Golden River Brewing Co. Brand Identity

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Golden Rivers |2|Identity Standards

Golden Rivers |3|Identity Standards

Golden Rivers |4|Identity Standards

This brand standards manual describes the overall ‘Golden Rivers Brewing Company’ brand identity so that users will have a clear understanding of the foundation upon which these guidelines were established and the importance of strictly following them. It also identitifies the Design Standards and specifications for the consistent and accurate application of the ‘Golden Rivers Brewing Company’ logomark and supporting elements. Adherence to these guidelines enables us to consistently develop our investments in the brand, convey the brand meaning clearly and consequently imporove our articulation of the Golden Rivers Brewing Company brand identity.

Golden Rivers |5|Identity Standards

Golden Rivers |6|Identity Standards

The Corporation Golden Rivers |7|Identity Standards

Golden Rivers |8|Identity Standards

Mission Golden Rivers Brewing Co. intends to create a pleasant, enjoyable, refreshing high-quality brew that will cater to a variety of clientele and social environments. We intend to assist in the creation of a welcoming and relaxed atmosphere for people to enjoy themselves. We know people are sensitive to the taste, look and feel of good beer, as well as affordable prices. From this, we intend to provide the best possible value to our customers who care about quality products at affordable prices. We want our customers to feel that every dollar spent on our products is well used. Our value plan is to sell the benefit of being refreshed and feeling enjoyment to our various consumers at reasonable prices.

Golden Rivers |9|Identity Standards

Golden Rivers |10|Identity Standards

Brand Identity Golden Rivers |11|Identity Standards

CMYK: 2, 91, 83, 0 RGB: 234, 62, 58

CMYK: 5, 2, 84, 0 RGB: 248, 234, 71 Pantone 101C

CMYK: 57, 14, 0, 0 RGB: 98, 179, 228 Pantone 2915

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 95 RGB: 40, 40, 41

Color Scheme Corporate Brand Colors Color consistency is as important as logomark consistency. Building strong color equity for the Golden Rivers brand is critical to rengthening brand awareness with clients, maintaining a unique place in the market.

Color Reproduction

Uncoated Papers

The use and values of our corporate brand colors have been carefull considered within the logo. Please ensure that the colors and tint values are not changed or altered in any way.

Printers should adjust their dentisities / ink mixes to print on uncoated papers so that the colors match their coated equivalents as colsely as possible.

Golden Rivers |12|Identity Standards

ITC Legacy Serif Std HFF Low Sun



ABCDEFGHIJK LMNOPQRS TUVWXYZ abcdefghijk lmnopqrs tuvwxyz 0123456789 !?@#$%&*+

Primary Corporate Typeface

Primary Logo Typeface

Primary Body Typeface

The primary typeface used for most aspects of the Golden Rivers brand is ITC Legacy Serif Std. This typeface is used for important information such as in advertisements, applications.

The typeface used in the ‘Golden Rivers Brewing Company’ logo. The logo is the only instance in which this typeface is to be used.

Candara Regular is to be used when company collateral or touchpoints containts body text.

ABCDEFGHIJK LMNOPQRS TUVWXYZ abcdefghijk lmnopqrs tuvwxyz 0123456789 !?@#$%&*+

ABCDEFGHIJ KLMNOPQRS TUVWXYZ abcdefghijk lmnopqrs tuvwxyz 0123456789


Golden Rivers |13|Identity Standards

Logo Usage Guidelines The logo must never be redrawn or modified. Every element has been drawn with the highest attention to detail to ensure accurate reproduction from micro to macro sizes. Do not use a background that is close to the same tone or color range as the logo mark.The entire logo must be clearly visible. Golden Rivers |14|Identity Standards

3 cm

6 cm

Minimum Size

Clear Space Around

The logo has been designed to work well at large sizes as well as smaller, more subtile sizes. In the interest of legability, particularly for the small type at the bottom of the logo, the example shows the minimum size that the logo should be reproduced. If using embroidery, it is important to never alter the logo in any way and to ensure the logo is large enough so that all type and graphics are clear.

For maximum impact and instant recognitition, the logo should not be owded by other visual elements. Adequate white space should be left around the logo.

Golden Rivers |15|Identity Standards

Logo Variations

Dark Background


The primary logo is always the preferred version for all applications. There are versions of the primary logo that are acceptable depending on the reproduction technique.

If using full CMYK print on a dark background all aspects of the logo must still be visible. The type and top hat is to be changed to white and red is elimiated from the hat and is to be changed to black.

When using the logo on grayscale documents or collateral the primary full color logo is to be converted to grayscale.

Golden Rivers |16|Identity Standards

One Color

Logo Without Mark

If printing using one color white or black is to be used depending on the background.

When the logo is used without the mark the mark must be present somewhere else in the composition. Shown is the logotype on a light and dark background. The same can be for the mark without the logo. It may be used as long as the logotype is somewhere else within the composition.

Golden Rivers |17|Identity Standards

Golden Rivers |18|Identity Standards

Applications Golden Rivers |19|Identity Standards

Golden Rivers Brewing Co.

