to the Peace Corps in I n d i a to the decade that fol lowed as an administrator with CARE i n Paki­ stan, Afgh anistan, Vietnam and Ni­ geria. "This whole p l ace is my l i fe , " s a i d P h i l i p , who hosts big parties in

a11 honor bestowed on the top 4 percent of

Gayle Lenz M itchell '65 nevale


opera As the

vVodd Turns, was nomi­

nated for an Em my award for design excel lence for the ni nth time. Paul

associates worldwide


Anthony P. Car­

vice president for public leadership at Educational Testing

Advisory Committee on Expanding Training Opportunities. The commit­ tee will assess ways the federal government can encourage the use of technology in programs that help adult Americans finance training and education to upgrade skills and gain new knowledge.

Brown Turn e r continues in h e r admin istrative and faculty position i n the department ofdrama at New York University. Her daughter Shairi just completed her medical residency at Mass General, where she specialized in pediatrics and internal medicine, and also was married this summer to Jimmie Davis, who just received his Ph.D. in electrical engineering &om UMass at Lowell. Her son, Kaigani, landed a position in the London office


nese food. Sounds l i ke a most inter­ esting l i fe . . . . Paul Hickey of New

the more than 70,000 Coldwell Banker sales

Service, is one of 14 people appointed by President C linton to serve on tl1e

this room and serves up feasts of Chi­

York, a set designer for the C B S soap


of me vVeb development company

Dentbs: Patricia Millett Kent '62, June 7 , 2000, i n Portland, Maine, at 60 .;. Ellen Manning Berne '64, July 1 , 2000, in Newton, Mass., at 58 : Diane "Heidi" Fullerton Warburton ' 66 , M ay 2 5, 2000, in Durham, ··

N.C., at 5 5 .

Sapient. Beth continues to publish her 1 6-year old publication on the black performing arts, 8/nck ;\!Jnsks. "Besides all of this," she writes, "in the deep recesses of my heart, I still consider myselfa playwright (but unfortunately,

won Emmys in 1 984, 1 98 5 and 1 990 for his work on the veteran soap op­

house o n a mountaintop i n Vermont.

not been in close contact for a while so

I have no recent output to support that

era, which has been a i red on CBS for

A Maine coon cat keeps her com­

picking up the morning paper and

claim-smiles) . . . . After 20 years of

the past 44 years. I haven't heard

pany . . . . Mary AI Deems Howland,

whether Paul received his fourth

who went on

reading of the passing of an old friend

affi l iation with the University onVest

earn a P h . D . , teaches

makes me realize just how important

Virginia's Center for \Vomen's Stud­

award this year. Let us know 1 Con­

at Al1 n apolis. Now that her chil dren

and meaningful "golden" friendships

ies, Lillian Waugh was honored on

gratulations on the previous three

are grown, a J a ck Russell terrier is

are. Our sympathies are with Chuck,

May 8, 2 000, for her dedication to

and for the nomination . . . . I recently

her companion . . . . Diane Hilton

Donald, Charles and Steven.

s h a r i n g h e r k n o w l e d ge of \\'VU

had lunch with Sandra KeefHunter.

O ' C o n n o r has retu rn e d to h e r

Sandra spends summers i n the Bangor

fa mily's home a n d is now living i n

area with her mother w h i l e she rents

Bremen, M a i n e , n e a r Damariscotta.

More of you are using e-mail,

center. She served as interim director

out her East Hampton, N.Y., home

. . . Sally Kent is an antiques dealer

and I hope more 11�1 1 , sharing some

of the center in 1 992-93 and since

for the summer months. Sandy re­

in Brunswick, Maine . . . . Ann Tracy

news. All it takes is classnews 1 96 3 @

then as the associate director of the

tired i n 1 990 from AT&T. H ubby

c o n t i n u e s t e a c h i n g at S U J\TY i n

alum or KFFH5@ aol .com,

center, recei1�ng the \Vomen's Con­


-Pntricin Fnmbnm Russell


women's history and for a l l her hard work in private fund raising for the

Steve is an advertising cop)'\vriter.

Plattsburgh . . . . O n a sad note, I re­

and I promise to answer everyone1 Or

cerns' ;\ lary Catherine Buswell Award

Last fal l they traveled to California

gret to i n form you of the death of

use the form in this issue of

i n 1 99 3 for her ser\'ice to V\'VU

and Arizona, where they took a bal­

Patricia Millett Kent, who died June

magazine. l'l'e been enjoying catching

women. She is looking forward to her

loon ride over Phoenix and a mule

7 , 2 000, <1frer a brief i l lness. S i nce

up more with Colbr this year as our

"retirement/renaissance" and having


ride into the Grand Canyon. Sandy is

1 9 7 5 Patty had lived with her family

oldest daughter is doing the grand

time to play me cello, garden and

creating a marine shell collection for

in Thomaston, !Ylaine, where she was

tour of colleges, including Colby, be­

learn to play golf ";th her husband,

the East Hampton Natural H i story

very active i n the community. She

fore her senior year at Concord Acad­

Dm�d. After finishing at Harvey .\ 1udd

Museum, and she a lso enjoys scuba

w a s a n assistant l i b r a r i a n at the

emr. Also after years of not being able

i n CaLifornia last year, their daughter

d i v i n g , b i rd i n g a n d g a r d e n in g .

Thomaston Public Library for many

to attend a Colbr Today weekend, I

has done a teaching internship at Cam-



FALL 2000

I 43

Alumni @ Large

1 960s called En� ronmental Learning for the

bridge Rindge and Larin High School

we haYe news that Nan McCune

summer they were going to white­

in Cambridge, :\lass. Lillian recently

Wagner married \Vallace Steadman

water raft down the Yampa River in

Future, or ELF. Bonnie feels that

saw Shirley Parry, who teaches both

\\'arson, a professor of modern Brit­

Dinosaur National Parkin

gro� ngup on a potato farm in Presque

English and women's stuilles at Anne

ish l i terature and fi l m studies at

rado with Dian Emerson Sparling.

Isle and spending so much time with

A r u n d e l C o m m u n i ty C o l l ege i n

Duquesne University.

Last year Dian organized a group,

people who taught her to value the plants and wildlife of the region was

:\ 1aryland . .

. .

an has com­


Lucille Waugh i s go­

pleted two and a half years of the four­

which included Barb and B i l l on tl1e

ing back to public school teachlng of

year evening Duquesne Law School

Green River, and they had so much

instrumental i n this in terest and work.

English and l anguage arts after a

program and was selected for the Law

fun they decided to do another trip .


She and her husband, Barry, a di rector

Bonnie Brown Potter was written

of marketing for Naypro, Inc., sti l l

ness \\Tiring. She has recertified and

Michelmore Hayes, who with her

up in her local Bolton, i\ 1ass., weekly

have ties to Maine with a house a t

was looking forward to teachlng in the

husband, Don, 11i.l l be sharing photos

newspaper for her involvement 11�th

Sugarloaf, and Bonnie enjoys a n an­

len gthy srin t of freelance editing busi­

Revirra•. Barb also keeps up with M ary


Peabody, :\ las . , area this fal l . Lucil le

and adventures of a trip to North

Bolton's Conservation Trust as its

nual canoe trip in Maine �th friends.

continues to play and teach the violin/

Carolina with Barb and B i l l , who are

president for three years and for a l l

. . . Ceylon Barclay recounts further

1-iola as a semi-pro musician in various

enjo)�ng B i l l's semi-retirement. This

h e r wonderful workeducaringelemen­

adventures. Besides his many stateside

orchestras on the �orth Shore. She

past ,,·inter the Chases participated in

tary school children i n the town about

activities, including being the presi­

would love to hear from Sandra

an Elderhostel trip to arctic Finland,

their en�ronment. She has worked

dent of the Ormond Beach H istorical

M o u l t o n B u rridge a n d S h irley

where they cross-country skied be­

with the Conservation Trust since

Trust, Inc., involved with building a

Parry .

tween nine and 1 5 miles a day, and this

1 989 to sponsor a school program

park centerpieced by the oldest rum

. . . From Barb Haines Chase

robert c. ger For the past 10 years attorney Robert C. Gerrard '60 of G loucester, Mass . , has worked nearly excl u sively on one case-the fa m i l y dispute over the Demoulas S u per Markets fort u ne. What began as a share­ holders' d i sagreement over sa le of assets "took on a l ife of its own , " sa1d Gerrard . " I t evolved i nto a bout five d ifferent cases." G e rrard bega n the Demoulas vs. Demoulas case i n 1 990 when a n he1r to the c h a i n d iscovered that some of h i s stocks had been sold . The case became i nc reasingly com plex, and eventually 1t ca m e out that a n u ncle had tra nsferred all but 8 percent of the Demoulas S u per Ma rkets, I n c . , stock to h i s side of the fa m i l y a nd set up a new compa n y . Gerrard hel ped convince the courts t h a t several h e i rs were cheated of assets worth nearly $ 1 b i l l i o n . " I thought I was a pretty good lawyer w h e n i t started , but I learned a bout t h e l a w and h uman nature , " sa1d Gerrard . " T here were h igh points and low poin s. It was a lea r n i ng experience." At one t1me Gerra rd and the other two attorneys on h1s team faced 19 lawyers for the defense. "The other s1de fought ferociously , " he sa1d. Among its tactiCS: bnb1ng a stnpper to l1e a bout bugging a room for he plaintiffs, and pos1ng as an offshore company offenng the JUdge's former law clerk a JOb 1n the hopes of ga1 n1 ng 1nformat1on The d rama o the Demoulas case IS not the only h1ghlrgh of Gerrard's law career. In the early 1980s he a rgued a n a ppeal before the S u preme Court or a secu nt1es fra ud case and won . And 1 n t h e m l d - 1 980s he represented Boe1ng after a n a 1rp1a ne crashed n Sa udi Ara b1a o n 1ts way t o Mecca. Some of the plignms on he plane had used cooking stoves m 1 d -fl1ght: the plane caught f1re and everyone on board penshed . Plain 1ffs tned to say the ragedy 44



· F A

L 2

was due to a Boeing design flaw, but Gerrard won aga i n . Ge rra rd d id n 't beg i n h i s l a w ca reer i m m ed iately after grad u a t i n g from C o l b y . H e fi rst j o i ned the Army reserves a n d t h e n worked as a reporter for the Worcester Telegram- Gazette i n Massach usetts. H e moved o n t o become a c o p y writer a t a n a d ve rt i s i n g agency. " I fo u n d out I h a d little ta lent f o r it a n d n o e n t h u s i a s m , " he sa i d . H e eve n t u a l l y heard h i s ca l l i ng . " My brother h a d j ust gra d uated from law school and every law school stud ent carries o n a bout the law i n cessa n t l y , " said G e rra rd . " I was a n eager ea r . " O n t h e s p u r o f the moment Gerra rd a p pl ied to Boston Col lege's law school i n J u ly of 1 963. "I got accepted on the fi rst day of c lasses . " Th ree years later Gerrard grad uated t h i rd in his class after serving as ed itor of the school's Law Review. H e headed the contracts d ivision of the Massachusetts Attorney Genera l 's office a nd worked at several Boston firms before ope n i ng h i s own practice in 1975. Eleven years later, i n 1 986, he moved to Davis, M a i m & D'Agostine i n Bosto n . He's now a partner there and runs the firm's l itigation depa rtment, practicing pri marily in corporate d isputes. " I 've worked a lot with the oil ind ustry. From there I got i nto share holders' d i sputes and have done that for 1 2 years. " It's been an extraord i narily reward i ng career," sa id Gerra rd . "The Demoulas case has been remarkable. " He says he has no plans to retire, despite the ard uous decade­ long court battle. " I' m having too much fun . " -A iicia Nemiccolo MacLeay '97

disti l lery in America, he has become the president of the American Friends of the Upper Volga L1stitute Founda­ tion, illc., in Tver, Russia, and has met

Ames: " I agree w i t h your comments

attendance a s was m y w i fe, Madie. I

re tl1e necessities of l i fe, which (in my

have been trave ling extensively the

ing me harbor. As dessert was served,

case] included a couple of stuffed ani­

last tl1ree months for business-Ha­

in popped Bob Rogers, who arrived

gourmet dinner at the i n n overlook­

mals given by loved ones and some

waii (I know, I know), New York and

from Ashland, Ohio, where h e is asso­

crafts made by my mother i n her

C h icago. Some of it was fun

ciate professor ofeconomics at Ashland

retirement years but a total of only

niversity. After Colby Bob obta i ned

H e was working in Russia and Leba­

After having several years of lots of

two sma l l cartons when I went to

a master's and later a Ph.D. in eco­

non all winter and enjoyed a visit from

family living in the Seattle area, it

retrieve her belongi n gs after she died

suddenly got very quiet. My son B i l l

nomics. He had worked for the federal

fel low KDR Dr. Ralph Bradshaw '62 ,

i n late April (following eight years

gove rnment but decided the academ­

whose own accomplishments are be­

moved t o extreme soum Texas in

with Alzheimer's). We were able to

March (corporate decision, big salary

ic l i fe and a chance to pursue some

yond belief.

keep Mum at home till late '98 with

increase) . . . . I t's a n i ce fee l i ng to fi ­

research were more fu lfi l l i n g. On

h e l p [ b e fo r e she

with fellow founder and former Soviet Union President Mikhail Gorbachev.

-Ktwen Fo1'sluud Falb


moved to] a n

n a l l y rea l i ze my dream-no longer

Thursday we were joined by Louise

Alzheim er's unit and l astly to a nurs­

being fi nanci a l l y responsible for my

Melanson Belknap and David. They

I ' m pleased to receive e-mail

i n g h o m e . . . . B e t s y C ro c k e t t

offspring. I s this what is meant by

have closed their hardware store in

messages from several classmates in

Tyson-Smith reports t h a t since she

financial independence'" H e says that

Damariscotta, sold the i nventory and

response to an e-mail survey on clean­

was diagnosed and treated for breast

they have also regained their guest­

retired. \Vel!, not quite. It seems David

ing out parents' homes. My own ex­

cancer in 1 990 she has been specializ­

room and that i f any classmates head

invented some sort of fire alarm sys­

perience was that w e seemed to be

ing i n leading groups and offering

out his way to let h i m know-he's on

tem that is virtually foolproof and,

moving stuff constantly for several

counseling (she is a l icensed psycho­

me Colbye-mail listings . . . . Andrew

witl1 Louise, continues to sell and ser­

years, downsizing, downsizing and

therapist) for women with breast can­

Weiland's career continues to soar.

vice the units via mail. We all went

downsizing until it was just tl1ose

cer. She has been speaking (including

The latest honor to come to my atten­

down to tl1e Lobstermen's Co-op on


items needed for everyday l i fe . We

at Colby) and offering workshops on

tion is rus election to the office of

me docks and enjoyed fried clams,

lost a l l fou r parents between 1 98 8

the psychological impact of breast

treasurer of me American Academy of

steamers, lobsters and SO-degree blaz­

and 1 996 . . . . From J a c k Lockwood:

cancer on a woman and her fam i l y

Ortlwpaedic Surgeons . . . . And Mor­

ing sun. That even ing we enjoyed an

"My cleaning out experience really

and friends. J u s t recently s h e w a s of­

gan McGinleyconti11ues to reap praise

hour cruise to and around an island in

hasn't happened. My parents moved

fered tl1e opportu n i ty to become a

for his editorials in

the harbor before returning for din­

from t h e i r three-bed .room ranch

founder and di rector of a center for

London Conn. They have led me way

ner at ] . Hawk restaurant, owned by

house to a two-bedroom townhouse

h e a l i ng for women with this i l l ness.

in many issues vital to the state.

Bob Rogers's brother and a parmer.

in a retirement community in ' 7 2 .

She says, "The husband of a group

They were botl1 active a n d vigorous

member who died this past summer

Tbe Day



-Sam Sbaw Rhoades


On Fridaywe took separate paths norm to Waterville. I passed a place ca lled

at that time. My mother died at the

wishes to memorialize his wife by

Reunion part 1 : That yellow

\i\Th ippers car wash. I later discovered

age of 7 9 in '8 1 ; my father continues

fom1ding and donating his beautiful

blur whizzing past Anne and Bud

me \t\Thipper empire still includes a

to l ive i n the townhouse. \t\Te just

1 0-acre property in Harvard, Mass.,

Marvin as they motored south from

pizzeria near me bridge in \Vinslow.

celebrated h i s 9 5 th last montl1 in

as the Healing Garden: The Virginia

reunion has been confirmed as Cae­

Had a double scoop ice cream cone at

\t\Ti !mington, D e l . , and combined it

Thurston Healing Center for Breast

sar Seferian, wi til Nick Locsin in me

Giffords'-mey boughtout Rummel's

wi tl1 a fam i l y reunion . " Jack goes on

Cancer Educational Therapies. We

mechanic seat. At first Bud mought it

several years ago, but it's the same

to say that every l i neal descendant of

are signing up our board, applying

was Nick in his new yellow Cessna

place and atmosphere-then headed

his dad's was in attendance-rwo chil­

for nonprofit status, etc., and hope to

Skylane, but it turned out to be Fast AJ

up Kennedy Memorial Drive past me

dren, s i x grandch i l d re n a n d four

open in early fal l , offering counsel­

himself in a Porsche Boxter. Caesar

]FK shopping center, a McDonald's

great-grandch i l d ren-but only tl1ree

ing, groups, massage, Reiki, medita­

continues with me Office of Manage­

and the cinema to Second Rangeway.

came from east of the Mississippi,

tion, yoga, nutrition, physical fitness/

ment and Budget, where h e evaluates

T h e S i l e n t \tVo m a n is now t h e

with six of the otl1ers coming from

stress reduction and otl1er moda l i ­

me effectiveness of various programs.

Weamervane, Bill Cottle's kiddie park

Hawaii, rwo from Washington, one

ties. \Ve also have an affi l iation with

And you tlwught

from California, three from Colo­

Lesley Coll ege Graduate School,


rado and three from Texas . . . . From

wruch will be offering expressive thera­

business. Those were two of me 49

where we remember scrub brush. The

Laurence Braun: "F ormnately, both

pies at our center in ]tme of 2 00 1 . "

classmates and 42 spouses who en­

approach to campus via Johnson Pond

one was watch­

is a \t\Tai-Mart and Pizza Hut and

ick is still in me computer sales

mere are gas stations and businesses


my parents are still in good health in

Betsy says she was very excited, be­

joyed a perfect weekend at Colby. The

is still magnificent, with the wil low

their l ate 80s. They are now l iving

cause her experience with the i l l ness

fun started two days earlier, when we

trees framing me shining college on

two blocks from me i n a two-bed­

was terrifying and isolating and she

gatl1ered at tl1e Spruce Point Lm in

the h i l l . A pain less registration pro­

room apartment in N.Y.C. w h i l e my

likes to tl1ink she can make a differ­

Boom bay Harbor. I was joined by our

cess landed us in the East Quad in

brother Jjves in California. \Vhen one

ence for otl1er women . . . . Jim Har­

new class president, Sunny Coady,

someming now called the Johnson­

of the parents passes away, I don't

ris wrote mat as of]w1e 1 2 , he would

pre iding president Bud Marvin and

ChapEn Commons. The class HQ

expect the other to move out, but

be working as normwest regional man­

Anne, Rickand Nancy Wmslow Har­

was on the ground floor of Champlin

someone w i l l be h i red to help the

next to the old KD R . The dorm halls

ager for G raphic Arts Center Publish­

wood, Kari and Marty Dodge, Jeff

surviving parent to cope. I expect my

ing Center. "Since early J 997 I had

Fleuren and rus daughter Ann , Ellen

hands to be full i n tl1e next few years

been in business for myself as an inde­

and Lew Kri n s ky and G e orge

l argely replaced the twin rooms we

regard i n g my parents' care . " . . . Bob

pendent book sales rep with as many

Hooker, who bagged the long-dis­

recal l . Also missing was any sign of AI

are carpeted, and single rooms have

Dyer reports that his parents have

as 30 companies as clients. Grapruc

tance prize by arriving without rus

Bassett. A search ofAverill Hall, wruch

died and that his brother cared for

Arts was one of those companies. It is

elephant from Thailand. George has a

was not used for reunion, disclosed it is stil l a housekeeping disaster, so rus

them. Bob says, " I f he passes away

based in Portla.nd (the omer one, in

consulting business aiding interna­

before I do, I will have to face the

Oregon). They made me an offer that

tional cjjents with business develop­

legacy is secure. Oh yes, technology

problem you had, as h e lives at my old

I couldn't refuse. Earlier mis year, I

ment in Thailand. He and ru partner

has created an electronic keypad dorm

had a chance to see Linda and B i l l

also work on public pojjcy issues. Jeff

entry lock system replacing the bro­

Cotter on t h e i r farewell t o u r ( i n Se­

is in logistics with the Housatonic

ken and missing locks of our era. You

big help, and it's a very thoughtful

attle). Dick York and h i s much bet­

short line rai l road in Connecticut. \ \'e

stil l need a key for your room, but

top i c . " . . . From J o a n M c G h e e

t e r h a l f, K r i s t i e , w e r e a l s o i n

arrived on \\'ednesday and enjoyed a

punch 2 000 and you're in the front

home i n Pennsylva n i a . The answers you get and advice you gave will be a



FALL 2000

I 45

1 960s-1 9lOs

Alumni @ Large

door. lYe yakked and yakked a n d

eral Cornwal l i s in the new Mel Gibson

that is, truly living alone. Her young­

you'll want to work part time at the

yakked . . . . I haYe b e e n reminded that

movie, Patriot). Joyce says, "IVe each

est daughter,] ami son, left i n Septem­

same or a d i fferent career' Wi l l your

I am a Luddite without I n ternet ca­

have over 20 credits but are sti l l wait­

ber '99 to attend college at Washington

money last if you live to be 9 5 ? What

pability. The Alumni Office has set

ing for our 'big' b reak!" J oyce lives at

State. Her older daughters, Alixe and

kind of trips wi l l you take? Wi l l you

up a n e - m a i l a d d r e s s for n e w s

84 IYoodland Drive, Bangor, Maine

Michele, are married and live i n Hun­

want to live near chil dren and grand­

( c l a s s n e,,·s 1 9 6 5 @ a l u m . c o l b y . e d u ) .

0-+40 1 , and works at

M O Goyce_

tington Beach, Calif., and Eagle, Idaho,

children? E-mail me at classnews l 968

T h e y \\i. l l snail m a i l me your e-mails.

