The inland edition 2014 8 15

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AUG. 15, 2014

Feeling the heat

City upholds zone changes, ACLU upset By EllenWright

Backyard grillers to professional chefs bring best burger to battle By Tony Cagala

SAN MARCOS — Just after mid-day the temperatures were hitting 86 degrees, but out front of Carddine Home Resort, electric skillets, grills — both coal and gas — were firing at much hotter temps. About 15 backyard grillers and professional chefs from Vista to Los Angeles brought their best burger recipes to the second annual Burger Battle in the hopes of qualifying for a chance to compete in what’s being called the “Super Bowl” of food competitions in Las Vegas later this year. And after the smoke had cleared, it was Kelly Shippey of Orange, Calif., who walked away with a new Bull gas grill and an all expense paid trip to Vegas for the World Burger Championships. Don Richie, who helped to organize the event, said last year they had a good mix of “Average Joes” and professional chefs. This year, he added, they saw less of the backyard grillers but more teams and restaurant chefs. Vista’s Rick McDonald, one of the self-described “Average Joes,” brought his sweet Thai chili burger recipe to the competition this year. The full-time home inspector competed in last year’s event, which he said was a great experience. “I’m just here representing the Average Joe. Most

Vista resident Rick McDonald prepares a sweet Thai chili burger for the Burger Battle on Saturday. Photos by Tony Cagala

of these guys are professional chefs.” McDonald said. “I’ve always cooked. I love to grill.” Though he said it would be nice to win the competition, he wanted to try and beat what he did last year. He placed seventh or eighth, he said, after presenting a California Buffalo burger to the judges. Mike McCloud, president and co-founder of the World Food Championships said that because of the amount of food competitions popping up around the world and the U.S. that it was time the food sport be legitimized. “And like any great sport, it needed a Super Bowl moment,” he said. That event will culminate over a weekend beginning Nov. 13 when teams Kelly Shippey of Orange, Calif. competes in the Burger Battle in San compete for a series of food Marcos on Aug. 9. Shippey would win the competition and will be going TURN TO BURGERS ON 17

to Las Vegas to compete in the World Burger Championships later this year.

Reports show city’s water conservation efforts By Aaron Burgin

SAN MARCOS — Water was front-and-center at the San Marcos Council meeting this week, as the city received reports on the bleak drought condition at the state and county level, and a report from staff on the city’s water conservation efforts. The reports come at a time when the county’s water agencies have enacted a number of mandatory water conservation measures as part of an elevated drought response plans. “The situation has really intensified,” Dana Friehauf, a water resources manager San Diego County Water, told the Council on Tuesday night. Friehauf’s report,

the first of the night, included images that showed stark images of depleted water reservoirs across the state and

The (drought) situation has really intensified.” Dana Friehauf Water Resources Manager, San Diego

aerial images of contrasting the snowpack of the Sierra Nevada mountain range from 2011 to today. In Southern California, the Metropolitan

Water District, which is the Water Authority’s largest wholesaler, is expected to use nearly half of its dry-year storage to satisfy demands this year. If the drought does not let up, Friehauf said, Southern California could see water rationing and allocations as early as next year. “That is why it is so important for us to be conserving now because the more water we can save the less we will have to take out of storage,” Friehauf said. Friehauf’s report was not all negative, though. She pointed out that Southern California is better off than other regions statewide because of its investment in water

storage projects, diversification of water supply and conservation efforts — San Diego residents are using 20 percent less water than in 2007, just before the recession. The attention then turned locally, as City Public Works Director Mike Edwards discussed the various city efforts to conserve water, which included more efficient irrigation systems, regular irrigation audits and requiring drought-tolerant landscape on new and retrofitted projects, both by the city and private developers. Two residents who spoke during the presentation also urged the city to do more in terms of TURN TO DROUGHT ON 17

ESCONDIDO — City Council voted on Wednesday to uphold a commercial zoning change which they voted for earlier in the month. According to Barbara Redlitz, director of community development, the code amendment would allow government agencies to apply for a Conditional Use Permit in commercial zones. “Currently the type of government services allowed in commercial zones are very narrow,” said Redlitz. Recently, the federal government applied for a permit through Southwest Key to operate a 96-bed residential care facility for unaccompanied youth who cross the border illegally. David Loy, legal director for the American Civil Liberty Union of San Diego, which filed an appeal against the city’s denial of the facility, said the difference between a shelter and a residential care facility is the children served by Southwest Key are not homeless. They are traveling from one home to another. The proposed facility, which was located in a residential zone, was denied after a long public hearing in front of the Planning Commission for a variety of reasons, including safety and noise concerns, and because some commissioners felt the location was too small for children. The code amendment that was upheld at the meeting on Aug. 13 would allow the federal or state government to apply for a permit in a commercial zone. TURN TO ZONE CHANGES ON 17

Proposed shelter for unaccompanied migrant children sparks debate By Ellen Wright

ESCONDIDO — The Escondido Planning Commission denied a proposal on June 24 by Southwest Key to turn a vacant nursing home, located on Avenida del Diablo, into a shelter with 96 beds for unaccompanied children who illegally crossed the border. The San Diego branch of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed an appeal August 1. The issue has gained national attention and sparked debate in the community. On June 24, the commission unanimously denied the request by Southwest Key, which would have ran the facility for the United States Department of Health and Human Services. Commissioner Gregory Johns denied the facility because he said the purpose of the shelter would be to correct the children’s legal status, and the zoning doesn’t allow for correctional institutions. Other commissioners denied the shelter because they felt the vacant senior home was

too small for children, or because they felt it would negatively affect the neighbors through increased activity, more noise and possible safety issues. Dave Ferguson from Southwest Key told the commission at the June 24 meeting that their role was to reunite the unaccompanied children with their families. He said in 90 percent of cases, children are reunited with their families within 30 days. Ismael Avilez from Southwest Key told the commission that since the children wouldn’t have any visitors, there would be no increase in traffic. Hundreds of Escondido residents attended the meeting mostly to voice their dissent. The ACLU has appealed the commission’s decision. “We are appealing its ill-informed decision because when you do consider the specifics, the impact of the proposed facility would be virtually indistinguishable from that of the nursing home which operated on the same site TURN TO DEBATE ON 17



AUG. 15, 2014

Community diversity is reflected in Escondido garden By Ellen Wright

ESCONDIDO — As cars zoom by on Centre City Parkway, Beth Mercurio is helping dozens of passionate gardeners weed pathways and plug leaky hoses. Mercurio manages the Escondido Community Garden, which is home to 110 plots rented annually by residents. The garden is bursting with produce and each plot is tended by its owner. The produce grown is as diverse as the gardeners that rent the plots. “We’re like a little microcosm of the world, with the good things and the bad things,” said Mercurio. Languages from all over the world can be heard at the garden, including Tagalog, Mandarin, Korean, Spanish and Farsi. There are some translators to help with the language barrier. At times, the intersection of different cultures and languages can be difficult, but for the most part the garden runs smoothly, according to Mercurio. Each plot has its own identity and the gardeners choose what to plant. Todd Kemper loves peppers and grows all types from jalapeños to the more obscure golden treasure pepper. He experiments with different types of peppers and dehydrates them to turn them into a pepper shake. He and his wife Debbie have been growing peppers at the garden for more than five years. “This is our pepper place,” said Debbie. “It’s like anywhere, it has its problems,” Todd added about the garden. Someone recently picked off one of his golden treasure peppers without his permission. Stacy Weber uses the garden to come de-stress after work. Instead of coming out every single day to water her plants, she shares the responsibil- Stacy Weber tends to her plot in the Escondido Community Garden during the annual clean up which hapity with a plot neighbor. pens once a season. Photos by Ellen Wright

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Gardeners are not allowed to use pesticides, so everything grown is organic. Master gardeners and composters help the members adhere to the organic guidelines, according to Mercurio. The garden is visited by different organizations almost daily, said Mercurio. “We have tried to incorporate as

Todd Kemper loves peppers and grows all types from jalapeños to the more obscure golden treasure pepper. He experiments with different types of peppers and dehydrates them to turn them into a pepper shake.

much of the community as possible and reflect the community,” said Mercurio. The Boy Scouts and Eagle Scouts are going to help build benches under shaded tree canopies and complete other odd jobs around the gardens. School groups from around Escondido also come on field trips and students learn about produce. They get their hands dirty planting or harvesting, depending on the season. The garden is over an acre and is just south of the Escondido Police and Fire Headquarters on N. Centre City Parkway. Mercurio has managed the garden for 20 years and calls it a labor of love. “No one gets paid out here. We do it because we love it,” said Mercurio. She also credits the city with making the garden a grower’s paradise. The city helps with water, taking out the dumpsters and porta-potties. “They are extremely supportive and not all gardens are lucky enough to have a city that’s so supportive,” said Mercurio. Anyone can rent a plot in the garden but the waiting list is long. It can take up to a year to get a plot, which rents for $36 a year.

New theater in San Marcos SAN MARCOS — A new theater group is sprouting in North County. The Sisterhood Theatre, a new, all-women theater group, is forming under the direction of performer, producer, director and musical theater teacher Carlyn Ames, of Escondido. The group is based in San Marcos and is looking for committed, talented volunteers who would like to work regularly (this includes rehearsals and shows) with like-minded “sisters” and celebrate connections and diversity by presenting high-energy, high-caliber comedies, music and plays at residences, centers and for private and public organizations throughout San Diego. If you can memorize, sing, dance, tell jokes, MC or would like to volunteer backstage and be part of this gro up, contact Carlyn at (760) 294-1331 or Rehearsals start this September.



AUG. 15, 2014

Residents take part in envisioning Grape Day Park’s future By Ellen Wright

ESCONDIDO— The first of three community workshops was held on Aug. 2 to get community input on the Grape Day Park Master Plan. The park doesn’t have a master plan which makes it difficult to receive funding, said Doug Grove of RHA Landscape Architects, who is spearheading the development of the master plan. “The city can’t even apply for grants for improvements to the park unless they have something in writing,” said Grove. The master plan will allow for improvements to receive funding when grants become available. Some of the improvements may not happen for years, depending on grant availability, but having the intent on paper makes it easier for the city to apply for funding. Dozens of Escondido residents came to tour the park and to voice their opinions on everything from the granite slabs in front of the California Center for the Arts to the giant tree stump near the playground. One of the problems residents pointed out was the lack of noticeable signage and an obvious entrance.

Jim Spann, right, discusses his ideas on the park’s landscaping, “When a tree is cut down, a tree should be replanted,” he says. Photo by Ellen Wright

“We’ve got a lot of signage, but you can only see it with a microscope,” said Pat Mues. “We need big signs, so if you’re walking down the street you know what else is there.” Another criticism was that the park was lacking color. “There was a feeling that it

was too blah,” said Kathy Padilla of Katherine Padilla & Associates. “There is a great desire for color. Everyone felt like it could be less monotone and more exciting with color.” The role of dogs in the park was brought up, with some residents expressing concerns of dog

poop. “It is not a dog park, but it is dog friendly,” said Amy Shipley, assistant director of the Escondido Community Services Department. Dogs are currently allowed on leashes in the park. The 10-year-old Vinehinge playground is also due for an upgrade and attendees batted around ideas on how to incorporate the giant tree stump that sits near the playground. Mues thought it’d be a great tree house for children. The Escondido Creek, which runs on the north side of the park, was discussed and people said it seemed too foreboding with all the chain link fences and harsh concrete surrounding it. Somebody offered the solution of adding a mural on the side. James Wilson, founding principal of Thirtieth Street Architects, Inc., mentioned San Luis Obispo’s creek as a model for what could be done to the creek. Another goal of the updated master plan is to improve the park’s linkages to surrounding business and to tie in Maple Street Park, said Grove. There will also be a heavy emphasis on the city’s history.

The grape theme ties in to the city’s Grape Day festival, which celebrates the annual grape harvest. The event started in 1908 and was discontinued in 1950. It was revived in 1996 and is celebrated on each Saturday after Labor Day. Some residents said they’d like to see the grape theme enhanced in the entrances to the park, with grape trellises and bronze grape leaves. Grove was chosen from 11 other landscape architects and received $100,000 to draft the master plan and to oversee playground construction. The funds came out of the city’s Capital Improvements Project budget. The administrators of the community engagement workshop were pleased with the turnout and encouraged more residents to come to the second workshop Sept. 11 at 6:30 p.m. in the Mitchell Room at City Hall. The final workshop for community input will be held Oct. 21 and then the Master Plan will go to city council for approval. The construction on the playground is expected to start within the next year or year and a half, said Grove.

Candidates finalized for Escondido’s November elections Grant allows for another SM park By Ellen Wright

ESCONDIDO — The candidates for the November elections have been finalized. Three candidates will be running for mayor, current Mayor Sam Abed, Deputy Mayor Olga Diaz and Stephen Siaw. Siaw was unavailable for comment. This will be Mayor Abed’s second time running for Mayor. He has

been a councilman since 2004. Diaz is running against him. If she loses, she will keep her seat as Councilwoman of District Three, which she’s held since 2008. Councilman Ed Gallo will run against Consuelo Martinez for District One. Gallo has served since 2000. Martinez is a legal as-

sistant for The American Civil Liberties Union and is endorsed by Diaz. District Two residents will decide between current Councilman John Masson, Nicole Downey, Chad “Shad” Hunziker and Rick Paul. Masson was appointed in 2012 and is Escondido’s representative on the League of California Cities.

Downey is an accountant and Hunziker owns Our Planet Recycling. Rick Paul was a founding member of El Caballo Park Conservancy and of the Escondido Charitable Foundation. Only residents in the district can vote for their council representative. All Escondido residents can vote for mayor on Election Day, Nov. 4.

Escondido’s Mead named to the 22nd DAA board By Bianca Kaplanek

DEL MAR — For the first time in about two years the nine-member board that governs the Del Mar Fairgrounds has a full roster. Kathlyn Mead, who was appointed to the 22nd District Agricultural Association by Gov. Jerry Brown on June 4, attended her first meeting Aug. 12. The board did not meet in July. “I’m quite honored to be here,” she said. “I’m very delighted.” Mead, of Escondido, said she did a lot of research before agreeing to accept the position to ensure she was able to devote the necessary time and attention to the board. “I’m up to the task,” Mead said, adding that she looks forward to serving on the various committees. “Put me where you need me ... I will begin work where you need me most.” Last month Mead was named president and chief executive officer of the San Diego Foundation, a community nonprofit that provides charitable funds to support organizations within the county. Since 2007 she was executive vice president and chief operations officer at the California En-

Kathlyn Mead listens during the public comment period of her first meeting as a member of the 22nd District Agricultural Association on Aug. 12. Director David Lizerbram is in the background. Photo by Bianca Kaplanek

dowment. She also served as president and CEO at the Council of Community Clinics, vice president at Blue Shield of California, president and CEO at Sharp Health Plan and vice president at Rady Children’s Hospital San Diego. Mead, a Democrat, earned a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Southern California. The 22nd DAA board

of directors has not had a complete panel since early 2012 after Michael Alpert and Tom Chino resigned, leaving two vacancies. Stephen Shewmaker filled one of those spots when he was appointed in October 2012. Although their terms do not expire until next year, Brown reappointed Fred Schenk, who is currently serving as president, and Lisa Barkett in June. Both were named to

the board in August 2011 with Chino, David Watson and David Lizerbram. Adam Day, an appointee of former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, was reappointed by Brown in October 2012. The terms of Russ Penniman and Ruben Barrales expired in January 2010 and January 2012, respectively. Board members are appointed by the governor to four-year, unpaid terms.

