Rancho Santa Fe News

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VOL. 7, NO. 18

SEPT. 23, 2011

THISWEEK Councilwoman succumbs to cancer Association COMPASSION CHALLENGE

The R. Roger Rowe school takes part in a movement to inspire kindness and compassion in teens A5


The fall Home & Garden Guide gets you ready for upcoming harvest and more B1



Baby Boomer Peace . . . . A9 Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . A5 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . A20 Coastal Cosmos . . . . . . A10 Comics . . . . . . . . . . . . . A22 Consumer Reports . . . . . A8 Crossword . . . . . . . . . . A22 Frugal Living . . . . . . . . A14 Hit the Road . . . . . . . . . A6 Lick the Plate . . . . . . . . A10 Life, Liberty . . . . . . . . . . A4 Machel’s Ranch . . . . . . A17 Odd Files . . . . . . . . . . . . .A3 Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . . A4 Pet of the Week . . . . . . . A8 Ranch History . . . . . . . . A6 Small Talk . . . . . . . . . . A10 Taste of Wine . . . . . . . . . A8 Who’s News? . . . . . . . . . A7

HOW TO REACH US (760) 436-9737 CALENDARS SECTION: calendar@coastnewsgroup.com COMMUNITY NEWS: community@coastnewsgroup.com LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: letters@coastnewsgroup.com


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By Wehtahnah Tucker

Longtime councilwoman Maggie Houlihan, 63, lost her battle with cancer on the evening of Sept. 16. Her death has a community mourning the loss of a powerful figure who lived the ethos “the personal is political.” Just before her third successful bid for the council, Houlihan clarified some of her platform and the issues she was passionate about. Houlihan said she was motivated to continue serving the community to maintain her strong record of accomplishment in encouraging citizen participation, transparent government and fostering partnerships between community groups in the city’s best interest. She cited the revitalization of the Cultural Tourism Committee, which puts on the annual garden tour and festival as an example. Houlihan’s primary issues in that race, which proved less contentious that her 2004 bid, centered on development and on community. “Preserving the quality of life and the character of our five distinct communities is paramount,” she said. Houlihan could be seen at many of the public workshops for the General Plan update over the last yearand-a-half. She said she believed the path to community character leads through good planning. “We’ve got to close development loopholes and review our ordinances to make sure the kind of development that overwhelms the community isn’t allowed.” The specific plans of Cardiff North Highway 101 and Downtown Encinitas need to be updated to allow for more pedestrian-friendly

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orientation, according to Houlihan. “Citizens don’t want lot-line to lot-line developments,” she said. “They want landscape, ambience, a blend of old and new.” Always a champion for the environment, Houlihan called for acquisition of open space for parkland and habitat preservation. She remembers purchasing the Hall property for a “community park.” “We are moving through the process and that involves public opinion,” she said during her last campaign. “I

think we’re going to end up with a community amenity.” Indeed, Houlihan lived long enough to see several of her predictions come true. The council in fact named the former Hall property “Encinitas Community Park.” Houlihan was adamant about preserving the community character of the city by ensuring that habitat corridors were maintained to provide traffic relief and serve as a part of the high quality of life in the city. “Environmental quality and

economic vitality go hand in hand,” Houlihan said. Houlihan promoted transparency in government. “It is important that when you are doing the public’s business it’s done in the public arena,” she often said. Houlihan supported the live webcasts of City Council and Planning Commission meetings that began in 2008. “I’ve said we have to minimize the amount of closed sessions the council has,” she said. “Now we have occasional closed sessions on potential litigation, personnel issues and land purchase negotiations.” The City Council had been criticized in the past for holding sessions not open to the public almost weekly. Some saw it as a violation of the state’s Brown Act that requires a transparent municipal government. “Leaders need to focus on bringing people together, to facilitate civic participation,” she said. “That’s something I’ve always championed.” In fact, Ian Thompson, Houlihan’s husband and friend of nearly 30 years, described her as a natural facilitator. “She had a huge and very vibrant network to employ politically to discuss issues,” he said. “She had an amazing ability to bring people together.” Despite being one of the most visible council members, Houlihan was often the driving force on many projects that she didn’t take credit for, said Thompson. “She was very effective behind the scenes,” he said. “She would never just say ‘no’ to people TURN TO HOULIHAN ON A18

Improvements to parking lot get the OK By Patty McCormac

RANCHO SANTA FE — The Rancho Santa Fe Association voted to approve $21,886 to help the golf club with its $43,772 project to repair, seal coat and re-stripe its parking lot, but there was one condition: The golf club was asked to reduce its bank loan for the 2007 clubhouse renovation by a corresponding amount from its free

reserves. The decision was reached at its Sept. 15 meeting, after a small debate by board members, some of whom want the golf club to hold its own and be more aggressive about paying down its loan since property values and assessments are down within the Covenant. Director Larry Spitcausfky said it seemed

that using reserve funds for the project is spending money the Association does not have. “We are digging a deeper hole,” he said. The cost of the project was not an issue with others on the board. “We don’t have a cash problem,” said Director Jack Queen. “We have plenty of cash.” “It’s the neighborly thing

to do,” said Director Dick Doughty. Golf and tennis club members use the parking lot. It is also used by members of the Association who use the restaurant, banquet facilities and meeting rooms at the club. Research shows that about 37 percent of the business in the dining room comes TURN TO IMPROVEMENTS ON A16

fills vacant seat on board By Patty McCormac

RANCHO SANTA FE — Eamon Callahan has been chosen to fill a vacancy on the Association board at its Sept. 15 meeting. The vacancy was created by Jack Dorsee who resigned in July. Callahan, who has been a resident of Rancho Santa Fe for 17 years is retiring from a career in engineering and is ready to jump right into helping run the Ranch. “I want to stay busy,” he said. Callahan acknowledges there is a learning curve involved in stepping onto the board mid-term. “Typically, anything like this, I like to give it a little time to learn how the board works and about their problems.” he said. “Since the board is a team, I don’t want to come across as the new firebrand.” He has a few ideas, like making Rancho Santa Fe more business friendly. He said he has a few other ideas he is not yet ready to make public. “I think the Ranch is a great place to live and it has come a long way. We don’t have the problems we had a few years ago,” he said. At the meeting, Pete Smith, Association manger said appointing a new director was new to them. “This is new ground for us. We have not been down this path,” he said. He said there were six very qualified individuals to applied for the vacancy, but only one could be chosen. “We were so pleased with the results of six outstanding candidates,” said Director Jack Queen. “Where have these people been when we try to get people to run for the board? We enjoyed interviewing them.” Callahan was chosen by secret ballot by the sitting board members. The board is required to appoint a new director to fill TURN TO SEAT ON A18


SEPT. 23, 2011







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SEPT. 23, 2011

ODD New school board member selected FILES


By Patty McCormac

Not for the squeamish The medical establishment generally regards placentas (afterbirth) as biohazardous waste, but to New York City placenta chef Jennifer Mayer, they are a nutrient-laden meat that can alleviate postpartum depression and aid in breast milk production (among other so-far-unverified benefits). Mayer typically sets up in clients’ own kitchens, she told New York magazine for an August story. Some placentas are “really intense, with grief or sadness or uncertainty.” Others might be “joyful,” “big and round.” Mayer’s method: Drain the blood, blot dry, cook for a half-hour (leaving something resembling brisket), chop into slivers, dehydrate overnight (rendering it jerky-like). For a popular touch, Mayer then grinds it in a blender and pours the powder into several dozen (one-a-day) capsules.

Can’t Possibly Be True — The Learning Channel’s “Toddlers & Tiaras” series has pushed critics’ buttons enough with its general support of the competitive world of child beauty pageants, but a recent episode provoked unusually rabid complaints, according to a September New York Post report. Mother Lindsay Jackson had costumed her 4-year-old Maddy as “Dolly Parton” — anatomically correct (chest and backside) Dolly Parton. The Post described Maddy as “embarrass(ed)” at her chest when another 4-yearold pointed at her and asked, “What is that?” (Ultimately, the judges liked Maddy — for “sweetest face”). — Things You Didn’t Think Existed: (1) World Record for Length of Tonsils: Justin Werner, 21, of Topeka, Kan., was certified in July by the Guinness Book, with tonsils measuring 2.1 inches and 1.9 inches, respectively. The old “champion” was Justin Dodge of Milwaukee. (2) Global Competition in Dominos: The breakaway Georgian region of Abkhazia will be the site, in October, of the world domino championship. (Twentyfive countries belong to the International Domino Federation). — Retired U.S. Army Sgt. Maj. Rob Dickerson finally received his Purple Heart this summer, four years after he was seriously wounded in a rocket attack in Iraq and two years after he began a paperwork battle with the Army to “prove” his injury. Recently, the Army had apologized and mailed him the award, but it arrived C.O.D., leaving Dickerson to pay the $21 fee. (The Army subsequently reimbursed Dickerson the fee, but Dickerson said he hasn't been able to cash the TURN TO ODD FILES ON A14

RANCHO SANTA FE — Tyler Seltzer was appointed to serve on the Rancho Santa Fe School Board, filling the vacancy of school board member Jim Cimino who was transferred to Texas. Seltzer who grew up in Rancho Santa Fe and went all the way through the eighth grade at R. Roger Rowe, said he plans to run for the position in 2012. “The school should be operated as it is, like a family,” he said. “We should be stewards to keep the school moving in a positive direction.” New School Board member Tyler Seltzer takes the oath of office from Lindy Delaney, Superintendent of the Rancho Santa Fe School District. Seltzer was chosen at a special meeting on Sept. 12 to fill the vacancy created by Jim Cimino who was transfered to Texas. Seltzer was chosen during a special school board meeting on Sept. 12, where he and five other candidates were given a chance to speak to the board before they made their choice. Each was given a few minutes to introduce themselves and tell about their involvement in the school, answer some ques-

By Patty McCormac

comes from fundraisers like its fashion show, from generous donors and estate gifts, but mainly from sales from its used bookstore attached to the library. One of the favorite past times for avid readers is poking around the guild’s Book Cellar looking for treasures among the second hand books. These books are donations from the libraries of members of the community. Its shelves are jam packed with books of all topics. “I come here about once a month,” said Holly Manion a customer on a recent day. “You never know what you will find here. It’s very special.” Because of the downturn in the economy, the county

RANCHO SANTA FE — In keeping with the new tradition of inviting a member of the business community to be recognized by the Rancho Santa Fe Association Board, Matt Basham, manager of Stumps Village Market was invited to speak at the board’s Sept. 15 meeting. Basham said he has worked for the market for 17 years, starting when he was 15 and still in high school. “I broke the Cardinal Rule and started dating the bosses daughter,” he said. The two eventually married. He and his family live in Valley Center, but he says he does not mind the drive. “It’s a nice drive in and a nice drive out,” he said. “It’s a great family to work for and the people (who frequent the market) are nice. They have been very generous with us.” He said the company owns another store besides the one in Rancho Santa Fe, which has 22 employees. “It’s a lot of fun up here. We try to stay real active in the community,” he said. Pete Smith, Association manager asked him how the store survived the blackout that occurred on Sept. 8, which left the county without power in some places for more than 10 hours. He said very little was lost because about five years ago, the company installed new coolers that are deeply insulated and also some back up battery packs that kicked in. “The ice cream didn’t even melt,” he said. Jack Queen, Association director said he and others appreciate the market because they are always on hand to help out at fundraisers. He noted one time when he was buying wine for a fundraiser and was prepared to go to a national chain beverage store, but that Stumps gave him a very good deal because the event was not for profit. It’s not only wine. “We are always running to Stumps at the last minute asking for 200 or 300 hot dogs,” said Smith. “They do wonderful things for the community and I enjoy shopping there,” Queen said. “Thank you for being here and all your hard work.” In other board business, Director Anne Feighner reported that her committee is studying water issues, including the use of reclaimed water. “We need to protect our most valuable asset,



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tions from the board and explain what they hoped to accomplish in the future. Also seeking the interim position were Karen Buss, who offered the combination of strong financial experience and an active volunteer Mom. “My top priority are my

kids,” she said. Lori Cooper, who has lived in the area for 10 years, also offered strong professional skills and experience within the school as a volunteer. “My focus is my kids,” she said. Lorraine Kent told the

board that she has lived in the Ranch for 15 years and wanted to give back to the community. “I’ve thought about his position for many years,” she said. Heather Slosar clinical TURN TO SCHOOL ON A16

Library benefits greatly from volunteers By Patty McCormac

RANCHO SANTA FE — Nearly 50 years ago when residents of Rancho Santa Fe asked the county for a library, they were told the community was too small and they would have be happy with visits from the bookmobile. Rancho Santa Fe has never let being small stand in its way of anything. Fifteen anonymous donors stepped up, each contributing $5,000 toward the cause. The school offered 1/3 acre of land for $1 and on April 18, 1968, the library building was dedicated, said Susan Appleby, manager of marketing and development for the Rancho Santa Fe Library Guild, stewards of the library. If not for this group of guild volunteers, the library would not be what it is today, a beautiful building surrounded by gorgeous gardens and filled with thousands and thousands of books. It would not offer programs for children and adults. It would not be a center of the community. Over the years, this group of volunteers has kept the library running smoothly by offering moral and financial support. “We own the building,” said Mary Liu, president of the board of the guild. “We take care of it like it was our own home.” The county rents the building from the guild and provides some of the employees. Besides the building maintenance, the guild provides nearly half of the books and audiotapes and some employees. “Neither the library or the guild could do this by itself,” said Appleby. The guild’s income

Rancho Santa Fe News Roundup

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Houlihan’s legacy put the community first As a Councilwoman, Maggie Houlihan gave Encinitas an elected leader who put the interests of the community before special interests. Whether one agreed or disagreed with her voting record, few questioned that she made decisions that she felt best served the community, using her integrity to put what she thought was the public good before the good of campaign contributors. With her passing it is important we remember that Maggie Houlihan got more votes than any other City Council candidate in the elections of 2004 and 2008. As a council member Maggie Houlihan was open to the views of all residents who spoke before the council, and worked to bring residents and city hall together to find common ground. She worked to unite the community rather than divide it. That she received more votes than any other candidate in two elections is a testament to her leadership to serve the best interests of all five communities in Encinitas. She understood that while each community was different, each was the same in their desire to protect their unique community character. She shared the belief that we only have one Encinitas and that we should protect it. She strongly supported community participa-

ANDREW AUDET Life, Liberty and Leadership tion. It is rare that an elected official, with a terminal illness, would serve their community until the time they passed. Surely, serving until such a time added stress to her physical health. It amazed me that Maggie Houlihan so loved her city that she put what she thought was the city’s best interests even before her own. While she could have chosen the easier, softer way out and resigned for health reasons, she chose instead to serve and honor her commitment to represent those who voted for her. The city is currently going through a “General Plan Update” that has the potential to drastically allow increases in density and to diminish the quality of life for residents and local merchants. At this critical time in the city’s young history, Maggie Houlihan knew how important her leadership and votes were for the community. It is important to remember that Maggie Houlihan stood for preserv-

ing our small town coastal community character. She opposed special interests that wanted to increase density for profits. She warned against the dangers of a Council Super Majority that could increase density without a vote of the people. She had a history of following the recommendations of the Encinitas Planning Commission to preserve community character and protect resident property values when others didn’t. On the issues of dark skies, she supported Olivenhain and all Encinitas residents and their efforts to protect their quality of life. She thought that the Pacific View School needed an independent appraisal to know what the site was worth, and that the property should remain within the community — its future decided by residents. With one year remaining in her four-year term, let’s hope the Encinitas City Council chooses to honor Maggie Houlihan’s legacy. The city council will either appoint a replacement or hold a special election. Many Encinitas Residents will have an opinion on which is best. Let’s hope the Council members don’t turn a deaf ear to the residents, and that they will work together to put the best interests of the community first. Maggie Houlihan did.

Views expressed in Opinion & Editorial do not necessarily reflect the views of Rancho Santa Fe News.


COMMUNITY COMMENTARIES The Community Commentary section is open to everyone. Opinions expressed in the Community Commentary section are in no way representative of The Coast News Group. Send submissions no longer than 700 words to emurtaugh@coastnewsgroup.com. Submission does not guarantee publication.

Another Snark Attack! By C.J. Minster

Once again Encinitas Deputy Mayor Jerome Stocks has indulged his ego at the expense of others. This is not the first time nor, we think, will it be his last. Stocks has exhibited a pattern of misbehavior for some time. In fact, at a previous council meeting, it proved the second council meeting in a row during which he showed his disdain and lack of respect for others. At the last council meeting, he lashed out at a citizen who was expressing the dismay of some New Encinitas constituents at the kind of commercial development that is occurring and has occurred on and near El Camino Real. Not only did he malevolently attack her position, but he broke council rules to do so, since council members are not supposed to respond to citizens during the oral presentation portion of the council meeting. At a recent council meeting, Stocks angrily attacked City staff. Instead of offering positive criticism of what he saw as flaws in the General Plan update process, he publicly disparaged the staff and,

indirectly, the citizens who have spent time and effort attending the General Plan workshops and providing their input. Any valid points he may have had lost their impact with his snarky delivery. Fortunately, the Encinitas Little League’s All-Star Team, which had been in chambers earlier to receive a proclamation recognizing their significant achievements on the field and their stellar behavior off the field, was not there to see how the Deputy Mayor treats others. If Deputy Mayor Stocks can’t control his own behavior (which, in his own words he called “my tantrum”) perhaps the Council should adopt an official “Code of Conduct,” as many other cities have. Although we have seen public servants at all levels of government exhibit unwise, discourteous and disrespectful behavior, we in Encinitas expect better from those we elect to represent us.

— C.J. Minster is an Encinitas resident.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR speaking direcltly to the union goons. I thought Obama said we should carry on a civil discourse? So where is the civil discourse with such nags as Hoffa, Maxine Waters and Joe Biden to name a few who blame the tea party for their ills? The socialists need to understand the tea party is here to stay and God bless the tea party. The socialists have nothing left and have resorted to name calling because there is no defense for the socialist job stopping, far-left agenda. “The vast majority of construction workers — nearly 87 percent — do not belong to a labor organization. Instead, they have made a choice to sell their skills in the open free market.” — Philip Piel, Board Chairman of William Hart, the Associated Builders and Carlsbad Contractors, San Diego. So all of the Hoffa’s can rant and rave about taking out the tea party, but to no avail. The tea Obama caters to the party is the best stimulus this Union country has seen in recent times. I listened to the Obama The Unions have far out-lived address to the rank and file in their usefulness and good ridDetroit last week. Gag me. Does dance! the President think he is fooling anyone? He must not be in reality. Jim Lowery, Maybe he has drunk too much of Vista his own “kool aid.” It is quite obvious he was

College isn’t for all

NOT everyone is college material. Many years ago in highschool I had to decide my future. I could go too Lane Tech or Tuley high. Lane Tech offered academic courses half a day, the other learn a trade. Auto Mechanic, Machine Operator, plumber and other skills. Upon graduation you would have a marketable skill. Start working as an apprentice. Reinstate such a program in some of our high schools. So our young people could have a skill to be employed. I chose Tuley High (closer to home), mastering art courses. After graduation attended fulltime art school (2 years) with a scholarship.

Contact a Reporter CARLSBAD CHRISTINA MACONE-GREENE cmaconegreene@coastnewsgroup.com

P.O. Box 232550, Encinitas, CA 92023-2550 • 760-436-9737 www.ranchosfnews.com • Fax: 760-943-0850

DEL MAR / SOLANA BEACH BIANCA KAPLANEK bkaplanek@coastnewsgroup.com


ENCINITAS WEHTAHNAH TUCKER wtucker@coastnewsgroup.com



The Rancho Santa Fe News is published biweekly on Fridays by The Coast News Group. The advertising deadline is the Friday preceding the Friday of publication. Editorial deadline is the Friday proceeding publication. The comments on this page are the opinions of the individual columnists and do not necessarily represent the views of the Coast News Group, its publisher or staff. If you would like to respond directly to a columnist, please e-mail them directly at the address listed below the column. You may also express your views by writing a letter to the editor. For hold delivery while on vacation or for other distribution concerns and info, write to distribution@coastnewsgroup.com.

