The rancho santa fe news, june 12, 2015

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VOL. 11, N0. 12

Jim Ogilvie and Barbara Menard attend the “Children’s Gala Under The Stars,” event at the Inn of Rancho Santa Fe on May 28. Photos by Christina Macone-Greene

Father Joe’s Village hosts gala By Christina Macone-Greene

RANCHO SANTA FE — On May 28 supporters to benefit Father Joe’s Villages united at its annual event, “Children’s Gala Under The Stars.” The outdoor venue was held at the Inn of Rancho Santa Fe where an array of silent auction tables, entertainment, and savories awaited guests. This year marked its 31st annual gala. Monies raised during the course of the evening are filtered back to its programs such as caring for more than 300 homeless children as well as around 100 teens at the Toussaint Academy every year. The goal of the gala was to be the “glimmer of hope” under the stars TURN TO GALA ON 15

The Santa Fe Irrigation District is placing digital signs around the area, including Rancho Santa Fe, to remind people traveling the roads of the water restrictions. Photo courtesy Santa Fe Irrigation District

The Ranch faces harsher water cutbacks By Christina Macone-Greene 45 percent.”

Father Joe Carroll of Father Joe’s Villages at the 31st annual gala in Rancho Santa Fe.

Members speak out about closure of Stumps Market By Christina Macone-Greene

RANCHO SANTA FE — The Rancho Santa Fe Association held its monthly meeting across the street at The Garden Club anticipating a larger crowd than normal. Nearly every seat at the venue was taken for the morning session. While the board discussed business matters early on, a time designation of 11 a.m. was dedicated to a hot topic item — the closure of Stumps Market. The Association’s building commissioner Robert Green was at the podium telling the crowd that an application has been submitted to the Design Review Committee for possible future plans of Plaza De Santa Fe. The applicant Susan Wooley had her representative Franco Simone present. Green highlighted the proposed changes for the Plaza that would include Lillian Rice inspired renovations, relocating the Post Office at another locale in the plaza, new courtyard, increased parking spots, and more. Green said that “new market discussions” were in progress.This was one of a series of informational meetings. Green reiterated that no deci-

JUNE 12, 2015

Rancho Santa Fe residents pack the monthly Association meeting to express concerns over a potential new project in the Village. Earlier this year it was announced that Stumps Market would be closing after a new lease wasn’t signed. File photo

sions were to be made on this day. It was an opportunity for the community to understand the potential scope of the project and a time to receive input from members. Ranch resident Tina Thomas said that there was no merit in the project

because it offered nothing to the community. “The issue that must be addressed now and for the long terms is how the Board can make a difference TURN TO MARKET ON 15

RANCHO SANTA FE — Rancho Santa Fe has been informed of severe water cutbacks raising them to a Level 3 Water Shortage Response on June 1. And electronic signs throughout the Ranch are delivering the message. According to the Santa Fe Irrigation District, at its May meeting, the board of directors approved an elevated comprehensive plan of action. Jessica Parks, management analyst and public information officer of the Santa Fe Irrigation District, they imposed mandatory allocations with severe cost penalties for exceeding those allocations. Irrigation days have dropped from three to two days. Parks wants everyone to know that the District will be increasing its enforcement by adding staff in the field to help customers comply with the mandatory water use restrictions. “Beginning July 1, 2015, water allocations for all customers will be imposed with severe cost penalties for exceeding the allocation. The penalties could result in quadrupling of water charges for those that don’t comply, and for flagrant violators, the District can impose flow restrictors and shutting off water service,” she said. “The water allocations will be based on each customer’s 2013 water usage. Each residence will receive a base allotment for the billing period, but all usage above the allotment must be cut back by

In addition to cutting back irrigation, a Level 3 restriction also prohibits washing vehicles at one’s residence, hosing down courtyards, among other things many did before the drought. Parks said there would be doubled penalties for not following water use

It’s critical that our customers comply with the water use restrictions and reduce their water usage.” Jessica Parks Santa Fe Irrigation District

restrictions and increased enforcement of those restrictions. In April 2015, data was released regarding water usage. Not only was the District the highest per capita user in the State, Parks said, but the water usage went up 9 percent while all other water districts within the County of San Diego went down. “It is critical that customers comply with the water use restrictions and reduce their water use,” TURN TO WATER ON 15


T he R ancho S anta F e News

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JUNE 12, 2015

JUNE 12, 2015


T he R ancho S anta F e News

Garden Club awards $50,000 in grants to organizations By Christina Macone-Greene

RANCHO SANTA FE — There was a large turnout for the Rancho Santa Fe Garden Club’s annual meeting. Co-president, Fred Wasserman, welcomed guests and prepared them for a special grant awards presentation followed by guest speaker Bill Toone, who would lecture about monarch butterflies. “Tonight, we are having our first award ceremony that we’ve ever had of this type. We’re going to be giving grants to the organizations that were successful in passing the test for our grant committee,” he said. From there, Wasserman introduced the RSF Garden Club’s executive director, Erin Browne, so she could kick-off the grant award ceremony. A total of $50,000 was distributed to 11 organizations, which fit the 2015 grant criteria. First up was the Osuna Adobe TURN TO GRANTS ON 15

Voices from the Village By Erin Browne

Fred Wasserman, co-president of the Rancho Santa Fe Garden Club announces the recipients of the club’s grant awards. Photo by Christina Macone-Greene

Maintaining independence at home By Christina Macone-Greene

RANCHO SANTA FE — Recently, the Alzheimer’s Association visited the Rancho Santa Fe Library for their monthly presentation. Kelly Rein, MSW, led a valuable interactive lecture regarding how a caregiver to one who has Alzheimer’s can implement safety in the home to promote independence. During the talk, Rein also spoke of other types of dementia and how it changes the brain and can also impact safety. In every room of a residence, Rein said, there should be adequate lighting throughout the home. “We want to reduce any clutter or things that would cause tripping or falling,” she said. “We want to provide guidance for individuals such as labels and pictures.” Rein said that with guidance, caregivers can redirect things and objects in subtle ways, such as removing the knobs off the stove if one can no longer Kelly Rein, MSW, of the Alzheimer’s Association leads a lecture on safely operate it. how a caregiver to one who has Alzheimer’s can implement safety in Securing toxic sub- the home to promote independence. Photo by Christina Macone-Greene

New theater camp director on board RANCHO SANTA FE — The Rancho Santa Fe Village Church Community Theater welcome its new Teen Camp Director, Kaja Dunn, an award-winning theater professional, currently associated with Cal State San Marcos, Playwrights Project San Diego and Young Audiences of San Diego. Camp will be held from June 20 through June 27. Registration is now available at villagechurchc om mu n it y t he at e . The week concludes with a showcase presentation at 7 p.m. July 24. Youth campers can choose from workshops in Acting, Movement, Improv and Music, with a final performance of what

Welcome to the Rancho Santa Fe Garden Club

they’ve learned. Dunn has worked with all ages, designing curriculums, teaching artist workshops, movement/dance, directing at the San Diego Lyceum Theatre and Moxie Theatre La Jolla, and acting with the Lamb’s Players. Teen campers will be offered workshops in acting, music and dance, preparing scenes and songs from classical musical theater including the musical “Suessical,” presenting them in a final camp showcase. Last year’s teen director, Ariana Arant, is returning as this year’s Youth Camp Director. A graduate of UCLA, currently working for the Honors Scholar Program

at Mira Costa College, she is pursuing her MBA. She brings with her many production and performance credits, such as, “Charley’s Aunt,” “Godspell,” “It’s A Wonderful Life” and “Rented Christmas — the Musical.”

stances and sharp objects is highly important. Items such as this could be perceived by someone with dementia as harmless. And with Alzheimer’s or dementia, Rein said, everyone is at risk for wandering. “It’s just basically getting lost or disoriented in a familiar or unfamiliar environment,” Rein said. “So it can happen anywhere and to anyone. And it can happen at all stages of the disease.” As the disease progresses, the risk of wandering does increase. Rein wanted people to know that “planning” in the early stages is vital especially so those with dementia can help navigate themselves in their community and at home. During the middle stage and late stages of the disease, a person must have 24-hour supervision to prevent wandering. “In general, we say supervision is the best remedy,” she said. “MoniTURN TO LECTURE ON 15

Welcome to the Rancho Santa Fe Garden Club! Our organization was established in 1926 by a small group of families in the town who wanted to further the advancement of gardening and landscaping in the Ranch. Eighty-nine years later, we are now one of the oldest organizations in Rancho Santa Fe continuing a legacy of community involvement and service. We work diligently to engage members in FUN activities that promote charitable horticulture and charitable conservation. Grant Program 2015 has been very exciting for the Garden Club! At the annual club meeting in May, we recognized 11 organizations that were awarded grants totaling $50,000. The funds will be used for projects that promote charitable horticulture and conservation in Rancho Santa Fe and surrounding communities. Recipients were selected from a group of local 501c3 nonprofit organizations who responded to our request for proposals. Our grant committee worked very hard going through each proposal, conducting site visits, and determining which organizations should be awarded the grants this year. Our grant program takes places annually, with our next request for proposals scheduled to go out in February 2016. Club Activities Our club works hard to provide a variety of programs that provide an opportunity for members and friends to gather together for fun activities that are centered on plants and nature. Our field trip program is kicking off with an outing to the Water Conservation Garden on June 15th and the Carlsbad Agua Hedionda Lagoon in July. Our ‘Coffee in the Garden’ activities have been a huge success. Members open their homes for a private garden tour where fellow Garden Club members and guests can enjoy coffee and time together. Our club meetings provide an opportunity for our membership and guests to congregate for club business

Erin Browne, executive director of the Rancho Santa Fe Garden Club

and presentations from notable professionals. The guest speaker at our recent Annual Meeting was Bill Toone from the ECOLIFE Foundation who spoke on the migration of monarch butterflies. This fall we will hear from Dr. Raymond Ashley on the history of the San Diego Harbor and the San Salvador that sailed in to the Harbor in the 1500s. Events In September we will be hosting the RSF Garden Club Art Expo, giving our members an opportunity to showcase their original art for the public to enjoy. Keep your eye out for the Ramblin’ thru the Ranch Garden Tour next spring. This event is a favorite in the town, offering tours of beautiful gardens in the community, an open air market, lunch and entertainment. Upscale Resale Shoppe The Upscale Resale Shoppe is run completely by dedicated volunteers who sort, price, stock and sell gently used donations of clothing, shoes, household items, art, music, and décor. All donations are tax deductible. The funds generated from the sales support the club’s Grant Program. We are open for business on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 17025 Avenida de Acacias in the Village. Donations are accepted 24/7 inside the gate of the Shoppe entrance on La Granada. Join the RSF Garden Club We’d love to have you join our organization! Please visit our website, rsfgardenclub. org for membership information and details on upcoming events. You are welcome to call me at (858) 756-1554, or stop by the Shoppe where we can chat in person. I look forward to seeing you at our next activity!


