Rancho Santa Fe News, Jan. 13, 2012

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VOL. 7, NO. 26


RSF Fire Department launches a campaign to educate residents on how to protect themselves and their A3 community


The RSF Association is helping the tennis club kick up is summer A21 celebrations


JAN. 13, 2012

Duo set sights on saving


Right, Gerry Chang, London Remley and Andrew Golden clown around during Crazy Hair Day at R. Roger Rowe School as a part of Spirit Week. Below, McKara Sweeney, Nathan Catledge and Kate Singer clown around during Crazy Hair Day at R. Roger Rowe School as part of Spirit Week. Photos by Patty

By Patty McCormac



Arts & Entertainment . . A9 Baby Boomer Peace . . . . A7 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . A25 Coastal Cosmos . . . . . . A13 Comics . . . . . . . . . . . . . A26 Frugal Living . . . . . . . . A23 Hit the Road . . . . . . . . . A6 Lick the Plate . . . . . . . . A18 Machel’s Ranch . . . . . . A17 Odd Files . . . . . . . . . . . . A3 Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . . A4 Pet of the Week . . . . . . A12 Ranch History . . . . . . . . A4 Second Opinion . . . . . . A23 Scripps Health Watch . . A5 Sea Notes . . . . . . . . . . . A12 Small Talk . . . . . . . . . . A18 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . A20 Taste of Wine . . . . . . . . A24 Who’s News? . . . . . . . . A18

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Dog trainer specializes in adoptions By Lillian Cox

Last year, approximately 8,412 dogs were euthanized by the San Diego Department of Animal Services and local shelters, according to the San Diego Animal Welfare Coalition. Of those euthanasias, 4,185 were owner-requested citing “not healthy” as the reason, and 1,945 because dogs were determined to be “unhealthy and untreatable” by shelter staff. The remaining 2,282 euthanasias were of healthy, adoptable dogs. “So heartbreaking, so many great dogs are in need of training,” said Linda Michaels, M.A., and a Victoria Stilwell-licensed dog trainer. “Most dogs are abandoned because of a behavioral issue

that became unbearable for the family.” Ten years ago, Michaels was working on her master’s thesis when she began volunteering at the San Diego Humane Society. “I thought I was going to be a behavioral neurologist, and then my world just stopped,” she said. “I discovered that dogs have a lot of the same emotional issues as people such as abandonment, fear, anxiety, stress and separation anxiety.” As a volunteer, Michaels choose the most difficult cases to work with. “I knew that if someone didn't take an interest in a ‘tough case,’ the outcome for From left: Sandie Lampie, host, Pet Patrol on KUSI with dog trainer Victoria Stilwell and Linda Michaels, M.A. and a Victoria Stilwell-licensed that dog would likely be dog trainer. Stilwell, host of “It’s Me or the Dog” on Animal Planet, promotes a positive reinforcement approach to dog training. Courtesy photo


RANCHO SANTA FE — A new committee is about to be born to the Rancho Santa Fe Association. Directors Anne Feighner and Ann Boone have joined forces to begin the establishment of the Reforestation and Water Committee. The two told the rest of the board at its Jan. 5 meeting that this new committee will focus on water conservation and education about how to do it. It will also concentrate on keeping the forest around the Covenant healthy and will teach residents what kind of landscaping is not only beautiful, but is also drought-tolerant. It will reach the community through a future video, newspapers and the Association’s website. In other Association news, Covenant Administrator Ivan Holler reported that an ongoing parking survey has attracted some attention. “People know you are there,” Association President Jack Queen said of the people stationed around the Village watching the turnover of parking places. “We have had a few folks asking us what we are looking at,” Holler said. Parking in the Village is a constant issue, many people staying away because of the lack of parking, real or perceived. Next on the agenda was a discussion about the progress of completing the Osuna Ranch lot split. One of the final conditions to be met is the Sight Distance Certification for the driveway leading to the single-family residence on the property. Holler said some of the pepper trees near the driveway will have to be removed to comply with county requirements. “I’m just wondering why it has not been done already,” asked Director Dick TURN TO SAVINGON A22



JAN. 13, 2012



JAN. 13, 2012

ODD Fire district continues to educate community FILES


By Patty McCormac

Obsessions (1) Don Aslett, 76, recently opened the Museum of Clean in Pocatello, Idaho, as the culmination of a lifelong devotion to tidying up. Highlights are several hundred pre-electric vacuum cleaners plus interactive exhibits to encourage kids to clean their rooms. Aslett told London’s Daily Mail in December that people who don’t understand his dedication must never have experienced the satisfaction of making a toilet bowl sparkle. (2) Also starting early in life, Dustin Kruse, 4, is so knowledgeable about toilet models and plumbing mechanics that the Kohler Co. presented him with an advanced-model “dual flush” commode for Christmas. Dustin, a fan of the Kohler showroom, has been known to explain toilet technology to other showroom visitors.

Government in Action! Predator drones are an important weapon against terrorists in Afghanistan, Yemen and other countries, but in June, an unarmed predator was employed stateside to help catch cattle rustlers.The Department of Homeland Security owns eight predators for surveillance and occasionally assists local law enforcement. The cattle rustlers had been arrested, then jumped bail and holed up on their vast ranch near Lakota, N.D., but the predator spotted their exact location on the property, leading to a raid that ended without bloodshed. Government Inaction: India’s legendarily plodding government bureaucracy had long stymied a snake charmer named Hakkul (a villager in Uttar Pradesh state), who had sought a snake-conservation permit, which had been authorized at one level but delayed locally. In November, finally exasperated, Hakkul walked into the land revenue office in the town of Harraiya with several sacks of snakes (including cobras) and turned them loose, sending clerks and visitors climbing furniture or fleeing. Recent news accounts report that “almost all” of the snakes had been rounded up. A December news release from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control warned of the dangers of Campylobacter jejuni bacteria infections on a sheep ranch, but apparently only among workers who used an old-style (19th century) method of castrating the animals. CDC strongly urged that workers stop biting off the sheep’s genitals and instead use modern tools. From U.S. Sen. Tom Coburn’s periodic list of the most “unnecessary, duplicaTURN TO ODD FILES ON A22

RANCHO SANTA FE — The Rancho Santa Fe Fire Protection District has received a grant from the 4S Ranch Del Sur Community Foundation to produce a multimedia campaign about how to perform maintenance on fire sprinklers in “shelter in place” homes. “Many people are not aware maintenance is needed on the sprinklers, but it is highly important they be properly maintained, which could be the difference between life and death during a wildfire,” said Julie Taber, public relations coordinator for the fire district. With the $2,500 grant monies, the department will put together an instructional pamphlet and CD and place information on a special website that can be accessed

through the fire district website. “These are step-by-step instructions,” Taber said. “Anyone can do it.” Shelter in place communities such as 4S Ranch, The Crosby and Cielo, are built to stringent fire-resistant standards and landscaping that must be approved by the fire district and meet strict standards. Each home must have interior fire sprinklers. It is hoped by fire officials that if residents cannot evacuate, they can shelter in place and survive during a wildfire. These instructions, in whatever form chosen by the homeowner, will be geared for the layperson. “It will walk you though,” Taber said. This new information

should be out by spring or early summer. The fire sprinkler maintenance is just another way the Rancho Santa Fe Fire Protection District is proactive about the safety of residents. Officials spend a lot of time educating citizens about fire safety and what to do in a natural or man-made disaster. The CERT program provides training on how to take care of oneself, one’s family and one’s neighbors during a disaster. Participants get training in basic search and rescue, basic survival techniques, first aid and CPR and basic firefighting techniques. “It’s a good way to network with others and it creates a stronger community with neighbor-helping-neigh-

bor,” Taber said. She said people of all ages take the training and take what they have learned home to their own families and neighborhoods. The department also reaches out to homeowner associations helping them prepare for wildfires or other disasters. She said the Sept. 8, 2011, blackout was an eye opener to many. “The blackout was a little taste of what it could be like in a real disaster,” Taber said. “It was a glimpse as to what could happen.” The blackout that lasted 15 hours in some areas of the county before crews restored power. “What doesn’t work in a blackout will not work in a real disaster,” Taber said. Lifesaving information

is also aimed toward children who are taught fire prevention and how to be prepared in case of fire or other disaster. Children tour the fire stations. “The older kids are taught wildfire preparation because it is a real issue here,” she said. “We keep it simple. Our goal is for them to go home and discuss what they have learned with their parents.” Coming up in a few weeks is the Fourth Grade Coloring Contest sponsored by the fire district. The winners earn a pizza party for their classroom. To learn more about the different programs provided by the fire district or the coloring contest, call Taber at (858) 756-6008.

Local man chooses ancient craft over corporate life After days of bolting and sorting out, British-born La Costa resident Tom Morton amazed neighbors by attaching an anvil to the back of his truck. It was the final piece for the mobile horse-shoeing business he has launched. Morton is one of those purists who chose to set aside the scientific, corporate world for the pastoral. Morton has been shoeing horses for a decade, but stepped away from it for a few years, during a stay in Texas to be closer to family while his wife dealt with a health issue. Now that she is well and raising a 4-year-old and a toddler, the family settled in La Costa and Morton is excited to be getting back to his ancient and time-honored craft. “I specialize in Western performance horses but have shod champion hunters, jumpers as well as the Border Patrol horses, trail and pleasure horses,” Morton said. “I get on well with the more challenging horses and have had a lot of luck with some chronic lameness issues.” Morton grew up in a small village in rural Derbyshire, in central England. He worked on a local dairy farm from an early age, then fell in love with horses while working at an outdoor education center in Queensland, Australia during a Gap Year after high school. His boss was a stockman who introduced him to horses and “I was hooked,” he said. After his year in Australia, he returned to England and studied chem-

Possessing a master’s degree in environmental technology, Tom Morton has chosen to launch a mobile horse-shoeing business over corporate life, returning to the craft he loves. Courtesy photo

istry at the University of Manchester followed by a master’s degree in environmental technology from Imperial College in London. “I worked for two years as a consultant for a leading environmental consultancy, but I wasn’t satisfied with the work and missed the horses,” he said. “I had bought a house that needed serious renovation and my wife-to-be had just moved to the UK. I quit my job, got married and

spent the summer renovating the house. Once that was done it was time for our next adventure and we decided to move back to the U.S. “I graduated from horseshoeing school in Sacramento and then found some very generous farriers who were willing to teach me the trade. I worked for free with them and anyone else who would have me while I gradually built my own practice with some wonderful

clients and horses which included Western pleasure, reining, hunters, jumpers, dressage, the Border Patrol horses and many trail and pleasure horses. “I left the corporate treadmill rather abruptly,” Morton said. “After a few years off and with a slightly different focus, I am excited to be getting back. I still enjoy and put as much into shoeing a pleasure horse as I do a champion hunter or rein-

ing horse. I would also like to provide the same helping hand to new farriers as I received when starting out. I am looking for other teaching or volunteer opportunities where I can share my knowledge and experience and may publish some articles using my scientific training.” Morton can be contacted at (858) 333-2351 or be email at info@sandiegofarrier.com.

Rancho Santa Fe investor makes North County purchase RANCHO SANTA FE — Rancho Santa Fe investor Tim Foley purchased the General Atomics building located on Stowe Drive in Poway. The property includes more than 120,000 square feet of flex/industrial building and 10,000 square feet of

office space. The recorded sale was completed Dec. 29 and was partially financed by Northern Trust Bank. The longtime tenant, General Atomics, is one of San Diego’s largest employers and manufactures many products including the unmanned Predator Drown

highly used in today’s combat operations for the air force and locally by the Border Patrol and Office of Homeland Security. The reported sale is estimated to be approximately $12,000 and included multiple potential buyers. The buyer was San Diego

Investment Properties, LLC, solely owned by Rancho Santa Fe investor Foley, who also has offices in Scottsdale and Austin. Foley owns and operates more than 45 different properties in California, Arizona and Texas and also recently purchased the

Diamante Office Complex in Del Mar. The seller of the property was Pacific Office Properties, LLC/INVESCO. San Diego Investment Properties, LLC and Foley Property Assets, LLC is at 11943 El Camino Real, San Diego. For more information, call (858) 764-6830.



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Coalition asks residents to ‘Envision the View’ By Elyse Dasko

With the fate of one of the last pieces of public ocean front land in Encinitas in the balance — the Pacific View property — the Envision the View coalition (ETV) is asking the Encinitas Union School District (EUSD) and community residents to see beyond a land sale to developers to a broader vision that can benefit the community, its citizens and our collective future. The ETV has submitted a proposal to the EUSD in response to their Request for Proposals for the creation of the Pacific View Renaissance Center, a public center and regional focal point for new, collaborative approaches in the arts, science, technology, academia and business. “Discussions on the future of the Pacific View School property have been going on for years,” said Dody Crawford, ETV member and Executive Director of DEMA (Downtown Encinitas MainStreet Association). “But when we saw the Request for Proposal’s focus on development of private housing, it generated a strong response in a group of Encinitas residents and business persons to create a solution that would not only provide the EUSD with the funding it seeks but also enrich the lives of Encinitans and enlivens the Downtown Specific Plan for the future. If we don’t do this now, a public jewel will be gone forever.” The ETV response would keep the Pacific View property as public land, bring an ongoing income stream to EUSD, create a model


center of collaboration and bring new energy to the community at large. “What we envision — and plan to create — is a center that is accessible, multidisciplinary and integrated. The word ‘renaissance’ reflects the true vision: enabling connections between disciplines such art and business, bridging generations, engaging the public and business directly in building a better future. No private real estate development, no matter what the view, can do that,” says Crawford. The initial plan incorporates a revenue stream from both facilities and programs: a conference center that can support creative/innovation sessions, classroom rental, workshops and classes, theater rental, a museum, sponsorships and memberships. “We see this initial proposal as the starting point in a campaign to build public support and involvement for this initiative,” Crawford added. “Cities and towns across the U.S. are reinventing schools and factories as creative hubs. The Pacific View property was a gift to our city. We want to not only honor it but also ensure that it continues to give back — to Encinitas’ children and families for the future.” For more information on the Envision the View Coalition or to become involved, please go to facebook.com/pages/Envision-theView/275363025839662.

Elyse Dasko is an Encinitas resident

After rent increase, artist will shutter studio By Bryan Snyder


In this 1947 photograph, Joan Otten rides Rex II as they easily clear the picket fence in preparation for the open jumping class of the first annual horse show and polo matches on the club field. The Rancho Santa Fe Riding Club was located on Rambla de las Flores. Autographed copies of the book are available at the Rancho Santa Fe Historical Society, 6036 La Flecha. Call (858) 756-9291 or e-mail rsfhistorical@sbcglobal.net for more information. Photos courtesy of Arcadia Publishing, taken from “Rancho Santa Fe,” $21.99. Available at local retailers, online bookstores, or at www.arcadiapublishing.com.

