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The Coast News




VOL. 28, N0. 36

OCT. 24, 2014

David Loy, legal director for the ACLU San Diego branch, speaks to the Council on Oct. 15 in favor of the proposed immigrant shelter. Photo by Ellen Wright

Final blow given to proposed migrant shelter By Ellen Wright

Bridging worlds, nations

The “Colores de La Muerte” exhibition at the California Center for the Arts Escondido is more of a celebration thatn an art exhibit, bringing the worlds of the living and the dead together, but also the nations of Mexico and the U.S. See the full story on page A8. Photo by Ellen Wright

College celebrates official grand opening of humanities building By Aaron Burgin

SAN MARCOS — The Palomar Community College District community celebrated a homecoming of sorts last week, as it celebrated the completion of a humanities building some decades in the making. The $34 million building has actually been open since the beginning of the fall semester, but the Oct. 10 grand opening was the first time college administrators, board members, teachers, students and the community were able to formally celebrate the project’s completion. The festivities included self-guided tours of the classrooms, which includ state of the art amenities and technology. “I know it has been a long time coming, but welcome home,” college Superintendent Robert Deegan said. The sleek 90,000-square-foot, 3-story building will house the college’s English and Humanities, English as a Second Language, Reading Services, Speech Communication, World Languages and journalism programs, which were once scattered across the campus, several in portaTURN TO HUMANITIES ON 18

Palomar Community College celebrates the official grand opening of the new humanities building on Oct. 10. Photo by Aaron Burgin

ESCONDIDO—At the Oct. 15 night’s City Council meeting, Mayor Sam Abed warned the packed chambers “the nation’s eyes are upon us.” Hundreds of people filled the room to influence the Council’s decision on an appeal from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) about the Planning Commission’s decision to deny the granting of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) towards the conversion of a former nursing home into a 96-bed temporary shelter for unaccompanied minors crossing the border illegally. The council voted to deny the appeal of the Planning Commission’s decision to deny changes to the CUP, with all in favor but Deputy Mayor Olga Diaz. During her comments, Diaz ticked off the reasons she believed why the shelter fell within the current CUP saying that a lot of people who were against it cited unfounded reasons, including disease and over crowding of schools. “None of these are factors to be considered as part of the land use issue,” Diaz said. She went on to say that most of the children the shelter would house temporarily are from South America and “escaping travesties that none of us would ever want to live through and certainly wouldn’t wish on our children or anybody else’s.” Diaz voted to appeal the decision to deny the shelter, admitting that she may lose votes in the upcoming election.

“I may lose an election but I will not lose my humanity,” Diaz said. All of the other council members said they believed the shelter would violate the current land use permitting. Councilman John Masson said the shelter is already creating special problems as evidenced by the city council meeting, which violates the CUP conditions. Abed denied the appeal because of the land use issue and because he said the children are already cared for by the federal government. “These children are under the federal government’s custody but the administration is pushing this issue to the local government with no solution in sight,” Abed said. He went on to say the facility should be used for local children or seniors. Nearly 100 people spoke to the council during the meeting, which was heated at times. Signs dotted the divided crowds, both in favor of the shelter, “They are just kids!” and “It’s time to stop the racism,” and against, “Quarantine all who enter USA” and “America First.” David Loy, legal director of the ACLU of San Diego & Imperial Counties, urged the council to appeal the decision. According to Loy, the shelter would have added $8 million a year to the local economy in new jobs. He said risky individuals would not pass through the shelter and officials TURN TO SHELTER ON 18


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

OCT. 24, 2014

Five children, others may have potentially come into contact with a rabid bat in San Marcos last week. The County of San Diego is seeking to find anyone that may have been in contact with the animal. Photo courtesy PhotoSpin

NANCY CLUB Eleven La Costa Glen residents, all named Nancy, recently gathered to celebrate their name, first made popular in the 1700s. From left, front row: Nancy Ludwig, Nancy Rommel, Nancy Arndt with, back row: Nancy Stratford, Nancy Bell, Nancy Brown, Nancy Sleeman, Nancy Gardner, Nancy Moore, Nancy Thompsen and Nancy Stinson. Courtesy photo


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County looking for kids, others that may have handled rabid bat By Tony Cagala

SAN MARCOS — On Tuesday, a bat found near Pizza Nova on North Twin Oaks Road was found to be positive for rabies, according to county health officials. Five children spotted the bat under a tree near the restaurant a few days before the County Public Health Laboratory’s rabies result was confirmed. Concerns are that the children or others may have touched the bat, possibly exposing them to the disease. The county is looking for help in finding the five children and any others that might have been in the area and have come into contact with the animal, according to Craig Sturak, communications officer with the County Health and Human Services Agency. Sturak said the bat was brought to the county after the Humane Society of Escondido notified Project Wildlife, which brought the bat to the Agency. “The laboratory test

requires about four hours from the time the lab receives the specimen,” said Sturak. “Most of the time required is outside the lab’s control — such as the time from getting the notice of a suspect animal, picking up the animal, transport, brain extraction process, and transport to the lab.” Sturak said that bats are the most common carrier of rabies in San Diego County. However, they don’t know the rate of rabies in the entire bat population, because they only test those that are dead or sick, said Sturak. “This testing process biases our data to appear as a relatively high percentage, because it is measured rabid bats per bats tested (dead or sick). The bats tested are essentially preselected for a high rate of rabies because they are dead or sick. The rabies rate in bats is also seasonal, most being found in the summer,” he added. From Jan. 1 of this TURN TO BAT ON 18

OCT. 24, 2014


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

SM Council vote may represent conflict of interest policy By Aaron Burgin

SAN MARCOS — The San Marcos City Council recently made a seemingly innocuous vote to change its election policy, but the vote actually represents a major shift in statewide conflict of interest policy that prosecutors once used in a now-scuttled prosecution of former Tri-City Healthcare District board member Kathleen Sterling. The San Marcos City Council unanimously adopted a change

in its municipal code to allow council members who have contributed to their own political campaigns to vote on their appointments to internal boards and regionally appointed boards. On the surface, it seems like a procedural change, but the city staff report on the agenda item reveals it is the tip of a much larger issue tackled at the state level. The state Fair Political Practices Commission, which enforc-

es the state’s conflict of interest codes as outlined in the Political Reform Act, recently changed its regulations to permit council members to vote on their appointments to internal commissions and committees, as well as regional appointments that carry a stipend, such as to the North County Transit District or San Diego Association of Governments governing boards. Previously, these actions were illegal, though state and

local regulators rarely enforced them. In the case of the City of Carlsbad, council members regularly voted on their own appointments, dismissing a 2003 FPPC advice letter on the subject matter as just that — advice. However, in at least one case, county prosecutors used the arcane regulation to prosecute Kathleen Sterling criminally for opposing her own censure, which in doing so she voted to preserve her $100-per-meeting stipends

that the board stripped from her. After two years, however, prosecutors dropped their case against Sterling after they said they could not make the case against her. With the state changes, prosecutions such as Sterling’s will not occur. The San Marcos Council’s action also allows for elected officials to vote for their reappointment when they are running unopposed.

Former Escondido mayor suing the city By Ellen Wright

ESCONDIDO — Former Mayor Jerry Harmon has announced a lawsuit against the city for allegedly using public dollars to prevent former police chief Jim Maher from running for Escondido City Council. “It appears that city leadership… has again crossed the line to use public dollars to attempt to prevent Jim Maher from seeking public office in Escondido,” Harmon said. “Specifically Mayor Abed, the city manager and city attorney have failed to safe guard the city’s resources.” Maher filed a lawsuit in San Diego Supreme Court on Aug. 13 claiming the city withheld half of his retirement payment. The lawsuit states the city did not pay because Maher or his wife breached the confidentiality clause in his retirement contract. Both the city and Maher have stayed quiet as to why

Former Escondido Mayor Jerry Harmon speaks to a crowd in front of City Hall on Oct. 15, announcing a lawsuit against the city. Photo by Ellen Wright

the former police chief was forced to retire. Harmon is not working with Maher on the lawsuit. Harmon claims that the city attempted to withhold the other half of the former police chief’s $150,000 sever-

ance pay until he signed an agreement to not run for office in Escondido. According to Harmon, if the allegations are true, the city officials have violated the California Elections Code.

Maher is not a resident of Escondido, so he would have had to move to the city in order to become eligible to run for office. Harmon claims City Attorney Jeffrey Epp wrote a letter asking for Maher’s signature, which would bar him from local politics and grant him the rest of his severance pay. Harmon said he could prove it was written by Epp by right-clicking on the letter in an email and finding its properties. He says Epp has neither confirmed nor denied he wrote the letter. Harmon is asking for an investigation into the matter and corrective action. He’s sent the information to the San Diego County District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis, the San Diego County Grand Jury, the state of California Attorney General, the U.S. Attorney General and the California Bar Association.

Similar spending in Escondido elections By Ellen Wright

ESCONDIDO — Current Mayor Sam Abed has more than three times as much as mayoral candidate Olga Diaz in campaign contributions yet he’s spent 34 percent less than Diaz on his campaign. Abed has spent more than $50,000 while Diaz has spent more than $75,000 on her campaign. Both candidates received a little more than $29,000 in campaign contributions during July 1 and Sept. 30, which brought Diaz’ current to-

tal contributions to a little more than $67,000 while Abed has more than $245,000 in total contributions. Some of Diaz’ notable contributors include Chairman and CEO of Qualcomm Irwin Jacobs, Solana Beach Councilmember Lesa Heebner, and Executive Director of the Sierra Club Richard Miller. Abed has received contributions from the former CFO of Crocs Peter Case, the members of the Wohlford family, Escondido Country Club and Commu-


Homeowners Organization (ECCHO) member Suzanne Hall and the owner of the Carefree Ranch Mobile home park on North Citrus Avenue among others. Mayoral candidate Stephen Siaw has received nearly $9,000 and has spent about $5,000. District 1 incumbent Ed Gallo has spent more than $19,000 of his $31,000 campaign contributions. Running against Gallo is Consuelo Martinez who has raised $32,000 and

spent almost $26,000 on campaigning. District 2 incumbent John Masson has raised about $32,000 and spent nearly $19,000. Candidate Chad Hunziker raised more than $3,000 and spent about $2,200. Rick Paul has taken out $15,000 in loans bringing his total contributions to nearly $19,000. He’s spent about $5,000. Nicole Downey has received more than $8,000 and spent about the same.

San Marcos looking to fill key commission seats By Aaron Burgin

SAN MARCOS — The city of San Marcos is looking for residents to fill open seats on several key city commissions, including the Planning Commission. Interested residents — including those currently serving on the boards — have until 5:30 p.m. Nov. 20 to apply for the positions. The council will make appointments following interviews at the Dec. 9 council meeting. Four positions — including that of current Chairman Eric Flodine — are up for reappointment on the planning commission, widely considered

the most powerful of the city council-appointed boards. The seven-member board has approval authority over a number of land-use and zoning decisions and advises the city council on major land-use matters. The seats of commissioners Rod Jones, Carl Maas and alternate Bill Jacoby area also up for reappointment. The Traffic Commission, another major appointed board that advises the council on ways to improve the city’s traffic condition and safety and enforcement of traffic regulations, has two positions available, including that of Chairman Charles

Buckley. Commissioner Donna Nickel’s seat is also available. The city’s community services commission, which advises the city council on parks and recreation service matters, has three vacancies. One position is up for appointment on the budget review committee, which thoroughly reviews the annual budget for the city each year, making recommendations to the council on the budget. The San Marcos Community Foundation and San Marcos Economic Development Corporation both have four positions available. The foundation provides grants to vari-

ous nonprofits that serve San Marcos residents. The development corporation promotes economic and business growth within the city. Finally, the city’s Student Neighborhood Relations Commission, which assists in fostering communication and partnership between students, residents and businesses, has one position available. Residents who are interested in applying for the positions are asked to contact the City Clerk’s office at (760) 744-1050 ext. 3145. Detailed eligibility requirements are available on the “commissions” link at

The dilapidated building needs a new roof, a new heating, ventilation, air and air conditioning system, among other upgrades to bring it up to code. Photo by Ellen Wright

Warfighter Academy to take over abandoned police headquarters By Ellen Wright

ESCONDIDO — The city has big plans for the dilapidated Police Headquarters on West Grand Avenue, but until something “bigger and better” comes along, said Councilman John Masson, a Warfighter Academy was approved Wednesday to take over the building for two years. Councilmembers had some reservations about the Academy, including the aggressive name, but after hearing a presentation from the owners, they unanimously approved the lease agreement. Dave Maynard, co-owner, told the council the goal of the program is rehabilitation of wounded veterans. He said aside from tactical training, the Academy would also support veterans’ journey to recovery. “It’s how you bring them back mentally and physically,” Maynard said. He is a disabled veteran so he says he knows what it’s like to have to be put back together. The building is located at the gateway to the city, and residents expressed concern that it would tarnish Escondido’s image.

