The rancho santa fe news, february 6, 2015

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VOL. 11, N0. 3


FEB. 6, 2015

Erin Browne will fill the executive director position with the Rancho Santa Fe Garden Club. Courtesy photo

RSF Garden Club has new executive director By Christina Macone-Greene while Browne will help

Clearing the trees Before the light rains earlier this month, workers at the Del Dios Ranch in Rancho Santa Fe climb ladders tall enough to pick the navel oranges off the trees. The ranch is certified organic that produces citrus fruits. Photo by Tony Cagala

The Ranch readies for poker tournament By Christina Macone-Greene

RANCHO SANTA FE — The Rancho Santa Fe Community Center will transform its interior to a No-Limit Texas Hold’em Charity Poker Tournament this month. Its theme, “Put Your Hearts on the Table” gives those 21 and over an opportunity to hold or fold at the poker tables. Those interested are encouraged to have fun in polishing up their game and poker lingo. The cards will hit the table Feb. 28 at 7 p.m. and the fundraiser is expected to draw 100 players for this third annual event. “Each year the event continues to grow in participants, guests and sponsors. This event is unique in the sense that it brings various groups of people together for one common goal, to support our Community Center,” said Kimberly Swaney, events coordinator. “There is great camaraderie among guests and many opportunities to participate in various activities offered throughout the evening.” Swaney wants everyone to know that players TURN TO POKER ON 18

RANCHO SANTA FE — It’s official. The opening for executive director at the Rancho Santa Fe Garden Club has been filled by Erin Browne. The name may sound familiar because Browne has been the office manager at the Rancho Santa Fe Community Center for the last couple of years. Browne is thrilled step into her new position on Feb. 17 and honored with the opportunity. Browne said she is looking forward to raising awareness in the community about the special work the RSF Garden Club has done over the years and continues to do. And she wants to help raise the bar even higher. “I will be reaching out to new families in the community and even families that have been in the community for a long time who are not necessarily a part of the Garden Club,” Browne said. The Garden Club has a longstanding history and

continue that legacy, she also intends to amplify what an important part of the community it truly is. One area of focus will be on membership. “I also want to start networking a little bit more, not only in Rancho Santa Fe, but throughout San Diego with other garden clubs and organizations that are like-minded,” she said, adding how her goal is to give the RSF Garden Club more spotlight presence. Browne freely admits she has a penchant for nonprofit organizations. She began working at one when she was 18 years old, left for a little bit to work in the for-profit sector, and eventually returned to the nonprofit world. “For me, it’s kind of just been a natural path and my goal has always been just to continue to work in nonprofit related organizations,” Browne TURN TO GARDEN CLUB ON 18

Meet and greet soirée slated for new association manager

The Rancho Santa Fe Community Center is readying to hold its annual No-Limit Texas Hold’em Charity Poker Tournament Feb. 28. Courtesy photo

RANCHO SANTA FE — As the new Rancho Santa Fe Association manager, William “Bill” Overton Jr. settles into his new position at the Ranch, members of the covenant are encouraged to attend a “Meet and Greet” party Feb. 18 at the Rancho Santa Fe Golf Club. The event will give covenant members the op-

portunity become better acquainted with its new chief administrator of the Association. The soiree will take place in the 1929 room at the Golf Club between 5 to 7 p.m., with hors d’ oeuvres and spirits. For more information, please call the RSF Association at (858) 756-1174 or visit


T he R ancho S anta F e News

FEB. 6, 2015

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FEB. 6, 2015


T he R ancho S anta F e News

County begins road resurfacing in Rancho Santa Fe By Christina Macone-Greene

RANCHO SANTA FE — During certain times of the day, RSF residents may experience some gridlock along Avenida De Acacias and La Granada. According to RSF Association acting Manager Ivan Holler, work signs are being placed on these roads leading up to the intersection of both streets. “The county is going to start a project to resurface that intersection. It’s very uneven, and so they’re going to take out the asphalt and redo the concrete aprons, drainage aprons, redo a little portion of a sidewalk there and put that all back,” Holler said. While the signage indicates the project will take three months, Holler is hopeful it won’t take that long to complete. Holler was quick to point out there will be traffic impacts during the morning, school drop-off and the afternoon pick-up.

The county is beginning road resurfacing at the intersection of Avenida De Acacias and La Granada in Rancho Santa Fe. Photo by Christina Macone-Greene

These timeframes could range from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m., and then again, at 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. “I would encourage you, unless you have to be there, don’t be around those intersections at those times,” he said.

Broadband still a ‘work in progress’ By Christina Macone-Greene

RANCHO SANTA FE — A topic which continues to linger in Rancho Santa Fe regards broadband. Staff members at the RSF Association are gathering proposals as they come in and presenting it to its board of directors. It’s a work in progress and one, which requires frequent updates. “The Board is continuing to review some different options for the provision of broadband service in the Ranch,” said Ivan Holler, acting manager at the RSF Association. “Yesterday the Board heard a presentation on one potential option that was a contract to design, construct, and own the infrastructure associated with high speed internet service.” Holler stressed to the Board that this was another proposal among others it has received since the interest of acquiring broadband in the Ranch. Other service providers it has gathered proposals from include AT&T. Holler told the board and its members in attendance that the Association anticipated receiving another proposal from a cable provider and another company. “There are still a number of things that are under review,” he said. “The board and staff are still considering a couple of different options.” Holler said that by the end of the month they will have more information for the board and predicted it would be available during the February RSF Association board of directors meeting. “I think I speak for the entire board to say this is a very high priority for the board in getting this done for the benefit of the com-

munity,” he said. President Ann Boon then asked if any other board members had questions. Board Director Heather Slosar wanted to know that if they went with broadband would it be accessible to every single parcel in the Ranch. Holler replied, “Yes.” Slosar then asked for a better understanding of how it would work in terms of trenching and how it would affect the streets in the Ranch. “I thought there was technology now where you can go down and then trench underneath without tearing up everything,” Slosar said. Holler explained that horizontal boring is not really new technology. “It works very well if you’re crossing a street perpendicular to the street,” said Holler, highlighting situations such as this. However, delivering it down a street, also referred to as long runs, horizontal boring isn’t as effective, he said. Holler wanted the board to know that he anticipated a combination of traditional underground trenching, and then in some cases, horizontal boring. Both would take place. Slosar was curious if an individual property owner was responsible from taking Broadband from the street to their home or if this was included in the proposal. “It’s too soon to say,” Holler said. “There has been some discussion about both models, but there’s no decision at this point.” Holler felt it was too early to respond to this portion of the project given that the proposals were just coming in with more on the way. The Board would address this high priority topic at their next monthly meeting in February.

Holler was asked by the board if the “little mess” in front of the Association would be fixed. Holler said he thought it would slightly improve. “We talked to them about including a slot drain in the middle of the apron to

handle the low flow so just a little depression,” he said. Holler added, “Unfortunately we were not successful in getting them to do that.” And staff did try. Holler went on to say that the County was concerned because pedestrians

would have to walk across that area and they might trip in that slot. “So, we’ll still have some low flow that occurs there. However, I think it should be better,” he said. In the beginning stages, Holler said, there may be some potholes in the coming days but they’ll fix that up. Likewise, they will not shut down the intersection completely. “They’ll do a portion of it and then shift to the other side,” Holler said. Once Holler was finished with his update on the roadwork, he asked Daria Quay, the Association’s executive assistant to say a few words about new member gift baskets. Holler explained there was a direct correlation between the baskets and chatting with new residents about voter registration. “In November we had eight escrows close, and I sent out invitations to eight

new members,” she said, noting how all new members came to the Association to pick up their baskets and registered to vote. According to Quay, some new members in the community also showed interest in the golf club while others were equestrians. The Board was incredibly pleased with the 100 percent registration rate and commended Quay on a job well done. The new member gift basket was Quay’s idea and was recently brought to fruition. On another note, Holler addressed the board and members in attendance that this would be his last official board meeting as acting manager and secretary since their new Association Manager Bill Overton will be taking the reins at the end of January. The board thanked Holler for all his assistance during his time as acting manager.

Camp Pendleton welcomes RSF Garden Club By Christina Macone-Greene

RANCHO SANTA FE — A handful of Rancho Santa Fe Garden Club members journeyed to the Wounded Warrior Battalion at Camp Pendleton. A delivery of three floral bouquets and two fruit baskets lifted the spirits of injured soldiers. Founded by David Root, “Petals for Patriots” bloomed in 2008 at the Balboa Naval Hospital. The RSF Garden Club was so moved by the idea, they wanted to get involved and bring smiles to those at Camp Pendleton in San Diego North County. LaVerne Schlosser, a member of the Garden Club, is quick to point out how it’s truly a group effort in making this memorable delivery happen. For starters, Dos Gringos, based in Carlsbad supplies the sunflowers and greenery for the bouquets. “The owner of Dos Gringos is so in favor of this project for flowers for the troops that he donates these sunflowers,” Schlosser said. “All we have to do is call him up, tell him what we’re doing, and go out and pick up the flowers from his company.” To add more volume and color to the bouquet, members from the Garden Club find the right variety of flowers such as alstroemerias and irises to complete the look. The Garden Club turns to its Shoppe for the vases and baskets for the fruit. On the calendar, The Garden Club is making deliveries to the troops in February, November and December this year. Schlosser calls it a full day because they gather their flowers in the morning, make the floral arrangements, and drive down to Camp Pendleton. Due to dietary restrictions, Schlosser said, fruits are the preferred choice.

Rancho Santa Fe Garden Club members LaVerne Scholosser and Shirley Corless prepare floral arrangements and fruit baskets. Courtesy photo

“One of our members, Mary, does the fresh fruit baskets and it’s a big hit,” she said, adding how it’s overflowing with apples, berries, pears, bananas, and tangerines. “And Mary always puts a few caramels in it because she says you can’t eat apples without caramel.” Taking part in “Petals for Patriots” triggers something within Schlosser. Her husband was a West Point graduate and they spent their whole career in the military. As Schlosser sees these young men and women soldiers, it’s important to convey that the dedication they gave to their country will never be forgotten. While the two-story hospital gives the RSF Garden Club a warm welcome, the ladies are unable to go to individual rooms to meet the patients. “We bring three large arrangements,” she said. “They keep one in their en-

tryway for it to look nice, they put one in the dining room, and then they put one in the treatment room. And each one of these has a sign on it that says, ‘We appreciate your service and who we are.’” It’s incredibly important for Schlosser to let these wounded warriors know that they are in the thoughts and minds of many. And “Petals for Patriots” provides a great humanitarian gesture which should always be extended. “Many of these soldiers are there for several years receiving different kinds of treatments,” she said. “We can’t just say, ‘Well, I’ve done enough and then not do it anymore.’” It’s Schlosser’s hope that other committees will take heed of this important work and continue to support the troops in various ways, including “Petals for Patriots.”

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T he R ancho S anta F e News

FEB. 6, 2015


Views expressed in Opinion & Editorial do not necessarily reflect the views of The Coast News

Community Commentary

Three minutes to midnight By Robert F. Dodge, M.D.