Contact a Reporter CARLSBAD CHRISTINA MACONE-GREENE cmaconegreene@coastnewsgroup.com

P.O. Box 232550, Encinitas, CA 92023-2550 • 760-436-9737 www.ranchosfnews.com • Fax: 760-943-0850




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TONY CAGALA tcagala@coastnewsgroup.com

Prior to opening my studio, I was working on my degree and living in the San Francisco Bay area where I began to document culture and community hotspots which encouraged the development of a network of minds fueled by creativity. I learned how culture helps both the well-being of a community, as well as promotes local business. I observed essential components of a thriving culture and developed a plan that, if implemented in a well organized manner, could nourish the development of culture anywhere. With observations over a 3 year period of the culturally laden community of San Francisco, and a well organized “implementation plan,” I returned to Carlsbad in 2006 with the ambitious goal of encouraging the development of a more creative culture based on the arts and creativity in the Carlsbad Village. The establishment of an easily accessible forum where artistic ideas and events could be shared communally was the first stage. Carlsbadcrawl.com was introduced in November 2007 as the initial seed, and promoted the single idea of the development of local culture. The site has grown exponentially over the years and continues to encourage culture and promote

local business. During the time of the launching of Carlsbadcrawl.com, I began developing a large body of paintings in my garage with the idea of hanging them through-out the village for locals and village visitors to see, interact with and ultimately spark the realization that Carlsbad could be known for more than just the beach, great weather and action sports, but for the growth of an artistically laden community. An easily accessible web forum for artistic thought had been established, a visual increase of art in the village had been achieved and with the opening of Snyder Art and Design in May of 2008, the third and most important stage of my ‘implementation plan’ had begun. A working art studio, not a gallery, where the public could visit and interact with an artist and the creative process was my goal when I opened my doors to the public. During the last 3 1/2 years, my doors have remained open and my creative process was accessible to thousands of local and village visitors, all which highly supported everything I shared with them. Out of my studio, I have created a wide variety of community projects implemented into the Carlsbad Village streets, hosted TURN TO SNYDER ON A19



JAN. 13, 2012

Tips to help keep your New Year’s resolutions Health Watch By the physicians and staff at Scripps Memorial Hospital Encinitas By George Pratt, PhD

With the start of a new year, people across San Diego are resolving to lose weight, exercise more, manage stress and make other improvements their health. According to an article in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, 40 to 45 percent of American adults make resolutions—but just two weeks later, only 71 percent are still sticking to them. How do you make resolutions last? First, be realistic. When you set unrealistic goals, you set yourself up for failure. Choose goals that are achievable and reasonable. Better yet, select just one goal instead of three or four. This

helps you focus your efforts and maintain motivation. Don’t wait until New Year’s Eve to choose your goal. It takes attention, motivation and awareness to successfully change behavior.Whether you want to hit the gym, spend more time with family or meditate, start now to make a plan for how that will happen instead of waiting until the last minute. Knowing how you are going to achieve your goal makes it much easier to fully commit to it. Be gentle with your approach, not obsessed, and see yourself with kind eyes. Habits and behaviors don’t change overnight. If you miss a workout or do something else counter to your goal, don’t punish yourself or throw in the towel in self-disgust. Instead, deal constructively with setbacks. Remember that changing habits is a process and stay focused on the big picture.

Events keep school year busy at TPHS The second half of the school year will include events particularly of interest to junior and seniors at Torrey Pines High School. Yvonne Borrego from the Office of Financial Aid at the University of California, San Diego will host a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Financial Aid Night for both Canyon Crest High School and Torrey Pines High School senior students and families from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Jan 25 at the Canyon Crest High School Proscenium Theatre,

5951 Village Center Loop Road. The first annual SDUHSD College Night and Fair will be from 6 to 8:30 p.m. April 25 at the Del Mar Fairgrounds. This event is sponsored by the TPHS Foundation, with the generous support of the Bergum family. The calendar also includes Campus Tours, Admin. Bldg., 8:15 a.m. Jan. 9 and Jan. 24. Jan. 31 is the final day to purchase yearbooks.

Free monthly electronic waste collections begin Solana Center for properly. Environmental Innovation will hold electronic waste drop-off events, sponsored by the city of Encinitas, from 9 a.m. to noon every fourth Saturday of the month at 137 N. El Camino Real, just past the Sheriff’s station The dates for 2012 will be Jan. 28, Feb.25, March 24, April 28, May 26, June 23, July 28, Aug. 25, Sept. 22 and Oct.27. For details and directions go to solanacenter.org or (760) 436-7986, ext. 213. Recycle San Diego is the professional collector, who will dispose of the items

And when you have been sticking to your goals, reward yourself. Positive reinforcement, such as allowing yourself to buy a new piece of workout gear or getting tickets to a show, bolsters your self-confidence and your resolve. Seek out social support from your friends and family. Build a healthy, supportive network of people who encourage you to meet your new goals. For example, if you want to eat healthier or consume less alcohol, spend more time with people who have like interests. Social imitation is a powerful force. Similarly, using the “buddy system” to recruit a friend who has the same goals as you, such as

quitting smoking or walking every morning, can be immensely helpful. Take time every day to visualize yourself achieving your goal. This is known as “positive end-result imagery.” When you bring your attention to visualizing your goal every day, it begins to become subconscious, automatic and natural. How do you do this? Take two minutes a day and breathe deeply while holding the image in your mind of you successfully accomplishing your objective, and smiling about it. After several weeks, the new behavior will become nearly automatic. Finally, think about what you are most grateful for in life. This helps your brain,

your mood, your interpersonal skills and your motivation. In my new book, “Code to Joy,” we talk about the newest exciting neuroscience and what creates joy, and methods to accomplish that. When you regularly practice being grateful, you begin to strengthen the left prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain associated with happiness. This helps you feel more empowered to reach your goals. George J. Pratt PhD, is a clinical psychologist at with Scripps Health. “Health Watch” is brought to you by the physicians and staff at Scripps Memorial Hospital Encinitas. For more information or for physician referral call 1-800-SCRIPPS.

Visit ranchosfnews.com


JAN. 13, 2012


Association approves golf club policy changes By Patty McCormac

RANCHO SANTA FE — The Rancho Santa Fe Golf Club was the center of attention at the Jan. 5 Association meeting. Attempting to launch its own “stimulus program,” golf club board member Jim Boyce, representing golf club officials, proposed three changes to help encourage an increase in revenue, membership and winter play on the golf course. First, the golf club board of governors proposed the adoption of a one-time, special guest fee program for winter months. “It would be adopted to encourage members to bring guests during the slow time of the year,” Boyce told the Association. He said that under the program, members could purchase a guest package that is good for five, 18-hole rounds

of golf or 10, nine-hole rounds for $350, which represents a 50 percent discount from the standard guest fee. This is modeled after a program that is currently being used by other clubs. “This has been a resounding success at the San Diego Country Club,” Boyce said. He said that Rancho Santa Fe has a reputation of being a great place to play in the summer, but golfers leave in the winter for surrounding clubs. Golf club officials want the members to come back during the winter and bring their friends. “We want our members to play year-round,” Director Dick Doughty said. The program would run from now though April 30, after which all unused rounds would expire. “Let’s at least give it a try,” Boyce said. “Let our

membership buy packages.” Not all of the members think the program is a good idea. “The condition of the course is fragile in the winter and the more rounds played and more cart traffic, the harder it is on the course and in the spring more time and effort (are needed) to restore it,” Director Ann Boon said. Boyce said he did not expect the number of rounds to increase enough to cause damage to the course. “We are trying to establish a trend,” Boyce said. “We want our members to bring a guest to use our pro shop and restaurant and rent our golf carts.” Boon asked if it was golf officials’ intention to simply increase rounds played or to get new members. “Most guests come from outside the Covenant,” he said.

The majority of the board said yes to the proposal except for Boon, who said she thought the obvious demographic was being overlooked — community members who are not golf club members who could be enticed to join with such specials. The next proposal by the golf club was to allow new members to pay the enrollment fee in installments. Boyce said the golf club board has been trying different ways to market memberships and that this new pilot program could encourage new memberships at no cost to the club. The board believes the payment of the $50,000 enrollment fee is a deterrent to some new members. He said that some people buy older homes in the Covenant and may have large renovation costs. “They say, ‘I’ll save the

$50,000 and see you in a couple of years,’” Boyce said. The payment would be termed over two years with an initial payment of $20,000 due at the inception of the membership. Then $17,000 would be due after one year and the balance of $13,00 plus a $3,000 additional charge due at the end of the second year. The total payment under the option plan would be $53,000. Doughty worried that such a steep fee could be considered “gouging our members.” “They would choose to be gouged,” Boyce replied. Boyce said he didn’t expect a landslide of members to sign up for the program, but it would be available for those who needed it. The board unanimously approved the plan. Lastly, golf club officials asked the Association to add

an additional category for playing privileges for juniors living at home to the age of 26. Under the existing category, children age 23 and under can play under the family membership at no additional charge. Under the proposed plan, children from the age of 23 to 26 could continue to use the course for an annual fee of $500 and monthly dues of $500. Parents would be responsible for all charges. Doughty didn’t object so much to the new plan, but rather to calling these 23 to 26 year olds “children.” While the board approved the new category, Association President Jack Queen said there are already so many categories of players that it is confusing as is. “I just go to the golf club, tell them who is playing and let them figure it out,” he said.

Salvation Mountain in need of some saving of its own E’LOUISE ONDASH Hit the Road I was saddened to learn recently that Leonard Knight, 80, proprietor of Salvation Mountain, has been placed in a nursing home in El Cajon because of dementia. Now that Knight is no longer there to expand, maintain and protect it, no one knows what will happen to the 50-foot-high-by-150foot-wide creation made of local adobe clay and eye-popping paint that shouts biblical messages of love. If you haven’t seen Salvation Mountain ( salvationmountain.us), I suggest you get out there before it disappears. It is nestled against the Chocolate Mountains near Niland, Calif. (Take Interstate 8 east to Highway 111. Go north to Niland. Take Main Street east and follow your nose.) There’s been plenty written about Knight over the years. He’s a one-of-akind man with a vision for society that is clear when you see his mountain. Last I was there in 2005, Knight had also placed his trademark art on several old vehicles and had built another structure he called his “museum.” I was leery of entering — it looked precarious at best — but did anyway. I didn’t want to pass up the chance to get a good and probably one-time look at the structure, a fascinating tangle of tree limbs, donated bales of hay and paint of every color, and discarded tires, truck and car windows. The wiry, weathered Knight never worried about his safety, though. He just kept on building, patching and painting for most of the 26-plus years he lived alone in the desert. Not that he didn’t have plenty of visitors. Sometimes up to 100

wrote that Knight might be a con-man — people left money donations all the time — but as far as I could tell, he never asked for a thing. The semi-hermit used most of the money to buy paint, and he probably bought a few groceries, too. But judging by his lean physique, he didn’t spend much on food. If he was hoarding cash, he never used it to buy luxury items. He ate simply, slept under a tarp or in one of his psychedelically decorated vehicles, and somehow existed without heat, air conditioning or running water. The future of Salvation Mountain without Knight is probably not bright. Over the last quarter century, he applied and reapplied what came to be 100,000 gallons of paint, always fighting off nature. According to a story by KPBS-FM, a “rotating group of volunteers are monitoring” the mountain, watching for destruction by both natural elements and vandals. Lucky for us, this is the Leonard Knight and his Salvation Mountain near Niland have gained notoriety and stature in the art community. Despite its remote location, visi- ideal time to visit the desert tors to the mountain often numbered 100 a day. Photos by E’Louise Ondash — and maybe the last chance people came to scale The to see the world as Leonard Mountain and chat. Knight Knight saw it. was always welcoming, whether a crowd or one person arrived. He told us that E’Louise Ondash is a freelance writer livhe was proud to show off his ing in North County. Tell her about your desert estate. After our visit, travels at eondash@coastnewsgroup.com. he insisted we take two jigsaw puzzles that featured a photo of The Mountain. He refused to take money for them. He said they were a gift to him that he wanted to pass along. Knight is a Vermont native whose life wandered down various paths early on. He repaired automobiles, spent time in Korea with the military, and crisscrossed the country while doing odd jobs and living in his car. In 1985, he was forced to abort a fiveyear attempt to launch a hot air balloon that proclaimed “God is Love” into the desert air. That event happened — or didn’t happen — near Niland, and that’s where he’s One of Leonard Knight’s rolling artworks is parked at his Salvation Mountain estate. The Vermont native has been ever since. lived in the desert near Niland since 1985. At least one journalist



JAN. 13, 2012

Nursery celebrates 50 years, begins new age as preschool By Patty McCormac

RANCHO SANTA FE — On Jan. 29, two important things will happen in Rancho Santa Fe. The Village Church Nursery School will undergo a name change to become The Village Church Preschool and it will celebrate its 50th birthday. “It will be a family event,” said Pamela Miller, director of the school. “We will have games, jumpies and food.” A contingent of children and adults from the school came to the Association meeting Jan. 5 to offer personal invitations to the event to board of directors. A group of tiny preschoolers sang “Happy Birthday” before hand-delivering the invitations. The celebration will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the school at 6225 Paseo Delicias in Rancho Santa Fe. Miller also gave a little history of the school to the board telling them it was founded in 1962 by four families with a total of 14 children. “Since then, thousands of children have been early

childhood-educated there,” said Jack Queen, president of the board. “They have done a fantastic job as with everything at the church, it has been done right.” The first director was Bella Coughlin who stayed on for about two years. Next came E.J. Heltzel who was on board for about eight years, Miller said. The school began to grow under the next director, Carol Doughty, who remained for 33 years. “Carol turned out to be a visionary looking into the future,” said Miller, who started as a teacher under Doughty. “I really saw what she brought to the school,” Miller said. “I have continued with that vision.” Miller was appointed to the director’s position in 2004 when Doughty decided to leave. “I retired,” Doughty said. “I thought it was time.” Since retiring she has been busy being a docent for the Blue Sky Ecological Preserve in Poway and continues her own education taking

classes she finds interesting. Miller said the school is excellent because of the excellent staff. “We have a core of teachers who have been here 28 to 32 years,” she said. “It’s the teachers who are the heart of a school.” The school currently has 170 students between the ages of 2 and 5. She said the goal of the school is to concentrate on the “whole child,” working on the development of cognitive, social, emotional, physical and spiritual skills. Their mission is to create and foster independent, critical and creative thinkers and problem solvers. She said school officials strive to provide a balanced curriculum where a child has the right amount of structure as well as abundant opportunity to explore, discover and engage in the world around them. In 1990, it began accepting children with special needs. Over the years, new classrooms have been added as well as state-of-the-art play-

Current Village Church Preschool Director Pamela Miller, left, poses with Carol Doughty, the former director who retired after 30 years. Photo by Patty McCormac

tion thanks to a anonymous Village Church Preschool, call ground equipment in 2009. (858) 756-2394 or visit vilThis summer the school donor, Miller said. To learn more about lagechurchpreschool.org. will undergo a total renova-

New Year’s Eve adventures in Puerto Vallarta Gallery seeking new artists JOE MORIS Baby Boomer Peace Here I sit on New Year’s Day 2012. It’s evening and I’m bushed. I just got back from a sports bar called Toritos where I ate good food and watched the Chargers take out the Raiders. Stupid Chargers. I’ve agonized over them since 1961. Ackkkkk. Anyway, I arrived here in Puerto Vallarta on Dec. 30. Being in real estate and knowing that January is the slowest month of the year for sales, it made sense to head south to the tropics. I left on a day in the high 70s in San Diego only to arrive here in Mexico to high 70s temperatures. On New Year’s Eve, I received more than a few emails from friends telling me that it was going to be in the 80s over the New Year’s weekend. I was a little bummed missing the great winter San Diego weather. But I went out with recently acquired friends for New Year’s Eve. I didn’t have to take a jacket because the evening was 72 degrees. I think it was about 42 degrees in San Diego that night. Just a little bit of difference. I then remembered I was in paradise, only a twohour flight from San Diego. My friends Tom, Kristine and I went to Joe Jacks for some fine seafood faire. I had fish tacos and beans with a papaya salad with shrimp, mint and nuts. I chased it with a mojito. Tom and Kristine had a bucket of peel and eat shrimp. They ordered a bottle of chardonnay and followed that with two more glasses of the white variety along with the best looking sea bass, eyes

and all, looking at me. It was delicious though, as I couldn’t help taking a sample. Total bill for the evening for the three of us was 1,000 pesos or about $70. Did I say they polished off a whole bottle of wine with that? Great food at a great price three blocks from the beach. We finished up dinner about 11ish and headed for the Malecon. The Malecon is this huge boardwalk loaded with eateries, shops and nightclubs plus a bazillion people. We found a vendor selling the best crepes you want to sample. I took the simple one with strawberries and cream. Tom and Kristine had something with chocolate and liquor heaped with cream. It looked really good. It cost about 5 bucks for those three crepes right on the boardwalk overlooking the Bay of Banderas. A ton of yachts and smaller craft had pulled in close to the beach to watch the fireworks. Midnight came and the night lit up like a huge Roman candle. It was pretty spectacular. On our journey to crepes, fireworks, a concert in the park next to the Cathedral and hordes of people, we traversed the few blocks to the coast. Every street was alive with street parties, bands and imbibing. On one street there were so many people. I


1x2 is newspaper talk for a one column by 2” ad. Too small to be effective? You’re reading this aren’t you? Call 760-436-9737 for more info.

was taking a bunch of pics on my 4G. A gorgeous chickita came and asked me to take a picture of her. I did. After looking at the picture she said, “I didn’t know I was that gorgeous” and planted a big last kiss of 2011 on my lips. Anyway, while I was taking pictures and getting smooched, Tom and Kristine were in a bar getting some Coronas. When they came out Kristine said a guy came over and said, “Is that your husband over there?” She said, “Yeah.” He said, “When you’re tired of him I’ll take him.” So Tom came out and said, “Some guy just tried to ask me out!” Now Tom is a very highup official guy in the California penal system and Kristine is a beautiful defense attorney. Apparently we made a lefthand turn instead of a right. There were gorgeous ladies kissing ladies and great looking guys kissing guys. What a party. We just looked at each other and said, “Adventure!” Life is full of them. It was a great New Year’s Eve. Something different but

still an adventure and isn’t that what life is all about anyway? Remember, God only gives us one day. No one tells us when our last day comes so make 2012 an adventure. Live each day to its fullest in peace and let’s stay positive about 2012. This is going to be a doozy of a year.