Henckler@um i t.m a i ne. edu) . . . . Af­

respectively. Barbara hopes to attend

. . . Stay tuned for Tom H ill's "Top

ter a decade as staff for the Kennebec

the neA't reun ion and says that now

Ten \\·ays to know you "·ere in the

Coalition (11·orking ro remove the Ed­

that she is older and has had a chance

Class of 1 96 5 . " . . . H a i l , Colby, H a i l

,,·ards Dam from � la i ne's Kennebec

to know lots of different people in


-Ricbm·d W. Bankmt

River), Steve B rooke (sbrooke@

many places, she recognizes the unique

Sandy, celebrated their 2 7th anniver­ sary in June. After years as a teacher

-Nancy Dodge 81yan Don Cooper a n d h i s w i fe , i s now the director of

qualities of her Col by friends and ac­

Greetings-congratulations go

the l\laine field office for American

quaintances. She has dabbled i n the

and school admin istrator Sandy has

out toJ.J. Mueller and Chris Sinton,

Rivers, our nation 's leading river con­

real estate field, but her main career

become an independent publishing

who were married in June 1 999 at a

sen•ation organization, where he con­

continues to be in education. She re­

contractor. Don is anticipating retir­

s m a l l family ceremony. And it a l l

tinues to work restoring J\ 1 a i n e ' s

cently spent four months developing a

ing after 30 years as a secondary En­

started at t h e 3 0th reunion' They

rivers. Steve and h i s wife, B e t h , l ive a t

program for the Nampa, Idaho, school

glish reacher and coach. His older son,

ha1·e moved to Florida, where Chris

4R Fundy Road, Falmouth, Maine

district to help srudents from the Idaho

Colby, works for the National Secu­

has a new job. J .J . wil l continue her

04 1 0 5 ( 2 0 7 - 7 8 1 - 8 3 64). They at­

State School and Hospital make the

riry Council, and his younger son,

entertainment agency from there . . . .

tended their son E t h a n ' s coll ege

transition into tl1e public schools. She

Kyle, is a civil engineer i n the B a l ti­

Patty Whittemore Jenkins i s still

graduation (Antioch College in Ohio)

is thinking about moving, so i f anyone

more area. New Colby president " Bro"

"·ith State Street Bank, but i t has sold

last i\ Iay . . . . Jim Katz e - m a i l e d

needs a special education teacher, l e t

Adams was someone they became fa­ miLiar with during their sons' years at


its lending division and there are dra­

( j i m k a tz@ j o h n a b b o t t . q c . c a ) from

her know. She has t h e opportunity a t

matic changes afoot in the industry.

John Abbot Coll ege i n Quebec. Jim's

t h i s p o i n t in her life t o g o anywhere

Buckn e l l , and they were always im­

She and her husband, Allen, l ive i n

at 292 Senne1• i l l e Road, R R, Senne­

she wants. I n the meantime she would

pressed with h i m . Don is pleased that

Braintree, � lass. Their oldest son,

v i l le, Quebec, Canada, H9X 3 X6

love to see Colby alums i f anyone is

Adams was selected to lead Colby i n to

B i l l , is ar Triniry College, while their

(5 H-45 7 - 5 942). He and his partner,

ever i n her stare. She'd also love ro

the 2 000s . . . . In addition to serving

younger son, Ted, i s a freshman at

Atn1o Zakes, got up to a bit of fun this

hear from Colby friends via e-mail

as director of development and alumni affairs at M i l lbrook School in M i l l ­

Boston Col l ege High School. She

past April H. That is the anniversary

( . . . . Judith De

broke a vertebra on a business trip to

of the sinking of the Titanic, and tl1ey

Luce writes that she has become a

brook, N . Y . , B o b Anthony is presi­

I taly last )'ear and has been doing

hosted a "Last Dinner on tl1e Titauic"

"rechie" (

d e nt of the board of trustees of

regu l a r ph)•sical therapy to recoup.

party complete with the original first­

afrer 2 5 years of teaching classics at

Dutchess Day School in Mil l brook,

\\'hen she was on a recent business

class menu. Guests dressed in au­

Miami Universiry, she has embraced

where his three children attend. He

trip i n �ew York City, she had din­

t h e n t i c E d w a r d i a n c o s t u m e s (a

technology with a vengeance. All her

also is president of the board of direc­

ner "�th her former roommate, Carol

bonanza for a local costume rental

courses are on l i ne, and she is part of a

tors of Hay H a rbor Club on Fishers

B eers, who wa also on business from the \\ 'e t Coast, and Phyllis

outfit) and played tl1e roles of origi­

national project tl1at has given her the

Island, N.Y., where Bob and his family

n a l passengers. Forry people sruffed

chance to team teach an upper-level

own a home . . . . Gary Austin mar­

Jalbert. Phyll i s is doing well but has

the l i ving-room-rurned-first-class­

Latin class (with a former \tVisconsin

ried J udy Wiswall on April 2 2 , with a

had a long year of adjustment afrer

dini ng-room and six more were at a

col league a two-hour drive from her)

"three-hour cruise" on tl1e Chesapeake

:\ [ ichae l 's death. Parry also sends word

table in the basement (steerage). A

using the virrual realiry environment

Bay as a reception. In attendance was

that Sandy

champagne roast and moment of si­

of the VRoma MOO; srudents and

fraterniry brother Sandy Hoe. Gary

rured i n a Boston Globe article on the

lence shattered by "Nearer J\ 1y God

i nstructors alike talked together and

reconnected with Sandy and his wife,

front co1·er of the home section . . . .

to Thee" on the bagpipes ended the

did assignments using the MOO as

Denise, at tl1e 3 0-year reunion, and

Joyce Dem.kowicz Henckler and her

e1·ening . . . . Final ly, best wishes to

well as e-mai l . Most recently she

they are spending time golfing, boat­

husband, Don, ha1·e had an exciting

Linda (�!itch e l l '66) and Lee Potter

worked with a srudent to create what

ing and going to Redskins and Naval

)'ear. \\'hen they wrote, their son

as they celebrated at the i\lay wed­

they think is the only one ofits kind on

Academy football games . . . . B i l l

Aaron '03 had just completed his fresh­

d i ng of their son Drum Potter '88 to

the IVeb, a virrual sculprure gallery

Burges h a s put his government major

'liller Keohane was fea­

man year at Colby a n d as a member of

Susan \Yesrendorf i n a ceremony in

that shows how 1 5 pieces of Greek

to work in Ohio-with a media and

rhe ere" team was going over to En­

Brooklyn, �.Y. In attendance at the

and Roman sculprure would have

marketing twist. Specializing in the

gland for the e1·ents at Hen ley. They

nuptials were Ginger Jackson Blake­

looked with t h e i r o r i g i n a l p a i n t .

"politics of public, educational and

had the opporrunit) ro attend the

slee '66, Sara "Ginger" Holbrook '66,

T h e y u s e d Adobe PhotoShop a n d

h e a l t h a d m i n i stration," B u rges &

Cham piOn Regatta in \\'orcesrer,


Brown ' 6 5 and Bob Gracia.

p a i n te d the scu l ptures a s accurate­

Burges: Strategists now has offices in

_\las . , and instantly became ere\\ fans'

. . . Classmates who have used the

l y as they could (view them at http:

C l eveland, Akron, Columbus a n d

The1r other son,


new e-mail response system seem to

// l lery). She

Youngstown. A s l o n g as i t ' s sti l l fun

en 10r year i n ci,·il engineering at

think that it's a great idea. � lany say

also continues to spend as much time

and they remain an industry leader,

the Cnl\ er i t)· of .\ Iaine. Joyce has

that the on!)' time they put pen to

as she can singing and has just re­

B i l l says, tl1ey'll keep going. Among

sign their name. Hope to

rurned from a concert tour i11 Europe

tl1is year's clients is Ohio Supreme

and ha had ome uccess " i rh find­

hear from lots more of you ''ery soon.

with a smal l ensemble made up of

Court Justice Alice Robie Resnick,


-Rolmt Gmcia andJudy Gen·ie Heine

singers from four of the Miami vocal

whose m i rd term bid is viewed by



dam, i

tarred an ant1 ques resale busines ome "treasures." Their other

a1 o a tiona! mreresr continues



"acrmg " in T\' commerc1als and be­ mg a1 adable .1s "e\tra<;'' for mo1 ies

paper is


groups . . . . Since I'm not getting a lot

experts and tl1e national media as one

I heard from on!)' two cia s­

of news, how about sending off a fast

oftl1e most critical judicial elections in

mares for this issue, both 1·ia e-mail­

e-mai l with your thoughts on retire­

tl1e nation. Bill and Charlene report

'' 1sh more ofrou would send me some'

ment (if you have any)' At what age

tl1at they sti l l have a life, though. They

. . . Barbara Brown IITires from Boise,

11 ill you retire' \Vi i i you change your

live in the ciry on Lake Erie and week­

pace!.. and Tom

Idaho, mat she " embarking on a

residence or buy a second home' IVhat

end in me

\\'ilkm on (Tbt· Full \ loury and Len-

1ourne) �he\ ne1 er rea l ! ) kn011 n-

'' i l l you do to keep busy' Do you think

two adopted dogs, Alex me chinook

hot 111 \ l a m e . T n J u nc rhe) \\ Cre 1 11 Rockland for rhc ;,hoonng of In tbe

Bt-droom 1\lth





1 S)






.Y. Al leghenies witl1 tl1eir

and Connie the English setter. After

dramatic fi nish at tl1e lronman in Lake

four years as chair of the Cleveland­

1 980 as a professor of geology, focus­

Placid l ast year I am struggling with a

Nike (now Open, Bill i s senti­

ing his research on volcanoes. Later

hamstring injury that will keep me

s h o p p i n g fo r a n o t h e r c h a r i t a b l e

h e served as chair of the departtnent

from participating this year . . . . Keep

of geology. The university hopes to

leadership stint.

-Meg Bernier


sending me letters. You can also e­

d o u b l e i ts research fu nd i n g, a n d

mail me (at jameskhawkj

Jonatl1an will play an i m portant role

orat classnews 1 97 1 @

in a c co m p l i s h i n g t h a t goa l . . . .

-]n111es Hnwkim

Gwynelle Dismukes moved last year

Jon Stone is busy in Florida

and writes that he just joined the larg­ est residential contractor in Soutl1 Florida as chief operating officer-!

73 John Krasnavage, principal of

to The Farm, a 2 5 -year-old commu­ nity in Tennessee. She practices "vol­

the Skowhegan Middle School, made

untary simpl icity and namral living"

assume tl1at would be \Villard Brotll­

the news as h e discussed tl1e sorry

and publishes the annual J !iddle Ten­

ers Construction. His oldest son is an

condition of the school bui ldin g.

investment banker wi tl1 Chase Man­

Once a symbol of pride for tl1e com­

hattan and his middle son is at Cornell

m u n i ty, the su·ucmre has deterio­

but smdied at tl1e London School of

rated and grown out of date (but is it

nessee Kwnn::,nrt Resom-ce Guide. H e r o t h e r p u b l i c a t i o n s a r e .rlfriknn Alkbemy: Sph·itunl nnd Soul Tnmsfor71/fltion in A111ericn and Tbe African Cwtered Fa111ily Unity Guide . . . .

Economics his junjor year. His young­

worse than the Lambda Chi building

est, at 6 ' 5 '' and 2 3 0 l bs., is active in

after Homecoming \Veeke nd?). Ear­

Debbie M a e i - Ma n d i n o , Carol

high school football and basketba ll. . . .

l ier this year, John and school offi ­

Chalker McDowell and I o n c e again

I continue to see Charles Colgan in

cials were waiting to hear whether or

gathered for a weekend in March at

the Maine news for his economic fore­

not the state would fund replacing or

Chris Mattern Way's home in Stow,

casts and to see Macy DeLong in tl1e

renovating the school. . . . F e l l ow

M ass. This year we were thrilled to have Lisa KeWer Bubar fl y in from

Boston news for her dedication to tl1e

Lambda Chi Robert Landsvik ac­

homeless . . . . "Villiam Scrunner was

cepted a new job in J a nuary; he was

Madison, \Vis., to join us at what has

written up recently after being certi­

named a vice president at Boston

become an annual event. Although

fied as a diplomate of the American

Federal Savings Bank in the com­

our l ives have taken very d i fferent

Board ofFamily Practice. He has been

mercial bankjng division. Fol l owing

paths, we are continually amazed­

a family practice physician since 1 98 3

Colby, Bob received an M.A. from

and del ighted-at how easy it is for us

a n d is at Martin's Point in Portland

Northeastern and an M . B .A. from

to connect; we seem to pick right up

Maine . . . . Joanne Weddell Magyar

B o s t o n U n i ve rs i ty . . . . A n o t h e r

from when we last saw one another.

began a four-year term as an overseer

Colby grad with a postgraduate de­

'vVhat wonderful and lasting friend­

at Colby. She is a licensed optician in

gree from Boston University is Earle

ships were made at Colby.

Stamford, Conn . . . . Claudia Caruso

Shettleworth '70. Earl is di rector of

Rouhana was written up for her long

t h e M a i n e H i storic Preservation

dedication to local schools as a volun­

Commission. A major interest of his

teer at the parent resource center, at

has been tl1e h istory of photography

the Child Care Council of Nassau, at

in Maine. (Did you know that one of

fashioned kjnd or the new-fangled e­

Culmral Arts \Veek and in many other

the first cameras made in th is countt-y

ma i l ! . . . Tom Lizotte sent me his

activities . . . . Dave Williams ca l led a

was built by John Johnson of Saco,

latest news on the questionnaire h e

few weeks ago soliciting for Colby.

Maine, in 1 8-+0 ? ) . . . Jonathan Fink

tore o u t of Colby (hint, h i n t) . Tom i s

(Thanks to everybody who partici­

is vice provost for research at Arizona

d i rector of marketing and develop­

pated in that progra m.) Dave's son,

State University, sel ected last year

ment for Mayo Regional Hospital

Mark, finished up at Middlebm·y, and

after a nationwide search. In this po­

and lives in Dover- Foxcroft, ?v l a i ne .

N l indy is a sophomore at Colby . . . .

sition, he is responsible for oversee­

Tom says t h a t as h e gets ol der he has

After managing tl1e body shop at a car

ing all of tl1e university's research

become more of a civic leader, serv­

dealer I decided I 'd had enough of the

fu nctions, which include administer­

ing as both a town selecttnan and as

auto business and I am now teaching

ing grants and checkjng compliance

president of the Piscataquis County

seventh grade math. I love it1 After a

issues. H e began h i s career at ASU in

Econom i c Coun c i l . He rece n t l y

from Colorado' I

love getti ng mail-either the old­

ship Program and would l i ke to serve

Ocean Spray Cranberries Inc. has named


president and

chief operating officer. He joins Ocean Spray after serving as senior vice president of mar­ keting at VVelch Foods, where he oversaw the doubling of \ \'elch's market share and a surge in sales revenue that delivered a 50 percent i n crease i n earni ngs to grape


in tl1e Maine legislamre someday but figures he will have to wait until hi two sons are through wi tl1 college ntition needs! Tom and his wife , Leslie, a r e excited t h a t t h e i r oldest son, And)', was accepted at Colby and enrolled as an English major this fal l . Andy w i l l fol low i n h i s dad's foot­ steps-except no BigJohn's1

• • •


an asso­

gramlations tO Laurie Bedig, who

ciate professor of biology at Ripon College

e-mails that she enjored the 2 5 th

in \Yisconsin, recei1·ed the school's .\ lay

reunion, which she attended with her

Bum by Se1'e1')' All'ard for the highest degree

parents, who were celebrating their


Randy C . Pappadelis ' 79

7 4 Greetings

graduated from t h e .\ laine Leader­

N EWSMAKERS Randy C. Pappadelis

-Jackie Nienaber Appeldom


Douglas B. Light

of excellence in teaching. Light teaches hu­

5 0th and 5 1 st reunions' Her bigger

man anatomy and physiology, comparative neural and endocrine biology,

news, hO\I'e\·er, is that in Ocrober

and scientific writing.

1 999 she was married tO Richard

1970s Correspondents 1970 Brenda H e s s Jordan 1 5 Reg Roc Road Fa lmouth, M E 04105 207-781-5996 classnews1970@alum. 1971 James Hawkins 485 Locust Street Attleboro, MA 02703 508-226-1436 1972 J a n et Holm Gerber 409 Reading Avenue Rockvi l l e , M D 20850 301-424-9160 classnews1972@a 1973 Jackie N i e naber Appe l dorn 1437 O l d Ford Road New Paltz, N Y 12561 9 1 4-255-48 7 5 1974 Robin Sweeney Peabody 46 Elk Lane Littleto n , CO 80127 303-978-1129 fax: 303-904-09 4 1 cla ssnews197 1975 Bruce Young 2 0 Applewood Avenue B i l lerica , MA 01821 978-443-6417 1976 Valerie Jones Roy 38 H u nts Point Road Cape E l izabeth , M E 04107 207-76 7-0663 fax: 207-767-8125 classnews1976@alum 1977 Ellen D . O ' Brien 205 Fernwood Avenue Davenport, l A 52803-3606 3 1 9-359-4665 classnews1977@a lum 1978 Robert S . Wood b u ry 484 Bridge Street H a m i lton , MA 0 1982 9 7 8-468-3805 fax: 6 1 7-951-9919 classnews1978@a 1979 Cheri Bai ley Powers 6027 Scout Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80918 7 1 9-532-9285 7 1 9-380-6806 classnews19 79@a lum


I 47

Alumni @ Large

1 970s l i beral am at UNH to become lead

s,,·igart. This is the fi rst marriage for

researcher for J usticeworks, a tri-state

each (who says b l i n d dates don'n,·ork out?), and I am happy to report that

W h e re he was after g ra d u a t i o n

t h e merging of households has been

Working for the National Ca b l e TV Assoc iation in Washi ngto n .

smooth . Two cats (hers) a n d one dog (his) are h a p p i ly residing i n Alexan­ dria, Va . J . vVa tt Bra dsh a w andJohn

Steer ' 7 6 11·ere i n attendance at the wedding, which 11·as held a t the oldest house in Alexandria, complete w i t h w h i te pil lars, h u g e front porch and a Civil \\'ar cannon in the front yard 1 Laurie is practicing la11· in D . C . and says i t i s ne1·er too late to get h i tched'

. J ames Signorile

. .

has completed

his composition " Piano Concerto ;\o. 1 , Op. - 3 ," 11·hich was commis­ sioned by Carson P . Cooman, who will perform the piece i n St. Peters­ burg, Russia, i n April 2 00 1 . If you can't make the trip or can't wait until 2 00 1 , the concerto may be heard (1·ia � I I D I rendering) on J i m 's \Yeb site (www .mp3 .com/signorilel) . . . . To­ day m)· husband, George ' 2 Oay), and I met with Avrum Vinick, who was visiting Colorado from the Colby De,·elopment and Alumni Relations

W h e re he was two years after that

Doing ma rketing for T i m e Wa rner Cable, b u i l d i ng cable system s in major metropolitan cities. He was i nvolved i n the i ntrod uction of pay per view a nd other i n novations. W h e re he i s now In Stamford, Con n . , where he is Time Warner Cable's senior vice president of new prod uct development. What h e i s deve l o p i n g Accord i ng to Cab/e vision m a ga z i n e , h i s tea m i s a t w o r k o n o n -sc ree n n a vigators a n d v i d e o o n d e ­ m a n d . H o m e B o x Off i c e , for exa m p l e , cou l d offe r a s m a n y a s 1 00 progra m m i n g c hoices e a c h m o nt h . T i m e W a r n e r Ca b l e wou l d store t hose t i tles s o they c o u l d be ta p ped by c u stomers a t t h e i r conve n i e n c e . What h e t h i n ks o f when h e looks back " [Cable] was a fasc i nating busi ness to be working for as a lobbyist or i n a trade association in the late 1 970s . We were this l ittle fledgling ind ustry, charging up at the big guys at the top of the mou nta i n : broadcasters, telephone com pa n ies and the utilities . "

consortium that srudies the effective­ ness of crime-deterring programs. It's the latest addition at

JH's l n sti­

rute for Policy a n d Social Science Research . . . .

Tbe Dm·ien News Review

of Darien, Conn., reported that EAB has named

J ames Schwartz J r .


senior vice president of compliance . J ames lives in Darien w i t h his w i fe a n d their five childre n . I n h i s spare time he coaches ice hockey for the Darien Youd1 Hockey Association. . . .

Tom Grossman,

his wife and

their two chi l d ren, ages 7 a n d l l , live Ill

ewton, i\1ass., where h e is a law­

yer p ractici n g at G ro s s m a n a n d Grossman in Boston . . . .

Tbe G01·bam Times, a bi-weekly in Gorham, Maine, reported d1a t Sally Reynolds Landau is a new teacher teaching Spanish at Gorham H igh School. During the 1 998-99 school year she was a n ed tech I I I (grade

1 ) i n South


and before that she worked part time as a teacher's aide and substitute in M a i n e and New J e rsey . . . . T h e d i d a n article on dairy

Office. It was a great chance to hear

say that the liberal arts education h e

reconnecting wid1 the College and

Maiue Times

the late t news as Colby makes the

received a t Colby helped h i m switch

learning of d1e exo·aordinary progress

farming in Maine and mentioned our

Spencer Aitel .

tran irian to a new president. Al­

careers from the travel industry ro

of d1e last 20 or so years. He went on


though we ,;sit � Iaine every summer,

education (this seems to be a theme

to report that he serves as a trustee of

Vassalboro a n d produces organic milk

Spencer lives i n

from 70 cows. He augments h i s farm

I am hoping this year to walk the

11;th our class!). He just completed his

d1e New Hampshire Symphony and

campus and see a l l the changes' It

first year as a French teacher to more

d1at he is chair of d1e artistic search

income with a carpentry job off d1e

alway ha been a special place 1


1 00 fifth graders in \Vilton,

committee looking to replace the cur­

farm, but he's in dairy farming for the

-Robin Sweeney Peabody


Conn . , and comments that teaching

rent music director, who is retiring

long pull, challenging with his or­

French to fifth graders was "l ike hav­

after 2 6 seasons. . . . Lydia McAnemey

ganic fa rming techniques the con­

I compose this edition of

ing themed birthday parties five times

reports that her husband's landscap­

ventional wisdom d1at it takes 1 5 0

class notes, summer has finally landed

a d a y . " He added t h a t a l t h ough

ing business is booming and that they

cows or more to be profitable . . . .

in � Iaine . . . . Carrie Getty ent an e­

Connecticut's teacher requirements

were in d1e process of finishing some

Larry B lanchard

mail fr m Idaho Falls, Idaho. She re­

are among the toughest in the coun­

intense work on d1eir rental house,

M a r i e D a rs c h i n J u n e

try, they accepted his minor in educa­

which was nearly deso·oyed by the last

Boylston, Mass. La rry is a vice presi­ d e nt a t A l l merica F i n a n c i a l , a n d

ported that after I 0 years in J\'ew York

m a rried Kristin 1 9 9 9 in

tion at Colby and rwo courses over the

tenants. She continues to juggle the

i n ten·iew w i t h R u dy

summer that brought him up ro cur­

requirements of motherhood and em­

Kristin is a travel consultant at

Guiliam for the position of commis-

rent standards. Paul says he runs into

ployment outside the home, with two

tiona! Leisure Group . . . .

ioner ofcon umer affairs in late i 99-J..

classmates on a regu lar basis. At an

children and renovating(with the help


I ndian restaurant he d1inks he saw

of nearly $2 00,000 in grants) a build­

Cal iforn ia at Davis since 1 99-J., spe­

it:y, she relocated after rurning do1111 an o ffer


ln Idaho he has coordinated a


Alan Tay­

a professor at the University of

mil lion capital campaign to renovate

Caren Starr,

who looked like she

ing that Tapestry bought in May 1 999.

cializes i n early American history and

some do11 nro11 n bui ldings, including

might be entertaining clients for her

She added that she would love to see

d1e history of the American \:Vest.

rurning an old ,·a ude,·ille theater into

consulting business, and he says that

any C o l by classmates who come

His 1 99 5 book, William Cooper's Town,

an ar� center for the region.

the local newspaper included news of

through the Min neapol is area1 . . .

has received prestigious awards and

Betsy Bowen's recent promotion

Please write or e-mail your news so I

great reviews. The book is part his­

he was

o �ucce. ful that no11 she is the execu-


tn e dl recto r and books sho11 like Ray

the Fairfield

Charle'>, Diane 'chuur, Glen Camp­

partment as well as a letter to d1e

niversiry English de­

hell, mu'>lcal , bluegra� and kids' ruff.

editor she wrote about school build­

'he abo runs an art gallery. She adds,

ing needs in town. Then he saw Betsy

" I t\ beaunful out here 11 1th great ski­ �ng and mountain b1ling. The on!)

can share it!

torical tract and part l i terary criti­

- Vale1·ie Jones Roy

cism of J ames Fenimore Cooper's

H e l lo, eve ryon e ! Spring and

C o o p e r fa m i l y ' s l i fe in fro n t i e r

as she zipped by with what appeared to

summer are lovely in Vermont, and

he her Bro11 nie troop in d1e local

d1ey must be where you are, too,

Cooperstown. Tbe New Y01·k Times Book Review ca lied Alan's book a "story

thmg l m1�� a hour '\' .Y . C. " the food�

\ lemorial Day parade. AJ o at the

because I haven't received much cor­

stranger d1an fiction . . . an un-ideal­

I Ia1 en 't run IntO 1 ef) man) Col h)

parade 11 a<, Janet

Breslin Gilmartin,

re pondence lately. So this column is

ized, unconventional view of post­

foiL- out here bur mJ) he I 'm too old tO

11 ho i� planning a

olby get-together

recogmze am one the�e da1 �." . and





. . am


that '>Oil #] , Tre1or, 11 Ill attend l l obart and, the) hope, JOin rhe hod.e) ream

there . . . .