OCEANSIDE PROMISE YEE pyee@coastnewsgroup.com RANCHO SANTA FE PATTY MCCORMAC pmccormac@coastnewsgroup.com SAN MARCOS / VISTA editor@coastnewsgroup.com CRIME / COURTS SHELLI DEROBERTIS sderobertis@coastnewsgroup.com PHOTOGRAPHER DANIEL KNIGHTON dan@pixelperfectimages.net


ERIC MURTAUGH emurtaugh@coastnewsgroup.com

Letters to the Editor and reader feedback are welcome. Views expressed in letters do not necessarily reflect the views of Rancho Santa Fe News. Letters are subject to editing for length and clarity. Unsigned letters and letters without city of residence will not be published. Letters should be no longer than 300 words and include a contact telephone number. Submission does not guarantee publication. Send letters via e-mail to letters@coastnewsgroup.com.



SEPT. 23, 2011

community Local school to highlight lessons on kindness CALENDAR

Got an item for the calendar? Send the details via e-mail to calendar@coastnewsgroup.com.

SEPT. 23 OSTOMY SUPPORT A meeting of the Ostomy Support Group North County San Diego will be held at 1 p.m. Sept. 23 in Assembly Room 2, Lower Level, Tri City Medical Center, 4002 Vista Way, Oceanside, with speaker pharmacist John Gama of Tri City Medical Center. For details, call (760) 213-2501. LITTLE BIT COUNTRY Band in Black will perform 1960 vintage songs in tribute to Johnny Cash featuring Cowboy Jack, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Sept. 23, at the Morgan Run Club & Resort, 5690 Cancha De Golf, Rancho Santa Fe. Call (858) 759-5444 for more information. MUSIC IN VILLAGE The Carlsbad Music Festival will be held both days in the Village. Tickets are $15 general, $5 student or a $60 Festival Pass. For more information, v i s i t carlsbadmusicfestival.org.

SEPT. 26 COME FOR TEA The San Dieguito Woman’s Club will hold a Membership Tea 1 to 4 p.m. Sept. 26, at a member’s home. RSVP to Sandra Peterson, (760) 476-2797. Directions will be provided upon receipt of your RSVP. For more information, visit sandieguitowomansclub.vpwe b.com. DO JOIN US Assistance League of North Coast is hosting a membership tea at 1 p.m. Sept. 26 at the home of Nancy Lindgren in Carlsbad. If you are interested in learning more about ALNC, contact Sandy at (760) 727-1684 or visit assistanceleaguenorthcoast.com. Assistance League North Coast is a non-profit volunteer organization in the communities of Carlsbad, Oceanside, and Vista. BOOK SALE The Friends of the Solana Beach Library will hold a half-price sale from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily from Sept. 26 through Sept. 30 in the used-book shop at 157 Stevens Ave. in Solana Beach. Call (858) 755-1404 for more information.

SEPT. 28 LOOKING BACK A genealogy class will be offered from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Sept. 28 for four consecutive Wednesday evenings, at Carlsbad Cole Library 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive. For more information, call (760) 434-2931. HIGH HOLY DAYS Join Congregation B’nai Tikvah for TURN TO CALENDAR ON A18

By Patty McCormac

RANCHO SANTA FE — In October, representatives from Rachel’s Challenge will visit R. Roger Rowe School to speak to the students about how to start a chain reaction of kindness and compassion towards one another. “This program is designed to help students create a positive environment/culture in their lives, especially at school. We are continually working to educate our students on how to develop as responsible citizens,” said Superintendent Lindy Delaney. The event will be funded by proceeds from a rummage sale the students held in conjunction with the Rancho Santa Fe Rotary and community center last year. Rachel Scott died on April 20, 1999, the first shooting victim at Columbine High School. She was killed while sitting on a lawn eating lunch with a friend. About a month before, she had written an essay challenging students to be kind and compassionate towards others and for teachers to help them. After her death, her father Darrell Scott founded Rachel’s Challenge, a program that reaches out to schools and other organizations helping to spread her message and start a chain reaction of compassion. “Kindness and compassion towards oneself and oth-

CARING The student council at R. Roger Rowe School partnered with the Rancho Santa Fe Rotary in a rummage sale last year. The council will use some of the profits to fund speakers from Rachel's Challenge, a program that teaches compassion and understanding. Rachel Scott was the first victim of the shooting at Columbine High School in 1999. Photo by Patty McCormac

ers is a focus area for our middle school this school year. With this in mind Dana Knees, a middle school parent and liaison, introduced Rachel’s Challenge to Superintendent Lindy Delaney and I,” said Paul Coco, student council advisor. After researching and discussing Rachel’s Challenge, the middle school community and Student Council were highly motivat-

ed to implement Rachel’s Challenge. The Student Council decided to fund Rachel’s Challenge with profits earned for their participation in the Rancho Rummage Sale due to the program’s strong focus on creating a safe learning environment for all students, improving academic achievement and providing students with social/emotional education.

“Last year’s Student Council did a fantastic job leading our students,” Coco said. “They were instrumental in hosting a student store, working with Kids Korp, partnering with Rancho Santa Fe Rotary and Community Center for the Rancho Rummage Sale, implementing fundraisers to support Japan, facilitating donation drives including The Thanksgiving Feed

America Food Drive and The Casa de Amparo Holiday Gift Drive, implementing a middle school recycling program, and organizing various school activities. Our school district and Student Council are fortunate to have such a strong partnership with the Rancho Santa Fe Rotary and community.” For more information on Rachel’s Challenge, visit rachelschallenge.org.

Poets pack a punch during county’s largest poetry contest By Wehtahnah Tucker

Between the jeers and cheers, the finger snapping and the whooping and hollering, poets ascended the stage at the historic La Paloma Theatre to recite the spoken word in front of a packed house. The annual Full Moon Poets Summer Poetry Slam was held Sept. 11. The open call began at 6 p.m. when hopeful poets put their name in a popcorn box, from which only 19 were selected at random to perform in the first of three rounds. The competition gives participants three minutes to recite an original work without props or costumes, but with plenty of emotion. Judges were also selected at random from the audience. The five-member panel scored each poet on a scale of 1 to 10. Some were more generous than others-eliciting a range of responses from other audience members. “Surfing Madonna” artist Mark Patterson served as a judge. While no props, musical instruments, costumes or recorded music were allowed, “Flying Laura” kicked off the event with a daring, acrobatic pole dance. San Diego-based artist Laura Martin wowed the crowd with her seductive, bodydefying performance along a steel pole in the middle of the stage. “I totally wasn’t expecting that,” said Sharon Pipin. “It was a nice touch for EMCEE SWAMI Recovering from cancer, Swami Bruce emceed the sure.” Full Moon Poetry Slam on Sept. 11. Photos by Wehtahnah Tucker Not to be outdone, the

poets took the stage; some delivering somber prose and others eliciting laughs from the audience. Swami Bruce, a fixture in the local community emceed the event despite his recent battle with cancer. He delivered a poetic year in review of sorts before the contest began. “It’s been a tough year,” he said. “Swami Bruce went under the knife

and lives to blog about it,” he said in part, eliciting cheers from the audience. Rudy Francisco, a former first place finisher spoke with passion and revelation in his self-deprecating first poem. “I was born feet first and I’ve been backward ever since,” he said. The judges TURN TO POETRY ON A16

Artist Laura Martin took the stage as "Flying Laura" to kick off the 12th installment of the Full Moon Poetry Slam on Sept. 11.


SEPT. 23, 2011


Our time in Provence was some of the most magical, yet It’s 9:45 on a mid-June evening and there still is enough daylight to easily navigate the grounds of Domaine du Moulin.This picture book bed and breakfast is a couple of fields away from the barely-on-the-map Provencal village of Saint Laurent des Arbres, a 20minute drive northwest of Avignon. This little corner of paradise seems like a fantasy. The grounds are as beautifully groomed as Disney’s Magic Kingdom, and the mammoth pink and purple hydrangeas near our door are nothing short of perfection-in-bloom. I walk briskly around the 10 manicured acres, through the old-growth trees,

E’LOUISE ONDASH Hit the Road past the vegetable garden and fruit trees. I’m trying to burn off some of the calories from last night’s meal of a lifetime. Madame Antoinette, domaine owner and amateur chef of professional ability, created this four-course event that we are still talking about. My husband and I, our Atlanta friends, Betty and Wally Buran, and their 20something sons, Daniel and

A MAGICAL PLACE Domaine du Moulin is a bed and breakfast in Provence in southeast France. This beautiful 13 th century stone home is about a 20-minute drive northwest of Avignon. If you walk through a couple of nearby agricultural fields, you’ll find Saint Laurent des Arbres, a medieval village that once belonged to the Popes of Avignon. Photo by Jerry Ondash

Tyler, gathered at a beautifully appointed table on the covered patio. The grounds, like a mini-Versailles, stretched before us. Each course was too delectable not to finish; hence the reason we could barely trundle back to our chambre rouge (red bedroom) on the lower floor of the thick-walled, ivy-covered stone domaine. The chambre is cooled by a small river that runs beneath it. The water once powered the huge 13 th century millstone that sits right outside our door. Now, 24 hours after our


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feast, I’m still so full that I’ve raised the white flag and taken a pass on tonight’s dinner. My walk gives me time to reflect on this first trip to Provence. The Burans have visited twice before and convinced us to come this time. I had two reservations: staying in one place for the duration of our trip, and wondering whether Provence could really measure up to all the accolades. We learned that traveling each day from a home base is a worthy way to explore, and that Provence will not disappoint even the greatest skeptic. We found that our itinerary, thanks to the Burans who provided direction, was long on quality and depth. Each day we explored a different town or attraction, sampling restaurants, wineries and farmers’ markets.We generally drove no more than 90 minutes from the domaine, and our routes always provided plenty of photo-ops. Having friends who know the territory and more of the language than we did is akin to having private guides. And Provence did live up to the hype. The scenery, food, markets, villages and towns, colors and smells create an irresistible package that delights the senses and fashions memories that will remain TURN TO HIT THE ROAD ON A18

Celebrate Art of Fashion RANCHO SANTA FE — The Country Friends, in partnership with South Coast Plaza are presenting the 56th annual Art Of Fashion event Sept. 22 at The Inn at Rancho Santa Fe. All proceeds raised from the event will benefit chosen charities of the The Country Friends, including The Burn Institute, Helen Woodward Animal Center, Angel’s Foster Family Network and more. The event will also honor longtime members of The Country Friends Priscilla Webb and the late Luba Johnston for their caring and commitment to the community. For more information and to register, visit thecountryfriends.org, or call (858) 756-1192 ext. 4.


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SEPT. 23, 2011

Who’s NEWS? Business news and special achievements for North San Diego County. Send information via e-mail to community@ coastnewsgroup.com. New faces CARLSBAD — The Sheraton Carlsbad Resort & Spa announced George Allen as the new Director of Sales and Marketing for the resort property and Robert Lee Carr as new Executive Chef of Twenty/20 Grill & Wine Bar.

Heart Walk COAST CITIES — Union Bank again joined the American Heart Association for the 20th annual San Diego Heart Walk Sept. 17. Last year, Union Bank had the No. 1 Heart Walk team in the nation.

Exploring the world DEL MAR — Del Mar resident Christine Behymer spent the summer conducting full-time research through California Lutheran University and will present her findings at a Student Research Symposium Oct. 29. Behymer, a senior international studies major from Del Mar, worked on “The Impact of Cultural Retention by Muslim Women on Their Lives in the Workplace.”

Time travel OCEANSIDE — Local author Tom Di Roma announced the release of his print-on-demand juvenile novel, “Robbin’ In The Hood.” Published by CreateSpace, a division of Amazon.com, the 135-page novel tells the story of thirdgrader David Sanchez who discovers he can teleport.

Rocky’s running OCEANSIDE — Former Secretary of the California Department of Veterans Affairs and former Oceanside City Councilmember Rocky Chavez launched his campaign for the 76th Assembly District Sept. 14 in Oceanside. For more information, go to electrockychavez.com.

New Kebab Shop ENCINITAS — Owners A.J. Akbar and Tony Farmand announced The Kebab Shop is opening its third location at 127 North El Camino Real, Suite E in the Encinitas Village Shopping Center in midOctober. For more information visit thekebabshop.com/index.ht ml.


Green beach fair draws hundreds of fans By Wehtahnah Tucker

Despite the unpredictable weather, hundreds of participants descended on Seaside Reef for the annual Cardiff Surf Classic and Rerip Green Fest, which began Sept. 17. The weekend-long event, presented by the Cardiff 101 MainStreet and Rerip, was packed with vendor booths hawking environmentally sustainable products, wellness services, environmental education opportunities and local food choices. “There are so many amazing eco-friendly products and solutions out there that are easily accessible to consumers,” said event CoChair Betty Steele. “We want to continue that awareness and help encourage our friends, neighbors and community members to make a greener choice.” Rerip, an organization dedicated to creating accountability, measurability and sustainability to the surf industry, brought a new element to the annual event. In addition to surfboard recycling, the Rerip Green Fest included participation by organizations and individuals in the surf industry showcasing sustainable practices and innovations related to surfboard shaping and manufacturing. “I love these board swaps,” said John Wright, who was checking out boards. “It’s such a bummer when people just shelve a board because it’s got a few dings.” The goal of the event was to bring the community together in a familiar setting to experience the possibilities of leading a sustainable lifestyle. “Small changes make a big difference,” event co-chair Brenda Dizon said. “Our mission is to bring environmental awareness to our coastal communities,”

SOMEONE’S POT OF GOLD Solana Beach resident Betty Steele from Steele Realty donated this Rainbow Surfboard to the winner. Photos by Daniel Knighton

for bragging rights. Four-person teams from local businesses competed Saturday, with the top four going on to the final round Sunday. Team Sanuk took the final victory home. Surfing and protecting the environment go hand in hand according to co-chair Betty Steele, whose surf team from Steele Realty participated in the contest. Along with eco-conscious businesses and organiOceanside resident Zach Rhinehart surfing for Bull Taco team.

she said. “The devastation caused by the oil spill in the Gulf has caused us to rethink how we treat our environment. We have to realize that it all starts in our own community.” In addition to the education side of the event, surfing took center stage. The Cardiff versus Solana Beach businesses Surf-Off pitted teams against one another

Play transcends political party lines SAN DIEGO — The San Diego Repertory Theatre is presenting the West Coast premiere of “Walter Cronkite is Dead,” an intimate comedy that adds a dose of wisdom and reflection to the political rhetoric of red state versus blue state. Written by Joe Calarco and directed by Shana Wride, the comedy is about what might be possible if people with opposing political views stop shouting and start listening. Opening night is Fri., Sept. 23 and the production runs through Oct. 16 at the Lyceum Space. San Diego REP will host Surround Events to enhance the performance experience for guests. These discussions, performances and interactive events related to the themes of “Walter Cronkite is Dead.” will be held in the Lyceum Lobby before selected performances. Surround Events are free and open to the public.

Performances are Wednesdays at 7 p.m.; Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays at 8 p.m.; selected Saturdays at 2 p.m. and Sunday matinees at 2 p.m. Selected Sundays and Tuesdays at 7 p.m. For a full schedule and tickets, visit sdrep.org. The Lyceum Theatre is at 79 Horton Plaza.



SEPT. 23, 2011




PET WEEK This pet of the week is Scarlett, a petite 1year-old, black, domestic short hair weighing just 6 pounds. Her litter has been adopted and now it’s her turn. Her adoption fee is $125, plus microchip. All pets adopted from Helen Woodward Animal Center have been spayed or neutered, have up-todate vaccinations and microchip identification. Helen Woodward Animal Center kennels are open everyday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Applications accepted until 5:45 p.m. at 6461 El Apajo Road in Rancho Santa Fe. For more information call (858) 756-4117, option No. 1 or log on to animalcenter.org.

Consumer Reports offers tips for saving energy By Consumer Reports

Discussions about federal regulations on Energy Star ratings and energy-efficient products continue and homeowners need to keep a pulse on the changes. Consumer Reports, which seeks to help shoppers make the best decisions for their needs and possibly save some cash, offers these energy-saving tips. Powering electronic devices can cost almost as much as powering your kitchen appliances. Electronics and appliances account for 30 cents of every dollar spent on electricity. Appliances have become more efficient, but increased use of electronics has offset those gains, according to the Energy Information Administration. To help save energy and money with electronics, be

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sure to set computers to hibernate when they aren’t in use. Ask the cable company about replacing your current set-top box with one that meets Energy Star’s 3.0 specifications, which took effect Sept. 1. Also inquire about whole-house DVRs, which can eliminate the need for an energy-intense recording device on each TV. Get rid of the early-model plasma TVs that could cost well over $200 a year to operate. There are now large screens that cost $70 or less per year to run, including the 55-inch LCD Samsung UN55D65000, $1,900, with an annual energy cost of $29. As for appliances, newer models generally perform better than older ones, and the Energy Star program has improved. Starting this year, before a product can display an Energy Star logo, it must be tested for compliance by an accredited third-party lab. For washing machines, frontloading ones use less energy and water than most top-loaders. In the kitchen, dishwashers with soil sensors adjust TURN TO CONSUMER ON A19


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KEY PLAYERS IN RANCH HISTORY Hollywood film director John Robertson enjoys afternoon tea with his wife, Josephine, at their hilltop home located on El Camino del Norte. Josephine

was very active in the garden club and also directed the popular plays known as “The Strollers of Rancho Santa Fe.” John was the founder of the

Rancho Santa Fe Riding Club. Autographed copies of the book are available at the Rancho Santa Fe Historical Society, 6036 La Flecha. Call (858) 756-9291 or e-mail rsfhistorical@sbcglobal.net for

more information. Photos courtesy of Arcadia Publishing, taken from “Rancho Santa Fe,” $21.99. Available at local retailers, online bookstores, or at www.arcadiapublishing.com.

Flavor of Paso comes to San Marcos FRANK MANGIO

Taste of Wine I was fascinated and privileged to be a part of an intimate wine dinner at a neighborhood pizza/pasta restaurant in San Marcos, Rossi’s Pizza. The owner, an affable host, Marshall Bryer, like most of us, enjoys stopping at country vineyards and knocking on doors. One such trip through the back door to Paso Robles, took him to a town called Templeton and there he met Michael Giubbini who operates Rotta Winery, one of the first in Paso Wine Country. Bryer loved the wines and proposed that Rotta Wines be featured at his restaurant along with a fourcourse Italian “soul food” menu of Caesar salad, lasagna, chicken parmigiana and a stunning chocolate cake. Each course would be paired with Rotta Wines and the price would be very attractive to all.

ALL-ITALIAN The chicken parmigiana is a wonderful dish to go along with a great wine. All is to be had at Rossi’s Pizza in San Marcos with wine from Rotta Winery. Photo by Frank Mangio

advise you to taste: The Estate Zinfandel 2006 is very fruity and intense, definitely a power Zin. It has won gold. It’s sold for $27 at the winery and at Rossi’s. The other is the Black Monukka Dessert Wine, served with a rich chocolate cake. It’s a caramelized, nutty vanilla, baked cream sherry drink, produced in small oak barrels. This one is a big hit with judges around the country. It goes for $27 at the winery and at Rossi’s. Giubbini emphasized, “We 2 for 1 tickets makes use the dry farming method it irresistible. of growing grapes. No irriTwo wines stood out in gation, just the natural rainthis wine event that I want to fall. We had a light crop,

about a half-ton an acre to make a hearty wine grape.” Learn more at rottawinery.com and rossis-pizza.com.