By Aaron Burgin

SAN MARCOS — The city of San Marcos is moving forward with plans for apark in the Richmar community just weeks after the completing the neighborhood’s second major recreation project in three years. City officials announced they received a $1.4 million grant from the state Department of Housing and Community Development. The money will go toward funding the design and construction of Richmar Park on two acres of vacant city-owned land off of Richmar Avenue and Firebird Lane, adjacent to the local post office. The grant funds are from a Housing-Related Parks arm of the state housing grant program, which awards cities based on the number of bedrooms for each housing unit they create that targets low- or very low-income residents. San Marcos has become more reliant than ever on grant funding in the wake of the demise of redevelopment statewide, which was fueling a lot of the city’s affordable housing, neighborhood revitalization, creek district and park plans. The city received the ninth-highest grant of the 109 cities and counties to receive the grant. “Improving the surrounding neighborhoods with more park land adds to the high quality of life residents enjoy here in San Marcos,” said Karl Schwarm, the city’s housing and neighborhood services director. The new park, when completed, will be the third park in the Richmar neighborhood. The $3.9

million Mary Connors Park, a five-acre joint-use facility with the city and the San Marcos Unified School District, opened in June. The city also renovated the 2-acre Beulow Park in 2011. At the same time, the city has approved nearly 320 affordable housing units in the Richmar area,

This was a park-starved, high-density community.” Sarah Divan Spokeswoman, San Marcos

including Autumn Terrace, Parkview, Sage Point and Westlake Village. This park will be the first in the section of Richmar north of the Sprinter tracks and East Mission Road, which divide the neighborhood. “This was a park starved, high-density community,” city spokeswoman Sarah Divan said. “Prior to 2010, there were no parks within a reasonable distance. “Additionally, the Richmar Park has been promised to the community in the parks strategic plan. With the grant funding, the city is now able to deliver on that promise and locate the park in an area close to many recently completed housing project supporting both housing and community recreation opportunities for all income levels,” Divan said.



AUG. 15, 2014


Views expressed in Opinion & Editorial do not necessarily reflect the views of The Coast News

Obama risks alienating Latinos from Dems states. One possible reason: Obama apparently sees the deportations as one way to fend off frequent, completely unsubstantiated claims from the Republican right that he is a traitor with a secret agenda of destroying America and should be impeached even though his term has only about two more years to run. For whatever reason, deportations of non-citizens reached historic highs in the last few years. Since 1996, well over 3 million persons have been “removed” from this country, the word employed by federal immigration authorities to describe deportations. That number doesn’t count more than 10 million apprehended at or near the Mexican border and sent back immediately. About 70 percent of deportees have been


Community Commentaries

Vista wise to reject discount store booze By Ray Pearson

Nobody would fault the need to improve a blighted shopping center with more commerce. However, when that commerce includes alcohol sales in a high-crime neighborhood, then leaders must take a step back and assess the best course for the community and public safety. One of the most effective approaches for reducing excessive drinking and its many health and social consequences is to limit the physical availability of alcohol. Numerous studies confirm that neighborhoods with dense concentration of alcohol outlets experience higher rates of alcohol consumption, binge drinking, violence, and underage drinking. Due to all those concerns, Dollar General recently lost its bid to sell beer and wine in a 10-yearold shopping center on North Santa Fe Avenue in Vista’s Townsite neighborhood. Wisely, the Vista Planning Commission gave unanimous approval to the business provided it does not sell alcohol; an action many hope repeats when a Family Dollar proposing to sell alcohol on East Vista Way comes before the Planning Commission this month. Such land use policies balance business needs with the health and safety needs of the community. The San Diego County Sheriff’s Department reported that the Townsite store has a far higher crime rate than the citywide average, according to the city staff report. In addition, eight locations surrounding the Dollar General project already sell alcohol. The U.S. Department of Justice’s “Alcohol and Crime” report notes a statistical correlation between establishments that sell alcohol and an increase in crime. Based on these import-

ant findings, the city passed on the beer and wine sales because of the “potential to increase crime” which “would not be in harmony with other commercial and residential uses located in the surrounding area.” We support the City’s efforts to be prudent with its land use policy that is supportive of the Responsible Retailer Programs model, which helps guide alcohol retail stores with business practices that maintain the overall health and safety of a community while achieving their business plan. Still, discount stores nationwide have been pushing for alcohol sales in recent years. Business Week reported recently that Family Dollar tested alcohol sales in about 200 of its stores this summer, with results strong enough to expand the beer and wine sales nationwide. In 2010, Dollar Tree started selling tobacco and alcohol. According to Forbes, it now sells alcohol products at more than 4,000 of its 10,000 stores to compete with Walmart. Frustration over the market saturation of Family Dollar stores, and the like, are causing some backlash. Recently, an Atlanta neighborhood fought an alcohol sales license for a store feeling it would compromise public safety in an area already flooded with liquor. That community’s instincts are well founded. A study conducted by the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation found that neighborhoods where bars, restaurants and other stores that sell alcohol are close together “suffer more frequent incidences of violence.” In order to temper such problems, the Institute recommends many of the governmental land use policy regulations employed by the city of Vista. Furthermore, Vista’s staff recommendation to deny alcohol sales also supports Vista’s General Plan which was updated in 2012,

and included a new section, the Healthy Vista Element that aims for “improving public health and promoting healthier residents by taking a leadership role in making community health and wellness priorities.” Staff’s conclusion is not a criticism of any one particular business operation, but an acknowledgment that increasing alcohol availability impacts the entire community. Reducing the number of commercial sale points helps keep alcohol out of the hands of underage drinkers, according to the U.S. Department of Justice. Alcohol remains the most abused drug by young people, and is associated with the leading causes of death for teens and young adults — motor vehicle crashes, homicides, and suicides. Local governments play a key role in reducing the permits that allow alcohol sales at places where young people shop. Moreover, as Vista tries to keep its alcohol licensing in check, particularly in high-crime areas, they aggressively seek out higher-end businesses to combat crime with the public’s safety in mind. We applaud the city of Vista for balancing retail and tax revenue needs with impacts to neighborhoods, young people and crime rates. Ray Pearson is the president of the North Coastal Prevention Coalition.

For the last 20 years — ever since passage in 1994 of California’s abortive anti-illegal immigrant Proposition 187 — Democrats here and around America have increasingly depended on Latino votes. The 2.5 million California Hispanics who became citizens and registered to vote in the three years after 187 passed, with its bans on undocumented children in public schools and hospitals, made California a solidly Democratic state in almost every election since. The same could happen in current Republican strongholds like Texas and Georgia if Latinos were to become galvanized as they did here. But all that may now be threatened by the steadfast deportation policies of President Barack Obama and his administration. While most of the 57,000 undocumented juveniles who crossed the border in the last year are still here, over his first five years in office, Obama presided over deportations of more than 1.9 million persons who were in this country illegally. That’s a massive increase from the 1.1 million deported in the last five years of George W. Bush’s presidency Even as Obama deported their friends and relatives, the vast majority of Latino voters stayed with him and his party. When he ran for reelection two years ago, Obama took more than 75 percent of Latino votes nationally, accounting for most of his margin of victory. Without those Latino votes for Democrats, California would once again become a tossup state, not one where Republicans lose almost every seriously contested election. There is no sign of a major slowdown in the rate of deportations, despite frequent calls for one by Latino politicians from many

For years, the single issue that has been most important to Latino voters has been immigration arduous, has kept most of them in the Democratic column, even many who are comfortable with GOP stances on other issues. But the steady stream of record-level deportations threatens to undermine this strong support from the nation’s fastest-growing voting bloc. All of which means Democrats in California and beyond ought to take advantage of the solid Latino support they now enjoy, because if deportations con• Fully 63 percent of tinue at their current pace, Latino registered voters (all that support could diminish of whom are U.S. citizens) quickly in future elections. say they know someone Elias is author of the who is undocumented, an current book “The Burzynsincrease of 10 percent from ki Breakthrough: The Most two years ago. Promising Cancer Treatment and the Government’s • Nearly 40 percent of those same voters say they Campaign to Squelch It,” now know someone now facing available in an updated third edition. His email address is deportation or detention by immigration authorities. non-criminals, according to Department of Homeland Security statistics, with nine of the top 10 source countries in Latin America. Among those labeled criminal aliens, the most common crime is a traffic offense, according to a recent study by the Latino Decisions polling firm. That same report shows why all this represents a threat to Democrats in future elections, if not this fall:

THE COAST NEWS P.O. Box 232550, Encinitas, CA 92023-2550 • 760-436-9737 • Fax: 760-943-0850



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Reports University of New Mexico Prof. Gabriel Sanchez, the study’s author, “Latino voters who know someone that is undocumented are 43.4 percent less likely to have a favorable impression of the President.” Although the study did not measure this, it’s highly likely that knowing someone who faces deportation or has been expelled from this country will have an even stronger link to unfavorable feelings toward the Democratic chief executive. For years, the single issue that has been most important to Latino voters has been immigration. The Republican Party’s obdurate opposition to allowing illegal immigrants some kind of pathway to citizenship, no matter how


The Coast News is a legally adjudicated newspaper published weekly on Fridays by The Coast News Group. It is qualified to publish notices required by law to be published in a newspaper of general circulation (Case No. 677114). Subscriptions: 1 year/$45; 6 mos./$34; 3 mos./$27 Send check or money order to: The Coast News, P.O. Box 232550, Encinitas, CA 92023-2550. In addition to mail subscriptions, more than 30,000 copies are distributed to approximately 700 locations in the beach communities from Oceanside to Carmel Valley. The classified advertising deadlines are the Mondays before each Friday’s publication.


Photographer BILL REILLY

Contact the Editor TONY CAGALA


AUG. 15, 2014



San Marcos High School graduate, Ariana Cruz, is now aboard the USS Forrest Sherman (DDG 98), a multi-mission combat ship. Courtesy photo

San Marcos sailor aboard Navy combat ship SAN MARCOS — A San Marcos native and 2013 San Marcos High School graduate, Ariana Cruz, is now serving aboard USS Forrest Sherman (DDG 98), a multi-mission combat ship. Firemen Cruz is a gas turbine-system technician aboard the Norfolk-based ship, an Arleigh Burkeclass destroyer that is longer than 1.5 football fields long at nearly 510 feet long. The ship is 66 feet wide and weighs more than 9,200 tons. Twin gas turbine engines can push the ship through the water at more than 30 mph. USS Forrest Sherman is named for Admiral Forrest Percival Sherman, and is the second U.S. Navy ship to bear his name. As a 19 year-old with numerous responsibilities, Cruz said she is learning every day. “I feel like I have matured. If I wasn’t in the Navy, I don’t think I would have gotten to this level as fast.” “As an engineer I work long hours and I feel the

Sailors I work with are a close family,” said Cruz. “Even though the work environment is stressful, we never stop learning and we do everything as a team.” Sailors’ jobs are highly varied aboard USS Forrest Sherman. Approximately 34 officers and 253 enlisted men and women make up the ship’s company, which keeps all parts of the destroyer running smoothly — this includes everything from washing dishes and preparing meals to handling weaponry and maintaining the engines. Fast, maneuverable, and technically advanced, destroyers provide the required war fighting capabilities and operational flexibility to execute multi-mission evolutions such as surface warfare, anti-submarine warfare and anti-air warfare. USS Forrest Sherman can operate independently or as part of carrier strike groups, surface action groups, amphibious ready groups, and underway replenishment groups.

ArtBeat joins exhibit VISTA — ArtBeat on Main Street will partner with the North County-based TERI Center for Arts and Adult Education with a special exhibit. Two dozen multimedia works, created by program participants whose lives are touched by special needs, will be on display. The artists are looking forward to meeting gallery guests at the Aug. 16 opening reception at 5 p.m. at ArtBeat, 330 Main St. The TERI players will provide entertainment. Artwork purchase prices range from $50 to $600. Proceeds from TERI artwork sold at the reception and throughout the duration of the exhibit, which closes Sept. 14, benefit TERI’s center. ArtBeat owner Kait Matthews said, “As a working artist, I understand the joy of creation and the grati-

fication gained from having people connect with my art. For TERI artists, this joy and fulfillment legitimize their artistic endeavors and make them feel valued, worthwhile and purposeful.” TERI Artist Representative Stacey Seeburger agrees, saying, “Creating art – often collaborating on pieces – is a therapeutic, life-affirming mode of self-expression for the nearly 200 people in our program. The artists are grateful for the opportunity to display their artwork at such a fine gallery.” The gallery is open Tuesday and Wednesday, 11 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.; Thursday-Saturday, 11 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.; Sunday, noon to 4 p.m. For information, visit, or facebook. com/artbeatonmainstreet.

REGION — Craft beer has become a huge industry in North County and brings in 53 percent more annually than Comic-Con International, San Diego’s largest annual convention, according to a report released by San Diego North Economic Development Council. The report was released Aug. 6 at the North County Craft Brew Symposium, which was held at the Vista Community Center. Vista now has more breweries per capita than any other city in the nation, according to Eric Bruvold, president of National University System Institute for Policy Research, who complied the report. He found that craft beer in North County, generated $272.3 million in 2013. Comic-Con International generated $177.8 million for the city in 2014. The industry supports close to 1,700 jobs both directly and indirectly. North County has nearly 40 breweries and brewpubs employing about 850 people. Indirectly, North County’s craft beer industry keeps $37.2 million in the local economy because industry employees buy goods and services locally. “Just as the craft brewing industry has become an integral part of the city of San Diego’s identity, the same has happened for North County, providing the area’s locals access to breweries and brewpubs, and creating a vibrant Beer Tourism industry,” said Brian Scott, President of San Diego Brewers Guild. The symposium held on Wednesday was the first of its kind and organizers hoped to raise awareness of the economic benefits of the North County craft brew industry. Carl Morgan, CEO of SDNEDC said there is a campaign to insure that North County craft beer is being served in local restaurants and

the local hospitality industry. “It really is a part of the overall brand when we are talking about and promoting our region and how important it is to support that industry by making sure the taps in our restaurants are serving North County craft beer,” said Morgan. CEO of Stone Brewing Co. Greg Koch also talked about the importance of local establishments serving local beer. “I only eat at restaurants that serve San Diego craft beer because you gotta wonder, where else are they compromising that’s not so obvious,” Koch said of restaurants that don’t serve craft beer. According to Bruvold, brand awareness for craft beer happens mainly through word of mouth. “Few craft brewers pay for advertising, and depend more on distribution and word of mouth for marketing and revenue,” Bruvold wrote in the report. CEO and Co-Founder of Stone Brewing Co. Greg Koch, spoke to the crowd of about 250 on Wednesday about best marketing practices. Stone, which got its start in San Marcos, is the tenth largest craft brewery in the United States and recently announced plans to become the first American craft brewery to open in Europe. The symposium hosted a Q & A with Melissa Ryan, district supervisor at Alcoholic Beverage Control, San Marcos district office, to give brewers the opportunity to ask questions about regulation. Questions ranged from what can be donated to a non-profit to how can a business expedite the process of getting licensed by the ABC (she answered with not much.) Ryan said the most common violations she sees are patrons getting over-served, whether it be by volunteers at a charity event or at brewpubs. She stressed the importance of breweries always complying by regulations and asking non-profits hosting a function if they have the proper licenses to serve alcohol.

“I know you think you’re all friends, but everybody tells on everybody else,” Ryan joked. Other panelists from the region included Gina Marsaglia, owner of Pizza Port, Melody Campbell, president of Vista Brewers Guild, Mike Shess, publisher of WestCoaster SD and Economic Development Director of Vista, Kevin Ham.



AUG. 15, 2014

Film festival comes to Escondido By Dave Roberts

There were more than 500 people attending the eighth annual Summer Fest on Aug. 9. The event is the biggest fundraiser for the Vista Optimist Club. Photo by Arron Haines

Vista Optimists continuing the goal By Tony Cagala

VISTA — Of the more than 2,600 optimist clubs around the globe, the 103-year-old service organization of volunteers that conducts positive service projects in their own communities, David Zingrang and the other 79 members of the Vista Optimists Club are advancing their own positive influence. Zingrang, a board member of the club and its foundation, said he ultimately joined to give back to the community. A member since 1994 when the club built their 7-acre facility in the neighborhood of Shadowridge, Zingrang said he saw what good the club (it began in Vista in 1948) was doing.

“We all have the same goal as Vista Optimists,” he said referring to its other members, which consists of a wide range of people from construction contractors to retired school administrators to coaches, bankers and lawyers. Their ongoing goal is to enlarge their endowment funds to give out more scholarships. Last spring, Zingrang said they gave out $16,000 in scholarship monies to deserving students and student athletes from all of the high schools in Vista. “We donate annually, between $70,000 to $100,000 in either scholarships, sponsorships and access to our 7-acre facility in the way of our

three Little League fields and our clubhouse, which we serve as meeting places for Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, (and) youth athletic organizations,” he said. Earlier this month, the Optimists hosted their largest annual fundraiser in Summer Fest. With more than 500 people attending, it was an “outstanding” turnout, Zingrang said, ultimately raising a gross total of $54,000, with 100 percent of their net costs going back to the endowment. The club continues to operate on its fundraising and dues and from renting out their five-star facility, which has been used for meetings, outings and weddings, Zingrang said.

