The Coast News, January 22, 2021

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VOL. 35, N0. 4

JAN. 22, 2021


‘Let Them Play’ rallies support athletes By Steve Puterski

REGION — Coaches, parents, athletes and San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond are calling for the state to allow youth and high school sports to resume amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The Let Them Play CA group, consisting of at least two dozen, rallied at Torrey Pines High School on Jan. 15 in an effort to persuade Gov. Gavin Newsom, San Diego County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher and others to open up the fields to competition. Currently, athletes are allowed to practice, but no games or seasons are allowed, according to Scripps Ranch football coach Marlon Gardinera. A liver transplant recipient and considered high risk, Gardinera said it is critical to get kids back to outdoor sports as a way to improve mental health, showcase skills to college recruiters and rediscover interests in academics and extracurricular activities. “I’m a parent and I don’t need any politician telling me what’s in the best interest of my sons,” Gardinera said. “In my role as coach, I do understand the anxiety and de-

pression. I get calls from parents asking for additional activities to get the kids away from screens and isolation.” THE Additionally, GardinVISTA era said he feels outdoor NEWS sports are safe for him and his kids. If he didn’t feel it was safe, he said there would be “no way” he would support this movement. Desmond, and several others including former Oceanside High School football coach John Carroll, said state and county RANCHO leaders are not following the “science” and “data” SFNEWS when it comes to outdoor activities. They also noted other states have successfully reopened their fields with no significant evidence of widespread outbreaks. Mandela Tobin, a senior defensive lineman for Westview High School who has committed to play football at Duke University, said it is also important for his peers’ ability to socialize and take advantage of scholarship opportunities. Let Them Play CA started two weeks ago as a group on Facebook by Mission Hills High School




THE FILM INDUSTRY has been hard hit by the coronavirus. Cinemas across the country have faced reopening challenges, including the historic La Paloma Theatre in Encinitas. The theater has been closed since Nov. 14, and with no end to the pandemic in sight, it’s unclear when its doors will open again. Photo by Chris Kydd

An uncertain future for the theater industry By Dustin Jones

REGION — Since the onset of the pandemic just under one year ago, countless businesses have been forced to close. And then open again. Only to close once more. Industries were forced to adapt to comply with new regulations. Restaurants pivoted to outdoor dining and take-out orders, gyms and fitness centers staged their equipment outside and salons greatly reduced the number of customers allowed indoors. The film industry, however, has struggled to weather the storm. Regal Cinemas, one of

the nation’s largest movie theater chains, first closed its doors on March 17,2020, a Regal news release said. Little was known about the coronavirus at the time and the movie monolith erred on the side of caution. Multiple re-opening attempts were made over the course of the summer. But the pandemic continued to pick up speed. Most recently, Regal suspended theater operations at all 536 locations across the United States, impacting more than 40,000 employees. The La Paloma Theatre in Encinitas, which has stood

for nearly 100 years, has faced similar challenges. It has struggled to stay open since last March and has been closed since Nov. 14. “This pandemic's impact on theatres and entertainment centers around the world is startling and very concerning,” executive director of Encinitas 101 Irene Pyun said. “Entertainment plays a key role in the vitality of a downtown, so losing not just a theatre, but a historic landmark such as La Paloma, would be absolutely devastating.” The financial state of the theater is unclear, but it has been closed for most of

the pandemic. But as one of the most predominant landmarks in Encinitas, Pyun and Encinitas 101 hope to ensure the theater continues to have a bright future. “Encinitas 101 is more than willing to work with the theatre if they need help but we have not heard anything,” Pyun said. “We are always here to help a business in need and will remain an advocate to keep La Paloma open for many, many years.” Multiple attempts were made to contact La Paloma Theatre for this story, but were unsuccessful.

MANDELA TOBIN, a senior defensive lineman for Westview High School who has committed to play football at Duke University, spoke during the Jan. 15 Let Them Play CA rally at Torrey Pines High School. Photo by Steve Puterski


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T he C oast News

JAN. 22, 2021


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JAN. 22, 2021


T he C oast News

Hubbard exits council, citing health

Council OKs COVID enforcement, relief

By Dustin Jones

By Steve Puterski

ENCINITAS — Encinitas City Councilwoman Jody Hubbard, who has represented Cardiff for the last two years, resigned from her position on Jan. 13 at the beginning of a City Council meeting. Hubbard announced last August that she had been diagnosed with lung cancer, but the cancer metastasized and has spread to her brain. Hubbard is responding well to treatment, but she said she simply doesn’t have the energy to fight cancer and fight for the city simultaneously. “It’s really been a great honor to serve and represent the residents of Cardiff, where my home is, and all the residents of District 3 and the city of Encinitas on the City C o u n c i l ,” she told the council. JODY “My current HUBBARD health condition makes it impossible for me to dedicate the time and the focus that the Encinitas residents deserve in their elected representative.” During her two years on council, she helped champion the Cardiff Rail Trail, part of a larger system that aims to link Oceanside to San Diego. The 1.3-mile stretch was completed in 2019 and now provides a dedicated space for runners, cyclist and strollers alike. Hubbard also refused to back down on her stance supporting residents experiencing homelessness. The city’s safe parking lot on the Leichtag Foundation property is the only one of its kind in North County, providing a safe haven for individuals living out of their cars. Encinitas Mayor Catherine Blakespear extended her gratitude and wished Hubbard the best of luck with her treatment. She promised to continue fighting for the issues Hubbard cares about. Hubbard’s fellow councilmembers also praised her for her dedication to the city. Councilmember Kellie Hinze said Hubbard was her inspiration to run for City Council. “[You] set an example for me about what a woman could look like as a leader,” Hinze said. “What a woman could look like as somebody so fiercely dedicated to improvement in our city. And also, just being a true friend.” Hubbard’s interactions with residents and her ability to help resolve city issues are some of her most memorable moments, she said. She added that she isn’t going anywhere and she encouraged everyone to stop and say hello if they see her around town.

STABLES AT Del Mar Horsepark. Boarders have been told they need to find new homes for their animals. Courtesy photo

With Del Mar equestrian facility’s future uncertain, public input sought By Dan Brendel

DEL MAR — The Del Mar Fairgrounds, the public agency that owns and operates the Del Mar Horsepark, announced Jan. 12 it’s seeking public input to help chart the cashstrapped equestrian facility’s future. That future could entail establishing some kind of cost-sharing public-private partnership. The Fairgrounds announced last month it would “pause” Horsepark activities, including boarding and horse shows, “to further evaluate the necessary investment required to meet water quality requirements.” The agency gave three months’ notice to 38 boarders, saying they’d need to find new homes for their animals. The move took many, including equestrian professionals and enthusiasts, by surprise. “This is the first time that we've been able to have a conversation publicly about it,” Board President Richard Valdez told some 70 listeners at the Jan. 12 board meeting. “Conversations that we have had around this topic have been in closed session,” due to requirements to “maintain the attorney client privilege” for “any issue that might have a potential for litigation.” The Horsepark, which can accommodate hundreds of horses, must meet the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board’s requirements to prevent animal waste runoff. The Fairgrounds has made some, though not all, related facility and infrastructure improvements. All necessary capital improvements could cost as much as $8 million — money the Fairgrounds doesn’t have, Valdez said. COVID-related restrictions on public events, on top of declining horse racing and existing debt, have put the Fairgrounds in financial straits. Several years ago, the San Diego Coastkeeper and

the Coastal Environmental Rights Foundation, environmental organizations, sued the Fairgrounds concerning water quality. The suit resulted in the Fairgrounds upgrading its thoroughbred racetrack’s storm water treatment capacity — to the tune of $15 million, plus $150,000 in settlement costs. A recent unofficial water test, paid for independently by concerned citizens, didn’t find pollutant emissions from the Horsepark. However, “testing limits are very, very low, and equestrian facilities are normally very challenged to meet most or all of those,” said Ian Adam, an engineering consultant. Testing for regulatory compliance would include measuring concentrations of phosphorous, nitrogen, copper, zinc and other chemicals at all outfalls within prescribed windows of time. “In the overall scheme of things, runoff from Horsepark is a minor contributor to the regional problem,” said board member Don Mosier. “Having been sued before, we are aware of the costs and the exposure,” Valdez said. “Even one horse on-site would have triggered the [legal] exposure that we were trying to avoid. Therefore, there really was no other choice but to provide notice for everyone and to cease all operations and equestrian presence at the facility” until “we can determine next steps.” Though he assured listeners, “this board has not made a decision to permanently close Horsespark” or “turn [it] into any other use.” Next steps could include determining “whether there is any appetite by the community to assist us with that obligation [the cost of environmental compliance], and how,” Valdez said. Sometimes the Horsepark and horse shows generate net income, other

times losses, according to limited financial data the Fairgrounds furnished The Coast News. Numerous public speakers at the Jan. 12 meeting voiced support for restoring equestrian activities. Several said they consider themselves environmentally conscious, and also that community members would likely contribute resources toward bringing the Horsepark into environmental compliance. “All of us are really focused on being environmental custodians,” said Shannon Mendez of Manolo Polo School. The Fairgrounds should “look to working on a public-private partnership,” including “matching funds,” Nani Luebke said. “People would step up and be very happy to make that happen.” Laura Demarco suggested leasing the Horsepark for a long term to a private-sector equestrian operator, who could front the necessary capital and then recoup the cost over a decade or more. Readers wishing to receive notices about future public workshops should email planning@sdfair. com.

CARLSBAD — More lockdown enforcement was recently approved by the City Council, including the potential to be disqualified from the city’s pandemic assistance programs. The council approved the enforcement measure 3-1 with Councilman Keith Blackburn voting no. Mayor Matt Hall owns property in Carlsbad Village and some of those business owners are tenants, so he recused himself from issue, even though the measure was a citywide issue. The council approved several small business relief and incentive programs, 5-0. The council did not act on an item during its Jan. 5 meeting brought forward by Councilwoman Cori Schumacher, although Councilwoman Teresa Acosta’s motion for the Jan. 19 item was approved. The new enforcement regulations include additional “communication” to big box stores and retailers, pulling temporary activation permits and outreach to landlords of “persistent violators” to force them into compliance. All fines are administrative and not criminal. Additionally, the city will engage in an active public relations campaign with a dedicated web portal to recognize businesses in compliance and continue collaborating with the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, Carlsbad Village Association and Visit Carlsbad for a recognition program and engage with business organizations on potential direct aid programs. “We need to model that level of compliance,” Councilwoman Priya Bhat-Patel said. “For those breaking the law, and it is unfortunately, (we have to do this) until it is more under control. I support revocation of those permits if they are violating … while protecting the public health of our residents.” In a 5-0 vote, the council approved modifying the pandemic assistance program. The city will increase the revenue cap from $3 million to $5 mil-

lion and raise maximum loan amount from $25,000 to $50,000, according to David Graham, the city’s chief innovation officer. Businesses need proof of a valid business license as of April 1, 2020, and they must be operating for at least six months with 50 employees or fewer. The microloan program for qualifying business remains intact with funds available up to $10,000. However, businesses not in compliance with the state and county health orders will be disqualified. Those businesses with permits to operate outdoors on city property or in their own parking lot could have their permits revoked. The city also approved several other measures including using the intergovernmental affairs team to engage state, county and local agencies to support the city’s priorities; engage with local, state and national organizations to support a comprehensive approach in addressing compliance; and existing matters such as evaluating other jurisdictional approaches, collaborating with the business community and volunteer groups. “It’s clear that from public comment that folks in our business community are not being heard,” Acosta said. “We need to continue that strong collaboration with our business community. Want to make sure we have broad outreach … and urging compliance because it is the law, but it’s not our law.” The meeting kicked off with heated public speakers lobbing accusations against Hall of spreading hate, encouraging disparaging comments toward Schumacher, including anti-LGBTQ speech, and allowing speakers over their allotted timeline. Others, though, fired back at Schumacher for pushing forward more restrictions outside those already in place and for her calling out Hall in an interview with NBC 7 last week. A number of residents pleaded with the council to drop the partisan politics and work in the best interests of the city.




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T he C oast News

JAN. 22, 2021

Opinion & Editorial

Views expressed in Opinion & Editorial do not reflect the views of The Coast News

On vaccines for seniors, a historic bait & switch


Message from parents to teachers


e love our teachers. They are our neighbors, friends and our children’s heroes. We cheer from the same sidelines and attend the same performances. Each and every teacher is important, as they are the essential workers we depend on to provide our children a quality education. Thanks to a welltrained, professional teaching staff and highly engaged and supportive parents, North County school districts are some of the best in San Diego County. Highly ranked quality schools are the reason most of us choose to live in this community, and our public school teachers provide access to the high quality educational experiences we all want for our children and to which they are entitled under the California Constitution. Most teachers are doing their very best to provide instruction remotely. We fully acknowledge it is difficult. However, academic instruction is only part of the learning experience students need for social, emotional, and intellectual development. When academic instruction is provided remotely — no matter how well — students are deprived of virtually everything else

they need beyond subject matter content. While some students are faring well with the solitude of distance learning, many are not, and some are in true crisis. Most teachers know this to be the unfortunate reality. It’s too early to evaluate the data on how distance learning will impact students long term. However, sugar-coating the effectiveness of the distance learning model by citing attendance rates and a CoVitality survey does not resonate with parents who are seeing firsthand the effects of isolation and disengagement at a critical time in their children’s lives. Many teachers also know it is possible to reopen schools safely. With proper PPE and social distancing, elementary schools in Carlsbad, Vista and Del Mar, as well as independent secondary schools in our neighborhoods like Cathedral Catholic and Pacific Ridge School, have opened safely. Public high schools in Orange County are open and operating on a hybrid model allowing 73% of students to attend schools in person. Many schools across the country have opened safely. Schools in other countries never closed. The evidence is clear: Schools are not primary vectors of transmission, and positive cases can be man-

the , s n o i n i p o beliefs

& viewpoints

expressed by various participants on the Op Ed page in this newspaper do not reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of The Coast News. The Coast News will exercise editorial discretion if comments are determined solely to injure, malign, defame or slander any religious group, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual.

aged with appropriate quarantine protocols. Guidance for safe reopening from the County Health Department has been available since early summer. Uncertainty about virus transmission may have been the initial reason to close schools last March, but we now know so much more. Our schools can open safely by following well-established protocols used by many schools across the county that are offering in-person instruction without increasing community spread. While we love our teachers, we do not love the tactics of their unions to prevent the reopening of schools. After 309 days, these tactics to keep schools closed are doing irreparable harm to our children and to the public school system we all cherish and depend on as a community. Let’s finally put students’ needs first and find the path to restoring our school communities, not just in spite of the pandemic but rather because of it. It can be done safely. It is being done safely. We implore the leadership of school districts and the leadership of the teachers’ unions across North County to put aside the politics and rhetoric. You alone have the power to reopen our schools. Have the courage and the vision to do what is right for the students. Respectfully submitted, The leadership team of the Parent Association of North County San Diego, representing the following school districts, Carlsbad Unified, Encinitas Union, Oceanside Unified, Poway Unified, San Dieguito Union, San Marcos Unified and Vista Unified. Jana Anderson, Melanie Burkholder, Erika Daniels, Scott Davison, Dave DeVries, Gina Fierro, Kim Fogel, Aurora Guel, Bernadette Howarth, Liz Ingle, David King, Todd Maddison, Sharon McKeeman, Ginny Merrifield, Liz Parker, Allison Stratton

t may have been the biggest bait and switch event ever perpetrated in California, affecting the vast majority of the state’s 6 million-plus senior citizens, people aged 65 and up. So far, there has not even been an apology from Gov. Gavin Newsom’s administration, which was responsible. If this had been an inside job aimed at stoking the current recall petition drive against Newsom, it could not have been carried out more effectively. Here’s what happened: On a Wednesday afternoon in mid-January, the state Department of Public Health issued a press release announcing in bold black letters that “Seniors 65+ Now Eligible to Receive COVID-19 Vaccine…” Except most were not. It’s the latest of many embarrassments for Newsom’s two-year-old administration, accused by recall organizers of being grossly incompetent and hypocritical. There have been the $8 billion heist from the state unemployment department, Newsom’s attendance at a too large and too unmasked Napa County dinner with lobbyists, and more. But this incident affected by far the most Californians. Less than an hour after the health department notice went out, long before television stations and all the state’s newspapers headlined the alleged large expansion of vaccinations, cyber links to a pharmacy vaccination scheduling website began circulating among many tens of thousands of seniors. The site offered appointments to get vaccinated at pharmacies in dozens of Ralph’s grocery stores, owned by the national Kroger chain. Except no seniors ended up vaccinated

california focus

thomas d. elias

in most counties. It was, for the most part, baloney. Here’s the state health department’s explanation, from spokesman Darrel Ng: “The announcement is that when counties are done with the first phase of vaccinations (for health care workers and nursing home residents), they should vaccinate people over 65 next.” Except the press release did not mention counties. And while three counties — Orange, Riverside and Stanislaus — actually did begin serving some over-65 residents, that did not happen in most of the state. The bait and switch was most egregious in Los Angeles County, home to more than 1.6 million seniors. The pharmacy website was soon swamped, handing out thousands of appointments. Large numbers of seniors went to bed that night thinking they now knew where their isolation from the coronavirus plague would begin to end and life could begin returning to normal. It was a big relief for most. Except that when the “lucky” folks who scored appointments for the next day showed up, almost all were turned away, pharmacy persons explaining they were still vaccinating only health care workers. Other seniors received emails canceling appointments and telling them to stay away. It turned out Kroger executives reversed earlier corporate decisions to follow the state directive and vaccinate individuals over 65, deciding instead to fol-

low local health officials’ guidelines to the contrary. It was a classic bait and switch, leading thousands to believe they would soon have the item most coveted these days by many Californians, but giving them nothing. This was caused almost purely by the Newsom administration’s decision to issue that press release. Many seniors took this as a new sign of the governor’s supposed incompetence. Spokesman Ng said he could not say who wrote the press release and who authorized sending it. Lines of responsibility remain unclear. But many people’s anger was directed at Newsom, the front man for state government, who refused several requests to discuss the widespread confusion and frustration. “The guy looks like he’s in over his head,” said one 72-year-old Los Angeles man. Newsom press secretary Jesse Melgar did not respond to queries about how his boss plans to assuage the frustration his administration created. Would Newsom, for example, use emergency powers to order that pharmacies and mass vaccination sites start serving senior citizens, as his administration promised? Would he apologize for the bait and switch, as he did for his attendance at that Napa dinner with his lobbyist pals? Instead, other than referring questioners to the health department, the governor’s office said nothing. Which leaves senior citizens as frustrated as they have been at any time in the 10-month California lockdown and Newsom more vulnerable than ever to recall this year or reelection defeat in 2022. Email Thomas Elias at

The CoasT News P.O. Box 232550, Encinitas, CA 92023-2550 • 760-436-9737 • Fax: 760-274-2353


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JAN. 22, 2021


T he C oast News

Coronavirus ‘Finite limit to what can be done’ By Dustin Jones

ENCINITAS — California crossed the 3 million mark in coronavirus cases Monday. Encinitas and the rest of Southern California remain under the state’s regional stay at home order as ICU beds remain full of patients plagued by the virus. Hospital occupancy rates in San Diego County have been climbing for months, but seem to be plateauing, according to county health data. Scripps Memorial Hospital Encinitas is no different. It has repurposed portions of the hospital to accommodate incoming patients. The hallways are full of people, as is the tent in the parking lot. The ICU was at 183% occupancy, with only two staffed ICU beds available. Dr. Scott Eisman, ICU physician and critical care specialist, said the hospital is admitting as many as 25 coronavirus patients a day. Not including those that are sent home. “We’ve seen a tremendous increase for COVID-19 cases for at least a couple of months and it’s become even more severe in the last couple of weeks,” Eisman said. “It’s really a dangerous moment. The chances of getting COVID-19 are so much higher than ever before.” He also said that the staff have gone above and beyond. Spirits are high and doctors, nurses and other hospital staff are doing whatever it takes to care for the patients. But health care has limitations, Eisman explained. The staff at Scripps Memorial Hospital Encinitas can only do so much for so many people. As the nation surpasses 400,000 deaths — over 2,100 in San Diego County — Eisman is asking people to do their part and do the right thing and do it consistently. Coronavirus patients currently occupy about two-thirds of the hospital. He believes in being transparent and accurate about the situation so Encinitas residents understand the gravity of the situation. “No matter what we do, no matter what plans we have, there is a finite limit to what can be done,” he said. “Once you cross that, you get to a place to where decisions have to be made.”

