Rancho Santa Fe News, April 6, 2012

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VOL. 8, NO. 7

APRIL 6, 2012

THISWEEK Capacity crowds turn out for Rowe memorial By Patty McCormac


Longtime jazzman Anthony Ortega considers himself “lucky� for his lifetime A14 in music.



Arts & Entertainment . . A14 Baby Boomer Peace . . . A35 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . A29 Coastal Cosmos . . . . . . A13 Comics . . . . . . . . . . . . . A33 Hit the Road . . . . . . . . . A24 Lick the Plate . . . . . . . A34 Machel’s Ranch . . . . . . . A9 Odd Files . . . . . . . . . . . A26 Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . . A4 Small Talk . . . . . . . . . . A12 Smart Money . . . . . . . . A11 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . A16 Taste of Wine . . . . . . . . A32 Who’s News . . . . . . . . . A11

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RANCHO SANTA FE — The Sanctuary at the Village Church in Rancho Santa Fe was filled to capacity March 31 for the memorial service for Dr. R. Roger Rowe, who died last month. It was not only a memorial service, but a reunion of sorts because it brought together Rowe’s family and friends, former students and employees and many people who had not seen each other in years. Hugs were exchanged and moments were taken by attendees catching up on each other’s lives. The service was at times emotional and tearful and at other times had people laughing and smiling at the memories of Rowe. As guests entered the church, which seats 1,400 people, there was a slideshow of Rowe’s life. Extra chairs were added in every spot that could hold one. Every spot was filled. Rowe, a Rancho Santa Fe icon and the R. roger Rowe School’s namesake, spent more than 40 years at the school district, first as a teacher and principal and then as superintendent. Longtime friend Rea Mowery was first to speak. He recalled his relationship with

The Village Church fills to capacity with more than 1,400 friends, family, former employees and former students, all attending the March 31service to say goodbye to Rancho Santa Fe icon R. Roger Rowe. Photo by Patty McCormac

Rowe and how they became fast friends when he came on staff at the school. The relationship lasted until Rowe’s death. Even after Mowery retired to the Pacific Northwest, about once a month, a “care package� would arrive from Rowe filled with books, newspapers, candy and other goodies.

Mowery said Rowe had the habit of using the phrase of “I am mindful of ... �? In his honor, Mowery used the phrase in his remembrance of Rowe. “Losing a friend as the years go by, I am mindful that kind, understanding friends are precious assets. Hold them tightly,� Mowery said.

Another longtime friend and employee, Glenda Sumida, spoke about Rowe’s affection for chocolate, which he ordered in large amounts, and his legendary letters of recommendation. “If you didn’t get into the college of your choice or the job you wanted, it was not because of the letter of recom-

mendation,� she said. “I’m sure there are some around as keepsakes.� She said Rowe was a natural leader who led by example. “He was humble about himself and spotlighted the achievements of others. He TURN TO MEMORIAL ON A26

Ranch’s miracle foals celebrate second birthday chance of being born alive RANCHO SANTA FE — and a 1 in 15,000 chance to The miracle twins of the survive for two weeks,� she Helen Woodward Animal said. Hanley said when their Center celebrated their second birthday March 31 with a mother, 9-year-old maiden Lena, went group of adorinto labor, the ing fans, a romp twins were a around their surprise. arena, a birthLena was day cake and a rushed to the musical birthcenter and was day card. cared for by The twin Dr. Rodrigo foals, named Vazquez. Angel and “We were Sunny, beat the with them 24stratospheric Christen Hanley hours a day,� odds to survive Hospital directory Hanley said. and even thrive. “We never left Christen Hanley, director of the their side.� “It was very, very touchequine hospital at the animal center, said they are extreme- and-go and they were super, ly lucky because equine twins super delicate.� Sunny was born at 45 Helen Woodward Animal Center celebrated the second birthday of the rarely survive. “They have a 1 in 10,000 pounds and Angel was 30 “miracle twin foals,� Sunny and Angel. Courtesy photo

By Patty McCormac

People still come to visit them. They have quite a following.�

pounds — way under a normal horse birth weight of about 90 to 120 pounds. They had joint and tendon issues. Although they went full term, they had premature birth problems. “At six weeks it became very promising at that point,� Hanley said. “They got stronger and they got to exercise like normal babies.� During the past two years, Angel and Sunny have been mascots at the center and took part in the education program and the Christmas program. “People still come to visit them. They have quite a following,� Hanley said. They gained worldwide attention through streaming video and even their own TURN TO FOALS ON A25

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APRIL 6, 2012



APRIL 6, 2012

Event combines fun, fashion and philanthropy By Bianca Kaplanek

What will the bestdressed women and men be wearing around town this spring and to the races come summer? About 75 participants at a sold-out fundraiser March 28 discovered just that while also enjoying lunch at Flavor Del Mar and helping to raise money for Operation Rebound, a sports and fitness program for American military personnel, veterans and first responders with permanent physical disabilities. “Color is the big thing for spring,” Peaches en Regalia owner and buyer Patricia Straight said. “Canary yellow, the turquoise and sapphire blues. Grass green is popular this season.” When it comes to fabrics, Rancho Santa Fe residents Elaine Gallagher (left) and Oxana Cobbold it’s all about pure luxury and enjoy a glass of wine before the luncheon. Photos by Bianca Kaplanek

manager Lili Haggerty said. “It’s that universal pink that goes with every skin tone,” she said. “It was big at fashion week in London. “Dresses are fun and flirty with surprise details like dual-colored accessories,” she said. “They’re using soft chiffons and pleated designs. Ankle-length and boot-cut pants are in for spring.” When race season begins, look for big hats, of course, Haggerty said, and strappy high-heeled shoes. Fundraiser attendees got a firsthand look at these fashions and more, but without the traditional runway show. Models stopped at each table to describe their outfits from plaza boutiques such as Peaches en Regalia, White House/Black Market, Sunglass Hut and Saratoga Saddlery. Tickets were $35. Operation Rebound, which is part of the Challenged Athletes Foundation, received a portion of the ticket sales and 100 percent of

tickets sold for an opportunity drawing that featured gifts from Cirque du Soleil, fashion show participants and other Del Mar Plaza retailers such as Urban Girl Accessories, Garys Studio, Chico’s, Shimbashi Izakaya, Del Mar Rendezvous, Smashburger, Pacifica Del Mar and Michael Seewald Galleries. Also on hand was Lance Cpl. Lance Weir, an emerging athlete who medaled at the 2011 All-Marine Warrior TURN TO FASHION ON A25

This satin polka-dot sheath is one of the many fun flirty dresses offered this spring.

soft neutrals, Straight said. “Fine leathers are washed and aged. For denim, there’s an excitement in colors, like pear and papaya. They’re using lots of chiffon, cotton and modals.” Accessories are also all about “color, color, color,” Straight said. “Sometimes there’s added crystals, woven fabric and metallic in handbags for extra color. “For women, it’s dresses, dresses, dresses — from the short-short to maxi,” she said.

“And there’s a newness in the prints. “Men’s shirts are twotone colors in the cuffs and collars,” she said. “We’re seeing tilted buttons with diagonal seam detail and laser-cut fabrics. “Stripes, plaids and florals — things we’re used to seeing in women’s fashion — are being added to menswear with a masculine look. You really have to see it all to understand it.” Despite its name, White

House/Black Market is also offering color this season. “Big, bold, floral prints and geometric designs with different variations of pink,” store

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Looking for justice in Trayvon Martin By Gene Lyons


IN THE CLUB Golf course architect Max Behr was hired to design and implement construction of the golf course at the Rancho Santa Fe Golf Club and the course opened June 5, 1929. The Association took over operation of the golf course in 1934 and operated it for 25 years as a public facility. Today the club is open only to Association members who own

covenant property. Above: The original golf clubhouse. Charming and cozy, a quaint facility built in 1929, the golf shop and caddy house served as the clubhouse for the Rancho Santa Fe Country Club until it was torn down in 1984. From the grill, diners enjoyed watching fellow golfers practicing their putts on the green in front.

Photos courtesy of Arcadia Publishing, taken from “Rancho Santa Fe,” $21.99. Autographed copies of the book are available at the Rancho Santa Fe Historical Society, 6036 La Flecha. Call (858) 756-9291 or email rsfhistoricalsoc@sbcglobal.net for more information. Available at local retailers, online bookstores, or at arcadia publishing. com.

Contributing writers CHRISTINA MACONE-GREENE cmaconegrenne@coastnewsgroup.com

P.O. Box 232550, Encinitas, CA 92023-2550 • 760-436-9737 www.ranchosfnews.com • Fax: 760-943-0850




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TONY CAGALA tcagala@coastnewsgroup.com

Everybody wants to see justice done in the Trayvon Martin case, and almost everybody acts as if they already know what that is. Never mind the Rev. Al Sharpton, activist and crusading journalist all in one. Nor his MSNBC colleague Lawrence O’Donnell, who recently announced he’d decided to forgo wearing a hoodie on TV to look more like a prosecutor. Here’s GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum on “Face the Nation,” assessing shooter George Zimmerman’s mental health. “Someone has a very sick mind who would pursue someone like this,” Santorum said. “This is clearly a heinous act. You know, there are a lot of people who have a lot of distorted views of reality ... And my heart goes out to the parents, too. I can’t imagine what they’re suffering, losing their son in such a horrific way. All I would say is that, whatever the motive is, it was a malicious one.” As an attorney, you’d think Santorum would know better than to bring a legally charged term like malice into it. Not to mention implied psychosis. Santorum subsequently reverted to form, blaming President Obama — one of a few public figures who’ve spoken with appropriate restraint — for bringing race into the equation. This because Obama, extending condolences to the family, acknowledged that, “if I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.” Indeed, he would. Images of Trayvon’s handsome, boyish face have played no small part in the public response. Obama also took care, in his capacity as chief executive, not to pre-judge the case. He called it “absolutely imperative that we investigate every aspect of this and that everybody pulls together — federal, state and local — to figure out exactly how this tragedy happened.” In short, the president promised an investigation, not a result. Would that his circumspection had been followed by more of those who have justifiably turned Trayvon’s death into a national drama, but who could end up provoking even graver and more socially disruptive tragedies if they’re not more careful. I say this as one who agrees that had George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin’s roles been reversed, the black kid would almost surely have been arrested. Maybe not convicted, but taken into custody? Definitely. I also think that “concealed carry” handgun permits should be damn near impossible to get, and that Florida’s NRA-influenced “stand-your-ground” law, and others like it, are certain to have disastrous results. They must be repealed. I wouldn’t trust myself with a pistol in my pocket, much less you. Untrained individuals like Zimmerman have no business

packing heat, nor confronting strangers they deem suspicious. Trouble didn’t come to George Zimmerman; he went looking for it. At minimum, he acted like a damn fool. However, I’ve also had the experience of writing “Widow’s Web,” a book about a mediaamplified murder case that took place in my home state of Arkansas. What I learned was that when reporters and pundits set themselves up as amateur homicide detectives — not to mention as prosecutor, judge and jury — the odds against justice being served grow longer. I can still remember where I was sitting and what the weather was like when I realized that a ballyhooed front page account of a murder trial in Little Rock’s dominant morning newspaper bore almost no relationship to the actual testimony and crime scene photos. It was that shocking to me. All the errors ran in one direction, casting suspicion on an innocent man for murdering his wife. He was eventually exonerated, but only after a harrowing ordeal. Meanwhile, a veritable orgy of gossip, speculation and selfrighteous moralizing swept the state. “You could ask the ladies under every hair dryer in every beauty shop in Arkansas if (the innocent husband) was involved, and they’d say yes,” one beleaguered police official told me. “They didn’t have to know the first thing about the case. They just knew.” It’s no exaggeration to say that millions are already there with regard to Trayvon Martin. So affecting were the pictures and descriptions of his death, and so moving the grief and immense dignity of his parents, that it’s become easy to cast Zimmerman as a racist villain out of central casting, and to leap to conclusions not in evidence. Specifically, what exactly took place between Zimmerman and Martin during their fatal encounter? Who attacked whom? We really don’t know, and media accounts, as often happens, haven’t helped. On MSNBC’s “The Last Word,” Lawrence O’Donnell’s guests tried to discuss what Martin’s girlfriend may have seen. The girl was halfway across Florida, talking to him by cellphone. There have been numerous similar episodes. Much of what you think you know may be false. Media personalities don’t set out to misinform; mainly, they become True Believers. It’s possible George Zimmerman’s culpability will never be proved to everybody’s satisfaction. But the kind of painstaking professional investigation President Obama has called for is the only way to try.

APRIL 6, 2012




APRIL 6, 2012


League honors its chapters COAST CITIES — The Class of 2012 Senior Recognition and Class of 2014 Fashion Show event saw members of the National Charity League, San Dieguito Chapter celebrated, March 25 at the Hyatt Aventine in La Jolla. Fairbanks Ranch resident Sue Lichter was co-chairwoman for the evening. The Senior Ticktockers, Class of 2012, who were honored included Brianna Christine Bertken, Melina Susan Bliss, Melissa Sheridan Chin-Najmabadi, Jackie Aurora Friedman, Rachel Sara Gackstetter, Alexis Haley Goldberg, Brianna

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Nicole Hebert, Kelsey Ryan Karp, Eleanor Katherine Lichter, Brianna Renee Massas, Marilyn Kaelle "Molly" Merkin, Grace Elise Paluch, Carolyn Michelle Rabun, Amy Kathryn Sears and Daphne Jeanette Yang. Models for the annual fashion show were the 10thgrade members of NCL San Dieguito Chapter. The purpose of the fashion show is to provide the 10th graders with training in poise, stage presence, self-esteem and personal style. This year’s fashions were provided by Banana Republic, Cache, Dreamgirls, Friar Tux Shop, Let’s Go, LF

Store, Mia Bella Couture, Pink Lagoon, Pretty Please, White House/Black Market. National Charity League is a nonprofit organization founded to foster the motherdaughter relationship in a philanthropic organization committed to community service, leadership development and cultural experiences. The Senior Class during that time has performed more than 2,500 hours in philanthropic work within the community, 15,00 of those with their mothers, volunteering for more than 20 organizations.


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APRIL 6, 2012

Encinitas artist’s work celebrates enduring human spirit, nature By Jared Whitlock

In October 2003, the largest fire ever recorded in California swept through the Cuyumaca Mountains in San Diego. The Cedar fire destroyed more 335 homes and took 15 lives. From the ashes of tragedy, Alexandre “Sasha” Safonov saw an area in rebirth when he visited in 2006. “Locals were carrying on; I saw this optimism in people I met who had been through a lot,” said Safonov, an Encinitas resident. With the help of a friend who lives in the Cuyumaca Mountains, Safonov discovered a burnt, 500-year-old piece of pinewood that was to become “The Phoenix.” “When I first saw the wood, I knew what I wanted to do with it,” Safonov said. “There was this strong, undeniable feeling to it.” The 16-foot, 3,000-pound horse is defiantly perched on its hind legs at Safonov’s outdoor studio at Sunshine Gardens in Encinitas. Horses run deep through American mythology and local lore in the Cuyumaca Mountains. Safonov, originally from Russia, sees the animal as a fitting tribute to those affected by the fires. “Everyone there loves horses,” Safonov said. “When you read stories talking about the area, there’s lots of references to horses.” He carefully carved each part of the horse with a chainsaw while standing on scaffolding for five months. To make matters more difficult, pinewood is one of the more challenging woods to carve because it’s both coarse and fine-grained in parts, according to Safonov. Although “The Phoenix” was shown in the Cuyumaca Mountains and later at the Del Mar Fairgrounds in 2007, Safonov only recently completed the sculpture after several additional months of work. Waiting for the pinewood to dry out, he refinished each part of the wood, giving the horse a smooth, dark gloss. “‘The Phoenix’ is rising again,” said Safonov with a laugh. In 1996, Safonov had his own fresh start when he came to the U.S. from Russia, where he studied sculpting and European classical

It took about one month for volunteers to transform a lot south of Fletcher Cove Community Center from a mound of uneven dirt into a user-friendly park. A ceremony was held March 28 to dedicate the third and final phase of a project to restore the former Army barracks on Pacific Avenue. Photo by Bianca Kaplanek

Fletcher Cove improvements complete By Bianca Kaplanek

Renovation of Fletcher Cove Community Center and the surrounding area is complete. The city held a dedication ceremony March 28 following the conclusion of the third and final phase — park improvements on the southern portion of the site. Mayor Joe Kellejian said the project demonstrates the “commitment of the community to enhance the quality of life for all of us.” “The magnificent installation of the outside landscaping complements the beautifully renovated community center,” he said. “This is another valuable asset for the city.” Within about a month, the property was graded and drought-tolerant vegetation, picnic benches, artificial turf and walking trails were added.

Alexandre “Sasha” Safonov looks up at “The Phoenix,” his recently completed tribute to those who were affected by the Cedar fire. Photo by Jared Whitlock

painting. Many of his paintings and sculptures are classically inspired. But traces of abstract and art noveua can also be found in some of his work. “I have one piece in mind where I would like to mix three or four different styles,” Safonov said. Safonov said he prefers sculpting and painting in the U.S. because of the greater artistic freedom, and he enjoys “the nice weather and friendly people in Encinitas.” He does, however, miss Russian artists who weren’t afraid to dish out constructive criticism. “A group of us would meet and find the tiniest flaws in each other’s sculptures,” Safonov said. “I really liked that and believe it was good for me. I grew a lot that way.” “People here can be too nice; sometimes I beg them to find flaws in my sculptures,” he added with a laugh. To be fair, even someone with a trained eye may have a difficult time discerning any physical imperfections in Safonov’s sculptures. His other sculptures at Sunshine Gardens include wooden dolphins swimming together and a bronze statue

of children playing with a bird. Internationally collected, he’s renowned for flowing lines that give his wood and bronze sculptures a sense of movement. He’s also known for his detail-oriented approach. For example, veins and muscles bulge from “The Phoenix,” and small quirks like a lizard at the base of the sculpture pop out after examination. “Those little things are what makes a statue more charming,” Safonov said. What will Safonov sculpt next? Two massive pieces of cedar and redwood await at his outdoor studio. Safonov isn’t sure what his chainsaw will transform them into. But he said he’ll get a better idea after spending some time cleaning the wood. “There’s two ways to work with wood,” Safonov said. “Either you tell the wood what you’re going to do, or the wood tells you what to do.” Always taking a cue from his surroundings, Safonov clearly favors the second approach. View Safonov’s sculptures at Sunshine Gardens or visit sashasart.com for more information.

