Rancho Santa Fe News

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VOL. 7, NO. 23

DEC. 2, 2011


Patrol member honored By Patty McCormac

TROT IT OUT The Community Center

stimulate the natural healing process. She does this by also using a pendulum, crystals, Australian flower essences and Tibetan bowls and bells. Following treatment, she makes recommendations to her clients as to how they can retain the health benefits they’ve received. “I am a true believer in positive thinking and affirmations,” she said. “It is essential that we not dwell on negativity or live in the past.” She adds that it is important to find time to meditate and laugh, even when you don’t feel like it. “I tell everyone to go to the mirror and hug and kiss yourself,” she said. “If we don’t love ourselves, we can’t love others.This is one reason for illness.” Noel’s clients range from infants who’ve experienced trauma during birth to seniors in their 90s dealing with the

RANCHO SANTA FE — The Nov. 17 meeting of the Association was short and to the point, slightly longer than the shortest meeting record at 21 minutes. First on the agenda was the recognition of Rick Petoscia, who earned a fiveyear pin for service to the Rancho Santa Fe Patrol. Matt Wellhouser, chief of the patrol, told the board that Petoscia is a Navy veteran who served in both Desert Storm and Desert Shield. He was a military policeman who retired after 20 years. Next, in an ongoing effort RICK to recognize PETOSCIA local businesses, the owners of Country Squire were introduced. Country Squire is a gift shop featuring linens, gift baskets, chocolate, robes and gowns for women, gourmet items and more. Located at 6009 Paseo Delicias, the shop is owned by Peter and Carolyn Jensen, who said they were honored to be highlighted. “It is wonderful to be a service to the community and we appreciate the loyalty,” Carolyn Jensen said. “We are definitely a potpourri, a little bit of this and a little bit of that.” She said holiday shopping hours will be Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. “If Peter is there, the coffee pot is on, so stop in and have a cup of coffee,” she added. Jack Queen, Association president, said a perfect day of Christmas shopping would be spending the day shopping in the village at shops including the Country Squire and enjoying a couple of meals at local eateries. In other Association news, Ivan Holler, Covenant administrator, reported the finalization of the two-lot subdivision and major use permit of the Osuna



hosted more than 100 people for the inaugural B1 RSF Turkey Trot

HOLIDAY SWING Take a sentimental journey back to a time when big bands ruled with the Rancho Santa Fe A5 Big Band


Arts & Entertainment . . A5 Baby Boomer Peace . . . A13 Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . A5 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . B9 Comics . . . . . . . . . . . . . B10 Eye Spy . . . . . . . . . . . . . A6 Lick the Plate . . . . . . . . B6 Machel’s Ranch . . . . . . A14 Odd Files . . . . . . . . . . . . A3 Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . . A4 Pet of the Week . . . . . . A12 Ranch History . . . . . . . . A4 Sea Notes . . . . . . . . . . . A13 Small Talk . . . . . . . . . . . B1 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A7 Taste of Wine . . . . . . . . A10 Who’s News? . . . . . . . . . B4

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A VISIT FROM SANTA Santa, played by Rancho Santa Fe Rotary Club President Alan Balfour, asks Emmett Nivaud, 4, what he wants for Christmas at the Sassy Santa fundraiser, which was a joint effort between the Rotarians and the Garden Club. See full story on page B7. Photo by Patty McCormac

Local ‘healer’ offers peace of mind and body By Lillian Cox

Blanca Noel has developed a loyal following in the community for her ability to restore her clients to health by integrating science and spirituality. She uses the same tools to help terminally-ill patients transition through the dying process to the “other side.” Noel has been a healing arts professional for more than 25 years.Approximately 65 percent of her work involves Upledger CranioSacral Therapy, a methodology developed by osteopathic surgeon Dr. John Upledger. “I monitor the rhythm of cerebrospinal fluid surrounding and protecting the brain and spinal cord, then I correct restrictions which inhibit functioning of the central nervous system,” she said. “The rest is energy work because we are all beings of energy and light. It is a reality of another dimension.” Noel explains that she is able to communicate with the human body in a telepathic

Blanca Noel integrates science and spirituality to restore clients to health, and assist terminally-ill patients through the dying process. She volunteers her expertise at the Integrative Medicine Program at the San Diego Cancer Research Institute in Encinitas. Photo by Lillian Cox

process she calls, “soul dialoging.” Most of her work can’t be perceived by the five senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. “The Divine transports me to the higher dimension where everything is energy and light — and it is just as real as what

you see with your eyes,” she said. “It is when you are in that dimension that healing can take place, not necessarily of the physical body but the totality of self.” Noel emphasizes that she is not special, and that anyone can learn how she is able to



DEC. 2, 2011



DEC. 2, 2011

ODD Relations improve between fair board, cities FILES


By Bianca Kaplanek

The last dictator? Was Moammar Gadhafi the last of the “buffoon dictators,” asked BBC News in October. His legend was earned not merely with his now-famous, dirty-old-man scrapbook of Condoleezza Rice photos. Wrote a BBC reporter, “One day (Gadhafi) was a Motown (backup) vocalist with wet-look permed hair and tight pants. The next, a white-suited comic-operetta Latin American admiral, dripping with braid.” Nonetheless, Gadhafi had competition, according to an October report in the journal Foreign Policy.For example,the son of Equatorial Guinea’s dictator owns, among other eccentric luxuries, a $1.4 million collection of Michael Jackson memorabilia. North Korea’s Kim Jong Il owns videos of almost every game Michael Jordan ever played for the Chicago Bulls.

Leading Economic Indicators • In March, William Ernst, 57, owner of the QC Mart chain of Iowa convenience stores, excitedly announced a company-wide employee contest with a prize of $10 for guessing the next worker that Ernst will fire for breaking rules. “Once we fire the person, we will open all the envelopes (containing the entries), award the prize, and start the contest again.” Ernst added, “And no fair picking Mike Miller from (the Rockingham Road store). He was fired at around 11:30 a.m. for wearing a hat and talking on his cell phone. Good luck!!!!!!!!!!” (After firing a cashier who had complained about Ernst’s attitude, he challenged the woman’s unemployment-compensation claim, but in October, a judge ruled in her favor.) • Even in a flagging economy, Christie’s auction house in New York City was able to attract a record sales price for a photograph. In November, a 1999 photo by German artist Andreas Gursky, of a scenic view of the Rhine River, sold for $4.3 million. (It is possible, of course, that buying the actual waterfront property that Gursky photographed from — to enjoy the same view every day — would have been less expensive.) • Unfortunately, Manulife Financial Corp. is a Canadian firm, and thus it had a very bad year. If exactly the same company had been magically relocated to anywhere in the United States, it would have had an outstanding year. Under Canada’s hard-nosed accounting rules, Manulife was forced to post a loss last year of $1.28 billion.However, under the more feel-good U.S. accounting rules,according to the company, it would have shown a profit of $2.2 billion and been flush with $16 billion more in shareholder value. • Following October arrests by Nigeria’s Abuja Environmental Protection TURN TO ODD FILES ON A12

The oftentimes acrimonious relationship between officials at the Del Mar Fairgrounds and the adjacent north and south cities seems to be improving, thanks in part to five new board members at the 22nd District Agricultural Association, which governs the 400-acre facility. Representatives from Del Mar and Solana Beach have complained for years about impacts on those cities from the San Diego County Fair, horse race meet and approximately 300 other annual events held at the fairgrounds. Although the two cities receive some benefits from fairgrounds activities, they say traffic, noise and light negatively impact residents. They also claim they don’t receive anywhere near full reimbursement for the public safety services they provide. On June 9, the day before this year’s fair began, Gov. Jerry Brown’s office told three 22nd DAA board members, effective immediately, they were not reappointed to their positions. In August two others received the same news and five new members were named. Since then city adminis-

trators from Del Mar and Solana Beach have met with Lisa Barkett, Tom Chino, David Lizerbram, Frederick Schenk and David Watson. “These have been pleasant conversations,” Del Mar Mayor Don Mosier said. “They’ve been respectful … and I think they’ve been productive. “We’ve talked about how the city and the fairgrounds have certain shared objectives, including increasing local visitors and increasing business opportunities, and how we can begin to mitigate some of the negative impacts the fair operation has on our city, particularly the traffic impacts and protection of the environmental resources around the fairgrounds,” he said. “Tom Chino and David Watson seem to be more attuned to the city’s interests than perhaps the other members, but I think we’re getting some traction with the board,” Mosier said. “I believe we’ve opened up a dialogue,” Del Mar Councilman Mark Filanc said. “I think we have a significant shift … where we’re listened to with both respect, for one, and understanding that we do have legitimate issues,” he said. “It’s definitely a positive

shift with the new fair board members.” Solana Beach Mayor Lesa Heebner said Watson “brings a new energy,” and her colleague Dave Roberts described him as a “takecharge gentleman.” “He came up with some suggested plans for us to accomplish — things that we could agree on,” Heebner said. Representatives from both cities are particularly pleased with proposals to mitigate the impacts from two extra days that are being added to the 2012 fair before that event begins. Talks are already under way for a shuttle between the two cities and the fairgrounds. “There seems to be a real commitment to getting that done pretty quickly,” Mosier said. “There’ll be a working group appointed that includes some Del Mar representatives, (Del Mar Village Association) representatives, some people from Solana Beach and us. “I really appreciate the fact that we’ve got a real deadline to meet, which is not so far away,” he said. Mosier said the second mitigation measure is improving communication about

public transit routes to the fairgrounds, particularly from East County and downtown San Diego. “That timetable is again to be done before the beginning of fair season next year so those are two positive steps,” Mosier said. Roberts said there was also talk about redirecting traffic as it leaves the fairgrounds. Under the current plan, visitors are steered away from Solana Beach, which eliminates the possibility of visiting businesses in that community. According to Roberts, Watson said he wanted a new traffic plan implemented before the 2012 fair. “And he said, ‘You need to add a wedge to the DAA budget for this,’” Roberts said. “And he said, ‘I want it done by experts. I want a real traffic person to design this thing.’ “I was really impressed by this new energy level,” Roberts said. “Mayor Don Mosier said he really wants to improve relationships between our two communities and wants to work continually to do that so that we have dialogues on what is important for us,” Roberts said. Representatives from

Del Mar and Solana Beach share the same goals when it comes to mitigating impacts from the fairgrounds. But when Del Mar was proposing to buy the state-owned facility — a deal that is currently on hold in Sacramento — officials from the two cities differed on who should buy it and how it should be governed. “The only tension between Solana Beach and Del Mar had to do with the governance model were the fairgrounds to be sold,” Mosier wrote in an e-mail. “Since the sale has become less likely, the issue … has become less relevant,” he wrote. “I believe that we are in full agreement with Solana Beach on most regional issues, and we share their interest in reducing negative impacts of the 22nd DAA on traffic and local businesses.” Heebner agreed but said she and her colleagues remain staunchly opposed to Del Mar ownership. “We don’t believe it will fulfill the goals both cities have,” she said. The 22nd DAA also created a transparency subcommittee so more meetings are conducted publically. “I think that was also another good thing,” Roberts said.

Police arrest ex in connection with murdered Carlsbad woman By Shelli DeRobertis

The body of a Carlsbad woman was found Nov. 25 in a remote location in San Diego County, one day after an extensive search by police, one day after her 34th birthday and the day after she was reported missing. Kathleen Cary Scharbarth died of strangulation, according to the San Diego County Medical Examiner’s Office. Her ex-boyfriend is jailed on kidnapping and murder charges. Carlsbad Police Chief Gary Morrison held a press conference Nov. 26, before the medical examiner’s identification of Scharbarth was

of Fallbrook,” released, and said the Robles department found a body Morrison said. Robles is described as a that closely matched the description of Scharbarth: Hispanic male, 5-feet-11white female adult, 34, 5- inches tall who weighs 225 pounds. feet-5-inches tall, 125 Robles was pounds, long blonde booked into the hair and blue eyes. Vista jail and held He also confirmed without bail, accordthe arrest of ing to court records; Scharbarth’s 43-yearhe was arraigned old former boyfriend. Nov. 29. “From the first KATHLEEN Lt. Paul notification of the CARY Mendes, of the missing person call Police Thursday morning, SCHARBARTH Carlsbad Department, said members of the Carlsbad Police Department that a call was made to police worked around the clock on a early Thanksgiving morning very solid investigation that by Scharbarth’s current has resulted in the arrest of boyfriend, who reported that suspect Michael David she was missing from her

the California home, the door was discov- ing ered unlocked and her 13- Department of Justice year-old daughter was sleep- Division. A trust fund has been ing inside. Scharbarth had last set up for Scharbarth’s daughter, who is been seen near her resicurrently residing dence at the 3100 block with family. of Via Puerte in The money is Carlsbad, east of to help cover Melrose Avenue, on future education Wednesday night, Nov. costs and living 23, according to police. expenses, accordAccording to variMICHAEL ous news reports, DAVID ROBLES ing to Carlsbad police. Scharbarth had recently Those who wish to filed a restraining order donate to the Madison against Robles. As part of the investiga- Scharbarth Fund can contact tion, police searched the California Bank and Trust’s homes of both the victim and Encinitas branch at 135 Robles, and said several Saxony Road or call (760) agencies helped out, includ- 436-5226.

Community Resource Center’s Bishop’s School holiday basket drive needs food hosts Christmas tea The Encinitas-based Community Resource Center (CRC) has begun set up of the 29th annual Holiday Baskets program at the Del Mar Fairgrounds, and faces record demand amid critical lows in food supplies. More than 1,600 local volunteers and 200 groups and organizations are collecting and sorting donated food, blankets, outerwear, toys, bicycles, baby items and more for CRC’s annual Holiday Baskets program. The greatest focus is on food this year because of the shortfalls, and CRC is appealing to the public for help. Visit the CRC website at crcncc.org or contact Suzie Colby at scolby@crcncc.org or (760) 230-6305 for more information. “We collected and distributed 46 tons of food last

year for Holiday Baskets and the need is already 10 percent over last year and growing,” said CRC Executive Director Laurin Pause. Holiday Baskets is the largest distribution of its kind in the county, Pause said, and closed its registration after a record 1,550 households, equating to an estimated 7,000 individuals, were enrolled. An additional 650 families who asked for assistance will not be helped. “We are already beyond capacity, and the number of inquiries that continue to come in since we have closed registration is staggering,” Pause said. “CRC is already looking into all additional food resources to help those families through what we know will be a tough winter.” “This year, CRC stock-

piles for the holidays are at an all-time and critical low. We’ve had so many families, children, and seniors coming to us for help throughout the year that we haven’t been able to set aside food for the holidays,” Pause said. CRC noted the added challenge of delays and decreases in federal food allotments. “Our decrease was nearly 22 percent, and we only recently received our first and only FEMA allotment,” she said. “CRC also runs a year-round, self-sufficiency program that includes weekly food assistance to more than 300 households in need in the North County region, and has been struggling to keep up with a growing population of those who face choosing between food and rent.”

The Bishop’s School in La Jolla is celebrating the holidays with its 22nd annual Christmas Tea, according to Micki Olin, Christmas Tea Committee CoChairwoman and CoChairwoman Lydia McNeil. “Dreaming of a White Christmas,” will be held from 1:30 to 4 p.m. Dec. 2 in the Ellen Browning Scripps Hall on the school’s campus, 7607 La Jolla Blvd. The tea includes a concert performed by the Bishop’s Singers; tea tastings from Amy Marren of Something Homemade, Melissa Swanson, Michele Coulon Dessertier, Tea Upon Chatsworth and the school’s own food service director, Sara Sweet; with honored tea pourers, including Head of School Aimeclaire Roche. “Thanks to the tireless

efforts of the Christmas Tea Committee and its Chairs, the event opens the holiday season and, for me, brings that perfect dash of tradition and festivity to our community,” said Roche. “If the holidays are about looking forward as well as back and about appreciating family and friends, there is no better event at which to share some cheer with the Bishop’s alumni, neighbors, staff and faculty, and past as well as current parents who will attend. And, as someone who grew up on the East Coast, my Christmases have always been filled with snow, so I am particularly thrilled at this year’s theme, ‘A White Christmas,’ and all the snowy, merry sparkle it will bring!” For information about The Bishop’s School, visit bishops.com.