T he R ancho S anta F e News

JUNE 12, 2015


Views expressed in Opinion & Editorial do not necessarily reflect the views of The Coast News

Community Commentary

Time for North County to get on board with housing package By Bruce Reznik

What happened to less government is more? By Stephen Keyes

Having watched the May 20 “alcohol ban” issue on the city website, I’m blown away that this non-issue made it all the way to this dais. Who’s driving this thing? The only real take-away from this session that I could see is the potential liability in the combination of skateboarding and beer in the new Encinitas Community Park. Well then, set up new parameters for that park for 12 months and monitor that. End of story. The rush by Parks and Recreation to legislate an across-the-board, scatter-shot law that will give teeth to policing Encinitas adults enjoying a glass of wine as they celebrate the setting sun is highly disturbing. What happened to the “less government is more” as a template for governing? Especially when it comes to creating legislation that cannot easily be undone, as longtime resident and speaker Denis Puscas noted at the podium. Mr. Puscas speaks for a much larger group of people, you may be sure. As Puscas mentioned, it’s about the larger neighborhood coming together to appreciate community and celebrate sunset, most with dogs, once a week. Not everyone knows one another. And that’s part of the beauty of it: people are plugged in to different degrees. Welcome to the neighborhood! It’s about neighbors, enjoying the quality of life

right here, where we live. This proposal by Parks and Recreation Director Lisa Rudloff banning alcohol at all city parks — citing cookie-cutter “continuity and consistency” for Encinitas Sheriff’s — is unnecessary and punctilious in the way that big government, unchecked, becomes its own worst enemy. Why not regard each park as its own entity, with its own community identity? There is no homeless/alcohol problem at Orpheus Park, for example, and only an occasional skateboarder. Ms. Rudloff further mentions the other cities that have alcohol bans, but fails to include the many others that do not. Her lobbying for more government regulation loses credibility quickly. The four Encinitas parks where alcohol has been banned all had everything to do with the combustible combo of homeless and alcohol. Period. Even more ridiculous bureaucratic rhetoric was put forward by Jason La Riva, Encinitas Parks and Beach Superintendent, who along with Director Rudloff is proposing new sunrise to sunset hours because the city doesn’t want people congregating at night. Yes, he said that. When did Marshall Law arrive in Encinitas? Mr. La Riva went on to clarify that “tripping, falling, and other safety hazards are a greater risk at nighttime.” Yes, he said that, too. So the real question be-

fore the City Council seems to be: Should Encinitas create a greater governmental monolith because something might happen in the future? Or because we tidily want to make things “consistent” for the Sheriff’s Department? At what cost do we do that? Although respected, the opinion of the Encinitas Sheriff Department is not sacrosanct, nor should it be. It serves the people, and the peace — not the other way around. The city council creates legislation for the citizens who put their trust in them at the ballot box. The Sheriff’s Department did not elect the City Council. Nor did the council staff, or the head of parks and recreation. Curtailing rights that citizens here now enjoy should not be so flippantly put forward. Once gone, they are lost. That’s the political rule-of-thumb. I am genuinely surprised by the opinions of Mr. Kranz and Ms. Shaffer. I think Catherine Blakespeare is wise and magnanimous in seeing a bigger picture — we’re lucky to have her broad mindset onboard. I did not vote for Mr. Muir or Ms. Gaspar in this last election, but with what I see, I am completely open in the next election. Thank you, you three, for your wisdom and sensibility in this vote. Long live free Encinitas. Stephen Keyes is a Leucadia resident.

Place focus on the state’s storm water guidelines By Scott Carter

Please remember that the weather as most things in nature changes, usually in cycles. Having a knee jerk reaction to one of these cycles has been proven to be short sided. Fact, the earth is approximately two thirds water, California is located on the Pacific Ocean on its west boundaries. Desalination plants are being developed and used alonein this region, there are drought resistant plants as well as lawns etc. Today, property septic system(s) may be one of these solutions. All water use of a property using a septic system becomes recycled on the property, 100 percent.

Design, implementation and use of recycled water (gray water etc...) both in commercial and residential new buildings/development should be enforced and mandated, not optional. Property development, landscape plans should be strongly reviewed on these two subjects and enforced using both “storm water” and “drought” guidelines. This should become a mandatory requirement as is currently state storm water guidelines. Do not be fooled by the simple concept of “Morphing.” Just because today we are in a drought should not mean that we disregard prudent and sound state mandated “storm water” guidelines. Allowing a property or

project to become developed that doses not fulfill state “storm water” mandated guidelines, just because we are currently in a drought period, will prove to be harmful to us all. When it rains, and it will, the rain run off from properties from both commercial and residential properties goes directly into its, neighbors, streets and Ocean. Focus on current state “storm water” guidelines is even more important today due to the possible and current drought conditions. Safety for our environment as well as our residents should be first and foremost, not profit. Scott Carter is a Leucadia resident.

What issue is so universal it brings together diverse groups like the San Diego Chamber of Commerce, California Building Industry Association, California Association of Realtors, social justice and environmental advocates, business and organized labor, veterans, seniors, the LGBT community and people with disabilities? Access to affordable homes is critical to everyone in our community, and a package of bills championed by Assembly Speaker Toni Atkins (D-San Diego) offers California the opportunity to start building again after most affordable construction has ground to a halt. With so much support from all over the spectrum, it is surprising that our North County Assemblymembers haven’t supported this groundbreaking legislation. Every San Diegan knows that the cost of housing in the region is too high. Rarely a week goes by without a study identifying San Diego as one of — if not the — most expensive places to live. Most recently, the National Low Income Housing Coalition’s Out of Reach report concludes that the annual income needed to afford a two-bedroom apartment in San Diego County is $55,600, meaning a minimum wage worker would have to work 119 hours per week — or three full-time jobs — just to pay the rent. Even when the average San Diegan does somehow manage to pay their rent, this means these individuals — working families, seniors, veterans and others on fixed income — do not have sufficient funds to pay for transportation costs to get to work, utilities, healthy foods or health care. To remedy this growing crisis throughout California, the state legislature is considering strategies to create more affordable housing state-


wide. The centerpiece of this package is Assembly Bill (‘AB’) 1335, Atkins’ (AD 78) legislation that will provide a stable and permanent source of funding to build affordable homes for people in need. Having a dedicated funding source is critical to provide developers with the certainty they need to spend the years it takes to build such affordable communities. It is necessary to make up for the loss of redevelopment funds that used to provide an ongoing source of funding to the tune of approximately $86 million annually in San Diego and over $1 billion statewide. It is essential in San Diego, which as recently reported by the California Housing Part-

ilies and in need of stable homes. And the business community is supportive of AB 1335 as they recognize the San Diego region will no longer be competitive for business if workers cannot afford to live here. With this broad-based community support, AB 1335 has yet to receive support from our three North County legislators — Assemblymembers Brian Maienschein, Rocky Chavez and Marie Waldron. While these legislators have been advocates for veterans’ issues, the homeless and enhancing the climate for local business, they have yet to commit to supporting this legislation that will provide the critical tools to

Access to affordable homes is critical to everyone in our community... nership Corporation, has a staggering shortfall of 142,564 homes affordable to lower income San Diegans, the second highest total of any county in the state. Veterans groups have gotten behind AB 1335 as they recognize San Diego is home to nearly 39,000 post-9/11 veterans, the highest concentration in the nation, many of whom are now or soon will be in need of stable, affordable homes. Homeless advocacy groups are onboard as we continue to move to a proven “housing first” model that demonstrates the most important factor in getting people off the street is to provide a safe and stable home. The LGBT community supports affordable housing as they recognize that up to 40 percent of homeless youth are from the LGBT community — separated from their fam-

address issues they care so deeply about when it comes to a floor vote in the Assembly by June 5. We call upon all legislators throughout the region to support the entirety of the affordable homes package, including AB 1335, and ask upon all San Diegans to contact their local legislators in support of these measures. As San Diego Housing Federation’s Executive Director, Bruce Reznik leads the organization in its efforts to ensure all San Diegans, regardless of income, can afford a safe and stable place to call home. About the San Diego Housing Federation The San Diego Housing Federation is a broad coalition of organizations and advocates that work to ensure all San Diegans, regardless of income, have access to a safe, stable and affordable place they can call home.

Rancho Santa Fe newS P.O. Box 232550, Encinitas, CA 92023-2550 • 760-436-9737 • Fax: 760-943-0850



Contributing writers ChrisTina maCone-greene BianCa KaPlaneK Promise yee david Boylan e’louise ondash

franK mangio Jay Paris Photographer Bill reilly Contact the Editor Tony Cagala

JUNE 12, 2015




T he R ancho S anta F e News

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T he R ancho S anta F e News

JUNE 12, 2015

RSF School District students recognized for perfect attendance By Christina Macone-Greene

RANCHO SANTA FE — The Performing Arts Center at the R. Roger Rowe School was packed with children excited to receive an award for perfect attendance during the 20142015 school year. These students had no absences or tardies on their record. Superintendent Lindy Delaney asked elementary school principal, Kimberly Pinkerton and middle school principal, Garrett Corduan, to help with the award distribution for their classes. “As I look down the list, some of you have been perfect attendance since you got here in kindergarten which I am amazed,” Delaney said. “And what we

Fourth grader Paige Buchner earns recognition for perfect school attendance with her mother Audrey. Photos by Christina Macone-Greene

Pinkerton honored her appreciate about you being here every day is you set students for their perfect Dean Kaffka, Jack Kaffka, Buchner, Zachary Fitzpatattendance which included Nylah King-Boyd, Paige rick, Baron, Chloe Luwa, the standard.”

Pet of the Week Petite two-year-old, curious, ever-friendly Robyn has already been a mommy with five kittens. She was a great mother and now it’s her turn. She has been altered and is up-to-date on all of her vaccinations. Her adoption fee is $119, and, as with all pets adopted from Helen Woodward Animal Center, she is micro-chipped for identification. Helen Woodward Animal Center is at 6461 El Apajo Road in Rancho Santa Fe, open daily Monday through Thursday from noon to 6 p.m.; Fridays from noon to 7 p.m.; Saturdays 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; and Sunday 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. (last application accepted 15 minutes before closing).

Monique King, with her daughter, Nylah King-Boyd, who has had a perfect school attendance for four years in a row with her younger sister, Zaysia.

For more information call (858) 756-4117, option No. 1 or visit animalcenter. org.

2015 CSUSM ANNUAL GALA Saturday, June 20, 2015 6:00 - 11:00 pm California State University San Marcos (CSUSM) celebrates its 25th anniversary with the Silver and Blue Gala. Hosted by President Karen Haynes and the CSUSM Foundation Board, proceeds will provide support for scholarships, student programming and the professional development of faculty. For more information on this event visit:

Total Health Center founder visits RSF Golf Club By Christina Macone-Greene

RANCHO SANTA FE — At a recent “Get Smart” series hosted by the Rancho Santa Fe Golf Club, founder of Total Health Center, David Clayton, M.D., spoke to the attendees. At the beginning of his talk, he mentioned how 90 percent of adults by the time they reach 60 years of age will be on one or more medications. The goal at the Total Health Center in San Diego is to give their members the tools they need through diet and exercise to lower the need for medication. Clayton said despite the enthusiasm for a healthy diet and exercising, there remains a looming issue. “As a physician, I can tell you that there is still an incredible burden of disease that we face regardless of how healthy we try to live,” he said, noting how he practices medicine at Scripps. “We have the fittest city in the country, and yet still, we are taking all this medication.” And then there is the

Branden Recendiz, Cooper Vincik, Kaitlyn Hand, Jaccob Malter, Lucas Myers, Alexandra Nicholas, and David Scuba. Up next was the middle school. “Those of you who have teenagers know that this is extra challenging to get them up in the morning and go to school,” Corduan said. Middle school students who were honored for perfect attendance were Delaney Lee-Bellows, Daniel Scuba, Melody Sedighi, John Flaming, Aaron Lustig, Lucas Luwa, Justin Yu, Jack Anthenelli and Alexander Brown. As each child received their recognition, one by one they were greeted by the principals, school board

small talk jean gillette

Viva la pesca!