Governor could — but won’t — dominate Senate race California Focus By Thomas D. Elias If the current large corps of potential candidates for retiring U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer’s job look to some like a gaggle of political pygmies, it might have something to do with the proverbial 800-pound gorilla lurking in their living room. That would be Gov. Jerry Brown, who could most likely have the job for the asking. There are plenty of other names, including state Attorney General Kamala Harris, former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, a bunch of Congress members including Loretta Sanchez and Adam Schiff and John Garamendi and Xavier Becerra, and even Republicans like former party chairman Duff Sundheim, Fresno Mayor Ashley Swearengin and San Diego County Assemblyman Rocky Chavez. But the reality is that if Brown wants the Senate seat, it’s almost certainly his. He has coveted a Senate seat before. Back in 1982, he tried to move from the governor’s office to the Senate, only to be whipped by former San Diego Mayor Pete Wilson, who would himself become governor eight years later. It’s still the only loss of Brown’s 47year political career. Notoriously impatient, easily bored and always eager for new challenges, Brown could dominate the Senate race. But because Harris now employs Brown’s 2012 campaign manager and campaign spokesman, her presence means Brown won’t run, even though he’s said nothing on this. Not only does he have more campaign money available than anyone else, but Brown sports an unusually high approval rating in every poll, his ratings high-

er than any other California figure. Plus, Brown has moved the state’s nascent bullet train forward about as much as he can for the moment and has been stymied so far in advancing his “twin tunnels” water project. And people his age (mid-70s) are much more common in the Senate than in governor’s mansions. So, why isn’t he running? He would say it’s because he wants to finish what he started in 2010, when he began his second incarnation as governor. But maybe it’s also because he knows there are vulner-

So yes, Brown could likely be the top primary election vote-getter in the upcoming Senate race. abilities in his record. One weakness: some of his appointments to key state jobs. This was never discussed in last year’s campaign, where the worst names Republican candidate Neel Kashkari called him were “lazy” and a “do-nothing advocate of the status quo.” That was before Brown appointed non-Californian Leondra Kruger, who has never contested a legal case in California, to the state Supreme Court. No non-Californian in memory has ever been given a spot on the state’s highest court. The appointment was a slap in the face of the state’s huge corps of lawyers, who certainly believe many of them could do at least as good a job as someone who knows virtually nothing about California. Then he named his former renewable energy

adviser Michael Picker to replace the disgraced Michael Peevey as president of the vital and powerful state Public Utilities Commission. Peevey left after disclosure of private emails between him and officials of Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Since then, other emails have turned up showing he was also cozy with Southern California Edison Co. During the year Picker and Peevey were together on the five-member commission, Picker never voted against Peevey in any significant case. There was also Brown’s reappointment of Robert Weisenmiller to head the state Energy Commission. Among other problems, Weisenmiller presided over awarding of multi-million dollar “hydrogen highway” grants despite the fact both he and Brown knew about serious conflicts of interest by one major recipient. There have been other questionable appointments, too, some of them present and former Brown aides and cronies. He consistently refuses to discuss any beyond bland press releases announcing their appointments. And there was his bill-signing message making it easier for parents to avoid getting their children vaccinated for diseases like measles and mumps, a possible factor in this winter’s measles outbreak. So yes, Brown could likely be the top primary election vote-getter in the upcoming Senate race. But a little opposition research by any runoff opponent could make things at least a little unpleasant for Brown, and chances are he knows it. Which could be one reason he’ll likely never run for office again. Email Thomas Elias at For more Elias columns, go to

The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists has just announced its latest nuclear Doomsday Clock moving ahead the minute hand to three minutes till midnight. The clock represents the count down to zero in minutes to nuclear apocalypse - midnight. This significant move of two minutes is the 22nd time since its inception in 1947 that the time has been changed. In moving the hand to three minutes to midnight, Kennette Benedict, the Executive Director of the Bulletin, identified in his comments: “the probability of global catastrophe is very high”... “the choice is ours and the clock is ticking”...”we feel the need to warn the world” ...”the decision was based on a very strong feeling of urgency.” She spoke to the dangers of both nuclear weapons and climate change saying, “they are both very difficult and we are ignoring them” and emphasized “this is about doomsday, this is about the end of civilization as we know it.” The Clock has ranged from two minutes to midnight at the height of the Cold War to 17 minutes till midnight with the hopes that followed the end of the Cold War. The decision to move the minute hand is made by the Bulletin’s Board of Directors in consultation with its Board of Sponsors, which includes 18 Nobel Laureates. What is clear is that the time to ban nuclear weapons is now. Today’s announcement by the Bulletin further corroborates the dangers confirmed by recent climate science. These studies identify the much greater dangers posed by even a small regional nuclear war using “just” 100 Hiroshima size bombs out of the 16,300 weapons in today’s global stockpiles. The ensuing dramatic climate changes and famine that would follow threaten the lives of up to two billion on the planet with effects that would last beyond 10 years. There is no escaping the global impact of such a small regional nuclear war. Medical science has weighed in on the impacts and devastation of even the smallest nuclear explosion in one of our cities and the reality is there is no adequate medical or public health response to such an attack. We kid ourselves into a false sense that we can prepare and plan for the outcome of a

bomb detonation. Every aspect and facet of our society would be overwhelmed by a nuclear attack. Ultimately the resultant dead at ground zero would be the lucky ones. Probability theorists have long calculated the dismal odds that the chance for nuclear event either by plan or accident are not in our favor. Recent documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act detail more than 1,000 mishaps that have happened in our nuclear arsenals. Time is not on our side and the fact that we have not experienced a nuclear catastrophe is more a result of luck than mastery and control over these immoral weapons of terror. The time to act is now. There is so much that can and must be done. Congress will soon begin budget debates that include proposals to increase nuclear weapons spending for stockpile modernization by $355 billion over the next decade and up to a trillion in the next 30 years — expenditures for weapons that can never be used and at a time when the economic needs for our country and world are so great. Around the world, there is a growing awareness of the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons, and a corresponding desire to rid the world of these weapons. The Vienna Humanitarian Impacts of Nuclear Weapons conference last month saw 80 percent of the nations of the world participating. In October 2014, at the UN, 155 nations called for the elimination of nuclear weapons. At Vienna, 44 nations plus the pope advocated for a treaty banning nuclear weapons. In last week’s State of the Union address, President Obama emphasized that we are one people with a common destiny. He said this both in reference to our nation and our world. The threat of nuclear weapons unites us even as it threatens our very existence. The time for action is now, before it is too late. It’s three minutes till midnight. Robert F. Dodge, M.D., is a practicing family physician, writes for PeaceVoice, and serves on the boards of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, Beyond War, Physicians for Social Responsibility Los Angeles, and Citizens for Peaceful Resolutions.

Letters to the Editor Re: Puppy mills ban Regarding your article in The Coast News of 23 January about the ban on the sale of dogs from puppy mills, I would like to say hurray! As a volunteer in animal sanctuaries, I have seen the problems caused by puppy mills and backyard breeders on a daily base and am sick and tired of the enormous amounts (5 million to 10 million a year in the U.S.A.) of healthy adoptable animals getting killed (you refer to it as euthanized, but that is too soft). Mr. Salinas says he is continuing, as


it is not fair to the public? Or is it not fair to his wallet? It is like preaching to the choir. Whoever still doesn’t know what is going on in puppy mills should have a look on the Internet and get informed. It is absolutely disgusting and he or she, who is buying, is guilty to all this cruelty. I would like to say: Don’t breed or buy, while animals in shelters die. And spay and neuter your animal to help prevent so many animals ending up in shelters. J.W.H.Haak, Fallbrook

Rancho Santa Fe newS P.O. Box 232550, Encinitas, CA 92023-2550 • 760-436-9737 • Fax: 760-943-0850




Contributing writers ChrisTina maCone-greene BianCa KaPlaneK Promise yee david Boylan e’louise ondash

franK mangio Jay Paris Photographer Bill reilly Contact the Editor Tony Cagala

FEB. 6, 2015


T he R ancho S anta F e News

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T he R ancho S anta F e News

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FEB. 6, 2015

Integrative Endocrinology: Hormones Make the World Go Round By Danielle Weiss, M.D.

If you do not know what an endocrinologist is you are not alone. Endocrinology is a young field, with hormones having been first discovered in 1905. Each hormone plays a critical role in health and wellness. Examples of endocrine organs are thyroid, adrenal, pituitary, ovary, testicle, pancreas, fat cells and parathyroid. Did you know the number one hormone producing system is the gastrointestinal system or that the number one cause of under active thyroid is an autoimmune condition? The interplay be-

and the hallmark sign is irregular periods. Men also go through a hormonal transition. Andro-pause is more gradual but just as health altering. What one does not feel is the slow deterioration in bone health that can progress to osteoporosis or the change in one’s cholesterol that can increase risk of cardiovascular disease. This is where the beauty of Western medicine can be harnessed with the right touch. There are state of the art genetic and metabolic tests available that can identify individuals

Too often we fail to appreciate this complexity and our health is taken for granted until an ailment makes us take stock of our health.” Daniell Weiss, M.D.

tween these hormones and the rest of the body is an intricate dance of the utmost complexity. Too often we fail to appreciate this complexity and our health is taken for granted until an ailment makes us take stock of our health. Sometimes it is a subtle tug for attention… a few extra pounds that keep hanging around well after the holidays year after year. Other times it can be dramatic…the literal “flash” of a hotflash. If you are one of the minority that are proactive about your health, kudos to you and those lucky enough to call you their friend, family and health champion. Even those who are proactive can benefit from a health advocate. Hopefully you find this advocate in your doctor. If that is not the case, it is time to make your health your most valuable asset and highest priority. Often times it takes a dramatic event to have someone see a doctor yet you wouldn’t wait for your car’s gas tank to be completely empty before rolling yourself to the gas pump. I like to use the menopausal transition as an example. Each person is truly an individual and some women do not notice any symptoms while for others life has come to a pause. There is a “pause” in “menoPAUSE” for a reason. The average age of menopause is 51 years old. Peri-menopause occurs several years before this

at risk for various diseases and I will personally tailor one’s treatment accordingly. I feel fortunate to call myself a San Diego native. I have had the privilege of being trained at top-notch institutions including UCSD, New York University, Scripps and Stanford University. I remain on the faculty of UCSD School of Medicine as a Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine. As an endocrinologist I look at the whole person, including their environment and behavior, and tailor the best diagnostic and treatment tools we have to be their ultimate health advocate. From high tech devices such diabetes pumps, continuous glucose sensors and interactive fitness companions, I integrate the best that Western medicine has to offer with complimentary approaches that are thousands of years old. One of the most memorable essays in medicine on the care of patients was written by Dr. Francis Peabody, at about the same time that hormones were first discovered over one hundred years ago. He said, “The secret in the care of the patient, is in ‘caring for the patient.’” His words are timeless, and we at Center for Hormonal Health and Well-Being subscribe to this philosophy. If you’d like to learn more about endocrinology and hormonal health, visit, or call (760) 753-ENDO (3636) to schedule an appointment with my office.

