Oracle 1932

Page 203

Degrees Conferred 1n 19 3 1 Master of Arts aterville

Katharine Boutelle

Bachelor of Arts M E N ' S D IV I S I O N C ecil Pales Robinson

J asper M unroe F oster Revere, Mass.

M arvin S ydney Glazier


Abraham Glovsky

Columbia F a l ls

Charles Chester H icks F rancis W il liam J uggins




'l:i l ton Snyder

Arthur Le B aron Stebbins, J r . Colche ster , Conn.

W inthrop , M a s s . "Vlaterbury, Conn.

M a u rice K ra sow


Fhili p S wift S now

W a l ter Les l ie L i n scott

Bar H a rbor

Robert W ilson Stewart

H udson, Mass.

Joseph M uzzy Trefethen

John Henry Joseph W inoski

W a terville

Ware, Mass.

WO M E N 'S D IV I S IO N H ou lton

T h e l m a B amford

Somerville, Mass.

A lona Step h a n ie B e a n

C ar ibou

E velyn Lloyd B e l l Winona May Berrie Dorothy W ebster B lanchard Thelma B lanche C h a se



Ada Cram


B a r H a rbor West Baldwin M exico

E unice M ar y Dawso n M a rj orie H opkins Dearborn

B at h Presque I s l e

Jennie D u n n


Maxine S u ¡an Foster

B ucksport

M a r y Louise Grearson B arbara Caroline H amlin

arian Monks

R i c hmond Portland

H ancock

Miethyl A lona Page

W aterville

Myrtle E velyn Paine


Ruth Pineo


Hope Reed Pullen

Nort h Amity

ivian F ern R ussell

A ugusta

Gertrude L i l l i a n S nowden Gertrude Lucy Sykes

Watervil l e

Revere, Mass. Potsdam, N . Y.

F rances Page

Doris M a r i e S pencer

E leanor H ilton

F a ll R iver, Mass.

A l ice Louise M ur ra y

M il o Watervil l e

Fall R iver, Mlass.

Loui e M ul l i gan


E velyn Haycock


St. A lbans, L . I . Anne W heeler M acomber

Dorchester, M a s s .

E unice M arjorie Foye Agnes M-elvina G i n n

. II .


Muriel Josephine M a c Dougall

Presque Isle

C ape

F lorence J os e p hine Conners

A lice Fenar Linscott

B e r�in,

E thel C ameron M a c Dougall

K eyser, West V a .

I sabel H azel Clark

F rances E liza Libby

J anet Dorothea Locke



ew H aven, C-0nn . F airfield

F lora H arriet Trussell

B e r: i n , N . H .

F lorence R e a d Ventres

Rockport, Mass.

E l izabeth R ussell Walker


M a rion Ruth White

A ugusta

A rlene Doris Woodman

A ugusta

One htindred eighty-&even

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