The rancho santa fe news, august 7, 2015

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VOL. 11, N0. 16

AUG. 7, 2015

“My role is to get out the great news about Rancho Santa Fe because there’s a lot of good things happening,” says Christy Whalen, the RSF Association’s new communications manager. Photo by

Christina Macone-Greene

Back to Football

While talk of the San Diego Chargers possibly leaving for Carson, new stadiums and expiring contracts of some of the team’s superstars goes on off the field, on the field it’s business as usual as Chargers’ quarterback and Rancho Santa Fe resident Philip Rivers and the team begin training camp. See full story on page 21. Photo by Bill Reilly

RSF Inn step-down housing plans unveiled By Christina Macone-Greene

RANCHO SANTA FE — The Inn at Rancho Santa Fe recently revealed its plans and neighborhood renderings for potential empty nester buyers at its proposed step-down housing development. The purpose of meeting was informational and an opportunity to hear feedback from community members. Heading the meeting was John Kratzer, president and CEO of JMI Realty. In 2012, JMI acquired The Inn. While the project is in its early planning stages, it has received Covenant Design Review Committee approval of its master plan concept and dividing the boundaries between The Inn and residential properties. Within the 21 acres owned by The Inn, some existing buildings will either be renovated or demolished. Casitas de Cielo and Canyon View, the other two communities at The Inn will not be affected. Currently, The Inn has 99 dwelling units. Plans to add 13 additional dwelling units in its particular “neighborhood pods” were discussed. These new pods include The Orchard, The Grove, and La Gracia Village. “We really want the ownership of these units to feel like you’re buying any home in Rancho Santa Fe,” Kratzer said. He pointed out that they are committed to certain design aesthetics.

John Kratzer, president and CEO of JMI Realty hosts an information session on The Inn at Rancho Santa Fe’s proposed step-down housing development. Photo by Christina Macone-Greene

Working closely with the Rancho Santa Fe Fire Protection District, the fire department is requiring certain types of windows, for example. Kratzer said they approached the Association very early on about this project. They have been told that Rancho Santa Fe needs empty nest housing. “The other thing we’ve heard time and time again is The Inn is uniquely suited for this empty nest product because it’s within walking

distance or golf cart distance to the Village,” he said. The Grove is the first pod in the preliminary process, which has been permitted for three homes. Its location is off La Flecha next to the RSF Senior Center. Kratzer, however, said they would like to increase this housing count to five. Due to the location of this pod, they have been in contact with its adjacent neighbors within 500 feet, such as the RSF Senior Center.

One other neighbor within this radius in attendance was LaDonna Monsees. Monsees started off by saying that she has no problem with JMI, but what they are proposing at The Inn was a bad plan. Monsees moved to RSF 15 years ago for the rural ambience. Monsees said what JMI is proposing is to take an acre-and-a-half of this rural ambience and place five homes on it. She deTURN TO PLANS ON 19

RSF Association welcomes new communications manager By Christina Macone-Greene “There were a lot of in-

RANCHO SANTA FE — Last month, the Rancho Santa Fe Association brought on board a new communications manager in hopes for a better flow in relaying information and happenings to their members. The position was an energized effort by the Association’s new manager, Bill Overton. And Christy Whalen was their choice. Whalen is no stranger to the area. For the past three years, she served as a communications consultant for the Fairbanks Ranch Country Club. While not in the heart of the Covenant, Whalen said, she often visited the Ranch and met many great people. Then she noticed the Association’s job opening. “And besides being attracted to the area, the job description fit my background to a tee,” Whalen said. “My role is to get out the great news about Rancho Santa Fe because there’s a lot of good things happening, a lot of good people here, and I think we haven’t had the internal horsepower in-house to get the word out.” Whalen is the 21st century town crier. A native of Minnesota, Whalen earned her degree in journalism and worked for print media for a few years. From there, she branched out into public relations and corporate communications. She was a spokesperson for Northwest Airlines in Minneapolis. “I had great exposure to internal communications issues. The airline had gone through a merger with another company,” she said. Whalen added,

ternal issues that needed to be hashed out, but also a lot of tough external issues.” From there, Whalen branched out to a marketing agency in Minneapolis. After having her second child, Whalen decided to stay home and became heavily involved in the local PTA and volunteering. During that timeframe, she and her family moved to California. Now at the Association, Whalen states she has a list of big priorities. One is reorganizing the Association’s website. “There can be a lot more information and it can be a lot more current,” she said. Whalen wants members to know that upgrading the website will be about a 90-day process. The goal will be a robust website with highly useful nuances such as news, events, calendar information, survey capabilities, online forms, viewing statements, and perhaps even the ability to register for events. “Right now we communicate with members through the U.S. Postal Service and so that often means a letter or a postcard,” she said. Ongoing communication with members online, she said, is a quicker way. “We have some really important things that we can share with members almost immediately,” she said. “Another part of the job that was really attractive to me was working with the media which I haven’t done for a while.” Whalen also pointed out how she was pleased TURN TO WHALEN ON 19


T he R ancho S anta F e News

AUG. 7, 2015

AUG. 7, 2015


T he R ancho S anta F e News

Rastetter receives Lifetime Achievement award By Christina Macone-Greene

RANCHO SANTA FE — The Corporate Directors Forum recently announced its 2015 recipients for their distinguished 24th annual awards ceremony, “Director of the Year.” One of its executive receivers is Rancho Santa Fe resident, William H. Rastetter, Ph.D., who will be joined by five other award winners in various director categories. The recipients are “board directors” who make a positive contribution and impact to local companies while serving their term. Rastetter has been honored for his Lifetime Achievement in Corporate Governance. He fulfills chairman seats at Illumina, Neurocrine Biosciences, Receptos, and Fate Therapeutics. The awards ceremony is slated for Sept. 15 at the Hyatt Regency in La Jolla. According to Linda Sweeney, executive director at the Corporate Directors Forum,

each year their nonprofit honors top directors who have influenced San Diego. “The purpose of the award is to pay tribute to their outstanding performance in the boardroom and behind the scenes,” she said. “Honorees are nominated by their boardroom peers to recognize their extraordinary contributions in various categories.” Rastetter has robust corporate experience and served on an array of MIT faculty positions. At Harvard, he won the notable “Excellence in the Teaching of Chemistry” award. Additionally, he is also an Alfred P. Sloan Fellow. The Corporate Directors Forum was founded in 1991. Its mission is to promote excel- William H. Rastetter, Ph.D is one of the recipients of the 2015 Director lent standards of “profession- of the Year awards. Courtesy photo alism and ethics” in the area of corporate governance. “We accomplish this through a steadfast commitment to our core values and beliefs as guided by our mission. At Corporate Directors

Residents have few words of support for a proposed mixed-use development on Coast Highway 101 at Dahlia Drive during a recent scoping meeting. Courtesy rendeing

Residents speak out against proposed project By Bianca Kaplanek

SOLANA BEACH — Words of support were in short supply during a July 20 scoping meeting for a proposed mixed-use development on Coast Highway 101. Residents criticized nearly every aspect of the project, including the format of the meeting, which was held to garner public input on what should be evaluated in the environmental impact report. American Assets Trust bought the 1.9-acre lot between Dahlia Drive and South Sierra Avenue in 2011 for $6.85 million. It currently is home to abandoned commercial buildings, single-family homes, a mobile home park and parking lots. Plans call for 31 rental units in two- and three-story buildings, each with four to 10 one- or two-bedroom units ranging from 650 square feet to 1,025 square feet. There will also be about 34,500 square feet of commercial and retail space that will include a specialty market and “high-quality, high-turnover restaurants,” approximately 14,100 square feet of office space, 341 onsite parking stalls

and a two-level below-grade garage. Commercial and retail businesses would face Highway 101. Parking for the residential units, which would front Sierra, will be separate and gated. Most of the dozen or so speakers echoed the same concerns. The bulk and mass of the project, with a maximum height of 35 feet, is too large “It’s huge,” Tracy Richmond said. “There’s not a lot of visual relief.” “I’m totally against the size of this thing,” Gene Walker said. “You’re just trying to put too much stuff in this little box. We’re a very small city and I think that we really need to consider projects that are reasonably sized for a town of our population.” Many also said having only one entrance and exit on Dahlia is problematic. “Anybody that’s been around a shopping center that has one access point understands that it is a major problem not to have another way to get in and out,” Richmond said. “And those poor truck drivers. I pity them. I think one in-and-out isn’t a good idea, especially TURN TO PROJECT ON 19

The purpose of the award is to pay tribute to their outstanding performance in the boardroom and behind the scenes.” Linda Sweeney Executive Director, Corporate Directors Forum

Forum, we know that being a director is a challenging and important role — and we provide tools to help directors excel in the boardroom,” she said. Sweeney went on to say that Rastetter’s recognition is given to an individual who has revealed unwavering commitment.

This Lifetime Achievement honor is awarded to a director who has demonstrated superior leadership over several years, she said, in ensuring consistency of board discipline, maintaining ethics and conscience of the board, and guiding their organization(s) to higher levels of creativity and performance.


T he R ancho S anta F e News

AUG. 7, 2015


Views expressed in Opinion & Editorial do not reflect the views of The Coast News

Community Commentary

Knowledge about vaccines By Darlene Pidgeon

Board approves $1.6M for psychiatric teams By Dave Roberts

With its approval of a $5.4 billion budget for 2015-16, the Board of Supervisors redoubled its fight against mental illness by authorizing an additional $1.6 million to help people in the midst of crisis. The funding puts trained professionals on the streets, apartment buildings, parks — or anywhere else that a mental health episode might be unfolding. One of the professionals is a Sheriff’s deputy or police officer. The other is a licensed mental health clinician. Together, the pair makes a Psychiatric Emergency Response Team — or PERT. Today, the county is served by 23 PERT teams. Supervisors’ unanimous vote last week provides funding for 10 additional teams. Law enforcement officers come from a given jurisdiction’s police agency while the clinician is furnished by the nonprofit Community Research Foundation, a highly-regarded nonprofit group on a mission to rehabilitate people with mental health

problems. The PERT program is in its 20th year. Through those years, PERT teams have deescalated thousands of crises and have greatly reduced the numbers of incarcerations and hospitalizations resulting from those episodes. When a psychiatric crisis call comes in, the PERT clinician rides to the scene right in the squad car. “We go where the action is,” said Dr. Mark Marvin, the Community Research Foundation’s PERT director. In the field, the clinician works to deescalate the situation by starting a dialogue and building trust. Some cases can be resolved on the spot. Others — where authorities believe a person continues to present a risk to himself or others — might result in involuntary detainment. Throughout the county, psychiatric calls are on the increase and psychiatric hospitals often are filled to capacity, Dr. Marvin says. According to county data, PERT calls within the Sheriff Department’s coverage area

have increased by 62 percent from 2008 to 2014. That’s why in April, I called for expanding the PERT program in a letter to the Board of Supervisors. Supervisor Dianne Jacob and Sheriff Bill Gore cosigned the letter, which received a unanimous vote from the Board. One of our goals was to increase public safety overall by freeing up officers to respond to other calls while PERTs handle mental health calls. Our funding approval last month was a great first step and I’m excited to continue working with my colleagues to improve this program. Dr. Marvin credits the PERT program’s success, in part, to outstanding collaboration among law enforcement agencies and members of the mental health community. I am proud to support that community and to have voted for funding to help people who need it most. Dave Roberts is Vice Chairman of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors.