100-year-old first in line as La Costa Glen distributes vaccine By Steve Puterski

CARLSBAD — Finally a glimmer of hope and excitement washed over the residents and staff at the La Costa Glen retirement community. The facility became the second largest entity in San Diego County to distribute COVID-19 vaccines to its community. And the first person to receive their first dose was 100-year-old Francis Norris, who has lived at La Costa Glen for 18 years. Her daughter, Ginger Lane, also received the first of two shots and said the past 10 months has been difficult for her mother. But Monday was a reason for excitement and optimism as about two dozen staffers from CVS in Orange County set up vaccination stations for 795 residents and about 400 staffers. “A big weight has been lifted off your shoulders,” Lane said. “We take a ride every day up and down the coast. We try to stay insulated, but it’s been taxing and

FRANCIS NORRIS, 100, of Carlsbad was the first resident at the La Costa Glen retirement community to receive the COVID-19 vaccination on Jan. 18. Photo by Steve Puterski

hard for her to understand the importance of it all.” Keith Kasin, executive director of La Costa Glen, said the past 10 months have been difficult for the residents at the typically lively

facility. Gone were the days of social interaction such as bridge games, activities and group meals. He said the facility only had a couple of COVID-19 cases over the past 10

months. The coronavirus has ravaged senior communities across the country and locally, but La Costa Glen has been relatively lucky, Kasin added. Residents return in three weeks to get their final shot, he said. Residents began lining up at 10 a.m. to fill out paperwork, get their shot and then take a 15-minute rest so staff could monitor them for any reactions. They dubbed the event “vaccines are an act of love.” “They are extraordinarily excited, and they’ve been looking forward to the vaccine for a while,” Kasin said. “It was earlier than anticipated. This is an act of love and a gift.” San Diego County also expanded its vaccination appointments to all residents 75 and older, according to a press release. Additionally, the county is using Petco Park, home of the San Diego Padres baseball team, as a superstation site to vaccinate thousands of people per day.

Kasin said La Costa Glen is at the high-end of the priority list and was able to secure the vaccines rather quickly. He said another property, GlenBrook, a skilled nursing and assisted living facility, received vaccines on Jan. 4 and were scheduled to receive the second doses on Jan. 21, according to Chelsea Wilson, a spokeswoman for GlynnDevins, which owns the two Carlsbad facilities. As for La Costa Glen, Kasin said they had to push back the vaccine date due to the total number of staff and residents. “We pushed out a week so we could do two days,” he added. “We’ve been doing an awful lot of education. We’ve had our physicians and our medical directors to fill out forms and make them feel confident about it.”

County sets record for number of COVID patients in ICU By City News Service

REGION — The number of coronavirus patients in intensive care units in San Diego County set a record Jan. 20, according to public health officials, who also reported 1,720 new COVID-19 cases and 65 additional deaths. The number of hospitalizations overall related to COVID-19 decreased to 1,706, the lowest number in two weeks, after setting a record of 1,804 hospitalized patients on Jan. 12. Conversely, the number of coronavirus patients in ICUs reached a record 430 on Wednesday, while another 242 patients are in ICUs for other reasons. A total of 39 staffed ICU beds are available throughout the county. The region’s total hospitalizations increased slightly to 4,759, 42 beds below the 80% occupancy threshold beyond which only COVID-19 patients will be admitted. Wednesday marked the 51st consecutive day with more than 1,000 cases, but was also the fourth day in the past 30 with fewer than 2,000 new cases of the virus. Of the 18,359 tests re-

ported Wednesday, 9% returned positive, dropping the 14-day rolling average to 11.8% from Tuesday’s 12.1%. The county’s cumulative case total increased to 218,555 and the number of deaths to 2,174. Seven new community outbreaks were confirmed Wednesday, tied to 197 cases. According to the county’s Health and Human Services Administration, there has been a 24% increase in hospitalizations and a 29% increase in ICU patients over the past 30

days. The county Health and Human Services Agency on Monday expanded the eligibility to receive a vaccine to people 75 and older, citing a slowing of appointments at COVID-19 vaccination sites as one reason. The new requirements apply to the Petco Park Vaccination Super Station and other county distribution sites. Previously, due to a shortage of vaccines, the county had authorized only health care workers to receive the vaccines, despite federal guidance allowing

for those 65 and older to receive them. There are more than 620,000 people in San Diego County who belong in the Tier 1A vaccine distribution group. With the 65-and-older group, health officials are looking at another 500,000, for well over 1 million people eligible. Both available vaccines are not effective without two doses. The health agency hopes to have 70% of the county’s population over the age of 16 vaccinated by the end of June.

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T he C oast News

JAN. 22, 2021

CEA tries to balance ‘green’ goals against economic hardship By Dan Brendel

SOLANA BEACH — City Councilmembers debated at their Jan. 13 meeting how to balance the merits of higher-priced renewable electricity against the economic hardship caused by COVID-19, ultimately deferring the question until they know costs more precisely. Councilmembers expressed different leanings. Though they all indicated, all else being equal, they fundamentally support the city’s climate action goals — namely, to reduce the city’s greenhouse gas emissions 50% below 2010 levels by 2035. Councilman Dave Zito said he’s reticent to see the city “move backwards” on its climate action goals “for what is likely to be an extremely small difference in overall bill size.” Councilwoman Kristi Becker wants “to balance our ambitious climate action goals with the reality of today’s world.” “We are in the middle of a raging pandemic, which has caused a severe economic recession. Many of our residents and our businesses are struggling to survive,” she said. The debate pertained to advising the Clean Energy Alliance, a debuting public electric utility, about what mix of renewable and fossil fuel generated electricity it should sell when it opens for business later this

SOLAR PANELS atop Del Mar City Hall. Solana Beach, Carlsbad and Del Mar jointly established the Clean Energy Alliance in 2019. Photo courtesy Clean Energy Alliance

year. Solana Beach, Carlsbad and Del Mar jointly established the Alliance in 2019, and each appoints a city councilmember to serve on its governing board. The co-venture aims to “provide an option for local customers to purchase power from more renewable sources” than San Diego Gas & Electric, or SDG&E, a powerhouse regional utility, according to the City of Carlsbad’s web site. “Cleaner” energy would likely cost consumers a little more than “dirtier” energy, especially factoring in exit fees SDG&E charges customers who switch utili-

[We need] to balance our ambitious climate action goals with the reality of today’s world.” Kristi Becker Solana Beach City Council

ties. Though Alliance CEO Barbara Boswell said she hasn’t yet quantified the potential cost differential. For its default product, or what customers get unless they expressly choose some alternative, SDG&E’s power generation portfolio in 2019 included: 31% from statutorily “eligible”

renewables (wind, solar, geothermal, biomass); 24% from natural gas; and 44% from “unspecified sources,” which are “purchased through open market transactions and … not traceable to a specific power generation source,” according to a recent bill insert. By the terms of its es-

tablishing agreement, the Clean Energy Alliance must procure at least 50% renewable energy. The board plans tentatively to launch a 50% renewable option, as well as a 100% renewable option at some “rate premium,” Boswell said. The board has yet to decide which product it would offer ratepayers by default. SDG&E also offers an all-renewable product, dubbed EcoChoice, which derives all electricity from solar sources. The Clean Energy Alliance is considering whether to offer a 36% renewable option, below its stated minimum. It’d offer the al-

terative to lower-income customers who currently qualify for SDG&E’s discount programs, and potentially also to businesses, based on some as-of-yet undetermined criteria. The Alliance could likely charge a lower rate for this option, “reflect[ing] the lower cost in procuring that energy,” Boswell said. It’d be cheaper because it’s not guaranteed green, but rather “a mix of whatever generators are flowing onto the grid,” she said. “It can be renewable energy that’s not claimed” or “generated from gas fired power plants.” The ability to “opt down” to a dirtier, cheaper option “might be a selling point to other cities,” which the Alliance hopes eventually to attract into its membership, Becker said. “We would definitely prefer to have them opt down temporarily than to have them opt out, because if they opt out, we’re not getting them back.” The Sierra Club’s Karl Aldinger said the Alliance should “simplify the choices to 50% and 100% [renewable],” so residents don’t have to choose between “necessarily climate action or slightly cheaper power.” A 3-to-2 majority of Carlsbad’s City Council preferred not to offer a dirtier, cheaper option, though ultimately the decision is up to the Clean Energy Alliance’s board, Becker said.

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ABOUT 140 RALLIES were planned around the state Jan. 15, including this one at La Costa Canyon High, calling for the return of high school and youth sports. Photo courtesy Mandy Davies



parent Brad Hensley and his wife. The movement has quickly spread to include more than 33,000 members across the state; 140 rallies were planned for Jan. 15 at

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schools and school district offices. A number of former professional athletes from California have also called on the state to allow youth sports to return. Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodg-

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ers made headlines on Jan. 14 by calling out Newsom and the state’s politicians for not letting kids play while also not following COVID-19 guidelines themselves. Hensley said a number of former pro athletes have reached out, voiced support and posted to his group. They include former Major League Baseball player David Wells, former Packers wide receiver James Jones, NFL player Geoff Swaim and NHL great Jeremy Roenick. “We were just so tired and frustrated,” Hensley said. “We’ve been too patient in a system that has failed our kids. No one is standing up for our kids.”

JAN. 22, 2021


T he C oast News

North County legislators respond to proposed K-12 budget By Dan Brendel

REGION — North County legislators at least tacitly commended recovered levels of funding for public schools in Governor Newsom’s recent state budget proposal, but mostly sidestepped questions about structurally underfunded teacher pensions. Four state lawmakers shared their thoughts, outlined below, about the governor’s proposal. The Coast News also asked 60 school board trustees, who govern North County’s 12 school districts, to comment; only one, Carlsbad Unified’s Claudine Jones, did so. Sen. Pat Bates (R-Laguna Niguel) and Assemblywoman Tasha Boerner Horvath (D-Encinitas) represent Encinitas, Carlsbad, Oceanside, Vista and Camp Pendleton. Sen. Brian Jones (R-Santee) and Assemblywoman Marie Waldron (R-Escondido) represent San Marcos and Escondido. Each January the governor recommends a budget for the next fiscal year, based on estimated revenues, which the legislature then tweaks and adopts in the summer. Along with health and human services, one of the largest proportions of state funds — 27% in Newsom’s 2021-22 proposal released Jan. 8 — goes to public schools and community colleges.

Source: CalSTRS FY 2019-20 Comprehensive Annual Finance Report

REBOUNDING SCHOOL FUNDING Newsom’s proposal this year entails “the highest level of funding for K-14 schools ever” — about $86 billion, or $15 billion more than last year. The bump owes mainly to a faster-than-anticipated recovery of the COVIDthrashed economy, and along with it the statutory proportion of state revenues allocated to education. Newsom would pay down $9 billion of nearly $13 billion of last year’s cost-saving deferrals, leaving $4 billion in IOUs to school districts. As a result, districts “will experience only a few weeks of delay in

receiving apportionment in 2021-22 (as opposed to tenmonths of delay in 202021),” according to the budget document. The governor would designate $4.6 billion in one-time General Fund monies under Proposition 98 — a 1988 voter initiative guaranteeing minimum school funding — to address “learning loss due to the pandemic,” according to the budget document. “These funds will be eligible for targeted strategies” focusing on “on students from low-income families, English language learners, youth in foster care, and homeless youth, including an extended school year or

summer school.” Newsom also proposes adding a 3.84% upward cost-of-living adjustment to the Local Control Funding Formula, or LCFF, the mechanism through which school districts receive most of their operating funds. Last year’s budget didn’t include a cost-of-living adjustment. Pre-pandemic, the cost to maintain district programming grew about 4% annually, according to a 2020 report from School Services of California, a consultancy and advocacy group. “Many parents will welcome the governor’s proposed funding for reopen-

ing our schools,” Sen. Bates said. “Distance learning can never replicate the benefits of in-person instruction. … Local school input is essential in determining targeted strategies.” “The governor’s draft budget is an important first step, including the proposed $4.6 billion to help students bounce back from learning loss and the $400 million for school-based mental health services,” Assemblywoman Boerner-Horvath said. “While the LCFF is not perfect in itself, it does allow for some local control as opposed to a top-down state mandated approach,” Sen. Jones said. “My constituents will benefit best from a local determination of how to use [other one-time] resources.” “The most important thing … is getting kids safely back into classrooms,” Assemblywoman Waldron said. “The state paying back the billions of dollars it ‘borrowed’ [deferred] from schools last year would go a long way toward ensuring student and teacher safety as COVID lingers. In general, I’d like to see more local control over how money is spent.” “We’re grateful the governor’s budget proposal emphasizes education,” Carlsbad school board trustee Jones said. At the same time, she cited Suzanne Kitchens of the California School Boards Asso-

ciation, who last week told EdSource, a nonprofit: “No one should consider this an increase; otherwise, it is a bit like docking someone’s pay, restoring the wages you withheld and then calling it a raise.” ONGOING PENSION CHALLENGES Newsom’s proposal also includes nearly $1.2 billion to reduce school districts’ required contributions to CalSTRS and CalPERS, which are retirement systems that oversee pensions for teachers, administrators and other state employees. That amount is “redirected” from General Fund monies that would’ve paid down long-term unfunded pension liabilities, according to the budget document. The state, school districts and employees all pay into the pension systems, and the systems’ invested assets also produce some yield. But this activity hasn’t kept pace with obligations. For teacher and administrator pensions, CalSTR’s unfunded liability weighed in at $106 billion in 2019, representing a funding ratio of 66%, down from 71% a decade ago, according to a recent financial report. “Rising pension costs have been a significant factor affecting district budgets over the past several TURN TO K-12 BUDGET ON A13

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T he C oast News

JAN. 22, 2021


North County's Last Great Butcher Shop!


54 YE


sinc ARS e 19 67

Big John and his staff wish all of you a very Happy New Year! We are open for food take out from our menu everyday

It’s all about the meat & you!

Half of January is already gone, and they are preparing for the upcoming holidays including Valentines Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter and all of the items needed for your upcoming summer BBQ’s! At Tip Top Meats you always get the highest quality items at the best possible prices. They are featuring their very popular Prime Rib Dinner to go for take-out with extremely large portions of beef, a baked potato and salad all for only $14.98, available Friday, Saturday & Sunday. Also, by popular request, they are featuring their sirloin steak dinner, complete with broccoli or sauerkraut, soup or salad and a baked potato for $12.98 or a Filet or New York steak dinner for $14.98. Their Big John Burger continues to be in high demand where you get a ½ pound of beef, fries and a soda for only $7.98! John says, “We offer the highest quality products at the most affordable prices in town, we are known for our large portions, and you will never leave Tip Top Meats hungry!” In addition to their trademark specials,

Tip Top Meats’ entire menu is available for take-out, from 7 AM to 7 PM, 7 days a week. This week, Tip Top is featuring their soups. all original recipes from home-made stock. There is a wide variety including: Lentil, Potato, Cream of Broccoli, Vegetable, Oxtail, all gluten free, & Chicken Noodle. Also available is their famous Beef Stroganoff, Beef Stew and the largest portions of homemade Meat Loaf in the county!

Try one of our


Made from fresh stock daily & original recipes

8 soup varieties!

On special this month, you can buy any 3 steaks and receive a FREE 8 – 10 oz Filet Steak! Choose from the large selection of kabob’s, chicken and beef, made fresh daily. Don’t forget about their legendary Burgandy Pepper Tri-Tip, commonly known as the “wedgie,” one of their top sellers, a great price at $8.98/lb. Their mild-cured corned beef is served up as a well-trimmed brisket. There are several different mild and well-seasoned cuts available at $4.69/lb. Now, let’s get on to their home-made sausages. Over 50 different varieties are available fresh, smoked or cooked. Many original flavors, low sodium and natural flavors with NO Additives, ever! You’ll find Swedish Potato Sausages, English Bangers and so many other German specialties, they have the largest variety of meats than anywhere else. Big John says, “We buy the best and sell the best at the lowest prices. No one else in the county can compete with us.”

Enjoy one of our everyday specials! Three eggs, any style, home fried potatoes & toast. ALL YOU CAN EAT (on the premises) sausage, bratwurst or ham.


BIG JOHN BREAKFAST $ 98 8am to 12 Noon • Dine-in only

plus tax

Choose your cut of steak and a Large Frosty Stein of Beer, served with Broccoli or Sauerkraut, Soup or Salad, Mashed or Baked Potato and Dinner Roll.

