Rancho santa fe news 2014 01 10

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VOL. 10, NO. 1

JAN. 10, 2014

Hillgren named to EMS advisory committee By Jared Whitlock

RANCHO SANTA FE — Nancy Hillgren is now representing the Rancho Santa Fe Fire Protection District on the CSA-17 committee. CSA-17 oversees ambulance services for 150,000 residents in Del Mar, Solana Beach, Encinitas and Rancho Santa Fe. Currently, Hillgren’s main goal for CSA-17 is to help ensure the success of a new 911 ambulance provider. Several months ago, the county awarded an eight-year contract to American Medical Response to serve CSA-17. Rural/Metro Corporation previously provided ambulances for the area. “We want to make sure there’s a smooth transition and no disruption in service,” Hillgren said. Making the transition involves the CSA-17 board coordinating with the various fire departments on a regular basis, she said. Nancy Hillgren said her primary goal as a new CSA-17 member is to Also on her radar: CSA-17 ensure the switch to a new medical emergency provider. Photo courtesy is looking at “community para- of the Rancho Santa Fe Fire Protection District

medicine,” which involves expanding the role of paramedics to include pre-hospital and home nurse services. And Hillgren noted she’s excited about a second emergency transport helicopter recently coming online for CSA-17. Beyond that, Hillgren said she looks forward to finding “fiscal efficiencies.” Confirmed by the San Diego County Board of Supervisors, Hillgren’s CSA-17 term began this past November. Her seat is up for reelection in 2016. She replaced Tom Hickerson, who resigned in July to move to Florida. Hillgren, a retired lawyer, has been a Rancho Santa Fe Fire Protection District board member for more than a decade. The elected role entails handling four fire stations. According to an August 2013 agenda report, CSA-17 had $4.39 million in revenue and $3.7 million in expenditures.

Motorist education over sharrows still called for By Tony Cagala

ENCINITAS — “Bicycles are traffic – we’re part of the traffic,” said Brent Garrigus, an avid cyclist and owner of Ride Cyclery, a bike sales and service shop that borders the South Coast Highway 101 in Encinitas. He rides his bike along the highway on a regular basis. “It’s still very dangerous,” he said. Garrigus said he gets yelled at, even buzzed by motorists while riding the highway. Those have seemingly become commonplace experiences for other cyclists, too. The Coast Highway is a bustling thoroughfare of two narrow lanes each heading north and south. Vehicles are consistently pulling in or out of parking spots on the right sides of the lanes making driving conditions tight. That tightness is felt all the more with the addition of bicyclists to the roadways — recreational riders, tourists and those that use bikes as their main mode of

A bicyclist rides south on Coast Highway 101 in Encinitas. Cyclists, law enforcement and city officials say an education campaign for motorists on what sharrows mean and how bike riders can use them is much needed. Photo by Tony Cagala

transportation — and much of that is causing a lot of “noise” between cyclists and motorists. All, which is leading to what cyclist groups, law enforcement and city offi-

A MILE HIGH MIRACLE? After a decisive win in the wild card playoffs, can the Chargers continue their winning season when they face the Broncos in Denver? It’s all a matter of what you believe. B10

Two Sections, 32 pages Arts & Entertainment . A14 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . B13 Comics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B12 Food & Wine . . . . . . . . . B8 Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A4 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B10

cials, say is a much needed education campaign to make sure motorists know what the sharrows mean and how bicyclists are able to use them. Sheriff’s Department

