Rancho santa fe news a 2014 03 21

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VOL. 10, N0. 6

Ideas worth spreading TedX comes to North County By Jared Whitlock

ENCINITAS — At TedX Encinitas, 22 speakers delivered monologues, ranging from eight to 15 minutes, on issues important to them March 15 at the Seaside Center for Spiritual Living. They included San Diegans Steve Wampler, the first person with cerebral palsy to climb El Capitan in Yosemite National Park, and Alex Kajitani, the California Teacher of the Year in 2009. Ted Talks, a global phenomenon, is all about sharing new ideas and sparking discussion through conferences and videos. Resident Bobbi Cecio, the organizer of TedX Encinitas, said she put together the local version with the aim of spurring action. “Our focus with our speakers and in developing their talks has been about the impetus for action — it’s not about a cause, a great idea, a passion,” Cecio said. We all have those, but we don’t all take action. What

MiraCosta president announces resignation Dr. Francisco Rodriguez accepts chancellor position with the Los Angeles Community College District

causes action?” Cecio, who is also the co-founder and director of Village Gate Children’s Academy, said she chose to host the event in Encinitas to give back to the city. She envisions a TedX Encinitas every March. “This is a unique community that’s open to new concepts,” Cecio said. In roughly three weeks, videos of the monologues will be posted online at tedxencinitas.com and facebook.

By Tony Cagala

Above, During TedX Encinitas, Nancy Hughes said women in remote villages throughout the world cook with open fires, resulting in many families inhaling the equivalent of two packs of cigarettes a day. Smoke from open fires kills more than eight times as many people as malaria and is extremely damaging to the environment, she noted. Hughes worked with engineers to develop a cleaner stove. To build them, she founded StoveTeam International, an organization that helps entrepreneurs in Latin America establish factories that produce affordable, fuel-efficient cook stoves. Visit StoveTeam. org to get involved. Left, Stephen Wampler, the first person with cerebral palsy to scale Yosemite National Park’s El Capitan, talked about his arduous six-day trek to the top of the mountain, the subject of a documentary called “Wampler’s Ascent.” Throughout his March 15 TedX Encinitas monologue, he said a willingness to try in the first place and perseverance are important for tackling any goal. Photos by Jared Whitlock

E-cigarettes banned at San Diego County Fair By Bianca Kaplanek

DEL MAR — Electronic cigarettes and other similar devices will not be allowed at the upcoming San Diego County Fair, which begins June 7, after the governing board of the Del Mar Fairgrounds voted 6-0 at its March 11 meeting to include them in a no-smoking policy. After a multiyear phaseout plan, the annual event became smoke-free in 2013. Those who lobbied for the change lauded the 22nd District Agricultural Association for banning tobacco use but said electronic cigarettes were still a problem. The battery-powered vaporizers, also called electronic nicotine delivery systems, simulate smoking. A heating element vaporizes

March 21, 2014

liquid solutions that contain nicotine, flavorings, both or one of the two. Law enforcement officials and health and prevention experts say they are also used to inhale illegal substances. Nancy Logan told board members when she bought a device for demonstration purposes, she was told it was “strictly for marijuana use.” There are few studies on the effects of e-cigarettes on users or bystanders but at least one found some potentially harmful compounds are present in the vapors. Ray McEdward, a La Mesa resident and lifelong asthmatic, said he avoided the county fair until last year because of tobacco smoke. But while waiting in a

food line the person in front of him lit up an e-cig, as they are known. McEdward said he had to use his rescue inhaler and then he and his wife left the fair early. He said the devices “are not the harmless items everybody thinks they are.” “Who knows what’s in this vapor?” McEdward asked. “If smokers can go eight-plus hours on a cross-country flight, why can’t they attend the fair for six hours without an e-cigarette?” All 10 speakers at the meeting urged the board to add e-cigs and other similar devices to the list of banned smoking items at the fair. Many cited an increase in their use by young people. Barbara Gordon, from

the San Dieguito Alliance for Drug Free Youth, said they are perceived by youth as “safe and exciting.” “We do not want to re-glamorize smoking again,” she said. Her colleague Judi Strang said the industry is targeting youth with products such as cotton candy flavorings and pink cases. She also said there is “anecdotal evidence” that the devices help smokers quit the habit, but “research doesn’t yet show” they are a successful cessation method. Board members voted 6-0 to ban the use of e-cigs and all similar electronic vaping devices that simulate smoking during the

REGION — Not long after celebrating his fifth year as president and superintendent of MiraCosta College, Dr. Francisco Rodriguez announced on March 13 that he would be resigning his position. Rodriguez has accepted a position to become chancellor of the Los Angeles Community College District. His resignation will become effective May 31. According to Cheryl Broom, director, public relations and governmental relations, marketing and communications, Rodriguez will remain working at the college until that time. A timetable to find a replacement should take place within the next several months, Broom said. “During that time the Board will decide if they want to appoint an acting president from within MiraCosta’s leadership or go outside and try to find an interim president,” Broom said. In a statement released by the college, Rodriguez said that, “I have no doubt that the college’s outstanding reputation will attract superb candidates to serve as the next super i ntendent /president.” Since his joining the college, Rodriguez has been credited with helping the college district balance

spring 2014


home garden


MiraCosta College Superintendent/President Dr. Francisco Rodriguez announced Thursday his resignation. Photo courtesy of MiraCosta College

the budget and more than double student graduation numbers. Rodriguez was making $256,200 annually while at MiraCosta. Broom said the college does have a number of projects that they’ve made a lot of progress on, but none that would be affected by Rodriguez’s resignation. “We’re hoping that we’ll find somebody else to come in with the same level of enthusiasm and be able to help us see what we’re doing to the end,” she added. Prior to joining MiraCosta College in January 2009, Rodriguez served for six years as president of Cosumnes River College in Sacramento, Calif. The Association for Community College Trustees conducted a 10-monthlong search to fill the role left vacant when then-Chancellor Dr. Daniel LaVista resigned in June. Rodriguez will be replacing interim Chancellor Dr. Adriana Barrera, who was appointed by the LACCD Board of Trustees on July 1, 2013.

Just in time for spring: Look inside this issue for the spring 2014 Home & Garden supplement to find local businesses and tips to help bring a new look to your home.

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T he R ancho S anta F e News

March 21, 2014

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March 21, 2014

Watching the Waters

So far this year, agencies have captured 43,290 pounds of drugs in maritime smuggling events By Rachel Stine

REGION — Just before midnight, temperatures hung in the low 50s and a few clouds punctuated the February sky. There wasn’t much to hinder visibility, though the night’s crescent moon wasn’t offering much in the way of illumination either. The conditions that evening were as good as any for a maritime smuggling attempt — or for trying to prevent one. On a seaside cliff in Carlsbad, Border Patrol agents scanned the coastline for any signs of something out of the ordinary — a flashlight signal or the silhouette of a boat skimming along the waves, or a van suspiciously parked near a beach access point. “It’s kind of the typical cat and mouse game where you’re kind of looking for them while they’re looking for you,” said Michael Cariker, a Border Patrol supervisory agent. As it happened, there were no maritime events that night. Just two days before, there was an incident involving a jet ski on Silver Strand State Beach that resulted in three arrests. And two nights after that, two people were caught with almost 1,100 pounds of marijuana in a panga boat at Point Mugu in Ventura County. The primary smuggling threat along the California coastline for the most part has remained the same over the years: smugglers in open fishing boats illegally transporting people and drugs into the U.S. Yet as the land border with Mexico has become more secure, the number of maritime smuggling events has increased. To avoid law enforcement, smugglers are traveling farther out to sea and landing up and down California’s entire 840-mile coastline. To repel this influx, Border Patrol is teaming up with other law enforcement agencies throughout the state and working to develop risk-based surveillance

tactics driven by intelligence. But agents know to an extent, there is only so much they can do. Law enforcement agents have observed seafaring smuggling attempts in the state rise significantly since about 2008 and 2009, according to Border Patrol watch commander Jason Liebes. In fiscal year 2009, law enforcement agents made 400 apprehensions and 49 seizures of contraband, which included 56,900 pounds of drugs, along the coast, according to statistics from ReCoM (Regional Coordinating Mechanism). ReCoM consists of agencies from San Diego to San Francisco including Border Patrol, the Coast Guard, ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), as well as state and local partners. In fiscal year 2010, ReCoM-reported apprehensions more than doubled to 867. Intercepted maritime events that year yielded 10 seizures that included 27,600 pounds. The number of apprehensions and seizures has

Trying to catch maritime smugglers has become a “cat-and-mouse game,” says Michael Cariker, a Border Patrol supervisory agent. With the land border becoming more secure, many smugglers have taken to the seas to traffick in drugs, using panga boats, such as the one pictured in the background during a smuggling attempt in Carlsbad last year. File photo

On average, they are paid between $5,000 and $10,000 per trip. For Mexican fishermen who are targeted, since they have their own boats, the payment is several times what they can make fishing in a year. Most often the travelers are unarmed due to the greater consequences of

When you have boats landing in Del Mar, Solana Beach, Carlsbad, the local agencies take notice.” Jason Liebes Border Patrol Supervisory Agent

fluctuated over the years since, though remained well above those of fiscal year 2009. For the fiscal years from 2011 to 2013, ReCoM agencies counted 631,779, and 616 apprehensions as well as 122, 108, and 123 seizures, respectively. ReCoM agencies have reported 147 apprehensions and 33 seizures so far, which have included about 43,290 pounds of drugs as of the fiscal year 2014. While the number of maritime events has risen, smugglers’ methods have not changed. Individuals who transport people and drugs are typically recruited by transnational criminal organizations, including Mexican drug cartels.

bringing weapons into the country illegally. “The prosecution, and the type of consequence for a subject who comes in with a weapon is significant,” said Cariker. “The amount of force that the law enforcement agencies in the area that are going to take towards these people if they have weapons, is going to be much greater. And I think they realize that. At least, we believe that.” Most smugglers travel by panga boats, open wooden vessels, and communicate with associates on the beach with cell phones and flashlights. “The pangas don’t really change that much. You know, there will be bigger ones, smaller ones, just depending on what they want


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The Department of Homeland Security is reaching out to the public, asking for their help in reporting suspicious maritime activities by using a tip line.

to push that particular night,” Cariker said. “I think if anything, (maritime smugglers have) gotten better at, for lack of a better term, is counter surveillance. They know we’re out there. They know we’re watching. And so they do they same.” For years, Border Patrol has worked with the Coast Guard to detain individuals still out at sea. They follow up with the Department of Homeland Security

for intelligence once investigations are completed. Task forces in the county have concentrated on addressing overall border security trends and the workings of transnational criminal organizations. But in light of increased maritime threats, Border Patrol has partnered and coordinated with other law enforcement agencies to enhance border security throughout San Diego County and across the

state. “I think (the other agencies) saw it as a national security threat. And these people were landing on American soil, on their beaches and in their communities,” Liebes added. “When you have boats landing in Del Mar, Solana Beach, Carlsbad, the local agencies take notice. The state agencies, state parks, the county sheriffs, they take notice to that. And they want to protect their own communities.” Maritime security efforts not only aim to stop smuggling but also prevent the loss of life that can often accompany illicit ventures out at sea. Cariker explained that the people hired to make cross-border trips don’t realize what they are getting into. “They’ll be told, ‘Oh, it’s an hour. It’s just there, we’ll drop you off,’” he said. “Well then that hour turns into 12 hours, 30 miles out. They can’t see land. They have no water. The engines could die on those pangas. There’s too many variables out there that they just don’t recognize. That’s what we’re really trying to avoid is that loss of life.” When maritime activities spiked, Border Patrol helped create the Maritime Unified Command in 2008 to unite law enforcement agencies engaged in border security. That has since TURN TO MARITIME ON A18

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T he R ancho S anta F e News


March 21, 2014 Views expressed in Opinion & Editorial do not necessarily reflect the views of the Rancho Santa Fe News