About 80 students from Earl Warren Middle School helped assemble the picnic tables. Volunteers installed hundreds of plants and hauled 20 cubic yards of mulch. “The weight of the mulch increased exponentially as the day went on,” said Peter House, a member of the Solana Beach Community Foundation, which funded the project. “Every single person I called dropped what they were doing and they were here to help the next day,” House said. “This is truly something everybody wanted to be part of. And haven’t we all made a wonderful park together?” The first phase of the renovation project, completed in November 2010, was mostly grading and improvements to

bring the surrounding property into compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. It included construction of a new parking lot and the addition of handicappedaccessible parking spaces. Construction on phase two, which was the building upgrades, began in February 2011 and was complete in July, in time for the city’s 25th anniversary celebration. The project cost approximately $400,000. Funding came from several sources, including the Americans with Disabilities Act, the redevelopment agency and donations the Solana Beach Civic & Historical Society, the Solana Beach Community Foundation and residents. The city is currently working to create a use policy for the facility.


APRIL 6, 2012


New member is immersed in community McAllister joins

Association board

Editor’s note: Rochelle Putnam and Craig McAllister will join the Rancho Santa Fe Association Board this year, taking the places of Jack Queen and Dick Doughty when their terms end this June. Because they were the only two candidates Putnam and McAllister will not have to undergo the election process.

By Patty McCormac

By Patty McCormac

RANCHO SANTA FE — Since her arrival to Rancho Santa Fe more than five years ago, Rochelle Putnam has immersed herself in the community. She joined the trails committee right away, she said. “I’ve been on that for four years and a member of the riding club for five years, she said. In addition she has been on the Roads and Traffic Committee for three years, which she has chaired.She was drafted by the Association to head the committee that was in charge of the survey that asked residents about long-range planning in the community. “It was so much fun. I learned so much about the Ranch. There was no subject we didn’t discuss,” she said. She said her two main interests when she is on the Association board are to continue the drive to get highspeed Internet into Rancho Santa Fe and to work on the new marketing committee. “Our focus really is on increasing the awareness of all the great amenities we have here in the Ranch. That includes clubs, groups and organizations,” she said. When someone is looking to make a move somewhere, she wants to make sure they consider Rancho Santa Fe, which can be done by improving the website. “When someone is in Boston and the snow is flying outdoors, I want their reaction to be ‘Wow! Rancho Santa Fe looks like a great place to live. Look at the trails. Look at the

Rochelle Putnam will join the Rancho Santa Fe Association Board this June. She has been involved in the community since she arrived a little over five years ago. Courtesy photo

golf club. Look at that riding club. Look at the school.That is where I want to live,’” she said. “I think Rancho Santa Fe is a fabulous place to live. I think the good news is we don’t have any major issues or problems,” she said. “I think we need to pay attention to the broadband and look at email communications with members.” “The community has a tremendous amount of open space. The survey we took showed solid support for open space and 82 percent of those responding said they thought the amount of service provided by the Association is ‘just right.’ “We just need to stay in touch with the residents and make sure we are doing what they want us to do,” she said. Another thing learned from the survey is that it is critical to people to preserve the rural atmosphere and the attention to privacy and security, she said. She said a lot of credit to how well the community runs goes to the Association staff.

“I think they really have a lot of talent. I’ve gotten to know them and they make everything we do on these committees a lot easier,” she said. Because of her experience on committees and heading the survey, she knows a lot about the community. “I think I will be productive from day one,” she said. “I’m into everything,” she said.“I’ve been like that all my life. In high school I was in three sports, I was the editor of the newspaper and yearbook. I was in drama.” She graduated with honors from her high school and was valedictorian. “In college (she went to Harvard) we made up clubs that didn’t exist, like the Stein Club,” she said. The Stein Club was for beer-drinking enthusiasts. The Kirkland House Annex Beach Club at Harvard was for sunning on a the few warm days they had. She graduated Harvard in 1984 with a degree in economics. Although she is a native of Maine, she decided to make a

move. “I decided to live in a warmer place,” she said. At the time she was working for LPL Financial, with its headquarters in San Diego, so she relocated. There she met her husband Jim. They married 19 years ago. “We had a lot of fun,” she said. “We were a great team.” She worked at LPL for her entire career from 1984 to 2008, when she retired at the age of 46. These days she spends her time riding her four horses and showing two of them. “We trailer them to Fiesta Island,” she said. “We’ve taken them camping.” She said packing for a camping trip with horses is worse than packing for a trip with human twins, what with the saddles, bridals, grain, water buckets and the like. For fun the couple likes to travel, saltwater fly fishing and snow skiing. In honor of her 50th birthday, the couple is planning a trip to Africa. They live with their yellow Lab, Margarita.

RANCHO SANTA FE — Craig McAllister will take a place at the Association board table this year. Involved in the Rancho Santa Fe Community, he was on the board of the tennis club for the past 10 years and president between 2010 and 2011. “I am a hack,” he said of his tennis game. “I do a lot of junk, drop shots and lobs. I don’t have power. I broke my wrist playing ice hockey in college. I took a guy to the boards and (his wrist) got between me and the guy. It bent back so far it severely fractured my wrist.” Still, he said, he plays well enough to compete on the men’s team and he’s had several victories to savor. He said he is semiretired and has time to play tennis, especially at the noon open play period. “I became a fixture over there at noon,” he said. And he is proud of club. :At the tennis club we have kids that rank in the top 20 nationally,” he said. He was born and raised in Connecticut. He and Suzanne, his wife of 28 years, spent the bulk of their lives in New England. They have lived in Rancho Santa Fe for the past 15 years. He went to Hobart College and continued to live in upstate New York where the winters are “pretty brutal.” “One day my wife said, ‘I can’t live like this anymore. I just can’t take it anymore,’” he said. He had lived there all his life and didn’t know what she was talking about until the next three winters that were particularly harsh, including one where they were without water or power for days. The event that changed his mind was trying to unfreeze 100 yards of pipe in the bone-numbing cold. “I’ve had it. Let’s go looking,” he told Suzanne. “We wanted to be near the water. We looked up and down the East Coast. We started in Florida and worked our way up,” he said. They were looking for mild weather and good education for daughters Lulu and Bailey, now 26 and 24. “We found the west coast of Florida too buggy and the schools just weren’t there. We avoided the thought of living on the West

Craig McAllister, former board member and president of the tennis club, will join the Association board. Photo by Patty McCormac

Coast,” he said. They loved San Francisco, but the weather was too chilly and it was in California. “We were afraid of mudslides, earthquakes, fires,” he said. They did not want to look in the Midwest, or Chicago or Texas. They thought about Tucson and Phoenix. “I had been in San Diego once when I was in college. I had never thought about it again. I thought there was a possibility there. I put her (Suzanne) on a plane as the initial scout,” he said. She scouted the area until she found Rancho Santa Fe, made a phone call to him and told him she had found the place where they would live. “It looked like the place we wanted to be,” he said. What made them decide to live in the Covenant was the number of clubs, groups and organizations, but when they heard about the wonderful school there, they decided they would not have to send their children to outside private schools. Suzanne has found he niche as well. She is a volunteer docent at the San Elijo Lagoon and is secretary of the San Diego Bee Keeping Society. She won third place in the San Diego County Fair honey contest last year. Easing into a Association board member position should be fairly easy for McAllister. “I had the opportunity to interact with the TURN TO MCALLISTER ON A26



APRIL 6, 2012

Life is exciting every day in Rancho Santa Fe MACHEL PENN SHULL Machel’s Ranch The truth is, life is just exciting. Really. I don’t mean to sound punchy about it, although my enthusiasm may be contagious these days. The optimist in me is alive. The believer in dreams has made it out into the sun again. The girl that believes anything is truly possible when you set forth a belief, hard work and take your own personal hammer and start carving out your own personal dream is back. The trick is to find something that you love to do; something that makes you feel fulfilled even without attaining the final goal you might have in your mind. If you truly love it, keep plugging away, you might be surprised to find out that if you don’t achieve the end result, the important aspect is enhancing your world with a bit of fun along the way. I find that during down times, I am reminded of the silver lining I might have missed without the dismal moments. The darker times can remind us of our blessings. I had one of those shining moments recently. You know, the type that make you weep with joy when you find out the good news. Those moments are worth achieving. I call them a “Rocky Moment.”You know, like from Sylvester Stallone’s infamous Oscar-winning movie. I’m not going to recap the entire movie here, so if you remember that picture-perfect scene where the trumpets start soaring and Rocky finally climbs those stairs with endurance and vigor, that’s the visual I am referencing. There is nothing like the feeling of achieving a breakthrough moment. So dear readers, from an avid dreamer who has ran the gamut of dreams, do become your own visionary. Dive into

your future of the unknown and believe. When you least expect it, you might experience that “Rocky Moment,” too. So, don’t give up on yourself or your wishes. They may just materialize just around the corner.

Around Town

exciting news about a special fundraiser for the award-winning Horizon Prep School located in the heart of Rancho Santa Fe. The “3SixTeen” fundraiser in Santaluz embraced one of the most famous scriptures from the Bible, John 3:16. According to Dr. Kush, the fundraiser’s basic drive was to, “Increase the capacity to provide an unparalleled academically challenging, Christcentered, whole-child educational experience that will impact lives for eternity with the Gospel message.” Some other exciting news to definitely mention is Horizon Prep finished in the top 3 percent in nationwide on standardized test scores and is fully accredited with WASC and ACSI. For more information, visit horizonprep.org. Thank you Soncee for sharing this exciting information with the Ranch readers. On March 29, I just happened to be right next door to a smashing grand opening of the Opus Bank in La Jolla. Working part-time at Legends Gallery in La Jolla does have its perks, you know, besides the fabulous art adorning the walls. Many of you might know Brenda Boggaoni from the Rancho Santa Fe Rotary

or from one of the main banks in the Fairbanks area. Well, Brenda had a little help from some friends in celebrating the grand opening at Opus Bank. I have included pictures of some past and present well-known Rancho Santa Fe Rotarians who made it for Brenda’s exciting event. As a former Ranch Rotarian, I felt like I was revisiting some of my high school chums who I hadn’t seen for a while and left with a sweet smile that evening. For more information on the RSF Rotary, visit ranchosantaferotary.org/.

Save the date If you read my last column you might recall I planned to reveal a mustattend event for this summer to mark on your calendars. Helen Woodward Animal Center’s 24th annual Spring Fling is just around the corner! “The Kit Kat Club” gala will be June 2, starting at 5:30 in the evening ‘till midnight. Be ready to enjoy the flavor of the roaring 1920s, the sound of jazz and delicious food from some of San Diego’s top restaurants. Help save animals and support this amazing organi-

Baseball season started all over San Diego during the month of March. From the Rancho Santa Fe League Parade, to the Del Mar Beaches, boys grabbed their gloves, their baseball gear and headed for the dugouts, the bases and the mound as someone opened the game with “Play Ball.” Please feel free to send pictures of your friends and family playing one of the most beloved sports in America. I have included my first picture of this year’s season from Yankee Major’s player Holden MacDonald with Coach Jimmy.The smiles here tell the story. Just in case you didn’t know, Holden is Violet MacDonald’s grandson and Larry and Meredith MacDonald’s son. Thanks for sharing the photo! On March 10, I enjoyed a brisk hike under a perfect blue sky here in Rancho Santa Fe. Have you discovAna and Armando Garza are all smiles at the Horizon Prep fundraiser event. Courtesy photo ered the trails, yet? I do believe I’m a little late in the game on hiking. Look at the breathtaking photo of the mountains right near Lake Hodges that reminded me slightly of “The Sound of Music.” Trust me, take some time to move beyond your normal habitat and explore the rugged hills, smell the wild flowers, and enjoy the ruggedness of the natural desert terrain here in Southern California. It’s like taking a Zen meditation class as your mind relaxes into the tranquility of nature. If you are not sure where the trails are located in this area, here is a link that will have you singing “The hills are alive in Rancho Santa Fe.” You won’t regret this expedition, trust me: sdrp.org/trails.htm. On March 16, Soncee Jennifer and Ryan Wetsel with Event Chair, Kathy Flather at the Horizon Prep fundraiser in March. Courtesy Partida shared with me some photo

zation located in the Ranch. I have included a photo of Laurel McCrink with her good friend Vincent Andrunas from last year’s event. To reserve your tickets now, visit animalcenter.org/events/fling/. If you have a fun event you would like Machel Penn to cover, contact her at mpenn@coastnewsgroup.com.

Enjoy hiking this year at one of the many trails located here in Rancho Santa Fe. Photo by Machel Penn Shull

Holden MacDonald with Coach Jimmy at one of their Del Mar League Major games this season.Courtesy photo

Save the Date: June 2nd for Helen Woodward's "Kit Kat Club." Here is Brenda Boggoni,Chris Dorazio, Katie Hawkes, Lanri Wheeler, Tally Weber, Connie Sundstrom, and in the front row Alan Balfour sitting next to Carl a photo from last year's gala with Laurel McCrink and Vincent Andrunas. Larson. This picture was taken at the opening of Opus Bank in La Jolla. Photo by Machel Penn Shull Photo by Machel Penn Shull


APRIL 6, 2012


City offers free lunchtime concerts By Lillian Cox

Safety Equipment Grab Bars, Ramps, etc. Stair Lifts and Bath Tub Conversions Plumbing / Electrical General Home Repairs Inside and Outside Home Modifications Large or Small Projects Painting and Drywall Window, Door and Lock Installation And whatever else is on your “fix it list”!

The city of Encinitas’ free, mid-week concert series, Wednesdays@Noon, debuted in January and is playing to growing audiences this spring. The brown bag event is held each week from noon to 12:45 p.m. at the Encinitas Library. “The first week we had 70 people,” Jim Gilliam, city arts administrator, said. “Each week after that we added 10 more, reaching 100 by the fourth concert. The audiences are having a great time. Many have commented how appreciative they are to have high quality concerts at no cost in these tough economic times.” The series will continue on April 4 with Bit of Alright Band featuring vocals and acoustic guitar by John Rundle and Steve Grant. The duo performs a broad spectrum of music from pop and soft rock favorites from the 1950s, including hits by the Everly Brothers, to music from contemporary stars such as Jason Mraz. They also play original songs written by Rundle. On April 11, celebrated pianist Michael Sanders will be returning to the library for the third of eight concerts of Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier,

The Mattson2 will entertain concert goers at noon on Wed., April 18 as part of the city of Encinitas’ free, mid-week concert series. The twin brothers will offer selections from their latest album, “Feeling Hands.” Courtesy photo

Book II. Sanders, who lives in San Juan Capistrano, has a special connection with Encinitas’ new Steinway grand piano. “Last summer I was lucky to be asked to perform at the beginning of the fundraising

effort for the piano,” he explained. “The room has a magnificent view which inspired me to play music about the ocean. The acoustics are surprisingly very favorable.” On April 18, twin brothers Jared and Jonathan Mattson, known professionally as The Mattson2, will be entertaining concert goers with selections from their latest album, “Feeling Hands.” The Encinitas natives earned music degrees from UCSD and are currently enrolled in the graduate program in music at UC Irvine. When they’re not studying, they’re frequently touring Europe, South America and Japan where they’ve received global acclaim. “Joining Galaxia records, creating an album with Ray Barbee and being featured in the soundtracks of Thomas Campbell surf films were all important factors to gaining an audience around the world,” said Michael Schmitt, who sponsors and promotes Mattson2 locally through the Leucadia-based arts organization Ruthless Hippies. On April 25, singer and pianist Ann Chase will be

returning to the library to perform the music of Jerome Kern, Cole Porter, Stephen Sondheim and other selections from the Great American Songbook. Included in the program is a song composed by local musician Sally Dean, director of San Diego North Coast Singers. At 2 p.m., Sunday, April 15, the Encinitas Recital Series will continue with a performance by Blue Rose Ensemble. The L.A.-based trio is described as one of today’s most exciting young ensembles, engaging a diverse public with an uncanny marriage of visceral energy and deep sensitivity. They have performed in Brazil, China, France, Israel, Alaska, Texas and California. Hear works by Beethoven, Bruch and Villa Lobos and contemporary composers. All concerts are performed in the community room of the Encinitas Library located at 540 Cornish Drive behind City Hall. For more information, call (760) 633-2746. For local event information about Mattson2, and other homegrown entertainment, visit ruthlesshippies.org or ruthlesshippies.blogspot.com.

Hospital preps for fundraiser COAST CITIES — Planners of the April 28 Sounds of Hope for Children concert, presented by the Carmel Valley Unit of Rady Children’s Hospital Auxiliary, have selected veteran journalist and KUSI weekday news anchor, Sandra Maas as its master of ceremonies. Maas, a Carmel Valley resident and long-time supporter of Rady Children’s Hospital, is donating her time and talent to the fundraising to begin at 6:30 p.m. at The Loft, a performance and cultural lounge at UCSD’s La Jolla campus. Joshua Tree band will perform a musical tribute to Irish rock band, U2. Guests will also take part in the three D’s (dinner, drinks, dancing) and a live auction. The Carmel Valley Unit of Rady Children’s Hospital Auxiliary hopes to raise awareness and funds for the hospital’s Discovery Pediatric Research Program. Last year, the Carmel Valley Unit benefited for the hospital’s Autism Discovery Institute, which was in need of a new playground. This year, the group chose to fund the Discovery Pediatric Research Program, a collaboration between Rady Children’s Hospital and UCSD, where doctors and researchers are doing work in the areas of oncology, autism, and other childhood illnesses. To learn more about the Carmel Valley Unit of Rady Children’s Hospital Auxiliary, make a donation, or purchase tickets to “Sounds of Hope for Children 2012 – In the Name of Love,” visit chacv.org, email cvchairs@gmail.com or call (619) 717-1398.



