Rancho Santa Fe News

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VOL. 7, NO. 22

NOV. 18, 2011


STAR students lauded By Patty McCormac

RANCHO SANTA FE — Once again, the students at R. Roger Rowe School in Rancho Santa Fe did very well on their state-mandated STAR testing. In fact, many of the students scored 100 percent on their tests and were recognized at the school board meeting on November 3.

MOVEMBER Members of the community are growing out their best mustaches in support of men’s health B1 awareness.

DIVERSIFIED Reggae, folk, jazz and

You did your best and your best was perfect.

R&B singer Josiah Diallo sings Dylan and recites A6 Spanish poetry.



Arts & Entertainment . . A6 Baby Boomer Peace . . . A15 Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . A6 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . B12 Comics . . . . . . . . . . . . . B14 Lick the Plate . . . . . . . B10 Machel’s Ranch . . . . . . . B5 Odd Files . . . . . . . . . . . . A3 Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . . A4 Pet of the Week . . . . . . . B6 Ranch History . . . . . . . . A4 Sea Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . B2 Small Talk . . . . . . . . . . . B1 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . A18 Taste of Wine . . . . . . . . . B4 Who’s News? . . . . . . . . . B4

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Linda Delaney School superintendent

Sierras which was so powerful that it moved a boulder that we had to step on.” She added, “I thought, ‘How am I going to cross it?’ I started crying and thought I was going to die. Fortunately, four guys came by who were more experienced with the river and they showed us how.” Ross and Bolton, along with friends, also encountered a 400-pound black bear in Etna, Calif. “When he saw us, he took off,” Ross said. Another hiker they met had a more chilling story. “He told me he was in a tent when he saw a mountain lion on a knoll about 15 feet away, and eight feet above him,” Ross said. “The only thing he could think of was to press different ringtones in his cell phone. After trying five different tunes, circus music scared the lion off.” When Ross arrived at the Manning Park Resort at 6:30

Their name was called, they were received a certificate of achievement and shook hands with school board members. Before the names of the students were called, Lindy Delaney, superintendent of schools explained to the children what the school board does. “The school board is elected by your parents and they are in charge of governing and making rules for the district. They are my boss,” she said. “They are pretty important people, but they are all volunteers.” After giving a brief primer for those children who have not had much experience shaking hands how to do it, she praised her students. “Congratulations to each and every one of you and we are very proud of you,” she said. “You did your best and your best was perfect.” Those in the second grade who scored perfectly on their STAR math tests were Dax Kay, Michael Kenyon, Zachary Kindel and Donovan Nelson. In grade three were Katherine Arnold, Rhett Bailey, Seraphine Bustillos, Rocco Cappetta, Conrad Delgado, Benjamin



“In the Sierras, conditions were difficult due to ice, snow and raging rivers,” explained Barbara Bolton. She and her husband Jack Ross hike the 2,600-mile hike along the Pacific Crest Trail. Courtesy photo

After cross-country trek, couple readjusts to normal life By Lillian Cox

Jack Ross admits to having difficulty adjusting to civilization following a 2,660mile hike along the Pacific Crest Trail. The trek took him from the Mexican to Canadian borders, leaving Campo on April 18 with his wife, Barb Bolton, and arriving at Manning Park, British Columbia, on Sept. 27 by himself. “Life is very simple on the trail,” he said. “I came home to all kinds of hassles like the handle on the toilet being loose and the virus protection on the computer needing updating.” The solitude and peacefulness on the trail also resulted in sensory overload upon his return. “On my second day home, Barb had a party and it grew out of control,” he said. “We have a tile floor which made the noise reverberate. I had to go outside for 10 minutes to get my thoughts together.”

There were other things Ross needed to acclimate to, simple things like opening his closet to find a selection of 15 shirts. For five months he’d worn only the clothes on his back. “I couldn’t imagine wearing all my shirts unless I changed them every half hour,” he said. Eventually, he got used to the idea of living in Encinitas again. “It’s great to be back,” he said smiling. “The weather in Canada really sucked. The second to the last day I got caught in the snow.” Bolton left with Ross in April but on June 24 was forced to return home after being injured. “In the Sierras, conditions were difficult due to ice, snow and raging rivers,” she said. “Over the 10 days I slipped and fell numerous times, fracturing some ribs and causing injury to my back. When I reached Mammoth Lakes, I realized I

could no longer continue.” Ross joined a New Zealand couple they met along the way. The three hiked from Northern California to the Oregon border. Afterward, Ross backtracked to Mammoth to pick up the section he previously missed that included mountains and dangerous river crossings. “Bolton met up with me twice, once in Northern California and the other (time) in Oregon,” he said. “She wanted to hike another 97 miles to be able to say that she walked at least 1,000 miles along the PCT in one season.” The couple confronted perils during their travels, including the fact that there was record snow in the Sierras making 2011 one of the most dangerous and difficult years for PCT hikers in history. “The rivers for me were the scariest,” Bolton said. “The trail ran through a river next to a waterfall in the



NOV. 18, 2011



NOV. 18, 2011


Association addresses noise


Government in Action —A British manufacturer, BCB International, is flourishing, buoyed by sales of its Kevlar underwear, at $65 a pair, to U.S. military personnel in Afghanistan and Iraq. However, soldiers and Marines must buy them directly; the “Bomb Boxers” are not supplied by the Pentagon even though nearly 10 percent of battlefield explosive-device injuries result in sometimes-catastrophic genital and rectal damage. According to an October report in Talking Points Memo, the Pentagon’s currently issued protection is inferior to BCB’s but is less expensive. (Although the Pentagon fully funds post-injury prostheses and colostomies, it could purchase about 7,700 Bomb Boxers for the price of a single Tomahawk missile). — In what a cement company executive said is “one of those bureaucratic things that doesn’t make any sense,” the city of Detroit recently built wheelchair ramps at 13 intersections along Grandy Street, despite knowing that those ramps are either not connected to sidewalks or connected to seldom-used, badly crumbling sidewalks. The ramps were required by a 2006 lawsuit settlement in which Detroit pledged to build ramps on any street that gets re-paved, as Grandy was. (No one in city government thought, apparently, to attempt a trade of these 13 intersections for paving 13 more-widely used ones in the city). — A Chicago Tribune/WGN-TV investigation revealed in September and October the astonishing result that Illinois laws passed in 1997 and 2007 at the behest of organized labor have given at least three former union leaders lifetime government pensions as if they had been city or state employees, totaling an estimated drain on public budgets of about $7 million. Two teachers’ union officials were allowed to teach exactly one day to qualify, and an engineers’ union official was hired for exactly one day, with the remainder of the service of the three having been on the payroll of the respective unions. A September Tribune report estimated that perhaps 20 other union officials might have been eligible under similar provisions. Great Art! — It was haute couture meeting haute cuisine at the Communication Museum in Berlin in November, as prominent German chef Roland Trettl introduced his fashions (displayed on live models) made from food, including a tunic of octopus, a miniskirt of seaweed, a trouser suit made with lean bacon, a scarf of squid ink pasta, and a hat woven from TURN TO ODD FILES ON A22

By Patty McCormac

Horizon Prep fifth-grader Jake Horizon Prep’s Katelyn Butler and Carly Gammel enjoy the Spirit Bowl with treats from the bake sale fundraiser for Camp Julian Oaks. Courtesy photos Pezzi, shows his team spirit.

Horizon Prep’s Tyler Mead dodges Horizon Prep third-graders Olivia Aschbrenner, Champion Whitton, Horizon Prep’s Cayden Booth (No. the rain and St. James defender Jacquelyn Todd, Jonathan Van Tassel and Ian Grant were ready for 18) with the carry during the eighth annual Spirit Bowl fundraiser. Spirit Bowl 2011, rain or shine. Milo Barton.

From left, Horizon Prep Lions cheerleaders Hanna Nelson, Lauren Wilbor, Andria Carpenter, Chloe Burnitz, Reiss McKinney, Francesca DeRosa, Kyra Hendrickson, Lily Morgans, Chloe Razink, Isabella Landis and Lexi Dale, bring it to the annual Spirit Bowl fundraiser flag football game.

Wet Spirit Bowl raises funds for camp RANCHO SANTA FE — On Nov. 4, the view from the sidelines of the Spirit Bowl looked like an 8-Team Flag Football Tournament. However, if you look a little deeper, listen a little longer, you’ll see and hear the spirit of Spirit Bowl — the spirit of

giving. In the past seven years, Spirit Bowl has raised more than $17,300 for Camp Julian Oaks, an outreach to children and teens that have been removed from their homes for reasons of abuse or neglect. Stormy weather did

nothing to dampen the spirit of Horizon Prep’s Spirit Bowl 2011. Eight teams from around San Diego battled each other in the rain, wind and mud all for a good cause. Participating schools were: Calvary Christian, Foothills Christian, Horizon Prep, The

Nativity School, St. James Academy, St. Joseph, Santa Fe Christian and The Grauer School. In the end The Nativity School prevailed as the Champs. In the past seven years, Spirit Bowl has raised over $17,300 for Camp Julian Oaks.

Bank robbed, suspect still remains at large By Patty McCormac

RANCHO SANTA FE — A Rancho Santa Fe bank was robbed the afternoon of Nov. 4 by a man with a gun who was also carrying what looked to be a white, plastic pesticide sprayer. Special Agent Darrell Foxworth of the FBI said the man walked into the Pacific Western Bank in the 6100 block of El Tordo at about 3:30 p.m., pointed what appeared to be a black semi-automatic pistol at a teller and demanded money. After receiving an undisclosed amount of money, he

left the bank in an unknown direction. “There is no information if a vehicle was involved,” he said. The robber was described as a white male, in his 30s, about 5 feet, 11 inches tall with a thin build. “It was raining that day, so it was not unusual that he was wearing a yellow rain jacket,” Foxworth said. The suspect was also wearing jeans, white tennis shoes and a black baseball cap and a dust mask covering his nose and mouth. The dust mask could the type used by

construction workers or someone who works with pesticides. Foxworth said that because of the continuing investigation, he could not reveal what the robber said to the teller or if he threatened her with what was inside the plastic container. He said investigators are trying to determine whether the robber is responsible for other robberies using the same method. “We have not connected him to any other robberies at this time,” Foxworth said. “That is what we always do in

these cases — see if there are any other similar robberies in other parts of Southern California.” Although it seems risky to rob a bank in a community that has limited ways in and out, Foxworth said it is not that unusual. “They maybe thinking they are not going to be caught, that people might be surprised,” he said. “Rancho Santa Fe is like any other community and can be susceptible to bank robbery.” Anyone with information is asked to call the FBI at (858) 565-1255.

RANCHO SANTA FE — The top three noise complaints in Rancho Santa Fe are loud parties, barking dogs and randy peacocks. Apparently the birds make quite a racket in the throes of mating, Chief Matt Wellhouser of the Rancho Santa Fe Patrol told the Association on Nov. 3. The subject of noise was brought up by director Roxana Foxx, who has had complaints from residents about noisy leaf blowers. Wellhouser said that he gets few leaf blower complaints to his office. He added that as with any noise complaint, the offender is first approached nicely and asked to stop it, which usually works. Pete Smith, manager of the Association, said most of the leaf blower complaints are due to its high-pitched sound. In an attempt to address the issue in 1998, the Association adopted Combustion Engine Blower Guidelines. “The idea was to adopt acceptable rules of operation so members would know what the expectations are,” he said. “The guidelines were known as the Good Neighbor Policy.” For the most part, reasonable noise such as construction and leaf blowers is allowable between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. In other Association news, the board approved the Traffic Enforcement Agreement with the CHP for the time period of Jan. 1, 2012, to Dec. 31, 2014 at a cost of not more than $202,000, or about $100,000 a year. These funds are used for overtime services by the CHP, which concentrates on the Covenant, said Planning Director Ivan Holler. “The program was initiated in 2004 in response to a number of complaints from Covenant members about speeding and other moving violations,” Holler said. Smith recalled that at the time people were complaining particularly about a little yellow Porsche that was going 80 miles an hour all around the Covenant. Shortly after the program began the number of complaints decreased substantially. “The little yellow Porsche saw the light,” Smith said with a chuckle. Holler said the overtime traffic enforcement is typically targeted at problem areas like speeding motorists or for special events. The officers will leave the area to help with a traffic collisions nearby. “It is less expensive paying overtime than having a contract,” Holler said. Representing the CHP at the meeting were Lt. Jim Nelles and Officers Jimmy Gafney and Dan Hollywood, who patrol the area. TURN TO ASSOCIATION ON A21



Views expressed in Opinion & Editorial do not necessarily reflect the views of Rancho Santa Fe News.


COMMUNITY COMMENTARIES The Community Commentary section is open to everyone. Opinions expressed in the Community Commentary section are in no way representative of The Coast News Group. Send submissions no longer than 700 words to news@coastnewsgroup.com. Submission does not guarantee publication.

The Post’s war on the wealthy’s Social Security By Gene Lyons


Early days of La Flecha House The Civic Center House was the first permanent residence built in Rancho Santa Fe in 1923 and was designed by Lillian Rice, shown on the staircase landing. It housed several families as somewhat temporary quarters until their homes were built. The first occupants were Ranch manager Sydney R. Nelson, his wife Ruth, and son Bob, who lived there until 1926. Today it is called La Flecha House and is the home of the Rancho Santa Fe Historical Society. Autographed copies of the book are available at the Rancho Santa Fe Historical Society, 6036 La Flecha. Call (858) 756-9291 or e-mail rsfhistorical@sbcglobal.net for more information. Photos courtesy of Arcadia Publishing, taken from “Rancho Santa Fe,” $21.99. Available at local retailers, online bookstores, or at www.arcadiapublishing.com.

Contact a Reporter CARLSBAD CHRISTINA MACONE-GREENE cmaconegreene@coastnewsgroup.com

P.O. Box 232550, Encinitas, CA 92023-2550 • 760-436-9737 www.ranchosfnews.com • Fax: 760-943-0850

DEL MAR / SOLANA BEACH BIANCA KAPLANEK bkaplanek@coastnewsgroup.com


ENCINITAS WEHTAHNAH TUCKER wtucker@coastnewsgroup.com



The Rancho Santa Fe News is published biweekly on Fridays by The Coast News Group. The advertising deadline is the Friday preceding the Friday of publication. Editorial deadline is the Friday proceeding publication. The comments on this page are the opinions of the individual columnists and do not necessarily represent the views of the Coast News Group, its publisher or staff. If you would like to respond directly to a columnist, please e-mail them directly at the address listed below the column. You may also express your views by writing a letter to the editor. For hold delivery while on vacation or for other distribution concerns and info, write to distribution@coastnewsgroup.com.

OCEANSIDE PROMISE YEE pyee@coastnewsgroup.com RANCHO SANTA FE PATTY MCCORMAC pmccormac@coastnewsgroup.com SAN MARCOS / VISTA editor@coastnewsgroup.com CRIME / COURTS SHELLI DEROBERTIS sderobertis@coastnewsgroup.com PHOTOGRAPHER DANIEL KNIGHTON dan@pixelperfectimages.net


TONY CAGALA tcagala@coastnewsgroup.com

Now and then, George W. Bush told the unvarnished truth — most often in jest. Consider the GOP presidential nominee’s Oct. 20, 2000, speech at a highsociety, $800-a-plate fundraiser at New York City’s WaldorfAstoria. Resplendent in a black tailcoat, waistcoat and white bowtie, Bush greeted the swells with evident satisfaction. “This is an impressive crowd,” he said. “The haves and the have-mores. Some people call you the elites; I call you my base.” Any questions? Eight months later, President Bush delivered sweeping tax cuts to that patrician base. Given current hysteria over what a recent Washington Post article called “the runaway national debt,” it requires an act of historical memory to recall that the Bush administration rationalized reducing taxes on inherited wealth because paying down the debt too soon might roil financial markets. Eleven years later, the Post warns in a ballyhooed article reading like something out of Joseph Heller’s “Catch-22,” that Social Security — the 75-yearold bedrock of millions of Americans’ retirement hopes — has “passed a treacherous milestone,” gone “cash negative,” and “is sucking money out of the Treasury.” Anybody who discerns a relationship between these events, that is, between a decade of keeping the yachts and Lear jets of the “have-mores” running smoothly and a manufactured crisis supposedly threatening grandma’s monthly Social Security check, must be some kind of radical leftist. That, or somebody skeptical of the decades-long propaganda war against America’s most efficient, successful and popular social-insurance program. It’s an effort that’s falsely persuaded millions of younger Americans that Social Security’s in its last days and made crying wolf a test of “seriousness” among Beltway courtier-pundits like the Post’s Lori Montgomery, who concocted an imaginary front-page emergency out of a relatively meaningless actuarial event. All in service, alas, of a single unstated premise: that the “have-mores” have made off with grandma’s money fair and square. They have no intention of paying it back. That’s the only possible interpretation of the Post’s admonition that “the $2.6 trillion Social Security trust fund will provide little relief. The government has borrowed every cent and now must raise taxes, cut spending or borrow more heavily from outside investors to keep benefit checks flowing.” Little relief? In fact, the law’s working precisely as intended. After 28 years of generating huge payroll tax surpluses to cover the baby boomers’ retirement benefits, the system

must now begin to draw upon those funds to help pay current benefits — the vast majority still covered by current payroll tax receipts. “Rather than posing any sort of crisis,” explains Dean Baker of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, “this is exactly what had been planned when Congress last made major changes to the program in 1983 based on the recommendations of the Greenspan commission.” Again, this is the beneficiaries’ money, invested by the Social Security trustees in U.S. Treasury bonds drawn upon “the full faith and credit of the United States.” Far from being “meaningless IOUs” as rightwing cant has it, they represent the same legally binding promise between the U.S. government and its people that it makes with Wall Street banks and the Chinese government, which also hold Treasury bonds. A promise not very different, The Daily Howler’s Bob Somerby points out, from the one implicit in your bank statement or 401(k) (if you’re lucky enough to have one). Did you think the money was buried in earthen jars filled with gold bullion and precious stones? Raise taxes, cut spending or borrow? What other options does the U.S. government, or any government, have? On his New York Times blog, Paul Krugman dissects the “Catch-22” logic behind the Post’s bogus crisis. You can’t simultaneously argue “that the trust fund is meaningless, because SS is just part of the budget, then claim that some crisis arises when receipts fall short of payments, because SS is a standalone program.” For practical purposes, it’s got to be one or the other. So is Social Security a “Ponzi” scheme? No, it’s group insurance, not an investment. You die young, somebody else benefits. Its finances have been open public record since 1936. Do fewer workers support each beneficiary? Sure, but who cares? It’s denominated in dollars, not a head count. The boomers were nearing 40 when the Reagan administration fixed the actuarial tables. No surprises there. Are longer life expectancies screwing up the numbers? Not really. Most of the rise is explained by lower infant and child mortality, not by old-timers overstaying their welcome. Kevin Drum points out that gradually raising the payroll tax 1 percentage point and doubling the earnings cap over 20 years would make Social Security solvent forever. But that’s not good enough for the more hidebound members of the $800-a-plate set. See, over 75 years Social Security has provided a measure of dignity, security and freedom to working Americans that just annoys the hell out of their betters.

NOV. 18, 2011




Laura Barry Lic# 1154111


$139,000,000 REPRESENTED SELLER 1. Ocean Front 2. Via de Fortuna 3. Rancho Las Brisas 4. Avenida Primavera 5. El Mirlo 6. Paseo Victoria 7. 27th Street 8. La Flecha 9. 15th Street 10. 15th Street 11. San Elijo

$14,700,000 $12,995,000 $9,295,000 $9,750,000 $7,995,000 $5,995,000 $4,995,000 $4,600,000 $4,165,000 $2,395,000 $1,695,000

$110,000,000 SOLD in 2009 $120,000,000 SOLD in 2008 $183,000,000 SOLD in 2007 $141,000,000 SOLD in 2006

REPRESENTED BUYER 1. Las Colinas 2. Ocean Front 3. Avenida Primavera 4. San Elijo 5. 27th Street 6. 15th Street 7. San Elijo 8. 15th Street 9. Seagrove Cove 10. Avenida Cantaria

$15,000,000 $14,700,000 $9,750,000 $5,895,000 $4,995,000 $4,165,000 $2,295,000 $1,700,000 $1,547,000 $1,250,000

Based on "The Wall Street Journal" rankings of the "Top 250 agents" in September, Laura ranked #1 in San Diego County for 2010, as she has consistently done in previous years. In recent years, in support of their community, Laura, Catherine, and Jason Barry have donated $130,000 to the Rancho Santa Fe Foundation.

If either you or someone you know is thinking of buying or selling, please contact Laura by phone at (858)756-2266, email at laura@barryestates.com, or by fax at (858)756-9429. She appreciates your business, and so does Barry Estates. The information herein is deemed reliable but not guaranteed and should be verified.


NOV. 18, 2011



Contact us at arts@coastnewsgroup.com with story ideas, suggestions or photos.

community Diverse musician enriches local culture CALENDAR

Got an item for the calendar? Send the details via e-mail to calendar@coastnewsgroup.com.

NOV. 18 SCROOGE SINGS Tickets are available now for the Village Church Community Theater will present “A Christmas Carol,” at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 2 and Dec. 3 and at 2 p.m. Dec. 4 at the Village Church Theater, 6225 Paseo Delicias, Rancho Santa Fe. Preferred seats can be reserved for $10 at villagechurchcommunitytheater.org. All other seats are free. For more information, call (858)756-2441, ext. 128. GUITAR ENSEMBLE The Encinitas Guitar Orchestra will perform at 8 p.m. Nov. 18 at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 925 Balour Drive.