Paul Kueffner e-nuded to 20


for area alumni. . . .


Peter Labom­

reported that 11 1fe I rene and

their three I.. J d'> (Kathcnne,

, and

F1 an a n d J ocel)·n, 5 ) had a 110nderful C\pcnencc ar C:olb) Toda)




Tbe Pioneers,

a novel based on the

mostly about ' 7 7 s who have been in

R e vo l u t i o n a ry A m e r i c a

the news lately.

vantage poi nt on the frontier." It re­

Foster's Daily Demo­

cmt of Dover, J\' . H . , did an article on

ceived the 1 99 5

Ted Kirkpatrick,

to r i c a l M a n u s c r i p t

now a crimi nolo­

from a

ew York State H i s­ ward, the

T . H . Recently

Ban croft Prize i n American H i story

he left his job as the associate of

and the 1 996 Pulitzer Prize for his-

gist in Portsmouth,

tory. Congratulations, AJ a n 1

8ango1' Weekly


ran a very i n teresting

and positive a rticle about Corner­ stone Fra m i n g and Fine Art, a new business in downtown Bangor, Maine, owned by C .) . Bennett and j e n n i fer

J a n u a ry S t u a rt G e o rgi t i s ( s g e orgi t i s @ t j a s o l ut i o n s . c o m ) m oved

fishing?" . . . T ran i n to Robin Reid

all, come on up and visit1


from M i c h i ga n to M a ssachusetts,

'79, who a lso lives up here in Char­ lotte, Vt., and whose child goes to the

where he is workjng as a sen ior I C P product l i ne manager worldwide a t

same elementary school as Tim's and my two younger boys. Robin is mar­


D. 0 '81·ien

It's offici a I ' There have now

been 22 classes to graduate from

T J A Solutions in Fra n k l i n , LV I ass. \tV hen he fi rst arrived back in Tew

ried to a Vermont fa rmer, and she

Colby since we did. Yikes1 And to

writes articles for, takes pictu res for

make matters worse, my w i fe's oldest

and is instrumental in publ ishing the

sister's older son just finished h i s

the article states. C.]. " l earned to

England he got together with Pat Gill '78 and Steve Zuchero, who

bi-weekly Cha rlotte newspaper. I 've

freshman year. \Ve a re getting o l d .

are, Stu says, "both fine, well and

work with his hands as a youngster,

been in Vermont a l most a year to the

N o w that I 've cheered you up . . . .

good." H e also wrote that " a fter leav­

day now, and l i ke so many of you I

John Devine writes that a fter 2 1 years

ing Maine and traversing the country

love being back in New England.

at P & G , he left the large corporate

Please write to me a t 96 Soaring Hawk

w o r l d a n d is now s e n i o r VP of

he worked in a Bangor print shop for

and the world I am glad to be back close to my roots and welcome the It was a great op­

years." So, as we visit Bangor let's

Lane, Charlotte, VT 0 5 ++ 5 , e-mail

opportunity to renew old acquain­

make sure to drop in on C.] . . . . In

me at classnews l

portun i ty to j o i n the "new economy"

tances. Golf anyone' Or perhaps fly

or, or, best of

and not have to relocate. H e tipped

Boilard. " A former laboratory scien­ tist, C .] . now spends much of his time crafting fra mes and shadow boxes,"

helping h i s mother, an accomplished uphol sterer, l a n d ] after he was grown

helena bonnell

K i n�-size

In Lebanon all the country's p u b l i c l i braries were destroyed d u ring the 1 97 5-76 civil wa r, and there is o n l y one person a l computer for every 25 peo ple. M a ny schools don't have one machine, even for a d m i n istrators. H owever, computer use by Leba nese c h i l d ren recently received a boost tha n ks to Helena Bon n e l l Gilman '78, M ic rosoft's ma rket i ng services manager for the Persian G u lf and eastern Mediterranea n . With a Microsoft grant for com m u n ity affa i rs and money from her own marketing budget, G i lman created an electronic l i brary that opened in J u ne at the Beirut Ch ildren's Science M useu m . "The museu m is very pa rticipatory , " sa id G i l m a n , who previously had worked on smaller com m u n ity affa i rs projects in the Middle East. A once-vacant museum room is now the M icrosoft Electronic Li brary, complete with computers, softwa re and tra ined i nstructors. Local schools pay $1 per person to cover the fees of runn i ng the li brary, making the progra m self-sufficient. For her efforts G i l man received one of Microsoft's 2000 Best Practices Awards for addressing local needs worldwide. Based in D u ba i , U n ited Arab E m i rates ( UA E ) , G i l ma n promotes M icrosoft's products in 1 1 cou ntries, i nc l u d i ng the five Persian G u l f states plus Jord a n , Lebanon, Cyprus, M a lta , Pakista n and Syri a . Her respons i b i l ities i nc l ude advertisi ng, public relations, the I nternet, d i rect mail, event pla n n i ng and comm u n ity affa i rs . " I wanted t o l ive outside the [ U n ited States] , get m y B . M .A . and I d id n 't spea k a foreign language , " she sa id of her i n itial move a broa d . After ea r n i ng her M . B . A . from City U n iversity B usiness School i n London i n 1987 G i l m a n worked i n marketing a t B P O i l 's U n ited Ki ngd om office. She a n d her two sons fol lowed her h u s ba n d , a lso an America n , to D u ba i i n 1 993 after he pursued a job there. G i l m a n had never traveled to ----the M id d l e East before. " Anyone who is ope n - m i nded ca n cope with a nyth i ng, " she sa i d .

Com puting

I n fact, D u ba i is very cosmopolita n , G i l m a n says. T h e U A E itself was created in 197 1 and is very modern . "The d isadva n tages a re that there is no c u lt u re or h istory," said G i l m a n . "The advantages a re that everyt h i ng is new. It has a h igh sta ndard of l iving. " The country's economy depends heavily on oi l , but recently UAE created a n a rea known as Dubai I n ternet City. "They wa nt it to be the S i l icon Va l ley of the M iddle East , " said G i l m a n . "They have a l l of the major software compa n ies out there . " S h e says American m isconceptions a bout t h e Middle East a boun d . " People t h i n k it's very backwards. What you see o n T V a re riots a nd poverty. The UAE is tec h n ica lly categorized as T h i rd World , but it's a n u p and comer. Cou ntries that want t o move forward ca n . They can get today's latest technology, put it in and start to use it as a trigger to boost their economy. " G i l ma n says that doing busi ness a s a foreigner presents some c h a l lenges. "Th i ngs aren't as structured as we're used to, " she sa id . Also, pirated software use is widespread in many countries. "The concept of plagiarism is not ta ught i n school , " sa id G i l man. "The cha l lenge is to get across the idea of i ntellectual property rights law . " G i l ma n dea ls primarily with Europea ns and America ns but a l so with government officials and c ustomers who usually are Ara b men. However, she says that despite some culture and national ity issues, " it's pretty much the sa me as doing busi ness anywhere . " I n what spare time she has, she a lso serves on the America n B usiness Cou ncil of D u ba i 's board of d irectors and the D u ba i Department of Economic Development's i nformation tech nology advisory boa rd . Gilman plans to stay with Microsoft after her Dubai st1nt. I n December she wi l l become the corporate affa i rs manager for M icrosoft Europe, M iddle East and Afrrca , based in the company's European headquarters rn Paris. As for future comm u nity affairs proJects, G1lman has a to-do list. Next stop? Jordan , where the king has expressed a n 1nterest 1n promoting i nformation technology. -A licia Nemiccolo MacLeay '97




FALL 2000



Alumni @ Large

1 970s-1 980s


me off (more coming) that Mike S l avin and fam i ly moved to the Port­

land (Maine, is there another') area. like did an I n ternet search and found Pam C leaves Devine's mother, a realtor, and bought a house from her. M i ke sent me his own e-mail describ­ ing his own job change. After 1 5-plus years of "real jobs" (running ware­ houses, purchasing, inventory and customer service departments for big distribution companies) he has moved to "the dark side," consulting with ERP sofrware provider JD Edwards. For the past two years he's been do­ ing pre-sales consulting, going to prospective customers, surveyin g their requirements and doing demo presentations that show them how JD Edwards software will solve all of their problems. He claims the job is 50 percent consulting and 50 percent entertainment. \Vhy isn't it a real job' you may ask. Mike claims that he shows them some software, tel ls some stories and makes twice what he did when he had real operational respon­ sibility-and he has no whining em­ ployees to deal with! He and Kelly ( Keffe '80) along with "the scream­ ers," Craig, I 0, and Daniel, 6, moved to Scarborough, i\1aine, when J D Edwards went to home offices and .\ like's home office became Maine. H i s reen try tO .\ 1 a i n e i nvolved traightening out a speeding ticket that he got in Bar Harbor . . . in 1 9801 The fine had never been paid, and .\ l i ke needed help from George Ke aris, John Geismar and Bob Bower ' 0 before he was readmitted to the state. It involved paying off the original 50 fine, with no interest. . . . The Soutb Po11/and Senny reports that B i l l Britton opened his new law firm, William R. Britton J r., P.A., in Port­ land. \fter Colby, Bill received his J . D. and .\ L B.,\. from � . He can practice law in ,\ laine and N.Y. and is licen ed a a C.P.A. in li iaine, '.Y. and .\ I a sachusetts. \\'ay to go, Bill1 . . . Laurie Hutcheson Leavitt had her " Fruit!> and Flowers" watercolor di'iplayed at the Bame and 1\'"oble in Fram1ngham, ,\ lass., recently. The �h011 mcluded <;till life and flowers panned in the rran lucent color that char,lcterize the medium . .\fter Colby, Laune ,tud1ed at the .\ [u eum chool of Fine \rt� in Boston and more re­ cent!) ar rhe Danforth :\n .\ lu eum in Frammgham . . he had \\ On 1·ariou a11 ard� through her member�hip in the Frammgham \rts Guild and the Southborough.w Center . . . . Doug Blackwell got �ome nice pre s ba�ed .




· F A L L 2000

on his new position as semor vice president of operations at Surebridge, Inc., the only single-source applica­ tion service provider. Doug reports directly to the chairman and founder of the company. Prior to Sure bridge, he was VP of service delivery for Lightbridge, a sofrware and services company, and VP of operations for Thomson Fin an cial Services . . . . Tom "Om" \Veils ' 79, who is techni­ cally a '79er bunvil l always be a '78er to me, and I have been swapping e­ mails recently. Om is a teacher in South Boston. He seems to have a love-hate relationship with his kids but enjoyed a well-deserved summer break. Om has incredible recall of some of the funnier and more bizarre incidents that took place at " Fort Weird" in the fal l of 1 974. Does any­ one else remember Steve Flachsbart '77's favorite beer?

-Robe11 S. Woodbmy


As I write, summer is here in the Rockies and unfortunately so is the dryness. We could sure use a good week's worth of rain to cut down on the fire danger. Colorado is such a beautiful state, I hate to see tl1e for­ ests go up in flame. Send us rai n 1 (Not every one will agree on the rain re­ quest.) . . . I've just read about several of our classmates lately. Reading about the Very Rev. Archimandrite Savas Zembillas brought a big smile to my face. (Did you see the feature article on him in the summer Colby?) Sav was appointed chancellor of the Greek Orthodox Archdi ocese of America, effective December 1 , 1 999. Sav went on from Colby to Holy Cross School ofTheology and gradu­ ated with a master's of divinity with high honors in 1 98 5 . H e pursued doctoral studies at Oxford niver­ sity, was ordained to the diaconate in 1 992 and the priesthood in 1 995 and ordained a monk in November 1 996. Sav, I congratulate you on your ap­ pointment as chancellor. You always displayed wonderment about the hu­ man soul and condition. (However, I still remember you playing witl1 your band, .\ lick and the .\Ial ignants, at pring Carni1•al or teaching me the bu top in your white suit.) . . . Randy Papadellis had just received a promotion to enion·ice president of \\'elch' after sen·ing as \'P of mar­ keting since 1 994 11 hen he was hired a11 a) br Ocean pray. Randy reside in udbu[) 11 ith his 11 ife, Cathy, and their 1:11 o children, .\nnie Elizabeth and Christian . . . . La t October, Dr.

Douglas Taron, curator of biology at the Chicago Academy of Sciences, assisted i n the grand opening of The Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum, a new addition to the academy. Doug curated two of the most popular ex­ hibits at the museum, The Butterfly Haven and The Wilderness Walk. The opening weekend was a smash­ ing success, with more than I 0,000 people visiting. If you are in Chicago, take the time to check out the mu­ seum and to say hi to Doug . . . . An­ other classmate that I read about is Deb Lawler, who works at vVBZ ewsRadio in Boston, where she co­ anchors Tbe WBZMomi11gNews. She worked for several stations in Maine before heading to Boston and vVBZ. VVhen she isn't on tl1e air, she enjoys working with the Red Cross . . . . My senior year n e i ghbor C a t h e r i n e Courtenaye sent me notice of her art exhibition. Her paintings of Shaker objects were on display at the Centre House Meeting Room, Shaker Mu­ seum, South Union, Ky., the whole month ofJuly. Catherine's works have been displayed all up the West Coast as well as in New York and I taly. I f you get tl1e chance t o see Catl1erine's work, please take the time. It will be well worth it. . . . I 've just received an e-mail from D e b Schwartz. She and her partner, Deb, have recently adopted a little girl, Katie, 1 5 months old, from Cambodia. Both Deb and her partner traveled to Cambodia to pick up Katie i n December. She says that motherhood is fun but exhaust­ ing ( I can vouch for tl1at1) and knows why people don't wait until their 40s to have kids1 . . . Last, but not least, I have heard from another good friend, Kathy QuimbyJohnson. Katl1y, her husband, Greg '78, and daughter Lydia spent two weeks in Austria this past spring visiting friends and intro­ ducing Lydia to l i fe in anotl1er coun­ try and language. They had a great time and said that tl1ey won't wait another 1 5 years before going again. Kathy works at the Center for Holo­ caust Studies at the Un iversity of Vermont in Burl ington . . . . That is it for this column. I have passed on a lot of news but could sure use more for future columns. Please feel free to mail, e-mail (classnews l 979@alum. or Cpowers@entfedera l . com) o r drop in and visit1

-Cbe1'i Bailey Powers


Our 20th reunion was a great success. More than 70 classmates at­ tended the activities. From the boat

ride, courtesy of Henry Kennedy a n d Camp Kieve, to on-campus programs, a great time was had by all. I think that as we get older we appreciate our Colby experiences and friendsh i ps more than ever. (Where were the rest of you? Please contact me with your excusesl) We first must acknowledge the hard work and dedication that Elliott Pratt put into his past role as class president. His warm personality and networking skil ls were an asset to reunion planning and activities. Elliott and his wife, Tricia, live in Wellesley, Mass., with their three children. We welcome Dan O 'HalJoran, who is excited to take on the role of class president for the next five years. Dan, his wife, Jane, and their two children live in Watervil le, where he is the president of his family's long-estab­ lished insurance company . . . . During reunion Nancy Reed, an Alzheimer's disease specialist, did notice a few early signs of memory loss in several class­ mates-"vVhat do you mean, this isn't called Lambda Chi anymore ? 1 " . . . Esme McTighe lives in Edgecomb, Maine, with her two children, iall and Petra. She planned a cross-coun­ try trip in their camper in August to visit-among other places-Oregon and Tom Marlitt. Tom, tl1e dean of admissions for Reed College in Port­ land, Ore., traveled to Waterville for our reunion . . . . J a n e D e M a rtin PelJeti er came from Maryland to meet up with old friends Janet Thacher Silva, currently living in Amherst, N.H., and Cate Talbot Ashton, who lives in Waterville and works for Colby. The Phi Delts and their families were well represented a t our reunion. Scott Butterfield was eloquent with his re­ union dinner remarks, almost as en­ tertainingasour class reunion speaker, Charlie Bassett, butwayahead ofRalph 1 ader, our commencement speaker1 Scott works for Information Resources in Waltham, Mass . . . . Mark Garvin produced his business card to confirm that he is employed as an editor and lobbyist for the a tiona! Arborist As­ sociation ofa·ee care companies. He is married to Jill Jeffery '82 and lives in Andover with their two daughters . . . . Scot Lehigh writes a weekly column for Tbe 8osto11 Globe in the "Focus" section. He l ives with his wife i n Charlestown, Mass . . . . After reunion Andy Goode, with his canine com­ panion Frisbee, was headed to an in­ ternational conference in Canada. Goodie is the director of programs/ operations for the Atlantic Salmon Federatio n . . . Proud papa B o

Preston shared photos and stories of

question of each of you, with answers

his 3 -year-old daughter, Lanie. H e

second grader and Harry Potter fan .

to be included in the next column.

lives in Ipswich, Mass., and works i n

VVil l is in pre-school b u t is already

the fast-grow i n g fi e l d o f o n - l i n e

The question: What is your funniest memory from Colby days? \i\Te shared

is also a Brownie leader for Carie's troop. Melise and] im started their own

chasing a hockey puck around. Me lise

publications. . . . Cathy Palmer

a number of tl1ese memories at re­

Smith, now residing i n Manchester,

union and I have not laughed so much

real estate development/management

N . H . , recently married Dan Smith

in a long time. I am also trying to

ventme, Lecarrow Parmers. Their first

and came back to campus to share her

update the current e-mail and snail

project was to finance and develop a

college memories with him . . . . Joy

mail addresses for all of our class­

Crafts McNaughton i s l iving in

20,000-square-foot office building for

mates. Let me know ifyou have info to

a state agency in Boston. It came in on

Portland, Maine, witl1 husband John

add to our di rectory for yourself or

time and on budget! On the home

and son Nick. Her duties include driv­

others in our class. Remember to save

front, they have been in their new house

ing her three-season atl1lete and his

the fi rst weekend in J une in 2005 for

about a year now. They worked with a

friends to tl1eir many sports events.

our 2 5 th reunion.

She is an attorney with Hanover I n ­ surance . . . . Carol Mordecai Myers came to reunion from Colorado. Carol

-Lynn Collins Fnmcis


historical architect so it would fit in with tl1e Dedham historic district. . . . Rick Schaub is living in Ridgefield,

Lynne Bruen Winter was

Co1m . , with his wife, Sue, and their two

started painting 1 0 years ago, has a

elected to the Northborough-South­

wonderful style and loves what she is

borough regional school committee as

Rick is the managing d i rector o f

doing. She impressed us with photos

a write-in candidate. Lynne says tl1e

Maclaren, which makes premiwn baby

children, Douglas, 1 0, and Will, 8.

of the paintings she has done. Check

main issue the towns are faci11g is tl1at

strollers. He says it is nice to be back in

out he r work (www . richdesignsgallery.

a new high school needs to be built.

New England after living in Ohio. Rick

. Bruce Martel is working

The town is facing a number of school

stays in touch with Ted and Lisa Gale

for a software company i n Kennebunk,

building projects in addition to the new

Taylor, who live in Bangor. Ted and

com) .

. .

his son, Cam, pla1med to join Rick aJld Will on a father-son fishing trip in

What he does

Environmenta l geologist.

The other thing he's been doing s i nce

R u n n i ng very fast. Kicked it i nto h igh gear to win the M a i ne men's portion of the Peoples Beach to Beacon lOK race last August in Cape E l izabet h , making h i m the fastest man i n Maine. How long h e ' s been trying He fi n i shed second the last two years but this time spri nted past his pere n n ia l riva ls. W h a t a t o p competitor said " H e goes by me l i ke I'm sta n d i ng sti l l . I d i d n 't even see h i m com i n g . " What Coffin told t h e M a i n e S u nday Telegram after t h e race "You put a l ittle bit of pressure o n yourself to be the best guy in the state. I'm fina l ly there . " Colby

What he did recently

Maine . . . . Charlie '80 and Mari Sa­ maras White moved to Madison, Wis., from Vermont after Charlie left his job \vith Orvis and joined Land's End. They have four children, one in high school, an eighth grader, a sixth grader, and a first grader. Mari is continuing to work part time and enjoys running mara­ thons with her brother, George Sama­ ras '86 . . . . Elisabeth Eustis was married to Jolm David Paine in New Gloucester, Maine, last May. Her ma­ trons of honor were freshman room­ mate Cate Talbot Ashton '80 and sophom ore roommate E l i zabeth Stuart Bailey, who transferred before graduating. Sue Oram '79 married tl1em. She is a lawyer in Nlaine, which qualifies her to officiate. Alm Hagar Eustis '49 was the beaming mother of

Maine. H e mentioned that i n h i s

high school so the town is concerned

the bride . . . . Wayne andJanJohnson

fom1er careerofcabine011aking/wood­

about the level ofdebt itwiU undertake.

Gombotz have been living in Seattle

working he had among his projects

Lym1e is hoping tl1at she can use her

for 1 5 years and have three children­

some of the doors on Colby's build­

financial background in hospital ad­


ministration to help the town come up

They also have two dogs, one cat and

ing· the gender imbalance in his home.

witl1 a policy. As far as the restofLynn's

one horse. Wayne is senior director of

He and his wife,Julie, have two daugh­

family, her husband, Adam, is working

analytical chemistry and formulation

ters ages 3 and l . . . . Mike Childers

at E.i\llC, and daughter Meaghan fin­

at lmmw1ex Corporation, a biotech­

represented our Zete alumni at Re­

ished pre-school and started kinder­

nology company. Jan is busy

union. He traveled from Chicago,

garten this fall. Son Ethan has developed

her company, L1fosystems Architects,

into a big Red Sox fan. He also does tae

but has been spendli1g more time lately

ings . .