David Clayton, M.D., founder of Total Health Center is a guest speaker of the Rancho Santa Fe Golf Club’s “Get Smart” series. Photo by Christina Macone-Greene

concern of disease such as cancer, blindness and Alzheimer’s disease. “These are all the things that we worry about, but yet I can tell you right now all of these are inextricably linked to diet and exercise. So if we are all choosing to live a healthy lifestyle, why is it that we’re not dodging these bullets as we get older?” he asked the crowd. Clayton went on to say that statistically, those in attendance had a 40 percent chance in their lifetime of ending up in a nursing home with Alzheimer’s disease. The tip regarding diet was that if a food wasn’t around a million years ago then don’t eat it. It’s not about scaling back on portions. Instead, Clayton said, it’s making smart food choices. “It’s really about bridging the gap between that caveman diet the way it really was, and the way it helps your body function optimally, and the way people put it into practice. I follow diet logs on all of my clients, all of my patients at Scripps, and I can tell you that even when you’re on that caveman diet, you can make the same mistakes that other people make on other diets,” he said. Clayton pointed out the reason for this is because people gravitate to calorie

dense foods and have evolutionary cravings. At his health club, Clayton oversees his members, while navigating them through food preparation to lower sodium, increase potassium, raise omegas, and boost fiber. And when it comes to portion sizes and calorie restrictions, he said, it doesn’t do much from a health perspective. And workouts are also medically supervised. “A lot of people that I know are scared to push themselves hard in the gym,” he said. “But if you remember from my earlier slides, vigorous exercise is where you get the results. If you want to stay out of a nursing home, if you want to reverse disease, you got to push it hard.” This is why workouts should be done in a controlled environment with a heart rate monitor. With the right supervision, Clayton said, people can build up safely and get the results without breaking the body while making it fun. “When you were working, you had a job and your job was to go pay the bills,” he said. “Now your job is to stay out of a nursing home, and you’ve got to punch the clock for a few hours a day and really put in some elbow grease and do the work.”

am trying to take the right attitude after my husband and friend rolled in from a weekend south of Ensenada, Mexico, carrying their weight in tuna. I waited anxiously for their return at midnight, secretly hoping they would report that they had a terrific time, but darn, the fish just weren’t biting. No such luck. They have apparently found the spot where all the fish, reportedly dwindling in other parts of the ocean, have gone to hide. It seems they come to dine on nutrients brought in a current from Alaska, yet somehow they can’t resist the fakey lures offered them. Try as I might, I have trouble getting enthusiastic over enormous quantities of any foodstuffs, except perhaps chocolate. My husband loves nothing more than a trip to the big box store where he can score 10-pound cans of sliced olives, four quarts of salad dressing, an industrial drum of mustard and a bag of rice that would sustain several Third World countries for a month. I see only two things when he struggles in with his terrific buys. I see my already limited pantry and refrigerator space vanishing and I see me throwing out lots of mildewed olives, dressing and rice. I also see freezer shelves full of raw fish daring me to hold a cookout for 500. At least they filleted it into tidy squares, but we will never consume it TURN TO SMALL TALK ON 15

JUNE 12, 2015


T he R ancho S anta F e News

SOHO receives substantial bequest By Christina Macone-Greene

RANCHO SANTA FE — For those who knew Rancho Santa Fe resident, Phyllis Paul, her name was synonymous with preservation. Her desire to preserve sites for future generations held a special place in her heart. Her generous bequest of an estimated $750,000 to Save Our Heritage Organisation (SOHO) remains part of her legacy. “We are deeply gratified by Phyllis’s generosity and vision in providing $750,000 in unrestricted funds for SOHO to continue the important preservation work that she so dedicated herself to,” said Bruce Coons, Executive Director at SOHO. “We intend to honor her trust in us by utilizing these funds thoughtfully and conservatively.” Coons shared that Paul first contacted him to assist her in the acquisition and preservation of the 1836 Osuna Adobe in Rancho Santa Fe. He went on to say that she was responsible in surveying historic homes and commercial buildings in Rancho Santa Fe’s planned civic center. “The survey led to some of the buildings being listed on the National Register of Historic Places and she continued to lead surveys of additional significant buildings and the monitoring of historic properties after she

Phyllis Paul bequests an estimated $750,000 to the Save Our Heritage Organisation. Courtesy photo

founded the Historic Preservation Committee of the Rancho Santa Fe Association,” he said. Coons continued, “Surveys like these are one of the greatest tools of preservation, and her doing this has helped Rancho Santa Fe retain its unique identity and tell the narrative of its history in the most tangible way.” Coons wants people to know that if every historic community had a champion like Paul, their job would be quite different. Instead, SOHO could serve the public versus bat-

tling unsuitable developments. Founded in 1969, SOHO takes the reins when threats of demolition of certain sites loom and they remain diligent to preserve open space and cultural landscapes. This nonprofit is considered a historic preservation advocacy organization and it has saved numerous landmarks such as the Hotel Del Coronado, Western Metal at Petco Park, The Santa Fe Depot, Gaslamp and Horton Plaza. “By operating six historic buildings open to the public, and caretaking as many more, we strive to show by example the economic advantages of stewardship in protecting and preserving San Diego’s heritage and how preservation contributes to the health and aesthetic wealth of communities,” Coons said. “We are a resource for owners of historic buildings and homes, and community leaders and concerned citizens can call us when they need help in saving a place that is meaningful and important to their community. Our staff and board of directors are made up of San Diego’s most authoritative architectural historians as well and share that expertise with the public in a number of ways.” For those who never had the pleasure to meet Paul, Coons deTURN TO BEQUEST ON 15

Schlosser honored at annual meeting By Christina Macone-Greene

RANCHO SANTA FE — At the recent Rancho Santa Fe Garden Club Annual Meeting, LaVerne Schlosser was recognized for 37 years of faithful service to the club, which included serving on the board. During the course of the evening, RSF Garden Club executive director, Erin Browne, explained how Schlosser was instrumental in building the relationship they have with Mira Costa College. This has resulted in a scholarship fund with the Mira Costa College Foundation. After Schlosser received a plaque for her dedication, it was announced this scholarship fund will be renamed, “The LaVerne Schlosser Scholarship from the Rancho Santa Fe Garden Club.” Also there was the

LaVerne Schlosser is recognized for her 37 years of service to the Rancho Santa Fe Garden Club. Photo by Christina Macone-Greene

“I am very proud of Schlosser, adding how it representative from The Mira Costa College Foun- working with MiraCosta was a gem. “Thank you College Foundation,” said very much.” dation, Linda Fogerson.

Adrienne Falzon, an author and Rancho Santa Fe resident, visits the RSF Library branch to read her book, “The Search for the Perfect Shell.” Photo by Christina Macone-Greene

Children’s author visits RSF Library By Christina Macone-Greene

RANCHO SANTA FE — Kids scurried to their hub at the Rancho Santa Fe Library for read-a-long and crafts with children’s author and Rancho Santa Fe resident, Adrienne Falzon. Before reading her book, she engaged the children on what they thought being an author was all about. From there, she segued into reading her second published book, “The Search for the Perfect Shell.” It was Falzon’s way to introduce that “perfection” can be such a misleading term and desire. Falzon said she was delighted to be part of the after school program and enjoyed the myriad of ages she had in her audience. Her story transcends from childhood to adulthood. “What I want the children to walk away with today is that we are perfectly imperfect,” she said. “It’s just so important for everyone to realize that our im-

perfections is what makes us perfect because that’s what we bring to the world because it’s who we are.” The craft for the day was making an oyster with a pearl in the middle. It was made with a Styrofoam ball nestled between two paper plates. Crayons, glue and more created the look. Falzon wanted to produce a craft that was relatable to the book since the idea of an oyster shows the transformation of a piece of dirt into a pearl. Since her book’s publication, Falzon has presented it to various local school and libraries. She said it is an extension from her former career as a teacher. Falzon hopes that her books inspire both children and adults about learning something new. She pointed out that when one benefits from something, in a special way, it can help others. “So writing a book is just one more way of sharing the message,” she said.


T he R ancho S anta F e News

JUNE 12, 2015

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JUNE 12, 2015


T he R ancho S anta F e News

Summer F un & L earning Fill your child’s summer with the joy of music ENCINITAS — The importance of music exposure at a young age has been repeatedly made clear by study after study. You can fill your child’s summer with the joy of music or give them a head start on next year’s school program at Leading Note Studios, with a Music Summer Camp. Come join the enthusiasm for students as young as 3 years old! Call (760) 753-7002 to assure your space. “I have the most fun job in the world! I get to make everyone smile. I help bring music back into peoples lives so they remember how important it is

for our youth,” said Camille Hastings, owner of Leading Note Studios at 2146 Encinitas Blvd. The conveniently located camps include: — Harmony Road Keyboard Piano Camp, for ages 3 to 5 — Intro to Music Camp for ages, 5-plus — Pop, Blues & Jazz Music Camp for ages 5 to 10 — Pop, Blues and Jazz Music Camp for advanced musicians ages 10 and above. This can be all part of your students ongoing lessons and keep their skills sharp, avoiding the summer-learning shutdown.

Word of mouth is the studio’s best endorsement. Parents and students have so many great things to say about the studio, the instructors and the summer camps. “Frank is an amazing role model and intuitive instructor we have enjoyed having for several years.” - Andrea M. “My daughter has been so very blessed to work with Camille Hastings since the age of 4. Camille and her team is so gifted and professional. - Saundra S. Find out more about Leading Note Studios at (760) 753-7002 or info@

widowed individuals. Please join us for a special Social Security Workshop, where you will be provided with critical information to help you maximize your Social Security benefits. Important Social Security facts to be covered in the workshop include; What is the current status of Social Security? When is the optimal time for you to start collecting Social Security? How can you maximize benefits for yourself and your spouse? What are delayed retirement credits? How can you coordinate Social Security benefits with other retirement assets to maximize your retirement income? Join us for a FREE dinner reception, Tuesday, June 23, at 6:00pm or a FREE breakfast

reception, Saturday, June 27, 2015 at 10:30am. Reservations are required, so please call today. We are expecting a capacity audience and seating is limited, please guarantee your attendance by calling Serena at 760-642-2678. A special thank you to those who attend, all guests will receive a FREE Social Security Guide! We are providing this valuable information pertaining to your Social Security benefits at no cost. Please understand, we are not affiliated with the Social Security Administration and we do not provide any legal or tax advice, nor promote, market or recommend any tax plan or arrangement.

QUITE PERFECT Julia Cochrane, a junior at Canyon Crest Academy, recently scored a 36, a perfect score, on the ACT test. She received a congratulatory letter from Jon Whitmore, CEO of ACT, stating that her “achievement on the ACT is significant and rare. On average, less that onetenth of one percent of all test takers earns the top score. Among ACT-test U.S. high school graduates in the class of 2014, only 1,407 out of 1.85 million student earned a composite score of 36.” Courtesy photo

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Maximizing your Social Security benefits The Social Security Act of 1935 ensured that hard working Americans would have income to support them during retirement. Over time, Social Security may have reduced worries about retirement to the point that many people don’t give their Social Security a second thought. With a little planning, you can receive more in Social Security benefits than expected as well as learn how to leverage other sources of income for retirement. Social Security is not straight forward for most people. In fact, there are strategies you can employ to maximize the benefits you are eligible to receive – particularly among married, divorced and



T he R ancho S anta F e News


JUNE 12, 2015 Contact us at with story ideas, photos or suggestions

CCA surf team places first in state championships El Camino’s Crawford back

home and in no hurry to bolt sports talk

By Bianca Kaplanek

CARMEL VALLEY — The Canyon Crest Academy boys surf club took first place in short board in Division 2 of the Scholastic Surf Series High School State Championships. Teams from 40 schools from San Diego to Santa Cruz participated in the three-day event at San Onofre State Beach that began May 16. The win was quite a feat for a team that finished last season 0-5. Making it even more impressive is the fact that half of the six-member squad was competing at the high school level for the first time. “We got a lot out of our freshmen, who had limited experience,” coach Jesse Sinclair said. “That we won with three freshmen is pretty powerful.” Sinclair, in his second year as coach, also credits the success to “a lot of hard work and a lot of involvement.”


passed away May 23, at age of 91. Memorial services will be held on June 14th at 3pm at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Encinitas. Carmel M. Madama, 100 Carlsbad June 2, 2015 Hazel Faul, 94 Carlsbad June 1, 2015

jay paris

The Canyon Crest Academy boys surf club take first place in short board in Division 2 of the Scholastic Surf Series High School State Championships. Team members include Jason King, Carter Reeves, Andrew Shade, Skylar Tobler, Coach Jesse Sinclair, Shane Berchtold and Kyle McNulty. Courtesy photo

“I gave them clear instructions and a game plan and they executed it perfectly,” he said. “I told them to be conservative and focus on wave selection.” A late season winter storm provided a big south swell on Saturday, with some challenging surf in the 5- to 7-foot range. For the short board competition the following day things improved, resulting in 3- to 4-foot clean and glassy conditions. Sinclair, a San Diego native who now lives in Del Mar, said short board is the most coveted and competitive competition in the tournament. This year teams from nine schools participated,

Yolanda R.Barron, 85 Carlsbad May 29, 2015 Norman Claire Slaton, 95 Encinitas May 9, 2015 Gray Bruce Philp, 74 Oceanside May 26, 2015 Kenneth Carl Holland, 89 Oceanside May 30, 2015

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(Dove, Heart, Flag, Rose)

including Carlsbad High, which came in third, and district rivals San Dieguito Academy and Torrey Pines, two of four teams that ended in a fifth-place tie. Jason King, the team captain and a senior at Canyon Crest, said the win is also gratifying because oftentimes the team lacked surfers. “As a team we usually had a limited number of surfers,” he said. “This was a bigger deal because of that. It was refreshing to come back with enough people and a lot of talent.” Jason said the camaraderie between his teammates also contributed to the first-place finish. “It’s huge that the

short boarders all get along really well,” he said. “We communicated, which is vital in team competition. And we all enjoy surfing as a sport and a hobby. So it wasn’t hard to commit to practice.” He said Sinclair is a great coach whose experience in competitive surfing has helped the team. “There’s a lot he can apply to each and every aspect of the sport,” he said. “We really appreciate him organizing team events. He’s a coach and a guide.” Canyon Crest, in a new division this year, finished the regular season 4-1. “We came through,” Jason said. “We hope next year will be the same.”



