The Rancho Santa Fe News, Feb. 10, 2012

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VOL. 8, NO. 3

FEB. 10, 2012

THISWEEK School board says class start times won’t change By Patty McCormac

MAKEOVER The Osuna Adobe will have its electrical box and wires placed in a less obtrusive way.



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RANCHO SANTA FE — On second thought, there will be no formal parent survey about school start times at R. Roger Rowe School. That was the decision at the Feb. 2 board meeting of the Rancho Santa Fe School District. At the Jan. 12 school board meeting, trustee Todd Frank suggested that school start times be re-examined because extra curricular activities before school are causing some children to rise very early. “I think a question by Todd (Frank) blossomed into more than we thought it would,� said Lindy Delaney, Rancho Santa Fe School superintendent. “Todd was trying to figure out a more efficient way. We have looked at it and I am glad we have five board members who want to make things better.� Upon further investigation, Frank agreed start times should remain as they are. “There is not a lot of room to adjust,� he said. “We are the best place we can be for now.� Frank said at the Jan. 12 meeting some parents have

The 2012 Rancho Santa Fe School Board: Back from left Tyler Seltzer; Todd Frank clerk; Jim Depolo, president; Richard Burdge, former president. In front is Marti Ritto, vice president. Photo by Patty McCormac

approached him and asked who sets the start times and wondered whether it was possible to look at them to decide whether school could start a little later. School starts at 8 a.m. and

ends at 3 p.m. except for Mondays when school starts at 9:15 a.m. to allow for staff development. Frank later abstained on the vote to confirm the school calendar for next year.

The board decided to table the discussion until the Feb. 2 meeting, and perhaps look at doing a survey, but decided against it at the meeting. Delaney said that Rowe

students do a lot and that many things have been tried to keep school and extra curricular activities balanced because there are activities on TURN TO START TIMES ON A23

Yearly report shows burglaries up By Patty McCormac

RANCHO SANTA FE — Overall, the calls from citizens for assistance from the Rancho Santa Fe Patrol were down from last year, but burglaries were up, said Patrol Chief Matt Wellhouser in his yearly report to the Association at its Feb. 2 meeting. Of the five major crimes tracked, burglary, robbery, grand theft, auto thefts and assaults, burglary and auto theft were up, he said. “Last year we recorded 28 burglaries, three were vehicles and 24 were residential,� he said. “Most of the burglaries were committed by the suspect entering through an unlocked door.� Last year, there were six residential burglaries all year, according to a handout Wellhouser distributed. “Robberies decreased and grand theft remained the same,� he said. In addition, there were

two “hot prowls,� which is when a burglar enters while the residents are at home, he said. “There was one commercial burglary. Six of the burglaries involved forced entry. Last year (2011) 24 percent of the residential burglaries involved forced entry.� For the calendar year 2011, the patrol responded to 2,984 calls for service, down 11 percent from last year. The average response time to a call was 6 minutes, 12 seconds, he said. In 2011, the patrol recorded six vandalism cases, 11 petty thefts and nine grand thefts. The patrol investigated two assaults, which was up by one case from last year, he said. Alarm calls accounted for about 18.5 percent of all calls handled. The patrol responded to 553 of them last year. That number was down from 620 the year before. Three of them were actual burglaries. In 114 cases, the alarms were canceled before

the patrol arrived. Three of the alarms were actual burglaries. In comparison to last year, there was a 10.8 percent decrease in alarm calls. Last year the patrol responded to 107 traffic collisions. There was no change in the number from the year before. There were 22 injury and 85 non-injury collisions compared to 24 injury and 83 non-injury collisions in 2010. “Any traffic collision makes a big mess of traffic,� he said. The main causes are excessive speed, 44 percent; right of way violations, 18 percent; and driving under the influence, 14 percent, he said. “We actively work with the CHP to target areas of concern in regard to traffic safety,� he said. “This includes direction and support of enforcement units, both the regular beat units TURN TO REPORT ON A16

LOSING A PILLAR Dr. Roger Rowe, seen here during a celebration of his 80th birthday, passed away Feb. 4 at his Rancho Santa Fe home. Rowe was a pillar in the community, serving as Rancho Santa Fe District’s superintendent, and participating as an honorary member of the Rancho Santa Fe Rotary Club where he was also president from 1973-1974. File photo

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FEB. 10, 2012


Philanthropists endow Cancer Center chair RANCHO SANTA FE — Jeanne and Gary Herberger, residents of Rancho Santa Fe have made a substantial gift to Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute in La Jolla. Their donation establishes the endowed Jeanne and Gary Herberger Leadership Chair in Cancer

Research. The chair will be held by physician Kristiina Vuori, Sanford-Burnham’s president, Pauline and Stanley Foster Presidential Chair, and director of the Institute’s Cancer Center. The new endowed chair adds to the support provided

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to Sanford-Burnham by the Herbergers in the past several years. Jeanne Herberger is currently serving as a member of the Institute’s Board of Trustees, where she sits on the executive committee. The couple chaired the Institute’s highly successful annual gala in 2011. The Institute’s Cancer Center is officially designated as a basic research cancer center by the National Cancer Institute. It is one of only seven in

the country. In 2010, the NCI renewed the designation with its highest rating of “outstanding,” along with a 21-percent increase in grant funding. The institute has consistently maintained its status as an NCI-designated Cancer Center since 1981. Vuori has led SanfordBurnham’s Cancer Center since 2006. Since 2010, she has served as the Institute’s president and Pauline and Stanley Foster Presidential Chair, a chair endowed by

Rancho Santa Fe resident Pauline Foster. The Herbergers closely follow Vuori’s work, particularly her study of metastasis — the spread of cancer to multiple tissues and locations in the body. Jeanne Herberger said, “We believe the next generation of cancer therapies will come from the research being done at SanfordBurnham. Through our gift, we hope to provide the resources to expand this important work. Kristiina’s leadership is exceptional and we are honored to know her and call her our friend.” “I am grateful to the Herbergers for their visionary support of our research,”said Vuori. “It is a great honor to be recognized by them with such a generous gift. The Institute’s friendship with community leaders such as Jeanne and Gary always reminds me that the work we do each day in the laboratories profoundly and positively impacts lives.” John Reed, SanfordBurnham’s chief executive officer and Donald Bren, chief executive chair, added, “Private philanthropy is a crucial element in our continued success at SanfordBurnham. Because of our success with securing competitive grants, we are able to leverage donated dollars eight-to-one. We are tremendously grateful to have individuals like Jeanne and Gary recognizing the value of this kind of investment.” Jeanne and Gary Herberger also have a home in Paradise Valley, Ariz. and are active supporters of Arizona State University, where Jeanne earned her bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees. Next month, ASU will present the Herbergers with its Philanthropist of the Year Award. Jeanne is also the founder of Arizona Women’s Employment and Education Inc., Valley Leadership, and the Arizona Women’s Forum, a chapter of the International Women’s Forum. Jeanne was recently named one of “Arizona’s 48 Most Intriguing Women.” Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute, at 10901 N. Torrey Pines Road, is dedicated to discovering the fundamental molecular causes of disease and devising the innovative therapies of tomorrow.



FEB. 10, 2012

ODD Suspicious person sighted, RSF patrol responds FILES


By Patty McCormac

Can’t Possibly Be True The varsity girls’ basketball teams at predominantly white Kenmore East High School near Buffalo, N.Y., have, for several years, apparently, psyched themselves up in a pre-game locker-room ritual by chanting, “One, Two, Three, (n-word (plural))!” before running out the door and onto the court. Although the white players this year called the use of the word a “tradition” (passed down from year to year), and not a racial “label,” the team’s only black player not surprisingly had a problem with it and reported it to school officials. According to a December Buffalo News report, it was always a players-only tradition, and no adult was aware of the chant, but upon learning of it, officials immediately imposed player suspensions and team penalties. The U.S. Treasury Department’s inspector general for tax matters revealed in January that the IRS certified 331 prison inmates as registered “tax preparers” during a recent 12-month period, including 43 who were serving life sentences. None of the 43, and fewer than one-fourth of the total, disclosed that they were in prison. (The agency blamed a 2009 federal law intended to encourage online filing of tax returns, noting that “tax preparer” registration can now be accomplished online by passing a 120-question test.) (USA Today reported in February 2011 that prisoners filing false or fraudulent tax returns scammed the IRS for nearly $39.1 million in 2009.) The Olympic Committee Will Not Be Calling: (1) Mr. Badr Al-Alyani told a Saudi Arabian newspaper in November that he was nearing the world record for squirting milk from his eye. The current champion, Mehmet Yilmaz of Turkey, reached 2.7 meters (almost 9 feet), and Al-Alyani reports one squeeze of 2.3 meters. He said he “will continue training.” (2) In San Francisco, there is an annual refereed “Masturbate-a-thon,” and the supposed world record, set in 2009, is held by Masanobu Sato, who remained aroused for nine hours, 58 minutes. In a series of videos released recently, Sato calmly explained how he “practices” for about two hours every morning while his live-in girlfriend goes about her business (in one video, ironing). Sato said he trains by swimming twice a week and has “gained about (11 pounds) in muscle,” which helped him with “stamina.” David Belniak, now serving 12 years in prison after pleading guilty to DUI manslaughter for killing a woman and her adult daughter and her husband in a Christmas Day 2007 car crash, filed a lawsuit from prison in January against the victims’ family, demanding justice from them in the form of compensation for medical expenses and his “pain” and TURN TO ODD FILES ON A16

RANCHO SANTA FE — A transient was given a ride out of the area by San Diego Sheriff’s deputies after he was seen hanging around the R. Roger Rowe School in Rancho Santa Fe at about 12:45 p.m. Jan. 25. Lindy Delaney, superintendent of schools, said one of the parents called the school to tell them about a suspicious person seen on the corner of La Granada and Avenida de Acacias.

“Prior to making contact with this person, our director of Maintenance and Operations, Jeff Pitt, notified the Rancho Santa Fe Patrol and then approached the man to find out his purpose of being in that location,” she said. “Mr. Pitt followed the individual until the patrol arrived on scene.” The transient, a white male in his 20s, told officers he was trying to get to Mexico and took a wrong turn. He had no warrants so

the sheriff’s department gave him a ride out of the area, said Matt Wellhouser, chief of the Rancho Santa Fe Patrol. Wellhouser said it was a good decision to notify the patrol and the sheriff’s department about the man. “Some people say, ‘I hate to bother you,’” Wellhouser said. “You are not bothering us. That is what we are here for. If it turns out to be nothing, it’s nothing, but we would like to

check it out.” He said that if the man wasn’t confronted by officers, he may have had other ideas about doing something at the school. “It wasn’t, in this case, but with all the burglaries we’ve had lately, maybe he had done a burglary and was waiting for his ride. You never know,” he said. “If you think it’s strange, it probably is, so give us a call,” he said. Delaney gave special

thanks to the Pitt, who made the first call, the patrol and the sheriff’s department for being proactive and responsive. “Because of our secure campus policies and quick action of staff and first responders, students were safe at all times,” she said. “I feel it is important to make parents aware of incidents such as these. This is a reminder that we all need to be proactive and aware when it comes to student safety.”

Half-marathon planned to run mostly through Ranch By Patty McCormac

RANCHO SANTA FE — About 3,000 runners, volunteers and spectators are expected to participate in the 44th annual San Dieguito Half-Marathon and 5K Walk on Feb. 12 and a majority of the event will be held in Rancho Santa Fe. During the event, from 7:30 to 11 a.m., some roads in Rancho Santa Fe will be closed, Ivan Holler, Covenant administrator told the board at the Feb. 2 Association meeting. Local traffic will have access throughout the route, but residents should expect traffic delays, he said. “Will it be a full race with water stations and everything?” Association President Jack Queen asked. Holler said it appeared it would be that type of event. The event begins at San

Dieguito County Park, travels through Rancho Santa Fe and then returns to the county park. “It’s an out and back,” Holler said. The California Highway Patrol will provide personnel and there will be course marshals to assist them in providing a safe event for participants while allowing residents access to the roads, said Chief Matt Wellhouser of the Rancho Santa Fe Patrol. The event benefits the San Diego County Parks Association. A map of the route of the event is available at For more information about the event, call the event organizer Kathy Loper at (619) 298-7400. In other Association news, Holler said pavement repairs related to road reseal-

The electrical box and wires on the side of the Osuna Adobe will be removed and placed somewhere it is not so obtrusive. Photo by Patty McCormac

ing are under way and have been mostly completed on Las Planideras and Rambla de las Flores. “The Santa Fe Irrigation District has also been working on a valve replacement on Rambla, near the intersection with La Granada,” he said.

“There is a lot of work on roadways in the Ranch right now,” he said. The pepper trees near the Osuna Ranch have been removed, a requirement by the county for a lot split to separate the single-family home from the Osuna. He said the trees will be

replaced by new ones in 48inch boxes, but will be planted farther away from the roadway so that they don’t block the view of motorists. “The final map has also been signed and submitted to the county for recordation,” he said. Months ago, the Association approved the funds for removing the unsightly electrical box from the side of the Adobe, updating it and moving it somewhere less conspicuous. He said the Association staff is updating bids for electrical work before choosing a contractor for the job. The Association meets the first and third Thursdays of the month at 9 a.m. in the boardroom at its headquarters, 17022 Avenida de Acacias in Rancho Santa Fe. To learn more, call the Association at (858) 756-1174.

