Rancho Santa Fe News, August 30, 2019

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VOL. 15, N0. 18


AUG. 30, 2019

Locals take stand against gun violence By Lexy Brodt

With the LEGION Act being put into law, 6 million more veterans have access to American Legion programs and benefits for which they previously had not been eligible. Although the team at the San Dieguito American Legion Post 416 is excited for the new membership classification, they are also concerned about the outdated status of their post, which continues to serve food and alcohol, and hosts music acts.

SOLANA BEACH — In light of the most recent spate of mass shootings, North County residents are making their voices heard. Dozens of concerned activists and locals have gathered on Solana Beach’s busiest thoroughfare in recent weeks to protest gun violence and a lack of action from policymakers, holding up signs labelled “common sense gun laws now,” and “do something.” The growing effort, now drawing upward of 40 people every week, started with just one dedicated Solana Beach resident. The morning after back-toback shootings left 30 dead in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio; Kathy Murphy grabbed some signs and headed out to Lomas Santa Fe Drive, just north of the I-5 on-ramp. “I had to do something,” said Murphy. On day one, Murphy protested solo. But on day two, she was joined by five more; on day three, by 10. And from there, the protest took hold, with over 100 people participating in total over the course of a few weeks. The effort lasted for eight days in a row the week after the shootings, and now the group is going out every Saturday morning. The participants are predominantly members of NeverAgainCA, a Del Mar-based anti-gun violence organization that formed after the Parkland, Florida, shooting in early 2018. The group is best known for protesting gun shows at the Del Mar Fairgrounds, although they have become increasingly involved in pushing for gun control legislation at the state level.



SAN DIEGUITO American Legion Post 416 in Encinitas will be remodeled around its historic WWI barrack in the next 18 months to modernize its interior and exterior. A new law gives a greater number of veterans access to American Legion programs. Photo by Jacob Aere

New law boosts American Legion in North County By Jacob Aere

ENCINITAS — President Donald Trump signed the Let Everyone Get Involved in Opportunities for National Service (LEGION) Act on July 30 to allow any honorably discharged veteran who has served in the military since Dec. 7, 1941, to join the American Legion. Commander Matthew Shillingburg oversees the American Legion Post 416 located on W. F Street in Encinitas. He noted the lack of veteran inclusivity at American Legions under the old

law, “Prior to the LEGION Act, the only people that could join as members of The American Legion were within a certain war time criteria.” The wartime periods included World War I, World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the fighting in Lebanon and Grenada, the fighting in Panama, the Gulf War and the War On Terror. Previously, military veterans who served in periods of peacetime between wars were not eligible for membership. Kerry Cortinas is the 1st vice

commander of Post 416 and is optimistic about increased membership numbers in the near future for the American Legion. “I think there is going to be a lot more people who are going to be able to be a part of our post who have come and been there to support our Post during some of the public events,” she said. The American Legion sought the declaration of the bill as a way to honor approximately 1,600 U.S. service members who were killed or wounded during previously undeclared periods of war.


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T he R ancho S anta F e News

Kids say the darndest things


he first week of school is always a week filled with surprises, especially for the incoming kindergarteners. Every year I make a point of chatting with the K teachers to see what hijinks went down. They never fail me. The youngsters get their first tour all around the school to help familiarize them, and by the time they get to the library, their eyes are wide and many are clearly suffering sensory overload. Somehow they survive, but I just want to give each one a big, reassuring hug. I wish I could convince them that everything gets better from here, at least until junior high. This year we reportedly have one youngster who sits and chants, “I’m bored! I’m bored! I’m bored! and then makes a dash for the

small talk jean gillette playground when the teacher turns around. There was another who had scrambled halfway up the chain-link perimeter fence, before he was spotted and asked to please come down. His response. “Why?” Of course, the week is peppered with the question, “Is it time to go home now?” Then we had a firstweek fire drill, which they took pretty well, but immediately asked, “Do we have to go back to school afterward?” Nice try, guys. “I have one who truly thinks he is a raptor dinosaur,” one teacher calmly shared. And another kind-

er actually counted down the hours until Friday dismissal, when she was promised chicken nuggets and French fries. Not one, but two in one classroom, are absolutely terrified by the sound of the toilet flushing, and come flying out of the bathroom half dressed. And apparently, a good portion of the little ones also love to sing loudly while in the classroom bathrooms. Well, the acoustics are awesome. The high — or low — point was one student describing, loudly and in detail, exactly what was going on while he was in the bathroom during an attack of the runs. Kinders do love to share. And the battle begins to help them distinguish between a question and a comment (always a five-minute ramble). The

teacher gave the example, “Where did you get your dog?” A child then posited, “Where did you get your Daddy?” Hmmmmmm. We will keep working on that in the library after story time. There are always a handful who have older siblings at the school, and you can spot them by their swagger. They know me, they know that I occasionally give out Jolly Rancher candies, and they know where the “Dog Man” and “Star Wars” books are. Oh yeah. They have it down. But the kinders are the best audience. I am starting them a week earlier than the rest of the classes, because they are so much fun to read to. For the first, but not the last time, we will also discuss library etiquette and the effect of open juice boxes on books in their backpack. It’s their first science lesson. Jean Gillette is a freelance writer and a big fan of the newbies.



As the protest gained traction, NeverAgainCA founder Rose Ann Sharp invited other local organizations to take part. As a result, members of Moms Demand Action, the local chapter of the Brady Campaign and Veterans for Peace have joined in solidarity. “We haven’t lost our own issues, but we support each other,” said Sharp. “This is too big an issue for egos … this is coming together on a common crisis.” Sharp told The Coast News that such protests help to reinforce the actions of policymakers, particularly those in North County. For example, Del Mar, Solana Beach and Encinitas have all passed resolutions opposing the sale of guns and ammunition at the Del Mar Fairgrounds — largely in response to the vocal protests of community members such as those affiliated with NeverAgainCA. And Solana Beach will soon consider an ordinance on safe gun storage — echoing a similar ordinance recently adopted by the city of San Diego. Sharp is hoping that other North County cit-

RESIDENTS GATHERED in Solana Beach to protest the most recent mass gun shootings this summer in Gilroy, El Paso and Dayton. Photo courtesy NeverAgainCA

ies will soon follow suit. “(Policymakers) have to see the community support to be able to do this,” she said. Solana Beach City Councilwoman Kelly Harless, who brought the safe gun storage ordinance to city staff, participated in the protests along with her daughter. She said the series of protests represents a “turning point” for the local group. “I think it’s reflected in

many different places that people are not willing to let this fall to the background anymore, as has happened with mass shootings in the past,” she said. Harless said her daughter, Robbie, took count of how many encouraging honks the protestors received from passersby. She tallied 547. “That’s not even counting the thumbs ups and waves,” she said. “We had such an interest. People

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were joining spontaneously, some people would park their cars and join us.” Although the recent protests have maintained a bird’s eye view of gun control issues, NeverAgainCA members are gearing up for a more focused protest on Sept. 28. The organization’s members plan to protest the Del Mar Fairgrounds gun show — which is returning after about eight months on hiatus. The 22nd District Agricultural Association — which operates the Del Mar Fairgrounds — put a moratorium on the show in the fall of 2018 due to local opposition. However, a court-ordered injunction will allow the show to continue for the foreseeable future. The San Diego County Gun Owners PAC lauded the court’s decision, with Executive Director Michael Schwartz calling the longheld event a “professional, educational, legal and responsible gun show.” Assemblyman and Majority Whip Todd Gloria (D-San Diego) introduced a bill in early 2019 that could ban the sale of firearms and ammunition at the Del Mar Fairgrounds outright. The bill is currently in committee after passing through the assembly.

AUG. 30, 2019

SILVER AGE YOGA students attend a class run by Tracy Myers at the Encinitas Senior Center. Photo courtesty Tracy Myers

Seniors unite to keep their yoga classes free By Tawny McCray

ENCINITAS — When Silver Age Yoga students at the Encinitas Library found out the city was going to start charging a fee for the free yoga classes they had been taking for 10 years, they wrote letters, attended a City Council meeting, and helped keep the service free. In March, the city of Encinitas took over running the Community Room at the library, which used to be run by the county. The city wanted to start charging a fee to anyone who would be using the community room, including the Silver Age Yoga program. “The fee was going to be almost $10,000 a year,” Tracy Myers, a Silver Age Yoga board member and instructor, said in an interview. “As a small nonprofit, we could not afford to pay that fee. We would have needed to start charging our students for classes, and we didn’t want to do that because that is not the Silver Age Yoga mission.” Myers said when the senior yoga students who take classes at the library found out, they were upset and began writing letters to the city asking if something could be done to save their classes. She said about 35 students attended a City Council meeting last month to show their support. The council voted at that meeting, held July 10, to approve waiving rental and staffing fees for the program for one year. “We are all very appreciative of that,” Myers said. Silver Age Yoga was founded in 2003 and developed a new and unique style of yoga based on the principles of geriatric science emphasizing health-enhancing benefits. Its mission is to provide “health-enhancing, life-enriching yoga classes to underserved seniors.” The nonprofit organization receives funding from grants as well as donations from supporters, family foundations and some students. The donations supplement their budget to pay their teachers. They have never charged students for classes. For over 10 years, two

Silver Age Yoga classes have been offered every week in the community room at the library, on Tuesdays from 1 to 2 p.m. with Myers, and on Wednesdays from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m., with Butch Whitmore. Both Myers and Whitmore are certified Silver Age Yoga instructors. About 40 to 60 seniors take the classes each week. Students have the choice to sit in a chair or use a yoga mat in the library classes. The chair is used for stability during standing postures. “We start from the top of our heads to the tips of our toes, stretching everything in between,” said Myers, who’s been teaching Silver Age yoga at the library for four years. Myers said the classes are fun and healing and there are many benefits. Yoga helps improve balance, stability, flexibility and joint health; strengthen bones and muscles; improve respiration; reduce high blood pressure and anxiety; lift depression; encourage mindfulness of the body, thoughts and emotions; and sharpen the mind. Silver Age Yoga offers free classes in 25 locations throughout San Diego County. “Having local options for wellness is essential for seniors as it increases their quality of life and enhances their ability to be involved within the community and engaged with younger generations,” Victoria Hobbs, the executive director of Silver Age Yoga, wrote in a letter to the council in June. Hobbs wrote that students say the classes address their health concerns, provide them with hope, improved health, more sociability, and they enjoy a happier, fuller life. One member of the class, in her 90s, said her recent decision to move to a local retirement home was based in part on its proximity to her church and her yoga class. “I love the enthusiasm of the students, some of them in their 90s,” Myers said. “The students are very grateful to be able to take these classes.”

AUG. 30, 2019


T he R ancho S anta F e News

CSUSM welcomes new nursing school director By Lauren J. Mapp

SAN MARCOS — When nursing students go back to the Cal State San Marcos campus next week, they’ll be returning to a program with a new director for the university’s School of Nursing. Tom Olson, who most recently worked as the interim dean at Northeastern University’s School of Nursing, stepped into the role as the director last month. He replaces Pamela Kohlbry, who served as the interim director for the past school year. Diversity within the nursing field is one of Olson’s top goals at the university and he hopes the school will continue to receive the Graduating American Indians into Nursing grant. The GAIN program encourages Native American students to enter the nursing field by covering the cost of tuition, fees and books, as well as providing a stipend of $1,500 per month for each student. “We have a very small percentage of American Indians, native Americans who practice as nurses,” Olson said. “That's a tremendous initiative that I look forward to working on and furthering.” The effort to bring the grant to CSUSM was led by Denise Boren, an associate professor and a former director for the School of Nursing. CSUSM is one of only five colleges throughout the country to receive the 2016-2019 grant from Indian Health Services. The other campuses include Arizona State University, University of North Dakota, Montana

TOM OLSON took over as director of the Cal State San Marcos School of Nursing in July.

State University and Salish Kootenai College in Montana. Boren has once again submitted a grant application for the next cohort of the program. “I'm very hopeful that the grant will be continued, that it will get new funding,” Olson said. Olson also said he looks forward to bolstering the School of Nursing’s new simulation program in his role as the program director. Through simulation, nursing students “practice without the anxiety of making a mistake with a real person,” he said. “We anticipate that simulation will be an increasingly large part of nursing education in the future,” Olson said. “Part of my

role is really building up our infrastructure in that area.” Previously, Olson worked as a professor and an administrator at the University of Texas at El Paso, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Mercy College and New York University. Olson received both his doctorate degree in nursing and a master’s degree in psychiatric-mental health nursing from the University of Minnesota. While at the University of Texas, he focused his research on studying obsessive compulsive disorder on both sides of the United States-Mexico border. He has also studied the evolution of nursing education. “We are so pleased that Dr.

Photo courtesy CSUSM

Olson has joined our campus community,” said Emiliano Ayala, the dean of CSUSM’s College of Education, Health and Human Services. “Dr. Olson comes with a wealth of experience in nursing education from various professional roles he has held in the past.” Ayala added that he looks “forward to his vision and leadership for the School of Nursing as it strengthens its programs and continues to prepare high-quality nursing graduates.” In his free time, Olson said he likes to spend time with his partner, write and swim. He also said he’s looking forward to exploring the hiking trails in San Diego’s North County.