GOP backing minimum wage raise California Focus By Thomas D. Elias

Community Commentary

Safeguarding the schools A district update By Rick Schmitt The San Dieguito Union High School District (SDUHSD) has always been firmly committed to safeguarding our students and staff. In January 2013, SDUHSD administration along with our San Dieguito Faculty Association (SDFA) and our California School Employees Association (CSEA) outlined some additional measures and considerations the district was taking to heighten this commitment. In this month’s message, I would like to share an update on the safety measures SDUHSD has taken since then to maintain our campuses as safe places to learn and work. Safety measures in place or in progress: • Installation of Lock Blok & School Safe door lockdown devices at all school sites (ensures doors can be locked from inside the classroom) • Improved signage directing visitor traffic • Improved visitor badging / identification • Enhanced emergency supplies • Window treatments and blind installation in classrooms not affected by Proposition AA construction • Access points at school sites have been limited during school hours • Regular & required “Safety Walks” by site administration & teacher representatives

• Additional staff trainings by local law enforcement & other agencies • Revised & updated Site Safety Plans & all emergency procedures including lockdown drills In the next few weeks, the team who identified the measures noted above will reconvene to consider our next steps. As the 2014-15 budget is developed, these new measures will be taken into account. Long term facility safety improvements have been added as part of our Prop AA Bond projects including ideal specifications district wide and unique features at each and all schools. We recognize that the key to safer schools is a very long-term proposition and requires a commitment from SDUHSD, students and the community that goes beyond the physical facilities of a school site. In the interim, however, we will continue to limit access to our campuses during school hours; to require all visitors to check in at the office when they arrive at a school site; to remind everyone to be vigilant and report anything “out of the ordinary” that they witness or hear about at school. As the issues of school security evolve, we encourage your input and cooperation while we work together to safeguard and protect our students. Nothing is more important than the physical and emotional health

of the young people who come to us each day and the safety and emotional well-being of the staff in whose care they are entrusted. San Dieguito Union High School District to Build New $52 million Middle School in Pacific Highlands Ranch San Dieguito Union High School District is planning on opening a new middle school in the Pacific Highlands Ranch area in fall, 2015. The new school, which has yet to be named, will open with a seventh-grade class of around 200-220 students in 2015 and then expand to both seventh & eighth grades in 2016 with an initial enrollment of 500 students. The district plans to draw 500 students to the new school from the Carmel Valley Middle School attendance area which has an enrollment of over 1,500. A future construction phase will add capacity for another 500 students as Pacific Highlands Ranch develops for a total enrollment of about 1,000. District staff are considering boundary options to present to the Board of Trustees later this year. The district has been working with both the Del Mar Union and Solana Beach Elementary school districts to align the middle school and elementary boundaries. Eric Dill, the district’s associate superintendent of busi-

Rancho Santa Fe newS P.O. Box 232550, Encinitas, CA 92023-2550 • 760-436-9737 www.ranchosfnews.com • Fax: 760-943-0850


The Coast News is a legally adjudicated newspaper published weekly on Fridays by The Coast News Group. It is qualified to publish notices required by law to be published in a newspaper of general circulation (Case No. 677114). Subscriptions: 1 year/$35; 6 mos./$26; 3 mos./$21 Send check or money order to: The Coast News, P.O. Box 232550, Encinitas, CA 92023-2550. In addition to mail subscriptions, more than 30,000 copies are distributed to approximately 700 locations in the beach communities from Oceanside to Carmel Valley. The advertising deadline is the Monday preceding the Friday of publication. Editorial deadline is the Friday proceeding publication.


Contributing writers BianCa KaPlaneK BKaPlaneK@CoasTneWsgrouP.Com Promise yee Pyee@CoasTneWsgrouP.Com david Boylan e’louise ondash franK mangio Jay Paris Photographer Bill reilly info@BillreillyPhoTograPhy.Com Contact the Editor Tony Cagala TCagala@CoasTneWsgrouP.Com

From the moment Franklin D. Roosevelt proposed America’s first minimum wage law in 1938 (25 cents per hour, or $11 a week), conservatives have fought increases every time and everywhere they’ve been proposed. It would cost millions of jobs, industrialists and business interests argue every time anyone tries to boost the minimum. Meanwhile, executive salaries have skyrocketed, leaving many millions of workers far behind in a phenomenon now called “income inequality.” But now comes Ron Unz, former publisher of the American Conservative magazine and once a Republican candidate for governor, backing a new minimum wage for California two bucks an hour above the $10 minimum now set to take effect two years from now. Unz is not to be taken lightly; he authored and largely funded the 1998 Proposition 227 ban on most bilingual education programs. Far from the Republican bugaboo it long has been, software entrepreneur Unz claims a higher minimum wage will solve many pet GOP peeves and could restore his party’s faded fortunes in the state. He is once again pushing an initiative, this time aiming to raise the minimum to $12 an hour immediately. But Unz doesn’t plan to fund the campaign for this one alone, and contributions from others have been slow coming. So it might not reach the ballot until 2016. If you’re a conservative and you don’t like illegal immigration, Medicaid, food stamps and other welfare programs, you might be disappointed by that kind of wait. For Unz makes a good case for his claim that the best way to cut back on all those longtime GOP targets is to eliminate the need for them by paying workers more. “I first got involved with this when I realized that a higher minimum wage solves the illegal immigration problem. The vast majority of illegals are in this country for jobs, jobs Americans won’t do,” Unz says. He claims it’s not the nature of work in car washes, hotels, restaurant kitchens and vegetable fields that turns off American workers — it’s the lousy pay for that work. “Americans won’t do those jobs because the wages are so low you can’t survive,” he says. “Now Los

Angeles is talking about raising the minimum for hotel workers there to $15. When you raise the wages to a level like that, a lot of people are suddenly happy in jobs they wouldn’t touch before.” If U.S. citizens take those jobs once they pay significantly better than welfare, a lot of the illegal immigration problem will go away. The same for programs like food stamps and Medi-Cal, Unz claims. President Obama’s effort to up the federal minimum to $10.10 gets firm resistance from Republicans in Congress voicing the same old arguments. Fighting Obama’s plan, Republicans pounced on a February report from the Congressional Budget Office saying it could cost about 500,000 jobs nationally. Unz argues that number is misleading. Initial job losses, he claims, would be followed by job increases stemming from the roughly $150 billion a year the higher minimum would put into the economy. California Assembly Speaker John Perez, a Democrat, made the same argument last year while backing the scheduled 2016 increase. “Putting that kind of money into the economy will create far more jobs than it might cost,” Perez said. And, Unz said in an interview, the report to Congress found that 27 million people — about 98 percent of those affected — would benefit, while just 2 percent might not. “If a policy helps 98 percent of the people affected, it usually looks pretty good,” Unz deadpanned. Plus, he figures, when minimum wage earners get more money of their own and need less welfare spending, the government will save as much as $250 billion a year which could be used for anything and might beef up the economy. So far, Unz has won backing from prominent conservatives like Eagle Forum founder Phyllis Schlafly and talk show host Bill O’Reilly. But elected politicians on the right are staying away from his putative proposition and those on the left are silent, perhaps because Unz would considerably outdo the plan they passed last year. Whenever this plan reaches the ballot, Democrats will be in the odd position of either backing a Republican’s plan that makes them look like pikers, or opposing their own ideas. Email Thomas Elias at tdelias@aol.com. For more Elias columns, go to californiafocus.net

March 21, 2014


T he R ancho S anta F e News

Great Chef series launches March 30

KNOCKING OUT THOSE NUMBERS Horizon Prep celebrated the third- through eighth-grade finalists for the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) Math Olympics, from left, front row, Andrew Elliott, Kennedy Caffrey, Amanda Phillip, Caroline Worman, Jake Vargas, Lindsay Raugh, Nate Campbell and Jacob Shaull; from left, middle row, Cooper Whitton, Katie Bartolotta, Jacquelyn Fraser, Champion Whitton, Jazmin Nason, Chase Gianni, Trey Stepanow and from left, back row, Annie Welch, Jack Hartung, Dakota Hartsough, Cassandra McDaniel, Alex Partida, Jake Pezzi, Bella Segoria, Sydney Northbrook, Kylie Preske, Will Nunes and Camden Gianni, (Not pictured: Mitchell Lake, Hannah Willard and Monroe Urie) Students will now represent Horizon Prep at the District level competition on March 28. Courtesy photo

When you think of Luxury reaL estate think no further than

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RANCHO SANTA FE — The Good Earth / Great Chefs series presents food writer and former Chez Panisse chef, David Tanis, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. March 30, to kick off its fourth year of free “plein air” book signings at The Chino Farm, 6123 Calzada del Bosque. In addition to selling and having Tanis sign his books, the event will serve food and drink samples inspired by his cooking. It will also launch a new pop-up pantry at this event, featuring some favorite hand-selected specialty items such as virgin olive oil, anchovies, capers, caramels, as well as silkscreened kitchen towels, letter-pressed notecards and aprons. Readers have come to love David Tanis’ voice in his weekly New York Times column “City Kitchen.” In this, his third cookbook, Tanis offers 100 down-toearth recipes for meals any time of the day. One of Publishers Weekly’s Top 10 Cookbooks for Fall 2013, they describe it as “Simple, casual meals that satisfy... Robust and inventively appealing.” For six months a year David Tanis held the prestigious post of head chef at Chez Panisse in Berkeley, where he worked for

25 years from the 1980s. During that collaboration with Alice Waters, he regularly developed menus around weekly shipments of Chino Farm vegetables. He spent the other half of the year in Paris, where he hosted a private dining club, preparing meals in a six-by-10-foot galley kitchen in his 17th-century apartment, with a less-than-adequate stove, a small sink, little counter space and a half dozen well used pots and pans. His writing now is meant to encourage people to cook at home and is the author of two other award-winning cookbooks, “A Platter of Figs and Other Recipes” and “Heart of the Artichoke and Other Kitchen Journeys.” Tanis now lives in New York City. Tanis’ books are also for sale online at goodearthgreatchefs.com.



T he R ancho S anta F e News

March 21, 2014

Youngsters star in Broadway musical

Mother pup Beignet and adopted kitten Gumbo can be adopted at Helen Woodward Animal Center. Courtesy photo

Dog adopts orphaned kitten RANCHO SANTA FE — In early March, Helen Woodward Animal Center added an unlikely mother and baby pair to its list of resident orphan animals. Found nursing a tiny kitten, a longhaired Chihuahua redefined the mother/ son bond and charmed center staffers with her unconditional devotion. When word of their story hit the front page of Yahoo News, staff members soon discovered that the duo was charming people across the globe as well. Abandoned in a backyard in Barstow in January, with evening temperatures falling to 20 degrees, the mother dog’s puppies were nowhere to be seen but her strong motherly instinct remained. Neighbors rescued the canine only to find her nursing a small, gray kitten that certainly would have died without her loving nourishment. Currently thriving under Helen Woodward Animal Center veterinary care, and named Beignet (canine) and Gumbo (fe-

line) in honor or the Mardi Gras season, the adorable twosome is ready to begin the next step of their journey together. Center staff intends to keep them together and is seeking one adopter for both the mother pup and kitten son. Their story, featured on Yahoo.com, March 4, ignited Helen Woodward Animal Center’s Web site, receiving more than 28,000 visits in less than 24 hours. Donations for the pair have come in from across the country and calls and inquiries have arrived from as far away as Kentucky, New York, Guam and the Philippines. Helen Woodward Animal Center required a 300 word-or-less essay to accompany each application, stating why Beignet and Gumbo would be best suited to the potential adopter. “They are such a special pair,” said Shannon Bush, Customer Service Lead. “We want to make sure that the next part of their lives together is absolutely perfect and filled with devotion and kindness. They deserve it. They embody love and comfort and it’s time they received it in return.” For more information, go to animalcenter.org, contact Helen Woodward Animal Center Adoption Department at (858) 7564117 ext. 313, or stop by at 6461 El Apajo Road in Rancho Santa Fe.