FEB. 6, 2015


T he R ancho S anta F e News

No blizzards, just overgrown grass Pet of small talk jean gillette


ell, fine. I certainly can’t complain about blizzards and hours of shoveling out the car, but I have my own West Coast whine. Once we got that badly needed rain, my yard is getting way to full of itself. The yard has gone spring green, it’s true, but the majority of that foliage

is weeds. They require that I remove them, on my hands and knees, while getting the back of my neck sunburned. I realize yard work is to be expected by mid to late January in SoCal, but I find I’m really not ready to give up my book by the fire yet. Thanks to the rain, my habitual neglect has been overruled and all my plants are overflowing their charming, carefully selected pots. I regularly glare at them, but it hasn’t seemed to slow them down. Yeah, yeah, I know that doesn’t sound right to most of you,

but, in truth, I am always rather pleased when plants just stay about the size at which I purchased them. For instance, I planted these cute, 18-inch ponytail palms a few years ago in my front yard (Yes, it does seem like it was just last week). They were to replace the far-too-high-maintenance rose bushes I killed. I stepped back yesterday and noticed the palms are now nearly 5 feet. I’m told they are slow growing, but I got a little queasy when I learned they might reach 20 feet. What? Check before I plant? Tsk. So it’s come to that an-

noying crossroad — find another dozen charming and somewhat larger pots, multiple bags of potting soil and appropriate fertilizers, schlep them home and get busy… or I can have a garden that looks like it was hit by a Marine barber. I seem to lack a week off, a quaint potting shed like Martha Stewart or even a fetching potting apron or sun hat. Get my weed whacker. Jean Gillette is a freelance writer who’s really tickled you can recycle your yard clippings. Contact her at jgillette@

the Week Willow is a 7-yearold, 11-pound Torbie blend cat. She tends to shy away from cameras, but she is incredibly affectionate. Her adoption fee is $106, and includes up-to-date vaccinations and micro-chipped for identification and passes to Sea World. Kennels, at 6461 El Apajo Road in Rancho Santa Fe, are open daily Monday through Thursday from noon to 6 p.m.; Fridays from noon to 7 p.m.; Sat-

urdays 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; and Sunday 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. (last application accepted 15 minutes before closing). For more information call (858) 7564117, option #1 or visit

Regenerative medicine topic of library discussion By Christina Macone-Greene

RANCHO SANTA FE — Despite how active one may be, at some point they may succumb to aches and pains due to arthritis, sports injuries and strain, and spinal challenges. Dr. Alexandra Bunyak, quadruple certified in Sports, Pain, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, and holistic medicine gave an educational talk about the regenerative medicine revolution at the Rancho Santa Fe Library. She is the lead physician at Boundless based in Encinitas which is dedicated to nonsurgical and regenerative sports, spine and arthritis medicine. Bunyak explained that regenerative medicine can be perceived as healing medicine when one’s regenerative systems need assistance. While Bunyak spoke of different therapies which included prolotherapy, platelet rich plasma (PRP), and class IV laser therapy, she also delved into stem cells. She was quick to point out that people often tell her stem cells are controversial in nature, but her discussion was specifically about stem cells which have no embryonic relationship. “These are your stem cells, adult stem cells. We get them usually from your fat or from your bone marrow,” she said, noting how these two areas offer the best access. The bone marrow is aspirated whereas the fat is removed via liposuction. Stem cells can also be acquired through donation She described them as self-renewing cells with

Dr. Alexandra Bunyak speaks to patrons at the RSF Library, discussing the regenerative medicine revolution. Photo by Christina Macone-Greene

the capacity to replicate and distinguish themselves into particular cell types. Bunyak said that stem cells have the ability to make the following tissues such as cartilage, ligament, tendon, skin, bone, nerve and fat. It also helps control inflammation and is today considered cutting-edge in regenerative therapy. As to what amount can be utilized, that’s still being determined. “And even as we speak, there’s some conversation at the FDA level as what constitutes too much,” she said. “So what I’m saying today may change as far as what the FDA is happy with us doing.” Bunyak said many patients are choosing the fat route and then having it emulsified and re-injected. It was her opinion that us-

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ing those derived from fat worked the best. The numbers from different studies coming out of Australia and everywhere on the fat, she said, shows about 80 percent of people are getting better with fat. Groups that do bone marrow are uncovering a 70 percent improvement. She went on to say that when stem cells from bone marrow are extracted there are less than one million cells. Its fat counterpart is about 6 million. According to Bunyak, when stem cells are introduced they can be delivered individually, around the joint, intravenously, in a fecal sac, or in the brain. “There are lots of places we can put the stem cells,” she said. “When we put them in the arterial supply, they actually act

like a little homing mechanisms and they make their way to wherever the injury is.” Bunyak noted that stem cells are also being tested and used for conditions such as autoimmune disorders, peripheral artery disease, osteoarthritis, type 1 diabetes, spinal cord injuries, and more. The use of stem cells is being shown to heal partial rotator cuff tears and osteochondral defects. Ongoing research on stem cells is moving forward. She also referred attendees to the California Institute of Regenerative Medicine website for updated stem cell studies. “It’s amazing as to what’s coming down the line which is why people are like very excited about stem cells,” she said.

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T he R ancho S anta F e News

FEB. 6, 2015

RSF Library starts year with Alzheimer’s lecture By Christina Macone-Greene

RANCHO SANTA FE ­ The numbers are over— whelming. In San Diego County, more than 60,000 residents are afflicted with dementia. Alzheimer’s disease is named as the leading illness within the framework of dementia. Last year, the Rancho Santa Fe Library Guild started a monthly series focusing on various topics about Alzheimer’s including education, awareness, medical advances, and caregiver help. All lectures are free to the public. The series was so well received in 2014, the Guild decided to continue this monthly program with the San Diego and Imperial Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association. The Alzheimer’s Association both hosted and catered the educational reception. Leading the talk, “How to Maximize your Brain “The health of the brain is just as important to overall physical well beHealth,” was conducted by ing...” says Holly Pobst of the Alzheimer’s Association. Courtesy photo

In 2015 California State University San Marcos celebrates its 25th anniversary. Founded on the principles of excellence and access, the University opened its doors at a temporary storefront location for the first time in 1990 to 448 students. Today CSUSM is home to nearly 13,000 students and boasts approximately 33,000 proud alumni who are making an impact every day in the region and beyond.

Be a part of our celebration! Visit for a complete calendar of events and to learn more.

Holly Pobst, the education and outreach manager at the Alzheimer’s Association. She explained that when most people think about keeping healthy, they naturally focus on areas below the neck. “But the health of the brain is just as important to overall physical well-being as your heart, weight, liver, or muscles,” she said. More than 20 guests flowed through the library doors taking a seat to learn more about this important topic. Those who attended the series were afforded guidelines in how to sharpen their mind and memory. The crowd learned various ways in how to exercise their brain as they age. “Just like other parts of the body, your brain may lose some agility if you don’t take care of it. The good news is that emerging evidence suggests there are steps you can take to help keep your brain healthier and possibly reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia,” she said. “These steps include maintaining physical health and mental health, eating healthy and TURN TO LECTURE ON 18

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FEB. 6, 2015


T he R ancho S anta F e News

Talk highlights means to preventing serious diseases By Christina Macone-Greene

RANCHO SANTA FE — The RSF Library presented an informative reception championed by Dr. Lindsey McIlvena, who specializes in preventive medicine. It’s a field that aims at preventing serious diseases and complications before they happen. After finishing medical school, McIlvena began a training program in internal medicine spending a large quantity of her time in the hospital. Some patients would be there for days, weeks, and months. Reasons why patients were admitted ranged from infections, heart disease and more. “It didn’t take me very long to realize that the vast majority of the people who were in the hospital were admitted for reasons that could have been prevented, and I wanted to focus on prevention,” she said. “I was about halfway through my internal medicine training and I switched to preventive medicine.” According to McIlvena, the number one cause of death in the county is heart disease followed by cancer. She wanted those in attendance to know that every day in this country 1,700 Americans die of cardiovascular disease. “That’s like one jumbo jet full of people dropping out of the sky every six hours,” she said, putting it into perspective. Following close behind is cancer, and the cancers that are the leading causes of death include lung, colon, breast and prostate. “In fact, a lot of statisticians think that cancer is going to overtake heart disease as the number one killer probably within the next Dr. Lindsay McIlvena, a guest speaker for the RSF Library, talks about disease predecade or so. And the main reason vention. Photo by Christina Macone-Greene


The New Year “Kitchen Hack” kickoff was not to be missed. Simmering in its community room kitchen was homemade Tortilla Soup. At the stove preparing the ingredients and handing out samples was Haley Kwon, assistant branch manager of the RSF Library. For a schedule of upcoming savory cooking demonstrations call (858) 756-2512 or visit Photo by Christina Macone-Greene

for that is we’ve gotten really good at treating heart attacks.” It’s estimated that a little bit less than 1,700 Americans are dying of cancer on a daily basis. That’s roughly four more jumbo jets every day falling out of the sky killing everyone inside, she said. “If it were actually happening this way, this analogy that I have, we would never stand for this,” McIlvena said. While she pointed out the number two types of death, the next phase was addressing the causes. The causes of death in the nation were led by tobacco and followed by a poor diet, lack of exercise, alcohol and stress. “The choices that we make every day really do matter,” she said. Harkening back to history, McIlvena recited an ancient Chinese proverb, “He who takes medicine and neglects diet wastes the time of his position.” McIlvena agrees with this. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that 86 percent of healthcare monies go directly toward the treatment of chronic disease. McIlvena believes what many American are suffering from is a food borne illness. Not one like E. coli or salmonella, but the foods which may contribute to diabetes, obesity, heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. “They’re food borne illnesses of a different type,” she said. “The only hope for a cure of them lies in what we’re doing every day and the choices that we’re making.” The choices, which lead to

health, she said, are diet, exercise and stress management. “If we are amazing at controlling our stress and very resilient in that aspect and are surrounded by people who love us, no amount of love and stress management is going to help us if we have a terrible diet, and we don’t exercise,” Dr. McIlvena said. As far as food choices, she shared to eat what a great-greatgreat-grandmother would recognize as food. She also intertwined Michael Pollan’s definition of food that states, “Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.” One should eat until they are about 80 percent full where they feel nourished but not stuffed. “A diet that is 75 to 100 percent or more plant based is the diet that reverses chronic disease,” she said, adding how she has seen people turn their high blood pressure, high cholesterol, arthritis, and diabetes around. A person’s meal choices start to look different on their plate. Vegetables take up about half, and the other half is split between fruits, legumes and unprocessed whole grains. “And then there’s a tiny sliver of our plate that can be devoted to meat and dairy which become more like condiments than big components of our meals,” she said. Apparently, the American Institute of Cancer and the American College of Cardiology is agreeing with this diet change. “So I will say it again, the choices that we make every day, they really do matter,” McIlvena said.


TPHS plans spring fundraiser CARMEL VALLEY — The Torrey Pines High School Foundation’s 40Year Celebration Committee is reaching out to TPHS alums and current parents alike to raise interest in the annual online silent auction and fundraiser set for March 28 at the Belly Up in Solana Beach. This event raises money for the TPHS Foundation’s “Support All Students” (SAS) fund and the focus this year is to equip 100 classrooms with LCD projectors. “We have a lot to celebrate from the past 40 years and we are hoping to have a large alumni turnout at the event this year,” said Bobbi Karlson, executive director of the TPHS Foundation. “We are striving to break attendance records for this event by not only reaching out to our current families, but TPHS alums as well.” The Detroit Underground will headline again this year and the Foundation is happy to welcome back professional auctioneer Steve Hamann for the live auction. TPHS parent and KUSI news anchor Sandra Maas will emcee the event. Resurrection Radio, a local fourpiece alternative cover band with TPHS Class of 1986 alums TPHS Assistant Principal Rob Coppo and Scott Williams, will get the party started. For this event, Resurrection Radio will be welcoming additional Torrey Pines alumni as guest musicians including Dawn Davis-Bearson on vocals and Tim Campen on guitar, both of whom graduated in 1987. Invitations for the event will be mailed to TPHS families in February. Parents and alumni are encouraged to follow the TPHS Foundation on Facebook or Twitter or check at for up to date information and to purchase tickets. The annual online silent auction will open at 6 p.m. March 6 and can be accessed by visiting

Water reclamation site gets top award 4S RANCH — Olivenhain Municipal Water District’s 4S Ranch Water Reclamation Facility has been recognized by the California Water Environment Association San Diego Section as 2014’s “Plant of the Year” in the Small Plant category. The 4S Ranch WRF will now be considered along with each of CWEA’s 16 other regional honorees for statewide “Plant of the Year” recognition. Recycled water is a linchpin of OMWD’s water supply diversification efforts, and the 4S Ranch WRF is OMWD’s sole facility for the production of recycled water.