Mandatory water preservation in effect By Ellen Wright

ESCONDIDO— California’s drought isn’t easing up and City Council unanimously approved measures to decrease residents’ water usage. On Aug. 13 the Council approved the move to Drought Response Level Two. Residents will now only

be allowed to water yards for 10 minutes a day, three days a week. Residents that have an even numbered address can water Saturday, Monday and Wednesday. Residents with odd numbers can water Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. Christopher McKinney, Director of Utilities, said

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the restriction applies to each valve or sprinkler so residents can water their front yard for 10 minutes and their backyard for 10 minutes on assigned days, as long as different valves are used. City officials will contact residents that don’t comply with the regulations. After two offenses, the city may fine the offender anywhere from $100 to $500, according to McKinney. McKinney said fines are only used as a last resort and people that disobey the regulations are generally unaware of the restrictions. “Staffs goal is educating customers,” said McKinney, “We’d obviously like to educate them before somebody discovers a violation.” He said the Utilities Department will send out notices in bills, announce it on the city’s website and through public signs. “It’s very easy to save water, it’s just a mater of habit and changing a few things,” said Mayor Sam Abed. “Water is going to continue to be the biggest issue in Southern California.” California is in its third

year of drought and almost the entire state is experiencing extreme drought. Governor Jerry Brown declared a state of emergency on April 25 because of the lack of rainfall. Level Two restrictions are more severe than the Level One drought response plan since the restrictions are mandatory. Level One was voluntary and Councilmembers felt residents were adhering to those. Mayor Abed said he’s noticed more drought tolerant landscaping and artificial grass. McKinney pointed out that there are resources for residents who don’t have drought tolerant landscaping. “We all have to start making difficult decisions about what sorts of plants we’re going to have on our landscapes” said McKinney, “If your landscaping is not drought tolerant, there are resources out there to help you plan cost effectively.” He said the County Water Authority and Escondido Utilities have information to help residents with landscaping.

Hollywood has come to Escondido. Earlier this summer, Escondido hosted a gala reception and showing of two short films on the rooftop deck of the Centre at Lexus Escondido overlooking the nighttime lights of the city and countryside. The event was catered by Vintana, a wonderful restaurant located atop the Lexus dealership. As everyone knows, the restaurant-dealership combination is a unique partnership of two successful businesses. Both are members of the Escondido Chamber of Commerce. But the real news is that more than 150 people watched the films — much like attendees would at Sundance or any other film festival — yet no one else seemed to notice that directors, actors and other film-makers had converged upon Escondido. Not the general public, and certainly not the press, which does not appear to have written nor uttered a single word about the event. But the buzz amongst film-lovers has reached the level of a swarm of bees. The film showing was significant for many reasons. First and foremost, most people wouldn’t think of Escondido when they think of a film festival. However, I did when I made that recommendation. It seemed appropriate. The location is striking. And the owners of the Lexus Escondido dealership and Vintana clearly thought outside the box when they paired those two businesses together. They did the same thing when they agreed to host the film festival. After all, Escondido’s connection to film is greater than you might think. During the silent film era in 1911 the American Film Company located to Lakeside, then to La Mesa. But they filmed all over the region, and there’s evidence they filmed in Escondido, too. Even today, 11 percent of Escondido residents make their living in arts, entertainment and recreation. Escondido houses the California Center for the Arts which features two theaters, a visual arts

museum, an educational complex, and a conference center. The Escondido Children’s Discovery Museum and the Escondido History Center, two independent non-profit museums, are located in Grape Day Park. Escondido has many worthy attributes. Location, weather and a strong, business-friendly Chamber of Commerce. But our local film festival is struggling to compete with larger film festivals from around the country. Our California film industry is fleeing the state for greener economic pastures — lower permit fees and taxes and more cooperative local governments. Everyone is trying to bring them home, including me. Earlier this year Supervisor Greg Cox and I supported a state bill to allow tax breaks for moviemakers in the state. The Santa Maria Valley Chamber of Commerce Visitor & Convention Bureau recently published a glossy full-page ad in their brochure touting Movie-Making on the Central Coast. The chamber says in the first line of the ad that it, “supports filming in our area by working closely with the Santa Barbara County Film Commission. Our staff is available to assist you with location scouting and film production needs.” I applaud their efforts. We need to do the same here in San Diego. That’s why I am working to create a new Film Commission with the very same people who created this film festival. My goal is to bring filmmaking back to San Diego, and more events like this to cities around the region. Filmmakers spend their money and help to create jobs. Filmgoers who attend an event like the one in Escondido do the same. Escondido can host this event again. And with its variety of topography, and pro-business city government and chamber of commerce, the city is poised to be at the forefront of our movement to bring movie producers and their money and jobs back to San Diego County. Dave Roberts is the San Diego County Supervisor for District 3.

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VOL. 28, N0. 25



JUNE 20, 2014

Two commercial structures at Carlsbad’s La Costa Towne Center will be demolished to make way for a revamp that includes the addition of retail and apartment buildings. The larger new building, shown above, would include 48 apartments, a courtyard for residents, and retail. Courtesy renderings

Carlsbad retail center to be revamped with apartments By Rachel Stine

Sophia Ceja, 3, of Oceanside, shows off a handful of eggs she found. Four city egg hunts are planned for April 19. See the full story on page A9. Photo by Promise Yee

Council closer to finalizing Pacific View deal

CARLSBAD — With it’s primary storefront empty for five years, the 33-year-old La Costa Towne Center at the corner of El Camino Real and La Costa Avenue is at last getting a revamp. The owner of the property gained approval to demolish two commercial structures in the shopping center and replace them with buildings that are half retail and half apartments from Carlsbad’s Planning Commission on April 16. Planning Commissioners praised the owners for

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AUG. 15, 2014

Philanthropic group gave $1M to increase quality of life By Ellen Wright

ESCONDIDO — The Escondido Charitable Foundation has granted $1 million to nonprofits throughout the community since its inception in the fall of 2006. The foundation is a branch of The San Diego Foundation and aims to improve the quality of life in Escondido, according to Trudy Armstrong, associate vice president of Regional Outreach for the foundation. “People want to give where they live,” said Armstrong in response to why the San Diego Foundation branched out to North County. Thus far, $2 million has been raised by the foundation’s members although half of that will be saved for an endowment. The endowment is a sum that isn’t immediately used for granting to non-profits, instead it gains interest so in the future, the foundation won’t be as reliant on recruiting members. Currently the foundation has more than 100 members who each pay $1,000 annually, according to Armstrong. The money is a tax write off and members are also heavily involved in deciding where the money goes. “What we can do for the community is directly related to the number of members,” said Armstrong. She said people feel comfortable giving to the foundation because there is such a high level of accountability. Nonprofits that hope

to receive funds have to go through a long vetting process and the foundation always has the opportunity to ask for the money back, if they feel it has been mismanaged. Each year the foundation has a different focus. Civic engagement was the

People want to give where they live.” Trudy Armstrong Associate Vice President of Regional Outreach

focus from fall 2013 to 2014. The goal was to get more members involved in the community. WalkSanDiego received $34,800 for the 2013-14 granting cycle. The organization aims to connect people of diverse backgrounds through exercise and to increase community leadership. Another organization that received grant money was the Food Bank of Escondido, which was given $30,800 for the Mission Vida Nueva program. The no-questions asked service allows anybody to pick up fresh fruit and vegetables and other food items. The aim is to feed under-privileged residents, regardless of their legal status. More than 70 residents volunteer with the program and many of them rely on it for food. About 200 people use the service per week.

The foundation’s focus this year is outdoor engagement. Non-profits interested in submitting a proposal are encouraged to fill out a letter of intent first. The members vote on which organization receives funding after listening to each organization’s goal and sometimes visiting the site. The foundation requires the results to be measurable to insure that funds are being used as intended. Another past recipient of the grant is The Escondido Creek Conservancy, which recently celebrated the opening of the pocket park, Plaza Del Arroyo, located next to Evan’s Tires on Broadway. The conservancy’s goal is to preserve open space in the Escondido Creek watershed. Armstrong said organizations have no limit on how often they can ask for funds. The foundation hopes to raise $10 million in endowments. Once that amount is reached, the foundation will be able to grant solely interest gained on the amount. She said a lot of people that have made their money in the community feel the need to give back. Legacy funds can be written into people’s will, which is how the McLaughlin Match started. Matt McLaughlin left $10 million in endowments to the North County branches of the San Diego Foundation. He was an executive in Rancho Bernardo and every dollar that is given by members will be matched by his contribution for the next three years.

Vista Unified Schools get energy upgrade grant VISTA — In July, Vista Unified School District became the third in San Diego county to have its California Clean Energy Jobs Act (Proposition 39) Energy Expenditure Plan approved by the California Energy Commission. Vista Unified School District will receive $4.77 million that will be used for a variety of energy efficiency retrofits including heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) replacements, programmable thermostats, PC power management, exterior lighting controls and LED exterior lighting. When fully implemented these energy efficiency measures will deliver more than 2.3 million kilowatt-hours in energy savings. Vista Unified School District’s plan, developed by Schneider Electric, is the third largest dollar-value, five-year plan to be approved by the Energy Commission. The project also has the greatest impact, covering

27 school sites — more than any other approved Energy Expenditure Plan statewide. “We are grateful that Vista Unified School District will be able to utilize these resources to improve the quality of our facilities while also improving energy efficiency,” said Vista Unified School District Superintendent Devin Vodicka. “We are particularly pleased with how many students and schools will benefit from these upgrades. The approved plan will help us to move in the direction of achieving our vision to be the model of educational

excellence and innovation.” For the 2013/14 school year, the California Department of Education has allocated a total of $29 million in Prop. 39 funds to San Diego’s 42 school districts and charter schools. $11 million has already been made available to school districts for planning expenditures, which include the hiring of Energy Managers and completion of facility audits. Statewide, the Energy Commission has received a total of 117 Prop. 39 Energy Expenditure Plans, of which Vista Unified School District becomes the 55th approved as of July 29.

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RELAY FOR LIFE From left, Contemporary Women of North County members Linda Bridges, Betty Walden, Beryl Price, Diane Modjeski, Lisa Pratte, Ann Lygas, Kathy Michaels, Linda Gonzales and Laura Collins, formed Team CWONC to raise funds and awareness for cancer research through the Relay for Life movement July 26. For more information go to Courtesy photo

Still time to hang with the chickens SAN MARCOS — The San Marcos Art Council’s Chicken Parade, in partnership with the San Marcos Chamber of Commerce, continues to bridge connections between local businesses, artists and residents along the state Route 78 corridor by coordinating 28 unique sculptures on display throughout the area. There is still time to see the chickens in their “natural” environment before the exhibit comes to an end in September. Chicken Parade sponsors such as the Computer Factor, Elephant Bar, Sacred Space Imports and the new Great Clips off Rancho Santa Fe Road are currently roosting the inspirational, artist-adorned chicken sculptures with a citywide scavenger hunt and photo contest. Participating Chicken Artists include Ellen Benfatti, Jason Bennett, Phyllis Swonson, Tamara Kapan of Art Divas and Walt Hambly.

SMAC is hosting an assortment of family-friendly prizes for both the scavenger hunt and photo contests. In conjunction with the sculptures, the San Marcos Arts Council is offering free coloring projects for youth from its Web site. Coloring projects, social media competitions and public participation in the Chicken Parade are free.

For details visit sanma rcosa r tscou nci / chickenparade /. The chickens will be migrating to Walnut Grove Park where they will be up for auction during the Horse Heritage Festival Oct. 19 and the Chamber Mixer Oct. 23. The photo contest winners will be announced, chicken artists awarded and business support recognized.

8 15, 2014 AUG.

AUG. 15, 2014 A1


Leading to a life of puzzling small talk jean gillette Jean Gillette invited Frederick L. Wilson to be a guest columnist “Shoot, I’m late.� How often I’ve uttered these words as I glance up from a crossword to notice the time, lured again into tardiness by the magnetism of the grid. For those with a predilection for problem solving and a curiosity about language, crosswords can be a perilous tarbaby leading to a life of puzzling. To be absolutely stymied by an impossible area of the grid, unknowable names, places, and terms and then to build a scaffold of words in a remotely connected corner which lead, remarkably, back to solutions you had thought were beyond your wherewithal — this is the process which takes over like an addiction. Soon one or two words lead to three or four others. The deep satisfaction of one “aha moment� leaves one striving for the next. And then, before you know it, “Shoot, I’m late.� The actual solving of the puzzle is only one step in the process. Avid puzzlers want an ample reserve lest they be caught empty-handed (off the grid). This reserve will need

to meet the Goldilocks requirement: not too easy, not too hard, just challenging enough. And since the good syndicated puzzles gain in difficulty throughout the week, we must marshal multiple Thursday through Saturday publications in order to have a supply to sustain us Monday through Wednesday. You can see it’s a commitment of time and effort we solvers do not take lightly, in spite of the dubious benefits. Akin to one who has received a liberal arts education, a puzzler often knows names, places and events, but context often escapes us. I know that Ulan Bator, for instance, is a country, although I have no idea where in the world it might be. I know that Ida Tarbell and Jacob Riis were both “muckrakers.� No idea what sort of muck they raked or when the raking took place. So, aside from staving off dementia, is there really any upside to crosswording? The author would argue that yes, in the pursuit of answers one can obtain wisdom in the way of problem solving. Let’s call it “Crossbala;� down and across to a better you. The author does his best to stay busy with his puzzling life. Now, if I could only ever get to places on time. Frederick L. Wilson is an Encinitas resident with a pencil behind each ear. Contact him at jgillette@






VOL. 28, N0. 25



JUNE 20, 2014

Adventure CLub students from Crawford and Lincoln High Schools preparing to surf at Cardiff State Beach Photos by Krissel Rivas/WILDCOAST

Program helps raise awareness on marine protected areas to inner city kids By Aaron Burgin

REGION — The threemile span of beach and ocean between Moonlight State Beach and Cardiff State Beach in Encinitas looks like almost every beach along the California coastline. But since January 2012, it and 10 other stretches of San Diego’s coastline and wetlands have become special areas of refuge for schools of fish and other marine wildlife, with very little or no fishing or other harvesting activities allowed. To that end, marine conservation groups like the Imperial Beach-based WildCoast are attempting to educate the region’s beach goers about the “marine protected areas,� which they said are critical to the rebounding of the state’s depleted fisheries and marine ecosystems. “It’s the biggest news to affect the state’s marine life in years, and no one knows about it,� said Zachary Plopper, WildCoast’s coastal and marine director. “They are effectively underwater state parks, and it’s our duty to inform visitors of the parks of the types of activities allowed at these parks.� The state passed the Marine Life Protection Act in 1999 to redesign its network of protection areas to make

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Two commercial structures at Carlsbad’s La Costa Towne Center will be demolished to make way for a revamp that includes the addition of retail and apartment buildings. The larger new building, shown above, would include 48 apartments, a courtyard for residents, and retail. Courtesy renderings

Carlsbad retail center to be revamped with apartments By Rachel Stine

Sophia Ceja, 3, of Oceanside, shows off a handful of eggs she found. Four city egg hunts are planned for April 19. See the full story on page A9. Photo by Promise Yee

Council closer to finalizing Pacific View deal

CARLSBAD — With it’s primary storefront empty for five years, the 33-year-old La Costa Towne Center at the corner of El Camino Real and La Costa Avenue is at last getting a revamp. The owner of the property gained approval to demolish two commercial structures in the shopping center and replace them with buildings that are half retail and half apartments from Carlsbad’s Planning Commission on April 16. Planning Commissioners praised the owners for


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San Ysidro Girl Scouts carry out Jr MPA Watch human use surveys at the Tijuana River Mouth State Marine Conservation Area in Imperial Beach.

