Rancho santa fe news 2014 02 21

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VOL. 10, N0. 4

Feb. 21, 2014

Jails on the brink

County inmate populations balloon, pushing jails beyond capacity

Following live fire training, Battalion Chief Bret Davidson, center, provides a rundown of what he saw during a fire behavior observation exercise. Also pictured, Firefighter Nick Chapin, far left, and Capt. Greg Rainville. Photo by Tony Cagala

Fighting fire with science RSFFPD training facility is being used to implement new tactics in fighting fires By Tony Cagala

4S RANCH — Probationary firefighter John Daniels watched as the flames swelled in front of him and smoke funneled throughout the structure he was in. Luckily, there was no hurry to put the flames out. What Daniels and the other firefighters inside wanted to do was keep the fire going in order to observe what happened to the flames and smoke as the structure’s ventilation outlets were manipulated.

It was the first of several live fire training exercises scheduled for that day at the Rancho Santa Fe Fire Protection District’s fire training facility. Built in 2004 at RSFFPD’s Fire Station No. 2, the facility is now serving to train firefighters in emerging, new tactics on how to fight fires in modern structures. Being driven now more by fire science than traditional fire suppression approaches, the new tactics are aimed at firefighters

Two Sections, 32 pages

A new brew

Port Brewing Co. wants to open a tasting room in the Cardiff Towne Center. B3


A Poway councilman completes the more than 70-mile Coast to Crest trail. B2

being better able to understand fire and how to control it. Daniel Madrzykowski is the project leader for the ongoing Enhanced Effectiveness of Fire Fighting Tactics Project being done through NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce. The shift in tactical fire suppression stems from the examinations of structure fires from the 1970s to the present day. Since the ‘70s, Madrzykowski explained that the number of structure fires has decreased by 50 percent. The number of civilians killed in structure fires in the U.S. also decreased by more than 50 percent, and civilian inju-

Down but not out, a local inventor looks to generate interest in his pitching machine. B1

A&E..................... A10 Classifieds.......... B14 Food & Wine....... B8 Opinion............... A4 Sports.................. A13

ries have gone down significantly, too. “And firefighter fatalities, in total, have gone down somewhat,” he added, “but when you take a closer look at the number of firefighters that are getting killed on the fire ground, we find that that rate of injury has stayed about the same, and the rate of death seems to be going up.” He tempered that by saying the number is still fairly small, though it’s not following the other trends in regards to fires. And so the question becomes, why not? During the ‘70s, researchers began looking into how to better understand fires. That included learning what toxic gas-

more on alternative custody options and reentry programs for offenders. While the realigned inmate population appears to have stabilized, officials cannot pinpoint a time when San Diego County’s By Rachel Stine REGION — Over two jail inmate population will years after the implemen- level off. tation of California’s prison realignment, the adult Realignment’s Impacts on County Jail Populations inmate population in San Diego County’s jails is still Initiated in October rising, nudging the facilities closer to the brink of 2011, California Assemmaximum capacity and bly Bill (AB) 109 and AB 117 required low-level felsometimes beyond it. One of the county’s ony offenders who would detention facilities is oper- have previously been sent ating over a court-ordered to state prisons to instead inmate population capac- serve their sentences in ity, and last fall over 200 county jails. The legislation inmates had to sleep on the was designed to fulfill the floor at one jail due to lack state’s Three-Judge Court order for Gov. Jerry Brown of appropriate housing. The Sheriff’s Depart- to reduce the number of inment is working to mitigate mates in California’s overthe safety and health risks populated prisons. County jail populations of overcrowded jails, while eagerly awaiting the open- throughout the state have been growing ever since, as ing of two new facilities. Detention policy ex- jails take on more inmates perts are monitoring the and house inmates longer jails closely to ensure that as they serve lengthier senconstitutional housing stan- tences. San Diego County’s dards are met. But, they inmate population is no exalso hope that the County TURN TO JAILS ON A6 will rely less on jail and


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The dorms for the county’s new women’s detention facility in Santee are near completion, like the housing for low-level offenders above. The $270 million new jail will contain over 1,200 beds, hundreds more than the current Las Colinas Detention Facility. Though the women’s jail so far has not experienced a shortage of beds, its inmate population has been rising steadily since the implementation of California’s prison realignment. Photo by Rachel Stine.

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T he R ancho S anta F e News

FEB. 21, 2014

Power companies SDG&E and Southern California Edison may be able to replace 100 percent of the energy lost from SONGS with new, clean energy resources. Courtesy photo

SONGS can be replaced with clean energy By Bianca Kaplanek

REGION — The California Public Utilities Commission announced a proposed decision on Feb. 11 authorizing Southern California Edison and San Diego Gas & Electric to replace 100 percent of the energy lost from the recently retired San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station with new clean energy resources. “This is a big develop-

ment in what’s going to replace San Onofre,” Nathan Landers, regional communications manager for the Sierra Club, said. “If they replace it with all clean energy, that’s a huge deal and a huge part of the California energy mix.” “However, the proposed decision also needlessly leaves the door open for utilities to propose the construction of new gas-fired plants in the future, which would constitute replacing a carbon-free energy resource with new fossil fuels,” Evan Gillespie of the Sierra Club’s My Generation Campaign wrote in a press release. “The Commission severely discounted the benefits of carbon-free solutions like improved transmission, demand response, distributed generation, and energy storage for meeting local energy needs,” Gillespie stated.

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He noted the decision should be modified to incorporate those solutions to ensure SONGS is replaced with 100 percent clean energy. “The San Onofre retirement should not be used as a foot-in-the-door for building more fossil fuel power plants,” Gillespie added. Polls show a majority of Southern California residents support a clean energy solution, according to the Sierra Club. In January, a Sierra Club poll indicated a majority of electric customers in Orange and San Diego counties preferred the nuclear station be replaced by clean energy instead of gas-fired power plants. “The Commission must act to ensure that the retirement of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station is a chance to move forward on clean energy, not backslide on fossil fuels and climate disruption,” Gillespie wrote. According to the proposed decision, the two utilities must build a certain amount of clean energy options to replace SONGS — 200 megawatts for SDG&E and 400 for SCE. “For the rest they could go to gas-fired plants, and they probably will,” Landers said. “But San Onofre can and should be replaced with 100 percent clean energy. That’s what the analysis says to us. “This puts the ball in the court of the utilities,” he added. “It’s a big energy issue for all of California. It’s setting the stage for the energy mix in this state for decades.” Stakeholders have 20 days to draft reply comments, followed by a five-day day period to draft a short response to comments from other stakeholders. The PUC is expected to vote on the proposal at the March 13 meeting. On Feb. 5 the PUC unanimously approved construction of the Pio Pico Energy Center, a natural gas-powered facility in Otay Mesa. The commission rejected the plans about a year ago but opted to allow the project with the closure of SONGS.

FEB. 21, 2014


T he R ancho S anta F e News

Donna Ruhm is honored for 25 years of service to the Del Mar Fairgrounds by board Vice President David Watson, left, and General Manager Tim Fennell. Photo by Bianca Kaplanek

Board honors employee, supports train stop By Bianca Kaplanek

DEL MAR — Employee recognition, support for a seasonal train platform, a traffic study update and approval of mini-satellite wagering were addressed at the Feb. 11 meeting of the 22nd District Agricultural Association board of directors. Donna Ruhm was honored for 25 years of service to the Del Mar Fairgrounds. She was hired in January 1989 as assistant to the concessions manager to learn the fair’s midway operations. She was promoted to business assistant in 1991 and managed the Holiday Fair, a three-day event that attracted 20,000 attendees. She was also interim events manager, responsible for booking returning events and developing new ones. Ruhm was named concessions manager and then chief of exposition events. She helps develop promotions and programs for the fairgrounds, including food concessions, merchandise, commercial space and carnival rides and games, areas that grossed more than $25 million last year. “We have a lot to be proud of,” Ruhm said. “We treat all of our partners with respect, which makes us different from other fairs. We have heart.” She said her immediate staff, as well as senior management, make it a pleasure to work at the fairgrounds. “And nobody takes anybody too seriously,” she added. Ruhm said one of her most memorable moments in 25 years is a $12,000

bungee jump. Not a fan of those types of attractions, she said she did it for a fundraiser, which raised $6,000 in a few hours. A donor offered to match that amount, making it “a $12,000 jump I will never forget,” she said. Directors also approved a letter that will be sent to the San Diego Association of Governments stating 22nd DAA support for the San Dieguito double track and special events platform project that will add a track and station west of the fairgrounds. The letter, signed by board President Fred Schenk, notes the platform will give visitors a more convenient, direct and environmentally friendly transportation option for events at the state-owned facility. It is also a key mobility project in the fairgrounds master plan. It will help improve traffic, especially since the 22nd DAA recently agreed to phase out one of its parking lots, resulting in a loss of 1,250 spaces. “We recognize that patrons would welcome utilizing transit as an alternative,” the letter states. “We applaud SANDAG and (North County Transit District’s) efforts to … provide a safe and reliable transit option, while reducing traffic congestion, vehicular greenhouse gas emissions, and help to meet the regional goals of enhancing transit service for the county.” In another traffic-relatTURN TO FAIR BOARD ON A14


At the Father-Daughter Dance 2014 at Horizon Prep, Ray Vargas and daughter Erikas threw caution to the wind and their arms in the air for the “Macarena,” and the “Hokey-Pokey.” The evening was for daughters preschool through ninth grade, as they twirled under the winter night sky. Courtesy photo

‘Top Gun’ house gets a noticeable makeover By Promise Yee

OCEANSIDE — A new coat of yellow paint, two murals, and an information sign are causing people to stop and look at the “Top Gun” house on Pacific Street. The Queen Anne Victorian beach cottage, built in 1887, had become weatherworn over the years. Now murals by artist Paul Knebels and signage installed on Feb. 12 alert people to its historical significance. “It’s never been off our radar list,” Kristi Hawthorne, president of the Oceanside Historical Society, said. The house was built by Dr. Henry Graves and is known in history circles as the Graves House. Its distinct architecture includes gingerbread features and an ornate chimney. It is considered the best last-standing Victorian of its era. Part of its historical merit comes from it remaining in its original location. “A folk Victorian is absolutely rare by the beach,” John Daley, vice president of the Oceanside Historical Society, said. The house is more widely recognized for being featured in the 1986 “Top Gun” movie starring Tom Cruise and is fondly called the “Top Gun house.” Future plans are to restore the house after construction for a $209 million luxury hotel development begins on the site where the house stands. As part of the development project SD Malkin Properties will temporarily move the house to trench out space for underground parking. Then


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the house will be restored for adapted reuse by the developer, relocated on the site and used as a shop and tourist attraction. Since the hotel project was approved before Gov. Jerry Brown disbanded city redevelopment agencies, the timeline for building is uncertain. Daley said an optimistic date for construction to begin is October. To maintain the house’s historical integrity its architectural features will remain intact and preservation efforts will match the original exterior features and interior trim. The porch will be redone and flooring will be restored to original wood. “It will be restored to its closest historical state,” Hawthorne said. The Oceanside Historical Society and SOHO (Save our Heritage Organisation, spelled with a Victorian “s”) have been working to preserve the

house for quite some time. “It’s the last of its kind,” Bruce Coons, SOHO executive director, said. “We worked with the city and developer to explain its historical significance. At one time it was thought of bulldozing it. We’re excited they’re restoring it.” Thanks to the groups’ efforts the Graves House is on the national register of historic buildings, which protects it under secretary of the interior’s standards for historical preservation. “Architecture influences our lives and adds to our quality of life,” Coons said. “It’s hard to explain a connection. You don’t realize something until it’s gone.” Speculations are the 500-squarefoot house will be used as a coffee house, gift store, or ice cream shop once restoration is completed.

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The Top Gun house received a new coat of paint and added murals. The murals by artist Paul Knebels depict its fame as a movie location and historical building. Photo by Promise Yee

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T he R ancho S anta F e News


FEB. 21, 2014 Views expressed in Opinion & Editorial do not necessarily reflect the views of the Rancho Santa Fe News

Water rationing: If it comes, do it right percentage, regardCalifornia Focus tain less of their normal use

By Thomas D. Elias

Community Commentary

CVS Caremark pulling tobacco products — A public health game changer By Harold P. Wimmer

For the past 30 years, I’ve fought for lung health with the American Lung Association. Our organization is a leader in the battle against tobacco, which is the leading cause of preventable illness and death in the U.S. Over the years, this battle has experienced dramatic highs and disappointing lows. CVS Caremark’s recent announcement that they will no longer sell tobacco products at CVS/pharmacy locations represents a great milestone in efforts to move toward becoming a healthier, smoke-free nation. CVS Caremark took a bold step in making the health and well being of current and future customers and employees a top priority. We at the American Lung Association commend the company’s leaders for their decision. We urge more retailers to follow CVS Caremark’s brave example to help eliminate tobacco-caused death and disease by pulling tobacco products from their own shelves Reducing access to tobacco is an important first step, but we also need to support those who are actively trying to quit. There are approximately 43 million smokers in America.

Of those, 70 percent — or 30 million individuals — want to quit. Comprehensive quit-smoking programs like the Lung Association’s Quitter in You program (quitterinyou.org), coupled with a decision like CVS’, can help us move toward a generation that will not be defined by smoking-related illnesses like lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). You can help! Sign our online pledge (http://bit. ly/1moYG20), and help the American Lung Association end the tobacco epidemic by: • preventing kids from starting to smoke, • helping smokers quit and • protecting everyone from the dangers of secondhand smoke. You can also do your part by patronizing retailers like CVS who put public health first. Working together, we can create America’s first tobacco-free generation and help make tobacco a thing of the past. Harold P. Wimmer is the American Lung Association national president and CEO.

Rancho Santa Fe newS P.O. Box 232550, Encinitas, CA 92023-2550 • 760-436-9737 www.ranchosfnews.com • Fax: 760-943-0850


The Coast News is a legally adjudicated newspaper published weekly on Fridays by The Coast News Group. It is qualified to publish notices required by law to be published in a newspaper of general circulation (Case No. 677114). Subscriptions: 1 year/$35; 6 mos./$26; 3 mos./$21 Send check or money order to: The Coast News, P.O. Box 232550, Encinitas, CA 92023-2550. In addition to mail subscriptions, more than 30,000 copies are distributed to approximately 700 locations in the beach communities from Oceanside to Carmel Valley. The advertising deadline is the Monday preceding the Friday of publication. Editorial deadline is the Friday proceeding publication.

Contributing writers BianCa KaPlaneK BKaPlaneK@CoasTneWsgrouP.Com Promise yee Pyee@CoasTneWsgrouP.Com david Boylan e’louise ondash franK mangio Jay Paris Photographer Bill reilly info@BillreillyPhoTograPhy.Com Contact the Editor Tony Cagala TCagala@CoasTneWsgrouP.Com

Despite heavy mid-February rains that briefly drenched Northern California and the respectable ensuing snowfall in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, the California drought remains. In fact, it is still more severe than the worst previous dry spell of modern times, which hit in 1976-77. Short of millennial downpours in late winter or early spring, this means water rationing is almost certain for most Californians. When and if it comes, there are lessons to be learned from what happened 37 years ago: Rationing must be fair and include heavy consequences for failure to comply, homeowners must be willing to let some landscaping go brown and the entire system must be free of politics. Otherwise, there’s a good chance large numbers of residents simply won’t comply. It would also help to accelerate the water metering program now underway in Sacramento and other Central Valley communities that had no meters in the 1970s drought and a milder one that struck in 1991. How fair is it that drought or no drought, Sacramento residents (including tens of thousands of state officials and bureaucrats) use an average of 279 gallons per day, compared with 98 gallons for San Franciscans and less than 150 per day for Los Angeles residents, habitually accused by some Sacramentans of “stealing” their water? How fair is it for denizens of the leafy San Francisco Peninsula suburb of Hillsborough to use 334 gallons per day, while 14 miles away in much less fortunate East Palo Alto, residents glug only 79, according to reportage in the San Jose Mercury News? Those figures and the reality that only about half the homes in Sacramento and several other Central Valley cities now have water meters makes it blatantly unfair even to consider asking or requiring anyone to cut use by a set percentage. Yes, everyone will likely need to cut. But when Hillsborough or Sacramento residents cut by the 20 percent Gov. Jerry Brown now requests of all Californians, they still use far more water than most Californians do even in a normal, nondrought year. It’s also true that when people are told to cut voluntarily by a cer-

levels, they understand that percentage cuts may soon become mandatory and be enforced with penalties. But no one knows what date will be designated as the benchmark from which use levels are measured. So anyone cutting back now risks being forced to trim much more later, when rationing begins. This creates potential future penalties for anyone who conserves today. Strategically, it makes no sense for residents to trim now when they know they may soon be asked to reduce from a new, lower level. So rationing based on percentage cutbacks can be inherently unfair. By contrast, per-person use limits are fair, and Californians tend to respond well to them when imposed. In 1991, for example, the Marin Municipal Water District told households they could use no more than 50 gallons per person daily. Residents did better than that, using just 47 gallons each. A weakness in this kind of system is that water districts and city water departments can’t know how many persons live in each household. Even information from the latest Census is outdated. And yet…Californians have usually been honest about this kind of thing. The Marin district sent out its own census cards in 1991, with the total of residents reported on them almost identical to the district’s population. Percentage-based rationing can be successful, too, even if it’s unfair. In 1976-77, when Los Angeles households were asked to lower water use by 10 percent, residents responded by cutting almost twice that much. What’s more, a UC Berkeley study of nine water districts at the time showed that the heavier the fines for overuse, the better was compliance. Then there’s politics, like the February attempt of congressional Republicans to give Central Valley farms a virtual monopoly on the small supplies available this year. They ignored city residents and fishing interests, and risked putting several other species at risk of becoming endangered, as happened to the notorious Delta smelt in the 1970s drought. All of which means water rationing can work, as it has before, but only if Californians are convinced it is both necessary and fair. Elias may be contacted by emailing tdelias@aol.com

FEB. 21, 2014


T he R ancho S anta F e News

Cardiff weighs in on rail trail fencing, lighting By Jared Whitlock

ENCINITAS — Should the rail trail run next to the train tracks or be placed a bit further east, next to San Elijo Avenue? This is one of the questions residents were asked during a workshop on Tuesday night to gather input on the Cardiff portion of the rail trail — a citywide path for cyclists and pedestrians parallel to the train tracks. Depending on where the rail trail goes, it could trigger a fence, which residents expressed long-standing opposition to. NCTD, the railway owner, has stated fencing will be required for parts of the path that are within roughly 50 feet of the tracks. Resident Julie Thunder said locating the rail trail closer to San Elijo Avenue would stay outside the 50-foot zone and preserve the natural habitat. “Some parts of the habitat are how it looked 100, even 200 years ago — it’s important,” Thunder said. But other residents said that approach would eliminate dirt-lot parking on San Elijo Avenue. “We’re caught between a rock and a hard place in

a way,” said Chris Carterette, active transportation planner with SANDAG. However, Carterette expressed optimism that transit planners and the community could find a compromise that minimizes fencing while maintaining parking. A tentative map shows the rail trail running east of the tracks throughout most of Cardiff and dipping west at Chesterfield Drive and Coast Highway 101, which would require redesigning that intersection. It won’t be possible to locate the rail trail more than 50 feet from the tracks in some parts of the community due to existing development, Carterette noted. At those spots, fencing would look similar to the small post-and-cable fence at the city’s first sliver of rail trail near the Santa Fe pedestrian undercrossing. Rail trail width, lighting and construction materials were also discussed at the workshop. One alternative calls for a 14-foot wide rail trail, with eight feet of that dedicated to a multi-use path, four feet for a footpath and a two-foot shoulder for passing. A different option

A pedestrian walks along the first sliver of the Encinitas rail trail near the Santa Fe undercrossing. In response to residents’ concerns, planning officials would like to find a balance that minimizes rail trail fencing, without eliminating parking. Photo by Jared Whitlock

would set aside 19 feet for the rail trail, allowing for a wider multi-use path. “Some people might think that’s too wide, so what we want is to get more feedback,” Carterette said. Input from the workshop will be incorporated into design plans, and those will go before the communi-

ty for additional feedback sometime this spring. Yet another question before residents: should the rail trail be lit? Several residents at the meeting said nighttime lighting could overwhelm homes in proximity to the path. If residents agree on

lighting for the rail trail, Carterette said it would be environmentally sensitive and “as unobtrusive as possible.” SANDAG also wants to gauge whether the community prefers the rail trail to be entirely paved, or if part of it should include room for a natural surface path.

