Oracle 1920

Page 1

lnl�'fEiAlJILLE Pll�lrt�

iellication 1820 Jlllit� bttptat respect attb filial bruotiott to t�e Blaktrs of Ololby <!!o llegr, bot� past anb µresrnt, anb to

�lma Hlater i;erself on �er �uubrebt� auuiueraary. t�i& <@radt is �umbly btllicattb.


Wable of Pag DED T



igma Kappa hi Omega Delta Delta Delta Alpha Delta Pi Phi l\Iu







6 7



.'. 0 IATION



ommittce f the Tru t e­ G rad uate rO'anizati6n , 'hort Hist ry of Colby Th Frrculty


12 12 13 14 19 31

149 150 151 152 153 154 155





udent oun il Echo Board Debating ociety Press Club International Relation Club Gamma Gamma igma Y. W.C.A. Literary ociety Colbiana Aroo took Club niver. i y Wit The • tudent ' League

91 94 9

EXH!BlTION.. Lyford Prize peaking Conte t 'ophomore Declamation Hallowell Prize pea k ing Conte t

10 109 109 110 110 111 112 112 113

Fre hman Readin.,. Junior Prize Exh ibition i\Iurray Prize D bate Go0dwin Prize Hamlin Prize, 'p aking Conte t




115 116 11 120 122 124 126 12

Delta Ka.ppa Eps ilon 7'cta P. i DE'lta p i lon Phi Delta Theta Alpha Tau Omega L:tmbrla hi Alpha Pi De l t a Pbi

TOR ,A...'\TZATION Y. M. C. A.

77 7

99 100 101 104 105 106


HONORARY SocrETIE. Epicureans Druid ;\ly tics p ilon Beta Kapp a Alpha Chi Gamma Theta

-!5 46 67 70 73 76

O�DIE ' EMENT Junior Cla. Dav Senior Cla Da�r �inety-Eighth 'ommencement Award. Degr e Conferred




COLBY COLLEGE The Corp oration Boru:<l of Tru tee

130 132 134 136 1:)

ATH LETIC Athletic s ociation Football Cros Country Ba eball Tenni

16 169 169 170 170 171



Mu. re

174 175 175 177 178

Mu ical Clubs-Officers Glee Club Mandolin Club Orchestra

LITERARY Elijah Pari h Lovejoy

179 180 182 187 190 193 195



Luigi The Unappreciated Immigrant Atmosphere Legend of the t. Jean Our Mutual Friend


157 15 159 160 161 161 161 162 163 164 165 166 166 167

203 210

1Hlustrations Page FR01 TISPIECE COLBY


ORACLE BO.IBO COLBY COLLEGE The College in 1 50 The College in 1 90 lVIemorial Hall Plan for Future Development THE FACULTY l\IEN's DIVISION enior Cla Junior Cla s ophomore Cla Fre bman Clas \VoMEr 's DIVISIO)I enior Cla Junior lass ophomore Cla Fre bman Cla

91 9-! 99 10 115 116 11 120 122 12-! 126 12 130 132 13-! 136 138 l-!1-14 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 157 159 160 165 16 172 17-! 176 177 17 179 202 203 210 216

Col\nIEXCEMENT EXHIBITION FRATER ITIE AND SoRORITIE Delta Kappa Epsilon Zeta P i Delta p ilon Phi Delta Theta Alpha Tau Omega Lambda Chi Alpha Pi Delta Phi igma Kappa Chj Omega Delta Delta Alpha Deltn Pi Phi l\Iu ART

1 2 9 1 22 24 2 30 31 45 46 67 70 73 77 7.


Ho ORARY OCIETIE Epic means Druid Mystic Up ilon Beta Kappa Alpha Chi Gamma Theta 'T DE::'llT 0RGANIZATIO. tudent Council Echo Board Colbiana Board •


DRA..'\1ATICS :\Iu IC Glee Club Mandolin Club Orche tra LITERARY NECROLOGY LA:\1 THE CALE::'llDAR THE E)ID


lit you qanr asaumrl'l a r�arartrr bryonl'l HOUr atrengt�. HOU qaur bot� µlayrl'l a poor tigurr in tqat,

anl'l nrgltrtel'l one tqat i.s witqin your powrr.


111 oreworll The ORACLE work o f the year. a

trives earnestly to review in part the Whether it ha

succeeded in presenting

fa ithfu l outline i s for you to j udge.

To the critic's eye,

i ts i mperfections are manifest, for it would not presume to pass u ncriticized.

I ndeed, that would be so severe a

reproof that the most can d i d acknowledgment would be sweet harmony in i ts stead .

Favorable or u n favorable,

however, the O RACLE asks only that you be a j ust critic. The ORACLE Board offers this book in

trict confidence that

i t represents its best effort--an effort which has consumed endless weary hours.

Q}qe ®rade Association President, C HARLES EVERETT VIGUE, '20 T1·easurer, JOEL ERASTUS TAYLOR, JR., '21 Secnta1·y, STEPHEN HAGER AYER, '2 1 Art Editrns. , MATTIE LUCILE KrnDER, '20

m�e ®racle iloarb l


C HARLES EVERETT VIGUE, '20, A T !1 Business Manage1·



A.ssistant Business Managers RAYMOND HARRIS SPINNEY, '21, .



T !.1 ®

A.rt Editrnss


� K

r-1ssocfote Edito?'S WILLIAM JOSEPH POLLOCK, � K E






DoNALD OscAR S M ITH, <1> � e






8 Cente nnial N u m b e r

1£hitnrialn E RV ANTES in his "Don Quixote," though a novel of no literary merit, gives us a work which remains, after 300 years, unsurpassed as a picture of Spanish life, as a gallery of living portraits, as a masterpiece of droll humor. An illustration of the latter is the reply of Sancho to the Squ i re with the great nose : "It is with good reason that I pretend to have j udgment in wine. This is a quality hereditary in our fami ly. Two of my ki nsmen were once called to give their opinion of a hogc:::.h ead. . . . One of them tastes i t ; consi ders it ; and, after mature reflection, p ronounces the wine to be good were i t not for a small taste of leather which he perceived i n it. The other, after using the same precautions, gives also his verdict i n favor of the wine ; but with the reserve of a ta . te of i ron which he could easily di stinguish. Imagine how much they were both ridiculed for thei r j udgment. But who laughed i n the end ? On emptying the hogshead, there was found an old key ring with a leathern thong tied to it." We, the Editors, do not presume to possess so splended a sense of dis­ crimination as Sancho. What material goes to comprise our book will not permit of so fine a scrutiny for defects as did this famous wine. E ven our merit, i f we are thus favored, will be of a meagre sort for the reason that the ORACLE for 1 920 is a meagre book . We have cut down on the various departments until they are actually threadbare, but through no i nclinatio n of our own . Material .. in the present year book, comprises les than two-thi rds of what we had u nder consideration last Fall . We have been obliged to reduce to almost endless reduction, simply because financial conditions at Colby prohibit the edition of a vol ume which could compare favorably with simi lar publications of other colleges in everything but the price. Printers' and engravers' rates on all ORACLE work have i ncreased exactly 709{ since last year and our hopes for a banner book in this, our first centenary anniversary, are shattered. Do you wonder that we are almost helpless when it comes to delivering you a presentable book, now that you know with what we have to contend ? All the same we shall consider ourselves generously rewarded, i f our readers-no, not generous with their praise, nor relentless with their cen­ su re-assume a neutral grou nd. Let them offer no consolation-the time for tears i s past-but rather a constructive, sympathetic criticism . C riticism, in its ablest form, an art, demands a n icety and exactness of precision which only practice can give. I t is this artistic criticism which we crave ; one which will consi der all points of the question and render a j udgment u n influenced by personal emotions. 10 Centennial Number

We feel, however, that there are two i tems which will, i n a measure, compensate our many fail ings : t he brief history of the College and a series of portraits of the various p rofessors. With each of the first three portraits ( viz : Presi dent R oberts, Doctor Taylor, D octor Marquardt ) we have p resented a printed paragraph. Each is typical of the man who, i n every case, needs no i ntro d uction t o the sons a n d daughters of Colby. Who i s not acquain ted with the b lusteri ng, boisterous i mpetuosity, yet with a genial good humor beneath the surface, of Presi dent Roberts ? Who does not respect and honor the man w hose l i fe has been so wrapped u p i n C o lby's wel fare : Doctor Taylo r ? And, lastly, who does not remem­ ber this characteristic pose of D octor Marquardt as he stands before the class : "I know mein friends" ? The debt we owe these men no eulogy can mouth; but t i me w i l l be p owerless to rob u s of memories of them . The other professors, who follow, are new men to most Colby graduates, yet they a re men who are mainta i n i ng the high scholastic standing which always has been Colby's prestige. In the O RACLE of this year we have fol lowed a suggestion which has come from several sources : " B u i l d up you r l i terary department." We have done thi s,-at least i n length . As for quality, we acknowledge that some of the material used i s i n ferior to that of p revious years . On sev­ eral occasions, however, a personal touch i s present which i s of direct merit and charm, even in the work of an amateur . The selections offered for your approval are varied. The article on " E l i j ah Parish Lovej oy" w i l l not fail to arouse i nterest. "Luigi," shall we say, i s a touch of fem i n i ne phi losophy. A condensation of Charles D i ckens' "Our Mutual Friend " is cleverly done and portrays to a marked degree the humor of thi s author. O ne prize-winning article i n the Hallowell Prize Speaking Contest i s also giYen . We leave i t to the reader to i magine all the force of oratorical eloquence which accompanied this essay. To the l oyal sons and daughters of Colby who are returning for a few hours to her sacred shrine of learning, the C olby ORACLE extends a most cordial and heartfelt greeti ng. I ndeed, it w i l l be a privi lege to welcome these friends and graduates of Colby who are putti ng forth every effort to make Colby a bigger factor in the l i ves of young men and women .

�ckuow lebgmettt To all those who have helped i n any way to make our work a success, Gratitude is more than mere words. how can we express our th:rnks ? E special thanks are due to Dr. Libby and Prof. C hester, both of whom have been most cordial with their assistance and suggestions. The splend i d work obtained through Miss K i d der, A rt-E ditor, and Prof. B rown deserves also special mention. 11

Cen tennial Num b e r

®ffirern of tqe Q}urµoratiott Prenident A RT H U R JERE M I A H ROBERTS, M.A.

Wate t v il le

Vice-Presid-nt, and e ·officio Chafrman, B o a 1 ·d of Trnstee


Augusta , ec1· tary


Wat 1·ville .




1!loar� of mrustees HONORARY TRUSTEE JOSEP H L. C O L B Y , LL.D.

Ne1 ton Cent1'e, Mas:>.




Fort Fairfi ld La wrnnc , iVIass. Po1·tland Augusta Waternill Winth?'Op Cent1·e Allston, Mass. Watervill Wo1·ceste1., Mass.


Aubuni H ashington, D. C. Ei e 1·e tt , Mass.

Boston, Mass. Ludlow, Vt. Portland Wate1·ville C hicago , Ill.


Centennial Nu m b e r


B ro c kp o r t , . Y. 1do n Centre , Mass. H o ul t o n Bosto n , Mass. Wa t e 1 · ille A ug usta Ha 1·tfo rd , C o n n . S k o w h ega n

TERM EXPI RES I N 1923 F RAN K W. ALDE1 , B . A . A LBERT F . D RUM M O N D, B . A .

H a t e 1 · ille Wa te rville


A u b u7'n Fa ll Ri er, Mass.

(Uommittee!i of t�e (ifrustees, 1919-1920 STAL DJ



Im:es tm n t MESSRS . ROBERTS, BASSETT A i D MURRAY Fin a n c e M ESSRS . WI N G , BAILEY, C HA P M A., DU N N A N D C O RN I S H Hono ra ry D eg 1 · ees MESSRS. GIBBS, B RADBURY A TD HALL P 1 ·o fessorships THE PRESI DK T, MESSRS. C RAWFORD, D O DGS, P ADELFORD A N D PAGE T H E FACULTY e.r o.!i t c io , A



C e n t e n nial N u m b e l'


From the Board of Tru tee ARTHUR J . ROBERTS, '90 LESLIE C . CORNISH, '75 RICHARD C . SHA N NON, '62 GEORGE 0. S M ITH, '93 GEORGE C. \.YING, LL. D . EDWIN C . WHI TTEMORE, '79 EM ERY B . GIBBS, ' 8 8 WILFORD G. CHAPMAN, '83 GEORGE E. MURRAY, '79 From the Alumni Association : NORMA N L. BASSETT, ' 9 1 DANA W. HALL, '90 ALBERT H . B ICKMORE, '93 FRED F . LAWRENCE, '01 GEORGE W. COLE MAN, M .A. JOHN B. ROBERTS, '04 REX W. DODGE, '06 ALLEN P. SOULE, '79 JULIA.N D. TAYLOR, '68 C cntennial A n n i1Je rsar y

WOOD M A N BRADBURY, '87 HERBERT c . LIBBY, '02, Chairman NORMAN L. B ASSETT, ' 9 1 REX W. DODGE, '06 REUBEN W. DUNN, '68 Athletics

FRAN K W. ALDEN, '98 ; HERB"'.':'RT E. WADSWORTH, '92 ; ARCHER JORDAN, '95 Rese1·ve Officers' Training Corps


�rabuate ®tgau1zatious m�e (f)enetal l\luttmi l\ Preside n t

ARCHER JORDAN, '95, Auburn, Mai ne Vice-President

WILLIA M B. JACK, '00, Portland, Maine Sec?"etary

EDWIN c. WHITTEMORE, '79 , Watervi lle, Maine Nec?'Olngist

CHARLES P. CHIPMAN, '06, Waterville, Mai ne T1·easurer

CHARLES w. VIGUE, '98, Watervi l le, Maine 14

Centennial Number

Execu ti'l.'e Comm ittee

R. WESLEY D U N N , '68, Watervi lle, Maine LEON C. G UPTILL, '09, Boston , Mass. F RANK B. CONDON, '08, A ugusta, Maine Alurnni Rep 1·esenta ti v es on A thletic Associa t io n

ALBERT F. DRUM MOND, '88, Watervil le, Maine FRANK W. ALDEN , '98, Waterv i lle, Maine Conirn ittee to No niinate Alu m ni T 1 · us t ees

NOR M A N L . BASSETT. '91, Angusta, Maine \"\ ARREN c. PHILBROOK, '82, Waten·i l le, Maine BYRON BOYD, '86, Augusta, Maine

iostott Qlolby �lumtti 1\.anodatiott Presiden t

B ERTRAM c. RICHARDSON , '98, Dorchester, Mass. Vice-P1·esiden ts

E. C. C LARK, '94, B oston, Mass.

H. E. HAMILTON, '96, Greenfield, Mass.

Secl'eta ry-T reas u re r

F. G. GETCHELL, '98, Needham, Mass. Ass istant Sec retary

A . B . WARRE N , '99, Dorchester, Mass. Executive Comm it tee fo r Fou1· Yea rs

ALBERT ROBINSO N , '93, Peabody, Mass. c. B. FULLER, '96, Waltham, Mass. P . F . WILLIAMS, ' 97, West Newton, Mass.

m�e New fork Q}olby �lumtti 1\.a.aodatiott P reside nt

JOEL B. SLOC U M , '93 , 29 Ashburton AYenue, Yonkers, N. Y. Vice-President

B ERTHA L. SOULE, '85, H otel St. George, B rooklyn, N. Y . Sec?'<�tar y-T1·eas u r e r

R OBERT H . BO WE N , '14, 330 Summit A' enue, Mt. Vernon, N . Y . 15 Centennial N u m b e r

i\toontoolt Q}o lby Q}lub Pl'eside 1 t

GEORGE A. GORHAM, '91, H o u lton First Vice-P1· sid n t


myrna Mills

'eco11d 1 ice-Pre :'dent

VICTOR A. GILPATRICK, 13, Dav i d on ecr tary



'07, H o ulton

T1·easure 1 ·

WALTER F . TITCOMB, '97, Houlton

Q}omtedicut l!Ialley Qlolby Q}lub Pre. ide n t

CHARLES F. T . SEAVER S , ' 0 1 , Hartford, Conn. Sec1·e ta1·y

CLARENCE G. GOULD, '04, Hartford, Conn . E�recutivc Committee



. nfficio , and HARRY E. HAM ILTO N , '96, Greenfield, MasL .

(!}qicago Qlo lby (ltlub Preside n t

DR. CHARLES P . SMALL, '86, Chicago, I ll . S e c re ta 1 ·y

FRAN K D. MITCHELL, '84, Chicago, I ll .


Centennial N u m b e r


FLORENCE E. D U N N, '96 First 1 ice-Pl'esident

ETHEL MERRIAM WEEKS, ' 1 4 �eco n d Vice-President

GR CE WARREN ATCHLEY, '03 Secre t a 1·y

MARY P HYLLIS ST. CLAIR, ' 1 3 T rea su re1·

·JE N NIE M. S M IT H, '81 E:recutii:e Committee



HARRIET N. PARME.JTER, '89 C o l b iana Alum, n a e Edito 1 ·

E T H EL MAY R u SELL, '00 Alu m na e Council


17 Centennial Num b e r

(!}nlby (!}nllege l 820-1902 by E DWARD W. H ALL, L L . D . , Librarian and Registrar in 1 902 ;

1 902- 1920 by T H E E DITOR C olby College origi nated � ith the Bowdoinham Baptist Association, which i n 1 8 1 0 appointed a committee to consider the p ropriety of peti­ t io n i ng the legislature of Massach usetts "to i ncorporate an i nsti tution i n the district of Mai ne for the purpose o f promoting l iterary a n d theological knowledge." Similar action wa taken in 1 8 1 1 by the Lincoln and the C umberland Associations, and a petition p repared by the j oint committees was presented to the Senate of MasRachusetts by Rev. Caleb B lood in 1 8 12 . T h i s petition stated that although t h e Baptists were u n doubtedly more nu merous in the district than any other denom ination, ) et they had no Semi nary over which they had any control , and i n which their religious young men m ight e educated u nder the particu lar i nspection of able men of the same sentiments. This fi rst petition for incorporation was not successful . The fol low­ i ng year Rev. Daniel Merri l l of Sedgwick wa appointed to p resent a second petition and succeeded in obtaining a charter, approved February 27, 1 8 13, for establishing "a L iterary I n stitution for the p urpose of educat­ ing youth, to be called and known by the name of the Maine Literary and Theological I nstitutio n . " The title given was at that time a favorite designation attached to many Rem inarie of lea rn i ng i n which collegiate and theological c lasses were u nite d . The trustees named i n t h e charter soon organized with R e v . Sylvanus Boardman as chai rman and Rev. Oti s Briggs as secretary, and entered upon the prelimi nary work of secu ri ng a suitable location for the I n stitu­ ti on . B y a resolve date<l February 1 5, 1 815, township No. 3, originally p urchased from the I ndians, and embracing the territory now occupied by the towns o f Alton and A rgy�e on the west bank of the Penobscot river, was granted t o the I nstitution. This to\vnship had been selected by the trustees as "the best selection, in their opin ion, that can be made from the u nlocated lands of the commom11 ealth for the establ i shment o f the I nstitu­ tion." I t yielded an excellent growth of t imber, the sale o f which main­ tained the young seminary for many years. The plan of locating the I nstitution on the very tovvnship granted was found i mp racticable, and i n 1 816 the legislatu re granted permission t o locate and establish the b u ild­ i n gs i n any town within the counties of Kennebec and Somerset. The corporation appointed a committee in 1 8 1 7 to visit Farm i ngton, B loomfield and Watervi lle, towns which had expressed a desire to have the school, and eventually decided in favor of Watervi lle. The town authorities pledged three tho u. and dollars and the citizens subscribed two thous:rnd i n aid o f the e:n1erprise. A tract of land eighty-six rods wide, extending from the Kennebec to the Messalonskee, was pu rchased o f R. H. Gardner i n 1 8 1 8 for $ 1 , 7 9 7 . 5 0 , w h i c h a m o u n t w a s contributed by citizens of Waterville. T h i s l o t , contain­ ing 1 7 9 acres, was afterward increased by the p u rchase o f the B riggs 19

Centennial Number

estate adjoining it on the south . The southern boundary of this land, which a lso extended from the Kennebec to the Messalonskee, coi ncided with the south line of the lot on which the D utton house, owned by the College, now stand . In June, 1 8 1 8 , upon petition of the trustees a bill was reported grant­ ing four additional townships of land and $3,000 annually for the mai n­ tenance of the I n stitution, but was referred to the next legis lature for hnal action. At that se sion a number of printed petitions igned by citizens i n several town i n Maine and Massachusetts, were offered, urging the passage of the b i l l. The language of these petitions, presented by Hon . Wm. K i ng, a trustee and later governor of Maine, was severel critici ed, and Gen . Alford Richardson, a trustee and member of legisla­ ture, expre ed great dissatisfaction on that account. This trivial cir­ cum tance led to the fai lure of the b i l l by a vote to 13 to 10, and entailed upon the Institution many years of poverty and sacrifice. Rev. Jeremiah Chaplin o � Danvers, Mass., who had charge of the theological stu dents of the Massachusetts Baptist E ducation Society, was chosen professo:r of theology i n February, 18 1 8 . A ccompanied by his wife, two children, and several of his pupils, he sailed from Beverly, Mass., on board the sloop "Hero," which brought the l ittle company as far as Augusta. The remai ning twenty miles to Watervil le were accomplished i n a long-boat, which Mrs. Chapl i n in her j ou rnal describes as provided with sails and having a booth or cabin at one end . When the breeze fai led them, the young men of the party landed and dragged the boat by a rope. On their arrival at Watervil le they were met by a number of citizen , among whom was Hon . Timothy Boutelle, who made a short address of welcome and provided for thei r entertainment. Mrs. Chaplin's journal gratefully records the courteou reception accorded them by Mrs. Boutelle, Mrs. C lark and Mr. Partridge at this time, and it is mentioned that she fou nd friendly neighbors who did not "seem to be such ignorant, uncu lti­ vated bei ngs as some have imagi ned ." I t is gratifyi ng also to read the fol lowing statement : "Many of those whom I have seen appear to be people of education and refinement, nor have we been destitute of Chri stian company." The new semi nary was opened and instruction by P rofessor Chapl i n commenced July 6, J 8 1 8, i n a house standing where t h e E lmwood Hotel is now situated . In May, 1 8 1 9, there were seventeen students i n the theo­ logical department. Tuition was fixed at $4.00 per quarter, board was obtained for $ 1 .00 a week, and wood fo r $1.50 per cord. An "Address to the Public," issued in 1 8 1 9 , proved that the school was establ ished not as a theological seminary, but also for "those who are desirous of engagi ng i n any of the learned professions." Rev. Avery Briggs was chosen professor of languages and the literary department was opened by h i m in October, 1 8 1 9 , with twenty-five students. The first session of the legislature of the State of Maine in 1 820, author­ ized the college "to confer such degrees as are usually conferred by u n i ­ versities,"-the sum of $ 1 , 000 annually for seven years w a s also voted, one-fourth for the tuition fees of needy stu dents, a principle which was 20 Centennial Num b e 1 ·

t w

generally fol lowed i n a l l the money grants to the College made by the legi slature, which only amou n ts to $ 14,500. The collegiate characte1· o f the young semi nary was definitely declared in 1 82 1 when the name of Water i l le College was a dopted . In May, 1 822, Re . Jeremiah C hapli n was e lected pre i dent and o n Augu t 21 the fi rst commencement exercises were held. A l arge concourse of people from towns in the vicini ty assembled to witness the literary exercises . The proces ion, which continues to be a prominent featu re of the day, was led by a band of music and a company of m i l itia in u n i form . George Dana Boardman and Ephraim Tripp constituted the graduatin g cla s and both erved the College a tutors. Two b u i l d in gs had now been erected o n the College grounds after c u tting away the den e growth o f trees. A dwelling house for the presi ­ dent had been completed i n 1 8 19 on t h e s i t e now occupied by Memorial Hall. I n 1821 o uth College was built and eighteen rooms fi n i shed , beside fittin g u p a p a r t of the b u i l d i ng f o r a chapel. T h e secon d dormi­ tory, k nown as North C o llege and now called Chap l i n Hall, -v as built i n 1 822. The ma o n work o f both college b u i l d i ng was done b y Mr. Peter Getche l l and the carpenter work by Mr. Lemuel D u nbar. The theological department o f the College was of short durati o n . The fi rst triennial catalogue, i ssued i n 1 825, gi' es the names o f fi fteen gradu­ ates in theology. No record of any other tudents i n thi departmen t appears i n s ubsequent triennials. P resident Cha p l i n resigned i n 1 833, leavi ng the College provided with two brick dormitories, two dwelling house for college officers, a large board i n g house, a farm of 1 8 0 acres, two w orkshops, a good chemical and phi losophical apparatu obtained at a cost of $ 1 ,500, and a l ibrary o f abo u t 2 , 0 0 0 volumes. A fter his death i n 1 8 4 1 the trustees pa sed resolutions "in grateful remembrance o f the able, u ntiring and u ccessfu l labor o f the late P resi­ dent Chap l i n , " and a memorial tablet wa placed o n the wall of the College chapel . Rev. R u fu s Babcock, Jr., succeeded P resident Chap l i n in 1833. It was a critical period. The College wa i n debt $ 1 8, 000 and could not meet more than three-fifths of i ts c urrent expen e . The popularity and efficiency of the new presi dent soon completed a ub cription to pay the debt and the catalogue o f 1 83 4 recorded the names of over one hundred tudents. The central brick building now called Champli n Hall was erected i n 1836. The basement story was divided i nto four rec i tati o n rooms, above which was the college chapel, reached by a broad flight of steps o u tside. The story above the chapel was occupied on the north side b y the library and on the outh by the apparatus and class room for natural philo ophy. The value o f the C o llege property was now $50,000. Rev. John 0. Choules retu rned from E nglan d in 1836 with gifts of 1 , 500 volumes for the l ibrary, i n c l u d i ng a set o f the folio volumes o f the Records Commission and the Royal observatory. A n attempt wa now made to resume in truction in theological studies, 21

Centennial Number

but it was not continued after the re ignation of Dr. Babcock in July, 1836, who was obliged to seek a mi lder climate. Rev. Robert E. Patti on, who had erved a p rofessor of mathematics i n 1828-29, wa cho en to succeed Dr. Babcock. Under his care the attendance was largely increased and the q uality of the i nstruction rose to a high rank. Another etf ort was made b relieve the College from finan­ cial emb3.rrassment but without ucces . Dr. Patti on resigned the presidency i n December, 1839, and everal of the profe sors also tendered thei r resignations. By the in fluence of P rof. George W. Keely, the acting president, i nstruction as maintai ned and one more attempt made to

<i:U1e Q}ollegr in 1.350

secure funds. The citizens of Watervi lle responded liberally and $ 1 0,000 was at once subscribed, of which the i l l-paid professors subscribed $2,000. Agents were sent out through Maine and Massachusetts and by December, 1840, subscriptions amounting to $50,000 were obtained. I n August, 184 1 , Mr. Eliphaz Fay, an eminent teacher i n Poughkeepsie, N. Y., was chosen president. The recent cri sis affected the attendance, reducing the number of students in 1 8 4 1 -42 to only seventy-six: The resig­ nation of President Fay was accepted in August, 1 843, and Rev. Davi d N. Sheldon, then pastor of the Baptist church in Watervi lle, was chosen his successor. U nder hi care and with the co-operation of an able and devoted faculty, three of whom were subsequently eminent as college presi­ dent8, the earlier prestige of the College v.ras revived and students p resented themselves in larger number. 22 Centennial Num ber

Ten >ears passed i n comparati e quiet. The small i ncome of the College was yet sufficient to meet its 'vants. In 1853 Dr. Sheldon retired to resume the work of the m i n i stry, and Dr. Pattison, the beloved p resident o f the College in 1 836- 1839, was recalled to the di rection of it affairs. His econd term of three year wa marked b the i ntellectual vigor and devotedness of a Chri tian c haracter of rare excel lence. P rof. James T . Champlin , ' hose textbooks o n the O rations of Demos­ thenes were for thi rt� years jn general use i n American colleges, was p ro­ moted to the p re i dency of the College in 1857. ome efforts were made to solicit endowment funds. The c la se entering in 1 858 and 1 859 were unu ually large, but before graduation the outb reak of the War of the Rebellion had called many i nto the ervice of the natio n . Only sixty-two students remained in 1 8 64-65. P rofessors Smith, Lyford, Foster and H am l i n constituted the fac u l tv of in truction . With the i nrnsted funds red uced t o $ 1 5 , 000 a n d rapi d l y growing less, the outlook was i ndeed dark. The dawn of brighter days, howe' er, was approachi ng. Mr. Gardner C o lby of Boston, part o f whose childhood had been spent in Watervi11e, came forward with an offer of $50,000 o n condi­ tion that the friend of the C o llege raise $1 00.0 0 0 . M uc h enthusiasm was awakened by this generous offer, and Dr. Champl i n , aided by members of the fac ulty, can....-a sed the state vigorou sly, completing the requi red sub­ scription in about two years. In recognition of Mr. C o l by' munificent gift, the t ru. tees obtained from the legi lature in 1 867 an act changi ng the name of the College to C olby Uni versity. Mr. Colby' gift called forth other con i derable gift . A ided by the alumni, a memorial bt i lding was b u i l t of stone i n 1 869 at a cost of $50,000. Here the library found a home e pecially designed for it use, though its 9 , 000 vol umes seemed lost o n the pacious shelves b u i lt to contain 30,000 i n the far-di tant future. The new chapel accommodations wrought a marked change in the dai ly service , now held at eight o'clock instead of at six i n the morning and five i n the afternoon. I n the Memorial H a l l w a p laced by t h e alumni a marble tablet i nscribed w i t h t h e names o f twenty College men w h o h a d laid d o w n t h e i r live for t h e U n i o n . T h e commencement d inner i n 1 8 7 0 w a s marked by great enthusiasm, culminating i n p ledges of $ 50,000 for a bui lding for the department of natu ral sciences, then d i rected by Prof. Charles E. Ham l i n . The b u i l di ng wa fin ished i n 1 872 and styled Coburn H a l l . The old chapel was remod­ eled i nto con e nient l ecture rooms and named Champl i n Hall. The early ix-o'clock reci tations were abandoned. Steam heating was i ntroduced i n to the renovated North College now called Champl i n Hall . These i m p rovement were made u nder the di rect supervision of P resident C hamp­ lin and paid for b;) subscriptions soli cited mainly by him, and yet the i nvested funds had i n c rea ed to $200, 0 0 0 . T h e semi-centennial of the College i n J 870 -v a the occasion of a n a d d re by D r . Cham p l i n , i n w h i c h he reviewed t h e early hi story o f the Col lege and its p rospective and ad' ancement. H o n . D . L. M i ll i ken o f Watervi l le, a trustee and benefactor o f the Col lege, wa i nstrumental in 23

Centennial Numbe1·

obtain i n g from the State in 1 864 a grant of two half-townships of land, the last gift from that source. In July, 1 872, Dr. C hampl i n tendered his resignation but remai ned in office at the request of the trustees one year longer, when he retired to devote h i mself b literary p ursuits. Rev. Henry E . Robin , D . D ., of Rochester, N . Y., came to the presi­ dency i n 1 8 7 3 . He arou sed n e w i nterest i n t h e College. N e w courses of instru c tion were added and those long established infu sed with new l i fe . T h e South Col lege was renovated, t h e gymnasi um made an important factor in college train i ng ; and the l ibrar) , in the year o f the great awaken­ ing of l ibrary i nterest, was p laced in charge of a paid l ibrarian. The col lection of the two l iterary societies, the Literary Fraternity, which was maintai ned from 1 824 to 1878, and the Erosophian Adelphi from 1 836 to 1 876, were united with the College l ibrary. A grati fying i ncrease in at­ tendance fol lowe , the highest number being 1 57 in 1 879. On the death of Mr. Colby in 1 8 79 the College recei ved a bequest of $ 1 20,000. The arduous labors of President Robins so underm i ned his health that he was obliged to spend the year 1 8 8 0-8 1 i n foreign travel, lea ing Prof. S . K. Smith, D .J)., as acting president, and i n 1 882 he re igned his position. Rev. George D . B . Pepper, D . D ., succeeded President Robins in 1 882 and administered the affairs o f the College with great fidelity unti l fai l i ng health compelled him to resign i n 1 8 8 9 . T h e average attendance during this period was about 1 20. Dr. Pepper developed measures for the i m ­ provement o f t h e work and finances of t h e College and advanced its repu­ tati o n . H o n . Richard C. Shannon, who was graduated in 1 862, erected in 1 889 the brick b u i l d i ng called the Shannon Observatory and Physical L ab­ oratory, for the department then i n charge of the eminent astronomer, Dr. William A. Rogers . President Pepper, i n 1 885, obtai ned the establish­ ment o f a new professorshi p of geology and mineralog·, to which Dr. W . S. Bayley o f the U . S. Geological S u rvey was called. The professor of his­ tory, Dr. A. W . Small, devoted a year's l eave o f absence to university study i n Baltimore, supplementing a n earli er course i n Berl i n . A t D r . Pepper's retirement the endowment funds had risen to $50 5 , 767. His u nexpected resignation was accompani ed by a strong recommendation that Prof. Albion W. Small, Ph . D ., be appoin ted his successor. The suggestion was at once ratified by the board o f trustees and President Small, the first graduate o f the College t o be c hosen to that office, assumed his duties in August, 1 8 8 9 . H is i ntimate knowledge of the conditions and l i m itations of the College enabled him to devise measures for i mprovi ng i ts educational fac i l i ties and exert i ng a wider i nfluence. To meet the growing demand for the higher education of young women Dr. Small conceived the p lan which was at once put i nto successfu l operation of arranging for the i nstruction of the young women in separate c lasses, thus forming a co-ordi nate college system. The p lan of giving to the tu dents some participation i n the government of the collegiate body, proposed by Dr. Pepper, was developed and set in operation by Presi dent Smal l . In 1 89 1 the number of students was 1 84. 25

Centennial Number

(c oLBY l!WStb2o] o�cu:�) The University of Chicago called Dr. Small in 1 892 to be the honored head of its department of sociology. An able successor to President Small was found in the young pastor of the Free Street Church in Portland, Rev. Benaiah L. Whitman, D.D., in whose first year, 1 892-93, 206 student weTe enrolled . Course i n uni­ versity extension work were offered by several of the Colby profes or between the years 1 892 and 1900. The gymnasium wa enlarged and fur­ nished with baths and modern equipment in 1893, and physical trai·ning became an important adjunct to the curriculum. The vigorou and effi­ cient admi nistration of Pre ident Whitman attracted the notice of Colum­ bia University in 1 895, and he wa called to the presidency of that institution. A second graduate of the Col lege, Dr. Nathaniel Butler, whose father and grandfather had erved as t ru tees of Watervi lle College, was induced to leave an important position in the University of Chicago to become president of Colby. Dr. Butleli entered upon his dutie in January, 1896, bringing a wide experience i n college instruction and high ideals of the function of the college in the American educational system. U nder hi competent direction, intellectual, physical, and ocial education each received due consideration. The misleading title of "uni versity, " a sumed when our country had no real uni ersitie , wa exchanged in 1 899 for that of "Col lege" at his instance. A subscription to raise $60,000, for new bui ldings and other purpo e , received the approval of the citizens of Watervi lle at a public meeting called by the Board of Trade. The desired amount was obtained, Rev. N. T. Dutton acting as financial agent. The A lumni Chemical Hall wa erected i n 1 898 at a cost of $30,000. A pledge that in due time a bui lding for the Women's College hould be built and furni hed was received from a friend whose nam e was not et made public. Rev. C. E . Owen, after the decease of Mr. Dutton, was gi ven charge of a econd subscription of $60,000 and his appeals have met with favorable response. President Butler gradual ly brought the manifold deta i ls and diver e interests of all departments of college activity into harmonious and ys­ tematic working. A marked improvement in College spirit and lo alty was awakened in the student body. His scholarly addresses at many lit­ erary and educational gatherings reflected great honor upon the College and made its name more widely and honorabl y known. But the University of Chicago, which reluctantly parted with Dr. Butler in 1896, again claimed him in June, 1 9 0 1 , to take charge of an important division of i ts work. His resignation eemed like a public calamity, affect­ ing not only the College, but the entire community, which had through him been brought to take an unusual interest in the welfare of the College. The trustees elected as the successor of P resident Butler, Rev. Charles L. White, D . D . , of Hampton Falls, N. H . , a graduate of Brown University, who entered upon his duties September 1st, 1 9 0 1 . During h i s admini tration, although the endowment was not materially i ncreased , yet, by the liquidation of certain ou tstanding debts of her fitting schools, the finance of the college were strengthened and tabilized. In 1 903, Prof. Laban E . 26 Centennial N u m ber

·warren resigned, after 28 years of service devoted to mathematics and art . H i s chair was taken by the late Prof. C u rtis H ugh Ross Hatch. I n · 1902, the department o f chemistry was enlarged b y the addition o f new apparatus and by the offeri ng of advanced courses. This department has grown to be one of the most popu lar at C olby today, due perhaps to a vote of the Trustees, in 1 9 03, to confer the degree of Bachelor of Science. It was also in this period that the T rustees rnted to confer the degree B . A . without a knowledge of Greek. B y the resignation, i n 1 9 02 , o f the H o nor­ able Percival Bon ney, T reasurer o f the College, 1 8 8 1 - 1 902, a long period of service was termi nated . "From begi n ning to end his i ntegrity com­ manded u nquestioning confidence. His service was rendered co n amo rn . H i s devotion t o t h e College w a s recognized by a l l . " I n t h i s period of the College histo ry, t w o ' ery generous bequests were received. I n 1 904, Mrs. E lizah Foss Dexter of Worcester offered $20,000 for the building of a women's dormitory. A p romise of a n additional $20,000 wa announced for a future date and was received at the t i me o f h e r decease some years later. A nother bequest of generous p roportion was that o f $25,000 to be held as a n additional endowment. A t the annual meeting of the Trustees in 1 907, p lans were adopted and necessary official machinery established to consider the celebration of the Centennial in 1 92 0 . At this meeti ng Dr. E. C. Whittemore was appointed hjstorian of the College. By special meeting i n March, 1 908, the Board met to consider the resig­ nation o f Presi dent Charles L. White, who had been elected Secretary to the American Baptist Home M iss ionary Society. It was at the close o f this year of Presi dent White's administration that the financial conditions showed a margin above actual expenditures. Entering his admin i stra­ tion with a d i scou ragi n gl.v large deficit and leavi ng with a margi n of p rofit speaks for i tsel f as to the sturdy, i n dustrious, conscientious character o f President White. The successor of Presi dent White was Professor A rthur J eremiah Rob­ erts, '90. Too officious a title, even professor, we think ! "Prexy" means infinitely more to our senti mental human natures . President Roberts early exhibited the progressi ve spirit which has been characteristic of his entire administration. H e perceived that the future growth and deve lopment of C o lby depended u po n a strong fi nancial system and a heavy endowment policy. In 1 909 he avised the Board to take action concerni ng membership i n the Carnegie Foundation . Though no definite action was taken i n favor of Presi dent Roberts's suggestion, it simply i l lustrates that the man was "on the j ob" from the begin n i ng and had the best i nterests of the College at heart. In 1 9 1 0 P rofessor E d ward W . Hall, for twenty-five years Pro­ fe sor o f Roma nce Languages and for thirty-seven years acti vely connected with the College, passed away. " Professor H a l l was exceed�ngly j ealous always for the growth and prosperity o f the College and to the best o f his knowledge he gave p ractically the whole of h i s productive l i fe i n devoted service to her interests. " J n 1 9 1 0 and agai n i n 1 9 14, due to congested rooming conditions i n the Men's Division, two new dormitories, Roberts Hall and Hedman Hall, were erected at a cost of approximately $20,000 each. 27

. Centennial Number

Duri ng the administration of Pre ident Roberts, several bequests have been made to the College : in 1 9 1 3, $75,000 from the estate of Levi M. Stew­ art of M i nneapolis, to be known as the Levi M. Stewart Fund ; in 1 9 15, William H . Snyder of Los Angele gave a cholarship of $ 1 ,500 ; i n 1 9 1 6, Franklin Simmons of Portland gave a cholar hip of $1 ,500 to be known as the Knox Scholarship. I t was in 1 9 15, after due deliberation with the Board and everal com­ munications with the General Educational Board of Rockefeller Founda­ tion; that President Roberts began active campaign for the $500,000 endow­ ment. The Educational Board pledged $ 1 25,000, providing the balance,

!lilemurial i!jall $375,000, be raised by June 1, 1 9 1 9 . D u e t o the war, this date has since been changed to June 1, 1920. At the meeting of the Trustees i n 1 9 1 6, Presi dent Roberts laid before the members assembled the p lans for the endowment. He also announced the pledge of the Rockefeller Foundation. A general d iscussion by the Trustees followed his announcement. And then took place what we con­ sider one of the most dramatic i ncidents in the history of Colby : Colonel Sh11nnon addressed a few remarks to the Board, and in closing he pledged a sum i dentical to that which the Educational Board had pledged. We now quote from the minutes of the Secretary of the Meeting : "No language of mine can describe the effect of Col . Shannon's announcement upon the Board of Trustees. There was an appreciable silence. Amazement and delight shone in the faces of all, tears of j oy 28

Centen n ial Numbe1


suffused the eyes of more than one member of the Board. Judge Cornish was, I think, the first man to speak . He sai d, ' I never expect to p reside at an occasion that sha l l thr i l l me as C o l . Shannon's speech has. ' Mean­ whi le nearly all the members of the Board had risen to their feet. Two o f them grasped Col. Shannon's hands ; some applauded ; but i t remai ned for Mr. M u r ray, who, a the secretary recalls him, had remained motion­ less in his chair, to arise and say, 'Mr. Chairman : -May Dr. Padelfo rd lead us i n p rayer ?' The members of the Board stood with bowed heads, while they l istened to one o f the most eloquent and heart-felt p rayers of thanksgiving that ever fel l from the lips o f man . " D u ri ng t h e years 1 9 1 7- 1 8 , n o t m u c h progress on t h e E ndowment F u n d w a s made, because President Roberts felt that i n so critical t i mes every effort sho u l d be d i rected in the p rosecution of the war and that college mat­ ters sho u l d revert to second p lace when it was a question of a national crisi s . In 1 9 1 9 , however, at the com i ng of peace, President Roberts aga i n entered t h e campaign w i t h renewed vigor. Contributions large and small have been received but the maj ority of the donations have been for small amounts. I t i s these small sums, carrying the message of personal i ncon­ venience and sacrifice, h ich ennoble the task o f the whole u ndertaking and which give the courage to dri e on and o n until the sum i s reached . A t the p re ·ent writing abou t $25,000 remains to be raised. Commenting on the fact, Pre i dent Roberts said, and he p ut it characteristically, too, "I don't know where i t's all coming from, but ,,. e' re going to get i t . " O f a very recent date comes t h e announcement f r o m t h e I nter-Church Movement : C olby w i l l receive $700,000 for endowment p u rposes and an additional $ 1 50,000 for necessary improvements. This, with the original E ndowment, will make a grand total of $ 1 ,350,000 . Truly, the future of Colby need not be hampered hy financial diffic u lties. Her back has ·been agaiirnt the wall for a century, but she has now emerged i nto the open and i s fighting strong. We m ight haYe made mention of other matters but they hold, in a l l rea lity, a secondary p lace i n President Roberts's administration : of the new location o f t he l ib rary reading room now known as the Seaverns Reading Room ; of the growing i nterest in athletics in the past ten years ; of the establishment of m i litary training at Colby ; of the more than 700 Colby men who served in the G reat War. H i s one aim, since assum i ng office, has been to make Colby an i n dependent i nstitution, dependent upon her own resou rces. His success, words are too weak to laud. But he i the man to whom high tribute i s due and the man i n whom the hopes and aspi rations of a century of predecessors are crysta l lized. Here i s the man whose splendi d achi evement in the matter of the E ndowment fund will be history as lbng ·as the old College lasts. A person of immature mind cannot realize the magnitude and far-reaching effects of P resident Roberts's accompli shment o n the fut u re of Colby. But a mature mind sees these things ; m o re, i t percei' es the magnan imous spirit, domi neeri ng per­ sistency, unflagging zeal, and dauntless courage o f a son of Colby, who, i n face of obstacles which wou ld have downed the 01dinary man, has assumed a debt which the gratitude even o f A lma Mater h ersel f cannot discharge. 29

Ce n te n nial Number


/ I









I \




• ' • •


' \ ' ' I II ' I

llJresi"bl'ltt J\rtl]ur J'Jeremial] f!toberts

ART HUR JERE M I A H ROBERTS, Presiden t of Colby

E d u cated at Colby College and at H arvard l. n i \:ersi ty. Degrees held : From Colby, A . B . ; from Harvard, M . A . Member Phi Delta Theta Fraternity, Waterville Country Cluh, � aterville Rotary Club, Watervi lle-"\Vinslow C hamber of Commerce . Office held : Chair­ man, State B ranch of the League to E n force Peace ; P resi dent, Watervi l le Rotary Club.