Rep. Hunter trial pushed to next year REGION — A federal judge in San Diego on Aug. 13 pushed back Rep. Duncan Hunter’s trial for alleged misuse of $250,000 in campaign funds until early next year. U.S. District Judge Thomas Whelan postponed the trial to Jan. 14, with Hunter’s attorneys seeking to have Whelan’s prior ruling against dismissing the case heard by an appeals court. Whelan ruled earlier this summer against Hunter’s motions to have a 60-count indictment against him thrown out. Hunter’s attorneys have appealed the rulings, but the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has not ruled whether it will take jurisdiction in the case. Hunter, R-Alpine, was indicted along with his wife on five dozen criminal counts, including wire fraud, conspiracy, and falsification of records. Margaret Hunter, 44, pleaded guilty last month to a conspiracy charge. She faces up to five years in federal custody and a fine of up to $250,000 when she is sentenced in December. Duncan Hunter, 42, is accused of spending campaign funds on personal expenses. Prosecutors alleges he and his wife went on expensive family trips and made scores of other improper personal purchases over the course of six years. — City News Service




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T he R ancho S anta F e News

AUG. 30, 2019

Opinion & Editorial

Views expressed in Opinion & Editorial do not reflect the views of The Coast News

In gerrymandering fight, California again takes lead


A RENDERING shows a view looking northward onto the potential Del Mar Resort project. The developer recently came back with a redesign after the community opposed its originally proposed resort with 251 hotel rooms and 76 villas. Photo courtesy of Zephyr Partners

Zephyr propaganda machine heads south By Steve Saunders

As a Solana Beach resident, I’m familiar with Zephyr's habit of “stacking the deck” with speakers at City Council Meetings, so I was unmoved by the “parade and charade” they recently conducted in Del Mar. No fewer than four Zephyr executives spoke about the “three years of compromise and transparency,” the “smaller footprint,” and “opening up the bluff” which, ironically, has been open this whole time and will be more easily accessible when the so-called McMansions are constructed within current zoning regulations. Unmentioned were some inconvenient facts: 1) the buildings will still top out at about 50 feet including the rooftop solar panels and HVAC equipment, 2) the pervasive reflection of sun-glare these towering glass walls will bounce back into the eyes of beach walkers, surfers, and dog beach relaxation seekers, 3) the four bluff-side, premium location Executive Villas that will provide year-round occupancy to a few privileged "millionaires and gazillionaires" they claim to be protecting us from, 4) clear statistics on new versus old square footage,

number of rooms and affordable housing units, and the numbers relating to the larger villas being converted into smaller subunits to accommodate even more renters, 5) how the current Woodward/Scripps Preserve would actually be preserved and not rolled into their contiguous plan, and 6) if and when the citizens of Del Mar and their neighbors can expect to see STORY POLES on the bluff so they can construct an informed opinion. Also left unattended was the logic (lunacy?) of adding thousands of tons of concrete and water on top of a sandstone bluff while simultaneously digging an underground parking garage, all within a few miles of the many recent bluff failures from Del Mar to Leucadia and within a short walk to the critical bluff stabilization work commencing next month ... in Del Mar! New to the Propaganda Machine is the age-old marketing strategy: the celebrity endorsement. I often wonder if celebrities really use the products they sell or if there is another incentive provided for the use of their name. I doubt that money would be an incentive, as Hall of Fame careers usually provide

multi-generational wealth. Perhaps it's the vague and still undefined “sand replenishment endowment program” the developers have glossed over, or maybe the new spokesman is privy to information we regular folks just haven't seen yet. Maybe he has seen little things like Traffic Studies, Environmental Impact Reports, Coastal Commission Geological Studies, CEQA requirements and adherences, and the not-yet-publicly-elucidated Tax Revenue Estimates that will add to the Del Mar city coffers. If he has insights to share on any of these topics, perhaps he can enlighten the rest of us, because Zephyr sure hasn't. They just want people to sign an initiative — blindly — and put it on the ballot. I hope before signing the petition to put this initiative on the ballot, responsible Del Mar voters will demand answers to these questions and information-gaps while pressuring the developer to PUT UP THE STORY POLES! Otherwise, Del Mar's citizens risk being left under-informed by Zephyr ... and outvoted by a few celebrity star-gazers!

Steve Saunders is a Solana Beach resident

er r y mander ing has been a reality in politics more than 200 years, since Massachusetts Gov. Elbridge Gerry designed a congressional district whose outlines looked a lot like a salamander to ensure one of his fellow Democratic-Republicans would be elected to Congress. Thus, the term gerrymandering, coined by the old Boston Gazette. Gerry’s party no longer includes Republicans in its name, but over the last 10 years, modern Republicans have devised congressional districts even more convoluted than his creation. This was why Democrats running for the Legislature in Wisconsin last fall drew hundreds of thousands more votes than Republicans, but the GOP remained in control of both houses there. Essentially, Republican lawmakers in 2011 drew angular lines placing almost all registered Democrats into relatively few districts, with the rest peopled by GOP majorities. Seeing this reality in Wisconsin and elsewhere, voters in half a dozen states over the last year followed California in taking reapportionment from politicians. Wisconsin-like things happened regularly in California until 2011, when a new Citizens Redistricting Commission created by voters was appointed by the nonpartisan state auditor to draw new districts, taking from politicians the reapportionment required by the Constitution every 10 years. Anyone can apply to be on the commission, whose final membership is determined by a drawing. Before that commission began its complicated work in 2010, Democrats self-servingly dominated the reapportionment process here in the 1990s and early 2000s. The auditor was swamped with applicants in 2009, but so few voters now are seeking

california focus thomas d. elias spots that the application deadline has been delayed. The next California commission, set up via a 2008 ballot initiative, must feature five Democrats, five Republicans and four voters from neither major party. It must design districts that conform as much as possible to natural boundaries like rivers and the tops of mountain ranges, while still meeting one-person, one-vote requirements for almost equal population. The commission’s makeup ensures a far less partisan reapportionment plan for legislative and congressional districts than California otherwise might get, with its Democratic-dominated Legislature and Democrat Gavin Newsom as governor. Still, Democrats have almost a 2-1 registration advantage over Republicans, so most districts are bound to have more Democrats than Republicans, just as they have for the last decade. This could become important if the state loses a congressional seat or two, very likely because other states have lately outpaced California in population growth percentages. Losing one or more districts could toss two or even three incumbents into the same districts, with some being forced to move or retire. This can create healthy competition and maybe even some rather independent-thinking representation. And as in other areas where this state made creative moves to deal with serious problems, the rest of America noticed. Last May, Ohio voters overwhelmingly passed a measure requiring

support from both major parties when new lines are drawn for seats in the House of Representatives. Then in last fall’s midterm election, Colorado, Michigan, Missouri and Utah voters set up their own citizens commissions. That will prevent situations like what arose in Pennsylvania, where Republican legislators and a GOP governor in 2011 devised a reapportionment plan giving Republicans 13 House seats to 5 for the Democrats, along with solid control of the state Legislature. Years later, in early 2018, that state’s Supreme Court overruled the plan, saying it “clearly, plainly and palpably” violated Constitutional standards. New districts were drawn, and last fall Pennsylvania elected an equally divided 9-9 congressional delegation, contributing to the Democrats’ takeover of the House, which restored California’s Nancy Pelosi to the speaker’s chair. Even so, the Pennsylvania Legislature remained Republican, still under the 2011 plan, although Democrats won more votes there, just as in Wisconsin. “There is definitely both grass roots and legal momentum for giving redistricting to ordinary citizens,” as California did, reapportionment expert Michael Li of New York University told a reporter. And yet … a case brought by Republicans challenging the new Michigan citizen reapportionment law could endanger the entire concept. If the U.S. Supreme Court eventually backs the GOP in this case, the California commission could die quietly, tossing redistricting back to politicians who can be counted on to look out for their own interests to the exclusion of almost everything else. Email Thomas Elias at tdelias@aol.com.

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AUG. 30, 2019


T he R ancho S anta F e News


Laver’s cup runneth over on Grand Slam anniversary sports talk jay paris


here’s a big to-do regarding tennis legend Rod Laver about an epic milestone he’s reached. Who knew him celebrating 20 years of being a Carlsbad resident would resonate around the world. Oh that’s not quite it? My bad. We jest, of course, but we do so with a hearty congratulation to “The Rocket.” North County’s most famous tennis player is being toasted again this week at the U.S. Open. Laver, 81, is being honored for it being the 50th anniversary of him winning his second Grand Slam in 1969. In one calendar year he won the Australian Open, the French Open, Wimbledon and the U.S. Open. No player had ever won two Grand Slams, with Laver’s first one coming as an amateur in 1962. His four-set triumph at the U.S. Open over fellow Aussie Tony Roche in 1969 came at the quaint Forest

Hills Tennis Club in Queens and not the super-sized Arthur Ashe Stadium where the tournament is now presented on the borough’s other side. A player hasn’t duplicated Laver’s Grand Slam once, let alone twice, since he put away Roche in a rain-delayed final that remains one of the sport’s most significant matches. “Winning that second Grand Slam, for me, it changed my life,’’ Laver said from his home filled with trophies, mementoes and memories from his glorious career. Laver has seemingly never been more popular as his accomplishment grows in stature. During this golden anniversary tour he’s been showered with standing ovations at the Australian Open, the French Open, Wimbledon and now at the U.S. Open. Him laying claim to those big four events separates him from being a tennis superstar to being perched on a pedestal that no one else has reached. “It’s been a busy time and a good time with it being the 50th anniversary,” Laver said. When Laver left the amateur ranks after winning his first Grand Slam in 1962,

ROD LAVER, left, looks over his trophies at his Carlsbad home. Laver, 81, is being honored at the U.S. Open as he celebrates the 50th anniversary of his second Grand Slam. Above, Laver holds the U.S. Open trophy after his 1969 win. Photo by Jay Paris (left); courtesy photo (above)

he never thought he would grace those noted tournaments again. Until 1968, the grand slam events only allowed participants not playing for dough. So when Laver joined the pro ranks, he was turning his back on tennis' most prestigious tournaments because he had to make a living. “When I first turned pro I thought to myself in 1963 I would never see Wimbledon, the U.S. Open, Australian

and French again,’’ he said. “Right off the bat, I knew I just had to can the idea of playing them. “I accepted it and then I went out and got beaten up pretty bad by Lew Hoad, Pancho Gonzalez and some of the other guys.” On the pro circuit it was a series of one-night stands with sparse paydays. But it paid more than the amateur events, where Laver notes with a wide grin that got a 5-pound All-England Club

voucher and a firm handshake from Queen Elizabeth II when he won Wimbledon in 1962. That seems like a lifetime ago to Laver. But he remembers how he genuflected to the Queen, which really isn’t that much different than what tennis fans do when approaching Laver. “I remember I was at Costco once when I saw him and I was in awe,” said Darren Bennett, an Aussie and the former Chargers punt-

er who lived in Carlsbad. “I couldn’t believe it was him.’’ So what did Bennett say to his mate? “Oh no, I would never just approach Mr. Laver like that,” Bennett said. “I mean, that’s Rod Laver.” His name means so much around the world and in our world as well. The venue for the Australian Open in Melbourne is called “Rod Laver Arena” and the center court at Carlsbad’s Omni Resort and Spa is christened "Rod Laver Court.” While his love for Australia never waned, Laver is right at home in Carlsbad. Laver and his late wife, Mary, relocated here in 2000 from the Palm Springs area to be near their granddaughter. “It was just perfect how it worked out because Mary got to spend time with her when she was growing up,” Laver said. “And this was like living in paradise.” Laver should know considering he’s crisscrossed the globe for business and leisure. His hectic schedule hardly abates after the U.S. Open, as he’ll jet off to Switzerland next month for the Laver Cup, an international competition in its third year. For Laver the event will cap off a year that has been busy, and well, grand.

