Oracle 1930

Page 1










JJtorcword IN THE pages of this book we have

attempted only to present a history of Colby as we have known her. If in so doing we have fused with our thoughts and memories of the past our confidence for Colby in the future, we have only done that which in our hearts we feel is Colby's due. We have achieved our end if we, the graduating class, leave behind us a record of our endeavors and instil in some meas­ ure







llt(lntents O R D E R OF B OOKS B OOK 1 Administration B OOK 2 Classes B OOK 3 Fraternities and Sororities B OOK 4 Honorary Societies B OOK 5 Athletics B OOK 6 Student Organizations B OOK 7 Campus Activities B OOK 8 Advertisements


Ql)ffirrra of tqr Olorporation P1·esident



, L.H.D.


Vice-President andEx-Officio Chairman Board of Trn-stees

Winthrop Center

H E R B E RT E LIJ A H W A D S W O R T H , B . A . Secreta1·y


C A R E Y W H I T T E M O R E , D . D.

W aterville




IVY a tervil le

1.Soarb of Wruater.a Term Expires

in 1930

G E O RGE C U R T I S I N G, L L . D . G E O RGE O T I S S M IT H , P H. D. G E O R G E E D W I N M U R R AY, B . A . R E X WILD E R D O D G E . KS. C H A R LE S E DW I GUR EY, LL.D. CARROLL ORMA PE RK! S, LL.B. W A R REI N C O F F I N P H I L B R O O K , L L . D . "RA N D A L L J U DSON C O N D O N , L L . D . *H E R B E RT S H A W P H I L B R I C K , S c . D . Term Expire

A uburn, M a i ne W ashington, D. C. Lawrence, M ass. Portland, M a i ne Portland, M a ine Waterville, M a ine W aterville, M a ine Cincinnati, O h io Evanston, I l l . in


WO O D M A BRA D B U R Y. D . D. N O R M A N L E S LI E B A S S E TT. L L. D . W A LT E R S C O T T W Y M A N , M . S . L O U I S E H E LE N C O B U R N , LITT. D . F R A N K W I LL I A M P A D E LF O R D . D . D . H A R L E S F R E D E R I C T A F T S E A V E R N S , M . A. G E O R G E GO O D W I N AVE R I LL, M . D. *JO H N E D WA R D E LS O , B.A. * H A R R Y E DW A R D H A M I L T O N , B.A. Term Expires ·in

Allston, Mass. W aterville, Maine Worcester, M a ss. L a nsdowne. P a . Winthrop Centre, M ai ne Watervil l e , M a i n e Livermore F a l l s , M a i ne Portland, Maine


*E V E R E T T C A R LT O N H E R R I CK, D . D . * LE O N C L I FTO N G U P T I LL, L . L . B . Term Ex7Jires i n

* C H A R L E S P U T N A M B A R N E S. L L . D . * R A L P H A LB I N B R A M H A LL, B . S . •

M ass. M aine M a i ne M aine M a ss. Conn. M aine Maine M ass.


W I L L I A M CAMP B E LL C RA W F O R D , L . H . D . H A RL E S E D S O OWEN. D.D. H A R T S T E I N W E N D E LL P A G E , M . D . H A R R Y T H O M A S J O R D A N . B . A. H E R B E R T E LI J A H W A D S W O R T H , B.Z. ED W I N C A R E Y W H I T TE M O RE, D . D . *C H E S TE R H O U G H T O N S T U R T E V A N T, B . A . *F R E D F O S S L A W R E N C E , B .A . Te1·m Expfres in

Newton Centre, A ugusta, A ugusta, Skowhegan, Newton Centre, H a rtford, W aterville, A ugusta, Greenfiel d,

N ewton Centre, Mass. W inthrop, Mass.

1934 Houlton, Maine Portland, Maine

Elected b y the Colby Alumni Association.


(!Iommtttrrn of tqr IDruntrrn g,tanhing (!}ommitte.a Academies




Comm ncement


Examining Co1111nitt e

EY, C R A WF O R D , PHI L B RiO O K , and N E LSON Finance

M ESSRS. W'ING, H U B B A R D , PERKIN S, B R A M H A L L , AVERILL Honorary Degrees




T J10H







MESSRS. S MITH, GUPTIL, W Y M A N Pi·ofe sorships


MESSRS. P A G E , L A W RENCE, C O N D O N Schola1·ship Aid




�pedal <nommittee.a Colby Development Fund

MESSRS. W A DSWORTH, PRESIDENT JOHNSO N , DEAN M A RRI N E R, STU RTE V A N T, SEAV E R S, GUPTI L Investiga.tion o f Carnpus Location and New Development


J u l i a n D a n iel Taylor, M .A . , L.L. D . Taylor Professor of the Latin La11guage and Literature

Clarence H a yward Wh ite, M . A . Profcs:;or







Secretary to the Faculty

George F reeman P armenter, Ph.D., ScD. Merrill Professor o f Chemistry

Webster Chester, M . A . Professor o f Biology

Thomas Bryce A shcraft, P h . D . Professor o f Mathematics


Herbert Carlyle Libby, B.A., Litt.D. Professor of P1<blic Speakiny

Nathaniel Ernest Wheeler, M . Sc. Professor of Physics

C. Harry Edwards, B . P . E . Professor of Physical Educati<m

E rnest Cummings Marriner, B . A . Dean o f Men

Curtis H ugh Morrow, Ph.D. Profes.•or






Carl Jefferson Weber, M . A . ( O xon ) Roberts

Professor of



E dward Henry Perkins, P h . D . Professor o f Geolog11

E dward Joseph Colgan, M . A . Professor o f Education

Ninetta M a y Runnals, M .A . , Litt. D. Dean o f TVomen Professor of Education

George B ur ridge V i les, P h . D . Professor o f German


Henry Emerson Trefethen, M.A. Associate Professor of Astronomy

William John Wilkinson, Ph.D. l'rofessor o f History

E uclid Helie, M.A. Associate Professor of


Arthur Galen Eustis, M . B . A . Associate Professor o f Business Adminisl,ralion

Lester Frank Weeks, M . A . Associate


Professor o f


Everett F isk S trong, B . A . Associate Professor o f R<mumce Lang1uige

E lmer C hapman Warren, S . B . /11structo1 i n Mathematics

Florence E lizabeth Dunn, D . Litt Professor of English

Winthrop H amor Stanly, B . A . Assistant Professor o f Physics

Cecil Augustus Rollins, M.A . Assistant Professor of English



Herbert Lee Newman, B . D . , M.S.T. Assistant P 'rofe

o r of Religious E.'duratio'Y!

Rt>lirrious Activiti

Dirrl'lor of


Thomas Morgan Griffiths, M. A. Assi�fa))f

Profe.•Ror o f History


t •

- .. J

Corinne B. Van Norman instructor in Hygiene and Physical Education

Lowell Quinton Haynes, M.A. ,1ssiManl ProfPssor o f Philoso1>h11

Elbridge Perley Eaton, B . S . /))s/ruc/01· i n Chemistr'I)


A lfred King Chapman, M.A. lnstr1Lctor in English

Walter Nelson Breckenridge, M. A . lnslr1Lctor i n EconO?nics

A rthur Cleary Wallace, B .A. Instructor i n French

John Reed Walden, M . A . l11slr1Lctor i n Enyl¡ish

H a rold Somers Fish, B . A . Instructor i n Biology


®tqrr O.lollegr ®ffirrrn M alcolm Berni

Mowel', B.A.


Frank Bailey Hubbard Tr�aM1rer

Edward Cilley Roundy Athletic Coach

Ellsworth Willi

M illet

Assistant A thlctic Coach

M ichael James Ryan Athletic Coach


Harrison A very Sm ith Ca.shier

Sa rah Waterworth Partrick House Mana.ger a.?Hl Dietitia11

Robert B ingham Downs, M.S. Libra.ria.n

Annie Hooper Goodwin, B . A . Library Catawguer

Harold E dwin Clark, B . A . Assistant Libra.ria.n


Qlollege §erretaries LILLIAN ESTHER EVANS, B.S.

Secretary to the P1·esident


Seer tary to the Dean of Men


Secreta ry to the Dea n of Women Secretary to the Treasurer

l;tui)ent J\.s!ii.atanta JOHN A. CHADWICK, '30



Geolog y


Che m istry






Lib ra ry














Ctlommittrr.a of tqr 1J1 arulty A thletics










"rabuatr ®rganitatinn.a THE GENERAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION President

DR. J. FREDERICK HILL, '82, w aterville









S E N II O R C L A S S O F F I C E RS President



Vice-President Se cretary- TrefJJS'lirer




�ruinr Qlln.a!i i!;i!itnry M E N ' S DIVISION A few short days ago, it seems, we fi rst found o urselves on the campus walks of Colby. S ince then many things h ave happened to change us, indi­ vidually, but always we have entertained the highest love, hope and ambi­ tions for our Alma M ater. D u ring these short four years we h ave tried to do much for C olby, b ut it has been all too l ittle in return for what she bas done for us. We are now fitted to walk the many paths of l ife that lead, we know not where, but always i n the shadow o f our college days. We feel the heritage that we have gained, i n our years of toil as followers and then as leaders of campus life, will guide u s through the m aze of paths that we must follow through life. We l eave Col by and her sheltered l eadershi p with m any regrets. Never will we again experience the happy hours that we have spent withi n her walls. W e m u s t now content ourselves w ith looking in, occasionally, from the outside, but always we will know that we are Colby men and a lways will we carry with us the Colby spirit. Though we l eave we will never forget.


FRANKLIN PRESCOTT A DAMS, Kjp "Snap Crosby High School. Belfast, Maine. Soccer, Track and Bowli n g ; Y. M. C . M . C. A . 4 ; Kappa Phi Kappa.

l n terfraternity Basketbal l , A. 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Treasurer Y.

"Sn ap" is certainly a bundle of dynamic energy, to use his own term. How so much action can be packed in so small a package is hard to tell. "Snap" has been a married man the last two years that he has been here but in spite of all has managed to keep u p his Y. M. C . A . work and his horse-shoe pitching in the spring.


ALD E D W A R D A LLISO N , t.KE "Don"

Brewster Academy, Wolfboro, N. H . Football l . 2 ; Track l , 2 ; lnterfraternity Track 1 , 2 ; lnterfraternity Ba ketball 2 , 3, 4; Up­ silon Beta ; Student Council ; Class President 1 .

Don is a little boy and often mistaken for his m usic­ ally inclined brother. Half of a handsome pair but double in energy and spirit. A full four years of col­ lege with many friends wh o are sorry to see you go. Success is sure to follow you in life.



Brewster Academy, Wolfboro, N. H . Football 1 , 2 ; Upsilon Beta ; Musical Clubs 1, 2 , 3, 4 ; lnterfraternity Basketball 1, 2 , 3, 4.

A musician of n ot e , one of that much abused category called saxophone players. But " Lefty" tooted h is way When he was n ot pounding the "sax" through college. h e was pounding the pavements to classes. You go with our respect and best wishes



G E O R GE A R T H U R A N D R E W S , J R . , .'..\'Y' " A n dy"

" Blondy"

Tucson, A riz. H j g h School. P i G a m m a M u 3 ; President 4 ; Foot­ ball 1, 2 , 3 ; ORACLE Board 3 ; Editor-in-Chief 4; Glee Club 3 , 4 ; E p i c u rean ; Powder and Wig; International Relations 4; Press Club 4 ; Dea n ' s List 4.

I call your attention to the pale Prairie flower trans­ planted from the rolling plains of far away A rizona to the bleak hills of Maine. B lo n dy's genial smile and ever present good h u m or h ave won for him a host of friends at C o lby. H e has been prominent i n several societies and that is sufficient testi m o n y that h e can m ake h i s text books d o tricks.

C L A R E N C E H . A RB ER, Z� " Larry" "To live as gently as I can, To be, 110 nudter whe1·e, a Man, To take what comes of good or ill · And to faith and honor still." Dorchester High School, Dorchester, Mass. Thayer Academy, South Braintree, Mass. Vice-President Freshman Class; President Sophomore Class ; Member Studen.t Cou n c i l 1, 2 ; Powder a n d W i g Society 1 , 2 , 3, 4 ; Musical C l u b s · 1 . 2, 3 ; General Manager Musical C l ubs 4 ; Vice-President French C l u b 3 ; President 4 ; lnterfraternity Soccer 3 ; Bowling 3 , 4 ; Basketball 1, 2 , 3, 4 ; Second Prize Hallo­ welJ P r i ze Speaking Contest 2 ; Editor Revised Colby Song Book; Baseball 1. 2 , 3 ; Class Numerals ; Football 2 , 3 ; Track 1, 2 , 4 ; Speaking Com m i ttee Development F u nd Drive 3 ; Goodwin P r i :oe Speaking Contest 2 ; Freshman B a n quet Comm ittee; M u r ray Prize Debate.

This fair-haired adonis from the great town of D or­ che ster, Mass. , has completed a m ost succ essfu l career in old Colby. He has accomplished m uch and left a record of achievements behind him that few will equal. His one great weakness seems to t e n d towards Caribou (not the animal) a n d what changes " D a n " C u pi d can make i n a m a n ! By steady plugging, " Larry" has climbed to the top of the ladder i n h i s four years among us. His ever-present smile and p leasant greeting have accorded him m a n y friendships at Colby and should continue to d o so in his life work. A l l t h e l u c k i n the world, " Larry" !

H A R R Y C. A S H MO R E , � 'Y' " Charlie" H iggins Classical Institute. Football 1, 2 , 3 , 4 ; W i nter Sports 1, 2 ; Baseball 1; Upsilon Beta; Interfrat Track 1, 2 ; D r uid.

The handsome chap pictured above comes from that remote region in the far n orth, t o b e exact, no other place than E llsworth, Maine. T h e y grow some fi n e c h a p s in E llsworth, i f w e a r e t o j u dge t h e m all by Charlie. H e i s a licensed pilot of Ford cars and can l o o p the l o o p , d o the barrel roll, and any n u m ber of · intricate stu nts.



ha ve employed all the ?nost skillfiill 1-uses that the human mind can sche me. "


H i gh



Usher ;


Clap yo' hands, here c omes the little boy from Bur­ leigh Street. " Ken," many of us have been waiting, and watching with a fatherly interest in you, for four years, but you haven't succeeded-by growing up. You are still the answer to an innocent maiden's prayer. But j ust keep on clapping yo' hands and life will treat you kindly, you'll be able to forget that you weren't there to embalm Rameses the second. Good-bye little boy­ and peace be with y o u .

FORR EST M I L T O N B ATSO N, AXA "Red" " B at"

"Go put your creed into you r deed Nor spea k with &m ble tongue." Shead Memorial High School, Ea tport, Track 1, 2 , 3 , 4 ; Interfraternity Track Mu ; Honor Roll 3 ; Dean"s List 4.

Maine. Football 1 , 2 ; 1, 2 , 3 , 4 ; C h i Epsilon

Red, a subject of King George, from across the St. Croix River has made a name for himself both as an athlete and as a student. On the athletic field as well as in his studies he has won recognition by his sterling ability, character, and his never-say-die spirit. No obstacle is too great for "Red" to tackle . Foss Hall has also had its share of attention from "Red," and both divisions will miss him when he leaves Colby. The world needs men like " B at" so we hardly need to wish him the best of success in life.




Ricker Classical Institute. German P r i ze 1927; French C l u b 3, 4 ; Phi Sigma Iota 4 ; Kappa Phi Kappa 4 ; Honor RolJ 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Dean ' s List 4 ;


Beta Kappa.

Phil is n ot only a champion bridge player, but he is Phil also a champion as far as hon ors are concerned. belongs to practically every honor society in Colby. Phil takes Latin and Greek simply for a little quiet diversion, and any language is a mere pastime for him. It is rum ored that a m onument will be erected in his Phil will always be honor on the campus at Ricker. pointed out as an other Aroostook boy who established a name for himself at Colby.



CURTIS " Curt"

B L A K E SLEE, " Skeets"


W i lbraham Academy, Wilbraham. Mass. A m h erst College. lnter­ frat.ernity Basketball. Soccer a n d Bowling : Student Council 4 ; Y. M . C . A . Cabinet 4 : International Relations 4 ; Glee Club 4 ; Dele­ gate to Maine Economic Conference 3 ; Epicureans.

"Too much to do" has been " Curt's" password. We agree with him heartily for he has been one b u sy boy. A variety of interests have . combined to make " Bl o tski" a business man, a chorister of real ability, and a man whom Colby can well acclaim as one of her own. " C u rt" has bought up several shares in the Maine Central and uses his trains to make frequent trips back h ome to B u t all " E ddie of Troy" if you know what we mean . fooling aside " Curt" has been a n o utstanding man i n his three short years at Colby and w e can see n othing but success for him i n the world of business.

R O B E RT "Bob"

P A R K I N B R O W N , AT!1 "Bruff"



• .� ·.· ··..· v

L' �,



" Brownie"

Lawrence High S c h o o l , Fairfield, Maine. Hebron Academy. Class Secretary and Treasurer l: SophQmore Mystic Society ; Band 1 , 2: Track 1. 2: Baseball l, 2, 3. 4 : Interfraternity Bowling : lnter­ fraternity Track ; Wearer of "C."

" B o b " came to us u n spoiled and sho u l d be congratulat­ ed as he has remained that way. He is a man whom we are fortunate t o have as a frien d . C o ntrary t o the popular adage " B ob" is m aster of m a n y tTades. His versatility has been shown by his ability to do anything from decorating a fraternity house t o winning ball games. We expect to see you as a power i n the busi­ ness world. 'Pax V obisc u m ' " B ob . "

H A Z E N A LB E R T CALH O U N , eIL\l " Cal"

"For he's a .iolly good fellow Which nobt1dy can deny." Tufts Pre-Medical S::hool '26: Interfraternity Soccer and Baseball 2 , 3, 4 : Chi Epsilon M u ; Y Cabinet : Epicurean ; Honor Roll 3 ; Student Council.

For three years " Cal" has proved himself one of the tried and true. As for wise cracks, we must hand it to " Cal" is planning to him for he dear l y l oved a j oke. be another o l d Dr. Sawbones and he surely will make a good one, if knowing his " o nions" has an ything to d o with i t . G o od luck to you, " Cal."


JOHN A L B ERT CHADWICK "Chad " East G reenwich ( R . I . ) Academy. Powder a nd W ig 1 , 2 ; Glee C l ub 1 . 2 , 3 ; Col lege Quartet 2, 3 : Kappa Phi Kappa.

T o hear thi fellow you would firmly believe in the virtu es of the bird eed for breakfast food. Four years ago he slid into C olby during an autumnal rain, and has been inging in the rain ever since. A little bird (not a cucko o ) tells us that he bas made himself one of Waterville's own as well C olby's. We m eet him work­ ing in the library, in the local post-office, and i n a local church. It will be no surprise to discover that he is a city-manager or some such in the future. Next year he enters the teaching profession. All power to him. LINDON EDWIN "Abe"



"My strength is as the strength of ten, Because my heart is rmre."

M i lo High Srbool. M i lo , Maine. Football 1 , 2 ; Track 1 , 2, 4 ; I nter­ class Cros -Country 1 , 2 . 4 ; I nterfraternity OasebaU 1. 2, 3 . 4 ; W i nter Sports 1 , 3 ; Interfraternity Bowling 2, 3 . 4 ; I nterfraternity Basketball 1, 2, 3 . 4; Interfraternity Soccer 3 , 4: Clas Numerals ; Druids.

In meeting "Abe", one i s immediately impressed by his dynamic personality. "Abe" came to Colby with a set of strong principles which he has suc cessfully passed on to his associates. Forced by adverse financial cir­ cum tances to devote much of his time to reple nishing his finances, nevertheless he has done much for his col­ lege and fraternity. "Abe" has always held the inter­ ests of Colby second to n one. He has participated in numerous campus activities in which he has clearly demonstrated his managerial ability. As the athletic dire ctor of his fraternity, he has helped to place it in an enviable position. No college social function bas been complete without "Abe" as his terpsichorean skill coupled with an excellent conversational ability and a jovial manner have amply testified. We are sure that "Abe" will win success in later life because of his com­ m ercial ability as shown during his school years. We w i l l certai nly miss " A b e " a n d we wish h i m t h e greatest success i n life.

FRANKLIN M I ER C O B LEIGH, �KE " Frank" Newton H i g h School, Newton, Mass. Tra k l , 2 . 3 . 4; Football 1 ; Class Numerals; Glee C l ub 4 ; Druids ; Student Council 4.

"Frank" is a worker. He has ·pushed his way through Colby, taking part in all he could and never giving up. His quality of sticking to a j ob to the end will certainly help him outside the pale of Colby's gates. May all success be yours "Frank" in whatever you undertake.


L A W RE N C E "Larry


C O LE, "Texas"


W i nslow High School, Winslow, M a i ne. P i Gamma M u ; H o n o r Roll 2 , 3 , 4 ; Dean"s List 4 ; Interfraternity Bowling 2 , 3, 4; Eco­ n o m i c Conference 3 ; Manager o f Baseball 4 ; ORACLE Board 3 , Man­ a g i n g Editor 4 ; W h ite M u le l, 2 ; Athletic Council 4.

A captain of industry or a leader of finance, which will i t b e ? Here we have a man who has accomplished so much that we feel a sense of awe in his presence. A fi ne student, a keen b usiness m a n , an organizer and successful, at whatever he turns his hand to. A Maine man of whom m uch will be heard i n the future. Those who possess business acumen will have to keep wide awake when Larry gets into the game.


C H E S T E R FRA N CI S C O N D O N , 0KN " Chet"

Shrewsbury High School '26. cer 4 D r uids ; Echo 3 , 4.



lad. ·t


Student Council, Interfraternity Soc­

Little did we realize when the little town of Shrews­ bury yielded u p t o u s one of her own, that the present sophisticated Chester w o u l d be the result. For four long years he has been among us, suffering alike from the miserable ferocity of Maine winters as well as the exposure t o courses. " Chet" has been maj oring in "P." "T." and minoring i n " field trip s . " D o ubtless after the close of his brilliant college career he will enter the Professi on of h is maj or course. A n yway we all wish you l u c k, " Chet" and plenty of it.

AARON COOK Waterville l:figh School.

Aaron i s one of those quiet fellows who is always busy and who always gets good m arks in his c o u rses. Whatever he intends t o do after c o l lege will certainly prove him a great success.




" A truer

nobler trustier hertrt Ne'er be'at withi� a lwma� breast."

West Spri ngfield High Scholl!. Mas�. Powder and Wig Society 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Manager Powder and Wig 4 ; Interfraternity Basketball 1, 2. 3, 4 ; Glee Club 1 ; Commencement Usher 1, 3 ; Druid Society ; I n ­ terfrater nity Soccer 2 , 3.

This fair youth from Springfield descended upon us four years ago and has spe nt his college days working for all that was worth while in both college and fra­ ternity. He has perhaps made more friends than the average college man because of his keen sense of humor and beaming personality. His work as an actor will not easily be forgotten and we know that his college work is an example of the success he will achieve in Life.


" His soul fills the letters." Merrill High, 1926.

Commencement Usher 3 .

Extra-curricular activities that college affords d o not have a vapid interest for some. Here is an individual who has spent his time neither at the rostra, nor wear­ ing the buskin, nor passing the baton. The four walls of his room have studied him attending to the duties that are prescribed for attaining the reward of four years' service. He retains his Latin books and his fine sense of humor. The acquaintances which have invaded his sanctuary are pleased because they have met and talked with him. They, who know him, realize that his abilities are sure , that his co urse of study was proper, and that his deliberateness and constancy is to him a credit.


SYLV ESTER DEL A W A RE, <1>�8 " Del"

Madison High School, Madison, Maine. Colby Band 1 ; Wearer of Class Numerals ; I nterfraternity Soccer and Bowling 2 .. 3; Foot­ ball 2 ; Hockey 1, 3, 4 ; Ten n is 2 , 3. 4; Cheerleader 3 ; Head Cheer­ leader 4 ; Wearer of the "C" ; Varsity Club ; Captain o f 4.

" Del" could rightly be called the Little Giant. This small parcel of concentrated energy has led Colby cheer­ ing in an inspiring fashion, and turned in spectacular plays in both Tennis and Hockey. We admire his pluck in working his way through Colby and predict a bright future ahead.




Kappa P h i Kappa ; Y . M . C. A . 2 , 3 . 4 ; "Y" C a b i n e t 2 ; Chairman K i rby Page Comm i ttee 2 ; I n ternational Relations C l ub 2, 3 , 4 ; Commencement Usher 3 .



D RAPE R , Jr.,

"Bi l l"


H untington School. Freshman Football; Varsity Football 2 , 4 ; Track 1 , 2 , 4; lnterfrate r ni ty Hockey 3 ; I n terfratern i ty Baseball 3 , 4 ; Varsity Club 4 ; Musical C l ubs l ; ORACLE Board 3 ; Mystic ; Varsi ty Hockey 1, 2, 4 ; Wearer of the "C."

"The Moose" has spent four full years at C o lby. He has persevered i n all and has worked mighty hard for his letter, his marks and his college. We expect to see him domineering the b u siness of investment banking in a few years but if he should decide on some other l u ­ crative p a t h w e w i s h him success.




Canton High School, Canton, Maine. Basebal l, 2 ; Hockey l, 2, 4 ; Interfrate r n i ty Hockey 3 ; I n terfraternity Baseball 3 , 4 ; Varsi ty Club 4 ; S tuden t Assistant in Physics 3, 4 ; Chi Epsilon Mu 4.

A physicist of much renown; a man of mentality and a goal-tender par-excellence. As a freshman he was o n ly a freshman b u t a s a senior he is a man. C ombin­ i n g stu dies with hockey he has beco me successful i n b oth. Athletic and intellectual achievement will cer­ tainly be c arried over into later years as a mighty asset a n d we k n o w that " S n u b " will get ahead.





Y o r k H i gh School ' 2 6 . Football 1 ; T r a c k 1 , 2, 3 , 4 ; Cross-Coun­ try 2 ; Relay 4 ; Powder and Wig 2, 4 ; Hallowell Prize Speaking Contest 4th Prize 2 ; Debating 2, 4; Band 3. 4.

Here is one of those hard-working fellows who has come to Colby and made a name for himself, j ust ask " M ike" Ryan. Joe is also a blushing yet budding young orator with high aspirations. We are sure that in a few years he will make Demosthenes look sick. Good luck, "Joe."

DEXTER E V E RE T T ELL S M O R E , � 'Y' " Deck" "Doc" Grand Lake Stream High School. Calais Academy. Baseball l, 2, 4; Chi Epsilon Mu ; I n terfrat Soccer 2 ; Interfrat Baseball 3 ; Fresh­ man Football Trainer 3, 4 ; Dean's List 4 ; Boxi n g 4.

" Deck" is a quiet, serious pre-medic and invaluable to the house , especially in the season of colds and grippe. Deck is an efficient doctor and an able one. Deck passed out the cigars during the winter and h e has best wishes from a l l w h o k n o w him.



Northampton ( M a s s . ) H i g h S�hooL Glee Club 1, 2 , 3 , 4 ; French Club 3, 4 ; Son of Colby 1, 2 , 3, 4 ; Powder and Wig 1, 2 , 3 , 4.

Northampton must be proud of its two most illus­ trious sons-Calvin Coolidge and Philip Ely. Emerson says that "To be great is to be misunderstood," and it is true that Phil has not entirely escaped this penalty. But when one becomes better acquainted with him, it is found that he is capable of a friendship of which few are capable, that h e is always optimistic, and ready to sacrifice his own pleasure to help others. H e is far from being a politician like his fellow townsman, but he has other talents which are e qually worthy of re­ nown. His ability as a violinist, pian ist, and actor is well known. It is also said that h e excels in the Terp­ sichorean art. Forty

L E R O Y S A R GENT F O R� �KE " Hank"

Brewster Academy, Wolfboro, 1 ; Baseball 1 .






4; B a n jo C l ub

" Hank" h a s spent t w o years here, t h e first and last. I n between h e has att e n d e d B oston University Medical School. On leaving u s h e will contin u e h i s medical O n e of the big boys and still h e is much at­ course. tached to a part of the division on the other side of C ollege Ave. " H ank" i s smart and will make a fine " sawbo nes" or osteopath, w e know n ot which, but if h e keeps after the medical profession a s h e has his stu d i e s he will, o f n e c e ssity, b e a famous leader of his field.





Oliver Ames nigh School, North Ea t o n , Mass. Y . M . C. A . Cab­ inet 1. 2 , 3 , 4; lnterfraternity B o w l in g a n d Socce r ; International Relations 2 , 3 ; Boardman C l ub 4; Cla s Chaplain 3.

M ark has prepared him elf for the ministry and while doing so has been of real value to h is college on the n umerous deputation teams that he has served. M ar k has been o n e of the l e a d i n g figures i n the r e l i g i o u s life of the c o l lege but has retain e d a n open mind to all c ol­ lege q uestions and his opinions have always been found t o c ou n t on any important qu estion. We are quite cer­ tain that Mark will b e a great success in his chosen field.



" M o oselo okmegun tik"

G I L E S , <f>-18 " Sam"

L i n c o l n Academy, New Castle, M a i ne. Freshman Football ; Fre h ­ m a n Trac k ; W i nter Sports 1 , 2 ; Maine Relay Champions. 1 9 2 6 : Echo Board 1 ; Interfraternity Basketball 1, 2 ; Powder a n d W i g l , 2 ; Glee C l u b 2 , 3 , 4 W h i te M u Je 3 ; D r u ids 3 ; Varsity C l ub 2 . 3 , 4 ; Senior C o u n c i l m a n , President Athletic Cou n ci l 4 ; Wearer o f t h e "C."


Clap hands for h er e comes Charlie , the t i de-water boy from Damariscotta. D e p e n d upon it, that is what all the girls d o wh�n Charles steps onto the dance floor. A s c aptain of track h e was one of the best dash men Sam's phil osophy is that e d ucation is ob­ i n the State. tained m ore through association with others than by burning the midnight oil. I n his J unior year he took a week off and went into the M a i n e Woods to associate W e 've heard weird tales with a few deer m ore o r l e ss. of that trip, " M o ose l ook" but where are the deer ?


- .�

�. ·Y�



-' I


RALPH LEONARD GO DDARD, ATn "Peewee" Brooks H igh School. Echo Board 1 ; ORACLE Board 3 ; Student Coun­ cil 4 ; Chapel Program Committee ; Druids ; Manager Colby College Store.

However small you may be, Peewee, you make up for your lack in height by your abilities. Always a popular figure in campus activities we hearken to your business advice. Whatever you have done you did well. It seems to us that the world is waiting for j ust such a man as you. Here's luck to you !




"Se nator"


New Haven H igh School, New Haven, Con n . Coburn Classical I n ­ stitute. Waterville, M a i n e . Freshman Football, Captain ; Varsity Football 2, 3 ; Upsilon Beta, President ; I n terfraternity Basketball 2 , 3 , 4 ; Baseball 3 , 4 ; Student Council, secretary and Treasurer 3 ; V ice-President 4 ; Powder and Wig 2 ; Chairman lnterfraternity Basketball Committee ; Class N u merals ; Senior Councilman to Colby Athletic Association ; Foren sic Society.

Here we have a politician from New Haven. During George's four years in college he has been active in all student activities, and especially as a member of the In his Freshman year he was con­ Student Council. sidered one of the best quarterbacks in the State, but due to a severe injury was forced to give up football. Whenever the Alumnae B uilding is desired for a Student Council D ance or an interfraternity basketball game, it is always George who interviews the Dean of Wome n , and incidentally t h e use of t h e building is always ob­ tained. Next year the Senator is going to turn his at­ tention to law, and we know he'll be a success.