“This is not an appropriate use for a prime entrance to our downtown. This space should be preserved for a premiere place,” resident Patricia Borchmann told the council. Nobody has come to city council with the resources to put in something else, said City Manager Clay Phillips. Sonny Garcia, co-owner of the Academy said the signage would be discreet, with just the initials of a W and an A out front. Maynard said the name honors those who have served and were wounded in combat. The lease agreement allows the Academy to operate in the former police headquarters at 700 West Grand Ave. for two years. In exchange for investing $120,000 to bring the building up to code, the Academy will get 18 months of free rent and pay nearly $5,000 a month after that. The city will be saving $18,000 a year on utilities and $36,000 in liability. As it is now, transients break into the building often, according to Real Property Manager for the city TURN TO ACADEMY ON 18


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

OCT. 24, 2014


Views expressed in Opinion & Editorial do not necessarily reflect the views of The Coast News

Letters to the Editor

Community Commentary

The best choice for judge By William Gore

My duties as San Diego’s top law enforcement officer require me to make the best decisions for public safety. Judges regularly make public safety decisions too — not on the street but in their courtrooms. Judges are guardians of our Constitution and our liberties. Accordingly, we expect them to rise above ideology and politics and to be fair-minded. Above all, they should act ethically and with integrity at all times. Character and experience set judicial candidate Brad Weinreb apart from his opponent, Ken Gosselin, in the upcoming election — the only Superior Court judicial race on the ballot. Both UT-San Diego and City Beat newspapers agree and have endorsed him. The San Diego County Bar Association rated Mr. Weinreb “Qualified” based on character traits necessary for judicial candidates — fairness, integrity, and temperament. His opponent was found to be “Lacking Qualifications” based upon the same criteria. Mr. Gosselin was required to change his ballot statement and to remove what he said about his own background and experience because it was misleading. Today, there is a State Bar ethics investigation against him based on his campaign activities. It is not surprising then that over 100 Superior Court Judges en-

dorse Mr. Weinreb to be their colleague on the bench. A veteran prosecutor, Brad Weinreb has spent almost 25 years making sure dangerous criminals remain off our streets. His work in the courtroom has resulted in decisions that protect the public from sexually violent predators and helps law enforcement track registered sex offenders. He won the first California case to uphold a sexual molest victim’s right to have a courthouse dog accompany her to the witness stand. Not surprisingly, crime victims’ groups support Brad for judge. Brad is supported by community leaders and organizations, legal associations, law enforcement, and fellow elected law enforcement leaders District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis and San Diego City Attorney Jan Goldsmith. Brad also serves on the Board of the Richard Dreyfuss Civics Initiative to engage children in the study of Civics and the San Diego Animal Support Foundation. Voters face a number of tough decisions on their ballots. This is not one. The choice is clear. I urge you to vote for integrity and experience and public safety. Vote for Brad Weinreb for Superior Court Judge. William “Bill” Gore is San Diego County Sheriff.

Train horns are matter of public safety All safety components at railroad crossings are essential — including locomotive horns. Establishing a quiet zone in Oceanside would be a mistake. With Amtrak, Metrolink, Coaster, Sprinter and freight trains, Oceanside has the highest rail traffic in San Diego County. This is no place for a quiet zone. In spite of this, Marriott built their hotel next to the railroad and now wants to silence the trains at great expense to the taxpayer — which in turn would compromise public safety. The millions of dollars to construct “quiet zones” would be better spent on our public schools. Jeopardizing public safety to appease corporate interests is wrong. Trains have been operating safely through Oceanside for 130 years thanks in part to the use of locomotive whistles/ horns. There is no substitute for safety. Tad Calcara, Oceanside A vote for Cameron Sheila Cameron is one of the leaders who worked to get Proposition A passed. She will lead Encinitas as mayor and work to solve problems in our communities with the same dedication she applied to passing Prop A. If you support Prop A and want leadership that gets the job done, vote for Sheila Cameron for mayor. Doug Fiske, Encinitas Vote No of F As a long time resident, parent, and youth advocate in Encinitas, I find it necessary to set the record straight on Measure F —

Props. 45, 48: Two obvious ‘Yes’ votes California Focus By Thomas D. Elias It’s almost a foregone conclusion that the Proposition 1 water bond on next month’s ballot will pass easily: Every poll shows it with almost a 2-1 lead heading into the vote and the opposition has virtually no money for television commercials. But two other propositions are almost equally deserving of yes votes, Propositions 45 and 48. Proposition 45 is almost a no-brainer. It would place health insurance rates under the same kind of regulation that has made California the only state where automobile insurance prices have fallen over the last 25 years — since voters adopted the 1988 Proposition 103 and put car and property insurance rates under

the authority of the state insurance commissioner. One look at the list of donors to the No on 45 campaign (available on the secretary of state’s website at C a mpa ig n / C om m it tees / Detail.aspx?id=1343998&session=2013), reveals that through the end of September, all $34 million-plus spent to defeat 45 had come from the state’s largest health insurance companies: Blue Shield, Anthem Blue Cross and its parent company Wellpoint, Kaiser Foundation, United Healthcare and HealthNet. The single biggest check came last year from Wellpoint, which plunked down more than $12 million almost instantly when it became clear 45 would reach the ballot. Radio and television ads financed by those big bucks are misleading as

can be, warning that 45 could somehow reduce the negotiating power of the commission that regulates Covered California’s rates under Obamacare. It won’t. But it will require insurers to justify rate increases for groups and individual policies before they can be bumped up. The bottom line: The officials who would regulate health insurance rates under 45 have already saved Californians more than $105 billion over the years via car insurance rate hikes that didn’t happen. This proposition is sponsored by Consumer Watchdog, the same populist outfit that wrote and sponsored Proposition 103 in 1988, getting it through despite being outspent 60-1 in that election by the big auto insurance companies. TURN TO ELIAS ON 20

the initiative on our Nov. 4 ballot deciding whether or not to allow marijuana storefronts in our beautiful city. Here are some reasons why I’m voting against Measure F: • Encinitas City Council unanimously opposes Measure F • All of our neighboring cities including Del Mar and Solana Beach have banned storefronts in their cities, making Encinitas if passed, the destination city to purchase marijuana • If passed, marijuana could be purchased 600 feet from a school or playground • If passed, Measure F would allow up to 7 marijuana storefronts in Encinitas • Marijuana storefronts are a crime magnet with cash and product readily available at all times • For ill and fragile patients there are at least 10 marijuana couriers operating in Encinitas that, with just a click of the computer or a phone call, provide front door delivery. • Measure F will negatively affect the character of Encinitas • You will never see physicians who have prescribed a particular course of carefully chosen and monitored drugs for their cancer and HIV patients recommend marijuana use. To do so would compromise the appropriate pharmaceutical prescriptions and jeopardize a successful medical result. • Make NO mistake, marijuana storefronts will increase access for teens and normalize marijuana use. Please vote No on Measure F.

Prop H Needs Smart Planning — Vote No “San Marcos Highlands-189 homes-262acresCEQA study due out in December -Residence have concerns” — The Coast News (Oct. 10, 2014) (Four miles from CC project) “Citracado Pkwy Expansion Closer — CEQA study completed-Planning Group has concerns” — Coast News (Oct. 10, 2014). “Pardee to redesign Castle Rock Project in Santee-We need smarter planning.”Reader-Dorian Hargrove (April 2014). Vote NO — means sending back for a full CEQA Review-which includes full environmental, traffic, and school impact studies, prior to developing. Developer’s latest quote: “In maintaining all of these 110 acres, we’ve done a lot of great things,” U-T San Diego (Oct. 17). Oh — 80 trees cut down, many more dying, as he lets the areas become more blighted. This Los Angeles developer does not need a “free ride in Escondido. — Vote No on H. (I have asked three times for traffic impact study they refer to, and the developer has not responded.)

Nancy Logan, Encinitas

Dave Dufek, Escondido Letters to the Editor and reader feedback are welcomed. Please keep submissions relevant and respectful. Please submit letters or commentaries, including your city of residence and contact information (for confirmation purposes only) to letters@

The CoasT News P.O. Box 232550, Encinitas, CA 92023-2550 • 760-436-9737 • Fax: 760-943-0850


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Contributing writers BianCa KaPlaneK Promise yee ChrisTina maCone-greene david Boylan e’louise ondash franK mangio Jay Paris

Photographer Bill reilly

Contact the Editor Tony Cagala

OCT. 24, 2014

T he C oast News - I nland E dition


PATRIOTIC SALUTE On Veterans Day, at 10 a.m. Nov. 11, the Escondido Military Tribute Committee and Allied Veterans Council of Escondido will host a full patriotic program with music, dance, honored guests, speakers, and dedication of new name tiles added to the Military Tribute Wall of Courage, on the lawn in front of the monument in Grape Day Park, on North Broadway, Escondido. PCA-2159-Coast-News-3/4Page-Ad 10.25”w x 10.75”h 4-color PRINT DATES: 10/10, 10/17, 10/31, 11/14, 11/28, 12/12; & INLAND Edition: 10/10, 10/24, 11/7, 11/21, 12/5, 12/19 Courtesy phto

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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

OCT. 24, 2014

Clinic upgrades facility, honors longtime nurse small talk

By Promise Yee

OCEANSIDE — Vista Community Clinic held a dedication ceremony on Oct. 16 to celebrate upgrades to its facility on Pier View Way, which was last updated in 1999. Reconfiguration of the building’s layout added three exam rooms, four offices, extra staff space and enlarged the waiting area. Artwork and fresh paint spruced up the interior. The clinic also refreshed its 30-year-old logo. The new VCC logo is vibrant teal and green, and reflects the clinic’s mission to be a home for its patients. Fernando Sanudo, Vista Community Clinic CEO, said improvements would allow the facility to see 5,000 more patients annually. Additional staff was also hired to meet the demands of newly insured patients. “We’ve been swamped with phone calls,” Sanudo said. “It took people a while to understand health insurance enrollment.” Sanudo said patients who have never had health insurance are coming in with chronic diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Additional offices provide needed rooms for consultations, and referrals to health specialists.

jean gillette

What if...

The Talamantez family receives honors at a dedication ceremony that renamed a local clinic in honor of Karen Talamantez. Pictured left to right Karen’s husband Steve, daughter-in -aw Debbie, grandson Ethan, son R.C., and daughter Cassie. Photo by Promise Yee

“Our physicians are incredibly busy,” Sanudo said. The dedication ceremony drew a packed house. During the ceremony a wall above the front check-in desk was unveiled to reveal the name of the Karen Ta-

lamantez Memorial Clinic. Talamantez served as a nurse practitioner at the facility for 14 years, and recently passed away due to cancer. “She was high energy, and patients loved her,” Sanudo said. “She brought

her motherly skills into the clinic. She was a great human being, and a huge loss.” Her sister, Susan Knott, and coworkers spoke about her dedication to patient care. “Her heart was with

patient care,” Knott said. “Patients knew they had her undivided attention. For her it was a team effort.” Sanudo said Talamantez’s name would serve as an inspiration to those who work at the clinic.