T he R ancho S anta F e News

M arketplace News

FEB. 6, 2015 Items on this page are paid for by the provider of the article. If you would like an article on this page, please call (760) 436-9737

Could this be your solution to numbness, neuropathy or chronic pain? Do you have any of the following symptoms? Pins and needles feeling? Numbness in the hands or feet? Tingling or burning sensations? Weakness in the arms or legs? Sharp shooting or burning pains? If so, you may have a condition called Peripheral Neuropathy. Numbness, tingling, and pain are an extremely annoying problem. It may come and go... interrupt your sleep...and even make your arms or legs feel weak at times. Maybe you’ve even been to other doctors and they claim all the tests indicate you should feel fine. More Drugs Are Not The Solution. A common treatment for many nerve problems is the “take some pills and wait and see” method. While this may be necessary for temporary relief of severe symptoms, using them long term is no way to live. Some of the more common drugs given include pain pills, anti-seizure mediations, and anti-depressants — all of which can have serious side effects. My name is Dr. Jeff Listiak. I’ve been helping people with neuropathy, nerve problems and chronic pain for more than eight years. Neuropathy can be

Don’t let chronic pain or neuropathy hold you back from enjoying life.

caused by Diabetes, Chemotherapy, Toxins, etc. It may also be compounded by poor posture or a degenerating spine stressing the nerves. The good news is that NeuropathyDR™ combination treatments have proven effective in helping patients with these health problems. Here’s what some of my patients had to say: “I had been feeling very sharp pains in my feet… they just felt like they were on fire. I just couldn’t stand it… every night for the last year or two. I’m so excited today to tell Dr. Listiak that four days in a row I have felt no pain whatsoever.”

— Marilyn “That’s the second time in the last five years, at least, that I’ve been able to sleep for five hours without waking up. The last time was about a month ago after I’d seen Dr. Listiak.” — Carl “I came in with severe pain and I was not sleeping at all. I was also having some pretty bad nerve pain down my left arm. I’ve been amazed that the pain in my left arm is gone.” — Darcy “There’s times when I don’t feel my feet neuropathy, which is good… I feel like it’s going away.” — Diane

You could soon be enjoying life...without those aggravating and life-disrupting problems. Don’t Miss This Offer. It’s time for you to find out if NeuropathyDR™ treatment protocols could be your neuropathy and chronic pain solution. For the next 14 days, I’m offering a Free 30 minute Consultation! What does this offer include? • A discussion about your health and wellbeing where I will listen… really listen…to the details of your case. • An opportunity for you to get to know me better and for me to see if there is a way that I can help you.

• An opportunity to learn all about the treatments we offer and how we help people achieve relief. • A discussion about what the next steps would be. • And, if after the consultation we feel we can’t help you, we’ll tell you that right away. Until Feb. 13th, 2015 you can get everything I’ve listed above at my expense. Call (760) 642-1500 now. We can get you scheduled for your NeuropathyDR™ Consultation as long as there is an opening before Feb. 13th. Our office is located just off Interstate 5 and Encinitas Boulevard. When you call, tell us you’d like to come in for the NeuropathyDR™ Free Consultation so we can get you on the schedule and make sure you receive proper credit for this special analysis. Sincerely, Dr. Jeff Listiak, D.C. P.S. Remember, you have until Feb. 13th to reserve an appointment. Why suffer for years in misery? That’s no way to live, not when there could be help for your problem. Take me up on my offer and call today (760) 642-1500.

Green up your home or business with living art ENCINITAS — When you think of art, what comes to mind? A beautiful oil painting, or maybe a bronze sculpture? For Madeline Sims, art is also found in a less traditional form — plants. Sims is the owner of Greens & Things, an interior plantscape design business in Encinitas. She and her team design and install plants in containers, but it is much more than that. “We make living art,” she said. “Our goal is to create beautiful artwork with our plants, succulents and orchids.” Sims, who studied horticulture in Arizona, began her business in 1996. “I saw an ad in the paper for a plant franchise, but it was too expensive,” she said. “I decided to start my own business. It started with just me, and we’ve slowly built it up over the years in our greenhouse in Leucadia.” Greens & Things specializes in container plants. Sims and her team design, install and maintain plants for residential and commercial properties all over the county. “Our clients include homeowners, business owners, luxury condo complexes, resorts, banks and property managers.” The new year marked the end of the busy holiday season for Greens & Things. “We started decorating for clients for

plants. “We simply stage it for the resale ‘wow’ factor,” Sims said. Another valuable service Greens & Things offers is plant maintenance. Although it seems simple enough, many residential and commercial property owners don’t have the knowledge or the time to properly care for their plants. One mistake Sims sees is people who think their indoor plant looks unhealthy, so they put it outside to get some sunshine. “When you put an interior plant in the sun, it will kill it,” she said. “The sun burns it.” Sims said often people Greens & Things, based in Encinitas, specializes in container plants with a goal to create beautiful “living” artwork using succulents, orchids and other plants. have a hard time getting into the routine of caring for their plants. “We offer a Halloween in September, systematic way to keep the and continue on through plants healthy and vibrant for the holidays.” Sims will inside their environment.” design, set up and — most Sims cares as much importantly for many — about the community as she take down clients’ holiday does her beloved plants. displays. “I love Encinitas,” she Greens & Things also said. “The city has always does custom arrangements worked with me and supusing beautiful flowers, orported me.” She also has chids and plants. “Our orclients who have been with chid arrangements are pheher since her business startnomenal,” Sims said. “They ed nearly two decades ago. are artistic centerpieces for “I’m grateful I get to your enjoyment.” work in a business I love,” Spring is fast approachSims said. “I just love it!” ing, and with it comes the For more information busiest home selling season about Greens & Things, of the year. call (760) 942-1234 or email Many clients turn to Madeline Sims at madeGreens & Things to help stage their homes with

FEB. 6, 2015


T he R ancho S anta F e News

Food &Wine

Romancing the wines of SoCal — WoW! taste of wine

By Frank Mangio


frank mangio


Sparking Red 2013

About the Wine:

nowned Banfi, at its vineyards in Acqui Terme, in Piedmont, Italy. Fermentation with brief contact with the skins, filtration and storage at 32 degrees, followed by refermentation in stainless steel vats, immediately followed by bottling. The grape is Brachetto d’ Aqui.

A must for the perfect Valentine’s beverage. Rack of lamb, beef tender- It’s colorful, festive loin and lobster or duck leg and with a beauticonfit. RSVP at (760) 683- ful rose on the label with hints of rasp5500. For the get out of town berry, strawberry type, RENAISSANCE, the and rose petals. acidity. Marriott Lodge at Sonoma Crisp Resort & Spa is celebrating Great as a seducwith a “Discover Your Sens- tive aperitif or es,” a three-day Valentine elegant dessert Pairs package with a wine dinner wine. Feb. 14. Get the full story well with seafood, cheesby calling (800) 321-1508. es, spicy fare Frank Mangio is a and chocorenowned wine connoisseur late. Serve certified by Wine Spectator. chilled. He is one of the leading wine commentators on the web. About the View and link up with his Winery: columns at tasteofwinetv. A sweet com. Reach him at mangio- wine from and follow him the world reon Facebook.

The upscale Tasting Room at Wiens Family Cellars in the Temecula Valley of Southern California. Photo by Frank Mangio


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Thornton Winery — Romantic Rendezvous Feb. 14, starts at 7 p.m. with a fourcourse dinner matched with Thornton wines. Live music, long stem rose for the ladies. $135. Thornton also has a Valentine’s dinner at their Café Champagne. A three-course dinner for $75 per person. Call (951) 6990099. More Valentine Wine Bytes TWENTY/20 in Carlsbad and its heated terrace with the pretty coastal view will be offering its special three-course prix-fixe menu Feb. 13, Feb. 14 and Feb. 15. $55. Wine list pairings available. Reserve at (760) 827-2500. Il Fornaio, at the Del Mar Plaza and Coronado has its Umbria Festa Regionale menu Feb. 14. Highlight is the Fondente ai Tre Cuori, a heart shaped flourless dark chocolate cake with berry gelee hearts. RSVP in Del Mar at (858) 755-8876 and in Coronado, (619) 437-4911. Chandler’s in Carlsbad has a Valentines Dinner Feb. 14 from 4:30 to 9:30 p.m.; three courses for $70. Add $35 for wine pairings. Entrée choices include: ROUND: R1 Another wine and dine peak experience in Temecula Wine Country is a Valentine’s Day dinner at one of the 10 winery restaurants in the district. Some restaurants to consider include: Europa Village — “Romance, Romance” Feb. 13 at 6:30 p.m. A special Valentine’s dinner with a comedy musical set in old world Vienna; five-course dinner, with each course paired with Europa Village wines. Tickets are $89; VIP tickets available. See more at, Monte De Oro — Valentine’s Dinner 2015 Feb. 14, each of the four courses paired with award winning wines. Prix-fixe meal. Live music and dancing. $145 per couple; special VIP tickets. (951) 491-6551 ext. 115. Pinnacle Restaurant Falkner Winery — A fourcourse Valentine’s Dinner Feb. 14, 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. Wine pairings for each course of choice of filet mignon or Chilean sea bass. $89. Enjoy the hilltop ambiance views. Call for RSVP at (951) 676-8231 ext. 1.

Due Date: 01-29-15

The Cost:

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n March 7 and March 8, the bloom is on the vines of Temecula when more than 30 wineries, together, open their barrels for introductory tastes and bites, for guests with self-guided passports, at the World of Wine event (WoW). I’m up there every chance I get. The Temecula Valley Winegrowers Association really knows how to put on a special show (but more about this later). First I want to clue you in on the fact that whenever the urge presents itself, you can make a special day of it any time in the wineries of Temecula. One recent Saturday, some close wine-loving friends of mine treated me to a day in the vines, the tasting rooms and the palatial wine and dine hideaways of exclusive wine club member suites. The day’s locations were kept a secret. “Franco, (most of my close friends call me Franco), be ready outside your front door at 9:30 a.m. when we pick you up and strap you in the back seat, no questions asked,” they commanded. If this was a kidnapping, it should happen to me more often. The day was divided into three segments: a tour and tasting through the vines, a picnic and wine tasting on a newly finished patio of a tasting room and a sit down banquet wine tasting in a palatial, exclusive wine club setting. This was as good as it gets, anywhere! World of Wine, the event March 7 and March 8, will give you the look and feel of the trip with my close friends. A majority of wines tasted at the wineries you select at your own pace, will be old world varietals. These are European-style grapes with a Temecula-style new world twist. It’s a barrel tasting with the latest vintages from each winery both days, from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The wines from each location will be paired with finely crafted cuisine from experienced gourmet chefs. Be sure to view the newest winery still being built, Fazeli Winery, coming soon on the De Portola Trail. Another singular feature of wine events in Temecula that you are sure to enjoy is the one-on-one conversations with the winemakers and owners of the wineries. Somehow the wines taste a little bit better when you get the story from the source. Cost for both days, and a best buy, is $99 per person. Other price offers are available. Pre-sale tickets are on line at temeculaw-