‘HEROES’ HERE North Coast Repertory Theatre has extended performances of “Heroes,” through Nov. 20 at 987 Lomas Santa Fe Drive, Suite D, Solana Beach. Tickets can be purchased by calling (858) 481-1055 or online at northcoastrep.org. ART AND SCIENCE The San Diego Museum of Art,North County Chapter will host physicist John F.Asmus from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Nov. 21 in St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, 15th Street and Maiden Lane, Del Mar. Asmus will discuss advanced technologies for conservation of sculptures. Cost is $5. For more information, call (858) 523-1311 or e-mail patthomascoca@roadrunner.com.

NOV. 19

By Lillian Cox

Josiah Diallo has been educating and entertaining local audiences for decades with musical storytelling and his unique blend of reggae, folk, jazz, R&B and original songs. “Lots of people remember me from Miracles Cafe in Cardiff,” he said. “That is where I started in the 80s. I found the guitar, and I found my voice, and I haven’t stopped playing since.” As a soloist, Diallo has attracted a loyal following by performing acoustic guitar at coffee houses and restaurants where he sings jazz standards and folk music made popular by artists such as Neil Young and Bob Dylan. He also recites and interprets poetry to Spanish guitar. He has taken his one-man show to elementary schools, libraries, community colleges, summer camps and public and private events combining storytelling, music and interactive discussion to explore multicultural issues and commemorate annual events including Black History Month in February and Kwanzaa, which is celebrated between Dec. 26 and Jan. 1. In his “music maker program,” Diallo shares his love of music with children by demonstrating different kinds of chords, drumbeats and piano melodies along with rhythmic beats, hand clapping and simple movements

Singer, songwriter and musician Josiah Diallo attracts a loyal following, from the Wild Animal Park to local schools and libraries. Photo by Lillian Cox

that promote coordination and body awareness. “I help children to discover their voices,” he said. “I empower, teach and give them a sense of community.” Throughout the month of December, Diallo will offer a Kwanzaa program to the community that engages the audience in a cultural experience, celebrating common human values such as self-determination, creativi-

ty, cooperative work and responsibility. “Kwanzaa is not a religious holiday, but a cultural one,” he said. “It’s about love and unity, and honoring the best of ourselves and sharing the beauty of our culture with others.” With the holidays approaching, Diallo said he’ll also be performing Christmas medleys on acoustic guitar for public and private parties. Diallo has another side, which

emerges when performing with the Uplift band.The group plays world beat at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park and reggae, Caribbean rhythms, classic rock and R&B at North County venues including the Del Mar Hilton, San Diego County Fair, Encinitas Street Fair and Hennessey’s in Carlsbad. Ariah Boyle is bar manager at the Calypso Cafe in Leucadia. “Once you hear Josiah play, you understand how he’s created a market for his music,” he said. “Josiah brings reggae, soul and blues to North County. We have him play here because he’s a great musician.” Diallo’s latest gig is for the new Whole Foods Market in Encinitas, although he is liable to show up anywhere. “I get most of my referrals playing in the morning, where people are buying coffee and they hear me sing and say, ‘I like it,’” he said. “Playing natural acoustic sounds resonates with me, and I find it resonates with my audience as well.” He added,“I want to maintain the richness and authenticity of live music — to live this music, and share this music, and enrich and empower through music.” For more information, visit josiahsing.com or call Diallo at (760) 5767941.

New manager envisions bringing theme of ‘community theater’ By Promise Yee

Professional community theater may sound like an oxymoron to some who hear the words “community theater” and conjure up the vision of mediocre school plays. However, it is exactly the vision Artistic Director Christopher Williams has in mind for Oceanside Theatre Company, the new property manager of the Sunshine Brooks community theater. “Theater is a very powerful tool to better human beings,”Williams said. The company is currently getting ready for its first per-

formance at the Sunshine Brooks Theatre by scrubbing down the theater, holding a supporters meeting, and casting and rehearsing its first play. A cleanup event was held Nov. 5. A few dozen volunteers pitched in to sort through inventory, clean carpets and freshen up seating. “We had dumpsters full of garbage,” Williams said. “We shampooed the carpeting and steamed every chair. It was amazing to see so much support.” A look at what the theater has and needs sparked a donor wish list. A supporters party

was held Nov. 12 to share the theater company’s vision and needs. “We’re starting at the ground level right now,” Williams said. “We’re tenant and property manager with a lot of improvements to make. We need help.” On the top of the wish list is new flooring and refurbished restrooms. The hope is that flooring and restrooms can be replaced within a year. Meanwhile performances are under way. Oceanside Theatre Company is rehearing for its first play “Jacob Marley’s Christmas Carol” by Tom

Mula, which will run Dec. 16 through Dec. 24. The dark and comical play is a unique break from typical Christmas classics. The theater company plans on performing three more plays this year. Theatergoers can expect to see a broad selection of plays in the future that will include musicals and plays for children. There are also plans to partner with community groups to bring a variety of additional performances to the theater. A comedy night and a dance troop performance of “The Nutcracker

Ballet” are already scheduled. Children and adult acting classes are also on the drawing board. The company vision is to keep Sunshine Brooks a community theater that nurtures artists’ growth, performs a variety of shows, and raises the theater experience for audience members. “I think we’re going to do some great things,” Williams said. “The possibilities are endless.” Sunshine Brooks Theatre is at 217 N. Coast Highway.

DOCUMENT SHRED St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church will hold a preholiday documentshredding event from 9 a.m. to noon Nov. 19 in the upper parking lot at 6628 Santa Isabel in Carlsbad. Cost is $5 per copy box full of personal papers and $10 to destroy a hard drive removed from the computer. Proceeds will benefit St. Elizabeth Seton’s new parish center. For more information, call (760) 419-9243. CATHOLIC SINGLES St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Singles is for divorced, separated, widowed or never-married Catholic men and women 40+. with a bowling/dinner on Nov. 19. Contact Liz at (760) 9438280 or visit st.elizabethcatholicsingles@gmail.com. AAUW Agnes Herman will speak at the American Association of University Women, Carlsbad, Oceanside, Vista branch meeting at 9:30 a.m. Nov. 19 at the Palomar Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 1600 Buena Vista Drive,Vista.

Drum ensemble merges cultures in unique sound

NOV. 21

North County Film Club announces its 2012 winter/spring film season

HOLIDAY FUN Art a la carte101, 349 N. Highway 101, Suite B, Solana Beach, offers sessions Nov. 21 through Nov. 23, with a special centerpiece project available on Nov. 23. Call (760) 710-1633 or visit artalacarte101.com.

NOV. 26 BOOK AND COFFEE The Solana Beach Coffee Co., 437 S. Highway 101, Solana Beach, will host author Annmarie McArthur. McArthur, a resident of Texas, will sign copies of her book, “Recipes from a Life; Essential Ingredients for Your Business Success” from 1 to 3 p.m. Nov. 26.

Infusing the ancient Japanese sounds of taiko drums with elements of hiphop, rock and electronica, On Ensemble brings an original sound to concert at 7 p.m. Nov. 19 at the Carlsbad City Library’s Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium, 1775 Dove Lane. The performance features On Ensemble members Masato Baba, Kristofer

The North County Film Club has set up, with UltraStar Theaters, the 2012 Winter-Spring Film Season. Ten films are scheduled to be shown Jan. 22, Feb. 12, March 4, March 18, April 1, April 15, May 6, May 20, June 10 and June 24. The group worled to avoid scheduling films that conflict with major events such as the Super Bowl, Academy Award Ceremonies and major holidays. Listed are the 10 films which gathered the most votes from film club members and

Bergstrom, Shoji Kameda and Kelvin Underwood. Tickets are $15 for general admission; $10 for museum members. To purchase tickets, call (760) 438-5996. The concert is presented by the Museum of Making Music in partnership with the city of Carlsbad’s Cultural Arts Office and is made possible by the Carlsbad Library and Arts

are the first choices for inclusion in the upcoming 2012 Winter-Spring Film Season. They include: — “Beginners,” comedy / drama, USA, trailer at imdb.com/video/imdb/vi17786 20953/ — “The Concert,” comedy / drama / music, France/Russia, trailer at imdb.com/title/tt1320082/ — “ K i n a m a n ” (Chinaman), drama, Denmark, no trailer available — “La Vie En Rose,” biography, France, trailer at

Foundation’s Robert H. Gartner Cultural Endowment fund. Through a partnership program with the Museum of Making Music, On Ensemble will join students at Vista’s Joli Ann Leichtag Elementary Nov. 18 for an interactive assembly to teach students the ancient origins of Japanese drums and their

imdb.com/video/screenplay/v i865403161/ — “Like Crazy,” romance, USA, trailer at imdb.com/video/imdb/vi 2015468569/ — “Lone Star,” drama, USA, trailer at imdb.com/video/screenplay/vi4153803033/ — “Louder Than a Bomb,” documentary, USA, trailer at imdb.com/video/imdb/vi 2881920281/ — “Micmacs,” comedy, France/USA, trailer at imdb.com/video/imdb/vi

modern musical uses. For three years, the Museum of Making Music and Joli Ann Leichtag Elementary School have partnered to give kindergarten to fifth-grade students lessons in music history and hands-on experience with dozens of instruments through weekly lessons. The Museum of Making Music is at 5790 Armada

2588476441/ — “Mozart’s Sister,” drama, USA, trailer at imdb.com/video/imdb/vi 1556192281/ — “Snow Flower and the Secret Fan,” drama/ history, China / USA, trailer at imdb.com/video/imdb/vi 749182233/ Should the UltraStar Theaters be unable to rent a movie from the top 10 films above, one of the films below will be substituted for the unavailable film. — “The Double Hour Crime,” drama, Italian, trail-

Drive. General admission to the museum is $8; $5 for students, seniors and active military. Children ages five and under receive free admission. The Museum is open Tuesday through Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and is closed Mondays. For more information, call (760) 438-5996 or v i s i t MuseumofMakingMusic.org.

er at imdb.com/video/imdb/vi 2344328473/ — “Higher Ground,” drama, USA, imdb.com/video/imdb/vi2145 623065/ — “Life, Above All,” drama, France, trailer at imdb.com/video/imdb/vi 2899811609/ — “The Station Agent,” comedy/drama, USA, trailer at youtu.be/i8MrVBMsBYQ — “The Trip,” comedy, UK, trailer at imdb.com/video/imdb/vi 3607534873/.



NOV. 18, 2011

Old-fashioned game brings in newer crowds By Tony Cagala

The tension builds with every call. “B-31,” the voice calls out. The anticipation grows still more. “I-52…N-20…” And then of a sudden, a sole voice cuts through the silent room: “BINGO!” “They say it’s for old people, but there’s a lot of young people here,” said Sybil Politano, one of the bingo hall’s regulars. Since May, the game of finding patterns on a card of letters and numbers has been taking place at the Surfside Race Place on the Del Mar Fairgrounds. And with charity bingo being a $ — - billion industry, the fairgrounds plans on keeping these sessions going. “We’re a charity bingo,” said Dawn Ayles, bingo manager, friends of the fair. “We pay out what they buy in. We’re not like a casino where you’ve got all of the bank roll.” Two of the biggest reasons people come to bingo is to see their friends here a couple nights a week and also the chance to win big money, explained Mark Sherman, technical operations manager. “We pay out over $5,000 in prizes guaranteed with just 65 people or more,” he said. Politano, with Liane

Dustin Maddison, 25, of Oceanside marks up his bingo card in the hopes of a big win at the Surfside Race Place in Del Mar.

A woman throws her hand in the air as she marks the winning number to secure bingo. Photos by Tony Cagala

Hansen and Kathy Power have become affectionately known around the bingo hall as the Camp Del Mar Ladies. They show up two hours before game time to play dice and share in the camaraderie. “You got to have an out

in life, and bingo’s our out in life,” said Power. “Sometimes you have a lot of stress in your life, and it really is good because you get rid of a lot of the stress when you’re here and you forget about what’s happening at home or what you have to deal with.”

“Bingo is played on a 24 number card, where each game within the session is going to play a different pattern,” Sherman explained. “They range from a simple pattern like…the straight line all the way to a giant, crazy bow-tie or giant, crazy kite, which are more complex patterns that you really have to know what it looks like, otherwise there’s a good chance you’re going to miss your bingo,” Sherman said. The electronic machines that are available for use do make spotting the patterns that much more easy. “Most

of the traditional paper-players that we have will play the paper as well as the machine,” Sherman said. What about any strategies in playing a good game? “Strategies?” Politano said bemused. “It’s to pray to the bingo gods” she said. “It’s just luck.” “Some people have more luck than others,” Hansen said. “And sometimes that is aggravating, yet you show up every week hoping that that week is your lucky week.” “There is a strategy,” said Power. “You have to play

according to the crowd, as many cards as you can.” Power agreed with her friend about it being a matter of luck, though. “It’s the card,” she added. “One card is all it takes to win, but you can increase your chances, if you buy more cards.” That’s why Power opts to play the machines, because you can play a lot more and the competition is better, too, she explained. “One of the things about this place,” Sherman added, “we have seen a younger demographic in Del Mar than I’ve ever seen…People who are coming for a night out and they really seem to enjoy it.” One of the more popular days offered are the Sunday afternoon sessions, Sherman said, because they show all of the NFL football games, especially the Chargers games. The charities benefitting from the bingo sessions are Scy High School, Friends of the Fairground and Camp CBT. Players must be 18 or older, with packages starting at $20. Bingo sessions begin at 7 p.m. Mondays and Thursdays, with doors opening at 5 p.m. Sunday sessions start at 3 p.m. with doors opening at 1 p.m. For more information, visit bingofundelmar.com.

At risk youth put photographic efforts into new exhibition By Wehtahnah Tucker

Unlike many art exhibits at major museum galleries, “Parallel Visions” features the work of amateur photographers between the ages of 14-18. The unique photographic expressions at-risk youth, many of whom had never taken a picture before, were on display at the exhibit’s opening night November 12 at the Oceanside Museum of Art. The display was organized by the Transitional Youth Academy, a prevention and intervention program for at-risk youth operated by Interfaith Community Services, a non-profit organization serving the marginalized populations in North San Diego County. The scope of the academy is broad and includes behavioral health and crisis intervention counseling, educational support services,

vocational development and general life skills training. The academy also operates the “Working Pirates” program at Oceanside High School to provide academic and vocational services as well as gang prevention and intervention to students. The exhibit features 100 images captured both inside and outside of the youths’ communities and was a collaborative effort including 42 students from Oceanside and 12 from Cartagena, Colombia. After receiving highquality digital cameras and lessons by professionals, the budding photographers were given free reign to capture whatever images struck a chord with them. “Some of these are really just amazing,” said Petra Morford, as Kimberly Tilton-Riley and her son Miles Tilton, 7, view some of the orig- she examined each photoinal photos taken by participants in the Interfaith Community Services’ graph. Transitional Youth Academy at the opening of the “Parallel Visions” Jeannine Guarino, the exhibit at the Oceanside Museum of Art. Photo byWehtahnah Tucker academy’s program manager

said the finished product was a huge accomplishment for the students, staff and community. “As a museum, we’re pretty discerning with what we put on the walls,” said museum director Ed Fosmire. “I’m proud to have these photographs,” he said, adding that they represent the relationship between art and the community. “We’re here to serve the community,” Fosmire said. “Arts education is a major component of that service.” While some of the students enjoyed the experience as a once in a lifetime event, others looked forward to honing their photographic skills. Jordan Smith, 17, a participant in the academy for the past four years was showing his work, “Holes.” While Smith was enthusiastic about the progression of his photographic skills, he was even more hopeful about

his future. Having received a scholarship to the United States Military Academy at Westpoint earlier that day, Smith was beaming. “Yea, I didn’t think I would get this far but I’ve had a lot of support,” he said. His parents, Jeff and Stacy said they were pleasantly surprised by their youngest child’s talent. “This program has opened doors for our son when none were open because of some bad choices he made,” Jeff said. “There’s so much negative with youth it’s wonderful to see something so positive to express themselves.” The exhibit runs through December 17 at OMA, 704 Pier View Way in Oceanside. For more information about Interfaith or to purchase an original photo or print visit: www.interfaithservices.org or call 760-7212117.

Local youngsters bring ‘Grinch’ to life at Old Globe A host of young North County actors will be part of the Old Globe Theater 14th annual production of “How the Grinch Stole Christmas!” set to run Nov. 19 through Dec. 31 in the Old Globe Theatre. In addition,a “Grinch”Christmastree lighting will be held at 6 p.m. Nov. 20 on the Old Globe Plaza with a special performance by the cast. Youngsters chosen for this year’s cast include Liam James Brandt of Del Mar, Aaron Acosta, Danielle Dawson, Julia Dawson, Jonas McMullen and Dylan James Mulvaney of Carmel Valley

plus Remy Margaret Corbin and Madison Pyle of San Marcos. Liam James Brandt, of the Little Who Ensemble, returns to Whoville and The Old Globe. His other theater credits include North Coast Repertory Theatre, Actors Alliance of San Diego, Coast Kids Theater and San Diego Junior Theatre. He studies dance at The Carlsbad Dance Center and is a student at The Nativity School in Rancho Santa Fe. Aaron Acosta, as Danny Who, is also a vet of the Globe’s “Grinch.” Acosta received the 2009 National

Youth Theatre Award for Outstanding Featured Actor (13 and under) for his work in “Les Misérables.” Danielle Dawson, in the Little Who Ensemble, dances at the California Ballet School and also studies and performs at San Diego Junior Theatre. She is a Girl Scout, is learning piano and cello and plays in the Carmel Valley Middle School orchestra. Julia Dawson also studies dance at the California Ballet School, enjoys Girl Scouts and creating improv theater with her Drama Girl

friends at Sycamore Ridge Drama Club. Jonas McMullen, as Danny Who, returns to The Old Globe this holiday season. McMullen performed in Lyric Opera San Diego, the San Diego Civic Theatre and other community theater groups in San Diego such as J*Company Youth Theatre and California Youth Conservatory. Dylan James Mulvaney, as Teen Who, has worked in productions with The Old Globe, the San Diego Shakespeare Society, the Actors’ Conservatory Theatre

– San Diego and Canyon Crest Academy. Mulvaney won Best Child Broadway Singer in Hollywood's Best New Talent Awards 2009. Remy Margaret Corbin, as Cindy-Lou Who, made her Old Globe debut last year as Cindy-Lou Who. She has worked with Moonlight Stage Productions and other theater credits include “Annie Jr.” and Disney’s “Cinderella Kids.” Corbin has danced in San Elijo Dance and Music Academy’s “Nutcracker” and is always seen twirling and tapping Madison Pyle, as Annie

Who, most recently performed in the Lowell Davies Festival Theatre at The Globe. Her other theater credits include Moonlight Stage Productions and San Diego Junior Theatre. Ticket prices start at $39 for adults and $24 for children17 years and younger. Performances are restricted to children 3 years and up except for the 11 a.m. performances. Everyone must have a ticket. Tickets can be purchased online at TheOldGlobe.org, by phone at (619) 23-GLOBE (2345623).


NOV. 18, 2011


Area teens lend a helping hand throughout the county Teen Volunteers in Action, (TVIA) a leadership development and charitable community service organization for young men in grades seven through 12, keep a busy schedule for volunteer activities in November. Beginning Nov. 5, the boys served lunch to 100 seniors and organized Bingo and other activities at the Gary and Mary West Senior Wellness Center. The center helps meet the basic needs of seniors living in downtown San Diego and is the only existing provider of services to San Diego’s urban elderly who struggle with poverty and hunger. Teen Volunteers in Action members, from left, Tim Benirschke and Chase Pickwell, worked the food and That same day, the high concession stand at the Sept. 24 game of the Miracle League, which offers baseball to children with disabilischoolers enjoyed a cooking ties. Courtesy photo

seminar and lesson with Chef Matthew Purnell at Sprouts in Solana Beach on how to shop for healthy foods. The group will then head to the Boys and Girls Club for a demonstration on cooking, using simple recipes and basic cooking skills. Nov. 13, the youth provided companionship for children at the Bernardy Center for Medically Fragile Children, making fall/Thanksgiving decorations. The same day, some of the members took part in an event sponsored by Interfaith Community Services, where the TVIA teens served dinner to veterans living in transitional housing. On Nov. 19, TVIA boys will serve as scorekeepers, timers, team aides and referees for the Floor Hockey Tournament to support Sports for Exceptional Athletes, which serves San Diego athletes with developmental disabilities, from age 5 to adult.The all-day event will be held at the San Diego Convention Center.

Nov. 19, for grades ninethrough-12, TVIA volunteers will be part of the San Elijo Lagoon work party to help maintain the ecological reserve with trail maintenance, trash clean-up, habitat restoration, invasive plant removal, and native shrub planting. Nov. 20, eighth-grade TVIA boys will help Jewish Family Services Food Pantry at Camp Pendleton to distribute food to approximately 150 military families. The volunteers will unload, sort, and distribute food and entertain children while parents pick up their food items. Serving the north coastal communities of Del Mar, Carmel Valley, Rancho Santa Fe, Cardiff, Encinitas and Carlsbad, TVIA [www.tvia.org] is an organization of young men committed to developing community leaders through a structured program of volunteerism, philanthropy and personal growth.

