The rancho santa fe news, april 17, 2015

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VOL. 11, N0. 8

Santa Fe Irrigation District General Manager Michael Bardin asks members of the Rancho Santa Fe Association to help get the message out to the community to reduce their water consumption by 25 percent. File photo

RSF is asked to reduce water consumption By Christina Macone-Greene

RANCHO SANTA FE — During a recent RSF Association board of directors meeting, the direction took a sobering turn when Michael Bardin, general manager of the Santa Fe Irrigation District, took center stage. He provided the directors and members with a summary on the water and drought conditions in the state; and, how the District was handling the situation and what was being asked of their customers. “The drought is very, very serious. It’s the worst drought in the history of the state of California,” he said.

The Sierra snowpack was at the lowest levels ever recorded and was followed by the second lowest last year. This creates a dire condition in terms of water. “Our local water supplies, which come from Lake Hodges, are exhausted. We’ve used that water up and with no local rain, we don’t have any local water supplies,” he said. “The imported supplies, the ones that come from the Colorado River and the Bay Delta are going to be cut back this year.” He went on to say how he wasn’t aware of what the cutback would be from the Metropolitan Water District, which affects all of

Southern California. Bardin said with the governor’s recent pronouncement, he can see those cuts being up in the 20 to 25 percent range to retailers, such as the District. “And we’re rolling back onto that system because we have no local water,” he said. “We’ve had the hottest and driest conditions we’ve ever experienced in the last couple of years.” Bardin explained that its demands are “drying up” due to irrigating large properties and this is causing the lack of water supply. While the District is taking measures to decrease water usage, they are looking into the devel-

opment of new supplies and actions. As this occurs, Bardin made a plea to the community. “We’re asking everyone to reduce their water consumption by 25 percent. That’s going to be hard,” he said. “It’s time to sacrifice. I know folks are doing a lot, and we’re at a point where those next steps are going to be painful. It’s not irrigating your lawns and it’s changing your landscaping.” Bardin also referred to a direct quote the governor made which indicated that the era of watering one’s lawn is coming to an end. TURN TO WATER ON 18

San Dieguito River Boardwalk compromise reached By Bianca Kaplanek

DEL MAR — Efforts to keep a popular boardwalk that runs along the San Dieguito River have at least partially paid off. The San Dieguito River Park Joint Powers Authority board of directors voted 7-0 on April 8 to accept a compromise negotiated with the California Coastal Commission to remove about 680 feet of the eastern portion of the structure. In exchange, the remaining 520 feet will remain in place and end in a viewing platform. “No one was happy that the much-loved boardwalk will now end with a viewing platform, but the decision was based on preserving public access to the restored wetlands and allowing the more extensive excavation and tidal flow desired by the Coastal Commission and staff,” JPA Chairman and Del Mar City Council-

More than 150 people attended a March 21 Save the Boardwalk rally. Trish Boaz from the San Dieguito River Valley Coastal Conservancy credits their efforts for helping to maintain at least half of the 1,200-foot structure, built in 2007. Photo by Bianca Kaplanek

man Don Mosier said. The 1,200-foot walkway was built in 2007 by volunteers at a cost of about $354,000. The money came

from private donations and ucational and recreational San Dieguito River Valley resource that gives river Coastal Conservancy and park visitors an up-close transportation grants. It is considered an edTURN TO BOARDWALK ON 18

APRIL 17, 2015

Stump’s Village Market in Rancho Santa Fe will be closing its doors at the end of the year. The store has been a staple in the community for more than two decades. Photo by Tony Cagala

Resident speaks out against Stump’s Village Market closure By Christina Macone-Greene

RANCHO SANTA FE — The news that Stump’s Village Market will be closing its doors and leaving Rancho Santa Fe by the end of the year has left many residents disappointed. One such resident is Lindsay Short who has lived in the Ranch since the early 1980s. During a recent Rancho Santa Fe Association Board of Directors meeting, Short addressed the directors, telling the board that she was deeply concerned about the closing of Stump’s Village Market. The 10,000-square foot store has served residents for more than two decades. Short proposed to the Board to consider purchasing the building from the owner of Plaza de Santa Fe, Susan Wooley. During her input, she provided a list of reasons as to why she thought the community should mull it over. “It was built by Roger Wooley in 1974,” she said, adding how it was his intention to make it a permanent grocery store for the community. “Many residents have deliberately bought their residences close to Stump’s so that they could walk to the shop in order to buy their groceries. In some instances, some of these residents are no longer permitted to drive.” Short went on to say that Stump’s also provides a delivery service for its residents. This has provided an additional level of convenience. She told the board that Wooley is “purported to be seeking” another tenant for this space since the remainder of the building’s lease has been purchased.

This thought of potential tenants has Short incredibly concerned. “The chaos that will ensue if she is granted permission to build offices on top will be mind-blowing,” she said. Short voiced her trepidations such as limited parking and traffic congestion. If any construction is needed to accommodate a new tenant(s), Short mentioned the additional chaos of dust, cranes, cement mixers and more. “Imagine what fun it will be for many of us to go to the Post Office,” she said, with a sarcastic tone. According to Short, the nearest grocery store alternative would be Harvest Ranch in Encinitas. She went on to describe their Village store as a blessing, also naming the owners, its manager, Matt Basham, and staff members as excellent. “They have donated and organized the Firefighters Breakfast, Rancho Santa Fe Days, and made many donations to schools,” Short said. From there, she personally named the team members of Stump’s who have diligently served the Ranch over the years. “We need to take this into account and show our loyalty and support,” she said. “In the past, our Association has found the funds to acquire a certain Ranch for many millions based on historical value. Surely, we can find the funds to acquire this very necessary support for our community.” Short ended her comments by saying that she hoped many would agree with her proposal and recommended that the community vote on it.


T he R ancho S anta F e News

APRIL 17, 2015

Bill Overton shares literary tastes By Christina Macone-Greene

RANCHO SANTA FE — This year, the Rancho Santa Fe Library Guild decided on a guest speaker who works a stone’s throw away from the library. Bill Overton, the Rancho Santa Fe Association’s new manager, gladly accepted the invitation as the Guild’s speaker for its annual meeting. Those who have yet to meet Overton had the opportunity to learn more about him, including his literary side. Susan Appleby, director of membership at the Guild, told the crowd that Overton who began his position at the Association on Jan. 28, came from Scottsdale, Ariz. He served as community manager for 12 years at the Desert Mountain Master and Village Association. Last year, the Arizona Association of Community Managers named Overton as “Manager of the Year.” Overton started off by saying that decency, respect and good fellowship are important operating principles. And even in a homeowners association, he said, he believes in approaching every interaction with those types of principals. “It’s an honor to be here. What a beautiful place,” Overton said. “I

From left: Pam Wasserman, MaryAnn Smith, Anne Rogers, Laverne Schlosser, and Susan Glass of the Rancho Santa Fe Garden Club. The club is inviting groups to apply for grants now through May 1. Photo

by Christina Macone-Greene

Garden Club readies for grant process By Christina Macone-Greene

Rancho Santa Fe Association Manager Bill Overton, with Art Yayanos, the president of the RSF Library Guild. Photo by Christina Macone-Greene

hope everybody knows that my wife and I rent a house in the village right over here on El Tordo. And every day I walk to work. I mean who gets to do that in California?” When he and his wife moved to the Ranch, Overton donated books to the Book Cellar. “We had books that wouldn’t fit on our shelves. Some of them were quite historic, hand me downs from my grandparents, so hopefully that helps your cause,” he said. With a humble tone, Overton admitted he doesn’t know why everyone is so interested in what he has to say. Especially, the media coverage when he arrived.

Overton said that the two months he has been of service to the Association and its members have gone by in the blink of an eye. “I’m learning that the Association is just a part of a huge wheel here with so many incredible nonprofits,” he said. Overton then opened the floor to questions. Being that this was a Guild event with avid readers, the question of what Overton liked to read came up for discussion. “I love the classics. I’ve read a lot of Shakespeare. I really like Henry V, Hamlet and Othello,” he said, adding today he reads more detective novels. “These TURN TO OVERTONON 18

RANCHO SANTA FE — The official announcement has been made. The Rancho Santa Fe Garden Club has opened its grant doors and has invited applicants who would like assistance to fund their projects or initiatives. These requests are to fall under the organization’s mission to help nurture the development of both charitable horticulture and conservation undertakings both within and outside the community. Grant applications must be received by May 1, 2015 at noon for consideration. Annually, the Garden Club gifts these grants.

Odd Files By Chuck Shepherd Perspective Lawyers Brendan and Nessa Coppinger live in a Washington, D.C., row house next door to a tobacco user, whose smoke seeps into their unit, and (especially since Nessa is pregnant) the Coppingers have filed a $500,000 lawsuit against the neighbor. However, the anti-corruption website Republic Report found that one of Nessa Coppinger’s clients is Suncoke Energy, which is being sued by four Ohio residents who allege that Suncoke does to them what Coppinger’s neighbor does to her and her fetus. (Suncoke’s “clouds or haze,” containing particulates of lead, mercury, arsenic, chromium, creosote, coal tar pitch and other alarming substances, allegedly

And this year, the grant giving has risen to another level. “The Garden Club is expanding its reach this year, networking with more surrounding communities with 501C3 organizations that are looking for funding for projects that promote horticulture and conservation,” said Erin Browne, Rancho Santa Fe Garden Club Executive Director. The response to its grant program changes every year. According to Browne, the Garden Club is hoping to disperse this year’s funds to as many worthy projects as possible. She also pointed out how it’s considering all

proposals requesting up to $10,000. The recent sale of the Garden Club property has enabled the nonprofit be more generous in its awards to fellow charitable 501C3 organizations and public educational institutions. This year, the Grant Committee includes Pam Wasserman, MaryAnn Smith, Anne Rogers, Laverne Schlosser, and Susan Glass. “The Rancho Santa Fe Garden Club has a long history of contributing to the community through charitable horticulture and charitable conservation acTURN TO GARDEN CLUB ON 18

threatens the neighbors’ Unclear on the Concept Some states that health and property valrushed to enact systems ues.) to evaluate schoolteachers by the test scores of their The Continuing Crisis Among Colorado’s le- students left the details gal contortions to improve of such regimens for later, mass murderer James resulting, for example, in Holmes’ chances of getting absurdities like the Washa “fair” trial, officials in ington, D.C., public school January called more than custodians and lunchroom 9,000 people to choose its workers who a few years jury of 12 (plus 12 alter- ago were being evaluatnates) who will somehow ed, in part, by student surmise whether the Au- test scores in English and rora theater shooter was math. In March, a New York legally sane at the time he killed 12 and wounded public school art teacher, 70. The 9,000 first had to writing in The Washington complete lengthy question- Post, complained that his naires, with “thousands” coveted “effective” rating returning for individual one year had dropped to interrogation, and many “developing” simply befor follow-up screening. cause his school’s student (Among the prospects the math score had fallen. Furthermore, since judge encountered was one man skeptical of the death he is now “developing,” penalty — except in the he must file plans for imcase of a “zombie apoca- proving his performance lypse.” Said Judge Carlos (i.e., how, from art class, Samour Jr., “You meet he can raise math scores some interesting people in among students he does not teach). this job.”)

APRIL 17, 2015


T he R ancho S anta F e News

Reducing waste one cup at a time Court: ‘Yoga isn’t religious’ By Tony Cagala

REGION — Drew Beal was in Seattle last week, attending a national coffee conference. But he wasn’t there seeking out the best cup o’joe the Emerald City has to offer. Instead, the San Diego resident with the title of chief environmental optimist for the nonprofit Social Ventures for Sustainability was looking to raise awareness and to enlist coffee drinkers everywhere to “kill the cup.” The nonprofit, which Beal co-founded, is hosting its first-ever Kill the Cup Earth Day pledge, with the hopes of signing up 22,000 coffee drinkers pledging to change their habits from using the one-time use cups to using reusable ones. “It’s been tough,” Beal said of trying to change people’s behaviors towards the disposable coffee cups. That’s because bringing a reusable cup to a coffee shop isn’t always on people’s minds, or is it part of their routines, he explained. Last week, Beal had more than 700 coffee drinkers committed to the pledge. By the time he would be leaving Seattle and the time the nonprofit will be at the Balboa Park Earth Fair this weekend, he said he hopes to have more. As an MBA student at UCSD two years ago, Beal

Drew Beal is chief environmental optimist of the nonprofit Social Ventures for Sustainability. The nonprofit is hosting a Kill the Cup Earth Day pledge, hoping coffee drinkers will switch from using disposable coffee cups to reusable ones. Courtesy photo

first noticed the coffee cup problem. He explained that Starbucks offers 10 cents off the price of a drink when customers bring in their own cups. Beal also noticed a sign in the stores asking customers to help save the environment by using reusable cups. “But those had not resulted in any significant changes in the percentages of people that bring their own cup,” Beal said. That was when Beal and the nonprofit began the Kill the Cup University Challenge, a four-week pro-

gram on campuses around the country, which began at UCSD last fall. The idea was to change people’s behaviors towards the single-use cups by essentially “gamifying” the experience. Students, Beal said, could upload “coffee selfies,” pictures showing themselves using reusable cups and, in turn, be rewarded with points, which they could use to enter into a weekly raffle for gift cards and other prizes. The data started to show more students engaged in the program. Less than 2 percent of Starbucks drinks are served in reusable cups, said Beal. “It’s an overwhelming majority of the drinks served at coffee shops are in paper cups,” Beal said. In a 2014 Global Responsibility Report from Starbucks, reusable cups are a part of the company’s overall waste reduction strategy. “For 30 years, we’ve rewarded customers with a discount when they bring in a personal tumbler. It is our goal to serve 5 percent of the beverages made in stores in tumblers and mugs brought in by our customers, and in 2014 our customers did that 47.6 million times, up from 46.9 million in 2013,” the report states. Beal said he’s been in contact with Starbucks’ director of environmental ini-

tiatives about their kill the cup efforts.. Starbucks has said they will continue to look for ways to encourage their customers to make the switch to reusable cups. The nonprofit is also working on developing a program for independent coffee stores, too. To date, the Kill the Cup challenge has saved more than an estimated 15,400 cups from ending up in landfills, including 3,860 gallons of water and 1.93 tons of CO2 emissions that are associated with manufacturing processes, according to the nonprofit’s website. The nonprofit monitors the successes by using two metrics: one is the reusable rate — what Beal explained was the percentage of total drinks that are served in reusable cups, and the other, by tracking the total number of drinks sold. The main goal of the nonprofit is to reduce consumer waste, said Beal. With that, they’re working with the San Diego Coffee Network on a Kill the Cup San Diego campaign, which Beal said is slated to take place the first 10 days in May. What’s new about this campaign is that it will be open to anyone that downloads their app and uploads a coffee selfie for points to enter into raffles.

Skyline kidnapping suspect is arrested By Bianca Kaplanek

REGION — A 22-yearold resident of Fairbanks Ranch, who in 2009 donated $2,000 of his bar mitzvah money to the Helen Woodward Animal Center, was arrested on April 1 and charged with the March 23 attempted kidnapping of a 7-year-old Skyline Elementary School student. Jack Henry Doshay pleaded not guilty to charges of cruelty to a child, kidnapping and false imprisonment with violence during his April 3 arraignment. He is being held without bail at the Vista Detention Facility. A bail hearing was set for April 9. A few hours after obtaining a warrant, sheriff deputies arrested Doshay at approximately 7:30 p.m. at an in-home treatment facility in the 25000 block of Adelanto Drive in Laguna Niguel about a mile from Crown Valley Elementary School. His attorney, Paul Pfingst, gave law enforcement the exact address. He said Doshay was being treated for depression. The suspect is the son of Glenn and Karen Doshay, who have been honored several times for their contributions to the San Diego Jewish Academy. Glenn Doshay is president of Thorindor Air Inc., holds active roles in two companies and inactive roles in five others and is a minority owner of the San Diego Padres.