San Marcos Girl Scouts help keep drains clear SAN MARCOS — The last time Girl Scouts knocked on doors in San Marcos, it had nothing to do with selling a sweet treat and everything to do with promoting a healthier environment. The Scouts from Troop 4642 of San Marcos recently set aside the cook-

ies to assist the Vallecitos Water District in providing a community service. To help the district in its quest to prevent sewer spills, they spent several days handing out free fat-trappers and informational pamphlets to educate residents about proper grease disposal. The fat-trappers,

small containers housing disposal bags to store used cooking grease, have been vital in the agency’s battle against excess fats, oils and grease that enter the sewer system and form blockages. Over time, these blockages can cause sewer spills which can pollute local creeks, lakes and beaches.

Although already free to the public, teaming up with Troop 4642 not only assisted the girls in meeting their community education requirement but also assisted the District in placing more fat-trappers in more homes, helping to further protect the environment. The 8- and 9-year-olds, who visited the district to learn about the community hazard caused by excess fats, oils and grease, distributed 45 fat-trappers. They received a special Vallecitos Water District patch for their uniform and recognition from the board of directors. Vallecitos Water District customers can pick up free fat-trappers Monday through Friday during regular business hours at the District’s Administration office, 201 Vallecitos de Oro, San Marcos.

If a friend shares a glass of wine with a mom, she might be inspired to decorate for Halloween. If so inspired, she’ll probably head for the attic. If she makes it upstairs to the attic, she’ll find too many boxes of accumulated decorations. Once she finds those holiday boxes, she’ll probably have to scrape off spiders and webs, which will surely put her in the Halloween mood. She’ll want to just bring out her fall flower arrangements. But then she will probably notice the light-up jack-o-lanterns she has put in her windows for 20 years. Once she finds extension cords, replaces bulbs and gets the pumpkins on her windowsill, she may remember she used to hang up a ghost. If she hunts for and finds the already cut-up ghost sheet in the bottom of the linen closet, she might remember that she needs a balloon for the head. If she wants a balloon for the head, she has to go to the supermarket. If she is not careful, that balloon will slip out from under the sheet and sail away. If it sails away, she will have to get another one. That one will probably escape while still inside the market. Half a dozen clerks will take 10 minutes to finally retrieve it, stuck to some tape on a stick. When she pulls it off the tape, it will probably pop. If the clerks are in a good mood, they will get her another balloon. Once she gets home, ties the balloon securely and hangs up her ghost, she may feel like she has decorated the entire White House. And if she feels like she has decorated the White House, she’ll probably decide that’s all the Halloween spirit she can muster and celebrate with a glass of wine. Jean Gillette is a freelance writer who does love her glowing pumpkins. Contact her at

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OCT. 24, 2014

T he C oast News - I nland E dition



T he C oast News - I nland E dition

OCT. 24, 2014

‘Colores de la Muerte’ highlights Mexican tradition By Ellen Wright

ESCONDIDO — The “Colores de La Muerte” exhibition at the California Center for the Arts Escondido is more of a celebration than an art exhibit. Not only are the worlds of the living and dead brought together, but also the two very different nations of Mexico and the U.S. Art curator Lisette Atala worked with El Museo de Arte Popular, Mexico City, to bring 15 cars from the “Train of History” exhibit to the center. The exhibit showcases turning points throughout

the Mexican Revolution and highlights figures, such as Emiliano Zapata and Pancho Villa, and the role religion and women played, all through skeleton figurines fashioned in the Dia de Los Muertos aesthetic. A different artist or group of artists was responsible for each individual train car. “I thought this is just amazing that each car is by a different artist. They created all these little details in each of the little scenes,” Atala said. Atala secured free transportation of the train

cars form Mexico City through Conaculta, Mexico's National Endowment for the Arts funds. She said there were some problems getting the train cars through the border, because the Mexican government required certain paperwork to let the art pieces out of the country. A collaborator from The Tijuana Municipal Institute for Arts & Culture helped get the paperwork underway and helped get the pieces safely to Escondido, Atala said. Two collaborators from the department also helped

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install a giant alter in the museum to commemorate Mexican Noble Prize winning poet Octavio Paz, who would have been 100 years old this past March. The center is celebrating its 20th Dia de los Muertos celebration where the community creates their own ofrendas, or offerings, on Nov. 1. Anybody can create an alter during the festival which starts at 6:00 p.m. Atala encouraged people to contact the Center of the Arts at (800) 988-4253 to reserve space. The Mingei Museum in Balboa Park also loaned over 40 mixed media pieces to the exhibit. “Many of the objects are small, exhibiting Mexican fondness for miniatures,” Director of Mingei International Museum Robert Sidner said. “Others express a characteristic broad sense of humor about the reality of death.” The art from the Mingei and from El Museo de Arte Popular, Mexico City, parallel each other, Atala said. “In this exhibit, it speaks of art having no borders and we can also share in our community with two institutions that think alike,” Atala said. A Dia de los Muertos short film is played every eight minutes by the same director who is releasing the upcoming feature film “Book of Life,” Jorge Gutierrez. The short-film, Carmelo, was his thesis piece at the California Institute of the Arts and the connection to art curator Atala was serendipitous. While attending a party at the U.S. Consulate in Tijuana, Atala met Gutierrez’ mother. She helped Atala get in touch with the

“We Are Free” by Ricardo Linares García represents the entrance of the Trigarante Army into Mexico City in 1821. Admission is $8 and children 12 years old and younger are free through October. Photos by Ellen Wright

This cardboard diorama by Nancy Chávez Luna and Gabriel Granados Mendoza represents the signing of the Mexican Declaration of Independence on Sept. 28, 1821.

director, who was extreme- out in theatres. Atala was able to get ly busy working on his fulllength movie, which is now his permission to show the animated short-film about a young matador. The Latin rock group La Santa Cecilia performed Oct. 10 to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Dia de los Muertos celebration. They also visited Del Dios Academy of Arts and Sciences for a free assembly. The exhibit runs through Nov. 9 and is open Thursday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is $8 for non-members and children 12 years old and younger are free through October.

OCT. 24, 2014

Odd Files CALENDAR By Chuck Shepherd Eye of the Beholder The Osiligi Maasai Warrior choir, from Kenya, in ornate, mystifying native costumes and uncalled-for headdresses, happened to be touring the U.K. this fall, coinciding with the recent Paris Fashion Week in which the most celebrated designers from the “developed” world exhibited their wares, which often seemed as excessive as the Maasais’. Examples: Rei Kawakubo’s “Blood and Roses,” a red KKKtype swaddling robe with face-obscuring, pointy hood. Sarah Burton’s skirt of oversized petals, accessorized with skull cap and chin strap. Junya Watanabe’s dress with huge plastic puff sleeves of red and blue — and vinyl see-through helmet. Julie de Libran’s gown with earmuff-like chest coverings. The week ended with a street march of “Chanel girls” (most, Caucasian) dressed as garishly as the African Maasais. (Bonus: Some designers delightfully offered explanations of their often-inexplicable works.) Government in Action Oops: The Rural Municipality of Hanover, Manitoba, has prohibited alcohol sales for more than a century — or at least that’s what everyone in the community believed as recently as 2006 when the last attempt was made to repeal the ban (and failed by 30 votes). However, town officials finally decided recently to research the prohibition (examining records back to 1880) and in July revealed, astonishingly, that no city bylaw exists making the town dry. At least one restaurateur is expected to start serving booze soon. In August, Katja Kipping, the leader of Germany’s largest opposition party (the liberal Die Linke), proposed to grant all welfare families a cash voucher of the equivalent of about $640 in order to allow each a summer vacation. “For me,” she said, “the holidays of my childhood are among the most beautiful memories,” and she is saddened that “3 million children this summer cannot experience what a holiday means.” Wait, What! In October in Gresham, Oregon, a 21-year-old man openly carrying a handgun he had just bought was robbed, at gunpoint, the same day. According to the police report, the robber apparently thought the victim’s gun was nicer than his own: “I like your gun. Give it to me.” New World Order: In September, Dr. Sean Perry of the Marathon (Florida) Veterinary Hospital saved the life of Buttercup, an orange tabby who needed blood — by giving him a transfusion from a West Palm Beach dog blood bank. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, 62 cats have been known to receive such “xenotransfusions,” and cats are apparently the only animals (besides dogs) that can safely process dog blood.


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Know something that’s going on? Send it to calendar@

OCT. 24 FLU SHOTS Palomar Health offers its flu shot program at dozens of locations throughout the hospital district’s service area, now through Jan. 16, 2015. Palomar Health nurses are providing the influenza vaccine by injection for $20 to adults and children 9 years of age and older. Medicare is accepted with Medicare card. For a list of clinics open, visit OCT. 25 MOSAIC FUN Make a mosaic birdbath from 1 to 5 p.m. Oct. 25 at Alta Vista Gardens, 1270 Vale Terrace, Vista. $25 includes all mosaic materials, plus $3 garden entry fee. Bring a 10-by-12-inch terracotta saucer. Register at clee@ or send check to Alta Vista Gardens, 200 Civic Center Drive, c/o Recreation Community Services Dept., Vista, CA 92084. WORLD DANCE The Escondido Public Library presents the Filipino-American Cultural Organization Dance Group at 3 p.m. Oct. 25 in the Turrentine Room, 239 Kalmia St. Escondido. This event is part of “One Book, One San Diego.” BILINGUAL READ Rincón Literario (The Literary Corner), Escondido Public Library’s bilingual book discussion group meets from 3:30 to 4:45 p.m. Oct. 25 at 239 Kalmia St. Escondido. Attendees discuss the book in both English and Spanish. For more information, call Paul Crouthamel, Adult Services Librarian, at (760) 839-4814. The FEED THE MIND Read, Eat, and Discuss (R.E.A.D.) Middle Grade Book Club for children 9 to 2, will meet at the library from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Nov. 7. Mary Ann Vincent from the State Genealogical Alliance will speak on "Civil War Widow's Pensions" at the Escondido

Genealogical Society at 10 OCT. 28 a.m. Oct. 25 at 239 Kalmia St., Escondido. For reservaDIET KICKSTART A tions, contact ruthwehenr@ “Food for Life: Kickstart Your Health Nutrition and Cooking” series is being ofE V E R Y T H I N G fered Oct. 28 through Dec. 9 QUILTS North County meeting at the Seventh Day Quilters' Association host Adventist Church, 1305 its Quilt Show & Sale to Deodar Road, Escondido. benefit local charities 10 Cost is $100 and includes a.m. to 4 p.m. Oct. 25 at food samples and a “21-Day the Williams Barn in Wal- Weight Loss Kickstart” by nut Grove Park, 1950 Syca- Neal Barnard. To register, more, San Marcos. visit Entry $5. Bring a copy ffl/classes or contact Tracy of this article and receive Childs at tracychilds@cox. $1 off. For more informa- net or (858) 735-9148. tion contact Tina Carson at (760) 550-7857 or ncqa- OCT. 29 CHRISTMAS PALOCAL GHOSTS The RADE The Vista Chamber Friends of the Rancho Bue- of Commerce invites you to na Vista Adobe, 640 Alta be part of the Dec. 6 Vista Vista Drive, Vista, present Christmas Parade. Cost for “Spirits of the Adobe,” a an entry is $40 for Vista paranormal research tour Chamber Members and $60 of the historic Adobe at for non-members. To regis7:30 p.m. or 9:30 p.m. Oct. ter, call (760) 726-1122 or 25, Nov. 15 and Dec. 13, visit info@vistachamber. open to ages 18 and over. org Cost is $25. To register, visit or MARK THE CALENDAR call (760) 643-5275. F U N DR A I S E R OCT. 26 LUNCH The Vista Garden Club invites all to its HISTORY AND MORE scholarship luncheon for The Vista Historical So- students studying horticiety will have a booth at culture at Mira Costa Colthe Fall Antique Engine lege, at noon Nov. 7 at the & Tractor Show from 9:30 Vista Valley Country Club. a.m. to 4 p.m. Oct. 25 and Cost is $25. RSVP to Nancy Oct. 26 in the Antique Gas Curtis at lovethosebirds@ & Steam Engine Museum, 2040 N. Santa Fe Ave., Vista. See the ATHS San Diego PLAY IT SAFE A crime Truck Show. Adults $10. prevention and personal safety seminar, “Refuse RESERVE HIKE Pre- To Be A Victim,” will be serve Calavera will lead offered for teenagers and a hike in the Dawson-Los older, from 6 to 8 p.m. Nov. Monos Reserve from 1 to 3 and Nov. 4 at Empowered 3 p.m. Oct. 26. The slow- Firearms and Training, 249 paced walk led by botanist S Indiana Ave. Vista. Cost is $30. To regisand reserve manager Isabelle Kay. Meet in the park- ter, email eanne@empowing lot by the Duck Pond in Buena Vista Park, Vista. RSVP to or call Diane at (760) 724-3887. coastnewsgroup