Private investigator joins Coast News’ team of columnists Private Investigators come from many walks of life — most from law enforcement, some insurance investigators and some from the armed forces. The Coast News’ newest columnist, Brian Scott, of North County P.I., came from the tough streets of Canarsie, a small section of Brooklyn with a big reputation for mobsters. After serving in the military, Scott returned to Canarsie to find himself mixed up in the mobster’s company. He had enough sense to leave New York before it was too late.Two weeks after he lost his best friend to a bullet, Scott and his new bride quickly, and quietly, hit I-95 bound straight for the Sunshine State where he went into business management. At 24,he struck out on his own and with tenacity and determination,made it a success.His company soared to the top within three years.By 26,Scott was flying his own plane to meet corporate execs from his largest client. But in late August of 1990, Scott received the hard news that would force him into his final adventure. His major client pulled its contract and he was back to square one. At 32, he didn’t want to go back to school and was too old to become a cop, but wanted to be part of the legal/judicial system.That’s when he discovered the world of private investigation. For him, it was the perfect job, with new challenges every day and the responsibility of resolving some of life’s most complicated issues. So intrigued by the idea, he turned his remaining business over to his loyal managers, checkbook and keys included and wished them luck. Off he went, putting it all behind him in search of a new adventure. From there, he walked into the offices of the largest

BRIAN SCOTT Eye Spy detective agency in town and convinced the boss he could handle the assignments, with his street smarts, survival skills, military training and10 years in corporate America. It wasn’t long before he was lead investigator for the agency with only one problem — it wasn’t HIS agency. In 1991, he left that firm and hooked up with a local cop he knew who had served in Naval Intelligence and the CIA. He learned a lot from Jimmy, and soon was overwhelmed with cases, taking him around the world, specializing in corporate fraud, insurance defense and family law. The world of a private investigator has been as fascinating as he anticipated, and a place where he can seek truth and justice for some, with peace of mind and closure for others.This column will take us along for the always-interesting ride. See his first column on B3. Brian Scott is a licensed private investigator. Contact him at brian@northcountypi.com.

Art history explores sculptures The San Diego Museum of Art, North County Chapter welcomes John F. Asmus, a UCSD research physicist, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Nov. 21 in St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, 15th Street and Maiden Lane, south of Del Mar Plaza. Asmus will discuss advanced technologies for conservation of sculptures, recovery of the terra cotta warriors and projects around the world. Cost is $5. For more information, call (858) 523-1311 or e-mail patthomascoca@roadrunner. com.



NOV. 18, 2011


Feel good with the gift of beautiful skin Every woman strives to look as good as she feels. However, sometimes the race against time can get the best of us. No matter how well you take care of your skin, factors such as age and sun exposure can cause serious damage to your skin in the form of wrinkles, age spots, large pores, and poor texture. This unsightly damage can make you look older than your years and leave you short of looking your best. Thankfully, there is an amazing new tech-

it possible for you to have healthy, younger looking skin with minimal posttreatment downtime. Fractional means

expands underneath the skin’s surface to stimulate new collagen production across the entire area.

he treatment took years of sun damage off my face, allowing me Itzkowich to go without makeup and look more youthful with an even skin tone. — Christine

headlines at lunch

The Solana Beach Chamber of Commerce will host its second Networking Power Luncheon Series with link expert and consultant, Rick Itzkowich, speaking on “How to Use LinkedIn to Turn Relationships into Profits.” The Power Networking Luncheon will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Dec.14 at the Belly Up, 143 S. Cedros Ave. As the creator of the Link Power Coaching Program, Itzkowich has created live presentations and products for social media. Most recently, he was a presenter at You Learn Twit Face, an international social media conference held in Dubai, where he earned the Best Speaker of the Event Award. Monthly Power Networking Luncheon sessions are designed to be fun and informative while providing valuable information on how to develop strong business relationships that lead to effective results. Participants can enjoy a served lunch, catered by the Wild Note Café, in a positive business environment while hearing and interacting with knowledgeable speakers on topics important to them personally and professionally. The SBCC Power Networking Luncheon event allows attendees to introduce their business during a forty-second “commercial” presented by every businessperson in attendance. SBCC Networking Power Luncheons are open to all Chamber Members and first time guests. For more information, contact Jason Smith, SBCC Vice President, (858) 7552106.

Items on this page are paid for by the provider of the article. If you would like an article on this page, please call Chris Kydd at (760) 436-9737, ext. 110.



nology that can take up to 10 years off the way you look, leaving you with radiant new skin you are sure to love. The Mixto Micro Fractional CO2 laser is a revolutionary new treatment for skin rejuvenation that makes

that only a fraction of the skin surface is exposed to the laser beam, leaving untreated skin around each treated micro spot. This promotes fast natural healing and a short recovery time. The laser beam actually

A single laser treatment can show significant improvement in skin texture and color, while softening wrinkles and smoothing the surface of your skin. The final result is more natural than a facelift, with less downtime,

and no scars. The best part is that your results will keep getting better as more collagen is produced, and these results can last up to five years. Christine from San Diego tried this new laser procedure and she has never felt more confident about her appearance. She says, “The fractional CO2 laser not only erased my brown spots, uneven skin tone, and wrinkles, it also significantly improved the tightness and texture of my skin. The treatment took years of sun damage off my face, allowing me to go without makeup and look more youthful with an even skin tone. It also smoothed out the texture, firmed and tightened the loose, wrinkly areas under my eyes, and even minimized my crow’s feet!” This FDA-approved procedure can smooth your skin, erase age spots, shrink pores, and give you a more youthful appearance. The before and after photographs clearly speak for themselves. For more information on Mixto Micro Fractional CO2 laser treatments, you can contact Just Skin at (760) 9422991 or visit them online at www.JustSkinInc.com.

Big tax breaks from Obama administration There are several benefits from the Obama administration that allow substantial tax savings… for example, the business tax structure benefits expire at the end of 2011 and estate and gift increased exemptions expire in Dec. 31, 2012. A tax-free sale of a small business!!! Yes, it is true!! Obama signed a temporary amendment to the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) section 1202 that permits an eligible corporations also known “Qualified Small Business Stock” or “QSBS” to be sold by the OSBS original issue stockholders without being taxed on stock sale. The temporary amendment only applies to certain stock acquired after the enactment date and before 1/1/2012. In general, each QSBS may exclude gain in the amount of the greater of $10 million or 10 times the adjusted basis in the corporation.

Leah Stapleton,CFP, President of Stapleton Financial

A 100 percent exclusion from capital gains would be a very big financial windfall to business owners with QSBS. Here’s an example: XYZ Incorporated gets into the technology business. XYZ owns a patent that has an adjusted basis of $50000 and a qualified asset appraiser has determined that the

100 percent exclusion from capital gains would be a very big financial windfall to business owners with QSBS.


Leah Stapleton President of Stapleton Financial

patent has a current fair market value of $50000. When XYZ contributes the patent to his QSBS in exchange for stock, he pays no tax on the contribution and his stock now has basis equal to $50000 for Internal Revenue Code Section 1202 purposes. Five years later, the patent held by the QSBS is worth $10,050,000. If XYZ Inc were to sell the QSBS for $10,050,000., XYZ would pay no tax on the sale of the QSBS stock. If you are thinking of doing a short term GRAT (Grantor Retained Annuity Trust)… a very favorable way to gift highly appreciated assets, please do it sooner than later. The proposed legislation, currently stalled in Congress, is calling for a 10year term GRAT that would dramatically decrease the benefits you can achieve. As part of the last minute tax negotiations in 2010, Obama increased the estate exemption to $5million per individual, $10 million per couple. This also applies to gifting with no GSR (generation skipping tax). He also reduced the estate tax from 45 percent to 35 percent. This is an amazing benefit in tax free gifting, allowing a family to establish a generation skipping or dynasty trust to maximize the benefits for future generations. Therefore, the future growth of the dynasty trust is not subject to estate, gift, or GST tax*, this trust can in effect be a “family endowment fund” to ensure a substantial legacy for the future generations.

Leah Stapleton, CFP, President of Stapleton Financial, is a national expert in financial planning and had been an advocate to Congress on taxation issues. Stapleton Financial has been serving client on financial matters since 1986. To contact Leah Stapleton call (858) 458-0991 or e-mail Leah at stapletonfinancial@me.com. Web: Stapletonfinancial.com http://www.linkedin.com/ pub/leah-stapleton/40/421/668 *The code is currently vague about future GST distributions.

Expert lends helping hand in short sales “Nationwide, 10.9 million or 22.5 percent of all homeowners with a mortgage owe more on their property than it’s worth in the current market, and another 6.3 million are in some stage of foreclosure,” said Conrad Hodgson of Trinity Homes and Investments.

Conrad got a buyer on my home within two weeks and we closed within 6 weeks. I now don’t have the stress and pressure of meeting a huge mortgage payment every month. Kip H. Carlsbad

A Certified Distressed Property Expert (CDPE), Hodgson pointed out that the long-term implications of foreclosure cannot be underestimated, and has developed a report entitled, “Need a Helping Hand?” This report can be accessed from theshortsalesaint.com. “Too often, the anxiety associated with missed mortgage payments and the fear of putting trust into the wrong hands causes homeowners who are heading toward foreclosure to avoid seeking help or pursuing a short sale,” Hodgson said recently on CW Channel 6 TV. A short sale occurs when the current market value of a home is worth less than what is owed on a mortgage and a real estate agent negotiates with the lender on behalf a financially strapped homeowner to accept a loan payoff that is less than the amount owed. “While lenders were once reluctant to negotiate short sales, the current glut of foreclosed properties on their books has prompted an aggressive push to mitigate losses, and some are even paying homeowners significant cash incentives to make a fresh start on their lives after the close of the short sale,” Hodgson explained. Real estate agents who have received the Certified Distressed Property Expert (CDPE) designation have proactively sought out the real estate industry’s best training for serving clients within the complicated and highly charged distressed property arena. CDPE agents are required to complete intensive training and are held to a high standard of expertise, efficiency and ethics. For more information, visit www.theshortsalesaint.com.

Be our fan on The Obama administration offers substantial tax benefits.

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NOV. 18, 2011



Mediterranean diet is model of Serving up delicious holiday gift ideas healthful eating Aaaah…the holidays! While some of us are organized enough to already have our gift and shopping lists completed, it’s safe to say that the majority of us are still scrambling over what to do for everyone from Grandma, to teachers, to the book club gift exchange.Then, of course, there’s the joy of hosting the Holiday Celebration dinners at your home this year. What to do? What to buy? What to eat? If you have yet to make it over to Baker & Olive in Encinitas, then this is the perfect time. You can explore B&O for your own holiday dining goodies and take care of lots of people on your list at the same time. The shelves are stocked and brimming with everything from their world-class olive oils and balsamic vinegars, to gourmet foods and unique gifts. Need something in the $25 price range? Ask for the “Flavor Zing Box.” It features two flavor-paired bottles each of olive oil and balsamic vinegar in a great gift box ready for giving. They’re labeled with catchy little names like “Gobble, Gobble” for your Thanksgiving Day feast, “Instant Gourmet” for those foodies on your list, and “Happy Hour,” a community favorite perfect for cheese, wine and fruit. You’ll find a selection of about 10 different sets in this price range. Buy several — you’ll be glad to have a few extras on hand for

If you’re looking to serve up some delicious holiday gifts this season, look no further than Baker & Olive at 165 S. El Camino Real in Encinitas.

unexpected guests or that last minute gift. Have a culinary aficionado on your list this year? Consider your shopping dilemma solved. Baker & Olive is a gourmand’s dream. Gourmet flavored, smoked, and natural sea salts; confits, pestos, tapenades and jams are all in stock. Pasta from Italy, delicious jarred sauces, and a library of cookbooks that would make any cook or chef drool! And there’s the honeys, teas, biscuits and crackers. Pasta bowls, dipping dishes and cruets for your oils and vinegars. The list goes on and on. Can’t decide? No prob-

lem. Gift baskets and gift certificates are also available. Okay, so now that we’ve got the gift giving covered, what about your holiday meals, the cocktail parties, the office potluck? Just ask any one of the staff at Baker & Olive to help you, as they really know their stuff. They can recommend oil and/or vinegar to brighten any meal or can put together a beautiful and delicious artisan cheese, salami and olive platter for any size gathering. B&O offers over 30 cheeses, both domestic and imported. The award winning “Cowgirl Creamery Mt. Tam Triple Cream Cheese” is a “must have” at any party. Spread a

little of that on B&O’s date hazelnut bread and prepare for instant gratification. The Castelvetrano olives, most commonly called “those bright green olives” are not only beautiful to the eye, but incredibly delicious, too — a true olive connoisseurs olive. So what about the Christmas goose, the holiday ham, the prime rib roast and all those sides that go with them? Baker & Olive can help you with any dish you want to give a little “food facelift.” With over 30 olive oils and 20 balsamic vinegars, they have hundreds of flavor combinations for you to choose from just waiting to add a little zest to whatever you’re serving. The best part is that you can sample and taste just about everything there so you leave completely satisfied. No regrets, no wondering what it will taste like. The only thing you’ll have to worry about is becoming as obsessed with this wonderful shop as so many others in our community have. Enjoy. Baker & Olive is located at 165 S. El Camino Real, Encinitas. Call them at (760) 944-7840 or visit them at bakerandolive.com. Hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Special Sunday holiday hours 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. start Nov. 20. Shop early. Shop today.

‘Wonderland’ to celebrate all things canine By Lillian Cox

The holiday season will kick off from noon to 4 p.m. Nov. 20 with a Wagging Winterland celebration at the Elizabethan Bakery on the grounds of Sunshine Gardens. The event is hosted by Denise Clifton, owner of Pupologie Pet Boutique; dog psychologist Linda Michaels; and San Diego Positive Pet Professionals, or SDPPP. The organization is comprised of veterinary, rescue and petindustry professionals who subscribe to positive, green and non-aversive pet care services and products. Proceeds from the event will benefit the Boston (terriers) Brigade Rescue Group. The festival will feature baked goods provided by the Elizabethan Bakery, a dog kissing booth and mini-beauty makeovers. A certified dog massage therapist will also be available. Mini-consultations will be provided by Dr. Jennifer Stewart, integrative veterinarian; Dr.Tamara Hebbler, holistic veterinarian; and Michaels, who is licensed in the Victoria Stilwell positive-reinforcement approach to dog training. A small donation for services will be requested to benefit the cause. “Wagging Winterland is my first sponsored benefit as a local Victoria Stilwell dog trainer,” Michaels said. “Supporting businesses who put dogs before

dollars, while benefitting dogs in need of forever homes, is my long-time dream coming true.” Photographers Dennis and Cathy Nisbet will offer Christmas pictures of Fido with Santa and his sleigh. Dog owners are advised to arrive early as time is limited. Cost is $25 and includes one 8-by-10, one 5by-7 and four wallet-sized photos. A groomer will be on hand to prepare pooches for the photo session with a fluff and Christmas bow. Pupologie and SDPPP have donated raffle prizes and silent auction items. Susan Mayne, also a member of SDPPP, quit her job as a nursing professional to start Boston Brigade Rescue Group. Today she travels to Riverside, San Bernardino and San Diego counties pulling dogs from shelters. “Our intake of dogs has just about tripled the last two years, and yet donations have gone down by about 80 percent of what they were two years ago,” she said. “I get phone calls and e-mails on a daily basis from people who have lost their jobs or homes and can no longer either afford to care for their dogs, or are moving into an apartment, or with relatives who will not allow the dogs to come with them.” Mayne added that the group relies solely on volunteers and donations applied toward vetting bills for the care of incoming dogs.

DEAR DOCTOR K: I keep hearing about the health benefits of a Mediterranean diet. But what IS a Mediterranean diet? DEAR READER: The “Mediterranean diet” refers to the traditional diet of Greece, Italy and other countries near the Mediterranean Sea. There is a good deal of scientific evidence that the diet has health benefits. The Mediterranean diet consists mostly of plant foods. These include fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, nuts and seeds. Animal protein is consumed chiefly in the forms of fish and poultry. Olive oil is the principal fat. And wine is taken with meals. What are the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet? For people who follow the diet regularly, there are many of them. The diet is associated with lower body weight. There is a reduced risk of Type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. People who regularly follow the Mediterranean diet have lower risks of dying of heart disease, stroke or cancer, and have a longer lifespan. Sound good? There is no pill ever invented that can give you all those health benefits. We have a lot more information in our Special Health Report called “Healthy Eating: A Guide to the New Nutrition.” You can find out more about it at my website.

DOCTOR K Second Opinion In the meantime, here are some tips to help you get started on eating the Mediterranean way: (1) Pile on the fruits and vegetables, and eat many different — and different-colored — varieties. (2) Go a little nuts. Nuts are nutritious, but caloriedense. Restrict yourself to a small handful a day. Some grocery stores sell small bags of mixed nuts and dried fruits. The total calories in one bag are about 150 to 200. I keep a bunch in my desk and have one bag a day, typically at a time (like midafternoon) when I'm feeling a little sleepy and hungry. (3) Go for the whole grains. There are good carbohydrates (“carbs”) and bad carbs. Choose whole grains (good carbs) over refined grains. Whole-grain breads, for example, are healthier than white breads, brown rice is healthier than white rice. And I think whole-grain breads and brown rice also taste better. (I wish I could tell you that I’ve found a brand of whole-grain pasta that I think tastes better than traditional refinedgrain pasta, but I haven’t. If you have, let us know.) (4) Eat good fats. For a long time, we’ve been told TURN TO SECOND OPINION ON A22


Say you saw it in the Rancho Santa Fe News!

Denise and Brendon Clifton of Pupologie Pet Boutique, and their rescue pup Kobe, will welcome revelers Nov. 20 for "Wagging Winterland" at the Elizabethan Bakery. Photo by Lillian Cox

Like Mayne, Clifton changed careers to pursue a childhood dream of helping animals. “I left my job as boutique manager at the Cal-a-Vie health spa in 2003 and got a job as a management trainee at Pet Nutrition Center,” she said. “It ignited a huge passion. Within six months I was promoted to manager, regional manager and, finally, general manager of five stores.” During this time, Clifton hired future husband, Brendan Clifton, as assistant manager of the Del Mar store.

Clifton subsequently bought the Encinitas store, and recently changed the name to Pupologie. “The owners of Pet Nutrition Center taught me to read labels on pet food,” she said.“I learned that the government was not protecting our pets’ food supply, and that it was legal to sell byproducts with toxins in dog food.” Since then Clifton has become immersed in the field of pet nutrition, keeping her team informed of the latest

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NOV. 18, 2011



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NOV. 18, 2011

NOV. 18, 2011




NOV. 18, 2011


High school senior to take part in Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade

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When the 85th annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade in New York City airs on Nov. 24, San Diegans have an extra reason to celebrate the event. Carlsbad High School senior Kaili Masamoto will be representing Carlsbad at the Macy’s Great American Marching Band. Masamoto is among a select group of fellow high school musicians arriving from all over the nation to take part in one of the most popular parades in the country.

Playing the flute, Masamoto, 16, will be joining 225 other band members who will lead the 3mile parade KAILI route in New MASAMOTO York City with 3 million to 3.5 million street spectators watching. “The Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade is one of America’s last surviving variety shows and it defies gravity with giant helium balloons flying through the air and cel-

Why Haven’t Neuropathy Sufferers Been Told These Facts? More than 20 million Americans suffer from peripheral neuropathy, a problem caused by damage to the nerves that supply your arms and legs. It may feel like a sensation of wearing an invisible “glove” or “sock”, burning, freezing, and extreme, electrical-like sensitivity to touch. This painful condition interferes with your body’s ability to transmit messages to your muscles, skin, joints, or internal organs. If ignored or mistreated, neuropathy can lead to irreversible health conditions. Why not get help by those trained to correct the major cause of peripheral neuropathy. Read the full facts on this page.

Don’t let numbness and tingling keep you from enjoying life. My name is Dr. Jeff Listiak, D.C. and I understand what it feels like to live in pain, because I see it every day. I’ve seen many people with neuropathy -- patients who once thought dangerous drugs were the only option -- leave my office pain free. You see, I became a doctor to help people get well. I've always been driven to find natural ways of helping people heal their bodies, before trying drugs or surgery. As part of that purpose, I've acquired state-ofthe-art training to help local residents like you finally get rid of your numbness, tingling and burning pains.