Joe Moris may be contacted at (760) 500-6755 or by e-mail at joe@coastalcountry.net.

The San Dieguito Art Guild is sending out a call to painters and mixed media artists for art to fill some open spots in its gallery. The Guild, a community based, nonprofit group of local artists, owns and operates the Off Track Gallery located in the Lumberyard Shopping Center in downtown Encinitas. There are openings now on the walls for painters and mixed media

artists. The artists must join the guild for $85 per year and pay a small entry fee each month to display and sell their work. Artists are encouraged to come by the gallery and check it out. The address is 937 S. Coast Highway 101, Suite C-103. More information may be found at OffTrackGallery.com or by calling the gallery at (760) 942-3636.



JAN. 13, 2012

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JAN. 13, 2012


Contact us at arts@coastnewsgroup.com with story ideas, events or photos

The North Coast Rep’s staging of ‘Lion’ roars community CALENDAR By Gabriel Fregoso

Is history written by the great? By individuals whose singular brilliance outshines everyone else’s? Or is the historical timeline the public byproduct of private intrigue and ulterior appetites? This is one of the questions asked by James Goldman’s 1966 play “The Lion in Winter,” which has been given new claws and teeth by The North Coast Repertory Theatre. Set on a Christmas Day in England in 1183, the story concerns King Henry II, whose sole preoccupation (or so it would seem) is to preserve the unity of his kingdom beyond his death. Whether he’s motivated by hubris or obsession is hard to say; his attitude so cavalier, one questions whether nothing is truly sacred to him. Out of his remaining three sons — Richard, Geoffrey, and John — he has chosen John, the youngest, and seemingly least qualified, to succeed himself as king. Complicating the matter is Eleanor of Aquitaine, Henry’s indomitable wife, whom he had imprisoned ten years prior, for trying to usurp him. On this Christmas day, Eleanor — along with their three sons — have been summoned to Chinon, France, so that Henry might settle the matter of his successor once and for all. Eleanor, of course, won’t stand to hear any other name than Richard’s from her estranged husband’s lips, and this is where the central conflict lies. Those familiar with the play know what unfolds is a series of plotting and counterplotting, as characters backbite, manipulate, slander, and beguile each other to obtain their heart’s desire — with, of course, national implications beyond the stony confines of

Got an item for the calendar? Send the details via e-mail to calendar@coastnewsgroup.com.

JAN. 13 CLASS POSTPONED The Oceanside Theatre Company Academy announced its “Nail It! Audition Techniques” class set for Jan. 9 through Jan. 30, have been postponed due to illness. New dates will be determined.


From left, Richard Baird, Kyle Sorrell, Jason Maddy, Alexandra Grossi, Mark Pinter, Kyle Roche, Kandis Chappell star in the North Coast Repertory Theatre’s staging of “The Lion in Winter.” Photo courtesy of Aaron Rumley

the court. With the intimate environment amplifying Goldman’s delicious dialogue, the North Coast Repertory stage lends itself perfectly to the material. The actors know they’re trading in precious gems, and do their best to ensure each line retains its dazzle. Audience members are left feeling they have been invited to a private dinner party, where family have forgotten their decorum, and are airing dirty laundry. The difference? Within the safety of the theater, it’s okay to laugh out loud. Mark Pinter as Henry, might be channeling the late Phil Hartman, as he spends most of the time somewhere between grinning and grimacing. His Henry seems to be stifling delight in watching his family fight over his

scraps. Smartly so, Pinter has defined Henry by his impulses rather than his heart — you don’t believe a word the king says. Pinter’s medium grey is calculated to allow sympathies to lie with the queen. As Eleanor, Kandis Chappell is a revelation. Part Norma Desmond, part Blanche DuBois, Chappell plays Eleanor as a misunderstood monster, a woman in whose tone and manner is the pain of being scorned. Whereas Henry’s contrivances might be out of jest or sheer boredom, Eleanor’s antics are a desperate plea for her husband’s attention. Even though Chappell steals the show, all of the acting is stellar. Richard Baird is impressively gloomy and stalwart as Richard; Alexandra Grossi is delightful as the

West Coast Funnies help start the New Year off with good laughs The West Coast Funnies is North County’s one-of-a-kind show, blending sketch, satirical, video and stand-up comedy. The show boasts a cast that has more than 60 “Tonight Show” appearances, 20 “Late Show with David Letterman” appearances, 15 Comedy Central specials, two “Last Comic Standing” winners and more than 100 other television appearances. The West Coast Funnies with Kurt Swann, starring Andrew Norelli, will be on stage at 8 p.m. Jan. 14 at the Carlsbad Village Theatre, 2822 State St. Also appearing on the show will be Chris Zapatier and the Pearl Street Players. Tickets are $20 and can be ordered online at westcoastfunnies.com or be calling (619) 997-3033

Norelli has appeared on “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” “The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson,” Comedy Central’s “Live at Gotham,” and “Comics Unleashed” where he was also a staff joke writer. “I’m really looking forward to this season. We’ve got a new, unbelievably talented cast of locals and a list of comics scheduled to appear that is probably going to make this the best year ever,” said show creator/director/head writer/producer Lamont Ferguson. “There are so many brilliant comedians out there that no one has ever heard of for one reason or another. Norelli is a guy that falls into that category of being ridiculously funny, but not well-known ... yet. He’s smart, clever, original,

hilarious and clean.” Ferguson is a 30-year veteran comedian who possesses a list of credits with various television appearances, including “The Tonight Show.” He’s also been the hand selected opening act for such legendary comedians as Bill Cosby, George Lopez, Steve Harvey, Garry Shandling and the late, great George Carlin. The shows have a PG-17 rating and may contain adult language. Parental guidance is advised for children younger than 17 years of age.

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king’s mistress Alais; with noteworthy support by Jason Maddy as the forgotten Geoffrey, Kyle Roche as the puerile John, and Kyle Sorrell as methodically aloof Phillip. As a unit, the cast functions wonderfully, thanks in large part to the direction of Andrew Barnicle. His oversight has helped the ensemble to perform as a well-oiled machine. Allowing the play to breeze through a full spectrum of emotion, Barnicle has assembled players the way an artist might choose his paints —- just the right combination of wavelengths to paint a picture with a broad dynamic range. Savoring black humor, his take answers the age-old question: “What if English nobility were only one gene removed from Al and Peg Bundy?” With memorable cos-

JAN. 15

tume design by Renetta Lloyd, a sensational use of space by John Finkbiner (Scenic Artist), creative lighting by Jason Bieber, and mood-setting sound provided by Chris Luessmann, “The Lion in Winter” will make you laugh ... even as you grind your teeth. The show has been extended to run through Feb. 5.

DIVORCE SUPPORT An ongoing support group for anyone suffering from the pain and loss associated with a separation or divorce meets Sundays at 10:15 a.m. at St. James Catholic Church Ministry Center Offices in Solana Beach. For more information, contact Frank Grant at (760) 533-1520 or email fwgrant@gmail.com.

“The Lion in Winter”


North Coast Repertory Theatre Where: 987 Lomas Santa Fe Drive, Solana Beach Tickets: $32 - $49 Phone: (858) 481-1055 Online: northcoastrep.org

Film Club announces winter screenings The North County Film Club has confirmed a partial list of its upcoming offering for the Winter 2012 season. All films are shown at 4 p.m. Sundays at UltraStar Cinemas Mission Market 13, 431 College Blvd. This first portion of this season’s lineup will include: — Jan. 22, “The Concert” — Feb. 12, “Mozart’s Sister” — March 4, “Beginners” — March 18, “La Vie En Rose” — April 1, “MicMacs” — April 15, “Snow Flower and the Secret

Oceanside Public Library and Learn to Be Ready will host a free one-hour seminar on disaster preparedness from 3 to 4 p.m. Jan. 14 at the Civic Center Library, 330 N. Coast Highway, Oceanside. CARS AND BURGERS The Country Gents Car Club and Car Club Council will host its 25th anniversary car show from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Jan. 14 at the Burger Run at Pepper Tree Frosty, 270 S. Santa Fe Ave. in Vista. Visit burgerrun.info or call Joe Free at (`760) 744-3340.

Fan” — May 6, “Tree Of Life” — May 20, June 10 and June 24 are yet to be determined To purchase a pass for the 2012 winterspring film season, send a check to: North County Film Club, P. O. Box 56, San Luis Rey, CA 92068. The cost for a 10-film pass is $40, a five-film pass is $25.

JAN. 17 North County Italian Association will host its Pasta Fagioli cook-off at 5:30 p.m. Jan. 17 at St. Michael’s-by-the Sea, 2775 Carlsbad Blvd., Carlsbad. Proceeds go to scholarship fund. For information, visit northcountyitalianassociation.org. SENIORS ONLINE The Country Club Senior Center, 455 Country Club Lane, Oceanside, offers a free drop-in computer lab every Tuesday from 1 to 2:15 p.m. Workstations are equipped with Windows 7 and Office 2010. For information, call (760) 435-5250.

JAN. 18 BABY AND ME San Marcos offers Crawl, Rattle ‘n’ Roll Baby and Me class for ages newborn to new walkers Wednesdays at 11 a.m. for 7 weeks beginning Jan. 18 at the San Marcos Community Center, 3 Civic Center Drive. Cost is $77. Registration required at san-marcos.net. For more information, call (760) 716-8025.

JAN. 19 MAKE ‘EM LAUGH Enjoy laughter and song when the Carlsbad Senior Playreaders perform at 12:45 p.m. Jan. 19, Carlsbad Senior Center, 799 Pine Ave.



George Winston will bring his nationwide solo piano tour to Encinitas performing at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 20 and Jan. 21, at La Paloma Theatre, 471 S. Coast Highway 101. Winston asks the TURN TO CALENDAR ON A10


JAN. 13, 2012



Contact us at arts@coastnewsgroup.com with story ideas, events or photos

Listening is believing: New series brings literature to life By Gabriel Fregoso

Remember being read to as a child? Vivid worlds could be summoned by little more than spoken words. San Diego based theater group, “Write Out Loud” knows the magic of listening to stories. “One of the biggest challenges is getting people to come,” said Artistic Director Veronica Murphy. “They don’t understand what we do until they come … And then they come back.” Founded in 2007 by actors Veronica Murphy and Walter Ritter, “Write Out Loud” reads stories, related by a similar theme, to a live audience. In an age of Xbox and iPhones, it may not seem extraordinary until you consider that vocal storytelling, contrary to popular thought, is the world’s oldest profession. “It’s very vulnerable,” explained Murphy. “The actor is there, alone, in front of the audience. All he has is his voice, and the words on

From left, David Fenner, Veronica Murphy, Walter Ritter and Amanda Sitton will all present readings during the La Jolla Anthanaeum’s “Write Out Loud” program beginning Jan. 16. Courtesy photo

the page.” She stresses that actors don’t just read the story — they become it. “You are not just reading the story; you are being the story. You have to dig into the same inner place to read a character or even narrate a character as you do when you are performing a play.” Readings are selected from a vast collection of sto-

ries based on a common theme, the actor chosen for his or her suitability for the material. Rehearsal typically involves Murphy watching the performance and offering notes to enhance its believability. As it is for most artists, emotional honesty is a must for her. Murphy confides, “I give this note to my actors: Paint this scene (with your mind).

Because if you see this, then (the audience) will see it.” In little more than a week, “Write Out Loud” will present a series of lectures called “Orpheus Speaks” at the Athenaeum in La Jolla. The selection includes “Chopin in Winter,” “The Singing Lesson,” “The Listening Woman,” and “The Agonies of Writing a Musical Comedy,” with performances

by Walter Ritter, Amanda Sitton, Murphy, and David Fenner. Normally reserved for formal lectures on art and music, the Athenaeum is making special exception for “Write Out Loud.” “We are an institution of art and music, and I want to stay away from poetry reading,” said Erika Torre, the Athenaeum’s executive direc-

tor. “But Walter came in... and suddenly he...transformed...from an administrator to a performer right before my eyes! That’s when I said ‘We have to have them here.’” In keeping with the Athenaeum’s mission, “Orpheus Speaks” is specially designed to give insight into the world of music. In a culture increasingly estranged from the tradition of oral storytelling, “Write Out Loud” is awakening the joy of collective dreaming. “The very first show we did, there was a 40 year-old woman with her father,” said Murphy. “She said ‘This is so amazing, my father and I are going to go home and read to each other!’” “Orpheus Speaks” will take place Jan. 16, and again April 16 at 7:30 p.m. The Athenaeum is at 1008 Wall Street, La Jolla. Call (858) 454-5872 or visit ljathenaeum.org for more information.