Superintendent/President of Palomar College, Robert P. Deegan, announced he will retire in June 2015 after almost a decade of service. Under Deegan’s leadership, Palomar College passed Proposition M in November 2006; the $694 million general obligation bond. With that, more than 10 projects have been completed, including: the Health Sciences Building; Multidisciplinary Building; Palomar Planetarium; Industrial Technology Center; Performing Arts Complex; Escondido Center remodel; T-Building remodel; the Teaching and Learning Center (San Marcos) and the Humanities Building. Additionally, there are approximately three projects under-

way including the Baseball Field relocation; the Child Development Center; and the Library. Courtesy photo


T he C oast News - I nland E dition


The CoasT




AUG. 1, 2014




Region feeling effects of drought Burgi n By Aaron

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The Inland Edition

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North Park Produce, Vista Way Café, Los Reys Tortilleria, Vista Chamber Of Commerce, Postal Annex, Rancho Vista Market, Holiday Liquor & Wine, Country Feed Store, Tommy’s Market, Barnicles Enterprises, North County Intl’ Market, Pat’s Bait & Tackle, Mossy BMW, Nutrition Zone, Allen’s Alley, Iron Fist Brewing Co, Coffee Cart Biz, Curbside Cafe, Lush Coffee & Tea, Hennessey’s Tavern, Fifty Barrels Urban Winery, Mother Earth Brew Co, Little Cakes Cupcake Kitchen, Couple Berry Farms, Coyote Cafe, Royal Liquor Of Vista, Corner Café, Vista’s Icebox Deli, Bit O’Britian Grocery Store, Book Place, Nucci’s Italian Café & Pizza, Egg Market Liquor, Feliccia’s Italian Deli, Vista Motorcycle, Dairy Queen, La Vista Liquor & Deli, Country Market, Vista Wine & Spirits, Superior Court Of Cal, Discount Tire, The Original Pancake House, Niko’s Steak Burgers, Vista Courthouse, Mobil Gas, La Quinta Motel, IHOP, Frazier Farms Market, Coco’s, Primo Foods, North County Ford, Entertainment Center, (Bus Stop B) 99 Cent Store, Street Rack Harbor Freight Tools INGWAY FINDING HEM

nt than West was g forward Vista reside tson, with more weather in Keysaid he’s definitely lookin Robertson West, Fla. Rober Robertson said the courtesy Tom d cat. He week. d toy six-toe f and Phoenix, Az. Photo contest last Cardif carrying a stuffe sweater and his residences between Collins, splits

SAN MARCOS Palomar Station Apts, CVS, AAA, Grocery Outlet, Home Sweet Home Cafe, Corner Liquor, Postal Annex, Chateau Lake San Marcos, San Marcos Library, Us Colleges Of San Marcos, Cal State San Marcos, Discount Tire Co, Jersey Mikes, My Kitchen, Chevron G&M, Lake San Marcos Club Room, Stumblefoot Brewing Co, Cal State San Marcos, San Marcos Car Wash, Rancho Vallecitos, Dos Desperados Brewery, Capella Coffee Co, Mariah’s West Wind Restaurant, Turner Outdoorsman, North County Yamaha, NCY, George Burger, Pizza Nova, Ryan Brothers Coffee, Tinas Deli, Market & Liquor, Nordahl’s Liquor, Compadre Grill Chicken, Joslyn Senior Center, Boys And Girls Club, Twin Oaks Valley Park, Fosters Donuts, Bubble Tea, The Ups Store, San Marcos: Senior Center, Boudin Sf Bakery Deli, Menchies Frozen Yogurt, Oscar’s Mexican Food, Chevron G&M, Rancho Santa Fe Gas, Highlander Center, Philly Frank’s Cheestakes, Crispy’s Donuts, Gourmet Liquors, The Tropical Connection, Ralphs Privately Owned, Cal State San Marcos, Cal State San Marcos, Froyo Love, Yogurt Utopia, Liquor Deli Stop, Lake San Marcos Country Club, Broodale Place Of San Marcos, Broken Yolk, L&L Hawaiian Barbecue, Twin Oaks Valley Market, San Marcos Deli, S.M. Community Health Cntr., Lee’s Aquarium & Pet Products, Fish House Vera Cruz

ESCONDIDO Panda Express / Bus Stop, Los Charros, IHOP, Escondido Transit Ctr, Arco, J&M’s Family Restaurant, IHOP, Albertsons,Vons, Auto Park Car Wash, Panera Bread, Stone Brewing World Bistro & Garden, Gray Bill Medical Group, Kettle Coffee & Tea, O’Sullivan’s Irish Pub, Salon Sultry, Cuscatlan Comida Salvadoreña, Latinos Market, Plan 9 Alehouse, Swami’s Cafe, Swirlz Candy, Grand Dentistry, Visit Escondido, Vinz Wine Bar, Donut World, Laundry Service, Big O Tires, Synfast Oil Change, Vons 2156, Circle K, East Valley Community Center, Mikki’s Café, Town & Country Club Park, Wrangler Family Barbecue, J & M’s Midway Liquor, Yum Yum Donuts, Agrusas Super Sandwiches, Subzero Ice Cream & Yogurt, Elixir Espresso & Wine Bar, North County Tavern+Bowl, Panera Bread, Springs Of Escondido, Marte’s Donuts, Lenas Liquor, Smokey’s Lake Wohlford Cafe, Meadow Lake Golf Course, Escon. Chamber Of Commerce, Kaiser Permanente, Palomar Family YMCA, Casa Escondido/ Rec Center, Mr Blue’s Donut Shop, City Hall, America’s Best Value Inn (Escon) Circle K, Sun Valley Fuel, Charlie’s Family Restaurant, 7 Eleven, Corner Liquor & Market, Park Avenue Community Center, Prudential, Pet Haus, Motel Mediteranian, Jimbo’s Naturally, Trader Joes, Major Market, Discount Tire, Georgias Liquor, Varso Gas, Center City Café, Peterson’s Donut Corner, Hacienda De Vega, Green Tree, Escondido Public Library, Escogelato Continental Delicatessen, Westside Cafe, Twin Oaks Animal Hospital, Hodges Golf Learning Center, Escondido Humane Society, Sprouts Farmers Market, Tom’s Famous Family Restaurant, Acacia Animal Health Center, Chase Bank, Cal Postal, El Norte Medical Group, Go Mart Liquor, Shell Union 76 Station, Blue Mug Coffee & Tea, Hungry Bear Sub Shop, Donut Star, Marcus Liquor, The Yogurt Place, Filippi’s Pizza, A Delight Of France, California Avocado Grill, Pedro’s Downtown Deli, Grand Avenue Barber Shop, Bellamy’s Restaurant, Joe’s Italian Dinners, Pounders Sports Pub, Escondido World Mkt, Stater Bros, Golden State Market, Golden Egg Omelet House, Farmer Boys, Natural Best Foods Deli, Oriental Food Market, CVS, 7 Eleven, Family Care Dental, Mike’s BBQ, Fatburger, Signature Bagels & Deli, Savoy Donuts, Juice It Up, Coco’s Family Restaurant, Rite Aid Pharmacy, Kotija Taco Shop, Heriberto Taco, Tortilleria La Esperanza, Antonios Mexican Food, Vallarta Super Market, Mini Market Midway, Coast News Office Copies

10,000 copies delivered to 350 locations every other week


OCT. 24, 2014 260 N. El Camino Real.

welcomes back previous director, Bev Goodman, owner GRANT FOR MCDONALD of Coast Hwy Traders, and new director Jarrod Harms, HOUSE To help low-income par- owner of Detour Salon. Business news and special achievements for North San ents in getting to the hospital Diego County. Send information and managing an extended HEAD START HELP stay away from home, The Easter Seals Southern via email to community@ Ellen Browning Scripps Foun- California (ESSC) has opened dation and the Farrell Fam- three new Child Development ily Foundation are granting Centers (CDCs) in North San SCHOLARSHIP a total of $65,000 to Ronald Diego County following the SUPPORT The Encinitas Chamber McDonald House Charities award of a Heart Start conof Commerce with the assis- of San Diego and Rady Chil- tract earlier this year. The schools opened in September tance of the Coastal Com- dren’s Hospital-San Diego. and now provide services to munity Foundation, recently 280 pre-school children with presented the non-profit Jon- STUDENT NAMED center-based and home-based SPEAKER athan Tarr Foundation with Oceanside resident An- Head Start programs in the a $1,000 scholarship. JTF works to provide windows of drew Coba will be the student cities of Encinitas and Solana opportunity scholarships to speaker at the Marine Corps Beach. Foundation’s under-served boys and girls Scholarship not normally targeted to at- 32nd Annual West Coast SABELLICO HEADS DVBA Campaign Celebratory Gala Carlsbad business owner tend college. Oct. 25 at the Dana Point Mike Sabellico, who became NAVY FEDERAL OPENS Ritz-Carlton Laguna Niguel. a business owner followAndrew, a civil engineering ing a 20-year career in the NEW BRANCH Staff members, Encini- student at San Diego State U.S. Coast Guard, has been tas Mayor Kristin Gaspar and University, is the son of Ma- named the executive director of the Disabled Veteran Busithe Chamber Ambassadors rine Capt. Javier Coba. ness Alliance, by the Sacragathered in early October to mento-based organization’s celebrate the Navy Federal READ OF GHOSTS “Ghosts of the Queen board of directors. Credit Union grand opening of their new Encinitas branch, Mary” is Carlsbad resident Karen Truesdell Riehl's FRASIER NAMED COO eighth eBook, scheduled for Oceanside resident, release Nov. 1 on Kindle, Timothy Frasier was recentNook, iBook and other digi- ly named Chief Operating tal devices. A sample is now Officer at St. Paul’s Senior available for free download Homes & Services. Frazier to PC or MAC from Smash- will assume responsibility for executive oversight of marketing, residential services; NEW 101 DIRECTORS community services; support The Encinitas 101 Main- services; human resources; Street Association announced and chaplaincy. that Directors Bart Smith and Don Taylor will be stepping TWO JOIN FIRM Carmel Valley resident, down from the board. It also Arlene Yang, and San Marcos resident Vanessa Negrete, are the newest additions to Brown Law Group of San Diego. Yang’s practice focuses on employment law and litiYour Rancho Santa Fe, Solana gation. Negrete is an experiBeach & Del Mar Territory Manager enced labor and employment law practitioner specializing Call Krista for all your in litigation and the counseladvertising needs. ing of employers. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS x101 The nonprofit Leap to Success and its founder, Dana Bristol-Smith, has recognized October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month by publishing videos in which women share their stories of overcoming abusive relationships. “Domestic Violence, Let’s Spread Hope,” and “Say No to Abuse - Say Yes to Your Life” were published in October. For more information, visit the Leap for Success Web site The National Domestic Violence Hotline is (800) 799−7233.