" I f I were a clergyman. I would rather preach t h e GospEl in China, M aine ! "


Ce n te n n ial N u m b e r

h i n a , Asi a , than i n

Presiden t R o b e r ts .

1Julian m. Q!anlor. llii.G.m.

JULIAN D . TAYLOR, Professo r of La tin

E ducated at Colby C o llege, Class 1 868 . Degrees received from C olby : A . B ., A . M . , LL.D . Teaching positions held : T utor, Colby, 1868- 1873 ; P rofessor of Latin , 1 873-;-. Offices now hel d : P rofessor of Latin, Colby ; Vice-President of Ti conic National Bank, Waterville.

" l\fr , James J . H il l s a i d that every m a n ' s l ife t h a t amounts to m u c h has u sually h a d o n e great adventure. This college has been m i n e . I m i g h t even say t h a t it has been my life itself, for within sound of its bell I was born ; i n hope and aspiration towards it my child hood grew up ; my youth was moulded and shaped by it; within its wal l s m y l ife work h as been done, and unrier its eaves I expect to spen d my remain­ i ng days . And at the l ast, if there i s a nyth ing left in my ashes, any Jiving spark, it will be my love for my college and for my old college friends." [E.·cerpt from Dr. Taylor's respo to the Trustees upon t he i r decision in 1 9 1 8 to crea te t h e Taylor Professors h ip of t h e Latin Language and Litera t u re�]


Centennial Number

A nton i1lll a rquar Clt, 1t�.m.

A N TO N MARQUARDT, Professo r of the Germa n Lan guage a nd Literaty,re

E d ucated i n Germany, at the Catharineum i n Lubeck and the U n iversities of Berlin and Kiel . Degrees received : From the Cath­ arineum 1877, D as E injahrig F reiw i l ligen, D i ploma ; 1880, Das Abiturienten, D ip loma, and 1 885 from the Uni' ersity of Kiel, the Degree of D octor, P h . D . Teaching posi tions held : H igh School at Watertown, Mass ., from 1 887- 1 89 1 ; since 1 89 1 at Colby. Member of Phi Beta Kappa ; Cascade G range, Oakland, Maine ; National Geograph i c Society.

" The great World War is a matter of the past. Democracy has won and the mon­ archical and military powers of Central E u rope have lost. A new world i s going to arise from the ruins. I t has not yet crystallized into permanent shape. New prob­ lems h ave to be solved, new resol utions to be made. In spite of the fact that the niate­ rial prosperity of our victorious country geems to be assured for the present, there is great danger to its continuance, if the most important questions are not handled with the h ighest wisdom. Bolshevism must be kept away from the American shores. I t h a s turned t h e largest E u ropean country i n t o a land of u n heard-of misery. It advo­ c ates anarchy, rebellion and seditio n ; it aims at the destruction of the A merican Gov­ ernment. Labor conflicts and strikes must he avoided, in order not to interfere with the development of our industrial l ife. Employers and employees must arrive at a better u n dersta n ding. The h igh cost of living m u st not disturb the h appiness of the homes of a l arge proportion of the people. Better i nternational relations must be established w ith all n ations to derive the greatest benefi t from our wonderful rnsources, from our enormous export of raw m aterials and the ever-increasing demand for outlets. " Most im portant, too, i s the educational system of our colleges and other h igher institutions. We must stu d y the languages of those nations that h ave been the recognized leaders i n art, science, l i terature, education , and music. I nstead of teach­ ing prej u dice, h atred, and intolerance, we must teach truth, love and fairness, the brotherhood of mankind. I n the first century of its existence, Colby has preached and practiced truth, fairness and brotherly love. lVIay she ever contin ue with that same spirit. A l ife of success and h appiness will be the reward of everybody who co-operates with her for that pu rpose . V ivat, crescat, fioreat Colbian u s ! ! ! "

A nton Ma,rguardt.

37 Ce n ten nial Number


Professo 1· of H isto ry Educated at Johns Hopkins University : A.B., 1 888 ; Ph.D., 1 89 1 . Teaching positions held : Acting pro­ fessor of Hi story and Political Science, Georgetown ( Ky. ) College, 1891- 1 892 ; associate professor of Economics, Oberlin College, 1892-1894 ; · profes or of H i story and Economics, Colby College, 1894- 1 9 1 3 ; professor of H istory and Political Science, Colby College, 1 9 1 2-. Offices now held : Secretary and Treasurer of the Phi Beta K appa Society ; Trustee and Treasurer of the Squirrel Island Library.


Prnfess01· of th e G reek Languages a n d L i t e ra t u r e Educated at Bristol Academy, Taunton, M ass. ; Am­ herst College. Degrees received : A.B. { 1 886 ) ; A . M . ( 1 902 ) -both from Amherst College. Teach­ ing positions held : Instructor in Greek in High School, Amherst, Mass.; 1 885-6 ; Teacher of Classics and M a thematics in The Bowen School for Boys, Hartford, Conn ., 1 886-7 ; I n structor i n Latin and Greek at Carleton College, Northfield, Minn., 1 8879 1 ; Latin Master at Worcester Academy, Worces­ ter, M ass., 189 1 -92 ; Professor of Greek at Colby College, 1 902-. Offices now held : One of the DiTec­ tors of the Congregational Conference and Mis­ sionary Society of M aine and member of the " Busi­ ness Committee" of the same.


Professo1· of C h e mist? ' y Educated : Needham H igh School, M ass. Agric. Col­ lege, Boston U niv., Brown Univ. Degrees received : B . S ., M ass. Agric. Col . ; B . S ., Boston Univ. ; M . A . and Ph. D., Brown Univ. ; D.S. ( Hon . ) , Colby College. Teaching positions held : Instructor of Chemistry, M ass. Agric. College, 190-0-1 90 1 ; Instructor of Chemistry, Brown Univ., 1 90 1 - 1 903 ; Associate Pro­ fessor of Chemistry, Colby College, 1 903-1904 ; Mer­ rill Professor of Chemistry, Colby College, 1 904-. Member : American Chemical Society ; Fellow Amer­ ican Association for Advancement of Science ; Na­ tional Geographic Society ; New E ngland Society of Chemistry Teachers ; Masonic Lodge ; Waterville Rotary Club ; Waterville Chamber of Commerce ; Phi Sigma Kappa Fraternity ; Honorary Scientific Society of Sigma Xi.

38 Centen nial Num ber

T H O MAS BRYCE A S HCRAFT, Professo /' of Mat h e matics E ducated : Wake Forest College, Wake Forest, .; Johns H opkin s University, B a ltimore, M d . Degrees received : A . B . , 1 906, from Wake Forest College ; P h . D . , in 1 9 1 1 , from Johns Hopk i n s Un iversity. Teaching positions hel d : Principal Wingate H igh School , 1 906- 1 0 ; I nst ructor Baltimore Polytechnic I n stitute, 1 9 1 0- 1 9 1 1 ; Colby, 1 9 1 1 to date. Member : The Phi Beta Kappa Society, The A merican M ath­ ematical Society, The M a thematical A ssociation of America, The Waterville Rotary Club, The Water­ ville- Winslow Chamber of Commerce.

FREDERI C K WARREN G ROVER, P1"0fesso1· of Ph ysics Educated i n M assach usetts I nstitute of Technol ogy, George Washington University, Wesleyan U niver­ sity, and U niversity of Munich. Degrees received : S . B . , 1899, M. I . T. ; M . S . , 1 9 0 1 , Wesleyan ; P h . D . . 1 907, George Wash ington U niversity ; Ph.D., 1908, U niversity of M unich. Teaching positions held : Assistant in Physics and A stron')my, Wesleyan U n iversity, 1 899- 1 90 1 ; I n structor Electrical Engi­ neering, Lafayette College, 1 9 0 1 - 1 902 ; Physicist N ational B ureau of Standards, 1 902-1 907 and 1 9081 9 1 1 ; Colby College, 1 9 1 1 to date ; Radio E xpert, B u reau of Standards, S ummers of 1 9 1 7 and 1 9 1 8 . Member : A merican Physical Society ; American I n stitute of Radio Engineers ; Waterville Rotary Club ; Waterville- Winslow Chamber of Commerce ; Lambda Chi Alpha F raternity.

H O M ER PAYSON L ITTLE, P?"Ofessor of Geology E d ucated : D alton, Mass., H igh School ; Williams College ; Johns H opkins U n i versity. Degrees re­ ceived : A . B . , Williams College ; P h . D . , Johns H op­ kins U niversity. Teaching positions h el d : Colby College, 1 9 1 0 to date ; Special Lecturer at the Ban­ gor Theological Seminary. M ember : P h i S igma Kappa ; Gamma Alph a ; Phi Beta K appa ; Fellow A merican A ssociation for the Advancement of Science ; Fellow Society of A merica. Offices now held : S u permtenclent Sunday School, Congregational Church, Waterville.


Centennial Nu mber



Associa t e P1·ofesso 1· of R o m a n c e L a n g uages Degrees received : A . B . ; P h . D . ( Jo h n s Hopkin s ) . I nstructor in Romance Languages, Northwestern U niversity ( 1 906-0� ) ; A ssistant Professor of R o­ mance Languages, U n iversity of Pittsburgh ( 1 9041 4 } ; Associate Professor of Romance Languages, Colby College ( 1 9 1 4-} . Member of The Modern Language Association of orth America.

BENJ A M I N EDWARD CARTER, Associate P·l'ofesso1' of Ma thema tics Ed ucated : G u n nery School , Washi ngton, Conn . ; Phillips Academy. A n d over, M ass. ; H arvard Co!2 lege, Carn bridge, Mass. Degrees received : H arvard , A . B . , 1 890 ; A . M ., 18D2. Teaching positions held : I nstructor in M a t hematics, Colorado College. Colo­ rado S prings, Colorado, 1 8£ 0- 1 89 1 ; I nstructor in M assac h u setts I n stitute Tec h n o l ogy, Boston, 18931 9 1 0 ; Colby, 1 9 1 0-. Member : American M athe­ matical Society ; The M athematical A ssociation of A merica ; Fellow of the American Ass:>ciation for the Advancement of Science.

H ENRY E M E RSO N TREFET HEN, A. ssociate Professor of As h'o n o m y E ducated at Kent's H i l l and Wesleyan U n iversity. Degrees received : B . A . and M .A ., from Wesleyan U ni versity. Teach i ng positions hel d : Kent's H i l l , from 1881 to 1 9 1 1 ; Colby Col lege, from 1 9 1 1 - . Member of P h i Nu T heta, P h i Beta K appa, M athe­ m atical A ssoc iation of America .


Cente nnial Num b er

STEWART MACDONALD, A. ssistant of Eco n 0 1n ics E <lucatecl at D a lhousie U niversity and Cornell Uni足 versity. J:?egrees received : B . A . and M . A . from D alhousie U niversity, and P h . D . from Cornell Uni足 versity. Teaching positions h el d : University of N. B., 1 90 4 - 1909 ; McGill Un iversity, 1 909- 1 9 1 0 ; Pennsylvania College, 1 9 1 4- 1 9 1 5 ; Wesley College ( U . of M . ) , 1 9 1 5- 1 9 1 7 ; Colby College, 1 9 1 7-.

LESTER FRA N K WEEKS, A ssis ta n t P rofessor of C h e m is t ry E d ucated at Colby College and H arvard University. Degrees recei ved : B . S . , Colby College ; A . M . , H ar足 vard. Teaching positions held : University of M a i ne, 1 9 1 6- 1 9 1 8 ; Colby College, 1 9 1 8 to date. M ember : Delta U psilon Fraternity, Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha C h i Sigma ( Chemical Fraternity ) , Ameri足 can Chemical Society.

C HARLES P HILLIPS C H IP M A N , A ss istant P rofesso r of Bib liog raph y, Lib rnrian E d ucated a t Colby College, Class of 1 906. Degrees received : F rom Colby, A . B . Member of Phi Delta Theta Fraternity, Phi Beta K appa, and Phi K a ppa Phi.

Centennial Num b e r


WESLEY R AY MOND WELLS, Assistant Professo r of Philosophy Degrees : P h . B . , 1 9 1 3 , Un iversity of Vermont ; A .M . . 1 9 14, Harvard ; Ph. D., 1 9 1 7 , Harvard . Previous teaching position s held : Assistant in ,Phi losophy, Harvard, 1 9 16-1 7 ; instructor in Education, Wash­ ington University, St. Louis, Mo., 1 9 1 7- 1 9 ; lecturer in Education, Trinity College Summer School, Dur­ ham, N.C., 1 9 1 9. Membership in the Kappa S igma fratern ity and the Phi Beta Kappa society.

JOSEF FREDRI K NELSON, Instructor in Romance Languages Educated at University of Wyoming. Degrees re­ ceived : From University of Wyoming, A.B. ; Chicago Theological Seminary, B . D . ; University of Chicago, A . M . Teaching positions held : Professor of Ro­ mance Languages, Elmira College, 1907 - 1 909 ; I n­ structor Romance Languages, University of Mis­ souri, 1 9 10-1 9 1 3 ; Professor of Romance Languages, University of New Mexico, 1 9 1 4 - 1 9 1 7 ; Colby Col­ lege, 1 9 1 8-. Member of Phi Kappa Phi.

CECIL A. R OLL I N S Instructor in Latin and Rhetoric Colby College, 1 9 1 7. A . B . degree. Teaching posi­ tions : Sedgwick, Me., H igh School, 1 9 14-1 9 1 5 ; De­ partments of Latin and H istory, Hebron Academy, Me., 1 9 1 7 - 1 9 1 8 ; Colby College, Instructor in Latin and Rhetoric, 1 9 1 9-. Organizations : Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity, Colby ; Phi Beta Kappa Frater­ nity, Colby ; The American Legion.

42 Centennial Number

HENRY W ILLIAM BRO W N , A st;istant Professo r o f E n g l ish E ducated at : U n iversity of Maine ; Y ale U n i versity. Degrees received : B.Sc. and M . Sc. from U n iversity of Maine. Teach ing positions held : New H ampton L i terary I nstitution, 1 887- 1 9 1 2 ; Colby College, 1 9 1 2 to date. Member of P h i Kappa P h i , M aine Chapter of U. of M., honor society ; the order of Free Masons ; A merican A ssociation for the A dvancement of Science .

H ERBERT C ARLYLE LIBBY, Prnfessor of Public Speaking E d ucated a t Colby College, Cu rry Sch ool of E x ­ pression, a n d H arvard College. Degrees received : H arvard College, A . B . , 1904, February. Teaching positions held : S u perintendent of Public Schools, W a terville, 1 909-1 9 1 2 ; Colby Col lege, 1 909 to date ; I nstructor in Vocal Cul ture a n d R hetoric, Bangor Theological Seminary, 1 909 to date. Member of Watervi l le-Wi nslow Chamber of Commerce, Water­ ville Rotary Club, Zeta Psi F ratern ity, New E ng­ l a n d Public S peaking Conference, H arvard Teach­ ers' A ssociation . Offices now hel d : Trustee Water­ ville Public Library ; Chairman F orum Comm ittee, Waterville-Win slow Chamber of Commerce ; Secre­ tary, Waterville Rotary C l ub ; Chair man, Centen­ nial Committee Colby College ; Registrar Colby ol­ lege ; Chairm a n , Waterville-Winslow War H i story Committee.


lns tructo1· .in F1·en ch E ducated at E nglish H igh School, Worcester, Mass. ; Feller I nstitute, Province of Q uebec, Canada. De­ gTees received : M atriculated a t McGill U niversity, M ontrea l , P . Q., 1 9 0 0 ; graduated at McMaster U n i ­ versity i n 1 905, A . B . ; graduated a t Clark U niversity, i n 1 908, A . M . Teaching positions held : Fellow at Clark U niversity, 1909- 1 9 1 0 ; N ortheastern College, Worcester a n d Boston, 1 9 1 5- 1 9 1 7 ; Colby College 1 9 1 7 ; Roxbury Latin School, 1 9 1 8 ; Colby College, 1 9 1 8 to d ate. Membel' of Leicester Club, Worcester, M ass.

Centennial Number

WEBSTER C HESTER, Professo1· of Bio logy Educated at Bulkely H igh School, N e w London, Con n . , Colgate University, and Harvard Uni­ versity. Degrees received : From Colgate, A . B . ; Harvard, A . M . Teaching positions held : At Colby Academy, 1 900-1 902 ; Colby College, 1 903- ; Special Lecturer at the Bangor Theological Asso­ ci::i tion, Waterville-Winslow Chamber of Com­ merce.

CARL JEFFERSON WEBER, Assista n t Professo1 · of English Graduate : Baltimore City College, 1 9 1 0 ; the Johns Hopkins U niversity, B.A., 1 9 1 4 ; Queen 's College. Oxford, England, B.A., 1 9 1 6 ; Graduate, School of Fire for F ield Artillery, Fort Sill, 1 9 18 ; Un iversity of Oxford, E ngland, M.A., 1920 ( Feb. ) . Phi Beta Kappa Society, 1 9 1 4 ; Maryland Rhodes Scholar, 1 9 1 4 ; Oxford U niversity 0. T . C., 1 9 1 7 ; Adj u tant, 69th F ield Artillery, 1 9 18 ; In structor i n E nglish, Colby College. 1 9 19 . Present positions : Assi stant Professor of E ngl sh, Colby College ; Captain, F ield Artillery Reserve Corps, U. S. A . Member : Rhodes Scholarship Committee of Selection for Maine. Camp Nernaschaug, Spofford, N . H . Director ( summer ) .


Centennial N u m b e r


<1ila55 of 1 920 Preside n t-T HADDEUS FREE M A N TILTON Vice-President-EDWIN FARN H A M MABIE T reas u re r-HENRY LORNE BELL Secrnta ry-JO H N WOOLM A N BRUS H

Q} las5 i&oll Charles Martin Bailey Phineas Putnam Barnes Henry Lorne Bell Haro l d E u gene B rakewood R aymond Oliver Brinkman John Woolman Brush E verett White Bucknam E lliot E lroy Buse John Foster Choate E dward Moody Cook Laureston A lpheus C raig I ,ewis S i l sby C rosby Daniel M i l ton C rook Harold N orcross Dempsey Charles Spurgeon Eaton Rhoden Basse Eddy H u bert Adams E mery Sewall Leroy F lagg A l fred Leonhardt- Fraas A rthur Madison Greeley Merrill Selden F rederick G reene Harold Wilson Goodrich Myron C l i fton H amer Pear l Libby H anscom Ralph King Harley C u rtis H ugh R oss Hatch

Win t h rop Ho ulton Neu to n Ce n tr e , Mass . Gal l up Mills, Vt . Hartfo rd, Co n n . Mou n t l e r n o n , N. Y . Harrington Eas t Chicago, In d . Ca m b 1¡idge, Mass. York Village Islan d Falls A uro ra Fall Riv e 1', Mass. Stillwater Norwoo d, Mass . Shelburne Falls, Mass. Shawmut Po rtland Fitchburg, Mass . OCJkland A thens Pittsfield Gu ilford Wa terville South Hanso m , Mass . Fairfield 47

Centennial Number

(c C>LBY)fWSt!fj2o]o�cLEJ East Pepperell, Mass .

Donald Gleason Jacob Colby Bartlett Kallock Jacob A tor Klain Harry Earle l ewin Ed"' in Farnham Mabie Ernest Leroy McCormack Rafael Joseph Miranda Lyman R ogers Mor e Den n i Thoma. O'Leary Harold Abram 0 good \Vil liam Ru sell Peder en Jona Gleason Perry Carl Webster Robinson Everett Adolphus Rockwell George Robert Skillin H ugh A llen Smith Ray Welli ngton Smith Vi T u Sun Clarence Andrew Tash Thaddeus Freeman Tilton Daniel Percival Tozier Seth Ginery Twichel l Earle Stanley Tyler Harold Thom as Urie Charles Everett Vigue Harold Cummi ngs White Robert E dwards Wilkin

For t Fairfield Norway Ho ulto n Wate1·ville Wytopitlock New York, N . Y.


Jam es t o w n , R. I. Tu1 ·n e rs Fa lls, Mass . Medfo rd, Mass. Portland Camden Laco nia , N. H . Smy rna Mills M edf 01·d, Mass . Pittsfield Wate rville Lingh u , Ch kia n g , China Strong

H oodfo 1 ·ds Oakland Fitch b m·g, Mass. Harrin g t o n Byfield, Mass. W ate 1·ville Winslo w Ho ulton

48 Centennial Num b e r

C HARLES MARTI N B AILEY, � K E "Charlie'' Coburn C lassical I nstitute ; Republican Club, 1 , 2 , 4 ; T reasurer Y. M. C. A., 2 ; Leader Freshman B ible Study Group, 3 ; Chairman Northfield Comm i ttee, 1, 2 ; Delegate to .. Northfield Conference, 1 , 2 ; Y. M . C. A . Cab­ i net, 1, 2 ; Assistant Football Manager, 2 ; Manager Football, 3 , 4 ; Druids ; Wearer of C olby " C . " Charl i e h a s harl t w o m a i n interests while at Colby ; first, the management of the football teams, and second, the reduction of the H igh Cost of Living. The fi rst he did with a n apparent d i s inter­ e tedness and careless assurance worthy of our l o ng-mourned F red S hort h imself. The second, by eating as many meals as possible down on Pleasant Street. Yes, Charli h as very settled ways.

P HINEAS PUTNAM B ARNES, � K E "Phin," " P . P . " Ri cker C lassical I nstitute ; Winning Team Mu rray Prize D ebate, 2 ; Hallowell Prize Speaking Contest, 2 ; Football, 3, 4 ; Assi st­ ant Manager Baseball , 3 ; G lee C l ub, 3, 4 ; Student Council, 4 ; Epicureans ; 2nd Lieut., A. S . A., U. S . A. When you see that congenial smile beaming down at you from Phi n 's expansive countenance, you j ust fall in l ove with him. Phin i s the kind of fellow to whom you always go with questions. I f you put as much into l ife a s you h ave i nto your college career, we pred ict that success will be yours, "P. P."

HENRY L . B ELL, II � <I> " H en ry" H averh i l l H i gh Schao l ; E c h o Reporter, 1 , 2 ; Associate E di tor E c h o , 3 ; Assistant E di ­ tor, 4 ; Delegate to Northfield C onference, 2 ; Second P rize Sophomore D ec lamation, 2 ; Debating Society, 3 ; Hallowell Prize Speaker, 3 ; Assistant Manager Baseball, 3 ; A ssociate E ditor ORACLE, 3 ; Second Prize Jun:or E xhi­ bition ; Vice-President Y. M . C . A., 4 ; Vice­ P resi dent Maine Intercolleg�ate A thletic Association, 4 ; C lass T reasu rer, 4 ; Manager Baseb1 l l , 4 ; Wearer M anager's " C . " H en ry, with h i s genial smile a n d "genialer" dispo­ sition , has served on more c 1mmi ttees th a'l any other fel l ow in callege. A s a Manager of Baseball he was A-number one. The A ugurs prophesy noth­ ing but prnsperity f:;r you, Henry.

Centennial Number


H AROLD E UGENE BRAKEWOOD, A X A " B rake" Whitefield High School ; Mystics ; Cla s Trea urer, 3 ; Chem'.stry Society, 3 ; Presi­ dent, 4 ; Assi tant Editor ORACLE, 3 ; Cla Basketba ll, 4 ; Student Counci l , 4. Some day we expect this young man to come forth with a new theory on "How to Blow u p a Lab­ oratory." We can picture him as the Squire of Gallu p Mills with h is feet p::rched 0:1 the stove of the country store, in the midst of a circle of Vermont farmers, amusing them with hi droll storie which were handed down to him by Christopher Columbus.

RAY M O N D OLIVER BRI N K M AN , ,\ X ..-\ "Brink, " "Prex" Hartford High School · C lass Pre ident, 1 ; Nomi nating Com­ Stu dent Council 1 ; Cla mittee, 1 ; H onor Roll, 1 , 2 ; Glee C lub, 1 , 2, 3 ; Leader, 2, 3 ; Sobi t , 1 , 2 ; College Quartet, 1 , 2, 3 : Republican Club, 1 , 2 ; Baseball, 2 ; Naval Aviation Detach. M. I . T . , 3 ; Track Team, 4 ; Football Squ ad, 4 ; Chemical Soci­ ety, 4 ; International Relatians Club, 4 ; Epi­ cu reans ; Aviation, 3. "There are two kinds of chauffeurs-Brinkman and other ."-Prex. This distinguished young man, with the beaming counten ance, has been the social leader of Waterville for fou r years, besides being a "fusser" of two degrees-the highest and the lowest. He can run a Dodge, an aeroplane, and women. We wonder how he gets away with it. He is also a connoisseur of alarm clocks, and all feminine arts, besides being an all-around good fellow and student.

JO HN WOOLMAN BRUS H , ,\ X A "Jawn" Mount Vernon H igh School ; D ram1tic Club, 1 ; Secretary Y . M. C . A., 2 ; Sophomore Declamati on , 2 ; Jun ior Exh ibition ; Junior Ode Commi ttee, 3 ; Cla:ss Hisbrian, 3, 4 ; P resident Y. M . C . A . , 4 ; Class Secretary, 4 ; Editor Ech o , 4. "This college would be a cle :rner place were there more 'Bru shes' around it."-Foss Hall Gabber. This scholarly Scotchman, with the sandy lock , has captivated all the co-eds with his gentlemanly ways and his artistic producti Jns and ditties. With his quiet, u nassuming ways, and capable mind, why need we wish him success? Every man, however, has his failing, and John's is that he is the nth power exponent of the " Platonic Love Theory."


Centennial Number

EVERETT W HITE BUC K M A N , A T n "Buck" Good Will H i gh Schoo l ; Baseball , 1, 2 , 3 , 4 ; Captain Baseball, 4 ; Footbal l , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; Cap­ tai n Footbal l , 4 ; W i n n i ng Team M urray Prize Debate ; Hallowell Prize Speaki ng Con­ test ; Junior Councilman, 3 ; P resi dent Ath­ letic Counc i l ; Upsilon Beta ; Epicureans ; Wearer of the "C" ; Track, 4 . T h e most versatile m a n that Colby ever had. A s a football pl ayer the "Boston H erald" cal led h i m "a lion " ; as a debater and public speaker he has carried off prizes i n college ; as a musician h e car1 manipulate the clarinet with the best of them ; while h i s h igh schol arsh i p entitles h i m to a pl ace of honor. "Buck" h a s got an abundance of executive ability and a darn nice personality. We expect a lot from you, old man . Go to it !

ELLIOTT ELROY B USE, <I> ..\ ® " Maj ah" Tennessee M i l itary Institute ; Football , 1 : Vice-Pres ident P ress Club, 3 ; Secretary, 4 ; Phi losophy C lub, 3 ; I nternational Relations Club, 4 ; Republican C l ub ; Myst:cs ; Epicur­ eans ; 2nd Lieut., U . S. A . I f you can understand h i s dia lect you can profit by his teachi ngs. Heaps of experience has this old gent tucked away i n his dome. Always on deck when there is h ard work to be done, he has success­ fully piloted many through troubled seas.

JOHN FOSTER C HOATE, <I> � ® " Jack,' ' "Jasper" Cambri dge High Schoo l ; Musical C lub. , 1 , 2, 4 ; Leader Glee C lub, 4 ; Q uartette, 1 , 2, 4 ; Debating Team, 1, 2 , 4 ; M u rray Prize Debate, 2 ; Goodwin Prize Speaking Contest, 2nd Prize, 4 ; Vice-Presi dent D ebating Sor i ­ ety, 2 , 4 ; Y. D . C l u b , 4 ; Republican C l u b , 1 , 2 ; I nternational Relations C l u b , 4 ; Phi los­ ophy Club, 4 ; Musical C lubs, 1, 2 , 4 ; H :mor Roll, 1, 2 , 3, 4. Lack of space defies a full account of Jack . He is t oo versati le-a n orator, student, musician , social bu g, a n authority o n mo st m atters and, according to h i s argument, always at least half right i n every­ thi ng. Us girls are certai nly awed by that voice and by that picture i n an artillery captain's u niform . Jasper is bound to make good . 51

Ce n t e n n ial Nu m b e r


EDWARD MOODY COO K , .\. X " Doc" Oak Grove Seminary ; Track Squad, 1 ; Band , 1 ; Chess Club, 1 , 2 ; Republican Club, 1 , 2 ; Class Nominating Committee, 2 ; Class Basketball, 4 ; Press Club, 4 ; International Relations Club, 4 ; Chemical Society, 4 ; Druids ; i n France with Naval . Rai lway Battery ; Honor Roll, 4. T h i s eminent humorist a n d onl y original " Pow­ der Monkey" has held off from the wiles of the co-eds for four long years, but, alas !-he has fallen. Whenever you hear the strains of " Pina­ fore" you know " Doc" is around, and y:m can expect some fun in a min ute. His hobbies are "frogs," " H agers," "K ipl ing," "Pi nafore," "Bl a sco Ibenez," and "Greek Art."

LAURESTON CRAIG, � K E " Larry," "Texas Ace" Island Fall High School ; 2nd Lieut., A . S . A ., U . S . A . Debonair, charming, always with a bright an swer, that's Larry. " Ace" because he "crashed " three planes in Texas. Accord ing to Larry's own testimony he never did get out of a straight and narrow path-from the house to the dance hall. Ye:, Larry, there will be a big pl ace vacant in the social life of Waterville.

LEWIS S . CROSBY, Z '11 "Babe" Maine Central I nstitute ; Football, 2 , 3 ; Wearer of the "C" ; Class Baseball, 2 ; Repub­ l ican Club. T h e Columbus of the 2 0 t h century, t h e naviga­ tor of the "Plains." The best part of it is, Babe, that "you sure do knock them dead ." We hold anx­ iety for your success in the h igher paths of useful­ ness ; be it among kings, kitchen knaves, queens or her ladies' maids, you will make fast friends as you have in College.


Centennial Num ber

DANIEL M ILTON C RO O K , � K E "Danny" Powder Point School, D u xb ury, Mass. ; D ru i d s ; Honor Roll, 1 , 2, 3, 4 ; Sophomore Declamation, 2 ; Scretary Debating Society, 2 ; U. S. N. R. F . ; C lass P resident, 3 ; Chair­ man Junior P rom Committee, 3 ; Student Council, 3 ; Reporter Echo , 1 ; Associate E d i ­ t o r , 2 ; Managing E d i tor, 3 ; E d itor-in-Chief, 4 ; International Relations C lub, 4. For years now we have all been h umble follow­ ers of Dan, but none of us quite caught up with hi m. When Dan indulged i n anyth i ng yo u co ul d be sure that it was "right." Witness hi s derby. I t i s w h is­ pered that he i s guilty of starting the fad of flap­ ping Arctics. Dan al so set styles for the boys in ranks and went in or athletics. Dan always is ready to walk, especially down S ilver Street way.

C HARLES SPURGEON EATO N , A T Q "Purd" Hebron A cademy ; Assistant Manager Footba ll, 2 ; Druids. " Purd" has t h e very b a d h abit of talking i n hi s sleep. One n ight I heard hi m say somethi n g about a "full house" and a little while l ater he yelled, " I 'll call you . " I wonder what he meant. H e i s the only one i n the house who can control the conduct of the ram after one o'clock i n the morn ing. I wonder who put the icicle i n " Purd's" bed. Genius i s uncerta i n but the steadfast qualities possessed by this young man insures him a bright future.

R HODEN BASSE E DDY , A T !1 "B en, " " R . B . "

Tu rners Falls H igh School ; E c h o , 1 , 2 ; D emocratic C lu b ; Northfield Delegate, 3 ; I nternational Relations C lub, 4 ; Phi losophi­ cal C lub, 4 : Track Squad, 1, 4 ; C ross Country, 4 ; Gamma Gamma Sigma ; D ruids. Ben i s k n o w n a s Doctor Grover's m a n " Friday." H e carries arou n d a big bunch of keys and he can t ell you all abont the switches, levers and other d i ngises in the Physics Department. Sometimes he i s a ph ysicist, sometimes a chemist, and constantly a fusser. Ben has had a h abit of m aking nocturnal voyages u p i n to the wilds of Fai rfield o r somewhere i n that neighborhoo d. But it i s all a m ystery. R ight now he's got the cutest l ittle h and-painted picture on his desk. Our last message to you, old man, is to be careful of the wild women.

Centennial Num ber


H UBERT A . E M ERY , Z \fl

''Ba ket" Lawrence H igh School ; Epicurean ; Druid ; My tic ; Echo Board ; ORACLE Board ; Republ ican C lub. " Le n d us a dollar, H ubert . " We surely will miss th e fi nancier, who came to mean S ) much to our pec uniary welfare. W i t h your smile and deter­ m i n ation, hawmut, as wel l a olby, will be proud of her son.


<I> ..::,


" Sam" Watervi lle High School ; Anti - aloon l eague Repre entative ; Junior Prom Com­ mittee, 3 ; Y . D. C l u b, 4 ; Serg2ant A . E. F. Sam i s g l o o m y but t h e best of fel lows except when his fiancee i s i n town. Then he is absolu tely i rresponsible. The acco u n t of the woman i n the case is terribly overworked, but Sam i s a c l assic example of what the woman i n the case will do. His record might be more appreciated if one should visit the art m useum and see the work entitled " T h e Jovial Dough boy on Leave in Paris . " Sam i s sure to do his sh are of w o r k i n this world.


T n

"Dutch" Fitchburg H igh SchJol ; Baseball, 1 , 2 , 3, 4 · Football ; Upsilon Beta ; Wearer of the " C . " H e ' s bow-legged. Y o u c a n tel l h i m a m i l e off. It is H e 's got sea legs and he never saw the sea. " Du tc h ' s " ambition to be a m a nager of a traveling I magine the D utchman with a pack of wild circus. animals an<l a b u nch of wild women . T h i s m a n has the h a b i t of yell ing down three flights of stairs to have a F reshman bri ng him a glass of water. Yes, he's hard on the F resh men . " Dutch " is famous for being the o n l y man that ever dropped a cou rse in which he was p u l l i n g an A p l u s.


Centennial N u m b e r


" Pop" Oakland H i gh School ; Druids. " Pop ' is popularly k n own a s the Oakland "grain fftag-got," fa mous for h i s fifty-thousand-dollar con tribution to the E ndowment Fund. Daily he brings i n the latest quotatio ns on chicken feed. He i s considered by all to be an authority on this m at­ ter. Out in " Pop's" town he i s both postmaster and constable. H ere's w i shi ng yo u the be st of luck, o l d man , i n gettin g control of yo ur tow n. We m ight add that should you need any help Seth Twichell could be procured.





" Peanut" Somerset A cademy ; College Band, 1 ; Honor Roll, 1 , 2, 3 ; Assistant Manager Ten­ ni 1 ; Manager, 2 ; President Maine I nter­ collegiate Tennis Association, 2 ; Echo Board, 2 ; Ass: stant B usiness Manager Echo, 3 ; Manager, 4 ; C la::;s Baseball, 2 ; Press C lub, 4 ; I nternati onal Relations ; Wearer of the Colby " C " ; D ramatic Club. ,

T h i s l i ttle fellow, y e t but a youth , f o u r years ago, while still in · k nee breeches, came down from Athens, that little suburb of Skowhegan , �o obtai n s o m e k nowledge of t h e outside world. After he h a s received h i s " M . D . " he w i l l again m o u n t the " Acropolis," prepared to mend the hearts that he has broken. With h i s ke e n mi nd, " Peanut" is bound to be a success.


"Pork" Pittsfield H igh School ; U n i versity Rennes, F rance ; Mailing C lerk Echo, Assistant Business Manager, 3 ; Football, 2 , 3 ; Repu blican C lub ; Boston U n i versity,

of 2; 1, 4.

B ig, j ovial , " Pork " h a s o n e fault-that of losing h i s heart to every girl he meets. H o w he came back from F rance without a bird is a mystery. He is always ready for a roughhouse or a good time,­ day or night.