Letters to the Editor Mall signatures Regarding: “Not all in favor of strawberry fields mall” (July 24, 2015). I read in the story that the signature gathering process was used because it will give the Carlsbad city council and our community direct control over the process. Hear! Hear! Our city’s annual citizen survey says what we all know: we trust our mayor and city council members. We love our quality of life and appreciate that our leaders responsibly safeguard it. In a non-election year, more than 20,000 of us put our names on a petition to show support for the Agua Hedionda 85/15 Plan because it will continue to improve our quality of life with new access to open space. We actively participated in the process to bring sustainable, expanded farming opportunities to the strawberry fields, a beloved fixture in our coastal agriculture landscape. My friends and neighbors signed the petition because we want all the 85/15 Plan

offers at no cost to taxpayers. I hope the mayor and city council are impressed by our energetic support because thousands and thousands of us want more open space and want the strawberry fields to thrive. Sincerely, Shelley Wong, Carlsbad Petition signing I signed the petition in support of the 85/15 Plan and found nothing deceptive or sinister with the signature gatherer. I do find it odd that someone would choose to not read it at all and then blame the signature gatherer for their problem. Right there on the petition, signers could read the Carlsbad city attorney’s impartial analysis. It told everyone exactly what the petition was for. I understood that the 85/15 Plan preserves 176 acres of land on Agua Hedionda’s southern shore for open space — meaning no buildings, which are allowed in current Prop D form —

for passive use. We will get new access to miles of trails, picnic tables and benches on land that currently is private property. And all done environmentally progressive and beneficial for all. The plan also sustains and expands the strawberry fields. I have learned that Carlsbad Strawberry Company’s owner Jimmy Ukegawa supports the plan because it helps him stay in business when labor and water costs threaten small farmers like him. Can’t wait for the farm to table experience! If you ask me, the 85/15 Plan does save the strawberry fields and guarantees true open space. If I could sign twice, I would. I highly recommend all Carlsbad residents get truly informed by taking the “perception expanding” tour (from my experience) on Saturdays and attend a Caruso meeting, where you can express all concerns and get all questions addressed. James L. Brubaker, Carlsbad

I read Dr. S.E Rogers’ commentary “Vaccination Risks: Knowledge is Still Power” (July 17, 2015). I felt compelled to respond as his claim that vaccines cause Autism and damages children is disturbing. It is my hope that there is a very, very small percentage of people who agree with Dr. Rogers’ position; and less than the number of fingers on one hand of practitioners who claim to have a “unique approach to detoxifying the victims of vaccine injuries.” Otherwise, more education and outreach would be required in order to dispel today’s myths about vaccines. There is solid medical, scientific and statistical proof for the effectiveness of vaccines in combating often deadly diseases. “The culture of fear” that Dr. Rogers claims is behind the reason for parents vaccinating, is false. I had my children vaccinated as a duty to them and to the community against something preventable. It is the very young, elderly, pregnant women and immune-compromised individuals who are at risk if exposed to a virus. Vaccines have been around since the 1700s, although there is evidence to suggest its earlier existence.1 One of the pioneers in the study of infectious diseases was Dr. Edward Jenner (1749-1823), a British Physician, Scientist and Father of Immunology who created the smallpox vaccine.1 Smallpox was a leading cause of death in the 18th century.2 During the 20th century, it is estimated that smallpox was responsible for 300–500 million deaths.2 Today, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), as a result of the vaccine, smallpox has been eradicated, allowing discontinuation of routine smallpox immunization globally.3 As such, it’s unfortu-


nate that vaccine safety gets more public attention than vaccination effectiveness.3 Vaccines annually prevent almost 6 million deaths worldwide.3 In the USA, there has been a 99 percent decrease in incidence for the nine diseases for which vaccines have been recommended for decades, accompanied by a similar decline in mortality and disease sequelae.3 It was not made clear on what Dr. Roger’s claim of “vaccine-damaged children” entails. He has not described cases or cited examples of such. And, the claim that “few pediatricians warn parents of what signs to look for after vaccinations and fewer still will admit the connection” is farfetched. Pediatricians do provide a list of the side effects and the information is readily available online, there is nothing secretive. My children’s pediatrician provided information and required my signature for every vaccine my children received; it’s called informed consent.Autism, which Dr. Rogers claimed was due to vaccines, was first identified in 1943 by Dr. Leo Kanner, who was an Austrian/American Psychiatrist.4 No medical cause was identified or linked to Autism at that time. Scientists today aren’t certain about what causes Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), but it’s likely that both genetics and environment play a role.5 If genetics is one determinant, than it can’t possibly be that vaccines cause Autism. There is at least 243 years separating the first vaccine inoculations and the identification of Autism. If the disorder were caused by vaccinations, a higher number of people would have presented with the disorder from the year 1700 to the current day. So, from even a common sense perspective, this obviously is not the case.

Autism exists in parallel to vaccinations, but it certainly isn’t the cause; association is not causation. Given the uncertainty of Autism’s root cause, it is difficult to understand how or why support for anti-vaccine gained any traction in the first place. What I observed of the anti-vaccine crowd was that their protest was to address primarily Autism and not the potential side effects that vaccines have, just like all other medications. The benefits far outweigh any common side effects. This leads me to believe there may be another agenda. On a side note: I am not sure if Dr. Rogers himself had been vaccinated as a child or even as an adult. If so, then I do not believe he should be advocating against vaccinations as he was afforded biological protection that unimmunized children do not have. I highly recommend anyone who wants to learn more about the benefits of vaccines, to read the World Health Organization’s bulletin. It addresses the multitude of gains achieved with vaccinations such as: healthcare savings; promoting economic growth; extending life expectancy; protecting the immune-compromised individuals; safe travel and mobility; the empowerment of women and protection against bioterrorism. And, to this, Dr. Rogers, knowledge IS power. Darlene Pidgeon is a Rancho Santa Fe resident. Sources: [1] historyofvaccines. org/content/timelines/all [2] History_of_smallpox [3] volumes/86/2/07-040089/ en/ [4] autism-resources. com/autismfaq-hist.html [5] htm

Rancho Santa Fe newS P.O. Box 232550, Encinitas, CA 92023-2550 • 760-436-9737 • Fax: 760-943-0850



Contributing writers ChrisTina maCone-greene BianCa KaPlaneK Promise yee david Boylan e’louise ondash

franK mangio Jay Paris Photographer Bill reilly Contact the Editor Tony Cagala

AUG. 7, 2015


T he R ancho S anta F e News

The Santa Fe Irrigation District’s electrical signage thanks residents for their water conservation efforts. Photo by Tony Cagala

Santa Fe Irrigation Fire safety in drought tolerant times District customers continue to cut back Mulching is one way to retain moisture and add nutrients, however, Conor Lenehan, fire prevention specialist II/forester with the RSF Fire Protection District said there are safe ways to disperse it. Photo courtesy Wikimedia

By Christina Macone-Greene

RANCHO SANTA FE — In light of the drought, many residents living in the Ranch are rethinking their landscaping options. Also on the minds of many is fire safety during this time. Mulching is one way to retain moisture and add nutrients, however, Conor Lenehan, fire prevention specialist II/forester with the RSF Fire Protection District said there are safe ways to disperse it. “We recommend that mulch be used as long as it does not exceed 6 inches in depth and is maintained at least 12 inches from your structure. Having mulch against your structure is considered a fire hazard due to the combustibility of it,” he said. Lenehan continued, “Mulch fires can provide enough heat to penetrate through the stucco and start small interior wall fires near the foundation in the weep screed.” Lenehan said for orchards, groves

and vineyards, he does not recommend mulching in these areas and zones. The reason for this is if a fire starts, mulch can fuel embers in a ground fire up toward tree canopies. With water restrictions, the Fire District highly recommends watering landscape within 50 feet of a structure. Within in this perimeter, residents are instructed to clear dead vegetation and plant water-wise and fire resistant landscape. “It is extremely important to water the trees within this zone as they are a large fuel source for wildfires. We realize that some trees are going to be stressed and may die with the water restrictions and years of drought,” he said. “It is important for homeowners to remove trees if they start to die within 100 feet of a structure and within 20 feet of a roadway.” According to Lenehan, the District is crafting their updated “Plant & Landscape Guide.” This guide is for

both homeowners and landscape architects. Lenehan cannot stress enough the importance of residents maintaining 100 feet of defensible space. While the first 50 feet is dedicated to irrigation and fire-wise and drought tolerant landscaping, the next 50 feet out should have vegetation thinned out by half. “This means remove about every third plant or shrub, weed-whack all weeds and annual grasses below 6 inches in height, and remove all dead vegetation. By increasing your 100 feet of defensible space, you increase the chances of your structure surviving a wildfire.” Lenehan wants residents to know that the Fire Prevention Bureau performs home inspections and provides helpful tips on how to make a residence more defensible. For more information call (858) 756-5971 or email

By Christina Macone-Greene

RANCHO SANTA FE — For the second month in a row, water usage numbers at the Santa Fe Irrigation District are dipping. In May, numbers reflected a 42 percent reduction in water use compared to 2013. SFID wants people to know that these calculations are based on the total potable water demands for these time periods. “We are very proud of the impressive water conservation levels our customers achieved this June,” said Jessica Parks, a spokesperson for the district. “The

state has mandated that our district achieve a 36 percent reduction in potable water demands compared with 2013. Our water usage in June 2015 was 37 percent lower than the same month in 2013.” Parks pointed out that during the district’s July board meeting, the directors approved hand watering with a hose that contains a positive shut off nozzle or watering with a bucket on any day or time. “Additionally, customers can now wash their veTURN TO WATER ON 19


T he R ancho S anta F e News

AUG. 7, 2015


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AUG. 7, 2015

I think a bug flew up my nose small talk jean gillette


K, so my family has a silly expression used when you have an unexpected coughing or sneezing fit. We sometimes say, “I think a bug flew up my nose.” Up until today, this had always been a joke, a throwaway line. This morning, after swallowing and sniffing my various allergy medications, my sinuses were

prompted to, umm, empty out. Among the contents, I saw a strange black spot. On closer investigation, it had wings. A doomed but determined fruit fly had apparently been sucked up into my respiratory system. This leads one to ponder where, when and exactly how an insect, no matter how small, flew up my nose or into my mouth without my noticing. I need this intel. This is the sort of experience I plan to try to avoid in the future. It wasn’t worse than finding half a worm in your strawberry (my brother, the biologist, took great glee in eating the rest of the worm

and pronouncing it tasted … well, like strawberries). But I was decidedly not pleased to discover this creature hanging around in my nasal passages. I suppose snorting out a fruit fly could be considered a sure sign that summer is here in full. Given a choice, I think I’d prefer the summertime sign to be sand between my toes or someone handing me an icy drink by the pool. After some thought, I admit that I kind of expected something like this to happen, because I have been out in our bug-filled garden rather more than usual this summer. I believe I have men-

tioned the reception for my daughter’s upcoming nuptials will be in our backyard. This has prompted me into a frenzy of pruning away years of dead foliage, spraying, digging, planting and such. After every garden session, I end up with my hair, neck, ears and pockets full of flora and fauna bits. I always imagine it’s a spider in my hair, but, nope. It was a bug up my nose. In that context, I feel much better about it. Jean Gillette is a freelance writer looking for a better fruit fly trap. Contact her at jgillette@

Integrative medicine with Dr. Charles Moss By Christina Macone-Greene

RANCHO SANTA FE — The Rancho Santa Fe Library Guild invited Dr. Charles Moss of the La Jolla Clinic of Integrative Medicine as one of its recent guest speakers. Moss highlighted his field of medicine while offering pathways to better health and wellness. He is also the book author of “Power of the Five Elements” and “The Adaptation Diet.” He began the lecture with a quote from Sir William Osler, the founder of Johns Hopkins Medical School: “It is much more important to know what sort of patient has the disease than what sort of disease the patient has.” Moss said this quote is important because so many times the mindset is what one can do to take away the symptom rather than learning what the symptom is actually rooted into. And it starts with looking at the big picture. “You need to look at not only what the symptoms are but dietary habits, stress, and the environment,” he said. It takes a comprehensive analysis and offering the skill and tools to try and look at one’s health more carefully. And one of these tools is medical acupuncture, he said. Moss was trained as a master in acupuncture in the United Kingdom. Another avenue is diet and it’s an area Moss took notice in when he was back in medical school. “I looked very carefully at people’s eating habits and their diets because I have seen literally 1,000 times in the last 35 years that making dietary changes has made dramatic effects on people’s lives,” he said, adding how he was a proponent of the Mediterranean Diet. And for the exercise portion, the optimal amount is 30 to 60 minutes up to 6 times per week. Moss also pointed out that another contributor to not staying well is actually toxins and heavy metals in the environment. And there are ways to measure these metals within the


T he R ancho S anta F e News

Dr. Charles Moss gives a talk on integrative medicine at the Rancho Santa Fe Library. Photo by Christina Macone-Greene

body and providing anti-oxidant protection. However, one of the biggest issues is managing stress, and cortisol, the stress hormone. “Cortisol is a hormone that is the only hormone that increases as we get older,” he said, noting how other hormones go down. “If we live in a day-to-day environment where we have perceived stress, then we’re going to make too much cortisol, and that has all kinds

of negative effects.” Moss said diet also imbalances cortisol levels. When one eats foods with processed sugar and white flour, it stimulates cortisol production. Toward the end of the lecture, Moss circled back to the Mediterranean Diet. He pointed out that it’s not

having large amounts of pasta, but rather having pasta as the condiment portion. The largest portion of the meal should be protein, particularly fish. “So you want to have some whole grains, no snacking between meals except for fruit, and no fast food,” he said. The two most important things in a Mediterranean Diet are olive oil and walnuts. Four tablespoons of olive oil per day was ideal, be it on salads or drizzling it on other foods. It’s the polyphenols, the bioactive nutrients in the olive oil, which was beneficial. And in regard to red wine, a moderate consumption of five ounces per day was allowable. Moss ended the lecture by saying that everyone is empowered to take control back regarding their health and to stay on track.

Pet of the Week “Ed” is pet of the week at your Rancho Coastal Humane Society. He’s a 6-year-old, 60-pound Airedale terrier mix. Ed is “Loving and loveable,” has lots of energy and tons or personality. He gets along with other dogs and people. The $145 adoption fee includes medical exam, up-to-date vaccinations, neuter and microchip. To adopt or sponsor a pet until its new family takes it home,

call (760) 753-6413, log on to or visit Rancho Coastal Humane Society at 389 Requeza St., Encinitas. Kennels and cattery are open Wednesday through Monday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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T he R ancho S anta F e News

AUG. 7, 2015

Military families have their ‘best day’ at the beach By Sara Ferber Roybal

DEL MAR — The Best Day Foundation, Orange County Chapter held an event at the Del Mar Jetties on Camp Pendleton on Aug. 1 and Aug. 2 and is one of four events of the year. The Best Day Foundation is for military families who have children with disabilities. They give the children a day at the beach to participate in various ocean activities such as surfing, body boarding, kayaking, canoeing and swimming. “We are creating special days for special kids,” said staff member Todd Gasparik. “I think that the main goal for us is to give them their best day. Some kids are out there surfing and some just want to put their feet in the water. We’ll make sand castles, surf, go outrigger canoeing, kayaking and knee boarding. Whatever they want to do we do.” David Gnann, a Marine, and his wife Misty have two sons, Jack and Jacob, who are both autistic. They both love coming every year and always look forward to enjoying this break as well as their parents. “They get to surf, boogey board, and kayak and on top of that, they re-

Staff of The Best Day Foundation, Orange County chapter and military families gather for a day at Del Mar Jetty beach on Camp Pendleton, treating kids to some surfing, kayaking, canoeing and other water fun. Photos by Sara Ferber Roybal

ally just love coming to the beach,” Gnann said. “It helps them develop some good social interactions and helps them get out of the

Jasmine Rizzo, with the biggest smile of the day, hugging staff member Todd Gasparik tightly as she receives her medal.