H A R O LD LLOYD G RANT "Hal" Waterville High School. Track ternity Track 2 ; P i Gamma Mu.


2 ;


Numerals ;


This reserved young gentleman has taken his four years' search for knowledge so seriously that we have hardly had a chance to become intimately acquainted with him. We, h owever, appreciate his benevolence and intellectual prowess. Harold intends to pursue the study of law and we are certain that he will succeed, for he i s the type who, having selected an objective, usually attains it with a minimum of display.





" Swede" M a n hasset H i gh School, Manhasset, 3 ; Interfraternity Basketball l , 2 , 3 ,


L. I. Varsity Baseball 1, 2 , 4 . Druid.

The bulk o f Swede's time has been spent i n the Chemical Laboratories experimenting with vario u s acids. In d e e d h e has scarcely found time to i n d ulge i n his favorite sport-basketball ; but when h e dons a suit h e is capable of ringing baskets w i t h the best of them. When Swede grac e s the b owling alleys with his pres­ ence the wooden indians seem utterly u nable to stand u p, and invariably h e turns i n a good string.



H A R L O W,

" Sp e e d"


B ob"

Goodwill H i gh S�hool. Cross-Country l, 2 , Captain 3; Interfra­ ternity Bowli n g a n d Track ; Varsity Club ; Wearer of t he " C . "

B o b comes i n for the honor of being the hardest working man in college. For four years he has been one of Chef Weymouth's right hand men and has also kept the freight moving a t the Maine C e n tral. H e has baen the b est cross c o u ntry man in college for the last c o u ple of years and also a bowln of n ote. For a fel­ low wno has had to work hard for everything, Bob has achieved his share of success at Colby and is sure to go o n to better things i n the harder battle ahead.

" H ughie"

H. G O RD O N H A T F IE L D , AXA " Cal"

" Piddle"

" Th o u g h t is deepe r t han an speech Feeling deeper than all t h<mg ht." V e r m o n t A c a d e m y , Saxton's R:ver, Vt. Hockey 1 , 2 ; Interfra­ tern ity Bowl i n g I, 2 , 3 , 4; Interfraternity Soccer l, 2 , 3, 4; Inter­ fraternity Hockey 2 , 3 ; M y tics ; Class N u merals.

" Cal" won his middle nickname from his likeness in speech and action to V ermont's other famous " Cal." Hughie is one of the most quiet and well-liked men on the c ampus, but beneath his q u i etn ess H ughie pos· sesses a w o n d erful sensa of h umor and true frie ndship . D uring " Ca l's" f o u r years at C olby, Foss H a l l has failed to make an impressi o n on him. For the same length o f time h e has been one o f the first to meet the mail­ man. A certain l ucky party from the home t own is the reason. If character, personality, and depen dability have any­ think t o d o with winning success we have n o fear f or " Hugh i e ' s" future. May the best of everything be his. Forty-three

O T'DO A RVIID HA V U " Finn" Oxford High School. ternity Bowl i n g 2 , 3 .


l, 2 ; Cross-Country

1, 2 ; I n terfra­

"Finn" is one of the hardest working men in college. Wherever h e i s seen he i s busy and always he i s doing something worth-while. O tto has had to work a lot while i n college, but still he has found time to engage in several college activities. He has made many friends during his four years with u s who all wish him every success in whatever he may undertake.

H O RACE LINCOLN HEATH "Young M an" "Young Man" Wayland Academy, Richmond, mond, V a . , 1925-26.

V a. ,

1 92 5 ;

V i rgi n ia

U n io n ,


This "Young Man" is a loyal rooter for Alabama when the football season is under way and can always be depended on to predict the mythical championship of the section for his home state's team. A s a " diplo­ mat" Horace has also shone, as some of bis friends will affirm. Horace's four years at C olby have been years of hard work in preparing himself for his future life-work, and he has been a favorite with faculty and stu dents alike . We shall miss h i m next year. O ur wishes for the best of luck go with you, Horace.


"Every man is


volume if you know how to rea-d him."

Sanderson Academy, Ashfield, Mass. T i l ton School, Tilton, N. H . Track 1. 2 ; Echo Board 1 ; I n terfrate r n i ty Track l , 2 , 3, 4 ; I n ter­ f r a terni ty Basketball l, 2 . 3 ; W i n te r Sports 1, 2, 3, 4 ; lnterfra­ ternity Soccer 3, 4 ; Commencement Usher 3 ; Y. M . C. A . Hand­ book Com m i ttee 4.

Many words often prove useless. Suffice it to say that Gil is esteemed as a modest and experienced gen­ tleman of high caliber. He has kept things quite to himself during his college career, finding consolation i n one of our co-eds. Gil, a long and happy college life i s over for you, and a busier world beckons your ser­ vices. B est of luck to you.


K A R L R. H IN E S , A X A


"K. R e i ster"

"I have no worcls, alas ! to tell The lo'veliness of loving well." Dalton H i gh S c h oo l , D a l t o n , M a s s . Baseball 1 , 2 . 3 ; H o c k e y 1 ; U p s i lo n Beta ; I n t erfraternity Basketball 1 , 2, 3, 4 ; Class Secre­ tary-Treasurer 3 ; ORACLE Board 3 , 4 ; Business Manager of 0RACLt; 4 ; International Relations C o m m i ttee 4 ; J u nior Week-end Commit­ tee 3 ; Student Council 4 ; Commencement Usher 1 ; l nterfraternity Soccer 1, 2 , 3 , 4.

This lad i s one of those individuals with a winning smil e and a sense of humor i n a happy combination. To see him is to be o n e of his host of friends. D u ring his soj ourn at C olby " Cu p i e " has shown abil­ ity o n the baseball diamond and has been one of his fraternity's mainstays on the basketball fl oor for four years. His list o f activities partially indicate his ver­ satility and the regard i n which h e i s held by his fellow stu d e n ts. N o t the least of his activities ; Foss Hall, 1 , 2 , 3 , ( du e , u n do ubtedly, t o reportorial inefficiency) has b e e n omitted. We shall all miss " C u p i e " but our loss i s a c ertain other party's gain and w e can only wish h im the best of luck in life and i n his chosen profession. R A LP H




" M on k " Danver H i gh School. D a n ver , Mass. Track 1 . 2 , Team � . Captain 4 ; Physic Laboratory Assistant 3 , of D r uids ; K a p p a P h i K a p pa 3 , 4. Vice-President 4.

3 , 4 ; Relay 4 · President

" M onk" hails from a town that has sent many illus­ tri o u s men to C olby and he has proven himself to be one of them. Four years crammed with Physics lab. , Foss hall ( Head Waite r ) and track have kept him on the move c ontinually . The boy from Danvers has been one of " M ike's" most steady and reliable performers. M on k e xpects t o teach and c oach n ext year and we feel that his pu pils will profit greatly from their associa­ tion with him.


JACKINS, " G o ober"

Student C o u nc i l ; Freshman H o u lton High School. fraternity Hockey ; Ten n is 2 , 3.

ATn Hoc k ey ;

I n ter­

" G o o " i s a quiet lad who has been pretty much of a For all his mystery to his friends here at college. q ui et n e ss w e u n d erstand that h e has a l urid past. H e matters scholastic n i except quantity i s a n unknown and w e know h im well e n ough in that line for his bril­ liant marks. H e is espec ially adept at c ollecting money n o t a bad trait f or anyone t o have. We feel assu r e d of your success, " G o o , " whatever line of busi n e ss you choose t o enter.



S O N , z,v

"A m a n h e s e e m s of cheerful yes t e 1·days a nd confident t o m orro w s . " Waterville H igh S hoot. Va rsity Trark 1, 2; Interfraternity T rar k 1, 2 ; Muska! tubs 1. 2 . 3 , 4 ; Powder a n d Wig Orchestra 1. 2 ; Powder a n d W i g Play 4 ; President Powder and Wig 4 ; C m­ menrement Usher 1. 2 ; Commenrement Play 2 ; Mysfr s 2 ; Good­ win Prize Speaking Contest 2 ; J u nior Prom Committ:;,e 3 ; Te n n is 3. 4 ; Student Council 4.

If there ha b':!en a social fun ction during his college r c> reer which "Jed" has mi ssed we feel sure that it was held with the utm ost secrecy, by some group who wished merely to have one gathering with out his pr�sence. " Savoir - faire " originated with this worthy young man, and he has u ed it to advantage in classrooms, ball­ rooms, and reception rooms alike. Yours has been a happy and well-filled college career, Gerald, old man, and though you may leave a trail of broken hearts wherever you go, we know that everyone will be glad of having kn own and associated with you as your class­ mates have.

G O R D O N NEIL J O H N S O N, " Limey" "Sut"


"I see no s m oke a rise f 1·o m t h e fire of my sins; I expect a fa irer fa te f1·o in no m an." Houlton High S•hool. Track 1 . 2 ; Fe n c i n g 2 . 3 . 4 ; Band 1 . 2, 3 ; Honor Roll 1 ; Sophomore M y - t i c Society ; Commencement Usher.

" Limey" came to us from the great open spaces of Aroostook followed by a subtle rumor that he was of English n obility. " Limey" immediately put this un­ deserved blessing to good use. For all your British weaknesses, we feel sure that you wi ll make good and expect to some day read of the famous Dr. Gordon Johnson . Su ccess to you "Sut," and may you put " God's Country" on the map.



H igh.

Mike, your ideal of a studious l ife was th� master­ ing of difficult Latin passages. The contact which you made with all of the old Latini ts cannot fail but suc­ ceed in making a beneficial mark upon your character wh ich will be reflected as a succes in whatever branch of work you wish to undertake. We wish you success, Mike.


H A R LA N D L E W E LLY " P h i B ete"

K E A Y, � T

Aroostook Central Institute, M a r s H i J I , Maine. Upsilon Beta : Assistant M a n a ger Football 3 : M a n a ge r 4 ; Varsity C l u b : Wearer o f the ' " C' " ; Interfraternity Basketball 1, 2 , 3 , 4 ; W i n te r Sports 1. 2.

A n other one of those boys from the potato country has made goo d . Harland is with out a doubt t h e l eading social l uminary of the college, and has more broken hearts to his credit than any man in the country. He has a h o st of friends not only at Colby, but i n W ater­ ville as well. Such p o p ularity must b e d eserved .

L E W I S H E R M A N K L E IN H O L Z "Doc" "Louie"

"Grind awa y, moisten and mash up t ht y paste, Pound at thy powder,-! a m not in haste !" Boys' H i gh School, Brooklyn, N . Y. I n terclass Soccer Team 2 : Y . M . C. A . l , 2 , 3 , 4 ; C h i Epsilon M u 2 , 3. 4 ; President 4 : O ffi c ia l T u t o r 4 ; D e a n ' s List 4 ; Honor Roll 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; P h i B e t a K a p p a .

The "Doc" came t o Colby and snatched u p all the chemistries and biologies j ust as if he had been used to them all his life. N o t only did h e manage to pull d own a flock of A's in his c ourses but he a lso became one of the best-read men i n c ollege. His stu dies have n ot, however, taken u p a l l of his time and efforts, for we have n oticed frequent visits to Foss H a l l and a ten­ dency t o l inger i n the quiet l i ttle hamlet of Lawrence o n the w a y home d uring vacations. O ur best wishes go with you to medical school and we expect t o hear a great d eal of y o u and "Pomp" in the future.

A N D R E W C . K LI S I C K, . n "Andy"

Freshman Football ; Varsity Football 2 , 3 , 4 : Varsity Baseball 1 . 2 , 3, Capta i n 4 ; President Varsity C l u b ; Class Vice-President 1 ; Class Vice-President a n d President 2 ; Class President 3 : Interfra­ tern i ty Hockey 3 ; Mystics, President ; Student Cou n c i l 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; Y . M. C. A . : Wearer of the " C . "

If w e ever get to h e aven we'll probably find " A ndy" there i n the c apacity of first V i c e President. H e has a n u n iq u e capacity for leadership and is active in all the major campus organ izations. " A n d y's" u n iversal p o p ularity has made many friends here i n M a i n e . When he i s gone the coll ege will have to d o a l ot of scouting to fi n d a man capable of h olding all the campus offices.


CLARENCE ED WI Rangeley High School. Kappa 4.



Roll 3 ; Dean's List

4 ; Kappa Phi

A lthough Harmon ' s Lunch consumes four h ours of his time every day Clarence has obtained a high scholastic average. He excels in L at i n , in French he used to excel. His kind di position and fertile brain assure him success in the future. B est of luck !



Kent's H i l l Seminary. Freshman Footba l l ; U p s i l o n Bet.a ; Track 1, 2 ; Football 2 , 3, 4 ; Glee Club 3, 4 ; Interfraternity Basketball 2 , 3 ; Vice-Pre ident J u nior Class : J u nior Prom Committee, Presi­ dent Senior Class : Pre ident Student Council ; Chairman Y . M . C. A . Campus Committee; Wearer of the "C . "

A few words cannot d o j ustice t o our own inimitable "RED." His exploits on the gridiron are familiar to every foll ower of sport. His happy face is well known to every person on the campus. A lways smiling, always on the go, he is the acme of ind ustry and versatility. He does everything well as shown by hi:> varie d acti­ vities while in college. We feel assured of your success Red. A man of your caliber is never found in a second rate positi on.


LUNT, "Red"


W i nter Sports Team l , 2 ; State Champions Snowshoe Relay 1926 ; Football 2 ; Track 2 . 3, 4 ; l nterfraternity Soccer, Bowling, Trac k 2, 3, 4; Glee Club 4 ; Varsity C l ub ; Holder of Record Hammer Throw, Colby.

Here we see the result of well directed energies. Bob started out on his college career without a definite aim, but he has developed into one of our best stu dents. The wide variety of his activities testifies to his versatility, both in the class room and on the athletic field. Under the tutelage of M ike Ryan he has developed into the outstanding weight man in the state, as shown by his breaking the college hammer record.


J A M E S RIC H A R D M c C O NNELL, � K E " M ac" " D ick" Rogers H i gh School, Newport, demy. D ruids ; Dean's List 4.



U n i ted




" Ma c" dropped i n on us one day from the institution of " battle-wagons." W e have had him two years, long e no ugh t o k n o w that h e i s a gentleman and a worker but not as long a s we would wish. If you work i n life a s you have for the Dean's List you will surely gain your obj e ctive. We hope so.

E D G A R B . M c K A Y , �T " Ma c" W i nslow H i gh School, W i nslow, M a i n e. Honor Roll l, 3 ; Dean's List 4 ; Maine College Economic Conference, 1929; Track 2 , 4 ; Echo Board ; Track N u merals ; Football 3 ; Y . M . C . A . , Vice­ Pre id.,, n t 4 ; Pi Gamma M u 4 ; Kappa P h i Kappa 3 , 4, President 4.

This i s a fine o pportunity to p u l l a Sc otch j o k e , but we d o n ' t k n o w any. Mac i s a c ommuter who gives both W aterville and Winslow the b e n e fi t of his wisdom, al­ though h e states that Waterville has more attractions than his home town . M a c passed o ut the cigars during the winter thereby obtaining the best wishes and deep­ est sympathy of a l l h i s friends.




" Mac"

" Who, not content that fo1'mer worth sta.n d fast, Looks forward, persevering to the last, From well to better, daily se lf-sitrpassed." Foxcroft Academy. S p r i n gfield College. E p i c u reans' Honorary Societ y ; C h i Epsilon M u Honorary Society ; Y . M. C . A . ; Hallo­ well Prize S p ea k i n g Prize ; Interfraternity Basketball 3 , 4; Inter­ fraternity Soccer 3, 4; lnterfraternity Bowl i n g 3, 4; C h u rch Rela­ t i o n Committee ; Colby Glee C l ub.

O n c e i n a while we disc over i n these modern days one i n whom w e may find some o f those much to be ad­ mired qualities. " Mac" is one Qf those. H e i s the pos­ sessor of that o l d fashioned quality of n o t being satis­ fied to merely get by, but i s ever striving t o make his better best. H i s personality attracts y o u , and then the sterling q ualities o f his character crystallize that at­ traction into a strong desire t o count him as a friend. A nother DQver-Foxcroft boy making good ! Forty-nine




Boys' High School, Brooklyn, N . Y .

Here is a man who came from a great metropolis to get an e d u cation in a small c o llege in that out of the way State of Maine. He says that he has really gained it and we are sure that he will prove it when he is out in the world.

MURRY W ILLIAM MEYERS " M u rphy" Colby Preparatory School, Brooklyn, N . Y. Honor Roll 2 ; Fresh­ man Football ; Baseball 1, 3 ; Fen c i n g 3 ; lnterfraternity Track and Baseball ; Class Numerals ; Hallowell Prize Speaking Contest.

Here is one of the quiet a nd unobtrusive students of the college. W e know him as a successful student and wish him even greater success in the legal profes­ sion which he is preparing to enter. "Murphy's" ambi­ tion is to beat Milton C. Work at his own game.

SAMUEL STEVEN M O RRISON " Steve" DeWitt Clinton H i gh School, New York, N . Y . ; Bethlehem ( Pa. ) Preparatory School. Syracuse Un iversity. Student Council 4 ; Chi Epsilon M u ; Interfraternity Soccer Baseball and Basketball.

In the three years that " Steve" has been at Colby he has made many friends, both i n college and in town. He has proved to be a helpful friend to many and his clever wit has kept many of u s i n good humor. Good luck and may you rise to the top of the medical profession.


C H A ND L E R B E NJ A MIN M O S H E R , K..lP " R e d"

" B en "

Goodwill H i gh School. Baseball 1 , 2 , 3 ; Interfraternity Hockey a n d Basketball ; K a p p a P h i K a p p a 4 ; Dean's L i s t 4 .

" Red" has always been a c onscientious student and a hard worker in all h i s ways. H i s struggle for a n e d u 足 cation has n ot b e e n a n e a s y one and h e deserves worlds of credit for his four years of hard work at Colby. He intends t o teach next year and there i s n o d oubt but that his p upils will gain from h i s teaching and fellow足 ship.

T H E O D O R E N E L S O N , K..'. P " Ted"

"The Bat"

Rogers H i gh School. Newport, R . I. Interfraternity Bowlin g a n d Basketba l l ; Cross-County l ; Ten n is 4 : Echo 1 , 2, 3, 4 , Assistant Editor 3 , Editor-in-Chief 4 : Associate Editor ORACLE 3 ; Y . M . C. A . Cabinet 4 : Student Council 3 ; International Relations 3 , 4 ; E n glish C l ub 4 ; K a p p a P h i Kappa 3 , 4 ; D r uids ; Press Club.

As o n e can readily see, the " B a t" is j u st about the busiest man around the campus. In all bis four years here. h e has given whole h earted atten tion and time to the E c h o a n d has made the paper one of the outstand足 ing weeklies. Ted is also one of the m ost good natured a n d genial persons we have ever met. E v e n the profes足 sors are not e xempt from his raillery and incessant spirit of fun-making. The Echo has n ot taken all his time a s h e has sto o d n ear the top i n his courses and has f o u n d time to serve his c o l lege in many capacities. The t e aching profession will rightly and fittingly claim h i m n ext y e a r a n d the b o y f r o m Newport w i l l certainly be a success in his line. E veryon e who has e ver met "the B at" j oi ns in wishing him all kinds o f success.

J O RN I R I Z A R R Y P A G A N , ..l 'l' " L o n " ( Ch a n e y ) G oo d W ill H i gh School. Cross-Country 2 ; Ten n is 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; Echo 3 , 4; M a n a g i n g Editor Echo 4 ; ORACLE Board 3 ; Interfraternity Basketball ; Interfraternity Bowling 2 , 3 , 4.

J ohn is a p ocket edition o f Tex R ickard. He has a u niqu e ability to organi z e anything from au cti ons t o some eading h d n u o f e b always baseball teams. J o h n can all star club wherever there is athletic competition. O n e d a y J o h n disappeared a n d t h e searchers finally f o u n d h i m s t o w e d away in the side poc k et of H a r r y A sh m ore's Ford.


RALPH ANTHONY PAPE, <I>.l "Ray" " Rafael" Erasmus Hall High School, New York U n i versity, Pre-Collegiate, Brooklyn, N. Y . Varsity Track 1 . 2 ; Football 1 , 3, 4 ; As islant Manager 2; Inter(raternity Baseball 2, 3. 4 ; Soccer and Baseball 3 . 4 ; Secretary and Treasurer Epicu reans : I nterfraternity Track and Relay l, 3 ; Assistant Editor Freshman Echo.

The B i ologist supreme ! Ray could disclose the in­ ternal organs of the buffalo on a buffalo nickel. H e has tried all the events on the athletic program, and seems to like baseball the best. He has been right there in .the social events too. Ray is never in his glory so much as when he is instructing some freshman to bring him a left-handed paper stretcher, or a bucket of steam. If you carry that sense of humor with you through life, Rafael, you are ure to find happiness wherever you go.


C A R LT O N PALMER, A Tf ! " Al"

Goodwill High School. First Prize Freshman Scholar h i p Prize ; Honor Roll 2, 3 ; Murray Pri1,e Debate ; J u nior Class Day Orator ; Vice-President Pi Kappa Delta 4 ; Phi Beta Kappa.

"Al" the little boy from up river has apparently left the cloistered halls of intellectual perusals and j oined the ranks of revell rs. Nevertheless "Al" is sti l l in the runn ing for a " Phi B ete" key and only the misfortunes of circumstance will eliminate him. We don't have to wish you success because that is assured . It could n ot be otherwise for one who possesses as brilliant an in­ B o n voyage for your j ourney of life tellect as yours. "Al."

N O R M A N DUNBAR PALMER, A T P . "Norm" Goodwill High School. Honor Roll 1 , 2 , 3 ; Dean's List 4 : Sec­ o n d Prize Freshman Scholarsh i p : First German Prize 2 ; W i n n i n g T e a m M u r r a y P r i z e Debate 2 ; Hallowell Prize -Speaking Contest 2; Debating 2, 3, 4; Speaker College Economics Conference 3 ; Vice-President Pi Kappa Delta 3, President 4 ; P h i Beta Kappa.

W e will always think of you Norm as the lad that c ollege could not change. You leave u s as smiling and unchanged as when we first met y o u . We admire you for your brains and ability and your high standing while in college. Success to you Norm, you deserve it.


1 · _· .• :

H A R O L D D. P H I PPEN, AX.A "Rory" "Phip"





Higgins Classical I n s t i t u t e '26. Echo 1 , 2, 3 , 4 ; B us i ness Manager 4 ; Y . M . C. A. 2, 3 ; Treasurer 3 ; Commencement Marshal 3 ; Chi Epsilon M u 2, 3 , 4 Vice-President 3 Honor Roll 1 Interfra­ ternity



R ory came to us from H iggins and since landing at Colby w e can safely say h e has n ot seen a n idle hour. His sparkling humor, good fello wship, and scholastic ability have marked him a s one of the outstanding men i n his class. R ory is a devout student of medicine, and a n u ntiring admirer of nature. Here's to your success in both ! O u r best wishes go with y o u .



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"Pomp" W i nslow

High School ; C h i E p s i l o n M u

2 , 3, 4 ; Dean's L i s t 4 .

"Pomp" is really a remarkable fellow. H e has fin­ ishe d four years at Colby hon orably-and without hav­ ing taken a single cut. Years of chemistry and a natomy, test-tubes, b e akers, frogs, and cats-all have c ome a n d h a v e been not merely passed but passed w i t h hon ors. The best of luck i n "me d " school-and later a clinic with your partner.




" Q uinnine"


Track,.. I , 2 : Relay T e a m 2 : PowdP.r a n d Waterville H igh School. Manager W h i t e W i g 2 , 3 , 4 : Commencement l'lay 1 , 2 ; Busines M u le 3 , 4 ; B a n d l , 2, 3 , 4 ; M usical C l u b 1 , 2 , 3, 4 ; Interfraternity Soccer 4.

Deane has been a s sincere in all his activities as he During his last two years h e gave has been versatile. u p athletics to better apply himself t o his studies. Hard working and seri ous a s h e may seem, he i s always ready Perhaps Foss Hall is the reason for for a good j oke. this, and also the reason why h e pipes love songs on the time. We always c laimed that if spare o carina i n his D e a n e would let his hair grow h e c o u l d give e ither John B arrymore or Charlie Chaplin a run f or his money.


T H O M A S A L E X A D E R RE CO RD, �KE "Tom" Livermore High School, Livermore Falls, Maine. Honor Roll l , 2 ; Class Treasurer 2 ; Vice-President 4 ; Mystic ; Chi Epsilon M u ; Fencing 2, 3, 4 ; Internationals 2, 3, President 4 ; Y. M . C. A . Cabinet 4 ; l n terfraternity Bowling 4 ; E p i c u reans.

Here is an individual who came to Colby as a boy and leaves as a man. With a mental capacity for chemistry he has left a trail of high marks. Quiet and unassum­ ing, but accomplishing much. Success is ahead and we expect to hear from you as one of Colby's prominent alumnus.

WILLIAM P. ROGE R S , A X A " Willie" " B ill"

" One who ne ver turned his back, but mt:trched breast for­ ward, Never doubted cloilds wou ld break, Never dreamed, though rig h t were worsted, wrong would

t riurnph."

L y n n Classical H i g h School. Freshman Football ; Varsity Foot­ ball 2 , 3 ; Championship W i nter Sports Team; J u nior Prom Com­ m i ttee ; Kappa P h i Kappa Secretary ; Fraternity Hockey, Basebal and Soccer.

There has been one among us for four years who has the tenacity of a "Grant." Perseverance is B ill's sobri­ quet. Bill ha - no peer in this state when it behooves him to trip the light fantastic. Bill cannot but be successful in whatever he may endeavor. We are all with you Bill, and will miss your happy smile.


CLIFT O N S H A W , " B ernie"


Waterville H i g h School, Waterville, M a i n e . Musical Clubs 1 , 2 , 3, 4 ; B a n d 1 , 2, 3, 4 ; Leader 3 ; Powder and W ig 3, 4 ; Track 1, 2 , 3, 4 ; C a p t a i n Freshman Track ; U p s i lo n Beta ; Wearer of Class Numerals.

Anytime you want to hear real melody teased from a sax ask B ernie to give you a tune. They say hot air is cheap, but h ere is one fellow who has made it pay by conducting it through the winding tubes of his instru­ ment. Bernie i s also very adept a t imitating the vari­ ous movie stars as they appear in pictures at the Haines. You will see b y the list of activities that his abilities are as varied as the clinkers in the M aine C entral freight yard. We're all going to miss Bernie next year, and especially when we no l onger see his car parked in front of Foss Hall. Fifty-four

W A LT E R S T A N LE Y SLO S E K , 6 T " Wallo"

Ware H i g h School, Ware, Mass. 3 , 4; Interfraternity Soccer 1 , 2, 3 , 4.

Interfraternity Basketball 4 ; I n terfraternity Baseball

l , 2, 1,


There was a time whe n we thought " Wallo's" dimin­ u tive stature was a detriment, but h e disproved that when we saw him riding o n street c ars at half fare. That's not all, for h e gets into the m ovies at half price, too. Nevertheless, " Wa l l o " can play basketball with the rest, and concedes n othing to anyone.

A R T H U R L E B A R O N S T E B BI N S , JR., AXA "Doc"

"Heights by men ?'eached and kept Were not a t tained by sudden flight ; But they, whi e th eir companicms slept, Were toiling UJYWard through the night." Bacon Academy. Dartmouth '2 . lnterfraternity Hockey 3 ; ln­ terfraternjty B o w l in g 2 ; Trcak Squad 3 ; Member of Powder and W i g ; Y . M . C. A . Deputation Team ; Glee Club 2 , 3 , 4 ; Leader of M id n i gh t Sons o f Colby 2 ; E p icurean; President o f Musical Clubs 4 ; Literary Editor o f Echo.

" D o c " graduated from B ac o n A cademy, leading h i s He then w e n t t o Dart­ c l a s s in scholastic standing. m outh where h e was i n the class of ' 2 8 . At the end of his freshman year, h e l eft this institution with the de­ sire t o travel. W it h i n the n ext two years "Doc" worked his way from the " B right Lights" of B roadway to the Golden Gate and back. In 1 9 2 7 h e transferred t o Colby to take up c ollege work once more with the a mbition His pleasing person ality together to become a writer. with his ability as a diplomat are sure t o bring him success. H e has o u r best wishes for a successful career in the literary fi e l d , and m ay his name live among those of M i lt o n a n d B rowning.




" Luke"


Glee C l u b 1 , 2 , 3 , 4; B a n d B a c o n Academy, Colchester, C o n n . l , 2 , 3 , 4 · E c h o l, 2 ; Assistant Manager Baseball 1 , 2 ; Assistant Manager Hockey 3 ; Manager Hockey 4 ; Varsity Club.

Luke i s the man who took charge of the C olby lce­ birds during the past season , and certainly h e has n oth­ i n g to be a sh am e d of i n the way h e handled his task. While n o t being a biblical character exactly, he has a n a n g e l i c ( ? ) voice w h i c h will b e m i s s e d in the G l e e c l u b L u k e seldom b u r n s t h e midnight oil, being next year. of a c on se rvative nature, yet his ranks n ever yield any F's.




K� P

B r o w n v i l l e J u nctic:n H igh School. L i b r a r y Assist.ant 1 , 2 , 3, 4 ; Echo Board 3 , 4 ; Associate Editor 4 ; Interfratrenity Bowling 3 , 4 ; Cross•Country 2 ; International Relations 2 , 3, 4 ; Press C l u b 4 .

"Jump and you'll make it . . . you can't bring that cow on this trai n . " These and similar remarks have kept Bi ll mindful of his rustic home town, but h e has certainly d one honor to the hamlet. For thre e years Foss Hall claimed him as one of her own but with out­ side attractions taken away, Bill got to know more of the boys and more of C olby in his senior year. Waldo­ boro still has its charms and the call is responded to on spring week-ends. One thing Bill learned while here was the importance fo being a democrat. B ill enters the employ of W. T . Grant next year, and we can guar­ antee several more quarters for this striving concern.






Lawrence H i g h School. St. J a m e s S:hool, Lawrence, Mass. White Mule 1 ; Echo Board 1 , 2 ; Upsilon Beta ; Assistant Manager Track 1. 2 ; Manager 3, 4 ; Colby A thJetic A sociation 3 , 4 ; Secretary Maine I n tercollegiate Track and Field Association ; Vice-President New England I. C . A . A . 3 ; President 4 ; Delegate t o A. A . U. at St. Louis, Mo. ; D r u ids 3.

B eh old ! When Ernie is firmly entren ched behind a good cigar, and takes up the managerial reins of Track, Mike Ryan and his proteges cease to worry about the financial side of their track trips. He has become well known and liked throughout the realm of intercollegiate track athletics, where he has always been a staunch and loyal representative of C olby. W e hope that his con­ nection with intercollegiate sport will not end with graduation. Who knows, Ernie, perhaps you will be run­ ning your own track meets in the " Garden" in a few years. If you are, enter u s in the Theberge mile.

W E N D A LL HO LLIS T H O R N T O N , �'"t " Cracker" Rockland High School. H iggins Classical Institute. Class Numer­ als i n Cross-Country l , 2 ; Mystic ; Interfraternity Bask·.. ball 1. 2 , 3 , 4 ; Baseball 1 , 2, 3 , 4 ; Wearer of t h e "C" ; President Y . M. C. A . ; Football 1 , 2 ; Varsity Club.