Centennial N u m b e 1·


"Hammer" Guilford H i gh School ; Class Baseball, 2 ; Varsity, 2 , 3 ; As istant Manager of Tennis, 2 ; Manager Tennis, 3 ; Treasurer Maine Intercollegiate Lawn Tennis Association, 3 ; Chess Club ; C lass Basketball, 4 ; Mystic ; Wearer of Colby "C" ; Service in U. S. A . W e predict that th i s famed some day write a readable book an Athlete." His vocal powers h i s voice has a tone all its own . M ayor of Guilford.

Guilford boy will on "My Prowess as are unbearable, as Hail, to the future

PEARL L. H A N SCO M , Z '1i

"Zero" Watervil le High School ; Football, 1 , 2, 3 ; Republican C lub ; Druids. Pearly has the ability and the "line" to become a minister, but, alas, he has not the incl i nation. A Prof. Brown now regrets, so may Pearl some day regret that he did not choose this profession. But whatever you go into, Zero, you possess the ability to make good. Our best wishes are with you.

RALPH K. H ARLEY , Z � "The Roarer" H iggi ns C lassical I nstitute ; Mystics ; E pi ­ cureans ; Republican C lub ; Vice-President Student Council, 4. Woof ! Woof ! H e a r t h e l ion roar. But you surely do have the true spirit, Ralph . Keep the old initiative working and some day we will be telling our posterity the story that there was one among us who rose from "sinkers and mud" at the "Rat" to d i n ners i n the White House.


Centennial Number


" C u rt" Coburn C lassical I nstitute ; Second Prize F reshman Prize Reading Contest ; Hallowell Prize S peaki ng Contest, 2 ; M urray P rize Debate, 2 ; Junior E xhibition, 3 ; C lass O ra­ tion, 3 ; ORACLE Board, 3 ; Associate E d itor, 3 ; Goodwin Prize Speaking Contest, 4 ; Ten­ nis Team, 2, 3, 4 ; Captain, 3 ; Druids. I t i s t h e o n e sickening dread of Curtis' l ife, that Foss H a l l should hear of a certain-but, there, we m u stn't tell on the boy. I n some mysterious way, h e ma nages to be the favorite of the faculty and the mainstay of A udet's Pool Room at the same time . As a conversationalist, H atch i s horribly effective, and yet ome have been found who can sta n d h i m . E v e n s o , Colby w ill seem j ust a little bit di ffer­ ent next year, without thi s versatile and amiable product of F airfield.


" Jake, " " Charlie" East Pepperell, Mass., H i gh Schoo l ; C lass Basebal l , 1, 2 ; C lass Track, 2 ; Varsity Foot­ ball, 3, 4 ; A l l -Maine Team, 4 ; Wearer of "C." U pon being granted h i s degree at m idyears, after several starts since 1 9 1 3 , "Jake" remarked, " Now I a m educated, a s it were," and p inned the letters "B. S." on his sweater. His tales of Siberia, and the " Wicks of Formosa," while an ensign in U ncle Sam's n avy, were always h ighly entertaining, and equalled only b is experience a s a school teache1· at Benton. The departure of this genial and pop­ ular "l ast of the Armadilloes" has left a gap . in the ranks which will never be fi l led.

COLBY BARTLETT KALLO C K , � K E Kal, "Toyio" Fort Fai rfiel d H i gh School ; President Sophomore C lass, 2 ; Senior Counci lman A . A . Associ ation, 4 ; W i n n i ng Team M u rray Prize Debate, 2 ; tie for fi rst p lace Hallowel l P rize Speaking Contest, 2 ; Varsi ty Football, 1 , 2 , 4 ; Mystics ; E p i c u reans ; A ssociate Edi­ tor ORACLE, 3 ; Wearer o f " C " ; Naval R eserve. "


A nother h usky Aroostook product that m ade the football coaches open their eyes. I n the three years that " Ka i " has been here he has rendered faithful service on the football field. But that i s n 't all he can do. H i s work i n publ i c speaking sho w s that. Toyio intends to be a doctor. H e has al ways been a ladies' spec i ali st. 57

Centennial Num ber


T 0

"Jake" Norway High School ; Baseball , 2, 3 , 4 ; Dru ids ; Wearer of the " C . ' Do you see that l i ttle guy over there with the brown coa t ? Wel l , he took that from a German i n o - M a n 's l an d . Oh, yes, he was out there several n ight . I n fact, he came to know the Boche very wel l . ot only was J ake a wonderful little sold ier and prnbably went through more battles than any other Colby man, but he has also taken a n active part in the college activities. His a ::compli shments on the d iamond are k nown to a l l . Jake i s one of those k i n d of fel lows t h a t y o u c a n 't g e t a l ong without. A l w a y s doing hel pful t h i ng , lending a hand wherever needed a n d one that you c a n t help l ik ing.

HARRY EARLE LEW I N , <fl � 0 "Jew," "Yidd ish" Ricker Classical I nstitute ; Colby ex-' 19 ; Glee Club, 1 , 2, 3, 4 ; Mandolin Club, 1 , �. J. 4 ; Leader, 2, 3 ; Manager Mus'.cal Clubs, 2, 3 ; Y. M . C . A . Handbook Commi ttee, 2 ; C lass Secretary, 2 ; Assistant Manager ORACLE A ssociation , 2 ; Manager, 3 ; College Banj o Orchestra, 2, 3, 4 ; Leader, 3, 4 ; Junior Prom Committee, 3 ; Vice-President Pres Club, 4 : Student Council , 4 ; Druid , 3 ; Debating Society, 1 , 2 : Republ ic: m C lub, 1 , 2 , 3. T h e clever man ager a n rl promoter. We alway dread to see Jew go h ome for a vacation ,-he i sure to return a week too l a te ; h i s excuse-the toothache. We wonder why he doesn 't choose some contagious d i sease-say, "chapped l i p s . " H arry is the best m a n d o l i n pl ayer the college has seen for some years, and i t i s a point of controversy whether it i s this talent or hi reel flivver which makes h i m so popul ar.




"Eddy" B righton, Mass . , High School ; Acadia Uni­ versity ; Economi c Club ; Druids, '3 ; Vice­ President C lass, 4 ; C la s Gift Committee, 4 ; Assistant Editor, Echo . E d d y. is very A l l things come to those who wait. q u iet but let me tel l you that he gets there J ust the same a n d has a head <:tocked with ideas all his own. H e has· led a double l i fe while with u s ; that of a college student and that of a chief assistant to a civil engi neer. Keep that tick-to-it-ivenes s and you arc sure to w i n , E d d y .


Centennial Num ber


� <I> " Mack" P roctor A cademy ; Delegate to Northfield, l ; Footba l l Squad, 2 ; H albwell Prize Speak­ i ng, 2 ; Y. M . C. A., Social Service Commit­ tee, 2 ; Captai n C ross Country Team, 3 ; Goodw i n Prize Speaking Contest, 3 ; Chair­ man Y. M . C . A . ; F reshman Group Com­ m ittee, 3 ; Member of Student Council, 3. This Aroostocrat h a s been devoting h i s time for three years i n explaining the advantages of sales­ manship and of the wonders of nature ( especially those of the female group ) . U pon the latter we be­ lieve him an authority. Well , Mack, perhaps your accompl ishments will come in handy if you don 't forget them at the opportune time .

J . M IRANDA , � K E "Chick, " "Guinea" H avana, Cuba ; C heer L eader, 2 , 3, 4 ; Associate E di tor, Echo Board, 2 ; Assistant Marshal, 2 ; C hief Student Marshal, 3 ; Man­ ager o f O RACLE, 3 ; D ramatic C lub, 3 ; 2nd Lieut., U. S . F . A . R AFAEL

I f anything ever needed attention , i t was C hick who saw the necessity and set things moving. A l th ough h e comes from Cuba where people are su pposed to be of a n i ndolent disposition, Chick h a s a very large fund of energy. We s h a l l m i ss Chick. We are sorry to state that h e did not real ize his ambition of being presented with an eighteen-foot cheerleader's " C . " He will h ave to be satisfied with the common k i n d .


� 0 " Goof, " " H yman , " " H ash" A ssistant Geological D epartment ; Club.

Y. D .

Lyman "prepped" at Bates and c a m e to u s w i th a truly remark able store of prep-school yarns. But these were entirely eclipsed by the l a rge and varied a s ortmen t whiCh he brought back after two years i n France. H e h as weakness for one geometTic figure-the triangle. His ingenuity i s equalled only by h i s good n ature. Lyman c a n always be depended upon in a pinch.

Cen ten nial Nurnber



"Ogie" ' Medford High School ; University of Caen, France ; Echo Board, 1, 2 ; My tics ; Vice­ President Y. D. Club, 4 ; Band, 1, 2, 4 ; Inter­ national Club, 4 ; C lass Nominating Commit­ tee, 1 ; T rack Squad, 1 ; Republican Club. I t ' s peculiar how t h e loss o f a "frat pin" will make a chronic grouch of a man. " Ogie" is a man of social and musical attainment. He has experi­ enced real, F Tench romance . He is such a shark in h is French courses that he intends to proceed to a French Univer ity next yeal'.



"Bill," "Pete'' Echo Board, 2 ; Assistant Manager Track ; . Press Club, 1, 2 ; Debating Society ; Secre­ tary, 4 ; Y. D. Club ; Democratic Club, 1, 2, 4 ; Phi losophy C lub, 4 . The modern prototype o f the ancient a n d l ong­ extinct bird dog. H. Bum is anxiously awaiting the proh ibition of woman so that he can settle down and run his taxi service on a successful basis. We know you 'll make good.

J. GLEASON PERRY , � K E "Tanker," "Gerty" Camden H igh School ; Chai rman Y. M. C . A . Deputation Committee, 1 ; Treasurer of Y . M. C. A., 3 ; D elegate to Northfield Con­ vention, 3 ; Murray P rize Debate, 2nd P rize ; Hallowell P rize Speaki ng Contest ; C lass Chaplain, 3 ; C lass Mar.shal, 3 ; Glee Club, 2, 3, 4 ; Mandolin C lub, 2, 3 , 4 ; Orchestra, 2, 3, 4 ; Reader of Glee C lub, 3 ; P resident Glee C lub, 4 ; Junior Exhibition, 2nd Prize ; A. E . F .

Gerty i s finishing out h i� college course !l fter a sojourn in F rance. H e goes about ve1-_y quietly, except when be sings, or plays that . musical fid.dle of his with his eyes fixed on a lot of ideals too high for m'ost of u s to see. But don 't let them kid you, Tanker. We need men like you. 60

Centennial Num ber

R OB I N S O N , .\. X A " Robbie" Laconia H igh School ; Musical Club, 1, 2 , 3. 4 ; C ross Country, 2 ; College Male Quartette, 1 ; College Band, 1, 2 , 3, 4 ; Republican C lub ; Assistant Manager Musical C lub, 3 . C ARL WEBSTER

T h e "wizard o f the oboe" a n d the proud pos­ sessor of a red moustache. Besides the oboe he can play a n y n umber of other i n struments and delights in tel ling stories of his musical career i n the " New­ port B a n d . " His tales of a girl i n Kentucky are considered l ightly.

A. R OCKWELL, .\. X A " Rock" A roostook State Normal School ; M a i ling C lerk E c h o , 1 ; Business Manager, 2 ; Y. M . C . A . P ublicity Committee, 3 ; Chai rman Relig­ ious Committee Y. M. C. A . , 4 . E VERELL

" Father" Rockwell i s the moral adviser of the F reshmen. H e will argue with the best of the m, and will convi nce the m by the l o udne ss of h i s voice, if by nothing el se. He terminated h i s aguments with the feminine sex l ast June when he became a benedict.


"Skil" Somervi lle H i gh School ; Secretary and T reasurer Student Volu nteer Band ; C hair­ man Y . M. C. A. Northfiel d ; Social Commi ttees. ·

" S k il "--ex- Scrgeant-Major of the " T reat ' E m Roughs,"-has been student, tea-:: h er, preacher, bene­ d ict, and soldier since starti ng his college career. S urely, i n du stry covers a m ultitude of sins !

61 Cente nnial Num ber

H U G H A L LE N S M I T H , � Y "Smithy" Ricker Classical I nstit u te, Pittsfield, M a i ne ; Dramatic Cl ub, 2 ; Student Counc il, 4 ; Epicureans, 4. M �my words often a r e obnoxi ous. Suffice it to say that l bgh is esteemed as a very modest and temperate young man, whose good qual ities are so many as to make him liked by all his friends and acquai ntances.

o�o RAY W ELLI NGTON S M I T H , <I> � " Ray" Caribou H i gh School ; B :nvling Team, 3 , 4 ; Comets, 2 , 3 , 4 ; Baseball Squad, 1 , 2 ; I nter­ class Basketball, 1, 2 , 3 , 4 ; Freshman Schol­ arship Prize ; Honor Roll, 1 , 2 ; Interclas Track ; German Prize, 2 . •

Seni'Jr partner in the versatile Smith Brothers combination. So far, we have been able to find not h ing th at this aggregation can not do. Lately, however, thii:: senior member has broken into the co-ord league and all former bets are off. If he pulls through this ordeal, we will predict for him the most brilliant of futures.


Tsu S U N , IT 6. <I> "Sun" Wayland Academy, H angchow, China ; Hallowell Prize Speaki ng Contest, 3 ; Dele­ gate to Northfield Conference, 3 . .

Sun has been with us only two years but that has been long enough to show us that A 's are the only marks which will satisfy his ambition. Carry th is same ambition into your life, Sun, and the posi­ tion of admiral will be the only one that will be your goal.


Ce ntennial N u m b e r

C LARENCE A NDREWS T A S H , A T !1 " Klaronce" Strong High School ; Second P rize, Fresh­ man Scholarshi p . H ere's t o a m a n th at h a s spent a l ittle over two years in college and departs this year with his heep­ skin. As a brilli ant student he i s second to none, and as a pl ugger he has no equal. While we are sliding around i n the ice and snow, Cl a rence medi­ tates on that little girl in Texas w hom h e will soon j oi n . Yes, ir, no more M aine winters for " Klaronce."

TILTON , � Y "Thad" Deering H igh School ; Hallowel l Prize . peaking Contest, 2 ; Secretary P ress Club, 2 ; President P ress Club, 3, 4 ; C lass Secre­ tary, 3 ; Junior P rom Committee, 3 ; Treas­ u rer Debating Society, 4 ; Echo Staff, 2 ; E d i tor-i n-Chief of Echo , 3 ; C lass P resident, 4 ; President Student Council, 4 ; Druids. T H ADDEUS F REEM A

T h a d ' s good qualities are many ! A h ard­ working and a hard-worked ma n with a n aptitude for danr:i ng. Doubtl ess some will grieve at the brevity of this epitaph, but Thad's sense of fairness will not permit that h i s friends shou ld he bored by a further recital of hi virtues. As Thad is satisfied with these few v ords, others should worry.

TOZIER, � Y " D i nn y" Coburn C lassical I nstitute ; Colby ex-' 1 6 ; C lass Basketball, 1 , 2 ; Upsilon Beta · Kenne­ bec Can�e Co. p rize for Journalism . D A N IEL P ERC IVAL

T h i s sch ol arl y looking young m a n fi rst emerged from the w i l d s of Oakland to the refi n i ng influences of Colby, \yay back i n 19 1 2 . III health and U ncle Sam account for four years' absence, but, indom­ itable, he came back to graduate. I n addition to his other am iable qua l i ties, h e never harps on the good old days of long ago. We shall m i ss that grin next year, Di nny.

Ce ntennial Numbe1·



" Goompy" Fitchburg State Normal School ; Harvard Summer School ; Track, 2 , 4 ; Secretary and Trea urer Chemical Society, 4 . Friends, Rough neck s a n d Countrymen ,-This is the Bolshevist who tried to blow up Parmenter's Jab. He eats chemical compounds, sleeps chemicall y and when not doing anyth i ng else studies it. " Goompy" i equally famous as Newton ewk irk's contempo­ rary. A uthor of several artides for the " B i ngville Bugle " ; perhaps his most famous literary article is, " E ffect of Prex's Centen nial Speech on the College." E ARLE S TAN LEY T YLER,

T n

"Ty" Cherryfield Academy ; Varsity Baseball, 2; 3 , 4 ; Varsity Football, 4 ; Haml i n Prize Speaking Contest, 1 ; Halbwell Prize Speak­ ing, 2 ; Murray Prize Debate, 2 ; Debating So­ c· ety, 2, 3 , 4 ; President, 3, 4 ; Intercollegiate Debate, 3, 4 ; First Prize Goodwin Prize Speaking Contest, 3, 4 ; First Prize Junior Exhibition ; Class Orator, 3 ; Student Counci l, 4 ; O RAC L E Board, 3 ; Mystic ; Epicureans · \Vearer of the " C . " Gaze u pon h i m , y e Freshmen, for before you is a man with a wonderful a nalytical mind. Besides clean ing up the Goodwins a couple of times, "Ty" has fou nd time to play on the athletic teams and yank A 's in all his courses as well. Next year " Ty" expects t o hold forth at Harvard Law School and we wish him the best of luck there. H AROLD T HO MAS U Rn, " T om"

T n

Newbu ryport High School ; Boston Univer­ sity Law School ; Ham l i n Prize Speaki ng, 1 ; Treasu rer Y . M . C . A . ; Winning Team Mur­ ray Prize Debate, 2 ; Hallowell Prize Speaking Contest, 2 ; Goodwi n Speaking Contest, 3, 4 ; Third Prize, 4 ; Secretary Debati ng Society, 4 ; President Student Endowment Fund ; Mai ling C lerk, Echo , 2 . C a n you imagine a m a n with a cheerful dispoition, a big smile and executive ability abundant ? He used to be a social hound, but since Joe Daniels kicked him out of the . avy he has been faithful to a little girl down i n Byfield. In fact, he h as been wearing blinders around the campus this year ( ?) . I n his senior year he demonstrated how to raise money when he was head of the Student E ndowment Committee. Yes, we think you would make a good manager for Barnum's circus, Tom.


Centennial Number


" Charlie," " John Jacob" Watervi lle H i gh School ; O RACLE Board, 3 ; E di tor-i n-Chief O RACLE, 4 . D ignified, modest, conservative ; he 's a Stoic gentleman. C h arlie spent last summer fi nagling around Canada on Shank's mare, learning F rench, pursu ant to his trip to F rance i n '22. H e got lost u p there and a cop put a tag on h i m and sent h i m h ome. "At least, be an i ndividual" i s h i s favorite expres­ sion, and for another m a n 's counterpart he h a s nothing b u t disdain.


" Harol d , " "Gummy" Watervi l le H i gh School. H a rold i s what you common l y call a plugger. While attending college h e has been h olding down two or three j obs, besides attending to that you ng farm of his. This fel low knows the value of a college ed ucation . M odest, yes ; and comprised of so m uch stick-to-it-iveness that you can't keep h im down. We expect to hear of you being M ayor of W inslow some day, Harold.


" Kleiner," "Susie" Ricker C lassical I nstitute ; Upsi lon Beta, 1 ; Echo Board, 1, 2 , 3 ; Assistant Manager of Track, 2 ; Manager of Footbal l , 3 ; Assi st­ ant M anager B asebal l , 3 ; O RACLE Board, 3 : D ru i ds, 3 ; Musical C l ubs, 2, 3, 4 ; Le3.der of Mandolin Club, 4 ; H a l lowell Prize Speaking, 2 ; Vice-President of Junior C lass ; Senior Councilman A. A . Band, 4 ; College Banjo Orchestra, 4. K leiner was h i s fi rst n ick-name because h e came t o college i n h i s fi r s t pair o f l o n g trousers. But that was before the war. Now h e i s a man of the world. Robert has gained prominence as a man­ dolin player and a society m a n . The least that can be said is that "the boy is clever." H i s smile h as gai ned h i m m a n y good frien d s in college and he deserves them all. The girls, as well as the rest of us, h ate to see you go, Robert.

Ce n tennia l N um b er


�enior ilji.story The . enior benche in the old chapel eemed far, far a\vay to the eyes of the freshmen, who, on the twenty-fifth of September, 1 9 1 6, filled the we ternmost tier of eat to overflmving. There were about a hundred and score of u . Nowadays, whene\'er all the men of 1 920 appear i n chapel, w e cannot count over forty. Is it by Darwin's theory of the ur­ vival of the fittest that we as enior have only a third of our original one hundred and twenty '? We should not pre ume to say so, for our years spent at the feet of wi dom have taken from us, we tru t, all the false and foolL h pride we may have had before "'·e entered Colby. We are merely the fortunate ones. The men of our c 1ass � ho\\ ed their worth in the Great War ; many of them would be graduating with their fellows thi June, were it not that thei r war experiences ch anged their plans, thei r hope , and their outlooks. We men of the Class of 1 920 Rhal l always happily recal l the associations of these past few years ; we shal l draw no sharp line between the grad­ uates and the non-graduate , as we shal l remember that we are all loyal sons of Colby. Loya l ty,-that, after all, is the mark of a Colby man. Fortunate enough to graduate i n this centennial year, we leave our A lma Mater with no regrets, save that of wishing to l i ve our u ndergraduate days over again . The devoted labors of o u r i nstructors w e shall never forget. Heaven only knows what grooves we may have chiseled on their brow Thei r i nvestment in our young lives shall of a certain be repaid somehow, at some time, with compound interest. In the mom entous decades that lie ahead, God forbid that we should ever be ungrateful for these glorious years of n u rture and growth, within the gates of dear old Colby.


Centennial Nu m b e r


of 1 92 1

P1·esiden t-RAY M O N D H ARl{J S S P I N . ' EY Vice-P1· sid



Trea:.? u re 1 ·-RO BERT DANIEL CONARY ' rreta 1·y-P H I L T H ADDEUS S O MERVILLE

Q} la55 m o l l E rnest Adelbert Adam , Jr. Stephen Hager Ayer ..-Bernal Dana Bailey -Paul Hollis Bailey H oward l\Ierle Barnum ...-- Stan ley Roberts B lack Arthur James Brimstine C hauncey Luke Brown William E mery Bu rgess Robert Daniel Conary George A rthur Costley C lark D rummond Wil liam Cheney Dudley Tun Fu Dzen - Bernard E l ias Esters . ../J / Thomas Gerard Grace A � Aubrey Eugene Greenlaw verett Hayward Gross harles Regi nald Hersum Isaiah Matthew Hodges Frank Joseph Rois Daniel Ray Holt Raymond Osgood Janes - Neil Francis L eonard Lewis Levine ·oseph E dward Little, Jr. Harley Perham Mairs -Phi lip Healey Merchant Harold Chesterfield Marden Wayne Whitten McNally J • rthur Ray Mills C harles A rchie Mitchel l �� -Wi l liam Jo eph Pollock Ransom Pratt

V l hitins v i l le, Mass . Wate1·ville Live 1·more Falls Tif inth ?"Op Corning, N. Y.

Waterv ille

Oakla n d Wa t e 1·ville Fai rfield Sunshin e Watm·v ille Wa t e ri ille Sou t h B e r w ick Chekiang, China Houlton B ? "Ooklyn, N. Y. Masardis Sea 1·spo1·t Waterville N 0 1 ·th Vassalbo ?'O. New Bedfo1·d, Mass. Clinto n Ha r tfo 11·d, Conn. W o rcester, Mass. Waterville New London , Co n n . Oakland Fairfield East Vassalbo ro Clin ton M o n ticello Haynesv ille North Ando v m ", Mas . . Corning, N. Y .


Centennial Number

(c oLBY @st!fjl20Jl oR�CL£$ -Libby P ulsifer -A sh ton Farnham R ichardson Carl Webster Robinso n Donald A rthu r Shaw Stanley Neil Shibles ---., Donald Oscar Smith Phil Thaddeus Somer i lle C h i n Foh Song Raymond Harris Spinney "Regi nald Houghton Sturtevant Joel E rastus Taylor, Jr. John Harrison Tobey -.f ohn Bennett Tschamler -M ilford I saac U mphrey ..Roland George Ware ohn Franklin Waterman Samuel Wolman

Sko whegan Fai?'field M e rcdith, N . H. Cli n to n Rockpo 1·t TiVa terville Houlton Shaosh ing, China So u t h Elio t L i v e r m o r e Fa lls Skowhegan Wate 1·v ille A u g usta Was h b u 1·n TVa t e r v ille Belfast Wa t e rv ille

4Juuior fA1iatory 1 9 2 1 is essentially Colby's "war class ." Over seventy-five knowledge­ seeking, ambitious youths from various preparatory schools assembled at Colby in October o f 1 9 1 7 . P h i C h i ceremoniousy i n i tiated us i nto her sacred rites . Because it was during the strenuous days o f the Great War, and because much was rightly expected from us, we obeyed Phi Chi to the best of our ability. And we did not a l i ttle t o uphold the morale of the college. One by one, or i n groups, our members left-in spite of P rexy's appeal to "wait until the Government calls you ." Soon there was scarcely a branch of Uncle Sam' service i n which we were not represented. The forlorn benches in chapel bore mute witness to our patriotism. Then came the S . A. T . C. A goo d percentage o f o u r number had been to the P lattsb urg summer camp, and returned in October to help "carry on" at Colby. 192 1 endured the trials of fledgling shavetails, the "flu" and other like scourges . Then came November 1 1th, memorable date ! This year, although swelled by the addition of many returned students who were in the service, we a re still far from our pristi ne strength in n umbers. But it i s in n u mbers only that we � n e i n ferior : our qualities are only too well attested to on the gri di:: on, the diamond, the forensic platform, and i n all college acti vitief:.. Ou r motto may well be " P ro Col­ legio," for we are a l l one i n the determination to let the interests o f Col b De our chief concern . A n d s o , �-n this Centen n i al o f our Alma M aten , let us guard wel l the torch of Colby spirit and i deals that the c las of 1920 hands us. May i t glow as ferventl.v when we, i n our turn, pass it to our uccessors ! 69

Centennial Nwn b e r


'2 2

QHaan of

1 922

P resid e n t-WENDELL FAY GRA NT Vice-Presid e n t-WILLARD JA M ES C URTI S , JR. Trea s u re 1 ·-ART H V R BRADFORD M ALO N E 8 ec 1 · e t a 1 ·11- R OBERT M ORSE J A C K S O N

(!} lass iRo l l Stephen Boothby A bbott Asa C harles Adams Andrew Maine Ba i galupo Harold Loomis Baldwin Raymon d Joseph Bates Walter D rew Berry Ashley Lyndon B ickmore Roger E u stace Bousfield Ralph C larke B radley George Willard Brier Paul Lester B rooks Henry Leroy B rophy Thomas A ugust i n Callaghan Walter G ilchrist Chamberlain Leslie H eyward Cook T homas Randolph Cook George Washington C urrier William Frank l i n Cushman Kenneth C hampl i n Dolbeare J eremiah Joseph Doyle A lbert C handler Farley Marlin D owner Farnum H a ro l d Daniel Frost C harles Hanson Gale Edwin W i l der Gates Wen dP.11 Fay Grant Walter Reid Guthrie C u rtis A rms H a i nes R obert Morse Jackson Frank Watson Knowlton Perley Leroy Libby A rthur B radford Malone Leonard Withington Mayo

Wa te 1·v ille Linne us Reading, Mass. No rth S t ra tfo rd, . H. Willim a n tic, Co n n . Ho u lt o n Cha.1 ·lesto n Ro.i;b u1·y, Mass. Han o v e 1-, Pa . Oakland A ub u 1·n Pai?'field So uth B r e w e r Lis b o n , N. H . Mystic, Con n . Bro o ks Kings ton, N. H . S to n ingto n , Co n n . !-. e w Lo ndon, Conn. ash u a , . H. B ridgewate1· Medfo'rd, Mass . Waterville Medfo rd, Mass. D o v e 1· Ho u l t o n New London, N. H . Nashua, N. H . W.ate?'Ville Pafrfield De. · t e r Chelsea, Mas s . O xford, M a s s . 71

Centenn ia l Num ber

Bert Leland Merri ll H i ram Frederi ck Moody Walter Thomas Moreland I rwi n toll Newbury E dward Coburn Ni les Charles James Paddock Clifford Pea lee Herbert Armond Perkins Che�ter Lerov Robinson Harold Melv i n Sach E van John Shearman Harold Theodore Smith .Tames Wallace Stanley William Lowel l Stearns Robert Lincoln Stone Arthur John S u l livan Henry Du t ton Teague George Fred Terry, Jr. Charles Merri l l Treworgy Arthur Everett Urann William Jame Wallace Albert Heal Weymouth Hugh Cram Whittem ore E lmer Leslie William George Henry Wills George Bernard Wolstenholme Philip Hammond Woodworth

Wat e r ville Wan·en Epp ing, N. If . G rn to n, Co n n . Bosto n , Mass. Skowhegan Pittsfield, Mass. Waltha m , Mass. Wa1-ren Brnoklyn, N. Y. Woodfords Sedgwick Laim·e n c e , Mass. 'ew Lo n do n , Co n n . Bath Win th rnp , Mass. Bath Wate 1·ville East Sur1·y East Sullivan Pe nacook, N. H. C ha ?'leston Po rtla n d South B re we r Brnoklyn, N. Y . Sidney Mines, N . B . Fairfield

�opQ omore 1!jistory It was midst the din of battle that the i l lustrious class of 1 922 matricu lated at Colby. A branch of the Students A rmy T raining Corps was established and we fou nd ourselves in the army, prepari ng to become officers in the service of Uncle Sam. A fter the passi ng of the war period, we returned to Colby and began to carry out her established traditions. " 1922" was painted in flagrant numerals on the gym roof. Phi Chi obj ected ; gueri l la warfare ensued ; the Seniors acted as mediators ; result : the numerals came off, only to reappear i n June. As Sophomores, the pace set i n our i nitial yea r was kept. On B loody Monday night, Phi Chi reigned in all i ts glory. I t was then that the plastic Freshmen were moulded i nto worthy sons of Colby. Realizing that an active Sophomore C lass could do much toward pro­ moting Colby spi ·it, a Sophomore Hop was held-the first of i ts kind for many years. 72

Centennial N um b e r

FK flHM EN ! I

...... . · .. .




of 1 923

P 1 路 s id e n t-EUGENE VERNER S M I T H Vice-Pres ident-JO H


Tr asu re1路-SrnNEY ALTO


ecretm路y-E LLIOT


<!Hass iB o l l No rridgewo ck Belfast Bro oklyn, . Y. Pro v idence, R . I. Wa terville Winthrnp Fairfield Skowhegan Fai?'field Prnspect Ha1路bo1' H udson, N. H . Oakland Oakland Richmond Oakland Mexico Palerm o Stro n g Brooklyn, N . Y. West Medford, Mass. Worcester, Mass. West Springfield, Mass. A ugusta Fairfield Lynn, Mass . Live Oak, Fla. Worcester, Mass . Oakla n d Jemtland Rangeley Hope Waterville Liberty

Basil Bartlett Ame Alton Leach Andrews Casper Joseph Azzara A rthu r Livi ngston Berry Delmont Winfield Bishop Delphia Louis B issonette Chauncey Leighton Brown E lliot Frank Chase Charles Milton C lough Arthur Woodbury Cole Raymond Harris Daniels Frank Osmond Dolloff Roswald Leona! Dolloff John Leslie D unstan E rnest Leroy E ldridge Kenneth H iggins Emery Stan ley Goddard Estes Galen Eustis Frank Faggione Frederick Gardiner Fassett, Jr. John Joseph FitzGerald C harles Wendell Forsyth Donald Chester Freeman Ralph Lancaster Glazier Harold Stephen Goldsmith John Russel l Gow Willard C lark Gulick A rthur C layton Hall John Perci val Hedman C l inton Atwood H oar Roy Knight H obbs A llen Carter H odgkins Waldo Charles Hoit 74

Centennial Number

Francis H owe John Timothy H oward Earl Lester H u tchins Joseph Hercule Jacques E lmer Lue Johnson hi lton Latham Kemp E lo n Stanley K i tchin Frank J\: leinholz John Bears to Lamp her Merton E verett L averty Chau 11cey Joseph L eigh ton No rman R oy Lenvi lle Joseph Le Winter C l i fton E ugene Lord Percy Stillman Lovely C larence Rodick L y nd Floyd Thomas Mcln i re George John Odom Harry E me rson Pendergast Samuel P i non. ky Roland Neil Pooler William Francis Powers Harland Roger Ratc l iff W ithington Thomas Reynolds, Jr. Dean Matthew SimpsJn C ha rles E lezar Smith E u gene Verner Smith Melden Edwin Smith Donald E dwin Sprague James Bernard Sprague John Phi l i p T i lton L loyd Jordan T reworgy Swaby A lton Ward C l ifford Oscar Titus w: eden Jo eph H erman Z inner

Chelsea, Mass . No rth B ?'Oo k.(ield, Mass . Wa t e r v ille Wa t e rv ille L incoln ville D e b lo is .Palenn o B rn o k l y n , f.. . Y . P it tsfield Westb ?'Ook Milb1·idge West Sp1·in gfield , Mass. B 1 '0on11 n . . Y. Wate1· ille Skowhegan No rth Vassa l b o ro Pe1·ha m Glo ucest e r, Ma ss. TVins low B roo klyn, N. Y. Fairfield Worcester, Mass. M el ?'Ose Highla n ds, Jlass . Winslow Ttl ate rville Fafrfield H est S t o ughto n , Mass. Wa terville Boo t h b ay Ha1·bor F m n lclin Woodfords East Su?' ? · y Wob m·n , Mass . Ne w S w eden Sto ughto n , Mass.

75 Centennial Num b e 1 ·

Looking down from whatever heights the upperclassmen may have attained, they see huddled together, like a flock of sheep in the valley below them, a l i ngeri ng, hesitating group of woe-begone personages, who, in college li ngo, are termed "Freshmen ." Th rough lack of leadership and spi rit, their progress has been painful and their accomplishments negligible. Wi l l that greenish-yellow mass of humanity below show some semblance of motion , so we may j u dge whether they l i ve, or simply exist, dazed and bewildered by the shi n i ng heights above them ? Phi Chi, arrayed in ful l war gala, and with old-time plendor, admin­ istered the proper lotion on the pro\ erbial "B lady Monday Night." The effect, like Apri l showers, was wonderful for the moment. It gave a brighter hue to the green, but as yet has fai led to produce any signs of l i fe. Shall we let them decay ? No, they must be nourished til l the vision comes. Treasures may lie hi dden i n those palpitating breasts-treasures that we little dream of. Perhaps there are some few among them who may respond to the spirit of Old Colby as it k nocks at their hearts for admit­ tance. Stil l others may have ambitions bright and noble enough to grow and develop under the artistic touches of Phi Chi . For the sake of those then, though they be few, let us hold our patience in bonds, tolerating, forbeari ng, as best we can under the ci rcumstances. Some will die of old age before they have attempted to make a start, but j udging from past experiences, we j udge that most of them will be a credi t t o Colby a n d themselves .

@>µecial attb lll ttdassifie(l fl�dward Travis Baxter James Neil B rophy Wil liam Joseph Brown Maurice Daniels Arthur Raymond Daviau Lothrop I van Dow Ed ward Roy Frude Leandre A rmand Guite R ussell Preston Hallett Ulysses A rthur Ponsant Donald Delmont Raymond Noel J. Raymond Frank Maitland Terry

Waterv ille Fairfield Lowell, Mass. Milford, N. H. Wa terville Wate1·v ille Belgrade Wate rville Oakland Waternille Waterville Waterville Waterville 76

Centennial N um b e r

0 W � [j qg D 0 �030 0 �

lllll o men' s 1!1iuision

�ruinrn P residen t-E LEANOR LARISSA B URD I C K 1 ice-Presiden t-E LIZA H ILL GURGANUS T re a s u rn r-Secrntm·y-ALICE KAT HRYN B IS HOP

(!} lass 11\oll Pine Point

M i ldred Evelyn Barrows A lice Kathryn B i shop A l freda K i ng Bowie Eleanor Lari ssa B u rd i c k "'Retta E llen S a d i e Carter .., ladys Mona C hase -t Lillian Longley D yer Anna E . Fleming Helen M udget Getchell Stella Loui se Greenlaw v E liza H i l l G urganus Alice A d e le H anson � Pauline Higginbotham Matti e Lucile K idder , Alice L i l lian Mathews E ster Melvina Povver "' E leanor Seymour Harriet Lawrence Sweetser Madge Colby Tooker vMarion Roberta Waterman Ruth E l la Wills

Eastpo rt


P0 1'tla n d M o n so n , Ma s . Portland Sko w hegan Qo,kland Island Falls Lim es to n e Ca la;i,s Kingston, Ma ss. Po1·tland Do l'chester, Mass. Wat e rville Portla nd Pea body, Mass . B rooklyn, N. Y . Yarmouth Cher ryfield B e lfas t Monson, Mass.


C e n t e n n ia l N u ni b e r


Bi ddeford High School ; Y. W. C. A . , 1, 2 , 3 ; Dramatics, 3, 4 ; Mandolin C lub, 2 , 3 ; Kappa A lpha. " I n whose brown eyes a shadow lies." Tall and slender, with a provoking lisp that con­ tra sts strangely with her enior dignity, she's "on the .iob" in everything, whether it is popping corn, mak i n g fudge, or musical enterprises. Could we look into Le future, I am sure that we woul d see Mil dred su::cessfully conducting a large Symphony Orchestra.


"A K" Boynton H igh School, Eastport ; Y . W . C . A . , 1 , 2 , 3, 4 ; Social Committee, 3 ; Glee C lub, 1 ; 2 ; Literary Society, 1 ; Hamlin Prize Speaking, 1 ; Chairman Census Committee, 4 ; Ivy Day Dance, 3 ; Dramat :cs, 3 ; Junior P lay, 3 ; House Chairman, 3, 4 ; Senior P lay, 4 Colbiana Board, 4 ; C lass Secretary and Treasurer, 4 ; Chi Gamma Theta . ·

Oh, you ought to see what "A K" " D rew" at the Phi Kappa House ; investigate our statement and you will agree that she is an artist. "A K " i s a methodical child and efficient in the performance of her duties, too, whether they are those of House Chairman or as a student in advanced Economics. She i s fond of long excursions for exercise ( ? ) . She says, " By all means get a H udsan for comfort and rel iability."


"Freda" Portland H igh Schoo l ; Y. W. C. A . , 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Literary Society, 1, 2, 3 , 4 ; Y. W. C. A. Association News Committee, 3 ; Ivy Day Pageant, 1, 2, 3 ; Ivy Day Play, 1 , 3 ; Delegate to Silver Bay Con ference, 3 ; Glee Club, 3 ; Mandol i n Club, 3 ; Chairman Y . W. C . A . ; Social Service Committee, 4 ; Colby Day D ra­ matics, 4 ; President -Reading Room As3ocia­ tion, 4 ; Kappa Alpha. H ave you seen her? Yes, she's dainty and small with heaps of light h air, Like the Violet, so modest and quiet you doubt if she's there. I f it's advice and good counsel you need, i n trouble or care, F reda is ready-with sympathy always a sorrow to share. Just ask her, if i t's music or favors that need to be done ; And now best of all, a pal and good sport, she's there on the fun !


Centennial N u rn b e r


" Dick" Monson A cademy, Monson, Mass. ; Y. W . C . A . , 1 , 2 , 3 ; Student Government, 1 , 2 , 3 ; Y. W . C. A. Nominating Committee, 1 ; Sopho­ more Declamation, 2 ; House Chairman, 2 , 3 ; Vice-President Junior C lass ; Shakespearean Play, 2 ; Y. W . C. A. Cabi net, 3 ; P resident Senior Class, 2 ; Kappa A lpha. " Infinite riches i n a little room '' m a y well be said of " D ick." But with that Senior dignity, wisdom, executive ability, and above all that faculty of being a genuine friend, one soon forgets the l i ttle-ness of her. What she wants, she goes after and usually gets, even though she h a s to wait u ntil the Fourth of J u ly for it. The sparklers of our N ational holi­ day sati sfy her now, but we expect that some day she will find one that l sts the whole year long.


" Neighbor" H ebron Academy ; Y. W. C. A., 1, 2 , 3, 4 ; L iterary Society, 1 , 2, 3 , 4 ; Representation Student Volu nteer Band, 3 ; Y. W . C. A . T reasurer, 4 ; Shakespearean P lay, 3 , 4 ; Stu­ dent Government E xecutive Committee, 4 ; P resident Li terary Society, 4 ; Kappa A l pha. E verybody k nows Prexy's right-h and "man." Some j ob, we I I say . Retta is capable, however, not only in the man agement of Prexy's fi nance, but the finance of many of her friends. I n addition, she possesses a n abundance of subtle and sparkling wit. We had her "booked" for a literary career but she very wisely side-stepped " Advanced Ado.''