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Capt. Robert Haley said the sharrows (a symbol of a bike underneath two arrows painted onto roadways) were very forward thinking on the city’s part. “The lanes are too narrow to have dedicated bike lanes, so they created the sharrow lanes and a lot of drivers are very unfamiliar with the whole sharrows concept,” he said. “The sharrows were created to allow bicyclists to avoid hazards on the right side (of the lane),” Haley said. “Sometimes there could be trucks parked over there, and if they (bicyclists) need to ride in the middle of the lane, or even a little to the left of the sharrow to avoid getting hit by a car pulling out, or somebody opening a door…then they can ride over.” Bicyclists are entitled to the entire lane on a sharrow, Haley explained. “They can ride in the middle or wherever they feel it’s safe,” he said. In late November, Garrigus met with Encinitas City Manager Gus Vina and law enforcement to talk about ways to help educate riders, drivers and the public about bike safety. Vina became involved, he said, because there was enough “noise” out there in terms of bicycle safety involving cars, bikes and buses that he began to check in with cycling coalitions. Vina said the bicycling community is happy with the sharrows. But for more TURN TO MOTORIST ON A11

The Rancho Santa Fe Senior Center will be receiving a grant from the county to help with upgrades, maintenance and office equipment. Photo by Tony Cagala

Senior center receives grant from county By Tony Cagala

RANCHO SANTA FE — The historic building where seniors have been able to take part in numerous social programs, activities and classes for more than 10 years is in need of some overhaul, and as of this week, grant money will help them to do it. The Rancho Santa Fe Senior Center applied for a

grant from the county’s Neighborhood Reinvestment program. On Tuesday the County Board of Supervisors agreed to allocate $32,315 from the grant to the Rancho Santa Fe Seniors, Inc., the nonprofit group that runs the senior center. Once received, the TURN TO SENIOR CENTER ON A11

Verizon proposes cell site in Ranch By Tony Cagala

RANCHO SANTA FE — Verizon is seeking to bring its 4G LTE wireless services to the area through a proposal to take over an existing cell tower site, which is currently being leased by Nextel. The existing tower would be equipped with 12 Verizon antennas and 12 RRUs (remote radio units). The site, a small building with antennas inside the structure, is located in the parking lot of the Fairbanks Village Plaza. It wasn’t clear on the activity of the cell site, but Nextel’s lease on the site is expected to expire in April. The project is proposing the construction of a new emergency generator building, a 16-foot by 10 foot 8 inch by 11 foot 10 inch structure next to the existing building. The proposed antennas and building were approved 8-0 by the San Dieguito Planning Group last year during their Dec.

5 meeting. In keeping the site hidden from view, the planning group made comments during the meeting that the new building must match existing architecture, color and finish. They stated that that the new structure should have no exterior lighting unless on a one-hour timer and that a mid-wall ledge trim should be continued from an existing structure to the proposed site of the generator building. Don Willis, a member of the planning group said it was approved in support of the development of the phone system in the area. “Our job is to help integrate it in, so it’s as least offensive as possible,” he added. “This one was approved because the generator is necessary for emergency, which can happen and does; it’s not offensive because it’s run intermittently to make TURN TO CELL SITE ON A11



JAN. 10, 2014

Artist, former nun seeks funds for life-saving transplant By Rachel Stine

OCEANSIDE — At 19 years old, Heidi Hall was certain that she knew what the rest of her life would look like. She had come across the autobiography of the founder of the Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF), Paramahansa Yogananda, and after reading it, felt her entire life shift. “I was on fire,” Hall, now in her early 60s, recalled. “It was just this deep conviction that that was something I needed to pursue.” She left her studies at Arizona State University, and began training to become a nun of the SRF monastic order. She took her vows two years later in 1972. “I felt like I was going to spend the rest of my life there,” Hall said of entering the SRF monastery in Los Angeles. She couldn’t envision that she would ever leave that life of regimented meditation and service, let alone being an artist with a boyfriend of four-and-a-half years and facing her third year of fighting leukemia. Hall said that she has been a spiritual person for as long as she can remember. When she discovered SRF, the organization’s calling to develop a personal relationship with God through meditation felt like the perfect match for her. A vivid dream about Yogananda only cemented her commitment to becoming an SRF nun. She spent her days in the monastery in a set routine of meditating, reflecting, doing energy exercises and working in the organization’s correspondence department. She took on the name Savitri, which she said means unconditional love. Over the course of nearly 30 years, Hall became a counselor, a teacher, a member of the board of directors, and eventually the SRF president’s confidential secretary. With all of her roles and responsibilities within the monastery, she found herself working all day every day. “I threw myself into all of those positions and eventually I didn’t realize that I