Primrose path has roots in Shakespeare San Diego Ballet brings Ask Mr. Know it All

Q: My dictionary gives the following definitions for “primrose path”: 1. An easy life, especially devoted to sensual pleasure. 2. A path of least resistance, especially one that ends in disaster. My dictionary does not say how the term came into being. — H.M.M., Wilmington, N.Y. A: The term was coined by William Shakespeare in “Hamlet.” Ophelia warns her brother Laertes to take his own advice and not reject the difficult and arduous path of righteousness that leads to heaven in favor of the easy path of sin. In Act I, Scene III, Ophelia says: “Do not, as some ungracious pastors do, Show me the steep and thorny way to heaven, Whiles, like a puff’d and reckless libertine, Himself the primrose path of dalliance treads, And recks not his own rede” (heeds not his own counsel). Shakespeare later used “the primrose way,” which has the same meaning, in “Macbeth.” Q: According to my newspaper, Lake Superior State University in Michigan released its 37th annual List of Words Banished From the Queen’s English for Misuse, Overuse and General Uselessness. The list of a dozen words includes “amazing” (I rarely hear that one), “man cave” (what am I supposed to call my getaway spot?) and “baby bump” (hey, I like that one). The one that has me confused is “blowback.” I have never heard it used; I don’t even know what it means. Do you? — L.L., Enid, Okla. A: To be honest, I had never heard it, either. I went

Liam Neeson Courtesy photo

to the Lake Superior State University website and found the list, along with an explanation of the words. “Blowback” is described as sometimes being exchanged with “pushback” to mean resistance. An example was used: “If we send out the press release, how should we handle the blowback from the community?” The word “reaction” would have been just as appropriate. Q: I’m confused. In some writing I see the word “email,” while other times I see “email.” Which is the correct spelling? — J.E., Seattle A: I checked several dictionaries and found the spelling to be “e-mail.” How nice, I thought — a quick and easy answer. But answers are seldom quick and easy; I continued to search. It appears that word usage experts are in disagreement. Maybe my editor for this column would like to add a note. There is agreement, though, on one thing: Unless it’s at the beginning of a sentence, the “e” is not capital-

ized. DID YOU KNOW? During his teenage years, Liam Neeson was a boxer in Northern Ireland and won the Irish Youth Championship. Q: On New Year’s Eve, I went to see the movie “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.” It was fantastic! What can you

tell me about the actress who played Lisbeth? Has she appeared in any other films? — G.W.H., Pensacola, Fla. A: Lisbeth Salander was played by (Patricia) Rooney Mara, who was born in 1985 in Bedford, N.Y. She showed little interest in acting until her late teens. She graduated from New York University, where she became involved in student films, in 2010. In 2005, Rooney Mara appeared with her sister, Kate Mara, in her first commercial film, a horror movie titled “Urban Legends: Bloody Mary.” Over the next few years she appeared in guest roles on TV and bit parts in movies. Her big break was the lead in the 2010 remake of “A Nightmare on Elm Street” and, later that year, in “The Social Network.” She was then cast for the lead in “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.” She’s currently involved in two films, one to be released later this year and the other next year. Send your questions to Mr. Know-It-All at AskMrKIA@gmail.com

romance back to stage The San Diego Ballet Company under the leadership of co-directors Robin Sherertz-Morgan and Javier Velasco, will present “Romance” Feb. 10 through Feb. 12 at the Lyceum Theatre, Horton Plaza, San Diego, directed and choreographed by Javier Velasco. A mixed program of SDB’s production’s of Shakespeare’s classics, romantic waltzes and country music ballads brings romantic highlights of past seasons together for a night of passion and romance. “We are still finalizing the first half of the evening performances, but it is for sure that sometime during

AVO sets stage with new plays The Avo Theatre Moonlight Stage Productions, 303 Main St., has been busy preparing three new productions. Now showing is “The Mousetrap” through Feb. 5. Next up will be “Little Women, the Musical” Feb. 16 through March 11 and finally,“Beau Jest” March 22 through April 8. The Moonlight Angels Auxiliary celebrates the special event of opening night for each production, with the next scheduled for Feb. 16. Anyone interested in volunteering or for more information, contact Joanne Greene, hospitality chairwoman, at (760) 529-9422.

Rooney Mara Courtesy photo

the evening we will be seeing Verona’s star-crossed along with some pieces accompanied by Nat King Cole, Patsy Cline, and some Latin pieces,” Velasco said. The second half of the evening will see a remounting of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” And for those purists who need their Valentine’s season fix, SDB will have a matinee Feb. 15 of the fulllength “Romeo et Juliet.” San Diego Ballet is a 22-year-old organization with studios at Dance Place San Diego, 2650 Truxtun Road, at the NTC Promenade in Point Loma. For further information, call (619) 294-7378.



audience to bring canned food for donation to a local food bank. For tickets and information, visit songkick.com/concerts/10462978-george-winston-at-la-paloma-theatre or zvents .com/z/encinitas_ca/geo rge-winston-a-solo-piano-concert--events--231534264.

JAN. 21 HISTORY WALK The Encinitas Historical Society has planned a history walk from 10:30 a.m. to noon Jan. 21. Meet at the 1883 Schoolhouse at 390 W. Fourth St. The walk is free and visits 17 historical points. For more information, call (760) 7535726.

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JAN. 13, 2012

Concert band celebrates nearly three decades By Lillian Cox

For almost 30 years, the Coastal Communities Concert Band has been playing beautiful music for audiences locally and around the world from Hawaii to Europe. In 2001, they won the gold medal at the fourth annual International Alpine Music Festival in Saas-Fee, Switzerland. The band offers three concerts a year at the Carlsbad Community Church. The next is their 29th Anniversary Concert on Feb. 19, which will feature Joseph Lovinsky, French horn soloist with the U.S. Army Band in Washington, D.C. “Our High School Honor Band Concert in April, which I really enjoy, includes 32 students from the San Dieguito Union High School District bands who come and rehearse with us three times,” said conductor Dr. Robert Fleming. “They play the second half of the concert, and it’s a good experience for them.” Last year the band awarded one $1,500 Caneva Scholarship for music education and four $750 scholarships to students during the

concert. Beginning this year the band will award $6,000 in music education scholarships for fourth-, fifth- and sixthgrade students in the Cardiff School District and the Encinitas Union Elementary School District. “Currently our band volunteers go into third grades, play for the kids and then let them try their instruments,” said Richard Radosh, board member in charge of development. “They are excited about participating in the after school band grant program in the fourth grade next fall.” Radosh says he hopes to expand the program to other school districts. The band was started by musicians Jan Turnage and Judy Thum, who met at their children’s soccer game in 1983. “I talked to the principal of the San Dieguito Adult School and asked if we could use his band room and he said, ‘sure.’”Thum said. “Doug Campbell, the band director, joined us and still plays percussion.” Beginning with 14 members, the band has grown to 77

Dr. Robert Fleming, conductor, Coastal Communities Concert Band. “I guarantee that anybody who comes to our concerts will go home whistling,” he said. “We give them tunes that they recognize and want.” Courtesy photo

members. Even though it has outgrown the band room, the band continues to be offered as a class at San Dieguito Adult School.

Robert Vriesman was the first conductor, serving from 1983 to 1987. Don Caneva was conductor from 1987 until his death in 2008. Fleming has

been the conductor since that time. “The average age of our members is at least 62,” Fleming said. “But with that comes a tremendous amount of experience. I’m used to high school students who take 10 to 12 times to get it right. College kids take three to four times. With this group, one rehearsal usually does it.” He added,“Carl Janelli, a tenor sax, is 83 but he does all the solos and people eat him up. He’s a tremendous jazz player and keeps getting better and better.” Fleming explained that the band makes a point of playing popular songs that everyone knows. “I guarantee that anybody who comes to our concerts will go home whistling,” he said. “We give them tunes that they recognize and want.” Fleming encourages audience participation, sometimes telling concert goers to feel free to stand up and conduct the orchestra from their seats or even to walk to the front of the concert hall and dance if they feel like it. Twice a year the band performs at the California

Center for the Arts in Escondido, including the holiday season where they provide entertainment for a fundraiser benefitting Meals on Wheels. This year the band raised $16,000 for the nonprofit, a $2,000 increase from last year. For ticket information, call Kris Sims at (760) 4366137. For additional information, visit cccband.com or call Judy Thum at (760) 436-0783.

Tour Dates: February 19: 29th Anniversary Concert, Carlsbad Community Church April 29: High School Honor Band Concert, San Dieguito Academy Gymnasium May 20: Spring Concert, Carlsbad Community Church July 4: On the Green (middle of town), Rancho Santa Fe (free) Aug. 19: Summer Pops Concerts, California Center for the Arts, Escondido.

Some ID theft subscription plans prove costly and ineffective By Consumer Reports

Almost 50 million people subscribed to some form of identity-theft protection in 2010, according to Consumer Reports Money Adviser. Those services, which cost about $120 to $300 a year, promise to protect your ID by monitoring your credit reports 24/7, scouring “black-market chat rooms” for your personal information, removing your name from marketing lists and filing fraud alerts. In the past, Consumer Reports Money Adviser found that these protection plans provide questionable value. The editors recently dug into the latest products sold by more than two-dozen banks, creditreporting bureaus and independent companies. Here’s what they found: — Marketers use fear as a sales tool. Some ID protectors scare up business with inflated claims about crime. But identity fraud is down because financial institutions are doing a better job of preventing it. And

consumers have become more eagle-eyed about their own accounts without the need for a paid subscription service. What you should do: Take the threat seriously, but don’t panic. More than 80 percent of what’s been called identity theft involves fraudulent charges on existing accounts, according to the U.S. Department of Justice, but in most cases a cardholder’s liability is limited to $50 for a lost or stolen credit card. — A trial offer signs you up for recurring fees. Fifth Third Bank — which serves 15 states, most in the Midwest — and Affinion, a leading provider of ID-protection products to banks, market Identity Alert by offering 30 days of service for $1. Customers can sign up online and must provide credit card billing information to pay the small fee. But giving up your credit information also allows Affinion to automatically charge your card a monthly membership fee after the trial period, which is

disclosed on the sign-up form. What you should do: Before signing up for one of these services, check out the company with the Better Business Bureau. — Credit monitoring can miss a lot. Identity-protection companies typically claim they provide you with the tools and support you need to guard against the many ways your information might be compromised. But most of what promoters call ID theft is unlikely to be picked up by credit monitoring, which looks for new accounts that pop up in your credit file and is the core of many such protection products.

What you should do: Sign up for free alerts from your credit card issuer and bank that will let you know when, say, a charge above $100 is made to your credit card or if your checking balance falls below a certain amount. — Web monitoring offers false security. Intersections, which markets Identity Guard programs, also uses credit monitoring as the core of its products. But it adds “Internet surveillance” to the mix, as a number of other services do. However, once your information is out there — Social Security number, credit card or bank account numbers — you

can’t get it back. What you should do: Internet scans could give you a false sense of security if they find nothing and scare you if they find something you can’t undo. Assume the genie is already out of the bottle and put a security freeze on your credit report before trouble strikes. — Million-dollar insurance doesn’t cover much. American Express ID Protect Premium, provided by Affinion, says its $16 monthly fee includes “up to $1 million in identity theft insurance.”But ID-theft insurance is secondary to any other coverage that


might pay out first, such as homeowner’s or renter’s insurance, and it mostly covers lowcost incidentals related to or resulting from the crime: notary fees, credit-report costs, loan re-application fees and a maximum of $1,500 in wages lost “solely” to fix your identity records. What you should do: Don’t rely much on insurance to protect you. Instead, do it yourself. Consumer Reports Money Adviser recommends signing up for online access to your bank and credit accounts and monitoring them frequently, and periodically checking your credit reports.


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Rancho Santa Fe library adds new toddler programs February. — Tuesday Preschool Storytime and Craft at 10:30 a.m., led by Miss Diana with themes of Jan. 3 snow/winter, Jan. 10 cookies, Jan. 17 hats, Jan. 24 penguins and Jan. 31 night time. — Thursday School-Age Crafts at 3:30 p.m. with themes of Jan. 5 penguins and Jan. 19 Chinese New Year. — Friday Pre-Teen Craft at 3 p.m. Jan. 13 on camera obscura. Note that the Library will be closed for the Martin Luther King Holiday Jan. 16. For more information, visit the Rancho Santa Fe Library or call (858) 756-2512.

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RANCHO SANTA FE — In response to the popularity of its Tuesday morning Preschool Storytime, the Rancho Santa Fe Library, 17040 Avenida de Acacias, has added an additional program to its children’s schedule. On Fridays at 10:30 a.m., Miss Ellie will be leading a Friday Toddler Storytime for all toddlers and their parents. The complete children’s schedule now includes: — Friday Toddler Storytime at 10:30 a.m., led by Miss Ellie, with themes of Jan. 6 beaches, Jan. 13 ducks, Jan. 20 home sweet home. There will be no storytime on Jan. 27, but it will resume in

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JAN. 13, 2012




Ring in the fun

This weeks’ pet of the week is Star, an 8pound, 7-year-old, shorthair tabby with beautiful green eyes. Her adoption fee is $99 including microchip identification. As with all pets adopted from Helen Woodward Animal Center, Star has been spayed, has up-todate vaccinations and microchip identification. Helen Woodward Animal Center is at 6461 El Apajo Road in Rancho Santa Fe. Kennels are open daily Monday through Thursday from noon to 6 p.m.; Friday, noon to 7 p.m.; and Saturdays and

Torrey Pines High School staff celebrate the holidays last year with a party. From left, master of ceremonies Cara Couvillion announces the costume contest winners Jim Anthony and Don Hollins. Courtesy photo

Sundays from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. (applications accepted 15 minutes before closing). For more information call (858) 756-4117, option #1 or visit animalcenter.org.

In the early days of surf, blending cultures could be a big boon CHRIS AHRENS Sea Notes The surf is finally over three feet, and the news is making it seem like California is about to sink beneath the power of the latest west swell. I just saw a double overhead set at the Reef with three to six riders on each wave and one brave SUP rider getting smacked

down. The weather, on the other hand, is above average and, with the Internet lit up like a Christmas tree, it’s kind of a free for all out there. I’ll work now and surf later. Allow me step back about 30 years from today’s swell. This reminiscence was originally prompted by a conversation with local filmmaker Jesse Schluntz. Aussie surf legend Ian Cairns told him what he tells everyone, that he and the

Aussie crew he was a part of in the mid ’70s were the best surfers in the world. I don’t have the exact quote, but you get the point. There’s no doubt that Ian, along with Wayne “Rabbit” Bartholomew, Peter Townend, Mark Warren, Mark Richards and Michael Peterson shook up the status quo in surfing throughout the 1970s. They won most of the contests and dominated the surf media. California was producing no real surf stars, unless

you count Joey Buran, who managed a few single-handed victories for the Golden State. For the most part, however, we were stuck between the David Nuuhiwa, Corky Carroll ‘60s era and the emergence of the coming dominance of Tom Curren. There was also a strong South African presence on Oahu’s North Shore with Gavin Rudoph opening the door for future world champion Shaun Tomson. Hawaiian surfers, who have never been the most competitive, preferring freedom and fun over jerseys and bullhorns, were rarely on the winner’s stand. Hawaiian Gerry Lopez, cool and collected, grace under pressure at Pipeline was no longer considered relevant in the new era. Aggression was the new deal and “rip, tear, lacerate,” became the battle cry. Sometimes the new style worked. Sometimes it was ugly. Two surfers that combined Hawaiian style and with cutting-edge maneuvers

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were Larry “Bert” Bertlemann and Montgomery “Buttons” Kaluhiokalani. Bert, who was sometimes known as “the anti Lopez,” carved each section as if he would never be able to surf again. Fast, flexible and powerful in waves of all sizes, Bert was one of the greatest influences surfing had ever witnessed. Buttons was there too, driving deep, switching stance, hitting the lip harder than anyone before him. One difficulty for both Bert and Buttons is that they never seemed to put the act together for contest day. Both surfers would be seen blitzing all over Oahu for weeks and by the morning of the event, they either wouldn’t show on time, not show at all or under perform. Some thought it was a lack of desire, others speculated that the judges couldn’t relate to the new style. I wasn’t there, so I don’t really know. Where previously Hawaiian surfers rode tall in the style of Lopez, Bert stood lower to his board than any surfer ever had. The result was a more powerful turn that helped project him up, through the lip and, for the first time, into

the air. It was Bert’s low rotational style that ushered in a new style for the Dogtown crew, including Jay Adams and Tony Alva in the late ‘70s. When future surf historians contemplate mid ‘70s surfing, they will conclude that it belonged to the Australians. Those who take the time to dig deeper will find two Hawaiians just beneath the surface, making as big a splash as anyone. In my opinion, Bertlemann and Buttons rewrote surfing and everyone, including Ian Cairns and the brash company of Aussies he once helped lead to victory, benefited from it. Chris Ahrens is a surfer and author of four books on surfing. E-mail him at cahrens@coastnewsgroup.com.