Rancho Santa Fe man steps up in local nonprofit RANCHO SANTA FE — 25 years experience leading The Chairmen’s RoundTable established and early stage (CRT), a San Diego non-prof- organizations in the medical it organization that provides device and biopharmaceutipro-bono mentoring and cals businesses. He headed European marketing strategic advice to the and German operaregion’s businesses, tions for Becton elected Rancho Santa Dickinson and is the Fe/Fairbanks Ranch former chairman and resident Steven chief executive offiMendell as its chaircer of XOMA man. Corporation. He Mendell takes served as president the reins from Jeff STEVEN and chief executive Campbell, who will MENDELL officer of LMA remain on the board Medical Corporation and as Chairman Emeritus. Pharmaceuticals. “Steve has been an Prizm active mentor with the CRT Mendell has also served as for several years,” said chairman for a public univerCampbell. “We are excited to sity foundation and was have him take the same pas- appointed to the NASDAQ sion and wisdom he has corporate advisory board. shared with those companies Over the years he has been over the years and channel it recognized for his achievements including being to guide our organization.” Mendell has more than named the Ernst & Young

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Entrepreneur of the Year and being awarded the Gold Chief Executive Award in Biotechnology in 1989 by the Wall Street Transcript. The CRT also announced the balance of its 2012 board of directors appointments: Michael Tedesco — Chief Financial Officer; David Oates — Vice Chair, Marketing; Alan Creutz — Vice Chair, Client Evaluation & Mentor Assignments; Terrance Bruggeman — Vice Chair, Partner Relations; William A. Lofft — Vice Chair, Quality Assurance; Jeff Campbell — Chair Emeritus & Vice Chair, Mentorship; Vern Yates — Vice Chair, Program Development; and newest member Cory Grant — Vice Chair, Sponsor Development. David Thompson and Sayed Ali depart the board

after selflessly serving the organization and its mission to strengthen San Diego one company at a time. The Chairmen’s RoundTable is a non-profit volunteer organization com-

prised of more than 40 current and former Chief Executive Officers, with extensive board experience and diverse industry backgrounds, and 20 sponsor organizations.



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Running as businessman could be Romney’s curse By Byron York

RANCH HISTORY Key players in Ranch history Col. Ed Fletcher, is one of the most significant people in San Diego County history, as a land and water developer. He worked closely with Walter Hodges on Hodges Dam, Lake Hodges, and related water districts. He was given full credit for his persistence and ultimate success at Rancho Santa Fe. Fletcher remained involved in Rancho Santa Fe as a sales agent and as an association board director. Photos courtesy of Arcadia Publishing, taken from “Rancho Santa Fe,” $21.99. Autographed copies of the book are available at the Rancho Santa Fe Historical Society, 6036 La Flecha. Call (858) 7569291 or email for more information. Available at local retailers, online bookstores, or at arcadia publishing. com.


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The Rancho Santa Fe News is published biweekly on Fridays by The Coast News Group. The advertising deadline is the Friday preceding the Friday of publication. Editorial deadline is the Friday proceeding publication. The comments on this page are the opinions of the individual columnists and do not necessarily represent the views of the Coast News Group, its publisher or staff. If you would like to respond directly to a columnist, please e-mail them directly at the address listed below the column. You may also express your views by writing a letter to the editor. For hold delivery while on vacation or for other distribution concerns and info, write to




Mitt Romney has based nearly his entire presidential campaign on his experience as a businessman. “I spent my career in the private sector,” Romney told Fox News in late November. “I think that’s what the country needs right now.” Romney has said roughly the same thing hundreds of times since. Indeed, there are campaign appearances in which he dwells on his experience as a private equity consultant and does not even mention that he was once governor of Massachusetts. Romney and his campaign aides have made the calculation that an I-know-how-to-create-jobs appeal will work in today’s difficult economy. But his strategy raises a question: How often have American voters chosen a businessman as president? They didn’t when they elected Barack Obama, who had zero experience in business. They didn’t when they elected George W. Bush, a failed oilman whose family connections helped win him a stake in a professional baseball team, which provided him the fortune he needed to enter politics and run for president on the strength of his record as governor of Texas. They didn’t when they elected Bill Clinton, who almost never held a nongovernment job. They didn’t when they elected George H.W. Bush, whose extensive experience in government service was the basis for his appeal. They didn’t when they elected Ronald Reagan, whose career as an actor was the backdrop to a life spent building the conservative movement — and serving two terms as governor of California. Jimmy Carter used his business as a peanut farmer as part of his campaign pitch, but he also stressed a broad range of experience — including a term as governor of Georgia — and, above all, his integrity in a post-Watergate campaign. No one elected Gerald Ford president, but if they had, it would not have been on the basis of a career in business. The voters didn’t elect a businessman when they chose Richard Nixon. They didn’t when they elected Lyndon Johnson. They didn’t when they elected John F. Kennedy. They didn’t when they elected Dwight Eisenhower. They didn’t when they elected Harry Truman. They didn’t when they elected Franklin D. Roosevelt. The last president elected as a businessman was Herbert Hoover

in 1928, and even he relied on a campaign biography that included a Cabinet post and a high-profile stint as relief organizer. “Hoover’s appeal, before his reputation became tarnished by the Depression, was as a problem solver and a solid businessman,” says Princeton University historian Fred Greenstein. “Someone who was not erratic — to the point of being dull.” Certainly businessmen have tried to win the presidency. Ross Perot ran on his business experience and won 19 percent of the popular vote in 1992. Wall Streeter Wendell Willkie made a strong run against Roosevelt in 1940. But it’s safe to say that running as a businessman has not been a sure-fire route to the White House. “Business skill and political skill are qualitatively different,” says Steven Hayward, author of the two-volume biography “The Age of Reagan.” “They do not transfer well into the other domain.” On the stump, Romney has stressed his business past more than his governing experience, in part because many in the Republican base don’t like what he did in Massachusetts. They don’t like Romneycare, they don’t like the strongly pro-choice platform he ran on for governor in 2002, and they don’t like his handling of issues involving gay marriage, global warming and guns. If Romney makes it through the Republican nomination process, he will likely be able to talk about his Massachusetts experience a bit more in a general election campaign. But even if that happens, he has already established himself as the businessman candidate. Rival Newt Gingrich has argued that his own government experience is more valuable than Romney’s time in business. “With all due respect to Gov. Romney, there is an enormous difference in our understanding of both how to move the nation and how to actually get things done in Washington,” Gingrich told a Florida crowd in late January. “We need someone who knows enough about Washington to know how to change Washington.” Gingrich has struggled in the campaign, but of all the things voters might hold against him, having spent a career in government doesn’t seem to be one of them. Still, given today’s economic worries, plus anti-Washington sentiment in the electorate, Romney is hoping this might be the moment for a businessman candidate. That hasn’t happened in a long, long time.

Byron York is chief political correspondent for The Washington Examiner.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters to the Editor and reader feedback are welcome. Views expressed in letters do not necessarily reflect the views of Rancho Santa Fe News. Letters are subject to editing for length and clarity. Unsigned letters and letters without city of residence will not be published. Letters should be no longer than 300 words and include a contact telephone number. Submission does not guarantee publication. Send letters via email to



FEB. 10, 2012


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FEB. 10, 2012



Spa day not so tranquil As my neck cramped up midday Friday, a light came on in my aching head. I remembered I had a lovely spa gift card just waiting to be used. I was able to schedule a massage for that evening and began to plot my endof-week bliss. I would arrive early and soak in the hot tub before my massage. Aaaaaaaah. I drive up to the spa armed with bathing suit and card, but not sure where to park. The valets assured me they would happily take care of it gratis, but this required me madly rummaging through my overstuffed purse to find my plug-in car key for them. In the process, my bathing suit was tossed aside and forgotten. I also knew I had no cash for a tip so I mentally began running through my options to obtain said cash before the night was over. So far, not relaxing. Oblivious to my lost suit, I hiked the distance from valet kiosk to spa hoping for the best, still in high good humor. This always gets me in trouble. As I waited for the check-in clerk, I could hear she was on the phone with a very annoyed client. “Yes,” she assured her for the third time. “We will absolutely refund that, but I can’t do it today as the offices are closed. Yes, we are so sorry. Yes, it was definitely our fault. Yes, yes, yes.” In a very poorly planned effort to be amusing, I raised my finger and pretended I was going to push the phone button down. I meant to signal that I would take care of that annoying customer for her … ha, ha, ha. The look of horror on the attendant’s face clearly indicated she actually thought I was going to do it, that she was horrified at the prospect and that she did not see even a shred of humor in

Association OKs two new ad hoc committees By Patty McCormac

RANCHO SANTA FE — Marketing and the environment were on the minds of the Association board members when they approved two new ad hoc committees at their Feb. 2 meeting. Both of the committees will remain until a standing committee can be formed or for one year, whichever is sooner. First the marketing committee was considered by the board. Pete Smith, Association manager, told the board that each year the Association establishes goals and priorities and that this year, No. 3 on the list was to explore ways to promote the community both to existing members and to prospective property buyers.

“As with all communities in the country, Rancho Santa Fe is feeling the negative effects of the downturn in the real estate market,” he said. “Fortunately, due to the desirability of Rancho Santa Fe, the overall impact is not as severe as most of the country, but to some extent the economy does impact every member.” He said to help support real estate values, which in turn has a positive impact on all members, the board agreed it was in the best interest of the community to explore ways to promote itself. “The plan would be to explore ways to promote the community and attract potential buyers and to enhance our level of service

to our existing members through improved communication,” he said. “We want to put our best foot forward.” The board unanimously approved formation of the ad hoc committee. A total of members will not exceed seven and will include members of the golf club and the real estate community as well as membersat-large. One of its first tasks is to work on a new and improved website for the Association, Smith said. Rochelle Putnam was appointed to serve as president of the committee. The other ad hoc committee approved was the Committee on the Natural Environment, an outgrowth of the Forest Health

committee. “This group will focus on the natural environment and will include forest health, landscape, use of water and other opportunities to improve the environment of the community,” said Director Anne Feighner, one of the founders of the committee along with director Ann Boone. She said the some of the objectives will be to review and develop the current list of plants considered appropriate for the area’s natural environment. The committee will develop a survey and map that identifies Covenantowned properties and notes whether the plants growing there are appropriate examples of the natural environ-

ment envisioned for Rancho Santa Fe. Feighner said she hopes in the near future, the committee can establish an extensive and ongoing educational campaign to help bring the goals of the committee to fruition throughout the community on both publicly- and privately-owned property. The committee, which will have no more than seven members, will work with the golf club to identify and explore and secure alternative sources of water for the community. After the board unanimously approved the ad hoc committee, Bill Beckman was appointed president. “He’s very excited about this,” Feighner said.

Parking enforcement to increase following study results By Patty McCormac

RANCHO SANTA FE — There is no on-street parking problem in the village of Rancho Santa Fe. The real problem is the people who ignore the twohour parking limit and leave their vehicles parked in the same spot all day, every day. That was the conclusion of a two-week parking study conducted by the Association, the results of which were presented to the board of directors at its Feb. 2 meeting. As a result, the CHP, as a part of its recently approved Agreement for Overtime Enforcement, will begin ticketing violators who will have to cough up $62.50 for their transgressions. “Consistent enforcement of the timed parking regulations would result in additional parking turnover and free-up some of the timed parking

spaces for customers where those spaces are currently occupied by employees of village businesses,” Covenant Administrator Ivan Holler told the board. He said some of the main violators are business owners and their employees. “We saw the same vehicles day-after-day,” he said.“It’s the same folks.” Staff conducted the study beginning Monday Dec. 19, 2011, through Friday Dec. 23, 2011.The second week the survey ran from Friday Jan. 12 through Thursday Jan. 19. The survey was conducted from the intersection of Paseo Delicias and El Tordo on the east, to La Garcia and Linea Del Cielo on the west. The northern and southern limits were the intersection of Avenida de Acacias and La Granada and the intersection of Via de Santa Fe and La

Granada, respectively. In order to evaluate the turnover of the timed parking spaces, the staff checked the areas four times per day at twohour intervals at 9 and 11 a.m. and at 1 and 3 p.m. “Not surprisingly, parking demand in the village core area is higher than the perimeter areas,” Holler said. “The percentage of occupied spaces for the village core range from 75 to 90 percent. However the corresponding ranges for the village perimeter areas were 43 to 60 percent.” “Even though some street segments exceeded the 90 percent parking demand threshold,there does not appear to be an overall parking shortage in the village,” Holler said. The survey revealed the peak parking time was at 1 p.m. when there were fewer available spaces within the core of the village, but if a person does

not mind walking a little, there is much more available parking. The survey was conducted purposely during the week of Dec. 16, 2011, when school was not in session, but it was in session the second week of the survey. This helped determine whether the school had any effect on parking. Also, Jan. 16 was a state and federal holiday and some businesses were closed. “Parking demand was lower during the first week of the survey when school was not in session. Somewhat surprisingly, however, the difference was most apparent during the 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. survey times,” he said. “Holiday parking demand was lower than any other day, but violations of timed parking still occurred.” He said the overall percentage of occupied spaces ranged from 58 to 74 percent.

Association President Jack Queen said he did not want to be associated in any way with saying there is no parking problem in the village. “I go to the village regularly and often and there are times when there is no place to park and I don’t mind walking,” he said. Director Dick Doughty said that regardless of the parking issues, he would rather do without parking meters or cautionary signs. He said parking in Del Mar is so regulated it is “a place you don’t want to go” and he would not like to see Rancho Santa Fe do the same. The staff will give the new enforcement program 60 days to determine whether it is working and during that time CHP Lt. Deb Schroder said she will keep track of statistics to see if pulling officers away from traffic enforcement will make a difference.


Supporters of Henry’s Fund and the Peckham Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders will join the Rancho Santa Fe Unit of Rady Children’s Hospital Auxiliary for its annual fundraiser March 3. Young Henry Reif suffers from Hemophilia type B. Courtesy photo

Hospital auxiliary hosts Dennis Miller for fundraiser RANCHO SANTA FE — Tickets are available now for the March 3 Rancho Santa Fe Unit of Rady Children’s Hospital Auxiliary’s 16th annual fundraising gala for an evening with the comedy of Dennis Miller, cuisine, silent and live auctions, and dancing until midnight — all in support of Rady Children’s Hospital, Peckham Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders. Reserve your ticket now

at or by calling (858) 414-6296. The gala committee draws its inspiration and title sponsorship from 9-year-old Henry Reif,and his parents,Tracy and Leo Spiegel, founders of Henry’s Fund.Their journey in support of the Peckham Center began with a relatively simple tonsillectomy. Surgery went well. Upon being discharged, the doctor gave a standard warning for tonsillec-

tomy patients: although bleeding was rare, occurring in less than one percent of all cases, if it happened to Henry it must be checked immediately. Six days later, Henry calmly walked down the hallway of his home and said, “Mom, I need to show you something.” Walking into his bathroom, Tracy saw large amounts of blood while Henry continued to cough up even more. Between coughs, Henry calmly

stated,“You need to take me to the hospital.” Henry was then rushed to Rady Children’s Hospital. Three weeks later, a battery of tests revealed that Henry had a very rare condition, one that would forever alter the way he lived. Henry had Hemophilia type B. Hemophilia B, also known as Factor IX deficiency, is a hereditary bleeding disorder caused by a lack of blood clotting Factor IX.