APRIL 6, 2012


Teaching UP: Unlimited Potential Book passage for your young explorer on Teaching UP’s SpinnakerSummer ■ Interviewing “setting sail” this June now summer enrichment ""II love love learning. learning. KEEP K EEP LEARNING LEARNING program, grades 2-8 I want wan ant children children en to to ffeel eel iits ts jjoy, oy, too!" too!" because their potential is so great. These students need a mentor, outside the classroom, to encourage and demand their best work. June says, “I recognize now that what I needed as a young student was a mentor to accelerate my capabilities and to help build my excitement for learning. I want to be that positive coach to guide Master teacher June today’s young students to Pecchia has personal experi- achievement and excellence ence with the suffering that some children experience from a lack of challenge in school. “I was so bored—not only during school, but even at home! There just weren’t enough challenges for me. How I wish there had been someone to help me channel my curiosity; someone to show me all the wonderful ways there are to grow a hungry young mind. I needed — June Pecchia someone to take me beyond M. Ed. slapping together ‘A’ work to earning and owning true ‘A+’ that meet their potential. work.” That is why I founded A child who believes that Teaching UP: Unlimited outstanding work can be pro- Potential.” duced with minimal effort Teaching UP, June may become disinterested Pecchia’s unique learning proand lazy, or resentful and gram, focuses on high-achievrebellious. June’s childhood ing students. It is a coaching experience formed her desire service that challenges and to focus her teaching on chil- empowers children to express dren who are highly capable, their ideas in ways that and need and deserve con- inspire, persuade and influstant learning challenges. ence. Students create personAlthough these children may al narratives in their own voicdemonstrate behaviors that es, including essays for their classroom teachers do entrance to selective schools, not find endearing, it is applications for internships,


was so bored - not only during school, but even at home!”

Who’s NEWS? Business news and special achievements for North San Diego County. Send information via email to community@ coastnewsgroup.com. Tri-City nominations Tri-City Hospital Foundation board of trustees has opened its annual nominations process for the 2012-2013 term.To qualify as a candidate the nominee must be able to commit to four hours of service per month.Board members are expected to support the foundation by attending regularly scheduled board meetings, joining at least one working board committee, helping with fundraising efforts, participating in the annual conference and acting as an ambassador for the foundation in the community at large. Each board member is elected for a three year term. The 2012-13 term begins July 1. For a nomination form, contact Tobi Ferguson at (760) 9403370 or fergusontc@tcmc.com.

Young stars Christian Jaeger and Luke Ruggiero, of Del Mar, will take the stage in the production od Disney’s “Peter Pan Jr.” by the San Diego Junior Theatre April 27 through May 13 at Balboa Park’s Casa del Prado Theatre.

Foundation has named Carlsbad resident James Farley to its board of governors. Farley is president and chief executive officer of Leichtag Foundation. He has served as president of the board of Seacrest Village Retirement Communities and the San Diego Botanic Garden Foundation. He is a founding member of the board of the Carlsbad Charitable Foundation. Farley currently serves on the board of the Jewish Funders Network, and the Community Advisory Board of Scripps Hospital Encinitas.

HeadNorth selects new board member Robert Francavilla, a partner with the law offices of Casey Gerry, Schenk, Francavilla, Blatt and Penfield, has been elected to the board of directors of HeadNorth, a Del Mar-based nonprofit dedicated to providing help and hope for spinal cord injury survivors. Francavilla will serve a two-year term on the board of HeadNorth, which is focused on supporting and meeting the transitional needs of spinal cord injury survivors, as well as finding a cure for paralysis through research and grants.

Douglas endorsement

Businesswoman and Carlsbad City Councilwoman Farrah Douglas announced that the Mexican American Business & Professional Association has endorsed her campaign for Assembly. Farrah is running for North Farley joins board The San Diego San Diego County’s 76th

and other competitive environments. As they refine skills in writing and in speaking, June’s students develop rigorous thinking habits, which further expand their confidence and capability. This April, June is interviewing candidates for Teaching UP’s new SpinnakerSummer™ Program for children in grades 2-8. During summer vacation, she will spend 4 - 8 hours per week individually with each child. June explains, “We recognize our launching point and choose a destination port. Like a spinnaker sail, the child will be running before the wind, with me alongside guiding the way. With lessons carefully designed to meet that child’s needs, each session will bring us nearer the goals. Your child’s SpinnakerSummer will be one like none before.” Key values at the heart of Teaching UP: Unlimited Potential are: • Respect for teamwork: working together to solve problems skillfully and effectively. • Cultivation of the child’s inner voice that says, “Each day I can create a life that makes my personal world, and the larger one, better places in which to live.” Go to TeachingUP.com or call June Pecchia (760) 3904512 for detailed information on which programs are best for your child. Assembly District.

On the team Del Mar resident Terri Caffery has joined Union Bank's residential wholesale team as an account executive for the bank’s Consumer Lending group. Caffery is responsible for building and managing mortgage broker relationships in the greater San Diego area.

Broadcast winners Carlsbad High School’s CHSTV broadcast program and Valley Middle School’s VMSTV broadcast program won Awards of Excellence at the Student Television Network Convention in March. VMSTV won for Best Overall Middle School Broadcast and Best Middle School Film award. CHSTV won for Best Daily Live Scholastic Broadcast and place and Carlsbad Unified School District broadcast programs placed in 17 contests. Among these were Aviara Oaks Middle School, for the competitive middle school Music Video category.

PR to the stars Dean Markley Strings announced it has retained Carlsbad-based VittekPR to oversee its artist relations efforts in 2012. In this role, Vittek will maintain relationships with current Dean Markley artists including Nikki Sixx, Orianthi, Bruce Springsteen, All American Rejects and Toby Keith, as well as continue to expand the company’s artist roster with toptier talent.



June JJu une Pecchia, Pec eccch chiia chia ia, a, M. M. Ed. Edd.. CA CCredentialed CA red re ede dent ntitia iale ial led Te led TTeacher Teac eac achhe her her

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Ex is history, but car loan isn’t BRUCE WILLIAMS Smart Money DEAR BRUCE: My exhusband and I were divorced five years ago. In the divorce, he took the car and said he would make the payments. Now, five years later, I am getting phone calls looking for payment. Apparently they have been trying to get the money from him and have been unsuccessful, so now they’re coming after me. I tried to talk to the loan company, but it doesn’t care; it just wants the money now. I barely make it now, and why would I pay on a car I don’t even have? Is there anything I can do? — Reader, via email DEAR READER: It’s unfortunate, but I get letters like this a lot. When you enter into a divorce agreement, it seems at the time like everything is worked out, but then months or years later it comes back at you. Unfortunately, you are on the hook since your ex-husband has stopped payment. After all these years, it’s most likely a debt collector instead of the original loan company through which you bought the car. They may say they won’t settle, but it’s my belief that they can and they will. I’m reasonably confident this debt can be negotiated down sub-

stantially. DEAR BRUCE: I am getting ready for retirement next year. It has been many years coming. My paycheck is automatically deposited into my checking account every month. I would like to find a way to have some of that money directly deposited into a savings account as well. How should I go about that? My bank says it won’t automatically take my specified amount out of my checking account and transfer it into a savings account. I would have to do that, but I can’t be bothered. Do you have any suggestions how this can be done? — Michael, via email DEAR MICHAEL: If money from your paycheck is deposited directly into an account, why can’t you simply transfer it yourself? So many things can be done online today. If you ask your bank to link your accounts (if it’s the same bank), then you can simply go to your account and transfer the funds with a few keystrokes of the computer. If you are like me and are not computer-literate or prefer a paper trail for everything, write a check from your checking account and deposit it into your savings account. How much simpler can this be? It gives you complete control, and it seems to be worth the little effort it would require. I would not rely on any bank to transfer funds for me monthly. Too many things can happen. You might even get

complacent about checking and assume that it has been done and it hasn’t. Just do it yourself and there will be no question that the transfers were made. DEAR BRUCE: I am getting ready for retirement next year. It has been many years coming. My paycheck is automatically deposited into my checking account every month. I would like to find a way to have some of that money directly deposited into a savings account as well. How should I go about that? My bank says it won’t automatically take my specified amount out of my checking account and transfer it into a savings account. Do you have any suggestions how this can be done? — Michael, via email DEAR MICHAEL: If money from your paycheck is deposited directly into an account, why can’t you simply transfer it yourself? If you ask your bank to link your accounts (if it’s the same bank), then you can simply go to your account and transfer the funds with a few keystrokes of the computer. If you are like me and are not computer-literate or prefer a paper trail for everything, write a check from your checking account and deposit it into your savings account. How much simpler can this be? Send questions to Smart Money, P.O. Box 503, Elfers, FL 34680, or email them to bruce@brucewilliams.com. .


APRIL 6, 2012


Getting pampered Families should take five for dinner is just fine with me JEAN GILLETTE Small Talk Jean is out of town and has submitted a column from her archives... I have been abraded. While it sounds like something that might come after a motorcycle accident or a slide into home plate, it was actually something quite nice, luxurious even. In that ever-hopeful, rarely fulfilled quest for the skin of a 25-year-old, I treated myself to a microdermabrasion treatment. All right, class. Let’s break down the word. Micro- small. Derma — skin. Abrasion — rubbed, but not the wrong way. What I was hoping for was a serious renovation of my face. I know there’s another face down there somewhere with tiny pores and maybe even some elasticity left. What I was truly wishing for was to leave a good deal of my current face at the shop and take home only the really new part. Apparently, for that kind of magic, I need to consider more harsh and more expensive treatments. I always set my sights a little too high, but all things considered, it was one heck of a facial. She steamed and creamed, poked and massaged and finally, carefully and professionally, gave me a mini-sandblast with a rather fascinating machine that did leave my face feeling like a baby’s bottom. I can’t truly say how I look now, but my friends have been very kind. They insist I look refreshed and renewed and who am I to argue? What I probably need to do is avoid that 800times-lifesize magnifying mirror I use every morning. I suspect no matter how many layers of face I might lose, in that mirror I would still see the surface of the moon reflecting back at me. But the abrasion treatment was only part of my

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afternoon pampering and it was grand. For a solid 90 minutes, it was all about me, baby. My face-fixer massaged my neck and shoulders, covered me with hot towels and rubbed Vitamin E into my face. I don’t care nearly as much about how I look as I do about how I feel, and I left there feeling simply decadent and even relaxed. Now that’s an accomplishment. I got an extra surprise when she couldn’t stand to leave my ignored eyebrows in their untidy state. Who knew? I don’t believe I have even looked closely at my eyebrows since my children were born. She trimmed, plucked and waxed until they actually had a shape. It was amazing. It almost made me want to put on makeup. I really need a keeper. Perhaps every woman does. We should just pair up. We can’t look at ourselves and really tell what looks best. Just look at some of our clothes and hairdos and that becomes painfully obvious. We see ourselves too often and use those magnifying mirrors I mentioned earlier. We can’t be impartial. It’s always better through the eyes of someone else, who can assess you at arm’s length with a fashion-conscious eye. Until I get that in place, I will stick with the occasional sandblasting and take my aesthetician at her word. She insisted I looked really good for my age. At this age, that will do nicely. Jean Gillette is a part-time editor and freelance writer longing to wear sandals again. Contact her at jgillette@coastnewsgroup.com.

MARIALISA CALTA Kiss the Cook We are heading into the time of year when push comes to shove for family dinners. As any parent of schoolage children knows, the last few months of school are a whirlwind of class trips, recitals, sports playoffs, awards ceremonies, theater productions, team banquets, yearbook meetings, graduation preparations and — lest we forget — homework, assessments and exams. Aside from the winter holidays, the end-of-school season might be the hardest time of year to get a decent dinner on the table. And by “decent” we mean, of course, real food (not “fast” or overly processed) that includes servings of vegetables and whole grains. The simplest meal — and one that counts as decent — is melted cheddar cheese on whole-wheat toast, served with baby carrots, grape tomatoes and applesauce for dessert. Kids like it. Adults can get behind it ... for a night or two. After that, the palate wants a little change. There are a host of “quick and easy,” “familyfriendly” cookbooks and websites out there, but, as you are doubtless aware, not all of them deliver. “Jamie Oliver’s Meals in Minutes” (Hyperion, 2011) is one that does, giving entire menus (e.g., Indian-style steak, spinach salad, naan bread and mango dessert), along with strategies to actually get them on the table in 30 minutes. “Robin Takes 5” by “Quick Fix Meals” TV host Robin Miller (Andrews McMeel, 2011) is another. The “Take 5” refers to the fact that each of the 500 recipes in the book can be made with five ingredients or fewer (not counting salt, pepper, water, etc.), and each has 500 calories or less. Cute, yes, but the book actually works. Years ago, I encountered my first recipe for “oven-fried” chicken in a book called “Home-Cooking Sampler” by Peggy Glass (Prentice Hall, 1989). Over

Buttermilk “Fried” Chicken relieves you of the mess of deep-frying and is more nutritious than the kind that comes in a fast-food bucket. Photo by Ben Pieper

the years, it became a hit with my kids, their friends and, if we’re honest, my husband and me. In Miller’s version, the addition of walnuts makes the chicken especially crunchy and delicious, and a sure-fire (sure-fried?) winner. You can cut the chicken into nuggets before baking and serve them with honey-mustard or barbecue sauce for dipping. Or, try making this with strips of firm, white fish for homemade fish sticks. Tacos are another easy, family-pleasing dish, and Miller’s are a tasty pork variation. Consider adding more veggies — sliced bell peppers or raw zucchini, summer squash or carrot “matchsticks” — for added crunch and color. You still have a couple of weeks before the end-ofschool tsunami hits. Get ready. Take five.

BUTTERMILK “FRIED” CHICKEN Yield: 4 servings 4 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves (about 5 ounces each) 1 cup buttermilk 2 tablespoons dry ranch dip or ranch dressing mix 1 cup panko (Japanese bread crumbs) 1 cup walnut pieces Salt and freshly ground

sodium. Recipe from “Robin Takes Preheat oven to 375 5” by Robin Miller (Andrews degrees. Coat a baking sheet McMeel, 2011). with cooking spray. Place chicken in a large PORK STREET TACOS Yield: 4 servings freezer bag or between two 1 tablespoon olive oil pieces of plastic wrap and 1 1/4 pounds pork tenpound (with a meat mallet or rolling pin) to a 1/2-inch derloin, cut into 1-inch cubes 1 tablespoon taco seathickness. Whisk together butter- soning Freshly ground black milk and ranch dip mix in a shallow dish. Add chicken pepper, to taste 4 taco-size (8-inch) and turn to coat. (See note.) Pulse panko and wal- whole-wheat flour tortillas 1 cup shredded cheddar nuts in a food processor until fine. Transfer panko cheese, mild or sharp 1 cup shredded romaine mixture to a shallow dish. Remove chicken from lettuce the buttermilk mixture and Heat oil in a large skilshake off excess buttermilk. Transfer chicken to the let over medium-high. Add panko mixture and turn to pork, taco seasoning and coat both sides. Transfer pepper and stir to coat. chicken to the prepared bak- Cook 3 to 5 minutes, stirring ing sheet and bake 25 to 30 frequently, until pork is tenminutes, until the chicken is der. Heat tortillas according cooked through and the to package directions, if desired. Spoon pork into torcrust is crisp and golden. Season chicken with tillas and top with grated salt and freshly ground cheese and lettuce. Per serving: 450 caloblack pepper before serving. Note: For super-moist ries, 21 grams fat (9 grams chicken, marinate it in the saturated), 122 milligrams buttermilk mixture up to 24 cholesterol, 23 grams carbohydrates, 40 grams protein, 3 hours. Per serving: 398 calo- grams fiber, 695 milligrams ries, 18 grams fat (2 grams sodium. saturated fat), 84 milligrams cholesterol, 12 grams carboMarialisa Calta is the author of hydrate, 38 grams protein, 1 "Barbarians at the Plate: Taming and gram fiber, 211 milligrams black pepper, to taste

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APRIL 6, 2012

Putting San Diego on the map KYLE STOCK Coastal Cosmos No matter how deep you dig that hole on the beach, you will not reach China. If you were to astonishingly succeed in digging through the Earth, you would end up in the Indian Ocean, directly east of South Africa. The spot directly opposite a point on Earth is called the antipode. Identifying the exact location of points on the Earth’s surface is a science vital to communication, commerce and transportation. Humans draw lines on maps to represent different positions across the globe. The geographic coordinates for Encinitas are 33 degrees 2 minutes 13 seconds-north and 117 degrees 17 minutes 31 secondssouth. The geographic coordinate system allows all points on Earth to be recognized as a set of numbers. When looking at a map, east and west are represented as lines of longitude, also known as meridians. North and south are denoted as lines of latitude, also known as parallels. Longitude is based on the angle that a point is to the east or west of the Prime Meridian (0 degrees), established in 1851 at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich in London. Latitude is measured as the angle north or south of the equator (0 degrees). Minutes of arc and seconds or arc are used to pinpoint exact locations. There are 60 minutes in each degree and 60 seconds in each minute. We live in the North and Western Hemispheres because we are north of the equator and west of Greenwich. It is curious that lines running north/south measure the coordinates for east/west and vice versa. Your smartphone knows where you are because it is receiving coordinate data from at least 4 Global Positioning Satellites at any given time. There are currently 31 GPS satellites orbiting the Earth. The first, NAVSTAR 1 was launched in 1978.


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Longitude is based on the angle that a point is to the east or west of the Prime Meridian (0 degrees), established in 1851 at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich in London. Latitude is measured as the angle north or south of the equator (0 degrees). Image courtesy of NASA

Meridians and parallels as arbitrary, human creations impact everything from national borders to our concept of time. The border of the United States and Canada mostly runs along the 49 degrees parallel. All of our watches are set to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), a successor to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Our concept of time is based on established time zones created in relation to the Prime Meridian in Greenwich. San Diego is in the Pacific Time Zone — 7 hours west of Greenwich as the Earth spins and the Sun brings new days. Longitude and latitude have an enormous influence on the properties of the Earth’s surface. The geographic coordinates of San Diego County impact the meteorology, geology, ecology, anthropology and oceanography. At about 33 degrees N 117 degrees S, San Diego is the southwestern most county in the United States.