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RANCHO SANTA FE — bership and purchasing art Art aficionados are invited to work. meet and mingle with local award-winning artists at the Rancho Santa Fe Art Gallery reception being held from 5 to 7 p.m. Jan. 12. The gallery is at 6004 Paseo Delicias. This show’s theme, “Blending Color with the Paint Brush” will be on exhibit at the Rancho Santa Fe Art Guild Gallery through March. The gallery is open Tuesday through Saturday from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. V i s i t RanchoSantaFeArtGuild.org for information about mem-



JAN. 13, 2012

Polar air translates to the big surf Each year, beginning in late October, there is building anticipation amongst waveriders in the North Pacific. All KYLE eyes turn to weather maps STOCK and swell models that are focused on the big blue North Coastal Cosmos Pacific Ocean (affectionately known as the NPAC). When and the storm became a masthe maps begin to show con- sive maelstrom. Fifteen huncentric circles of orange, red dred miles wide with 80 mph

peaks thundered out of Scripps Canyon and onto the majestic sandbars of Blacks Beach. This swell did not match the famous “Big Wednesdays” of Dec. 21, 2005, and Dec. 5, 2007. Those swells offered numerous 15-plus-foot sets. However, the high pressure weather with 75-degree

will break down, allowing the mountains to receive fresh powder and deliver San Diego’s winter precipitation. The NPAC reaches peak activity in January into February. Low pressure systems will continue to spawn in the western Pacific. Some will go north without producing much swell and some will create fun surf. There is always the possibility that one will go off the charts, generating the largest, most perfect waves ever ridden. Winter is an exciting time in the North Pacific! Rest In Peace Sean Collins- Founder of Surfline, self-taught innovator, father of modern surf forecasting, and the guru of surf science. We all owe him hundreds of waves. Thanks Sean!

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The image shows the wind patterns from Jan. 3. The moving air transfers energy into the water, which brought the big swells.Photo courtesy of SwellWatch.com.

and purple, surfers joyfully prepare. On Dec. 28, a low-pressure system formed in the Sea of Japan. Over the next four days, moving east, it crossed over Japan, entered the open Ocean and began strengthening. A polar air mass then collided with a tropical air mass

winds and 40-foot seas. Moving air transfers energy into the water. Fetch is the all-important area where wind meets sea. The energy organizes and peacefully flows across the Ocean … until obstructed. For this swell, the first interference came on Jan. 4 as the north shores of the Hawaiian Islands detonated the energy on their world-famous reefs. Peahi, on the north shore of Maui, offered 40-foot waves to an elite crew of surfers who left the jet-skis behind to once again push the envelope of paddle surfing. By this time, the hype machine was in full California effect. Swells take about two days to reach California after Hawaii. Those days are always filled with excitement and maybe some anxiety. From San Francisco to Imperial Beach, surfers watched maps, checked charts and researched buoys. As the sun rose on Jan. 6, consistent 10-foot sets marched perfectly across the reef at Swamis. Solid 12-foot

temps and all-day off shore winds made this a swell to remember. The WNW direction and 17-second period of the swell meant a direct hit for San Diego as the swell snuck through the shadowing effects of Catalina and San Clemente Islands. I know that our snow-riding brethren are frustrated by a serious lack of snow throughout California, Utah and Colorado. There has been a high pressure ridge along the West Coast of the U.S. for much of this winter. This keeps our coastal weather beautiful, but blocks snow producing storms from reaching the mountains. Eventually, the high pressure

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JAN. 13, 2012

JAN. 13, 2012




JAN. 13, 2012


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Dance parties and tribute concerts return to casino Pala Casino Spa & Resort will continue its free events series in January featuring the return of Live Dance Parties with Siren’s Crush on Fridays and Tribute Concerts on Saturday nights in the Infinity Showroom. The Infinity Sports Experience will televise all National Football League playoff games starting with the Wild Card matchups.

Siren’s Crush will host the Free Dance Parties each Friday through Feb. 10. Siren’s Crush is a high-energy, seven-piece band. The show will feature tight choreography, costume changes, video elements and enhanced lighting, including laser lights that are being installed in Infinity. The free January entertainment schedule includes: — 1 p.m., Jan. 3, 60-Plus

Club, Rod Stewart Tribute, Infinity — 9 p.m., Jan. 6, Dance Party with Siren’s Crush, Infinity — 1:30 p.m., Jan. 7, Infinity Sports Experience, NFL Playoffs — 8 p.m., Jan. 7, Pettybreakers, a tribute to Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Infinity, followed by Club Infinity with DJish. —10 a.m., Jan. 8 Infinity Sports Experience, NFL Playoffs — 1 p.m., Jan. 10, 60Plus Club, Buddy Holly Tribute, Infinity — 9 p.m., Jan. 13, Dance Party with Siren’s Crush, Infinity — 1:30 p.m., Jan. 14, Infinity Sports Experience, NFL Playoffs — 8 p.m., Jan. 14, Bostyx, a tribute to Boston and Styx, Infinity, followed by Club Infinity with DJish — 10 a.m., Jan. 15, Infinity Sports Experience, NFL Playoffs — 1 p.m., Jan. 17, 60Plus Club, Bette Midler tribute — 9 p.m., Jan. 20, Dance Party with Siren’s Crush, Infinity — 8 p.m., Jan. 21, RIO, a tribute to Duran Duran, Infinity, followed by Club Infinity with DJish — Noon, Jan. 22, Infinity Sports Experience, NFL Playoffs — 1 p.m., Jan. 24, 60plus Club, Comedian Tommy Savitt, Infinity — 9 p.m., Jan. 27, Dance Party with Siren’s Crush, Infinity —10:30 p.m., Jan. 28, Club Infinity with DJish following Chippendales — 1 p.m., Jan. 31, 60plus Club, Roy Orbison Tribute Additional January events at Pala include: — 7 p.m., Friday, Jan. 20, Zumba in Da Club, Infinity. Tickets, $20, at (877) 9467252 and zumbaindaclub.com — 8 p.m., Friday, Jan. 20, Engelbert Humperdinck, Events Center. Tickets, $35, $45, $60, at (877) 946-7252 and startickets.com Pala Casino Spa & Resort is an AAA FourDiamond Award winner for seven consecutive years. Visit palacasino.com.


JAN. 13, 2012


Adopt an animal and staying healthy in 2012 MACHEL PENN SHULL Machel’s Ranch On New Year’s Eve, my beloved kitty died. What a devastating way to start the New Year. With much reflection and love for my cat that I had for eight years, I must tell you this moment hurt deeply, but also helped me realize the beauty in our everyday gifts. My family grieved for the loss of our pet. We felt lucky to have her for as long as we did. This experience was once again a reminder to me how precious time and life is each day. What I can tell you as a farm girl from Missouri? My kitty Audrey had a tremendous life. I do know that I never took her for granted. I tried extra hard to always let her know how much she was loved by me. Having many kitties over the years, you can only guess that this grieving is a familiar feeling that I have adjusted to with time. If you are a pet owner, then I am sure you know what it feels like to lose your beloved animal. With that being said, we have adopted a rescue kitty that has been saved from a “high kill” shelter. What I have learned from this traumatic week is there are so many animals out there that need a home. Please adopt an animal in 2012. If you can’t do that because you already have too many pets, please donate to an animal rescue shelter. Life is a gift and so was my beautiful kitty, Audrey. Make time this year in to give love to an animal that will also fill your life with much joy and comfort. Happy New Year Rancho Santa Fe. I adopted my kitty from a wonderful woman named Lonnie who devotes much of her life to saving animals. Her e-mail address is Fur.ever@yahoo.com. Thanks Lonnie for being a real live angel to animals in need.

Around Town On Dec. 20, I met Dr. Kelly for my routine Vitamin B shot. For a 2012 beginning, I am sharing with you one of my health tips. Not only does it improve your immune system, but also helps boost your metabolism, which helps keep weight gain at bay. Vitamin B shots are my thing. No really. Last year ranks up there for one of the

healthiest and happiest years in my life. I contribute a portion of this to these Vitamin B shots. I go to two different places. One in La Jolla, Nu You Medical Group, and to Dr. Kelly in Encinitas. I have included a photo of myself and Dr. Kelly during the holidays. The smile says it all. If you are hoping to improve your health in 2012, Dr. Kelly is right around the corner in Encinitas. For more information, visit naturedockelly.com. On Dec. 24, Rancho Santa Fe sparkled under the night sky.With the downtown area festive with holiday lights and all of the restaurants, retailers and banks decorated for Christmas, who needed snow? Not us, anyway. This was the first Christmas in a while I stayed in town for the holidays. Ed and Dottie McCrink have been Ranch residents for many decades. Each Christmas the McCrink siblings all come to town for the holidays. I have included a wonderful photo of Laurel McCrink with sister Katie Shull, along with Violli and Trudi. They look fabulous in their red festive attire, don’t they? On Dec. 26, I decided to capture the beauty of winter in Rancho Santa Fe. I pulled over (I do this often and it drives my son nuts!) by my son’s school to walk the trails near the Rancho Santa Fe golf course. The naked blue sky filled the air with perfection, as the autumn reds and yellows shined in the bright sunlight. The walking trail had peaks of light beaming across the leaves, as I strolled next to the golf course photographing the trees. I have included one photo from that day. The trees look beautiful in Rancho Santa Fe. This is also an excellent way to stay in shape; take a two-mile walk three times a week. Don’t forget to make time for yourself in the new year. I do! On Dec. 30, my sister’s family stopped in at Legends Fin Art Gallery in La Jolla for a visit. In October of last year, I began working parttime as a fine art consultant there. Do you collect art? We have Rockwell, Calder, Miro, Chagall, Dr. Seuss, De La Nuez and Mackenzie Thorpe just to name a few. As a passionate art lover, what a wonderful gallery to be working at in La Jolla. I have included a photo from that magical day.

Featrured are John Carney (Saints), Shari Brasher (Fresh Start CEO), Jr. Seau (Former Charger), Tina Mickelson (Golfer), Michelle Pius (Fresh Start Director of Major Gifts), Alfonso Ribeiro (Celebrity Co-Host) at Fresh Start's Celebrity Golf last year in the Ranch. Courtesy photo

On Jan. 3, I connected with a girlfriend of mine, Priscilla Wood. Do you know Priscilla? You may recognize her from my column. She is a co-leader in the SMARTY division in the San Diego area, an entrepreneurial group for women. I just found out that Priscilla enjoyed a glorious hike up to the Hollywood sign on New Year’s Day and she said it was absolutely breathtaking. What you may already know is Priscilla is part of the Mike Taylor Real Estate Group in Rancho Santa Fe. Do you need to find a listing? Priscilla is one of the sharpest real estate agents in town. She is one to watch in 2012. For more information, Sisters Laurel McCrink and Katie Shull with sister-n-law Violi and great friend, Trudi at the McCrink's visit Priscillawood.com. I am Christmas Eve family gathering. Photo by Machel Penn Shull looking forward to going to my first SMARTY event this month. I will have to fill you in on the details beginning of next month.

Save the date Fresh Start Surgical Gifts 20th annual Celebrity Golf Tournament for Kids will be at the Morgan Run Golf Course on March 18 and March 19. In 2011, Fresh Start provided 1,473 medical treatments to children that need our help with changing their life. If you would like to donate to this wonderful organization, visit freshstart.org. I have included a group shot from last year’s celebrity event in Rancho Ranch Realtor Priscilla Wood Santa Fe. hiked up to the Hollywood sign on

If you would like Machel to cover a story, please contact her at mpenn@coastnewsgroup.com.

New Year's Day. She is featured Machel Penn Shull with Dr. Kelly in Encinitas before Christmas. For your here with a cute, cuddly friend. Vitamin B shot, call Dr. Kelly. Courtesy photo Courtesy photo

Stay in shape in the Ranch this year by taking nature walks on one of the many trails in the area. This photo JD and Tracy Howard with her daughter Lauren Chapman and boyfriend, Max Stammer at Legends Gallery was taken at the Rancho Santa Fe Golf Course. Photo by Machel Penn Shull in La Lolla. Tracy Howard my sister. Photo by Machel Penn Shull


JAN. 13, 2012


Who’s NEWS?

Everything and the kitchen sink JEAN GILLETTE Small Talk

equal cartwheels at the sight of a top-of-the-line vacuum cleaner or the slickest new gas range under my tree. I don’t think my husband appreciates what a low-maintenance gal I am. He simply doesn’t know any differently. It almost tempts me to take a shot at getting on that show where you have to swap spouses for a week, just so he could gain some understanding at how easy I am to live with. Wait. That could backfire rather badly, now that I think about it, so let’s just move on. In any case, I love nothing more than a sparkling new washer and dryer or refrigerator. When my mother gave me my first microwave for Christmas, I burst into tears of joy. I’d like to trade up appliances every couple of years, the way some people do with cars. The only downside is that installing a wonderful, rustfree, so-silent-I-may-forget-toturn-it-off garbage disposal was rather like using a little Botox on an 85-year-old leper. My shiny new drain makes my banged-up sink look even sadder. That draws the eye to the stained tile surrounding it, the streaked walls, chipped floor and only-two-burnersworking stove. I may start wearing blinders in the kitchen, allowing me to focus on my almostinaudible disposal. The sink’s bound to crack and fall out eventually.

I got everything I wanted for Christmas and let’s just say there’s a spa day in my future. I couldn’t have been happier, I thought. The very next week, an unexpected present arrived. My garbage disposal finally died. I didn’t realize it had been ailing, but I should have. It registered on the Richter scale whenever you flipped the switch. I knew, deep inside, that it had swallowed one too many utensils, but one adjusts to that sort of thing, rather like the decibel level of your children. The whole incident fell into the good news, bad news category. I had soggy bags of drippy refuse on my sink for several days. I do compost some, but trying to round up all the little messy bits is insane and impossible. So in the end, I was happy as a kid with candy. To say I love my new gadget just isn’t enough. You can hardly hear it! I’m serious. It is just amazing. It sounds just about the same as the old one did after it broke, but quieter. Few things could make me grin bigger. I can see some of you out there rolling your eyes. Truth is, I have always been a sucker for a new appliance. I am not the wife who only gets a thrill from diamond earrings Jean Gillette is a freelance writer with a or a cashmere robe. I wouldn’t thing for shiny, new objects. Contact toss those out, but I would do her at jgillette@coastnewsgroup.com.

Dance and theater workshops ready Sponsored by Area Board 13 of the State Council on Developmental Disabilities, and by the California Arts Council and National Arts and Disability Center at the University of California Los Angeles, Inclusive Theatre and Dance Workshops for teens and adults with disabilities will begin Jan. 21. The program, however, has a goal is a 50percent-each combination of those with and without disabilities. The eight-week inclusive

theater workshop series will run from 2:30 to 4 p.m. Jan. 21 to March 10 at Dance North County, 535 Encinitas Blvd. Suite 100 in the North Coast Business Park. Tuition is $150 for the theater series. The inclusive eight-week series of dance workshops will be held from 4 to 5 p.m. Jan. 21 to March 10 and will include Salsa, country, hip–hop and Motown. Tuition for the dance series is $175. Partial scholarships for both series are available based on need.