Amanda Rivero is all smiles with her face lighting up as she surfs with Rocky McKinnon

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mundane schedule that they have with school, homework and therapies.” He continued, “This is not only therapeutic for them but it is also therapeutic for us as parents because they can interact with The Best Day Foundation buddies in ways that it’s not mom or dad telling them what to do.” Lori Brown of Temecula, mother of Hunter, 15, and Destiny, 4, are so appreciative of the Foundation. Hunter has cerebral palsy and epilepsy and Destiny has a single ventricle heart and has had some strokes as well. “Best Day gives my kids a chance to go out and be free on the water,” she said. “(Hunter) is able to move and feel like he’s flying. It’s his third year getting to do it. Last year he had surgery so he wasn’t able to do as much, so this year he was so excited and ready to go from the moment we pulled up.” The joy that these children and their parents receive from this day is priceless and for the families, the memories of this day last a lifetime.

AUG. 7, 2015


T he R ancho S anta F e News

Rancho horse, rider place second in Grand Prix

Operation Game On founder Tony Perez, center, poses with Marine Corps Cpl. Marcus Chischilly and his wife, Antania, at the 2014 golf tournament. File photo by Bianca Kaplanek

Golf tourney to aid wounded vets are selling out very fast By Bianca Kaplanek

RANCHO SANTA FE — Anyone interested in golfing while also helping U.S. military members wounded in action should sign up for the eighth annual Operation Game On Golf Classic, which will be held Aug. 10 at Morgan Run Club & Resort. Only a few spots remain for the event, a fundraiser to help combat-injured troops regain an active lifestyle through golf. Registration begins at 9 a.m. and will be followed by driving and putting practice, the presentation of colors at 10:15 a.m. and a shotgun start at 11:30 a.m. Operation Game On was created in 2008 by Rancho Santa Fe resident Tony Perez to give returning combat-injured troops suffering from physical and mental disabilities a custom introduction-to-golf package. Participating troops, who are undergoing treatment at the Naval Medical Center San Diego and Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton, receive golf lessons from PGA-certified instructors and a professional fitting session by the staff at The Kingdom at TaylorMade Golf. They also receive custom-fitted clubs, bags, shoes and gloves, as well as playing opportunities throughout the county at no cost to them, the hospital or the military. Doctors, prosthetic specialists and counselors have found golf is an essential link to the rehabilitation process for combat-wounded military personnel with extreme physical and mental disabilities. “I have witnessed firsthand how golf has instilled confidence and helped our injured heroes transition from the traumas of dangerous missions to the thrill of accomplishment that comes from hitting a green in regulation or sinking a birdie putt,” Perez said. Earlier this year Perez created Home Town Veterans, an extension of Opera-

tion Game On that provides the same opportunities to troops who were discharged before they started lessons. “Needless to say, they were very happy that their medical discharge was finally approved but disappointed that they didn’t have the opportunity to learn how to play golf,” he said. “On several occasions, some of the troops called OGO still wanting to learn how to play golf now that they are no longer serving and living back in their respective home towns.” Perez said he contacted certified PGA teaching professionals in the areas where the troops lived and asked them to provide “our hometown heroes” with a series of eight beginner golf lessons.

Participants still receive custom-made equipment. All fees and costs are covered by Operation Game On. The golf tournament is the organization’s main fundraiser and includes food and grog throughout the day, which ends with cocktails, a dinner buffet, a silent auction and raffle, awards and guest speakers beginning at 4:30 p.m. New this year is a 15inch cup challenge, mini bocce ball tournament, corn toss event and $10,000 cash prize for the first holein-one. The cost is $325 per player. Visit or contact Perez at (619) 9970773 or pgapop@gmail. com to register or for more information.

DEL MAR — Truly a race up until the last ride, the $40,000 Racing Festival Grand Prix at the Del Mar Fairgrounds kept everyone on the edge of their seats. In the end, Ashlee Bond and Little Valley Farms’ Cornancer earned the mare’s first Grand Prix win against a field of talented competitors. Keri Potter on Paloma, owned by Rancho Santa Fe’s Melanie Brooks, came in second, trailing Bond by just 1.112 seconds. Eight combinations made it to the jump-off. The pressure ratcheted up

Today was the first time I decided to really go for it in the jump-off.” Ashlee Bond Rider

after Godinho and Google had a rail at the substantial oxer at fence 15, a new element introduced in the jump-off. The second to go, Michelle Rodal on Morgan Hill Partners’ Albert II,

Ashlee Bond aboard Cornancer, went for the win. Courtesy photo

posted the first double clear, with a time of 44.50 seconds. The lead switched again, as Keri Potter and Paloma (owned by Rancho Santa Fe’s Melanie Brooks) posted the fastest double clear round in 40.67. Last to go, Ashlee Bond aboard Cornancer, went for the win. The crowd held their breath as the horse paused going into the last combination, then cheered as they left all the rails in the cups in a blazing 39.56 seconds. Bond has had nineyear-old Cornancer, whose barn name is Princess, for

two years. “I didn't want to rush her,” said Bond. “Today was the first time I decided to really go for it in the jump-off.”


T he R ancho S anta F e News

M arketplace News Is your body rusting away? Oxidative Therapies may help! So what are Oxidative Therapies? The word “oxidative” refers to the oxygen, an element which is necessary for all life. There are a variety of Oxidative protocols that can be used to induce a healing effect in the human body. Oxidative therapies such as ozone (a form of oxygen that is very reactive, but safe if administered by a trained practitioner) can be introduced into the body to reverse some of the effects of aging. We often refer to the aging process as oxidative damage, similar to the rusting of iron, or the brown discoloration which appears on apple slices. This human oxidative process accelerates aging and increases the deterioration of our bodies. Ozone and other oxidative treatments may reverse this damage, and can also be used to help people suffering from chronic inflammation, heart disease, arthritis, autoimmune problems (immune system attacking self) and chronic infections.

This treatment may be injected into joints to stimulate new cartilage formation, given intravenously, or added to another oxidative therapy, such as ultraviolet blood irradiation (UVI). UVI is commonly used for water purification and can have similar effects on the blood. Small amounts of blood exposed to ultraviolet light can increase the effect of the immune system’s fight against recent and chronic infection, as well as against chronic inflammation. High dose vitamin C (over 25 grams) can have similar effects of delivering oxygen to the body, boosting the immune system and reversing the effects of disease and aging. It can also be used to treat shingles, mononucleosis, and in the treatment of chronic infections like hepatitis B, C, and HIV. At Quantum Functional Medicine custom treatment plans are designed based on individual needs. We offer a number of modalities to restore and maintain your health. Please check out our website at QFMed. com or contact our clinic at (760) 585-4616 for more information on the broad range of services we offer.

AUG. 7, 2015 Items on this page are paid for by the provider of the article. If you would like an article on this page, please call (760) 436-9737

SummerHouse Carlsbad hosts grand opening Exclusive coastal homes offer concierge service, direct beach access and more Luxury at the beach is finally here. SummerHouse Carlsbad — Zephyr’s new 35-unit luxury beach condo community, boasting direct beach access, sweeping views of the ocean, Buena Vista Lagoon and more — will host its grand opening Aug. 15, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Buyers who want to claim their spot in the sand can attend the event at the Sales Center, located at 2303 Ocean St. in Carlsbad. Light refreshments will be served. Perfect for buyers looking for a full-time or second home, SummerHouse’s ideal location and amenities cater to a variety of ages and desires. “Baby boomers will love the relaxation that comes with living at the coast in a casual, yet elegant home,” said Zephyr’s Co-CEO Brad Termini. “And their children and grandkids will enjoy all the extras that SummerHouse provides — access to an exclusive shoreline at the northern-most tip of Carlsbad, direct beach access plus a private pool, fire pits and the Carlsbad Village, which is just steps

SummerHouse Carlsbad, Zephyr’s 35-unit beach condo community, offers an ideal location with sweeping views of the ocean and Buena Vista Lagoon, and amenities catering to a variety of ages and desires.

away.” SummerHouse brings a hospitality model to residential living with a luxurious concierge service that will cut down on planning time and be onsite to perform a range of tasks, such as scheduling a surf lesson or walking the dog. The concierge will also be able to provide kayaks, beach chairs, bicycles and other equipment residents might need. On-site amenities include a pool, fire pits and cabanas, and a fitness center. A full range of recreational options are also nearby, including the ocean for fishing, paddle boarding and water skiing, and Calaveras Park for hiking and mountain biking. And residents can walk to Carls-

bad Village, which is full of restaurants, shops and a variety of services. Each of the 35 floor plans, featuring California Coastal architecture, varies from building to building, with eight different styles. The spacious, single-story condominiums range from 1,787 to 2,702 square feet with two bedrooms, two bedrooms with a den, or three bedrooms. Other fine touches include disappearing La Cantina doors on to the large lanais, spacious kitchen islands, top of the line appliances, designer selected cabinets and detailed interior finishes. Each will feature a water view from a large private balcony, and two gated, underground parking spaces are provided

for each home. Prices range from $1.3 million to $2.4 million. The community is a half-mile from the Coaster Station and a short ride to downtown San Diego and the Zoo. It is also in close proximity to Palomar Airport. Potential buyers can also visit the Sales Center on Saturdays and Sundays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., weather and construction permitting, or call (760) 207-8463 to schedule a private showing. Starting Aug. 16, the Sales Center will be open seven days a week, Monday noon to 5 p.m., and Tuesday through Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information and to join the interest list, visit:

Del Mar, Solana Beach turn off most beach showers By Bianca Kaplanek

REGION — With summer in full swing and typical perfect temperatures, people are flocking to North County beaches. But the time-honored ritual of rinsing sand off

surfboards and feet is not currently on option in San Diego’s two smallest cities. Although neither was required to do so, Del Mar and Solana Beach have shut off the faucets at all but one beach in each city to help

meet state-mandated water reductions. Showers were turned off the first week of June at three of Del Mar’s four beaches at Powerhouse Park and 20th and 25th streets, Kristen Crane, as-

sistant to the city manager, said. Just to the north, sand-rinsing is not available at Seascape and Tide Park, two of Solana Beach’s three beaches, Dan King, assistant to the city manager,

e W e k e e h n t d! s tI ’ Outdoor showers used for rinsing off sand and salt remain operable at Fletcher Cove. But those at Seascape, pictured here, and Tide Park have been turned off indefinitely. Photo by Bianca Kaplanek

said. Showers remain on at the 17th Street safety center in Del Mar and Fletcher Cove in Solana Beach, the main beach in each city. To help conserve water during California’s worst drought, park officials ordered outdoor showers at 38 state beaches to be turned off as of July 15. “We coordinated with the state because they asked local jurisdictions to do that,” King said. “Fletcher Cove remains on because it’s the most accessible beach.” Fletcher Cove and Del Mar’s safety center are also the locations of the main lifeguard centers. Crane said in Del Mar

the response has been mixed. “The reactions, in my experience, have literally been split evenly,” she said. “Some people have expressed frustration and disappointment. Others have said it’s great and want to know why the showers are still on at the beach safety center.” King said Solana Beach residents and visitors have been asking why the city chose Seascape and Tide Park. “Once we explain it they understand,” he said. In other efforts to cut back water use, mandated outdoor-watering schedules TURN TO SHOWERS ON 19

AUG. 7, 2015


T he R ancho S anta F e News

Community Concerts of RSF readies for series By Christina Macone-Greene

What’s going on at the RSF Library? Voices from the Village By Susan Appleby

Hopefully, you have noticed the orange construction fencing in front of our beautiful Rancho Santa Fe Library. This patio project is the culmination of several years of wishful thinking and planning on the part of both past and present Library Guild Board members. The existing patios were looking tired and have been mostly unused. Converting this multi-level patio into a space where both patrons and residents might want to relax and spend time, while reading, or using Library Wi-Fi, became a goal of the Board several years ago. Last year, the SD County Library generously granted funds that would help our dream of usable outdoor space become a reality. This grant however could only cover actual hard-scape improvements, and what we also needed was furniture. In stepped our longtime