G LADYS MONA C H ASE, ..l ..l il

"Charie," "Pa" Skowhegan H igh School ; Y . W . C. A. S i l ­ v e r Bay Committee, 1 , 2, 3, 4 ; S liver B a y D e l ­ egate, 1 ; L iterary Society, 1 , 2, 4 ; Mandolin Club, 1 ; Social Service C ommittee, 3 ; D ra­ matic. , 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Student Government Com­ mi ttee, 4 Hellenia Delegate, 4 ; I nternational Relations Club, 4 ; Student E ndowment Com­ mittee, 4 ; U n i versity Wits ; C h i Gamma Theta. ·

Gladys really didn't need to come to college, for she knew Colby from "A" to "Z" before she arrived. F or the p a st t hree years she h as posed as an assist­ ant to "J. Bill.'' I f you 're looking for a n all-around capable gi rl-here she i s ! C hase can do a nything from acting the '· Crimson Stain" to presenting d i fficult roles from S hakespeare. A s a true rep­ resentative of Colby, " Pa , " we expect great things of you.

Centennial Number



"Lil" Cobu rn Classical Institute ; Y. W . C . A . , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; Captain o f Freshman Basketball Team ; Literary Society, 2 , 3, 4 ; Sophomore Declamation, 2 ; Delegate to Si lver Bay Con­ ference, 2 ; Ivy Da y Pageant, 2, 3 ; Hou, e Council, 3 ; Shakespearian Play, 3 ; Glee Club, 3 ; Chai rman of Si lver Bay Committee, 4 ; Vice-President of Dramatic C lub, 4 ; Treas­ urer of Student Government, 4 ; Colby Day Play. 4 ; A lpha Nu Alpha ; Chi Gamma Theta . Here's the one girl at "the Hall" who can buy chocolates at cc t and have her name i n the "Ech o " e a c h week. " Li l l " puts h e r whole heart into any­ thi n g she undertakes, and we know she will ucceecl in her future endeavors in I ndi a.


"Anna" Ricker C lassical I nstitute ; Y . W. C. A . , 1 , 2 , 4 ; Committee, 4 ; Basketball, 1 ; Glee C lub, 1, 2 ; I vy Day Dances, 1, 2 ; C lass Executive Committee, 2 ; Social Commi ttee, 2 ; Literary Society ; Aroostook Chairman ; E xecutive Comm ittee, 4 ; Chi Gamma Theta. A n n a is a most necessary i nd ividual when the Junior Prom or Senior Hop comes arou n d . Some­ one wears her chain, another her pin, u ntil she is fairly well represented at the affair-in possessions, if not i n person. Once a year she has left u s to attend the Shriners' Bal l, but this year she leaves us for aye.



� .:l

"Eddie," "Gitch," " Ma" Sea Pines School ; Y. W. C. A., 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Hamlin Prize Speaki ng, 1 ; Glee C lub, 1 , 2 , 3 ; Ivy Day Pageant, 1 , 2, 3 ; Junior Play, 3 ; Jun­ ior E xhibition, 3 ; Literary Society, 1 , 2 , 3, 4 ; Treasurer, 4 ; Assistant Business Manager of Colbiana, 2 , 3 ; Bu siness Manager, 4 ; Vice­ President of Aroostook Club, 3 ; President, 4 ; Colby Day Play, 4 ; President of Dramatic C lub, 4 ; House Chairman, 4 ; Chi Gamma Th�ta ; University Wits. Helen is the girl who brought the breath of Sea Pines to Colby. Personal ity i s the keynote of her makeup ; with irresistible charm she h as won her way into the hearts of all. She spends much ti me in reading w h at "Sid Says" ; see A merican Maga­ zine. "Getchy" believes i n looking on the bright side of l i fe and can always ee the best in people. We wonder which it will be -----, Columbia, or ? 82

Centennial Number


" Steve, " " Stel " Calais H igh School ; Y . W . C . A . , 1 , 2 , 3, 4 ; Literary Society, 1 , 2 , 3, 4 ; Ivy Day Pageant, 1, 2, 3 ; Y. W . C. A. Fi nance Committee, 2 ; Glee C l ub, 3 ; Shakespearean P lay, 3 ; Leader of Bible Study Group, 3 ; D ramatic C lu b P lay, 3 ; Literary E d i tor of Colbiana, 3 ; Stu­ dent Government E xecutive Board, 3 ; Vice­ President o f Literary Socie'.:y, 3 ; Junior Exhibition, half of second prize, 3 ; Chair­ man Y . W . C . A . ; Social Committee, 4 ; Colby Day D ramatic , 4 ; D ramatic Club, 4 ; A l u m nre Editor o f Colbiana, 4 ; House Chair­ man, 4 ; Kappa A lpha . " Stel l " combines the happy faculty of knowing how to play and how to ork. She i s ever ready for advice and adventure, b t it is her k i n d , generous, thoughtful natu re that has won her a place i n every­ body's heart. We don't exaggerate when we say that ' ' To know her i s to love her," and we k now that she will carry through l ife the same happy a n d ami able d isposition t h a t h a s m a d e h e r popular at olby. E LIZA H ILL G URGA N US , � K

"Liza" Ki ngston High School ; Ivy Day Pageants, 1 , 3 ; Junior Exhibition, 3 ; Literary Society, 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Y. W . C. A. Social Committee, 3 ; O RACLE Board, 3 ; Colbiana Board, 4 ; Colby Day D ramatics, 4 ; C lass Vice-President, 4 ; D ramatic Club, 4 ; C lass H i storian, 4 ; Kappa A lpha. oth ing ever makes "Liza" stop smiling. She is the " S u n shine of Carol ina" i n the m idst of our frosty north. Her days are a mixture of la ughter and work. Her accomplish ments are constantly winning our respect and admiration. W e love you for your si ncerity and when you are gone, Oh ,-the colleg:e will miss you and even the Biological Lab will be all wrong, someho'vv. Good l uck, " Liza," in your future work.

A LICE ADELLE HANSO N , A .i II Portland H igh School ; Y. W. C. A. Com­ mittee , 1 , 2 , 3 ; L i terary Society, 1, 2 , 3 ; Treasurer o f Students' League, 3 ; Pan-Hel­ lenic Delegate, 3, 4 ; I vy Day Pageant, 2 ; Kappa Alpha. How strange it wi l l seem ne xt ye ar to go into the College library and no t fi n d Alice ! T he stai d quiet observed there fi ts well with her senior d ignity, in pite of which she h a s been mi staken for a F resh­ man. H e r fondne ss for domestic arts leads u s to believe that her ne:<t degree will be an M . R . S. 83

Ce ntennial Number


"Polly," " H ig" Dorche ter H i gh School ; I vy Day Pageant, 1 , 3 ; Y . W. C. A., 1, 2, 3 , 4 ; Chai rman World­ fellowship, 4. ; Y . W. C . A. Cabi net, 3, 4 ; Bibi� Discussion Group Leader, 1 , 2, 3, 4 ; Junior Shakespearean Play, 3 ; C lass Treasurer and Secretary, 3 ; Junior Prize Exhibition, half of econd prize, 3 ; Senior College Day P lay, 4 ; G lee Club, 3 ; Dramatic C lub, 4 ; Secretary and Treasu rer D ramatic C lub, 4. Here's Polly, t h e quiet, stu dious, "earnest" girl .

You can fi n rl her busy with Y. W. C. A. work or

church work any time you happen to drop i n ; that i , if -he has finished her daily letter. We prophesy a successful future for you, Polly.


"Kidder," "Luci!" Watervil le High School ; Y . W. C . A. Mu ic Committee, 1, 2, 3 , 4 ; Y . W. C . A . Delegate to Silver Bay, 3 ; Glee C lub, 1 , 2 , 3 ; Literary Society, 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Shakespearean Plays, 1 , 2 , 3, 4 ; Art Edi tress o f ORACLE, 4 ; President Colby Town Girls' Club, 4 ; Commencement Committee ; Chi Gamma Theta. " K - I - D ; that's the way you spell it and the kid is me," trills our Kappa Kid. I f you want to meet a genu ine, sympathetic, true friend, just get ac­ quai nted with " Luci! ." \Ve have no fears for your future. Lucile. Ju st be yourself and every wish we can make will be fulfilled. ALICE L. MATHEWS, � K

" Mattie" Portland High School ; Basketball, 1, 2 ; G lee C lub, 1 , 2 ; Colbiana Board, 1 ; I vy Day Dances, 1 , 2, 3, 4 ; Literary Society, 1 , 2, 3, 4 ; Y . W. C . A ., 1 , 2, 3, 4 ; Pan-Helleni c Delegate, 3, 4 ; Shakespearean P lay, 3, 4 ; D ramatic Club ; Art Editor ORACLE, 3 ; Vice-President Student Government, 4 ; Junior C lass Day Ode Committee ; Junior E xhibition, first prize ; Wit ; Chi Gamma Theta. The talents of this adorable little lady are so numerous that we will not attempt to mention them. Despite her responsible position as the head of the Student Government, she has found time to enter practically every branch of student activities. We sh all miss you, "Alice," when you are gone, but we shall always remember " the h ap py hours" ; and we h ave learned from you the meaning of the word "frien d . " 84

Centennial Number

(c o LBY1/9St!fjl2o�o:R5\..c Lf$! E ST HER l\1ELVINA P O W ER , X n

"Es," " Gramp" Peabody H igh School ; Y . W . C. A., 1, 2 , 3 , 4 ; Literary Society, 1 , 2, 3, 4 ; Basketball, 1 ; Ivy Day Pageants, 1 , 2 , 3 ; Echo .Board, 2 ; I vy Day D ramatics, 3 ; ORACLE Board, 4 ; Second Assi tant E d i tor o f Colbiana, 3 ; Colby Day D ramatics, 4 ; E di tor-in-Chief of Colbiana, 4 ; University Wits ; C h i Gamma Theta. C rash ! A mop of ruddy hair a ppears ! E nter the unique individual from Peabody. She h a s h a d a meteoric career i n Mr. Colby's College-dramatic triumphs, fat A 's i n difficult courses, frequent naps in classes, dances, clever posters, inspired themes, my tical trances, strenuous tennis on the D. K . E . court in F reshman days. We only hope that E s won't carry h e r co lege h abits i nto after l ife, and forget to go to her o rn werlding.


"El" Glen R idge H i gh School ; Y . W . C . A . , 1 , 3 , 4 ; L iterary Society, 1 , 3 , 4 ; E xecutive Committee, 4 ; Basketball, 1 , 2, 3, 4 ; Captain, 1 ; Junior P lay, 1 ; Ivy Day Pageant, 1, 2, 3 ; Chairman Girls' A thletic Council, 4 ; Colby Day P lay, 4 ; Glee C lub, 1, 2 , 3 ; Mandolin Club, 1, 2 , 3 ; Colbiana Board, 4 ; C lass H i sto­ rian, 3 ; E d i tor of Women's D ivision of Echo, 4 ; Vice-President of Foreign Relations C lub, 4 ; Kappa A lpha ; U n i versity Wit. H e r e ' s to ' E l , " a true sport, who always plays the game. " H a s Miss Seymour left college or has she overslept this morning ? " is a familiar expression from many of her " Profs." She i s ever true to her frienrls, loyal to her class, and enthusi astically p ro­ claimed by the men's division as "some d ancer."


"Harry" Yarmouth H i gh School ; Y. W . C. A., 1, 2 , 3 , 4 ; Hamlin Prize S peaking, 1 , 2 , 3 ; C lass Vice-President, 2 ; Secretary Y. W. C. A . , 3 ; Presi dent of Foss Hall Reading Room, 3 ; Glass P resident, 3 ; Ivy Day Pageant, 1 , 2 , 3 ; Pan-Hellenic Counci l ; D ramatics, 1 , 2 , 3 ; Chi Gamma Theta ; U ni versity Wit. She is a man h ater and t h a t i s why she goes t o Bowdoi n to drive a w a y dull cares. H e r senior dig­ nity m ust often sit i n the shade of her youthful play, fo1· she's ful l , b1·imful ( provok ingly so ) of fun.­ And what a dear friend ! Even the boys love Har1·y.

Centennial Nu m b e r


" Madge, Colby" Berwick Academy ; Y. W. C. A . ; First Freshman Scholarship Prize ; Sophomore Declamation, 2 ; Second German Prize, 3 ; L i terary E di tor Colbiana, 3 ; Editor-in-Chief olbiana, 3 ; Dramatic C lub, 3, 4 ; Tennis Tou rnament, 3 ; Ode Committee, 3 ; Pan­ Hellenic Counci l, 4 ; Ivy Day Dances, 1, 2, 3 ; Glee C lub, 1 , 3 ; Fressen-Essen-Freshman C lub ; Kappa Al pha. M adge Colby-what an honor to the name of her Alma M ater ! You might think Madge was a poor, unfortunate . oul, to hear her tell hard-luck stories. But don't be deceived. We haven't been able to find a rerord of every heart she's broken si nce she came to college, but we know they are many, and-the end i not yet. We wish you the best of luck, Madge. cf> I "Aunt Susie" Belfast High School ; Literary Society, 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; Glee Club, 1 ; Freshman Scholarship, fir t prize ; C lass Secretary and Treasurer, 2 ; Sophomore Declamation ; Vice-President, Y. W . C. A., 3 ; Delegate to Silver Bay ; Pres­ ident Y. W. C. A ., 4 ; Dramatic Club ; Kappa A lpha.


When Marion professed her aim was "to be a second Charlie Chaplin," we wondered a bit. Then she played "Trinculo," and we no longer wondered, for not one of the comedians of screendom ever made u s rock with laughter more. But whether she be­ comes a star of the Silver Screen or remains j ust the kind, qniet "A unt Su ie" of our college days, we shall al way:; love her for the sweet, helpful friend she is.


"Bi lly" Monson Academy, Monson, Mas::>. ; r . \ V . C . A . , 1, 2, 3 , 4 ; Student Governmen t ; ORACLE Board, 3 ; Pan-Hellenic Secretary, 3 ; Library Association Committee, 3 ; Shake­ spearean P lay, 3 ; C lass Nomi nating Com­ mit tee, 4 ; Pan-Hellenic Presi dent, 4 ; House Committee ; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, 4 ; Kappa Alpha. When Ruth has made u p her mind to do a cer­ tain th ing, the earth couldn't move he1-, though she i such a light, little body. She h as . decided not to spend all her days explaining gramn:i ar and cor­ recting sentences, yet we know she will always be accompl i sh i ng something, as she never stands by and watches others work. Here's success to you, "Bllly," in all you undertake. l,___ _


Centennial Num be r

§enior i!;istorg The campus had donned it'1. new spring attire. The soft, ' elvety c arpet was spri nkled with sunshi ne, sifting down through the green bower of elms. The white bridal wreath bordered the time-worn walks and lay banked against the dear o l d C hapel wal ls. L ight-hearted groups gave vent to their spirits i n gay snatches of song. Tennis rackets and basebal l m i ts ga,·e a touch o f reality to the outward signs of spring. There were some who � alked alone along the:se old college paths or in si lent groups. The e was no reason for rej oicing o n their part. E ach day was bringing them nearer to the end o f the four best years of l i fe. E verything stood out so plainly now-those first days, not so long ago, when as bewildered Freshmen a nevv world was entered. E very moment was fi lled with a new and throbbing life t i l l the past seemed a vague dream and the present and future the real existence to be l i ved for. Sophomore days came, bringing all the confidence and self-assurance that belong to this period i n every college stu dent's l i fe. Nothing seemed i nconquerable. The wide world was panting for the aid which only a Sophomore cou ld proffer. And then Ju n ior days ! Oh, happy .Ju nior days ! The Senior sighed to himself as he thought of all those days had contained. When true friend­ hips were formed ; when thi ngs took o n normal proportions ; full measure was given to every phase of l i fe. Slowly and sadly the Senior entered the fam i liar old b u i l d i ngs and class rooms and trod the old c i ndered paths of the campus with li ngering tep . T h e grains i n t h e hou r glass were becoming f e w now. The end was at hand ; but those fou r magic years, upon which the whole future was to be erected, a fou ndation of beautiful memories, firm friendships could not perish by a foolish decree of time. The Sen i or smiled contentedly. T i me softens the harshness of bitter memories and enhances sweet ones. This the Senior had learned and he faced the future with courageous mien .


Centennial N u m b e r

(!}lass of 1 92 1 Preside n t-BERNICE BRO W N B UTLER Vice-P1·esident-DORIS BERY L FERNALD T 1·ea s U1'e 1'-GLADYS E M M ELYN Dow Secr·eta 1·y- ELFRIEDA


Q.l lass 1!l o l l Pauline Wheeler Abbott ..--- Geraldine Thurlow Baker Laura Virginia Ba ·er -E sther B lanchard Frances B radbury Bern i ce B rown Butler E l i zabeth B a l d w i n Carey C lara Whitehouse Carter _Bessie Merritt Chadwic� A lice Helen C lark " Marion Louise Conant D o rothy May C rawford Merle E velyn Davis Gladys E mmelyn Dow A l i ce Lou i se D yer 1 Doris Beryl Fernald Grace Ruth Foster C lara Ida Gamage i I sabel 'Wight Genthner Elva Kathleen Goodhue D oris Tolman Gower I rene Shirley Gushee 1./ Marj orie Wagner Hornu ng H e l e n Jane Leota Jacobson ' Elva Prisc i l la Jeffs t.. G race Wilma Johnson v :b orothy E mma Knapp lice Vivian LaRoque v Adelle Medora McLoon

Wat e 1 ' v ille Bingha rn Bingham


Ro · b w·y, Mass. Biddefo 1·d


Po rtla n d Chesh i1·e, Conn . Jefferson A thol, Mass. Ca ra t u n k Fort Fairfield Pittsfield Po rts m o u t h , N. H . Foxcroft


Chm·leston East Booth bay Wa terville So u t h B ristol G uilford Fo1·t Fafrfield Sko u hegan Appleton Flushing, N. Y . Bath Fo?'t Fairfield G o 1·ham Danb u r y , N. H . Huntingto n, Mass. Ho u l to n 89

Centennia l N u m b e r


Ruth .Frances Means Dorothy Grant Mitchell R uth E lizabeth Mosher Bertha Edi h Norton Al ice Ford Page azel Winifred Peck Florence Mae Preble i\'Iary Margaret Rice Dorothy Rounds arah Elizabeth Smith I va Chri sti ne Tooker atherine Almire Tuttle - Elizabeth Rebecca Whipple Linna Caroline Wei dl ich E l frieda Marie Whitney C lara Hammond Wightman race Evelyn Wilder

Biddefo 1·d Hou lto n TiVilton A nson Pl y m o u t h , N. H. Winthrop Wate?' Ville Wate rv ille Portland Ho ulton Ca,riboi1, L i m e rick Wa te rville Wa 1 ·eho use Poin t, Co n n . Ho ulton San fo rd W ilton

11unior (!1la11n iljintnt!l In the light of Colby's glorious hi storv there may have been c lasses that have lurked i n the shad ows, bu t the c lass of 1 92 1 has never been so gui lty. It will go dovm in history as one of the few classes that stood together agai nst odds to bring about beneficial i nnovations, that preferred patriotism to p leasu re, that DARED TO DO. Under the heinous rule of Phi Chi we donned the verdant helmets of cambric, and swung ou r swagger sticks-all under the flagrant reign of said Phi Chi . Protesting little, we patiently hi ded our time, believing that in as far as we supported the Freshman swagger stick with comeliness, j ust so far would we, as Sophomores, wield it as a spectral force to over­ rule next year's Barbarism. When we came to our own as Sophomores many things happened to bring about a change i n "Phi Chidom" -Phi Chi himself fel l prey to the i n fluenza p lague, complications ( progressive i deas ) set in, and he suc­ cumbed to a graceful death . He was respectfully buried by the c lass of 1 92 1 . The hymn rendered at the funeral was : "It wasn't the cough that carried him off, but the coffin we carried him off i n . " Sorrow p revailed. H is ghost appeared to us i n the form of the Ku Klux K lan of '22, but i t stole away suddenly at the approach of stern-faced Student Government, and we feel sure as long as Student Government endu res, Phi Chi will never again disturb our peace. We cite this as only one of the many advancements brought about directly by our ben ign in fluence. Long l i ve 1 92 1 ! 90

Centennial N u m b e r

(Ulass of

1 922

Pres iden t-VEL M A IDELLA BRIGGS Vice-Prnside n t-BERT HA E M I LY COBB Secreta 1路y Treas ure r



<n lass fil o l l E leanor C lough Bai ley Beatrice Persis Baker R uth Marie Banghart Avis Barton Catherine Bates Vi rgi nia Mary Bean Mary Brier Edna A l ice Briggs Gladys I va B riggs Velma Idella Briggs Annie Gilmour Burgess Mary Dassie Carl Edna Marj orie Cham berlain Annie Fletcher Choate Bertha E mily Cobb Hazel A ngel i a Drew Hazel Gould Dyer Ruby Frances Dyer Olive Etta E dgerly Daphine May Fish Bertha Emily Gilliatt Eva Beatrice Glidden Ruth Goodwi n Helen Holmes Gray Mae Stanford Greenlaw Ju l ia Frances Hoyt Edith Lou ise Harvey Catheri ne Dolly Larrabee Hannah Naomi Maher

Win thrnp Centre B ingham G o 1路ham, N. H.

Wes t b o ro , Mass. M iddle bo rn , Mass. West Min o t Oakland Littleton Littleton Mon ticello Fal mo uth Foreside B ingham Fort Fai?'field Wa terv ille Wa terville No rth Ham pt o n, N. H. Portland Skowhegan Bridgt o n F reeport Medfo r ' d, Mass. Wa te1路ville Wa terville S to ning ton Deer Isle Fairfield Dover Wate1路ville A ugusta 92

Centennial Num b e r

E mma Moulto n Mary Newcomb E lizabeth O ' Donnell Vina Beatri ce Parent Harriet Maria Pearce H azel Beatrice P ratt Pauline Tibbetts P ulsife r D o r i s I rene P u ri ngton H e len Raymond Lorena E stella Scott M i ldred Smi ley L a u ra May Stanley Mary Anne S weeney Doroth y Vau ghn Sylvester Helen Rata Wheaton Mary I rene Whi tcomb Dorothy Harmon White S i by l E dna Wi lliams

North H a m p t o n , N . H . Woodfords Waterville Ha yn esi ille Wate 1·v ille Caribou Waterville Houlton North Jay Harrington Water'v i{le Mercer Waterville Deer Isle Hoult o n Wat e ?'Ville Fo rt Fairfield Charlest o n

§op�nmnre i!;intory When to college first I came upon a late October day, G loomy, lonely was the station, and alone I fou nd my way To Foss H a l l . T h e smi l i ng n u rse me with h e r thermometer d i d meet, Isolation was the law until from her I had a cal l . I , with T uesdays, some, with Wednesdays, ate, according when w e came ; Flu masks were the doctor's orders ; cheerfu l , we were ever game. B lack-robed Sophomores tendered us th' 'musing funera l o f Phi Chi ; We, not knowing what was our fate, helped ancient custom q u i ckly die. I n the Fall o f 1 9 1 9 we the Sophomores then became . Proudly d i d we keep t h e stan dards, n o b l y d i d we bear t h e name ; Colby Day renewed our spirit, clearly showed our loyalty. F u l l of mi rth, with willing hand, we worked and played in j ol l i ty . Saturday, November first, h o w we played agai nst the Freshmen strong ! Well supported was our team by Senior-Sophomore cheer and song ; Strong and fiercely d i d we fight, victorious was o u r gal lant team : Thus we broke a p recedent, ful l wel l establ ished,-it would seem. Now a new we all w i l l pledge i n truth, our l ove and loyalty ; " C o lby, we w i l l sing to thee, loyal w i l l we ever be !" 93

Cente nnial Nurn b e r

(U lmrn of

1 923

Presiden t-HELEN MAy FREE M A N Vice-Prnside n t-ME LVA MERCEDES MANN Trea '3 U 1 'e ? ' Secretary



<!Hass filo 1 1 M a rgaret A delia Abbott Beu lah .Josephine Adams Ethel Mae A lley M adeli ne Doris Beach E loise Bliss Beaman Marion E lvira B i bber Fern Bishop R uth A ustin B lakeslee I l i a Winifred B rock H e len A manda B rown Annie B ro wnstone Agnes Jessie Cameron Dorothy Mae Chap l i n M i ldred R egina Collins Vera Loui se Collins Edna Conant Rachel H un ter Conant R uth Veronica Cook A vis Marie Cox Ruth E velyn C rowley Hazel E velyn C u rtis Helen L u c i l le Davis Marcia Loui se Davis Doris Mary Dickey Helen May D resser Mamie D risko Marion D ri sko Marion Louise D ri sko Gertrude C lai re F letcher Lona E u lalie Fowles Helen May F reeman E l i zabeth H owe Griffin A rlene Jewell Harris Helen E stel le Harris

B ridgton Lubec Waterville Water v ille Natick, Mass . Richmond P 1 路esque Is le Ros lindal e, Mass . Sanford Wate rville Portland Foxcrnft Go1路harn Berwick Fairfield Winterpo 1 路t Sko whegan Wilton Mars Hill South Portlan d Harpswell Cen tre Oakland L i'u erm ore Falls Clin ton Po rtland Co lum b ia Falls Co limi b ia Falls Jo n espo1路t Monticello Qa.kland Bath Ca11iden Fairfield lif/aterville 95

Ce n te n n ia l Nu m ber

Mary Wyman Harthorn Grace E leanor Hawes Mildred Hawes Feneda Betty Hawksley Ruth Violet Jameson I da France Jones E lizabeth R uby Kellett Marj orie A lice Kemp E lizabeth B u rnham Larrabee G ladys Louise Libby Addarena Jane Lightb'.)dy Melva Mercedes Mann Alice H olbrook Marsh Hazel Vi vi an Mason Helen Gertrude McCobb Avis Merle Newman Doris B i sbee Ogier Lucy Maria Osgood E dythe Duffy Porter Thelma Abbie Powers Velma Gertrude Rhodes Marguerite Carlo Cecelia Rice Arlene Elizabeth Ringrose Caroline E lizabeth Rogers Mary Thelma Ryder Marguerite Starbi rd Louise Lee Steele Myrtice E thel Swain Ethel A ngeline Tiff any Louisa Katherine T i l ley Mi ldred Mae Todd Gladys Lucille Walker Leonette McGregor Warburton Mary Ai leen Watson E dith Margaret Weller Myrtle Gertrude Weller E leanor Wilkins Helen Wil liams Doris E li zabeth Wyman

Waterville Skowhegan A u g usta Dyer B ro o k Warren Lakeport, N. H. Lawrence, Mass. Deblo is Water ille Go rha m Wate1路ville Millto w n Gu ilford West b o ro , Mass. Center Lincoln ille Warrnn Cam d e n Pittsfield, N. H. Lubec Ric h m o n d Camden Vero n a , N . J. Freepo rt Freeport Warrn n O. 路f0 1路d Lawrence, Mass. Farming ton Camden A sh land F0 1路t Fairfield Waterville Lawrence, Mass. Ho ulton Caribou Cari b o u Houlton Po rtland Medfo rd, Mass.

96 Centennial Number

11frenqman Hjtntory To Colby's learned halls there came I n the fal l of nineteen, A brave array o f Freshman maids, The l argest band e'er seen . They massed the i r ranks in battle l i ne, And in the early fal l Took u p the Sophomore challenge To a game of basketball . Wel l contested was the struggle, D i scredi t's due to none, B ut a t last, as 'twas natural, The wiser Sophomores won. These mai ds of the c lass of twenty-three Came most p rominently to view When they had a banquet strange In a fashion very new : One night dusk was fallingA way they c::. o ftly stole ; Skowhegan and a sumptuous meal Was to be their goa l . And n o w I pause ere I re-tell Of the manner u nforeseen, In which the mighty hand of Fate C rushed those F reshmen, small and green . For with youthful lack of prudence They dined too late . They did not know That to Watervi l le t i l l morn ing Trains had ceased to go. They slept that n i ght on the hard, hard floor, Or u nder the starry sky, And how they yearned for dear Foss Hall, As the long, long hours c rept by. B u t they are improving day b y da y­ That escapade was the last. We hall make Sophomores of them yet, E re many months have passed. 97

Ce n t e n n ial "1' u m b e 1 '

§peda l auh lll u dassifieh Marita Cooley L i l lian U. Cyr E l izabeth Josephine Dyar Helen Greeley Foster E lsie Phyllis Sawyer Mary E lizabeth Warren

Bingham Wa te1·ville Farmingto n Waterville Liv e rmo 1·e Falls Wate 1·ville

Jost (J?railuate H i ldegard Veth Drummond


Centennial Num b er

3Juninr QJLass iay Jltri l'la!I. Jfuur

1 .3 . 1 9 1 9

ORDER OF E X E R C I S E S P rayer


C!l htss ®i'le TUNE :


'Mate 1·na "

Calm sweep the gentle breeze thru ' The elms and willo'� s old ; Calm beat o u r hearts and firm and true So safe in mater's fold ; H ere youthful hearts were sti rred anew, And friendships spun of gol d ; Days left us here are far too few To have our thanks well told. Cold, cold is winter's barren trai l A c ross the heart of Maine ; Here frigid tempests wildly wail, So great the torm king's pain . Cold ri ngs t h e wicked i ngrate's flai l­ Cuts mater's heart in twain ; Her children's b lood will never fai l T o heal it sound again.

H i story of Women Poem History of Men Oration A warding of Gift

Sweet are the golden days of June, They dye the mater's gown ; Svveet whisper leafy elms i n tune And sings the hum-drum town . Soon come the days, alas ! too soon, When days are dyed i n brown ; The mater hies no wani ng moon, Her love w i l l not go down. E LEANOR SEY MOUR M USIC



Centennial Num b e r

�enior '1ilairn lay §aturl'lay, llunr 1 4 , 1 9 1 9


(!Jlass ®be A rn : "Juanita" Fai1.. are thy elm trees, Fair thy wavi ng wil lows green , F a i r a r e t h y traditions To our dear n ineteen . C horus Colby, A lma Mater, We w i l l hold thee ever dear, Guide us, shield us, keep us Thru each coming year. To thy high standards, To thy colors, G ray and B l ue , To a l l thy teachi ngs, May we e'er be true. C horus O rati o n A warding of Honors


A d d ress Replies : For For For

to Undergraduates


1 92 0 1921 1 922


Centennia l Num b er

l�lipe ®be AIR : "Dea1· Old Pal of N hne" We sit here i n a circle And smoke our pipe of peace, And promise to be ever true ; Our hearts are with Old Colby As back i n days gone by When we did ing her songs with ne'er a sigh ! '


Clouds drifting upward, Curling o'er the trees, Smoke wreaths are floating As we pa s our pipe of peace . Chapel bells a r e ringing As we now are singing P ledges true to Colby A n d the B l ue and ·G ray. Our college day. are over, Days of song and cheer, Days that brought us hou r of j oy ; Long may we remember The happy days of yore When all has passed and we are here no more. Chorus SMO KING THE PIPE OF PEACE

102 Centennial Num b e r

As we part from one another There's an aching regret ; We are leaving happiest hours That we'll ne'er forget. But the friendships which we cherish That can never cease to be And the years of work together we W i l l hold in memory. We are leaving thee, our college, To seek what l i fe holds in store In the future that we enter Thru thy magic door. We are loving thee, our college, The while we b i d thee farewell. We will love thee ever truly and Thy honor we will tel l . W i l low Addresses


M ARY A N N Foss


Centennial Number

(!ft,e Ninety-1,Eigl1 th 1\nnual (Uommettcement, (Uo lby Ql ollege �tll onbay, lJmtP 1 6 , 1 g 1 g O R D E R


The Making of an American


Chemistry and the War


Bi lly and the World War


Causes and Cure of American Labor Unrest


Carry On ! The Challenge of the Present




Centennial Number

<nommencement i\untrhs U!'l1 e ftilrn'5 ihui.sion CLASS O F 1 9 1 9 COMMENCEMENT.

Prize for excel10nce in

E nglish



E noch

Gates. MEMBERS O F THE PHI B E TA KAPPA. D rew, Robert E . Sull ivan.

Arthur F . Scott, Sidney P. Wyman , Ralph H .


F irst Prize, John


Brush ;

Second Prize,



R . Black.

F irst Prize, H arold C . Marden ; Second Prize, Stanley CLASS OF 1922


Hamlin Prizes, F irst Prize, George B . Wolstenholme ; Second Prize, divided between M a rtin D. F arnum and Walter R . Guthrie. FRESHM A N SCHOLARSHIP PR I ZE S . Fi rst Prize, Herbert Adrian Perkins ; Second Prize, Evan John S hearman.



P rizes for excellence i n German : Fir t and Second Prize s d ivided among John Woolman Brush, Frank Jo eph Rois, and Roland George W are.

IDl1e llifomm' 5 1lhuision CLASS OF 1 9 1 9

Prize f o r excellence i n E nglish Composition, Joseph ine Rice. MEMBERS OF T H E PHI BETA KAPPA. Belle N . Longley, Elizabeth R . E ames, M ary A . Titcomb, Joseph ine Rice, M atilda A. Titcom b, Grace A. Lermond, H ildergard V. D rummond, Lillian A. Pike. CLASS OF 1920 CO M MENCEMENT.

JUNIOR EXH1BITIO ' . F irst Prize, A l ice Lillian M athews ; Second Prize, divided between Stell a Louise Greenl a w and Pauline H igginboth am. CLASS OF 1 9 2 1 SOPHOMORE DECLAMATION.

B . B utler.

F irst Prize, Cl ara H . Wightman ; Second Prize, Bern ice CLASS OF 1922

H am l i n Prizes, F irst and Second Prizes, divided between Gladys I. B riggs and Bertha E. Cobb. F RESHM A N SCHOLARSHIP PRIZES. F irst Prize, E lea nor Clough Bailey ; Second Prize, Ruby F ra nces D yer. FRESH M AN



Prizes for excellence i n German : F i rst Prize, Bernice B rown B utler ; Second Prize, A delle Medora M c Loon. 105

Centennial Num ber

ilegreen OJonferreb in


ilac�elor of 1\rts i.iH1r tllb u 'i1 il iuision Gordon E noch Gates Benj amin Shaw Hanson Everett Stanley Marshall E rnest Joseph Perry A lbert Franklin Robinson Sidney P reble Wyman

Foxcroft Sanford Gloucester, Mass. Lawrence, Mass. Warren Whitman, Mass.

IDl1r 1!lilomen's iliuision Bath Dover Derby Portland Brunswick Palermo Van B uren Cherryfield New London, N . H . Raymond Waterville B ingham South Portland Portland Fairfield R ichmond H i l l , N. Y . Thomaston C l inton Whitman, Mass. Berlin, N. H . Cornish Milton, Mass. Cumberland Center Walnut H i l l Walnut H i l l Bath

M iriam B radbury Adams Anna Bailey Anderson Helen Louise Baldwin A lice Virginia Barbour Helene B lackwe l l Beatrice Evelyn Bowler H i lda D rake Bradbury Marion Campbell Lura Emma Dean Mira Louise Dolley E l i zabeth Robinson Eames Mary Ann Foss Marion C ummings Griffin E lvira Caroline Hall Katherine Gordon Hatch Elizabeth Hoff man Grace A ustin Lermond Belle Nettie Longley E l i zabeth McCausland E rnestine C laudia Peabody Lillian Armine Pike Josephine R i ce Phyllis Ruth Stu rdivant Mary Ann Titcomb Matilda E velyn Titcomb . Mary E lizabeth Tourtilotte 106

Ce ntennial Num b e r

Thlacqelor of §deuce Q!l] r � en's iliui.sion Ralph E bbett B radbury E lmer Reginald C raig I ra E verett C reelman E d ward A lexander C ro n i n R a l p h H u dson D rew Wentworth V incent D riscoll L incoln H eyes George E rnest I ngersoll Newton Leroy Nourse A rthur Ferdi nand Scott B u rton Eugene Small Robert E dm u n d Sulliva n Julius G ree1 e Sussman Galen Ferdinan d Sweet W i l li am Beny n West

Van B uren Fairfield Suffiel d,. Conn. P ittsfield, N . H. Houlton B rooklyn, N . Y . Attleboro, Mass. Brooklyn, N. Y. Lancaster, N . H . E nglewood, N . J . A ddison Camden, N . J . Dover, N . H . Lincoln Center C ul verton , Ga.

W�e litll m urn'.s 1.fliuisil11t H i l degard Veth Drum mond Vera Levaughlyn Moore

Waterville Jackman

f!!u norary iegree.s D O C T O R OF D IV I N IT Y E verett Carleton Herrick ( 18 9 8 ) Fal l River, Mass. DOCTOR OF LETTERS H erbert Carlyle L i b b y ( 19 02 )


iljonors in �eneral §d1olarsl1ip U!l1e £1rn'.s u u M A G N A CUM LAUDE A rthur Ferdinand Scott S i d ney Preble Wyman Ralph H u dson D rew

CUM LAU D E Robert Edmund S u l l i van Q!l1r litll o men'.s iliui.sion MAGNA CUM LAUDE E lizabeth Robinson E ames Belle Nettie Longley

CUM LAU D E Josephi n e R ice Mary A n n T itcomb Grace Austin Lermond Matil da E velyn T itcomb Lillian Armine Pike H i ldegard Vette D rummond M i ra Louise D olley M iriam B radford A dams Mary A n n Foss Centen nial N u m b e r


ill o ll cgc <!ll1aµrl, .£1tll a y 9. 1 9 l n Lothrop I . Dow, Coburn C lassical I nstitute Donald E. Sprague, Hebron Academy Leo A. Daviau, Coburn C lassical I nstitute George W. Smith, Bangor H i gh School N u mber o f contestants : forty.

First P 1·ize Seco n d P 1 · iz.c T hi?'d Pri e Fow·th Priz

B OARD OF J UDGES Rev. E . M. Holman, Fairfield, Maine Prof. E uc l i d Helie, Waterville, Maine Prof. Josef F . Nelson, Waterville, Maine D·. H erbert C . Libby, Waterville, Maine Mrs. H erbert C . Libby, Waterville, Maine

1.!Jyfotb afnter.srqu la.stir Jlriie.s Special p ri zes aggregating one hundred dollars, the gift o f Will Hart­ well Lyford of the c lass of 1 879 of Chicago, I ll i nois, are made available to the college and are open to you n g men attending p reparatory schools i n Maine a n d New H ampshi re. The prizes are divided a s follows : Fi rst Prize, $50 ; Second Prize, 'i 2 5 ; Third Prize, $) 5 ; Fourth P rize, $ 1 0 .

§oph, omote 1ll e damatio n C!! o l lrgc <!Il1apcl . 1 hm r 2 . 1 9 1 9 A first prize o f ten dollars and a second prize of five dollars are awarded to the two speakers in the Sophomore Declamation, Men's D ivision, for excellence i n declamati o n . A first p r ize of t e n dollars and a second p r i z e of fi v e d o l l a r a re awarded to the bvo speakers i n the Sophomore Declamation, Women's Division, for excellence i n declamation . NI:E N Haro l d C hesterfield Marden Stanley Roberts Black

Fi1'St P1·ize . eco n d P 1 ·iz e

WOME N Fi?'s t Prize S c o n d Prize

C lara Wightman Bernice B rown B u tler

109 Ce n t e n n i a l N u rn b e1·

iljallotuell Jtiie �peaking QJoute!it Ql ollcgl' Qll7aµl'l. £llt a y 1 2 , 1 9 1 9 M USI

P RAY ER lVIUSIC ADELLE lVIEDORA McLooN Our Si lent Partner Speak HAROLD C HESTERFIELD MARDEN Bolshevism, the Menace The Trials of the Armenian JOEL ERASTU3 TAYLOR, JR. The Future of China VI-TSU S U N W IL L I A M JOSEPH POLLO C K New D uties of E ducation Fight I t Now LIBBY PULSIFER National Prohibition and Citizen ' Duty RAY M O N D JOSE P H BATES P H IL T HADDEUS SO M ERVILLE Ireland at the Peace Conference Disarmament and Progress RANSO M PRATT The American Student's Part in Internationalism GLAD YS E M M ELYN D ow The Call of R ussia ELIZABETH ROBINSON E AM ES The New Americani m RAY M O N D H ARRIS SPIN NEY The World's Duty to Armenia E LFRIEDA MAR I E W H ITNEY The Judgment Day H ENRY LORNE BELL The Study of Public Speaking a Necessity to the Mi nistry ·



Fi? "St P1 ·ize Second P1·ize Third P 1'1'ze Fo U ? ·th P 1 ·ize


1lf te.aqmatt 11\eabittg Ql �aµl'I, tla a y 2 7 , 1 9 1 9 Fi?'st Prize Second Prize l Third P ?ize


d ivi ded between





Centen nial N u m b e r

3.Junior Jlriie �xqibition ill a pt i !it e,nqurr11. <!iqurn�ay 1E u rn i u g . ] uur 1 3 , 1 9 1 9

A fi rst prize of fifteen dollars and a second prize of ten dollars are awarded to the two speakers in the Junior E xhibition, Men's D i vision, for excellence i n declamation and composition. A fi rst prize of fifteen dollars and a econd prize of ten dollars are awarded to the two speakers i n the Junior E xhibition, Women's D i \ ision, for excellence i n declamation and composition .