Now in its 25th year, Conner’s Cause comes from the heart By Jay Paris

The major-league baseball was signed by the 3-year-old’s hero and what’s better than that? It read: “To my Big League Slugger, 1989.” John Champ’s penmanship graced the horsehide and his son, Conner, cherished it. “It was a big deal because I thought he would have it his whole life,” Champ said. “It would be something signed from the ‘80s from his dad and it would be a real heirloom for him.” Sadly, Conner’s life ended when he was 4. A cancerous brain tumor robbed the Champs of the first of their three children in 1994. “He was a smart kid with a great personality,” Champ said. “People gravitated toward him.” Many of those folks will head to Vista’s Shadowridge Golf Club on Sept. 9 for the 25th annual Conner’s Cause event. It’s a full day of golf and grub, all being done in Conner’s name. For a charity event to reach a quarter of a century is a milestone. Then again, Conner was special and the donations raised in his honor do so much good. “In those 25 years we have helped 5,000 families,” Champ said. Conner’s Cause, which added Sprouts as a sponsor this year, raises dough for parents experiencing the financial and emotional strain of caring for an ail-

9 or making a donation to OK?”’ a hard time,” Champ said. Keep Conner’s Cause the Encinitas-based charity The golf tournament is filled with good times and alive by playing golf on Sept. at connerscause.org. great raffle items. The dough raised helps the Champs continue their quest to ease the pain of parents dealt a difficult hand. Maybe Champ, who en- Music Lessons • Recording Studio • Camps & Classes visioned his sons playing together at Torrey Pines High All Ages, All Instruments School, will bring that baseIndividual & Group ball that has so much meaning. Guitar Jam and Ukulele Night “Conner pulled the ball Community Choir and Orchestra out when he had a couple months to live after we had talked about him passing Schedule your first JOHN and Conner Champ. Photo courtesy the Champ family away,” Champ added. “He lesson today! ing offspring. In association they were happy and healthy said, ‘Hey dad, before I die with Rady Children’s Hospi- and I thought, ‘There is hope I will hand you this ball Call or Text 760-753-7002 • www.LeadingNoteStudios.com tal, Conner’s Cause helps in for us that we are going to be and you will keep it for me, ways that are hard to imag- OK,”’ Champ said. “I never forgot that and it was super ine. The obvious manner encouraging.’ Champ admits the chalis with money to soften the blow of costs associated with lenges of looking into the eyes of a distraught parent caring for an ill child. “The hospital is ap- experiencing the nightmare proached by people all the of losing a child. But he stiffRancho Santa Fe, Solana Beach, Del Mar & Carmel Valley time with families whose arms his reluctance and kids have life-threatening thinks of Conner. “What would my son illnesses,” Champ said. “A lot of people need help with want me to do?” Champ basic needs, like utility bills said. “Would he want me to or transportation or room have a ruined life or thrive (in print and online) and board to go to L.A. for a and do what I could to be special procedure. The hos- happy. That is easier said pital is inundated with these than done. Some people go the other way and they have kids of people.” I’d love to help you Conner’s Cause does a hard time.” So the Champs, who live more than scratch a check. grow your business! Champ, as well as his wife, in Carmel Valley, do what Judy, provide those parents they can as often as possible. with a shoulder to lean on Their charity was among the and to serve as an example original points of light desigX104 nated by President George of what lies ahead. “When Conner was ill H. W. Bush. MOBILE “We are always there for we met some people that lost brendan@coastnewsgroup.com Account Executive their child 20 years prior and other people that are having


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CALENDAR Know something that’s going on? Send it to calendar@ coastnewsgroup.com

AUG. 30


Drop in for a Summer Labor Day barbecue at 11 a.m. Aug. 30 at the Gloria McClellan Adult Activity And Resource Center, 1400 Vale Terrace Drive, Vista. For more information, call (760) 643-5288


The Solana Beach Library offers Friday Funday Playtime at 10 a.m. at 157 Stevens Ave, Solana Beach. Bring your babies and toddlers, as the library puts out fun toys for them to play with. Give your child some play experience with other children. This is an unsupervised program.


Tickets are now available for the upcoming Sept. 28 Soroptimist International of Vista and North County Inland Casino Night fundraiser. Guests can try their hand at craps, roulette and blackjack or sign up for the Texas Hold’em Tournament with an additional $25 buy-in. Tickets can be purchased online at http:// bit.ly/2IMckR3, or by contacting the club via email at soroptimistinternationalvista@gmail.com or calling 760-683-9427.

AUG. 31


Register now for the 51st annual Scripps Clinic Invitational Golf Tournament and Dinner at 6 p.m. Sept. 19 and Sept. 20 to benefit research and innovation efforts throughout Scripps Clinic, at the Del Mar Country Club, 6001 Clubhouse Drive in Rancho Santa Fe. The golf tournament will be Sept. 20, at the Torrey Pines North Golf Course, 11480 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla. For tickets and information about the event, visit scripps.org/golf, call (858) 678-7174 or e-mail specialevents@scrippshealth.org.


The Vista Historical Museum and the museum grounds will be closed to the general public through Sept. 8 during repairs to the foundation of the main building. Any questions should be directed to Jack Larimer at the museum office (760) 630-0444.



Golfers and non-golfers can register now for the Swing Fore Hope Golf Classic set for Sept. 13 at Twin Oaks Golf Course This tournament, auction and dinner is hosted by The Elizabeth Hospice. Shotgun start at 1 p.m. Cocktail reception begins at 6 p.m. Registration is now open at elizabethhospice.org/golf.


A monthly four-hour familiarization and safety

T he R ancho S anta F e News class is offered for anyone anticipating the purchase of, or who already own, a handgun. The class will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Sept. 1 at the shooting range located east of Lake Wohlford, 16525 Guejito Road, Escondido. Participants learn the basics of handguns, home firearm safety and responsibility of firearm ownership. Handguns and ammunition are provided for those who do not own any but participants are encouraged to bring their own handgun and ammunition if they own one. Cost is $60. Register at (760) 746-2868.



The Oceanside Swim Club will host its annual Labor Day Pier Swim from 7 to 11:30 a.m. Sept. 2 at the Oceanside Pier, North Side. The event gathers international swimmers, to compete to raise funds for the Oceanside Swim Club, a non-profit organization and competitive swim team for children 5 to 18 years of age. The 1-mile swim allows swimmers over age 12 and into their 80s to participate. Register at teamunify.com/ Home.jsp?team=siosc.



MiraCosta College’s fall 2019 late-start classes begin Sept. 3, with classes in a range of subjects that conclude at the same time as “regular” courses. Late-start classes are offered days, evenings, weekends, and online. Students who do not qualify for the MiraCosta College Promise can still take classes at just $46 per unit for California residents. For more information, to register, or to request a class schedule, visit miracosta.edu or call (760) 757-2121.


Older adults can pursue health and fitness at 9:30 a.m. Tuesdays at the Solana Beach Library, 157 Stevens Ave, Solana Beach. Free classes for adults. Wear comfortable clothes.


thegreen@gmail.com or Carlsbad. Free popcorn and call Carrie Everts, Everts water provided. For more Events, at (760) 522-0862. information, go to carlsbadcommunitychurch.org/Special-Events.



The La Costa chapter of the North County Parkinson's Support group meets at 1 p.m. Sept. 4 at Christ Presbyterian Church, 7807 Centella St., Carlsbad. The featured speaker is Jonathon Simon of the San Diego Sheriff's Department Crime Prevention unit. Reservations not required. Call (760) 519-9588 or visit ncpsg.org/ for more information.


Monarch caterpillars and butterflies will be the topic of the Vista Garden Club presentation at 1:45 p.m. Sept. 6 at the Gloria McClellan Senior Center, 1400 Vale Terrace Drive. The speaker is Susie Vanderlip, a Monarch Butterfly Citizen Scientist. Her book will be available for sale after the presentation. Fingertip lunch is at noon followed by business meeting at 12:30 p.m. and program at 1:45 p.m. Visit vistagardenclub. NEWCOMERS MEETING Carlsbad Newcomers org or e-mail Vistagardenhost a coffee and meeting club@gmail.com. at 9:45 a.m. followed by writer, editor, photographer Joe Yogerst at 10:15 a.m. at Carlsbad Senior Center, CARLSBAD BREWFEST 799 Pine Ave., Carlsbad. Get tickets now for No-host lunch will follow. the Hi-Noon Rotary Club’s For more information go to Carlsbad Brewfest from carlsbadnewcomers.org. noon to 4:30 p.m. Sept. 7 at Holiday Park, 3400 Pio Pico, Carlsbad. Tickets are $15 at APPRECIATE THE CLASSICS The Gloria McClellan eventbrite.com/e/6th-annuCenter is offering Music al-carlsbad-brewfest-tickAppreciation from 1 to 3:15 ets-57561769803, including p.m. Sept. 4 at 1400 Vale a tasting cup, food, games Terrace Drive, Vista. No entertainment and fun. registration is required. For information, call (760) 643- ENCINITAS BOOK SALE 5288 or e-mail luigibeethoEncinitas Friends of ven@cox.net. the Library Bookstore hosts a book sale from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 7 at 540 CorLEARNING ENGLISH The Solana Beach Li- nish Drive, Encinitas. Most brary offers the English books will be from 50 cents Conversation Cafe for En- to $2. glish as a Second Language speakers at 12:30 p.m. GARDEN GALA Wednesdays at 157 Stevens Botanic Garden’s 20th Ave., Solana Beach. The annual Gala in the Garlibrary also offers Citizen- den: Cultivating Commuship Classes Wednesdays nity will be held from 5 to at 5:30 p.m. The Oceanside 10 p.m. Sept. 7 at 230 Quail Library will be offering a Gardens Drive, Encinitas. 13-week Citizenship Class Tickets $250 per person Wednesdays at 6 p.m., be- online at SDBGarden.org/ ginning Sept. 4. To register gala.htm or by calling Josh call (760) 435-5600. Pinpin at the Garden at (760) 436-3036, ext. 217.




Soroptimist International of Vista and North County Inland will host the North County Anti-Human Trafficking Collaborative meeting at 9 a.m. Sept. 5 at United Methodist Church of Vista, 490 S. Melrose Ave., Vista. Collaborative meetings are held every two months on the first Thursday of the month from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. in the at the Church’s Fellowship Hall (lower level), 490 S. Melrose Drive, Vista. Admission is free and all are welcome. Visit https://sivistaantitrafficking.wordpress.com/

San Diego North Coastal WomenHeart Support Group welcomes women with interests and concerns about cardiac health to share information and sisterhood from 10 a.m. to noon Sept. 3 at Tri-City Wellness Center, 6250 El Camino Road, Carlsbad. For more information, contact Betty at (760) 803-2762 or Sandra at (760) 436-6695. TASTE OF DEL MAR Taste of Del Mar 2019 TEE UP FOR VETERANS hits the streets from 5 to 8 Get your spot now for p.m. Sept. 5 along Camino the VFW Post 1513 golf Del Mar, Del Mar. Explore tournament Sept. 7 at Twin more than 25 food and sip Oaks Golf Course, 1425 N. stops. Tickets and inforTwin Oaks Valley Road, mation at https://visitdelSan Marcos to raise money marvillage.com/tasteofdelfor the North County Stand mar2019/. Down. Register at ncstanddown.org North County Veterans Stand Down is an annual four-day event in FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT Vista, that enables homeDrop in for Family less veterans to receive Movie Night at Carlsbad much-needed services in a Community Church featursafe, friendly, drug-free and ing “I Can Only Imagine” at secure environment. For 6 p.m. Sept. 6, in the sancquestions, e-mail assault- tuary, 3175 Harding St.,


AUG. 30, 2019 try Club Lane, Oceanside. Tickets are $10 at the door or oceansiderec.com. DINNER AND DANCE

North County Widows And Widowers Club invite you to a Country Western Dinner Dance from 5 to 8:30 p.m. Sept. 8 with a barbecued ribs buffet and dancing to “American Roots Band” Tickets are $42. Make your reservation by calling Shirley at (760) 741-8004.


The Carlsbad-based Seany Foundation will gather top chefs to compete in its second annual Chef’s Fest on Sept. 8. Green Acres Campus Pointe (10300 Campus Point Dr, San Diego). Tickets at https://chefsfest. ticketspice.com/2nd-annual-seanys-chefs-fest.


Get excited for the Helen Woodward Animal Center’s 14th annual Surf Dog Surf-A-Thon set from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sept. 8, at Del Mar Dog Beach. The animals have been training all summer.



The San Diego County African Violet Society will meet at 10:30 a.m. Sept. 9 in the Vista Public Library Community Room, 700 Eucalyptus Ave., Vista. September’s meeting will include handouts and a presentation by Barbara Conrad on “Why Isn't My African Violet Blooming?”


The Carlsbad chapter of TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), a non-profit weight-loss support group, is looking for new members at its Monday meetings from 6 to 7 p.m. at the Calavera Hills Community CenFAITH AND FRIENDS ter, 2997 Glasgow Drive, The Catholic Widows Carlsbad. Weigh-ins begin and Widowers of North at 5:30 p.m. For additional County support group, for information, visit tops.org. those who desire to foster friendships through various social activities will have dinner at Olive Gar- TEXAS HOLD ‘EM den followed by "Fox Fire" Tickets are now availat Scripps Ranch Theater, able for the upcoming Sept. Scripps Ranch Sept. 7. The 28 Soroptimist Internagroup will hold its annual tional of Vista and North picnic at Aviara Communi- County Inland Casino Night ty Park, Carlsbad Sept. 8 fundraiser. Guests can try and have a Happy Hour and their hand at craps, roulette dinner at Green Dragon and blackjack or sign up for Tavern, Carlsbad on Sept. the Texas Hold’em Tour12. Reservations are neces- nament with an additional sary: (858) 674-4324. $25 buy-in. Tickets can be purchased online at http:// bit.ly/2IMckR3, or by contacting the club via e-mail A SALUTE TO YOUR PET at soroptimistinternationalCelebrate National Pet vista@gmail.com or calling Memorial Day on Sept. 8 (760) 683-9427. with Rancho Coastal Humane Society, 389 Requeza St., Encinitas. Honor a pet or person in your life with a RECREATION IN OCEANSIDE brick at the Military WorkThe Oceanside Fall ing Dog Memorial at your 2019 Recreation Guide Rancho Coastal Humane is here and bringing you Society. For more informa- all the best programs and tion, drop by or call (760) events. The “Family Focus” 753-6413 or log on to sdpets. page gives an overview of org. upcoming concerts, festivals and more. Maybe it’s JUMP AT THE SOCK HOP your season to enroll in the Oceanside Adult Dance new Hula classes for ages 6 will hold a Sock Hop from to adult. For more informa3 to 5 p.m. Sept. 8, with CJ tion, please visit Oceansidthe DJ at the Country Club eRec.com or call (760) 435Senior Center, 455 Coun- 5041.