Views expressed in Opinion & Editorial do not necessarily reflect the views of Rancho Santa Fe News.


COMMUNITY COMMENTARIES The Community Commentary section is open to everyone. Opinions expressed in the Community Commentary section are in no way representative of The Coast News Group. Send submissions no longer than 700 words to news@coastnewsgroup.com. Submission does not guarantee publication.

Thankful for my America By Gene Lyons

RANCH HISTORY Wishing Well Hotel

Fine dining

El Ranchito guest ranch, 1940s

Enjoying the cuisine in the elegant Don Quixote room are Patricia Manion and her daughter Holly. The room was painted with scenes from the novel “Don Quixote.” All of the wall paintings, wood and stained glass detailing in the hotel were designed by artist James Hubbell, whose mother, Julia Larrea, owned the hotel. Photo courtesy the Manion family collection.

The guest ranch was known for greeting its guests with genuine California hospitality. Later it became known as the Wishing Well Hotel. Eventually the property was sold and subdivided. Today, Los Eucalyptus is the name of the street that leads to the many houses that occupy this beautiful setting.

Autographed copies of the book are available at the Rancho Santa Fe Historical Society, 6036 La Flecha. Call (858) 756-9291 or e-mail rsfhistorical@sbcglobal.net for more information. Photos courtesy of Arcadia Publishing, taken from “Rancho Santa Fe,” $21.99. Available at local retailers, online bookstores, or at www.arcadiapublishing.com.

Contact a Reporter CARLSBAD CHRISTINA MACONE-GREENE cmaconegreene@coastnewsgroup.com

P.O. Box 232550, Encinitas, CA 92023-2550 • 760-436-9737 www.ranchosfnews.com • Fax: 760-943-0850

DEL MAR / SOLANA BEACH BIANCA KAPLANEK bkaplanek@coastnewsgroup.com


ENCINITAS WEHTAHNAH TUCKER wtucker@coastnewsgroup.com



The Rancho Santa Fe News is published biweekly on Fridays by The Coast News Group. The advertising deadline is the Friday preceding the Friday of publication. Editorial deadline is the Friday proceeding publication. The comments on this page are the opinions of the individual columnists and do not necessarily represent the views of the Coast News Group, its publisher or staff. If you would like to respond directly to a columnist, please e-mail them directly at the address listed below the column. You may also express your views by writing a letter to the editor. For hold delivery while on vacation or for other distribution concerns and info, write to distribution@coastnewsgroup.com.

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TONY CAGALA tcagala@coastnewsgroup.com

Living on a gravel road in a rural Arkansas county with more cows than people, I have much to be thankful for on my favorite American holiday. Hence a Thanksgiving lesson in boondocks economics: Last week, I paid my hay man $2,200 for 55 round bales to see my cows and horses through the winter.That’s $40 apiece, a more than fair price. Weighing 1,200 pounds, a single bale feeds half a dozen cows for roughly a week, depending on the weather.The colder it gets, the more they eat. There’s always a celebration among the big girls whenever I bring them a new one. Spontaneous head-butting matches, that kind of thing. The horses, too, start running and bucking when they hear my neighbor’s tractor coming to lift a new bale out of the barn and over the fence. Anyway, here’s the deal: Due to the terrible Texas drought, buyers have been all over Arkansas paying upward of $75 to $100 a bale. Flatbed trucks loaded with hay are a familiar sight headed westward on I-30 and I-40 toward Dallas and Oklahoma City. That’s a save-theranch-and-pray price. Nobody can pay anything like that amount to feed livestock and hope to make money. The alternative is to liquidate the herd — too painful to contemplate. My man could easily have sold the same hay for $4,000 to $5,000. We had a brutal summer here, although the rains came in time for a late cutting. He could have asked me for $50 a bale, and I wouldn’t have had much choice but to pay it. Knowing the small size of my operation, he understands that I’m not really in it for the money.

One man’s drudgery can be another man’s pastime. For reasons it’s hard to articulate, everything about caring for livestock makes me happy. Whenever politics gets me down, a walk through the pasture lifts my spirits. Are the GOP gongshow candidates debating? Who cares? Suzanne’s gone into labor. I’m hoping for a healthy heifer. As Jonathan Swift noticed, there are rivalries among the ungulates, but no prevarication. My friend does farm for a profit, although he and his wife also have day jobs. Mainly, it’s a way of life. Knowing his family, I’m guessing he wouldn’t feel right taking advantage of a neighbor on account of a dry spell. He also makes extra work for himself by storing the hay in his barn and loading it onto my truck one bale at a time, sparing me the expense of a tractor. I made a point of saying I appreciated his forbearance. I hoped it didn’t embarrass him. Anyway, there’s still a different America out here on the gravel roads, although it’s under siege.The dumbest thing President Barack Obama ever said was how “bitter” small-town Americans “cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them ... as a way to explain their frustrations.” Yeah, well they cling to other things too, such as common decency and hard work. Partly for partisan reasons, casual contempt for “redneck” America appears to be growing even as the historic isolation of the countryside abates. What with satellite TV, high-speed Internet, my cell phone and Kindle, I’m not missing a whole hell of a lot out here. Probably not enough is the truth.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters to the Editor and reader feedback are welcome. Views expressed in letters do not necessarily reflect the views of Rancho Santa Fe News. Letters are subject to editing for length and clarity. Unsigned letters and letters without city of residence will not be published. Letters should be no longer than 300 words and include a contact telephone number. Submission does not guarantee publication. Send letters via e-mail to letters@coastnewsgroup.com.

As I was perusing the Rancho Santa Fe News this evening while cooking, I came across your article on the Con artists and the very sad experience of Susan. It was very edifying and I feel that you have alerted the public to an ongoing scam that comes in many forms, whether here or traveling abroad. As a former professor/teacher, I have always advised people to "do their own research" and you did an excellent job of tracking down all of the parties to the crime, and clearing an innocent person. I realize that it is your job, but it was done very well and you should be commended (and recommended)! I also will be passing this article to our son, who was admitted to the California Bar on Friday night at 6:02 PM. Very exciting! I feel that since his ambition is to be prosecutor and does currently work at the USD Law Clinic with great pride in helping those that can not help

themselves, he will learn much from your article, as he does do his own research, but the lesson here is that all is not always what it seems to be. Obviously, this Susan had a great lawyer with integrity and I am very happy to read about the "refund" check, as that is quite the tribute to her lawyer and your investigative work. It is, and should be inspirational to a young attorney. Congratulations on a very fine job where you changed the life of Susan. I am sure you will continue to do so, and you never know how much good you can do in the world just doing your job. I hope our son finds a full time law job in this awful economy, but it sure does inspire one to go beyond when one reads this article. And to think I was just going to toss this paper in the recycle! Sincerely, Gina W. Jordan, Rancho Santa Fe



DEC. 2, 2011

A RTS&E NTERTAINMENT Join in an Big band event promises swinging community CALENDAR Irish Christmas DEC. 2 By Patty McCormac

“Magic of the Dance” stars will bring “An Irish Christmas”to the stage of the California Center for the Arts,Escondido at 8 p.m.Dec. 9. The cast includes Darren Maguire, Ciaran Maguire, Collette Dunn and the Kerry Dance Troupe for a celebration of Christmas in Ireland, with music, traditional dance, lively storytelling and plenty of Irish soul. In addition will be button accordionist David Munnelly (accordionist for The Chieftains for four years), Kieran Munnelly on flute and bodhran, the Kerry Trad Orchestra, along with a host of actors and singers Tickets are $35 and $39 and can be purchased at artcenter.org.

Library hosts harpist The Friends of the Solana Beach Library are hosting a program of holiday music at 6:30 p.m. Dec. 13 at the Solana Beach Library,157 Stevens Ave., presented by singing harpist, Mair Rathburn. Mair is the Lobby Lounge harpist at the Four Seasons Resort Aviara in Carlsbad and also harpist for the Cosmopolitan Hotel in Old Town State Park. Her “Christmas with the Harp” instrumental CD has been in regular rotation on Muzak, XM, JMX, Sirius music services and global radio. Call (858-755-1404) for more information. The program is free to the public. Seasonal refreshments will be served.

A tale of two foals RANCHO SANTA FE — Bring the family and enjoy the newest tradition at Helen Woodward Animal Center. From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Dec. 3, Dec. 4, Dec. 10 and Dec. 11, children are invited to hear the story of how Sunny and Angel, the twin foals born at HWAC last Christmas, help Santa Claus save Christmas when two of his reindeer are hurt. Along with hearing “Sunny and Angel Save Christmas,” youngsters will take a tour of the center with all its holiday decorations, and receive a personalized letter, a gift and a commemorative photo. Children are $20, adults are $8. Reservations are required. Helen Woodward Animal Center is at 6461 El Apajo Road in Rancho Santa Fe. For information and registration,call (858) 756-4117,ext. 318 or visit animal center.org.

RANCHO SANTA FE — Take a sentimental journey back to a time when big bands ruled and songs born of passion, romance, sentimentality and bravado told the story of the World War II years 1941 to 1945. The opportunity to travel back will be from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Dec. 11 at the Village Church Fellowship Hall as the Rancho Santa Fe Big Band celebrates

the music of the holidays with a tribute to Pearl Harbor’s 70th anniversary and the war years. The 17-piece band, under the direction of Professor Jack Wheaton, will feature a popsstyle concert with swing favorites such as “I’ll Never Smile Again,” “American Patrol,” “The Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Company B,” “I’ll Be Seeing You,” “Moonlight Serenade,” “A Train,” “Sentimental Journey,” “I

Thought About You,” “Let’s Dance,” and more. It’s a concert not to be missed — steeped in history, nostalgia, holiday magic and just pure swinging fun. The Rancho Santa Fe Big Band plays the original big band arrangements of the ‘40s. Its mission since its inception 11 years ago is to keep the allAmerican art form of swing alive and accessible. The event is produced by

Dom and Marie Addario. Those attending should bring their own beverage and appetizers. The cost is $45 per person or $400 for a table of 10. Gather with your friends and family for an evening of big band swing music, which promises to be another sellout. For more information, call (858) 756-4542 or visit the band’s website at rsfbb.com

Auditions calling at the Performing Arts Academy By Christina Macone-Greene

The Carlsbad Performing Arts Academy (CPAA) is offering a special opportunity for those wishing to audition for its upcoming 2012 major production of “Peter Pan.” Aimee Greenberg, internationally regarded in the industry, will direct the stage play adaptation of the 2003 movie script. Greenberg, a Carlsbad resident and also published writer, is thrilled about this “coming of age story for all ages” project. “It is about the fleeting moment of innocence in life; the spark of magic and makebelieve that we need to recreate again and again to find meaning and purpose in daily life,” Greenberg said. “My adaptation is based on the 2003 movie script, which I found more compelling than the Disney version.” Greenberg said the movie script intrigued her for its visual and psychological elements. She describes the 2003 movie script as more imaginative, creative, and a fantastic conceptualized piece than any other prior Peter Pan production. Currently, there are 20 to 25 cast role openings. Greenberg is in search of both youth and adult performers who are young at heart and have the “X Factor” casting ingredients. Prior theatre experience is welcomed she said adding that it’s not entire-

Aimee Greenberg is directing “Peter Pan” at CPAA. Courtesy photo

ly necessary. “We’re not going to rely on special effects and technology,” she said. “My goal is to creative a cohesive and versatile ensemble; to fully engage both performer and audience alike.” Those who have the chance to team up with awardwinning Greenberg will have the experience to train with a seasoned theatre artist who has worked both nationally and internationally. Among Greenberg’s long list of accomplishments include regular appearances on All My Children and Ryan’s Hope, film roles, and acted and

directed on off-Broadway in New York. Additionally, Greenberg was artistic director for her own theatre company, HEIJERA, based in Los Angeles. Actors will also have the opportunity to perform in a black box theater; the only of its kind in North County. “The black box is designed to be utilized by both novice performers to gain experience and for ‘professional’ or the more seasoned actor to keep working on their craft, as well as produce theatrical pieces that may not be suitable for a larger venue,” said Mary White, founder and artis-

tic director of Carlsbad Performing Arts Academy. CPAA was established in 2009. It provides an array of classes in acting, dancing, and music. Its students range from toddlers to adult professionals. White said when they opened their doors they did it with the intention of being an all-inclusive performing arts facility. “Students would be able to both study their craft as well as perform in an intimate setting that allowed for the performer to gain experience in front of a live audience without having to be in 200-300 seat theatre,” she said. “The black box has been in the works since the opening, but the real renovation was completed in Feb. 2011.” Greenberg said CPAA’s black box is the perfect intimate venue; its blank black canvas will set the stage for a journey to Neverland. “I’m very excited about exploring this adaptation of the film script and helping to create an authentic ‘actor’s’ play, where the performers will be using the full scope of their talents and skills to play a wide range of characters.” Auditions will be held on Dec. 9 and Dec. 10.To schedule an audition appointment, please e-mail Greenberg at topcat7878@aol.com. For more information please call (760) 438-4947 or visit carlsbadperformingartsacademy.c om.

Theater company will offer acting classes Oceanside Theatre Company is enrolling children for acting and audition classes offered by its Youth Academy at Sunshine Brooks Theatre, 217 N. Coast Highway 101. The Acting 1 series of classes will be held 9 a.m. to noon Dec. 3, Dec. 10, and Dec. 17.This course is geared for students ages 12 to 17 who want to experience acting for the first time. They will explore and strengthen tools that every actor uses on stage. This is a three-day course that will include training in stage orien-

tation, presenting a positive self-image, improvisation, voice and diction, movement and relaxation techniques, character development, monologues and scene work. During the scheduled class time on Dec. 17, students will present a showcase for family and friends. Comfortable clothing and closed toe shoes are necessary (no flip flops). The course price is $150. The audition series of classes is offered from 3:30 to 6 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between Nov. 28

and Dec. 16. This is a nine-day course geared to help young actors ages 12 to 17 prepare for an audition. The class series offers practical training for both musical and non-musical play auditions. The following audition elements will be taught: choosing the right monologue, polishing up the monologue, how to introduce yourself, choosing the best vocal selection, preparing for the dance call-back, how to do cold readings and how to create a professional resume. Each actor will finish the

class with an audition monologue and a vocal selection ready to use at any audition. No previous dance experience needed. Comfortable clothing and closed toe shoes are necessary (flexible shoes for the dance portion). The course price is $225. Youth Academy student scholarships are available, contact instructor Deborah Dodaro for more information. For more information, call (760) 433-8900, or register online at oceansidetheatre.org.

Veteran actor to visit campus, screen film for festival Veteran actor Richard Yñiguez will visit MiraCosta College to present a screening of his 1979 film “Boulevard Nights.”The film will be shown as part of the college’s Latino Film Series and is scheduled at 6 p.m. for Dec. 16 in Room 204

at MiraCosta College’s San Elijo Campus, 3333 Manchester Ave. The event is open to the public and admission and parking are free. “Boulevard Nights” focuses on life in a gang and portrays the dangers of street violence.

Yñiguez plays a young Chicano who tries to get out of the gang, but keeps finding himself drawn back in. The film is directed by Michael Pressman. Actor Richard Yñiguez has a long history in film and television, having worked with

directors Carl Reiner, Jesus Treviño and Lee Katzin, among others. For more information,contact Nikki Schaper at nschaper@miracosta.edu or call (760) 944-4449, ext. 7782.

