1 minute read

Meet the Team

The Centre of Excellence in Child Trauma is made up of a team of experts who have essential real-life experience. We are Adopters, Foster Parents and Bio parents of neuro diverse children, and also work as professionals in the field.

Sarah Naish is a Therapeutic Parent, an Adopter of five siblings, former Foster Parent, retired Social Worker, Best selling international Author, Keynote Speaker and founder of three Independent Therapeutic Fostering Agencies.

Sair Penna is a Therapeutic Parent, Trainer, and Therapeutic Parenting Coach. Director of NATP, and Independent Panel Chair for two Therapeutic Fostering Agencies.

Alison Douglas is a Therapeutic Parent, Adopter, Social Worker and Operations Manager in two Fostering Agencies. Alison is also Safeguarding Lead at NATP. Sarah Dillon, is a Therapeutic Parent, an Attachment Therapist, Keynote speaker, former child in care, Author (Therapeutic Parenting) Head of Therapeutic Services (Fostering).

Emma Edwards is a Therapeutic Parent, Adopter, Director of NATP and The Haven Parenting and Wellbeing Centre.

Jane Mitchell is a Therapeutic Parent, Adopter and Keynote Speaker, Author and Head of Family Stability in two Therapeutic Fostering Agencies .

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