Library Friend, and former Board Member, Nan Werner. Sadly, Nan was in the final months of a brave battle with cancer and let us know that her desire was to leave a significant Estate Gift to the Library Guild, in order to provide for something that would have lasting value for both the Library and the Community of Rancho Santa Fe. The Gift from the Nan and Charles Werner Estate has made it possible for the Library Guild to purchase all furnishings for the restored patio area, which includes tables, chairs and benches, as well as two new umbrellas which will provide shade for library guests. And, yes, our free Library Wi-Fi reaches all the way out to the patio! Please join us at our ribbon-cutting Oct. 1, the eve of our Semi-Annual Book Sale. We will offer live music and refreshments for all. Watch for details to follow. I wouldn’t be doing my job, if I didn’t follow this TURN TO LIBRARY ON 19

RANCHO SANTA FE — The Village is a place where community, creativity and an appreciation for the arts blend together. Community Concerts of Rancho Santa Fe is part of this tapestry and ready to unveil its 2015 series on Oct. 9. A 501(c)(3), nonprofit, Community Concerts of RSF has been a gathering place in the heart of the Village for the last 16 years. The idea of a community concert series was started by Holly and Tony Wilson. “Holly sent out a whole bunch of postcards to all of her friends and any other address she could get a hold of,” said Gail Kendall, president of the Community Concerts of RSF. “They started as mostly a classical music series, and its home was the Garden Club.” Sixteen years ago, the grassroots effort had an attendance of around 50 guests. When word “got out” about the musical talent and they eventually grew out of the Garden Club. Their larger venue is now at the Village Church Fellowship Hall, which holds 300 or more attendees at their concerts. Kendall contributes the growth due to the fact that their music potential continues to improve, attracting a more robust crowd. The concerts are also making a positive impact in the community. The allure of Community Concerts of RSF is that residents don’t need to drive to downtown San Diego to attend a concert, and for many, need to drive back home that very same evening. Kendall said most attendees are five minutes

Gail Kendall, president of the Community Concerts of RSF. Courtesy photo

away from home. She receives many thanks for bringing good music and a fun evening right into the community. And then there are the preconcert parties. “Everyone is just having a good time because they are meeting all their friends,” she said. Over the years, the music genre has shifted, too. Concerts vary from light classical, jazz, big band crooners, bluegrass, Broadway hits, R&B, and so

much more. There is something for everyone. On the musical roster this year is Vivace, a diverse repertoire, who performed at the 2010 Winter Games; The Young Irelanders performing Irish music and dance troupe with Celtic instruments; Juno award nominee and big band singer, Matt Dusk; and, high energy music with Savannah Jack. The concert series be-

gins in October and closes in April 2016. Ticket prices for these top tier performances are at an impressive price point, Kendall said. A season membership, which includes the four concerts are $225 per person, while single concerts are $75. Children may attend for free when accompanied by an adult. There are also tiered categories for “giving” and special concert series “perks.” Donations are tax deductible. Kendall wants people to know that their music series is getting better with each passing year. Annually, Community Concerts of RSF handpicks its upcoming choices with Live on Stage, an agency who manages the talent. This yearly conference is held in July. Live on Stage tours these artists from the east to west coast. Kendall is delighted with the eclectic music they have on their concert menu this year. “We start with a preconcert party, and we try to keep it a party,” she said. For more information about the Community Concerts of Rancho Santa Fe, visit online at or email them at .


T he R ancho S anta F e News



Business news and special achievements for North San Diego County. Send information via email to community@

Windermere Homes & Estates in Southern California have named a new Broker of Record, added more than 40 new agents, were nominated as “Most Innovative” by Inman News, seen agent production soar and broken ground on a new office. WHE is currently the fourth largest residential real estate brokerage in San Diego based on sales volume. The company currently has a rolling 12-month sales volume of $875 million and this year, they expect to hit $1 billion.

LIBRARY UPGRADE GETS OK The San Diego County Board of Supervisors voted 5-0 to approve Supervisor Dave Roberts’ recommendation to award a $200,000 grant to the Solana Beach Library to support $2.2 million in planned improvements. The remodeling includes two new study rooms, a new staff workroom, lobby renovations, expanded display space for popular materials and a bigger book store for the Friends of the Solana Beach Library. Plans for the interior call for new shelving, an automated materials handler, a new computer lab, expanded areas for children and teens, new furnishings and equipment and relocating the service desk. FRIENDS OPEN VUORI Encinitas101 welcomes FAST GROWTH AT Vuori to Downtown EnciWINDERMERE nitas, as Chris Miller and

Jeremy Daniel Crawford, 29 Oceanside July 27, 2015

Mary Ann Napier, 70 Encinitas July 30, 2015

Stuart Nuckols, 87 Oceanside July 25, 2015

Beverly Ann Betts, 89 Encinitas July 27, 2015

Matthew Riggans Anderson, 86 Carlsbad July 24, 2015

Taissia Zack, 83 Encinitas July 26, 2015

Pearl Dunn, 98 Solana Beach July 31, 2015

Robert Charles Aikins, 86 Vista July 26, 2015

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Obituaries should be received by Monday at 12 p.m. for publicatio in Friday’s newspaper. One proof will be e-mailed to the customer for approval by Tuesday at 10 a.m.

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(Dove, Heart, Flag, Rose)

Joe Kudla work to get their pop-up store open at 860 S. Coast Highway. Vuori was born out of a shared passion for yoga, surf, art, music and the active lifestyle of Encinitas. The friends plan to bring a new perspective to the men’s yoga and fitness market. SAMMY’S COLLECTS SCHOOL SUPPLIES All Sammy’s Woodfired Pizza & Grill locations will accept donations of school supplies for children in need by offering a Sammy’s gift certificate for each guest who donates at any Sammy’s location through Aug. 31. Requested items include binders, highlighters, notebooks, pencils, pens and backpacks. Donated items will be distributed to area schools. Sammy’s will offer a coupon worth $5 for guests who donate $5 worth of supplies or more. Donate at alllocations, including 5970 Avenida Encina, Carlsbad; 12925 El Camino Real, Del Mar or 121 S. Las Posas Road, San Marcos.

based in Encinitas, Allison Maslan, is featured in the new “Inspired by 11” project and documentary film. “Inspired By 11” is designed to inspire, educate and instigate people to take action on their greatest ambitions in life, rather than wondering “what if?” The multimedia project includes a fulllength documentary film, a YouTube Web series, a podcast available on iTunes and an e-book launching later this year. For more information, visit or call (888) 844-3550. OUTLETS GET NEW STORES Carlsbad Premium Outlets, 5620 Paseo del Norte, Suite 100, Carlsbad, announced that ASICS athletic shoe store and Under Armour have joined the center. ASICS opened July 23 and Under Armour is slated to follow in September. For more information, visit outlets/outlet.asp?id=66.

GRANTS FROM SANDAG The SANDAG board of directors recently voted to award 29 grants totaling $15 million to jurisdictions throughout San Diego County to support a variety of projects that promote smart growth, as well as walking, biking, and transit ridership. As part of the grant applications, the recipients have committed to provide $12.7 million as matching funds to complete the projTOP 11 IN FILM Author and CEO of ects, resulting in more than Allison Maslan Int., a busi- $27 million in combined reness-mentoring company gional investments.

Allen Brothers Family



2 lbs. frozen hash browns 1/2 cup melted margarine 1 tsp salt 1 tsp pepper 1 tsp garlic salt 1/2 cup chopped onion 1 can of cream of chicken Soup

1 cup sour cream Toppings: 2 cups grated cheddar cheese 2 cups crushed corn flakes 4 tbsp melted margarine

Directions: Combine the margarine, salt, pepper, garlic salt, onion, soup & sour cream in a bowl. Grease a 9 x 13 pan & put hash brown in the pan. Pour the combined mixture over the potatoes and top with the grated cheese & crushed corn flakes. Drizzle 4 tbsp melted margarine over the toppings. Bake at 350 degrees for one hour.



1315 S. Santa Fe Ave Vista, CA 92083


AUG. 7, 2015

SAN MARCOS CHAPEL FD-1378 435 N. Twin Oaks Valley Rd San Marcos, CA 92069


FUN WITH BUGS The Rancho Santa Fe Garden Club serves as the presenting sponsor at the recent Insect Festival, held at the San Diego Botanic Garden on July 25. Children met live insects, lizards, snakes and reptiles and enjoyed hands-on insect arts and crafts as well as bug-tasting. The Rancho Santa Fe Garden Club’s participation in this event was made possible through the club’s grant program. Through this program, money is granted annually to local nonprofits and schools that need financial assistance for programs and projects that promote charitable horticulture and charitable conservation. For more details on how you can be a part of the RSF Garden Club and contribute to the Grant Program, call Erin at (858) 756-1554, email or visit Courtesy photo

Syrian pastor to visit Village Church RANCHO SANTA FE ­— A Protestant pastor from Damascus, Syria will make a special stop in Rancho Santa Fe for a free discussion on how the current unrest in the Middle East is impacting Christians. Rev. Boutros Zaour will appear at the Village Community Church at 7 p.m. Aug. 16 at 6225 Paseo Delicias, preceded by a free wine and appetizer reception starting at 6 p.m. Zaour has been the pastor of the 600-member PresbyCROP terian Church in Damascus for .9318 years. Located in the heart .93 of the Old City, the congregation has wel4.17 comed Iraqi refugees as well 4.28 as fellow Syrians who have been displaced from other parts of the country. Earlier that day, he will preach at both the 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. worship services in the sanctuary,

with a “Meet-and-Greet” reception at the church’s Fellowship Center from 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. The events are free but RSVPs are requested. Register online at villagechurch. org/rev-boutros-zaour or contact Mary Caldwell: (858) 756-2441. “We will hear directly from a man deeply involved in being a witness of hope to a war-torn region,” said Rev. Jack Baca, senior pastor of the Village Community Church. “Rev. Zaour will outline how we can support Christians and other minorities in the Middle East.” Zaour serves on several councils of the National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon and meets regularly with Muslim leaders prominent in Damascus. He will address the current needs of the region in the midst of continued war. On most Sundays, members of his congregation make their way to church passing concrete blast walls and imposing camouflaged tanks while the air is punctuated by the rumble of exploding artillery a few miles away.

AUG. 7, 2015

T he R ancho S anta F e News


SATURDAY, AUGUST 15TH, 10AM - 5PM ONLY 35 LUXURY CONDOMINIUMS ARE AVAILABLE You’re invited to SummerHouse’s Grand Unveiling Event. Visit our newest beachfront community only steps away from the sand, and relish in the superbly crafted architecture with exceptional finishes throughout. Enjoy light refreshments while you explore our model homes and take in the exceptional views in a place where summer never ends.

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SUMMERHOUSE-CARLSBAD.COM | 2303 OCEAN STREET | CARLSBAD, CA 92008 All information (including, but not limited to, prices, availability, floor plans, features and amenities) is not guaranteed and remains subject to change or delay without notice. Maps and plans are not to scale and all dimensions are approximate. Please see a Sales Associate for details and visit for additional disclaimers. ©July 2015, Zephyr Partners, Inc. All rights reserved. BRE# 01083314



T he R ancho S anta F e News

AUG. 7, 2015

AUG. 7, 2015




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T he R ancho S anta F e News

RANCHO SANTA FE COVENANT Renovated 5+BR, Views, On the Golf Course $7,495,000

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T he R ancho S anta F e News

A rts &Entertainment

AUG. 7, 2015 Send your arts & entertainment news to

Menzel is still riding the wave of success By Alan Sculley

Legoland announced Wednesday the addition of a new attraction based on the popular Ninjango line of toys and TV series. Courtesy photo

Legoland announces new ninja attraction By Ellen Wright

CARLSBAD — Young ninja heroes will be coming to Legoland next spring to bring the ancient art of Spinjijtzu. Legoland announced Wednesday that construction is now underway for a new attraction based on the popular line of toys, Ninjago. Details about the new interactive experience haven’t been released yet. Park officials are waiting to release more information at a formal press conference in

mid-September. The toy line also has an accompanying TV series on Cartoon Network. Brand new episodes that were released this year were accompanied by 22 new building sets. According to city records, a one-story 3,643 square foot building was approved earlier this month. A 12,490 square foot “dark building” was also approved nearby in the southeastern portion of the park. The new exhibit will also feature a Build-a-Boat

station where visitors can build and float boats. The attraction will be included with park admission. Fences were put up Wednesday morning, signaling a start to construction. This will be the third addition Legoland has unveiled in the past three years, with the Chima Waterpark, which opened last year, and the Friends Heartlake City, which opened earlier this summer.

A new generation of fans got to know Idina Menzel through her work on the blockbuster movie “Frozen” and the song “Let It Go,” which became a huge crossover hit. But as much as she appreciates what that song in particular did for her career, Menzel also values what the message of the song (about the character embracing her ability to create and control ice and snow) taught her. “It’s wonderful to have a song that’s obviously heightened my profile and helps people get to know me better professionally on a deeper level and gives me more opportunities and all that,” Menzel said in a recent teleconference interview with reporters. “The beautiful thing about it is that it’s, as much as it speaks to young people, it also speaks to me as a woman and as a reminder for myself, about the things that I think are important and things I need to learn, for instance, the idea of really not hiding those things that make us really powerful. Those things that might set us apart or make us a little different are those things that really make us extraordinary and set us apart in the world. I think that’s something we grapple with, especially strong, fierce women. We can somehow suppress that or take a step back because we’re afraid of seeming threatening or being disliked, being different.”