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ebrates American culture and heritage by celebrating the spirit of kids of all ages,” said Wesley Whatley, creative director for the Macy’s Parade and Entertainment Group. Whatley said that participation in Macy’s Great American Marching Band was “invitation only” and followed by a thorough application process review, which Masamoto passed. “We have a panel of college music professors who review the applications and pick members based on geography and the needs of the instrumentation for the group,” said Whatley, who added that the band members are from grades nine to 12. A list of musical accomplishments was also considered in the process. Masamoto has been part of the Carlsbad High School Band for four years. Above all, she was selected to play in the All-State High School Honor Band in 2011, which netted the attention of the Macy’s Parade people and started the Macy’s Great American Marching Band application process. The trip to New York was an out-of-pocket expense. A combination of funds made it possible for Masamoto to go. For starters, Masamoto, who has been a piano teacher since 2009, used her earnings to fund part of this once-in-alifetime experience. “I currently have seven piano students who are so much fun to teach,” she said, adding that she instructs out of her home. “It’s seriously the best job I could ask for because I’m getting paid to show other kids how to play music.” Masamoto’s mother, Dina Masamoto, said that her daughter also raised money through the Carlsbad High School Band Boosters’ fundraisers. In addition to achieving the All-State High School Honor Band, Masamoto’s other accolades include AllSouthern California High School Honor Band in 2010 and 2011, All-Southern California Middle School Honor Band in 2008 and 2009, and All-State Middle School Honor Band in 2008. For Masamoto, snagging a spot in the recent All-State High School Honor Band was no small feat. “The flute is probably the most competitive instrument in those auditions, so it’s a pretty big deal for her to get in,” said Greg Anderson, band director at Carlsbad High School. Masamoto will be arriving to New York the weekend before Thanksgiving. “I’ve never been to New York and I’m looking forward to seeing it and being part of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade,” Masamoto said. Meeting all the other band players from across the nation, she said, is something else she’s really looking forward to. When the students arrive, they have a lot of work and preparation ahead of TURN TO PARADEON A21



NOV. 18, 2011

After default notice, I feel a little out of sorts JOE MORIS Baby Boomer Peace I sit here feeling a little out of sorts. I finally received the default notice on my house. My heart sank. I have nearly $350,000 hard cash in that house and yet it is underwater. It makes no sense anymore trying to hang onto it. Circumstances put me in this position just as it has for so many others. Those circumstances led me to take the serious move to become retired and shed all the golden handcuffs. Losing a partner didn’t help, but that’s another story. A new guy, an airplane and the word “adios.” I had a successful career in real estate but everyone reading this column knows someone who has been in or affected by the real estate col-

lapse. That would include all the loan officers, offices and brokers that used to exist. Title companies were merged, modernized and cut back on personnel. Real Estate Agents who could not land the plum bank REO listings had to grovel or get out. It really has been tough. There are agents who do very well, but most have had to struggle or quit. Most have ruined credit because real estate was always considered a good retirement investment. That is where my retirement was. Many of us just got stuck with a lot of real estate that is now worth less than is owed. With income hard enough to come by and at a premium it is very hard to hang onto something that has a ton of real investment dollars in it when it is sucking you dry. I can tell you one thing though; if someone in the power circles of government would get off their duff and adopt my 2 Percent Solution

(see my column from Oct. 28). I wouldn’t lose my house, nor would anyone else. I, and everyone else, would faithfully pay on their upside down mortgages faithfully every month for the next ten years. Dumb logic tells you houses will be worth more than what is owed come 10 years from now. Everyone wins, but no. The government (which is the Fed) and the banks they are tied to, including and more specifically Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, for some strange reason, want or need us to suffer. At least that’s the way it feels to me. To me it all seemed to start innocently after the 2004 elections. The subprime loans flooded the market for the first time. They were pushed until late 2005 and then the Fed began raising the discount rate (interest rate the Fed charges banks to borrow from them) for at least 14 straight quarters (thanks to Alan Greenspan who had endorsed the subprime 1 percent interest rate loans) until

we suddenly crashed just in time for the elections in 2008 when it became a major “Crisis.” Everything is a crisis now. I, and many of my similar thinking ilk find it rather odd how an unknown one term State Senator/Community Organizer from Chicago just happened to give the keynote speech at the nomination convention of John Kerry. Seriously, who ever heard of such a thing. Can you think of any obscure person giving a speech in such a high profile setting ever before in our history? But boy could he give an inspiring speech. Since then it seems that our whole economic system has been out of whack. Ask anyone in real estate including landowners and builders. It’s been brutal and to me, using 20/20 hindsight, it almost seems like this was all staged and planned. The guys at Fannie and Freddie that broke the system are now

working in high consulting positions in the current administration and still taking enormous six figure bonuses every year. They should all be in jail with Madoff. You can Snopes this by the way. Raines, Geithner, Paulsen and many more were part of instigating the subprime market while they were with Goldman Sachs, Fannie Mae and the Treasury. Oddly enough though, government workers seem to be doing just fine. Most government workers make some serious income with phenomenal benefits. The last I checked, I believe local governments still have a healthy number of employees in the building departments even though little or no construction is taking place. Everything seems so backwards nowadays. If you’ve been following me here you know I bought an oceanfront retirement condo in Puerto Vallarta for a song and some magic beans. Ah, Puerto Vallarta. I miss it

so. But, darn, if I’m going to be able to pay for travel and live there basically for free seven-plus months out of the year, my condo has to be rented out, especially in the high season. I’m daydreaming again of those turquoise 80-degree waters and thigh-to-headhigh perfect rights at Punta de Mita where, although we’re approaching winter, there are white sand beaches with lots of bikinis and bronzed bodies. I know I’ve brought this up before but in my next article I will touch on the medical care in Mexico. It has become quite an alternative for those without insurance or those who live in countries with socialized medicine. So, until next time, be good to your neighbor and brother and remember…may Peace be with you always! See you soon. Joe Moris may be contacted at (760) 500-6755 or by e-mail at joe@coastalcountry.net.

Kellejian is elected president of the San Diego chapter of interior designers Solana Beach resident District after 25 years in Del and designer Mary Kellejian, Mar. Her firm offers comprehensive design services has been elected for commercial and respresident of the San idential clients, includDiego chapter of the ing new construction American Society of and remodeling. The Interior Designers studio showcases an (ASID) for the 2011array of furnishings, 2012 term. including lighting, carKellejian is an MARY peting, furniture, winaward-winning interiKELLEJIAN dow treatments, art or designer who recently moved her design and accessories. She is also a studio Polo Bay Interiors to certified Real Estate Staging the Cedros Avenue Design specialist.

Kellejian’s work has appeared in local show houses, charity events and in publications such as San Diego Home/Garden Lifestyles, San Diego Magazine, Décor & Style, Ranch and Coast, Window Fashions, The San Diego Union-Tribune, Coast News and Elegant Homes. Complementing her passion for design is her devotion to her husband of 35 years, Joe Kellejian, and her two daughters, Kelli Kellejian-

Builder relationship on rocky foundation DEAR BRUCE: My husband and I saved for many, many years to have the home of our dreams built. We hired a reputable builder and worked with him on our custom home. As with any house, we’ve had a few problems here and there, but all of a sudden, it seems that we are having some major issues. The different people who have come out to fix these problems all say the same thing: It goes back to how the house was constructed. I have contacted the builder, and he keeps promising to come out and “take a look,” but so far he has not kept any of the appointments. Luckily, he is still in business, but how do I get him to come out and take a look and make things right? I have paperwork from these repairmen stating that the problem is not normal wear and tear but in how it was constructed. I believe he is avoiding us, and if these things don’t get taken care of now, it’s only going to get worse. Should I take him to court? Is that my last option? Will that make him take care of the problems we are having? I’m not sure what to do and would appreciate your words of wisdom. — Frustrated, via email DEAR FRUSTRATED: Before you head down the road of taking him to court,

BRUCE WILLIAMS Smart Money get a second opinion. While I understand your repairmen have given you their opinions, a qualified house inspector’s word would carry much more weight. Hire the inspector to see whether there was a problem in the original construction that is causing you to have all of these problems. You should also determine how much it will cost to have these problems fixed. When

one goes to court, one goes for a dollar amount rather than requires the builder to do specific work. If the costs TURN TO SMART MONEY ON A20

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Barrett, Allied Member ASID, and Lindsey Kellejian. “I’d like to thank all our members for giving me the opportunity to serve as president,” said Kellejian. “I’m honored to lead this very worthwhile organization.” Other board members include Robin W. Carrier,

president-elect; Marcel Perry, Industry Partner representative, director of financial oversight; Lynn Wyndham Morris, director of communications; Bertha Hernandez, director of professional development and programs; Anne Kellett, director of membership;

Kathleen Kita-Palmer, director at large and Megan Siason, student representative to the board. For information on ASID and chapter events, visit the chapter’s website ASIDSanDiego.org or call the chapter hotline at (858) 646-9896.



NOV. 18, 2011


NOV. 18, 2011

DAA board votes to continue elephant rides at Fairgrounds By Bianca Kaplanek

After more than two hours of sometimes zealous comments by everyone from veterinarians and animal activists to trainers and residents, the Del Mar Fairgrounds board of directors voted 4-3 at the Nov. 8 meeting to continue allowing elephant rides at the San Diego County Fair until at least 2014. At the June 7 meeting, just before the start of this year’s fair, Matt Rossell from Animal Defenders International asked board members from the 22nd District Agricultural Association, which manages the fairgrounds, to discontinue elephant rides claiming the company that provides the service abuses the animals. ADI released a video earlier this year that representa-

IRENE KRATZER A Place To Call Home

Come and try yoga for seniors The Centennial year is drawing to a close, turkeys and pies are being ordered and shopping and holiday stress is upon us. What a wonderful time to join the Silver Age Yoga class at the Cardiffby-the-Sea Library and let Emmy Garnica’s soothing voice guide you through the postures. Emmy first practiced yoga during the1960’s as a graduate student at Stanford University. She moved to San Diego in 1969 and then to Cardiff-by-the-Sea in 1976. Nine years ago she was certified at Cardiffit to teach Anahata Yoga. In 2003 she attended the organizing meeting for what is now Silver Age Yoga Community Outreach, founded by Frank Iszak, whose mission was to bring the health benefits of yoga to seniors at no cost. In 2004, after she completed the first specialized teachers’ training, Cardiffit donated space for her to offer a Silver Age Yoga Class there, where she taught the first 6 months of classes as a volunteer. In 2005, she started teaching at the Cardiff-by-the-Sea Library and during 2009 she offered 3 classes a week at the Library. She has also taught yoga to seniors at the San Marcos Library and at the Encinitas Terrace Apartments. Emmy finds teaching extremely rewarding and believes it has brought a sense of community to the participants. Speaking of community, she would love to see us start an organization in Cardiff-by-the-Sea based on the “Village,” a concept started in Boston supporting seniors to remain in their own TURN TO CALL HOME ON A21

tives say was recorded secretly in 2005 at Have Trunk Will Travel Inc., the company that has provided elephant rides at the fair for nearly three decades. About nine minutes of edited footage from the 45minute recording shows handlers hitting the pachyderms at times with bull hooks. Kari Johnson, who owns Have Trunk Will Travel with her husband, Gary, said people who are not with “legitimate animal welfare organizations” are not qualified to comment on the footage because they “would not know what they are looking at.”She said the recording is not in context. There were no allegations elephants were abused at the fairgrounds or during the fair. The video can be viewed by

Googling most key words associated with the allegations or organizations. More than 125 people attended the Nov. 8 meeting and there was no shortage of allegations and name calling from people on both sides of the issue. Of the nearly 50 who spoke, about two-thirds favored continuing the rides. But when director David Watson made an initial motion to discontinue the rides,his reasoning had little to do with the video or anything the speakers said. Watson based his decision on an occupational safety policy recently adopted by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums requiring facilities to limit training to protected contact rather than free conTURN TO DAA ON A21



NOV. 18, 2011


Contact us at sports@coastnewsgroup.com with story ideas, photos or suggestions


There’s nothing but love for these tennis club pros By Patty McCormac

RANCHO SANTA FE — It doesn’t hurt to remind community members about the caliber of people who work for them throughout the Covenant. At the Association’s Nov. 3 meeting, it recognized tennis professionals Derek Miller and Dophie Poiset from the Rancho Santa Fe Tennis Club. Miller and Poiset co-manage the tennis club, give lessons and lead the many social events held at the club throughout the year. For Miller, the head teaching professional, the job is “fantastic.” “It is great!” he said. “We have a lot of great members at the club. Every single individual at the club I see is getting better and that is fantastic for every tennis pro to see.” Miller, a native of San Diego, comes from a long line of athletes. He began playing tennis along with other sports at age 4. Over the years, he excelled at tennis. He graduated from University of San Diego High School (now Cathedral Catholic) in 1998. In 2011, he was inducted into the school’s Hall of Fame for playing varsity baseball, football and for four CIF Tennis Championships. After high school he went to Purdue University on a full tennis scholarship. He served as team captain in

Derek Miller and Dophie Poiset, tennis professionals at the Rancho Santa Fe Tennis Club, give lessons, run leagues, plan social events and share responsiblities managing the club. Poiset has been on board for 28 years. Miller came on a few years later in 2004. Photo by Patty McCormac Courtesy photo

2001 and 2002. He graduated with a degree in sales management and marketing.?Miller came to the Rancho Santa Fe Tennis Club in 2004 as a tennis professional who helped manage all clinics and private instruction. In 2009, he was promoted to head professional and co-manager along with Poiset. “My passion is coaching

young beginners to high performance tennis members, directing junior and adult programs, leading social events and keeping constant communications with all the members,” Miller said. He is the father of three young boys to whom he is already teaching tennis. They have their Sponge Bob Square Pants tennis racquets to use when he gives them

short lessons a few times a week. Poiset is an icon at the tennis club, having been there for 28 years. She said she is beginning to teach tennis to the third generation of Rancho Santa Fe residents. She, too, is a native of San Diego who began playing tennis at age 8 at Morley Field in Balboa Park.

“It was a family sport,” she said. “I was one of six kids.” As a junior tournament player, she became ranked in the top 10 nationally and has several national titles to her credit. She chose college over the international tennis tour and played Number One Singles at San Diego State. Poiset began her teaching career at 18, giving group lessons to children for the San Diego Park and Recreation Department, while earning a degree in history and education. She taught school for a couple of years before becoming a certified teaching professional and went back to teaching tennis. In 1984 she joined the professional staff at the Rancho Santa Fe Tennis Club as the director of ladies and children programs and has been in that position since then. Poiset became manager of the club in 2010 along with Miller. And she said she believes the club’s junior program is the best in the county. She said she considers her position as a dream job, because it is a dream of tennis professionals to find a spot at a top notch tennis club to spend their career. “I think of myself as an old fashioned tennis pro,” she

said.” As a traditionalist, I emphasize the importance of etiquette and sportsmanship above winning and I try to help students learn to carry on the time-honored traditions, polite behavior in manners and dress, courtesy and respect toward opponents.” In addition to her professional responsibilities, she also donates her time to local tennis endeavors including being a member of the board of directors of the San Diego Division U.S. Professional Tennis Association since 2003 and serving two terms as its president. She is also a board member of the San Diego Tennis Hall of Fame. Poiset said she is proud of her students and that the club’s Ladies Senior Super League will travel to UCLA to compete. “We are very proud of them,” she said. And tennis club members are proud of her. She earned the USTA San Diego District Tennis Association Professional of the year in 2002. In 2010 she was named Professional of the Year by the U.S. Professional Tennis Association. Poiset said she thinks that tennis players are special people. “Anywhere in the world, people in tennis are wonderful people,” she said.

Mickelson elected to golf’s Hall of Fame

SPECIAL SPONSOR THANKS At a recent winning soccer game at Skyline Elementary School, the Solana Beach Tsunami soccer team, and, from top left, coach Chris Costello, thanked their 2011 sponsor, Solana Beach Councilman Dave Roberts, along with coach Hank Johns, by presenting Roberts with a team photo plaque and soccer shirt. The Tsunami soccer team is part of the Solana Beach Soccer Club, which offers a youth recreational program for kindergarten through 12th-grade and is part of the California State Soccer Association. The Solana Beach Soccer Club serves more than 400 players in the local community with the support of team sponsors, volunteer coaches and board members. Courtesy photo

RANCHO SANTA FE — The World Golf Hall of Fame & Museum will enshrine fourtime major winner Phil Mickelson as part of its Class of 2012. The announcement that Mickelson was elected through the PGA TOUR Ballot was made at the Barclays Singapore Open. Mickelson will be inducted into the Hall of Fame at its Induction Ceremony on May 7, 2012 at World Golf Village in St. Augustine, Fla. The Ceremony is held on the Monday of THE PLAYERS Championship week. Mickelson was elected through the PGA TOUR Ballot with 72 percent of the vote. It is the highest percentage a player has received on the PGA TOUR Ballot since Greg Norman came in with 80 percent in 2001. PGA TOUR Commissioner Tim Finchem made the announcement. "On behalf of the PGA TOUR, I congratulate Phil Mickelson on being bestowed with one of the highest honors in our sport - induction into the World Golf Hall of Fame," Finchem said. "It seems Phil has been destined for this honor for some time. From his days as one of world's premier amateur players to his seamless transition to professional star,

Phil has always performed at the highest levels of the sport and this recognition is well deserved." Mickelson's career is highlighted by his four major championship titles: the 2004, 2006 and 2010 Masters; and the 2005 PGA Championship. He has 35 additional PGA TOUR wins, including the 2007 PLAYERS Championship, and three international victories. He became eligible for the PGA TOUR Ballot after his 10th year on TOUR in 2003, and met the final qualification for that ballot when he turned 40 last year. He has competed on eight Ryder Cup teams and will play on his ninth U.S. Presidents Cup Team next week in Melbourne, Australia. Mickelson is the only player, for either team, to participate in every Presidents Cup since the event's inception in 1994. "My thanks go to those who voted me into the World Golf Hall of Fame," Mickelson said. "It really is a tremendous honor to be mentioned alongside the greats of a game that's centuries old. THE PLAYERS Championship week always has been special to me and the Induction Ceremony next May will make it even more so."



NOV. 18, 2011

Senior Olympics struggle to find venues for North County games ■ Organization hopes to build

presence in North County By Tony Cagala

COAST CITIES – “It’s like that old movie with Kevin Costner, ‘Field of Dreams,’” said Danny Propp, San Diego Senior Olympics executive director. “If you build the fields, they’ll come. And like I keep telling our politicians, ‘Hey, if we don’t have the venues available, how in the world can we invite these wonderful athletes from all

across the United States?’” Almost everywhere the Senior Olympics organization has gone in North County, they’ve had trouble securing access to playing fields to hold their games. “We’ve always had a little political support…it’s just the thing of awareness.” Propp has already started looking for fields to host the regional North County

The San Diego Senior Olympics hosts sporting events for senior adults ages 50 and over. The organization is looking to build its presence in North County. Courtesy photo

Senior Games for sometime in April or May, and is now reaching out to all of the parks and recreation departments across the county, asking for support. “A lot of them, they won’t commit until the first of February to the 15th of February. Well, that The Senior Olympics, founded in 1988, were designed for seniors to participate in sports and maintain physical and mental fitness. Courtesy really doesn’t give our people a whole lot of time to make photo

travel arrangements,” he added. The reason for the delay, he said, is because many of the departments don’t know what their schedules or budgets are going to be for the next year. “That being said, Mayor Sanders and the city of San Diego were gracious enough to waive the fees on a


lot of the fields. But when we get up into North County, which is like virgin territory to us, a lot of (departments) aren’t as familiar with who we are, what we are, what we do, as our local city is,” he said. “That being said, we have reached out to the state, to the senate, to the congress and everybody.”

What he’s hoping to achieve is to build up the same amount of presence in the North County that there is in San Diego where September is recognized as Senior Olympic month. “It may be a city council person to step up to the plate; it may be a mayor to step up to the plate, and say, ‘Hey, make this happen.’ It may be a facilities director at a college, or at parks and recreation,” he said. Another of their goals is to host the 2013-14 California State Games to San Diego. A lot of the fields that they’re trying to secure right now are those that can hold team sports, including soccer. At the North County games in September, certain games as men’s softball and women’s soccer were held at Hourglass Park in Mira Mesa, darts at the Elks Lodge in Poway and Pickleball at the Melba Bishop Rec Center in Oceanside. The San Diego Senior Olympics is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit. The senior games were founded in 1988 for senior adults 50 and older to participate in sports and maintain physical and mental fitness. For more information, visit sdseniorgames.org.

Volleyball star is national player of week Lauren Plum, a former Coast Volleyball League player through the Boys & Girls Clubs of San Dieguito, was just chosen as American Volleyball Coaches Association Player of the Week. Plum, now a sophomore at the University of Oregon, is another of several Coast Volleyball Club and Boys & Girls Clubs of San Dieguito Middle School Sports players so honored. Other Coast players named Player of the Week include Jennifer Saleaumua,

University of Nebraska, honored in 2004; Katie Wilkins, Pepperdine University, honored 2003; and Juliann Faucette, honored in both 2007 and 2009. Coast Volleyball Club provides training opportunities for young women and men athletes in complimentary disciplines including: leadership, training, physical training enhancements, motivational programs, selfesteem enhancement, team building, personal growth and high performance programs.

CSUSM Soccer advances Both the men’s and women’s Cal State San Marcos soccer teams swept their series at the A.I.I. C o n f e r e n c e Championships in Thomasville, Ga. Nov 12

The "Great White Sharks," part of the Encinitas Express Recreation Soccer League, girls under 8 team, play the “Angry Birds” from Solana Beach. The Sharks won the game 4 - 1. Clockwise from top: Rihely LaCasse, 7, from Encinitas weaves her way past an “Angry Bird” defender. Marina Downing, 7, from Encinitas drives down the field. Hannah McGill, 7, from Leucadia races her way through a crowd of defenders during the match. Photos by Bill Reilly

and Nov. 13. The Cougars will move on to the NAIA National Championships, which begin Nov. 19. The men will play No. 8 ranked Azusa Pacific.

