The Rancho Santa Fe News, June 29, 2012

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VOL. 8, NO. 10

.com JUNE 29, 2012


‘Make us proud’ By Patty McCormac


Salva Dut, a “Lost Boy” of the Sudan honors the Rancho Santa Fe and Encinitas Rotary Clubs for their efforts in helping to fund water drilling in his A3 home country.



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RANCHO SANTA FE — A total of 88 students — 36 girls and 52 boys — graduated from R. Roger Rowe School in Rancho Santa Fe, poised to take the next step on their academic ladder. The event, held June 14 at the Garden Club, saw every one of the 433 seats filled with proud family and friends. Many more stood during the ceremony. Abi Shearer, a secondgrader, greeted guests and handed them programs as they entered. When “Pomp and Circumstance” began to play, the class of 2012 walked twoby-two, and sometimes threeby-three, to seats reserved for them at the foot of the gazebo, which had already been filled by school officials. First to speak was Lindy Delaney, district superintendent, who told the graduates they were about to move on. “You are ready,” she said. “We are excited for you.” She also pointed out this would probably be the last time they would be together as a group. Graduate Emily Graham gave the annual “A Time To Say Thank You,” speech to the school’s staff, their parents and others who have supported the class over the years at the school. Jim Depolo, school board president, gave the main address. “This is the longest time you will spend at any school, even graduate school,” he said, noting that many of the students have been there since kindergarten. With the strong foundation they have built at Rowe, he urged them to never stop learning. “We hope we have taught you how to learn,” he said. “Now we want you to build on what you have learned.” He said they have been taught in many ways, tradi-

Lindy Delaney, school superintendent welcomes the guests. She told the class they are ready to face high school.

Jane MeXXino, student council president, giYes the graduation address where she calls the class more liZe family than classmates. Photos by Patty McCormac

Graduate Emily Graham deliYers the [Time to GiYe ThanZs,\ speech.

The class enters the Garden Club to [Pomp and Circumstance.\

tionally and alternatively. “Learning about roller coaster physics was pretty fun,” he said referring to a field trip taken by the class. Depolo said that sometimes when the students take tests in the future, they may know the answer that is expected is not the answer that is true. He said if these students had taken a test in the 1400s, the correct answer would have been that the earth was flat. “What about the Wright Brothers flying?” he asked.

He urged students to identify their passion and follow their dreams. “Now go out and make us proud,” Depolo said. Next academic and athletic awards were given. Jane Mezzino, student council president, gave the graduation address where she noted how quickly the time has passed and that the graduates were more like family than classmates. Then the diplomas were presented to the graduates. It is a tradition that school board members and former

School Board President Jim Depolo urges the students to continue learning for their entire liYes and to [go out and maZe us proud.\

board members be allowed to bestow a diploma if they have a son or daughter who is graduating. Carly Hedapohl bestowed a diploma on her son Travis. After the ceremony, the celebration continued at a dinner and party back at the school’s campus.

A shoeless Abi Sherer hands out programs when guests enter the Rancho Santa Fe Garden Club where the _01_ graduation was held.



JUNE 29, 2012

l tDn e r hei eDn gt gl e gDn Dt egth u l n ne t n Du gl em tD e t Da e nu mgl De rg uh tgi e i De e hhg D eDgn i n t r e rg u s h Da n hg e e l n gl r ee eDi g m e t r aDn e g t Photo by Patty McCormac

Association approves budget, bids farewell to its outgoing directors By Patty McCormac

RANCHO SANTA FE — The June 21 meeting of the Association was short, but it covered a variety of subjects. Pete Smith, Association manager, showed up with his arm in a sling, explaining that he had broken it in a couple of places in a mountain biking mishap. “It stopped,” he said of the bike. “I didn’t.” At the meeting, Ivan Holler, planning director, reported there was a realtor caravan to the house that is for sale on the former Osuna property. “There were 50 agents,” Holler said. “That was a pretty good turnout.” Holler said staff plans to put together a pamphlet about the Osuna property and its history with a section about how donors can support the project. Jack Queen, board president, asked that in the pamphlet there be an update about the master plan for the restoration project that includes what work has already been done and what is planned for the future. He said some residents do not seem to know that there has

always been a master plan for the adobe and its grounds. “We will make sure a unit is included in the pamphlet,” Holler said. Holler also reported that the final EIR for the proposed roundabouts in Rancho Santa Fe will be released soon by the county. “I don’t know for sure when it will be released and I have not yet seen them, but it should be available for public view in the next couple of weeks,” Holler said. The board also approved the budget for next year. “This year we had two members at the (public hearing for the budget) and one asked a question and it was a very good question,” said Steve Comstock, chief financial officer. “The question was if the Association has any unfunded liabilities,” Comstock said. “It does not.” He said sometimes at the yearly budget hearing they end up discussing something entirely different, like horse breeding. The public hearing was held on May 23. The board also gave Comstock approval to sus-

pend all membership privileges of those 17 residents who have failed to pay the second installments of their assessments, which was due by April 20. “Despite several letters requesting payment of the outstanding Association assessments and warnings of the consequences of the nonpayment, these property owners have failed to bring their assessments current,” he said. It was the last meeting for outgoing directors Jack Queen and Dick Doughty, who could not get away without some good-natured jabbing and a few gifts. To say farewell, the staff decided to re-quote some of their statements made during meetings. “I apologize for my open mike remarks,” Doughty had said a few months ago, after uttering off-color remark during a meeting. “The mike is hereby open,” Smith told him at the recent meeting, indicating he could now say what he wants the way he wants. Queen’s best quote was, “I’m going to vote no on this, but I want everyone else to vote yes.”

PASSING OF THE GAVEL s n t hD ne n g ge tm rl

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rr gl h t r e t Da h e a r tgi he a ro t i gnm l n rr gl h t e r e eg gi t hD ne r he m t nn e n g ne Courtesy photo

Clubs honored for water efforts By Patty McCormac

RANCHO SANTA FE — Think back to age 11. You were probably in fifth grade, playing a few sports, goofing off with friends and spending summers daydreaming. It’s probably safe to say you were not fleeing a bloody civil war, coming dangerously close to starvation or fearful of being eaten by wild animals. Salva Dut, one of the Lost Boys of the Sudan, had that experience and has not only lived to tell about it, but is now leading the charge to get water for South Sudan. He is the founder of and president of Water For South Sudan, Inc., which he founded in 2004. He was at a meeting of the Encinitas and Coastal Rotary Club on June 12 during his fundraising tour. The Rotary Clubs in Encinitas and Rancho Santa Fe along with other clubs, groups and individuals, have raised funds to drill wells that provide fresh water in far flung villages in Dut’s homeland. Dut, now 36, honored the Rancho Santa Fe Rotary Club at the meeting for its support in the drilling of wells. Dut is a Rotarian, too. He is a member in Penfield, N.Y. He splits his time spending the dry season in Sudan during drilling and then comes to the U.S. to raise funds for the rest of the year. He has quite the story to tell about his childhood. “When I was 11 the war came to my village and I ran to Ethiopia where I lived in a refugee camp for six years,” he said. But the trip to Ethiopia was brutal. “It was really bad,” he said. “I was without my parents and family for many years. There was not enough food. We were running away from wild animals that were trying to eat us.” In fact, his uncle who began the trip with him, was killed by a lion, he said. And when they crossed bodies of water, crocodiles picked them off. “The war was attacking us too and diseases, like typhoid, malaria and diarrhea were killing us too,” he said. Dut said that out of the 1,500 boys, mostly from the Dinka Tribe, who fled with him, 500 were lost along the way. “Then we were chased away to Kenya where I stayed in refugee camp for five years,” he said. In 1996, under the auspices of the U.S. State Department and the United Nations, about 3,800 of the Lost Boys, including Dut, came to the United States while other Boys went to Australia and Canada. “I came to the U.S. sponsored by the Episcopal Church in Rochester, New York,” he said. He stayed, grew and studied international business. Dut said he was inspired to place the original well in his village



JUNE 29, 2012

Kate DuVivier, former Encinitas Coastal Rotary President helps Ole Prahm of the Rancho Santa Fe Rotary, hold a banner thanking them for their part in the quest for fresh water in South Sudan. Photos by Patty McCormac

Salva Dut, one of the former Lost Boys of Sudan, now leads the charge to finance wells for fresh water in his country. Recently he was at a local Rotary meeting to raise funds and to honor those who have become regular partners in his mission.

because he heard that his father, who had contracted a waterborne disease and parasites, was in a U.N. hospital. Each thought the other was dead. Dut’s father recovered, but it brought home the reality that the villagers needed clean drinking water. Once the well was operating, it brought a clinic, merchants and a school, he said. Dut did not stop there. He and his supporters have so far drilled 137 wells, each at a cost of about $15,000. He said he cannot see an end to the project because the need is so great. “I am honored to be involved with Salva, and Water for South Sudan, from 2006 with 17 wells and now we have 137 wells and have saved the lives of thousands of children who otherwise would have died from waterborne diseases,” said Ole Prahm of the Rancho Santa Fe Rotary. “Additionally the adults are no longer getting sick from drinking polluted water. The children can now attend school because they don’t have to spend all day collecting water; the villagers can remain in their villages year-round since they don’t have to move in the dry season in search of polluted river water.”

Although South Sudan became independent in 2011, it still needs help, Dut said. “We are so happy to be an independent country now. We were suffering so much under that regime. We are a young country and we are like a baby, we will have to crawl before we learn to walk. It might be a generation before we get there,” Dut told the Rotarians. But, he said, the people who are providing funds for the wells have done a lot toward making life better for everyone. “These wells will help the children who don’t know what a better life is so they don’t have to walk miles and miles to get water,” he said. Kate DuVivier, former Encinitas Rotary president, said recently her husband Chuck and Orin Abrams of the Anaheim Hills Rotary Club traveled to South Sudan to verify the wells have been drilled and are working. They found the wells, which are monitored by the U.N., to be working. Dut wrote a children’s book titled “A Long Walk to Water.” To learn more about Water for South Sudan, Inc. v i s i t