Got an item for the calendar? Send the details via e-mail to calendar@coastnewsgroup.com.

CHRISTMAS FUN St. John’s Catholic School announces its Christmas Boutique from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Dec. 2 at St. John’s Parish Hall, 1003 Encinitas Blvd., with local vendors and photos with Santa, cookie-decorating and refreshments.

DEC. 3 DINE WITH SANTA The Contemporary Women of North County host Breakfast with Santa from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Dec. 3 with the Holiday Craft Fair at the San Marcos Community Center, 3 Civic Center Drive. Continental breakfast is $5 adults, $3 youth at the door. For more information, visit san-marcos.net. HOLIDAY ART Join the Holiday Party from 5 to 8 p.m. Dec. 3 at the Aaron Chang Ocean Art Gallery, 415 S. Cedros Ave., Suite 110, Solana Beach. DEMS



Democratic Club of CarlsbadOceanside meet at 10 a.m. Dec. 3 at Woman’s Club of Carlsbad, 3320 Monroe St. For more information call (760) 804-2754 or e-mail rfriedheim@roadrunner.com.

DEC. 4 HERE COMES SANTA Del Mar’s Holiday Wonderland in downtown Del Mar from 2 to 5 p.m. Dec. 4, will feature a snow play area, horse-drawn carriage rides, plus the tree lighting at the L’Auberge Amphitheater at 5 p.m. For more information, visit DelMarMainStreet.com.

DEC. 5 AARP SINGS AARP Chapter 239 will meet at 1:15 p.m. Dec. 5 at Silverado Senior Living, 335 Saxony Ave., Encinitas for a holiday singalong. For more information, call (760) 632-7111.

DEC. 6 WOMENHEART North Coastal Womenheart welcomes women with concerns and challenges about cardiac health at 10:15 a.m. Dec. 6 at Glen View, 1950 Calle Barcelona, Carlsbad. For more information, contact Marilyn Deak, (760) 438-5890.


The Cardiff Library First Wednesday Program will feature the Full Measure Carolers dressed in authentic costumes at 6:30 p.m. Dec. 7 at 2081 Newcastle Ave. For more information call (760) 635-1000. BOOK MAKERS Publishers and Writers of San Diego will party from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Dec. 7 in the Community Room at the Encinitas Library, 540 Cornish Drive. Bring a copy of your published book and a book to donate to Traveling Stories, a nonprofit library for thirdworld countries. For more information, visit PublishersWriters.org.






DEC. 2, 2011


Catching a cheating spouse BRIAN SCOTT Eye Spy The most gratifying kinds of private investigator cases are the ones where I feel I made a profound difference in the end. Catching a cheating spouse can be far from the end. It’s actually just the beginning in some cases, even here in California, a “no fault” state where assets are divided evenly, and here’s why… Mr. and Mrs. Martin, a wealthy couple married more than 20 years, owned a company that manufactured a wellknown product too common for me to disclose. They enjoyed a very successful business they launched after they were married but were now in family court after Mr. Martin decided to be unfaithful. Mr.Martin decided he didn’t want to split the assets 50/50, so decided he was going to embezzle funds from his own company by over-paying one of his vendors in Taiwan.That customer, Mr. Lee agreed to kick back those funds to the tune of $1 million. My assignment was to fly there and get documentation proving Mrs. Martin’s allegations. I had 11 grueling hours on a non-stop flight with nothing but time to think about how I’m going to find this vendor, and convince him to provide me with the documentation to

prove how much he paid back to Mr. Martin. Bank records or cancelled checks were all that would satisfy the court. Could I get them from the bank somehow, or from the Mr. Lee? I decided on Mr. Lee, hoping that he’d believe my bluff that if he didn’t cooperate, the U.S. would bring charges against him for conspiracy to embezzle funds. Any time a P.I. is operating away from his turf, it’s a good idea to hire local back up, so I hired off-duty cop Mr. Wu from Hong Kong to interpret. We pull up to Mr.Lee’s factory, found with the help of a local detective agency. I walked in with Mr. Wu in the event Mr. Lee was going to pull the, “I don’t speak English” routine. I pulled out my badge and license and identified myself as a private investigator from the U.S., representing the interests of Mrs. Martin. He acknowledged my presence and knew exactly why I was there. Through the interpretation of Mr. Wu, I began the interrogation and two hours later, I was nowhere. Mr.Lee asked that we leave but invited us to return the next morning. I agreed. I showed up early the next morning, alone. Lee’s English was better than mine which I had suspected, so I left Detective Wu behind. I wasn’t there five minutes making small talk with his secretary when suddenly I was startled with “Put your hands up against the wall!” “Holy shoot” I thought,

“Are we being robbed or … “Police!” someone shouted. I turned around only to be greeted by a half a dozen guns pointed at my head. Out from the crowd walks a short, geeky-lookin’ American F.B.I agent who asked to see my I.D.What relief I felt, as flashes of me rotting away in some foreign prison quickly passed through my head. I took out my wallet and handed it over as I’m listening to this FBI agent arguing with Mr. Lee’s brother, charging me with impersonating an F.B.I. agent. No wonder he invited me to come back. I was set up! The American spoke perfect Chinese and was arguing for my freedom but it sounded like I was losing. Suddenly, the F.B.I. agent handed me back my wallet and said I was free to go. The agent told me I was cleared to continue with Mr. Lee so long as the brother, Mr. Lee could observe. I agreed, of course. A half hour later, I walked out with $1 million worth of cancelled checks made payable to a dummy corporation owned by Mr. Martin. I returned to Orange County the day Richard Nixon was buried, to testify at the Martin trial where my client was awarded a half-million dollars. Another win for the good guys! Brian Scott is a licensed private investigator. Contact him at brian@northcountypi.com.

GRATEFUL HANDS Santa Fe Christian’s Lower School partners with Friends & Family Community Connection and Life Technologies to “Give Thanks...Give Back” this Thanksgiving. More than 260 Santa Fe students including, above, fourth-graders Morgan Yacullo and C.J. Prince, plus 90 parent volunteers, staff and faculty helped packaged food for the hungry. Together, they assembled enough meals consisting of rice, soy meal, dried vegetables and a vitamin supplement to feed 40,000 hungry people in San Diego, Africa and Haiti. In addition, the students donated quarters earned doing chores during the month of November to donate to FFCC. For more information, go to ffccsd.org. Courtesy photo

Saving big when dining out Everyone loves a great deal and loves to eat, so what could be better than finding bargain meals? ShopSmart, the shopping magazine published by Consumer Reports, recently uncovered the best websites to find restaurant deals so that you can enjoy a meal out without breaking your budget. Got a special occasion coming up? Try Bloomspot, which offers deals for highend eateries. Need delivery or takeout? GrubHub will help. Just looking for recommendations or reservations? Look to OpenTable, Yelp or Zagat, or to newcomer Dinevore, which helps you find reviewers whose tastes are compatible with yours. “These websites also have mobile apps and offer social connectivity with Facebook and Twitter, making it even easier to keep up to date with deals and save big,” said Lisa Lee Freeman, editor-in-chief of ShopSmart. More sites to check out: — BiteHunter.com. Best for: today’s specials. This site lists restaurants’ specials as well as daily deals from other sites, such as Citysearch and Groupon. It’s easy to search by cuisine, deal or restaurant in a particular city. Daily deals that must be purchased

through other sites are accessible by a prominent link. Heads up: Sometimes it has incorrect instructions, such as “Just mention Citysearch, no purchase required,” when the deal actually requires you to go to Citysearch and print a coupon. — EatDrinkDeals.com. Best for: chain restaurant deals. From A&W to Zaxby’s, EatDrinkDeals has national and regional chains covered. A newsletter-type format details coupons and specials with links. Tabs lead you to specials for happy hour, kids, lunch, or dinner for two. Handy: a list of areas that celebrate Restaurant Week. Heads up: Keeping up with so many chains is hard and can sometimes lead to bad links. — Restaurant.com. Best for: discount certificates. Just plug your ZIP code into Restaurant.com’s search engine and select the deal you want. Typical offer: a $25 certificate for $10, with a minimum purchase required. The monthly “Behind the Menu” feature will help you focus your cuisine choice. Heads up: Particular deals labeled “Best Value” might not be. For example, a $100 certificate for $40 comes with a

$200 minimum purchase. That’s not as good as paying $10 for a $25 certificate with a $35 minimum purchase. — Savored.com. Best for: finer-dining discounts. Had enough hamburgers? Savored can steer you to steak or sashimi. Pay a $10 fee to Savored, use the site to book a reservation, and get 30 percent off your bill automatically. Plus you get access to Zagat reviews and ratings to help you decide on a destination. Heads up: Savored currently is in just 10 cities and availability can be limited, so check deals before you sign up.

EATING APPS FOR YOUR AREA — Dealfork. Assembles daily deals from other sites. Free for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad (iOS 3.0 or later). — Foodspotting. Search by dish and see pretty pictures of food. Free for Android 1.6 or later and iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad (iOS 3.1 or later). Also available for Windows phones. — Happycow. Vegan, vegetarian and veg-friendly joints nationwide. Free to $2.99. Works on almost all mobile platforms; Apple products require iOS 4.1 or later. — Local Dish. Find the buzz on eats in your neighborhood. Free for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad (iOS 4.0 or later). — Localeats. What’s nearby and on special. Free to $2.99. Works on Android, BlackBerry, iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad (iOS 3.1.3 or later).


DEC. 2, 2011 Contact us at sports@coastnewsgroup.com with story ideas, photos or suggestions



Making adjustments is new name of game By Tony Cagala

Making adjustments — it’s become the name of the game for head coach Norv Turner amidst a tumultuous season that has seen the Chargers go from first to tied-for-last in their division in a matter of six weeks. This game of making adjustments has challenged Turner’s coaching skills even more than in years’ past. “Every season there’s a challenge; every week there’s a challenge,” Turner said. “But yeah, I mean obviously a week ago, getting ready to go play Chicago and knowing where we were in terms of our personality, yeah, you’re looking for every little thing you can do to give you a chance to be competitive in a game.” In preparation for the game against Denver, Turner spent time watching film of the Broncos pass rush, keeping in mind his newly acquainted offensive line. “You spend a little extra time saying, ‘How are we going to find a way to block this guy and still get someone out and still find some way to make some plays and give Philip (Rivers) enough time and give him a comfort level to be successful?’” What it’s come down to is finding matchups and putting players in a position where they can win and, not ask them to do things they’re not capable of doing, Turner said. “Those are things that certainly go in to every one of those decisions. And sometimes it doesn’t look the best, but certainly it’s with intent of doing what’s best to give our players a chance to be successful.” But after Sunday’s overtime loss to Denver 16-13, prolonging a six game losing streak and all but eliminating the Chargers from any postseason play, it seems no amount of coach-

Chargers defensive lineman Vaughn Martin (92) holds his head during the 16-13 loss to the Denver Broncos Sunday. Photo by Mike Nowak

ing by Turner can quell fans’ anger and calls for his firing. “It’s not something that is going to be an issue for me,” Turner said. “And I’m not going to talk a lot about it over the next five weeks, as I said, I’ve been doing this a long time and I do know how to go about preparing for a game. We’ve gotten our guys prepared and that’s going to be our goal, to keep getting them prepared.” Turner added during Monday’s press conference that he wasn’t oblivious to calls for his dismissal, but said that he hasn’t spoke to team President Dean Spanos or General Manager A.J. Smith about any decisions. “I don’t think it’s an issue right now, and I’m sure it’s something that when we’re through with the season, it’ll be handled.” For the Chargers, whose season began with the theme of overcoming adversity, the next five games in as many weeks will never be more trying as they struggle to snap their losing streak, with hopes of securing a playoff spot. The Chargers will head to Jacksonville, Fla. for Monday Night Football to take on another reeling team in the Jaguars, who fired their head coach Jack Del Rio, Tuesday.

HORIZON PREP SPORTS STARS From top to bottom:The Horizon Prep Lions fall Sports Teams shine in several sports at the Independent Middle School League championships. The Lions brought home a first-place over-all for Girls Cross Country, with Madison Hansmeyer earning an individual first; Emma Crosbie a second and Keely McCallum taking the third spot. Team members above, include, from left, first row, Katelyn Butler, Gabrielle Dale and Samantha Preske; from left, second row, Emma Crosbie, Abby Gammel, Kylie Preske and Keely McCallum and, from left, third row, Coach Leah Blue, Carly Gammel, Madison Hansmeyer, Natalie Paxton and Coach Jen Preske. The Girls Volleyball earns a second-place in the IMSL championship gameTeam members are, from left, first row, Kyra Hendrickson, Lauren Wilbor, Chloe Burnitz, Taylor Sparks, Sydney Sparks and Andria Carpenter, with, from left, second row, Mitch Lederer, Isabella Landis, Lexi Dale, Haley Kerwin, Carli Nordstrom, Ashlyn Mossy, Kirsten Hilling and Lily Morgans. The Boys Flag Football team celebrates first place at the Independent Middle School League championships this season. Team members include, from left, kneeling, Blake Brown, Alex Philibbosian, Rankin Poage, Dylan Raymond, Justin Northbrook, Tyler Mead and Cayden Booth; with, from left, second row, Bennett Baptista, Erik Lundstedt, Jack Maguire, Trey Mena, Jackson Baere, Antonio Partida, Brandon Misel and Gabe Schippa; and, from left, third row, Lion’s announcer Victor Mena, Caleb Armendariz, Coach Gregory Thornquest, Robert Crowley, Chad Hines-Nordstrom, John Bothe, Coach Mike WIlliams, Brody Schippa, Head Coach Matt Roy and Coach Brian Maguire. Courtesy photos



DEC. 2, 2011

DEC. 2, 2011




Club gets seasonal support Macy’s Northwest and Macy’s Southwest, two of eight divisions of the retail store, announced that together with its customers, it projects raising more than $1 million with its Thanks For Sharing campaign with Boys & Girls Clubs of America. This donation will directly support the Boys & Girls Clubs of San Dieguito with proceeds funding education programs that enable club members to become proficient in basic educational disciplines, set goals, explore careers, prepare for employment and embrace technology to achieve a great future, according to Annie Garcia-Ragovin director of Fundraising & Communications, Boys & Girls Clubs of San Dieguito. Through Macy’s Thanks For Sharing campaign, shoppers are encouraged to charge a one-time enrollment fee of $25 to their Macy’s credit card. In turn, a portion of this fee will be donated to the Boys & Girls Clubs of San Dieguito plus customers receive a 10 percent reward on most of their credit card purchases. Macy’s Northwest’s and Southwest’s campaign will benefit Boys & Girls Clubs in the states of Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. The Thanks For Sharing Campaign is scheduled to conclude Dec. 31.

City seeks input on beaches The city of Solana Beach is sponsoring a roundtable discussion from 2 to 5 p.m. Dec. 7 for public input on the status and future of the proposed sand retention reef in Solana Beach at Solana Beach City Hall, 635 S. Coast Highway 101. The public along with local, regional, state and federal agency staff, coastal engineers, scientists and planners are invited to participate. The roundtable discussion will be moderated by Richard Seymour, Head of Coastal Engineering at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UCSD. The purpose of this meeting is to bring together all interested stakeholders to develop a collaborative approach to advance this shoreline protection project. The goal of this meeting is to build consensus among stakeholders in developing a design that optimizes sand retention performance as well as natural and recreational resource protection. If you plan to attend, call Mikki Eggum at (858) 720-2441.