Chris Kluth, active transportation manager with SANDAG, noted research shows most people are interested in biking, but they feel uncomfortable pedaling along Coast Highway 101 and other busy roads. The rail trail, because it’s a separated path, will be a key piece in getting more residents biking, Kluth said. He said that in addition to safety, it would promote economic development, because bike and pedestrian traffic is more likely to stop at local businesses than cars speeding along. $11.9 million from SANDAG’s Regional Bike Plan Early Action Program will pay for the rail trail from Solana Beach to Leucadia Boulevard. TransNet, the regional half-cent sales tax for transporation, funds the early action program. SANDAG’s goal is to start construction on the Chesterfield Drive to E Street portion in two years. And ultimately, the rail trail will run from the Santa Fe depot in downtown San Diego to Oceanside. To give input on the project, email chris.carterette@sandag.org.

Special kitten with illness is looking for love RANCHO SANTA FE — An 8-month-old kitten with a life-threatening heart condition has tugged at the heartstrings of the Helen Woodward Animal Center adoption department. Although his diagnosis threatens a life expectancy of only four years, the domestic short-haired boy is wooing every staff member he comes in contact with in hopes of finding his forever home. The young feline’s affectionate nature has earned him the name Valentine. Surrendered by an over-capacity rescue facility in the Los Angeles area, Valentine arrived with all the characteristics a potential adopter could hope to find. His handsome face and sweet devoted purrs

Valentine, a 8-month-old kitten with a life-threatening heart condition is looking for a home. Courtesy photo

immediately gained him a new family. But something was wrong. A trip to the local veterinarian revealed a heart murmur and, unable to afford specialized medical care, Valentine’s fam-

ily returned him to Helen Woodward Animal Center. Helen Woodward Animal Center veterinary staff quickly took action diagnosing Valentine’s condition as hypertrophic car-

Anonymous donor supports AniMeals RANCHO SANTA FE — Helen Woodward Animal Center’s AniMeals Program was on-site at the Oceanside Senior Center Feb. 18 to celebrate its new partnership with The Angel’s Depot. The union will provide pet food to an increased number of low-income seniors and “is being made possible by a truly angelic donor.” Her family made the anonymous donation in honor of the former AniMeals volunteer who died in 2013. AniMeals is a pet-foodon-wheels program that provides regular meals free of charge for the dogs and cats of homebound elderly and disabled people. The

mission of the program is to help keep people and their companion pets together by eliminating one of the logistical and financial impediments to proper pet care. The program was created in 1984 at Helen Woodward Animal Center, initially serving just 10 clients. Today the program works with five area Meals-on-Wheels centers and many other organizations, such as Aging & Independence Services, to serve more than 250 pets throughout San Diego County. The program’s only limitation on expansion stems from necessary funding and the recent, unexpected donation provided a new opportunity to partner

with The Angel’s Depot. The Angel’s Depot was founded in 2005 with a specific goal of meeting the nutritional needs of seniors who are at-risk for malnutrition and living with the anxiety of food insecurity. Devoted to the task of providing food for these seniors, the only missing piece seemed to be finding a way to provide food for their pets but Founder and Executive Director Susan Hall was determined to do it. Now, thanks to this very special donor who devoted her final years to the AniMeals program, The Angel’s Depot can at last provide for its seniors’ pets.

diomyopathy. In laymen’s terms, the feline’s heart developed with an obstruction blocking and limiting the blood traveling to his aorta – the main artery to the body and organs. This condition forces his heart to work extremely hard and will eventually cause it to thicken. Without treatment, Valentine probably would not live to see his first birthday but with medication, Center veterinarian Dr. Stephanie Oba predicts a prognosis of three to four years. “I know there’s someone out there for Valentine,” said Adoptions Inventory Manager LaBeth Thompson. “One of the most wonderful things I’ve learned in this business is that our adopters have

very big hearts. There are incredibly generous people out there who open up their homes to orphan pets with short life expectancies. I have my fingers crossed for this sweet kitten.” The generosity of such special adopters is just one of the reasons Helen Woodward Animal Center launched its I REMEMBER YOU.org Web site. With 12 other programs dedicated to the bond between humans and animals, Center President Mike Arms felt it was time to remember the final stages of this bond as well. In addition to the candle-lighting gallery, the site is getting set to introduce Dr. Wendy Khentigan and Dr. Vogelsang, both of whom specialize in the emotional phases of pet ill-

ness and pet loss. Upcoming expansion of the program promises grief-counseling blogs penned by the two doctors as well as pet grief resource recommendations and an upcoming on-line live chat for those struggling with pet grief issues. In the meantime, however, Valentine became available for adoption Feb. 14, but he will require medication twice daily and follow-up ultrasounds every six months. For more information on Helen Woodward Animal Center or for inquiries regarding adopting Valentine, contact (858) 756-4117 ext. 1, go to animalcenter.org or stop by at 6461 El Apajo Road in Rancho Santa Fe.



ception. San Diego County had an average of 4,640 adult inmates in its seven jails per day in September 2011, the month before realignment took effect, according to data from the Sheriff’s Department. In January 2013, the County jails housed an average of 5,192 inmates each day. By December 2013, the average daily inmate population rose to 5,715 inmates. “The increase in our population is almost exclusively related to realignment,” said Cmdr. John Ingrassia, who monitors the jails’ inmate populations for the San Diego Sheriff Department’s Detention Services Bureau. Currently over 1,500 inmates in the county’s jails are there because of realignment and prior to October 2011 would have been sent to state prisons, he said. Realigned offenders are those sentenced for non-violent, non-serious, and non-sex felonies or for violating the conditions of their parole. Realigned offenders in jail for felonies are serving longer sentences due to the increased severity of their crime than non-realigned offenders who are in jail serving sentences for misdemeanor crimes. Before realignment, sentenced inmates served an average of 75 days in San Diego County jails, according to 2011-12 Grand Jury Detention Facilities

T he R ancho S anta F e News Report. As of February 2013, San Diego County jails housed 147 adult inmates serving sentences between 5 and 12 years long, according to the California State Sheriffs’ Association. In late 2013, the inmate population in county jails reached as highs near 6,000. On Nov. 18, 2013, the total adult inmate population in county jails was 5,985 inmates, which took up 93 percent of the 6,451 total beds available in the seven facilities. While the daily jail population constantly fluctuates from one day to the next, it has continued to increase since the implementation of realignment. The number of realigned inmates sentenced to serve time in county jails is showing some sign of leveling off, according to Ingrassia. But county officials cannot say for certain if the inmate population in local jails has reached a stable number. Risks of Operating Over Capacity The increase in inmates from realignment is causing the Sheriff’s Department to operate the county’s jails above recommended capacities. Years before realignment took effect, San Diego County’s seven adult jails almost always operated with a total population above the 4,527-inmate capacity recommended by the state based on building codes.

But as of mid-2013, the County’s growing inmate population surpassed the 5511-inmate jail capacity set by a 1987 San Diego County Superior Court order and the Sheriff’s Department. “(The jails) are over capacity, and the Sheriff is well aware of that,” said ACLU Senior Policy Advocate Margaret Dooley-Sammuli. Operating San Diego County’s jails over capacity poses risks to the safety and health of the inmates and the correctional deputies who work there. “When you put too many people in an area that was designed for a smaller number, then you get all kinds of collateral matters,” explained San Diego criminal defense attorney Alex Landon. Landon was one of the prosecuting attorneys in the overcrowded jail lawsuit against San Diego County Board of Supervisors and the Sheriff in the late 1980s. The case resulted in court-ordered capacities on the county’s jails, three of which are still operational today. The four newer jails are governed by self-imposed capacities set by the Sheriff’s Department. Landon and the ACLU monitor all of the jails’ populations on a weekly basis to make sure the County remains in compliance with the court order and inmates are housed in safe and humane conditions. Overcrowded jails can cause increased tension between inmates, which can result in higher instances of fights and sexual assault, Landon explained. Food sufficiency can become an issue. Too many inmates in too small a jail facility can also have an impact on correctional deputies who work there. “The staff is also taxed because of the fact that they are not equipped to be dealing with that number (of inmates) in that environment,” he said. With staff supervision stretched over more inmates, recreation time and visits can be restricted. One of the most telling symptoms of overcrowding in detention facilities is when inmates have to sleep

on cell floors due to a lack of beds. “We are very sensitive to the idea that there be no floor sleepers. That’s always an indicator that things have gotten out of hand,” Landon said. Since realignment was implemented, there was a period of several weeks when inmates slept on the floor at one of San Diego County’s jails. Most nights from Sept. 3, 2013 through Oct. 14, 2013, at least one and as many as 27 male inmates slept on the floor at San Diego’s Central Jail, according to data from the Sheriff’s Department. A combined total of 215 inmates slept on the floor over the course of those nights. Central jail has a state-recommended capacity of 944 inmates and at the beginning of August 2013 contained 980 beds. During the period of floor sleepers in fall 2013, the facility’s population ranged from 862 inmates to 985 inmates. Ingrassia explained that the Sheriff’s Department had housed the large number of inmates at the facility at that time because of the jail’s proximity to the downtown courthouse. A change in Central’s inmate population, mainly a rise in the number of inmates requiring protective custody housing, resulted in some inmates to sleeping on the floor, he said. Landon and the ACLU immediately reached out to the Sheriff when inmates began sleeping on the floor at Central. “People need not to be peed on because they are sleeping under the toilet,” said Dooley-Sammuli. The floor sleeper matter was resolved when housing modules were converted to accommodate more inmates in need of special housing and 240 beds were gradually added to Central jail between Oct. 28, 2013 and Dec. 6, 2013, Ingrassia said. While the floor sleeper matter was addressed, the county’s South Bay Detention Facility has been operating above its court-ordered capacity since mid-2013. As of late 2013, South Bay has housed over 500 inmates on an average day, above its 431-inmate capacity set by the court. On some days, its population has peaked near 550 inmates. The Sheriff’s Department has been able to provide beds for all of the inmates in the facility, and maintains that by housing low-risk, healthy inmates there, that staff is able to meet all of the inmates needs despite the large population. “We believe we are meeting (inmates’) needs and housing them in a safe and humane manner,” Ingrassia said. Aware of the overage, both the ALCU and Landon have decided not to sue the county for being in contempt of the court order because they believe that the inmates at that facility are still being housed in

FEB. 21, 2014 healthy conditions. They acknowledged that with the exceptions of the floor sleepers at Central, the Sheriff’s Department has been able to provide custody conditions that meet inmates’ constitutional rights despite the overcrowding. Currently, the county is constructing a new women’s facility and expanding the East Mesa Detention Facility, which will add hundreds of new beds and more facility space for inmates. Both are anticipated to open this summer. Ingrassia said the hope is that the Sheriff’s Department will not have to run facilities so close to capacity once the new facilities are finished and operational. The Sheriff’s Department currently is on a hiring spree to provide 250 more sworn staff to work at the new and existing facilities. Over the next four years, the department plans to hire a total of 800 new deputies. Alternative Custody Options and Reentry Programs The Sheriff’s Department is also looking to alternative custody options and reentry programs to reduce the number of offenders in jail custody with the help of the county’s justice partners. The majority of the population in San Diego County’s jails consists of inmates who are not serving sentences. Rather, those inmates are either awaiting arraignment, meaning they have not been charged for a crime, or awaiting trial and cannot make bail. Often, these people end up being released in a matter of days. Many are released after arraignment by a judge allowing release on a person’s own recognizance based on the promise that the person will return for all future court dates. “The majority of (the jail) population is being released in seven to 10 days and not returned to custody,” Ingrassia said. To reduce this particular jail population, the Sheriff’s Department started a pilot program in January 2014 that allows low-risk inmates who meet strict criteria to be released prior to arraignment. Through the program, inmates are assessed for previous criminal history and certain risk factors. A judge can then view that inmate’s assessment online and has the option of releasing the inmate from jail to home detention before the arraignment hearing. The pilot program is only available for female pre-arraignment inmates at this time. Ingrassia said that inmates must meet strict criteria before being released and so far only a few women have been released on home detention. But the pilot program could be expanded if it successfully cuts down on the jail populations and people TURN TO JAILS ON A12

Event honors and supports Navy SEALs COAST CITIES — Philanthropist Madeleine Pickens and The Del Mar Country Club will host Vice Admiral Robert S. Harward, Jr. as the keynote speaker at the March 22 fundraiser to benefit the SEAL-Naval Special Warfare (NSW) Family Foundation. This fundraiser will thank Navy SEALs and their families for their military service, and honor fallen heroes. Last year’s event raised $850,000. Harward is a Navy SEAL and former Deputy Commander of the U.S. Central Command. He qualified as a Surface Warfare Officer aboard the Destroyer USS Scott (DDG995), and then transferred to the Naval Special Warfare community. He was the “Honor Man” of Basic Underwater Demolition (BUD)/Sea, Air, Land (SEAL) class 128 and has served in both the east and west coast SEAL teams. Harward will lead a contingent of speakers that also include Dorothy Woods, whose husband, Ty Woods, a Navy SEAL, was killed during a terrorist attack in Benghazi in September 2012; Michael Thornton, retired Navy SEAL and Congressional Medal of Honor recipient, and Kimberly Dozier, author of “Breathing Fire: Fighting to Report - and Survive - the War in Iraq.” The fundraiser will feature a golf tournament, a cocktail reception, dinner and live and silent auctions. The event begins with breakfast and registration from 9 to 10 a.m., followed by the Scramble Golf Tournament at 10:30 a.m. A cocktail reception and silent auction will be held from 4:30 to 6 p.m., with dinner at 6 p.m. and the evening program and live auction at 6:30 p.m. The event will welcome distinguished guests such as New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees, former San Diego Chargers linebacker Donnie Edwards, former boxer Sugar Ray Leonard, and professional golf coach Hank Haney, among others. Haney will provide a pre-tournament clinic and exhibition for all players prior to the golf tournament. Recognized as one of the foremost authorities in the game and business, Haney is best known for coaching golf champions Tiger Woods and Mark O’Meara, and working with celebrity golfers such as Charles Barkley and Ray Romano. TaylorMade will also provide other on-course and tournament offerings. For more information about the event to benefit the SEAL-Naval Special Warfare (NSW) Family Foundation, visit supportourwarriors.org, or call Dayna Klock at (619) 818-5968 or email dayna. nswff@gmail.com.

FEB. 21, 2014


T he R ancho S anta F e News

Help offered on health care reform

JAZZ ‘SEEN’ When the abstract art mural at the Leucadia Boulevard 7-Eleven was painted over last year because of vandalism, Mary Fleener was interested in painting another one, so she contacted Jeremy Wright, who organized his art students at the San Dieguito Academy to paint the mural six years ago. Wright called his friend Greg Williams, who is a 7-Eleven executive, and Williams facilitated the decision to go forward with a new mural at the site. The new piece is called “Leucadia Jam Session” and can be found on the west wall facing N. Coast Highway 101. Fleener used recycled house paint for her project. Photo by Scott Chatfield

Glimpse into kindergarten offered RANCHO SANTA FE — Do you have a child that will be 5 years of age by Sept.1, 2014? Rancho Santa Fe School District and R. Roger Rowe School will begin enrolling for kindergarten for the 2014-2015 school year starting Feb. 26.

K through 5th-grade Principal, Kim Pinkerton, will be hosting Kindergarten Orientation at 9 a.m. Feb. 26 and April 23 at R. Roger Rowe School, 5927 La Granada. These orientations show what a Kindergarten day is like at R. Roger

Rowe School. If you are enrolling a new student in grades one through eight, call Marsha Portugal at (858) 756-1141, ext. 102, to set up an appointment for a Prospective Parent Meet and Greet with one of our principals. Please mark your cal-

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endar to visit the school office between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. Monday through Friday to pick up your enrollment paperwork. Parents are asked to bring an Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN#) to verify your residency in order to receive a packet.