them function more like a statewide network. The South Coast Region, which runs from Pt. Concepcion in Santa Barbara County to the Mexico border, began planning its protected areas in 2008, adopting the creation of 36 new areas in 2010. Implementation of these areas began on Jan. 1, 2012. San Diego has 11 of the 36 protected areas, which are divided into three categories based on their level of protection: State marine reserves, which prohibit all harvesting and fishing; “no take� state marine conservation areas, which operate much like reserves, and state marine conservation areas, which permit some recreational fishing and harvesting. The Swami’s State Marine Conservation area, which spans the three-mile stretch of coast between

Moonlight and Cardiff, and extends three miles into the ocean, is the largest of San Diego’s protected areas. Commercial fishing is prohibited in all of the areas. Violations, which are enforced by the state Department of Fish and Wildlife, are a misdemeanor punishable by fines and potentially jail time. The state tasked each of the regions to perform the outreach and engagement, signage and other aspects of the act. Across the state, conservancy groups, nonprofit organizations, research laboratories, cities and states have taken up the mantle through various public/private partnerships. Two groups have funded much of the activity: the Resources Legacy Fund Foundation, a private foundation which funds various


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conservation efforts; and the California State Coastal Conservancy, a state agency charged with protecting the state coastline through various projects with public agencies, nonprofit groups and private landowners. Gradually, Plopper said, the groups are spreading the word to target groups as well as placing signage in high-traffic areas that explain the activities that are prohibited in the zones. This year, Wild Coast has partnered with several organizations to increase outreach and educational efforts. Over the summer, it teamed up with San Diego-based Outdoor Outreach to take groups of underprivileged kids from several inner-city schools to local protected areas and educate them on how to be responsible stewards. The groups visited protected areas in La Jolla, the Tijuana River and Swami’s. The students also got to participate in marine recreation activities, such as kayaking and surfing. Their activities culminated this week as they wrote letters to State Assemblywoman Toni Atkins (D-San Diego) asking for her continued support of the marine protected areas. “Some of these kids live in San Diego and have never been to the beach, let alone know anything about the protected areas,� Plopper said. “Through the program, now not only are they aware of their existence, they can help in protecting them.�


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AUG. 15, 2014

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Local woman pairs seniors in need with peers REGION — Kathryn Johnston knew that she wanted to start a business that was purposeful, something she was passionate about. What she didn’t know was that she would soon be faced with a series of personal circumstances that would lead her directly to her dream. “I was blessed with the opportunity to be there to help a lifelong friend through her last months as her primary caregiver,” Johnston said. Cyndy, who had been a friend of Johnston’s since she was 10, had late-stage breast cancer and called upon Johnston to help her prepare for her death. Johnston spent four months living with Cyndy, helping her with her doctor’s appointments, meals, caring for her daughter and making end-of-life decisions. “From that experience I realized how important it was to have someone help you when you are at that stage of life or finding it difficult or impossible to maintain the life you want,” Johnston said. “I also learned how meaningful it can be to help someone who is dying and needs your help.” While caring for Cyndy, Johnston’s mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. “After Cyndy passed, I started taking an active role in taking care of my mother on a daily basis. Again, I realized how much she needed me but also how much I gained from the experience. A phone call from a friend in Washington state was the final piece of the puzzle. “My dear friend Carrie told me about her experience with Seniors Helping Seniors,” Johnston said. “She was emphatic about her confidence that Seniors Helping Seniors was a great organization and that I would be a perfect fit to lead a local franchise. On faith, I contacted SHS and here we are.” Seniors Helping Seniors is an inhome, nonmedical caregiving company for seniors by seniors. Johnston hires senior caregivers to go in and take care of transportation, light housekeeping, meal preparation, companion care, personal care, handyman services, shopping and overnight stays. “We are here for all of the needs a senior might have,” Johnston tion to endow an LGBTQ scholarship. There are a number of scholarships offered to lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, and queer/questioning students nationwide, but few exist at the community college level. Vons grocery stores across San Diego County are holding an in-store Easter Seals fundraising campaign through Aug. 31 to support local residents with disabilities or special needs. At all 56 San Diego County locations, customers can contribute to Easter Seals . For more about Easter Seals visit Eastersea / Sout her nCal. New director Carlsbad resident Doug Palmieri was named to the Easter Seals Southern California Disability Services board of directors. Palmieri, region operations manager for CVS / Caremark, has worked for the retailer for more than 25 years. In his role, he oversees the operations of 144 stores in the San Diego, Las Vegas and Utah markets.

Patricia Berman, right, and Pat Fowler, one of the caregivers from Seniors Helping Seniors. Courtesy photos

Kathryn Johnston, CSA, owner of Seniors Helping Seniors.

said. It all starts and ends with the seniors who participate. “I find seniors who are loving, caring and compassionate with the heart of a volunteer,” Johnston said. These seniors, who are paid for their time, are paired with other seniors who want to remain independent in their homes and could benefit from interaction with a peer. “It’s like having a friend stop by,” Johnston said. “I find that many seniors want to stay in their homes,” Johnston said. “There seems to be an effort — on several fronts — to break down this healthy indepen-

dence and convince folks that it’s best to move into senior facilities well before any real need arises. However, it’s more cost effective for them to stay at home until they are needing more than 40 hours of care a week. Additionally, studies have shown that seniors live better lives when they are in their own homes.” Johnston’s work with seniors stems from a desire to help as well as a great respect for “America’s Greatest Generation.” “The reason we have all the opportunities we have today is because of these seniors,” Johnston said. “It should be the easiest thing in the world to identify. These people built, sacrificed and defended everything truly good about The United States of America.” The benefits are twofold, as the caregivers are also gaining from their experiences. “There are many great companies providing services to our senior community,” Johnston said. “However, we are the only one that sees and meets the need for the added value of putting active and vibrant seniors in the role of caregivers, drivers, personal assistants and more. We are always looking to hire seniors and to help seniors who need care.” For more information about Seniors Helping Seniors, visit, call (760) 591-7474 or email

Classes offered by Palomar Health ESCONDIDO — Palomar Health will host a variety of free and low-cost health-education classes and screenings led by physicians and other health professionals during the month of August. Join Luanne Arangio-Law, R.N., M.Ed., as she presents free first-aid tips to help you act quickly and with clarity until help arrives, 6 to 7:30 p.m. Aug. 20 at the Pomerado Outpatient Pavilion, Education Classroom, first floor, 15611 Pomerado Road, Poway. To register, call (800) 628-2880

or visit classes. Acupuncture for Pain Relief is offered free from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Aug. 27 at the Pomerado Outpatient Pavilion, Education Classroom, first floor, 15611 Pomerado Road, Poway. Join Michael Corradino, DAOM, to learn more about technique. Dietary Supplements Update: The Good, the Bad and the Unproven will be explored from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Aug. 28 at the Pomerado Outpatient Pavilion, Education Classroom,

first floor, 15611 Pomerado Road, Poway. Alan Larson, M.D., will highlight the safety and possible benefits of common vitamins and dietary supplements based on current research. Bring your questions and supplements. To register, call (800) 628-2880 or visit CPR for Family & Friends is offered from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Aug. 29 for $30. To register, call (800) 628-2880 or visit This course teaches basic life-saving techniques.

Rotary ready for Grape Day race and celebration ESCONDIDO — The Escondido Sunrise Rotary Club gets ready for its fourth annual Grape Day 5k set for Sept. 6, starting from downtown Escondido. The group also announced that, for the first time, a substantial portion of the net proceeds will be donated to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society as well as other causes supported by ESR. The Grape Day 5k will take off at 7:30 a.m., beginning and ending at the Chase Bank on the corner of West

Grand and Orange Street. Medals will be awarded to the top male and female finishers overall and within various age categories. Additionally, all runners are eligible to win raffle prizes. Runners and walkers of all ages and abilities are welcome to participate. Onsite registration is available at sandyfeetevents. com/grape-day-5k. The Grape Day 5k kicks off Escondido’s Grape Day Celebration, an annual event celebrating the city’s 19th century history, when

thousands of acres of vineyards dominated the landscape. The race is immediately followed by a parade along Grand Avenue and a festival in Grape Day Park featuring live entertainment, children’s activities, grape-stomping, food trucks and fun for the entire family. “The Grape Day 5K is quickly becoming a premiere event,” said Jim Ponder, ESR member and Grape Day 5k Run co-chairman. “Escondido Sunrise Rotary is proud to support the National MS Society and our community.”



AUG. 15, 2014


SOTG: Marines training for success By Lance Cpl. Joshua Murray

CAMP PENDLETON — Marines with Special Operations Training Group, I Marine Expeditionary Force, organized a tactical combat raid with Marines from 1st Battalion, 4th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, aboard Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, Calif., August 5, 2014. SOTG organizes raids and training events for Marine units on a regular basis to prepare Marines and other services for deployments. Master Sgt. Ryan Nuvill, SOTG operations chief, designed the training to perfect how units conduct raids and call for support-by-fire. “This is some of the most important training that we can give to a unit before they deploy,” said Nuvill. “The ability to successfully search for and eliminate enemy combatants during a raid, while sus-

Marines with 1st Battalion, 4th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, provide security for their fellow Marines during a Special Operations Training Group raid exercise aboard Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton. Photo by Lance Cpl. Joshua Murray

Marines from 3rd Astaining minimal casualties, is the essence of what we sault Amphibian Battalion, 1st Mar. Div., supported the do.”

provide care and call in for evacuations. “We try to throw as many curve balls at these guys as we can during the raid,” said Nuvill. “That way we can give them the best training experience possible and we know when they go into a real raid while deployed, they will be ready to respond quickly to any scenario that comes along.” While it’s SOTG that organizes the raid training, the Marines going through the exercise determine its success. "The Marines out here who lay down suppressing fire, run to the objective and complete the mission without any hesitation are the reason we are so successful on the battlefield,” said Nuvill. “These Marines know their job very well and I couldn’t be happier with how quickly and effectively they responded during the training.”

exercise by transporting troops to and from their primary positions in amphibious assault vehicles. The raid allowed the Marines utilized squad tactics to assault an enemy hideout while receiving covering fire from Marines with automatic weapons from a ridge overlooking the area. Cpl. Daniel Kitchens, a rifleman with 1st Battalion, 4th Marines, said the training ensured the battalion is the best fighting force it can be. “Working with SOTG to conduct this raid has been a great opportunity for us,” said Kitchens. “These guys are real veterans of the field and really have helped us with understanding the different raid methods and seeing how a raid is organized.” The exercise incorporated field-medical care by designating Marines to act as casualties, making it necessary for their comrades to notionally

Sesame Street performs for military families on Pendleton By Sgt. Trevon S. Peracca

CAMP PENDLETON — The Sesame Street/ USO Experience for Military Families performed, July 31 and, Aug. 1 at the base theater for military and their guests. This year marks the tours fourth year visiting military installations in the U.S. and abroad. The USO created the show to help service members and their families deal with challenges they face, such as deployments, homecomings and relocations. The tour features several Sesame Street characters along with Katie, a military child who was created exclusively for this tour. “The Sesame Street/ USO tour was created six years ago and we couldn’t be more proud of all the moments we have had at home and abroad,” said John I. Pray, Jr., USO pres-

We couldn’t be more proud of all the moments we have had at home and abroad .” John I. Pray, Jr. USO president and CEO

ident and CEO. “As we celebrate the kick-off of our latest installment and venture out to visit, entertain and uplift even more military families this year – we are grateful to our family at Sesame Street who not only understand the unique challenges today’s military Qailyn, 5, and Jayden, 20 months, attended a Sesame Street/USO performance at the Camp Pendleton families face but also share Base Theater, July 31. Photo by Sgt. Trevon S. Peracca our commitment to supporting them every step of ance in July 2008, The Ses- more than 412,000 military 735 shows, on 144 military the way.” installations in 33 states ame Street/USO tour has personnel and families. Since the first appear- shared their message with They have performed and 11 countries.

Pres. Obama chooses next commandant CAMP PENDLETON — President Barack Obama has chosen Gen. Joseph Dunford Jr. as our next commandant of the Marine Corps. The decision is pending senate confirmation. Dunford has been called “probably the most complete warrior-statesman wearing a uniform today.” Here are five things you might not have known about him. He has served 37 years in the Corps (since 1977) and comes from a family devoted to service. His father is a retired Boston police officer and Marine who fought at the Frozen Chosin. His grandfather served in World War I. His mother’s four brothers served in World War II. “You graduated from South Boston High, and you went into the Marine Corps,” Dunford’s father said. The Boston native graduated from Boston College High School and went to college at St. Michael’s College. He’s a diehard fan of the Red Sox. Two Red Sox caps adorn his wall shelves in his office. He earned the nickname “Fightin’ Joe” while deployed to Iraq serving under Gen. James Mattis where he led Regimental Combat Team 5 during the initial invasion of Iraq. As the leader of NATO’s coalition in Afghanistan he personalizes letters of condolence for every U.S. service member killed in Afghanistan. He attempts to do the same for fatalities from the other 48 nations that make up International Security Assistance Force. He’s been ranked one of the world’s 50 greatest leaders by Fortune Magazine. He said his first battalion commander told him the three rules to success … though he can only remember the first one — Surround yourself with good people.

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AUG. 15, 2014

Cleveland is not the ‘Mistake on the Lake’ hit the road e’louise ondash


K, forget what you know about Cleveland — or what you think you know about Cleveland — because Martha will change your mind. Martha, a retired Catholic school teacher who is not afraid to take a little shortcut the wrong way down a one-way street, is our driver and docent on Lolly the Trolley. After her two-plus hour tour of this Midwest metropolis, you won’t be inclined to call Cleveland the “Mistake on the Lake” ever again. Today’s downtown is clean, vibrant and interesting. And like all major cities, it is unique, and Martha is not shy about pitching the virtues of her beloved home. She expertly maneuvers our trolley in and around the maze that is Cleveland’s colorful downtown neighborhoods. She points out at every turn newly risen glass buildings, beautifully restored Victorians and historic bridges. She explains that once-corroded warehouses have been reborn as trendy condos, and there are a lot more in transition. Gen-Xers, Millennials and retirees are colonizing downtown Cleveland and patronizing art galleries, bistros and boutiques. There is an amazing theater district with a grand outdoor chandelier, lots of public plazas and parks, and neighborhoods of mansions fronted by expansive lawns that rival some spaces in Balboa Park. That may be a teeny bit of an exaggeration, but one of the best things about visiting the Midwest is enjoying the giant expanses of green and the majestic, stately shade trees, not to mention masses of colorful flower beds and lush shrubbery that require copious rainfall. Martha tells us about her grandparents and great-grandparents who are the reasons she was born and bred in this once-thriving steel town. She is a descendant of one of the many Irishmen who, lured by tales of streets paved with gold, immigrated to the city in the 19th century. Not only was there no gold, but there weren’t many streets either, and Martha’s fore-bearers would help build them. We ventured to Cleveland to visit family who live about an hour away and for one other reason: to see the house where “A Christmas Story” was filmed. The exterior was used for filming the 1983 cult classic about a boy named Ralphie who is obsessed with getting a Red Ryder BB gun for Christmas. The year is

Former San Diegan Brian Jones bought this house in Cleveland’s Tremont neighborhood because he was such a fan of the film “A Christmas Story.” The home was used in all the outdoor shots. Jones paid $150,000 for it and spent another quarter of a million dollars restoring the interior and exterior to perfectly resemble the movie set. Photo by Jerry Ondash

1940. (If you haven’t seen it, tune into TNT, which plays it continuously Dec. 24 and Dec. 25.) Located in the city’s working-class Tremont neighborhood, it fulfilled all of the criteria the producers were looking for, including a nearby steel mill. In late 2004, the house came up for auction on eBay for $99,000, and thenSan Diegan Brian Jones bought it sight unseen for $150,000. A long-time fan of the film, he had been making replicas of the infamous Leg Lamp featured in the movie, and saw possibilities. Jones spent another $250,000 renovating both interior and exterior to resemble in detail Ralphie’s home in the movie. One unexpected extra: During the tour, visitors are invited to touch nearly everything in the house, sit on the furniture for photos, and hide under the sink like Ralphie’s brother, Randy, did in the movie. Tours are limited to 1520 people, and tickets are for a specified time. Your house tour ticket also is good for a museum visit, which features a surprising number of artifacts from the movie, including

It’s been called “an exercise in glitzy, nostalgic, populist kitsch,” but this chandelier draws residents and tourists alike to Playhouse Square in Cleveland and they love it. The 20-foot-high chandelier hangs 24 feet above Euclid Avenue, supported by gold-painted arching posts. Other popular improvements like kiosks and arches have been made in the area, encouraging people to stay and mingle. Courtesy photo

Former San Diegan Brian Jones spent $240,000 restoring the Cleveland house where “A Christmas Story” was filmed to duplicate the movie sets. The kitchen in the movie is typical for the 1940s. Courtesy photo

the original bunny pajamas worn by Ralphie, and the infamous "mummy snowsuit" worn by Ralphie’s brother, Randy; lots of photos taken during filming, which also took place on a sound stage in Toronto; and artifacts from a few other film classics. The gift shop, where you can buy Leg Lamps of many sizes (I bought Christmas ornaments), giant bunny suits like Ralphie’s paja-

mas, and life-size statues of the tongue-sticking-to-theflagpole incident, is across the street in an expanded house that is now three or four times larger than the “A Christmas Story House.” For information, visit E’Louise Ondash is a freelance writer living in North County. Tell her about your travels at eondash@


7th Annual Camp Erin® San Diego Golf Tournament & Dinner Auction The Crosby at Rancho Santa Fe

Tuesday, September 9,


Golf Tournament Noon Shotgun Start Dinner Auction 5PM

Non-golfing friends, join us for the dinner celebration featuring fabulous food, music, drinks and silent and live auctions. To register or for event sponsorship information: Kristy Brehm 760.492.2053 or visit: Camp Erin San Diego is made possible through a collaborative partnership between The Elizabeth Hospice and The Moyer Foundation. Proceeds from the tournament and dinner auction benefit Camp Erin San Diego, an annual bereavement camp offered at no cost to children and teens, ages 6-17, who are grieving the loss of someone close to them.