DEC. 2, 2011


Wines of the Mediterranean: an Italian Journey FRANK MANGIO

Taste of Wine It had been 9 years since I stepped on Italian soil and first soaked in the wisdom of winemakers whose families were making wine as far back as the 11th century. Tuscan names such as Banfi, Brolio and Felsina were etched into my palate as heroes of the modern Italian Renaissance in wine quality. A month or so ago, my plans were set to again taste the legendary wines of Italy, only this time my wish was to see more and do more,and I got

chased in the 70’s by the John and Harry Mariani Family, American importers from New York and led today by two grandchildren, James Mariani and Cristina Mariani-May. The estate is a beacon for hospitality in the region with a full service enoteca, glass museum, Taverna for lunches and Il Restorante for fine dinner dining. Recently, luxury rooms and suites were built at a nextdoor resort, Il Borgo. Our group was privileged to meet founder John Mariani who pointed out that Banfi is really a constellation of single vineyards with some 29 different subsoils, for planting many varietals of grapes. Mariani enthused that “my goal has always been to offer quality wine like the Brunello Di Montalcino, at a price the con-

Messina and the lofty monuments of Taormina, on the northeast side of this strategic island, just below the Italian mainland. It was something of a thrill to see commercial signage with the name MANGIO stretched across advertising messages in the MessinaTaormina corridor. Mt. Aetna dominates the landscape south of the port of Messina and just north of Taormina. This 11,000 foot mountain is the most active volcano in the world. The ancient Greeks, who once claimed Sicily,worshiped it as a home of the Gods. The mountain has erupted some 200 times, leaving in its wake terraced, black lava soil, perfect for enriched wine grapes. One of the leading wineries in the area is Tasca

Castello Banfi in Montalcino is Tuscany’s most honored vineyard estate recognized for developing the modern day world-class Brunello wines.

The Greek Theatre attracts many visitors to Taormina with its magnificent views of Mr. Aetna, the most active volcano in the world, in the background. Photos by Frank Mangio

it. Just before the great wine adventure to Tuscany, Sicily and Campania, I spent some time with Roland Marandino, wine ambassador for Cecchi Wines of Tuscany, a partner with Banfi Vintners, a major importer of fine Italian wines and owner of Castello Banfi of Montalcino. Marandino is a passionate advocate of Sangiovese, the native grape found in Chianti Classico. He confirmed to me that Cecchi and other Italian wines are food sensitive and complement a menu. He skillfully laid the groundwork for the “old world” authenticity of Cecchi Chianti Classico 2008 ( $9.75) with its ruby red notes,dry with a fruity finish. When our group got to our base in Ciena, the walled pedestrian-only city in Tuscany, our major visit was to Castello Banfi, some 70 kilometers south. The origin of the fortress can be traced to the ancient Etruscans, with the historic name of Poggio alle Mura. The Castello is the crown of a 7,100 acre vinicultural estate pur-

sumer would buy. This is our flagship wine, aged for a minimum 4 years in barrel and 1 in bottle. Banfi’s was the first authentic Brunello, after years of Sangiovese clonal and vinification research.” The 2006 is the latest release ( $65.) with bundled earthiness and red berry notes. Elegant and refined, the ’06 Brunello brings a new proof to Banfi’s pursuit of excellence. I am proud that my column TASTE OF WINE was chosen by Baanfi for its lead review of Brunello. On to Sicily, where my forefathers lived in the port of

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d’Almerita, just named the Italian Winery of the Year in the latest edition of Vini d’ Italia, a leading wine publication. It praised the Sicilian vineyard whose grapes come largely from the Mt. Aetna region, as having “a truly excellent range of wines.” Last year it was the Sicilian Wine Producer of the year by the Italian Sommelier Association. Nero d’ Avola is the native grape causing a sensation in the area. This winery

is mixing it with Cabernet and Merlot. Sicily’s wines are just starting to assert themselves on the world market. They offer strength with distinguished flavors, at pricing that is very reasonable. Our last winery stop was in the Campania district near Naples, at the foot of Mt. Vesuvius, another active volcano with lava soil. Aglianico is the region’s wine varietal to try, with a chocolate-like taste. Our winery was Cantina Del Vesuvio, just outside Naples. Maurizio Russo is the owner/winemaker, who quickly offered us farm-fresh tomato sauce in home made pasta, freshly picked mushrooms and zucchini, with same- day baked bread to go with the wine of choice, Aglianico 2009 for 10 euro. Italy is a family dominated country. At times, this has con-

strained growth and contributes to its stagnant economy as is dramatically clear these days. But they are much more comfortable being closer to each other and any visitors that might come their way. A glass of wine, a loaf of bread, some Italian cheese, lively conversation, hugs and squeezes and they are a happy group. They don’t work on Sundays and they don’t work in the afternoon. Getting some rest and being with loved ones is an Italian lifestyle that lowers stress and allows a long and loving life. SALUTE ITALIA! Frank Mangio is a renowned wine connoisseur certified by Wine Spectator. His library can be viewed at www.tasteofwinetv.com. (Average Google certified 900 visits per day) He is one of the top five wine commentators on the Web. Reach him at mangiompc@aol.com.



DEC. 2, 2011

Holiday gifts for your favorite traveler Grauer School principal earns ‘Educator of Year’ honors E’LOUISE ONDASH Hit the Road Since we have officially entered the holiday shopping season, here are a few good reads for the travelers on your list. Whether you live in California or like to visit, you’ll love perusing “Greetings from California: Legends, Landmarks & Lore of the Golden State” (Voyageur Press).This oversized hardcover (but small by coffee-table standards) is a beautiful blend of new and vintage photos, graphics, fun facts and text. Veteran photographer and writer Gary Crabbe of Pleasant Hill (near San Francisco) takes readers on a scenic and historic journey through the state from north to south. Some scenes, people, places and events that shaped California’s history and character will be familiar: the 1906 San Francisco earthquake; the Hotel del Coronado; Big Sur; Harvey Milk. Many, though, are less well known: the towns of Bodie and Downieville; migrant farm workers; Malakoff Diggins State Historic Park; and Manzanar, the Japanese internment camp. (Included are photographs of the camp by Ansel Adams.) “California has always been a place of immense natural beauty,” Crabbe writes, but it also personifies opportunity — a theme that carries through his book. To see more of Crabbe’s images, visit enlightphoto.com. Buy through popular stores or websites. “ L i g h t s , Camera…Travel!” (Lonely Planet) is a collection of short travel stories by both wellknown and not-so-well-known accomplished actors, writers, producers and directors. Lonely Planet editor/book critic Don George and writer, director and actor Andrew McCarthy (yes, the Brat Pack

one) edit this pleasurable read that you can pick up anytime and start anywhere. Each chapter is a complete story and many will have you laughing out loud. Brooke Shields relates her travails in the Arctic; Alec Baldwin shares his crooked musings on L.A.; Sandra Bernhard chronicles her chaotic Moroccan mishaps; and Andrea Martin writes of her riotous Armenian adventure. Anthony Edwards shares one leg of his family’s trip around the world. Watch Baldwin and others read excerpts from the book at youtube.com/watch?v=DQ99r FyZE 0. Perhaps because of the 2007 film starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, the phrase “bucket list” is now a part of our lexicon. It has prompted many of us to ponder priorities, mortality and breaking out of our comfort zones. If you don’t have a bucket list, two new books will help you create one: “1,000 Places To See Before You Die: A Traveler’s Life List” by Patricia Schultz (Workman Publishing) — This hefty, best-selling paperback categorizes destinations geographically, then includes a bundle of information that hits the highpoints: nearest big-city airport; related websites, outfitters and tour operators, where to stay and eat and best times to go. Buy this book and get a free app that features interactive maps, wish lists, life lists, slideshows, Facebook integration and more. Visit 1000places.com. “Great Journeys: Travel the World’s Most Spectacular Routes” from Lonely Planet — This large, hardbound tome contains descriptions and color photos that leap off the page. Eighty incredible journeys are featured. Some follow the paths of famous explorers like Marco Polo or the Vikings, or spiritual figures like Buddha. Others are classic rail trips like the Orient Express, TransSiberian Railway and the Glacier Express (Switzerland). There are river journeys, road trips, pilgrim-

ages and more. And you don’t have to travel to some exotic land to take a life-changing excursion. Think California Zephyr (train from Chicago to San Francisco), Mark Twain’s USA (Hannibal, Mo., to Natchez, Miss., to San Francisco), and the Mother Road, Route 66. Visit lonelyplanet.com/greatjourneys. This year marks the 150th anniversary of the Civil War, and while this conflict is not one to be celebrated, it is certainly one to be commemorated. It’s the ideal time to take a road trip to see battlefields and other historic sites. Before you go, visit the Civil War Trust’s site, devoted to battlefield preservation, educational programs and heritage tourism ( civilwar.org). The site offers books, guides, interactive/animated maps of battlefield sites and trails, and apps for smart phones and pads. As you drive, listen to one of these Civil Warthemed audio books from Macmillan Audio: “Battle of the Crater” by Newt Gingrich — This pageturner tells the story of an 1864 battle in Virginia that involves an audacious plan, a tunnel, explosives, conflicting military egos and arrogance. The story is told through James O’Reilly, a sketch artist for Esquire magazine and personal acquaintance of Lincoln. Critics say that Gingrich and co-writer William R. Forstchen “take the factual details of what happened at Petersburg and add the color, emotion, and horror of war.” “Midnight Rising: John Brown and the Raid That Sparked the Civil War” by Tony Horwitz — This nonfiction work by a best-selling author tells how the 1859 attack on the armory at Harpers Ferry, Virg., helped elect Abraham Lincoln and was central to the commencement of the Civil War. If you think the country is polarized today, imagine a nation so split that states begin to secede. This book puts today’s political contentiousness in perspective.

The annual Encinitas Ellie awards, sponsored by the New Encinitas Business Network, awarded The Grauer School Principal Dana Abplanalp-Diggs the distinction of “Educator of the Year 2011.” Additionally, Grauer School parent and volunteer Sheila Wirick was also recognized as one of the “244-25” recipients, exemplifying one of 25 unsung heroes who contribute to the community advancement of Encinitas. “I’m tremendously honored by this distinction and feel it’s a collaborative recognition to be shared by all Grauer School faculty, staff and parents, Abplanalp-Diggs said. “The Grauer School is celebrating its 21st year of providing quality education in North County and our mission is to provide an interactive learning environment that incorporates best practices, which encourages students and parents to engage in the learning process. “Grauer School parent and ‘24-4-25’ award recipient Sheila Wirick exemplifies this commitment with her relentless involvement in furthering the vocation of The Grauer School. She’s an extraordinary example of how the progressive, small school movement that our school has pioneered can make an impact and impression on both students

Ellie award winner Grauer School Principal Dana-Abplanalp-Diggs. Courtesy photo

and parents throughout all of San Diego County.” The school will be hosting an Open House for prospective students for the 2012 academic year from

10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Jan. 8, with tours offered every 20 minutes. To learn more about The Grauer School, visit grauerschool.com or call (760) 944-6777.

We’re looking for a few good members... committed to making a difference.

E’Louise Ondash is a freelance writer living in North County. Tell her about your travels at eondash@coastnewsgroup.com.

Reservations are now being taken for the Del Mar Foundation’s party Reservations can now be made, by residents of 92014 ZIP code, for the Children’s Committee of the Del Mar Foundation Holiday Party from 2 to 4 p.m. Dec. 11 at the Powerhouse Community Center, 1658 Coast Blvd. Reservations are required for this event although there is no admis-

sion charge. If space is available, reservations will open to all on Dec. 1 at delmarfoundation.org. This year, the San Diego Junior Theater will perform a non-denominational play entitled “How I Became a Pirate — Holiday Edition.” Join young Jeremy on an adventurous journey into the

life of a pirate, help search for pirate treasure and appreciate the joy of the simple things in life including the meaning of being with your family for the holidays. There will be crafts courtesy of the Del Mar Library, festive carolers and a silent auction.

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Every year, the members of Assistance League of Rancho San Dieguito serve the needs of over 9,200 members of the community, and every year we look for more dedicated volunteers like them to join our ranks. We provide programs that address the needs of local school children, military families and women and children suffering trauma. To fund these programs our volunteers manage and staff a resale shop and plan and participate in various other fundraising activities. We are the members of Assistance League of Ranch San Dieguito and now we ask you to join your friends and your neighbors in making a difference.

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DEC. 2, 2011


Police put out APB for teddy bear drive


PET WEEK PHOENIX was surrendered to RCHS by his owner who didn’t have enough time for such an intelligent and active dog. He’s only 1-year old 67 pounds Neutered Male Rhodesian Ridgeback - German Shepherd mix which means that, even though he’s grown to adult size, he’s still a puppy. Phoenix is a full-time dog...great for someone who works from home or can take him along everywhere they go. The $125 adoption



Board, authorities learned that local prostitutes earned premium fees by selling their customers’ semen to “juju priests,” who use it as “medicines” in rituals. Police who rounded up the sex workers found inventories of condoms with the necks tied.

Wait . . . What? • In the course of an October story on an ill-fated Continental Airlines flight during which all restrooms in coach were broken, the reporter for the Star Tribune of Minneapolis sought reactions from experts. Calling the toilet failures a “bad situation that hasn’t been addressed” was Robert Brubaker, a spokesman for something called the American Restroom Association, “a Baltimore-based advocacy group for toilet users.”

Our Animal Overlords • An Oxford University researcher reported in August on the African crested rat,

By Shelli DeRobertis

fee for Phoenix includes medical exam, neuter, up to date vaccinations, and microchip identification. For more information call (858) 756-4117, option No. 1 or log on to animalcenter.org.

which is so ingenious that it slathers poison, from chewing the A.schimperi plant,onto an absorbent strip of fur on its back as protection against predators many times larger. The researcher observed firsthand a dog quivering in fear after just one failed mouthful of a crested rat’s fur in his laboratory.The noxious goo is also used by African tribesmen on their hunting arrows. • Researching the IttyBitty: In October, Popular Science dubbed researcher Gaby Maimon of Rockefeller University as one of its “Brilliant 10” for 2011 for his monitoring of neurons in the brains of fruit flies. Maimon first had to immobilize the flies’ brains in saline and outfit their tiny neurons with even tinier electrodes — so that he could track which neurons were firing as the flies flapped their wings and carried out other activities (work that he believes can be useful in treating human autism and attention-deficit disorder). • Oh, Dear! (1) An October TURN TO MORE ODD FILES ON A15

Fluffy and cuddly teddy bears are wanted by the Carlsbad and Oceanside police departments as they prepare to donate the stuffed animals to sick children after the 21st annual Teddy Bear Drive wraps up Dec. 12. “Officers hope to collect 100,000 bears and other stuffed animals to cheer some very sick children,” said Kari Ketchum, dispatcher at Carlsbad Police Department. Ketchum organized the drive for the Carlsbad Police Department, and said last year they received more than 300 teddy bears from community members and city employees. The stuffed animals are requested to be large enough for a child to cuddle, ideally between 12 and 36 inches.