Friday, April 6 • 4 to 8pm


APRIL 6, 2012



Contact us at arts@coastnewsgroup.com with story ideas, events or photos

Anthony Ortega: Unsung reedman finds himself ‘lucky’ By Gabriel Fregoso

“Legend” is not a title that can be affixed to just anybody’s name. But when describing the life and talent of Anthony Ortega, it’s hard to exclude the word from discussion. “One reason he’s not as well known is that he’s played it super cool, like a family man,” explained his wife, 76year-old Mona Ørbeck Ortega. “He didn’t try to get attention, or go to jail like Art Pepper.” In the United States,

Ortega, the 83-year-old saxophonist, has never had the name recognition of jazz greats like Charlie Parker, but that doesn’t mean his ability is any less. In France, where he toured in the 1950s, he’s been written about by critics with the type of symbolism found in the poetry of T.S. Eliot or Allen Ginsburg. Consider the following from an article published in 1993 by noted French critic Gil Pressnitzer: “Did he exist? Or (was he) a myth? As the lamb

dreams of electric robots, the world of jazz didn’t remember Ortega, the most bizarre of jazz musicians. Ortega is alive in a place near San Diego.” Ortega’s reaction to the praise? “Wild, man.” If duality and displacement are common themes throughout the scant literature on “Tony” Ortega, it’s because he’s led an unconventional if not “bizarre” life. Born in Watts, Los Angeles, in 1928, he received

his first saxophone when he was 14. He remembers the date he received it — Feb. 6, 1943. Shortly after, he spent the next five years under famed jazz teacher Lloyd Reese, who taught him how to play the saxophone, as well as the clarinet and flute. “In those days, Lloyd charged us three dollars an hour for lessons,” said Ortega. “He told me if I wanted to play with the big bands I had to learn how to play the clarinet and flute as well.” After a brief stint in the

Jazz musician Anthony “Tony” Ortega (left) and his wife Mona Ørbeck Ortega at their Encinitas home. Ortega performs every Sunday at Mr. Peabody’s through June 3. Photo by Gabriel Fregoso

army from 1948 to 1951, Ortega was recruited by jazz great Lionel Hampton to be in his band, in which he spent the following two years touring the states, playing second alto. In 1953, he accompanied Hampton’s band to Europe, where he played with the likes of Clifford Brown, Art Farmer, and Quincy Jones. During his European tour, he met his future wife, Mona Ørbeck, in Oslo Norway, where the two eventually married. “We met at the Penguin club… a jazz club where guys from out of town or America would go and jam. He asked me to dance a little bit,” recalled Ørbeck Ortega. “I thought ‘Oh well, I won’t see him anymore’… soon after that he called me from Germany and asked me if I wanted to get married.” This April, they will have been married 58 years.

Ortega’s life after the Hampton band reads like a series of hits and misses. Fresh from Europe, with the responsibilities of a married man, he spent the next few years torn between East and West coasts, a Mexican descendant looking for gigs in an industry dominated by black and white musicians. “In some ways it was hard for him,” said Ørbeck Ortega. “Many wondered whether a Mexican could play really good jazz.” Familial obligations meant turning down gigs he wished he had taken (he passed on Gene Krupa and Stan Kenton), and taking unwanted gigs just to make ends meet (playing strip clubs on 42nd street in New York). Highlights during this period include playing Birdland with Maynard Ferguson, working TURN TO ORTEGA ON A25



APRIL 6, 2012

Accentuating the community with art KAY COLVIN A Brush With Art Art instructor Jerm a.k.a. “Mr. Wright” insists he learns more from his students than they do from him. However, current and former San Dieguito Academy students who have acquired essential lessons from his art classes would beg to differ. In equipping students with life skills, Wright accentuates the community aspects of art through his art leadership program. Wright stresses the value of relationships with people in their community. “It’s the Who-You-Know’s that give you the opportunity, and then you step up and give it your best shot.” Actively encouraging students’ involvement in community, Wright organized the Art Wars Club in 2006 to promote art leadership through project organization, execution and art statement. He considers spectators an integral part of the project and asserts, “Art Wars events are about pulling people together.” Wright practices his own advice as his artistic visibility increases. Numerous community connections have opened doors and offered encouragement along the way. “Going all-out” for his art exhibit at the Downtown Encinitas Mainstreet Association office paved the way for a subsequent Encinitas Library show, which recently culminated in a Live Action Series event at Oceanside Museum of Art. A Leucadia native, Wright delights in transforming local eyesores into works of art. His mural at the corner of 101 at Leucadia Boulevard

Suki Berry (left) with art instructor Jerm a.k.a. “Mr. Wright.” Courtesy photo

and a San Elijo Lagoon manhole cover are examples of Wright’s work that can be seen around town. His first Arts Alive banner “Goooood Morning,Vietnam!” is currently displayed near Swami’s Cafe. Wright’s mission in the SDA art department is for every student to find his or her individual voice. By creating an atmosphere of freedom to explore their creativity, he leaves a great deal of space for students to grow. Wright wins students over by making their learning experiences fun while de-emphasizing technicalities. He reasons, “If they love the creative process, students will find the technical aspects along the way.” His goal is not that his students become professional artists, but that they discover personal fulfillment through lifelong creative expression. One of Wright’s current students who has taken these lessons to heart is Suki Berry, SDA senior who met Wright during sculpture class her freshman year. Beginning in elementary school by designing gel pen tattoos and fairy

magnets for classmates, Suki’s art career has expanded to include commissioned portraits, CD album covers, and backgrounds for iPad apps produced by Psyop Studios of Venice Beach. In addition to her professional work, she is building her portfolio with freely expressive creations while she serves as marketing president of the school’s robotics team. She enjoys putting herself into situations that stimulate learning. Suki states, “If it can be dreamed about, I can do it.” With that level of confidence, she’ll surely leave her mark in the art world. Paying homage to movie monsters and sea creatures, Suki’s Arts Alive banner “Terror from the Deep” is located in front of Cardiff’s Chart House.

Got an item for the calendar? Send the details via email to calendar@coastnewsgroup.com.

Howard Blank and the Legends for a night of music and dancing to benefit the Brain Injured Veterans Association at 7:30 p.m. April 7 at Rhythm City Restaurant and Lounge, 2237 S. El Camino Real, Oceanside. Tickets are $10 per person. Call (877) 724-4244 or visit braininjuredveteransassoc.com.



and mystical elements. For more clinic for low-income residents. information visit northcounty- Call (866)772-9287. The cost is $30 for males and $40 for brights.org. females. Discounts for two. MEET FOR LUNCH A homeBE THE BARD The San Diego cooked luncheon meeting, of the Shakespeare Society presents Woman’s Club of Carlsbad, will free monthly readings and work- be held at 11:30 a.m. April 11 at shops open to the public from 6 the clubhouse, 3320 Monroe St., to 8 p.m. on the second Tuesday Carlsbad. Cost is $10 at the door. of each month, at the Encinitas For reservations, call Bev at Public Library, 540 Cornish (760) 433-5515 or e-mail vljaDrive, Encinitas. Scenes from han@womansclubofcarlsbad.co “Twelfth Night,” will be direct- m. ed by Aimee Greenberg, April 10. Come to participate or just listen, no prior experience nec- ARTISTS IN ACTION From 6 essary. Call (760) 753-7376. to 9 p.m. April 12, OMA presents WOMEN’S CLUB The San ceramic artist Alex Long in the Dieguito Woman's Club will the Artists@Work series. Long meet at 10:15 a.m. April 10 in will throw a 100 pound ceramic the Community Room in the US urn during a creative happy Bank, 131 N. El Camino Real, hour. Tickets are $20. Visit omaEncinitas. Julian Duval, presi- online.org or call (760) 435-3721 dent of San Diego Botanic for reservations, or purchase Gardens will be the speaker. For tickets at the door the night of further information, call (760) the event. 476-2797. SPECIAL NEEDS AutiZm & More Behavioral Analyst and BOOK CLUB The Rancho Educational Psychologist will Santa Fe Library Book Club will host “Successful Organizational discuss “Major Pettigrew’s Last Strategies for Home and Stand” at 2 p.m. April 13 at School,” at The Winston School 17040 Avenida de Acacias. All from 5 to 7 p.m. April 10. The interested adults are welcome event is part of the Conversation to attend. Series for students with learning differences. CRAFT TIME Join a Make & Take Craft gathering at 11 a.m. GOT CATS? Book to have your April 14 at the Rancho Santa Fe cat spayed or neutered in Library, 17040 Avenida de Oceanside on April 11 at the Acacias. Make paper beads and “SNAP Neuter Scooter,” a fully assemble a bracelet. All supoutfitted veterinary clinic on plies provided at no charge. wheels, at the one-day all-cat



The public is invited to an Eggstravaganza from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. April 7 at Poinsettia Park, 6600 Hidden Valley Road, Carlsbad. It will include a bunny scavenger hunt, obstacle course and bunny balloon soak. Volunteers may also help out at the egg scramble, as groups of 20 children collect eggs. Contact the Carlsbad special events staff a t specialevents@carlsbadca.gov or (760) 602-7511. FOUR SERVICES Easter services will be held at 5:30 p.m. April 7 and at 7 a.m., 9 a.m. and 10:40 a.m. April 8 at Las Flores Church, 1400 Las Flores Drive, Carlsbad. Nursery will be provided for infants to 3 years.

An Easter communion service will be held at 9 a.m. April 8 in the new location of south Carlsbad’s Holy Cross Episcopal Church. The church relocated March 25 to its new home at 2510 Gateway Road in Bressi Ranch, west of Trader Joe’s. Childcare available. SUNRISE SERVICE Seaside Center for Spiritual Living, 1613 Lake Drive, Encinitas will hold an Easter Sunrise Service in the Meditation Garden at 6 a.m., followed by an Easter breakfast.Celebration Services will be held in the Sanctuary at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. with Easter egg hunt after both Celebration services. Call (760) 753-5786 for details.




Cooperative Garden will host a grand opening 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. April 7 at 1501 Kelly Street, Oceanside, with the opportunity to sign up for your own garden plot, food and demonstrations . Call (760) 439-4099 or visit northcoastumc.org for more information. ‘50S SALUTE Dust off your blue suede shoes and join



The North County Brights discussion group will meet April 9 for discussions on current events at 7 p.m. and on the second Monday of each month at O’Sullivan’s Irish Pub, 640 Grand Ave. The Brights are individuals who share a naturalistic worldview, free of supernatural

Kay Colvin is an art consultant and director of the L Street Fine Art Gallery in San Diego’s Gaslamp Quarter. She specializes in promoting emerging and mid-career artists and bringing enrichment programs to elementary schools through The Kid’s College. Contact her at kaycolvin@lstreetfineart.com.

T. Jefferson Parker, the best selling novelist, visiting Carlsbad Library. Photo by Rebecca Lawson

Bestselling author to speak at library By Christina Macone-Greene

Artist Jerm Wright’s banner, “Gooooood morning Vietnam.” Courtesy photo






New York Times bestseller list author T. Jefferson Parker is set to visit the Carlsbad City Library and fans are chomping at the bit to see him.Those who have a hectic workweek can breathe a sigh of relief knowing Parker’s event will be April 14, a Saturday afternoon. Parker will be at the library during the timeframe of National Library Week where the theme “Come Together at Your Library” is a perfect introduction between readers and regarded authors. Complimentary tickets will be distributed at 1 p.m. for the 2 p.m. Parker event. There is a two tickets ticket per person maximum. Parker’s novel selection for his Carlsbad visit is “Iron River.” “It’s an honor for Carlsbad City Library to host an award-winning author of Mr. Parker’s caliber,” said Jessica Padilla Bowen, community relations manager at the Carlsbad City Library. “He has won the prestigious Mystery Writers of America's Edgar Award several times, has had many books on the New York Times bestseller list and received rave reviews for his work. Many of our library patrons and staff are fans of his books and look forward to hearing from him directly at this community event.” Parker is a North County resident, as well. Bowen said that attendees can expect Parker to speak about his work with an emphasis on “Iron River.” After a question and answer session, fans can line up to have their books signed by Parker. Mysterious Galaxy, an independent bookseller, will be on hand for Parker book sales. “While patrons wait for their books to be signed, we invite them to enjoy refreshments and talk about the

book,” she said. Bowen wants people to know that this is Parker’s first visit to Carlsbad City Library, which makes the event even more special. She had the opportunity to meet Parker during his latest book launch for “The Jaguar.” Bowen describes Parker as down-to-earth and friendly with his fans. “Mr. Parker has interesting stories about the research he has done for his books; his research informs the mood of his books, because you can always sense yourself in the same locations as the characters,” Bowen said. “Hearing the background of his work enriches the reading experience.” Bowen expects the event to last about under two hours. “We invite the community to attend the many other events we’re hosting during the month of April highlighting ‘Iron River’ and in conjunction with Carlsbad Reads Together,” she said. “The goal of Carlsbad Reads Together is to bring community members together to encourage dialogue about literature and to foster a love of reading.” Bowen said the month would include an array of book discussions, a mystery film series, a debate about the book’s themes with the Carlsbad High School Speech & Debate Team, a panel discussion and mystery-themed play reading by Carlsbad Playreaders. Bowen provided a special thanks to Friends of the Carlsbad Library who have been longtime sponsors of Carlsbad Reads Together. Parker is scheduled to be at the Carlsbad City Library located at 1775 Dove Lane at 2 p.m. April 14. For more information on this or future events, visit carlsbadlibrary.org or call (760) 602-2012.


APRIL 6, 2012


Contact us at sports@coastnewsgroup.com with story ideas, photos or suggestions


Carlsbad athlete places second in Ironman 70.3 By Promise Yee

Cool morning temperatures and fog added to the challenges triathletes faced in the Ironman 70.3 California on March 31. Close to 2,000 competitors swam 1.2 miles, biked 56 miles and ran 13.1 miles. The course began at Oceanside Harbor with a 1.2-mile swim out to the boat basin. Triathletes then got out of wetsuits and on to bikes for a 56-mile ride through Camp Pendleton. The last leg of the competition was a 13.1-mile run along The Strand, on to the pier with a finish on the beach. Leading the race were 79 professional triathletes. Andy Potts of Colorado Springs, Colo., took the win with a time of 3 hours, 54 minutes, 3 seconds. In addition to having the best overall time, Potts had the top finish times in swimming, biking and running. “I’m usually a carrot and usually everybody catches me, but thank goodness I had good legs,” Potts said. “One thing that is really important to me is being out front and not having to

Heather Jackson, of Carlsbad, comes in women’s second at 4:21:57. Photos by Promise Yee

Colo., at 3:55:11, Jesse Thomas of Springfield, Ore., at 3:55:22, and Leon Griffin of Australia at 3:57:03. Matty Reed, of Bolder, Colo., who ranked No. 1 seed going into the race, came in sixth place with a time of 4:00:38. He beat his time last year by almost three hours. In women’s professionals, Melanie McQuaid of Canada took first with a time 4:19:13. McQuaid said the cooler temperatures worked to her advantage. “I’m a fat bear from Canada,” McQuaid said. “The skinny chicks had a hard time with it.” McQuaid also credited her switch to a Speed Concept bike with making a big difference. She had the top female bike finish time at 2:22:44, beating out other female athletes by 4 seconds or more. Heather Jackson of Carlsbad ranked No. 1 seed and came in second at 4:21:57. Jackson said she liked the new course layout Andy Potts, of Colorado Springs, Colorado, takes his second consecutive Ironman 70.3 California men’s win that included more hills. at 3:54:03. “I love them,” Jackson react to pace in any surges. It enables me to set my own pace and surge when I feel good so I’m dictating the rhythm. Being in control like that is really an advantage.”

TPHS hosts camp Registration for the summer John Olive Basketball Camps at Torrey Pines High School is now available for local youth. For further information, call John Olive at (760) 634-5644. To receive a camp registration form, visit johnolivebasketballcamp.com. There will be four camps for boys and girls ages 6 through 12 and ages 13 through 16. The session dates include: — June 25 through June 29, 8 a.m. to noon, Monday through Friday, for ages 6 to 12 — July 9 through July

13, 8 a.m. to noon, Monday through Friday for ages 6 to 12 — June 25 through June 29, 1 to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday for ages 13 to 17 — July 11 through July 13, 1 to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday for ages 13 to 17 Scholarships are available for all camps. John Olive is the current boy’s basketball coach at Torrey Pines High School. Olive is a former NBA player and NCAA Division One college head coach at Loyola Marymount University.

Potts improved on his winning time last year, of 3:55:49, by more than a minute. Behind Potts was Richie Cunningham, of Boulder,

Ironman women’s winner Melanie McQuaid, of Canada, crosses the finish line at 4:19:13.

said. “The more hills the better.” Her run time of 1:20:51 beat out other women competitors by close to four minutes or more. This is her third year competing as a professional. “It definitely was more pressure than last year because this was my breakthrough last year,” Jackson said. Jackson added that she is still working on finding balance preparing for the sport as she weighs losing weight for the run with losing strength for the bike ride. “Hopefully I can just enjoy the journey of figuring it out and get this sport down,” Jackson said. The next female finisher was Meredith Kessler of San Francisco with a time of 4:19:13, followed by Rachel McBride of Canada at 4:26:01. For more race information, visit ironmancalifor- Markus Mlinar of Austria climbs up nia.com. the pier in the final run.