COAST CITIES — North County Health Services will provide free Health Care Reform application assistance at North County libraries through March 24. North County residents have the opportunity to sit with an enrollment counselor, check their eligibility for health insurance and submit applications for plans through the Covered California Web site all in one convenient location. Health Care Reform application assistance will be available: — 2 to 6 p.m. Feb. 26, Oceanside Civic Center Library 330 N. Coast Highway, Oceanside — 3 to 7 p.m. March 18, Carlsbad Library Learning Center, 3368 Eureka Place, Carlsbad — 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. March 24, Encinitas Library, 540 Cornish Drive, Encinitas The library enrollment events are just one part of how NCHS is providing free assistance to the uninsured across North County. NCHS also offers:

— Health Care Reform Hotline: A new hotline is available to help answer questions, get free enrollment and application assistance and help with accessing health services. The hotline number is (760) 736-6734 and is free and open to the public. — Program and Resource Specialists: Community members can also schedule free one-on-one appointments with NCHS Program and Resource Specialists who are trained to help answer questions, review eligibility to see what options people may qualify for, and help fill out insurance applications. All 11 NCHS specialists are fluent in Spanish, and walk-ins are accepted. — Community Outreach: The NCHS Health Care Reform outreach team is hitting the streets in North County, spreading the word about enrollment options and answering questions. For more information about how to enroll in health care coverage, call the NCHS Health Care Reform Hotline at (760) 7366734.

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T he R ancho S anta F e News

FEB. 21, 2014

FEB. 21, 2014


T he R ancho S anta F e News

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T he R ancho S anta F e News

FEB. 21, 2014

A rts &Entertainment

Art and Architecture merge in creations of Donn Angel Pérez

brush with art kay colvin The 2014 Arts Alive banner season is off to an impressive start. With over 300 in attendance at the annual unveiling ceremony, Encinitas mayor Teresa Barth and city council members Lisa Shaffer and Tony Kranz led the count-

down to the unveiling of 103 banners that will soon be on view along Coast Highway 101 from Cardiff through Leucadia. Many enthusiastic participants determined this year’s collection to be the most outstanding of the event’s 15year history. “Ad Astra” by Donn Angel Pérez was decidedly one of the exceptional banners featured at the event. New to the Arts Alive banner project this TURN TO BRUSH WITH ART ON A14

Pictured from left, members of the band Second Cousins: Austin Burns, Nolan Greene, Dillon Casey and Tim McNalley. Sounds in San Diego said they were one of the top 12 bands to keep an ear out for in 2014. Photo by Yeshe Salz

Keeping an ear out for Second Cousins By Yeshe Salz

Special to The Coast News ENCINITAS — Homegrown indie-folk band Second Cousins seems to be on the path to success. Named one of the “Top 12 bands to keep an ear out for in 2014” by Sounds in San Diego, this up-and coming-band is, indeed, something to hear. On Saturday, Second Cousins played at the grand opening for the Encinitas Community Center’s new art gallery. “It’s funny because most bands wouldn’t play a gig like this,” said Dillon Casey, the band’s bassist.

“They’re so caught up in the idea of playing their own shows. But we don’t mind... It’s just about sharing our music.” Holding true to their “folk-acoustic” sound, Second Cousins keeps it organic by staying connected to their Encinitas roots, playing many local gigs astoundingly close to the places where they’ve all grown up. Austin Burns, the band’s lead vocalist and guitar player, and Casey played their very first musical performances at the center.

Burns, Tim McNalley (guitar, vocals) and Casey all grew up in Encinitas. Nolan Greene (drums) grew up in Oceanside. Burns and McNalley attended high school at San Dieguito Academy and Casey went to La Costa Canyon. Each musician left the nest to study music at various universities across the state and country, only to return back to Encinitas, where they converged to form Second Cousins in September 2012. It’s no surprise Second Cousins is beginning to get noticed by the public.

The band’s music is original and unified in a sound coming from the cohesive dynamic of its players. “It’s really good to have a group of people who have experience working as musicians, in addition to being creative musicians as well…We are all very capable of communicating ideas,” said McNalley. They describe their sound as a “folk-root” sound, mixed with an acoustic /electric-blended style, fueled by strong songwriting. TURN TO COUSINS ON A14

2014 Medical Series with Dr. Aboo Nasar

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CD: John Evans

Ad Astra Architecture, 46” x 46” acrylic on canvas painting by Donn Angel Pérez, will be on display through Feb. 24 in the Encinitas Library Art Gallery. Courtesy photo

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FEB. 21, 2014

A rts &Entertainment


CALENDAR FEB. 21 CLASSIC STRINGS Obsession, Quartet Nouveau launches a new series of concerts at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 21 at the Encinitas Library, 540 Cornish Drive. For information and tickets, visit QuartetNouveau.com. FEB. 22 CABARET! Students from the musical theater and band classes will show their best stuff at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 22 at the San Dieguito Academy Cabaret Night to fund the Theater Arts Program, the Music Department, and the Culinary Arts Department. Tickets are $30 for adults and $15 for students. at seatyourself. biz/sdamusic. SERIES BEGINS The Virtuosi Concert Series holds its opening concert at 7 p.m. Feb. 22 at the Encinitas Library featuring Irina Tseitlin, violin, Ronald Leonard, cello, and Kevin Fitz-Gerald, piano, Tickets are $50 for preferred seating and pre-concert reception with artists. General Admission $25, For more information, visit VirtuosiUSA.org ART SCENE Enjoy “Cruizin’ the Art Scene,” 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Feb. 22 at 300 Carlsbad Village Drive, Suite 101, Carlsbad, with COAL Gallery, Oceanside Art Gallery, Phantom Art Gallery, John Moseley, and Lynn Forbes, Sculptor, Gallery and other Carlsbad Village Art venues with live music, refreshments and lots of art. Visit coalartgallery.com for a map. HIGHLAND SOUNDS Scottish fiddler Alasdair Fraser and cellist Natalie Haas perform in concert at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 22 at the San Dieguito United Methodist Church, 170 Calle Magdalena, Encinitas. Tickets are $22. FEB. 23 SALON DANCES The Salon Dances Series No. 1 leaps off at 2 p.m. Feb. 23 at the Encinitas Library Community Room, 540 Cornish Drive, Encinitas. Choreography by Patricia Rincon Dance Collective Associate Director Natalia Valerdi, with live music by Joyce Rooks. Suggested donation $10. TRAVEL BY SONG Enjoy the world premier of the musical comedy, “Around the World, the Musical” with Singchronicity, at 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. Feb. 23 at the Schulman Auditorium at the Dove Library, 1775 Dove Lane Carlsbad. Tickets are $20 and available at CarlsbadAmbassadors.us. FEB. 24 ART OF PRINT Derrick Cartwright, professor of Art History and director of Galleries at the University of San Diego, will present “Prints for the Common Culture,” the role of printmaking in our contempo-


T he R ancho S anta F e News Send your arts & entertainment news to arts@thecoastnews.com

rary culture at 10 a.m. Feb. 24 in St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Parish Hall, Del Mar, 15th & Maiden Lane. Registration at 9:30 a.m. and meeting from 10 to 11:30 a.m. $5 for non-members. For more information, call (760) 794-6436. READING NEIL SIMON Carlsbad Playreaders presents “Lost In Yonkers” at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 24 at the Carlsbad Dove Library Schulman Auditorium. The play is by Neil Simon and directed by Kathy Brombacher, with Jo Black-Jacob, Ted Leib, Jake Bradford, Drew Bradford, Patrick McBride, Aimee Greenberg, Terri Lee Park and Doug Smith. FEB. 26 MUSIC AT NOON From noon to 12:45 p.m., Feb. 26, enjoy the Wednesdays@ Noon concert with Stephen Lewis, piano at the Encinitas Library, 540 Cornish Drive. Bring lunch or purchase from the coffee cart. For more information, visit Encinitasca.gov/WedNoon or call (760) 633-2746. FEB. 27 CHORAL ROYALTY Carlsbad High School will showcase its choral students and their solo work at Night with the Stars at 7 p.m. Feb. 27 and Feb. 28 at the Carlsbad Cultural Arts Center on campus at 3557 Monroe St. Reserved seating tickets are $10 and are on sale now at itsmyseat.com/nwts. FEB. 28 ‘TWELFTH NIGHT’ Canyon Crest Academy Envision Theatre brings William Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night,” to the stage Feb. 28 to March 8 with 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. performances at the Canyon Crest Black Box Theater, 5951 Village Center Loop Road, Carmel Valley. Tickets and performance schedules are $15, general, $8 students, online at cca-envision.org/events/tickets.html LOCAL JAZZMASTER MiraCosta College piano and vocal jazz professor Matthew Falker is releasing his debut jazz CD, “Playpen,” Feb. 28 during a performance with Peter Sprague at 7:30 p.m. in the Concert Hall at the Oceanside Campus, 1 Barnard Drive, Oceanside. General admission tickets are $15 at miracosta.edu/buytix or (760) 795-6815. BARD SET TO MUSIC MiraCosta College’s Theatre Department is presenting “Once On This Island,” a musical with a nod to “Romeo and Juliet.” The play opens Feb. 28 through March 9 at the MiraCosta College Theatre, 1 Barnard Drive, Oceanside. General admission is $15. Tickets at miracosta.edu/buytix or call (760) 795-6815. CLASSIC COMEDY The Carlsbad Performing Arts Academy presents “Once Upon A Mattress” at 7 p.m. Feb. 28 and 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. March 1, at Carlsbad Village Theatre, 2822 State St., Carlsbad. Tickets are $15 general, $12 for groups of 10+. Tickets and reservations at (760) 438-4947.

Lord Huron performs a sold out show at the Belly Up in Solana Beach Feb. 27. Photo by Jessica Yurasek

Timing was right for Lord Huron frontman By Alan Sculley

When Ben Schneider decided to shift his focus away from visual arts to music, he went all in. He quit his job as an art director for an ad agency in his adopted home base of Los Angeles, and began working full time on making music and touring as front man of the band Lord Huron. He didn’t have a backup plan, just a feeling that with the first two Lord Huron EPs, “Into the Sun” and “The Mighty,” he might be connecting with fans and be able to build a career. “I left my job and just said I’m going to put all of my time into this and see where it goes,” Schneider said in an early January phone interview. “Thankfully I didn’t go bankrupt — (although) very nearly. “It definitely felt like a risk,” he said. “But I think I really needed it. I’m not married and I don’t have any children or anything, so I was at one of the points in my life where I felt like I could actually do it and not ruin anybody else’s life in the process.” Not only has Schneider not wrecked anyone’s life, there are undoubtedly a good number of fans that are happy he chose to do music and Lord Huron over visual art. The group, which released its first fulllength album, “Lonesome Dreams,” in October 2012, has seen that album draw positive reviews, and after some 15 months of non-stop touring, Lord Huron is now doing its biggest headlining tour to date this January and February. The growth the band is seeing is not lost on singer/ guitarist Schneider. “It’s been incredibly encouraging. We’ve been on the road, for the most part, non-stop since the record came out and it’s been bigger every time we’ve gone out, which is a really nice feeling,” he said. “I think we all just feel like we’re at the top of our game playing together,” Schneider said. “So

it’s really exciting to get out there and do our best.” The switch from visual art to music began rather casually. Feeling creatively stifled as an art director and having found the art world to be not entirely to his liking, Schneider found himself writing and recording music when he returned to his native Michigan and his parents’ cabin on Lake Huron on a trip in summer 2010. “I took a little break, went back to Michigan and just kind of recorded for a couple of weeks,” he said. “That ended up being the first EP. You know, I really didn’t think much would come of it. It was just kind of a nice vacation from my other pursuits. But my sister, who was my first manager, really sort of encouraged me to get it out there. And like I said, thankfully some people took notice.” The debut EP found enough of an audience on the Internet that Schneider went ahead and made a second EP, “The Mighty,” which he self released in November 2010. That EP started to get noticed beyond the Internet, getting favorable reviews in some noteworthy media outlets (such as Pitchfork) and Schneider began getting offers to do shows. That’s when Lord Huron the solo project evolved into Lord Huron the band. Schneider first contacted percussionist Mark Berry. The two had been friends since childhood and played together in bands beginning in junior high. Berry signed on and then another good friend from school days, guitarist Tom Renaud, joined. The core lineup was then rounded out by bassist Miguel Briseno. As the group continued to work the Internet and play shows to promote the EPs, Lord Huron began to attract interest from record labels and signed with Iamsound. This set

the stage for the writing and recording “Lonesome Dreams.” Schneider brought a specific vision musically and lyrically to the “Lonseome Dreams” project. He had been thinking back to the old west adventure novels he loved growing up and decided to create a fictional author, George Ranger Johnson, and craft lyrics and music that evoke life in the old West and its wide open spaces. The dusty, panoramic qualities of the music, though, are matched by sonic and instrumental touches make “Lonesome Dreams” feel modern — even alternative — despite so clearly being inspired by an earlier, untamed time and place.

“I’ve always loved sort of pulp western novels and adventure novels since I was a kid,” Schneider said. “And I don’t know, driving around the country on our first few tours, I was thinking a lot about that and I was seeing these beautiful Western landscapes. And yeah, I just wanted to write a sort of collection of those tales that I loved so much. “So that was kind of the genesis of it, and I just kind of refined that. It wasn’t strictly from that point of view. I always like to add other elements. You know, there’s a lot of exotic instrumentation on the record, and it’s sort of a stew, where an American flavor is at the center of it, but (there’s) all this other stuff that adds spice.”


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Marketplace News

FEB. 21, 2014

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Who’s NEWS?

DONORS HONORED The Del Mar Foundation Founding Endowment Circle Appreciation Dinner was held Feb. 12 at Pacifica Breeze, featuring a plaque unveiling with Del Mar Foundation Board members, from left, back row, Kelley Huggett, Michael Halpern, T. Pat Stubbs, Steve Lutz and Karla Deerinck, with, from left, front row, Jill Weitzen MacDonald, Donna Shaw, Judd Halenza and Robin Crabtree. Courtesy photo



facing criminal charges appear for arraignment hearings as promised. Dooley-Sammuli stated that the small pilot program is a step in the right direction, but more alternative custody options should be considered, particularly for pre-trial inmates. She argued that jails should be reserved for people who pose a risk to public safety. She said was against keeping people in jail because they cannot afford bail, and added that people sentenced to time in custody but do not pose a public safety risk should be considered for alternative custody methods. “Incarceration is vastly over utilized,” she said. “The Sheriff has a pow-

er to hold (offenders) accountable in another way.” Landon agreed, saying, “We are better off if we don’t have to pay a tremendous amount of money to warehouse somebody that doesn’t need to be in custody.” In addition to the pretrial pilot program, the Sheriff’s Department has recently expanded its work furlough and residential reentry programs, which allow offenders to continue working at their jobs or look for employment while serving their sentences. With the help of the District Attorney’s office and the courts, the Sheriff’s Department is also providing inmates in custody greater access to more programming, including substance abuse, educational, professional, and parenting classes. The justice partners

anticipate that the enhanced programming will help offenders productively integrate back into society, which will reduce recidivism. Landon said that overall the Sheriff’s Department has done well maintaining the county’s jail populations and conditions since the lawsuit in the late 1980s. “Obviously with realignment, it’s put new pressures on (the Sheriff’s Department),” he said. He expressed that the enhanced programs and custody alternatives should be expanded even more. “In the end if we can keep people out of the system and successfully integrate them back into the community, we have better individuals, a safer community, and a better society,” Landon said.

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La Costa Canyon High School, as one of three winners of the Peter Chortek Leadership Award for extraordinary service, philanthropy Business news and special and leadership. achievements for North San Jenna createD Diego County. Send information YouthJamz when she via email to community@ was 13 years old, holdcoastnewsgroup.com. ing benefit concerts to raise funds to start BOCCE GETS SPONSOR music programs for unSan Diego Self Stor- derprivileged children age, organizational en- around the world. Since 2010, Youthtity of Smart Self Storage of Solana Beach, Jamz has hosted four will sponsor the 18th concerts and established annual Del Mar-Solana and funded music proBeach Sunrise Rotary grams for 800 children Turf Bocce Ball Family in San Diego, India and Day and Tournament, on the Congo. She will receive March 23, 2014, at the Del Mar Horse Park be- $3,600 and an additional $1,800 in a doginning at 9 a.m. The fundraising nor-advised fund at event will benefit two the Jewish Community nonprofit organizations, Foundation to promote Just in Time for Fos- ongoing philanthropy. ter Youth and Reality Changers. The event is TOPS IN TOURISM Visit California, the hosted by the Del Mar Solana Beach Sunrise state Division of Tourism, recently honored Rotary. destinations and attractions for outstanding YOUNG ART CRITIC In past years, The advertising, marketing Carlsbad Oceanside Art and public relations proLeague have had only grams. Beteta, Caroline adult judges for its annual Children’s Art show president and CEO of for children grades 1-8. Visit California, preThis year, twice-winner sented a Poppy Award of the event Lauren Gar- to Visit Carlsbad at the cia, just 12-years-old, Poppy Awards gala, Feb. approached the manag- 6. ers and the judge with the idea for a child-ju- NEW FITWALL OPENS Joshua Weinstein, ror. Lauren will be the first-ever child judge on Managing Partner of a panel of judges for the Fitwall Ventures, LLC 20th annual Children’s announced the opening of the Solana Beach loArt Show in May. cation of Fitwall, at 437 GIVING TEEN HON- S. Coast Highway 101, Suite 203, Solana Beach. ORED The Jewish Commu- The fitness experience nity Foundation of San utilizes a proprietary Diego selected Jenna research-based, vertical Lizerbram, a senior at training system.

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There are also plans to open a Hillcrest and UTC location. GOVERNOR APPOINTMENT Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. appointed Xavier Martinez, 68, of San Marcos, to the California Physician Assistant Board. Martinez has been owner of Martinez and Associates Inc. since 1995. He was a temporary tax preparer at Jassoy Graff and Douglas from 1993 to 1994 and temporary staff member at Security Pacific Financial from 1992 to 1994. NEW CHEF L’Auberge Del Mar announced that Brandon Fortune has been appointed executive chef of the 120-room Del Mar hotel. Fortune will oversee all culinary operations for the property, including the KITCHEN 1540 restaurant. CHARTER SCHOOL CLOSES The Board of Directors of Mountain Peak Charter School voted to close the school effective Jan. 24, 2014. The school’s teachers are now employed by National University Academy and all three of its programs — Spanish and English Dual Immersion Institute for Grades K-8, Home School for Grades K-8 and High School Program for Grades 9-12 — previously offered at Mountain Peak are available through NUA. Like Mountain Peak, NUA is a tuition-free, public charter school.