Sheriff’s deputies arrest 22-year-old Jack Henry Doshay, a Fairbanks Ranch resident, on April 1 and is being charged with the March 23 attempted kidnapping of a 7-year-old Skyline Elementary School student in Solana Beach. Photo courtesy of the San Diego Sheriff’s Department

The younger Doshay was living with his parents and has a brother who resides in Solana Beach in the general area Skyline Elementary. At about 3:30 p.m. on March 23, not long after the Solana Beach school on Lomas Santa Fe Drive let out, Doshay allegedly threatened the 7-year-old and tried to tape her mouth. The girl fought him off and screamed, attracting the attention of teachers. The victim and witnesses provided information that resulted in a widely reported composite sketch and description of the suspect’s car. Sheriff William Gore, in an April 2 press conference, said as a result his department and Crime Stoppers received more than 150 tips. “We just followed all those leads,” he said, adding that investigators worked to eliminate or identify a possible suspect.

He said his department had been in contact with Pfingst earlier in the week and deputies were in “the general area” just prior to the arrest. “We can’t make an arrest until we have enough facts developed in the case to get a warrant,” Gore said. More than one person identified Doshay as a possible suspect based on the sketch and description of the car, he added. Gore initially declined to provide details on Doshay’s connection to the Laguna Niguel residence where he was arrested. “This guy messed with the wrong girl and the wrong community,” Mike Paeske, the victim’s father, said during the approximately 12-minute press conference. “We are so proud of our daughter for the way she handled herself during the attack and subsequent investigation. “She is our inspiration

and our hero,” he added. “We are thankful for the outpouring of support that we have received from so many that don’t even know our daughter. “We appreciate the vigilance of our friends, neighbors, Solana Beach residents and surrounding communities for their diligent efforts to find this person,” Paeske said as his wife, Joy, sat nearby, wiping away tears. “Your tips and phone calls were a huge support for this investigation.” Paeske thanked all the law enforcement agencies that helped with the case “for making this a high priority and expending so many resources to apprehend this individual.” “San Diego County families can sleep a little bit better knowing that one less threat is out there on the street,” Paeske said. “Apprehension was a huge milestone in our ordeal. Now we begin the process of healing.” Gore said his department received help from the U.S. Marshal Service and San Diego FBI office. He praised Capt. Theresa Adams-Hydar from the North County station “for her exceptional leadership in bringing this investigating to a successful conclusion.” If convicted Doshay could face up to 11 years in prison. Pfingst said his family is “very distressed” the victim had a “traumatic experience.”

By Aaron Burgin

REGION — The State Court of Appeal has sent an clear message about Encinitas Union School District’s yoga program to the family and organization that challenged it: it isn’t religious. The Fourth District Court of Appeal last week delivered a 3-0 ruling that upholds a lower court’s ruling that the K-6 school district’s yoga program does not violate the state Constitution’s separation of church and state. “After a careful review of the extensive evidence presented in the trial court concerning the nature of the particular yoga program at issue in this case, we conclude that the program is secular in purpose, does not have the primary effect of advancing or inhibiting religion, and does not excessively entangle the school district in religion,” Associate Justice Cynthia Aaron wrote in the unanimous opinion. “Accordingly, we conclude that the trial court properly determined that the district’s yoga program does not violate our state constitution.” The appeal’s court ruling upholds Superior Court Judge John Meyer’s decision in 2013 in favor of the school district at the group Yoga for Encinitas Students — known as YES! — that the district’s program did not endorse Hinduism over other religion and did not create a violation of the so-called “establishment” clause of the constitution. “We are thankful that this episode has ended, even though we anticipated the outcome, it is nice to be on this side of it,” Encinitas Union School District superintendent Timothy Baird said. “It doesn’t change anything in the way we are delivering the program. We are appreciative that the appeals court found in our favor.” The case, Sedlock v. Baird, was filed by the National Center for Law and Policy, a conservative rights law group, on behalf of the parents of two El Camino Creek students, who said that the district’s yoga program was an endorsement of Hindu religious beliefs promoted in Ashtanga yoga and indoctrinated students with those beliefs. The three-judge appeal panel refuted each of the arguments made by the conservative law group, concluding that the yoga class had a primary secular purpose — physical fitness — that it did not advance or inhibit a particular religion and did not foster an excessive government entanglement with religion. The court acknowledged that the origin of yoga was religious, but noted that so are other forms

We are very thankful to both law firms representing the district.” Timothy Baird District Superintendent

of physical fitness that have become mainstream practices, including karate, kung fu and other martial arts. But the district’s yoga program, which the school district argued had been stripped of all vestiges of religious symbolism, was not religious in nature, the court concluded. “To be sure, if the District’s program instructed children that through yoga they would become one with God and that yoga could help end the karmic cycle of reincarnation… we have little doubt that the program would violate the establishment clause,” Aaron wrote in the ruling. ”However, nowhere in the District’s curriculum is there mention of any of the eight limbs of Ashtanga, and there is certainly no mention of the final limb (union with the divine). Indeed, as described above, there is no evidence of any religious indoctrination in any of the written curriculum or in the evidence related to the teaching methods employed in actual District yoga classes.” Following the court’s ruling, one Hindu organization called on all school districts to adopt yoga into their physical fitness programs. “If Encinitas Union School District could successfully teach yoga, why not other California school districts could do it similarly?” said Rajan Zed, president of the Universal Society of Hinduism. School district officials thanked the law firms, both on the district’s side and with YES, that defended the district free of charge. “This would have been a very expensive case to defend, especially when it reached the appeals phase,” Baird said. “We are very thankful to both law firms representing the district.”


T he R ancho S anta F e News

APRIL 17, 2015


Views expressed in Opinion & Editorial do not necessarily reflect the views of The Coast News

Community Commentary

Ending the cycle of domestic violence By Cassan R. Phelps

Disclose Act as antidote to dismal voter turnouts? California Focus By Thomas D. Elias Politicians have come up with myriad alleged reasons for the dismal vote turnouts seen across California in this spring’s municipal elections – not even reaching 10 percent of eligible voters in the state’s biggest city, Los Angeles. Bad timing, some suggest. Too many elections, others say. Another excuse: not enough news coverage. But these rationalizations ignore a fundamental reality of today’s politics. Voters just don’t trust politicians, believing many have been bought by special interests making unlimited, often anonymous donations under the U.S. Supreme Court’s infamous “Citizens United” decision, which declared that corporations have some of the same rights as people. Because Supreme Court justices serve for life and several who voted for Citizens United are relatively young, that decision won’t be reversed anytime soon. So anyone believing that openness and transparency can create trust in government must look elsewhere for solutions. One that many believe can be effective is immediate, prominent disclosure of the biggest funders of political campaigns and advertising both for individual candidates and ballot propositions. Enter California’s proposed “Disclose Act,” a putative law that’s been on the drawing board in the Legislature for more than five years. It would require the top three funders of ballot measure ads be shown clearly in the ads themselves. And it requires the

donors listed in the ad be the original sources of the cash, forbidding the use of committee names often employed to conceal the identities of the original contributors. While this doesn’t require similar disclosure of donors to so-called independent expenditure committees backing individual candidates, it’s a big step in the right direction. Donors to the candidates themselves are listed on the secretary of state’s website. Backed by the California Clean Money Campaign and more than 400 other organizations, the Disclose Act reemerged in the Legislature in March, co-sponsored by Democratic Assemblymen Jimmy Gomez of Los Angeles and Marc Levine of Marin County. It’s now also known as AB 700. “The goal…is to press for greater transparency at who’s trying to hide behind these magnificently titled political committees, expose their true identities and motives,” said Gomez. It’s anybody’s guess whether voters watching TV and Internet ads would pay attention to this information if offered. But at least this would give them the chance to understand what and who is behind the ads blasted at them. Would it have worked with something like last fall’s Proposition 45? That measure, aiming to regulate health insurance prices just like car insurance and property coverage premiums already are, led in polls by about 10 percent when the campaign around it began in July of last year. But a $55 million ad campaign, seemingly ubiquitous for months on both radio and television, reversed that margin and led

the initiative to lose by 5941 percent. The measure was opposed by the California Medical Assn. doctors’ lobby and the California Hospital Assn., among others. They feared controlling insurance premiums would cut into their members’ income. The endings of their ads also contained fine print and barely audible statements saying they were paid for by the state’s biggest health insurance carriers, Kaiser Permanente, Blue Shield, the parent company of Anthem Blue Cross and HealthNet. The result made it plain almost no one read the fine print or heeded the sotto voce disclosure statements, let alone checked out the secretary of state website. The ads turned around about 1 million voters, as effective a campaign as the state has seen in years. Things might have been different had the Disclose Act been around. Would voters who knew the message was sponsored by Big Health Insurance still have changed their minds and chosen today’s unregulated health insurance premiums? It’s speculative to say that disclosure would have prevented the turnaround in voters’ opinion on insurance rate regulation, but the Disclose Act at least would have let them know who was trying to influence them. All of which means that although the latest version of the Disclose Act would still leave plenty more to be done, it would be a big step toward voters’ understanding the political process and leveling a playing field that now tilts markedly toward large corporations. Email Thomas Elias at For more Elias columns, visit

Presently, one in 15 children are exposed to domestic violence each year. Ninety percent of these children are eyewitnesses to the violence. It is our job to make sure this number is continually on the decline. With the enactment of Candace’s Law, also known as the Domestic Violence Enhanced Penalty Act of 2015 we stand a chance at breaking the cycle of domestic violence. Candace’s Law pronounces that any person convicted of committing, or attempting to commit an act of domestic violence in the presence of minor children is subjected to an enhanced sentencing requirement. Currently, this bill stands a zero percent chance of being enacted. Which is why as a society we need to educate our fellow civilians and raise awareness of the detrimental impact domestic violence has on our future generations. Breaking the cycle of domestic violence needs to become a primary goal of our society. Allowing future generations to grow up in an environment free of fear and violence is a goal we all should share. According to statistics by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. During one year this number equates to more than 10 million women and men. Domestic violence is not blind to socio-economic status, color, gender, race, or ethnicity. This issue affects people from all walks of life and does not show bias to anyone. With such a high occurrence of domestic violence there must be harsher sentencing for assailants


committed of such acts in the presence of minors. As a society, we must protect minors and break the cycle of domestic violence. The passing of Candace’s Law will allow for a solution to a problem that currently has no end. Currently, more than 3 million children a year will witness an instance of domestic violence. Children who experience domestic violence often exhibit aggressive and disobedient behavior during adolescence. In worst-case scenarios, these children often times will intervene amongst parents in a domestic violence dispute. These interventions can result in serious injury for the child and in extreme instances can even result in death. Exposing children to domestic violence creates a lifetime of trauma that is rarely healed. Children raised in homes of domestic violence are prone to experience Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and are also vulnerable to feelings such as mistrust, anger, low self-esteem, and other impaired emotions necessary for maintaining a functional relationship. As these children develop into adults they tend to develop similar reactions to that of the same-sex parent. More than likely, males will enter into relationships as the batterer and females will enter into a violent relationship as the abused. Domestic violence is not just a one-time issue. It is a cycle that will perpetuate if we do not take a stance. This issue will continue to affect future generations allowing for the cycle to flourish and grow stronger with each instance of domestic violence. Domestic violence on average costs the national economy over $37 billion a

year. The Democratic Party stands behind this initiative leaving the Republican party the opportunity to jump on board. Creating a world free of domestic violence is a world our children can proudly and safely grow up in. Children of up-coming generations are already forced to face the tumultuous world ahead with a brave face; these children need to be able to feel comfort and safety within their homes. Domestic violence needs to come to an end and allow our children a fighting chance to flourish in their ever-changing environment. Domestic violence will always be an issue in our society. It is an issue that knows no boundaries and can affect anyone and everyone. As humans it is our job to pave the way for future generations. To leave the world better and brighter than how it was given to us. Allowing our children to live in a domestic violence free environment is doing just that. Passing an initiative such as Candace’s Law will help to reach this goal. Bringing awareness and deterring instances of abuse in general but especially in the presence of minors will help to create a safe haven and allow for children to lead lives free of fear and violence. Violence has become so prevalent in our day to day lives there is no reason a child should have to face such occurrences within their home and amongst the people they should trust the most, their parents. Cassan R. Phelps is a graduate student at the University of Southern California currently working towards a master’s degree in social work and an Encinitas resident.

Rancho Santa Fe newS P.O. Box 232550, Encinitas, CA 92023-2550 • 760-436-9737 • Fax: 760-943-0850



Contributing writers ChrisTina maCone-greene BianCa KaPlaneK Promise yee david Boylan e’louise ondash

franK mangio Jay Paris Photographer Bill reilly Contact the Editor Tony Cagala

APRIL 17, 2015


T he R ancho S anta F e News

Aging gracefully tricky business RSF Association Manager reports to board

small talk jean gillette After being one of her fans over the years, I was shocked to read several bitter and sullen quotes from the longtime editor of Cosmopolitan magazine, Helen Gurley Brown. It seems the immutable laws of life and time had finally stolen her endless energy and sex appeal, or at least she thought so, and she was darned miffed about it. Never mind that she had what should be the

satisfaction of an extraordinary career and its attending fame. She had, according to chronicles I read of her over the years, a host of intellectually scintillating friends and sophisticated acquaintances who surely bore her some affection. And she had money, lots and lots of money. It seemed she entirely focused on how pathetic life was as she grew older and was no longer firm and fetching. One of her themes I recall is a standard, about how unfair it is that older men getting sexier, women not so much. One could say that since she spent several decades vehemently trying to convince the world that being young and sexy was absolutely all that mattered, growing old and frail might have been her perfect comeuppance. What did she think was going to happen? Even with tucks, implants and suction, the body is an unreliable and annoying creature. I found it disappointing that she used the sexual revolution to the hilt but missed the simultaneous social upheaval that began to teach people that women have much to offer this world other than youthful beauty. Didn’t she ever meet an older woman she found interesting to talk to, delightful to laugh with, reassuring as a companion or worth learning from? She dismantled what

could have been a lovely time of life for her, as a wise and glamorous dowager (I bet she hates that word!). She had a life many women, especially women of arts and letters, can only dream about. She must have been a creative and clever woman to have run Cosmo for 32 years. She was certainly experienced in many areas (besides how to make up quizzes on sexual compatibility). Her time had come to just sit back and be regal – wrinkled, sure, and maybe a tad slow, but still regal. Instead, she stewed. Barbara Bush, Katherine Graham and Maggie Smith, Lauren Bacall and Katharine Hepburn know about regal. They became aging, wrinkled, not perfectly firm, not perfectly witty in all their discussions, yet they remained fascinating and striking women. I would thrill to sit next to any one of them at dinner for one night, and so would most any man I know. Theses women proceed with enviable grace and dignity. Ms. Gurley Brown, seems to have overlooked grooming oneself to age with dignity. Perhaps she should have given it at least one cover.