. David Perry reports enjoy­

where he resides with his wife of 1 0

I I,

Rick, 7, and JuliaJme, -+.

rwm ing

years, Allison. After the weekend he

k:won do aJld won a silver medal at his

training horses and raising kids. They

was on his way to a Las Vegas conven­

first tournament in Connecticut. . . .

spend lots oftime in the Cascadei\ loun­

tion involving cable TV suppliers. H e

Melise Maggioni O'Sullivan l e ft

tainsskiing. Ken Sharples and his "�fe,

i s the senior VP o f sales for A.ntec

Kodak two years ago to be general

Lucie, and son Tyler visited for a week­

Corp . . . . Unfornmately space is lim­

contracto r on h e r new house i n

end last February. \Vayne and Jan

ited, so I �vill save tl1e news of other

Dedham, Mass. Melise a n d J i m '82

plaJmed a business/vacation oip to Paris

classmates for the nex1:colunm. vVhile

have three children-Greg, 1 2 , Catie,

a n d B u rgundy t h i s s u m m e r . . .

in a brainstorming session at rew1ion

7, and \Vill, -+. Greg is in the si..nh grade

Darlene Howland and Steve Pfaff

at Roxbury Latin School ru1d Catie is a

welcomed Caitlin Saunders Pfaff to

we came up with the idea of asking a


1980s Correspondents 1980 Lynn C o l l i n s Fra n c i s 1 6 Oakridge Road S u d bu ry, MA 0 1 7 7 6 9 78-443-64 1 7 classnews1980@a l u m . 1981 Beth Pn iewski W i l son P . O . Box 602 Harvard, MA 01451 9 78-456-8801 classnews1981@a l u m 1982 M i m i H. R a s m u ssen 63 Reservo i r Street Cam bridge , MA 02138 6 1 7-492-1002 cla ssnews1982@alum 1983 Sally Lovegre n M e rchant 2 4 Easy Street Mt. Desert, ME 04660 207-244-0441 fax: 207-244-9445 classnews1983@a lum. 1984 Cynthia M. M u l l i ken-Lazzara 18 S u n s h i re Ave n u e Sausa l ito, CA 94965 4 1 5-332-3542 classnews1984@a l u m 1985 Sue James Gere m i a 8 7 Ce ntre Street Dover, MA 02030 508-785-8366 classnews1985@a l u m 1986 Wendy La pham Russ 206 Cheltenham Road Newark, D E 1 9 7 1 1 302-738-6261 cla ssnews1986@a lum 198 7 Jane N icol M a n u e l 8 Wentworth Drive Beverly, MA 01915 978-927-6084 fax: 520-833·62 1 4 cla ssnews1987@alum 1988 La uren Frazza 200 East 78th Street, Apt. 19A New York, N Y 10021 2 1 2- 7 1 7-7020 classnews1988@alum 1989 Anita L . Terry 501 Warwick Street St. P a u l , MN 55116 6 5 1-698-9382 fax: 651-848-1182 classnews1989@a lum




Alumni @ Large

1 980s

their family on St. Patrick's Day, :WOO.

wish them a l l a fantastic Colby experi­

Disney division. Jan says tl1e family

Keren's death has become an advocate

She joins big brother Stephen . . . . Our

ence in this new miLiennium . . . . I have

gets to a fam i ly house in New Hamp­

for organ donation. Jane has worked

20th reunion "il l beJune

- 1 0! Hope

to see all of you there'

-Beth Pnie-a1ski fVi/son


a ,•ision of us presenting Colby one of

shire when possible . . . . Also in Cali­

in Boston for the department of neu­

those really big fake checks at reunion

fornia are John and Ann Poncelet,

rology at Mass General for many years

in June 2003, so help me make tl1e goal

M . D . , and tl1eir 3 -year-old daughter,

and has taken a role in educating phy­

a reality' Please contact meabout ques­

Chantal. Arm is on the neurology fac­

sicians about how to approach fa mi­

tions you have about reunion and ideas

ulty at UCSF and specializes in neuro­

lies about organ donation. I am sure

tunity to attend the last of l 5 country­

you have for that weekend. I t is never

muscular disease and does clinical

Ann would want us to take a minute

wide alumni send-off receptions for

too early to start planning' Please help

research in diabetic neuropatl1y. Ann

here again to give tl1anks for Keren's

President and Mrs. \\Tilliam Cotter.

me plan ahead' . . . Jan Gracey D'Atri

says she sti L l keeps in touch with Eric

l i fe as well as to seriously consider the

B i l l and Linda \\"ere gracious hosts to

wrote from Los Angeles, where she

Dexheimer and Steve Albert. Eric is

process and benefits of organ dona­

manyofu alumni on a beautiful spring

and husband Charlie are living with

a reporter for Wesnv01·d in Denver and

tion if we have not a l ready done so.

e"ening at the Portland Country Club

their young daughter, Emma. They

has a 9-year old stepdaughter and a 2-

Thanks, Ann, for all the news . . . .

in Falmouth, .\Iaine. As you will re­

mo,·ed from 1'\ew York last year and

year old daughter. His wife, Robin

J e n ni fer Ward Stringham says her

member, they mo\'ed in to Colby the

are adjusting well to \Vest Coast liv­

Chozinoff, is a writer as well. Steve is

l i fe has taken many turns, and, thanks

same year we did. J'\owour l th presi­

ing, a lthough they miss the change of

a wildlife biologist for the Zuni Indi­

to her l i beral arts education and her

dent has moved on, and our class wel­

seasons in the East.Jan has been work­

ans in New Mexico, and his wife,

desire to learn new tl1ings, continues

comes Colby's 1 9th president, \VilLi am

ing in tl1e clothing business since she

Heather, is a schoolteacher. They have

to be in teresting. Her interests have

D . Adams, and his family. I also note

left Colby and for Tommy H i l figer

two children, an 8-year-old son and a

been in the heal tl1 and training (inter­

that many ofthe enteringclass at Colby

for the last six years. Her husband

5 -year-old daughter. Ann recently saw

national) area: she has been an EMT;

thi year are friends and family, and we

works for H o l l )"vood Records, a

Keren Holtz's mom , J a ne, who since

a French teacher, part of the Peace

This pastJune i had the oppor­

carolyn Carolyn T reat '82 entered Col by a nticipating making strides as a n a rt1st, a nd s h e foresaw a career tea c h i ng a rt t o c h i ldren. Two decades later, thmgs have worked out as she plan ned-and then some. A n exh1 b1tmg scu l ptor, Treat is a lso the a rt d i rector of a therapeutic a rt progra m she sta rted at Sha lom House, a Portland, M a i n e , agency that prov1des housing and support services for people with menta l I l l nesses to help them l ive as independently as possible. I n the spri ng of 1 999 , some 40 of her students exhi bited pai nti ngs, d rawings, col lages, pa pier-mache, masks and clay pieces at the Da nforth G a l lery in Portla n d . H e r charges sold 1 3 p1eces, b u t Treat says s h e prefers ta l k i ng u p he physical a n d emot1onal prof1t they get from making a rt: fee l i ng comfortable 1 n a group, bemg responsible, fee l i ng self-worth and "j ust seemg the work!" I n the late 1980s Treat ta ught 1 n the Portland public schools and partic u l a rly e njoyed the spec1al ed ucat1on c lasses. "The kids were exc1ted to be there, to be creat1ve , " she sa1d . At Shalom House she says she feels the sa me connec­ tion , des1re a nd grat1tude 1n her students, who range from age 1 9 to the1r 60s. In add1t1on o mental I l lness. som e have phys1cal d 1sabli. 1es. " They need attent1on a lmost l 1 ke a ch1ld wou ld , " Treat sa1d of the gro u ps of e1ght to 10 that meet as often as th ree , mes a week. ·· 1 had to focus on the1r skills a n d mterests I fel I cl1cked w1th 1!. " Af er her j U n ior year 1n Florence. Italy, and her mal year as a Sen1or Scholar honmg sk1lls at Col by u nder Professor Harnett Matthews, Treat won a Watson Fellowship






a nd spent a year in Italy studying and working with ma rble i n a stud io. " I was a n a rtist over there. But making a rt wasn't enough , " she sa id . " I d i d n 't feel connected or contri buting someth i n g . " B a c k i n the States-on a MacDowe l l Colony Residency i n 1 985, a Virgi nia Center for the Creative Arts R esidency the fol lowing year a nd while earning an M . F. A . in scu l pture at M a ryland I nstitute's R i nehart School of Scul pture i n 1992-Treat says she was tryi ng to recreate the experience of doing a rt i n Italy. "I had to get Italy out of my syste m , " s h e sa id . " I had t o s i n k m y teeth i nto t h i s a rt progra m . " I n fact, the Danforth G a l lery exh i bit had some bite. Beca use Med icaid had ruled the Shalom House a rt program " recreationa l " a nd stopped fund i ng, the show beca m e a fund raiser for the program­ and , says T reat, earned recognition for the thera peutic q u a l ities of a rt making. Another Shalom House show by her students, a pa pier-mache mask project, is slated at the Portland Li brary this Nove m ber. Treat says she's sti l l i ntent o n putt i ng her own scu l pt u re out there, "a piece here and a piece there . " She has shown her work at Portland School of Art, at the Anne Weber G a l lery in Georgetown , M a i n e , at M a i n e Coast Artists in Rockport and at the M a i ne A u d u bon Society i n Falmouth . " I t's a bout a show a yea r, but I don't push i t , " she said . " It's a choice I 've made . " Tea c h i ng a rt at Shalom House a lso means " I 've given up a few t h i ngs, " she sa id . "There's no vacation time, no benefits. B ut I feel l i ke what I ' m doing is a good t h i n g . " - Robert Gillespie

Corps; in human resources; in re­

who bought and publishes BnrUJPub

working hard as a member of the

gional certified public accounting and

search, writing and publishing; i n

lvfaga:::;ine (

consulting firm, elected David Rocco

management of a small medical com­

A l u m n i Fund C o m m i ttee of the

Craig and Heidi Larson live in Davis,

Alumni Counci l . . . . Anne-Marie

as a principal in tl1e firm . . . . Bruce

pany; and now is a development of­

Cal if. Scott and Eve Ermer '86 ran

Nicholson joined \Voodard & Curran

ficer at the University of Michigan in

Grey is looking for a home in Todd's

into a bunch of "younger" Colby a l ­

neck of the woods (southern Con­

as a senior regulatory speci a l ist. Bruce

its new College of Hea I th P rofessions.

u m s a year ago at Kevin Rice '96's

necticut) after joining me U.S. Fund

has seven years of experience in envi­

Jenny is living in central Michigan

wedding . . . . Please send me your

for UNICEF in N.Y. C. as vice presi­

ronmental regulation and wastewater

with her fam i ly and sounds wonder­

news, soon. Thanks1

dent. AI1 ne-Marie has a son, Declan,

issues with particul a r expertise in mer­

H, and a daughter, Kathleen, 1 1 . It

cury discharge requirements for mu­

ful . I so appreciate her sharing her news with us . . . . John Northrop is in Burlington, Vt., as a charter member of a one-year-old Burlington-based

-Sally Loveff'·en J1 Jenbrmt


I apologize for missing tl1e last

seems that when she left Colby for her

n i c i p a l and i n d u s t r i a l wastewater

junior year abroad in Australia she got

treannent faci l i ties . . . . That's it for this installment -send me more1

column; my son, Forrest Antlwny,

more than she bargained for. She com­

start-up information technology com­

was born five weeks early at about tl1e

pleted her schooling over there and

pany called StrategiM . StrategiM pro­

same time the column was due. Need­

held a number of jobs in tl1e fund­

vides consultative and development

less to say, it took me a while to get my

raising field in both A usn-alia and New

resources and services to companies

head above water. I need some help

Zealand. She returned to the U.S. in

union was a smashing success1 Though the pub may have moved and looks a

-Cymbir1 ,\ !. .Uulliken-La::,::,m·a


Reunion update: our l S tl1 re­

that are undertaking IT initiatives.

with the next installment, too, so please

1 998 (the D . C. area) and continued

Jon travels a lot within the U.S. to help

take a moment to drop me a line. You

her work in the sponsorship and cause­

bit more dashing, little else seemed

clients. He loves returning home to

can do this by using the questionnaire

related marketing area. After working

changed when tl1e '85 veterans rolled

Burlington and now lives in a new

in tl1e back of this issue, sending an e­

in that field for 1 8 years she wrote a

in for tl1e back half of Saturday night

home in St. Albans, where the view

mail to tl1e school (classnews i 984@

book titled Sponsorsbip Seeker's Toolkit,

on June 3, 2000. Shlreen Shahawy

from h i s w i n d o w i n c l udes L a k e

a l u m, which will be for­

whose U . S . editor was Mary G lenn

seemed to capnrre the spirit of the

C h a m p l a i n a n d s u n sets o v e r t h e

warded to me) or e-mai l i ng me di­

'82. Anne-Marie attended the 1 5 th

weekend with her note: "J ust had to

Adirondacks. He sti l l plays basketbal l

rectly (col by 1 984@

reunion and reports many changes on

say that reunion was wonderful. I wish

and skis, a l though h e says h e may have

. . . Sandy Thornton McNary writes

the campus . . . . Sheryl Battit was also

tl1at more classmates could have made

slowed down j ust a l i ttle bit. John and

from Orlando, Fla. She and her hus­

at the reunion. She is celebrating her

it, but it was great to catch up with old

his girlfriend, Erin, took a vacation

band, John, have moved tl1ere from

1 5th ann iversary at New England L i fe

friends and to meet new friends (people

this past winter with Phin Gay and his

the Bahamas witl1 their two children,

Insurance Co. in Boston, where she

from my own class that I never really

girlfriend to Bermuda. John has also

Meghan, 8, and Connor, 5. Sanely

works as an acmary in the expense

knew!)." In fact, the 1 5 th reunion his­ tori cal ly seems most cha l l enging for

enrolled in the M . B . A. program at

reports that she is staying at home

pricing area. She's living in Reading

UVM , one course at a time . . . . Jen

witl1 her children, volunteering and

and is an avid curler, spending most of

all classes because ofwork/fami ly/child

Thayer reported tl1at in October 1 999

carting tl1e ch i l dren around to activi­

her 1vi nter free time at B roomstones

and pet concerns, yet the Class of '85

she had seen Scott Stein, who was

ties l i ke gynmastics and ice hockey (in

Curling Club in \Vayland, i\ [ass. In

held strong witl1 a terrific showing1

workingat the time for Oprah 'vVin frey

Florida no less). The family was plan­

the warm weather she is golfing and

Hearty congratulations go out to el'­

on her project. Jen was

ning a vacation to New England this

doing home projects . . . . Catherine

eryone who made the road trip to

busy nying to juggle working and rais­

summer with a possible stop at Colby.

Bischoff Lawrence and her husband

Mayflower H i l l : Rick Anderson,

ing the fam i ly and being part of her

. . . Jim Schweizer and his wi fe, Yumi,

have made the move to Ausn·a lia, to a

Lauren Ball, Arney Travis Barnes,

community. She also had a chance to

are here in tl1e Bay area with their

sm a l l beach com m u n i ty south of

David and Nancy Bennett Beers,

enjoy a visitwithJohn Northrop dur­

tl1ree children-Nicholas, 8, 'vVi l liam,

Sydney. Catherine, no longer a woman

Gretchen Bean B e rgi l l , Megan

ing December. . . . Kim and Dan

5 , and Amanda, 3. J i m was l iving in

of leisure, is working for Citibank

Casey, Buster Clegg, Carol Eisen­

Parrott were expecting their first baby

western Japan working first for a lan­

Austra lia as a sales executive in tl1eir

berg and David Sim pson '86, Lou

in September 2000. \Ve wish them

guage school and later at universities

global transaction banking division.

and Sue James Geremia, Wendy

luck1 Dan is captain of tl1e Pride of

teaching English and computer sci­


. Hal! Adams is tl1e managing part­

Glenn, Cici Bevin Gordon, Linda


Bflltimore 11, a replica of a sai l i ng ship

ence. In San Francisco he worked

ner o f \ Vil l iams & Montgomery Ltd.,

CarroU Higgins, Roy HirsWand,

of the type used by Americans during

building the education depart111ent for

a trial firm with about 60 lawyers. He

Mark Howard, Dwayne Jackson,

the W'ar of 1 8 1 2 . Dan was to spend

a start-up ca l led Li nuxcare and re­

was recently inducted into tl1e presti­

Diane Aibert Khlel, Elliot Kolodny,

late summer and the fa l l participating

cently joined a Swiss Web-based edu­

gious Indian Princess tribe witl1 his

Stephen Langlois, Chris Lebherz,

in Tall Ships events along the U.S.

cation company developing the

daughter . . . . Lisa Wormwood is

Rich MacNeille, Chris Murphy, John O'Connor, Kate O'Neil, Sean


business p l a n for \Veb education on

now a public relations officer and

Amsterdam witl1 the Ta l l Ships fleet.

the open sou rce field . . . . Eric van

speechwriter for State Sn·eet Corp.

Padgett and Ann-Meg \Vhite, Jim

Port ca lls include Norfolk, Balti more,

Gestel is also in San Francisco. T- T e's

. . . San1 Stanley reports that in De­

Polk, John Prorok, Steve Reed,

East Coast a n d racing across

N.Y., London, Boston and H a l i fax

accepted tl1e position of president and

cem her the CEO of the Buckeye Insti­

Dave Resnicoff, Shireen Shahawy,

(the Web site for the activities of tl1e

CEO of Enverity Corporation, an en­

tute, a market-oriented public policy

Keith Turley, Brad \Vhitaker, Beth

ship is . . . . Scott

v i ronmental B 2 B enterprise . . . . I

tl1ink tank he co-founded, resigned

Garcia Wiese and Hoolie \ \'iese '8-+.

Russell is in Vermont, where he

heard fromTodd Halloran, who is

and Sam was appointed the interim

So many stories and anecdotes traded

teaches French at Thetford Academy

living in Darien, Conn., witl1 his wife,

president. He's trying to balance that

hand that it would be impossible (per­

(one ofhis colleagues is Kathy De\,Vitt

J u l ie, and their 3 -year-old twin boys,

while teaching a course on urban eco­

haps inappropriate ' ) to retell them a l l

Grant '80). He says he was "roped"

Kyle and \Viii, and a baby giri, Meghan.

nomics at \Vright State


in this column. I f we hal'e piqued your

into being president of tl1e teacher's

Julie is working part time for Aineri­

and managing the day-to-day opera­

interest, be sure not to miss our 20th '

union, and he also is finishing his third

can E:-."Press. Todd is traveling a lot as

tions of the institute . . . . Bill Sheehan

book on home brewing, titled N011b

a parmer for Freeman Spogli & Co.

noted that he's going to ha1·e to "put

in cere thanks go to the manyspouses, children and friends who accompa­

Amerimn Clouebrews, due out in Au­

(an L.A.- and N. Y.-based private capi­

my moner where my mouth has been

gust 2000 from Storey Publishing.

tal fi rm), vennrring in and out of the

for 1 5 years . . . that is, finally donate

Scott sti l l writes a monthly column for

dot com world investing in private

to the school" now that a new presi­

BnrUJ Yom· Own, which used to be

companies in the directmarketingand

d e n t has t a k e n O\'er. . . . Tofi as

edited by our own Craig Bystrynski,

services sectors. Todd also has been

Fleishman Shapiro & Co., P.C., a re-

nied tl1is i l l ustrious alumni group1 • • • The 1 5 th reunion also signaled the changing of class officers. Stephen Reed, class president, and Barbara Knox Autran, class corresponde nt,




FALL 2000

I 53

Alumni @ Large

1 980s-1 990s

did a phenomenal job planning re­ on class news and Colby events. The

mPo,,·er, a leading provider of on-line i n ­

e;xtra tim e for Colby. On behalf of all

vestment advice t o investors, has made

of us, we thank you' For the next five

headlines while forging strategic parmer­

w i l l serve

s h i p s w i t h o n - l i n e fi n a n c i a l s e rv i c e s

as class president (congratulations,


Stephen Reed


"·i l l take on

marketing i nnovation for Heinz, currently

news. \ Ve are a l ready begin n i ng to

the market leader in the pet treats business.

Todd R . Lachman '85

put together the 2 0th reunion, so

plan to attend in 2 005 1 In the mean­

of Colby magazine. Lastly, thank you

for all your notes and e-mails follow­

i n g reunion. Your updates are greatly appreciated and w i l l appear in the

next colu m n 1

-Sue James Geremia


All the news this time was sent

d i rectly to my laundry room/home

office through the magic of e-ma i l .

A n d I d i d n ' t even have t o b e g because Colby did all the wh.ining-oops I

mean work-for me! Thanks to a l l

w h o responded t o the Alumni spam. . . .

Leslie Greenslet Perry attended

a farewell cocktail party for B i l l Cotter in .-\pril in Stamford, Conn . , and is

interested in fi nding out about class­


li1'ing i n the Fairfield County

area who might be interested in start­

ing an alumni club tl1ere. If you fit tl1at

description, please e-mail Leslie at and let her

kn011 . It ounds l i ke she's pretty busy the e tla�·s '' ith her family, "doing a

little 110rk or as much a can be done

'' ith kids

-, 3

and I ! " but would still

like to connect '' ith Colby folks in

Christopher E. Schmidt '83 to Susan Moynihan in Annisquam, Mass. · · John G. Batherson '84 to Lorna M . Turner in Bangor, Maine ·:· Caroline R. Moses '86 to Christian D. McMahon in Falmouth, Mass. Robert C. Koff '88 to Dawn M . Blazinski in Farmington, Conn. Peter R. Weltchek '88 to Sara L. Starr in San Francisco, Calif. ·:· Carolyn G. Harper '89 to Stephen P. Hefner in New Vernon, N.J.









,,., a product manager for Ba� er Diag­ llO'>tiC'>


\ l edfield, \ Ia'>'> . . . . Ke l l y J e ,,

Don a h oe

'' o r ked for t h e

Steppmgstone Foundation in Bow m

for e1ght � ea r'>. S h e got married, bought a n\er-upper 111 Bmton \ outh F.nd


o � ear'> ago, '' hich '>he '>Jid 1s

··.,ti J 1 111 the proce'>'> ofbemg fi\ed up," and had a bab� g1rl , Dor<, e� , la'>t fa ll. She a ! .,o report thar Dan ,\ I a Donald I'> '' orlm u for Di<,ne\ and ha become


" a"' rear fn nd., '' '' 1th RoSie O'Donne l l .




F P.



to you. Here's what I received (thank­ fu l ly!).

Willa Cobb

writes that she

loves being married and living in Port­

land, M aine, but sti l l misses Manhat­

tan every day. She's pregnant with her fi rst child, due i n

ovember, and is

She's been i n touch with Cathy King,

whose consignment shop, Zazou, in

Portland is wonderful. \Villa a lso sees

Heather C. Anderson, who just got a

promotion to front page Sunday writer at Metro West i n Framingham .


. . . RB

h a d a busy year. As is

n·ue for many of us, " l i fe seems to be moving in a hundred d i fferent direc­

tions at once with lots of thi ngs hap­

pen i ng but i t is sometimes d i fficult to

articulate as i ndividually the events aren't particularly exciting but taken

as a whole they are our day to day lives." V\Tell put, R B . He continues:

"Ann loves her job as full-time mom.