AUG. 15, 2014 Send your arts & entertainment news to

Jason Mraz has a new album and a new tour bringing him back home By Alan Sculley

Jason Mraz has released a new album, “Yes,” and begins a tour to support the album on Aug. 21 in his hometown of San Diego. But in talking to the singer/songwriter, one gets the sense Mraz is as excited to draw attention to Raining Jane, the all-female group that collaborated with him on the album, as he is about his own role in the project — which was central to the project considering it is officially a Jason Mraz album and not a Jason Mraz and

Raining Jane release. “They’ve been together for 15 years,” Mraz said of Raining Jane. “They’ve always been independent, self managed and self releases. They always earned, through playing shows, they earned the money to pay for their albums. Through playing shows, they earned the money to pay for their touring band. They’re very, very hard working young ladies. It’s a real treat to see them now elevated to this level.” Mraz first encountered

years, those songwriting retreats — which were dubbed “Ladies Weekends” — became annual events for Mraz and Raining Jane, and a few collaborations surfaced. The group cowrote with Mraz the song “A Beautiful Mess” on his hit album “We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things” (yes, the 2008 blockbuster release that included Mraz’s signature hit single ”I’m Yours”). Another tune, “Silent Love Song,” was donated to San Diego’s Fire Relief Project in 2007. But when the time came for 2012’s songwriting retreat, something different happened. “It was a regular writing session like any of our other retreats,” Mraz said. “But the quality of the songs, they just went up a notch and they surprised us all. So we immediately scheduled another one (writing session) for just a few months later. Usually

Raining Jane when he played a festival in September 2006 at the University of Redlands and the group was also on the bill. He was so impressed with their music, musicianship and overall aesthetic that he proposed scheduling a songwriting session with the group, which includes Mai Bloomfield (vocals/guitar/cello), Chaska Potter (vocals/guitar), Mona Tavakoli (drums/vocals) and Becky Gebhardt (bass/guitar/sitar). Over the next seven

San Diego native Jason Mraz performs at the San Diego Civic Theatre Aug. 21 through Aug. 23. Courtesy photo

arts CALENDAR Know something that’s going on? Send it to calendar@

MOONLIGHTSEASON34 AMPHITHEATRE Broadway’s Best Under the Stars!

AUG. 15 ART, JAZZ AT CENTER The Art of Fantasia and Other Disney Classics: The David Yaruss Collection is on display at the California Center for the Arts, Escondido, Thursdays through Saturdays 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and 1 to 4 p.m. through Sept. 7. For more information, visit In addition, every Friday in August at

7 p.m., join jazz musicians, Herb Martin and Friends, for Jazz Jam live entertainment under the stars. Following the concert, attendees are invited to take the stage and jam with the band by playing an instrument or singing. AUG. 16 SWEET SOUNDS The Music Men A Capella chorus will perform the second in its summer concert series at 2:30 p.m. Aug. 16 at the Oceanside Senior Center, 455 Country Club Lane. The concert will also include quartets and a sing-a-long. Tickets are $10 at (760) 4383241. Tickets may also be


purchased at the door. NEW ARTIST RECEPTION A grand reception is being held from 5 to 8 p.m. Aug. 16 to celebrate the addition of Donald Pallia at Del Mar Art Center as an exhibiting artist. The gallery is in Del Mar Plaza, Suite 314, on the Restaurant level between Pacifica and Il Fornia. Parking in the center is validated by the gallery. CRAFT FAIR From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Aug. 16 and Aug. 17, the San Clemente Art Association hosts a juried Art and Craft Fair at the San Clemente Community Center Grounds at 100 N. Calle Seville. Visit for more information. OUT ON THE GREEN Enjoy Art on The Green every Saturday and Sunday, weather permitting. COAL Gallery artists display their artwork on the lawn in front of the Carlsbad Inn Beach Resort, 3075 Carlsbad Blvd., Carlsbad. AUG. 18 WAY WITH WORDS Carlsbad Playreaders present “4000 Miles,” By Amy Herzog at 7:30 p.m. Aug. 18 at the Carlsbad Dove Library Schulman Auditorium, 1775 Dove Lane Carlsbad. AUG. 20 LIBRARY EXHIBIT Painter Raziah Roushan’s series “The Gypsy Brides” will be on exhibit through Sept. 26 at the Georgina Cole Library, 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive.

August 13 - 30 8PM

760.724.2110 ·

AUG. 21 VISTA BROADWAY “The Man Who Was Thursday” takes the stage Aug. 21 through Aug. 24 at The Broadway Theater, 340 E. Broadway, Vista. Performance times are at 7:30 p.m. Aug. 21, Aug. 22 and Aug. 23, with 1 p.m. matinees Aug. 23 and Aug. 24. Ticket TURN TO ARTS ON 17


AUG. 15, 2014 Send your arts & entertainment news to



‘Expendables’ armed to the teeth with guilty pleasures By Noah S. Lee

“The Expendables 3” is armed to the teeth and ready to fight the big battles — exactly the type of over-the-top guilty pleasure that hungry action film fans will be hankering to see. Everyone is here: Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Antonio Banderas, Wesley Snipes, Dolph Lundgren, Randy Couture, Terry Crews, Jet Li, Kellan Lutz, Ronda Rousey, Victor Ortiz, Glen Powell, Kelsey Grammer, Harrison Ford, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Mel Gibson. While on a mission to rescue Doctor Death (Snipes), Barney Ross (Stallone) and his Expendables mercenaries stumble upon the team’s rogue co-founder Conrad Stonebanks (Gibson), who now operates as a coldblooded arms dealer. When one teammate is nearly killed, Ross retires his old group and assembles a new one consisting of younger Expendables to defeat his enemy. But this attempt ends in failure as well, and the two generations must ignore their rivalry and rally to stop Stonebanks. If the opening scene in which our geriatric action legends attack an armored train to free Snipes from imprisonment doesn’t strike you as amusing and awesome, you’re likely not to enjoy what comes next. Otherwise, that inner hardcore action film fan of yours will propel you on what turns out to be a wilder, bigger ride than the first and second installments combined.

first appearance. The acting falls into, as always, the “so-bad-it’s-good” category — crowd-pleasing physicality, not Oscar-winning speeches, does the real work in “The Expendables 3.” It’s pointless expecting to see high-caliber performances when the only factor that makes the cast members functional is how quickly they can eliminate a target. When you have old-school action stars, all that really matters is a person’s ability to roll with the punches…literally speaking that is. The third entry in “The Expendables” series hasn’t changed much in terms of classic style, even with the inclusion of hightech young blood. And apparently, its action sequences and funny lines show no signs of retirement, which I don’t expect to happen for a while. Why? Because shooting, striking, and smirking are what earn these From left: Barney Ross (Sylvester Stallone), Toll Road (Randy Couture), Galgo (Antonio Banderas), Lee Christmas (Jason hired guns their pay… and that Statham), Doc (Wesley Snipes), and Gunner Jensen (Dolph Lundgren) in “The Expendables 3.” Photo by Phil Bray big screen lifestyle couldn’t be better for audiences who like seeing that. The set pieces are three er dessert emerges in the form kind of hard-hitting spectacle. Like the previous films, the times larger and fiercer; more of an abandoned complex battle, bullets, blades, bombs, and brawn in which tanks, helicopters, mo- humor is as old-fashioned and MPAA rating: PG-13 for will dominate a viewer’s eyesight. torbikes, and legions of troops nostalgic as audiences can enviviolence including intense susFrom the Expendables’ unex- provide the climax with a boost sion it, reveling in its innate abiltained gun battles and fight pected Somali skirmish with Gib- of adrenaline to make the end- ity to indulge in jokes that don’t scenes, and for language son to the Bucharest infiltration less fistfights and shootouts even shy away from its tongue-in-cheek nature. It’ll make some snicker, involving the young guns led by more fun to witness. This final sequence may others perhaps groan. Much of Run time: 2 hours and 6 minStallone, the hard-hitting action utes doesn’t relinquish its mega-in- prove to be too lengthy and pro- this involves Snipes and fellow tense stopping power as it deliv- longed for those who can’t stand co-stars Grammer and Banderas, action lasting that long, but it’ll the latter of which never stops Playing: In general release ers blow after blow. An extra plate of blockbust- please anyone interested in that talking the moment he makes his


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AUG. 15, 2014


Names to know in the Italian wine empire taste of wine frank mangio


parade of new releases from the traditional Tuscany wine country and from parts not so well known, have made 2014 an” Italian Job,” with a flood of new releases. With the Italian government’s help in some campaigns, Italian winer-

ies in unfamiliar districts are introducing themselves to wine shops, restaurants and resorts. Italian restaurants are more than willing to stage generous four and five course dinners in exchange for an equal number of dinner wines for their guests as they get to taste generous portions of unfamiliar premium Italian wines, with a specially produced gourmet dinner. Both Il Fornaio in Coronado with General Manager Luca Allieri, and its restaurant in Del Mar with Mathew Galli are per-

Italian wine specialist Alex Daniels is pouring an Alterego 2007, a Cabernet-Barbera blend for Katie Jackson, marketing director for the San Diego Padres, at Il Fornaio in Coronad Photo by Frank Mangio

fectionists at this event. Every month they find and pour Italian wines that, in Italy, are well known in their areas, but have not gained the respect that they should in the U.S. My local Italian distributor Marco Barat, who has opened up many little-known Italian wines for me in the eight years I have been writing on wine, notes

that Tuscany and Piedmont, which are the most well-known of the 20 districts in Italy that produce wine, aren’t even in the top four producers, which are: Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Sicily and Puglia. These districts produce great sellars like: Pinot Grigio, Lambrusco, TURN TO TASTE OF WINE ON 17

Walt Virack and Mark Mihelich with a nice-sized Yellowtfin Tuna. Photo by David Boylan

The life aquatic with Lick the Plate !"#$%&'( )!*&( +*,"+%-./!*0


grew up fishing, boating, waterskiing, sailing and yes, surfing on the lakes of Michigan so I consider myself somewhat of a waterman. My time as a First Mate on a 64-foot Hatteras summers through college cruising around the Great Lakes

was an experience of a lifetime. Fishing was and still is very high on that list of water activities. Be it the thrill of catching and releasing a largemouth bass on an inland lake or going for Walleye and enjoying this moist, flaky, mild fish lightly breaded and fried up for dinner. While I have embraced the surfing lifestyle in North County, I’ve not done a lot of fishing out here. That changed about a year ago when a conversation about fishing with TURN TO LICK THE PLATE ON 15

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is from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Aug. 19 along Coast Highway 101 from Encinitas Boulevard to K Street. Get $35 tickets online at and at 818 S. Coast Highway 101.

AUG. 15 LIFE LECTURES MiraCosta College, the lifelong learning group, LIFE, meets from 1 to 3:30 p.m. Aug. 15 at the Oceanside Campus, 1 Barnard Drive, Administration Bldg. #1000, Room 1068. Check speaker schedule at

AUG. 19 DISCUSS, DISPLAY Bonsai and Beyond will meet at 6 p.m. Aug. 19 at the San Diego Botanical Gardens, Encinitas, to discuss, display, and get our hands dirty over various Asian planting styles. Bring imagination and gloves. For more information, call Phil at (858) 259-9598.

Know something that’s going on? Send it to calendar@

AUG. 16 TASTY TIMES The En- AUG. 21 CLASSIC CAR NIGHT cinitas 101 MainStreet Association Taste of MainStreet The streets of Downtown


business associate Mark Mihelich led to the discovery that he had also worked on big yachts through college and had a boat docked in San Diego and was out on the ocean fishing every opportunity he had. It helped that Mark and his wife Joan are big foodies who enjoy joining me on the occasional Lick the Plate research dinner so it turned out to be a mutually beneficial relationship with good people. And so my foray into the world of ocean fishing had begun. Our first few trips out were just off the coast of La Jolla, going primarily for halibut, rockfish and cod. While the excursions did not produce a bounty of fish, it was so cool just to be out on the water, seeing San Diego from a different perspective and enjoying the plethora of marine life that exists around the kelp beds. As an added dose of excitement, we were even boarded by the Coast Guard on our way back to the harbor on one trip. I



AUG. 15, 2014

guess they thought we had a boat full of illegal immigrants crammed into the cabin. Over the past month Mark kept telling me that the tuna fishing had picked up to levels not seen in the area in years and it did not take an overnight trip down to Mexican waters to find them. We finally connected on a day that worked for both of our busy schedules and joined his friend John Thornton and Walt Virack on John’s boat equipped specifically for chasing down tuna, the prized catch for most anglers in the area. We headed out around 6 a.m. on a Sunday with a full tank of fuel and a live bait tank filled to the brim with live sardines. It was a 35-mile cruise with our eyes peeled for birds perching on the kelp patties where the baitfish hang out and attract the tuna we were after. Along the way we spotted whales, dolphins, seals and several large military ships so the trip out went quickly. We ended up with several Yellowtail and Yellowfin tuna and from the first

Drives. Come learn about Scouting for boys in first to fourth grade at Park Dale Lane & Flora Vista Elementary Schools For more information, visit

8892. All proceeds directly benefit local agriculture education. Visit San Diego Urban Homesteaders on Meetup. com for a complete schedule of regional events. MARK THE CALENDAR

AUG. 22 BACK TO THE PACK Cub Scout Pack 774 will host a Back to the Pack barbecue and information session from 4 to 7 p.m. Aug. 22 at Village Park Rec Center #2 at Glen Arbor and Mountain Vista

AUG. 23 LEARN HYDROPONICS Sign up now for a Family Hydroponics summer/fall garden workshop from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Aug. 23 at Be Ready, Inc., 2921 Oceanside Blvd, Oceanside. Learn the principles of applying hydroponic and set up your own kitchen garden. Cost is $75, and includes all materials and plants. All workshops require RSVP to or call (760) 977-

across that includes avocado and cucumber that really makes me happy. This makes about six servings: Start with 1 pound sashimi grade tuna steak, diced and then add 1/2 cup diced cucumber, 1 avocado peeled, pitted and diced, 1/4 cup chopped green onion, 1 1/2 teaspoons red pepper flakes, 1 tablespoon toasted sesame seeds, 1 1/2 teaspoons lemon juice, 2 teaspoons sesame oil and 1/2 cup soy sauce. In a medium bowl, combine the tuna, cucumber, avocado, green onion, red pepper flakes and sesame seeds.