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Business news and special achievements for North San Diego County. Send information via e-mail to community@ coastnewsgroup.com. New faces at OMA

DOUBLE DELIGHT January’s free family music program will feature guitarists Arthur Golden and Chan Jenuine at 7 p.m. Jan. 18 in the library’s community room, 3919 Townsgate Drive, playing American folk songs, blues and rags. The program will last 45 minutes. Golden teaches guitar at Palomar College. Jenuine teaches at the City Heights Music School, an educational outreach program of the La Jolla Symphony & Chorus. For further information, call (858) 552-1668. Courtesy photo

Feliccia’s Italian Restaurant & Deli — 33 Years and still going strong DAVID BOYLAN Lick the Plate A restaurant under the same family ownership for more than three decades,in the same location, is worthy of a visit in itself. Add in some very solid homemade, traditional Italian American cuisine and a nice deli full of Italian staples and it should be put on your list of North County restaurants to try. I became aware of Feliccia’s when I met with John Adams from the food truck Epic Eatz, who utilizes their kitchen as his commissary. He introduced me to his uncle, Sam Feliccia, who has been at the helm of this old school joint with his wife Nina since day one. When they told me they have been around for 33 years I needed to know more. I mean really, given all the competition in the Italian space, their longevity is truly amazing. Sam’s roots are in Detroit where his grandfather opened the first Feliccia’s in 1939. I left that meeting with a simple sub sandwich made with their homemade roll, Capocola, olive oil, pepperoncini, and provolone cheese. He mentioned their subs were like “crack” in an addictive kind of way and I thought yeah right,as I’ve had my share of killer subs. I took a sample bite in the parking lot on the way out and that was the end of that. There was no way that sub was making it home as I devoured it on the spot. The simplicity, textures, and quality of the Capocola were what did it. Capocola is similar to the more widely known cured prosciutto, because they are both porkderived cold-cuts that are used in similar dishes. Prosciutto comes from the thigh or hind leg of the pig whereas Capocola is from the shoulder or neck. Feliccia’s has plenty of both in their deli. There is no doubt in my mind I will be mak-

Sam Feliccia and Chef Thomas Mellan in the deli section at Feliccia’s. Photo by David Boylan

ing the drive from Encinitas to Vista on a regular basis for that sub. It’s called Sam’s Special by the way. After Sam’s Special cracked my top five sub list, I quickly made plans to come back for dinner. Having had my share of traditional Italian feasts I made it a point to expend more calories than usual for the couple of days prior and brought along my No. 1 eater friend Chef Michael Zonfrilli.This was not an assignment for the casual eater. Our evening started with a couple Peronis, an Italian lager that goes back to 1846. That went really well with the antipasto platter that included Genoa salami, hard salami, mortadlla, prosciutto, sharp provolone, olives, mushrooms and artichokes. It was a great primer. Next up was an insalada caprese with fresh Roma tomatoes, basil, wet mozzarella and olive oil.Given the time of year, the tomatoes were surprisingly ripe. In the interest of tasting as much as possible, we did a sampler plate of veal parmigiana, Sicilian style chicken, and pasta agli e olio.These are all staples of Italian restaurants, yet there was a certain old-world style at Feliccia’s that really satisfied.The crispy, breaded crusts on the veal and chicken were perfect. Of course, Feliccia’s makes most of what’s on the menu from scratch and the meatballs and Italian sausage that came out next were a

prime example of that.Topped with meat sauce and Romano cheese, they were moist, flavorful, and held their own as a side dish but I was thinking about them on that sub roll that I had for lunch, there could be another lunch run in my near future to give those a try. There is also a nice selection of pizza, salads and desserts including the tiramisu that we somehow managed to split after our feeding frenzy. Our server Lupe suggested a nice Maddalena Merlot that drank well with everything we ate. Any good red table wine or Chianti works with this food and the merlot fit that bill. I did not see anything on the menu more than $18 and most of the entrees were in the $12 to $16 range and for the most part you will be walking away with lunch for the next day. I’d suggest going for breakfast, lunch or dinner and plan to do some shopping on the way out in the fabulous deli. And please, go with an appetite and be prepared to eat food made with soul, from people who are passionate about what they do. Feliccia’s is tucked away in a Vista strip mall at 1011 S. Santa Fe Avenue, Suite C, in Vista. Check them out online at feliccias.com. David Boylan is the founder of Artichoke Creative, an Encinitas based integrated marketing agency. He can be reached at david@artichoke-creative.com.

Oceanside Museum of Art Executive Director, Ed Fosmire, announced changes at the museum in 2012. Former Manager of Programs and Events, Tara Smith, has moved into her new role as Deputy Director. Mitzi Summers, part-time assistant to the director and OMA volunteer, has assumed the position of Manager of Programs and Events.

Valu Plus comes through Thanks to Moore & Associates, needy North County families enjoyed a turkey dinner this past holiday season. For the past 15 years, Moore & Associates have donated turkeys to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Oceanside in lieu of holiday gifts for their clients. A rise in turkey prices threatened this year’s donation but Boys & Girls Club staff suggested that Mary Ann investigate the prices at the local Oceanside market, Valu Plus Food Warehouse. There she found enough turkeys to satisfy the donation at an affordable price, and the donations were made Dec. 22 as 44 turkeys were delivered to families.

Charity event needs organizer Friends of Cardiff & Carlsbad State Beaches is seeking a volunteer event organizer to work on its Christmas in July fundraiser, scheduled for July 28. This will be the fifth year for this family event held at South Carlsbad State Beach. For more information about this opportunity, contact Bill Mahoney, founding board member, at (858) 603-2705 or e-mail bill@fccsb.org or visit FCCSB.org.

3-D art class Carlsbad artist Linda Luisi will offer a fourThursdays “Depth and Dimension” class from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Jan. 19 to Feb. 9 at the Athenaeum School of the Arts, 4441 Park Blvd., San Diego. Learn 3-dimensional TURN TO WHO’S NEWS ON A22



JAN. 13, 2012

Put some ‘Puppy Love’ in your step RANCHO SANTA FE — A little bit of puppy love can go a long way to help make 2012 happy and healthy. Grab a leash and your running shoes for the Feb. 12 third annual Puppy Love 5k run and 1-mile walk benefiting Helen Woodward Animal Center. This year there are two separate courses for runners and walkers (and their four-legged friends) along scenic Highway 101 in Solana Beach. The event also features the Wagging Wellness Village with vendors, food, prizes and activities. “This is such a fun event — it’s not often that people can run or walk a race with their four-legged friends,” said Nedra Abramson, special events and sponsorship manager for the center. “Whether you’re a longtime runner, starting a fitness program as a New Year’s resolution, or you just enjoy taking a morning walk with your dog, you will have a blast at this event. And it’s all for a good cause – proceeds benefit the programs of Helen Woodward Animal Center.” The race begins at 8 a.m. on the corner of Via de la Valle and Highway 101 in Solana Beach, and the festivities last until noon. After the race, runners, walkers and spectators can take part in the Furry Valentine Canine Costume Contest as well as Doga Yoga, canine agility with San Diego Pet Training, and mini classes from Pure Barre La Costa. Dog lovers looking for the right person for them and their dog to love this Valentine’s Day can also participate in “meet your furry match,” a fun match up sponsored by It’s Just Lunch. The race entry is $35 for both runners and walkers and all proceeds from the event support the pets and programs of Helen Woodward Animal Center. For more information or to register, visit Puppyloverun.kintera.org or call (858) 756-4117, ext. 339. Helen Woodward Animal Center is a private, non-profit organization where “people help animals and animals help people.” Founded in 1972 in Rancho Santa Fe, the center provides services for more than 57,000 people and thousands of animals annually through adoptions, educational and therapeutic programs both onsite and throughout the community. Helen Woodward Animal Center is also the creator of the international Home 4 the Holidays pet adoption drive and the Animal Center Education Services program, teaching the business of saving lives to animal welfare leaders from around the world.

YOUNG GARDENERS Oasis Organic School teacher Maria Stephens helps her students plant potatoes in their school’s winter garden. This followed a lesson on seasonal foods and root vegetables. “It is always a joy for children to prepare the soil and then dig a hole to plant something in. Potatoes are fun because they are so big and grow fairly quickly. When they are ready, the children have a great time discovering the buried treasures,” said teacher Maria Stephens. For more information, visit oasisschool.org. Courtesy photo

Group lists top business scams to watch out for The San Diego Better Business Bureau has issued a list of “red flags” to help consumers make 2012 a “scamfree” year. “There is no stronger remedy for fraud that an educated consumer who refuses to be conned,” said Sheryl Bilbrey, San Diego BBB president. “Rough economic times mean that consumer scams and rip-offs are at an all-time high as unscrupulous individuals and companies will rollout every trick in the book. “The fact is, anyone can be scammed. One trusting moment, one bad decision or just bad luck and those hardearned dollars can be gone. Thieves with no consciences are eager to steal more than just your money, they’re stealing people’s hopes and dreams and their security. You do not need to be victim.” To be a savvy consumer

and your own best protector, here is the BBB’s list of 10 common “red flag” danger signals for scams: — Read the fine print before you sign any agreement, fully understand it and make sure it matches what the salesperson told you. Get any promises in writing. Beware of any offer that sounds too good to be true, because it usually isn’t true. — Take your time and investigate before you invest. Avoid easy-money schemes. Be wary if you hear “buy now or forever lose your opportunity to profit.” — Scammers will take advantage of job hunters. Beware of any job offer, including work-at-home schemes or business “opportunities,” that offers big money for little work and no experience. — Beware of high-pres-

Celebrate nature on Tu B’ Shevat North County Jewish Family Services invites residents to “Exploring Tu B’ Shevat” and a nature walk from 1 to 3 p.m. before the Super Bowl kick-off Feb. 5 through the San Diego Botanic Garden, 230 Quail Gardens Drive. Participants should meet at the Visitor’s Center. Registration is required and reservation deadline is Jan. 30. To sign up, visit jfssd.org/naturewalk or call (858) 637-3395. The Tu B’ Shevat holiday marks the New Year of the Trees in which the earliest-blooming trees emerge from their winter sleep and

begin a new fruit-bearing cycle. Activities will include a guided walk through the gardens, potting a plant and other nature-based arts and crafts. Afterward, enjoy exploring the rest of the gardens at a leisurely pace, as participation in this event allows you access to the gardens for the entire day. San Diego Botanic Garden features more than 37 acres of exhibits, including the Hamilton Children’s Garden where children can enjoy hopping through an elephant foot tree forest, playing in a mountain stream and making music.

sure sales pitches that are “good only today.” Be firm in the face of pressure, say “no” and walk away. — Prevent identity theft by protecting your personal information, including Social Security and credit-card numbers. Don’t share private information with strangers over the phone or e-mail. — Don’t believe the hype about a “guaranteed free prize.” If the sweepstakes promoter demands advance fees to cover shipping or to prepay taxes, or asks you to call a 900 number, then it won’t be free. — Beware of “free” trial

offers. After signing up for a “free” trial, you could end up with monthly charges that are hard to stop. — Avoid upfront fees, especially for advance-fee loans or debt relief to become free of debt (more likely, you’ll end up deeper in debt). — Scams have found a comfy home on the Internet, so don’t believe it just because you read it on a website. Obtain a company’s physical address and phone number and verify a business’ reliability with the BBB. — Ask questions before giving money to charities. Give, but give wisely.

Beware of appeals that bring tears to the eyes but tell you little about how they plan to solve the problem they describe so well. Also, be cautious with sound-alike organizations using names that sound similar to legitimate groups. Before buying decisions are made, consumers are encouraged to phone the BBB’s free 24-hour Consumer Helpline at (858) 496-2131 or (800) 600-7050, or visit the website at bbb.org, to obtain free information and a list of BBB accredited businesses in a particular type of industry.


the development of a more creative culture in the Carlsbad Village, which I began nearly 14 years ago. Though my studio was the core of my plan, I don’t see the closing of Snyder Art and Design as a step backwards, but as a shove forward. When a sudden wall blocks your progress, paint it… then in becomes an addi-

tion to your path! Thank you all for your support. I cherish every friendship I have made over the past years and look forward to our next conversation.


three solo art shows and two ‘You Create the Art’ community painting shows, hosted movie nights, designed and distributed local Carlsbad Village calendars, created hundreds of paintings and met thousands of new friends and supporters. Unfortunately, and due to a 100 percent increase in rent, I will be closing my studio after 3 1/2 years of the most creative, inspiring and rewarding years of my life. My last day is Jan. 23. I will miss the many daily visitors whom eagerly looked forward to seeing my newest paintings. I will miss the stage which allowed me to share my techniques and my passions with the public and I will miss working aside all my wonderful neighbors along UpState (N. State Street). As of now, I have no certain future plans. I have poured everything into the goal of encouraging

Bryan Snyder is an artist in Carlsbad

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JAN. 13, 2012


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Sockers team mates swarm Dan Antoniuk after scoring a goal against their rivals the Anaheim Bolts. Benches cleared in the fourth quarter after the Bolts’ frustrations boiled over in the loss 13-6. Photos by Tony Cagala

Sockers remain undefeated, benches clear in brawl against Bolts players and coaches, including a special appearance by the Sockers most winning head coach Ron Newman at half-time. During the ceremony, the Sockers also re-named the PASL championship trophy the “Newman Cup.” The Anaheim Bolts joined the PASL league this season and are 0-3 against the Sockers. “(The Bolts) thought

By Tony Cagala

The rivalry between the San Diego Sockers and the Anaheim Bolts reached new animosities Saturday night during the Sockers crushing win 13-6 at the Del Mar Arena, where the game ended with punches thrown and a bench clearing melee. Sockers mid-fielder Eduardo Velez and Bolts defender Brennan Tennelle were ejected from the game with less than four minutes left in the game. “It’s like a war down there,” said general manager John Kentera, referring to the action on the field. In front of an energized crowd of 2,334, play on the pitch was aggressive, with several warnings being issued by the referees and both penalty boxes being occupied throughout. The bench clearing fight occurred in the fourth quarter when forward Kraig Chiles was making a play for the ball. With frustrations on the Bolts’ side boiling over, Chiles was mixed up with a defender and held down. Velez, coming to the aid of Chiles, intervened and suffered a blow to his eye. The Sockers, who appeared more focused in their game plan, seemed to score at will against the Bolts’ porous defense, with Chiles

that they were going to come in and be one of the top teams, so obviously, everyone is out to get us,” Hetherington said. He went on to say the rivalry simply stems from the proximity of the two cities. The team also defeated the Phoenix Monsoon 10-3 on Sunday night. The Sockers next home game is Jan. 21 against the Turlock Express.

Sockers head coach Phil stands with former Sockers head coach Ron Newman during Saturday’s alumni game.

scoring 5 goals, making him the top scorer in the league, and midfielder/forward Eric Wunderle scoring three times with two assists. “This is one of our stronger team performances, (there was) a lot of chemistry, I thought, tonight, which was kind of missing in the past. It’s great to be out here and be a

part of it and have such a great crowd,” said midfielder Nate Hetherington, who returned to the field after spending a month on the sidelines from a hamstring injury. With the win, the Sockers still remain undefeated on the season, something they take pride in, but don’t talk about too much,

Hetherington said. “All we want to do is play hard for our fans and win games like the Sockers used to,” he added. Saturday’s game signaled the start of the team’s busiest stretch of the season, playing eight games in 22 days. The game also served as Eric Wunderle, left, congratulates Kraig Chiles after scoring another alumni night, honoring past goal. Chiles scored five goals on the night.

La Costa Canyon footballer is ready for the bright lights, big city By Tony Cagala

Roughly 80 high school football players were selected from around the country to play in the first-ever BlueGrey National All Star Classic Jan. 14 and La Costa Canyon senior Evan Denworth will be one of them. Denworth, who’s been playing football since the 5th grade and has become a standout high school athlete, tried out for the Blue-Grey game as a way to test himself against other players from across the country, he said. Tryouts were held throughout the country at NFL stadiums or team prac-

tice facilities. Gus Bell, who is the director of the classic and also owner of Pro-Motion Sports USA, based in Millis, Mass., brought the Blue-Grey game to fruition as a way to highlight certain players that were flying just under college scouts’ radar. Denworth first participated in the combine tryouts at the Dallas Cowboys training site in Oxnard, Calif., and after a successful showing, was invited to the super combine held at Paul Brown Stadium in Canton, OH, where 200 players tried out. La Costa Canyon senior Evan Denworth, making tackle, will be playing in the first-ever Blue-Grey National All “The competition (was) a Star Classic in Florida Jan. 14. Courtesy photo

lot faster, the kids were big, too,” Denworth said. “It was a great opportunity just to fit in with them and to test my abilities,” he added. The combine tested Denworth’s running and jumping skills and football skills. During one of the combines, Denworth earned the nickname “Zeus” by one of the coaches because of his big curly hair and because of the high scores he was putting up, he said. It wasn’t until the fall that Denworth received a letTURN TO ALL STAR ON A21



JAN. 13, 2012

Association helps fund tennis club’s summer celebration By Patty McCormac

RANCHO SANTA FE — At its Jan. 5 meeting, the Association opened the door for the tennis club to try to attract at least one big name to its 50th anniversary celebration this summer. Craig McAllister, a board member of the tennis club, said the planning is already under way for the event scheduled for June 2. It will include local celebrities, exhibition games, ping pong exhibitions and local talent, but to attract crowds, a big name is needed. “We want to get some names,” McAllister said. “Big names will not attend an event unless they are paid.” The Association agreed and voted to give the club $3,000 to help get the celebration off the ground and start the hunt for a major celebrity. McAllister said there are several tennis celebrities living in the Covenant, but he fears they do not want to participate in the celebration because they are protective of their privacy. “We are giving a little time,” said Association

President Jack Queen motioning to the rest of the board. “You are giving a little time,” he said motioning to the members of the tennis club at the meeting. “Maybe we can ask them to give a little time.” McAllister said there are three prongs to planning the event including having a major name, grass roots interest and perhaps a reunion of people who were members in the past. “If we can get the buzz of a reunion, it’s about the people,” he said. The board agreed. “We need the major name, we need the grass roots,” Queen said. “We need the whole shebang.” McAllister said event organizers are planning on putting together a video showing the tennis club and its members through the years. “Maybe we can ask some of those former members for photos,” said Roxana Foxx, director. The Tennis Club was founded in 1962. It features 10 hard courts and two HarTru clay courts. It has one men’s team and several ladies teams, which compete with surrounding clubs.