SARA NOEL Frugal Living Dear Sara: Do you wash bagged lettuce? At a recent dinner, the host poured lettuce from a bag and served it with salad dressing. Is this normal practice, or should people be concerned about the possibility of germs or worse? — Shoiji, email Dear Shoiji: I wash bagged lettuce, not really from fear of germs, but because I find bagged salad has a smell and taste that I don’t like unless I wash the lettuce. Plus, washing will

remove any small amounts of dirt or the occasional bug that might be remaining. Washing, spinning and drying makes me feel like the produce has been freshened up, too. Make sure your hands and your work surface are clean to avoid cross contamination. Dear Sara: Do you let your kids eat all of their Halloween candy? If not, what do you do with it? How long do you let it hang around before getting rid of it? — Jennifer, Ohio Dear Jennifer: I let my kids have a few pieces the first night, roughly the equivalent of a full-sized candy bar or small box of candy. The next day, I will put a piece in their lunchbox as a treat or let them have a piece or two

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Hospital in San Diego. Fish and at least one officer from Oceanside will be driving in the caravan of police cars stuffed with teddy bears, sirens and lights on, as they head to the hospital to help make a sick child smile. “It’s a fun event,” she said. The teddy bear drive was started in 1990 by Coronado Officer Brian Hardy, after he noticed only a few toys were inside of a laundry bin used for donations at Rady Children’s Hospital. Two days later, he was shopping off duty and saw a 50 percent off sale on teddy bears, purchased a dozen of them for the hospital and the following day delivered them in uniform to the kids, according to the San Diego Regional Teddy Bear Drive website.

after dinner. I save some of it for later (sometimes to use in baked goods) and send some to work with my husband. Candy has a pretty long shelf life, so I have no problem with it hanging around for six months to a year. Some of it can be frozen, too. Dear Sara: Are clay cookers really good for making artisan breads? Could I cook a duck in one? — Sindi, New Jersey Dear Sindi: Only some bread shapes work well for a clay cooker (baker). You can make artisan breads without one. Simply hand-shape your loaves and use parchmentlined baking sheets, a baking stone or shaped baking pans. Clay cookers are wonderful for roasts and poultry (including duck and Cornish hen). They can be used to steam

vegetables, poach fish or make soups, casseroles and lasagna, too. Make sure you soak the clay cooker, don’t preheat your oven and don’t set a hot cooker on a cold surface, or it could crack. The benefit of using the clay cooker is the steam that is created. The bread crust will be golden without having to spritz it.

Sara Noel is the owner of Frugal Village (www.frugalvillage.com), a website that offers practical, moneysaving strategies for everyday living. To send tips, comments or questions, write to Sara Noel, c/o Universal Uclick, 1130 Walnut Street, Kansas City, MO, 64106, or e-mail sara@frugalvillage.com.

When investing, it pays to seek expert advice BRUCE WILLIAMS Smart Money DEAR BRUCE: My hobby is playing with the stock market. I don’t believe you need to be wealthy to make some investments. I have $1,600 in a mutual fund and $950 in various stocks. I watch these daily, and it seems I know when to hold them and when to fold them. I put $50 a month in my mutual fund and

invest $60 monthly in my various stocks. When a new company offered free shares back in 1996, I accepted them and put them in my nickname of “Peggy.” Now those shares are worth over $1,000. I don’t know how to prove that “Peggy” and “Margaret” are the same person so I can move them into my brokerage account. Any help would be appreciated. — M.J., via email DEAR M.J.: Let me address your comments at the beginning. You don’t need to be wealthy to make many investments. But more often than

MAKING WAVES IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD When you shop or use the services that are advertised in the Rancho Santa Fe News, you are supporting the newspaper and our efforts to bring you quality news. We are funded only by advertising revenue, so please, when you use a product or service that you saw in the paper, say you saw it in the Rancho Santa Fe News!"

bear drive was held Aug. 30 at all Chick-fil-A locations countywide, and the Oceanside Police Department collected six bags of new stuffed toys to add to the teddy bear bin, according to Dulci Fish, crime prevention specialist with the Oceanside Police Department. “We were happy,” she said. “People aren’t usually prepared for that stuff in August.” The teddy bear drive usually begins in late November or early December, she said. On Dec. 13, more than 100 police cars from 22 law enforcement agencies are expected to caravan from the U.S.S. Midway Museum, at 946 North Harbor Drive at 8:45 a.m. and personally deliver the stuffed animals to children at Rady Children’s

Be sure to always wash your bagged lettuce


Say you saw it in the Rancho Santa Fe News!

They must also be new. To donate a new stuffed toy, visit the Carlsbad Police Department at 2560 Orion Way or the Oceanside Police Department, 3855 Mission Ave., from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday until Dec. 12. The San Diego County Sheriff’s Stations are also participating, and teddy bear drop off locations include the Vista Station, 325 South Melrose Drive Ste. 210; the Encinitas Station, 175 North El Camino Real; and the San Marcos Station, 182 Santar Place. In San Diego, donations can also be dropped off at Rady Children’s Hospital, 3020 Children’s Way, or at Fun Bike Center, 5755 Kearny Villa Road. A law enforcement teddy

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not, unless you’re working with clear knowledge, you can almost count on one thing: You’ll be a little bit less wealthy. I’m delighted you have had some successes, but understand this: The day trader, which is what you’re describing, is destined to fail. You are competing with computers that can buy and sell a given security in the same time you might be able to just think about the notion. Very few people are going to consistently beat the computer. That’s an unfortunate part of the trading world, but that’s the way it is. Whether you are using a broker or only the direct services, in my opinion, you need a professional to do what you’re trying to do. If you’re going to be a serious investor, you’re going to need a good broker. They have a ton of information at their fingertips to which you do not have access. That would include how to make this transfer. The only way I know to make this transfer into a brokerage account is to find a broker whom you can trust, either by doing research or asking friends for a recommendation, and have the broker clear this up for you. I know several people who do not use their legal

names for many transactions, and when presenting ID it can become a bit tricky. Take with you to the broker anything you might have with your nickname on it — such as bills or correspondence — and let the broker lead you in what needs to be done to accomplish this. In my own life, I believe in using experts who are far more knowledgeable than I. DEAR BRUCE: Not a question; an observation. You and other financial writers are ignoring state gift tax laws when discussing this matter. For instance, Tennessee has only a $10,000 annual gift tax exemption per donor. Beyond that, there is gift tax payable, albeit not as high as the federal rate. — James, via email DEAR JAMES: Thank you very much for writing. Your observation is completely accurate. In many states there would be no additional tax, but in some it is true there would be, and the donor might want to reconstruct the gifting to avoid the state gift tax. In any case, you’ve made a valuable contribution. Send questions to Smart Money, P.O. Box 503, Elfers, FL 34680, or e-mail them to bruce@brucewilliams.com. .



DEC. 2, 2011

Last man, woman or child standing Church will recreate nativity scene Dec. 4 CHRIS AHRENS Sea Notes I’ve already made my stand on stand up paddle boards, or SUPs, in the lineup. Simply stated it’s this: Someone with the advantage of a paddle on a surfboard should give way on a wave to someone without one. I feel the same way about longboards sharing the lineup with shortboards.The one with the paddle advantage should give way. While to me the aforementioned statement makes perfect sense, I often hear this rebuttal: “It’s not the vehicle but the rider who’s the problem.” While that’s true, it reminds me of the bumper sticker logic that: “It’s not guns that kill people,people kill people.” Guns, surfboards or atom bombs, it only takes one person not obeying the rules to ruin your entire day. Last week I attended the Turkey Paddle, an event on Mission Bay that got me pretty stoked on SUPs. It was a family affair complete with races for all ages and food for anyone that cared to indulge. There were boards on hand for those that wanted to try them, and I stood out as the only one there in a wetsuit,an indication of my lack of confidence and the fact that I could easily fall.But I borrowed a board and paddled, first on my knees then on my feet, across the bay and back in my kooky stance. Since the board I rode was not built for racing,I can’t claim any great rush from my time paddling, but I was left with a short endorphin blast and the feeling that things in the lineup might soon become a little more equal. Returning the board to the sand,I was greeted

Calvary Lutheran Church will recreate a marketplace in Biblical Bethlehem Dec. 4, re-enacting life in ancient times.The public is invited to the event, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the church, 424 Via de la Valle. Booths at “A Night in Bethlehem” will feature Middle Eastern food, arts, crafts and other goods of the era.Visitors will be able to talk with church members portraying Roman soldiers, shepherds, census takers, shopkeepers and other common characters of the time. Early registration is $15 per individual or $45 per family. Limited tickets will be available at the door at $20 per person or $55 per family. Free tickets are available to those needing financial assistance. For tickets or information, call (858) 755-2855 or visit CalvaryLutheranChurch.org.

Red Nose Run hits the beach this year Cody Van Dyke, left, and Alexander Poroy compete in the 8-and-under division of the November 2011 Turkey Paddle at Mission Bay. Photo by Annika Nelson

by friendly paddlers of all ages, some I knew; most I didn’t. Now, I must admit that since I knew only one of the competitors and he had already raced, I paid no attention to the races and therefore have none of the results. I did, however, run into an old friend, Ronda Daum, wife of Dave Daum, the builder, designer and manufacturer of King’s Stand Up Paddle Boards. I’ve known both Dave and Ronda for years. They are fine people; a compliment to the surf community and it’s always good to see them. Ronda informed me about the racing boards being built and I could see that the King’s designs were fast and efficient, winning

many of the races that day. Of course I had no intention of racing myself, but she attracted my interest when she mentioned that race boards would help take SUPs further offshore and out of the lineup. I hope she’s right about that. If so, the lineups will become more manageable with some of the fastest paddlers no longer competing for a limited number of waves. By now I’m convinced that SUPs are here to stay, unless they go the way of the sailboard, which also went boom to bust. But I have no problem with SUPs or those who ride them, unless they’re in front of me or someone else attempting to enjoy a few waves on a smaller surf-

board. I even would go so far as to suggest that everyone who regularly enjoys the water should try an SUP, and that no quiver would be complete without at least one. It must be rewarding to cruise a nonpolluting vehicle offshore, under your own power. Those that do so tell me of seeing fish and other sea creatures that most others never know are there. Sounds like a peaceful way to spend an afternoon to me. Back in the lineup, however, things aren’t always so harmonious and the controversy continues. Chris Ahrens is a surfer and author of four books on surfing. E-mail him at cahrens@coastnewsgroup.com.

Coping with the yins and the yangs of life JOE MORIS Baby Boomer Peace I love riding waves. I always have. The problem is as in life itself, there are a yin and a yang to surfing. The yin is the penultimate of riding deep inside the curl and being shot out the other side as if by an unnatural force. The yang is the sure possibility of never coming out alive almost every time you paddle out. I almost did die in the winter of 1969. That December day, a benchmark in my life, San Diego had one of the biggest northwest swells ever to hit our coast. I remember going to Sunset Cliffs, stopping at a gas station to take care of nature and to slip into my armor plated wetsuit. Those were the dive wetsuits with no legs, just a jacket with a flap. We drove up Sunset Cliffs Boulevard to North Garbage

and when we stood over the cliffs, lined with tripods and long-range lenses, eyeballing monsters rising from the gray horizon, I knew I was doomed. I thought for sure I needed to go back and visit that gas station again. In those days, we had 35to 40-pound long boards with no leashes. In order to paddle out at North or South Garbage you had to scale the bluffs to get up and down. There were footholds and strategically placed steel rods pounded into the bluffs to hold on to. Getting down the 40-foot bluff was enough. If the tide was high, it was brutal waiting for a set to pass so you could dive in over the rocks to paddle out. Fortunately, there is a channel to paddle through to get outside the set line to allow you to avoid getting pounded on the way out. On this day I was sure a set would clean out the channel and I’ll be darned if it didn’t. I knew, no matter how hard I paddled, I would never make it over the last set wave, but with

my heart in my throat I dug as quick and hard as I could. As I paddled up a face of sheer terror for what seemed an interminable amount of time I fell just short of busting through a massive lip of sheer force. I was pitched backward in flight in slow motion as if reality was going to come soon enough. The crash ripped both shoulders out of their sockets as I attempted to hold onto my board. I survived the tumbling churn with a half a second of air left in my lungs only to feel helpless. The shoulders hurt and I could barely move my arms. Fortunately it was the set wave and there was a lull. My surfboard was pinned underwater long enough to become a missile shooting high above the white water on its way back to a horizontal plane. I had lucked out. Unfortunately, I then suffered cramps in both hips. But somehow I got back to my board with the help of my friend, Ted Weeks. That day could have been one of those

exit points that God has planned for us. I’ve been freaked by big waves ever since. That’s why I love Punta de Mita, especially this time of year. Up through the end of April it is the place to be if you’re an old kook surfer like me who doesn’t like to get pounded. Picture an 84-degree day, paddling out through a channel to waist- to head-high Malibushaped picture perfect rights in an 80-degree glassy turquoise sea overseen by a wispy blue firmament and a dash of breeze. That’s what it’s like in the little enclave known as Punta de Mita. It’s just a pretty drive up the coast about 40 km from romantic Puerto Vallarta and a $235 round trip ticket from Tijuana. Don’t let the cold gray winter and our baby boomer bones get you down. Go live again. Joe Moris may be contacted at (760) 500-6755 or by e-mail at joe@coastalcountry.net.

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This year’s 20th annual Red Nose Run will take place on the beach in front of the Poseidon Restaurant at 2 p.m. Dec. 9, 1670 Coast Blvd. The course includes a 5K and a 3K run/walk on the beach. After the event, participants meet in the restaurant for refreshments, followed by door prizes, recognition of 5K race winners, a raffle and live auction and the presentation of contributions to both charities. The Red Nose Run is presented by The Low & Slow Running Club of Del Mar, which consists of runners of various ages and running abilities, who have been getting together for Saturday morning runs for many years. Runners can register the day of race at the Poseidon Restaurant. In 1992 several members started the run with one charity, Fresh Start Surgical Gifts. Over the years, the

number of runners and the amount of contributions has grown from 35 to 40 runners and $5,000 to $6,000 to 200 runners and $18,000 in 2010. The club has given more than $119,000 to Fresh Start and added the Semper Fi Fund charity in the last four years; to which the run contributed $44,000. Since the run is put on by a small group of runners, there is no overhead cost, other than the run itself. Money is raised by the entry fee to participate in the run and by the club soliciting cash/non-cash contributions directly from businesses. The non-cash contributions are auctioned (immediately after the run), which accounts for a significant amount of the funds raised for the charities. After the expense of the run, all funds are distributed to charity.