Without enough Factor IX, the blood cannot clot properly to control bleeding. Henry is one of only 3,300 people in the U.S. diagnosed with Hemophilia B, which translates to about one in 30,000 live male births.There is little reward for research and drug development and progress in treating the disease has been slow, according to research TURN TO FUNDRAISER ON A23


FEB. 10, 2012


Students get high quality math instruction Mathnasium of Solana Beach provides high-quality math instruction for students in 2nd-12th grade. Whether a student needs to be challenged in math, wants some help with homework and test prep to be sure to get an A, or has fallen behind and is frustrated and angry about Math - Mathnasium can help. Mathnasium specializes in teaching math in a way students can understand. The program begins with an assessment of the student’s math skills and

comprehension. The assessment is designed to identify what the child needs to learn to go to the next level of understanding in math. Based upon the results an individualized program is designed for the student. Highly trained instructors then direct the child through their program. Students who need to be challenged will be excited about math again. Students who want an A will have the confidence they need to succeed. And struggling students will see a dramatic improvement in

attitude within three months and an improvement in grades within six months. Math Fairs are also a specialty of Mathnasium. Mathnasium of Solana Beach has sponsored dozens of Math Fairs with the help of local Parent organizations to get their schools excited about Math. When school is out Mathnasium operates a Summer Camp. Call for more information at 858-755-6284 or visit our website at:

St. Catherine’s Academy a school just for boys As the nationwide trend toward single-sex education increases, the emphasis is on all boys’ schools with advocates saying that the traditional coed system does not meet the needs of our nation’s young men. St. Catherine’s Academy, a kindergarten through eighth grade Catholic school, believes strongly in the benefits of all boys’ education and has been using this model for the majority of its 123year history. “Anyone who has worked with children

knows that boys and girls have different learning styles,” says Sister Johnellen Turner, OP, the principal at St. Catherine’s. Traditional elementary schools, which expect children to sit quietly and listen, actually favor the learning styles of girls. At St. Catherine’s, teachers capitalize on boys’ natural curiosity and energy by incorporating movement and hands-on learning tools. Furthermore, boys thrive in an environment where the rules are cut

and dry. The military tradition of St. Catherine’s is key to providing the structure, expectations, and peer leadership that boys need to stay focused and reach their fullest potential. In addition, its 5-day boarding program gives students a steady routine with time for homework, sports, and other extracurricular activities. To find out more about St. Catherine’s Academy, visit their website at www.StCatherinesAcade

Counselors provide guidance and support The philosophy of the College Counseling Office is a direct extension of the mission of Francis Parker School. Together with the Parker community, we support, encourage, and celebrate the ongoing educational journey of each student. We believe the college search and selection to be a private and individualized process where students engage in self-reflection and learn to make informed and educated decisions concerning their future. As counselors, we offer guidance to the students as they identify the appropriate fit for college, based upon personal criteria, interests and strengths. We encourage a healthy, student-led, educationally-based, and familyappropriate approach to the college search, ensuring a smooth transition to life after Parker. As students embark on the path to college and beyond, our goal is to provide a solid foundation upon which they become selfreliant, empowered, confident, involved members of society, and engaged citizens of the world. The essence of the college search and selection process is determining which schools best fit each individual candidate. Given the wide-ranging talents, accomplishments and dreams of the Parker stu-

dent body, it is no wonder that their college destinations are not limited to a certain type or mold. Instead, the focus on students’ personal goals results in a variety of college decisions that we celebrate. The 484 Parker graduates from the classes of 2008-2011 enrolled in 158 different colleges and universities across the country and around the world. Parker graduates chart their own paths extremely well. Evening programs are held separately for each grade during the school year, focusing on the specific needs of students at each level. The senior class evening event is usually held early in September, with the junior student and parent evening conducted in November or December, once the seniors’ major deadlines are met. Sophomore and freshman evenings take place in the late winter, usually in February. The College Counseling staff also coordinates an evening College Fair and a Case Studies Program in conjunction with area high schools on an annual basis. Special programs are also sponsored for students interested in participating in college athletics and for parents seeking assistance with financial planning and applications for scholarships. The “State of College

Admissions” is a special panel discussion held periodically and arranged by the College Counselors for students and parents to better understand the current issues at work in an everevolving process. In the fall, juniors and seniors have the opportunity to meet with more than 100 college admission representatives on campus. Parker’s College Counselors spend significant time getting to know each Upper School student throughout the college process. Parker students produce phenomenal work in the classroom, on the playing fields, on the stage, in the studio and in the community at large. Parker is proud of their achievements and celebrates their individual choices to further their education at the college level and beyond. Class Deans for freshmen and sophomores join with the College Counselors to oversee and advise students on course selection and monitor graduation requirements. Along with the student’s Faculty Advisor, they connect with students and support their navigation of the Upper School experience. Faculty Advisors keep an eye on academic performance, emotional and social issues, and know advisees well, so as to serve as informed and encouraging mentors.



FEB. 10, 2012


Looking at that incredible substance we know as water KYLE STOCK Coastal Cosmos Dihydrogen Monoxide covers 71 percent of the Earth’s surface and drives our climate. It can melt mountains and cut serpentine holes through Earth’s crust. It comfortably exists on Earth as a liquid, solid and gas. It fills 75 percent of the human brain and is vital to all known life. It provides a perfect medium for energy waves to disperse and refract — the end result being a stoked surfer riding the wave of their life.Water is an incredible substance! Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe. Created shortly after the Big Bang, atomic No. 1, makes up about three-fourths of the elemental matter in the universe. Oxygen is the thirdmost abundant element and is created in the fusion furnaces of stars. These most elemental of elements are combined to form H20 in only the most volatile areas of the cosmos. Hydrogen and oxygen bond reactively by sharing electrons. H2O is a tasteless, odor-

H2O is a tasteless, odorless substance that while colorless in small quantities, takes on the brilliant blue hue that paints our coastal world. Photos by Kyle Stock

less substance that while colorless in small quantities, takes on the brilliant blue hue that paints our coastal world. How did 325 million trillion gallons of water get to Earth? When giant stars explode (supernova), they spread their manufactured elements and compounds throughout their resident galaxy. This material eventually coalesces into new stars and solar systems. As the Earth formed and cooled, icy comets and asteroids bombarded the surface. It’s like filling a bucket by tossing in water balloons. Earth orbits the Sun within the “Goldilocks Zone” of our solar system: not so close that

all water evaporates and not so far away that all the water freezes. The recreational value of water is unquantifiable. From ice-skating to sailing to splashing in a pool to skiing to waveriding, the opportunities for fun are boundless. When powdery ice crystals cover mountain terrain, snowboarders and skiers celebrate. When liquid water transforms oceanic energy into beautiful, spinning waves on our local reefs and sandbars, surfers rejoice with great exaltation. San Diego averages just 12 inches of precipitation annually. Freshwater is of the utmost importance to all com-

munities. So where do we get our freshwater? Residents of North County receive their water from three primary sources: the State Water Project via the California Aqueduct, the Colorado River and a few local streams/reser-

voirs. It is interesting that we live next to the largest body of water on the planet and yet our life-sustaining water is pumped in from across the state. Desalination, the process of removing the salt

from seawater, is a popular topic in the water industry, but many ecological and logistical questions remain unanswered. The State Water Project is the largest state-built water system in the USA; supplying water for 25 million people and 750,000 acres of farmland. The SWP collects the Sierra Nevada snowmelt and transports it through the California Aqueduct. The 1,440-mile-long Colorado River provides water to San Diego via the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California and the Colorado River Aqueduct. The aqueduct begins at Lake Havasu on the Arizona/California border and delivers large quantities of water to Southern California. The Olivenhain and San Dieguito reservoirs supply water collected locally. Life began in the water and it continues to support our biological processes.Water has transported species, cultures and goods throughout the world. It is also the main conveyor of the sun’s energy across oceans and over continents.Water riding is a passion for millions of people the world over. There is no other feeling on Earth that compares to being encapsulated in the barrel of breaking H2O. The next time you simply take a drink of refreshing water, take delight in its existence. Da Vinci once claimed: “Water is the driving force of all nature.”

Tips to help you beat doctor appointment anxieties Every year across the United States, people make Health more than 900 million doctor Watch visits. But for some, the thought of going to the doctor By the physicians and staff creates so much nervousness at Scripps Memorial Hospital Encinitas that they’ll postpone or even avoid appointments. There are many different reasons behind patients’ anxieties. Some feel anxious about what will happen in the doctor’s office. Will the physical exam or treatment be painful? Will the doctor ask embarrassing personal questions – or worse, deliver a serious medical diagnosis? Others may have had an unpleasant past experience at a doctor’s office, or know someone who did. Still others may feel unsettled when appointments run behind schedule, or when their time with the physician seems rushed. While some nervousness can be normal, fear that prevents people from seeking important medical care needs


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to be addressed. Ironically, the anxiety that makes people avoid the doctor may ultimately put them at risk for the very conditions they fear. For example,a woman who is terrified of hearing she has breast cancer may avoid the screening exams that can detect it in the earliest, treatable stages. Then, if she does in fact develop the disease, it may not be diagnosed in a timely manner for certain “best-practice” treatments. As with most anxiety disorders, identifying the cause of the fear is the first step. Cognitive behavioral therapy, either with an individual therapist or in a group, can help patients understand why they have such thoughts, as well as guide them in thinking more rationally. Once patients better understand their thought processes, they can learn coping strategies to help change the way they think.

One of the most helpful strategies is to “demystify” the experience of going to the doctor. Often, parents will take their young children with them to the doctor or dentist to familiarize them with the process, so they aren’t fearful about going themselves. This can also work for anxious adults. Start with a “practice appointment” by accompanying a friend or family member to a doctor visit to observe and ask questions. Ask a physician referral service for a physician who is sensitive to a patient’s anxiety. Before making an appointment, explain the situation to the office staff. Staff may schedule extra time with the physician for the patient to discuss concerns and ask questions. And write down questions in advance, as it’s hard to commit everything to memory. It also can help to bring a friend or family member along

for support. In addition to easing the patient’s anxiety, the support person can ask questions, take notes and help the patient understand and act on the physician’s instructions. If a support person isn’t available, consider tape recording the appointment to review later in the comfort of home. There are various ways parents can help alleviate fears in anxious kids. In addition to bringing the child along on their own appointments, parents can find children’s books about doctor visits discuss concerns and role-play the appointment. A small treat after a successful visit can be a great incentive for an anxious child. “Health Watch” is brought to you by the physicians and staff at Scripps Memorial Hospital Encinitas. For more information or for physician referral call 1-800-SCRIPPS.



FEB. 10, 2012

Del Dios Gorge viewing spot ready for visitors RANCHO SANTA FE — The San Dieguito River Park announced completion of the Rattlesnake view platform on the Del Dios Gorge Trail, just south of Del Dios Highway, downstream of Lake Hodges Dam. This project provided a viewing platform on the Del Dios Gorge Trail with views of the Lake Hodges Dam and the San Dieguito River down below in the gorge. The platform was funded by the River Parkway (Proposition 84) grant funds from the State Resources Agency and constructed by architect, Scott Stevenson. The grant is also funding a major eucalyptus removal and replanting with native sycamores and cottonwoods in Del Dios Gorge and trail improvements, including several covered picnic tables and benches. San Dieguito River Park Executive Director Dick Bobertz said, “The project is one of the largest habitat restoration projects currently under way in Southern California.” The viewing platform is for trail users to sit and enjoy the views of the dam and the river below. It is called the Rattlesnake view platform because it is made from native rock in the shape of a rattlesnake. An interpretive panel explains the place of rattlesnakes in our ecosystem. Another feature is a burned and dead tree, which

The Rattlesnake View Platform on the Del Dios Gorge Trail is made from native rock in the shape of a rattlesnake. The area is complete and ready for trail users to sit and enjoy the views of the dam and the river below. Courtesy photo

provides information about the impacts of wildfires. In the center of the view platform sculpture (at the apex of the snake's tail) is a pipe scope through which one can look and line up with another feature, marked A, B or C, which point one’s view toward a particular sight, the spillway, the bullwarks of the dam and the river below. Please note that the view platform is only accessi-

ble from the trail, and requires a two-mile walk or ride on the trail before it can be reached. There are two ways to access the viewing platform. If headed east on Del Dios Highway make a right just after Calle Ambiente at the Lemon Twist Fruit Stand to the Del Dios Gorge Trailhead and Staging Area; head east on the trail for approximately 2 miles. If

headed west on Del Dios Highway make a left on Rancho Drive and park at the trailhead at the bottom of the hill; head west on the trail towards the dam for approximately 2 miles. For more information or maps visit Established in 1989, the San Dieguito River Park is a 94,000-acre open space greenway of regional significance in San Diego’s North

County, stretching more than 55 miles from the ocean at Del Mar to Volcan Mountain near Julian. The River Park aims to protect the natural and cultural resources, sensitive lands and waterways in the San Dieguito River Valley and provide compatible recreational opportunities for hikers, bikers and equestrians, including a Coast to Crest Trail.