By Christina Macone-Greene

At a recent Rancho Santa Fe Board Association meeting, the directors were apprised of the happenings over the last month. Association manager, Bill Overton discussed various issues. One item approved on the agenda was announcing the Association’s new controller, Don May. Overton asked that May be an additional signer on the checking account and the board moved to approve this. Overton told the board and members present that this quarter has been very strong in its due diligence regarding every aspect of

business for the Association and the RSF Golf Club. “One of the things that started many months before I came here was the solicitation of banking proposals,” Overton said. Four banks made the final cut. According to Overton, about six weeks ago, the finance committee interviewed those institutions, narrowing it down even further. “Interestingly, the two biggest banks did not make the final cut for a variety of reasons. Torrey Pines Bank and Union Bank, who is our existing bank, made the fi-

nal cut,” he said. Staff made the recommendation that it remain with Union Bank. “Now, while it looks like nothing has changed, I want to just assure everybody that everything’s changed. This was a phenomenally good result for the Association,” he said. Overton wanted everyone to know that Union Bank matched the best bidder on HOA banking services so they improved their niche banking for Association as a homeowner’s association. Additionally, they TURN TO MANAGER ON 18

Jean Gillette is a freelance writer working hard on that regal thing. Contact her at

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T he R ancho S anta F e News

APRIL 17, 2015

Superintendent gives board survey update RSF Library Guild holds annual meeting By Christina Macone-Greene

By Christina Macone-Greene pening

RANCHO SANTA FE — The Rancho Santa Fe Library Guild hosted its 2015 annual meeting. President Art Yayanos welcomed all who were in attendance and introduced speakers from the Guild. Getting down to business, the 2015-16 RSF Library Guild Board of Directors were announced which included, President Art Yayanos; Vice President and Buildings and Grounds Harry Bord; Secretary Kathy Stumm; Lynn Terhorst, treasurer; Terry Weaver Book Cellar manager; Nancy Miller, publicity; Susan Hayes, Ways and Means; Vivien U, Special Events; Erica Peterson, Youth Services; Membership and Development Susan Appleby; and Members-at-Large, Susan Bailey Cowan, Erika Desjardins and Claude Kordus. Many commended Appleby on the Guild membership increase. Terhorst mentioned a few items including how they signed a new county library lease, acknowledging and thanking Yayanos for pushing it through. The lease offered better terms. “The donations this past year enabled us to do upgrades for ADA compliance. And we can thank Art again for pushing that one through,” Terhorst said. “Overall for the year we ended up positive quite a bit so we’re going to try and meet that again next year so we can continue to expand the programs.” Terhorst wanted everyone to know these funds also cover nine part-time employees in the library. Hayes said a few words about the dedicated volunteers at the Book Cellar and encompassed the donations from the community. She asked all in attendance to help build up their endowment. Doing so, they can continue to have funds available for ongoing projects. “We thank all of you for all of your efforts and for all that will be hap-

with ‘Ways and Means,’” she said. “It has been a very good year.” Next, Yayanos addressed new business. He said that the board was in the draft process of its Policies and Procedures Manual of the Rancho Santa Fe Library Guild. “One of the most important things that I’ve identified in the years I was on the board was having a policies and procedures manual. I’ve looked through the archives, the records from our organization, and I found one sheet that had a list of 12 policies on it,” he said. Yayanos continued, “In a modern day, a lot has happened since the beginning of the Guild.” Also cited were the construction of the new ADA parking slot, ADA compliant ramp and restroom facility at the library. Yayanos shared that the Guild supports six parttime librarians in the children’s library and it makes up a significant part of its budget. He went on to say how the Guild has continually had a board member who is engaged in the matters of running the children’s library. “We’re quite fortunate again to have a board member, Erica Peterson, who had similar enthusiasms,” he said. Yayanos also touched upon the fact that the Guild helps supplement programs offered by the country library such as author talks, yoga classes, Alzheimer’s education, and more. Looking ahead, the next project is the outdoor patio renovations, including seating. Yayanos said that should be happening any day now. The plan is to have five benches and two tables shaded by café style umbrellas. “Build it and see if they come,” he said. “If people start using the outdoor seating, then we’ll be thinking about expanding the patios for better use.”

RANCHO SANTA FE — Implementing foreign language for kindergarten through fifth grade at the Rancho Santa Fe School District has become a hot topic of discussion. From talks at board meetings to special meetings with parents, it was decided that a survey would be the optimal way to receive an accurate assessment on what parents truly want for their children. At a recent board meeting, Superintendent Lindy Delaney updated the board of trustees on the progress. She told the board that the survey was in its final draft form and very close to be-

ing complete. Delaney plans to send out a letter April 13 to parents notifying the survey will be out. And on April 16, the online survey will be submitted and go live. “We are going to keep it open for one week, and then the results will be in and I’m hoping to have results for the May board meeting or no later than the June 4 board meeting,” she said. Delaney thought it would be best to bring on a professional company to champion the survey. She had communicated with several companies but ultimately decided on teaming with San Diego State Re-

search Group for guidance. Delaney said she had viewed a former survey they had completed for a school and was impressed with it. “They seemed very helpful in determining how questions should be asked, what questions should be asked and I also had a committee of three parents that volunteered to help in any way they could,” said Delaney, adding how the parent input was excellent. Delaney wants people to know that teachers were also pulled into the loop for survey questions. And looking into the budget is necessary since that is a critical component. The superinten-

dent wanted to ensure all that they were being diligent and working hard on this. Receiving the feedback from the survey is important, Delany pointed out, so they can continue to make the best decisions they can for the students. “We have had Spanish in K through 5 for our students in elementary school before, and it wasn’t as successful as we would hope, but that was years ago so we’re just going to see how this transpires,” she said. “And the first step is to decide if we really want to do that and then we’ll be looking for curriculums if we do and so forth.”

Council stalls on action to regulate horses on the beach By Bianca Kaplanek

DEL MAR — Rather than begin a process to regulate horses and other large animals on beaches and in parks, a move they were asked to consider at the April 6 meeting, council members opted to let the San Dieguito Lagoon Committee and San Dieguito River Valley Joint Powers Authority seek feedback. A Del Mar ordinance, adopted in 1970, prohibits horses in public spaces except for a small area at the north end of the city informally known as Dog Beach, where canines are permitted. Research indicates horses were allowed on all Del Mar beaches before then. The new rules were enacted to address safety concerns and the fact that where horses were being ridden, there was less beach area available for public use. Since then there is far greater use of the beaches by people, including children, and dogs, Planning Manager Adam Birnbaum said. “Staff is concerned that there is an inherent incompatibility with the use of the beach by adults, children and dogs when mixing in horses and other large animals,” he added. “Since 1970 there’s also been far more awareness and scrutiny on the issue of water quality protection. “These factors raise the question of whether it’s still appropriate to allow horses in the North Beach area or whether there should be some parameters and regulatory provisions included in the municipal code,” Birnbaum said. “As a general practice, equestrian riders do not

pick up after their horses and the fecal matter has a direct impact on ocean water quality,” according to the staff report. Staff recommended horses and other large animals, such as camels and elephants, only be allowed on beaches or in parks with an operations permit, which would put conditions on an activity, ensure safety and meet environmental objectives. Birnbaum said another option would be to only allow large animals during certain times of the day or year. Six people addressed council and asked them not to change the rules. Some, including a San Diego veterinarian, disputed the health claims. “I know far too much about horse poop,” Crystal Van Lom said, noting that the animals process food differently and that bacteria would not survive in saltwater. “Mother Nature’s not offended by horses,” she added. Other speakers said horses are docile; their owners are responsible when it comes to picking up after them and they are synonymous with Del Mar, “where the turf meets the surf.” They also said the proposed permit would be an “extreme” solution, creating added expense and bureaucracy to a recreational activity. There was also discussion about the goal of the Coast-to-Crest Trail to allow beach access to everyone. However, council members noted the trail currently prohibits horses west of Interstate 5. It was also pointed out that to get to the beach, many riders cross

the railroad tracks, which is not legal. “The intent was not to ban horses on the beach, but simply to regulate them for safety for other beach users and to prevent interaction between some ill-behaved dogs and horses,” Councilman Don Mosier said. “There is a water quality problem, and of course the water quality restrictions have increased substantially.” Mosier said it’s true that “E. coli wouldn’t like a saltwater environment,” but he is more concerned about the river and lagoons. “I think the idea that horses have unrestricted access to the beach isn’t appropriate. We have rules for dogs,” he said. “I think we have a public safety obligation to regulate when horses are there.” He also said horses are gentle animals, but not all the time. They can be spooked and there have been fatal accidents between horses and humans. “They are large animals,” Mosier said. “Occasionally sad things happen. In terms of public safety, we need to make sure that those interactions between horses and humans are good. I have real problems with people riding their horses on pedestrian-only trails. … Allowing unregulated access to the beach is not a smart thing to do and it’s not good public safety policy. Times have changed. We’ve got a lot more people and dogs on the beach. I think we have to take some steps to regulate horses.” Councilman Dwight Worden suggested taking no action. He said he grew up around horses and de-

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scribed them as “kind of like dogs.” “Most are gentle, but some will get spooked,” he said. “The manure issue I’ll leave to the scientists other than to say if you’re down there you don’t want to see a big steaming meadow muffin even if it isn’t a health hazard. In contrast to your dog, where your dog does it and you pull the bag out of your pocket and pick it up, you need a can and a rake to deal with a horse.” He also noted the city seal appears to include an image of horses on the beach. He said the lagoon committee should vet the issue and council members should revisit it “if and when it becomes a problem.” Councilman Terry Sinnott said a long-term solution should be considered, although no a ban, especially since beach use is ever increasing. “I hate to get into regulation of this kind of use but we will have to do something,” he said, noting it’s not a problem yet but it is “creeping up.” Mayor Al Corti said he’s never seen a horse on the beach in the 22 years that he’s lived in the city. “I didn’t see it as a big issue,” he said. “It should go through the lagoon committee.” Councilwoman Sherryl Parks, noting that it is difficult to get a horse from point “A to B either legally or environmentally in a sound way,” said it is almost “romantic to have horses on the beach but there are consequences that we need to address.” City Manager Scott Huth invited equestrian groups to provide solutions.

APRIL 17, 2015


T he R ancho S anta F e News

Nayel Nassar River Path extension making giant strides makes it two with Double Dutch By Bianca Kaplanek

REGION — The $25,000 Markel Insurance 1.40m Grand Prix in San Juan Capistrano April 9, kicked off the first of multiple showcase events during the third and final week of the Blenheim EquiSports Spring Classic series. Nayel Nassar on Nakich Double Dutch (Madeleine Wilson, owner) executed the skills that earned him the top prize in the 2013 HITS Zoetis $1 Million Grand Prix. The 23-yearold Stanford graduate, who represented Egypt in the 2014 Alltech World Equestrian Games as well as the FEI World Cup Finals, calculated a slick track. Riding clean in 35.25 seconds, he narrowly beat Gonzalez. Final results for the $25,000 Markel Insurance 1.40m Grand Prix, were: 1. 454 - Nakich Double Dutch - Nayel Nassar - Madeleine Wilson - 0/0/35.253 2. 870 - Clear Me - Eduardo Menezes - Ilan Ferder - 0/0/35.365 3. 874 - Quilebo du Tillard - Enrique Gonzalez - Enrique Gonzalez 0/0/35.451 4. 442 - Zanzibar - Tanya Levorchick - Megan Camaisa - 0/0/37.553 5. 112 - S.F. Uryadi Jennifer Crooks - Olivia Cox-Fill - 0/0/39.194 6. 432 - Calvatos Z Allyssa Hecht- Neaulani Farms - 0/4/35.071 7. 791 - Cantori - Andrew Kocher - Aleece Jarman - 0/4/35.210 8. 561 - Baldira - Ray Texel - Mirador Equestrian + Paul Schockem√∂hle - 0/8/35.191 9. 212 - Santa Catarina LS La Silla - Bretton Chad - Stone Ridge Farms, LLC 0/8/36.025 10. 232 - San Diego Danielle Korsh - Danielle Korsh - 0/8/38.840 11. 582 - Paloma - Keri Potter - Melanie Brooks - 0/ EL 12. 459 - Unlimited Josephina Nor Lantzman - Josephina Nor Stables, LLC - 1/81.129 Enrique Gonzalez and his own Quilebo du Tillard were first to return. Gonzalez, who represented Mexico at the 2008 Olympics and competed at the 2014 Alltech World Equestrian Games, set a sizzling time to beat, going clear in 35.45 seconds. Several rounds later, Brazilian Eduardo Menezes and Ilan Ferder's Clear Me turned in the third dou-

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ble-clear in 35.36 seconds to sneak into second place. Partners in business, Gonzalez and Menezes are reportedly fierce competitors in the ring. While developing a solid string of horses, Menezes has set his sights towards competing in his home country at the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games. Tanya Levorchick and Zanzibar (Megan Camaisa, owner) were also double clear in a solid 37.55 seconds. Levorchick, a trainer at Logan Hill in San Diego, campaigned Zanzibar successfully throughout the 2014 Markel Insurance 1.40m Grand Prix series and placed eighth in the Final during the Las Vegas National Horse Show. Irish rider Jennifer Crooks and Olivia CoxFill's S.F. Uryadi were second-to-last to come back and laid down the final double-clear round in 39.19. This pair has a strong history representing Ireland at top-level events such as the 2012 BMO Financial Nations Cup at Spruce Meadows. Last to return, Allyssa Hecht and Calvatos Z (Neaulani Farms, owner) had the fastest time in the jump-off, zipping through the timers in 35.07 seconds, but an unfortunate rail kept them out of the top spot. Hecht recently earned a second place finish on Calero in last week's $40,000 Spring Classic II Grand Prix, presented by Orange County Register. Setting the time to beat early on, Nassar and Nakich Double Dutch clinched the win. “She's a 13-year-old Dutch-bred mare whose owner lives in Boston. She was here and competed on the mare last week, so I actually haven't shown this mare in a couple of months.¬† This is our first class together, so I'm really happy with her,” Nassar explained. “She's very careful and really fast.¬† The key is to get her to take a breath when she can and we managed to do that today.” With two Markel Insurance Grand Prix wins already under his belt, Nassar is thinking seriously about November's Final at the Las Vegas National. “We are usually on the West Coast then; if plans stay that way I'll definitely be targeting the class in Vegas.” Nassar has spent the last three weeks competing at the Blenheim EquiSports Spring Series with plans to go for the win in Saturday's $50,000 Spring Classic III Grand Prix on Andrew Ramsay's Bologna. “It's been great to be here for three weeks. This is a beautiful facility, with good prizes and footing that has been holding up very well.”