DEC. 2, 2011

Magical moments this holiday season, The Book Cellar and an important mission MACHEL PENN SHULL Machel’s Ranch If you could go back in time and be a child again, would you? I have often heard others ponder their childhood with many warm-hearted memories. What was it about being young that seems elusive to us as we find ourselves in a wide open field in the midst of our lives? Could it be that we understand time better or rather that we recognize with age as we gaze back and remember who we once were? During the holiday season my childhood memories always come back to me, like flickering images from a movie reel. I grew up on a farm near Springfield, Mo. The winters were cold.The pond froze over and we would skate across it in our cowboy boots. Then we would watch our breath rise up to the white sky and blend in with the blanket of snow falling down on us below. The “us” would be my brother, sister and me. We were pretty tight as kids. We built massive forts in the snow and played a tag game called chicken and fox over the icy pond. I never believed in Santa because we lived on a farm and I knew there was no way he could really fit inside a wood burning stove. We always watched “It’s a Wonderful Life” and “Scrooge.” We had taffy pulls. Live moved slowly when I was young, and I didn’t know as a child that wishes and dreams can sometimes take you away from what you love the most. So now each season, after the turkey has been served and as families are decorating their homes with mistletoe, I find myself remembering the young girl I was and my beginnings. This holiday season, remember to look back, count your blessings and be thankful for each season. Sometimes we never know how magical our moments are until they are gone. Around Town CORRECTION: Well, my favorite bookstore in the whole wide world must hate me. I realized my serious gaffe of naming the wrong bookstore in a previous column after someone pointed out the name on my coffee cup, Book Tales, which most of you probably know is in Encinitas.That is a wonderful bookstore, too. However, my favorite bookstore that I try to frequent at least once a week exists just around the corner from the Rancho Santa Fe Library and is The Book Cellar. Please forgive! My only excuse is I write late night into the early hours of the morning and sometimes mistakes happen when you do this. So for the record, if you would like to read and buy books in Rancho Santa Fe, The Book Cellar is a gem of place. What I do is always donate the books back when my room starts to take on too

many stacks against the wall or they start falling of my night stand. Make sure you stop in this holiday season for a book as a gift.They have fabulous prices. And the quiet, still space between the rows of bookshelves just warms your soul. During the first week of November, Dr. Michael and Lynne Skyhar stopped in at the Lemon Twist Gift & Produce Shop in Rancho Santa Fe. Lynne and Dr. Mike live in the area and were just so wonderful to meet right as dusk was setting across the valley behind the shop. We shared some quick conversation and they were kind enough to let me share a photo in my column from that evening. I love meeting new people. Mike and Lynne were very gracious and kind. Thanks for stopping in at Lemon Twist and for reading the column Mike and Lynne. Happy holidays! On Nov. 13, I attended Esther Wong’s charity fundraising party in Cielo with my best friend Jill Sorge. The party was hosted by Esther, Taylor and Diane Wong and the Santa Fe Christian India Mission’s team. Part of the proceeds from this event will be included in a check they are presenting in person in India at the Grace Home Orphanage and school. My favorite part of this party was watching the video clip from their trip over to India last year. If you are interested in donating to this charity, visit sfcs.net/about/Pages/why_sfcs. aspx. I have included a beautiful photo of Esther and Taylor Wong from that day. On Nov. 15, many beautiful blondes and brunettes from Rancho Santa Fe made it to Mission Valley to attend Bloomingdale’s Shopping Event, which benefited Rady Children’s Hospital here in San Diego. Look at the fabulous shot I included from the event. In the lineup, we have Kim Smart from Smart Interiors, Elaine Gallagher, Ally Wise, Candace Sears and Jan Doyle-Wehlag.All of these lovely, smart women are business professionals, friends and most of all, they are shopping to benefit Rady Children’s Hospital. Well done. Make sure you shop this Christmas or donate extra items that you don’t need to charity. On Nov. 19th, it rained all day in Rancho Santa Fe. But that didn’t stop the Sassy Santa Event that my gal pal Krista Lafferty organized with the Garden Club. When I stopped by that Saturday there was a massive food truck feeding the shoppers out front, a Santa listening to children’s wish lists, and a plethora of local businesses beating the Black Friday date by one week. Inside the Garden Club felt festive and warm. I enjoyed strolling the aisles and seeing all of the merchandise. Here is a photo from that day, too. Congrats to Krista, the Rancho Santa Fe Rotary and to all of those that came

Dr. Michael Skyhar and his wife, Lynne at Lemon Twist Gift and Produce Shop in Rancho Santa Fe. Photo by Machel Penn Shull

Esther and Taylor Wong are raising money this holiday season for the second year for the Grace Orphanage and school in India. Photo by Machel Penn Shull

The Book Cellar in Rancho Santa Fe has deals on books this holiday season. Photo by Machel Penn Shull

“The Old Mission San Luis Rey de Francia” in Oceanside is in need of support. Courtesy photo

Lovely ladies Ranch residents, Kim Smart, Elaine Gallagher, Ally Wise, Candace Sears and Jan Doyle-Wehlag at Bloomingdales Rady Children’s Hospital Benefit. Courtesy photo

out to support local businesses this holiday season. Please continue to “Shop Small” this season. I have included a photo of those three important gals behind Sassy Santa. Save the mission: I received an e-mail from Renee, a Ranch resident, alerting me to some important news. The Old Mission San Luis Rey de Francia in Oceanside is facing closure if enough money is not raised to save this landmark. Here is the link you must check out, sanluisrey.org/Seismic-retrofit/. Known as the “King of Missions,” it is a famous natu-

ral historic landmark in Southern California. Founded in 1798, San Luis Rey’s historic church predates California even as state by 52 years. Open seven days a week to the public, take time and visit this landmark with your family, but more importantly, donate if you can before we lose a valuable part of California history! Thank you, Renee, for alerting the community about this important information. If you have a story you would like to share with Machel, contact her at mpenn@coastnewsgroup.com.

From left, RSF Rotarian Krista Lafferty, Garden Club member Pat Newmark and Rotarian Jane Allison Austin enjoy the Sassy Santa event. Photo by Machel Penn Shull


Associated Press dispatch from New Orleans warned that “Caribbean crazy ants” are invading five Southern states by the millions, and because their death triggers distress signals to their pals for revenge attacks, up to 10 times as many might replace any population wiped out. Said a Texas exterminator, of a pesticide he once tried,“In 30 days I had 2 inches of dead ants covering (an) entire half-acre,” and still the ants kept coming, crawling

across the carcasses. Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi are currently the most vulnerable. (2) Biologists found a shark fetus with one centered eye inside a pregnant dusky shark off the coast of Baja California Sur, Mexico, in October. A marine sciences lab in nearby La Paz confirmed that the unborn baby, which filled up a researcher’s hand, had the extremely rare congenital “cyclopia.”

eral years been training future practitioners using life-sized synthetic patients from Orient Industry, based on the company’s “sex dolls,” and recently upgraded to the fancier silicone dolls with human-feel skin that can cost as much as the equivalent of $9,000 when sold to perverts who customorder young women for companionship.According to a July CNN report, advanced robotics added to the Showa version allow the doll to utter typical Cutting-Edge Science patient phrases, to sneeze, and • Japan’s Showa University (when trainees mishandle School of Dentistry has for sev- tools) to gag.

Tickets are $15 and can be purCALENDAR chased at Anderson Stationers, CONTINUED FROM A5 700 Second St., Encinitas and Janice Lee’s Youth Ballet of Queen Eileen’s, 548 S. Coast Encinitas, will dance “The Highway, Encinitas. For informaNutcracker” at 1 p.m. and 4:30 tion, call (760) 753-7811. p.m. Dec. 11 in the MiraCosta College Auditorium, 3333 Manchester Ave., Cardiff. WRAPPED UP The Rancho

DEC. 10



process of aging. Noel says her technique has proven to be effective in the treatment of autism, ADD, hyperactivity in children, allergies and stress reduction. It’s also been used to treat conditions involving motor coordination such as cerebral palsy, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy and tremors. Noel says others have experienced relief from fibromyalgia, severe pain, migraine headaches, depression, respiratory conditions, TMJ and orthopedic conditions including neck and back injuries sustained from car accidents. Since 2008, Noel has offered her expertise as a volunteer at the Integrative Medicine Program at the San Diego Cancer Research Institute. Daniel Vicario, M.D. is director of the program. “Blanca has helped several of my patients over the years,” he said. “Her therapy is helpful for any condition: it helps healthy people stay healthy and continue with their inner balance and harmony. For those with a mild illness, they are able to achieve some type of balance and reconnect with their own healing source.” Vicario adds that he has also seen Noel assist terminally-ill patients through the dying process. “When someone is going through this transition, Blanca



DEC. 2, 2011

helps them feel empowered, reconnect with that inner peace, and die as calm as possible, with the dignity they deserve, and without the fear of death,” Vicario said. “When someone doesn’t have much time to live, they see her for a session and develop inner peace and are able to accept physical death knowing that the soul is eternal.” Noel supported Vicario’s nephew (who was also his godson) through advanced cancer for two years until his passing this fall. “I know several nurses, doctors and other practitioners of the healing arts who are very enlightened themselves, who are advanced in understanding healing, and they have enjoyed their sessions with Blanca,” Vicario added. “She’s a true ‘healer’s healer.’” Currently,Noel is writing a manual to teach others her technique. For more information, or to schedule an appointment, visit blancanoel.com or call (760) 479-1887.

Santa Fe Library, 17040 Avenida De Acacias, will offer its monthly Make & Take Craft Program at 11 a.m. Dec. 10 decorating a gift bag and tag. All materials will be provided at no charge. There will be no book club meeting in December.



Ranch continues to move forward and should be completed within the next 60 days. “We have received the water commitment letter from the irrigation district and have requested the fire availability letter from the fire protection district,” he said. He said the Covenant engineer will submit the final map to the county for a plan check. One of the final conditions to be met is the Sight Distance Certification for the driveway leading to the singlefamily residence on the property. “In order to complete that condition, we will need to remove three or four of the pepper trees on the north side of the driveway along Via de

Santa Fe,” Holler said. That project should be completed within the next few weeks. Once the final map is approved and recorded with the county, staff will be able to apply for a permit to move the electric meters and panels from the front of the adobe. “The new meter and panels will be relocated to the other side of the dirt parking area, near to where the existing wash racks are located,”he said. The funding to move the panels was approved by the board last summer. Queen said he wished the Osuna project could be moved along more quickly. “I hope the board will find a way to move forward,” he said.“It is a real asset to the community.” The project is planned in

phases. The next phase is to restore the adobe and build restrooms on the property. On the subject of committee reports, Director Dick Doughty reported that the Broad Band Committee has met and will soon be meeting with representatives from Cox and Time Warner Cable. Director Larry Spitcaufsky told the board that the Trails Committee is working diligently to find an alternative place for playground equipment to be placed within the Covenant.

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DEC. 2, 2011


DEC. 2, 2011


Residents turn out for inaugural Turkey Trot JEAN GILLETTE Small Talk

If you can’t stand the heat ... Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the Really Bland cook-off. This is for a different 1 percent — the sad minority who just can’t eat spicy food and feel really left out cook-off-wise. I despair as clever top chefs are laying out what seems like a perfect meal, making my mouth water as they describe each ingredient. Then it happens. Every item from the amuse-bouche to the goldanged ice cream gets some kind of pepper thrown in. Gack, gack … my mouth hurts just thinking of it. That’s right. I am going to throw a cook-off for the few remaining souls on earth who cannot abide spicy food. And just for the record, it’s not our fault. It’s our receptors. But more about that later. This week I read about a combination chili cook-off and curry cookoff, and I figured I should do something in support of cream of wheat, béchamel sauce, rice pudding, avocados, mashed potatoes and creamed corn. Actually, I need to do something on behalf of chili, curry, barbecued anything, and all other dishes that could be served without searing your mouth off, but just aren’t anymore. Maybe I should call mine the cook-anythingyou-like-and-just-leave-allpepper-out-of-it cook-off. Oooh. I like the sound of that. So why can’t I abide hot chilies and such? I thought maybe most folks’ taste buds wore out or got bored and took a cruise. But no, it’s our vanilloid receptors. Some of us, it seems, have receptors that bind really well with all that peppery stuff. Those would be mine. The rest of you, for one reason or another, have mediocre, inefficient receptors that peppery stuff doesn’t stick to well. If I knew I’d have some part of my body that worked extra-specially well, I’d have voted for eyes or maybe my back. Can I get a ballot recount? Jean Gillette is a freelance writer with overachieving taste buds. Contact her at jgillette@coastnewsgroup.com.

By Patty McCormac.

RANCHO SANTA FE — It seemed that Mother Nature sanctioned the inaugural Turkey Trot hosted by the Rancho Santa Fe Community Center at the Arroyo Ranch Property on Nov. 26. The day was dripping with sunshine and temperatures were in the mid-70s — perfect for running the 5K and/or sliding around in the mud during the mud run. It is unusual to hold a Turkey Trot after Thanksgiving, so it was billed as a way to burn all the extra calories consumed during the holiday and to give people with guests still in town something to do. “What else are you going to do the Saturday after Thanksgiving?” asked Erin Weidner, executive director of the of the Community Center, as she checked in participants, handing each a keepsake Tshirt designed by Brittany Saake. Weidner said she didn’t know how many people would eventually come out for the event, but initially 20 teams of four had signed up in advance. “We’ll have at least 100,” she said. “That’s pretty good for something that is brand new.” On hand were numerous volunteers, many of them high school students earning some community service hours. Weidner said at first she was trying to figure out a way to run the 5K through the streets of the village, but it was Peter Smith, Covenant manager, who gave her another idea.

Runners are off at the inaugural RSF Turkey Trot. Photos by Patty McCormac

Sean Fallmer puts on his Turkey Trot t-shirt before the event.

Clayton Sersky tries out the obstacle course before the mud run at the First Turkey Trot hosted by the Rancho Santa Fe Community Center. The Ezzet family, Nolan, Kase and Paloma, stretch before the run.

“He said, ‘Why don’t you just have it out on the Arroyo?’” she said. She said it was a great idea for a couple of reasons, one being that many people don’t know the property is

owned by the Association and that it is theirs to enjoy. “It’s a great place for families to come out and use what is in their backyard,” she said. Several food trucks came

out to the event to help keep the runners fueled, as well as vendor Running Skirts and health and lifestyle coach Cameron Trickey. As the crowd began to gather, runners began warm-

ing up. Kase Ezzet showed his children, Nolan and Paloma, how to stretch before the race. “We’re doing the mud run,” Nolan said. “I like getting dirty.” The Rancho Santa Fe Fire Department provided the water from their tanker truck to make the mud. Runners completed the 5K that ran in a butterfly pattern around the Arroyo. During the event, there was music, bocce ball and other games. The Turkey Trot replaces the usual fall fundraiser, which moved the Poker Tournament to Jan. 21, 2012.

High school senior finds art in everyday objects By Lillian Cox

SOLANA BEACH — Juliana Welch has established herself as one of the coast’s most promising, emerging artists. A senior at Canyon Crest Academy, she and Isa Beniston were recently commissioned to participate in a public arts program through Arts Alive on the Coastal Rail Trail. Juliana transformed a side of a utility box, painting surreal-looking animals in masks,” said Carol Beth Rodriguez, membership chair for the Solana Beach Art Association and a member of the city of Solana Beach’s Public Arts Advisory Commission. “The choice of palette and imagery integrate well with the trail’s motif. Juliana’s creative painting is a lovely addition to the public art on the Coastal Rail Trail.” Juliana is the daughter of Diane Welch, whose monograph, “Lilian J. Rice: Architect of Rancho Santa Fe, California” (Schiffer, 2010) won the San Diego Book Awards this year in the biography category. Juliana contributed photos for the volume. Diane Welch is also an artist, having earned a bachelor’s in fine art and a master’s in art education from the University of Leeds, England.