1298 FILET/N.Y. $1498 SIRLOIN $


Quality, lean 1/2 pound includes Fries & Soda

Add bacon for $1.00

plus tax

plus tax



North County's Last Great Butcher Shop



6118 Paseo Del Norte • Carlsbad • Open 7 days a week 6am-8pm Breakfast served 6am-noon.


$ 98 plus tax

JAN. 22, 2021


T he C oast News

Where to go when you have to get out of the house hit the road e’louise ondash

BLUE SKY ECOLOGICAL Preserve in Poway offers both easy and challenging trails through various terrains, including riparian, oak woodlands, chaparral and sage scrub. Photo by Robin Sjogren


ey, I’ve gotta get out of this place.” “Yeah, let’s go somewhere.” “OK, but where CAN we go?” I wonder how many times this exchange has occurred since last spring when Pandemic Part I unfolded. It’s been about 10 months since we began to live altogether differently in an effort to quell COVID-19, and now we are fully immersed in the Pan-

demic Doldrums. We are going nowhere fast. To be honest, I’m luckier than many. I’ve got a walkable subdivision, have met neighbors who have discovered the same as an alternative to confinement, and occasionally enjoy hikes at Oceanside Harbor and nearby Calavera Nature Preserve. We even took a side trip to ride the Verde Canyon Railroad, northeast of Prescott, Arizona. The outdoor train cars made so-

cial distancing possible. More recently, though, we’ve watched way more Netflix than my conscience is comfortable with, lost enthusiasm for cleaning more closets, and have traveled only via our old photo albums. We are eager to get out and go. If you’re feeling the same, this might help: a list of destinations, all within a 90-minute drive and focused on the outdoors. As of this writing, all are open, but check before you go. • Take a horse-drawn tour through various Temecula vineyards with Temecula Carriage Company. The tours are private and with household or pod members only. Drivers will narrate while you enjoy a picnic of meats, cheeses, olives, crackers, wine and chocolates. • Still a quaint town nestled in the San Jacinto mountains, Idyllwild offers serenity among the pines and clean air. There also are challenging hiking with great views and interesting landscapes. Nearby Lake Fulmor provides for more leisurely walks, fishing and picnics surrounded by equally beautiful scenery.

Idyllwild Regional Park of-

fers five trails, a challenging rock-climbing course, and perfect picnic spots in its 200 acres. • The Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, just southwest of Murrieta, offers 9,000 acres of hiking trails through protected ecosystems that include woodlands, riparian wetlands, chaparral and more. It’s also home to Riverside County’s oldest standing structures and a species of fairy shrimp found nowhere else in the world. • For a contemplative stroll, visit Veterans Memorial Park in the new Paseo Santa Fe section of Vista. Created and financed by the Pinamonti family, it honors their son/brother, Ernie, who died in 1969 during the Vietnam War. He is represented by a stunning sculpture at the pond. Memorial designers also have incorporated letters between Ernie and his family, and the letters of other Marines who have died, in the walkway and on nearby walls. • It’s a quick drive to Orange County and its wealth of trails, all nicely listed at SoCal Hiker. The guide provides an interactive map and excellent roundup of trails with descriptions and degree of difficulty. • A friend recently recommended Blue Sky Ecological Preserve in Poway, and her photos convinced me that I need to go. The terrain and vegetation are di-

A HORSE-DRAWN carriage ride through Temecula’s vineyards and gourmet noshing is an experience still available through the Temecula Carriage Company. Courtesy photo

verse, and the really ambitious can hike all the way to Ramona Lake. It’s a popular spot, so weekdays are best. Do you have a favorite

place that is still accessible during the pandemic and that you are willing to share? Email eondash@

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inest North County’s F

Fish Market & Coastal Eatery


Right next store to Tip Top Meats is Top Choice Fish Market and Eatery. They feature daily specials. Their suppliers bring in daily fresh catches, all fileted on-site on a daily basis for take-out. You can order any fish entry in the eatery grilled, sautéed, poached or fried. And their portions are HUGE. Come in and try their Fish and Chips, large portions complete with French fries for only $9.49. Diners drive from miles around to delight in Big John’s Seafood Burrito. This 16 oz. burrito stuffed with sautéed white fish, shrimp, veggies, cabbage, lettuce, rice and beans, served with warm tortilla chips and salsa is a complete crowd pleaser with the largest portions at the everyday low price of $10.99. Don’t forget about their fresh daily soups including fish stew and their famous

clam chowder. You can order take out of their full menu at Top Choice too, and conveniently order online. Noah Boes, their passionate fishmonger says, “If you find fish any fresher, they are still breathing!” Both Tip Top and Top Choice’s staff are in full compliance with the current CDC health standards and they are working hard every day to maintain and exceed these health standards. Big John says, “Most of my customers drive by other market who offer similar items as Tip Top and Top Choice, but they drive right by, because they know that NO One can do what we do, we have customers drive down from all over the county to shop and eat her, even regular customers from Orange County, and that we are proud of.”

CRACK IT OPEN! We have the on best shrimp t! e the mark



Our pricing is the most competitive and consistent for the quality of what we offer. Right next door to Tip Top Meats 6118 Paseo Del Norte, Carlsbad Open 7 days | Fish Market: 9am - 7pm



T he C oast News

JAN. 22, 2021

Seniors at Silvergate excited to receive first dose of Pfizer vaccine SAN MARCOS - January 22, 2021 -

After much anticipation, Silvergate San Marcos, a premier San Diego County retirement community, announced today that the long-awaited first doses of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine were administered to residents, caregivers and staff on Sunday, January 17, 2021. Licensed Vocational Nurses at Silvergate assisted incoming vaccine teams from Omnicare, the parent company to well-known retail pharmacy chain, CVS Pharmacy, in vaccinating the community’s residents, who were designated as a priority for the shots in Phase I of the Centers For Disease Control’s national vaccine rollout guidelines. “We are all ready to get back to normal and enjoy life beyond the pandemic, and these vaccines are the key to doing that,” said Joan Rink-Carroll, the Executive Director at Silvergate who has been closely working with state authorities to ensure that Silvergate was one of the first senior living communities in San Marcos to be able to vaccinate its seniors. “There’s finally a light at the end of this tunnel. We’re already planning new activities for our residents to enjoy in the coming weeks once everyone is safely vaccinated a second time.” Second Round Vaccines Coming to Silvergate Silvergate has already received confirmation from CVS Pharmacy for its second-round vaccine clinic dates, which are set to take place in early February. Teams from CVS Pharmacy will return to Silvergate to help run follow-up vaccination clinics, as the Pfizer vaccine requires a second dose three weeks after the initial shot in order to reach the 95% effectiveness rate. “Despite the delays in the distribution of the vaccine, all of our nurses and caregivers went

“Here’s Your Shot To Change The World” was the resounding sentiment of Silvergate San Marcos residents who received their first vaccine shots this week. Lena Toliver shares in the excitement after being vaccinated. above and beyond the call of duty to make this happen,” said Joan Gomez, Director of Resident Care for the community. “They have been incredibly dedicated to the health and wellness of our resident population…all while working through this national health crisis we’re all experiencing together. They are true front-line healthcare heroes!” Silvergate San Marcos has had enthusiastic cooperation from its resident population in the community’s first-round vaccination efforts. Seniors at Silvergate thrilled to receive vaccine “We knew that we would be in the first wave of vaccinations, and I’m just really thankful to be here,” said Marlene Champlin, a Silvergate San Marcos resident who has enjoyed her forever home since 2013. “The Silvergate staff has taken wonderful care of us. We’re a lot better off here

than we would have been in our home with all that’s going on. Hopefully, we can just return to normal with the vaccine.” “Being able to get back to gatherings, events and real activities was one of the main reasons I wanted to be vaccinated,” said Christine Okun, who misses cocktail hour with her friends and leading the community’s regular social hour. “Our Activities Director here puts on such fun events for us and finds all kinds of interesting things for us to do. Any of our events where we were gathering together indoors had to pretty much be put on hold. Now, we’re all just waiting with bated breath for the pandemic to be behind us so that Silvergate can go back to doing one of the things it does best…which is having great events and enjoyable activities.” “I’m so thankful to be here at Silvergate and to be among the first to be getting this vaccine,” said Leonor Renter, a Silvergate resident who says she misses the community’s day trips, going to restaurants, being a part of the Walking Club and her beach walks. “We’re all tired of dealing with masks and social distancing. We want to go back to our everyday lives and be able to have family and friends visiting again. I’m so grateful right now to the Silvergate staff because it’s clear that they’ve done everything they could to get us all vaccinated as quickly as they could.” About Silvergate San Marcos Silvergate San Marcos is now scheduling virtual and private in-person tours of the community. For information, call David Nelson at (760) 744-4484. For general information about the independent living, assisted living and memory care accommodations at Silvergate, visit Silvergate is located at 1550 Security Place, San Marcos, CA 92078.

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JAN. 22, 2021


T he C oast News

Friends of Oceanside Public Library turns 50 By Samantha Nelson

OCEANSIDE — The Friends of the Oceanside Public Library is celebrating 50 years as a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting the city’s libraries. Started in 1971, the Friends of OPL works to enhance the library’s facilities and services. The Friends sponsors programs like the annual summer reading programs, cultural events, technology support and author meetand-greets. The organization also puts on annual fundraisers and runs volunteer-led bookstores in the Civic Center and Mission Branch libraries to raise funds that all go back to the library. When the library first started offering computers for public use, the Friends collaborated with the Oceanside Public Library Foundation, another nonprofit organization dedicated to the library, to fund some of those computers. The two organizations also worked together to provide renovations and updated furniture in the library. “We help to keep things modernized and in good repair,” said Chris Wilson, president of the Friends Board of Directors. The Friends raises money through its membership program, which has annual fees as low as $10 for individual members and as high as $1,000 for businesses. To celebrate its 50th anniversary, the Friends of OPL have introduced its 50/50 Club membership to entice more businesses to join the Friends. “We’re encouraging businesses in the Oceanside area to join us as members,” Wilson said. “Those memberships start at $50.”

The Friends of OPL has grown tremendously over the last 50 years, starting with a small budget to giving back about $100,000 per year for at least the last decade. Since its founding, the Friends has raised more than $2.1 million to help fund library operations. Its members volunteer on average more than 9,500 hours each year for the library. To honor the 50th anniversary of the Friends of OPL, Mayor Esther Sanchez read a proclamation of honor for the organization at the very first City Council meeting of 2021. “The work of the friends highlights on an on-going basis the fact that our Library is the cultural heart of the community providing opportunities for all to engage in the joy of lifelong learning and connect with the thoughts and ideas of others,” the proclamation signed by Sanchez reads. The mayor’s proclamation urges everyone to join the Friends of the Oceanside Public Library. In addition to providing access to information, libraries like Oceanside’s also serve as cultural hubs. Wilson said the Oceanside Public Library is a “key part” of the city’s Downtown Cultural Arts District. “Libraries foster a sense of community,” Wilson said. Libraries also help people determine whether or not information they have received is reliable. “One of the key things that a library offers is guidance in discerning the quality of information people have,” Wilson said. “Libraries also give them the tools necessary to evaluate where they’re getting their information.”

A CAL FIRE HELICOPTER drops water on a brush fire in Carlsbad off the north shore of Agua Hedionda Lagoon on Jan. 20. Three acres were burned, but no damage to structures or injuries was reported. Photo by Steve Puterski


CARLSBAD — A three-acre, three-alarm brush fire broke out in the middle of a local neighborhood at 1:44 p.m. Jan. 20 on the north shore of Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Firefighters from Carlsbad, Encinitas, Vista and Cal Fire extinguished the blaze, dubbed the Park Fire, at 3:45 p.m. after emergency evacuation orders were given to residents in the area, according to Carlsbad Fire Department spokesman Felix Salcedo. Helicopters and air support from CalFire were provided to dump water on the fire, while crews bat-

tled it on the ground, he said. The blaze was across the street from two townhome developments on Park Drive between Marina and Bayshore drives with numerous single-family homes just up the hill on Sunnyhill Drive. A video from Signature Media Group provided to The Coast News shows flames raging and consumer a number of palm trees, while also creating a smoke plume making it difficult for firefighters to battle the fire. The fire also consumed a number of bushes and vegetation along the hillside.

The video also shows winds blowing north and flames climbing as high 10 feet. Salcedo said crews were able to successfully navigate the strong winds and put out the fire. He said no homes, structures or injuries were reported. Carlsbad police also assisted on the scene, diverting traffic and assisting with evacuation orders, which included parts of Park and Cove drives, Adams Street and Arena Road. The evacuation orders were lifted just before 5 p.m., Salcedo said. As for the cause of the fire, it remains under in-

vestigation, he added. “It was quite windy at the time and good thing we had multiple attacks to extinguish it quickly,” Salcedo said of the wind. “It accelerated the fire.”



1991 Village Park Way, Ste. 2L


Coastal Roots Farm offers Revolutionary Treatment of Chronic Pain Utilizing Farm Camp scholarships ENCINITAS — Coastal Roots Farm, a nonprofit Jewish community farm and education center at 441 Saxony Road, rang in the New Year by raising $130,000 to support 7,800 local families. The Farm awarded more than 60 After-School Farm Camp scholarships to local students. Interested families may e-mail Sharone Oren, education manager of Community Programs and Events at for scholarship information. The farm’s “Farmers-in-Training” get to learn where their food comes from and how they can help change the world by getting their hands dirty and into the soil. Registration now available for January through May. Sign up for one or more sessions; families can choose Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday sessions. Two time slots are

available, early afternoon from 1 to 4 p.m. with optional After-Care until 5 p.m. or late afternoon from 3 to 5 p.m. Farm Camp follows all COVID-19 state regulations. To learn more or register, visit farm-camp. The farm also exceeded its initial $100,000 goal to feed 6,000 families, providing to a total of 7,800 families with 35,750 pounds of fresh, organic, nutrient-dense produce, grown on the Farm. “At Coastal Roots Farm, we believe access to fresh, healthy food should not be a privilege for those with means, but a right for all,” said Javier Guerrero, Coastal Roots Farm’s president and CEO. “Our food system is in need of much repair, and we still have work to do, but we’re so happy we were able to help San Diego families this holiday season.”

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T he C oast News

JAN. 22, 2021

M arketplace COVID-19 frustrations smolder at SDUHSD News By Dan Brendel

Marketplace News is paid advertorial content. If you would like to buy space on this page, please contact the Coast News Group.

PURE MEAL PREP SD serves all of San Diego County. Its farthest delivery is currently in Oceanside. Courtesy photo

Fine dining on the run Deliciously creative and healthy dinners can be hard to come by for those with busy schedules. For many, there isn’t much time left in the day to eat anything except takeout or bland microwave dinners. That’s why husband and wife duo Brett and Cassie Dudley have been livening up dinnertime for busy San Diegans for the last three years with Pure Meal Prep SD. Pure Meal Prep SD brings intricate dishes of pastas, breads, marinades and more to the tables of San Diegans who just don’t have time to cook that creative meal they have been dreaming of at home. “We like to say it’s fine dining on the run,” Cassie Dudley said. Based out of an industrial commercial kitchen in Sorrento Valley, Pure Meal Prep SD serves all of San Diego County with its farthest delivery currently located in Oceanside. While Cassie runs the operations side of the business, her husband Brett Dudley is the executive chef. The two have several years of experience in the restaurant industry, Brett having over 10 years of experience working in fine dining restaurants in the local San Diego area and Cassie having managed several successful restaurants between Phoenix and San Diego. Pure Meal Prep SD focuses on making creative, tasty dishes more convenient for its customers. Each week, a new menu is created and features something different from the last week. “We try not to repeat the same dish,” Brett Dudley said. The new menu is posted on Monday of every week. Customers choose their meal plans by Thursday at 4 p.m., and the food is delivered safe and contact-free to their doorsteps by Sunday. “Our loyal customers have continued to order from us every week for the past two years,” Cassie said. “They enjoy our meals for our quality and value, as well as the variety

of our menu, which has not been duplicated at all since our company was founded two years ago.” Not only is Pure Meal Prep SD a tastier option, it’s a healthier option for people who are on diets trying to lose weight or even bulk up. There are three different meal plans for customers to choose from: the standard plan, the lean plan and the keto plan. Each offers a choice of 10, 15 or 20 meals per week. There is also a family pack-

Our loyal customers have continued to order from us every week for the past two years.” Cassie Dudley Owner

age and desserts plans offered as well. The meal plans offer generally the same meal but with certain modifications. For example, the lean plan provides smaller portions while the keto plan keeps the same main protein and vegetables but substitutes any carbs out for a tasty alternative. The Dudleys also give back to their community through the business. With every meal plan purchase, Pure Meal Prep SD donates one meal to either a homeless person or a hospital worker each week. The business has donated about 3,600 meals since last April. With almost 20 fulltime employees now, Pure Meal Prep SD has also been able to provide jobs to several people from the restaurant industry who lost their jobs or had their hours reduced due to COVID-19. To make your dinnertime easier and more delicious, visit

REGION — San Dieguito Union High School District board trustees expressed frustration at their Jan. 14 meeting about uncertainty in implementing COVID-related safety measures and school closures, even as state officials released new guidance the same day. The district, which operates 10 middle and high school campuses, serving some 13,000 students, has not fully reopened for in-person instruction. State and county health departments restrict schools from reopening as long as the county remains in the so-called Purple Tier, the highest of four state-defined COVID risk categories. The continued closure also follows a recent settlement with the San Dieguito Faculty Association, a teachers’ union bargaining unit, which sued the district last month in an effort to block plans to reopen in January. “The agreement includes pausing expansion of general in-person instruction for the remainder of the second quarter,” which ends Jan. 22, according to the district’s web site. “It does not preclude continuing the current classes, programs, and activities taking place on our campuses” with certain subgroups of students. “We are not the experts who came up with [these restrictions],” Trustee Melisse Mossy said Jan. 14. “Wheth-

Odd Files THE CONTINUING CRISIS Two Florida residents, Brian Montalvo Tolentino, 43, of Davenport and Juan Burgos-Lopez, 39, of Lake Wales, admitted to police they had removed four human skulls from tombs they had robbed in Mount Dora, WKMG-TV reported. Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd told local media on Jan. 8 that detectives serving a search warrant on Burgos-Lopez’s property found a shed containing a ritualistic shrine and seven skulls the men told authorities they used in the practice of the Palo Mayombe religion. Three of the four graves robbed were of members of the armed forces because, Judd said, Lopez told authorities “the spirit is much stronger in a hero” and “it can protect you from evil.” Before vandalizing the graves, Judd added, the men drank rum and spit it on the ground, then smoked a cigar and exhaled the smoke “to protect them from the spirits.” DNA on the cigars led authorities to the suspects. [WKMG, 1/8/2021] WHEN YOU CARE ENOUGH TO SEND THE VERY BEST Romney Christopher Ellis, 57, of Indianapolis, was sentenced to four years and 10 months in prison on Jan. 5 by a federal court in Tampa, Florida, after waging a four-year campaign to harass and threaten his exwife, including at one point sending a package with a