" Cracker" is the reason why girls stay awake nights and write sonn ets. H e has more perfumed letters per day than John Gilbert, and he keeps them tied i n pretty blue ribbon. H e is to basketball what Deadeye Dick was to the wild west, and he is a master at shooting from any angle. "Cracker's" confidential whisper will carry him through life in the same successful manner that it has at Colby.


WE ND A LL A . TUFTS, " O wl "



Westboro H igh School, Westboro, Mass. Football 1 , 2 ; Sports 1 , 2 , 3 ; Varsity Hockey 4 ; D r uids ; Varsity Club ; of the "C.w

Winter Wearer

The " O w l " h o l d s the C ollege r ecord for sleeplessness, having hung u p the u n d isputed record of one hundred three hours, n i n e minutes and six secon d s with not one iota of sleep. T h e "owl's" genial smile and perpetual good humor will go far to make him a success in life.

ALLEN TU.R,NE R , Z'-l' "Al"

' We a ttract hearts by t h e qualities w e display, We retain them by the q u a lities we possess." Lawrence High School, Lawrence, Mass. Freshman Footbal l ; Var­ sity Football 2, 3 ; A U- M a i ne Tackle 2 . 4 ; Track 1, 2 ; Interfra­ ternity Soccer 3 , 4 ; Varsity C l u b ; U psilon Beta : D r u ids ; Wearer o f the "C."

" A l " leaves a rec ord of work and fri ends made that is the e nvy of all. His ability as a n " All-Maine" tackle is only rivalled by his walking ability. H e seems t o c o n centrate o n a p o i n t i n t h e general vicinity of M or­ rill A v e . H i s beaming smile and his pleasing person­ ality will n o t quickly be forgotten by his h o st of friends. If " A l " carrie s through l ife the ideals which h e has lived u p t o during his c o l l ege career, his success is as­ sured. We k n o w h e will !

G E O R G E LINWO O D W A L S H , S K " George"

Stearns H igh '24. Powder a n d W i g 1 ; Druids ; S e n i o r P r o m C o m m i ttee ; C l a s s Secretary 4 ; Assistant i n Geology 4 : Echo 1 ; ORACLE Board 3.

F o u r years ago, this shy and bashful boy arrived o n C olby's campus ; h o w e v e r , he soon overcame h i s youth­ ful tendencies and became a real man, admired and respected by all his friends. A s soon as h e found out what makes the world go aroun d , h e didn't waste much time, a s his r e cords plainly show. This last year Ge orge has been attempting t o explain to Ge o logical neophytes j ust how one r o ck can p ossibly get "frust u p between" a n other. B est of luck, G e orge, even if you d o c ontinue t o crack r o c k s after your c o l lege career.


C HARLES W ILLIAM W E A VER, Jr. , <f>t.8 " B u ck" Y o r k H igh School. Y o r k , Maine, 1 92 6 . Freshman football ; Track 1 ; Chi Epsilon M u ; Echo 2 ; Assistant Editor Echo 3 ; Associate Editor Echo 4 ; Coliege Band 4 ; I nterfraternity Soccer and Base­ ball ; Gifts Presentation Speech, J u nior Class Day ; Powder a n d W i g ; Editor-in-Chief W h i t e M ule 4 .

Buck, the boy wonder, who put the kick in the White A s Editor-in-chief, he was very instrumental in Mule. raising to its present high standard this old Colby insti­ tution which had died a rather inglorious death. His supply of ready and sparkling wit is unlimited and h e n ever f a i l s to have a snappy come-back f o r a n y kind of a wise crack. He carries this same keen mind into the class room. B u ck tells u s that his lifelong ambition was realized when he outclassed all other contestants for the honor of beating the bass drum in the College band.

L I N C O LN DEAN W E B B E R Lawrence





This man, in his qui et, u noste ntatious way, has wend­ ed his way to classes regularly and has a full kn owledge of his life's work to reward him. He should d o much in the larger world that is ahead of him and our best wishes go with him.

M A LC O LM SMALL W E E D Waterville H i g h School.

University of Maine.

H e hasn't been with u s the full four years, but the two that we have known him have proved to us that here is a tireless worker who will always strive to do his best and will always accomplish that which h e sets out to do. W e know that Colby will have every cause to be proud that he spent part of his college years within her walls.

Fifty-eigh t

ST A NT O N S H A W W E E D , <I>�e " Ch i n k"

Waterville H igh School, Waterville, Maine. Musical Clubs 1, 2 , 3 , Leader 4 ; B a n d 1 , 2 , 3, Leader 4 ; Interfraternity Soccer 3 , 4 ; Powder a n d W i g 3, 4 ; Mystic ; Echo Board 1 .

H ere is the man whose o n l y s i n is the saxophone. T h e f u n n y t h i n g a b o u t it i s , t h a t l i k e a lot of other little sins, we like it. C olby has given Rudy Vallee a big break b y keeping Chink occupied with his studies, but after this year w e shall not be responsible for him. While h e has lost no hair through classroom worries, w e find that his m arks are always on the sunny side of the l edger.


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J O H N H . J . W I S O N O S K I , �T " Irish"

" Y u m"

Ware H igh School. Ware Mass. Interfraternity Basketball 1, 2, 3 , 4 ; Interfraternity Baseball 2, 3 ; Interfraternity Soccer 3 , 4 ; J u n­ ior Week-end Comm ittee ; Interfraternity Bowling 3, 4.

"Yum" can argue o n any subj ect from Bridge to E instei n ' s theory, and h e always wins his arguments-­ h e has the l o u d est voice and greatest stamina. " Yum" i s a n other basketball l u m inary at C olby, and if h e is as good i n the game of getting o n i n the world as he is i n basketball, he'll go a long ways.


J U N I O R C L A S S O F FICE R S President






Se c l ' e t a ry-T 1¡eas u re r

3Juntnr C!Ilmrn llli.a tnry During our three years at Colby we have striven to always live in the Colby way.

As each new task came before us we have tried to do it a little

better than those preceding us have done.

In doing this we have grown i n

capability and capacity and Colby has been the driving force. We are now ready to face the last year of our c.ollege days at Colby. We are confident that we are well steeped in the ways and ideals of Colby and are thus fit to carry on the leadership of her undergraduate activities. We h ave always answered the call of Colby and have placed her name above all others. We are sure that i n this, our last year, we will be able to do still

more for her and that is our desire .

If we can further her development

and place her on even a higher pedestal than that on which she now stands, we can look back with even greater pride on that which we have accom­ plished after we have finished our work here.


3Junior OOlairn ioll Willard E benezer Alexander George P roctor A llen Miles Lancaster Allen Robert Allen, Jr. Leâ‚Ź Farnham B rackett Henry Colin B ubar Louis Napoleon Charron Theodore Adrian C loutier E dson H athaway C ooper Alanson Robert Curtis Merton Leroy Curtis John Stokes D avidson H enry Francis Deetj en Wallace A lfred D onovan Roedrick E wen Farnham H oward LeRoy Ferguson A rthu r A rlington Flewelling J asper Munroe Foster Gordon Keith Fuller H arold Albert Garr Marvin Sydney Glazier Abraham Benj amin Glovsky John Henry Gross Bertram LeForest H arding Elliott Thorp H atch E dward Francis Hayde Charles William Heddericg C harles Chester H icks Thomas J . H odkiewicz H alsted Hersey Jenkins Francis William J uggins Andrew Jam es Karkos Thomas J ames Kenney Mark Stiles Kingsley Frederick Roy Knox Maurice Krasow Thomas B lake Langley B arney H arry Lipman

Saxton's R iver, Vt. Cherryfield Waterville New Bedford, Mass. Belgrade Lakes Monticello Adams, Mass. Augusta Methuen, Mass. H armony B iddeford Pool O maha, Neb. P ortland Waterville B rown ville J unction Whitman, Mass. Monticello Strong Waterville Mattapan, Mass. Revere, M ass. Portland B rooklyn, N. Y. North Abington, Mass. Woolwich White Plains, N . Y. Whitman, M ass. Columbia Falls South River, N . J. Monticello Winthrop, Mass. L unenburg, Mass. Cambridge, M ass. Mt. Vernon , N . Y. Concord, N . H . Waterbury, Conn. Cambridge, Mass. Skowhegan Sixty-011 e

Lucius Vanderburg Lobdell Rupert LeRoy Loring Walter Benj amin Lovett Edward Urban MacConnie Roderick Fred MacD ougal Carroll Cullen McLeary Edwin Wallace Maddocks Kenneth Hambleton Mansfield William Caldwell Martin Arthur Montgomery Meckenberg Frederick Donald Poulin Roland James Poulin Wayne Elwood Roberts Cecil Fales Robinson E rnest Whitman Rood Merle Clark Ryder Vaughan Allison Shaw Dana Maxwell S immons Ralph M ilton Snyder George Freemont Sprague George Harold Stern Robert Wilson Stewart Melvin Thomas Treworgy John Allan Webb Richard Delano Williamson Morgan Wilson Joseph E dward Y uknis


Hartland, Vt. Center Ossipee, N. H . H udson, Mass. Seymour, Con. Dover-Foxcroft Waterville Fairfield Waterville Somerville, Mass. Brooklyn, N. Y. Fairfield Waterville North Berwick Phillips Albion Portland H oulton Oakland Portland Danforth Waterville H udson, Mass. S urrey Brockton, Mass. Portland New York, N. Y. Bridgewater, Mass.


President . l ice-President Secertary-Treasurer


§npqnmnrr <!Ilmrn �iatnry O u r big j ob d uring this past year has been to see that the freshman class got started off on the r ight track i n Colby ways. plished to the satisfaction of all concerned.

This we h ave accom­

We chastised them sufficiently

o n "Bloody Monday Night" and then allowed them to have a successful banquet i n order to encourage them.

H owever, whenever i n our minds

they have seemed to slip from the ways of Colby we h ave not been reluc­ tant to again take u p our paddles and further i nstill in them the paths that they should follow. B ut now, since we h ave attended so carefully to the initiation of the class of '33 we can, and h ave turned our i ntellects to more serious matters. We are ready and c apable to fill the shoes left vacant by graduation.


feel that we are c ompetent to carry on the u ndergraduate activities of this college i n the way that they should be carried on. We are more than will­ ing to accept the responsibility and try to the utmost of our ability to f u r­ ther the i deals of Colby.


ยงopqomorr <11 1 a.a.a 1!\o ll Albert Edward Acierno Douglas Baxter Allan Philip Frederick Al!en Arth ur Donald Anderson Ralph Elli Ander on Harmon Bogart Baldwin Robert Thur ton Beals James Blok Henry George Bonsall Clifton Rolfe Brown William Henry Caddoo Stanley Luther Clement Louis Fo ter Conant, Jr. William Nelson Crabtree Richard Cummings John Birtwell Curti William Stephen Curtis, Jr. John Arthur Davis A nthony John DeMeceli Parker Arnold Dority Roger Billings Draper Arth ur Bernard Esty Harvey Bolles E vans Maxwell Harold Feinman William Charles Fo ter Lester Allen Freedman Thayer Hall French Frank E lden Fuller Paul Robert Ricbard Given Francis Vent Gorman George Linwood Graffam Thompson Doane Grant Nissie Grossman William Maxwell H ardy Myron Morton Hilton A rthu r King Howard Talbert Benson Hugh es Bernard Martin Johnstone Louis Kaplan D onald Foster Kellogg Glen Bernier Lawrence H arold Frank Lemoine Howard I. L ibby, Jr. William Albert Lyons George Alden Macdonald Sixty.four

Brooklyn, N. Y. Wellesley, Mass. Waterville Stockholm Yarmouth Hewlett, L. I. Waterville Waterville Waterville Skowhegan Newbury, Mass. Milo Cambridge, Mass. Dover-Foxcroft Newton Centre, Mass. Danforth Waterbury, Conn. Fairfield New York City Blaine Canton, Mass. Fayville, Mass. Wakefield, Mass. Lawrence, Mass Forest City Lawrence, Mass. Westminster, Mass. Freedom Richmond H ingham, Mass. Unity Bangor Quincy, Mass. Dorchester, Mass. Augusta B rookline, Mass. National Soldiers' Home Middleboro, Mass. Arlington, Mass. Augusta Bellows Falls, Vt. Kennebunk B urnham Needham, Mass. Waterville

John Charles McCoy, Jr. Robert Corthell McNamara D onald McNeil Daniel H arold Maxim H arold John M u rchie Christo Thomas N asse Oscar Stanley N ickerson Frank E lwyn O'N eiďż˝ Richard H i bbard Packert Maurice E ugene Pearson Norman C hester Perkinďż˝ H ar ry Parkes P inson John Frederick Pollard Bernard Harden Porter Wyeth C arleton Ray Beveridge Leigh Raymond Williamb Sowles Richards Reginald RaymonEl Ricker Henry Wes ton Rollins R alph R ockwell S add John H oward Sawyer Kenneth Frederick Sawyer E ve rett Russell Slocum B u rrill D . Snell Leroy Borcher Starb uck Philip Chapple Thibodeau Vergil Connor Totman, Jr. H arold E u gene Townes H ugh Kearns Tufts Forrest Clark Tyson, Jr. Robert E. Waite Ralph H allowell Wakefield Bernard Wall Max well Denham Ward B rittan Webst er John Henry Wibby John H oyt Wing

Paterson, N . J. Winthrop Allerton, Mass. Winthrop H artland Woonsocket, R. I. Millinocket Rockville, Conn. West O r a nge, N. J . Guilford Kennebunk Bath Fairfield H oulton New York C ity Fort Kent D orchester, Mass. Stratton Fairfield H artford, Conn. Waterville E ast Millinocket Fairhaven, Mass. Fairfield Westport, Conn. B rookline, Mass. Oakland Wilton Westboro, Mass. A ugusta Millinocket Gardiner B rookli ne, Mass. Clinton Lexington, Mass. Washburn Medford, Mass.



President . Vice-President Secretary-Treasurer





IJlrr.aqmau QUa.a.a ltlistory Our history has been short, but our potentialities are great. of 1 933 is undoubtedly the greatest class to ever enter Colby.

The class Now, that

we are not bothered any longer by the persistent b ussing of the officious Sophomores, we can turn our minds to the important things of college l ife and p repare ourselves to take over the important positions in collegiate l ife. We are eminently fitted to fill any or all of them . The Sophomores met us officially on "Bloody Monday Night" and chas­ tised us, but it did not take us l ong to turn the tables.

We ran our banquet

off without molestation of any sort and then proceeded to show the Sopho­ mores that we no l onger needed their guiding h ands. Thus far we have been preeminently successful in our college career and all indications point that in the future we will be even more so.


lJ1resqmau (Ulass 1!\nll Carl Winfred Ackley Francis R. Altieri Warren E mile Belanger John Carl A dolphe Bendix Vernon Lloyd B olster Carleton D utton B rown H erbert Kennon Bryan Lawrence Martin B urns Nath a niel B utler Leonard Charles Cobana, Jr. David S tewart Carr E arle Sylvester Childs Bertram Henry Chute Mancle Frederick Cole D onald Oliver Crocker John R obert Curtis H orace P urinton D aggett John Patrick D avan F ulton E rnest D aniels Walter Larkin D ignam H arry D i rector E me:i;:y Sewell Dunfee Arthur Chester Dyer, Jr. E ve rett Marcus Fairbrother Jam es E d ward Fell R obert James Finch Francis Flaherty John M urray Fletcher Thomas J oseph Foley Carl F . Foster Alan D . A . Franch L awrence C hester Good Howard B ruce Greene Robert Francis Greene, R ichard Dana Hall Bertram D. H ayward Leonard Helie John Alex Herd Stanl�y C hester Hersey E ino E ri c H ill John Frankli n H ill, Jr. Carleton Jerome H olmes C harles Lloyd H ooker Dana Albion Jordan H arry Thomas Jordan, Jr. Raymond Otto Knauff Hyman Krieger Thomas Benton Lane

Fairfield Waterbury, Conn. Waterville Waterville South Sebec Station Waterville Washington, D. C. Waterville Chicago, Ill. Waterville Philadelphia, Pa. Littleton, Mass. Beverly, Mass. L inneus H i nckley Waterbury, Conn. Waterville Waltham, Mass. Millinocket Waterville Cambridge, Mass. M onson Dover-Foxcroft Guilford Fall River, M ass. C ranford, N. J. Boston, M ass. Belfast N orwood, Mass. Forest C ity B rockton, Mass. Monticello Greenwood, Mass. B oston, M ass. Chicago, Ill. B ridgewater , Mass. Waterville Waterville Wate rville Long Cove Waterville Lincoln B ath Cape E l izabeth Lansdowne, Pa. Waterville Roxbury, Mass. Kenosha, Wis. Sizt11¡seven

Linwood E verett Lager on John Joseph Leno Myron Joseph Levine Clarence Raymond Lewi Leonard Franklin Libbey John Willard Locke, 2nd Rondelle John Mc Caffrey John Co tas Malliaros I rving Martin Mal ch Otis Witham Means, Jr. Soli Morris Richard Wingler Noyes Theodore Packard V'ictor Hugo Paquet Lionel Albert Pechey Ulric Ronalda Pomerleau Carroll Everett Pooler Jame Edward Poulin, Jr. Henry Paul Rancourt Kenneth Wilbert Raymond Donald Hosea Rhoades Sumner Houston Roberts Lawrence Bartlett Robin on Robert Eli Rosenberg Leonard M. Rushton Edward William Sawyer John Pearson Sherden David Sydney Sherman Raymond E arl Shibley Albert Leroy Skidds Clyde Whitaker Skillin John Lewis Skinner George Donald Smith Robert Emmett Speno Theron Richard Stinchfield Chester Malcolm Stratton Robert Potts Sullivan William M. Terry Tillson Davis Thomas Ober Clark Vaughan John E dward Waite Robert Karr Walker William Ward Arthur Theise Wasserman Edmond Paul Webber H orace Bounds Wescott H arrison Franklin Williams Raymond Leon W illiams William Malcolm Wilson Perry Gilbert Wortman Reuben Alfred Yell en Maurice Zeserson Sixty-eight

Cumberland Mills New York City Roxbury, Ma s. Woon ocket, R. I. Belmont, Mass. Wakefield, Mass. Newport, Vt. Dracut, Mass. Waterbury, Conn. Machias Salem, Mass. Millin ocket Canton, Mass. Bath Beverly, Mass. Waterville Waterville Waterville Waterville Fort Kent Belfast New Haven, Conn. Meth uen, Mass. Portland Methuen, Mass. Augusta Waterville Boston, Mass. Fairfield Calais Waterville Glen Cove, R. I . Waterville Ithaca, N. Y. Strong Needham, Mass. Bangor White Plains, N. Y. Camden Dover Foxcroft Millinocket Barnet, Vt. Wiliamstown, Mass. Boston, Mass. Fairfield Belfast B rookline, Mass. Clifton Framingham, Mass. Greenville Revere, Mass. Roxbury, Mass.


President . Vice-President Secre tary-Treasurer



�eninr Qllairn �istnry Co-operation has been the unspoken byword of the class of 1 930 ; co­ operation with authorities, with the faculty, and i n the largest sense, with each other.

And for this hearty co-operation, the class has been rewarded

by success in every field.

In athletics, 1 930 has held its own, being the

only class ever to have a member win a health cup in her j unior year.


colege dramatics, on the staff of college publications, i n the cheering sec­ tion at football games, at social functions, and i n scholastic pursuits, wherever Colby women play a part, 1 930 is there to work and there to win.


L O UI S E M A E A R M S T R O N G Waterville





C.H.L. ;




Here is a girl who i s always going to some laboratory. Yet she always has time to stop and j oke-is always ready for a good time-in short at all times is a good sport. We u n d erstand she i s planning to be a sedate school teacher n ext year. T h e best of luck t o you L o u i se.

P A ULINE B AK E M A N , " Polly"


"My soul goes clad in gCYrge<YUs things." Peabody H igh School, Peabody, Mass. Y . W . C . A . 1 , 2 , 3 , 4; Ham­ l i n Prize S p ea k i n g 1 ; Cob u r n Prize Speaking 2 ; Colbiana 1 , 2. 3. 4; Echo, 2 , 3 ; Women's Editor 4 ; Class Hockey l, 2, 3 ; Class Soccer 1, 2 , 3 ; Class Volleyball 1, 2 ; Wearer o f C . W . ; M a q u a Dele­ gate 3 ; Glee Club 1, 2 , 3 ; Orchestra 1, 2 , 3 , 4. ; President of Class 3 ; French Club, 3 , 4 ; V ice President 4. ; Ivy Day Play 3 ; Class Day Speaker 3 ; J u n ior Week-end C o m m ittee 3 ; Y . W . Cabinet 4 ; Dean's List 3 , 4 ; H o n o r Roll 1 , 2.

Jn P o l l y there is n othing of the petty shams and affectations which blight the spontaneity of so many girls. Sh� seems to have discovered the permanent things of life a n d has founded her ideals o n those. Yet there i s n othing d e pressing about the depth of char­ acter, for i t i s enlivened through an irrepressible sense of h umor and a refreshing delight in buffoonery for its own sak e . Only her closer friends are allowed t o ap­ preciate the soft charm which Polly l oves t o hide be­ n eath shafts of harmless sarcasm ; but even acquaint­ ances i mmediately recognize i n her a girl of worth who c a n have at the same time fascination of personality.

D O RO T H Y C A ROLYN B AL E NT I NE " Dot" Lawrence High School, Fairfield, Me. Y . W . C . A . 1, 2 . 3 , 4; Class Hockey 3 , 4; Volleyball 3 ; Soccer 3 ; Wearer of C . H . L . Numerals, C. W . Honorable Mention at G y m Meet 1 ; Delta S i g m a C h i 4 ; P h i S igma Iota 4.

" Dot" has c ommuted to coll ege for four years b u t it seems t o h ave agreed with her for she always has a frie n d l y smile for everyone. We who have c ome t o k n o w her best h ave f o u n d a t r u e frie n d , always ready to help, n o matter what the task may b e . We shall miss you next year, " D ot," and wish you the best of luck.




B E C K E T, � K

" Good nature is the very air of a. good mind." Calais Academy. Y . W . C . A . 1, 2 , 3, 4 ; Secretary 3 ; Cabinet 4 ; Vice-President o f Freshman C:las ; Co1by Day Speaker 1 ; Health League 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Wearer of C . H. L. ; N u merals ; Class Volley Ball Manager 2 ; Class Hockey 2 , 4 ; Class Soccer 1, 3 ; Colbiana As­ sistant Editor 3 ; A l u m nae Editor 4 ; P i Gamma Mu 3. •l ; Vice­ President 4 ; Honor Roll 3 ; Student Volunteer ; Boardman Society 3, 4 ; President 4 ; Dramatic Society 4 ; International Relations Club 4.

Why, we wonder, should the Lord have made some people so unselfish, that all the un pleasant little duties which n o one else will d o seem to fall to their lot ? H e hasn't l e t us in on t h a t secret but if there i s n ' t some­ thing pretty good planned for B eth in the n ext life, if not in this, there is som ething wrong with the world. We don't feel so sorry for the heathen, either, now that we know B eth and .Neal Dow will soon be there to cheer them up.


" With mirth and lnu ghter let old wrinkles come." Maine Central Institute. Y . W . C. A . 1. 2, 3 , 4 ; Health League, 1. 2 , 3 , 4 ; Manager o f Hockey 3 ; Class Hockey Team 3 ; Class Bas­ ketbaJl Team 3 , 4 ; Secretary and Treasurer o f Health League 4 ; I v y Day Co m m i ttee 3 ; Member of Kappa A lpha ; Masque 4 ; English Club 4 .

Always ready for a bit of fun, always lending a help­ ing hand, always loyal to her friends-that's Betty. And what a laugh that girl has acquired ! Is she i n l ove ? Oh, o u i , oui ! Just take a look at h er D.U. pin. He graduated last year, so Betty h a s h a d a season t icket to Hartford ever since. We know that it won't be long now, and our best wishes will ever follow you. HELEN

W O O D FO R D " B illy"



"Success t reads on t he heels of every effort." Concord High School, Concord, Mass. Y . W . C . A . 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Cabinet 3 ; Health Learler 2 ; Vice-President of Health League 3 ; President of Health League 4 ; Honor Roll l, 2, 3 ; Dean's List 3, 4 ; Varsity Hockey 1 , 2, 3, 4 ; Varsity Soccer 1 ; Varsity Volleyball 1 ; Soccer team 1, 2, 3 ; Volley Ball team 1, 2 , 3 ; llasketball team 3 . 4 ; Fencing team 4 ; Hockey team 1, 2 . 3 , 4 ; C . H . L. ; Numerals ; C.W. ; Health League C u p ; Pi Gamma M u .

Billy is always "there. " I f it i s athletics, she always has the ball. T o her we owe our victories. With the loving-cup, won at the close of her j u n ior year, goes the rec ognition of the entire woman's division of her all­ T o her high scholarship, around ability as an athlete. all her profess<Jrs and fellow students are witness. Billy's keen searching eye is symbolic of her inquisi ­ tive nature. To that e n d B illy is acquainted with all literature . No book is too new, nor the author too old to escape her perusal. The "new n on-fiction" shelf is the l ibrary's special attraction. Place Billy as head of a comm ittee and your work i s done in n o time. Effi­ ciency is her motto. You can always count on B illy. She's "there. " Seventy-two

P A U L I N E K A T H LE E N B R I LL, <1>.'.11 " Polly" Westboro H i g h School. Y . W . C . A . 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; Class H o c k e y 2 , 3 , 4 ; Class Soccer l , 2 . 3 : Class Volleyball 1 , 2 , 3 ; Wearer of C. H . L. ; Soccer Manager 2 : Ba betball 3 ; Honorable Mention Gym Meet 1, 2. 3 : Class Health Leader 3 ; I v y Day Committee 3 ; Committee for Colby Day 4 ; Dramatic Club 4 ; Kappa A l p h a ; Wearer of Class N u m erals.

That rare combination of athl ete and artist may be f o u n d in P olly. Few of us are b orn with the capacity for art that Polly c a n claim. I ndeed, w e feared this year that Colby would l ose h er t o the realm of i nterior d e corating, b u t Colby c o n q u ered and gaine d the benefit of h e r artistic inclinations. T h e athletic ability has d o n e much to add to the laurels of the c lass of 1 9 3 0 . Polly m a n aged t o escape t h e ban e of temperament i n spite of artistic ability, and her worst fault i s self­ depreciation. W e don't believe a word she says for she ' h a s shown she h a s ability.

A LB E R T A L O U I SE " B erta"

B R O WN, � K

" Brown i e "


"i\llu,sic hath power to charm." Coburn Classical Institute. Coburn School o f M usic ; G l ee Club 1, 2 , 4 ; Powder a n d W i g Play 2 : Dramatic C l ub 2 , 3 , 4 ; Sopho­ more Dance Committee ; Senior Dance Committee ; Colby N ight Play ; Glee C l ub O peretta 2 ; Soloist of Glee C l u b 3 ; H a m l i n Prize Speak­ i n g Conte t ; I v y Day Committee ; Class Day Committee 1 ; Chapel Program 4 : Delta Beta.


In her h o m e Alberta's radiant person ality is at its T h e r e , b efore a cozy fire, she entertains h er f or­ b e st. t u n ate frie n d s w ith a k i n d l iness of manner all h er own. Where there ' s singing A lberta' s i s at its b est. Her voice h a s sort of sung its way into our m e m ories. W h er e t h e r e is n e e d f o r comradeship i n things enj oyed, from a walk i n the woods t o a tennis m atch ; wher e there's a call f or l oyalty and hon est appreciation ; where a love o f h u m a n nature i s at a premium-there A lberta, h er­ self, i s at her best.

E D V I A V E R ON I C A C A M P B E LL , t..:L� "Ed"

"She w a s Irish, a n d t h e ga.yefll. J a n d courage of h e r we1·e sung by many lads in tha t county." Presque Isle High School. Glee Club 2, 3 , 4 : J un io r P l a y ; P a n ­ h e l l e n i c c o u n c i l 3 , 4 ; C l a s s treasurer 2 ; Aroostook Club ; Dance C o m mittee 2 . 3 , 4 : Wearer of C . Il . L. and Class Numerals ; Honor­ able Mention i n G y m Meet 1, 2 ; Hockey team l, 2 ; Soccer team 1 , 2 ; C h i G a m m a Theta ; President 2.

W o u ld that we were a p oet, E dvia, w e ' d say n ice things about y o u . W e ' d tell of your athletic prowess, of your dancing and of your conquests among the men's d ivisi o n . W e expect a l ot from you, Ed-so mething tells u s that Irish wit will sort o f take you over the rough spots a n d your own self w il l d o the rest. 0 , w e w o n ' t b r a g , your r e c o r d s p e a k s l o u d er t h a n we can. B est of l u c k , Ed, old thing ! Seventy-three

H E LE N A L I C E C H A S E , A M I

" There's something nice about everyone But there's everything nice a bout you ." Houlton H i g h School Y . W . C . A . 1 , 2, 3, 4 ; Vice-President 3 ; Presi­ dent 4 ; Health League 1, 2 , 3 , 4 ; Wearer of C . W . ; Hockey Team 11 2, 3 , 4. ; Soccer 1 , 2 , 3 ; Special Mention i n Gym Meet l, 2 ; Fresh­ man Repr sentative to Student Government l ; Secretary 3 ; Senior Dance Committee 4 ; Delegate to Poland S p r i ng Conference ; Maqua ; Glee C l ub 1, 2, 4 ; Colbiana Board 2 ; Chi Gamma Theta ; President of Sophomore Class 2 ; J u nior Play 3 ; House Chairman of Dutton Hou e 4 ; Aroostook Club ; Secretary and Treasurer 2 ; Daughters of Colby.

Who's the l eading lady of every " clean-up-after­ wards" performance ? Who stars on service com mitte es, nominating committees, executive committee s, social com mittees, and responsibility hold-ups of all kinds ? O n w h o m c a n Y . W . depend when t h e speaker h as caught a cold ? Whom do the y call when the B aptist church needs a friend-for chair, for a Sunday-school class, or a Young People's society ? Who can make the freshmen forget to be homesic k ? Who says the fewest catty things about the fewest peopl e ? Who is always ready to oblige, whether she has time or not? When your world is all black and blue-to whom d o you go for an alcohol r u b ? T h a t precious little lump of human ity c a l l e d Helen. VIRGINIA GERTRUDE CHRISTIE, Ll.1.1 "Vee" " Shorty"

A nd on every highway Where I ' ve t<Lken my w<Ly I 've met Love a.-smilin' For lot•e's in m;y hea rt. F o r t Fairfield H i g h School Aroostook Club ; Volleyball T e a m 1 ; Wearer of the C . H . L . ; Class Play 3 ; Kappa Alpha ; English Club ; Dramatic Club.

Now who would guess that this winsome little maid was athletic ? She isn't ! Well d o you remember the fo otball team this yea r ? Yes, well do you know why they were so successful ? Why, Vee Christie spent night after night coaching the various members of the team ! V e e generally gets what she wants, and we have a sneaking suspicion that when she walks up to old m an Life, he'll l o o k at the laughing face and red touseled curls and say-Give the kiddy a break !

D O RO T H Y M A E DO NNE LLY, xn " Dot"

"Of a maz:ng ccntradictions is woman nia,de !" Waterville High School. Committee, 3 ; Orchestra

Y . W . C . A. ;

l, 2 , 3.

Wearer of

C . H.L. ;



One moment Dot is bent industriously over her books : the n ext she is wandering in a world of dreams, or thinking of the latest news. O ne moment she's gay, talkative, and mischievous ; the next she's sober, silent, and good. Always she's sweet, charming, and loyal to her friends and her college. She's sure to succeed in whatever she does, for she can easily adapt herself to any persons or circumstances whatever.