Nothing says summer like the smoky flavor of foods cooked out on the grill, the bright, warm sunshine, and the nearby buzzzzz of bees. June 21st heralds the beginning of summer as we take to the great outdoors to enjoy our Southern CA lifestyle. Summer also requires a few safety reminders to keep fun at the top of our list. Outdoor activities should always include sunscreen and plenty of water, for young and old alike. Whether at the pool or beach, a cautious eye for safety is a must. Food eaten outdoors should be monitored for temperature - both hot and cold - to prevent food poisoning. Outdoor activities can sometimes include bee stings, snake bites, scrapes, and various “owies,” so be prepared to provide first aide to those in need. Please stay safe while having a “ton of fun” in the good ole summertime!



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The Chargers’ Richard Crawford describes his NFL career as a roller-coaster ride. Better buckle-up if wanting to tag along. “I’ve seen the highest of highs and the lowest of lows,’’ said Crawford, a former El Camino High star. Crawford, a cornerback, is going through drills during the team’s offseason workouts. While those with bigger credentials don’t fret their roster spot, Crawford doesn’t have that luxury. Not when battling the likes of Brandon Flowers, Jason Verrett, Steve Williams and others. Does that bother Crawford that his position, and the odds, are stacked against him? Nope. “I just worry about myself,’’ Crawford said. “Santana Moss and DeAngelo Hall taught me that a long time ago: don’t worry about anybody else, just worry about yourself.’’ Crawford mentions Moss and Hall, his ex-Washington teammates. It was with the Redskins that Crawford made his mark and wrecked his knee. “It’s football,’’ he said with a shrug. “You never know what’s going to happen.’’ In 2012 Crawford surprised many by making the Redskins as a seventh-round pick. With his contributions during the season, Crawford was more than an afterthought. He had a 64-yard punt return to help beat the Ravens in overtime. In Week 16, his fumCROP ble recovery iced another .93 win. .93 In Week 17, Crawford recorded his first NFL 4.17 interception off the Cow4.28

boys’ Tony Romo, helping Washington claim a playoff berth. Crawford’s solid rookie season was to be a stepping-stone to year two. Instead, a misstep in the third preseason game of 2013 sent Crawford reeling. He tore three ligaments in his knee and has been clawing his way back since. “It wasn’t really humbling because I was already humble,’’ Crawford said. “But it was a test of my will. How bad did I want to play football and how could I come back from it? It was more mental than physical.’’ And that played to Crawford’s strength. Not many 5-foot-7 players make the NFL and that was Crawford’s listing at El Camino. If you don’t mention him standing on his tiptoes, we won’t either. But countless people told the headstrong Crawford to chase another dream. “I never had any doubts,’’ he said. Just like he never had a growth spurt like his freshman year at Saddleback College — four inches. Take that, you doubters, as the 5-foot-11, 192-pound Crawford eventually transferred to Southern Methodist and then landed in D.C. But he was cut after getting hurt. He returned to Washington’s practice squad, was cut again, and signed late last year with the Chargers. Crawford didn’t see game action, but showed enough in practices that the Chargers coaches have taken a liking to him. “He has a real love for the game,’’ Chargers coach Mike McCoy said. “You love to see a guy like that.’’ Getting noticed — for the right reasons — is Crawford’s goal. If a San Diego spot doesn’t open, then maybe someone else bites. “Of course I want to be here, this is my hometown team,’’ Crawford said. “But you can’t control that. That is not my decision. I worry about what I can control. That’s all I can do.’’ Well, there are other things. Like his mastery TURN TO PARIS ON 15

JUNE 12, 2015


T he R ancho S anta F e News

History and farm-fresh food few of inn’s offerings hit the road e’louise ondash


hat is shakshuka? I haven’t a clue, but it’s on the breakfast menu at Los Poblanos Historic Inn and Organic Farm and I’m game. Thanks to my cell phone and Google, I learn that shakshuka is a popular Moroccan breakfast dish of poached eggs that float in a spicy tomato sauce, garnished with bacon and feta cheese. And here at Los Poblanos, it is accompanied, much to my delight, by gluten-free cornbread. Who could ask for anything more? Certainly not I. Flash back to yesterday when we arrived … My husband, Jerry, deliberately slows as he drives down the long entry road that runs through the dense arches of cottonwood trees. It doesn’t take long, however, to know that this is where we want to be. Los Poblanos, a boutique hotel and lavender farm, sits within the boundaries of Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, a village of almost 7,000 just seven miles from downtown Albuquerque. The inn could be a day away for

all we know. That’s because residents of Los Ranchos, a 4.4-square-mile town sitting just east of the Rio Grande, incorporated in 1958 with the goals of maintaining the area’s rural flavor and creating a unique identity. For those who live in the Albuquerque metro area, Los Poblanos is a place to get away without having to go far. For the rest of us, it’s just a beautiful place to get away. The original boundaries of the ranch once stretched all the way to the crest of the Sandia Mountains, but today, Los Poblanos Inn occupies 25 acres. In the 1930s, the ranch’s first owners hired notable craftsman, professionals and artists to create what we see today. John Gaw Meem, considered New Mexico’s finest 20th-century architect, designed and remodeled the ranch house and the large communal building called La Quinta. Today, La Quinta still serves as a gathering place for social, civic and cultural events. Tinsmith Robert Woodman fashioned the light fixtures illuminating the buildings; ironsmith Walter Gilbert crafted the iron door handles depicting San Ysidro (the patron saint of farmers and laborers); artist Gustave Baumann carved the floral and Native American designs into the oversized pine doors and other designs over the mantle in the formal ballroom; and landscape ar-

La Quinta Cultural Center, on the grounds of Los Poblanos Inn, provides space for cultural, civic and social events. It was designed by Southwest architect John Gaw Meem, known as the “Father of Santa This traditional Moroccan breakfast dish called shakshuka (poached Fe style.” Los Poblanos is said to be a model for agritourism. eggs in a spicy tomato sauce) is a favorite on the menu at Los Poblanos. Photos by Jerry Ondash

chitect Rose Greely designed the formal Spanish-style gardens where visitors can meander or pause to contemplate life and the land. Los Poblanos presents a complete package of history, tranquility, setting, comfort and cuisine. Executive Chef Jonathan Perno, also a farmer, creates the daily breakfast and dinner faire inspired by produce and meat that are available at more than a dozen nearby farms. Fresh farm-to-fork cuisine helped Los Poblanos earn recognition in 2013 from Bon Appétit magazine as one of the 10 best food-lover’s hotels in the country. (The staff gladly accommodates special dietary needs.) Diners enjoy Perno’s culinary creations in a warm

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and rustic farmhouse dining room softly illuminated by Robert Woodman chandeliers of tin. Los Poblanos owner Matt Rembe has created a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts; the farm is a poster child for agritourism. Guest houses provide all the modern amenities within a charming, uncluttered environment. The family's other enterprises include wholesale production, retail sales (a gift shop features many items made on the farm), the restaurant and catering and venues for large and small events. After enjoying our Moroccan breakfast, we stroll to the lavender fields, which are warming in the April sun.

One of four peacocks that lives at Los Poblanos and the only all-white one, this bird likes showing off for guests.

The air is comfortably crisp and the Sandia Mountains are dusted with snow from a storm that blew through yesterday. This reminds us that Albuquerque is more than a mile high. Farm workers are arriving and the place is beginning to hum, but at least

one resident is staying lazy. A large, snow-white peacock struts across the bocce ball court, spreading his feathers as if to brag that he, unlike we who are only passing through, does not have to leave — ever. For more information, visit


T he R ancho S anta F e News

JUNE 12, 2015

JUNE 12, 2015


T he R ancho S anta F e News


Celebratin our g






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T he R ancho S anta F e News

A rts &Entertainment

Artist plants creative seeds kay colvin


Renée Miller strikes a pose in the doorway of her vintage studio, Renée Miller’s “You Can Leave the Light On” (Oil on linen, 48 x 36 now in its new location at Suninches) is currently on display in the San Diego Dreaming exhibition at shine Gardens in Encinitas. Photo by Kay Colvin Oceanside Museum of Art. Courtesy photo

reflects on her 2008 return to the San Diego area, “It was important for me to come back home to plant the seeds I had collected through years of being away.” Miller’s paintings have been shown in national art expositions such as the Affordable Art Fair in New York. Through June 21, 2015, her painting titled “You Can Leave the Light On” is on exhibit in the in-


Offer Expires 6-19-15

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arts CALENDAR Know something that’s going on? Send it to calendar@

brush with art t’s no small coincidence that Solana Beach artist Renée Miller’s given name means “reborn.” The 35-year-old painter and art instructor often recreates herself and is now breathing new life into an old structure that she recently renovated and moved to Encinitas. The Solana Beach native has a natural talent for approaching life creativity. While a student at Torrey Pines High School, she participated in the summer program at Laguna College of Art and Design and later spent a semester studying at Studio Art Centers International in Florence, Italy. After graduating from UC Santa Cruz with a bachelor’s degreee in Fine Art, she returned to Italy to study under American painter Paul Beel, during which time her paintings were exhibited in the Uffizi Center, an extension of the famed Uffizi Gallery of Florence. Miller considers her most significant artistic influence to be mentor Rod Knutson, northern California artist known locally for his paintings in the Pamplemousse Grill near Del Mar’s racetrack. After four years of intensive art study in Italy, Miller returned to the U.S. to further develop her career in New York City. She

JUNE 12, 2015

ternational juried “San Diego Dreaming” exhibition at Oceanside Museum of Art. Although she had never intended to go into teaching, Miller began working privately with artistically inclined children in a repurposed landscape maintenance shed in Solana Beach. During the past eight years her popularity has grown exponentially as word spreads of Miller’s success with budding young artists. Consistent with her creative approach to life, Miller recognized the untapped potential of a former chicken coop originally constructed in 1950 at Feather Acres Farm and Nursery in Del Mar. Over the course of several months she upgraded the bedraggled structure, transforming it into a fully functional studio and teach-

ing facility where she painted and conducted art classes. When Feather Acres was recently sold, owners of the 60-year-old horse ranch and nursery offered Miller the newly improved building at no cost if she would have it relocated. Miller’s search for an appropriate location ended upon discovering a vacant portion of Sunshine Gardens in Encinitas, which called for something consistent with existing businesses including Organic Hammer, North County Olive Oil Company, Betty’s Pie Whole, and Twigs by Teri. She quickly knew this was the ideal home for the revived Renée Miller Studios. The building was relocated in early June, just in time for Miller to prepare for her summer art camps, scheduled to begin June 22. Each of Miller’s every-other week camps is designed to expand imaginations and learn art techniques with themes such as “Under the Sea” and “Making Magic”. In the rustic Sunshine Gardens environment, students will also spend time with animals while learning about nature, gardening and creativity. Once again Miller is doing what comes naturally — creating something original and valuable where potential was previously unrecognized and unrealized. Renée Miller Studios are located at Sunshine Gardens, 155 Quail Gardens Drive, Encinitas, CA 92024. Visit for more information on Miller’s artwork and summer art camps or to enroll a student.