SDUHSD OPERATES 10 middle and high schools, serving some 13,000 students. File photo

“The parent community has no visibility of what those conversations [between the district and the union] have resulted in,” since such meetings aren’t public or recorded, Ginny Merrifield of the Parent Association of North County San Diego, an advocacy group, told The Coast News. “Communication has not been what it needs to be to build trust and confidence in the community,” she said. “We’re hearing many comments [from the public] on communication,” School Board President Maureen Muir said. “I’ve heard the same questions like six, eight, 10 times now,” Trustee Mike Allman said, referring to ongoing confusion about whether privacy laws prohibit the district from informing people when they’ve come into close contact with a positive COVID-19 case. “We do alert everybody on a campus” if there’s been a positive test case, Haley said. “But we can’t make it too narrow, because the concern is that people will then try to figure out who it was.” The state health department issued updated and consolidated guidance for schools last week. While the school board hasn’t yet publicly discussed potential implications, the new guidelines reiterate that “schools may not reopen for grades 7-12 if the county is in Purple Tier.”

er you agree with it or you don’t agree with it, I would encourage you to take that up at the state level. Please don’t take it out on us.” “It’s only natural that we would feel whiplashed and confused and frustrated and angry,” Trustee Katrina Young said. “Stop pointing fingers, stop making accusations, start realizing that we all share the same frustrations. … Know that we are going to do everything possible within our limits,

to get kids on campus and allow them to go about their lives, because that’s what we all want.” Asked whether the local teachers’ union has clearly articulated its desired preconditions for expanding in-person instruction, Superintendent Robert Hale said: “I would be cautious about answering that question here in open session. … There’s some legal stuff that I don’t want this board to get sideways with.”

dead rat and a black rose to her home, according to court records. Ellis also threatened to decapitate her and set her on fire. Postal inspectors searched Ellis’ home in February, reported the Associate Press, uncovering evidence, and he pleaded guilty in April. [Associated Press via WKMG, 1/6/2021]

throughout Quebec handed INEXPLICABLE out more than 750 tickets. An armed man wearing [CTV News, 1/12/2021] camouflage tactical gear approached a 23-year-old POLICE REPORT worker as she was leaving Police in the Japanese the Cranbourne West Lost community of Funabashi Dogs Home in Melbourne, City have arrested Ryusei Australia, about 11:30 p.m. Takada, 26, for allegedly on Jan. 11 and demanded stealing more than a dozen she turn over her cellphone, toilets from houses under Detective Senior Sergeant construction. The Daily Glen Cruse told the media. Mail reported the thefts be- Victoria police said the man gan in October and contin- pointed his gun at the womued, with local media dub- an, then took her inside bing the elusive thief the the shelter, tied her up and God of Toilets, until Takata “asked where the cats were flushed himself out by sell- before he left the room and ing a brand-new fixture to didn’t return,” the Daily a secondhand store in the Star reported. The woman city. Takada, a construction freed herself and called for company office worker, ad- help; police are still looking mitted to the thefts and said for the man, and a motive. he did it “to cover my living [Daily Star, 1/12/2021] expenses.” [The Daily Mail, 1/13/2021] WRONG PLACE, WRONG TIME NEW FOOD Veronica Gutierrez, The European Food 36, was arrested in Palm Safety Agency on Jan. 13 Springs, California, on Jan. approved yellow grubs, aka 5 after allegedly carjackmealworms, as its first in- ing an SUV that afternoon sect “novel food,” to be used in Rosemead, an incident whole and dried in curries that was complicated by the and as flour to make pastas fact that the car owner’s and breads, Reuters report- 84-year-old mother was in ed. Mealworms are rich in the passenger seat at the protein, fat and fiber, ac- time, according to authorcording to agency food scien- ities. Police Sgt. Richard tist Ermolaos Ververis, and Lewis said the owner had “there is great interest ... in left the SUV’s motor runthe edible insect sector.” But ning with the heater on for sociologists point out that her mother when the sus“the so-called ‘yuck factor’ pect drove off, eventually (may) make the thought of letting the mother go in eating insects repellent to Desert Hot Springs, more many Europeans,” said con- than 100 miles away. The sumer researcher Giovanni East Bay Times reported Sogari of the University of the mother was unharmed, Parma in Italy. “With time and Gutierrez was being and exposure, such atti- held on suspicion of kidnaptudes can change,” he add- ping for carjacking. [East ed. [Reuters, 1/13/2021] Bay Times, 1/8/2021]

PEOPLE AND THEIR PETS — The South Korean startup Petpuls Lab has announced it developed an AI dog collar that can help owners discern what emotions their pets are feeling based on how they bark. “This device gives a dog a voice so that humans can understand,” the company’s director of global marketing, Andrew Gil, told Reuters. The collar detects five emotions, and owners can find out through a smartphone app if their pets are happy, relaxed, anxious, angry or sad. Seoul National University tested the device and declared it has a 90% average accuracy rate. The collar sells for $99. [Reuters, 1/12/2021] — A couple in Sherbrooke, Quebec, were each fined $1,500 on Jan. 9, when police spotted the pair walking outside about an hour after the city’s 8 p.m. curfew, with the husband wearing a leash, CTV News reported. The city’s curfew allows for dog-walking after 8 p.m., but police rejected the couple’s claim they were following the rules. It was the first weekend under new province-wide restrictions imposed by Premier Francois Legault, and officers

JAN. 22, 2021


T he C oast News

Escondido coffee shop owner Positive attends ‘peaceful rally’ in DC AFFIRMATIONS

DAVID CHIDDICK, owner of the Koffie Co. in Escondido, attended the pro-Trump protest rally in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6 but says he was not among those who stormed the U.S. Capitol building. Courtesy photo By Tigist Layne

ESCONDIDO — Koffie Co. owner David Chiddick, who has garnered attention in recent weeks for defying state-mandated shutdown orders, attended the protest rally in Washington, D.C., on the day the US Capitol was attacked earlier this month. Chiddick, who post‑ ed on his shop’s Instagram from the steps of the Lin‑ coln Memorial on Jan. 6, says he was not among those who stormed the Capitol in an attempt to overturn President Donald Trump’s election defeat. In a Jan. 6 Instagram video, Chiddick tells view‑ ers to “not stand by” and to “fight the good fight.” “This is not the time to run from a fight, this is the

time to run to a fight,” he said in the video. “We can either flee the scenario and have our kids deal with it, or we can fight right now for our nation.” Five people died as a result of the rioting that fol‑ lowed Trump’s call for his followers to march to the Capitol. Among the dead was San Diegan Ashli Bab‑ bitt, an Air Force veteran who was shot by police and fatally wounded during the attack. In a separate video posted a few days later, Chiddick admits to taking part in what he calls the “peaceful rally” in D.C., but says he wasn’t “one of those idiots that took it too far,” adding that they should be “prosecuted.” “We’ve received a tre‑

mendous amount of evil and hate personally toward our shop, to our employees, to our children. … If you want to know what side we think we’re on, it’s confirmed that we are on the right side,” Chiddick said. Chiddick’s presence in D.C. quickly caught the at‑ tention of people on social media, with many urging others to stop supporting the Grand Avenue business altogether. A Reddit thread about the coffee shop owner has garnered hundreds of com‑ ments, with some people debating whether to report him to the FBI based on his videos, which don’t actual‑ ly place him at the Capitol during the riot. The Escondido City Council heard a public com‑ ment from an Escondido resident at the Jan. 13 meet‑ ing criticizing Chiddick and the Koffie Co. “I would like to bring attention to the remarks and actions made by the owner of the Koffie Co., the owner of the establishment was in the Capitol the day of the insurrection. … He traveled across the coun‑ try, came back and might have been infected with the virus. … These actions are unacceptable and should not go unaddressed,” said the resident. Chiddick and the Kof‑ fie Co. could not be reached for comment. Last month, after Gov. Gavin Newsom ordered sev‑ eral Southern California counties to enforce stay-athome orders due to critical hospital conditions, the Koffie Co. quickly took to social media to tell users that it would remain open for indoor and outdoor op‑ erations.

Trump pardons former US Rep. Cunningham By City News Service

REGION — Former Rep. Randy “Duke” Cun‑ ningham was among those receiving pardons from President Donald Trump on Jan. 19, hours before he left office. Cunningham was sen‑ tenced in 2006 to eight years and four months in prison for his guilty pleas to conspiracy and tax evasion for taking $2.4 million in


years,” according to the Legislative Analyst’s Office. “Required district contributions to [CalSTRS and CalPERS] have grown from $3.5 billion in 2013‑14 to $8.4 billion in 2019‑20. … In 2021‑22, district costs are likely to increase by at least $200 million. … For 2022‑23, the underlying contribution rates currently are projected to grow more than 2 percent of pay for CalSTRS and nearly 4 per‑ cent of pay for CalPERS. Depending on district de‑ cisions about salaries and

bribes in return for unduly influencing the awarding of Defense Department con‑ tracts. He was released in 2013. After being incarcer‑ ated, Cunningham denied accepting bribes and said he regretted his plea. Cunningham, a Repub‑ lican, represented portions of San Diego County in Congress from Jan. 3, 1991

to Nov. 28, 2005 when he re‑ signed. Prior to politics, he flew an F-4 Phantom fighter jet for the U.S Navy during the Vietnam War. The bribes were paid in a variety of methods, including checks totaling more than $1 million, cash, rugs, antiques, furniture, yacht club fees, boat re‑ pairs, moving costs and va‑ cation expenses.

staffing, the associated cost increase is likely to range from $1.3 billion to $1.7 billion. A cost increase of this magnitude exceeds the additional funding districts are likely to receive from the statutory [cost-of-living adjustment] that year.” Asked about alleviating pension pressures, North County’s legislators had lit‑ tle to say. “Without additional reforms, state programs will see larger portions of their budgets siphoned off to pay for pension and retir‑ ee health costs,” Sen. Jones said. “I don’t support taking

away pensions that have already been earned, as promises made should be promises kept,” Sen. Bates said. “There are no easy fixes and it will take gu‑ bernatorial leadership and cooperation from the leg‑ islature’s majority party to make additional pension reforms.” They didn’t elaborate on reforms they’d favor. Others, such as educa‑ tion analysts Chad Aldeman and Max Marchitello, have advocated switching from the current defined benefit system to a 401(k)-style de‑ fined contribution arrange‑ ment for new employees.


Hello, and thank you for following this wonderful 7-week series of articles that aims to support you, our loyal reader, to stay hopeful during a unique time of big changes. If you have been following along and participating in writing your affirmations for the last five weeks, you likely have noticed some shifts in your thought patterns and may have seen a positive impact in your ability to navigate these everchanging times.

hope as a guide for a better future. These ideals have contributed to major advancements in society and humanity’s evolution. It may seem far fetched to say that just simply saying an affirmation would change the world, but perhaps not so far reaching to say that practicing empowering thoughts may change the way we RESPOND to the world’s events. This, in turn, can create a hopeful environment for ourselves and for the people in our lives.

After all, isn’t it refreshing to talk with someone who lives with a deep sense of trust and hopefulness in their heart? Can you be that breath of fresh Here in week six, we would like to air for someone by living in your own direct you to focus on the concept of sense of hope? “hope”. These affirmation sentence stems are The official definition of hope is listed set up for you to practice pumping as: an optimistic state of mind that is your mindset muscle for cultivating based on an expectation of positive a strong sense of trust within. May outcomes with respect to events and these affirmations be the light at the circumstances in one’s life or the world end of the tunnel; for yourself, your at large. Hope can also be defined as loved ones and for anyone who may need a spark of hope during this time. a feeling of trust. How do we implement a sense As Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. of optimism and expectation of said, “Everything that is done in the goodness to come when the majority world, is done by hope.” of headlines, reports, and news these Write, read, share and remember days reveals much to be concerned to find more pages like these in the about? locally created Power Affirmation Some of the most influential people Journal. You can learn more by visiting of our time, such as Albert Einstein, Abraham Lincon and Martin Luther With hopeful gratitude, King Jr. have been quoted time and time again using the ideals of Betsy and Matt

This year brings a possibility of ...

I am grateful to count on...

I am learning to trust...

I am hopeful for...

I am...




T he C oast News

on the decommissioning of San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, learn about Know something that’s going meanings of flowers from on? Send it to calendar@ an art historian and more, on Zoom. Registration is required at https://forms. gle/UMnrvJrnnNfHEcNVA WALK THE GARDENS or e-mail life.miracosta@ Treat yourself to a re- laxing day at San Diego Botanic Gardens 300 Quail Gardens Dr. A serene walk around there is good for the HISTORY WALK mind and body. Still feeling Get out and get some like you need the holiday fresh air and get a history cozy feeling? They have ex- lesson on our favorite town. tended their Botanic Won- The Encinitas Historical Soderland lighting experience ciety is planning a historic to Jan. 22 and Jan. 23. Visit walk throughout downtown https://sdbgarden.double- at 10 a.m. Jan. 23. Meet at 4th Street and F Street in sion/23425 to reserve your Encinitas. time.


JAN. 22

JAN. 23


The “At Your Side” Small Business Grant Program, through Jan. 28, has Main Street America partnering with Brother Office USA to offer a competitive grant program to help brickand-mortar small businesses in designated Main Street districts as they work to adapt to COVID-19 and prepare for the next phases of reopening across the country. Grants range from $5,000-$10,000. Applications open Jan. 21. LIBRARY LECTURE SERIES

The Oceanside Public Library and MiraCosta Learning is For Everyone host a free series of online lectures in North County San Diego, on Fridays at 1 p.m. Learn about our changing community from a news journalist, get an update


A Beginning and Refresher Genealogy Class, sponsored by North San Diego County Genealogical Society in webinar format continues from 10 a.m. to noon Jan. 23. Free, but registration is required at For questions about the class content, e-mail the instructor at If you need additional technical assistance, e-mail info@nsdcgs.

JAN. 24


JAN. 25


Online Businesses and employees are invited to tune in at noon Jan. 25 to Food Scraps Recycling 101, for a short virtual refresher of what goes into recycling bins, ways to avoid contamination, examples of common contaminants and ways to find overall cost savings. A Q&A session will give attendees the opportunity to ask questions. Visit https://

JAN. 26


In partnership with the Carlsbad Unified School District and Parent University, the Carlsbad Educational Foundation presents a panel webinar, Navigating Through Transition: How to Cope Successfully with Change. Join panelists from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Jan. 26. Register for the free webinar by visiting GENEALOGY WEBINAR

North San Diego County Genealogical Society will hold a live webinar from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Jan. 26. Forensic genealogist and scientist Colleen Fitzpatrick will present how genetic genealogy confirmed the account of Alex Kurzen, the Nazis’ “Little Jewish Mascot.” Free, but registration required at For questions call (760) 3904600 or e-mail programs@

lican Women Federated club welcomes author and speaker, Tom Del Beccaro, and 2020 Congressional Candidate, Brian Maryott at 11 a.m. Jan. 26. For more information and the link to attend the Zoom meeting, e-mail Ann at annie13035@ GRUB BOOK CLUB

Grub Book Club I for ages 13 to 18 meets at 4 p.m. Jan. 26 on Zoom. It is reading “Scythe” by Neal Shusterman. Register to receive the book and Zoom link at

JAN. 27


The Palomar College Foundation presents “Exploring the Possibilities,” the 2020 Community Showcase – A Report to the Community offered from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. Jan. 27. There is no cost to attend but registration is required. at https:// DNA FOUNDATIONS DNA

Foundations class, presented by North San Diego County Genealogical Society, will take place in webinar format 10 to 11:30 a.m. Jan. 27. This class will give an introduction to what DNA is and how to interpret your results. Free, but registration is required at nsdcgs. org. E-mail if technical assistance is desired.

The Vista Chamber of Commerce is looking for the Best in 2020, nominated by you, to honor at the Heroes 2021 Gala in March. All nominees must be current Vista Chamber of Commerce members in good standing. Contact info@vistachamber. REPUBLICAN CLUB org or call (760) 726-1122. The Carlsbad Repub- BACK-TO-SCHOOL CARE Boys & Girls Club of Oceanside offers both fiveday (Monday-Friday) and three-day programs (Monor WednesOR YOUR MONEY BACK day-Wednesday day-Friday) from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. to accommodate different schedules. For more information, visit our website. For questions or to register, contact us at (760) 433-8920.

JAN. 28





a E Le



Escondido Public Library presents Virtual Toddler Tales at 10:30 a.m. Jan. 28 for walkers to 3. Access on Facebook & Instagram.