SURFER COLIN RICHARDSON, 16 years old, Leucadia. Sponsors: Quiksilver, Oakley, Dakine. — Photo by Brent Stephens This local surf shot is brought to you by: D Street • Encinitas


NOV. 18, 2011


the matter behind you. If it’s a significant amount of money, then the small-claim action involved are modest, it might certainly is warranted. Just be to your advantage just to remember that getting a pay to have it done and put judgment against someone does not mean that you will get paid. You can take someone to court for almost any reason.Whether you prevail is


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another question. DEAR BRUCE: From the time I was little, my family spent many summers and vacation times throughout the year at a vacation home that my parents had purchased. As kids, we loved going there, and it has many fond memories for the three of us kids. Our parents have both passed away, and in the will, they left the vacation home to all of us. We have been sharing in the taxes, insurance and upkeep of the vacation home, and some of us still use it. Recently we received an offer (the house was never listed for sale) that we can’t

pass up, except that only two are willing to sell. I could certainly use the extra money, and so could my brother, but our sister doesn’t want to sell. She’s well off, so the idea of having some extra money means nothing to her. To make matters worse, she doesn’t even use the property like I do. Is there any way that we can say “majority rules” and accept this great offer? I’m afraid it will cause a problem with her, but as I said, I can use the money, and my brother and I feel she’s being unreasonable. Can we force her to sell? — S.R., via email DEAR S.R.: A lot of questions I receive are pretty

much in the same vein. “Do I need a will?” is one. This would be the second. One of the worst things you can do is leave undivided property to your heirs for them to divide. While you may think you are doing the right thing, this is a perfect example of what can happen. One kid wants to keep the property, another says I don’t care, the third wants to sell, etc. The only way I know that you can force your sister to agree to sell is to go to court. I believe that if you and your brother wish to sell, she will be given an option for first refusal. This means that if you have a valid offer, she

will get to counteroffer buying you two out or she has to accept it. If you and your brother retain counsel, the overwhelming likelihood is that in relatively short order she will be required to acquiesce or buy you out. If you haven’t done so already, you and your brother might want to meet with her and lay out to her what you just told me. You and your brother need the money and you want to sell. See what she says before taking any further legal action. Send questions to Smart Money, P.O. Box 503, Elfers, FL 34680, or e-mail them to bruce@brucewilliams.com. .

A toast to the Thanksgiving preamble cold. Taste and add more syrup as needed. Strain into chilled martini glasses, top with sparkling water and serve. Yield: 8 servings Recipe from “Easy Entertaining at Home” by Sandra Lee (Hyperion, 2011)

MARIALISA CALTA Kiss the Cook If you are hosting Thanksgiving dinner, you may find it hard to believe that in addition to cleaning the house, setting the table, scrounging up enough chairs and — did I mention? — making the meal, you have to think about what to feed your guests before the feast even starts. Yes, even though you are providing a veritable groaning board of iconic holiday dishes, people will want to start noshing and quaffing the minute they walk in the door. It’s OK. The run-up to dinner gets people warmed up.The trick is to keep it short and simple. You don’t want to fill up your guests, but you don’t want them to get cranky, either. Or drunk. The usual caveats about making available lots of alcohol-free beverages — cider, juices, seltzer — apply. If yours is a cocktaildrinking crowd, consider making a pitcher of Pumpkin Pie, a drink concocted by Food Network cook Sandra Lee, who is a bit of an icon herself. It’s from her new book, “Easy Entertaining at Home” (Hyperion, 2011). In theory, I love the idea of a “festive” cocktail. In reality, I speak as a person who, after consuming her first (and only) martini, fell asleep with her head on the table. Still, some people can do cocktails, and this one would indeed fit the holiday. If yours is a beer-andwine crowd, you might be better off serving a Cranberry Kir (white wine and cranberry syrup), suggested by (again iconic) New England chef Jasper White at a cooking demo I attended years ago. Or try an Apple Cider Shandy suggested by my friend Susan. A traditional shandy is


You can begin and end Thanksgiving dinner with “pumpkin pie.” This version is a cocktail that combines vodka, sparkling water and pumpkin pie spice. Photo by Ed Ouilette

a mix of beer and lemonade. This concoction subs in the more seasonal cider. For nibbles, resist the urge to bake that wheel of Brie in puff pastry or put out a cheese plate or chips and dip. All are too-filling ways to start a meal that promises to be anything but “lean cuisine.” Keep it simple and seasonal. — Pickles: Pickled cucumbers and other vegetables add tang and crunch to your pre-dinner offerings. Check your supermarket for pickled carrots, asparagus, green beans and okra. — Nuts: Marcona almonds, pistachios, cashews and macadamias are especially festive. Lightly toasted and salted pumpkin seeds (also sold as “pepitas”) strike a seasonal note. You can buy spiced pepitas in many natural foods stores or make them yourself. — Dried fruits: Arrange a jewel-like selection of figs, dates, apricots and apples. — Autumn trail mix: Dried cranberries, dried chopped apples, raisins, toast-

ed walnuts and toasted pumpkin seeds are a tasty combination. You can even add tiny morsels of dark chocolate.

THE PUMPKIN PIE (COCKTAIL) 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup water 1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice Ice 1 1/2 cups vanilla-flavored vodka (recipe calls for Smirnoff) C ra n b e r ry - f l avo re d sparkling water (recipe calls for Stirrings brand Tart Cranberry) Up to a week ahead: In a small saucepan set over medium heat, combine sugar, water and pumpkin pie spice. Bring to a boil, remove from heat and allow to cool. If desired, strain through cheesecloth into a jar. Cover and refrigerate until chilled, a couple of hours or up to a week. Fill a pitcher with ice and add vodka and at least half the sugar syrup. Stir until

1/2 cup sugar 1 cup fresh or frozen cranberries 1/2 cup water Chilled white wine, sparkling white wine or alcohol-free sparkling cider Up to a week ahead: Combine sugar, cranberries and water in a small saucepan over medium heat. Bring to a boil, stirring to dissolve the sugar. Simmer until the cranberries pop, about 5 minutes. Pour liquid through a sieve held over a bowl. Strain the cranberries, pressing as much through the sieve as possible. You should have at least 1 cup of juice. Discard the cranberry skins. Cover and refrigerate juice until thoroughly chilled, a couple of hours or up to 1 week. Pour white wine, sparkling wine (for a Cranberry Kir Royale) or sparkling cider (for an alcohol-free kir) into champagne glasses, and add cranberry syrup to taste (1 to 2 tablespoons per glass). Serve immediately. Yield: about 8 servings

APPLE CIDER SHANDY 4 (12-ounce) bottles oatmeal stout or other dark beer 2 cups chilled sparkling apple cider Pour half a bottle (6 ounces) of beer into a frosted beer mug. Add 1/4 cup (2 ounces) cider. Serve immediately. Yield: 8 servings Marialisa Calta is the author of "Barbarians at the Plate: Taming and Feeding the American Family" (Perigee, 2005). For more information, go to www.marialisacalta.com.




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homes as they get older. You can take a look at what Tierra Santa is doing at tierrasantavillage.org. Silver Age Yoga is a 501c3 organization and depends on grants and donations for funding. 30 classes offered in San Diego County are listed on their website at silverageyoga.org. Supervisor Pam SlaterPrice supported the Cardiff Library class initially with funding through the County of San Diego and the Mizel Foundation has also helped



WINTER ART SHOW Featured artist and local resident, Marileigh Schulte’s “Silver Canyon Gulch” is one of many of her works on exhibit at the Rancho Santa Fe Art Guild Gallery “Glow of Winter's Mosaic” show through Dec. 24 at 6004 Paseo Delicias. The show features small paintings and recent works of this event.The gallery is open Tuesday through Saturday from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Visit RanchoSantaFeArtGuild.org for information about membership. Courtesy photo

Last on the agenda was ASSOCIATION the request by The Badger CONTINUED FROM A3 Company to replace a wall “Thank you for your dili- sign for new tenant Best gence,” Foxx said. “We do Practices of America, LLC. appreciate seeing you out The board did not approve there.” the new sign, but instead

requested the company make a paper sign to hang where the new sign would go, so that the Association could see how the sign would actually look.

ally split into morning and afternoon sessions.” The evenings, however, are strictly for fun. Supervised trips have been arranged for the musicians to visit popular New York sites and Broadway show performances. Although music will

always be a part of Masamoto’s life, she said that she may not want to pursue it professionally as an adult career. But one thing is for sure, she’ll be playing for more than 50 million television viewers on Thanksgiving Day.

importance of spaying and neutering, and avoiding puppy mills. “If a customer tells me they are looking for a purebred, I encourage them to visit the Helen Woodward Animal Center, Rancho Coastal Humane Society or Petfinder.com,” she added. “I also support rescue groups by donating food that is discontinued or near expiration, and

hosting adoption events.” Visitors to Wagging Winterland are asked to bring dog and people-friendly pets only. Dogs must be leashed at all times. To protect their health, puppies under the age of 6 months will be not permitted to attend. For more information about the event,contact Michaels at (858) 259-WOOF (9663) or Mayne at (760) 6343262.



them. “We need to bring everyone together both in sound and visual marching,” Whatley said. “They spend about six to eight hours a day in rehearsals, which is gener-


research, which they pass on to customers. “I really try to support smaller (pet food) companies that are family-owned,” she said. “It’s not about numbers, it’s about passion and integrity.” Clifton says she also educates customers about the



NOV. 18, 2011

tact on or before September 2014 if they want to retain the association’s accreditation. In free contact, elephants and handlers interact directly, while in protected contact there is a barrier between the two. According to the policy, there are exceptions, which Kari Johnson said would likely apply to Have Trunk Will Travel. She said her company has consistently received AZA accreditation since 1993. “We have faith we can keep doing what we’re doing,” she said. Director Lisa Barkett said she made a surprise visit to the Have Trunk Will Travel facility in Perris and was let in immediately. “I was amazed at what I saw,” Barkett said. “What I observed was not what I saw in the video.” Describing herself as an animal lover, Barkett said she

fund the class through the City of Encinitas. Emmy’s community work includes being a San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy docent as well as participating in bird counts in North San Diego County. She leads a walk from the San Elijo Lagoon Nature Center on the first Sat. of every month at 10 a.m. and invites everyone to join her. Besides her beloved yoga she has a counseling practice in Cardiff-by-the-Sea. I have known Emmy since 1982. She has been a Friend of the Cardiff-by-theSea Library since the organi-

zation was founded and is currently a business member as well. I encourage you to join the yoga class, which meets Mondays and Wednesdays at 2 p.m. in the community room of the library and I can guarantee that at the end of the hour you will be refreshed and glad you came. The class is free to those 55 and over. If you would like more information you can call Emmy at (760) 943-0319. Silver Age Yoga is but another reason that Cardiffby-the-Sea is a great place to call home.

was “looking for signs of mutilation” or abused animals and found none. She said the elephants had “love in their eyes” and the facility was “incredibly well-maintained.” “Before we take a strong stance and ruin someone’s livelihood ... we should consider the ramifications of any decision,” Barkett said. Director Russ Penniman agreed, noting that there have been no safety issues with the rides in the 30 years they have been at the fair. “It’s ... a matter of jobs,” he said, adding that fair-goers can choose to ride the elephants if they want to. “The community can vote with their pocketbooks if they don’t think it’s a good thing,” Penniman said. Noting there were strong arguments on both sides, board President Adam Day said the decision came down to the fairgrounds’ function as an agricultural district. There’s a difference

between 4-H Clubs and horse racing and wild and exotic animals, which belong in zoos, Day said. “We don’t operate a zoo here. ... It’s not our purpose to exhibit wild animals.” With that, Day recommended phasing out the rides by 2014, but director Fred Schenk made a substitute motion to revisit the issue in three years when the AZA policy is in full effect. Watson said he could have supported the phase-out plan, but revisiting is simply “kicking the can down the road,” so he, Tom Chino and David Lizerbram voted against continuing the rides. Kari Johnson said she was happy with the decision.

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NOV. 18, 2011



that fat in the diet is bad for you. That’s just plain wrong. There are good fats and bad fats. You need the good ones, and olive oil and canola oil are rich in good fats. (Butter and lard are full of bad fats.) Omega-3 fatty acids are healthy fats and are found in anchovies, sardines, mackerel and salmon. (5) Slow down. Embrace the traditions of the Mediterranean diet by taking time to enjoy your meal. Eating a large meal over 30 to 40 minutes, instead of 15, allows you to feel full with much smaller portions. And that helps control your weight. DEAR DOCTOR K: I have bad breath. I brush, floss and use mouthwash. What else can I do? On June 14 Encinitas resident Jack Ross and his wife, Barbara Bolton, reached the highest point along the Pacific Crest Trail, Forester Pass. Between April 18 and Sept. 27, Ross hiked the entire 2,660 mile length of the PCT which runs from Mexico to the Canadian border. Courtesy photo



p.m. Sept. 27, he signed the register, using their hiking nicknames: “Tequila Kid (Jack) — Boo Boo (Barb), wish you were here with me (sad face). Sir Edmund Hillary said, ‘It is not the



Fitzpatrick, John Flaming, Anna Lauer, Marcus Phillips and Ella Rosenblatt. In grade four were Shannon Buss, Tucker Drawdy, Sheila Kaiser, Jasmine King, James Licosati, Gabrielle Nguyen, Natalie Slosar, Meghan Sullivan and Carson Wright. In grade five were Kerrie Lunsford, Breana Nguyen, Ashley Perison, Jackson Tuck and Nicholas VanHuizum. In grade 6 were Lauren Flaming, Bennett McCaskill, Elizabeth Russell and Tiffany Zhang. Those students who scored perfectly on their STAR science test were from grade five were Tessora Bustillos, Grace Parker and Michael Rattner. In grade eight were Connor Bailey,

mountain we conquer, but ourselves.’ For me, on the PCT — so true. This 65-yearold was determined and persistent and despite the creaky old body, made it to Canada. Yahoo! JnB — Love ya!” “JnB” is a moniker they’d carve into trees during

their travels. Since returning, Ross has been able to cross the PCT off his bucket list, where it’s been since 1977. For more information, see “Local couple embarks on epic journey” dated April 22, 2011, in The Coast News’ archives, or visit their blog at postholer.com/jackandbarb.

Seamus Comerford, Jose Esquer, Hannah Grobisen, Meaghan Harrington, Michael Kim, Peter Lillian, Jonathon Luck, Spencer McKinney, Katherine Michael and Ethan Rappaport. Fourth grader Rachel Waite earned a perfect score for her STAR math and English Language Arts. Brandon Fitzpatrick a fifth grader and Alexi Stein an eighth grader each earned perfect scores on their STAR math and science tests. Following the awarding of the certificates, Cindy Schaub, assistant superintendent, gave the board a run down on how the testing played out. She noted there is “slow and steady growth,” toward making every student in every grade reach a 90 percent score

on the test. “We are seeing a increase every single year,” she said. In the English Language Arts the test scores are above 90 percent except for the second, third and sixth grades, with 89, 85 and 86 respectively. In grades four the number is 95 percent, 91 percent in the fifth grade, 94 in the seventh grade and 98 in the eighth grade. In math proficiency, in 2004 the numbers were in the high 70s and mid-80s. Now the second, third and fourth grades their scores were 92, 97 and 95. Students in the fifth grade score 88 percent, sixth 88, seventh 89 and eighth 81. Schaub pointed out that being a small school, the percentages can be tilted on way or another by a single child’s score. Delaney told the board that every year when the STAR test results come back, she always feels students and staff could do better. “I do feel we can do better, but this year I fell like we did a great job,” she said.

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DEAR READER: Bad breath, which also goes by the name halitosis, can be embarrassing. Lucky for you, there’s a lot you can do. Most bad breath starts with bacteria in the mouth. Bacteria live everywhere in the mouth.You already know to brush and floss your teeth daily. But it’s just as important to brush your tongue every day, with toothpaste on the brush. Crazy as that may sound, it really helps.



lettuce. The museum director (presumably without irony) said the items were “provocative” and “raise(d) questions.” — Veteran New York City performance artist Marni Kotak, 36, gave birth to her first child, Ajax, on Oct. 25 — and that was her “art,” as the birth took place at the Microscope Gallery in Brooklyn, N.Y., after Kotak had moved into the space two weeks earlier to interact with visitors. Previously, Kotak had “re-enacted,” as her “art,” both her own birth and the loss of her virginity in the back seat of a car. (A New York Times report suggested that Kotak might not be the most extreme performer in her family. Her artist-husband, Jason Martin, makes videos in which he dresses as a wolf or dog and “conducts seancelike rituals intended to contact the half-animal, halfhuman creatures that visited him in dreams as a child”). Police Report — Cutting-Edge Policing: Officials in Prince George’s County, Md., reported that crime had fallen as much as 23 percent during the first nine months of 2011 — the result, they said, of holding meetings with 67 of the most likely recidivist offenders in five neighborhoods and sweettalking them. The 67 were offered help in applying for various government and volunteer programs, but were told they would be watched more closely by patrols. — Milestone: Joseph Wilson, 50, was chased by police and arrested in Port St. Lucie, Fla., in October and charged with shoplifting

Bacteria live on the tongue and release gases that smell bad. The area at the far back of the tongue is particularly important. Unfortunately, brushing that area tends to make a lot of people gag. If you’re like that, just brush that part of the tongue in several different and brief strokes: First the right side, rest, then the middle, rest, then the left side. When plaque collects under the gums, the bacteria in it release foul smells. If the plaque under the gums leads to infection of the gums, that also causes foul smells. Flossing daily to remove plaque from the gum pockets around the teeth can combat this problem. Food particles that collect on poorly fitting or unclean dentures can also cause odor. Certain foods have a strong association with breath odor. Garlic is a wellknown culprit — garlic breath can last for up to three hours! Alcohol, too, can be detected on the breath long after it’s been consumed. Infection and chronic disease can also play a role. Kidney failure, liver disease, diabetes and respiratory tract infections can cause breath odor. Too little moisture in the mouth allows dead cells and from a Beall’s department store. It was his 100th arrest — although prosecutors are batting only .353 against him (35-for-99). (Wilson’s getaway was delayed when he jumped into the passenger seat of an idling SUV and ordered the driver to “Take off!” but the driver did not). — Points for Style: (1) Police in Corpus Christi, Texas, looked to the public for help in October to find the man who, according to surveillance video of a city agency building, stole three surveillance cameras (not the recording units, just the cameras) by lassoing them from their perches near the ceiling. (2) Theresa Mejia, held in the Burlington, Wash., police station on kidnapping charges, climbed through a ceiling vent in a dramatic escape attempt, traversing the entire length of the building before officers knew where she was. (However, that put her directly over the police chief's office, and she crashed through to the floor). The Aristocrats! — (1) Owen Kato, 23, was arrested following a police report in Port Charlotte, Fla., of a man grossing out customers by standing beside the entrance to a McDonald’s for about 10 minutes, popping his pimples with his fingers. (2) A man unnamed in a news story was charged on July 24 with resisting arrest (for trespassing) by failing to put his hands behind his back. According to the Destin, Fla., police report, the man explained, "I can't put my hands behind my back because I'm making a bowel movement (in my pants)." (According to the report, that was true.)

bacteria to accumulate on your tongue and teeth. Dry mouth is what causes “morning breath.” (Some people call it “dragon breath.”) Smoking and chewing tobacco lend an unpleasant scent to your breath. They also contribute to dry mouth and gum disease, both of which cause bad breath. Here are Doctor K’s seven steps to eliminate bad breath: — Brush and floss daily. — Brush your tongue and use a tongue scraper if necessary. — Rinse with plain water after meals if brushing isn’t an option. — Get regular dental checkups to catch and treat gum (periodontal) disease. — Snack on sugar-free foods or chew gum sweetened with xylitol to clear away food particles and keep saliva flowing. — Use an over-the-counter mouthwash containing zinc. — Don’t smoke. We have more information on battling bad breath in our Special Health Report, “Dental Health for Adults: A Guide to Protecting Your Teeth and Gums.” You can find out more about it at my website.

Dr. Komaroff is a physician and professor at Harvard Medical School. Go to his website to send questions and get additional information: www.AskDoctorK.com.

Least Competent Criminals — Brent Morgan, 20, was arrested in Prince George, British Columbia, in October on three counts related to the attempted theft of a Corvette. Morgan had seen the car in a driveway, jumped in and locked the doors. However, the owner had been in the process of charging the battery, which was still too weak for the car to start and for the door locks to continue working. Feeling trapped and sensing that the owner had called the police, Morgan panicked and began using any available tool inside the car to smash the window. According to the police report, officers arrived just as Morgan had broken open the driver's side window, but too late for Morgan to realize that he could have exited the car by manually lifting the door lock with his fingers. Recent Alarming Headlines — “Maine Woman Loses Lawsuit Over Removal of Husband's Brain.” “Killer Sharks Invade Golf Course in Australia.” “Lingerie Football League Wants to Start a Youth League.”