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COAST CITIES — Actors’ Conservatory Theatre (ACT), including many North County youngsters, presents the Broadway musical “13.” The play will be at 7:30 p.m. March 28, 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. March 29 and at 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. March 30 at the Lyceum Theatre, 79 Horton Plaza, San Diego. Tickets are $ 18 on line at actsandiego.com or by calling (619) 544-1000. North County actors include: — Michelle Cohen (Solana Beach) as Cassie — Aaron Acosta (Carmel Valley) as Evan — Gabrielle Krasovic (Carmel Valley) as Brett — Jonas McMullen (Carmel Valley) as Archie — Alyssa DeVries (Carmel Valley) as Charlotte — Tess Maretz (Carmel Valley) as Mollie — Yaron Berdugo (Carmel Valley) as Eddie — Sagie Shpigleman

Young actors, from left, Sagie Shpigleman, Michelle Cohen, Irving Aguilar, Jonas McMullen, Lou Rasse, Aaron Acosta, Gabi Leibowitz, Brayden Austin, Jordan Anichini, Yaron Berdugo and Alyssa Devries, take the stage in “13, The Musical” Courtesy photo

(Carmel Valley) as Richie Actors’ Conservatory Theatre (ACT – San Diego) is a nonprofit youth theatre company whose mission is to provide edu-

cational and artistic opportunities for young artists to perform, act, and learn the art of stagecraft in a highly professional environment. ACT — San Di-

ego produces youth theatre productions of the highest quality with a production staff led by professional directors, choreographers, and technicians.

Luncheon supports Well owners college and research urged to care for groundwater RANCHO SANTA FE — The community is invited to buy tickets now for the San Dieguito Chapter of the Brandeis National Committee’s annual Book and Author Luncheon, at 11:30 a.m. April 4 at the newly remodeled Inn at

The current focus is on raising $3 million in three years for scholarships and research Rancho Santa Fe, 5951 Linea Del Cielo. This year the San Dieguito Chapter presents two award-winning authors, Caroline Leavitt and Janice Steinberg. Caroline Leavitt has written ten best-selling books. Her ninth novel, Pictures of You, went into three printings months before publication, and her newest, Is This Tomorrow, is a critics’ choice and is already garnering awards. Janice Steinberg,a San Diego res-

ident, is an award-winning arts journalist as well as the author of the well-received The Tin Horse and several mystery novels.The moderator will be Randy Savarese. Of all the fund-raising events held by the BNC to support Brandeis University, the group believes the Book and Author luncheon most defines its members. The organization was formed in 1948, the year the university was founded, to put books on the shelves of the library, which was originally housed in a stable building. Since then BNC has raised funds for more than a million books, endowed a Librarian’s Chair, provided scholarships, and outfitted a science lab. The current focus is on raising $3 million in three years for scholarships and research in neurosciences and neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. All proceeds from the luncheon will be designated for this Sustaining the Mind campaign. For further information or reservations, contact Ellyn at (760) 453-2248, or Gayle at BNCFNP@aol.com.

REGION — The public was urged to care for water wells, and the water supply along with Groundwater Awareness Week that ended March 15. The California Groundwater Association joins the National Ground Water Association (NGWA) in urging residents to take care of their water wells and, what it cites as the most important natural resource, groundwater. Thirteen million American households, including many in rural areas, use privately owned and maintained water well systems for their water supply. Freshwater is essential to human life and the environment. The U.S. Geological Survey estimates that 99 percent of all available freshwater in the world is groundwater. Groundwater Awareness Week is a time to remind the public how important groundwater is and why it is important for people to take care of their water well systems, said Cliff Treyens, NGWA public awareness director. Drink-

ing water is vital to a family‚ health and well-being. If your drinking water is supplied by a household well, now is a great time to learn how to care for your well system and your water. Visit the National Groundwater Awareness Week Web page, NGWA. org or WellOwner.org, for many useful informational tools for private well owners including: — Free online well-owner lessons — Free recorded and future live Webinars — A monthly private well-owner tip sheet — A private well-owner telephone hotline — Information about water well construction and maintenance, and water testing and treatment. Treyens urges household well owners to use NGWA‚ informational tools to learn more about their well systems and groundwater. If your well system or water needs attention, always use a qualified water well system professional to service your well.

March 21, 2014


T he R ancho S anta F e News


Upper Deck President Jason Masherah celebrates the company’s 25th anniversary this February. “At the end of the day, the best way to define us is as a ‘collectable company.’” Masherah said. Photo courtesy of Upper Deck

Capturing the moments Carlsbad-based Upper Deck has been able to succeed in a world laden with smartphones and other digital distractions By Tony Cagala

CARLSBAD — A walk through the Upper Deck headquarters shows the amount of new projects either being readied for production or researched for development. Images of cartoon and comic characters line walls; Marvel games and Hello Kitty items fill shelves. Framed images of some of the most iconic athletes in the world, complete with autographs hang near employees’ cubicles. At its most basic level, Upper Deck might better be known for its sports trading cards more than anything else; though the company’s President Jason Masherah will say that the company has always been more diversified than that. “At the end of the day, the best way to define us is as a ‘collectable company.’” Masherah said. In February, the company celebrated its 25th anniversary. In addition to the sports trading card division, Upper Deck is bolstered by their authenticated memorabilia and gaming and entertainment trading card divisions. In a world laden with smartphones, iPads and other technologies, how does the company maintain its relevance? “In trading cards,” Masherah said, “what’s nice for us is, you can’t replace an autograph or a piece of a game-used jersey digitally. Those are things that bring you closer to the athlete or the entertainer that you can’t replicate on a digital basis.” There have been efforts to introduce technologies into the cards — in

2011, the company introduced “Evolution,” a series of video trading cards. The cards were the size of regular trading cards, though included a 60 second clip of an athlete that was shown in a small video screen. In 1999, Upper Deck also created the “Power Deck,” cards that could be traded digitally. “But at the end of the day, you’re still rooted in that physical element of the cards,” Masherah said. The company even went so far to insert security holograms in their cards to help prevent counterfeiting that was once rampant in the memorabilia industry. It’s a market still mostly male-driven, and as the company turned 25, Masherah explained that it’s Gen-X that readily identifies with Upper Deck. “What you have seen, especially over the last few years as far as Upper Deck’s concerned, is you’re seeing a lot of people who grew up with it now sharing that hobby with their kids,” he said. The core collector is still there, has always been there. “The hardest part,” Masherah said, “probably is bringing those people back who grew up collecting, and went off to college, found girls, found a lot of hobbies, and now that they’re adults, they’re working jobs, they have kids, bringing them back in the hobby. That’s probably the biggest challenge that we face as an industry.” On the sports side, Upper Deck has been seeing a lot of success over the last few years with their exclusive Collegiate Licensing Company deal, signed in 2009, Masherah said. Before that, the collegiate arena was an overlooked area, he added. “What you find is that, collectors, fans, are more passionate about their collegiate affiliations than they are with their pro af-

filiations in a lot of cases,” Masherah said. “It’s been a huge, bright spot for us,” he added. Upper Deck announced a new deal on Feb. 27 to be the exclusive manufacturer of NHL trading cards for the 2014-15 season. With the exclusive deal in place, they’re able to try out new things and be better able to engage with collectors. Something that isn’t really available in a co-exclusive environment. The most sought after Upper Deck card? “It’s hard; I think you have the question of most valuable, sought out… I think for us, people still hearken back and they identify with the (Ken) Griffey Jr. rookie. I think more recently, a lot of people think about the LeBron James exquisite rookie as kind of an iconic card of the last 10 or 15 years.” But the most recent, he said, would be the precious metal gem card featuring Michael Jordan. “That card was numbered to 10, and sold on eBay for $30,000,” Masherah said. And no, there isn’t a safe on the Upper Deck premises that houses any of the rarest of cards. Everything that’s produced all gets circulated, Masherah added.

iCulture Shock San Diego hip-hop dance troupe made quite a splash in January with a totally Hip Hop version of “The Nutcracker.” “The Culture Shock Nutcracker” cast members include, from left, Samantha “Suki” Marvin, Jake Ellis, Rancho Santa Fe native Lynne Wheeler, Simone Swift, Pat Samokhvalof. Other North County dancers in the cast were Jaci Pharris and Joey Williams. Photo by Carlos Pérez

Best horse breeds on display DEL MAR — In its 69th year, the 2014 Del Mar National Horse Show will run April 17 through May 4 at the Del Mar Fairgrounds Arena. This year marks the second consecutive year for The Del Mar National Hunter/Jumper Week was listed as one of the top 10 horse shows in North America by the North American Riders Group (NARG). The Del Mar National is a three-week equestrian event that includes: — Western Week April 17 through April 20 — Dressage Week April 24 through April 27 — H u n t e r / Ju m p e r Week - April 29 through May 4. Exhibitor entry applications are now available online at delmarnational. com. Entry deadlines are April 1 for Western and Dressage and March 31 for Hunter/Jumper. Established in 2009, the North American Riders Group formed to improve the quality of competitive show jumping in North America, modeling it after European competitions in an effort to better prepare competitors for international championships. It unites professional riders and trainers to use their collective strength

to make show jumping in North America the best in the world. Toward that end, it identifies the Top 25 shows based on a variety of criteria, including marketing, footing, stabling, courses/jumps, prize money offered, and ceremony. The highlight of Western Week is Night of the Horse at 7 p.m. April 19, presented by Mary’s Tack & Feed. Night of the Horse presents “Hoofbeats Through History.” the moment man encountered the horse, his world changed. The ensuing bond between them, forged from that moment forward, forever changed how man worked, traveled, played, and waged war. Anthony DeLongis, a mounted shooter, actor and director, writer, voiceover artist, Black Belt and USA Martial Arts and International Knife Throwers Halls of Fame inductee, will perform. Peter Sherayko, King of the Western Movies, a historian, author, actor and coordinator, will enact how the cowboy tamed the west, opened territory, ranched, mined, traveled, and brawled. Clay Maier will showcase driving dressage and jumping during his “Friesian Spectacular,” demonstrating maneuvers used by the cavalry. Among other entertainers will be pres-

ent-day knights in shining armor. WorldJoust Tournaments will demonstrate authentic jousting techniques. Local horse whisperer, Nancy Nunke, is featured with the only trained Przewalski’s horse in the world. Friends of the Del Mar National can follow the show on Facebook for up-todate news, photos, and other fun things at facebook. To com/delmarnational. receive updates via e-mail, sign up at delmarnational. com. Admission is free on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Reserved Grandstand seats for evening performances are $19 for each Saturday evening highlight event, at ticketmaster.com, or the Del Mar Fairgrounds Box Office by phone at (858) 792-4252 or at the Fairgrounds, Tuesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.