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JAN. 29


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JAN. 22, 2021

Summer may feel far away, but the deadline is fast approaching for civic-minded teens in San Diego to apply for Bank of America’s Student Leader’s program – which provides paid summer internships at local nonprofits, including four from San Diego. The 2021 application is open through Jan. 29 AT BECOME A VIRTUAL FOSTER

If you want to lend a helping paw to the pets at your Rancho Coastal Humane Society, but this isn’t a good time for you to take a cat, dog, or rabbit into your home, this is perfect for you. Trained foster volunteers care for the pets in their homes. “Virtual fosters” sponsor the pets to help pay their expenses while they’re in foster care or at the shelter, waiting to be adopted. For more information call (760) 753-6413 or log on to

KARLA TRUJILLO is slated to graduate from UC Berkeley in 2022, and she plans to pursue graduate degrees in education. Courtesy photo

Solana Beach scholar earns national award By Staff

SOLANA BEACH — A Solana Beach scholar and native of Oaxaca, Mexico, has earned a place in the national Ronald B. McNair Scholars Program to advance her undergraduate studies at UC Berkeley. Karla “Ranger” Trujillo, former program and marketing director for La Colonia de Eden Gardens, Inc., will complete and publish independent research as a McNair Scholar ahead of her anticipated graduation from Berkeley in 2022. The award will help Trujillo move toward earning a master’s degree and ultimately a doctoral degree in education. The advanced degrees will complement Trujillo’s work as an anthropologist during the past 20 years. In Solana Beach, Trujillo partnered with La Colonia de Eden Gardens, Inc., to create Teenology Rangers, a youth and family leadership program based on science, art and nature. “Her leadership, energy, enthusiasm, creativity, ethics and values have helped us to serve our community in a more significant and meaningful way,” said La Colonia President Manny Aguilar. “She promotes trust with our native community.” As a child, Trujillo

attended public schools in Carlsbad. Later, she earned associate’s degrees from MiraCosta College in anthropology and university studies. As a McNair Scholar, her research will focus on how to provide tools for youth and family members to better develop as healthy individuals despite trauma that may be suffered. Trujillo’s Teenology Rangers have demonstrated the power of science, art and nature as tools to strengthen relationships and build identity. Trujillo herself has persevered despite the challenges of her undocumented status during the past 28 years. She attributes her resilience to having become a master of delayed gratification. “It has been difficult but if I can do it, anyone can,” Trujillo said. “It is our duty to reach for the stars in honor of Ronald B. McNair.” Ronald B. McNair was an American NASA astronaut and physicist. After his death in the Challenger explosion in 1986, members of Congress provided funding for the Ronald B. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program to encourage students from underrepresented groups in fields of higher learning. Learn more at

Arrest ends 7-hour standoff By City News Service

OCEANSIDE — A 20-year-old man suspected of stabbing his 20-yearold wife was arrested Jan. 19 following a seven-hour standoff at an Oceanside apartment, police said. Dispatchers received reports around 5:30 p.m. Monday that a woman had been stabbed in her neck and arm outside the Mission Hills Apartments on Rancho Del Oro Drive, north of San Ramon Drive, according to the Oceanside Police Department. When officers arrived, they found the victim being treated by neighbors in a nearby apartment, Oceanside police spokesman Tom Bussey said. The woman was airlifted to Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla for treat-

ment of her injuries, which were not believed to be life-threatening, the police spokesman said. Witnesses told officers the man had fled into an apartment and officers spotted the suspect inside an apartment holding a knife, Bussey said. At about 1 a.m., SWAT officers entered the apartment and deployed a police dog along with “several less than lethal munitions'” to take the suspect into custody, Bussey said. The suspect suffered minor injuries and was treated at the scene by paramedics. The suspect, identified as Vixiano Chestertal, was booked into San Diego Central Jail on suspicion of attempted murder, according to jail records. He is being held without bail.

JAN. 22, 2021


T he C oast News

Great Kindness Challenge has new look, same message By Steve Puterski

CARLSBAD — Kindness will be in the spotlight come Jan. 25 as Kids for Peace celebrates its 10th annual Great Kindness Challenge. It is a weeklong event encouraging kindness in children and adults alike, and this year it couldn’t come at a more opportune time, said Kids for Peace co-founder Jill McManigal, given the ongoing pandemic and recent election. The event, dubbed “Kindness Unites,” runs from Jan. 25 to Jan. 29. Despite the COVID-19 restrictions affecting schools across the county, and world, McManigal said this year’s recruiting efforts have exploded as more

than 16 million kids will participate. And this year the nonprofit will construct a 110-mile Kindness Unites paper chain linked by notes of kindness. Also, the Carlsbad Art Wall, on the east wall of Señor Grubby’s, was painted in dedication to Kids for Peace and the challenge. “As kids are doing these acts of kindness, they can rewire their brain so that kindness becomes a habit,” McManigal said. “ Meg Jansen, the peace pledge program director, said the challenges from the pandemic forced Kids for Peace to adjust its tactics and marketing in various ways. Like most, they went virtual with their efforts and also made their programming

San Marcos council backs lawsuit against outdoor dining restrictions By Tigist Layne

SAN MARCOS — The San Marcos City Council met Tuesday, Jan. 12, to file a “friend of the court” (amicus curiae) brief to support a lawsuit against the state regarding outdoor dining restrictions. San Diego County, along with several other Southern California counties, have been under a state-mandated stay-athome order since the beginning of December due to the critical situation in hospitals and a shortage of ICU beds. The order temporarily closes a number of business including on-site dining, even outdoors, at restaurants, breweries and wineries. Hair salons and barbershops, personal care services, museums and zoos, movie theaters, and indoor recreational facilities also had to close. In mid-December, Midway Venture LLC filed a lawsuit against Gov. Gavin Newsom challenging ceaseand-desist letters issued to the company’s adult entertainment (strip club) facilities. San Diego Superior Court Judge Joel Wohlfeil issued an injunction that permitted plaintiffs to operate indoors and exempted all restaurants in San Diego County from the closure orders, including the state’s regional stay-at-home order. The state and the county have since appealed Wohlfeil’s ruling and were

granted a stay on the ruling pending the appeal. At Tuesday’s meeting, the San Marcos City Council voted 5-0 to file an amicus brief to support the restoration of outdoor dining. “When you look at all of the closures of the businesses and the infection and the outbreaks… there’s been no proof offered by the state or the county that has shown that outdoor dining is a contributing factor to an outbreak,” Mayor Rebecca Jones said. “There are businesses that are going out of business, like San Marcos Brewery, that just couldn’t make it with the closures. … I’m in favor of supporting outdoor dining.” Councilmember Randy Walton agreed with the mayor, adding that restaurants have not been treated equal to other businesses throughout these restrictions. “I support this effort, as well. I’m a person who believes that the reasonable government restrictions that attempt to prevent the spread of the coronavirus are a good thing … but we’ve got to let the science lead our policy making,” Walton said. “Our policies and restrictions to business should be applied equally to all business, but with restaurants that hasn’t been the case. … Our restaurants have been hit disproportionately hard.” The matter was set for oral arguments this week.

simpler to help teachers who were already stretched thin. She said because volunteers are not allowed on campuses, especially in California, creativity is important to continue the mission. The Great Kindness Challenge, meanwhile, gives kids a 50-point checklist to perform throughout the week, although the nonprofit has seen growth in more customizable lists from kids and parents to include other kind acts. Asia Moore, the program director, said the added challenges of the pandemic have made it tougher for educators and schools, but the Great Kindness Challenge will also help to redirect those children’s energy into positive acts in

hopes of giving them an avenue to overcome the social and emotional stress from the past 10 months. “That is a true and real concern that will continue,” Moore said. “They are, in a way, looking for tools and resources to boost their morale and give them hope and positivity.” As for the paper chain, McManigal said schools can submit various lengths, which include quarter-mile, half-mile or one mile. The nonprofit is also accepting individual notes but will not unveil the chain until gatherings are allowed. To cap the event, McManigal and others are forming a caravan navigating the streets of Carlsbad at 3:30 p.m. on Jan. 29.

KIDS FOR PEACE kicks off its 10th annual Great Kindness Challenge on Jan. 25. From left, Meg Jansen, peace pledge program director; Asia Moore, program director; and Kids for Peace co-founder Jill McManigal created “Kindness Unites” as this year’s theme. Photo by Steve Puterski


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Gas price bucks trend, dips slightly By City News Service

REGION — The average price of a gallon of selfserve regular gasoline in San Diego County dipped by one-tenth of a cent Jan. 20 to $3.345 — ending a streak of eight straight daily increases. The drop came one day after the cost had hit its highest amount since March 18, according to figures from the AAA and Oil Price Information Service. The average price in San Diego County is 4.9 cents more than one week ago and 16.7 cents higher

than one month ago, but 23.4 cents less than one year ago. Pump prices are rising at their highest rate since June because crude oil is at its highest price in nearly a year in large part because of Saudi Arabia's announcement it would cut production in response to lower expected demand in 2021, according to Jeffrey Spring of the Automobile Club of Southern California. The prices are rising despite continued low demand and stay-at-home orders in many parts of the state, Spring said.

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T he C oast News

JAN. 22, 2021

Proudly serving our community since 1961 Tri-City Medical Center has served our community for nearly 60 years and prides itself on being the home to leading orthopedic, spine and cardiovascular health services while also specializing in world-class women’s health, robotic surgery, cancer and emergency care. Tri-City’s Emergency Department is there for your loved ones in their time of need and is highly regarded for our heart attack and stroke treatment programs. When minutes matter, Tri-City is your source for quality compassionate care close to home.

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JAN. 22, 2021



small talk


jean gillette

Left handed, but the kids are all right

How new businesses navigated opening during a pandemic By Samantha Nelson

OCEANSIDE — It’s no secret that businesses everywhere have been negatively affected by COVID-19, but for brand-new businesses the issues were twofold as they faced the unique struggle of dealing with not only the first year of operations but also the pandemic. The original shutdown in March stopped nearly everyone in their tracks and forced new business owners like Rushell Gordon to postpone their openings. Gordon was set to open Bliss Tea & Treats in March, but that date ended up getting pushed back to May. “It was kind of surreal how it all happened,” Gordon said. Construction of her business had finally finished, the city had already conducted its inspections and she was only waiting on the county health department to grade her. Then, she got a call that the health department couldn’t come out due to the pandemic. Not too long after that the health department ended up visiting her tea shop and gave her an A grade, but she had to change a few things to operate under COVID restrictions. At first, she operated on a to-go basis before eventually opening to 25% capacity when restrictions lifted in late spring. Gordon’s Bliss Tea & Treats is one several businesses that opened its doors in downtown Oceanside during the pandemic. According to Gumaro Escarcega, the program manager of MainStreet

Oceanside, nine businesses opened in the downtown district during the pandemic and a handful of others opened right before the pandemic struck. The federal government and the City of Oceanside created loan programs to help small businesses get through the pandemic, but many new businesses didn’t qualify. “That was one of the toughest things — we realized that the only way businesses qualified for grants and loans is if they had 2019 financials,” Gordon said. “I didn’t have payroll until May 2020 so I didn’t qualify for anything.” Recently, Oceanside City Council approved an additional $700,000 in funding for grants to small businesses impacted by COVID-19. The program provides grants ranging from $1,000 to $7,500 to businesses based on which tiers they fall under. For example, businesses like Gordon’s that opened after March 15, 2020, and have been mandated to either close or significantly alter their businesses to due to COVID-19 would fall under Tier 2. Businesses that opened before March 15, 2020, fall under Tier 1, and Tier 3 applies to businesses that are home-based or are part of a franchise that have had to close or alter business activity. MainStreet Oceanside, the downtown business association, has been helping small businesses by providing guidance and information on how to apply for

Enjoy one from the archives


mocktails. Bliss also offers high tea time, which is historically experienced between lunch and dinner, throughout the entire day. Bliss had a good summer of business with tourists still visiting town, but Gordon knew that business would start to wind down after the season. She introduced themes by redeco-

ow that both my children are handling pencils and writing, more or less, I have relaxed a bit. It appears they are both unquestionably right-handed. I am left-handed. Based on the struggles it has added to my life, I truly did not wish it on any child I produced. Oh sure, we lefties have prompted a whole line of specialty products, from scissors to sports equipment. We also have a glib string of defensive phrases (“Left is right!”) and talk about how much more sensitive we are since our right brain is in control — we are more artistic, more creative. Well, maybe; but for me, none of that compensates for having to spend my entire life swimming upstream in a downstream world. And as I watch the numerous “lefties” in my son’s kindergarten class fight over the “lefty” scissors and struggle more than their peers to master cutting and writing, my opinion is reinforced. I ache for them. From the first moment I picked up a writing utensil, I wrote backward. Once corrected, I began to drag the heel of my left hand across everything I wrote upon (and still do), smearing even the hardest of leads. I can’t go near a fountain pen. My kindergarten teacher back in the ’50s



RUSHELL GORDON, owner of Bliss Tea & Treats in Oceanside, opened her tea shop early on during the COVID-19 pandemic. In October, she introduced themes at her tea shop to attract more locals, starting with The Mad Hatter Tea Party. Courtesy photo

loans as well as promoting businesses on social media. “We’re basically here to support small businesses in downtown in any way they need,” Escarcega said. Last spring, MainStreet Oceanside teamed up with Gordon, who came up with the Oceanside Strong campaign to raise money for local small businesses. The campaign raised $12,000 through T-shirt and face-

mask sales along with other donations. Business for Gordon picked up during the summer after businesses were allowed to reopen on a limited capacity. Gordon’s business, Bliss Tea & Treats, is a full service tearoom that provides lunch, desserts and more than 30 varieties of tea and specialty drinks, including tea-infused non-alcoholic

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T he C oast News


JAN. 22, 2021

Aloha, Big Ben

Know something that’s going on? Send it to calendar@


JAN. 22


chris ahrens

Join the Painting Challenges and Plein Air Paint Share with Oceanside Museum of Art. Paint all month, share noon to 2 p.m. Feb. 7. More at



In association with Oceanside Museum of Art’s upcoming Plein Air Festival in April, OMA invites seasoned or beginner painters to venture solo into the great outdoors and paint iconic Oceanside locations over the next four months. Each month we will offer a suggested painting location to celebrate the environmental diversity in Oceanside. January’s suggested location is the Buena Vista Lagoon Ecological Reserve, Paint In: Explore the beauty of Oceanside without leaving your home. Grab your art supplies and a computer or personal device, and take a virtual trip to several favorite spots selected by members of OMA’s Artist Alliance on this month’s interactive map at https:// ARTS PARTNERSHIP

The Escondido Arts Partnership, 262 E. Grand Ave., Escondido, has extended “Summation 2020” for viewing until Jan. 22. The annual exhibition asked artists to complete their vision, journey and process throughout the year.

PLEIN AIR artists are encouraged to share their work online on Feb. 7.

Theatre has extended “Necessary Sacrifices” through March 7. “Necessary Sacrifices” is based on the two documented meetings between Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass at the height of the Civil War. Tickets at event-details/39277.

JAN. 24


“A Christmas Carol: As Told By One Man to Whom It Matters,” has been extended at North Coast Repertory Theatre through Jan. 24. Tickets at /event-details/42060 CLASSIC GREEK THEATER

at Lux Art Institute from Jan. 25 to Jan. 29. Not sure which classes you would like to take this year? Try out a single session of Lux classes for free. Contact Veronica Bellocci, at, to participate.

JAN. 26


Oceanside Museum Of Art presents “Behind The Exhibition” from 7 to 8 p.m. Jan. 26, online. Cost is $5. Join curator Susan M. Anderson and exhibitions manager Katie Dolgov for a virtual discussion covering the stories behind building the collection of OMA’s upcoming exhibition “GIFTED: Collecting the Art of California at Gardena High School, 1919-1956.” Visit

The North Coast Repertory Theatre presents “An Iliad” a dynamic adaptation of Homer’s classic poem about the Trojan War. The $35 video-on-demand will be showing through Jan. 24. Get tickets MOJO AND JAZZ COLLECTIVE at the works retails/42229. corded by MiraCosta’s own MOJO and Jazz Collective. The set features Grammy award trombonist FranWAR DRAMA EXTENDED TRY SOMETHING NEW cisco Torres. Jazz, blues, North Coast Repertory It’s Free Demo Week Latin, R&B, and a little

JAN. 23

JAN. 28

JAN. 25

Courtesy photo

holiday NOLA funk. Watch and listen at watch?v= pgj7DJfja_U&

JAN. 29


La Jolla Symphony and Chorus offers a re-imagined, all virtual 20202021 Season. “Stay Home With Us” will be a six-part monthly series, with musical encounters, interviews, solo performances and selected pre-recorded works from the La Jolla Symphony and Chorus archives., preceded by a series of newly produced and recorded pre-concert lectures, interviews, and readings, hosted and curated by Steven Schick, music director. Productions will be aired Feb. 19, March 19, April 16, May 14 and June 18. Series subscriptions or individual event tickets can be purchased by visiting, phoning the box office at (858) 534-4637 or by writing to boxoffice@ It offers a “pay what you can” subscription option. For more information, visit https: // lajollasymphony. com/.

he year was 1965 and my brother Dave and I were seated in our parents’ home watching The Duke Kahanamoku Classic at Sunset Beach on the North Shore of Oahu. The two young Hawaiian standouts in the comp were Eddie Aikau, who would later be remembered for his big-wave surfing, and Ben Aipa. I hadn’t heard of either of them at the time, but would eventually meet them both. Eddie, I met in Encinitas through Hawaiian-born Donald Takaya- BEN AIPA ma. While Aikau surfed our local waves well, no matter how big it got it seemed too small for him. He needed raw power to come to alive, and when he did, few could match him in the break where he served as lifeguard with the great Butch Van Artsdalen, Waimea Bay. I met Ben briefly in Hawaii but didn’t get to really know him until the mid 1980s when I interviewed him for the long-defunct Breakout Magazine. It was then he astounded me by saying he had never surfed until his early 20s. He had been a star football player at the time and while wading out at Waikiki a loose board hit him. He paddled it out, caught a wave and a surf legend was born. It might seem normal to some that a surf star didn’t began surfing until his early 20s, but I have never seen anyone other than Ben get better than proficient at the sport who started later than their early teens. No matter how coordinated or fit you are, there is just too much to learn in surfing. For one thing, no two waves ever break exactly the same. For another,



rating her entire tearoom, starting with the Mad Hatter Tea Party theme in October. “We did that so the locals would come out, and it worked,” Gordon said. Gordon then introduced her Winter Wonderland theme for December, but things took a rough turn that month after the most recent shutdown forced Southern California businesses back to takeout only. “That really affected our December sales,” Gordon said. “December was probably the worst month.” Gordon temporarily closed Bliss Tea & Treats after Dec. 20. She plans to open back up with takeout

surfboards have what appears to be a mind of their own. But there was Ben Aipa, accomplishing one of the greatest feats in surfing, by carving deeper turns than anyone, and finding his place in the finals of what was then the most prestigious surf contest in the world. And this was not the last time Aipa would rattle the surfing world. His surfing continued to inspire us all through the years with benchmark surfboards like the Stinger and his greatest team member, the one and only Larry Bertlemann, taking that board to previously unimagined heights. Aipa was also a surf coach without peer whose students have included top-rated competitors like Brad Gerlach and Sunny Garcia. Paddling up to me once in Cardiff he noticed I was putting too much weight on my front foot. He smiled and said, “Get off the clutch and get on the gas.” In nine words he gave me the best advice I’ve ever had in surfing. Like all great humans, Ben was far more than the sum of his parts — he was a hero, a wonderful father and somebody you could always rely on when life got tough. Life got tough for him several years ago after he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. On Jan.15 of this year, he passed away at age 78 from the disease that robs the memory. And while his memory of me faded over time, my memories of him never will. While I’m at it, I don’t think I ever thanked you for making me one of the best surfboards I ever had. Thank you, Big Ben and Aloha. Save us a place in heaven’s lineup, brother. A celebration of Ben Aipa’s amazing life is set to occur at Ala Moana on Aug. 17. To learn more, please contact: benaipalegacy@ services on Jan. 28. COVID-19 has challenged nearly every business downtown in some way, but Escarcega and Gordon remain hopeful about economic recovery. “I strongly believe businesses will be able to sustain themselves and come back and do well as the economy opens up,” Escarcega said. “The interest and investment of downtown hasn’t stopped.” Gordon called Oceanside a “resilient town” whose businesses are doing their best to get through with positive attitudes despites the ups and downs of openings and shutdowns, coming up with creative solutions along the way. “I think we’re all going to be okay,” she said.