Need of Americanization The World That Lies Before U. American Folk Songs Education and A merican Ideals The Spirit of M o dern Poetry


I taly'i:; Tat:onal Asp i rations The Conquest o f Jerusalem The Road of Progress Three Fallen Poets



First Prize


Seco nd Prize


111 Ce n ten nial Nurn b e r

Illlt u rray litriie 1ll e bate April 2 g . 1 g 1 9

Question for debate : RP.sol ? ' e d , That universal military trai ning should be adopted in the United State for men between the ages of eighteen and twenty-one. A FFIR M ATIVE


Phil Thaddeus Somen-i lle, •21· Elizabeth Robinson Eames, '2 1 Joel E rastus Taylor, '2 1

Ran om Pratt, ' 2 1 Harold Chesterfield Marden, '2 1 Adelle Medora McLoon, ' 2 1

Chai rman Board of Judge , Dr. Herbert C . 1 ibby The decision of the j u dges was in favor of the affirmative.

ffi.�e Q?o o bwin Jub lit �peaking Jtiies uf ®ne 1jj u nbteb fil o l lats Special p rizes aggregating One H u ndred Do lla?'S, given in memory of Hon. Forrest Goodwi n, class of 1 887, of Skowhegan, Maine, are made available to the college and are open to all students in the Men's Division. This contest was not held for the year 1 9 1 9 - 1920.

1 12

Centennial Num b e r

fflamlin Jfrize §peaki119 Q1oute�1 t A fir t p rize of ten dollar a n d a econd prize awarded to the two speakers in the Hamlin •Prize Men's D ivision, for exce l lence in public reading. A fi rst prize of ten dollars and a second prize awarded to the two speakers in the Hamlin Prize Women ' D i vision, for excellence i n p u b l i c re':lding.

o f five dollars a re Speaking Contest, of fh e dollar are Speaking Contest,


The Risi ng i n 1 776 C AT H ERI N E B ATES

The Lark H AZEL Lr . D YER

Biff Perki ns' Tobogga1 Slide B ERTHA COBB

B i l ly D iscipline

Se 1 · ice A no n .

Stmtton Porte1·

Ma..rgaret A


Daisy's Fa : th


The D rummer of the 76th

A non .




Stra t t o n Po rter R U T H lV L BA1 TG H ARDT

The Mini ster's B l under Please Do


ot Open Until Chri tmas EDNA A. B RIGG

Making the Red C ross Flag


Ba n k Ba rclay


Sally Ann'

E xperience


A War Story SYBIL E. W I LL I A M S

Young Fella-\ , M y l a d


Mandy's O rgan

A no n . A n on . Se 1 · v ic H igginso n


F i rst and Second P rizes divi ded between Gladys J . B ri ggs and Bertha E. Cobb

1 13 Ce n te w i ial N u m be'r

(ij�e i1alla£le of ljout�ful i�ymeH . Yea,

orne of us piped in the o l d , lush days­ Whi ling the tedium of afternoons ; raving the tickle of poet' bays, Matching the strophe of ancient runes ; Or aped the j i ngle of modern tune . Now, owning the off pring of olden times, Sma l l wonder the fond heart dreams and moons­ There's wonderfu l magi c in youthful rhymes. We have sucked the orange of wealth or praise, We have gnawed the threads of the old cocoons ; We have pierced the heart of the gol den haze That we wistful ly eyed from those boyhood Junes. And now, in the heat of these later moons, What wonder the fond heart sighs, sometimes, For the glamor of hopes and the guerdon of boons Life p ledged when we j i ngled our youthfu l rhymes ? E N VOY

Though the Present those hopes and boons gainsays, And the P rose of To-day seems fitter phrase For the man you've become - own u p ! Old times Breathe fond and fragrant from youthful rhymes ! -Holrnan Francis Day, '87

114 Cente nnial Nurn b e r

e ry


, ..





1 .




Fourt.h row : J. R. G o w . '2:3 ; H. 0. Ware. ' 2 1 ; S. H.. B l a r k . ' 2 1 : W. C . G l u i r k , ·2:i: \'\'. F. G ra n t . '22 : F. W . J�now l t on , ' 2 2 . T h i r d row : P . H . Bailey, · 2 1 ; E . .J . Slwarma n , ' 2 2 : H. C . W h i t t i mol'C, '22 ; G . F . Terry, ' 2 2 ; D . H . H l , ' 2 1 ; E. F. Ch"'"· · 22 ; C . H . ( ; ale, '2'.l. f:'cconcl row : D . E . Sprague, '23 ; D . A . Shn w . ' 2 1 ; H . l\l. Ba r n u m . ' 2 1 : L . Pulsifer , ' 2 l ; R. Pra l l .. '2 1 : C . D r u m mo n d . ' 2 1 ; n . .\I . . hv·kso11. ':.!2 ; W . .J . Pol lock , '2 1 . .J . 0. P r , '20 ; E. P. :\ l abie, ' 2 0 ; D. 1\ 1 . Crook, ' 2 0 ; P. P . Barnes, ' 20 ; C. B. J \ a l lnc k . '20; L. , \ . Crnip:. ' 20 : C. 1\ 1 . Bail<'y , ' 2( 1 ; IC .I . l\ l i rn ndti, '20. First row :

J ,J ' :1 l t_ l ·' • 1 , .j ' ' . . J ' \J :t �- j j ) :t 1, �', �l? ;I �.1 · 1"

ielta il\appa 1,Epsi l un


ij istory of melta il\aµpa fEpsilon Founded a t Yale, 1844. The Delta Kappa Epsilo n fraternity was fou nded at Yale. I t was the third secret society organized in that i nstitution. The obj ect of the society was to associate l iterary pursuits. At the fi rst meeting the name was defi­ nitely adopted and the badge selected from sketche made by the artist, Inman. The formative period of this society lasted until 1865. Yale, as a national i n stitution, was watched c losely in its t reatment of the secret society. With a successfu l career i n th is col lege the secret society began to look to a p rogram o f expansion . A second chapter was founded at Bowdoin, November, 1 844. Imbued with the missionary spi rit, Theta chapter of Bowdoin b rought the gospel to her nearest neighbor, Waterville Col lege. A t fi rst there was here m uch fac u lty oppositio n . But on June 25, 1 84 6 , Xi C hapter was fou nded as the third chapter of the national organization and the first fraternity at Colby. O n this date, largely through the work of Jo iah H. D ru mmond, known as the father of Xi C hapter, nine students were initiated i nto the frater­ nity. The fact was kept secret until the commencement at Bowdoin , when the Colby members attended, wearing pins. A fter this the pins were worn openly and the fraternity was recognized in college life. D u ri ng the years 1856-58 the chapter was much reduced i n n umbers, but with the entrance of a large delegation in the c lass ' 62 the future b ri ghtened. But the war came and the students of ·watenTille College a nswered the call to arms, and among the foremost were to be fou n d the members o f Delta K a p p a E psi lon . At the close of .the war the chapter was revived . But there were seven absent from our n u mbers who never returned. Their names are engraved on the tablet at the base of the Lion o f L u cerne in the College Library. From 1 8 6 0 - 1875 the fraternity rooms were i n the old Bank B lock at the foot of Main Street. I n 1 882 the Delta Kappa E psilon. Alumni Association of Maine, which ha meant so m u ch to the local chapter, was established in Portland. D u ring the next thi rty years while the nation was maki ng great progress in i ndustrial and financial e 'pansion, the fraternity tu rned out men who could, with credit, fill their place i n the work of national improvement . Again came a G reat War. Fifty men were i n the service from the active chapter while Xi v. as represented by 1 1 1 men from the chapter at large. B rother Leslie Eddy \vas k i lled in action . ·


Centennial Number


' r

l �1


.t , 1 , . , (' ·'·� ' l 1 ' .j ., . '

T h i rd row : H . D. Frost , '22 ; S. :-<. �hibl�s. ' 2 1 ; ''' · J' . B r o w n , '23 ; P. H . Woodwort h , '22 ; T I . 1 . . S 1 0 1 1<'. '22 ; A . . ) . �u l l i v n n , '2::! : T I . D . Jay1ws. ' 2 1 . �cr·o11cl r o w : .J . 1' . Brop h y , '2:3 ; C ._ E . S m i t h . '23 : G . H . W i Us, ' 2 2 ; J . E . Ta�·lor, .J r. , '2 1 ; H . I . . R rn p h y . · n : H . H . 011ni1·l". · 2 a : D. ;\ I . "im pson, · n : . F i 1 "t row : A . F . Jtidrnrd�on. ' :2 1 : H . A . Emery, '2 1 ; P. I , . H a nscom, '20; L. f'. C'rosby, ' 2 0 ; R . J\ . J Ja rlt·�" '20 ; H . N . Pooler, '23.


' �1

lPta Jsi

l!jistory of tl1 e <lih.i (!ll1 apter of Zeta Jai at <li o lby Founded a t t h e Uni versity of N e w York i n 1 847 When the Chi Chapter was established i n 1850, Colby was then known as Watervi l le College. In the fal l of 1849, u nder the leadership of Thomas H. Garnsey, a local society calle d the A lpha Omega was organized . The A l pha O mega met i n i ts members' rooms during that year. Soon Zeta P s i came t o the atten­ tion of the members. A lthough that fraternity was but three years o ld, the members of A lpha Omega believed i n its futu re growth and applied for a charter. The charter was granted and on Nov. 1 9 , 1850, J. S. B arry and E . J . Peck, of the Zeta P i chapter at W i l l i ams College, initiated the following men : T . H. Garnsey, A . B. C lark, W. H . Tucker, H. P . Kimball, W . G. F rye, B. F . Kelley, C. H. Davis, H. V . P ierce, A lfred Owen, S . R. Thurs ton, R. F. Stratton, J . F . Baldwin, Nathan B u tler, and C. W . Lander. The i ni tiation was held i n room thirteen at the E l mwood Hotel . A t first the Chapter was known as the Maine A lpha but later the letter Chi ,was adopted and has si nce been used. Thus Zeta Psi was started at Colby with sixteen charter members. The first Chapter H a l l was i n the Marston B lock o n the west side of Mai n Street, near the U nitarian Church. D u ring the C i v i l War the Chi furnished fifty men out of its tohl mem ­ bershi p of one hundred and thirty-two. One of these was a L ie utenant Colonel in the Southern A rm y and one a Brigadier General in the Union A rmy. There were twenty-six commissioned men ranking from Colonels to Secon d Lieutenants. I n the fall of 1 865 seven men retu r ned and nine were i nitiated . The Chapter was now well on its feet aga i n . R . W . D u n n , 1 868, w a s captai n and p i tcher of t h e fi rst regular baseball club organized at Colby. The Chi has a lways been active i n athletics. I n 1884 the Chapter rooms were moved to the B ur leigh B lock at the corner of Main and Temple Streets. In 1 89 7 the Chi moved to the south end pf South College and has occupied it up to the p resent date. D u r i ng the Great War t he Chi sent her share o f men i nto battle. Our service flag had 83 stars on i t ; five of these were· golden. O u r badge is formed o f a monogram of two G reek letters, z and '11 . The fraternity color is white, each chapter having a distinctive color. The flower i s the white carnatio n . 119 Centennial Number


iljintoru of 1ilrlta lJipnilon Founded a t Williams i n 1 834 The Del ta Upsilon Fraternity was established at Colby i n 1 852. It was originally known as the Watervil le Chapter, the name changing with that of the college. S i n ce it fou n datio n at Colby, over 68 years ago , i t has held a prom­ i nent p lace i n all thi ngs connected with the l i fe of the college. D uring the period of the C i \ i l War the hapter was forced to suspend primari ly because S J many of her members ral lied to the cause of the Union. Of the 1 42 men Colby furnished in the C i \ i l War, 4 0 were Delta Upsilon, five o f whom paid the supreme sacrifice. L ieutenant Amasa B i gelow, 'GO, a Colby D. U., was distinguished for being the first Colby man to gi,·e h L l i fe in t h e service. After the dark days of the Civil War had passed, this Chapter entered upon a new era of greater progress. In the public life of the Nation, State and College, the Colby Chapter of the Delta Upsi lon has a worthy record. To the Nation she has given Bartlett Trip, ' 6 1 , j urist and dip­ lomat-in 1 8 93 Trip \vas appoi nted by President C leveland as Ambassa­ dor to A ustria ; Maj or-General Henry C. Merriam, '62, Governor of Florida ; the poet and author, Holman F. Day, ' 8 1 ; Jeremiah E . B u rke, '85 , Assistant Superintendent o .f Schools of C i nc i nnati, Ohio ; Brig.-General Herbert M . Lord, ' 84, head of the Finance Department of the Army at present ; and many others were members of this Chapter. To the Pine T ree State she has given a governor, L lewellyn Powers, 6 1 To the College she has als� m ade a notable c�ntributio n . Three Colbv Delta Upsi lons are now servi ng o n the Board of Trustees . The onl y Rhodes Scholar from Colby i s Harold W. Sou le, ' 14 , of this Chapter. Lester F . Weeks, ' 1 5 , i s Assistant Pro fessor o f the Chemical Department of the College. Colby holds a m arked record in the collegiate athletic world, and the Colby Chapter of Delta Upsi lon i s p roud of its members who have been varsity pi tchers : "Colby .Jack" Coombs, '04, of national fame ; Horace W. Newi ngham, ' 0 1 , Ralph Good, ' 1 1 , and Frank James, ' 1 5, are without exception the best that ever donned a u n i form for a Colby nine. In Colby footbal l history the names of the Good brothers will long be remembered. The Colby Chapter of Delta Upsi lon c laims the distinction i n the World War, as wel l as i n the C i' il War, of h a,·i ng the first Colby man to give his J i fe i n the service of his cou ntry. Mu rray A . Morgan, ' 15, was k i l led at Verdu n on June 3 , 1 9 l f> . He enlisted i n t h e Canadian A rmy b efore the United States entered the war and was a member of that fam ous Cana­ dian D i vision-"The Princess Patricia's." Two other C o lb y D. U . 'c gave their l i fe i n the service - E d ward P. Putnam, ' 0 7 , and H erbert H . F letcher, ' 1 9 . T h e badge o f the fraternity i. a monogram of the letters, t h e � being placed over the Y . The colors of the fraternity are old gol d and sapphi re blue. '

121 Cen t e n nial N u m b e r





D ye




o :

Third row : A. C. H a l l , ' 2 3 ; 8. H. Ayer, ' 2 1 ; H. T. ·Moody, ' 2 2 : H . l\ I . C ri ndlC', '22 ; l:f. J . . Baldwi n , 22 : C. A . H o i nt•s, '22 : J, .J. o l ' 2 2 : F'. T. 1- l ois, '2 J . Seco nd row : H. D. Teogue, '22; l\l . E . Smi t h , '23 ; H. E. Pendcr!!a8t , '2:1 : C . H . Hersu m , ' 2 1 ; F. G. FaRSC ' l .I , '2:3: B. E. Esters, ' 2 1 : A. C. Fnrl0y, ' 2 2 : D . 0. i th ' 2 1 . First r w R . W . Smi t h , '20 ; J . F. Choate, ':l l ; S. J , , Flngg, ' 2 1 ; f l . E. W i l k i ns, '20 ; E . B . Bus0, '20 ; 1:1 . E. Ll• w i o , ':lf l : L. R. l\ l orsr, '20 ; \\' . l l . Pcdi>rse> n , '20.



1 1 ) 1 11 ·1 J 1,,f '�• � J . j� ' / � 1 . .;t , , � � I , ,

J�i lelta m�eta

i!;iatory of Jqi 1Ilrlta ijf qeta Fou nded at M iami University, Ohio, 1 844 The Phi Delta Theta Fraternity was fou n ded at M iami U n i versity, Oxford, Ohio, December 26, 1844. It was i ncorporated u nder the laws of that state in 1 86 1 . The s i x fc_r nn ders conceived the i dea of a fraternity with the spirit of fellowship combined with scholarsh i p . For several years, however, the members of the fi rst three chapters were in fact members o f a secret order, a they were compelled to meet in secret becau e of faculty disapproval of fraternities. Phi Delta Theta was the first fraternity to enter many of the colleges ., of the cou n try. It came first into the tates of Texas, Wisconsin, Nebraska, and South Dakota . I n entering Texa , Phi Delta Theta was the first fraternity to cross the M ississippi R i er. It was the obj ect of the fou n ders of the organization to have n ot a sectional fraternity, but a national fraternity, and i n vie\N of p resent conditions, it is clear that the i r hopes have been realized . Phi Delta T heta has absorbed many of the smaller societies. Maine A lpha was the sixteenth chapter of Phi Delta Theb t o be fou nded . In March, 1 884, a c harter was granted to fou rteen C o l by men, constituting them the active Maine A lpha Chapter of the Fraternity. These men were of the c lasses of 1883-'84-'85-'86 and '87. Since that t ime the member hip of the chapter has i n c reased from fou rteen to th ree hundred and th 1 rtyeve n . I n t h e recent w a r , Maine A lpha of Phi Delta Theta did h e r part. O f t h e active chapter, there were forty-one m e n i n t h e service of t h e country. O f these, twenty-one \Vere in the A. E. F . O f this n umber, two never returned : John A rthur Stowell, ' 19 , was k i l led in France and Norman Merri l l , ' 14, died o f influenza in the United S tates. T he fraternity badge consists o f a shield with a scroll bearing the letter <I> ďż˝ e in the l ower part of the field and an eye in the u p per part. A sword is attached to the shield by a chai n . The white carnation is the fraternity flower.

1 23

Ce n te n nial N u m b e 1¡


. I\ J\











First row :

Fourt h row :

.J . ; \ . K l a i n , ' 20 ; J l . T . l ' ri<', '20.

'2:� :

Tas h ,





� J. T .


T w i f'!wl l ,

· 2 1 : D . v\· . Bi•hnp,

W i l l i : u 1 1�. '22 :

' 20 : !•; . i:; T y l r • r , ' 2t l ; ;-; . C : .

C : . O rnc·P,

E . L.

C ' l 1:1 m l H• rl:d n . ' . .\ l u rd r · n , ' 2 1 :

� pi 1 1 n 1',\0 , ' 2 1 ; T.

'2:l : l l .

!•:. l l . Fruck,

� ' l \ll. l J,· � ' (' (


T . A. ('ti l l u g l w n , '22 ; W . T. V i f ort •l:rnd . '22 ; l\. H . l .('11Y i l l < ' . '2:l ; C. /\ . l\ l i l dw l l , '2 1 ; J l . H. H a t r l i lT, ''.!'.� ; I . . l l ( 'n o k , ' 2 2 ; Tolw�·. '2 .l ; !{ . C' . Do l l w a · 22 ; C . I . . H o h i 1 1 Ro n , ' 2 2 . G . W . Bri01" '22 ; C. J . L('igh t on , '2a ; 11: . l l . C : ' 2 1 : ( : . W . C u r rier, ' 2 2 W . W . l\ I C' :\' n l l .v . ' 2 1 ; \-\' . Fors� t h< ' . W. F. Cush m a n , '22 ; R. K H obhs, '2:l : I I . !-' . C o l d s m i t h , '2:J ; L. Lev i n<" ' 2 L ; W . H. G u t h ri<', '22. .J . L . D u ns t o n , '23 : A. I': . l"ntn, '22 : A. H . � l n l n n e . '22 : G. 8 1 1st is. ' 2:l ; .J . P. H e d m a n , '2:! ; i\ J . l . l ' 1 1 1 p l 1 1·".V · ':! t ; H . l l. T h i rd row : '2'.l ; H . .P. M a irs. ':2 1 . l dy . '20 : A . L . f rn n s . '20 : E . W , Bu<'lrn n 1 1 1 , '20 : I L (' . W h i t e , '20 ; C'. i"i . E:1 t n1 1 , ':?f l , C ' . l l i'\P<'ond row : C . E. \'igue, '20 ; l l . 1 3 . �d '20 ; A . Gr0rly, ' 20 ; A . L . BPrry. '2'.l.

r( l w :



1 . J � l ' l l l 1 l .l .? \1 ' l , :� , 1 1; 1 J 1 ! l ,_. l 11 .V � l �j 1 ' �1 , '1 ? rl .. ' f '


1\ lpl7a (!lau OOmega

1.ijistoty of �aim� �amma Alpl7a of i\lpqa (ijau ®mega ·

Founded at Richmond, Va., i n 1 865

The Colby Chapter wa� fou nded on the evening of December 2, 189 1 , b y a group o f n o11 -fraternity men, who met i n a smal l room i n South Col­ lege. There they o rganized a society called Beta Epsilon . A constitu­ tion for this society v. as d rawn up and it i intere ting to note the fi rst article of the fundamenta l la\ ,� : "This ociety shall be known as the Beta E psilon Society, and is organ­ ized by the stud ents o f Colby Uni ersity for the p urpose of mutual benefit, ocial and moral, and with the p u rpose of u ltimately u niting with some national G reek Le ter Fraternity which may be approved by the faculty." This ociety co1 tinned for e en month as Beta Epsi lon. I n June, 1 892, the local chapter wa i nstalled as the Maine Gamma A lpha chapter of A lpha Tau Omega . F rom the first she has been ' atch ful o er the scholastic standing o f h e r member . A cu t o m that i :::; sti l l being continued i s t h e monthly report of the i n di i dual memher' academic standing. Members of A lpha Tan ha' e entered i nto ' arious walks of l i fe. Many have entered the educational field or the m i nistry. Chief among the alumni a re Victor Ray .J ones, Profes or of the Romance Languages at Lafayette College ; N. E. Wheeler, Profe sor of Ph) sics at M c G i l l University ; and Profe sor John E . H atch o f West Point. I n our own state John L . Dyer has won an enviable reputation as a n educator, having been p rincipal at Ricker and now superi ntendent o f chools at Camden. Percy Wil l i ams is p rominent i n educational work i n fas achu setts. D u ring the war the chapter contributed n inety-one of her members to the national sen ice. Thi n umber does not include the fifteen who were i n the ervice that ' ere i nitiated after the clo e of the war. I n the war M aj o r Hatch pro' ed an able leader of a rt i l lery. Maj or Charle A. Sturte\ ant i nvented severa l devices to further the comfort of the soldiers sick with i n fluenza . While laboring at Camp Devens, Mass .. he contracted influenza and died a few days later. H ayes, ' 18, Wolcott, ' 1 8, a n d Gallier, ' 1 8 , attained captaincies d uring the war. Six were lieuten­ ants i n the army, and seven held com missions i n the na y . Twenty-six Colb A. T . O . 's were fighting in France. Three golden stars, glittering i n our service flag, tell of the supreme acrifice : E lvin D . A l len, ' 0 1 ; H ugh Kelle , '2 1 ; Charles A . Sturternnt, ' 9 7 . The badge i s a C ? "O s fo rrn ee o f b lack enamel w i t h a c i rcular central panel upon which is sho' n in gold, a c rescent near the top, three stars below the c rescent, the letter TAU i n the center and at the bottom two hands c lasped. The colors of the fraternity are sky blue and old gold, and the fraternity flower i s the white tea rose. 1 25

Ce nte nnial Num b




C. J. Odom. ' 23 ; C. Pl'aslee. ' 2 2 ; P. l... i b y , ' 2 2 ; A. T,. Andrews, '23; W. D. Berry. '22 : C. l\ T . Treworgy. '22; T. <:. Ncwbnry. '22. Fourth row : Third row : S. A . Ward, '2:�; C. R . Lyons. ' 23 ; C. 0 . T . Wicden , '23; E . V . Smi L h , ·2� ; J . E . L i L t lc. J r . ' 2 1 ; J. F. W11 : Prmu11 . ' 2 1 ; L . H . g,·:;n,. ' 23 ; L . . ). Treworgy. '22. M. ::>. F. C rel' n . '20 ; R. 0 . Conary, ' 2 1 ; P. R. Lovely. '2:3; .I . H . Zinner,'2:3; L. W. ;\ l ayo. ' 22 ; 13. I > . Builey, ' 2. 1 ; l . M. 1- l odg�s. '2 1 ; W. L. 8 L curns, ' 2 2 . Second row : H . A . Osgood. '20 ; E . A . R o c k w f ' l l , '20 ; l\ l . C ' . H u mer. '20 ; J . W . Brush . '20; R . 0. B ri u k rr"1 n , '20 ; l l . K Brnk<'wood. ' 20 ; C . W . llohinso11, ' 2 0 ; E . M . Cook, · 2 F i r s t row :



1 l � j . .J J ·l l , . , 1 ,, , ll .;J l t , .1 ' l, ,J t , ' ',l 1 1 ' " ' f l

lliamlt()a (!l l7i Alpl7a




. �

(c oLBYi[mStfj) 2oijo:RAcUZ$ i!jistory of 1£amb()a (UQi AlpQa Founded at Boston U n i versity i n 1 9 1 1 In the fal l of 1 9 12, a grou p of non-fraternity men at Colby met and

formed the Colb Chapter of Com mo ns Club. The top floor of Roberts Hall was secu red and u sed as quarters for this new organizatio n . Soon after i ts founding t h e chapter admittedly ranked with t h e Colby chapters of national G reek letter fratern i ties. To maintain this position, the men soon saw tha t the only thing to do was to become affiliated with a strong national reek letter fraternity. I n the fal l o f 1 9 1 5 the chapter secured as its new home the northern half of North College. I n January, 1 9 1 8 , the chapter withdrew from the National Federation o f Commons C lubs, becoming a local organization, Omicron Theta. Lambda Chi A lpha interested us. Con equently on May 29, 1 9 1 8 , Omicron Theta was installed a Alpha Rho Zeta o f Lambda Chi A lpha. Twenty­ three men were sworn in at the insta11ation. With the S . A . T . C . the fol­ lowing autumn, fratern i ty matters came to a standstil l . So it w a s not unti l January, 1 9 1 9 , that activitie. as a chapter of Lambda Chi A lpha were really tarted . Our greatest problem has been the reclaiming of our alumni to the new order. The p roces has been slow but, one by one, the men who so suc­ cessfu l l y built u p the chapter have signed u p with Lambda Chi A lpha. This year we have t h irty-five active under-graduate members living in the house. Our badge i s a crescent with the horns turned toward the left, and inclosing a monogram of the L . X. A. The colors are p u rple, green and gol d . The flower is the violet. \Ve have a secret publi cation called the " C ross and The C rescent," also a quarterly magazine, "The P u rp le, G reen and Gold."

127 Centen nial Num be1·

5 ��

� :2 � ....: ·n ....:


Founded at Colby, 1 9 1 7 I n Apri l of 1 9 1 7 , a g-rou p of Colby students met i n Roberts H a l l with the purpose o f orga1 izing a society. The l arge number of non-fraternity men i n college c reated the need of an organization to give them the privi­ leges furni hed by fratern i ty l i fe. P i Delta Phi was established to meet this n eed . The charter members of the fraternity were Oswald H . Rankin, ' 17 ; E . Gates, ' 1 9 ; E rnest L . McCormack, ' 1 9 ; Arthur G. SandersJn, ' 1 9 ; H e n ry L. Bell, '20 ; Ceci l L. B erdeen, '20, and W i l liam C. D u dley, ' 2 0 . These students laid the foundation upon which the social and scholastic l i fe and b rotherhood of Pi Delta Phi has been building since i ts beginning. H igh c holastic and moral standards i n the college and a c lose bond of b rother­ hood among the members are the goal s aimed toward by this society. The fraternity flower is the sweet pea . The fraternity colors are lav­ ender and royal purple. The badge consists o f the Greek characters, II � <I>, b u i lt o n each other successively ; the fraternity j ewels, amethysts and pearls, are set i n the Greek letters .

129 C nt n n ia l

Nurn lJer

Fou r l h row : i\ 1 . 1 . Whitcomb. ' 2 2 ; E . 1\ 1 . W h i L ncy , '2 1 ; D . H. W h i t e , '22; !I I . N<'wcon1b, ' 2 2 ; B . B. B u l l cr , ' 2 t ; G. T . Baker, ' 2 1 ; S. E . Rmi t h , ' 2 1 ; 1 1 . ?- 1 . Pct.rec, '22; G. R. Fo"tcr, ' 2 1 ; D . l. Puring t o n , '22: E . 1\ . Goocihul', '22. T h i rd row : ;\ I . D 1·isko, '2:3 ; A . H . C ' l a r k , ' 2 1 : E. !I f . Chamberla i n , '22; B . P. Bak<'r, '22 ; C. D. Larrabee, '22 ; E . WiU<ins, '2::1; I�. B. LurrahC't', '2::1; R . .\ . B l a kcslc!', '23; L . \ ' . Baker. '2 1 ; i\ I . D . Carl, '22; C . Ball•s, '22 : F. R. B rn c i b u ry , '2 1 . SC'C"oncl row : F . i\ L P1·e b l e , ' 2 1. ; B . E . G i l l iat t , ' 2 2 ; J . i\ I . H oy t , ' 22 ; D . E. W y m a n , ' 2 3 ; H . W i l liams, '2:3; i\ l . W . J- l a r l bo rn , '23; ?I I . Drisko, '2:3; 1 1 . H . WhctLLon, ' 2 2 ; E. P . Jeffs, ' 2 1 ; H. . F. ;\ f o a ns, ' 2 1 . l'i i s t rO\c P . T . Pulsif('t" ' 22 ; E . Seymo u r , ' 20 ; i\ I . L . l\idclcr, '20 ; S . L. Green l a w , ';20 ; L. L . Dyer, '20 ; A . K Bo"·ic, ·�o; .\ , L , ?l l a t hews, ' 20 ; K I I , ( : u 1wlllus, ' 2 0 : J ) , ( ) , i\ l i tc h e l l , ' 2 1 ; A . ;\ I , B;wgltiut, ' 2 � .

.§tgma il(uppa

fjj i ntory of �igma if\appa .eorority Founded at Colby College, 1 8 7 4 In 1874 women were for the fi rst time admitted as students at C o lby College. I n that year, fi, e women, Mary Caffrey Lowe, E lizabeth Gor­ ham Hoagg, Ida M . Fuller, Loui� e H e len Coburn, and Frances E. Mann, b raved the oppositi n and i gnored the di approval of all those-an d they were many-who regarded a college education as a male monopoly. These early pioneers i11 the fight for higher education for women felt the need o f strong bonds of sympathy and u nder tanding, and it was to enable themselves better to fight their good fight that they organized the Sigma Kappa Sorority. A the number of women students at Colby i u c reased from ear to year, the sororit y grew in membershi p . A lpha chapter finall) became so large that Beta and Gamma chapters " ere established. l ater, after the a dvent o f other sororities, Beta and Gamma chapters were conso l i dated with the ori12:i 11al organization. The violet was cho en a. the official flower of the sorority, a n d its chosen colors maroon and lavender. Later the triangle with the "Sigma Kappa" letters was adopted as the official sea l . Some year after this, the sorority dec i ded to venture a periodical publicati on. " The S igma Kappa Triangle" was issued, p roved successful , and i s till appeari ng three t i mes a year. Thi rty years after the b i rt h of the orority, a chapter was organized at B oston U n i versity. Another appeared a year later at Syracuse U n i versity. S i nce that time the n umber has been steadily increasi ng, and at p resent there a re twenty strong chapters o f Sigma Kappa in the country.

131 Cen t e n nial Nurn ber

Fourth row : A . G . Burgess, '22 ; G . E. Hawc·s, '23 ; i\l. E. Swain, '23 ; D . H.ound$, ' 2 1 ; H . J . L . .Ja�obson. ' 2 1 : I L . W . Peck, ' 2 1 : H . i\ I . F ree m a n , ' 2 3 ; I>:. Con ant . '2:3 ; W a t so n , ' 23 ; V . B . Parent , '22. Third row : R.. H . Conant, ' 23 ; R . E . Crowley, '2 3 ; D . E . Knapp. '2 1 ; C . W . C a r t e r , ' 2 1 ; 8 . K W i l l i am'!, ' 2 2 ; L. S. ( ; ushc'l'. ' 2 1 ; i\ l . E . Diwis, ' 2 1 ; G . W . J ohnson. '2 1 ; S�· l, ' 2 2 ; G. !. Briggs, ' 2 2 ; D. M. Dic·key, '23 ; E. C. Too ke r , ' 2 1 . Second row : H . B . Pratt. '22 ; M . Starbird, '23 ; E . A . Bri!(!(S. ' 22 ; E . M . Alley, ' 2 3 ; 1\ 1 . E . W a r re n , ' ; M . K C re1· n b w , '2 2 ; i\ I . i\ 1 . R iec, ' 2 1 ; D . i\ l . Fish, ' 2 2 ; I I. A . '22 ; A . Bar to n , '22 ; A. F. Choute, '22. First row : G. C . F' letdwr, '23 : M. H. Collins, '23 ; A. [(. B i �h o p , '20; M. C . T<lokcr '20 : H . L . Swe�lsor, '20; A . !':. l1ll ' mi 11i.:. '20 ; !':. i\l . Pow P r , '20 ; H. G oodw i n , ' 2 2 ; Dow, ' 2 l .

OJ 11i ®mega

C. E.


D . \' .

M. A.

QI qi 速mega 111 raternity Founded at University of A rkansas i n 1 89 5 T h e national fraternity of Chi Omega w a s founded at t h e U n i versity of A rkansas o n April 5, 1 89 5 . There are forty-two active and twenty足 fou r alumnre chapters. The chapters located i n New E ngland are Beta at Colby College, Maine ; Chi A lpha at Jackson College, Massachusetts ; and M u A lpha at New H ampsh i re State College. Chi Omega was the first woman's large Fraternity to enter Maine ; the first woman's fraternity to establish a necrological chapter ; and the fi rst woman's national fraternity to issue a strictly private magazi ne, which i s called the " Mystagogue," a n d which has been i ssued regu larly since 1 9 0 5 . T h e fraternity j o u rnal, t h e " E leusis, " i ssued quarterly s i n c e J' une, 1 899, is the official publication of Chi Omega. The open motto is " Hellenic C u lture and Christian I deals ." The G re足 cian p rogramme, which i s a fixed feature o f conventions, the observance of the E leusinian festivals and the social, civic, and vocational service which each chapter u n dertakes reflect the open declaration. The colors a re cardinal and straw ; the flower, the white carnation ; the j ewels, dia足 monds and pearls ; the patron goddess, Demeter. The owl, the skul l and c ross bones, the n u mber five, and the laurel are symbols. The badge i s a golden monogram of the letters studded with fou rteen pearls or diamonds and raised upon the face with the symbol s ( Rho Beta Upsilon E ta S igma ) across the top, the skul l and cross bones at the right, the owl at the left. Beta chapter at Colby resulted from Beta Phi, a local established here in 1 895. This local, after consideration of the national fraternities, chose Chi Omega as best fitted to the ideals of Beta Phi. When Beta chapter was i nstal l ed she had the honor of being i nstalled by a Founder, Ina May Boles, o n April 8, 1 9 0 6 . Chi Omegas h a v e been active i n w a r work, i n woman's activities, i n a l l that makes f o r women's rise and good . T h e symphony expresses t h e creed o f those who wear the Chi Omega p i n , thus : "To l i ve constantly above snobbery of word or deed ; to p lace scholarshi p before social obligations, and character before appearances ; to be, i n the best sense, democrati c rather than 'exclusive,' lovable rather than 'popular' ; t o a c t si ncerely, t o choose thoughtful l y that course which occasion and conscience demand ; to be woman l y always, to be d iscouraged never ; in a word, to be loyal u nder any and a l l c ircumstances to my fratern i ty and to her highest teachings ; to have her wel fare ever at heart that she may be a symphony of h i gh pu rpose and helpfulness in which there is no d iscordant note ."


Centennial N u m b e r

Fourth row : V. G . R h odes, ·2:1 ; A . L . D_vl'r, '21 ; 1\ 1 . A. ::;weoncy, '22; L . W. Brol' k , '23 : 1\ • . J C11mNon, '23: . H . N. 1\ l n hN, '22. Third row : H. M. Dr�sscr, '2:3: A . i\1. :'\ e w m a n . '23; B . J. Adams, '2:3: D . Gower. ' 2 1 : B . H land1!1 rr l , '2 1. ; 1-1. G . i\kCobb, •2:·1; B . F.. Cobb, ' 22. Second row : l\f. L . Davis, '2:3: B . E . Nort o n , ' 2 1 : C . l. C11mtil!l'. '2 1 : E. B(•am:rn, ' 2 3 ; D . f l . F"rn'11d, '2 L ; L . F.. l'owlt•s, ' 2 3 ; i\l . L . Drisko, '23. First row : A . \'. LuRocque, '2 1 ; G. 1\1. C h as<', '20; H. M. C � t- die l l , '20 : P. H il!i;inbot h n m , ':20 ; H . \" . .Jam•••nn, '23.

ifle lta ilelta iflelta

f!;istory of ilelta 111 e lta ilelta Founded a t Boston U n i versity i n 1 888 Delta Delta D elta was founded o n Thanksgiving E ve, 1 888, at Boston U n i versity. T he two originators were Ida Shaw Martin and E leanor D orcas Pond, who were assisted by I sabella B reed and Florence Stewart. The sorority grew very rap i d ly . F rom the very begi nning, it provided an organization for its alumnre, or so-called Allian ces . Del ta Delta Delta i s unique in having a special constitution and ritual for its alumnre. This ritual is called "The C i rcle Degree, " and its members have a special p i n . I n 1 8 9 1-three years after t h e fou n d i ng of Tri-Delta-the fi rst edition of "The Trident" vas published . This magazine i s issued quarterly. There are also : a secret annual-"The Trireme, " a secret quarterly-"The Triton , " a secret monthly-"The T riglyph," and a sheet weekly-"The T riad . " I n 1904, a new l o c a l sorority w a s founded at C o l b y u nder t h e n a m e of A lpha Upsi lon. In 1908, with sixteen strong members, it petitioned for a charter from the national sorority, Delta D el ta Delta. The charter was readi ly granted in April of that year, and Alpha Upsilon became A lpha Upsi lon chapter of Delta Delta Delta. This has always been an active c hapter, and upholds its members i n the highe t i deal s of fraternity l i fe . T h e colors o f Delta Delta D e l t a are s i l e r , g o l d , and b l u e . Its flower is the pansy. Among the i nsignia are the trident, stars, crescen t, sea, and pine tree. The official p i n i s gold, i n the shape of a crescent enclosing two stars o n which a third star i s supported. Each star bears a pearl, the fraterni ty j ewel . On the crescent a re the three G reek l etters, � � � . The fraternity patron i s Poseidon, and the open motto is : " Let u s steadfastly love one another." Besides the a i m of friendship, deep and abi di ng, Tri-Delta encourages the highest mental and spi ri tual development. Worthy scholarship is insisted upon. Du ring the past four years a great deal of war work has been done, both by local chapters and A l l iances. One of the i mportant things i s the financing of the "Foyer des A llies," at Tou rs, France. Several chapters have adopted war-orphans. Other kinds of charitable work are carried o n at home also. The national sorority has established a n Employment Bureau, which i s o f great assistance to many members. Delta Delta Delta has sixty chapters and sixty-fo e A l liances. E ach year there i s an average i n itiation of six hundre d . In closing, I quote the words of the National Marshal : "Thi rty years of teady and sturdy devel­ opment find Delta Delta Delta with a membership of approximately eight thousand women, and the longest chapter and alumnre roll of all of the Women's National College G reek-letter Soci eties."