Robotics team starts out strong Congratulations went to the Torrey Pines High School “Positrons,” Robotic team founded by Sophomore Noa Glaser. In its first year, Positrons was selected to win the Connect Award at the Los Angeles Championship Tournament in December. This award is given to the team that most connected with their local community and the engineering community to advance the groups’ goals. And at the San Diego Championship Tournament in January, Positrons advanced to the finals and won the Judges Award. The judges were impressed by the fact that as a rookie team in its first year, Positrons had already organized many outreach events and that the team was founded and led by a high school student.


FEB. 10, 2012


Experience is rooted in job lessons KENT HORNER Local Roots When I was first starting out as a young tree guy and landscape contractor putting myself through school, I didn’t have much experience, but I certainly had enough drive and energy to tackle almost any job using just plain common sense. But sometimes, a little knowledge can save you time, money and headaches. At one point, I was hired to remove a row of large eucalyptus trees and their stumps on Lone Jack in Encinitas. Brian Coen, my partner and college buddy, and I figured we could remove the large trees with our small chainsaw, load all the material in our beat up One Ton International Harvester flatbed and pull the stumps out using the PTO winch cable located right behind the cab on the truck bed. Everything was going swimmingly as we cut and loaded along the right of way and soon after hours of back breaking labor — we had no

chipper — the only things left were the trunks themselves. At this time in my life I hadn’t even heard of a stump grinder. But we had a plan. We would dig out the trunks and with the winch, pull the stumps out and up a ramp we had built onto the bed of the flatbed. Well, these trees were 2 to 3 feet in diameter at the bases and I soon found out that they weren’t going to come out easily. But, as strong and stubborn and hungry for money as I was, I set to work with a mattock, which is a combination pick and axe and will chop through almost any wood given enough time and determination. Typical roots of large trees have three functions. They act as a support and anchor the plant or tree to a substrate. They are also specialized to search out water, absorbing it while acting as a storage facility for starches and sugars. Roots also host an interplay between the soils bacteria and fungi. In many cases, roots work symbiotically with the soils fauna. Bacteria can live in tumor-like root nodules where they fix atmospheric nitrogen, changing it into ammonia. This

makes it usable for the construction of proteins and new shoot development. So, as I got deeper into the earth with my mattock, I found root after root. My method was simple, I dug in one place until I discovered a 3- to 4-inch root, creating a trench. After chopping it out, I would continue downward and forward, creating a trench around the tree until I encountered another root and so on until most of the roots disappeared two to three feet below grade. Using this technique, I found that the eucalyptus globulus, the trees we were removing, don’t have one single tap root. In fact, they have multiple branching roots that emanate from the root ball on several different levels below grade, very similar to the branching structure of the canopy. They are an undesirable plant. We were finally able to break most of the stumps free with the truck winch after cutting the roots but the last tree refused to budge and undoubtedly had some deeper vertical tap roots that were difficult to reach under the root ball. Wanting to finish the job,

I climbed down into the trench and began swinging hard and away trying to get an angle under the root ball when I was suddenly splashed with a muddy geyser that covered me from head to toe. I was already beat from the day and now I was looking down at a broken water main three feet below grade with no way to shut it off. I just stood there in shock watching the hole around the tree stump fill with water. Somehow, my partner found the water main before it flooded the street and then a funny thing happened. All the muddy water in the hole around the tree began to recede and disappeared. Just before it did, the biggest, wet badger I have ever seen flew out of the hole and took off like a shot across the field. He wasn’t any happier than I was, but from that point on, we used Dig Alert and ground our stumps when they were oversized. Kent Horner is a local landscape contractor and designer with 30 years of experience in all aspects of your garden. For information concerning your project or questions involving your surroundings, email him at

WONDERFUL WORDS RANCHO SANTA FE — Horizon Prep’s Winter tunity to polish up on public speaking skills. Students are selected for improvements in their writAuthor’s Tea is about budding authors, and, as students read their pieces in front of an audience, it’s also an oppor- ing skills or who are writing above grade level.

Horizon Prep Winter Author’s Tea honorees include, from left, front row, Irelynd Lorenzen, Kennedy Caffrey, Katie Bartolotta, Tasha Kanoa, Lauren Flather, Jacquelyn Todd, Luke Gianni and Grace Shreckengaust, with, from left back row, Abby Gammel, Carson Wright, Jack Straza, Kristin Webb, Rachel Oberst, Ross Admire, Will Ferrari and Andrea Carpenter. Courtesy photos

Horizon Prep sixth-grader Jack Straza, is congratulated by his sister, Julia, and Dad, Joey, on a job-well-done at the Horizon Prep Winter Author’s Tea.

Jonathan and Kari Lorenzen celebrate Horizon Prep’s Winter Author’s Tea with their daughter, Irelynd.

Ryan Burch with one of his newest experiments. Photo by Chris Ahrens

Branching off the Burch family tree CHRIS AHRENS Sea Notes My dad surfed a little in the early 1940s. He mostly bodysurfed, however, and played around occasionally on wooden planks at Santa Monica Pier. Nonetheless, his stories and his encouragement in my early years were the primary stimulus in getting me to ride waves. It’s only natural for a parent to pass on the gift of surfing. Famous father/son teams from the past include: Herbie, Christian and Nathan Fletcher; Pat, Tom and Joe Curren; and Joe, Josh and Joel Tudor. My attention has been recently trained on North County’s Jerry and Ryan Burch. Jerry was in Maui in the late ’60s as a part of the migration of a South Bay crew. I didn’t meet him then, but would later be introduced by our mutual friend, surfer/filmmaker, Steve Cleveland. By the early ‘80s, Jerry had spent a decade in Maui and returned to California where he settled into North County life with his wife, Lindsay. It was there, 23 years ago that the couple had a son they named Ryan. From the age of zero, Ryan followed in his dad’s footsteps as a surfer. As a young teen, the kid was another hot young competitor, ripping through the NSSA on tiny tri-fins. By his late teens, however, his aspirations had changed somewhat. While he wanted to surf more than ever, competition had little to do with his career path. He was experimenting with various types of boards, including wooden Alia Surfboards from the ancient past to Carl Ekstrom’s recently resurrected asymmetrical designs. Jerry, who had experimented with various types of surfboards way back in the early ‘70s, encouraged his son’s look into new shapes.

The result of the experimentation on Ryan’s part opened up new worlds in finless surfboards, once cutting a piece of surfboard foam in two and riding the shorter half in the Windansea shore break. Other experiments by Burch the younger took the asymmetrical design further than anyone ever has by making the frontside rail nearly razor straight. Of course surfing is for fun and both father and son are out most days of the week, having as much fun as possible in the water. From Swami’s to Seaside, you will find Jerry and Ryan, trading waves, with Ryan on one of his latest creations, riding boards from 4 feet 11 inches to 10 feet.While Ryan breaks out whatever the swell calls for, Jerry is generally on a longboard made by Ryan. When the surf is huge, Jerry pulls out a big wave gun that Ryan made him for Christmas last year. That board usually requires waves twice the size of any found even on our biggest swells to really get moving. When it does reach speed, however, it cuts through the ocean like a hot knife through butter. It doesn’t really matter what they ride though. Surfing on a piece of wood, or a precise carbon fiber composite is still about fun. And the gift of fun is not wasted on the father or the son, since riding waves brings out great joy in both of them. To see the way they apply use this gift is something that would make any father or son proud. Chris Ahrens is a surfer and author of four books on surfing. Email him at

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FEB. 10, 2012

Spending a summer-style stay in a cottage in mid-winter E’LOUISE ONDASH Hit the Road I know it’s not nice to gloat, but boy, are we tempted. It’s a summer-like Sunday in January and we are sitting on the porch of The Beachcomber restaurant ( at Crystal Cove State Park. This 3.2-mile stretch of spectacular beach is situated between Corona del Mar (Newport Beach) and Laguna Beach. I wouldn’t be surprised, on this glorious, chamber-of-commerce day, to see Frankie and Annette come around the corner and pile onto the beach with their blankets and bikinis. My husband suggests that we take a phone-photo and zap it back to relatives in the cold, dank Midwest. Nah, too cruel, we decide, and return to our brunch: something called a Croque Madame — a tower-of-a-sandwich constructed of thick slices of grilled challah with Black Forest ham and melted Fontina cheese, topped with a sunny-side-up egg and Hollandaise sauce; and the Crystal Cove Omelet, filled with bacon and cheddar cheese and crowned with a half-dozen perfect slivers of avocado. We are thankful that we have reservations; there are several dozen visitors queuing up at the hostess desk, but it’s not all bad. Each party receives a pager that works for up to 200 yards from the restaurant, which gives them the freedom to hang out at the water’s edge until tables open up. The restaurant has been built into one of the 46 historic cottages in an area of the beach known as the Historic District. Most were built in the 1920s and 1930s during an era when people could spend the entire summer at the beach. (Imagine!) When the state purchased the land from the Irvine Company in 1979, saving it from development, no one quite knew what to do with the cottages. Eventually the Crystal Cove Alliance

came to the rescue, getting the historic designation and going to work restoring the cottages. To date, the alliance has rehabilitated about 30 cottages to their 1935-1955 condition, a docent tells us, and they’ve done it all with private money. Anyone can rent a cottage for up to a week — each sleeps anywhere from two to nine guests — but reservations for the popular cottages go early and fast. Some are dorm-style and four accommodate people with disabilities. Visit CrsytalCoveBeachCottages.or g and This state park also includes about 2,400 acres to the east of Pacific Coast Highway (also known as El Moro Canyon) where you can hike and camp in the backcountry.We’ll have to save that for another visit; today, we walk the beach. We start by heading south. The tide is low, which means lots of water-worn, striated rocks of multiple shades of earth tones are exposed. People are scrambling over the larger, more level ones and poking in tide-pool holes to discover what lurks there. Maybe they’ll find purple shore crabs, sea hares or perhaps anemones. Above us, on the 80-foot bluffs, there are runners, walkers and cyclers on the Crystal Cove trail, enjoying the view and the perfect day. On our return trip north, we take the stairs up the bluff to check out Ruby’s Shake Shack, a 1940s-era cottage overlooking Crystal Cove. Formerly known just as the Shake Shack, it was remodeled in 2011. It’s still is so popular that cars are backed up on southbound PCH, waiting for a

This is one of the 30 restored cottages that the Crystal Cove Alliance has returned to the 1935-1955 era with authentic furnishings and textiles. The alliance is privately funded with donations and plans to restore another 16 in an area of Crystal Cove State Park designated as the Historic District. All of the cottages, built in the 1920s and 1930s, can be rented by the public. Photos by Jerry Ondash

parking space and the chance to buy chai spice, peanut butter, monkey flip and mocha milkshakes and tri-tip sliders. I am so tempted, but it’s been less than an hour since we finished our generous brunch. When we finally must leave for home, we’re thankful that it’s but an hour’s drive south. For more information call (949) 494-3539 or visit For information on cottage history and rentals visit and CrsytalCoveBeachCottages.or g. Next column: We’ll travel a few miles north to Newport Beach.

E’Louise Ondash is a freelance writer living in North County. Tell her about your When the tide is out, visitors to the beach at Crystal Cove State Park can explore the tide pools for purple travels at shore crabs, sea hares or anemones.

This towering sandwich, on the brunch menu at The Beachcomber restaurant at Crystal Cove State Park, is constructed of thick slices of grilled challah with Black Forest ham and melted Fontina cheese, topped with a sunny-side-up egg and Hollandaise sauce.

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FEB. 10, 2012

FEB. 10, 2012




Learning to live on a boomer’s budget JOE MORIS Baby Boomer Peace I spent three weeks in Puerto Vallarta. It started the day before New Year’s Eve. I loved it. I got back to Encinitas at the end of January. It was cold. It rained the day after coming home. But since then we’ve had that glorious San Diego weather that everyone comes here for. When people in Puerto Vallarta find out I’m from San Diego, they get a puzzled look on their face. The usual response is, “You already live in paradise!” True. But you know the storm tracks will

FEB. 10, 2012


open soon if not by the time you’re reading this. The cold will be upon us. I’m hoping to head back down in March. You know what they say about late winter, early spring in Mexico. John Denver had an excellent guitar instrumental on one of his first albums with that subtitle to it. It’s pretty nice down there. I’m looking forward to it. I have to remind some that the reason my column began was because I was devastated financially by the recession. A net worth built up over a lifetime vanished like steam from a pot. Not that pot. OK, that pot too. I digress. So I’m basically broke and turning 62 and single. Obviously, not an envious spot to be in. But I finagled some cash and bought a great condo in Puerto Vallarta that pays for itself if I want to rent it out part time. If I do that, I live rent-free for about six months out of the year. Flying there isn’t really expensive. It’s about $430 round trip from San Diego but sometimes out of Tijuana as cheap as about $150 to $200 round trip. I’ll write about it more after I actually fly out of there in the near future. I know several people that do and they say it’s a breeze. Bottom line is, through me and my column, I’ll bare my soul, so to speak, to show you how I’m figuring out how to basically semi-retire and live on a social security income. I’m doing it. I’ve

taken some chances though, like giving up health insurance. I pay cash now. Medical costs here in North County coastal area are about 40 percent to 50 percent cheaper if you pay cash. My deductible was so high that I was paying cash anyway for my medical but about double what I should pay. In Mexico, I just had a root canal, a post and crown put in. I shopped around up here telling those that I was paying cash. The cost was anywhere from $1,300 to $3,000.Yes, you should shop around. There really is free enterprise in medical if you’re a cash payer. Anyway, I got the dental done for $4,800 pesos in Puerto Vallarta (actually bucerias). At 13 pesos to the dollar, that came out to about $370. With the $30 tip it was $400. Now if I get cancer, even with my deductible before, it would still wipe me out whether I had assets or not. So, OK Lord, your ballgame, not mine. I’m going to go enjoy life. God only gives us one day. We don’t know when the last one comes. Take advantage of life to its fullest without a whole lot in your pocket. If there are some of you out there with a pile of money socked away, God bless you. If you are just sitting on it, give some away to a charity that really needs it without telling anyone and watch how your life changes. Alright baby boomers, whether you are a World War II baby boomer or a Korean