John Smith (260)210-1010 Loops Street, Kamloops, B.C. V1F6K8

Business Cards The type standards for the employee information are explained above.

Golden Rivers |20|Identity Standards

Candara 20pt Candara 8pt


John Smith Owner


212-768-7120 148 Loops Street Kamloops, BC Canada


Letterhead Golden Rivers Brwing Co. letterhead is in the US letter size. The typeface and point size for the information is explained above.

Golden Rivers |22|Identity Standards

Dear valued customer,

John Smith Owner 212-768-7120 148 Loops Street Kamloops, BC Canada

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer ultricies felis vel quam adipiscing pulvinar_ Class aprent taciri sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra. per inceptos himenaeos. Duis lacinia. diam in dapibus accwnsan, neque risus porttitor metus. vitae adipiscing ptU11s nunc vel pums. Vivaums est arcu. convallis vitae templlS eget, pona sit amet neque. Curabitur ege1 Celis et au1c ultricies volu1pat. Sed uibb sapien. in1erdum in sollicitudin vitae, eg.cstas ct urua. Douce non leo sit amct fclis aliquel iaculis quis sit amcl nibh. Douce sag.ittis scm vel odio mollis nee fringilla dui congue. Douce id magna nisl. Mauris pol11itor condimcutum augue vet porta. Donec nee men1s nibh. Quisque semper porta porttitor. Mauris eget est nisi. Vesribulum ultricies mauris m felis eondimentum adipiscing. Sed eursus gravida nisl. at faucibus nibh tincidunt en. Cras quam laeus. tempus et pretilm1 eu. egestas er nuue. Fusee pulvinar faeilisis porta. Nullam seelerisque rntnun ultrices. Fusee interdum pornitor mollis. Donec et risus vitae erat laoreer fennentmn. Douce ante tellus, faucibus id dignissim cu. pulvinar et magna. Quisquc sed tineidunt tortor. Integer dapibus metus id eros porUitor et pulvinar justo vchicula. Fusee sapien sapien.ullamcorper at lacinia vel. lobortis sit amet nibh. Sed haems magna nee nibh sodales at faucibus turpis posuere. Fusee libero quam. volutpat non feugiat sit amet, pretium id sem. Vestibulum tempor pellentesque leo. pulvinar convallis risus hendrerit vitae.Vestibulum pulvinar, velit eget rhoncus convallis. nupis orci iaculis men1s. sed semper diam ipsum in tellns. Nulla vehicula congue mauris. vel numm enim dic1um 11011. Done interdnm pona p1ui1s nee manis. Suspendisse congue eommodo quam. eget faucibus tortor congue vitae Nuuc tlli eros. posuere in iaculis vitae. dictum sel ipsum. Fusee ullamcorper vebicula mi imperdiet placerat. Nullam odio orci, pelleutesque eget elemeutmu vcl. dignissim non crat. Vivamus tcmpor tmpis sit amel sapieu couvallis non po11a diam laoreet. Praesent cousequat fclis ac odio molestie gravida. In placerat justo 0011 mmc vestibulum vel ullamcorper mi sodales. Regards. John Smith

John Smith Owner 212-768-7120 148 Loops Street Kamloops, BC Canada

Continuation Sheet The continuation sheet has all of the same elements as the letterhead with the exception of employee information. Golden Rivers |24|Identity Standards

