The rancho santa fe news october 3 2014

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VOL. 10, N0. 20

Oct. 3, 2014

Guest speaker Kelly Rein, MSW of the Alzheimer’s Association of San Diego Imperial Chapter Photo by Christina Macne-Greene

Alzheimer’s Association partners with Library Guild By Christina Macone-Greene that one of nine people

Participating in the divot stomp are from left: Jennifer Ibaven, Kevin Changaris of Encinitas, Brian Anderson, Emma Wellings and Carlsbad native Blake Dethlefsen. Photo by Bianca Kaplanek

Twin Palms takes home Spreckels Cup on final day of polo season By Bianca Kaplanek

RANCHO SANTA FE — Red was the official color of the day, but it was the blue team that prevailed on closing day for the San Diego Polo Club, with Twin Palms defeating Roseville Motor Cars/Star Meadow 10-8 to win the 105th Spreckels Cup tournament on Sept. 28. A win would have been nice for Roseville Motor Cars/Star Meadow, as it was the team’s final appearance at the San Diego Polo Club, but Twin

Palms entered the game with the higher handicap, scoring first and leading 6-5 at the half. The San Diego Polo club was celebrating the end of its 28th season at its current location on El Camino Real on the border of Rancho Santa Fe. The day began with a demonstration of rider and foxhounds presented by the Santa Fe Hunt, followed by a fashion show by Sonya Berg Zen Fashionista.

There was also an introduction of the beneficiary of the day, Heels2Heal, which aids underprivileged, critically ill and abused women and children. Proceeds from a raffle and auction also benefited the organization. For nearly three decades the San Diego Polo Club has worked with about 100 national and local charities, helping them raise more than TURN TO POLO ON A14

Solana Beach begins update on sea wall fees By Bianca Kaplanek

SOLANA BEACH — Sea walls have long been controversial in Solana Beach, pitting surfers and environmentalists against bluff-top property owners. But a Sept. 23 meeting that provided an update on a sea wall mitigation fee took only 30 minutes rather than the allotted 90 and garnered input from only five people. But the limited participation could be attributed to the fact that the process has been ongoing for more than six years.

The city started working on a mitigation fee study for sea wall impacts in 2008. It was to include a sand mitigation fee, which addresses the volume of sand retained behind a sea wall, and a land lease and public recreation fee, which focuses on the public beach area. In determining those fees the city agreed in 2010 to use a methodology prescribed by the California The city is renewing its efforts to set an appropriate fee to mitigate the Coastal Commission. impacts of sea walls that can prevent bluff failures and protect coastal A draft report issued in properties. Surfers and environmentalists say the shoreline protection April 2010 included a recdevices prevent erosion and the natural creation of beaches. Photo by

Bianca Kaplanek


RANCHO SANTA FE — The RSF Library Guild partnered with the San Diego and Imperial chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association in an effort to educate individuals about the disease. The event was hosted at the RSF library. The free series, which started on Sept. 18, will have others topics regarding Alzheimer’s in the following months. After Susan Applebee of the Rancho Santa Fe Library Guild welcomed everyone, Kelly Rein, MSW, of the Alzheimer’s Association took center stage. Rein is one of the social workers at the chapter. Her talk was entitled, “Maximizing Your Brain Health.” “I have to commend you and give you a round of applause for spending time with us today,” she said, to a crowded room. While Alzheimer’s is on the rise, she said, the good news is there is a lot that people can do to help protect their brains now. And this includes someone living with this disease. Rein highlighted that nearly 60,000 people were living with dementia in San Diego and Imperial County. “So I think the important thing to know from this is that you’re not alone,” she said, adding how there are more than 150,000 family caregivers. “It’s really important in this journey with this diagnosis that you connect to others, even if it’s just asking information.” Rein went on to say

over the age of 65 have Alzheimer’s; and, after the age of 85 it increases to 1 in 3. The disease is age significant. Every 67 seconds, another American is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Knowing this, Rein said, it is best to be prepared. There are four “Brain Healthy Lifestyles,” also called the “Big 4,” which was part of the presentation: physical exercise, nutrition, mental exercise, and social connections. “One of the most im-

There are studies that show that even 30 minutes of walking five times a week can reduce your risk of dementia by half.” Kelly Rein Alzheimer’s Association

portant things that we know with Alzheimer’s and general body health is that there is a big hearthead connection,” Rein said. With each heartbeat, about 25 percent of blood is carried via the arteries. According to Rein, having healthy, nutritious blood pumping through the body is essential to promote strong brain cells, healthy arteries and capillaries. Keeping active to TURN TO PARTNERSHIP ON A14


T he R ancho S anta F e News

Oct. 3, 2014

Oct. 3, 2014

T he R ancho S anta F e News


Inagural Hero Service Dog awards given out By Christina Macone-Greene

RANCHO SANTA FE — At the San Diego Polo Club, everyone had a chance to meet the four-legged heroes who were nominated for a Service Dog award. Art for Barks, a nonprofit in Rancho Santa Fe, championed its inagural contest, “The Hero Service Dog Award.” During the course of the afternoon, Art for Barks had wonderful activities including a Service Dog and Fashion Week San Diego Fashion Show and an Animal Fine Art Show. Also there was local artist, Heather Roddy, painting a live polo picture of the match. All proceeds went toward the Art for Barks raffle. The “Hero Service Dog Award” recipient was Solar, a three-year-old Labradoodle, who is both an Autism and Mobility Service Dog who helps his handler, Sadie. Solar was trained by Tender Loving Canines Assistance Dogs (TLCAD). Lynn Moon, founder of Art for Barks, witnessed so much positive feedback from polo goers. “People were deeply moved and impressed with the skills of the adorable Service Dogs. The Service Dogs were exceptionally attentive to their client and trainer; and, the loving eyes and calm demeanor of Service Dogs is something that really impacts people,” Moon said. Proud of all the nominees, Moon said she was amazed how Solar was trained to specialize in both autism and cerebral palsy. “TLCAD should be complimented for their quality of training. Solar has such a wonderful, nurturing manner that everyone wants to hug him and take him home,” she said. The other two Service Dog finalists, Dory and Autumn, were from Paws’itive Teams. Karen Shultz of TLCAD was on hand to receive the award. Shultz serves as board president, executive director and trainer.

Second from left, Lynn Moon, founder of Art for Barks, speaks during the inaugural issuing of The Hero Service Dog awards at the San Diego Polo grounds. Photo by Linda Michaels

Shultz had Solar when he was 10-weeks-old and trained him. “I was very excited to win this award and to have Solar recognized for his important work.” Shultz describes the bond between Sadie and Solar as incredibly strong. Solar plays an important role in her life every day; and, Sadie also relies on Solar when she experiences sensory overloaded in public.

Pat Welsh visits the RSF Garden Club By Christina Macone-Greene

RANCHO SANTA FE — Recently, Pat Welsh offered her sage gardening wisdom to members of the RSF Garden Club. Following the club’s quarterly meeting, Welsh began her presentation, “Success With Winter Vegetables: The Organic Way.” Welsh, who is a Del Mar resident, has visited the RSF Garden Club before and has provided excellent educational receptions. The crowd enjoyed her animation and sharp wit. Knowing that the members she was speaking to had prior gardening knowledge; she began with the basics to prepare a winter garden. As far as Welsh is concerned, something new could be learned, even with the basics. Welsh’s gardening roster included rototilling the soil, layering the soil for the perfect garden, organic pest and bug control, how to organize and prepare seeds, planting, and feeding the garden. Welsh said that she normally starts her winter garden precisely on Sept. 1. But due to the heatwave earlier in the month, she needed to postpone her gardening until the right temperature to do so. Considered an authority on horticultural, Welsh is an Emmy award-winning “gardening guru.”

Pat Welsh offers her sage gardening wisdom to members of the RSF Garden Club. Photo by Christina Macone-Greene

For more than three decades, she has been an author, television host, magazine editor and public educator. Following a “show and tell” of gardening items, tools, tips and tricks on a tabletop in front of the clubhouse stage, the lights dimmed, and Welsh began her in-depth PowerPoint winter vegetable garden-

ing presentation. Afterward, Welsh answered questions from the audience and RSF Garden Club members had the opportunity to buy her regarded book, “Pat Welsh’s Southern California Gardening: Month by Month.” For those who were not able to attend the meeting, please visit to learn more.

Shultz added that Sadie has learned to automatically reach for Solar. “By touching his head and talking to him, this allows her to endure venues she was previously unable to be part of — these little accomplishments are huge in this family’s everyday life.” Shultz went on to say that Sadie loves Solar, giving him the moniker, “fluffy puppy.” With Solar by her side, they do home-

work together and he helps her stay focused on the task at hand. Solar’s presence also helps Sadie sleep through the night. “If Sadie needs help in the night, she says, ‘Solar Help,’ and he runs into her parent’s room to let them know,” Shultz said. Solar has given Sadie the motivation to work harder to walk on her own, she said, and in doing so, Sadie has become stronger and has transferred from using TURN TO AWARDS ON A14


T he R ancho S anta F e News


Oct. 3, 2014 Views expressed in Opinion & Editorial do not necessarily reflect the views of The Coast News

Letters to the Editor

Ground water rules: Too late and far too little California Focus By Thomas D. Elias Never mind the hosannas that followed immediately after state legislators passed a last minute package of bills purported to impose California’s first-ever statewide regulations on ground water use. The bottom line is that those laws will change nothing for decades, while today’s reality cries out for fast action. Ground water accounts for about 35 percent of the state’s fresh water in normal years and a much higher percentage in dry ones like the last three. This year, as cities and farmers invest millions of dollars in drilling wells ever deeper, usage is likely higher than ever, because so little water is coming from the state’s big surface water projects and reservoirs. Because ground water use is generally not metered, no one knows exactly how much is being taken, but one report from the California Water Foundation indicated as much as 65 percent of the state’s water might come from wells this year. Meanwhile, the water table drops lower and lower, forcing wells to go ever farther underground or risk going dry. In some areas, this has already led to significant land subsidence, topping 20 feet in some parts of the Central Valley where passing motorists can see instruments and wellheads that once were on the surface perched on pipes now high above ground level. The problem with the new ground water laws is that it will be many years before they can affect any of that. The basics of what they call for are somewhat com-

plicated, leaving plenty of room for local politicking, bickering and delay. The rules do sound just fine – until you look at the time limits. They will force local water agencies covering more than 100 aquifers to design regulations preventing further overdrafts, an overdraft occurring when more water is pumped from underground than percolates down to replace it. The state would review all such plans and could

The problem with the new ground water laws is that it will be many years before they can affect any of that.

the same kind of unanimity achieved when the Legislature and Gov. Jerry Brown combined to place a $7.5 billion water bond on the November ballot – another measure that won’t have much impact on the current scene. This is all quite ludicrous and worthy of satire, since it will accomplish nothing during the lifetimes of at least one-third of today’s Californians. For when the new rules – whatever they turn out to be – take effect, there might be no more ground water to fight about. Most ludicrous have been the consistent claims of many farmers and their advocates that any rules at all on ground water constitute a violation of private property rights. Their theory: Any water under anyone’s property belongs to that property owner. This belief essentially contends that water knows where property lines lie. In fact, when any property owner pumps excessively, he or she frequently causes the water level in most neighbors’ wells to drop, too. The answer to all this should have been a crash program with usage limits and installation of meters on every water well in California. Given the strength of the agriculture lobby, that wasn’t about to happen. Instead, legislators went home happy, the governor gets to grandstand a bit about allegedly doing something about the drought, and reality changes not one iota.

take over regulation when locals don’t enforce their own rules. This all sounds fine, and might improve matters about 25 years from now, it there’s any ground water left. But it will have absolutely no effect during the current drought or anytime soon after it ends. For local water authorities will have two years to decide who controls ground water in each area. They’ll get five to seven more years to design plans creating a balance between pumping and replenishment. Then they will have 20 years to put those plans into action. The trouble is that no one knows how much ground water will be left 25 Elias is author of the current or so years from now if the book “The Burzynski Breakcurrent drought goes on. through: The Most Promising Even so, legislators Cancer Treatment and the from farm areas stood uniGovernment’s Campaign to fied against the new, exSquelch It,” now available tremely weak and untimely in an updated third edition. system. His email address is tdelias@ They said they wanted

An Open Letter to Plan- Encinitas formed 28 years ning Director Jeff Murphy ago because residents wanted to decide the type Dear Director Mur- of place we want our city to be. phy, The sensitive treatI am writing regard- ment and protection of aning CASE #13-227 MIN/ imals is part of our shared CDP, Coast Animal Hos- identity. I ask that Planning pital in Leucadia, which will be unstaffed during Department decisions support common beliefs of evening hours. I am really concerned Encinitas residents so that about sick and recovering we can remain the condogs and cats left on their scious place that we wish own without someone car- to preserve. ing for them at night. If left unattended, dogs will Sincerely, start to howl and bark, and Julie Graboi , may cause other animals Encinitas to join in or to become traumatized. I personally can’t School board vote Voting for local school stand the thought of this. People who live in the board trustees is one of proximity will have to lis- the most important tasks ten to this every night if that we citizens have in our control. this plan moves forward. As our elected leadI can’t imagine anything worse for those of ers in Congress appear to us who love animals. If be divided over issues, we I lived close by, I would are privileged to choose have to consider moving. the best leaders for our Just knowing that our children’s future. In this pets will be left unattend- regard, I am writing to ed for a better financial suggest voting for Simereturn is unacceptable to on Greenstein as a board member for the San Dieme. Pet owners deserve guito Union High School assurances that their best District Governing Board. In the interest of full friends are being attended for all the time they are in disclosure, I am currently working on Mr. Greenthe hospital. Also, I am concerned stein’s campaign. I have known him for that this added stress and lack of attention could im- over 40 years, and I have pact the medical outcomes full confidence in his abilof our pets if they are left ity to be an excellent advocate for students, parents, unsupervised. The love and appreci- and taxpayers. ation of pets and the huHis experience, startmane treatment of all ani- ing as a campus supervisor mals is an important, core at Oak Crest Junior High value of most Encinitas School and then including residents. teaching, opening La CosAs I have said about ta Canyon High School, our General Plan and the being the principal of Housing Element update, Torrey Pines High School planning policies need to as well as a foray into the reflect the values of the educational, private busipeople who live in our city. ness gives him the insight Please listen to residents. and vision needed to guide


our district through the next four years. For over 26 years, I was a governing board member for a local community college. This experience leads me to endorse Mr. Greenstein. He is not running for the trustee position with a personal agenda although he knows the schools from a personal basis; not only has he been a teacher, but also his three children successfully matriculated in the district. His integrity has been tested and the public can trust that he wants nothing but the best for all involved in local education. Mr. Greenstein is rather self-effacing, but his students speak loudly about him and it is in glowing terms for the influence his teaching made in their lives. One can read for herself what they have to say by looking at his website: A vote for Simeon Greenstein is a step into ensuring that students in the San Dieguito District schools will continue to receive an excellent education. Sincerely,