JUNE 12 GLOBAL ART Daniel Stein-Kubin presents his abstract art and philosophical concept “Quantum Pataphysicum” Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Team TAG Gallery in Rancho Santa Fe, 16904 Via De Santa Fe, and in Prague through August. Visit for more information. SUMMER STAGE TIME Summer Youth Acting Classes/Camps and Teen Improv Camps begin June 22 at New Village Arts Theatre, 2787 State Street, Carlsbad; Encinitas Community Center, 1140 Oakcrest Park Drive, Encinitas and Carmel Valley Rec Center, 3777 Townsgate Drive, San Diego. Class fees start at $135. For more information, visit at or call Aleta at (760) 846-6072. ART OF ELAN The Lux Art Institute will host a reception to welcome its new artist, Squeak Carnwath, from 6 to 7 p.m. and a chamber music concert at 7 p.m. June 12 at 1550 S. El Camino Real, Encinitas. Tickets are $40 at

from 10 a.m. to noon and 6 to 8 p.m. June 14 at Vista's Broadway Theater, 340 E. Broadway, Vista. The non-union show will run at Lawrence Welk Resort. For more information visit JUNE 15

STRUM ALL SUMMER Spend your summer with guitar master Peter Pupping, learning folk, rock, classical and jazz styles, 7 to 9 p.m. Mondays June 15 to July 20 at Ranch View Baptist Church, 416 Rancho Santa Fe Road, Encinitas. Beginners & intermediate players work together. Cost is $225, includes book and materials. To register, visit peter@guitarsounds. com or XERISCAPE ADVICE A WaterSmart Landscape Design for Homeowners class will be offered from 2:30 p.m. and 4 p.m. June 15 at the Encinitas Community Center, 1140 Oakcrest Park Drive and from 6 to 7:30 p.m. June 16 at the Scripps Memorial Hospital Encinitas Rehabilitation Center, 354 Santa Fe JUNE 13 Drive. Free. RSVP to NanSOUNDS OF RUSSIA cy at (760) 633-7417. Hear LYRA, a community of Russian professional JUNE 16 musicians and students at TWILIGHT CONSaint-Petersburg Conser- CERTS Del Mar Foundavatoire, will sing Russian tion's Summer Twilight choral music from the an- Concerts kicks off at 7 p.m. cient songs of the Ortho- in Powerhouse Park June dox Church to composers 16 with Mark Wood and of the 18th–20th centuries the Parrot Head Band, at and the masters at 2 p.m. 1050 Camino Del Mar, Del June 13 at Holy Cross Epis- Mar. Come enjoy a picnic copal Church, 2510 Gate- and enjoy the music. For way Road in Bressi Ranch. more information, call For more information, call (858) 755-9313. (760) 930-1270. PUT ON YOUR FESTIVAL OF COL- DANCIN’ BOOTS New ORS The Oceanside Festi- four-week dance coursval of Colors will be held es, beginning West Coast from noon to 5 p.m. June 13 Swing at 7 p.m and an inat the Pier Amphitheater, termediate Salsa and Cha200 N. The Strand, Oceans- Cha at 8 p.m begin June ide. Come enjoy live man- 16 at the Harding Commutra bands, DJs, interactive nity Center, 3096 Harddance, yoga, cuisine, color ing St., Carlsbad. Cost is throws, free hugs and lots $51 per person plus a $10 of love. materials fee. To register, BRIGHTEN UP Vis- call the Harding Center at it the Oceanside Festival (760) 602-7510. of Colors from noon to 5 p.m. June 13 at the Pier JUNE 17 Ampitheater,200 North WOMEN’S THEATER The Strand, Oceanside. An all-female performance ART FROM INSIDE theatre group, SISTERArtwork by Prisoners, HOOD, is holding auditions “Speaking Through Art ongoing through August for After Being Removed upcoming fall productions. From Society” is on exhibi- Looking for adult, 45+ action June 13 through Aug. tors, singers and dancers. 16 at Oceanside Museum Experience not necessary, of Art, 704 Pier View Way, but professional attitude Oceanside. The showcased and commitment are. The two- and three-dimension- group meets in San Maral pieces are made by in- cos. Contact Carlyn Ames, mates currently participat- (619) 846-7416 or carlyning in Project PAINT: The for apPrison Arts INiTiative. pointment. NOON TUNES The JUNE 14 Encinitas Library WednesAUDITIONS Auditions days@Noon presents piawill be held for “Breaking nist Violeta Petrova, from Up Is Hard To Do” the Neil Sedaka Jukebox musical TURN TO ARTS CALENDAR ON 15

JUNE 12, 2015 er,’’ Crawford said, and if you tasted Jacqueline Crawford’s zucchini and sausage dish, you’d know why. “It’s been me and my mom since I was 7 or 8 and it’s almost like having a roommate. I love my mom and we just sit at home and chill.’’ Crawford is back in familiar haunts and

wouldn’t it be something if he’s here on opening day? With that, you may unbuckle your seat belt and exit the ride. Crawford will take it from here.

to other highly traveled areas. Parks wants everyone to know that they are trying to get the message across to as many customers as possible. “We are asking that all of our customers sign up for online access to their water usage. “This is the best way our customers can obtain their 2013 water usage and determine what their water allocation will be,” she said. “Finally, it is im-

portant that customers recognize that this will take effort.” Changes to landscaping, regular water meter checks, and more mindful use of water use indoors will need to take place. In an effort to help its customers comply with the new mandatory water use restrictions and allocations, Parks said, the District will be holding a town hall meeting June 23 at 6 p.m. at the Lomas Santa Fe Country Club.

eight guests, vacation to Park City, Utah, framed cartoon of Father Joe, getaway to Costa Rica, and more. Gala sponsors for the evening were MRC, AmericanWest Bank, and San Diego Fluid System Technologies. Gala committee members included Kimberly Baroz, Ruth Bruland, Kathy Cusick, Kelley Drabowicz, Kaitlyn Elliott, Danielle Fredricks, Jennifer Guth-

rie, Edward Hershey, Laura Kojima, Thomas Lovell, Melanie Madrid, Gena Mayor, Mary McDonald, Dorinda Miller, Rebecca Miller, Dennis Morgan, Mike O’Malley, Rhonda Quinlan, Yana Titova and Victoria Williams. Throughout the evening, thanks were conveyed to all who have dedicated their time and commitment in supporting Father Joe’s Villages.

the Free Village Music Walk June 20 from 4 to 10 p.m. Performances venues will be on street corners, restaurants, music stores and parking lots, featuring Nathan Hubbard Quartet jazz; Jennifer Bewerse, contemporary cello; Trouble in the Wind, cinematic folk rock and Kourosh Taghavi, traditional Persian music. Visit carlsbadmusicfestival. org.

noon to 12:45 p.m. June 17, at 540 Cornish Drive, Encinitas. JUNE 18 CLAY COULTON Enjoy the lively music of the Clay Colton Duo, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. June 18 At the Carlsbad City Library Learning Center, 3368 Eureka Place, Carlsbad. To learn more, visit Seating is first-come, firstserved. OLDIES BUT GOODIES The Solid Gold Concert Series takes place every Thursday at 1 p.m. at the San Diego County Fair and are free with fair admission. An Diego Showcase Stage, Durante Blvd., Del Mar. On June 18, hear Tony Orlando; June 25, The Las UNDER THE UMVegas Rat Pack and July 2, Judy Collins and the Pas- BRELLAS Join members of the Sargent Art Group senger String Quartet. at “Art Under the Umbrellas” from 10 a.m. until 6 JUNE 19 BY THE SEA Mu- p.m. June 20 at the Omni La sic by the Sea presents Costa Resort and Spa, 2100 The Whyman Project with Costa Del Mar Road, Carlsgenre-bending chamber bad. Meet watercolor artist music at 7:30 p.m. June 19 Mark Sherman; photo illusat the Encinitas Library, trator Bob Coletti, the Pot540 Cornish Drive. Tickets: tery Lady Karen Fidel, from $13 at, or Glass Giraffe Carol Korfin, Rosemary Valente and artat door. ist Donald Pallia. JUNE 20 WALK TO MUSIC Join MARK THE CALENDAR

THESPIAN SUMMER CAMP Register now for the youth Theatre School @ North Coast Rep June 22 to June 26. The half-day camp teaches theatre games with rhythm, music and sound. Register at northcoastrep. org. Additional camps July 6 to July 17, July 20 to July 24 and July 27 to July 31. THEATER CAMP Intrepid Theatre Company offers a Theatre Expedition Camp from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. with two sessions June 22 and July 13 on the campus of The Grauer School at 1500 S. El Camino Real, Encinitas. Cost is $800, $40 materials fee. Enroll online at or send a check to: Intrepid Theatre Company, PO Box 235852, Encinitas, CA 92023. DANCE FOR CONNER San Diego Dance Images will support Conner’s Cause with a portion of the proceeds from its dance recitals at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. June 27 at the Carlsbad Cultural Arts Center, 3557 Monroe St., Carlsbad. Tickets at through June 25 or $18 at the box office prior to each show. Conners Cause for Children provides financial assistance to families whose child has a life-threatening illness or injury.

cats in the neighborhood will go berserk. Our barbecue may well be working overtime. Think of all the money we saved with all this free fish. Heck, all we really need are a few dozen baskets of cherry tomatoes, onions, peppers and squash to make a mountain of fish kebabs. Or several hundred dollars’ worth

of shrimp, crab legs, clams and scallops to turn it all into a delicious cioppino. I wonder if I can find the number for the Star-Kist purchasing department. Jean Gillette is a freelance writer who is sleeping with the fishes. Contact her at jgillette@



of chicken, steak and ribs in the kitchen. Crawford, 24, lives with his mother, which makes playing for the Chargers almost like when he was a teenager playing at El Camino. “We do well togeth-



she said. “The District could face penalties of up to $10,000 per day from the state and financial penalties from wholesale water suppliers.” Currently, the District has placed electric signage throughout its service area, reminding passersby of the drought and water restrictions. On a weekly basis, they relocate these signs



which could transform a child’s life. The evening began with a VIP reception, followed by cocktails and a silent auction, dinner, an honoree ceremony, live auction and then the night ended with dancing. Live auction items included a private gourmet culinary experience for



all, even if we were to eat it every meal for several fortnights. I supposed I can offer some to our friends and neighbors, but I fear that they will just take it to be polite and then all our garages will smell to high heaven until trash day. The


T he R ancho S anta F e News

Contact Jay Paris at Follow him on Twitter at jparis_sports.



in bringing back our village,” she said, noting how she loved her Village Market. Connie McNally of McNally Company Antiques, located in the heart of the Village, reminded all of the real estate offices, banks, escrow offices and financial service centers which are both in the Village and bracket by it nearby. “That’s why we have no parking,” she said. “That’s why as the town dwindles so has our business dwindled.” McNally told the board and members that she recently had longstanding clients from Chicago come visit. They stayed at the Inn and walked downtown. “Yesterday when they came in, they said all we saw were pictures of homes in the storefronts,” said McNally, adding how they wanted to know what happened. They also told her that they were thinking of purchasing a home there but are now rethinking that decision. And with the market gone, McNally said, it makes the situation even gloomier.



scribed her dedication to her community as endless energy and a deep passion. He thought of her as an ardent preservationist. According to Koons, when remembering Paul, he reminisces about those Rancho Santa Fe days. “We spent our time together strategizing, research-



Restoration Fund at the RSF Foundation, which received $10,000. The funds will support landscaping and educational opportunities for the Juan Osuna adobe property built back in 1831. The recipient of $8,000 was given to the San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy in their efforts to build the San Elijo Native Plant Nursery. This project will be supported by community volunteers. Monies will help with the purchase of nursery equipment, educational materials, fencing supplies and more. The Water Conservation Garden encourages and promotes landscaping conservation through a myriad of exhibits and programs received a $5,000 grant. The monies will aid in the expansion of its Veggie Garden exhibit. The San Diego Botanic Garden was the recipient of $3,410. Their grant will support its educational efforts for



toring devices throughout the home and the use of technology can be really helpful.” Rein went on to say how these devices can be an affordable solution for many families. Rein then pointed out a program through San Diego County called, “Take Me Home.” A photo-based system, it is a free registry through the San Diego Sheriff’s Department. It