Ingrid is now 2 . 5 and we're formnate

to have been spared tl1e terri ble twos and suspect payback will be in the

teenage years." . . . J u l i e D'Amico K u rd and husband Mohsen celebrated

their daughter Sofia's one-year birtll­

day in May. They live in Cambri dge,


tiful baby." Heather writes that brother

Na gle 's currently living in Las Vegas,

details-we haven't had a brush with stars s i n c e


M e g Frymoyer

worked on that book b y

Martha Stewart back in ' 9 7 . . . . V i r­

days late and about 9 pounds of beau­

Sam, 2, is gradually getting used to him . . . . Rick


and h i s wife,

and Julie says, " L i fe is good 1 " . . .


where " I 'm head of tl1e English de­

partl11ent at tl1e Meadows School. My

Robyn, are also tl1e parents of t\vo

wife, Kim Hamer, and I have two kids,

Bai l ey, 8, and Eliza, 2, are l iving in

recently got his clamming l icense

will turn

production company and Gina runs

not out clamming, Rick manages h is

gini a



her husband,

Steve n , and their two daughters,

bud, Bali, where Steve runs a video

is welcome

/hou, China, and according to Da1·id,

doesn't get much easier than simply

replying to tl1e e-mail when it comes

son, Charles, on April 2 5 . He was " 1 0

Flizabeth, la>t

··she ne' er >top� smiling'" Da1id works

that's now in place to drum up news. I t

Dan, please write and give us more

an export agency. She writes, " \Ne

eptember in Guang­

Katherine Dornish

DuGrenier ' 8 1 ·:· A daughter, J i llian Estelle Mann Gillman, to Jackson Gillman and Susan C. Mann '81 · · A daughter, Caleigh, to Carol McQuilling McMorris '83 Twins, a son and a daughter, Thomas and Molly Higgins, to Thomas and Linda Carroll Higgins '85 ·:· A daughter, Claire Elizabeth Ayer Stout, to Josh Stout and Wendy Belerrnan '89 · · A son,] ames Manning D i Sa11dro, to Jeffrey '87 and Mary Browne DiSandro '89 · · A daughter, Emily Reed Gallagher, to Robert '89 and Susan Banta Gallager '89 ·:· A daughter, Shayna Tess Monasch, to Steve and Lara Beetham Monasch '89 ·:· A son, Liam Betts Murphy, to Michelle Liam and Brian Murphy '89 A daughter, Grace Louise vValigurski , ro Rich and Laurie KopfWaligurski '89 ·: A daughter, Madeline Wehr, to David '89 and Karen Curry Wehr '89.

Connecticut. . . . David B lake and h i s ' ' 1fe, \ I a f) , adopted their daugh ter,






I received some forwarded e­

arts and sciences at Goddard College.


Bi11hs: A son, Luc Dornish DuGrenier, to Robert and


mails from Colby's shotgun e-mail

working towards her M .A. i n health


time, i f you have news that you would

or m a i l i n the reply card i n issue


North American. He focuses on product and

a n d I '''i l l keep you updated on class

news 1 985@ alum anytime


created Pet Treats Business Unit for Heinz

participating on the A l u m n i Council,

p l e a s e send m e an e - m a i l ( c l a s s

Todd R. Lachman '85

moted to managing director of the newly

the responsib i l i ties of class \'P w h i l e

l i ke to share or just wish to say hello,



- Wendy Lapham Russ

recently named

d i rector of busi ness deve l o p m e n t for

a l l and this team managed to fi t in

Cici Bevin Gordon

Keep those newsy updates com i n ' !

Timothy M. Dawson '82,

past five years have been hectic for us


entire underground magazine now.


union a n d keeping our class up to date

love living in Bali and anyone visiting

boys, Dane, 4, and Du11can, l . Rick

Langston, 3 , and a girl, Pallas, who


in Nov. We love tl1e win­

(sorry I had to put tl1at i n ! ) . \Nhen he's

ters out here and tolerate the 1 1 5

own company in Boston, American

Goodwin and husband Mark Short

I nsurance Executives, and spends lots

degree s u m m e r s . " . . .

Allyson L.

are working hard restoring their I 9th­

e - m a i l us at si tz@

of rime with his wife and kids in

century Victorian home in W. Leba­

1asieUo wrote to

self-promotion time. Many of you

development at the Montshire Mu­

husband were expecting child number

to. I ' m not going to tell you that, but

6, and H a l ey, 3, are doing well and


d p s . c e n t r i n . n e t . i d for i n fo . " . . . Suzanne Swain

me in 'I lay to report that she and her three i n J u ly.

he's at home full time

'' ith ,\lark, 5 , Lexie,

3, and thei r new­

e>t addition in \ \'inchester, ,\ lass., '' here '>he i<, tr) ing daily



a balance of mind, bod) , spirit and fun" and has absolute!) no de ire

I pswich, M ass . . . . Okay, shameless

have asked about me and what l ' m up

I w i l l let you know that begi n n i n g

this fa ll I am planning t o write and

publish my own 'zine aboutconsumer

cul ture, and I'm looking for i n ter­ ested subscribers. H ere's the best


part-it's free! To subscribe, just send

ha; a ! .,o made a repeat deli' ef) to

(by e-mail i f you can). You can expect

famd� . The� '' elcomed the1r second

u m , sometime. Gatta go write an

emulate \ ! arrha Stewart. . . . The swrk H e a t h e r Rea

Rocheford and her

me your name and m a i l i n g address

the fi r>t issue to arrive in the mail,

non, N . H . AJ!yson's the di rector of

seum of Science. Their kids, J ordon, keeping them on their toes. AJ !yson

planned some �·eat vacations this sum­

mer, including one week with room­

mates Kate Paterson '86 and Monique

Reed Kotsiopoulou '86 and tl1eir re­

spective fa mil ies . . . . I just returned

from a J une weekend away in N . H .

with one o f m y old roommates,


Gorton Macnamara . It's so great

having our fami lies together and hang-

ing out. Kim and her husband, Kurt, have two daughters-Brinley, 4, and Lily, 2-and are expecting number three in the fall. Dave and I had our three (Ben, 6, Andrew, 4, and Wi l­ liam, I) with us . . . . Tyler Zabriski Constable was born to Rob and Tina Zabriski Constable on May 2 3-9 lbs., 2 oz.-two weeks early! Their son Spencer, 2, has been adjusting well to his new brother except for one flying dump truck. Tina timed her maternity leave well as she enjoyed the summer at her family's house in the Catskills . . . . Another Spencer adjust­ ing to a new way of life is Spencer Low, whose parents, Natasha and Brian Low, had a baby boy named Jacob in April. . . . Also on the new b a b y fro n t a re T o n y a n d P a m Blanchard H a rrington, who wel­ comed Jack in April out in Tiberon, Calif. . . . Callie (Knowles '89) and Bill Clapp, had a baby girl, Ainsley, this spring. She joins Ben and Caroline, and they are all doing well up in Maine . . . . I suggest that all of you with expanding families take a close look at Dearma Cook McDonald '88's featured articles in FamilyFzm maga­ zine. She's the special projects man­ ager and does a wonderful job . . . . Keepthe newscoming. Support Colby teams if they are playing nearby. Call (or e-mail) an old friend. (And then write and tell me about it.) Have fun. -]nne Nicol Manuel


So many of you e-mailed me over the past couple of weeks that I can't fit all the news into one column. Ifyou don't see your news here, it will be in the next issue . . . . Brian Axel received his P h . D . in anthropology from the U of Chicago in December 1 998 and has been teaching at Emory (and writing two books) since August 1 998. Brian and his wife, athalie, planned to move in August from At­ lanta to Massachusetts, where Brian will be an Academy Scholars Fellow at Harvard and athalie will study at the School of the Museum ofFine Arts . . . . Michelle Dolley is practicing law in vVinslow, Maine, where she lives with her parmer, Charles Thurber, and their t:wo kids, Ad rienne and Luke . . . . Also practicing law is Jodie Caruolo, who has her own firm with offices in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. She handles domestic cases and says "it's perpetual]eny Springerarow1d here 1 " Jodie got married two years ago and says she keeps in touch with Kelley Vandal Gulezian, Cathy Taylor Hanscom and Rick Foss-Lacey. . . .

Deb Young wrote that she was plan­ ning a September wedding to Ron Rose in Falmouth, Mass. Deb lives in R.I. and loves her job in marketing for CVS . . . . Adair Bowlby-Joskow is back in Maine, practicing medicine in Richmond. She and husband Pete and son Serge live in Pittston, along with their new rottweiler . . . . Kelly Doyle is living in Boston and working for an executive search firm, and she keeps in touch with everyone on the planet, including Kate Roosevelt, in Seattle, Kirk Koeningsbauer, also in Seattle, who works for, is mar­ ried and has a little boy, and Sarah Geiger, who lives in San Francisco and was plarming a September 2000 wedding to David Muldoon. Kelly at­ tended Tom Cahill's September 1 999 wedding to Jamie Stintzer in New Hope, Pa. Also in attendance were Tucker Offutt and his wife, Hannah, who will soon be joining the ranks of new parents, Christina and Brendan Cahill, Magali and Tim Compan­ Bamard, Sam and Norah McQuinn Conklingand Bill anclAnne Webster Stauffer . . . . Eel '88 and Jen Pierce Barr announce the birth of their daughter, Hadley Emmet Barr, on Janua1y 29, 2000. They live in .Y.C., whereJen is a deputy editoratf-ltwper's Brtzrrrw. . . . Mark and Beth Bitoff Odom moved in August to Vincenza, Italy, and are expecting their first baby in January 200 1 . Congratulations! Beth writes tl1atshe, Kati e The Losen Goldberg,] en Cooke Rotman (who had a baby boy in March-check him out at and Audrey Barone all live vicariously through Ruth Bender, who "o·avels the world climbing mountains, trek­ king ancient paths and eating ve1y so·ange foocl." . . . I n other baby news, Nancy Spellman and her husband, Paul Brunell, were ex-pecting tl1eir first in July, and Wendy Bellerman and her husband had a little girl, Clair Elizabeth Ayer Stout, on April 2 2 . Camilla Johansson Oberg a n d her husband had their second daughter, Alice, in September 1 999. They live in Bangkok, where they have had visits from Seleena and Shaun Dakin and Pamela Woolley. This summer they were to vacation in Sweden with Rachel Tilney, who is still at the \Vesttown School outside Philly . . . . Lilly Dimling is currently traveling after spending eight months learning about wine in Beaune, France. She recently saw Louise Tranchin, who is teac h ing at tl1e American School in Copenhagen . . . . Mike Diamond has

returned to Southern California after getting a master's from 1 orthwestern and working in Ohio and D . C. H e works i n public affairs for a commis­ sion tl1at spends California's 50 cents a pack cigarette tax on early childhood development and anti-tobacco pro­ grams . . . . Congrats to Peter Kimp­ ton, who got married on June 1 6, 2000, to Catherine Genest. They are living in Massachusetts but thinking about moving to T J - I . Peter writes that this winter, while traveling for Kodak, he was stranded by a snow­ storm and e-mailed Dawson Crisler Cochran. Dawson kindly sent back some pictures of tl1e su11ny weather and blue water of her home in Fort Nlyers, Fla. Peter reports that his re­ turn message to Dawson was rejected by tl1e sen,er for profanity . . . . On a sad note, Lynn Sullivan asks us to join her "by burying a big dog biscuit in memory of Nlaizie-my most won­ derfu l golden retriever a n d best friend-who died of cancer on May 26, 2000." I hope you'll bring your new golden to the next reunion, Lynn. . . . K e e p the n e w s com i n g (to classnews 1 989@alum.colby.eclu). -Anita L. Teny


It was brought to my attention at our reunion in June that I have woefully neglected my duties as class reporter, in that many people were not aware that Janet Boudreau­ Ceddia, our erstwhile class president, had a baby last spring1 Janet and her husband, Chris, moved back to Mas­ sachusetts in February, are now liv­ ing in Hopkinton and had a boy, Nicholas, in March. Chris has taken a new job doing M I S work for the Harvard Business School, and when Janet finishes her maternity leave she will return to consulting, through the Boston office ofi\IcKinsey . . . . Mar­ got Wood Owen was one of a num­ ber of '90ers living out on the \Vest Coast who couldn't make it back tO reunion, as she has her hands full with her new son, Collum, born in January. She is living in the Seattle area and teaches seventh grade lan­ gua ge a rts . . . . G a l e n L a u m a n Kawaguchi i s also living in Seattle and has a 2 -year-old son named Aaron and a daughter, ;\ laia, who was born in February . . . . C h ris and Clare Deangeli s Connelly were not able to come to rew1ion because they were expecting their fourth child on the i\ Ionclay after reunion. They had an­ other boy, and now have a really full house \vith three sons and a daughter.

. . . Speaking of having your hands full, Rob Hyland and his wife had twi n sons in February' Congratula­ tions to all the new parents1 . . . Sam Tucker tel ls me that he and his wife, Lindsey Salerno (a Hamilton grad), just bought a house in tl1e Seattle area and are doing a lot of yard work. H e is working for a clot com that helps nonprofits use the Internet, and he regretted that although his travels often take him back east, the timing just wasn't right to be able to join us for reunion . . . . Simi larly, Roman Azanza and his wife, Sally, were in Madrid in June and could n 't get back to Maine in time for the festivities. Roman is finishing up a year-long training program with Cemex, an in­ ternational cement manufacturer, and he and Sally welcomed their son, Ro­ man Gabriel, into the world when they were stationed in Texas. Roman is already looking forward to seeing all of us at the 1 5 tl1 1 . . . Liza Barber Moynihan graduated from business school in May 1 999, and she and her husband, Tim, and 3 -year-old daugh­ ter, Ella, welcomed a new baby boy, William Riley, in November. For good measure, they got a puppy last spring. Tim is working with VVinstar L1teractive in San Francisco, and Liza is staying home with the kids in \Val­ nut Creek. Liza tells me that she sees Sara Madden Curran pretty regu­ larly (Sara 's d aughter, Charlotte, turned a year old in February) as well as GreggJackson and Scott Myers, who are both living in San Fran­ cisco . . . . Michelle Perron com­ pleted her residency in pediatrics at the University of Massach usetts­ \tVorcester in 1 998 and moved back to her home state ofVermont, where she has joined a pediatric group prac­ tice and has a teaching app intment at the University of Vermont. . . . Andrew Eaton is living in I l li nois. H e and Paige Brennan got married in 1 995 and now have three children (two sons named Dillon and J ames and a daughter named Kaitlyn). An­ drew runs Eaton Sports and Firness, which he says takes up a lot of his time, "and the rest i spent chasing after kids1 Good thing it's my job to stay in shape!" . . . icole Sudduth Hamilton e-mailed me to say that she is sti l l living in Virginia and work­ ing with Booz AJien & Hamilton, where she was promoted to a senior associate position last February. She and her husband, Gil, are doing a lot of landscaping and are politically in­ volved to help protect the open space c0LBy . FALL 2000



Alumni @ Large

1 990s

before urban spra\1·1 encroaches any

fa rther on their home in the country.

This fal l she and Gil w i l l be travel i n g to Europe-1\'icole i s l o o k i n g for­

l a n d , il l a i ne, area a n d that she m i sses

their company . . . . George Moore sent in word that he married Calvert

i n il lay 1 999. I n attendance were

getting her P h . D . in science and tech­

M . B . A. program at the

niversity of

nology studies, an interdisc i p l i n a 1-y

M i c h i gan business school and spent

ciety. Ken recently started a recy­

pany i n C h i cago . . . . Sara Bramhall

study of science, technol ogy a n d so­

the summer work i n g for Bain & Com­

ward to Dijon and shm1·ing h i m the

Walker Fenton, CharlieALlen, l\ l i ke


g company. N i co l e and Ken have

Reynolds h a s just completed d i rect­


year a t C o l by . . . . K r i s t e n

Melander a n d m a ny others. The

to get married until after Nicole fi n­

i n a row, the l atest a benefit for the

m a rried on J un e 2 -t in a mountaintop

George continues to 11·ork i n venture

luau reception and then a fam i l y re­

a doctor's office I happened to pick

is a surgeon who speci a l i zes in m i n i ­

fl ipping t h e pages I opened up to

old sta m p i n g grounds from her fresh­ Pettersen a n d D r . Davi d il l i l ler were

ceremon�·, fol l owed by a back·yard

ception in Greenwich, Conn. Da1�d

m a l l y im•asi 1·e laparascopic general

surgery. They love ]i,;ng i n AJaska

and plan to stay there indefi n i tely but

a l so lo1·e hal'ing visitors and were

K e l l e r ' 9 2 , P e t e A n t a l ! , M a tt ii ioores l i ve i n

ew York, where

been engaged since 1 998 but waited

ished a year i n the N etl1erlands doing

M . B .A. plans are up in the a i r, but

gi rl, L i l y Adams \Varcl, on February

-Micbelle F011:ier Biscotti

Whitney Adams Ward had a baby

up Town & Comltly magazine. \\'h i l e

I and are now living in H i ngham,

Mass. \Vhitney h a s been working as

to me! . . . Chris Chamberlain moved

1 999 as an i n formation architect a t

fiancee, Brenner Brown, a y e a r ago

to have her first c h i l d very soon. She

Lily. Chris started a new job in J u l y

and Andy '92 are happily married and

gust. . . . Our very own Steve Graber

Crowley writes t h a t he and h i s w i fe,

agency i n Boston . . . . Carla and Matt

now live in New York City. He works

daughter, Tavia Katherine Noyes, on

is the author of a book called Tbe

Eve1ything-Get-n-]ob-Book. Based on

Kristin, were married in 1 998 and

Al l right1 This is more l i ke it!

now ta king some time off to care for

Talbots for the past three years but is

work i n g i n Vermont. . . . S h a w n


And I only had to break a handful of

looking forward to seeing Kristen

Frrling '9 1 and Kelly Cogan i n Au­

they hope to return to Portl and, Ore.

a n associate sourcing m a n ager at

society page. \Vhat a small world1 . . .

Margaret Mauran Zuccotti is due

Ann Arbor Arts Center. Their post­

research for her Ph.D . . . . C h ris and

capi ta l . A side note: w h i l e waiting in

George and Calvert's picture on the

ing a w i n e auction for the fourth year

K r o m I n c . , a start-up interactive

kneecaps to get you a l l to start writing

from D . C. to M a n h a ttan with h i s last summer to pursue his M . B.A. at Tew York University. He worked at

Noyes gave birth to their second

Tbe Ne-11! Y01·k Times as an analyst in the

JV Iay 1 9 . . . . Anne Bowie is living in

part-time gig at FAO Schwartz, doing

strategic planning division and had a

h i s years of experience as a h i ri n g

for Fidelity Investments and was re­

tion, this new volume in the Job B a n k

Button Hambly is b�1g in Hoboken,

an adoption social worker at The

worked as a money market trader and

dominantly w i th foster chil dren who

Morrione and Dave Nicholson '94.

to attend the Columbia

cently on \ VG B H Channel 2 talking

had a J w 1 e weddiJ1g in Portsmouth,

manager at

dams il ledia Corpora­

cently promoted to VP . . . . Karie

series gives advice on everythiJ1g from

N.J . , and until a few months ago she

to inten·iewing to l anding and ac­

manager at Goldman Sachs. She left

cock is still l i 1�ng in Casco, Maine,

Medical Center accelerated n urse

resume and cover l e tter preparation

cepting a job offer. . . . Matt Han­

and working for H ancock Lumber,


practitioner program and hopes


Arl i n gton, Mass., and sti l l working as Home for L i ttle \Vanderers, pre­

need to be adopted. Anne was re­

with Emily Rooney about her work.

PR for the Barney show. He frequently

hangs out 11�th Emily Slater, Jason

Oberfest '94, Sue Furlong, Doug . . . Peter Caruso and Carolann B a l l

N . H . She is an officer of Mellon Pri­

Aru1e writes tl1at Gina Marsico would

vate Asset Management in Boston,

niversary i n August 2000. Gina and

PeterJ Caruso in Andover . . . . Chuck

and he is a partner in the law offices of

but he is now also head coach of the

specialize in pediatric oncology. She

celebrate her one-year wedding an­

ketball team . . . . Jocelyn Jones is

and her husband were li�ng i n Con­

her husband, Matt, are building a

attorne�· for the state, specializing i n

regularly . . . . Abigail Cook Russell

a nurse, and both she and N latt run

and they a r e L iving in t h e B a c k Bay,

her landscape architect husband, Rick,

agricultural and sheep fa rm. Gina

teacher in Wellesley, and Chuck is an

Lake Region H i gh School girl's bas­

l i 1·ing in Boston and working as an

reported that Shelly MacConnell

necticut and that they kept in touch

home in Belchertown , Mass. G i n a is

Martin got married to Kristen Johnson in August 2000 in Chatham, Mass . ,

Boston. Kristen is a second grade

labor relations l a w . S h e w a s married

had her first ch i l d last year. She and

attorney . . . . J ustin Verge is work­

are enjoyi ng parenthood . . . . I have

spins the wool into yarn and, as people

Colhoun to report his news, but he

Kristen McMahon-Van Oss is mar­

Chris "Westy" West is engaged to

know where to fi nd h i m . ] hear he's

\Vorlcl i n Orlando, Fla. Did you see

fall wedding in Denver. Westy re­

Yuodsnukis is t h e senior production

Colby' . . . Dave Roderick is getting

mental management from Duke, is

County Land Conservancy in Denver

in J u ne 1 999 to Terry Coles, also an ing as a hospital administrator at Bos­

ton \ l edical Cen ter�ew England

Bapti t I Tospital. H e and h i s wife,

Stac� King \'erge '9 1 , have a daugh­

ter, Samantha, " ho is about a year and a half old . . . . You guys are the

he�t \1 hen it comes

keeping in


w o r k i n g a s a reporter. . . . A l a n planner for footwear at L.L. Bean

ried and a dolphin trainer at Sea

the profile on her in the summer

h i s M . F. A . in poetry at U M a ss­

global sourcing orga n i zation . H e sees

Amherst and has been tl1e recipient

get ne11 � out e1·en faster. To

he sends greetings to Julie \Nalker,

poems published i n several journals,

and I plan to u;e e-mail more and w

has moved so many times I don't

remember, is an amazing knitter. . . .

purgin, Chip Ga�n

touch' Dan more

been trying to track down Sandy

\ Vooley 1\1ammoth Farm, an organic

get on the bandwagon,

end me an

Steve Whitworth occasional ly, and

J amie Gruener, Dan Beh•in '92 and

e-m a d (cla'>'>nC\1 ., 1 990@alum.colh�·­

Jan Fortin Bancroft . . . . Volunteer

re un 1on, '>0 '>top b) the class \ \'eh site

class secretary w i l l take over. Think

edu). \ \'c a i '>O took lots of photos at

neeclecl1 At next year's reunion a new

of a competitive fel l owship. H e has

so look for h i s work . . . . Amy Fang Lannon and her husband, Paul, are

l i braries for Bi ngham Dana L L . P . , a

\ l o,o, if anyone knows where to find

Greg and Jane DeStefano Becker


!:,orr� f or m� d c l mquency' I


cot t , .., " ork1ng J'> a graph1c

de-,lgner 111 )an Franti'>CO. She " mar­

nei to '\ on1 ood !:,con ' <J, and -,he

reponed that H i l a ry Robbin Bi l l)

Goodman (n O\\

couple) had 11101 e e l back Coa<,L !:, h e .,,,� .., the� arc





a marned



t h e Fa'>t

the Porr-

Rebecca W.nokur,J.C. Kiser, Tom

the executive di rector of the Douglas and has his own consulting practice, Consen,ation \Vest. . . . Also in Colo­

rado is Kate Mazuy, who fi nished her

master's in psychology and is living

di rector of admissions at Keystone

to keep up on people's news and an

ha1 e lot, of ne" " · . . . Laura Piz­

ceived a master's degree in environ­

1 999. H i lda Westervelt is h i s god­

-LIIItl'll Senter

C\ce l l ent " ay to help out the Col l ege.