SEPT. 10


SEPT. 11

Issa backs challenger in 49th race REGION — San Juan Capistrano Mayor Brian Maryott announced Aug. 22 that he has received the endorsement of former Rep. Darrell Issa in his bid for Congressional District 49, which includes North County. Issa represented the 49th District in Congress for 16 years from 2002 to 2018, choosing to forgo a re-election run last year. He also served one term representing the state's 48th District from 2000 to 2002 before it was re-districted. Last September, President Donald Trump nominated him to lead the U.S. Trade and Development Agency. “I'm confident that Brian Maryott will represent the 49th District with all of the integrity and experience that the office deserves,” Issa said. “Brian is committed to cutting through political red tape to create an environment in which families and communities succeed and thrive.” Maryott is attempting to flip the formerly reliable Republican district after environmental attorney Rep. Mike Levin, D-San Juan Capistrano, was elected in 2018. Since entering the race in March, Maryott has received endorsements from a large swath of Republicans in Orange and San Diego counties, including San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond, the mayors of Vista, Carlsbad and Oceanside, the Republican Party of San Diego County and the Lincoln Club of San Diego County “Elected leaders should always put their communities first, as Congressman Issa did during his nearly two decades of service to the 49th District,” Maryott said. “When I get to Congress, I will put people over politics to deliver meaningful results for our district.” Levin beat former California State Board of Equalization member Diane Harkey by nearly 13 percentage points in 2018, a swift turnaround for a district Issa won by more than 20 points in 2014. In the district's 2018 primary, Maryott received 3% of the vote and finished behind three other Republicans, including Harkey. The Cook Political Report’s Partisan Voter Index rates the 49th District as a swing district, with Republican voter registration outnumbering Democrats by about 3%. The district includes parts of southern Orange County and North County, including Oceanside, Vista, Carlsbad and Encinitas, along with Camp Pendleton Marine Corps base. — City News Service

AUG. 30, 2019


T he R ancho S anta F e News

Del Mar council greenlights utility undergrounding design By Lexy Brodt

DEL MAR — After years of discussion and planning, the Del Mar City Council approved utility undergrounding design for two areas of the city at a Aug. 5 meeting. Getting over the design hurdle will yield a shovel-ready project, and allow the city to go out to bid for construction. This first phase of the potentially decades-long project would underground just over 20% of the city’s 576 utility poles by the fall of 2022. San Diego Gas & Electric will carry out the design process. Del Mar has long had citywide utility undergrounding high on its to-do list, to not only beautify the city but remove a potential fire hazard in an area surrounded by brush fuel. Voters approved a 1% sales tax hike in 2016 — called Mea-



Business news and special achievements for North San Diego County. Send information via email to community@ coastnewsgroup.com. UNION NAMED TASTIEST

After feedback from the crowds at this year’s Taste of Encinitas, Encinitas 101 MainStreet declared the 2019 Taste winner - Union Kitchen and Tap at 1108 S. Coast Highway 101, Encinitas. “There were so many raving reviews about their tasty treats,” organizers said.

sure Q — in order to make such city projects a reality. The prioritization of sections of the city for undergrounding prompted hefty dialogue in April, with residents disagreeing over the proposed methodology. The city’s Undergrounding Project Advisory Committee (UPAC) originally weighted sections of the city with a methodology placing 75% weight on an area’s customer density and 25% weight on fire safety. Several residents argued that areas near Crest Road — on the eastern edge of the city — should be of a higher concern due to its Cal Fire designation as a “very high fire hazard severity zone.” As a result, and following discussions with the city’s fire chief, the committee expanded an area previously termed Area X (now “X1A”) to include not only

San Dieguito Drive, but an upper portion of Crest Canyon along Crest Road and Avenida Primavera. Area X1A will be among the first of the city’s seven blocks to be designed for undergrounding by SDG&E, along with Area 1A, which will serve as a “pilot” area. Area 1A extends from 4th Street to 11th Street on the west side of Camino Del Mar, and was prioritized based on density. Moving forward with a pilot area is intended to help the city better gauge the costs of the entire project, and figure out how they will finance it using Measure Q funds. Measure Q brings in about $2.8 million per year. “The key thing now is really getting through these first couple projects, then we’ll know a lot more,” said UPAC Co-Chair Jay Thomas, at the early August meeting.



Boys & Girls Clubs of Oceanside received $15,000 in grant funding from McCarthy Family Foundation to enhance their STREAMing (Science, Technology, Research, Engineering, Arts and Math) Ahead program. Seven years ago, BGCO implemented the STREAMing Ahead program to ensure that youth were receiving the skills and tools they needed to be better prepared for careers in STREAM fields.


Jimbo’s natural foods store announces its new store in Carmel Valley to open Sept. 2019 in the Del Mar Highlands Town Center, with the first plastic-free HALLMARK REOPENING water aisle on the West Elam's Hallmark Gold Coast. Crown Hallmark store, at 1084 N. El Camino Real, in the Target shopping center FILM CLUB SCHOLARSHIP North County Film Club will be hosting a Grand Rewas proud to present its Inopening, following major remodeling, from 9 a.m. to 5 spiring Student Scholarship p.m. Sept. 14. This is a fam- award for $625 to David ily-owned, local business, Pradel, a San Diego State that is celebrating 40 years University Student, Producof being in business. The tion Intern and Sports Phostore has been in this loca- tographer. Pradel created his first full-length sports tion for about 15 years. documentary, The City’s Champions, initially a docMILITARY SPOUSE JOB SITE umentary about the team, The Veterans Adminiswhich took a dark turn after tration has launched a new a tragic loss hit the Knights Military Spouse Network when one of their star playto create a pipeline of miliers, Nate Edwards, took his tary spouse employees with own life. Pradel knew Nate the goal of hiring military Edwards well and decided to spouses, but also retaining make the film as a tribute to them through change of stahis late friend. tion moves and developing them throughout their career, according to Military. com. Visit the site at defensecommunities.org / blog / dc360 /new-va-hiring-network-seeks-military-spouses-for-employment-opportunities-federal-career/.

Sherland Moore of Oceanside, has been named to the Chancellor's List at Troy University for the summer semester/Term 5 of the 2018/2019 academic year. SUMMER SUCCESS AT CSUSM

It was a busy summer for Cal State University San Marcos. The CSUSM surfing team won the second national championship in program history with a victory in the National Scholastic Surfing Association’s college competition at Salt Creek in Dana Point in June. The CSU Institute for Palliative Care, on CSUSM’s campus, is now the Shiley CSU Institute for Palliative Care, thanks to another gift from prominent philanthropist Darlene Marcos Shiley who donated an additional $2.6 million to the Institute. CSUSM received a $1.9 million grant from the National Science Foundation to conduct research that will help increase the number of students graduating with college degrees in STEM disciplines. The college is also a member of a new research team that will collaborate on research into the intersection of space science and human space exploration as part of NASA’s Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute. The lead researcher from CSUSM is Gerardo Dominguez, an associate professor of physics, who is receiving an $837,000 grant for the project.



Exhale Oceanside, 236 S. Coast Highway, Oceanside, offers fresh, artisanal farm to table food inspired by the nostalgia of cooking outdoors. With a recently revamped menu, Exhale is keeping to its roots and using local vendors and farms to offer its signature woodfired cuisine, like the Exhale Burger.


Felix Taverna Tommy “D” Dellerba Larry Zap - Toby Turrell & Guests Saturday & Sunday

9-10 a.m. PDT 12-1 p.m. EDT


“We don’t just talk horse racing, we cover it!”

After two different cityhired consultants came up with widely conflicting numbers on the estimated final price tag of undergrounding the city’s 69,000 linear feet of poles and wires, UPAC settled on an estimated range between $32 million and $42 million. UPAC concluded that design costs for the first two areas could be paid out entirely from Measure Q funds and still leave a net positive balance in the fund by June of 2021. The committee has not yet identified financing tools for the remainder of the project. The design of the two areas will cost about $2.2 million over the next two fiscal years — which may be incorporated into a future bill if the city goes forward with construction. Design and construction of the two areas is estimated to cost

about $12 million. Councilwoman Sherryl Parks was hesitant to approve the funds for design, citing the project’s “uncertain expenses.” City Manager Scott Huth responded that the project’s design “is the most logical thing for us to pay for as a city if we’re not proposing to pay for anything else, because we can control where the things are going in our right-of-way working directly with SDG&E.” Three members of council voted unanimously to move forward with design of the two areas. Only Parks, Terry Gaasterland and Dwight Worden were able to vote on the issue due to conflict of interest concerns, as all council members live within 500 feet of an area impacted by the citywide project. The three members

were randomly chosen to vote, based on the state’s conflict of interest laws. Only Parks, Gaasterland and Worden will be able to weigh in on future undergrounding-related decisions — and the vote will have to be unanimous. “One council member can unilaterally kill the entire project,” said Gaasterland, who is also a liaison to UPAC. Gaasterland told The Coast News she is hoping the city can get a formal opinion from the state’s Fair Political Practices Commission on the matter. However, Gaasterland said she is confident the city will ultimately move forward with trenching. “I fully respect reluctance, but sometimes you just have to say yes and move forward,” she said of the council’s decision.

Closing Weekend at Del Mar Racetrack Last chance to experience the sights, sounds and flavors of the racing season!

This Week at Del Mar Thoroughbred Club • STEEL PULSE – Start your weekend with the mellow beats and soulful lyrics of Steel Pulse on Friday, Aug. 30. Those looking to enhance their experience, can purchase a VIP spot in the exclusive South Terrace VIP area. The concert is presented by San Diego Country Toyota Dealers. Racetrack guests will receive free admission if they enter before the final race of the day. Concert admission will cost $30 after the last race. All concerts are 18+. • SIP IN STYLE – Friday, Aug. 30 is track-goers’ last chance to enjoy a table at the exclusive Turf Club, a featured Drink of the Week and complimentary drink tastings from different beverage partners from 4-6 p.m. Sip in Style admission is $80 and includes Turf Club admission and a table reservation. The beverage partner for Friday, Aug. 30, is Ballast Point. • ANGELS & AIRWAVES – These San Diego natives will rock out on the Seaside Stage shortly after the last race on Saturday, Aug. 31. Those looking to enhance their experience can purchase a VIP spot in the exclusive South Terrace VIP area. The concert is presented by Coors Light. Racetrack guests will receive free admission if they enter before the final race of the day. Concert admission will cost $30 after the last race. All concerts are 18+. • TASTE OF NEW ORLEANS – Join Del Mar for an epic celebration of New Orleans culture on Sunday, Sept. 1 from 12-6 p.m. Experience a day in The Big Easy with live Cajun music, headlined by Cowboy Mouth, and the tasty food of New Orleans – gumbo, shrimp po’boys, beignets, crawfish etouffee, New Orleans-themed drink samples, and more! • DAYBREAK AT DEL MAR – Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 31 and Sept. 1, the Clubhouse Terrace Restaurant will welcome early risers from 7:309:30 a.m. Fans will be able to dine and watch morning workouts while learning behind-the-scenes details from horsewoman and racing broadcaster Michelle Yu. There is no charge for admission, but a $10 parking fee applies. • FAMILY WEEKENDS – Bring the whole family to the Infield for Family Weekends on Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 31 and Sept. 1, to enjoy numerous attractions, including pony rides, a giant obstacle course, face painters, a game zone and more! • TASTE OF THE TURF CLUB – Sunday, Sept. 1, fans can enjoy the mouthwatering menu of one of San Diego’s most celebrated chefs, Brian Malarkey, at the exclusive Turf Club. Seats are $100 per person and include Turf Club seating for the race day, Turf Club admission, choice of appetizer, entree, dessert and bottomless mimosas, Del Marys or Chandon. Tables are limited.