T he R ancho S anta F e News

March 21, 2014

Canyon Crest stages ‘Les Miserables’ envision.theatre.cca@gmail. com or visit cca-envision.org/ events/tickets.html. The production team includes CCA Vocal Musical Director/Conductor Anne Whatoff, CCA Instrumental Music Coordinator Amy Villanova, CCA Technical Director/Set Designer Jeremy Sewell, Costume CoordinaSeacrest Village is tor-Janet Pitcher and Stage proud to be selected Manager-CCA Student Beatas a UCSD Retirement riz Pereira. Association The cast includes: Preferred Retirement Adult Cosette -Allison seacrest village Community Norwood retirement communities Bishop -Kion Heidari Enjolras - Ben Sutton Eponine - Jerrin Padre Come home to Seacrest Village! Fantine - Samantha Tullie ®Catered dining Gavroche - Halle Hoffman ®Professional housekeeping Javert - Mark Steitz ®Chauffeured transportation Madame Thenardier Grace Condon ®24-hour security Marius - Steve Macario ®Emergency alert systems Thenardier. - Tyler Faison ®Fitness & aquatic programs Valjean - Cameron ®Maintenance services Chang Young Cosette - Amy ®Abundant activities Baron Constable 1/ Factory Girl What retirement living is 4/ Onlooker 1 -Alexis Neusupposed to be. Enhance your mann lifestyle at Seacrest Village! Constable 2/ Beggar 2 Hana Jackson Farmer/ Brujon - Desi Admire Month-to-Month Rental Old Woman/ Woman 4 (760) 632-0081 ®Independent Living® Emmy Farese 211 Saxony Road ®Assisted Living® Factory Girl 1/ Woman 2/ Encinitas, CA 92024 ®Memory Care® Sentry 1 - Julia Koerber www.seacrestvillage.org ®Rehabilitation® Factory Girl 2/ Onlooker ®Skilled Nursing® - Olivia Capizzi ®Long Term Care® Factory Girl 3/ Babet -

CARMEL VALLEY — Canyon Crest Academy (CCA) Envision Theatre present “Les Miserables - School Edition,” at 4 p.m. March 27, Thursday and 7 p.m. March

28 and March 29 at the Canyon Crest Proscenium Theatre, 5951 Village Center Loop Road. Tickets are $15 and students are $8 by e-mail to

Burn up to 600 calories in one 60 minute workout

Katie Finkbeiner Factory Girl 5/ Prostitute 2/ Woman 1 - Brooke Patterson Prostitute 1/Sentry 2 - Julia Vanderweil Prostitute 3/Beggar 1 - Nicole Belinsky Judge/Bystander 1 - Katie Michel Claquesous/Woman 3 Lauren Berman Montparnasse/Bystander 2 - Orly Shapiro Nun/Worker 1/Onlooker 4 - Aria Wiedmann Worker 2/Beggar 3 - Hannah Green Onlooker 3/Woman Aafje Day Convict1/Sailor2/ArmyOfficer/Grantaire -Troy Lingelbach Foreman/Convict 2/ Feuilly/Sailor - Kyle Grozen Pimp/Major Domo/Laborer- Ben Natkin Joly/Fauchelevant - Kion Heidari Combeferre/Convict 3/ Sailor 3 - Hunter Katz Courfeyrac - Jeffrey Lee Prouvaire/Convict 4/Bamatabois - Phillip Magin Mistaken Valjean - David Shin Convict 5 - John Paul Welch The general ensemble includes Liora Berkstein, Shelby Smith, Shinwon Kim, Mondona Rostami, Maitthu Koppolu, Ariana Wong, Hitaishi Paraselli,Sunny Moon, Felicia Ferris, Annie Charlat, Kira Sedayo, Justice Adair, Montana Auerbach and Jeremy Burklund.

In last year’s tournament, Corti and Terry Sinnott represent Del Mar, and Wendé Protzman and Dan King represent Solana Beach. Courtesy


Mayors will face off in upcoming bocce tourney ment has grown over the years, raising more than $435,000 thus far to help improve the education, health, and welfare for those in need in our local communities and around the world. Through this year’s major beneficiaries – Just In Time (for Foster Youth) and Reality Changer. A large portion of the funds raised at this year’s tournament will work to break the vicious cycle of illiteracy, poverty, ill health, poor parenting and domestic abuse for children and young adults. Visit DMSBBocce.com or contact Vicky Mallett at vicky.mallett2@gmail.com about the bocce tournament. See DMSBRotary. com or contact Richard Fogg at (858) 693-7556 or Diane Huckabee (619) 8180528 about the Del Mar-Solana Beach Rotary Club.

DEL MAR — Del Mar Mayor Lee Haydu has challenged Solana Beach Mayor Tom Campbell to a bocce competition at the Del Mar-Solana Beach Rotary Club’s Turf Bocce Tournament March 23 at the Del Mar Horsepark, 14550 El Camino Real. Joining the mayors will be their respective teammates, Del Mar Deputy Mayor Al Corti and Solana Beach Councilmember Dave Zito. In addition to the mayors’ participation at the tournament, both cities have issued proclamations in support of the bocce tournament and have urged their communities to support the Del Mar-Solana Beach Rotary Club and its tournament fundraiser. The Del Mar-Solana Beach Rotary Club’s annual Turf Bocce Tourna-











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March 21, 2014


T he R ancho S anta F e News

M arketplace News

Items on this page are paid for by the provider of the article. If you would like an article on this page, please call (76) 436-9737

Mind over tummy

Chamber celebrates top businesses CARLSBAD — The Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce celebrated the businesses that keep Carlsbad and the surrounding region at the forefront of key industries at its annual Business Awards Dinner Feb. 28 at the Omni La Costa Resort & Spa. At the event, the chamber presented awards in the following categories: — Action & Sports Manufacturing: Forecast 3D — Clean Technologies: Sullivan Solar Power — Hospitality & Leisure: Harrah’s Rincon Casino & Resort and Omni La Costa Resort & Spa (tied) — Information & Communication Technology: FMT Consultants — Life Sciences: Thermo Fisher Scientific (formerly Life Technologies Corp.) During the evening, the chamber also recognized the achievements of the 2013 board of directors and inaugurated its 2014 board members. “Spirit of the Twenties: Business is Roaring” was the theme of the ceremony, which honored chamber members whose achievements exemplify the best in innovation, resilience and business excellence. For more information, call (760) 931-8400 or visit carlsbad.org.

‘A safer way to look and feel years younger’

Don’t let burning pain and neuropathy irritate you and steal your fun with others.

Could this be your solution to neuropathy, numbness or burning pain? Do you have any of the following symptoms? Pins and needles feeling? Numbness in the hands or feet? Tingling or burning sensations? Weakness in the arms or legs? Sharp shooting or burning pains? If so, you may have a condition called Peripheral Neuropathy. Numbness, tingling, and pain are an extremely annoying problem. It may come and go...interrupt your sleep...and even make your arms or legs feel weak at times. Maybe you’ve even been to other doctors and they claim all the tests indicate you should feel fine. More Drugs Are Not The Solution. A common treatment for many nerve problems is the ‘take some pills and wait and see’ method. While this may be necessary for temporary relief of severe symptoms, using them long term is no way to live. Some of the more common drugs given include pain pills, anti-seizure medi-

ations, and anti-depressants — all of which can have serious side effects. My name is Dr. Jeff Listiak. I’ve been helping people with neuropathy and nerve problems for more than seven years. Neuropathy can be caused by Diabetes, Chemotherapy, Toxins, etc. It may also be compounded by poor posture or a degenerating spine stressing the nerves. The good news is that NeuropathyDR™ combination treatments have proven effective in helping patients with these health problems. Here’s what one of my patients had to say: “I had been feeling very sharp pains in my feet… they just felt like they were on fire. I just couldn’t stand it… every night for the last year or two. I’m so excited today to tell Dr. Jeff that four days in a row I have felt no pain whatsoever.” — Marilyn You could soon be enjoying life...without those aggravating and life-disrupting problems. Don’t Miss This

Limited Time Offer. It’s time for you to find out if NeuropathyDR™ treatment protocols could be your neuropathy solution. For the next 14 days only, $20 will get you a complete NeuropathyDR™ Analysis that I normally charge $197 for! What does this offer include? Everything. • An in-depth discussion about your health and wellbeing where I will listen… really listen…to the details of your case. • A posture, spine, range of motion, and nerve function examination. • A full set of specialized x-rays (if necessary) to determine if a spinal problem is contributing to your pain or symptoms. • A thorough analysis of your exam and x-ray findings so we can start mapping out your plan to being pain and numbness free. • And, if after the thorough analysis we feel we can’t help you, we’ll tell you that right away. Until April 4th, 2014

you can get everything I’ve listed here for only $20. So, you’re saving a considerable amount by taking me up on this offer. Call (760) 230-2949 now. We can get you scheduled for your NeuropathyDR™ Analysis as long as there is an opening before April 4th. Our office is located just off Interstate 5 and Encinitas Boulevard. When you call, tell us you’d like to come in for the NeuropathyDR™ Analysis so we can get you on the schedule and make sure you receive proper credit for this special analysis. Sincerely, Dr. Jeff Listiak, D.C. P.S. Remember, you only have until April 4th to reserve an appointment. Why suffer for years in misery? That’s no way to live, not when there could be help for your problem. Take me up on my offer and call today (760) 230-2949.

How embarrassment can put your health at risk intestine’s health involves talking about it with your physician and learning about the factors that might put you at risk of developing colorectal cancer. These are some of the things you should know about this “Sometimes you take disease: the simple things of life for 1. Don’t wait until it is granted. But once you face too late colon cancer, you tend to Kimberly used to think reevaluate how important it is to have your large in- that her chronic constipatestine in check,” says Kim- tion would vanish with a berly Gross, wife, runner, proper diet. “After more swimming coach, business than a year I realized it woman and colon cancer wasn’t merely constipation. survivor. Did you know At that point probiotic yoColorectal cancer is the sec- gurts and high-fiber bars ond leading cause of cancer don’t work as a preventadeaths in men and women tive measure, but as a temcombined in the United porary fix for something more serious that you may States? Remarkably, despite not want to address,” says its high incidence, colon Gross. Usually colorectal cancancer is one of the most detectable and, if found ear- cer first develops with few, ly enough, most treatable if any symptoms. A change in your bowel forms of cancer. Caring for your large habits including diarrhea

or constipation, unattributed weight loss, and vomiting are some of the warning signs that could indicate the existence of cancerous cells. Finding blood in your stool and experiencing fatigue and persistent abdominal discomfort — including cramps, gas, pain, or feeling full or bloated- should also raise red flags. 2. Colorectal cancer testing can save lives Colorectal cancer can be prevented by getting tested regularly. In fact, 60 percent of deaths caused by this disease can be prevented if all people age 50 and older underwent colorectal cancer screening. 3.The “Gold Standard” of screening The best test for colorectal cancer screening is the colonoscopy because it

is the only one that allows the physician to take a biopsy and remove any polyps (abnormal growths inside the colon) in one session. “I kept pushing back the need to schedule a colonoscopy because of the inconvenience of having to take one day off work to get the test done,” says Gross. “Now I know that if I had continued delaying it or hadn’t done it at all, my story would’ve been different.” 4. Cancer doesn’t care how old you are Although considered to be an older man’s illness, studies suggest that colon cancer incidence rates in adults younger than 50 years old are on the rise. 5. Reduce the risk According to the American Cancer Society, the links between diet, weight and exercise, and the risk of developing colorectal can-

cer are some of the strongest for any type of cancer. For example, a high intake of red and processed meats can increase colorectal cancer risk, whereas diets that include a healthy amount of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains have been linked to lower colorectal cancer risk. So remember: • If you are 50 years of age or older, you are at higher risk of developing colorectal cancer • People with a first-degree relative affected by colorectal cancer have two to three times the likelihood of suffering from this illness. • Don’t let embarrassment get in the way of your health. Ask your doctor if a colorectal cancer screening is right for you. For more information please call (855) 222-8262 or visit tricitymed.org

Would you like to have a flatter low tummy? Would you like to look more beautiful and take your workouts to the next level without spending hours in the gym? Have you ‘literally’ lost control of your bladder? Do you experience back, knee or hip pain? After working as a fitness and pilates professional for the last 30 years I thought I knew ‘everything’ about the core. Then I met Dr. Theresa Nesbitt. A Chicago based OBGYN turned Wellness Doctor, Family Health Coach, and Author. After mentoring privately with her for the last 5 years, I realized that my experience as fitness trainer was just scratching the surface of core function. My head was spinning when she said, “The true core you can not train; you facilitate.” “We train the unconscious movement. “It’s like an inner corset, we just have to allow it to start working again.” The ‘inner corset’ is responsible for a flatter tummy, stronger bladder, more balance and increased sexuality as it regulates all your systems. When you were just a baby your arms and legs didn’t have strength. The ‘inner corset’ is what enabled you to hold up your heavy head. From that foundation, we gained mobility, continence and we started walking. Injury and childbirth impair the inner corset, forcing the outer core to compensate leading to many misdiagnosed symptoms. This trademarked system uses guided imagery and awareness techniques that literally strengthen the inner core which includes the ‘innermost’ layer of the pelvicfloor. “It’s not about kegels,” movements are even more subtle making them seem almost “magical” and suitable for those with chronic pain. These workshops are tailored for women under age 65, but anyone can benefit. The next workshop is April 12 in Carlsbad $30. Space is limited. For more information call (858) 8291669 or visit kathleenpagnini.com/blog/workshops Also available : Pilates Reformer Training, Speaker at your ‘Ladies Event’ and In-Home workshops.