New Season – New Wines Many wineries are introducing new releases for the fall and up-coming holidays. Some wines I recommend you try include: — Banfi Centine, Tuscany Italy, 2008, $12. No matter the price point, Banfi quality is produced into each wine. A richly deserved accolade; castellobanfi.com. — Charles Krug Reserve “Generations,” Napa Valley CA, 2008, $51. A showstop-

per at the recent 150th Krug Anniversary Celebration; charleskrug.com. — Falernia Carmenere Reserva, Elqui Valley, Chile, 2007, $9. Carmenere just might be the grape that no one knows about. This winery may break it open to the world; falernia.com. — Frank Family Zinfandel, Napa Valley, CA, 2008, $27. Historic winery established 1884. Aromas of black cherry and oak Zesty spice and cinnamon flavors; frankfamilyvineyards.com. — Gen 7 “Road To Zanzibar” Zinfandel Blend, San Diego, CA, 2008. $34. Magical Red made from Zinfandel, Cab Franc and Carignane; gen7wines.com. — Mer Soleil Silver Chardonnay, Santa Lucia Highlands Monterey, CA, 2009. $22. From the Wagner Family that gives us the great Caymus Wines.This Chard is made of steel only. Lovely and crisp. — Orin Swift “The Prisoner” Blend, Napa Valley, CA, 2009. $35. Mostly Zinfandel with luscious, rich black cherry overtones; theprisonerwine.com. — Pedroncelli Bench Vineyards Merlot, Dry Creek Sonoma, CA, 2009. $15. Sloped, rocky terrain brings out the best in this richly texTURN TO TASTE OF WINE ON A16



SEPT. 23, 2011

Commission considers mosaic placement By Wehtahnah Tucker

As part of the public art community action plan, the city’s Arts Commission discussed a process to include the “Save The Ocean,” a.k.a. the “Surfing Madonna” mosaic Sept. 12. Mark Patterson, who created the mosaic and has received national attention for placing the artwork, without permission under the railroad crossing at Encinitas Boulevard in April, attended the meeting. “My goal is to get the mosaic placed at a location that’s big enough to hold the 10-foot panel, that’s accessible and close to the original location,” Patterson said after the meeting. Rather than placing the artwork on private property, Patterson chose an often-overlooked parcel of land leased to the city by the state on the northwest corner of Coast Highway 101 and Encinitas Boulevard. Patterson looks to loan

the art to the city, ensuring that he retains ownership of the art. There is no payment arrangement in the plan, Patterson said, but the Surfing Madonna Oceans Project, a nonprofit that he recently established, will fund the installation and maintenance. “My goal is to have all of the documents in place so it can be installed in June,” Patterson said. “The Entrance to Moonlight Beach is the perfect home for the ‘Surfing Madonna,’” Patterson said. Covered in native plants, the small patch of land would allow the mosaic to be visible in a highly populated area. “The whole point of the mosaic is save the ocean, so it makes sense to have it in that location,” Patterson said. “The save the ocean message is valid and the more prominent that it is, is important. Even if someone makes a shift in their actions that helps the ocean, then even better.” Patterson believes that we

are facing catastrophic species extinction in our lifetime. All of that went into his design of the “Surfing Madonna” and the placement of the “Save the Ocean” wording. “The cloak (on the Madonna) is pointing towards the ‘Save the Ocean’ wording, the wave is arcing onto the message as well. I was trying to be as subtle, yet as effective as possible on that message,” he said. Newly appointed Commissioner Georgia Schmid said there were benefits to installing the art but that there needs to be a list put into place so the payback is clarified. “I love the idea of art all over the city but what does the commission have to do with placing art on privately owned dwellings?” Commissioner Erica Bauxbaum asked. Commissioner Dody Crawford, who is the executive director of the Downtown Encinitas Mainstreet Association, referenced that group’s program to assist local

merchants with façade improvements as an analogy to the potential relationship between the city, artists and private property owners. Jim Gilliam, the city’s arts administrator, said that the plan was an ongoing effort and invited comments from the public and other commissioners. He also suggested that the city’s community grant program, which provides funding to local nonprofit organizations would allow for an individual collaborating with a selected group to receive a grant. “What I’ve been grateful for is all the notoriety. It helps me make sure that message is prominent,” Patterson said. He said there are private placement options for the artwork, but those present a host of challenges, including changes in ownership and possible foreclosure. “It gets complicated pretty quickly,” he said. “If it’s on long term loan to the city, it would be the best situation.”

PUNS AND FUN De Anza Daughters of the American Revolution will be entertained and enlightened by linguist and humorist Richard Lederer, entitled “Fabulous Facts about our American Presidents” at 10:30 a.m. Oct. 1 at the Rancho Santa Fe Golf Club. Known as Attila the Pun and Conan the Grammarian, Lederer also has a penchant for littleknown facts of American history. Reservations are required for the luncheon. Call Bettybob Williams at (858) 344-6233 or visit deanzadar.org. De Anza members reside in Cardiff, Carlsbad, Encinitas, Leucadia, Rancho Santa Fe, Solana Beach and other nearby areas. Chartered in Encinitas, the chapter meets in Rancho Santa Fe. Courtesy photo

How to save America now: Propose the two percent solution Every economist believes that it was the subprime mortgage scheme, coupled with the burgeoning housing market that got us into this mess.They all agree that it will take the stabilization of that sector of the economy to set the bedrock for recovery. On this tenth anniversary of the 9/11, it takes reflection to see how everything spiraled out of whack.We stood proud to be Americans. We were ready to take on all comers. We were one. What followed was our nation and Americans stacked up in fear waiting for the unknown. Waiting for the next big one sided battle. We wanted to get the enemy. But slowly, the enemy of us personally, one-on-one, was how it affected me/us. We went into a shell. 2002 was a dreadful year economically. I, as a Real Estate Broker,felt it first hand in every sector of the market. Many lost their entire savings.The economy was headed into the tank because no one was spending money. They didn’t know how to plan. The Administration called for Americans to come out of their fear shells and spend money. Live their lives. The Congress passed tax cuts to stimulate spending and entrepreneurial spirit. It worked on steroids when Congress got way too zealous. Following the 2000 presidential election, Congress was split 50-50. Nothing could get done. Lots of games were played. One huge game was to set up Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to be pawns to a securitization of mortgages. Historically, F&F only bought notes with 20 percent equity behind them, as it has turned out, at the taxpayers’ expense. The major banks were complicit in that they didn’t actually keep the loans they made but made big points off the subsequent owner of mortgages. When Wall Street saw that F&F would actually buy worthless notes, they took advantage of that historical 20 percent spread. A lot of people got rich fast.The byproduct was a spiraling real restate market that was high flying. The

JOE MORIS Baby Boomer Peace Administration tried to reign in F&F in 2004 but to no avail.The sentiment was from the left: “We’ll give you the funds to fight the war, but we’re going to take big spending and legislative mischief.” Especially mischievous were the banking committees in both the House and Senate and their ties to Wall Street and F&F. If you’re looking for the culprits behind the whole mess, look no further than to those who formed the legislation from those committees who were in charge. I don’t want to get into finger pointing. I’ll leave that up to your own investigations. Given the foregoing and as simplistic as possible, it is clear that everyone from the young upstart Shearson Brothers intern to the President of the United States was complicit in getting us to where we are right now. I watch as everyone is scratching their heads on how to fix this awful economy, with its malaise, uncertainty and under the table style of living. I know how to fix it. When I proposed the following, I was initially encouraged by Rep. Bilbray’s office. I was welcomed into Rep. Darrell Issa’s office,twice meeting with his local chief of staff. But,the idea/plan was looked at being too difficult to implement. On a side note, I am thrilled to have this mega-

phone to bring this proposal straight to the everyday man, woman and student. Let’s have North San Diego Coastal be the force that forces the implementation of this plan.This is a plan that will cure the American economy, and every nation’s economy instantly, and here it is: Congress, via Bilbray and/or Issa, should immediately move in favor of every mortgagee of Fannie and Freddie loans — home, apartment and commercial to: Immediately stay all foreclosures in process, starting with Fannie and Freddie; Freeze all loan balances where they currently are, including all back payments;

At mortgagees options, make all loans payable at two percent interest only for the next 10 years; Give every mortgagee a three-month moratorium on loan payments before commencement; Leave the market for all new loans alone. Let the free market dictate future rates; Remove all tax credits for mortgage interest and taxes, including commercial loans. The removal of tax credits should satisfy the far left and the first five points will satisfy the right and center. With such low monthly interest payments, for the majority of homeowners, the Standard Deduction

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will likely be most advantageous.The legislation shouldn’t be more than one page long. Implementation could be swift. I shouldn’t even have to explain the benefits. Foreclosures will cease, which will instantly stabilize the housing market. Homeowners would be able to rent their homes out if unemployed and likely receive cash flow. Homeowners that stay in their homes will find an instant

chunk of new disposable income. Most homeowners will breathe a sigh of relief knowing their lives have stability for at least the next ten years. Optimism will reign. Homeowners will pay down debt, buy cars, fix their homes, buy appliances, solar systems, pools, take vacations, go to the cleaners again and get their nails done. Doughnuts will be TURN TO BABY BOOMER ON A15


SEPT. 23, 2011


Sports bar nirvana, with decent eats JEAN GILLETTE Small Talk

Ah, to be young and a physicist I have this recurring nightmare that I am taking calculus in college and can’t begin to understand it. Having jettisoned my math efforts at Algebra II, this is reasonably terrifying. And it is why I will have to wait until my next life to have mad math and science skills and not be intimidated by beakers, formulas or theorems. In the meantime, I offer great gratitude to the likes of Stephen Hawking. Hawking is amazing in so many ways, but what I love best is his willingness to launch from theoretical physicist into sciencebased whimsy and speculation. He is comfortable imagining what just might be, if the right combination of scientific realities came together. I was glued to the TV during his “Universe” program, in awe over the animated visions of what creatures might grow and thrive on planets with different atmospheric makeups. A fabulous sense of wonder like that just knocks me out, especially in a scientist. Hawking has even dipped into science fiction, with his daughter Lucy, creating the children’s books “George’s Secret Key to the Universe” and a sequel, “George’s Cosmic Treasure Hunt.” Hawking’s a worldfamous scientist who’s a TURN TO SMALL TALK ON A16


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KYLE STOCK Coastal Cosmos

DAVID BOYLAN Lick the Plate In the interest of licking the plate at as wide a variety of dining establishments as possible, we recently ventured up Oceanside-way to explore Q’s Restaurant and Sports Bar. Having grown up in the Detroit area, with teams like 1984 World Series champion Tigers, the glory years of the “Bad Boys” Pistons, the yearly contention of the Red Wings, and even the annual frustrations the Lions provided, I am very in tune with congregating at a watering hole to catch a big game with friends. That holds true even more so in San Diego, where Detroit sports rarely make it to the national TV stage.They have also become a congregating spot for alumni groups cheering on their favorite college teams. I’ll be the first to admit that food has always been somewhat of an afterthought at sports bars, amounting to burgers and an assortment of deep fried munchies designed to feed alcoholfueled appetites. That seems to be changing lately, as evidenced by the effort Q’s is making with their menu, designed to elevate their game, so to speak, with several dishes and soups, all made

Look up and enjoy the Wonders of our Cosmos

GOOD CREW The super friendly crew at Q’s Sports Bar & Restaurant in Oceanside. Photo by David Boylan

from scratch. Their homemade soups include tortilla, meatball, broccoli cheese, and clam chowder. They also feature a soup of the day. Their chili is also homemade. They have Texas spaghetti, which consists of their hearty chili on a bed of pasta then baked with melted cheese on top. It’s very similar to the style Cincinnati has made famous with their Skyline and Gold Star chains. It really does make sense combining chili and pasta, and their portions are gigantic. I think it could easily serve two or possibly

three people, and the garlic toast served alongside of it makes it even more substantial. The garlic toast seems to come with quite a bit and it’s good stuff. Q’s appetizer selections are all under $10 and one of the standouts was the smoked chicken, black beans, corn, mixed cheese and spinach wrapped in a flour tortilla with avocado dressing. They also offer lettuce wraps, which are a nice light touch for a sports bar appetizer. There is an extensive salad section Q dinner salad,

a great all you can eat value bowl of soup and Q dinner salad combo, baby greens and chicken salad, grilled chicken Caesar, chopped Chinese chicken salad, turkey Cobb, crispy chicken Cobb, and Southwest BBQ Chicken salad all for under $9. The sandwich selection is extensive with 10 nice looking options, all for under $10. The same goes for the burger list with eight nice looking burgers coming in under $10 as well.We decided to split some TURN TO LICK THE PLATE ON A15

Fundraiser benefits Ranch youth soccer RANCHO SANTA FE — Rancho Santa Fe Youth Soccer will hold their HalfTime Event at the Rancho Santa Fe Sports Field Oct. 9 in support of fundraising efforts for scholarship players. The event will run from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and will offer numerous foods, activity and merchandise

booths, along with the tenth annual “Nothing But Fun” three-on-three Soccer Tournament. All is open to the public, and proceeds from the different booths will go to support fundraising efforts for scholarship players. The three-on-three soccer tournament is a fun event for players of all ages — no

need to sign up in advance. Just come out ready to play. Rancho Santa Fe Youth Soccer is a community based nonprofit organization that is run by a dedicated group of volunteers. The Club has been in existence for more than 30 years and is committed to providing a high quality youth

soccer program for children in Rancho Santa Fe and the surrounding area. By offering both recreational and competitive soccer programs we can meet the individual needs of each child in the community. For more information, visit rsfsoccer.com or call the office at (760) 479-1500.

Unique event lends support to foster teens RANCHO SANTA FE — Friends of San Pasqual Academy hosted a Team Penning Event that benefited the 150 foster teens of San Pasqual Academy. Chairpersons for Teens, Jeans and Dreams were Rancho Santa Fe residents, John and Gina Daley and Jeff and Jenna Daley.

Premiere Sponsors were Ken and Carole Markstein, Bill and Donna Herrick, Marc and Patty Brutten, Art and Catherine Nicholas and John and Gina Daley. Committee members for this event included Ann Boon, Teri Summerhays, Karen Ventura, Heidi Hollen, Joanie Spence, Kathy Lathrum, Dagmar

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Helgager, Monica Sheets, Lois Jones, Debby Syverson and Joan Scott. Many volunteers from Teen Volunteers In Action and National Charity League, along with other volunteers, assisted with this event. Karen Ventura organized a silent auction that generated much-needed funds for the foster students. “This was a very unique event that was fun for the riders, spectators and supporters of our foster teens at San Pasqual Academy,” said Karen Ventura, a volunteer for Friends of San Pasqual

Academy. “With 150 foster students, the needs are great. It is wonderful that we can host such a special and exciting event that will support the activities and the needs of these deserving foster students.” Friends of San Pasqual Academy is a nonprofit 501(c) (3) organization that enriches the lives of foster teens of San Pasqual Academy. For more information, call (858) 759-3298 or visit friendsofsanpasqualacademy.org. Donations may also be sent to P.O. Box 8202, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067.

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Homo sapiens have been astronomers since they first looked up into the nighttime sky and wondered about its contents. For thousands of years, ancient cultures built monuments and mythologies around the night sky.Today, technology facilitates a deeper understanding of the Cosmos. Billion dollar telescopes orbit the Earth, colossal telescopes adorn mountaintops in remote locations and backyard astronomy is an increasingly popular hobby. Astronomy is the study of celestial objects and phenomena that rise beyond the Earth’s atmosphere. You do not need $5,000 worth of telescope equipment or an astrophysics degree to enjoy stargazing. All you need are open eyes and a curious brain. The moon, five planets, various deep sky objects and thousands of stars are available for observation with the unaided eye. Smart phone apps and printable star charts are widely available to assist in getting acquainted with the night sky. Galileo first used telescopes in the 17th century. Today, there is a wide range of telescopes available for the backyard astronomer. Currently, I observe with an 8-inch Dobsonian telescope (a simple design utilizing an 8-inch primary mirror, reflecting light into a secondary mirror, through an eyepiece and into my imagination). This is a great beginner-intermediate scope, providing stunning views of the moon, planets, double stars, nebula, star clusters and galaxies. As fall arrives, two of the best objects for backyard stargazing include Jupiter and the moon. Jupiter is currently rising in the east around 9:00 p.m. and is the brightest object in the sky until the brightest star, Sirius, rises in the constellation Canis Major into winter. Through binoculars, Jupiter appears with the four Galilean moons, lined up in orbit. Through even a moderate telescope, Jupiter appears with striped equatorial storm bands and possible big red spot sightings. Saturn is currently visible on the western horizon at sunset, but quickly follows the sun into the ocean. The moon is a remarkable object, orbiting Earth 250,000 miles away. The only other celestial object to host humans, Luna starts TURN TO COSMOS ON A19

SEPT. 23, 2011





SEPT. 23, 2011

SEPT. 23, 2011




How to clean your own sheer curtains Dear Sara: I have some custom sheer drapery that came with the house. I can take it down, but dry cleaning is recommended. I would rather use the money for another project. Can you suggest a way to clean the sheers that does NOT require professional dry cleaning? — mfedor, forums Dear mfedor: There should be a care label on them. If you’re afraid that they’re too old to withstand the washing machine even on soak and gentle rinse (you can place them in a pillowcase or mesh laundry bag), then I’d soak them in your bathtub with Woolite and water. Drain the water from the tub, refill with cold water and drain again. Recruit a helper and gently raise the curtains, then hang them on your shower rod to remove excess water. While they're still damp, hang them back on your curtain rods to prevent wrinkles and to let them dry the rest of the way.A sunny, breezy day works best for outdoor drying. Any remaining wrinkles can be cautiously steamed with a hand steamer. Dear Sara: I was really interested to try roasting my own coffee beans, but I’ve yet to find an inexpensive site online to purchase the raw beans. Any suggestions? — Paula, email Dear Paula: You can order green coffee beans from many sources online, such as sweetmarias.com, deansbeans.com/coffee/products/ho me_roasting.html, coffeebeancorral.com or breworganic.com. Consider buying a sampler pack so you

SEPT. 23, 2011


SARA NOEL Frugal Living can try a few different types. You can buy a roaster if you’re inclined to invest in one, or simply use a popcorn popper such as an old West Bend Poppery II. For a tutorial visit: frugalvillage.com/2007/12/27/g ourmet-coffee-on-the-cheap. Dear Sara: There are lovely squirrels in my front yard pecan trees. They are actually opening the nuts and hoarding the pecans, leaving nut pieces on my front sidewalk. How do I stop these little critters from eating my precious pecans? — Gueradia, forums Dear Gueradia: You can net the entire tree.You have to make it hard for squirrels to access, so trim branches away from any nearby structures (roofs, fences, wires) that they’re able to jump from.You could use a humane trap (have a heart) and relocate and release them. I suppose if you’re handy, you could create some sort of barrier with metal or aluminum to go around the tree trunk. Do you have a dog? That might help deter them. Consider planting prickly shrubs around the base of the tree, too.

Sara Noel is the owner of Frugal Village (www.frugalvillage.com), a Web site that offers practical, moneysaving strategies for everyday living. To send tips, comments or questions, e-mail sara@frugalvillage.com.