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T he R ancho S anta F e News

FEB. 6, 2015

FEB. 6, 2015


T he R ancho S anta F e News


Celebratin our g




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T he R ancho S anta F e News

FEB. 6, 2015

A rts &Entertainment

Send your arts & entertainment news to

Nature looks back on humans New series explores how humans are a part of nature By Tony Cagala

Abstract oil paintings of Oceanside artist Anita Lewis are on exhibit at L Street Fine Art through March 26. Photo courtesy Anita Lewis

Abstract artist suggests detail in the obscure brush with art kay colvin


nita Lewis revels in the challenge of incorporating classical with modern. Combining her European cultural heritage and affinity for modern design with natural influences, her work is an intriguing fusion of design and fine art. Through her many years as a professional interior designer, Lewis gained a sense of space and scale for artwork and its importance in the aesthetic success of an architectural space. She suggests, “My art should serve as a


Know something that’s going on? Send it to calendar@ FEB. 6 MUSIC AT CENTER Seaside Center for Spiritual Living presents a night of modern jazz with Joe Garrison and Night People and le nouveau: A Society of Friends at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 6, 1613 Lake St., Encinitas. General admission: $15 at ART IN ACTION Enjoy an art demonstration 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Feb. 6 by sculptor Scheryl Tall, at the Buena Vista Audubon Society & Nature Center, 2202 S. Coast Highway, Carlsbad. Visit for

never-ending inspiration of moods, memories, emotions and experiences, well integrated into the interior space as a refuge for the soul.” From her studio and gallery located in Artist Alley in the art district of Oceanside, Lewis reflects on the character of her abstract compositions: “I feel I can express a concept of nature without having to literally paint it. Detail becomes obscured; perfection takes place in the imperfection. Structures become dissolved, yet there is a quality of structure to the overall work itself.” Lewis rarely uses traditional brushes while working with the classical medium of oils in her abstract paintings, but instead prefers unconventional tools for dragging, rubbing and spreading paint. By incormore information. FEB. 7 PLAY SCHEDULE CHANGE New Village Arts presents the comedy “Stage Kiss” Feb. 7 through March 1, directed by Chelsea Kaufman, with performances Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays 8 p.m. and a 3 p.m. Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday matinee. The play replaces previously scheduled “Lovesong,” at the theater, 2787 State St., Carlsbad. For tickets, visit BESOS DE COCO Carlsbad City Library winter concert presents Besos de Coco at 6 p.m. Feb. 7 with classical guitarist Lorraine Castellanos, double bassist Evona Wascinski and tap dancer Claudia Gomez Vorce, in the Ruby G. Schul-

porating bits of metal leaf, which seem to mystically change with varying light, she creates an additional sense of mystery in the textural nuances achieved by many layers of paint. Born in Santa Monica, Lewis began painting at age 11 and was immediately singled out for her exceptional talent. With the confidence derived from raves over her innate gift, her formal art training continued and young Anita soon began accepting commissions. As college approached, her father’s mid-western values influenced Lewis to pursue a “useful” degree in Interior Design. After earning a bachelor’s degree in art with a focus in interior architectural design at California State TURN TO BRUSH WITH ART ON 18

man Auditorium at the Carlsbad City Library, 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad. For more information, call(760) 602-2024 or email keith. NEW ARTISTS Plein air painters and urban sketchers of San Diego are displaying oils, watercolors, pencil and sketchbooks at the Solana Beach Library through March 12. A reception for the artists will be held 2 p.m. Feb. 7 at 157 Stevens Ave., with classical guitar music. Call (858) 755-1404 for more information. FEB. 8 GOSPEL CONCERT Through the Storm Chorus will perform at 4:30 p.m. Feb. 8 at Christ Presbyterian Church, 7805 Centella St., La Costa, to benefit,

Walking down Fisherman’s Wharf in San Francisco a few weeks ago, Dr. M. Sanjayan, a conservation scientist and nature filmmaker, stopped at the pier and watched a school of small fish. He watched as the fish were darting about in every possible way, trying not to become the next meal for the sea lions chasing them or the pelicans diving at them from overhead. He could have grabbed a camera, some scuba gear and filmed the feeding frenzy from underwater. It would have made a captivating sequence. But to Sanjayan, it was when he shifted his eye line up: On his left, the Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz, and behind him, the city’s concrete jungle. “That is unbelievable. That’s for me, the story,” Sanjayan said. “If there was something that I wanted to come out of the show, it would be as simple as that I wanted people to come to the realization that we are a part of nature. “Because if you start realizing that we are part of nature, and the reason we’re saving nature, it really becomes about saving ourselves,” he said. The show is “Earth: A New Wild,” a new documentary series to air on PBS stations beginning Feb. 4. So why has it taken so long for a nature documentary to look at humans as being a part of nature? The short answer: TV is so expensive and is so risk-averse, explained Sanjayan. That’s what made PBS the right partner for this — with grants to help with costs the public station could also take a big risk —

through a free-will offering, Jubilee USA, an alliance of US organizations, faith communities and Jubilee global partners to serve, protect and promote participation of the most vulnerable. GUILD RECEPTION The San Dieguito Art Guild will hold an artists’ reception to donate $500 to Photocharity, from 3:30 to 6 p.m. Feb. 8 at the Off Track Gallery, 937 S. Coast Highway 101, Suite C-103, Encinitas, with wine and refreshments with a Valentine theme, meet the creative artists of the San Dieguito Art Guild, and a free raffle for donated artwork. FINE ART RECEPTION A reception and show will featured watercolorist Brigitte Pfahl and multi-medium 2-D and 3-D art from 3 to 5 p.m. Feb. 8 at the COAL

Dr. M. Sanjayan is the host of the new documentary series “Earth: A New Wild,” airing on PBS stations beginning Feb. 4. The series shows how humans are a part of nature rather than separate from it. Photo by Ami Vitale

a multi-million dollar risk, he added. “I felt that for a long time natural history shows have oscillated somewhere between, on one end, which shows the planet in this gorgeous, beautiful eyein-the-sky-way and on the other end you had this — ‘let’s catch the animal and let’s wrestle it,’ idea,” Sanjayan said. “And I wanted to get something that was a little bit different to that — I wanted to show you the planet as it really is.” But the conservationist of about 20 years knows that you can’t start a TV show by saying, “I want to make a show about that. You kind of have to make sure that people watch it, and make sure it’s fun and interesting and amazing,” he said. Traveling to 29 countries and locations from the Arctic to Uzbekistan, Sanjayan said that what you find is every location you go to there are people. “There are incredible people around the world

doing incredible things. All of a sudden, I didn’t feel alone.” Sanjayan said he thinks that the old notion that there is this wilderness out there, is really not true anymore. “For me I didn’t want to have a show that said, ‘we humans are here and nature’s over there,’” he explained. But that doesn’t mean the world at all seems small to him. “It doesn’t,” he said. “It feels just as big. I’m still amazed that there are stories that I was uncovering in places that I’ve been to dozens of times before… and yet we find stories. They’ve never been filmed before — never been filmed before and we bring it to the screen. How is that even possible in this day and age when people are running around with cameras everywhere?” “Earth: A New Wild,” airs on local KPBS stations beginning Feb. 4 at 9 p.m.

Gallery, 300 Carlsbad Village Drive, Suite 101, Carlsbad. For more information, call (760) 434-8497 or visit JEWISH FILM FEST On Feb. 8, the San Diego International Jewish Film Festival presents at the Edwards San Marcos Theater, 1180 W. San Marcos Blvd., San Marcos: “The Prince of Egypt” at 10 a.m., “Belle and Sebastian” at 10:30 a.m., “A Match Made in Heaven” at 1 p.m., “Dancing Before the Enemy,” at 1:30 p.m., “Untold Diplomatic History – France and Israel since 1948” at 4 p.m., “The Go-Go Boys: The inside Story of Cannon Films” at 4:30 p.m. and “East Jerusalem/West Jerusalem” at 7 p.m. For tickets, call (858) 362-1348.

FEB. 9 PLAY’S THE THING Join Carlsbad Playreaders at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 9 at the Carlsbad Dove Library Schulman Auditorium, 1775 Dove Lane for “Jake's Women” by Neil Simon, with readers Karl Bakke, Jill Blackwell, Laura Bohlin, Maria Hargrove, Kelli Harless, April McBride, Chelsey Moore, Naomi Olson and Rebecca Penner. KRUGLAK GALLERY MiraCosta College hosts an art exhibit featuring the recent paintings of artist Gail Roberts, through Feb. 26 in the college’s Kruglak TURN TO ART CALENDARON 18

FEB. 6, 2015


T he R ancho S anta F e News

Educational Opportunities

RSF Attack Soccer offers the 2nd year of Futsal in the Ranch program RSF Attack Soccer is pleased to bring back our Futsal in the Ranch Program that will be starting up March 2nd. The program will run for five consecutive Sundays and will be held at R. Roger Rowe School in the gymnasium. To register, go to our website at www.rsfsoccer. com where you can download the registration flyer or register online. Charlie O’Neil, our Attack Director of the Recreational program, will head up the Futsal program. Coach Charlie has been with Attack for 10 years as a professional coach and has been the Recreational Director for 6 years. Futsal is an exciting, fast paced soccer game that was developed in Brazil in the 1930s. It is played on a gymnasium hard-wood floor and is basically a scaled down version of outdoor soccer – played indoors. The game is played without walls and the lines of the basketball court are used as the boundaries. The sport is a great skill developer as it demands quick reflexes, fast thinking, and pin-point passing. Many of the great soccer su-

Session 1 will be for 4-6 year olds and will start at 11:30 AM. Session 2 will be offered for 7-9 year olds and will start at 12:45 PM. Session 3 will start at 2:00 PM and will be for 10-12 year olds. perstars such as Pele, Ronaldo, Messi, and Kaka grew up playing futsal and credit the game with developing their skills. The Futsal in the Ranch program will be available for both Recreational and Competitive players and there will be three one hour sessions offered each Sunday. Session 1 will be for 4-6 year olds and will start

at 11:30 AM. Session 2 will be offered for 7-9 year olds and will start at 12:45 PM. Session 3 will start at 2:00 PM and will be for 10-12 year olds. The Registration Fee for the program is $150 and includes a t-shirt for each participant. Enroll your child so they can come join in the fun and work on developing their soccer skills. Each session will start out with 15 minutes of warm-up and skills work, and then the remaining time will be spent playing in a game situation. The teams will be set up so that all players will get lots of touches on the ball while developing better foot skills and more movement without the ball. It is a game of constant excitement and lots of scoring! For questions about our Futsal in the Ranch program or any of the other exciting programs that Attack Soccer offers, visit our website at or call the office at 760-479-1500. Attack Soccer is partnering with soccerloco to offer indoor shoes and balls at a discount for our participants. You can learn more about this on the Attack website.