Heidi Hall displays her artwork in her home in Oceanside. Most of her paintings will be for sale during the benefit concert for her upcoming bone marrow transplant Jan. 22. Photo by Rachel Stine

was burning myself out physically and mentally,” Hall said. She also began to grow apart from the organization’s administration, on top of the exhaustion of her life there. So she left the monastery in 2001. At 51, she had an abundance of spiritual gifts, no job, no place to live, and just $700 in her pocket. “I didn’t know what I was going to do when I left. All I knew is that I wanted to find out who Heidi Hall was underneath all of the personas: the sister, the minister, the board of director,” she said. Starting from scratch, she pieced her life together with the help of friends of

friends she had met through SRF. For several years, Hall worked a number of jobs, including as a publicist and organizer for a nonprofit, and eventually settled in Oceanside. She held fast to her spirituality, though she did not practice any religion with a particular organization or institution. When she discovered painting, her main subject focus became sacred symbols from all religions. But in late 2010, her life shifted again. After a couple of days of feeling exceptionally weak, Hall went to the doctor. Her blood work revealed an elevated white blood cell count. She was diagnosed with

acute lymphoblastic leukemia. “(My oncologist) told me, ‘Your life is never going to be the same again.’” Within a week and a half, she was admitted to the hospital for six months of induction therapy. “When I was first diagnosed, I didn’t really understand what I was up against,” Hall said. “I went into the hospital with a real courageous spirit. Bring it on.” But years of on-again, off-again remission and relapses took a toll. Hall underwent countless bouts of chemotherapy and later brain and spinal column radiation. At one point, she was put on hospice care when

doctors were certain she was not going to live more then a few weeks. “The physical suffering part of (cancer) is unbelievable. I’ve had more needles in me than I can count,” Hall said. “I thought I had all this faith from all those years in the monastic order… (Cancer treatment) shook my faith in God somewhat.” But she said that ultimately, leukemia has made her faith stronger. “I’ve learned more from leukemia than anything else in my life. It’s the most intense and incredible spiritual practice you could ever have in my opinion,” she said. “My faith isn’t dependant on… what condition my

body is in.” Today, Hall finds herself in remission once again. With an upcoming bone marrow transplant, there is hope that this will be her final triumph over leukemia. The transplant is the only medical treatment available for Hall’s condition and has the potential to transition her from cancer free to cancer free and cured. But after 30 years as a nun, with no financial resources and being unable to work while battling cancer, Hall finds herself in need of funds to make the transplant possible. While insurance is covering the procedure itself, Hall needs help paying for her care once she is home. She estimates that these uncovered costs will be about $10,000. On Jan. 4, Yoga Munkey studio in Vista hosted a benefit concert and art show of Hall’s works to help cover the expenses of her procedure. The show featured Streetlight Cadence, an international music group from Hawaii, and the evening raised almost $3,000. But between her fundraiser, art sales and donations, Hall is still short of the funds necessary to undergo the transplant on Jan. 22. “The financial end of trying to support herself while having leukemia has been very tough,” explained her brother, Greg Hall. “To say (successful fundraising) would be huge is an understatement,” he added. “I would just love her to beat this thing. Not just because she’s my sister and I love her, but because she’s a bright spot. She loves life, she’s helpful, she’s concerned, (and) she’s a plus to the planet.” Hall hopes that the continuing sale of her artwork online and donations will make her transplant possible before she checks into cancer research hospital City of Hope Jan. 13. For information about donating to Hall, visit https://m.helphopelive.org/ca mpaign/4342. To view her artwork available for purchase, visit artisansoflight.com.