Letters to the Editor and reader feedback are welcomed. Please keep submissions relevant and respectful. Please submit letters or commentaries, including your city of residence and contact information (for confirmation purposes only) to letters@

Rancho Santa Fe newS P.O. Box 232550, Encinitas, CA 92023-2550 • 760-436-9737 • Fax: 760-943-0850


COMMUNITY NEWS EDITOR Jean gilleTTe STAFF REPORTER aaron Burgin ellen WrighT GRAPHIC ARTIST Phyllis miTChell ADVERTISING SALES KrisTa Confer deBraTaylordemonTegre Windy osBorn CLASSIFIED SALES Chelsea Baumann CIRCULATION MANAGER BreT Wise

Contributing writers ChrisTina maCone-greene BianCa KaPlaneK Promise yee david Boylan e’louise ondash

Jean Moreno, Carlsbad

franK mangio Jay Paris Photographer Bill reilly info@bil reil Contact the Editor Tony Cagala

Oct. 3, 2014

School board holds special meeting School district discusses possibility of purchasing the Garden Club By Christina Macone-Greene

RANCHO SANTA FE — Board president, Richard Burdge called the special Sept. 29 meeting to order, conveying to the small group in attendance that it would be a relatively short, open session. The meeting, in the District Conference Room, was in reference to discussing the possible purchase of the Garden Club property. As well, another action item discussed was whether or not the board agreed to designate Superintendent Lindy Delaney as property negotiator on behalf of the District. The board unanimously agreed to both items and then went into closed session. However, before closed session, Burdge asked if there was any public comment. Anne Golden, who has a child attending the Rancho Santa Fe School, echoed her

thoughts. “I looked at the agenda for this meeting yesterday online, and I saw that it was to discuss the purchase of the Garden Club. And it just occurred to me that I had something I wanted to ask and address the board with this morning,” Golden said. “I just wanted to say that from my perspective and some of the people that I talk to that are other parents and community members that the purchase of that Garden Club right now probably isn’t something that we think we should do.” In the past, it was mentioned the Garden Club would be an ideal spot for additional parking. Golden agreed that parking is an issue. “But I find if we have money laying around, maybe we should use that money toward the endowment,” she said, noting that perhaps that might allow people not needing to donate toward it annually. On the other hand, Golden continued, they discovered last week at one of the open forum meetings regarding the math curriculum, that they need more TURN TO MEETING ON A14

RSF School district talks annual budget By Christina Macone-Greene rials, including textbooks,

RANCHO SANTA FE —While the RSF School District had its public hearing regarding the education code for the 201415 school year, it also approved its annual budget. Superintendent Lindy Delaney explained to the board of trustees that the education code portion was a mandated public hearing. “We have to make sure that the public has a chance to voice their opinion about textbooks following the education code,” she said.

We have to make sure that the public has a chance to voice their opinion about textbooks...” Lindy Delaney Superintendent, RSF School District

The purpose of the public hearing is noted as a requirement of the governing board of the RSF School District. It must ascertain if every student has adequate school mate-


T he R ancho S anta F e News

for the State Board of Education curriculum. These subject matters include math, science, reading and language arts, history, and social science. Next, Delaney was ready to discuss the budget. Board president, Richard Burdge, commented how he thought that the property taxes had come in a little bit higher than previously budgeted. Delaney told the board that their director of financing, Denise Stevenson, has traditionally been very conservative with the school budget. She also pointed out how Stevenson was retiring from her position in the weeks ahead. Stevenson, who was in attendance, asked to comment on the increased tax portion of the budget, which Burdge mentioned. The board accepted her request. She told Burdge that the 3.64 percent increase he was referring to was for the school’s assessed value. “We won’t necessarily say that would be our increase in our property taxes,” she said. “We’ll wait and see what the county provides us with as far as a projection. But historically, we haven’t seen a direct correlation between those two. So I just want to cauTURN TO BUDGET ON A14

Art of Fashion 2014: a breathtaking affair By Christina Macone-Greene

RANCHO SANTA FE — Quite frankly, Mercedes Benz Fashion Week would have been impressed with the Art of Fashion Runway Show on Sept. 18 hosted by The Country Friends. The nonprofit, celebrating its 60th Diamond Anniversary put on a seamless event, punctuated with panache. Once again, the outdoor picturesque venue was held at The Inn at Rancho Santa Fe. Leading the affair was Mistress of Ceremonies, Sandra Mass, news anchor of KUSI Television. Prior to the runway show, champagne was abundant as well as the boutique shopping from vendors including Barbara Bui, Donna Karan, Jo Malone, Lanvin, MaxMara, Salvatore Ferragamo, TOD’s, and Versace. The vendors generously gifted 10 percent of their proceeds for the day to The Country Friends. While guests took their seats for the runway show, Mass welcomed the crowd. “We are proud to partner with South Coast Plaza for the 10th year in a row,” she said, adding how it’s an international shopping destination. Mass went on to recognize and thank The Inn at Rancho Santa Fe for their hospitality and involvement for so many years. Mass then introduced The Country Friends president, Rhonda Tyron. Tyron called it a special year filled with philanthropy and fashion for the last six decades while, “helping San Diegans one hand at a time.” Tyron referred to the event program, asking guests to view the honor list of all the past presidents who served on The Country Friends.

Chair of the 2014 Art of Fashion, Andrea Naversen, left, and Mistress of Ceremonies, Sandra Mass, news anchor of KUSI Television at the event hosted by the Country Friends. Photo by Christina Macone-Greene

“This 60th anniversary is to honor the women who came before me,” Tyron said. It was also a moment to pay tribute those women who have passed. Following Tyron’s speech, she introduced the Chair of the 2014 Art of Fashion event, Andrea Naversen. She thanked everyone for their involvement with The Country Friends, highlighting how their grants enable them to help more than 30 nonprofit organizations in San Diego County. She went on to recognize their sponsors, donors, and underwriters. Naversen also thanked her diligent Art of Fashion committee. “I’m forever grateful to their selflessness and service,” she said. “Donna (Ahlstrom) has been my right hand.”

Once the music blared, the runway fashion show began. Attendees saw models wearing fall and winter designer trends including Barbara Bui, Canali, Donna Karan, Faconnable, MaxMara, M Missoni, Oscar de la Renta, Saks Fifth Avenue, Salvatore Ferragamo, and Versace. Each designer created a unique, stylish synergy. Also sweeping the runway were luxurious gowns. At the end of the fashion show, an “All Designer Finale” gave the audience the opportunity for one last glimpse of signature styles at the fashion forefront. Following a savory luncheon on the lawn, prepared by executive chef, Todd Allison, the Après Affaire of fine wines, spirits, cheeses and desserts came next. Taking part in the Après Affaire was B Cel-

lars, Falkner Winery, Gen7 Wines, The Gingered Pear, Lemon Twist, MIRROR Napa Valley, La Reine des Macarons, Specialty Produce, and Yummy Cupcakes. The all-day affair was memorable, reminding those in attendance that their presence was helping The Country Friends support their mission toward human care agencies.


T he R ancho S anta F e News

All your local doctors in one convenient location GET TO KNOW YOUR DOCTORS

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North Coast Medical Pharmacy has been serving Encinitas and North County San Diego for over 26 years. Conveniently located on N. El Camino Real, North Coast Medical Pharmacy is the only local, family-owned compounding pharmacy in Encinitas. Patients can trust their prescriptions are filled by a familiar face at North Coast Medical Pharmacy, and the staff strives to provide unparalleled, personalized service. The pharmacy is owned and operated by brothers Justin and Jason Sabouri, who proudly serve the community they live in and support shopping locally in Encinitas. For more information, visit or call (760) 943-1191.

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Oct. 3, 2014

Pharmacies play a large role in patient compliance ENCINITAS — When it comes to the current state of health care in the United States, blame is cast in many directions. The reality is that one of the biggest stressors on our health care system can be explained in two words: patient compliance. Patient compliance is defined as the degree or extent to which a patient follows or completes a prescribed diagnostic, treatment or preventative procedure. When it comes to prescriptions, the numbers are particularly surprising. “If I asked you what percentage of prescriptions written in America go unfi lled, what would you say?” asked Jason Sabouri, co-owner of North Coast Medical Pharmacy. You might be surprised to learn that the number is 30 to 40 percent. So for every 100 prescriptions written, 30 to 40 of them never get properly administered to the patient. Sabouri used an example of a patient seeing a doctor for a respiratory issue. That patient might be prescribed an inhaler. They might not ever pick up their inhaler, or perhaps they pick it up but find it is too difficult to use. This same patient might end up checking into the hospital because the issue was left untreated. Now you’ve got a patient whose issue could have been treated with proper use of a prescription, but now they are hospitalized for an entirely treatable issue. Multiply this scenario by the number of prescriptions that never make it into the hands of the patient and it is easy to see how this could strain our health care system. North Coast Medical Pharmacy in Encinitas employs a two-pronged business model that helps to combat this problem. First, they are an independent pharmacy. This is increasingly rare as chain pharmacies are pushing out their independent competitors across the country. In fact, North Coast Medical Pharmacy is the only remaining independent and family-run pharmacy in Encinitas. As an independent pharmacy, they are able to offer high-end customer service to their patients. Co-owner and pharmacist Justin Sabouri works Monday through Saturday to ensure his customers receive personalized continual care from a pharmacist they can count on. The ongoing relationship with customers creates trust. Patients are encouraged to ask questions, which increases the probability that they are going to follow through with using their prescription properly. Justin Sabouri, Pharm.D, is a graduate of USC School of Pharmacy.

He makes an effort to counsel patients regarding their prescriptions to the point that they feel comfortable. Patients don’t have to deal with a revolving staff of pharmacists who are too busy to spend time with them, and they come to know the Sabouris well. Another perk of using an independent pharmacy is that is saves time. “You get your prescriptions faster,” Jason Sabouri said. “We want to get you where you need to be — at home, resting.” The second prong in North Coast Medical Pharmacy’s patient-friendly business model is that they are a compounding pharmacy. What this means is that they make individualized drugs for patients with specific needs that can’t be met with commercially available drugs. As a compounding pharmacy, North Coast Medical Pharmacy takes into account that no two patients are exactly the same. Differences in body weight or allergies, for example, can affect a patient’s needs and with the ability to create specified drugs on site, patients have access to tailor-made prescriptions that address their needs without any ingredients that they don’t. North Coast Medical Pharmacy is a family-run business. Brothers Justin and Jason Sabouri are Encinitas residents who take pride in helping their neighbors by offering service that no other Encinitas pharmacy can. In a time where prescriptions can be fi lled on just about every street corner in the city, Jason Sabouri realizes the value in being an independent pharmacy. “At a chain pharmacy, the patient is just a prescription,” he said. “Here they are more than that. Our patients are our friends, and we want to provide them with a Nordstrom-level quality of customer service.” The Sabouri brothers are big supporters of the shop local movement, and that’s why they continue to do business to Encinitas and remain independent in a world dominated by chain pharmacies. Jason Sabouri noted that many people aren’t aware that Encinitas has a compounding pharmacy. Often people are sending their prescriptions out of state to get fi lled, not realizing that they can save the shipping costs — and keep it local — by using North Coast Medical Pharmacy. North Coast Medical Pharmacy is located at 477 N. El Camino Real, #B101 in Encinitas. They are open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Call (760) 943-1191 for more information.

Oct. 3, 2014


T he R ancho S anta F e News


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T he R ancho S anta F e News

OCT. 3, 2014

OCT. 3, 2014


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T he R ancho S anta F e News

Oct. 3, 2014

Fall colors around, you just need to look hit the road e’louise ondash


ho says there’s no autumn in California? Our state has plenty to offer when it comes to cool weather, color and cozy retreats. You just have to know where to find it, and that’s the purpose of the website New England has long had various “color central” Internet sites and phone numbers that report where and when the best autumn colors appear. Now California has one, too. Founded in 2009 by John Poimiroo, the website is a blog supported by a corps of volunteer color spotters who provide dated reports and photos that show where the color can be seen and at what stage. The blog runs from about mid-September to Thanksgiving Day, and often into December. “Unlike other areas of the nation where fall color descends by latitude, ours

descends by elevation,” Poimiroo explains. “Starting above 9,000 feet, the color descends to sea level at a rate of about 500 to 1,000 feet a week. That means the show continues for almost four months. This makes the display very dependable and predictable for any given location.” Elsewhere in the country, if you aren’t at a location exactly when the leaves are at peak color, “you miss the show. But in California, if you miss the peaking at 9,000 feet, just drop to 8,500 feet.” Quaking aspen are the first to change in mid-September at 9,000 feet west of Bishop, and at Sherwin and Mammoth lakes. Rosy dogwood and orange foliage of the black oak show at 5,000 feet in Yosemite Valley from mid-October to November. And the grapevines in Northern California are dressed in bold red, yellow and orange throughout October. Even San Diego County has its version of autumn splendor. “Most San Diegans live along the coast, where little fall color is seen,” Poimiroo says, “so they’re often surprised to find that the county has one of the best fall

This photo, taken Sept. 24, shows the color of the groves above Cardinal Village, near Bishop Creek Canyon in the Eastern Sierra. Check for up-to-date locations and color intensity. Photo by Jared Smith

For a festive autumn atmosphere, visit Big Bear Lake through Nov. 19 and you’ll be greeted by scarecrows throughout the village. Courtesy photo

color shows to be seen in Southern California. The color appears each October among oak and riparian woodlands near Julian, and at Mount Laguna and Mount Palomar where black oaks provide the quintessential Halloween colors of orange and black. Also look for the cottonwood which turns gold.” For a festive fall atmosphere, head northeast to