Singer Idina Menzel performs Aug. 8 at the Cal Coast Credit Union Open Air Theater, San Diego. Photo by Robin Wong

Menzel is quite familiar with that feeling of playing a role or being part of a project that resonates strongly with audiences. Long before she sang “Let It Go” and voiced the character Queen Elsa in “Frozen,” Menzel had originated roles in a pair of Broadway’s most popular recent productions. She came into prominence playing the role of Maureen Johnson in the Broadway musical, “Rent,” earning a Tony nomination in 1996 and in 2003 reached a new level on Broadway playing Elphaba in “Wicked” in 2003. That role won her the 2004 Tony award for Best Leading Actress in a Musical. In between acting roles, Menzel began to build her singing career. She released three solo al-

bums — “Still I Can’t Be Still,” on Hollywood Records in 1998, “Here,” on the indie label Zel Records in 2004 and “I Stand,” in 2008 on Warner Bros./Reprise Records. Despite the notoriety for her roles in “Rent” and “Wicked,” Menzel only saw her profile really begin to rise when she landed a recurring role on the hit television series “Glee,” appearing in 12 episodes from 2010 and 2013. She returned to Broadway in 2013, starring as Elizabeth in “If/Then,” which earned her second Tony nomination for Best Leading Actress in a Musical. She lost out to Jessie Mueller, who played the lead role in “Beautiful: The Carole King Musical.” But in terms of popularity and visibility, all of that was a prelude to her role as Queen Elsa in the blockbuster movie “FroTURN TO MENZEL ON 17

AUG. 7, 2015


Know something that’s going on? Send it to calendar@ AUG. 7 MUSIC AT THE TRACK Thievery Corporation will be the free concert Aug. 7, after the races with a $6 Stretch Run Admission at the Del Mar Racetrack, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd., Del Mar. For more information, visit delmarscene. com.

AUG. 9 FILM FEST BEGINS The Oceanside International Film Festival will run Aug. 9 to Aug. 16 at the Star Theatre and Sunshine Brooks Theatre. For a full schedule of events, visit POETRY WORKSHOP The city of Carlsbad is hosting a free poetry and creating writing workshop with poet and author Sonia Gutiérrez from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Aug. 9 at the Georgina Cole Library, 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive. Advanced registration is required. To register, call (760) 602-2400. ART IN THE VILLAGE Enjoy local art and music from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Aug. 9 on State Street and Grand Avenue in Carlsbad Village. For more information, visit

NEW SCULPTURES Carlsbad’s Cultural Arts Office presents a new installation, “Amos Robinson: Bringing Metal to Life,” in the Carlsbad Sculpture Garden, 2955 Elmwood St., immediately north of the city’s Georgina Cole Library. The Sculpture Garden is open Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., and admission is free. AUG. 11 ONE-NIGHT EVENT “The Male Intellect: An Oxymoron?” will play for one night only at North Coast Repertory Theatre at 7:30 pm. Aug. 11, 987 Lomas Santa Fe Drive, Suite D, Solana Beach. Tickets for this special engagement are $25, and are available at (858) 481-1055 or visit to purchase tickets. AUTHOR VISIT Author J. Ryan Stradal will introduce his new novel, “Kitchens of the Great Midwest” combining the story of a chef father and his daughter with Midwest recipes, at 7:30 p.m. Aug. 11 at Warwick’s Book Store, 7812 Girard Ave., La Jolla. For more information, call (858) 454-0347.

AUG. 8 PIANO CONCERT The Vista Branch of the San Diego County Library will host a free concert featuring pianist Kasey Kay at 3 p.m. Aug. 8 at 700 Eucalyptus Ave., Vista. For more in- AUG. 10 formation, contact Kris JorSUMMER GUITAR gensen at (760) 643-5120. WORKSHOP Sharpen your skills at the Peter Pupping Summer Guitar Workshop Mondays from 7 to 9 p.m. Aug. 10 through Aug. 31at the Ranch View Baptist Church, 416 Rancho Santa Fe Rd., Encinitas. Cost is $150, includes book and materials. To register, visit encinitasguitarorchestra. com/summer-guitar-work- AUG. 12 ‘GUARDIANS OF THE shop-august-2015.html. GALAXY’ The city of CarlsART PARK OPEN The bad’s Film Series presents Niki de Saint Phalle Park, “Guardians of the Galaxy,” Queen Califia's Magical at 5:30 p.m. Aug. 12 in the Circle garden, will be open Ruby G. Schulman Audito10 a.m. to noon Aug. 8 and rium in the Carlsbad City every second Saturday in Library, 1775 Dove Lane. Kit Carson Park, 3333 Bear Seating is first come, first Valley Parkway, Escondido. served.



zen.” The film won the 2014 Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and “Let It Go” took the Academy Award for Best Original Song. Mendel performed the song at the Oscars in 2014. Sales of “Let It Go” have topped 5 million in the United States alone, and the song topped off its run this past February by winning the Grammy for Best Song Written for Visual Media. Menzel is still riding the wave of success that came with “Frozen,” and launched a worldwide concert tour in May that continues this summer with shows across the United States into September. Even though she is now playing large outdoor amphitheaters and arenas, Menzel said he is trying to give the feeling of a performance in a smaller venue on the tour. “The thing that I’m most proud of in the past with all of my touring is my ability to give a very intimate performance, and for

people to feel they really get to know me when they leave the venue,” she said. “So it’s very important to me that even though I’m perhaps on a different level and my profile has gotten bigger because of things like ‘Frozen,’ I’m still able to connect with every single person in that audience. That’s challenging to do the bigger the venues get, but I think it’s possible. I think as I continue to try to just be really honest and authentic and allow for spontaneity and stay in the moment, I can still achieve that.” Fans, of course, can expect Menzel to perform

AUG. 13 SUMMER CONCERT The free Summer Concert Series at Aegis at Shadowridge presents The Musicstation from 6 to 8 p.m. Aug. 13, outdoors in the courtyard, 1440 S. Melrose Drive, Oceanside. There will be a dance floor, complimentary wine, appetizers and free valet parking. For more information, call (760) 8063600. GOODBYE SUMMER An End of the Summer Concert will be held at 3 p.m. Aug. 13 at the Encinitas Library, 540 Cornish Drive, Encinitas. Local talent perform classical guitar at the library and celebrate the last week of Summer Reading.

of “Girl Singers of the Hit Parade” beginning Aug. 20, at 987 Lomas Santa Fe Drive, Suite D, Solana Beach Tickets are $40 general admission. Call (858) 481-1055 or visit GRIFFIN AT PALA Comedian Kathy Griffin will return to the Events Center stage for two performances at 8 p.m. Dec. 4, and Dec. 5, at Pala Casino Spa & Resort. For tickets, visit palac- p.m. Aug. 22 at Goat Hill Park, 2323 Goat Hill Drive, Oceanside, with Bushwalla FEED THE SOUL and ProFeeding the Soul Foun- ceeds support Outdoor Outdation is hosting its last reach, a nonprofit dedicated O’side Outside Summer to inspiring youth through Concert Series from 5 to 10 the great outdoors.

AUG. 14 LOCAL MUSIC Local musicians Robin Henkel, Whitney Shay and Billy Watson will play from 8 to10 p.m. Aug. 14 at Ki’s Restaurant, 2591 S. Coast Highway 101, Cardiff. For more information, call (760) 436-5236. MARK THE CALENDAR SINGING ‘SHREK’ Moonlight Stage Productions presents, “Shrek: The Musical.” The production runs at 8 p.m. Aug. 12 through Aug. 29 under the stars at Moonlight Amphitheatre, 1200 Vale Terrace Drive. Ticket price range is $24 to $52. Visit or call the box office at (760) 724-2110. NEW AT THE REP Tickets are available now for the North Coast Repertory Theatre, presentation

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songs from “Frozen” and her Broadway roles, but she said she might pull out a few surprises in her shows. “I make sure to include those songs that I think people would really want to hear, and then I challenge myself,” she said. “I pick other songs I always wanted to sing or do a new interpretation of. I might even try a different original song here and there in different cities. “I’ve been working on a new album, so I might run that by an audience here or there. But most of the songs (are) from shows I’ve been in and other music that I want to explore.”



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T he R ancho S anta F e News


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T he R ancho S anta F e News

AUG. 7, 2015

Educational Opportunities Educate, Enrich and Empower e3 Consulting provides specialized Academic Tutoring, Consultation, and Therapy for kindergarten through college students, while earnestly embodying the principles of EDUCATE, ENRICH, and EMPOWER. Rebecca Hayes is the Owner of e3 Consulting, and the core component of her practice is to provide consistent, first-rate support for students and their families. e3 provides an individualized, holistic approach to educational, therapeutic, and additional supportive services for children and their families within our community in an effort to create healthy, happy young citizens. e3 em-

ploys a highly qualified staff of Academic Specialists, who provide unique approaches to teaching and learning which are customized for each student’s needs, goals, and interests. The e3 educators work to create a close-knit, collaborative team with the clients’ parents, school teachers, school administrators, therapists, and pediatricians, as the e3 mission is to build up the child consistently on all fronts. Hayes embraces the perspective that if a child is struggling with confidence or life dilemmas, he will not be able to attend and succeed to his greatest ability. Therefore, e3 incorporates several

enriching services to further nourish clients, such as counseling, exercise and nutritional instruction, creative expression workshops, test preparation, college counseling, as well as active participation in community service events. e3’s holistic approach focuses on building individual growth, self-awareness, values, and success in all realms. Unlike other learning centers, which stop at the curriculum, e3 offers an exceptional variety of interactive programs to promote overall wellness and empower its clientele. For more information, call (858) 755-7877 or visit

A fun group music class just for Toddlers! Your child will learn ​​ keyboard Piano, rhythm and sound awareness.​ ​Build social skills, confidence, increase attention span and have fun! These classes are a great introduction into Piano and music for children from 12 months to 5 years.​​​ Small groups to ensure active engagement for each child. Parents asked to join. ​ 4 Week Sessions. 1 Next Session Starts September 2015 45 minute Classes each week. $295 (includes all materials) To Preregister, call us Build social skills, confidence, increase attention span at (760) 753-7002 and have fun! Courtesy photo

Jewish Collaborative (JCo) Open House The best way to learn who we truly are is to come and see for yourself! The JCo Open House on August 19th is a perfect opportunity to do just that! Hebrew Lab: See why our innovative way of learning Hebrew is keeping our kids engaged and excited. JCo Kids Club and Academy: Meet the families and kids involved in this ongoing and exciting youth group and Jewish education initiative. B’nai Mitzvah: Learn how our Bar/Bat Mitzvah program is unlike any other, tailoring each service to the needs of the child and

Odd Files By Chuck Shepherd “Doc, It Hurts When I Do That” (“Then Don’t Do That”) Ran’dell Busch, 27, was in serious condition after being shot on July 26 near the corner of 18th Street and Emmet Street in Omaha, Neb. He was also shot in 2014 around the intersection of 18th and Emmet, and in 2012 was shot in a scuffle after running from the corner of 18th and Emmet.

The Entrepreneurial Spirit! Failed European Business Models: (1) Grande Hotel San Calogero, the planned centerpiece of a Sicilian tourist renaissance, is still nowhere close to opening — 61 years after construction began. It took 30 years to build, but then developers fought for 10 years over its management, and only later was a serious drainage deficiency discovered (repair of which Rome’s news site The Local reported in July remains unfunded). (2) Construction of the ultra-modern Don Quixote airport (in Ciudad Real,

Spain, about an hour from Madrid) was finished in 2006, but the $1 billion facility never opened, and in July, was sold to a Chinese investor for the equivalent of $11,000. (Bonus: Fictional character Don Quixote was, himself, noted for delusions of grandeur.) Unclear on the Concept: Overlooked by the roundup of “state fair” foods listed in News of the Weird two weeks ago was the debut in June, at California’s San Diego County Fair, of the deep-fried Slim-Fast bar. A 200-calorie “diet bar” is breaded in pancake batter, fried, dusted with pow-

dered sugar and drizzled with chocolate. • A woman in a suburb of Beijing filed a lawsuit against the China Dragon Garden graveyard recently over her shock to find that not only was her own name affixed to a headstone in gold lettering but about half of the 600 plots were eerily marked for prominent (and still living) people to move into. It was a marketing plan, according to cemetery workers, to convince customers of the upscale neighbors (such as basketball star Yao Ming) waiting for them in the afterlife. (China’s aging population, and Beijing’s land

family. BBYO (for 6th-12th grades): See why our teens are more engaged in Jewish life than any other place. Adult Groups/Cohorts: Members plan and execute everything from meditation, health and healing programs, art programs,

games and so much more. All interests are celebrated and all one need do is create the opportunities! Our Clergy: Spend ten minutes with our Rabbis, Josh and Gabi, and you will quickly find that they are warm, open, and committed to Jewish engagement. But most importantly, at JCo, you will find a community that is loving, welcoming, and accepting of people on all paths of life. But don’t take our word for it. Come to the Open House and check out JCo for yourself! For more information go to:

21 zeros, or 43 billion trillion). Texas officials have recently recalculated the FBI-developed database and concluded that it was somewhat more likely that a second black man had The Continuing Crisis Texas’ highest crimi- Williams’ profile — 1 in nal appeals court agreed only 40 billion trillion. on July 17, hours before Clifton Williams was to Wait, What? be executed, to a postJason Patterson, upset ponement until they could that New Zealand’s health consider the significance care administration has of perhaps-faulty higher rejected paying for gastric math presented to his jury bypass surgery, announced in 2006. Prosecutors had in July that he will proclaimed at his trial that the test publicly by going on likelihood of another black a hunger strike. “The first man having Williams’ two to three days (will DNA profile was 1 in 43 be) really hard,” he told sextillion (43 followed by Channel 3 News. scarcity, have driven up prices, intensifying competition and corrupt practices, according to a Los Angeles Times dispatch.)