Awards Day highlights students SAN DIEGO — The following Rancho Santa Fe residents graduated from The Bishop’s School in La Jolla May 25, and received recognition at the Awards Day and Commencement Ceremonies. Ariana Andonian, daughter of John and Cynthia Andonian, received the Stephanie Blankenship Award, given to students who attend Bishop’s for six years and made the honor roll each semester during those years. In 2011-12, Andonian severed as the Associated Student Body Council Public Relations Rep. She will attend University of Southern California. Madeline Erdossy, daughter of Eric and Karin Erdossy, received the Otto Mower Award at Commencement for being on the honor roll for four or five years at Bishop’s and making the honor roll each semester during those years. She will attend University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Kennedy Geenen, daughter of Fir and Judy Geenen, received a Stephanie Blankenship Award, given to students who attend Bishop’s for six years and made the honor roll each semester during those years. She plans on taking a gap year for 2012-13. Campbell Lunsford, daughter of Jeffrey and Kerrie Lunsford, received the Otto Mower Award at Commencement for being on the honor roll for four or five years at Bishop’s and making the honor roll each semester

during those years. She will attend Emory University. Summerset Thompson, daughter of Caroline Winter Thompson, received a Head of School Award that was presented to seniors whose contributions to Bishop’s were recognized as exceptional and worthy of praise and the Stephanie Blankenship Award, given to students who attend Bishop’s for six years and made the honor roll each semester during those years. In 2011-12, Thompson severed as the Associated Student Body Council 12th-grade class president and was co-editor of the yearbook. She will attend the University of Southern California. Charlotte Brutten, daughter of Marc and Patricia Brutten, was All-Academic for girls’ soccer in 2011-12. She will attend Boston College. Christian Conway, son of Michael and Phyllis Conway, was All-Academic for boys’ tennis in 2011-12. He will attend Elon University. Patrick Dempsey, son of Patrick and Kim Dempsey, will attend University of Arizona. Alexander Evans-Pfeiffer, son of Daniel Floit and Lena Evans-Floit, was All-Academic for boys’ lacrosse in 2011-12.He will attend University of Southern California. Noelle Herring, daughter of Charles and Dawn Herring, was inducted into the Cum Laude Society earlier this year. She will attend Stanford University. Ann Marie Heymann,

daughter of Richard and Christy Heymann, was AllAcademic for field hockey in 2011-12. She will attend Texas Christian University. Katherine Kelleher, daughter of Timothy Kelleher and Annamae Kelleher, will attend the University of San Diego. Ann Kelly, daughter of Michael and Lisa Kelly, was AllAcademic for girls’ crosscountry in 2011-12. She will attend University of San Diego. Rebecca Lass, daughter of Mark and Patti Lass, was AllAcademic for girls’ tennis in 2011-12. She will attend Elon University. Alexandra Mejia, daughter of Azul and Richard Mejia, Jr., was All-Academic for softball in 2011-12. She will attend Trinity College. Jina Na, daughter of Sean J. and Agness Na, will attend University of Notre Dame. Dylan Pinkalla, daughter of Gregory and Tricia Pinkalla, was All-Academic for girls’ water polo in 2011-12. She will attend University of Southern California. Taylor Ragland, daughter of Ronald Ragland, will attend University of Miami. Catherine Riedman, daughter of Jim and Carron Riedman,was All-Academic for girls’ volleyball in 2011-12 and will attend Cornell University. Sean Roohanipur, son of Manoochehr and Doreen Roohanipur, will attend Bentley University. Stephanie Totoritis, daughter of Mark and Debra Totoritis, will attend New York University.



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Immigration and the powers of incumbency By Cokie Roberts & Steven V. Roberts

RANCH HISTORY OSUNA ADOBE: BEFORE AND AFTER Top le't)*uring the 1suna ownership, two ado7es were 7uilt. 9ictured here is 1suna 1, which was a remodel o' the 1=31 ?i7rado SilAas ado7e. Bt was situated near what is now Cia de Santa De. Bt is 7elieAed that a liAing room and a sleeping porch were added 7etween 1=EF and 1GHE. I second ado7e was 7uilt, 1suna J, on what is now known as Cia de la Calle and 7ecame the home o' Luan and Luliana 1suna. Bottom le't) The reha7ilitation o' 1suna 1 was completed around 1GJO. Bt was paid 'or 7y prominent ?a Lolla real estate inAestor I.Q. Barlow. Barlow is credited 'or haAing the 'oresight to 7ring this signi'icant arti'act 'rom the Spanish-Rexican period 7ack to li'e. Photos courtesy of Arcadia Publishing, taken from “Rancho Santa Fe,” $21.99. Autographed copies of the book are available at the Rancho Santa Fe Historical Society, 6036 La Flecha. Call (858) 756-9291 or email for more information. Available at local retailers, online bookstores, or at arcadia publishing. com.


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There are a lot of drawbacks to running for re-election when the unemployment rate hits 8.2 percent and a majority of Americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction. You get blamed for problems that are not your fault — such as high gas prices — and are at the mercy of events you cannot control. Economic turmoil in Europe or a shut-off of oil supplies from the Middle East could destabilize the economy and impair President Obama’s chances in November. But an incumbent president also has tremendous advantages. He can use his powers to highlight issues, make appointments and enact policies in ways that no challenger can begin to match. And Obama has just provided a textbook example of how to employ those powers in the area of immigration reform. Using his executive authority, he mandated that young people who were brought here illegally as children would no longer be deported and could apply for a new status leading to work permits, Social Security cards and driver’s licenses — but not citizenship. Anywhere from 800,000 to 1.4 million could qualify. That’s a fraction, but a visible and vocal one, of the 11 million undocumented immigrants now living in the United States. The Republican reaction graphically demonstrated the frustrations of being the out party in an election year. The president is “playing politics,” Republicans protested. Duh. Of course he was playing politics, and playing it well. A new Bloomberg poll showed voters supporting the policy 64 percent to 30 percent, with independents backing the move by more than 2-to-1. But the president’s prime target is Hispanic voters. Two out of three backed him in 2008, but almost 80 percent of Hispanics younger than 30 voted Democratic. Energizing young Latinos could tip the balance in critical swing states from Colorado to Florida. The immigration issue has an added benefit to the president: It splinters the Republican Party. Hard-line conservatives immediately denounced the president’s announcement and accused him of coddling lawbreakers. Rep. Steve King of Iowa vowed to block the policy in court and fulminated, “Americans should be outraged that President Obama is planning to usurp the constitutional authority of the United States Congress and grant amnesty by edict to 1 million illegal aliens.” More reasonable Republicans — who understand

the power of the Latino vote — are horrified at that sort of rhetoric. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush recently chided his own party for adopting an “orthodoxy that doesn’t allow for disagreement” and cited immigration as a glaring example. “Don’t just talk about Hispanics and say immediately we must have controlled borders,” said Bush, who is married to a Mexican-American and speaks Spanish. “Change the tone, would be the first thing. Second, on immigration, I think we need to have a broader approach.” The fissure in Republican ranks was highlighted recently when more than 150 evangelical Christian leaders released a statement calling for a more “just and fair” immigration policy. Tom Minnery of Focus on the Family, an influential radio ministry based in Colorado, told a press conference, “I think the people are in a different spot than the politicians on this issue. I think people are tired of the rhetoric and looking for some improvement in the immigration system.” Yes, they are, which is why Mitt Romney made such a serious mistake during the primary campaign when he sided with the hard-liners on immigration by suggesting that illegals “selfdeport.” Instead of being just and fair, his policy was the opposite: morally insensitive, politically damaging and practically impossible. That left Romney sputtering when Obama introduced his new initiative. If he endorsed the president’s idea, he would alienate his conservative base; if he denounced it, he would further damage his standing with Latinos. As a result, he issued a lame criticism that Obama should have enacted a “long-term solution” to the problem, not a stopgap executive order. Of course, Obama tried to do exactly that in 2010 by supporting the Dream Act, a sensible and worthy attempt to regularize the legal status of young immigrants. It actually passed the House and attracted 55 votes in the Senate — but failed because of a Republican filibuster. Is Obama playing politics with the immigration issue? Absolutely. But he’s effective at it because Republican purists have given him the opening, demanding an “orthodoxy” from their nominee that any savvy politician who can actually count knows is nuts. Obama would be guilty of political malpractice if he didn’t use the powers of his office to exploit that massive miscalculation. Steve and Cokie Roberts can be contacted by email at



JUNE 29, 2012

Violent crimes down, thefts up in Del Mar By Bianca Kaplanek

Violent crimes in Del Mar decreased slightly in 2011 compared to the previous year, but property crime was up nearly 40 percent during the same time span, according to statistics released in April by the San Diego Association of Governments. “Thefts from vehicles and residential burglaries … accounted for much of the rise in crime throughout the county and specifically here in Del Mar,” Capt. Sherri Sarro told council members during the June 18 meeting. She said wallets, purses, credit cards and IDs were frequently stolen from cars, while electronic equipment, jewelry and money were targets in residential burglaries. There were 15 cars stolen in 2011, 10 more than the previous year. “There’s nothing that correlates as to why we had a few additional thefts of vehicles here in the city other than this is a city that drives higher-end types of vehicles and sometimes criminals just target the fact that they want that particular car,” Sarro said. In 2008, all crimes in the city were down from the previous year but there was an across-the-board increase in 2009. In 2010, burglaries and thefts continued to decline but assaults went up marginally. Last year assaults decreased but all other crimes went up again. In Del Mar in 2007 there were 18 violent crimes, including rape, homicide and aggravated assault. In 2010 that number increased slightly to 19 then dropped to 16 last year. There were 129 property crimes in the city in 2010. That increased by 39 percent, to to 179 last year. While that represents a 17.5 percent decrease from a high of 217 in 2007, “that still doesn’t make us feel any better,” Sarro said. “There’s no particular reason that crime goes up in a particular year but we do see some trends in different years,” she said. “I think some of the new technology accounts for some of the rise and lowering of crime. “You’ve got a lot of good stuff,” she said. “People are

Reach over

coming here to commit their crimes and then going back and living in other places in the county. “We need to educate the public,” Sarro said, noting that people often leave purses, wallets, phones or iPads on car seats. “That’s a crime of opportunity,” she said. “A criminal walks by, sees something and boom, they’re going to break in and steal it. “You make it too easy,” she said. “It doesn’t explain all of it but some of that opportunity can be taken away by people being a little smarter and securing their possessions.” Council members said some residents are hesitant to summon police if, in their opinion, they are the victim of a minor crime, such as having a surfboard stolen. “You’ve got to call us,” Sarro said. Officers need to take a report and look at crime statistics in the area, she said, adding that if someone is stopped with stolen property it’s easier to return the items if they were reported stolen. Sarro said officers can take a report over the phone but they prefer to visit the crime scene, look for evidence and canvass the area. “We want to get a true picture and maybe even offer some tips,” she said. The patrol schedule can be adjusted to address any increases in crime during a particular time of day or in a specific area. Sarro said there has been a countywide uptick in nonviolent crimes because there isn’t a lot of jail time for those offenses and repeat offenders know that. “That’s a problem countywide that was kind of given to us by the state,” she said. Sarro said anything that can deter criminals is beneficial, including forming neighborhood watch programs and installing alarm systems and surveillance cameras. She also recommended taking pictures of valuables and recording the serial numbers on electronic equipment. Visit and enter an address to view crimes occurring in a neighborhood or for prevention tips and other information.

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Summer Solstice offers taste of the city By Bianca Kaplanek

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With the Pacific Ocean as their backdrop, chefs from nearly two dozen Del Mar restaurants and representatives from area wineries and breweries provided samples of their finest offerings at the Del Mar Village Association’s 17th annual Summer Solstice held June 21 at Powerhouse Park. The event also included live music, massages, facial treatments, feathered guests from Free Flight exotic bird

sanctuary a silent auction featuring vacation packages, passes to the Del Mar Thoroughbred Club, overnight stays at area hotels, complimentary meals at local restaurants and one year of free parking in the city deemed “priceless” but with a starting bid of $600. All 700 tickets, at $50 apiece, once again sold out in advance. Proceeds support the DMVA’s downtown revitalization efforts.