Generations of children have been taught the sport there. The clubhouse won the Lily Award for carrying on the architecture of the original buildings designed by architect Lilian Rice beginning in the early 1920s. The 3,100-square-foot facility, right next to the Rancho Santa Fe Golf Club, also has a pro shop, activity center and racquet repair. It is at 5829 Via de la Cumbre. For more information about playing tennis, lessons or the 50th anniversary celebration, call Derek or Dophie at the club at (858) 756-4459.

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Register for adult league The City of Carlsbad is now accepting full team registration forms for the 2012 Spring Adult Basketball season. Please visit carlsbadsports.org to download the registration form and for more information. Registration begins Jan. 16 and goes to Feb. 3. Games begin the first week of March, and will be played on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights. Games will be held at Stagecoach and Calavera Hills gymnasiums.



ter in the mail, letting him know he was selected to play for the North squad of the team. The selection process involved coaches looking at video of the players to make sure they weren’t just combine players, Bell said. “We also interviewed them in Canton to see what type of character they had, which is important to us.” “I was excited,” Denworth said. “I was just so happy to be given this opportunity just to be a part of something so big.” Denworth said that it’s a huge opportunity to challenge himself against some of

the top players in the nation. He’s also looking to have a lot fun, too, he said. While he isn’t sure exactly how he’ll be used in game situations, he’s counting on playing more defense, but added that it’s up to the coaches and how well he does in practices. Denworth does plan on playing football in college and has been receiving attentions from several Division I schools from California, Oregon, Utah, Minnesota and Arizona, he said. The Blue-Grey National All Star game will be streamed live on foxsportsflorida.com/pages/prepzone, Jan. 14 at 5 p.m. PST. More information is available at impactprospects.com.


JAN. 13, 2012


Pickling is economical and can create some tasty delights Pickling foods — once the province of old-fashioned grandmothers, now a trendy avocation — is, we all know, a great way to preserve seasonal produce. But some of us may have failed to line our cupboard shelves with jewellike jars of sliced cucumbers, dilled green beans and watermelon rind in brine. No worries. You can “quick pickle” a vegetable or fruit and offer it up immediately as a mouth-puckering side dish, an interesting garnish or part of an appetizer plate. The best thing about quick pickling, as opposed to canning, is that you don’t have to fuss with canning jars, lids, bands, ladles, water baths, tongs and all the other accoutrements of the serious foodpreserving trade.You cook stuff up and serve it ... or maybe keep it for a couple of days,covered, in the fridge. It’s also way cheaper than buying a jar of “artisan” pickles. Restaurant chefs pickle foods all the time, often for use




MARIALISA CALTA Kiss the Cook as a garnish. Colby and Megan Garrelts, chef/owners of Bluestem Restaurant in Kansas City and authors of “Bluestem: The Cookbook” (Andrews McMeel Publishing, 2011), offer up pickled apples,pickled melon rind, pickled bloodorange zest and preserved lemons.Just a touch of these on a plate, or in a recipe, can help elevate your cooking from ho hum to hip. More important, they can wake up a winter palate dulled by heavier foods. The recipe for Pickled Lady Apples comes from the Bluestem cookbook. At the restaurant, the apples are served with a venison roast, but they are recommended for any game meat. They also would work well with roast pork or lamb. down the street to the bank and robbed it. In December, Russell Mace, 55, was caught soon after robbing a Union Savings Bank branch in New Milford, Conn. A bank employee had spotted Mace acting “suspicious” in the parking lot, and indeed, he said, Mace entered, robbed the bank of about $3,000, and fled to a waiting car. Police, however, identified the car, which they had noted from Mace’s recent arrest for shoplifting. (The “suspicious” behavior the bank employee had noticed, he told police, was Mace, pants down, defecating, in plain view among parked cars.)

For the apples: 12 lady apples or 6 small Gala or Jonathan apples Juice of 1 lemon For the pickling: 2 cups water 2 cups sugar 2 cups cider vinegar 1/2 cup gin 1 bay leaf Leaves from 1 bunch fresh sage 3 tablespoons black peppercorns 3 tablespoons coriander seeds 2 tablespoons juniper berries (see note) Zest and juice of 1 lemon Zest and juice of 1 orange For the vinaigrette: 3/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil Salt and freshly ground black pepper For serving: 1/4 cup chopped fresh sage leaves 1/4 cup chopped fresh flatleaf parsley



tive and low-priority projDoughty, as it had been menects” that the federal governtioned at previous board ment currently funds meetings. (announced in December): Peter Smith, covenant $75,000 to promote awareness manager, explained that of the role Michigan plays in before the trees are removed producing Christmas trees they want to make sure that and poinsettias; $48,700 for everyone knows it’s going to promoting the Hawaii happen. Chocolate Festival; $113,227 “We want to make sure for a video game preservation the membership is clear about center in New York; and $764,825 to study something surely already done adeTRAINER quately by Silicon Valley CONTINUED FROM A1 entrepreneurs — how college students use mobile devices euthanasia,” she added. for social networking. Also on Michaels continued her Sen. Coburn’s list: $15.3 mileducation and became certilion in continuing expenses fied by the Association of for the famous Alaskan Cliches Come to Life Professional Dog Trainers, an “bridge to nowhere” that was (1) A 28-year-old man in AKC-certified instructor and widely ridiculed in 2005 but New York City quietly evaluator, an AKC star puppy apparently refuses to die. excused himself the morning trainer and a certified veteriafter his wedding in nary assistant. She was also in Felicitous Discoveries November (at a hotel follow- the first graduating class of (1) Dan D’Amato, 45, par- ing an elaborate reception), the “Training for Trainers” tying in an Orlando, Fla., took a taxi to a Harlem River program at the San Diego motel room in December, was overlook, and jumped to his Humane Society. accidentally shot by a death. According to a relative, Two years ago, Victoria stranger who was having a the man’s suicide note men- Stilwell, host of “It’s Me or the dispute with another partygo- tioned that he “couldn’t take Dog” on Animal Planet, began er. Later, as his wounded hip it anymore.” (2) Luna Oraivej, developing a network of was being treated at a hospi- 37, was ordered in 2010 by a licensed trainers. Michaels tal, doctors discovered and court in Seattle to take an became the 11th of what is removed two “huge” tumors anger- management course to now a network of 50 Stilwellin D’Amato’s abdomen that settle a charge of domestic licensed dog trainers worldhad so far gone unnoticed. violence, but in December wide. The tumors were not cancer- 2011, she sued the creator of “I was thrilled to be able ous but had they not been the course because a fellow to add Linda to the VSPDT found, they would soon have attendee had stabbed her in team,” Stilwell said. “Not only disabled him. (2) At a home in the arm during a classroom does she bring tremendous Taylorsville, Utah, in dispute. (The instructor was academic credentials and December, one housemate playing a video of “Dr. Phil,” extensive training experience who was pursuing a mouse in and Oraivej had urged the to her work, but what really the kitchen accidentally shot classmate to listen to Dr. Phil’s another housemate. As police message, but the classmate investigated, they discovered apparently could not bear it.) WHO’S NEWS a 13-year-old girl hiding in a CONTINUED FROM A18 closet. A third housemate, Least Competent techniques. To register, call Paul Kunzler, 28, was then Criminals arrested and charged with Rookie Mistake: Tyechia (858) 454-5872 or visit ljacarrying on a months-long Rembert, 33, was arrested thenaeum.org. Cost for the sexual relationship with her. and charged with robbing a series: $160 nonmembers; Burger King drive-thru $140 members, plus $8 matePolice Report cashier in York, Pa., in rial fee. John Whittle, 52, was December but only after makcharged in December with ing police officers’ job easier. Youth to Israel Birthright Israel, the robbing a Wells Fargo Bank in After her clean getaway, she Port Richey, Fla. According to called the restaurant to reas- national not-for-profit that police, Whittle ordered a beer sure herself that none of the provides free trips to Israel at the Hayloft Bar shortly witnesses had noted her car’s for young adults, announced after 1 p.m., then excused license plate number. None casino and hotel magnate himself, and a few minutes had, but using cellphone Sheldon Adelson’s gift of $5 later, returned to finish his records, police traced that call million to enable more youth to visit Israel via 10-day trips beer. In the interim, police to Rembert. among peer groups. said later, Whittle had walked

Peel and core the apples. If you are using larger Gala or Jonathan apples, halve or quarter them as necessary. The pieces should be about 3 inches around. Cover them in cold water into which you have squeezed the juice of 1 lemon. Combine 2 cups water, sugar, vinegar, gin, bay leaf, sage leaves, peppercorns, coriander seeds, juniper berries, zest and juices in a large saucepan. Heat the mixture over medium to dissolve sugar. When the mixture has come to a simmer, add apples and cook until tender, about 5 minutes. Drain apples, saving 1 cup of the pickling liquid. Whisk olive oil into the reserved pickling liquid.Season with salt and black pepper to taste. To serve: Gently toss apples with vinaigrette and sprinkle with chopped sage leaves and parsley.Serve immediately. Note: Juniper berries are available at some supermarkets, at natural foods stores and

at merchants such as Penzeys Spices (800-741-7787; www.penzeys.com). Yield: 4 to 6 servings Recipe from “Bluestem: The Cookbook,” by Colby and Megan Garrelts (Andrews McMeel Publishing, 2011).

QUICK-PICKLED BEETS 2 pounds beets, small, if possible 2/3 cup cider vinegar 2/3 cup water 2/3 cup sugar 1 or 2 pods star anise 1/2 teaspoon fennel or anise seeds 1/2 teaspoon whole cloves 1/2 teaspoon whole peppercorns Trim beets, cutting off and discarding roots and any leaves. Wash beets under cold running water. Put them in a large pot, cover with cold water and bring water to a boil.Cook until beets are fork-tender, about 30 minutes (depending on size of beets). Drain beets, allow them to cool and peel them. If they are large, cut them into halves

or quarters. They should be in 3-inch chunks. In a large, nonreactive saucepan, bring vinegar, water, sugar and spices to a boil in a heavy pot. Add beets, reduce heat and simmer, uncovered, at least 10 minutes. Remove beets and cover them to keep warm. Keep cooking the liquid,uncovered,10 to 15 minutes,until it is reduced to a thin syrup. To serve: Drizzle beets with syrup and serve as a side dish. You can cover and refrigerate these up to 2 days. Bring to room temperature before serving. Yield: 4 servings Recipe adapted from “Preserving for All Seasons” by Anne Gardon (Firefly Books, 1999).

Marialisa Calta is the author of "Barbarians at the Plate: Taming and Feeding the American Family" (Perigee, 2005). For more information, go to www.marialisacalta.com.

why these trees are being removed,” he said. “It’s more about notifying our membership there will be an impact.” The Osuna Ranch was purchased several years ago with Open Space Funds for just under $12 million. Its purpose will be an equestrian facility and historical center for the community. The plan is to develop it in phases, the first being bringing it up to county code

requirements, the lot split and selling a single-family dwelling on the ranch. The next phase will include restoring the adobe on the premises. The resealing of roadways in the Covenant is on track, although some of them will require some structural repair, Holler said. “Work will begin on them in late February,” he said. “Resealing is still on

track for the spring months.” The streets set for resurfacing are Lago Lindo, Via Fortuna, Los Morros, Rambla De Las Flores, Las Planideras and Mimulus. The Association meets at 9 a.m. on the first and third Thursdays in the board room of its offices at 17022 Avenida de Acacias in Rancho Santa Fe. To learn more, call (858) 756-1174.

makes her special is her passionate devotion to helping the dog-owning community of Southern California understand the benefits and effectiveness of using positive training methods as opposed to flawed compulsion and dominance-based techniques.” Michaels said she shares Stilwell’s belief that dogs learn best by using scientifically-endorsed, positive-reinforcement and nonaversive training techniques such as praise, treats, toys and harnesses. She added that shock, prong and choke collars can sometimes have the reverse effect, even resulting in aggression. “I believe we can turn this sad situation at shelters around,” Michaels said. “Training should begin as early as possible, eight weeks for puppies and the first day in the new home for rescues.” To do her part, Michaels offers a 10 percent discount to people adopting a rescue dog,

and 15 percent if it is done within the first 30 days. She offers these tips in considering a rescue dog: 1. Get a pre-puppy consultation to determine what type of dog will fit in with your lifestyle and family. 2. Arrive at decisions before you go to the shelter and bond with a dog. 3. Know what you are looking for, what is negotiable, and what won't work for you. 4. Do a temperament test of your own, with your family present, at the shelter. Michaels is often recruited to accompany, and advise, families visiting shelters and breeders. Some clients hire her to combine pet sitting with training. Sadie, an 11-year-old, purebred standard poodle has been training with Michaels this way since she was a puppy. “You spend a lifetime with a dog and things change,” owner Dianna

Huszar said. “Linda always has an answer for me and it always works.” Michaels says that training-oriented pet sitting is one of the most effective ways of improving a dog’s behavior. “I've lived with seven-dog families who were marking all over the house and still not housetrained, and with six barking Bichons,” she said. “I just taught ‘no bark’ in three minutes to a rescue dog.” She added, “Dogs are smart. If we learn to communicate with them in a language they can understand, and by manipulating the resources they want, we get the results we want.” For more information, contact (858) 259-WOOF ( 9 6 6 3 ) , LindaMichaelsPositively@gm a i l . c o m o r WholisticDogTraining.com. Michaels is also founder of San Diego Positive Pet Professionals. Visit meetup.com/San-DiegoPositive-Pet-Professionals/.

For further information or to arrange an interview, call (516) 307-9295 or e-mail amazur1013@gmail.com.

Kevin Mulhern of CB Richard Ellis. MG Properties Group represented itself in the negotiations. The acquisition was financed with a $21.36-million fixed-rate loan from Freddie Mac arranged by Andrew Behrens at CB Richard Ellis Capital Markets.

service to Canine Companions. Most recently, Barrow served as executive director of the American Heart Association’s Inland Empire Division. Barrow also played golf on the Ladies Professional Golf Association tour for 10 years.

Apartment acquisition MG Properties Group, a private San Diego-based real estate investor and operator, announced the purchase of Barham Villas Apartments, a 168-unit multifamily property in San Marcos in the university district of San Marcos, near California State University San Marcos campus. The property was acquired from New Yorkbased TGM Associates L.P., which was represented by

New director for CCC The Southwest Regional Center of Canine Companions for Independence has a new executive director. Barbara Barrow replaces Linda Valliant, who retired in late November after nine years of

BOGO From 1 to 4 p.m. Jan. 21 Seaside Market is hosting a buy-one-get-one-free open house. In a farmer’s market setting, learn about local purveyors exhibiting their products at “Taste of Seaside Market.”