JAN. 10, 2014

Public celebrates Nancarrow’s life

Graham Nancarrow, son of longtime San Diego television journalist Loren Nancarrow, prepares to paddle out to celebrate the life of his father. Photos by Bill Reilly By Jared Whitlock

ENCINITAS — Fivefoot waves rolled in, rays from the setting sun streaked across the water and whales even spouted off the coast. It was a fitting scene to celebrate the life of longtime local journalist Loren Nancarrow, who loved all things nature. On Monday afternoon, hundreds gathered at Seaside Reef for a paddle-out in his memory. “I so appreciate you being here,” wife Susie Nancarrow told those on the beach before wading into the water for the paddle-out. “This is overwhelming — I’m almost speechless.” Susie and others recalled that Loren, who passed away the morning of Dec. 28 at the age of 60, was a renaissance man with many passions. Chief among them was organic gardening, a subject he coauthored multiple books about. “He has given so much to our community by educating and teaching about ecology and farming,” Susie said while crying. Daughter Hannah Nancarrow wrote in a blog post shortly after his passing: “My dad was a kayaker, an organic gardening guru

From left: Susie Nancarrow, Britta Nancarrow and Graham Nancarrow celebrate the life of their father and longtime San Diego television journalist Loren Nancarrow at South Cardiff State Beach.

and a lover of wonderment.” The post went on to say: “He enjoyed Bob Dylan, Jack Daniel’s and hot sake and was an avid collector of walking sticks, beach glass and beautiful German shepherds. My dad knew everything there was to know about citrus trees and roses and tomatoes, raising chickens and earthworms and monarch butterflies. He was a human Pinterest

board.” Loren’s television career began more than 30 years ago. He was a weatherman, reporter and anchorman with various local news outlets, with his most recent position being at Fox 5 San Diego. In February, Loren was diagnosed with stage three terminal brain cancer, forcing him to later retire from his anchor role at Fox 5. He chronicled the jour-

ney in his blog thenancarrowproject.com. “One of the lessons I’ve learned in life is that happiness lies in discovering your passions and exploring them fiercely,” Loren wrote in his final blog post on Dec. 26. “And passions aren’t necessarily big, grand notions. We can also find passion in a rose garden and the smell of a puppy and the writing of a first grader.”

The post goes on to state: “And the most important lesson I’ve learned throughout all of this, is that it is far better to do good for others, than to do good for oneself.” In addition to Hannah and Susie, son Graham Nancarrow and daughter Britta Nancarrow survive him. To honor Loren, a healing garden is planned at Scripps Radiation Therapy

in La Jolla. For more information and to donate, visit scripps.org/loren. As Loren’s friends and family encircled him, friend Ken Druck said the paddleout was a testament to the number of people who Loren influenced and reached. “What is the measure of a life well lived?” Druck asked. “We’re standing in the moment of that.”

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JAN. 10, 2014

Understanding drone decision simple as ABCs CALIFORNIA FOCUS BY THOMAS D. ELIAS

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Happy New Year! As you may have heard, the County of San Diego recently selected our company, American Medical Response, to be the exclusive medical response provider for much of the North County coastal region, including Encinitas, Solana Beach, Del Mar, as well as the community of Rancho Santa Fe. As of Jan. 1, when you call 9-1-1 during a medical emergency, AMR will respond to your needs with our dedicated, highly trained medical personnel and the most state-of-theart life-saving technology. While we are new to the coastal area, we’ve been serving the San Diego region for more than 65 years, providing the very best patientfocused care on every call we respond to,in every community we work in,on every day of the year. With AMR,you will benefit from the resources and expertise of the nation’s leading medical transportation company. AMR currently serves 40 states and employs more than 19,000 paramedics, EMT’s, RN’s, and other professionals who care for and transport more than 3 million patients a year. We look forward to bringing you and your neighbors the highest level of care in the industry, including a brand new fleet of ambulances equipped with the most modern medical equipment. In addition to transporting patients in emergency and non-emergency situations, we’ll be working