A � II

" To be easiLy w h a t i s difficu lt f o r othern i s t he mark of talent." W i lton Academy ; Y . W . C . A . 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; H e a l t h League 1 , 2, 3 , 4 ; J u n ior Dance Comm i ttee ; Senior Dance Committee ; Ivy Day Com­ mittee 3 ; Honor Roll 1, 2 , 3, 4 ; J u nior Class Play ; Glee Club l, 2 , 3 , 4 ; Orchestra 1 , 2 ; Masque 3 , 4 ; President 4 ; D e l t a Sigma C h i 3 , 4 ; President 4 ; C o l b y N ig h t Play 3 ; Operetta 2 , 3.

S ometimes it seems that the Fates have been excep­ tionally generous to some people. Not having been sat­ isfied with giving .M uriel her wealth of red-gold hair and b e autiful brown eyes, they have e n d owed her with a rare c o m bination of e ffi ciency, tactfulness a n d a charm­ ing sense o f h u m or. She is the very personi fi cation of that ' subtle something' called p ersonality. We wonder what she will choose for h er career ? Will she give to the world her beautiful voice, her gift of poetry, or will the future find h e r solving the International proble m ? M u riel j u st n aturally excels in everything she endeav­ ors-isn't i t a temptation, perhaps, to b e j u st a wee bit envious o f h e r ? W e c ertainly can n ot help admiring and l oving h er.




W i nslow High School. Y . W . C . A . 4 ; H a m l i n Prize Speaking 1 ; Coburn Prize Spea k i n g ; Wearer of C . H . L . ; Varsity Hockey 1 , 2 ; J un io!' Class Play 3 ; Dramatic C l u b 4 ; Press C l ub.

W h oe ver saw " A l " when she wasn't smilingly h u rry­ ing around t o see what she c o u l d d o for someon e ? W ith h e r everpresent good nature "Al" smooths out all the rough places i n life for u s and t h e n shows us how b e st to travel. W herever she goes she will always be loved, and her ch osen profession can't h e l p but succeed.




" Louise"


"She cannot fcide-" Calais Academy. Health League Representative 1 ; Wearer C . H . L . ; Honorable Mention i n G y m Meet 1, 2 , 3 ; Hockey 1 , 2 , 3 ; Volley Ball 2 , 3 ; Basketball 3 , 4 ; Ivy Day Play ; Dramatic C l ub ; Literary C l u b ; C h a i r m a n Senior Dance Comm ittee ; C h i Gamma Theta.

Louise c o m e s like sun shin e into a darken e d room. She i s the pal of youth and happiness. With these her two b est friends she snaps her fingers at c are. So where there's music, where there ' s fun, where there's l a u ghter a n d dance-th ere ' s Louise .


VE RNA MURIEL GREEN Foxcroft Academy, Dover-Foxcroft, Maine. H o n o r R o l l 1 ; Dean's Li t 4 ; Member of Executive Board of Student Government 4 ; Delta Sigma Chi 4 ; English C l ub 4 ; Y . W . C . A . 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; Wearer or C.H.L.

Who always gets an A in exam s ? Who is a shark at English or Latin ? Who will always play the piano or go to the movie s ? Whose table i s one of the most popu ­ lar in the dining room ? Who is, above all, the best of frien d s ? There could be but one answer to all this-­ V erna. Studious, ambitious, m usical, fu ll-of-fun. We know you'll make a great success as a teacher, V erna. The best of luck to you always.


"/ kno w a thing that's most unco m mon I know a reasona ble woman." Coburn Classical I nstitut . Y . W.C.A. 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; Wearer of C . H . L . ; Le Cercle Francais 3, 4 ; English Club 4 ; Delta Siirma Chi 3, 4.

And that's not all. E velyn is this "reasonable woman,'' but she does not flaunt her reason to the skies, but keeps it modestly hidden under a n external quiet. S he is a fine We envy friend, and is loyal, j ust, and conscientious. the future pupils into whose heads Evelyn will drill the words and ways of William Shakespeare, and wish her the best of l uck in this terrific task.





"Even in a small place but a few ou tstanding persons a?·e known to everybodry." Caribou High School Y. W. C. A. 1, 2 . 3, � ; Class Ser. and Treas. 1 ; Honor Roll l, 2 , 3 ; Dean's List 4 ; Chi Gamma Theta ; Colbiana Board 2 ; Hockey Team 2 ; Pres. Aroostook Club 3 ; Fresh­ man Scholarship Prize ; German Prize 2 ; Vice-President Student Government 3 ; President 4 : Assistant Woman's Editor Echo 3 ; Delta Sigma Chi 3 ; Wearer C H . L. ; Pi Gamma M u 4 ; English Club 4 ; One of the four chosen for educational experiment ; Phi Beta Kappa.

Margaret's ability is the kind that stands out in a n am­ bitious class. Her efficiency i s shown in every way. The A 's she has received have not kept her from being an executive leader, or from attending many social func­ tions. A s we all know Margaret is a real student and especially fond of reading. Her leisure moments a re often spent with her favorite author "Bernard Shaw." Seve n t y-six


H A T H A W A Y , :::: K

Columbia FaUs H igh School. Y . W . C . A . 1, 2 , 3, 4 ; Class Hockey 2 , 3, 4 ; Soccer 1, 2, 3 ; I v y Day Com m ittee ; Honor Roll 3 ; Dean·s List 3 ; IntPrnational Relations Club ; F e nc i n g Team ; K a p p a A lpha ; Basketball 3.

Adjectives that would describe E leanor are not in her vocabulary. Her m athematical mind would not ap pre­ ciate her own whimsicality. No one takes weighty m at­ ters more seriously than E l ea nor, but her keen sense of h umor detects the ridiculous at the least opportunity. Her readiness to be of help wins her many friends, and even when she cannot help, E leanor has that rarest of virtues, a will ingness to listen.

MIN A A LLAN H I GG I N S , <I>:\I "Eat,

Drink and be Merry."

Dennysville H i�h School. Y . W . C . A . 1 , 2 , 3, 4 ; Hockey Team 1 ; Wearer C . H. L . : Oracle Board 3 ; President Reading Room Asso­ ciation 3, 4 ; J u n i o r Play ; Kappa A l p ha : Chairman Colby Day E n ­ tertainment Committee 4 ; H o u s e C h a i r m a n o f Foss Hall 4 ; Member of Phi Sigma Iota-

There's something contagious about a sm ile, a nd Mina's is certa inly catching. Her j ol l y laugh is as familiar as her smile, and more than once has it been heard when the situation was not exactly appropriate. Mina boasts a serious side as well a s a keen sense of humor. S he is capable a nd dependable and willing to help others at all times. I n fact she's a j ol l y good fellow.

C A R! O L G E R T R U D E H I LL , ..u .i " Cee Gee"

Open mty eyes to visions, girt With bea u t y and with wonder lit Bu t let me alwa.ys see the dirt A nd t hose t ha t spawn and die in it. Fort F a i r f i e l d High S c h o o l A roostook C l ub ; Honorable Mention i n Gym Meet l , 2 ; Wearer o f C . H . L . a n d Class Numerals ; I v y Day Play 3 ; Oracle Board 3 ; Kappa Alpha ; Delta Sigma Chi 4 ; English Club 4 ; Dramatic Club 4.

In her freshman yea r a t college C arol read a 'college humor' and this year she's laughing at the jokes-she's E nglish. She i s one of those convenient people who are able to dig out from the lord-knows-where whatever you want t o borrow. C.G's life-savers distributed at proper intervals have rendered salvation to many a starving soul. H e r pet aversion i s germs and if Old Dutch Cleanser ever changes its a d we'll see C . G . 's picture in every m agazine in the c o untry. Not a bad-looking photo eithre, Carol, so don't feel hurt. Seventy-seve11

H E LEN J O Y C E H O B B S , <1> :'- 1

" Time cannot -with e r her, n o r custom stale h e r infinite vciriety." Camden H igh School. Delta Sigma C h i 3, 4 ; Vice-President o f Delta Sigma C h i 4 ; Wearer o f C . H . L. a n d Numerals ; Pi Gamma M u ; Colbiana Board 3. 4 ; House Chairman of Mary Low Hall 3 ; Honor Roll 3 ; Dean's L'st 4 ; Cla s Hockey Team 1 , 3, 4 ; Varsity Hockey Team 3 ; Class Soccer Team 2. 3 ; Manager of Soccer 3 ; Class Volleyball Team l , 2 ; Ba ketball 3. 4 .

Helen i s a member of that exclusive totem, whose mem­ bers do wel l whatever they attempt. It makes no differ­ ence whether she is pulling five A 's, playing on every ath­ l etic team, or studying fencing-she does it well . There's only one thing that wi ll make Helen neglect her studies and that's a dance. And dancing is one other thing that she does well . By the by, Helen what did we hear about your giggl ing so much after the Lambda Chi dance ?

H A RR I E T J O H N S TON, A � Il "Pat"

Her voice was e ve r soft, gentle, a.nd low ; an excellent thing in woman. Fort Fairfield High S-hool. Wa h i ngton State Normal School 1 ; Y. W.C.A. 1 , 2, 3, 4 ; Glee Club l , 2 , 3 , 4 ; Operetta 2 , 4 ; Aroostook Club ; The Masque ; English Club ; J u nior Prom Committee ; J u nior Class Play ; Wearer of C . H L.

All the good fairies attended Pat's christening. Golden curls, a golden voice, a winsome face, and the merry sparkle of mirth in her eyes. She combines the qualities of an imp of m ischief with those of a steadfast and true friend and achieves that rare personality, we think of when we think of Pat. All those who know her under­ stand why her friends call her "j ust heart-high . "

E LE A N O R E V E LYN K I N G , A 2: 6 " K ing"

" Wh oever loved w ho loved not at first sight ?" Higgins Classical Institute, 1 9 2 3 . H o n o r R o l l 1 ; Y . W . C . A . 1 , 2 , 3, 4 ; Sophomore Declamation 2 ; Ivy Day Committee 3 ; Press Club 4 ; Dramatic Club 4 ; Kappa Alpha ; Delta Sigma Chi.

In spite of E le anor's journali stic activities, correspond­ i ng for two daily newspapers, she is still able to find time for a daily letter to the one and only and incomparable. Who has escaped her penetrating questions-"Have you any news ? Been anywhere ? On any committees, teams ? " etc.-until unconsciousness. Besides h e r business engage­ ments, she i s often hostess at m idnight teas i n Foss H a l l ; it would be hard to find a more gracious hostess.



C R O S B Y L I B B Y , xn " Barb"

Bes�e H igh School. Y . W . C . A . 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; C a b i n e t 4 ; Class Vice­ President 2 ; Class President 4 ; Delegate to Student Government Conference at Connecticut State College 3 ; Wearer of C . H . L . ; Class N umerals ; Captai n Class Basketball Team 3 ; Chairman J un ior G i rls Dance ; House Chairman Mower House 4 ; English C l ub ; Dramatic C l ub 4 ; Maqua 3 ; Class G i fts J u n ior Week-e n d ; C h i G a m m a Theta.

We are ready with a candidate for the typical Amer­ ican gir l . That girl, we think, must have, first, look s ; not the bea uty of a Cleopatra, but the healthy American kind of good looks. Second, that girl m ust dance, and dance well because she lovPs it. Thirdly, that girl m u st be a good s port. Fourthly, she m ust have a sense of h um o r . F i fthly, she m ust be capable, the sort of a girl who i s responsible when occasion demands. S i xthly, she m u s t have a capacity for friendship. Seventhly--oh, we m ight go o n u p to " i n the fiftieth p lace," but we'd rather d i scontinue our catalogue of qualities and offer our can­ d idate who has a l l of these,-Barbara Libby. JEA

H e r voioe in woman."


M A R I E M A C D O N A LD, xn "Jean Mac"

e ve r sowt a nd low, a n excellent thing

Calais Academy, Calais, Me. Honor Roll 1, 3 ; Tennis l, 2 , 4 ; Ten n i s Manager 4 ; Soccer 2 ; C l a s s Volleyball T e a m 1 , 2 ; Wearer of C . H . L . ; Colbiana Bo·ard 3 ; Ivy Day Play ; Sophomore Dance C o m m i ttee ; Senior Dance C o m mittee ; Colby Day Speaker 3 ; Pi Gamma Mu ; K a p p a Alpha.

Her voice tells the whole story. On meeting Jean many t h ings i m p ress you-her graceful height, her hair, her smile. B u t on hearing Jean, every other grace i s forgot­ ten in a d m iration of her voice. That voice i s J ean--cul­ tured, gentle, never r a i sed i n anger-a sort of a voice that's pleasure to hear. One thing, however, her voice c a n n ot tell, t hat i s Jean's definite artistic ability. For the l ast four years, dance favors have been clever, and dance decorations h a ve been beautiful, and dances have been dreams-because of Jean !

M A RJ.J O R I E M A R I L Y N M ac L A U G H L I N " Marge " H armony H igh School Y . W. C . A . 1 , 2, 3 , 4 ; Wearer of C . H . L . ; Wearer of N u merals ; Health League l, 2 , 3, 4 ; Class Ten nis 2, 3 , 4 ; Class Volleyball 2, 3 ; Class Basketball 3 , 4 ; Captain of Basket­ ball 4 ; Phi Sigma Iota.

If you see a big cloud h u rrying along tearing her h a i r and scream ing-Well, i t isn't M argie Mac-for Margie i s del icately small and very dimpled and very quiet. B ack of her reserve i s the real M a rgie, fun-loving and gay Margie has with a great capacity for making friends. h a d time for m ore than ordinary d uties i n college as evid­ enced by her L . C . A . pin.


BA R B A R A E LA I N E M I L LI K E N, <l>;'ll " Barbs"

"Blessings on him who fi1 st invented sleep."

'.4' ff �··.,. ..


•• ,

ori n na U n ion Acaden1y. Y.W C . A . 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; Freshman Prize Speakin� 1 ; Wearer of C . H . L. ; C!a s Hockey Team 2 ; Kappa A lpha 3 ; lvy Day Play 3 .

Frankly, Barb , we are worried about you, for how will you ever manage to abandon tho e morning naps next yea r when you are in�tructing modern youth in the And remember, it will not fundamentals of hi tory ? look dignified to eat one of those chocolate bars at re­ cess ! Then. too there is the question of recreation. You certainly will miss those j o urneys with your Ford which helped to make days here at Colby bearable for you. Well, Barbs, though we are anxious about your personal happiness next year, we are not at all concerned about your succes , for we feel that because of your ability and your pleasing personality Dame Fortune will help you to realize your dearest wishes for the future. RENA J O Y M I LL S , x n

"I'll put a girdle round a b<Y11 t the ea rth In forty minu tes." N.E.l.C. A .A . Caribou Hie-h School. Y . W.C.A. 1 . 2 . 3 , 4 ; Aroostook Club 1 . 2 , 3 , 4 ; Wearer o f C . H . L. ; Rea d i n g Room Association 1 . 2, 3 , 4 ; Library Assistant 2 . 3, 4 ; Colhiana Board I, 2 , 3 ; Editor-in-Chief 4 ; Oracle Board 3 ; Women's Editor 4 ; Delta Beta ; Honor Roll 1 , 2 ; Dean's List 4 ; English Club 4 ; Dramatic C l ub 4.

Rena will carry a way from college much that the rest of us leave behind. She does not leave the realm of know­ ledge when she closes the covers of her books, but she has tucked in the corners of her mind vivid poetic im­ pressions and little <rnt-of-the-way stores of knowledge. This is one reason why Rena's friendship is both stimulat­ ing and responsive ; this is why her personality is ever refreshed with new outlooks. which she gives a s willingly as she receives. M A R G A R E T G L A D Y S M O O E R S , <l>:\I " M aggie'�

" Welco m e ! Ri_qht g lad a re we So fair a friend to see ! To drive away the gloom Which ove1·hangs oilr room." Caribou High School. Y. W . C . A. 1, 2, 3 , 4 ; Chi Gamma Theta ; C h i Gamma Theta Treasurer ; Vice-President Aroostook C l u b 3 ; Pan Hellenic Cou nc i l 3 , 4 ; Y. W . Social Committee 2 ; Treasurer of Stu­ dent Government 4 ; House Chairman Foss Hall 3 ; Secretary-Treas­ urer Class 4 ; Dance Committee 2, 3 ; English Club 4.

Here we have a friend whom we would not exchange for riches. Her smile and j olly good nature seems l i ke a magnet, drawing all types of people to her, even a rush to her table in the dining room . A week end, yes, even an evening without Margaret in the hall, seems wrong somehow. Who gets through studying first ? Who is always the first one read y ? That is expected of Margaret, now. She must have time to read that daily letter and answer it. Margaret thinks a college education may be most profit­ ably used i n ma rriage and i s planning to carry out her theory soon after graduation. We all wish you happiness, Margaret. Eighty

P A U L I N E M O R I N , •I>:II "Polly"

A s h l a n d High S·hool. Delta Sigma Chi 3 , 4; Treasurer 4 ; Wearer of C . H . L . : Phi Sigma Iota : L e Cercle Francais 3. 4 ; Secretary 3 ; Aroostook C l ub l , 2 , 3 , 4 ; Honorable Mention i n G y m Meet.

Polly always does things in a large way for a small person. When she studies-she studies. W hen she has a good time, she has a good time-and so d 0€ s everyone with her. W he n she sleeps she talks. From the moment o f her entrance into these noble halls of learning she has been continuously h au nted by a m a rked resemblance to Collee n M oore. The writer finds it necessary to leave the country before Polly reads the l a st statement.

B E A T RI C E M UL L E N , A � � "Bea"

" To know he1· is to u nderstand her." C o r i n n a U n i o n Academy. Y . W . C . A . 1 , 2 , 3, 4; Class Hockey Team 3 ; Class Volleyball Team 3 ; Wearer of C . H . L . ; J unior Class Play 3 : Dramatic Club 4.

" Bea" is one of the girls who has successful l y struggled through four years of M ath . In spite of her serious m o­ ments, "Bea" is always ready for f u n . She is an author­ ity on M a i n e . Whenever you want to know i f a show is good, ask Bea.

RUTH A GN E S P'A R K , x n

" I oan cou nterfeit the deep tragedian." Dramatic Club 1, 2 , 3 , 4; Executive Board Lawrence High School Dramatic Club 4 ; Colby Ni:!ht 1, 2 , 4 ; Y. W . C. A . 4; Colby Health League 1, 2 , 3 . 4 ; Wearer of C . H . L . ; Freshman Tennis C h a m p i o n 1 ; U n dergraduate Speaker 2 : F i r s t Prize H a m l i n P r i z e Speaking Contest : Glee Club 1, 2 , 4 : Guest Artist Men's Glee C l u b 2 ; Honor­ ary Member Powder a n d W i g 2 ; Powder a n d W ig Productions 2 , 4; Commencement Play 2 ; Senior Dance Comm ittee 4 ; Ivy Day P a g e a n t 3.

In Ruth a re concentrated talents of many sorts. She can draw a bow over the strings of a violin, and m ake i t s i n g . She c a n play a p a r t f r o m S h a kespeare a n d m ake it live, and, most admirable talent of all, she can make friends and keep t he m .



"Her fingers sha med the ivory keys They danced so light along." · Fort Fairfield H i g h School. Y . W C. A . 1 , 2 , 3 ; Health League l , 2 , 3 . 4 ; Glee C l u b 2 , 3 . 4 ; Manager 3 : P r e ident 4 ; Sophomore Dance Committee 2 : J u nior Dance Commi ttee 3 ; Senior Dance Committee 4 ; I v y Day Committee 3 ; H a m l i n Prize Speaking l ; Wearer of C . H . L . ; Chi Gamma Theta ; Aroostook C lub ; The Masque ; Vice President 3.

Not too clever to be loved, not too witty to be enjoyed ; not sophisticated, but wh-0lesome and sweet ; one with a qu iet charm and dainty d ignity that is never marred ; companionable, but never intruding, tactful, yet sincere : one whom you love to have come and hate to have go ; one who fascinates you by indefinable mannerisms which make her herself and no other-our Jayne ! You can't forget that she is the center of attraction wherever there is a piano,-and the jazzy tunes that fall from her nimble fingers. To one whom we shall love and miss-Jayne !

MARY CHRISTINE PETKE "Peggy" Honorable Mention Gym Meet 1, 2 ; Vo!Jeyball 2 ; Wearer of C . H . L. and Class Numeral ; Hockey 4 ; M a n ager of Hockey 4 ; President of Reading R-0om Association 4 ; Dramatic Club 4 ; Y.W.C.A.

The vision of the ideal guards the monotony of work from becoming m-0notony of l ife. This is Mary's phil­ osophy of l ife. Her depth of character, her ambitions and her ideals not only give a zest to her own life but also serve as an inspiration to others. We hope her ideals will be realized and that her intense interest in music and German wil l lead to her success. O f one thing we are certain, however, that Mary will be successful in acquir­ i ng and retai ning friends because of her amiability and her clever impersonaticns of M rs. Kadoozle.

M IL D R E D M A RG A R E T P O N D , A�.:\ "Millie"

" True wit is 'Ylature to advantage dressed, What oft wa,s t hought, but ne'er so well expressed." Hockey 2, 3 , 4 ; Volley Ball l, 2 , 3 ; Soccer 1, 2, 3 ; Y . W . C. A . 1, 2 , 3, 4 ; Kappa Alpha ; Aroostook Club ; Wearer of C . W.

No matter whether M ildred is doing a fantastic Kappa Alpha dance, tel l ing one of her fav-0rite jokes, or indus­ triously studying her Latin major, she is that same cheer­ ful, fun-loving little person. She has one weakness, how­ ever, for a certain beverage ; for has not everyone i n Foss Hall received at least one invitati-0n to accompany her down street to partake of coffee ?


I S A B U B A R P U TN A M , � K Danforth High School. A i k i n School. St. Petersbourg, Florida. Y . W . C . A . 1, 2 . 3, 4 ; Daughters Clf Colby ; Class President 1 ; Honor­ able Mention in G y m Meet 2 ; Gi ee C l ub 2, 3 ; Dance Committee 2 , 3 ; I v y Day Play 3 ; Oracle Board 3 ; M usic Committee 3 ; English C l ub 4 ; K a p p a A l pha.

Isa i s the fortunate possessor of the formula for never b oring. She i s in and out like the whiff of a cool breeze ; the edge of her wit is never dulled. She accomplishes whatever she u ndertakes and yet she never has the care­ worn look of many duties. Her friends are won through unsuspected k i nd nesses for which n o thanks are asked. She i s never twice the same yet always I s a .

E V E LY N F R1A N C E S RO L L I N S "Ev"

"Few hearts like hers with virt u e wa,rmed, Few heads wit h knowledge so info rmed." C o b u r n Classical Institute. Mention i n Gym M ee t 2 ; Wearer of C . H . L . ; Hockey Team 4 ; English C l u b ; French Circle ; Dean's L ist 4 ; P h i Sigma Iota ; Delta S i g m a Chi.

" E v" i s quiet, reserved and studious, and to those who know her best she i s a true friend, generous and loyal. I f you want to know the truth or if you want an honest opinion on any subj ect j u st ask " Ev" and she wil1 give it to you. She i s always rea d y for a bit of fun and a good time in s pite o f her scholastic tendencies. Best of l uck, " E v, " and here's hoping you don't have t o walk four miles every day when you're teaching a s you 've had to do here at college.


" Tlvy modesty's a oandle of t hy m.e1-i,t." Coburn Classical Institute. Y . W . C . A . 1, 2 , 3 , 4 ; Health League, 1, 2 , 3 , 4 ; Wearer of C . H . L . ; Secretary-Treasurer t o Panhellenic Council 3 ; President t o Panhellenic Cou n c i l 4 ; English C l ub 4 ; Dramatic Club 4 .

M ary's most d ifficult college activity has been Daily Commuter on the F a irfield Trolley cars, 1 , 2 , 3 , 4. In spite of this a p parent handicap, however, she has always been on hand for necessary Panhell meetings, teas , bas­ ketball games, and other things-the most i m portant other thing being that Mary has found for a fact that "there's nothing h alf so sweet in l i fe, as love's young· d ream."




"A little 'W01'k, a l ittle JJlary, A cheery srn ile, a b right 'good-day' ". Waterville High School. Y.W.C.A. 1. 2 . 3. 4 ; Class Hockey 1, 2 ; W arer o f C . H . L . ; Health League 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; Delta Sigma C h i 3, 4 .

Ethel is one o f t h o e lovable, efficient, loyal, petite girls ; demure, yet radiating with energy. At the same time, she i jolly and good-natured. She's ready for work or ready for play ; sometimes studious and sometimes gay. With her efficiency and friendliness success will be hers for the asking.


E D I T H S A N D E RS , "Mim"


Pick her UJJ tendet·lty,

Lift her with care, Fashioned so slenderlty, Young a nd so fair.

Presque Isle High School. A roostook Club ; Wearer of the C . H . L . ; Honorable Mention in Gym Meet 1 ; English Club.

Poor Mim ! After four years of patient striving to at­ tain that intellectual appearance, a certain professor tells her she looks as if she didn't give a darn. Mim is always interested in man-Man in the abstract, understand, not one specific man. You're a good sport, Mim, Turcotte's will miss you, so will the men's division and also your classmates.

P A U LI N E H. S M I T H , A � I l " Polly" Winslow Hi�h School ; Y . W .C.A. 1, 2 , 3 , 4 ; Health League 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Wearer of C . H . L . and Class Numerals ; Class Volleyball 1 , 2 ; Class Basketball 4 ; Ten n is 1 , 2, 4 ; Jvy Day Play 3 ; Colbi.ama Board 4 ; Phi Sigma Iota 4. ; Treasurer 4. ; English C l ub 4 ; Dramatic Club 4 ; Powder and W i g 4 ; Colby Play 4.

She doesn't need an introduction for she's been the most popular girl on the campus for four years, in spite of the large girl she always has with her. Is there anyone who doesn't recognize her ? It's Pauline Smith, the hero­ ine of " The Queen's H usband," Princess Ann, the most refined, the biggest-hearted, the most amiable, the most adorable, the most lovable of girls.


T H E L M A M A R T H A S N O W , A ti. II "T"

"I fill this oup to one niade ilp of loveliness a lone." H i g g i n s Classical I n s t i t u t e . Y . W . C . A . 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; Health League 1, 2 , 3 , 4 ; Wearer o f C . H . L . ; H a m l i n Prize Speaking 1 ; J u n ior Class Play ; Member of Kappa A l p h a ; Chairman of Women's Colby Day Committee ; Honor Roll 3 ; Dean's List 4 ; P i Gamma Mu 3 , 4 , Secretary 4 .

Lots of " w i m , wigor, a n d witality"-and j u st enough temperament t o make her red-headed. That's "T". W hen you want some one to dash places and make accidents with you , ask her. B ut she never forgets to come back i n time to do a l ittle studying on the side-j ust to show the faculty that her brilliance doesn't come i n waves only. I m peccable and neat describes Thelma to a "T". And n oi se ! W hy, "T" i s j ust like a toy train with a big grown-up locomotive whistle ! W he n much racket turns the proctors over i n thei r beds- it isn't " T " practicing her weekly v<Jcal lesson-it's j ust a private I n d i a n war whoop of hers, e xerc ised on occasion, preferably during quiet hours. A n d when she gets that long-distance look i n her eye, i s she thi nking of the m iles between here and Boston, or the pennies it takes to get there ? B A R B A RA



" B arbs"

A .1 II

H a r m o n y H igh School. Y . W . C . A . 1 , 2 , 3 . 4 ; Health League 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; Wearer of C . H . L . a n d Class Numerals ; Class Hockey 2 , 3 , 4 ; Manager 2 ; Class Soccer l , 2 , 3 , 4 ; I v y D a y Play 3 ; Vice-President o f Class 4 ; English Club 4 ; Colby D a y Speaker 4 ; Health Leader 4 ; Delegate to Bates Play Day 4.

W ho's the l<Jvely girl with the marvelous eyes that h a s t h a t black-headed little imp of a room-mate a l ways a t ­ tached-who's a l ways saying-"Well now-Smith ! " ? Who leads the Seniors i n hockey, and i n fact, anyone with whom she comes in contact by her fine, broad-minded way o f doing things ? The answer <Jf course i s B arbie. She's efficient, she's lovable, she's beautiful, she's Barbie.

F R A N C E S E LI Z A B E T H T H A Y E R " Fr a n "

" F rannie"

"I prefer s ilent pn1 de1we to loquacioiLs folly." Waterville H i g h School. Y . W. C . A . 1 , 2 ; Wearer o f C . H . L . a n d Numerals ; Le Cercle Franca is ; Delta S i ir m a Chi ; Phi S i g m a Iota.

F r a n is a town girl and for that reason she is seldom B ut when she comes to classes, seen except i n classes. Fran's always there and always with her lessons pre­ pared, too ( es pecially her French and S panish less<Jns . ) S h e m a y perhaps seem very quiet a n d reserved, very modest and unassuming to most but to those who know her best, she is j olly a nd good natured and a true friend. F rances plans to teach next year and we know she'll be s uccessful.


S. L O U I SE T H O M A S , B IT " S usie"

"Romance, who l<YVes to nod and sing." Cony High School. Y . W . C . A . 1. 2, 3, 4 : Oracle Board 3 ; Ivy Day Play Committee 3 ; Te n n i s 1 ; Powder a n d W i g Production 2 ; Glee C l ub Concert 1 : Volley llall ; Le Cercle Francais 3 , 4 ; Chi Gamma Theta ; Phi Sigma Iota ; Dean's Li t 4.

ontagious laughter­ Bubbling conversations­ Am using personality­ True. Fond of the dance­ Fond of song­ Fond of loveToo. P . S . Never m ind the rest.

Let's eat.


A woman nobly vla.nned, To wm·n, to co mfort, and com mand. Rockland High School. Institute of Musical Art, New York City ; Glee Club 1, 2 ; Executi,·e Board of the Co·lby Concert Series 4 ; Director of Orchestra :i ; Colbiana Board 3 ; J u n ior Class Play 3 ; Engli h Club 4 ; Class Representative t o Executive Board of Stu­ dent League 2 , 3 ; Y. W.C.A. 1 , 2 , 3, 4 ; House Chairman of Mower House 4 ; Wearer of C. H . L. and Numerals ; Kappa Alpha.

Mary has a system-loving nature which somehow sug­ gests such things as A . A . U . W . meetings. S he is possessed of dignity which remains unperturbed i n all situations. She i s free from the pettiness of gossip, and i s too large­ minded for frivolity. She unswervingly adheres to her well-formulated set of princi ples, and never goes off on a tangent. A bove all things else, she is superbly skilled at the piano.

L U C I L E N O R IN E !W H I T CO M B , � K "Lu"

"She bore a m ind that envy could not but call fair." Y . W . C . A . 1 , 2 , 3, 4 ; Honor Roll 1 , 2 , 3 ; F a r m i n g t o n H igh School. Dean's List 4 ; Freshman Scholarship 2 n d Prize ; H a m l i n Prize Speaking 1 ; Coburn Prize Speak,ing 2 ; Colby Day Speaker 2 ; Colby Day Play 2 , 4 ; May Day Play 3 ; Commencement Play 2 ; Echo Board 2 ; Women's Editor 3 ; Chairman of May Day 3 ; Colby Day Comm ittee 2 , 3 ; Panhellenic Council 3, 4 ; Heading Room Association 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Dramatic Club 2. 3 , 4 ; English Clul:i 4 ; Delta Beta ; Ph i Beta Kappa.