Peace Pies celebrates second restaurant By Lillian Cox

In response to popular demand, Peace Pies of Ocean Beach has opened a second raw foods restaurant at 133 Daphne St. near Coast Highway in the space previously occupied by The Greenery Raw Food Café. “Many visitors to our O.B. café asked us to open a restaurant up here,” explained owner J.P. Alfred. “They’d say, ‘North County is a great community that focuses on health.’” Since the Sept. 6 opening, the buzz has been positive, with Peace Pies drawing from The Greenery’s loyal client following as well as new customers introduced to their signature cuisine at the Herb Festival at San Diego Botanic Gardens. T.J. Rattray, manager of the Leucadia cafe, began collaborating with Alfred when they worked at the Ocean Beach People’s Food Co-op. “We are constantly coming up with new menu items, trying new ingredients and new ways of doing things,” he said. “We use quality ingredients from local organic farmers including Suzie’s Farm, Imperial Beach; Sage Mountain Farm, Agunga; and J.R. Organics, Escondido. He added, “We do trades with them — we get unprepared food, and they get prepared food.” Peace Pies’ menu includes appetizers such as falafel, kale chips and flax crackers with nut “cheese.” There are also mock tuna wraps, veggie nori rolls and “Peace Pizza.” Alfred’s personal favorites include tabouleh, rawvioli (pasta made of thinly-sliced jicama) and kale salad (kale, carrots, golden beets, bell pep-

THAT’S AMORE "Peace Pizza" is made entirely of raw foods: flaxseed and zucchini crust; cashew-based cheese; organic greens and sprouts topped with a layer of marinated vegetables. Photos by Lillian Cox

pers, sprouts and lemon-garlic dressing). “I’ve found that the kale salad is very ‘grounding,’” he explained. “If I’m really hungry, a bowl sets me straight.” Alfred was raised in Wakefield, R.I. on a “standard American diet.” “I was lactose intolerant and hated fish,” he said. “I ended up being a vegetarian by default around the age of 12 or 13, but went back and forth.” At the age of 14, he began working in the kitchens of traditional Italian, Mexican and seafood restaurants. He got a break when he was hired at 21 to work in the vegan deli at People’s Co-op. “They granted me a lot of freedom,” he said.“I developed many recipes by altering traditional recipes adapted to vegetarian diet, and again to a vegan diet.” He added: “I really liked adapting vegan to raw food. I never feel weighed down, and always have plenty of energy.” Alfred explained that raw food is growing in popularity because of its detoxifying benefits. “Any time you add heat to raw foods, the natural chemi-


J.P. Alfred initially started Peace Pies in 2006, selling his raw food dishes at local farmers markets. He opened his first restaurant in Ocean Beach in January 2008. His second restaurant located at 133 Daphne St. near Coast Highway in Leucadia debuted Sept. 6.

cals change,” he said. “When you eat food in its natural, raw state your body is able to break it down in an efficient, positive way.” Alfred initially started Peace Pies in 2006, selling his raw food dishes at local farmers markets. He opened his first restaurant in Ocean Beach in January 2008. Despite the recession, business continues to be good. “We deal with many people who have allergies,” he said.“There are also a growing number of people with diseases like Celiac. They don’t have many other options except a wheat- and glutenfree diet.” For lighter fare, cus-

tomers can enjoy green smoothies, Ginger Nize (made in Ocean Beach), Hemp “Mylk” and Kombucha (fermented tea). There are also daily specials. Prices range from $5 to $10 per item. With the cooler weather upon us, Alfred has developed “comfort food” specialties that include raw cinnamon rolls, almond butter bars, and coconut crème pie. The crème is made with young coconut meat and cashews. “We do a ton of pumpkin pies at Thanksgiving and Christmas,” he added. Alfred also crafts lavish, multi-tiered wedding cakes


Who Robbed You?” In August, 400-pound Eric Kenley, 48, won a new trial for his two New York City robbery convictions after appeals court judges realized that the police lineup that identified him was unfair, in that he was apparently much fatter than the other men in his lineup. The police had attempted to compensate by using largerthan-average men and by presenting them all seated, to minimize the weight difference. — Obviously intense about potential child-trafficking, the government of Quebec, Canada, requires strict proof of a live birth, certified by a doctor or licensed midwife. However, the waiting list to hire either one is


Madrid’s Getafe soccer club, struggling for customers, check, in that it was erro- startled Spain this summer by neously made out to “Roy commissioning a porn movie, Dirksen”). with zombies, hoping to attract more fans. As if that were not quixotic enough, it then tied the movie to a campaign to solicit sperm-bank donations. Explained the film’s producer, Angel Torres, “We have to move a mass of fans to seed the world with Getafe supporters.” A promo for the film follows a Getafe fan, armed with a copy of the movie for his viewing pleasure, as he disappears into a clinic's private cubicle to fulfill his donation.

Unclear on the Concept


— “Do You See the Blimp





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League celebrates with Parrot Heads The San Diego Parrot Head Club will celebrate its annual anniversary party Sept. 24 at Campland on the Bay in San Diego, 2211 Pacific Beach Dr. Last year, Assistance League North Coast (ALNC) was a recipient of $12,000 from the event. The donation was used to support programs for children and low-income families in Oceanside, Carlsbad and Vista. Because both organizations support family projects in the San

Diego area and share commons missions, ALNC has offered to support the Parrot Heads this year by volunteering to work at the event. The public is invited to the event which hosts the music of Jimmy Buffet, live bands performing throughout the day and evening, a silent auction and raffles. With a $25 wristband, enjoy tropical rock music from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Beer, wine, soft drinks and food will be available.

Bow Wow brunch On Oct. 2, Hornblower Cruises hosts the third annual Bow Wow Brunch Cruise to raise funds for Helen Woodward Animal Center. Boarding begins at 11 a.m. for this once-a-year opportunity for your “best friend” to join you on a twohour cruise on the San Diego Bay. The Bow Wow Brunch Cruise features a full brunch buffet and free-flowing cham-

pagne for two-legged guests, as well as “doggie bags,” cold water and a dog relief area on the sun deck for our fourlegged sailors. Tickets are $73.95 for adults, $71.95 for seniors/military and $47.95 for children ages 4 to 12.Dogs and children under 3 are free. For reservations, visit hornblower.com or call (619) 686-8715 for details.

Guild to host exclusive talk RANCHO SANTA FE — The Rancho Santa Fe Library Friends of the Library Guild is hosting a special membersonly authors talk with Shilp Gowda Sept. 23 at a private residence. Gowda will speak

about her national bestselling novel “Secret Daughter.” Those interested in attending may become a guild member by registering online at rsflibraryguild.org.


banks to follow the Fannie and Freddie mandate. The banks should follow voluntarily after the directive to F&F. If they don’t, then part of the legislation would be that F&F buy every mortgage from lenders not willing to participate voluntarily. This simple plan, literally on page of legislation, will magically transform our economy. It should be implemented immediately. If you agree, please do me a favor and call Rep. Bilbray’s office at (858) 350-1150, or Rep. Issa’s office at (760) 599-5000 and say you support the two percent solution. Everyone wins! You can give me feedback at joe@coastalcountry.net. I’d love to hear you take on this, too.


eaten. Entrepreneurial spirits will soar. Governments will prosper due to the increase in tax receipts due to the speed of money. Oddly enough, even the bank will prosper. No more toxic loans, no more foreclosures and stability in values and an increase in lending to homebuilders. The major banks’ portfolios of home loans are only 28 percent. The reduction they take in lowered mortgage payment receipts should not be catastrophic to their bottom line.They got us into this, they can get us out of it. In reality, in the near long term, it would actually be beneficial for all


ribs with our Texas spaghetti — a good choice, as they were fall-off-the-bone tender. The half rack was $15.99 and the full rack $22.99. The menu really goes all over the place with sections devoted to Mexican, wraps, pasta, fish and chips, and full dinner entrees. The full rack of ribs were the only dish I saw over $20, with most of the dishes being offered in the $12-$16 range, including a $17.99 rib eye, which is a great value. After our rib and Texas spaghetti fest, dessert did not even seem like a remote possibility, though they do offer a nice mix of great looking sweets. The night we were at Q’s, Karaoke was in full swing and there were some serious participants. The place filled up on a Tuesday night with singers and a “Glee” type



SEPT. 23, 2011

crowd made for a nice mix, as there wasn’t anything really compelling on the plethora of TVs. I should note that Q’s really does broadcast just about every sport out there, including all of the major UFC fights. The proprietors, Steve James and Julia Shriver are down-to-earth people with a passion for sports. Steve knew all about Detroit sports and I’m sure he could have that same conversation with any customer from any sports market in the country. That’s called knowing your audience, and they do it well at Q’s. Location,hours,and entertainment lineup can be found at theqrestaurantandsportsbar.c om. David Boylan is the founder of Artichoke Creative, an Encinitas based integrated marketing agency. He can be reached at david@artichoke-creative.com.


Items on this page are paid for by the provider of the article. If you would like an article on this page, please call Chris Kydd at (760) 436-9737, ext. 110.

What you should know about market corrections There is no way around it — markets generally move in cycles! Although the past is no guarantee of the future, historically, the stock market has spent more time on bullish advances than on bearish retreats, which are why stocks have been considered a good investment over the years — the market also tends to retrench more than the average investor would like to think about. The traditional definition of a bear market is a 20 percent or greater decline in stock prices as measured by the Dow Jones Industrial Average or other relevant index. A full-fledged bear market can persist for many months or, in rare cases, years. Government and securities-industry officials are constantly learning from their experiences with previous declines. Regulations established in the wake of the 1929-1932 bear market have helped prevent another decline of similar magnitude. Margin requirements were raised from 10 percent to 50 percent to prevent investors from becoming excessively leveraged (indebted) the way many were in the months leading up to the 1929 crash. More refinements were introduced after the 1987 cor-

rection, including our current system of circuit-breakers. In theory, these circuit breakers would stretch out a decline over several days rather than allow it to gain momentum immediately. In the 1930s, the Cowles Commission, formed to guide investors through the aftermath of the 1929 crash, came up with five essential rules for successful investing, which are still applicable today: Invest for the long term. While the stock market can be risky over the short term, risk decreases as your investment time horizon lengthens. A good rule of thumb is that stock and bond investments should be funded with money you won’t need for at least five years. Some investors hope to improve their returns by selling a portion of their holdings just before a correction. Such “market timing” is something that even professional investors find difficult to do well with any consistency and is not recommended for the average investor. Aside from the very real difficulty of identifying the end of one market phase and the beginning of a new one, the basic emotions of greed and fear work strongly against those who attempt market timing,

constantly tempting them to overstay their positions in a bull market and to remain on the sidelines for too long in a bear market. Invest systematically. One way to avoid the timing dilemma is to use a simple strategy called dollar-cost averaging – the practice of investing a fixed amount of money in a particular investment at regular intervals. Because the amount invested remains constant, the investor buys more shares when the price is low and fewer shares when the price is high. This means that the average cost per share tends to be lower than the average market value of the investment over the same period. Diversify investments. When people think about investing their money, they probably envision themselves comparing the merits of various investments. But before they get to that step, there is a more basic decision to make: asset allocation. Asset allocation is the percentage of investment funds an investor allocates among asset classes such as stocks, fixed income, cash equivalents, and tangibles/real estate. Buy quality. Periodically, investors become enamored with initial public offerings

(IPOs). For those who know how to invest in them and understand the risks, IPOs can be an appropriate investment. By definition, however, IPOs involve companies whose stocks are untested in public trading. The average investor should approach this arena with extreme caution and commit no more than a small percentage of investment capital to it. At the other end of the spectrum are the many companies with histories of consistent sales and earnings growth. Get professional advice. Each investor brings a different outlook and level of sophistication to the markets. Most investors can benefit from some degree of professional input. Whether that means professional research on individual securities, advice on asset allocation, or entrusting money to professional portfolio managers, investment professionals are great resources for helping investors achieve their financial goals. This article was written by Wells Fargo Advisors and provided courtesy of the Foster-Hill Financial Group of Wells Fargo Advisors LLC in Rancho Bernardo, San Diego, fosterhillgroup.wfadv.com or call (858) 674-3708.

The perfect diet: It’s easy, it’s good, and it works What if you could lose unwanted, unhealthy weight fast, safely and easily? There was a diet that actually gave you energy instead of depleting it? You found a diet that was affordable, accessible and actually allowed you to eat food you would not think you could eat on a diet? There were no pills, no shots and no cravings involved? A diet that truly fit your life AND your lifestyle? No, you’re not in wonderland. This program actually exists and is offered and supervised by the accredited healthcare professionals at Just Skin in Encinitas. The weight loss method offered at Just Skin Medical Spa is a quick and healthy protocol with proven, long-lasting results. Their pre-packaged gourmet protein foods – originally created by a team of doctors, scientists and a French Chef – taste as good as they are good for you. Unlike other programs and yo-yo diets where you lose muscle mass as well as fat, Just Skin’s program actually protects your muscle mass. This alkaline diet is designed to allow your body to absorb the nutrients it needs to boost your metabolism, regulate insulin levels and set you up for success in maintaining your goal weight once you’ve achieved it. The body has three sources of energy: (1) carbohydrates are always burned first followed by (2) protein and (3) lipids (fats). Once the body has depleted its carbohydrate reserves, it will simultaneously draw on its protein and fat reserves for energy. Just Skin’s

have tried everything and nothing has ever worked for me until I found Just Skin. I lost 30 lbs. in no time and haven’t gained the weight back. That is an awesome feeling!”



weight loss system will help maintain lean muscle mass and force the body to turn its fat reserves into energy. And that’s not all! This program’s fat-targeting approach supports cellulite reduction. It’s designed to

locate and shrink fat cells all over the body. Your cellulite is easily isolated and is just one of the areas you’ll experience rapid improvement. Your skin will benefit too. Proteins are essential for growth and repair of all cells – especially skin cells. With this comprehensive weight loss system, your skin, hair and nails will get the vital nutrients they need to look and feel their best. Let’s face it. Anyone who’s ever struggled with their weight due to injury, illness, poor nutrition, depression or the countless other reasons that contribute to the problem knows how difficult it is to find a diet that actually works. And if you do find one that “works”, it’s too stringent, too limiting or just tastes too bad to maintain consistently. You feel deprived

and run down when you’re on them, and worse when you find yourself cheating. Worst of all, most of these “miracle diets” just put you right back on that relentless roller coaster of plumping up again as soon as you quit. There’s a better way! Isn’t it time to try a healthy, nutritious, great-tasting weight loss solution that will get you the results you need and make it easy for you to sustain them? Just Skin’s diet program can help you feel better, stronger and lighter than you have in years. It WILL be the best, last and only diet you’ll ever need. For more information on this proven diet program, please contact Just Skin at 760942-2991 or visit them online at justskininc.com.


SEPT. 23, 2011

RANCHO SANTA FE NEWS possibility of other living things in our so very vast universe. I adore that he came up with creatures that dine by sucking minerals from the dry ground or ones that evolve in a world of freezing liquid nitrogen. The floating beings on the gas-based plan-

ets were perhaps my favorites. His attitude backs my support of space exploration. It is absolutely the only thing that makes me want to live to 150. Maybe, just maybe if we get out there far enough, we will bump into some of our

cosmic neighbors, and won’t that be extraordinary? I have always believed we Earthlings would really benefit from a peaceful encounter of the third kind. I think it would put things into perspective and bring a lot of us down off our high horses.

It’s enough to make me go back and take chemistry… almost.

$22. A Rhone Valley grape, Paso Robles Sept. 30 at that’s finally unleashed. 6:30pm. Call (858) 780-9463 Truly delicious; thornton- for pricing. tured Merlot. Soft, integrated wine.com — “Sons of Italy” and tannins; pedroncelli.com. other organizations bring — Sterling Vineyards Wine Bytes you La Dolce Vita Italian Meritage, Napa Valley, CA, — VINZ Wine Bar in Festival in Laguna Niguel 2007. $30. Black cherry Escondido now has Sunday Sept. 30, 5 to 10 p.m. and Oct. and toasty oak spike up the and Monday entertainment 1, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Free Cabernet, Merlot, Cab Franc, as well as Friday and entertainment, dancing, Malbec and Petit Verdot. Saturday. For an RSVP call cooking demos and shuttle to Layers of flavor; sterlingvine- (760) 743-8466. bocce. See more at ladolyards.com. — Alternative Wines in cevitafestival.com, or call — Thornton Mourvedre, Carmel Valley presents (949) 340-5770. Temecula Valley, CA, 2010. Tablas Creek Vineyard of — Lobster 2011 is Sat.

Oct. 1 from 6 to 9pm at Meritage Wine Market in Encinitas. It’s an old-fashioned lobster boil with Maine Lobsters. $100 Presale only. Call (760) 479-2500. — The RB Tasting Festival is at Bernardo Winery Oct. 2 from noon to 4 p.m. Enjoy music, art, food and beer and wine. $15 per person; $25 for two, in advance. Free logo glass. Call (858) 663-4852. — A Fall Harvest Wine

Dinner is planned at Bistro West Carlsbad, Oct. 4 at 6:30 p.m. Cost is $55. Reception, dessert and a three-course dinner with four top wines makes it a must.

“Our programs budget has been cut 83 percent by the County of San Diego since 2009,” Liu said. “In addition, they have cut our book buying and periodical budgets severely.“ What the guild needs are new members, which will help them provide materials and services the community has

come to expect, Liu said. “To continue what we do we need community support.” Appleby said. Dewey said most of the original members have passed and there is a need for new members to pick up the torch. “People say, I have a library card, doesn’t that make me a member of the guild,”

said Appleby. The answer is “no.” To join the guild as an individual, the cost is $50 a year. For a family it is $100 a year and for the benefactor level, $500 and up from there. Other than supporting the library, there are perks for the members such as the “members only,” talks by famous

authors like Shilpi Gowda, a local best-selling author of “Secret Daughter,“ on Sept. 23. Another special event is an evening with David Prybil, author of “Golden State,” at 6 p.m. on Oct. 14. To learn more about the Rancho Santa Fe Library Guild call (858) 756-4780 or visit rsflibraryguild.org.

Each candidate had previously filled out an extensive application that was viewed by the board. Seltzer, who is employed in a family owned food and beverage additive business, said he and his wife moved from Carlsbad back to Rancho Santa Fe when it was time for their children to start school. “Once we had kids we

decided it was time to give up the ocean view,” he said. He said he would have the freedom and flexibility to give to the job of school board member. Jim Depolo, a board member who himself was appointed more than 10 years ago, asked the others to stay involved in the operation of the school.

“I hope no one walks away disappointed. “You are all involved in the school and we are lucky to have you as parents and supporters.” School Board President Richard Burdge said no one should leave the meeting feel-

ing like they lost. “We had six very qualified applications on only one spot,” he said. He urged anyone who was interested to go ahead and run for election in Nov. 2012.


approached an 18-year-old woman and handcuffed her to himself. After her screams brought others to come help her, Dean explained that he had been trying for several months to get the woman to go out with him but that she had so far refused. — A New York Times obituary for former lead singer Jani Lane of the heavy metal band Warrant revealed that Mr. Lane’s birth name (he was born a year after Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated President John F. Kennedy) was John Kennedy Oswald. Rebellious musicians (Warrant’s debut album was “Dirty Rotten Filthy Stinking Rich”) often adopt provocative stage names to enhance their image, but Mr. Lane must be one of the very few to have abandoned a provocative birth name in favor of a bland one.



doting dad and storyteller, too. How cool is that? I love anyone who can be solidly based in facts and still have a mind so open that it gives a nod to the absolute




has reduced financial support while the guild tries to take up the slack. “The county as cut way back,” said Virginia Dewey, a volunteers since 1979. “We could be doing better,” said Appleby.


psychologist with a focus on children, has five children in the school. “I’ll be here until 2025,” she said. Robert Jaffe said “I am not coming in with an agenda,” and he acknowledged there would be a learning curve if he were chosen.


long, and Heather Mattingsly went with an unlicensed midwife, whose word the Directeur de l'etat civil declined to accept. Four months after the birth, the agency ordered Mattingsly to submit to a vaginal examination. After “calls from the media” (according to a Montreal Gazette report) persuaded the agency that such an exam was useless, it finally agreed, on Aug. 26, to grant a birth certificate if Mattingsly submitted a doctor-certified copy of her pre-birth ultrasound. — You’re Doing It Wrong: Jason Dean, 24, was arrested in Ringgold, Ga., in August and charged with false imprisonment after he waited in the parking lot of a Taco Bell,


from non-golf club members. “We have community and regular meetings and there is no charge to us,” said Pete Smith, Association manager. The last major work was done in 2007 as part of the clubhouse renovation project. Most of the damaged areas are from water erosion or by invading roots for the large trees growing adjacent to the parking lot. As part of this project, the damaging roots will be removed. Because of the deterioration by nature and wear and tear, areas of the golf club parking lot needs repair and the rest of the lot needs seal coating and restriping. To prolong the life of the asphalt, experts recommend that it be seal coated every two to four years, a report to the

Jean Gillette is a freelance writer who hopes to find poets among the stars. Contact her at jgillette@coastnewsgroup.com.