AUG. 7, 2015



scribed the dense project as “wrong.” She also alerted attendees about the approval process. “It takes two-thirds of the vote of the surrounding homeowners within 500 feet. If we don’t want this, it will not be approved,” she said. “The only way they get it is they come door to door and have you sign that you will approve it.” Kratzer confirmed what Monsees said about the two-thirds approval. He also understood the worries of nearby neighbors. “If you’re that next door neighbor, we want to understand what your concerns are because maybe there’s a way we can deal



hicles at home as long as they use a positive shut off nozzle. These changes are in line with the Board’s decision to provide customers with more flexibility and control of their watering as they achieve the 36 percent cutback,” Park said. Parks attributes the ongoing water conservation to their public outreach tools which consisted of public meetings, traffic signs, mailers, emails, and much more. The water use cutbacks customers have made, she said, show that the vast majority is participating and all they needed was some information and assistance in order to have such a tremendous response. Parks said throughout the conservation efforts, the process has been an educational one and SFID has



on a small street. Dahlia is a small street.” Some speakers also questioned the need for a market. “There’s no guarantee we’ll get one,” Richmond said, noting failed attempts in nearby cities. Gerri Retman agreed. “What will happen to that big giant space that’s designed to be a grocery store should the market fail?” she asked. Other concerns included increased traffic, noise, lighting from signage, the safety of children who walk and ride bikes on South Sierra and parking. Speaking on behalf of the Clean and Green Committee, Jack Hegenauer requested a thorough energy analysis to address the city’s climate action plan. “It’s not apparent exactly what’s being done to assist the city in meeting greenhouse gas reduction goals,” he said. “There’s not much evidence that the developer’s given a whole lot of thought to the solar installation aspect of this project. “I’m concerned that the project doesn’t do nearly enough to offset its potentially huge carbon footprint,” he added. “This is one of those big-footprint


T he R ancho S anta F e News with that through landscaping, topography, orientation or driveway changes,” he said. The proposed La Gracia Village pod, with 20 units at around 2,000 square feet each, will be located east of The Inn below street level of Senda de la Luna, said Kratzer. West of the Inn, The Orchard will house five homes adjacent to Steven Royce Boulevard. The floor plans reveal Lillian Rice style row houses but will be detached ranging from 2,200 to 2,900 square feet. While still in the decision making process, it was suggested that new residents of these homes may have access to hotel amenities such as the spa, pool, gym, room service, house-

keeping and more. Kratzer said that the residential properties were potentially for sale. However, they may retain a couple homes for rent throughout the year, particularly during the Del Mar racing season. “We do have some very long-term renters here that would like to stay so we are trying to make accommodations for them,” he said. Towards the end of the meeting, Kratzer said that while they may not be able to absolutely satisfy everybody’s desire, he thought they had the right intentions in mind. “We are trying to do what we understand there, to be a demand for the Covenant, and we’re trying to execute it very thoughtfully,” he said.

done their best to clear up any misconceptions. “Some people don’t understand that the district is a public agency and makes no profit. In fact, we are required by law to only charge the actual cost of service,” she said. “Our mission and focus is to provide the best water service possible to our customers at the lowest reasonable costs — and our rates are currently one of the lowest in San Diego.” Parks noted that during a severe drought, their costs go up. Increase examples have been working intensively to provide a recycled water fill station, launching new and expanding current customer service and conservation programs, among other items. According to Parks, these costs are drawn from their reserves. Presently, the district is reviewing the cost impact and its revenues.

Another issue SFID has had to convey to its customers is the equity of the State water cutbacks. “While we do not agree with how these mandates have been applied to the District, these mandates are in effect and are being followed by the district and by local water agencies across the State to ensure that there is sufficient water for everyone. Through our membership in the San Diego County Water Authority, we are seeking reasonable accommodations that recognize the past conservation efforts of our customers and success in helping develop regional water supply reliability projects, like desalinated water,” she said. Parks added, “the Authority has been in direct contact on this issue with the Governor’s office and state board that imposed the mandates.”

projects … that are going to be huge consumers of energy, contribute greatly to greenhouse gas emissions within the boundaries of Solana Beach and make it ever more difficult for the city to meet its climate action plan goals of meeting the state-mandated targets. “So any way you slice it it’s a major environmental impact,” Hegenauer said, later adding that he also has concerns about water use generated by the development. American Assets is proposing to pay an in-lieu fee rather than build affordable units onsite. Bill Gifford said they should be included in the project. Pat Coad didn’t mince words when sharing her opinion. “I think this whole development is pretty ugly, and I don’t think it fits into Solana Beach,” she said. “We don’t need another market and we don’t need this development in our community.” Not everyone was critical. Jewel Edson said she likes the idea of areas slated for cultural events. She suggested using the grocery space for multiple vendors, a successful concept being used in other areas of the country. Tom Ryan said he likes the idea of having a mar-

ket across the street from his condominium because it would mean fewer driving trips to Vons on Lomas Santa Fe Drive east of the freeway. He said “a good number” of his neighbors would also walk to the new store for groceries. Elizabeth Borst, who said she supports the project concept but it’s too big, also favors the grocery store. But she said it doesn’t need to be a high-end, specialty market. “Work with the community and I think you’ll have more success that way,” she said. The environmental impact report will address standard issues such as aesthetics, air and water quality, noise, land use, traffic and greenhouse gas emissions, as well as concerns voiced at the meeting. Written comments can be submitted until Aug. 17 to Corey Andrews, the city’s principal planner, at In March, the View Assessment Committee failed to support the project after two residents filed applications stating the complex would impair their views. City Council members will use that verdict, information from the EIR and comments made during future public hearings when considering the project for final approval.

HISTORY EXPLORED The San Dieguito Heritage Museum hosts author and landscape historian Vonn Marie May, in its Summer Speaker Series at 7 p.m. Aug. 11 on the history of Balboa Park and Aug. 25, a look back at Osuna Rancho San Dieguito and Rancho Santa Fe. Both lectures will be held at the Encinitas Community Center, 1140 Oakcrest Park Drive, Encinitas. RSVP at (760) 6329711. More information is on the San Dieguito Heritage Museum Facebook page or sdheritage. org. A donation is requested. Courtesy photo

FIRST DERBY WIN Emma Waldfogel is on the road to victory aboard her own King’s Peak in the $10,000 USHJA International Hunter Derby at the Del Mar Showpark Racing Festival on July 26. The pair clinched the win with a strong Handy Round. It was the amateur rider’s first derby win. Courtesy photo



to be working with such a good board of directors. Out of the starting gate, Whalen has had to tackle some tough issues such as the water cutbacks and helping residents learn how to better manage their water usage.



are being used to irrigate landscaping at city facilities in both cities. That includes Shores, Powerhouse and Seagrove parks in Del Mar and Fletcher Cove in Solana Beach. “La Colonia Park is already using reclaimed water so there are no changes there,” King said. “We’ve been proactive in the last few years, moving



by asking, “Are you a Library Guild Member?” As you may know, the RSF Library Guild, was established in 1963, to bring a SD County Branch Library to Rancho Santa Fe. We raise funds through the generosity of our members, and from the proceeds of the RSF Book Cellar (our used bookstore located below the library). Funds raised by the Guild enhance the library

“I’m also going to be involved in the roundabout/traffic light issue,” she said. Whalen is hoping that with a “fresh set of eyes” and her writing background, she can make these situations more understandable since they can potentially be complex.

As Whalen begins to settle into her new role at the Association, members have something to look forward to. “They can expect me to always be honest and fair,” she said. “And having a journalism background, I think I can do a pretty good job with presenting the facts as they are.”

toward using drought-tolerant and native plants in all of our medians. “We’ve been very cognizant of landscaping with new projects,” he added. “We’ll be looking at the fire station turf next.” Crane said Del Mar officials have been looking at potential upgrades to indoor faucets and fixtures. “But most are in pretty good shape from a water-efficiency standpoint,” she said.

King said Solana Beach is doing the same, starting with faucets and toilets at City Hall. “We’ve been working with Santa Fe Irrigation District to see what faucets and toilets qualify and what rebates are available,” he said. Neither city currently has plans to turn beach showers back on. “We’ll revisit that when we get more information from the state,” Crane said.

by offering materials, staff, and programs for library patrons of all ages. Our vision is to sustain the library so that our community continues to benefit from this valuable resource for future generations. We have recently launched our 50th Anniversary Endowment, in order to provide for the Library into the future. We invite you to join us in this mission! The Library Guild is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. I’m sure you could

agree, that a Public Library is an essential part of any community’s infrastructure, and ours is truly special. Please drop by for a visit, or for more information about how you can partner with us to support the Library, visit our website at or call the office at (858) 756-4780. Susan Appleby is Rancho Santa Fe Library Guild membership and development manager.


T he R ancho S anta F e News

AUG. 7, 2015 day trials. Fast food and an indulgent lifestyle will not get you closer to a higher standard of living.

SOUP TO NUTS by Rick Stromoski

By Eugenia Last FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 2015

FRANK & ERNEST by Bob Thaves

THE BORN LOSER by Art & Chip Sansom

BIG NATE by Lincoln Peirce

MONTY by Jim Meddick

ARLO & JANIS by Jimmy Johnson


ALLEY OOP byJack & Carole Bender

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Look for ways to incorporate an enjoyable activity into your life. It’s possible to turn a fun hobby into a moneymaker. Follow through with your plans.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- Being too demanding or pushy will not help you gain ground with friends or relatives. Compromise and a willingness to step aside once in a while will help everything run smoothly.

Lend your voice to a worthwhile cause. The more passionate you are, the better the response and chance of success. Your strong sense of conviction and high standards will help you be a good leader. Don’t sell yourself short, and always PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- If you are unsure of the future, look into the past. strive to make a difference. Fascinating tidbits of information can be LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Be sensitive to gained through discussions with older the needs of those around you. What you family members or close friends. consider harmless flirtation will be easily ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- If you have misinterpreted. Take precautions to avoid been careless with your spending habits, sending the wrong signals. now is the time to rectify the situation. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Shake up Keep meticulous records of your expenyour routine a little. Plan a day trip. The ditures in order to find a way to cut corchange of scenery will be inspiring, and ners. it’s likely that you will meet new and interTAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- Accept soesting people along the way. cial invitations. Meeting people who can LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- Charity be- contribute to your life won’t happen if you gins at home. An older relative is in need don’t take part in the world. Get out, minof your assistance. Your generosity will gle and learn from experience. be rewarded and your sense of pride and GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- Reach out satisfaction will grow. to someone you love. Making plans for SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- Physical the future or discovering what your peractivity will help get you up and out of a sonal options might be will help you imslump. Stewing about past disappoint- prove your state of mind. ments will lead to depression and a lack CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- If you feel of productivity. Get moving. strongly about something, don’t be afraid SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -- Eat- to share your thoughts. It is possible to ing healthy and maintaining an exercise bring about significant changes and regimen will help you face your day-to- make a difference if you are determined.

AUG. 7, 2015


T he R ancho S anta F e News


Contact us at with story ideas, photos or suggestions

Fans still hopeful Chargers won’t bolt after this season By Tony Cagala

SAN DIEGO — While Chargers fans were seeking out autographs of their favorite players, Tony Wilson was outside the gates of Chargers Park gathering autographs of a different kind. Wilson, part of the grassroots campaign Save Our Bolts, was gathering signatures from Chargers fans during one of the team’s practices open to the public, petitioning to keep the team in San Diego. A Chargers fan, Wilson said the team is more than football to him. “They (the Chargers) go out they do blood drives, food drives, they go to schools for kids. There’s a lot of the kids that look up to them,” he said. “You’ve got businesses that rely on the Chargers — jobs — so it’s more than football.” By the time the team’s practice was over, he’d collected at least a couple hundred signatures from fans as they exited the facility.