War baby boomer, start being optimistic about the future. You lost most everything, but you have your health and vitality. Learn to live frugally and if you’re worried about what your family or friends will think of you, so what? Pride is a sin. Go out and live! Enjoy each day as a gift. Why waste it in worry and stress. Be sure to take the time to enter the contest giveaway for a one-week stay in my oceanfront condo including airfare. Look for the ad in The Coast News. You’ll find it. Dean and Sue Henningsen are there right now.They were our first contest winners.They were just visiting Carlsbad, staying in a time-share, read The Coast News and entered. And, they won! They are going to write a testimonial on their trip when they get back. I sure hope it’s a good one but either way; I’m going to print some of it. It will be fun to hear how they enjoyed themselves. Our next winners will be announced around Easter. I’ll be salivating then looking forward to spring. Joe Moris may be contacted at (760) 500-6755 or by email at

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Coast News and click link

Organization offers scholarships San Diego Alumnae Panhellenic, an organization composed of alumnae from National Panhellenic Conference sororities, is offering merit scholarships. Applicants need to be graduating San Diego County high school women who, in the 2012-2013 school year, will be attending a four-year college or university that has NPC sororities on its campus or women who are presently in an NPC sorority attending a San Diego County college. All applications must be received by March 31.To obtain an application or for more information go to or email m. “We are looking for both high school and collegiate women who are smart, well-rounded and active in their school and community,” said Elyse Wilhm, scholarship chairwoman, San Diego Alumnae Panhellenic. “Also, the high school applicants should have a serious interest in becoming a member of the Panhellenic community.” Applicants should be women who demonstrate academic excellence as

well as community and school involvement. Collegiate applicants should be active in their sorority and be in good standing. Requirements for the application are a completed application, a letter of recommendation from a counselor or teacher and an official copy of applicant’s high school or college transcript. Selections will be made at the end of April and interviews will be conducted. Winners will be notified in May 2012 and honored at a San Diego Alumnae Panhellenic’s luncheon in June 2012. San Diego Alumnae Panhellenic was founded in 1928 and is a chapter of the National Panhellenic Conference. The organization is composed of alumnae from women’s Greek letter social fraternities and promotes sorority life to high school and collegiate women through its mission of values, education, leadership, friendship, cooperation and citizenship. SDAP awards scholarships to high school women at the end of each school year. For more information, please visit



FEB. 10, 2012


Contact us at with story ideas, events or photos

community CALENDAR Remembering the great Charles Dickens Got an item for the calendar? Send the details via e-mail to

FEB. 10 HIGH FASHION Get your tickets now for the Fine magazine’s Spring 2012 Xposure fashion event from 6 to 9 p.m. Feb. 22 at the Morgan Run Club & Resort, 5690 Cancha De Golf, Rancho Santa Fe, with Fashion Forward Style Guy Leonard Simpson. Get tickets online at g-fashion-xposure-general-ticket-purchase/index.php?.

FEB. 11 SWEET SHOPPING Join the “Chocolate Affair” from noon to 5 p.m. Feb. 11 at The Village Faire Center, 300 Carlsbad Village Drive, for music by Sonny in the courtyard, chocolate sampling, shopping discounts, dessert specials, flowers and dinner specials for couples. MEET THE ARTISTS Meet the artists at the OffTrack Featured Artist Reception from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Feb. 11, 937 S. Coast Highway 101 with photographers Terry Scott Allen and Nick Chill, fiber artist Lynn Ely and water color artist Linda Melvin. For more information, visit SEED SWAP Smerdu Community Garden at 1250 Laguna Drive, will hold their first annual Seed Swap Party from 1 to 3 p.m.

FEB. 12 CD DEBUT Encinitas’ own Peter Pupping Band will launch its newest CD, “Cafe Pacifico” at 7 p.m. Feb. 12 Lamb’s Players Theatre, Coronado, 1142 Orange Ave., Coronado. Tickets run $14 Section B, $26 Section A, $38 Prime A. Listen to samples at

By Richard Lederer

Two centuries ago — on Feb. 7, 1812 — Charles John Huffam Dickens entered the earthly stage. Born into an impoverished family, his father having served a term in debtor’s prison, Charles, worked as a child slave in a London blacking factory. The rags-to-riches life of Charles Dickens’s was more remarkable than any of his stories. From such unpromising origins, he arose to become the best-selling writer of his time and one of the most enduring and quotable writers of all time. What has been described as the most successful writing career in history was launched when Dickens was 24. On March 31, 1836, he published the first installment of a comic novel about a bunch of bumbling gentlemen who knock about England getting into various scrapes. At the center of the group was one of the greatest comedy teams in all literature — Samuel Pickwick, a fat retired businessman, and a jaunty young cockney by the name of Sam Weller.The novel emerged as “The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club,” popularly known as “The Pickwick Papers.” Following “Pickwick” came 14 more enormously popular novels, from “The Adventures of Oliver Twist, or the Parish Boy’s Progress,” to the unfinished “The Mystery of Edwin Drood,” and hundreds of stories, including “A Christmas Carol.” How did Dickens do it?

By Gabriel Fregoso

The Through the Storm Chorus, an interdenominational group, will perform at 4 p.m. Feb. 12 at Christ Presbyterian Church, 7807 Centella St. Carlsbad. A free will offering will be taken for Jubilee USA Network. For information, call (760) 436-2707.

The story behind Wim Wenders’ latest documentary, “PINA,” goes something like this: For nearly 20 years, the celebrated filmmaker had wished to make a movie with revolutionary dance choreographer Pina Bausch. After a series of false starts and setbacks spanning two decades, plans for their collaboration finally materialized in 2009; both agreeing that 3D would be the best medium for their effort. Two days before the first scheduled test shoot, the German director discovered, sadly, that the subject of his upcoming production had suddenly passed away. For others, such an event might have been the death knell of a documentary production. But for Wenders, the unfortunate news presented him with another challenge to overcome. Armed with a new approach, and dancers with whom Bausch had been rehearsing, Wenders chose — instead of presenting Bausch herself — to assemble an impressionistic portrait of the choreographer, from the memories of those individuals who seemed to have known her best. Like reconstructing a

FOUNDERS CELEBRATED Celebrating 25 years as a city, Solana Beach Civic and Historical Society presents “Valentine Venture” from noon to 2 p.m. Feb. 13 at 143 S. Cedros Ave. with lunch, music and a recognition program of Solana Beach city government pioneers. For more information, call Ruby Edman at (858) 755-1414. BINGO FOR VETS Play Bingo at the American Legion every Monday night at 6:30 p.m. at 210 West F St., Encinitas. Proceeds go to Veteran programs including the Veterans Hospital.




Carlsbad Playreaders present “Radio Golf” at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 13 at the Carlsbad Dove Library Schulman Auditorium, 1775 Dove Lane. No reservations. Curtain at 7:30 p.m. Suggested donations: $5 for adults, $1 for students. For more information, visit TURN TO CALENDAR ON A23

crowd’s impatience grew to such a pitch that they surged forward and cried out as one to the sailors,“Does Little Nell die?” Alas, Little Nell did die, and tens of thousands of readers’ hearts shattered. The often ferocious literary critic Lord Jeffrey was found weeping with his head on his library table. “You’ll be sorry to hear,” he sobbed to a friend,“that little Nelly, Boz’s little Nelly, is dead.” Daniel O’Connell, an

Irish M.P., burst out crying, “He should not have killed her,” and then, in anguish, threw the book out of the window of the train in which he was traveling. A diary of the time records another reader lamenting, “The villain! The rascal! The bloodthirsty scoundrel! He killed my little Nell! He killed my sweet little child!” That “bloodthirsty scoundrel” was himself shattered by the loss of his heroine. In a letter to a friend Dickens wrote, “I am the wretchedest of the wretched. It (Nell’s death) casts the most horrible shadow upon me, and it is as much as I can do to keep moving at all. Nobody will miss her like I shall.” And let us not forget the incredible piston energy that drove the man. His contemporary, Leigh Hunt, said of Dickens: “What a face is his to meet in a drawing room! It has the life and soul in it of 50 human beings.” Dickens did indeed possess the capacity of multitudes for work and play. In addition to pouring forth his literary works, he was a journalist, writer of long and vivacious letters, indefatigable walker, amateur theater producer and actor, and vastly

popular lecturer and reader. James Nathan Miller describes the results of Dickens’s literary empathy and brimming vitality: “Incredibly, Dickens’s career never had a pinnacle. It was all pinnacle. From, the appearance of Sam Weller in 1836 to the day in 1870 when Dickens died while writing ‘The Mystery of Edwin Drood,’ his career was like a Roman candle that went straight up and just hung there, shooting one brilliant shower after another.” We today are still being showered by those sparks, as witness the more than one hundred motion pictures made from Dickens’s works. No wonder that G.K. Chesterton said of him: “Whatever the word great means, Dickens was what it means.” Richard Lederer is the author of 40 books about language, history, and humor, including his best-selling Anguished English series and his current books, The Gift of Age, A Tribute to Teachers, and American Trivia. He has been profiled in magazines as diverse as The New Yorker, People, and the National Inquirer and is founding co-host of “A Way With Words” on Public Radio. Dr. Lederer’s syndicated column, “Looking at Language,” appears in newspapers and magazines throughout the United States. He has been named International Punster of the Year and Toastmasters International’s Golden Gavel winner.

Documentary examines the world of Pina Bausch


FEB. 13

First and foremost, he possessed a preternatural feel and ear for the hum and buzz of human life. People and situations endlessly flared up in his imagination; he said he could literally hear what his characters said before he wrote the words down. A supporting cast of more than 300 fantastic bit players floats in and out of “Pickwick;” over his career Dickens gave birth to thousands of characters. Dickens not only wrote about people; he spoke to the people, who gobbled up every one of his books and stories. Like most of his works, “The Old Curiosity Shop” (1841) was published in serial form. The novel won a vast readership on both sides of the Atlantic, and as interest in the fate of the heroine, Little Nell, grew intense, circulation reached the staggering figure of 100,000. In New York, 6,000 people crowded the wharf where the ship carrying the final “Master Humphrey’s Clock” magazine installment was due to dock. As it approached, the

Director Wim Wenders is bringing his 3D documentary about dancer Pina Bausch, who died in 2009, to San Diego. The film opens in limited release Feb. 10. Courtesy photo

leaf from its imprint in wet cement, “PINA” presents a complex, multifaceted view of Bausch, by no means exhaustive and absolute. Showcasing four of her most famous works — “Le Sacre du printemps,” “Kontakthof,” “Café Müller,” and “Vollmond” — the movie also features interviews with some of her closest pupils, disclosing, to the audience, their first impressions of their instructor. Born in 1940, Bausch was a gifted dancer who studied

Tanztheater (“dance theater”) under Kurt Joos, before becoming the dance director of the Wuppertal theater in 1972. She soon became famous for her expressionistic approach to dancing, fusing traditional ballet with dramatic theater, to form a unique style that was a continuation of her early training under Joos. Bausch’s choreography represents a break with traditional sensibility, allowing dancers to embody a range of emotions normally reserved

for theatrical acting. A symbolic mix of dance and gesture, her work draws inspiration from psychology and mythology, including her background in traditional art and design, to create evocative and surreal performances exploring themes like time, space, memory, gender; identity and loss. Adopting the aesthetic philosophy of its subject, “PINA” is a fragmentary journey into the life of an artist, represented by the works she has left behind.

Using the latest in 3D technology, Wenders attempts to bridge the gap between audience and performer the way his collaborator did with her choreography. His painstaking research has delivered an unprecedented level of depth that rivals fictional efforts like “Avatar” and “Hugo.” Wenders’ movie is as selfconscious as Bausch’s pieces, eschewing the strictly observational impulse of traditional documentary, and relying on the interplay of subjective and objective moments. Here, dancers are posed against unconventional backgrounds, including industrial landscapes and busy intersections, where movements are given greater scrutiny in the absence of conventional contexts. None of these choices — including the use of 3D — seem to intrude or detract from the performances. Wenders pulls off the seemingly impossible by making decisions whose boldness and originality somehow remain secondary to the work of the late choreographer. Despite the unfortunate loss of its subject, “PINA” remains a triumphant mosaic of a personality who changed the world of dance.


FEB. 10, 2012


Exaggerating on insurance claims crosses moral boundaries Most private investigators, at one time or another, have investigated fraudulent workers compensation claims and in fact, many train on that type of work, as these claims always seem to be in good supply. Much of my earlier experience involved insurance claims and my biggest client in my early days was a large insurance defense firm. Many people, even the seemingly honest ones, will at least exaggerate a claim and the less than honest will fabricate one all together. I few weeks ago, I barely tapped a young Asian man as I was pulling out of my parking spot. There was not even a mark on the bumper much less any injury, but he still insisted on exchanging information. I tapped him so lightly I’m surprised even the driver or passenger, his girlfriend, even got out of the vehicle.

BRIAN SCOTT Eye Spy Sure enough, within a matter of days, my carrier called to inform me of the claim they’d filed for back and neck injuries, mental anguish and loss of work. Even I was shocked to hear that the seemingly nice young couple would even try such a thing. So I asked myself, “Why?” I simply came to the conclusion “because they can” and perhaps we live in a society where it’s practically expected and encouraged. These guys even hired a lawyer — a personal injury lawyer, no less — which was where I drew the line. I drew it on absolutely not tolerating


RANCHO SANTA FE — The Rancho Santa Fe Library Guild will host a membersonly, half-price book sale from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. Feb. 23, 17040

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I’m not trying to judge here. We all exaggerate a little, but there should be a moral boundary line that would be considered stealing if we chose to cross it. I guess everyone’s line is a little different, depending on what we can live with.This was what one man was willing to live with. I was hired to investigate a man that was hit by a city bus and injured very badly — almost killed. He claimed to be confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his days and was medically classified as a “quadriplegic,” meaning loss of use in both arms and legs. The insurance benefit was capped at $200,000 due to what’s called “sovereign immunity” to protect a city or government from going broke in a law suit. The very morning I put this poor 43-year-old man under surveillance, I

caught him watering his lawn using both hands and arms as he did it from the wheelchair. And then I followed him to the donut shop where he parked himself right in front, facing out the store window and proceeding to shove his face with about six donuts. I got it all on videotape, of course. This was a guy who, under oath, said he couldn’t even bring a fork to his mouth. He lost half of the lawsuit money from what my one hour of documenting was able to capture. Moral of the story — insurance companies aren’t stupid! Brian Scott is a licensed private investigator and welcomes comments, questions and suggestions by contacting him at, or at

Avenida De Acacias. Not a member? You can become a member at the event, visit the web site at or pick up a membership enve-

lope at the library between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday. The evening will include a silent auction, wine and

cheese, door prizes, Book Cellar gift certificates and lots of books, plus rare books and special collections that will be for sale.