T he R ancho S anta F e News

AUG. 30, 2019

Beating the Arizona heat with a White Mountains hike hit the road e’louise ondash


ills and valleys of green. Shimmering aspen. Temperatures in the mid-40s to low 80s. Babbling streams. Damp trails lined with mushrooms, purple butterflies, ferns and flowers. This is Arizona in August. No way, you say? It’s true. Of course, I’m not speaking of the Phoenix metro area where temps hover at 100 degrees-plus from May to October. I’m referring to the White Mountains, a four-to-fivehour drive east and up, depending on which part you choose. The White Mountains encompass the towns of Pinetop-Lakeside; Heber-Overgaard; Snowflake; Taylor, Show Low; Wagon Wheel; and my favorite, Alpine (population 150). The village, which sits at 8,500 feet, is about as far east as you can go without crossing the New Mexico border. My husband, Jerry, and I spent several days with my sister, Jenny, and brother-in-law, Dan, in their Alpine home. Lucky for us, they are familiar with the area and took us on roads and trails throughout the

DOZENS of species of wildflowers of all colors carpet the fields and forests of the White Mountains near Alpine, Arizona.

surrounding Apache Na- southwest from Alpine, we tional Forest. We rarely passed through vast patchsaw another human on the es of landscape where naked, blackened tree trunks latter. What we did see were stood against a cloudless trails through wide mead- cerulean sky. The earth ows carpeted with wild- below is a carpet of leafy flowers; towering red-rock green bushes and grasses, punctuated cliffs; a mystical view from occasionally the Blue Vista overlook with small groves of young, (Highway 19) where mul- low aspen. Their white bark tiple layers of blue-green stands out against the char- AUGUST in the White Mountains of eastern Arizona means mountains roll into infini- coal poles that once were unpopulated trails, hiking through fields of wildflowers and temperatures in the 60s and 70s. Photos by E’Louise Ondash ty; and wildlife — hawks, a thriving ponderosa pines. Oddly enough, someherd of elk, deer and javelinas. Luckier visitors see times the charred trees takes about seven decades. tem (https://www.trackbears, mountain lions and were surrounded by large In the meantime, s wh ite mou nt a i n s .org / ) , swaths of untouched pines there are plenty of things road and mountain biking, bighorn sheep. We also visited some just feet away. It’s a panora- to do and enjoy in other four-wheeling, horseback of the 700,000 acres that ma of extremes and stark areas of the White Moun- riding, fishing and a lot of was consumed by the Wal- beauty. I was told that res- tains, including hiking the just relaxing. That’s what toration and regeneration low Fire9DLM16042_Taste in 2011. Driving of five along the well-developed DATE: trail08_30_19__TRIM: sys- the group10.25x7.25 of Turf Club Ad Post August 26_CoastNews__RUN



Non-Turf Club members get in to the exclusive Turf Club* for $80, which includes one free specialty drink of the week, access to a Turf Club table, and free sampling from 4-6 p.m. Limited number of tickets available! Go to DelMarRacing.com to reserve your tickets.

Experience our exclusive Turf Club Champagne Lunch featuring a special menu prepared by Chef Brian Malarkey. $100 gains you admission and a table in the private Turf Club* where Malarkey’s custom menu will include a choice of appetizer, entrée, dessert, and bottomless mimosas.



*Turf Club dress code applies

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east fork of the Black River were doing. Camped nearby, they had plunked their aluminum fold-up chairs in the river, letting the shallow water move over their feet. “It’s cold, but you get used to it,” said one of the women, smile on her face and beer in hand. August in the White Mountains brings another of my favorite phenomenon — mid-afternoon “monsoons” as they call them in the desert, complete with lightning, thunder and sometimes hail. It’s a sound and light show that’s exciting to witness, especially if you are caught in the middle as we did one afternoon attempting to get to Big Lake for a picnic. The skies opened and the rain descended, ferociously pounding our car, each drop leaving a footprint the size of a golf ball. Despite hardly being able to see the road, there was no missing the forks of lightning that sliced the air in the distance. In the end, we picnicked in front of the fireplace back at Dan and Jenny’s Alpine home and watched the continuing deluge through their picture windows. For info: azwhitemountains.net. For more photos and commentary, visit www.facebook.com/elouise. ondash. Share your travels at eondash@coastnewsgroup.com.

AUG. 30, 2019


T he R ancho S anta F e News

Dentist not liable in fraudulent billing case ENCINITAS — Local dentist James Charles Lajevic won a case against a disgruntled former patient in small claims court on July 22. Lajevic, 71, had been taken to court by Gerry Simoni, 62, who alleged he was fraudulently billed $2,750 for procedures that he claimed were never performed. A San Diego Superior Court judge ruled that neither Lajevic nor Simoni owed the other any money. Lajevic has run into problems in the past, as outlined in previous Coast News articles, but is currently in good standing with the Cal-

Dr. James Lajevic ifornia Dental Board. The Rancho Santa Fe resident has been in practice for more than 45 years, including stints in Pennsyl-

vania, Nevada and now California. A one-time professor at the University of Pittsburgh school of Dental Medicine, Lajevic was also the founder of the first facility in the United States dedicated to implant dentistry. Lajevic, who plans to open a new implant facility in Pennsylvania — where he is in good standing — has more recently qualified for the 2018 edition of the Who’s Who Top Doctors “Honors Edition,” which celebrates America’s top doctors. His company, Correct Choice Dental Group, operates out of Encinitas at 199 North El Camino Real East.

2nd annual Free Ride Day set for Oct. 2 REGION — San Diego’s Metropolitan Transit System and the North County Transit District has announced that the second annual Free Ride Day is set for Oct. 2. Residents will be able to ride MTS trolley and fixed-route bus lines and the NCTD Sprinter and Coaster for free during the event, which is supported by all cities throughout the county. Free Ride Day is also part of the San Diego Association of Governments' Rideshare Week, a campaign to encourage county residents to choose public transit. “Last year, MTS logged 53,000 extra passenger trips on Free Ride Day and the

Sycuan Green Line Trolley’s ridership spiked 37 percent,” said MTS CEO Paul Jablonski. “We want even more residents this year to try it out and experience the thriving network of transportation options in San Diego.” All MTS and NCTD routes will operate on their normal weekday schedules during the event, according to the two agencies. Residents are advised to RSVP at sdmts.com/free-ride-day if they plan on using public transit during Free Ride Day to receive reminders and public transit tips. “We encourage all single riders to consider giving

carpool, vanpool, or transit a try during Rideshare Week,” SANDAG Vice Chair and Encinitas Mayor Catherine Blakespear said. “Making the change even one day a week will take cars off the road and increase sustainability and quality of life in the San Diego region.” Rideshare Week is scheduled for Sept. 30 to Oct. 4. Residents who choose public transit during the week are eligible for special offers like $1 off Waze Carpool rides and the chance to win SANDAG's social media contest on the iCommute San Diego Facebook page. — City News Service

ANGEL TAKES THE WIN Rancho Santa Fe equestrian Angel Karolyi and her mount Cooper, owned by Joan Hope, finished at the top of the leaderboard with Emily Esau-Williams and Crack One, owned by Ixchel Mosley, a close second on Aug. 17. The Markel Insurance 1.45m Jumper Series returned to the Rancho Mission Viejo Riding Park at San Juan Capistrano with 21 horse/rider combinations competing on The Oaks International Grand Prix field. Courtesy photo

High Holy Days JOIN US FOR A NEW EXPERIENCE. IATED? UNAFFIL ILY? ITH FAM FA R S? INTE SERVICE O T N E E NEVER B ere! elcome h rew. You are w sh & Heb li g n E in s e ic rv e S All

$27.9 million!

The Catherine & Jason Barry Team have sold over $3.5 billion and continue to represent more high end sales than any other San Diego agent or team. In 2019, there have

Pet of the Week

She’s smooth, sleek and super loveable. Cheeta is a 13-month-old kitty who will run into your arms and take a place in your heart. She weighs about 9 pounds and is curious and wise for her age. She enjoys long naps but is also ready to pounce on some playtime followed by some cuddles. She has beautiful Tabico coloring that makes her bright green eyes shine. Cheeta is waiting to meet you at Helen Woodward Animal Center. Her adoption fee is $50. All pets adopted from HWAC

are vaccinated and micro-chipped for identification. Helen Woodward Animal Center is at 6523 Helen Woodward Way, Rancho Santa Fe. Kennels are open daily Monday through Wednesday from 1 to 6 p.m.; Thursday and Friday from 1 to 7 p.m.; Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. (last application accepted 15 minutes before closing). For more information call (858) 756-4117, option #1 or visit animalcenter.org.


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RSF firm part of highest-priced sale in over a decade RANCHO SANTA FE — Jason Barry of the Catherine & Jason Barry Team represented the buyer in the sale of Jenny Craig’s Del Mar oceanfront estate listed at $27,900,000.

Music. Prayer. Community.

been 12 sales over $8,000,000 and Barry Estates has represented nine of those sales, six of them being the highest sales so far this year for all of San Diego City and County.




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T he R ancho S anta F e News

AUG. 30, 2019

A rts &Entertainment One-woman show features songs, stories arts By Tawny McCray

ENCINITAS — When she debuts her one-woman show next Saturday night at the Encinitas Library, Susie Lotzof will be fulfilling a goal she wanted to accomplish before she turns 60. The 58-year-old South African native wrote the show herself and says it will include comedy and storytelling weaved through 10 songs. “I’m a very creative person and I have many different avenues that I like to express myself, whether it be art or photography or making jewelry out of heart rock stones that I collect to spread love,” Lotzof said in an interview last week at the library. “And I love to sing. I love to do all these different things so I decided to put it all together and make a show out of it.” She says the show is about love and courage and will be funny, personal, introspective, and relatable. And she says there will also be some risqué parts to it. “I tend to make a little fun of life, we need a sense of humor,” she said. “And I might make a few jokes that have a little naughty sense of humor. It’s a little risqué but not overly risqué.” Lotzof said she started singing when she was just a kid and even cut a single with her twin sister when

SUSIE LOTZOF will debut her one-woman show at the Encinitas Library on Aug. 31. Photo by Terry Anderson

they were 16. But she says the timing wasn’t right and she let it go. She didn’t sing again for 25 years then got back into it in her 40s, after she’d gotten married, had a son, and done some traveling. “In my 40s I decided I’m going to go back to it because it was still a childhood fantasy of mine to have the courage to per-

form,” she said. Four years ago she released a CD of cover songs, called “Because Of You,” on the website cdbaby.com, that includes interpretations of “At Last” by Etta James, “Santa Baby” by Eartha Kitt, “You Make Me Feel So Young” by Frank Sinatra and “Chain of Fools” by Aretha Franklin. She just released a new album, also on cdbaby.com, called Lotzof Heart, that includes the 10 original songs she’ll be performing at her show. The new album was produced by, and recorded in the studio of, San Diego-based jazz guitarist, composer, and arranger Peter Sprague, who also plays all the music on the album. “Susie’s music is all about spirit,” Sprague wrote in a critique of her album. “She crafts the songs herself and they tell stories of loving people and loving the world. And there are even some catchy and funny gems in there for good measure. She’s really creative and spontaneous.” Lotzof has performed at the American Legion and The Kraken in Encinitas, and at private parties. But her show at the library, she says, is something new and different. Lotzof’s show is from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. in the

Community Room and Art Gallery at the library on Aug. 31. For the first hour or so she will showcase her original artwork and hand-crafted jewelry and there will be wine and light bites offered on the patio. Then she’ll perform her 75-minute show. The event is hosted by the Synergy Arts Foundation, which works to nurture and support local artists. “Susie is a very creative person who has explored and mastered diverse creative outlets,” said Naomi Nussbaum, executive director of Synergy Arts. “She has a gorgeous voice and a fabulous presence while performing. Her artwork reveals her passion for nature, her homeland and her new home, America. Much of her jewelry reveals her passion for love by integrating hearts.” Tickets for the show are $20 and Lotzof said she’ll be contributing 10% of what she earns to Synergy Arts. Lotzof said she’s been practicing and fine tuning her show in front of friends and is excited for it to finally happen. She said she aims to spread more love and light in the world with her music and art pieces and will perform the show with lots of heart. “Connectiveness is my big thing, to be connecting, not separating and judging all the time,” she said. “So many people are just so uptight, and the world is so negative. I like taking them away from the stress of life. And releasing myself of that, too, allowing myself to just be expressive for a moment.”