Up next was resident Wendy Walker. She said a fellow Ranch resident, who she has been working with regarding the market issue, has named it, “Stumpgate.” The crowd broke out in laughter and applause. Walker moved to the Ranch in 1998. If there was no grocery store, she would have moved to La Jolla. “The fact that our community does not know that our market was in jeopardy was a huge wake-up call to all of us. We really thought the Association was watching out for things like this, but now we know that we have to do it ourselves,” she said. Walker continued, “Close your eyes and imagine a charming street with wonderful shops and restaurants and a feeling of community. Even Mayberry had more to offer.” Walker pointed out that she wished they could hire Donald Trump to come in and fix their town. “We want our gas station. We want our market. We want our restaurants. We want our shops,” she said. “And we want the real estate

office to go away so we can enjoy our town.” Simone was next up. He thanked the board for the invitation and hoped to clear up some misperceptions on behalf of himself and Wooley. He addressed the practicality of markets and what type of market the community could sustain. After speaking with multiple markets, Simone believed the market needed to be downsized. “One of the things they tell me is the size of the community can’t sustain the market that’s 10,000 square feet,” he said. Moving forward, Simone said, what they can do is have a smaller market. Resident Saiid Zarrabian told the crowd that the changes that have occurred over the last 20 years have come slowly and a little bit at a time. Right now, he said, is a pivotal change. And members need to work with the Board and not against them so they can keep their market. “I’m incredibly pleased that this is the board sitting in front of us. In my opinion, if anybody can help, this board is not only able, they’re willing to.”

ing, and organizing support for protecting Rancho Santa Fe’s historic resources, primarily the Osuna Adobe,” he said. As for the generous bequest, Coons said it will be filtered toward its legal defense fund and historic property restorations. Koons said they currently have two sites in need of major restoration in the backcountry where Paul’s dona-

tion will be utilized. He pointed out that it includes the 1890s Hoover Barn and the Kimball Wilson adobe. The latter, near Warner Springs, served as a stage stop and watering hole in the 1850s. “We hope others will pick up Phyllis’s baton as a watchdog and advocate,” he said. “Rancho Santa Fe is an architectural, cultural and historic treasure.”

the 2015 Insect Festival. A handful of schools also received grants. MiraCosta College received a grant of $7,800 for the construction of an openair shelter structure for its Horticulture Department. The shelter will further the college’s goal to be the North San Diego County region for education and resources regarding sustainable gardening. A total of $5,300 was gifted to Solana Ranch Elementary School. While the school currently has 8 raised garden beds, these funds will help upgrade its irrigation system and create a hedge soft barrier to enclose the garden area. Park Dale Lane Elementary School was thankful for their $5,000 in order to expand their current garden to include more garden beds, potted plants, rain gutter gardens and more. Friends of Pacific Rim received $1,090 to help benefit their composting and vermiculture program. Skyline Elementary

School has plans to improve and expand their educational garden program with their grant of $500. The Rancho Santa Fe School District received a total of $3,000 for their gardening program. New materials will help nurture the garden club at the Roger Rowe School. A grant for $900 was given to the Don Diego Scholarship Foundation to help give low-income students the opportunity to take part in the San Diego County Fair. The goal is to sponsor two busses filled with children so they can join in the Plant*Grow*Eat Ag Education Program at the fair. At the end of the grant ceremony, Wasserman reiterated that the grant committee worked diligently in implementing interviews and onsite visits to each one of the organizations. “This is really in concert with our objective as an organization,” he said. “So we’re really delighted that we can do this.”

helps law enforcement locate and bring individuals back home. This resource is for those who have Alzheimer’s and also any other medical condition which would put them at risk for wandering such as autism, epilepsy or other disorders. Rein explained that preparation is key with those diagnosed with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. “We really want to encourage that person and engage them in the early stages when they are able

to communicate their wishes,” she said. “Even if you think you’re not there yet or not needing this yet I would say that’s the time when you need to put those resources in place so we can keep that person as independent as possible and at home for as long as possible.” The Alzheimer’s Association is available 24 hours a day to support individuals with concerns or a diagnosis. They can be reached at or (800) 272-3900.


T he R ancho S anta F e News

JUNE 12, 2015 be hard to deal with. A travel opportunity is on the horizon. Keep busy doing whatever makes you feel happy.

SOUP TO NUTS by Rick Stromoski

By Eugenia Last FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 2015

FRANK & ERNEST by Bob Thaves

THE BORN LOSER by Art & Chip Sansom

BIG NATE by Lincoln Peirce

MONTY by Jim Meddick

ARLO & JANIS by Jimmy Johnson


ALLEY OOP byJack & Carole Bender

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- Don’t use company time for personal pursuits. Keep your private matters out of the office. If you shirk your responsibilities at work, you will pay the price.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -There are ample opportunities to expand Concentrate on your strengths. Dedica- your horizons. Studying other countries tion to your goals and diligence in your and cultures will stimulate your desire to work habits will serve you well. Sin- understand and help others. gle-mindedness and determination will CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Maklead you to the winner’s circle. Frustration ing alterations to your living space will be will occur if you aren’t willing to delegate challenging, but rewarding. Include modijobs in order to focus on what you do fications that will add to your comfort and best. make your home more inviting. Plan to GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- You will host an event. encounter someone who shows interest AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- A rein your progressive ideas. Use social union with an old friend will remind you events and business and networking of past challenges and dreams. Before functions to present and promote what you abandon your current path, consider you have to offer. what it took to reach your present posiCANCER (June 21-July 22) -- Loss is evi- tion. dent. You need to protect your reputation, PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- Asserposition and possessions. Someone will tiveness, not aggression, will help you try to exploit your generosity or control convince others to join your pursuit. You your assets. Offer suggestions but noth- can more successfully emphasize your ing more to those asking for a handout. strong points with charm rather than LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Get out and en- force. A joint venture looks favorable. joy what life has to offer. Your spontaneity ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- If you chanand creativity will put you in the spotlight nel your excess energy into something at any gathering you attend. A younger creative, you will get amazing results. individual will inspire you. You will feel greater freedom once you rid VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Don’t forfeit yourself of issues or people that are no your savings on an untried or dubious in- longer helping you advance. vestment deal. Ask pertinent questions TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- Refrain and verify the credentials of anyone with from criticizing your co-workers. Any iswhom you are considering forming an sues that need attention should be dealt alliance. with privately and diplomatically. You will LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- Lady Luck is damage your reputation if you are conon your side. Moody family members will frontational.

JUNE 12, 2015

T he R ancho S anta F e News

Food & Wine


Get juiced at Fully Loaded Juicery


Hundreds of wine glasses greeted visitors to the annual Wine Warehouse Trade Show, this year at the Hyatt Regency, downtown San Diego. Photo by Frank Mangio

Blue Sky Tasting at the Wine Warehouse Trade Show taste of wine frank mangio


deas for columns come to me in many ways and this one was one I will remember. I was hosting a celebration of life party at my house in Leucadia for a deceased friend. The par together old ty brought friends and our house band from back in the day called The Citrus Revolution. One of their signature songs was called Get Juiced and it just so happens that Kaz and Jacqueline Murphy, who own Fully Loaded Juicery, are also neighbors of mine. They heard the music of Citrus playing and were drawn over to the house where they enjoyed a couple sets of music with us. Conversation followed and here we are. I’ve become a huge fan of their cold-pressed juices and wanted to learn more about them and Fully Loaded. I spoke with Kaz Murphy all about the juicery.

Fully Loaded Juicery is located in the heart of Leucadia Photo courtesy

Fully Loaded Juicery

ing career in the entertainment world prior to opening Fully Loaded. I grew up in a very musical family and I’ve spent a lot of my life writing and making music. My wife, Jacqueline, who is also my partner in Fully Loaded, plays violin and accordion, so we’ve done a lot of performing together also. These days I do some writing for television and independent artists, and plan on releasing a CD of my own material by the end of the summer. My next gig is June 26 at the Summer Fun on the 101 Music Festival on the stage right in front You have had an interest- of our shop. Easy gig.

How did Fully Loaded come to be? Many years back the opportunity arose for me to be a life coach for people with Parkinson’s and paranoid schizophrenics. I would be in out of hospitals with these folks and couldn’t believe the unhealthy food and beverages that they would be served. Being avid juicers since the mid-‘80s, Jacque and I started making recipes for my clients and we found them to be helpful on many levels. About four years ago, TURN TO LICK THE PLATE ON 18



CD: Gary Kelly

AD: Paul Masatani

CD: Nick Yen

PD: Maira Gutierrez


coffee. Deep berry flavor covers the palate and ends with a savory finish with well-integrated tannins.  About the Winery: One of the most widely known wineries in the north coast of California, Silver Oak commands a premium for its highly rated wines. It’s the standard-bearer for both Sonoma and Napa Valley Cabs. Fifteen months aging in barrels and 20 months in the bottle before bringing these Cabs to market. The Duncan family has operated Silver Oak for some 40 years.  The Cost: The 2010 Silver Oak Sonoma Cabernet Sauvignon is priced at $59.97 by North County Wine Company in San Marcos. Call (760) 653-9032.

GET READY TO BE AMAZED Descend into a space unlike any other. Choose from over 480 of the ďŹ nest wines from Napa Valley, Sonoma, France, Italy, and Australia. Then enjoy ďŹ ne Mediterranean cuisine with an Italian air prepared by Chef Luciano Cibelli. Also experience San Diego County’s only underground wine cave. Excitement. Elegance. Style. You’ll discover it all at Pala Casino Spa and Resort.



AE: George Miranda

PM: Sam Polk



About the Wine: This 5-year-old Cabernet is just now released and is showing its peak performance. The Alexander Valley Sonoma influence presents a vibrant, elegant expression of a classic appellation from a color climate than its Napa Valley Silver Oak cousin. It has a deep garnet color and an enticing nose of cassis, blueberry, tobacco and

CW: Donovan Le

By Frank Mangio

SM: Rosa Baer

Sauvignon Sonoma — 2010

Live: visual

Trim: 5.075�w x 7.5�h

Bleed: N/W

Scale: 100%

Color: CMYK




Job #: PAL-001792-02

Title: 5/28-6/26 Cave Local Print

Element: Print_CoastNews_RanchoSantaFe_CoastNewsInland

Date In: 05-06-15


is an important part of the five-part harmony of tasting wine. I make sure I sip no more than two ounces of the wine in question, and stop frequently to aerate with water, and soothe the palate with appetizers, especially cheese, crackers and vegetables, when available. I taste from no more than 12 wineries, what with visiting, exchanging contacts and sipping from the new releases. I want each winery to be an experience and a familiarization with their creations. Wine Warehouse was founded in Southern California in 1973 by Bob and Jim Myerson who wanted to share their enthusiasm for premium quality wines with the many wine shops, restaurants and bars, known as the trade. Today, it is one of the largest distributors of alcoholic bevDue Date: 05-21-15


very year I anticipate the blowout show in San Diego produced by Wine Warehouse, an international wine beer and spirits powerhouse distributor that draws hundreds of brands together for an annual product showing. Heck, they even represent sodas, ciders and teas! Many of the owners of West Coast wineries attend this show, allowing access to tell their stories and pour their wines. This is the main reason I go. My readers get some valuable information from many of the owners. Mark Donati was there from Donati Family Vineyards in Paso Robles — also from Paso,

Gary Eberle of Eberle Winery, one of the first to make wine in this prime wine country. Dan Lee from Morgan in Monterey, who you have learned about in my column, was there with his Morgan Winery; and all the way from Tenuta di Castellaro in Italy, Giovanni Pasquero traded comments on his Tuscan wines. Other names to know included: Far Niente Estates, Heitz Cellars and Flora Springs in Napa Valley, Fess Parker Winery from Santa Barbara, L’Ecole fromWashington, Peachy Canyon from Paso Robles and Pedroncelli and Trentadue of Sonoma. All were pouring their current releases; some premiered new brands and vintages. You may wonder, at these mammoth wine tastings, how to stay sober and maintain a fresh palate. Many would say that taste and spit is the way to go, but for me, I have never spit out wine. The swallow

Visit us online to view our Summer Concert Series at the New Starlight Theater. 1-877-WIN-PALA (1-877-946-7252) Located in Northern San Diego County From San Diego County and Riverside County: Take I-15 to Hwy 76, go east 5 miles. From Orange County and Los Angeles County: Take I-5 South to Hwy 76, go east 23 miles.