Rancho Santa Fe. Kennels are open daily Monday through Thursday from noon to 6 p.m.; Friday, noon to 7 p.m.; and Saturdays and Sundays from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Taking a look at the housing market RANCHO SANTA FE — The burning question “Has real estate hit bottom?” will be examined at a “Coffee in the Ranch” continental breakfast at 9 a.m. Feb. 15 at the Inn at Rancho Santa Fe, 5951 Linea Del Cielo. Presented by Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, the ses-

one’s injury and its impact on the claimant. To deny compensation is very difficult so here’s where a private investigator comes in. After having the accuser take a statement under oath as to the limitations and restrictions of this alleged injury, we then go out to observe if what they claimed was true, and if the claimant is engaged in any physical activity inconsistent with the injury. Guess what? We catch them almost every time and in some cases, in as little as a few hours. There are those who have a legitimate injury at first, perhaps receiving it while working on the job. They would go home on compensation, but recover long before they said they did. They’ll stretch those checks far enough to buy them someone like me on their tail.

Library guild offers book bargains to members


Meet Bogart, the pet-of-the-week available at the Helen Woodward Animal Center. This 7-month-old gorgeous boy is wonderfully inquisitive. Bogart weighs 8.4 pounds and his adoption fee is $99. As with all pets adopted from Helen Woodward Animal Center, Bogart has been neutered, has up-to-date vaccinations and is micro chipped for identification. Helen Woodward Animal Center is located at 6461 El Apajo Road in

a stranger to make a completely false claim against my provider. In fact, I insisted the insurance company deny it, and even consider bringing charges against the couple for filing. In the meantime, here’s what I did. I called their lawyer and told him if he even thinks about going through with this for even one more second, my next call was to the bar association and whomever else I could get to listen. Their proposed action, in my opinion, was downright wrong and directly contributed to higher premiums for all of us; not only in paid claims but the millions just to finance the efforts to stop or limit the exposure. The insurance people use a term called “soft tissue injury, a classification where there are no broken bones or other proof to substantiate

sion will feature real estate authority Rick Hoffman. Hoffman is president and chief operating officer of Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate for San Diego County and the Inland Empire. The breakfast is hosted by Financial Advisors Robert O’Connor, Leslie Monteath and Ryan Green of Morgan Stanley’s Rancho Santa Fe Office. The session is open to the public, but reservations are required. Reservations may be made by calling (858) 613-8143.

BACKING THEIR DAD From left, U.S. Navy Ensign Justin Lyons drops in to support his father, Oceanside Police Officer Matt Lyons, joined by his brother Mike Lyons, as their dad starts his evening shift at the Oceanside Police Department. Matt Lyons is a retired U.S. Marine of 22 years and has worked for the city of Oceanside for nearly 12 years. A native of New England, Lyons moved with his family to the North County in 1997. He also has a daughter, Molly, in her second year of college, and wife Cindy, of 25 years. Lyons says he is proud to work for the people of Oceanside and calls it “his town, where the people and are friendly and supportive.” Courtesy photo


tioned assassination.”



“anguish.” Police records show Belniak was driving between 75 and 85 mph when he rearended the victims’ stopped car (and that he had alcohol, Xanax and cocaine in his system). Attorney Debra Tuomey, Belniak’s sister, represents him and called her brother’s imprisonment “government sanc-

Not One Second Longer With That Wench: A man identified as Antonio C., 99, filed for divorce in December against his wife of 77 years, Rosa C., age 96, in Rome, Italy. According to an ANSA news agency report, Antonio became upset when he discovered 50-year-old letters from an affair Rosa once had. Christopher Bolt pleaded

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and supplemental overtime units,” he said. He said the patrol assisted the sheriff and CHP with 395 calls and the fire department with 564. “About 15 percent of the patrol’s activity is field generated by our officers,” he said. There are a few distressed, uninhabited homes in the Covenant that the

guilty in September to felony destruction of property in Loudoun County, Va., for spray-painting more than 50 vehicles. Some were marked with the number “68,” which a sheriff’s detective explained was probably because Bolt had initially sprayed “69” but realized it “didn’t look right.”

jail in Cleveland, Ohio, awaiting trial for assisting in at least one murder in a robbery scheme, wrote to his father in December (in a letter shared with the Plain Dealer newspaper) that he was certain God would not allow him to suffer a long prison sentence. That would mean, he wrote, that “all my Unclear on the meaningful family members would be dead” when he got Concept Brogan Rafferty, 16, in out. “(N)o way God would do that to me.” patrol keeps an eye on, he said. “Our problem is that juveniles find them and use them as a party spot,” he said. Wellhouser said the patrol is working on response times and is doing more training with Homeland Security. He said the patrol has been used as a model for homeowner associations across the nation and was

once contacted by a congressional subcommittee to learn how it operates. “It is very unique and works very, very well,” he said. “We try to present ourselves as ambassadors for the HOA.” The patrol provides service 24 hours a day, seven days a week and is located at 16936 El Fuego. It is dispatched from NorthComm a joint powers dispatch agency at the same address.



FEB. 10, 2012

Get to know Mt. Veeder, headquarters for the HESS Collection FRANK MANGIO

Taste of Wine High over the Napa Valley, on the slopes of Mt. Veeder, just 15 minutes from Highway 29, lies HESS Collection Vineyard and Winery, some 2,100 feet from

Collection’s Director of Winemaking since 1999. He had already gained a solid reputation with Kendall Jackson Wines, producing Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and some Syrah. Now he had an opportunity to make fine Cabernet Sauvignon. “As a young man I loved Cabernet especially from Napa Valley,” he said. “Now I had a chance to be on top of Napa, literally, making mountain Cab. Mountain fruit is different

revealed a personal affair with Syrah, so much so his personal residence is a Syrah vineyard. He uses the grape as a key ingredient for his proprietary blends. This time of year, Guffy is walking the HESS vineyards. It isn’t just the grapes. “I need to see the health of the vineyards and what shape everything is in,” he said. This fact is wrapped in the philosophy of Owner Donald Hess: “Nurture the

Dave Guffy is the hands-on Director of Winemaking for HESS Collection, shown pouring new releases at the Posiedon in Del Mar. Photo by Frank Mangio

the valley floor. Founded by Swiss winery owner Donald Hess in 1989, the winery has distinguished itself as a producer of fine premium wines like Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay. Hess has evolved into one of the deans of worldwide wine making in such far-flung capitals as Australia with Peter Lehmann Winery, South Africa with Glen Carlou and Argentina with Bodega Colume’. HESS farms some 310 acres on Mt. Veeder along with single sites of 175 and 210 acres in Napa Valley. In Monterey, HESS owns 310 acres and produces an excellent value Chardonnay ($10). Dave Guffy is the HESS

that valley floor fruit, and so are the wines. They are structured, complex rich wines.” Nowadays Guffy is also involved in “small block” wines that are blended with some extraordinary varietals. “Malbec brings a softening quality to our Mt. Veeder 19 Block Cuvee 2008,” he said. “The volcanic soils of the mountain and the six varietals, combine to make this Cuvee a delight to the senses.” The wine is aged 16 months in French Oak. Expect aromas of black cherry and ripe plum accented with vanilla and cardamom. As you might imagine it is a big finish wine and my favorite of the group. ($36). When pressed, Guffy

land, and return what you take.” That way, wines are delivered that speak to their natural origins. Learn more at or call (707) 2551144.

Wine Bytes for Valentine’s Day — The ultimate Valentine’s Trio: wine, cheese and chocolates will be featured at a class from 2 to 4 p.m. Feb. 11 at Sbicca’s in Del Mar. Pairings of wine and cheese and wine and chocolate. Five wines will be tasted. The cost is $45 for 1, $84 for 2 people. RSVP at (858) 4422749. — Feb. 12 it’s a Valentine’s concert from 5:30

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to 8:30 p.m. at Orfila Winery in Escondido.The duo of Mike McGill and Jared Gianquinto play. Call (760) 738-6500, ext. 20 for your RSVP. — Vino Valentino is the theme of the annual event at Bernardo Winery in Rancho Bernardo from 6 to 9 p.m. Feb. 12. There will be delicious wines, champagne, food and desserts in the barrel room and tasting room. There will also be live music and horse and carriage rides.Tickets are $60 per person, $110 per couple. Call (858) 487-1866 for reservations. — Thornton Winery in Temecula is planning a Romantic Rendezvous starting at 7 p.m. Feb. 14. There will be private tables with candlelight. Dinner and wines will be served in the elegant Champagne Room and Caves. The cost is $80 each. RSVP at (951) 6990099. — Valentine’s Day in the San Diego Botanic Garden in Encinitas will take place from 5 to 8 p.m. Feb. 14. The event will feature special touches like champagne, hors d’oeuvres, chocolates, live entertainment, a professional photo, a coffee lounge and more. The cost is $75 per couple. Call (760) 436-3036, ext. 206 for details. — The Pinnacle Restaurant at Falkner Winery in Temecula has a Valentine’s Dinner on Feb. 12 and Feb. 14. Enjoy fourcourse meals with individual wine pairings. There will be

live entertainment. Seating is at 7 p.m. The cost is $79 per person. Wine Club members are $69. Call the winery at (951) 676-8231, ext 1. — A Valentine’s fourcourse dinner featuring live music is planned for the Westgate Hotel, downtown San Diego starting at 6 p.m. Feb. 14. The cost is $79 each, $99 with wine pairings. Reserve now at (619) 5573655. — Meritage at Callaway Winery in Temecula is staging a romantic night on Feb. 14 with Chef Henry presenting a Pre Fixe dinner menu

with seating at 5:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. A rose will be presented to each lady, plus small bite appetizer and special Callaway Bella Blanc upon seating. Price is $75. Call (951) 587-8889 for an RSVP.

Frank Mangio is a renowned wine connoisseur certified by Wine Spectator. His library can be viewed at (Average Google certified 900 visits per day) He is one of the top five wine commentators on the Web. Reach him at


FEB. 10, 2012


USTA Open concludes at Morgan Run founder of Del Mar Finanical Partners, Inc. said his group continues to sponsor the event because he believes in the cause and that it’s a way to give back and help. After the tournament, Bunny Williams, USTA tour supervisor said that the future of tennis is in good hands.

By Tony Cagala

ON HER WAY Santa Fe Christian senior Alyssa Barkley has accepted a scholarship from Cedarville University in Ohio where she will play Division II Volleyball for the Yellow Jackets. Barkley, from Encinitas, has grown up around volleyball. Playing on the SFC varsity squad since the middle of her sophomore year, Alyssa has been the recipient of the Perseverance, Team Heart and Coaches Awards for each year, respectively. Courtesy photo

Who’s NEWS? Business news and special achievements for North San Diego County. Send information via email to community@ Arts support Moonlight Cultural Foundation Executive Director Diana Aaron welcomed a donation of $60,709.06 raised by the Moonlight Angels Auxiliary during 2011. Moonlight Angels Auxiliary President Carol Jungerheld and auxiliary Treasurer Alicia Housley presented the check.

Solana Beach honors Slater-Price At its 68th annual installation dinner, Solana Beach Chamber of Commerce President Carolyn Cohen, presented San Diego County Supervisor Pam Slater-Price with an Honorary Lifetime Achievement Award for her more-than 20 years of service to the Solana Beach Business Community and the city of Solana Beach Mayor Joe Kellejian, was the keynote speaker and swore in the new 2012 Solana Beach Chamber of Commerce board members.

New salon concept Sola Salon Studios has opened a new location at 285 N. El Camino Real, Suite100, in Encinitas. Carlsbad resident, Austin Campbell, is the managing partner of Sola Salon Studios, a new concept in the salon industry that rents individual studios to stylists and estheticians allowing them to run their own salon and business without the overhead of owning a traditional salon.

Major client StoneMass Chief Executive Officer and founder Michael Senger, of Carlsbad-based StoneMass, an online marketing and product development company, announced it will partner with Fastframe, which will use the social media solution package called Montage for its national franchise network to engage the retailer’s customers using Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube.

Rising Carmel Valley resident

Alana Asmussen is the newly named Director, Portfolio Management for Dowling & Yahnke, a San Diego-based investment management firm. Asmussen joined Dowling & Yahnke in 1995.

RANCHO SANTA FE — The Del Mar Financial Partners, Inc. Open finished concluded Feb. 5 with Julia Boserup of Santa Monica, Calif. winning 6-0, 6-3 in the USTA Pro Circuit Women’s singles match against a fighter of an opponent Lauren Davis at the Morgan Run Club & Resort. “I think it’s a good start to the year for me,” Boserup said. “I just went into this week trying to play every match as best I can…I feel like I improved with every match,” she added. Boserup, who turned professional in 2010, decided to

Bob Pollinger, president and founder of Del Mar Financial Planners, Inc. (center) presents Lauren Davis (left) and Julia Boserup with awards following the championship match. Photos by Tony Cagala

play in this tournament because it was so close to her home. “It’s very rare to be able to play a tournament

On the board Ronald McDonald House Charities of San Diego’s board of trustees has elected Encinitas resident Daniel Grimmer as the treasurer. Grimmer is the operations supervisor for a group of four McDonald’s restaurants in San Diego County.