DEL MAR — Plans to extend River Path Del Mar, a quarter-mile stretch of land between San Dieguito Drive and the lagoon, are “moving forward with lightning speed,” Joseph Smith, the city’s associate planner, told council members during a project update at the April 6 meeting. River Path Del Mar is part of the San Dieguito segment of the scenic loop trail, a seven-mile hiking trail around the city’s perimeter that is divided into seven key sections. It currently provides pedestrian access along the river’s south edge between the river mouth and Jimmy Durante Boulevard. The extension would advance the path east from Jimmy Durante to the Old Grand Avenue Bridge viewpoint and bring the scenic loop trail one step closer to a future connection at the Crest Canyon segment. It is a joint project between the city and the San Dieguito River Valley Conservancy for an estimated cost of $475,000, which includes project design, entitlements and easement acquisition, construction and environmental review and mitigation, Funds committed to date include $78,000 in private donations, $20,000 from the city and $10,000 from the Riverview project development agreement. The biggest financial boost came in September, when the conservancy received a $150,000 grant from the Neighborhood Reinvestment Program facilitated by County Supervisor

xxxx Photo by XYUVX_XUYUXV

Dave Roberts. The funds are designated for project design and environmental review and must be used by Sept. 15, 2015. There have been 23 stakeholder outreach meetings. Last month the San Dieguito Lagoon Committee recommended approval of the concept and alignments and started to work on recommendations for design elements such as picnic tables, bench styles, signage, vegetation buffers and fencing. City staff is working to complete the necessary authorizations from the various property owners as the project area spans 15 parcels, eight of which are privately owned and require public access easements. The project is scheduled to go before the Planning Commission in May, the Design Review Board in June and the California Coastal Commission and City Council this summer. Construction is slated to begin in October. Jon Terwilliger, senior management analyst, said a

portion of the project could definitely be completed despite the $217,000 budget shortfall. “You’d have to have a scaled-back project,” he said. “Maybe some of the finishing touches wouldn’t be there.” Work is expected to take about 55 days. “We have about a twomonth window, which is really toward the end of September through November,” Smith said. “That’s our target date to knock out the heavy construction.” Nesting season will be taking place and wet-season grading is prohibited, he said. If we miss that then we’re going to have to wait until the wet season and the nesting season are closed in early 2016, he added. The extension includes two planned alignments. A primary trail will allow pedestrians to walk near the river and lagoon. A secondary path will take them along the east shoulder of San Dieguito Drive. There will be three connections between the

two alignments, which will be mostly constructed with decomposed granite. Portions of the secondary trail will feature colored concrete and paved areas near the intersection of San Dieguito and Jimmy Durante. The project also includes two overlook areas with benches and two picnic areas. Cable post fencing will be installed at limited locations for public safety and to create a buffer from identified brackish marsh habitat. The California Coastal Commission is requiring that coastal sage scrub be replanted. Resident John Gillies asked council to consider replacing that with a saltwater marsh to restore wetlands. Although sage scrub requires no excavation, is drought tolerant and calls for about $10,000 worth of dirt removal, it is not native to the properties, would require irrigation, grows too TURN TO RIVER PATH ON 18

Design firm selected for City Hall project By Bianca Kaplanek

DEL MAR — Plans to replace City Hall took a major step forward April 6 when council members approved agreements with a design firm and an environmental consultant. “Tonight is a very exciting milestone,” Planning Director Kathy Garcia said. The Miller Hull Partnership LLC was selected from an applicant pool of more than a dozen architectural teams to provide design and construction documents for an amount not to exceed $550,000. A seven-member ad hoc committee made up of five residents and two council members was formed in January to recommend a design team for the project. The group first reviewed statements of qualifications that had been submitted from 14 firms. That list was narrowed to Architects Hanna Gabriel Wells, Miller Hull and Safdie Rabines Architects. “While there were many qualified firms, it was felt that these three firms were the best qualified with the most relevant coastal work, appropriate scale of built projects, experience with meaningful community participation, and understanding of the

Del Mar community,” the staff report states. Those three then submitted proposals that presented their approach to the project and a scope of work. Interviews were held with the primary team members. One firm was unanimously eliminated, and there was “a robust discussion around the final two,” Councilman Don Mosier said, adding that in the end,

“I know that food and wine does attract Del Mar residents,” Mosier said. “I’m looking forward to working with this team.” Mike Jobes, the firm’s principal designer, said his team spent a lot of time in the city “trying to understand where this project fits into the fabric of this town” and identifying “that real human scale that characterizes Del Mar.”

Council members recently awarded a contract to an architectural firm for design and construction documents to replace its deteriorating City Hall Photo by Bianca Kaplanek

Miller Hull “really seemed to understand the village character” and presented plans to build based on what is in the community already. He said the firm also has some clever ideas for community engagement, including hosting a barbecue.

He said a city hall can be more than a civic center. “It can be the heart of the community,” he added. “This is the kind of project that we love to do.” Miller Hull has offices in the state of Washington and, since 2011, San Diego. Council also authorized

a task order with RECON to prepare an environmental impact report for no more than $250,000, including TURN TO CITY HALL ON 18


T he R ancho S anta F e News

Season 34 set for North Coast Rep SOLANA BEACH — North Coast Repertory Theatre announced its 2015-2016 roster of plays. David Ellenstein, artistic director of the Solana Beach theater at 987 Lomas Santa Fe Drive, said “We chose plays that we believe not only reflect the tastes of our loyal subscribers, but will also appeal to a wide spectrum of theater lovers throughout the county.” The season opens Sept. 9 with Ken Ludwig’s comedy “The Fox on the Fairway.” Matthew Wiener directs, which plays through Oct. 4. Tony Award-winning ac-

tress Judith Ivey directs the West Coast premiere of “Chapatti” by Christian O’Reilly, scheduled for Oct. 21 to Nov. 15. Two lonely animal lovers in Dublin cross paths. “Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Great Nome Gold Rush,” kicks off the New Year. David Ellenstein directs and it runs Jan. 13 to Feb. 7, 2016. Up next, a French farce by George Feydeau, directed by Bruce Turk. “Now You See It,” plays Feb. 24 to March 20. The third West Coast premiere, “Way Downriver; William Faulkner’s ‘Old Man’” debuts April 13 to May

8. David Ellenstein directs. A flood of Biblical proportions on the mighty Mississippi provides the dramatic backdrop. “Hedda Gabler” directed by David Ellenstein, runs from June 1 to June 26. Season 34 concludes with “Ain’t Misbehavin’,” a roof-raising musical tribute to the black musicians of the ‘20s and ‘30s, playing from July 13 to Aug. 7, directed by Obie Award winner Yvette Freeman. The Holiday show will be the return engagement of “This Wonderful Life” starring James Leaming from Dec. 8 to Dec. 27.

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APRIL 17, 2015

Coaster Padres schedule PATH celebrates COAST CITIES — Fans looking to avoid the afternoon I-5 traffic and downtown parking fees, can ride the Coaster to all Padres’ home games this season. An extra Coaster train will run on Opening Day giving fans multiple train options to arrive at Petco Park prior to the first pitch in the game against the Giants. Suggested southbound trains depart Oceanside at: 9:42 a.m., 11:05 a.m., 1:51 p.m., 2:32 p.m. A Coaster train will depart Santa Fe Depot one hour after the end of the game. An Amtrak Pacific Surfliner train will also depart Santa Fe Depot at 9 p.m. This train can be boarded by fans with a valid Coaster ticket, and will make all Coaster train stops. A $12 RegionPlus Day Pass is valid for the Coaster and the MTS trolley (which can be used to reach the ballpark in lieu of walking 0.8 miles from Santa Fe Depot). Buy your Padres Coaster /Trolley Day Pass online or game day at station ticket vending machines by selecting Current Promotions.

16 years of advocacy work

RANCHO SANTA FE — A New PATH (Parents for Addiction Treatment and Healing) celebrates 16 years of advocacy work and achievement with a “Sweet Sixteen” anniversary celebration from 5 to 9 p.m. April 26 at the home of Ken Khoury & Lori Vagner in The Crosby Estates, 7720 Top O’ The Morning Way. Tickets are $90 each, or $160 for two. The New PATH’s anniversary event will be a celebration of recovery and achievement. Dr. Kim Janda will be honored with a “PATH to Recovery” award for his research work in developing a heroin vaccine. Geni Cavitt and Rory Devine (NBC 7/39) will serve as the evening’s emcees. The evening will include a silent auction, dinner by Crown Point Catering, an awards ceremony and entertainment including Southwestern Community College Concert Choir and other vocalists and musicians. For ticket information, contact A New PATH at (619) 670-1184 or e-mail The event benefits A New PATH’s efforts to reduce the stigma associated with addictive illness in order to increase access to quality addiction treatment services.

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APRIL 17, 2015



Business news and special achievements for North San Diego County. Send information via email to community@ NEW PEDIATRICS CENTER NCHS Mission Mesa Pediatrics Health Center held a grand opening April 9 at 2210 Mesa Drive, Oceanside. The NCHS Mission Mesa Pediatrics health center has undergone a complete reconstruction of its pediatrics building, taking the old 3,024 squarefoot, six-exam room facility to an expanded state-ofthe-art, 12,639 square-foot, 18-exam room facility. The center offers low to no-cost services. For more information, visit or call (760) 736-6767. NEW URGENT CARE COMING Dempsey Construction is currently handling the comprehensive office build out for a new Urgent Care facility at the North Coast Medical Plaza, a multi-tenant medical office building at 6010 Hidden


T he R ancho S anta F e News Valley Road, Carlsbad. The work for the Urgent Care facility includes the complete demolition of existing improvements followed by all new and upgraded infrastructure (plumbing, HVAC, fire life safety, electrical and switchgear), and the build out of new examination rooms, procedure rooms, triage rooms, restrooms and general offices. The project is currently under construction with completion set for early June 2015. STUDENTS GIVE BACK Santa Fe Christian Schools’ Lower and Middle School students dedicated their Spring Break to assemble more than 500 Easter baskets for underserved children in City Heights. Students partnered with the San Diego chapter of the nonprofit organization Bridge of Hope to build baskets. They filled the Easter baskets with everyday essentials including toothpaste and a toothbrush, shampoo, soap, lotion, deodorant, socks, hair ties and headbands. Handwritten Bible verses and notes of encouragement by SFC students were also included.

SCREEN YOUR SKIN SolSearch, an annual skin cancer screening and safe skin event founded by Solana Beach resident and dermatologist Melanie Palm to raise money and awareness for skin cancer will be held from 5:30 to 8 p.m. May 7 at Art of Skin MD, 437 Hwy 101 #217, Solana Beach. The event will feature live music, food, an open bar, a silent auction and live raffle. Tickets are $35 and include a complementary gift bag with coupons and deals from Beachwalk businesses and a raffle ticket. An RSVP is required May 5 to reserve a gift bag and raffle ticket. A special half-off discount for a Botox cosmetic procedure from Palm is also included in each gift bag. FITNESS PROGRAM Kelly Jean Dammeyer, fitness trainer and nutritionist, will host a workshop at Morgan Run Club & Resort, 5690 Cancha De Golf, Rancho Santa Fe, taking a group of 30 customers through all aspects of wellness. For more information, visit or e-mail info@


The city of Del Mar invites the community to celebrate the carving of a Torrey Pine tree into public art at 10 a.m. April 28 at the Torrey Pines Reserve. Free parking will available along Camino del Mar from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Courtesy photo

“It begins with a conversation, and ends when your dreams come true!”

In loving memory of

GENE H. SARENANA Oct. 30, 1923 - March 17, 2015 A loving husband,father, grandfather, great grandfather, and friend. Together again with Alice. You will be remembered always by those you touched. Memorial service at St. Johns Church. 1001 Encinitas Blvd., Encinitas, CA. 10:00am, April 20, 2015

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one or to support a friend, we want you to feel that you are in good hands. At our facility, we provide the attention and support needed to make this life’s transition as easy as possible.

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Submission Process

Please email or call (760) 436-9737 x100. All photo attachments should be sent in jpeg format, no larger than 3MB. the photo will print 1.625” wide by 1.5” tall inh black and white.


Obituaries should be received by Monday at 12 p.m. for publicatio in Friday’s newspaper. One proof will be e-mailed to the customer for approval by Tuesday at 10

Rates: Text” $15 per inch

Approx. 21 words per column inch

Photo: $25 Art: $15 (Dove, Heart, Flag, Rose)

Louis Chgarles Broadbent, 92 Carlsbad Feb. 16, 1923 - April 8, 2015 Bonnie Buckley Talbott, 93 Rancho Santa Fe June 19, 1921 - April 7, 2015 David E. Montoya, 83 Carlsbad Nov. 29, 1931 - April 5, 2015 Kenneth William Koonce, 73 Carlsbad Dec. 4, 1941 - April 4, 2015

Lorraine M. Magaro, 92 Encinitas Sept. 4, 1922 - April 3, 2015 Arlean Taylor, 86 Solana Beach Feb. 12, 1929 - March 28, 2015 Jean Rabenold, 89 Oceanside Jan. 12, 1926 - April 9, 2015 Claire Ruth Tucker, 71 San Marcos Aug. 20, 1943 - April 7, 2015


Earth Day Opportunities

Tropical, Spectacular Views & Great Location on 4.55 Acres! Bring your horses!

Every year on April 22, over a billion people in 192 countries take action for Earth Day. Earth Day aims to inspire an awareness of and an appreciation for earth’s environment and is usually celebrated with individual or group acts of service. How can we each make a difference locally?  Consider using recyclable containers for snacks and lunches whenever possible.  Plant a tree in your yard or in a local park (check with your city for details.)  Pick up trash in your neighborhood; work in teams to make it fun.  Organize with your neighbors to collect and shred paper.  Recycle items collecting in your house/ garage by donating to local non-profits.  Volunteer at a local community event that teaches children about recycling.

Unique, gated, private & serene hilltop property near I-15 with stunning views. Spacious main home apprx 2760 sqft along with second structure/guest home apprx 2300 sq ft that is waiting for your imagination and finishing touches. Great for two Families!!! Cascading Waterfall, Resort style Pool & Deck with large outdoor movie screen to enjoy your favorite shows. Avocado & an assortment of Fruit Trees as well as your own private Pond. Main house with its fresh interior paint, a 4 bedroom / 3 bathroom with Living Rm, Family Rm, Dining Rm, Kitchen, Laundry Rm. New Carpeting and Laminate Flooring. Lower pond across the driveway. Second structure is a single level with the possibility of 2 Bedrooms / 2 Bathroom along with a 1 bedroom with loft area (could be a separate living area or OFFICE) and a tremendous grate room. There’s even a bonus of a basement! Whether you are a gentlemen farmer or an existing farmer with an extended family, this is the place to be! These 4.55 acres could be a grower’s delight with a wide range of options! Nights can be most captivating as you gaze at the stars, watch a movie on a theater like outdoor screen, and hear the serenity of the waterfall. Come and imagine your life here on Paradise hill! By Appointment Only. Call for Open House Schedules!

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T he R ancho S anta F e News

A rts &Entertainment

Send your arts & entertainment news to

arts CALENDAR Know something that’s going on? Send it to calendar@

Chef di Cuisine Jorge Gonzalez, and Night Manager Gilberto Tapia offer a dessert plate from Aqua Al 2. Photo by Frank Mangio

A wine show with international flavor taste of wine frank mangio Do you have a hard time tasting the difference between a wine from Italy and a wine from California? There are distinct taste essentials that start with the fundamental culture of the land and its winemakers. Just what role does wine play at the table? These and more questions can easily be answered at the latest wine show coming to San Diego Saturday and Sunday April 25 and April 26 from 1 to 6 p.m., in the beautiful outdoor Paddock area at the famous Del Mar Fairgrounds. Donato Santarsieri is a determined entrepreneur and producer who had the vision a few years ago of presenting equal amounts of domestic and imported wines (old world and new world wines) for visitors to explore, taste and meet many of the winemakers and representatives of their respective wineries at this one-of-kind show. I asked Santarsieri what other features would

make his show a must for wine lovers. “I have secured the next door Turf Club Courtyard for beautiful original artwork, and I have a lineup of musicians in both the Paddock and the Turf Club areas. Education is still a high priority with my show, so sommeliers will speak about all things related to wine, and chefs will be demonstrating their cooking talent.” There is an increasing buzz going on about wines from the Guadalupe Valley of Mexico and the International Wine Show caught on early, so a big part of the tasting will be these wines. Other names to pick up a pour will include: Orfila and Carruth in San Diego, Tenuta di Arceno and Zonin from Italy, Freemark Abbey and Hartford from Napa Valley and Sonoma and Bodegas M from Spain, to name a few. Prices start at $55. Get the latest updates at the website: The Cuisine of Florence Flourishes at Acqua Al 2 In September 2000, Chef Martin Gonzalez, after a number of years mentoring in Florence Italy, made the visionary decision to come to San Diego and

start up the Florentine sibling of the original Aqua Al 2, bringing Florentine dining to America’s Finest City. These days, it’s easy to order at Aqua Al 2. First, choose a bottle of Acqua Al 2 Sangiovese, made in Puglia, Italy. The wine list is full of great wine choices, made in either California or Italy. Choose one of the 4 choices from the Pasta menu, and a choice from the Secondi menu for Florentine unbeatables. Make sure you get plenty of bread to sop up the delicious pasta sauce. When he is not cooking at Aqua Al 2, Gonzalez is catering for the San Diego Padres baseball team. The Padres are huge fans of Aqua Al 2’s dinners, and their meals are prepared for the players at each home game. See more at acquaal2. com. Wine Bytes Meritage wine market in Encinitas presents Oysterfest, April 25 from 3 to 6 p.m. A hearty assortment of oyster preparations and selections of burgundy wines. $60. RSVP at (760) 479-2500. The De Portola Wine Trail in Temecula is planTURN TO TASTE OF WINE ON 18

APRIL 17, 2015

Vocal Jazz Ensemble. 7:30 p.m. April 18, the John Proulx Trio performs with Frequency Vocal Jazz Ensemble. At 7:30 p.m. May 2, saxophonist Benny Golson performs with the MiraCosta Oceanside Jazz Orchestra (MOJO) and the MiraCosta Jazz Collective. Evening concerts $20; students/seniors/staff, $15. Tickets online at or call (760) 795-6815.