Horizon Prep is breaking the mold Horizon Prep is challenging the current direction of conventional education, offering a Christ-centered Classical Education in the heart of Rancho Santa Fe. From the moment you set foot on campus, you feel the difference: laughter echoing in the hallways, and engaged students abounding with a genuine joy of learning. Not restricted by the Common Core Curriculum Standards Initiative, Horizon Prep exceeds Common Core standards: Considering state and national educational standards to be a minimum bar, then going a step beyond by providing a Classical education and incorporating other higher standards as comparisons, exceeding expectations by a grade level or more. “The beauty of being a private Christ-centered, Classical school,” says Horizon Prep Assistant Head of Schools, Brent Hodges, “is that Horizon Prep is already light years beyond common standards and we are able to focus on the outcomes of developing the Master Student.” Horizon Prep’s Classical Education model has flourished in Western culture for centuries and embraces the study of literature, language, science, mathematics, philosophy, history and the arts. “Grammar, Logic,

In essence, the students need to learn how to learn. ” Brent Hodges Assistant Head of Schools

and Rhetoric phases form the foundation of this consistent pedagogy and shape our teaching at every grade level,” says Hodges, “our low student-to-teacher ratio creates the optimum environment in which to provide the individual attention each child needs and deserves.” Following years of success in its Early Education (Preschool through Kindergarten), School of Grammar (1st-5th), and School of Logic (6th-8th), Horizon Prep is primed to enter its third year in the School of Rhetoric (9th-12th). With a focus on developing wisdom and creating life-long learners, the classroom looks a bit different in the School of Rhetoric. One way of achieving outcomes is through engagement around the Harkness Table. Instead of always seeing the teacher at the head of the class, you will find teacher and students together around the Harkness Table, actively engaged in learn-

ing and student-centered discussions. “In essence, the students need to learn how to learn. The content of the curriculum is what students use as the clay to form knowledge, but the emphasis is on the learning and equipping students to understand their thinking process,” says Hodges, “so that in any aspect of school or life, they have the ability to think critically and take it to the next level.” Students also participate in a wide variety of arts, athletics, service, and enrichment opportunities at every grade level. Experiential learning in the form of electives, class trips and other school-sponsored activities build on the solid academic foundation and encourage well-rounded, engaged students who are willing and able to try new things. At Horizon Prep, Christ is truly the core of education. Weave that together with Classical Academic Excellence, and Horizon Prep truly is breaking the mold in education. Visit Horizon Prep and see the difference for yourself! Attend an Open House – 6:30 pm on Tuesday, February 10th or 9:00 am on Tuesday, March 3rd or Tuesday, April 14th. You can also contact the Admissions office to schedule a private tour today!

Join A�ack Soccer in our second year of offering Futsal in Rancho Santa Fe. Futsal is an exci�ng, fast‐paced, ve‐a‐side soccer game, normally played indoors on a at, smooth surface (such as a gym oor) on a eld the size of a basketball court. Futsal was developed in Brazil in the 1930’s and is played extensively throughout the world. Playing futsal allows a player to get many touches on the ball, thus developing skill, quick reexes, fast thinking and pinpoint passing. And, it is FUN! Sundays at R. Roger Rowe School 5927 La Granada, Rancho Santa Fe Five Dates ‐ March 1 ,8, 15, 22, 29 In the gymnasium

Three one hour sessions: Session 1: 11:30 AM (4‐6 year olds) Session 2: 12:45 PM (7‐9 year olds) Session 3: 2:00 PM (10‐12 year olds)

For more informa�on or to register your child for this exci�ng new program, visit our website at or call the office at 760‐479‐1500.

RSF Soccer | P.O. Box 1373 | Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067


T he R ancho S anta F e News

Tournament raises funds for foundation RANCHO SANTA FE — Professional golf coach Hank Haney will provide a pre-tournament clinic and exhibition for all players, and a special Day of Golf package will be presented with San Francisco 49ers legend Joe Montana March 21 at the fourth annual golf tournament and gala fund-

raiser for the SEAL-Naval Special Warfare (NSW) Family Foundation. Haney has coached golf champions Tiger Woods and Mark O’Meara, and worked with celebrity golfers such as Charles Barkley and Ray Romano. A Day of Golf package with Joe Montana will part of the after-game gala. Philanthropist Madeleine Pickens, event Co-Chairwoman Dominique Plewes and The Del Mar Country Club have also announced that Gen. Michael Hayden, former

director of the CIA and the National Security Agency, will be the keynote speaker at the fundraiser. The event will also thank Navy SEALs and their families for their military service, and honor fallen heroes. The Del Mar Country Club fundraiser will feature a scramble golf tournament, a cocktail reception, dinner gala with speakers and entertainment, and live and silent auctions. The golf event begins with breakfast and registration from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m., followed by the Scramble Golf Tournament at 10:30 a.m. A cocktail reception and silent auction will be held from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m., with dinner at 6:30

p.m. and the evening program and live auction at 6:30 p.m. The SEAL-Naval Special Warfare Family Foundation supports individual and family readiness through an array of programs specifically targeted to assist the Naval Special Warfare community in maintaining a resilient, sustainable and healthy force in this era of persistent conflict and frequent deployments. Part of its job is to facilitate that focus by ensuring every SEAL knows his family is, and will be taken care of. For more information, visit, or contact Carol Tuller at (619) 344-0344, ext. 715 or

New course for Puppy Love race


RANCHO SANTA FE — Sign up now for the Puppy Love 5k 2015 on March 1, which will have a new scenic Lake Poway course. This year, organizers say that runners can have all the family-friendly and dog-friendly fun you've had in past years, including a timed 5k run, an option to walk the course, freebies from fun vendors, youth ac-

Ruth Elizabeth Fly, 87 Carlsbad Dec. 30, 1927 - Jan. 22, 2015 Clyde “Ted” Reinert, 75 Oceanside Nov. 30, 1939 - Jan. 24, 2015 Theresa Kathryn McCready, 67 Encinitas Feb. 4, 1947 - Jan. 23, 2015 Annie Marie Waldvogel, 97 Encinitas June 10, 1917 - Jan. 24, 2015

John L. Dole, 87 Encintias Sept. 14, 1927 - Jan. 28, 2015 Hannah Sophia Lang, 97 Encinitas Sept. 24, 1917 - Jan. 28, 2015 Iole Diane Schielke, 97 Vista June 22, 1917 - Jan. 26, 2015 Leila T. Bahou, 85 Escondido July 15, 1929 - Jan. 22, 2015

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one or to support a friend, we want you to feel that you are in good hands. At our facility, we provide the attention and support needed to make this life’s transition as easy as possible.

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Submission Process

Please email obits @ or call (760) 436-9737 x100. All photo attachments should be sent in jpeg format, no larger than 3MB. the photo will print 1.625” wide by 1.5” tall inh black and white.


Obituaries should be received by Monday at 12 p.m. for publicatio in Friday’s newspaper. One proof will be e-mailed to the customer for approval by Tuesday at 10 a.m.

Rates: Text” $15 per inch Photo: $25 Art: $15

Approx. 21 words per column inch

(Dove, Heart, Flag, Rose)

tivities, dog-trick training, games, a costume contest, and prizes. The event benefits the pets and programs at Helen Woodward Animal Center Cost to register is $35 for adults and $15 for children with team discounts for groups of six or more. For information and registration visit

February is American Heart Month and you can join in their Go Red for Women event by wearing red on February 6th. Heart health is vital, whether for the littlest baby or the oldest grandparent. Cardiovascular disease does not discriminate on age, gender, or race. Thankfully, modern medicine has made great strides in saving lives and continues to improve. Each of us can make a difference too! Learn to recognize the warning signs of a heart attack or stroke (they are different for women than men), learn CPR and encourage your relatives and neighbors to take a course as well. Talk with your doctor about healthy eating and lifestyle changes to increase your heart health. Take care of your heart and it take care of you for a lifetime!



1315 S. Santa Fe Ave Vista, CA 92083


SAN MARCOS CHAPEL FD-1378 435 N. Twin Oaks Valley Rd San Marcos, CA 92069


FEB. 6, 2015



Business news and special achievements for North San Diego County. Send information via email to community@ prAna TO OPEN IN ENCINITAS The Coast News was incorrect announced the new prAna location. It will be in Encinitas. It all began out of a garage in Carlsbad. And now prAna will open its first Southern California retail location this spring at 625 S. Coast Highway 101, Encinitas. prAna began with apparel needs of yoga and rock climbing and has since grown to offer men’s and women’s lifestyle fashions, said Scott Kerslake, prAna CEO. prAna mitigates its impact on the environment in all stages of production, operations, and supply chain. The Encinitas retail location will incorporate sustainable building practices. For more information, visit

TV’s February edition of “Oceanside Spectrum,” airing at through Feb. 27. Executive Director Chana Mannen was interviewed about Don Diego’s 2015 scholarship program of $41,500 in college scholarships for 13 deserving San Diego County high school seniors in 2015. Eligibility requirements and applications are at For questions, contact cmannen@ FIRST YEAR CELEBRATED Carmel Valley EarthWise Pet Supply, 7805 Highland Village Place #101, celebrated its first anniversary, the Carmel Valley location is the first to open San Diego County. The owners, Norma and John Gervais support Second Chance Dog Rescue and the Pug Rescue of San Diego. HOEFGEN MOVES UP J o e Hoefgen, a former 15-year employee of the city of Del Mar was recently named City Manager of Redondo Beach. Hoefgen previously served as assistant city manager for Del Mar from 1992 to 2007 and as Management Analyst for the city of Encinitas from 1990 to1992. He has been with the City of Redondo Beach since September 2011, serving first as Community Services Director and subsequently as Interim City Manager.

STUDENTS SHINE AT U.N. Seven Pacific Ridge students received awards at the 2015 Columbia Model United Nations Conference. Best Delegate Award went to Nick Marr and Avery Rogers, of Carlsbad. Verbal Commendations were awarded to Josh Kahn of Encinitas and Tony Oliverio of San Marcos. Honorable Mentions were given to Elle Lefebvre of Carlsbad, Julien Barthelemy of Carmel Valley, Matty Bernstein CEO FINALIST of San Marcos. Jodi Diamond, CEO of the Boys & Girls Clubs of SPRAGUE WINS COMOceanside for more than MISSION SEAT Ed Sprague, president 8 years, is a finalist in the of Olivenhain Municipal San Diego Business JourWater District’s Board of nal's 9th Annual Most AdDirectors, has been an- mired CEO Awards. nounced as winner of the San Diego Local Agency DEPUTIES BACK ROBFormation Commission’s ERTS The first major orga(LAFCO) CROP alternate special district commissioner nizational endorsement .93 seat. He was installed at of the 2016 election cycle the.93 regular LAFCO meet- was announced Jan. 15 by the Deputy Sheriffs' ing4.17 on Feb. 2. 4.28 Association of San Diego County in support of the FOCUS ON DON DIEGO re-election of County SuSCHOLARSHIP The Don Diego Schol- pervisor Dave Roberts. arship Foundation will be featured on KOCT BEST HOTEL IN COUNTRY The 2015 TripAdvisor’s Traveler’s Choice Awards honored Carlsbad’s West Inn & Suites, 4970 Avenida Encinas, Carlsbad, as one of the best hotels in the country. TURN TO WHO’S NEWS ON 18

FEB. 6, 2015

T he R ancho S anta F e News


Staying on top of your world travels with these goodies Joaquin Line, including romantic destinations in the wine country of the Central Valley and secluded stops on the Southern California coastline. Trips can be taken between now and Feb. 28. There are no blackout dates, but reservations must be made three days prior to travel.