with community and healthcare leaders on disaster planning, as well as programs that will help improve the overall health and wellbeing of the community. Our roots in San Diego County run deep, and our commitment to the communities we serve is demonstrated by our hard-working employees, many of whom are life-long county residents and have been recognized as the best in our industry. If you ever have any questions or comments about our service, please don’t hesitate to call me at (858) 4928111 or email me at michael.murphy@amr.net. Here’s to a safe, happy and healthy new year! Michael Murphy, AMR General Manager Connecting the dots The paper’s Dec. 27 edition carried the following two stories. The front page described the lack of water in our Lake Hodges reservoir and page 3 reported the Encinitas City Council’s 5-0 vote to replace the missing electricity generation from San Onofre by renewable and efficiency means. What the paper did not do is recognize the vital connections between these two events. Our water supply is threatened by lack of seasonal rainfall as well as the thinner snow pack in the sierras. The San Diego Foundation has done an extensive study on local water supply and the impacts of climate change. They concluded (1):

· San Diego County will require 37 percent more water than we currently use. · Our major sources of water — the Colorado River and the rivers of Northern California — could shrink by 20 percent or more. · Extended and more frequent droughts will diminish local water supplies. · We could face an 18 percent water shortage by 2050. Which brings us to solutions, much needed and long overdue. The Encinitas City Council wisely closed ranks around the only viable course to follow: reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and develop renewable sources of energy coupled with more efficient energy use.As one example, our homes, offices and commercial buildings soak up about half of the total energy generated in the U.S. As one who makes buildings more energy efficient, I can tell you that we have yet to scratch the surface on building energy efficiency.And when we make buildings using less energy, it takes a lot less solar energy to make up the remainder. This is where the CPUC and SDG&E have it wrong: building more fossil fuel plants will only delay the urgent development of alternatives like photovoltaics, wind power and energy efficiency industries. So thanks for publishing both stories. Hope you consider connecting the dots going forward. Dadla Ponizil, Encinitas

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The Rancho Santa Fe News is published biweekly on Fridays by The Coast News Group. The advertising deadline is the Friday preceding the Friday of publication. Editorial deadline is the Friday proceeding publication. The comments on this page are the opinions of the individual columnists and do not necessarily represent the views of the Coast News Group, its publisher or staff. If you would like to respond directly to a columnist, please email them directly at the address listed below the column. You may also express your views by writing a letter to the editor. For hold delivery while on vacation or for other distribution concerns and info, write to distribution@coastnewsgroup.com.


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Contact the Editor TONY CAGALA tcagala@coastnewsgroup.com

It turns out that understanding the federal government’s lateDecember decision on where to site the testing of unmanned aircraft in U.S. skies is as simple as ABC: Anywhere but California. Other rationales will be offered for the fact that California, the state with more manufacturers of drone aircraft than any other and more experience testing new aircraft than the rest of America combined, will not get any of this new program. That’s a new manifestation of the “ABC.” attitude which previously resulted in the ludicrous choice of Buffalo, NY, for a major federal earthquake study center, when Buffalo had not felt a quake in modern times. The government also tried to put the superconducting supercollider advanced physics facility in Austin, Texas, when both the Stanford Linear Accelerator Project and UC Berkeley’s Lawrence Livermore Laboratory would have provided far more Nobel Prizewinning talent to run it. No surprise, that program achieved nothing before it was cancelled. And the D e f e n s e Department has deactivated far more California military reserves in each round of base closings than in any other state. So it is that New York, New Jersey and Virginia, states with few wide-open air spaces, will get major pieces of this pie, along with Nevada, Alaska and North Dakota, which have plenty of open space, but little of the academic talent usually deployed in major pilot programs. States chosen as test sites lost no time bragging about their leg up toward winning many of the estimated 70,000 jobs the domestic unmanned aircraft industry is forecast to produce over the next 10 years. “Our state is now on the world map when it comes to this exciting technology,” said Democratic U.S. Sen. Mark Begich of Alaska, who will use his state’s win as he fights for political survival in that normally Republican state. And Nevada’s Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval called the selection of the University of Nevada at Reno as a test center a “historic moment” for his state. It surely didn’t hurt that the Senate Democratic leader, Harry Reid, hails from Nevada. None of that explains why the Federal Aviation Administration passed on California, home of Edwards Air Force Base, where most new military aircraft — including drones — have long been tested.