Kyle ELi zabeth Dyer and planning a

outside of Boulder. . . . Sarah Steindel

about it, and either volunteer or nomi­

nate a " i lling fri end. I t's a great way

Equitable Securities in Boston . . . .

the parents of a baby boy, Joshua

J a mes Lannon, born September 1 1 ,

'>0011 and check them out. Keep those card., and letter'> coming'

equity research analyst for SunTrust

mother. Amy is now the d i rector of

Keating was recently promoted to College, where she has worked since 1 995 . . . . Also employed in the world

law firm in downtown Boston . . . .

of academia is Tim von Jess, who is

had a baby girl,

for the Eaglebrook School-a board­

atalie Elizabeth, in

enjoying his career in development

Livezey or Carol C u m m i n g, please

,\ugu t 1 999. J ane is now working

-Jemnfer Wood Jencks

is sti l l with Joh nson & Joh nson . . . .

social worker. Tim (whose e-mail ad­

tion to associate rabbi of

"classmates in the area, please stop

'>end me an e-ma i l . Thanks!


1\'icole Farkas married Ken

\ logul on \ I a � 10. " i cole and Ken

In e 1 11

\I han� , 0: . Y . , '' here <,he i'>

part time as a freelance writer. Greg

Zack Shapiro just received a promo­


Synagogue in Los Angeles . . . . J osh

Reynolds is half way through the

ing and clay school for boys in Deer­ fielci, Mass . Tim's wife,Jocli, is a clinical

dress is says,

by1" . . . J o h n Poirier reports fo r Reuters in Washington, D.C., where

he covers the Securities and Exchange Commission . . . . Mike Eckel is also a reporter-for the Associated Press out of Montpelier, Vt.-and his stories sometimes run on N P R ! . . . Con­ gratulations to Sarah Nagle Spataro and her husband, Perry' Sarah gave birth to Ryan H a rris on April 2 6 and is loving motherhood! She writes that Meg Wrenn recently moved to Michi­ gan to study for tl1e Michigan bar and that Abigale Knapp is currently work­ ing bi-coastally, in N.Y. and in San Francisco, doing PR for a dot com company . . . . Emily Muldoon gradu­ ated from R I S D this spring and is moving back to Boston to work at Razorfish as a designer. She let me know that Rich Taylor and Ashley \iVeld '92 married in July in Ken­ nebunk, Maine. Emily and Jen Por­ ter were bridesmaids. Emily a lso reported that Chris Thayer was in an issue of People magazine as one of tl1is year's Most Eligible Bachelors' Chris manages the Appalachian Trail huts . . . . Best wishes to Amy Stickney and Paul Lavallee, who were married in June in Rumford, Maine. Amy is an occupational therapist in Chelsea, Mass., and Paul is a brewer at tl1e Casco Bay Brewing Co. in Portland, Maine . . . . Kevin Darling is my gym buddy, aJld we chat while we get huge. He told me tl1at Chris Baynes com­ pleted the 2000 Boston Marathon in 2 hours and 56 minutes' He also let me know that Paul Froio and his wife had a son, Noah Joseph, on February 9, 2 000 . . . . Another new parent is Michelle Parady Malach, who had her first baby-Abigail Rose-on April 2 3 , 2000. Michelle is working a t Apple Computer in the special education division. She and her husband are building a new home in Apex, N.C. . . . Greg Bums recently moved back East witl1 his wife, and they will be new parents by the time this column is printed' He says, "No, we are not finding out what sex1 The only tiling we're fairly certain of is that it's a Burns1" He wrote tl1at DaJl "Slash" Connolly '92 and his wife, Kim, just had a baby boy, Ryan Daniel. Dan is living in California, where he received his NLB.A. from St. Mary's, and is working at Norte! and at a start-up called Greg, Dan, and Ryan Friel skied togetl1er in Park City, Utah, tllis past March. Ryan went back to Alaska this summer to the Fishing Bear Camp as a head guide. . . . Reena Chandra married Keshav C. Rajpal on August 1 , 1 999, in a traditional H i ndu ceremony in Madi-

son, \iVis., and received her master's in public healtl1 from Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health. Currently she is living in Chicago and working as an inde­ pendent public health consultant for the I l linois Department of Public Health, helping to implement tl1eir Robert \iVoodJohmon Turrring Point Grant. These grants are given to many states to create strategic plaJlS to im­ prove each state's public healtl1 sys­ tem . . . . Keep tl1e news coming' Hope you all are healthy and happy' -Betb Cm-rm1


Heather Post married V\Tayne LaFrance on April 1 5 in Plymoutl1, Mass., with Bonnie Dewsbut-y Chase '92 and Frances van H uystee as bridesmaids. Also at the wedding were Matt '93 and Michelle Severance Isham and Jenn H u rd Diozzi and Stu Pitrat '93 . . . . Paul Matthews married Shy! a Ruffer on May 1 3 . Paul is working as the chief of staff for state Rep. H arriette Chandler (D­ V\Torcester) in Boston . . . . Deanna Huston married Marc Maclean on May 20, followed by a honeymoon at Disney World in Florida . . . . Eliza­ beth Tabor and Michael Robinson were married on] une 3. She received a master's degree in library and infor­ mation science from Simmons Col­ lege in 1 998 and is currently tl1e acquisitions librarian for the Roger Williams University Law Librat-y . . . . J u l i e Cyr a n d J oseph G i bowicz bought a house in Sudbury, Mass., and were planning a July wedding, with Marci Schwartz Ci ncotta, Laura Keally Heywood and Kim Kessler as bridesmaids.] ulie received a master's degree in speech from Emerson College in 1 998 and opened a private practice for speech and lan­ guage therapy with two partners in Arlington, Mass. And congrats to Marci and her husband Eric on the birth of tl1eir baby boy, Benjamin, in Apri l . . . . B e n j a m i n Doyle a n d Karen Parr planned a September 2000 wedding. He is employed by Aprisma M a n ag e m e n t Tech n o l o g i e s . . . . Lawrence R u l i s o n and ] enni fer Manganello also planned a Septem­ ber 2000 wedding. He is currently a reporter with tl1e En/timon Business Joumnl . . . . Mark Gallagher is en­ gaged to Christa Figliolini and plan­ ning a December wedding. 1\1ark is .S. Rep. the district director for Edward Markey . . . . Alex Bici is working in the leveraged finance group for Deutsche Bank i n New

York City and at night is studying for h i s M . B . A . a t N Y U . . . . Tracy Karsch graduated from St. John's Law School in june and will be work­ ingat Sullivan Papain Block McGrath and Cannavo in New York City . . . . Marika Schwartzman graduated from business school at Duke in May. After traveling for a month in the Greek Isles and Prague she planned to start a job with Hughes Electron­ ics (they own DirecTV and are work­ ing with AOL on a satel lite-based Internet access project) in a finance rotational program . Marika will be moving every eight months over the course of two years, starting off in Gaitl1ersburg, Md., then moving to Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., and Greenwich, Con n . S h e w o u l d welcome a n y visitors . . . . Jess Drislane fi nished her first year at Torthwestern U's Kellogg business school and worked tl1is summer at Offroad Capital, a venrure capital firm in San Francisco. Jess also qual ified for Who Wfl77ts to Be a N !illionnire, so look for her on the show! . . . Jim Lindstrom finished his first year at Tuck ( Dartmouth's busi­ ness school) and worked this summer in Boston at the Partl1enon Group doing consulting and private equity. . . . Megan MacDonald recently left Forrester Research in Boston and planned to start business school at Babson in the fall. She ran tl1e Boston M a ra t h o n i n A p r i l a l o n g w i t h Stephanie Goff, who works in the alumni relations office of H a rvard Business School. . . . Michelle Mathai is sti l l l iving in New Zealand working for the State Department. She will be in New Zealand w1til October 200 l , then is off to places unknown . . . Janet Powers is living in Atlanta and going to Emory University to get an M.B.A. and an M . P . H . This summer she worked at an Internet start-up company in Atlanta. Congrats to Janet, who completed the St. An­ thony's Triathlon this past spring i n C l e arwater, F l a . . . . J o s h Eckel moved to London on July 1 for a temporat-y assignment with his com­ pany. He will be rearranging the pans distribution in Europe and antici­ pates that the project will last about six months. He wrote that inJ uneJ on Blau had the grand opening for his second island gallery on ;\ I artha's Vineyard fearuring original works by i s l a n d p hotographers . . . . G a v i n Davis is living and working in Ber­ m u d a as a fin a nc i a l ad\'isor. . . . Kristen Zier just received a master's of science in nonprofit management

1990s Correspondents 1990 Laura Senier 38 Pitts Street Natic k , MA 0 1 7 6 0 508-653-79 2 7 :1.. 9 91 J e n n i fer Wood J en c ks 80 Wa lnut Street Seekon k , MA 027 7 1 508-336-7049 classnews1991@a lum 1992 M i c h e l l e Fortier B i scotti 8232 Arbor Drive S h rewsbury, MA 01545 508-845-6507 fax: 508-845-6483 classnews1992@a l u m 1993 Beth C u rra n 64 Dane Street # 1 Somerv i l l e , MA 02143 classnews1993@alum 1994 Tracy K. Larsen 529 C o l u m b u s Ave n u e #12 Bosto n , MA 02118 6 1 7-24 7-9650 fax: 6 1 7-346-3185 1995 Y u hgo Yamaguchi 124 Oxford Street #4 C a m bridge, MA 02140 6 1 7-354-0289 classnews1995@a lum 1996 Kim Schock 3201 Copper M i l l Trace Apt. J Richmond, VA 23294 classnews1996@a


1997 Kimberly N. Parker 5382 Versa i l l e s Road Lexingto n , KY 40510 606-233-4666 cla ssnews1997@alum 1998 A l l i son L. Brown 3280 Manchester Way Drive Westervi l l e , O H 43081-8852 cla ssnews1998@a 1999 Li ndsay Hayes 120 E . 34'" Stret, # P H D N e w York, N Y 10016 cla ssnews1999@a l u m 2000 H i l a ry Smyth cjo Katie M itche l l 29 Marl borough Street Apt. # 5 Bosto n , MA 0 2 1 1 6 classnews2000@a

c0LBy . FALL 2000



Alumni @ Large


1 990s

from the l\e,,· School for Social Re­ search. She is a senior development officer, major and planned gifts, at L i ghthouse I n ternational, a KY.C.­ headquartered nonprofit that serves the ,-isually i mpaired throughoutl\'"ew York state. Kristen got married in September to ,\ like P ietraszek '93 . 'Iegan Harris (who is li1ing in As­ pen, Colo., and also recently got en­ gaged) was the maid of honor. .\ l i ke and Kristen are living just outside of ?\.Y.C. in one of the small towns along the H udson Ri1•er, and neighbors in­ clude Aaron and Diana .\ lacKendrick Kielhack '93 . . . . Colleen B rennan Thorndike i s a senior brand man­ a ge r a t H o l l a n d M a rk E d m u n d I ngalls in Boston. S h e got married i n ?\ O\'ember 1 999 t o John Thorndike in Bo ton, .\ lass. Heather Eskey was maid of honor and Erin Brennan '95 was i n the bridal party. ln attendance were Marika Schwartzman, Kristen Zier and .\ l ike Pietraszek '93 . . . . Chris Austin, a senior group disabil­ ity underwriter for U0: .\ 1 in Port­ land, .\ laine, just appeared as Jesus iJl the Portland Players production of ]ems Cbrist Superstm·. Greg and Erin Crossland C h ristopher made the trip from �.Y.C. to see the show . . . . Elizabeth \Vallman fi n ished her sec­ ond year teaching science at �atick H igh School in �a tick, .\ lass. She ,,·ill be rerurning again next year after es­ caping to .\ Iaine for the summer, fol­ Io'' ed by I 0 days h i king on Cape Breton Island in far eastern l"ova Scotia . . . . Jason Sudano earned his .\ l . B.A. from Corn e l l . He was in Copenhagen, Denmark, on an ex­ change program and planned to tra1•el around · urope for a month before .,tarring at Chase on July I . . . . Jenni­ fer ulliva n purchased a farm with her fiance in _\ lid land, ::\.C., and es­ tablt.,hed a bminess training horses <lnd nder; for dre;sage and jumper competitions. She ;pecializes in reha­ bd ltaung racehorses '' ho don't "make n " at the racetrack and training them for ne11 career'> . . . . Thank!., e1·eryone, for all the ne11 s!

-Tmry K. Larsen


It 11 a., great to ;ee e1 eryone at our tlfth-) car reumon ('>ee ;ome pic­ LUre' from R c u n 1 o n \\-eekcnd <H 11 11 11 .raffcrto . nct!). Y u h go Y a m a ­ guchi 1 1 1 l l b e tal.. m g 01 e r the.,c quar­ terh column' from no11 on, '>0 keep tha � nc11 ., commg ro I uhgo' \1-.o, arrie Farber and Aly sa F a l 11 ell Ros an: the ne11 cia-.-. ' 1ce pre'>! dent-., tephanie B unker and Bryan Raffet-






to w i l l serve as co-presidents . . . . 'Iaureen Finn and Eric Schwartz '96

were married over ,\ lemorial Day weekend i n Boston. l\1aureen's brides­ maidswereJulie Rentz, Susan Clerke and Alyssa Falwell Ross. Also in at­ tendance were J . D . Ngo, Eric Gor­ don '96 and Allan Ingraham '96 . . . . OnJuly 9, Kristen Hanssen and Ned Goodell '92 were married in Lexing­ ton, ,\ l ass. Attendees included Julie Rentz, Kathryn Cosgrove, B e n Damon, Alyssa Falwell Ross, Ken

Dupuis '9-+, Pat Sykes '96 and Adam Zois '9-+ . . . . Mark Griffin was mar­ ried earlier this year in San Francisco to Entily 1agle. They moved this past summerto Philadelphia, where he will attend tl1e 1\Tharton M . B .A. program. . . . Jen " Hank" Ancker sails com­ petitively in the Northeast on a J - 1 2 0 called Dire 1\'olf. She's been living in N.Y.C. for the past fouryearsworking at a hedge fund as an analyst. She's also starting a few new projects with a silver jewelry designer and her own photography and writing-soon to come to fru i t i o n on www . s i l ver . . . . B e t h Titnm is en­ gaged to Ted Preston (Brown '92 ) . . . .

completed the Maui M a rathon in March and got together with Rachael DeCosta, Tachou Dubuisson, Jen Larsen Daileanes '93 and Karyn Rim as Patry '93 for the Fourth ofJuly week­ end in Marblehead, Mass. Tachou left her job with Access International to give modeling full time a try. Rachael is working i n \Vashington, D .C., at the Calvert Group . . . . Mike Kaplan and Kim Schock '96 are engaged, l iv­ ing i n Richmond, Va., and planning a June 200 1 wedding in Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif. Kim is in medical school and M i ke is working towards an M .A. in a c a d e m i c a d m i n i stration . . . . Brendan Cavanaugh graduated from Rush Medical School in Chicago and is doing his residency at Dartmouth. . . . Meredith DiMenna is living in San Francisco, plans to move back to N.Y. C. and has released a C D that you c a n buy t h rough b u rn_one . c o m . . . . Stephanie Pennix graduated from UC-Davis law school and is joining a law firm in San Francisco. She's been in touch with Stephanie Trepper, who is engaged . . . . Lmdsay Bennig­ son was engaged to Chris Jernigan and planned a summer 2000 wedding

CHRISTOPHER THAYER '93 A mou ntai neer with the Appalachian Mounta i n C l u b i n New H a m psh i re. W h a t he i s n ' t Ava i la b le. Who's d i sappoi nted The thousa nds of readers who saw h i m l i sted in People magazine's "Top 1 00 Bach­ elors" l ist, along with George Clooney and Derek Jeter. What he i s

What's happened s i nce the l i st came

" I 've been flattered and have gotten a lot of letters and phone calls and e-mails and stuff a l l saying, 'Oh, I want to meet you , bla h , bla h , bla h . ' I 've had to respond to some of them, sayi ng, 'Oh, sorry, but I ' m already seeing someone."' What he doe s n 't want " More letters. I get home, I 've got messages on my mac h i n e . I j ust feel bad . These people a re writi ng, saying ' Please write me bac k."' Another reason he's l uc ky His gi rlfriend t h i n ks it's h i larious. What lonely People readers should do Try Clooney because Chris Thayer is ta ken . out i n J u ly

Erika Lichter recei1·ed her master's of psychology at tl1e ni1·ersil:) of \rizona and is pursuing a Ph.D. in public health at HarYard . . . . Stcph H utchison is getting her master's at the Fletcher School of L a 11 and D 1plomac) . . . . Fred and H eailier John on \\'eb ter are '>ti ll m Seattle, 11 here .,he\ an office manager for EES Comulung and Fred I > a sale., rep for Carnncl.. Lab.,. �he report'> that the)

in ,\ laine. They'll move to Burlington, \'t., in me fall as she starts her Ph.D. in clinical psychology at me niversity of V e r m o n t . . . . Ai m e e F l o re s vVheaton a n d husband C a l ' 9 2 are l i 1ing in Luther��lle, .\ I d . he finished medical school last year at Penn State and is starting her second year of in­ ternal medicine residency. Last year the) 1 isited Eg)1Jt and I taly, and this summer they 11 ent on a cruise of the

G a l apagos I s l a n d s and h i ked the Machu Picchu trail in Peru . . . . Chris Haigh is the assistant di rector for a summer enrichment program for high school kids called Exploration. She has moved in wim her partner, Alison Chase (Amherst '94), and her dog, Bai ley, inJamaica Plain, Mass . . . . Mei Chau is starting up a New Hamp­ shire-based graphic design company, Scribble Graphics. I f anyone has any graphic design needs, please get in touch ( . . . Abe Rogers l ives in Burlington, V t . , a n d races on t h e ational Triathlon Team. I n M a y he competed at the U . S . Olympic Triamlon Trials in Dallas, Texas, but missed making the Olympic Team. He competed in World Cup races in Canada i n July and the U.S. Pro Nationals in Chi­ cago i n August. Abe also coaches youm swimming and Special Olympic ath­ letes at the 'l.'lV ICA i n Burlington . . . . Faisel Zaman is a surgical resi­ d e n t in P h i l ad e l p h i a . . . . S a r a h (\Vhitely '94) a n d Justin D'Ercole have moved to the Big Apple, where Justin will be a second-year analyst at Lehman Bromers. Rachel Herf '94 and Max Lamson got back from their honeymoon i n time to see Jus tin and S a r a h off to N . Y . C. . . . K a r e n Andreas is living in Essex a n d work­ ing at The School for Field Studies in Beverly, Mass. She's also a kayak guide with Essex River Basin Adventures. She just finished tl1e American Lung Association Bike Trek from Sunday River to tl1e Sea ( 1 7 5 miles) witl1 three Colby grads and saw two others on tl1e ride . . . . Doug Macauley received his JVI. B.A. from Tuck mis past j une. He is li1•ing i n Boston and working at Cambridge Associates . . . . I am living in Cambridge, working atMainspring and cooking part time in Boston. I ran the Cape Cod Maratl1on last fall and will officiate ice hockey games again tl1is winter . . . . Please send news to classnews 1 99 5 @a l u m . If you prefer snail-mail, my address is listed in mese pages and in the on-line alumni directory. Be sure to log into the alumni section of tl1e Colby Web site-all you need is the label on tl1e back of this magazine! You can update your personal info and get a free Colby e-mail address for life 1

-Alyssa Falwell Ross


C a i t l i n Johnson is living and working as a writer and on-line jour­ nalist in metro D . C . , not fa r from olleen Diver '95 , and recently took a mini road trip with Colleen and

Katie McGovern '97. She was ac­ this year's B read Loa f\Vriter's Con­

ed Amy L. Vreeland

Mawn is currently living i n Medford,

department. She manages the daily public

year of teaching in Wenham, Mass.,

relations activities related to footwear and

w h i c h is part o f t h e H a m i l to n ­

ap parel products, marketing and grassroots

Wenham school disu·ict. S h e sti l l

ini tiatives, sales programs and research and

loves teachi n g second grade b u t also

development projects ·:· Clay K. Surovek

was excited about a summer vacation

'98 was featured in his local Florida newspa­

and having time to do some traveling.

per. He established and di rects the Surovek

. . . Eric Schwartz and Maureen Finn

Print Gallery, which handles limited-edi­

'95 were married i n Boston on May 2 8, 2000. Colby alumnae in the bridal party were Julie Rentz '95, Alyssa Falwell Ross '95 and Susan Clerke '95. Other Colby alums i n attendance '95, Eric Gordon and Katie Qua­ '99 . . . . B ra d S m i t h ,

'92 public relations

specialist i n its corporate communications

Mass., and is fi nishing up her fi rst


p a d cookbook o n l i n e . U n l i ke other

New Balance Athletic Shoe, Inc., has appoint­

fe rence in Vermont . . . . Rebecca

were Allan Ingraham, Jenife r Ngo bach e l o r


cepted as a contributor i n fiction to

tion prints through the John H. Surovek Art

Amy L. Vree land '92

Gallery complex in Palm Beach, Fla.