Frank Mangio is a renowned wine connoisseur certified by Wine Spectator. His library can be viewed at www.tasteofwinetv.com. (Average Google certified 900 visits per day) He is one of the top five wine commentators on the Web. Reach him at mangiompc@aol.com.

board said. Over the years the parking facilities of the golf club have been repaired, seal coated and striped as necessary. Five bids were obtained for the work. George W. Weir Asphalt Construction presented the best proposal in the amount of $43,772. This would include repairing, seal coating and re-striping the tennis club as well.The approved golf club capital budget has $40,517 allocated for the project, which did not include the tennis club portion. There is $47,048 in the golf club reserve fund for this project. “It is important that the golf club’s driveways and parking lots are well-maintained as they give our members and their guests a first and last impression of two of the most important assets of the Rancho Santa Fe Covenant,” the report said.



using raw food. Flavors are available in chocolate, carrot and orange passion fruit. Young coconut is the key ingredient in the icing as well as the flour, which, along with dates, are used to make the cake. Currently, Peace Pies is open Tuesday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.Alfred has plans to eventually extend the hours into the evening. Dogs are welcomed on the patio. Alfred has also begun booking special events. The lineup so far includes a talk by author and motivational speaker Barry Koral, international raw fruit broker and distributor, and owner Koral Tropical Fruit Farm in Vista; and a Raw Meetup Group. For more information call (760) 479-0996 or visit peacepies.com.



were impressed, handing out scores of 10 to the veteran poet. Jim Babwe, a local veteran of poetry slams, provided some levity with his poem about the marital crisis between a proctologist and a gastroenterologist. Needless to say, the language was not for the squeamish. The Full Moon Poets Society hosted the biannual event with sponsorship from several local businesses. Another poetry slam will be held in the winter. There were three elimination rounds going from 19 poets to eight, with the final three contestants battling for the top spot. Prize money collected from the audience went to the winner. “I like the fact that you never know what you’re going to get when you come to these slams,” said Petra Morgan, a local resident. “Some years are better than others and these guys are on tonight.” The competition is now in its 12th year and has developed a reputation as a “must-do” slam among local poets while also drawing bards from outside the county. The free event packed the theater with approximately 400 people. “Not bad for a Sunday night,” said Peter Berg, who was attending his second slam. “These people really go all out in a venue that can be intimidating,” he said. “I wouldn’t want to be on that stage.” For more information, visit fullmoonpoets.org.



the golf course,” she said. “It is a critical issue for us going forward,” said Jack Queen, director. Also at the Sept. 15 meeting, the board went electronic with each member having his or her own iPad. “It is a way to disseminate more information and improve the openness of the meetings,” Smith said.


SEPT. 23, 2011


As Mr. Allen said, ‘The heart wants what the heart wants’ MACHEL PENN SHULL Machel’s Ranch What happens when friends stop being friends? I’m sure you have experienced that one wonderful relationship that suddenly goes sour and your phone stops ringing. What’s funny about friends not being friends anymore is that, when you break up with a man you can rationalize it.A woman can find reasons why and make a checklist and then lick the wounds. But with friends? Well, that’s an entirely different hurt all together. I recently had a dream where I was in church and there she was! The friend that left me, sitting with a new group of “moms’’ in the back pews.Wow, what a blow. Left for a church and fat moms in sweats. I guess sometimes life can split you with those you like the best. There can be no reason; there will be no warning and you will be left to figure out,“What happened? Was it me?” So, how does the heart recover when a friendship ends? If love can be broken, if trust has been broken, is it possible for friends to find their way back to each other? My answer: “Yes.” If you love someone,and the friendship is worth fighting for, don’t give up. Tell your friend you love them and that you are sorry for whatever you might have done wrong. Take responsibility for your actions. Woody Allen once said, “The heart wants what the heart wants.”The same applies for friends.We may never know why they mean so much to us. However, when that person you missed comes back, it feels like an unexpected gift. The sun will come out and you will remember the good times. Remember, some friends are worth fighting for, as for that one sitting in the back pew? Well, I do believe that is an entirely different story for next time…

AROUND TOWN On Sept.2, Michael and Elaine Gallagher invited some close friends, family and colleagues to their End of the Summer Del Mar Race Track party. I must admit that was my first time back to the track in ages. Due to a busy schedule with my husband’s business reopening this year after the Witch Creek Fires, my social scene has pretty much been looking at fruit, vegetables and more fruit. No complaints. But you can surmise by the last statement that I was an enthusiastic wife and friend thrilled to make it to Elaine and Michael’s wonderful party. I only managed to knock off a saucer or two on the coffee table in the fancy suite up on the fifth floor. (Yes, I did do that, and I was making a joke about it.) I am sharing this photo of just Elaine and I because it captures why ‘two blondes’ are better than one. Thanks Elaine and Michael for helping back out into the world again. On Sept. 8, while the world was gearing up for the

CHARITY SHOES Ladies mingled and enjoyed “Wine, Women and SUPER MOMS Kerrie Lunsford, right, Allison Stratton and Sharon Krug at “Back To School Night” at Roger Shoes” at the Scripps Charity Event in Rancho Santa Fe. Courtesy photo Rowe Elementary. Courtesy photo

10-year anniversary of Sept.11, Southern California experienced what the world would be like without electricity. If you were out in the madness and trying to get home that day, then you know it was actually very scary out there. People were stranded; no gas, no bankcards, no technology and those poor victims stuck in elevators downtown! After my almost two hour drive that normally takes only 25 minutes, I finally pulled up to Lemon Twist. Guess what I did? I started stocking up for the worst — a mother preparing for battle. Well, I had glimmers of that 1983 movie called “The Day After.” This was a movie about what happens the next day after nuclear war hits.Very frightening. Luckily, San Diego returned to sanity.The next day I quickly ran out and bought am/fm radio headsets for all of my friends at The Dollar Tree. (The things we do when we are in survival mode.) Later that day, Ranch resident Neysa Whiteman hosted the Scripps Charity Event “Wine,Women & Shoes” at her lovely estate in Rancho Santa Fe. I do believe there was quite a buzz on this party for a couple of weeks around town. I even received phone calls just making sure I would be there. Due to school starting that week and an insurmountable new line-up of homework, I couldn’t make it. However, here is a picture of Neysa Whiteman with a few of her guests from that day — lovely ladies out in style under the eucalyptus trees for charity. Thanks for sharing the photo with me. On Sept. 9, I noticed these new beautiful cards on display down at Lemon Twist Fruit Stand. You may not know this, but I absolutely love art, painters and beautiful water color greeting cards! When my husband told me that the artist was Ranch Realtor, Laureen Weaver, I must admit I was very impressed and excited. Laureen failed to mention to me (being humble I am sure!) about her amazing gift and that she is an excellent artist. Painting is not easy, especially with watercolors. Her cards are of scenic views of Rancho Santa Fe and other picturesque paintings that make beautiful gifts for anyone.

GREETING CARDS Local Artist and Real Estate Agent Laureen BIRTHDAY LOVE Katie Shull, left, celebrates her birthday with her Weaver is a gifted painter. She is also a member of the Rancho Santa loved ones over Labor Day. Featured here with her youngest daughter, Fe Art Guild. Lemon Twist Fruit Stand across from Cielo is now carrying Juliette. Katie is the owner of Lemon Twist, and Juliette worked there this summer. Photo by Machel Penn Shull her greeting cards.. Photo by Machel Penn Shull

BLACK-OUT Sept. 8, 2011 is a day many Southern Californians will remember for the hours and exactly how much gas they had in their fuel tanks, when the power went out. Photo by Machel Penn Shull

Here is Laureen’s website: thebrokenbrush.com. You can also find them at Lemon Twist, at 8175 Del Dios Highway. Another important note, Laureen is also a member of the Rancho Santa Fe Art Guild. On Sept.15, parents were invited to Back To School Night at Roger Rowe. I managed to squeeze in my son’s sixth grade class just in time to hear all of the wonderful things they are learning about this year. The classrooms are just luxurious there. Wow, how

impressive…and so are the teachers, the staff and the room aids that help out so much. Here is a gorgeous photo of Kerrie Lunsford, Allison Stratton and Sharon Krug, whom are all moms of sixth grade students. Kerrie is just one of the many Room Moms that donates her time to make our children’s lives more organized and special at school.Thanks, Kerrie! If you have a fun event you would like Machel Penn to cover, contact her at mpenn@coastnewsgroup.com.

BLONDE AMBITION Elaine Gallagher, right, and Machel Penn Shull at the last Friday at the Del Mar Races. Photo by Machel Penn Shull



The bed and breakfast sits over a small river which once powered the giant millstone that still sits outside the bedroom doors of the first-level apartment. Photo by Jerry Ondash



traditional High Holiday Services at the Carlsbad Hilton Garden Inn. Tickets are $75 for adults. Children, full-time students and active military (plus spouse) are available at no charge. To purchase tickets and to see the complete High Holiday schedule, visit bnaitikvahsd.com or call (760) 757-9770.

SEPT. 29 OPEN HOUSE An open house event will be held from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Sept. 29, in the Del Mar City Hall Annex, 235 11th St., regard-



or an idea. She would always do research, talk to people. She didn’t claim credit for it, but was often a support vehicle in that she would get the right people in the right places to come together, and then she would step back and

SEPT. 23, 2011


with your brain for a long time. As for the people…well, we know the French have a reputation for snootiness, detachment and/or rudeness — whatever you want to call it — but if that reputation is valid (and I don’t believe it is in most instances), it’s probably Parisians that deserve the rap. The people of ing two city projects to Improve drainage. The event will provide information on the Court Street to 28th Street Drainage Channel Improvements and the San Dieguito Road Drainage Improvements.

SEPT. 30 JUST SCREAM The 14th annual Scream Zone opens Sept. 30 at the Del Mar Fairgrounds, Friday through Sunday, Sept. 30 through Oct. 2; Thursday through Sunday, Oct. 6 through Oct. 9 and Oct. 13 through Oct. 16; then every night, Oct. 20, through Oct. 31. Hours are 7 p.m. to midnight

get out of the way.” Councilwoman Teresa Barth, who often voted in alignment with Houlihan, said her colleague will be missed. “Maggie and I always felt that a diversity of opinion and a place to air them in a civil fashion would lead to a better result,” Barth said. “I think that’s the thing that I’m going

Fridays and Saturdays, and 7 to 11 p.m. other days.Admission runs from $27.99 to $14.99. For more information, visit thescreamzone.com. THE GIFT “It’s Why We’re Here” will have an encore showing at 7 p.m. Sept. 30, with a post-screening discussion with Executive Producer Rick Mars, at Seaside Center for Spiritual Living in Encinitas. Cost is $10. The film features the Dalai Lama, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and more. For tickets and information, visit seasidecenter.org or (760) 753-5786, ext. 851.

OCT. 1

to miss the most. That desire for superior dialogue, which was Maggie’s favorite word, not only at the council level but with the community.” Thompson said Houlihan moved at a brisk pace to serve the community. “She pursued all of her interests in the same capacity. Everything was always a hundred and twenty-

percent,” he said. Despite her failing physical heath, Houlihan remained committed to her family, friends, work and community until the end, Thompson said. She phoned in on Sept. 7 to attend the council meeting. “She was essentially immobile at that time but she was still very astute,” Thompson said. “She

TEEN TERROR The city of Encinitas is hosting a teen trip to Knott’s Scary Farm from 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. Oct. 1. Teens seventh through 12th grades are welcome Event includes Charter Bus Transportation to and from the Park, admission, buffet dinner and early park entry.The cost for the event is $67.50 for Encinitas resident and $77.50 for non-resident. Charter Bus pick up and drop off is at Community Center, 1140 Oakcrest Park Dr. For more information and to register, visit EncinitasParksandRec.com. AUDUBON PARTY From 4 to 7 p.m. Oct. 1, the Buena Vista

Provence are different. Their pace is slow, the pleasures simple and the demeanor friendly. There is an infectious enthusiasm for their way of life and they are thrilled when you tell them that you love it, too. To take full advantage of all that Provence has to offer, read Peter Mayle’s delightful and understatedly hilarious “A Year in Provence” before you go. Also, avoid the area during July and August when

all of those so-called snooty Parisians invade. Early to mid-June is peak produce time at the markets. I’ll talk more about these and the area’s sights and antiquities in future columns.

Audubon Society will host a fundraiser and open house at the Nature Center, 2202 S. Coast Highway 101, Oceanside. Admission is $25 and includes a concert by Sue “Queen of Boogie Woogie” Palmer and her Motel Swing Band. A hosted bar will have beer, wine, specialty salsas, and a gourmet taco bar. Call (760) 439-2473 for more details. ART GALA Lux’s annual fundraising gala, Lux After Dark, will be Oct. 1, at the Rancho Valencia Resort in Rancho Santa Fe. Support Lux programming while celebrating under the stars with cocktails, dinner, music, live and kids’ art auction. For further informa-

tion, contact Development Manager Colleen O’Halloran at cohalloran@luxartinstitute.org or at (760) 436 6611. JAZZ GUITAR Blues/jazz guitarist Robin Henkel will be playing from 8 to 10 p.m. Oct. 1, Oct. 15 and Oct. 29 at Zel’s Del Mar, 1247 Camino Del Mar, Del Mar. Call (858) 755-0076 for details.

would not give up her contribution to the council and to serving the public.” “She always got the greatest satisfaction from fighting for causes, it was as much the process as the victories that she enjoyed,” Thompson said. He cited a smoking ban on the beach, downtown improvements, purchasing open space as well as the Hall property and addressing issues impacting seniors as some of her major achievements. “She was definitely

one for the underdog. Unfortunately, the environment and the ones most vulnerable are the ones at risk. Those are often the ones she would fight for,” Thompson said. The next council meeting is Sept. 28, where the members will discuss the next steps in replacing Houlihan. The council can either opt to appoint someone to fill her seat until November 2012, or call a special election.


their names for consideration. At the meeting the candidates were given to the board in alphabetical order. The secret ballots were collected and tallied by Smith and Chief Financial Officer Steve Comstock. Queen said he hopes those not chosen would stay involved in the community. Callahan will fill out the remainder of Dorsee’s term, which ends June 2013. Dorsee said the reason for his resignation is that he did not realize how much board business would conflict with his own business and did not have time for both. Smith used the opportunity to report that the Association is still looking for members of the Art Jury. Anyone interested in serving on the Art Jury should contact the Association office at (858) 756-1174.

E’Louise Ondash is a freelance writer living in North County. Tell her about your travels at eondash@coastnewsgroup.com.

OCT. 2 DIVINE SOUNDS Friends of the Encinitas Library will host Sounds Divine vocal jazz ensemble, 2 p.m. Oct. 2 for its First Sunday Concert Series in the Encinitas Library Community Room, 540 Cornish Dr., Encinitas. Call (760) 753-7376.

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any vacancy. Under the provisions of the bylaws, the Association board conducts an election between the candidates that have submitted

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new each month in the shadows, waxing and each night until the full moon rises as the sunsets, and then waning and disappearing until made new again. Some astronomers see the waxing moon as light pollution, obscuring deeper sky objects like nebula and galaxies. However, moon gazing entails many fascinating investigations.The next full Moon is Oct. 12 and people might assume that this is the ideal time for observations. This is not true. The Lunar Terminator is the dark line that represents day and night on the surface of the moon. It creates amazing detail for telescopic viewing. At the Terminator, mountain peaks



the use of hot water depending on how dirty the dishes are, saving energy and water. There are also several alternative energy options available to homeowners. Geothermal systems, which use the relatively constant temperature of the earth to heat and cool homes, are an emerging alternative to fossil fuel-powered systems. A home energy audit can identify low-tech, high-yield energy retrofits. Expect to pay between $300 and $800 for a complete audit by a trained pro. The Department of Energy’s website, energysavers.gov, has advice for conducting an audit yourself. CR recommends thinking twice about using a space heater to lower winter heating bills, unless you turn the heat down in the rest of the house. Also, there’s little proof that cleaning ducts actually improves efficiencies, and shoddy work can damage the ducts. Only consider this if there is visible mold or vermin, or debris is coming out of supply registers. Before replacing the primary heating or cooling equipment in your home, consider having the duct distribution system sealed and insulated, as the savings will be far greater than by simply switching to a more efficient furnace or central air conditioner. Energy management is



SEPT. 23, 2011

LUNAR VIEW The Ocean stabilizes the atmosphere, allowing photos of the moon like this one to be taken. Photo by Kyle Stock

cious natural resource. It deserves our consideration and care. Light pollution affects research instruments, backyard telescopes and the navigation capacities of migrating birds. Turn off outdoor lights when they are not needed. The Bortle Dark Sky Scale measures the amount of light pollution in a given area. Exceptionally dark skies are rated black. The nearest black skies are found in the deserts to

the east of San Diego. The scale moves from blue to green, yellow orange and red moving from rural to suburban areas. City skies are rated white. The North San Diego Coast is rated a moderate yellow. However, the ocean stabilizes the atmosphere above us and provides what astronomers call “good seeing.” San Diego has a fun and active astronomy community.

The San Diego Astronomy Association (SDAA) hosts star parties throughout the county, including “Stars in the Park” on the first Wednesday of each month in Balboa Park. Separately, the “Explore the Stars”program takes place during the new moon each month from April to October at the Palomar Observatory campground. From 1948 to 1976,San Diego boasted the largest telescope in the world. The 200-

inch Hale Telescope on Palomar Mountain continues to further the field of astrophysics and is open daily for docent-led tours. It is an amazing instrument! Astronomy is a fascinating hobby available to everyone. With unaided eyes, binoculars or telescopes, innumerable discoveries are waiting. Look up and enjoy the wonders of our Cosmos. Here’s to clear, dark skies!

cast shadows, crater rims glow and canyons emerge below the surrounding plains. Observe the moon during the first week of October and watch the terminator change each night. The dark night sky is a preimproving with the use of a “smart grid” that adds digital sensors, wireless communications and other intelligence technologies to the nation’s century-old electrical grid. The new grid could pave the way for widespread time-of-use pricing, which should help to make the demand for electricity more uniform over each 24-hour period, thus foregoing the need for more electric power plants while handling a greater overall load. Depending on the actual GOING GREEN Rows of used surfboards await new owners as part of the Re-Rip Green Festival’s surfboard recycling event. Photos by Daniel time-based pricing, some Knighton consumers may be able to surfing was a crowd pleaser. reduce their energy costs. BEACH FAIR “This is awesome,” said One thing you can do now is CONTINUED FROM A7 Penelope Saunders, 8, as she buy a programmable thermozations, the event featured finished skateboarding though stat, which can lower annual local live entertainment, a a “wave” that was comprised energy costs by as much as 10 Fire Department pancake of a blue painted tarp. “I want percent. The Lux Smart breakfast and numerous this at my house.” Temp Touch Screen activities for kids and famiSaunder’s mom, Sara, TX9000TS, $80, was one of lies. was more interested in the the easiest to use during CR’s This is a great event bathing suits by Redondo testing, and it kept temperathat’s low key enough to just Beach-based Odina. “All of tures constant. drop in at your leisure and these suits came from recyKeeping heated and hang out with other fami- cled, reclaimed fabrics,” said cooled air from leaking out lies,” said Susan Strobel. Justin Taylor. “If it saves of your home from ceilings, “The kids always like to come material from going into the walls and windows could out and see the zoo stuff and landfill and it’s a good design lower annual energy costs by most of their friends are and product then that’s the $500. Start by finding out if here.” way we should all design,” he your attic needs additional The addition of the tarp said. insulation, then seal and 3-year old Encinitas resident Finn Behle prepares to dig into his pancake insulate leaky ductwork. breakfast. Lastly, eliminate air leaks with a combination of caulk, foam board, expandable sealant and weather stripping. A final tip: Don’t replace windows just to save energy. CR’s tests found it could take up to 20 years to recoup that investment.