Friends of the Encinitas Library First Sunday Know something that’s going Music Series welcomes on? Send it to calendar@ Jaeryoung Lee (piano), coastnewsgroup.com Matt Falker (vocal), Harley Magsino (bass) Kevin Koch (drums) with “Music from the Cinema” at 2 p.m. Sept. MUSICA EN LA PLAZA 1 at Encinitas Library ComJarabe Mexicano munity Room, 540 Cornish comes to Música En La Pla- Drive, Encinitas. za from 7 to 10 p.m. Aug. 30 
 at the California Center for the Arts, 340 N. Escondido Blvd., Escondido. The series will bring live music, EXPLORE THE ABSTRACT Rancho Santa Fe Art dancing, tacos and tequila. Admission is free, seats can Guild presents “Exploralso be purchased for $12 ing the Abstract,” a new exhibit exploring abstract or $40 for a table of four. painting through Oct. 21 at Rancho Santa Fe Library, 17040 Avenida de Acacias, Rancho Santa Fe. For more ‘PIANO MEN’ The California Center information, contact Cherfor the Arts, Escondido and yl Ehlers at artbuzz1@ The Barn Stage Company gmail,com or (760) 519present, “The Piano Men” 1551. at 7:30 p.m. Aug. 31 and at 2 p.m. Sept. 1 in the Center SEA ODES Ceramic artist, GeeTheater, 340 N. Escondido Blvd., Escondido. Tickets ta Chinai, presents “Seafor the show are $25 to $45 Odes” through Sept. 11 at at artcenter.org or at the the Encinitas Community Center ticket office, 340 N. Center Gallery, 1140 OakEscondido Blvd., Escondi- crest Park Drive, Encindo or by calling (800) 988- itas. Inspired by geodes, these clay bowls reflect 4253. textures and colors of the ocean. SEASIDE SESSIONS Seaside Sessions at the Del Mar Plaza present guitarist Hixxen from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Aug. 31 at Del Mar Pla- GARDEN SCULPTURE Sculpture in the Garza, 1555 Camino Del Mar, Del Mar. Free live music on den X showcases 10 sculpthe ocean view deck as you tures from nine talented artists 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. take in the sunset views. through April 30 at San Diego Botanic Garden, 230 EXPRESSIONS IN GLASS Deborrah Henry pres- Quail Gardens Drive, Enents “Sea to Desert – Ex- cinitas. All sculptures are pressions in Glass” on dis- for sale. Naomi Nussbaum, play through Sept. 9 at the curator. $18, $12, $10. More Civic Center Gallery, City information at sdbgarden. Hall, 505 S. Vulcan Ave., org/sculpture.htm. Encinitas.

AUG. 30


AUG. 31



The California Center for the Arts, Escondido Center Museum announces the inaugural exhibition of “Edgar Degas: The Private Impressionist, Works on Paper by the Artist and his Circle” through Sept. 15 at 340 N. Escondido Blvd, Escondido. Admission is $12 for adults. Military and children under 12 are free. Museum hours: Tuesday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday 1 to 5 p.m., closed Monday.


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North Coast Repertory Theatre opens its new season with “Amadeus,” running Sept. 4 through Sept. 29 at 987 Lomas Santa Fe Drive, Suite D Solana Beach. Tickets at (858) 4811055 or northcoastrep.org.


The free Friends of the Cardiff Library First Wednesday concert presents Veronica May and Becca Jay at 7 p.m. Sept. 4 at 2081 Newcastle Ave., Cardiff. For more information visit friendscardifflibrary. org. TURN TO ARTS CALENDAR ON 19

AUG. 30, 2019


T he R ancho S anta F e News

Food &Wine

The Winery at UTC showing it’s much more than a winery taste of wine frank mangio


nter The Winery and you have arrived at a modern palatial comfortable dine and wine laid back restaurant, in a beautifully renovated outdoor shopping village, UTC, in North San Diego. What brought us to The Winery was the introduction of brunch, with a wide variety of gourmet chef-created dishes each Saturday and Sunday from 11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. That’s right, you can drop in for a beautifully prepared brunch that serves as your main meal. Chef de Cuisine Danny Garcia cooked and narrated our dishes such as Zinfandel Braised Beef Shortrib Hash and Fried Eggs with Fingerling Potatoes & Mixed Greens, Almond Croissant Crème Broulee French Toast and Fresh Berries with Applewood smoked bacon. My absolute favorite was a White Shrimp Risotto with Spring English Peas, Wild Mushroom, and Crispy Prosciutto with a Pinot Noir reduction. Executive Chef Yvon Goetz is one of the three original owners of The Winery delivering cutting edge quality for lunch, dinner and happy hour, with locations in Tustin, Newport Beach and San Diego. He is originally from France and can claim the AAA Five Diamond Award and multiple Chef of the Year Awards. Nicholas Montanez is the manager of The Winery. He’s also is in charge of the food and wine buying for the restaurant. He began our tour by showing us The Wine Bar, a wine cellar adjacent to the restaurant, kind of an intimate quiet chapel with a mini bar and small bites available. “This is truly our wine cellar to relax and have a glass of your favorite wine,” he said. And great wines they are, rewarded recently by Wine Spectator with their “Best of the Award of Excellence.” Back on the main floor of the restaurant, Montanez then took us through the tall almost circular main cellar. It takes a ladder to get to the upper reaches of his collection that begins with domestic wines. As a start up we chose a Conundrum Brut Rose’ from the Wagner Family of Napa Valley. This is the only sparkling wine that suites my taste. This is

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a lively, succulent strawberry flavored wine with a hint of rose petal. Next up was the Cakebread Chardonnay also from Napa Valley. The wine was vibrant, with lime and grapefruit flavors accented with delicate spice. A Hall Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon capped the wine flight. It had a dense core of currant and blackberry wrapped in a likable licorice flavor, that exhibited a solid presence through to the finish. Halter Ranch in Paso Robles has played a big role at The Winery. Their 100% Syrah, aged 18 months in French oak, is a featured wine by the glass. The 2016 vintage taste is black cherry with a trace

entry on The Winery’s list, this one is produced personally with the three founders of the restaurant. They hand-selected the grapes from blocks of the Halter Vineyard. “The Boyz” presents a unique captivating blend. Halter Ranch has recently been awarded Winery of the Year at the 2019 Central Coast Wine competition. Visit thewinerylajolla.com and halterranch. com. Wine Bytes

THE NEW BRUNCH at The Winery at UTC has menu features • South Coast Winery like Almond Croissant Crème Brulee French Toast, and Resort & Spa in Temecula White Shrimp Risotto with English Peas, Wild Mushroom is the place for Jazz stars and Crispy Prosciutto. Photo by Frank Mangio in its Rhythm on the Vine

series. On Sun. Sept. 1, it’s of earthiness to it that leads then introduced us to “The Michael Paulo and Friends to soft integrated tannins Boyz.” in the Vintners Garden, Another Halter Ranch starting at 6:30 p.m. Tickets at the finish. Montanez TOU Tips Phase 5__Coast News + RSF News_RUN: 07_19_2019__TRIM: 8.525”x10”

are $40 general admission, $55 for Gold seating and $85 for VIP seating. Dining is available for a nominal charge. See southcoastwinery.com/concerts. • The Newport Beach Wine & Food Festival is Thursday Oct. 3 to Sunday Oct. 6 with the Grand Tasting Saturday and Sunday Oct. 5 and Oct. 6, 3 to 6:30 p.m. at the Newport Beach Civic Center. Best buys are the Platinum VIP $250 tickets with an early 2 p.m. entrance, 250-plus wines, spirits and brews, 40-plus highly acclaimed restaurants, live cooking demos and a Riedel wine glass. General admission ticket $150. For details go to newportwineandfood. com.


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Time to save.


T he R ancho S anta F e News

AUG. 30, 2019

Food &Wine

Retro Old School Shave Ice bus serves up cool!


Bill Vanderburgh

Craft beer’s county impact over $1 billion

f you’ve driven on D Street in Encinitas just west of Coast Highway 101, there is a good chance you have seen the colorful, 20-foot-long school bus that has been delightfully repurposed as an Old School Shave Ice bus. And just to be clear, it’s shave ice, not shaved ice … and definitely not a snow cone! Encinitas residents Jeff Anshel and his partner Ginnie Mathews were visiting Jeff’s son in Hawaii when they discovered the difference between an ordinary “snow cone” and true Hawaiian shave ice. As mentioned, there is a difference and it is based on the method of how the icy treat is created. Snow cones are made by simply crushing ordinary ice cubes. Shave ice is a very fine and fluffy ice that looks more like snow and the ice holds the flavor syrup better. Got it? It was in Hawaii that the shave ice seed was planted with Jeff and Ginnie. Dr. Jeff, who is an optometrist at E Street Eyes in Encinitas, purchased an old 20-foot-long, 1982 school bus from a Northern California high school district and had it renovated to take one back to “Woodstock days” hence the Old School name. They customized it with Peter Maxlike artistry that is easily recognizable as the look of


GINNIE MATHEWS and Jeff Anshel in front of their Old School Shave Ice bus.

that time courtesy of a local artist in Vista designed the retro-looking logo. Music from the era completes the scene and plays as you wait for your shave ice treats. When it’s not parked outside of Concept Surf Shop on D Street, the unique, Old School Shave Ice bus travels to school events, farmers markets, birthday parties, sporting events, and even weddings. It’s a killer touch to just about any kind of event virtually anywhere in San Diego County where a group

f f i rd



is gathering to have fun. And speaking of fun, the standard flavor choices are available for everyone but Old School also caters to adults with shave ice cocktails such as margaritas or a tequila sunrise intended for weddings and other adult social gatherings. I’m thinking that would make for a very fun party and may have to book them soon for that! OK, let’s get into some of the details now. Making it the authentic Hawaiian has an Old School team

Photo by David Boylan

member operating a special machine that shaves the block of ice into the bowl, producing an ice is fluffy and fine. Guests can choose between 31 natural and organic flavors that are tasty without using corn syrup, food dyes or artificial ingredients. Their menu includes the following flavor combinations: Ba-Nah-Nah: peanut butter, chocolate, and banana. Grateful Red: strawberry, cherry, and raspberry. Joplin Jubilee: mango papaya, and passion fruit.

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Kiwi Hendrix: kiwi, lime, and pineapple. Pink Froid: bubble gum, cotton candy, and watermelon. Sargent Peppermint: cotton candy, candy cane, and cherry. And finally, Three POG Night: passionfruit, orange and guava (a Hawaiian classic). It should be noted that any of these flavors can be served on their own also. Besides putting in the effort to replicate the “authentic Hawaiian” tradition of creating a refreshing treat that is satisfying, healthy and fun, they have included “Pitaya” inside the combinations, which is made from dragonfruit, similar to açaí that has a dose of antioxidants. They are also maintaining a sense of environmental responsibility by using eco-friendly materials such as compostable cups, recycled paper napkins, cornstarch spoons and bamboo paper straws. heir on-board freezers will hold up to 50 blocks of ice at maximum capacity so they have the capacity to serve up a large gathering. They offer a 4-ounce “short board,” and an 8-ounce that of course, the “long board,” and you can choose a specialty combination that includes Pitaya and snow cap. When I met Jeff and Ginnie outside of Concept Surf Shop they had a line of eager kids and adults the entire time I was there. They have definitely tapped into a cool thing with their killer Old School Shave Ice bus. For more information about the Old School Shave Ice offerings and their availability, call (949) 3701245 or send an e-mail to oldschoolshaveice@gmail. com or www.oldschoolshaveice.com for updates and locations to find the Old School Shave Ice bus.

he annual economic impact of the San Diego craft beer industry increased to a record-high of $1.17 billion in 2018, according to a study published last week by California State University, San Marcos and the San Diego Brewers Guild. This figure is an increase of about 5.5% over 2017. Local brewers are optimistic about future growth, too: A survey conducted by California State University, San Marcos found a confidence index of 91 among San Diego craft breweries (above 50 indicates a positive outlook). The vast majority of respondents indicated that in 2019 they intend to increase their overall production (91%), invest in capital equipment (82%), and hire more staff (76%). The economic impact study includes the 152 independently owned craft breweries operating in San Diego County at the end of 2018 and excludes breweries that are owned by large multinational corporations and therefore do not count as craft brewers according to the Brewers Association, the national craft beer trade organization. (This means that Ballast Point, one of San Diego’s largest breweries by volume of production, is excluded from the economic impact study: it was purchased in 2015 by Constellation Brands, producers of Corona and other mass market beer brands. Similarly, Saint Archer, a Miller-Coors asset since 2015, is not included.) According to Brewers Association national data, California’s 900 breweries are the most of any state (Colorado is second with less than half that number). California has the second highest craft beer production volume of any state (Pennsylvania edges out California by about 300,000 barrels, or roughly 10% of California’s total production). Unsurprisingly, then, California’s craft brewing industry has the highest economic impact of any state at about $7.35 billion in 2017, the latest year for which the Brewers Association has published the national data. This means that San Diego’s craft breweries contribute about 15% of California’s total craft TURN TO CRAFT BEER ON 19

AUG. 30, 2019


T he R ancho S anta F e News

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T he R ancho S anta F e News

Encinitas council OKs Odd Files leaf blower restrictions By Tawny McCray

ENCINITAS — Encinitas has joined a growing list of California cities, including Solana Beach and Del Mar, that have imposed restrictions on the use of leaf blowers. City Council gave final approval to ban gas-powered leaf blowers at its meeting last month. The council had previously discussed the ordinance at a meeting in June. Only electric or battery-powered leaf blowers, which are quieter and more environmentally friendly, are allowed now, and only at certain times. The council voted 4-0 to approve the ordinance, with Councilwoman Kellie Hinze absent. Two changes were made to the ordinance before they voted on it. The first was to reduce the originally proposed hours of use by two hours, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., to 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., on Monday through Saturday. The second was to go back to allowing homeowners to use electric-power leaf blowers on Sundays, from the hours of noon to 5 p.m. In June the council had agreed to eliminate Sundays from the days residents would be allowed to use leaf blowers. No one is allowed to use a leaf blower on federal holidays. Councilman Tony Kranz said he was having second thoughts about supporting the Sunday ban after getting an email from a resident who implored him to lift the ban. “While I don’t use a blower, I do mow my lawn and I am notorious for frittering away the day on Sat-

urday and not doing the lawn mowing like I should,” Kranz said at the meeting. “And so if this were a situation where somebody didn’t have Saturday available to do their blowing and they couldn’t do it on Sunday, like this email described, I think it would be kind of unfortunate.” The ordinance will decrease levels of noise, dust and allergens. And it will benefit the city by helping it achieve the goals set in its climate action plan. The council adopted an updated version of the plan last year, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 128 metric tons by 2020 and 142 metric tons by 2030. According to the ordinance, first-time violators will get off with a warning. Second-time offenders could be looking at a $100 fine. A third offense would cost $200 and after that the fine increases to $1,000. Now that it’s been approved, the ban will go into effect gradually over a period of months, starting with restrictions on city owned property, followed by the commercial sector and then residents. Several residents showed their support for the ban of gas-powered leaf blowers by writing letters to the council ahead of the meeting. Dadla Ponizil, a volunteer with Citizens’ Climate Lobby, wrote, in part, “thank you and let us know if we can help in the transition. We purchased an electric blower in the hopes of loaning it to gardeners in the neighborhood.”