T he R ancho S anta F e News

A rts &Entertainment

March 21, 2014 Send your arts & entertainment news to arts@thecoastnews.com

Keeping it classy out & about Carli Leavitt

A guide to the Cardiff dive bars

C G. Love & Special Sauce play House of Blues San Diego March 21. Courtesy photo

Back to the beginnings... sort of G. Love & Special Sauce are emerging with a new album reminiscent of earlier works, but with a harder edge By Alan Scully

The version of “Sugar,” the new studio album that will be released April 22 by G. Love & Special Sauce, is not at all the album Love thought he was ready to release when he returned from a recording session in Seattle last year. Prior to that recording session, Love (real name Garrett Dutton) had done what has become standard procedure for his albums. He brought in a stack of new songs to Emmett Malloy, president of his label, Brushfire Records, Josh Nicotra, general manager of Brushfire and his personal manager, Jason Brown. Then this “committee” reviews the songs, offers its critiques and eventually chooses a group of tunes that are likely to make the album. “Every one of the tunes is like my song, so it’s a little hard to hear (them say) ‘This verse needs to be re-written’ or ‘This groove is nothing,’” Love said of the process during a recent phone interview. “It’s pretty hardcore. So a lot of s**t gets left on the cutting room floor. But I’ve made myself comfortable with the process.”


Know something that’s going on? Send it to calendar@ coastnewsgroup.com MARCH 21 LATINO FILM MiraCosta College will host a free screening of the film “Latinos Beyond Reel” at 5:30 p.m. March 21 on campus in Bldg. 2400 at 1 Barnard Drive in Oceanside. with a guest appearance by the film’s producer, Lorena Manriquez. For more information, contact Lisa Montes at lmontes@miracosta.edu or call (760) 757-2121, ext. 6396. KIDS’ ART Lux Art Institute offers an after-school program for students ages 8 to 14 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. March 26, April 2, April 23, April 30, May 7. March 26 will feature Finnish painter and

But for “Sugar,” the process became less comfortable than usual for Love when he returned from Seattle. “After the Seattle session, I was like, ‘Wow, we really did it. We really got it this time,’” Love said. “And we played it for the label, and (Brown) and they all just felt like it was falling short. I was really pissed off, man. “I went in and did it (the album) and like excelled at it and killed it,” he said. “And now you say you don’t like it? What the f***?’” That wasn’t the end of the confusion for Love. His committee further said they liked only one song from the Seattle session, “Come Up Man.” Ironically, that song had been rejected in the initial review. Love recorded it anyway, feeling the song brought a different direction to his funky blend of blues, hip-hop, folk and rock. Stung by the reaction to his new recordings, Love decided he’d give Malloy, Noctra and Brown what they now wanted — an entire album built off of “Come Up Man.” “I went back and picked out all of the tunes that I had that fit in with that (song),” Love related. “That’s how we got this record.” Actually, Love got something more with “Sugar.” He actually got a CD that took him back to his 1994 debut album, “G. Love and Special Sauce.” For the second recording session at Brushfire’s solar powered studio in Los Angeles, Love brought back Jimi

sculptor Jarmo Mäkilä. For reservations, visit luxartinstitute.org. GOURD ART Gourds by Grace will be at the Off Track Gallery, 937 S. Coast Highway 101, Encinitas, for the month of March. MARCH 22 OMA EXHIBITS Oceanside Museum of Art has opened a Kenneth Capps sculpture exhibition with a Mega Exhibition Reception from 6 to 8 p.m. on April 12, 704 Pier View Way Oceanside, celebrating five concurrent exhibitions including Dichotomy: Kenneth Capps, Jean Wells “Icons of Desire, DNA of Creativity,” “Rank n’ File” by John Daniel Abel and “Wet Birds Don’t Fly at Night:” by Roy Rogers. POETS GATHER The Village Idiots Literary Society will meet March 22 from 1 to 3 p.m. at Artbeat on Main Street, 330 Main St., Vista. For more information, call

“Jazz” Prescott, the original bassist in Special Sauce, to play with the other original member of the group, Jeffrey “Houseman” Clemens.” Prescott had recorded with Love in Seattle, but the second recording session marked the first time in eight years that Prescott had worked with Love and Clemens. It wasn’t just the musicians that connected back to the “G. Love and Special Sauce” album. Like the debut, “Sugar” was also recorded mainly live in the studio by the three musicians. What’s more, Love feels “Sugar” draws from the same blues and hip-hop influences that shaped the sound on that 1994 debut album. “Sugar,” though, is not a re-run of the first album. Where the debut was laid back, with Love frequently rapping his lyrics over songs that mostly featured acoustic instrumentation, “Sugar” is decidedly harder edged. “Come Up Man,” the album’s opening track sets the tone, with Love unleashing some electric slide guitar around the greasy hard-hitting groove generated by Prescott and Clemens. Songs that follow, such as “Nite Life” (which sounds like it could have been on a classic album by War), “Good Life” (with Love letting loose on harmonica), “Nothing Else Quite Like Home” (which might remind some of Ben Harper),” and the sharp and sassy title song also fit the rocking blues/hip-hop mold. TURN TO G. LOVE ON A18

ardiff-by-the- Sea has gone through some major changes in the last few decades. Just 20 years ago, it was nothing more than a laid-back surf town with no sign of sidewalk lighting or manicured landscaping. Before Pipes Cafe and the Cardiff Kook, this seaside paradise was known for little more than good surf breaks and friendly people. Over the years many of the favorite local staples have slowly been pushed out to make way for more upscale and trendy replacements. Miracles Cafe, Jenny’s Place and Yogi’s Bar & Grill, once hotspots, are now long gone. But the one part of Cardiff that has held strong, clinging to the good old days, are the epic dive bars. Somehow this beach community, now one of the most popular places to live in the entire country, has managed to keep its collection of “leave your class at the door” dive bars intact. From the Shanty to The Kraken — this beach town knows how to have an old-fashioned divey good time. The Shanty: Oh, the Shanty. This local dive has been the home of bad pickup lines and “I can’t believe I did that” moments for over 60 years. Nestled between Patagonia and the Cardiffby-the-Sea Lodge, this old-timer is taking up some prime real estate just blocks from the beach with

Arts,” from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. March 23 at The San Marcos Civic Center, 3 Civic Center Drive. See fine art, a craft fair, a community art mural and more than 20 hands-on art projects plus performances by local schools and dance studios. For more information, call (760) 7449000 or visit san-marcos.net. LES MIS Canyon Crest Academy Envision Theatre presents “Les Miserables - School Edition,” through March 29 at the CCA Proscenium Theatre. For tickets and times, e-mail envision.theatre. cca@gmail.com or visit cca-enviMARCH 23 BAND CONCERT Coastal sion.org/events.html. Communities Concert Band announces its upcoming concert with MARCH 24 vocalist Michael Ruhl at 2 p.m. READER’S THEATER CarlsMarch 23 at the Center for the bad Playreaders presents “God of Performing Arts in Poway, 15498 Carnage” at 7:30 p.m. March 24. Espola Road, Poway. Tickets are Jason Heil will direct at Carlsbad $15 online at cccband.com or by City Library’s Ruby G. Schulman calling (760) 436-6137. Auditorium, 1775 Dove Lane, CarlsCELEBRATE ART Join “San bad. No advance reservations. SugMarcos Alive, A Celebration of the gested donations are $5 for adults (760) 414-1056, or e-mail villageidiots@cox.net. SUPPORT ART On March 23, local non-profit ArtReach will partner with Del Mar restaurant Mia Francesca and artist and Carmel Valley resident Catherine Dzialo-Haller to offer a painting class at the Del Mar Highlands Town Center. Proceeds from the event’s $45 ticket price will support free visual arts education workshops in local K-6 schools that have no resources for art.

it’s dark and divey appeal. The Shanty is the best Cardiff destination for a not-so-classy Halloween. Just be sure to smile for the camera when it comes around (or avoid it at all costs) because there’s a good chance your sloshy mug dressed as the male version of Miley Cyrus will spend the better part of a year thumbtacked to their walls. The Kraken: In typical Kraken style — this dive won’t go down without a fight. Surrounded by upscale restaurants and located literally across the street from the ocean, the Kraken is an old Cardiff biker bar that has stood the test of time. Known for it’s brash staff, nightly live music and weekend BBQs, the Kraken is still going strong. Some nights attract the barely 21 crowd and others you’ll find nothing but 40+ locals taking tequila shots - either way, it’s always a good time. Duke’s Cardiff Office: Having grown up in Cardiff, I was always told to avoid this place like the plague. As a kid, I’d head down to VGs Donuts for a Sunday morning maple bar and watch people walk in and stumble out of The Office as early as 7 a.m. But, once I reached legal drinking age and took my first trip to this local Cardiff stomping ground, I was pleasantly surprised. Sure, there were your typical “don’t make eye contact” kind of patrons and a serious lack of windows, but there was also a fun Cheers-type appeal. Plus, it has pool tables, shuffleboard and even allows dogs. For a midday whistle-wetter, it doesn’t get much better than that. Carli Leavitt is a Cardiff native who spends her free time surfing, blogging, and enjoying all San Diego has to offer. Follow her on Twitter @CarliLeavitt.

and $1 for students. For more information, visit carlsbadplayreaders. org or call (760) 602-2012. MARCH 26 PICASA CLASS The Carlsbad Senior Center will offer a free “Picasa – projects” class from 10 to 11 a.m. March 26 for adults ages 50 and over. For more information, go to carlsbadca.gov/parksandrec and click the “Adults 50+” button or call (760) 602-4650. MARCH 29 BAROQUE ENSEMBLE A concert of Baroque music with the Chamber Ensemble, Musical Oratory will be presented at Saints Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church, 3459 Manchester Ave., Cardiff at 7 p.m. March 29 and at 3 p.m. March 30. Tickets are $40 for open seating and $25 for students at the church office, by phone at (800) 838-3006, or online at musicaloratory.org.

March 21, 2014


T he R ancho S anta F e News

Belly Up’s radio station makes concert-going easier By Bianca Kaplanek

SOLANA BEACH — Deciding which concerts to attend at Solana Beach’s iconic Cedros Avenue music venue just got easier thanks to Belly Up Tavern Radio, a streaming station on the facility’s homepage that allows live music junkies to hear artists who will be performing in upcoming shows. The station is from DeliRadio, a free service that has attracted more than 13,000 artists since it began about two-and-a-half years ago. Members of DeliRadio who will be performing at the Belly Up are automatically featured on the radio station. Listeners can filter music by genre. “The artists control their presence,” DeliRadio founder Wayne Skeen said. “They upload tracks and photos and a slide show plays while the music is playing.” Skeen said one of his goals for the station is to allow touring musicians “to get their music out in front of them, like a wave.” There is also a smartphone app that allows users to share their likes, see what their friends are listening to and follow the bands. “Seeing music is a social affair,” Skeen said. “With the app you can see who might be interested in going to the concerts.” DeliRadio is privately funded with sponsors rather than commercials. “Think (National Public Radio),” Skeen said, something is “where brought to you by …” Skeen graduated from college with a finance degree and started his career in hedge funds and investing. He eventually left that world when his music hobby led him to start a record label. “I recognized what I felt was missing and that’s what DeliRadio is,” he said. Part of his motivation to start the business was a consolidation of radio stations in the 1990s. “There wasn’t a lot of

ART IN EVERY FORM The public is invited to attend the third annual Encinitas Arts Festival, “Passport to the Arts” from noon to 4 p.m. March 23, at the San Dieguito Academy Performing Arts Center, 800 Santa Fe Drive, Encinitas. “Passport to the Arts,” includes dance, theater and music performances on three stages Courtesy photo

The Belly Up Tavern is launching a streaming radio station for music lovers. Courtesy photo

diversity,” he said. “Current music sounds so manufactured. This brings you real bands that are coming into town in a van or a bus. It doesn’t get much more local than this.” DeliRadio has stations worldwide. Close to home, in addition to Belly Up, they include Porter’s Pub at the University of California San Diego and the 710 Beach Club. Going forward, Skeen

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would like stations such as Belly Up Tavern Radio to include live announcers who are “interesting and compelling to the listeners.” “It would be great to get back to the heyday of radio interviews,” he said. “There was a time when DJs were educators. That was surely a good time.” To listen to Belly Up Tavern Radio, visit bellyup.com.