SEPT. 23, 2011



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PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- If you build your castle out of sand, it and all your wishes will quickly be swept out to sea by the first adverse wave. Be able to distinguish between what is real and what is make-believe. ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- Keep your own counsel when it comes to your Friday, Sept. 23, 2011 financial affairs, because, although peoWhen you get any bright ideas about ple might mean well, they don't always how to manage complex problems in the year ahead, discuss them with expe- know what's going on behind the scenes. rienced people before taking action. When you do, you might surprise yourTAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- If you want self and others with the rapid results. to be successful, it will be up to you to direct your own affairs. Do not leave LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- If you know you don't have all the facts at hand, don't even minor matters to chance, because the slightest occurrence can throw things try to call the shots. Taking a speculative risk on something or someone can lead off course. to big trouble or a major loss of some GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- Someone kind. who is overwhelmed might need your SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- When that help, but do only what she or he wants common sense of yours is telling you to and no more. You could unwittingly disengage yourself from something upset something the person already has questionable, don't ignore it. Remember, going if you overstep your bounds. your better judgment is based on past CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- Upsetting experience. information that you get from someone SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -- If you you don't know all that well shouldn't be find yourself being disenchanted with the taken too seriously without first checking small stuff, it generally means your things out. This is especially so if money expectations are a bit too grand for your is involved. own good. Focus on quality, not size. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Certain advice CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -you offer a friend will be sound and Although your judgment appears to be helpful, yet when it comes to your own pretty good in most situations, don't let affairs you might ignore the same good that fool you. It could be a completely different story when it comes to money. common sense. Unfortunately, it'll be your loss. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- Your VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Make sure charm, wit and good looks are all valuyour judgment calls are all based on realable assets, but they will only carry you ity and not on wishful thinking. If you so far. It will take a whole lot of dedicated effort and experience to achieve suc- allow nonexistent factors to influence you, you'll quickly come a cropper. cess.


Celebrity Cipher cryptograms are created from quotations by famous people, past and present. Each letter in the cipher stands for another. TODAY'S CLUE:

A equals B

SOUP TO NUTS by Rick Stromoski

FRANK & ERNEST by Bob Thaves

THE BORN LOSER by Art & Chip Sansom

BIG NATE by Lincoln Peirce

" T R T G















Y P L G . "

- -




Y K T T H X -

PREVIOUS SOLUTION: "The person who seeks all their applause from outside has their happiness in another's keeping." -- Dale Carnegie

MONTY by Jim Meddick

ARLO & JANIS by Jimmy Johnson


COW & BOY by Mark Leiknes

SEPT. 23, 2011

SEPT. 23, 2011





SEPT. 23, 2011

home FALL 2011



A Supplement to The Coast News Group • September 2011

Home Additions • Windows • Window Coverings • Closet Design • Interior Decorating Landscaping • Sun Rooms • Potted Plants • Shrubs • Trees • Bulbs • Fertilizers • Fences Rock Gardens • Flowers • Garden Centers • Indoor Plants • Do-It-Yourself Projects Greenhouses • Outdoor Fountains • Swimming Pools • Roofing • Siding Screens Heating/Air Conditioning • Driveways • Wallpaper

THE COAST NEWS GROUP The Coast News Rancho Santa Fe News



SEPT. 23, 2011

I ntroducing

Brand New Homes in Vista!

Now Selling

Grand Opening! Edgehill Terrace is a gated collection of just 14 residences in the hills of Vista. This tranquil, family-friendly location features homes set on spacious homesites that average nearly one-half acre in size. You’ve got to see these spectacular 1 and 2-story homes, some with 4-space garages and detached casitas. A professionally decorated and landscaped model home is now open for viewing and homes are now selling.

Gated community | Approx. 2,836 to 3,728 sq. ft. | Spacious homesites that average nearly 1⁄2 acre Detached casitas and four-space garages on select homes | 3 to 5 Bedrooms | Up to 4.5 Baths Edgehilll Terrace is located at: 994 Audrey Place, Vista, CA | Open Thurs. - Sun. 10 am - 6 pm; Mon. 12 - 6 pm; Closed Tues. & Wed.

Priced from the mid $500,000s ~ Tour our brand new model home! HomesByWarmington.com | 760.941.4820 |

Realtors® welcome.

Sales Representative: Sylvia Rose, DRE Lic# 0 1 3 7 7 7 6 1 Effective as of date of publication. 09.01.11



ALL NEW ! " #$%&’() $* ’&&+$,- " ./ 0- +$" $1" 0’- .2$) ,$#- 3 $4) 5 - +$60’7- 8$,0) 5 $.4- $9: ; ; <; ; ; +$.) $9=; ; <; ; ; <$’#7&/ 8> ’#?$@&." ’0- $A2$BCDC$* ) 0.) #<$’.+$#- 3 - +.$#- ’?4A) 04) ) 8C$$ Courtesy photo

San Elijo Hills now features a wide range of detached homes San Elijo Hills has recently introduced three new neighborhoods with homes from the high $300,000s to the $700,000s offering the latest in eco-friendly amenities, open design, luxury appointments and technological innovations. “The big advantage homebuyers gain at San Elijo Hills is what’s outside the house: two new neighborhood schools, shady well-equipped parks, 18 miles of trails and 1,115 acres of open space,a lively towncenter and a committed community. There’s no waiting for amenities; San Elijo Hills is a complete community,” said Halé Richardson, director of marketing for San Elijo Hills Development Company. “These new neighborhoods are

a big incentive to reconsider all that San Elijo Hills has to offer,” she added. San Elijo Hills’ newest neighborhood is Altaire by D.R. Horton. Altaire features three twostory homes ranging from 2,627 to 3,469 square feet with three to five bedrooms and up to four baths.Prices start in the low $600,000s. The interiors offer a combination of dramatic open space design and practicality, with the benefits of a full complement of money-saving, energy-efficient features. Lennar’s Belmont features four floor plans ranging from 1,447 to 2,093 square feet in innovative three-story detached designs. The energy-

efficient homes, priced from the high $300,000s, feature three to four bedrooms, stylish interiors, gourmet-inspired kitchens and a host of green amenities. Single-family homes are available at Lennar’s Terraza, San Elijo Hills’ first all-solar community, where models showcase three two-story floor plans ranging from 2,182 to 2,721 square feet. Homes are priced from the mid $500,000s. The San Elijo Hills Visitor Center, which is open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., is located at 1215 San Elijo Road, San Marcos. For more information on San Elijo Hills, visit www.sanelijohills.com or call toll free (888) SAN-ELIJO (726-3545).

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SEPT. 23, 2011

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SEPT. 23, 2011


Elmcroft feels just like home When you become part of an Elmcroft community, you will enjoy comfortable, secure surroundings that feel just like home, without the hassle of daily chores and upkeep. Our spacious grounds, along with numerous activity rooms and lounges, provide the perfect atmosphere for enjoying leisure time, participating in engaging activities and socializing with fellow community members. Many of our communities offer memory care for

Be our fan on Go to thecoastnews.com and click the link

those who are experiencing Alzheimer’s or other dementias. With specialized programs centered on each individual’s life history, current abilities and interests, we ensure a better quality of life for each of our residents. Health and Rehabilitation Centers are also an amenity in some of our communities. Here, residents receive excellent health care in the comfort of a home-like atmosphere with an abundance of personal attention. With a wide range of health care programs available, our centers are the premier locations for those who require short or extended stays after illness or injury. Elmcroft Senior Living, known for its history of providing quality care, personal attention, and pleasant atmosphere, will enhance and improve these facilities for the existing and future residents. Residents will benefit from Elmcroft’s extensive staff training programs and adherence to high standards. “We are very excited about bringing our experience in senior care to these communities,” said Pat Mulloy, President and Chief Executive Officer. “With this opportunity, Elmcroft’s presence extends into four additional states. At Elmcroft we’re dedicated to providing the best in senior living services, and we hope to have as much success in our new locations as we have had in our other communities.” Elmcroft Senior Living is a national provider of senior housing services and operates 84 independent living, assisted living and dementia care communities; 23 skilled nursing and rehabilitation centers; and two rehabilitation hospitals in 18 states. Call one of our seven locations to schedule your personal visit and ask about our special introductory offer. Las Villas De Carlsbad is located at 1088 Laguna Drive in Carlsbad, and can be reached at (760) 4347116. Rancho Vista is located at 760 E. Bobier Drive in Vista, and can be reached at (760) 941-1480. Here’s to Life.


SEPT. 23, 2011

Support your local furniture store A brand-new furniture store in the heart of the Village of Carlsbad, Skylar’s Home and Patio offers shoppers high-quality, locally made goods at a low price in a friendly atmosphere. Bigger outlets simply cannot compete. North County native Skylar Ireton, launched into his own store after 11 years in the furniture business. His experience and connections in the industry allow him to provide the best products at the lowest possible prices. “I know the products I sell and I know the differences in quality,” Skylar said. “And I’m able to keep my prices low because I have built relationships with local vendors and companies who have been in the furniture business for many years. I am proud to offer customers items that are made in the USA.” The showroom features furniture that represents the styles and quality offered by

companies like Pottery Barn, Crate and Barrel, or Restoration Hardware but at a fraction of the price. “A lot of stores only focus on getting the sale and don’t care if they are selling an inferior product. I want you to be happy with your product so you tell your friends and come back to furnish your entire home, inside and out.” Skylar knows the wide range of styles San Diego furniture shoppers want, whether it be a sofa, custom sectional, stylish outdoor resin wicker patio furniture, or clean-line bedroom set. Walk into Skylar’s Home and Patio and you are greeted by a mid-century modern sectional that comes in any configuration to fit your room with hundreds of fabric options. To the left is a Restoration Hardware-style table and slip-cover chairs for half the manufacturer’s suggested retail price. The store also offers

Pottery Barn-style bedroom sets and a Zen-style platform bed for customers seeking a clean, modern look. These unmatched values are all housed in Skylar’s attractive, comfortable showroom on State Street in the heart of the Village of Carlsbad. The Carlsbad resident said “there is no better place to work.” “Seeing my name on the window for the first time was almost like a dream,” he said. “I’ve been hanging out and shopping in Carlsbad Village for years, and it’s just such a great thing to be a part of. I intend to be here for a long time, and I intend to do it by giving my customers exactly what they want — the best stuff, the best selection, at the best prices.” Skylar’s Home and Patio is located on State Street, online at skylarshomeandpatio.com, or call (760) 7293100. They look forward to helping you!

Area winery has tasty, fun event The Bernardo Winery presents the 34th annual Fall Arts and Crafts Fair Oct. 15 and Oct. 16 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Come walk the historic 120-year-old grounds of the oldest winery in Southern California while seeing some of the best arts and crafts on

the West Coast. Admission, please visit parking and parking shuttle bernardowinery.com or call are free. (858) 487-1866. Besides arts and crafts, Follow us on treat yourself to some wine tasting, explore the winery shops and get a bite to eat at the Winery Cafe or in the fair Go to food court. thecoastnews.com For more information, and click the link

“Wh ere Pott ery is just th e b e ginnin g!” Po tt e ry fro m Aro u n d th e Worl d F o u nt a ins • C ust o m W a t e r F e a tur e s Su c c ul e nts • Plu m e ri a • P a lms In d o or & O ut d o or D e c or Uni q u e G ift Id e a s • G a rd e n Art

C usto m er A p pre c i a tio n S a l e!!!



C a n n o t b e c o m bin e d with a ny o th er off ers. N o t v a lid o n s a l e it e ms. Fre e e q u a l or l ess v a lu e . N o t v a lid for e x c h a n g es or pre vio us p urc h a ses. O ff er Ex pires 10-02-11

D e liv ery & S e tu p Av a il a bl e 136 R a n g e r Rd., F a ll bro o k • 760-943-7256 310 N orth C o a st H w y. 101, En c init a s • 760-635-1641



SEPT. 23, 2011


Location enhances residents’ lifestyles At La Vida Del Mar retirement community, wellness is a way of life. Inspired by the community’s scenic coastal location and yearround climate, residents find the programs, amenities, resources and motivation to continue the vibrant and healthy lifestyle they enjoy. La Vida Del Mar has found that the combination of a supportive atmosphere, unparalleled resources, and a service-enriched lifestyle has significantly aided in the personal fulfillment and longevity of residents’ lives. That’s why, in honor of

“Healthy Aging Month,” the community offers some practical ways seniors can improve their health and well-being. Get up and go! With just 30 minutes of movement, three days a week, seniors can reduce stress and risks of disease while also increasing their endurance, flexibility and mobility. Whether it’s enjoying water aerobics in La Vida Del Mar’s heated pool, a friendly Wii bowling competition or a weekly beach walk, our residents keep moving. Plus, the community’s close proximity to

C a r diff b y th e S e a... Vie w s, Vie w s, Vie w s!

Del Mar Village allows for easy access to the area’s quaint boutiques and fine coastal dining. Get Involved. You’ll find there are countless ways to get involved and make friends when you take advantage of the community’s full calendar of social, educational and recreational opportunities. Life-long learners will enjoy La Vida Del Mar’s weekly writer’s workshop and CSU/Osher archeology class; while others will enjoy playing bridge or joining the community’s weekly poker game. Eat your fruits and veggies. La Vida Del Mar residents enjoy delectable meals prepared fresh in our 12-hour in San Diego since 1974

lic. # 340111



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Calypso Restaurant — as well as the opportunity to test their culinary skills by participating in the community’s cooking class. By utilizing fresh produce, several of La Vida Del Mar’s menu selections include foods that are rich with flavonoids that protect the body from aging and help lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Nestled between the coastal North County villages of Del Mar and Rancho Santa Fe, La Vida Del Mar is located just a quarter of a mile from the ocean in Solana Beach. La Vida Del Mar includes 105 spacious independent and assisted living residences, many of which feature ocean views, and secluded patios or balconies. The community’s comprehensive menu of licensed assisted living care services is available to all residents, and can be reduced or increased over time, allowing the flexibility and option of DOWNSIZING You don’t need palatial spaces to live like a king. occasional or full-time assis- Smaller homes might be a better fit for many homeowners as they need tance. less energy and upkeep than the larger cousins. Courtesy photo To learn more about the vibrant lifestyle offered at La Vida Del Mar, please call (858) 755-1224 or visit srgseniorliving.com.

Housing trend: downsize in space

Beautiful sunsets with lagoon and ocean views. Private complex pool and spa. 3BR and 2.5 BA 2304 SF, very spacious floor plan. 2 balconies, giant kichen island fireplace in front room. 3 car garage, inside laundry room, big master bedroom, flat screen tv. Conveys nice small backyard. Light and bright. Walk to San Elijo trails and beach! West of I-5. $

9 5 9,0 0 0

Rats or gophers destroying your yard?


Inst a lle d

Goodbye Rodents!

Don’t poison, use nature’s pest control... Attract barn owls to your yard by installing an owl nesting box! As se en on Ustre am

A nesting pair consumes up to 2,000 gophers, rats and mice per ye ar!

w w w .b arn o w lb o x es.co m

A IR S U P E RIO RI T Y 76 0 . 4 45.2 0 23

Smaller homes equal better quality of living these days. Many homeowners are downsizing the space they occupy, but are upgrading and customizing that space to make it better fit their lifestyle. Most homeowners today prefer an energy-efficient home with lower utility bills, rather than a cheaper home without energy- and waterefficient features, according to a recent National Association of Home Builders’ survey. One way to refresh your home, and make it sustainable is to upgrade your bathroom fixtures. Comfort is still key in these downsized but upgraded bathrooms. And it can’t get much better than a lavish shower. TOTO’s Aimes Ceiling-Mount Showerhead with LED Lighting gives you this luxurious shower experience with water gently cascading down on you from the ceiling. But since the LED light doesn’t require any electricity or batteries, you can enjoy the experience even more. Kinetic energy created by the moving water powers the candlelight-toned light, keeping the brightness gentle on your eyes and flattering to

your skin. But don’t stop with just electrical savings in your bathroom. If you haven’t replaced your toilet in several years, there’s a very good chance that it uses way more water per flush than needed. On average, toilets account for about 27 percent of a home’s indoor water usage, making them the biggest water hogs. High-efficiency toilets can help your family significantly reduce your water consumption. TOTO’s Carlyle II One-Piece High-Efficiency Toilet uses only 1.28 gallons of water per flush — and it’s high performance, which means you only need to flush once to completely remove waste from the bowl. With an attractive design, this is a great upgrade to your home, both in water efficiency and aesthetics. While concentrating on making your bathroom more water-efficient, also take a look at your faucet. If it’s been several years since you replaced your faucet, it’s probably showing its age with metal corrosion or leaking. A leaky faucet with a slow drip TURN TO DOWNSIZE ON B18



SEPT. 23, 2011

Heritage Escrow celebrates 15 years

IT’S A FAMILY AFFAIR After 25 years, a third generation joins the family business at Contract Carpet. Courtesy photo

Contract carpet furnishes North County’s flooring Contract Carpet remains an icon in North County flooring as it celebrates its 25th Anniversary. The Dixon family and its staff at Contract Carpet continue to offer that priceless alternative to the daunting world of giant impersonal box stores. It offers that rare, family-business approach to finding just the right flooring for your home. The Dixons have been in business in North County since 1985 and have seen countless competitors come and go while they continue to provide excellent service to their loyal customers. As Marty and Susie’s four children have grown up and completed their college years, Josh and Nick have joined the business, taking part in the everyday operations. Josh is currently managing the San Diego location while his younger brother Nick works out of both locations.They welcome you to visit either of their two showrooms to borrow samples and explore decorating

Stephanie Clarke, Branch Manager of the Rancho Santa Fe branch of The Heritage Escrow Company, has been a vital part of the branch since 1997. She has been providing escrow services in the Ranch for over 20 years and is a dedicated escrow officer with excellent technical skills and a “service first” attitude. Whether you are an agent, a broker, a buyer, or a seller, The Heritage Escrow Company is the best choice for your next real estate transaction.

Escrow is our only business, and our success is measured by the thousands of successful escrow transactions we have managed throughout California. With a track record of consistent quality and service, we have earned our reputation as a premier provider of escrow services. Clients choose Heritage Escrow because of the strong caliber of our staff and the level of service we can deliver. Our employees are supported and trained by a corporate advisory team.