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Who’s NEWS? Business news and special achievements for North San Diego County. Send information via email to community@

recently afforded the opportunity to go to one of our academies, if they were on the waitlist to do so Torrey Pines High School expects 2,675 students next school year.

Reaching out

The Elizabeth Hospice recently launched a new website designed to help people facing a life limiting illness and their loved ones gain earGuild gives money lier access to hospice care. The Rancho Santa Fe The site, Art Guild, 6004 Paseo went live June 14. Delicias donated $150 for the Children’s Show at the San Student support Tri-City Medical Center Diego County Fair. This contribution is awarded to a stu- was one of six businesses recdent (grades K-6) whose art ognized by state Sen. Mark work has been selected by Wyland for participating in the division judges. The fair the WorkAbility I training program that partners local run through July 4. businesses with middle Science score school and high school stuAt Torrey Pines High dents in the Vista Unified School,The Journal of Youths School District. WorkAbility I is a trainin Science (JOURNYS), featuring original research, ing program for special edureviews and op-eds received cation students. Special edunational recognition from the cation students may be dealPBS program NOVA and ing with learning disabilities such as dyslexia, difficulty NOVA labs. JOURNYS has several with math and writing or students serving as teen advi- ADD/ADHD. sors to NOVA labs and the group also has a link on the More kudos Tri-City Medical Center NOVA labs website. has received the Get With Accolades The Guidelines–Heart Del Mar’s 21st Street Failure Bronze Quality Sewer Pump Station has Achievement Award from the received an “Award of American Heart Association. Excellence” in Wastewater The recognition signifies that Collection & Treatment from Tri-City has reached an the American Society of Civil aggressive goal of treating Engineers and an heart failure patients for at “Environmental Project of least 90 days with 85 percent the Year” award from the compliance to core standard American Public Works levels of care outlined by the Heart Association. The new pump American station replaced a 39-year-old A s s o c i a t i o n / A m e r i c a n facility and has been operat- College of Cardiology secondary prevention guidelines for ing since November. heart failure patients.

Nicely done

Congratulations to the Torrey Pines High School Falconer members who were asked to write an entire section for the Summer, 2012 issue of MASK Magazine.The magazine is a publication of Mothers Awareness on School-age Kids. The contributing student writers were Mahan Chitgari, Natalie Dunn, Alex Jen, Eva Lilienfeld, Benji Lu, Cory Lomberg, Aditi Munshi, Emily Sun and Natalie Tesfai.

No lottery this year

All San Dieguito Union High School District students will get to go to their firstchoice high school in the district for 2012-2013. A lottery was not necessary at the ninth-grade level, and all students, grades 10 to 12, were

JUNE 29, 2012

High marks

Scripps Memorial Hospital Encinitas and Scripps Green Hospital have received a performance achievement award for meeting strict, evidence-based guidelines related to stroke care during 2011. Both hospitals were granted the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association’s Get With The Guidelines-Stroke Gold Plus Quality Achievement Award. Scripps Memorial Hospital Encinitas has also been named to the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association's “Target: Stroke” honor roll for its commitment to and success in improving care for stroke patients.

VITAL VOLUNTEERS !op Left) !orrey ,ines 0igh School parent 7olunteers, from left, ;enise Small, Mi=e ,o>ell, !erry ?olter and Bobbi Karlson, recei7e honors for their efforts at a special luncheon, May D1. !op Right) !orrey ,ines 0igh School parent 7olunteers Hllen Osins=i and Cinda Kemper earn special than=s at the 7olunteer luncheon. Courtesy photos

Nuclear plant safety still a concern By Bianca Kaplanek

Reluctant to officially comment on the safety of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, but recognizing it is a legitimate concern, Del Mar council members agreed on June 18 to address the issue at a future meeting to allow sufficient time for “wellresearched” and “very balanced” data. The first reactor at SONGS was commissioned in January 1968. That unit was permanently closed in 1992 and is now used to store spent fuel. Units 2 and 3 opened in 1983 and 1984, respectively. In early January, Unit 2 at the San Clemente plant was taken offline for routine maintenance and refueling. Three weeks later a leak was detected in a steam generator tube in Unit 3. That reactor was shut down Jan. 31, although officials say the level of the leak didn’t require such action. An investigation by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission indicates incorrect computer modeling used by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, which manufactured the steam generators, underpredicted the velocities of steam and water in the generators and manufacturing tolerances left the tubes sitting too loosely within support structures. The plant is still offline and is expected to stay remain that way through the summer. “Our No. 1 priority is the health and safety of the public and our employees,” Larry Labrado, public affairs representative for plant owner Southern California Edison, said during the June 18 council meeting. “Our employees live around San Onofre. Their families are there. “We’re not going to restart SONGS until we and the NRC agree it is safe to do so,” he said. “It’s that simple. It’s been five months. We’re not pushing any agenda, any timeline. We’re going to take as much time as we need to make sure that it is safe before any restart is considered.” Councilman Don Mosier, a research scientist and professor at Scripps Research Institute, ques-

Harlier this year the San Onofre Kuclear Lenerating Station >as ta=en offline after a lea= >as detected in a steam generator tube in Mnit D. !hat reactor >as shut do>n Nan. D1.!he plant is still offline and is eOpected to stay remain that >ay through the summer. Courtesy photo

tioned Edison’s sincerity. “You emphasized in your comments Southern California Edison’s commitment to safety and yet San Onofre has the worst safety record of any operating nuclear power plant in the United States and also has a history of retaliation against … employees who complain,” Mosier said. “I understand that situation is getting better but it does lead to some concern about the commitment to safety.” Labrado said the company’s safety record has gotten better. “Are we where we need to be? No,” he said. “We want to constantly improve upon that.” He said there have been two verified instances of retaliation against employees who voiced safety concerns. “They were dealt with very quickly,” Labrado said. “That’s not acceptable to the company. We take any allegation of retaliation very seriously. We want every employee to voice their concerns freely.” Edison received a warning letter from the NRC in September stating employees didn’t feel they could report safety concerns. Labrado said Edison took action and the NRC recently sent another letter stating “reasonable progress” was made in addressing the

work environment issues. Torgen Johnson, a Solana Beach resident who provided an opposing presentation, described nuclear power as “sinister” technology. “It’s even more sinister when it’s run by a for-profit corporation that retaliates against the very people that are reporting safety violations,” he said. “If you’ve ever run a large technical operation you need that safety feedback loop. That’s how you maintain the safety inside your facility. What these retaliations say to me is that this industry and this company (don’t) see health and safety is their No. 1 priority.” Mosier also cited other safety problems, such as an inadequate sea wall height in front of the oceanfront plant. He said updated scientific methodology shows a tsunami could cause waves up to 20 feet, which is higher than the existing wall. Labrado said the plant recently partnered with Scripps Institution of Oceanography to perform an advanced one-year technology study slated to begin at the end of 2012 to better understand geology. “Science evolves,” he said. “We learn new information all the time.” Labrado also said Edison wouldn’t wait until

2022, when the current license from the NRC expires, to address safety issues concerning the sea wall. “That isn’t a license renewal question,” he said. “That’s a now issue. If we find information that says … information has changed and we don’t have sufficient protection we will adjust immediately. It’s not, ‘Wait until the end of the license and then determine it.’” Agreeing the sea wall height is one of many safety concerns, Johnson showed a photo of waves hitting the Tide Park lifeguard tower, located 30 feet above the beach in Solana Beach, during a small storm. “The nature of these disasters has been seriously underplayed by the industry,” he said. Johnson said the best model to use to determine how a natural disaster will impact a nuclear power plant is Japan. That country’s Fukushima Daiichi plant was destroyed after being hit by a tsunami in March 2011. Within hours, three units experienced full meltdown and high levels of radioactivity were released into the air, water and ground. “You can have 40 … great years of operating a TURN TO STATION ON A23



JUNE 29, 2012

Woman’s book chronicles unlikely year in Iraq E’LOUISE ONDASH Hit the Road The fear of being unemployed and mounting debt are strong motivators, which is why Gretchen Berg found herself in a small town in Iraqi Kurdistan teaching young adults English. Not exactly the path that the 39-year-old copy writer and fashion maven had envisioned, especially since she’d already dismissed a teaching career. But in 2009, financial desperation and a love of travel had Berg packing her oversized hockey bags (overweight charges: $2,920) with a year’s supply of tampons among other things (hey, you can’t get those things in Iraq) and boarding a plane for Erbil. Located 50 miles east of Mosul in northeast Iraq (Iraqi Kurdistan), Erbil has a population of 1.3 million, mostly conservative Muslims whose world views couldn’t be more opposed to Berg’s. But “I was living in an expen-




KENT HORNER Local Roots In my last column, I talked about building shade structures or lathe houses to create a different climate for your shade loving plants and juvenile tropicals. One of my favorite plants that loves the shade house environment in So Cal is the staghorn fern. Loving everything prehistoric, unique or unusual, I am drawn to these plants because they can be so beautiful when healthy and they are not found here naturally in this desert ecosystem. Staghorn ferns belong to the Platycerium Genus and live near the equatorial regions of the planet where the temperatures are warm and moist. Australia, South America, Africa, Southeast Asia and New Guinea each have their own individual species and are also home to those commonly found throughout the world. There are 17 individual species of this plant that can be clearly identified by their individual characteristics but there can be multiple cultivars or variations on each specie as well. I recently met a woman while providing her with a bid on some landscape work who grows and cultivates many staghorn ferns in Rancho Bernardo. She was aware of all this and it was interesting to talk to her about the fertilizing and care of these special plants. Most plant enthusiasts like you and me have heard about feeding the staghorn fern with old banana peels. Because the fern is epiphytic

sive apartment in Seattle and couldn’t get a job anywhere and was terrified,” she said in an interview from her Oregon home. “But as soon as I decided to go, I thought, I’m going to write a book because it’s going to be a unique, weird experience.” The result is “I Have Iraq in My Shoe: Misadventures of a Soldier of Fashion” (Sourcebooks; or a fun, fast summer read that may have other beachgoers giving you strange looks when you laugh out loud, which will be often. Berg’s perspective on life and culture in Iraq is strictly that of a selfdescribed fashionista who would “rather watch ‘Project Runway’ than CNN.” In truth, Berg never really assimilates; she just learns to survive with the help of such things as Facebook and Skype; Nutella, M&Ms and Snickers; Diet Coke (not easy to find); and a new blender “which I quickly fell madly in love with,” she writes. “It cost an incomprehensible $26 and was glass, with an apple-green base and rubber lid. It encouraged me to consume the requisite two to