Big Bear Lake (at nearly 6,800 feet) where the village merchants are staging the first Scarecrow Festival. Dozens of store owners will compete for the title of Best Scarecrow in eight categories, including spookiest, most traditional and best use of recycled materials. “Expect to see some outlandish, eccentric scarecrows to beautiful works of art,” says Wendy Badger, chairman of the festival. “It’s going to be fun for both merchants and shoppers.” For an up-close look at the autumn palette, take a hike on any of 10 nearby trails (.6 mile to 15 miles),

or camp a night or two in a nearby campground. For details and info on lodging and other activities, visit or call (800) 424-4232. Finding cozy lodging with character can add to the magic of any trip, but hunting for just the right boutique hotel or bedand-breakfast can be a time-consuming task. For one-stop shopping, visit the website of the California Association of Boutique & Breakfast Inns at Examples of some of the specials include three nights for the price of two on selected rooms Sunday through Tuesday at the Tu-

dor-style Benbow Historic Inn in Garberville, north of Fort Bragg and a short drive from the Avenue of Giants; a 10 percent discount on room rates and a complimentary tasting and gourmet cheese platter at Frog’s Leap Winery for guests who book two nights mid-week at the Inn on Randolph in downtown Napa; and 20 percent off spa services and a complimentary bottle of wine at El Colibri Boutique Hotel and Spa in Cambria. E’Louise Ondash is a freelance writer living in North County. Tell her about your travels at eondash@

Oct. 3, 2014

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Don’t tell Justin Townes Earle he’s settled down By L. Kent Wolgamott

Justin Townes Earle is now a clean and sober happily married man, riding on buses with his new band, touring behind what will be a pair of records to be released over the next six months and contemplating a move out of Nashville. But don’t try to tell him that’s he’s settled down and found his place in the world. “I have no definite plans for the future except to be with my wife,” Earle said in a mid-September phone interview. “There’s no telling where I’m going to end up on the next record or where I’m going to move, if I move. I hope I never get anywhere or get to the point where I say ‘I’ve got this.’ That’s the point where your journey stops. I never want to arrive. I want to keep the art going, going, going.” Earle began making his art, writing songs as a teenager growing up hard and fast in East Nashville. He, it’s well known, is the son of Steve Earle, the hard-living Texas singer-songwriter, who left little Justin and his mom when the boy was a toddler. He was raised by his mom, Carol Ann Hunter, who worked three jobs to support herself and her boy. His new record is titled “Single Mothers,” is a tribute to Hunter. But the title cut, like the rest of Earle’s songs, shouldn’t be read literally. “There’s some autobiographical content in there,” he said. “But

arts CALENDAR Know something that’s going on? Send it to calendar@

OCT. 4 NATURE AND MORE Come enjoy “Humanity and Nature” art at the annual Solana Beach Library Art Show through Nov. 1 at 157 Stevens Ave. by the Sargent Art Group. For more information, call (858) 755-1404.

Justin Townes Earle is performing at the Belly Up Oct. 7. Photo by Joshua Black Wilkins

they’re not 100 percent based on my experience. I like to base my songs on feeling. I write a hard beginning, middle and end. You’re writing something in shorthand, in the most condensed way you can. I would only reach one percent of people if I wrote ‘I got sad and shot dope’ If I write, ‘I got sad’ people can relate.” “Shooting dope” is

a reference to Earle’s well-documented history of drug and alcohol abuse that began when he was 12 years old — “Have baggage, will travel,” he quipped. But the 32-yearold has been clean for two years, after a relapse ended eight years of sobriety. “Single Mothers” is the first of two albums that Earle will release over the course of about six months.

Number two is likely to be available in January or February. “The first one is ‘Single Mothers’, the second is Absent Fathers,” he said. “They were recorded at the exact same time in the same recording session. We did 22 songs in 10 days.” We is Earle’s new band, Paul Niehaus of Calexico and Lambchop on guitar and pedal steel, and drum-

Roles for a large cast include children 8 to 12, teens and adults. Performances are Dec. 5 through Dec. 7. For audition information and appointment contact margiew@villagechurch. org or

The San Dieguito Academy Drama Production class presents Agatha Christie’s “The Mousetrap” at 7 p.m. Oct. 9, Oct 10 and Oct. 11 at the Clayton E. Liggett Theater on the San Dieguito Academy Campus, 800 Santa Fe Drive, Encinitas. Tickets are $8 for students and $15 for adults online at LOCAL TALENT Guitarist Daniel Isle Sky will perform from 7 to 9 p.m. Oct. 9 at Wine Steals, 1953 San Elijo, Cardiff. For information, call (760) 2302657 or visit danielislesky. com.

“The Saga of Sagebrush Sal,” at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 10 and at 2 p.m. Oct. 12. Purchase Tickets Online at Reserve seating $15 each. General Admission $10 for adults, $5 for children (12 years and under BLUES MUSIC Local musicians Robin Henkel, Whitney Shay and Billy

OCT. 8 ARTIST FEATURED The COAL Gallery hosts a fine art show, featuring artist Mary Ann Nilsson, Oct. 8 through Nov. 2 at 300 Carlsbad Village Drive, Suite 101, Carlsbad. Hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, OCT. 5 and Sunday; Friday and JAZZ TUNES The En- Saturday 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. cinitas Friends of the Li- For more information, call OCT. 1O brary present Chris Mont- (760) 434-8497 or visit coaMELODRAMA TIME gomery Jazz The Village Church Free from 2 to 3 p.m. munity Theater, 6225 Paseo Oct. 5 in the Encinitas Li- OCT. 9 Delicias, Rancho Santa Fe, brary Community Room, CLASSIC CHRISTIE presents the melodrama 540 Cornish Drive, Encinitas. For more information, call (760) 753-7376 or visit

OCT. 7 AUDITIONS The Village Church Community Theater announces auditions for “Rented Christmas” a musical from 6 to 8 p.m. Oct. 6 and Oct. 7 at the Village Community Church, 6225 Paseo Delicias in Rancho Santa Fe.


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mer Matt Pence and bassist Mark Hedman from the folk band Centro-Matic. “I picked up their rhythm section,” Earle said. “It’s been amazing playing with those guys. They definitely have not been touched by the Nashville sound. I literally remember when I was 17 years old I wanted to play with Paul Niehaus and wanted to make a record with Centro-Matic. I kind of got there.” “Single Mothers” and most likely “Absent Fathers” finds yet another change in Earle’s sound, which has moved from the folk and old time blues of his earliest record through the gospel tinged country of 2010’s “Harlem River Blues” to his current Southern music amalgam that adds R&B to the mix. “I have a severe lack of patience,” Earle said of his musical changes. “ I’m probably the ADD poster child for America. There’s so much music I’ve been exposed to being from the Southeast. “With the exception of hip-hop, every single form of American popular music has come from the Southeast,” he said. “I’d love to make a traditional jazz record someday. But I’ll have to become a much better guitar player to do that. But you’ll never get an electronic record out of me. You’ll never get a big, overblown, synthetic record out of me.” It took awhile for “Single Mothers” to come out as the headstrong Earle got in a tussle with the record

label that was initially going to release the disc. “Nobody’s going to tell me how to make my record and what to sound like,” he said. “One of the things I took from my father was music business stuff, things to do and not to do. I’ve been living with that my whole life. I had an $800 a week publishing deal when I was 17-18 years old. Those don’t exist now.” Earle and “my boys” (as he calls his band) are on the road for three weeks in the United States, their first tour before heading to Australia. Playing with a band has altered Earle’s performance style. “I’m playing guitar completely differently,” Earle said. “The claw hammer banjo thing does not work with this band. We were looking at Booker T and the MGs. Steve Cropper (MGs guitarist) rarely played two strings at a time. Paul will answer me and I’ll answer him and we’ll get something going together. And you can tell the bass players and the drummers in the crowd because they’re staring at the rhythm section.”

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Oct. 3, 2014 Contact us at with story ideas, photos or suggestions

Baseball fans fortunate the playoffs a train ride away

sports talk jay paris

BEST JUMPERS FOUND After three solid phases and performing well in the final four test, 16-year-old Mitchell Endicott, from Rancho Santa Fe, placed third, in his first competition in the 2014 Platinum Performance/USEF Show Jumping Talent Search Finals West. Endicott rode Avion, owned by Michael and Christa Endicott with Karen Healey Stables. The 2014 championship went to Sydney Hutchins, whose horse Sorcerer was also named Best Horse of the finals. Savannah Dukes was second. Photo by McCOOL PHOTOGRAPHY

Sockers games back on ESPN airwaves SAN DIEGO — The San Diego Sockers and Broadcast Company of the Americas have agreed on a broadcast deal for the coming 2014-15 Major Arena Soccer League season. All 20 regular season games and any postsea-

son action will be carried live or via tape delay on ESPN Radio 1700-AM, starting with the regular season opener November 1st against the Las Vegas Legends at 7 p.m. “We are thrilled to be back on ESPN Radio 1700 and partnered with

“BCA Radio is proud to partner with the San Diego Sockers for the upcoming season,” said BCA Programming/Operations Manager Mike Shepard, “The Sockers’ championship tradition is a perfect fit for our Championship station!” All broadcasts will include a five-minute pregame and fifteen-minute postgame show. Craig Elsten returns for his sixth season as the “Voice of the Sockers”. All games will be carried live except for those conflicting with USD basketball, which will then be aired same-night tape delay. All live broadcasts will also feature streaming audio via, and all Sockers audio broadcasts will also be simulcast live via the team’s channel.

BCA,” said Sockers general manager John Kentera. “This is an outstanding opportunity to put our games on a strong signal and most importantly to bring all our games, home and road, to the Sockers fans of San Diego.”


It’s baseball’s best time of the year and if you don’t bring up the Padres, we understand. But the playoffs are just that. And living in North County brings with it a chance to experience them. Thought you weren’t mentioning the Padres? AJ Preller, their fresh general manager, is kneedeep with his to-do list. He’ll stay busy after erasing an item in retaining manager Bud Black. The Padres will rebuild — again — but Black stays at the helm. Not a bad move. What’s sinful is wasting a season’s worth of stellar pitching. From the rotation to the bullpen bridge to the back end, the staff was spot-on. Yet another anemic lineup prevented the Padres from a wild-card run and wouldn’t that have made for a sweet summer? But the Padres’ bats didn’t complement the arms so it remains Groundhog’s Day on that front. Someone compared Black’s 600 wins with the Padres to Rory McIlroy conquering the Masters with a rake, shovel and pick in his golf bag. Good line and good luck to Preller. So while Preller’s active with what Black calls “roster construction,” we’re doing a cannon ball into the postseason. Never mind the Padres, out of five California teams, is the only one at home. Back to our home, the North County, and go ahead and jump into the playoffs. The Los Angeles Angels qualified for the postseason for the first time since 2009. That gives

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locals more baseball in a unique manner. All aboard as few things match traveling to games on trains. It’s the relief of ditching the car and imagining baseball in its infancy. When riding the rails was how teams crisscrossed the Eastern seaboard. It’s a slice of nostalgia that still breathes, going especially well with a dose of the playoffs. Angels boosters fill the train during the regular season, as well. They’ll do so again Friday, as the Angels host game two of the American League Division Series. Even in this baseball hot bed that leans toward brown and yellow, Angels red appears at the Solana Beach station. If for the Halos and on Amtrak’s Friday afternoon 2:14 or 3:19, you won’t be alone northbound. At the Oceanside stop another posse of red-clad fans appear, hitching a ride to Anaheim Stadium. Additional options at Oceanside include Metrolink, with its Angels Express round-trip fare of $7. The best part is all trains stop in the Big A parking lot. The second-best part is watching the Angels’ loaded lineup. If spending the year tracking the Padres’ offense, you know of what we speak. Mike Trout, the soonto-be American League MVP, makes everyone watch. Hitting 36 home runs with 111 RBIs — while showing enthusiasm and a smile — gets noticed. Albert Pujols, in a down year, smacked 28 homers and 105 RBIs. Howie Kendrick produced 75 RBIs while nearly hitting .300 Josh Hamilton’s availability is a mystery. But the Angels’ offense is stacked, if the former MVP makes it or not. After another disappointing Padres season, Angels baseball is a peek into a different universe. Unlike the Padres, the Angels are built around bats instead of pitchers trying to break them. While getting lost in this strange orbit, just don’t forget: the southbound Amtrak leaves at 10:48 p.m. and Metrolink about an hour after the game. And after Preller’s extensive offseason handiwork, just maybe the Padres return to the playoff chatter. Paul McCartney proved Sunday that Petco Park can still brim with electricity on a late September night. Contact Jay Paris at Follow on Twitter at jparis_sports

Oct. 3, 2014


T he R ancho S anta F e News

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Could this be your solution to numbness, tingling or chronic pain? Do you have any of the following symptoms? Pins and needles feeling? Numbness in the hands or feet? Tingling or burning sensations? Weakness in the arms or legs? Sharp shooting or burning pains? If so, you may have a condition called Peripheral Neuropathy. Numbness, tingling, and pain are an extremely annoying problem. It may come and go...interrupt your sleep...and even make your arms or legs feel weak at times. Maybe you’ve even been to other doctors and they claim all the tests indicate you should feel fine. More Drugs Are Not The Solution. A common treatment for many nerve problems is the ‘take some pills and wait and see’ method. While this may be necessary for temporary relief of severe symptoms, using them long term is no way to live. Some of the more com-

Don’t let burning pain and neuropathy irritate you and steal your fun with others.

mon drugs given include pain pills, anti-seizure mediations, and anti-depressants — all of which can have serious side effects. My name is Dr. Jeff Listiak. I’ve been helping people with neuropathy and nerve problems for more than seven years. Neuropathy can be caused by Diabetes, Chemotherapy, Toxins, etc. It may

also be compounded by poor posture or a degenerating spine stressing the nerves. The good news is that NeuropathyDR™ combination treatments have proven effective in helping patients with these health problems. Here’s what one of my patients had to say: “I had been feeling very sharp pains in my feet… they just felt like they were on fire. I just couldn’t stand it…

every night for the last year or two. I’m so excited today to tell Dr. Jeff that four days in a row I have felt no pain whatsoever.” — Marilyn You could soon be enjoying life...without those aggravating and life-disrupting problems. Don’t Miss This Limited Time Offer. It’s time for you to find out if NeuropathyDR™ treat-

The bridges constructed in Ansel’s memory cost about $3,000 to $4,000 and allow students to attend school year-round. Courtesy photo

Local couple finds relief through charity By Ellen Wright

C A R L S B A D — G r ie f can be debilitating, and nobody knows this more than Dr. Hai Le, who practices internal medicine at Scripps Coastal Medical Center in Vista and his wife, Loann. They lost their 15-year-old son Ansel two years ago in an accident at their home in Carlsbad. However, the two are finding a way to heal by honoring his memory through “A Bridge to School,” a charity program benefitting school children in their homeland of Vietnam. The couple started the Ansel Foundation to raise funds to build bridges for poor villages in Vietnam. During monsoon season, children get stuck at home because poorly constructed bridges collapse or wash away, leaving them without a route to school. The two find solace in helping others with the

bridges they build on the Mekong Delta. The bridges are built under the umbrella of Compassionate Service Society, a larger charity based out of Orange County. If there is a surplus of donations after the bridges are constructed, the Le’s use the money to construct much-needed wells in the village. The couple chose the project because the dollars go farther in the country. “We want to be able to use the limited money for a lot of people,” said Dr. Le. The couple is from Vietnam but left in the late 1970’s, after the fall of Saigon. Dr. Le spent time in Malaysia while waiting to come to America. It was there his inspiration to become a doctor solidified after witnessing the good two doctors did for Doctors Without Borders.