hit the road e’louise ondash


t’s time for the occasional grab bag of goodies to help gadabouts stay on top of what’s new in the world of travel. T he finest for ‘15 Lonely Planet has selected the One World Observatory, atop the new 104-story-high One World Trade Center in New York City, as the world’s “hottest new opening for 2015.” According to the website, the observatory opens “Spring 2015.” (I hope to provide a firsthand account of the One World Observatory experience in October.) You’ll find the publisher’s list of must-sees in their new free ebook “New in Travel.” Listed as one of the best new attractions for 2015, the Cape Canopy Tour is less than an hour’s drive from Cape Town, South Africa. The tour takes The list includes participants on “an indescribable adventure in the scenic Elgin Valley,” according to Lonely Planet’s free ebook, “New in Travel.” Courtesy photo outdoor adventures, museums, breweries, wildyou’ll know when you’re life-watching encounters standing on or hiking and more — 26 destinathrough historic locations tions in all. Another U.S. and exact spots. Users can attraction: the boyhood also take photos along the home of Johnny Cash in way and post them to the Dyess, Arkansas, about maps. Go to the App Store 50 miles north of Memand type in “Avenza.” phis. And should you be in South Africa: the nearFast-track Valentine’s by Cape Canopy Tour Day (zipline) near Cape Town. Amtrak California To download the ebook, is sending a Valentine visit to sweethearts who love new-in-travel-2015. train travel — or would like to try it this month T ravel cheaply; travel for a reduced price. Buy well a full-fare adult ticket beThe days of seeing Eutween Jan. 19 and Feb. 25, rope on $10 a day are long use the promo code V613, gone, but if you’re willing and get 50 percent off a to think out of the box and companion’s fare. travel like a local, says The offer is valid for seasoned traveler and cetrips to any California leb blogger Matt Kepnes destination served by the (aka Nomadic Matt), exPacific Surfliner or San tended travel on a budget is possible. “Experience … A new free app called Avenza PDF Maps allows hikers and explorers to download maps from the U.S. Forest has shown me that travel Service, the U.S. Park Service and other sources that show wilderness trails that are not available on regular can be done cheaply with- GPS maps. Photo by Jerry Ondash out sacrificing comfort,” says the native Bostonian derful, but when it comes who now lives in New York to finding where you are City when he’s not on the on the trail, they aren’t helpful. They not only lack road. That’s why Kepnes detail, but if you are out of P H O T O G R A P H Y wrote “How to Travel the cell-tower range, you’re World on $50 a day: Travel also out of luck. Enter the free AvenCheaper, Longer, Smarter” (Perigee/Penguin za PDF Maps app, which Random House). It offers makes it possible to downhundreds of tips and spe- load maps of park grounds cific information about and wilderness areas via discounts on hostels, tours satellite. Some of the and transportation; help- maps are free; most othful websites and electron- ers are in the $2-$5 range. ic tools; tips on avoiding You pay no more than you bank fees; the mysteries would for the paper verof airline-ticket pricing; sions. Avenza is a Toronchoosing the right backpack — even how to save to-based company that works with map companies for that dream trip. “I think travel makes to provide a way for traveleverybody a more awe- ers and hikers to purchase some person,” Kepnes digital maps. According to Bill is a professional photographer who blends his Christine says. “We end our travels spokeswoman lifelong passion for sports with his skills in photography to capture memorable moments of all types way better off than when Simmons, users also can of action oriented events.Call Bill to learn more we started.” Visit nomad- download historical maps about how his sports, portrait and commercial like Civil War battlefields photography services can meet your needs. and track themselves inM ap app for the wilder- teractively. Like a GPS, Avenza tracks your path ness and historic sites Those GPS apps on and marks your position our smartphones are won- on the historical map so


E’Louise Ondash is a freelance writer living in North County. Tell her about your travels at


T he R ancho S anta F e News


SATIRE SET IN DEL MAR Former North Coast journalist and Torrey Pines High School graduate Kevin Brass has published his first novel, “The Cult of Truland,” a contemporary satire partially set in Del Mar and the North Coast. An event is planned at the Del Mar Library, 1309 Camino Del Mar at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 25. Brass worked for North Coast papers for many years and served as editor of The Del Mar Citizen the San Diego edition of the Los Angeles Times, San Diego Magazine and KPBS-FM. He also spent three years on-air as a reporter and commentator for KUSI-TV. Brass is now a regular contributor to the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and a variety of other publications. Courtesy photo


of all levels will have the chance to compete for this year’s “Champ of the Ranch” title. Along with those bragging rights, the poker champ will win a men’s luxury watch valued at more than $10,000. And one doesn’t need to be a player to attend. Spectator passes are on hand for $100 each, while players pay $250. “Spectators will also have the opportunity to improve their beginning poker and Blackjack skills at a learner’s table,” Swaney said. She added, “There will be many opportunities for all guests to win exciting prizes as well as a variety of opportunity drawings.” Throughout the Texas




remaining socially active.” Maintaining a well-balanced diet is essential for brain health. The Alzheimer’s Association encourages a brain healthy shopping checklist which includes dark leafy vegetables and foods which are high in Omega fatty acids such as salmon. Folic acid and vitamins E, C, and B are also on the list. As far as keeping the mind in shape, writing, puzzles, reading, and taking a class provide a great jumpstart. Studies have shown


University, Northridge, Lewis departed for Germany, where since early childhood she had spent many summers with her maternal grandparents. Intending to stay only one year, she immersed herself in European culture, traveling frequently to the great art museums of Europe. However, while abroad she embarked on a career in interior design, which resulted in living in Germany for 18 years. When presented with an opportunity to launch a retail store of high-end European kitchen design and furnishings in La Jolla, Lewis relocated to San Diego in 1997. After several years of success as an interior designer, she began to turn her focus back to her original love of fine art. Through time Lewis has


NEW WELLS FARGO OPENS Wells Fargo Wells Fargo hosted a ribbon-cutting and grand opening of its new banking store at 3446 Via Mercato, Carlsbad in the La Costa Town Square. NEW MEMBER Optimist Club of Carlsbad “The Achievers” recently inducted Jay Hari-

how regular exercise can reduce dementia considerably. And exercise doesn’t mean going to the gym five days a week. A stroll, yoga, gardening, swimming and other low impact activities fall into this category. Doing something that one enjoys is a great way to partake in exercise. Being socially active and having a purpose is wonderful for anyone at any age. Ways to interact may include social clubs, church, and family. In fact, just picking up the phone and calling friends or family regularly helps trigger this social interaction.

“This class is one of many classes offered by the Alzheimer’s Association designed for San Diegans who are concerned about memory loss and the health of their brain,” Pobst said. She went on to say that the next scheduled lecture is Feb. 24 and it’s entitled, Conversations About Dementia. “This class offers tips on how to have honest and caring conversations with family members about going to the doctor, driving and making legal and financial plans for the future,” she said. To learn more visit

experimented with various styles, resulting in an aesthetic style that is distinctly her own. One critic says of the Lewis’ paintings, “There is a freedom to her work, but an underlying structure prevents chaos, pulling the pieces together in harmonious compositions. Stark linearity seems to dissolve into abstraction, yet with detail in the obscure.” Reflecting on the correlation between the characteristics of her paintings and her personal life, Lewis states, “I have a very disciplined and structured personality; yet in my later years, I take pride in dissolving some of those structures but keeping discipline focused on where I want to go in life.” She has indeed gone places in her professional career. During the past decade the work of Anita Lewis has been published in notable art and design magazines,

including FINE, Luxe, and Art Business News. Most recently she was a featured artist in the December 2014 issue of American Art Collector. Lewis has exhibited her work in many art fairs throughout the U.S. and abroad, including Art Expo NY, Art Expo Las Vegas, Contemporary Art Exhibition Soho, Arte Classica Buenos Aires, and galleries too numerous to list. In addition to several galleries across the country, as well as Galleria Nazionale in Cortona, Italy, Lewis’ work can currently be seen at L Street Fine Art in San Diego’s Gaslamp Quarter through March 26. The public is invited to an opening reception Feb. 7 from 6 to 9 p.m. Email to RSVP. For more information about the artist visit

priyan. She was a member of the Del Mar-Solana Beach Optimist club, but changed clubs when she moved to Carlsbad.

CONTEST WINNER Optimist Club of Carlsbad “The Achievers” member Leo Fradelis, was the winner of the club’s Black Marble game. Fradelis has been an active member for many years. The club generally meets Saturdays, 9 to 10 a.m. at the El Camino Country Club, 3202 Vista Way, Oceanside. For more information, email

said. Browne wants everyone to know that she has been very content and happy at the RSF Community Center. But when this new opportunity emerged, she saw it as a progression and a way to help lead a whole organization toward its goals. While the RSF Community Center is happy for Browne, having her leave is very bittersweet. “But the Community Center understands that


Gallery, in the Oceanside Campus Student Center, Bldg. 3400, 1 Barnard Drive. For more information, contact gallery director Diane Adams at (760) 795-6657. FEB. 11 MUSIC WITH FRIENDS Friends of the Carmel Valley Library will present violinist Roy Bak and pianist Irina Bessonova at 7 p.m. Feb. 11 at the Carmel Valley Library, 3919 Townsgate Drive in Carmel Valley. For further information call (858) 5521668. FEB. 12 ITALIAN FILM San Diego Italian Film Festival presents “Il Comandante e la Cicogna” (“Garibaldi’s Lovers”) at 7 p.m. Feb. 12 at La Paloma Theatre, 471 S. Coast Highway 101, Encinitas. General admission $10 (cash only). For more information, call (760) 4367469 or visit ACRYLICS An acrylic painting class is offered through the San Dieguito Art Guild with Barbara Roth, Thursdays from noon to 3 p.m. Feb. 12 through March 5. Bring your own supplies or buy them from the teacher for a $15 supply fee. Classes will be in the San Marcos area and the fee is $100. Contact Kate O’Brien at zelda1970@cox. net. SONDHEIM UP

FEB. 6, 2015 Hold’em poker evening, guests will enjoy heavy and savory hors d’oeuvres, signature cocktails, wine, and beer. While players strategize their poker hands, guests can enjoy live entertainment and a chance at the roulette wheel. Swaney said second and third place prizes will be awarded to the finalists. Chances to participate in opportunity drawings from local businesses and supporters will occur throughout the evening. The tournament is presented by The Faltinsky Family and The Zeps Family. Fundraising is at the heart of the RSF Community Center. As a nonprofit 501(C)3, Swaney said, they do not receive federal or state money for the

general maintenance of the facility or to keep its programs running. “We rely on our annual events and membership fees to be able to continue to offer quality educational and recreational programs for people of all ages,” she said. She wants people to know that all the proceeds will go to its mission which is to enhance the spirit and benefits of community life in Rancho Santa Fe through programs, events and services of enrichment, recreation and outreach for all ages. Seating is limited for this event 21 years or older event. To purchase tickets or to learn more about sponsorship opportunities, please visit For more information call (858) 7562461 or email Swaney at

this is a really great opportunity for me to grow,” she said. Browne continued, “And they’re really happy that I’m just moving across the street because we’re actually going to be collaborating a lot more.” And another Garden Club goal is to reach out to more organizations in the community and having the RSF Community Center on the list offers a great springboard of opportunities. While Browne leaves one nonprofit and heads to another, she will still be helping the community. “I feel so fortunate to

work in Rancho Santa Fe because it’s a really great community and it’s such a wonderful opportunity that I am able to extend my career here,” she said. While Browne looks forward to her new position at the Garden Club, she is so thankful to remain in Rancho Santa Fe and help a community that has been so good to her. Along with this fondness, she has established great relationships along the way. “Rancho Santa Fe is a highly regarded and I look forward to continue being of service here,” she said.