Low, Dan Rheaume, Cathy Neuger

Samantha Strawbridge

'97, Gregg LeBlanc and Jeffrey

Karen Dunn


Amy L. Davis

he returned to Los Angeles, where he is now housemates with Rob Sutter. After quitting

.S. I n teractive re­ planned o n taking a

cently, Eri k

four-week backpacking and canoeing trip in Canada with Michelle Tor­ rens. At the end of their trip they were planning on meeting up with

Lori Kalisz, Aran Ryan and M i k e Yunes '95 in Bar H a rbor. After their

'90 to M. Stuart Lathers Jr. in Southbury, '90 to Steven T. Harmon in South Dennis,

mini Colby reunion in Maine, Erik is

'91 to Andrew H. Brydes i n Suffield, Conn. ·:· '91 to William Eddy in Jackson Hole, \iVyo. ·:·

Ventures, a technical consulting com­

Conn. ·:· Kristen E. Nickerson ··

. S . Interactive, building an on­

l i n e grocery store. After H o n g Kong,

Eric Loth, Sarah Langan, Dori

MmTiages: Jennifer L. Brackett Mass.

spent most of 1 999 i n Hong Kong with

Morrison, Rob Sutter, Rob Gold,


Charles " C huck" Bowen, Betsy

dot cams, he predicts i t will not make a n y m o n e y . . . . E ri k G u s tavson

'92 to Nathan vVa gne r i n Stowe, Vt. ·:· Suzanne M.


pany tl1at he co-founded . . . . Kylie Oessica) Taphorn passed the Cali­

Sklarz attended the wedding of Ryan


" T h e C h i e f'' S u l livan to L a n a

Richard M. Martin II in Washington, Conn. ·:· Julie Curran to Dickinson C.

at a small firm in Sacramento doing dependency/juve n i l e law. Kylie re­

to M ar k R. Koschmeder in Worcester, Mass. ·:· Laura K. Eanes

'94 to

rem rning to L.A. to work at Bandini

forn i a bar l ast fal l and is now working

vVolfson i n vVest H a rtford, Conn. A

Gagnon '94 in Boston, Mass. ·:· Rachel A. Herf

good time was had by a l l . Ryan is

in Dennis, Mass. ·:· Heather L. Kaye to Ross T. Nussbaum

ports tl1at Linnea Basu is working

entering his fourth year of medical

tan, N . Y. ·:· Heather E. Post

for L i b e r t y M u t u a l

school at UConn. J eff is a lawyer at a prestigious Connecticut l aw firm and was to be married i n August. Gregg is an associate at Price, \Vaterhouse­ Coopers in New York and says that he loves living in Manhattan and sees Jesse Carlson '98 regularly. Gregg also reports that Alex Talbot is mar­ ried and runn ing a restaurant. Brad

'94 to Max E. Lamson '95 '94 in Manhat­

'94 to Wayne LaFrance i n Plymouth, Mass. ·:· Heather Twomey to Michael T. Bombardieri '95 i n Cape Cod, M a ss. : Nicole A. Clavette '95 to Sean B. Devine '95 in Scarborough, Maine ·:· Robyn B. Kervick '95 to Sean D. Balon in Basin Harbor, Vt. ·:· Amanda E.


vVard to Timothy "Tip" A. Meckel '95 in New Canaan, Conn. ·:· Lisa D. Beene to Daniel T. Lavergne

'97 i n Odessa, Texas.


and just got engaged, and Carey Page is working for and liv­ ing in Seattle . . . . Joy C h ristoferson is l i vi n g in New Haven, Conn . , with John Daly. They are e ngage d and

Bi11hs: A daughter, Abigail Rose Malach, to John and Michelle Parady Malach


Nozomi Kishimoto is sti ll in Tokyo


planning a June weddi n g i n 2 00 1 . Both Joy and John are atte n d i n g master's programs at Y a l e Univer­

recently fi nished his master's i n edu­

sity, John in environmental sn1dies

cation administration at tl1e Univer­

and Joy in nursing, with a specialty as

sity of Virginia and was moving back

Cristina is doing a year of internal

with Aronson Parmers, a hedge fund.

fam i l y nurse practitioner. They will

to Mayflower H i l l to take a position

medicine in Cincinnati. At Cristina's

He proposed to Kelly Oakes in Italy

both graduate in one year.

in the Development Office at Col by.

wedd ing Ruth saw Melissa Taylor,

last summer and is getting married in

. . . Stephanie Paul travel ed for tln·ee

Cate Kneece and Chris Wnek and

October. . . . Eben Dorros is i n

weeks in I n dia and Nepal tl1is spring,

Deirdre Foley . . . . Daniel Dente is

music school in N . Y . C. a n d is cur­

half of the ti me hiking and mount a i n

working in tl1e international market­

rently writing the score for a movie

-Amie Siccbitano


\-\'hat's up) Congrats, congrats,

congrats. (\Ve've started a tradition

biki ng, t h e otl1er h a l f working witl1 a

i n g d e p a r t m e n t o f the


being fi lmed in Chicago . . . . Colin

here.) Here they go: Melissa O'Don­

small group of Georgetown M . B.A.

Mai lorder Group in Hamburg, Ger­

Harrington was named vice presi­

nell married C. Brooks i\ lcPhail in

students working wi tl1 Indian busi­

many, consulting subsidiaries in the

dent of energy investment banking

Lanesville,i\ lass., and Kara Marchant

nesses. I n addition, she was to gradu­

U.K. and Northern Europe. Daniel

for the F B R & Co. in \Vashington,

Hooper also tied the knot in Texas.

ate from tl1e Georgetown M . B . A.

r e c e n t l y met u p w i t h C l a u d i a

D.C. . . . Gerry Perez is teaching

Jen Atwood was the maid of honor

program this spring and take a job

�'ehmeier i n London and toured

school and coaching at the Horace

while Ellie Peters, Austen Briggs,

with tl1e su·ucn1red fi nance group at

some bars and restaurants . . . . Adam

Mann School in N.Y. C. .

Tanya Semels and J .J. EkJund were

Spaulding & Slye Colli ers i n 'Wash­

Muller completed a master's in eco­

Foley is living in M i l ford, Mass., and

bridesmaids .

ington, D . C. . . . Ruth Bristol gradu­

nomics at Tufts University and cur­

planned to start grad school this fa l l

engaged to Denise Koe n i g, and Sarah

ated from Tulane med school in N l.ay

rently is working as an associate at

at \ V P I in biomedical engineering.

C h ristie has a J u n e ' 0 1 wed d i n g

and was about to start her residency

Charles River Associates i n down­

She sees Julie Erickson and John

planned to John Carolan '95 .

in neu rosurgery at tl1e Ba rrow Neu­

town Boston. H e is living in Som­

Bond '94 regularly. . . . Ed Bourque

in the Boston University School of


. Deirdre


. . David Palmieri is

arah is

rological I nstitute in Phoenix, Ariz.

e rville . . . . After working in economic

rece n t l y recei\'ed an ,\ I . A . fr o m

Public Health and runs into Greg

She recently visited Carrie Califano,

consulting for fo ur y e a rs Azeen

Brandeis University in sustainable i n ­

Merriman, Beth Timm '95 and J i l l

who is in tl1eJAGcorps and stationed

Chamarbagwala is going back to

ternational d e v e lop m e nt. As of June

Kooyoo m j i a n '95 . . . . Mandy Ball

in Fairbanks, Alaska. Ruth a l so re­

graduate school to do a master's in

he was looking for work in environ­

married Peter Caruso I I '93 this J u n e

ports tl1at this past March Cristina

i11formation management and systems

mental policrlresearch in the area of

in Portsmouth, -:\'.H . . . . B etsy Eisen

Pacheco got married (to B i l l Chester)

at tl1e University of Califo rn i a - Ber­

i ntegrated conservation and de\'el­

is engaged . . . . Gregg Forger is en­

in Cincinnati, Ohio, and a lso gradu­

keley. . . . Chris Whitehead moved

opment. L i ke many people his age,

gaged to Danielle Rizzo '96 . . . . Ka­

ated from med school tl1ere this N iay.

to Philadelphia in April to take a job

he is s t a r t i n g up a dot com-

ren Blaisdell was engaged o n -:\'ew

C0LBY · FALL 2000



Alumni @ Large


1 990s-2000s

Year's, with a wedding set for J uly '0 1 ; Chris Downing will be her maid of honor. Karen also left the American Red Cross this year to become a high school Spanish teacher. . . . Wendy Morris continues to work in PR as an account executive at Edelman Public Relations. She writes that Jennife r O'Neill has started a joumajjsm pro­ gram at 1\orthwestem n i,·ersity . . . . Mary Rosenfeld graduated from Bos­ ton University Law School and will work as a public defender in Boston. . . . Drea Barbalunga remains in D.C. as a d irector for the International Trade Association. She's been doing a fai r amount of traveling and spent time in Asia and South Africa. During the \Vorld Bank/IMF protests/riots in D .C., she saw a Colby T-shirt in the

melee (it happened outside her office). She was unable to identify the person, however, because he or she was wear­ ing a gas mask. Nice, Drea. "Good to see that Colby acti,,ism hasn't died." . . . Ashley Ring is living it up in Colo­ rado, teaching at the Colorado Acad­ emy. She took some of her students to 1\'imbledon and played in some tour­ naments; and, of course, they checked out matches on Center Court . . . . It took Andrew Black flying in from San Fran, Patrick McBride driving up from Jersey and me making the trek from Ken tuck)', but it was worth it to see David McLaughlin marry Jenna DeSimone '98 in Ipswich in late June. Kent Robertson, who recently relocated to San Jose, and C h ad Higgins were in attendance as were







Jerrod DeShaw and John Hebert.

Lots of other Colby hoops guys and Colby soccer women were there to share tl1e wonderful weekend . . . . Hillary Ross finished her stint teach­ ing English in Buenos Aires with Sa­ rah Olsten and Darrin Ylisto and is moving to Spain in November. She plans on traveling through Southeast Asia as wel l . She'll be back in the States i n October to attend Kate Cousins's wedding and plans to catch up with alums in Boston, New York and D.C. . . . Mika Hadani spent the summer on the road with the N.Y.C. Ballet. The tour stopped in Saratoga Springs, N.Y., Edinburgh, Scotland, and all over Japan. After the tour, she

planned on climbing Mt. Fuji and then going to Honolulu for some rest and relaxation . . . . Hyu n Ju n g deferred a year from the J FK School of Govern­ ment at H a rvard. He will be working for another year for State Street Capi­ tal Markets in Boston before starting school i n September '0 1 . . . . Chris Sullivan has taken a new position at Bishop Fenwick in Peabody, M ass., as the d irector of development. He re­ ports that he's enjoying the field of advancement in tl1e nonprofit sector. . . . Steve Papagiotas starts a public health program this fall at Emory University in Georgia. . . . Kristen Wilson '98 is moving to the H udson River Valley to work as an environ­ mental educator this fal l . She finished a stint as a recruitment specialist for

U n derhanded Chop Champ

Born i n Ash land, M a i n e , and raised i n Sherma n , M i ke Eash '93 knows h i s ashes (ash trees, that is). He grew u p su rrou nded by the pa per m i l ls, ti m ber-compa ny land a nd thousands of acres of woods in southern Aroostook County. B u t not u nt i l a cha nce eve n i ng at Col by did Eash d i scover his pass1on for " t i m be rsports . " Now 29 a n d l iving i n Coatsv i l l e , Pa . , Eash is one of the top l u m berjacks i n the wor l d , com pet i n g i n c h o p p i ng a n d sawing events for t housa nds of dollars a nd a p pea ra nces on nat1onal televisio n . Eash was the only Mainer o f 2 9 l u m berjacks who com peted a t the G reat M a i ne Lum berjack Showgrounds i n Trenton i n August i n a regional qua l1f1er for the Stih l T i m bersports Series, which bri ngs together the best l u m beqacks 1 n the world. The l u m berjacks had a l ready com peted in Tennessee. Eas h , a world-record holder in the u nderhand block chop, d1d not qual1fy for any final events but he tu rned i n a 1 9 . 7 seconds i n t h e stan d 1 ng block and a 20-second u nderhand chop. " I have n 't really h a d great chops here, b u t it's not bad , " he said . " I would have l 1ked to make one of the finals . " He d 1 d part1c1 pate 1 n a relay w1th t h ree other l u m berjacks at t h e end of Saturday's show, cheered on by a gro u p of fnends from Col by. That's where Eash d iscovered t1mber sports, when a friend took him to a meeting of the College's woodsmen's tea m on the way to d i nner one eve nmg. Eash l i ked the people, took up chopping and after his sophomore year started compet1ng professionally. "I was very i nvolved w1th 1 ," Eash sa i d . The u nderhand c h o p IS Eash's spec1alty, a nd the U n1ted States Axemen's Association ranked h1m e1ghth 1n the event at the end of the 1999 season . B ut w1th top Canadians, Australians a nd New Zealanders part1C1pat1ng 1n the St1hl senes, Eash gets a little overshadowed . "Th1s 1s an 1ncred1bly tough show," sa1d Eash. who IS 1n h 1s th1rd year compet1ng ull t1me on he St1hl c1rcu1t He was 22nd last year. "You've got all the bes people here so 1t's, like. ougher than the Olymp1cs. They only take 29 people 1n th1s show. It's the best of the best . " Eash a lso gets lost 1 n he c rowd o f flesh 60

Lucas Penney, Andrew Pease, Tony Rosenfeld, Becky Briber, Kurt Gray,

At 5-foot- 10, 195 pounds, Eash is no burly Paul B u nyan type. To make up for his lack of size, Eash gets u p every morn ing at 5 a . m . to l i ft weights or ru n . He spends his days working as a jeweler, then in the evening heads to his backyard to practice chopping, a less del icate craft. He has chopped year-round, ra i n or shine, for l O years. "When I was i n M a i n e I would chop right through t h e middle o f wi nter, " he said . " [The weight tra i n i ng] helps a l i ttle bit, especia lly someone smaller l i ke me where every ounce of strength hel ps. " Eash doesn't concentrate on the sawi ng events, but he d i d enter the hot saw competition, a fa n favorite because of the noise created by the sou ped - u p saws. (Sti h l hands out foam earpl ugs to the crowd before the event. ) M ost com petitors use e ither a snowmo bile or a motorcycle engine, wh ich c reates a 50-60 pound saw and jacks u p the price of the saw i n to the thousands. Eash would rather spend his time a n d money o n rac i ng axes. H e ' s got seven com petition axes, each costing a nywhere from $250 to $300, all ground d i fferently for cutting d i fferent woods . Eash's father, Michael, competed in t i m bersports at N ichols Col lege a nd professionally i n the 1960s. B ut it wasn't u ntil Eash was at Col by that he learned of his father's tim bersports h i story. "I was home on vacation a nd he took me out back one day and sa i d , ' Let's show you how to chop wood , ' " reca l l ed Eash-truly a c h i p off the old block . -Jessica Bloch.

(A version of this arttcle ftrst appeared

Ba ngor Dally News. ) tn the

the Northwest Service Academy, an AmeriCorps program in Portland, Ore., that focused on environmental and educational service. She's looking forward to being on the East Coast again . . . . Nicole LaBrecque Gil fin­ ished her third year at the Sewickley Academy outside Pittsburgh. Her hus­ band will be continuing his degree in aviation at Purdue, so the couple is moving to Indianapolis. She'll teach at the Sycamore School, a K-8 private school for gifted children. Nicole started her master's in psychology this spring but decided to focus on Spanish instead. Before making their move to the Midwest, they spent the summer in Rhode Island and touring the Span­ ish coast from Alicante to Barcelona. . . . David Bruinooge now lives in Brooklyn and is in the process of find­ ing a gig with a film company . . . . Lauren Graham returned to Maine. She's living in Portland and working at an environmental consulting firm in Yarmouth. On her first day of work she ran into Karen Hoppe, who teaches at a school in Yarmouth . . . . C.J. Polcari is attending tl1e Loyola University-Stritch School of Medi­ cine in Chicago . . . . Amanda Maga ry graduated from Columbia School of Social Work with a master's in science and moved out to San Francisco(okay, which Colby contingent is bigger now-Boston or San Fran?). Michelle Lin will join her soon . . . . Tony Rosenfeld is in I taly (Tuscany) ap­ prenticing witl1 one of tl1e world's prem.ier chefs, learning a ton and im­ proving his Italian. He still writes for Tbe Boston Globe, contributing pieces while on the road . . . . Carole Reid is moving to Hong Kong with her fiance after leaving her position at Discovery Commtmications in New York . . . . Jonathan Levin completed his first year of law school at Suffolk in Boston and moved to Readville (near Blue ffills) . . . . Sean Handler graduated from Temple law school. . . . If anyone else has any news, send it along and it'll get into the next column. Be sure to send in engagement and wedding announcements. Take care! -Kimberly N. Pm·ke1·


It was a delight to run into Jamje Yourdon and Reid Farrington last night. Reid is living in Brooklyn with Will Guthrie. Reid loves his job as a freelance set designer for off-Off Broadway shows and has been imrited to join a theater company-he's doing exactly what he's most passionate

about. is at the Uruversity of Arizona getting his M . F.A. in creative writing and teaching first-year En­ glish classes (eqwvalent to Colby's EN 1 I 5). Jamie told me all about his exciting new venture as an editor and writer for a weekly v\Teb 'zine called Eitber!Or. Check itoutat www.either­ He's always looking for con­ tributors-one of whom is Nate J ue, a weekly contributor/writer. ate teaches L Otl1 graders in New Hamp­ shire, but he anticipates moving some­ time soon . . . . Anna Bridges is in Boston doing research on vaccine de­ velopment at i\l lass General Hospital and bwlding her portfolio in prepara­ tion for graduate school in music composition . . . . Josh DeScherer is working on his master's at Tufts Uni­ versity in music composition . . . . Dave Fasteson is also furthering his education-at Brown University­ where this June he began working towards an i\ll .A.T. in biology . . . . Alex Quigley is a member of Teach for America in the Mississippi Delta, teaching second graders. He loves his work, and he spent the summer as a full-time graduate student at Ole M .iss in the master's in elementary educa­ tion program. Alex was recently ac­ cepted to tl1e Mississippi Teacher Fellowship Program1 He sends a shout out to Crystal Brakke, who teaches eighth grade English witl1 Teach for America in Henderson, N.C. Lyle Bradley visited Alex on cross-cowl­ try road trip. Lyle also recently fin­ ished a furni ture design class in Camden, Maine . . . . Dave Wilkens loves being a research techn.ician at Aaron Diamon AIDS Research Cen­ ter, but he took a six-week leave of absence this summer to teach pre­ calculus at Nortll field Mount Hermon School. . . . In the fall Derek Ken­ singer took off for El Salvador \vith the Peace Corps. Katherine Golfino­ poulos is also just beginning an ad­ venture witl1 the Peace Corps . . . . Diego Muilenburg spent sum­ mer in St. Johns witl1 Tracy Freuder '00 . . . . Justin Harvey and Heather Fine botl1 just took the LSAT, and Heather reports that invas the hardest test she's ever taken . . . . Karena Bul­ lock just got a promotion at Forbes and is working in special events now. . . . Sean Foley is living in Portland, Maine, and his acting. As I understand it, Sean is part of a two­ man show tl1at performs Shakespeare in schools all over the place. He loves it! . . . Kelly Wtlliams's apartment is

on the beach in Tel Aviv, and she works for a h.igh-tech company called BMC Software . . . . Sarah Hewins lives in Boston and works at SCOR£1 Also in the Boston area are Rachel Reider, who works at an advertising agency, and Alison Rainey, who is a consultant at CSC Consulting . . . . Michelle Foster just completed her first year of grad school at Lesley Col­ lege, got her teacher's certification and teaches at a private school in Manchester . . . . Alexis Azar fin.ished up an internship at the Sm.ithsonian Museum in D.C., where she lives . . . . Lauren Rothman works as a trend analyst in T.Y.C. at Faith Popcorn's Brain Reserve, a trend forecasting firm . . . . This summer,Jason Gerbs­ man began and studying in Israel. . . . Ryan Aldrich has been a ski instructor out west all winter while getting teaching certification. In June, Ryan traveled around Wyoming and Montana to Ay fish and h.ike with Matt Smith '00, and on July I he began an admission position at tl1e Kent School in Connecticut. Ryan says he is entirely happy. I can only wish for tl1at same kind of happiness for all of you. Be in touch. -Liudmy Hnyes


Hello, everyone1 Hope you all had a wonderful summer and are en­ joying your first fall away from Colby. I am currently in Boston working at Testa, Hurwitz & Thibeault, L L. P . , witl1 Greg Madden, a n d I am living with Katie MitcheLl, who is getting her master's in early ch.ildhood educa­ tion at Lesley College and teaching at The Brookwood School in Manches­ ter. I often run into Colby grads in Boston (I) and hear what many of you are doing, and I receive many e-mails as well (classnews2000@alum.colby. edu) . . . . Vanessa Wade is in the Boston area, attend.inggraduate school in tl1e field of school psychology at Tufts University. . . . Alex Moskos worked at the J\ 1useum of Fine Arts summer before attending gradu­ ate school at Northeastern niver­ sity. He is living in Somerville with Chris Bonafide . . . . Also living in Somervi U e are Mark Harries, Darren Powell, VIrill Kendall, Dave Schoetz, Chloe Chittick, Abby Campbell,] ay Zarnetske, Tacy Conard and Sarah Hubbell. Tacy is working at the law

firm of Hill and Barlow, and Sarah is working for a substance abuse pro­ gram . . . . Annalise Blech reports that she will be pursuing her :\ LA. at the

University of Texas at Austin in the department of Slavic languages and literatures. She recently traveled across the country from Boston to Utah with VVhltney Lawton, who will soon be moving to Siberia to teach English. She informed me that she \viii take Tom l o ts o f w a rm c l o t h e s 1 Donahue i s working in New York City at the law firm of Da,<is, Polk & \Vardwell and is living with Sambit P a t t a n a y a k , who i s work i n g a t Lehman Brothers as a fixed income analyst. . . . C h ris Tracy i enjoying Teach for America in \1\'ashington, D.C., and Brian Hansen is also in D.C., working for the Federal Re­ serve . . . . Morgan McDevitt is )i,<ing 111 ew York City and working at Brown Brothers Harriman. He often runs into Mallett, Amanda Carucci and Alexis Fine . . . . Heather Daur will be living with C a rrie Russell in N.Y.C. after she returns from London, where she has been training for her job at Deutsche Bank. . . . Dana Turpie and )en Kassakian have been in Maine (near Boothbay) since the summer. Jen is enjoying working with lobsters and saw Becky Rasmussen a few times before Becky headed to California . . . . Also in Cali­ forn.ia are Michael Siegel and Jeff Boyer. Jeff is working for the South­ ern Californ.ia Golf Association and went to the U.S. Open at Pebble Beach . . . . Hubert Lam was a park leader this summer for the Quincy, Mass., Recreation Department, and this fall he is attending Yale Un.iver­ sity Graduate School in the program of molecular, cellular and develop­ mental biology . . . . Eric Saucier, •

Sean Luoma, C h ristine Pirani, sher Lauren Borchardt and )en are in the Boston area, as is Kate MacLeay, who is working for FAC Equities . . . . Nelia Dwyer will begin at the Echo Hill Outdoor chool on the shore of the Chesa­ peake Bay in Maryland this coming spring . . . . Sarah Church is attend­ ing graduate school for landscape ar­ chitecture at U;\ lass-Amherst and often hears from i\ll ary Ann Schu­ macher, who is working at a law firm in 1\ ew York. . . . And despite rumors, Ross Frankenfield is not moving to Toronto but is sta}<ing at his job at State treet Bank in Qwncy . . . . \\'ell, I hope to hear from more of you soon. Have a wonderful fall and see you during Reunion \Veekend!

-Hi/my Swytb


) 61











Doris Dickey Besse ' 2 3 , May 2-t,

� 1i d d l e East with the 2 nd and 8th

Hawley Russell ' 3 5 , April 4, 2000,

vivors include her sons, Richard C.

2000, in \Vaten>l l le, � Iaine, at 99. She

Army Air Force during ·world \Var

in Deauvi lle, France, at 86. ln 1 93 6 he

McKee and Douglas E. McKee, a

taughtat Climon (1\Iaine) High School

II. B e fore a n d after the war he taught

entered the U.S. Navy and received the

daughter, Katherine Boyd, two grand­

and \Yaten>ll l e Junior High School

chemistry and general sciences at

Purple Heart and the Distinguished

children and four step-grandchildren.

before her marriage in 1 93 3 to Frank

schools in i\ Ia i n e and Massachusetts,

Flying Cross, among many other med­

Besse, who survives her. Other sur­

i nc l u d i n g B r i dgewater C l a ssical

als, for his service in carrier aviation

vivors include her son, two grandchi l ­

Academy and Cushing Academy. H e

during ·world ·war I I . He retired from

1 8, 2 000, i n Skowhegan, Maine, a t

d r e n and two great-grandchildren.

leaves h i s w i fe o f 5 7 years, Esther


86. S h e taught i n M a i n e h i g h schools

Peterson, two daughters, a sister and

lived in Paris, where he helped Ameri­

i n Strong, South Berwick and Flag­

Dorothy L . Austin '2 5 ,

two grandsons.

can aerospace companies establish op­

staff and at Erskine Academy i n South

pril 1 8,

avy as a captain in 1 960, then

Lillian Stinchfield Salmon '3 7 , J u n e

erations in the European marketplace.