FEB. 21, 2014


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Contact us at sports@coastnewsgroup.com with story ideas, photos or suggestions

Todd Glaser’s job can take him anywhere in the world By Tony Cagala

ENCINITAS — Finding waves, chasing swells, visiting exotic locales — not to mention facing dangerous conditions and keeping some of the world’s most prime surfing locations a secret. As far as typical goes, that’s it for Todd Glaser. Born in 1985, Glaser grew up in the Carmel Valley/ Del Mar area. The now-Solana Beach resident, who has since become known for his images capturing surfers barrel deep in a wave or through candid snapshots, can hardly know what each day will bring him — or where. His beginnings as a surf photographer stem from surf P.E. class while a student at Torrey Pines High School. If he wasn’t out surfing, he was taking a camera with him, capturing images of his friends. Photography was what felt natural to him, Glaser explained. “It was just the natural thing to do,” he said. “One day I would surf, and one day I would shoot photos.” Glaser recently returned from shooting this year’s Mavericks Invitational at the famed-Mavericks site in Northern California. There is an image of Glaser shooting while in the water; only his helmeted-head above the water line is visible, appearing a minute speck in the open ocean. In the background a surfer drops down one of the monster 40 to 50 foot waves that hit the area this year. Though, that wasn’t his perspective. Spending 10 hours in the water, battling the cold and dehydration, Glaser was more worried about running out of film, or making sure he was using the right shutter speed. “There’s so much going on,” Glaser said. “You’re dealing with currents, there’s seals, there’s big fish underneath you — I haven’t seen (them) yet, but they’re out there.” It isn’t until at least the next day, after a good night’s sleep and the adrenaline’s run out, that, while looking at the

Surf photographer and Solana Beach resident Todd Glaser at an Oceanside beach in 2012 during a photo shoot. Photo by Bill Reilly

photos, you realize what’s really happening out there, he explained. And why do it? “It’s fun,” he said. After taking a few years off from high school, Glaser was able to travel the world, at times as a professional body boarder, or from the money he saved while working at Mitch’s Surf Shop in La Jolla. Eventually he enrolled as a student of the Brooks Institute of photography in Santa Barbara. He said he was conscious

about not strictly becoming a surf photographer. He wanted to keep his options as open as possible by studying the art of photography. “There’s aspects of photography that you can apply to shooting surfing, but it’s one of those things you just have to get out and do it. They can’t teach you ocean knowledge in the classroom; they can’t teach you how to handle rip currents… while you’re in the classroom,” Glaser said. It’s a competitive business to be in, especially now with the limited amount of space available in print publications. Before becoming a staff photographer with Surfer Magazine, there were more magazines available to have images featured. Glaser said now the industry is down to only three magazines. “It is hard to either make a name for yourself, or have your images get seen in print,” he said. “It’s really easy to get your images seen either on a web site or through social media because you have the access, you have the free reign to show whatever it is that you feel people would be interested in seeing…so you are your own editor in that sense,” he said. “Getting your work seen in print, I still think is somewhat of a Holy Grail of photography,” he said. His first Surfer Magazine cover came in 2009. He remembered that it was a shoot with a couple of guys in a secret location. The only condition to his being able to go on the trip was that he had to keep the location a secret. Glaser recalled the time when he entered Surfer Magazine’s office for the first time ever (at their then-San Juan Capistrano location). He made mention of the trip, and the photos he had with him. When his editors saw the photos, they naturally asked where the images were taken. Glaser’s response: “I don’t know.” They all kind of smiled at him, he

said, because they’ve all been involved with a similar experience. At the end of the meeting, they said the photos were cool, and Glaser ended up leaving. About a month later, he said, after dropping off another batch of photos, his editors told him without any fanfare or excitement, that he’d got the cover of the latest issue. “It was pretty cool,” Glaser said. The funny thing about that photo, he added, was that it wasn’t one he originally turned in. Glaser’s work has earned him several honors, including receiving 2009’s photo of the year award from Surfer Magazine. As much as he says photography is built on trust, Glaser hopes that the camera doesn’t separate him from his subjects. Veteran surf photographer Steve Sherman told him to always have a camera around. That way, Glaser explained, people would get used to seeing him with a camera. “It takes a long time to earn that trust and build that trust,” he said. He strives to tell the story of whatever trip it is they’re on, not just the surfing. Still, Glaser’s profession is a constant balance of getting the shot and not getting in the way. There are times when he’s been hit by surfboards, he said, but the worst situations while shooting in the water have come from the waves. It isn’t the wave the surfer’s on that he has to watch out for, he explained, but the next three waves behind it that are about to crash down on him, at times pushing him into the reefs below. And if something did happen under the surface, it would be difficult for anyone to know, he said, simply because he, like the surfer, isn’t attached to a board. It all comes down to preparation, training and ocean awareness, Glaser TURN TO GLASER ON A14

Time to toast Del Mar’s Fisher and San Diego State sports talk jay paris Steve Fisher and his wife were just like other Valentine’s Day couples: they shared a bottle together. But it wasn’t bubbly champagne for the San Diego State basketball coach and his wife, Angie. Instead of popping the cork they plopped little Max, their first grandson, on his backside and it was bottoms up. “Our Valentine’s Day gift to each other was we baby sat him,’’ a beaming Fisher said of that memorable evening in their Del Mar home. “I cooked steaks on the grill and both of us fed him his bottle.’’ The Aztecs have something that any basketball coach would love to cap and preserve. Ranked No. 6 and headed into Saturday’s Mountain West Conference showdown with New Mexico, the veteran coach has it going again. “His style allows us freedom and that is always fun to play with,’’ SDSU forward JJ O’Brien said. “And

it’s just the person he is. “He is real helpful, real positive and real encouraging so just being with him is fun. And he is always challenging your mind to make things intriguing.’’ This season is compelling in various ways, some of which tug at your heart. While the Aztecs tied a school-record by winning 20 games in a row, have won 20 games for their ninth consecutive year and are bound for their fifth straight NCAA Tournament, it hasn’t been all handshakes and high-fives. That returns us to Max and his mighty courageous father, Mark, the SDSU assistant coach. Coach Fisher’s 35-yearold son is being challenged by ALS, fighting what’s better known as Lou Gehrig’s disease with all the tenacity of anything his father can draw up. This is a private matter and we respect Steve too much to pry. But we respect him too much not to share our sincerity that we, too, are rooting for Mark. Steve will say he’s proud of Mark, but also of Jay, his youngest son who’s busy breaking into the movie business. The game-day spotlight always finds Steve, with his

calm demeanor and savvy coaching usually leading the Aztecs to another victory. Legions of SDSU boosters cheer the red-and-black at tip-off. We hope Steve knows that good will flows toward his clan long after the horn has sounded. “That is family business and they try not to bring that to the court,’’ O’Brien said of Mark’s illness. “They just keep that within themselves and we have accepted what it is and we all are supportive.’’ That Steve has a second family — his team — to complement his other one is

a plus. There’s a joy he’s experiencing with these players this year that presented him with his 300th SDSU victory, and so much more. “They’ve been terrific,’’ Steve, 68, said. “I’ve never had a group any more willing, able, and on-point to do everything the right way.’’ When you’re coaching resume dates to Illinois’ Rich East High School in 1971, that’s a mouthful. “We say, ‘Come at 8:00,’ and at 7:50, they’re all there. We say, ‘The bus leaves at 5:50,’ and at 5:20, they are all on the bus, here early. They do such a good

job and that is how they practice,’’ he said. “They are a great group of kids to be with and we’ve had fun, they’ve had fun. And we have talked about it: Enjoy it, enjoy it, enjoy it.’’ To that, we add bottoms up, and how does this bring

us back to 2-month-old Max again? “Sure I changed his diaper,’’ Steve said. “It’s like riding a bike, you never forget.’’ Contact Jay Paris at jparis8@aol.com. Follow him on Twitter at jparis_sports.


Bill is a professional photographer who blends his lifelong passion for sports with his skills in photography to capture memorable moments of all types of action oriented events.Call Bill to learn more about how his sports, portrait and commercial photography services can meet your needs.




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year and relatively new to the San Diego area, Pérez is rapidly making his mark in both art and architect ure in the region. Born in Barquisimeto, Venezuela, Pérez has a distinctive style that reflects not only his background in architecture but also his years as drummer in a progressive rock band that achieved notoriety in his homeland. Pérez states, “Music has been very influential to me from the beginning and I believe I became a true artist when I learned about syncopation, beat and rhythm. “I still use those concepts as guiding principles: fast tempo as it relates to line stroke style, irregular time signatures to architectural art expressions, and marked time signatures as inspiration gathered from life experiences.” From ages 11 to 13 Pérez studied oil painting, sketching, calligraphy and technical drafting. For the next five years

Cancer was a very ‘thriving’ episode in my life. It re-ignited my artist fires.” Donn Angel Perez Artist

he followed formal courses in art history, analytical geometry and architectural design at the Instituto Antonio Jose de Sucre in Barquisimeto, Venezuela. At age 20 Pérez embraced a new life adventure, relocating to the USA where he enrolled in the school of architecture at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. In 2007 Pérez completed his Master of Architecture degree with a minor in graphic design. His experience in music and design later led him to pursue the relationship between art and architecture, developing principles and guidelines collected



writing. Most of their songs are written by Burns who said the underlying theme of his writing reflects a “nostalgic feel” reminiscent of old Encinitas memories. “It’s portraiture,” McNalley added. Last summer, Second Cousins went on tour up the coast of California playing at various venues in San Diego, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara and San Francisco. In April, the band played their biggest gig yet at DIO Fest in Santa Cruz, which they plan to return to this year. The band will be releasing their first official EP in the coming months, and may even do a second tour up the coast this sum-

during his research and personal artistic experimentation. In 2013, after a life-threatening bout with brain cancer, Pérez and his wife Pam embarked on another adventure that brought them to Cardiff by the Sea. He reflects, “Cancer was a very ‘thriving’ episode in my life. It re-ignited my artist fire — an art of survival, of resiliency and of embracing new and unique creative journeys.” Today Pérez teaches architecture design and visualization at the NewSchool of Architecture and Design in San Diego while also working independently as a designer and artist. He continues to expand his art vocation by exhibiting in both the US and Venezuela and by developing exhibitions related to art and architecture. Finding inspiration in nature, in music and his in Christian faith, Pérez uses acrylic paint combined with modeling paste, graphite and pastels in his paintings and 3-D abstractions. describing While his artwork as “tectonic, thorny and visually alive,” Pérez comments, “I hope to create artwork that reflects conditions of resiliency and adaptation through my vocations of teacher and architect and as a human being.” He adds, “The art is fluid and occupied with vigorous strokes attempting to exhibit a healing energy inside settings of perpetual activity.” Having personally experienced the healing power of art, Pérez states, “I am looking to bring my creative energy to the homes of art lovers and to healing environments where art works as therapy for the heart, mind and spirit.” Images of Pérez’s paintings can be seen by visiting Sitiosdesign.com or going to Oniric Architectural Art on Facebook. Kay Colvin is director of L Street Fine Art Gallery in San Diego’s Gaslamp Quarter, and specializes in promoting emerging and mid-career artists. Contact her at kaycolvin@ lstreetfineart. com mer. The band has big plans. With a new album on the rise and a number of local gigs always on the schedule, there are so many ways to keep an ear out for them. When asked what their long-term goals are, the band simply said they want to keep growing and make music for people to hear. Especially now that they know people want to hear it. “It’s really satisfying because the whole point is that music is not something that happens in isolation from other people, it’s a collaborative experience between listeners and audience members and musicians,” McNalley said. “And the music reflects that. So having people pay attention is a huge part of the process.”



es were being produced and the rates at which flames spread; some of that due to changes in the materials that make up people’s homes. “If a firefighter responded to a fire in the 1960s, 1970s, there was a good chance that the single pane window would have broken before they got there. The heat from the fire would have broken it,” Madrzykowski said. That would have allowed the firefighters to see where the fire was, that it was vented and then they could plan their appropriate attack. When the fire department shows up today, he added, they’re going to find nothing but smoke, because the fire is ventilation limited. If the firefighters use tactics from the 1970s, breaking all the windows and opening up the building to remove the heat, because of the synthetic materials that make up most of the


ed issue, directors approved hiring a consultant to begin one of two required studies. David Watson said the first study will provide a snapshot of existing conditions, as well as determine the financial and practical feasibility of proposed parking structures in the expansion plans.



said. “I’ve been in some pretty dangerous ocean situations, and eventually the ocean is always going to win,” said Glaser.

products in the structures today, when it receives more oxygen, the fire gets bigger. “So, that’s where there’s a big disconnect between tactics from the days of old and modern tactics for modern structures with synthetic materials in them,”

FEB. 21, 2014

Madrzykowski said. The project’s endpoint is to change the NFPA’s (National Fire Protection Association) standards that dictate how firefighters are trained. They’re hoping to have all of the project’s information in place by 2016, Madrzykowski said. After the exercise was over, Daniels said it was interesting to see how, by sim-

ply opening the doors, the fire was affected. “That’s what we want to do is expose them to the fire behavior, get them used to that,” Battalion Chief Bret Davidson said. “The more we expose ourselves to those environments, the less likely guys are going to be nervous, and the more we can focus them on reading the characteristics of (the fire), versus just seeing the fire — and actually reading where the air is coming in and out,” he said. Live fire training exercises take place anywhere from 30 to 40 times a year, Davidson said, though the facility gets used a lot not only by the RSFFPD but by other local fire departments, including San Diego’s. There’s also EMS/paramedic training and drills done on a monthly basis. In Rancho Santa Fe, fighting a house fire is very different than in most communities, Davidson explained. “You’re talking about 10,000 to 30,000 square foot houses, really long driveways with a bad water supply, terrible ac-

cess,” he said. And often times, being able to walk around the homes in the Ranch, watching for fire behavior and location to better be able to direct where the units should go in isn’t always available. Though fire is just one of many things they’re called out to, Davidson added that one of the reasons they need to train so much is because fires don’t occur all that often. The RSFFPD responded to 93 structure fires during 2013, in both Rancho Santa Fe and the surrounding communities. Statewide figures from the NFPA show there were 480,500 structure fires in 2012, resulting in 2,470 civilian deaths, 14,700 civilian injuries and doing $9.8 billion in property damage. That amounts to one home structure fire being reported every 85 seconds. Madrzykowski added that as more departments are starting to change their tactics, the anecdotal evidence coming in is showing the new approaches are gaining positive results.

The studies were ordered by the California Coastal Commission and must be completed in 10 years. They are part of consent orders the 22nd DAA agreed to as mitigation for past unauthorized uses on lots east and south of the fairgrounds. Directors also approved an agreement to allow a mini-satellite wagering site at 100 Harbor Drive in San Diego for five

years, with an additional five-year renewal option. In an effort to widen the distribution of the horseracing signal at brick-and-mortar sites, in 2007 the state approved the development of 45 mini-satellites, which are regulated and licensed by the California Horse Racing Board. If a potential restaurant or sports bar is within a 20-mile radius of an ex-

isting racetrack — which in this case is the Del Mar Fairgrounds — the applicant must be granted a waiver from the facility. In exchange for the waiver, the 22nd DAA will receive a percentage of the parimutuel commission that could amount to about $70,000 annually. Pending approval from the CHRB and city of San Diego, the facility could open this summer.

“You’re not going to overpower the ocean ever. “Once you accept that and appreciate that, then you can go into it knowing at certain times you are going to put yourself in a bad situation, but you leave it up to your training

and your past experiences to get through it and do it again.” He knows that the surfers are risking their lives doing what they do, and what he wants to do is give that justice. “So if that means me

getting into the water to get closer and show what it’s like to be a surfer in those situations, that’s what I do,” Glaser said. Though there are times when he won’t go in the water, and surfers respect that, he added.

That’s what we want to do is expose them to the fire behavior.” Bret Davidson RSFFPD Battalion Chief

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FEB. 21, 2014

T he R ancho S anta F e News

State warns of scams on taxpayers COAST CITIES — With the tax season upon us, the Franchise Tax Board (FTB) is reminding taxpayers to be wary of theft ploys involving scammers attempting to mimic FTB to obtain access to your personal information. Do not give out social security, bank or credit card numbers over the telephone or by email to anyone who cannot verify they are FTB employees, said State Controller and FTB Chairman John Chiang. Ask the FTB agent to confirm information on the tax notice the FTB mailed to you, or hang up and contact the FTB immediately to talk to a live agent. TB has heard from people who received phone calls from scammers impersonating the IRS, telling the would-be victims that they owed taxes and, if not paid, they would be arrested. These taxpayers were also told that the state of California would do the same. The scammers asked about their personal information and how much money they could immediately pay. This is the second warning in recent months that FTB has issued. In October, FTB alerted the public of a report that scammers were contacting elderly people in Beverly Hills and informing them they received a red-light traffic ticket that was referred to FTB for collections. The scammer instructed the victims to load money on a prepaid debit card and send it to a bogus address. The scammer refers victims to an actual FTB phone number for reference. Other scammers claim to represent FTB to lure people into revealing personal and financial information. This is called “phishing‚” and is aimed at getting personal information to commit identity theft. These types of scams often involve an email that masquerades as offering to check the status of your state income tax refund. State Controller John Chiang has partnered with nonprofit groups and other state offices to help people understand current scams plaguing consumers and taxpayers. He has held more than a dozen events designed specifically to help seniors protect their financial information. More information on those seminars can be


found at sco.ca.gov/californiastrong.html. FTB takes the safety and security of taxpayer information very seriously. If anyone receives a questionable contact from FTB, they should consider the following: — While FTB calls people who owe taxes, FTB will never ask taxpayers for personal identification numbers, passwords, or similar access information for credit cards, bank accounts, or other financial information. — If you know you don’t owe taxes or have never received an FTB billing notice, you can verify your FTB account information by accessing MyFTB Account or call FTB directly at (800) 852-5711 to review their accounts. — FTB criminal investigators never solicit payment from debtors under the threat of incarceration. — FTB does not have the ability to process funds from third-party issued debit cards, prepaid credit cards, or wire transfers. Taxpayers should only make state tax payments to FTB through its normal payment channels: online Web Payor credit card services; or by mail through personal check, money order, cashier’s check, or Western Union Quick Collect payments. Taxpayers may also visit one of our field offices for assistance. All field offices accept payments by personal check, money order, or cashier’s check. Credit card payments are accepted at our Los Angeles and Oakland Offices. Cash payments are accepted at our San Diego, Santa Ana, San Francisco and Sacramento Offices only. For more tax scam information, see FTB’s “Top Twelve Tax Scams” publication and Information Privacy policy, both available online at ftb.ca.gov. The IRS reports similar scams and provides consumer alerts at its web site at irs.gov.