& #$ # and grows on trees, conventional wisdom dictates that leaf debris falling into the “antlers” of the fern, is caught and absorbed thereby nourishing the plant. This may be true, however; her thoughts and those of other specialists I have researched from disdain the resulting flies from this type of fertilizing and use a weak low nitrogen fertilizer during the growing season or warm weather months. Some even recommend weekly fertilizing with small amounts of a slow release fertilizer sprinkled in the middle of the plant. This should be accompanied by regular misting in the warm weather months to prevent desiccation. Like most epiphytes, the Platycerium grows on other plants or trees and even rocky outcroppings in the shady environs of the jungle or rainforest. Unlike mistletoe or other parasitic plants, the staghorn fern does not depend upon another plant for sustenance and makes its own food from the raw nutrients of the forest. Two of the most common and beautiful species grown around the world are the Platycerium bifurcatum and Platycerium superbum. These two are cultivated as ornamentals and can grow





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four servings of fruit a day in the form of smoothies, which almost counterbalanced the Nutella and candy bars.” To periodically assess her attitude and accomplishments, Berg keeps a running tally. Her final score after a bit more than a year: $4,880 in overweight luggage fees; $41,745 of debt eliminated;






in ferns. One great technique for growing these plants is to create a plaque or growing board made from chicken wire and redwood or plywood. The ferns can be wired to the substrate and the surrounding area can be filled with moss or another water absorbing substrate that will keep the roots from drying out. This plaque can then be moved or transported to another garden or it can be removed and displayed as required. Be careful though, after years of growth, your staghorn may become much to heavy to move or support itself. $

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nine countries visited (lifetime total: 45); 20 pairs of shoes purchased; zero soul mates (she had so been hoping); and a 5 out of 10 for cultural tolerance. “I won’t sugarcoat it,” she writes. “While there were definitely things I could appreciate about the Middle East, the glaring inequities

%# more than 1 meter wide. When placed appropriately, the Platycerium species can add focal points and create an amazing tropical look to your shade garden. Most Platycerium have tufted roots that grow from a short rhizome or root stalk that produces two types of fronds. Basal fronds cover the drought fragile roots and are sterile.These sheaths are kidney shaped and wrap around the trunk of the tree or the rocks they are attached to. In some species these fronds will form a crown of lobes catching debris and rainwater to help nourish the plants in dry times. The upper fronds resemble stag horn or elk horn antlers and thusly coin their unique name. These fronds bear spores on their under surface and emanate from clusters of large sori usually positioned on the lobes of these unique structures. Many species of the staghorn fern are single or solitary living and have only one rhizome or root stalk. Other species form colonies when their rhizomes begin to branch or when new rhizomes are formed from the root tips themselves. This will often result in large spaces or areas of a tree being covered

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Courtesy photo

between men and women were too great to ignore.” Nevertheless, “it was really good to get to know the people because of the things they lived through,” like climbing over mountains to escape persecution. “With this book, I’m hoping to reach some people who would never take the time to learn about a different culture.” For photos that correspond to chapters, go to Travel books for the younger jet setters Put “Not for Parents” in the title of a book, and like a kid, I want to read it. Maybe Lonely Planet publisher is using reverse psychology, but I couldn’t help perusing copies of the “Not-for-Parents” paperback series. Written for kids about Rome, London, Paris and New York City ($14.99), readers learn about these world

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cities through colorful, quirky graphics and text. (Also available: “The Travel Book: Cool Stuff to Know About Every Country in the World;” hardback; $19.99.) Did you know that 14-yearold Annie Moore from Ireland was the first immigrant to be checked in at Ellis Island? For that, she received a $10 gold piece, equal to about $10,000 in today’s money. Or that the real name of the Statue of Liberty is “Liberty Enlightening the World?” Or that Slovakia has the world’s biggest stalagmite in Krasnohorska Cave? Buy these books for your kids, then ask permission to read them. For more information, visit

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JUNE 29, 2012

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JUNE 29, 2012


Contact us at with story ideas, events or photos

Songwriter appreciates her ‘restrung’ life community CALENDAR By Jared Whitlock

Three years ago, Cleopatra Degher was playing guitar solos in a rock trio at her high school in Sweden. Now 20 years old and residing in Leucadia, she just released her debut EP, four songs tinged with folk and country that reflect her move into singer-songwriter territory. “Restrung,” Degher’s EP, is a nod to how much her music and life have changed since returning to Encinitas. “I came back to California about two years ago,” Degher said. “I felt like a guitar with new strings — a new start.” Degher was born in Los Angeles. She lived in Encinitas until she was six years old, then she moved with her family to Sweden. Being displaced inspired Degher to write her first song. “It was about wanting to go back to America,” Degher laughed. “It was so goofy.” She eventually warmed up to Sweden. But, even with the vast geographical distance, America was never far from her mind. Over the years, different kinds of American music styles helped drive her shifts in sound. Degher started playing guitar when she was 11 years old. As a beginner, she mainly strummed songs from bands

Cleo%atra De+her %layin+ at the 0aul 2c4e Central 0anca4e 5iesta. 8he recently released her de:ut 20 ;Restrun+,> a collection of country and fol4 son+s in the @ein of artists li4e 2mmylou Harris. Courtesy photo

located in the states. Musicians like Jimi Hendrix encouraged her to sing and play lead guitar in a Swedish rock band. In her late teens, she realized quieter Americana music was a better fit for her personality.

“It described who I am more,” Degher said. “I got more into the songwriting aspect and the vocals.” “I’m not a real loud, showy person,” she added. “I feel like you have to be if you’re going to be a lead guitar player in a rock band.” Tired of Sweden’s cold weather, Degher returned to Encinitas several years ago. Like when she left Encinitas, the move back kicked her into song-writing mode. Last summer, after “waves of inspiration,” she recorded most of her EP in Leucadia, while other instruments that color the album, a mandolin, fiddle and electric guitar, to name some, were recorded in Los Angeles. Her dad, Darius Degher, a longtime musician, produced the new album. Darius Degher said his daughter sang backup vocals on nearly all of the tracks of his new album Coyote Cantos, which comes out July 7. “I’m continually, deeply impressed by her singing,” Darius Degher said. “I say that as someone who’s played with a lot of musicians. Her voice is as good as any. Her guitar playing has gotten a lot better. She’s a natural.” Degher has sung and played guitar at various local spots, including E-Street

Café, where she held the release party for her EP this spring. The show was packed, Degher said. “Being a new artist, you don’t always get a lot of people at shows,” she said. “But friends and family and others came out — there was a lot of energy. It was great.” Once in a band, Degher said she’s enjoying playing solo gigs and the independence that comes with it. “It’s different in a good way — it’s a way to be my own woman,” she said.

Next up, Degher plans on recording a full-length album early next year. She expects the next record to be simpler, stripped back, or what Degher calls more “folky, acoustic-y.” And Degher said she’s thankful once again to call Encinitas home. “It’s hard going anywhere else after living here,” Degher said. “The weather and everything is perfect.” Degher will play a free show at the Hotel Indigo in San Diego July 18 at 6 p.m. “Restrung” can be purchased on iTunes, Amazon or at Lou’s Records in Encinitas. Songs and additional tour dates (Degher often plays in Encinitas) can be found at



Got an item for the calendar? Send the details via email to

Beatles tribute, Abbey Road, performs the "Rubber Soul" album in its entirety July 1 at the Belly Up Tavern at 8 pm. 143 S. Cedros in Solana Beach. Tickets are $12/$14 and may be purchased online at or by calling the box office at (858) 481-8140.



Kelly Clark Moncure will host a gallery show at La Costa Coffee, 6965 El Camino Real, Suite 208, Carlsbad, through Aug. 1, featuring her work from a “A Photographic Journey of India,” as well as new photographic work on metal. For more information, visit BIBLE SCHOOL Sign up now for Community Lutheran Church’s Vacation Bible School from 9 a.m. to noon July 9 to July 13 at 4507 Mission Ave., Oceanside. All children ages 3 to 12 are welcome. To register or for more information visit or call (760) 722-3337 by July 5.

stand-up comedians Tuesday nights at the E Street Cafe, 128 W. E St., Encinitas. including “The Great Julio from Puerto Rico & His Comedy Carnival of Wacky, Screwy Characters.”






Breast cancer survivors are invited to join a support circle at Vista Community Clinic’s Women’s Center, 1000 Vale Terrace, Vista. English-speaking meets first Tuesday from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. The Spanish speaking meets the second and fourth Mondays from 5:30 to 7p.m. Call (760) 631-5000, ext. 7167 for reservations and visit

SINGIN’ THE BLUES EARLY FIREWORKS The Robin Henkel will sing solo

blues on Tuesdays, July 3, July 17 and July 31 at the Wine Steals Cardiff, 7 to 9 p.m., 1953 San Elijo, Cardiff. Call (760) LITERARY LISTENING 230-2657. Guitarist Jeff Moore will play from 2 to 3 p.m. at the Encinitas Library Community FIREWORKS Find July 4 Room, 540 Cornish Drive, fireworks at the San Diego Encinitas. Doors open at 1:30 County Fair in Del Mar, the p.m. Seating is limited to chairs San Diego, the Maritime in room. Extra parking avail- Museum downtown and in San able just west of the library at Marcos at Bradley Park, 465 S. City Hall. Rancho Santa Fe Road. La Costa Resort and Spa will hold a Fireworks Show at 9 p.m July 1. For more information, visit


Grand Del Mar features star-studed summer concert series lineup By Lillian Cox

A star-studded lineup is set to wow audiences in the Grand Ballroom for the debut of The Grand Del Mar’s Summer Concerts at The Grand presented by Audi/ Land Rover/Porsche of San Diego. The series begins July 15 and continues through Sept. 2. The Grand Del Mar, south of Highway 56, is nestled in the picturesque Los Peñasquitos Canyon Preserve. “Driving through the preserve to the resort you experience the beautiful aroma of lavender and eucalyptus,” President Thomas J.Voss said. “It’s quiet, pristine, phenomenal.” Voss explained that The Grand Del Mar is only one of four resorts in the world to be awarded 15 stars by Forbes: five stars, hotel; five stars, restaurant; and five stars, hotel & resort spa. He added that the idea for the concert series was driven by the popularity of the resort’s nightclub, Club M. “So, we decided to go with a bigger venue and see how it works,” he said. “We thought it would be nice to do something for locals and guests at the hotel.” In producing the summer concert series, Voss partnered with event producer and promoter Jim “Fitz” Fitzgerald of Wendy Jayne Productions to present a diverse lineup with broad appeal. The performance schedule includes: July 15 — Hiroshima. A pioneering voice in the con-

temporary world music movement of the late 20th century, Los Angeles-based Hiroshima blends jazz, pop and rock with traditional Japanese folk music and instruments. July 22 — John Pizzarelli. Renowned jazz guitarist and singer, Pizzarelli performs classic pop, jazz and swing, while setting the standard for stylish modern jazz. July 29 — ARRIVAL. The world’s greatest ABBA tribute band, ARRIVAL features some of ABBA’s original musicians. The production has sold out tours in more than 35 nations since it was founded in 1995. Aug. 5 — Arturo Sandoval.A protégé of the legendary jazz master Dizzy Gillespie, and six-time Grammy Award winner, Sandoval is one of the world’s most acknowledged guardians of jazz trumpet and flugel horn, as well as a renowned classical artist, pianist and composer. Aug. 12 — Keiko Matsui.