Louise H. McMillen, 91 Oceanside August 18, 2019

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Cindy Lee Kluey, 70 Escondido August 20, 2019

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Fowl! An upscale neighborhood near the Ibis Golf and Country Club in West Palm Beach, Florida, is all a-flutter over some unwelcome guests: dozens of black vultures. The Palm Beach Post reports that a New York family can no longer visit the $700,000 vacation home they bought earlier this year because the birds have defecated and vomited all around it, leaving a smell “like a thousand rotting corpses,” claimed homeowner Siobhan Casimano. Homeowner Cheryl Katz put out fake owls with moving heads and blinking red lights for eyes to scare off the birds, but she said the vultures “ripped the heads off.” Katz had to summon police when the vultures became trapped in her pool enclosure and attacked each other: “Blood was everywhere,” she told the Post. Katz and other homeowners blame the invasion on a neighbor who feeds wildlife, supplying bags of dog food, roasted chicken and trays of sandwiches for their enjoyment. Neighborhood association president Gordon Holness told the Post the neighbor has been issued a warning, but the migratory birds are protected by federal law. [Palm Beach Post, 8/15/2019] Spoiled A young man identified only as Akash, in Yamunanagar, Haryana state in northern India, received a brand-new BMW from his parents for his birthday, reported Fox News on Aug. 12. But Akash, who had nagged his parents for a Jaguar instead, told police the BMW was “a little small for him and his friends inside.” So

he pushed the new vehicle into a river, where it sank into deep water and had to be pulled out with a crane. “The youth was arrogant and kept insisting that he be given a Jaguar,” police said. “We could only afford to give him a BMW,” said his father. “We never imagined he would do anything like this.” [Fox News, 8/12/2019]

Labor Day comes once a year A three-day weekend we all can cheer No matter what your choice of career You’ve earned a day of rest it’s clear. A baker, a firefighter, a plumber or teacher, A carpenter, a fisherman, a painter, or preacher, A barber, a waiter, or a chef who cooks, An engineer, a deputy, a librarian with books. No matter what it is you do, This one thing is surely true. A nice long weekend has been earned by you, who work so hard the whole year through! And to those of you who will work on this holiday weekend so others can enjoy the time off, our special thanks!



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mid-August when he gifted the community a Hollywood-style sign installed on a hill above the town. Soon, Canadian adult toy company Our Pleasure posted a video to Facebook featuring some of its products in front of the sign and at other locations around the town, reported The Telegram, inciting anger among some residents. “They went too far with this,” said Andrew Pretty, a member of the town’s local service district committee. “They had one picture right next to the playground ... it’s not right.” Our Pleasure owner Cathy Daniels described the video as “more of a fun video,” but townspeople don’t see the humor. They are circulating a petition asking Our Pleasure not to use photos of Dildo for its advertising and social media campaigns. [The Telegram, 8/20/2019]

Second Thoughts Maybe his conscience got the better of him. On Aug. 13, according to WTAE, a man in a wheelchair approached a teller at a First National Bank on Pittsburgh’s South Side. The man, thought to be in his 60s, handed the teller a note demanding cash, but then “suddenly abandoned his robbery attempt and exited the bank,” a police statement read. Police and FBI agents were on the lookout for the reluctant robber, but there were no photographs The Devil Made Him Do It or video of him to aid them. Jeremiah Ehindero, [WTAE, 8/13/2019] 41, pastor of Jesus Miracle Church in Sango-Ota, NigeStrange Obsession ria, blamed the devil for his Washington State High- trouble with the law after way Patrol Sgt. Kyle Smith stealing an SUV from a local stopped along Highway Toyota dealership. Ehindero 518 near Seattle on Aug. negotiated a price for the 13 to see if a car parked on Highlander, which he said the shoulder needed assis- would be used for “evangetance. Instead, according lism,” then asked for a test to the Associated Press, he drive — and never came observed the driver inside back, the Daily Post reportwith eight mobile phones, ed on Aug. 19. He later sold neatly arranged in a blue the vehicle to a spare parts foam square, all playing dealer for about $1,650. AcPokemon Go. Smith did not cording to police, Ehindero issue a ticket to the driver, confessed he stole the car to but he did warn him to put repay a loan from a microfthe phones away and move inance bank in Lagos after along, as the shoulder is tithes and offerings from his meant only for emergency congregation were insuffistops. [Associated Press, cient. “When the pressure 8/15/2019] from the microfinance bank became unbearable for me, What’s in a Name? the devil told me to steal a Late-night TV host vehicle from the car dealer Jimmy Kimmel brought to sell and use the proceeds the town of Dildo, New- to repay the loan. I regret my foundland and Labrador, action.” Ehindero and his continent-wide attention in accomplices were arrested in Ondo State. [Daily Post, 8/19/2019]

Please email obits @ coastnewsgroup.com or call (760) 436-9737 x100. All photo attachments should be sent in jpeg format, no larger than 3MB. the photo will print 1.625” wide by 1.5” tall inh black and white. Obituaries should be received by Monday at 12 p.m. for publicatio in Friday’s newspaper. One proof will be e-mailed to the customer for approval by Tuesday at 10 a.m.

AUG. 30, 2019

SAN MARCOS CHAPEL FD-1378 435 N. Twin Oaks Valley Rd San Marcos, CA 92069



Creme de la Weird In Stockholm, Sweden, an unnamed man attending a traditional crayfish party on Aug. 20 at the Skansen CROP Aquarium .93 was delivering a speech while standing on a .93a restricted area. As rock in 4.17 he rested his arm he spoke, on a 4.28 glass barrier — until the crocodile who lives in the tank “jumped up and grabbed his lower arm,” Jonas Wahlstrom, owner of the aquarium, told CNN. But that isn’t the weird part of the story. The dastardly crocodile in this story was formerly owned by ... Fidel Castro. The croc was one of two given to a Russian cosmonaut in 1970, who took the animals to Moscow. Wahlstrom eventually brought them to Stockholm. The croc “lost its grip after 10 seconds,” Wahlstrom said, leaving the victim with injuries to his lower arm and hand. [CNN, 8/21/2019] Bright Idea Dave Schmida, 21, of Sturbridge, Massachusetts, set out on Aug. 12, determined to get rid of a hornet’s nest three stories high under a corner of his family’s roof. He first tried spraying the nest with Raid, but when that didn’t work, he got creative. As his brother Mat-

thew recorded video of the extermination, Dave lit up a Roman candle and pointed the fiery balls at the nest, reported the Worcester Telegram. The first two or three missed their mark, but when his ammunition connected with the nest, it burst into flames, killing the wasps but setting the eaves on fire as well. Schmida rushed up to a nearby window and used a fire extinguisher to put the flames out. “I would say mission accomplished,” he said, even though there is now a small hole in the house. [Worcester Telegram, 8/15/2019] Crime Report An attempted burglary in Oronoco Township, Minnesota, unfolded in an unusual manner on Aug. 15. Police responded to a burglary in progress call to find that alledged thief Kirsten Hart, 29, had scuffled with a 64-year-old woman before making off with pill bottles, debit and credit cards, $150 cash and a fake $1 million bill. Hart had run out of the house with part of her shirt ripped off, which led a passing motorist to ask if she was hurt and needed a ride. Hart accepted, climbing into the trunk of the car, according to KIMT. The driver later told police he realized something wasn’t right but panicked and drove off. Police also said they found iPads stolen from a local STEM school in Hart’s car. She and an accomplice face multiple charges. [KIMT, 8/16/2019] Snowflakes Everywhere Ex-cons, juvenile delinquents and drug addicts are getting new monikers in San Francisco, thanks to the Board of Supervisors’ new “person-first” language guidelines. For example, the San Francisco Chronicle reported, someone just released from prison will be a “justice-involved person”; a repeat offender will be a “returning resident.” People on probation will be “persons under supervision.” The under-18 criminal crowd will be known as “young people impacted by the juvenile justice system.” Those suffering from addiction will be “people with a history of substance use.” Words such as “convict” and “inmate” “only serve to obstruct and separate people from society and make the institutionalization of racism and supremacy appear normal,” the board’s resolution reads. “Referring to them as felons is like a scarlet letter,” Matt Haney, board supervisor, said. [San Francisco Chronicle, 8/11/2019]


T he R ancho S anta F e News

1. ANATOMY: What is a more common name for “deciduous teeth”? 2. GEOGRAPHY: In which country would you find the Lynden Pindling International Airport? 3. MATH: How many different combinations of tic-tac-toe games are possible? 4. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which nation’s flag features a six-pointed blue star? 5. LITERATURE: Which 19th-century novel features a character named Phileas Fogg? 6. GAMES: Which game promises to “tie you up in knots”? 7. FAMOUS QUOTATIONS: Which 19th-century writer/ philosopher once said, “One must maintain a little bit of summer, even in the middle of winter”? 8. PSYCHOLOGY: What fear is represented in the condition called gamophobia? 9. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is a group of alligators called? 10. THEATER: What does Dolly do for a living in the play “Hello, Dolly!”

ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Changing your mind doesn’t come easily for Lambs, who place a high value on commitment. But new facts could emerge that might persuade you to rethink your situation. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) This is a good time to put that fine Bovine’s eye for beauty to work in redecorating your home or workplace. And don’t forget to indulge yourself in some personal time as well. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Your sense of loyalty to someone who asks for your help is commendable. But make sure there are no information gaps that should be filled in before you move too far too quickly. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Don’t let difficult people raise the Crab’s ire levels this week. Avoid them if you can. If not, resist telling them off, even if you think they deserve it. Things improve by week’s end. LEO (July 23 to August 22) Your suspicions about a colleague might be on the mark. But you also could be misreading the signals you believe you’re getting. Do some discreet checking before jumping to conclusions. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Take some time out from your many tasks and see if someone might be trying to reach out to you. You could be surprised to learn who it is and why you might want to reciprocate.

LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) You still might want to do more investigating before taking on a new commitment. Later would not be the time to try to fill in any crucial gaps in what you need to know about it. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) A new opportunity should be carefully studied. It might offer some of the things you’ve been looking for. Or it could contain new possibilities you never considered. Check it out. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) You might have to work harder this week to get people to listen to what you have to say. But if you stay with it, you could start to get your message out to many by week’s end. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Although family matters again take up a big chunk of the Goat’s time, the week also offers a chance to explore a new career move you’d been contemplating for a while. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) Applying your practicality (what does it offer me?) and your creativity (how can I improve on it?) could provide sound reasons for seriously considering that new offer. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) The single set will find that keeping their romantic aspirations on high gives Cupid a better target to aim at. Paired Pisces will find that this week helps reinforce their relationships. BORN THIS WEEK: You believe in encouraging others to demand the best from themselves. You would be a fine sports coach, as well as an enlightened teacher. © 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.

TRIVIA TEST ANSWERS 1. Baby (or milk) teeth 2. Nassau, Bahamas 3. More than 250,000, excluding symmetry 4. Israel 5. “Around the World in Eighty Days” 6. Twister 7. Henry David Thoreau 8. Fear of marriage or commitment 9. A congregation 10. She’s a matchmaker.