China. Predeceased by her husband

pursued graduate studies at Brown

Miriam S a nders Marcho ' 3 0 , Oc­

He is survived by hiswife, Marie RusseU,

and four brothers, including Theron

University, Rhode Island College of

tober 2 5 , 1 999, in B a ngor, M a i n e ,

two sons, two daughters, a sister aJld

' 3 3 , Raymond '39 and P h i l i p '40, she

Education and Lesley College and

a t 92 . S h e was a homemaker and t h e

three grandchildren.

i s s u rvived by h e r son, R i c h a rd

Sidney Schiffman ' 3 5 , May 1 0, 2000,

ews, including Peter L . Sal mon ' 5 3

in Longwood, Fla., at 8 5 . H e was a

a n d Richard H . Sti nchfield '69.

2 000, in \Yinthrop, Maine, at 96. She

taught, mostl. kindergarten, for -fO

m o t h e r of twi n daughters, Cyn t h i a

years in � Iaine and Rhode Island. She

i\ I a r c h o a n d

i s sun•ived by h e r sister, B o n n i e

Cootner ' 5 9 . H e r husband, H e n ry

� I i ttenmeyer, and by several nieces,

C a t h ry n

i\ [ a r c h o

Salmon, and several n i eces and neph­

diamond merchant and ring manufac­

1archo, predeceased her.

nephews and cousins. Linwood T. Crandall ' 3 0, April 1 6,

turer. Predeceased by his wife, Beulah

William Robert Walkey '38, Feb­

Schiffman, he is survived by his daugh­

ruary 2 1 , 2000, i n Fort Lauderdale,

Lawrence A. Roy ' 2 7 , February 2-f,

2000, in Gorham, i\ Iaine, at 9 1 . He

ters, E l l en Prague and M a rjorie

Fla., at 8 5 . A \tVorld \tVar I I Army

2 000, i n Augusta, ..\ Iaine, at 9 . He

received his master's degree from Bates

Henley, his sister, four grandchildren

veteran, he was a l i felong resident of

was a science teacher i n the H a llowel l ,

College and senred the Greely School

and five great-grandchildren.

� 1aine, school system a n d later was

D i strict for 28 years (nine as an En­

Hanson , Mass., where h e owned and operated Walkey's, a grocery and l i ­

employed by the State Department

glish teacher and 1 9 as a principal) and

Joseph L. Stevens '3 5 , May 2 3 , 2000,

quor store. H e w a s a water commis­

of Health and \\ elfare. For years he

Deering High School for 1 3 years as a


n i ty, Maine, at 86. He was a staff

sioner, member of the board ofhealth and founder and president of the

played the saxophone i n several dance

guidance counselor. He is survived by

orchestras and community bands.

his wife, Leona Huestis Crandall, two

Corps i n the South Pacific during

Kiwanis Club. H e i s survived by h i s

Predeceased by his wife, Donna, and

sons, two sisters, three grandchildren

\Vorld \Var II. He retired to Unity,

s o n , John R. \Nalkey, two daughters,

two sisters, he is survived by nieces,

and six great-grandcluldren.

his birthplace, from Lever Brothers

Marsha Bootl1 and Jeanne Mahon, a

in New York City, where h e had been

brother and sister, seven grandch i l ­ dren and seven great-gra ndchi ldren.

nephews and cousins.

sergeant in the

. S . Army Signal

Nellie Simonds Gallison ' 3 0 , M arch

national accounts manager, market­

Helen Cobum Smith Fawcett '27,

1 1 , 2000, in Portland, 1aine, a t 9 3 .

ing sales and public relations. Sunriv­

June 1 6, 2000, at 95, in Berkeley, Calif.

S h e attended UCLA before finishing

ing are his daughter, Jane Stevens

Alyso n C . Hooper '39, May 2 5 , 2 000,

he was a homemaker and commwut:y

her studies at Colby and later at­

Pinnette, his adopted daughter, Anne

i n Portland, Maine, at 8 5 . She was a

olby lineage includes

tended the New York School of So­

Edwards, his grandson and otl1er ex­

hospital recreation worker for the

her parents, G eorge Oris Smith and Grace

cial \Vork. Her husband, Wi l l iam 0 .

tended fam i l y members.


Call ison, predeceased her.

,·olunteer. Her

nuth, both Class of 1 893, and

Red Cross during \Norld \tVar I I . After the war s h e worked as an adver­

her aunt, Louise Coburn, Class of 1 877,

Gordon Patch Thompson ' 3 5 , M ay

tising copy writer and for several years

Colb) s econd female studenL Prede­

Willard E. Alexander '3 1 , February

2 2 , 2000, in Clearwater, Fla., at 8 7 . A

was a writer for tl1e


b�· her brother, Joseph Coburn

1 7 , 2000, in Underh i l l , Vt., a t 9 3 . He

Navy veteran of \tVorld War I I , he

Teleg;rnm. An en trepreneur and fem i ­

mith '2-f, and her i ter, Louise Cobum

was employed by his fa mily-owned

was a founding partner of Pennell &

n i s t , she opened the Portland branch

mith \ 'elten ' 3 3 , she leaves two clul­

Sisson Drug Company and retired in

Thompson Realtors and was active i n

of tl1e Boston-based Keene Advertis­

dren, Grace Fa" cen '59 andJohn Coburn

1 972 from the advertising depart­

t h e Arl i n gton, Mass., business com­

ing Agency and was actively involved

Fa" cett, four grandchildren and her

ment of the Hartford Fire Insurance

munity before his retirement in 1 97 7 .

in many women's issues. Three nieces

nephe\1 , :.eorge Ining

Company. Predeceased by his wife in

H e a l so was active in the S t . Peters­

and two nephews survive her.

mith '-1-9.

P01tlrmd Stmdny

19 6, he is survived by his daughter,

b u rg, F l a . , Col by C l u b and was

Betsy Cole, two sons,j ohn Alexander

awarded a Colby Brick. H e is sur­

Jean B u rr Smith '39, July 30, 2 000,

and \\'i l l ard

lexander J r. , a sister,

vived by his wife, i\llaude Thompson,

in \t\Tayne, Maine, at 82. A teacher of

and after \ \'orld \ \'ar I I , " hen he wa

two brothers and several grandch i l ­

a son, a sister, a brotl1er and several

mathematics, she conducted work­

on special dut)

dren a n d great-grandchildren.

nieces and nephews.

shops around the U.S., Europe, Af­


Hazel Lawrence Neilson ' 3 3 , J'. larch

Ruth Yeaton McKee ' 3 7 , J u ly -f,

JOined \merican I n ternational l.Jn­

9, 2000, in Falmouth, ,\ laine, at 89.

2000, in Bootl1bay Harbor, Maine, at

included Colby's Outstanding Edu­

denl riter' Corp., " here he wa� a ' ice

he recei1 eel her regi tered nurse's

8 5 . She was a social worker at E l l is

cator Award in 1 990. She retired as a

pre I dent. I I i'> " 1fe, Carmen Coker,

degree from Peter Bent Brigham

,\ Jemorial Settlement House in Bos­

professor of mathematics at Middlesex

ton before her marriage toJack McKee.

Community College in Connecticut.

,·or include her two sons, Da1id and

In the 1 970s she moved to Boothbay

Survivors include her husband of 57

Larry :'\"eilson, her daughter, \\'endy

I I a rbor, where she sen,ed on the


T" itchel l , a brother, eight grandchil­

Boothbay Region Land Trust and in

dren, includingjudi tl1 Smith Lucarelli

dren and fi, e great-grandchildren.

many other community activities. Sur-

'70, and her brother, Horace Burr '40.

\ l u rra y


oker '29, J une

, 1 999,

an Diego, C a l i f. , at 90. Before Ill\

ohing " ar con­

trac , h e \\ Orked for Libert) .\ l utual J n .,urance Company. In

1 9-f

un 1 1 ed hun b� a fe" month;.

. Peter on '29, \ I a�


I I,

2 000, in Fitchburg, .\ l ass., at 9 3 . l i e en ed




I c0LBy


\.fnca and the



rica, Asia and Austra lia combating

chool of :'\"ursing in Boston.


matl1 anxiety. Her numerous awards

lexander Smitl1, her four chil­

Clayton E. Young '39, May 2 5 , 2000,

in Freeport, Maine, at 8 3 . He was an Army master sergeant i n New Guinea and the P h i l i ppines during \iVorld War I I . A lobsterman until he retired at 7 3 , he a l s o ra n the store on Matinicus Island, Maine. Predeceased by his wife, he is survived by his son , Robert 0. Youn g, h i s da ughter, Jeanette Beaudoin, two grandch il­ dren, three step-grandchildren and three stepgreat-grandchildren. Virginia Gray Schwab ' 40, May 1 1 ,

j ustin 0. \Vellman, Class of 1 898, attended the College. Survivors in­ clude his niece, Heather McCarthy, h i s nephew, Michael McAleer, a grandniece, two sisters-in-law and distant cousins. Arlene O ' Brien Sampson '44, No­

vember 2 8 , 1 999, i n Duarte, Calif., at 7 7 . A homemaker, she i s survived b y her husband of more than 5 5 years, H arold Sampson, her brother, three n ieces, a nephew and grand­ nieces and grandnephews.

2 000, in VenUJra, Calif. , at 82. A U . S . WAVE officer during World War I I ,

she later was a Navy wife and home­ maker. Survivors include her hus­ b a n d , H e rbert S. S c h w a b , h e r daughter, Ann Schwab, a n d h e r son, Andrew P . Schwab '7 1 . Elizabeth Youmans Wathen '42 ,

May 1 5 , 2000, in Bastrop, Texas. A lab technician in Florida before her marriage to james Russell \tVa then in 1 947, she was a homemaker follow­ ing the birth of her sons, James Jr. and Daniel. Elizabeth Peters Goettel '42 , Feb­

ruary4, 2000, in Overland Park, Kan., at 78. She was a flight i nstructor until 1 944, when she was recruited and certified to fly B-24 aircraft in the Woman's Air Service P ilot program during \tV orld War I I . In later years she worked at Crouse Hospital. Sur­ vivors include her three daughters, Kathryn Goettel, Mary Pickhaver and Nancy Yeamans, her son, Kenneth Goettel, and three grandchildren. Perley M. Leighton ' 4 3 , March 2 1 , 2 000, in Portland, Maine, at 7 7 . He served in the Army Signal Corps in the Philippines and New Guinea dur­ ing \1\forld \Var I I . After teaching English at Colby, he was executive director of Junior Achievement of \tVestern Connecticut. Before his re­ tirement he was director of special juvenile projects for Connecticut. Survivors include his former wife, Deborah Leighton, a son, t·wo daugh­ ters and two grandchildren. William Emmons Taylor '43, Feb­

ruat·y 28, 2000, in Mechanic Falls, Maine, at 78. He UJrned an interest in sports as a swdent at Colby into a career as editor and sports writer for tl1e Lewiston Sun-Joumal from 1 9+ 3 until he retired in 1 990. Several rela­ tions, including his motl1er, Agnes \tValker Taylor '08, and his uncle,

Florence Craig Stanley '46, june 8, 2 000, in Bridgton, Maine, at 76. A graduate of tl1e Modern School of Fashion Design in Boston, she was a homemaker a n d seam stress. S h e leaves h e r husband, Gordon Stanley, a son, two sisters, a brother, five grandchi ldren, a great-granddaugh­ ter and many nieces and nephews. Daniel } . Klein '48, November 1 3 ,

1 999, i n San Mateo, Calif., a t 7 5 . After receiving h i s P h . D . from the UniversityofTexas at Austin in 1 967, he was a clinical psychologist witl1 the Veterans Administration Hospi­ tal in Palo Alto, Calif. H i s wife, Rutl1 KJein, survives h i m . George M. Kren '48,July 2 + , 2000,

in Manhattan, Kan., at 7+ . He was a professor of history at Kansas State University for decades. A refugee from H itler's Europe, he became one of the most widely published writers on Hitler, contributing to dozens ofbooks on the Holocaust. He also published books on his avocations, photography and personal computing. He is sur­ vived by his wife, Margo Kren, a son, his sister and a granddaughter. Howard F. Staples Jr. '48, February 28, 2000, in Waterville, Maine, at 76. H e served in tl1e U.S. Navy during \i\Torld \tVar I I . After Colby he was employed in the \Vaterville area at NletLife insurance company, Noyes Stove Co. and Arnold's Hardware and as an insurance adjuster. Survi­ vors include his wife of 50 years, Helen Staples, tl1ree children, five grand­ children, two great-grandchildr en, a brother and nieces and nephews. Foster Bruckheimer '50, June 2 6,

1 999, in Tucson, Ariz., at 70. He was a manufacwrer's representative for jewelry companies and a self-em­ ployed pawnbroker. After retirement he worked in parking enforcement at

the Palm Beach County SherifPs Office in Florida. Predeceased by his wife, Selma, he is survived by two daughters and three grandchildren. Joseph E. Makant Jr. '50, April 1 9,

2000, in Tallahassee, Fla., at 7 1 . H e served as an infantry medical officer during tl1e Korean Conflict. \Vhen he retired as an Air Force surgeon and physician, he became deputy as­ sistant secretary for health set·vices with the Florida Department of Cor­ rections. Later he was a medical con­ sultant with me Office of Disabil ity Determinations. He is survived by his wife, Barbara Makant, a son, a daughter, mree grandch ildren and two cousins. Paul A. LeVecque '5 2 , March 3 ,

2000, in Augusta, Maine, at 7 2 . H e earned a master's degree in social work at tl1e University of Michigan and worked for the 1\1aine Depart­ ment of Human Services from 1 95 2 t o 1 98 7 , retiring as director of the Bureau o f i ncome Mai ntenance. He was a member of several civic boards and associations. He is survived by h i s w i fe of 46 yea rs, D e l o res LeVecque, four sons, two daugh­ ters, five grandchildren and nieces, nephews and cousins. Robert F. Hudson '54, May 1 2 ,

1 999, i n Houston, Texas, a t 6 7 . After earning a P h . D . at tl1e niversity of Iowa he was a geologist with Texaco Inc. Later he was employed at Lee College in Texas. Survivors include his wife, Elizabetl1 Chi lson Hudson ' 5 3 , and eight children. Ann Seguin Home '55, April 29,

2 000, i n Litchfield, Conn., at 66. The mother of a son and daughter, she was a teacher's aide working with learning disabled c h i l d ren and later worked part time as a doctor. S u rvi vors i n c l u d e her h u s b a n d , Charles E . H o rn e . Sally Turner Searles '57, March 2 3 ,

2000, in Mecklenburg, '.C., at 6+. t\ graduate of Katharine Gibbs School, she married \Villiam H. Searles J r. in 1 956 and was the mother of two sons.

I I , 2000, i n Portsmouth, :-\ . H . , at 6+. He was a construction supen'isor for various construction companies mroughout New England and other states. H e is survived b y s i x brothers, i nclud­ ing Donald ]. Bourassa '+ , three Carl } . Bourassa '58, .\ lar

sisters and several a u n ts, uncles, n i eces and nephews. Aubrey E. Jones '58, june 20, 2 000,

i n \Veston, Mass., at 66. He attended tl1e College after Army service in Korea and received his law degree from Boston niversity School of Law. He served as general counsel for me Prudential Insurance Co., men went into general law practice and later into the practice of investment and trust law i n \Veston. H e is sur­ vived by his wife, Lois Jones, mree daughters, including Jocelyn Jones­ Coles '90, a son, four grandchi ldren, a brother and nephews and nieces. Patricia Millett Kent ' 6 2 , June 7,

2000, in Portland, Maine, at 60. She was a member of Phi Beta Kappa and a summa cum laude graduate. Her activities in her Thomaston, Maine, community included volunteering at schools, churches and the Thomaston Public Library, where she facilitated an international I n ternet support group for people afflicted like herself with pulmonary hypertension. Sur­ vivors include her husband, Charles A. Kent I I , three sons, three grand­ daughters and a cousin. Ellen Manning Berne '64, July 1 ,

2000, in Newton, 1\Iass., at 5 . The head librarian at the \Vinsor School in Boston, she is survi\·ed by her hus­ band, Stephen Thompson, two chil­ dren, her momer and a brother. David R. Walley '64, April 29, 2000,

in Kennebunk, N ! aine, at 5 7 . For sev­ eral years he was an eighth grade history teacher. He also worked for Keuffel & Esser in Kennebunk and Reece Corpora t i o n o f Gorh a m . \Vhile h e was di rector o fengineering at Sebago, Inc., he al o taught engi­ neering part time at the Uni\·ersity of Maine and at me Uni\·ersityofSoum­ ern ;\ Iaine. Sun•ivor include his wife, J udith Spiller \\'alley, two daughters, two brothers and two grandchildren. Diane "Heidi" Fullerton Warburton

'66, May 2 5 , 2000, in Durham, �.C., at 55. Despite mree decades of serious illness, she held several memberships in community organizations and was a direcror of me Durham Guardian Ad Litem Program repre entingme rights of abused and neglected children in court. She is sun'i\·ed by her husband, Samuel "\\'oody" \\'arburton Jr., a daughter, her mother, a sister and brotller and six niece and nephews. c 0



FALL 2000



the last page a

script for tipper By

Jonathan E. Kaplan


For six months this year, I put together Tipper Gore's briefing book. A briefing book te l l s Washi ngton pol itic ians that they have joi ned the Be ltway el ite. It means they should no longer consider themselves politi­ cians but actors a nd actresses. The i r days are soap opera s , choreogra phed and scri pted in m i nute deta i l from dawn till dusk. You d i d n 't know that? Don't feel bad; I d id n 't either. Not that I was a new to politics. Prior to working for Mrs. Gore, I had worked for severa l politicians, most recently for Congressman Ken Bentsen, a Texas Democrat. I arrived i n this new job via Colby's network of Washi ngto­ n i a n s . A friend of mine from Colby l ived down the street. One of his room­ mates was Vice President AI Gore's speechwriter. One thing led to another, and last October I started putti ng together Tipper Gore's briefing book. Let me te l l you , nothing prepares one for the jump from Congress to the White House, where the stakes are h i gher, the e l bows sha rper and the egos l a rger. At first glance, the job requires stuffi ng reams of paper into a three-ring binder. Sched ules are the most important part of M rs. Gore's briefing book. Policy and political briefings support every event l i sted on that day's sched­ u l e , which to the u ntra i ned eye is u n reada b l e . One o f m y first days on t h e j o b , I w a s in a meeting where everybody was spea k i ng in cod e : "' MEG is RONing i n Bosto n , AGJ w i l l RON at NAVOBS."

Jonntbrm Knplmz '94, nt 1·igbt, sbm-es nn unscripted moment witb V ice ?7-esident AI G01·e. Mrs. Gore read most of her briefing book, but she a l ways seemed to read what the staff least expected. Once, right before the Iowa caucuses, a

Need some help? We l l , M E G i s a n acronym for Mary E . (Tipper) Gore.

briefing book was returned with a memora n d u m on farm policy marked a n d

RON means "' Remain Over Night." So Mrs. Gore i s spending the night i n

underli ned i n M r s . Gore's finest cu rsive. Reporters rarely a s k h e r major

Boston a n d Albert Gore J r. • the vice president o f the U n ited States (acro­

po l icy questions; they stick to the big political questions. What made her

nym , VPOTUS), is spending the n ight at the Naval Observatory, where the

bone u p on farm pol icy? I'll never know.

Vice President's residence i s located i n Washington.

Ofte n , depending on the amount of cooperation I got from the tired

Once I learned to ta l k the ta l k , or at least read it, I found the schedules

White House photoco piers, which a lways, a lways broke down , I wou l d c a l l

incred ibly deta i l e d . Every event was broken down i nto n a noseconds. If it

t h e Air Force sergeants around 8 p . m . They wou l d deliver t h e book t o M rs .

were on fi l m , it could be easily spl iced . An hour of a day might look l i ke this: 10:05 a.m. Depart Location 1 0 : 3 5 a . m . Arrive Location 10: 35-10 :45 a . m . HOLD 10 :45-10 : 50 a . m . Enter stage left. Mayor X introduces Congressman Y. 1 0 : 50-10 : 5 5 a . m . Congressman Y introduces M E G . 1 0 : 5 5-1 1 : 10 a . m . M E G Remarks. 1 1 : 1 0 a . m . M E G Departs. No ropel i n e .

Gore a t T h e Residence. If s h e w a s trave l i ng , I would fax it t o t h e hotel where she and her staff were R O N i ng. Once the book is faxed, as they say in Hollywood, " it's a wrap." And that's the problem with the briefing book: it is one man ifestation of how politics i s becom i ng show business. I wa s n 't learning to become a George Stephanopolous or how to write a better speech or develop more effective policy; I was learning to write and edit a screen play l i ke a " B " movie di rector i n Tinsel Town . I learned from Colby profe ssors that politics i s a noble endeavor. C a l

The staff could labor for hours scripting every movement. Although

Macke nzie, who cri sscrossed the Northeast for Bobby Ken n edy, taught m e

some leve l of coordmation i s necessary, I often thought, "Why not just go

that by applying economics a n d stati stics, policymakers could change the

w1th the flow?"' But go1ng with the flow is not part of a politician's playbook. Politicia n s­

world through cost-effective and efficient public policy. Tony Corrado, who tried to prepare me for pol itics with Thomas Hobbes's Leviathan a n d

Republican or Democrat. dogcatcher or president-are control frea ks. This

Aristotle's Politics , told war stories o f presidential campaigns lost. H e seemed

1s what makes the b n efing book such a thankless, heart-stopping ta sk. It is

to say that there's some nobil ity to political campaigns, even in losing. And

a n attempt to control the u ncontrollable. Everything i s scri pted for the cam­

there is. But it's hard to see the effort as noble when you 're staffi ng a

era and the pn nted word.

celebrity a nd the big question is whether there's a rope l i n e .

Th1s g1ves the staff leeway to m1cromanage the VP and Mrs. Gore. It

I n t h e end I concluded t h e briefi ng-book j o b wa s n 't for m e . I lacked the

a l so swe l l s the s1ze of the bnef1ng book: AI Gore's can range from 50 to

patience (and the skil l-set) for the scut work demanded in the boot camp

250 pages; Mrs. Gore's ranged from 30 to 120.

they call the White House. Alas, my Colby education neglected two increas­

Managing th1s much paper takes a keen eye, wh1ch I usually lacked, espe­ Cia l ly late at n 1ght. I comm1tted so many bnefing-book faux pa s, I could have

ingly crucial aspects of modern-day po litics. I should have learned how to fix broken photocopiers, and I should have studied theater and dance.

starred 1 n a s1tcom, -when Smart People Do Real ly, Really Dumb Thmgs."


The staff always found somethmg wrong, l1ke a missing page, a page placed

Editor's note As of this writing, Jonathan E . Kaplan '94 h a d left h i s position at

out of order and bnefings w1th contradictory 1 nformat1on. These m1stakes had

the White House and was training for the World Championship lronman

no real consequences because only staff read the book cover to cover.

Triathlon to be held in Kana, Hawaii, this October.



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Eve1ybody Loves Rnymond, especially Peter Golden '80. Page


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