Hospice volunteers sew up 250 teddy bears, help bring comfort By Promise Yee

COAST CITIES — Cynthia Harrison, Seasons Hospice & Palliative Care San Diego volunteer seamstress, has stitched up 143 memory bears over the last three years to help families deal with the grief of losing a loved one. Harrison has not met most of the families she sews bears to comfort, but she said she feels a connection to them through seeing the fabric they choose and sometimes getting a note explaining more about them. The memory bear program began in 2010 when Ryana Goldberger, director of supportive care for Seasons Hospice of San Diego, wanted to find a way to comfort families after a Seasons Hospice & Palliative Care patient passed away. “Each time Ryana brings a new batch (of fabric), it’s like Christmas,” Harrison said. “I never know what kind of clothing families will send. Of course, there are pajamas and robes, but there are well-loved jeans and T-shirts with writing on them that are significant to the families.” The first bear was sewn for the Seasons Hospice & Palliative Care director of business operations who had a grandmother receiving hospice care. From there the idea grew. Now there are eight volunteer seamstresses who have sewn a total of more than 250 bears. Each seamstress works at her own pace. Goldberger said there is no hard timeline for volunteers to get the job done. Most volunteers can sew a custom 12-inch bear in six hours and ship off the finished bear within a month of receiving fabrics. “Every bear has its own personality,” Goldberger said. “They’re all unique based on the clothing and what our clients tell us about their loved ones.” Families that have a loved one receiving hos-

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Just some of the memory bears sewn by Cynthia Harrison, a volunteer with the Seasons Hospice & Palliative Care San Diego. She’s sewn 143 memory bears over the last three years to help families deal with the grief of losing a loved one. Courtesy photo

pice care are informed that they can request up to three memory bears with two fabrics each, and are reminded again in a condolence note when their loved one passes. This allows families to plan ahead and determine memorable clothing to make into a bears. “It’s typically a conversation prior to the patient’s death,” Goldberger said. The service is optional. Seasons Hospice & Palliative Care provides volunteers sewing supplies and

pays the shipment costs of delivering the finished bears to the hospice care business office. A hospice care social service worker delivers the bears and checks in on how the family is doing. Goldberger said many families find it a way to connect, hug something soft, and hold onto memories after their loved one passes. Families say a lot of memories are wrapped up in clothes their loved one used to wear.


“A teddy bear is something to hold and hug,” Goldberger said. “It’s a good way for us to give back to families and offer support.” Last spring a tea was held to allow families to meet and thank volunteers. Families said the tea allowed them to express their thanks and have a bit of closure about their loved one’s death. What Goldberger did not expect was the emotions of volunteers who also wanted to meet the families and learn more about them. Harrison attended the tea and saw a little boy holding a well-loved bear she had sewn. “The family explained that the toddler, who had been so close to his grandmother, had recognized the fabric of the bear as being his grandmother’s and immediately embraced it,” Harrison said. “I was very touched by how attached the families were to their bears. I had no idea that they would mean so much.” Goldberger said the tea would continue to be an annual event. “It’s a really special program,” Goldberger said. Seasons Hospice & Palliative Care cares for patients in their homes, nursing homes, hospitals and assisted living facilities.


T he R ancho S anta F e News

FEB. 21, 2014

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Feb. 21, 2014


Crime writer panel set to talk‘whodunits’

small talk jean gillette

By Promise Yee

brewery that included exhibits, a history of the San Diego brewing industry, a tasting room and modernizing the existing restaurant. Anderson said after meeting with current and long-term beer partners, Premier, the fairgrounds’ contracted food and beverage provider, opted to go with Blue Moon, operator of the brewery at Coors Field in Denver. The goal, Anderson said, is to build and operate a brewery that will revitalize the off-track betting faProposals to transform the underused Surfside Race Place into a mi- cility that has seen a downcrobrewery, luxury theaters, a family entertainment center with high- ward spiral in revenue over

OCEANSIDE — As part of the monthlong citywide Big Read featuring “The Maltese Falcon” by Dashiell Hammett, a panel of mystery writers will speak at the Civic Center Library Feb. 22. The panel includes authors Alan Russell, Taffy Cannon, Lisa Brackmann, Debra Ginsberg and Ken Kuhlken. Author Alan Russell, of Encinitas, will serve as the moderator. Russell published his first best seller “Burning Man” in 2012 and is presently working on the first of two sequels to the novel. He has written a dozen mystery novels, in several subgenres. His novels also vary from first to third person narrative, and character-driven to plot-driven stories. “Every story needs a different voice,” Russell said. “I’ll never get bored writing mysteries.” One question the panel will discuss is if noir fiction, the hardboiled detective story with empty heroes and femme fatales, can still be written today? “Mystery has gone in a lot of directions,” Russell said. He listed the subgenres of crime fiction, whodunits, comic mysteries, police procedurals, and cozies as a few. Russell added everyone can find a mystery subgenre they would enjoy reading. The panel will also talk about the writing industry. “It’s a marathon mentality,” Russell said. “I tell people it’s not going to be easy. There are a million excuses to give up.” Russell credits electronic books with making his writing more accessible to readers. “Books have the shelf life of milk,” Russell said. “There are a wide variety of midlist authors. I’m grateful for the electronic option. It helped change my life. I have a much larger readership.” Taffy Cannon, author of 14 novels and resident of Carlsbad, has also written mystery novels in several subgenres. She said an active au-



Collecting surprises


ell, life’s just full of little surprises, isn’t it? Have I mentioned that once you pass a “certain age,” you prefer to avoid surprises? Still, my most recent bit of discovery wasn’t altogether bad. It was rather interesting, actually. I thought I loathed collecting in any form and was suspicious of collectors, always and everywhere. They fill drawers, suck up time and create things to dust. As the only member of my family who is not a pack rat, aka a “collector,” I have worked hard to hold the line. So when I pulled out the Matchbox vehicle collection, passed down from my brother, I inwardly groaned. I really wanted to know its worth but the thought of doing the necessary research gave me a mild case of hives. I also got a snoot full of dust, as these things have been packed away for about 50 years. For any of you who are truly interested, my “collector” mother began gathering them for my “collector” brother when we were stationed in Germany in 1959, and it appears my sibling only played with a couple of them, so the rest are what they call “mint.” After scouring multiple web sites and collector’s blogs, however, I’m still a little foggy about whether they are more valued if they are beaten up, but unrestored, or if untouched is better. I did learn that some collectors also want the boxes to be pristine, which puzzles me, since paper just doesn’t hold up that well. Apparently, our collection was looked at a lot, as most of the boxes are a bit shabby. But what is most disturbing to my non-collector heart, is that the more TURN TO SMALL TALK ON B12

Guy Sarver, fresh from a baseball camp, stands in front of his RV. After putting his life back together, he’s focused on selling the Sarver Strike Zone. To do so, he’s planning an RV trip across the country. Photo by Jared Whitlock

Making his pitch — Again Inventor’s first go with investors struck out; now he’s ready to try again By Jared Whitlock

ENCINITAS — Five years ago, Guy Sarver expected his pitching invention to make him millions. But the dream went down in flames. Life went south during the summer of 2009, during his nationwide RV tour to promote Sarver Strike Zone — his machine that throws the ball back to pitchers. Driving 13,000 miles, he drummed up inter-

est among baseball scouts and sports stores. When financial backers didn’t get a return on investment as quickly as anticipated, they pulled the plug. Sarver, who also invested his own money in the project, lost the RV and came home to nothing. “I was in such a depression that I couldn’t function,” Sarver said. “I felt like I lost everything.” Homeless by 2010, Sarver was admitted to the East County Transitional Living Center. There, he battled his demons for three years, slowly gaining back his confidence. Now a graduate of the center and fresh with motivation, he’s committed to break-

ing the strike zone into baseball’s consciousness. Sarver recently bought back his old RV, lost 33 pounds, started talking with investors and once again is due to hit the road on a cross-country promotional tour. This time around, he’s convinced that he’ll succeed. “It’s going to catch on,” Sarver said. “It’s not a matter of if, but a matter of when. I’ve come too far.” Sarver’s love of baseball began while playing Little League in El Cajon. He remained in the area, later pitching at Grossmont College, where he caught the attention of TURN TO SARVER ON B12

Board nixes alternative use plans for Surfside By Bianca Kaplanek

DEL MAR — A request for interest for alternative uses for an underused facility at the Del Mar Fairgrounds has been officially terminated, scrapping proposals to transform Surfside Race Place into a microbrewery, luxury theaters, a family entertainment center with high-tech bowling or a combination of all three. During a presentation at the Feb. 11 board meeting of the 22nd District Agricultural Association, Mark Anderson, vice president and general manager of Premier Food and Beverage, outlined plans for the

tech bowling or a combination of all three were struck down at the Feb. 11 board meeting. Photo by Bianca Kaplanek


T he R ancho S anta F e News

FEB. 21, 2014

Councilman hikes the more than 70-mile Coast to Crest Trail By Tony Cagala

DEL MAR — Ambling down the sandy pathway heading towards Dog Beach, three hikers were finishing the final segment of their more than 70-mile trek of the Coast to Crest Trail. A six-mile hike was all that was needed for Poway City Councilman Jim Cunningham, San Dieguito River Valley Conservancy Board member Bill Simmons and Dick Bobertz, executive director of the San Dieguito River Park, to complete the journey, which took place over a span of several months. Cunningham, Simmons and Bobertz broke up the trek into several segments, hiking approximately 10 miles each time, which began back in May of last year, at the crest of Volcan Mountain, an elevation of about 4,500 feet. Cunningham, who has served as the chair of the San Dieguito River Park for almost a year, vowed to hike the full length of the trail for several reasons, he explained, including gaining a sense of the enormity of the park.

I wanted to get a sense as to the entirety of the project, and also bring awareness to what’s out there.” Jim Cunningham Councilman, Poway

“I wanted to get a sense as to the entirety of the project, and also bring awareness to what’s out there — that this jewel in our community, that for the most part is undiscovered, needs some recognition,” he said. The San Dieguito River Valley Conservancy and the San Dieguito River Park have been working since 1986 to bring the vision of a 92,000-acre park of open space into reality. The 72 miles that stretch from Volcan Mountain to the Del Mar coast aren’t fully connected (45 miles of the trail are actual, constructed trail), the rest is traversable only through some bushwhacking or is on private land requiring permission to cross. And while it isn’t yet possible for the public to hike continuously from coast to crest, Cunningham said he thinks it won’t be very long before that’s possible. A native New Yorker, Cunningham admitted he was more a runner than a hiker before embarking on the trek. “But now hiking is definitely embedded in my DNA at this point,” he said. It was announced at the event, too, that

community CALENDAR FEB. 21

BE A DOCENT The Encinitas Historical Society is in need of volunteers for one day a month service at the 1883 Schoolhouse. Docents are in pairs Fridays and Saturdays. An orientation session provides information on visitor procedures, local history, and work information. Call (760) 7535726 for orientation times. STILL LEARNING MiraCosta College LIFE, the lifelong learning group, meets at 1 p.m. Feb. 21 at the Oceanside Campus, 1 Barnard Drive, Administration Bldg. #1000, Room 1068.

FEB. 22

CLEAN UP SWAMI’S The Swami’s Surf Association will hold its monthly beach cleanup at 9 a.m. Feb. 22 at Swami’s Beach. Bags, gloves, and free barbecue lunch are provided to all participants. Just show up. ENERGY OUTLOOK The Carlsbad-Oceanside Democrat-

High Tech High Biology teacher Matt Leader will lead a group of 11th grade students from the school on a From left: Bill Simmons, Jim Cunningham and Dick Bobertz complete the final six miles of their more than five to six day trek to complete the Coast to Crest 70-mile trek from the crest of Volcan Mountain to Del Mar’s Dog Beach. Photos by Yeshe Salz Trail and learn about the diverse habitats in the area.

San Diego County Board of Supervisors Dave Roberts will become the River Park’s new chair. He’ll take over for Cunningham this year. This will be the second time Roberts has held the position. His first time as chair was back in 2008, a year after the wildfires that ravaged most of the park and trail system, and what he referred to as their “rebuilding” year. Roberts urged the students from San Marcos’ High Tech High, who were present at the event to take away the message of the day, that preservation of the open space was for them and future generations to enjoy. In March, the school’s 11th grade students will hike the entirety of the trail over a period of five to six days. They’ll be led by High Tech High’s Biology teacher Matt Leader and UCSD grad students in an effort to teach about the park’s diverse habitats. Roberts asked the teens at the event, that when they’re on their hike, to think about all of the land that could have been developed over with tract homes. “That’s why we’re doing it,” Roberts said. “To preserve some of that quality of life, so that for generations to come, we can see what it was really like here in that natuSan Diego County Board Supervisor Dave Roberts, center, poses for a photo with students from High Tech ral beauty.”

ic Club meets at 10 a.m. Feb. 22 at the Woman’s Club of Carlsbad. 3320 Monroe St., Carlsbad. Speaker: Peg Mitchell from the Citizens Climate Lobby, on “Fracking and Our Energy Future.” Call (760) 804-2754. HOCKEY FUN Tri-City Inline Hockey League hosts a free Improve Your Hockey Skills Day for kids between 5 and 17, at 10 a.m. Feb. 22, at the Martin Luther King Jr. Park roller hockey rink, 4300 Mesa Drive, Oceanside. First-time skaters can to borrow protective gear and equipment. The day will conclude with a fun scrimmage from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Visit tcihl.com for more information. GARDENS AND OWLS Friendship Gardeners of Del Mar invite you to attend our next meeting at 1 p.m. Feb. 22. Speaker Bert Kersey, of “Backyard Barn Owls” will be the guest. Call (858) 755-6570 for meeting location. AAAAAAH! MiraCosta College students offer $20 for 60-minute therapeutic massages. Appointments are available at either 12:30 p.m. or 2 p.m. Feb. 22 through May 10 at the MiraCos-


ta College Community Learning Center, 1831 Mission Ave., Oceanside, by calling (760) 7572121, ext. 8752, or via email at Heal215@miracosta.edu.

FEB. 23

SURF CELEBRATION Celebrate San Onofre and 28 years of California Surf Museum at the annual CSM members’ party from noon to 4 p.m. Feb. 23 at the museum, 312 Pier View Way, Oceanside. RSVP by noon Feb. 21 at (760) 721-6876 or sam@surfmuseum.org.

FEB. 24

ment? Come with your questions for Dr. Lori Rappaport and Dr. Lewis Ribner at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 25, 157 Stevens Ave. Call (858) 755-1404 for more information. BELLY DANCE A beginner’s belly dance class is offered from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Tuesdays at Mira Costa College San Elijo Campus. For information, call (760) 576-4033 LOOKING BACKWARD North San Diego County Genealogical Society will meet at 10 a.m. Feb. 25 in the Carlsbad City Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad. For information, email jtempke@ roadrunner.com or call (760) 6320416.

ZUMBA TIME The Solana Beach Library hosts free Zumba classes at 8:15 a.m. on Mondays, Feb. 24 at Hammond Studio, 626 FEB. 26 San Rodolfo Drive, Solana Beach; OMUG ON SAFETY The and April 7 at Earl Warren Hall Oceanside Mac Users Group will at the Solana Beach Library, 157 meet from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Feb. 26 Stevens Ave. Call (858) 755-1404. at the Oceanside Mission Branch Library, 3861 Mission Ave. with “Beyond Time Machine: ProtectFEB. 25 ADHD QUESTIONS Join the ing your data from Acts of God.” discussion at the Solana Beach Li- For info visit OMUG.net or call brary on children diagnosed with (760) 757-4900. ADHD. What does it mean? What can you do to help your child FEB. 27 succeed in an academic environSENIOR SCAMS The Carls-

bad Senior Center is hosting a free seminar on financial elder abuse from 10 to 11:45 a.m. Feb. 27, 799 Pine Ave., Carlsbad. For more information, go to carlsbadca.gov/parksandrec or call (760) 602-4650.

FEB. 28

Adult Children of Alcoholics host a convention Feb. 28 through March 2 at Lakehouse Hotel and Resort, 1025 La Bonita Drive, Lake San Marcos. There will be eight workshops and the cost is $140. For more information and to register, visit ACAConvention.org. SAVE THE DATE IN THE RING Russian lightweight Rustam Nugaev will put his five-fight winning streak on the line when he meets Marvin Quintero from Tijuana, in the 10-round main event of the March 7 edition of ESPN Friday Night Fights in the Events Center at Pala Casino Spa & Resort. Tickets $150, $100, $50 and $25 on sale at the Pala Box Office in the casino, or call (877) 946-7252.