ITC Legacy Serif Std 10pt

ITC Legacy Serif Std Bold 8pt

Dear valued customer,

John Smith Owner 212-768-7120 148 Loops Street Kamloops, BC Canada

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer ultricies felis vel quam adipiscing pulvinar_ Class aprent taciri sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra. per inceptos himenaeos. Duis lacinia. diam in dapibus accwnsan, neque risus porttitor metus. vitae adipiscing ptU11s nunc vel pums. Vivaums est arcu. convallis vitae templlS eget, pona sit amet neque. Curabitur ege1 Celis et au1c ultricies volu1pat. Sed uibb sapien. in1erdum in sollicitudin vitae, eg.cstas ct urua. Douce non leo sit amct fclis aliquel iaculis quis sit amcl nibh. Douce sag.ittis scm vel odio mollis nee fringilla dui congue. Douce id magna nisl. Mauris pol11itor condimcutum augue vet porta. Donec nee men1s nibh. Quisque semper porta porttitor. Mauris eget est nisi. Vesribulum ultricies mauris m felis eondimentum adipiscing. Sed eursus gravida nisl. at faucibus nibh tincidunt en. Cras quam laeus. tempus et pretilm1 eu. egestas er nuue. Fusee pulvinar faeilisis porta. Nullam seelerisque rntnun ultrices. Fusee interdum pornitor mollis. Donec et risus vitae erat laoreer fennentmn. Douce ante tellus, faucibus id dignissim cu. pulvinar et magna. Quisquc sed tineidunt tortor. Integer dapibus metus id eros porUitor et pulvinar justo vchicula. Fusee sapien sapien.ullamcorper at lacinia vel. lobortis sit amet nibh. Sed haems magna nee nibh sodales at faucibus turpis posuere. Fusee libero quam. volutpat non feugiat sit amet, pretium id sem. Vestibulum tempor pellentesque leo. pulvinar convallis risus hendrerit vitae.Vestibulum pulvinar, velit eget rhoncus convallis. nupis orci iaculis men1s. sed semper diam ipsum in tellns. Nulla vehicula congue mauris. vel numm enim dic1um 11011. Done interdnm pona p1ui1s nee manis. Suspendisse congue eommodo quam. eget faucibus tortor congue vitae Nuuc tlli eros. posuere in iaculis vitae. dictum sel ipsum. Fusee ullamcorper vebicula mi imperdiet placerat. Nullam odio orci, pelleutesque eget elemeutmu vcl. dignissim non crat. Vivamus tcmpor tmpis sit amel sapieu couvallis non po11a diam laoreet. Praesent cousequat fclis ac odio molestie gravida. In placerat justo 0011 mmc vestibulum vel ullamcorper mi sodales. Done interdnm pona p1ui1s nee manis. Suspendisse congue eommodo quam. eget faucibus tortor congue vitae Nuuc tlli eros. posuere in iaculis vitae. dictum sel ipsum. Fusee ullamcorper vebicula mi imperdiet placerat. Nullam odio orci, pelleutesque eget elemeutmu vcl. dignissim non crat. Vivamus tcmpor tmpis sit amel sapieu couvallis non po11a diam laoreet. Praesent cousequat fclis ac odio molestie gravida. In placerat justo 0011 mmc vestibulum vel ullamcorper mi sodales.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer ultricies felis vel quam adipiscing pulvinar_ Class aprent taciri sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra. per inceptos himenaeos. Duis lacinia. diam in dapibus accwnsan, neque risus porttitor metus. vitae adipiscing ptU11s nunc vel pums. Vivaums est arcu. convallis vitae templlS eget, pona sit amet neque. Curabitur ege1 Celis et au1c ultricies volu1pat. Sed uibb sapien. in1erdum in sollicitudin vitae, eg.cstas ct urua. Douce non leo sit amct fclis aliquel iaculis quis sit amcl nibh. Douce sag.ittis scm vel odio mollis nee fringilla dui congue. Douce id magna nisl. Mauris pol11itor condimcutum augue vet porta. Donec nee men1s nibh. Quisque semper porta porttitor. Mauris eget est nisi. Vesribulum ultricies mauris m felis eondimentum adipiscing. Sed eursus gravida nisl. at faucibus nibh tincidunt en. Cras quam laeus. tempus et pretilm1 eu. egestas er nuue. Fusee pulvinar faeilisis porta. Nullam seelerisque rntnun ultrices. Fusee interdum pornitor mollis. Donec et risus vitae erat laoreer fennentmn. Douce ante tellus, faucibus id dignissim cu. pulvinar et magna. Quisquc sed tineidunt tortor. Integer dapibus metus id eros porUitor et pulvinar justo vchicula. Fusee sapien sapien.ullamcorper at lacinia vel. lobortis sit amet nibh. Sed haems magna nee nibh sodales at faucibus turpis posuere. Fusee libero quam. volutpat non feugiat sit amet, pretium id sem. Vestibulum tempor pellentesque leo. pulvinar convallis risus hendrerit vitae.Vestibulum pulvinar, velit eget rhoncus convallis. nupis orci iaculis men1s. sed semper diam ipsum in tellns. Nulla vehicula congue mauris. vel numm enim dic1um 11011. Regards. John Smith

John Smith Owner

148 Loops Street Kamloops, BC Canada

ITC Legacy Serif Std 10pt ITC Legacy Serif Std 12pt

3 cm

Envelopes The size of the envelope ensures that both the IOS-A4 and standard letter sized paper will fit when tri-folded. Envelop standards are explained above. The back of the envelope has an additional logo.

Golden Rivers |26|Identity Standards

John Smith Owner

148 Loops Street Kamloops, BC Canada

Amber Ale Pale Ale IPA Bottle Design Each flavor of Golden Rivers beer comes with its unique symbol. The symbols give life to each flavor. All symbols follow the same style as the character of the logo mark and are shown above. Golden Rivers |28|Identity Standards

Vehicle The utility vehicle for Golden Rivers Brewing Company follows the guidelines as stated in the identity. Using the mark as a bleed to identify the company the van is easily recognized from a distance. Golden Rivers |30|Identity Standards

Billboards When advertising Golden Rivers Brewing Company it is important to highlight the unique taste they experience while drinking Golden Rivers beer. Designs must be kept clean and foucus on the prouct. Golden Rivers |32|Identity Standards

Advertisment Again, when advertising Golden Rivers Brewing Company it is important to highlight the unique taste they experience while drinking Golden Rivers beer. Here is an example of a standard magazine advertisement created using a clean design, focusing on the product and created to the customary full page ad size 8.5 x 11 inches.

Golden Rivers |34|Identity Standards

Golden Rivers |36|Identity Standards

Golden Rivers |37|Identity Standards

Identity and Brand Standards Manual created by Cody Reeves

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