Boys & Girls Club golf fundraiser is a success By Christina Macone-Greene

The 60th annual Golf Tournament hosted by the Boys & Girls Clubs of Carlsbad was a resounding success. The March 26 tournament was held at the Aviara Golf Club and early number estimates are showing that it raised about $150,000. The tournament, which sold out three weeks in advance, attracted 144 golfers, which made up 36 foursome teams. “We are constantly humbled by the generosity of the businesses and individuals in our community who are so giving,” said Pat Maldi, director of marketing and special events at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Carlsbad. “They are

the reason we can impact Carlsbad’s kids in such a significant manner, and we are deeply grateful for their generosity.” First place winners this year were Glen Rees, David Sloan, Jack Spradlin, and Jerry Tucker. In the contest categories, winners included Ray Linovitz for putting and Tom Fairweather for closest to the pin. “We are indebted to Aviara Golf Club for offering up their world-class facility at a deeply discounted rate,” Maldi said. “Their sponsorship allowed us to raise the prices of our tournament, as Brad Holland and Anthony Gin pose for a photo during the annual Boys TURN TO FUNDRAISER ON A25

& Girls Club golf fundraiser and tournament. Photo by Christina MaconeGreene



APRIL 6, 2012


PUPPY LOVE San Diego NASCAR driver Ryan Newman stops by to support the Helen Woodward Animal Center March 23. The Ryan and his wife Krissie are long-time animal welfare advocates and founded the Ryan Newman Foundation, whose mission is to educate and encourage people to spay or neuter their pets and to adopt dogs and cats from animal shelters. Currently, they are in the process of building “Rescue Ranch” in North Carolina – a center modeled after Helen Woodward Animal Center. Krissie, who wrote the book “Pit Road Pets,” is also scheduled to speak at Helen Woodward’s upcoming ACES International Conference this September. Courtesy photo

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APRIL 6, 2012

APRIL 6, 2012




APRIL 6, 2012


Used cars may be a better deal than ever


PET WEEK Meet Zeus, the Petof-the-Week at Helen Woodward Animal Center. He is a 1-yearold, shorthair weighing 9 pounds and has pinktinged ears and a sweet pink nose. He graces everyone he meets with a gentle nuzzle. He has been neutered and his adoption fee is $99. Helen Woodward Animal Center is located at 6461 El Apajo Road in Rancho Santa Fe. Kennels are open daily Monday through Thursday from noon to

6pm; Friday, noon to 7 p.m.; and Saturdays and Sundays from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. (applications accepted 15 minutes before closing). For more information call (858) 756-4117, option #1 or visit animalcenter.org.

With every passing year, buying a used car becomes less of a gamble, according to a new analysis by Consumer Reports. Even the least reliable carmakers are gaining ground on the perennial reliability leaders Toyota and Honda. Volvo has made the most dramatic improvement over the last decade, but almost all automakers have improved their products in recent years. CR recently compared the percentage of problemfree, 3-year-old models from its 2002 and 2011 Annual Auto surveys for 13 automakers based on their product output for which owners did not report any serious problems with their cars during the 12 months covered by each survey. The analysis of 2011 survey data revealed an overall improvement in used-car reliability from almost all automakers, with Volvo, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, Hyundai, Ford, General Motors and Chrysler showing the most notable gains (a minimum of 10 percentage points) compared to CR’s 2002 results. BMW landed at the bottom of the 2011 list with only about 70 percent of its used cars being troublefree, which is better than the 2002 survey average of 68 percent.

Consumer Reports’ recent analysis of used cars found that Volvo has made the most dramatic improvement over the last decade. Courtesy photo

CR chose 3-year-old vehicles, most of which are coming off warranty — when owners begin to assume the cost of ongoing repairs. By age 3, most models also have the steepest part of depreciation behind them, so used-car buyers will find it a good age on which to focus. In its analysis of used cars, CR also tracked extremes from 2007 models — five models that started out with few problems and stayed reliable as they turned 5 years old and five models

that started out with a few more problems and got much worse over time. The 2007 Toyota Prius averaged six problems per 100 cars in its first year and 26 at age 5; the Mini Cooper S hatchback averaged nine per 100 cars in the first year and 113 by age 5.

that will age gracefully over time. However, any vehicle can become a clunker if it has been neglected or has sustained damage from an accident or flood. CR advises the following to help used-car buyers from landing a lemon: — Check for signs of collision repair. Some include mismatched body panels or Seven ways to avoid doors, hoods, or trunks that don’t close properly. Bring a buying a lemon When buying a used magnet to test for the prescar, choose a model from the ence of body filler; if it doesmost reliable brands and one n’t stick well to a steel panel, there may be filler under the paint, which can indicate a repair. — Beware of flood damage. A moldy or mildewy smell, discolored carpeting or intermittent electrical problems may be signs. — Check the fluids. Wet spots in the engine compartment or under the vehicle can indicate leaking oils or fluids. Check the oil and transmission fluids for proper texture and color. — Read the smoke signals. Blue smoke from the tailpipe indicates that the engine may be burning oil. Billowing white smoke indicates water in the combustion chamber, usually because of a blown head gasket, damaged cylinder head or even a cracked block — all expensive repairs. — Step on the gas. Knocks and pings while accelerating can reflect an overheating engine. If the engine revs excessively before the car accelerates, it may indicate a misadjusted or wornout clutch or damaged automatic transmission. — Check the vehicle’s history. A vehicle history report from CarFax (www.carfax.com) or Experian A u t o m o t i v e (www.autocheck.com) can alert a buyer to possible odometer fraud or reveal past fire, flood and accident damage. Unfortunately, these services don’t catch everything, so it’s no guarantee that a car is problem-free. — Get it inspected. Have any car thoroughly inspected by a qualified mechanic. Check for any recalls related to the car, and verify whether the work was done.

APRIL 6, 2012




APRIL 6, 2012


Rediscovering George Greenough CHRIS AHRENS Sea Notes I had been surfing for a while in the mid-60s when Bruce Brown’s classic surf movie, “The Endless Summer” premiered. The entire movie was such a revelation for a land-locked gremmie that I barely noticed the kneeboarder flying across the screen. The wave peeled at Santa Barbara’s Sand Spit as the rider flew off into the sunset. His name, which made little impression at the time, was (and is) George Greenough.

I guess the reason I paid so little attention to Greenough’s surfing at the time was because of my obsession with riding the nose, something impossible to accomplish on a kneeboard. Surfing for my generation was a bottom turn, walk to the nose; pose there for as long as possible and get back to the tail where you could, hopefully, cut back toward the whitewater. The idea of Greenough’s surfing was to stay near or in the curl at all times. His boards, which consisted of more fiberglass than foam demanded that the rider stay in the pocket. I didn’t hear of Greenough again until later in the ‘60s when a group of Australian surfers led by Nat

Young began cutting down their boards. The idea to us seemed strange, to ride boards that didn’t float well, in order to get closer to the curl, much as Greenough had done. These acts of violence against the formerly respected wave led to something called the “Shortboard Revolution,” where the baby with the bathwater mentality of the times caused surfers everywhere to completely abandon boards over eight feet in length. It seems shortsighted now, but all anybody wanted to do from 1968 to the mid-70s was ride the smallest boards possible. Like longboards before them, the shortboards of the time led to stagnation, as they were not good for small waves that we have most of the time. The new surfing dictated by the new boards was exciting as surfers began exploring places on waves they had never been before, and the surfboard became more of a mind machine whose sole function was to get further back in the barrel and make harder turns. The return of longboards

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in the mid-70s divided surfers into two distinct camps. As most of us aged, we looked to longer surfboards to keep us in the lineup. While accomplishing the most basic task, longer boards generally don’t fit as well in the tube as tiny ones, especially when the surf gets going. Recently, my friend Allan Mitchell loaned me a short film called “State of S, Full Circle.”The film visually documents Greenough’s contributions to modern surfing and reveals George’s powerful influence on surfers like three time world champion, Tom Curren. While decades younger than Greenough, Australian Mick Fanning’s surfing is about the closest I have ever seen to Greenough’s dream of boards that allow you to “ride the wave, not the board.” Fanning’s arks are fast and powerful and always directed back toward the power of the wave. Slater isn’t featured in Full Circle, but if he had been, Greenough’s influence on the 10-time world champion would be obvious. The movie brought me back to a time in the late-60s when terms like “total involvement” were popular. By the end of the film I had decided to make a kneeboard. It seems to me that kneeboards are a practical method for older surfers to explore the interior of hollow waves. Hope to see you in the barrel. Thanks George. Chris Ahrens is a surfer and author of four books on surfing. E-mail him at cahrens@coastnewsgroup.com.

Knee Pain: Common Types & Treatments Scripps Health By the physicians and staff at Scripps Memorial Hospital Encinitas By Heinz Hoenecke, M.D.

Every year in the United States, knee pain sends some 12 million patients to the doctor. Whether they stem from a sports injury or simple wear and tear, injured and achy knees rank among the most common reasons people seek medical care. Knee pain has many different causes, such as sudden injuries, long-term overuse or underlying degenerative conditions. Depending on the type of pain and how quickly it develops, treatment options can span the full gamut, from rest to reconstructive surgery. Following are the four most common types of knee pain, and the treatments generally recommended for each. Because each individual patient is different, the effectiveness of treatments will vary from case to case. Dull pain that develops over time. Such pain often stems from long-term deterioration of the knee’s cartilage (chondromalacia), or from arthritis. Over-thecounter anti-inflammatory medications can ease pain, and arthritis supplements such as glucosamine may

also help. In milder cases, exercises that maintain alignment of the knee may alleviate pain.These exercises may be learned from physical therapists; also, alternative therapies such as Egoscue, Pilates and Yoga techniques may help with alignment and core strengthening to relieve pain. If symptoms worsen or don’t improve within a few months, consult a physician or orthopedic specialist. Pain from increased activity. With increased physical activity such as longdistance running or hiking, some people experience pain in the front of their knees. Often, this involves natural deterioration or cracking on the undersurface of the kneecap. For swollen knees, anti-inflammatory medications may help. Exercises should focus on strengthening the core and hip. Stronger hip muscles can decrease stress on the knee joint and improve alignment. Reduce or avoid activities that led to the pain until symptoms resolve. If running, walking or hiking seem to aggravate the condition, consider a different type of shoe or try orthotics or shoe inserts that can correct alignment and provide extra cushioning. If symptoms don’t improve within a few months, consult a physician. Sudden pain from small movements. A twinge in the knee upon rising from a chair. A sharp pain while descending stairs. A knee that “locks” while extended. All may be caused by a tear in the cartilage of the knee joint known as the meniscus. Rest, ice and pain relievers may help with pain and give the meniscus time to heal. However, if symptoms do not improve after six weeks, the next step may be an MRI scan to diagnose the extent of the damage. A severe meniscus tear usually requires arthroscopic surgery to remove or repair the torn cartilage and minimize the chance of further injury. Traumatic injury. Traumatic injury to the knee, such as ligament or cartilage damage, often causes sudden, sharp pain and instability of the joint. These injuries should be evaluated by a physician immediately; surgery may not be needed, but the physician can recommend steps to take right away to limit the damage and help the joint recover. If symptoms continue after four to six weeks, reconstructive surgery may be needed. “Scripps Health” is brought to you by the physicians and staff at Scripps Memorial Hospital Encinitas. For more information or for physician referral call 1-800-SCRIPPS.

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APRIL 6, 2012

Cracking knuckles is annoying but harmless practice DOCTOR K Second Opinion DEAR DOCTOR K: My husband cracks his knuckles constantly. Aside from the fact that I find it annoying, I’m also worried that it’s bad for him. Can knuckle-cracking lead to arthritis or other problems? DEAR READER: That “popping” noise that irritates you so much when your husband cracks his knuckles may well be music to his ears. But for those who don’t crack their knuckles, the appeal can be hard to understand. And, like you, some of my patients (spouses of habitual knucklepoppers) have wondered what causes the sound and whether it’s harmful. I passed on your question to my colleague Dr. Robert Shmerling, an arthritis specialist. This is what he told me. The “pop” of a cracked knuckle is caused by bubbles bursting in the fluid that lubricates your tendons and joints, called synovial fluid. When the bones are pulled apart, it stretches the joint capsule that contains the synovial fluid. This decreases pressure inside the capsule, which causes the little gas-filled bubbles in the synovial fluid to burst. Like you, many people assume that knuckle-cracking can lead to arthritis.Although it may seem a logical connection, it hasn’t been proven. One study comparing rates of arthritis between habitual knuckle-crackers and people who didn’t crack their knuckles found no difference in the rates of arthritis between the two groups. But it is true that chronic knuckle-crackers were more likely to have swollen hands and reduced

grip strength. I’ve heard stories of people suffering injuries as a result of trying to crack their knuckles. It may be that these people were overly vigorous or didn’t know their own strength. But such reports are quite rare. While knuckle-cracking can be annoying to others, it seems to be harmless. The same is generally true of other joint-related noises such as popping, crackling or snapping, as long as no pain accompanies it. However, there are some red flags to look for. Does your husband have pain and a grinding sound when he flexes his knuckles? Do any of his fingers lock or give way? Does he hear a sudden “pop” and feel pain when using his hands? Any of these red flags could be a sign of a more serious problem that may need medical attention. I once had two patients, a husband and wife, who were having marital strife. They’d been married 15 years. I asked the wife what was causing the problem in their marriage. She answered, “My husband.” When I pressed for a little more detail, she first listed his carelessness with money and his unwillingness to do work around the home. But numbers 3 and 4 were his constant popping of the joints in his hands and his tendency to chew ice loudly.These little annoyances had made it to near the top of her list. So, your husband is probably not harming himself by cracking and popping his knuckles. But if he’s driving you up the wall, by all means ask him to stop — at least when you’re around. Dr. Komaroff is a physician and professor at Harvard Medical School. Go to his website to send questions and get additional information: www.AskDoctorK.com.

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OWL-O THERE Photographer Lisa Hamel captures an owl at rest during a hike through the Calcite Mine in the Anza Borrego Desert. Photo by Lisa Hamel


APRIL 6, 2012


Carmel is a quaint and gorgeous luxury beach town E’LOUISE ONDASH Hit the Road It’s the first week of March and the news is replete with stories of tornadoes, destruction and death in the Midwest and South. But here on the crescent beach of Carmel, the winter sun is mimicking summer and the surf sparkles. Visitors and locals alike are cruising the sand just below the bluffs of the Pebble Beach Golf Course. Truth be told, it is somewhat unusual weather for March on this stretch of California coast. That’s why these beachcombers stay ‘til the last arc of the sun slides into the Pacific. We are spending five days on the Monterey Peninsula and today is slotted for idyllic Carmel. This is not the real world, we think, but we’ll take it. Earlier in the day, we ambled down Ocean Avenue, which runs through the heart of the village’s storybook shopping and dining district. A block south on Mission we find Ajne (ajne.com), a unique perfumery where you can custom-blend scents that match your tastes and personality, or buy one of 45 pre-formulated fragrances. Owners and spouses Jane Hendler and Rex Rombach are dedicated to producing sustainable, natural and organic scents that promise not to offend even if you have a problem with such things. “Our scents react completely different than those made with artificial ingredients because everything in ours is natural,” Hendler explains.

The couple imports raw ingredients from the world over, and Rombach grows lavender, bergamot and yuzu (a Japanese tree that produce a citrus fruit) on three acres in Carmel Valley as well. He also designed and built a diffuser for collecting the natural fragrances. It takes pounds and pounds of raw ingredients to produce a scant amount of perfume, but his labor produces fragrances that are at once light and penetrating and never overwhelming. Back on the beach, the day darkens, so we head for Hofsas House (hofsashouse.com), a familyowned boutique hotel on San Carlos Street between Third and Fourth avenues. (There are no numbered addresses, stop lights or street lights in one-mile-square Carmel.) Bavarian-themed Hofsas House, just a two-minute walk from Ocean Avenue, has 38 rooms, each decorated with antiques gathered by Grandmother Donna Hofsas, who opened the hotel 60 years ago. Today, granddaughter Carrie Theis is at the helm and often greets guests as they drive into the portico decorated with a Bavarian mural painted by artist Maxine Albro. “Carmel is very much a European village,” says Theis, also president of the Carmel Innkeeper Association. “We want people to have unique experience. You can come for days and never have to move your car. All of our staff knows the area and can help visitors plan their day. You can make your base in Carmel and get everywhere. Big Sur is only 45 minutes away.” Many Hofsas House guests are repeat customers. “This is my fourth visit,”

Bavarian-themed Hofsas House, a boutique hotel with 38 rooms, sits in This moss covered roof is typical of many of the Carmel’s storybook the heart of Carmel. It offers European hospitality and has many repeat buildings which house boutiques and eateries that draw tourists from customers who like the service and location. Photos by Jerry Ondash around the world.

says a Michigan woman who is enjoying the continental breakfast in the lobby. “I always feel so comfortable here, and I love the location.” Family- and pet-friendly, the hotel’s summer rates are reasonable; a queen-bed room starts at $150. Some rooms have kitchenettes, a few have fireplaces, and renovated bathrooms have in-floor heating. Groups like the pool, large deck and meeting room with kitchen, and Forest Hills Park and playground are but two blocks away. Later we walk south to M u n d a k a (mundakacarmel.com), a Spanish tapas restaurant situated between Ocean Avenue and Seventh Street. Check the online sample menu of this intimate, contemporary bistro, but don’t get attached

Beachcombers near a signature Monterey Peninsula cypress tree enjoy the warmth of a March day on Carmel’s expansive beach.

to anything listed because the menu varies daily according to what’s fresh and local. The menu proudly states that “we

believe in serving ‘real’ food only. YES: fresh, local, organic, biodynamic, free-range, line-caught, sustainable, fair-

Rex Rombach, co-owner of Ajne perfumery, demonstrates the painstaking process of converting flowers, plants and trees into fragrances that contain only natural products. Customers can create their own organic scents based on preferences and personality, or choose from 45 pre-formulated fragrances.

trade, homemade, from scratch. NO: antibiotics, hormones, pesticides, high fructose corn syrup, artificial anything.” For the most part, we are stumped by the choices, but our well-versed waiter, Nico, who hails from Spain, comes to the rescue. Our choices include Solomillo, an excellent grilled hangar steak with foie gras butter and a delicious (who’d have guessed?) parsnip puree; and Lubine, a Monterey white sea bass with grilled asparagus and an heirloom bean puree zipped up with a hint of chili flakes. The ravioli with ricotta, egg and chanterelle (mushroom) jus is a dish-to-die-for. Banana crepes, homemade coffee ice cream and rich espresso make This intimate and inviting Courtyard of Fountains just outside Ajne perfumery on Mission Street is typical of the perfect finale. Carmel’s quaint, pedestrian-friendly downtown. Next column: Outside the village: Point Lobos, a mushroom farmer and olallieberry pie. E’Louise Ondash is a freelance writer living in North County. Tell her about your travels at eondash@coastnewsgroup.com.