FEB. 21, 2014

Odd Files By Chuck Shepherd Find That Genius! Beijing Genomics Institute scientists are closing in on a technology to allow parents to choose, from several embryos, the one most likely to yield the smartest offspring. London’s Daily Mail (in January, referencing recent work in Wired, The Wall Street Journal and The New Yorker) explained that BGI will have identified high-potential mathematics genes (by mapping the cells of geniuses) so that researchers can search for those among a couple’s array of embryos. (Most embryos will yield gene arrays resembling their parents’, but one embryo is likely “better” — and maybe much better.) One Chinese researcher acknowledged the “controversial” nature of the work, “especially in the West,” but added, “That’s not the case in China.” The parental price tag on finding the smartest kid? Expensive, said a supporter, but less than upgrading an average kid via Harvard, or even a private prep school. Can’t Possibly Be True “This (was) my life,” said musician Boujemaa Razgui in December, referring to the 13 handmade flutes that he played professionally, “and now they’re gone.” Arriving in New York City from Madrid with the 13 woodwinds in his checked luggage, he was shocked to discover that U.S. Customs had destroyed them without notice because “wood” is a restricted “agricultural” import. (Unsophisticated agents had apparently regarded them as mere bamboo.) Razgui plays all over the world including, since 2002, with the Boston Camerata ensemble staged by the city’s Museum of Fine Arts. Saved by the Blimps: Americans who have grown accustomed to hearing that the U.S. is militarily without peer might have been shocked to learn in January (as CBS News reported from a Pentagon interview) that America has “practically zero capability” either to detect enemy cruise missiles fired at Washington, D.C., from offshore, or even worse, to “defend against (them).” The Pentagon’s interim makeshift solution to protect the U.S. capital, said an official, is to launch two blimps, soon, to float two miles up over a base in Maryland to try to spot any such missiles.



T he R ancho S anta F e News

Cardiff beer-tasting room takes step forward By Jared Whitlock

ENCINITAS — Beer-tasting rooms are allowed under Cardiff development rules, the Planning Commission determined last week. A 4-1 vote meant Port Brewing Co. can move forward with an application to open a small tasting room in the community. However, the proposal still has a ways to go before it gets the final green light. The Cardiff “specific plan” states new wine bars are permitted in the community, but is silent on the matter of beer-tasting rooms. So, the Planning Commission was tasked with deciding whether Port Brewing’s location would be comparable to a wine bar. “I’m glad North County has woken up and started to realize that beer has become a product similar to wine,” said Port Brewing financial manager Devon Ponds before the vote. With San Diego being a destination for beer lovers, it’s now a highend product, Ponds said, noting that Port Brewing sells bottles of beer at prices similar to wine, from $7 to $40. Port Brewing has a brewery in San Marcos, and the proposed Cardiff tasting room would operate under the same liquor license. Planning Commissioner Tony Bradenburg said the proposed 1,300-square-foot space would fit few people and have a relaxed atmosphere, making it a tasting room, and not a bar. “It’s a tasting room, and I think

Port Brewing Co. would like to open a tasting room in the vacant spot next to East Coast Pizza in Cardiff Towne Center. The proposal gained traction as a result of a Planning Commission vote last week. Photo by Jared Whitlock

to distinguish between wine and beer … is somewhat silly,” said Brandenburg said. He later added that the Cardiff specific plan doesn’t mention beer bars because they’re a new concept. “I don’t think it was deliberately omitted,” he said. Planning Commissioner Glenn O’Grady said he’s a fan of Port Brewing. Nonetheless, those who drafted the planning document likely didn’t intend such a broad interpretation of wine bar, he added. “It was narrowly defined as a wine bar,” O’Grady said. He also said that the decision

could “open the barn door” to more tasting rooms in Cardiff. Planning Commissioners emphasized that the vote in no way equates to final approval. The business still has to submit a minor-use permit, a document outlining potential impacts to the community, for future consideration. Wine Steals, Cardiff’s only wine bar, is located in Cardiff Towne Center, where Port Brewing is looking to open. According to the city’s staff report, it’s estimated that the business would get 1,200 visitors a week. Port Brewing has stated that the location would be similar to Stone

Brewing’s tasting room in Oceanside, which doesn’t serve food. Kristin Lam, representing the Encinitas Citizens Committee, a group that’s sought tougher restrictions on local bars, said the establishment would create parking issues, traffic and contribute to noise problems in the area. Supporting the tasting room proposal would undo the hard work that went into the Cardiff specific plan, she added. “Please do not turn around now and support a loophole that would allow more bars into Cardiff,” Lam said.

Teen nominated as Military Child of the Year semi-finalist By Promise Yee

CAMP PENDLETON — Darian Washington, 13, is one of the 156 semi-finalists nationwide to be named Military Child of the Year by Operation Homefront. The award recognizes children of active duty Marine Corps, Army, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard personnel who display exceptional character. “No one group makes a greater sacrifice of service than the children of those who choose to serve their country,” Jim Knotts, Operation Homefront president and CEO, said. “Our Military Child of the Year award honors those young patriots who overcome the challenges presented by deployments and relocations, who set an example for others to emulate in their communities.” A lot sits on the shoulders of military children. “The most common challenge is they move around so much,” Aaron Taylor, Operation Homefront director of media and marketing communications, said. “Additional challenges are a parent being deployed overseas in a combat zone. It ups the difficulty level for the entire family. “The Military Child of the Year perseveres and does well in that environment. They take the opportunity and give back to others.” Qualities looked for in youth nominees are resilience and strong character. Darian has a lot of that. Darian has volunteered more than 160 hours helping younger children as a

youth leader at New Song Community Church spring and summer camps. He has also put in three years of consistent weekly volunteer hours to help in the special education classroom at his school. Crystal Washington, Darian’s mom, said he gets his resilience from bouncing back after being picked on by classmates for having a complex partial eye seizure or lazy eye. At times the teasing was ruthless. “It bothered him so immensely that he became very shy and lost confidence,” Crystal Washington said. Then when Darian was in second grade he had surgery that corrected the physical problem. What stayed with him was empathy for others who have to endure teasing. “He knows what it felt like to be different and be the center of unwanted attention,” Crystal Washington said. “I think this is also why he was so eager to volunteer a few hours a week in the special education classroom. “He is always the first one to stand up for someone in need or someone that is being bullied.” Darian has found strength in helping others. Last year he served as student council president and is running for student council president again this year. “Through this office he was able to lead the student body through numerous activities and fundraisers,” Crystal Washington said.

“He also gave speeches quite regularly.” Academically Darian has made the school honor roll and received academic honors including student of the month and a summer scholarship to study at the Lux Art Institute in Encinitas. Above all he has a kind heart. “He has a big heart and is always putting others before himself,” Crystal Washington said. “He loves to be a part of anything that is helping others.” During the semi-finalist round nominated youth are interviewed. Then in the finalist round a winner for each branch of service is selected by a committee. Final winners are flown

with a parent to Washington, D.C., to pick up their award at a special recognition ceremony. “The primary goal is to show appreciation for all these kids do,” Taylor said. “Service members volunteer. Military kids are sort

of drafted into military life. We want to recognize them and thank them for it.” Each winner of Military Child of the Year receives $5,000. Winners will be announced in March, a month before the recognition ceremony.


T he R ancho S anta F e News

FEB. 21, 2014

Chronicle your travels all in the palm of your hand hit the road e’louise ondash



s my walking buddy, Debi, is wont to say, “Hey, get this

A new app called Momentage enables travelers who take pictures with their smartphones to do what previously could only be done on a computer: chronicle your journey by creating pages with multiple photos, video, text and sound. Users can choose to send the pages to family and friends who also have the free app, and/or post them to a public space where viewers can comment. “We are not trying to compete with Facebook or Instagram,” explains co-founder JoAnn Ippolito, who lives near Hartford, Conn. Rather than encouraging snarky or negative comments, “we are more of an artsy community, so for people who jump on, it’s all about making positive connections. There are a lot of social-sharing type apps, but they are not as close-knit as our community.” About 70 percent of Momentage users post their creations to the public space, she added. Not only that, but additions automatically are added to the same post for both users and receivers. The idea for Momentage (a melding of the words “moment” and “collage”) grew from working at another digital company that focused on the “mom-market,” Ippolito said. But she and her co-founder, George Castineiras, realized that this was bigger. “It’s all about capturing, sharing and organizing,” Ippolito said, or as the ad says, “a community for the new creatives.” Ippolito uses the app when she takes her frequent day trips. Because of the geogra-

Bend, Ore., residents Tsh and Kyle Oxenreider and their children, ages 3, 6 and 9, are preparing for a ninemonth, round-the-world journey that begins in the fall of 2014. “We save like crazy” for these adventures, Tsh explains. Courtesy photos

phy of New England, “you can get to about six different states in two hours from here,” she explained. Currently, Momentage is available only for Apple’s iPhone, but the Android version will make its debut sometime this summer. And did I mention that it’s free?

her third, newly published “Notes From a Blue Bike: The Art of Living Intentionally in a Chaotic World” (Nelson Books; $22.99). One of Oxenreider’s axioms is that travel is essential for a quality life, and staying true to that belief, the mother of three and her husband, Kyle, who live in Bend, Ore., are preparing for a nine-month, roundthe-world journey with the kids this fall. “I honestly think that it’s easier to travel with kids when they are younger,” she said in a phone interview from a Houston hotel JoAnn Ippolito where she is on a book tour Momentage co-founder with the family. “The more they travFor more info, visit Mo- el, the better they get at it. Traveling is a normal part mentage.com. One traveler who might of life.” She added that the famfind such an app invaluable is Tsh (pronounced “Tish”) ily’s “unconventional life” Oxenreider, author, blogger makes travel possible. Both and expert on living life parents work at home and the kids are home-schooled. simply but fully. Are they rich? She explains it all in Absolutely not, Oxenreider said. “We save like crazy in order to do it.” Free Consultation And since they already A KIND, CARING have been to several countries and have gathered acquaintances through her You can be assured we will website/blog, TheArtofSimtake your case seriously, return your phone calls in a timely ple.net, there are free acmanner and strive to provide commodations waiting. quality, honest and affordable representation. Their intended route?

We are not trying to compete with Facebook or Instagram.”

These are sample pages that can be created on an iPhone (Android version debuts this summer) with a free app called Momentage. It allows users to use photos, videos, music and text to tell the stories of their travels, which can be sent to friends only or to a public viewing space.

“Notes from a Blue Bike” by Tsh Oxenreider is a guide on how to live more with less; change the way we think about food, work, travel, education and entertainment; foster a global awareness and more. The companion blog, TheArtofSimple.net.


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“We’ll start in Asia,” she said. “We definitely want to see Kyrgyzstan, India and Southeast Asia. We sponsor a girl in Manila and she is the same age as my daughter who wants to meet her. And we love Thailand.” Also on the itinerary: Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, then north thru the African continent to Europe, over to South America and back home. How many miles might that be? “I have no idea,” Oxenreider said. The key to traveling with kids is flexibility, she advises. Sometimes the rules for home, like limited juices and television, have to go. “You have to strike a fine balance between courtesy for the people around you and the kids. You have to talk to the kids but sometimes you aren’t in control. Just remember you will never see these other people again.” E’Louise Ondash is a freelance writer living in North County. Tell her about your travels at eondash@ coastnewsgroup.com

FEB. 21, 2014

T he R ancho S anta F e News

Educational Opportunities

MiraCosta College celebrates...

80 years of educational excellence The more things change, the more they stay the same. And that certainly is true when it comes to MiraCosta College. Founded 80 years ago as Oceanside-Carlsbad Junior College (OCJC) during the Great Depression, the college was established as a place where local students could complete a quality higher education. Much has changed since 1934 when a loaf of bread cost only 8 cents. But eight decades later one thing has stayed the same, MiraCosta College continues to provide opportunities for anyone to secure a higher education—whether at the San Elijo or Oceanside campuses, our Community Learning Center, or through online education. In 1934, OCJC was located in a wing at Oceanside High School and had 122 students and 20 faculty members. In 1964, the college moved to its current 121acre location in Oceanside and was renamed MiraCosta College. In 1988, the San Elijo Campus in Cardiff opened and a few years later, the Adult Learning Center —now called Community Learning Center--opened in downtown Oceanside. Today, enrollment has

ballooned to nearly 15,000 credit students and an additional 5,000 noncredit and fee-based students. Last year, the college added a much-needed, high-tech and “green” science laboratory at the Oceanside Campus and began building a new science lab at the San Elijo Campus, to open in time for the fall 2014 semester. Meanwhile, more students are taking online courses and on-campus offerings have expanded to include more core classes on Fridays and Saturdays. The college also continues to partner with local K12 schools. In 2011, MiraCosta College received a seven-year, $7 million GEAR UP grant, which provides multiple services to ensure those students are prepared for a higher education. In addition, the college is partnering with the Carlsbad Unified School District to offer college classes at the Sage Creek High School, enabling high school kids to take college classes without having to pay an enrollment fee. Underscoring our dedication to serving the needs of local workers and employers, the US Department of Labor awarded MiraCosta College a $2.75

million federal grant to start a Technology Career Institute, a comprehensive training facility to prepare participants —including military veterans and the unemployed—for highskilled careers in manufacturing and technology. Over the past 80 years, hundreds of thousands of students have passed through MiraCosta College and contributed to the college’s tradition of strengthening the intellectual, economic, social and cultural life of the community. Graduates are responsible for hundreds of millions of dollars going into the local economy. And by expanding the state’s economic base through their higher incomes, combined with the ripple effects of the goods and services they produce, MiraCosta students contribute an estimated $74.1 million in taxable income to the California economy every year. MiraCosta College is about creating success through our students, alumni and communities. It is about preparing students not only to transfer to the best four-year colleges and universities in the country, but providing the skills needed to compete and thrive in a rapidly changing economy.

Summer classes start June 2 & 16. Enroll in 6- & 8-week courses this summer. View a detailed schedule at www.miracosta.edu. Or, call 760.795.6615

to request a schedule by mail.



T he R ancho S anta F e News

FEB. 21, 2014

Educational Opportunities Voted 2013 Best Private School in SD County

Santa Fe Christian Pursuing Excellence for Christ

Santa Fe ChriStian SChoolS focuses on academic excellence, spiritual

growth and enrichment experiences for PreK through 12th grade students. there is no better way to experience SFC than to visit our campus.

Register for an Open House today at www.sfcs.net

Santa Fe Christian Schools offers an exceptional learning environment for preschool through 12th grade students. Our rigorous academic curriculum is taught through a Biblical worldview. Plus, SFC teachers are passionate about serving Christ and instill a love of learning in their students. Faculty are recruited for their ability to teach, mentor, engage, inspire and guide students in both educational and life experiences. Academic Excellence SFC’s small class sizes, averaging 20 or less students in grades K-12, ensures a strong teacher-student relationship. Students receive the personal attention needed to reach their full potential. Lower School (K-5th) prepares students for a lifetime of learning through research-based curriculum and active learning experiences. Middle School (6th8th) is a time of exploration and helping students identify areas of passion and interest. Upper School (9th– 12th) prepares students for a transition to a four-year college through college preparatory curriculum, electives and extracurricular activities. SFC’s college prep curriculum, with accelerated classes and advanced mathematics, includes 15 Advanced Placement and 10 Honors courses.

Three dedicated college counselors help SFC students with their college selection process. SFC graduates attend faith-based universities, Ivy League, private, UC and military academies across the nation. More than 80% of graduating seniors receive merit-based scholarships to attend college. K-12 Athletic Program SFC’s highly competitive Upper School athletics program includes football, volleyball, cheerleading, cross country, water polo, basketball, soccer, track and field, baseball, softball, lacrosse, golf and swim. SFC Athletics includes Eagles Edge, a progressive kindergarten through 12th grade athletic development system directed by SFC’s staff of professional Christian coaches. Eagles Edge teaches young athletes sports fundamentals, teamwork, and godly sportsmanship - starting in kindergarten. Santa Fe Christian Schools has 60 Middle School and Upper Schools sports teams directed by our staff of professional coaches. Enrichment Opportunities Lower School students develop a lifelong appreciation of the arts through dedicated courses in studio art, band and music. Middle and Upper School students choose from a broad selection of

fine arts options including choir, band, drama and media arts. Upper School students also have the option of taking AP Studio Art. SFC’s comprehensive Arts Program is designed to nurture each student’s God-given talent and gifts. Growing Faith Most importantly, students grow their Christian faith through Bible study, chapel, small groups, spiritual retreats, community service and mission trips. Upper Schools students take Christian Ethics, Apologetics, Comparative Religions and the Life of Jesus. All K-12 students participate in community service. Lower and Middle School students support a variety of community service projects both locally and around the world. Upper School students participate in global mission trips in places like Rwanda, Russia, Uganda, Italy, Thailand, and India. Santa Fe Christian Schools was voted 2013 Best Private School in San Diego County for the fourth consecutive year and SFC’s lower school is a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence winner in 2011. SFC is accredited by both the WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges) and ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International).

Pacific Academy...

brings out individual leadership qualities Under new management since 2010, Pacific Academy in Encinitas has led the way in student-centered education. Here, students’ needs, goals and interests drive the curriculum and overall educational program — alongside research-based best practices. The result is on-going modifications that best meet diverse student populations, increased demands for college admission and changing career trends while maintaining an enjoyable and meaningful experience. Summed up by Principal Dr. Erika Sanchez, “Education includes the person and the world they live in — an experience that should be fun, engaging, relevant and fruitful. Our students actually look forward to coming to school.” Last fall, Principal Dr. Sanchez (Ph.D. UC Irvine) teamed up with newly appointed Director of Education Vikas Srivastava (M.Ed. Harvard) to integrate a school-wide culture of Mindfulness and Leadership in addition to revamping their college counseling and developing a weekly Life Skills workshop. Mindfulness is a secular practice that has been proven to increase focus, reduce stress and stabilize emotions in any situation. Vikas Srivastava

has led the effort through student seminars, teacher trainings and school-wide management. He is a longtime practitioner, founder of The Center for Mindful Education and experienced educator. Srivastava integrates school-wide Mindful based practices in policies, procedures and protocols that integrate communication, compassion and cooperation with students, staff and parents. “The hope is that the integration of Mindfulness throughout the school will serve as a model for students of the reality of structuring one’s family, business and community around these principles,” says Srivastava. In addition, PAE firmly believes in bringing out individual leadership qualities in every student for whatever their path in life may be. “Leadership is the foundation of good choices,” states Dr. Erika Sanchez, Principal of PAE, “it supports growth of all students in everything they do.” The Leadership program consists of the same approach multi-layered with staff and student training and modeling the principles in practice based on Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” While PAE believes personal development is necessary for success, col-

lege planning is equally emphasized to ensure a fulfilling lifestyle. “College counseling is meant to empower students to envision their future goals and map a plan to achieve them,” says Dr. Sanchez, “...a good college education doesn’t solve all our problems— but it will maximize one’s professional options.” Dr. Sanchez meets with students in groups and individually to guide college planning, the application process and the final choice to best serve the student. The Life Skills workshops is led by staff and guest presenters every Friday and includes seminars in mindfulness, leadership and college/career planning; as well as, outdoor education and professional skills. Outdoor education includes trips to state parks and reserves to hike, paint, research ecology and learn history. Professional skills includes communication, organization, technology and etiquette. Vikas Srivastava will be presenting “The Mindful School Project” at UCSD Mindfulness Conference the weekend of February 7th. Nancy Stern will lead a free 90 minute parenting workshop on “Effective Communication” on Saturday, Feb. 22 at 10:30 a.m.