“They truly inspired me as a teenager,” said Dr. Le. One doctor, who he called Dr. Martin, would work all day with the refugees on a hospital boat. Afterwards, he would boat to shore to clean up the beaches, to keep cholera from spreading. “I was so amazed and shocked to see someone so different from us, come from a part of the world that is so comfortable, come to this remote island, Pulau Bidong, Malaysia and do far more than we could’ve asked him to do,” Dr. Le said about Dr. Martin. About 43,000 refugees were housed on a square mile island, said Dr. Le. “I look back now and it’s really lucky that we survived that,” he said. He came to Long Beach as a teenager, which is where he met his wife six years later. The two haven’t been back to Vietnam since, but

hope to visit the bridges they’ve funded through the Ansel Foundation. Their son dreamed of becoming a doctor, like his father, as his way to help people. His parents described him as an extremely studious child who was an old soul. Ansel volunteered his lunch hour to help tutor other students, which Dr. Le was completely unaware of until Ansel’s friends spoke at his funeral. He was active in school, getting straight A’s, taking mostly AP classes and competing in speech and debate at Carlsbad High School. Trophies from his time on the speech and debate team still dot his room, which his mother said, she still has a hard time passing. He also was one of the youngest tutors at TURN TO COUPLE ON A14

ment protocols could be your neuropathy solution. For the next 14 days only, $30 will get you a complete NeuropathyDR™ Analysis that I normally charge $197 for! What does this offer include? Everything. • An in-depth discussion about your health and wellbeing where I will listen…really listen…to the details of your case. • A posture, spine, range of motion, and nerve function examination. • A full set of specialized x-rays (if necessary) to determine if a spinal problem is contributing to your pain or symptoms. • A thorough analysis of your exam and x-ray findings so we can start mapping out your plan to being pain and numbness free. • And, if after the thorough analysis we feel we can’t help you, we’ll tell you that right away. Until Oct. 17th, 2014 you

can get everything I’ve listed here for only $30. So, you’re saving a considerable amount by taking me up on this offer. Call (760) 230-2949 now. We can get you scheduled for your NeuropathyDR™ Analysis as long as there is an opening before Oct. 17th. Our office is located just off Interstate 5 and Encinitas Boulevard. When you call, tell us you’d like to come in for the NeuropathyDR™ Analysis so we can get you on the schedule and make sure you receive proper credit for this special analysis. Sincerely, Dr. Jeff Listiak, D.C. P.S. Remember, you only have until Oct. 17th to reserve an appointment. Why suffer for years in misery? That’s no way to live, not when there could be help for your problem. Take me up on my offer and call today (760) 230-2949.

The stained-glass art by local Jim Hubbell, is being removed from the now-closed Beach House Restaurant in Cardiff-by-the-Sea and will sell through an online auction this December, to benefit Hubbell’s Ilan-Lael Foundation. Courtesy photo

Original Hubbell art set for auction ENCINITAS — More than 20 pieces of iconic artwork, created by local artist and humanitarian, Jim Hubbell, will be removed from the closeddown Beach House Restaurant in Cardiff-by-the-Sea. These pieces will be sold through Hubbell’s IlanLael Foundation. The restaurant space is undergoing makeover renovations for a new eatery and nearly two-dozen of the one-of-a-kind masterpieces will be carefully extracted from the constructed space by Hubbell’s nonprofit organization. The works, which include stained windows, sculptures and mosaics, were a collection of some of Hubbell’s very first public works. Hubbell handcrafted each piece by hand, and laid every mosaic tile and

every glass piece in the restaurant. The new ownership of this property, PS2 (also the owners of the adjacent Pacific Coast Grill), provided a donation to the Ilan-Lael Foundation, adding “We are delighted to be able to save this beautiful art and are glad we can assist furthering the mission of the Ilan Lael Foundation.” The art is being removed and graciously stored at the Leichtag Property in Encinitas. More details on the auction will be available later in the year. Ilan Lael Foundation provides volunteer opportunities, and programs and special events that inform, inspire, and promote the arts, architecture at the Hubbell Center for the arts in nature and throughout San Diego County.


T he R ancho S anta F e News



$20 million by naming a beneficiary for the games. Polo was first played in San Diego in 1906, launched as a business venture more so than an athletic competition. In an effort to attract visitors at the turn of the century, Hotel del Coronado owner John D. Spreckels built the nearby Coronado Country Club, a four-block, two-story facility that included an 18-hole golf course, tennis courts and three polo fields. The first Spreckels match was played in 1909. Winners were presented with a 2-foot silver trophy with the inscription, “Polo Challenge Trophy, presented by John D. Spreckels.” The trophy, filled on closing day with red roses, was designed to be engraved with the names of the winners each year and intended to be held by the winning team for one year. The actual tournament is played for three weeks, with the final championship match held on closing day each year. The game included the traditional half-time divot stomp, with guests reminded that, “if it’s steaming, it probably isn’t a divot.” The game was followed by a 7th chukker after party featuring DJ Beatnick.

reduce the risk of stroke is part of that equation. “There are studies that show that even 30 minutes of walking five times a week can reduce your risk of dementia by half,” she said. As well, other fun exercises may include yoga, swimming, gardening, and dancing. Having a healthy heart means keeping blood pressure low and weighing in at a healthy number. “Also those that are at risk for diabetes, pre-diabetic or have diabetes are also at a significant increased




the Carlsbad City Library Learning Center, volunteering his free time after school to help students with math. Organizers of the program were so impressed with his tutelage, they were willing to pay him for his work, which would’ve been his first paying job. Loann said two years may seem like a long time since losing Ansel, but it’s still extremely difficult, as if it happened yesterday.



teachers in the classrooms. “Our students are struggling with math,” she said. Rather than using the money to buy the Garden Club property, Golden thought it would be better suited to hire more teachers immediately. Burdge thanked Golden for her public comment. Currently, Burdge said, the meeting was to bring up the idea of looking at adjacent properties.



her wheelchair to a walker. And now, Sadie can hold onto Solar’s mobility harness for balance. “Sadie’s independence has increased tremendously in the past six months,” Shultz said. While there, many people asked Shultz how they could go about getting a Service Dog. She explained one needs to have a disability


Above: Shayna Chapman, 13, a polo player from Laguna Nigel, attends closing day with her dad, John. Below: The 105th Spreckels Cup final gets under way Sept. 28, culminating the San Diego Polo Club’s 28th season at its current location in Rancho Santa Fe. Photos by Bianca Kaplanek

Loann also finds relief in reaching out to an online community. She said she never used Facebook but after Ansel’s passing, a friend suggested she start an online foundation. Her page, Loving Wellness – Mind and Body, combines her knowledge as a dietician with inspirational and encouraging phrases. She started the page to honor Ansel and it now has close to 100,000 followers. It has helped her connect with people as far away as the Netherlands and Brazil, who she be-

lieves she never would have met otherwise. Ansel used to help her do anything online so she feels he would be proud of her efforts managing such a popular Facebook page. The couple said it’s difficult for people to relate to their loss, so seeing words online from others who have experienced similar pain “is like a hug,” said Dr. Le. The couple plans to continue the program in honor of their son, who would have been 17 in May.

Board member, Tyler Seltzer, thanked Golden for her points. “But I hope that no matter what we have in the endowment, no matter what we have here in the school monetarily, we never reach a point where current parents say everybody in the past has given so much money — I don’t have to give anymore,” Seltzer said. “So whether there’s $5 million or $50 million, I would hope the current parent population continues to want to give.”

Board member, Marti Ritto, shared her thoughts, as well. She called this special meeting as their due diligence. “Really, we would be remiss in our duties as a Board of Trustees if we didn’t look at properties right now that are adjacent to the school,” she said. As Burdge mentioned from the start, the open session portion of the special meeting was short in length, lasting under 20 minutes.

and the Service Dog would do three trained tasks that an individual could not do on their own. “Most realized they did not qualify to have a nice service dog beside them wherever they went and have full access to public places; so, this was a great educational opportunity which is a goal for Art for Barks, as well.” Likewise, Shultz thanked Moon for her passionate work with Art for Barks in how they are pro-

moting the work of Service Dog organizations. “I felt all the service dog finalists were winners at this event and all worked in different fields of service dog work. It was nice to show those in attendance the different work that these special dogs do and how important their contribution is to their individual owners, their families and their communities,” Shultz said. “These dogs transform lives and are priceless to their owners.”



ommendation for that methodology and the land lease and public recreation fee only, not the sea wall mitigation fee. The purpose of the fee is to compensate the public for the potential loss of the recreational use of the beach as a result of shoreline protection devices built on public land. The 2010 report concluded the appropriate land lease and public recreation fee was $3,100 per linear foot, with one-third due upfront and the balance payable for up to 75 years, until 2081. But that report was never finalized. It remains a draft and has basically been on hold for the past four years as the city shifted its priorities and resources to getting a certified land use plan, which it did in February 2013, Leslea Meyerhoff, a project manager for the city, said. In the interim the city has been assessing a land lease and public recreation fee of $1,000 per linear foot, as well as collecting a sand mitigation fee. In January the CCC awarded the city a $120,000 grant to update the draft sea wall mitigation fee


Watson bring blues and jazz at 8:30 p.m. Oct. 10 to Ki’s Restaurant, 2591 S. Coast Highway 101, Encinitas. For more information, call (760) 436-5236 ART LEAGUE The Carlsbad–Oceanside Art League hosts an artist demo with pastel artist Leslie Sweetland from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Oct. 10 at the Buena Vista Audubon Society, 2202 S. Coast Highway. OCT. 11 A WAY WITH WORDS Famous wordsmith Rich-



tion you that we may not see 3.64 percent.” The board wanted clarification as to why there was not a direct correlation. Stevenson said she has not been able to get a really good, solid answer about that. Having said that, she said, historically those percentages don’t reflect that

Oct. 3, 2014 risk to develop dementia,” she said. If one can prevent getting diabetes through life-style changes this is highly important; and, if one has diabetes, following their doctor’s orders regarding diet, exercise, and medication is imperative. And the cessation of smoking is also on the healthy heart roster. For nutrition, the list of items Rein mentioned were foods which were dark, green leafy vegetables and other foods high in Omega 3 fatty acids, folic acid and vitamins E, C, and B. Mental exercises, Rein said, such as puzzles, writing, taking classes and play-

ing a new instrument are fantastic. And remaining social was another important facet. “It may just be visiting with your neighbors, friends or family,” she said, noting how also giving back to the community adds value to one’s life. Rein said by finding and maintaining social connections, the chances of dementia can be reduced while it adds another level of joy to life. To learn more about the other upcoming free series Oct. 16 and Nov. 13 call 1-800-272-3900 or .

study. The city is using the money for a consulting team that will review comments received in 2010 as part of draft report. There will also be a review to ensure the fee reflects any policy changes included in the land use plan. The consultants will work to ensure there is no redundancy between the two fees. The report will include updated bluff failure and surfing data and factor in impacts from the junior lifeguard program. The updated study will also take into consideration what effect, if any, sea level rise predictions may have on the fee. Noting there have been several deaths from bluff failures between Torrey Pines State Beach and Carlsbad, resident and attorney Jon Corn, speaking on behalf of coastal property owners, said the study should also consider the safety benefits of sea walls. Chris Hamilton, a bluff-top property owner, said sea walls protect public property such as sewers, streets, parks and utilities, a fact that should also be included in the updated study. Resident Kristin Brinner said the visual effect of sea walls should be consid-

ered. “It’s really sad what’s happened to … what could have been beautiful bluffs,” she said. “I don’t think that (bluff-top property owners are) building the sea walls to protect the public safety. “They’re building the sea walls to protect their property,” she added. Brinner also said she believed while there may be an increase in safety as sea walls prevent bluff failures, there is also a decrease in public safety with narrow beaches, created by the loss of sand from natural erosion as a result of sea walls. She said on narrow beaches people can get pushed up against bluffs. Resident and surfer Jim Jaffee, who has been involved in the process since its inception, said it’s a “travesty” it has taken so long to develop the fees. “It’s a little embarrassing for us all,” he said, urging everyone to accelerate the process. Additional public workshops are planned. According to the conditions of the CCC grant, all work must be completed by April 2016. Comments can be submitted to wprotzman@ The 2010 draft report is available on the city website.

ard Lederer will present a morning of linguistics fun from 11 a.m. to noon Oct. 11 at Carlsbad’s Georgina Cole Library, 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad. Books will be available for sale and signing. For more information, call (760) 602-2024 or email LUX AUCTION Join the Lux After Dark auction at 6 p.m. Oct. 11 at Rancho Valencia Resort, 5921 Valencia Circle, Rancho Santa Fe. The live auction has something for everyone this year. For tickets to

the art auction, contact Colleen Ennis at cennis@ or call (760) 436-6611.

way. She continued, “A lot of it has to do with the different years you would see people making adjustments to it especially when property values were going down.” Stevenson wanted the board to know that the numbers that they see in July are based upon the assessed value at that time. “And then as there are sales that go through

or happen after that date, then you’re going to see some supplemental taxes that come through and that type of thing so that could be part of it as well.” Burdge apologized for any complications, but Stevenson said she was happy to clarify that point for the board. Following the approved budget, the board approved its consent calendar items.