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OCT. 24, 2014

T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Facing our fears at Alisal Guest Ranch and Resort hit the road e’louise ondash


wo amazing things happened a few weeks ago when my husband, Jerry, and I stayed at Alisal Guest Ranch and Resort, three miles south of Solvang in the Santa Ynez Valley. He ate asparagus and I rode a horse. To appreciate these accomplishments, you have to understand his relationship with vegetables and mine with horses. You can count on one hand the vegetables that appeal to Jerry and they don’t include anything that starts with an A. So kudos to Executive Chef Pascal Godé. As for the horses … some years ago (let’s just say in the last millennium) I was thrown by a horse. He then lost his balance and fell over backwards on top of me. The result: several broken bones and internal injuries and a year in recovery. So horses are not my favorite animal, but I wanted to see some of Alisal’s 10,000 acres of backcountry, and that was going to take a horse. The wranglers promised me a sluggish, obedient horse, and Jesse proved to be just that during our 90-minute ride. (I was thankful not to get my husband’s horse, Rambo.) The hot weather probably slowed our horses even further, so I didn’t complain. Despite the drought and dusty trail, the foothills were still green, and our trail guide Dustin Mackie gave an excellent narration, answered all our questions, and was kind enough not to complain about our slow

Elizabeth Swanson works with the many animals that reside in the petting zoo at Alisal Guest Ranch and Resort near Solvang. All of the animals are rescues. Children who stay at the resort are invited to feed the animals and gather eggs daily. Photo by Jerry Ondash

Alisal’s long-time wrangler Dick Silva has lots of tales to tell about the ranch and all the visitors he’s seen through the years. Ranch history says that Clark Gable married Lady Silvia in the resort’s old library, and Doris Day was featured in a Hollywood magazine while on one of her regular visits. Photo by Jerry Ondash

pace. We carefully picked our way up and down the hillsides, from which the view was gorgeous and tranquil. Despite the drought, the rolling hills and mountains were still somewhat green. The private lake was an unreal turquoise, and expanTURN TO HIT THE ROAD ON 12

Alisal Guest Ranch wrangler and trail guide extraordinaire, Dustin Mackie has been riding horses since age 4. In 2006, he spent months of rehabilitation to recover from a severe head injury from a Motocross accident. Today Mackie works with horses and guests alike with great patience. He leads riders through the part of Santa Ynez Valley that belongs to the ranch. There is little he doesn’t know about the flora and fauna of the region. Photo by E’Louise Ondash

4) expires 11/9/1 (with coupon, le items sa es Exclud r any other offe Not valid with



T he C oast News - I nland E dition

OCT. 24, 2014

Grand sycamores line the entry driveway to Alisal Guest Ranch and Resort near Solvang in Santa Barbara County. Alisal is the Chumash Indian word for “grove of sycamores.” The bunkhouses were converted into guest quarters in 1946. Renovation of all the rooms was completed recently. Photo by Jerry Ondash


sive meadows provided a place where hundreds of cattle could lunch on imported hay. We met an eight-point buck on the trail, and he seemed not bothered at all. After staring us down for a few moments, he unhurriedly loped off over a rise. In all, this part of the Santa Ynez Valley probably looks much as it did during the 19th century when vaqueros rode the hills. Alisal Ranch is aptly named; it’s a Chumash Indian word meaning “groves of sycamore trees.” Huge old sycamores are clustered all over the property, providing refuge for humans and animals alike, and there are plenty of the latter. The ranch has an animal rescue area, a petting zoo and a pair of miniature horses on the premises near the corral that nearly 80 horses call home. And late one afternoon, we were directed away from a wooded gully that was occupied by a well-hidden bobcat. There is no lack of things to do for both grownups and kids at Alisal, but one reason many visitors return is the staff. Guests say they are remembered from year to year. Tom and Cheryl Huse of La Jolla said that arriving at Alisal is like coming home. They visit several times a year because of the family-like environment and the relative isolation. (There are no phones or television, but Wi-Fi is available). And if you have a favorite dish, Executive Chef

It’s hard to believe that Alisal Guest Ranch and Resort was once just a collection of cattlemen’s quarters. Today, the resort has many amenities, including this pool. Guests also can enjoy the golf course; library; facilities for children’s activities; petting zoo; and private lake where guests can fish and kayak. Photo by Jerry Ondash

Tortellini the Tortoise chows down on lettuce from the kitchen at Alisal Guest Ranch and Resort, about three miles south of downtown Solvang. The ranch has long been a place where animals who can’t survive in nature can call home. Children of guests love to come to feed and interact with the animals, including miniature ponies, ducks, cockatoos and chickens. Photo by Jerry Ondash

Pascal Godé is glad to make it for you. We enjoyed a perfectly grilled Scottish Salmon and prime rib — and oh yes, that asparagus. The kitchen staff is more than happy to accommodate special dietary needs. Solvang is about a five-minute drive from Alisal, so it’s easy to buzz into town, or catch a ride for a wine tour.

For more info and special packages: alisal. com, or call (800) 4-ALISAL (425- 4725). For info on Santa Ynez Valley: E’Louise Ondash is a freelance writer living in North County. Tell her about your travels at eondash@

OCT. 24, 2014


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Food &Wine

Jerry’s Wood-Fired Dogs delivers the flavor


Jerry’s Woodfired owners Phil and Mindy Pometto Photo by David Boylan


Job #: PAL-1423767

Coast News, Rancho Santa Fe, Coast News Inland

Title: 10/10 Win A Car / Scratch & Match


Date In: August 4, 2014


cooking over real wood and The first Jerry’s Dogs it takes a bit for our cooks I went to was in Ladera to learn‌but who wants Ranch four years ago. From their burger tasting like the first time I walked in gas? there, I knew this concept  would be a huge hit in San I was really impressed by everything I sampled at Diego.  We are only the fourth Jerry’s. The Chicago dog franchisee for Jerry’s so we was spot on, the Bavarian get a lot of flexibility with bratwurst was full of flavor things. We have the abili- and had great texture, and ty to try new things all the I loved the burger. Tell me time.  Our store is actually about some of your top sellthe first store with local ers and other menu options. draft beer, four taps from  Belching Beaver Brewery. Phil Our Chicago Dog is Huge success! probably our best seller on  Your wood fired grill makes the hot dog side. It is very a huge difference in the fla- traditional, from the bright vor of the food‌in a great green relish to the sport way.  Besides the great fla- peppers and right down to vor it gives your dogs and the poppy seed buns. burgers, your restaurant We have a lot of Chicasmells amazing. Tell me go natives visiting our store about the wood you use and every day. the process of keeping that Other top sellers infire at the right tempera- clude our Chili Cheese Friture all day. to Dog and our California Mindy Dog, which includes fresh We burn Almond wood avocado, tomatoes and in our grills. It burns very grilled onions, peppers and consistently and doesn’t mushrooms.  have a real overwhelming But, even though we taste, like say mesquite. are called Jerry’s WoodThere is definitely a skill to Fired DOGS, our burgers Due Date: September 8, 2014

Live: n/a

Trim: 5.075�w x 7.5�h

Bleed: N/A

Scale: 100%

Color: CMYK


’ve been a huge proponent of wood and charcoal over gas grilling for years. My fancy gas grill sits covered, mostly unused while my little Webber table top grill is fired-up almost weekly and I always throw wood in the mix some for that flavor that can’t be beat. So when I heard there was a new hot dog and burger joint in town my interest was piqued immediately. Jerry’s Wood Fired Dogs in Carlsbad offers up many varieties of hot dogs, sausages, burgers and more and based on several visits I’m giving this place a huge thumbs up. Its pretty simple, woodfired makes stuff taste better and everything they put on the grill is pretty darn good to begin with. Jerry’s is owned by the husband and wife team of Phil and Mindy Pometto and I had a conversation with them recently to learn more about Jerry’s.  You and your husband had successful careers prior to opening Jerry’s, what made you take the plunge into restaurant ownership?  Phil I grew up in Maryland and worked in the restaurant business since I was 13. I did everything in the business, including opening my own restaurants. I moved to San Diego 20 years ago and vowed never to work in restaurants again. Mindy and I both have successful real estate and mortgage careers but like they say, “Never Say Never!â€?  Here I am again, 20 years later.   There are a lot of franchise options out there, how did you pick Jerry’s Dogs? Â

sell like crazy.  Can’t match that wood-fired taste.  I also noticed that the skinon-fries had that elusive crispy outside and light and fluffy inside. Is that accomplished through the cooking process or are they just killer fries?

Mindy We would like to say a little bit of both. The seasoning we use on our fries and housemade potato chips really sets our product apart. For those saucy people out there, we offer 10 specialty-dipping sauces for free such as Garlic Parmesan, Chipotle Aioli and Blossom Horseradish. We have customers who just come by for fries, which make for a nice afternoon snack.  We are in Southern California so it was probably a given that you have vegetarian options. Tell me about those.  Mindy Absolutely! We wouldn’t do it any other way. We have several menu items created just for the vegetarian, such as our O.C Dog, which is a veggie dog with avocado, feta, lettuce, cucumbers, diced tomatoes and ranch. You can also build any of our favorites around a veggie dog. Whether a true vegetarian or not, people rave about our veggie burger. You can also order any of our dogs or burgers protein style, wrapped in lettuce.   It’s nice you have beer and wine available. If I’m

having a party is catering available? Mindy We would love to cater your next event, however big or small. We offer full onsite grill catering for corporate, school, non-profit, fundraising and private events. We also just catered four school festivals this month with great success. We recently customized an October Feast Menu for a local company party There is nothing like the wood-fired smell to get your guests excited and hungry!  Jerry’s also has what they call a Happy Dog Hour. Join them Monday through Thursday from 3 to 5 p.m. with $3 specialty dogs and $4 craft beers on tap. We have TV’s playing your favorite sports as well as indoor and outdoor seating. They are located at 7040 Avenida Encinas in Carlsbad. (760) 454-1414 or Lick the Plate can now be heard on KPRi, 102.1 FM Monday - Friday during the 7pm hour. David Boylan is founder of Artichoke Creative and Artichoke Apparel, an Encinitas based marketing firm and clothing line. Reach him at david@artichoke-creative. com or (858) 395-6905.