The state also hosts testing for military drone makers like AeroVironment of Monrovia, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems of Poway, along with Lockheed Martin Corp. and Northrup Grumman Corp., both in Palmdale. Weaknesses are obvious in the FAA’s selections. For one, given its size, California will see more drone aircraft deliveries of goods to homes and businesses than any other state if the technology becomes common, as — for example — Amazon.com founder Jeff Bezos predicts. So skipping California makes no sense. Nor does the so-called explanation offered by FAA Administrator Michael Huerta, who said his agency considered factors like geographic diversity, availability of ground infrastructure and the volume of air traffic near test sites. “What we were really looking for was how do we select six that give us the broadest base of (these things) and different climates,” Huerta said. N o state offers more of those items t h a n California, with its varied landscape of deserts, cities, coastlines, mountains and forests. But it is out, even though by Huerta’s criteria it could easily quality to host the entire program. The good thing about the two California bids for parts of this program was that both got cooperation from Gov. Jerry Brown’s Office of Business and Economic Development and neither experienced the kinds of permitting hang-ups that have sometimes plagued businesses here. It is also comforting to know the military does not usually site its testing by political criteria, as was plainly the case with this civilian program. Which means military drone makers will almost certainly stay put, even as some of their affiliates experiment in the new test sites. The bottom line: Until California’s largest-in-the-nation congressional delegation of 55 men and women begins acting with unity to benefit the state and make sure it gets projects like this, other states will gang up to seize money and projects that rightfully belong here. But there are no signs of any such cooperation coming soon.

No state offers more of those items than California, with its varied landscape of deserts, cities, coastlines, mountains and forests.

Elias is author of the current book “The Burzynski Breakthrough: The Most Promising Cancer Treatment and the Government’s Campaign to Squelch It,” now available in an updated third edition. His email address is tdelias@aol.com. For more Elias columns, go to californiafocus.net



JAN. 10, 2014

Former mayor honored for his contributions By Bianca Kaplanek

DEL MAR — Family members, friends, colleagues and community leaders gathered at Powerhouse Community Center on Jan. 5 for a standing-room-only memorial service for Louis Terrell, a former Del Mar mayor who died two days earlier trying to save his dog from an oncoming train. Terrell, 75, was walking Abe off leash along the bluffs near 11th Street shortly before 3:30 p.m. when a northbound Amtrak train sounded its horn. Investigators believe the Labrador retriever was startled by the noise and moved toward the tracks. Terrell was struck by the train as he tried to retrieve Abe, who was unharmed. Del Mar paramedics tried to revive Terrell but he died at the scene. “He was the kindest,gentlest, warmest man I knew,” Terrell’s nephew Joshua Groban said. “He was completely without hate, without cynicism, and was the most upbeat and positive person.” Terrell was a political science professor at San Diego State University and served as chairman of the department. He was also president of Planned Parenthood of San Diego and Riverside counties and served on the board of the Foundation for Change and the American Civil Liberties Union in San Diego and Imperial counties. An SDSU colleague described him as “a really intellectual, friendly and passionate guy.” Terrell was a Del Mar City Council member and served as mayor in 1981. More than three decades ago he founded the Del Mar Foundation, the city’s oldest nonprofit organization, which promotes civic pride, acquires and preserves open space, improves beaches and parklands, raises and grants funds and sponsors cultural programs and community events. “He packed many lifetimes into one,” Charlotte Lewis, a family friend, said.

