Oracle 1927

Page 200


Annual C ommencement OF

Colby College WED ESDAY, JUNE 1 6 , 1 926 ORDER OF E X E R CISES MUSIC Prayer

Rev. George Merriam

Add ress, "The Dewdrop and the Aby


Abbott Emerson Smith

Address, " Ideal of Modern Youth "

Agnes E lizabeth Osgood

Addres , " Life and Character of Elij ah Pari h Lovej oy" Donald Chester Freeman Commencement Add ress

Rev. Arthur Word worth Cleaves. D . D . , '98 Conferring of Degrees A warding of Prizes Benediction

Honors in General Scholarship THE M E N 'S DIVISION Magna Cum LatUde

Herbert McCoy Wortman

Donald Norris Armstrong C u m La,ude

Roger Adams Stinchfield Francis Firth Bartlett

Abbott Emerson Smith Donald Chester Freeman

THE W O M E N 'S DIVISION Magna C u m LatUde

Dorothy E lizabeth Farnum Agnes Blizabeth Osgood Mary Marguerite Albert Cum Lwude

Frances Christine Booth Mollie Roosevelt Seltzer Hilda Mary Fife Julia Agnes B rouder Esther E lizabeth Wood Adelaide Stone Gordon Imogene Frances Hill One hu ndred ninety-eight

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