Pour in the lemon juice, sesame oil and soy sauce, and stir carefully to blend so as not to mash the avocado. Place this bowl into a larger bowl that has been filled with ice. Chill in the refrigerator for 15 minutes or so. Once chilled, remove the bowl from the ice, and invert onto a serving plate. Serve with toasted bread or your favorite crackers. I also like it with brown rice. Captain John, from the boat we fished on, is fully licensed and offers half and full day fishing for small groups of up to six people.

Encinitas will be rockin’ and rollin’ when Encinitas Classic Car Nights comes to Downtown Encinitas from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Aug. 21. Hot rods, woodies and other classic and vintage cars will line S. Coast Highway 101 from D Street to J Street with Band of Jimmys playing at SMOG Test Only, 449 2nd St, Encinitas, and The Retro Rocketts in the Lumberyard Courtyard Entertainment PET LOSS A Pet Loss Support Group is available through the San Diego Humane Society and SPCA at 6:30 p.m. Aug. 21, 572 Airport Road, Oceanside. The group is open to those ages 10 and up, including pet owners

considering or preparing for euthanasia. For reservations, call (619) 299-7012, ext. 2311. JEWISH SENIORS The North County Jewish Seniors Club will meet at 12:30 p.m. Aug. 21 at the Oceanside Senior Center, 455 Country Club Lane, Oceanside. Philip de Borros, will speak on “The Decline of American Democracy. For more information, call (760) 295-2564.

moment I heard “fish on” I was anticipating a meal of the freshest sashimi and Poke possible. While Yellowtail is not technically considered part of the tuna family, it’s definitely sashimi grade and served and better known as Hamachi on menus. The Yellowfin is definitely tuna and the dark, meaty flesh is a beautiful thing to behold…and even better to eat. Mark filleted up our catch dockside and I was contemplating my Poke dinner. While there are hundreds of ways to make Poke, this is one that I came

GARDEN GALA San Diego Botanic Garden’s Gala in the Garden “Right in Our Own Backyard” will be held from 5 to 9:30 p.m. Sept. 6. The 2014 Paul Ecke, Jr. Award of Excellence Honoree is Eric Larson, executive director of the San Diego County Farm Bureau. Tickets are $200. Call (760) 436-3036, ext. 218 or visit Find him at and for larger groups and overnighters down to the prime fishing in Mexico go to for a nice selection of options. Either way you do it, it’s so great to be out on the water and always a bonus when the fish are biting. Lick the Plate can now be heard on KPRi, 102.1 FM Monday - Friday during the 7pm hour. David Boylan is founder of Artichoke Creative and Artichoke Apparel, an Encinitas based marketing firm and clothing line. Reach him at or (858) 395-6905.

In Loving Memory


3 May, 1945 - 3 August, 2014 Jacqui was a beautiful woman loved by her husband, Charles, her son’s Steven and Scott and her friends. She will be sorely missed. She passed away at the early age of 69. Her ashes will be spread at SEA the later part of September 2014. Reba M. Openshaw, 88 Carlsbad April 17, 1926 - Aug. 8, 2014 Robert E. Davis, 90 Carlsbad March 2, 1924 - Aug. 7, 2014 Concetta Latronica Oceanside August 5, 2014 Donald David Rohdy, 80 Rancho Santa Fe April 10, 1934 - Aug. 1, 2014

Kathleen Ann Grantham, 70 San Marcos May 19, 1944 - Aug. 7, 2014 Billie Joyce Lee, 87 San Marcos Oct. 19, 1926 - Aug. 7, 2014 Margaret Ward Mott, 89 San Marcos June 17, 1925 - Aug. 5, 2014 Josefina Novoa DeHaro, 85 Oceanside Jan. 20, 1929 - Aug. 1, 2014

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Submission Process Please email obits @ or call (760) 436-9737 x100. All photo attachments should be sent in jpeg format, no larger than 3MB. the photo will print 1.625” wide by 1.5” tall inh black and white.

Timeline Obituaries should be received by Monday at 12 p.m. for publicatio in Friday’s newspaper. One proof will be e-mailed to the customer for approval by Tuesday at 10 a.m.

Rates: Text” $15 per inch Photo: $25 Art: $15

Approx. 21 words per column inch

(Dove, Heart, Flag, Rose)

A TRIBUTE TO OUR SENIOR CITIZENS There is something very special about the ring of those words “Senior Citizens!” These little two words imply seniority, knowledge and experience. They are all these things and more. Much more. Living fully, usefully, and with dignity. Learning, earning, striving, giving, sharing, being a human being with compassion, understanding and depth. These are qualities that are earned — and our Senior Citizens have earned them indeed! In 1988, President Ronald Reagan declared each August 21st to be Senior Citizens Day. We single out these wonderful people in a special way to pay them respect and homage. They are useful, capable, wise, helpful, and willing. Everything we each strive to be.



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SPORTS Encinitas fighter embarks on MMA career His third professional fight will be for the title By Tony Cagala

ENCINITAS — In just less than five minutes, in two fights ended by two TKOs, Alex Higley has embarked on his Mixed Martial Arts fighting career undefeated. And now, the 29-year-old fighter from Encinitas will be entering just his third professional fight — this one for the Xplode Fight Series’ Featherweight Title — an extremely rare situation in the world of MMA, but a testament to the readiness of Higley. His next fight Aug. 23 is against Raja Shippen (13-8-1), a fighter with more professional fighting experience, says Higley’s supporters. “Alex is definitely the underdog,” said Jeff Clark, one of Higley’s trainers at Blackline MMA in Carlsbad. “Alex is going in as the underdog, which to me is good though. Alex really wanted the challenge, he wants to step up, he didn’t want to fight low-level guys,” he said. “I kind of like those fights because everyone thinks you’re supposed to lose, so I think if he pulls off a win it really makes much more (of) a statement on how strong a fighter he is,” Clark added. Shippen’s a tough guy, Higley said. “He’s had way more fights than I have, professionally. He’s been doing MMA a lot longer.”

Encinitas MMA fighter Alex Higley will be fighting for the Xplode Fight Series’ Featherweight Title in just his third professional bout Aug. 23. Courtesy photo

On paper, Higley admitted, it looked like a bad fight for him. “But I don’t care how people see it,” he said. “I know what I’m there to do and I’m definitely ready to take that belt home.” Higley made the decision to go from being a general manager of a local sports gym to pro fighter within the past year. The decision, he said, was “just to see how far I could take it. It was more just about challenging and

pushing myself. That’s the real joy that I get out of it. I look at it as martial arts — it’s testing myself out there — my skills against someone else’s skills. It’s definitely not a violence thing,” he said. Higley’s a very hard worker, and he’s well rounded because he’s been doing kickboxing since he was little, Clark said. “He’s always willing to do the hard stuff with a smile on his face.” Higley has been around one form of martial arts and kickboxing since he was young. Growing up, he was a “mat rat,” wrestling at Digueno Middle School and later at La Costa Canyon High School. A full-time teacher at Blackline MMA, Higley said his biggest passions were instructing kickboxing and his work as a personal trainer. “I think any good coach is always willing to be a student,” he said. “I’m fortunate to work with the best coaches around, Clark, Brian Whittaker, Adam Heard, who’s really helped me get to this point,” Higley said. “As far as being a fighter, I plan on doing more fights and hopefully after this one maybe there’ll be some interest from the UFCs and Bellator — the big leagues that we all aspire to get to.” The Xplode Fight Series features a full fight card Aug. 23 in Valley Center. Visit for tickets and more information.

Cal State San Marcos gains entry to the NCAA By Aaron Burgin

SAN MARCOS — Cal State San Marcos athletics program is moving on up — to Division-II, that is. After years of planning and two unsuccessful attempts, the National Collegiate Athletic Association announced this month that it approved the university’s application for Division-II candidacy. CSU San Marcos, whose mascot is the Cougars, will now transition from the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics — where they have amassed successful records, conference and

national championships and other accolades — to the NCAA, considered the most recognized brands in college athletics. “It really is a game changer for our entire institution,” said Jennifer Milo, the university’s athletic director. “A lot of people correlate intercollegiate athletics with the NCAA, and a lot of people don’t know what the NAIA is. From a legitimacy standpoint, the move to the NCAA will signal that we have finally arrived and will be taken seriously as a competitive intercollegiate athletic department.”


Bill is a professional photographer who blends his lifelong passion for sports with his skills in photography to capture memorable moments of all types of action oriented events.Call Bill to learn more about how his sports, portrait and commercial photography services can meet your needs.


San Marcos will become the third Division-II school in San Diego — Point Loma Nazarene University and University of California, San Diego are the others. As part of the transition, the school will also be admitted to the California Collegiate Athletic Association. The NCAA previously rejected the university’s bids to join Division-II in 2009 and 2012. School officials believed the most recent rejection in 2012 was due to the school being placed on NAIA probation at the time its application was being processed. The probation was the result of the school, on multiple occasions, violating an NAIA rule that requires schools to notify the governing body within 10 days of contacting a prospective transfer or recruit. A number of the school’s current athletes who were recruited to the

school before the 2012 rejection said that this month’s decision makes the wait worthwhile. “This was something I have heard about since my freshman year, and though I thought it might happen sooner, it happened at the right time,” said Jason Luu, a junior on the cross-country team. “I think everyone is very excited about the move, there is a buzz on campus, and everyone talks about it.” With the approval, San Marcos will begin a threeyear transition process that will ultimately culminate with the school receiving full-fledged NCAA status by the 2017-18 school year, provided the athletics department meets several benchmarks during the transition period. Cougars’ teams will compete in their final NAIA season this upcomTURN TO NCAA ON 17

AUG. 15, 2014 Contact us at with story ideas, photos or suggestions

Summer had plenty of sizzle for ELL sports talk jay paris The parting of the Red Sea came and went and did this summer really happen? “It’s crazy what they accomplished,’’ Chaz Gagne said. Gagne managed the Encinitas Little League All Stars, those boys playing lights out while school was out. ELL, and its boisterous band of boosters dubbed the “Red Sea,” fell short in reaching the Little League World Series. But ELL exceeded expectations so many times it’s had to categorize them all. Going 15-5 and winning the ultra-competitive Southern California section is the stuff of dreams. Advancing to the West Region semifinals is another pinch-me moment. ELL’s push to Pennsylvania stopped in the shadows of the San Bernardino Mountains, but it was a downer not devastating. Saturday, a.k.a. the day after ELL’s last game, arrived with sun and smiles. “We were kind of disappointed at first,’’ Austin Machado said. “Then we just kind of bounced back and forgot about it.’’ Ah, youth. While coaches and parents hit game reset and the “what if” card, kids — why is this so surprising? — act like kids. That’s why Machado was splashing around the Seaside Beach waves his first day minus catcher’s gear. Why his teammates, Pete Gagne and Kai Haseyama, were playing tennis, swimming and bouncing on a trampoline with the baseball mitts stored. But what’s also been stashed are some classic memories. Oh to be the players’ ages, able to lean on those All-Star stories for life. Some recollections have nothing to do with scoreboards or pitch counts. “Getting to stay in the dorms in San Bernardino,’’ Machado said about what he’ll remember most. “It was a oncein-a-lifetime experience and it was pretty fun being with all my teammates.’’ Coach Gagne’s take about sharing a dorm with 14 players on the verge of being teenagers? First he had to exhale. “It was such a whirlwind,’’ Gagne said. “A lot

of these kids had never been away from their parents before, so for 10 days I was the surrogate parent. So it was a lot more than baseball, frankly.’’ And honestly, is there a better way for the ELL bunch to be tagged by the San Bernardino officials: “The Polite Team.’’ “When we went to the cafeteria we bused and wiped down our tables,’’ Gagne said, sounding like Mother Hen. “Then they would thank the kitchen staff and the cleaning staff. And they did that everywhere they went. That was the face they showed out there and that was important.’’ Did those young mugs also shed a tear or two after being eliminated by Nevada, 5-1? Yep. Did it matter to the 300 people appearing at Oggi’s in Encinitas to welcome them home on Sunday? Nope. “I was pretty surprised,’’ Machado said. “I thought there was going to be like 10 people there.’’ Gagne knew, to a degree, of ELL’s popularity. He saw the supporting crowds grow at each tournament, which had the Red Sea standing 10-deep when ELL faced Long Beach for the SoCal title. Then again after being sequestered, he didn’t know the ELL bandwagon was riding on four taxed tires. “You are so isolated in San Bernardino you don’t really know what is going on behind the scenes,’’ Gagne said. “You kind of lose sight of that.’’ What didn’t escape ELL’s horizon was enjoying the moment instead of what’s over the hill. This summer wasn’t as much about the destination as it was about embracing the journey. If en route the players started humming, “Don’t stop believing,’’ so be it. “We beat some incredible teams,’’ Gagne said. While forging some undeniable friendships. While rallying a region around a squad which played hard and smiled easily. It was a summer ride few imagined. While it’s over, the truth is it will never vanish. “It really even hasn’t sunk in yet,’’ Gagne said. “I’m just really proud of what the boys accomplished on and off the field.’’ That feeling stretches from the Red Sea as well. Contact staff writer Jay Paris at jparis8@ Follow him on Twitter @jparis_sports



saving water. Mary Ann Zounes said the city should be actively replacing its grassy landscaping with drought tolerant plants and rocks, not just requiring it for future developments. “What’s this future stuff? Why not right now?” Zounes said. “Every house built in San Marcos has a front lawn. I have friends who live in Tucson and Phoenix and


“We’re providing an opportunity they don’t currently have,” Redlitz told the Council. Mayor Sam Abed said the code change could apply to a variety of government services, not just the proposed shelter. He mentioned the possibility of a courthouse. “I’d rather have the option of more flexibility,” Abed said about allowing government agencies to apply for permits in commercial zones. He said it was basically just code cleanup. “The conditional use permit process is not onerous but it’s not carte blanche,” said Councilman Ed Gallo.



it was just once a year, but after this October 2012 session, we said ‘Let’s get together again soon.’ And we did, and again we just had a lot of success in a very short time. So I said let’s do it one more time. Let’s get together again. So we had a third session, and that’s when (a song on “Yes”) ‘Long Drive’ was born.” After the third writing get-together, Mraz compiled the newly written music, which amounted to about a dozen songs. He presented them to his label, Atlantic Records, suggesting choosing some of the tunes for an acoustic EP with Raising Jane. “I pitched it as a side project,” Mraz said. “I said it doesn’t need to anything big. It doesn’t need a big budget. We don’t have to go crazy.” Atlantic apparently shared Mraz’s enthusiasm — and then some. Instead of signing off on the EP, the label suggested that Mraz make the songs his next full-on full-length album.



are $10 at broadwayvista. com or by calling (760) 8067905. Each performance concludes with a “talkback” between the audience and the playwright and cast. AUG. 23 MUSIC FOR CHILDREN MiraCosta College’s Child Development Department offers a three-unit Music and Movement for Young Children (CHLD 160, #1287). The class



AUG. 15, 2014 I have never seen a front lawn in any of these cities and I don’t think they are needed.” Zounes also urged the city to better monitor watering at parks, two of which — Hollandia and Mulberry parks — she said she had personally seen being overwatered. “You walk on the grass and it is like walking in a swamp,” said Zounes, who said the park’s dirt walking paths are frequently muddied due to the oversaturated

grass. City officials said they had to do some daytime irrigation in a couple of parks as part of turf replacement, but urged Zounes and other residents to immediately report breaches of daytime watering and overwatering to the city. Another resident, Dana McCoy, asked the city to take a major step and make drought-tolerant landscape the default landscape for all projects.

Any organization that files for a conditional use permit must have a public hearing. For this reason, Loy feels that the city is further preventing Southwest Key from operating a facility since the last public hearing for the proposed shelter was full of residents voicing their dissent. “I have a hard time concluding that (the zone change) is anything other than directly aimed and targeted at excluding Southwest Key and excluding immigrant housing,” said Loy. Loy said the previous zoning would have allowed Southwest Key to open a facility in a commercial zone without applying for a conditional use permit but will

have a much harder time being approved now with the code amendment. He said that being forced to hold a public hearing is equal to being denied, since many residents are against immigrant housing. Southwest Key officials are leasing two motels, The Quality Inn on North City Parkway and The Howard Johnson Inn on Washington Avenue, according to Loy who believes it will now be extremely difficult to open due to the code update. Loy said the ACLU is looking into different legal routes for the proposed immigrant temporary housing facilities. The appeal for the proposed immigrant housing will be heard by city council on Sept 10.