NOV. 18, 2011

It’s not too late to get your autumn garden growing KENT HORNER Local Roots We are fast approaching old man Winter and leaving behind the beauty of the fall. With the onset of heavy rains, it is not too late if you are a garden enthusiast in North County to get your autumn vegetables planted and planned for the season. San Diego is blessed with a temperate weather that allows for two to three crops of vegetables to be harvested each year. Gardeners need only be aware of the specific types of fall weather vegetables. These include: beets, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cress, chard, endive, escarole, garlic (one of my favorite), kale, leeks, lettuce, mustard greens onions, parsley, peas, potatoes, radishes, shallots, spinach, turnips and many more. An autumn garden in North County means growing veggies that thrive in warm fall daytime temperatures and cool evenings. The weeds grow much slower (if at all) this time of year and water — usually a premium during the summer — is in generous supply due to the frequency of more consistent precipitation. Insects, the summer gardener’s bane, slow down their activities during these cooler months. Some disappear until the warmer months of spring. The hot tip for any beginner starting out a fall garden is to follow the simple rule “less is more.” Don’t bite off more than you can chew while planting your first garden. Raised containers, typically old oak wine barrels cut in half, are perfect planters for a good draining garden, which is so important to good veggie health during the heavy rains in the winter. Many people worry about the soils they need to grow a good crop. Typically, good soils should consist of four parts. Minerals (soils), organics, air and water. A good rule of thumb is a mix of about 5 to 7 percent organics combined with the particulate soils matter (mineral). The other constituent of good soil is open space found within the strata, shared evenly between air and water. The role of these soils is to supply the autumn veggies with nutrients. By top dressing, the organics hold moisture below grade during the

warm Santa Anas, allow for good oxygenation and drainage during inclement weather, and provide a suitable ecosystem for beneficial biology such as nitrogen fixing bacteria and earth worms all doing the gardeners work below grade. The secret to good soils is to use a mixture of different organics when building them. Nature will soon due the rest. Peat moss or recycled clean greens are a great body builder to your soils. Sandy soils combined with these organics to create open space in the matrix are then augmented with bone meal, or other organic fertilizers like bat guano or fish emulsion. Bt is an excellent biological insecticide that helps prevent cutworms or cabbage worms and won’t harm other beneficial organisms. Add a final balanced vegetable fertilizer, 10-10-10 and the mix should be ready to plant. One of my favorite tricks to rid the garden of snails is to place some open newspaper in the garden and saturate it with water. The snails will nestle into it during the late morning to prevent drying out in the sun. When they do, you simple pick up the paper and throw them away. Typically, most of the plants mentioned above will come from seed. However, many such as broccoli, cabbage, celery and onions are available as juvenile plants from local nurseries and will save you about six weeks of growing time after installation. Most autumn crops except for radishes take a little longer to grow. Because of the cooler evenings, it usually takes about 60 to 90 days before the harvest can begin. Irrigation for your new fall garden (especially for delicate new seedlings) is best done with a gentle spray. Drip irrigation will work here and small vari jet sprays on thin risers above the garden will deliver just the right amount of moisture for this application. One good tip to remember is that the sun is not quite as intense during the autumn months making it very important that your garden not be shaded during the day. Place your garden where it can receive a full days’ kiss from the sun. Your plants will thank you.

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Kent Horner is a local landscape contractor and designer with 30 years of experience in all aspects of your garden. For information concerning your project or questions involving your surroundings, e-mail him at Kent@plantch.com.

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NOV. 18, 2011


NOV. 18, 2011



No need to thank me It’s Saturday and I know they are all out there — just about every soul from L.A. to the border. Please don’t ask me to get in my car. Don’t ask me to drive anywhere or, heaven forfend, try to “run in and grab” anything that should “just take a minute.” The streets are clogged. Every stoplight is red. The parking lots are stuffed.The check-out lines are backed up into the aisles. I am inclined to ask, “Who are all these people, and where do they hang out all week?” But then I remember I live in Southern California and the question becomes moot. Has anyone else noticed that weekend travel has become, shall we say, trying? And early Christmas decorations have nothing to do with it. It has been this way all year. It might even ease up once the stores start offering extended holiday hours. I truly do adore those extended holiday hours, don’t you? I wish they would run forever. Or maybe we could open early, stay open late but close for siesta, like in oh-so-civilized Spain. Please know that just because I am impatient does not mean I am judging the many hardworking folk who have no real choice but to do all their errands on weekends. Every single weekend, I do my darnedest to help. I am trying my best to stay out of everyone else’s way. You thought I stayed in bed until noon on Saturday because I’m lazy and selfindulgent? Tsk. I do it all for you. I am making that oh-so-difficult effort not to leap out of bed at 6 a.m. and add my presence to the frenzied crowds. No, don’t thank me. It’s just the kind of gal I am. And it might actually work, except that no matter how many times I try to whittle down that ever-growing list of must-do items during the week, I always, always forget something. I’ll be comfy in my raggedy jeans and slippers, trying to lay low, read a book, surf the Internet, maybe even defrost the refrigerator, when I discover I am out of A, B or X and simply cannot wait until Monday for it. Drat! Then there I am, adding to the weekend crush. Nonetheless, I will continue my noble efforts to avoid stepping beyond my driveway this weekend. Think fondly of me as you TURN TO SMALL TALK ON B11

‘Movember’ is all about a good cause By Tony Cagala

For Jack Mawer, 41, the mustache is coming in just fine. Mawer, an Encinitas resident, started growing his mustache in support of Movember, and as a way to support his father and two uncles all of whom were dealing with prostate cancer. The goal of Movember is to grow a mustache in order to raise funds and awareness about prostate cancer and other men’s health issues. For Mawer, a chiropractor who owns Encinitas Chiropractic with his wife Sondra, he sees a lot of people every day, and since starting to grow the mustache Nov. 1, people have been asking him why he’s doing it. “It’s a great way to open the conversation to talk about men’s health issues,” he said. “I think my family, especially the men in my family, appreciate the effort. It doesn’t seem like it’s much to grow a mustache but a lot of people are resistant to growing a mustache. It takes a little bit of self-discipline but I think people think it’s kind of a fun cause to be a part of.” This is the second year Mawer’s participated in the event. Mawer’s grown beards before, he said, but the one thing about Encinitas resident Jack Mawer with his daughter Kira are sporting some fine mustaches all in support of Movember, a nonprofit organizagrowing a mustache is just how dif- tion dedicated to raising awareness for men’s health. Photo by Jack Mawer ferent it can make you look. “You definitely have to be careful with drinking any hot chocolate or cappuccino.” It was also something that his wife had to get used to. “At first she was like, ‘you’ve got to be kidding,’ but as soon as she learned more about the cause and the difference that they’re making she said, ‘I’ll support you for a month to grow a mustache.’” To help donate or join Mawer’s SD Mobros team, visit http://mobro.co/SDMoBros. “People can join in any time,” Mawer said. “It’s a fun event. If you start on the first, you’re mustache looks a lot better.” For more ways to get involved, Mawer’s dog Bear also gets into the act. Mawer, left, with Movember team memberAnthony Oronz.i Courtesy photo Photo by Jack Mawer visit us.movember.com

Association approves park equipment, not location By Patty McCormac

RANCHO SANTA FE — The Association voted to give $25,000 toward the purchase of playground equipment, but did not approve the park promoters’ suggestion that the equipment be placed at the Rancho Santa Fe Arroyo property. Instead, the Association said it would come back in 60 days with suggestions where the equipment should be placed. It was standing room only for proponents of the park, especially mothers with young children who had come to speak in support of the park at the Association’s Nov. 3 meeting. The placement for a proposed playground has been a controversy for many years. Each time a location has been suggested, it has been rejected because many people did not want it in their neighborhoods. Because of the lack of a playground in the Covenant in the past, children have been invited to play at the playground at the Village Church and at the R. Roger Rowe School, but these places are not

This play structure located at the Village Church, is similar to one being considered by the Rancho Santa Fe Association. At its Nov. 3 meeting, the board approved $25,000 for playground equipment, but did not agree where to put it. Photo by Patty McCormac

always available when small children are ready to play. Director Larry Spitcaufsky said he was in favor of the park and one of the reasons is because there is a certain pride in ownership. Supporters believed that

the Arroyo property would be the perfect place because the property is owned by the Association,but it is outside the Covenant, three miles away from the center of the village. “We have been working quite a few months on these

issues,” said Heather Slosar, who has been spearheading the park movement. Slosar, the mother of five, said during her research she learned that 28 percent of Covenant members have children under 10. “This is our opportunity to say Rancho Santa Fe is not just about tennis, golf and retirees,” she said.“It is also a great place for kids.” The proposed structure is a commercial-grade product made of natural cedar logs. It consists of four short towers with roofs for shade.The towers provide climbing structure with slides from the tower to the ground. The structure also has a rock climbing wall, a rope climber, a balance beam and is approved for disabled children with an ADA transfer station. Glen Oratz said several years ago he started working toward having a park with play equipment in the Covenant, but was unsuccessful. “I got caught up in the NIMBY (not in my backyard),” he said. “Rancho Santa Fe has lots of land. Rancho Santa Fe has no place for children to

play. “I appeal to you that time is now,” he said.“We are on the 1 yard line and it is time to take it over and score the touchdown.” Asked if he had tried to position the playground near the soccer fields, which seemed like an appropriate site, Oratz said he had, but had been rejected. Kathy Malek told the board that because of its rural character,there is no place for a child to ride a bicycle. “Unless you have a long driveway, where does a kid learn to ride a bicycle?” she asked. On the other side of the issue were people like Bill Hinchy, a former board member who raised three children in Rancho Santa Fe and who told the board that this and other open space areas are meant to be passive space. The idea of opening it up to be an active space is a “slippery slope” to having it grow into a full-on park for which the Association would have to TURN TO PLAYGROUND ON B11


NOV. 18, 2011


Big wave country draws its own group of devotees CHRIS AHRENS Sea Notes Big wave riders are different than most of us, so I suppose it’s only natural they would have different dreams. To quote Bruce Brown from “Endless Summer,” the waves they ride could, “light a city the size of Honolulu for a week.” I am not so poetic, but I like to say that just one of the waves ridden by this elite fleet could unload enough water to turn Encinitas into a swamp.

Chasing down those shifting Himalayan skylines, a small group of big-waver riders track international storms for signs of massive surf. Among that crew is Hawaiian resident Garrett McNamara. McNamara now holds the unofficial record for the biggest wave ever ridden, something he found off Portugal recently and he claims was 90 feet tall. Wave size is controversial, but even if that wave were a quarter that size it would still be bigger than anything that has ever broken in North County. Congratulations Garrett. The closest thing we in California have to a surf spot capable of producing a 90-foot wave is Maverick’s in Half The view from Blaze’s Maverick’s property. Big wave riders need apply.

Photo by Chris Ahrens

Maverick’s once on a tiny day, just to check out the setup. From my limited experience, I can tell you, it’s not for everybody. Still, I wouldn’t mind living in the area, watching the seasons being marked not so much by falling leaves, but wave sizes as the Aleutian Islands roar to life each winter with violent storms that wreck havoc in shipping lanes and eat up massive pieces of valuable real estate. My friend Blaze, aka Doctor Behzad Baniadam, is a local big wave surfer who likes to charge spots like Baja’s Todos Santos in his spare time. I guess it’s natural that he bought property on the cliff at Moss Beach, right near Maverick’s. He’s even gone so far as to have plans drawn up for a house there. The lure for me living near Maverick’s wouldn’t be in riding the wave, but in seeing an ocean alive with swell while sipping mint tea, still in my pajamas. That, the quaint town of Half Moon Bay and the surrounding nature reserve are enough for most of us. To others like Blaze, that’s just the beginning of the journey, as the waves call out a challenge few will answer. Maverick’s has been asleep for months now, but is about to roar to life again soon. I plan a trip up there this winter to watch the big waves from the safety of land. If that’s not enough for you, Blaze has his property for sale. Those interested can contact him via e-mail elizablaze@pol.net

Moon Bay. While the wave at Maverick’s is a widow maker all on its own, jacking up in deep water then condensing all of its power in an underwater canyon, there are still other obstacles to contend with. Once you’ve survived the wipeout of your life and had your leash and maybe your board broken, you may find you have been dragged into a rocky cauldron that its difficult to escape from. There are also sharks to consider and water so cold it hurts to think about. With wetsuits running in the 5 mm range, hoods, gloves and booties, you are now as buoyant as a cork.That sounds good until you need to swim beneath one of those monsters and all that rubber keeps you bobbing on the surface like a cork. Maybe adrenaline gets you where you need Chris Ahrens is a surfer and author of to be. four books on surfing. E-mail him at I paddled out at cahrens@coastnewsgroup.com.



NOV. 18, 2011

When it comes to cons, you need to do your homework BRIAN SCOTT Eye Spy Susan, a North County resident, came to me in shock after learning that prosecutors were filing “assault with a deadly weapon” charges against her. The charge came from her allegedly striking a security guard with her vehicle in a Von’s parking lot on Thanksgiving morning, in the midst of the last-minute rush by shoppers fighting for a parking space. The prosecutors charged she had struck the female guard with her vehicle. For Susan, the charge came out of nowhere and the possible penalties were terrifying. After reviewing reports from

three alleged eye-witnesses who backed the accuser, Susan’s attorney urged her to hire a private investigator immediately. It was perhaps her only chance of avoiding prison. The guard contended that Susan, while attempting to quickly occupy a parking space against the flow of oneway traffic, deliberately struck the victim in the knees, despite the guard’s command to stop. Unaware of the alleged contact, Susan parked and went into the store to do her shopping. According to the security guard and three of her coworkers, the guard fell to the ground with injuries and was transported to the ER by paramedics. Susan saw none of this. She said that 30 minutes later, she returned to her vehicle. No one approached or spoke

to her of any incident, or left any note on the windshield, and she went home unaware of the pending disaster. Two weeks later, she was arrested. As a criminal defense investigator, I need to provide my client with the best defense possible, and it was abundantly clear that someone was lying. The question was who? My client, or four security guards? It didn’t look good. My first focus was a fullscale background investigation on the alleged victim, and the truth began to unfold. The accuser was a mess, with a criminal history, a handful of civil cases, and moreover, several previous Worker’s Compensation claims. Now, I can live with one or two, but this woman had five! I brought this news to my client, as well as her attorney. I suggested an interview with

the guard, but defense counsel was against the idea. He also disagreed with my suggestion to interview the store manager, claiming insurance investigators had already taken much of her time. Susan is a 53-year-old female without so much as a parking citation in her record. Interviews showed her to be a longtime, honest and caring area resident. I became increasingly interested in clearing her name in what appeared to be an obvious setup, fueled by greed that could lead to an innocent, average woman doing jail time. Well, not if I could help it. I followed my gut, taking recorded statements from the alleged victim three separate times. Each time, she told a different story. I attempted to interview the eye-witnesses but the first wouldn’t talk to

New city leader greeted with protests By Wehtahnah Tucker

The swearing in of the city’s first appointed City Council member was not without controversy. Approximately 100 protestors gathered before the meeting Nov. 9 to listen to speakers give a voice to the opposition to the appointment of former Fire Chief Mark Muir who will fill the remaining year of the late Maggie Houlihan’s term on the council. He retired as fire chief Nov. 8. A crowd of Muir’s supporters filled the council chambers during the protest, wearing stickers that read “Thank you Mark.” Outside, Ian Thompson told the crowd that the council majority of Mayor James Bond, Deputy Mayor Jerome Stocks and Councilwoman Kristin Gaspar “handpicked” Muir to “add strength to their numbers.” He said that Houlihan’s vision of a balanced council could not be achieved with Muir as her replacement. Muir’s appointment effectively dismisses the constituency who voted for Houlihan, Thompson said. Bruce Ehlers, Houlihan’s longtime campaign manager highlighted Muir’s political involvement in local campaigns, including support for Stocks and Bond. He said Muir’s level of activity was far greater than that of a regular citizen and was sometimes done during working hours as a city employee. Ehlers referred to the mantra of “conflict of interest, cronyism and potentially corruption.” He said Muir’s activities were a violation of the city’s code of ethics that states in part, “City employees should refrain from participating in the election of city council members.” Signs were dispersed throughout he crowd that read “City Hall Crony” with a picture of the rear end of a skunk, as well as “Dump Stocks.” Deputy Mayor Stocks made his way through the crowd as he listened to some of the comments before the swearing in. “This is the beginning of

At least one hundred people of all ages protested the City Council's appointment of Fire Chief Mark Muir to fill the late Maggie Houlihan's seat Nov. 9.

Barth, said that almost every recent conversation he had with neighbors regarding the appointment “came to the same conclusion that Mark Muir was the right person for the job. His intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the city government put him above other qualified candidates.” Dawn Redman told the council that she voted for Houlihan. “I want my vote to count. This is not the city of Encinitas’ finest moment,” she said. “Please represent the constituency that voted for Maggie, please don’t let Above, Ian Thompson, the late Councilwoman Maggie Houlihan's hus- me down.” Mary Oren said the band, speaks in opposition to the appointment of Fire Chief Mark Muir to a crowd of protesters before the City Council meeting on Nov. 9. Muir's wife, Maureen is pictured in the background flanked by firefighters.

the campaign season,” said a Muir supporter who asked that his name be withheld. “It’s going to get ugly, but Mark has a lot of support and a lot of friends.” In fact, Muir’s wife, Maureen “Mo” Muir, a trustee on the Encinitas Union school board, took their son and another child out of the council chambers in the middle of the public speaker session. At least one speaker publicly voiced his support for Muir’s appointment. Greg Barth, no relation to Councilwoman Teresa


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me and I couldn’t locate the second. Things got interesting, though, when the third gave me her account, which didn’t match any of the victim’s report. As I gathered my facts, the state’s case was clearly falling apart. Then, to further back our claims, the victim’s medical reports failed to support the kind of injury that would be sustained by being struck by the bumpers of a vehicle going 5 to 10 mph, as claimed. To cap it all off, the victim had clear motive, as she was now enjoying life off work for the sixth time on Worker’s Compensation. The morning of the trial,

I laid out my research and findings to the two prosecutors. After they saw the evidence I had gathered, they dropped all charges and Susan walked away a free woman. To add to the victory, her lawyer handed her a check for $5,000 — a refund for not going to trial! The lesson here? Be careful and be thorough. Con artists have no shame and you never know what con might be headed your way.

Brian Scott is a licensed private investigator. Contact him at brian@northcountypi.com.



NOV. 18, 2011

State-funded restoration efforts continue at Del Dios Gorge By Patty McCormac

RANHO SANTA FE — The next phase of the riparian restoration project in Del Dios Gorge has begun and will be carried out in phases between now and January 2014. The project will remove invasive, non-native species and re-vegetation with native plants, said Leslie Woolenweber, conservation program director of the San Dieguito River Valley Conservancy. During the project, drivers on Del Dios Highway, between Camino de Estrellas to the trail bridge about a half-mile east, will see crews on foot in the river channels cutting down trees and cranes that will be able to move the tree trunks out of the channel. On certain days they will see helicopters that will be moving bundles of trees to a processing area. There will be intermittent lane closures between the hours of 9:30

a.m. to 3:30 p.m. “We hope to minimize the impact the best we can,” she said. The work is funded through a $1.4 million grant from the California Natural Resources Agency’s River Parkways program received in 2010 for enhancements to the River Park’s Coast to Crest Trail and habitat restoration along the San Dieguito River in the scenic gorge below the Lake Hodges Dam near Rancho Santa Fe. “We spent the initial funding upstream from the bridge that crosses the river, getting rid of non-native species,“ Woolenweber said. “We worked there first because we had vehicular access,” she said. “We cleared five acres of eucalyptus and other annual invasive, nonnative species like the mustard and stinkwhort, which is a bright green weed with a small yellow flower, but it is This dense grove of eucalayptus trees will be removed in the next phase of clearing the Del Dios Gorge near very tenacious and invasive.” Rancho Santa Fe. After the trees are cleared, native vegetation will be re-planted. Photo by Patty McCormac

“Some of the eucalyptus has been sprayed with pesticide and will die in place providing habitat as snags for woodpeckers, beetles and purchase for raptors,” Woolenweber said. “They will eventually fall. It would be too expensive to take the trees out of that area because they are so scattered.” Now the work will continue between Lake Hodges dam and Calle Ambiente, where there is a large grove of eucalyptus. “Those trees are going to be removed because they are so dense,” Woolenweber said. “They could fall into the road and be a huge fire hazard. We want to reduce that. These trees are incredibly damaging to the environment, they displace native habitat and they do present an extreme fire hazard, especially at that density. “What we are hoping to TURN TO GORGE ON B11

Celebrate the Holidays at the Festive Grand Del Mar year. Those of us who have been pleasured by this signature restaurant and its Relais & Chateaux Grand Chef William Bradley are not surprised by this latest accolade. Bradley’s simple, refined style of cooking, taking local ingredients and masterfully engaging French influences, has inspired diners since the dining room opened with the resort in 2006. “I am driven not by trends but by the history of food,” he declared. “My emphasis is on mastering simplicity with a keen focus on

cent Petit Verdot. Fine French wine at a value price.

Conundrum blended white wine, 2010, Napa. $17. Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Viognier and Muscat. Taste of Wine A honey of a white wine. Montes Alpha Cabernet, Chile, 2006. $16. This power Celebrate the Holidays cab was laid down for 2 years. at the Festive Grand Del Mar Incredible flavor enhancement. The nationally known Orfila Estate Successful Meetings organizaMontepulciano, San Pasqual tion has just awarded Valley, 2009. $29. First Orfila Addison at the Grand Del release of this Italian grape Mar Resort the best Hotel favorite. Spicy characterisRestaurant in the nation this tics. Orin Swift The Prisoner blend, Napa Valley, 2010. $37. 44 percent Zinfandel swings the flavor up. Legendary winemaker Dave Phinney’s signature blend. V. Sattui Zinfandel, Addison Executive Chef William Bradley has a number of distinguished dinners planned for the holidays. Russian River Sonoma, 2008. Courtesy photo Courtesy photo $36. Slow growth vines and moderate vigor provide perEvents in honor of the Addison is planned for New fect maturity at harvest. taste and technique.” Addison Wine Director holidays include: an Artisan Years Eve Dec. 31 from 5:30 to Jesse Rodriguez is in step Carte Blanche seven-course 10:30 p.m. Dinner guests will Wine Bytes North County Wine with Bradley, building a Thanksgiving Day Menu from have complimentary access to 36,000 bottle wine inventory 3 to 8 p.m. Nov. 24; a Lewis the Grand New Years Eve Company in San Marcos has that is impressive by any stan- Cellars Wine Dinner on Party with dancing to Wayne seven Thanksgiving wines for dard, and includes fine wines Thursday Dec. 8 at 6:30 p.m. Foster’s six-piece band and tasting Nov. 18 from 4 to 10 p.m. $10, includes appetizers. from France, Italy and Spain. with Dennis Bell of Lewis col- DJ. For all events, RSVP at Call (760) 744-2119. Famous California top vin- laborating with Rodriguez PAON Restaurant and tage wines can be discovered and Bradley for a three-course (858) 314-1900. Visit theWine Bar in Carlsbad Nov. 17 along with newly respected wine dinner; a Christmas eve granddelmar.com. through Nov. 23 has selections from Australia, dinner at Addison is Dec. 24 Peter Ackley of Alternative Wines in San Diego introduced the new New Zealand, South Africa from 5:30 to 9 p.m.; and a Wines for the Thanksgiving wines, with six 2010 “The Prisoner” from Orin Swift, a sought-after Napa Valley blend. one-ounce tastings for $16. seven-course dinner at Holidays and South America. Photo by Frank Mangio Here are nine wines that Check in for details at (760) will serve you well during 729-7377. Taste Champagne and Thanksgiving, Christmas and Sparkling Wines Nov. 19 from other parties: Alec’s Blend, Lewis 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Reserve Cellars, Napa Valley, 2009. time slot by calling (858) 586$60. Newest creation from WINE. $10. Thornton Winery in Lewis is 80 percent Syrah, 17 percent Merlot & 3 percent Temecula has a Thanksgiving Day Dinner Nov. 24 from noon Cab. Lively on the palate! Acacia Chardonnay, to 5 p.m. Includes one glass of Carneros, 2009. $12. Ginger- non-vintage Brut. $49.95. honeycomb flavors put this RSVP at (951) 699-0099. over the top. Banfi Belnero Blend, Tuscany, 2008. $28. Sangiovese, with tastes of Frank Mangio is a renowned wine conCabernet and Merlot. Violet noisseur certified by Wine Spectator. His library can be viewed at www.tasteand cherry flavors. Chateau Rollan Le By, ofwinetv.com. (Average Google certified Bordeaux, 2008. $23. 70 per- 900 visits per day) He is one of the top cent Merlot, 10 percent Cab, five wine commentators on the Web. 10 percent Cab Franc, 10 per- Reach him at mangiompc@aol.com.




