Oracle 1927

Page 194

Ivy Day M i ss Ivy D ay was ob erved by the Women's D i vision on M ay 22, at Foss H al l . Dorothy H a nnaford, a s mistre · of ceremonies, gave the a d d ress of welcome. I n stead Glee Girls' the by on put wa program ting intere very a Pageant, ring p S usual of the Helen Mi tch ell, Chairman of I vy Day, presented Fol lowing the O peretta, Mi Club. lub, in a p preciation of her a corsage bouquet to Miss E m ily H eath, l eader of the Glee ass istance in supervising the progr am , which was as follow : · My Sun b The Swan


E. di Capua C. Sa int-Sae'Yls




C a r ry M e Back t o O l d Virginny

Bland Moza rt Hayden

b D rink to Me O n l y W i th Thine E ye

c Dost Thou Love Me S i ster Rut h

Si ter Ruth, Ma rjorie Du nstan Brother John, Leonora H a l l PART I I I OPERETTA

"THE QUEST OF THE GYPSY" Isabel Ida Barbara Lillian M yra Rhoda Dorothy Jean Cora Lena F a ith Gypsy Man Co unt ry Bo y

Clua 1·a cters

M a rtha A l len Mary H o l l and H e le n S m ith Violette Boulter E dna Cohen Ruth Daggett Pearle Grant C l a ire Richa rdson E lizabeth Gross A lexa n d rine Fu ller O l ive Richa rdson True H a rdy H a r riet Towle

A cco1npcmist, Je ssie A l exander Specialty Dances, Louise Chapman, Bern ice


A t the concl usion of the O peretta all the c l asses j o i ned in the Proce ssional M a rch, led by the Seniors in cap a n d gown. M iss Edith Grearson, P resident of the Senior C l ass, cond ucted the planting of the ivy, a n d presented the trowel to the J uni o r Class P resident, Fra nces Nason. The I vy Day Ode, sung by all, concl uded the exercises for the afternoon . In the evening a performance of W i l l i a m Shakespeare's " Twelfth ight" was pre­ sented i n modern costume, at the Junior H igh School. Professor Carl J. Weber di rected the pla y . A vote wa taken on whether the play was more or less effective i n the modern backgrou n d , but no decision could be made as the votG was even l y di v ided. The cast was a s fol lows : "TWE LFTH TIGHT" V i o l a , l ater d isguised as Cesa rio Captain M a riner Sailor S i r Toby Belch M a ria, Cou ntess Olivia's m a i d S i r A n d rew Aguecheek, o n e of S i r Toby's friends D uke O rsino C u rio, an attendant o n t he Duke Fabian, Countess O l iv i a 's bell boy M a l volio, Cou ntess O l ivi a 's steward Countess O li via Lady-in-Waiting Sebasti a n , the brother of Viola Antonio, a sol d i e r of fortune Officer of the I l l yr i a n Police

One hwndred nimety-two

F ra nces N a on R uth Dow E velyn E s tey M y rtle M a i n J u l ia M a y o Dorothy Giddin gs A rdelle Chase M artha D av i s Lura Norcross M a rtha Sundberg Helen S m it h Alexandrine Fuller Lou i se Chapman Doris Sanborn M a rguerite Chase

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