JAN. 22, 2021


T he C oast News

Canyon Crest teacher earns state music educator award Incentive offered to support Shoppes at Carlsbad eateries By Staff

ENCINITAS — Canyon Crest Academy’s Amy Villanova will be honored with the 2020 California Music Educators Association Byron Hoyt/Don Schmeer Band Educator Award, honoring excellence in instrumental education and performance in the state of California. Eligible educators for the honor includes all music educators in public and private schools, colleges and universities in the state of California. Villanova, the coordinator for Instrumental Music, Wind Ensemble, Orchestra, Chamber Orches-



Business news and special achievements for North San Diego County. Send information via email to community@ CONGRATS TO GRADUATES

Madison Berman of Oceanside earned a master of education degree and Jessica Alva of Carmel Valley earned a master of education in the fall 2020 semester at from Concordia University, Nebraska. NICELY DONE

• MiraCosta Community College student Askar Bashirov is a recipient of a 2020 Study California Scholarship. Recipients are selected on the basis of academic ability, financial need, and leadership qualities. Scholarships were awarded Dec. 31, 2020. • Kaelan Taylor of Oceanside, majoring in aeronautical engineering, was named a Presidential Scholar for the fall 2020 semester at Clarkson University in New York. • Bucknell University named Tatym Racz from Encinitas; Chris Phelan from Oceanside; Alex Burch from Rancho Santa Fe; Carly Irvine from San Marcos; Brendan Egan, Allison Zhang and Renee Shahnazarian from Carmel Valley, to its dean’s list for outstanding academic achievement during the fall semester of 2020-21. • Carl Ash from Encinitas has been named to DePauw University's Fall 2020 dean's list.


tra and Jazz Band at CCA, is the first educator within the San Dieguito Union High School District to be honored with the state’s Band Educator Award since its inception in 2000. She is just the third • Gabrielle Russell of Oceanside has qualified for the Fall 2020 President's List at Chadron State College in Nebraska. • Libby Norlander of Carlsbad has been named to the 2020 fall semester Dean's List at Ohio Wesleyan University in Ohio. • Alexandria Rohrbaugh of Carlsbad was named to the Muhlenberg College School of Continuing Studies Dean's List for the Fall 2020 semester. • Mara Davis of Oceanside has earned Dean's List honors for the Fall 2020 semester at Mount St. Mary's University, Maryland. • Nolan Booher of San Marcos was recognized on the president's list at Culver-Stockton College in Missouri, for academic achievement during the fall 2020 semester. • Rachel Medina of Carlsbad was named to the Vermont Castleton University Dean's List for the fall semester of the 2020-21 academic year. NO SENIOR ALONE GRANTS

The No Senior Alone initiative, of the San Diego Seniors Community Foundation has distributed several grants to the San Marcos Senior Center: $14,910 for Connecting Seniors with Technology; Oceanside Senior Center: $15,000 for Digital Cafe, a program to provide equipment, instruction, and support to improve virtual connection for seniors; Escondido Senior Center: $3,000 to provide holiday decor for 200 isolated older people or gift a poinsettia to place in their homes with a handwritten

Pet of the Week Fern was found in an RV park in Riverside County. Fortunately for her, someone picked her up and took her to a shelter. She was transferred to your Rancho Coastal Humane Society and now she’s ready for her forever home. The adoption fee includes medical exams, vaccinations, spay, and registered microchip. For information about Adoption by Appointment or to become a Virtual Foster, visit

educator working in San Diego County to be selected for the award alongside Jerri Webb (2017, Westview High School) and Jeanne Christensen (2016, Mira Mesa High School). “It is a such an honor to have been selected by my peers to represent the CMEA Byron Hoyt/Don Schmeer Band Educator Award for the state of California, and it is a testament to the incredibly hard work and pride that our students put into learning and refining their craft, as well as to the incredible team of music professionals I have the privilege of working with in our school and in our dis-

trict,” Villanova said. “I am so grateful for the opportunities afforded to me, and the amazing friendships I have developed, all because I chose to try playing flute in the elementary school band.” Villanova will be publicly honored on Feb. 18 at a virtual event in conjunction with the All-State Music Education Conference hosted by the CMEA. Also during the event will be performances of the 2021 California All-State Ensembles which will include students from CCA and Torrey Pines High School, and Carmel Valley, Earl Warren and Pacific Trails middle schools.

holiday card and Del Mar Community Connections: $2,500 to deliver greenery arrangements and gift bags containing word puzzles, books, and sweet treats to 70 isolated seniors.

Grill at 1328 Camino Del Mar; Monarch Ocean Pub at 1555 Camino Del Mar, Suite 322; Villaggio Ristorante at 1201 Camino Del Mar Suite 101 and Westbrew at 1435 Camino Del Mar, Suite D



The deadline is approaching to register as a PGA Jr. League captain. The countdown is to Jan. 21, to register as a captain for the 2021 season. Parents are looking for healthy and responsible activities for their children - be their game changers this year and help them stay emotionally and physically healthy. Register at

By Staff

CARLSBAD — The Shoppes at Carlsbad is offering a $20 Visa prepaid reward card when guests spend $50 or more at participating restaurants through Feb. 28. Order from a participating restaurant at The Shoppes at Carlsbad such as Beshock Ramen, Texas De Brazil, Islands, Panera Bread, Grubby’s Poke and Fish Market, Luna Grill, Yard House, The Cheesecake Factory. Then upload your receipt showing $50 in total ering from disasters, strategic marketing and business financial strategy development. Visit to register for free access. GUITARIST HAS NEW BOOK

Encinitas resident and Taylor Guitars artist Alex Woodard has published a new book, “Living Halfway,” a journey through time, reflective of readers tired of the modern happiness culture. The book is available at

Restaurant owners in San Diego are filing a class-action lawsuit against the state and the county aimed at recouping the money spent on state and local fees, including liquor licenses and health permits. The legal action is a result of restaurants across the state facing unprecedented challenges to stay open and maintain cash reserves amid new operating restrictions in the COVID-19 era. Plaintiffs just filed lawsuits in San Diego, Orange, San Francisco, Sacramento, and Los Angeles Counties.

GenMark Diagnostics, Inc., a Carlsbad-based provider of automated, multiplex molecular diagnostic testing systems, provided preliminary operational and financial results for the year ended Dec. 31, 2020. Total revenue for 2020 is expected to be approximately $171 million, representing an RESORT GETS VERIFIED increase of approximately Rancho Valencia Resort 95% over 2019. & Spa, 5921 Valencia Circle, Rancho Santa Fe, has beNEW GOODWILL SITE come Sharecare Health SeCivic Community Part- curity Verified with Forbes ners announced Jan. 8, the Travel Guide. The compreclosing of a $9 million New hensive facility verification Markets Tax Credit invest- helps ensure that guests and ment with Goodwill Indus- travel planners can book tries of San Diego County with confidence at properto finance a new retail store ties that have appropriate and community employ- health safety procedures in ment center in Escondido. place. At 315 W. Washington Ave., the project will transform a former Rite Aid into a retail store that will receive and sell used goods and have a "Because Kindness Matters" new employment center to assist those with barriers to employment and provide training and job placement assistance.




Board director Larry Watt presided over Olivenhain Municipal Water District’s first meeting of 2021 as president. OMWD’s board elected to Watt for a third term as president. Initially appointed to the board in 2011, Watt represents Division 2 of OMWD’s service area, which includes portions of the cities of Carlsbad and Encinitas. HOME INSTEAD HIRING

Home Instead, a provider of in-home senior care, is hiring 25 permanent parttime and full-time positions in Vista to accommodate the growing number of adults age 65 and older, who desire to age at home where they feel safe and most comfortable. For more information about career opportunities at Home Instead, visit NEW EATS IN DEL MAR

The Del Mar Village Association welcomed new Del Mar restaurant openings, including Del Mar Seaside

food purchases in one transaction to receive a digital $20 Visa reward card. Visit to get started — the website will walk you through the steps to upload a picture of your receipt, create a simple account and register to receive the $20 Visa card. Redeemers must be 16 or older and a U.S. resident; limit one reward per person. Upload one eligible receipt (including date, restaurant, location, purchase and total) by completing the form on by March 28.


Feed Darlene...

The U.S. Small Business Administration Administrator Jovita Carranza, announced Jan. 11 the launch of Ascent, a first-of-its-kind, free digital e-learning platform geared to help women entrepreneurs grow and expand their businesses. Ascent has content such as tips on preparing and recovVOLUNTEER

Tastes of rich vanilla, honey, citrus & fruit

Kindness Meters found at these North County locations:

Tip Top Meats • Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation • Boy’s & Girls Club of C’bad (Bressi Ranch) Moonlight Amphitheater The Lund Team Office and Downtown Carlsbad (at the sign) 100% of the proceeds benefit 7charitable organizations in the community including the Carlsbad Charitable Foundation, Carlsbad Educational Foundation, Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation, and The Moonlight Cultural Foundation, Kids for Peace and Boys and Girls Club of Carlsbad


The Senior Volunteer Patrol of the North Coastal Sheriff’s Station performs home vacation security checks, assists with traffic control, enforces disabled parking regulations, patrols neighborhoods, schools, parks and shopping centers and visits homebound seniors who live alone for the communities of Encinitas, Solana Beach, Del Mar.& portions of the county’s unincorporated areas. Volunteers must be at least age 50, be in good health, pass a background check, have auto insurance & a valid California driver’s license. Training includes a two week academy plus training patrols. The minimum commitment is 24 hours per month, & attendance at a monthly meeting. Interested parties should call (760) 966-3579 to arrange an information meeting.

Tastes of rich spices, oak, & vanilla

“A family Tradition for over 50 years”


T he C oast News LEGALS





Council Chambers, Civic Center 505 South Vulcan Avenue Encinitas, CA 92024

IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT/SECTION 504 REHABILITATION ACT OF 1973 AND TITLE VI, THIS AGENCY IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PUBLIC ENTITY AND DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, ETHNIC ORIGIN, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX, RELIGION, VETERANS STATUS OR PHYSICAL OR MENTAL DISABILITY IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICE. IF YOU REQUIRE SPECIAL ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS MEETING, PLEASE CONTACT THE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT AT (760) 633-2710 AT LEAST 72 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING. PURSUANT TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA EXECUTIVE ORDERS AND AMENDED COUNTY HEALTH ORDERS, MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC WILL ONLY BE ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE IN MEETINGS ELECTRONICALLY. PUBLIC COMMENT PRIOR TO THE MEETING: to submit a comment in writing, email and include the agenda item number and/or title of the item in the subject line. If the comment is not related to an agenda item, indicate oral communication in the subject line. All e-mail comments received by 3:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting will be emailed to the planning commission members and made a part of the official record. Please note, e-mail comments received prior to the meeting will no longer be read at the meeting. PUBLIC COMMENT DURING THE MEETING (INCLUDING ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, AND COMMENTS RELATED TO CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS AND ACTION ITEMS): to provide public comment during the meeting, you must register by 2:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting to join the planning commission meeting webinar. You do not need to register to watch but must register if you wish to speak. Members of the public will not be shown on video; they will be able to watch and listen, and to speak when called upon. Each speaker is allowed three (3) minutes to address the planning commission. Please be aware that the Planning secretary has the authority to reduce equally each speaker’s time to accommodate a larger number of speakers. All comments are subject to the same rules as would otherwise govern speaker comments at the meeting. Speakers are asked to be respectful and courteous. Please address your comments to the planning commission as a whole and avoid personal attacks against members of the public, commissioners, and city staff. To register to speak at this meeting, go to the Agenda for this meeting found on the City’s website at: It is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held on Thursday, the 4th day of February, 2021, at 6 p.m., or as soon as possible thereafter, by the Encinitas Planning Commission to discuss the following hearing item of the City of Encinitas: PROJECT NAME: Beacon’s Beach Landscape Restoration Plan; CASE NUMBER: MULTI-003977-2020; USE-0039792020; CDP-003978-2020; FILING DATE: August 10, 2020; APPLICANT: City of Encinitas; LOCATION: 948 Neptune Avenue (APN: 254-040-31); ZONING/OVERLAY: The subject lot is located within the Residential 8 (R-8) zone and the Ecological Resource/Open Space/Park (ER/OS/PK) zone, the Coastal Bluff Overlay Zone, and within the California Coastal Commission’s Appeal Jurisdiction of the Coastal Zone; DESCRIPTION: Public hearing to consider a Major Use Permit (MUP) and Coastal Development Permit (CDP) request to install landscaping and revegetate the bluff face at Beacon’s Beach access point, consisting of native planted plants and native hydroseed mix, removal of non-native plants for erosion control and long-term maintenance of this vegetation. A temporary construction staging area will be located at the south end of the existing parking lot. The public parking lot and public access point will remain open during the installation of this scope of work. ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: It has been determined that the project is exempt from environmental review pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15333(d)(1), which exempts projects that are five acres in size to assure the maintenance, restoration, enhancement, or protection of habitat for fish, plants, or wildlife, including revegetation of disturbed areas with native plant species. The project scope and long- term maintenance of the installed native landscaping, meeting this exemption. None of the exceptions in CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2 exists and no historic resources would be impacted by the proposed project. STAFF CONTACT: Todd Mierau, Associate Planner: (760) 633-2693 or An appeal of the Planning Commission determination, accompanied by the appropriate filing fee, may be filed by 5 p.m. on the 15th calendar day following the date of the Commission’s determination. Appeals will be considered by the City Council pursuant to Chapter 1.12 of the Municipal Code. Any filing of an appeal will suspend this action as well as any processing of permits in reliance thereon in accordance with Encinitas Municipal Code Section 1.12.020(D)(1) until such time as an action is taken on the appeal. The above item is located within the California Coastal Commission’s Appeal Jurisdiction of the Coastal Zone and may be appealed to the California Coastal Commission. Under California Government Code Section 65009, if you challenge the nature of the proposed action in court, you may be limited to raising only the issues you or someone else raised regarding the matter described in this notice or written correspondence delivered to the City at or before the time and date of the determination. For further information, or to review the application prior to the hearing, please contact staff or contact the Development Services Department, 505 South Vulcan Avenue, Encinitas, CA 92024 at (760) 633-2710 or by email at planning@ 01/22/2021 CN 25068 APN No.: 168-271-61-00 TS No.: CA-20-886060-NJ REVISED NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND “FORECLOSURE SALE” WHEREAS, on 4/16/2004, a certain Deed of Trust was executed by JEANNE A. ZELTNER, AN UNMARRIED WOMAN, as trustor(s), in favor of WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, as beneficiary, and was recorded

on 4/22/2004 Instrument No. 2004-0350272 in the Office of the County Recorder of SAN DIEGO County, CA; and WHEREAS, the Deed of Trust was insured by the United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (the Secretary) pursuant to the National Housing Act for the purpose of providing single family housing; and WHEREAS, the Deed of Trust is now owned

by the Secretary, pursuant to an Assignment recorded on 7/18/2013 as Instrument Number 2013-0448535 in Book XX, Page XX of SAN DIEGO County, CA; and WHEREAS, a default has been made in the covenants and conditions of the Deed of Trust in that: THE PROPERTY CEASED TO BE THE PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE OF THE BORROWER(S) FOR A REASON OTHER THAN DEATH AND THE PROPERTY IS NOT THE PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE OF AT LEAST ONE OTHER BORROWER AND, AS A RESULT, ALL SUMS DUE UNDER THE NOTE HAVE BECOME DUE AND PAYABLE. This default can be resolved if at least one borrower takes possession of the property as his or her principal residence. In order to cure the default in this manner you must contact Quality, whose contact information is set forth herein. WHEREAS, by virtue of this default, the Secretary has declared the entire amount of the indebtedness secured by the Mortgage to be immediately due and payable and sufficient payment has not been made as of the date of this notice; and WHEREAS, the total amount due as of 1/12/2021 is $368,864.25. WHEREAS, a Notice of Default and Foreclosure Sale was previously

issued, that recorded on 10/30/2020 in SAN DIEGO County, CA as Instrument No. 2020-0676267, that set a sale for 12/16/2020 at 10:00 AM and the Foreclosure Commissioner hereby desires to continue said sale date as set forth below. NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to the powers vested in Quality Loan Service Corp. by the Single Family Mortgage Foreclosure Act of 1994, 12 U.S.C. 3751 et seq., by 24 CFR Part 27 subpart B, and by the Secretary’s designation of Quality Loan Service Corp as Foreclosure Commissioner as indicated on the attached Foreclosure Commissioner Designation, notice is hereby given that the revised sale date is now set for 2/10/2021 at 10:00 AM local time, all real and personal property at or used in connection with the following described premises will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder: Commonly known as: 3503 TURQUOISE LN, OCEANSIDE, CA 92056 Assessor’s parcel number: 168271-61-00 Located in: City of OCEANSIDE , County of SAN DIEGO, CA . More particularly described as: PARCEL A: LOT 24 OF EMERALD LAKE HOMES, IN THE CITY OF OCEANSIDE, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING

JAN. 22, 2021




TO MAP THEREOF NO. 11029, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, AUGUST 27, 1984. PARCEL B: A NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT ON AND OVER THE COMMON AREA”, AS DEFINED IN THE DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS RECORDED FEBRUARY 27, 1986 AS FILE NO. 86-078027 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AND ANY ANNEXATIONS THERETO, FOR ACCESS, USE, OCCUPANCY, COMMON ENJOYMENT, COMMON INGRESS AND EGRESS THE AMENITIES LOCATED THEREON AND SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS OF THE DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS RECORDED FEBRUARY 27, 1986 AS FILE NO. 86-078027 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. THIS EASEMENT IS APPURTENANT TO PARCEL ABOVE DESCRIBED. The sale will be held At the entrance to the East County Regional Center by the statue, located at 250 E. Main St., El Cajon, CA 92020 The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development will bid $372,926.41 There will be no proration of taxes, rents or other income or liabilities, except that the purchaser will pay, at or before closing, his pro rata share of any real estate taxes that have been paid by the Secretary to the date of the foreclosure sale. When making their bids, all bidders except the Secretary must submit a deposit totaling approximately $37,292.64 in the form of certified check or cashier’s check made out to the Secretary of HUD. A deposit need not accompany an oral bid. If the successful bid is oral, a deposit of $37,292.64 must be presented before the bidding is closed. The deposit is nonrefundable. The remainder of the purchase price must be delivered within 30 days of the sale or at such other time as the Secretary may determine for good cause shown, time being of the essence. This amount, like the bid deposits, must be delivered in the form of a certified or cashier’s check. If the Secretary is the highest bidder, he need not pay the bid amount in cash. The successful bidder will pay all conveyancing fees, all real estate and other taxes that are due on or after the delivery date of the remainder of the payment and and all other costs associated with the transfer of title. At the conclusion of the sale, the deposits of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned to them. The Secretary may grant the winning bidder an extension of time within which to deliver the remainder of the payment. All extensions will be for 15-day increments for a fee of $500.00, paid in advance. The extension fee shall be paid in the form of a certified or cashier’s check made payable to the Secretary of HUD. If the high bidder closes the sale prior to the expiration of any extension period, the unused portion of the extension fee shall be applied toward the amount due. If the high bidder is unable to close the sale within the required period, or within any extensions of time granted by the Secretary, the high bidder may be required to forfeit the cash deposit or, at the election of the foreclosure commissioner after consultation with the HUD representative, will be liable to HUD for any costs incurred as a result of such failure. The Commissioner may, at the discretion of the HUD representative, offer the property to the second highest bidder for an amount equal to the highest price offered by that bidder. There is no right of redemption, or right of possession based upon a right of

redemption, in the trustor(s) or others subsequent to a foreclosure completed pursuant to the Act. Therefore, the Foreclosure Commissioner will issue a Deed to the purchaser(s) upon receipt of the entire purchase price in accordance with the terms of the sale as provided herein. HUD does not guarantee that the property will be vacant. The scheduled foreclosure sale shall be cancelled or adjourned if it is established, by documented written application of the mortgagor to the Foreclosure Commissioner not less than 3 days before the date of sale, or otherwise, that the default or defaults upon which the foreclosure is based did not exist at the time of service of this notice of default and foreclosure sale, or all amounts due under the mortgage agreement are tendered to the Foreclosure Commissioner, in the form of a certified or cashier’s check payable to the Secretary of HUD, before public auction of the property is completed. To obtain a pre-sale reinstatement all defaults must be cured prior to the scheduled sale, plus all other amounts that would be due under the mortgage agreement if payments under the mortgage had not been accelerated, advertising costs and postage expenses incurred in giving notice, mileage by the most reasonable road distance for posting notices and for the Foreclosure Commissioner’s attendance at the sale, reasonable and customary costs incurred for title and lien record searches, the necessary out-ofpocket costs incurred by the Foreclosure Commissioner for recording documents, a commission for the Foreclosure Commissioner, and all other costs incurred in connection with the foreclosure prior to reinstatement. To obtain information regarding reinstating the loan by paying the sums that are delinquent you should contact the Foreclosure Commissioner, Quality Loan Service Corp., at the address or phone number listed below. Tender of payment by certified or cashier’s check or application for cancellation of the foreclosure sale shall be submitted to the address of the Foreclosure Commissioner provided below. QUALITY MAY BE CONSIDERED A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. TS No.: CA-20886060-NJ Dated: Foreclosure Commissioner Stephanie Fuentes, Assistant Secretary on behalf of Quality Loan Service Corporation 2763 Camino Del Rio South, San Diego, CA 92108 (866) 645-7711 Quality Loan Service Corporation 2763 Camino Del Rio South San Diego, CA 92108 (866)-645-7711 For Sale Information: Sales Line: 916-939-0772 Website: A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of: California) County of: San Diego) On 1/12/2021 before me, Katherine A. Davis a notary public, personally appeared Adriana Banuelos, who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/ she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/ her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of

California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature Katherine A. Davis Commission No. 2269219 NOTARY PUBLIC - California San Diego County My Comm. Expires 12/29/2022 IDSPub #0173010 1/22/2021 1/29/2021 2/5/2021 CN 25064 APN: 124-450-06-00 TS No: CA01000090-20-1 TO No: 95312973 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED April 10, 2006. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS AGAINST YOU,YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On February 10, 2021 at 10:00 AM, at the entrance to the East County Regional Center by statue, 250 E. Main Street, El Cajon, CA 92020, Special Default Services, Inc., as the duly Appointed Trustee, under and pursuant to the power of sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust Recorded on April 17, 2006 as Instrument No. 2006-0266686 of official records in the Office of the Recorder of San Diego County, California, executed by CLARENCE CRAYTON, JR. AND JOSEPHINE CRAYTON, HUSBAND AND WIFE AS JOINT TENANTS , as Trustor(s), in favor of SOLUTION FUND INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION as Beneficiary, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, in lawful money of the United States, all payable at the time of sale, that certain property situated in said County, California describing the land therein as: AS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN SAID DEED OF TRUST The property heretofore described is being sold “as is”. The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 2530 KNOTTWOOD WAY , FALLBROOK, CA 92028. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the Note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said Note(s), advances if any, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, estimated fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligations secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of this Notice of Trustee’s Sale is estimated to be $136,886.87 (Estimated). However, prepayment premiums, accrued interest and advances will increase this figure prior to sale. Beneficiary’s bid at said sale may include all or part of said amount. In addition to cash, the Trustee will accept a cashier’s check drawn on a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the California Financial Code and authorized to do business in California, or other such funds as may be acceptable to the Trustee. In the event tender other than cash is accepted, the Trustee may withhold the issuance of the Trustee’s Deed Upon Sale until funds become available to the payee or endorsee as a matter of

JAN. 22, 2021


T he C oast News






right. The property offered for sale excludes all funds held on account by the property receiver, if applicable. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. Notice to Potential Bidders If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a Trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a Trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same Lender may hold more than one mortgage or Deed of Trust on the property. Notice to Property Owner The sale date shown on this Notice of Sale may be postponed one or more times by the Mortgagee, Beneficiary, Trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about Trustee Sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call In Source Logic AT 702-659-7766 for information regarding the Special Default Services, Inc. or visit the Internet Web site address listed below for information regarding the sale of this property, using the file number assigned to this case, CA01000090-20. Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the Internet Web site. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. Notice to Tenant NOTICE TO TENANT FOR FORECLOSURES AFTER JANUARY 1, 2021 You may have a right to purchase this property after the trustee auction pursuant to Section 2924m of the California Civil Code. If you are an “eligible tenant buyer,” you can purchase the property if you match the last and highest bid placed at the trustee auction. If you are an “eligible bidder,” you may be able to purchase the property if you exceed the last and highest bid placed at the trustee auction. There are three steps to exercising this right of purchase. First, 48 hours after the date of the trustee sale, you can call 702-659-7766, or visit this internet website www., using the file number assigned to this case CA01000090-20 to find the date on which the trustee’s sale was held, the amount of the last and highest bid, and the address of the trustee. Second, you must send a written notice of intent to place a bid so that the trustee receives it no more than 15 days after the trustee’s sale. Third, you must submit a bid so that the trustee receives it no more than 45 days after the trustee’s sale. If you think you may qualify as an “eligible tenant buyer” or “eligible bidder,” you

should consider contacting an attorney or appropriate real estate professional immediately for advice regarding this potential right to purchase. Date: January 6, 2021 Special Default Services, Inc. TS No. CA01000090-20 17100 Gillette Ave Irvine, CA 92614 (949) 2255945 TDD: 866-660-4288 Susan Earnest, Authorized Signatory SALE INFORMATION CAN BE OBTAINED ONLINE AT FOR AUTOMATED SALES INFORMATION PLEASE CALL: In Source Logic AT 702-659-7766 SPECIAL DEFAULT SERVICES, INC. MAY BE ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED MAY BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Order Number 73572, Pub Dates: 01/15/2021, 01/22/2021, 01/29/2021, THE COAST NEWS CN 25055

SPECIFIED. Do not come to court on the specified date. The court will notify the parties by mail of a future remote hearing date. Any Petition for the name change of a minor that is signed by only one parent must have this. Attachment served along with the Petition and Order to Show Cause, on the other nonsigning parent, and proof of service must be filed with the court. IT IS SO ORDERED. Date: Jan 12, 2021 Sim Von Kalinowski Judge of the Superior Court. 01/22, 01/29, 02/05, 02/12/2021 CN 25066

on the Order to Show Cause for Change of Name (JC Form #NC-120). If all requirements for a name change have been met as of the date specified, and no timely written objection has been received (required at least two court days before the date specified), the Petition for Change of Name (JC Form #NC100) will be granted without a hearing. One certified copy of the Order Granting the Petition will be mailed to the petitioner. If all the requirements have not been met as of the date specified, the court will mail the petitioner a written order with further directions. If a timely objection is filed, the court will set a remote hearing date and contact the parties by mail with further directions. A RESPONDENT OBJECTING TO THE NAME CHANGE MUST FILE A WRITTEN OBJECTION AT LEAST TWO COURT DAYS (excluding weekends and holidays) BEFORE THE DATE SPECIFIED. Do not come to court on the specified date. The court will notify the parties by mail of a future remote hearing date. Any Petition for the name change of a minor that is signed by only one parent must have this. Attachment served along with the Petition and Order to Show Cause, on the other nonsigning parent, and proof of service must be filed with the court. IT IS SO ORDERED. Date: Dec 30, 2020 Sim Von Kalinowski Judge of the Superior Court. 01/08, 01/15, 01/22, 01/29/2021 CN 25048

A. Fleur Flower Essence Aromatherapy. Located at: 1408 Hygeia Ave., Encinitas CA San Diego 92024. Mailing Address: Same. Registrant Information: A. Khijra Inc., 1408 Hygeia Ave., Encinitas CA 92024. This business is conducted by: Corporation. Registrant First Commenced to Transact Business Under the Above Names(s) as of: 11/01/2020 S/ Vidya McNeill, 01/15, 01/22, 01/29, 02/05/2021 CN 25057

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE# 37-2021-00001282-CUPT-NC TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner(s): Jennifer Robyn Austin filed a petition with this court for a decree changing name as follows: a. Present name: Jennifer Robyn Austin change to proposed name: Jennifer Robyn Light. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this Court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for a change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: On Mar 02, 2021 at 8:30 a.m., in Dept. 23 of the Superior Court of California, 325 S Melrose Dr., Vista CA 92081, North County Regional Division. NO HEARING WILL OCCUR ON THE ABOVE DATE; ATTACHMENT TO ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME (JC FORM #NC-120) Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which poses a substantial risk to the health and welfare of court personnel and the public, rendering presence in, or access to, the court’s facilities unsafe, and pursuant to the emergency orders of the Chief Justice of the State of California and General Orders of the Presiding Department of the San Diego Superior Court, the following Order is made: NO HEARING WILL OCCUR ON THE DATE SPECIFIED IN THE ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. The court will review the documents filed as of the date specified on the Order to Show Cause for Change of Name (JC Form #NC-120). If all requirements for a name change have been met as of the date specified, and no timely written objection has been received (required at least two court days before the date specified), the Petition for Change of Name (JC Form #NC100) will be granted without a hearing. One certified copy of the Order Granting the Petition will be mailed to the petitioner. If all the requirements have not been met as of the date specified, the court will mail the petitioner a written order with further directions. If a timely objection is filed, the court will set a remote hearing date and contact the parties by mail with further directions. A RESPONDENT OBJECTING TO THE NAME CHANGE MUST FILE A WRITTEN OBJECTION AT LEAST TWO COURT DAYS (excluding weekends and holidays) BEFORE THE DATE

NOTICE OF LIEN SALES VIN# 1XKYD49X5GJ105544 MAKE KENWORTH YEAR 2016 LOCATION OF SALE 6422 Mollison Ave El Cajon CA 92109 DATE OF SALE 02/02/2021 10 AM 01/22/2021 CN 25065 NOTICE OF PUBLIC LIEN SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the contents of the following storage units will be offered for sale at public auction for enforcement of storage lien. The Online Auction will be held Friday, January 29, 2021 at 1:00 PM. Location of Online Auction: Storage address: 2405 Cougar Drive Carlsbad, CA 92010. Terms are CASH ONLY! West Coast Self Storage reserves the right to refuse any bid or cancel the auction. The following units may include, but not limited to electronic items, furniture, & household items, unless otherwise stated. Size Name 5x5UE James Morrison 5x5UE Jolie Novak 10x10GF Josh Price 01/15/2021, 01/22/2021 CN 25054 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE# 37-2020-00048256-CUPT-NC TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner(s): J Elise Mills filed a petition with this court for a decree changing name as follows: a. Present name: J Elise Mills change to proposed name: Elyse Hoffman Mills. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this Court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for a change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: On Feb. 16, 2021 at 8:30 a.m., in Dept. 23 of the Superior Court of California, 325 S Melrose Dr., Vista CA 92081, North County Regional Division. NO HEARING WILL OCCUR ON THE ABOVE DATE; ATTACHMENT TO ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME (JC FORM #NC-120) Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which poses a substantial risk to the health and welfare of court personnel and the public, rendering presence in, or access to, the court’s facilities unsafe, and pursuant to the emergency orders of the Chief Justice of the State of California and General Orders of the Presiding Department of the San Diego Superior Court, the following Order is made: NO HEARING WILL OCCUR ON THE DATE SPECIFIED IN THE ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. The court will review the documents filed as of the date specified

Fictitious Business Name Statement #2021-9000041 Filed: Jan 04, 2021 with County of San Diego Recorder/County Clerk. Fictitious Business Name(s): A. LC Studio. Located at: 2317 Oxford Ave., Cardiff by the Sea CA San Diego 92007. Mailing Address: Same. Registrant Information: 1. Carolyn Christine Humber, 2317 Oxford Ave., Cardiff by the Sea CA 92007. This business is conducted by: Individual. Registrant First Commenced to Transact Business Under the Above Names(s) as of: 11/13/2020 S/Carolyn Christine Humber, 01/22, 01/29, 02/05, 02/12/2021 CN 25067 Fictitious Business Name Statement #2021-9000125 Filed: Jan 06, 2021 with County of San Diego Recorder/County Clerk. Fictitious Business Name(s): A. Two Sisters Collection. Located at: 7060 Cordgrass Ct., Carlsbad CA San Diego 92011. Mailing Address: 6625 Curlew Terr., Carlsbad CA 92011. Registrant Information: A. Allison Mishler, 7060 Cordgrass Ct., Carlsbad CA 92011. This business is conducted by: Individual. Registrant First Commenced to Transact Business Under the Above Names(s) as of: 12/02/2015 S/Allison Mishler, 01/15, 01/22, 01/29, 02/05/2021 CN 25059 Fictitious Business Name Statement #2020-9020662 Filed: Dec 16, 2020 with County of San Diego Recorder/County Clerk. Fictitious Business Name(s): A. Soto & Sons Landscape. Located at: 815 Avenida Taxco, Vista CA San Diego 92084. Mailing Address: 1611A S Melrose Dr. #229, Vista CA 92081. Registrant Information: A. Soto Enterprises, 1267 Willis St. #200, Redding CA 96001. This business is conducted by: Corporation. Registrant First Commenced to Transact Business Under the Above Names(s) as of: 11/01/2018 S/ David A Soto, 01/15, 01/22, 01/29, 02/05/2021 CN 25058 Fictitious Business Name Statement #2021-9000087 Filed: Jan 05, 2021 with County of San Diego Recorder/County Clerk. Fictitious Business Name(s):


Fictitious Business Name Statement #2020-9021054 Filed: Dec 31, 2020 with County of San Diego Recorder/County Clerk. Fictitious Business Name(s): A. Rosie Young Medium. Located at: 2902 W Evans Rd., San Diego CA San Diego 92106. Mailing Address: Same. Registrant Information: A. Roseann Iovine, 2902 W Evans Rd., San Diego CA 92106. This business is conducted by: Individual. Registrant First Commenced to Transact Business Under the Above Names(s) as of: Not Yet Started S/Roseann Iovine, 01/15, 01/22, 01/29, 02/05/2021 CN 25056 Fictitious Business Name Statement #2020-9021084 Filed: Dec 31, 2020 with County of San Diego Recorder/County Clerk. Fictitious Business Name(s): A. College Hunks Hauling Junk & Moving. Located at: 2815 Atadero Ct., Carlsbad CA San Diego 92009. Mailing Address: Same. Registrant Information: A. Pivot Socal Inc., 2815 Atadero Ct., Carlsbad CA 92009. This business is conducted by: Corporation. Registrant First Commenced to Transact Business Under the Above Names(s) as of: Not Yet Started S/Clint Parsons, 01/15, 01/22, 01/29, 02/05/2021 CN 25052

Fictitious Business Name Statement #2020-9020449 Filed: Dec 11, 2020 with County of San Diego Recorder/County Clerk. Fictitious Business Name(s): A. Posh Pets Grooming. Located at: 1465 Encinitas Blvd. #G, Encinitas CA San Diego 92024. Mailing Address: Same. Registrant Information: 1. Katherine Marie Sauerborn, 2134 Carol View Dr. #A211, Cardiff CA 92007. This business is conducted by: Individual. Registrant First Commenced to Transact Business Under the Above Names(s) as of: 10/20/2020 S/Katherine Marie Sauerborn, 01/01, 01/08, 01/15, 01/22/2021 CN 25046 Fictitious Business Name Statement #2020-9020566 Filed: Dec 14, 2020 with County of San Diego Recorder/County Clerk. Fictitious Business Name(s): A. Ms Quilting Bee. Located at: 1149 Amador Ave., Vista CA San Diego 92083. Mailing Address: Same. Registrant Information: 1. Marette Wilhelmina de Jong, 1149 Amador Ave., Vista CA 92083. This business is conducted by: Individual. Registrant First Commenced to Transact Business Under the Above Names(s) as of: Not Yet Started S/Marette Wilhelmina de Jong, 01/01, 01/08, 01/15, 01/22/2021 CN 25045 Fictitious Business Name Statement #2020-9019907 Filed: Dec 05, 2020 with County of San Diego Recorder/County Clerk. Fictitious Business Name(s): A. Cambridge Ave House. Located at: 143 S Cedros #L, Solana Beach CA San Diego 92075. Mailing Address: 4241 Colony Ter., Encinitas CA 92024. Registrant Information: 1. Stephanie Bishop Stock, 4241

LEGALS Colony Ter., Encinitas CA 92024. This business is conducted by: Individual. Registrant First Commenced to Transact Business Under the Above Names(s) as of: 01/01/2020 S/ Stephanie Bishop Stock, 01/01, 01/08, 01/15, 01/22/2021 CN 25044 Fictitious Business Name Statement #2020-9020145 Filed: Dec 05, 2020 with County of San Diego Recorder/County Clerk. Fictitious Business Name(s): A. Larson Productions Inc.; B. Larson Productions. Located at: 912 S Myers St. #F, Oceanside CA San Diego 92054. Mailing Address: Same. Registrant Information: 1. Larson Productions Inc., 912 S Myers St. #F, Oceanside CA 92054. This business is conducted by: Corporation. Registrant First Commenced to Transact Business Under the Above Names(s) as of: 11/04/2020 S/ Michael Larson, 01/01, 01/08, 01/15, 01/22/2021 CN 25043 Fictitious Business Name Statement #2020-9020637 Filed: Dec 15, 2020 with County of San Diego Recorder/County Clerk. Fictitious Business Name(s): A. Pet Sitter Carmel Valley; B. Pet Sitter San Diego. Located at: 12505 El Camino Real #D, San Diego CA San Diego 92130. Mailing Address: Same. Registrant Information: 1. Cheryl Lynn Arthur, 12505 El Camino Real #D, San Diego CA 92130. This business is conducted by: Individual. Registrant First Commenced to Transact Business Under the Above Names(s) as of: 12/03/2020 S/Cheryl Lynn Arthur, 01/01, 01/08, 01/15, 01/22/2021 CN 25042

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JAN. 22, 2021

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JAN. 22, 2021


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Food &Wine

In the moment with Mother Earth Brewing well, and they should get credit for supporting us during these difficult times.