Soon Mraz and Raising Jane were convening in Omaha, Neb. to record “Yes” with producer Mike Mogis (known for his work with artists on the acclaimed Nebraska-based label Saddle Creek Records). Although the “Yes” project was expanded to a full album, Mraz, Raining Jane and Mogis stuck with the idea of making it an acoustic album (aside from a few electric touches added here and there). A more spare, predominantly acoustic album, of course, isn’t much of a stretch from the sunny easy-going, melodic pop that has been Mraz’s stock and trade over the course of four previous albums that earned him comparisons to the likes of John Mayer and James Taylor. To be sure, the instrumental palate, which is nearly all acoustic and tastefully textured and full, is a bit of a contrast. And the ladies of Raining Jane bring new dimensions in vocal harmony to the music. But tunes like the cheery shuffle of “Hello, You Beautiful Thing,” the rhythmically assertive

ballad “Best Friends” and the amiably frisky “Everywhere” will feel plenty familiar — and pleasant — to Mraz fans. And Mraz remains his positive, sensitive and encouraging lyrical self. Even his complaints about intrusive technology, which could have put a prickly edge into the song “Quiet,” quickly melt into a sweet love song. Mraz is looking forward to his current tour, which will feature Raining Jane as his backing group and will put the music in an instrumental setting similar to the one used on “Yes.” “The five of us, myself and Raining Jane, bring the new album (“Yes”) to life the best we can, which is pretty darn close to the album versions,” Mraz said. “Then we use that same sort of acoustic, eclectic filter to run my old catalog through. So we do bring back my other songs and Raining Jane helps me reinvent them and reinterpret them. S “o there are old favorites with a twist. Or we resurrect songs I haven’t included in my show for many years.”

meets Saturdays for 8 weeks, 8 a.m. to 1:50 p.m. Aug. 23 to Oct. 11, on the Oceanside Campus, 1 Barnard Drive. Enrollment fee is $46 per unit for California residents. For more information , call (760) 7956620 or register online at COUNTRY WESTERN Summer Concerts in the Gardens welcomes the Clay Colton Band at 7:30 p.m. at the Wood House, 1148 Rock Springs Road, San Marcos. Bring beach chairs or blankets for picnic seating. Tickets $8 at the door or $6

in advance at the San Marcos Community Center. For further information, go to MARK THE DATE GAFFIGAN Comedian Jim Gaffigan will perform on The White Bread Tour at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 6 at Pala Casino Spa & Resort’s Events Center, 11154 Highway 76, Pala. Tickets are $70, $65, $55, $40 at the Pala box office, or call (877) 946-7252. Tickets also available at Star Tickets, 1-800-5853737, or



for more than 30 years,” said David Loy, legal director of the ACLU of San Diego & Imperial Counties. Mayor Sam Abed went on Fox News to talk about the ACLU’s appeal. “The ACLU has no business interfering with a land use decision. It is our government that


termination,” Abed told Niel Cavuto on Aug. 7. “I’m a proud immigrant coming to this country for the values, for the liberty, for the freedom,” said Abed. “I see myself fighting the ACLU because they are trying to attack these values that America stands for,” he added. Sam Abed The Escondido PlanMayor, Escondido ning Commission typically schedules appeals needs to make that de- within 30 days of filing.

The ACLU has no business interfering with a land use decision.”

to, Piedmont, Tuscany, Puglia and Sicily. Zonin has this month’s TASTE OF WINE of the month. Rocca di Montemassi introduced it last week and it comes from Tuscany’s newest exciting area, Maremma. Key markets are the U.S. and United Kingdom. Zonin controls wine solutions from vineyard to the glass and offer wines like Tenuta Ca’ Bolani Prosecco from Friuli, to Feudo Principi di Butera Synposio from Sicily. A white wine of significance is the Tenuta Ca’Bolani Aquilis made from 100 percent Sauvignon in Friuli. Lino Vitale, the Pacific Coast Accounts manager is high on this wine. “This is crisp quality, balanced, acidic wine to pair perfectly with Italian food,” di Montemassi promised. He also told me the wine is sold in both the wine shop and restaurant at Cucina Enoteca in Del Mar. Look for the complete lineup of Zonin wines at,

Tebbiano. Nero D’Avola and Primitivo. Still, there is no doubt that the most respected and expensive wines in Italy come from Tuscany with its Brunellos and Super Tuscan blends, like Tenuta dell Ornelaia ($978), Biondi Santi ($541), and Antinori Guado al Tasso ($129.95) On top of the new Italian contemporary wines is an Italian red wine blend that never tasted so fashionable as in the new Viama Rosso Delle Venezie 2013 ($15). What could be more fun for ladies than to carry around a 1.5-liter box of wine in the shape of a purse? It has shoulder strap and a discreet spout. This blend goes great with pasta, cheeses and grilled meats. The spigot makes it easy to drink what you need, then save the rest for another get together. Look for more at Zonin is the name of Italy’s largest family-owned wine company with a diversity of Italy’s Wine Bytes major regions including: • The St Regis MonFriuli, Lombardia, Vene- arch Beach in Orange



ing school year. For the next two years, the teams would play a CCAA schedule, but would not be allowed to participate in any conference or NCAA postseason tournaments. Milo said the move makes sense from a competitive, fiscal and demographic standpoint, as Cal State San Marcos is significantly larger than many of the private, parochial schools that comprise the Association of Independent Institutions, the NAIA conference in which it plays. Additionally, in order to create a competitive national schedule as an independent NAIA school, CSU San Marcos has had to schedule many of its athletic events out of state, including the Association of Independent Institutions conference tournaments, which are usually across the country. “Being in the CCAA, we will be competing in our sister Cal State schools, which makes fiscal sense because it will definitely make more sense logistically,” Milo said. “We have been competing against smaller private schools since our affiliation with the A.I.I. began in 1998; we’re no longer a fit in the NAIA.”

School officials and student athletes acknowledged the transition will pose several challenges. For the athletics department, two of the biggest hurdles will be the construction of an on-campus arena and adjusting to the NCAA compliance culture, or as Milo called it, the “nice, big, thick NCAA rules book.” “We’ve been working on that the last year and a half to get coaches prepared for the change in culture,” Milo said. The compliance changes, as well as the lack of postseason competition for two years starting in 2015, also will require coaches to change their recruiting tactics. The Cougars powerful basketball team, for example, was built around players who “bounced back” from the NCAA Division 1 level with one or two years of athletic eligibility remaining. Many of those players joined because they were able to play right away without having to sit out a season, and were able to compete for a national championship. “It will mean a bit of a change in recruiting philosophy, but I think the most important thing is making sure we continue to recruit kids that

County presents a Farm to Feast event Aug.17 from 4 to 8 p.m. Chef Franck of the Monarch will prepare custom menu items along with succulent appetizers and fresh veggies from the VR Green Farms. Palumbo Family Wines of Temecula will provide the wines. $55. Call (800) 722-1543. • It’s the 21st Annual Grape Stomp at Orfila Vineyards and Winery in Escondido, Aug. 23 from 4 to 8 p.m. Ticket includes: Dinner buffet, live dance music, wine tasting, tractor rides and stomping of the grapes. Ticket price is $90. Call (760) 738-6500 ext. 22. • PAON Restaurant in Carlsbad has a Stoplman Vineyards Wine Dinner, Aug. 21 with a reception starting at 6:15 p.m. RSVP at (760) 7297377. Frank Mangio is a renowned wine connoisseur certified by Wine Spectator. He is one of the leading wine commentators on the web. View and link up with his columns at Reach him at are going to be successful here academically,” Milo said. “We have a rigorous academic program, and I think we have done a great job recruiting kids that believe in both the academic experience and the athletic experience they receive here.” For student athletes, the biggest challenge will be the expected ramp-up in competition at the Division-II level. Jordan McFarland, a sophomore volleyball player from Valley Center, has been part of a program that has won three conference championships in its three years of existence. She is confident the programs will be able to compete at the Division-II level. “I definitely believe we will able to transfer our success over from the NAIA to the NCAA level,” McFarland said. “We have a hard-working and disciplined program, and are willing to do what it takes to prove this transition will be great for all of the programs. “But we still have a lot to accomplish this year, it is our last year in the NAIA and we want to do a lot of big things, and we are looking forward to being in a set conference with a harder schedule to more competition,” she said.



AUG. 15, 2014

EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES North County families choose Calvin Christian For more than 50 years, Calvin Christian School has been a leading education choice for North San Diego County families. Calvin partners with Christian families and over 80 local churches they attend, to connect faith and learning for its students, preschool through high school, and prepare each for a life of Christ-centered service Because Calvin strives to serve entire families, students of all ability levels are accepted. Rigorous coursework and AP programs challenge top academic students, while students needing additional assistance and those with moderate

learning challenges are supported through Calvin’s Student Improvement Program. North County families choose Calvin because of the innovative educational offerings that include robotics, media classes and the Fine Arts. Spanish instruction begins in pre-kindergarten and Singapore Math is helping our Kindergarten - 6th grade students excel in their math studies. This year, we’re introducing a 1:1 Technology program that will place a Chromebook in the hand of every 6th, 7th and 8th grader. Calvin students benefit

from small class sizes and credentialed, experienced, and committed Christian teachers. At Calvin Christian, we understand the importance of meeting with families individually, so we say “Every day is Open House at Calvin.” Come meet with us and together we can explore how Calvin Christian School connects faith and learning for its students and how we might be the perfect choice for your family. Visit us online at www. c a lv i nc h r ist ia nescond or call toll-free at 888-99-CALVIN (888-9922584).

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Martial arts has been proven to help children learn important self-defense skills and provide self confidence. Not to mention, Martial arts gets kids excited about physical fitness and living a healthy lifestyle. That's why WCMAA Martial arts program is tailor-made to your child's age bracket: For more than 11 years, WCMAA has been helping families around Encinitas San Diego to show kids that fitness is fun. Using the traditional Training methods with a modern approach System, our Martial arts classes cover

Free Homeowner Workshop:

How to buy solar electricity wisely Home solar electricity systems don't need to be difficult, but there's no easy way to learn by experience before you deal with salespeople. The Solar Buyers Workshop is a non-commercial informal workshop where homeowners can gain the understanding to determine how much solar electricity is right for them, if any, and what it should cost, before seeking quotes from providers. Homeowners will be empowered to tailor a plan that fits their actual site, their personal power needs, and their budget, before

ODD FILES BY CHUCK SHEPHERD Think Your Own Last Flight Was Unpleasant? (1) The May 28 US Airways flight from Los Angeles to Philadelphia had to be diverted to Kansas City after a passenger’s service dog did what dogs do, in the aisle, twice (an hour apart). One passenger used the terms “lingering smell,” “dry heaving” and “throwing up” in describing the situation. (2)

talking to a sales person. And they'll get a better understanding of fair pricing. Although solar energy can get technical, the workshop is discussed in plain English without industry jargon and is friendly to both non-technical and technical attendees.

The workshop discussion includes:

• Evaluating providers. • The engineering, permitting, and inspection process. • The Money: Pricing, financing, ownership and Federal credit. Armed with this knowledge, homeowners are better prepared to make a wise choice among prospective installers before signing any contracts or paying any deposits.

• Finding your annual electricity usage, even in a For details, visit: http:// new house. • Reviewing your site OR email us at and its suitability. • Determining the payOR call (760) 687-6000. back for your situation

performed heroically at a candidate forum in March. The Boston Globe reported that Grossman “fervently answered questions on everything from transgender rights (to) sex education (and) issues facing (the) aging members of the (gay/ transgender) community” while simultaneously passing a kidney stone (which most victims rate as “level 10” pain — the highest on the medical scale, described by some as comparable to Democracy in Action Steve Grossman, Mas- childbirth). Steve Wiles gathered sachusetts’ state treasurer, who is running for governor, only 28 percent of the On a recent (perhaps July) Delta flight from Beijing to Detroit, a Chinese couple apparently nonchalantly laid down paper on their toddler’s seat and encouraged him to address his bowels’ needs despite numerous pleas from nearby passengers to take him to the restroom. According to Chinese news reports, social media sites erupted in criticism of the family for its embarrassing behavior.

For more than 11 years, Wcmaa has been helping families around Encinitas San Diego to show kids that fitness is fun. all the essentials of safety and self defense, and our hand-picked instructors are experts in teaching kids of all ages. West coast martial arts academy's program

in Encinitas packs a lot of punch in just a 45 min a week. Your child will get all the benefits of a regimented Kung Fu, karate, self defense Jiu Jitsu MMA program, that fits your schedule. If you live near the Encinitas area and have not looked into west coast martial arts academy for your child's fun fitness and personal safety program that teaching goal setting and life skills please stop by or call to find out more about West Coast Martial Arts Academy! Check us out on the web at

FREE Public Workshop

The Solar Buyers Workshop

A non-commercial presentation

Escondido Library

In the Conference Room

Tues., Aug. 26 • 6:30 pm

Homeowners, before you shop for solar electricity, be well-infomed about your choices: • Learn to make your own estimate • Pros and cons • Sizing and Cost • Types of ownership • Choosing providers Limited seating. Please make reservations For details eMail Or call (760) 687-6000

Lieutenant governor candidate speaks out CARLSBAD — Reservations are needed by Aug. 21 to hear Ron Nehring, Republican Candidate for California Lieutenant Governor, speak at Carlsbad Republican Women Luncheon at 11:30 a.m. Aug. 26 in the Wave Crest Room at the Hilton Garden Inn, 6450 Carlsbad Blvd. Nehring is a conservative Republican and is supported by the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, the National Rifle Association,

the conservative California Republican Assembly, the California Young Republican Federation, and the Republican Party in dozens of counties around the state. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger appointed Nehring to the California Board of Forestry and Fire Projection in 2005 in the aftermath of the Cedar Fire. During his tenure, Nehring participated in the development of new regulations

to improve management of lands and property to reduce wildfire threats to families and communities. Carlsbad Republican Women Federated general meetings are held the fourth Tuesday of the month. Cost is $30 members and $35 non-members. For more information, contact Niki at (760) 931-9420 or You can also visit Facebook as Carlsbad Republican Women Federated.

AUG. 15, 2014




Local charter school is now enrolling for the new school year San Marcos — Taylion San Diego Academy is now enrolling for the new school year, with programs in home school, independent study and a virtual program serving North County. With locations in San Marcos and Vista, the charter school has a program to meet the needs of students in need of a more personalized education. The charter school opened in 2013, and has since grown to be a partner in the North County community. During its first year of existence, the school was granted accreditation by the Western Association of Schools (WASC), and has now expanded into Vista. The Taylion program is an option for students K-12, who find that a traditional school setting just isn’t a fit for them, academically or otherwise (bullies, etc.). A large number of their student population is high school students. “Kids that come to us, are for whatever reason, not thriving in a traditional public school setting,” said Taylion San Diego Academy’s Director of Business Development, Shannon Smith. “It can be for a variety of reasons: academics, socially, and they come to us where they find

We are able to take each student, assess where they are at, determine what would best help them and design a program for them individually.” Shannon Smith Director

a place where they can academically and socially thrive.” Taylion offers three separate learning environments for students: online education programs, a home-school program, and an independent study program. Programs are often blended to meet the needs of students. Some additional learning opportunities include small group instruction and online learning programs. School officials say the program offers individualized learning, a safe environment with less distraction, higher parent involvement, credit recovery, credit acceleration, greater access to new educational resources, and unparalleled flexibility in utilizing var-

ious instructional delivery methods based on the particular student’s learning style. When asked what parents should look for in a choice for education, Smith said, “I think, first of all, parents consider what their kid’s needs are. What is it that they think can help their kid to be successful, and then go look at what the options are, and that’s what is wonderful about charter schools. At Taylion San Diego Academy, we are able to customize their learning program. We offer independent study, online classes, homeschooling and a blended model. We are able to take each student, assess where they are at, determine what would best help them and design a program for them individually.” The San Marcos campus is located at 100 N. Rancho Santa Fe Rd. #110, San Marcos, CA 92069, while the Vista site is located at 1661-B South Melrose Drive, Vista, CA 92081. For more information regarding enrollment and upcoming parent information sessions, call (855) 77-LEARN or (760) 295-5564, or visit

Academy of Arts and Sciences...