MARK THE CALENDAR TREE TO ART The city of Del Mar invites the community to celebrate the carving of a Torrey Pine tree into public art at 10 APRIL 19 a.m. April 28 at the Torrey SMOOTH SOUNDS Pines Reserve. Free parking will available along Reed quintet, Akropolis, Camino del Mar from 9:30 will feature Kari Dion on clarinet, Andrew Koeppe to 11:30 a.m. on bass clarinet, Tim Gocklin on oboe, Matt Landry on APRIL 17 STORY OF LOVE “Col- saxophone and Ryan Reynors of Love,” a take on the olds on bassoon at 2 p.m. various aspects of love and April 19, Ruby G. Schulrelationships with quotes, man Auditorium, 1775 Dove poetry, songs & dances at Lane. Free tickets will be 1 p.m. April 17 at the San distributed one hour priMarcos Senior Center, 111 or to the concert. To learn Richmar Ave., San Marcos. more, visit akropolisquinCall (760) 744-5535 for res- GARDEN TOUR Get ervations. INDIE FILM Carls- tickets now for the 2015 bad’s Cultural Arts Office Mother’s Day Weekend presents “The Rocket” Art, Garden & Studio Tour (Australia, 2013) at 4 p.m. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. May 9 and and 7 p.m. in Carlsbad City May 10. Tickets for the Library’s Ruby G. Schul- self-guided, driving tour are man Auditorium, 1775 $20 per person and may be Dove Lane, Carlsbad, as purchased at the Off Track part of its free foreign film Gallery, 937 S. Coast Highfestival. In Laos, a boy be- way 101, Encinitas or at Offlieved cursed to bring bad luck builds a giant rocket. APRIL 20 BEN VEREEN FOR APRIL 18 SATURDAY NIGHT NCREP Actor and song and POP-UPS Join the Del Mar dance man, Ben Vereen, Village Association every will headline North Coast Saturday evening in April Repertory Theatre's Spotand May for Pop-Up Cul- light Gala on April 26 at Del ture. From 5 to 7 p.m. April Mar Country Club. Tickets 18, Kizomba San Diego, begin at $300 per person interactive dance at L’Au- with patron level for $500 berge Amphitheater on the and $1,000. For further northwest corner of 15th information, contact Julie Street and Camino Del Mar. Sarno at HYPERLINK DAYS OF ART Oceans- "mailto:julie@northcoaside Days of Art will be held" julie@northcoasSaturday April 18th and or (858) 481-2155, Sunday April 19th 2015 ext. 224. READING AND SONG from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the corner of Coast Highway Carlsbad Playreaders pres101 and Pier View Way in ent “Baby: A Musical” at 7:30 p.m. April 20 at the downtown Oceanside. ‘FOUR DIRECTIONS’ Carlsbad Dove Library Auditorium, The Solana Beach library Schulman branch presents “Four Di- 1775 Dove Lane. Suggested rections” art on display donations: $5 adults, $1 stuthrough April 30 at 157 Ste- dents. The reading features vens Ave., Solana Beach, Geno Carr, Nancy Snow featuring local artists Alex- Carr, Elan McMahan, Kevandra Babic, Donna Butnik, in Lippmann-Gue, Kyrsten Victoria Bearden, and Jean Hafso, Sandy Campbell, Krumbein. Call (858) 755- Rick Meads, Marlene Mon1404 for more information. tes, Crystal Davidson, Ted OFF TRACK RECEP- Leib and Michael Kelly. TION Off Track Gallery For more information, visit hosts an artists’ reception PHOTO CONTEST from 4 to 6 p.m. April 18 to meet San Dieguito Art Join Photographer Mike Guild’s Dolores Renner and Orenich for an intermediDiane O’Connell. Visit Off- ate photo seminar, 6 to 8 for more P.M. April 20, at the DMAC Gallery, 1555 Camino Del information. JAZZ FESTIVAL Vocal- Mar, Suite 314, Del Mar. ogy performs with MiraCos- Cost is $50. Includes conta College’s Frequency test for cover spot on Del Mar Lifestyle. APRIL 21 GARDENS AND ART Be part of the Oceanside Cultural Arts Foundation Art and Garden Tour fundraiser from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. or 1 to 3 p.m. May 3 at the Oceanside home of art collectors Darrell and Loren Dixon. Advance tickets are $40 before April 28, online at or mail checks to OCAF, P.O. Box 3054,

Oceanside, CA 92051. Specify morning or afternoon. Tickets are $50 at entrance. See a collection of art treasures with wine and appetizers, to benefit OCAF. For more information, call (760) 757-6863 or email APRIL 22 COLLEGE ART SALE The Palomar College Student Art & Craft Sale will be held 1 to 7 p.m. April 22, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. April 23 and April 24 and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 24 in the Art Department Courtyard next to buildings C and D, 1140 W. Mission Road, San Marcos, with demonstrations in glassblowing, ceramics, painting, and foundry metal pouring. APRIL 23 ACOUSTIC TOUR Pete Yorn will perform at 9 p.m. April 23 at the Belly Up, 143 S. Cedros Ave., Solana Beach. Tickets $30 at, $32 at door. WILDLIFE ART CONTEST The California Department of Fish and Wildlife sponsors a youth art contest for youths in grades 2 through 12. Artists are asked to think of a situation in which invasive species could be spread, identify the vector that can move it and illustrate what they can do to prevent the spread and protect California’s resources. Visit wildlife. to learn about vectors and for contest details and entry forms. Entries must be received by May 27. For more information, call (916) 654-4267 or e-mail APRIL 24 THE WIZ Carlsbad Community Theatre presents “Wizard of Oz,” young performers edition, at the Carlsbad Village Theatre April 24 through April 26, 2822 State St., Carlsbad. Tickets $15 at FOREIGN FILMS The International Film Series at MiraCosta College presents the French film, “The Class” at 7 p.m. in the MiraCosta College Little Theatre (Room 3601) at 1 Barnard Dr. in Oceanside. Free. APRIL 25 100 AT OMA Oceanside Museum of Art's "100 Artists, 100 Years: The San Diego Museum of Art Artists Guild, 1915-2015" exhibition runs through July 26, with an opening reception 6 to 8 p.m. April 25. MARK THE CALENDAR SDA ON STAGE San Dieguito Academy Theater students and alum perform “Pain,” with a pre-show reception at 6:30 p.m. and curtain at 7:30 p.m. April 25 in the Clayton E. Liggett Theater. General admission is $35 at seatyourself. biz/sandieguito. As a fundraiser for SDA drama department, the evening includes an After-the-Performance gathering at 3rd Corner Wine and Bistro. Late night menu and drink pricing will begin at 10 p.m.

APRIL 17, 2015

SANDAG buys 50 acres in Batiquitos Lagoon By Ellen Wright

CARLSBAD — Representatives from the San Diego Association of Governments, or SANDAG and CalTrans announced the $6 million purchase of 50.5 acres in the Batiquitos Lagoon on Tuesday. The site, called the Batiquitos Bluffs, is southeast of La Costa Avenue, with a portion on the north side. About three of the acres purchased include some wetlands, which Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation President Fred Sandquist said is a vital wildlife link. “This acquisition brings a key piece of wetlands, which is the last missing piece in the Batiquitos Ecological Reserve and the State Marine Conservation, and provides a wildlife corridor for much of our wildlife that inhabits the area,” Sandquist said. The lagoon is home to more than 180 species of birds and is a breeding ground for halibut. The purchase was made to conserve and protect the open space and to fulfill environmental commitments made under the Interstate 5 North Coast Corridor Program. Over the coming decades, SANDAG plans to add express carpool lanes to the I-5 between La Jolla and Oceanside, and enhance rail and transit options in the region. The Batiquitos Bluffs was the latest of the 31 environmental spaces SANDAG has purchased starting in 2008. SANDAG Chair and Santee Councilmember Jack Dale said SANDAG will spend $250 million to preserve and restore sensitive coastal habitats. The money comes from TransNet, which is a half-cent sales tax voters first approved in 1984 and reapproved in 2004. “This may have been the most effective investment the people of our region have made in the last 50 or 100 years as far as protecting our quality of life,” said Dale. Since 2004, Dale said SANDAG has purchased more than 3,600 acres of land to preserve as open space throughout San Diego. “That’s like Del Mar times three,” Dale said. A 19-unit housing development was proposed on the site of the Batiquitos Bluffs in the past but was denied by the California Coastal Commission. “It is very rare for prime coastal land to become available so we’re very happy for this acquisition for habitat and conservation,” Carlsbad Councilmember Lorraine Wood said. Senior Regional Planner Keith Greer said to enhance the area, old eucalyptus trees and non-native species will be removed. The foundation of an old building on the site will also be demolished. Encinitas Deputy Mayor Catherine Blakespear said she does a lot of outdoor recreation and understands the importance of maintaining the space for the residents. “It’s very important that we have policies that protect the lagoons and the land around them,” said Blake-


T he R ancho S anta F e News

Director Allan Kosup said. He said if everything goes according to plan, construction on the first phase of the major transit overhaul will begin next year, including double tracking the train tracks at the San Elijo and Batiquitos lagoons and one carpool lane in each direction from Solana Beach to state Route 78.

Encinitas Deputy Mayor Catherine Blakespear, at podium, says protecting open space is important to growing urban areas. SANDAG and CalTrans announced the $6 million purchase of 50.5 acres in the Batiquitos Lagoon on Tuesday. Photo by Ellen Wright

spear. The lagoon is 610 acres. “By working with the people who know these la-

goons best, we were able to find parcels like this in serious need and were able to step in,” Caltrans I-5/SR 76 Corridor

April 11, 2015 from 8 a.m. - 7p.m.

In celebration of our 25th anniversary, we welcome the entire community to our campus. We’ve planned a day long schedule of events and activities for attendees of all ages!

At Discover CSUSM Day you can:

• View the sun through a solar telescope • Cheer on CSUSM’s baseball team in a double-header • Discover if Bruce Wayne or Batman is a better crime fighter • Visit labs, watch musical performances, paint a mural, listen to lectures and much, much more. For a complete program of the day’s events visit:



T he R ancho S anta F e News

APRIL 17, 2015

APRIL 17, 2015


T he R ancho S anta F e News


Celebratin our g




RANCHO SANTA FE FAIRBANKS RANCH 5+BR, GH, Soaring Ceilings, Wood Paneled Study $7,350,000



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LA JOLLA Grand Georgian Colonial 5BR, Panoramic Ocean View $7,490,000 $6,995,000

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RANCHO SANTA FE COVENANT 6+BR Tennis Ct Estate, Stunning Views, 4+Acres $5,495,000 $4,495,000

RANCHO SANTA COVENANT Single Story 4BR, Walk to Town, 2.25 Acres, Horse Stalls $2,795,000

RANCHO SANTA FE COVENANT 5BR, Indoor/Outdoor Living, Gardens, 3.45 Acres $5,595,000

RANCHO SANTA FE COVENANT 3BR + Guest House, Study, 1.4 Acres, Pool $1,595,000




LA JOLLA COAST BLVD Totally Renovated 3BR, Ocean Views $1,995,000

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6024 Paseo Delicias, Ste. A, P.O. Box 2813, Rancho Santa Fe • 858.756.4024 • Fax: 858.756.9553 • Barry


T he R ancho S anta F e News

APRIL 17, 2015

Learning how to fly a trained bird of prey It’s a beautiful April morning — a good day for flying. Flying falcons, that is. My husband and I and

our 8-year-old grandsons, David and Jordan, have a reservation at Sky Falconry in Alpine to learn about raptors and how to fly a

trained bird of prey like falconers have been doing for more than 10,000 years. Once off Interstate 8 and some surface roads, we

hit the road e’louise ondash

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bump along on the nearly 2-mile-long dirt road that takes us near the top of Mount Viejas, once a sacred spot to the Kumeyaay Indians. From here, we can see Alpine, El Cajon Mountain, the Cuyamaca Mountains and Mount San Jacinto. On a really clear day, Catalina Island is visible. In our immediate surroundings, the boys like the climbing boulders, I like the occasional wildflowers, and the birds love the lotsof-sky. Our hosts and teachers are Denise Disharoon and Kirk Sellinger, who two years ago opened Sky Falconry, the only falconry school in Southern California. The two met at Torrey Pines Gliderport where Sellinger was flying Shanti, his female Harris’s hawk. “I was attracted to his passion,” says Disharoon, who came to California five years ago to pursue her interest in raptors. “Falconry brought us together.” For Sellinger, it was a video of paragliders flying with falcons that ignited his imagination several years ago. Since then, he’s traveled the world working with raptors, including a stint as a National Geographic videographer. When class starts, they introduce us to Ananda, a red-tailed hawk, and Hayduke, a Harris’s hawk. Disharoon and Sellinger take turns explaining the differences and that Ananda is in training, so it’s up to Hay-

Carlsbad resident David Ondash, 8, takes instruction from Denise Disharoon, on how to provide a perch for Hayduke, a Harris’s hawk that resides at Sky Falconry in Alpine. Photos by Jerry Ondash

Denise Disharoon, a falconer and co-owner of Sky Falconry in Alpine, introduces Ananda, a young red-tailed hawk, during an hour lesson on raptors and their use for hunting.

duke to take on this class of novices. We each get a heavy leather glove, learn how to hold our hands and arms, then take turns calling

Hayduke, who swoops in to gently land on our human perches. David is smitten with the whole process; JorTURN TO


APRIL 17, 2015


T he R ancho S anta F e News

Summer F un & L earning Savor Earth Day at The Curious Fork’s Pop-Up Dinner ARE YOU and in true Earth Day spirEvery day is Earth In appreciation it, a portion of the proceeds CURIOUS? Day at The Curious Fork is donated to the San Elijo in Solana Beach where the health-minded cafe doubles as a community resource for educating curious diners on the importance of healthy lifestyles and sustainable ingredients. In appreciation of Mother Earth’s offerings this Earth Day (April 22), the culinary hub is hosting an eco-inspired prix fixe ‘pop-up’ dinner, aptly titled ’Nest.’ The 5-course dinner is helmed by Chefs Daryl Biggs and Sonja Knowles where each course is inspired by one of the Earth’s biomes: plains, ocean, tundra, mountain, and desert. Attendees will sample oys-

of Mother Earth’s offerings this Earth Day (April 22), the culinary hub is hosting an eco-inspired prix fixe ‘pop-up’ dinner, aptly titled ’Nest.’

ters and scallops, taste venison tartar with quail egg, indulge in caramelized date ice cream, and gain insight about where our food comes from. Reservations start at 5pm and run through 9pm; tickets are $40 per person,

Lagoon Conservancy. The Nest dinner is one event amongst a busy spring at The Curious Fork where a variety of evening cooking classes are offered. Upcoming classes include Chef Minh’s Medicinal Foods (April 25) where guests learn to prepare raw dishes, a Raw Chocolate class (May 4), and a Fresh & Easy Vietnamese course (May 9). The Curious Fork is located at 512 Via de la Valle; to sign up for classes or make reservations, call 858.876.6386 or visit www.