Japanese-born pianist, composer and producer, Matsui is recognized for her gift of crafting memorable melodies, blending jazz, classical, world and new age influences. Aug. 19 — Mindi Abair. An accomplished saxophonist, singer and songwriter, Abair’s brand of pop and soul meets jazz, adding a unique voice to an exciting new generation of crossover artists. She is joined by Jeff Golub, contemporary jazz guitarist and leader of the instrumental band, Avenue Blue, as well as David Pack, lead vocalist/guitarist/writer for the celebrated progressive pop rock group, Ambrosia. Aug. 26 — Patrizio Buanne. Presenting a repertoire of romantic and fun songs from the Italian songbook, Buanne also offers his own contemporary interpretation of American classics that have found enthusiastic audiences across the globe. Cos An+elesE:ased Hiroshima Fill 4ic4 off The Grand Del IarJs 8ummer Concerts at The Grand on 8un., Kuly Sept. 2 — Steve Tyrell. A LM at N %.m. Courtesy photo Grammy Award-winning jazz Locals are invited to take vocalist best known for his its majestic décor — including Sinatra sound, all seven of imported wood and stone, and advantage of a special Sunday Tyrell’s American standards rich color accents of cham- Summer Package priced albums have achieved Top 5 pagne and burgundy — all beginning at $445 plus taxes. status on Billboard’s jazz very reflective of the It includes two general admisMediterranean style of The sion concert tickets and one charts. The ballroom offers VIP Grand Del Mar,” Marguarite night’s accommodation. For table seating near the stage Clark, public relations direc- reservations, call (855) 272for $95, with general admis- tor, said. “In addition, state-of- 2756. For concert information, sion seating priced at $65. the-art lighting and sound sysCocktails and beverages are tems make it an ideal venue or to purchase concert tickets, v i s i t extra. Doors open at 6 p.m., for a live concert.” Voss advises concert with the curtain rising at 7 goers to arrive early and enjoy or call (800) 820-9884. Season p.m. dinner in the Amaya restau- ticket packages are also avail“The Grand Ballroom rant. An after party in the able. For more information, ;8ummer Concerts at The Grand> Fill ta4e %lace in The Grand Del IarJs Grand Oallroom, Fhich features an ex%ansi@e :uiltEin sta+e in an o%uE offers a dramatic setting in Lobby Lounge follows each visit or lent settin+. Courtesy photo call (855) 314-2030. which to view a concert with show.




Artists create a love story KAY COLVIN A Brush With Art Everyone loves a love story, especially when it beats the odds. San Diego artists Anna Zappoli and Dan Adams, frequently seen at local art events with their American Hairless dog Nika, have been creating such a romance for a quarter of a century. Adams, small in stature and gentle in manner, is essentially a self-taught artist who is best known for his charming abstract dog paintings. Zappoli, with her long dark mane, captivating accent, and art degree from the Istituto d’Arte di Catania, paints very large, emotional, uninhibited canvases that defy convention. Born and raised in Catania, Sicily, Anna says of her complex early years, “It seemed that there was no time to be young.” She describes growing up in a homeland of extreme contrasts: “War and peace, love and hate, old and new.” Speaking of her artwork, she comments, “The most important thing is what I want to express: my concerns for the world, my happiness, my love of animals and humanity.” By contrast, Dan has lived in the security of San Diego’s Bay Park area since age 8.The long-term employee of the San Diego City School District experienced an epiphany while viewing the San Diego Museum of Art’s 1974 Toulouse Lautrec exhibit. He began acquiring books through which he studied the work of master artists, who he considers to be his teachers. He says of his artwork, “The handling of the paint is most important to me. It’s the ‘fingerprint’ of the artist.” His small canvases show fresh exuberance, regardless of subject matter. The two artists met in 1987 while renting spaces in the Studio Building on San Diego’s Kettner Boulevard. Although they seldom spoke,

!The World in My Hands! Courtesy photo

!Pug! Courtesy photo

they often greeted each other at local art events. Dan reminisced, “I fell in love with her accent first. She was so beautiful that I thought she was way out of my league.” Months after giving up her studio space, Anna unknowingly changed the course of their lives by leaving a note and phone number for Dan to contact her. Only then did they actually begin spending time together. Anna said, “We spoke about art all the time and every time I was involved in an art project, I made sure that Dan was in, too.” She added, “I love Dan not only for the artist that he is, but also the way he plays. We have fun.” Dan says, “We really are ‘soul mates.’ I thank God every day for the miracle that is Anna.” Anna has earned nine solo exhibits at the San Diego Art Institute and has shown in

many local galleries, California Center for the Arts Escondido Museum, Bergamot Station in Los Angeles, and Galeria De La Ciudad in Tijuana. Dan’s paintings are shown at the Colin Fisher Studios in Palm Springs, John Natsoulas Gallery in Sacramento, as well as in frequent juried shows in the San Diego area. To learn more about their art, visit Anna’s website at and Dan’s at

Kay Colvin is an art consultant and director of the L Street Fine Art Gallery in San Diego’s Gaslamp Quarter. She specializes in promoting emerging and mid-career artists and bringing enrichment programs to elementary schools through The Kid’s College. Contact her at

Guild features works of Spelman RANCHO SANTA FE — The Rancho Santa Fe Art Guild will present Ron Spelman as their featured artist, kicking off with a reception from 5 to 7 p.m. July 12 at 6004 Paseo Delicias. Spelman is president of the Rancho Santa Fe Art Guild, an active Rotarian, member of the La Jolla Art Association and former president of the San Diego Portrait Society. Spelman is a 40-year resident of La Jolla and former business owner of Spelman & Co. Spelman will unveil a body of work at the Rancho Santa Fe Art Guild that will be on display through late August. This special exhibit reveals Spelman’s focus on the

An exhibit by artist Ron Spelman will begin July 12 and focus on the human form, portraiture and still life. Courtesy photo

human form, portraiture and still life. His art will be shown along with 25 additional artists’ work. The display will hang for eight weeks at the Rancho Santa Fe Art Guild, “His passion for humani-

ty is evident in the emotion conveyed through his brushstroke, using expression to set a mood,” an Art Guild spokesman said. “Spelman prides himself with the ability to capture skin tones using light and dark hues. “Above all, Spelman enjoys creating art, a talent which he has been exploring for the past 25 years. Spelman was so driven to be a painter that he actually sold his successful La Jolla business, in order to paint full time. A sense of fulfillment is one of Spelman’s favorite rewards, as he continues to satisfy his desire to paint.” For more information, call (858) 759-3545.

JUNE 29, 2012 Contact us at with story ideas, events or photos

Rancho Santa Fe Art Guild features artists in Fair exhibit The San Diego County Fair is underway, running until July 4 and the Rancho Santa Fe Art Guild has spotlighted several of its members works selected by jury and featured at the fair. Teresa White won a first place for her oil painting Animal Category with “Zorro on a Red Rug.” Honorable Mentions went to: — Ruth Evans - Oil Painting - Still Life/Floral Category - “Sunflowers” — Cindy Klong - Oil Painting - People Category “Nancye” — Ron Spelman - Oil Painting - People Category “Maybe Later” Award7winner Cindy Klong, in front of her painting, !Nancye.! — Kim Wilkins - Oil Photos by Feather & Fur Photography Painting - Animal Category “Flamingos” Juried-In were: — Debbie Giese Painting – “Mannequin” — Kathy MacKenzie Photography - Best Friend Category - “Puppy Love” The gallery is at 6004 Paseo Delicias in Rancho Santa Fe, and is open Tuesday through Saturday from 11:30 to 4 p.m. Visit RanchoSantaFeArtGuild.or g for information about membership and purchasing art work. APuppy LoveD by artist Kathy MacKenzie.

Art show inspired by India RANCHO SANTA FE — The “Eye to Heart to Hand” exhibit will feature photographs of architecture in Jaipur, India of the Red Fort by Deborrah Henry, beginning with an opening reception from 5 to 7 p.m. July 12 at the Rancho Santa Fe Art Gallery, 6004 Paseo Delicias. The exhibition will run during July and August. Henry, a local realtor in the Village, began photographing landscapes and florals which led her to traveling to India. “I love India, its people, its culture and its ancient traditions and architecture,” Henry said. “Making sure the ancient customs and architecture get recorded before they get lost is my goal.” Henry’s photographs tell a story in a single shot. Simplicity while making the unusual familiar is her key to successful fine photographic art. Her work will be available for purchase on canvas or under acrylic with black frames. The gallery is open Tuesday through Saturday from 11:30 to 4 p.m. Visit RanchoSantaFeArtGuild. org for information about Artist Deborrah Henry will host an opening reception from I to 7 p.m. membership and purchas- July 12 at the Rancho Santa Fe Art Qallery, RSS4 Paseo Delicias. Courtesy photo ing art work.

JUNE 29, 2012







Meet Nelson, a 12pound, 1-year-old, terrier/miniature pinscherblend, with a sweet and gentle nature. Nelson is a love bug. He has been neutered and is up-todate on all his vaccinations. His adoption fee is $264 and he comes with two free passes to SeaWorld. Helen Woodward Animal Center is located at 6461 El Apajo Road in Rancho Santa Fe. Kennels are open daily Monday through Thursday from noon to 6 p.m.; Friday, noon to 7

p.m.; and Saturdays and Sundays from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. (applications accepted 15 minutes before closing). For more information call (858) 756-4117, option #1. or visit

JUNE 29, 2012

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Is there a spider on my head? No, really, look again. I really think there’s a spider in my hair. No? Are you sure? I just felt something! OK, fine. Aaaaugh! My whole head feels like little bug feet are running sprints! Hmmm, what? Oh, hi. Me? Well, I probably have spiders in my hair. I’ve been cleaning up our back porch and I must have stuck my hands and head into a dozen spider webs. Why? Well, apparently our garden has a very special spider that spins an invisible kind of web that you don’t see until its wrapped around your face. Ech, ech, ech. By the time I am finished with whatever outdoor

JEAN GILLETTE Small Talk project I have undertaken, I feel like Persephone before she dropped out of sight. I have leaves down my back, twigs up my sleeves and heaven-only-knows-what in my hair, and maybe in my ears. A stiff brushing always produces a small mulch pile, that hides, I am certain, stunned spiders. Why am I clambering around in the back porch eaves? I’m glad you asked. I


am the excited, thrilled and anticipatory owner of my very first hot tub. My husband and I strolled into the garden pavilion at the county fair and — boom — we fell in love with the coolest ever, plug-right-into-the-wall, saltwater hot tub. It arrived yesterday and I had to do a bit of outdoor enhancement to make its designated corner of the yard a perfect hot tub haven. I filled it as instructed, but am now in the grips of analysis paralysis. I plugged it in, pushed the button and it started making unfamiliar noises. I panicked. I’m terrified I will burn out the motor or void the warranty, so I will leave the rest to my spouse.