Stellar students Meredith Brewster of Rancho Santa Fe, was named to the Dean’s List at Wake Forest University. Pat Nolan of Del Mar made the Dean’s List at DePaul University for the fall quarter of 2011. Rachel LaFortune of Del Mar earned a spot on the Dean’s List at Wheaton College. LaFortune is pursuing a major in English. Margaret Nelson of Carlsbad was named to the Fall 2011 Dean’s List at The College of St. Scholastica in Duluth. Benedictine College named Amy Stine of Carlsbad to the Dean’s List Leslie McCracken of Del Mar made the Dean’s List at Tufts University.

Newest members The San Dieguito Woman's Club recently initiated seven new members, from left, Marie Mastro, Genevieve Wing, Loni Vossekuil, Arbie Fuller, Candace Young-Schult, Loni Young and Ursula Bahr with best wishes from Membership Chairman Sandra Peterson. The club meets monthly on the second Tuesday at 10:15 a.m. in the Community Room of the US Bank, 131 N. El Camino Real, Carlsbad.

Foreclosure preparation A free seminar is being offered at 6 p.m. Feb. 16 at 619 S. Vulcan Ave., Encinitas,on strategies to deal with a past foreclosure and how best to plan for or avoid a future foreclosure, hosted by attorney Harley A. Feinstein. Reservations are required by calling (760) 634 6788 or emailing HarleyFeinsteinEsq@gmail.c om.

Lauren Davis returns a serve despite playing through illness.

close to home where my family can come watch and it’s a great opportunity to get matches at the start of the year. Everybody here, they’re great players; it’s a very tough field.” Davis, a resident of Gates Mills, Ohio, fought throughout the match, fighting not only her opponent but also what appeared to be an illness, struggling with congestion and an apparent difficulty to breathe. This is the second year the tournament has been sponsored by the Del Mar Financial Partners, Inc. Bob Pollinger, president and

Julia Boserup prepares to serve during the championship match of The Del Mar Financial Partners, Inc. Open.

Ranch resident leads international tournament RANCHO SANTA FE — The United States Tennis Association named Rancho resident Carolyn Nichols to represent the United States at the 32nd International Tennis Federation Seniors World Team Championships. The nation’s top tennis players,in age groups 35-plus to 55-plus competed against teams from 35 countries coming from around the globe Feb. 6, at seven different sites in the San Diego area. Following the ITF Seniors World Team Championships, the ITF Senior World Individual Championships will take place Feb. 12 through Feb. 19 at the La Costa Resort & Spa, Morgan Run Club & Resort, La Jolla Tennis Club, Barnes Tennis Center,La Jolla Beach & Tennis Club and others. Joining Nichols, representing the United States at the 2012 ITF Seniors World Team Championships in the Maureen Connolly Cup for women 55 and older, was Diane Barker of South Carolina, Leslie Airola-Murveit of

Carolyn Nichols of Rancho Santa Fe competes in the Senior Tennis’ Premier International Team Competition in San Diego. Courtesy photo

Portola Valley and Susan Wright of Colorado. Nichols received a BS in chemistry from Stanford University, and a law degree from the University of the Pacific. She finished 2011 ranked No. 2 in the U.S. in 55and-over singles, and No. 3 in doubles. As of Jan. 23, she was

No. 1 in the world in 55-andover singles. She has captured 24 national championships. Nichols has also been active in international team competitions; her selection to the 2011

Connolly Cup team marks her 14th year of representing the U.S. Nine of these teams have captured the championship, and all have finished in the top three. This is Nichols fifth time captaining her team. Nichol’s involvement in tennis extends off the court as well.She has been a member of many sectional, national, and international committees, representing both the sport and her fellow competitors. She is responsible for maintaining a web site covering senior tennis on both a national and international level at, and further has published many articles in tennis publications Nichols has also been recognized for her contributions to the game with various service and sportsmanship awards, including the 2006 USTA Service Bowl, and the 2008 Lamita Jabour Sportswoman Award.

Tourney begins Feb. 12 North County tennis clubs will provide some of the venues for the 2012 Seniors World Individual C h a m p i o n s h i p s International Tennis Federation running Feb. 12 through Feb. 19. The 32nd annual international team event, which is the senior equivalent of the Davis Cup and Fed Cup competitions, will feature 10 age divisions. “There is going to be some spectacular senior tennis played over these two weeks,” said Tournament Director and La Jolla Beach & Tennis Club President Bill Kellogg. “With players coming from all over the world, the level of tennis is going

to be very, very high. I strongly encourage tennis fans to come out and support this great event.” Tournament admission to watch the matches is free and open to the public. On-site parking is available at the La Jolla Beach & Tennis Club for a fee. There is no charge to park at other tournament venues. The United States team is the defending champion in the Young Cup, Margaret Court Cup, Maria Esther Bueno Cup, Austria Cup and the Suzanne Lenglen Cup. For information on the ITF Senior World Championships, visit

BUSINESS SUCCESS At the Jan. 26 Professional Golf Association of America “Oscar Night” in Florida, Susan Roll of Rancho Santa Fe (left) earned the PGA Merchandiser of the Year for Public Facilities award for standout efforts in renovating and promoting the Carlsbad Golf Center. Roll and her staff turned a struggling business into a thriving golf shop “that ranks among the most innovative in the country” according to PGA President Allen Wronowski (right). Photo by Montana Pritchard/The PGA of America



FEB. 10, 2012

Sunshine fills Rancho Santa Fe with inspiration and parties MACHEL PENN SHULL Machel’s Ranch How do you keep yourself inspired every day? Do you ever get up and think, “This is it, same thing as yesterday. How long will life continue on with this same routine?” Yes, life can be boring, methodical and sometimes just plain humdrum. What do you do when this happens? Do you decide to pity yourself? Feel like life is predictable and what is the point? I admit the reason I am writing this is because I encountered these feelings this week. Yes, I too, can find the eucalyptus trees and the design of the perfect landscape in California just a bit on the blah side. While winter is happening elsewhere in the world, we are constantly blessed with pretty amazing weather. No reason to whine about that, right? Well, we must hibernate, recharge, regroup and reinvent ourselves. Even though there are moments that can eclipse us that make us feel bored, we must remind ourselves of each and every blessing. I recently looked through some of my photos and thought, “These pictures show a beautiful life.” I soon realized that although it’s tempting to indulge in idleness, we must stop ourselves from this pitfall. The challenge is to remain upbeat, youthful and hopeful with each new day. We may think we know what’s going to happen and that we’ve got it all figured out. However, life still remains a

mystery … just like the nature of true love. With the “Month of Love” upon us, I found some fun events in and around the Ranch. Happy Valentine’s Day Rancho Santa Fe!

Around Town On Jan. 28, Karian Forsyth, one of the top five women I love to feature in “Machel’s Ranch” held her first 2012 monthly spa party in The Crosby. On a hot Saturday afternoon, these ladies enjoyed fine pampering, good company and excellent food that day. I turned out to be the unlucky one that at the last minute was unable to make it due to some unexpected events, which prohibited me from indulging with some of my favorite friends. I have included a stolen moment from that day that shows these women making the most of their time by sharing their souls and time with each other. How wonderful. On Jan. 30, I received some exciting news about one my favorite friend’s family members. Claude Whitney — a superior judge in Orange County for over 30 years — turned 81 on a fabulous Sunday with his loved ones. Talk about making life fun and worth living; Claude is a black diamond skier who “Skis for Free” as he is more than 70 years old. From Skiing in Aspen and Telluride to Deer Valley, nothing is going to slow down Claude Whitney. I have include a beautiful photo of him surrounded by his wife and loved ones. Happy birthday Claude. Meredith MacDonald is the very proud stepdaughter of Claude Whitney. On Feb. 1, I stepped into

First Spa party of 2012 under a golden sun. Courtesy photo

my husband’s shoes and helped out at Lemon Twist — the flower shop/fruit-stand in the Ranch across from Cielo. While the sunny day brought in steady customers, I helped organize and figure out new exciting gifts for Valentine’s Day for locals in the Ranch. Lemon Twist is famously known for the delicious chocolate-covered strawberries, which is a mouth-watering, pleasing gift for any loved one. But did you know Lemon Twist is also a gift/floral shop with specialty items, gift baskets, orchids, caramel chocolate popcorn, and beautiful bouquets? For any questions or to order in advance, call (858) 756-0826. Ask about the “special” for chocolate covered strawberries, too. I will be there all day on Valentine’s Day. Stop in and see us. I will have my camera to capture this wonderful holiday we love to celebrate at Lemon Twist. On Feb. 2, I stopped in at my favorite restaurant in Rancho Santa Fe — Mille Fleurs. If you have read my column over the years then you know that this restaurant has always had a special place in my world. From amazing birthday parties to summer parties, I have enjoyed the ambience, the food and the staff at the best French restaurant in Southern California. I met briefly with Chef Martin Woesle. Chef Martin has been the chef at Mille Fleurs for more than 27 years. I found out the skinny on Valentine’s Day at Mille Fleurs. Check out for details on this amazing special going on if you want to woo your loved one. Call (858) 756-3085 for details. On Feb. 3, I ventured to La Jolla to Legends Gallery where I work part-time weekly, which I absolutely love. Art has been one of my passions and obsessions most of my life. So when I met Roree Mayhew, the director of Legends, a few months ago, you can just imagine me doing a little “Audrey Hepburn” smile all the way to my car parked a couple of blocks away, ironically next to a chapel. (Prayers do work wonders you know.) A few months later, I am excited to be selling art and meeting the artists there. On that note, Joelle Blouin — a top selling Canadian artist from Quebec City — has risen to quick acclaim in the art world. Only

Hostess, Karian Forsyth poses with some of her gorgeous guests at the Forsyth's Super Bowl party Sunday.Photo by Machel Penn Shull

Host, Tom Forsyth surrounded by his close friends for Super Bowl Sunday. Photo by Machel Penn Shull

26 years old, Joelle has gone from one gallery to seven in under one year. Her bold colorful paintings of city skylines are magnificent. Visit or contact me directly for more information on her paintings. On Feb. 5, I attended Karian and Tom’s Super Bowl party in the Crosby. What can I say? These photos speak for themselves. Here are two group shots of the guests that came in high style for one of America’s favorite past times.

silent auctions starts at 10:30 a.m. sharp, which is followed by the luncheon and fashion show. This event will be held at the Hyatt Regency in La Jolla. To reserve your tickets, contact Megan Mills at (858)

863-5121 or visit If you have a fun event you would like Machel Penn to cover, contact her at

SAVE THE DATE On Feb. 16, don’t miss out on a must-attend Fashion event happening in La Jolla. San Diego Food Bank’s Chris Carter was kind enough to invite me to this fabulous day at the second annual Fashion Plates Luncheon and fashion show designed by TV person- Timothy Nunn, Artist Joelle Blouin and her agent, Edward at Legends ality Leonard Simpson. The Gallery in La Jolla. Photo by Machel Penn Shull

Order you flowers or chocolate covered strawberries from Lemon Twist on Valentine's Day, located Claude Whitney celebrates his birthday with his wife Cici Whitney and Make your Valentine's reservations at Mille Fleurs this year! Chef Martin Woesle is featured here with Jill on Del Dios Highway across from Drouin and Joe, two of Mille Fleurs' fantastic staff members. Photo by Machel Penn Shull Cielo. Photo by Machel Penn Shull the MacDonald clan. Courtesy photo


FEB. 10, 2012


Food swap movement gaining momentum in North County DAVID BOYLAN Lick the Plate With the farmer’s market movement having established a strong foothold in San Diego, I was wondering what the next phase in the trend toward local and sustainable would be. That was until I got a call from Isabelle BarilOrtley, an energetic French Canadian who has introduced the food swap concept to North County. Baril-Ortley has a fascinating background, having been raised in a small town in Quebec where farming, foraging, hunting and trapping, fishing, making cheese, canning and butchering were a way of life. She mentioned that many of the photos of her youth include some type of wild game that she or her family had successfully hunted. This was not hunting for sport; it was to fill the freezer for the long Canadian winters. Baril-Ortley fondly remembers the canning parties with family and neighbors where everyone contributed and left with their fair share of whatever the group brought to the occasion. Baril-Ortley was farm/woods to table before those terms were catchy marketing phrases for

restaurants. She really has walked the talk so to speak and those experiences formed the roots of the modern food swap. Baril-Ortley brought some of those traditions with her to San Diego, mainly in the form of canning. She heard about food swaps popping up in more progressive parts of the country and decided to start one of her own and word quickly spread. Just a side note on this amazing woman, she is also a talented seamstress who came up with the crazy idea of making baby costumes in the form of food such as a turkey, a lobster and a lemon meringue pie. This talent landed her on “The Martha Stewart Show” and Martha was fascinated by her creations. Search “Martha Stewart baby costumes” on YouTube to check it out. I attended her second food swap in Cardiff recently and it was full of people of all ages who had some pretty amazing homemade food to sample, swap and barter. The diversity of the group was part of the appeal and there is some serious talent hidden in the kitchens of North County along with some very bountiful gardens to source ingredients from. Baril-Ortley’s offerings to the food swap are a prime example of that. She brought Meyer lemon olive oil infused ricotta cheese, pizza with fresh ricotta cheese

Quebec native Isabell Baril-Ortley and her son Hudson food swapping. Photo by David Boylan

with dried mission figs, fresh herbs from her garden and drizzled it with the Meyer lemon olive oil. All homemade and locally grown, of course. Some of the other

swap items included green curry, fig BBQ sauce, fig jam, Meyer lemon marmalade, pizza kit with dough and sauce, jars of homemade almond milk, apricot jam , fresh tangerines, fresh cracked Macadamia nuts, quiche, sprouted sunflower dip, black truffle popcorn, maple syrup, jars of lemonade concentrates, blueber-

ry/lemon scones, lunch kits with citrus and quinoa salad, wrapped dates, pints of half local navel orange ice cream and half Mexican hot chocolate ice cream (amazing), pints of orange blossom and blood orange ice cream with toasted graham, bags homemade pretzels , red curry, kale chips, and mole sauce to name a few. Get the point? I tasted most of this and it was all really, really good. The stories behind the food are almost as good. Many are old family recipes or just stuff that people have been making because they have figs or apricots growing in their yard. That’s the beauty of a food swap in San Diego — the amazing stuff many of us have growing. I can’t wait for the summer swap. Everyone has samples for the tasting before and then Baril-Ortley has a system all worked out for the actual swap. Given the year-round

gardens and food awareness happening in the area, my hunch is that the food swap concept is going to explode. Baril-Ortley already has the next one planned for March 17 at 10 a.m. at Glenn Park in Cardiff-by-the-Sea. It’s a great location and people are already coming from all over North County. I’m already thinking about some of my better homemade creations to bring. The best way to become informed is to join them on Facebook. They are easy to find by searching Encinitas Food Swap. I can also put you in touch with BarilOrtley if you email me at

David Boylan is the founder of Artichoke Creative, an Encinitas based integrated marketing agency. He can be reached at

5807 Lago Lindo - The Classic Adobe

This completely remodeled 1975 Weir built adobe home located in the heart of the Rancho Santa Fe Covenant beautifully weaves together Spanish rusticism and California Ranch style. Very energy efficient, this unique 3BR/3BA home has all the comforts and conveniences of a new home while thoughtfully preserving the historic charm and style of years past.