FEB. 21, 2014

T he R ancho S anta F e News

Educational Opportunities HORIZON PREP Christ-centered, Classical Education in Rancho Santa Fe Imagine a place brimming with youthful energy and joyful enthusiasm. Where the blessings of individual character are celebrated and emboldened, purposefully guided by experienced academic leaders and skillfully nurtured by gifted teachers. A place where teaching for mastery is preparing articulate, critical thinkers and life-long learners. That place is Horizon Prep! EXCELLENCE Horizon Prep’s carefully honed curriculum combines the latest course materials with proven learning methodologies that actively engage students at every grade level. Students are well prepared for continued academic, collegiate, and life success. Horizon Prep consistently ranks among the top schools nationwide in Standardized Test Scores (IOWA) and is fully accredited by WASC and ACSI. PURPOSE Horizon Prep’s classical education model has flourished in Western culture for centuries and embraces the study of literature, language, science, mathematics, philosophy, history, and the arts. Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric phases form the foundation of this consistent pedagogy and shape our teaching approach at

every grade level. Studies have shown that nothing impacts a student’s ability to learn, to grow, and to achieve more than good teachers. Our low student-to-teacher ratio creates the optimum environment in which to provide the individual attention

Horizon Prep’s Christ-centered, Classical Education offers a Cure for the Common Core your child needs—and deserves. All Horizon Prep teachers are fully accredited and purposefully selected for having that special “gift of teaching.” JOY Students love to learn at Horizon Prep and enjoy an abundance of athletic, creative, cultural and contemporary electives and enrichment at every grade level. Student athletes gain confidence and experience by competing on Horizon Prep’s interscholastic teams. We offer a wide range of enrichments and electives, including music, drama, code, guitar, Mandarin, organic gardening,

finance, investment, and technology. To help make all of this possible, Horizon Prep offers over six acres of well-maintained athletic fields; a dedicated music center with hundreds of new instruments; an art studio that includes a printing press, potter’s wheels and separate kiln room; and a state-of-the-art technology center complete with secure campus-wide wireless connectivity and the latest Apple iPads, laptops and computers. Students and their parents also take comfort in knowing that our ACSI-accredited, over 7,000-volume library—staffed with a dedicated, full-time librarian— is always available. HOPE At Horizon Prep, we take pride and pleasure in delivering well-rounded graduates with a strong sense of self, hope, optimism, life purpose and direction. As one proud parent once said, “Horizon Prep is a great place to grow up.” Horizon Prep is now enrolling Preschool - High School. Join us an Admissions Open House, March 6th, April 10th and May 8th. For more information, visit: horizonprep.org or call our Admissions Office to set up a Private Tour (858)756-5599.

RSF Attack Soccer introduces ..

New Futsal in the Ranch program RSF Attack Soccer is pleased to introduce our new Futsal in the Ranch Program that will be starting up March 2nd. The program will run for five consecutive Sundays and will be held at R. Roger Rowe School and the RSF Community Center in the gymnasiums. To register, go to our website at www.rsfsoccer.

Futsal is an exciting, fast paced soccer game that was developed in Brazil in the 1930s. It is played on a gymnasium hard-wood floor and is basically a scaled down version of outdoor soccer – played indoors. The game is played without walls and the lines of the basketball court are used as the boundaries. The sport is a great

Futsal is an exciting, fast paced soccer game that was developed in Brazil in the 1930s. com where you can download the registration flyer or register online. Darren Parker, a member of the Attack Professional Coaching Staff, will be the Director of the Futsal program. Darren has been playing and coaching Futsal for 15 years and his resume includes winning the National Championship in 2002 and 2004 as a player and coaching a Boys Under 19 team to a National title in 2012. We are very excited to have Darren developing and overseeing the Attack program.

skill developer as it demands quick reflexes, fast thinking, and pin-point passing. Many of the great soccer superstars such as Pele, Ronaldo, Messi, and Kaka grew up playing futsal and credit the game with developing their skills. The Futsal in the Ranch program will be available for both Recreational and Competitive players and there will be three one hour sessions offered each Sunday. Session 1 will be for 4-6 year olds and will start at 11:30 AM. Session 2 will be offered for 7-9 year olds

and will start at 12:45 PM. Session 3 will start at 2:00 PM and will be for 10-12 year olds. The Registration Fee for the program is $150 and includes a t-shirt for each participant. Enroll your child so they can come join in the fun and work on developing their soccer skills. Each session will start out with 15 minutes of warm-up and skills work, and then the remaining time will be spent playing in a game situation. The teams will be set up so that all players will get lots of touches on the ball while developing better foot skills and more movement without the ball. It is a game of constant excitement and lots of scoring! For questions about our Futsal in the Ranch program or any of the other exciting programs that Attack Soccer offers, visit our website at www.rsfsoccer.com or call the office at 760-479-1500. Attack Soccer is partnering with soccerloco to offer indoor shoes and balls at a discount for our participants. You can learn more about this on the Attack website.



T he R ancho S anta F e News

Food &Wine

FEB. 21, 2014

Pesto perfection from Basiltops


AVANT server Dan Barnett with a Charcuterie and cheese plate. Photo by Frank Mangio

Charcuterie, mustard and a Dierberg surprise at AVANT

taste of wine frank mangio After 44 years as a slightly stuffy, French-style restaurant nestled in the Rancho Bernardo Inn, and a passing chef “celeb� who moved on to the “Big Apple,� the new AVANT has picked it up and quickly competed to become one of the top dining rooms in north San Diego County. The new format is a complete 180 from the French style of the old El Bizcocho — which appeared to be the inside of a castle — to a more casual, intimate dining experience with some fascinating turns, created by Executive Chef Nicolas Bour. He’s a maestro who believes in bright new flavors fresh from the sea, farm and garden, with “contemporary California� being a comfortable label for AVANT’s offerings.

Bour is fond of the concept of a “forward-idea in dining.� He brings years of study and practice in France to present this evolution of the French method of cuisine to the table. Two ideas are obviously different: house-made mustards on tap with genuine mustard seeds from France, and charcuterie, a French pork butcher shop station that dishes up such pleasures as: Classic Red Wine and Garlic Salumi, Berkshire Pork Prosciutto and Wild Boar Salami. It is a “forward idea� in the sense that not many, if any, San Diego fine restaurants are presenting a “charcuterie� approach to set up the palate for the main event. An array of cheese selections to accompany is impressive, from Ellie’s Vintage blue cheese to aged Bandage Cheddar ($15 to $35). The wines are treated like royalty at AVANT, artfully selected and added to three types of presentaTURN TO TASTE OF WINE ON B12

Eat for FREE on your Birthday Excludes beverages and gratuities. Excludes alcohol. Not valid on holidays. Must be accompanied by a guest. MUST SHOW proof of birth date (drivers license). Up to $18 value. Please consider the value of this coupon when tipping your server. Offers cannot be combined with other promotions & discounts. One offer per table. Ask server for details. With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior purchases.

f you live in North County, there is a good chance you have seen Basiltops Pesto at a local farmer’s market, Whole Foods, or Seaside Market. Basiltops has been around since 1995, making I what consider to be the best-packaged pesto I’ve ever had. It is still one of my weekly purchases at the Leucadia Farmer’s market and I sample a different variety weekly‌it’s that addictive, and good. I met owner a few years back when she was still growing her basil in greenhouses behind her Cardiff home. She has since had to expand beyond that to a larger facility in Vista, but still grows the basil using a hydroponic method that she developed in Cardiff and that uses far less water than traditional irrigation. Part of this process involves using kelp and worm castings for nutrients. Whatever her method, it produced the basil that is the foundation for her amazing pesto, and that’s what I’m here to talk about. The Pesto Perfecto is their best seller and probably the closest thing to traditional pesto they have. It’s made with fresh basil, olive oil, fresh garlic, walnuts, Pecorino Romano cheese, lemon juice, sea salt and pepper. I make a very similar pesto but use pine nuts instead. This is probably the most versatile sauce variety they make. Two more in the basil sauce category include sun-dried tomato and lemon-lime pesto that contain many of the same ingredients plus the unique flavors the tomatoes and lemon-lime add.

LUNCH Mon-Fri 11:30am-2:00pm DINNER Mon-Thurs: 5pm-9pm Fri: 5pm-9pm / Sat: 4pm-9pm Sun: 4pm-9pm

211 S El Camino Real, Encinitas • 760-632-0888 (In the LA Fitness Shopping Center)

Barry Reid with his Basiltops Pesto offerings at the Leucadia Farmer’s Market. Photo by David Boylan

Their spicy basil pesto is also very popular. Pesto Diavolo adds chilis to the blend, and Pesto Roma and Pesto Habanero kick it up a few notches as well with the addition of the hotter chilis. And of course, given we are in Southern California Basiltop’s offers some dairy free, vegan sauces. The dairy-free is just that, everything but the cheese, which I guess, makes it vegan as well. Then the Hemp Seed pesto takes it further down the granola road being dairy free, vegan, and no

nuts. Hey, I’m thinking they probably sell their fair share of this stuff. It’s like those crazy coffee people with their paragraph long coffee orders except it’s pesto. I take my coffee black and my pesto perfecto. Sorry, could I could not resist. The most basic us of pesto is as a simple add-on to pasta, on toasted bread for bruschetta, and as a spread on any type of meat based sandwich. That said, I’ve used it in hummus, added it to butter and spread it on just

about anything, but that combo is particularly good on corn or on a BLT to add a bit of Italian flair. It rocks on burgers, in gnocchi, calamari, clam linguini, chicken salad, and one of my favorites is in potato salad. So what I’m getting at here is that pesto is unbelievably versatile. Did I forget to mention scrambled eggs or an omelet? Holy cow, those are two of my favorite uses. To tell you the truth, there is not much packaged pesto for sale that I would TURN TO LICK THE PLATEON B9

FEB. 21, 2014

T he R ancho S anta F e News


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BUSY YOUNG STAR Young acting personality and Rancho Santa Fe resident Jordi Bertran brings the classic character, Colin Craven, to life in the California Youth Conservatory production of “The Secret Garden, A Musical,” March 1 through March 15 at the Joan B. Kroc Theatre, 6611 University Ave, San Diego. For tickets and information, call (619) 269-1552. Bertran is also playing Mamilius in “Winter’s Tale” at the Old Globe which opened last week and runs until March 16. Courtesy photo


bother with. Basiltops has it going on and is better than anything I can whip together, but in a pinch, it’s not hard to make. Basil is quite easy to grow and nice to have around. Simply blend 8 cups packed basil leaves, 1 cup olive oil, 1/2 cup toasted pine nuts, 2 to 4 garlic cloves and 1/2 teaspoon salt in a food processor until almost smooth. Then stir in 1/2 cup grated Parmesan, Pecorino, or Romano cheese, maybe more depending on the consistency you prefer. That’s it…. pesto in jiffy. 

 One of the cool things about Basiltops actually is the packaging. The clear plastic bags with a screw top enable you

to squeeze it out in the portions you desire. I find myself squeezing it on to my fingers just about every time I open the refrigerator door. And the stuff seems to last forever, but honestly, I can’t say as a pouch has ever made it past a week in my house. Basiltops is a local business with worldclass taste and quality and worth supporting. You can get it all over town or order it from their website and send it to friends and family anywhere. Basiltops.com Lick the Plate can now be heard on KPRi, 102.1 FM Monday - Friday during the 7pm hour. David Boylan is founder of Artichoke Creative and Artichoke Apparel, an Encinitas based marketing firm and clothing line. Reach him at david@artichoke-creative.com or (858) 395-6905.



T he R ancho S anta F e News

Ocean group works to clean up plastic COAST CITIES — At a press conference under the suspended blue whale replica at the American Museum of Natural History in New York, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society USA joined with partners Bionic Yarn and Cookies for All for the U.S. unveiling of The Vortex Project, a partner campaign to clean the oceans of plastic debris. The project includes a long-term partnership between denim brand G-Star RAW and Bionic Yarn to turn ocean plastic into denim. This is part of Parley for the Oceans, an initiative comprised of artists, activists, tastemakers, entrepreneurs and innovators to address and solve the plastic pollution problem impacting ocean ecosystems. Sea Shepherd is an official partner of Parley for the Oceans and together with Bionic Yarn is cofounder of The Vortex Project. The Vortex Project takes waste from the oceans and shorelines, and recycles, enhances, and reuses it for yarn, fabric, and other elements in consumer products. Parley collaboration partners will use the reclaimed plastic waste from the oceans to create exclusive products with a unique product story. They will also seek to close the loop by again recycling these products at the end their product life and manufacturing new products in such a way as to not further pollute. Conservationist and Sea Shepherd founder Capt. Paul Watson, gave a State of the Oceans ad-

dress to the crowd of 300 fashion industry professionals and media. Other speakers included Bionic Yarn‚ co-founding partners Tim Coombs and Tyson Toussant, G-star CMO Thecla Schaefer and Sea Shepherd consulting scientist and R&D Developer of The Vortex Project, John Davis. Speakers from The Vortex Project Support Network included CEO of Ocean Alliance Iain Kerr and Executive Director of Plastic Pollution Coalition Daniella Russo. Sea Shepherd will lead The Vortex Project in the areas of collecting, scientific innovation and awareness-building, and will work with Sea Shepherd entities worldwide to mobilize teams to help clean up the oceans and beaches. “Plastic is choking our oceans and precious marine wildlife at an unprecedented rate. Straws, single-use bags, six-pack rings, drink lids and more are ensnaring marine animals or blocking their digestive systems, killing these magnificent creatures. It’s time humanity takes responsibility for our actions and cleans up the mess we’ve made. We hope this is the first of many meaningful collaborations to come.” Musician and entrepreneur, Pharrell Williams has been the creative director of Bionic Yarn since 2009. The RAW for the Oceans collection will be available at selected G-Star RAW stores and online after Aug. 15.


Say you saw it in the Rancho Santa Fe News!

Driver rehab program Health Watch From the physicians and staff of Scripps Health People who want to determine their capacity to safely drive a motor vehicle after having a stroke or brain injury — or whose faculties may be impaired by aging – have a unique avenue to get an objective perspective on their abilities. The rehabilitation center at Scripps Memorial Hospital Encinitas recently launched a comprehensive driving rehabilitation program as a resource for people across San Diego County. The program is available to individuals and their families and friends who may be wrestling with the difficult decision of whether it’s safe to resume or continue driving. Strokes and brain injuries can impair many of the competencies needed for driving, such as vision, concentration and reaction time. With time and therapy, these abilities can sometimes be restored sufficiently to allow patients to resume driving. The aging process can also cause driving skills to decline, but recognizing the signs may be more difficult since changes usually come about gradually. The Scripps driving rehab program offers a variety of objective evaluation tools. These include a computerized driving simulator, a dual-control assessment vehicle and driving-specific vision and reaction-time testing equipment. All participants are evaluated by an occupational therapist specializing in driving rehabilitation. Participants are either self-referred, or referred at the suggestion of a physician, family member of friend. Each evaluation begins with a clinical evaluation by a driving rehab specialist to gauge the participant’s motor skills, range of motion and cognitive functioning. If appropriate, participants will undergo an assessment on the interactive driving simulator, located in a “zero-risk” environment in the Scripps Encinitas rehab center. Sitting in the simulator’s driver seat,

the participant uses the steering wheel, dashboard and brake and gas pedals to navigate through a virtual road trip as seen on a widescreen TV monitor. A computer records the participant’s responses to the various roadway situations, while the driving rehab specialist observes behavioral responses to the challenges encountered. Participants who satisfactorily complete the driving simulator (and who have a valid California driver’s license) will then go through an evaluation with the driving rehab specialist in the hospital’s dual-control assessment vehicle. These sessions may progress onto an open roadway, depending on the driver’s performance. The driving rehab specialist has the ability to control the vehicle at any time if necessary. Following the assessment, the driving rehab specialist reports findings to the participant’s physician. The physician makes a final determination about the participant’s capacity to drive, and will contact the California Department of Motor Vehicles if appropriate. The need for subsequent DMV testing will vary by individual. The full program takes approximately three hours to complete, and is offered Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, subject to availability by appointment. Outof-pocket cost to participate is $425. For people found to need adaptive driving equipment or vehicle modifications to be able to drive safely, Scripps offers individualized training sessions. Out-of-pockets cost is $185 per session. More information is available by calling the rehabilitation center at Scripps Encinitas at (760) 633-6507. The driving simulator and assessment vehicle were acquired through philanthropic gifts by the Green family of Rancho Santa Fe and the Briggs family of Carlsbad. “Health Watch” is brought to you by the physicians and staff of Scripps Health. For more information or for a physician referral, call 1-800-SCRIPPS or visit scripps. org.