AUG. 30, 2019


T he R ancho S anta F e News

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AUG. 30, 2019

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AUG. 30, 2019


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T he R ancho S anta F e News

AUG. 30, 2019

Daley Ranch tours exhibit land owned by family predating city ess, calling it the Daley Corporation. They would come to own the land grants of Rancho Bernardo and Rancho Jamul, as well, purchased with the family business fortune. Today, the family business legacy lives on in the form of Daley Custom Homes, which describes itself as “a full service premier luxury home builder.” Anderson noted that Daley’s sons built the log cabin with old growth redwood due to its ability to fend off pests. The wood was over 3,000 to 4,000 years old and serves as not just the base of the house, but also as the interior wall design. The main fireplace and chimney in the home also has roots in the family road construction business. Each piece of stone was leftover product the business received to lay down what would eventually become the first phase of the county’s modern-day road network. Indeed, Anderson pointed out visible imprints on the stone depicting the material’s origin on the roads. The Daley Ranch House, though ornate, only served as a seasonal home and a place to host guests of the family. “The ranch house that we see today was built in 1925 as a summer cotTWO STUDEBAKER wagon wheels greet visitors in the drive- tage for the family,” exway of the historic Daley House, symbolizing the family’s plains the advocacy group contribution to San Diego’s modern road network. Friends of Daley Ranch the city’s agrarian roots. According to Gregg Anderson, a ranger at Daley Ranch and Dixon Lake next door, the property is a product of the old west. Robert Daley, an immigrant from England, illegally squatted on the land in 1869 as a 23-year-old man. Eventually, federal government surveyors would grant him the land and the rest is history. The area would become, as its name entails, working agricultural land which would eventually focus on dairy production. Robert’s sons Robert and George would eventually start a road construction contracting company named Daley Enterprises while bolstering the ranch’s agricultural prow-

By Steve Horn

ESCONDIDO — Every second Sunday of the month, dozens of people take a 1.5-mile hilly hike from the front gate of Daley Ranch to the Daley Ranch House for tours of the log cabin built with old growth redwood trees in 1925. The land, once owned by the Daley family, is now owned by the city of Escondido. And at 3,000 acres, the nature preserve is about 12.8% of city land — four times larger than Central Park in New York City and three times the size of Balboa Park in San Diego. The Daley family’s ownership of the land predated the 1888 incorporation of Escondido as a city and serves as a reminder of

THE DALEY RANCH HOUSE in Escondido, as seen from a vantage point near a piece of vintage farm equipment. Photos by Steve Horn

on its website. “Up until the 1980s the Daley family would invite friends to the ranch house for a weekend summer getaway. Guests and family would often hunt bear or deer on the ranch, then have a big barbeque.” In 1997, the city of Escondido purchased the land for $21 million to preserve it as a mitigation bank and open space park. It had been targeted by Daley Corporation and Shea Homes as a potential housing mega-complex, with over 3,200 homes, which would have also contained

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That peak is located in the park’s southeast corner, sitting at 1,975 feet above ground, for a 6.4-mile roundtrip hike. Escondido Lakes and Open Space Superintendent Chris Krstevski said that Daley Ranch “is really is the jewel of North County with over 3,200 acres of open space and 25 miles of hiking trails.” Tours of the Daley Ranch House occur every second Sunday of the month from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The park is open to the public daily from dawn to dusk.

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a golf course. Today, beyond a historical landmark, Daley Ranch serves as a place with miles of hiking trails for mountain bikers, hikers and horseback riders. And it sits adjacent to Dixon Lake, itself a popular place for cookouts and fishing. Daley Ranch has over 100 species of birds and is well-known for its Engelmann oak trees, an endangered species. For hikers, it has two peaks, but only one with an official hiking trail which connects to the top: Stanley Peak.


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Inside: 2016 Spri & Gard ng en Sect ion

Citracado extension Parkway project draws on MARCH

By Steve

It’s a ju

ngle In there

Emi Ganno d, exhibit is open11, observes now throug a Bande d Purple h April Wing 10. Full story on butterfly page A2. at the San Diego Photo

Comm Vista teunity rallies be acher placed hind on leav e by Tony

By Hoa



Zoo Safari



fly Jungle


. The


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NO. 94

25, 2016

The CoasT News

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AUG. 30, 2019


T he R ancho S anta F e News

Girl, 17, found bound, gagged in car on I-5

Sept. 8 in the Georgina Cole Library Community Room, 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad. Within features Santiago Orozco on lead vocals and guitar ART OF BLOWN GLASS Buzz Blodgett’s blown and Jamie Shadowlight on glass show, “Sea Foam” violin. runs through Sept. 11 at the Encinitas Community Center Gallery, 1140 Oakcrest Park Drive, Encinitas. ACRYLIC METAPHORS Kerry Campbell’s “Metaphorical Relationships” acrylic paintings will be on display through OUTDOOR CINEMA The Olivenhain Town Sept. 9 at the Civic Center Council presents the Gallery, City Hall, 505 S. Outdoor Cinema Series, Vulcan Ave., Encinitas. “Spider-Man, Into the Spider-Verse,” at dusk Sept. 6, behind the Olivenhain Meeting Hall, 423 Rancho ‘FISH AROUND THE CORNER’ See the ocean life art Santa Fe Road, Encinitas. Admission is free and re- of Susan Harris with “Fish freshments will be sold on- Around the Corner” ceramsite. For more information, ic sculptures through Sept. 10 at the Encinitas Library visit Olivenhain.org. Gallery, 540 Cornish Drive. More information at (760) SEASON STARTS AT LUX Kick off Lux Art In- 753-7376. stitute’s season 13 from 7 to 9 p.m. Sept. 6 at 1550 S. El Camino Real, Encinitas, with Haitian-American art- ABSTRACT TAKE The abstract artwork ist Fabiola Jean-Louis. Her series “rewriting history: a of Susan Brook,” Infinite will run black ancestral narrative,” boundaries” is about defying expecta- through Sept. 11 at the Entions. See how Fabiola's cinitas Library Gallery, 540 majestic paper gowns retell Cornish Drive, Encinitas. history. RSVP to https:// luxart.wufoo.com/forms / MIXED MEDIA su1b0ty1e1atdm/. Artist Bethany Kelley, present mixed-media paintings, “Dwelling Apart Together” through Sept. 11 at ‘VISIONS OF JOY’ the Encinitas Community Artist Natasha Rag- Center Gallery, 1140 Oakland will have an exhibit of crest Park Drive, Encinitas. original paintings entitled “Visions of Joy” through Nov. 1 at the Georgina Cole Library, 1250 Carlsbad Vil- ‘GROWING WILD’ lage Drive, Carlsbad during Daily, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. regular library hours. through Sept. 27, visit the “Growing Wild” Art Show at San Diego Botanic Garden, a botanical-themed LIBRARY CONCERT exhibition at 230 Quail GarCarlsbad City Li- dens Drive. For more inforbrary's concert series pres- mation, visit sdbgarden. ent Within from 2 to 3 p.m. org/events.htm.





SEPT. 10

A RENDERING of what American Legion Post 416 will look like following a proposed $2 million renovation. Photo via https://calregionpost416.org

SEPT. 11


SEPT. 12



brewing economic impact. If San Diego were its own state, it would rank 21st in terms of the economic impact of its craft breweries. Given the large number of breweries in San Diego, do we have too many? It seems not. Only about 13% of all beer consumed in the U.S. is craft beer, so craft breweries have plenty of opportunities for growth if they can convert new customers from mass market light lagers. San Diego County currently has 156 craft breweries and a population of about 3.3 million for a brewery density of 4.7 breweries for every 100,000 people. California as a whole has a brewery density of just 2.9 brewer-

with the fourth highest brewery density. So, both nationally and locally, there is no reason to think that we are close to the craft beer ceiling. The growth of San Diego craft beer seems destined to continue. So far in 2019, seven new breweries and 12 new satellite tasting rooms have opened in

San Diego County (four breweries and three tasting rooms have closed). I am aware of 21 breweries that have announced plans to open by this time next year. Even if just two-thirds of those plans come to fruition, that would be almost a 10% increase in the number of breweries in the county over the next 12 months.




The San Dieguito Post 416 plans to update and modernize their building which features components of early 20th Century San Diego military history. “We are going to remodel, and keep our 1932 World War I barrack, but on the other side we are going to go up two floors and the second floor is going to be a community center and a veterans resource center,” said Shillingburg. Post 416 plans to raise $2 million for the extensive remodel and its team has created a 501(c)(3) foundation this year to help them on their fundraising journey. Ralph Bettencourt is the CEO of the American Legion Post 416 Foundation which is in charge of fundraising efforts for the remodel.

“Our mission statement is very simple: It’s to rebuild our post into a proper veterans center that will serve our veterans for the next 100 years,” said Bettencourt. Post 416 has had a lot of community support in beginning the remodel. According to Shillingburg, they already have had John Stevenson Plumbing, Heating & Air commit to donating the heating, ventilation and air conditioning for the new building. The foundation CEO expects to keep the timeline for the remodel to be done within one to two years. “I’d like to have this thing built before two years is up — I think we can,” Bettencourt said. “We have a big task ahead of us in that we have a lot of money to raise. Our tentative budget goal is $2 million, of which we have $100,000 moving forward,

ies per 100,000 people of legal drinking age. Despite the fact that California has the largest number of craft breweries and the second largest craft beer production by volume, 27 states have higher brewery density. Colorado, for comparison, has 9.2 breweries per 100,000, making it the state






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but we have a long way to go,” he said. San Dieguito Post 416 intends to raise the money for the remodel through the foundation, and through grants and private donations. Cortinas said the new remodel will be aided by the recent attention given to American Legions nationwide. “The LEGION Act opens the doors to other people who had served who may want to become members. The more members that we have, the more ideas we may have for fundraising and participation,” she said. This upcoming week, Post 416 will be recruiting private donors for the building. The San Dieguito Post will also be on the Aug. 28 Encinitas City Council agenda as Mayor Catherine Blakespear and council members will vote to waive city fees associated with the Post building remodel.

CARLSBAD — California Highway Patrol officers rescued a 17-yearold girl who was bound and gagged in the back of a car, then investigators learned her father and sister had abducted her and were attempting to take her to a drug treatment facility in Mexico, authorities said Aug. 20. Dispatchers received a call around 7 p.m. Aug. 19 from a person who reported seeing the girl tied up in the back of a 2014 Toyota Corolla heading southbound on Interstate 5 near the Orange County border, CHP Officer Kevin Smale said. CHP officers responded to the area and stopped the car around 7:20 p.m. near the Cannon Road offramp in Carlsbad, Smale said. Investigators learned the girl’s 67-year-old father and her 21-year-old sister, both from San Juan Capistrano, had abducted her and were attempting to take her to a drug treatment facility in Mexico, the officer said. “The 17-year-old female admitted to using methamphetamine for the past year,” Smale said, adding that the teen was taken into protective custody. It was not immediately clear if the father and sister were taken into custody, but Smale said CHP officers consulted with investigators from the county prosecutor’s office and “criminal charges are pending against the adult family members.” — City News Service


T he R ancho S anta F e News

AUG. 30, 2019

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760-438-2200 5500 Paseo Del Norte

Purchase or lease any new (previously untitled) Subaru and receive a complimentary factory scheduled maintenance plan for 2 years or 24,000 miles (whichever comes first.) See Subaru Added Security Maintenance Plan for intervals, coverages and limitations. Customer must take delivery before 12-31-2019 and reside within the promotional area. At participating dealers only. See dealer for program details and eligibility.


** EPA-estimated fuel economy. Actual mileage may vary. Subaru Tribeca, Forester, Impreza & Outback are registered trademarks. All advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes, any finance charges, $80 dealer document processing charge, any electronic filing charge, and any emission testing charge. Expires 8/31/2019.




ar Country Drive

Car Country Drive

2019 Volkswagen Jetta S

66Years/72,000 Years/72,000Miles Miles Transferable Transferable Bumper-to-Bumper Bumper-to-Bumper Limited LimitedWarranty Warranty

Automatic Transmission

per month lease +tax 39 Months

Due at Signing!


On all in stock with MSRP of $21,160 example: 3VWN57BU4KM110174 Lease a 2019 Volkswagen Jetta S Automatic for $240* a month. 39-month lease. $999 Due at signing. No security deposit required. For highly qualified customers through Volkswagen Credit. *Closed end lease financing available through August 31, 2019 for a new, unused 2019 Volkswagen Jetta S Automatic on approved credit by Volkswagen Credit. Monthly lease payment based on MSRP of $21,160 & destination charges & a Selling Price of $19,654. Monthly payments total $9087 Your payment will vary based on dealer contribution and the final negotiated price. Lessee responsible for insurance, maintenance & repairs. At lease end, lessee responsible for disposition fee of $350, $0.20/mile over for miles driven in excess of 24,375 miles & excessive wear and use. Excludes taxes, title & other government fees.

760-438-2200 VOLKSWAGEN

5500 Paseo Del Norte Car Country Carlsbad


* 6 years/72,000 miles (whichever occurs first) New Vehicle Limited Warranty on MY2018 and newer VW vehicles, excluding e-Golf. See owner’s literature or dealer for warranty exclusions and limitations. All advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes, any finance charges, $80 dealer document processing charge, any electronic filing charge, and any emission testing charge. Expires 8-31 -2019.

ar Country Drive

ar Country Drive


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