135 Cen t ennial Num ber

l\ ! . L. Cona n t , ' 2 1 ; 0 . E . Edgerly. ' 2 2 ; \ ' . I . Bri!(gS, ' 2 2 ; G . E . W i ld l' r , '2 1 ; H . E . l\ l o"hc1 . ' 2 1 ; T . • \ . PC>w<.'1�. '2:3: :\ [ . R Bihhcr, '23. Fou r t h row : H . H . G ray, ' 2 2 : A . . J . H a rris, '23; A . J . L i g h 1 bocly, '23 ; l\ I . T . Ryder, ' 2 :3 ;. E . l\ I . W e l l<.'r. ' 23 ; l\ I . W . J-l ornun�. ' 2 1 ; M . G . Wl'l ler, '23 : E . B . C a r e y , ' 2 1 . T h i rd row : H<•c·ond ro w : C . A . T11t.tlc, ' 2 1 : :\ I . Brier, '22 : A. l\ l . C o x , ' n : D . B . Ogier, ' 2 3 ; E . 1-l . G ri ffi n . ' 2 :'! ; G . f , . W u J i.(•r, '23 , \ ' . L . C o l l i ns, ' 2 3 ; E . D . Por i e r , ' 2 3 ; 8 . C . "Bn i b• , '22. First row : A . A . H a nson, '20; i\I. E . Barrows, '20.

A lp�a 1!lelta Ji

iljistory of Alpl1a 111 e lta Ji Founded at Wesleyan College, Georgia, i n 1 8 5 1 The Alpha Delta P i , the o ldest national sorority, was fou nded at Wes­ leyan Female College, Macon, Georgia, May 1 5 , 1 85 1 . For years the sorority did not care to enlarge o r to be made national. H owever, in 1905, i t took out a national charter under the name of A lpha Del ta P i . From the time of national establi shment new chapters were rapid l y admi tted until to-day it i s represented in colleges from Maine to Cali fornia. I t i s t h e si xth largest o f a 1 the nationals with an average annual i n i tiation o f three hundred, a n d total membership of fou r thou and. College rules have a lways been A lpha Delta Pi rules, and every girl i s expected t o l ive u p to them. Each chapter has i ts own special altruistic work, while the national works for the Armenian War Relief. E ach chapter supports a Belgian orpha n . D uring the war one hundred per cent Red C ross membership was mai ntained and work done i n every chapter. Each girl works for the moral and social uplift o f the sorority. The sorority badge is diamond shaped, enameled in black, and bears two tars, a pair of c lasped hands and the sorority letters in gold . The national flower i s the single blue violet. The colors are pale blue and white. The sorority magazine, the A delphian, i s published four times a year . National conventions a r e held every t w o years at p laces of i nterest. E ach chapter sends at least one delegate. The last convention occurred at .. 1atvral Bridge, Virginia, and was well attended. A lpha Delta, the Colby chapter of A lpha Delta P i , was fou nded i n 1 9 0 5 . A strong l o c a l chapter, fi r s t called Hynatia Society and later A lpha P h i A lpha, petitioned and w a s s o o n accepted and i nstalled. F i ve years o f national l i fe have meant much to A lpha Delta, w h i c h i s n o w a large, strong body of girls working together to atta i n the i deals of college and A l p ha Delta P i .

137 Centen nial Num b e r

Second row :

l'ourW1 row: 1\ 1 . A . Abbot t , ' 2 3 ; L . C . W c i d l i d 1 , '2 1 : L . E . 1-icou, '22 ; i\ 1 . Smiley, '22. L . L . i:iteelc, '2:3; A . E . Ringrose. '2:3 : I. 17. Jones, '2:3 ; 1\ 1 . C . C . R i ce, ' 2 il ; L. U . Cyr, '2:3 ; L . 1\ 1 . W u rb 1 1 r l, o n , ·2a ; A . T.. Libb_v , •2:�. T h i rd row : H . A. D rew, ' 2 2 ; E. M ou l t on , ' 2 2 ; L, K . T i l lPy. '2:3 ; \/. M . Bc · a n . '22 ; D . 1\ 1 . C h u pl i n . ·2:! ; F. Fl. l l awksley, · � 3 ; ;\ J . A . Kemp, '2:3 ; P . W. . E . llogNs, '2::1 ; ;\ 1 . H . Wn.t< ' rmun, '20 : H . G . W i l ls, ' 20 ; G. L . Hurdi<'k, ' 2 0 ; E . H . l(l' l l �t t · n. First row :

Jl1i mu

A bb oLL , ' 2 1 .

i!fintory of Jllli mu .

1Jf taterttity

Founded at Wesleyan College, Georgia, 1 852 Phi Mu, which i s the second oldest of G reek-letter societies for women, was fou n ded at \Vesleyan College, Macon, Ga., the fi rst educational i nsti­ tute for women gi en a charter by an� tate. O n Marc h 4, 1852 , this organization became kno\vn to the public as the Philomathean Society. For a brief period d u ring the Civil War there was a suspension of acti' i­ tie. , but resident members kept the organization alive. On A u gu t 23, 1904, the State o f Georgia granted a charter to fifty-two petitioners and the fraternity became national. A second chapter was then established at H o l l i n College, Hollins, Va. S ince then rap i d extension has taken place. There a re now thirty chapters and fifteen alumnre assoc iations. The Chapter at C olby was organized by a group o f nine girls i n J une, 19 l 7 . It was then known as the local, Gamma Delta . T he following December a charter wa granted it by the National F raternity, and the next month installation as Beta Beta Chapter of Phi Mu took place. The badge o f the F raternity i s a hield-shaped pin enameled in black. In the center is a hand holding a heart, while above i s a ribbon o f gol d bearing the G reek letters P h i M u , a n d below a ribbon bearing three stars. The black enamel p ledge pin, similar in shape to the badge, bears a gol d <P . Like the colors, the j ewels of Phi M u , the ruby and t he pearl, are rose and white, while the enchantre s carnation, i t<:: flower, i rose-colored . A n official p u bl ication, The Aglaia, i s issued quarterly. Once i n two years a national convention i held ; the next is to be at Ashev i l le, N . C . , in Jul , 1 92 1 . The phi lanthropi c work o f the Fraternity has centered about i ts Y . W . C . A . worker i n France since the end o f the war. Thus Phi M u i s serv i ng in a " Foyer des A llies" and is being sup ported by the national organizatio n . I n d i vidually, t h e chapters a l s o perform social service w o r k t h a t t h e words o f the C reed o f Phi M u may be made part of daily l i fe : "To lend to those le s fortunate a helping hand ; "To walk in the Way of H onor, guarding the p urity of our thoughts and deeds ; " To serve i n the L ight of Truth, avoiding egotism, narrowness and scorn ; " To practice day by day Love, Hon'.)r, Truth ; thus keep i n g true to the meaning, spiri t and reality of Phi M u . " 13!)


rurn b e r

I weep and laugh alike, belo' ed Joyce, To think of thy stone-i dle lyric voice So ilent in the ?'ra' e. I rre erence is d1. tant from my mood ; I only know thou wou ldst not have me brood, Thy gracious sou l to save. I scarcely knew thee, 'fore thou fell in France, The glory of thy m usic to e11hance With brave romantic fal l . A n d yet I weep t o think o f songs unsung, The singer gone to meet his King among The harpists in the hal l . But when I think of o l d Dave Li l ly's sleep, And how thou thought it wiser not to weep, But fetch a flask of rye ; I read thy verses with their lyric trend, And learn to live i n qu iet j oy, and send A ll:).ugh u p to the sky. JO H N WOOLMAN BRUSH , '20.

140 Centennial Num b er

Ui�r JDrs.salDnakl'r in Jlintrr 144

(Uobnrn liall

&1Jannnu OObsrruatory

m1tr atampus tn •tntrr i45

W qr ··e1ym"

at�rmtcal ljall 146

lelta !Cappa �p�Uou'-l;onsr i47

41Jht �rooe.took �lub l ... �

'· .


1 48



1,Epicurrans tsi rnior QUasa %> o c irty for R hm

111 r atrr.s tn lllr br

Donald Webster Tozier

Galen Ferdi nand Sweet

111 r atrr.s ht <!rollrgto

H ubert A dams Emery Phineas Putnam Barnes, ex-' 1 9 Ralph K i ng Harley, ex-' 1 8 Raymond Oliver Brinkman Colby Bartlett Kallock Everett White Bucknam H ugh Allen Smith E l l iot E lroy Buse Earle Stanley Tyler, ex-' 1 9


Centennial Number

1ll ruill5 ]unior C!ilann �o riety fot Rl en

1lf ratrcs in (!}ollrgitt A rthur Madison Greeley Charles Martin Bai ley Pearl Libby H anscom John Woolman Brush C u rtis H u gh Ross H atch Edward Moody Cook Jacob A stor Klain Dan iel M i lton Crook C harles Spurgeon E aton H arry Earle Lew i n Edwin Farnham Mabie Rhoden Basse E ddy Thaddeus Freeman T ilton H u bert A dams E mery Ro bert E dward Wilkins C L A SS O F NI N ETEEN HUNDRED AND T WENTY-ONE Stephen Hager A yer Merle Howard Barnum C hauncey L u ke B rown Bernard E lias E sters Thomas Gerard Grace E verett H aywood G ro s 151

Centennial Nurnber

I saiah M atthews H odges Raymond Osgood Janes Joseph E dward L i ttle A shton Farnham R i chardson Phil Thaddeus Somerville Roland George Ware

@>op�omore <!! lass §ocirty for !Ren


Bernal Dana Bailey Mvron Clifton Hamer · Harold E u gene Brakewood Colby Bartlett Kallock Earle Stanley Tyler E lliot Elroy B use Hubert Adam Emery M i l ford I saac Umphrey Harold Thomas Urie CLASS OF N I N ETEEN H U NDRED AND TWENTY-ONE

Harold Loomis Baldwin Robert Daniel Conarv Frank Jo eph R oi s Harold Chesterfield Marden A rthur Ray M i l ls

Ransom Pratt Libby Pulsifer A:;; h ton Farnham Richardson Raymond Harris Spinney John Frankl i n Waterman


Walter Drew Berry Ralph C larke B radley Henry Leroy Brophy Leslie Heyward Cook Wal ter Reid Guthrie Curtis A . Haines

Frank Watson Knowlton H i ram Frederick Moody Arthur John S u l l i van Charles Merril l Treworgy A lbert Healy Weymouth Hugh C ram Whittemore 1 52

Centennial N u m b e r

lltpsilon ilrta Ilf rrsl1man �(ass §5.otiety fot m en

lffratre.a in QI.ollrgio


A lfred Leonhardt F raas E verett Whi te B ucknam R obert E dwards Wi lkins C LASS O F N I NETEEN H U NDRED A N D T WE N TY-ONE

Nei l Franci s Leonard Wayne Whitten McNally W i l liam Joseph Pollock Ashton Farnham R i chardson J oel E rastus Taylor C LASS O F N I N ETEEN H U NDRED A N D T W E N T Y T wo Wendell Fay G rant Willard James C urtis, Jr. Robert L i ncoln Stone W i l liam Frank l i n Cushman A lbert Chandler Farley George Fred Terry Harold Daniel Frost A lbert Healy Weymouth E rn est A delbert A dams William Emery B u rgess C lark D rummond Bernard E lias E sters Charles Regi nald Hersum



E dward T. Baxter F loyd T . M cintire Raymon d H . Daniels Harland R. Ratcliffe Llewellyn H. E vans Charles E. Smith F rederick G. Fassett E u gene V . Smith Wi llard C . Gulick Donald E. Sprague C hauncey J. Leighton John P . T ilton Centennia l Num b e r


11\appa l\lpqa !>ettiur ďż˝ o ciety fot ttl o m rn

iit1rorts itt l{rbr

Mary C. Carter Edith W. Chester Rosalind M. Jewett Meroe Morse Odette M. Pollard E l len J . Peterson Leora E. Prentis

Eva M . Reynolds Bessie Tobey Mary E. Tobey A lice R. Trefethen Frances E. Trefethen Mary E. Woodman Hazel Young

iiorores in (;q o l le g io

Mildred E velyn Barrows A lfreda K i ng Bowie E leanor Laurissa B urdick Retta E llen S. Carter Stella Louise Greenlaw E liza H i l l Gurganus

Alice Adele Hanson Pauline Higginbotham E leanor Seymour Madge Colby Tooker Marion Roberta Waterman Ruth Ella Wills

1 54

Cen tennial Num b e r

<t}f1i �amma w�eta t!iop l}omore @lo ridy for llil o men

�orurr!i in Urbr Mabel Dunn Libby Edith Watkins Chester Marion Estelle Springfield Ruth Goodwin Bertha Lane Terry Grace Stetson G rant M argaret Totman Marion Webber H ayden Katherine Gordon H atch G ladys Welch �urorca ij:mrritas

Mattie Lucile K idder A lice Lillian Mathews R uth Frances Means Bertha E di th Norton H azel Win i fred Peck Esther Melvina Power Florence May P reble Mary Margaret Rice Sarah E lizabeth Smith Harriet Laurence Sweetser E l va Christin e Tooker

A lice Katherine Bishop Frances R u th B radbury Bernice B rown B utler Clara Whitehouse Carter G ladys M o na Chase Marion Conant Lillian Longley D yer Anna E d na Fleming C lara Ida Gamage Helen M udgett Getchell Doris Tolman Gower

�OtOt.P.6 ht (!! ollrgio H azel Gould D yer Avis B arton Bertha Emily G i l li att Velma B ri ggs Julia Fra nces H oyt A m i e G i l mour B u rgess Edna Marjorie Chamberlain Hannah Naomi Maher Annie F letcher Choate Doris I rene P u ri ngton Bertha E m i ly Cobb Mildred Greeley Smi ley Mary Ann Sweeney Centennial Number


�nniuetnar11 ®be Blest b e t h e m e n , the ancient men, Who once these acred pathway trod, Nobly fulfilled their cou rse, and then Retired to rest with fame and God. H igh priests of knowledge, brave and true, They lived, the distant years to bless ; Born for the times, a faithful few, Their zeal achieved sublime success. The p lans they formed, the ends they sought, Have all the wrecks of time defied ; The works their hands with wisdom wrought, A holy influence, sti ll abide. Fair seat of learning ! onward still Grandly pursue thy high career, Whi le thousands shall their course fulfil, Proud that their youth was nurtured here. -Sa muel Francis Smith, A c ting Prnfess 0 1 ·

of Modem

Languages, 1 834-4 1 .

1 56 Centennial Num ber

l lr � '' S-P r'J.I

llten'.s IDiui.sion

P 1路es ide n t



Vice-P1路esid e n t HENRY LORNE B ELL


T1路eas ure r S TA N LEY ROBERTS B LA C K

(!}ommttter!l Religio us

Everett A . Rockwell, C h a i r m a n Hugh Cram Whittemore Stephen Hager Ayer P u b l icity

Will iam Jo eph Pollock, Chafrman George Washington Currier Thaddeus Freeman Ti lton Chin Foh Song Bible Study

Ernest L . McCormack, C h a fr m an Charles Han on Gale

Clifford Peaslee

Deputa tion

Walter T. Moreland, Chafrman George Bernard Wo lstenholme Raymond Joseph Bates No rthfield and Social

Raymond Harris Spinney, Cha innan Rhoden Basse Eddy C lark Drummond Vi-tsu Sun Tun Fu Dzen Mem b e rship

Bernard Elias E ter , Ch airman Perley Leroy Libby Harold Chesterfield Marden Edwin Wilder Gates Hugh Allen Smith Marli n Downer Farnum Hand book

Chau ncey L . Brown

158 Centennial Num b er

�tuilent Q1oundl President,


Vice-Presii[ent, Sec1·etm·y and T1·eas u 1·e1·,

lJiratrrntty i!{rprrsentatiurs

Phineas P utnam Barnes, D . K . E .

H arry Earle Lewin, P . D . T .

Ralph K i ng H arley, Z . P . Earle Stanley Tyler, A .T . O . H u gh A llen Smith, D . U . H arol d E u gene B rakewood, L . C . A . E rnest LeRoy M cCormack, P . D . P .

<!! l Jruillents

Thaddeus F reeman T i lton, �R aymond Harris Spi nney, Wendell Fay Grant, E ugene Vernon Smith,

1 59

Cen tennial Num ber

1920 1 92 1 1 922 1 923

�cqo IBoarb

<!fl1e 1Fd10 1\ssoriation

l\lublisfiei'I o n ltlrlln rui'layu i'luring t 11 e (!l o llrge �Nit by t l1 r �t ullents o f C!j nlby <lf o llegr


E dito r-in -C hie f

A ssociate Editors HENRY LORNE BELL, '20

BERNARD ELIAS ESTERS, ' 2 1 Assis ta nt Editc ws




Busin ess Staff HAROLD C HESTERFIELD MARDEN, '2 1 , Assistant Manager LEONARD WORT H I NGTON MAYO , '22, Mailin g Clerlc Faculty A d1 is e 1 · PROFESSOR HENRY W. BRO W N

11lll o mtn's t!liuision E LEANOR SEY M OUR

Edito 1 ·

News Staff E LIZABET H W H I P PLE, '2 1 NAN B URGESS, '22

N AO M I M A H ER, '22 CAT H ERI N E TUTTLE, '2 1 L I N NA WEIDLI C H , ' 2 1

160 Centennial Nu m ber

1ll e bating �oriety Prns . ,






Co n·espo nding Sec1 ·eta 1·71 , WILLI A M R USSELL P EDERSO N Sta nding Co m rn ittee

Doctor James W i ll iam Black Professor Charles Phillips Chipman

Regi nald H ou ghton Sturtevant l\I ilford I saac Umphrey

Jrrs s QTlub Pres .,

Sec . ,




Co 1·. Sec . ,


H o no ra 1·y M rn b r D R . HERBERT C ARLYLE LIBBY

lJuternatioual 1Kelatio11n (!Hub Prnsident


Vfre-Presiden t




L i b ra l 'ia n


A ssis t a n t L i brarians

D ON ALD A RT HU R S HA W , '2 1 Fac 1.f,lty A d v is r

D R . M ACDONALD, E conomics Department

161 Centennial Number

�amma �amma �igma lj o n o rary (!l�etniral l;ociet y

P reside nt, HAROLD E u c::: N E BRAI<EWOOD Vice-Pre. iden t, H ARLEY PERHAM MAIRS Sec 1· tary and Treasure 1·, S ET H GI NERY T W IC HELL

1Jiurulty m cmbrr.s

Professor George F. Parmen ter, Ph.D., Sc. D . A si t a n t Profe or Lester F. Weeks

llnCler g raCluate Slhmbrrs

Robert M . Jack on Asa C. Adams J . E dward Lit t le Harold E. Brakewood Harley P. Mai rs Raymond 0 . Bri nkman Wayne W. McNally Edward M. Cook Phillip Merchan t Robert D. Conary Herbert A. Perkins Rhoden B. E ddy Libby Pulsifer Harold D. Frost Chester L. Robinson Merr i l l S . F. Greene C larence A. Tash C . Reginald Hersum H en ry D. Teague Frank J. Hois Seth G. Twichell

162 Centennial Number

Bomett'.a 11Hui.aiott

loung m omen' n QTqrt.atian A.asoriation ®ffirrts Pr s ide n t , MARION ROBERTA WATER M A N , '20 l ice-Pr side n t , GRACE RUTH FOSTER, '2 1 Secreta 1·y, DORIS TOLMAN GOWER, '2 1 TreasU?·er , RETTA ELLEN s. C ARTER, '20 A n rma l Field Mern b 1', BERNICE BROWN B UTLER, ' 2 1 Q! o m 111 itter.s Religio1,1,s M ee t_ings

E mma Moul to n , '22

E leanor Larissa B u rdick, '20

Ruth E lla Wi l ls, '20

Louisa Katheri ne T i l ley, '23

M em b e1·sh1-p

Grace R uth Foster, '2 1 Mary Newcomb, '22 Mary Margaret Rice, '2 1

C lara I d a Gamage, ' 2 1 Elizabeth Rebecca Whipple, '2 1 Grace Evelyn Wil der, '2 1

B i b le Study

Dorothy May C rawford, '2 1 Madge Colby Tooker, '20 Doris Beryl Fernald, ' 2 1 Lorena E stella Scott, '22 Lila W i nifred B rock, '23 Wo rld Fello wsh ip

H azel Gould D yer, '22 Agnes Jessie C ameron , '23

Pau l i ne H igginbotham, '20 A lice H olbrook Marsh, '23

Co m m um-ty Sen; ice

A l freda King Bowie, '20 A lice Ford Page, '2 1

A lice Helen C lark, ' 2 1 A lice V i v i a n LaRocque, '2 1 Finance

Retta E l le n S . Carter, '20 Helen Leota Jacobso n , '21 A n na E dn a Fleming, '20 Bessie Merritt Chadwick, '2 1 Virgi nia Mary Bean, '22 163

C e n t e n nial Num be r

Assoc ia t io n N.eius

Gerald i n e Thu rlow Baker, '2 1 A lice Ford Page, '2 1 Elva Kath leen Goodhue, ; 2 1 Merle Evelyn Davis, '2 1 Hannah Naomi Maher. '22 ocial

E leanor C lough Bai ley, '22 E dna A lice Briggs, '22

Stella Loui e Greenlaw, '20 Ruth Frances Means, ' 2 1

M us ic

Dorothy Emma Knapp, ' 2 1 Mattie Lucile Kidder, '20 Ruth Marie Banghart, '22 E ig h t H

Esther Melvina Power, '20' Grace Wi lma Johnson, '2 1 .

e ks' Club

I rene Shi rley Gu hee, ' 2 1 Catherine Bates, '22

Con/ rence and Conven tion

Lillian Longley Dyer, '20 E lva Christine Tooker, '2 1

G ladys Mona Chase, '20 Dorothy Grant M itchell, '2 1

Reprns e n tative of S t u de n t Vo l u n t e e r Movement

Gladys Emmelyn Dow, '2 1

1.Giterary ยงodrty President






Treasu rer


Sergeant-at-A rms


1 64

Centennial Number

Q.Tolbiaua tJu blinbel'.I t l)ree timrs l'.l uring t l)e (!j.o llege yeat b y tl1e !llll ome1t o f (!j: o l b y (!j.ollege

1B oarll of 1,EMtors Edito1·-in-Chief

First A.ssistant Edito r Seco nd Assis ta n t Edit o 1 ·


Business Staff' Business Manager A ss is ta nt M ana g e 1 ·s



Literary E ditors

Nei ·s Editor Y. W.


A. Edito r

A ln m nae Editor

E liza H i l l Gurganus, '20 E l va Christine Tooker, '2 1 Hannah Naom i Maher, '22 A l i ce Katherine Bishop, '20 Marion Roberta Waterman, ' 2 0 Stella Loui se Greenlav:,r, ' 2 0 165

C e n t e nnia l Nu ?n b er

1\roontook ill l ub § o c t et y f o t trl o men

llj o unilell a t Qt o lb11.

1 92 0 President


Vice-P1 ·e id nt Secrnta 1·y a nd T r asur

Exec uti



Comm ittee


Anna E dna Fleming

Helen M udgett Getchel l


Marion Louise Conant E lva Kathleen Goodhue E l va P riscilla Jeffs Adelle Medora McLoon

Dorothy Grant M itchell Sarah Elizabeth Smith E lva Christine Tooker E lfrieda Marie Whitney


Edna A lice Briggs Gladys Iva Briggs Velma I della Briggs E dna Marjorie Chamberlain Vina Beatrice Parent

Harriet Marie Pearce Hazel Beatrice Pratt Doris I rene Purington Helen Reta Wheaton Dorothy Harmon White


Fern Bishop A vis Marie Cox Gertrude C laire Fletcher Feneda Betty Hawksley Louisa Katheri ne T i lley

M i ldred Mae Todd Man A ileen Watson Edith Margaret Weller Myrtle Gertrude Weller E leanor Wilkins

llhtiuersity lllll i ts Bertha Norton Esther Power E leanor Seymour Harriet Sweetser

Gladys Chase Helen Getchell Clara Gamage A lice Mathew 1 66

Centennial Num b e r

m 11 e § tu�ettt!l. 1£eague ®ffirers

ALICE LILLIAN MAT HEWS, E LVA C HRISTINE TOO KER, Secre ta1·y MERLE E VELYN DAVIS, Treasurer LILLIAN LONGLEY D YER, E LEANOR SEYM OUR, Head of Spo1·ts H AZEL W I N I FRED PEC K , Head of M u sical Clubs Head of D mmatics H ELEN MUDGETT GETCH ELL, P1·esid e n t of Reading Roo m Association A LFRED A K I NG BOWIE, P resid e n t

Vice-P1·eside n •

'20 '2 1 '2 1 '20 '20 '2 1 '20 '20

E:r e c u tiv e Boa1·d

E lva Christine Tooker, '2 1 Sarah E lizabeth Smith, '2 1 Mamie Drisko, '23

Alice L i llian Math ews, '20 Retta E llen S . C arter, '20 Daphne Mary Fish, '22

Socia l Committee

E lva Christine Tooker, '2 1 Gladys Mona Chase, '20 A delle Medora McLoon, ' 2 1 Dorothy H a rmon White, '22 Helen W i lliams, '23

167 e n te n n ia l N irni b e 1 ·

1\tlJletic Association ®fficers for 1 9 1 9 - l!l 2 0 r oLBY B . KALLOC K , '20 NEIL F. LEONARD, '2 1 PROF. T. B . A S H CRAFT ROBERT E. W I L K I N S , '20 NnL F. LEONARD, '2 1 GEORGE F. PARMENTER HOMER P . L ITTLE A. F. D RU M MOND, '88 C. W . ATCHLEY, '03 HENRY L . BELL, '20 C HARLES M. BAILEY, '20 WILLIAM J . POLLOCK , '21

President Secreta1·y Treasu te1· Senio r Councilman Junio1· Councilman Fa culty Representa t i v es A lu m n i Repres e n tat ives Baseball Ma nage1· Foo t ball Ma? age r T e nnis Mana g e r

Jf o o tball meam. 1 9 1 9

Cap ta i •i Manager Cente 1 ·




Gua1 ·ds



( i l ( �

Qua 1·te rbacks

Tackle s


( 1



E . W. B ucknam C . M . Bai lev Tyler Cook Moreland Knowlton Chase Pooler G u lick B ra d ley Pulsi fer Wolman Dolbeare La Roe Stearns Grace Larnpher Bucknam Kallock Hamer Jacobs Ni les Sullivan Goldsmith


( � l (


Letter Men : B ucknam, Jac6bs, N i les, Kallock, La Roe, Stearns, Tyler, Cook, M oreland, Pooler, G ulick, Pulsifer, Wolma n . 169

Centennial Num ber

§rqebule. 1 9 1 9 Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov.

4 11 18 25 1 8 15

Colby 99 0 7 0 0 0 0

Fort Williams at Watervi lle H arvard at Boston Bates at Watervi lle Bowdoin at Waterville Maine at Watervi lle Holy C ross at Worcester U. S . Naval Academy at A nnapoli

Opponents 0 35 7 30 33 41 121

<!Ito.a.a <!Ioutttty Guthrie Perkins

Capt. McCormack Costley Mayo

Conary Marden

f!Raim� 3ftttet:collegiate Q}t:ns.a-Q}otttttt:y mun 11El ateruille , Maine, Nou.rmber 2 7, 1 9 1 9

Maine Bowdoin

27 59 Costley won the "C."

Bates Colby

51 87

iaarball Weam Cap tain Manager A ssistant Manager Pitch e rs Catchers Fi?"St Base

I � l j 1


Bucknam Hamer Wills D riscoll Grant Marshal l Wills Nourse Heyes Sullivan Fraas Taylor ( Pulsifer I Williams S u l li van lieyes

{ {

Seco n d Base Third Base Shortstop Left Field


Center Field R ig h t Field

170 C e n t en n ial Num b e r

April April April April April May May May May May May May June June

19 23 24 25 26 3 10 14 16 24 30 31 4 7

Maine at Watervi l le ( E xhibition ) Harvard at Cambridge T u fts at Medford Rhode Island State at Kingston, R. I . Conn ecticut State a t Storrs, Con n . Bowdoin at Brunswick B ates at Wate rv il le Maine at Waterville Rhode Island State at Waterville Bowdoin at Brunswick Massachusetts A . C . at Amherst B rown at Providence Maine at Orono B ates at Lewiston

Colby Opponents 11 7 6 0 1 2 7 5 ( Cancelled ) 6 4 11 7 6 8 9 3 2 5 1 5 0 4 4 5 0 2

Letter men : H eyes, Nourse, B ucknam, Fraas, Taylor, Marshall, P u l ­ s i fer, D riscoll, S u l l i van, Wills, Wi lliams.

QJennin L . S . D un nack M. F . Green W . J . Pollock

Captain Manage 1· A ssistant Manage r

PLA Y E R S Singles

D un nack


D o u bles

Scott H atch

D unnack Smith

Maine lfntercollegiate menni!l Wournament Tournament held at Colby Teams represented were Colby, B ates and Bowdo i n . I n t h e singles D un nack of Colby defeated C h i n of Bowdoi n and was then defeated by Purington of B ates. Smith of Colby was defeated i n the prelimi naries. In the dou bles D u n nack and Smith entered the finals and were defeated by the Bowdo i n team . Scott and Hatch were elimi nated i n the p reli m inaries. NOTE : No p i ctures � ere taken o f the various athletic teams during the past year. 171 Centennia l Num b er

1Ilramatic Qilub ( Women ' s ) 0 Preside n t-H E L E N GETC H ELL Vic -PJ' siden t-LlLLIAN DYER

Sec rntary and T reasure l'-PAUL I N E H I GGI N BO T H A M


Gladys Chase

Pauline H i gginbotham

Lillian D yer

Alice Mathews

H elen Getchell

E sther Power

Stella Greenlaw

Harriet Sweetser

E liza Gu rganus

Marion Waterman

mramatic Qilub ( Men's) JO H N WOOLM A N BRUS H , ' 2 0 ,

P 1 ·eside n t





Centennial N u ni b e r


musical QHubs ®ffi cers P re s id e n t



PERRY , '20




Nla 11age 1 ·


A ssista n t M rmag 1 '

Lead e r , JO H

FOSTER C H O AT E ' 2 0 ,

tll r mbrr.s

N e i l Francis Leonard, ' 2 1

John Foster Choate, '20 Jonas G leason Perry '20

Chauncey L u ke B rown, ' 2 1

Robert E dwards Wilkin , '20

Stanley Roberts Black, ' 2 1

Carl Webster Robin o n , '20

C u rti

Harry Earle Lewin, '20

Harold Loomis Baldwin, '22

Reginald H oughton Stu rteYant, 2 1

Bert Leland Merrill, '22

Ran om P ratt, '2 1

E,-an John Shearman, '22

Joseph E dward Little, Jr., '2 1

William James Wallace, '22

H oward Merle Barnum, '2 1

Ashley Lynden B ickmore, '22

Arms Haines, 22

C lark D rummond, '2 1

Floyd Thomas Mcintyre, '23

Donald Oscar Smith, ' 2 1

J o h n P hi l i p T i lton, ' 2 3

Bernard E lias Ester , ' 2 1

C l i fton E u gene Lord, 2 3

Frank Joseph R o i s , ' 2 1

Raymond H arris Daniels, 2 3

175 C e n t e n n ia l Nuni b e 1·

!tltanho Un Q}lub Leader, ROBERT EDWARDS W I L K I N S Guitar

R obert E dwards Wi lkins, '20 Harry E arle Lew i n , '20 Reginald Houghton Sturtevant, '2 1 Joseph E d ward Little, Jr., '2 1 Frank Joseph Rois, ' 2 1 John Phil i p T ilto n , '23 C u rtis A rms H ai nes, '22

Carl Webster Robin son, '20 Violins

Jonas G leason Perry, '20 William Jones Wallace, '2 1 Cello

Ransom Pratt, '2 1 Piano

Raymond Harris Daniels, '23


C e n te nnial Nu m b e r



Jo� EPH Hor. , ' 2 1 , Lead

1 io lin

Jona Gleason Perry, ' 2 0 Wi l liam James Wall g,ce, ' 2 2 Curtis Arm Haines, ' 2 2

Pia no

Howard Merle Barnum, ' 2 1 Cello

Ra nsom Pratt Corn ts

Llewellyn Herman Evans, '23 Donald Oscar Smith, '2 1

D r u ms

Stanley Roberts B lack, '2 1


Carl Webster Robinson, '20

T ro m b o n e

Frank J o e p h R o i s , '2 1

la r i 1 1 ct

Reader fo 1· the Clnb

Harry Erner on Pendergast, '23

Ieil Francis Leonard, ' 2 1

178 C e n t e n nial Nu m b e r


It i now over eighty year ago ince the fir t storm clouds of the Civi l War began to gather over Alton, I l l inoi . The summer of 1 837 was one of great exci tement in that little city. The event of that period were the begi nni ngs of the great nat '.o::i:il c ri i through which the country was to pass duri ng the next half century. Upri ings agai nst the critics of lavenr were frequent, u nti l they cu lminated in the murder of Elijah Parish Lovej oy, who died a martyr for free peech and freedom of the press. The death of Lovej oy at the hand of an infu riated mob wa a matter of great concern and orrpw throughout the Northern State . Men real­ ized that i n his death a eriou crime had been committed, not only against law and order, but agai nst that sacred principle, freedom of speech. E lijah Pari h Lovejoy was born in Albion, Maine, Nov. 8th, 1802. He was the son of a Congregational mini ter. As a chi ld he howed great p romise of being an exceptional tudent. At the age of fou r he mani­ fested a desire for knowledge. The boy would take his copy b ook to his mother and, after being told a letter, would reti re to a corner and there by printing it over and o,·er again fix it i ndelibly in his memory. In this way he learned to read at an early age and could be found, duri ng his evening hours, deh ing into his father' collection of theological book . A fter exhausting these he had access to the town l ibrary, which furnished him with a varied collection of l iteratu re, and gave him a store of useful knowledge. His youth, however, was not spent enti rely in read ing, nor are we to get the i mpression that he was an abnormal being. His father, in addition to his pastorate, owned a farm, which the boy, in company with his brothers, operated. The life on a New E nglan d farm in those days was anything but one of ease, and Lovej oy's literary inclinations were pu rsued after his day with the plow or axe. In athletics he held his own with his friends. At swimming he sur­ p rised all in the neighborhood ; nor was he the fi rst to give up in rough­ and-tumble boyish antics. His elementary and preparato ry studies were conducted in the begin­ ning by his father and mother, but later he spent some time i n Monmouth and China Academies. He entered Waterville College as a Sophomore in 1 823. L ittle can be found that will give us an idea as to what infl uence Love­ j oy's college life had upon him. When we consider, however, some of the ru les under wh ich he l i ved our i maginations can in a small degree estimate the character of that i nfluence. 180 Centennial Number

The college student of that da l ived u nder a long category of must and must not . A student must attend chapel twice dai ly, go to church regu larly, keep tudy periods of three hours morn i n g and evening. A student mu t not moke or use tobacco i n any form, walk abroad on Sun­ da or during stu dy periods, p lay any mu i ca l instrument on the Sabbath. U nder this rigid discipline Lovejov lived for three years, graduating i n 1826 a t the head of h i s c lass . For a few m onth after his graduation he was engaged in teachi ng, but in 1 827 left e'v E ng-land to enter the promising fields of the West. H e settled i n St. Lou is, where he agai n became a teacher, but after a few years entered Princeton to study Theology. Upon graduating from Princeton, he retu rned b St. Louis, where he became editor of "The St. Louis Obsen'er," the organ of the Presbyterians i n Mis ouri and I l l i noi . I t was here in connection with this paper that he began his public l i fe which v. as to end o \'iolently. The "Observer" as published i n St . Loui s u ntil the destruction of the office and press by a mob, when i t was decided to continue the publication i n A lton, I l l i nois. I t was thought that i n this c i ty the paper wou l d have better support. At A lton conditions p roved to be no better than in St. Louis, for one pres was destroyed before reaching the city, another after reaching its destination . I t was while Lovejo� , Vi'ith a party o f friends, was defending another, that he was mu rdered by one of the attacking mob. We ha\'e followed with s light detail the l i fe of the martyr, review i ng as nearly a possible the principle e\ en ts of his l i fe. It woul d only be doing ju tice to hi name, if we were to consider briefly the p lace which he occupi es in the history of our country. No le s a man than Abraham L incoln himself has said in effect, that "the death of Lovej oy was the one greatest single event in our history." Such words, from such a man , must be consi dered seri ously. To Lovej oy had been gi \en the far-seeing visio n . H e had looked i nto the future and had seen that the TJnited States was fast approaching a tate of civil war. The cause o f this impending b reach was the s lavery q uesti on. H e saw the danger of a divi ded nation. H e saw the inj ustice of a muzzled p ress. H e must have rea lized that a gre;i,t struggle was impending, a struggle that was to save his country, and t urned not from hi. task of blazing the t ra i l as a p ioneer in the s;i,cred cause of human liberty. Lovej oy ne\ er once faltered . H e turned his face b the front and plu nged fearlessly on. H e had set himself to a task. H e had "sworn eternal opposition to sla\ ery and by the bles ing of God woul d never turn back." While i n St. Lou i s as the editor of the "Observer" he was advised to change his attitude on the question of . lavery, and at the same time reso­ l utions were drawn up by certain St. Lou i s c itizens, upholding the revo­ cation of free speech to abol i tionists. H i repl y to both advice and 'riticism was characteristic of the man . "Gentlemen, as long as I am a n 181 Ce 1 1 t 1 m ial N u r n b e r

A merican citizen, as long as American blood runs in my veins, I shall hold myself at l iberty to write, to peak and to publish whatever I p lease on any subj ect, bei ng amenable to the laws of my country for the same." He c laimed that i t ' 'as hi right to publi h "' hatever he wished on the abolition question, and that whether he wou ld exerci e that right or not was for him and not the mob to decide. So Lovejoy lived through storm after torm i n St. Louis and Alton. He was ridiculed, bla phemed and attacked, yet he struggled bravely on until death brought an end to hi ¡hort yet eventful career. The p lace of the mart r in our history cannot be over-emphasized . I t was through him that the free North awoke from it lumbers. It was his death that in pired the oratory of Wendell Phi llips, and et the pen of Whittier to it work. Lovejoy died, but hi spirit, that which made him a man among men, till lives with u.¡ today. H i name has passed i nto history but he ha left us as a heritage a united nation, no North, no South, but a United States of Ameri ca. H AROLD T . U R I E '20. ,

1.Guigi To the casual observer, Luigi was one of tho e dark-browed I talians that we see i n every city ; noth ing more. Yet he was i n reality much more ; he was a lover. Within his breast burned a fierce love for his wife, Carlotta . He had for her always a tender devotion, which made his neighbor laugh derisively at times ; but his love was as deep as it was on the day of their marriage, when, i n his impulsive way, he had emptied his pockets, and thrust the money i nto the hands of the astonished priest. He loved her with a mighty love-what more is there need to say ? Carlotta, too, loved, in her way ; but it was a rather selfish way-though the doting Luigi was blind to this, and so lived on in happiness. For it is not what our lo' ed ones are that makes us happy,-it is what we think they are. Love l i ves by fai th alone. In Carlotta' s great dark eyes of softest brown, Luigi saw love for him, it was t rue and he was content. And so Carlotta's little schemi ngs to get the best for herself-a bright red coat before Luigi shoul d have the new drill he needed ; t i ckets for her to the moving picture theatres, though her husband could not even afford to smoke now,-these and many others, Luigi regarded not as a woman' selfish and u nreasonable demands, but as the rights which were her due. For, he loved Carlotta. Luigi was a ski lled stone-cutter, and day after day he worked i n the granite quarries j ust outside the city of Halifax, breathing the air laden 'Vith particles of stone-dust, while Carlotta in the snug l ittle house near the water-front sniffed the fresh salt breeze which came through the tiny 182