A fun and enriching week-long camp Is your child a LEGO® enthusiast? Have they ever dreamed of designing their own computer game? If so, TechKnowHow® LEGO® & Technology Camp is the perfect destination for them this summer! TechKnowHow, for over 20 years, has been offering fun and enriching weeklong camps for students in Northern California. This summer, TechKnowHow® is offering its award-winning programs at schools in La Jolla, Encinitas and Rancho Santa Fe! Students in the LEGO® building camps construct vehicles, creatures, and ma-

chines powered by motors, gears, remote-controls, and battery packs. The camps for 5-7 year-olds feature special LEGO® elements combined with engineering concepts as students construct everything from cars with headlights to a motorized Star Wars Landspeeder. In the LEGO® Motor Madness camp for ages 7-9, campers explore robotics as they build projects using the LEGO® Mindstorms NXT® microcomputer and sensors. Students create programs which control the bots by pressing buttons on the NXT® brick.

The Technovators camp for ages 8-11 lets students build projects such as a jet, rabbit, and transporter vehicle which they control with a remote. In the afternoon, they design their own arcade-style computer game using GameMaker® software. All classes feature high-interest projects which teach technology and science skills based on a S.T.E.M. curriculum. Camps range from $200/ wk. for half-day sessions to $375/wk. for full-days. Visit or call 877.432.0970 for more information.

Calling All Soccer Players!

Get ready for Fall ATTACK Recreational Soccer Online Registration is now open for those wishing to sign up for Fall Recreational Soccer through the Attack Recreational program at www.rsfsoccer. com. The program has been developed for children ages 4 to 18 and is uniquely designed to build upon individual skills so that each player can grow and improve throughout the season. The program emphasizes fun while learning the game of soccer and the meaning of sportsmanship. Attack annually serves close to 500 children in their Recreational program. Players who register by May 2nd online or at our Walk-In Registration will be able to request a certain coach or team and will be guaranteed the opportunity to play. The Attack Rec teams play against each other and the other local clubs (such as Solana Beach, Cardiff and Encinitas). Games are held on local fields on Saturday’s during the fall with practices during the week. Registration for fall soccer can be completed online or the forms can be downloaded from the website. All forms must be completed and new players must include a copy of their

Online Registration for the Fall Rec Program is now OPEN! birth certificate or passport. Walk-in Registration is being held on Saturday, May 2nd at the Rancho Santa Fe/R. Roger Rowe Elementary School from 9:00 a.m. to noon. Coach and Team Requests will only be accepted through May 2nd. Forms will be available at the walk-in registration or you will need to bring the signed forms that you can download from the online registration. This year we are offering a $25 discount to volunteer coaches that sign up to coach by May 2nd. The Attack Recreation program is volunteer driven and relies on parents and other adults to coach and sponsor the different teams. This program has been in existence for more than 30 years and is committed to providing a high quality youth soccer program for all children. Over the years we have strived to keep the registration fees afford-

able for all players through our Sponsorship Program. These tax deductible sponsorships go towards the cost of running our quality program by helping with uniforms, fields, referee fees and in providing assistance to children who want to play but do not have the financial resources to do so. We offer different levels of sponsorship starting at $500. To review our Sponsorship options, check out our Rec Sponsorship Package on our website. Registration for our Summer Camps is now available online, as well. You can sign up for the camps at the time you register for the Fall program, or register separately by going to the Camps and Clinics page under the Recreational program on the website. All campers will receive a customized ball and t-shirt and we do take walk-ins. Attack also has a Youth Soccer Referee program for children 10 and older. Training is provided and these young referees are used in the fall to referee games on Saturdays. You can find more information about the Attack Recreational Program or the Youth Referee Program on the club website at www. or by calling the office at 760-479-1500.

Fun & Healthy Cooking Classes for All Levels! A haven for the health-conscious, food-curious community.

Café, cooking classes, pop-up dinners & culinary retail center under one roof. Café open Mon-Sat from 7am-2:30pm. Proud to serve Blue Bottle Coffee.

Upcoming Events & Evening Classes: Easy Entertaining | April 18 Earth Day Pop-up Dinner | April 22 Chef Mihn’s Medicinal Foods | April 25 Farmer's Market Basket Class | Every Thursday Raw Chocolate Class | May 4 Vegan & Vegetarian Corner | May 6 Fresh & Easy Vietnamese | May 9

Barbara McQuiston | 512 Via de la Valle, Solana Beach | 858.876.6386


T he R ancho S anta F e News

APRIL 17, 2015

Summer F un & L earning Del Mar Pines 25th season of Summer Discoveries!

Summer Day Camp at Del Mar Pines classes that create a fun and enriching exSchool is open to all school age children perience for your child. You can design a stimulating, creative summer that accom(grades K-6) in our community. modates your schedule and your child’s SESSION I: JUNE 22 ­­— JULY 9 unique needs. SESSION II: JULY 13 — JULY 30 We offer morning and afternoon proOur program offers a wide selection of grams Monday through Thursday. COURSES INCLUDE: • Theater/ Broadway • Monart Mixed Media • Clay & Ceramics • Understanding Science Through Art • Math Games • Math Problem Solv-



• Engaging Math • Mad Science Robots • Mad Science Anat-

• ThoughtSTEM Minecraft Modding 1 & 2 • Sports Medley • Super Soccer Stars

• Cheer Fit • USA Jump Rope Stars • Chess • Keyboarding • Jumpstart Readers • Reading & Writing Explorations • Reading & Writing

Visit our website for course descriptions, schedules, and registration forms. Please call (858) 481-5615 to confirm space availability.

Junior Lifeguards open to all levels of athletic abilities DEL MAR — With summer fast approaching, beach and ocean safety are on the minds of parents everywhere. The Del Mar Junior Lifeguard and Little Turtle programs offer peace of mind for parents and fun and useful skills for children ages 7 to 17. Programs take place at 29th Street in Del Mar and include a variety of age-appropriate activities and education including CPR, First Aid, sun safety, surfing, boogie boarding, paddle boarding and body surfing. Some of the skills taught include teamwork, leadership, self-esteem building, physical fitness, and lifesav-

Commercial center in CALENDAR RSF begins construction Know something that’s going on? Send it to calendar@

RANCHO SANTA FE — The Palma de la Reina commercial center in Rancho Santa Fe began construction in April, with an anticipated completion by the end of 2015. The property, at 5525 Cancha de Golf, at the corner of Villa de la Valle and at the entrance to Morgan Run Resort & Golf Club. The project received approval after being opposed by both the San Dieguito Community Planning Group and the Rancho Santa Fe Association. Palma de la Reina is on the last undeveloped commercial parcel in Rancho Santa Fe and is the first new commercial center construction in the area in 10 years. The development will include approximately 21,050 square feet of Class

A commercial office and approximately 10,360 square feet of retail space. Palma de la Reina also includes 54 residential suites, which will be available for lease by the end of the year. The residential component will be comprised of two-bedroom, two-bath luxury suites with upgraded amenities throughout. San Diego-based Newport Pacific, Inc. is the developer of Palma de la Reina. Newport Pacific also developed the directly adjacent Whispering Palms community. Hearne Corp is the general contractor and Robert Colbourn is the architect. For more information on the project, contact Scott Danshaw at sdanshaw@ lee-associates.comor or call (858) 713-0309.

Town Hall meeting April 16 The Town Hall Meeting for the Pool and Health Club Facility will be held at the Garden Club. • You are welcome to attend either meeting. First meeting is at 10:00 am Second Meeting is at

6:30 pm • Roundabout Town Hall Meeting Meeting will be held at the Garden Club from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m For additional information on the above meetings, residents can call the RSF Association at 858-756-1174

MARK THE CALENDAR COUNTRY FRIENDS The Rancho Santa Fe Country Friends will host playwright and author Tess Thompson, speaking on “Riversong” at its spring membership luncheon with a 10:30 a.m. registration and boutique shopping and a noon lunch May 6 at the Del Mar Hilton, 15575 Jimmy Durante Blvd., Del Mar. Tickets are $75 by calling (858) 792-5200, ext. 4 or visit thecountryfriends. org. TOWN HALL MEETING A Rancho Santa Fe Roundabout Town Hall meeting will be held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. April 29 at the Garden Club, 17025 Avenida De Acacias, Rancho Santa Fe. WINE & ROSES Save a place now at the “Wine & Roses” charity wine tasting from 3 to 6 p.m. June 7 at the Grand Del Mar, presented by the Social Service Auxiliary. The event includes gourmet food and wine tasting and a discount wine auction. APRIL 17 MEET WITH ROBERTS Dave Roberts, vice chairman of the San Diego County Board of Supervi-

sors, welcomes constituents to meet with him or a member of his staff from 3 to 5 p.m. on the third Friday of each month at the Del Mar Community Building, 225 Ninth St., Del Mar, To schedule a meeting, contact Diane Porter at (619) 531-5533 or diane.porter@ TOP GUN STORY MiraCosta College LIFE Lectures, presents “Reliving the Magic of Top Gun” with retired Adm. Kenneth Pettigrew at 1 p.m. on Campus, 1 Barnard Drive, Bldg. 1000. Check speaker schedule at or call (760) 757-2121, ext. 6972. LIBRARY WEEK TREAT The Del Mar Library celebrates National Library Week with “Book Talks and Treats” featuring Library Director José Aponte and June Singer, one of the first females enrolled in the United States Marine Corps. Meet them at 2 p.m. April 17 at 1309 Camino Del Mar, Del Mar, along with the San Diego Legends art exhibit. For more information, call (858) 755-1666 or visit sdcl. org. LIFE LECTURE The LIFE Club @ San Elijo presents a free lecture: “Helen Miller Bailey: Pioneer Educator and Renaissance Woman” at 1 p.m. April 17 in room 201 at the San Elijo Campus of MiraCosta College, 3333 Manchester

The Del Mar Junior Lifeguard instructors are all ocean lifeguards. ing and rescue techniques with lifeguard equipment. Additionally, participants learn appreciation of the beach and ocean environment. Amidst all of the learning are plenty of fun and games. The Del Mar Junior Lifeguard instructors are all ocean lifeguards. Many of the instructors are Junior Lifeguard alumni. Each instructor strives to pass on

their excitement about the ocean, their sense of discipline and integrity along to their students in a fun learning environment. Xtended Program is available for the morning sessions to remain at the beach supervised by Del Mar Junior Lifeguard staff for more fun until 3:00 p.m. There are two- and four-week sessions available. Family discounts now available for 2015 - 10% discount given during checkout to qualifying families. Find out more about Del Mar Junior Lifeguard and Little Turtle programs at or by emailing

Ave., Cardiff. For more in- The Friends of the Cardiff formation, e-mail lifesan- by the Sea Library will hold a one-day, $3-per-bag book sale 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 APRIL 18 p.m. April 18 in the Cardiff WALK THROUGH Library community room, HISTORY The Encinitas 2081 Newcastle Ave., CarHistorical Society will host diff. For more information, a history walk from 10:30 visit friendscardifflibrary. a.m. to noon April 17 from org, or call (760) 635-1000. the 1883 schoolhouse at F CARLSBAD READS Street and 4th Street in En- Carlsbad Reads Together cinitas. For more informa- 2015 features Diane Acktion, call (760) 753-5726 erman’s “The Human Age: HOME TOWN The En- The World Shaped By Us,” cinitas FAIR The San Elijo with “An Afternoon With Hills Country Fair is from Diane Ackerman” at 3 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. April 18, p.m. April 18 at the Ruby at San Elijo Elementary G. Schulman Auditorium, School, 1615 Schoolhouse 1775 Dove Lane, CarlsWay, San Marcos. Admis- bad. Free tickets distribsion to the fair is free and uted at noon on day of the open to the public; tickets event. ‘Reads’ includes free for rides, games and food events throughout April. will be available for sale at For films and youth events, the event. For more infor- visit mation, visit SanElijoHills. For a list of book discuscom or call (888) 726-3545. sions, visit SMART MONEY ser v ices / depts / l ibra r y / Carlsbad City Library will events/bookclubs.asp. host free workshops during APRIL 19 Money Smart Week, April UGLY DOG To benefit 18 to April 25 at both Carlsbad branches. For more The San Diego Humane Soinformation, visit carls- ciety and Reality Changers, or call (760) take part in the 20th annual Ugly Dog Contest from 602-2038. RELAY FOR LIFE The 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. April 19 at Oceanside Relay for Life, a the Del Mar Fairgrounds. 24-hour event to raise mon- Enter your pets into any ey for the American Cancer of 10 categories, including Society, will be held from Ugly Dog, Cutest Dog and 10 a.m. April 18 to 10 a.m. Best Costume. Registration April 19. The event is held and check-in will begin at at the Mira Costa College 10 a.m., with the show at Athletic Field, 1 Barnard 11:15 a.m. Tickets are $10 Drive, Oceanside. TURN TO CALENDAR ON 17 BAG SOME BOOKS

APRIL 17, 2015


T he R ancho S anta F e News




Job #: PAL-001591-03

Title: 4/10-5/22 Updated Cave Local Print


Experience it May 23, 2015

AE: George Miranda

PM: Lester W.

Visit us online to view our Summer Concert Series at the New Starlight Theater.


CD: Gary Kelly

Descend into a space unlike any other. Choose from over 480 of the finest wines from Napa Valley, Sonoma, France, Italy, and Australia. Then enjoy fine Mediterranean cuisine with an Italian flair prepared by Chef Luciano Cibelli. Also experience San Diego County’s only underground wine cave. Excitement. Elegance. Style. You’ll discover it all at Pala Casino Spa and Resort.


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Trim: 5.075”w x 7.5”h

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Scale: 100%

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Element: Print_CoastNews_RanchoSantaFe_CoastNewsInland

Date In: 03-23-15

APRIL 23 FUZZ THERAPY Give some love from 3 to 5 p.m. on Fur Fix Thursdays at the San Diego Humane Society, 576 Airport Road, Oceanside. Touch, pet and play cute and cuddly animals or make toys for the animals SERVING YOUTH The YES group will meet at 8:30 a.m. April 23 at the Boys & Girls Village Clubhouse, 3115 Roosevelt St., Carlsbad, featuring a presentation by Clubhouse Director Andy Purviance and staff, APRIL 21 CINCO DE MAYO followed by tour after meetRACE Register by May 1 ing. for the Lake Miramar Cinco APRIL 24 de Mayo 5-mile race around ON THE TRAIL The the lake starting at 6:15 p.m. Entry is $17, military Rancho Santa Fe Library $10. For more information, branch hosts a Travel Series visit northcountyroadrun- on the Pacific Crest Trail by or the Dana Law at 6 p.m. April 24 message board or e-mail at 17040 Avenida de AcaJoecrosswhite983 @ road- cias, Rancho Santa Fe. ASTRONOMY NIGHT Mail checks to NCRR – 4116 Oak Island Agua Hedionda Lagoon Lane, Fallbrook, CA 92028. Foundation presents AsTEA PARTY MEETS tronomy Night at 6:30 p.m. Tri-City Tea Party’s 6 p.m. April 24 at the Discovery April 21 meeting at the Center, 1580 Cannon Road, Green Dragon Tavern, 6115 Carlsbad. Call (760) 804Paseo Del Norte, Carlsbad, 1969 for more information. will focus on the ConvenAPRIL 25 tion of States Project, with FASHION HELPS San Diego District Captain Lou Oberman. Contact NEWBORNS Tri-City or pital Foundation's Fashion That Heals, will be held call (760) 845-8775. May 2. The champagne lunAPRIL 22 MASTER YOUR MAC cheon and fashion show The Oceanside Mac Users will benefit local mothers Group will meet at 6:30 and babies benefitted by P.M. April 22 at the Mission Tri-City Medical Center’s Branch Library, 3861 Mis- NICU. Tickets are $125 and sion Ave., Oceanside. Let give an all-access pass to a OMUG’s experts and Ap- high-end trunk show, lunch, ple professionals help with the “Pick a Purse” opportuthose nagging questions for nity drawing and a runway your iPad, iPhone, or Mac show starring Tri-City emcomputer. For more infor- ployees. ROUND: R3




APRIL 20 REPUBLICAN WOMEN Reservations are needed by April 20 for the 11 a.m. April 22 meeting if the Escondido Republican Women, Federated at Cocina del Charro, 890 W. Valley Parkway, Escondido. The guest speaker will be Jim Brulte, chairman of the California Republican Party. Cost is $16 and includes a tostada buffet luncheon. Reservations are needed by April 20 by contacting Rosalia Zamora at HYPERLINK "" escondi-

mation, visit or call (760) 757-4900.