These seasoned escrow specialists stay informed about current regulations and are able to create practical, customized solutions for a variety of escrow problems. We put our clients’ interests first — every time. We understand and anticipate the needs of our customers, and our escrow experts assist in the success of your transaction. In today’s economic climate, it is more important than ever to trust an escrow company which can deliver the safety security,

and professionalism that can only be learned by experience. Stephanie’s team of escrow professionals includes Catherine Marjanovich, Assistant Branch Manager; and Kristen Bramble, Escrow Officer. Visit them at 6042 El Tordo in Rancho Santa Fe and experience why they have earned a reputation as a knowledgeable and trustworthy resource in the local community. For more information, call (858) 756-2010 or visit heritageescrow.com.

ideas.Their two daughters have decided to venture into other fields, Stacey is a professional photographer and Kelli is an EMT working toward a firefighting career. While growing the business and raising their family here, the Dixons and Contract Carpet have provided the community with more than just fine floor coverings. They have also supported and sponsored school events and youth sport teams. The TURN TO CONTRACT CARPET ON B18

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SEPT. 23, 2011


Enjoying the bountiful harvest of a fall garden When the calendar turns to fall months, temperatures drop and local football teams come to mind. With the approach of the cooler weather, many of us also begin to yearn for the warmth of comfort foods like hearty soups and stews or freshly baked pies, but these traditional favorites need not be boring and unhealthy. A modern take on comfort foods uses what is fresh and available during the season, but also explores new ingredients and stretches your imagination to look at old ingredients or recipes in new ways. Regardless of where in the country you live, fall produce is becoming abundantly available. For some regions, families have begun making their annual pilgrimage to the local orchard to pick apples or pears, and pumpkins are maturing in the backyard garden waiting to be turned into jack-olanterns. But even if these crops aren’t possible to grow in your area, fresh autumn favorites like pumpkins, apples, parsnips and kale are still most likely making frequent appearances at local farmers markets and grocery stores. Roast them, stew them, can them or bake them. Pumpkin, squash, root vegetables, apples and pears make for great cuisine that

YUM It’s rewarding when your garden offers up tasty treats. Courtesy photo

the whole family can enjoy. For a new take on old favorites, try adding rutabaga slices to your au gratin potato recipe or pop some cubed squash in while cooking up your family’s favorite beef stew. Get the whole family involved and take the kids along to the market to find new vegetables to sample. Getting everyone interested in new flavors can be exciting. Sample some unfamiliar items and find new favorites. Kids will enjoy comparing the flavors of roasted carrots, parsnips, rutabagas, yams, potatoes, jicama and squash when marinated in a dressing of olive oil, balsamic vinegar, rosemary, thyme, salt and pepper. Decide which flavors your family prefers and make

this a seasonal tradition to cook up together annually. Whether you’ve grown your own produce or pick it up at the market, America’s Test Kitchen and MiracleGro have teamed up to provide fresh new recipes and tips on fall gardening at scotts.com/GroYourOwn. Sample some of these delicious recipes while incorporating fall plants and produce into the menu and even learn which fall crops are best to grow in your area of the country. Of course, nothing compares with the satisfaction of growing your own produce. Even if you didn’t plant a garden this year, why not make plans for one next TURN TO HARVEST ON B18



SEPT. 23, 2011

Bad contractors, bad work — choose the Good Guys Of the top ten complaints on industries to the Better Business Bureau in 2009, five of them were contractors or contractor-related services. Tens of thousands of cases of contractor fraud are reported each year. Thousands more go unreported. General Contractors received the highest number of complaints in contractor or contractor-related services. Things you can do to avoid hiring a bad contractor. Only use contractors who are licensed. Ask to see their documentation. You can check with the state to confirm their license (www.cslb.ca.gov). Do not accept an out-ofstate contractor’s license. Be aware that some contractors put fake license numbers in their ads. Always check before hiring them. Second, check to make sure the contractor is insured. They should have general liability, workman’s comp,

and property damage coverage. Do not utilize contractors who approach you. They may offer special deals, or say they have leftover materials, and would be glad to do the project at a discounted price. Reputable contractors do not have to go door-to-door to get work. If you are approached by a contractor, and are considering using them, go back and look at our first recommendation and ask to see his license and insurance. Estimates for the work to be done should always be submitted in writing. Make sure the scope of the project is laid out in detail. Do not accept a verbal bid from any contractor. Any contract should be reviewed carefully before signing. Confirm the details of the project are in order, along with the payment schedule, completion date, materials used, etc.

Make sure the warranty for the out to you and not the contracwork is also listed, and that the tor. contract includes clean up. Use a trusted organization Do not ever let yourself be for contractor referrals. The pressured into signing a contract. If they are in a hurry to get the deal done, watch out! By law, you have three days to cancel any contract after it is signed (Cooling Off Rule). Communicate any questions or concerns to the contractor verbally and in writing. Any changes to the scope of the project should also be put down in writing, and added to the contract. This protects the homeowner and the contractor from needless mistakes. For larger projects (i.e. remodeling), try using a credit card instead of cash. The credit card company will back the purchase, and can help in the event of a dispute. If you are using a construction loan, or insurance company money, make sure the check is made

Solana Center designated a regional garden education center In May 2011, the Solana Center for Environmental Innovation began offering free gardening courses though San Diego County’s Healthy Works program, which aims to reduce childhood obesity through the creation of community, school, and home gardens. This program is funded by the County Health and Human Services Department. In collaboration with Victory Gardens San Diego (VGSD), the Solana Center is

offering three gardening courses. All of our classes are taught by the Solana Center’s dynamic Gardening and Compost Educators, who have extensive experience in agriculture, composting,gardening,and sustainable living. The organic gardening course teaches participants how to grow organic food at home. This class covers a wide range of topics applicable to home gardens, including composting, permaculture, garden

design, botany, plant choice, seeding, planting, irrigation, plant health, and pest management. Participants also get a chance to apply the skills they learn by getting their hands dirty in the Solana Center’s Regional Garden Education Center. The community gardening course focuses on how to develop and manage a community garden. This course focuses on TURN TO SOLANA CENTER ON B18

Better Business Bureau and HOCOA: Your Home Repair Network are strong advocates for homeowners, and can elimi-

nate the stress, and hassle of finding high quality contractors for work on your largest investment; your home.


SEPT. 23, 2011


Trust Bishops for regular tree maintenance COAST CITIES — Beautiful trees are an important part of the San Diego area countryside — providing not only appeal to the eye, but valuable shade for comfortable California living. But trees do need maintenance, and sometimes, keeping one’s trees trimmed and thinned out as needed is more than many homeowners want to tackle on their own. That’s why so many turn to Brian Bishop, owner of Bishop’s Tree Service, because they value the quality service and professional advice he provides. “I became a certified arborist in 1994 and enjoy

working with local homeowners that need help maintaining the trees on their property,” said Bishop. A good part of Bishop’s service is counseling customers on how to keep trees in healthy condition for the best possible appearance, as well as key ways to keep them as fire-safe as possible. “Palm trees are fire spreaders; they need to be trimmed every year,” said Bishop. “Eucalyptus trees are not fire hazards, especially when compared to palms. Other trees can be trimmed every two to three years.” Bishop’s staff, which includes nine tree specialists (five are certified arborists), offers a wide variety of serv-

ices including crown cleaning, reduction and restoration; lifting and raising; thinning, tree removal; stump grinding; line clearance and brush clearing and removal. Pride is evident in this experienced staff, and it shows in the way they advise customers. “We try to save people money and save their trees,” said Bishop. “I will tell someone when they don’t need my service. It’s not about up-selling them.” Bishop said his honesty has served him well and earned him numerous repeat customers. “I try to educate people about the types of trees they have and I give the most

inexpensive alternatives for long-term management,” he said. “I try to explain why it is important to get the job done right the first time, because a tree can be ruined forever very quickly by an inexperienced person.” Bishop, the president of the Professional Tree Care Association of San Diego, donates his company’s time and expertise regularly to the San Diego Botanic Garden. “I believe in giving back to the community,” said Bishop. For more information on Bishop’s Tree Service, Inc., please call (760) 720-9649 or visit BishopsTreeService.net.

DREAM HOME 14 gated one- and two-story single-family homes; half-acre homesites and detached casitas are among the highlights of this collection, which is priced from the $500,000s. Courtesy photo

Edgehill Terrace celebrates grand opening in Vista Warmington Residential California is pleased to announce the debut of a stunning model home at Edgehill Terrace in the hills of Vista, Calif. This sprawling single level residence is set on a nearly 1/2 acre homesite, as are all of the 14 homes in this intimate neighborhood, and features many very special appointments including Mediterranean architecture, a 16-foot panoramic sliding French Door system in the living/dining room and a detached casita. The grand opening of this exciting new home neighborhood in Vista is under way and homes are now selling for prices that begin from the $560,000’s. Several homes in Phase One have been sold but there is still an excellent selection from which to choose. Some of the available homes have fabulous views to the West and the minimum lot size at Edgehill Terrace is 21,000 square feet. “Edgehill Terrace offers something very unique and

hard to find in most new home communities today…space!” said Sylvia Rose, sales representative at Edgehill Terrace. “No feeling like your windows are lined up with your neighbor’s windows. No feeling like you have to sacrifice yard size because you want to enjoy a brand new home.” Buyers can select from three different floor plan styles that range in size from approximately 2,836 to 3,728 square feet. They include three to five bedrooms, up to 4.5 baths and 3- and 4-space garages. Homes depict highly stylized Santa Barbara and San Juan inspired architectural styling with shutters and detailed masonry accents and charming covered porches, per plan. A very exciting feature and one that presents a world of possibilities are the detached casitas that are available on selected lots. They include a bathroom and kitchenette with sink, granite TURN TO EDGEHILL ON B18

Get inspired with colorful decorating The change of seasons always provides fresh inspiration and motivation for home updates. Colors and textures are discovered anew in blooming gardens, strolls to local farmers’ markets and leisurely bicycle rides. A refreshed decor doesn’t mean having to invest in a big-ticket item like new furniture. Try these easy and affordable design tips to transform the look of your home:

All about color From ever-popular traditional styles to streamlined modern looks, there is a place for a splash of color in any room. Don’t be afraid to add color in unexpected places — from window treatments that pop to a vivid paint shade in an entryway. For example, Accordia Cellular Shades from Levolor are available in more than 200 fabric choices, including exclusive woven fabrics (Linen, Designer Textures and Translucence) that give rich color and texture to any room. Create an energetic kids’ playroom with vivid red Sangria light-filtering shades or a serene master suite with cozy beige Candlelight roomdarkening shades. “Window treatments don’t have to fade into the background,” said Stephen Smith, vice president of marketing for Levolor. “Embrace color and texture, and let your shades stand out and be the fashionable focal point of



SEPT. 23, 2011

the room.”

Sweat the small stuff The latest trend in home decorating is the un-trend. Do-it-yourself truly classifies as such. Customize with touches such as vintage fleamarket finds and repurposed accessories to reflect your personal style. Make the details count. Change out pillow covers for the season and hang a colorful fabric valance to add visual interest. Celebrate spring and summertime with fresh flowers and greenery in decorative vases, fruit or seashells in glass bowls. Small updates can make a big difference to the exterior of your home, too. Plant colorful annuals to enhance curb appeal. Try painting the front door and trim with a glossy finish to coordinate with interior window treatments.

Colorful app-ortunity Ensure color harmony throughout your entire home by taking advantage of mobile technology to custom match paint hues to your favorite pieces. It’s as simple as downloading a smartphone application and unleashing your creativity. For example, ColorSnap is a free app that allows users to quickly and easily match colors in images with more than 1,500 Sherwin-Williams hues and complementary palettes. Simply snap a photo

of your favorite vase or new window treatment and you’ll be presented with the closest color match. From there, you’ll be provided with complementary colors which will ensure seamless color flow of your home decor. Plus, it’s easy to test the suggested paint colors within your space with quart-sized paint samples. If you’re looking for color suggestions, you can’t go wrong with green. “One of the most fashionable colors in decorating today is green,” said Jackie Jordan, director of color marketing for Sherwin-Williams. “Green is everywhere, including urban environments where rooftop gardens continue to sprout. Today’s green trend is heavily influenced by nature, such as leaves and moss.” And don’t forget that green is more than just a color when it comes to home updates. Energy loss through windows can account for 10 to 20 percent of a home’s heating and cooling costs. Accordia features exclusive Energy Shield technology, which provides additional insulation to help block air and reduces your heating and cooling cost year round. No matter your personal decor style, the change of seasons is a perfect time to refresh your scenery. To learn more, visit levolor.com and sherwinwilliams.com.

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SEPT. 23, 2011


San Elijo Hills campaign brings community together In addition to giving local businesses a boost and bringing the community together with a series of events and promotions, the San Elijo Hills “Buy Local” campaign, sponsored by the San Elijo Hills Foundation and The Fountain, the community’s monthly newspaper, reached far beyond the community, Local businessman Steve Collo showcased the San Elijo Hills campaign at the national conference of Postal Annex as an example of grassroots marketing that could be emulated in other communities. “I’ve never seen a community come together in support of their local businesses like this ever — and I’ve been in business since 1992,” said Collo, who operates several Postal Annex stores, including one in the San Elijo Hills Towncenter. “We made hundreds of new friends and increased our business substantially during the campaign,” he said, noting that at the conference he was honored as the No. 1 Postal Annex franchisee, a distinction he has earned each year for the past

eight years. Lanni Insurance, a fullservice insurance brokerage firm located in the San Elijo Hills Towncenter, also reported that the Buy Local campaign boosted its presence in the community. “We participated in several of the special events in the town square and it really helped get our name out,” said Lauren Lanni, who owns the company with her husband, Dave. “Since we represent businesses as well as individuals, it was also a great networking opportunity. We got to know many local business owners,” said Lanni, whose adopted Pyrenean Mountain Dog Finn is becoming a Towncenter mascot.

The six-month Buy Local San Elijo Hills campaign encompassed the whole community with coupons to local merchants, two “Sidewalk” events that showcased homebased businesses and craft makers, and monthly newspaper inserts that profiled local businesses. “It was so heartwarming to see the community come together like this,” said Halé Richardson, director of marketing for San Elijo Hills. “Everyone has been challenged by the recession in some manner; it has been great seeing the community collaborate and support each other. Connectedness is what community is all about,” she said. Businesses located in the San Elijo Hills Town Center include: A Colorful Universe Pottery, Albertsons, Chevron, French’s Color Nails and Spa, Hendo’s Local Pizza & Pints, The Hills Family Dentistry, Hometown Realty, Lanni Insurance, Pepper Tree Hill Café, Postal Annex, Silk Salon, Windmill Cleaners, and Yogurt Utopia. For information on San Elijo Hills, visit sanelijohills.com.

Your motorhome: an expense waiting to happen? With Labor Day behind us, it’s that time of year again! And although California’s winter season pales in comparison to that of Illinois, Colorado, New York and other bone freezing areas of this beautiful country, most RV and watercraft owners take the steps required to protect their much loved and valuable prized possession. San Marcos’ Liberty RV & Boat Storage’s indoor and outdoor storage areas may appear to have room for plenty of RV’s and boats, but that’s simply not the case. “We are at 88% occupancy,” said owner Eric deJong. “Many of our year-round clients enjoy their units well into October and some even up to Thanksgiving before parking them for the winter.” Most RV owners are fully aware of the damage that one or two cute little field mice can

result in simply by taking up residency in their stagnant motorhome. Gnawing on plastic coated electrical wires and pulling insulation from wherever possible, within 24 hours, rodent damage can result in thousands of dollars in damage to motorhomes and other vehicles. It’s speculated that the plastic insulating material that is now being used must be like caviar to rodents. “It’s virtually impossible to guarantee complete isolation from rodents, but there are deterrents that when combined with indoor storage, darn near guarantees protection from vermin,” deJong said. Weather is another concern and not limited to our colder and wetter months. The ever-present sunshine California is so popular for, can do more than its fair share of

damage as well. Teflon coating certainly helps and is a sound investment without question. But it’s no substitute for secure indoor storage.Security isn’t limited to Liberty RV Storage’s high tech alarms and video surveillance. Beyond the white glove concierge services granted the company’s indoor storage clientele, outdoor storage clients also receive extensive services. Clients who provide a canvas cover can expect their unit to not only be covered, but checked for leaks during rainy weather. Water fills, tire, tank and battery checks are part of the complimentary services at Liberty RV & Boat Storage which makes it easy to see why Liberty has grown and expanded so quickly. Visit the facility online at LibertyIndoorStorage.com or stop by for a personal tour.


SEPT. 23, 2011

California Patio has new view The view is new, but everything else at California Patio is as fabulous as ever. The top-drawer outdoor furnishings store has a brand new home at 339 N. El Camino Real, in the same spacious shopping center as Michael’s and Big Lots. The store, and its extensive inventory, has moved across the street from its former location of 10 years, tucked awkwardly into the corner of the Target center. “What we really want to emphasize is that nothing has really changed, except that we are much easier to find and easier to get to,” said store Manager Sean Sigurdson. “You’ll find the same great service, helpful

staff and smiling faces that have served the North Coastal area for a decade.” As Indian summer keeps the days balmy and beautiful, California Patio continues to carry a wide collection of every style of outdoor furnishings. You can add color, style and pizzazz to your outdoor living space with the right selection of chairs, chaises, stools, tables and more. “Unlike your big box and seasonal stores, we don’t clear out our shelves when summer is over.” Sigurdson said. “We keep a wonderful stock available year-round because we know that great outdoor weather lasts all year long around here.”

SIGH OF RELIEF Breathe easy while you play and relax at home by taking a few simple precautions. Courtesy photo

Tips for keeping your home healthy Maintaining a healthy home is critical for your family’s welfare — especially now as the weather cools and you begin to spend more time indoors. Applying a few simple solutions now will ensure your indoor living environment is safe and healthy for seasons to come.

seal up their homes and spend more time inside, which traps moisture and humidity — both significant contributors to indoor mold growth. Maintain healthy indoor humidity levels by venting bathrooms and clothes dryers and using an exhaust fan while cooking. Install an air humidifier to provide year-round control of your Reduce toxins indoor moisture level,and keep Less desirable weather your home at 50 percent may make fall and winter seem humidity or lower to reduce the like an ideal time to tackle your chance for mold growth. indoor painting projects. However, you need to be mind- Watch out for CO ful of the volatile organic comProtect your indoor living pounds (VOCs) found in many environment from carbon interior paints and finishes. monoxide or CO by installing VOCs are one of the biggest CO detectors or alarms threats to indoor air quality; throughout your home. This they include a variety of chem- fall, make sure your home’s icals, some of which may have heating system, including both short- and long-term items such as a furnace or heat health effects. For indoor jobs, pump, vents and chimney, are select paint with low or no inspected and serviced by a VOCs to keep your air fresher. professional contractor. And, if Additionally, some houseplants there is a fireplace in your such as ivy and gerbera daisies home, open the damper before can help to naturally remove lighting a fire to help prevent VOCs from your indoor air. the buildup of potentially poisonous gases inside of your Clean your indoor air home. Ragweed and pollen will trigger allergy symptoms for Keep a seasonal routine millions of people this fall; howMost homeowners ever, the worst allergy triggers already know it’s important to are often found inside the test their smoke alarms on a home. Installing a whole-home monthly basis, but how often air filtration system can help to do you change the alarm’s batremove indoor allergens teries? One way to keep track including dust, mildew, pet of alarm maintenance is to dander and pollen from the air make battery changing a seayou breathe. For example, the sonal activity. For example, AccuClean (TM) System by beginning this fall, replace the American Standard Heating & batteries in your smoke Air Conditioning removes up to alarms (and CO detectors), 99.98 percent of the allergens every time you reset your from your filtered air, so even if clocks. it’s allergy season outdoors, By taking these simple your indoor air is crisp and steps now, you’ll create a safer clean. and healthier home, allowing your family to relax and enjoy Prevent mold all the delights the fall season During the cooler fall and has to offer — both outdoors winter months, people tend to and indoors.