Lucile has an infallible instinct about rooms. Give her a few pieces of furniture, a rug or so, a m inimum of pic­ tures, and a pair of curtains, and with such a meagre su pply she can create a colorful spot of symmetry, com­ Her interests are inclusively broad, fort and beauty. ranging from a literary pilgrimage through E ngland to She is a connoisseur of clothes, this year's style of hat. S he is stimulating in argument, but not too much so. adm irably independent, and infinitel y fine. Eighty- ..;.x


B U R Ri I L L W I LL I A M S, :s: n

" The only wwy to have a [1 ·end is to be one." Watendlle High Class N u merals.



1, 2.

3 , 4 : Wearer of C . H .L . ;

Q uiet ? Rather, but after you know her you discover that she i s full of fun. We are sure that she will be a success in w hatever she undertakes because of her ster­ l ing qualities. Fortunate are those who may be counted as her friends. Good l uck to you, Arlene.

E D I T H M I L L S W OiODW ARD, " Woodie"


Boothbay Harbor Hi�h School 1 9 2 6 . Y . W . C . A . ; Wearer of C . H . L . Class N u merals a n d C . W . ; F i r s t T e a m Hockey 1 , 2 , 3, 4 : F i r s t Team Volleyball 3 : F i r t Team Soccer 1. 2 : Varsity Team Hockey 3 ; Honorable Mention G y m Meet 1 ; Member of Daughters of Colby Society ; Member of Kappa Alpha : Secretary-Treasurer of J unior Class ; Coburn Prize Speaking 2 : Echo Board 2 : Member of Pan­ hellenic Council ; Dean's List 4 ; Kappa A lpha.

Woody is quiet, to be sure, but she accomplishes t h i ngs. S he is a student who budgets her time, really. A s finan­ cial m a n ager of the Class i n our J unior year Woody proved her efficiency and executive ability. In her busy college l ife W oody has done many favors for us. She h a s kindness and sympathy f o r all. I f steady loyalty to work, patience and a good n a ture lead to success, E d ith will s urely reach her goal.


" Though wood bine [Launt a nd roses glow O'er all the fra,grant bowers, Thou needst not be asha med t o s how Thy sa,tin-fh 1·eaded flowers." Volleyball 1 , 2 , 3 ; Hockey 1 , 2 . 3, 4 ; V a r s i t y 4 ; Manager Volleyball 3 ; Soccer 1, 2. 3 , 4 ; Basketba ll ; Honorable Mention Gym Meet 1, 2 : Wearer o f H . C . L . , N umerals a n d C . W . ; Member o f Kappa A l p ha and Delta S ig m a Chi.

R uth came to us from Camden H igh School w ith a n exceptionally good scholastic a n d athletic record. A t Colby too, she has shown her abilities through out the four years. She has been a member of all the athletic tea m s and h a s contributed much to establi s h t h e h i gh athletic record which the class of 1930 has held. Latin i s also one of Ruth's s pecialties. A quiet, l ikeable, conscientious, and ambitious young l ady i s Ruth. However, no one is more ready for a good time than i s our classmate. Those who know Ruth can qual ify her a s a great lover of fun and a n entertaining hostess. Eighty-seven








SecreUJ.. r y-Troosurer




3Juninr Qlhurn tlistnry For three years the class of 1 93 1 has been paving its way toward the year of leadership which it now faces, endeavoring to carry on the ideals and traditions of those who have preceded us.

It has been a hard struggle.

We have made mistakes and profited by them and now we stand worthy to bear the name of Colby Women. 1 93 1 has leaders in all phases of Colby's activities, religious, social, and athletic.

Our prowness in athletics has been parti�ularly outstanding

with our victory in the battle for the Athletic Cup.

With the material it

presents, the Junior Class promises a superlative coming year.


3Juntnr ill l 11\nll Mary E un ice Allen Thelma Bamford Ada E l izabeth B ates Alona Stephanie Bean E velyn Lloyd Bell Winona May Berrie D orothy Webster Blanchard I sabel H azel Clark F1orence J osephine Conners Ada M i nnie Cram E unice Mary D awson M arj ory H opkins Dearborn Jennie M . H . D unn M axine S u san Foster E unice M arj orie Foye Pauline Strong Gay A gnes Melvina Ginn _ J. E velyn H aycock B a rbara H eath E leanor H ilton Ina Fletcher H ussey Alice Beatrice LeP oe r Francis E liza L ibby Alice Ferrar L inscott J anet Dorothea Locke Ethel Cameron MacDougall Muriel J oseph i ne MacDougall M ar ga ret McGann Anna Wheeler Macomber Marian Monks Louise M ulligan Frances Page Myrtle E velyn Paine R uth P ineo H ope Reed P ullen Helen Gordon Ramsey Vivian Fern R ussell Gertrude Lillian S nowden Doris Marie S pencer Gertrude Lucy Sykes Flora H a rriet Trussell Florence Read Ventres E lizabeth R ussell Walker Althea Mary Wheeler Marion Ruth White A rlene D oris Woodman

Houlton H ou lton Abbot Somerville, Mass. Caribou Presque Isle Waterville Cape Neddick Bar H arbor West Baldwin Mexico B ath P resque Isle Monticello Dorchester, Mass. Hopkinton, M ass. B ucksport Waterville H opkinton, Mass. Waterville E ast Vassalboro West B oylston, Mass. Richmond P ortland Berlin, N. H . Berlin, N . H . S t . Albans, L . I . Waterville Fall River, Mass. Fall River, Mass. Revere, Mass. Hancock D exter Milo North A mity Hastings-on-Hudson, N. Y. A ugusta Stonington New Haven, Conn. Fairfield Berlin, N. H . Rockport, Mass. Gardiner Millinocket Augusta A ugusta Eighty-nine


President Vice-President


Secre ta ry- Treasu rer





�opqomorr (!Un.a.a Jlt.ator11 With flying colors we have come through that scathing and depressing year of being Foss Hall doormats.

No longer do we have to pour innum­

erable glasses of water for our th irsty friends ; no longer subserviently fling open doors for long lines of slowly moving upper classmen .

This year

we have come to that blissful state where we are far superior to the Fresh­ men, and in our minds, at least, only a little lower than the angels. Seriously, though, now that the trying period of becoming acclimated is over, we feel that we are really Colby students in the true sense of the word.

We are rooting for Colby on the bleachers, working for her in the

classroom, and cheering for her far and wide.

If we grow to love her as

much more e ach succeeding year as we have this last one, Colby will have at least one true and loyal group of supporters in the class of '32.


�opqomorr Qll a .a.a 18011 Margaret Ella Adams R uth Lubelle A ndrews L ucile F rances Blanchard Amelia Marcia Bliss Abbie Maria B oynton R uth E leanor Brown Doris Margaret Campbell Thelma Blanche Chase L ucille M ae C unningham Helen Marcia Daye Louise May Dyer Phyllis Cleone Farwell M artha Lenora H amilton Phyllis E velyn Hamlin W i nifred Elizabeth Hammett J u stina Mae Harding Barbara H assen Kathlyn Clara H i lton E velyn Leona Johnson M artha Johnston Inza Pearle King Marion A rlene Lewis Bernadine Marguerite L ibby Verna Louise McGee D o r othy Louise McN ally Florence E lvira Marble Gwendolyn Grace Mardin Marion Lois M orrell Alice Louise M urray R uth Nadeau H ildred Pauline Nelson Mary Gertrude Palmer D orcas M athews Paul R uth E vangel Ramsdell Liane Rancourt Marion L o uise R ichardson Francis Isabelle Rideout

Clinton Wytopitlock Waterville Island Falls Henniker, N . H . Fairfield Bath Keyser, W . Va. Patten Waterville Camden Waterville Caribou Milo D an ielson, Conn. Washington, D . C. Fairfield Waterville Caribou Washington Benton Station Waterville Waterville A ub urn Clinton H armony Portland Fort Fairfield P otsdam, N . Y. H oulton Fairfield H inckley Michigan C ity, I n d . Charleston Waterville Rockland Robinson Ninety-one

Ele anor H ubbard Rogers Pauline Dorothea Russell Madeline Pearl Scott Barbara A. Sherman Helen Ava Simmons Dorothy Mae Smith Irene Mary Tardiff Estelle Perkins Taylor Tina Catherine Thomp on Sarah Irene Toabe Gladys Martindale True Marjorie Julia Van Horn E thel Alice Agnes Watt Florence M ildred Wein Jean Sigrid Wellington Phyllis Carolyn We ton Barbara Valentine Works


Haverhill, Mass. Gardiner Medford Center Yarmouth, Mass. Oakland Bath Waterville Harmony Waterville Lawrence, Mass. Skowhegan E ast Boothbay E aston Waterville Monticello Skowhegan Dixfield





Vice-President Secretary- T reasu rer


1J1re.aqmau (Ula.a.a ft;istnry The class of '33 i s growing up and has now attained the dignity of class u nity i nstead of bewildered individualism.

We have not, as yet, h ad great

opportunity to show of what stuff we are made, but on several occasions we have measured u p to the h ighest Colby standards.

We are distin­

guished i n various ways ; we have been tolct. that we are the worst pos­ sible class which could have afflicted t he college this year.

With true

freshman optimism, we i nsist that there are few classes which are not like­ wise accused ; and we com fort ourselves with the reflection that we h ave assuredly b een original in our m ischi ef and that our scholarship record is enviable.

We have strived, and now we are beginning to achieve.

class is simply called t h e freshman class.


We have already done e nough,

h owever, to make u s certain that in time we shall be the class of '33-a peer of all the notable classes of Colby.


Vesta Louisa Alden Florence Benton Allen Ruth Elizabeth Armstrong Ruth Helen Atchley Gladys Josephine Averill Marilla E lizabeth Barnes Florence E dn a Bilodeau Charlotte Leona Blomfield E velyn Augusta B rackley Ethel Demaris Bragg Rebecca Mary Chester Margaret Louise Choate Marion Lois Clark Geraldine Lucille Colbath Dorothea Carlisle Davis Lois Elizabeth Dean Marguerite Fall Margaret Lucinda Fernald Thelma France Flagg Alma Scott Fones Norma Lillian Fuller Pauline E lbana Goodwin E lizabeth E mery H aley E velyn Marguerite Hall R uth Figner Hallinger Barbara Caroline Hamlin Anna Gertrude Hannagan Dorothy Randell Harlow Katherine Phyllis Holmes E lla Emogene H uff B arbara E lizabeth Johnson Barbara Burrill Keene H azel May Lawrence R uth Annabelle Leighton Bertha E lizabeth Lewis Doris Emeline Lindsey Rowena Loane Ninety-four

Westfi eld, N. J. Portland Waterville Waterville Gardiner Fort Fairfield Andover, Mass. Springfield, Mass. Strong Fairfield Waterville Sedgwick Caribou Waterville Wakefield, Mass. Westboro, Mass. South Tamworth, N. H. Topsham Waldoboro Meriden, Conn. Waterville Phillips Guilford Dover-Foxcroft H addon Heights, N. J . Milo Madison Portland Calais West Farmington Waterville Clinton Auburndale, Mass. A uburndale, Mass. East Lynn, Mass. E ast Machias P resque Isle

C arola Maynard Loos Nellie Y vonne M iehe Isabelle Johnson Miller Alzilshia M avel Moffit D orris Moore Grace Clark M u lholland Anne Crichton N ivison R uth E. N utting P riscilla Farrington Perkins A my S . Phinney E ve lyn M iller Platt D orothy Abbott P owers Cordeli a Putnam Jane D orsa Rattenbury Gertrude P earl Raymond Marguerite de R ochemont M arj orie Louise R o ix Faith Rollins E leanor Mae Rowell E leanor May Rowell L illian Fannette Shapiro Helen P atricia S ilferberg Louise Cob u rn S mith Phyllis Myrtle Sterling A nna E lizabeth Swanton A urise Alice Tardiff Anna Loui se Tinkham A nita L . Viles Ruth M argaret Vose Marguerite Webber R ut h Louise Weston R uth Weston Phyllis E sther Wh itten Alettra M argaret Y ates

E ast O range, N . J. Waltham, Mass. South Ryegate, Vt. W inter Harbor Farmington Ipswich, Mass. Waterville S outh Paris Waterville Fairfield L awrence, Mass. South D anbury, N. H. H oulton New B ritain, Conn. Robinsons Rockland Waterville Waterville Skowhegan Waterville New Bedford, Mass. Haddon Heights, N . J . Skowhegan Wate rville Peabody, Mass. Waterville M iddleboro, Mass. Madison Caribou Fairfield Keene, N . H . Madison Augu sta H averhill, Mass.


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L'Ecluse, Donovan, Dexter, Green, Locke, R. Draper, Evans Packard, Lovett, Howard, Bryan, Speno, Butler, Knauff McCoy, Gordon, Davidson, M artin, H ayde, Cooper, Heddericg Ford, McConnel l, Cole, Record, D. A llison, H . K . Draper, Dyer, G. All ison, Cobleigh


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ilel ta il\appa fp.ailnn Founded a t Y a l e University, 1 844 Colors : A ,zu rc, Gules a nd Or.

R O LL O F CHAPTERS Y a l e Un iversity B owdoin C o l lege C o l b y C ol lege A m herst C ollege Vanderbilt University University of Alabama U niversity of M i ssissippi B rown U niversity Un iversity of North Carolina Unive rsity of V irginia M i a m i University K e n yon C ollege Dart m outh College Central U niversity of Kentucky Middlebury C ollege Un iversity of M ichigan Williams C o l lege Lafayette C ol lege H a milton C ol lege Colgate University C ollege of the City of New York University of R ochester R utgers College

1844 1844 1846 1846 1847 1 847 1850 1850 1852 1852 1852 1853 1853 1854 1855 1855 1 855 1856 1856 1856 1856 1 856 1 86 1

D - Pauw Un iversi ty

W sleyan University

Il. r: nssrlaer Polytechnic A delb ert Coll3ge Cornell Un iver�itv C h i : ago Universi ty yra :use University C o l umbia University Univen:ity of Cali fornia Trini ty C o lege Un iversity of M i n nesota Massachusetts Institute of T e c h . T u l a n e Un iversity T oronto Un iversity Un iversity of P e nnsylvania M c G ill University L:land S ta nford, Jr., U n iversity Un iversity of Illinois University of W isconsi n Un iversity of Washington University of T exas Un iversity of Louisiana University of M anitoba

1866 1867 1867 1 867 1 870 1870 1871 1874 1877 1879 1 889 1890 1 898 1898 1 899 1900 1901 1904 1906 1910 1912 1922 1926




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Crabtree, Butler, Smith, Packard, Libby Lane, Watson, Pratt, Vaughn, Dyer, Sawyer Brown, M acNamara, MacDonald, H ughes, Burns, Sleeper, Merrick Cloutier, MacNaughton, Arber, Turner, Cowing, MacDougal, H odkicwiz, Nelson

.: �; '� l. ,f �i ,. . .


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lrta Jai Founded at New Y ork University, 1 847 Colors : White a nd Blue

ROLL O F C H A P TE R S New Y ork U niversity Williams College Rutgers C o ll ege University of P e n n sylvania Colby College Brown U niversity T u fts C ol le ge Lafayette C ollege U niversity of N orth Carolina U niversity o f M ic higan B owdoin C ollege U niversity of Virginia C ornell U niversity U niversity of California Syracuse U niversity

1 847 1848 1 843 1850 1850 1852 1855 1857 1858 1858 1 8 68 1 8 68 1 8 69 1870 1875

University of Toronto C o l umbia University M c G ill University Case S c hool of A ppl ied Science Yale U niversity Leland Stanford University Un iversity of Minnesota University of I l l i n ois U niversity of Wisconsin Dartmouth C ol lege University of Washington University of M a n itoba So. Branch of Univ. of California University of British Columbia

1879 1879 1 883 1885 1 889 1891 1899 1909 1910 1920 1920 1921 1924 1926

? n e hundred o n e



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Slosek, Wibby, Good, Belanger, Dori ty, Wing, Rood, Cl ark, Pagan Either, W. Tufts, A shmore, Elsemore, Klusick, Andrews, Wi snoski, Thornton, Keay

Webster, Roberts, Mansfield, Pearson, Sadd, Curtis, Kendall, Herd, McCann Daniels, Sawyer, Brown, J . Waite, Foster, Thomas, H . Tufts


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ilrlta Upsilon Founded at Williams College, 1 834 Colors : Old Gold a ncl Azitre Blue ROLL O F C H A P T E RS Williams Union Hamilton A m h e rst W estern Reserve W e sleyan Colby R ochester Middlebury Bowdoin Rutgers C o lgate New York Miami B r own Cornell M arietta Syracuse Michigan Northwestern Harvard Wisconsin Lafayette C o l u m bia Lehigh T ufts DePauw Pennsylvania

1834 1 8 38 1 847 1 8 47 1847 1850 1 8 52 1 8 52 1852 1857 1858 1865 1865 1 8 68 1 8 68 1869 1870 1873 1 87 6 18 0 1881 1885 1885 1885 1885 1 886 1886 1888

M inne sota Techn ology Swarthm ore Stanford California McGill Nebraska 'l' oronto Chicago Ohio State Illinois Washinton Pennsylvania State I owa State Purdue I n diana Carn egi e K an sas O regon V irginia M issouri I owa Dartmouth O klahoma Johns H opkins Univ. of California, S o . Branch M a n itoba

1 8 90 1891 1 89'4 1896 1896 1 898 1 898 1899 1901 1 90 4 1905 1910 1911 1913 1914 1915 1917 1 9 20 1921 1922 1 9 24 1 9 25 1 9 26 1 9 26 1 9 28 1 9 28 19¡29

One hundred threB





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Fuller, Dignam, Terry, Steinhoff, McCaffery, Walker, Poulin Lawrence, Libby, Grant, Childs, Acerino, Wilson, Hill Pechey, Green, Perkins, Terry, Ferguson, Shaw, Stebbins, Delaware Weaver, Theberge, Lunt, Giles, Grady, Pape, Weed

,· ,·

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Jqi 1Brlta: IDqrta: Founded at Miami University, 1848 Colors : Pale Blue a nd White


Miami University I n diana University C entre C o ll ege Wabash C ol l ege U niversity of Wisconsin Northwestern U n iversity B utler C ollege Wesleyan University Franklin C o llege H a n o ver College University of Michigan University of Chicago DePauw University O hi o University University of Missouri Knox C ol lege Un iversity of G eorgia Emory C ollege I o wa Wesl eyan C ollege M ercer C ollege C ornell U niversity Lafayette C ollege University of C a lifornia University of V irginia Randolph-Ma con C ollege Unive r sity of N ebraska Penn sylvania College Washington and Jefferson C ollege Akron Un iversity Vanderbilt U niversity Lehigh U niversity University of Alabama Lorn bard C ollege A labama Polytechnic Institute A llegheny C ol lege University of Vermont Dickinson C ollege W estminster College University of Minnesota University of I owa U niversity of K a nsas Sewanee College Ohio State University

1 848 1849 1850 1850 1857 1857 1859 1860 1860 1861 1864 1865 1 8 68 1 868 1870 1871 1 87 1 1 87 1 1871 1872 1872 1872 1873 187.3 1874 1875 1875 1875 1875 1876 1876 1877 1878 1 87 9 1879 1879 1880 1 880 1881 1882 1882 1 883 1 883

U niversity of Texas U niversity of Pennsylvan ia Union College Colby C ollege C ol u m bia University Dart m o uth C ollege U niversity of North Carolina Williams C ollege Southwestern University Syracuse University Washington and Lee University Amherst College B rown University T ulane University W a shington University Leland Stanford University Purdue University University of Illinois Case School of A pplied Science University of Cincinnati Un iversity of Washington University of K entucky M c Gill U n i versity University of C ol orado Ge orgia School of Technology Pennsylvania State College University of Toronto University of S outh Dakota University of Idaho Washburn C ollege U niversity of O regon C olorado C ollege Iowa State C ollege Un iversity of North Dakota Whitman C ollege Denison Collegďż˝ University of Utah University of Oklahoma C olgate University O regon Agricultu ral College U niversity of Pittsburgh State C ollege of Washington Swarthmore College Kansas State C ollege C olorado State Colleg'.! University of M ontana University of Southern California Southern Methodist C oEege U n iversity of Arizona U niversity of Florida Univ. of Calif. ( So. Bran c h ) U niversity of West Virginia One

1883 1883 1883 1 884 1 884 1 884 1 88 5 1886 1886 1 88 7 1887 1 888 1 889 1 889 1891 1891 1 893 1893 1896 1898 1900 1901 1902 1902 1902 1 904 1906 1906 1906 1910 1912 1913 1913 1913 1914 1914 1914 1918 1918 1918 1918 1918 1918 1 9 20 1920 1920 1 9 22 1923 1 9 23 1924 1 92 4 1 92 6

hundred five




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Flaherty, Ackley, Holmes, Hersey, Foley, Austin, Skinner Rancourt, Conant, Clement, Rollins, Pollard, Williamson, Lyons Nickerson, Maddocks, Sawyer, Huff, Stratton, Johnston, Deetjen, Graffam, Yuknis Harding, Lee, Austin, Jackins, Johnson, Brown, Goddard, A . Palmer, N . Palmer


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i\Lpqa IDau ÂŽmega Founded at Virginia Military Instittue, 1865 Colors : S k y Blue ancl Old Gold ROLL OF CHAPTERS

V irgi n i a B eta V irginia D elta North Carolina X i T e n n essee P i T e n n e ssee O mega North C arolina Alpha D elta A labama Alpha Epsilon Penn slvania T a u G eorgia Alpha Theta Pe nnsylvan i a Alpha I ota M ichigan A l pha M u O h i o Alpha N u Pennsylvan ia Alpha P i New York Alpha O micron Pennsylvania Alpha Rho T ennessee Alpha T a u Pennsylva n i a A lpha U psilon Ohio Alpha Psi Florida Alpha O mega I owa Beta B eta A labama B eta Delta Louisiana B eta Epsilon Vermont B eta Z eta Ohio B eta Eta New York B eta T heta M ich igan Beta K appa M i c h igan B eta Lam bda G e orgia B eta I ota S o uth Carolina B eta X i M i c h igan B eta O micron Ten nessee B eta Pi Maine B eta Upsilon Ohio B eta O mega M a i n e Gamma Alpha M assachusetts Gamma B eta Indiana Gamma G a m m a T e n n e ssee Beta Tau Rhode Island Gama Delta Illinois Gamma Zeta Nebraska Gamma Theta Texas Gamma Eta C aliforni a Gamma I ota

1865 1 8 68 1872 1872 1877 18 78 1879 1881 1881 1881 1881 1882 1882 1882 1882 1882 1 882 1 883 1884 1 88 5 1885 1 887 1 887 1 887 1 888 1888 1888 1 888 1 889 1889 1 88 9 1889 1891 1892 1893 1894 1894 1 89 4 1894 1895 18 97 1 89 7

O h i o Gamma Kappa Colorado Gamma Lambda K ansas Gamma Mu M in nesota Gamma Nu Illinois Gamma X i Indiana Gamma O m i cron Washington Gamma Pi M i ssouri Gamma Rho M a ssachu setts Gamma Sigma W isconsin Gamma Tau I owa Gamma Upsilon K entucky M u Iota O regon Gamma Phi California B eta Psi Washington Gamma Chi Wyoming Gamma Psi Pennsylvania Gamma O mega Iowa Delta B eta O regon A lpha Sigma Indiana D elta A lpha New H am pshire Delta Delta Col ora d o D elta Eta Ohio B eta Rho M issouri Delta Zeta New York Delta Gamma Texas Delta E psilon K ansas Delta T heta O klahoma Delta K appa Nevada D elta I ota North Dakota Delta Nu O hi o Delta Lambda New York D elta Mu Pennsylvania Delta Pi I owa Delta O m icron I n diana Delta Rho M ontana Delta X i New Hampshire Delta Sigma Mary_and Psi California De lta Phi Idaho Delta Tau S outh Dakota Delta Upsilon Georgia A lpha Z eta M ississippi Delta Psi California Delta Chi B owdoin University of C olorado

1900 1901 1 90 1 1902 1903 1903 1904 1905 190G 1 907 1 9 08 1909 1910 1911 1911 1913 1 9 1.3 1915 1915 1915 1917 1917 1917 1918 1919 1919 1 9¡20 1921 1921 1922 1 9 22 1922 1923 1923 1923 1924 1 9 24 1 92 4 1926 1 9 26 192G 1 9 27 1 9 2.7 1 9 27 1 9 29 1929

O r r e h u rr ctred seven

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Curtis, MacConnie, Kellog, Brackett, Hardy, Farnham, Allen Workman, Baldwin, Caddoo, Williams, Skilli ns, Bonsall, Esty Maxim, Jenkins, Richards, Rogers, Ward, Snyder, Treworgy, Dunphy Christie, Wilson, Batson, Hines, Hatfield, Henry, Stebbins, Phi ppen

Founded at Boston University in 1 909 Colors : Purple, G r e e n and Gold

ROLL O F C H A P T E R S B oston University M assa c h u setts Agricultural C o llege University of P e n n sylvani a P e n n sylvani a S t a t e C o l lege B ro wn U n i ve rsity M assachusetts I n stitute of T e c h . University of Maine U n iversity of M i chigan R u tgers U niversity B ucknell U n iversity Worcester P ol ytechnic I n stitute C ornell U niversity University of California W ashington State C ol l ege R h ode I s l a n d State College Dartmouth C ol l e ge Lou isiana State University D e P a u w University University of I llinois A l a b a m a Polytechnic In stitute K n o x College U n iversity of G e orgia Union C ollege Perdu e U niversity B utler C o llege U niversity of South Dakota Harvard U niversity C olgate University N orthwestern University O regon A grciultural C ollege University of W i sconsin C u m berland U niversity University of A labama M issouri S c h o o l of M i n e s U niversity o f D enver I n d i a n a U niversity

1909 1912 1912 1912 1912 1 9 1 2' 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1914 1914 1914 1914 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1 9' 1 6 1916 1916 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917

University of Texas Iowa State College Oklahoma Agri. and Mech. College Franklin and Marshall C ollege Syracu se University New H a mpshire State C ollege University of Richm o n d O h i o University Wabash C o llege Western R e serve U niversity C olby C ollege University of Washington University of A kron University of Cincin nati Un iversity of Pittsburgh Washington and Jefferson C o llege D enison University U n iversity of Nebraska Southern M ethodist U niversity Washington and Lee U niversity V an de rbilt Un iversity C olorado Agricultural C ol lege Michigan Agricultural College Ham ilton C ollege North Carolina State C ol lege Trinity C ol lege Kansas Agricultural C o llege U niversity of O klahoma University of M issouri University of North Carolina Lehigh University William and Mary C ollege U niversity of Idaho Unive r sity of T oronto U niversity of North D a kota U niversity of Nevada

1917 1917 1917 1917 1918 1 9 18 1918 1918 1918 1 918 1918 1918 1919 1919 1919 1 9' 1 9 H/19 1921 1921 1922 1922 1922 1 9 22 1923 1923 1923 1923 1924 1926 1926 1 9 26


1927 1927 1 9 29 1929

O n e hundred nine




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Malsch, Finch, Chute, R. Curtis, W. J. Cu rtis, J r . , K arnes, Lagerson, Alexander, Rushton, Nasse Stinchfield, Jordon, Juggins, Foster, Poulin, Rhodes, Knox, Wescott, Roberts J. Raymond, Beals, Lord, Wakefield, Cummings, Allen, B . Raymond, Townes, Lemoine, Bennett Slocum, Stewart, Garabedian, Adams, H urlburt, Nelson, Stineford, Blakeslee, Mosher, Anderson



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il\appa irlta i'lqo Founded a t M iddlebury C ollege, 1 9 0 5 Colors : Yale B l ue a nd Princet o n Orange

ROLL OF C H A P T E R S M iddlebury C ollege


O h i o State U niversity


C or n ell University


University of California


New York State Teachers C ollege C olgate U nivresity


University of M i c higan



University of Indiana


Franklin C ollege


P e n n sylvania State Coll ege

1 9 20

C olby College B utler U niversity

1 928


Uni versity of Illinois


Gettysburg C ollege

1 9 28

Perdue U n iversity


Lafayette C ollege

1 928

One hundred eleven







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Bolster, Flewelling S tarbuck French, Leno, Given, Ricker, O 'Neil Curtis, Noyes, Robinson, Shaw, Davis, Cole Ryder, Calhoun, Condon, Kingsley, Walsh, Egert


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Wqrta i!\appa Nu Founded at Springfield, Missouri, 1 924 Colors : A rgent, S a b l e a nd Crimso n

ROLL OF C H A P T E R S Howard C ollege Birmingham-Southern C ollege U n iversity of Florida Han over C ollege Iowa Wesleyan College S i m pson C ollege B aker U niversity Millsaps C ollege Drury C ollege W e stminster C ollege North Carolina State C ollege Wake Forest C ollege O klahoma City U niversity Oglethorpe U niversity E ureka C ollege DePauw U niversity Rose Polyte c h n i c I n stitution Franklin C o llege Lou isiana State U niversity Centenary College

1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1 9 24 1 9 24 1 9 24 1924 1924 1 9 24 1 92 4 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925

Clark University U n iversity of Michigan University of M innesota Bro oklyn Polytechnic I nstitute Alfred U n iversity University of North Carolina M arietta C ollege Thiel C ol lege Washington and J e fferson C ollege A labama Polytechnic I n stitute University of Arkansas University of Illin ois C ulver-Stockton College B aldwin-Wallace C o l lege W offord C ollege Randolph-Macon College Hampden-Sidney College University of California G e orgetown C ollege C olby C ollege

1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1926 1926 1926 1926 1 926 1926 1926 1 92 6 1927 1927 1929

One hu ndred thirteen



R. .....,


MacDougall, Beckett, Bakeman, Brown, Whitcomb, Hathaway, Brigham, Putnam, Linscott Pineo, Works, Weston, Daye, Richardson, Rowell, Alden, Atchley, Mull igan Loane, Wellington, Ramsdell, Dearborn, Ventres, Rogers, M. Johnston, P . Perkins C. Putnam, Chester, Hammett, Swanton, B . Merrick, L. Smith, Macomber

�tgma il(appa Founded at Colby College, 187 4 Colors : M a ro o n a n d Lavender

ROLL O F C H A P T E R S C o l b y C ollege B osto n Un iversity Syra c u se University Ge orge Washington University Illinois Wesleyan University University of I llinois University of Denver University of California University of Washington M iddlebury C ollege University of K ansas Jackson College Leland Stanford University Randolph-Macon Woman's College S outhern M ethodist University University of Indiana O regon Agric u ltural C ollege Rhode Island State C ol lege Ohio State U n i versity University o f W isconsi n F l o r i d a State C ollege for W o m e n

1 8 74 1904 1905 1906 1 90 6 1 90 6 1908 1910 1910 1911 1913 1913 1915 1917 1917 1917 1918 1919 1919 1919 1920

University of B uffalo Washington State College Un iversity of T e nn essee Iowa State C ollege C ornell University Uni versity of Min nesota University of Louisvillďż˝ M ia m i University University of Nebraska A delphi College U niversity of M ichigan U niversity o f M o ntana Unive rsity of I owa U niversity of California O h i o Wesleya n U n i versity Vanderbilt University Westminster C ollege M i chigan Agricultural C o llege U n iversity of North Dakota University of O regon Ge orgetown C ollege

1920 1921 1 9 21 1 921 1921 1921 1922 1922 1 9 23 1923 1924 1 9 24 1 9 24 1 9 24 1925 1 9 26 1 9 26 1 9 27 1928 1928