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MARCH 21, 2014

MARCH 21, 2014


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Food &Wine

California wines on the road less traveled taste of wine frank mangio

211 S El Camino Real, Encinitas • 760-632-0888 (In the LA Fitness Shopping Center)

March 21, 2014

Between the California coastal city of Lompoc and the town of Buellton, just west of the 101, lies 30,700 square acres of the Sta. Rita Hills. This pristine, peaceful land is located in

Santa Barbara County and is part of the Santa Ynez Valley AVA (American Viticulture Area). Its history as Sta. Rita Hills AVA dates back only to 2005, but Franciscan missionaries were planting there as early as 1787. Today, some 2,900 acres are planted with wine grapes in rocky soil where coastal fog fills the valley and hills, intensifying a cool-climate influence — what’s needed for quality Chardonnay and Pinot Noir. Pinot makes up about 78 percent of the vines in the area. Natural acidity, balanced with firm structure, is a common thread in the wines throughout the region where some 60 vineyards and wineries have been established. My sources for this article included two enthusiastic disciples of the Sta. Rita Hills wine country. Joshua Orr is the in-house sommelier and bar manager at Marina Kitchen, in the Marriott Marquis and Marina in downtown San Diego. In my conversations with him about wines with unique characteristics, his passion for Sta. Rita Hills poured out, and he revealed plans for an afternoon wine tasting of the region and a barbecue dinner to follow March 30. The consumer tasting will start at 3 p.m., with the barbecue at 5:30 p.m. That caught my attention, so I called the other disciple,

That look of determination belongs to Warren Bogle, President and Vineyard Manager of Bogle. Photo courtesy of Bogle Vineyards

Barbara Satterfield, who is the executive director of the Sta. Rita Hills Wine Growers Alliance. “We have an ideal climate for Pinot Noir with the perfect elevation, climate and soil, that define our AVA,” she said. “We are very excited to be coming to San Diego, especially after a great 2013 harvest with high yields and quality grapes.” The Marina Kitchen event will be a walk around with 20 wineries pouring for $20 per person. The barbecue features many active food stations, large format bottles and more selections not found in the walk around. Cost is $45. A discount will be offered for both. Purchase tickets at eventbrite.com. TURN TO TASTE OF WINE ON A18

TASTE THE WORLD Mille Fleurs Restaurant, 6009 Paseo Delicias, in Rancho Santa Fe, has announced the next date and theme in its new travel-inspired wine dinner series, “Taste of Terroirs.” At 6:30 p.m. March 25, the series will explore the flavors of Mendoza, center of the Argentinian wine industry and the largest wine producing area in Latin America. The event will feature six tastings of the region’s wines paired with three courses Argentinean-inspired cuisine created by Chef de Cuisine Martin Woesle. Throughout the evening, Bertrand Hug and Maitre d’ Marco Dedic will guide guests through hand-selected Argentinian varietals. The March Taste of Terroirs dinner is priced at $100 per guest (inclusive). Reserve seats by calling (858) 756-3085. Courtesy photo

March 21, 2014


T he R ancho S anta F e News

Educational Opportunities HORIZON PREP Christ-centered, Classical Education in Rancho Santa Fe Imagine a place brimming with youthful energy and joyful enthusiasm. Where the blessings of individual character are celebrated and emboldened, purposefully guided by experienced academic leaders and skillfully nurtured by gifted teachers. A place where teaching for mastery is preparing articulate, critical thinkers and life-long learners. That place is Horizon Prep! EXCELLENCE Horizon Prep’s carefully honed curriculum combines the latest course materials with proven learning methodologies that actively engage students at every grade level. Students are well prepared for continued academic, collegiate, and life success. Horizon Prep consistently ranks among the top schools nationwide in Standardized Test Scores (IOWA) and is fully accredited by WASC and ACSI. PURPOSE Horizon Prep’s classical education model has flourished in Western culture for centuries and embraces the study of literature, language, science, mathematics, philosophy, history, and the arts. Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric phases form the foundation of this consistent pedagogy and shape our teaching approach at

every grade level. Studies have shown that nothing impacts a student’s ability to learn, to grow, and to achieve more than good teachers. Our low student-to-teacher ratio creates the optimum environment in which to provide the individual attention

Horizon Prep’s Christ-centered, Classical Education offers a Cure for the Common Core your child needs—and deserves. All Horizon Prep teachers are fully accredited and purposefully selected for having that special “gift of teaching.” JOY Students love to learn at Horizon Prep and enjoy an abundance of athletic, creative, cultural and contemporary electives and enrichment at every grade level. Student athletes gain confidence and experience by competing on Horizon Prep’s interscholastic teams. We offer a wide range of enrichments and electives, including music, drama, code, guitar, Mandarin, organic gardening,

Agua Hedionda Lagoon installs solar carport CARLSBAD — Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation will unveil the latest exhibit at its Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation Discovery Center at 10 a.m. April 1 with an eco-friendly and sustainable solar panel carport. It will showcase how solar power operates and how this device generates electricity back on the grid for the public. In an effort to increase awareness in the San Diego area that focus on the environment, SDG&E Sustainable Communities Program backed the Agua Hedionda project. 41 projects were completed during the last 10 years. On hand for the rib-

bon-cutting ceremony will be Carlsbad Mayor Matt Hall, the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce CEO, Ted Owen, Agua Hedionda Board Chairman Mike Metts, Peder Norby Energy Neutral Coordinator for Agua Hedionda, and representatives of SDG&E. The Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation and Discovery Center Academy for Environmental Stewardship for local third grade students, delivers an in-depth, participatory curriculum through a series of three annual onsite visits to the center on the southern shore of the lagoon. For more information, contact Lisa Rodman at (760) 804-1969 or lisa@aguahedionda.org.

Final road closure DEL MAR — The city of Del Mar's bridge contractor, Flatiron West, Inc. will complete roadway improvements along North Torrey Pines Road from March 21 through March 25. The work will require one full road closure of North Torrey Pines Road from the Torrey Pines State Beach parking lot to Carmel Valley Road from 9 p.m. March 21 through 6 a.m. March 25. Detours will divert

southbound traffic to Carmel Valley Road and northbound traffic to Genesee Avenue, via Interstate 5. Pedestrians and bicyclists will be diverted around the closure via Carmel Valley Road and the Torrey Pines State Beach parking lot. For further questions regarding this notice, or if you note a safety concern, contact Del Mar's Public Works Department at (858) 755-3294 or GroupPublicWorks@delmar.ca.us.

finance, investment, and technology. To help make all of this possible, Horizon Prep offers over six acres of well-maintained athletic fields; a dedicated music center with hundreds of new instruments; an art studio that includes a printing press, potter’s wheels and separate kiln room; and a state-of-the-art technology center complete with secure campus-wide wireless connectivity and the latest Apple iPads, laptops and computers. Students and their parents also take comfort in knowing that our ACSI-accredited, over 7,000-volume library—staffed with a dedicated, full-time librarian— is always available. HOPE At Horizon Prep, we take pride and pleasure in delivering well-rounded graduates with a strong sense of self, hope, optimism, life purpose and direction. As one proud parent once said, “Horizon Prep is a great place to grow up.” Horizon Prep is now enrolling Preschool - High School. Join us an Admissions Open House, March 6th, April 10th and May 8th. For more information, visit: horizonprep.org or call our Admissions Office to set up a Private Tour (858)756-5599.

Reminiscing on things past baby boomer Joe Moris Sure seems like there are a couple prominent times in our lives that we reminisce even more than other times. Maybe it’s just me but when my kids were growing up and driving me crazy I would say something like “I hope your kids are just like you!!” which would devolve into me having a tirade about having only three channels on the television (… and that’s when we weren’t on the roof turning the antenna with my dad yelling out the window, or at the local Rx going through the tube chart to test the bulbs that burn out only to find out there are none available….). Growing up in San Diego didn’t mean trudging through the tundra mile after mile, but growing up on Jackson Dr. in La Mesa meant walking a mile and a half to the bus stop in the morning for a half hour ride to Crawford HS up off El Cajon Blvd near State College. Or, when in Jr. High, riding my bike over

a dirt road now called Navajo Rd. to Allied Gardens about 10 miles away to Lewis Jr. High. My kids grew up with their mother or me taking them to and from school every day. Home to cable channels, electronic devices, and their “caves”… better known as their sanctuary rooms. Me? I had no such privacy. I had to share a bedroom with my brother until he got drafted. Most baby boomers I know had multiple siblings. Nowadays if couples have more than two kids it raises eyebrows. So we reminisced then about how simple yet tougher adolescence was to us as opposed to that of our kids. But now the reminiscence is different. We reminisce with our friends now. “Remember Easter Break at the ‘69 Pop (pot) Festival in Palm Springs”? (Many of the rock groups that appeared there, appeared at Woodstock a few months later). Palm Springs was a great venue for left coasters but, you know the East Coast bias, notwithstanding the music, Woodstock got the press because of being in New York, the bad weather, mud and lack of planning. Palm Springs and Tahquitz Canyon was just a fabulous, warm and dry three-day fantasy.

I was writing to a they say about Paris in the friend today and we real- springtime. She says she ized that we had met thir- loves her work and being teen years ago; like a blink home, could retire any of the eye and poof, the time but feels fulfillment time is gone and yet so fast. and satisfaction with her We reminisce about fateful career. Nothing wrong events of our adolescence. with that. I’m approaching the That period in our life was truly short yet looking sunset but I still want some back and while living it, cool experiences. Planit felt like an eternity. We ning something cool raises reminisce about good and endorphins and makes you bad times. I like to think happy. Be Happy. Shake I’m making new memo- off the binds and blinds. ries so that when I’m 100 I Try to make memories that can reminisce. Heck, how you can reminisce about about 125? But, I have to when you’re 100!! It will remember my dad passing bring you peace and happiwhen he was only 71. Life ness. If you can’t afford it, is way too short sometimes. remind the kids that they You don’t see a U-Haul owe you — big time! behind a hearse. It might Afterthought: Think be time to start adding a ahead 25 or 30 years from few chapters to the book of now. Our politicians will memories. It’s time now to all be potheads. John Lenpin guilt trips on our kids non was right after all. and remind them that they Imagine! Peace. “owe us big time”!! (A little guilt never hurts). I Joe Moris may be know we’ll think we’ll nev- contacted at (760) 500er have “enough” money 6755 or by email at but happiness and even joe@coastalcountry.net generosity is important. After all, generosity is a Yin and Yang thing if you get my drift. I thought my 13-year friend was in a rut, just working and existing. She’s got a wheelbarrow of money. I told her to surprise her better half facebook.com/ with two tickets to Paris coastnewsgroup reminding her about what


T he R ancho S anta F e News

March 21, 2014


Contact us at sports@coastnewsgroup.com with story ideas, photos or suggestions

Making their marks By Tony Cagala

ENCINITAS — A halfmile stretch of Vulcan Avenue became a veritable race track for runners themselves challenging to see just how fast they could run a mile on Sunday. The Encinitas Mile, the inaugural event co-founded by North County runners Mark Sarno and Daniel Seidel, saw several heats of runners head down a portion of Vulcan Avenue and back again. Runner Sergio Garcia won the men’s elite competition with a mile time of 4 minutes and 20 seconds. Racer Natasha Labeaud Anzures took the top prize in the women’s elite race with a time of 4 minutes and 57 seconds. One of the final heats included a race for dog Runner Brian Sullivan, in front, takes an early lead out of the starting gate during the men’s elite race. by Tony Cagala and their owners.

sports talk jay paris The kid charging up the hill said it all: “Go Padres!” Not the local nine at Petco Park, mind you. Instead we’re awaiting the first pitch from the Miracle League tykes sharing the same name. And a likewise affection for a sport which is getting into the swing of things.