More than 3,000 fans turn out Saturday for day three of training camp at Chargers Park to watch their San Diego Chargers practice in preparation for the 2015 season. Photo by Bill Reilly

could already do. “I learned this in colTony Wilson collects signatures from Chargers fans outside of Chargers Park on Saturday. Photo by Tony lege,” Perryman said. “I Cagala just focus on what’s going on in the locker room, just ally just try to focus on my trying to do my job and get But while talk of the the coaches and players. “Coach (Mike) McCoy job and let everything else Chargers possibly leaving for Carson, Calif., new sta- tells us all the time that we play out.” Both Mager and rookie diums and expiring con- can’t control anything that tracts of some of the team’s we can’t control and just linebacker Denzel Perrymost favorite players goes focus on what we’ve got to man said that separating on outside the hash lines, do,” said cornerback Craig the outside distractions on the practice fields, it Mager, one of the team’s while performing on the was business as usual for newest draft picks. “I re- field was something they

Summer is here and so are — surprise — the Chargers sports talk jay paris


t’s the initial time out of the season, so embrace it. Stadium talk takes a brief seat in the back after riding shotgun this offseason. Where will the Chargers go, where could fresh digs be built, how much will it cost taxpayers — yada meet yada and yikes we’ve had enough. Instead let’s focus on the Chargers, you know the dudes with the cleats and helmets. It’s time to talk about pad level instead of legal pads and thank goodness late summer is here. The Chargers start tuning up this week, opening what could be their last training camp in San Diego. While many questions for coach Mike McCoy and his players will center on venue possibilities, let’s zero in on football. First things first, is No. 17 still pulling his pickup truck into the players’ lot? Yep, quarterback Phil-

ip Rivers remains in these parts and we reckon all that chatter of him going to Tennessee was just that. He’s the ultimate titan of the Chargers, with leadership qualities that touch every player on offense, defense and special teams. Rivers has flourished under McCoy’s up-tempo system and there’s no reason for Rivers to find reverse. As long as he’s under whatever center the Chargers employ, this team has a chance. But Rivers needs help and we offer the last five seasons as proof. Despite having an elite quarterback, the Chargers have missed the postseason in four of the past five years. Shame on two front offices for squandering the second half of Rivers’ career, one that has been marked by extreme highs and lows. Rivers has some new options and we commend general manager Tom Telesco. He’s no rock star GM — we’ll leave that to the Padres’ A.J.Preller of Encinitas. But Rancho Santa Fe’s Telesco had an offseason, which didn’t garner national attention; something we’ve learned doesn’t guar-

antee success. Telesco traded up to draft running back Melvin Gordon. Wisconsin is known for beer and brats, but this former Badger was acquired to deliver bruises and bravado. Gordon, who led the big-boy colleges in rushing last year, will provide an immediate boost to a pedestrian running game. There’s nothing a keen quarterback loves more than a rushing attack to lean on — in case you’re wondering about Rivers’ toothy grin. Rivers also has a new target in Stevie Johnson, a pair of reliable hands and the quicks to get open. The front line is looking to get back to normalcy. After starting five centers last year, the Chargers pray the offensive line rotation halts. Chris Watt gets the first shot of replacing Nick Hardwick as the line’s anchor. Good luck to Watt, who earned his stripes as guard at Notre Dame. Orlando Franklin settles in at left guard, coming over from Denver. The other faces are familiar as they long to open holes while introducing a physical Gordon to the

16460 Via de la Valle • 5BR/3.5BA • $3,265,000 Secluded behind private entrance gates, this ranch style covenant home offers inviting resort style grounds with indoor/outdoor living including pool-with slide and waterfalls, spa, built in bbq, multi sport court, hiking, riding paths, large fenced in dog area and so much more! This 5,000 sq ft home sits on 4.3 acres with beautiful trees, flowers, fountains and array of fruit trees. Includes barn and horse property.

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CalBRE #01900143


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NFL. But a red flag still flaps on a defense that has very few meetings at the pocket. Ever wonder the price of an inconsistent pass rush? Circle back to that embarrassing number about the Chargers being playoff-free. So it’s another Melvin we call on and Ingram will produce at some point, right? The team’s No. 1 pick showed four sacks last year. The sad part is that was but one-half sack shy of tying for the team lead. It’s well past time for Ingram to wreak havoc and resist the lure of the trainer’s room. If Ingram can stay fit and productive — big “ifs” — the defense could be decent. Corey Liuget passed decent a long time ago and TURN TO PARIS ON 27

With this ad, expires 8-21-15

the playbook down,” the former University of Miami player and Chargers second round draft pick, TURN TO CHARGERS ON 27


T he R ancho S anta F e News

AUG. 7, 2015


7576 Montien, Santaluz 4 BD + Office/4.5 BA, 4 Car Garage, Approx. 7,100 SqFt, 1.52 Acres Absolute Stunner! New smart technology, custom construction with the finest of finishes and touches. Features include sports bar/game room adjacent to home theater, Master retreat with gym and steam shower, en suite secondary bedrooms, dog bathing station in laundry room, state of the art kitchen with dirty kitchen, Calcutta marble, marron coheba granite, real stone accents, and top of the line appliances, whole house music system, central vacuum system, exposed beams, wine room with lit onyx counter, coffered ceiling and linear fireplace in family room, distressed maple flooring, pocket doors in family room and kitchen/ breakfast nook, and a backyard paradise with beautiful pool and spa with water and fire features, and majestic mountain views.

$3,695,000 - $3,795,000

8420 Santaluz Village Green E, Santaluz 5 BD + Office/6 BA, 4 Car Garage, 6,535 SqFt, 1.23 Acres Prime location and rare view lot! One of a kind custom masterpiece. Private cul-de-sac location within walking distance to club amenities. Unique elevated lot sitting on the first and second green, with spectacular 180 degree views of the ocean, golf course, lake and mountains. Santaluz Spa Membership included in purchase price! This remarkable Adobe Ranch Hacienda style custom home features detached upstairs casita, large front courtyard with tranquil fountain and fireplace, 4 car garage, whole house music system, smart technology, huge master bedroom with fireplace, steam shower, stand-alone tub, and massage room, en suite secondary bedrooms, gourmet kitchen with top of the line appliances, walk-in pantry, butler’s pantry, spice drawers, pot filler, and two dishwashers, hickory hardwood flooring, bright and sunny breakfast nook, wine barrel chandeliers, exposed beams, office with built-ins, and amazing outdoor living area with covered loggias, relaxing pool and spa, and BBQ island.

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AUG. 7, 2015


T he R ancho S anta F e News



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8076 Entrada De Luz E


5BD/6.5BA, 6,655 SqFt Once in a lifetime opportunity to own this luxurious custom estate beyond the most extravagant of expectations. Crown yourself King or Queen of the Mountain with this Tuscan masterpiece perched higher than any other in Santaluz, with spectacular unobstructed ocean views. Beauty and quality abound throughout this smart home featuring Brazilian hardwood and polished Travertine flooring throughout, real stone exterior, gourmet kitchen with Alder cabinetry, farm sinks, and butler’s pantry.

Wow! Now $3,980,000 MLS# 15004169




7301 Vista Rancho Court

7808 Santaluz Inlet


8120 Artesian Road

Rancho Santa Fe

4BD/5.5BA, 6,320 SqFt

4BD/6.5BA, 7,400 SqFt

5BD/6.5BA, 6,698 SqFt

Custom Mediterranean estate located in the gated community of The Summit in Rancho Santa Fe. Spectacular views from almost every room, and an open and flowing floor plan. Spacious and serene backyard features a sparkling pool/spa, with rock slide, waterfall, and grotto and also two gazebos/view points with builtin seating, BBQ, and fireplace.

Custom Smart Home, with Phenomenal Views of the Ocean and Golf Course! Absolutely Nothing Left to the Imagination with this Home including a Home Theater, Upstairs Game Room and Bar, and Outdoor Entertainer’s Paradise featuring Huge Pool, Spa, Cabana, Trellis and two Outdoor Fireplaces. Smart Home w/ Wireless Technology.

Spectacular panoramic views from this stunning brand new estate on 5 fully fenced useable acres. No HOA, No Mello Roos, No Rules!!! Features include 75 ft regulation infinity edge lap pool, Guest House, 5 garages, horse ready acreage, professional landscape, and a huge solar system included in the purchase price.


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15535 Westview Road

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4BD/5.5BA, 7,230 SqFt

5BD/4.5BA, 4,699 SqFt

Beautiful, light and bright, Spanish Bungalow! Features include hardwood floors, large open family room and kitchen, new interior and exterior paint, bonus room/ office, granite counter tops, and amazing backyard with tranquil waterfall, babbling brook, mature tropical landscaping, and imported palapa and brick flooring.

You will fall in love with this unique, free-flowing, 7,320 square foot estate. On over 20 acres in Poway, built on the brow of the hill not the top, this beautiful home flows along the brow of the broad ridge providing 360 degree mountain, valley, city, and ocean views spanning from Mexico to Catalina to the San Bernadino Mountains.

Former Model Home still in Model Condition! Beautiful home in the exclusive gated community of Avaron at Del Sur. Features include solar panels (average electricity bill under $30!), beautifully manicured front, back and side yard, movie/media room with kitchenette, spacious and luxurious master suite with bonus room.

Rancho Santa Fe











CALENDAR Know something that’s going on? Send it to calendar@

AUG. 7 LIFE LECTURES MiraCosta College LIFE Lectures, a lifelong learning group, meets at MiraCosta

T he R ancho S anta F e News College/Oceanside Campus, 1 Barnard Dr., Admin. Bldg. #1000. Check speaker schedule at or call (760) 757-2121, ext. 6972. AUG. 8 MOVIE AND MORE Reservations are needed by Aug. 8 for the “Dinner and a Movie” at Leo Carrillo Ranch, 6200 Flying LC Lane,


at 6:30 p.m. Aug. 14, showing “If You Could Only Cook” starring Leo Carrillo. Tickets start at $40 online at under special events. For more information call (760) 476-1042 or visit DEMOCRATS MEET Lake San Marcos Democratic Club will meet at 1 p.m. Aug. 8 with speaker Chris Robbins, Vallecitos Water District’s Public Information & Conservation supervisor, at 1105 La Bonita Drive, San Marcos. Visit for directions or call (760) 743-2990. DOG DAYS Cardiff 101 Main Street presents the Cardiff Dog Days of Summer from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Aug. 8 along Newcastle Avenue, Aberdeen Drive and Liverpool Drive, Cardiff-by-the-Sea. Visit for more information.

AUG. 7, 2015

JAPANESE FESTIVAL The annual festival will be held from 1 to 4 p.m. Aug. 8 at the Encinitas Library, 540 Cornish Drive, Encinitas. PLAN FOR COLLEGE College-bound high school students are invited to a Mid-Summer College Prep Review session from 1 to 3 p.m. Aug. 8 at the Encinitas Library, 540 Cornish Drive. Learn about the college admissions and more. Register by calling (619) 993-4015. AUG. 9 FOR THE ANIMALS Synergy Animal Rescue, Lionel’s Legacy, and Kira collaborate from noon to 3 p.m. Aug. 9 for the inaugural Surf ‘N Paws event at Tsavo’s Canine Rehabilitation Center, 2120 Jimmy Durante Blvd., Suite 120, Del Mar, to raise awareness about animal rescue. Vegan vittles, surfing pups, vendors, and an underwater doggie photographer. Tickets (which include food, two drinks and a raffle ticket) are $15 and can be purchased at the event or at eventbrite. com.

Escondido Public Library invites adult readers to join the 2nd Tuesday Book Club meeting at 6 p.m. Aug. 11 in the Turrentine Room. This month’s selection is “The Aviator’s Wife” by Melanie Benjamin. INFORMATION AND SUPPORT A Stroke and Brain Injury Support and Education Group meets from 2:30 to 3:45 p.m. the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at Scripps Memorial Hospital Encinitas, conference center, 354 Santa Fe Drive, Encinitas. To RSVP, contact Andrea Schwarb at schwarb. or (760) 633-6709. GENEOLOGY UPDATE The Computer-Oriented Genealogy Group meets at 9 a.m. Aug. 11, 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad. For more information call (760) 942-7466 or email

and have a Day at the Del Mar Horse Races, Del Mar Aug. 12. Reservations are necessary. Call (858) 674-4324. AUTHOR SHOWCASE Del Mar Library presents its Local Author Showcase Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. Aug. 12 at 1309 Camino Del Mar. In “Sons of Chenia,” fantasy writer Joshua Rutherford tells the story of Nicolai, a young man who is called to the rescue of his homeland, the fictional country Chenia. For more information, call the library at (858) 755-1666. AUG. 13 FAMILY FUN NIGHT From 4:30 to 8 p.m., visit Thursday Family Fun Night from Aug. 13 through Aug. 27 at San Diego Botanic Garden, 230 Quail Gardens Drive. The event is free with paid admission to garden. MARK THE CALENDAR CALLING YOUNG DANCERS Sign up now for the Encinitas Community Center Fairy Princess Dance Camp for ages 3 to 6, from 3 to 5 p.m. Aug. 17 to Aug. 21 Campers will participate in ballet instruction, creative movement, dress-up time, and a performance for family and friends. Register online at‎ or call (760) 943-2260. HELP CHILDHELP Save the date for the 29th annual Holiday Fantasia, a shopping, fashion show and luncheon fundraiser for Child Help San Diego from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Nov. 21 at the Estancia La Jolla Hotel & Spa, 9700 N. Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla. For more information, visit

AUG. 12 MAKING FRIENDS The Catholic Widows and Widowers of North County support group, for those who desire to foster friendships through various social activities, will AUG. 11 attend the Pageant of the MasTUESDAY BOOK CLUB ters, Laguna Beach. Aug.11

SUE OTTO Your Oceanside/Carlsbad Territory Manager

Call Sue for all your advertising needs.