One h undred fiftee.,

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A. Woodman, Rose, WiHiams, Donnelly, Parks, W'asgatt, Mac Donald, Libby, Grearso n, M ills, T. Chase Johnson, F. A llen, Monks, P. Hamlin, Nivison, Fuller, Paul, Bilodeau, D. Blanchard, Taylor, Keene, Brown Loos, Belcher, Murray, Fones, Conners, K . H i lton, Bean, Spencer, Haycock, Burrill, H olmes S immons, Weston, Rioux, L. Blanchard , Lewis, Pullen, M . Al len, B . Hamlin, Rowe, Nel son




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<11 q i ÂŽmega Founded at the University of A rkansas, 1 8 9 5 Colors : Carclinal ancl Straw

ROLL OF CHAPTERS University of Arkansas Transylvania Colleg Randolph-Macon Woman's College University of M ississippi Tulane Univ. N e wcomb College University of Tennessee University of I l l inois Northwestern U niversity University of W i sconsin University of California University of Kansas U niversity of Nebraska University of Texas West Virginia U niversity University of W ashington U niversity of Colorado Colby College Dickinson College F lorida State College Un iversity of Washingt01ďż˝ U niversity of O regon T u fts College Syracuse Unive rsity Ohio U n i versity M iami U niversity Un iversity of M issouri University of C i ncinnati Coe College Kentucky State U niversity University o f Utah New Hampshire College Lel and Stanford U niversity Kansas State Agricultural College Southern Methodist College Cornell University O regon Agricultural College O h io State U niversity U n iversity of Oklahom a University of Chattanooga Swarthmore College University o f Pennsylvania I owa State U niversity Perdue U n i versity

1895 1897 1899 1899 1900 1900 1900 1901 1 902 1 90 2 1 904 1 902 1904 1 905 1 905 1906 1 90 6 1 9 07 1 908 1 908 1909 1910 1911 1913 1913 1 9 13 1913 1914 1913 1914 1915 1915 1915 1916 1917 1917 1918 1918 1918 1919 1919 1919 1919

Pittsburgh U niversity Hollins College O klahoma Agri. and Mech. College Montana State College D rake U niversity U n iversity of M inesota W illiam and M ary College U niversity of Maine U niversity of Alabama University of Georgia Rhode Island State College S outh western Presbyterian Univ. H u nter College University of I ndiana Iowa State College University of A rizona U niversity of -orth Carolina University of M a ryland So. Br. of Univ. of California State College of W ashington A labama Polytechnic Instiute University o f North Dakota Marietta College Louisiana State Un.,iversity University of South Dakota Wittenberg College Og:lethorpe U n iversity H illsdale College U n iversity of New Mexico Westminster College O h io Wesleyan College M ichigan State College Pennsylvania State College Culver Stockton College U n i versity of V i rginia Centenary College Queen's College U niversity of South Carolina College of Charleston Denison U niversity Un iversity of Tulsa University of Louisville

1 92 0 1 92 0 1920 1921 1 92 1 1 92 1 1 92 1 1 92 1 1922 1922 1922 1 922 1 922 1 92 2 1923 1923 1 923 1923 1 923 1923 1 924 1 92 4 1 92 4 1 92 4 1 924 1 924 1925 1 92 5 1925 1 92 5 1925 1926 1 92 6 1 927 1 92 7 1 9 28 1 9 28 1 928 1 928 1929 1929 1 9 29

O n e h u n dred seventee>1


� �




Snowden, Christie, Campbell, Ginn, Hill, Sanders, Farwell Webber, Goodwin, Campbel l, H aley, Clark, McGee Davies, Dyer, Harding, Van Horn, Morrill Dignam, Cunningham, Rowell, Marden, Vose

1ll r lta mrlta 1ll r lta Founded at Boston University, 1 888 Colors : Silver, Gold and Blue

ROLL OF C H A P T E R S Boston U niversity S im pson College K nox College Adrian C ollege St. Lawrence University of C incinnati University of Vermont U n i versity of M i n nesota U niversity of Nebraska Baker University Northwestern University Syracuse U ni versit y O h io State U n i versity University of W isconsin Goucher College University of Cal ifornia B ucknell University Un iversity of I owa U ni versity of Pennsylvania Randolph-Mac on Woman's College Transylvania University Colby College DePauw University W ashington State University U niversity of Colorado U n i versity of Oklahoma U niversity of Oregon Adel phi College M ia m i U nivel'Sity S outhweste rn U n i versity Vanderbil t University U niversity of Texas I ow a State College Coe C ollege Frank l i n College W yoming University Nevada U n i versity Cornell U niversity Stetson U n i versity

1 888 1 889 1 889 1 890 1891 1892 1 893 1894 1 89 4 1 895 1896 1896 1 89 6 1 898 1903 1903 1904 1904 1905 1907 1 908 1 908 1909 1910 1910 1910 191 1 1911 1911 1911 1912 1912 1912 1912 1913 1913 1913 1 91 3 1913

A rkansas U n iversity D r u r y College Brenau College Hollins College Mt. U n ion College U n i versity of M ic higan U niversity of M i ssouri K ansas State College Florida State College Pittsburgh U niversity Southern Methodist College Middlebury College U niversity o f M aine Indiana U niversity O regon Agricultural College Washington State B utler College A labama U n i versity Colorado State College Leland Standford Jr. University University of I llinois University of Southern C alifornia Whitman College University of Kentucky University of Tennessee Ohio Wesleyan U n i ve f$ ity Southern Br. of Univ. of California University o f M ontan a Washington U niversity U n i versity of M ississippi M i l l ikin College Beloit College University of South Carolina College of William and M a ry U niversity of North Dakota University of Idaho William and M ary's College Denison University

1 913 1913 1914 1914 1914 1915 1915 1915 1916 1916 1916 1917 1917 1918 1918 1918 1918 1919 1919 1920 1920 1 92 1 1 92 3 1 923 1 92 3 1925 1926 1926 1 92 6 1926 1926 1927 1 928 1928 1929 1 92 9 1 92 9 1 92 9

O n e hundred '71indee'71






H. Chase, Glidden, B. Taylor, Bottomley, Snow, Farnum, Smith, Johnston, H. Paul, Russell Nadea u , Paine, Viles, M . Foster, B. Lewis, Barnes, Colbath, White, Choate, H allinger Nutting, R. Weston, Leighton, Riley, Silferberg, H annagan, Moffit, A verill, M iehe, Foye Walker, Whitten, Dunn, E. Mac Dougall, Ramsey, Scott, Blomfield, Bamford, Lawrence

A .


Alpqn 1ll r ltn Ji Founded at Wesleyan Female College, 1 8 5 1 Colors : Blue arnd White

ROLL OF C H A P T E R S 1907 Newcomb College Southwestern University 1 908 Lawrence College 1 90 8 1909 F lorida State College 1910 Brena u College Randolph-Macon Woman's College 1 9 1 0 1 911 D u ke U n i versity 1911 I owa State College 1911 University of Iowa 1912 University of Texas 1912 Boston U niversity 1912 University of Ill i nois 1912 U n i versity of K ansas 1913 Washington State College . 1913 H anover College 1914 Wittenberg College 1914 University of California 1 914 University of Lou isiana 1 914 University of O h io 1914 University of Colorado 1914 Un iversity of M issouri 1915 Colby Conege 1915 University of Nebraska 1915 Southern Methodist University 1915 K ansas State College

U niversity of Wash ington H oward College U niversity of Pittsburgh University of Tennessee University of Oregon University of W isconsin University of New Mexico Oklahoma A gr i . and Mech. College O hio State U n i versity George W ashington University Ohio Wesleyan University University of M i n nesota University of West V irginia University of S yTacuse Butler College Southern Br. of Univ. of Cal ifornia UniveTSity of Southern Cal ifornia O regon A gricultural College U niversity of Indiana U niversity o f Chattanooga U n i versity of Utah H u nter College U niversity of S o u t h Carlina University of M ic higan University of Toronto

1917 1919 1920 1 92 0 1 920 1920 1920 1921 1921 1 922 1 923 1 92 3 1 924 1 924 1925 1925 1925 1926 1926 1926 1 92 7 1927 1928 1 92 9 1 92 9

O n e h u n dred twenty-one


� � i;f




A. M. G. M.

Wheeler, P. Brill, B. M illiken , M. H iggins, H. Hobbs, M. Mooers, M. Hale, W. Berrie de Rochmont, E. Platt, E . Johnson, P . Russell, F. Marble, E . Huff, E . Bragg Sykes, G. Raymond, D . Moore, E. Hall, A . Phinney, D . McNally, B. H assen Hamilton, A . Bliss, L. Tinkham, A . Bates, D . Lindsay, M . Archer

Founded at Wesleyan College, 1 8 5 2 Colors : O l d Rose and White

ROLL OF CHAPTERS H ollins College Sophie Newcomb College U n iversity of Tennessee Southwestern U niversity Randolph- M acon Woman's College B renau College University of New Mexico Akron University University of Maine H a nover College Knox College W h itman College Ohio State U niversity University of Texas U n iversity of M issouri Adelphi College M il l saps College La wrence College Iowa Wesleyan College George Wash ington U n i versity U n iversity of Southern California Baker U niversity Southern Methodist University U niversity o f California Un iversity of Washington Col by College New H a m p s h i re S tate College University of W isconsin

1904 1906 1908 1908 1910 1910 1 9 11 1912 1912 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1 91 3 1914 1 914 1914 1915 1915 1915 1916 1916 1917 1918 1919 1919

D ickinson College Swarthmore College University of I nd iana Syracuse University University of Pittsburgh University of Georgia U niversity of Nebraska University of I l l i nois Drake U niversity B ucknell College University of A Tkansas University of Oklahoma Washington University O h io Wesleyan University H oward College U niversity of M :n nesota M iddlebury College U n iversity of I owa University of M ississipi U niversity of Oregon Ohio State U ni versity College of William and Mary U niversity of California U niversity of West V irginia Perdue U niversity Rolli n s College Queens College Pennsylvani a State

1919 1919 1919 1920 1920 1 92 1 1921 1921 1 922 1922 1 92 2 1923 1923 1 9 24 1 924 1924 1925 1925 1925 1 92 6 1 92 6 1 92 7 1927 1 92 7 1929 1929 1929 1 92 9

One h u ndred twent11-three

!. �




True, Dean, Boynton, Clark, Gay

Fernald, Traynor, Heath, Powers, W a t t , Sterling, P . King

Cram, Bel l , E. K ing, Woodworth, Pond , Locke, Trusse l l

Alpqa �igma IDelta Founded at University of California Colors : G o l d a n d White

ROLL O F C H A P T E R S U n iv. o f California at Berkeley


Univ. of California at Los A ngeles 1 9 2 5

Colby College


U n i versity of Utah


One hu11,dred twenty-five

- l;nunrury _@,nrtdirs

Jqt �da il(appa �ortdy Qlnlhy ar�apter ( Beta of Maine ) Founded at William and Mary College in 1776 Colo rs : Green a ncl White

O FFICERS FOR 1929-1930 President

Webster Chester Vice-P 1 ·esident

Mrs. Annie H. Wheeler Sec retary-Treasurer

Carl J . Weber Executive Co m rn ittee

Winthrop H . �tan,ley Walter N . B reckenridge Miss Janet Chase

MEMBERS FROM 1929 MEN Lowell P. Leland Chester E. Merrow Gilman Stanley Hooper WOMEN Lucy E. Chapin Irene G. Hersey Grace A. Stone Mary E. Vose Frances Weiss

Virginia Dudley E lsie H. Lewis L. B ernice Collins Rosalie D. Mosher D orothy L. M orton

Qnc h u 1tdred

il(appa J�i il(appa National Honorary Educational Society Founded at Dartmouth, 1 922

Delta of Colby Established i n 1 923


President . Vice-President Treasurer Seoretary . Faculty Sponsor


MEMBERS William Downey Ralph Hurlburt E dga r McKay

W a l l ace Meyer Theodore Nelson William Rogers

CHAPTER ROLL Dartmouth College Lafayette College University of M aine Colby College Gettysburg College Wittenberg College J ames Milliken University Emery and Henry College Birmingham-Southern College University of Pennsylvania University of Rochester Muhlenberg College Pennsylvania State College Centre College Boston University One hu ndred twenty-eight

Middlebury College Syracuse University Miami University Wash ington and Lee University Colgate University College of William and Mary D rake University W ake Forest College University of Pittsburgh Haml ine University New York State College for Teachers Temple University University of Vermont E mory University University of Florida

Ji �amma Stu National S o c i a l Science H o n o r Society Alpha of Maine, 1 9 2 6 .

Founded at Southwestern, 1 924. OFFICERS President . Vice-President Secretary - Treasurer


The Colby Chapter of Pi Gamma Mu was chartered as Alpha of Maine, in 1926. This National Social Science Honor Society was organized to encourage high standards of scholarship in the social sciences. The term "social science" is taken to include sociology, economics, political science, and history. E lection to membershi p i s made on the scholastic record of students who have completed fou r years of study in the social sciences. MEMBERS George A . A ndrews, Jr. E lizabeth Richardson Beckett E dgar B urnham McKay H elen Woodford B r igham Margaret Pauline H a le Lawrence Deane Cole Helen Joyce Hobbs Ralph Milton S nyder Harold Lloyd Grant Jean Marie MacDonald Thelma Martha Snow O n e h u ndred twent y-nine

ieltu �igmu Qlqt Founded at Colby College in 1923 OFFICERS FOR 1929-30 MURIEL FARNUM HELEN HOBBS EVELYN ROLLINS PAULINE MORIN

Presiden t Vice-President Secretary Treasurer

MEMBERS Louise Armstrong Dorothy B alentine Evelyn Bell Verna Green E·velyn Grindall

Carol Hill Eleanor King E thel Rose Frances Thayer Ruth Young Margaret Hale

One hundred thirty


'1 ,


t '


• . ·.�

�·� �








, L.ii'!lllJ -I



�·� "'




. .,�


ar�t i.Epsilnu tlu LEWIS H. KLEINHOLZ






MEMBERS E arle A . McNaughton Forest M. B atson Samuel S. M orrison H azen A. Calhoun O vid F . Pomerlea u Alanson R. C urtis Thomas A . Record Clarence A. Dyer Vaughn A . Shaw H alstead H. Jenkins L. Dean Webber Lewis H . Kleinholz Malcolm S. Weed

One hundred thirty-cme

Jqi �igma 3Jnta Honorary Romance Language Society Founded December 2, 1929

Omicron Chapter, Colby College OFFICERS

President Vice-President Secretary Tre1a.sure1·


Phi Sigma Iota, an Honorary Romance Language Society, was founded at Allegheny College, Meadville, Pa., in 1 927. The purpose of this organ­ ization, to which only honor students of the Junior and Senior Classes are admitted, is to give its members a better cultural understanding of the three Rom�mce countries, France, Italy, and Spain. MEMBERS Florence Josephine Connors Dorothy Carolyn Balentine Ada Minnie Cram Mina Allan H iggins Marian R uth White Marj orie Marilyn McLaughlin E velyn Frances Rollins Pauline Morin Thelma Bamford Frances E lizabeth Thayer Philip Either Florence Reed Ventres One hundred thirty-two

1.Epirureaus C LA SS OF N INETEEN H UNDRED A ND TWENTY-N I N E C a r l Taggett Clough

E dward Randolph Newhall

Martin John Tierney

John E dward Walker

Charles Williams Jordan

Rupert M alcolm Irvine


George A . Andrews, J r .

Ralph Anthony Pape

Thomas Alexander Record

B ertram LeForest Harding

Stephen Curtis B lakeslee

Earle Tilson McNaughton

One h undred th irty-three

mruihll CLASS OF N INETEEN HUNDRED AND THIRTY Franklin Miner Cobleigh James Richard McConnell William Thornton Cowing Allen Turner Harry Osgood Ashmore Harland Llewellyn Keay Charles Metcalf Giles Ralph Benj amin Hurlburt

Ernest Joseph Theberge Ralph Leonard Goddard Kenneth Gordon Austin Lindon Edwin Christie Morgan Wilson George Linwood Walsh Chester Francis Condon Theodore Nelson

CLASS OF N INETEEN HUNDRED AND THIRTY-ONE John Stokes Davidson Mark Stiles Kingsley Willard E benezer Alexander Edson Hathaway Cooper Robert Allen, Jr. Howard Leroy Ferguson Gordon Keith F uller Joseph E dward Yuknis Hugh Kerns Tufts Melvin Thomas Treworgy Arthur Bernard Estey Clifton Rolfe B rown Dana Maxwell Simmons Merle Clark Ryder Roderick Fred MacDougall One h1mdred thirtv-four

i.l\ appa J\lpqa Founded at Colby in 1898

Senior Society for Women MEMBERS Jean Macdonald

Virginia Christie

Mary W asgatt

Carol H ill

E leanor H athaway

Mildred Pond

Isa P utnam

E dith Wodward

Pauline B rill

E lizabeth Bottomley

Barbara Milliken

Thelma S now

Mina H i ggins

R uth Young

One hundred thirty.five

Sophomore Society for Women

Founded at Colby in 1900

SORORES IN URBE Edith Chester Bertha Choate Alice Clarkin Katherine Dundas Grace Grant Marion Hayden

Katherine Hatch Mabel Libby Florence Preble Lois Sm ith Marion Springfield

Annie Sweet Bertha Terry Margaret Totman Clara Weber Gladys Welch Mildred Wing

SORORES E M ERITAS F, dvia Campbell Helen Chase Louise Grearson

Helen Paul Margaret Mooers Helen Brigham Barbara Libby

Louise Thomas Margaret Hale Pauline Bakeman

SORORES IN COLLEGIO Wi nifred Hammett M artha Johnston Barbara Works Hildred Nelson Madeline Scott

One h unclred thirty-six

Doris Campbell .Justina Harding Marj orie Van H orn l\ďż˝ arilla Barnes Viola Rowe Martha H amilton

Barbara Hassen Dorothy McN ally Abbie Boynt �n Phyllis Hamlin Ella Gray

Ololby J\tqletir i\s.aoriatiou President


Secreta ry


T reasurer


Senior Counc ilman




Faculty Representatives

A lumni R epresentatives A thletic Director

\ (


S (



COUNCIL M E M B E R S Football Manager .


Baseba.ll Manager .


T rack Manager llockey Manager Tennis Manager


One h u n d red thirt11·seven

<!rnlby <!raptaiu.a Football








Tennis Hockey

Orie hundrnl thirty-eioht


Barnity Qllub President


Vice-President Secre t a ry - Treas u rer

E dward C . Roundy

MEMBERS COACHES C . H arry Edwards

E llsworth W . M illet

Football Andrew C. K l u sick, '30 John F . Pollard, '3 1 Henry F. Deetj en, '3 1 M arvin S. Glazier, '31 A n d rew J . K a rkos, '3 1 W a l te r B. Lovett, '3 1 William M. Crabtre e , '32

John Henry Lee, '30 Allan T u rner, '30 Wallace A. Donova n , '31 E dward F. H ayde, '3 1 Lucius V. Lobdell, '3 1 Joseph E . Y uknis, '3 1 A rthur K. H oward, '32 H arland L. Keay, '30

Baseball Charles W. Heddericg, ' 3 1 Henry F. Deetj en, '3 1 Walter B. L<lvett, ' 3 1 Wendall H. Thornton, '30

Robert P . B rown, '30 A nd rew C . K l u s ick, '30 H oward L. Ferguson, '31 Wayne E . Roberts, '3 1

Tra ck Charles M. Giles, '30 William C. M artin, '3 1 Robert B. Lunt, '30 Lawrence E. Robinson, '32

Melvin T. Treworgy, '3 1 Robert L. H arlowe, '30 John F. Pollard, '31 E rnest E . Theberge, '30

Hockey Roland S . Delaware, '30 Walter B . Lovett. 'R l Wend all A. T u fts, '30 W i lliam M . W i l son, '33 Lucius H . Stebbins, '30

J ohn F. Pollard, ' 3 1 Thomas J . Kenny, ' 3 1 Arthur K . H oward, �32 Herbert K. Draper, Jr., '30 Clarence A. D yer, '30

Tennis Robert Allen, J r . , '31

Roland S . Delaware, '30 Orie hundTed thfrty-riirie








Second Row-Lobdell, Ferguson, Glazier, Donovan, Captain-elect ; Dexter, Yuknis, A l len, Roundy, coach. Ffrst Row-Keay, manager ; Karkos, Turner, E . Draper, Giles, Lee, captain ; Klusick, Lovett, Pollard, Hayde, Cooper, assistant manager.

Third Row-Mil let, coach ; Leno, Waite, Crabtree, Thibideau, Howard , Johnston, R. Draper, Roberts, Knox.

111o otba11 1!\ebiew The Colby football team, under the able tutelage of Coach E ddie Roundy, once more came through i n 1 929, and with a list of victories over strong teams to its credit, Colby scored a total of 9 0 points to her oppo­ nents' 66. A fter a pre-season period of training in the fundamentals of the game, the Colby football season got under way with a wealth of veteran material and plenty of untried candidates. The fi rst game, played on Sept. 28, with the University of New Hampshire, due to the weakness of the backfield in tackling and in b re aking up the aerial attack of the v isitors, ended w ith Colby on the low end of a 20-7 score, although a promising spirit of aggres­ siveness was shown by Coach Roundy's charges. The following week, Colby was handed another drubbing, this time by the T ufts J umbo. With D onovan easily the outstanding player of the til t, Colby showed a brand of football in the second half that p.ugured well for the future, and had it not been for a slow start the White M ule doubtless would have retired from the field a. conqueror of the pachyderm from Medford. O n O ctober 2, through the rapidly developing teamwork of the Colby eleven, the White Mule was enabled to tack a 20-6 defeat on the Norwich team at Norwich, and showed far better offensive and defensive work than had been shown p reviously. The following week, the Newport Sailors met w ith shipwreck before the attack of Colby's fighting M ules, and returned to their home port vic­ tims of a 1 9-7 defeat. The features of this game were the l ong runs m ade by Donovan and Johnstone. The offense functioned very efficiently. The crucial State S eries contest opened on October 26, when Colby met the B owdoin Polar Bears at B runswick. A game replete w ith thrills and sensational plays, Donovan's brilliant 86-yard run for a touchdown d uring the second period ended Colby's scoring and set the d opesters to chewing their pencils in a thorou gh manner. Bowdoin's only touchdown was made in the final half of the game. The final score was 1 9-6, Col by's three touchdowns having been made during the first half. The White Mule capered onto Seaverns field N ovember 2, predicted to emerge from the fray as victors over its old rival, the University of Maine's team. The field was heavy with mud and the day disagreeable. Despite the crippling of D onovan, a marked man, and the inj u ry of Pollard, Colby's big center, the Bears were unable to w ithstand the fight which the flying heels of the formidable Mule carried to them, and went down to defeat, Colby winning, 13-7. O n Armistice Day, Colby met with defeat before the onslaught of the ferocious and clawing B ates Bobcat. H u ge chunks of Mule hide were left in the wake of the desperate B obcat, which received vicious kicks i n the midriff from the heels of the gamely fighting Mule. B ates, s uperb in its attempt to gain its first c rown in 23 years, hammered and fought its way to a 7-6 victory over the equally well functioning Colby m achine, which scored 7 first downs to B ates' 6. All i n all, the football team of 1 929 was a team that ranks with the best i n Colby's history. Four, and i n the case of at least one publication ' five men were elected to the mythical All-State team. One hundred forty-O'IW

iAaarhall Captain








April April May May May May May May May May May May May May May J une June

1 9-University of Maine at Waterville 27-Bowdoin at Brunswick . 1-Brown at Providence . . 2-Rhode Island State College at Kingston . 3-Connecticut Agricultural College at Storrs 4-Newport Training Station at Newport 8-Bowdoin at Waterville . . 1 1-University of Maine at O rono . 13-Bates at Lewiston . . 1 5-Bowdoin at Brunswick . 1 7-Bates at Waterville . . 20-University of Maine at Orono . 22-Bowdoin at Waterville . 23-N ortheastern at Waterville . 25-University of Maine at Waterville 1-Bates at Lewiston . 4-Bates at Waterville .

One h u ndred forty-two




0 9 13 4 5 5 2 1 4 5 5 10 4 4

6 6 12 6 2 6 0 5 5 0 4 4 6 2


lla.arbnll �ummary At the beginning of the season, Coach Roundy was faced with the problem of organizing a n outfield. Roberts, H ines, Lee, Lovett, Thornton, Grady and Fletcher constituted the material to be selected from .

Of these

men, Lov·ett, Roberts and Thornton won their letters. Roundy pos essed a veteran i nfield : N iz iolek at fi rst, Tierney at sec­ ond, D eetj i n and Davis at third and Klusick as shortstop.

O f course, Hed­

dericg took charge of the b ackstop, but with the able s upport of M cKeen, Karkos and Jekanoski. With all this wealth of material, only three p itchers were available, B rown, Ferguson and Mansfield.

B rown was the o utstanding man, with

Ferguson a close second. The team started the season well, with a victory over Maine.


on its southern trip and beat Connecticut Aggies and Newport Training Station, but lost to Rhode Island.

R etu rning from this trip, the team l ost

to B owdoin, beat Maine and then lost to B ates.

H owever, in the next

encounter with Bowdoin we came over the victor, b ut B ates whipped u s again. T h e n Maine c a m e along and beat us, but we w o n o v e r Bowdoin and Northeastern that week and beat Maine badly at the next m eeting. Then we played B ates for the championshi p and lost.

O n e hundred forty-three

ielay Captain






The 1930 Relay season was very successful. Although the team took part in only two races, it placed in both. Throughout the season, the team was handicapped by poor training conditions. The board track was torn up to make way for the new indoor field, and while the latter was being built the team had to train in the old gymnasium, which has none of the necessary facilities. On several occasions the team availed itself of the invitation of Bowdoin to use their indoor track, but it could not be used often enough to permit intensive training. Considering the adverse con­ ditions, Coach Ryan performed wonders with the team, and the team deserves m uch credit for the splendid record made against such odds. The members of the 1 930 team were Captain H urlburt, H odkiewicz, Kellog, E gert and Fletcher.

One hundred forty-four

wrack Captain


Mana g e r




COLBY RECORDS 1 00-Y ard Dash 220-Yard Dash 440-Yard Dash H alf-Mile . M i le . . Two-Mile . 1 20-Yard H igh H urdles 220- Yard Low H urdles Putting S hot Throwing Discus . R u nn i ng H igh J u m p . Running Broad J u m p Pole Vault . Throwing H ammer J aveli n T h r ow

M ittelsdorf, '27 Mittelsdorf, '27 Meanix, ' 1 6 Brown, '26 S ansone, '28 S ansone, '28 B rudno, '27 Weise, '24 Taylor, '25 Stanwood, ' 1 6 Christensen, '32 Seekins, '29 Robinson, '32 Herrick, '12 Kemp, '23 J ordan, '29 Wentworth, '25 S p r ague, '29

9 4-5 sec. 21 4-5 sec. 5 1 sec. 1 min. 57 3-5 sec. 4 min. 23 sec. 9 min. 45 2-5 sec. 15 4-5 sec. 24 3-5 sec. 39 ft. 6 in. 1 2 9 ft. 1 0 in. 6 ft. 11,4, in. 2 2 ft. 1 1,4, in. 11 ft. 143 ft. 4 in. 1 5 8 ft. 5 i n .

O n e hundred forty-five

1llu al Wrark Boston College




Colby lost a closely contested dual Track and Field meet to Boston College on Seave rns Field. The meâ‚Źt, contested under unfavorable weather conditions, was in doubt until the last couple of events, when the visitors forged ahead. Captain George Wilczewski of Boston College was the individual star of the meet, taking first places in the high hurdles, shot put, discus and j avelin throw, and a third in the pole vault, for a total of 21 points.

THE SUM MARY 100-Yard Dash : Finn, B . C., 1st ; McCabe, B. C., 2nd ; Giles, C., 3rd. Time, 9 4-5 sec. 220-Yard Dash : Finn, B. C., 1 st : McCabe, B. C., 2nd ; Giles, C., 3rd. Time, 22 2-5 sec. 440-Yard Dash : M ulcahey, B . C., 1 st ; S ullivan, B. C., 2nd ; H u rlburt, C., 3rd. Time, 5 1 3-5 sec. 880-Yard Run : R i vkin, C., 1 st ; O 'Brien, B . C., 2nd ; Potter, C., 3rd. Time, 2 m i n . 2 3-5 sec. One M ile : Meagher, B. C., 1st ; Orpen, B. C., 2nd ; Barrett, B . C., 3rd. Time, 4 min. 48 3-5 sec. Two M ile : Harkins, B. C., 1 st ; Trumm, B . C., 2nd ; Orpen, B . C., 3rd. Time, 10 m i n . 4 1 1 -5 sec. 1 2 0-Yard H igh Hurdles : Wilczewski, B . C., 1 st ; Steinhoff, C., 2nd ; R<lbinson, C . , 3 r d . T i m e , 1 6 2-5 sec. 220-Yard Low H urdles : Sullivan, B. C., 1st ; Steinhoff, C., 2nd ; Ryder, C., 3rd. Time, 2 6 2-5 sec . J a velin Throw : Wilczewski, B. C., 1 st ; 1 4 9 ft. 9 in. Twadelle, C., 2nd, 149 ft. 8 in. Williamson, C., 3rd, 149 ft. 1 i n . Hammer Throw : Lunt, C., 132 f t . 4 in. Dexter, C . , 130 f t . McCarthy, B . C . , 1 2 6 ft. 9 in. Discus Throw : Wilczewski, B . C., 1 st, 125 f t . 1 0 1h in. Christensen, C . , 2 n d . , 125 ft. 7 in. Pollard, C., 3rd, 1 1 7 ft. 2 in. S h ot Put : W ilczewski, B . C., 4 1 ft. 3 in. Pollard, C., 2nd, 38 ft. 4%, in. Dexter, C., 3rd ., 37 ft. 7 in. Pole Vault : Jordan, C., McDonald, B. C., tie, 1 0 ft. Wilczewski, B . C., 3rd, 9 ft. 3 in. Running Broad Jump : R<lbinson, C., 1 st, 22 ft. , l 1;4 i n . W alker, C., 2nd ; 2 1 ft. 8 in. Brosnan, B . ¡C., 3rd, 20 ft. 8 i n . R u n n i n g H igh Jump : Seekins, C., Robinson, C., Walker, C., tie ; 5 f t . 3 i n .

O n e hundred forty-siz

mual wrark fimrrt N ortheastern




Northeastern University defeated Colby i n a track meet which was exciting throughout and which was decided only by the j a velin throw, the final event. Christensen broke the Colby record in the discus throw with a heave of 129 feet 1 0 inches. Jordan tied the pole vault record of 11 feet. Sprague broke the j avelin throw record with a heave of 1 58 feet 5 inches.