So Many Ways To Win



spirits, non-alcohol beverages and glassware to license holders in Califorerages in the United nia. Go to winewarehouse. States. com for more information Wine Warehouse now and links to all of their clioffers wines from dozens ents. of countries. It now represents more Wine Bytes than 10,000 wines, beers, Encinitas Wine MerCONTINUED FROM 17

T he R ancho S anta F e News chants on North El Camino Real presents a Powell Mountain Wines Event, June 16 from 5 to 8 p.m. Taste incredible wines from Paso Robles, for $20. Owners Bill and Kim will be there. Call (760) 4074265. Il Fornaio, with locations in Del Mar and Coronado has Festa Regionale, with a menu from Italy’s

Campania, now though June 21. From pizza to fish, this area that includes Naples, has southern regional tastes, including the wines. RSVP in Coronado at (619) 437-4911 and in Del Mar at (858) 755-8876. West Steak and Seafood in Carlsbad has the big wine/food spectacular when Frank Family Vineyards of Napa Val-


and what other differentiators are there at Fully Loaded? Our juice is coldpressed. When you cold press, the temperature of the produce stays cool so that the enzymes and nutrients stay intact. Our juice machine has 21,000 pounds of hydraulic pressure and after pressing, the pulp is almost as dry as sawdust. We get every possible bit of value out of that pulp. We get three to four pounds of produce in a 16-ounce bottle and there is no pulp in the juice so that the juice absorbs through your stomach lining rather than taking a longer time to go through your entire digestive tract. That way, the valuable health benefits get into your blood stream quicker while everything is still alive and active, and is therefore the healthiest way to drink juice. The juice recipes are literally fully loaded with vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and enzymes. We work closely with local farmers so that some days the produce is picked in the field that morning and in our juice by noon.


we bought a Norwalk coldpressed juice machine and that changed everything. Our friends started to tell us that our recipes not only made them feel amazing, but that they were delicious, so we decided to try them out at the Leucadia Farmers Market. Before long we couldn’t produce enough juice in one day to last through one farmers market. That’s when we decided to open up a shop and here we are. What exactly is a micro-juicery? We call it a micro-juicery, because like a true microbrewery, you can only get that particular recipe in our shop. You can’t go to Jimbo’s or Seaside and find it. You will never find our juices on store shelves because we will never pasteurize or HPP and that is the only legal way to get your juice on a store shelf. Our juice has a three- to four-day shelf life. How does your process of juicing differ from others

JUNE 12, 2015 ley combines their wines with Executive Chef David Abella’s latest menu creations; $125. Call (760) 930-9100 for your RSVP. Poway Center for the Performing Arts has the Taste of our Towne, June 20 from 5 to 9 p.m. The area’s best restaurants, wineries and breweries come together, with live entertainment, dancing I counted 10 different juices at Fully Loaded. What are some of your favorites? At Fully Loaded we usually have between 22 and25 recipes at all times. We are seasonal so that four times a year we take a few recipes off the menu and add a few new ones using produce that is in season. Some of my favorites in the green world of juice are Green Mountain, which features dandelion greens and fennel; Shangri La, which infuses grapefruit and pear in a luscious green mixture; and our signature recipe, the Fully Loaded featuring carrots, E-3 Live (blue/green algae from Klamath Lake Oregon) and just a touch of cayenne in a classic green recipe. And finally, let’s not forget the 4-ounce Dragon’s Breath Tonic, ginger, lemon, turmeric and cayenne. Try this one first thing in the morning and your day will get off to an amazing start. You also have a cleanse program. How does that work? We offer a cleanse program that goes from one day to 21 days. The cleanses

and prizes. More details at (858) 668-4797. Frank Mangio is a renowned wine connoisseur certified by Wine Spectator. He is one of the leading wine commentators on the web. View and link up with his columns at tasteofwinetv. com, and reach him at Follow him on Facebook. are based on our tried and true 3 Day cleanse, which is really quite easy to do and the benefits that it provides customers is undeniable. Your location right on Coast Highway 101 is in the heart of Leucadia. I’m thinking that works well for Fully Loaded? We love our location between Lou’s Records and the Pannikin. The neighborhood is very health-oriented and we learn a lot from our customers. Our clientele ranges from surfers to bicyclists, to naturopaths and yoga teachers, healthy older folks, daring younger folks and all in between. Fully Loaded is located at 466 N. Coast Hwy 101 in Leucadia. Find them online at Lick the Plate can now be heard on KPRi, 102.1 FM Monday - Friday during at 4:10 and 7:10 p.m. David Boylan is founder of Artichoke Creative and Artichoke Apparel, an Encinitas based marketing firm and clothing line. Reach him at david@ or (858) 395-6905.


JUNE 12, 2015 and will host a meeting and potluck at St. Thomas More Catholic Church, OceansKnow something that’s going ide June 14. The group will on? Send it to calendar@ also go bowling at the Vista Entertainment Center and dinner at Oggi's Pizza and Brewing Company, Vista. JUNE 12 LIFE A lifelong learn- Reservations are required ing group meets weekly at at (858) 674-4324. MiraCosta College/Oceanside Campus, 1 Barnard JUNE 14 MEMBERSHIP TEA Dr., Admin. Bldg. #1000. Check speaker schedule Chofit chapter of Hadassah at, then will hold its annual memselect Oceanside LIFE Cal- bership tea at Bit O' Britain endar or call (760) 757-2121, tearoom in Vista on Sunday, June 14 from 2-4 pm. Open ext. 6972. to all members and prospective members. Cost is $26. JUNE 13 PET EXPO Encinitas For more info contact Brenhosts its Pet Health Expo da at uduclink@hotmail. from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. June com or hadassahchofit@ 13 at the brand new Encin- or call (760) 436itas Community Park, 425 4238 CYCLING MOVIE Santa Fe Drive, Encinitas, which has a 2-acre dog park. Hornsby Films will preview The County Department of a screening of “The HamAnimal Services will offer mer,” a movie that follows many services on-site. For a rider in the Race Across more information, visit En- America during RAAM or week at 8 p.m. June 14 at Surfside Tap Room, Oceanscall (760) 633-2760. HAPPY DIRT Solana ide. For information on the Center for Environmental screening event, contact Innovation offers a free FLAG RETIREMENT Composting Workshop from 10 a.m. to noon June 13 at The Kiwanis Club of GreatBatiquitos Lagoon Nature er San Marcos will hold a Center, 7380 Gabbiano Flag Retirement Ceremony Lane, Carlsbad. To regis- from 6:30 to 8 p.m. June ter, visit 14 at Walnut Grove Park, 1940 Sycamore Ave., San free-compost-workshops. DEMOCRATIC CLUB Marcos. Bring lawn chairs. The Lake San Marcos Dem- Flags can be dropped off ocratic Club will meet at 1 at Allen Brothers Mortuary p.m. June 13, with featured at either the Vista Chapel, speaker Herbie Smith, at 1315 S. Santa Fe Ave., Visthe Gallery, 1105 La Boni- ta, or the San Marcos Chapta Drive, San Marcos. Visit el, 435 N. Twin Oaks Valley for more infor- Road, San Marcos. NIGHTIME VBS Camp mation. TRAIL CLEAN-UP Kilamanjaro Vacation BiAgua Hedionda Lagoon ble School offers “An Epic Foundation invites all to its Expedition Through ProvHubbs Trail Clean-Up June erbs” 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. June 13 at 1580 Cannon Road, 14 through June 18 for chilCarlsbad. Volunteer by con- dren age 3 through fifthtacting Morgan@aguahedi- grade at Lighthouse Christian Church, 4700 Mesa onda MAKE NEW FRIENDS Drive, Oceanside. Cost $15/ The Catholic Widows and child or $40/family. Visit Widowers of North County, to register. a support group for ladies and gentlemen who desire to foster friendships through various social activities, will hike at the Batiquitos Lagoon, Carlsbad June 13,



T he R ancho S anta F e News JUNE 15 AUTHORS ON DECK Del Mar Library features a Local Author Showcase with Ph.D.-turned-Rabbi Shai Cherry on “Torah Through Time” at 6:30 pm. June 10 and Raymond Wong on his memoir, “I’m Not Chinese” at 6:30 p.m. June 24, at 1309 Camino Del Mar. For more information, call (858) 755-1666. VBS An eight week summer session beginning June 15 of Son-shine Camp and Kindergarten Boot Camp from 8:30 to 11:45 a.m. will be offered by Lambs of Faith Early Childhood, 700 E. Bobier Drive, Vista. Extended Care will be available from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Registration forms are available at

JUNE 17 HAPPY HOUR POLITICS Join Happy Hour Politics 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. June 17 at The Crossings, 5800 The Crossings Drive, Carlsbad, to meet Michael Page, U.S. Border Patrol Agent with the Information and Communication Division. There is a $20 cash cover charge (includes appetizers). Drinks are available for purchase. Make reservations at (307) 690-7814 or hhpcbad@ BRING YOUR MAC The Oceanside Mac Users Group (OMUG) will meet at 6:30 p.m. June 17, at the Mission Branch Library, 3861 Mission Ave., Oceanside. Chris Barczys presents "Your Life is Digital!" For more inforJUNE 16 mation visit or BASEBALL LOVERS call (760) 757-4900. Carlsbad is hosting a free film screening of “Ball Talk: Baseball’s Voice of Summer,” at 1 p.m. June 13 at the Georgina Cole Library, 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive. The second event is a free baseball discussion panel at 11 a.m. June 20, at Carlsbad City Library, 1775 Dove Lane. For more information, contact Keith Gemmell at (760) 602-2024 or HYPERLINK "mailto:keith.gemmell @" WATER WOES David Spady will address California's crisis, “No Water. No Farmer. No Food” at the Tri-City Tea Party meeting at 6 p.m. June 16 at the Green Dragon Tavern and Museum, 6115 Paseo del Norte, Carlsbad. For more information, visit info@ or call (760) 845-8775. BONSAI FANS Bonsai and Beyond will meet at 6:30 p.m. June 16 at the San Diego Botanic Gardens, Encinitas. For more information, call Phil at (858) 259-9598.

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Tropical, Spectacular Views & Great Location on 4.55 Acres! Bring your horses! $650,000 Unique, gated, private & serene hilltop property near I-15 with stunning views. Spacious main home apprx 2760 sqft along with second structure/guest home apprx 2300 sq ft that is waiting for your imagination and finishing touches. Great for two Families!!! Cascading Waterfall, Resort style Pool & Deck with large outdoor movie screen to enjoy your favorite shows. Avocado & an assortment of Fruit Trees as well as your own private Pond. Main house with its fresh interior paint, a 4 bedroom / 3 bathroom with Living Rm, Family Rm, Dining Rm, Kitchen, Laundry Rm. New Carpeting and Laminate Flooring. Lower pond across the driveway. Second structure is a single level with the possibility of 2 Bedrooms / 2 Bathroom along with a 1 bedroom with loft area (could be a separate living area or OFFICE) and a tremendous grate room. There’s even a bonus of a basement! Whether you are a gentlemen farmer or an existing farmer with an extended family, this is the place to be! These 4.55 acres could be a grower’s delight with a wide range of options! Nights can be most captivating as you gaze at the stars, watch a movie on a theater like outdoor screen, and hear the serenity of the waterfall. Come and imagine your life here on Paradise hill! By Appointment Only. Call for Open House Schedules!

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Business news and special achievements for North San Diego County. Send information via email to community@ LOCAL FLIGHTS TO LAX BizAir Shuttle will provide daily flights between Carlsbad’s McClellan-Palomar Airport and Los Angeles International starting June 18. The flights fill a service void left by the April departure of United Airlines from the Carlsbad airport. BizAir Shuttle will begin with two daily round trip flights and expand to seven between Carlsbad and LAX. Flights to Las Vegas will be added in July and to Phoenix in August. Business and leisure passengers may purchase tickets at

JUNE 12, 2015 pa; from Sunset High School, Juan Sanchez; from El Camino High School Angel Armstead and Jesus Manzano; from San Dieguito Academy Lali Martinez Ibarra, Danny Salgado and Tomas Sandoval Aguilar; from La Costa Canyon High School Luis Baez, Carmen Bautista, Kimberly Cordova, Ana Galvan, Victoria Garcia, Jose Guerrero Olea and Abigail Rivera; Jose Esquer from Torrey Pines High School and Shane Coopersmith from Carlsbad High School.