Cheers! North County

Ryan Woldt

W FROM ITALY to San Diego, Sal Ercolano has been in the restaurant business his entire life and, despite major challenges in 2020, continues to grow and prosper, earning the Taste of Wine & Food Restaurateur of the Year award. Photo by Frank Mangio

Ercolano is our pick for Restaurateur of the Year taste of wine frank mangio


uring the last year, for the embattled restaurant and bar business, there was no place to hide. The tsunami of coronavirus whipsawed these businesses dizzy with a plethora of “on again, off again” rules from federal, state and local governments, in an attempt to stem the pandemic. The carnage continues. According to the Labor Department, restaurants and bars nationwide cut 372,000 jobs last month, in what should have been a banner December with holiday cheer and good times for all. Throughout this crisis, Sal Ercolano made himself a promise that he would not shrink or back away from his commitment to serve his customers as his special guests and his employees as family. Through this past year, his charming, easy-going style was inviting and comforting in every aspect of the dining experience. In fact, he added two fine dining restaurants, West End Bar & Kitchen

in Del Mar and FLORA, his latest triumph in Carmel Valley. The most warm and memorable feature about FLORA is that it was named for his mother. Sal was born on Capri in southern Italy, where his mother, at 82, still enjoys her life on one of the most beautiful islands in the world. As a teen, Sal quickly learned the restaurant business from his parents, who owned a restaurant on the island. It didn’t take him long to master many dining positions and at 22, he left the island to seek his fortune. He landed in New York in the ’80s, eventually managing the well-known celebrity hangout Mezza Luna in Manhattan, then on to Hong Kong’s famous Va Bene. San Diego beckoned in the ’90s and in a short time, he was the toast of the Gaslamp District downtown, with ZAGAT-rated restaurants Bella Luna and Paper Moon. His successes continued with in-demand names like Villa Capri Carmel Valley, Torrey Club Café in La Jolla, Come-On-In Cafes in several communities in San Diego and Seasalt Seafood Bistro in Del Mar. He has earned a seat on the Board of Directors of TURN TO TASTE OF WINE ON B8

e’re 10 months into the coronavirus. Cases are still skyrocketing, and staying open or closed or even wearing a mask still sparks arguments. The state of California’s health order has ordered hospitality businesses closed for anything except takeout orders in an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19. It feels like a good time to check in with some local San Diego breweries to see how they are responding in the moment. Up first is Vista-based Mother Earth Brewing Co. Partner and Director of Marketing Kamron Khannakhjavani took a few moments to answer my questions. Cheers: Mother Earth Brewing has been complying with the California health order. Besides the obvious legal reasons, are there any other motivators to do so when so many breweries have (very publicly) chosen not too, often seemingly without repercussions (so far)? Kamron: There are a few motivating factors for this. Number one is that we recognize the severity of this virus, and it’s incumbent upon us to follow the guidance of public health organizations and officials to mitigate its spread. History has shown us that a failure to remain disciplined, particularly during a surge like the one we are seeing now, has led to drastic results, and though in the short term it negatively impacts our business, it also prolongs the effects of the pandemic. We figure it’s a pay now or pay later situation. Secondly, our entire business hinges on beer

HOP DIGGITY, one of Vista-based Mother Earth Brewing’s most popular offerings, is now available year-round. Photo by Cody Thompson, Beer Night in San Diego

manufacturing, and if we violate orders or recommendations and bring someone into the “safe zone” that infects our essential workers, we’re screwed. If we can’t make beer, what the hell are we going to do? I realize not everyone has the same business or distribution model as we do, but I can’t imagine having to shut down for weeks at a time. It would be devastating. Cheers: How has COVID-19 impacted your brewery so far? What adjustments have you made, and what are your expectations for 2021? Kamron: Like many others, the impact to on-premise sales was huge. It was 50% of our overall business. We’ve lost employees in nearly every corner of the brewery and shut down our tasting rooms for periods of time. It was terrible. In response we followed demand. We moved almost all of our production to cans, as folks started shopping for beer to take home rather than drink on-site. Unfortunately, our expectations for 2021 look like Groundhog Day. On-premise will remain tenuous as consumers reluctantly be-

gin gathering post-vaccination, and cans will continue to dominate. I don’t see anything monumental occurring in the coming months, certainly not returning to “normal.” Cheers: What is the best way for North County residents to get their hands on some of your beer, and what should we be looking out for? Does it matter if we order from our local grocery or better to order direct from Mother Earth? Kamron: Well, our beer is pretty widely available since we sell through the best SoCal distributorship, Stone. We just released NITRO Cali Creamin’ not too long ago and everyone’s favorite DIPA, Hop Diggity, is now available year-round. That just dropped this week. In addition to that we’ve got a rotating Hazy series called Project X that is putting out something new about every 60 days. Obviously, we make more money when we sell it ourselves, but our hours are limited for to-go sales so if they don’t coincide with your schedule, by all means supporting our retailers is just as good. After all, they are businesses in need as

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Cheers: Anything you'd like to add? Kamron: I’m not going to judge another business for having to make tough decisions. I‘m glad I am not desperate enough to have to break the rules. My hope is that the folks that are putting themselves and others at risk are doing it in the interest of last-ditch self-preservation, which I am sure they are. Lastly, there are a lot of ways folks can help outside of buying beer or gear. Here’s a short list: • Subscribe to our newsletter. • Follow us on social media, including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. • Engage with our social posts such as likes, comments, shares, and saves. • Post pictures with our beers on social and tag us. • Leave us peer reviews on sites like Facebook, Yelp, Google, Foursquare, Yellow Pages, Trip Advisor. • Word of mouth: Tell your friends and family about us and share your beers with others! Do you listen to podcasts? Are you interested in interesting things being done by interesting people in North County San Diego. Be sure to check out the most recent episode of the Cheers! North County podcast. Stream it on The Coast News online or search for it on your favorite podcast platforms including Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Don’t forget to follow Cheers! North County on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Got an interesting story about your drinking adventures? Reach out! I want to hear it.


T he C oast News

JAN. 22, 2021


In Loving Memory

SABAH BASHIR BANNA December 23, 2020

On Wednesday, December 23, 2020, the Banna family lost their beloved husband and father. Sabah Bashir Banna was born to Bashir Aboodi Banna and Dawlat Ibrahim Yousif on July 1, 1961, in Baghdad, Iraq. He immigrated to Fresno, California in 1978 where he attended high school and pursued a degree in Business at California State University, Fresno. In 1989, he moved to San Diego, California. He poured his heart and soul into building successful businesses. He opened Primo Pizza & Pasta in Carlsbad 28 years ago. He also acquired Pelly’s Fish Market and Cafe and quickly put his special touch on it to make it his own. He would always express his love for his employees and remind

them that they are one family. He was a loving husband and father, affectionate brother and uncle, and passionate and considerate business man who loved life and shared his contagious smile with the world around him. He was known for his compassion, wisdom, kindness, and forgiveness. He married his soulmate, Ilham, in 1994 and made it his life’s mission to provide her with all the love and joy a man can give. He took God’s words to heart when he said “Husbands’ love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” In 1998, they were blessed with their pride and joy, Christopher, who filled his heart with a type of love he had never known before. He is remembered for saying, “no one knows the meaning of love until they hold their first child.” In addition to his loving wife and son, he is survived by his sisters, Bushra Eramya, Balsam Kasto, Nuha Alsheikh, and Ruda Tappouni. He was predeceased by his parents and sisters, Buthaina Dawisha and Raja Banna.

Theresa Mary Stein, 95 Carlsbad January 6, 2021

Edgar Engert of San Marcos, California, passed away unexpectedly due to complications associated with the coronavirus. Edgar immigrated from Germany to New York in 1958. After spending 10 years in New York, he moved his family to Cardiffby-the-Sea, California. He loved spending time with family and was a wonderful humanitarian, giving his time to many organizations including the YMCA, Encinitas Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, Del Mar Fair Flower and Garden Show, San Diego County Flower and Plant Association, California State Florist Association, San Diego Botanical Gardens, San Dieguito Heritage Museum and the Y Service Club International. A couple of his big-

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gest contributions, in which he took pride, was starting the Oktoberfest and the Holiday Parade in Encinitas. He was a kind and loving partner to his spouse Renate, as well as an amazing father to his daughter Liane, and sons, Ron and Jim. Family is what mattered most to him and he cared deeply for us. Always encouraging us to reach for the stars. He lit up a room when he entered it, never met a stranger, and was always concerned about the wellbeing of his family and friends. Edgar loved life and made those around him smile. There will be a hole in our hearts, but he will always be remembered. He will be dearly missed by his family, his wife, Renate, daughter, Liane and her husband Larry, son, Jim and his wife Anne along with their children Nicholas and Amanda, son Ron and his children Madelyn and her husband Michael, Makenna and her husband Zachary, Milena, and his great grandchild Josephine. Unfortunately, due to COVID, his celebration of life will hopefully be held later this spring. We appreciate everyone that has reached out to our family and ask that in lieu of flowers, please donate to the San Dieguito Heritage Museum. https://

Allen Brothers Family

Theresa Mae Boldt, 90 Carlsbad January 8, 2021

Share the story of your loved ones life... because every life has a story.

Approx. 21 words per column inch

In Loving Memory

EDGAR ENGERT April 15, 1936-Jan. 10, 2021

CORN CASSEROLE (O   A-T F!)

1 can creamed corn

1 can whole kernel corn

2 eggs, beaten

2/3 cup sweetened condensed milk

2-3 dabs of butter

Optional: corn flakes or bread crumbs

Combine the above ingredients and pour into a greased 9 x 12 pan. Cover with crushed corn flakes or bread crumbs for a top crust. Bake at 350* for 1 hour.


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“Life is a song – sing it. Life is a game – play it. Life is a challenge – meet it. Life is a dream – realize it. Life is a sacrifice – offer it. Life is love – enjoy it.” Sai Baba, spiritual leader and philanthropist

the Restaurant Association of San Diego. Throughout 2020 Sal brought more than a dozen great winery names to West End, with names like Caymus, DAOU and Cakebread, that featured a minimum five glasses of award-winning wines with five uniquely crafted culinary food courses that complemented the wine’s flavors. The sold-out popularity of these dinners demanded some be extended, so Sal became known as the master of three-night celebrity wine dinners. A special “Royal Night” wine dinner event is planned for Thursday-Saturday, Feb. 25-27, at 6 p.m. Schramsberg American sparkling wines along with Davies Vineyards, both from Napa Valley, will accompany a memorable five-course West End dinner for a limited number of guests. These three nights WILL sell out so please call for your place at 858-259-5878. Cost is $95 per person. INTRODUCING FLORA You might call this restaurant a labor of love, as Ercolano unveiled his latest restaurant a couple of months ago in Carmel Valley. A tribute to his mother, it’s called FLORA Bar & Kitchen.


was not the least bit enlightened, as teachers are today, and seemed unable to figure out that to achieve the tidy work she required, she needed to teach me some new CROP way to hold my No. 2 pencil. She did .93 no such thing. She .93 simply wrote “too messy” on all my4.17 papers. And so the frustrations 4.28began. My handwriting remains atrocious, a terrible hybrid of all my best efforts equaling one lame effort. I joyfully embraced and still celebrate the arrival of the computer, which is practically like a prosthesis to me. Because of my handicap, I even commit the faux pas of writing my thank-you notes on the computer. I will do anything to avoid the embarrassment of longhand communication. The worst thing has been because of my left-handedness, I am slightly ambidextrous and cannot quickly identify left from right. I cannot give directions or follow them. In ballet, I often leaped one way as the rest of the class leaped the other. My children and I practiced learning our lefts and rights together. They often score better than I do. Then I discovered the final frustration. For years, I had been harassing my children because they seemed to always do things in the absolute opposite direction I intended them to. I thought they were just not paying attention or perhaps were simply pushing my buttons. Pondering my left-handedness, it dawned on me with a crash that all their body movement and tracking calculations are

The promise here is a restaurant that goes back to its roots, with fresh ingredients made with a homemade flair, from farm to FLORA’s Tables. At FLORA, Ercolano and dining room coordinator Elias OJaimy welcome you with share plates, greens, flatbreads, craft pizza, pasta, fresh fish and steaks. Don’t miss the most delicious dessert in all of Italy, tiramisu. The FLORA wine list is a serious presentation of the world’s best sparkling, white and red wines. Our choice was a Mt. Veeder Napa Valley Cabernet, a luscious red that became one of my Top Ten Wines for 2020. Wine dinners are also being planned at FLORA as soon as restrictions are lifted. Although dining at both restaurants is currently closed in San Diego, FLORA’s superior home-style recipes and fine dining are yours for takeout and delivery, Tuesday-Sunday, 4-8 p.m., in the Trader Joe’s shopping center in Carmel Valley. Call 858-461-0622 or visit florabarandkitchen. com. At West End Bar and Kitchen, place your takeout or delivery order Monday-Saturday, 4-8 p.m. at 858-259-5878, or visit Ask about free delivery when you call. Reach him at frank@ based on right-handed orientation, and all mine are based on my leftness. When I went to put on shoes, they invariably stuck out the foot opposite the shoe I had in my hand. The same went for whichever pant leg they went to put on first. We approach the car, and I reach to open the doors on one side, while they automatically walk to the other. Arms in coats and sweatshirts, same deal. It happens again when I sit down to help them with homework, automatically choosing the side where their elbow sticks out in to my ribs. It happened when I try to brush their teeth, and they unconsciously turn their head the opposite way. The list goes on and on, and I am feeling thoroughly guilty having put the blame on them all this time. But I have, at least, come clean. Nothing has really changed, but when we madly fail to match feet to shoes, at least they no longer take it personally, and neither do I.


T he C oast News

1. GEOGRAPHY: What is the longest river in Asia? 2. TELEVISION: What is the name of the trashcan dweller in PBS’ “Sesame Street”? 3. FOOD & DRINK: What kind of nuts are used to make marzipan? 4. MOVIES: What incantation did the fairy godmother use to transform the character in Disney’s animated “Cinderella”? 5. MEDICAL: What is a more common name for onychocryptosis? 6. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is a male goose called? 7. LITERATURE: In which famous work did the phrase “eat, drink and be merry” appear? 8. MUSIC: What is the most watched video on YouTube? 9. CHEMISTRY: What is the chemical symbol of potassium? 10. AD SLOGANS: Which company sells its popular clothing with the slogan, “Quality never goes out of style”?

ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Guess what, Lamb? You’re about to experience a new perspective on a situation you long regarded quite differently. What you learn could open more opportunities later. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) The Bold Bovine is tempted to charge into a new venture. But it might be best to take things one step at a time so that you know just where you are at any given point. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) It’s a good time to go on that fun getaway you’ve been planning. You’ll return refreshed, ready and, yes, even eager to tackle the new challenge that awaits you. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) The Moon Child loves to fantasize about magical happenings in the early part of the week. But the sensible Crab gets down to serious business by week’s end. LEO (July 23 to August 22) What goes around comes around for those lucky Leos and Leonas whose acts of generosity could be repaid with opportunities to expand into new and exciting areas of interest. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Your concern about your job responsibilities is commendable. But you need to take some quiet time to share with someone who has really missed being with you.

LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Aspects favor getting out and meeting new people. And as a bonus, you could find that some of your newly made friends could offer important business contacts. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) You might take pride in wanting to do everything yourself. But now’s a good time to ask family members to help with a demanding personal situation. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Pay more attention to the possibilities in that workplace change. It could show the way to make that long-sought turn on your career path. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Your need to succeed might overwhelm obligations to your loved ones. Ease up on that workload and into some well-deserved time with family and friends. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) Love rules for amorous Aquarians who can make good use of their ability to communicate feelings. Don’t be surprised if they’re reciprocated in kind. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Fishing for compliments? No doubt, you probably earned them. But it’s best to let others believe they were the ones who uncovered the treasure you really are. BORN THIS WEEK: Your good works flow from an open, generous heart. Nothing makes you happier than to see others happy as well. © 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.


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JAN. 22, 2021


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Inside: 2016 Sprin g Home & Gard en Section


Citracado Par extension pro kway ject draws on MARCH 25,

By Steve Putersk

It’s a jung

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Emi Gannod , 11, observe exhibit is s a Banded open now through April 10. Purple Wing butterfl Full story y at the on page A2. Photo San Diego Zoo Safari Park’s by Tony Cagala Butterfly


Commun Vista teacity rallies behind her placed on leave

Jungle exhibit. The

By Hoa Quach


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JAN. 22, 2021

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Purchase or lease any new (previously untitled) Subaru and receive a complimentary factory scheduled maintenance plan for 2 years or 24,000 miles (whichever comes first.) See Subaru Added Security Maintenance Plan for intervals, coverages and limitations. Customer must take delivery before 12-31-2021 and reside within the promotional area. At participating dealers only. See dealer for program details and eligibility.

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All advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes, any finance charges, $80 dealer document processing charge, any electronic filing charge, and any emission testing charge. Expires 1-24-2021. CoastNews_1_22_21.indd 1

1/18/21 10:04 AM

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