SUM M ARY 1 00-Yard Dash : Giles, C . , 1 st ; Brown, C., 2nd : Sobey, N. E ., 3rd. Time, 1 0 sec. 200-Yard Dash : Brown, C., 1 st ; Giles, C . , 2 nd ; S prague, C . , 3rd . Time, 2 2 1-5 sec. 440-Yard Dash : Shea, N. E., 1 st ; H a nson, N. E., 2nd ; B urk, N. E., 3rd. Time 5 1 1-5 sec. 880-Yard Run : Rivkin , C., 1 st : Potter, C . , 2nd ; M aineau, N. E., 3rd. Time, 2 min. 1-5 sec. ¡O ne-Mile R u n : Jellison, N . E ., 1 st ; W . E. Thompson, N. E ., 2nd ; Caddoo, C., 3rd. Time 4 m i n . 4 1 4-5 sec. Two- M ile Run : S herida n, N . E., 1 st ; Jellison, N . E., 2nd ; B atson, C., 3rd. Hime, 1 0 m i n. 30 sec. 1 20-Ya rd H igh H urdles : Powers, N. E., 1 st ; Steinhoff, C., 2 nd ; Seekins, C., 3rd. Time, 16 sec. 220-Yard Low H u rdles : Steinhoff, C., 1 st ; Powers, N . E., 2nd ; Ryder, C., 3 rd. Time, 2 5 3-5 sec. S hot P ut : Pollard, C., 1 st, 40 ft. 3 in. ; Rymph, N. E., 2nd, 3 8 ft. 10 %, in. ; Dexter, C., 3 rd , 3 7 ft. 9 14 i n . Running H igh J u m p : Morang, N . E ., 1 st, G ft. ; t i e between Seekins, C . , and M orley, N. E., 5 ft. 1 0 in. Running B road J u m p : Falt, N . E ., 1 st, 21 ft. 2 in. ; S haw, C . , 2nd, 2 0 ft. 1 1 1/z in. ; J ordan , C . , 3rd, 1 9 ft. 1 1 14 i n . H ammer Throw : I n g r a h a m , N . E ., 1st, 135 f t . G in. ; L u n t , C . , 2nd, 1 3 3 f t . 6 i n . ; Dexter, C . , 3rd, 1 1 8 ft. 1 in. D iscus Throw : C hristensen, C . , 1 st, 1 2 9 ft. 1 0 in. ; Pollard, C . , 2nd, 118 ft. 7 1/z i n . : Forsberg, N. E . , 3rd, 1 1 7 ft. 1 in. Pole Vault : Tie between M artin, N . E . and T u n dell, N . E., 1 1 ft. 3 i n . ; Jordan, C . , 3rd, 1 1 ft. J a velin Throw : Forsberg, N . E., 1 st, 1 69 ft. 6 in. ; Tundell, N. E ., 2nd, 1 67 ft. 1 in. ; S p rague, C . , 3 rd , 1 58 ft. 5 in.

O n e hundred forty-seven

W�r Wqidy-tqir1t Annual !Wlainr ]ntrr­ rollrgiatr wrark anlt 1J1irl{l iay WATERVILLE, MAY 18, 1 929 Maine Bates

8 1 1 -3 points points 27

Bowdoin Colby

17 1 -3 points 9 1 -3 points

Colby finished fourth as records were equalled and smashed by Maine and Bates. O ' Connor of Maine broke the broad j ump record with a leap of 23 ft. % in. Chapman of Bates bettered the time for the record in the half-mile run, covering the distance in 1 min. 56 sec. Niles and Stymiest of Maine equalled two of the meet's dash records. SUM MARY Track Events One-Mile Run : Lindsay ( Maine ) , 1 st ; MacNaughton ( M aine ) , 2nd ; Viles ( Bates ) , Time, 4 min. 25 1-5 sec. 1 00-Yard Dash : Knox ( Bates ) , 1 st ; Stymiest ( Ma i ne ) , 2nd ; White ( Maine ) , 3rd. Time, 1 0 sec. 1 2 0-Yard Dash : Jones ( Ma i ne ) , 1st ; Parks ( Maine ) , 2nd ; Scott ( BDwdoin ) 3rd. Time, 1 6 1-5 sec. 880-Yard Run : Chapman ( Bates ) , 1 st ; Chesley ( Butes ) , 2nd ; Rivkin ( Colby ) , 3rd. Time, 1 min. 56 sec . 220-Yard Dash : Stymiest ( Maine ) , 1st : Brown ( Colby ) , 2nd ; Berenson ( Maine ) , 3rd. T ime, 21 4-5 sec. Two-Mile Run : R ichardson ( Maine ) , 1 st ; Brooks ( M aine ) , 2nd ; Whitwn ( Bates ) , 3rd. Time, 9 min. 46 1-5 sec. 220-Yard Low H urdles : Jones ( Maine ) , 1st ; Scott ( Bowdoi n ) , 2 nd ; Hammond ( Ma i ne ) , 3rd. Time, 25 sec. 3rd.

440-Yard R u n .

Field Events Shot P ut : BrDwn ( Bowdoin ) , 1 st ; Webber ( Maine ) , 2nd ; B utler ( Bowdoin ) , 3rd. D istance, 42 ft. 2 % in. H a mmer Throw : Black ( Maine ) , 1st ; Lunt ( Colby ) , 2 nd ; Wilson ( Bates ) , 3rd. Distance, 1 60 ft. 8% in. J a velin Throw : Lambert ( M aine ) , 1 st ; Black ( Maine ) , 2 nd ; M urphy ( Bowdoin ) , 3rd. D istance, 1 75 ft. 4 %, i n . Discus Throw : Webber ( M ai ne ) , 1 st ; H o u l e ( B ates, 2 n d ; Christensen ( Colby ) , 3rd. Distan ce, 1 4 2 ft. %, i n . Pole Vault : Dill ( B ates ) , 1st : tie between Giroux ( Bate s ) : A ppleton ( Bowdoin ) ; Becklen ( Maine ) . Height, 1 1 ft. 6 i n . . H igh J um p : O'Connor ( Maine ) ; tie between Seekins ( Colby ) ; Stanwood ( Bow­ doi n ) . H eight, 5 ft. 8 i n . B road Jump : O 'Connor ( Maine ) , 1 st ; Soule ( Bowdoin ) , 2nd ; K n o x ( Bates ) , 3rd. Height, 23 ft. % in.

One hundred foTty-eight

IDrnni.a Captain-Manager, R OBERT ALL EN , JR., '31 T E N N I S S EASON , 1929

Colby opened its schedule with a match with B ates at Waterville which we won 5-1.

On Monday, May 13, the team met Bowdoin and B ates

in the Maine Intercollegiate Tournament which was held this year at Colby. The team competed i n the New E ngland Intercollegiate Tournament being eliminated by Dartmouth and B ates.

Also the team lost a m atch

with T ufts 5-1 .

One h u n dred forty.nine

]t{nrkry Wram Captain .


Ma nager




Limited in the number of its squad, handicapped by not having a rink of its own, the varsity hockey team, nevertheless, had one of the most suc­ cessful seasons in the history of this sport at Colby. The State Series was unusually interesting to watch as the teams as a whole were very evenly matched with many of the games requiring overtime periods for a decision. The Colby team dropped but two games during the entire season. Bill Millett coached the team and although handling the team single-handed for the first time, his work was splendid and reflects itself in the team's record for the year. Walter B. ( Red ) Lovett was captain and played left wing. Lucien Stebbins was manager and like Coach Mil­ lett deserves great praise for the clever handling of the team and schedul­ ing of games. Centre ice was held down by Roland Dela ware flanked by Tom Kenney on the r ight wing. Bill Draper and Art. Howard were the defense men, Wendall Tufts capably alternating at e ither of these posi­ tions. Clarence A . ( Snub ) Dyer was the net guardian. Malcolm Wilson, '33, substituted at centre ice and defense. The above nine men were those who won letters. Hilton, MacDonald, Pomerleau, and Pooler show evi­ dence of making a berth on the team in future years. The entire squad save Draper, Tufts and Dyer will be back next year, eager to carry on where this season ended. One h u n rfred fifty

111 r r.aqman 111 o utball Captain .


Manag e r





One h1111dred fifty-one

1J1 re.aqman 1Baseball Captain .





One hundred fifty-two


Wqr Nrw lJnilnnr 1'1irlil At the time of writing, the new indoor field house is, at last, approach­ ing nearness of com pletion . The outline of a spacious and beautiful build­ ing has been moulded of steel, brick and cement against the discouraging odds of severe winter weather. The building was begun during the past summer and gave every in­ dication at that time of being erected in time for indoor training for spring sports. But early in the work of laying foundations obstructions were encountered. The first serious one was the finding of a bed of quicksand at the northwest end of the site which necessitated continuous and ardu­ ous draining and pumping before the foundation could be laid. This oper­ ation consumed so many days that the winter was upon the workers be­ fore the y were ready. B ut at last they were able to lay the foundations and begin the walls. Slowly, because of the weather, the walls grew in height, and when mid-winter came were complete. Then came the difficult task of fitting the steel girders which were to hold up the roof. Except for this prob­ lem the construction encountered no adverse conditions. These girders are now all in place and work has been begun on the roofing. This con­ sists of slate with glass skylights at the top to permit the entrance of the light necessary for the inside work. The outlook now is that the building will be complete by the begin­ ning of the summer. The finishing touches are all that is left to be done, and these, while consuming time, are com paratively easy. The contract­ ors expect that all real difficulties are overcome and that the rest of the bu ilding will be finished easily. To describe this new field house is a difficult task. Just what new and up-to-date equipment will be used is uncertain, but the fact remains that the equipment provided will be the best and most up-to-date procur­ able. The house will contain a r unning track sufficiently large for the training of athletes for competition in the winter track season, and also permit the preliminary work for the regular outdoor track season. Inside the track there will be space enough to install a baseball cage for the train­ ing of the baseball teams. This has long been needed, especiall y for the baseball teams of the college which have been handicapped by lack of training due to having to wait for good outside weather before starting One hwndred Jift11-four

training for the season. Besides these two very necessary pieces of equip­ ment, it is planned to i nstall at l east one, and perhaps two tennis courts. There i s but one thing lacking i n the b u ilding and that is arrangements for flooding and freezing so that an indoor hockey rink can be obtained. However, the building when complete, will be one of the finest of its type in New E ngland and will be a great asset to the college. Not enough praise can be given those men who have worked so long and faithfully to procure for Colby adequate gymnasi um facilities. It has been a long siege, lasting many years, but with the c reation of a D evelop­ ment Fund last year a new athletic plant was assured. However, only a field house is being built. The m u ch longed-for new gymnasium is not yet forthcoming because of d ifficulties encountered and the possibility of a change i n plans as to the future location of the college. B ut even though a new gymnasium is not i n evidence on the Colby campus, all those con­ nected with the work of providing for the new athletic equipment know that its immediate erection, if deemed expedient, is by no means i mpos­ sible or i mp robable. The fact remains that those fortunate enough to attend Colby next year will h ave a new, modern, indoor athletic field to use, one that is as perfect i n every detai l as is possible. It is a great step for­ ward ; a step that all connected with Colby have worked for for years. It means that now Colby is fitted to give every emphasis needed to the physic­ al side of education. No longer will Colby teams be handicapped in their training ; no longer will Colby men be ashamed of the athletic equipment of their college. The entire athletic equ ipment of the college is not com­ plete or perfect as yet, but that will follow when present plans are matured. It i s enough for the present to know that when the time comes Colby can, and will, have the athletic equipment that is as good, if not better than that of any other college of its size.

0 11 e h u n d red jift y-fi11e

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�tuilrnt Qluunrtl . J O H N HENRY LEE





Sec reta ry-Treasurer


Ralph Leonard Goddard, ATU Franklin M iner Cobleigh, � K E Karl Reister H ines, Jr., .\XA Gerald Asher Johnston , Z'1t Stephen Curtis B lakeslee, K�P Andrew Charles Klusick, 6.Y Hazin Albert Calhoun, Jr., TKN George Francis Grady, <I>�® Samue l Steven Morrison

CLASS PRESIDENTS 1 930 1931 1 932 1 933

John Henry Lee Walter Benj amin Lovett B rittan Webster John M urry Webster

One hundred fifty-seven

�tu�ent 1£eague President


Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Faculty A dv isor

CLASS REPRESENTATIVES Senior-Verna Green Junior-Agnes Ginn

Sopho m ore Marjorie Van Horn Freshman-Lou ise Smith -

The Student League of the Colby Women's D ivision was founded and given active powers by the faculty in 1 922. The object of the League is to regulate order and decorum among the women in the college dormitories and in the C ity of Waterville. All women who register at Colby are mem­ bers. Besides the active officers, it has an executive board consisting of Dean Nettie R unnals, Margaret Hale, Doris Spencer, Jennie Dunn, and a representative from each of the four classes. The Student League has, besides its other meetings, two regular meet­ ing a year, one in the spring and one in the fall to read the constitution and to make amendments. Mass meetings are called by the president when­ ever needed. One hundred fifty-eight


t�. .




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. ,�



·� '°;J ·� tf r/

!f l �I

Ji il\appa 1ll e lta NOR M A N D . PAL M ER



Manage r




Norman D. Palmer

George F. Sprague

H arold F . Lemoine

A rthu r T. Wasserman

Frederick D. Poulin

R upert L . Loring

Frederick R. Knox

Millan L . E gert

O ne h undred fifty-nine

mehating weam THE CROSS-COUN TRY DEBATING TRIP On the morning of Friday, March 28, the Colby College debating team, consisting of Norman D . Palmer, '30, of Hinkley ; F. Donald Poulin, '31, of Fairfield ; and H arold F. Lemoine, '32, of Kennebunk, started on a twelve day cross-country trip, during which time its members passed through twelve different states and travelled about 4,000 miles. The three men travelled directly to Wichita, Kansas, where they par­ ticipated in the National P i Kappa Delta convention held i n that c ity from March 31 to April 4. Pi Kappa Delta is the national honorary forensic society and his a very large membership among the colleges in the mid­ west. The Colby men represented the Maine Alpha Chapter, the eastern­ most branch of this national organization, and bcause of this fact they obtained an unusual amount of desirable publicity. One hundred sixty

At the convention 572 delegates, both men and women, representing 125 colleges and 28 states were i n attendance. The headquarters were in the B roadview h otel, one of K ansas' fi nest hostelries ; in addition, m any contests were held on the campus of Wichita University, about four m iles from the hotel. D u r ing the five days of the convention , the Colby dele­ gates had the opportunity of meeting and fraternizing with many of the delegates from other colleges and u n iversities throughout the country, and with most of the national officers of P i Kappa Delta. The C olby men took part i n five debates at this gathering and were victorious i n three of them . Upholding the negative side of the disarma­ ment question they defeated O livet and Georgetown, taking the affirm­ ative of the same proposition they eliminated D ubuque and lost to Mon­ mouth and A ugustana, both of which qualified for the semi-finals. Be­ sides participating i n the debating contest, Palmer represented Colby in the oratorical contest and Lemoine i n the extempore speaking contest, in which the speakers were limited to some phase of the general s ubj ect of "College Athletics. " T h e convention closed with a banquet on Friday evening, A p r i l 4 . T h e following morning t h e team arrived i n S t . Louis and immediately proceeded on a pilgrimage to A lton, Ohio, where they v isited the beauti­ ful monument erected to the memory of E lijah Parish Lovej oy, the fam­ ous abolitionist and m artyr to the cause of the fre€dom of the press, a graduate of Colby in the class of 1826. Saturday evening the Colby debaters met the St. Louis University team, one of the strongest i n the m id-west. The Colby team was defeat­ ed by a 2 to 1 vote of the j udges, although a vote of the audience showed practically an even decision. After v isiting some of the i nteresting places in St. Louis with Mr. A rthur Merriam, a graduate of Colby, whose home is in Clayton, Mo., the three Colby representatives left St. Louis S unday morning for New York, where they arrived e arly Monday afternoon. There they were met by Mr. Warren E dm unds, '22, and during their brief stay they were royally en­ tertained by a gro u p of Colby Alumni. That evening the men engaged i n the last forensic contest of the trip when they met the debaters of the College of the C ity of New York, i n a non-decision debate. Immediately afterwards they left New York for Waterville, arriving there at 9 : 1 0 P . M . o n Tuesday evening, April 8. Here, to use the words of the Colby "Echo," "a tremendous welcome was given the debaters as the train p ulled i nto the station, w ith a l arge percentage of the student body on hand to meet their c ross-country representatives who spread the name of Colby throughout the middle-west i n the best piece of a dvertising that the colNORMA N D . PAL M ER. lege has promoted i n many years." O n e hundred sixty-O?te

lnung flrn '5 Q!qrt.atian i\1rnortation President








Assistant Treasurer


Director of Religious Activities


CO M M ITTEE C HAIRMEN Ca m pus Relations-John H. Lee International Relations-Thomas A. Record Deputation-Charles G. Corse Church R.elations-J ohn A. Chadwick Meetings-John A. Webb Conference-Willard E'. Alexan d er Financial-Harold D. Phippen Publicity-Theodore Nelson Groups-Mark Kingsley Tutoring-Albert Palmer

One hundred sixty-two

tnung Bomrn'n ill q ristian Annoriation President


Vice-Preside n t






C HA IR M EN OF C O M M ITTEES Prograni--Ruth P ineo Music-Pauline B akeman Pub licity-Jennie Dunn E n te rtainm en t-E l izabeth B eckett Em ploy m ent-Agnes Ginn Socialr--B arbara Libby

One h u ndred sixty-three

ID4e J\rnn.atook {t lub President






Mary Allen Germaine Archambault Marilla B arnes Thelma B amford Evelyn B ell Winona Berrie Amelia B liss E dvia Campbell Helen Chase Virginia Christie Marion Clark Jennie Dunn Maxine Foster Margaret Hale Martha Hamilton Carol H i ll One hundred sixty-fO'Ur

Bvelyn Johnson Harriet Johnston Rowena Loane Marian Morrell Rena Mills Margaret Mooers Pauline Morin Helen Paul Mildred Pond Hope P ullen Cordelia Putnam Gertrude Raymond Frances R ideout Miriam Sanders Ruth Vose Jean Wellington

�nridy of tqr maugqtrr.a of Qtnlby E U N ICE FOYE



Secretary- Treasu r e r


Vesta Alden R uth Atchley Pauline B akeman Stephanie B ea n D orothy B lanchard Lucile B lanchard Helen Chase R eb ecca Chester Florence Connors Norma F uller Marion Lewis Alice Linscott

Rowena Loane B arbara Merrick D orcas Paul Frances Perkins Priscilla Perkin s Cordeli a P utnam Isa P utnam R uth Ramsdell Louise Smith Florence Ventres R uth L. Weston E d ith Woodward

O n e h u ndred sixty-five

Qlolby ®radr 1Bnarh GEORGE A. ANDREWS, JR., '30

E ditor-in-C hie f Managing Editor


Business Mana,ger .



E rnest Whitman Rood, '31 William Abbot Lyons, '31 Le·e Farnham Bracket, '31 Mark Stiles Kingsley, '31 E verett Russell Slocum, '32 Vaughn Allison Shaw, '31

Thomson Doane Grant, '32 Thelma Blanche Chase, '31 Marj orie Hopkins Dearborn, '31 Gertrude Lillian Snowden, '31 Myrtle E velyn Paine, '31 Althea Mary Wheeler, '31


William Caldwell Martin, '31 Ralph Milton Snyder, '31

O n e hundred sixty-six

Kenneth H ambleton Mansfield, '31 Lucy Borden Starbuck, '32


Editor-in-C hief BitSiness Manager Managing Editor Wo 1nen's Edito?¡ E D ITO'RIAL STAFF

Charles W . Weaver, Jr., '30 W i l l ia m H . Stineford, '30 Robert Allen, Jr., '31 Ralph H. A nderson, '32 Thom pson Grant, '32 M a r j orie H. Dearborn, '31 E velyn Joh nson , '32 . A rthur L. Stebbins, '30 E d ga r B. McKay, '30 W i l liam A . Lyons, '32 E verett R. Slocum, '32

A ssociate A ssociate News A ssistant A ssis tant A ss is t an t A ssistant . Literary Gladiator Sporting . A ss istant Sporting

Eclitor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Edit<Yr Editor Editor


F rancis W . Juggins, ' 3 1 Ralph M . Snyder, '31 M axwell D . W ard, '32 Cecil F . Robinson, '32 H arold E . Townes, '32 John B . C u rtis, '32

. Cireu la t ion A dvertising . A ssist a nt Business Assisia.nt Bus iness A ssistant Business A ssistant Circulation

Ma,nager MatrULger Ma,na,ger Ma,na,ger Ma,na,ger Ma nager


Lucile f' unningham, '32 R uth Ramsdell, '32 H a rold F . Lemoine, '32 H ildred Nelson, '32 Amelia Bliss, '32 R ichard E . Cummings, '32 Robert K. W alker, '33 M A ILING CLERK S

Cecil P . Bennett, '33 Emery S. D unfee, '33

Dana A. Jordan, '33 Percy G . Wortman, '33 Sumner H. Roberts, '33 One hundred sixty-se-veri

Qln lbiana 1Bn arh Published three times a year by the women of Colby College. BOARD OF EDITORS Editor-in-Chief First A ssist:ant Editor . Second Assistant Editor


R uth Pineo Margaret Choate

Pauline Smith E leanor Rogers

Stephanie Bean Elizabeth Becket Flora Trussell Marj orie Dearborn Gwendolyn Mardin . Pauline Bakeman

Art Editor . A lu mnae Editor Y. W . C. A. Editor . Joke Editor . . Assistan t Joke Editor Health League Editor BUSI NESS STAFF Business Manager . . . First Assistant Business Manager Second Assistant Business Manager One h u ndred sixty-eight

. Helen Hobbs . Frances Page Ella Gray

"trla' �lrr <Jilub H ELEN J. PAUL





Business Ma.nag,er


A cco mpanist


Phyllis Hamlin Albe rta B rown Marion Lewis Stephanie Bean M arguerite Fall R uth Ramsdell Janet Locke P riscilla Perkins Lillian Shapiro Vivian R ussell

E leanor Rowell Marion M orrell E lvira Campbell Harriet Johnston E stelle T aylor Hele n Chase M uriel Farnum E unice Foye Elizabeth W alker Helen Paul

O n e htrndred sixty-nine

ilen'.a �lee QHub ARTHUR L. STEBBINS, JR.



Genera l Mana g e r .




A rthur L. Stebbins, Jr. Clarence Arber John H . Lee Stephen C. Blakeslee Franklin M. Cobleigh Gerald A. Johnson George A. Andrews, Jr. Everett M . Fairbrother Deane R. Quinton Robert B. Lunt William A. Lyons

One hundred seventy

Lucius H . Stebbins Harmon B. Baldwin Lucius V. Lobdell Richard Cummings Ralph E. Anderson Leroy S . Ford Philip L . . E ly David S. Carr E arle S . Childs Walter L. Dignam Bernard H . Potter

Juw!lrr null Dll ig � otidy GERALD J O H NSON



Secretary- T reasurer Business Mana ger




Stage Ma nag e r



Douglass Allan Ralph Anderson George Andrews Clarence Arber H erman Baldwin John Chadwick Loui� Charron Thornton Cowing Roger D raper J oseph E gert P�1ilip E ly Charles Giles

Gerald J ohnson Donald Kellogg H arold Lemoine Lucius Lobdell Robert McNamara D eane Quinton Bernard Shaw Dana S immons A rthu r Stebbins Charles Weaver John Webb Brittai n Webster

One hundred seventy-one

Jlealt� 1.Geugue ®ffirer.a .







Barbara Taylor

1 932

Phyllis H amlin

1 93 i

Helen Ramsay

1 933

Eleanor Rowell

One h11 nclred seven ty-two

Q.tampus i\rtiutttts

1£hitorial A nother year has passed, and still another ORACLE has been pub­ lished, containing i n its pages a chronicle of the epoch-making events of the past year . It has been the wish and effort of every member of the ORACLE B oard to present i n these pages a picture of the year j ust gone by. The following i s but a summary of what we believe to be the o utstanding events of the year 1929-30. I n other pages of this book we have presented briefly a picture of our newest building, the m uc h hoped-for and longed-for indoor field. At the time that the ORACLE went to press this building was rapidly approaching completion after many heart-rending delays. In the future it will serve a great cause, that of building u p the physical being of American manhood. Another development has been the completion of the remodeling of the basement i n Memorial Hall for the use of the l ibrary. The college now has adequate shelf space for the vast amount of periodicals which are necessary for the completion of the library c u rricula. The l ibrary is now large enough to meet the needs of the students of the college ; it i s being handled effici ently ; every effort is being made to get the books that are needed, for study and for recreation ; and, i n fact, Colby has a library at last that is a credit to the i nstitution. The college has finished its first year under a new administration a n administration t h a t has b e e n kindly, y e t forceful, o n e that ha striven constantly to push the needs of Colby in the fore and to s ubmerge the fancied needs of the selfish individual. D uring the year, rumors of strange happenings and possibilities have been persistantly heard. Some of them have become fact, others have disapp_e ared, and still others continue to be heard. N o one tho u ght that there would ever be compulsory chapel, yet that has come to pass, and many of the scoffers, the writer being one, have come to realize the need of such an i nstitution and the good that it has already accomplished. The administration has also been responsible for the passage of the ruling that i n the future, freshmen shall l i ve only i n college dormitories. This i s the beginning of a new era. The fraternity system at Colby has always been distasteful, n ot that the fraternities themselves are unpalat­ able, but that the method of rushing has always been obnoxious. In the fall of 1928 a n effort was made by five of the fraternities to put a stop to premature rushing. This failed mainly because there was no cohesive or binding factor to hold the parties of the agreement together . O n e of the agreeing bod ies broke the pledge and all the others r ushed, helter-skelter, o n the h u nt for new men, pledging them indiscriminately, never stopping to think whether the men pledged were the r ight ones for that particular group or not. The new freshman ruling should make the new men more cautious about a cc epting bids and should m ake the fraternities more care­ ful i n their selections. Both will be benefited thereby and the ground will One hundred seventy-three

be broken for a set of uniform, re ponsible ru hing rules for all fraternal bodies of the college. This plan has been worked succe fully and advan­ tageously elsewhere ; Colby needs it ; the admini tration seems to realize this need ; it will come to Colby. There have been other events during the year that pre age a new and even greater awakening for the cultural life of the college. D uring the year three musicians of note have been brought to Waterville under the auspices of the college, wh� have given fine programs to the delight of Rtudents and towns-people alike. Lecturers and readers have also ap­ peared before college aud iences who are of national and i nternational repute. These facts, in themselve , seem to have awakened the sleeping c ultural spirit of Colby o that a fine glee club concert was given by the combined clubs and the debating team wa sent on a 4,000 mile trip. These things show that Colby is not the "sleepy little college on the banks of the Kennebec" that some critic ha called it. And more is to come. About the first of January a new office wa created at the college. In Roberts Hall a spare room wa fitted out with office furni hings and the " Publicity" office was a fact. This office has been given com plete control over all releases of Colby news to the press. In thi way the publicity of the college has become organized and definite end can be reached. These ends are as yet uncertain, but it is common knowledge that efforts are being made to have the college moved to a cleaner, more wholesome and more desirable site. To those of us who have spent four years between the sulfur smoke of the factory and the moke of the trains, it seems a dream, yet we realize men of vision, of action and of foresight are in earnest in thei r desire to make such a move possible. If it is possible to accomplish this, then it will be accomplished. The idea is growing and gaining impetus each day. To some of us it almost approaches a certain­ ty. Let us hope that it is. Still another year, then, has passed us by, and a new college year is almost upon those who are left behind. As the events of the year pass in review, nothing startling or of heroic nature appears on the surface, but underneath there is that sure gathering of power which is to carry Colby to undreamed heights. It is a happy thought that perhaps, in some small way, we have contributed to this stead y progress ; that we have not been a dead weight to hold back the college we love. We are sure now of her greatness yet wish for further greatness. We are not afraid of the future that is before Colby, but rather do we welcome it with open arms, sure that she will triumph and carry on, always adhering to her m ission, that of serving, educating and preparing for life all those who enter her portals. A PPRE CIATION The ORACLE wishes to thank Professors Libby and E ustis for their helpful aid and suggestions. The ORACLE appreciates greatly the co-operation of the merchants who have advertised in this book. The Editor wishes to thank the members of his board for their fine co-operation, and splendid work that made the ORACLE possible. One hundred seventy-fO'Ur

i;onor �tuhrnts For the first time Colby is this year conducting an experiment to test the value of giving increased freedom to superior students. O u r experi­ ment deals not with so-called honors courses, nor with comprehensive examinations, nor with reading periods, although these three devices are commonly used in many colleges. The purpose of the Colby experiment is not so m uch to give opportunity for freer activity to chosen students as it is to test the value of such freedom as a college policy. The Colby facul­ ty is seeking to learn whether b etter intellectual results are attained by a su perior student under more mature guidance and control by instructors, or under p u rely voluntary personal control. For this experiment the faculty has chosen two men and two women of the senior clas . During the second semester these four students were freed from all regulations concerning courses with the exception of any courses necessary to complete r eq uirements for maj or subj ect or estab­ lished groups. They have been permitted to spend the semester in any wa y they see fit reporting regularly to the Dean of Men and Women, who respectively have charge of the men and women selected for the honor. They could devote their time to a particular proj ect, they could do system­ atic or desultory reading, they could attend as auditor any class in c ol­ lege, they could visit other colleges-in fact no restriction whatever has been placed on the ort of work they m ight choose to do. The test of the value of the plan i s made in three ways. The opinion of the Dean , based on their regular conferences with the students ; the opinion of the professor under whom the student has been taking his maj or s ubj ct and with whom he keeps in close c ontact while pursuing his independent honors work ; and most im portant of all, a detailed statement filed by the student on J une first, telling j ust how he has spent the semes­ ter and what value he thinks he has obtained. The four students selected for the experiment were Norman D. Palmer of H inkley, Philip S . E ither of Linneus, Marga ret P . Hale of Cari­ bou, and Lucile N. Whitcomb of Farmingt on. E. C. MARRI NER.

One hundred seventy-five

(!! n lbt( s �rrat �ift Out of as clear a sky a ever there was, Colby has received the magnifi­ cent sum of 500,000. So far as i known, no living soul, apart from the donor him elf and his lawyer, knew that such a gift was to come to Colby. No hint had ever been made by him to any one of his close friends in Water­ ville that he proposed to leave a ingle dollar to the College. The gift comes from Frank A . Champlin, son of James Tift Champlin, the seventh president of the College. Mr. Champlin died in Long Beach, Cal . , on July 10, 1 929. The son was never a student in the college and has never had an y connection with the college, officially or otherwise. The gift is prompted by no other motive than that of honoring his distinguished father who once stood at the head of the institution. The legacy consists of a highly valued stock the proceeds from the sale of which through the brokerage firm of Lee, Higginson & Co., will eventually reach the college till. It was Mr. Champlin's custom for a great many years to make an annual trip to Maine. He owned a small cottage at North Pond in Smith­ field, and here he was wont, to spend a good part of each summer. He entertained little, lived in a manner that bespoke penury, and watched care­ fully the matter of minor expenditures. He was a most delightful com­ panion, however, and counted among his friends a number of Waterville business men. In his early life, Mr. Champlin was associated with relatives in the management of the Twitchell, Champlin Co., a well known distributing agency. His disposition was not one easy to get on with, and after some years h2 was given the sum of $40,000 to withdraw from the company. He then went to Salt Lake City where he invested his money in a gas com­ pany and realized well on the investment. At some time during his life he turned to Lee, H igginson & Co., brokers, and this firm has had much to do with the steady accumulation of his wealth. He invested early in the Gold Dust Corporation and the rise i n value of this stock made him of i ndependent means. His nearest living relatives are Dr. Thomas J . Burrage and Champlin B urrage, of Portland, nephews, the sons of his sister Caroline, and Mary Champlin, of Portland, niece, daughter of his brother, A ugustus. Such in brief is the life story of the man who has added a half m i l­ lion dollars to the permanent endowment of the college.