Facebook fan club called Foal Fanatics. But on their second birthday, it was all about celebrating. They were turned out into an arena where they played for a while with a big,



APRIL 6, 2012 air-filled ball and chased each other around while guests oohed and ahhhed. A curious Sunny tried to take a bite out of a camera man’s tripod. Laura Goodman, a volunteer at the animal center, brought a musical birthday card and the two petite

horses were immediately drawn to it. “We got one last year on their first birthday and they liked it, so we will do it every year,” she said. Mother Lena reunited with her foals at their party. About 30 well-wishers showed up for the party.

Chatting before the event begins are, from left, Judy Rowles from Rancho Santa Fe, Andrene Dziubinski, who came from Ramona, Rancho Santa Fe resident Sophia Alsadek, Marie Green from Carmel Valley and Ilene Lamb, also from Rancho Santa Fe. Photos by Bianca Kaplanek



Anthony Ortega, seen playing saxophone, his wife Mona on the piano, has spent a lifetime in jazz, playing with some of the most well-known names in the genre. Photo by Gabriel Fregoso



with Red Norvo, and recording his first American album “A Man and His Horns” (1956), produced by longtime friend Quincy Jones. “There were tough times,” said Ortega. “But we managed to raise four children, and I never had to get a regular job like some other musicians.” Despite a roster of impressive performances (for starters, he’s played with Dinah Washington, Barbara Streisand, Frank Zappa and Elvis), including film and TV work, his contribution to the world of jazz has not found its way to the vocabulary of mainstream America. His wife, an accomplished musician in her own right (she plays piano and vibraphone), offered some insight. “I think he was way ahead of his time,” Ørbeck Ortega said. “When everyone else was trying to do bebop, and be like Charlie Parker, he was avant-garde. He’s always been a little difficult to understand, even for some musicians.” In the years 1966 and

1967, Ortega’s unconventionality — his cavalier, go-wherelife-takes-me attitude — came into critical focus with the release of “New Dance” and “Permutations.” Though he didn’t know it at the time, these two albums would signify a monumental shift, not only in his personal life, but also for the world of jazz. “The Shadow of Your Smile,” (“New Dance”) for instance, represents a radical departure from the bebop of his youth, to the exploring, meditative, sound that he had been secretly flirting with even under Maynard Ferguson. In his hands, this popular song is almost unrecognizable, given feudal dread by Chuck Domanico’s omnipresent base, and barely held together by Ortega’s teasing, heartbroken sax. Though he has gone on to release other albums, Ortega’s legend will likely hinge on “New Dance” and “Permutations,” as future generations see in it evidence of the burgeoning “free jazz movement,” which included individuals like Eric Dolphy (a friend of Ortega’s) and Ornette Coleman. Nowadays, Anthony Ortega, the man whose life

spans the major eras of jazz music, an individual who has outlived some of the bigger names who have eclipsed his own, can be found Sunday evenings, “haunting” Mr. Peabody’s in Encinitas, where he plays to an intimate crowd. “I play every Sunday night till June 3,” said Ortega. “I make it fun and accessible for everyone. The younger crowd really seems to dig it.” Loved abroad, overlooked at home — his story has all the underpinnings of cinematic melodrama and romantic journalism. Yet, Ortega has been quick to shrug his shoulders, and brush it off, downplaying the slight with a dose of gratitude. “I’m lucky, man. Lucky.”

Anthony Ortega at Mr. Peabody’s Where: Mr. Peabody’s; 136 Encinitas Blvd., Encinitas When: Every Sunday through June 3

Games as a member of the air rifle team. “Operation Rebound has changed my life,” said Weir, who used to play football, basketball and tennis. “I was a college athlete and assumed all that was over after my injury. “I was hesitant at first because things were different, but now I get to travel and meet great people,” he said. “But being from Arkansas, being rewarded for shooting a rifle is like a mermaid winning a swimming contest.” Nico Marcolongo said the event is a great example of the community supporting “what our men are doing.”



golfers were clamoring to play on what’s known as one of the best resort golf courses in America.” Event sponsors were TaylorMade-adidas Golf Company, Emerson Network Power, Hoehn Carlsbad, NRG Cabrillo Power I LLC, Life Technologies, PayPros, Park Hyatt Aviara and Aviara Golf Club, West Steak and Seafood, and Hudson Printing. “TaylorMade has sponsored our golf tournament for

Twins Terri Salyers-Chivetta (left) and Cheri Salyers are models but attended the fashion show to support Operation Rebound. The Carlsbad residents brought along Cheri’s daughter, Meghan Hansen.

“The Challenged he said. “We want to bring our Athletes Foundation helps troops from the front line to them lead an active lifestyle,” the finish line.” 13 years now, and they have become a true partner in every sense of the word with the Boys & Girls Club,” she said. “So many charities ask for their support, and because we are in their headquarters’ ‘backyard’ we are fortunate to be the beneficiary of their incredible generosity.” Honorary chair was TaylorMade President and CEO, Mark King. This year, the steering chair for the golf tournament was Randy Ferren and his committee members were Jerry Carter, Michelle

Fabrizio, Ryan Grant, Scott Grugel, Matt Harelson, Eddie Maldonado, Scott McCary, Trisa Mills, Jim Morrison, Pete Sanchez, and Collin Sorensen. Now that the annual golf tournament has come to a close, Maldi said, they are hard at work for their upcoming fundraisers which include the July 7 Vigilucci’s Beach Bocce World Championship XXXII and Annual Gala in October. For more information about the Boys & Girls Clubs of Carlsbad please visit bgccarlsbad.org

Cost: No cover

3 Ways to Buy a Home for Less Money Coastal Encinitas— If you’re like most homebuyers, you have two primary considerations in mind when you start looking for a home. First, you want to find the home that perfectly meets your needs and desires, and secondly, you want to purchase this home for the lowest possible price. When you analyze those successful home buyers who have been able to purchase the home they want for thousands of dollars below a seller’s asking price, some common denominators emerge. While the negotiating skills of your agent are important, there are three additional key factors that must come into play long before you ever submit an offer. This topic has been the subject of extensive analysis by Industry Experts, and a summary of their findings, and a

specific step-by-step purchase plan for homebuyers, can be found in a new special report called “Homebuyers: How to Save Thousands of Dollars When You Buy.” This free report outlines the psychology of how a seller sets their asking price, and gives you 3 simple steps to follow, before you even set foot in a seller’s home, which could help you to successfully slash thousands of dollars off the price of the home you want. To order a FREE Special Report, visit www.savethousands.info or to hear a brief recorded message about how to order your FREE copy of this report, call toll-free 800-261-4586 and enter 1014. Get your free special report NOW to find out how you can save thousands of dollars when you buy a home.

This report is courtesy of Connie Ynez, Realtor, Coastal Country Real Estate. DRE: 01373374 Not intended to solicit buyers or sellers currently under contract. Copyright © 2012.


APRIL 6, 2012


Del Mar plans to reach out to community for future By Bianca Kaplanek

DEL MAR — As downtown revitalization efforts move from creating options to choosing alternatives, City Council and staff members began a new phase of community outreach to help finalize a specific plan that will be presented to voters in the November election. “Here’s the opportunity for … every community member to get acquainted with what’s in there, to ask questions, to get clarifications, to know what this proposal is all about,” Councilman Terry Sinnott said at the March 19 meeting. “We’ve got a number of options to settle on,” Councilman Don Mosier said. “We’ve got to select all those options with input from our




Like most states with active trade associations of barbers and beauticians, Iowa strictly regulates those professions, requiring 2,100 hours of training plus continuing education — but also like many other states, Iowa does not regulate body piercers at all (though it forbids minors from getting tattoos). Thus, the puncturing of body parts and insertion of jewelry or other objects under the skin can be done by anyone, with or without formal training, under no one’s watchful eye except the customer’s. (A few cities’ ordinances require a minimum age to get pierced.) Said one professional piercer to the Des Moines Register for a March report,“The lack of education in this industry is scary.”

Government in Action • Controlling the Waters: (1) A February bill in the Wyoming

residents. And if the process works right we will get good buy-in on the ultimately adopted specific plan and we will easily pass it in the November election. “If we get this process wrong in the next two months we’re going to have trouble in November,” Mosier said. “People need to pay attention in the next couple of months.” Some of those options include making no changes at all, decreasing Camino del Mar from four lanes to two and adding roundabouts, replacing existing stop signs on the main thoroughfare with traffic signals and allowing taller buildings on the west side of the downtown village. About a year ago, city officials started soliciting

public input to create alternatives for the specific plan by holding community conversations in area homes, informal workshops and open houses. The project has been presented and discussed at council meetings. Staff and council members provided information at booths set up at community events. There was also an online survey. Information was distributed in newspaper articles, mailings and e-blasts. At the March 19 meeting, staff proposed continuing those efforts through July. A council and staff member will be available at the farmers market every Saturday until June 30. There will be presentations at scheduled meetings of the Traffic and Parking

Committee on April 10, Parks and Recreation Committee on April 18, Sustainability Advisory Board on April 19 and Finance Committee on April 24. Workshops will be held during Design Review Board meetings April 25 and May 23. Community conversations are scheduled for April 9, April 18 and April 23. Hosts are needed. For information and a complete schedule of community outreach efforts, visit the city website at delmar.ca.us. There residents will also find downloads, video clips, updated illustrative graphics and visual simulations. The city has also launched Facebook and Twitter accounts. Residents can also weigh in by sending an e-mail

to planning@delmar.ca.us. The draft specific plan and environmental impact report are currently available for public review and input. The goal is to present final versions of those documents to council members for adoption at the Aug. 6 meeting. Resident Al Corti said he was “pleasantly surprised” by the outreach efforts. “I would hate for us to go through … what I consider a four-year process and … a lot of money and leave a stone unturned,” Corti said. “I would hate for us, as we get closer to the decision making, to see the council members say, ‘Well, did we get to the public? Did we do everything that we could do?” Mayor Carl Hilliard agreed, reflecting back to the

Garden Del Mar specific plan that was approved by voters in 2008. “A large part of the community was actively involved, but a larger part of the community is busy with their daily lives and really not listening,” he said. “The only way to reach that portion of the community is to go out to them. “I think it’s absolutely essential that we reach out to all of those people in our community,” he said. “We need to get everybody who cares about this community to participate for the next two months,” Mosier said. “There’s a lot of good options. I don’t think there are any bad options except do nothing. … This is really the push time to get it right.”

legislature to prepare the state for possible secession authorized a task force to consider establishing a state army, navy, marine corps and air force, and one amendment added the consideration of purchasing an aircraft carrier. Wyoming is, of course, landlocked, but it does have the 136-square-mile Yellowstone Lake, though that body of water is high up in the Teton mountains. (The aircraftcarrier amendment was defeated even though 27 representatives voted for it.) (2) Texas announced in February that it would deploy six gunboats to patrol the Mexican border’s Rio Grande river. Said a state Department of Safety official, “It sends a message: Don’t mess with Texas.” • With a National Institute of Justice grant, the Houston Police Department was able to learn precisely how embarrassingly bad it had been in investigating rape cases. In February it conceded that, as of December,it had on hand 6,663 untested rape kits (some from the 1980s) taken from rape victims at the time of the crime

but then apparently ignored. (Not all are significant: In some rapes, a perpetrator has already confessed or been convicted, and still other victims recanted, and in still others, the statute of limitations has run out.) • After every snowfall in recent years, Doug Rochow of Ottawa, Ontario, has routinely taken his shovel and cleared two paths in a park near his home (since the park is apparently a low priority for municipal snow-clearing), but in March, the city ordered him to stop. Rochow said his aim was to keep people from hurting themselves on uncleared paths (thus perhaps saving the city money on lawsuits). The city’s reverse-logic position, according to a Toronto Star report,was that if Rochow cleared the paths, more people would be encouraged to use them, increasing the city’s exposure to lawsuits. Great Art! • It wasn’t on a scale with an infinite number of orangutans using an infinite number of iPads, but the conservation group Orangutan Outreach has begun to supply certain zoos with iPads, hoping to encourage apes’ creativity and social networking. At the Milwaukee Zoo, a handler holds the device while an orangutan operates a painting app with its fingers.

(“Orangutans like to paint, and they’re capable of using this (tablet),” he said, adding the benefit that “there’s no paint to eat.”) At the Memphis Zoo recently, said an Outreach official,the apes seem happy when they recognize images of other apes on the iPad. The Toronto Zoo’s iPad is expected soon. • In March came word from Taiwan that the prominent Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts had awarded a prize worth the equivalent of $13,500 to student Wong Tin Cheung for creating the face of a man by using the artist’s own urine. His piece, “Blood Urine Man,” presented to judges in a toilet bowl, used urine of different colors, supposedly to match the pigments of the Marvel Comics superhero Iron Man.

officer, is the personal use of the police database that is supposedly off-limits for all except official business. According to an imminent lawsuit (reported by the weekly City Pages in Minneapolis), former officer (and apparently still a “hottie”) Anne Marie Rasmusson, 37, learned that 104 officers in 18 different agencies in Minnesota had accessed her driver’s license record 425 times. Rasmusson’s lawyer said the reality is that officers tend to treat the confidential database more like a “Facebook for cops.”



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loved the small town feeling (of Rancho Santa Fe) and working together to meet a goal,” she said. Superintendent of Schools Lindy Delaney said she considered Rowe a friend and her mentor. “Everyone has a Roger Rowe story. A hundred or a thousand stories,” she said. She said he referred to the school as “his favorite place on earth” and that he had a way of making everyone feel special.



Association on various things and I got to understand how the board works pretty much,” he said. As president of the tennis club, he played a large role in getting the club from the red into the black recently. He said his work on the board of the tennis club is

Police Report • Difficult Fact-Check: According to the Utah Highway Patrol, a one-car crash in February left the following injured in serious condition: Ms. Me Htwe and Mr. Hsar Kpaw Doh and Mr. W.T. Htoo, along with the driver, Mr. Tar Eh.(Ms.Mula Er,14,died of her injuries.) All were from Heber City, Utah. • “(E)very single cop in the state has done this. Chiefs on down.” That practice, referred to by the unidentified Minnesota law enforcement

Hot Commodity in Pennsylvania (1) In January, police in Bridgeville, Pa., investigated a series of vehicle break-ins, including one of a car belonging to Kathy Saunoras, who reported that only her dentures were taken. (2) Two weeks later, health worker Marlene Dupert, 44, was charged with yanking dentures out of the mouth of one of her charges at a nursing home in Selinsgrove, Pa. (3) Also in February, Evelyn Fuller, 49, was charged with robbing the First National Bank in Waynesburg, Pa. — a crime necessitated, she told a police officer, because she needed money for new den-

People With Issues Only the Lonely: Adrian Baltierra, 51, was charged with solicitation in February in Bradenton, Fla., after, according to police, he approached an undercover female officer, who was posing as a prostitute, and agreed to a transaction. In exchange for $15, Baltierra would be accorded the opportunity to take a whiff of the “prostitute’s” genital aroma (although street slang was used in the negotiation). Least Competent Criminals (1) Didn’t See It Coming: Canadian Jasmin Klair pleaded guilty in federal court in Seattle in March to smuggling nearly 11kg of cocaine into the U.S. She had been arrested upon arrival at a bed and breakfast called the Smuggler’s Inn, located about 100 feet from the border in Blaine, Wash. (2) Greedy: According to police in Lake Ariel, Pa., alleged burglar Christopher Wallace had loaded his van with goodies from a home’s first floor, but instead of calling it a night, he re-entered to check out the second floor. Wallace was later rushed to the hospital after accidentally falling out a second-floor window, resulting in a broken back, hip and arm.

“Everyone thought they were one of Dr. Rowe’s favorites,” she said. And that was not far from the truth. “Once a student was enrolled in his school, they were enrolled in his life,” she said. She said he had high standards, but never asked of his staff more than he would do himself. “He always said the best thing in life is to be remembered. I think he would be pleased at the turnout today,” she said. Rowe’s son Carl spoke on behalf of the family.

“I always knew my father was well-respected, but I didn’t know how well- respected he was until he passed,” he said. Carl fondly recalled growing up in Rancho Santa Fe and cross-country trips with five in the family’s Volkswagen Beetle. He also recalled visiting the Rancho Santa Fe Library and realizing how much his father read. It was back in the day when the name of the person who checked out the book was on the card inside the book.

“His name was on every book, sometimes twice. My dad had read every book in the library,” he said. “He loved hunting. He loved fishing and he loved books.” The service concluded with full military honors and a 21-gun salute. Rowe was in the United States Navy from 1952 to 1981 in active duty and the reserves. He retired as a captain. Outside of the church were memorial tables, each with memorabilia from a part of Rowe’s life.

pretty much done. “The club is in pretty good shape and it is time to move on to something else,” he said. He is now involved in arranging the celebration for the 50th anniversary of the tennis club along with Lisa Ruh and Cindy Leonard, who are co-chairs of the event. Being asked to be on the Association board was a nice

compliment and he said he will be happy to work on the new marketing committee. “I have a background in marketing,” he said. He said he likes the idea of updating the Covenant’s website and putting the word out that Rancho Santa Fe is a great place to live. He wants to be sure to market not only to the older demographic, but

for younger families as well. He said it is similar to current movies that are geared for children, but also appeal to the parent on another level. He said living in Rancho Santa Fe has been wonderful. “It’s been like the American Dream come true,” he said. “It has the best weather in the world.This town is such a little gem.”