NOV. 18, 2011

Caring for the soul, winners and fabulous birthday trips MACHEL PENN SHULL Machel’s Ranch Do you have the courage to be real? Do you show your true colors or are you just one those faking it to fit in on your cul-de-sac? If the latter applies, you are missing out on the fundamental joys of who you are on the inside. Your soul is all you’ve got. And, if you aren’t portraying the “real you,” life will catch up with you eventually. You can never turn back the hands of time. We cannot erase the mistakes of yesterday. If you aren’t being true to yourself, no one 7th grade flag football team with their new coach, Jason Stewart. Courtesy photo else is either. After stepping into the art world recently, I am finding much inspiration from staring deeply at paintings every day. I am finding that textures reveal tones, colors and layers and a story underneath each brush stoke. Our reflection in the mirror is similar to this. What do you see when you look at yourself? Be still in the morning and ask yourself, “What do I love? What would bring me joy? What inspires my inner self?” Just like a tree, your soul needs nourishment. Trust me, even if you are a parent, you must make adjustments for what you love or one day you could wonder what happened to that 12-year-old with Roger Rowe's school board honors students with perfect STAR test scores. Photo by Machel Penn Shull dreams? So, don’t try to fit in.Take time to make time for you. Life can be incredibly short. Be the person you can be proud of each day. Author Thomas Moore’s book, “Care of the Soul,” deals with this topic. I highly recommend it. After all, life isn’t a dress rehearsal and those “do-gooders” up the street? Trust me, they’re not truly your friends anyway. So make sure you’re at least a good friend to yourself. Because you are worth it!

Around town On Oct. 29, I received some exciting news regarding Santa Fe Christian’s seventh grade flag football team: “ My name is Jason Stewart and I’m a former division one college basketball national champion turned flag football coach! I’m debuting with these guys and I love it.” The flag football team helps prepare the boys for high school football. According to their website, “We view the middle school flag football program as a farm system for the Santa Fe Christian High School varsity program because we run an 8Man version of the Wing-T offense that Coach Nick Ruscetta teaches … we are one big happy Wing-T family over at SFC!” Welcome Jason Stewart and good luck to you this season. Santa Fe Christian is one of my favorite schools in the area. I have included a photo of Coach Stewart with the seventh grade flag football team. On Nov. 1, I received some romantic news about one of my favorite couples in Rancho Santa Fe. Karian and Tom Forsyth are usually on the scene many places around

Nancy C. Henderson at Lemon Twist in Rancho Santa Fe for her art show. Photo by Machel Penn Shull

town, while hosting sizzling spa parties by poolside during the summer. Well, Tom’s birthday is just around the corner in the beginning of December. Guess what his birthday present is each year from his bride? Karian takes Tom to the airport each year on his important day and whisks him away to an unknown destination, which he does not know about until he arrives at the counter and receives the ticket in his hand. Last year, Karian surprised Tom with a trip to Whistler, Canada. I have included a photo straight out of a James Bond movie, with the couple standing in front of a red helicopter up on the snowy slopes in Canada. Can you say “movie stars?” Also pictured is Tom with his buddies here in the Ranch for their local celebration. I wonder where it will be this year for the Forsyths’ next big adventure? How lucky for Tom, wouldn’t you agree? Stay

Each year Ranch resident Karian Forsyth surprises her husband with a fabulous birthday trip. Courtesy photo

tuned until next month for that news! On Nov. 3, the Rancho Santa Fe school board honored R. Roger Rowe students who received perfect scores on their STAR testing at their meeting that evening. Parents, siblings, teachers and friends all gathered together at the Performing Center of Arts to witness this wondrous celebration, that honors the students and their perfect winning scores. Superintendent Lindy Delaney was also there to encourage the students. She also gave them all a personal tip: “When shaking hands, make sure you make good eye contact, too.” Excellent advice! Featured here are two of the recipients, my son Jackson Tuck and Rachel Waite. Rachel Waite is the daughter of Lance and Anna Waite. And, just in case

inquiring minds would like to know, Jackson Tuck, is also the son of well-known news anchor Michael Tuck. Michael is now retired, remarried, and

Jackson Tuck and Rachel Waite displaying their certificates. Courtesy photo

Reese MacDonald and Alexi Aloni with Alexi's dad are featured here after both scoring two field goals for their soccer team. Courtesy photo

recently had a baby girl with his wife, lawyer Jill Tuck.They live in the covenant in the Ranch. Congratulations to all of the students from that night. What a special evening it was for all us there. On Nov. 5, I received a wonderful picture of a Rancho Santa Fe Garden Club member’s granddaughter, Reese MacDonald. Reese’s soccer team scored the winning goal that weekend and the girls were all smiles (so were the parents!) that day. Reese is featured with her best friend Alexi Aloni. Both girls scored important goals that day for their team. Later that day, I stopped by Lemon Twist Fruit Stand in Rancho Santa Fe for a wonderful art exhibit by local artist Nancy C. Henderson. Nancy was selling her beautiful original oil painting under a perfect blue sky on that love-

ly Saturday afternoon. I took a photo of Nancy proudly standing next to her art that day. Nancy's art varies from local nature scenes here in Rancho Santa Fe to the rolling hills of Tuscany. If you would like to buy any of Nancy’s art for your own collection, visit nancychenderson.com. Popular resident Holly Manion came out to lend her support that day, too. We missed each other by just 10 minutes! If you would like to share a story with Machel, you can contact her at mpenn@coastnewsgroup.com. Machel Penn Shull is also a featured magazine writer in San Diego.

If you have a fun event you would like Machel Penn to cover, contact her at mpenn@coastnewsgroup.com.

Tom Forsyth with his friends in Rancho Sant Fe, celebrating his birthday. Courtesy photo


NOV. 18, 2011


Who’s NEWS?


PET WEEK This week’s pet from Helen Woodward Animal Center is Confetti, a 2-year-old, 7.5 pounds, tortoiseshell cat with big yellow eyes. Confetti is talkative and friendly and looking for a loving home. Her adoption fee is $99 including microchip identification. “Me and My Shadow” promotion. All pets adopted from Helen Woodward Animal Center have been spayed or neutered, have up-todate vaccinations and microchip identification.

Business news and special achievements for North San Diego County. Send information via e-mail to community@ coastnewsgroup.com. Sweet stuff

Helen Woodward Animal Center kennels are open everyday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Applications accepted until 5:45 p.m. at 6461 El Apajo Road in Rancho Santa Fe.

Eastman honored by college of surgeons RANCHO SANTA FE — Physician A. Brent Eastman, Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, was named president-elect of the American College of Surgeons (ACS) at the 97th Annual Clinical Congress. Eastman, a general, vascular and trauma surgeon is an Rancho Santa Fe resident and chief medical officer of Scripps Health and the N. Paul Whittier chair of trauma at Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla. Eastman has been instrumental in the development of trauma systems worldwide. He is one of the co-founders of San Diego County’s trauma system and has helped put trauma systems into place on six continents. A fellow of the ACS since 1976, Eastman began serving on the college’s Board of Regents in 2001. He participated in the ACS and American Association for the Surgery of Trauma Distinguished Visiting Surgeon in Combat Casualty Program at the United States military hospital Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Landstuhl, Germany in July 2007. He subsequently was granted and assigned the distinction of honorary member of the United States Army Medical Regiment by order of the U.S. surgeon general. In 2009, shortly before his election as chair of the Board of Regents, Eastman delivered the Scudder Oration, the signa-

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Leucadia residents Gretchen and Lisa Bender, known at the Salty Sisters, have kicked off their own salted confections company, offering vegan and gluten-free treats from chocolate to toffees to caramels, using simple, natural ingredients including sea salt. For more information, visit seasaltcandy.com or call (916) 208-0674.

ture speech on trauma care, at the annual ACS Clinical Congress, titled “Wherever the Dart Lands: Toward the Ideal Trauma System.” In addition to serving as a regent, Eastman has been a member of many ACS committees and served as the chair of the college’s Committee on Trauma from 1990 to 1994. He helped create and was the first chair of the COT Trauma System Consultation Committee and is an instructor for the internationally renowned Advanced Trauma Life Support course. Dr. Eastman also chaired the college’s Scholarship Committee from 2005 to 2008, Central Judiciary Committee from 2007 to 2009 and the Finance Committee of the Board of Regents from 2009 to 2010. He is an active member of many leading surgical organizations, including the American Surgical Association, American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, International Society of Cardiovascular Surgery, Society of Clinical Vascular Surgery, Pacific Coast Surgical Association, and the Naffziger Surgical Society (UCSF), of which he is president-elect. In addition, Eastman served as chair of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Research Agenda Steering Committee and is a member of the Board of Scientific Counselors, National Center for Injury Prevention. Throughout his distinguished career, Eastman has authored or co-authored multiple publications and articles related to trauma.He served on the Institute of Medicine (IOM) Committee that in 2006 published the landmark report, “The Future of Emergency Care in the United States Health System.”


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Oh, those girls!

RYE ON WHEELS New York on Rye, a new gourmet food truck featuring New York-style deli fare, has rolled into North County offering a New York deli theme. Jay Margolin, with business partner and chef Rich Huarte, offering everything house-made, hand-made or hand-treated They service a different office each day, including those in Carmel Mountain, Del Mar Heights, Sorrento Valley and Carlsbad. To find New York on Rye, visit newyorkonrye.com. Courtesy photo

Americans are again warming to the credit card companies Things are looking rosier for credit-card holders. Consumers are paying down balances and facing fewer punitive actions by credit card companies, such as higher rates, late-payment fees and canceled cards, according to a nationwide survey by the Consumer Reports National Research Center. New federal rules barring many abusive practices by credit-card issuers seem to be having an effect: Only 12 percent of Americans said their credit-card companies had generally treated them unfairly, according to Consumer Reports’ nationwide survey, down from 15 percent in 2010, and 22 percent in 2009. And more people are being approved: Only 14 percent were denied a card in 2011, compared with 24 percent last year. But that doesn’t mean consumers should let their guard down: Thirty-five percent of survey respondents said in the past year they had experienced at least one credit-card problem, such as a new annual fee, higher interest rate, lower credit limit or limits on rewards. Average interest rates on new cards were 14.11 percent in September, up from 11.64 percent in May 2009, according to LowCards.com, a cardcomparison site. With the protections of

the 2009 Credit CARD Act in full effect, the survey shows a slightly lower level of dissatisfaction among Americans with their credit cards than last year. However, credit cards remain one of the lowest-rated services CR has ever analyzed; only 51 percent of respondents indicated they were highly satisfied with their cards. The survey, conducted in July by the Consumer Reports National Research Center, also shows that consumers are carrying less credit-card debt, with median balances of $3,414 down from $3,793 in 2010.

ATTRACTIVE OFFERS With reports of delinquencies and defaults down, card issuers have resumed stuffing your mailbox with offers, many of them featuring low-rate introductory deals or lucrative rewards. If you’re among the 56 percent of Americans who pay off their card balances each month, you might want to take advantage of offers promising introductory bonuses of cash, miles, or points. The best rewards-card deals are reserved for people with credit scores of 730 and up. If you regularly carry a balance, a rewards card probably won’t be a good fit, since they tend to have higher

interest rates than standard cards, and you might pay more in finance charges than you would gain in rewards.

PICK THE RIGHT CARD FOR YOUR HABITS The best card for consumers depends on whether they pay their balances in full each month, and, if so, what types of rewards they’re looking for. CR surveyed the marketplace and found the following enticing deals. Cards are listed in alphabetical order. — Cash-back cards (Higher APRs make these cards most suitable for people who pay off balances in full each month): American Express Blue Cash Everyday, Capital One Cash, Chase Freedom, Fidelity Rewards American Express and PenFed Platinum Cash Rewards (available to members of the Pentagon Federal Credit Union). — Travel cards (These cards offer excellent rewards for frequent travelers): Capital One Venture Rewards, Chase Sapphire Preferred and PenFed Premium Travel Rewards American Express. — Lowinterest cards (For consumers who carry a balance or want to transfer a balance): Iberia Bank Visa Classic, PenFed Promise Visa and Simmons First Visa Platinum.

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In honor of Veteran’s Day, more than 150 Girl Scouts from North County to South Bay helped Mealson-Wheels volunteers make deliveries meals to homebound veterans and seniors. The local non-profit ensure San Diego seniors have daily meals. The Girl Scouts will earn a Meals-on-Wheels patch for their community service.

Murder mystery Cathy Lubenski Phillips, Carlsbad author and San Diego UnionTribune journalist is releasing her humorous murder mystery, “Trashy Chic,” Dec. 1. The booksigning/launch party is at 2 p.m. Dec. 3 in Mysterious Galaxy bookstore on Clairemont Mesa Boulevard.

Queen Eileen’s for CVDF From 4 to 8 p.m. Nov. 17, the Cardiovascular Disease Foundation (CVDF) invites you to shop early at a special evening fundraiser at Queen Eileen‘s gift shop, 548 S. Coast Highway 101 in Encinitas. Queen Eileen’s will donate 20 percent of all sales to CVDF to raise crucial funds to help keep hearts healthy.

Hotel honors The Holiday Inn Oceanside Marina received the InterContinental Hotels Group 2011 Newcomer Award, as one of the best properties to join the system within the last year as either a new development or a conversion property. The hotel was recognized for meeting the highest standards of quality and customer service.

OMWD needs director At its Nov. 9 meeting, Olivenhain Municipal Water District’s Board of Directors announced that it is seeking a new member of the board to replace outgoing director Mark Muir. The Board of Directors approved a process by which a new member of the community will be appointed to represent Division 2 on the board. TURN TO WHO’S NEWS ON B9



NOV. 18, 2011

For easy-to-care-for shower curtains, make the switch to cloth SARA NOEL Frugal Living Dear Sara: I’ve been hearing about how vinyl shower curtains contain the “no-no” PVC as well as other not-so-nice chemicals. The recommendation is to replace them with cloth shower curtains. My first thought is that cloth is not waterproof, so I’m imagining water all over my bathroom floor. Would cloth block water like the vinyl ones? — Lilly, Illinois Dear Lilly: The decorative fabric curtains that are draped on the outside of the tub/shower and are often used with a waterproof vinyl liner are not the same thing as cloth shower curtains, which repel water quite nicely. I simply tuck my cloth shower curtain inside the tub when showering and it keeps the water inside, just like a plastic/vinyl liner. You can

hang it alone or pair it with a decorative curtain. The material is lightweight and dries quickly. You can wash it in your washing machine, too. Cloth shower curtains come in cotton, polyester or a combination of both. One of mine is a Canopy brand polyester curtain that retails for less than $20. Dear Sara: I have a ton of mint from my own mint plant and I don’t know what to do with it. Besides tea, mojitos and mint jelly for lamb, what other foods make good use of mint? I’d prefer to use it fresh versus dried, but I’ll be drying it out and keeping it in a food storage bag as a last resort. — Libby, Canada Dear Libby: Add some to lemonade, iced tea, potatoes, cooked carrots, chocolate mousse or pudding, hot cocoa, ice cream, milkshakes, cakes, cookies or brownies. You can dry them and make mint sachets, too. For mint julep recipes, visit frugalvillage.com/forums/kitchenbasics/36952-2-versions-mintjulep-kentucky-derby-tomor-

row.html. Dear Sara: How do I remove tar from jeans? — Linda H., New York Dear Linda: Apply ice and scrape off as much as possible. You can use your fingernail, a toothpick, or a dull knife to scrape. Apply oil (such as olive, baby or vegetable oil) or WD-40 to the stained area with a cloth and blot, then scrub to lift away the sticky tar. Finally, launder as usual. Dear Sara: I’ve seen chocolate on plastic spoons that that can be stirred into beverages such as coffee, tea or cider. Any ideas for how to make them? — C.B., forums Dear C.B.: I use plastic spoons and Wilton chocolate wafer candy melts. Melt the chocolate wafers in the microwave as per the directions on the package. Dip the spoons to coat them in the melted chocolate, then place them on a baking sheet lined with waxed paper. You can add decorations such as sprinkles, mini marshmallows, crushed candy canes or cookies by dipping the coat-

Lions launch annual speech contest The Del Sol Lions Club will again host the 75th Annual Student Speakers Contest sponsored by the California Lions of Multiple District 4. The contest is open to any student in grades nine through 12 enrolled in any high school, charter school, private school, home school or independent study. The purpose of the contest is to provide an opportunity for competitive public speaking among students on a subject of vital interest. Each student who enters the contest shall prepare a talk to no more than 10 minutes and not less than 5 minutes delivery time. The topic for this year’s student speakers contest is “What Could the America of Yesterday Teach the America of Tomorrow?” The contest will be held from 9:30 to 11 a.m., Feb. 11, at Fletcher Cove Community Center, 133 Pacific Ave., in Solana Beach. Students must pre-register with Speaker Contest

Chairman Dave Roberts at Margaret Schlesinger, first droberts@himss.org by sub- mayor of the city of Solana mitting their name, address, Beach. high school, grade level and contact information (e-mail and/or phone number). Up to six students will be allowed to participate in the club-level contest based on the order of the receipt of their pre-registration information. The first place clublevel winner will then be able to participate in the Zone, Region, District and Multiple District contests and ultimately have an opportunity to win over $21,500 in scholarships and prizes. More information is available at studentspeaker.md4lions.org/. Judges for this year’s contest are Executive Director of San Dieguito Alliance for Drug Free Youth Judi Strang, Director of Casa de Amistad Nicole Mione-Green and former Solana Beach Town Councilwomen Mary Jane Boyd. Alternate Judge is

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ed spoons in them before the chocolate hardens. I place the spoons in the freezer to harden, and then I repackage them in plastic storage bags and leave them in the freezer until ready to use. If I am gifting them, I transfer them

from the storage bags to a cellophane wrapper tied with curling ribbon. Visit giverslog.com/?p=3290 for a tutorial for using molds and popsicle sticks to make hot chocolate on a stick, which is another option.

Sara Noel is the owner of Frugal Village (www.frugalvillage.com), a website that offers practical, money-saving strategies for everyday living. To send tips, comments or questions e-mail sara@frugalvillage.com.


NOV. 18, 2011


Trial date set in fatal alleged DUI crash Small businesses By Shelli DeRobertis

A judge found enough evidence at a hearing Nov. 9 for a young woman to stand trial for the alleged drunken crash that killed a 64-yearold man as he bicycled to his job at a nearby hotel. Authorities say Julianne Elyse Thomson, 23, was driving while intoxicated on July 27 when her Ford 150 struck Arthur John Jacobs of Vista, fatally pinning him to a block wall at about 9:45 p.m., just north of

Cassia Road at El Camino Real. Carlsbad Police found Thomson hiding in nearby bushes about 15 minutes later, at an apartment complex around the corner from the fatal accident. San Diego County Superior Court Judge K. Michael Kirkman set Thomson's trial for Jan. 23, 2012. She faces charges of hit and run causing death, gross vehicular manslaughter, a

DUI causing injury and a DUI with a blood-alcohol level 0.08 or higher. The defendant could be punished with a prison sentence of up to 15 years if she is convicted on all three felonies, according to prosecutor Aimee McLeod. According to McLeod, Thomson’s blood alcohol level was measured at 0.25, which is more than three times the legal limit. Thomson has been out of jail on a $200,000 bail.

Criminal defense attorney Richard Muir told The Coast News that his client was very remorseful. “She’s going to therapy over it and extremely remorseful,” he said. The county coroner’s office reported that the victim was a Vista resident who lived with his daughter and worked at The Park Hyatt Aviara. The crash happened less than 2.5 miles from his work.