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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

OCT. 24, 2014

A rts &Entertainment Rancho Buena Vista Adobe hosts paranormal investigations Send your arts & entertainment news to

By Noah S. Lee

VISTA — The San Diego Paranormal Research Society (SDPRS) invites visitors to participate in the “Spirits of the Adobe” tours at the historic birthplace of Vista. First established in the mid-19th century, the Rancho Buena Vista Adobe has witnessed its share of upgrades as well as people, its structure having maintained its historical integrity over the years and seen various inhabitants come and go. Now a museum site and venue for special occasions, the layered past within its walls is an interesting history lesson in and of itself. According to legend, however, some of the Adobe’s original residents have never truly left the premises, a phenomenon that has caught the attention of the SDPRS for some time now. And for three monthly Saturday evenings, from October to December, the general public will get the

The Ranho Buena Vista Adobe in Vista will be host to a series of paranormal investigations starting Oct. 25. Photo courtesy Nicole Strickland

chance to investigate these paranormal activities in the “Spirits of the Adobe” tours. Hosted by Nicole Strickland and Maria Garcia, the

tour takes visitors on an interactive ghostly journey as they learn about the hacienda’s colorful history and the strange happenings known to occur there. Much of this event is further heightened by the inclusion of the SDPRS’s paranormal investigation techniques, which any tourist can experience in person. “Guests have the opportunity to test out equipment used in paranormal research and ask questions during EVP and ITC (real-time spirit communication) sessions,” says Strickland, who is also the SDPRS founder. “Thus, guests not only have the chance to tour the adobe and see its beautiful rooms and artifacts, they have the chance to participate in an actual paranormal investigation hosted by

members of the San Diego Paranormal Research Society.” This “up close and personal” aspect is necessary to experience the event in its entirety, because, as with any fascinating field of study, exercising the proper methods to explore the eerie unknown is essential. And this especially applies to guests, who, while touring the adobe, get to taste what it is like to attempt to discover the explanations behind these anomalies. For Strickland, educating the Average Joe or Jane about the do’s and don’ts of delving into that ghostly world is the key to nurturing an interest in learning more about spirits and all things haunted. “Many people are new to paranormal research and if they are going be con-

ducting investigations at a historical place or private residence — or anywhere for that matter — they deserve to know the correct way to approach an investigation,” she explains. “Since there is a huge interest in paranormal research,” she continues, “I want to make sure that those interested have a way of learning the proper procedures and protocols for conducting paranormal research.” This makes the educational nature of the “Spirits of the Adobe” tours all the more fun and exciting, especially where its late former residents are concerned. With a history that started in 1845, when Luiseno Indian and Christian convert Felipe Subria received the original land grant, there

is much to learn about the many lives this Californian treasure housed. Be it Cave Johnson Couts, who ensured the original Rancho Buena Vista Adobe remained intact, or F. Jack Knight and his wife Helen Louise, both of who refurnished most of the property, the humble genesis of Vista has no shortage of stories to tell. And it is stories such as these that are home to numerous paranormal activities that guests will have the opportunity to investigate alongside SDPRS members. “You cannot separate a location’s history from its paranormal happenings. For that reason, many locations with a lot of noted history tend to be paranormally active,” Strickland asserts. “This is the case with the Rancho Buena Vista Adobe. The SDPRS team has been able to build a rapport with some of the resident spirits there. Many times, a location’s paranormal activity is its way of telling its story and sharing its history.” The Rancho Buena Vista Adobe is located at 640 Alta Vista Dr. In addition, the “Spirits of the Adobe” tours take place on Saturdays (Oct. 25, Nov.15, and Dec. 13) at either 7:30 p.m. or 9:30 p.m. The price of admission is $25 per person, and the event is open to those aged 18 and up. Call (760) 643-5275 or to register. To learn more about SDPRS founder Nicole Strickland visit, as well as the research she has been conducting on the RMS Queen Mary, visit

OCT. 24, 2014

T he C oast News - I nland E dition

A rts &Entertainment

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No matter his look, the music is his purpose Matisyahu ditches the beard, the hat and the suit, but his sound still remains By Tony Cagala

SOLANA BEACH — Ten years ago, a quite unorthodox (figuratively speaking) sight appeared on stages around the country. That was when Matisyahu, a man in Hasidic Jewish orthodox garb: beard, broad brimmed hat and black suit, made his debut, beat boxing and rapping over smooth Reggae beats. Now, Matisyahu (whose real name is Matthew Miller), is garnering more attention, not so much for his music, which has garnered several accolades, but once again for his look. This time, the 35-year-old singer, is clean-shaven and no longer wears the traditional garb people once identified him with. And the attention on his new “image” isn’t necessarily sitting well with him, neither is the judgment that he’s been receiving from some of the fans.

arts CALENDAR Know something that’s going on? Send it to calendar@

A person in the limelight, he said, you never really get used to it when you’re a sensitive person, adding that the whole thing about his look is a little ironic because growing the beard, wearing the suit, the Hasidic thing was about getting away from being too concerned with your image. “And then my whole thing became about the image,” Matisyahu said. “I became known as the Hasidic Reggae guy…but my career for the last 10 years was not built around me being Hasidic. It was built around the songs that I’ve written and sing and tour and the fans that connect with that music. And I just assumed that the music was the thing that the majority of people were connecting with. “But it’s not,” he said. “There were a lot more people that were just interested in the anomaly of this Hasidic Reggae guy. That was also a hard pill to swallow.” Starting in his 20s, Matisyahu had already been into Reggae music, but it was at the same time that he began to explore his Jewish roots. His parents instilled a traditional Jewish upbringing, something he initially rebelled against when younger. But then he noticed a strong connection between the Old Testament and Reggae music, he said. As he began exploring further the stories of the Kabala, the mystical elements of the stories and the existential ideas behind

the Carmel Valley Library at 1 p.m. Oct. 25 in the library’s community room, 3919 Townsgate Drive in Carmel Valley. For further information, call (858) 5521668. OCT. 26 M ASTERWOR KS TRIO Enjoy the free National Arts Month concert: “Masterworks for Piano Trio” with pianist Glenn Vanstrum, violinist Wendy Loeb and cellist Janet White, at 2 p.m. Oct. 26, at the Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium, 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad.

Matisyahu is performing a sold out show at the Belly Up Tavern in Solana Beach Oct. 26. Photo by Jared Polin

Judaism, Matisyahu started living the Hasidic lifestyle, taking on the look and following all the rules, he explained. And it was from there that he decided he would make a Roots, Reggae record as a Hasidic Jew. “And I’m going to use everything that I’m learning about. My canon is going to be Judaism. That’s what I’m going to use as my inspiration,” he said. That result was his first record, “Shake off the Dust,” which he recorded on Friday afternoons, having received permission from

O RC H E S T R A F E S T The North Coast Symphony presents “Orchestrafest” at 2:30 P.M. Oct.27 and 7:30 p.m. Oct. 28 at the Seacoast Community Church, 1050 Regal Road, Encinitas. More information at

OCT. 24 ‘ZOMBIE PROM’ CanOCT. 29 yon Crest Academy EnSTUDY ABROAD vision Theatre presents MiraCosta College pres“Zombie Prom” a girl ents, “Around the World in meets ghoul musical Oct. One Day” a Study Abroad 24 through Nov. 1 with 4 Expo, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Oct. p.m. and 7 p.m. shows each 29 in Aztlan A & B and a weekend on campus at 5951 film presentation by BriE. Village Center Loop an Hu from 12:30 to 2 p.m. Road, Carmel Valley. Tickin Room 3601 on, at the ets are $15 for adults and $8 Oceanside Campus, 1 Barfor students. nard Drive, Oceanside. OCT. 27 READ A GOOD PLAY, OCT. 25 LATELY? The Carlsbad OCT. 31 COLLEGE CHOIRS Playreaders present “Good MAKE A FACE Stop MiraCosta College Choirs People” directed by Annie by the Encinitas branch Symphony Orchestra with Hinton, featuring Sandy library after school 3:30 Masterworks Chorale and Campbell, Susan Clausen, to 4:30 p.m. Oct. 31, at 540 Palomar College Chorale Jason Heil, M. Susan Peck, Cornish Ave., Encinitas perform at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 25 Hunter Saling and Whitney and learn some spooky and at 3 p.m. Oct. 26 in the Thomas at 7:30 p.m. Oct. techniques and tips with Concert Hall, Bldg. 2400, on 27 at the Carlsbad Dove make-up artist Christine the Oceanside Campus, 1 Library Schulman Audi- Cordova. Come with your Barnard Drive. Tickets may torium, 1775 Dove Lane, Halloween costume and rebe purchased at miracosta. Carlsbad. Cost $5. For more ceive a prize. edu/buytix or by calling information, visit carlsbadHALLOWEEN ART the Box Office at (760) 795- See “Art After Dark: Freak6815. EVENING CHORALE The Center Chorale will sing Morten Lauridsen’s “Lux Aeterna” at 7:30 p.m. Classified Account Executive Oct. 25 at the California Center for the Arts Escondido, 340 N. Escondido Blvd, Call Chelsea for all Escondido. For tickets, visit your classified FREE FAMILY PROadvertising needs. GRAM featuring concert pianist and teacher Jacquex100 lyne Silver and 10 students, sponsored by the Friends of


Call 760.436.9737

the Rabbis to work on it while he was in Yeshiva. His latest album, “Akeda,” released earlier this year is also signaling a shift in inspiration for the singer. This album, he explained, is more personal. While Judaism is still a part of his life, “Akeda” is the result of personal turmoil. He and his wife divorced after nine years of marriage. The songs on the record stem from his wanting to write about his life and less about the over-arching ideas he once wrote about, such as his anthem-like song, “One Day.” The first song he wrote for the album was “Hard Way,” a song he wrote, he said, after literally coming from a therapy session. His producer and bass player Stu Brooks played him the track, and the lyrics just started to come. “I try not to think too much when I’m writing. I just try and get out of the way, and let the song write me. And that’s what I came up with.” The song is based around a phrase his now ex-wife said to him: “You think someone else is going to make you happy. No one’s going to make you happy because you’re not a happy person. You’re looking for happiness outside and you’re not going to find it.’ And that was definitely the theme of that song,” he said. Being particularly sensitive to the criticisms from fans and

show Sideshow” at Oceanside Museum of Art on Oct. 31 at 704 Pier View Way, Oceanside. Admission is $20 for non-members online, by phone at (760) 4353720, or at the door. Tickets include complimentary tastes and refreshments, music by DJ Zochi while artists Kay Lim, CJ Troxell, and Jason Wimer create their art in-person. Proceeds benefit programming at Oceanside Museum of Art. ROCK THE NIGHT at an All Hallows Eve concert with Larisa Stow & Shakti Tribe at 8 p.m. Oct. 31 at the Seaside Center for Spiritual Living, 1613 Lake Drive, Encinitas. Opening guests Kiyoshi and Krista Rich-

the dissolution of his marriage, it was a period that was hard to deal with, he explained. “It just feels like I can never make everyone happy, and I have a tendency to focus on the negative unfortunately, and that was driving me a little bit. That was a little hard for me to deal with,” he said. But he still had his music to lean on and help him through. “I do it just because I do it,” he said. “I would never stop doing it. Even if there were no fans coming to shows, I would still make music because it’s just who I am.” Though his fans are still there, and he often hears from them these intense stories of how they’ve been able to cope with their own tragedies with the help of his music. “That’s when I realize that this music is much bigger than me, and that it’s my purpose here. It’s a way that I can contribute in this life,” Matisyahu said. “I think that there is a certain hope in the music,” he said. “But I think it’s just good music. I think people connect with quality music. And I think the words, the lyrics, the music — the whole package – I think it just works for people. It’s hard to put a reason, an intellectual reason to it. I think music just kind of punches people or doesn’t. There’s no real reason as to why it does,” he said. Matisyahu performs to a sold out show at the Belly Up Tavern in Solana Beach Oct. 26.

ards, plus laser light show and tonic elixir bar. Ticket $20 at awakeningHearts. com or $25 at the door. Prize for best costume. MARK THE CALENDAR BASEBALL HUMOR “Rounding Third” will be staged with 7:30 shows Thursday through Sunday and 1 p.m. matinees Saturday and Sunday through Nov. 9 at the Broadway Theater, 340 E. Broadway, Vista. Tickets: $21.50. Call (760) 806-6905 or visit HYPERLINK "http://www." CONCERT SERIES Escondido Public Library launches the free 2014-15

2nd Saturday Concert Series with classical guitarist Peter Fletcher at 3 p.m. Nov. 8, in the Turrentine Room, 239 S. Kalmia St., Escondido. For more information, visit

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OCT. 24, 2014 Contact us at with story ideas, photos or suggestions

Chargers hope quick week is a chance to bounce back By Tony Cagala

SAN DIEGO — By the time this article runs, the Chargers will have used this quick week as an opportunity to either bounce back from a last minute 2320 loss to the Kansas City Chiefs at Qualcomm Stadium on Sunday, or trying to regain their footing in the win column once more. On Thursday, the Chargers were in the mile high city of Denver, facing off against another division rival in the Broncos, who are also coming off a short week in which they trounced the San Francisco 49ers and where Broncos’ quarterback Peyton Manning broke the record for most touchdown passes thrown. But on Monday after the Chargers loss, it was all about the tale of the tape for head coach Mike McCoy and players. “Too many missed tackles,” McCoy said. “And that’s something you work on every week, and it’s a basic fundamental of the game and we gave too many

Steve Scott is being treated for prostate cancer. Scott has continued to coach cross-country and track at Cal State San Marcos throughout his treatments at the Scripps Proton Therapy Center. Photo courtesy Scripps Health

San Diego Chargers quarterback Philip Rivers is hit from behind and looses the ball during a game between the Kansas City Chiefs and the San Diego Chargers at Qualcomm Stadium. Photo by Bill Reilly

yards where we should have stopped them.” That was essentially the take away from the loss to the Chiefs.