FEB. 21, 2014

Passing the torch baby boomer Joe Moris Steve, a golfing friend of mine from Shadowridge, gave me one of those “eh”s with airplane tilts of his hands. He said he’s not into the religious stuff but he liked my last column anyway. Steve suggested something. He said, “Joe, today is the 50th anniversary of the Beatles landing on American soil. Who’s the torch being handed over to?” I thought about that. We baby boomers have lots of recollections and we compare them to the world today. Who did receive the torch handoff from the Beatles? Who has revolutionized music like Sinatra, Buddy Holly, Elvis, The Beach Boys and Beatles? Everything else seems like spinoff. Is it Lady Gaga? Is it hip hop in general and we’re just too old to accept putting such music on the same mantle? Not just in music, the world too. Who’s handing what off to whom? I was having lunch with a good friend the other day and we were discussing how quickly time passes now and about how much growth there has been in technology over the past century. We were having lunch up at a café overlooking the Glider Port at Torrey Pines (we truly do live in paradise). We mused about how fast man could travel and how quickly man could communicate with a person half way around the globe. In 1900 man could move at a pace of about 35 mph riding a train downhill or riding a very fast horse. I can’t imagine how long a letter would take to get to China. No need to make comparisons to today, but think about how fast man can communicate now. With the Internet, I can now email someone in Hong Kong and have his response in less than a minute depending upon how fast my friend can type. The baby boomer

generation has so revolutionized the world. We have brought the brightest minds to our borders and have seen their accomplishments change our world. Our technology has made the world smaller. Our generation is now facing the reality of looking behind us, looking at the generation that will make the next big changes to their world and ours as we did also to our parents’ generation. We took the torch from our parents. Parents who so loved America and who spilled so much blood for this country. President Clinton was our first baby boomer president. The first half of his administration faced economic hard times. When the House and Senate turned conservative in his second term, everyone worked together to create an atmosphere of respect for the other’s opinion and created an economic atmosphere that blossomed. Clinton turned the reins over to President Bush the younger. When the vote count came down to the point where neighbor would turn to neighbor and angrily ask, “Did you vote? Dammit … every vote counts!” Our country has been polarized since. And then President Obama comes in and decides to “fundamentally transform America.” Now look at the mess we’re in. Anybody want to buy an insurance policy? Cheap! I also have a bridge. Think about it. What kind of country and atmosphere are we handing over to the next president? Hopefully this next president will be someone born after 1964. It’s time for us baby boomers to hand over the reins. Maybe this next generation can figure out how to fix the country and create an environment where people of differing philosophies can actually converse with one another in a civil way. Ten thousand baby boomers are calling it quits every day. The younger folk are coming into their prime. Those would be the 30 to 50 age group. That’s TURN TO BABY BOOMER ON B12

ESPN boxing featuring Nugaev vs. Quintero at Pala MAKING WAVES IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD When you shop or use the services that are advertised in the Rancho Santa Fe News, you are supporting the newspaper and our efforts to bring you quality news. We are funded only by advertising revenue, so please, when you use a product or service that you saw in the paper, say you saw it in the Rancho Santa Fe News!"

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PALA — Highly-ranked (WBA No. 3, WBC No. 7 and IBF No. 9) Russian lightweight Rustam Nugaev (26-6-l, 16 KOs) will put his five-fight winning streak on the line when he meets Marvin Quintero (25-4, 21 KOs) from Tijuana, in the 10-round main event of the March 7 edition of ESPN Friday Night Fights in the Events Center at Pala Casino Spa & Resort. Tickets, $150, $100, $50 and $25, are on sale with no service charge, at the Pala Box Office in the casino, or call (877) 9467252. Tickets also are avail-

able at Star Tickets, (800) 585-3737, or at startickets. com. In the co-main event, Khabir Suleymanov (16-3, 6 KOs) from Los Angeles, by way of Russia, will take on undefeated prospect Ramon Morales (17-0, 9 KOs) in an eight-round, super bantamweight clash. Opening the live telecast, undefeated welterweight teen sensation and WBC Youth welterweight champion Dusty Hernandez-Harrison (20-0, 11 KOs) from Washington, D.C., will face Hawaii’s Michael Balasi (10-3, 7 KOs) in an eightround matchup.

Local fighter and for- believe the degree of action mer amateur standout Aar- could be raised as well.” Doors will open at 5 on Garcia (13-3-2, 4 KOs) from Vista, will meet an p.m., and the first bout will opponent to be named in a start promptly at 5:30 p.m. super featherweight bout. (PST). The live ESPN Friday The remainder of the card will be announced shortly. Night Fights telecast will “You don’t have to ap- start at 6 p.m. (PST). International poker preciate boxing to enjoy the kind of excitement ex- champion Phil Ivey has pected on March 7,” said announced he will attend the fight to support Herpromoter Gary Shaw. “The main event in- nandez-Harrison and Pala’s volves two fighters who sponsorship of the event. always come to fight. The Ivey recently won the $3.5 style matchup will be pleas- million championship in the Aussie Millions LK ing to fans. But the stakes are Boutique $250,000 Chalhigher for both Rustam and lenge poker tournament in Marvin, which makes me Sydney, Australia.

FEB. 21, 2014


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baseball scouts. But a motorcycle accident in the mid-1980s crushed his rotator cuff, slowing down his fastball, and effectively ending his career. “I would see guys that I played with on TV,” Sarver said. “All these emotions go through your head, like



A beautifully appointed private dining room with complete kitchen was the setting for the wine cellar at AVANT, shown with General Manager Roshan KC. Photo by Frank Mangio


tions: from a slick system of tap wines, wines by the glass, and by the bottle from a spectacular wine cellar, impressively on display for diners in a private special events room with a complete kitchen. Touring the collection with me was Roshan KC, the general manager, a congenial man originally from Tibet. The tap wines were especially intriguing, resembling beer on tap. A check of the varietals and names revealed six wines divided equally among reds and whites, with $7 to $9 as the average for a 6-ounce glass (generous) with names like AuBon Climat, J Vineyards, King Estate, Spellbound and Smith & Hook. A clear leader and in demand at AVANT are the wines from Dierberg on the Central California Coast. This was a relatively unknown winery to me, but their Santa Maria Valley California Pinot Noir 2010 was a standout on the wine list and highly recommended by KC. Dierberg is playing well in the restaurants of San Diego County. It was the featured wine at a recent Firefly event in Encinitas, and it’s being poured at Vittorio’s wine dinner in Carmel Valley Feb. 27. I noted it was more a Burgundian-style of Pinot Noir, the kind you find up in Oregon, with higher acidity and an active, sharper flavor profile. Its proximity to the ocean, a loam style earth mix with high drainage and 18 months in oak, underlines the Dierberg style ($44 in most wine shops). The winery advises to drink now, or cellar for up to 10 years. The winemaker Tyler Thomas, says this about making wine: “My goal is to make wines that please by their compelling nature, when you find yourself both hedonistically and intellectually compelled to go back to the wine over and over again.” I would add that the same could be said of AVANT. With a charcuterie and house made mustards

from a tap, the surprises continue. In the “starter plate” try the colorful heirloom beet and citrus salad with pumpernickel, green goddess and hibiscus. My entrée in the “large plate” was the Pan Roasted Branzini, a grilled fish entrée with Beluga Lentils, Saffron Clam Nage and Artichoke Barigoule. For reservations, call (858) 675-8550. To explore more, see avantrestaurant. com. Wine Bytes Carruth Cellars Winery in Solana Beach has its fourth annual Barrel Tasting Party Feb. 22 from noon to 6 p.m. Winemakers will be pulling barrels of their best wines; $35 includes eight barrel tastings and a souvenir glass. Phone (858) 876-7027. Winesellar and Brasserie in Sorrento Valley San Diego, pours medal-winning wines in a walk-about tasting, Feb. 22 from 2 to 5 p.m. Fifteen-plus wines will be poured for $26. Light appetizers. Details at (858) 450-9557 The Escondido Rotary Club presents Coeur de Cuisine benefiting charities, Feb. 23 from 5 to 8 p.m. at the California Center for the Arts in Escondido. Forty chefs and vintners; unreserved seats $125. Reserved and reception $300. For more, call (760) 5200409. SDSU’s Extended Studies has Exploring Wine classes, introductory to the Professional Certificate in the Business of Wine. They will take place Mondays beginning Feb. 24 to March 24 from 6 to 9 p.m. Get the full story at (619) 594-1138 or visit neverstoplearning. net/wine. Il Fornaio Cucina Ialiana on Coronado Island features the Consorzio Vini Di San Marino, wines of passion from Italy, with a fourcourse special dinner. Cost is $59. Speaker for the evening is Italian wine specialist Dr. Ambrogio Pirovano. RSVP at (619) 437-4911 Frank Mangio is a renowned wine connoisseur certified by Wine Spectator. His columns can be viewed at tasteofwinetv.com. He is one of the top wine commentators on the web. Reach him at mangiompc@aol.com.

the years. Surfside is an approximately 100,000-square-foot satellite wagering venue built in 1991 to accommodate 5,000 people. A decrease in offsite betting has resulted in an average daily attendance of only about 350. Noting the craft beer culture has become a tourist attraction, Anderson estimates the $4 million facility could see a return on investment in less than four years, with a conservative 1,000 percent increase in revenue. Although they don’t oppose the idea, several board members had issues with the presentation, which was listed as an action item in one section of the agenda and informational in another. With friends and clients in the local brewing industry, attorney David Lizerbram said not using a San Diego brewer is a missed opportunity to promote area businesses, something director David Watson said several times is a “statutory obligation” of the 22nd DAA, which oversees the fairgrounds.



thor finds herself writing one book, while going over the final manuscript of another book, and promoting yet another. “There’s a lot going on at the same time,” Cannon said. “It’s a wonderful problem to have.” Authors will also share their process of writing a mystery. Russell said his life experiences are often part of his novels. He said he has been


I learned about my boxful of cars, the less I wanted to part with them. They managed to bring up fond memories, and create unexpected attachments. I did not see that coming and am not at all pleased about it.


the team taking the torch. I see a lot of concern coming from them about the future, which actually makes me feel good. It seems like they are paying attention and forming opinions. They will soon be moving into the positions

FEB. 21, 2014

that could be me. I couldn’t watch baseball for a long time.” In 1991, a former coach asked him to become a scout with the Chicago Cubs. It was the start of a successful career scoping out bigleague talent. Being a scout often entailed crouching behind home plate and catching pitches. One night in early 2009, he dreamt up the in-

vention to give his knees a rest. “I literally got up late one night and wrote this idea down in a rush,” Sarver said. Somebody told me I should mail it to myself certified to begin the patent process, and so I did.” Armed with a mechanical mind and electrical engineering degree, he built the first strike zone out of Unistrut and steel. Plenty

of tinkering and fine-tuning ensued. The result: a player who tosses the ball against a rectangular target will get the ball back in about four seconds. There are plenty of machines on the market that toss balls to hitters, but this is the first that allows for a game of solo catch, he said, adding that he’s improved upon the design in recent months.

“We are a public agency with a public duty,” Watson said. “It’s more than just making money.” Last April, board members directed staff to explore alternative uses for Surfside Race Place. A request for interest and qualifications was issued for about 30 days. Two proposals were initially submitted. A third— a partnership between the 22nd DAA and Premier — was added before all plans were presented to the board in August. George Stevens, owner of the now-closed Stick and Stein sports bar in El Segundo, proposed a family entertainment center called New Stick that would focus on upscale bowling. Also included was a video arcade area, indoor sports lounge with a virtual sports simulator, outdoor sports lounge with a fire pit, putting greens, bocce ball court, horseshoes and pingpong tables and a 6,600-square-foot banquet hall. Enrique Landa from LandRock Development presented a proposal for Cinequus, which would feature traditional movie theaters on the first floor and, on the second floor, upscale

theaters similar to nearby Cinépolis in Del Mar Highlands Shopping Plaza. It would also include tasting rooms for wine and beer. Watson said the other two companies were “very unhappy” when Premier’s proposal was added. Director Adam Day said Premier’s partnership with the 22nd DAA gives the company an “unfair competitive advantage.” Watson, also an attorney, agreed. We invited members of the private sector to bring us their ideas and then we use our own partner, he said hypothetically. “That smacks of an unfair process,” he added. “I would be calling my lawyer. “The entire process hasn’t been fair or transparent,” he said. “I think the process we’re in now is so completely tainted.” He added that bringing in an outside national company to compete with local businesses “is completely outside of our statutory mandate.” Day said he couldn’t support moving forward for several reasons, including a lack of financial information. He also said he didn’t think the RFI was well dis-

tributed. “I feel less and less comfortable about this every day,” he said. Directors voted 7-0, with President Fred Schenk absent, to terminate the RFI and notify Stevens and Landa they will not be moving forward with their proposals, plans Watson said also presented land use issues and likely concerns from the California Coastal Commission. Anderson said he didn’t take the action personally. He said part of his job is to constantly improve food and beverage service at the fairgrounds. This was one of about a dozen projects he’s presented in nearly 25 years to increase revenue. Directors also voted 6-1 to direct staff to work with Premier and return with other proposals for the brewery. “I didn’t feel we had explored all the potential uses for the vacant space in enough detail, nor had we reached out nearly far enough to the private sector for ideas,” Day said in explaining his dissenting vote. “That being said, the board voted and I will respect and support the board’s position.”

part of a police homicide team and worked as a shopping mall Santa Claus to gain insight into his characters. “I’m writing about someone I feel I know,” Russell said. “If I’m not emotionally entrenched I’m sure the reader won’t be.” Russell said the most challenging character for him to write about is the villain. “I don’t have that frame of mind myself and villainous propensities.” He said he interjects

humor as a defense mechanism to make a dark situation less dark in most of his novels. Cannon said that she has to have a high interest in what she is writing. “I write books I want to read,” Cannon said. “I want to learn in the course of reading a book. If you spend time and are involved in something it should really be something you’re going to enjoy. “I have to want to live with my characters day after day.” Unlike Russell, she

does not shy away from violence in her novels. “Killing people can be very satisfying,” Cannon said. Cannon said the satisfaction of mystery writing is the order the story creates. “There is order to a small portion of the universe you made up,” Cannon said. “Justice is served in some way.” The mystery writers panel discussion will be held at 1 p.m. Discussion will include an opportunity for audience questions.

Equally unsettling was that I found the hours, and hours and hours and hours of Internet research I had to do on these little die-cast creatures was really rather absorbing. I loved that most of them bear British descriptions and names, as in the street cleaner is a Refuse Cleansing truck, dump trucks are “tippers” and the milk truck is a

“milk float.” Then I discovered that the vehicles I found adorable and fascinating were the least valued, while the ones I thought screamingly ordinary carried a hefty price tag. My favorite is The Bedford Evening News van, with the tiny signs saying “First with the News” and “Football Results.” It’s value? $25. And the

ordinary Ford station wagon, just like my parents owned? One guy on eBay wants $700 for it. Perhaps my status as a non-collector is still secure.

of power and influence. I think they’re going to mirror our parents’ outlook on life. I think they’ll become more conservative. They will see a proud and resilient America that will become strong yet merciful to the world again. All they’ll need is the best damn Seal teams money can buy and enough oil coming out of our ground

to pay off our debt and become the richest country in the world again. Once China has to buy energy from us, our debt is gone. Now if the next generation, or the one after that, can just figure out how to create the next Elvis or Beatles “mania” well … I don’t know. The Beatles are definitely tough to top and

seeing Harrison and Lennon pass over to the “other side” brings reality into clear focus. Nevertheless, you have to admit it: our music generation still rocks! Thanks for the suggestion Steve. Peace!

Jean Gillette is a freelance writer backing swiftly away from all dusty boxes under the bed. Contact her at jgillette@coastnewsgroup. com.

Joe Moris may be contacted at (760) 5006755 or by email at joe@coastalcountry.net

FEB. 21, 2014


T he R ancho S anta F e News

SOUP TO NUTS by Rick Stromoski

By Bernice Bede Osol FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2014

FRANK & ERNEST by Bob Thaves

THE BORN LOSER by Art & Chip Sansom

BIG NATE by Lincoln Peirce

MONTY by Jim Meddick

ARLO & JANIS by Jimmy Johnson


ALLEY OOP byJack & Carole Bender

Your popularity and reputation continue to grow. Others are drawn to your sincerity and enthusiasm. As a result, you will be involved in many diverse and interesting events. Your experience, participation and accomplishments will combine to make this an exciting and fulfilling year. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- You need a challenge. Explore new and complex subjects in order to quench your thirst for knowledge. Take advantage of any free time to read and expand your outlook. ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- Be careful what you wish for. Trying to emulate a phony lifestyle will not bring good results and can be costly. Be proud that you are a responsible individual who works hard. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- Someone close to you may be feeling neglected. Spend time nurturing important relationships. Plan a trip or attend an event that helps bring you closer to the people you love most. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- Maintain your position in the workplace by emphasizing your talents and ideas to your superiors. Doing so will help to dispel criticism from an opposing quarter. CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- Dedicate time to your family. Sharing hobbies, playing games or enjoying other

entertainments will bring you closer together. Happy memories are what build strong bonds and encourage togetherness. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Remain calm and patient in your dealings with moody individuals. Take steps to ensure that slight differences of opinion don’t get blown out of proportion. A positive attitude will bring stellar results. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- You’ll be upset if things don’t go your way. Seeking advice from trusted relatives may help you to gain a new perspective. Don’t be afraid to admit you have a problem. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- Financial matters take precedence. Ignore the pleas of those who want to borrow from you. Keeping accurate records of investments and expenditures is essential to good money management. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- Unreasonable accusations or unfounded jealousy will cause tension between you and someone you love. You can avoid unpleasant situations by keeping your thoughts and emotions in check. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -Stay clear of those who try to involve you in their private affairs. You have much to lose and little to gain if you take sides. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -Don’t go over your budget. Spend time acquainting yourself with community events and local activities. You may be hesitant at first, but your social life will benefit if you participate. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- Someone is withholding information. You will be able to learn all the details if you maintain your focus and ask pertinent questions. Increased career commitments will keep you busy.


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FEB. 21, 2014

Model EDD. Payments + tax & License, 36 mo. closed end lease with purchase option. $1999 Due at Signing. $0 security deposit required, On approved credit. Excess mileage fees of 15¢ per mile. Based on 10,000 miles per year. MSRP $28585 #E3211107 All advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes, any finance charges, $80 dealer document processing charge, any electronic filing charge, and any emission testing charge. Expires 2-28-2014.

Purchase or lease any new (previously untitled) Subaru and receive a complimentary factory scheduled maintenance plan for 2 years or 24,000 miles (whichever comes first.) See Subaru Added Security Maintenance Plan for intervals, coverages and limitations. Customer must take delivery before 3-31-2014 and reside within the promotional area. At participating dealers only. See dealer for program details and eligibility.


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Subaru Tribeca, Forester, Impreza & Outback are registered trademarks. All advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes, any finance charges, $80 dealer document processing charge, any electronic filing charge, and any emission testing charge. Expires 2-28-2014.

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All advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes, any finance charges, $80 dealer document processing charge, any electronic filing charge, and any emission testing charge. Expires 2-28-2014.

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