Plenty of racers participated in the inaugural mile-long race in Encinitas.


The Encinitas Mile featured a heat allowing runners to race with their dogs.

Miracle League baseball is in a league of its own A peak at a hollering Josh Bigelow scrambling from the parking lot to the San Dieguito Regional Park diamond brings a sparkle to anyone’s eyes. His joy for baseball this Saturday morning has built all offseason. His favorite time of the year is finally here, and if you’re smart, you’ll share in this unconditional love for baseball. “This is such a feelgood,’’ said Josh’s mother, Julie, and how did she notice my goose bumps?

“Life is good.’’ Yes it is. Especially to the nearly 300 players with various physical obstacles often forcing them into organized sports’ shadows. For reasons difficult to explain and hard to imagine, these athletes are challenged in ways that would deter many. But not Josh -- excuse me, I’ve been corrected. That’s Big Josh, a precious 11-year-old with his Padres hat resting crooked on his red-headed noggin’ which rises above an adorable mug loaded with freckles. “He’s always been Big Josh,’’ Julie said. “And now he finally is.’’ Big Josh dons his No. 2 Padres jersey with the pride of any pro. He’s at the Miracle League’s opening day, just like

every spring since 2007 when the curtain lifted on this true San Diego sports treasure. The Miracle League is a gift which arrives each March, featuring engaged players marching to their own beat. Some lean on walkers to reach the bases; some use wheelchairs to speed around the bags. All have “buddies” which assist them on the field, but also form friendships with them off it. Big Josh has Annika, 15, and don’t we all wish someone was so thoughtful in looking out for us. “She’s unbelievable,’’ Julie said. So is Big Josh,and he’s about to demonstrate it. In a move many his age aren’t keen with, he shows a visitor how he fake bunts,


then pulls his bat back in order to get a hit. He absorbed the technique from watching his sister participate in competitive softball. It’s at those games that Big Josh would often sneak into her dugout, proclaiming that he got to play, too. Now Big Josh has his own dugout, even if Julie recalls doctors telling her his limitations meant a life as a spectator. “They said he would never get to play the game,’’ she said. “Now he gets to play.’’ And Julie gets to watch, a three-inning break from tracking her son, 24/7. Not only do those dealt a tough hand in life get a breather, but ditto their dedicated parents. “It gives us a respite,’’ Julie said. But there’s no rest in keeping up with Big Josh or his Miracle League counterparts. While chatting with Big Josh, we hear from

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Ernie Martinez, the noted San Diego sports talk radio show host, that the Diamondbacks’ Steven Dixon just smacked a tworun homer. Martinez, like countless others, donates his time as the public-address announcer, introducing each batter with style and substance. The games always end in a tie, as having a loser anywhere near this weekly sun-splashed event just wouldn’t be right. “It looks like they really have a good time,’’ said Ian Broadbooks, 11, a Miracle League buddy. “And it just makes you feel good to help out.’’ Right on, Ian, and here’s where you can assist. The Miracle League is having a fundraiser to let more kids like Big Josh wrap their arms around baseball, and really, so much more. Those with big hearts and loose wallets can purchase an inscribed brick at miracleleagueofsandiego. org. It’ll be placed at the Miracle League’s customized Engel Family Field, the one so graciously built by the Padres. That’s the real Padres, or are you like me, more inclined to think they reside on Big Josh’s squad? “When I watch my daughter’s games, they are always chasing the trophy,’’ Julie said. “At the Miracle League games, we already have it.’’ Big Josh’s grin proves it. Go Padres! Contact Jay Paris at jparis8@aol.com. Follow him on Twitter at jparis_sports

March 21, 2014

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STATE CHAMPS San Diego Surf Academy I competitive soccer club Boys Under 9 won the state championship going up against more than 140 competitors. Winning team members included, from left, back row, Coach Dave Currie, Ramon Lucero, Grayson Dettoni, Charlie Kosakoff, Jacob Zapien and William Alexander, with, from left, front row, Mason Marvil, Andre Philibbosian, Ryan Davis, Will Bond and Owen Ebel. Team members are from Carmel Valley, Del Mar, Cardiff, Encinitas and Rancho Santa Fe. Courtesy photo


fair only, but not the horse races or other fairgrounds events. Directors wanted the language to be as all inclusive as possible and applied wording similar to what was used earlier in the day when the County Board of Supervisors opted to restrict e-cig


ness, said the district wants to avoid splitting elementary boundaries so that all sixth graders would progress to the same middle school together. The site is adjacent to the district’s Canyon Crest Academy (CCA), but will operate as a separate school with set neighborhood boundaries. The new middle school is in the Torrey Pines High School attendance area, but stu-


Keyword is Sta. Rita Hills. Bogle is Best of Breed for Value Wines ine Spectator recently confirmed what I have been saying ever since I discovered the wonderful world of wine and paid $9 for a Petite Sirah and fell in love with Bogle. This 2010 version was named a “top value” by the world’s largest circulated wine magazine. Most recently Bogle increased sales by 16 percent to 1.75 million cases, the core portfolio features 10 offerings, including the most recent blend, Essential Red ($10). It contains Old Vine Zinfandel, Syrah, Cabernet and Petite Sirah and is aged 18 months in French oak. “Our brand is really founded on value, and our core principal has always




Now the reunion of the original G. Love & Special Sauce is getting extended to a live setting, as the trio sets out on a tour that runs into mid-April. The group is using the outing to not only preview songs from “Sugar,” but to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the self-titled debut album.


Director Adam Day said the 22nd DAA set a “great standard” by becoming the first county fair in the state to ban smoking. “E-cigs weren’t on our radar when we did that,” he said, adding that allowing the devices would send “the wrong message to our youth.” He also cited safety dents will be able to apply to attend CCA through the district’s high school selection process. The school site is currently being graded in preparation for construction, which will start this summer. The budget for the first phase of the middle school design, construction and land purchase is $52.5 million. Funding to build the new middle school is provided by Proposition AA, the district’s $449 million general obligation bond,

reasons for security personnel for incorporating electronic smoking devices into the no-smoking policy. Director David Watson said “it would be totally confusing” for enforcement officials if they weren’t included. I would feel sorry for personnel trying to distinguish between the two, Watson said. which local voters approved in November, 2012. “We are grateful for the community’s investment in our schools,” said Dill. “The new middle school is our biggest project and is only possible because of the local funds raised by the bond measure.” Rick Schmitt is superintendent of the San Dieguito Union High School District. You can follow him on Facebook at facebook. com/sduhsd, and Twitter, @ SDUHSD_Supt.

tro in Carlsbad will hold a cooking with wine class March 23 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Private Chef Victoria East shows how to prepare amazing dishes with wine. $45. Phone (760) 230-2077. Mille Fleurs in Rancho Santa Fe has its next Taste of Terroirs dinner March 25, featuring Argentine wines. Owner Bertrand Hug will lead guests through six wines. $100 per guest; RSVP at (858) 756-3085. Vittorio’s in Carmel Valley off the 56 has a Foxen wine dinner March 27 at 6 p.m. Five courses with five Foxen wines. $54.50; RSVP at (858) 538 Wine Bytes The 3rd annual San 5884. Diego International Wine Show is scheduled at the Frank Mangio is a renowned Paddock, San Diego Fair- wine connoisseur certified by grounds in Del Mar Apr. 26 Wine Spectator. and April 27. Spaces are His columns can be viewed still left for wineries in Cal- attasteofwinetv.com. ifornia. Contact the show He is one of the top wine comproducer at (760) 807-6042. mentstor on the web. Reach RELM Wine Beer Bis- him at mangiompc@aol.com.

been to produce great wines for the money,” said Chris Catterton of Bogle sales and marketing in a recent column in Wine Spectator. The growth of sales was nearly out of control, until Bogle spent $50 million on a new wine facility in Clarksburg in the Sacramento Delta, adding storage of about 100,000 barrels. Concentrated, rich and savory, Bogle’s appeal is all about every person’s budget at no sacrifice in quality. See more at boglewinery.com.

The first set of each show will feature the group playing “G. Love & Special Sauce” in its entirety followed by a second set with material from across the other 10 albums (including “Sugar”) Love has released since the first CD. “It should be fun,” Love said. “The first set is going to be a real disciplined set for us, like a real presentation of the exact thing. And then also, we’re go-

ing to really play the record as it goes. “A lot of times we play songs night in and night out where we jam out on them. This time we’re really going to stick to the (album) arrangements and keep things tight and right and do it like that. It will be a cool chance to be real disciplined with the first set and then come out on the second set and really bust loose on the new stuff.”

transformed into ReCoM. ReCoM coordinates multi-agency operations, primarily aimed to thwart maritime security events, as well as collects and shares security intelligence among member agencies. “Where we had just a few local agencies that we had been engaged with that had maritime domain to now, I believe that in San Diego County we have a little over 20 law enforcement agencies that are involved in maritime security,” Liebes said. Another primary border security collaboration is the Department of Homeland Security’s nationwide Operation Stonegarden. The program addresses the local crime and security repercussions of people and contraband entering the country illegally, according to Lt. John Maryon from the San Diego Sheriff’s Department. Maryon heads the Operation Stonegarden activities in the county. He explained that unlawful border crossings instigate crimes in border communities. People entering the country illegally are associated with breaking into houses and stealing cars in efforts to fend for themselves. Smuggled drugs lead to drug crimes and can support gang activity. To address these spillover effects, federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies, including all of the county’s police departments and Sheriff’s Department, work together to increase law enforcement presence along the border, conduct joint special operations, communicate and share information. Their efforts for the most part involve “boots on the ground” saturation patrols in vulnerable areas that target criminals who are involved in smuggling and other cross-border crimes, according to Maryon. O p e r a t i o n Stonegarden sponsored Operation Allied Shield IV, which targeted San Diego gangs known to support drug smuggling, human trafficking, and other cross-border crimes carried out by transnational criminal organizations. More than 1,000 deputies, officers, federal and state agents performed parole and probation checks, traffic stops, and served search and arrest warrants during the two-day operation in late July 2013. The operation resulted in 372 arrests, 323 citations, and 79 narcotics seizures with a total estimates street value of $455,000. The Department of Homeland Security allocated $55 million for fiscal year 2013 to reim-

March 21, 2014 burse the other agencies for overtime, equipment and mileage used in Operation Stonegarden activities. Maryon said that Operation Stonegarden acts as a force multiplier by uniting so many different agencies. He added that when he started his law enforcement career 21 years ago, such collaboration and coordination did not exist. “When I worked patrol, there was no commitment like that. I think Stonegarden has really brought things together,” he said. Even outside of planned operations, such partnerships add extra

agents, their efforts in the county have proved effective. “We are not seeing the number of events here in San Diego County as we were before... so that is a measure to our success,” Liebes said. Though the number of local maritime events has declined, Border Patrol has observed smugglers travelling farther out to sea and farther north to make drops to avoid law enforcement. “I think due to the success of the agents operating in this area, having that enforcement posture here, we’ve kind of pushed the traffic out,” Liebes said. “We moved them fur-

We moved them further out into the water, we’ve made it more difficult for them.” Jaon Leibes Supervisory Agent, Border Patrol

sets of eyes on the lookout for suspicious activity along the shore. Border Patrol agents said they frequently get tips from local police officers, sheriff’s deputies, and citizens about people staking out a beach to pick up smuggled people and contraband or unusual boats out on the water at odd hours. To intercept illegal activity along the coast, Border Patrol agents in the county utilize intelligence to apply a riskbased approach to their surveillance activities. Border Patrol collects intelligence via interviews with apprehended smugglers, intercepted communication from seized cell phones, tracing contraband back to its source, and other methods. Agents then utilize the information to determine where and when to look for smuggling activity. “We get a pretty good idea of... where (smugglers) are landing, so we allocate our resources to address a specific threat in the areas that we are vulnerable,” explained Liebes. San Diego County’s Border Patrol branch consists of more than 40 agents who rotate on nightly patrol shifts along different stretches of beaches. On the ground, they inspect the coastline and water with heat-sensing binoculars to detect people and incoming vessels. But agents are also armed with information gathered by drones, manned multi-enforcement aircraft, radars on the beaches, and other surveillance technology. They remain in constant communication with other agents and other law enforcement officials with radios and cell phones. According to local

ther out into the water, we’ve made it more difficult for them. We know that it hits their pocket book as well in terms of logistics of what it takes for them to move their cargo further north to circumvent law enforcement.” Despite Border Patrol’s continued efforts to thwart maritime smuggling and the accidental deaths that can come with it, agents acknowledge that there is only so much that can be done to prevent smuggling by sea. California’s coastline is vast; the Pacific Ocean is expansive, and Border Patrol only has so much intelligence, so many tools and so many personnel. Maritime smuggling is versatile and can come in many forms, said Liebes. An event can be one person swimming across the border, a couple of people dashing from one coast to another on a jet ski, a traveler slipping multiple people or pounds of drugs into a marina on a recreational vessel. Agents cannot predict and intercept every single maritime smuggling event. Dropping off a boatload of people or drugs into a waiting van on the beach can take minutes. Sometimes events just slip under the radar. There is no real way that Border Patrol can accurately determine how many illegal maritime events are occurring in the county and the rest of the state. Even harder is trying to determine what percentage law enforcement is apprehending. “A lot of the times, you don’t know what you don’t know,” Liebes said. Tony Cagala contributed to this report.