Linebacker Jarret Johnson, who spoke to the media on Monday, had fingers on each hand banded up and his right leg wrapped tight with gauze. “You can go into any NFL locker room this time of year, everyone is going to be dealing with something,” Johnson said, referring to the bandages. This quick week, he said, is just one of the adversities of playing in the NFL, in terms of recovering physically. The 12-year veteran said it takes him usually until the next Sunday morning to have fully recovered. Injuries have been an ongoing storyline for the Chargers this season. That constant shuffle of injured players has led to an oft-recurring theme of “next man up.”

McCoy didn’t give any updates on the health status of running backs Donald Brown or Ryan Mathews, other than they’re working “extremely hard to get back.” There was little other information on the status of cornerback Brandon Flowers at the time, who was removed from Sunday’s game against the Chiefs after sustaining a concussion. Flowers didn’t participate in Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s practice and it was announced Wednesday that he wouldn’t play Thursday. Also not practicing on Wednesday were Brown, Mathews, and linebacker Manti Te’o. But when asked what challenges the team might be facing without many of TURN TO CHARGERS ON 18

Scott running past cancer again sports talk jay paris Steve Scott hit the tape and was hit up. “Can I have your autograph?’’ a teenager asked. Scott, as usual, signed and smiled. “That would have been bad,’’ Scott said with a laugh, “if I hadn’t.’’ Scott, the iconic American distance runner, was dusting off a 1978 story. Like his record 136 sub 4-minute miles, there’s a kick. That kid handing Scott a pen back then now has Scott’s life in his hands. “There is definitely a lesson in there,’’ Scott said, and he’s chuckling again. Scott, 58, announced recently he has prostate cancer and is being treated at Scripps Proton Therapy Center.

Scott’s doctor? Carl Rossi, that same post-race autograph seeker from that 10K in Orange County. “He’s a running fanatic,’’ Scott said. “So I have absolute confidence in my doctor.’’ You hear it in Scott’s upbeat voice. It’s at an optimistic level often reserved for the Cal State San Marcos track and cross-country teams he coaches. That circles us back to Rossi, as if we’re on the track. Rossi, 51, is a longtime volunteer assistant coach at Claremont McKenna College. For years Scott’s squads competed in the school’s Rossi Relays. “I never put two and two together,’’ said Scott, a USA Track and Field Hall of Fame member. ”Even after I met him.’’ Scott and Rossi are one, fighting Scott’s prostate cancer. Scott was diTURN TO JAY PARIS ON 18


Bill is a professional photographer who blends his lifelong passion for sports with his skills in photography to capture memorable moments of all types of action oriented events.Call Bill to learn more about how his sports, portrait and commercial photography services can meet your needs.


OCT. 24, 2014


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Camp P endleton News

Base Fire Department tips during Fire Prevention Month By Cpl. Shaltiel Dominguez

CAMP PENDLETON — The Camp Pendleton Fire Department has provided tips to increase awareness and help prevent fires on the base and in residential areas in lieu of Fire Prevention Month. According to John Crook, the fire department division chief here, training areas are at the highest risk for fires. However, areas of the base with overgrown vegetation where fires have not burned through in several years are also at risk especially during dry spells of weather. More than 100 wildfires have occurred on base from the beginning of the year to Sept. 30. The ‘Basilone Complex’ fire in May, composed of the Tomahawk, Pulgas and Combat Fires, in addition to smaller incidents, burned 24,062 acres of land, which is twice the acreage burned from last year. That is the equivalent to the combined area of 18,201 football fields. “Anyone affected by the May 2014 fire can attest to some of the hardships of being ordered to evacuate and not having the comforts of your home or place of work,” said Crook. “The simplest way to prevent fires is to be fire-smart as the weather gets drier. Be aware of your surroundings and avoid discarding any combustible or burning products, such as charcoal and cigarettes in areas or containers not designed for hot smoldering products.” The Safety Center here has provided some useful fire prevention tips to keep in mind for base personnel, patrons and residents: • Have properly working smoke alarms

For fire suppression, Squeeze the lever slowly emergency medical reand evenly. Sweep the nozzle from sponse, rescue, hazardous materials response and fire side-to-side.

prevention services please contact the Camp Pendleton Fire Department at (760) 725-4321.

The Camp Pendleton Fire department has provided tips to increase awareness and help prevent fires on the base and in residential areas in lieu of Fire Prevention Month. According to John Crook, the fire department division chief here, training areas are at the highest risk for fires. However, areas of the base with overgrown vegetation where fires have not burned through in several years are also at risk especially during dry spells of weather. For fire suppression, emergency medical response, rescue, hazardous materials response and fire prevention services please contact the Camp Pendleton Fire Department at (760) 725-4321. Courtesy photo

• Test smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors monthly and change the batteries at least once a year • Place smoke alarms on each floor of your home and in each bedroom • Plan a family escape route and practice it once a month • Place fire extinguishers throughout your home and make sure everyone in the house knows how to use them • Use a portable fire extinguisher when the fire is confined to a small area,

such as a wastebasket, and is not growing; everyone has exited the building; the fire department has been called or is being called; and the room is not filled with smoke. • To operate a fire extinguisher, remember the word PASS: Pull the pin. Hold the extinguisher with the nozzle pointing away from you, and release the locking mechanism. Aim low. Point the extinguisher at the base of the fire.

Marines and families keep busy CAMP PENDLETON — Marine families can join the Halloween fun at the Camp Pendleton Haunted Grounds with live-action paintball, zombie hunting and kids’ attractions. Oct. 25, Oct. 30, Oct. 31 and Nov. 1. There will also be a Spooky spin class from 6 to 8 a.m. Oct. 31 at the Paige Fieldhouse. Show up in costume for a treat. Semper Fit offers Operation Adrenaline Rush (OAR) combines Combat and Operational Stress Control (COSC) principles with an outdoor recreation adventure activity to aid in mitigating boredom and high-risk behavior of recently deployed Marines and Sailors. Operation Adrenaline Rush is a program for Marines and Sailors who have returned from deployment. OAR is not a program for individuals, it is for units. It offers kayaking, surfing, stand-up paddling, jet skiing, wake-boarding, paintball, skeet & trap,

outdoor rock climbing, indoor rock climbing, skiing, snowboarding and go-kart racing. The program assists Marines and Sailors in re-integration by empowering small unit leaders, maintaining combat readiness, reinforcing unit cohesion and contributing to an improved climate perception. La Casa Del Mar Event Center is now open, offering a beachfront property perfect for weddings, corporate events/meetings and special events. To book an event, call (760) 763-5651/5653. Adjacent is the Del Mar Beach Resort, a luxury oceanfront resort spanning pristine beaches and spectacular views of the Pacific. With fun for family vacations and countless ways to spend your days, the resort has accommodations for all military families. Choose from luxury, deluxe and standard villas, along with a host of amenities.

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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

LOOKING BACK AND FORWARD Escondido’s Emmanuel Faith Community Church families enjoy games during the church’s 75th Celebration picnic and barbecue on Oct. 12. Courtesy photo



Debra Lundy. The public will be welcome to join the Academy, which will offer martial arts and tactical training but must be approved through extensive back-


ble classrooms. “This means a lot because many of the buildings on the campus were built in the ‘50s and ‘60s,” said Ron Perez, the college district’s assistant superintendent of finance and administrative services. “We’re getting rid of those old classrooms with modern technology that meets the needs of today’s students.” Several speakers at the ceremony talked about the long arduous process took to design the building and bring all of the disciplines together under one

ground checks, according to Garcia. The Escondido Police Department will also have access to the Academy for free and Councilman Ed Gallo said there would be no weapons or live fire in the building.

Assistant Chief of Police Bob Benton approves of the Academy, according to property manager Lundy. In two years, the city will have the option to renew the lease. All of the councilmembers said they hope to have something more spectacular there.

roof. “And now some of you are finally seeing that place you were promised when you were interviewed 30 years ago,” college assistant superintendent Berta Cuaron said. The project marks the halfway point of the district’s $694 million building campaign, which was financed by the voter-approved Proposition M in 2006. Several projects, including the new health sciences building, multimedia lab and planetarium and theater remodel, have been completed. Proposition M authorized the college district to assess properties $25 for

every $100,000 of assessed property value, but district officials said they are only assessing half that amount and still on time and on budget with its projects. Among the next projects to be completed in the Prop M campaign include the baseball field relocation and the childcare center, which will be completed in spring and summer 2015, respectively. “Projects like this are showing that we and the community are investing the community and the kids’ future,” Perez said. “It reaffirms our commitment to provide a quality education for future generations.”



from the Center of Disease Control (CDC) approved the facility because all of the kids are vaccinated in their home country or upon arrival. Some Escondido residents who opposed the shelter scoffed at the CDC citing it’s recent handling of Ebola. The shelter would have temporarily housed children ages 6 to 17 years old while they waited to be reunited with family members, which Loy said, generally took about 30 days.



their starters against Manning and the Broncos offense, McCoy said he didn’t think the team was undermanned at all. “I think that (Defensive Coordinator) John Pagano and his staff will



tate cancer. Scott was diagnosed in June and has finished his eight-week treatment. Scott’s schedule hasn’t been altered. The Carlsbad resident who beat testicular cancer 20 years ago, is still motivating his charges and running three to five miles daily. “It’s been going great,’’ Scott said. “It is amazing that there are no side effects. If you didn’t know I was being treated, you wouldn’t know it to be hon-

OCT. 24, 2014 Loy went on to say the shelter posed no credible risk to the surrounding neighbor’s property value but many within walking distance still spoke out against it. Joshua Bleisath, a resident on Scenic Drive, said he was worried about his two-year-old daughter because the proposed shelter is a 70 second run from his front door. “I don’t want 17 year old boys, possibly 96 of them, three doors down,” Bleisath told the council. The majority of people who spoke were against

the shelter because of traffic and they felt the former nursing home wasn’t meant to house children. Those who spoke in favor cited the $8 million it would add to the local economy and that officials should open their hearts. Loy represents Southwest Key, which was funded by the United States Department of Health and Human Services. The proposed shelter will not pass through the Council again, however, Southwest Key can still pursue a lawsuit against the city.

put a great plan together. We have a very talented football team — some good depth on our roster. We’ve got all the confidence in the world with our 53-man roster,” he added. “Our schemes are in place. It’s not like a weekto-week basis where you

just throw everything out the window and start from scratch,” McCoy said. “We’re not doing that.” Following Denver’s Thursday night game, the Chargers will have some time to recover before heading to Miami for week nine and then reaching their bye week Nov. 9.

est with you.’’ Scott faced the truth, but was reluctant. Despite red flags raised from his primary physician, Dr. Tracy Dale, Scott didn’t initially act on her advice. “I didn’t think it was really a big deal,’’ Scott said. It was and the tumor was located near a nerve bundle. With traditional surgery or radiation, Scott’s quality of life would have been significantly compromised. “I was kind of accepting my fate,’’ Scott said. But his sister-in-law heard of Rossi’s proton

therapy, a radiation treatment that kills cancer cells while preserving healthy surrounding tissue. Scott’s first thought? “I figured he must be a snake oil salesman,’’ Scott said. Instead he was that teenager Scott once scribbled for. Rossi no longer has Scott’s John Hancock, but Rossi remembers the signature being clear. Ditto Scott’s message today. “I want people to get checked out, to go see a doctor and don’t be hesitant,’’ Scott said. “I was lazy and if my primary doctor didn’t stay on top of me I would have blown it off. We were fortunate that we caught it early.’’ Everyone will sign off on that.