Listed at $3,099,000. Call today to schedule a private viewing! Amanda Shelley, Lic #01897456, Windermere Signature Properties, 858-431-6152

FEB. 10, 2012





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INDIA TAPESTRY Beautiful handembroided elephants and peacocks with mirror inserts. Piece measure 38” x 38” with loops to be hung or framed. Wonderful opportunity for $ 29 obo. Please call Shelley at (760) 809-4657 KOSTA BODA ART GLASS Great opportunity to own 3 beautiful Swedish pieces of art glass. All are signed by factory and artist. Each vase is $50 obo (in perfect condition). Plate (slight bump underneath) $30 obo. Please call Shelley (760) 809-4657



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Items For Sale 200

Items For Sale 200

VIETNAM war battle star collection: apparel / mugs / key chains

PIZZA OLYO’S MEMORABILIA Anything considered but would love any pictures or t-shirts (adult size).

Visit Online Store WALKING STICKS Hand-crafted. Large Variety. $20 and above. Please call Joe at (760) 757-6788 WALL CHART OF HUMAN ANATOMY 24 charts include 12 fold-out and 3 full body anatomy. Excellent condition. $ 9. (760) 599-9141 WALT DISNEY COMIC BOOK 10 cent cover price. Dell publisher. Needs minor restoration. Feb. 1960. Sell $10. (760) 8453024 15 GALLON PLANTS $35 each. Na palm, jade, crown-of-thorns, black pines, lo quot, macadamia nut, etc. (760) 436-6604

Wanted for my nephew’s Christmas present! (760) 994-7265 WANTED Wanted Used Saxophones, flutes, clairnets, any condition, will pay cash. 760-346-9931 (760) 705-0215.

Wanted To Buy DIABETIC TEST STRIPS WANTED Any Type, Any Brand. Will pay up to $10 a box. Call Ronda at (760) 593-7033.

Open Houses

EVENFLO UPRIGHT CAR SEAT Ages 3 and older. $ 45. (760) 758-8958 GORTEX MITTEN SHELVES $12. (760) 942-5692

Houses (Unfurn)

JEEP BABY BOUNCER Walker. $ 15. ( 760) 758-8958

OPEN HOUSE 2br/2ba condo. 1120 sq. Ft. New carpet, paint, appliances. Pool/spa. $151,500 3625 vista oceana, unit 10 Oceanside. 10:30-12:30 Sat. Feb. 11th (760) 685-5142

ONIDA TOP OF LINE 5-Star stainless service for 4. Never used. Still in box. $28. (760) 729-6044 PACKARD BELL STEREO With 2 speakers and 8-track player. Excellent condition. $99. (760) 729-6044 SKI BIBS Small. $15. (760) 942-5692

Sporting Goods BIKE SEAT COVER Genuine Merino sheep wool, plus bicycle accessories, All for $ 12. (760) 944-6460 CLASSIC BICYCLES 1957 Schwinn Racer 3 speed and 1976 Ladies Huffy Sea Pines 3 speed. Both restorable. Best offer from $100 for both. (760) 942-2960 SKATEBOARD LAUNCH RAMP $25. (760) 753-3616 SKIS AND BAG Good condition. $40. (760) 712-7640

Items Wanted JACK DANIELS Collector looking for old jd or lem motlow bottles and advertising or display items. Up to $149 each (760) 630-2480

Automotive 900 08 HYUNDAI SONATA 43,000 miles. Original owner. Silver gray. Power window and locks. Leather seats. 38 MPG. Great Condition. New top of the line tires. $ 12,000 obo. Call (760) 613-7070 2006 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE Overland, top of line. 1 non-smkg owner, loaded, leather, auto., 4X4, 5.7 hemi, chromes, like nu cond. Lo miles. Turns heads, luxurious. Warranty transf. Call Gary $18,995. (760) 458-7121 2009 CADILLAC CTS Upgraded wheels, grill, top, and interior. 27 M miles. Golden mist. Factory warranty. $ 24,900. (858) 7592244 MAZDA SPORT Miata, mx, turbo, 2 seater, black soft top with cover, cd stereo, air, manual, (stick 6 speed), performance tires with spare, apprx. 38,000 miles. (760) 207-0073 San Marcos, $15,950.00 0B0.

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FEB. 10, 2012


SOUP TO NUTS by Rick Stromoski

Friday, Feb. 10, 2012

FRANK & ERNEST by Bob Thaves

THE BORN LOSER by Art & Chip Sansom

BIG NATE by Lincoln Peirce

Even though socially you'll express your individualism in as many ways as conditions permit in the year ahead, when it comes to your workaday world, you might need to acquiesce to other people's thinking when it's the smart thing to do. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- When there is justification, it's commendable to praise another. However, if you're doing so for less noble reasons, such as getting a favor out of someone, it's likely to backfire on you. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- Don't let someone who has trouble managing his or her own financial affairs take care of a money issue for you. If you acquiesce and let this person do it anyway, you'll be sorry. ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- If you're having a difficult time making a decision, forgo taking a leadership role. Let someone else who seems to have his or her head on straight call the shots. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- It's one thing to help out a pal who is overwhelmed with work, but don't saddle yourself with a friend's burdens merely because he or she can't be bothered to handle them on their own. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- When becoming friendly with a new group, watch out for one member who is somewhat unpopular, and for good reason. She or he might try to glom on to you and drag you down as well.

CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- Someone with whom you're closely affiliated might be able to put on pretenses and get away with it, but that doesn't mean you can. The best rule to follow is to simply be yourself. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Just because you haven't heard from a pal who is close to your heart for some time, it doesn't necessarily mean that he or she isn't interested in keeping in touch. Circumstances could have this person tied up. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Money in itself is not evil, but the love of it can sometimes cause people to lower their standards and do things that they shouldn't. Don't you be one of them. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- Don't single out one person in particular to be nice to just because you want a favor that, chances are, you won't get anyway. You'll go further being amiable to everyone. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- Beware of any involvement that is off limits, such as an illicit romantic encounter. It might be flattering to be wooed, but it'll create complications you don't need. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -- An insincere person might try to manipulate you by attempting to make you believe that what he or she is asking of you is for your best interest. If you're smart, you won't take the bait. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- If by chance you are feeling a powerful inclination to be the center of attention, don't do anything silly. All eyes will be focused on you all right, but not for the reasons you think.


"Y'W TZAAYGT TEPWKYZE SJJ by Luis Campos AFZ AYWZ ... Y'W S KZECZXA Celebrity Cipher ZBSWKJZ LC AFZ TEPWKD LJV cryptograms are created from quota- W S G . Y ' W E Z S J J D T L L V S A tions by famous YA." — GZV UZSAAD MONTY by Jim Meddick

people, past and present. Each letter in the cipher stands PREVIOUS SOLUTION: "You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your for another. life." — Winston Churchill TODAY'S CLUE:

X equals C

ARLO & JANIS by Jimmy Johnson


COW & BOY by Mark Leiknes

three children and the other children in the neighborhood go to Escondido schools. “To go to elementary school, it takes 30 minutes and to middle school more than 45 minutes,” he said. “That takes a big bite out of a child’s school day,” he said. Plus, any extra school activities require more trips back and forth, he said. The answer by the board was no. “When Cielo was built, that was an issue,” said Jim Depolo, president of the school board. “There is a long history of where the borders are. I appreciate where you

are coming from and I hope you can appreciate where we are coming from.” Delaney, in her report, said she is getting ready to release the final money owed to D.W. Driver, the contractor on the new school. “This is an exciting time now,” she said. “I think we are getting pretty close to wrapping up.” Not exciting is the prospect of the reduced property taxes and how they will affect the school. “Property taxes were $87,000 less than anticipated and we are waiting for the governor’s budget, which will

have an impact,” she said. Delaney said planning for next year is already under way. “We are half way through the school year this week,” she said. As is customary, temporary teachers will be given state-required pink slips in March, although most could be invited back for next year, she said. The school board meets the first Thursday of the month at 6 p.m. in the school’s performing arts center. To learn more, call (858) 756-1141 or visit

vides protection for only 24 hours. Henry’s family keeps three doses of Factor IX available at all times. The medication has a limited refrigerated shelf life of just 18 months. “It would be great to know that I was protected for one week or one month,” said Henry, “it’s also super expensive, so I wish it was cheaper for kids that don’t have insurance or can’t afford the copay.” Since his diagnosis, Henry has been to the hospital four times for an infusion. His family has the financial resources to provide for his

care, but they worry about others who don’t. “We need to help those who can’t afford their medication; and we want to fund research to work on making the effect of the factor work longer once infused,” said Tracy, who launched Henry’s Fund for just that purpose. “My first husband died of cancer and then Henry was diagnosed with Hemophilia B; and I just had an epiphany that I needed to give back both with time and resources,” she said. Living with Hemophilia B means that Henry misses

out on some of the activities he enjoys most: playing football, basketball, soccer and lacrosse. When playing baseball, he’s limited to the mildly safe position of an outfielder. “My disease gets in the way since I can’t skateboard or play most sports, but I deal with it,” said Henry, now 9 years old, “I’m not scared but my mom is!” Rady Children’s Hospital Auxiliary is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and event tickets are tax deduction eligible! Find them on Facebook at

er, realizing as I shed clothing that my bathing suit was on my car seat somewhere in a far parking lot. So the inner debate began. Do I go ahead into the hot tub san suit or skip it altogether and sit staring at my hands for an hour? Not being the least bit modest, but fearing I might terrify others, I struggled briefly and then decided to channel my inner

Scandinavian and go for it. I slipped into the tub as unobtrusively as possible, curled up in a corner and tried to relax. Fat chance. I’m just not able to flaunt it. I stuck it out for about 10 minutes, laughing out loud at myself, then made a clumsy effort to slip swiftly into my robe again, dragging it through several puddles in the process. Smooth.

The massage was heaven on earth and made up for all my silliness, but I walked out still chuckling. How long do you think it will take before staff stops talking about the weird, rude, naked broad? I’d like to go back.

every third Saturday of the month at the Senior Citizen Center, l455 Country Club Lane, Oceanside. For information call (760) 754-9633. WOMEN WORLDWIDE BIRD WALK The Agua The San Dieguito Woman’s Club Hedionda Lagoon Foundation will meet at 10:15 a.m. Feb. 14 at the US Bank, 131 N. El Camino Real, Encinitas.The speaker will be Director of the Islamic speakers Bureau of San Diego Tehseen Lazzouni on the role of Islamic women. For further information, call (760) 476-2797.

invites all to an introduction to the birds of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon at 9 a.m. Feb. 18 at the Discovery Center, 1580 Cannon Road, Carlsbad. This walk takes place rain or shine, so if needed, bring water-proof binoculars.



both ends of the school day. “When that bell rings, they are not going home and sitting,” she said. “I am recommending to the board that we keep things the way they are. We would have to give up something to get something else.” In other school board news, Michael Hunley, who lives in Cielo just outside the Rancho Santa Fe School District, asked the board if it would be possible to be annexed into the district. Currently, Hunley’s



professionals at UCSD. Henry and his family have to be cautious and prepared at all times because injuries to the head can be life threatening and injuries to his joints can be permanently debilitating unless Factor IX is administered immediately. Each dose costs $5,000, a prohibitive amount for anyone without good medical insurance. Even with good insurance, the copay per dose is $450 and when given by infusion pro-



my action. Oops. She interpreted it as me being impatient for her to get off the phone. Double oops. So I’m off on two wrong feet before I ever get in the door. Good times. Ah well. I finally proceeded into the spa maze and got my things into a lock-



FEB. 14

FEB. 16 HOT LICKS At 8 p.m. Feb. 16, Dan Hicks and the Hot Licks will perform at the Belly Up Tavern, 143 S. Cedros Ave., Solana Beach. Tickets are $22. and $24 online at or call (858) 481-8140. NAACP MEETS The monthly meetings of the North San Diego County NAACP will meet at 7 p.m. Feb. 16 at Baldarrama Park, 605 San Diego St., Oceanside. For more information, call (760) 754-9686 or visit

FEB. 18 LEGIONAIRES American Legion Post 146 meets at 9 a.m.



FEB. 10, 2012

Jean Gillette is a freelance writer keeping a back-up swimsuit handy from now on. Contact her at

BEST FOOT FORWARD Dress For Success Director Sylvia McKinney (left) gives Del Mar-Solana Beach Rotary Club member Radia Bencheikh a tour the private boutique of Dress For Success San Diego in the San Diego Justice Center downtown. The Rotary Club collected and donated suits and shoes in support of this organzation. Courtesy photo

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FEB. 10, 2012

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