A leader in the frontier of educational options For students who fall behind, AAS can help turn things around with our award winning credit recovery courses. Our curriculum is designed to ensure that students receive credit for what they already know and supports them with dedicated teachers that will build mastery in the areas they need to complete their courses. Our credit recovery courses are available free of charge during the school year and as part of our free summer school as well. Credit recovery courses are available in all core subject areas (Math, English, Science and Social Studies and some elective areas). Academy of Arts and Sciences is a leader in the newest frontier of educational options: online learning. AAS, a leading free public charter school of choice for students in grades K-12, offers a blended (online and on site) customized learning program. Students engage in an exceptional learning experience that blends innovative online learning with critical face-to-face and lab time. At Academy of Arts and Sciences, students will be able to access a diverse range of Arts and Science electives. “We understand that students learn best when their education is tailored to

The flexibility of blended learning provides choice for students.” Sean McManus CEO

their needs, which is why a key tenant of the Academy of Arts & Sciences philosophy is flexibility,” said CEO Sean McManus. “With this instructional model, on site and off site time can be adjusted to fit individual student needs. The flexibility of blended learning provides choice for students.” The school utilizes cutting edge 21st century curriculum. Students are able to access the curriculum twenty four hours a day, and have the flexibility to participate in a wide variety of events, activities and experiences that enhance the learning experience. AAS also allows students the opportunity to access a wide variety of world language, humanities, media and technology, engineering and robotics, app and game design as part of the rich elective program. Online learning differs from traditional schools in that classes do not take place in a building, but rather at home, on the road, or wherever an Internet connection

can be found. Because of this, students take courses online with support from their teacher via phone, online Web meetings, and sometimes even face to face. This new way of learning allows the parent to take an active role in the student’s learning and to really become a partner with their child. The parent (or "Learning Coach") keeps the student on track in line with the provided lessons plans. In addition to the online courses, AAS provides plenty of opportunities to connect online and offline with other AAS students and families. The Academy of Arts and Sciences staff is very active in the community and can often be found interacting with families at Beach Clean Up Days, various community festivals, and organized activities that take place at their Learning Centers. An online education offers students the opportunities to learn in a small setting with a course schedule that is tailored to meet their individual learning styles and needs. This unique learning environment meets the needs of all types of learners and offers solutions to many different educational challenges. Many students find that learning in the comfort of their own home allows them be successful in ways never dreamt of before!



AUG. 15, 2014

SOUP TO NUTS by Rick Stromoski

nancial issues can prove challenging. Take control of your situation by setting up a new budget and reviewing any agreements or commitments. Talk to your financial adviser.

By Bernice Bede Osol FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 2014

FRANK & ERNEST by Bob Thaves

THE BORN LOSER by Art & Chip Sansom

Protect your reputation and position in the year ahead. Be wary of new acquaintances. You may want to be generous and friendly, but don’t let anyone take you for granted. There is a lot on the line as you move forward, and you must protect your assets and your interests.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Protect what’s yours. Keep careful records and documentation. It’s in your best interest to stay on top of your assets. Don’t lose sight of what you have given others. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- You will not be able to see a situation clearly. Get all of the facts and do some research to verify the way you feel. There may be a hidden issue that needs to be reviewed. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- You have a lot to contribute. Conditions are favorable for joint ventures, but make sure you are given equal opportunity. Get everything in writing regarding who is responsible for what.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Get involved with people who work in a field that interests you. Use your time to gain the help and knowledge needed to get your plans up and running. ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- This is not a VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Do whatev- good time to gamble or begin costly projects. Financial decisions should wait for a er it takes to take the stress out of your later date. Spend quality time with family home environment. Add to the comfort of or close friends. your surroundings or make changes to your current living arrangements. Protect TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- Don’t take a financial risk. You can look at an investyour assets. ment, but don’t make an impulsive move LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- Breathe that could jeopardize your current stansome new life into old, stale relationships. dard of living. Time is on your side. Reconnect with friends or distant family members by phone or social media. A GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- Embark on pleasure trip will give you the chance to a new project. Get together with people who have similar interests for added inrecharge your batteries. spiration. Travel will increase your netSCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- Refrain working opportunities. Display what you from making an impulsive move. If things have to offer and see what happens. are to run smoothly, minor details must CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- Look for be ironed out first. Take note of what a way to make a living doing something others are doing and plan your actions you love. Check into an unusual profesaccordingly. sion that has the potential to sustain your SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -- Fi- interest and pay the bills.

BIG NATE by Lincoln Peirce

MONTY by Jim Meddick

ARLO & JANIS by Jimmy Johnson


ALLEY OOP byJack & Carole Bender



AUG. 15, 2014


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JUNE 20,

Sophia Ceja, 3, of planned for April Oceanside, shows 19. See the full story off a handful of eggs on page she found A9. Photo . Four city by Promis e Yee egg hunts are

Council clo ser

By Jared


ENCIN ITAS another — The counci step toward cific View acquiring l took site on Wedne the PaCounc favor of il members sday night. voted 3-2 conditionsa $50,00 0 deposi in t and other spelled dum of unders out tandin in a memoranty. That document g for the proper final purcha paves se agreem the way for council a ent, majority hopes to which the approve by

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View deal

2.3 times that price.” Counc Edding vocate of ilman Tony Kranz,ton said. an admillion the purchase, figure erty’s curren was based said the $4.3 on the propt public was only zoning intended as a first . And it offer.


Two commer be demolis cial structure hed to make s at Carlsba of retail d’s La way for and a revamp Costa Towne Center above, would apartment building that will retail. Courtesy include 48 apartmes. The larger includes the addition rendering nts, a courtyarnew building s , shown d for resident s, and




PENELOPE JAGO Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Penelope Jago please contact Dr. Ben Wright:

INCOME PROPERTY 8 units in Old Carlsbad Walk to the village and beach. Pride of Ownership Property- 1031 Exchange - Principals Only Call: Topper 760-637 9219.

C.H. CONSTRUCTION - Home remodels, kitchens & bathrooms. Painting, plumbing & electrical (license #927876) 619-727-0414.

SUPER TASTY 5K - SEPTEMBER 6TH, 2014 Walk 5K stopping at 21 Solana Beach Restaurants and EATING FREE Food! Benefiting Foster Children–Promises to Kids. Prizes for best costumes, team theme, and top fundraisers. www.

Carlsbad reta revamped il center to be with apartm ents

By Rachel


CARLSBAD for five years, — With the 33-yea it’s primary the corner storefr last gettingof El Camino r-old La Costa Towneont empty Real and a Center La Costa The ownerrevamp. Avenue at molish two of the is at commercialproperty gained ter and replace approval and half them structures apartments with buildin in the shoppi to desion on April ng cenfrom Carlsb gs that are ad’s Planni half retail Planning 16. ng Comm Commissione coming isforwar ping center d with plans rs praised the owner to redeve that they sign, and a main tenantsaid curren lop the dated s for tly lacks shop . signage, de

OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, AUGUST 17TH 1:00-4:00PM Great One story home at end of cul-de-sac, level 1/2 acre lot with beautiful pool and spa. 2016 Troy Place, Vista, CA 92084 OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY & SUNDAY 1:00-4:00PM 1330 Fern Pl., Vista, CA 92084 OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY & SUNDAY 1:00-4:00PM Grand, gorgeous and new with breathtaking views. 4 br suite + 2 ½ ba approx 2 view acres.31345 Lake Vista Ter, Bonsall, CA 92003 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY AUGUST 17TH, 1-4PM 6550 Paseo Delicias, Rancho Santa Fe. Welcome to “Primo”! The first Rancho Santa Fe Covenant estate home in the Cavaricci Collection. 4 br 4.5 ba plus wine retreat. On Golf Course with direct access. Janet Lawless Christ/ Coldwell Banker Rancho Santa Fe, (858)335-7700


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OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY AUGUST 16, 2014 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM 5464 El Cielito, Rancho Santa Fe, Fabulous 5+ BR, 6.5 BA newly rebuilt French Country Estate with pool and guest house. $3,195,000, Janet Lawless Christ/Coldwell Banker Rancho Santa Fe, (858)3357700


OPEN HOUSE 11AM - 5 PM - SAT 16 & SUN 17 AUGUST Gorgeous Olde Carlsbad single level on .24 acre lot. 1686 Brady Circle, Carlsbad. Coldwell Banker - Bryan Meathe 760-621-5763


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REAL ESTATE JUST LISTED! OCEANVIEW HOME Located In The Beautiful Neighborhood of Ocean Hills. This 3BD/3BA Home Is Situated on a hilltop where light breezes keep the home and yard cool. The private backyard features a fountain, along with several bountiful fruit trees. The master bedroom has an ensuite bathroom and a soaking tub with a view. Hiking trails are close by, as well as an elementary and middle school. This home is located in a gated community that has a very quiet neighborhood, and very few listings. $598,500 Call Dick (619) 813-1852. TIRED OF COASTAL CROWDS? Own an affordable weekend getaway in a desert vintage trailer park. Surrounded by art, natural, quiet desert beauty. 90 minute scenic drive. Contact Tom (619) 206-6376 or visit

FOR RENT AFFORDABLE HOME AVAILABLE IN ENCINITAS Income & Household guidelines apply. Please visit our website at for more information BONSALL: 3 BD/2 BATH UPDATED HOME FOR RENT Single story, newly painted, new carpeting, travertine kitchen/baths, light/bright, golf course view. $2250. Avail 9/1. (310) 403-9777

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101 TUTORING Are you looking for extra help at a reasonable price? I specialize in tutoring the following subjects: -Algebra -Algebra 2 -Geometry -Reading -Writing Please contact me if your child needs a tutor, at your home or mine. 858-3445985 Encinitas Alisha Sharma

THE SURFING CPA Let the Surfing CPA help you ride the waves of business. Accounting, Tax, Bookkeeping for businesses and individuals. Pete Wyndham CA CPA license#88951 760 271-8132 http://

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GORMAN’S KITCHEN - PERSONAL CHEF SERVICES Hosting a dinner party, or just tired of cooking? I offer a variety of personal chef services based on your needs .. innovative menus for friends, a simple home-cooked meal, or catering for your next small event. Call Matt on 970.708.4828 or email me: 20% discount for new clients!


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WANTED SEEKING CARETAKING POSITION ON EQUINE PROPERTY Single Woman w Excellent Experience & References, is seeking caretaking position in work/trade for living cottage or guest house exchange. Experience is encompassing all facuets of Ranch Management. Please send inquiry to Debbie Fetterman @ debbiellama@ . I hope to secure a mutually beneficial long term arrangement. I have been at my current Ranch Caretaking role for 18 years, w excellent Ranch Management experience prior to that. Best & with Gratitude. Debbie WANTED FOR RENT 1BD Furnished Rental for Mature Adult. Only using part-time. $1250/Mo. Can pay 6 Months in advance. Need ASAP (619) 813-1852. ART WANTED ESTATES, COLLECTORS, BANKRUPTCIES Top Dollar for fine works. Free informal appraisal and authentication advice. Creighton-Davis Gallery, 760432-8995, RENTAL WANTED - FINDERS FEE 3-4 bdrm in Encinitas for $2700-$3100, small quiet family, no-smoking, excellent credit/employment/references. Finders Fee $250.00 (760) 579-1576 DIABETIC TEST STRIPS INSTANT CASH For sealed Unexpired Boxes Pick up avail Legal 760 795 9155

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AUG. 15, 2014

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AUG. 15, 2014

Improvements move forward in Vista VISTA — The Vista Village Business Association Design Committee has new funds available for the Facade Improvement program to assist businesses in the Business Improvement District with improvements. The committee asks that businesses contact the VVBA at (760) 414939 or email julie @vvba. org for more information before starting any improvements on your own. Lighting Improve-

Sign up to keep trash out of ocean REGION — Online volunteer registration is now open for Coastal Cleanup Day 2014, the largest single-day volunteer event in San Diego dedicated to protecting and preserving our local environment. Another unique component of the event is the ‘on the water’ cleanups that will take place at San Dieguito Lagoon and Shelter Island/ San Diego Bay. Volunteers of all ages are needed from 9 a.m. to noon Sept. 20 at more than 100 coastal and inland sites, to help preserve the local environment by cleaning up these outdoor areas. Interested volunteers can sign up for the cleanup and see a complete list of cleanup sites online at Organized locally by environmental nonprofit I Love A Clean San Diego (ILACSD), Coastal Cleanup Day is part of the statewide California Coastal Cleanup Day and International Coastal Cleanup. The city of San Diego Storm Water and Transportation Department — Think Blue, who is dedicated to preventing storm water pollution, has provided major support for this year’s effort. Each year, hundreds of tons of garbage end up on the beaches and in our waterways after traveling through San Diego’s vast watershed system.

ment is at the top of the list to bring back the tree lighting to downtown. The committee plans to begin an “Adopt a Tree” program to keep the lights up and maintained year-round. Its newest program, an Architectural Re-

view of downtown architecture, is designed to showcase Vista’s historic buildings and their architects. Regular meetings are at 8 a.m. the second Wednesday of each month at 150 E. Broadway #A, Vista.





Lisa Giacomini Mortgage Loan Originator / NMLS: 290781 • 5796 Armada Drive, Suite 250 - Carlsbad, CA 92008

*Only good for loans closed by October 31, 2014 with First Choice Bank with Lisa Giacomini. First Choice Bank NMLS 177877 is not an agency of the federal government. All loans are subject to credit approval. Other restrictions may apply. All applications must be submitted in writing. This advertisement is not a loan disclosure and all disclosures provided after applying should be reviewed carefully. This is not a commitment to provide a loan approval or a specific interest rate.

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For advance tickets call 760.717.4123 or online at (preferred seating $50, VIP $75) Valid only with coupon. Not valid with any other offers. Cannot applied to previous purchases. Offer expires 8-31-14.

Valid only with coupon. Not valid with any other offer or discount. Cannot be combined or applied to previous purchases. Offer expires 8-31-14.

Valid only with coupon. Not valid with any other offer or discount. Cannot be combined or applied to previous purchases. Offer expires 8-31-14.

Valid only with coupon. Not valid with any other offer or discount. Cannot be combined or applied to previous purchases. Offer expires 8-31-14.




AUG. 15, 2014

Purchase or lease any new (previously untitled) Subaru and receive a complimentary factory scheduled maintenance plan for 2 years or 24,000 miles (whichever comes first.) See Subaru Added Security Maintenance Plan for intervals, coverages and limitations. Customer must take delivery before 12-31-2014 and reside within the promotional area. At participating dealers only. See dealer for program details and eligibility.

Cannot be combined with any other incentive. Financing for well-qualified applicants only. $20.83 thousand financed. Subject to credit approval, vehicle insurance approval and vehicle availability. No down payment required. See participating dealers for details. Must take delivery from dealer stock by August 31, 2014.

5500 Paseo Del Norte Car Country Carlsbad

Car Country Drive

760-438-2200 ** EPA-estimated fuel economy. Actual mileage may vary. Subaru Tribeca, Forester, Impreza & Outback are registered trademarks. All advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes, any finance charges, $80 dealer document processing charge, any electronic filing charge, and any emission testing charge. Expires 8-31-2014.

Go fast and win! $1000 Turbocharged PrePaid Card or $1000 Manufacturer Bonus New 2014 Volkswagen Turbo models Customers purchasing or leasing a new VW Turbo model will have the opportunity to choose between a $1000 Turbocharged Reward MasterCardŽ PrePaid Card or a $1000 Manufacturer’s Bonus towards the lease or purchase of a new 2014 Turbocharged model. Please see dealer for details.

760-438-2200 VOLKSWAGEN

5500 Paseo Del Norte Car Country Carlsbad

All advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes, any finance charges, $80 dealer document processing charge, any electronic filing charge, and any emission testing charge. Expires 9-2-2014.

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