March 21, 2014


T he R ancho S anta F e News

is possible. You need to add some vitality to your life. Find a subject you are enthusiastic about, then get out and mingle with like-minded people.

SOUP TO NUTS by Rick Stromoski

By Bernice Bede Osol FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014

FRANK & ERNEST by Bob Thaves

THE BORN LOSER by Art & Chip Sansom

BIG NATE by Lincoln Peirce

MONTY by Jim Meddick

ARLO & JANIS by Jimmy Johnson


ALLEY OOP byJack & Carole Bender

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- You may be thrown off balance by a troubling situation at home. Stick to your original objectives. It’s not the right time to make a commitment to a new venture.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- Those around you are inspired by your knowledge and inStick to proven methods in the year ahead. sight. Your confidence and ability make you Your abilities and know-how will continue to a dynamic presence. Utilize all of your talbring you success. Don’t succumb to some- ents, and you will be sure to advance. one else’s strategy. Have the confidence to SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- Try not to get carefully pursue your goal; a risky move stuck on one thing when there is so much could erase your hard work. Aim to please, to do. Your energy level is high, and you but stick to your game plan. will accomplish more if you show greater ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- It may take diversity. some extra effort on your part to get things SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -- You moving. Take your time, be persistent, and may be easygoing, but don’t allow anyone prepare to change your tactics if you aren’t to treat you badly. If you don’t stand up for getting the desired results. yourself now, you will be taken for granted TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- Financial op- in the future. portunities are present. Someone may try CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) - You will to include you in a dubious situation. Don’t soon see the benefits of your hard work. A damage your reputation or your integrity by project that interests you will be successful becoming involved in something that goes if you keep your intentions under your hat against your beliefs. for the time being. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- A new solution AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- There is to an old problem will come your way. Show a positive atmosphere surrounding your concern and diplomacy when needed. Your domestic life. Be sure to spend some objectivity and honesty may be called upon time nurturing important relationships. A to defuse a professional disagreement. home-improvement project will bring you CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- Be more ag- closer together. gressive in your drive to get ahead. Decisive PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- A misunaction will give you the payoff you are look- derstanding is likely to arise. Take care of ing for. If you hesitate, you will miss out on any matter that has the potential to lead to an important opportunity. trouble. Do your best to find a solution and LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- A love connection make any amendments necessary.

T he R ancho S anta F e News

March 21, 2014

Don Diego Scholarship Foundation Treasurer Steve Shewmaker, far left, with Board Member Susan Farrior receives thanks for her $6,000 donation from (pictured left to right) Chairman Paul Ecke III, Vice Chairman Jon Liss and President Tim Fennell. Courtesy photo

Scholarships get unexpected boost and the 2014 event is at charityfairhorseshow.com. Don Diego Scholarship Foundation Board Chairman Paul Ecke III said, “We recently increased our college scholarship funding by nearly 100 percent. For many years, we gave four $5,000 scholarships, for a total of $20,000. In 2014, three scholarships — $5,000, $2,500 and $1,000 — will be awarded in four categories: 4-H, FFA, Fair Employee and Fair Exhibitor. One of the four $5,000 recipients, deemed most outstanding by the judging committee, will also receive the $5,000 Spanjian Family Scholarship, for a total $10,000 award. Thanks to the commitment of people such as Susan Farrior and

generosity of organizations such as the Charity Fair Horse Show, this year one dozen very deserving students will receive a total of $39,000 to pursue their college and career goals.” The deadline for 2014 applications is April 1. Applications can be found at dondiegoscholarship.org. Grants also are provided to sponsor low-income students’ participation in the Fair’s Plant*Grow*Eat program that teaches in a hands-on way about nutrition and agriculture. Funds are raised through an annual gala, Legacy Brick program, Amigo Club and donations. For more information, visit dondiegoscholarship.org and follow Don Diego at facebook.com/ DonDiegoScholarship.


March 23 and 30 at 11am

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CD: John Evans

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DEL MAR — Susan Farrior of Rancho Santa Fe, surprised her fellow Don Diego Scholarship Foundation Board members at a March 3 meeting by presenting a check for $6,000 in support of Don Diego’s mission to provide college scholarships to outstanding San Diego County high school seniors who have participated in Del Mar Fairgrounds events, as well as grants for agricultural education. Farrior made the donation on behalf of the Charity Fair Horse Show, an annual event held during the San Diego County Fair. The show is a benefit for Don Diego and Helen Woodward. Farrior is a Horse Show board member; more information on the organization

Must be present to win.

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March 21, 2014


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March 21, 2014

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March 21, 2014


T he R ancho S anta F e News

Travel destinations an hour away from your doorstep in April and are given on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Each tour includes a picnic lunch. Visit rosestoryfarm.com/index.asp. Marking its 20th anniversary, cable station TCM (Turner Classic Movies) invites fans to take the “TCM Movie Locations Tour” in Los Angeles, offered by Starline Tours. The free, three-hour bus tour will run through April 14, overlapping with the 2014 TCM Classic Film Festival in Hollywood. Ride a state-of-theart bus with stadium-style seating, skylight windows and a 65”-inch HDTV to lo-

hit the road e’louise ondash


outhern California is truly a destination for all seasons. Our own back yard offers a wealth of places to visit and experience. These spring months are an ideal time to see our local landscape. The rest of the country has not yet embarked on summer vacations, so San Diego County residents can enjoy our ocean, area beaches, the mountains, desert and unique towns without the crowds, lines and lack of parking spaces. Here are some things to do within an hour or three of your doorstep: Only an hour’s drive away is southern Riverside County’s Temecula Valley and its wealth of offerings — like the annual Temecula Valley Balloon & Wine Festival, which runs May 30 through June 1. There are few things more dramatic than dozens of glowing balloons ascending into the nighttime sky over the Lake Skinner Recreation Area, a few miles northeast of Temecula. Ascensions also take place at dawn, when you can reserve a spot for a ride in one of the 40 or 50 balloons. Award-winning Temecula Valley wines also are showcased, as well as and food-and-wine pairings. There’ll be plenty of music, too. And if you are driving north on Interstate 15 on a Saturday, stop in at the festive open-air market in Temecula’s Old Town. Vendors offer vineand tree-ripened fruits and veggies, and locally grown flowers. Visit temeculacvb.com/. Wine and motorcycles? An unusual paring for sure, but you’ll find them at Temecula Valley’s Doffo Winery, built around the former site of a historic schoolhouse. Many motorcycles are situated throughout the property, and the rest of the 200 bikes are displayed in a gallery. Best to go on weekdays when crowds are few. 36083 Summitville St.; (951) 676-6989. For a complete Temecula Valley Events Calendar, Visitvisit Temecula.org. It’s only a 30- to 40-minute drive south to Mission Bay’s Catamaran Hotel and Spa, where both the bay and the ocean are steps away. The hotel features spring break specials (rooms start at $169) through April 20. Prices include complimentary outdoor movies, bay cruises, arcade games, and lei-making and hula lessons for kids. Ask about the free meals for kids, too. Call (858) 488-1081. Visit cata-

Take advantage of discounts on Amtrak tickets to travel to “California’s Riviera,” Santa Barbara. Discounts to many attractions are available this spring. Courtesy photo

maranresort.com. Book a mid-week ticket to Santa Barbara on Amtrak between now and May 17 and save 30 percent. And don’t worry about being car-less when you arrive. Just a few blocks from the train station is the Funk Zone neighborhood which features 22 wine-tasting rooms (part of Santa Barbara’s Urban Wine Trail), breweries, restaurants and shops. Visit AmtrakCalifornia.com/VIP30. Ramada Santa Barbara is offering discounts of 25 percent, as well as a free shuttle service from the train station. Also available: discount cards for local restaurants, the Maritime and Natural History museums, the Ty Warner Sea Center and the SB Trolley. Call (800) 654-1965 and mention “Visit Santa Barbara.” You may never have heard of Rose Story Farm in Carpinteria Valley between Ventura and Santa Barbara, but it is one of the unknown gems of the Central Coast. Tours are given twice a week on this family farm that cultivates 18,000 rose bushes of more than 120 varieties. The 2014 Temecula Valley Balloon & Wine Festival runs May 30, 31 One-hour tours begin and June 1 at Lake Skinner Recreation Area, northeast of Temecula. It features balloon rides, wine tasting, music and more. Courtesy photo

cations such as Echo Park (“Chinatown”); the 2nd Street Tunnel (“Blade Runner” and “The Terminator”); the Bradbury Building (“Blade Runner” and “The Artist”); and Union Station (“The Way We Were” and “Silver Streak”) and more. Tours begin at the historic TCL Chinese Theatre IMAX in Hollywood. For dates and reservations, visit tcm.com/20. E’Louise Ondash is a freelance writer living in North County. Tell her about your travels at eondash@ coastnewsgroup.com


T he R ancho S anta F e News

March 21, 2014

Purchase or lease any new (previously untitled) Subaru and receive a complimentary factory scheduled maintenance plan for 2 years or 24,000 miles (whichever comes first.) See Subaru Added Security Maintenance Plan for intervals, coverages and limitations. Customer must take delivery before 3-31-2015 and reside within the promotional area. At participating dealers only. See dealer for program details and eligibility.

Model EDD. Payments + tax & License, 36 mo. closed end lease with purchase option. $1999 Due at Signing. $0 security deposit required, On approved credit. Excess mileage fees of 15¢ per mile. Based on 10,000 miles per year. MSRP $28585 #E3234296 All advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes, any finance charges, $80 dealer document processing charge, any electronic filing charge, and any emission testing charge. Expires 3-23-2014.

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Car Country Drive


www.bobbakersubaru.com Subaru Tribeca, Forester, Impreza & Outback are registered trademarks. All advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes, any finance charges, $80 dealer document processing charge, any electronic filing charge, and any emission testing charge. Expires 3-23-2014.

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Car Country Drive





Financing Available up to 60 months on all new Clean Diesel 2014 Volkswagen TDI models!* *APR offer good on new 2014 Volkswagen TDI models. Example: For 0.9% APR, monthly payment for every $1,000 you finance for 60 months is $17.05. No down payment required with approved credit through Volkswagen Credit. Not all customers will qualify for lowest rate. See dealer for details. Offer Expires 3/31/14

PLUS! $1000 Fuel Card or $1000 Manufacturer Bonus Customers purchasing or leasing a new VW TDI model will have the opportunity to choose between a $1000 Fuel Card or $1000 Manufacturer’s Bonus. Please see dealer for details.

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5500 Paseo Del Norte Car Country Carlsbad


All advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes, any finance charges, $80 dealer document processing charge, any electronic filing charge, and any emission testing charge. Expires 3-31-2014.

ar Country Drive

ar Country Drive


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