Centennial Num ber

(c oLBYl��20� 0�CL� wi ndow in the kitchen. H i left hand, which turned the drill constantly a he pounded, was partly numb TIO\\ ; i n the cold of winter the flesh on the back wa a dead white, for the nerves were paralyzed by shock u pon hock. But while there was work the pay was good, and Luigi was glad of the work which sent him home to Carlotta every week with a pay em elope. It was all "fo r Lotta." One Sat urday night i n early April, however, he brought home a visitor to upper ; a tall , dark man, with crisp, c u rl y hair, eyes as i nscrutable as two � ell , and a smile which revealed two gleaming gol d teeth, but told nothing at all of what lay behi n d the s m i le. "Mister Navarro, of de United States ! " he announced formally to the waiting Carlotta, who curtsied gracefully. " H e my friend who have come to work now for a l ittle while at the quarry. M ister Navarro is one foreman-yes, ver' fine j ob . H e tell-a me about j ob for stone-cutters in hi cou ntree . We o, Lotta ? Yes ?" " A n d no l i ve-a 1 ere no more ?" was the half-fearful question . "Da j ob here is-a lmos' finish, an' it ees ver' fine i n dese United States, M i ter Navarro says ." H e a lways accented the U in United States very trongly. "He tell-a me all about dis countree. " Carlotta rose to her duties as hostess. "Will you be please to s i t down ?" s h e asked i n h e r best manner. " W e have supper \ er' queek." Her voice was soft and shy, and she flushed a l i ttle, for the stranger was very handsome, and his eyes � ere p lainly admi ring. She h u rried to take from the stove the simple meal-spaghetti as large as noodles and as glutinous, baked with vil lainous yellow cheese, a delicious stew of meat and black gra y, and rounded slabs of coarse Italian bread, baked for hours u n t i l i t had attai ned the consi stency of hoe leather. After supper they sat, elbows resti ng upon the newspaper C JYeri ng on the table, and talked. They talked of many things . but most of all they talked about the new country where Luigi and Carlotta were going to live. "By da time of da feast of All Saints Day, we shall be i n dese U ni ted tate , " and L u i gi was enthusiastic over his plans. "Oh, yes, Carlotta mia ! " Her e y e opened w i d e . "And t h e great things we shall see ! " she breathed . "Yes," echoed t h e stranger, "the great thi ngs y o u will see are worth ' h i le to go to that country-bu t the money you wil l make there-it i o much more than here . " He smiled and the gol d teeth twinkled i n the l ight of t h e smoky lamp. F o r although Carlotta was an excellent cook, yet she was a poor housekeeper. And so i t was agreed that when the j ob at the quarry was finished, they wou ld join the other stone-cutters which Na\ arro had recruited and go to the United States. And " Mi ster Na' arro" was to board with them until the departu re. But the best-laid plans " gang aft a-gley, " and these were never des­ tined to be fulfilled. For within a few months Italy had enbred 183

Cente nnial


the G reat War and Luigi had an wered the call of his country. Carlotta begged him to stay with her but though her pleadings distressed, yet they could not turn him from hi pu rpose. Could he love her with a worthy love, and yet not ri e to the great need of Italy-Italy, who was i n danger ? He d i d not know how t o express i t i n fai r words with the poet, "I cou ld not love thee, dear, so much, loved I not honor more," but that wa what he meant. Only he could never make Carlotta u nderstand . A n d s o h e e t o u t '"'ith a troubled heart. W h o knovv i f h e wou ld ever see his adored one again ? Yet the government woul d provide for "Lotta," and it wa all for I taly. More than two years had passed and Carlotta sti l l lived in the little house by the water-front. " Mister Navarro" had retu rned to America, but he had al o come back to Halifax-had come back again and again- ; and now that many of her friend had gone, the lonely Carlotta was doubly glad to ee him. He was so handsome, alway o polite, she thought, com­ paring him, con ciously or not consciously, with Luigi . And when a woman begi ns to com pare men with each other in her mind-the one she love best is always the standard by which all others are measured . And now, in the chi ll of early winter, "Mister Navarro" was here again, leek and well-dre ed a ever, with fai r words on his lips, and with mean ing i n his sm i le . By the tiny kitchen window they sat in the du k, watching the fishing schooners as they slipped easily i n between great ocean li ners docked farther up the harbor, l ike mice among huge plough horses. Finally Navarro spoke-and his voice purred softly"Lotta, I say to you now for the last time, 'Come with me.' I am going tomorrow, and I shall not come back again. Fou r t imes I have come back to you , and fou r times you have said 'Wait till I hear he i s dead .' " The woman thought rapidly. He was lying of course, when he said he would not come back for her again, and yet-what if he meant i t ? Caressi ngly she laid her hand over his. "Just wait-a one month more, Anton," she p leaded . Perhaps I hear pretty oon from-from over da sea . " " B u t , " h e remonstrated, "you haven't heard from him f o r six months -almost seven . He's dead, I'm sure." The seeming brutality in his bare words was but the all-oblivion of love. Carlotta was busy with her thoughts . She was sure that she loved the handsome, worldly-wise Navarro, but something had kept her from going with him, as yet-going away from the l i ttle home where she had lived since she was married, away to the u nknown land. Would he come back again ? " May be I hear nex' week . Jus' wait-a one more week," she begged. His voice was an answeri ng caress. "Well, perhaps, two or three days more, my Lotta," was the concession. And even as their l ips met i n a kiss that sealed the bargain, on the afte �-deck of a huge gray ocean li ner, there was sitting a bronzed soldier, lookmg out over the trackless ocean, and dream i ng of the wife he was soon 184


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to see again . He smi led tenderly to himself as he thou ght how glad " Lotta" woul d be that he was home aga i n . H ome ! The flow of his p leasant thoughts was interrupted by the sound of heavy footsteps behind him. H e turned-to fi nd that his companion was a Canadian officer. L u igi rose stiffly, but as quickly as he could, stepped aside and saluted . H e l imped deci dedly. "You sit-a down, Capta i n . Da night ees ver' fine." H e fumbled his hands awkwardly. " No, than k you, " was the quick reply. "I'll bring this camp-stool over and sit with you while I have m y smoke. " A long time they sat i n s ilence, while h e p u ffed away a t h i s cigar. " Dat music i n da cab i n , ees i t all over ?" asked L u i gi , sociably, after a while. " No, the boys are sti l l enjoying themselves. How doe i t happen you don't join i n ?" "I come out her to be quiet. I am ver' happy dat I be home pretty queek, and see m y Carlotta-my wife . " H is voice l ingered over h e r name-he loved i t . " She bes' woman i n da world, s o p retty, so fine cook-" h e gesticulated volubly. " I no hear from her for one long time, why, you thi n k ?" " Probably the damned Germans sank the mail boats. Many go down on the way," was the other's sympathetic comment. " She ees waiti ng for me-I can see what i t looks l ike now-ou r little white house down by da water. Dere i s one garden , and a beeg rock by da side. And I am home now for always ; my leg, her ee's never good no more for :fight. You go home to you wife too ?" His embarrassment was qu i te gone ; the officer had such a friendly voice. "No," replied the Canadian, a bit sadly. Then, after a pause, " I have no one to be glad to see me.-How proud, how very proud your wife w i l l be of t h e cross of w a r on y o u r breast there ! " L u i g i fel t t h e m a n d i d n o t want to talk about himself, f o r he w e n t on, " Where i s your home ?" "In Halifax, da beeg c i ty where dis ship ees go to. I t ees one beeg town !" with a gesture of pride. " Beeg, fine houses, trains, ships -" But his eulogy of Halifax was abruptly cut short, for the officer was called away in the m idst of it. For several days Luigi d i d not see his new-found friend aga i n . One starligh t night, however, when the stalwart I talian was sitting as usual, u nder the stars and d reaming bright dreams of the future, the Captain came aga i n . H e brought w ith h i m a message which had j ust been received by wireless. With a few bare words of explanation , he read to the expectant L uigi , his pocket flash light supplementing the yellow l i gh t of the moon. "Belgian rel ief ship colli ded with ammunition transport i n Halifax harbor. Waterfron t blown u p and wrecked by the explosion. Fire sweeping over the c i ty . Your desti nation is New York Harbor." That was all, but i t meant the world to Luigi . H e started up, fel l back limply, then c lutched a t the Captain's arm, bewi ldered, stunned. 185

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" Ees it true ?" he demanded fiercely, "Oh, ee dat true ? Carlotta mia ! Lotta !" Then he began to moan oftly, like a frightened animal . He was so like a child, after all,-thi big lover. The officer looked pityingl y at the poor fel low whose dreams had turned to ashes ; who but a moment ago, wa. radiant with happiness, but who was utterly crushed by the weight of hi grief. " l-I thought I'd tell you before you heard, " tammered the officer awkward ly, "becau e, well, beca use you would get it straight. There may be ome hope yet, you know. Perhaps,-perhaps he got out in time, or­ or is all right-somehow." Hi voice was u ncertain at the finish · he felt helpless ; he almo t wi bed he had let the fel low find it out s ::>me other way. But then"I tank you ! I tank you !" repeated Lu igi absently. Yet how cou l d t h i s fi n e officer-friend of h i s say such terrible thi ngs ? " O h , Carlotta ! Lotta ! " he moaned in despair. Hi uni\ er e was in ruins before him, yet he snatched at the one ray of hope-that "perhaps ! " Yes, "perhaps." I n a few days more the big transport had docked in New York Harbor, and Luigi, with hundreds of others, pou red out of the ship into a train, and embarked for Canada. The journey seemed endless to the poor fel low ; to his anxiou impatience, the cars barely crawled, and the sight of happy couples in the c ities through which they passed hurt like the twist of a knife in a wound. Sti l l a fai nt hope drew him on. And Halifax ! The city of desolation ! But it was home to Luigi­ home with a thou and ne'N meani ngs-and when the train was forced to halt outsi"de the city limits, he pressed on, limping painfu l ly on his wounded leg. With difficulty he made his way toward the harbor. A strict guard was mai ntained all along the water-front, but when they looked at his battered uniform and the mutely declaring cross on the scarlet ribbon at his breast, they allowed the s::>ldier to pass. Some­ thing in his face commanded, and would not be denied ; it m ight h:we been sorrow, the universal master . A t last h e stood on the spot where his home had once been. The mighty boulder which had stood by the tiny garden-though deeply pitted and scar red as if by a super-giant's chisel-still marked the place. It was all too true, then ! But Lotta ! Perhaps- ! Feverishly he searched among the charred ruins for a trace-dreading u nutterably to find what he sought. But nothing had survived that terrible blow. Luigi ran to the nearest guard. "O, meester guard man ! my Carlotta ! Lotta mia !" he broke out. His utterances were strange ; but sorrow walk�d abroad in this city, and the guard nodded understandingly. Luigi poi nted to the ruins of his home, and went on more calmly, "Did dey find anybody i n dat place ? Did dey find any-da tings that ees lef' of people '!" He faltered pitifu ll y ; he could not say the hideous thing that his Lotta might be. But the guard, though he spoke with a kindly sympathy, had no such delicate scruples. "Yes, sir," he replied, touching his cap in deference to the cross of 186

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war, "I think they d i d find some bones over there by that b i g rock. A ny­ way, they fou n d h u n dreds of them right around here. Lots of people were throwed a long ways, and there was no way of tel l i n ' who the bones belonged to, ' special l y after the fire went over this part of the c ity. They put them all together at the morgue. You can go there, but I'm afraid' no way to find anything you can be sure of." A t sight of the anguish on Luigi's face, he went on more gently, " B u t I wouldn't go over to that morgue, i f I was you . I t wouldn't do no good ,-and I woul d n ' t go. " So this w a s t h e end ! T h e end of everything ! He could b e a r to lose hi home, his friends, h i rugged strength-" asted away across the seas­ but Carlotta ! It was the supreme loss-the loss. He t u rned away numbly, hi heart ick with a d isease which no physician coul d c ure . L i fe held nothing for h i m now. He woul d eke out a living with the trength he had left, and wait for Death, his friend . For woul d not Death take him to Lotta ! *











In the l i ttle city of R utland, Vermont, many strange p eoples are to b•! seen-all nationalitie are represented . The c itizens of the town rarel y t o p to look c u riously at a n y of t h e foreigners, f o r picturesque strangers within the gates are, many times, fam i l iar to them. But one Italian couple, who go out but seldom, never fai l to attract attention when they pass along the street. The girl has the rich, dark, striking beauty that commands as its due a second glance, or even a third ; the man's handsome face seems a lmost s u l len ; but when h i s lips part i n a rare smile, one gets a glimpse of two gol d teeth v1·hich gleam l ike eyes of fire, i n the u n light. MADGE C. TOO KER, '20.

mt1 e lll n appt e ciatell 3Jmmigtant One of the nation a l p roblems we, as a nation, are facing today is the problem of the assim i lati on of our foreign-born population. In recent days, the analysis of the ·wi despread social and political u n rest shows in a large part, at least, that the appreciation for our national aims and i deals has been seriously lacking among the new Americans. We see perverted doctri nes arising out of a combination of greater freedom and l ittle knowledge. We ever hear rumors of revolution and the establishment of a Bolshevic regime. D u ri n g the last few weeks the wholesale arrest a n d deportation of Bolshevic leaders and the exposure of t h e i r s i ni ster designs have set us aghast. Our government ha disco\ ered none too soon t hese ne ts of anarchy. We have seen the very fou n dation of our nation threatened. So we a re brought face to face with the situation i n a l l i ts bald and alarming aspects. We know that it m u st take heroic measures to give 187 Centennial N um b e r

back to our government the unque tioned stabi lity it has heretofore pos­ sessed ; and we know further that tho e mea u re mu t consi t in the thorough American ization of the amenable and the deportation of those not amenable to our political ideals. The question of deportation i comparatively simple. Present law , backed by the public opinion, will ad equately correct thi side of the prob­ lem . Already army tran port have begun to rid u of the e men and women who e distorted political view make them a menace to the establ i bed government. But hou ld we top here, we have only partly solved the problem of Americanization . Admi tted ly, we have gone far when we have removed the uperficial cau e . But there is a ast ly broader field awai ting our en dea' or. We have now a great task to prevent the making of anar­ chi t in our own country. The newly-arri ved immigrant is often hope­ le ly confu ed as to what i expected of him. Political parties reach out to him and with seeming acts of kindness and candied word , i nsinuate that being an American aon i ts in elonging to this or that party. Steam hip companie and indu t rial concerns have exploited him. He has been lured to our bores by fai r promise and then, far too often, has been forced to work under uch conditions and in such urroundi ngs that the bud of ideali tic Americani ·m has been withered or frozen . There is current today an idea of Americanism that seems to be accepted at face value by mo t people. It i the idea that to be an Ameri­ can the foreigner mu t, to be ure, learn our language and enter fu lly i nto the spirit of our political in titutions ; but with this, he must also shed every particle of his cu toms, his habits and hi practices. This nation­ alistic theory wou ld have him undergo a complete and absol ute transition from everything bearing the old-\\ orld stamp and emerge a new individual upon whom we can place the impress of thi ngs American to the supreme degree. It would mean by that widely spoken term, "one hundred per cent American, " a change that would make him accept fully and without que tion all that we do, we say, and we are. But is such a theory one that will bear the be t fru its of assimi lation ? Will the effect of an i ron-clad theory in practice make for u nity in our whole national life ? Is such a theory even based on t ruth and ful l knowledge of the facts ? We set up our criterion of culture and , ay to the imm igrant : "Ameri­ can culture is superior in every respect to the culture of every other country. Accept it in it enti rety if you wou ld be a 'One hundred per cent American ' . " Thereupon t h e I talian unconsciously compares h i s o w n m u s i c with American ragti me and wonders i f in music America is superior to his Italia. The Greek with his native love of beauty unconsciously sees the flaws in our et u ndeveloped esthetic standards. The Russian with his spiri tual tendencies see:s nothing but gro materialism in our national life and he is led to the belief that v;e have here a mere capitalistic despotism . The Frenchman looks with horror and disgu t on our unwarranted extrav·


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agance and wonders if, after all, American habits i n this respect are superior to his o� n national habits of economy. And o we could continue. A theory that proposes to force the new American to adopt these non­ e sentials against his better j ud gment is already doomed to fai lure. H istory i a l l too full of examples of such fai l u res to lea\ e us in doubt as to the truth or falsity of the theory. In 1 8 7 1 Germany to0k the French p rovinces of Alsace and Lorraine. Immediately, in the typically systemati c German way, she attempted to force German K ultur on the people o f the p ro\ i nces. The German offi­ cial clas i n vaded every walk of thei r l i fe. The complete i n troduction of the German language i n their school is historic. Germany meant by force and arbitrary methods to wean these p rovinces from the customs and tradition of France and to make the people wholly German . A n d with � hat esult ? For fifty ) ears A lsace and Lorraine kept the fire of patriotism aflame. O n the su rface German language and stand­ ard of c u lture were accepted but the spirit ""' as always French. D u ri ng tho e year the peopl adopted a ymbol , the pattern of a cross with two arms, called the Lorra i ne C ros . The second arm of the c ross was sym­ bolic o f the people of Lorraine and it sign i fied that they were in spirit fore er u n i ted with F rance regardless of the vi cissi tudes history might have i n store for her. The burdens of France were the b urdens of Alsace and Lorra i n e . Try as they wou ld, the Germans coul d not stamp out the spirit symbolized by the double Lorraine C ross. And, after the late war, when the Americans \\ ent through the provin ces the only e\ i dence of German Kultur they saw was boys playing at nine-pi ns in the streets of the towns . This, the German method, has been p roved a failure. I n the U nited States, we ha\ e some basic principles that i t i s the duty o f the foreigner to accept. I n fact, i t i s these \ ery basic princip les that first beckon to him and call him from his o ld-world envi ronment to our land of great opportunity. The most fundamental is the firm belief i n our democratic form of government and l inked c losely with i t i s our u n i ersal system of public education. Herein we believe we have attained heights of po l it i cal freedom such as the old � orld cannot boast. A nyth i ng we can do to incu lcate the immigrant with our democratic principles of govern­ ment and o render him better fit to exercise suffrage, will, without que tion, be well repa i d . B u t we should n o t force our refinement, our cu lture and our habits on the immigrant . The p rocess of assimi lation i s not expedited by this i n flexible attitude toward him . Not only i s assimilation retarded but he feel himself an outsider and many times becomes antagonistic to every­ thing American . In these non-es ential , we m u t meet the foreigner half way. We must rid o u rselves o f false notions and admit that whil e we have much to off er the i m mi grant, he also can add elements of worth to our national l i fe . We m u s t sanely face t h e fact that our civilization i s n o t uperior i n all p o i n t .


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It is this spirit of compromise that wi l l oonest give us a sound policy of Americanization . When we put ourselves i n his place and get his point of view, we are in a fai r way to maki ng Americans out of our foreign-born. JO H N F. C HOATE, '20. Wi nner of econd p rize, 1 920 Goodwin Conte t.

Atmo.spqete C harmi ngly dainty i n a short gingham dre. , with a pai l of sand in one hand and a few sea-shell in the other, the little gi rl trudged slowly up the walk, tossi ng her golden curl in the sunlight as she went. Leaning over the fence, watching her with cu rious eyes, was the little boy who had recently moved into the next house. As the l ittle gi rl caught sight of him he stopped and gazed at him with friendly eyes. Thinking to be neigh­ borly, she approached the pro pective play-mate, and politely offered him her sand and shells. To her di may he grabbed the humble gifts and, to her horror, threw them at her, at the same time pulling her hair with savage cruelty. Not daring to make any resistance for fear of being i mpolite, she bravely stood there, even smiling ever so faintly. Fortu­ nately, the young savage's mother came to the rescue, and explained to the little girl that her son had never played with any l ittle boys or girls, and did not know how to treat them . Undau nted in her efforts to secu re the little boy as a play-mate, the l ittle girl was finally successful and soon became the fi rst and, for a long time, the only p lay-mate of the little boy. Strange to say, they got along ' ery peaceably and became fast friends. B u t one day the little girl went away, and after a few letters exchanged at first it seemed u n l ikely that they would ever see or hear from each other aga i n . Fifteen years later, Frances Fitzgerald, sitting at h e r desk in a n attractive room of a girls' college dormitory, rehearsed t h i s incident i n her mind, while endeavoring t o prepare a theme for h e r rhetoric class. I t was to be a love story, and she decided to "work in" this childhood episode. She had reached the romanti c part in which the hero met the heroi ne in after life. She wrote and wrote, scratchi ng out words, tearing up paper, and writ:ng agai n ; but sti ll she was dissatisfied with the results. Finally, she rose in despair and threw open the door, leading into the adj oining room. "Girls !" she exclaimed, "I simply can' t write that story. I get as far as the love scene and can't get any further. Oh, for atmosphere, for a love story !" " Frances, why don't you advertise i n the College Weekly ; ' Wanted, a good-looki ng young man to supply atmosphere for a you ng-ahem­ authoress. Apply at Atmosphere Box, Pembroke House, Greenwood Col­ lege . ' That ought to bring 'em, Franny.'' Clara Roberts dodged her head as if to avoi d an expected pillo\v, but no p i l low came. 190


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I nstead F rances stared at her with an i nspi red look. " I' l l do that l ittle thing, C lara Roberts. " " Yo u d o n ' t dare ! " challenged t h e girls. " Don't I , though . " and Frances sat down at her desk to write what C lara had p roposed, a " dare." Her l i fe had been ful l of adventures and she was a lways on the look-out for a new experience. And so, now, centi ng a novel ad\ enture, she dared to act upon the w i l d suggestion of one of her friends. In one of the rooms of a boys' fraternity house at Johnston College¡, not far from G reenwood College, Don Wetherby was l yi n g on the couch, amusing himself by throwing u p i n the air pieces of candy sent to him by a girl friend, and commenting upon the dents made i n the cei l ing. His roommate, Gus Goddard, leaning comfortabl y back i n his chair, with his feet resting on the desk, was read ing the Johnston Weekly. Several boy strolled in from time to t ime, incidentally t o help themselves to Don's candy. An exclamat:on from Gus caused the activity and i dle conversation to •:ease . "What do you know about that ? Haw, H aw ! H i there, fel l ows, li sten to this." Stan d i ng u p i n his chair to obb i n the attention of hi. audience, Gus pro ceeded to read the advertisement of Frances F i tzgerald. She had i ndeed dared to write it, for there i t was i n print . H owever, i t had t o be read b each o f the boys with his own eyes, before h e wou l d believe i t . I n o rder to prevent a mad r u s h to t h e telephone. G u s rapped on t h e de k to attract attention and p roposed that l o t s be drawn, and t h a t the lucky person should be the applicant from the Phi Gamma Delta house. Fate decreed that Don Wetherby shou l d answer the stra nge advertisement. *











Pembroke House was a p lace of great excitement. Frances had been busy answering telephone calls all day, but had accepted the i n vitation of the applicant, a young man who had p romised to come after her in a runabout. F rances was dressing herself before the m irror, while a group of excited girls watched her, hardly believing t hat F rances was really going to see i t through . The door b e l l rang. A r u sh to t h e w indow a n d exclamations fol lowed. Step were heard, h u r rying u p the stairs, and the door burst open . "He's come ! He's come ! " . " What's he l i ke ?" asked Frances and a l l t h e others in o n e b reath . " O h-awful l y good looking ! He's tall and big, med i u m-brown curly hair, and wonderful eyes ! " " He's j ust t h e one ! " cried Frances. " B u t, Fran, you can't go automob i l i ng. M iss Franklin wou ld never allow i t . Why, you' l l get expelled ! " " Just leave i t to me," c r i e d F rances, as s h e b o u n ded t o t h e door. She met M i ss Frankl i n at the bottom of the stairs. "Oh, Miss Frank l i n , I want you to come i n and meet my b rother. He 191

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j u st came. You've heard me speak of him, the one who plays on the Pri nceton football team, ' ' and France dragged Miss Franklin into the reception room where Don Wetherby was waiting. " Hello, Dick ! I'm so glad to see you, " he cried, a she rushed up to him. " I want you to meet our matron, Miss Franklin. Miss Franklin, this is my wonderfu l brother, I ' ve talked abo u t so much." France wi nked at the astou nded Don, who took the cue at once, and chatted a few minutes with Miss Franklin. "Dick' going to take me for a l ittle spi n. I want him to see the country a bit." The u n uspecting matron beamed at the handsome figure of Don and let them go witho u t a \\,·ord . Before Frances or Don knew it, they were pinning off on a smooth road, with the cool spring breeze blowing against their cheeks. Both were silent for ome time. Frances tried to be natural and composed, whi le Don sought to appear ind ifferent and confident. She cast a si deways glance at him j u st in time to catch him tealing a glance at her, at which they both bu-rst out laughing. "So you are an authoress, Miss, er-Miss- ?" he inquired. "Mis Davidson . " Frances thought it discreet not to give her real name. She began by telling him the story she had commenced. He l istened with intense interest. "Miss Davidson, the chi ld episode i true, is it not ?" "Why, yes . How did you guess ?" "You were the l ittle girl ?" She nodded. " Miss Fitzgerald-" She started as he cal led her by her right name. "-Frances Fitzgerald , I am that l ittle boy." "You-you-what is you r name ?" "Donald Wetherby." And he told her about himself, so that she was convinced that this wa i ndeed her old playmate. They did not notice the darkening clou ds, or feel the gentle rain d rops. Spring is e\·er fickle, and a shower was threatening to destroy the per­ fection of the beautifu l spri ng even ing. Harder the ran poured down, and a low rumble followed by a crash startled the adventurers. " Gad ! We're going to have a th under shower," said Don, as he stopped his machine to put up the top, j ust as a streak of lightning flashed across the sky. "It will stop in a minute. We had better wait here under this tree, '' he added. Once comfortable beside her again, he tucked a rubber robe about her. "To think that you have remembered me all this time. I 've often thought of you , my first playmate. You know, l'\ e never been able to get along with any other girl hal f as wel l si nce, as with you . Jove, I must have been a savage youngster. " ·

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"Yes, but you were i nteresting. I guess that's why I l iked you,­ because ou "' ere so sa\ age." I n order to hear each other above the pelting rain. and frequent c rashes o f thunder, they d rew their heads nearer and nearer together. "R emember how \Ve used to play school , and I was the teacher ?" ''You bet I do. Remember the time when-" " To think I 've met m y first playmate after all these years. F rances ?" " Yes !" A c rash o f thunder d rowned his words. H e leaned nearer to her,­ and during the next few m i n utes, she got enou gh "atmosphere" for the most thril l i ng of love stories. " It has topped rai ning," she sai d . "vVe must h u rry home." O ver the road she kept h urrying him, while a strange l ight shone in her eyes. Don m i s i nterpreted this strange l i ght. H a i n g arrived at t he house, she hastened to get out. " F rances, why do you h urry so ? I must see you again , France , and many, many more i mes. May I, F rances ?" "Why, yes, if you' l l be n ice, but remember, n o more times l ike tonight. I 've got my atmosphere . You were a successful appl icant. " "Atmosphere ! " " Why, yes, ha\ e y o u forgotten the story where the l i ttle girl was to marry the little boy ?" Don cl utched her by the arm almost savagely. "And in real l i fe the little g i rl wi l l marry the little boy. Remember ! " F rances looked at h i m c uriously, smil i ng e\ er so fai ntly, and rushed i nto the house. EST HER M. POWER, '20.

For many years the tribe of the M al lecites had l i ved in peace in its lodges by the Saint Jean river. There had been no "' ars to take away its strength and i ts men, so i t had grown and p rospered. L i ttle corn fields had spru ng u p in the forest's edge. Game was p lentifu l , for there had been no host i l e i n c u rsions on i ts hunting gro u n d . H e r e t h e good old c h i e f A washa h a d passed a quiet l i fe, r u li n g w i th kin dness and j ustice for a l l . A n d now his declin i n g years were brightened by his l ovely daughter, Wetonah. She was the fai rest and best of all the Indian maidens. And always her father had impressed upon her that her first thou ght must e\ er be for her tribe. So she had grown u p the joy and pride of the ' il lage . N o w it happened that i n the m o o n of b a n ests, when t h e c o r n was ripe and the frost glistened each morning on the sides o f the tepees, o l d A washa went up the river several m iles on a hunting trip . W i th him went h i s 193

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daughter and eight braves. They left the village at su nset and passed q u ickly out of their people's sight up the river. When they had gone but a few mi les, they could hear a faint noise l ike the rushing of many water . And the chief told his daughter that below them, on the other branch of the river, was a great water fal l . An evi l spirit, h e said, dwelt there, who reached up a n d seized approaching canoe. and hurled them i nto a torrent where they were dashed to piece on the j agged rock below. So, for many moon!':, no one had gone in that direction. Soon, urged on by the trong arm of the rowers, the partďż˝ reached it de tination and on a point o f land encamped for the night. All was ilent, ave for the hooting of owls and other night sounds of the great forest. Wetonah and her father l ept i n their tepee , whi le, out ide, the gli ten i ng form of the attenctants dozed around the dying embers. Suddenly the ti l lnes was broken by the terrible war cry of the Blackfeet-a '" ar party was upon them . Then, cream , moans, twangs of bow tring , thucts of t mahawks, and all wa again si lent, save the oft padding of the invaders' mocca ined feet and the stifled sobbing from the couch where \Vetonah lay. The wa r party had done its work well . A heavy hand ei zed h e r shri nking shoulder, a n d pulled h e r from beneath her blanket. Looking up, 8he gazed fearfu l l y i nto the face of the Bla ckfoot chief, hideous i n his war paint. "Maiden , " he said, "daughter of the chief who was, you we have spared, and for a purpose. Tomorrow night, under cover of the darknes , you will guide us down the ri ver to you r ''illage or,-" he rai ed h i tomahawk sugge tively. Wetonah fel l back. Take them to her village ! Deliver it over to the e agents of destruction and mu rder ! Better death a thousand times than thus to betray her tribe and her father's memory. But if she refused, would they not go anyway ? Then came a plan. "O Chief, ' ,_ said she, "only spare my l i fe and I w i l l guide you to my vi l lage." Next evening, in darkness, a war party of twenty canoes, filled with painted warriors, glided down the river. In the foremost canoe sat Wetonah, pale but composed, with an air of l istening always. When the night breeze bore to her ears the sound she had been waiting for, a faint roaring, she began to sing to keep the sound from her companions. Soon the fork of the river came i nto view and the chieftai n looked at her questioni ngly. She poi nted to the left without hesitation, but always her eyes seemed strayi ng in the other direction . Soon a strong breeze seemed to rush to meet them and the roaring became distinctly louder. The chief glanced at his guide. " Rapids," she said scornful ly, "O Chief, are you afrai d to shoot them ?" The warrior shrugged his shoulders and they glided on. Louder and louder grew the noise, then suddenly the canoes seemed to be grasped by a mighty hand and to be fai rly hurled forward . The faces of the warriors were wet with spray. Just at the brink of the awful preci pice the canoes hesitated for a second. Then, " Into thy hands, 0 Great Spirit, ' ' breathed Wetonah-and the party passed on.


Centennial Num b e r

速ut mutual 1J1 tienb BY C HARLES DICKENS A Condensation The late owner of Harmony Jail , Mr. Harmon or Old Man Harmon as he was generally called, had been a most eccentric i nd i vidual during his l i fetime. With a basket and a ladder as the tools of his trade, he had thrown u p miniature mountains of dust o n his small estate,-"coal dust, vegetable dust, bone dust . . . a l l manner of dust." He amassed a considerable fortune and with it a d isposition as mean and selfish as his wealth was great. Because she refused to marry as he d i rected , he anathematized his aughter. When his son, John Harmon, a lad of fifteen , ventured to p lead for h i s s ister, h e , too, w a s forbi dden t h e paternal home. ' ' S hocked and terrified, the boy took flight, got aboard a ship, and u lti足 matel y turned u p o n dry land among the Cape w i ne where he became a small proprietor." Fi fteen years pas ed, at the end o f which Old l\'Ian Harmon died. H is will, dated soon after the fl i ght of his son, left the lowest of the range of d u t mountains, with a dwelling house at its foot, to an old servant, Mr. Boffin, who was sole executor, and all the rest of the property-which was consi derable-to his son ( the daughter having died ) . The son 's i nherit足 ance was made conditional on his marrying a girl, who at the date of the w i l l was a child of four, and who was now a marriageable young woman . Through extensiYe advertising, John Harmon, the heir, was located . He immediately took passage for E ngland. On board the ship there was a man by the name of George Radfoot, serv i ng as third mate, who resembled John in bulk and statu re, and for whom John was frequently m istaken. As a res u lt o f these mistakes, H armon and Radfoot struck u p an acquai ntance. John, however, was not i n hearty approval o f the terms of the will, and disliked the i dea o f being forced upon a mercenary wi fe . He confided as much to Radfoot, who at once suggested a p lan to H armon to whic.:h the latter readily assented . I t was Radfoot' s i dea that they should b'.)th dress in common ailor's s uits and remain in the neighborhood of M i ss Bella Wi lfer, Harmon's prospective yvi fe . I n this manner, H armon cou l d learn all abou t her witho u t revea l i ng himself. Arriving i n London in a pouring rai n at night, Radfoot escorted Harmon to a ta' ern o n the river side. They entered a dark, evil -smell足 i ng room on the gro u n d floor. Radfoot then handed a canvas bag which he had been carrying beneath his arm to H armon, sayi ng : " 'You a re ery wet, Mr. Harmon, and I am quite dry u nder thi s good waterproof coat. Put o n these c lothes of m i ne . While you change, I ' l l h urry the hot coffee. ' " 195

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By the time Radfoot came back, Harmon had completed the change of clothes . He d rank the coffee that Radfoot passed him. I mmediately he became conscious of a strange feeling creeping over him, and real­ i zing that he had been drugged, he rushed at Radfoot. Harmon dropped Pre ently another man clown and lay help les on the floor ! entered, a11d eei ng Harmon' ali e in Radfoot' hands, at once attacked The next hing Harmon remembered was the dim him. ensation of a downward lide through ome o rt of a tube or inc line, after which he truck the river. In hi drugged condition, more dead than alive, he succeeded, after many futi le attempts, in reaching the <>hore. There the cold night air a n d the rai n restored him. Next da , a body u ppo ed to be that of John Harmon was found in the Thame . Not only were the clothes i dentical with those he had worn on shipboard, but al o everal papers were found up.o n the body Thi misfortune which eemed to complete the identification. gave the old executor, Mr. icodemu Boffin, grave C ':>ncern, and he forthwith offered a large reward for the apprehension of the murderer. Assuming the name o f John Rokesmith, Harmon deci ed to make the mo t of his much-advertised demi e. Accordingly, he 'o ught the home of R . Wilfer, the father of his prospective bride. There he made the acquaintance of the fami ly, and succeeded in renting some rooms in the house. " 'Pa,' sai d Miss Bella, when Rokesmith had gone to his room , 'we have got a mu rderer for a tenant. Between Mr. Rokesmith and me there is a natural antipathy and a deep distrust ; and something will come of it.' " 'My dear girl, ' an wered Mr. Wilfer, 'between Mr. Rokesmith and me there is a matter of eight sovereigns and something for supper shal� come of it, if you ' l l agree upon the article.' " *






Silas Wegg was a small man, with a wooden leg. "He was a knotty man, and coarse grained, with a face carved out of very hard material. that had j ust as much p lay of expression as a watchman's rattle. When he laughed certain jerks occurred in it and the rattle sprung. " E very day for some years he had taken up his stand at C avendish Square, with his meagre assortment of fruit and sweets, and his collec­ tion of half-penny bal lads that he offered for sale. On one windy morning \\egg was doing duty at his usual post, when he noticed "a broad, round-shouldered, one-si ded old fellow in mourni ng, c oming c om­ i cally amb l i ng toward the corner, drest in a pea overcoat and carryi ng a large stick. He was of an overlapping rhi noceros build, with folds i n h i s cheeks, a n d h i s forehead, a n d his eyelids, and h i s lips, a n d h i s ears ; but with bright, eager, chi l d i shly i nqu i ring gray eyes, under his ragged eyebrows and his broad-brimmed hat.'' " 'Morni ng, sir ! Morn ing ! Morning ! ' was his greeting. " 'Appears to be rather a 'arty old cock,' sai d Mr. Wegg. 'Good morning to yo u, sir.' 196

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(c or_ -13y��2ono1�.c u3) ..