Due Date: 04-03-15

for adults and $5 for 13 and under. Entry fee for dogs is $10 per category. For more information, visit LAGOON DAY Celebrate Lagoon Day with at San Dieguito Lagoon beginning at 10 a.m. with an Interpretive hike of the Lagoon from the Boardwalk Trail at Jimmy Durante Boulevard. At 5 p.m. at the Powerhouse, learn about recreational, educational and volunteer opportunities. At 6 p.m. hear speaker Jacqueline Winterer on “Historical Sites along the San Dieguito Lagoon Left Bank.” For more information, visit lagoondaydelmar. com EARTH DAY Join the Del Mar Foundation’s annual Earth Day Celebration and Beach Clean Up, 2:30 to 4 p.m. April 19 at the Powerhouse, 1658 Coast Blvd., co-sponsored by the Rotary Club of Del Mar and Keep Del Mar Clean. No reservations are needed. Equipment will be provided. All ages are welcome. or calling (760) 489-1407. HELP FOR PARENTS The North Coastal Prevention Coalition and MADD join forces from 3 to 5 p.m. April 20 at Boomers! Entertainment Center, 1525 W. Vista Way, Vista, to give middle school parents free information on preventing youth pot smoking at its "420 Remix – a Celebration of Sober and Drug Free Life Choices." Workshops offered in English and Spanish from 5 to 5:30 p.m. 1-877-WIN-PALA (1-877-946-7252) Located in Northern San Diego County From San Diego County and Riverside County: Take I-15 to Hwy 76, go east 5 miles. From Orange County and Los Angeles County: Take I-5 South to Hwy 76, go east 23 miles.


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dan is a little less sure, but grins widely when Hayduke alights on his arm. Each participant gets several turns, and then we put Hayduke through other exercises. Observers take lots of photos as Hayduke elicits big smiles from everyone. A few falcon facts, according to Sellinger: • “Falconry” is a noun; “hawking” is the verb. • Raptors live from 20 to 30 years in captivity and their main predator is the great-horned owl. • In the wild, raptors usually fly only 20 minutes a day. During nesting and mating season, it increases to up to four hours a day. The rest of the time, they


“a healthy contingency” of $33,507, Garcia said, because environmental work often results in “unforeseen circumstances.” The firm is one of half a dozen under contract with Del Mar to work on California Environmental Quality Act, or CEQA, compliance. All six submitted proposals that ranged from


tall to see over and in his opinion is not attractive, he said. “This is not my favorite look, especially on the banks of a lagoon,” Gillies said. A saltwater marsh, on the other hand, is native to the properties and consistent with the rest of the lagoon, he said. It does not require replanting or irrigation if planted correctly, is low-lying and always green. “It keeps the vistas open,” he said. However, it requires


matched the two larger firms on their commitment for investment services and reporting services. Union Bank also came back with the lowest interest rate. Overton said that Union Bank has been servicing the Village for decades. Board of director, Kim


tivities,” said Browne. “Our grant program is designed to support the efforts for other community-based organizations to implement these initiatives in a way that is technically and economical-



days I read a lot of Robert B. Parker and Lee Child. They are like Hemmingway without the depression.” He described Parker and Child as his equivalent of a dime store romantic novel. His likes his reads

T he R ancho S anta F e News are perched to conserve the energy needed to hunt and guard their territory. • Raptor eyesight is eight times sharper than human eyesight. They can see ultraviolet light and thermal columns, and their vision is so stimulating that, to calm the birds, owners may put a tiny hood over their heads. • Raptors doze with half their brain; the other half keeps tabs on their territory and watches for prey. Developing a good relationship with a raptor is paramount for falconers, Sellinger explains. “Since they can take off anytime they feel like it, keeping them around comes down to building and maintaining a good, cooperative relationship.”

Raptors have other problems beside the greathorned owl. “Electrocution is the number one killer of raptors in the U.S.,” Sellinger says, “and every wind turbine kills about 20 birds a year.” The total annual death toll from wind turbines is about 87,000 raptors; a half-million birds of all kinds; and more than one million bats. Sky Falconry moves from Alpine to Torrey Pines Gliderport in May and remains until September. For more info, call (619) 7220092, or visit skyfalconry. com. Next column: While you’re in East County, visit Mission Trails Regional Park.

about $168,000 to $268,000. Garcia said RECON, which submitted a bid of $216,500, “best met the needs of the city” and proposed to shorten the schedule by two months. The company completed the EIR for the village specific plan and a mitigated negative declaration for the citywide streetscape project. RECON also provided a detailed methodology for assessing two key criteria

within the proposed EIR — traffic and aesthetics. “RECON’s bid, while not the lowest, offered an expanded scope for evaluating the aesthetic impact of the project on public and private views,” according to the staff report. “They proposed the preparation of detailed neighborhood character assessments, 3-D visual simulations from key vantage points and a visual impact assessment report.”

moving a lot more dirt at a cost of about $132,000. According to his estimate, the net additional cost for saltwater marsh would be $80,000. “Do we want to do the right thing by this last little piece of lagoon here and put in more wetland or do we want to create a coastal sage forest right on the banks of the river?” he asked. “If we’re going to do this, why not shoot for the stars and do it right?” Resident Bill Michalsky urged council to move forward with the plan as is, saying, “it fulfills a lot of

needs and it also opens up a really beautiful area to the public.” Council members agreed. Don Mosier said it would be inappropriate to consider other alternatives “when we’re halfway down the path to finishing this.” “We need to stay on track,” he said. “Personally I prefer the wetlands restoration but not at the expense of exploding a plan that we’re down the road on,” Councilman Dwight Worden said, adding that he would like to reserve the opportunity for wetland restoration in the future.

Eggleston, chimed in saying this was a lesson to be learned. Looking into other institutions came from the suggestion of Eggleston who began questioning rates and services charges. It wasn’t until the institution knew they had potential competition that Union Bank crafted a better banking scenario for the Association. Eggleston went on to

say that staff should enact a policy of looking at all its vendors on an annual basis. “Make sure that we’re getting the best deal and this was a perfect example of that fact,” he said, referring to the bank. The board agreed to retain Union Bank. Director, Philip Wilkinson quipped, “Imagine that -- running an HOA like a business.”

ly feasible, ensuring that all those actively involved in the project will benefit from the results, addressing a community need, facilitating the transfer of technology, and skills and knowledge to others.” Browne went on to say that this year they are very

excited to award the grant recipients at its Annual Meeting on May 28, 2015 at the Rancho Santa Fe Garden Club. For more information on the Grant Application process and criteria visit or contact Browne at (858) 756-1554 or

to be like a vacation from work. Overton admitted he does reread the classics. For now, however, Overton said his main purpose is to carry on the incredible work of the Rancho Santa Fe Association and Golf Club. “It’s an incredibly

beautiful place and so I view myself as a steward of trying to carry on the work of Lillian Rice and everybody else since,” Overton said. “I’m sure the Library Guild approaches its work here in the same way. It’s just very, very cool to be a part of something that’s so historic and prestigious.”



While a Level 2 Water Restriction is currently being enforced, Bardin said, there’s a high probability it will raise to Level 3 within the next couple months. At Level 2, irrigation can take place three times per week at particular


look at the San Dieguito Lagoon. The development permit from the Coastal Commission identifies it as interim. Staff members from that state agency sought to have it moved as part of an ongoing wetlands restoration project of an overflow parking lot used by the Del Mar Fairgrounds. They say the walkway, among other things, could negatively affect water flow, prevents another acre of wetlands from being resorted and could cause further degradation to the site because of “significant human interaction.” Supporters, including officials from Del Mar, Solana Beach, the 22nd District Agricultural Association, which governs the fairgrounds, and at least one county supervisor dispute most of their claims. The JPA tried to get the interim designation removed. But at the March 11 Coastal Commission meeting the vote was 5-5, which meant the request was denied. The JPA board later voted to resubmit its application because the commission said mitigation for the one-acre loss of wetlands was not addressed. The request for a new hearing was due April 11. At a March 21 rally to save the boardwalk, Trish Boaz, executive director of the River Valley Conservancy, said ideas for mitigation were being negotiated. Dave Zito, the Solana Beach City Council JPA liaison, said one of the challenges of convincing the commission that you can

APRIL 17, 2015 times of the day. “We’re not seeing a response that we need to see. So I’m here to ask you, the Association, and your committees to help us in getting that message out to the community. While it’s painful and unpleasant as Californians, we’re all, what I call consumer citizens, and water is one of the

most precious natural resources we have,” he said. “It’s part of the agricultural industry. It’s part of the quality of life of this community and many across the state.” Bardin invited the community to contact the District regarding programs, incentives and rebates which can help reduce the water demand.

offer mitigation is “if you succeed you actually have to be able to provide the mitigation.” The commission’s standard ratio for wetlands mitigation is 4:1, which in a worst-case scenario meant the JPA would have to fund 4 acres of wetlands restoration elsewhere at a cost of about $1 million, Zito said. “All of these deals are very fluid, and when you have different elements going on concurrently, at one point a plan of action or strategy comes to the front that has more traction than another,” Boaz said. “Because of the risk of going back to the commission and potentially being turned down again and risking the entire boardwalk having to be removed, this compromise was put together. “Either you go for everything and lose everything or you try for everything but you get this compromise, which still provides for a good nature-viewing experience for the public, although they won’t be able to go from one side to the other of the boardwalk,” she added. “The restoration plan for the south overflow lot includes construction of a new portion of the Coastto-Crest trail along the northern perimeter of the project, so the through access formerly provided by the boardwalk will be replaced by this new trail,” Mosier said. Coastal Commission and JPA staff members met April 6 with representatives from the conservancy and the 22nd DAA to work out the compromise, which was presented to and approved by the JPA board

two days later. As part of the deal another 280 feet of the dirt trail at the east end of the boardwalk will also be removed. The JPA will receive mitigation credit for wetlands impacts for the removal of the eastern portion of the boardwalk. Plaques honoring donors who supported the boardwalk construction will be relocated to the remaining western portion. The city of Del Mar has expressed interest in repurposing some of the planks for a proposed river path extension project or a potential future connection of the river path up to Crest Canyon, Joseph Smith, Del Mar’s associate planner, said. The 22nd DAA is responsible for paying for the partial removal. A cost estimate is not currently available. “It’s not the outcome that we were hoping for, but it’s 500 to 600 feet more than we had yesterday,” Boaz said. “It’ll still be able to be enjoyed by people, and we’ll be able to use it for educational programs, so that’s all positive. “To think that the other alternative was for it to be removed altogether wasn’t acceptable,” she added. Boaz said she believes the Save the Boardwalk rally and “hype by the supporters, the boardwalk brigade,” made a huge impact. “The Coastal Commission doesn’t compromise easily,” she said. “In fact, I don’t know that they compromise that much. The fact that they were willing to do that and allow this to happen speaks volumes for the public and the supporters of the river park.”


ning a Big Red Fest April 26 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. All 10 wineries will offer three red wines plus gourmet food and a free logo wine glass for $69.99. Tickets and details online at The Celebrity Cruises Great Wine Festival happens at the Orange County Great Park in Irvine May 2 from 2:30 to 5 p.m. Enjoy more than 30 exceptional wineries, breweries and spirits, fine cuisine, a silent auction and live music. The event will benefit the Legal Aid Society of Or- The San Diego International Wine Show comes to the Del Mar Fairange County & Community grounds April 25 and 26. Photo courtesy International Wine Show Legal Services in southeast Los Angeles County. Ad- Over 200 top rated wines nowned wine connoisseur cermission starts at $100. See to taste, light buffet and a tified by Wine Spectator. He other options and features souvenir Riedel glass. Cost is one of the leading wine comat is $225. Order tickets at mentators on the web. View Wine Spectator’s grandtour.winespectator. and link up with his columns Grand Tour will stop in Las com. at Reach Vegas May 2 at the Mirage him at Hotel from 7 to 10 p.m. Frank Mangio is a re- and follow him on Facebook.

APRIL 17, 2015


T he R ancho S anta F e News

fused by recent events. Determine how you can benefit from the situation that has developed. Open discussion will help you figure out how to take the next step.

SOUP TO NUTS by Rick Stromoski

By Eugenia Last FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2015

FRANK & ERNEST by Bob Thaves

The more irons you have in the fire, the less effective you will be. Choose the most promising course and pursue it with vigor and enthusiasm. You have what it takes to go the distance. Partnership deals and contracts are looking good this year. Hone your negotiating skills.

ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- Get rid of any negative thoughts, and let your intuition guide you in a positive direction. Forgive yourself for past mistakes so that you can move forward.

THE BORN LOSER by Art & Chip Sansom

BIG NATE by Lincoln Peirce

MONTY by Jim Meddick

ARLO & JANIS by Jimmy Johnson


ALLEY OOP byJack & Carole Bender

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- Trying to get information from others will cause problems. Ferret out whatever data you deem necessary on your own steam in order to bypass aggravation and arguments. Avoid mishaps and misinterpretation.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Financial matters will prey on your mind. Reduce your spending and set a strict but realistic budget. Putting in overtime will be an important step to help you improve your cash flow.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- Promote and market yourself. Your hard work won’t be rewarded unless others know what you have to offer. Be proud of your accomplishments and honest about your talents if you want to attract positive attention.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- Collaboration in the face of physical and mental challenges will help you get to know your business associates. Present your skills and personality in a fun and positive manner.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -- Avoid insecurity by improving your self-image. Try getting a new hairdo or outfit, and set up a fitness routine that will lead to a healthier lifestyle.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Unexpected developments will throw your GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- Positive plans off-course. Someone with an ultechange is imminent. You will have the rior motive will try to discredit you, so be energy and stamina to fulfill all of your ready to answer any questions that arise. tasks. Think of a way to lower your stress AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- Your imlevel. Break away from an unhealthy re- pressive insight into trends will not go unlationship. noticed. Nourish a current relationship by CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- Attending sharing your ideas and dreams. A family classes or improving your job prospects secret will be revealed. would be a step in the right direction. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- Get your Make sure that you are totally committed responsibilities taken care of before you to your goal, or you will waste valuable decide to socialize. It is in your best intime and money. terest to put any past problems to rest LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- You will be con- before starting something new.


T he R ancho S anta F e News

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APRIL 17, 2015

Pet of the Week Rayne is pet of the week at Helen Woodward Animal Center. The demure 1-year-old, 6-pound feline youngster is waiting to meet you. She has been altered and is up-to-date on all of her vaccinations. Her adoption fee is $169, vaccinations. Her adoption fee is $106. Rayne is waiting to meet you at Helen Woodward Animal Center, 6461 El Apajo Road in Rancho Santa Fe, open daily Monday through Thursday from noon to 6 p.m.; Fridays

from noon to 7 p.m.; Saturdays 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; and Sunday 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. (last application accepted 15 minutes before closing). For more information call (858) 7564117, option #1 or visit HYPERLINK “http://”

Del Mar Summer Solstice ready for June DEL MAR — Offering front-row sunset views, ocean breezes and live music, Del Mar’s Summer Solstice ushers in the summer

season. Tickets are available now for the annual event, presented by the Del Mar Village Association, from 5 to 8 p.m. June 18 at Del Mar’s Powerhouse Park, 1658 Coast Blvd. Early bird tickets can be purchased for $75. For the ultimate Summer Solstice experience, VIP tables are available for parties of 10 or more. For more information, visit With live music, the Pacific coastline, culinary creations from Del Mar chefs and curated selections from California’s wineries and breweries, Summer Solstice offers an evening of West Coast summer fun. Local band Semisi & FulaBula will set the tone with South Pacific rhythms as guests dine. Benefitting the Del Mar Village Association, proceeds from the event are dedicated to enhancing the vitality of the historic Del Mar Village. A silent auction will feature gifts and experiences from local vendors and sponsors. As the sun sets and the night comes alive, guests will be treated to a Tiki Torch paddle out and surf show by the Del Mar lifeguard crew.