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When I get around mechanical things, I become a hamhanded mouth-breather. There are definitely times when it is good not to be married to another Fine Arts major. Sure, I can spell and quote the occasional bit of Shakespeare but that comes up a bit short when trying to decipher instruction manuals. For now I am content just sitting on my lawn chair gazing at my beautiful new toy. Wait! Is there something in my hair? "" ! % " % !" ! % ! ! "% " " " " "" !" % ! #

Ease symptoms of chronic bronchitis DEAR DOCTOR K: After years of smoking I’ve developed chronic bronchitis. Every morning I cough up lots of mucus. What can I do to control this cough? DEAR READER: Chronic bronchitis is a common form of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD. COPD refers to a group of disorders that damage the lungs and make breathing increasingly difficult over time. Most cases of COPD are related to cigarette smoking. In chronic bronchitis, the lungs’ airways become inflamed and their mucusproducing glands become enlarged. These enlarged

DOCTOR K Second Opinion glands produce too much mucus, triggering the cough you described. Over time, you’re likely to produce more mucus, over longer stretches of the day and longer periods of the year. Your mucus will probably change from thin and clear to thick and discolored. You may also have wheezing, breathlessness and rapid breathing.

Unfortunately, no treatment can fully reverse or stop COPD. Instead, treatment aims to relieve symptoms, treat complications and minimize disability. The first and most critical step is to quit smoking. If you continue to smoke, your symptoms will get worse. Quitting smoking is most effective during the early stages of COPD, but it is never too late to quit. Your symptoms can still improve. Other treatments that may help include: — Environmental changes. Avoid exposure to dust or chemicals at work, outdoor air pollution and secondhand smoke. Also avoid other airborne toxins, such as deodorants, hair sprays and insecticides. — Medications. Bronchodilators open up the airways. Daily inhaled corticosteroids can reduce airway inflammation. For flare-ups, an oral corticosteroid called prednisone can help.




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— Exercise. Regular exercise will improve your quality of life, but does not directly improve lung function. That’s because regular exercise encourages your tissues to use the limited amounts of oxygen they receive more efficiently. — Fluids. Drinking enough fluids can help keep mucus watery and easy to drain. — Supplemental oxygen. This will help get enough oxygen into your blood. Other things you can do to minimize your symptoms: — Avoid outdoor activities when air pollution levels are high. — Avoid contact with anyone with an upper respiratory tract infection. Even a mild cold can trigger a flareup of bronchitis symptoms. — Wash your hands frequently to prevent illness. — Get vaccinated against influenza and pneumococcal pneumonia. Because your lungs are weakened by COPD, they are more severely affected by these infections if you get them. Above all, if you’re still smoking, do everything you can to quit. You can do it. Of course, it’s not easy. But it can be done. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are more former smokers alive today in the United States than there are current smokers.

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Contact us at with story ideas, photos or suggestions

T HE R ANCH S PORTS Tee it up for the troops

San Diego Flash midfielder Sergio Valle 3rtiz 6center8 inbounds a corner kick Saturday. Last week 3rtiz received the opportunity to try out for the San Jose EarthDuakes of the MLS. The Flash won their division Saturday following the G-0 win over the JhoeniK Monsoon. Photos by Tony Cagala

Flash showcase talents, win division By Tony Cagala

SAN DIEGO — Veteran members of the San Diego Flash got their chance to try out for the major leagues last week when midfielder Sergio Valle Ortiz and team captain and defender Adrian DuBois were tapped to showcase their talents for the first place San Jose Earthquakes of the MLS (Major League Soccer.) “It was a great experience,” said DuBois, who joined the Flash two years ago, following a move to San Diego from New Hampshire. DuBois said he joined the team after doing research around the county and finding that the Flashare the best outdoor team in San Diego. The Flash is part of the National Premier Soccer League, which formed originally as the Men’s Premier Soccer League in 2002. All of the players in the league are able to maintain their amateur status. “The Flash is like a gateway to the next level,” DuBois said. Sergio Valle Ortiz has been with the Flash since its inception. Ortiz and DuBois tried out together, which was awesome, DuBois said. “I thought it was going to be nerve-racking. But going up there with a teammate it gives you a family kind of essence; and you have someone to talk to and warm up with and someone to keep you confident.”



JUNE 29, 2012

Ortiz said it was a great experience. “There were a lot of good players, so I got to play with the best in California.” Joining a major league team is something that Ortiz aspires to, he said. It’s something that everyone on the squad hopes to do, DuBois added. The New England Revolution had tried out and selected Flash player Ryan Guy in 2011. Until Ortiz finds out if he made the Earthquakes, he said his goal is to continue to win everything and get seen in the finals. With their 8-0 win over the Phoenix Monsoon Saturday, the Flash continues their undefeated season, earning back-to-back conference titles in the Southwest division. And being undefeated hasn’t gone unnoticed by the players, either. “We want to win the whole thing undefeated,” Ortiz said. “We don’t want to lose…one game at all.” Despite the Flash making the wins appear easy Ortiz is quick to say that it isn’t. He attributes their success to the team’s melding as a family. “Everybody’s got each others’ backs; everybody knows that we’re trying.” DuBois agreed, adding that another part of their success is the coaching staff. “They work day and night

RANCHO SANTA FE — There is still time to be part of this year’s benefit golf tournament, “Tee It Up For The Troops,” to be held at the Santaluz Club, 8170 Caminito Santaluz East, Aug. 6. Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. with opening ceremonies at 10:45 a.m. A shotgun, no-handicap scramble will kick off at 11:45 a.m., with a cocktail reception at 4:30 p.m. The dinner/awards ceremony is at 5:30 p.m. with featured speaker, Hugh Hewitt, at 7 p.m. Hewitt is a radio talk show host, lawyer, academic, and author. Known as an outspoken Republican and evangelical Christian, he comments on society, politics and the media in the United States Proceeds from the event will directly benefit military personnel and their families, including those returning from foreign deployments. For more detailed

information on the San Diego Tee It Up For the Troops tournament, please visit “The proceeds from our event will benefit a number of local charities and organizations,” said Jim Hollingshead, spokesperson for the event. Hollingshead, Chief Strategy Officer at ResMed, named Fisher House, Standing Tall Together, Freedom Station, and Wounded Warriors Battalion at Balboa Naval Hospital as examples of charities that provide direct support to San Diego military and their families. For more information on the 2012 Tee It Up For The Troops/San Diego event, call (858) 829-4295 or visit Tee it up for the Troops, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and was established in 2005 by the family and friends of a soldier who enlisted in the United States Army after Sept. 11, 2001.

Swing for Seany benefits research RANCHO SANTA FE— The second annual Swinging for Seany Golf Tournament, hosted by The Seany Foundation and held at Fairbanks Ranch Country Club in Rancho Santa Fe, raised more than $63,000 June 11, for key research and life-enhancing programs for children, teens, and young adults battling cancer. More than 100 guests, including NFL players Andre Reed, Kassim Osgood, Tre McLeod, and Chris McAlister, showed their support for the Foundation and its mission by participating in the event. The Seany Foundation hosts community events, such as the Swinging for Seany Golf Tournament, to draw attention to and raise Defender and San Diego Flash team captain Adrian DuBois kicks the ball away from a JhoeniK Monsson player Saturday. He earned the chance to try out for the San Jose EarthDuakes last week.

with unbelievable training,” he said. “They push us to the limit every single practice.” Warren Barton, a former English National team and Premier League player, is the team’s head coach, with assis-

tants Jerome Watson, Jesus Rico-Sanz and David Banks. The Flash plays their final home game July 1 against the Fullerton Rangers. The semi-finals begin July 14.

NEW TRACK This summer, the tired turf in the Torrey Jines High School stadium will be removed and replaced with a new Field Turf product. Pt will be torn out right after graduation, and completed sometime in August. The final product is eKpected to be beautiful aesthetically, and provide student-athletes with a safe venue for their activities. Courtesy image

money for programs and research that offer hope to youngsters with cancer and their families. There are many forms of childhood cancer that are considered “rare” and often underfunded. The Seany Foundation works to change that. Sean Lewis Robins founded The Seany Foundation in 2005, as he battled his own cancer. Robins fought Ewing sarcoma (a rare bone cancer) for nearly seven years, until his death in 2006. He was just 22. The Seany Foundation is his legacy, and continues to work to improve the lives of children, teens, and young adults battling cancer. For more information, visit

Surfing team takes national title again SAN DIEGO — The MiraCosta College surf team took first place at the National Scholastic Surfing Association (NSSA) national surf contest held June 16 at Salt Creek in Dana Point. This makes back-to-back national championships for the team, which won last year’s competition as well. Dayton Silva, Brent Reilly, Kelly Zaun and Derrick Disney swept the top four places, in that order. Silva was named “College Surfer of the Year” by the NSSA.The

MiraCosta men’s team won in the college men’s short board division and MiraCosta placed fourth in the long board division. Forty teams and more than 350 collegiate, high school and middle school surfers competed in the event. This year the U. S. Open will have a college division and these young men will participate in the event on Aug. 3. For more information on the MiraCosta College NSSA surf team, contact coach Rich Langen at



JUNE 29, 2012

Life is just a bowl of cherries in Rancho Santa Fe MACHEL PENN SHULL Machel’s Ranch

Gallagher & Gallagher are selling this beautiful estate located in the Covenant. This property is prime real estate and a jewel anyone looking to buy in the Ranch. At 5,700 square feet, with a pool and Jacuzzi, this could be your own private haven if you happen to be a qualified buyer. For more information, visit Thanks Elaine for always including me on your exclusive guest list! On June 15, relatives, friends and loved ones attended R. Roger Rowe’s sixth grade promotion ceremony at the Performing Arts Center. This happened to be a special day for me, too, as my son Jackson Tuck is one of the many students featured here in a photo from that day. There was an exuberant feeling in the air, a sense of accomplishment that these students who were once just in kindergarten will be now in middle school next year. I have included a photo of one of the moms sitting in the auditorium during the ceremony, Maria Aries, with her son Jacob. Her daughter Savannah was one of the many students who were honored with a promotion certificate rounding out their time in elementary. Hats off to all the students and have a spectacular summer. On June 16, advertising assistant Krista Lafferty took third place in her age bracket at Camp Pendleton 10K Mud Run. You may know Krista around town as a Rancho Santa Fe Rotarian who works hard for their organization and also for many business owners in Rancho Santa Fe. And, if you didn’t know, Krista will be marrying her longtime sweetheart and fiancé Mike Confer at the Garden Club in The Ranch. The date will not be disclosed, but you can trust you will see some fabulous pictures when that day arrives. I feel lucky to be one of Krista’s bridesmaids on her very special day. Congrats to Krista for receiving a medal in her age group in the 10K mud run.You rock Krista. On June 20, Mille Fleurs restaurant was the elegant backdrop for the Race Day Fashion Show Luncheon. Guests who attended this event enjoyed a special menu made by renowned

Chef Martin Woesle and race day fashions from Maggie B, Mister B, Del Mar Hat Company, and Carol Bader Designs. I have included two lovely pictures from that day. Featured are three lovely ladies, ho I’m sure you recognize from other society pages in town: Karian Forsyth, Melissa Williams, and Elaine Gallagher. Many of you may recognize Melissa Williams from Ranch & Coast Magazine. The other picture features one of the models from that day wearing a fabulous yellow dress that would make a knockout buy for opening day. For more information on this dress, visit, or call (760) 452-2299. Maggie B is located at the Rancho Santa Fe Plaza at 162 Rancho Santa Fe Road.