In Loving Memory

DOROTHY K. JOHNSON 1920 – 2014

To place an obituary call 760.436.9737 or email Henry Siegfried Siesel, 85 Oceanside June 20, 1929 - Oct. 13, 2014 Teresa Ann Sousa-Thompson, 66 Carlsbad Feb. 13, 1948 - Oct. 13, 2014 Farouk “Gidu” Khalaf, 81 Oceanside April 12, 1933 - Oct. 11, 2014

Dorothy K. Johnson went home to our Lord peacefully on Friday, October 3, 2014. As requested she was at home surrounded by family and friends. Dorothy was born January 23, 1920 in San Diego, California. Along with her two brothers she moved to Carlsbad in 1925. Dorothy was an elementary school teacher for 26 years, retiring in 1979. She was ‘Mom’ and ‘Grandma’ to so many and had nearly 95 good years of love, church, family, and friends. She is preceded in death by her two brothers and is survived by her 4 children, 5 grandchildren, 7 great grandchildren, and one great-great grandchild. Dorothy’s Mass of Resurrection will be held on October 27, 2014 at 11:00am at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, Carlsbad.

Contact Jay Paris at jparis8@ Follow him on Twitter at jparis_sports. He talks Chargers football on 1360 AM on Monday mornings at 8.

P earl Goodrich, 93 Oceanside Jan. 13, 1921 - Oct. 10, 2014 Carol Ann Zdybek, 78 Oceanside Sept. 7, 1936 - Oct. 10, 2014 Dorothy Maxine Schroeder, 91 Oceanside Jan. 23, 1923 - Oct. 10, 2014

IN YOUR TIME OF NEED... whether it be for the loss of a loved



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Of all the things you discuss with your family, your last wishes could be one of the most vital and important decisions you share. The emotional stress of arranging a funeral within days of losing a loved one can be overwhelming. Perhaps the greatest gift each of us can give our family is to relieve them of this burden by pre-planning our own funeral. Preplanning allows your family to focus on the loving memories of your life rather than the details of your death. Call us for a no-obligation appointment. We’ll answer all your questions and help you and your family through the preplanning process.



one or to support a friend, we want you to feel that you are in good hands. At our facility, we provide the attention and support needed to make this life’s transition as easy as possible.

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Obituaries should be received by Monday at 12 p.m. for publicatio in Friday’s newspaper. One proof will be e-mailed to the customer for approval by Tuesday at 10 a.m.

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(Dove, Heart, Flag, Rose)



435 N. Twin Oaks Valley Rd San Marcos, CA 92069


year to Oct. 21, the positive rate for bats that the county has tested is 10 percent. “That is based on five positive bats out of 51 total tested. But, remember, the population of bats we test is already dead and sick,” Sturak said. For those who haven’t handled the bat, there is no health risk, but Sturak added that if someone handled the bat and was bitten, or scratched, or had an open wound or mucous membrane that came in contact with bat saliva, then they could have been exposed to a disease that is nearly 100 percent fatal. According to the Center for Disease Control, the first symptoms of rabies may be similar to that of the flu, including general weakness, discomfort, headache or fever. Contact the County’s Health and Human Services Agency by calling (619) 692-8499.

OCT. 24, 2014


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

have a better understanding of what your friends, family or loved ones want. Relationships will take an intriguing direction, allowing you greater comfort and freedom.

SOUP TO NUTS by Rick Stromoski

By Eugenia Last FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2014

FRANK & ERNEST by Bob Thaves

THE BORN LOSER by Art & Chip Sansom

Be assertive. The time for contemplation and wishful thinking has passed. Get your act together and turn this year into one of productivity and progressive assertiveness. Fine-tuning your communication skills and taking decisive action will serve you well and alter your position dramatically.

ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- A sticky situation will end up being beneficial. Take advantage of a change that allows you to make a positive move. Hesitation will be the enemy, so act fast.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- Your emotions will be close to the surface, making judgment calls difficult. Deep discussions are best avoided until you feel levelheaded. Keep situations plain and simple.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- Don’t let anger get in your way. Remaining calm while others are upset will give you the SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- You will be upper hand, allowing you to get things plagued by emotional uncertainty. Don’t done your way. get flustered by the changes going on CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- You can around you. Get a feel for the situation form a successful partnership if you enby carefully watching what others do and gage in serious talks with people who say. share your vision and insight. A love conSAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -- It would be a good idea to stop trying to direct others to do what you want. Concentrate on your own future and leave others to their own devices.

nection will take an interesting turn.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- One of your ideas will pay off. Beware of people who are stretching the truth in order to persuade you to make a commitment. Something quite unexpected will come your way.

so study what is most meaningful to you.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Someone will have trouble understanding your motives. You will face firm opposition if the people you are dealing with doubt your CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Don’t ability to get good results. Prepare to let other people take advantage of your move forward on your own. good nature. Charity and helpfulness are VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- A different admirable qualities, but don’t assume career path will beckon you. Talk to peothat everyone has your best interest at ple already moving in a similar direction. heart. There is a wealth of knowledge available, LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- It’s time to take a leap of faith. Don’t let fear or procrastination dominate you. If you see a professional opportunity, take the plunge. Over time, you will realize your choice is PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- You will perfect for you.

BIG NATE by Lincoln Peirce

MONTY by Jim Meddick

ARLO & JANIS by Jimmy Johnson


ALLEY OOP byJack & Carole Bender


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

OCT. 24, 2014

RISING STARS Honored by Vista Chamber of Commerce, the Rising Stars for October are, from left, Yesenia Vargas (Vista High School), Kavy Mahmood (Rancho Buena Vista High School), Yuzmel Romero (Mission Vista High School), Carlo Manalad (Guajome Park Academy), Brandon Geronimo (North County Trade Tech High School) and Aleshanee Ventura (Alta Vista High School). The core of the Rising Star of the Month award is for the student who makes a difference in their home, school and community with sincerity and passion. Courtesy photo



The need to approve Proposition 48 may not seem as obvious, because its passage would simply allow construction of a new Indian casino already approved by every state and federal authority with a voice in the matter, from the state Legislature and Gov. Jerry Brown to the federal Bu-

reau of Indian Affairs. While it’s true this gaming compact would be the first allowing a Native American tribe to build a gambling hall off reservation land in California, approval in no way means other tribes would have an easy time gaining a similar nod. (Full disclosure: The writer is part-owner of the Madera Tribune, headquar-



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tered about one mile from the planned site of the putative new casino, to be owned by the North Fork Rancheria of Mono Indians.) In a state suffused with Native American casinos, this one is controversial only because it would adjoin State Highway 99 about 25 miles north of Fresno and presumably attract some gamblers who now take their money to other nearby casinos. In fact, almost all funding for the No on 48 campaign as of Sept. 30 came from existing Indian casinos which fear new competition. The two biggest contributors to the campaign against 48 are the existing Table Mountain and Chukchansi Gold casinos, also located near Fresno, and their financial backers. The second-leading contributor to the No campaign is Chukchansi’s leading lender, New York’s Brigade Capital Management. The No campaign calls on voters to “Keep Vegas-style casinos out of neighborhoods,” but it’s really about eliminating competition. There is in fact no neighborhood adjacent to the casino site, only a hotel, gas station and open land. Meanwhile, building the casino would produce about 4,000 permanent jobs in Madera County, where unemployment runs about 25 percent above the statewide average. It would also draw workers from nearby Fresno and Merced counties, whose unemployment is even higher. Only an accident of fate — and the fortunes of long-ago tribal warfare — left the North Forkers so far from a major highway that they need to build off their reservation. The bottom line: Both these propositions and the water bond deserve yes votes both on their own merits and because of the disingenuous nature of the opposition. Email Thomas Elias at His book, “The Burzynski Breakthrough, The Most Promising Cancer Treatment and the Government’s Campaign to Squelch It,” is now available in a soft cover fourth edition. For more Elias columns, visit

OCT. 24, 2014


T he C oast News - I nland E dition


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JUNE 20,

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Council clo ser


By Rachel


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Two Sectio ns 48 pages









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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

OCT. 24, 2014

OCT. 24, 2014


T he C oast News - I nland E dition


From left, Linda Bridges, Pam Whitt and Joan Hamilton, of the GFWC Contemporary Women of North County, are among members helping families create scarecrows at the Alta Vista Gardens Fall Fun Festival Oct. 11. Youngsters also bobbed for apples, decorated pumpkins, and played games. Courtesy photo

FOR THE KIDS From left, Carol Brady Ames, past president of Sunrise Vista Kiwanis; is joined by “Cat in the Hat” Maxwell Peterson, a student at Mission Vista High School, and Carl Ames, Kiwanis Lt. Gov. Dist 37 CAL-NEV-HA District. The Encore Youth Theatre, a program of the Moonlight Cultural Foundation, thanks the Kiwanis Club of Sunrise Vista for being a major supporter of Encore’s educational program. Courtesy photo

Vote for Quality leadership!

All-Souls Day brings art show and festival VISTA — The All Souls Vista Art Show and Healing Festival invites the community to celebrate El Dia del los Muertas from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. Nov. 1 at Palomar Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 1600 Buena Vista Drive. Thanks in part to the support of the Fellowship, the San Diego Foundation’s San Diego Center for Civic Engagement and the Vista Arts Foundation, festival admission is free, said Chairwoman Tania Yager. She notes, “Death is an element in everyone’s life, so it is a point of commonality among people

from all walks of life. When we come together, as we will at our festival, sharing a multitude of arts in honor of loved ones who have passed, we can heal. All Souls Vista will be both cathartic and joyful.” Workshop creations can be brought and worn at the Nov. 1 festival, which will feature an art show, music, puppetry, drum circle, healing ceremony and the Roya Tribal belly dance troupe. Artists are invited to display their art, volunteers are needed to coordinate activities. Visit

Peter Minkoff, MD

Dale Bardin, PhD

Dara Czerwonka, MSW

Ray McCune, RN

These candidates for Palomar Healthcare Board of Directors are committed to the future and well-being of the Palomar Healthcare District and the citizens it serves.

it’s tiMe for a ChaNGe

As healthcare providers, we are proud of our longstanding relationship with the Palomar Healthcare District. But we’ve grown concerned for the District’s financial health and its ability todeliver quality care at the highest levels. Consider these facts: • The District reported a $36 million loss in 2013, and a $17 million loss is estimated for 2014 • $1 billion was spent on a new hospital that doesn’t include OB/GYN or Pediatrics • In the past 15 months 130 full time employees, including registered nurses, were laid off

On nOvemBer 4,

• In 2013 $12 million in loans were made to a private health care practice with no clear repayment plan; by 2015 the loan amount is expected to grow to $50 million • Last year that same private health care practice reported a $14 million loss; equivalent of a $200 thousand dollar cost per physician

Paid for by

we’ll be voting for Dr. minkoff, Dr. Bardin, ms. Czerwonka and nurse mcCune. We urge you to do the same!


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

OCT. 24, 2014

Purchase or lease any new (previously untitled) Subaru and receive a complimentary factory scheduled maintenance plan for 2 years or 24,000 miles (whichever comes first.) See Subaru Added Security Maintenance Plan for intervals, coverages and limitations. Customer must take delivery before 12-31-2014 and reside within the promotional area. At participating dealers only. See dealer for program details and eligibility.

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All advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes, any finance charges, $80 dealer document processing charge, any electronic filing charge, and any emission testing charge. Expires 10-31-2014.

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