MARK THE CALENDAR DESIGN TOUR The American Society of Interior Designer’s Kitchen & Bath Tour, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Oct. 25, showcases eight kitchens and three baths. The tour homes are in Escondido, Encinitas, Solana Beach, San Diego and Lakeside. Tickets, $25, are available at and at all tour sites the day of the tour. For more information at (858) 274-3345.

Oct. 3, 2014


T he R ancho S anta F e News

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Prices, plans, and terms are effective on the date of publication and subject to change without notice. Square footage/acreage shown is only an estimate and actual square footage/acreage will differ. Buyer should rely on his or her own evaluation of useable area. Depictions of homes or other features are artist conceptions. Hardscape, landscape, and other items shown may be decorator suggestions that are not included in the purchase price and availability may vary. No view is promised. Views may also be altered by subsequent development, construction, and landscaping growth. This ad contains general information about a new home community in California and it is not an offer or the solicitation of an offer for the purchase of a new home. This information is not directed to residents of any other state that requires registration or permit issuance prior to the publication of such information. Plans to build out this neighborhood as proposed are subject to change without notice. Standard Pacific Corp. California Real Estate License No. 01138346. 10/14


T he R ancho S anta F e News

Oct. 3, 2014

New dance ministry beginning in October RANCHO SANTA FE — The Village Church Community Theater, at the Village Community Presbyterian Church of Rancho Santa Fe, 6225 Paseo Delicias, invites the community to be part

of its new Dance Ministry beginning in October. The sessions will be held from noon to 1 p.m. Oct. 5, Oct. 12, Oct. 19, Oct. 26 and Nov. 2, Nov. 9 and Nov. 16. The cost is $15 per person for the

7-week workshop. This new ministry will explore movement in a community-based class every Sunday for seven weeks. All levels and all styles of dance will help

to glorify God and to enhance self-awareness / self-discovery as dancers have fun through music. This workshop will be directed and choreographed by Tamara Rodriguez.

Rodriquez has been a performer since the age of 3 and has trained in ballet, jazz, tap, Latin and hip-hop. She graduated from the Royal Ballet School of Monterrey, Mexico and cum laude for her dual major in voice and songwriting from Berklee College of Music in Boston. She has attended summer programs at NYC Steps on Broadway, The Boston Ballet and Jeannette Neil Dance Studios, among others and has choreographed everything from musical theatre to competitions. She teaches all styles of dance at a yoga and dance studio in Rancho Santa Fe and is a certified yoga instructor. For more information, call Margie Wood, Drama Ministries director at (858) 7562441, ext. 106.

MiraCosta celebrates ‘Coming-Out Day’ OCEANSIDE — In honor of National Coming-Out Day Oct. 11, the MiraCosta College Gay Straight Alliance Club is hosting a forum from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Oct. 9 in Room 3601 on the Oceanside Campus, 1 Barnard Drive. This moderated forum will feature lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer individuals from different ethnic, geographic and sociocultural backgrounds, They will each share their unique coming-out experiences. In a continuing effort to increase awareness about — and visibility for — sexual minorities on campus, the MiraCosta College Gay Straight Alliance Student Club is actively fundraising to build a Queer Library. The small lending library, which will be housed in the Student Center’s Club Room at the Oceanside Campus, will feature fiction and nonfiction that is relevant to members of the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, and inter-sexed communities. For more information, contact Steven Deineh at sdeineh@ or call (760) 795-6721.

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Oct. 3, 2014


small talk jean gillette

You can’t do this with an email I know a lot of you like to take potshots at the greeting card companies. In the midst of any given holiday madness, I have searched for a handy scapegoat, myself. But truth be told, I am one of the reasons that the greeting card companies continue to thrive. I am a card junkie and have been since college. My devotion may well predate that, but my fondest card-giving memories came from my coed years. My best memory is of standing in the San Diego State University bookstore, howling with laughter. It had the absolute best selection of funny cards, back in the day. I really should drop by there one day soon and see if the tradition has held up. As I stood there giggling, I recognized a similar laugh on the other side of the card rack. It was my sorority sister and ever-since dear friend Stacey. We immediately began falling down in the aisles of card stores everywhere and swapping cards. We have probably invested our retirement in stamps doing that same thing ever since. Of course, Stacey isn’t my only card-swapping friend. Now that I think about it, I realize that all my closest friends are the ones who appreciate the same cards I do. It is something of an acid test of friendship and could really have helped me do a better job of seTURN TO SMALL TALK ON B11

Postmaster General says USPS issues ‘very fixable’ By Tony Cagala

ENCINITAS — In a late August visit to San Diego, The Postmaster General of the United States Patrick Donahoe described the situation the Postal Service is in as “very fixable,” but only through legislation. The financial situation that has seen the Postal Service lose billions due to flattening first class mail volume with the advent of online bill paying over the past 10 years. “We have lost about 60 percent of our single piece volume — mail in the blue mailboxes — in the past 10 years,” said Donahoe. “That equates to 30 billion pieces, and if you put it in terms of a 49-cent stamp, it’s $14.5 billion in yearly revenue that’s disappeared.” And then there was the 2006 government mandate that required the mail service to prefund $5.5 billion a year into a retirement health benefits fund for future retirees. The Postal Service has defaulted on making those payments in the past, and will default again this month, said Donahoe. Right now the Postal Service is on the hook for about $21 billion — with a default on this month’s payment that will make the amount they’ve defaulted on $26 billion. But Donahoe is certain that

The Postmaster General of the United States Patrick Donahoe, during a visit to San Diego in August, says that the problems plaguing the Postal Service are “very fixable” but only through government legislation. Photo by Tony Cagala

by changing the law in integrating Medicare and requiring office personnel management to provide a lower cost health care system for retirees, something not within the powers of the Postmaster General,

“Our problem is a lack of legwill fix the problems of the Postal islation (that’s) left us standing Service. And when asked how quick- there holding the bag. We need to ly that problem would be fixed if address health care, we need to adthose changes were implemented: TURN TO POSTMASTER ON B11 “Immediately,” he said.

Scripps reaches milestone with cancer treatment option By Aaron Burgin

ENCINITAS — Scripps Health reached a unique milestone in cancer treatment this month, as it completed its 100th treatment using a special type of radiation therapy that targets cancer cells with laser-type focus. And an Encinitas man is playing a major role in guiding the hospital’s efforts. Tim Collins is a corporate vice president at Scripps and oversees the Scripps Proton Therapy Center in Mira Mesa. He has called Encinitas home for eight years. Previously, while serving as the chief operating officer of Scripps Memorial Hospital in Encinitas, Collins played an integral role in the hospital’s expansion plans, which were realized earlier this year. The proton therapy center,

which opened seven months ago, is one of 14 such locations in the nation, and one of three west of the Rocky Mountains. It provides a special type of radiation that kills cancer cells while preserving healthy surrounding tissue, as opposed to traditional radiation, which penetrates into both normal tissue and tumors and increases the risk of side effects and secondary tumors. Scripps officials said the center in its first seven months have treated a greater variety of cases that it takes some centers as long as two years to be able to treat. Originally treating straightforward cancers, such as prostate cancer, the center has now treatTim Collins, an Encinitas resident and a ed patients with tumors in the corporate vice president at Scripps, over- lung, brain, spinal column, base sees the Scripps Proton Therapy Center of skull, head and neck, central in Mira Mesa. Photo courtesy Scripps Health nervous systems, pancreas, rec-

tum, esophagus, breast, and testis, among others. Collins said the center gives the region’s patients — including those in Encinitas — to a higher level of care. “With proton therapy, Scripps Health now offers patients the complete spectrum of cancer treatment options in San Diego County, based on what is best for each individual situation,” Collins said. “I’m proud to live in a community where great medical care is being provided, and although we hope that members of the community never need to access the care we provide, we are very pleased that we can offer excellent resources to the residents of the community.” Collins is not the only Encinitas resident involved with the TURN TO TREATMENT ON B11



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T he R ancho S anta F e News

Oct. 3, 2014

San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer comments during a Sept. 24 press conference to announce the theme of the 2015 San Diego County Fair. Looking on are Del Mar Fairgrounds General Manager Tim Fennell, left, and 22nd District Agricultural Association President Fred Schenk. Photo by Bianca Kaplanek

2015 fair to celebrate 1915 Balboa Park expo By Bianca Kaplanek

DEL MAR — To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Panama-California Exposition held in Balboa Park, the city of San Diego

and Del Mar Fairgrounds are partnering for the first time to present the 2015 San Diego County Fair. The theme, A Fair to Remember — A Celebration

of World’s Fairs and Balboa Park, was announced during a Sept. 24 press conference at the fairgrounds by San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer, 22nd District Agricultural Association President Fred Schenk and fairgrounds General Manager Tim Fennell. Schenk said the 2015 theme exhibit would include displays that showcase the 1915 exposition and Balboa Park as it stands today. It will also highlight inventions introduced at a World’s Fair during the last century, such as the Ferris wheel, mustard, air conditioning, the telephone, the bicycle and the Ford Mustang. Fennell said one thing that sets the San Diego County Fair apart from other such events is its annual theme. “It’s not just a catchy slogan,” he said. “We live and breathe our theme.” Everything from the entrance area to the uniforms is tied into the theme, he added. “We want it to be fun, entertaining, educational, popular and to tie into the community. That’s very important to us.” The 2015 emphasis will be on the food, culture and inventions, but other ideas “are still in development,” Schenk said. “This is going to be a new territory that we’re creating.” “This truly pairs two iconic San Diego treasures,” Faulconer said. “This partTURN TO FAIR ON B11

Oct. 3, 2014


T he R ancho S anta F e News

Odd Files Traffic violations by motorists, cyclists are main concerns By Chuck Shepherd Professional Biology Research The job of determining stress levels in whales is itself apparently stressful. The most reliable information about tension lies in hormones most accurately measured by researchers’ boarding a boat, sidling up to a whale and waiting until it blasts snot out of its blowhole. By catching enough of it (or wiping it off of their raincoats), scientists can run the gunk through chemical tests. However, a team of engineering researchers at Olin College in Needham, Massachusetts, told The Boston Globe in September that they were on the verge of creating a radio- controlled, mucus-trapping drone that would bring greater civility to the researchers’ job (and reduce the addon stress the whales must feel at being stalked by motorboats). War Is Hell The newly inaugurated “Al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent” (a project of Osama bin Laden’s successor, Ayman al-Zawahiri) failed spectacularly in its maiden mission in September when it attempted to commandeer an American “aircraft carrier” in port in Karachi, Pakistan. Actually, the ship was a misidentified Pakistani naval vessel that did not even vaguely resemble an aircraft carrier, and Pakistani forces killed or captured all 10 jihadists. • A September raid on an ISIS safe house in Syria turned up, among other items (according to Foreign Policy magazine), a Dell laptop owned by Tunisian jihadist “Muhammed S.,” containing (not unexpectedly) recipes for bubonic plague and ricin, and (less likely) a recipe for banana mousse and a variety of songs by Celine Dion. First-World Dilemmas Ten parking spaces (of 150 to 200 square feet each) one flight below the street at the apartment building at 42 Crosby St. in New York City have been offered for sale by the developer for $1 million each — nearly five times the median U.S. price for an entire home.

By Bianca Kaplanek

DEL MAR— Motorists and bicyclists who ignore traffic laws were the main concerns of the dozen or so residents who attended Coffee with the Sheriff, a one-hour question-and-answer session held Sept. 23 at Powerhouse Community Center. Capt. Theresa Adams-Hydar and a panel of other officers said the biggest challenge with enforcement is a shortage of manpower due to a lack of funding. “I’d love to be able to put an echelon of deputies out there for bike enforcement,” Sgt. Joe Tomaiko said, adding he would also like to strategically park patrol cars so cyclists would see them and know they have to stop at traffic signals and stop signs. “We’re trying to address the problems the best we can with what we have to work with,” he said. One resident suggested writing more citations so word would get out to the biking community that riders will be ticketed in Del Mar — something Tomaiko said he would be “happy to do.” “We will be more than happy to remind them it’s their responsibility to stop,” he said. Addressing complaints about motorists who speed through town and roll through stop signs and traffic signals, Adams-Hydar said the traffic deputy could be assigned to different areas at different times. But that may result in no one policing the streets when bars close and intoxicated drivers may be getting behind the wheel of a car, she said.

Capt. Theresa Adams-Hydar responds to questions during a Sept.23 Coffee with the Sheriff at Powerhouse Community Center. Photo by Bianca Kaplanek

“This is what I’m dealing with,” Adams-Hydar said. “I’m trying to think out of the box to help.” Del Mar has contracted with the Sheriff’s Department for law enforcement services since its inception in 1959 and currently pays about $1.7 million annually. For that the city gets one patrol deputy 24/7, a traffic officer weekdays, a full-time detective and regional services such as SWAT, aerial support, search and rescue, the crime lab and bomb and arson. The traffic deputy covers less than half of the daytime traffic hours during the week. Adding another full-time traffic deputy would cost about $250,000 a year. Adams-Hydar suggested hiring a temporary deputy

without “all the overhead,” such as benefits for six months to see what impact, if any, an additional officer would have on violations. City officials said that would cost about $150,000 during the trial period. “I think this is an option you should really look at,” Adams-Hydar said. Resident Jim Benedict, a member of the Finance Committee tasked with researching law enforcement options, said it’s an alternative worth exploring but only if the cost remained at $150,000 after the trial period. If the additional officer had a positive impact, the city likely wouldn’t be able to afford to fund a full-time position, he said.

Theresa Borges, administrative assistant with the Encinitas Sheriff’s Station, said the cost would increase after the trial period. Mark Delin, assistant city manager, said the proposal is “intriguing, but we would need to look at what the sheriff can actually provide.” “This is something that we’ll discuss with the sheriff as a part of our overall city safety program, and if it looks feasible in terms of cost and scheduling, we would take this to council as an option,” Delin added. “We will also look at redeploying the current traffic deputy to different locations and hours to TURN TO CONCERNS ON B11

Longer runway still up in the air for McClellan-Palomar Airport By Ellen Wright

CARLSBAD— The Palomar Airport Advisory Committee met on Sept. 18 to receive a progress report on the airport’s Master Plan update. The current Master Plan is set to expire this year and was drafted in 1997. The new plan will create the blueprint for the airport for the next 20 years, said Lee Ann Lardy, project manager for the County of San Diego. Whether or not the runway will be extended is still undecided. “The county is not committed to any particular result and at this point can’t predict what will ultimately be approved, whether it’ll be a runway extension or not,” said Lardy. Any updates to the Master Plan will not guarantee results. Instead, it paves the way for the possibility, said Peter Drinkwater, director of airports for the county of San Diego. Each particular project will still need additional approval and funding.