When you go from selling fruit for a living and then to art, you can gain quite a bit of perspective on human behavior. Helping my husband at Lemon Twist on the weekends in Rancho Santa Fe is one of the highlights of my week. Besides writing, I am also fine art consultant in La Jolla. In some ways selling art is just like dealing with fruit. Each venue is helping a client find what they love — whether that be an apple or a Mackenzie Thorpe painting. What I find interesting is the attitude that people can have over one avocado. You would think they were farmers who grew them at home If you have a fun event you would like in the backyard with the way Machel Penn to cover, contact her at customers sift through the boxes of hundreds to choose from when they stop in at Lemon Twist. The art gallery is similar. No one wants to walk out with the wrong piece or spend too much money on a painting that might not be valuable after the purchase. When I am at Lemon Twist I wear my Nike trail running shoes with my black shorts and a T-shirt. At the gallery I wear long jackets that are formal enough to feel proper to sell thousands of dollars of art. The juxtaposition of having this daily dichotomy in my routine has taught me the basic fundamentals of what people want when they buy something: The client wants feel positive about their purchase. From an avocado to a Picasso, customers want to know their money is being well spent. My advice to others in work and recreational time is to have great patience and love for others. The opportunity to meet those in front of you may never happen again. So make sure you are using those moments wisely and always giving the best of yourself. Life can be selfish, hurried and rushed. Don’t be one of those people. I myself am learning to find this careful balance between the arts and a box A model wearing Maggie B fashof oranges. Which is better? ions at the Race Day Fashion Show held at Mille Fleurs. Well, if you must know, I hapCourtesy photo pen to be absolutely crazy for cherry season. It’s short and sweet and I look forward to a bowl of cherries every year. Maybe someday I will combine my love of fruit and art under one roof. That’s something to seriously consider … Around Town On June 12, I had the good fortune to be invited to Elaine and Michael Gallagher’s party at an exquisite Rancho Santa Fe golf estate. Guests were treated to live music, cocktails and food, while enjoying the ambiance of highclass society. Unfortunately, as I was out of town that day, I missed this fabulous Black Elaine and Michael Gallagher hosted a black & white themed party preand White party presented sented by FINE Magazine at one of their exclusive real estate listings in Rancho Santa Fe. Courtesy photo by FINE Magazine.

Krista Lafferty just won third place in the Camp Pendleton 10K Mud Run. She is featured here on the right with her sister Briana and her mother, Terrie Drago. Photo by Machel Penn Shull

Karian Forysth, Melissa Williams and Elaine Gallagher looking beautiful at the Race Day Fashion Show Courtesy photo

Elaine Gallagher featured here with Karian Forysth and friend at an elegant party presented by FINE Magazine in Rancho Santa Fe. Courtesy photo

Mrs. Faciane's 6th grade class being awarded their promotional certificates on the last day of school. Photo by Machel Penn Shull


Taste of Wine It’s remarkable how olive oil has walked in the same footprint as wine in recently capturing the public’s fancy for flavor. No longer content to use the plain tasting traditional olive oil their ancestors used, like wine, it’s what’s new and different. Olive oil boutiques are sprouting up in shopping districts with tasting events booking fast. A new genre of marketing terms has the U.S. Department of Agriculture scrambling for standards. Extra virgin, light with lemon, unfiltered, coldpressed — the variety of olive oil on the shelves is confusing at best, and has never been defined, until now. Now, scientific standards for “virgin” and extra-virgin” will be enforced later this year, leveling the playing field for small producers and retailers. Why the rush to olive oil? For wineries, it’s simple.



JUNE 29, 2012

%$!% # " This is a ready cash crop that they can sell almost as soon as they can pick their olives, crush them and bottle them, while their wine ages in barrels for a year or much more before being sold. Nutritionists keep telling us what those in Mediterranean countries have known for centuries; olive oil is the backbone of a rustic, farm-to-table diet that will keep your weight down and put years on to your life. Sprinkled in salads, added to pastas, a dip for home-made bread, this tasty and nutritious liquid gold, is medicinal, magical and dependable. It can last at least a year on the shelf and will not go rancid. Up in Temecula, Villa Calabro Winery and Olive Oil Company in Old Town Temecula with Mike Calabro, a wine and olive oil maker, does olive oil tasting with extra virgin olive oil and flavor-infused accents such as garlic, scallion, rosemary, basil and oregano. It is one of only two locations in Southern California that make their own olive oil. Call for hours at (951) 695-4525. Baker and Olive is a more urban operation in Encinitas, and now in Carmel

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Valley. They specialize in freshly pressed extra virgin olive oil and nicely aged balsamic vinegars. Fresh homemade breads are also sold. For more on Baker and Olive, call (760) 944-7840. At harvest, olive picking is by hand with a wide net at the base of the tree to catch them. Baskets (in Italy they’re called cassettas) should make about 3 liters of olive oil. Extra virgin olive oil is considered the finest and means there has been no chemical treatment to enhance and refine the product. It also has nearly no acidity , thus a vastly superior taste. Villa Capri 2 presents Chateau Montelena Wines A rare and historic occasion is coming to San Diego on July 26 when Villa Capri 2 brings Napa Valley’s Chateau Montelena in for a fivecourse dinner and wine tasting, starting at 6 p.m.This follows a historic wine event recently with the Italian favorite, Allegrini from Valpolicella. The restaurant enriches its wine dinner events with a passion for a sweeping variety of great tastes. On the Allegrini night, diners feasted on calamari, salmon, ravioli, New Zealand lamb chops and special homemade

tling party from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. June 30 and July 1. They are bottling 2,900 wines. Cost to participate is $30. and includes a bottle of the new wine and live entertainment. Call (858) 847-9463 for details. The new Marina Kitchen in the Marriott San Diego Marina is presenting Social Media Day on June 30. Enthusiasts are urged to mix, mingle and network. Time will be 5 to 9 p.m. Food and wine sampling highlighted. First 100 get a goodie bag with free items. To RSVP this free event, visit Flemings La Jolla wants you to celebrate your favorite wines with complimentary corkage, now thru Aug. 31. Limit two bottles per visit. Fleming’s First Friday features Paso Robles wines from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. July 6. Cost is $25 per person. For more information, call (858) 5350078. " ## # ' & & '

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dessert. The best Allegrini of the evening was the Amarone blend, 2007, the “Palazzo Della Torre.” Chateau Montelena is sure to please and sell out. It is priced at $75 per person. Call in an RSVP at (858) 5385884. Wine Bytes Northern Italian wines are tasted from 4o to 8:30 p.m. June 29 at Bacchus Wine Market in the Gaslamp, downtown San Diego. Cost is $20 for seven tastes from Barolo, Amarone and elsewhere. Call (619) 236-0005 for details. Falkner Winery in Temecula is celebrating their 12th anniversary June 30 and

July 1. Lots of Jazz music, winery tours, hourly raffles and big discounts on wines and lunches in the Pinnacle Restaurant. More info at (951) 676-8231, ext. 1. Carruth Cellars in Solana Beach is having a bot-

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JUNE 29, 2012

Get your seafood fix at The Catch restaurant in Carlsbad DAVID BOYLAN Lick the Plate If you have been to Paon in Carlsbad Village, you get a sense that they spared no expense to provide as many quality dining experiences under one roof as possible. That same ownership group recently opened The Catch right across the parking lot on Carlsbad Village Drive and while not as upscale as Paon, there is certainly something for all seafood lovers under one roof. From the two expansive dining rooms, to the lounge and the sushi bar, they have it covered. On a recent Thursday evening, The Catch was buzzing with a diverse crowd. The dining room seemed to cater to an older demographic while the lounge and sushi bar were filled with young professionals and surfer types.We opted for the dining room and the soft sounds of the ‘70s soundtrack had us feeling that old school California vibe. My first test of any seafood restaurant is to sample the chowder. I can tell in one taste if there was some care and individual touches put into it or if it is simply ingredients thrown together, or even worse, if it’s pre-made in a pouch from a foodservice

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provider. The chowder at The Catch was good stuff, full of flavor and some texture on the top in the form of crispy onions. As mentioned, there is a full sushi bar so we decided to sample a roll from there and try their suggested calamari fritti with chipotle mayo. We went with the shrimp tempura crunchy roll with crab, cucumber, avocado and eel sauce. The calamari portion was huge and could easily be split up between two or three people. The crunchy roll was a nice combination of textures and very tasty. The appetizer menu is extensive and

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includes Baja and traditional shrimp cocktail, local Carlsbad Aqua Farms mussels and oysters, crab cakes and ceviche.There are some really nice looking salads on the menu also including the shrimp and crab Louie with asparagus, boiled egg, tomato, cucumber, chopped romaine lettuce and mixed greens. Prices range between $10 and $15 and as I said before, the portions are healthy. We were there for fish and were happy to see they offer three types of preparation — sautéed in olive oil and lemon butter, pan seared, or

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blackened.The menu changes with what’s fresh and the night we were there they were offering seared ahi tuna, tilapia, salmon, mahi mahi, rainbow trout and local sea bass. Two sides are offered from a selection of red skinned or mashed potatoes, house vegetables, cole slaw, buttered carrots, Spanish rice and organic creamed corn. I’ve not seen creamed corn on a restaurant menu in a long time so I had to give that a shot. It was not so much creamed as it was whole corn swimming in a rich, buttery sauce and it definitely worked.

We went with the sautéed local sea bass and seared ahi tuna pairing the veggies and creamed corn with the sea bass and the Spanish rice and cole slaw with the tuna. Both were cooked perfectly and were full of flavor. Most of the time, simple and straightforward is the way to go with seafood and that is definitely the case with the preparation and presentation at The Catch. Seafood entrees range from $18 to $25. There are additional dishes available including fish and chips, sautéed Gulf of California shrimp, a 10-ounce flat iron steak, fish tacos, local

mussels with creamed fussily pasta, shrimp penne pasta and Asian marinated fish kabobs. The sushi menu is also available in the lounge and dining room and it is extensive with a full list of innovative rolls, sushi and sashimi. The Paon influence is very evident in the extensive selection of sake and wine. While I am not a sake expert by any means, I counted more than 30 options. I really liked the simple way they arranged the wine list with all wines by the glass at $7 and all bottles $24. It’s a perfect way to set it up for a seafood restaurant and there are pairing for everything on the menu on that list. Another Paon bonus connection is the really nice looking dessert menu. Traditional flan, banana split, lime curd tart and the chocolate terrine are all solid options. Desserts are all under $10. The Catch is a nice addition to the Carlsbad dining scene and worth checking out. The full menu, hours and location can be found at

Lick the Plate can now be heard on KPRi, 102.1 FM Monday-Friday during the 7pm hour. David Boylan is founder of Artichoke Creative and Artichoke Apparel, an Encinitas based marketing firm and clothing line. Reach him at or (858) 395-6905.