California Patio has eight locations in Southern California. In addition to its Encinitas store, there are locations in San Marcos on furniture row, two in Orange County and stores in the Palm Desert, Ranco Mirage and La Quinta. California Patio has been in business since 1981 and is still family-owned and operated. ‘What we offer is quality,” Sigurdson said. “The furniture you buy here will last and look good for years.” For more information or to talk with the experts at California Patio, call (760) (760) 943-6282



SEPT. 23, 2011


Grand Opening of Seaside Highlands is set for Oct. 1 Luxury, location and lifestyle — all of this and more will soon be available at Seaside Highlands by Warmington Residential California. Set in Encinitas less than two miles from the water and featuring an intimate collection of spectacular Santa Barbara and Mediterranean-inspired homes, Seaside Highlands is a rare and exciting new home opportunity in this very desirable coastal community. When it debuts on Oct.1, Seaside Highlands will introduce four dramatically styled floor plans; two sprawling single-level homes and two voluminous two-story homes. The four plans range in size from approximately 2,750 to 4,650

square feet. Seaside Highlands will present an intimate neighborhood setting with just 16 homes for prices that are set to begin from the low-$1 millions. Buyers may select from homes with 3 to 5 bedrooms, up to 4.5 baths and 2-, 3- and 4-space garages, per plan. While many exceptional features will be included, there are a few highlights that are sure to capture the attention – and imaginations – of new buyers. Living spaces like cabanas, open interior courtyards with fireplace as well as side yard courtyards, master bedroom decks, lofts, covered porches, and optional guest suites and libraries are among these. One home site

MEDITERRANEAN-INSPIRED The grand opening of the Seaside Highlands by Warmington Residential California is scheduled for Oct. 1. Courtesy photo

includes a private additional modate six cars in this plan guest flat above one of its only). This unique living garages (two garages accom- space includes a living room,

bedroom, full bath, kitchenette and private entry via an exterior stair system. Very notably, this neighborhood will be 100 percent solar powered, allowing residents to enjoy many benefits including reduce energy usage and lower utility bills. Other noteworthy features are granite slab countertops, center island kitchens, stainless steel KitchenAid® appliances include a 48-inch professional quality gas cook top with 48-inch hood, French doors in select locations (per elevation), dramatic stair systems in the two-story plans, 42-inch gas fireplace in family rooms with a “see-thru” option, master bedroom sanctuaries with private bath with elegant Piedrafina marble countertops and surrounds, private dressing area and walk-in closets, and more. Because of its excellent and highly desirable location in Encinitas, residents of Seaside Highlands will enjoy and incredible lifestyle opportunity.An ocean close location within an historic beach town filled with quaint shops, sidewalk cafes, and restaurants, proximity to local beaches and greater San Diego, and access to excellent schools within Encinitas Unified School District and San Dieguito Union High School District are among the special benefits residents will enjoy. The professionally decorated and landscaped models will open for touring Oct.1. All prospective new homebuyers as well as current area residents are encouraged to save the date and plan to attend the Grand Opening celebration at Seaside Highlands. Home sales will begin at that time. “Warmington is thrilled to be returning to Encinitas with the introduction of Seaside Highlands,” said

Robin Speaks, sales representative for Warmington Residential California at Seaside Highlands. “And what a way to come back! These homes, and this neighborhood, are simply fabulous and we believe that Seaside Highlands will be a wonderful addition to this established and tight-knit community.” Seaside Highlands is located at 1010 Scarlet Way, just off of Encinitas Blvd. and Balour Drive. An interest list is now forming for the homes that will be offered beginning Oct.1. To join, visit HomesByWarmington.com. While there you may view preliminary floorplans under our Coming Soon tab. In the coming weeks, interactive floorplans, artist’s renderings, and a full features list will be posted. Those who register on the interest list will be notified via email regarding all community updates. To reach Robin Speaks, sales representative, to learn more about these homes and/or the pre-qualification process, call (760) 445-1983 or send an email to seasidehighlands@warmingtonresedentialca.com. Warmington Residential California is part of the Warmington group of companies, which is headquartered in Costa Mesa, California.The first Warmington company began as a builder of custom homes for Hollywood stars and executives and earned a reputation for excellence. While the group has grown and evolved, its reputation and penchant for building beautiful and high caliber homes has remained consistent. Today, it is estimated that nearly 40,000 families live in Warmington homes throughout California and in Las Vegas, Nev.



SEPT. 23, 2011

Helpful hints for hiring Gems N’ Loans, one of the a landscaping company largest gold recyclers in area Your home and your property are one of the largest investments you will ever make. This is where you will raise your children, spend holidays, and entertain family and friends. Professional landscaping enhances the beauty and value of your home as well as gives you a lifetime of pride and enjoyment. In this day of the information age it has never been easier to find out what you need to know in order to hire the right landscaping company for the job. No matter if your job is a small one or a large one you still need to make sure that the landscaping company that you choose is reliable and trustworthy and that they actually know what they are doing. You should start by finding out if they are licensed by The California State Contractor’s Board (csclb.ca.gov) and if they have had any complaints and how long the landscaping company has been in business. The longer the better, if they have been in business for 20 some odd years then there is a much better chance that they are good at what they do. Kimo’s Landscaping is such the company, being in business since 1977. Your checking up should not end

THE SAFE PATH Landscaping companies can help make your property as amazing as you can imagine it. Courtesy photo

there however. Ask the contractor if they have liability and worker’s compensation insurance and request copies of certificates. Also check The San Diego Better Business Bureau, they have a rating system, A+ being the best (bbb.org). It is recommended to have a complete landscape design with a drawing and a written description of the work to be done and materials to be used. Most reputable landscape companies will charge a fee for the design, but you will save a lot of time, money and change order nightmares for the minimal investment. Choose a landscaping

company that will be dedicated to the work that you are getting done, you are paying for a service and you deserve for it to be as good as it can be. (Kimo’s Landscaping has been awarded the coveted Lifetime Achievement Award from C.L.C.A, Winner of HGTV’s Landscaper Challenge for Design and build as well as numerous awards including State Awards). For more information, please call us at (760) 729KIMO (5466) or visit our website at kimoslandscaping.com to view more photos and awards. You’ll be glad you did.

Gems N’ Loans Jewelry Exchange provides the opportunity for customers to bring in and sell or recycle their old jewelry, or obtain instant cash loans on jewelry, autos, and other merchandise. The local family-owned company, in business for 18 years in San Diego North County, operates five local upscale stores located in Oceanside, Vista, Escondido, Temecula and Valley Center. Their inventory of quality merchandise changes daily which makes for repeat visits by customers to see “what’s for sale today at a bargain price.” With gold at an all time high value, many are choosing to cash in their old gold items. Many families are realizing they have jewelry lying around gathering dust, and other assets stashed around the house, which can be pawned in return for immediate cash — a highly desirable commodity in today’s economy. Jewelry worn infrequently, precious stones, and gems resting in the safe deposit box at the bank, all have collateral value at the pawn store. In addition, musical instruments the kids left at home as they went off to

college and work, tools, and countless other unused items can be converted into instant cash. Once a person visits and becomes a customer at any of the Gems N’ Loans locations, the store keeps in touch by sending a handsigned thank-you card and then a follow-up campaign of reminder messages. The aim is to convert each first-time customer into a loyal repeat customer who will tell others about their pleasant gold-recycling and shopping experience.

they can come back and buy bargains at the store any time, as well as borrowing cash. The new trend has become “It’s Fun To Go Pawn Shopping.” For phone numbers and addesses of the five stores, visit gemsnloans.com.

New look at the Pawn Shop is more like the mall Gems N’ Loans has all the attributes of today’s “new look at the pawn shop.” First-time customers who walk in any of the stores are clearly surprised. Rather than encountering the old image fostered for years by Hollywood movies of a small dingy place tucked away on a side street where you go and hock your guitar or necklace, they marvel at the clean, organized look and feel inside the store. It feels more like a nice jewelry store at the mall. They walk out realizing


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Couple expands business empire Steve and Vicki Collo of San Diego own five PostalAnnex+ locations. Franchisees for over 20 years, the Collos are very good at crafting what each location offers to its particular group of customers. San Elijo Hills, a masterplanned community located in the coastal foothills of North San Diego County, began in 2000 and today has some 2,500 residences. In order to give the development a greater feeling of community, the developer created a towncenter, complete with a monumental fountain, and this center is the frequent location of several community events. Near this towncenter is the Collos’ newest store. “The development company really wants this center to work,” says owner Steve Collo. “There’s an attempt to bridge any gap which may exist between newer businesses which are just starting up, and the homeowners who may not be familiar with those businesses as yet.” Steve says that community events are frequent, and that the larger, more elaborate ones are scheduled to TURN TO POSTAL ANNEX+ ON B17

SEPT. 23, 2011


Turn students into recycling heroes this season With back-to-school season back again, now is a great time to instill a simple message your child will benefit from in the years to come: Green is good. By implementing a few recycling tactics across your home and encouraging the same behaviors in the classroom, you can turn your student into a green “hero” and help her embrace earthfriendly habits. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, only 30 percent of consumer waste is recycled each year. This presents a great opportunity for children to use their green thumbs and take part in saving the planet. Here are a few ways to get your children started:

2. Get crafty In addition to paper products, all kinds of waste can be “upcycled” into useful or decorative items. For example, a painted egg carton can make a unique storage box for small objects like beads or paper clips and tissue paper glued to a clean spaghetti sauce jar makes for an attractive vase. The possibilities are endless, so you’ll not only be saving trash from a landfill, you’ll be inspiring creativity.

1. Give paper some TLC 3. Better together Paper accounts for as much as 50 percent of landfill space. Rather than add to this waste, implement a designated paper recycling bin that can be easily accessed where you tend to use paper

aluminum and glass before the end of the school year. Parents can support this effort by encouraging children to not only recycle at home, but to also take recyclable materials into the classroom to participate in the school’s project.

most in the home or in the classroom. Or, better still, put your paper products to good use by challenging your kids or students to create paper craft projects. Then encourage them to recycle any scraps when finished.

Recycling is often more effective when multiple people take part. Teachers can set a goal for their classroom, school or even individual students to recycle a specified amount of paper, plastics,

4. Adopt a program Encouraging your children to take part in a recycling-focused program can develop valuable habits while encouraging some fun. One such program is the Elmer’s Glue Crew Recycling Program, a classroom resource designed to teach children how they can help save the planet, gives recycling-related lesson plans as well as fun and engaging projects for their students. Throughout the year, the classroom or school collects empty glue bottles and glue sticks to be recycled through TerraCycle. For additional information on the Elmer’s program, visit CRAFTY One of the best things you can do for the planet is to get chil- ElmersGlueCrew.com and dren enthusiastic about recycling early in their lives. Courtesy photo Facebook.com/GlueCrew.

Local man takes business from roofing to all-around help Secure Home Improvements is a true American success story. It began as Secure Roof, when founder Dave Massey launched his own roofing business in 1990. For almost two decades, he gave San Diego County superior roofs and customer service.

Because of the company’s excellent work, Dave and Secure Roof became their home improvement resource. Secure Roof offered extraordinary guarantees and lifelong costumer service to his 15,0000 customers. Their mission statement was then and still is to turn cus-

tomers into clients and clients into friends. “We always included free annual inspections of the roofs we did and kept in contact with our clients, providing them with real service,” Massey said. “It has always been a personal connection for me. I am founder, presi-

dent, customer service manager, and I am involved in every phase of the project.” This hard-to-find professionalism prompted his customers to call him for advice and help when it came time to do any other ongoing home maintenance or remodels. Secure expanded its annual

inspections to a thorough, informative, four-phase inspection that also includes an energy audit. Customers found that for other home improvement projects, they wanted the same level of service and quality they had TURN TO MASSEY ON B18



SEPT. 23, 2011

Solar is good, but combining solar and energy efficiency is better After receiving those high electricity bills, no doubt you’ll be thinking about ways to cut them. One way is to go dark. Another way is to install a solar system; an even better way would be to combine costeffective energy efficiency measures with a smaller solar system that will save you money and cost you less. Efficiency alterations may sound daunting; every home uses energy differently and there are no generic solutions that are cost effective for everyone. At Solare Energy, our certified energy auditors conduct free home assessments to determine the ideal combination of solar power and energy efficiency for each home. Established in 1989, we are one of the largest installers of solar and energy efficiency

systems in San Diego. In June of 1999, the average electricity consumption for a single family detached home using 675 kWh yielded a bill of $71 from SDG&E. This summer, that same consumption yields an electric bill of $150. And you can expect to pay $315 in another twelve years for that same consumption. Solar power systems have been a good option for San Diego homeowners to reduce their electricity cost.While the systems require an upfront investment, most solar panels have a 25-year warranty and will produce electricity for up to 40 years at practically no operating cost. The savings on electric bills from a solar power system will cover the investment in six to eight years for most home-


— find a notary public--at PostalAnnex+, bonded and insured; — get documents copied and printed in color or black & white; — pick up most-needed office supplies, saving you time for another trip — and many more services, all under one roof. Also available are a large selection of gifts items (including greeting cards and postcards) and gift wrap. Whether you are heading to a baby shower or birthday party, you will have a variety of gifts available to choose from. PostalAnnex+ is located at 1501 San Elijo Road South Suite 104. For more information, call (760) 471-4748 or visit postalannex.com/4013.


occur quarterly. Located in beautiful San Marcos — San Elijo Hills, PostalAnnex+ is your neighborhood business service center, offering many needed services under one roof. When you come to PostalAnnex+, it’s like having your own personal assistant. Offering you the benefit of being able to get many of your to-do’s done under one roof: — compare shipping rates on UPS, FedEx and the USPS; — get packaging supplies-boxes, packaging peanuts, tape, bubble envelopes; — rent a private mailbox-offers safety,security and privacy;

owners, leaving them with free electricity for another 20 to 30 years. While solar power systems are a good option,an even better option is to combine solar power with energy efficiency. According to a The Wall Street Journal report, energy

advocates have been trying for several years now to shift both government and consumer focus from solar production to efficient consumption. Advocates maintain that a greater emphasis on basic adjustments like insulation, duct sealing and LED bulbs,

can save consumers money and cut the amount of energy wasted on heating, cooling and lighting. A homeowner in San Diego, instead of spending $17,500 on a solar power system, can spend $14,500 on energy efficiency measures

and a smaller solar system that will provide the same savings. These days, there are plenty of financing options that allow homeowners to install solar with little or no money down. To find out more, call us at (800) 411-SOLAR or visit SolareEnergy.com.

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building a strong team and dives into topics ranging from obtaining land for a community garden, to handling garden budgets and inventories, to creating garden rules and solving conflicts. This class also offers the opportunity for students to network and discuss problems and solutions with people from San Diego communities. The third course, trains participants to successfully begin and sustain a school garden. Several issues are covered in this course, including the importance of school gardens, creating a leadership team, building community partnerships, designing a garden, fundraising, developing outdoor curriculum for students, and connecting gardens to healthy lifestyles. Gardening always starts

SEPT. 23, 2011

FALL HOME & GARDEN SPECIAL SECTION with healthy soil. The Solana Center is a leader in composting education. We provide free composting and vermicomposting workshops, as well as offer discounted compost bins, which are subsidized by various cities and the Unincorporated County of San Diego. Also, the Solana Center presents composting and other environmental issues in schools. In October, the Solana Center will be holding its six week Master Compost Certification Course for people with all levels of composting experience. This program combines detailed lecture by experts, hands on experience, and field trips. For more information please visit the Solana Center’s website solanacenter.org or call 760-436-7986 x216. It is located at 137 North El Camino Real, Encinitas, CA. 92024



received from Secure Roof, so Dave Massey decided to provide it for them. In 2007, Secure Roof made the natural transition to become Secure Home Improvements, at 627 E.



countertop, maple lower cabinets and space for under-counter refrigerator. “Visitors to Edgehill Terrace think these casitas are so cool!” Rose said. “They have the potential to serve as a home office, studio, art room, guest suite and more. These unique living spaces allow Edgehill Terrace to present an uncommon lifestyle opportunity.” Throughout, these resi-

Mission Road in San Marcos, and expanded to offer many other services. Those services include roofing and roof repair, photovoltaic solar, rain gutters, kitchen and bathroom remodels and room additions. “I want to remind customers that right now is the very best time to take care of

home improvements,” Massey said. “The 30-percent federal tax credit on installing an electric solar system may only last until the end of the year. Also, if your roof needs attention, now is the time to take care of it.The rainy season is just around the corner and you can avoid costly leaks and

damage. “The key to a quality solar installation is to install it so you make certain it interacts perfectly with your roof system,” Massey added. “We back up the entire system, to prevent water intrusion, guaranteeing a worry-free transaction.”

dences are filled with beautiful and sophisticated features and amenities. Buyers also enjoy the benefit of being able to incorporate options where available and other personalization choices through Warmington’s interior design affiliate, Chateau Interiors & Design. Every home also includes a long list of resource and energy-efficient features and is prepared for on optional solar electric system. The sales office and model

home at Edgehill Terrace are open Thursday through Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., on Monday from noon to 6 p.m., and is closed on Tuesday and Wednesday. To reach the neighborhood from state Route 78, exit at Vista Village Drive and travel north. Turn right at Vale Terrace and continue on until this street ends at Foothill, where you will turn left. Foothill ends at Edgehill Road. Turn right and Edgehill Terrace is about 1.5 blocks up the hill on the right hand side. The address is 994 Audrey Place. For more information, please call Sylvia Rose at (760) 941-4820. To view interactive floorplans, artist’s renderings and

the full list of exceptional included features, visit HomesByWarmington.com/Ed gehillTerrace Warmington Residential California is part of the Warmington group of companies, which is headquartered in Costa Mesa, California. The first Warmington company began as a builder of custom homes for Hollywood stars and executives and earned a reputation for excellence. While the group has grown and evolved, its reputation and penchant for building beautiful and high caliber homes has remained consistent. Today, it is estimated that nearly 40,000 families live in Warmington homes throughout California and in the Las Vegas, Nev. area.


planting a dwarf apple tree instead. As the temperatures drop, enjoy the season’s harvest by incorporating locally grown produce into the menu. Start reviewing new recipes to try for family and friends and test their reactions. With the hearty flavors of freshly grown and harvested vegetables from the garden, everyone will be clamoring for more.


year? With just a sunny place for a container on the balcony or a small plot in the backyard, you can easily plant your own garden to grow fresh squash, rutabagas or carrots in the spring to be enjoyed by your family next fall. If you prefer the crunch of a freshly picked apple, try


staff at Contract Carpet continues to volunteer in their area with organizations like the Community Resource Center, putting together holiday gift baskets, as well as lending a hand with local animal shelters. At both Contract Carpet locations — 191 N. El Camino Real, Suite 112, Encinitas, and 11658 Carmel Mountain Rd., Suite 130, San Diego — the Dixons and their team know that no other single furnishing in your home sets the tone like the flooring. All of their installers are not only experts but longtime employees, offering a reliability that will meet the highest expectations of quality and workmanship. Contract Carpet offers flooring shoppers free esti-



can waste as much as five to 10 gallons per day; a fast drip results in 20 to 30 gallons of water down the drain daily. In a small bathroom space, consider replacing your outdated faucet with TOTO’s Upton Single Handle HighEfficiency Lavatory Faucet. Its tall, sleek, contemporary design works perfectly with vessel lavatories that complement smaller bath spaces. But the best feature is that the faucet only uses 1.5 gallons of water per minute, making it EPA WaterSense certified. Your water heater also may need updating. Tankless water heaters are 10 to 30 percent more energy efficient than conventional storage water heaters, according to

mates and guarantees all labor. Whether it’s the warmth of wall-to-wall carpet, the bright accent of area rugs, the finish tone of elegant wood floors, the practicality of a porcelain tile or the convenience of vinyl flooring, flooring is what gives any room its basic personality. When furnishing a new home or bringing old floors up to date, Contract Carpet is the place to find it all, including custom window treatments that will match or compliment your flooring choice. And to the busy homeowners’ delight, shoppers don’t have to wander miles to some distant warehouse district to find the right price and selection. Visit them in the heart of Encinitas or in Carmel Mountain Ranch or call them at (760) 436-9030 or (858) 4519717. National Geographic’s “Is Your Home a ‘Green’ House?” Even new conventional models can reduce the amount of energy you spend heating water. And there are other devices you can install with your water pipes to help recirculate standing water in the pipes, so you don’t waste water waiting for the hot water to finally arrive at the faucet. An instant hot shower also keeps family members happy on those chilly winter mornings — and saves money on your water bill. Quality is very important to homeowners these days, and developing a beautiful, energy-efficient bathroom, especially in today’s downsized and upgraded spaces, is a growing trend among homeowners that’s helping them improve their quality of life.


SEPT. 23, 2011


Coming to Encinitas!

A collection of just 18 luxury residences. Sales begin October 1st.

Spacious sites and homes with up to 4,650 square feet will offer an exceptional lifestyle opportunity less than two miles from the water and Moonlight Beach. This is a rare opportunity to purchase a brand new home in Encinitas. Exquisite homes with Spanish and Mediterranean inspired architecture Charming courtyards with fireplace 4-space garages on some plans


Oversized homesites



All homes will be solar powered! Ocean close location with an historic beach town with quaint shops, sidewalk cafes, and restaurants

Three professionally decorated and landscaped models will open for touring on Saturday, October 1st - save the date and plan to attend our GRAND OPENING CELEBRATION!

Interest list now forming | Anticipated pricing from the low $1 millions HomesByWarmington.com | 760-445-1983 |

Realtors welcome. 速

Robin Speaks, DRE Lic. # 0 1 2 6 4 7 8 0 *Two additional homes of approx 1,500 sq. ft. will be compatible with the community for the purpose of providing affordable housing assistance. Prices effective date of publication and subject to change prior to sale. 09.09.11



SEPT. 23, 2011

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