Call 760.436.9737 x102

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HOME & GARDEN Special Section THE C


VOL. 28,



N0. 25








JUNE 20,

Council Four city closer egg hunts to fina lizing Pacific View dea l

Two commercia be demolished l structures of retail at Carlsbad’s to make above, and apartment way for a revampLa Costa Towne buildings. retail. would include that Courtesy Center 48 renderings apartmentsThe larger includes the will new building, addition , a courtyard shown for residents, and

Carlsbad revampedretail center to be with apar tments



By Jared


Reach over

Sophia planned Ceja, 3, of Oceansi for April de, shows 19. See the full off story on a handful page A9. of eggs she Photo by Promise found.

By Rachel


Whitlock are CARLSB ENCINIT for five another AS — years, AD — With the corner step toward The council cific View the 33-year-oit’s primary last gettingof El Camino acquiring site on took ld storefron Council Wednesd the a revamp. Real La Costa Towne t empty favor The members ay night.Paand La of a $50,000 molish owner of Center condition Costa voted the property Avenue at ter and two commerc 3-2 in dum of s spelled deposit 2.3 times is at and other and halfreplace them ial structuregained that ty. That understan out in a memoran approval Councilm price.” with sion on apartmen documen ding for s in final purchase vocate an TonyEddingto ts from buildings the shoppingto deApril t paves the proper-council Carlsbad’ that are million of the purchase Planning 16. Kranz, n said. cenagreementhe way coming an ads Planninghalf retail for a the end majority erty’s figure was , forwardCommissioners hopes t, which current of ping center based said the $4.3 Commiswas only to approve the with plans But theMay. on public praised sign, and that intended long debate zoning.the propby agenda Additiona a main they said to redevelop the owners as a first And it item should ed in over “(La Costa currently tenant. the lly, Kranz sparked for offer. favor wall. million have evenwhether the ing that lacks dated shopof You have Towne a signage, said Planning EUSDupping the said he votEncinitasto acquire agreed to council case, which no ideaCenter is) price dehad a pay just ter has the what’s Union knowstrong much Resident been Commissioner inside, this big long School site from $10 more would have rezoning excited Commisslong overdue.” District. the it’s not white Jeff Eddingto made Hap L’Heureu The cityvaluable. mall an the land inviting,” ioner owning at the prospect the district’s could eyesore. Aurthur n said x. “This the site, cil is getting would Neil Black rezonehave tried cenof the he’s but worried city pensivelikely have request, to fight “bamboo called “The resulted but that court city offered zled.” the counthe little the property battle, Last Pacific past, Kranz in an exauction month, in the $4.3 million View and is added. TURN EUSD Elementary TO TOWNE not-too-di for cade ago. bid set Pacific View now offering was due The council , which dum of CENTER ticking,at $9.5 million.with a to understand ON A15 more stant meeting, approved closed a minimum the than Mosaic, de- just With the a memoranthe site. bringing ing at Wednesday before city submitted part 2 the clock Artist delayed Photo the deadline. by Jared city closer Mark night’s an the auction has plans to acquiring a safeguard Whitlock Patterson EUSD offer for a up to , in case by two monthshas follow the deal donna his Surfing By Promise as mosaic. Mawith the Yee A5 OCEANS Messag TURN announce TO DEAL IDE The finale remains ON A15 Kay’s banLIFT ment that — The husband installme on an Ur- Parker helped ow to building grant nt tells Eden the Kaywill fund grant at A&E........ Gardens Family accept Dick (760) reacH us 436-9737 nity’s of the commu- OUSD Resource the Parker meeting the City Council the planned Classified ............. A10 Calendar takes Center the honor April 16. to youth. commitm affordable s.......... Calendar Mission at He Food & ent to reduce the pledge of A6 form Cove source centernaming thesaid bought housing Wine....... B21 @coastne waste Legals..... reand project wife was after wsgroup.c aimed “green B12 reasons. applause Commun his late well deserved. teams” at recycling for two Opinion.. ............. A18 om The Commun ity News Communi affordable Mission . B1 Sports..... ..............A4 were glad ity@coast ty housing Cove ............. newsgrou resource to have members mixed-use Letters A20 and a family sion Avenueproject the city’s center Letters@ as part oped throughis beingon Mislow-incom ing project, coastnew of between devela partnersh pleased and e housthe city m ip center the name equally tional Communi will honor of the sance nonprofit ty and NaKay Parker, Renaisthe late The developer housing a beloved, ground project will advocate. . fair this summer. break GradTURN

Two Section 48 pages s

Center of hou to be part sing proj ect

loyal readers



Friday, September 18

ON A17



VOL. 28,


N0. 25



JUNE 20,

By Jared

(Inland Edition)

Carlsbad revampe retail center to d with apa be rtments

ful of on page eggs she A9. Council found. Four city closer egg hunt s are to finali zing Pa cific Vi ew de al Photo

by Promi


se Yee

By Rache

l Stine

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Two Sect ions 48 page s

Center of hous to be part ing proje ct



Includes a story about your business*


Two comm be demol ercial structu res at of retail ished to Carlsb make ad’s La way for above and apartm , Costa retail. would includeent buildin a revamp that Towne Courtes gs. The Center include y renderi 48 apartm will s the ents, a larger new ngs buildin addition courty g, ard for reside shown nts, and

Sophia planned Ceja, 3, of Ocea for April 19. See nside, show s off a the full hand story

Friday, September 25




(for the Coast News & Rancho Santa Fe News)






VOL. 28,

R ON A17


N0. 25







JUNE 20,

*800 word story with full page ad, 400 word story with half page ad Sophia planned Ceja, 3, of Oce for Apr il 19. Seeanside, sho ws off the full story on a handful page A9. of eggs she foun Photo by Prom d. Fou ise Yee r city By Jared egg hun Whitlock ts are ENC

The Coast News Group • 760.436.9737 Counci l closer

to final izing Pa cific Vi ew

Two comm be demo ercial struc tures at of retail lished to Carlsbad’s make way for above, and apart ment a revam La Costa Town buildings. retail. would includ p that Courte e Cente includ The large sy rende e 48 apart r will es the ments, rings a court r new buildi addition ng, show yard for residents, n and

Carlsba d revampe retail center to d with ap be artmen ts

By Rach el


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deal •

Two Sec tion 48 pages s

Center of hous to be part ing proj ect



AUG. 7, 2015


T he R ancho S anta F e News


Place your classified ad through our website 24/7 REACH MORE THAN OVER

120,000 • 760.436.9737 •


VOL. 28,


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JUNE 20,


Two commer be demolis cial structure hed to make s at Carlsba of retail d’s La way for and a revamp Costa Towne Center above, would apartment building that will retail. Courtesy include 48 apartmes. The larger includes the addition rendering nts, a courtyarnew building s , shown d for resident s, and

Carlsbad reta revamped il center to be with apartm ents

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By Rachel


CARLSBAD for five years, — With the 33-yea it’s primary the corner storefr last gettingof El Camino r-old La Costa Towneont empty Real and a ENCIN ITAS Center La Costa The ownerrevamp. another — The counci Avenue at molish two of the step toward is at cific View commercialproperty gained acquiring l took ter and site on Wedne the Pareplace approval Counc and half them structures favor of il members sday night. 2.3 times apartments with buildin in the shoppi to desion on April voted 3-2 ng centhat price.” from Carlsb gs that are conditionsa $50,00 0 deposi in Counc Edding ad’s Planni half retail t spelled Planning 16. dum of unders vocate of ilman Tony Kranz,ton said. out in a and other ng Comm Commissione coming memoranistandin an adty. That million the purchase, forwar figure ping center d with plans rs praised document g for the proper final purcha erty’s curren was based said the $4.3 the owner paves to redeve that they sign, and on the se agreem the way for t public council was only a main tenantsaid curren lop the dated s for zoning. propent, which a majority intend tly lacks shop“(La And ed as a first the end . signage, Additi of May. hopes to approv the wall. You Costa Towne Center offer. it deed in favoronally, Kranz e by But the is) just this said Plannihave no idea said he of upping agenda long debate ing that what’s inside, big long votng Comm item the ter EUSD price white sparke has issione it’s not invitin been long had a strong should have over whethe case, which knowd a overdue.” r Hap L’Heureux. Commissione rezoning even agreedr the counci g,” million much more would have l “This cenmall an to pay valuable. made the land Encinitasto acquire the eyesore. r Aurthur Neil The city Black called Union School site from $10 could the distric the Resident the little t’s rezonehave tried to fight Jeff EddingDistrict. excited would likely request, have but owning at the prospect ton said he’s pensive the court battle,resulted in anthat TURN TO cil is gettingsite, but worrieof the city TOWNE Last Kranz added. exCENTER ON “bamboozled d the counauction month, EUSD A15 “The Pacific View was due Pacific View the propercity offered $4.3 .” bid set at to with a minim Elementary, million past, and ty in the not-too ticking, $9.5 million. With um for cade ago. The which the city is now offerin the clock -distant dum of understacouncil approve closed a de- just before submit d a memora nding at meeting g more the deadli ted an offer , bringing n- delayed Wednes than the ne. day night’s the city site. Photo closer to a safegu the auction by two EUSD has Mosaic, by Jared acquirin ard, in case part 2 Whitlock months g Artist Mark By Promis as the deal e Yee Patterson with the has plans OCEANSIDE up to his for a follow announcemen Kay’s husban — TURN TO Surfing DEAL ON A15 donna mosaic t that an The Parker helped banLIFT d Dick MaUr. A5 accept the building grant will fund grant at the the Kay City Counci meeting ow to reacH Message Family Resour Parker April l 16. the honor The final remains ce Center (760) 436-97 us the planne of namin He said at source A&E.............. 37 on Eden installment affordable d Mission Cove center after g the reCalendar housing Gardens tells of Classifieds............ A10 bought project wife was well deservhis late Calendar@coa OUSD takes the commu ..... B21 nity’s reasons. applause for two ed. The Food stnewsgroup. the affordable Mission Cove to youth. commitment to reduce wastepledge Legals& Wine....... B12 com Comm Community form “green A6 housing and ........... mixedwere glad unity membe Community@News aimed at teams” Opinion......... ....... A18 rs sion use project on and resource to have a family recycling. Avenue coastnewsgro MisB1 Sports........... .......A4 oped throug is being develthe city’s center as part Letters h a partne ....... A20 of betwee low-income ing project rship Letters@coa hous- tional n the city , and pleased and Nastnewsgroup. the name equally sance Community Renais com center will nonprofit of the developer. Kay Parker honor the late The , a belove ground project will break housing this summe d, fair advocate. r. GradBy Jared


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Two Sectio ns 48 pages






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AUG. 7, 2015



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AUG. 7, 2015


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Tom Telesco made during the draft, especially with the top pick in running back Melvin Gordon. “Anytime you can have a running back that can take some of the pressure off Philip (Rivers) I think that makes the offense much, much better, much


said. During his college time, Perryman said his thencoach Al Golden told him to “ignore the noise and all that other outside stuff.” “It really doesn’t bother me at all, especially coming from U-M. The outside noise is nothing,” Perryman said. Mager had faced distractions during his playing time at Texas State, including, he said, the loss of his grandmother and his sisters always trying to get him to do things for them. “I knew that football was always my out,” Mager said. “I could always go and get on the field and forget about everything at home. Football really helps me out, weed out all of the distractions because when you’re out here all you’re thinking about is football.” Chargers alum linebacker Billy Ray Smith was on hand Saturday, watching the team’s first practice in full pads. Smith said there were distractions every year during his 10-year-long football career, but nothing quite as serious as what the team is facing this year, though he doesn’t think it



that’s why the team presented a long-term deal. But the standout end needs a few more hands on deck to really shine. What was doom-andgloom last year was the run defense. It was another aspect of a mediocre team and if you don’t believe so you fell asleep after the Chargers drafted Gordon. The next pick was Miami’s Denzel Perryman. When you draft a runstuffer where there are two

more dangerous,” Smith said. The Chargers will host FanFest Aug. 8 at Qualcomm Stadium from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and is free to the public. Their first preseason game at home is Aug. 13 against the Dallas Cowboys.

SAVANNAH LANG Digital Media Manager

Above: San Diego Chargers running back Danny Woodhead works through the tackling training machine. Below: San Diego Chargers head coach Mike McCoy observes the team during practice Saturday morning at Chargers Park. Photos by Bill Reilly

Call Savannah for all your digital media needs.

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As for the Chargers this will prove too much for the this game you have to be able to shut everything out,” season, Smith said he loves players. the moves general manager “When you’re playing he said.

returning starters in Donald Butler and Manti Te’o, that’s revealing. The cornerbacks are set with Brandon Flowers and Jason Verrett. Flowers was kept off the free-agent market — a good move by Telesco. Verrett showed flashes in his rookie season, but he must prove his frame can shoulder the physical toll the NFL extracts. All-Pro safety Eric Weddle is in camp and grumpy. He’s ticked the Chargers denied his request for a multi-year con-

California State University San Marcos

tract and he didn’t hide his displeasure. A motivated Weddle is a good thing as he’ll be eager to prove the Chargers made a mistake. What would be a crime is if the Chargers flee. A larger blunder is letting lawyers and spokespeople trump layout catches and spiking the football. The Chargers are back and for how long we don’t know? What’s clear is footballs are filling the sky, a cherished respite from the hot air, which dominated the offseason.

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