Juliana Welch, a senior at Canyon Crest Academy, was recently commissioned to transform a utility box into public art through Arts Alive on the Coastal Rail Trail. Courtesy photos

She was Juliana’s first art instructor when her daughter entered Kumeyaay Elementary School in Tierra Santa several years ago. “My mom would encourage the other students and me to step out of the box,” Juliana said. “She inspired us to be completely individualistic, and to take a chance. I’ve always been driven to speak up in general, and that has translated into a bold

approach to art.” Juliana continued art instruction as she matured, studying under Carmen Tepper at The Studio Academy in Sorrento Valley. Later she interned with international fashion and textile designer Zandra Rhodes, who has offices in London and Solana Beach. “I’d help around the office,” Juliana said. “She’d ask me to draw sketches and

be creative. She uses a lot of gold and patterns, which drove me to continue my art and develop practical uses for it as well.” In addition, Juliana served as apprentice to artist/designer Jennifer Chapman. “Juliana is a gifted artist, a great talent,” Chapman said. “Her style is reminiscent of (Jean-Baptiste-Camille) Corot, the great Impressionist

“I was inspired by Native American art,” Juliana said, explaining that the grouping of five wild animals, each wearing the same skull mask, symbolizes the unity of nature’s elemental force. The green turtle neck, and hand and footprints, are characteristic of Juliana’s bold and whimsical style.

painter and other Impressionist painters of the later 19th century. She can also mix it up and give her TURN TO ARTIST ON B11


DEC. 2, 2011



Left, Logan Englehart sings a seasonal song at the Horizon Prep Early Education Thanksgiving Program. Above, Lucas Sit and Evelyn Walker entertain the gathered parents and friends at the Horizon Prep Early Education Thanksgiving Program. Right, Mia Carpenter shares what she is thankful for at the Horizon Prep Early Education Thanksgiving Program. Photos by Melissa Pedersen

City Ventures offers incentives to potential buyers California’s most active homebuilder, City Ventures Residences, is now selling the Encinitas Leucadia Collection, an intimately scaled collection of 19-handcrafted agrarian-style singlefamily homes in a naturally private cul-de-sac community. And if you buy in phase 1, you will receive a $50,000 Buyer Incentive to be used towards upgrades, appliances, and hard surfaces and pre-paid

Homeowners Association Dues. Famous for its scenic vistas, excellent schools, parks and old-town charm, Encinitas provides an ideal location for City Ventures’ newest collection. Located three-quarters of a mile from the beach and just minutes from downtown Encinitas, Del Mar and Carlsbad Village, the community touts incredible access to world-renown

golf courses and unforgettable views of the sunset. Prices for the luxury homes will begin in the low $900,000s and will feature up to 3,372-square-feet with architecturally diverse singleand two-story floor plans with two- and three-car attached and detached garages. The 19 hand-crafted residences feature well-appointed amenities on over-sized homesites of up to a quarter acre, spacious

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City Ventures Residences is now selling the Encinitas Leucadia Collection. Courtesy photo

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for all inquiries or personal tours of the luxury homes. Appointments may be made by calling (760) 633-3050 or by registering online at cityventures.com/Encinitas.p hp. About City Ventures: City Ventures operates homebuilding divisions in Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego and San Francisco, and holds more than 4,500 lots throughout California. The company acquires properties in desirable neighborhoods with the intent to entitle and build high-quality homes and vibrant new residential communities. The

company places an emphasis on both construction quality and cost in order to deliver home buyers with compelling value. Because the company was formed in 2009 after the market correction, City Ventures has an unencumbered balance sheet enabling it to serve as the ideal partner for land sellers, homebuyers and city agencies. Founders Mark Buckland and Craig Atkins have capitalized on their deep knowledge of the urban infill market to create a thriving business despite the recession. Buckland, who guided The Olson Company to “Builder of the Year” honors in 2000 and to continued growth afterwards, has used his expertise in walkable, new-urbanist and affordable community construction to efficiently deliver affordably priced, well-constructed homes. Atkins’ extensive real estate expertise — which includes over $3 billion in land acquisitions —earned him Ernst &Young/Orange County Business Journal’s Entrepreneur of the Year award in 2003. For information, visit cityventures.com.

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Who’s NEWS? Business news and special achievements for North San Diego County. Send information via e-mail to community@ coastnewsgroup.com. Top horsewoman Encinitas resident Lindsay LaPlante was crowned champion in quarter horse “Junior Trail” competition at the AQHA Worlds finals in an upset against the 52 best riders in this event. Junior refers to the age of the horse, 6 years or less, and trail is about navigating an intricate, predefined course with precision, without hitting any obstacles, showing no hesitation by the horse and showing no visible effort on the part of the rider.

Modern marketing



DEC. 2, 2011

BOOKS & FUN Clockwise from top, Solana Santa Fe parents Ilene Lamb, owner of Cupcake Love, and Lisa Pidgeon, who owns Vitamin G Boutique, participate in the holiday boutique held at Solana Santa Fe on Nov. 16 during the book fair. Parent volunteers Kathleen Schreiber and Nora Balikian work to make things happen at the Solana Santa Fe School book fair Nov. 10 through Nov. 18. Griffin Goldberg enjoys the book fair During the week, the school held a pajama party and added a holiday boutique one evening. During the week, the school held a pajama party and an added holiday boutique one evening. Courtesy photos

Encinitas mom Kym Wright and her Brownie daughter Ella were part of a recent Wall Street Journal article on new ways parents have created to help their child sell fundraising items. Wright had Ella dress in her Brownie uniform and make a two-minute video showing pictures and prices for some nut products she was selling for her troop that they e-mailed to friends.

Toddler program Casa Montessori de Carlsbad has opened a new toddler program, with the focus on bringing the vision of Maria Montessori to children ages 18 months to 3 years. Casa Montessori de Carlsbad is committed to fostering each child’s social and emotional development through Practical Life and Sensory-Based curriculum. For more information, v i s i t CasaMontessorideCarlsbad .com.

Tasty charity Gourmet chocolatier Jer’s Chocolates, 437 S. Highway 101, Solana Beach, is donating $5 from the sale of each Holiday Gift Box to the Jacobs & Cushman San Diego Food Bank. The sale of each box will provide 15 meals to San Diegans in TURN TO WHO’S NEWS ON B11

North County coastal wetlands, watersheds and lagoons KYLE STOCK Coastal Cosmos Imaginary lines drawn on a map do not divide North Coastal San Diego communities; the lagoons that run west to east from the coastline delineate our maps. A lagoon is a shallow body of coastal water, partially blocked from flowing freely into the sea. These wetlands are vital ecosystems for hundreds of native organisms and migrating birds. They also provide recreational and educational opportunities including nature centers, hiking and bird watching. San Diego’s coastal lagoons are the endpoint of vast watersheds that drain water from inland streams, rivers, lakes and reservoirs. Precipitation flows downhill toward the ocean, all the while, erosion and the deposit of sediments shape the watershed. The ever-changing ocean tides push seawater upstream during high tide and drain the freshwater during low tide. Buena Vista Lagoon parts Oceanside from Carlsbad. Batiquitos Lagoon flows between Carlsbad and

Encinitas. San Elijo Lagoon separates Cardiff-by-the-Sea and Solana Beach. San Dieguito Lagoon splits Solana Beach and Del Mar. Los Peñasquitos Marsh Natural Preserve separates Del Mar from Torrey Pines. Lagoons have had an important impact on human endeavors and humans have certainly had an impact on the wellbeing of the lagoons. All of the lagoons exist in differing, fluctuating states of their natural selves. San Dieguito Lagoon accommodates the fairgrounds and racetrack. A large restoration project is under way using environmental reparation money from San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, or SONGS, the giant concrete domes off Interstate 5 on the north end of Camp Pendleton. San Elijo Lagoon remains a well-protected and relatively natural habitat, thanks to efforts from the San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy, the San Diego County Department of Parks and Recreation and the California Department of Fish and Game. However, the San Elijo Lagoon Restoration Project is in the preliminary stages with a goal, “To protect, restore, and then maintain, via adaptive management, the San Elijo Lagoon ecosystem and adjacent uplands.” Public

hearings were held this week, with more planned. According to Jennifer Miller, supervising park ranger at the San Elijo Lagoon, “The mixture of salt and freshwater, known as brackish water, leads to great biodiversity. Plants and animals have adapted to survive in certain ranges of salinity that exist as the tide drops in and out of the lagoon.” Escondido Creek provides San Elijo Lagoon freshwater as it flows from Lake Wohlford through the San Elijo Lagoon and then out to sea. Native Americans lived off the lagoon biodiversity for thousands of years. In the summer, 100 species of birds are found in San Elijo Lagoon, a worldrenowned area for bird watching. In the winter, an extra 200 species of birds stop to rest and fuel up in the lagoon as they migrate between points


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far south and far north. Three hundred different bird species can exist within these 1,000 acres! Three hundred species of plants, 20 species of fish, 16 reptiles/amphibians, 26 mammals and 80 invertebrates all add greatly to the biodiversity of San Elijo Lagoon. Many of these species are considered sensitive or endangered. These varied organisms inhabit various ecosystems within the lagoon, from the coastal strand to Rancho Santa Fe including: salt and freshwater marshes, riparian,

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coastal sage scrub and chaparral. The health of this wetland is about much more than just a place to take a walk with pretty vistas. The San Elijo Lagoon, and all of our wetlands for that matter, is intricately tied to all of our ecosystems. Enjoy the majestic wilderness in our coastal backyards and take care to leave them thriving and healthy.


DEC. 2, 2011


Stigma still a preventer to those seeking help By Tony Cagala

Depression; suicide. Just breaching a conversation on these topics can bring uneasiness. “Unfortunately, people are kind of scared to bring up the topic,” said Ruth Kenzelmann, Ph.D executive director OptumHealth San Diego, a health management provider, works in collaboration with San Diego County, and also operates a countywide access and crisis line. “There is still some stigma attached to any kind of mental health issue,” Kenzelmann said. “That does stop people from reaching out, because they don’t want to look crazy, they don’t want to sound crazy.” OptumHealth, partnering with the County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency, began offering a training program Q.P.R. (Question, Persuade, Refer) in November for non-profes-

There is still some stigma attached to any mental health issue.That does stop people from reaching out. Ruth Kenzelmann,Ph.D Executive director OptumHealth

sionals in the community to learn about suicide prevention, and in part to get people comfortable talking about suicide. The training, which has been ongoing throughout the

county, is easy in concept, but difficult to do, Kenzelmann explained. “Easy in concept in the sense of being free to talk about suicide, so if you have a concern with a loved one to say, ‘I’m worried about you.’ ‘Are you having suicidal thoughts?’ So those opening questions can save a life,” she said. “One in four people in the United States has a mental health issue, and most Californians do recognize that mental health is a serious issue…so some of that stigma is starting to be reduced, but we still have a long ways to go,” Kenzelmann said. The word “stigma,” since its original Latin meaning to mark by branding, has come to refer to a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person. “This is something like diabetes, something like you

break your leg,” said Kenzelmann. “There’s no shame in asking for help, or asking someone if they need help. That’s OK to do. And actually reaching out to get help is very courageous in the sense of knowing ‘OK, I need some help, I just need someone to help me pull through this,’” Kenzelmann said. A lot of the calls they’ve been receiving on the crisis line within the last three years, are people despondent about the economic environment, or people who have lost their jobs, Kenzelmann explained. “Depression is usually diagnosed with several different symptoms,” Kenzelmann said. “The most obvious is the depressed mood; there might be some lethargy…they may have enjoyed tennis and skiing, they may not be enjoying those things and actually stopping those things.

“Irritability can be a sign of depression. A lot of times for men and, actually, young children…there’s a lot of different types of depressive symptomatology,” she added. “There’s not a test you can take, (like) a blood test and ‘Oh yeah, you’re depressed,’ or any kind of psych test, because it’s such a complicated issue and depressive symptoms can be part of a medical condition. “If folks are hesitant to get help, that any kind of mental health issue, certainly depression as well, (it) can lead to some physical symptoms, can lead to family problems, can lead to work problems; obviously, one of the most serious side-effects is suicidal thoughts and acting upon those thoughts, so it can certainly escalate to some horrible things,” she said. “Research has shown

that treatment of depression as well as any mental health issue is there’s a high-rate of success. And with depression, that both medication and psychotherapy, there’s a very good chance that there’s going to be recovery to that.” “Suicide is 100 percent preventable,” Kenzelmann said. “People can recover from having those thoughts; people can recover from depression and people can recover from any mental health issue. And recovery, I mean, live a normal life.They may still have some mental health issue, but they can recover and continue on living a health life.” The San Diego access and crisis line is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week and may be reached by calling (800) 479-3339. The help line is available in multiple languages to all residents of San Diego County.

Local millionaire entrepreneur to share business secrets Local resident, Paul Lemberg, is joining up with networking expert, Carmenza David, Dec. 9 to present a new seminar entitled “The Midas Mindset — How to Rocket Your Business in Any Economy,” for every business person in San Diego County. This seminar is designed for business owners who have secretly longed to grow their business to a higher level.

Many entrepreneurs dream that dream, but just as many feel that the recession and current economy is taking them further away from that dream! Participants will be given the opportunity to spend a full day with business growth expert, Paul Lemberg, to learn business growth secrets and strategies. Lemberg has worked oneon-one with hundreds of busi-

ness owners and helped thousands of entrepreneurs become wealthy. With over 15 years of working with companies ranging from Fortune 500 to “solopreneurs,” he has discovered the master keys to his clients’ successes and broken them down into three major steps. The seminar topics include: Making the decision to be successful,transforming limiting beliefs, crushing

bad habits and cultivating powerful ones, and time management. “I just love that Paul has been so successful and wants to share his knowledge with local business owners,” says Carmenza. “It’s going to be a life-altering day with great

business growth ideas!” This seminar is offered for one day only Dec. 9, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., and will be held at the Hilton Garden Inn at 6450 Carlsbad Blvd. Admission is $97 per person. For information and registration visit

sandiegobusinessconnectors.co m. Lemberg is an international business coach, author, and small business strategy expert who has appeared on CNN, Financial News Network, and other local and national media.

Airport scanners present minimal risks DOCTOR K Second Opinion DEAR DOCTOR K: I travel a lot for business. Every time I go through an airport security scanner, I wonder how it might be affecting my health. Are these scanners harmful? Should I avoid them? DEAR READER: There are currently two types of airport scanners in use. Some use non-ionizing radiation; the others use ionizing radiation. Most of the concern about scanners focuses on those that use ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation is the more dangerous kind and is definitely something to worry about. This type of radiation can damage your cells and can also affect a damaged cell’s ability to repair itself. Ionizing radiation can cause genetic changes that

impair your cells’ ability to control their own growth. If the cells start dividing when they shouldn’t, a cancer starts. Lastly, ionizing radiation can damage the DNA in your sperm or eggs. This can cause mutations that could affect your future children. Exposure to very high levels of ionizing radiation can cause radiation poisoning and even death. After reading this, you may well ask, “Why would I allow myself to be exposed to ionizing radiation?” My answer is, like most bad things, what matters is how much of it you’re exposed to. So how much radiation is there in an airport scanner, compared to regular X-rays, for example? It would take more than 50 scans at the airport to equal the radiation exposure from a single dental X-ray. And it would take 1,000 scans to equal the exposure from a chest X-ray. Suppose you made a back-and-forth trip by airplane once every month. At that rate, it would take you two years to accu-

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mulate as much radiation as you get from just one dental X-ray, and 40 years to accumulate as much radiation as from just one chest X-ray. Does that put it in perspective? Here’s another perspective. You actually can’t avoid radiation exposure. Just living on Earth exposes us to low levels of ionizing radiation. There are radioactive substances in soil and cosmic rays from outer space. And about those cosmic rays: When you’re in an airplane, 30,000 feet above the Earth, you are exposed to more of them than on the ground. In fact, you are exposed to 100 times more radiation from traveling in an airplane than from the airport scanner. So if the scanner worries you, why are you flying in the first place? My point is not that flying is dangerous. My family and I fly all the time. I’m just trying to put the risk of airport scanners in perspective. So what should you do? I’ll tell you what I do. I don’t worry about airport scanners. I have a hip replacement, so I often set off the alarm. For that reason, I’m always disappointed when I arrive at an airport security area and don’t see a scanner. I much prefer a scanner to a pat down, in terms of my time and my dignity. In a world full of things to worry about, airport scanners are not on my list. Dr. Komaroff is a physician and professor at Harvard Medical School. Go to his website to send questions and get additional information: www.AskDoctorK.com.



DEC. 2, 2011

Wreath-making workshop focuses on sustainability ture and sculpture line is made exclusively with scrap wood. His wooden handbags, made of scrap wood and recycled fabrics, have been worn by celebrities including Pink, Lady Gaga, Shakira, Mariah Carey and Yukimi Nagano. Kwapis, who has a Master of Arts in art history and museum studies, recently joined the gallery. She previously worked at the California Center for the Arts in Escondido and the National Museum of the Marine Corps (art wing) in

By Lillian Cox

Holiday celebrants are invited to a wreath-making workshop at the Re-Gallery from 2 to 4 p.m. Dec. 17. The gallery is located at 348H S. Cedros Ave. The gallery showcases green art using recycled materials and offers classes in sustainable art. The event is organized by artist Lester Corral, who serves as general manager of the gallery, and Beth Kwapis, marketing director and sales manager. A wreath base will be provided to participants who are asked to arrive with pinecones, photos and broken ornaments. Other recommended materials include old sheet music, reclaimed wood, retro fabric remnants, ribbon, stringed lights and vintage ornaments. “Bring ornaments that haven’t seen the light of day for a long time,” Kwapis said, smiling. “This is an opportunity to bring them back to life.