APRIL 6, 2012




APRIL 6, 2012


A solution for making your Olive trees are all-time winners own hummingbird nectar Dear Sara: Do you have a hummingbird feeding solution? — Emily, Pennsylvania Dear Emily: Use 1/2 cup sugar and 2 cups water. Combine sugar and water in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Boil for 2 minutes. Cool. No need to add food coloring; you can hang a red ribbon from the feeder to help the hummingbirds find it. Fill your feeder and keep the remaining feeding solution in the refrigerator for up to one week.You’ll want to change the mixture often, according to the outdoor temperature.For warmer temperatures, change the mixture every couple of days. You’ll notice if you don’t change it often, the mixture becomes cloudy or gets moldy (black specks in it).If your feeder is in the shade as opposed to a sunny location, you can get away with changing the nectar mixture less often. I hang mine from a plant hanger (similar to a T-bar feeder stand), which is about six feet high. It’s easily accessible and viewable from all angles. Choose a spot that is close to plants hummingbirds love, such as bee balm, honeysuckle, liatris or columbine. Dear Sara: My daughter will be attending a summer preschool five days a week. Unlike her current preschool, where her food is included,her new school requires her to bring a sack lunch every day because they are either on field trips or at the park.While

SARA NOEL Frugal Living I don’t mind packing a lunch, they require the sack and all contents in it to be disposable, which means I have to buy paper sacks and plastic zipenclosure baggies. Do you have any frugal ideas for bringing lunches? — Kim, Colorado Dear Kim: Very sorry to hear that they want everything to be disposable. Maybe you could encourage them to transport all of the sack lunches in a cooler to keep them cold. As far as what to pack, if you reuse a plastic grocery bag rather than use a paper lunch bag, you can freeze her drink to use as a cold source, enabling you to pack lunch foods that need to be kept cold. You can pack fruits, raw vegetables, crackers, granola bars, muffins/quick bread, small baggies of nuts or seeds, dry cereal or dried fruit, popcorn, gelatin, applesauce or pudding cups. I’d avoid meat sandwiches or dairy products (although a yogurt cup could be frozen and thawed successfully) because you can’t be certain how long the lunch bag will be in the heat. I do have a list of lunch box food ideas at frugalvillage.com/forums/foodkids/134225-mix-match-lunch-

box-ideas.html. Here’s a recipe for fruit burritos, too: Fruit Burritos 4 6-inch flour tortillas 4 tablespoons creamy peanut butter 1 banana, sliced lengthwise and in half to make quarters 4 fresh strawberries, halved 1 fresh peach, sliced into thin quarters 1/4 cup fresh blueberries Pudding cup For each burrito, spread about one tablespoon of peanut butter evenly on a flour tortilla. Onto each tortilla distribute in a line along the center 1/4 banana, two strawberry halves, one peach slice and approximately 1 tablespoon of blueberries. Drizzle 1 tablespoon of pudding over the fruit. Carefully fold one side of the tortilla over the fruit, tucking the edge under the fruit so it’s not too loosely packed. Roll the folded and tucked portion of the burrito toward the other side. The peanut butter will help hold it together. Makes 4 servings. — Joy, forums Sara Noel is the owner of Frugal Village (www.frugalvillage.com), a website that offers practical, moneysaving strategies for everyday living. To send tips, comments or questions, write to Sara Noel, c/o Universal Uclick, 1130 Walnut Street, Kansas City, MO, 64106, or email sara@frugalvillage.com.

KENT HORNER Local Roots Olives, olives olives! This fruit and this tree have got to be the all-time classic winner for a domesticated plant. It not only influenced mankind throughout the centuries, but it created entire cultures based on the secrets, production and trade of the magic found in pure olive oil. As a longtime landscape contractor and tree man, I have always loved the olive tree. Few people know just how old olive trees can live to be. Because this tree has no rings to determine its age, it is difficult to know how old an individual tree is. It has been established through carbon dating and other various scientific methods that olives can live to be thousands of years old. One such specimen claimed to be the oldest olive tree alive is located in Pano Vouves in Chania, the secondlargest city in Crete.This tree is said to be 5,000 years old. Hard to believe, but the climate on Crete, the longest and one of the most beautiful islands in the Greek Archipelago, is perfect for this plant. Fossil evidence of olive trees and the subsequent existence of olive oil have been dated back 50,000 years to the volcanic rocks of Santorini another Greek Isle. Interestingly enough, Crete has been long designated the healthiest place on earth due to

the fact that on average, each inhabitant there consumes more than 30 kilos of olive oil per year. Compared to America, this cultural phenomenon has been steeped in thousands of years of practice and celebration, actually changing lives for the better over millennia. Here in California, olive trees are commonly found to live at least 300 years and can be moved quite easily even after 100 years or more of age. As a designer and tree man, placing olive trees along a driveway or around a structure is one of my favorite things to do.The trees, if harvested from an old growth orchard, usually have beautiful large and gnarly trunk bases. These trunks give interest to the landscape but they also impart the feeling of establishment or time and give the home being landscaped a real air of permanence.When planting an old-growth olive, I have found that creating a mound for it to set on usually ends up with a healthy tree.These trees are evolved to live through long periods of drought and have developed unique and very large woody root systems that store nutrients, sugars, starches and water in their bases. Good drainage is essential to a flourishing olive tree. Too much water or clay soils,similar to the conditions on Via Apajo in Rancho Santa Fe where many olives were installed along a wall near Fairbanks, will put them in regression or outright kill them. One important thing to remember as a designer when planting these beautiful trees is that they are evergreen and depending on

the variety of olive you choose, they will make an ungodly mess dropping their fruit during late winter. Leaf drop and non-harvested fruit can definitely be a problem in terms of maintenance for these trees. I recommend planting them back from any paved area if at all possible or using a fruitless variety if the situation calls for it. If you can’t find a Wilsonii olive (which is a dioecious plant with infertile males) or any other fruitless variety, careful hormone spraying with Florel to control fruit production during May and June when the olives flower will do the job. This tricks the tree into thinking the fertilization period has been completed and the flowers will drop off without producing fruit. Pruning the trees during this time to remove many of the flowers before spraying will lessen the burden of falling fruit in the wintertime. Believe it or not, there is truly only one genus and specie of fruiting olive tree on the planet, Olea Europaea. All the others are just varieties or cultivars of the same plant.They all come from the same mother plant but that is where the similarities diverge. Oil and fruit production will depend on the variety. Cocktail fruit is better harvested in the fall. December fruit can make an excellent oil. Kent Horner is a local landscape contractor and designer with 30 years of experience in all aspects of your garden. For information concerning your project or questions involving your surroundings, email him at Kent@plantch.com.

Gallery shines light on trio of artists The San Dieguito Art Guild will open its doors for an Artist Reception from 5:50 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. April 14 at the OffTrack Gallery in the Lumberyard, 937 S. Coast Highway 101, Suite C130. The featured artists include oil painter Bobby Harrington, photographer Carolina Van Leeuwen and painter and sculptor Wendy Gauntlett-Shaw. Harrington is a primarily self-taught artist but also has taken lessons from many teachers over the years. Van Leeuwen was born

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in Malaga, Spain of a Dutch father and a Spanish mother. She now lives and works in Encinitas, as a local photographer/artist. Her passion for flowers began in childhood while growing up in Spain and various different countries. By mixing real photos with digital art, she creates a “digital painting” that she prints on canvas. After completing a degree in Art at Scripps College, Claremont, a year of study in Athens and working as an artist on an archeological dig, Gauntlett-Shaw

worked in commercial art for 10 years and later as an art director. After her children were born, she returned to producing fine art, while teaching art education in the schools. Her newest series is titled “Relevant Women: Painting Women’s Spirit of Hope-A Global Reflection.” These oils are portraits of women around the world, actively involved in the daily tasks of their lives. Call (760) 942-3636 or offtrackgallery.com for more information.

APRIL 6, 2012





readers every week!* 92057


92083 92056

92085 92084


F.Y.I. 100

Items For Sale 200

Items For Sale 200

Rentals 600

Free Stuff



Items Wanted

FREE 5í SLIDER And 2 5x5 windows. Rancho Santa Fe. Call (760) 390-5551

COMPUTER DESK Brown. Good condition. $15. (760) 295-9184

FREE FIREWOOD Cut in different lengths. Construction lumbar available. Rancho Santa Fe. Call (760) 3905551

KITCHEN CHAIRS 2 swivel chairs. Tan. Cloth. $25 for both. (760) 2959184

NAVY aircraft carriers awesome ship battle star designs onto apparel, mugs, posters,& steins. Honorable gifts. zazzle.com/sgtskullnstein

WANTED Wanted Used Saxophones, flutes, clairnets, any condition, will pay cash. 760-346-9931 (760) 7050215.

LOVESEAT Beige/ tan with olive leave design. $25. (760) 295-9184

ROOM DOOR Standard room door. With hinges and knob. $15. (760) 2959184

‘94-’95 E 320 MERCEDES WAGON Clean. Low miles. Family car. Call (760) 580-7749

TWIN BED With upholstered headboard. Light blue. Excellent condition. $225 (760) 758-8958

SAW HORSE KIT Strong / solid saw horse kit. Easy to assemble $10 (760) 419-9044

Rentals 600

AREA RUGS 1 octagon run for $50. 2 rectangular rugs for $75 and $100. (760) 295-9184

SEARS KENMORE SEWING MACHINE Good condition. $80. (760) 758-8958.

ASSORTMENT COLLECTOR BADGES Metal clip. Legoland, jazz festival, etc. $15 for all. (760) 722-7652

SOLID WOODEN BASE 36 in all. 5” across. Grooved to hold 4x7 glass dome. Felt feet. $85 for all. (760) 7227652

Garage Sales



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3 WALT DISNEY COMIC BOOKS 25 cent cover page. Whitman Pub. Take all. $15. (760) 845-3024

92024 92023

Items For Sale 200

92091 92007 92067

Antiques AFRICAN TRIBAL CONTAINER Was made by Takana tribe of northern Kenya. Made of wood, leather, and beading. Similar extremely rare water vessels priced at galleries between $350-$500. Yours for only $149 obo. Please call Shelley (760) 809-4657

92075 92130


FRACKING Please use your favorite search engine to search for fracking or fracing to stop polluting our environment. (330) 961-0095 MICKEY MANTLE GLOVE Very rare. 1961 vintage baseball mitt. Made by Rawlings for penneys. Nice condition. A must for collectors at only $49 obo. Please call Shelly at (760) 809-4657


MORACAN BRASE PICTURE Mosque and building/city. Gold and bronze tone. Intricate border. 11”W x 15” T. $10. (760) 599-9141

INDEX F.Y.I..................................... ..100 HEALTH & WELL BEING ....150 ITEMS FOR SALE................200 BUSINESS SERV.............. ...300 FINANCIAL SERV.................310 HOME SERVICES................325 MISC. SERVICES.................350 PERSONAL SERV................375

HELP WANTED................ ....400 JOBS WANTED................ ....450 BUSINESS OPPS.................475 ROOMMATES.......................500 RENTALS..............................600 REAL ESTATE.................... ..700 LEGAL/PUBLIC NOTICE.... 800 AUTOMOTIVE..................... 900

REMINGTON PORTABLE TYPEWRITER This Envoy manual writer was built in Holland by Remington Rand in the 60ís. The typewriter and hard carrying case are in like-new condition. A great opportunity at $59 obo. Please call Shelley at (760) 8094657

Appliances FINELIFE WAFFLE MAKER White. Non-stick. Never used. $10. (760) 6724380 MICROWAVE Works great. Older. $15. (760) 295-9184 WHIRLPOOL WASHER Top loader. Almost new. $350. Leucadia.Val. (760) 753-4412




Per Paper 1-2 wks 3 wks 6 wks 12 wks 26 wks 52 wks

27” SHARP COLOR TV Original owner. Mint condition. Remote and manual included. Originally paid $225. Asking $95. (760) 436-9933

Display PCI $40







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CLASSIFIED LINE AD RATES: $3.00/word, 15 word minimum. Contract rates available for 4+ insertions. Call for information. LINE ADS RUN IN ALL PAPERS - 108,000 READERS

DVD PLAYER, DVD RACK, DVDS Coby DVD player. $20. DVD rack. Wood. Holds 200 DVD/ CDs. $50. DVDs. Some brand new. $2 each. (760) 295-9184


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SATELLITE RECEIVER WITH DISH An adth satellite receiver #8800ir for european programming is for sale with a globe cast dish. Includes wireless remote and memory card. $95 set (760) 758-8344 SONY COLOR TV 19” TV with remote. Works great. Good picture. $65. Rancho Santa Fe. Call (760) 3905551 VHS PLAYER 2 players. $20 each. (760) 295-9184

Furniture 5’ ORIENTAL TIENTSAN Blue-gray round rug. $50. (760) 295-6061 BOOK CASE AND BOOKS Book case with multiple shelves. Books of various genres including health, financial, and many bibles. $ 25. (760) 2959184

BATTLE STAR series, carriers, amphibious, & battleships. 1941 present day. Awesome ship designs onto apparel, mugs, posters,& steins. Honorable gifts. zazzle.com/sgtskullnstein CHICKEN COOP 4í x 6í and 5í tall with latching entry gate. Used but in good condition. Needs simple roof or tarp (we used lattice and tarp). $35 (760) 419-9044 CHRISTMAS ACCESSORIES 2 mini musical trees. 2 reindeer. Christmas towels. $25 for all. (760) 295-9184 DESIGNER SHOES, PURSES, CLOTHE Must sell. Lost job. Hardly used.Very reasonable. Make an offer. $150 takes all. (760) 613-7070 DESIGNER SINK Deca Lounge. Never used. Frosted white incandescents. Must sell. Paid $300. $150 obo. Call (760) 613-7070 FEATHER MATTRESS TOP Single. Brand new. Never used. $25. (760) 295-9184 FILING CABINET No lock. Wheels. Holds about 100 files. One large drawer. Bottom shelf. $15. (760) 295-9184 FOR SALE Two beautiful bromeliads. $40 each. Call Joe. (760) 757-6788 FULL-SIZE PILLOW TOP COMFORTER Pink roses with lavender, light-green floral design. Plus sham. Good condition. $80. (760) 758-8958 HELIUM TANK 30”x14” with Gage and balloon attachment. $79. (760) 758-3125

TAPE Central reinforced water tape. 3 rolls available. 3” x 375/450í. $40 for all 3. (760) 722-7652 VIETNAM war battle star collection: apparel / mugs / key chains Visit Online Store www.zazzle.com/sgtskullnstein WEBSTER REFERENCE DICTIONARY Red hardback. Unused. In celofan wrap. 1,340 pages. 9” x 10” x 12”. $15. (760) 599-9141

WROUTHT IRON DOLL BUGGIE White. Excellent condition. Original cushion. 27”x15”x27”. $150 obo. (760) 722-7652

Sporting Goods CARVEBOARD SKATEBOARD $80. (760) 753-3616 ODYSSEY WHITE HOT Two ball putter. $65. (760) 942-5692 OMNI KNEE BRACE $65. (760) 9425692 TENNIS RACQUET Head Metallix 10 41/2 grip Oversized Powerful Excellent Condition $40 (760) 6322487

Items Wanted BOXES OF COMIC BOOKS AND CDíS Any years. Call Rick. (760) 2087174 BOXES OF COMIC BOOKS Any years. Call Rick. (760) 208-7174

INDACARE SWIVEL SEAT Bath tub transfer bench. Hardly used. Likenew. $100. (760) 806-6862

JACK DANIELS Collector looking for old jd or lem motlow bottles and advertising or display items. Up to $149 each (760) 630-2480

LANDSCAPE ROCKS Collected over 50 years. Beautiful and unusual. $20150. Call Joe at (760) 757-6788

FOR RENT Solana Beach. 3 bedrooms 1 bath. 5 minutes to beach. No pets/ smokers. $2,100/ month. (858) 755-8034.

Wanted To Buy DIABETIC TEST STRIPS WANTED Any Type, Any Brand. Will pay up to $10 a box. Call Ronda at (760) 5937033.

Misc. Svcs. 350 Take time for yourself... let us do the dirty work!

WHEEL BARREL $15. (760) 2959184

HOT WHEELS box of fifty hot wheels in original packaging. random models. $40 (760) 726-8491

LADIES HAWAIIAN DRESSES Assorted. M-L.Take all. $25. (760) 2956061

Houses (Unfurn)

OLYOíS PIZZA MEMORABILIA Anything considered but would love any pictures or t-shirts (adult size). Wanted for my nephewís Christmas present! (760) 994-7265


Cleaning Service Martha Padilla - Owner Deep cleaning in living areas, kitchen, dining, bathrooms, bedrooms & windows

Cell 760-712-8279 Or 760-580-6857 Se Habla Español

ornelas.f.p@gmail.com Licensed (#00026922) and Bonded

Automotive 900 Cars MAZDA SPORT Miata, mx, turbo, 2 seater, black soft top with cover, cd stereo, air, manual, (stick 6 speed), performance tires with spare, apprx. 38,000 miles. (760) 207-0073 San Marcos, $15,950.00 0B0.