APRIL 17, 2015


T he R ancho S anta F e News


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VOL. 28,





OPEN HOUSE FRIDAY APRIL 17TH - SUNDAY APRIL 19TH 124PM Resort style living at is finest! $939,900 - $989,900. 5153 Steinbeck Ct., Carlsbad, 92008. Vincent Morris | Pacific Sotheby’s International Realty. 760.712.6876. View property video:

BOXED FURNITURE ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY & SET UP for BOXED FURNITURE, any type TELEVISIONS, SOUND SYSTEMS, PHONES, PADS, PC’s and Other Hardware Dave (760) 600-8680 FREE SHRED EVENT - SATURDAY, 18 APRIL Coldwell Banker Carlsbad are hosting a FREE shred event on Saturday, 18 April between 9.00am-11.00am. We have contracted with a local company to provide a mobile shredding truck that will destroy your documents in minutes. Bring your unwanted files & personal records and watch them be shredded for FREE! WHERE: COLDWELL BANKER parking lot, Poinsettia Village Shops (Ralph’s Shopping Center), 7020 Avenida Encinas, Carlsbad CA 92011. C O N S T RU C T I O N - R E M O D E L SPRING SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION: All areas of remodel and repair including electronics installation, carpentry, electrical, plumbing and security systems. Spring special $30 per hour. Lic: #904915. 858-735-5905. MEDICARE INSURANCE OPTIONS Independent Broker Offers All Plans In San Diego. I shop, you save. Free House Calls. Call Peter: 888-939-7383 FULL SERVICE TREE CARE Thinning, Pruning, Shaping, Lacing, Trimming, Tree Removals, Crown Reduction, Stump Grinding, Palms, Quality Work. Affordable Prices! (License #784978). Insured, Free Estimates. Call Troy (760) 480-1670. REMODELING? 2nd Generation Family Owned Local Contractor. Kitchens, baths, additions, whole house, fire & flood restoration. We handle design, plans, permits and deliver peace of mind. Konstrukt Design & Remodel-Since 1973. Lic.#833211 858-453-6555 JESSE’S TREE SERVICE~WE DO IT ALL! Lic.860309 Ins. Bonded 760-845-9909 ENHANCE YOUR HOME OR OFFICE WITH BEAUTIFUL LIVING ART ARRANGEMENTS FROM GREENS & THINGS PLANTSCAPING Specializing in high-end, contemporary living art, our plantscape designers use live plants, natural elements like stone and drift wood, and other creative materials to create simplistic yet sophisticated living art to suit your style and exceed your expectations. Ad some color and life to your world and call (760) 942-1234 or email madeline@ FOR AFFORDABLE DOG WALKING AND PET WASTE REMOVAL 35/mo/dog. More info?? Please call Mark 818-922-9074 BACK-HOE, BOBCAT, Grading, Trenching, Concrete & Asphalt Demo, Footings, Pool Removal, Leveling. Owner/Operator. #503159 760-781-4149

WAREHOUSE ASSISTANT DIRECTV is currently recruiting for a Warehouse Assistant in San Diego. If you are not able to access our website,, mail your resume and salary requirements to: DIRECTV, Attn: Talent Acquisition, 161 Inverness Drive West, Englewood, CO 80112. To apply online, visit: EOE. HAIRSTYLIST WANTED! Booth Rental-Full or part time. Casual, friendly, COASTAL ENCINITAS salon. Call Studio 839 for detail! (760) 436-9839

CARLSBAD WATER RECYCLING FACILITY - PHASE III EXPANSION CDM Constructors is now taking bids for the for the subject project, The project is located at, 6220 Avenida Encinas, Carlsbad. We encourage MBE, WBE, & SBE subcontractors to submit bids to CDM Constructors Inc. Please contact Mike Mackenzie 909-238-2159


N0. 25






JUNE 20,



Two commer be demolis cial structure hed to make s at Carlsba of retail d’s La way for and a revamp Costa Towne Center above, would apartment building that will retail. Courtesy include 48 apartmes. The larger includes the addition rendering nts, a courtyarnew building s , shown d for resident s, and

Carlsbad reta revamped il center to be with apartm ents

Sophia Ceja, 3, of planned for April Oceanside, shows 19. See the full story off a handful of eggs on page she found A9. Photo . Four city by Promis e Yee egg hunts are

Council clo ser


By Rachel


CARLSBAD for five years, — With the 33-yea it’s primary the corner By Jared storefr Whitlock last gettingof El Camino r-old La Costa Towneont empty Real and a ENCIN ITAS Center La Costa The ownerrevamp. another — The counci Avenue at molish two of the step toward is at cific View commercialproperty gained acquiring l took ter and site on Wedne the Pareplace approval Counc and half them structures favor of il members sday night. 2.3 times apartments with buildin in the shoppi to desion on April voted 3-2 ng centhat price.” from Carlsb gs that are conditionsa $50,00 0 deposi in Counc Edding ad’s Planni half retail t spelled Planning 16. dum of unders vocate of ilman Tony Kranz,ton said. out in a and other ng Comm Commissione coming memoranistandin an adty. That million the purchase, forwar figure ping center d with plans rs praised document g for the proper final purcha erty’s curren was based said the $4.3 the owner paves to redeve that they sign, and on the se agreem the way for t public council was only a main tenantsaid curren lop the dated s for zoning. propent, which a majority intend tly lacks shop“(La And ed as a first the end . signage, Additi of May. hopes to approv the wall. You Costa Towne Center offer. it deed in favoronally, Kranz e by But the is) just this said Plannihave no idea said he of upping agenda long debate ing that what’s inside, big long votng Comm item the ter EUSD price white sparke has issione it’s not invitin been long had a strong should have over whethe case, which knowd a overdue.” r Hap L’Heureux. Commissione rezoning even agreedr the counci g,” million much more would have l “This cenmall an to pay valuable. made the land Encinitasto acquire the eyesore. r Aurthur Neil The city Black called Union School site from $10 could the distric the Resident the little t’s rezonehave tried to fight Jeff EddingDistrict. excited would likely request, have but owning at the prospect ton said he’s pensive the court battle,resulted in anthat TURN TO cil is gettingsite, but worrieof the city TOWNE Last Kranz added. exCENTER ON “bamboozled d the counauction month, EUSD A15 “The Pacific View was due Pacific View the propercity offered $4.3 .” bid set at to with a minim Elementary, million past, and ty in the not-too ticking, $9.5 million. With um for cade ago. The which the city is now offerin the clock -distant dum of understacouncil approve closed a de- just before submit d a memora nding at meeting g more the deadli ted an offer , bringing n- delayed Wednes than the ne. day night’s the city site. Photo closer to a safegu the auction by two EUSD has Mosaic, by Jared acquirin ard, in case part 2 Whitlock months g Artist Mark By Promis as the deal e Yee Patterson with the has plans OCEANSIDE up to his for a follow announcemen Kay’s husban — TURN TO Surfing DEAL ON A15 donna mosaic t that an The Parker helped banLIFT d Dick MaUr. A5 accept the building grant will fund grant at the the Kay City Counci meeting ow to reacH Message Family Resour Parker April l 16. the honor The final remains ce Center (760) 436-97 us the planne of namin He said at source A&E.............. 37 on Eden installment affordable d Mission Cove center after g the reCalendar housing Gardens tells of Classifieds............ A10 bought project wife was well deservhis late Calendar@coa OUSD takes the commu ..... B21 nity’s reasons. applause for two ed. The Food stnewsgroup. the affordable Mission Cove to youth. commitment to reduce wastepledge Legals& Wine....... B12 com Comm Community form “green A6 housing and ........... mixedwere glad unity membe Community@News aimed at teams” Opinion......... ....... A18 rs sion use project on and resource to have a family recycling. Avenue coastnewsgro MisB1 Sports........... .......A4 oped throug is being develthe city’s center as part Letters h a partne ....... A20 of betwee low-income ing project rship Letters@coa hous- tional n the city , and pleased and Nastnewsgroup. the name equally sance Community Renais com center will nonprofit of the developer. Kay Parker honor the late The , a belove ground project will break housing this summe d, fair advocate. r. Grad-

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Two Sectio ns 48 pages






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OPEN HOUSE - SAT18TH & SUN 19TH APRIL - 1:00-4:00PM Manificent Stone Canyon gem set behind private gates. 5 br 3.5 ba, gourmet kitchen with large center island. Lower level guest suite with own full bath. 1006 Skyline Dr, San Marcos. Coldwell Banker - Stan Thomas - 760-889-2269. FREE INVESTMENT WORKSHOP FIRST AMERICAN TITLE Join us April 30 at 10AM and learn about Tax Free Income, Tax Deferred 1031 Exchanges, Carry-Over Losses: The Road to Wealth with Real Estate Investments. It’s Your Equity. Oceanside Yacht Club, 1950 Harbor Dr North. Sandy Colyer, Steve O’Hara, Mike Farber BRE#00897660. RSVP 760-215-0967. INVESTMENT PROPERTY WORKSHOP Join us April 30 at 10Am. Free Workshop on 1031 Exchanges, Depreciation benefits, Carryover Losses and Real Estate Investments. Keep your Equity, Avoid Capital Gains Tax. Oceanside Yacht Club. RSVP Mike Farber 760-2150967. BRE#00897660 OCEAN-VIEW TIMESHARE Sleeps-6, fully-furnished w/kitchen. Visit Fixed week 20: May 16th-23rd, 2015. $13,000 o.b.o. (818) 366-2043

FOR RENT BEACH VACATION RENTAL- Ocean-view, sleeps-6, fully-furnished, Available May 16th-May 23rd, 2015. Visit $1,800/week +deposit (818) 366-2043


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ITEMS FOR SALE FLOOR MODEL CLEARANCE SALE! Spring Floor Model Clearance going on now at your local Healthy Back Store! Save up to 65% on thousands of products. Huge savings on floor models & warehouse clearance. New & like new products from Tempur-pedic, Herman Miller, Human Touch, Inada and more! Hurry, all products are priced to move fast!!! 4 San Diego Area Locations... San Diego - 619-299-2225 Encinitas - 760-633-2225 La Jolla 858-558-2225 Escondido - 760-4800565 WE BUY & SELL DISCOUNTED MERCHANT GIFTCARDS Visit our online store at

WANTED ART WANTED ESTATES, COLLECTORS, BANKRUPTCIES Top Dollar for fine works. Free informal appraisal and authentication advice. Creighton-Davis Gallery, 760432-8995,

MISCELLANEOUS NORTH COUNTY SINGLES-DODGERS@PADRES, SUNDAY, 4/26 Join Christian singles, age 35+ for social/ mixer/game, 100+ attending, info/ tickets: www.outandaboutsingles. com, 858-215-4667-Dwight

GARAGE SALES MOVING SALE April 15 to 18 929 3rd St. apt.E Encinitas (alley) 9a.m.+ everything has to go great stuff great prices rattan love sofa/ chair/table dinner table cloth paintings rugs lamps etc.


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APRIL 17, 2015



WE CAN PUBLISH YOUR LEGAL ADVERTISING Fictitious Business Notice • Name Changes • Lien Sales • Alcoholic Beverages License • Petitions for Probate • Trustee Sales • Summons - Divorce • Annual Report • Non-Responsibility • Dissolution of Partnership

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APRIL 17, 2015


T he R ancho S anta F e News

People attending the city’s first-ever CicloviaEscondido event on Saturday take part in a group photo. Photos by Tony Cagala

ESCONDIDO — Walkers, joggers and bicyclists were able to let their guard down and not have to look both ways while trying to cross the street on Saturday. That’s because a mile stretch of Grand Avenue in downtown Escondido was closed off to all vehicles for the city’s first ever participation in the Ciclovia movement. The event, which seeks to promote healthy living, began in Bogota, Columbia in the 1960s and has since caught on in cities around the U.S. The Escondido Chamber of Commerce and the county of San Diego put on CicloviaEscondido.

From left: San Diego County Supervisor Dave Roberts, Escondido Princess Meghann McQuead, Escondido Councilman Ed Gallo and Steve Waldron.

2253 S. Santa Fe Ave Vista, CA 92083 cl#767581

David Ramirez ponders his next word for a giant game of street Scrabble.


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Charlize Parent, left, 1, and Leilani Parent, 3, enjoy the CicloviaEscondido event.

Ed Clancy, an organizer of the CicloviaEscondido event, says the street without any cars looks “apocalyptic.”

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T he R ancho S anta F e News

APRIL 17, 2015

OR Cannot be combined with any other incentive. Financing for well-qualified applicants only. Limited Terms Available. Subject to credit approval, vehicle insurance approval & vehicle availability. No down payment required. See participating dealers for details. Must take delivery from dealer stock by April 5, 2015.

$0 due at lease signing 36 month lease 2 at this payment #FH493789 #FH513885 (Premium 2.5i Automatic model, code FFF-13) $0 Down payment plus tax, title & license due at lease signing. $0 security deposit. Cannot be combined with any other incentives. Special lease rates extended to well-qualified buyers and are subject to credit approval, vehicle insurance approval and vehicle availability. Lessee pays personal property and ad valorem taxes (where applicable), insurance, maintenance repairs not covered by warranty, excessive wear and tear and a mileage charge of 15¢ per mile for mileage over 10,000 miles per year. Must take delivery from retailer stock by 4/19/15.

Purchase or lease any new (previously untitled) Subaru and receive a complimentary factory scheduled maintenance plan for 2 years or 24,000 miles (whichever comes first.) See Subaru Added Security Maintenance Plan for intervals, coverages and limitations. Customer must take delivery before 12-31-2015 and reside within the promotional area. At participating dealers only. See dealer for program details and eligibility.

Car Country Drive

5500 Paseo Del Norte Car Country Carlsbad

Car Country Drive

760-438-2200 ** EPA-estimated fuel economy. Actual mileage may vary. Subaru Tribeca, Forester, Impreza & Outback are registered trademarks. All advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes, any finance charges, $80 dealer document processing charge, any electronic filing charge, and any emission testing charge. Expires 4/19/2015.

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For highly qualified customers who finance a 2015 Jetta or Passat through Volkswagen Credit. APR offers available on new, unused 2015 Jetta and Passat models. Examples: for TDI Clean Diesel models only 0% APR for 72 months, cost of financing is $13.89 a month for every $1,000 financed; for Gasoline models only at 0% APR for 48 months, cost of financing is $20.83 a month for every $1,000 financed. APR offered to highly qualified customers on approved credit by Volkswagen Credit through participating dealers. Down payment may be required. Not all customers wil qualify for advertised rate. APR offers end 4/30/2015. Volkswagen Credit wil give you a $1,000 Bonus when you purchase a new, unused 2015 Volkswagen Jetta or Passat from a participating dealer and finance through Volkswagen Credit from April 1, 2015 to April 30, 2015. Subject to credit approval. Bonus paid toward MSRP and is not available for cash. See dealer for financing details

760-438-2200 VOLKSWAGEN

5500 Paseo Del Norte Car Country Carlsbad

All advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes, any finance charges, $80 dealer document processing charge, any electronic filing charge, and any emission testing charge. Expires 4-19-2015.

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ar Country Drive


ar Country Drive

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Financing Available for up to 72 months

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