The proposed extension of the runway at Palomar Airport would infuse $163.2 million into the local economy, according to a feasibility study published by the County of San Diego. Photo by Ellen Wright

In a feasibility study published by the county, officials estimated a $163.2 million increase to the local economy over the next 20 years if airport improvements, including a runway extension, are approved.

The cost estimate of the proposed expansion varied from $22.5 to $69.7 million, depending on how far the runway would be extended. Olivier Brackett, airport manager at Palomar

Airport said the most cost effective runway extension would be 900 feet since a 200 feet extension doesn’t make much of a difference and a 1,200 feet extension is too expensive for the benefits.

The sizes of the planes using the airport wouldn’t change but they’d be able to carry more fuel, which means they could travel farther, said Drinkwater. “The airport isn’t striving to become Lindbergh Field, it’s not striving to become John Wayne, it’s striving to become the best airport it can be within the footprint of what we have for space and to serve the communities in North County,” said Drinkwater. Planes would be able to take off sooner, which would mean quieter takeoffs and landings. The airport serves 50,000 passengers a year, according to Brackett. Currently, the county is TURN TO AIRPORT ON B11

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T he R ancho S anta F e News

Oct. 3, 2014

The Tri-City Healthcare District exercises its eminent-domain authority to seize a 57,000-square-foot medical office building that has sat vacant for almost a year on its Oceanside campus. File photo

Tri-City ‘takes possession’ of vacant building office By Aaron Burgin

OCEANSIDE — The Tri-City Healthcare District has exercised its eminent-domain authority to seize a 57,000-square-foot

medical office building from the Carlsbad insurance underwriter with which it had partnered to develop it. The hospital announced in a news release that it had “taken possession” of the three-story building on the southern edge of campus and plans to use it for office space for local doctors. “We will move forward immediately with our plans to provide to our excellent physician partners the quality office space they need for their practices to be able to continue enhancing their services to our community,” Tri-City Healthcare District Board Chair Larry Schallock said.

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The 57,000-square-foot building has sat vacant for almost a year, the result of an estranged partnership between the healthcare district and Medical Acquisition Co. (MAC), a vestige of the tenure of former Tri-City CEO Larry Anderson that has resulted in at least two lawsuits between the parties. MAC’s attorney Duane Horning confirmed Tuesday afternoon that the hospital had taken control of the property, effective immediately. Under the state’s eminent domain law, a public agency has a right to force the sale of private property for public good for fair market value. If the parties cannot agree on a purchase price, a jury trial will determine the property’s value. Horning said MAC and CROP the healthcare district have .93 not negotiated a sale price, .93 negotiating. The but are still 4.17have a final opparties will portunity4.28 to come to an outof-court settlement within 120 days of the trial date, Horning said. Officials with the hospital and MAC had been negotiating a purchase price since July, when the district filed the eminent domain lawsuit. The parties were at that time far off on what they believed was a fair price, with Tri-City offering $4.7 million and MAC countering with a $20 million asking price. At the same time, the hospital sued MAC (in response to the company’s lawsuit against the district filed in April) seeking to void the development arrangement between the parties based on accusations that Anderson and board member RoseMarie Reno had illegal conflicts of interest when they pressed for the district to enter into the arrangement. Both Anderson and Reno have flatly denied the accusations. Those lawsuits are still active.

Oct. 3, 2014

T he R ancho S anta F e News

Educational O opportunities pportunitiEs Students work on Give and Surf program A new school year commences and many exciting opportunities emerge for PAE students beyond their rigorous, cross-curricular, project-based classes they have come to know and enjoy. Students have the opportunity to get involved in sports, music, and volunteering. Service and making education come to life have been Pacific Academy's cornerstone for years. Pacific Academy embeds Service into the curriculum knowing the benefits that giving back can provide while also building leadership skills. Through student-driven projects, students will lead and participate in a variety of community service projects throughout San Diego and beyond. This year, students will be working on a year-long service project that will end with learning truly coming to life by getting to visit the organization they have been collaborating with all year, Give and Surf, a locally embedded 501(c)(3) nonprofit of volunteers that provides sustainable empowerment to indigenous communities in Bocas del Toro, Panama, through education and community development. Thus far, the organization, with the help of volunteers, has build the first community playground and

We offer enriching volunteer and internship opportunities.” Neil Christiansen Founder

library, performed community construction, installed a water catchman tank, and led all preschool educational programs. Give and Surf, provides substantive, handson, real world assistance and programs to the indigenous Ngobe people. Neil Christiansen, the founder notes, "We offer enriching volunteer and internship opportunities to give back to others and give back to yourself in the remote islands of Bocas del Toro." Give and Surf, Inc. is a small organization that “relies heavily on having individuals or groups come down for the experience,” Christiansen said. “That is why it is so important to build an unforgettable experience for the volunteer.” Pacific Academy is thrilled to join Give and Surf this year. Students will learn a great deal about Panama, Latin America, Nonprofits and more all

while proactively creating and living out their volunteerism. Pacific Academy is always looking for ways to give back, ground leaning, and make education memorable. Another wonderful example was led by our English Teacher, Mrs. Emma Bardin. As a part of PAE’s commitment to cross-curricular learning, earlier this year PAE English World Literature students conducted a scientific experiment using microfluidics and wrote a scientific paper about their findings. Their experiment was just referenced in a high-impact scientific journal this summer. Biomedical engineer Dr. David Bardin, who specializes in microfluidics and ran the experiment with PAE students, published his article in Lab on a Chip in which he discusses the microfluidic experiment PAE students conducted in English World Literature. PAE’s EWL experiment and scientific papers are truly cutting edge! With an exciting year ahead filled with more project-based learning and volunteering locally and internationally, now is the time for students to find their passion and seize the opportunity to be themselves at Pacific Academy, Encinitas!

Open house featuring Hullabaloo Del Mar Pines School invites families with young children to join us for our annual Kindergarten and First Grade Open House Oct. 18 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. with The Hullabaloo Band. Del Mar Pines is one of San Diego’s best and most affordable private elementary schools. Join us at our very special Kindergarten and First Grade Open House. It’s a fun time where your family can explore our warm and friendly campus, meet with students and teachers and enjoy the thoroughly delightful, kid pleasing, Hullabaloo Band. The Hullabaloo Band is one of the finest children’s music performers in the country, winning major national awards including Parents Choice and Best of the Year lists of Parents Magazine and Founded 35 years ago in Carmel Valley, Del Mar Pines School is a non-sectarian, kindergarten through sixth grade elementary school accredited by the Western Association of Schools & Colleges (WASC). We have small class sizes and a low student to teacher ratio which helps us offer a better class room experience

and valuable individual and language arts. We also provide attention. Recognized for its weekly instruction in: personalized small-group • science, • art, • physical ed., • Spanish, • technology, • music, and • library.

We encourage you to bring your children to explore our warm and friendly campus, meet directly with our teachers, and enjoy a fun-packed Hullabaloo show!

instruction and well rounded curriculum, Del Mar Pines offers a nurturing, loving community that inspires excellence and integrity. We offer a robust balanced curriculum with small group instruction for math

Each grade at Del Mar Pines School puts on a full production musical and participates in the school wide Spring Sing. Del Mar Pines School also offer an engaging summer discovery program, after school enrichment classes and after care program that helps meet the diverse needs of our community. Del Mar Pines students are happy children who leave this school well prepared for middle school and life beyond the class room. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear a live Hullabaloo concert at Del Mar Pines School. Mark your calendar for Oct. 18, 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and call to make your reservation today (858) 481-5615. Located in Carmel Valley near Torrey Pines High School, you will find us at 3975 Torrington St, San Diego, CA 92130.



T he R ancho S anta F e News

Oct. 3, 2014

Educational Opportunities The ideal small school campus. The Grauer School is a leader in Small School college preparation and founder of The Small Schools Coalition. After a quarter-century, we know our learning culture gets results. Eighty nine percent of Grauer seniors are accepted to their first choice college. More important, they become remarkably well balanced adults. We are now completing a beautiful and safe permanent campus, painstakingly designed to support curiosity, academic mastery, and discovery. Visit our Open House-Under-Construction. You might find that our small school enclave for Grades 7–12 is ideal for your child. Open House Saturday, November 15 | 11:00–2:00 PM | RSVP: or 760.274.2116

Gala for Scripps CALENDAR on the calendar Know something that’s going on? Send it to calendar@

SAN DIEGO — Tickets are now available for the Scripps Candlelight Ball to be held Dec. 6 at The Grand Del Mar, 5300 Grand Del Mar Court. Proceeds from this year’s black-tie gala will benefit life-saving care at Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla, known for its heart care and heart surgery. The Candlelight Ball’s history in support of Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla dates

back to the hospital’s early years and is one of the primary fundraisers at Scripps Health. The Candlelight Ball will begin with a cocktail reception at 6 p.m. and will be followed with dining and dancing from 7:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. For tickets and more information, contact Alyssa Aragon at (858) 678-7346 or at You may also visit candlelightball.

OCT. 3 BOOK BONANZA The Rancho Santa Fe branch library Book Cellar is holding a half-price book sale 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Oct. 3 and Oct. 4 at 17040 Avenida de Acacias, Rancho Santa Fe. For more information, call (858) 756-4780 or visit BIG BBQ The Rancho Santa Fe Rotary Club Fall Festival Family Barbecue will be held from 4 to 8 p.m. Oct. 3 at The Inn at Rancho Santa Fe, 5951 Linea Del Cielo. FALL IN THE GARDEN The Vista Garden

Grauer School open house is Nov. 15 The Grauer School will host an Open House event for prospective families Nov.15, on its Encinitas campus from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tours will be conducted every 20 minutes and interested families are encourged to tour the facilities and meet with faculty, administration, matriculated students, and current Grauer families. “This year, we are continuing to offer an online registration option on our website that allows families to simply checkin and queue up for a tour rather than having to wait in line to register the day

of the event. At the Open House, visitors will be guided through the campus by Grauer students and will be introduced to faculty, who will explain our academic and extra-curricular programs, including all-seasons athletics, performing arts, robotics, film, leadership, and community service,” states Sandy Merten, associate director of Admissions. “Our programs attract families who are looking for academic rigor coupled with teachers who truly care about the success of each individual student.

“We also offer outstanding support for independent athletes who need a customized schedule.” The Grauer School is a grades 7-12 college preparatory school that is the regional leader in the small schools movement. As a small school by design, with approximately 150 students total, The Grauer School emphasizes relationship-based teaching that stems from its small class sizes with a student to teacher ratio of 7 to 1. Register for The Grauer School’s Open House at

Club will meet at noon Oct. 3, 2014 at the Vista Senior Center, 1400 Vale Terrace Drive, Vista. Call (760) 7268737 for more information or directions. LEARN AT LIFE A lifelong learning group at MiraCosta College meets from 1 to 3:30 p.m. Oct. 3 at the Oceanside Campus, 1 Barnard Drive, Administration Bldg. #1000, Room 1068. Visit life or call (760) 757-2121, ext. 6972.

until 9 p.m. on Saturdays and 5 p.m. on Sundays in October. The event has music, live entertainment, interaction with the Boo Crew and fireworks. Admission is $30 online in advance. Visit or call (760) 918-5346 for more information.

considered by the city, by 5 p.m. by Oct. 10, at 635 S. Highway 101, Solana Beach or electronically to, or by fax to (858) 792-6513. The draft of Land Use Element and Circulation Element are available for public review online. For more information, call (858) 7202400.

OCT. 4 WORD ON WATER The MiraCosta Horticulture Club will meet at 12:45 p.m. Oct. 4, at the Aztlan Rooms of MiraCosta College. Teresa Penunuri, of the San Diego County Water Authority, will be speaking on San Diego Water Reliability: When in Drought. For more information call (760) 7213281. FALL FESTIVAL A Fall Festival and Pumpkin Patch will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Oct. 4 at The North Coast Methodist Church, 1501 Kelly St., Oceanside, with arts and craft booths, book sale, bake sale, vintage items, food, a pumpkin patch, jewelry, pottery. B R I C K - O R -T R E A T Brick-or-Treat Party Nights at Legoland will be open

OCT. 5 TASTE AND STROLL The annual Del Mar Taste & Art Stroll returns to the Del Mar Village from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Oct. 5, along Camino Del Mar with a free art stroll, ticketed restaurant tastings, live music, sip stops and a dog stroll area. Tickets are $25 before the event at and $30 on event day. For more information, call (858) 735-3650. BEST OF BREWS Carlsbad Rotary Clubs invite all to its Brewfest from noon to 4:30 p.m. Oct. 5 at Holiday Park in Carlsbad. Proceeds will benefit Wounded Warrior Project. Tickets are $25, in advance, and may be purchased online at SENIOR TALENT SHOW South Bay Health and Insurance Services will host a Seniors With Talent event plus a Medicare information resource fair, from noon to 4 p.m. Oct. 5 at 161 Thunder Drive, Vista. Participants compete for a grand prize of $1,000. To audition, call (888) 838-1136 Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. OCT. 6 EIR READY The draft Program Environmental Impact Report for the Solana Beach General Plan Update is available for review and public comments at Comments must be made in writing in order to be