" ' How d i d you get you r wooden leg '!' " ' I n an accident,' Mr. Wegg replied tartly to this personal i nquiry. " 'Did you ever hear of the name of Boffin ?' " ' No,' said M r . Wegg, growing restive, ' I never d i d hear of the name of Boffin.' " 'Do you like i t ?' " 'Why, no,' retorted Mr. Wegg, approachi ng desperation ; 'I can't say that I do.' " 'Why don't you like i t ?' " ' I don't know why I don't,' retorted Mr. Wegg, approaching frenzy, 'but I don't at a l l .' " 'Now I ' l l tel l you something thafll make you sorry for that, ' said the stranger, smi ling. 'My name's Boffin .' " ' I can't help i t ! ' returned Mr. Wegg. Implying in his manner the offensive addition, 'and if I could, I wouldn't.' " 'But there's . t i l l another chance for you, ' sai d M r. Boffin, stil l smi ling. ' D o y o u l ' ke the name of Nicodem u s ? Think i t over. Nick, or Noddy.' " 'It i s not, sir,' M r . Wegg rej oined, as he sat down upon his stool ; ' I t is not a name as I coul d wish any one that I had a respect for to call m e by ; but there may be persons that would not view i t with the same obj ections- I don't know why,' Mr. Wegg added, anticipating another question. " ' Noddy Boffin,' sai d that gentleman . 'Noddy. That's my name. Noddy-or Nick-Boffin . What's you r name ?' '' ' S i las Wegg.-I don't,' said Mr. Wegg, bestirring himself to take the same p recaution as before, 'I don't know why S i las, and I don't know why Wegg. ' " 'Now, Wegg,' said Mr. Boffin, hugging his stick c loser, 'I want to make a sort of offer to you .' " The old gentleman o utlined his plan to Wegg, who l istened with renewed interest. At length a happy compromise was reached ; Wegg, "a literary man with a wooden leg," as Boffin termed him, for two c rowns a week was to go to Boffin's house every n ight and read lite rary works to that estimable man. Thus was Boffin's craving for learning to be satisfied . ·







It so happened that Rokesmith, p resumably by chance but actually by design, met Mr. Boffin one day as he was walking along F leet street . A fter a few aimless remarks, he asked the old gentleman for a position as his secretary. The old fellow replied that he already had "a literary man with a wooden leg." On learning that Rokesmith was staying at the W i l fers', however, he asked him to call at his house within a week o r two. Mr. and Mrs. Boffin decided to take Bella W ilfer, the unmarried bride o f John Harmon, to l i ve with them. Accordingly this generous, 197

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(c 0LBY[W-it!§ 2o]o�cu=U After a kin d-hearted old couple went to see the Wi lfers. . prolonged conver ati on, arrangements were made whereby M iss Wi lfer shou ld live with the old people. " ' Bye-the-bye, ma'am ,' aid Mr. Boffin, turning back a he wa going, 'you have a lodger ?' " 'A gentleman,' M rs . Wilfer answered, 'undoubtedly occupies our fi r t floor.' " ' I may call him Our Mutual Friend,' aid Mr. Boffin. 'What sort of a fellow is Our Mutual Friend, now ? Do you l ike him ?' '' 'Mr. Rokesmith is very pu nctual, very quiet, and a very eligible i nmate.' " *






The Boffin� moved i nto a palatial re idence on Cavendish Square, leaving Wegg, the "l iterary man with a wooden leg,'' as caretaker of the old homestead, Harmony Jail. Boffin continued to make his trips to see Wegg, either at Il}Orning or n ight, when that worthy would read "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empi re" or some other ponderous work to him. Rokesmith, whom Mr. Boffin finally decided to engage as secretary, established an office for himself in the new house, although he sti l l retained his rooms at the Wilfers'. A shimmering coach, the latest acquisition of the Boffins, brought Miss Bella Wilfer to the Boffin man ion, where she became the l i fe of the new household. " 'An i nvaluable man is Rokesmith,' said Mr. Boffin to Bella, after some two or three months. 'But I can't quite make him out.' " Neither could Bella, so she found the subject rather interesting. " ' My dear,' sai d Mr. Boffin, 'he won't meet any company here but you . W hen we have visitors, I should wish him to have his regular p lace at the table l ike ourselves ; but no, he won't take it.' 'If he consi ders hi mself above it,' said M i ss Bella, with an a i ry toss of her head, 'I shou ld leave him alone.' " ' I t ain't that, my dear,' replied Mr. Boffin, thi nking i t over. 'He don't consider himself above it. He simply objects to everybody, bt:t you .' " 'Oho !' thought Bella. ' In-deed ! That's it, is it ? . . Rather cool in a secretary-and Pa's lodger-to make me the subj ect of his j ealousy.' " Yet it was not so very long ago that Bella had been fluttered by the discovery that this same secretary and lodger seemed to like her. Ah ! but the eminently aristocratic mansion had not come into p lay then. Soon after this incident, John Rokesmith p roposed to Bella, and was i ndignantly rejected by that young lady, who said that such an i dea was preposterous. About this time. Mr. Boffin, usually a kind and i ndulgent individual, began to change visibly. He u pbraided Rokesmith for alleged neglect of his d ut ies, urged him to be in constant attendance u pon his affairs, u


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and cautioned him to remember his station . This arraignment took place in M rs. Boffin's and Bella's presence. A fter Rokesmith had left the room, Mrs. Boffin remonstrated with her h usband i n Rokesmi th's beha lf, but to no avail . A s for Bella, she remained silent b u t thought that her benefactor had been a little too severe w ith the secretary. M r . Boffin changed i n other ways, too . A mania to learn all about misers seeemed ¡ to have possessed him. Whenever he came across a book pertain i ng to misers, he bought i t, and triumphantly carried it to Wegg, his " l iterary man w i th a wooden leg." Then he would l isten with rapt attention while Wegg perused page after page, book a fter book . . . . He i m parted some of his feelings to Wegg, who began to grow crafty, shifty, and avaricious, and was wont to p rowl around Harmony Jai l at odd hours of the n i ght, searching for i maginary treasures . Boffin's inclination to find faults with Rokesmith increased, his i nsolent remarks became more and more frequent, until at last h i s actions culminated i n t h e d ischarge of Rokesmith. " ' I have borne,' sai d the secretary, i n a low voice, 'with m y false position here, that I m i ght not be separated from M i ss Wilier. To be near her has been a recompense to me from day to day, even for the undeserved treatment I have had here, and for the degraded aspect in which she ha often seen me. Since M iss Wilier rej ected me, I have never again u rged my suit, to the best of m y belief, with a spoken syllable, or a look. B u t I have never changed in m y devotion to her, except--if she w i l l forgive my saying so-that it is deeper than it was, and better founded.' " M r . Boffin seemed i ncensed, and declare d that M iss Wilier was looking for a "match for money, and not affections and hearts and lies." Bella . at this, denounced the Golden D u stma n a s a heartless old wretch, begged R okesmith's forgiveness, and declared that she was going to return to her parents. ¡







It was i nevitable that John Rokesmith and Bella should marry : and �o they marri ed, and settled down i n a delightfu l l ittle cottage i n Black heath . " ' W o u l d y o u like to be rich, pet ?' asked John coaxingly of Bella o n e n ight. " 'Rich, John ! How can you ask such a questio n ?' " 'Do you regret anythi ng, m y love ?' " ' Regret anythi ng ? No !' Bella confidently answered . But then, suddenly changing, she said : 'Oh, yes, I do, though . I regret Mrs. Boffin.' " ' I , too, regret that separation very much. B u t perhaps it i s only temporary. Perhaps things may so fal l out, as that you may sometimes see her agai n .' " *






"The win ds and tides rose and fell a certai n n umber of times, the earth moved round the sun a certain n umber of times, the ship upon 199

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(c OLBYW-it!fi2o] ot�cL13) the ocean made her voyage safely, and brought a baby-Bella home. Then who was so ble t and happy a Mrs. John Rokesmith, savi ng and excepting Mr. John Roke miih ! " 'Wou ld you not like to be rich, n o w , darli ng ?' " ' How can you ask me such a question, John, dear ? Am I not rich ?' " Some two or three months later, John brought the startling news to Bella that he was suspected of the mu rder of John Harmon . " 'But, John , you cannot be uspected !' " ' Dear love, I can be-for I am .' " 'How dare the:v ?' cried Bella in a bu rst of generou indignation . " 'E ven knowing this, you can tru t me, Bella ?' asked John. " 'I can tru t you , John, dear. with all my oul. I f I could no t trust you , I shou ld fall dead at you r feet.' " Being identified by the master an d mate of the ship that he had taken passage to E ngland on, John was cleared of the murder charge, much to Bella's mystification. " 'And now,' said John, 'we must mo' e to London. There's a dwelling house, rent-free, attached to my new position, and we must occupy it.' " Imagi ne Bella's surprise next day, when the coach in which she and her husband were riding stopped before Mr. Boffin's house ! John caught her up in h is arms and dashed into the house with her. " Behold Mr. and Mrs. Boffin beaming ! Behold M rs. Boffin clapping her hands i n an ecstacy, running to Bella with tears i n her eyes, and folding her to her breast with the words : ' My deary, deary, deary, wife of John, and mother of his little child ! Welcome to your house and home, my dear !' " Explanations fol lowed for Bella, who was quite taken back and bewildered by the whole proceeding. Mrs. Boffin told Bella that John Harmon had not been drowned at all ; that she had recognized Rokesmith as Harmon at the start ; and that the three of them ( the Boffins and John ) had agreed to Mr. Boffin's plan of persecution to find out whether Bella really cared for John . The happy reunion had been re:ilized at last. John Harmon had fu l­ filled the terms of the will, and come into his estate. That kindly old couple, the Boffins, were enjoying the happiest period of their l i ves. ·







But Silas Wegg had made an important discovery at Harmony Jail . He had found a w i l l , dated after the one which was on record, b y which Harmon's entire p roperty was left to the C rown . H i s shrewd mind at once concei ved the scheme of making Mr. Boffin pay a large sum of money for the paper. Accordi ngly, he p resented himself at the Boffin mansion. There he demanded an enormous sum of money from Boffin, if he would have the will. John Harmon appeared u pon the scene. " 'Do you know what this paper is ?' asked �Tegg, sneering.

200 Centennial Number

" ' Yes, ' replied Harmon. ' I t i s a will of more recent date than the one p roved by Mr. Boffin.' " ' R i gh t you are ! ' cried Wegg. 'Then what's the paper worth ?' " 'Nothing, ' sai d Harmo n . " Wegg repeated t h e w o r d with a sneer, when, to his boundless amaze­ ment, H armon angri ly grabbed him by the collar and shook him until his teeth chattered . " 'You scoundrel !' cried Harmon . ' I 'd give a thousand pounds for permission to knock you r brains out ! U nfortunately for you, Wegg, Mr. B offin has possession o f the latest of the many w i lls made by my u nhappy, self-tormenti ng father. That w i ll gives everythi ng absolutely to my noble benefactor, and,-Mr. Boffin. . . . I tried to make M r . B o ffi n have t h e w i l l legally established, b u t he ¡would do so o n l y o n one condi tion. And that condition was that I accept all the p roperty as it was left me i n the original will. This thing has been done, without you r knowle dge. Con equently, Wegg, the paper that you hold i n you r hand i s worthless. Novv, sir, you can be gone !' " Without more ado, Wegg, the " l iterary man with a wooden leg, " hastily stumped out of the house. That n ight, John H armon sat musi ng before the fi replace with his wife and child, while the Boffins looked contentedly on. Peace had come at last to the Harmon home. R AY M O N D H. SPINNEY, '2 1 .

201 Centennial Nu?n ber


1 853 1 858 1 858 1 860 1861 1 862 1 862 1 863 1 863 1 863 1 864 1 866 1 867 1 868 1 869 1870 1 878 1 880 1883 1890 1 89 1 1 895 1 895 1897 1901 1901 1905 1908 1910 1911 1914 1 9 14 1915 ] 916 1 918

Necro logy, 1 9 1 9- 1 920 Name


ROBERT fOLGER STRATTO N , M.D. . February 8, 1 9 1 8 EVERETT WILSON PATTISON , L L . D . November 14, 1 9 1 9 No,·ember 20, 1 9 1 7 REV. HORACE BARROWS MARS HALL WILLIAM PITT OAKES February 1, 1 9 1 3 RANDALL E LVIN JONES June 22, 1 9 14 JO H N FRANCIS L ISCOMB February 8, 1 920 ASA LYMAN LANE March 1 6, 1 920 A M BROSE SAWTELLE March 4, 1 9 1 1 THO MAS BENTO N PULSIFER, M . D . December 1 , 1 9 12 August 15, 1 9 1 9 FREDERICK A UGUSTUS M ETCALF MOSES WILLIAM YOUNG March 9, 1 9 1 2 REV. FRANCIS WALES BAKEMAN, D . D . June 28, 1 9 1 9 ORLANDO WILBUR S HELDO N March 4, 1 9 1 5 March 22, 1 9 1 5 C HARLES BEMIS BENSON GILMAN C LARK FISHER September 25, 1 9 1 9 H ENRY WEBSTER FOLLETT 1915 REV. FRAN KLIN JO H N JONES October 1 9 , 1 9 1 9 C ARL CLI NTON KING A ugust 10, 1 9 1 9 H E N RY WALDEN HARRUB December 1 1 , 1 9 1 9 A ugust 1 7 , 1 9 1 9 REV. FRAN K A LBERT GILM01 E ARCHIBALD MITC H ELL DICK October 31, 1 9 1 8 February 27, 1 9 1 6 E I M ER CLAYTON ATWOOD WALTER NOBLE J u ly 18, 1 9 1 9 M ISS MART HA D UNLAP TRACY February 12, 1 9 1 9 September 10, 1 9 1 9 MRS. DELIA H ISCOCK H EDMAN HORACE NEWEN HAM Apri l 29, 1 9 1 9 REV. H ARRY S HERMAN RYDER January 13, 1 9 1 9 EDWARD P AYSON PUTNAM 1918 January 18, 1 92 0 HAROLD JOSIAH C ROSBY JAMES PERRY February 2, 1 920 FREDERICK D ANIEL DEASY September 1 9 , 1 9 1 8 March 4 , 1920 L INVILLE FRANCIS W H I T M ORE September 1 0 , 1 9 1 8 ARC HIE COLBY HODGDON A ugust 3, 1 9 1 8 HAROLD BURTON TAFT December 19, 1 9 1 9 NATHAN WARREN GRANT A S HE R CROSBY H INDS, LL.D. May 1 , 1 9 1 9 2 02 Centennial Number

QJI1e i,Etfect of Jrexy '!i <tieutettttial �peer� The applause that fol lowed Prexy' Centenn ial speech was long, loud and lusty. The clock in the chapel tower c lapped i ts hands. A the din ascended the chapel stairs the dying gladiator sprang to his feet, And the lion of Lucerne roared hi approval . Cards in the i ndex files changed p laces rapi dly, Whi le hangi ng lamp after chandelier crashed to the floor, Stripping yard after yard of ceiling on the already two ( too) d usty books. Scarcely a window pane was left intact, while the mortgage lifted slightly. Across the campus reverberated the vibrations. I n Chemical Hall benches warped, bureaus buckled and test tubes tinkled. In Shannon Laboratory at a yet further di stance, scales and balances were rendered useless. On the athletic field the grand stand collapsed ( good for the grand tand ! ) Back i n the chapel the Colby Track Team ( E ddie N i les ) turned pale. Professor Trefethen, rej uvenated at the age of eighty, Lightly pole vau lted over the pulpit and assumed control of the situation ; While Professor Grover, heretofore manifesting a personality of minus zero, Jumped to the platform and became a modern Demosthenes. P rofessor Ashcraft shrank to the fourth dimension. A t this point " Pop" Greeley, the Oakland grain magnet, Sprang to his feet and, wildly waving a fifty thousand dollar bank note, Roared, "What care I for money ?" This was too much for Prex. With an i tching palm extended towards Oakland the good man collapsed. "GOOM PY" TWICHELL. H ea1·d i n A di a nced Public Speaking.

Bell : "Very often you hear l ike and love used i ncorrectly." Dr. L ibby : "Yes, it would be well for you to learn that distinction at once." O v erh eard o n the Campus B efo re the Co lb y-Bo wdoin Gam e .

"Are you goi ng down to Bru nswick to-morrow, Stanley ?" Stanley B .-"No, I am physically u nfit. The doctor told me my consti­ tution was all run down. Last summer I played too hard." Shibles, discussing the p roposition that the Fraternities at Colby should not pledge men before the Thanksgiving Vacation : "Think of what a mess i t wou l d be at Colby i f all the ministers got together and if all the athletes got into the same fraternity." From P rofessor B1·own's article in the Col b y A lu m n us.

"Do you believe that red ants keep cows and milk them ? to-no-it boys do."

A l l Want­

204 Cen t ennial Number

H A M LE T : To fl u n k or not to flunk, that is the question . Whether 'tis nobler in the quiz to suffe r T h e hardness o f pro fessor's questions O r to take arms against this sea of pedants, And by opposing leave schoo l "! To flunk, to crib ; No more ; for by a crib to say we end The heart-ache and the E ' s and F's for marks That we are heir to ; 'tis a consummation D evoutly to be feared . To fai l ; to fl u nk ; To fl u nk ; perchance to leave ; ay, there's the rub. For seeing P rex, ¡what words may come When we have failed to pass this awful quiz M ust give u s pause ; there's the respect That makes calamity of so long l i fe. Fo who wou l d bear the whips of Prexy's tongue, The questioning of Doctor E xcuse L ittle, The b lackened braids of C aptain Weber's coat, The postponed quizzes o f Macdonald's c lass, When he himself might his expulsion make With a few F's ? Who would mid-years bear To grunt and sweat u nder a weary l i fe ? Thus midyears doth make cowards of us all. A dieu ! JOHN w. B RU S H AND NEI L F. LEONARD

w i th apologies to Willie Shakespeare.

ijeath in arQemintry Hersum : " Doc Parmenter can't go fishing i n my boat." Parmenter : " H ow's that, H ers u m ?" Hersum : "Your line is too strong." Parmenter : "Well, Hersum, I always manage to catch quite a few 3Uckers." S ul livan : "I love the grass b u t .I love the lawn more ( lawn mower ) ." Pooler : " H ey there !

Bow my tie ! "

Public Speaking 5 a n d 6 .

Tschamler : "Lovej oy was riddled with fi v e b ullets a n d o n the next day he would have been 3 5 . " J. Bill i n Pol . Sci. :-

" I n this coun try they don't keep any accu rate account of the b i rth rate or death rate. Now pausing to speak parenthetically, when war was declare d I was anxious to get Stanley's birth certificate. A-h-e-m ! So I went down to my old home i n Baltimore and fou n d no record of the fact. A-h-e-m ! I then went to the family doctor who attended Stanley and h e fi x e d me u p . I t h e n took t h e cert i ficate d o w n and h a d i t recorded. A -h-e-m ! and that took p lace 1 8 years after the EVE N T . " 205 Centennial Number

Children, behold the chimpanzee ; He sits in the ancestral t ree, From which he sprang in ages gone. I 'm glad we sprang ; had we held on We might for aught that I can ay, Be horrid chimpanzees to-day. A NONYMOUS.

You sing a l ittle song or two, And have a little chat ; You make a little candy fudge, And then you take your hat ; Yon hold her hand and say goodnight, As sweetly as you can ; Ai n't that a h- of an eveni ng For a great big healthy man ? On Fri day, the thi rteenth, as Prex sauntered into the chapel he¡ was whistling lustily, " H ow dry I am." Professor Libby i n the Freshman Rhetoric C lass was having busi ness letters read. " Howard, read yours." "Yes, sir." Dear Professor Libby : You lectured recently in my town and the people en­ j oyed you r lecture very much. Inclosed find eight cents for which p lease send me one dozen of you r books on public speaking. You r friend, HOWARD. We wonder what Howard got in the course ? Beware of Prex when he sings " Nearer, My God, to Thee." We wish that someone would publish a list of Prex's favorite songs. Some of them are : "Nearer, My God, to Thee." "Till We Meet Again." "Annie Lau rie." "How D ry I Am." "Yankee Doodle." J . Bill i n the history c lass.

"The dates in this book aren't the only dates to remember." " Yes, we agree with you, Doctor Black."

206 Centennial Num ber

Prof. Macdonald, lecturing on monopoly : "The French government are the only match-makers in France. " Prof. Weber, discussing the i llumination o f the Ark : " Wa electricity, or candles, or-" Gale ( i n stage whispe r ) : " Must have been an arc-light . "

it gas, o r

iijearh itt ltf 0 1rn i;all 1.Ilining illoom Fossi li te-"M r . B-- is certainly a fine chap . " Another-"Yes, Colby would b e a c leaner college i f there we_re more B rushes here . " Fossil i te-"Yes, I think i f we had more pie here w e ' d be more p i-ous. " W e wonder ! ·

· M iss G-"Yes, since I 've been to the convention, I 've become more c onventi onal." ·

B ri ght retort-"People who make puns should be punished . "

1,Egoti!im (witq a rapital 1,E) Prof. Weber, t o h i s "Advanced A dvance Rhetoric C lass" : " B y all means carry a note book, i n which you can j ot down i deas, good similes, and the l ike. All great wri ters have carried note books. I always carry one myself." P rof. Weber- " Here's a faulty metaphor : ' Poe was ve ted, meaning c lothed, with the spark of genius.' " . Sotto voice-"! should thin k he would have burned u p . " Prof. Weber ( to M i�s S , criticising h e r article ) -"Avoid simi lar­ i ty of sou nds ; yes, avoid slopped-over, s lovenly, slack sentences . " --

D e a n H olmes, accustomed t o resting during certain hou rs i n t h e after­ noon, p i ns a sign upon her door, "PEASE DO NOT K N O C K, " "PLEASE D O NOT D I STURB," etc .· One afternoon, on passi ng her door, someone noticed a sign which said " E N G A G E D " ! The temptation p roved too great and when the dean removed the sign several hou rs later, she found written a t the bottom, ' ' C ongratulations."

New Ill a er for lhdatth!i D r . Little, in Geology : "This type of c l imate i s characteristic of tro p i ­ cal islands surrounded by water." 207

· Cente'nnial Num b e r

Fossilite, in Pie A l ley uite, while munching a few remaining peanuts, says : " 1 am glad I have temptations, for then I know I have something the devi l wants." Spiteful l istener, who arrived too late to get any of sai d peanuts : "Well, he wouldn't get it if it were anything to eat." ·

Misses G and D , who have appeared late at their eight o'clock two morni ngs in succession are accosted by Dr. Little with : "Two mornings running !" They 1·an all right, a s thei r observers on the campus can verify. --


Miss P--, having failen asleep in Philosophy class, exclaims angrily, when accused of this : "Well, 1 don't see why I can't go to sleep without the whole college knowing it." Miss F

, at dinner, explai ning to another Freshman about the


"Echoes " :

''Yes, the Echo is published weekly-weakly, all right ; mine never comes until two days after it's supposed to." Capt. Weber, to Miss P--, a dreamy, absent-mi nded member of the women's division : "I shall not remind you again that if you are not here when the bell stops ringing, I shall hand i n your name to the excuse officer. H ave you any excuse ?" : " Well, how could I come if nobody called for me ?" M iss P --

A Fossi l i te, having j ust heard a lecturer u pon foreign missions, enters the library, where Miss D-- ( who is engaged, although this is not gener­ ally known ) i s readi ng his letter, and exclaims : " Isn't he j ust great and don't you j ust love him ?" ( meani ng the mis­ s ionary ) . M iss D-"Yes, I do, and we are to be married right after Commence­ ment." And so explanations fol lowed, and now the engagement is known. Prof. Wells, lecturing : "Thales had a sense of humor. married." Viva Thales !

He never

208 Centennial Number

P rofes s o r Macdonald in Eco n .

" I f Foss Hall is what i t's cracked up t o be, Queen E li zabeth never ate a breakfast like what they eat there . " J. Bill i n P o l . S c i . , speaking o n the enforcement of t h e Prohibition law i n Maine. "I have several times walked i nto a bar-by mistake. It sounds k i n d of fishy. I w e n t i n for somethi ng else . "

"Dizz" H a J 'd t o Prnfesso 1 · Pm· m e n t e r, i n Chemis t r y .

Ward : "Why did you get two volumes of water when you had two volumes of hyd rogen a nd one of oxygen ?" Dr. Parmenter : " " Why are you not a Chinaman ?" Prof. White, lectu ring in Art I ,-"And now we have King Thutmose, hal f-brother and wife of Queen H atshepsut." M i ss D--, i n Shakespeare quiz which had taken the class by surpri se, answered the fol lowing quotation, "who bears the burden of a guilty con­ science ?" th us : "I do . " It i s evident that Prof. Weber's i dea o f the marvelou s power of Shakesepeare to hold his readers' attention i s n.Jt shared by all the class.

�lim Qlqance Prof. Grover, to student i n Physics : "You've got about as much o f a chance to do this experiment with these calculations as a snow ball has in h ." --

What p ro fessor says "ta-own , " "pa-own d , " "ra-ownd, " etc. ? answer at once !

Don't all

Thi ngs we've noticed : Jay Bill remove his glasses twenty-seven time. d u ring an hour lecture.

209 C e n tennial NU?n b er


«ralett�ar 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.


1 0. 11.


13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.



22. 23. 24.

25. 26.

27. 2 8. 29 .

30. 31. 1.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.



1 5. 16. 17. 18. 19.

20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

College reopen s after Ch ristmas recess. E verybody studies. N obody studies. Everybody sleeps. Nobody sleeps. " Bl oody Monday Night . " Phi C h i holds forth. Aroostookrats h ave snowshoe party. No chem. lab. F irst fraternity meeting·s of the new year. Thermometer drops. A l so considerable snow. Prof. Nelson speak s i n ch apel . H a l f holiday. W hy ? $aturday ! Again \Ve sleep. " Pres. Roberts goes on a short business trip." H CL experiment i n F rt>shman chemistry. Phi Mus entertain F reshmen ( F ) . Sophomore class elects officers. Rev. Mr. Knickerbocker speaks in c hapel. Dekes a nnual i nitiation. Maine I. A. A meeting at E lmwood. V �spcr service in c h apel. F irst rehearsal of M a n dolin Club. Athletic Association drive on. D r . Pa rmenter gives quiz i n ch emistry. C rawford Adams gives concert i n ch apel. Service men gradually quit u niform s and a ppear i n "cits." Colby h a s more delegates t h a n any other M aine college at Conununity E fficiency Conference, A ugusta. Church ! Dr. Watters speaks in B i ol ogical Lab. Chi Gams eat, drink, an d make merry at M ary Lowe H a l l . Wednesday. Study i n afternoon ( '? ) ! Y. W. C. A. gives a tea at Foss H al l . A g a i n a q u i z i n chemistry. We l i k e 'em, " Doc." Athletic A ssociation dance at Assembly Hall. The morn ing after ! F ai r and warmer. ( Th e weather-not the comedy. ) A. T. 0. i n formal dance. Foss Hall deserted ; co-ords al1 at H a i nes. Zete and D . U . j oi n t smoker, at Zete house. Echo a ppears. A n n ual in itiation by Sigma Kappa. Church -- or sleep. Rehearsal m usical clubs. C h i Garn picture taken . I n gleston lectures on "gas masks" in elementary chemistry. M ystics elect. B azaar at F oss H al 1 for benefit Y. W . C . A. President and Mrs. Roberts entertain faculty members and their wives. Druids elect. H onor students announced i n c hapel . M y stic picture taken. " Eccy" M acdonald speaks at " Y " meeti ng. Quizzes ! Nuf ced. D r . Libby gives cut i n debating ! ! ! Public debate i n c hapel. A . T . 0 . banquet a t Elmwood. F irst d ance at gym. Some snow storm. Sunday. Services i n chapel . M urray prel iminaries held. 211

C e n t e nnial Nurn ber


25. 26.

27. 28. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9.

10. 1 1.

12. 13.




15. 16. 1 7.


25. 2 6. 30.


24. 25. 26. 27.

1 8.

19. 20. 21. 22. 23 . 24.

3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11.

12. 13. 14.


16. 1 7. 18.


20. 21.



Y. M . C. A. h olds an open foru m.

Foss Hall enterta ins at tea. Quiz in debating. Thank y u, Dr. Libby. Ditto. Again, thank s . "Jay Bill" speaks in chapel. Phi Mu banquet . Very warm. Rev. Dr. Terentine speak s in chapel. " Baggy" Allen engaged as coach . Rain. No place to go, except movies. Phi Delts defeat Zetes in bowling-. � M acdonald speaks in chapel . Dr. Little in chapel. Junior girls' dance at gym. Snow ; rain. "Dutchy" i J ! u strates "ie" and "ei" in German classes. "Betty" Whipple entertains Sigmas and A. T. O.'s at Burleigh street. All attend fraternity meetings. 1 G22 n u meral on gym. Sounds of carnage at night. Seniors mediate, anrl effect settlement. umerals gone from gym . Peace reigns. " Rosebud" Roberts holds his la t Rhetoric class. Alpha Delta Pi banq uet. Prexy speaks. on "The League of Nations" at K . P. Hall. " The Lute" succeeds " Rosebud" in R hetoric. A las for Foss Hall ! Final trials in M u rrays. "The Goats" chew over va rious subjects. Ph i Delts win bowling cup. Mme . Brenard speaks in chapel, in evening. Chi Omega banquet at Elmwood. Another dance at gym. A rainy Sunday. "The Lute" fails to "fall in" when "assembly" sounds, and Rhetoric 5, 6 gets a cut. Prof. "Weber addresses Y . M . C. A . College closes. Easter recess. ( Vacation . ) Prexy speaks on "League of Nat ions" at Portsmouth. College opens. Gen. E dwards speaks in chapel. Quiz i n German. Junior Promenade. Promenaders sleep. Beaucoup de cuts. Still " Prom. talk. " Partial resuming o f normal work . Very partial still . F irst symptoms of spring fever appear. Drummer passes out "Velvet" F R E E at Men's chapel. F oss Hall Literary Society meets. Press Club reorganizes. Messalonskee ; canoeing. I wonder ( ?) ! Good weather for studying-natu re. Senior Class D ay parts conferred. Snow ; rain ; haii. Zete ball team pl ays the Cadillacs. H onor students for first semester announced. Colby 6 , Maine 3 . Good start ! Easter. Everyone goes to church. Musical clubs leave for "somewhere in Aroostook." Ball team leaves for M assachusetts. H a rvard 6, Colby O . Early bather ( u nintentionally) finds Messalon­ skee i s still cold-and wet. Rain. Tufts game called off, with Colby 2 , Tufts 1. Rhode I sland State ·VS. Colby. We lost. D ance at gym . Several Colby naturali sts abroad today. Sunday.

212 Centennial Num ber



28. 29. 30. 1. 2.


4. 6.

7. 8. 9. 10.

1 1. 1 2. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 1 . 1 9. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.

28. 2 9.


31. 1. 2. 3. .! .

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.




24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 1.


Tanks ( the armored kind ) arrive i n H,Oville. Men's Glee Club Concert at Opera H ouse. Tanks perform on campus. Rehearsals of H allowel l s on. Several Colby girls partici pate i n the "Runaways" at Opera House. Colby 6 , Bowdoin 4 . A t Brunswick. Rainy Sunday. Just like "A Rainy Sunday i n a Country I nn . " Stereopticon lecture on i rorthfield i n Chemical H a l l . " Parmie" spTings a nother quiz in chemi stry. U. B. pedormance on F oss Hal l lawn. Lyford contest in chapel. Bates and Colby cross bat . Never mind who won ! fother's Day. Wear a pink. Vespers in chapel. H allowell S peaking Contest. C hapel full of oratory. Annual i nitiation of Mystics. M aine vs. Colby. Girls' Glee Club Concert. Donation of $40 to E ndo\•,r ment Fund. Colby 9, R hode Isl and State 3 . Miranda speaks to Spanish class, on "Cuba." Sunday. H ail storm. Senior di nner at Foss Hall. Weber gives cut in Rhetoric 5, 6. Canoeing. F raternity meetings. Dr. Libby talks on "Who Are the Leaders ? " in Public S peaking. Dr. Parmenter gives a cut in chemistry ! Maine vs. Colby. D ance at A ssembly H a l l . Sunday. Rainy-as usual. M urray Prize Debate. Chi Garn banquet. Captain Wilson, over-seas officer, speaks i n Y. 1\1 . C . A . H o l y Cross v s . Colby. Boston College vs. Colby. Kappa Alphas h ave feed. Memorial Day. Colby 5, M ass. Agric. College 1 . Ivy Day. Senior women present "The Tempest." Brown 4 , Colby O. Sunday. Nature call s ! Last fratern ity meeti ng of the year held by maj ority of "frats . " K a ppa A l p h a initiation . Ver; warm-the weather. Very hot ! Registration day. Fine:] exam. begin. Finals i n full swing. Finals and h ot weather continue. Sunday. Cool ; fi ne da . E verybody rushes to church. M ore finals. D i tto. Keep u p your courage ! F i nal da) of finals. " H oo-ray ! " Junior Exhibition a t B aptist Church. J u nior Cl as D ay. President's Reception. Senior Hop. Senior Class Day. Alumni Lunch. F raternity Reunions. "The Tempest" repeated. S h ower in mo1·ning. l so B accal aureate Sermon at Baptist Church . Gradu ation E xerci ses at F irst Baptist Church. Diplomas awarded. Nearly e eryone leave for home. A nother year fi nished ! Campus a live with returning students. Registration Day. 247 n1en ; 1 6 women . . Classes start. Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. receptions to F reshmen. Long assignments i n order, "to start the year right." Sunday. E verybody goes to church. " Bloody Monday ight. ' N uf cecl ! Everybody out for track ! A busy d ay-as usual. Fi rst fraternity meetings. 213

C e n t e u n ial Num ber



2. 3. 4.


6. 7.

8. 9. 10.

11. 12. 13. 1 4.

15 . 16. 1 7. 1 . 1 9. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7.

8. 9.

10. 11. 12. 1 ,, .L i> .

14. 1 5. 16. 17. 18.


20. 21.

22. 23. 24.


Wonderful display Aurora Boreal is in evening. Track. Pie at Fo s Hall di nner. Really l Colby 99, Fort Williams 0 . A rainy Sunday. A rainy Monday. TTack hounds sti ll out. Great l ack of sugar at Foss Hall. " S ucre bleu ! " Echo mak s its fi rst appearance. Chi Garn devour beef teak at Power House. H CL ! ! " Mohammedans proclaim Pres. Wilson a prophet."- ews dispatc h . Al l member of t h e faith answer " Here." H a rvard wh itewashes Colby. Sunday. Sophomore class elects officers. Dr. Black lectures at Fos Hall. Prof. elson leads Women's chapel. Senior class elects. Dramatic luh elects officers. Bates and Colby play a tie game. Church. Football ral l y at ch apel . A day of int�1 ive tudy. Very rare. Ech oes fail to material ize. The "college weekly" finally puts in i ts appearance. Football rally in chapel. Bowdoin and Colby ch ase the pig k i n. Dr. Black delivers another lecture at Foss Hall. Lieut.-Col. Towne addresses men at chapel. Rainy day. F resh man- Sophomore ball game. Grape rush . Anticipation of M aine game. Colby Day. Open hou e at Foss Hall. Senior wcmen present "Taming of the Shrew" in evening. Big rally at gym : " P rexy," Judge Cornish, Coach Ervin, "M ike" Ryan, Capt. Bucknam speak. Maine blanks Colby. Gloom. Grouches in style, after yesterday's "event." No one cuts ; professors surprised. "Beaucoup cuts" ; profe>:sors realize cond itions are normal aga in. First of the "snow, snow, beautiful snow" arrives. Three inches. All set for the cross-country meet, tomorrow. M. I. A. A. cross-country run over Colby course. M a ine wins. Holy Cross and Colby meet on the gridiron. Prayer offered for football team. Sonie fraternities hold outside initiations. Armistice Day. Holiday. Quizzes to m.akP u p for holiday. Football team departs for battle with the navy. Y. W. C. A . lecture on South America. Naval Academy-Colby. It is "verboten" to give the result-every­ body know it. Sunday. Monday morning cuts are in order. The wind she blew a hurricane ! By-'n '-by she blew some more ! Avalan che 0f quizzes. Deke initiation and banquet. "Where would Robinson C rusoe go with F riday on Saturday nigh t ? " Sunday. Prexy dines at F o s 5 H all. Colonel F rench, Colby, '8 1 , takes everyone but the Freshmen through Yellowstone National Park. Freshmen return from Skowhegan. Colonel French lectures on the Klondike. 214

Centennial Number


26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 1. 2. 3.




5. 6.


7. 8.




10. 11. 12.


13. 14. 15.




17. 18. 19.

Coll ege closes at noon. Visions of turkey ! Visions realized. F oss H all entertains. Lambda C h i Al pha house party. A l p h a Taus h ol d an i nformal dance at the A. T. 0. h ouse. Sunday. " Sleep . . . belov'd from pole to pole." Classes resumed again after Thanksgiving recess ; lots of double cuts. " S pike" Farnum enlists in the Army. Fellows prepare to e nl i st hould war break out with Mexico ; feature topic on the campus. ' ' M ike" Ryan talks i n chapel with relation to athletic outlook for the season. Delta U psilon d ance at Elks H all. All agree it was a big success. Alpha Tau Omega holds its i nitiation banquet at the E lmwood. Some old timer back. S nowed h a rd all day. Few slept through church . Public debate in the chapel . Resolved, That German should be dropped from the curriculum of Colby. " Dutchy" in attendance. Rev. Mr. Knickerbocker speak i n chapel. " Angelic qualities of mankind." K nickerbocker g-ives another short, snappy talk in chapel. M eeting i n chapel to form the Echo Publishing Association. Lambda C h i Alphas h ave banquet at E lmwood. P i Delta P h i s h ave whist party. Big time i n gym ; boxi ng, basketball , etc. Large attendance at church because of snow storm. Another public debate i n chapel. Resolved, That courses a t Colby should be reduced from four to three years. F reshmen below i n their courses get "blowing u p " from " Prex" after cha pel. A . T . O . 's h ave a big Chri stmas tree. " M oose" Cook enter1fains. All anxious to get home for vacation. Not much studying done. Fi nal break-up and cornplete demoralization of both divisions. S tation platform piled h igh w ith bags and trunks.


C e n t e n nial Nurn b e r

e v e r-


F te r wd.rcl .



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D E P E N DA B L E F U R N I S H I N G S FO R STU D E N TS ' N E E D S Desks, Tabl es, C h a i rs, Couch es, R ugs, D raperies, Beds, Mattresses and Bed d i ng.

( We O perate Twenty Stores in New England)

ATHER TON FUR NITURE CO. 2 1 M a i n Street





Opposite The Campus

Colby M emorabilias Pennants and Seals Agents for Conklin, Moore and Waterman Fountain Pens





1 30 Main Street, WATERVILLE, ME. 218

(co LBY1/9SttiJ20] 0FJ5\..CLE) H.







Presi dent

Wadsworth & Woodman Co. M AN U FACTURERS O F


�� �



Boothby & Bartlett Company A GEN TS


176 M ain Street





Fin e Chocol ates a n d Home-M ade Ca ndies

1 1 3 Main Street



Est a bl i sh ed 1 8 1 4

We Pay 4% in Savings Department

Redington & Co.


ELMWOOD HOTEL FURNITURE Managed by College Men Caters to College Men











Victrolas and Victor Records

W AT E R V I L L E , M A I N E


Harmon's Electric Cale


Park Square Lunch


Dairy Lunch and

AU Under Same Manal1,ement

The Most Up-to-Date Restaurants i n Central M aine



1 1 t o 9, Mon., Tues . . Wed., Thurs., Fri. 11 to 10.30, Saturday 1 I to 10.00, S u nday





64 Temple Street Waterville

ME. 223

(c oL -I3Y VPS�2o]o�cu�) ...


,,,.,.. For over Fifty Years this store had the patronage of the college. That should be a rgu m e n t enough.

1 1 8 Main Street

Telephone 5 8 - M










Come i n and consult w i t h us, no matter h ow trivial the job



Prop r i e tors

J O S E PH FRANCIS M. JOSEPH, Colby, 1 9 0 1

In Basement, Savings Bank Building Tel .




l"J·fowar� - w�s.son - a:o. (.t: o l l e. g e. "'1E n g r a v H .s o f :rt e. w "'1E n g l a n � W o r c � .s t � r , .It m a .s .s a c � u .s � t t s



l.C n�xcdl¢� ¢ngrn\1lngs for (t la.s.s �ooks an� o t�u a:'. o l l�g� 1.l ub licatlons


2 S i l v e r St r e e t




1 06-W


THE SPEAR FOLKS Ice Cream and Soda Home - M a d e Cand i es

Assorted Chocola tes

Our Specialty

Assorted Cand i es OUR MOTTO :

"A lways The Most and The Best for The Money " 1 22 M a in Street WESTB R O O K





r·. -o--� ;i ' i i i � ' i i i ! ' i i






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, _ _ ,_, _ _ _ _ _ .. _,_, _ _ _ _ _ _, , _ _, ____ _ _. . _




Colby Supply Store W. E. B u rgess

M. I.




you w a n t a smart s u i t , a sty l i s h c o a t , o r a n attractive dress,


call at


Sugar a Specialty


A l l k i n ds of F a n c y a n d Retail Groceries.


C a n n ed Goods, Flour, G ra i n , Garden and F i e l d Seeds.


you w a n t styl i s h , w e l l -tai l ored suits or top coats,

, House and Garden P l a nts

in May a n d J u n e .

seP. u s .

O rd e r s Taken for COAL and WOOD Club orders p1·011 1. p t l u filled

Cash or Credit

Telephone 2 1 9

1 8 MAI N







Cash or Credit



You me et people you k n o w Yo u f i n d good t h i n gs to eat You hear the best of mu sic You may dance or watch dan c i n g

The Brunswick Boylston Street at Copley S q uare

Afternoon Tea D a i l y from 4 to C o n t i n u o u s Danc i n g from


6 to

1 2 .30




HOll l"S :

1 anagi n g D i rector

to 12, 1 to 5



Barber Shop WHERE




' 'FRAT"

it. {lporbou IL i!jatfielb MEN GO



29 M a i n Stree t , Peavy Block Savings Bank Bldg.,

1 73 Main St.




S. A . and A. B. GREEN COM PANY C OA L a n d W O O D WATERV I L L E , M A I N E OFFICES: 151 Water Street 58 Temple Street 56 College Avenue

0. J . P E L L E TI E R E . L. C RAIG E. L. G OV E . P R OCTOR & B O Y L E

W i nslow


Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishings Everyt h i n g in th ese l i n es that i s up-to-date and righ t,


you w i l l find h ere i n good assortment.





WA LKER CL O T H I N G C o . Up-to-Date Clothiers and Furnishers to Men and Boys


46 Main Street

"SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" We have everyth i n g to be fou n d in any up-to-date florist shop. No order too large, n o order too small for our careful attention. Through our telegraph i c con nections we cover the whole cou n try and deliver flowers anywhere promptly. You get quality and q u i c k service

FROM MITCHELL'S FLOWER STORE M i t c h e l l ' s Flower Store, 1 44 M a i n Street, Watervi lle, M aine




• •> .-.o--.(>._.,,.-,.o.-.o.-.i�l>....,t �(>.-.t>41119>t >...,t >.-.11.-.1�,,,._.,,....,, ,._.,41.-.c1.-.1>.-..l>.-.t1._.1>.�.-.�t,._.,,._. 1.-.

I I I I I i I I I I





'I I








! I

II i





11: . . COAL . . I i: •••••·�·�·��··�·���·���


Wood, Coal Lime, C ement, Brick and Drain Pipe





• •

Orders Carefully Filled a n d Prom ptly Attended To






College Ave n u e





Water Street W i n slow



81 Mai n Street

G. S. F LOOD & C O. Coal Yards and Office





I i 1

I I-




I I t I I


-1 -





I ( I I I I i








64 Main Street

Waterville, Maine










36-38 M A I N STREET � A T E R V I LL E ,

232 fte Stein-Bloch eo. 1920






ls no more b u t we sti l l serve the same


good food at








"The Old Reliable "

Wardwell Dry Goods Co. CARS STOP AT THE DOOR



A Cordial Invitation


Is exte n ded to you to

The Home o f Refined Photoplays

call and see

JAME.5 J. PRAY, PROP Waterville, Maine


Winship Teachers Agency






I t w i l l afford u s pleas u re to assist y o u

6 Beacon Street

in t h e selection o f gifts

Boston , M ass.

L o n g D i s t a n c e Telephone







Park Square


(c oLBY W'=i�2o�o�cu�) l

COLBY COLLEGE COLB Y COLLEGE was chartered by the General Court of Massachusetts,

February 2 7, 1 8 1 3. J

Studen ts may study for either the A . B. or B. S. degree and for the A . B. degree may present a Modern Lan­ guage in place o f Greek.

The men and

women are educated in separate divis­ ions.

They have di/ferent Chapel ser­

vices and a double set of honor prizes.

For information and Catalog, Address


33 College Avenue


Joiu¡11a! Prrn r hop and Bmderi; Lelt'i tori. Maine

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