One hundred seventy·six

:!irtt' 11 Qlolby Nigqt Colb y N i ght, the annual occasion for glad reunion of old friends and alumni, was celebrated with all the traditional enthusiasm and inspiring speeches. The program under the chairmanship of President Johnson featured the return of Paul "Ginger" Fraser and six others of his famous 1 9 1 4 championship team. Bad weather failed to lower the attendance and this was the largest Colby N ight i n the history of the college. The speak­ ers included : John F. Choate, '14, who presented a bass drum to the Colby Band as a gift of the Rotarians ; Mayor F. Harold Dubord, ' 14, who wel­ comed the a ud ience on behalf of the c ity of Waterville ; Dr. J . Frederick Hill, president of the Alumni Association ; Principal Ralph H . H unt of Hebron Academy ; Harry F . Jordan of Philadelphia, newly appointed trustee ; Dean Marriner, who enlivened the assembly with a poem about " The B ig B lack B ear and The Little White Mule" ; Ralph Good of Port­ land of the class of 1 9 1 0 and captai n of the Colb y team for two years ; Paul F. " Ginger" F raser, who presented six of the 1 9 1 4 championship team and requested the gathering to pay silent tribute to "Chick" Fraser and Ross Stanwood, recently deceased members ; Captai n John "Red" Lee ; Coach E dward C. Roundy ; and finally Clayton K. B rooks, '98, three times captain of a Colby tea m . After such stirring speeches, " Chef" Weymouth's feed certainly tasted fine.

One h u n dred seventy-seven

The annual Women 's Colby N ight was held for the first time in the new Alumnae building on Friday evening, November 1, 1929. The visit­ ors and the undergraduate bodies were enthusiastic over the splendid gymnasium which represents the untiring and loyal efforts of the Alumnae and their friends. Dean Runnals, in her speech of welcome, gave a brilliant account of the first Colby N ight of the Women's Divi ion. Mrs. Helen H . Hill, '97, represented the Alumnae in a speech describ­ ing her experiences abroad during the past summer. The m usic for the evening was furnished by a trio composed of Viola Rowe, '32, piano ; Liane Rancourt, '32, cello ; and Marian Morrel, '32, violin. The class speakers were the following : Barbara Taylor, representing the seniors ; Doris Spencer, the j uniors ; Eleanor Rogers, the sophomores ; and Carola Loos, the freshmen. The beautiful fantastic play, "The Maker of Dreams, " was a perfect ending to the evening's entertainment. The following c ast presented the play : Pierrot Pierette Maker of Dreams

Alberta B rown Lucille Whitcomb Ruth Park

The singing of Alma Mater ended the program of the evening.

One h1mdred seventy-eight

]by llay The annual I vy D ay Exercises of the Women's D ivision, presented under the general d i rection of Lucille Whitcomb, was held on the Athletic field behind Foss H all on June 1 , 1 929. The afternoon program was "A springtime medley of singing and dances before the Queen of May." It was followed by the planting of the Ivy by the President of the Senior Class, Alice Paul, and the singing of the Senior Class Ode. This was fol­ lowed by the dedication of Miss D unn's picture i n the Alumnae B uilding. The picture was presented by Miss E lsie Lewis, representing the Student League and received by Dean Runnals. P ERS O N N E L OF P A GEANT Ruth Park, '30 E l izabeth Marshall, '29 A lice Paul, '29 Pauline Bakeman, '30 Elsie Lewis, '29 Dean Runnals Martha Allen, '29 Nellie S imonds, '29 Stephanie Bean, '3 1

. , Herald Queen of the M a y . Presentation of Trowel . Acceptance . Presenta tion of Picture . Acceptance D i rector of Songs . D i rector of D a nces . M anager of Costumes

I n the evening " Mid-Summer Night's D ream" was p resented by mem­ bers of the Junior Class, u n de r the direction of C2rl J . Weber. C HARACTERS . . Theseus, Duke of A t h ens . . . . H i p palyta, Queen of the A nw.zons, bride of Theseus E ge u s , Master of the Revels, fa t her of Hermia . Hermia, daughter of Egeus, in love with L/ysander Demetrius, Ltysander's rival Lysander, in love with Hermia Helena, in lo'Ve with Demetrius Q u i nce, a carpenter . Bottom, a. weaver . F lute, a bellows-m e nder Starveling, a tailor . S nout, a tinker . S n u gg , a joiner . . . . Puck, fairy attendant on O be ron Mustard-seed, fairy attendant on Titania Oberon, King of Fairyland Titania, Queen of Fairyla.nd Pease-Blossom, a Fa iry 1Cobweb, a Fairy M oth, a Fairy .

Lucy E . Parker Jean M acdonald Barbara A . Taylor M uriel R . Farnum Pauline B akeman Helen A . Chase I sa B . Putnam Alma W . Glidden Carol G. H il l Barbara E . M illiken Lucille N. 'Whitcomb E dvia V . Campbell Beatrice M ullen H arriet Johnston M ina A. H i ggins B arbara A . Taylor I d a P a u line Smith Thelma M . S now M a r y Louise Grearson Virginia G . Christie

One hundted seventy-ni'll- e

1.Gyforh ]ntrr.arqola.attr Jrizr �peaking Special prizes aggregating one hundred dollars, the gift of Will H art­ well Lyford of the cla of 1879, of Chicago, Il linois, are made available to the College, and are open to the young men attend ing preparatory schools in Maine, New Hampshire, and Ma sachu ett . The chief object of the prizes is to encourage public speaking, and the awards are made for gen­ eral excellence in declamation .

S CHOOLS REPRESENTED IN Farmington H igh School Canton H igh School M adison H igh School oburn Classical In titute H ollis H igh School M alden ( M ass . ) High School orwood ( M ass ) H igh School Ricker Classical Institute Bar Harbo:r High School Windham High School Worcester ( Mass. ) Classical High Bangor High School Bridgton H igh School Searsmont H igh School Lawrence ( Fairfield ) High School Winthrop High School Philips H igh School Waterville H igh School

L YFORD First Prize Second Prize Third Prize Fo urth Prize

One hundred eighty


1 929

Kent's Hill Se!Tiinary Cony ( A ugusta ) H igh School Biddeford H igh School New Gloucester H igh School Kingfield H igh School M onmouth Academy Good Wiii High School Presque I sle High School Lewiston High School Westbrook High School Hopkin ( S . Hadley, Mass. ) Academy Oakland High School W ilton Academy Deering High School Houlton H igh School Mexico High School E dward Little ( Auburn ) H igh School Strong H ig h School


1 929

Christopher R. Demetry Clarence Lawton Lewis Libby Robert Lawrence

Good Will High School Strong H igh School Presque Isle H igh School Philips H igh School

Wntetttidq J\nuual !llll urrag Jrii!e ilebate The sum of one h un dred dollars, the gift of George E dwin Murray, of the class of 1879, of Lawrence, Massachusetts, is awarded to the six public debaters chosen from Public S peaking 6 . Seventy-five dollars is given to the winning team, to be distributed equally among the three speakers ; twenty-five dollars is given to the losing team, to be distributed i n a l ike manner. M U RRAY PRIZES FOR 1 9 28-1929 First P rize

Abraham B enj amin Glovsky, ' 3 1 William Rodney Wyman, '29 R ichard Prince Holsdon, '29 representing the affirmative Second P rize

E lmer R ivken, '29

B arney Harry Lipman, ' 3 1 Thomas James Kenney, '3 1 representing the negative

J\nnual il;amlitt Jrii!e §peaking <! A first prize of ten dollars and a second prize of five dollars awarded to the two best speakers in the Men's and Women' s D i visions who parti­ c i pate i n the Freshman Hamlin Prize S peaking Contest. First Prize :

Hildred Pauline N elson

Second P 1 ·ize : Tina Catherine Thompson

U:U1r J\nuual (!)onlltnitt Jriie §peaking <tloutest Special prizes aggregating one h undred dollars, given by Matie E . Goodwin, o f Skowhegan, Maine, i n memory o f her husband, Hon. Forrest Goodwin of the class of 1 887, are awarded to students i n the Men's D ivi­ sion for excellence i n the delivery of original addresses. First and Second Prizes d ivided between

James Henry Woods and Chester E arle Merrow George F reemont Sprague Fourth Prize : Mark Lester Shibles Third Prize :

One hundred eighty-one

3Junior llerk 1£nil, flay

1 7- l B

The Third Annual Junior Week E nd opened Friday afternoon, May 1 7th, 1929, with the Ivy Day program, held at the College Chapel. After the class exercises an address was given by Hugh Pendexter, noted novel­ ist, who spoke on "Literature, Yesterday and Today. " Following the exer­ cises the Bates and Colby ball teams vied for championship honors on Seaverns Field. The Annual Junior Prom was held Friday evening at Elks' Hall. On Satu rday afternoon the Maine Intercollegiate Track and Field Association held its Sixteenth Annual Track and Field Day on the Colby athletic field . Activities for the week end were concluded with the Junior Prom Chaser held in the Alumnae Building.




A warding of Class Gifts Oration Planting of Ivy

) (

Mark Hood Garabedian Barbara L ibby Charles William Weaver, Jr. A lbert Carlton Palmer Class Presidents


. Professor Ernest Cummings Marriner Hugh Pendexter

Welcome Address


Elks' H all

Junior P romenade SATURDAY, M A Y 18, 2.30

Seaverns Field

State Track Meet . SATURDAY, AT 8.00



One hundred eighty-two

. Alumnae Building

Wqe ®rher of £xerdae.a for t�r lfnauguration nf 111r anklin 11Uinslnw 3Joqnaon as Jrraihent nf Qlnlbg Qlollegr FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1929 PROCESSIO NAL

The Anniversary Hymn P rayer

Reverend Frank William Padelford, D . D . Of the Class o f 1 894


Professor William Fletcher R ussell, P h . D . D e a n of Teachers College, Columbia University

P resentation of I nsign ia

Herbert Elijah Wadsworth, A.M.

Of the Class of 1892, Ch airman of the Board of Trustees The Centennial Hymn

Inaugural Address

Professor Franklin W inslow Johnson, L . H . D . Of t h e Class o f 1 8 9 1 Conferring of D egree "America"


Reverend E dwin Carey Whittemore, D . D .

O f the Class o f 1 879, Secretary o f t h e Board o f Trustees RECESSIONAL

One hu?Jdred eighty-three

J\lumtti lay Saturday, J une 1 5 , 1 925 PROGRAM The Commencement Chapel Service at 9 : 00 A. M. H . Bower, Ph . D . , 19 14, Profe

Speaker, Robert

or of Zoology, Columbia University.


College Chapel. Senior Class Day Exercises at 9 : 30 A. M. Address at 10 : 30 by the gue t of honor of the Senior Class, Edward F. Stevens, Lh. D . , 1 889, Librarian of the Pratt Institute Free Library. The Lower Campus. Annual Meeting of the Alumnae Association at 11 : 00 . Gilpatrick, A . M . , 1892, President, presiding.

Rose Adelle

The First Baptist Church.

Alumnae Luncheon at noon.

The First Baptist Church.

Alumni Luncheon at noon.

J ustice Warren C. Philbrook, L.L.D.,

1882, President, presiding.

The College Gymnasium.

Dedication of the Alumnae B uilding at 3 : 00 P. M. Annual Meeting of the Colby Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa at 5 : 00 P. M.

Professor Clarence H. White, A.M., President, presiding.


Hall. Class Reunions from 6 : 00 to 9 :00 P. M. Band Concert at 7 : 30 on the College Campus. Fraternity Reunions at 9 : 00 P. M. at the various fraternity houses.

One hundred eighty-four


Annual Qlnmmrnrrmrnt OF


Lowell Pond Leland . Lucy E l iz abeth Chapin Chester Earl Merrow .

. "The Scholar" . " A Modern E ducation for a M odern Woman" " The P urpose of the Liberal Arts College" MUSIC

Commencement A ddress, " The Engineer' s Place in Public Life," Professor Herbert S . Philbrick, B .A . , and B .S . , 1897, of Northwestern U niversity, Evanston, Illinois. Conferring of Degrees A warding of Prizes B enediction R ecessional

i;onorn in QPeneral �rl]]ip T H E M E N ' S D I V I S I ON Sum m a Cum Laude

Lowell Pond Leland C u m Laude

Gilman Stanley H ooper

Chester Eiar 1 Morrow

THE W O M E N ' S DIVISION C u m Laude

L u cy Elizabeth Chapin V i rginia D udley Irene Gertrude Hersey E lsie H athaway Lewis Grace Allison Stone

Lillian B ernice Collins Mary E lizabeth Vose Rosalie Dorothy Mosher Frances Weiss D orothy Louise M orton One hundred eighty-five

ifonnr!i anh Jriie!i Amarheh.

1 928- 1 929

MEN'S DIVISION C o m m ence m e n t Prize f o r Excellence in English Composition : Lowell P.

Leland. Freshm a n Schola rship Prizes : First Prize, Samuel H. Marder ; Second

Prize, David L. Vigue. Goodwin Pub lic Sp eaking : First and

Second, divided between James Henry Woods and Chester Earl Merrow ; Third, George Freemont Sprague ; Fourth, Mark Lester Shibles.

Hallo well Pub lic Speaking : First, Richard Hodsdon ; Second, Charles W.

Jordan ; Third, E'arle T. McNaughton ; Fourth, Rupert L. Loring. Murray Debating : Winning team,

William Rodney Wyman, Richard Prince Hodsdon, Abraham Benj amin Glov ky. Losing team, Elmer R ivken, Barney Harry Lipman, Thomas James Kenney. GERMAN PRIZES

Prizes for Excellence in G e r m an : First Prize, Abraham B. Glovsky, '31 ;

Second Prize, Ralph M. Snyder, ' 3 1 .

WOME N'S DIVISION A l b ion Woodbury Small Prize : Essay in Dept. of Economics ; Prize i n 1929

divided between L. Bernice Collins, '29, and Frances Weiss, '29. Co m m ence m en t Prize f o r Excellence in English Compositio n : Lucy E.

Chapin . Freshman Scholarship :

First Prize, Hildred P . Nelson ; Second Prize,

E velyn L. Johnson . Ham lin Prizes : First Prize, H ildred Pauline Nelson ; Second Prize, Tina

Catherine Thompson. Ma ry L . Carver Prize for Poetry : Elsie H. Lewis.

O ri r. h u n dred ei{Jhf,y-six

iegrrr11 ill o nfrrrrll in

1 92!1

tla.ater of 1\rtn H arold Edwin Clark

Norwic h , C o n n .

M a r y Elizab eth Warren


iBacqelor of �rt.a

THE M E N ' S D IVISION N e a l Dow B ou sfield



H arvey


Watervill e

H orace Pierce M axcy

G o ddard



G e orge Cecil


Waterville Frederick Abdallah Howard, N orwood, Mass. Caribou R u pe rt Malcolm Irvine




Pittsfield Rockland

Edwin Donald M erry

Everett H erbert Holmes

Lowell Pond Leland G ordon M ariner Trim


North Edgecomb




Richard Joseph Race

G uilford

Sterling C leveland Ryder

Portland B e lfast

M ark Richard Shibles


1\s of t�e (!Hass of 1 928

R u f u s Manley Grindle

B l u eh i l l

THE WOME N'S DIVISION Jessie G e neva A lexander M artha Eloise A l l e n

A u gusta

W atertown, M ass.

Ruth B artlett


V i olette D oris B ou lter


A n e l l a Gray B u cknam

Hallowell Portland

Elea n o r Gertru de B utler Lucy Elizabeth Chapin Lillian Anna

B ernice Louise


S outh


Sylvia Doris Crane Ruth

Greenfield, M ass. B erwick Hallowell

East W ashingto n , N.H. W aterville


D orothy Elizabeth D eeth Winchendon, M a ss. Caribou W atervi l l e

M arian L ou ise G i n n A n n i e H oo per G oodwin


Pearle Hazel Grant D oris L o u ise Groesbeck

Lawren c e , M ass.

Neta Irene Harmon Irene


H errick

G ertrude

M artha A l m e d a Holt *Edna Hattie Huff Alice

Bradford Jewett

M elrose High lands, M ass. Ruth Anna N orton B eatrice M ary Palmer

New York City


South P ortland


Flora M abel Rideout Raynham Centre, M ass. Adeleen M ar y R o barge Muriel

V aughan




C linton


E lizabeth



W o o d land Camden Caribou Old T own



M adison

Cole W oo dford C oncordia

Sangerville Portland

B arbara A n n e tte Weston

Helen Steward Leighton

• Deceased


Lawrence, M ass.

Jean M argaret W atson

Iren e

Florence E li z abeth Libbey



Grace A l l ison Stone


S outh Portland


Fanney Polley

M ary E lizabeth V o se

E ast Lynn, M a ss.

Pittsfield York V il lage

Ruth Vivian Plaisted

H a r r i e t W h i t e h e a d Kimball, E a s t B oothbay Elsie Hat haway Lewis


D orcas Whiston Plaisted

A u gusta


O akland

Rosalie D orothy M osher

M iriam Jane Thomas


W aterville Walnut Hill

D orothy Louise M orton

Fort Fairfield W aterville



Lillian Esther M orse

H oulton

V irginia D u d l e y


E leanor M arie L u n n E l i zabeth M a n n Marshall


Young B rockton, M ass.

Waterville One hmulred eighty-seven

iiacl,rlot of �cimce THE MEN'S DIVISION Franklin, Mass. Charles Favour Abbott Joseph Drisko Allen Columb i a Falls Welchpool, N . B. Osborne Coster Bacon Ed ward Barron Waterville Bethel, Conn. E ric Richard Benson Lynn, Mass. Webster JohnsQn Brown Sten John Ca rlson Norwood, Mass. Sheffield, Mass. William Sheldon Chapin Oscar Moody Chute Beverly, Mass. Houlton Carl Taggert .Q lough M urray Alexander Coker F airfield Carroll Joseph Cooke Meriden , CQnn. Charles Albert Cowing W . Spr'gfield, Mass. Henry Edwin Curtis Guilford Reed W inter Davis Lincoln F ranklyn Bedel l Dexter Mattapoisett, Mass. George Edmund Fletcher Strong Frank Charles Foley orwood, Mass. Lawrence, Mass. Donald H ulford Fraser J ack J. Glick New York City Richard Prince HQdsdon South Thomaston Gilman Stanley Hooper Danvers, Mass. Auburn Charles W illiams Jordan David Franklin Kronquist Rumford, R. I. Robert George LaVigne Worcester, Mass. Albion Keith Littlefield orth Berwick Gordon Parker Marr Somerville Bethel Floyd Mellen Mason Clifford Joseph McGaughy Washburn Mill inocket E arle Alton McKeen Chester Earl Merrow Mountain V iew, N . H . Herbert Dickinson Messenger Boston, Mass. Ernest E dward M iller Bethel, C<:mn.

Ashby, Mass. Kenneth Raymond Mi ller Caribou Phili p LeRoy Miller Calais John Walter Miner Samuel Gyles Parsons Mulliken Newburyport, Mass. Woonsocket, R. I. John Thomas asse Ware, Mass. Edward Peter NiziQlek Waterville Warren Ridgway Payson New Sweden Robert Arnold Peterson Rodolphe Joseph F irmin Pomerleau Waterville Brooklyn, N . Y. Elmer Rivkin Amesbury, Mass. John Everett Rogers Winthrop Donald Henry Rollins Wilton Robert Walter Scott A u b urn M ayo Augustus Seekins Gray George Clarence Severy Fairfield Wardwell S . Shibley Nathaniel LawTence Silowitz Brooklyn, N . Y. Waterville Roy Emerson Sm ith Portland Arthur H enry Snyder Waterville A lden Cecil Sprague West Franklin William Glen Springer H artland Fred James Sterns Skowhegan Allen Julian Stinchfield Brooklyn, N. Y. John Dexter Swartz Harry Estes Tattersall New Be dford, Mass. Frank Joseph Twadelle Skowhegan W inthrop, Mass. John Edward Walker Brooklyn , N. Y. James H enry Woods William Rodney Wyman Fairfield

As of tqe Qllass of 1 928

John Fi¡ancis O 'Brien

Lyn n , Mass.

THE WO M;E N 'S DIVISIO N Abbot Thalia Agnes B ates Fairfield Dorothy Irene Carter Ethel Rebecca Henderson Houlton Dorothy Nellie Woods

Lora Gertrude Neal W. Boylston, Mass. Alice Paul Fort Fairfield Mildred Anne Roberts Caribou Waterville

]l{ountaty IDtgrttB DOCTOR OF LAWS :

William Fletcher Russell, New Y<ll'k City Clarence A ugustus B arbour, Providence, R. I. Will Hartwell Lyford, Chicago, I l l . DOCTOR OF SCIENCE

Herbefl; Shaw Philbrick, Evanston , I l l . DOCTOR OF LETTERS :

Clarence Hayward White , Waterville, Maine Nettie May Runnals, Waterville, Maine DOCTOR OF MORE H U M A N E LETTERS :

Gertrude Battles Lane, New York City MASTER OF LETTERS :

William Oliver F uller, Rockland, M aine One hundred eighty-eight






Wadsworth & Woodman Company Manufacturers of

Table Oil C loth s


One hundred eighty-nine

The Ticonic National Bank OFFERS A complete bank ing service conducted under the d irect supervision of the United States Government

116 Years' Continuous Business Waterville

. .

. .


Member of the Federal Reserve System

Lockwood Company WATERVI LLE, MAINE

Fine Sheeting and Shirting Lockwood and Cast Iron Brands SELLING AGENTS

DEERING, M I LLIKEN & COMPANY 79 Leonard Street, New York


One hundred ninety


" Where you got the butter-scotch sundae"

The Newton Theological I nstitution ( A School f o r Leaderďż˝ founded in I 2 5 )

Light Lunches Fine Confectionery

Courses lead i ng to B .D. a nd S.T.M. Degrees

Delicious Cold Sodas

Special pro\¡ isions for post-graduates Harvard Uni versity offers special free pri ileges to approved Newton

We Make Our Own Ice Cream

students Courses i n Religious Education for Women

H A G E R ' S 1 1 3 MAI








C am p Aben a For Girls

Geo. P. P ooler Co.

B elgrade Lakes, Maine

Formerly Low King Co.

Land and water sports. Dramatics,

Danci ng,

and Vocal M usic.

R i d i ng .


The Home of Hart Schaffner and Marx Clothes

Arts and Munsi ngwear for Men

C rafts. Tutoring.

and Boys Stetson Hats

Twe111y-/011rt/J Season


M I S S HORTENSE HERSOM B elgrade Lakes, Maine Winter Address:

46 Beacon Street, Boston, Ma s.

Manhattan S h i rts K nit-Tex Top Coats Worsted-Tex Suits Sundial Shoes

One hundred ninety-one

When L ooking for a Real Lunch





Dunlap's Lunch and food Shop ALWAYS

Home Cookin g 4 MAPLE STREET

F. H . Porter

F. A . Tibbets

Open Day and Night

J. B. Palmer

Waterville Steam Laundry



Kennebec Fruit Co.

Ice Cream, Confectioneries

1 45 Main Street Waterville

H arry's


Fruit and Tobacco



Fairfield Publishing Co. (THE GALAHAD PRESS, I NC.)

Sc to $1.00 Chain Stores

1 53- 1 55 Main Street


A Store Fu l l of Good Values Telephone 40 One hu ndred ninety-two

Fairfield, Maine


Policy to Give the Most for Less

Colby Shoe Shin i ng Parlor Naph th a Cleaning a n d Pressing Suits, O vercoats, D resses, Plush Coats, Gloves, Scarfs, Neckties, Caps and Wh ite Sweaters-Al l pressing is done by the new A ir Bo System

Expert Hat Cleaning and Blocking All work done by the newest c l eaning process which leaves no odor

First Class Sh oe R epairing Send them to u s and we will make them look like new.

All repairing

done by the new Landis Machinery. P . H . P E R I K L E S,



Academy "TH E MAINE SCHOOL F O R BOYS" Located n e a r Bates College, Bowdoi n College and Poland Spri ngs.

At a n altitude

of six hund red feet, the Oxford H i l l s give health and v igor to Hebron boys. Thi rteen build i ngs, including the best preparatory school dormitory in Maine, a fi ne i n fi rmary and gymnasium furnish ample equipment for two hundred boys. A school of splendid h i story, trad ition, a nd ideals. E nj oys certification privileges.

Prepares for all Colleges and

U n i versities.

Fourteen male instructors.

Organized athletics for every boy.

Strong athletic teams and winter sports. Covered skating rin k and fine swimming paol. R ALPH L. HUNT,


O n e hwndred n i nety-three





Women's and Misses'

Hardware D ealers

Exclusive A pparel Building Materials Paints and Oils Telephone 2 7

1 24 Main Street

Waterville, Maine




L. G. Baltour Co.

Managed by Col lege Men Caters to College Men

Fraternity Jewelers

Cafeteria Service in Basement W. C. Holway,

Fraternity Banquets a Specialty

One hundred ninety-four



REDINGTON & C O . Sil ver Street

Watervi l l e, Maine

Home Furnish ings of Quality

L. R. Brown Choate M usic Company

Merchant Tailor A l so Cleansi ng, Pressi ng, Repa i r i ng Service

W aterv i l le, Maine



Telephone 266-M

The Little Gift Shop The Place Where Things Are Different



Brown Co.

O n e of Central Maine's Lead i ng Department Stores

C irculating Library •


56 Temple Street

Wate rv i l le, Maine


Always Emphasizing Q uality

Home of Colby Inter-Frat League

Elm City Bowling Alleys Trackmen Training

A . G . HI LTO

, Prop.


55 Main Street

Waterville, Maine

25 Silver Street O n e hundred ninety-five

Colby College Fou nded in the year 1820

FRA N KL I N W. J O H N SO N , Litt.D., President

Offers Courses Leading to the Degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science

Catalog Sent upon Request

For I nformation Address


(Jne hundred ninety-si:i;

George H. Perry President

Edward F. Pierce Treas. and Gen'/ Manager

Pierce- Perry Co. Successors to George E. G i lchrist Co.

/obbers of

H eating and P lumbing Supplies Steel, Wrought I ron and Brass Pipe, W ater Works Materials Distributors of

H offman Valves and Control led Heat Equ ipment

236 C O N GR ESS STR E ET, cor. P urchase Street, B OSTON


K uppenheim er Clothes for Young Men


B oys


H. R. Dunham Co. TVlO STORES:



One h 1Ln d red ninety-se11er.

KEYES FIBRE CO., Inc. Manufac turers of

Moulded F:ulp Products Paprus Pie Plates a nd Dishes, Savaday Luncheon Plates, I ce Cream Dishes and American Family Tableware





Manager of Sales Sales Office - Graybar Blda. -

ifhese nighcs would have b e en.

wondeifu..1 , if I had bo�hl: a radio fro n1.

ew York

). A. Da1· ison

C. R . Green


Allen's Radio

Anthracite · Bituminous

Shop, Inc.


62 B Temple Street Waterville

Coke, Hard Wood and Kindlings



One hundred ninety-eight

Office, 2 5 1 Mai n St.

Samuel Clark

Compliments of

M itch ell ' s Flower

L. G. W h ipple

Shippers and Dealers in All Kinds of Ant hracite and Bituminous



Wood, Coal, Lime, Cement, B rick and Drain P ipe Johns-Man ille Roofing

144 Main Street

G. S. FLOOD C O . , I NC . Coal Yard

and Office :

Main and Pleasa nt Streets Telephone 840

Telephone 7 7 - J

Clothing and furnishings of u nequaled quality and




d esirabil ity, sty led i n the manner preferred b y well­

General Contractor

dressed col l ege and young business men. Regu lar ex­ h ibits

Estimates chee rfully given



E lmwood

Hotel in Waterv i l l e every three weeks.

Dealer in B u ilders' Supplies

All work guaranteed OFFICE

40 Prospect Ave.

R umford, Maine




h undred ninety-nine

Students ' Room O utfits at A therton "s A neatly furn ished room makes your stud ies more interesting.

We can supply


drapings, beds, couches and pictures.

chairs, rugs, Let Atherton

furnish your room.

Atherton Furniture Co.

21 Main Street

Waterville, Maine

A Complete Line of High Grade Fraternity and College Stationery, Banners Memory Bo oks and Fountain Pens

Colby College Store R . E . FARNHAM

Two hun dred



The College Drug Store Dealers



Kodaks and Suppl ies

Miners, Shippers, Exporters and Suppliers of

Stationery and Period icals


Huyler's, Apollo and Foss Candies


Ice Cream Soda

Largest P rod ucers of S mokeless Coal in the n ited States No. 1 BROADW



Operates Fleet of Steamer , Tugs and Barges for Tran portation of Coai Along tlaotic Coast




Oppo ite Seavern Field

Boston. Ma . , Board of Trade Building: . ew Bed­ ford Ma ., Dock and Office, Pocahontas Wharf. Foot of Hillman treet: Portland, Me., Dock and Office Pocahontas Wharf Foot of foulton Street; Norfolk . \ a., I I Maio Street; Cincinnati, Ohio, Traction Building; B luefield, W. \'a., Pocahontas Building.

C oburn Classical I nstitute 1 820- 1 930

Coburn Classical I nstitute is a College Preparatory School with a record of one hundred and ten years of successfu l service.

Prepares for all colleges.

not going to col lege.

Special courses for those

Ath letics for a l l students.


of scholarship and character h igh.

G o od Equip m en t and an Experienced F acuity For catalogue, write G UY R. W HI TT EN, B OX 398-C

Acting Principal WATERVILLE, M A I N E

Two hundred one


Stern's Department Store 8 COMMO



Waterv i l l e


For Ligh t Lunch Hand-Tailored Suits and Topcoats Home-Made Candy, Soda

Oregon City all two-pant suits $24.95 to $39.95

Ice Cream, Fresh and Salted Nuts

1 89

Leopold Morse Co., Midd ishade Shade B l ues

We carry a full l i ne of Sport Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats Caps, Trunks, Bags and Sui tcases



M a i ne

Opposite Post Oflicc - Telephone Connection

Stern's Department Store 8 Common St. - Watervi lle, Mai ne

Everything for the



People ' s National Bank




J ust Across t h e Bridge in Winslow

T w o hundred t w o




That Should Be A rgum en t Enough

Telephone 58

1 18 M ain Street

The City J ob Print Printers t o Colby College

Everything i n Printing and Engraving that a College Man, Woman or Soc iety needs. Come i n and consult u s, no matter how trivial the j ob.


Francis M . Joseph Colby,

Fred D. McAlary

1 90 1



Two h u ndred three

H olmes - Swift

Reliable Insurance of Every Description

& Co.

Boothby & Bartlett Company

Whole sale Grocers

Distributors of

Fort Western Brand Food Products


And Fancy Grocery Specialties 1 85 Main Street WATERVILLE





The Preble Studio 0 . K. BRADBURY,


Photographer for 1930 Oracle

" Photographs Live Forever ' ' Largest Portrait Business in Central Maine Over D'Orsay's Drug Store

Two hundred four

P hone 64-W


Compliments of



One of Maine's Finest Resorts

L . G. Bunker, M .D .

T h i rty m i n u tes by motor from Waterv ille.


An ideal place to stay

at Commencement Time.


tional fac i lities for Class Reunions.










Main Street -

Silver Street -

Practise Limited to Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat

Complim ents of

The C olby Oracle A ssociation

Two hundred five

'Designers of Jrt Theme, engravers and 'Publuhers of thi! book

ff<())W"..AJlll)� §§ON CoMP.ANY

{yngravers and Publishers ofJJetler f!!ollege ..Annuals WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS

Two httndred si:rr

Co mpliments of

J . L. M cCormack Company ·


Tw:J hundred seven

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