JAN. 13, 2012

You don’t have to turn the page on those old calendars You’ve probably replaced your old calendar with a new one. Did you throw last year’s calendar away? There are plenty of ways to reuse it. I’m fond of calendars that have recipes, so I can later pick my favorite pages and save them in a binder. Many have beautiful pictures that can be saved. Visit www.handyfacts.com/calendar.html to see how you can make your old calendar good as new by saving it for an upcoming year whose dates match up. How have you reused your old calendars? Here are a few suggestions:

SARA NOEL Frugal Living Puzzles: Cut the photos into puzzle pieces for young kids. No fancy scissor work required; simply cut them into squares. Add a cardboard or card stock backing to make them more sturdy. Bookmarks: Cut and laminate them with contact paper to make bookmarks. Rewards: One reader, I.C. from Georgia, shares: “I let my students pick pic-

tures out of calendars as rewards for doing what they should. This works really well if the calendar has lots of kitten, puppy, sports or car pictures.” Binder decorations: Three-ring binders with images on the cover are quite a bit more costly than their plain counterparts. Students can slide a calendar picture into binders that have a clear pocket sleeve and switch them out on a regular basis throughout the upcoming year. Gift tags and envelopes: Cut calendar images to use as gift tags for special occasions. Punch a hole and attach it with

ribbon or simply tape the tag to the gift. Another reader, Marie from New York, adds: “Visit ivyjoy.com/printcards/envelope.html for a template to make envelopes out of old calendars, or use any envelope you already have as a template to trace.” Learning tools: Cut the month names out and use them as flashcards for young children to learn each month of the year. You can create a matching game by cutting out the numbered squares. Preschoolers and kindergarteners can practice their numbers by writing in each square, too. Another reader, Diane from

Iowa, shares: “I used old calendars with my students as story starters, or to help them generate ideas for descriptive essays about the people or the scenes. I’ve also cut out and used the numbers as a way of drawing for chores, turns, etc. Whoever got No. 1 got the first turn.” School lockers: Kids enjoy decorating their lockers and can use the calendar pictures in their own lockers or use them to decorate their friends’ lockers on birthdays. Origami: They won’t work well for all paper-folding projects, but old calendars are great for making

folded boxes or paper beads. Visit instructables.com/id/Howto-Make-Paper-Beads/ for a paper bead-making tutorial. Check your local library for origami books such as “Trash Origami: 25 Paper Folding Projects Reusing Everyday Materials” by Michael G. LaFosse and Richard L. Alexander. Sara Noel is the owner of Frugal Village (www.frugalvillage.com), a website that offers practical, money-saving strategies for everyday living. To send tips, comments or questions, write to Sara Noel, c/o Universal Uclick, 1130 Walnut Street, Kansas City, MO, 64106, or email sara@frugalvillage.com.

Be realistic about what Botox can fix City reviews general plan DEAR DOCTOR K: I’d like to do something about my wrinkles. Is Botox a good choice? DEAR READER: Botox is a brand name for botulinum toxin type A. This treatment for wrinkles and frown lines has gained quite a following since it was introduced in the late 1980s. Botulinum toxin is made naturally by certain bacteria. It’s a nerve poison. If the toxin gets into the body, such as from eating contaminated meat, it can cause serious disease. But injecting very low concentrations of the toxin into overactive muscles can relax them.The effect lasts for three or four months. The constant tug of overactive muscles beneath the skin is a major cause of wrinkles and frown lines. Botox can temporarily smooth a wrinkled face, brow or neck. Over time, Botox prevents deeper, more permanent facial lines from forming. The injections are relatively affordable, starting at about $300 per treatment. They have very few risks and require no recovery time. (Bear in mind you must repeat the injections every few months to maintain their effect.) Botox works on muscles in the face and neck that control facial expressions. It blocks these muscles from contracting. As these muscles

DOCTOR K Second Opinion relax, creases in the skin smooth out. And because the muscles can’t contract, new creases don’t form. Botox procedures take just minutes and don’t cause much discomfort. You may notice mild redness for a few hours, minor headaches or occasionally minor bruising. You should be able to hide this bruising with makeup. You may worry that Botox injections will leave you with an unnatural expression or with frozen or uneven features. But when done well, Botox injections shouldn’t drastically change your ability to form facial expressions. It helps to be realistic about what Botox will and will not accomplish. Botox acts on so-called dynamic wrinkles.

These are the lines etched by facial expressions such as laughing, smiling, frowning, wincing, squinting and pursing your lips. However, Botox does not effectively treat the deep creases that extend from nose to mouth. It also doesn’t improve the appearance of wrinkles that form due to aging or ongoing sun exposure. Botox is best known as a treatment for wrinkles and frown lines. However, it also is effective in treating many other conditions: neck muscle spasms, twitching eyelids, excessive sweating and possibly even migraine headaches. We have a lot more information on skin rejuvenation procedures in our Special Health Report, “Skin Care and Repair.” You can find out more about it at my website. Make sure that your Botox procedure is handled by a trained, licensed practitioner. The health professionals who give Botox treatments


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include plastic surgeons, dermatologists, dentists, nurse practitioners and physician assistants. If you are thinking of having a Botox procedure, do some homework. Get recommendations from your doctor. Ask the practitioner about the number of procedures he or she has done. Not surprisingly, the more experience a practitioner has, the better the result is likely to be. Dr. Komaroff is a physician and professor at Harvard Medical School. Go to his website to send questions and get additional information: www.AskDoctorK.com.

The city of Encinitas is conducting a comprehensive update of its General Plan that sets forth the policies, goals and objectives to help guide land use and citywide decisions for the next 20plus years. The city’s various commissions have been asked to review and comment on the draft General Plan. Each commission would review portions of the draft policy document and provide comments to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission would then review the comments from the various commissions and

provide additional comments for consideration by the City Council. Project information is available for review at the Planning and Building Department at 505 S.Vulcan Ave. Public hearings will occur later in the process. The purpose of these commission meetings is to solicit input from city commissions; and to provide additional opportunities for public comment on the draft General Plan. To subscribe to city ealerts to receive email notifications log onto encinitas2035.info.



JAN. 13, 2012

Dolce Pane E Vino offers sense of wonder always looking for Alice in Wonderland to sit next to me in the bar, ordering up one of those fabulous wines that are racked up throughout the FRANK wine bar and restaurant area. MANGIO The room is at once cozy, Taste of Wine beautiful and fascinating, with the charm of old-world Tucked away in a small Italy. Dolce Pane E Vino shopping center in Rancho means sweet bread and wine Santa Fe, Dolce Pane E Vino in Italian and was created by has this pixie-like atmosphere Dr. Anthony Smith almost two to it, to the point that I am years ago, but really hit its stride when Steve Flowers came in as general manager, with his passion for worldclass wine excellence. Details later, but I want to get into more of the “wow” architec• Experienced, Professional, Trusted & Effective tural touches that blew me • Private Lessons and Group Instruction away. • In-Kennel Training Programs A quick smile and a dose • Open, Spacious Training Grounds of merriment comes to all LIMITED ENROLLMENT AVAILABLE who snuggle into the familyCALL TODAY FOR INFORMATION Chef John Weimann, left, and General Manager Steve Flowers of Dolce Pane E Vino, share a glass style tables that are crafted Executive in their wine bar and small-bites restaurant in Rancho Santa Fe. Photo by Frank Mangio for sharing, and the lighting with Italian glass that drops many fireflies. Italian-style wine minerality.” — Il Forniao in Del Mar 464 Cole Ranch Road • Encinitas • CA 92024 down from the ceiling like so www.encinitasobedience.com Two more reasons to get starts its 2012 Festa OK, let’s get to what most customers come in for — to know Dolce Pane E Vino. Regionale with the cuisine of spectacular cuisine and that One is the imported artisan Lombardia Italy, now through specially selected, handcraft- cheeses “to go” case, affec- Jan. 15. Featured wine is a ed wine that will keep you tionately known as the red, Castello di Luzzano with “Formaggeria.” The second is Malvasia grapes. Call (858) smiling. Executive Chef John the exclusive membership 755-8876 for details. Weimann on selected menu Reserve 100. This wine pro— PAON in Carlsbad has creations: “My salad is a gram gives access to top-tier a Napa/Sonoma Tasting in its seared Hamachi fresh fish wines at great values from the wine bar Jan. 12 to Jan. 18. with arugula, orange and gin- top winemakers in the world. Six pours for $14. Call (760) Every other month mem- 729-7377 for times. ger vinaigrette mixed. On top, a sliced avocado with mixed bers will receive two bottles — Exploring Italy is the citrus and fennel. Also fried each of three ultra-fine wines wine tasting event theme for shallot with Uzu Juice and with tasting notes, reviews Meritage Wine Market in house-made lemon oil.” and food-pairing ideas. A typ- Encinitas from 6 to 8 p.m. Jan. ical recent trio of wines 13. Cost is $20. Details at Perfect. Flowers on the entrée: included: 2005 Col Solare (760) 479-2500. “It’s a Wild King Salmon Blend, 94 points; 2007 — Wine Styles in Howell Encinitas has a jazz trio perserved on a cedar plank, wood O’Shaughnessy fired in the open oven, gar- Mountain Napa, 95 points; forming with a Super 6 nished with sea salt and and the 2007 Quintessa Tasting from 5 to 8 p.m. Jan. This completely remodeled 1975 Weir built adobe home located in the heart of the Rancho Santa charred asparagus, drizzled Rutherford Red Meritage, 95 14. Cost is $12 per person. Fe Covenant beautifully weaves together Spanish rusticism and California Ranch style. Very enwith lemon and saba.” He points. Make it into this won- Call (760) 633-0057 for ergy efficient, this unique 3BR/3BA home has all the comforts and conveniences of a new home went on about the wine derland of mirth and merri- details. while thoughtfully preserving the historic charm and style of years past. selected. “A white Barola ment by accessing dolcepa— Cabernet Franc from Bianca from Piedmont Italy, neevino.com or calling (858) Around the World is planned Listed at $3,099,000. Open House Saturday, Jan 14 11am-4pm. vintage 2009. It has crispy 832-1518. for 2 to 8:30 p.m. Jan. 14 at fruit that comes through the Wine Bytes Bacchus Wine Market in the Amanda Shelley, Lic #01897456, Windermere Signature Properties, 858-431-6152 Gaslamp San Diego. Cost is — San Diego County’s $20. Get the names at (619) Restaurant Week is Jan. 15 236-0005. through Jan. 20 with more than 180 restaurants offering a three-course prix-fixe din- Frank Mangio is a renowned wine conner menu ranging from $20 to noisseur certified by Wine Spectator. $40 each. In my neighbor- His library can be viewed at www.tastehood, Encinitas, check out ofwinetv.com. (Average Google certified Bentley’s, Chart House, 900 visits per day) He is one of the top Ciccioti’s, Firefly, Firenze and five wine commentators on the Web. Via Italia. Reach him at mangiompc@aol.com.



5807 Lago Lindo - The Classic Adobe

JAN. 13, 2012





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Automotive 900

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JAN. 13, 2012


SOUP TO NUTS by Rick Stromoski

FRANK & ERNEST by Bob Thaves

THE BORN LOSER by Art & Chip Sansom

BIG NATE by Lincoln Peirce

Friday, Jan. 13, 2012 An unfulfilled ambition of yours has a good chance of being gratified in the year ahead, but only if you stick with it. Where you previously met with defeat, you may now get a new opportunity that will grant you success. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- You could emerge victorious if you aren't afraid to take a well-calculated risk. In order to accomplish your aims, you might have to be a bit more assertive than usual. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- A condition that is imbued with negative overtones can be altered in your favor. Someone who has much more experience than you will be the liberating factor. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- A job or project that you can't handle on your own can be achieved with the help of another party. The aid will come from somebody with whom you have worked previously. ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- If you see something you could do but that has not been asked of you, don't ignore it, do it. Special acknowledgement and/or rewards will be given to the person who does good work and goes the extra furlong. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- This could be an especially good day socially for you. If you are fortunate enough to get

an invitation to an event where you could meet new people, grab your hat and spats and get moving. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- If the entire family pulls together when a financial issue threatens to rock the boat, you can withstand any untoward effects that would have otherwise come of it. CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- In order to feel satisfied, you could need to seek out some active mental and physical outlets. Don't make any commitments that you can't wriggle out of; keep your day open for sudden treks. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- If you run across a channel that could bring you more money, give it your top priority immediately. Current conditions favor adding to your income. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Whether it's normal for you or not, you'll have excellent managerial skills, so don't back off if someone tries to tell you otherwise. You're right, the other person is wrong. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- There may be someone whom you'd like to help, but in order to do so, you might have to let this person feel that he or she is helping you. Some people have too much pride to accept assistance. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- Rubbing shoulders with people who have clout in your field of endeavor could be beneficial. As long as you don't foist your plans on anybody, business can be combined with fun. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -You're apt to be in a stronger position than you realize where your career is concerned. Be alert, because opportunities are breaking out in several directions simultaneously.


"UCTJ UT WFJL NRYTRJT UCR by Luis Campos FN SXPZT, WVJ, FJGTKKFETJG Celebrity Cipher PJL KRZFJE, UT CPZT GR cryptograms are created from quota- G C P J B G C T V J F Z T X N T . " â • „ tions by famous YPAP PJETKRV MONTY by Jim Meddick

people, past and present. Each letter in the cipher stands PREVIOUS SOLUTION: “It’s fine to celebrate success, but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.” — for another. Bill Gates TODAY'S CLUE:

S equals B

ARLO & JANIS by Jimmy Johnson


COW & BOY by Mark Leiknes



JAN. 13, 2012

Walk/run planned to benefit ill children, their families The third annual Mitchell Thorp Foundation (MTF) 5K Walk/Run will be held at 9 a.m. Jan. 21 at Thorp Field in Carlsbad’s Poinsettia Park, 6600 Hidden Valley Road. The event raises money to support families whose children are suffering with life-threatening illnesses, diseases or disorders. MTF has distributed $126,000 to assist more than 18 challenged families in the San Diego region. In addition to participation by individual walkers and runners, businesses can support the event in two ways — through sponsorship levels with appropriate company logo, signage, website and publicity acknowledgement throughout the event and raffle items. To register for the MTF 5K Walk/Run, for information, or to make a donation, visitmitchellthorp.org. Walkers and runners can also sign up at the event at 9 a.m. In addition to the 5K Walk/Run, participants will be treated to a live DJ; the Lancer Dancers; the Trunk’s Band, a local teen group; interactive kids games; and an array of fun prizes and activities, including raffles and contests. For more information

visitmitchellthorp.org or call (760) 603-8853. Funds generated from the MTF Walk/Run will again go to the Foundation; a nonprofit, public benefit 501 (c) (3) organization, founded by the Thorp family, whose son, Mitchell, battled an undiagnosed illness and lost his fight at the age of 18. Payments are made directly to the vendor’s for medical expenses not covered, including transportation, medical equipment, and more; and 90 percent of all funds raised go to support qualified families. Applications come in weekly for assistance; and to date MTF is supporting over 18 families, according

AWARENESS DAY 01/21/12 1-3 pm Downtown, Vista

to Karen Pearson, a spokesperson for the MTF. Newest among the beneficiaries is 2-year-old Connor Dalby, who has West Syndrome, a severe form of epilepsy that rarely responds to medication. “The specific purpose of the Foundation is to help as many children and families in the community as possible,” said Brad Thorp, MTF president and father of Mitchell. “Proceeds generated from our event will provide emotional and financial support to help reduce the stresses faced by those courageously battling the myriad of illnesses, and other diseases and disorders.”

Every year, people are tricked or forced into a life no one would choose— Sold into prostitution and the sex trade, Locked up in sweat shops and Made to work for little or no pay. ANG PANGANGALAKAL NG MGA TAO AY ISANG MABIGAT NA KRIMEN


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They are victims of Human Trafficking

Educating and Raising Awareness of Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation of Children. Soroptimist International of Vista, CA North San Diego County Human Trafficking Collaborative www.soroptimist.org In San Diego, BSCC Human Trafficking Hotline: (619) 666-2757 www.bsccoalition.org Outside San Diego, National Human Trafficking Resource Center: 888-3737-888



JAN. 13, 2012

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