Participants in the wreath-making class at the Re-Gallery Dec. 17 are asked to bring recyclables to the event. This wreath made by artist Nia Gipson was made with old sheet music. Courtesy photo

Artist Lester Corral, general manager of the Re-Gallery, and Beth Kwapis, marketing director and sales manager. On Dec. 17, the gallery will host a wreath-making workshop using recycled materials including photos and broken Christmas ornaments. The event benefits adults with special needs. Photo by Lillian Cox

Hopefully we can grab magic and make some interesting wreaths.” Kwapis recommended that participants think about a theme prior to the workshop. Suggested themes include seashells, school crafts, Disney characters, angels, old Santas, grandmother’s old ornaments and other retro decorations. “Everything can be reimagined and repurposed,” Corral said. “We encourage people to bring in things to personalize.” He cautioned that participants should bear in mind that items brought from

home should be nonperishable and strong enough so that the wreaths can be enjoyed for holidays to come. “The workshop offers an opportunity to help the environment, bond with family and friends, and raise money to benefit adults with special needs,” Kwapis added. Re-Gallery was opened in 2010 by Andris Baltins. His son Nicholas, who has special needs, serves as ambassador. “The gallery was created to showcase art made with sustainable materials, and to serve as a resource for people with special needs who enjoy art and want to make new friends,” Corral said. “We

help out local emerging artists. If they do sustainable art, we’d like to display it.” Artists currently featured at the gallery include Nia Gipson, Rodney (Rodrigo) McCoubrey, Karla Leopold, Sean Brannan, Michael Hammond, Tom Tomlinson, Patrick Haemmerlein, Seth Tegardine, Janelle Carter, Uve Hamilton and Andrea Holeman. “Since we are a sustainable art gallery, we are affordable,” Corral added. “We want to make collectors out of a lot of people.” An artist himself, Corral’s “For Nature” furni-

Cedros Avenue has two holiday celebrations The Cedros shopping area has two events planned for the holidays. First, Carnivale on Cedros, from noon to 5 p.m. Dec. 3 will feature the magic of The Dragon Knight Stilt Walkers. These performers bring life to fairies, dragons and elves through puppeteers all while balancing on stilts. Then spend some time watching The SteamPowered Giraffes, an act that combines steam punk and futurism with mime

achis, a gourmet taco and music to create a truly Folklife Festival. Come by for an truck, and piñatas. original experience. There will be seasonal evening of strolling maritreats and drinks at many stores to add to the atmosphere. From noon to 5 p.m. Dec. 10 will be Feliz Navidad Cedros offering the music and food of Mexico center stage. Cedros Avenue will present “Mariachi of Chula Vista,” a 14-piece youth musical group that has been featured in the New York Times and has performed at the Smithsonian

Quantico, Va. Re-Gallery hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. They are closed on Monday. Light refreshments will be served at the wreath workshop. Cost is $25 per person, $45 per adult plus one child, and $75 for three siblings accompanied by a parent. Reservations must be made by Dec. 15. Call (858) 259-2001. For more information, visit regallery.org.


DEC. 2, 2011


Domo Arigato Mr. Ogata for keeping it real in Encinitas DAVID BOYLAN Lick the Plate It was kind of ironic that on the day I was thinking about writing a column on Ogata, I heard that classic rock staple “Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto” by Styx. After all these years of not really pay-

ing attention to the lyrics, I looked them up and discovered that they were saying thank you in Japanese to the robot. I found that a very appropriate thing to say to the proprietors of Ogata, who have been serving up quality, affordable Japanese cuisine in the heart of Encinitas since 1995, which happened to be the year I landed here. While Ogata has updated their interior a bit since then, it still

The crazy good Katsu Curry at Ogata. Photo by David Boylan

retains an old-school charm and comfort that is a refreshing reminder of the somewhat sleepy downtown Encinitas I experienced upon relocating to the area. Sushi has also exploded on to the area dining scene since then and there are definitely more trendy options, but none that really have the soul of Ogata. My history with Ogata goes way back. Sushi was pretty foreign to me coming here from Michigan in the mid1990s. I was fortunate to have a co-worker at the old Quill Communications named Linus who spent time in

Japan, spoke fluent Japanese and was the perfect person to ease me into the nuances of Japanese cuisine and sushi. One of the places that took happened was Ogata, where I was introduced to edamame, udon, miso soup, katsu curry, California rolls, and slowly into sushi and sashimi with the not-so-foreign-to-me salmon my first raw fish experience. Sushi was easier to acclimate to, with the rice providing a nice buffer to the fish. I quickly learned that higher quality fish was delicious on its own, sashimi style. I was soon on to tuna, yellowtail, albacore and the exotic to me unagi or eel. I don’t know what the turning point was but I was

soon craving Japanese food on a weekly basis and found out quickly that Ogata was where I could make that happen very affordably. This was even more important with my teenage son Quinn having developed a taste for Ogata through a similar initiation. I would highly suggest Ogata for families looking for an authentic Japanese experience without breaking the bank. An example of this was the assorted mixed sushi with a spicy tuna roll and rainbow roll with soup and salad that was under $10 forever and only recently was bumped up to a still very reasonable $14.50. I still find that to be my go-to combo at Ogata but have also had serious cravings for the Katsu curry, which is a deep-fried pork cutlet with a brown curry sauce and rice. The Katsu curry also comes with chicken, calamari or jumbo shrimp. Ogata has also caught on to the brown rice trend, which is a nice lower carb option than traditional white rice and works as a decent substitute in most dishes. The rolls are solid at Ogata as well, with plenty of crowd pleasers like the everpopular rainbow and spicy tuna rolls. Udon is also a favorite with the tasty noodles paired with pork, beef,

vegetables, chicken or mixed tempura. There is also a big mix of teriyaki, tempura and stir-fried vegetables for those in your group who don’t go for the sushi thing. I did not see anything on the menu more than $15 and most entrees came in well under that price point. Ogata also offers a very solid $5 lunch special that includes three nice-looking options. A full selection of Japanese beers and sake are available. Desserts include green tea and plum wine ice cream along with a sesame ball a la mode. A sesame ball is a type of fried pastry made from rice flour. The pastry is coated with sesame seeds on the outside and is crisp and chewy and very nice with ice cream. Ogata has always had a charming tradition that has the entire staff giving a big goodbye upon exiting the restaurant. It’s a nice way to end the meal. Ogata is located at 615 S. Coast Highway 101 in downtown Encinitas. Check them out at ogatajapanesecuisine.com.

David Boylan is the founder of Artichoke Creative, an Encinitas based integrated marketing agency. He can be reached at david@artichoke-creative.com.



DEC. 2, 2011

Kathy Bearden of Carlsbad proudly displays a new “green” purse. Above, Jenny Hoopsy enjoys the scent of aroma therapy candles she sells. Below, Bonnie Baugh and Amie Stanley show off their jewelry collection.

Helping shoppers pick a stocking for hanging is Rosemary James Photos by Patty McCormac

Garden club hosts Sassy Santa By Patty McCormac

RANCHO SANTA FE — Just walking through the doors of the Rancho Santa Fe Garden Club evoked the spirit of Christmas. Maybe it was all the sparkle and glitz, the warm textures and patterns and the scent of spice and pine all wrapped up with Santa at his station by the Christmas tree. It was the second Sassy Santa joint fundraiser hosted TURN TO SASSY ON B11


Laurie Lynn looks into the jewelry case that holds her creations.


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Gudo Rubbo, displays her soaps and lotions.



DEC. 2, 2011

DEC. 2, 2001





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Items For Sale 200

Items For Sale 200 CHRISTMAS CANDELABRA German, wood, 7 candles, red and white, electric 9” tall x 19” wide $15 (760) 599-9141


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Luna and Bon Bon 2 Malti-poos need love after being rescued from a neglectful home. They love kids and other animals. Are now in a loving foster home with an animal behaviorist and trainer. We would love to see them adopted together, but can be separated. They really love each other They are such great pets, please give us a call with any questions. Whoever adopts them can get free training. Please call Alison Hardison, Shelter Pet Partners

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Items For Sale 200

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DEC. 2, 2011


SOUP TO NUTS by Rick Stromoski

FRANK & ERNEST by Bob Thaves

THE BORN LOSER by Art & Chip Sansom

BIG NATE by Lincoln Peirce

Friday, Dec. 2, 2011 In the year ahead, you could become involved in a new enterprise that might be huge, but is nevertheless quite promising. Even if early signals are a bit discouraging, if you stay with it, you will eventually succeed. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -Before starting another project, be sure to first finish what you've already begun. Focus and follow-through become difficult when you have too many things going on at the same time. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Be extremely selective regarding whose counsel you follow. Going with the wrong advice could cause minor complications to turn into very serious ones. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -Warning signs are all over your chart, telling you that going to the wrong adviser could cause complications that would turn into grave impediments. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- Subdue any kind of inclinations that invite distraction. Chances are they would cause you to waver in your pursuit of an objective, when you should be giving your full attention. ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- By pretending you know a lot about something when in reality you know little, you could get yourself in an embarrassing position when asked to explain it to others.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- If a friend of yours attempts to pry some confidential information out of you, hold firm in keeping mum. If this particular info morsel were to be circulated, you'd be blamed. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- All being difficult will get you is a loss of support from your friends. Don't be your own worst enemy; build bridges, don't burn them. CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- Take it slow when engaged in something important that could produce many future rewards, and make sure you do everything right. Patience will get you where you want to go much quicker than haste. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- When caught up in something that is not directly under your control, it behooves you to be on guard. You could easily be blamed for another's mistake and be forced to rectify it. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Don't get caught up in airing a disagreement with your spouse in front of others.Having an audience would only make matters worse as each of you tries to look like the blameless party. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- Conditions are such where a gadget, tool, material or a method could easily cause you to run amok if you're not totally familiar with its intricacies. Get quality instructions first. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -Impulsiveness on your part could cause you to purchase an expensive piece of merchandise for which you currently have little use but hope one day to have. Wait to buy it until you actually need it.


"K BTZHSHFHKX ZTTGO by Luis Campos UTMPKMI TXZV ST SNR XRLS Celebrity Cipher RZRFSHTX. K OSKSROYKX cryptograms are created from quota- Z T T G O U T M P K M I S T S N R X R L S tions by famous JRXRMKSHTX." — SNTYKO people, past and present. Each letter D R U U R M O T X MONTY by Jim Meddick

in the cipher stands for another. PREVIOUS SOLUTION: “Juan Trippe was a friend. Good TODAY'S CLUE: name for an airline man, huh? Juan Trippe after anoth-

P equals W

ARLO & JANIS by Jimmy Johnson


COW & BOY by Mark Leiknes

er?”—Fay Wray



by the Rancho Santa Fe Rotary and the Garden Club on Nov. 18 and Nov. 19. “It’s as much an event for the community as it is a fundraiser,” said Steve DiZio of the Garden Club. “It’s been a joy for these two groups to work together.” Plus, he said, it’s a way to get people together and get them to the village. Last year when the two groups joined forces, they realized they had hit upon a good idea. While each had hosted their own fundraisers in the past, this new partnership drew more shoppers. DiZio, whose wife Helen is president of the Garden Club, said they expected at least 500 people to walk through the doors and shop

over the two days of the event. Next year, as word spreads, they expect even more shoppers. The Garden Club was decked out in holiday colors with bright pots of poinsettias lining the walkway. There were about 25 vendors, whose wares included jewelry, clothing, purses and Christmas stockings. There was also food, candy, plants, scarves and much more. There were items available at just about every taste and price point. Rotary President Alan Balfour made a perfect Santa, while Rotary members and volunteers Don McVay, Patrick Galvin and William McMullen manned the bar. Allison Austin and Krista Lafferty, who cochaired the event, were busy Glitzy Girls Kim Masoner and Stephanie Reeser stand by their bags.

Manning the bar are Don McVay, Patrick Galvin and William McMullen Photos by Patty McCormac

work a hip twist.” In 10th grade, Juliana was accepted into a Digital/Fine Arts Conservatory at Canyon Creek Academy where today she is a senior. “It’s been a major part of my high school experience,” she said. “It’s a college-level course, with guest teachers, that has allowed me to explore different mediums including portraiture and figure drawing. I’ve benefitted from appearing

in shows, and making screen prints to sell at the shows.” Jessica Matthews is head of the program. “Juliana is a fantastic illustrator,” she said. “She works well in mixed media and drawings and takes ideas in a very untraditional path. As a young artist she is already developing a style, which is rare.” Currently, Juliana is applying to colleges with the goal of having a double major, fine arts and landscape architecture.

“I would love to be a landscape architect,” she said. “That would make good use of my mathematical and compositional skills,things that I love. I would also like to teach because it’s one of the best ways you can share your gift with others.” Juliana’s work will be on exhibit at Envision’s Festival of the Arts, Canyon Crest Academy from 3 to 8 p.m. Dec. 10. For more information, visit canyoncrestfoundation.org. To view Juliana’s work visit julianawelch.weebly.com.


Just published

lescent at 512 Via De La Valle, Suite 201, in Solana Beach.






DEC. 2, 2011

PublishAmerica is proud to present “Uncle Deek’s need. Garden” by Oceanside author S.N. Herndon, known locally as Helping the Casa Sonya Nance-Herndon. For Stone Brewing donated ordering information, visit pubfull turkey dinners serving 10 lishamerica.com. to 14 to Casa de Amparo for every paid dinner ordered.The Exceptional students 40 dinners were delivered on Pacific Ridge School 11thNov. 23 at Casa de Amparo’s grader,Tony Ibrahim has been Family Services Center. selected to attend The School for Ethics and Global School tours Leadership, a semester-long Santa Fe Christian residential program located in Schools announced upcoming Washington, D.C. Open House dates Dec. 7, Jan. University of San Diego 11, Feb. 8, March 7,April 4, May students Jennifer Cavellier of 2 and June 6 from 10 a.m. to San Marcos and Nataly Yosef of noon. RSVP online at sfcs.net Solana Beach have been choor contact the admissions office sen to study abroad in Italy. at (858) 755-8900. Students Mary Herrington of San Marcos and Lauren ‘Chicken Soup’ author Matkaluk of Carlsbad will be Encinitas residentVirginia studying abroad in Spain Redman has her story “Best Restaurant in Town” featured Parent workshops in the newest “Chicken Soup Fusion Academy San for the Soul: Food and Love.” Diego is hosting Leticia Redman is a retired English Gonzalez Pileski for a workteacher and is now writing her shop from 6 to 8 p.m Dec. 7 on first young adult novel. how to set limits with your ado-

Keep learning Staff and supervisors from The Boys & Girls Clubs of Oceanside attended the TMSF After School Rock Star Training in San Diego this past weekend. The program, a project of The Children’s Initiative and San Diego After School Consortium,featured ideas and information for after-school program providers.

making sure everything was running smoothly. “For those who want unique gifts, that is what Sassy Santa is all about,” Austin said. “It is a great place to just start Christmas shopping, to come out and celebrate or just have some fun.” Last year the event was held in December, but Austin said people asked if it could be held earlier this year, so they held it on Nov. 19. “This is our first time here and it’s nice,” shopper Jennifer Bearden said as she was leaving. “There’s a good variety. We bought a necklace.” Her mother Kathy Bearden was walking out with a unique gift, a decora-

tive purse made of grass and intend to hold the event succulents. “I think it was again next year and will consider letting it run longer. lovely,” she said. The two organizations

A sign of the times.


DEC. 2, 2011


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