County district attorney commits suicide By Shelli DeRobertis

A distraught district attorney shot herself in the head in her car near a Starbucks at the 2100 block of Vista way on Nov. 10, at 6:36 p.m. as a Carlsbad Police officer talked to her through the driver’s window of her vehicle. Authorities said that

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Christine Trevino, 51, of Escondido, made threats to kill herself earlier in the day, which prompted local police to perform a welfare check. Escondido Police officers located Trevino as she traveled in her vehicle by tracking her cell phone, and followed her in unmarked cars as she drove into Carlsbad, at which time they requested help from Carlsbad Police, according to the Oceanside Police Department. “She shot herself as the officer spoke with her through the driver’s window,” said Lt. Leonard Mata, of the Oceanside Police Department’s Administrative Services Unit. He said the Oceanside Police Department is handling the death investigation because it happened in

Oceanside territory, near the Starbucks at the Pacific Coast Plaza center just northeast of Jefferson Street and state Route 78. “Someone witnessed what happened and it has been determined to be a suicide,” Mata said. He said it was a suicide by use of a firearm, and that the department is handling the paperwork, and that it isn’t an investigation where police are working any leads. Trevino, a deputy district attorney, was currently working at the North County branch in Vista, and had been assigned various divisions throughout her career that included gangs, narcotics and child support, according to the district attorney’s office. Trevino was an employee with the San Diego


County District Attorney’s office for 21 years, and neither police nor the district attorney’s office are offering information on what may have been the cause for her to take her own life. The following statement was issued Nov. 11 by San Diego County District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis: “It is with great sadness that the District Attorney’s Office learned of the death of Deputy District Attorney Christine Trevino. Christine was a dedicated prosecutor and valued member of the DA family. She will be missed by those of us who were fortunate enough to be her colleagues for many years. Our hearts go out to Christine’s family, friends and co-workers at what is a very difficult time for all of us.”

hit with new fees

■ Leaders say

costs are still less than nearby cities By Bianca Kaplanek

The cost of doing business in Solana Beach will soon be going up, but city staff initially insisted it would remain less expensive than in neighboring jurisdictions. Council voted unanimously at the Nov. 9 meeting to increase two existing fees and create three new ones to ensure the city is recovering its costs to provide those five services. The city currently charges a flat rate of $75 for any new business certificate or changes in address, name or ownership. The new fee will be $110 for home-based businesses and those located outside the city, neither one of which requires a fire inspection. Businesses within city limits will be charged based on the size of the building, ranging from $150 for those less than 1,000 square feet to $570 for those larger than 10,000 square feet. The current rate to renew any business certificate is $16. For full cost recovery, that will increase to $17 for

home-based businesses and those outside the city. For all others it will be based on square footage, ranging from $55 to $474. Short-term vacation rentals will be treated as home-based businesses and subject to the new fee of $110 and renewal fee of $17. Late fees for all renewals will also increase. The fees are calculated to include accepting the application, data entry, zoning verification, printing, signatures, fee collection and, when applicable, an annual fire inspection. The mandatory adoption of the California green building standards has resulted in more in-depth and costly building plan checks and inspections so the city is adopting a surcharge on top of the standard fee for those services. The cost will be an additional 3 percent each for the plan check fee and building permit for buildings less than 50,000 square feet and 1 percent more for the plan check and building permit for buildings larger than 50,000 square feet. Another new fee is for commercial photovoltaic plan checks and inspections. City Council adopted a flat fee based on valuation TURN TO FEES ON B11



NOV. 18, 2011

Music instructor takes listeners on a journey By Gabriel Fregoso

OCEANSIDE — When discussing music with songwriter and composer, Christy Coobatis, something interesting h a p -

pens — the conversation quickly dissolves into his enthusiasm for teaching. Talking about one subject invariably leads the music and recording arts instructor to touch

Christy Coobatis, a professor of music and arts recording at MiraCosta College is the composer of an expressive new musical experience called “The Journey,” which he debuted Nov.4. Photo by France Magtira


Company expands Carlsbad-based Mahoney Software Firm, specializing in the sale and support of Sage Software business management applications, expanded its client services, bringing on Jonathan Crane to join its management team.

Gathering toys

Top money man Pacific Wealth Management and Pacific Divorce Management’s Justin Reckers has been invited to be a guest instructor at the 15th Annual San Diego Tax & Accounting Institute, where CPAs and tax professionals get up-to-date information on tax legislation and accounting issues.

Well being

Operation Homefront Southern California and Dollar Tree, Inc. have joined forces again this holiday season to gather gifts for military children. Dollar Tree stores will collect items Nov. 1 to Dec. 6. Operation Homefront Southern California will collect and distribute the gifts to military children during holiday events.

Chiropractors Sheena Smith and Shannon Ozier of Experience Life Chiropractic, have been named the official local representatives for the Foundation of Wellness Education for the community of Encinitas/Cardiff. The Foundation for Wellness Education is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating the public about health and wellness issues.

Happy hair

Jer’s Squares

Owner Helena R. Gibson announced the opening of City Wigs Hair Studios second location at 202 Lomas Santa Fe in Solana Beach. For more information, call (858) 755-9447 or visit Citywigs.com.

In Solana Beach, things are sweeter with the arrival of Jer’s Chocolates. They specialize in Jer’s Squares, for wedding favors, corporate gifts and signature items. For more information, visit jers.com or call (800) 5407265.

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upon the other, as if crafting music and teaching music completed his creative circuit. “My job as a teacher of music and sound,” Coobatis said, “is to have people clear out their ears, and open up the pathways directly to their brain, and realize how precious the sound is.” Coobatis’ respect for sound began in Dearborn, Mich., when he first picked up a guitar at age 7. Years later, after receiving a bachelor’s in psychology, he flirted with the idea of becoming a psychologist, only to switch gears and pursue his passion

instead. It was a choice that led him to Hollywood and eventually helped him, after many years, to become a music teacher. He credits television composer John Cacavas (“Kojak,” “Hawaii Five-O”) for his break and for demonstrating the importance of teaching. “John Cacavas gave me my start in L.A. by placing my music in various films, and NBC movies-of-theweek…It was this type of outreach that cemented the mentor/student relationship in my career that is so important to helping out newcom-

ers in the industry,” he said. Last Friday, Coobatis debuted “The Journey,” a two-hour musical event, at MiraCosta College, where he teaches. Inspired by his career in the music industry, the concert included nine orchestral works in its first half, followed by 15 songs in its second. Performed by over 50 MiraCosta students, the presentation also incorporated choreographed dancing and original movies, both designed to evoke and emblemize the deeper “layers” within the music. TURN TO MUSIC ON B11


NOV. 18, 2011


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The Industrial Farmhouse Chic of The Flying Pig. Photo by David Boylan

Lick the Plate’s new favorite: The Flying Pig in Oceanside

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DAVID BOYLAN Lick the Plate There are certain restaurants that the minute I walk through the door I say to myself, “Yeah, I’m going to like this place.” It’s just an intuition I have and I rarely prove myself wrong.That’s what I felt before I even entered the Flying Pig in Oceanside. It’s location on a street that is a mix of homes and light commercial businesses gives it a certain outsider status off the bat. Walking in, there is a warmth and energy that complement each other perfectly, and more importantly, the crowd looks like it’s there for

the food and drinks and not to be seen at the latest hotspot. There is a cool bar, lounge and mismatched tables that they describe as “industrial farmhouse” and that’s a perfect way to put it. I’m jealous this place is not in my neighborhood. So when I heard the name Flying Pig, I immediately thought of the Flying Pig Marathon in Cincinnati, which my brother Michael helped launch many years ago. It’s a great name for this casual gastropub launched by husband and wife team Roddy and Aaron Browning. If there ever was a couple whose destiny it was to launch a restaurant together, it’s these two. With 45 combined years of industry experience and a certified sommelier distinction under Roddy Browning’s belt, the solid foundation is in place. They have hot young chef


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in 24-year-old Mario Moser who came from Nine-Ten in La Jolla. From what I’ve seen him pumping out of the Flying Pig kitchen, I assumed it was a veteran chef running the show. This guy has serious talent and despite his aversion to the celebrity chef syndrome, he could well be heading there whether he likes it or not. Moser likes to cook food that makes him hungry, that he likes to eat, with simple execution and the best available ingredients. I really like his style and I’ll add that his serving staff is well-versed on the menu, fun, and keep the food flowing at a nice pace. Don’t come here in a hurry though, it’s not that kind of place. As far as the food goes, I really wish I had room to just copy the menu word for word as it is that appealing to me. You can check it out on their website though and I would enthusiastically encourage that. I’ll stick to describing what I’ve tried so far. We started with shrimp toast, which was new to me and very enjoyable, a local beet salad,and the risotto of the day, which was a forbidden rice risotto with egg yolk.They have a daily risotto and pasta and the pasta is made in-house.The pasta was a pappardelle with a mixed braised meat ragu that was very satisfying. Some other great looking items from the sides and starters portion of the menu include bacon brussels, southern pickles, bacon mac n’ cheese and a couple of grilled flatbreads, one with tomato jam, roasted kale, goat cheese, house sausage and farmers eggs. Next up was the ever trendy pork belly, which I find to be a little over-hyped for what usually is a cube of gelatinous fat. Maybe I need to release my inner pig or something but in that form it is not appealing. That’s not the case at the Flying Pig, as Chef Moser’s version had a nice ratio of pork to fat and was served with collards, caramelized apple and polenta spoon bread. I am now officially enthused about pork belly knowing it can be done like this. The chicken and dumplings with chicken confit, TURN TO LICK THE PLATE ON B11



flat fee based on valuation that ranges from $695 to $1,120. For example, according to the staff report, the fee for a system valued at $700,000 will be $750. Finally, in response to an increase in requests for zoning verification and past permit histories on multiple properties throughout the city, there will be a $135 charge per lot. The city has been conducting routine studies since 2009 to ensure full cost recovery for the services it provides. No one addressed council during the public comment period; however, Councilman Joe Kellejian



do is improve the native habitat, bring back some of the native bird species like the Least Bell Vireo, yellow warbler, the southwest flycatcher and yellow-breasted chat.” She said the scenic value will also be



In MiraCosta history, it was the largest event of its kind. “There were all these layers, and people say you’re not supposed to have too many. And to me those layers provide something for everyone,” said Coobatis. “The videos were a link for those who didn’t understand the words to the songs…and so many people said ‘thank you, for having the dancers help me to feel the music.’” The genesis of “The Journey” began in spring of this year, when Coobatis took the semester off to focus on writing. He describes his sabbatical as a period of “reflection” – where the “soul searching bit...was to replay the emotional film that corresponded to different segments” of his life. During this period, Coobatis said his senses were seized by a musical energy that deprived him of sleep,


assume the liability. “The board has to think very deeply about this decision,” Hinchy said. Tom Clotfelter told the board that opening up this property for activity threatens the wildlife corridor. Still, Rochelle Putnam said she is in favor of the project. “I really do believe the play structure will have a very low impact,” she said. “This seems like a good idea and the opportunity to say that young families are welcome here.” Director Eamon Callahan said he agreed the park is needed, but he had second thoughts about the proposed location. “I’m not sure of Arroyo as the location,” he said.



NOV. 18, 2011 wanted to ensure Solana Beach was remaining competitive with neighboring cities. “In this time of the economic problems that we’re having, usually we’re trying to encourage the businesses any way we can,” he said. “One of the ways is not having huge fees. “At the same time we have a city to run,” Kellejian said. “I just want to make sure that we’re competitive, we’re not going to lose anybody to a neighboring city, and that we’re within the ball park.” “We did a study about three years ago and we’re still significantly less than Del Mar,” City Manager David Ott said, noting the fees in those cities haven’t gone done.

enhanced. “You can imagine a lush, green riparian and willow forest much nicer for trail users and passersby,” Woolenweber said. She said with the trees removed, native species might regrow given a chance for sunlight and water. “The biggest bang for

disrupted his social life and divorced him from a rigid conception of time. “My sleep cycles were destroyed,” he said. “I’d wake at two in the morning, and write to seven, and take a nap, wake up at noon and write till two again. There were days when I’d write 16 hours. And honestly, I didn’t want to take a break or go anywhere.” Location, too, was instrumental in his writing. According to Coobatis, the rooms in his house assumed various roles in his creative fever, agitating different memories and emotions, and lending themselves to specific modes of production. Switching between each space became a reward system for the work he had previously done by having something new and different to write. Coobatis believes this facilitated the creative process. “The house is dedicated Director Dick Doughty, who also raised a family in Rancho Santa Fe, said the proposed location is “grossly inappropriate.” “This proposal needs to be looked at very carefully,” Doughty said. Director Anne Feighner said she understands the frustration of people who want a park because a few years ago, she had been among those who supported having a pool in the Covenant, which never materialized. She said she would like to have a park as well, but not at the proposed location. “I love and support playground equipment, but is that the best place in our community for it?” she asked. Two weeks earlier, at its Oct. 20 meeting, the issue was put before the

Although he also told council members the new fees would still be less than those in Encinitas, he later said that was incorrect. “I made an error,” he said. Encinitas charges a flat fee of $35 for a business registration certificate. Ownership changes require a new certificate but new locations do not. Annual renewals are $20. Both fees were increased last year by $10 and $5, respectively. Del Mar charges a business license tax based on gross receipts. According to a sample calculation on its website, the cost of a license in that city for a business with estimated gross receipts of $300,000 is $289.50.

Some businesses, such as fairgrounds vendors and caterers, must pay a flat tax that ranges from $6 a day to $250 a year, while others like massage technicians are required to pay for an operations permit as well as a business certificate. According to Del Mar’s website, the minimum cost is $30. Ott said the Solana Beach fees are based on actual cost. For renewal permits, he said nothing has been added to the process. “We’ve just captured what costs we weren’t charging for before,” he said. As business owners in the city, Kellejian's wife and Councilmen Tom Campbell and Mike Nichols will be subject to the new fees.



appointment of Muir went against Houlihan’s last wish, referring to a video played in the council chambers after her death in which Houlihan endorsed candidate Lisa Shaffer. “The council denied Maggie her final wish, but I just don’t think it was too much to ask for you guys to respect that,” she said. “The person in her place could not be more different and that concerns me.” Anne Omsted, one of the city’s former Mayors and Council members, welcomed Muir to the city’s “exclusive club.”


“After hearing all this tonight I have to say I am so glad you’re here and I’m not,” she said. “I feel like I’ve kind of lost faith in the city council to make ethical and responsible decisions,” said Bobby Virk, a local business owner. “The best thing would have been to appoint the person with the second highest votes (in the last election). That’s the citizens of Encinitas speaking, not three people.” Virk was among several new faces to the council chambers. “It’s a wake up call for the election next fall for people to be more informed about the city council and what they’re doing now,” he said. created burger hall of fame. I hate to gloss over the wine and beer selection, but trust me that when you have a master sommelier running the show, it’s perfect for the menu. The dessert that stood out was the chocolate pot de crème with candied orange and vanilla cream. That’s all I’ve got room for. Trust me on this one, it’s a gem. Flying Pig is located at 626 South Tremont Street in Oceanside. For more information, visit flyingpigpubkitchen.com.

fresh ricotta gnudi which was a very cool dumpling substitute, the buck is getting the including a viewing platblack eyed peas and sage, was eucalyptus out,“ she said. form overlooking the Lake original and inspired. Chef Woolenweber said that Hodges dam, shaded picnic Moser took braised short ribs, depending on the weather, tables, benches and sigwhich to be honest, I’ve grown the project should be com- nage. tired of seeing on just about The River Park began pleted by January 2014. every menu, and made them The grant’s recreation- work on the unique viewing fresh and exciting again al element is also funding platform, which is nearly braised in cabernet and served improvements along the complete. with creamy grits, bacon brusFor more information, portion of the Coast to sels and chimichuri. He defiCrest Trail which passes call Woolenweber at (858) nitely has a creative, fresh through Del Dios Gorge, 674-2275 ext. 12. approach to his food and it works on all levels. And finally, the fresh David Boylan is the founder of to different types of writ- ness to attain knowledge ground pork burger with tem- Artichoke Creative, an Encinitas ing…the piano to concert even in the face of personal pura onion, 626 sauce, fried egg based integrated marketing agency. and cheddar is a burger worthy He can be reached at music and the studio to loss. “‘The Journey’ is not all of entrance into my recently david@artichoke-creative.com. songs, and it was as if I couldn’t get between those two sta- about me,” Coobatis clarified. “It’s about being able to tions fast enough.” making the sacrifice and layIn the end, the seasoned relate to others through feel- SMALL TALK ing down for a nap. The freeCONTINUED FROM B1 songwriter emerged from his ings…putting your arm way is all yours. sabbatical with an impres- around them and saying ‘It’s are fighting for that parking sive 34 songs and 10 orches- okay’ without knowing the place or standing behind Jean Gillette is a freelance writer who stimulate that lady with the heaped likes her stores empty and her lights tral works under his belt. By particulars...to his own admission, it was the them to take their own jour- cart and the coupons. If I green. Contact her at jgillette@coastmost he has written in 20 neys.” have any choice at all, I am newsgroup.com A glance at “The years. On the face of it, the Journey” program reveals Follow us on idea of writing an autobio- universal themes garbed in graphical concert may strike the specifics of Coobatis’ life. Above all, his faith in the some as self-indulgent, but, for Coobatis, the process expressive nature of music, Go to: thecoastnews.com symbolized a battle against the consoling power of love and click the link and the communal transfer complacency. During his sabbatical, of knowledge expose a core the desire to encourage oth- philosophy of hope. “For the first time in my ers — especially his students — to embark on their own life,” said Coobatis, “I creatjourneys, became his pri- ed a total work — it’s all integrated, and you can’t extract mary m otivation. Stagnation, complacen- any of the pieces. It really is cy and despondency became something like a gem. And inertial evils to Coobatis that they all fit together to make could only be overcome this work that is one living, through community, shared breathing cosmos of music.” experience and the willing-


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Association, and members toured the proposed park area and the play equipment at the Village Church, which is similar to that proposed for the Arroyo property.

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NOV. 18, 2011




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NOV. 18, 2011


SOUP TO NUTS by Rick Stromoski

FRANK & ERNEST by Bob Thaves

THE BORN LOSER by Art & Chip Sansom

BIG NATE by Lincoln Peirce

MONTY by Jim Meddick

Friday, Nov. 18, 2011 Surprise earnings in the year ahead could come through an unusual channel.You may not be looking for one, but once it’s there, it’ll bring you all those little extras you’ve been craving. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) — Someone you meet by accident will intrigue you today. After some talking, you might be looking at a new best pal. Ease into this friendship, and remember to keep an open mind. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) — It’ll be that special way you do something that has several key people wanting to take a look at your work today. One person in particular might be someone whose interest you’ve been anxious to get. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — You’re much more popular with your contemporaries than you may think. Today this fact might become clear when several people start clamoring for your attention. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Don’t waste your time looking to others to make the social arrangements today, because they’re all waiting for you to do so. Think of a place or something to do that everyone will enjoy. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) — You could be called upon at home today to be a mediator. Fortunately for them, you’ll know exactly how to reach an agreement that everyone will like.


" M J S K

by Luis Campos

U O V X K W.

Celebrity Cipher cryptograms are created from quotations by famous people, past and present. Each letter in the cipher stands for another. TODAY'S CLUE:

P U equals YF

ARLO & JANIS by Jimmy Johnson


COW & BOY by Mark Leiknes


ARIES (March 21-April 19) — If you haven’t gone wild with your spending, chances are you have a few bucks left for having a little fun. This might be an excellent evening to go out on the town with friends. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — Unless you find a way to break out of your shell today, you’re going to end up being more restless than you ever figured you’d be. Spending time with friends will put you in a happy mood. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) — The day in general should be a favorable one, with you even reaping some kind of benefit from a least expected source. Make the most of whatever opportunities come along. CANCER (June 21-July 22) — It’s to your advantage to get out and about today, especially if you’re unattached and looking to find a special someone. You could find the right group that’ll have what you’re looking for. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — Waking up happy is the key to being in tune with the day. Those of you looking for someone special might even find that person today. Smile, and the world smiles with you. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Good news from an unexpected venue might be trying to get through to you. If you’re out and about today, check in from time to time to see if anybody has been trying to reach you. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) — Two friends who don’t know each other might be trying to reach you today. Respond to both because each will have his or her own special reason for wanting to touch base with you.





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PREVIOUS SOLUTION: "Unbeing dead isn't being alive." - e.e. cummings "Life is too short to be living somebody else's dream." - Hugh Hefner

NOV. 18, 2011




NOV. 18, 2011


PICTURE PERFECT Rancho Santa Fe, California

$3,995,000 This gated Covenant beauty offers the best of the Ranch. Located on the horse trails, the home features 6 bedroom suites, mahogany-paneled library/office, gourmet kitchen, 6 fireplaces, large guest house and an outdoor entertaining area with pool and spa, all on 2.95 beautifully manicured acres. Call for a private showing! www.18202ViaDeSueno.com


IMAGINE YOURSELF HERE Rancho Santa Fe, California

$1,900,000-$2,200,000 Incredible opportunity to own a gorgeous home in Fairbanks Ranch! 5 bedroom suites, gourmet kitchen, beautiful library/office, 4 fireplaces, travertine floors and a wine closet. Private yard with pool, spa and detached guest casita. Call for a private showing! www.16210ViaCazadero.com






Del Mar, California

$1,895,000 This unique property would be a wonderful multi-generational family home. Located in coveted the Sun Valley neighborhood of Del Mar, the 1.19 acres includes a single-family detached home plus guest house, with plenty of room for parking, including an RV. Don't miss this fantastic opportunity! www.15185SunValleyLane.com

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