California Surf Museum grew from restaurant’s collection The idea of a surf museum had never really occurred to me when my friend Jane Schamauss started collecting classic surfboards and other surf memorabilia nearly 20

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years ago at George’s, the restaurant she owned in Encinitas. Once a week I’d sit down for eggs and toast and look around to see a classic surfboard built by Yater, Diffenderfer, Hobie or Ekstrom. Old posters and even older photos lined the walls. If memory serves me, there was even a motorized board that resembled some sort of WW II aquatic weapon. As the restaurant outgrew the dedicated items, Jane and architect Stuart Resor shifted gears into what would become the California Surf Museum. The next stop was on Coast Highway in Oceanside. A few years ago, the museum moved down the street, to a stylish building designed by museum board member and architect, Louise Balma. I have attended numerous functions at the Surf Museum, my most recent at

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CHRIS AHRENS Sea Notes the invitation of legendary skateboarder Brian Logan of Logan Earth Ski fame. Brian called to say that he was getting me a ticket to the useum’s 5th annual gala, honoring various surfers and skaters from the ‘60s. The crowd that evening was a slalom course of celebrity surfers and skaters as I weaved past speed racers John Hughes, Guy Grundy and Henry Hester along with Hall of Famer, Bruce Logan, his brother Brian and Transworld’s original publisher, Larry Balma. I caught up with the museum’s current president, longtime friend, Jim Kempton and had my photo taken by another friend, CSM’s secretary Tara Lee Torbrun, before shaking hands with her husband, board maker and all around cool guy, Dan “Skydog” Highland. We ate, drank and mingled with surf legends LJ Richards, Paul Strauch and Shaun Tomson. Strauch, for those who don’t know, was ranked highly among the best surfers of the ‘60s, and remains the only surfer to ever have a major move named after him, The Strauch Five, which is also known as the Cheater Five.

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This low, fast stance is a functional noseriding maneuver for big surf and one often imitated but never duplicated. John “LJ” Richards was once the protégé of Strauch’s only reel peer, the legendary Phil Edwards. LJ would soon carve out his own niche by surfing better than nearly anyone of his era. South African born Shaun Tomson busted down the door in the mid ‘70s with a style of surfing we had never seen before. Tomson’s style was based around functional tube riding that led him to the deeper regions on waves than had ever been explored before. Shaun also

invented a way of pulling a surfboard through the back of a wave that made riding places like Back Door Pipeline and Off The Wall far more practical. As the evening progressed, surfers and skaters hung out and traded stories of legendary rides and good times, as we floated amid the celebrities and friends old and new while viewing benchmark surfboards and skateboards, photos of heroes and other items that help inform our history. The night was reminiscent of a stroll in the warmth of Waikiki, or a late night beach fire at San Onofre.

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The difference was that we were surrounded by the world’s best in two sports and there was no sand in the best carne asada burritos I ever had. To learn more about the California Surf Museum, please visit To meet the entire Logan Family and celebrate the re-release of Logan Earth Ski skateboards, plan to attend Aura Skatepark on July 29th at 1074 La Mirada Court, Vista. Chris Ahrens is a surfer and author of four books on surfing. Email him at



JUNE 29, 2012

The story of sand reveals a lot about local science We need to get our

country back on track

KYLE STOCK Coastal Cosmos It is omnipresent in our community. It cannot be escaped. On the streets, on your feets and in your sheets. In your car and your carpet. It is everywhere. Some people dislike it, while others celebrate it as it represents our privileged geographical location. It is summertime, beach time — sand is everywhere. North County’s beach sand is an important natural resource. The story of sand involves geology, oceanography, ecology, meteorology and politics (which we will not be discussing here). In geologic terms, “sand” refers to the size of individual particles: smaller than pebbles and larger than silt.A sand particle measures between 1/16mm and 2mm in diameter. The main mineral components of beach sand include quartz, feldspar and hornblende. Compared to varied assortment of Anza Borrego sand, Encinitas sand is well-sorted, containing mostly quartz. Quartz is the most abundant beach sand mineral because it is resistant to chemical weathering and thus able to withstand the tumultuous journey from mountain to beach. Beach sand also contains crustacean shells, plankton skeletons and decomposing marine plant life. Plus a

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diverse ecosystem. The sand on our beaches began its most recent incarnation as igneous rock, building the mountains in eastern San Diego County. Fingers of hardened lava, called plutons, were uplifted by tectonic forces to create the Palomar, Cuyamaca and Laguna Mountains. Consider these gigantic, granitic rocks thrust up, exposed to wind and rain. Some freeze and thaw; erosion slowly works from boulders to cobbles to pebbles to sand. All the while, gravity carries the ever-lighter particles further down toward the sea. Rivers and streams gorge canyons, cascading downward. They carry the sediments that millions of years ago built our coastal cliffs.The mighty ocean marches in to reclaim the land. Wave action along the cliff bottom erodes large masses of the

sedimentary rocks. The rocks fall to the beach and are gradually worked into sand. Rivers continue to deliver fresh cobbles, pebbles and sand through lagoons to the beach. This is natural beach replenishment. The littoral or intertidal zone is the area between the lowest low tide and highest high tide. This is the zone where life first began its adventure onto land and is now a playground for millions of humans around the world. Sand is obviously vital to the littoral zone.Wave action and the longshore current work to perpetually change the shape of beaches by moving sand along the coast. Surfers can attest to the power of the longshore current as we are swept a mile down the beach when there is a steep angled swell in the water. In summer, when the South Pacific is most active,

swells carry sand from Baja along the longshore current, making a deposit on our beaches. During the winter, North Pacific storms form closer to our shore and carry tons of sand south.These winter swells excavate the intertidal reef system revealing tide pools and changing the shape of the beach. Eventually, every grain of sand on our beaches will return to the internal furnace of the Earth to become magma and then mountains again. Along the way, it will be glued together (lithified) with other sediments to become different rock. Or forced deep underground where heat and pressure cause metamorphosis into different rock then thrust upward where erosion begins again building new beaches that will become new mountains … the rock cycle!

I wrote earlier this year that this was going to be a negative year with the elections coming in November. It really hasn’t been as bad as I thought but I am still amazed at the polarization between the ideologies of the left and the right. It’s amazing we are all Americans yet think the country should be run in such diametrically opposite ways. But the founding fathers were some pretty smart guys. They drafted and approved a constitution that has been able to stand the test of time through some pretty tough periods in our history. As a baby boomer, I’m starting to get that creeping feeling like I’m approaching the finish line and wonder why should I care which politicians are elected and what they stand for. But something really goofy happened last week. I went to my granddaughter Alexis’ high school graduation. Yes, my granddaughter. There also sat my younger grandchildren, Shelby and Joey. I could only imagine what this country would be like for them if this country continued down the path it is on. I am lucky to have a nice place in Puerto Vallarta to run off to. It is so nice down there despite everything you hear in the news about Mexico. It seems like every time there is a killing in Mexico it becomes front page news in the United States,

JOE MORIS Baby Boomer Peace yet I just learned that there have been more deaths in the city of Chicago since the start of the Iraq war than there have been soldier deaths. We get news about Mexico but we don’t get even more violent news about our own country. Something is wrong with our media or government or something. Maybe it has to do with the Fast and Furious scandal that is now before our own Congressman Issa’s committee in the House of Representatives. What a mess that is. The president has even used executive privilege, which means he had to be involved somehow.That is a major uh-oh. I’m hoping the electorate this year will find a way to vote for the representatives that will put our country first and not just the country but its citizens, you and me … and my grandchildren. I want them to grow up free like I have. I want them to have the same opportunities to succeed and fail just like me. I don’t want them being told by their big brother government what they can TURN TO BOOMER ON A23

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JUNE 29, 2012



nuclear power plant with minimal problems, but you can have one bad day that can ruin an entire country,” Johnson said. He also expressed concerns about how the spentfuel rods are stored and “gaping holes” in evacuation plans should a disaster occur. He noted that SONGS is located on Interstate 5, a major north/south artery, and close to the rail line. “ T h e (Interjurisdictional Planning Committee), Edison and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission downplay the health impacts also of a nuclear disaster,” Johnson said. When he Googled “Chernobyl chromosomal aberrations” Johnson said he received 34,100 refer-



ences. “If an industry can say that there are no impacts, then why are there so many citations?” he asked. “Obviously safety has got to be a dominant concern for everybody on the council,” Councilman Terry Sinnott said, adding he was confused if the focus was to shut down the plant or improve its safety. “That may be one and the same thing,” he said. “I’d be focused on improving the safety if that can be done.” Johnson said his concern is “hanging onto a Cold War-era, failing technology run by Soviet-style bureaucracies that are really regulated monopolies that don’t engender competition and innovation.” Mosier and Councilwoman Lee Haydu supported a proposal to write letters to Edison, the owe it to our children and our grandchildren to stay focused and do the right thing. It’s OK to go hide in paradise for a while as I do in Puerto Vallarta, but it is also my duty to make sure I’m here when it comes time to cast my constitutional privilege to vote. This is going to be an interesting summer and fall. What we need to do is find a way to bring peace to everything and everyone in a way that we are best able to but not at the expense of another. Our purpose in life is peace.

and can’t do to find their happiness. My daughter and I are working on a book that will present a mind blowing picture of who we are,why we exist and where we’re going when this lifetime is over. She has an uncanny ability to communicate with the “other side.” One thing I’ve learned is that our earth has a soul and so does this country. I’m not allowed to say who, but I have it on high authority that the founders are not real happy about where and how this country has begun Joe Moris may be contacted at (760) 500-6755 or by email at to spin off track. I think we baby boomers

NRC and representatives in Washington, D.C., to share the council’s safety concerns. “There’s an eye-opener here,” Councilman Mark Filanc said. “What I would like to see is a very balanced approach of the pros and the cons. I would be reluctant to just send out a letter right now because I don’t have enough information to say … just shut it or just BandAid it.” Filanc said both sides presented legitimate information, but he wanted more technical details. “We don’t just say shut it down because we don’t like it,” he said. “The response (letter) needs to be appropriate and wellresearched by this council. We need experts on both sides of the issue to come forward. Without the technical data I don’t think we can

make a good letter response.” Mayor Carl Hilliard said the item should be put on a future agenda so more time could be allocated for a full discussion. Sinnott agreed, saying he and his colleagues need to “talk about how to improve things, how to make it better and how to make it safer. Not just the sky is falling.” “To me, those are not impressive,” Sinnott said. “They’re scare tactics and I’d rather not have that. Find out the facts. Find out the data. That’s the approach I’d like to take.” Council isn’t scheduled to meet again until Aug. 6, although members are expected to reconvene by July 13 for a special session to discuss a potential ballot measure for the November election.




JUNE 29, 2012

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