CLOSE Moonlight Stage Productions presents “Sondheim on Sondheim” at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 12 through Feb. 14 and 2 p.m. Feb. 14 and Feb. 15 at the Avo Playhouse, 1200 Vale Terrace Drive, Vista. Tickets are $24 to $32, at the VisTix box office, at (760) 724-2110 and online at ROOTS AND PASSION MiraCosta College presents, “American Roots with European Passion,” with Italian acoustic guitarist Beppe Gambetta at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 12 at MiraCosta College Concert Hall, Bldg. 2400, 1 Barnard Drive, Oceanside. Tickets at the box office (Bldg. 2000), by phone at (760) 795-6815, or online at events

by Lamont Ferguson at 8 p.m. Feb. 14, at 2822 State St., Carlsbad. Tickets are $25 online at carlsbadvillagetheatre. com and $30 at the door. For more information, visit or call (760) 720-2460. SWEET MUSIC The Peter Pupping Band will play a Valentine’s Day Concert featuring Nuevo flamenco, Bossa Nova, Samba, Cuban Latin jazz, and contemporary music at 8 p.m. Feb. 14 in the Encinitas Library Community Room, 540 Cornish Drive, Encinitas. $25 general admission. ANIMAL LOVERS Del Mar Art Center will sponsor a Valentine’s Day Grand Reception to benefit Helen Woodward Animal Shelter from 5 to 8 p.m. Feb. 14 at Del Mar Art Center, 1555 Camino Del Mar, Plaza Level. Animal adoption representatives and puppies will be in attendance. For more information, call (858) 481-1678. MARK THE CALENDAR SING OUT As part of the Museum of Making Music’s “Learn to…” workshop series, the Music Men Chorus from the Palomar-Pacific Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society, is offering a sixweek vocal training clinic for men and women from 7 to 9 p.m. Mondays Feb. 23 through March 30 at 5790 Armada Drive, Carlsbad,. Register on-line at Registration fee of $15. For more information, visit

FEB. 13 LUX ARTIST Lux Art Institute presents Resident Artist Julian Kreimer in studio through Feb. 21 on Thursdays and Fridays 1 to 5 p.m. and Saturdays 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Kreimer includes both mimetic and non-objective paintings in his exhibitions. FEB. 14 101 BANNERS Preview the art and meet the artists of this year’s Arts Alive banners from noon to 3 p.m. Feb. 14, 1950 N. Coast Highway 101, Encinitas. FUNNY VALENTINE The Carlsbad Village Theatre presents “My Funny Valentines - Fifty Shade of Funny,” with Trent McClellan and Julie Kim, Hosted

FEB. 6, 2015


T he R ancho S anta F e News

will stimulate your intellect and energy. Too much idle time will make you feel sluggish and lethargic.

SOUP TO NUTS by Rick Stromoski

By Eugenia Last FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2015

FRANK & ERNEST by Bob Thaves

THE BORN LOSER by Art & Chip Sansom

BIG NATE by Lincoln Peirce

MONTY by Jim Meddick

ARLO & JANIS by Jimmy Johnson


ALLEY OOP byJack & Carole Bender

CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- Your emotions could be quite ragged today. Heated arguments are likely if you are quick to take offense to innocent remarks. Think before you speak. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- A joint venture will be a good platform to help you expand on your ideas. An alliance with a trusted individual will bring the financial stability that you have been trying to establish.

Stay in control. If you delay or falter, you will miss out on a golden opportunity. Have faith in your convictions and keep the momentum going. Positive advancements are possible if you remain focused VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- If you are and poised to take advantage of whatev- dissatisfied with your current situation, er comes your way. make a change. Waiting for someone AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- You will else to step up is unrealistic and countbe center stage today. Your intelligence er- productive. You know what your will dazzle everyone, and your energy strengths are, so take action.

and quick wit will win approval. Let your LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- Neglecting animated spirit lead to positive attention your responsibilities will turn out to be from a new admirer. quite costly. Do your share without comPISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- A peace- plaining. Your reputation will suffer if you ful, relaxing day will help to reduce the don’t keep your promises. stress you have been feeling. This is not SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- There a day for decision-making. Pampering will be some necessary adjustments yourself will help free your mind of con- required in order for you to get back on flict and worry. track. Your progress will slow if you are ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- Don’t be distracted by what others are doing. reluctant to ask for help. You can’t do SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -- A caeverything yourself, and your health will sual conversation will lead to a promising be jeopardized if you try. As much as you partnership. Be clear about your expecwant to help others, you must draw a line. tations and limitations. Exaggerating now TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- Do what’s will backfire, leaving you in an awkward necessary to protect your position. position when you can’t deliver. Someone you considered an ally will turn CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- You out to be after your job or another asset. can get your desired results with diploAttention to detail and the ability to multi- macy and tact. Heavy-handed tactics or task will keep you on top. ultimatums will generate discord and disGEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- Stay in ruption. Cooperation will be key in formshape. Physical and mental challenges ing a beneficial partnership.


T he R ancho S anta F e News

FEB. 6, 2015

Young authors make their mark A group of 21 young authors who are students of the Publish My Book! after-school enrichment program in North County, participate in the 49th Annual San Diego Local Author Exhibit & Celebration at the downtown public library on Jan. 30. After the launch celebration, each young author’s book is being exhibited for the entire month of February at the library. For more information, visit news-events/localauthors.shtml. Pictured left to right: Rancho Santa Fe resident Rowen Hinrichs, Rancho Santa Fe resident Presley Garcia and Rancho Santa Fe resident Natalia Raiszadeh. Courtesy photos

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FEB. 6, 2015


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By Rachel


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T he R ancho S anta F e News

FEB. 6, 2015

FEB. 6, 2015


T he R ancho S anta F e News

‘Bags & Neuter Scooter Baubles’ II is launched coming soon RANCHO SANTA FE — Financial Assistance Care Education (FACE) invites the community to like them on Facebook and join FACE at its fifth annual “Bags & Baubles” to save the lives of family pets. The Bags & Baubles event is set from 1 to 5 p.m. April 26 at a private estate in Rancho Santa Fe. FACE is collecting donations of new or gently-loved designer and vegan handbags, jewelry, sunglasses or accessories. If you would like to support the silent auction, call (858) 450-3223 or email events@face4pets. org. Tickets are $10 for early registration and can be purchased online. The day will include an opportunity drawing, wine, appetizers, desserts and estate tours. For a sneak peek of the bags and jewelry donated so far, visit events@ Donations are tax-deductible. Established in 2006, The Foundation for Animal Care and Education (FACE) is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) public charity, whose mission is to enhance and preserve the quality of life of animals by providing access to necessary medical care and education. The FACE Foundation provides financial assistance for San Diego animal owners who are unable to cover the full cost of their beloved pets’ critical or emergency veterinary care.

RANCHO SANTA FE — The Neuter Scooter has launched its second rolling spay-neuter center, covered in furry faces of animal friends. Former Encinitas Mayor Maggie Houlihan’s dog, Rose, is pictured on the new Neuter Scooter that was unveiled in Rancho Santa Fe at the home of Robert and Mary Jane Engman on Feb. 3, along with pictures of the Engman’s dogs, Amy and Ben. The Engmans have supported SNAP for many years, providing the funds to purchase all the medical supplies needed along with spay/neuter surgeons and support staff. SNAP fixes 25 to 30 dogs and cats each clinic with 20 clinics per month in

an Diego County. The Neuter Scooter is seen in lower income areas of San Diego County where pet owners need some financial help with providing the very important spay and neuter surgery for their pet. This procedure helps their pet live a longer and healthier life and prevents unwanted litters throughout San Diego, preventing more unwanted pets from filling already overpopulated shelters. The Neuter Scooter fixed 5,482 pets in 2014. The late Maggie Hooulihan, who was one of the founding members of SNAP in 1990, is remembered in yet another way now that her rescue pup, Rose, is pictured along with other SNAP supporters’ pets.


During the 2014 holiday season, the San Diego Chargers Ladies Club, from left, back row, Chelsea Walker with daughter, Charlotte, Kelly McCoy, Sarah Wooden, Deborah Johnson, Jane McGuire, Annette Castango, Amy Abraham, Linda Reich, Lea Butkiewizch and Nina Steichen, with, from left, front row, Susie Spanos, Stacia Woodhead, Chanel Weddle and Denise Derret, visited Casa de Amparo in San Marcos, to learn about its programs and the trauma of child abuse and neglect. Soon after the visit, members from the club signed up to participate in Casa de Amparo’s 12th annual Holiday Drive, which took place throughout December. Courtesy photo

“It begins with a conversation, and ends when your dreams come true!”

NEW YEAR...YOUR NEW HOME! Tropical, Spectacular Views & Great Location on 4.55 Acres! Bring your horses! Unique, gated, private & serene hilltop property near I-15 with stunning views. Spacious main home apprx 2760 sqft along with second structure/guest home apprx 2300 sq ft that is waiting for your imagination and finishing touches. Great for two Families!!! Cascading Waterfall, Resort style Pool & Deck with large outdoor movie screen to enjoy your favorite shows. Avocado & an assortment of Fruit Trees as well as your own private Pond. Main house with its fresh interior paint, a 4 bedroom / 3 bathroom with Living Rm, Family Rm, Dining Rm, Kitchen, Laundry Rm. New Carpeting and Laminate Flooring. Lower pond across the driveway. Second structure is a single level with the possibility of 2 Bedrooms / 2 Bathroom along with a 1 bedroom with loft area (could be a separate living area or OFFICE) and a tremendous grate room. There’s even a bonus of a basement! Whether you are a gentlemen farmer or an existing farmer with an extended family, this is the place to be! These 4.55 acres could be a grower’s delight with a wide range of options! Nights can be most captivating as you gaze at the stars, watch a movie on a theater like outdoor screen, and hear the serenity of the waterfall. Come and imagine your life here on Paradise hill! By Appointment Only. Call for Open House Schedules!

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FEB. 6, 2015

$1,995 due at lease signing 36 month lease 15 at this payment (Standard 2.5i Automatic model, code FFB-02). $1,995 due at lease signing. $0 security deposit. Tax, title and registration fees extra. Other leases available on other models. Cannot be combined with any other incentives. Special lease rates extended to well-qualified buyers and are subject to credit approval, vehicle insurance approval and vehicle availability. Lessee pays personal property and ad valorem taxes (where applicable), insurance, maintenance repairs not covered by warranty, excessive wear and tear and a mileage charge of 15 cents per mile for mileage over 10,000 miles per year. Retailer participation may affect final cost. Cannot be combined with any other incentives or offers. Must take delivery from retailer stock by February 8, 2015.

Purchase or lease any new (previously untitled) Subaru and receive a complimentary factory scheduled maintenance plan for 2 years or 24,000 miles (whichever comes first.) See Subaru Added Security Maintenance Plan for intervals, coverages and limitations. Customer must take delivery before 12-31-2015 and reside within the promotional area. At participating dealers only. See dealer for program details and eligibility.

Cannot be combined with any other incentive. Financing for well-qualified applicants only. $20.83 thousand financed. Subject to credit approval, vehicle insurance approval and vehicle availability. No down payment required. See participating dealers for details. Must take delivery from dealer stock by February 8, 2015. Car Country Drive

5500 Paseo Del Norte Car Country Carlsbad

Car Country Drive

760-438-2200 ** EPA-estimated fuel economy. Actual mileage may vary. Subaru Tribeca, Forester, Impreza & Outback are registered trademarks. All advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes, any finance charges, $80 dealer document processing charge, any electronic filing charge, and any emission testing charge. Expires 2/8/2015.

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All advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes, any finance charges, $80 dealer document processing charge, any electronic filing charge, and any emission testing charge. Expires 2-8-2015.

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ar Country Drive

Lease for

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