Trucks/SUVs ‘88 CHEVY SILVERADO Standard bed. 350 engine. Power steering. Power brakes. New tires. $1500. (760) 213-6705 94 TOYOTA PICKUP TRUCK White. 5 spd. Original owner. 128,000 miles. $5,000 firm. Mary. (760) 295-9184

LARGE PLASTIC DOG CRATE Beige plastic with metal latching door. $20 (760) 419-9044 LIKE NEW HUNTER AIR PURIFIER. $99.00-hunter 30381 hepatech air purifier features a whisper-quiet fan that draws air into the unit without excessive noise. Operational manual included. Pictures available. (760) 842-1970 MAP TACKS Made by the Moore Push Pin Co. 16 cartoons. Each Cartoon contains 10 boxes. Each box holds 100 pins. Gold 119. $150 for all. (760) 722-7652 MARILYN MONROE COLLECTABLES Hand-painted tiles. Four full length in wood frame. One of a kind. Beautiful. 10” wide by 27” tall. $30. Hamilton porcelain plate with Marilyn Monroe. 8” in diameter. $15. (760) 599-9141 MICHAEL JACKSON JACKET Silver buttons/trim/braid. Zipper on front. Rope on shoulders. Long sleeve. Ladies small. Unused. “Fredricks”. $15. (760) 599-9141 MINITURE ROLL TOP DESK With cubical and drawers. Cherry wood color. To sit on top of table. 14” wide and 17” tall. $20. (760) 599-9141

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APRIL 6, 2012









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APRIL 6, 2012


APRIL 6, 2012


Italian wines have a checkered life in the U.S. FRANK MANGIO

Taste of Wine Italian wines have had a checkered life here in the U.S. For a time, led by Chianti with its Sangiovese, the grape of origin in Tuscany, it seemed it was on every table either California grown and bottled, or brought over by an army of Italian makers, who sensed

they could fill the jugs with anything that seemed palatable to American taste. The ‘60s saw an “enough is enough” disgust with what passed as Chianti and Italy was shocked into action, as prices and demand plummeted. A wine revolution occurred in Italy to reverse this trend and the government, along with key winemakers, set up strong standards to identify excellence. Wineries were told to abide by these standards for bottling their wines or “die on the vine.”

Today, Italian wine exports have reached a record 4.4 billion Euros last year, up 12 percent, with the U.S. the biggest customer. Italy is now winding up its largest expo, Vin Italy in Verona, where more than 4,200 winemakers displayed their wines. Simultaneously, Wine Spectator, the largest wine trade publication in the world, printed six full-page color ads, mostly from Italian marketing associations promoting wine growing areas like Montepulciano. They brought their mayor, Andrea Rossi, to the recent San Franciso Italian Wine Masters two-day exhibition and conference. Master sommelier Catherine Fallis praised the quality of wines coming out of the Tuscany and Siena districts especially Vino Nobile di Montepulciano. At

the grand tasting seminar conducted by Tim Gaiser, education chair for the Court of Master Sommeliers, a select group of wines were tasted from Brunello di Montalcino, Chianti Classico, Vino Nobile di Montepulciano and Conegliano Prosecco Superiore. In my last trip to Italy last fall, Montepulciano was a quick view on a hill as I made my way to nearby Siena as planned. Not so next time. This small medieval city is a natural movie set with its surrounding wall, dramatic overlook of the Tuscan countryside and wineries that are beautifully crafted in the city and on the outskirts. Vino nobile means the wine of popes and nobility. Its grape is the Sangiovese clone Prugnolo gentile. “It is the gentle clone of Sangiovese, with more aging,” I was told

At the Vino Nobile di Montepulciano reception in San Francisco recently, Contucci wine distributor Matt Pye (left) greets guests while Andrea Contucci promotes his wines.

by Andrea Contucci of Contucci Winery, located in the center of Montepulciano. “It is made with the highest standard in Italy, DOCG, no less than 70 percent Sangiovese. My wine is very traditional, it goes back to the 11th Century.” 2008 is the newest vintage of his Vino Nobile, although the 2006 Reserva ($30) was a silky, refined masterpiece of Italian wine culture. It was aged for a minimum 36 months, then 10 months in bottle before release. A 2007 Riserva is just now released ($27). Cartucci also revealed that “the 2011 harvest was a long Summer with rich grapes but low production. Picking was finished in early October just before the strong, destructive rains hit us.” Catherine Fallis (left) Master Wine Sommelier and emcee of the recent To learn more about San Francisco Masters Italian Wine Expo, with the Mayor of these wines, visit kiwidistribMontepulciano Andrea Rossi. Photos by Frank Mangio uting.com. Discover Montepulciano at consorziovinonobile.it.

Wine Bytes — Flemings La Jolla presents First Friday Wine Tastings, the next one is from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. April 6. This event features 20 wines from a major grape-growing area, this time Washington and Oregon. The cost is $25 per guest. RSVP at (858) 5350078. — San Diego Wine Company has a California Reds Tasting from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. April 14. The cost is $10 each. Call (858) 586WINE for more information. — Twisted Vine Bistro & Wine Bar in San Diego is pouring the Wines of Veneto, Italy, from 4 to 6 p.m. April 14. The event includes five glasses of wines with “lite bites.” For RSVP and price, call (858) 780-2501. — Seasons 52 at South Coast Plaza, Orange County, hosts Merryvale Vineyards and Starmont Winery’s Casey Chandler of Napa Valley starting at 6:30 p.m. April 16. The Taste of Wine seen in cost is $100 per person, with a Great Taste magazine six-course dinner included. I am happy to report that RSVP at (714) 352-1701. “Taste of Wine” can now be seen in the leading restaurant magazine’s Internet network, Great Taste of Orange County. Frank Mangio is a renowned wine conIt’s a very attractive publica- noisseur certified by Wine Spectator. tion for foodies, hospitality, His library can be viewed at www.tastecatering and culinary profes- ofwinetv.com. (Average Google certified sionals. Subscribers are up to 900 visits per day) He is one of the top 22,000. Take a look at great- five wine commentators on the Web. taste.net. Reach him at mangiompc@aol.com.

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APRIL 6, 2012



SOUP TO NUTS by Rick Stromoski

FRANK & ERNEST by Bob Thaves

THE BORN LOSER by Art & Chip Sansom

By Bernice Bede Osol FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 2012 Most of your greatest successes in the year ahead are likely to come from independent endeavors. Conversely, in many of the arrangements that you share with partners, there will be ample potential for mishaps. Go it alone. ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- If you find yourself attempting to negotiate with someone who won't budge an inch, it might be better to forget about trying to work with him or her. Look for another source. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- During this phase of the heavenly cycle, it will be important to keep pace with all of your responsibilities and duties. If you fall too far behind, you may never get back on track. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- This is one of those days when people tend to put the social graces under a microscope. Any form of misconduct or overindulgence on your part will be frowned upon and talked about for a long time. CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- If you find yourself being forced to accept another person's desires in spite of your own needs, chances are you'll rebelliously do the opposite. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Usually you would simply shrug off anyone who is not in accord with your views or desires, but if the way the offending party goes about it ticks you off, you won't hesitate to bury him or her.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- When you're put in charge of the financial affairs or resources of others, be as prudent as possible. Even then, unless you first consult the sponsor, you could get in trouble. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- Be on guard and ready to deal with some opposition from an unexpected source. Regardless of how out of line it might be, it'll give you a big, fat headache. Forewarned is forearmed. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- Excuses won't be any help whatsoever where neglected promises are concerned. When you are not in total control of matters, they will simply control you. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -- Don't allow yourself to get caught in the middle of two warring friends. You wouldn't be able to help at all, plus you'd get hammered from both sides. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Take nothing for granted in negotiating a competitive development. If your opposition has more going for him or her than you surmise, you could get in way over your head. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- There is a good chance that you'll be far more vulnerable than usual to high-pressure sales pitches. If this is the case, you could impulsively do something that would prove costly. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- When it comes to issues about which you feel strongly, be extra careful about expressing them when confronted by someone who holds equally strong opposing viewpoints. Keep mum.

BIG NATE by Lincoln Peirce


MONTY by Jim Meddick

Celebrity Cipher cryptograms are created from quotations by famous people, past and present. Each letter in the cipher stands for another. TODAY'S CLUE:

S equals F

ARLO & JANIS by Jimmy Johnson


COW & BOY by Mark Leiknes

"KO'G KJWVVZFVZKWOL WJU TEDRWZ ... OF EGL BFEZ VZKTWOL DKSL OF GLDD WJBONKJR HFXXLZHKWDDB."-DWEZLJ MWHWDD Previous Solution: "Life is to be lived, not controlled, and humanity is won by continuing to play in face of certain defeat." - Ralph Ellison


APRIL 6, 2012


Talented young chef launches new menu DAVID BOYLAN Lick the Plate There is a show on the Food Network called “Restaurant Makeover” that takes tired or underperforming restaurants and breathes new life into them in quick fashion. Something similar has been happening over the past year or so at St. Germain’s in Encinitas, which has been around since 1976. First they updated the interior and patio with a fresh, contemporary look, and added a cool outdoor bar and live jazz inside. Then they hosted San Diego’s first pop-up restaurant with Chef Dan Moody about a year ago. That brought the cuisine up to par with San Diego’s finer establishments. One of the line cooks working for Chef Moody at Relate was Kaitlin Ramos, a talented, 23-year-old whose performance and youthful energy impressed St. Germain’s owner Roy Salameh enough to hire her on as executive chef. Ramos is a graduate of Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts and she was hired immediately out of school by Wolfgang Puck’s Springs Café in Las Vegas where she spent two and a-half years in Wolfgang’s kitchen and catering division. Ramos grew up in Mira Mesa, and has raced

motocross since she was 10, so the return to San Diego was a welcome one. Not to mention the fact that it was a great opportunity for Ramos to make her mark on an established restaurant like St. Germain’s. She made a quick impression by launching the innovative Lady Chef series that brings in a different guest female chef each quarter, bringing their influences to the menu. The recent launch of Chef Ramos French Exotic menu is a very exciting development to the local dining scene. As mentioned, Ramos grew up in Mira Mesa, the epicenter of Asian cuisine in San Diego and she has always been a huge fan of Vietnamese food. It was a natural progression for her to take the St. Germain’s existing French-inspired menu and add an Asian twist to the dishes. I visited St. Germain’s on a recent Saturday night to give this French exotic thing a taste. I’ll admit that I was running the Carlsbad 5000 the following morning; otherwise I would have tasted much more. But what I did have was worked beautifully as it was all full of flavor yet did not weigh me down. We started with the shrimp and mango spring rolls with poached shrimp, mango, mint, cilantro, rice paper and peanut sauce.They were light and flavorful. We tried the Korean flank steak crostinis with chili aioli, pickled carrots, and daikon

Lifelong resident is ‘green’ pioneer By Lillian Cox

St. Germain’s Executive Chef Kaitlin Ramos. Photo by Nino Camilo.

radish. This was another wellexecuted starter. The carrotginger soup was also very nice and rounded out our selection of starters. The potstickers and broiled Thai mussels will be tried on my next visit. All the starters are priced below $9 It was very difficult selecting from nine, very attractive looking entrées. With me trying to be healthy runner guy, I went with the coconut crusted red snapper with passion fruit reduction over a lemongrass scented jasmine rice and a cucumber, carrot and daikon radish salad. I really enjoyed this dish and it accomplished my goal of satisfying my hunger without weighing me down. My friend had the garden bowl with the same lemongrass rice, steamed rainbow chard, Portobello mushrooms, chili garlic green beans, miso-sesame glazed tofu and Vietnamese chili

sauce. This was a very nice veggie option I will say, I was very tempted to try the Banh Mi burger made with American Kobe beef, pickled carrots and daikon, cilantro and chile aioli and the grilled tamarind lamb chops with a Thai basilmint sauce, roasted red and purple potatoes and rainbow chard. Entrees range from $11.95 to $22.50 and are great values given the innovative preparation going on here. I should mention that there are also three nice looking salad options. Finally, we finished this French exotic meal off with strawberry mango shortcake paired with vanilla ice cream. It was delightful and perfect to share. Ramos handles all the pastries as well, which is very impressive.The wine and beer list is just big enough to include an eclectic mix that should satisfy connoisseurs and traditionalists alike. Chef Kaitlin Ramos, at 23 years of age, has arrived on the San Diego restaurant scene in an impressive manner. I would highly recommend checking her out now, so you can say you experienced this fine talent before she became a culinary star, which she is well on her way to becoming. Check out St. Germain’s at stgermainscafe.com. David Boylan is the founder of Artichoke Creative, an Encinitas based integrated marketing agency. He can be reached at david@artichoke-creative.com.

A photo of the old Hungate homestead on Hymettus Avenue in Leucadia remains on Google Maps, but despite the valiant efforts to save it, the log house was leveled a few months ago by the current owners to make way for a new structure. The home was built around 1925 by Miles Minor Kellogg, who is better known for the Encinitas boathouses on Third Street, which are protected by the Encinitas Preservation Association that purchased the property. Time marches on, and so has Elma “Jo” Hungate Maus, who was born and raised in the log house on Hymettus Avenue 73 years ago. Maus has redirected her sights on educating local residents about the importance of preserving the environment by adopting sustainable practices. “The region is filled with natural resources, but is also a great place to take advantage of renewable energy,” she said. “I see growth in the renewal energy industry and sustainable living practices all around me,” she said. “The Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation and other local groups are working hard to keep the environment clean. I think local homeowners can also contribute by learning how to live sustainably.” Maus has become a partner with Clean Green Nation, educating people about sustainable lifestyles and how to reduce their carbon footprint through energy conservation. Her areas of expertise include ways to protect Encinitas coastline ecosystems, exploring organizations focused on sustainable living and adopting green household products. She represents a line of energy-efficient products that include showerheads, tankless water heaters, solar ovens, light bulbs, recharge-

able batteries, electric bikes, attic fans and wind turbines. Maus is no stranger to green living. The family home in which she was raised was built with recycled cedar telephone poles. In 1930, her grandfather, Frank Hungate, acquired the residence by trading a house he owned in San Diego, and adding little cash, for a total price of $4,000. The following year he and his son, Ward (Maus’ father), replaced more than 30 eucalyptus trees with avocado trees, which continue to produce fruit today. In 1949, Frank and Ward Hungate rebuilt the fireplace after it was loosened by an earthquake. “It was rebuilt with concrete and large rocks, stands 27 feet high and looks as if it will stand forever,” wrote Maus’ late sister, Ardell Hungate Hartman, who raised her own family in the home. “The house has gas but we prefer to use the woodburning stove.” Back then even public facilities were “green.” One of Maus’ favorite memories was going to Beacon’s Beach with her grandmother as a child. “They had individual, fenced picnic areas,” she said. “Each one had a thatched roof made of palm branches.” Maus graduated from San Dieguito High School in 1957. “It was the last year it provided instruction for grades seven to 12,” she said. She went on to earn a certificate from Kelsey-Jenney College in office skills. In 1960, Maus was hired as an insurance agent at Tiger Financial in Encinitas and remained there until 1994. During that time, she developed lifelong friendships with clients Connielou Caldwell and Louise Wetzell, who support her new venture in promoting sustainable living practices today. “Jo handled all of our insurance for our car and house, and was always accurate and punctual and had time for you,” Caldwell said. “When I need advice, I go to her,” added Wetzell. “She’s always up on everything.” The friendship extended through their association with the San Dieguito American Legion California Post 416, where Maus served as president and parliamentarian. “Jo’s in charge of the bylaws and if someone says something that isn’t kosher, she knows every detail,” said Caldwell. “She reads everything.” Maus still lives in Leucadia, about two blocks from her childhood home on Hymettus Avenue. She hopes her efforts to convince other locals to reduce their carbon footprint will catch on. “I’d like to keep Leucadia as it has been,” she said. “It has a distinctive ambience that people like when they come here.” For more information, call Maus at (760) 436-1526 or visit elmam.cleangreennation.com.


APRIL 6, 2012

In Mexico, even the skies can be art-filled wonders JOE MORIS Baby Boomer Peace I’m sitting on my balcony on the seventh floor of my condo building. It’s 11 p.m. and I gaze out over the Bahia de Banderas to old town Puerto Vallarta as a solid KGB-style light show goes off. I’m not privy to the music but I am treated to15 minutes of spectacular sky art. Today I was at my part time office in Punta de Mita, which sits exactly 75 steps from the water’s edge depending upon the tide. It is also right at the entrance of the breezeway to the beach through the El Coral cafe. I have a great view of just plain people, rich, poor, old, young, black, white, brown, yellow, coming and going down to the water, which is getting warm again. The gentle water is in the 70s and soon will hit the 80-degree mark. Along with air temperatures in the 80s, blue skies, white sand and turquoise water; there are

plenty of little waves for surfers and stand up paddle surfers. It stays glassy pretty much all day long. Back in January there were a lot of Canadians here. Now that it is spring break season it is quiet. In years past in March and April the wait times for restaurants were horrendous and a spot on a favorite beach was hard to come by. The mainstream press and the state department have succeeded in doing the job they set out to do, make Mexico out to be a place where you think you take your life in your hands. Nothing could be further from the truth. The murder rate for visitors to the United States makes Mexico look like heaven on steroids but you don’t hear about that. Usually just State Department half- truths, and half-truths are lies. Our parents retired living on their Social Security checks with all the medical assistance they needed up to their last days. Today, if you are 72 or older you get to know your pharmacist well. Apparently we baby boomers better stay healthy and then drop quickly. Insurance is

horrendous and getting government care will be a disaster. I’ll pay my way as I go and save that $650 per month and the $7,500 deductible I was donating to Blue Shield. I saw my doc about my knee recently. It cost me $45. A major illness would wipe us out no matter how much you have put away or how much insurance you have. My friend Char lost her dad this last week. It was a sudden and massive heart attack. Until then, he was healthy as an ox and he was doing what he enjoyed, hiking with his kids. He was still in his 70s. Being in my early 60s tells me the clock is ticking faster, but I realize I better take advantage of my ability to enjoy life. You should too before that clock suddenly stops. Well, back to the beach. I’ll be home in three weeks. Watch my Good Friday column. I’ll be announcing our new contest winners. Until then baby boomers, may peace and love be with you.

Joe Moris may be contacted at (760) 500-6755 or by e-mail at joe@coastalcountry.net.

Save your spot at Ladybug event There will be a “Children’s Ladybug Eco Event” held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 14 and April 15 at Weidner’s Gardens, 695 Normandy Road. The garden will be giving out free ladybugs to youngsters and host various ladybug crafts for a small charge. Youngsters can learn

about taking care of the environment while they have fun with crafts. Visitors will gain organic information and see displays for all ages such as the “Good Bug, Bad Bug” display. Later this month, Weidner’s Gardens will host its second annual “Parade of Blooming

Baskets and Containers” April 28 and April 29. More than 100 creations will line the walkways in a giant parade of color. Garden employees will also provide free care information on baskets and containers. For more information, visit weidners.com or call (760) 436-2194.


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APRIL 6, 2012

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