LOOKING TO BUY OR SELL? Check out today’s


OCT. 7 CARPE DIEM Enjoy an Open House Carpe Diem at Sunset from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Oct. 7 at the Rancho Santa Fe library, 17040 Avenida de Acacias, then enjoy extended hours at sunset after taking in “Petals & Pro’s” at the Rancho Santa Fe Garden Club across the street. A BIT WACKY The Friends of Women’s Resource Center invite all to its “Wacky & Wonderful Fall Event from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Oct. 7at the Bellefleur Restaurant, 5610 Paseo Del Norte, Suite 100, Carlsbad. Cost is $35 per person with a performance by the Encore Youth Theatre. For reservations, call Blake at (760) 439-0928. WOMENHEART San Diego North Coastal WomenHeart Support Group welcomes women with interests and concerns about cardiac health to share information and sisterhood 10:15 a.m. Oct. 7 at Tri-City Wellness Center, 6250 El Camino Rd, Carlsbad. For more information, contact Marilyn at (760) 438-5890. OCT. 8 VISTA WOMEN The Woman’s Club of Vista will meet at 10:30 a.m. Oct. 8 at the Shadowridge Country Club, 1980 Gateway Drive, Vista. The luncheon speaker will be Reggie Mattox, vice-president of the California Federation of Women’s Clubs. For reservations, call Fran Jensen at (760) 414-1423 or visit OCT. 9 VETS BENEFIT ViaSat BeerFest, Homebrew & Chip Dip competition will be held from 4 to 8 p.m. Oct. 9 at the ViaSat HUB in front of the MegaBite Café, 6155 El Camino Real, Carlsbad. TURN TO CALENDAR ON B11

Oct. 3, 2014

T he R ancho S anta F e News

Gary Weitzman, president of San Diego Humane Society, left, and Beth Ugoretz, Project Wildlife executive director, at the wildlife triage in San Diego. Project Wildlife cares for over 8,000 sick and injured animals a year. Photo by Promise Yee

Project Wildlife, Humane Society consider merger By Promise Yee

REGION — When it comes to caring for sick and injured wildlife, Project Wildlife is just about the only game in town in San Diego County. Project Wildlife serves more than 8,000 birds and small mammals a year. Sick animals are hand fed, hydrated and given needed medical attention until they can be returned to the wild. This can take from three months to a year. “We’re a nonprofit with the mission to provide services to the wildlife community,” Beth Ugoretz, Project Wildlife executive director, said. “We don’t have a contract and don’t get supported by the government. We do it because it’s our mission.” The nonprofit has been caring for wild birds and small mammals since 1972, and operates on an approximately $1.2 million annual budget. To continue its efforts, its board of directors is evaluating the operational integration and budgetary

impacts of a merger with the San Diego Humane Society and SPCA, which serves domestic animals in San Diego, Oceanside and Escondido on a $23 million yearly budget. The two nonprofits already have an established relationship, and mutual focus of improving the welfare of all animals. “We’ve always respected their leadership role and expertise,” Gary Weitzman, president of San Diego Humane Society, said. “We’ve always considered our partnership with Project Wildlife vital to providing care to all animals in need.” San Diego Humane Society responds to calls to pick up injured wildlife and brings the animals to Project Wildlife, which leases a small site for its wildlife triage from the San Diego Humane Society. The triage consists of two trailers and a covered patio on a lot adjacent to the San Diego Humane So-

ciety location on Sherman Street in San Diego. Animals that were receiving care during a visit to the triage on Sept. 18 included dozens of wild birds, a mourning dove chick and a turkey vulture. Raccoons, possums and bats are also seen at the triage. Spring is the busiest time of year for services, when baby animals are often found abandoned and in need of care. Ugoretz said the merger would help lower administration overhead, and that savings would allow facility improvements. The merger is now under consideration by both nonprofit boards. If approved, Project Wildlife would become a program within the San Diego Humane Society. Project Wildlife supporters would still be able to contribute directly to its operations. A decision is expected to be reached in December.

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T he R ancho S anta F e News

Oct. 3, 2014

Oct. 3, 2014



Business news and special achievements for North San Diego County. Send information via email to community@ New neighborhood gets kudos The new community of Arterro at La Costa, in Carlsbad, in the mixed-use La Costa Town Square project at La Costa Avenue and Rancho Santa Fe Road, was honored by the Building Industry Association of San Diego County. Homebuilder Davidson Communities won highest achievement awards in the categories of Best Project — Detached; Best Architectural Design for Arterro Plan 4; Best Interior Design for Arterro Plan 3; and Best Landscape Design. Davidson’s team at Arterro includes architect R. Douglas Mansfield, AIA; merchandising specialists Design Line Interiors; planners Hunsaker & Associates; and landscape architects SJA Inc. La Costa Town Square is scheduled to open in November. For more information, call 760632-8400. Thanks to loyal customers Pacific Premier Bank invites the community to a Customer Appreciation Day to thank its valued customers for their business and loyalty, from 11 a.m. to 2

In-Depth. Independent. THE COAST NEWS


T he R ancho S anta F e News p.m. Oct. 9 at its Encinitas ing and 25-foot-tall pebble branch at 781 Garden View waterfall by the pool bar. These architectural designs Court, Suite 100. were created from tiles imported by Five Elements, Marines get extra TLC The GFWC Contempo- from its 4,000-square-foot rary Women of North Coun- showroom and warehouse at ty has adopted local Camp 2706 Gateway Road, CarlsPendleton Soldiers from the bad. Contact them at (858) Marine Light Attack Heli- 695-2092 or thefiveelecopter Squadron 369. Also known as the “Gunfighters” the soldiers provide Dine-Out Night opportunity Port of Subs at 510 air support, utility support, armed escort and airborne Oceanside Blvd., Oceanside supporting arms coordina- is a family-owned business tion–day or night–under all interested in giving back to weather conditions during the community. The store expeditionary, joint or com- is now offering a Dine-Out bined operations capable of night at its deli that gives world wide deployment on back 15 percent to teams, short notice. Recently mem- schools and other organizabers volunteered to serve tions. For businesses and orfood at “Operation Pause” ganizations, it has the Power Lunch box that can be at Camp Pendleton. called/faxed/or e-mailed in for swift service. Call them Local redesigns The Five Elements de- at (760) 439-3354 sign store, owned by Solana Beach resident Christa Key- A special new friend ser, had a hand in the renoThree years ago, vation of Pacific Coast Grill Paws’itive Teams, which on restaurant row in Car- provides service dogs for diff, providing stone mosaic persons with disabilities, on the floors and a pebble picked up an 8-week-old wall. At L’Auberge in Del female golden/Labrador Mar, the store also provid- puppy in East County. Afed the outdoor wood floor- ter three years of intensive

training, she has now been matched with 13-year-old girl Mary Katherine Milburn of Encinitas. Atti and Mary Katherine have now been working together on transition training for five months. Breast cancer survivors Del Mar resident, Angel O’Brien of 3 Sisters Survival, was gifted the Pamela Ring from the Survivor Collection at the National Women’s Survivors Convention, where they shared their story. Angel and her two sisters — Brenda and Kathleen — were all diagnosed with breast cancer in the same year. Hear their story at New Wells Fargo site The new Wells Fargo store, in Carlsbad, celebrated its Sept. 20 grand opening with a check presentation to Sage Creek High School and Pacific Rim Elementary. The Wells Fargo Palomar Place Store, at 961 Palomar Airport Road, is the company’s fourth retail branch in Carlsbad.

Pet of the Week Meet Kiki, Petof-the-Week at Helen Woodward Animal Center. This 6-year old, 20-pound, male, medium-hair blend is a laidback, no hassle kind of dude. He adores everyone he meets and rewards loving pets with a deep, warm purr. He also has a silly, sweet habit of very gently kneading just about whatever his big fluffy paws are on. His adoption fee is $106, and includes upto-date vaccinations and micro-chipped for identi-

fication. Kennels, at 6461 El Apajo Road in Rancho Santa Fe, are open daily Monday through Thursday from noon to 6 p.m.; Fridays from noon to 7 p.m.; Saturdays 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; and Sunday 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. (last application accepted 15 minutes before closing). V isit


T he R ancho S anta F e News

Oct. 3, 2014

Equestrian club hosts benefit dressage event RANCHO SANTA FE — The Valenti Equestrian Club will host a Dressage Schooling Show for their students from 9 a.m. to noon Oct. 5, at 16255 Via de la Valle. VEC Dressage Trainer Lena Nordlof-Davis and Kajsa Wilberg are producing the schooling show that advances the training offered to children enrolled in dressage classes. Rancho Santa Fe resident, Cauleen Glass, a USEF R-rated dressage judge, will donate her

Dressage Schooling Show for their students from 9 a.m. to noon Oct. 5, at the Valenti Equestrian Club. 16255 Via de la Valle. The show will highlight the training offered to children enrolled in dressage classes. Courtesy photo

time to benefit REINS (Riding Emphasizing Individual Needs and Strengths) Therapeutic Horsemanship Program and Davis will donate all profits to this 501 (c) 3 organization. This family-friendly event is free and open to the public. Contact Kajsa Wilberg at (858) 613-0711 for additional information. Horsemanship Academy is a boutique riding school teaching the European traditions of horsemanship at the VEC. Their focus is on the bond between horse and rider, and cultivating skills, confidence, and a balance between instruction and independence. Love and respect for animals are paramount. VEC Dressage Trainer Lena Nordlof-Davis remarks, “This is a wonderful opportunity to come out and observe our students demonstrate their expertise in a schooling show environment while supporting a worthy cause. Many of our young students will advance to the professional level as they hone their skills through these types of shows. We’re honored to have Cauleen judge our students at this event — she has been a Dressage

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Judge for 32 years and is a retired eventing judge, technical delegate and show steward. She also served as Deputy Director for the1984 LA Olympic three-day event at Fairbanks Country Club.” REINS Therapeutic Horsemanship Program is located in Fallbrook and provides physical and emotional therapy to a wide range of disabled children and adults through the use of carefully supervised horseback riding. Irene Valenti, the founder of the VEC thanked Nordlof-Davis, Wilberg and Glass on their efforts. “We’re thrilled to host this event that will provide the Horsemanship Academy students with the chance to compete in front of a live audience and donate proceeds to such a marvelous program; I understand that REINS generates impressive results, including inspiring paraplegic riders to learn to walk, non-verbal students learn to sing and program participants with a variety of disabilities overcome significant challenges.” Visit reinsprogram. org or call (760) 7319168 for further information regarding the therapeutic program.

Oct. 3, 2014


MARK THE CALENDAR FALL CRAFTS The Rancho Santa Fe Garden Club Fall Workshop will begin at 9:30 a.m. Oct 21 at 17025 Avenida De Acacias, Rancho Santa Fe. Bring exotic pumpkin or squash along with small

succulents. Additional supplies will be provided. For reservations, call (858) 9222463 BOW WOW BRUNCH Hornblower Cruises & Events will host a Bow Wow Brunch Cruise from noon to 2 p.m. Oct. 19 to benefit the Helen Woodward Animal Center. Tickets are $80 for adults, $50 for children ages 4 to 12. Each adult passenger is invited to board with one dog. Canines must be kept on a leash throughout the cruise. To make reservations, visit hornblower. com/bowwow ALNC FUNDRAISER The Assistance League of North Coast celebrates its 20th Autumn Fantasy fundraiser Oct. 25. Chairwoman Barbara Bradham is looking for corporate sponsors. Tickets can be bought and donations made to opportunity baskets and the silent auction, by contacting Lynn Smith at L Sm ith8454 @ sbcg loba l. net or call (760-722-2286). PARENTS NIGHT OUT K Martial Arts & Fitness hosts an October Parents Night Out for children 5 and up to benefit Carrillo Elementary School from 5 to 9 p.m. Oct. 18 with glow-in-thedark laser tag, Wii games, a costume contest and a pizza party. The cost is $30 for the first child and $25 for each additional sibling. Register at Parent_Night_Out.php or call (760) 828-7165

The goal was to strengthen the economy that was still fragile from the Wall Street panic of 1907. With a population at the time of barely 40,000 people, San Diego was the smallest city to hold an international exposition. This is the first collaboration between the city of San Diego and state-owned fairgrounds, which is governed by the 22nd DAA. “My friend, it’s been a long time coming,” Schenk said to Faulconer. “Mr. Mayor, I believe

this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship,” Fennell added. The 2015 fair will be held from June 5, beginning at 4 p.m., through July 5. It will be closed Mondays and the first two Tuesdays, running for 24-and-a-half days. The late afternoon opening on a Friday is considered a “sneak peek,” with planned surprises for early fairgoers. Officials said it is also a convenient time for parents since youngsters will still be in school.

“I love being part of the community,” said Collins who is a member of the delivery of proton therapy. local Rotary Club and is an Dr. Ryan Grover, one of the avid surfer and former tricenter’s physicians, is also athlete. an Encinitas resident. Next, Collins said,

the health system wants to spread the word to the public about the treatment available and also be involved with research studies to optimize proton therapy use.

many of my younger mom friends. Their chicks are just heading off to college and I urge them to take every opportunity to send suitably goofy cards. It will help lift the unavoidable gloom caused by their sudden absence. Send them until your child complains his new friends have begun to whisper questioningly about this manic mother. But you know they’re laughing and a little jealous. It may leave them puzzled, but it has been my experience that one can never

get too much mail. I feel sure that even these computer-fed youngsters who would no more lick a stamp than lick their iPads, love to get snail mail. That has to be especially true during those first weeks, as these small but wonderful fish acclimate to their much larger ponds. Just remember. You can’t take an email and stand it up proudly on your dresser to show somebody loves you, now can you?


All proceeds benefit the Veterans Association of North County. Admission is $20 and proceeds will be matched by ViaSat. OCT. 10 HARVEST FUN Enjoy the Harvest Festival community fundraiser from 4 p.m. ‘til dusk Oct. 10 at Park Dale Lane Elementary School, 2050 Park Dale Lane, Encinitas, with a carnival, games, inflatables, rock wall, food vendors, a dance party and more. Come in costume and be a part of the Costume Parade. For more information, visit /parkdalepta. org/harvest-festival/. CAREER FAIR From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Oct. 4, high-school students are invited to meet with colleges, universities, trade schools, adult education certification schools, military and other institutes of higher learning at Westfield North County,
272 East Via Rancho Parkway, Escondido. OCT. 11 ‘FANCY NANCY’ TEA Join the “Fancy Nancy” Tea Party with Robin Preiss Glasser, illustrator of “Fancy Nancy” from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Oct. 11, free, in the Carlsbad City Library courtyard, 1775 Dove Lane. Admission tickets will be distributed on a firstcome, first-served basis starting at 10:30 a.m. Supported by the Robert



nership … is a perfect fit for the community-focused centennial. It celebrates Balboa Park’s history, elevates the centennial to a regional event and promotes San Diego’s crown jewel on a whole new level.” To celebrate the completion of the Panama Canal, San Diego held the Panama-California Exposition because the city would be the first American port of call north of the canal on the Pacific coast.