THEATER AWARDS Pacific Ridge junior Catherine Ames won “Best Actress” at the Southwest Region Ben Vereen Awards and will travel to New York City for the National High School Musical Theatre Awards against 60 of the nation’s top high school musical theatre talent for a shot at a Jimmy Award, $10,000 and a NYU Tisch School of the Arts scholarship. EXTRAORDINARY PRS senior Ben DeSoto Mayor STUDENT Aiko Lozar, a student at placed in the top three males Aviara Oaks Middle School as a regional finalist. Middle School, Carlsbad, was honored as one of the bright- NEW PRINCIPAL Janelle Scheftner will beest young students in the world at a regional awards come principal of Ada Harris ceremony for academically ad- Elementary School in July. vanced children sponsored by Scheftner comes from the La the Johns Hopkins University Mesa-Spring Valley School District. Current principal Center for Talented Youth. Brian Kissell will be relocating with his family to Bend, SCHOLARSHIPS Boys & Girls Clubs of San Oregon. Dieguito Foundation awarded the Leonard & Edith Polster DOLLARS FOR SCHOLARS Two Canyon Crest AcadScholarships for 2015/2016 to 20 North County teens. Recip- emy High School students, ients include Oceanside High Gayla Hahn and Thea HanSchool’s Vin Sean Cheng, Asia son, were each presented with Martin, Angel Ortiz, Domitila a $1,000 scholarship at the Santiago, and Jesse Zamarri- recent Dollars for Scholars

awards ceremony at CCA by Kevin Cahill, founding President of the Del Mar-Solana Beach Rotary Club. Both students will be attending UC Berkeley this coming fall. CMS GETS NEW FACES The Carlsbad Music Festival has added Kate Oberjat as managing director. An Oceanside High School alum, Oberjat was the Single Ticket Marketing Manager at the New York Philharmonic for the past three years, and is a professional opera singer. Rachel Beetz, a classically trained flutist will be production manager. Kevin Bender, born in Oceanside, now living in Carlsbad, is now development associate and Joe Cantrell, a sound artist, noise musician and technologist, will be marketing and communications associate. ALL PRO Palomar College Director of Communications, Marketing and Public Affairs Laura Gropen was awarded the 2015 All PRO Award from the California Community College Public Relations Organization, naming her among the best in the business. OUTSTANDING AT MIRACOSTA MiraCosta College students selected communications instructor Eric Robertson as 2015 Outstanding Tenured Faculty of the Year, history faculty member Veronica Bale as 2015 Outstanding Associate Faculty of the Year, and nursing instructional lab associate Denise Omitt as Outstanding Classified Staff Member of the Year

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JUNE 12, 2015


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JUNE 20,

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By Rachel


CARLSBAD for five years, — With the 33-yea it’s primary the corner storefr last gettingof El Camino r-old La Costa Towneont empty Real and a ENCIN ITAS Center La Costa The ownerrevamp. another — The counci Avenue at molish two of the step toward is at cific View commercialproperty gained acquiring l took ter and site on Wedne the Pareplace approval Counc and half them structures favor of il members sday night. 2.3 times apartments with buildin in the shoppi to desion on April voted 3-2 ng centhat price.” from Carlsb gs that are conditionsa $50,00 0 deposi in Counc Edding ad’s Planni half retail t spelled Planning 16. dum of unders vocate of ilman Tony Kranz,ton said. out in a and other ng Comm Commissione coming memoranistandin an adty. That million the purchase, forwar figure ping center d with plans rs praised document g for the proper final purcha erty’s curren was based said the $4.3 the owner paves to redeve that they sign, and on the se agreem the way for t public council was only a main tenantsaid curren lop the dated s for zoning. propent, which a majority intend tly lacks shop“(La And ed as a first the end . signage, Additi of May. hopes to approv the wall. You Costa Towne Center offer. it deed in favoronally, Kranz e by But the is) just this said Plannihave no idea said he of upping agenda long debate ing that what’s inside, big long votng Comm item the ter EUSD price white sparke has issione it’s not invitin been long had a strong should have over whethe case, which knowd a overdue.” r Hap L’Heureux. Commissione rezoning even agreedr the counci g,” million much more would have l “This cenmall an to pay valuable. made the land Encinitasto acquire the eyesore. r Aurthur Neil The city Black called Union School site from $10 could the distric the Resident the little t’s rezonehave tried to fight Jeff EddingDistrict. excited would likely request, have but owning at the prospect ton said he’s pensive the court battle,resulted in anthat TURN TO cil is gettingsite, but worrieof the city TOWNE Last Kranz added. exCENTER ON “bamboozled d the counauction month, EUSD A15 “The Pacific View was due Pacific View the propercity offered $4.3 .” bid set at to with a minim Elementary, million past, and ty in the not-too ticking, $9.5 million. With um for cade ago. The which the city is now offerin the clock -distant dum of understacouncil approve closed a de- just before submit d a memora nding at meeting g more the deadli ted an offer , bringing n- delayed Wednes than the ne. day night’s the city site. Photo closer to a safegu the auction by two EUSD has Mosaic, by Jared acquirin ard, in case part 2 Whitlock months g Artist Mark By Promis as the deal e Yee Patterson with the has plans OCEANSIDE up to his for a follow announcemen Kay’s husban — TURN TO Surfing DEAL ON A15 donna mosaic t that an The Parker helped banLIFT d Dick MaUr. A5 accept the building grant will fund grant at the the Kay City Counci meeting ow to reacH Message Family Resour Parker April l 16. the honor The final remains ce Center (760) 436-97 us the planne of namin He said at source A&E.............. 37 on Eden installment affordable d Mission Cove center after g the reCalendar housing Gardens tells of Classifieds............ A10 bought project wife was well deservhis late Calendar@coa OUSD takes the commu ..... B21 nity’s reasons. applause for two ed. The Food stnewsgroup. the affordable Mission Cove to youth. commitment to reduce wastepledge Legals& Wine....... B12 com Comm Community form “green A6 housing and ........... mixedwere glad unity membe Community@News aimed at teams” Opinion......... ....... A18 rs sion use project on and resource to have a family recycling. Avenue coastnewsgro MisB1 Sports........... .......A4 oped throug is being develthe city’s center as part Letters h a partne ....... A20 of betwee low-income ing project rship Letters@coa hous- tional n the city , and pleased and Nastnewsgroup. the name equally sance Community Renais com center will nonprofit of the developer. Kay Parker honor the late The , a belove ground project will break housing this summe d, fair advocate. r. GradBy Jared


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Two Sectio ns 48 pages






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ESCAPED FROM L.A., SEEKING IMMEDIATE HOME PURCHASE Sold our home in El Segundo, just landed in Encinitas, seeking a) to purchase a livable property with solid upside potential, and b) a short-term furnished rental while closing escrow and/ or handling any needed updates/ repairs. We are in local hotels now, until we find the right deal. We intend to occupy the property we purchase. Multi-family or a helper unit is a bonus. MUST BE WITHIN SIGHT OF OCEAN OR LAGOON WATER or have another very solid value driver going the property. I have an (inactive) contractors license, a good FICO score, cash for conventional financing, etc... and we are ready to write paper immediately. Desired price range is $650K-$850K, if an SFR, more if cash flowing from rental unit. PREFERENCE IS CARDIFF or rest of Encinitas, though anything from Solana Beach to Carlsbad considered. Also open to equity sharing of upside on larger project. My team includes lead designers and contractors from HGTV’s house flipping shows. References upon request. Please text or call Todd at 310.560.3483 Will of course cooperate fully with Sellers Agent, but am not looking for a buyers agent, or properties not meeting the above descriptions. Will also pay a $1K private party referral fee if we find the right deal solely through your actions. INCOME PROPERTIES 6 Single Family Homes Vista 2 bedroom/1bath 1,000 Sq Ft includes garage & yards. Fully Rented! Priced to Sell! Close to Vista High School, Grocery, restaurant and retail stores. PRINCIPALS ONLY - CALL TOPPER 760-6379219 TROPICAL SURF Lush jungle lowlands surrounded by tropical mountains and great, uncrowded surf. The best value on the Pacific, 8 degrees north of the equator in the nicest area of Costa Rica - The Ballena Coast, Zona Sur. Lovely new landscaped homes with pools, clear title and all utilities by the coolest little beachside villages anywhere. Starting at $259,000. The designer-builder has lived here for decades. Steve - 760 840 7410. CA BRE 01973292. Pacific Investment Properties. The following is a disclaimer required by California regulations: WARNING: THE CALIFORNIA BUREAU OF REAL ESTATE HAS NOT EXAMINED THIS OFFERING, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE CONDITION OF TITLE, THE STATUS OF BLANKET LIENS ON THE PROJECT (IF ANY) ARRANGEMENTS TO ASSURE PROJECT COMPLETION, ESCROW PRACTICES (IF ANY) TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PRICE OF THE OFFER, CONTROL OVER ANUAL ASSESSMENTS (IF ANY) OR THE AVAILABILITY OF WATER, SERVICES, UTILITIES, OR IMPROVEMENTS. IT MAY BE ADVISABLE FOR YOU TO CON-


REMODELING? 2nd Generation Family Owned Local Contractor. Kitchens, baths, additions, whole house, fire & flood restoration. We handle design, plans, permits and deliver peace of mind. Konstrukt Design & Remodel-Since 1973. Lic.-#833211 858-453-6555 JESSE’S TREE SERVICE~WE DO IT ALL! Lic.860309 Ins. Bonded 760-845-9909 ENHANCE YOUR HOME OR OFFICE WITH BEAUTIFUL LIVING ART ARRANGEMENTS FROM GREENS & THINGS PLANTSCAPING Specializing in high-end, contemporary living art, our plantscape designers use live plants, natural elements like stone and drift wood, and other creative materials to create simplistic yet sophisticated living art to suit your style and exceed your expectations. Ad some color and life to your world and call (760) 942-1234 or email madeline@ FOR AFFORDABLE DOG WALKING AND PET WASTE REMOVAL 35/mo/dog. More info?? Please call Mark 818-922-9074 BACK-HOE, BOBCAT, Grading, Trenching, Concrete & Asphalt Demo, Footings, Pool Removal, Leveling. Owner/Operator. #503159 760-781-4149



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FOR RENT LA COSTA CONDO FOR RENT 2BR/2BA condo located in beautiful resort community in La Costa. Refrigerator, gas range/oven, microwave, dishwasher, and washer/ dryer provided. Gas fireplace, large balcony, storage, assigned parking, and community amenities (include clubhouse, gym & pool). $1650/month + security deposit. No pets. Call Mary (562) 243-7345.

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JUNE 12, 2015



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JUNE 12, 2015


T he R ancho S anta F e News

ART BANNERS GO TO AUCTION ENCINITAS — Potential bidders cast their eyes upwards to the art banners draping the courtyard of the Cardiff Town Center Sunday. The live auction was the culmination of the several-months-long annual Encinitas Arts Alive art banner project, which is hosted by the 101 Artists’ Colony, Cardiff 101 Main Street Association and the Leucadia 101 Main Street Association. Close to 100 artists participated in this year’s project. The banners were unveiled in February and then placed on lampposts all along the Coast Highway 101.

Auctioneer Rich Houk keeps a watchful eye for a potential bid. Photos by Tony Cagala

Crowds fill in the courtyard of the Cardiff Town Center for the Encinitas Arts Alive art banner auction on Sunday.

A bidder raises his card during the auction.

With this ad, expires 6-19-15

Gene Hunner places a bid during the live auction. Hunner has attended the auction for five years, purchasing several banners each time.

Mary Roque and John Tate look over the Encinitas Arts Alive art banner program.

Artist Judy Salinsky holds up her banner, “Yogi Surf Crossing,” to the crowd.

President of the 101 Artists’ Colony, Danny Salzhandler looks out over the crowd before the live auction begins.


T he R ancho S anta F e News

JUNE 12, 2015

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