H. Gartner Fund of the Carlsbad Library and Arts Foundation. ELECTION INFORMATION Escondido Democrats invite the community to discuss Nov. 4 state and local propositions at 10 a.m. Oct. 11, at the Democratic campaign office, 431 N. Escondido Blvd. For additional information, call (760) 7408595, email or visit escondidodems. org. MEET A BAT Project Wildlife once again bring a live bat for Bat Chat, followed by crafts from 3 to 6 p.m. Oct. 11 at the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Discovery Center, 1580 Cannon Road, Carlsbad. To register, call (760) 804-1969 or visit PADDLE FOR TRASH Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation will hold its Kayak Cleanup Oct. 11 and Oct. 12. The first launch is at 7:30 a.m. and the last launch is at 3:30 p.m. on both days. The cost is $50 per person. Kayakers get a two-hour excursion on the lagoon while removing trash. For more information, and to register online, through Eventbrite, visit



lecting men to date back in my youth. It is probably the first stop you should make on your way to the wedding planner. Never mind the ring, cake or flowers. Take him to the card store. If your future spouse does not laugh at — or heaven forbid, doesn’t even get — the cards that make you double over, kiss him goodbye. It will never work. I am especially pleased to report a new opportunity to send funny cards among


T he R ancho S anta F e News

Jean Gillette is a freelance writer and rather loud card store customer. Contact her at



creating alternative plans, which take into account Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) safety standards, community concerns and interests of the airline companies that operate out of the airport. “It’s very complex and it is taking a little bit longer than our schedule had originally anticipated,” Lardy said of the alternative development plans. The county is midway through finishing the development process and is follow-



address some of the new locations mentioned as enforcement issues.” Benedict said his group is also looking into expanding the park ranger service or hiring a community service officer, options that are “significantly, significantly less expensive” than Adams-Hydar’s suggestion, he said. Benedict said he didn’t have exact figures for those options yet since they are


dress six day to five day delivery, we need to address some pricing issues that need to be put to rest,” Donahoe said. In terms of what happens with any legislation passing, Donahoe, who said he was probably one of the more optimistic people you’d meet, didn’t express any optimism that that would get done. “I’ve been in this job for four years, I’ve been pressing both the House and the Senate and they don’t have anything to show for it.” While the Postal Service continues to lose money, the latest figures released show they did see an increase in revenue during the same quarter that Donahoe credits to two things: “We raised prices this year 5.9 percent and we have a nice increase, about 7 or 8 percent increase, in package revenue.” But Donahoe wasn’t convinced that the increase was a signal of things changing for the Postal Service, saying that every year their costs go up a minimum of $1.5 billion and even if they did nothing different, the costs will still go up. “Because you have an increase in a million new deliveries, you have wage and health benefits that go up, even if it’s the minimum, our people get a 1 percent raise — it’s not like some big fancy raise — and health care costs, which we’re estimating will go up 5 percent, those three things will go cost $1.5 billion.” And on top of that, he said the Postal Service is expected to lose approximately 4 billion pieces of mail next year. High point of mail volume was in 2006 when

ing FAA regulation guides to be eligible to receive federal funding. Once that is complete, the county will seek approval from the state. State approval will hinge on regulations set forth by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). As part of the process, the county has taken steps to engage the community. Public workshops have been held and the next one is set for an unspecified date in November. Lardy also encourages community members to sign up to receive email updates and direct mailers.

After the Master Plan gets environmental approval from the state, it will go in front of the County Board of Supervisors for approval, likely in summer 2016. The Master Plan deals with the airport as a whole but each proposed project would need to get additional CEQA approval on a project-by-project basis, which could be years down the line, said Drinkwater. The public will have a chance to speak during each step of the Master Plan Update and when particular projects go in front of the board.

still being vetted. Overall, Benedict said he was pleased with the turnout at the Coffee with the Sheriff. “Communication is king,” he said. “Any time you can get the sheriffs out to talk to the community, I think that’s very good, especially if we can do it quarterly, which is what they’re talking about. That’s not happened before.” Officers said they are also creating a bicycle task force and working with

bike shops to better educate cyclists about sharrows and current laws. “We hear what you’re saying and we want to help,” Adams-Hydar said in response to the concerns raised. “This won’t fix itself overnight. “We need feedback about (where to place officers and when),” she added, noting the decisions will be made with input from residents and city staff. “I don’t do it in a little bubble all by myself,” Adams-Hydar said.

they delivered 213 billion pieces of mail. This year, Donahoe expects to deliver about 152 billion pieces of mail. Yet it seems the Postal Service is done with the closures of brick and mortar Post Offices. Donahoe said they’ve already reduced the retail presence, some in San Diego County, by about 2,500 facilities. A couple of locations in North County, the Post Office in Escondido on Escondido Boulevard and the Post Office in Leucadia were slated for closure studies to determine whether those locations could be closed down. And at this point, Donahoe said the Postal Service was more interested in raising revenues with packages and expanding into the Internet, he cited that 48 percent of their revenues comes outside of the four walls of the Postal Service the retail revenue. A yearlong pilot program that ended on Aug.1 with Staples was described as “great,” Donahoe said. The partnership, which included Staples stores in North County, will transition into the Postal Service’s long time Approved Shipper Program. Today, the Postal Service is now trying to link mail in, making it more relevant to people. “And it’s working because people look at their mail every day,” Donahue said. “The Postal Service is trying to help mailers make their mail pieces more relevant to their customers by leveraging data and analytics to give mail a personal connection,” said Eva Jackson, a spokeswoman for the Postal Service. “If customers get something in their mailbox that they’re looking for of have some interest in, they’ll act on that. But if they get

something in their mailbox that they don’t like, they’ll throw it away.” “The Postal Service is a very critical part of the American economy in today’s world, and will also continue to be. There’s a lot of change in the digital systems and that’s good…but we’re not too much unlike (newspapers) — that people like hardcopy, they like to be able to manage hardcopy, they use us the same way as they use (newspapers) — to get to websites, and with that, combined with the package delivery, we still think there’s a nice future for the Postal Service,” Donahue said. Deliver packages on Sundays. Trying to innovate based on what the customers want and need, but that doesn’t mean the Postal Service will be turning to drones, like other companies as “I don’t know what’ll happen with drones,” he said. “Drones are such an interesting thing. Drones are quickly becoming an annoyance. I think there’s a lot of people who might not like a whole sky full of drones.” Donahoe, who has been accused of wanting to privatize the Postal Service, has repeatedly stated, “there’s no interest.” He said when you privatize the Postal Service you do that out of desperation. “There’s no other upside,” he said. Donahoe acknowledged that other countries have privatized their mail systems (the United Kingdom, Germany, and Australia wants to), but that it’s not necessary here. “We have plenty of volume, we have plenty of package volume and managing the costs the right way will keep for a very healthy Postal Service,” he said.


T he R ancho S anta F e News

Oct. 3, 2014 tions open in order to take advantage of promising choices that will allow you to use your skills diversely. Master something that you enjoy doing.

SOUP TO NUTS by Rick Stromoski

By Eugenia Last FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2014

FRANK & ERNEST by Bob thaves

THE BORN LOSER by Art & chip Sansom

BIG NATE by Lincoln Peirce

MONTY by Jim Meddick

ARLO & JANIS by Jimmy Johnson


ALLEY OOP byJack & carole Bender

Make a pact with yourself. Keep your life in perspective and don’t get so bogged down with professional issues that you neglect personal matters. Take time to savor the little things. Nature and music both have relaxing properties. A romantic relationship will bring great fulfillment.

PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- Read between the lines. False or conflicting information is apparent. Ask questions to satisfy your curiosity and avoid ending up in a compromising or awkward position.

ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- Reach outside the family circle if you need help. Emotions are bound to get in the way if relatives or friends try to give you advice. Look for an unbiased counselor.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- Difficulties may arise at work if you are drawn into a battle of wills with a colleague. Take LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- Don’t let the high road and stick to the facts. An anyone put you down. Deal with a hurtful emotional reaction will leave a bad imcomment quickly if it is causing you an- pression. guish. Make it clear that you don’t appre- GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- It would be ciate being treated poorly. a good idea to revisit places that have SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- Hesitation special meaning for you. Conjure up pleasant memories in order to gain some and self-doubt will deter you from makthought-provoking insight into where you ing the gains that will help you feel good are and where you want to end up. about who you are and what you do. Stop CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- Trade procrastinating and get moving. shows or conventions will offer valuable SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -- information about starting your own busiShow more determination; you have the ness. Put yourself in the loop so that you strength to go the distance, so hit the can keep abreast of opportunities to highground running. Close a deal or finish light your skills and services. a project that you’ve left lingering. Don’t LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Make the most fold under pressure. of what you have. Whiling away the time CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- You hoping Lady Luck will fall in your lap is will be able to coax others into joining not the answer. Hard work, dedication your cause. If you are vigilant, you will be and persistence are required to advance. able to take advantage of an opportuniVIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Be tolerant ty. Keep your emotions in check, and be of other people’s opinions. There is no firm. need to get upset if things aren’t done AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- Strive to your way. Trying to control everything will be the best you can be. Keep your op- work against you.

Oct. 3, 2014


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Oct. 3, 2014

Oct. 3, 2014


T he R ancho S anta F e News

Food &Wine

Where the Belly Up team eats and drinks around town

The promotional gurus behind the Belly Up from left Meryl Klemow,

Chad Waldorf, Beth Bennett and Chris Goldsmith. Photo by David Boylan

Job #: PAL-1423767

Coast News, Rancho Santa Fe, Coast News Inland

Title: 10/10 Win A Car / Scratch & Match

Date In: August 4, 2014


flops. As for their food menu, I cannot vouch for the $3.99 spaghetti plate.â€? Well I can Beth ‌ and the chicken fried steak for $3.49! One of my favorite places ever, good stuff. I must say, Chris Goldsmith from the Belly Up has one of those gigs that those of us passionate about music are quite jealous of. Chris is the musical guidance counselor, so basically he oversees talent and marketing. Chris kept it very local with his picks. “My favorite Mexican dinner is at Tony’s Jacal in Eden Gardens/Solana Beach. They’ve been around for 50 years and roast their own turkeys so I almost always get the turkey burrito with sauce and cheese. They also have the best nachos I have ever had in my entire life and a very old school family vibe.â€? I did not know that about the turkeys, very nice! For breakfast, Chris went for T’s CafĂŠ. “T’s CafĂŠ for the homeROUND: R1

sushi and love the seafood pasta most of all! The dish is a seafood lovers delight boasting generous portions of shrimp, lobster, scallops and mahi mahi in a smoky tomato sauce.� When it comes to breakfast, Beach Grass Cafe holds a fond spot in Beth’s heart as she was hired there by the Belly Up team 8.5 years ago. “They serve breakfast all day and always have interesting omelet/scramble combos.� I’m with you Beth; I’d say Beach Grass is my favorite North County breakfast spot. For drinks, I should have known that Beth would be a fan of Captain Keno’s. And she elaborated on in perfectly. “For a nice, stiff cheap drink in North County, the captain rules, Cap’n Kenos that is! From 80-year-olds to hipsters, you’ll fit right in whether you’re sporting an ironic mustache or just bombing around in your flip

Due Date: September 8, 2014

The Belly Up in Solana Beach is one of those classic concert venues that is intimate enough that there is not a bad seat in the house but large enough to draw an eclectic mix of big name talent. While the big names tend to sell out quickly, it’s place to see an also a great old favorite that is still touring and a venue that many local bands aspire to on their way up. Picking my top five concerts there was tough but I had to give it a shot. I’d have to go with Wilco, Gogol Bordello, Jens Lekman, OK Go and any one of the many Dave Wakeling/ English Beat shows I’ve seen there over the years. I caught up with the team that books and promotes the shows at the Belly Up recently to discover some of their favorite places to eat around town. Beth Bennett handles marketing and special events for the Belly Up, Pacific Coast Grill and Wild Note CafĂŠ. So Beth is a bit partial when it comes to PCG and it led off her list. “When it comes to Pacific coastal dining, nobody beats Pacific Coast Grill. In addition to having the best views around, the seafood is second to none, and Miguel’s fresh mixed cocktails get me feeling fine every time. I usually gravitate toward the

made Bloody Mary’s that are almost a meal by themselves and the ‘Country Bennie’ with biscuits, sausage and gravy instead of the usual English muffin/Canadian Bacon/Hollandaise sauce.� So Chris, do you schedule a nap after that breakfast? Meryl Klemow handles show promotions and social media so she is very connected to what’s happening in the area dining and drinking scene. Meryl kept even closer to the office, right next door at Wild Note. “The Wild Note is also owned by Steve and Phil who own the Belly Up, and I eat there almost every day for lunch and most certainly gained the infamous ‘Belly Up 20’ because of it! My favorite dishes at the Wild Note are the Mac and Cheese, the Lobster Dumplings and the Rad Thai. Wow I eat a lot of carbs. I also love the Yu Me Ya Sake House in Leucadia. In my opinion that is the best date place in North County. I love the shrimp dumplings, the happy vibes and the awesome management there.� Nice call on the Sake House Meryl, one of my favorites as well. Such an intimate, cool vibe at that place. Chad Waldorf is a talent buyer at Belly Up, another cool gig for a music lover. I’ve known Chad for a while and he has always had a pulse on the dining scene in the area.

His picks include some new ones for me. “Rico’s Taco Shop in Encinitas has been a 20-year staple for me. I think their carne asada and hot sauce are the best and are what I compare all other carne asada and hot sauces to. Chick’s Chicken in Encinitas and Fish 101 and Mozy’s in Leucadia are regular cravings when I want something good, quick and healthy. I’m really excited that Bagby Beer has opened up in Oceanside just in time for the ‘local summer.’ They have a lot of shaded outdoor seating and is great place to spend a few hours with a wood fired pizza and a drink. Lastly, I’m looking forward to checking

out the new Carnitas Snack Shack in Del Mar. Chef Hanis Cavin works magic with pork.� And there you have it folks, some very nice selections from the Belly Up promotional team. To check out their amazing concert calendar and subscribe to their email list go to Lick the Plate can now be heard on KPRi, 102.1 FM Monday - Friday during the 7pm hour. David Boylan is founder of Artichoke Creative and Artichoke Apparel, an Encinitas based marketing firm and clothing line. Reach him at david@artichoke-creative. com or (858) 395-6905.

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Oct. 3, 2014

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