LOUIS TERRELL “He was highly regarded in the city, and the huge turnout at his memorial on short notice attests to that,” former Mayor Bill Arballo said. Fighting back tears at the Jan. 6 City Council meeting, Mayor Lee Haydu, on behalf of the city, extended “deepest sympathies” to his family and friends. “Lou was a very active member of our community,” she said. “He made a tremendous difference in our community.” At the Jan. 21 meeting the city will present his family with a proclamation to honor his contributions. A representative from state Sen. Marty Block’s office said Block plans to adjourn the Senate in Terrell’s memory Jan. 13 “to reflect on his life’s accomplishments and his outstanding contributions to our region.” Terrell is survived by his wife, Carol Isackson, and children Amy and Joel Isackson. His family held a private tribute in the water just off 19th Street prior to the celebration of life. In September 2012, Del Mar implemented a system to reduce horn noise as trains pass through the city. However, “a train engineer may at his/her discretion use the horn at any time due to an unsafe condition,” North County Transit District Executive Director Matt Tucker said.

The Bread of Life Rescue Mission in Oceanside provides winter shelter, meals and services. Services build self-sufficiency in individuals that lead to securing employment and permanent housing. Photo by Promise Yee

Annual count aims to fight homelessness By Promise Yee

REGION — From Jan. 24 to Jan. 26 trained volunteers will cover every square inch of San Diego County’s 4,526 square miles to count and interview homeless in order to better understand and solve the problem of homelessness “We can’t fix what we can’t measure,” Dolores Diaz, executive director of San Diego Regional Task Force on the Homeless, said. “Homelessness is really not acceptable.” “It’s a very complex issue, but it is solvable.” On Jan. 24, 800 volunteers, trained by the San Diego Regional Task Force on the Homeless data col-

lection center, will count homeless individuals in winter shelters, living on the street and in cars. Teams of volunteers will set out in the early morning hours with maps of areas where10,000 homeless individuals bed down. A point in time count of makeshift shelters of cardboard boxes, garbage cans and tarps are counted without disturbing individuals inside them, as well as a headcount of unsheltered individuals. “We count those outside, in cars, in parks, places not fit for human habitation,” Diaz said. Another 200 volunteers continue to work through Jan.

26 interviewing homeless individuals to help understand what brought about their lack of housing. Information on demographics, health and housing history is collected. “The count itself is only a number,” Jessica Osmun, project coordinator of the San Diego Regional Task Force on the Homeless, said. “You don’t know what that the population looks like or who the homeless individuals are.” Information gathered is recorded by the task force and reported to state and federal agencies that award funds to groups working to solve homelessness. The data is also used by nonprofits groups to fine-tune

their programs based on needs, and apply for government funds and private donations. San Diego County collects data every year, but some counties and cities only collect data every other year. To ensure data is collected this year the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs 100 percent funded the count in San Diego. Last year 15 percent of homeless individuals in San Diego were military veterans. The federal goal is to end veteran homelessness by 2015. Groups working to solve homelessness in North TURN TO HOMELESSNESS ON A11


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JAN. 10, 2014

The game changers: A new frontier for cataract surgery By Jeffrey B. Morris, M.D., M.P.H

2014 marks the beginning of a new exciting frontier for laser cataract surgery! Today I am proud to announce that Morris Eye Group is among the first practices in the country to offer the Bausch & Lomb Victus® Cataract Laser which is housed in the San Diego Laser Cataract Center. The Victus® laser is now the first step in preparing my patients for cataract removal. The laser automates the most challenging parts of the cataract procedure and eliminates the surgeon’s free-hand incisions that were previously done with blades and sharp instruments. The laser creates precise incisions and a round opening in the capsule of the lens. Remarkably, all of this is done without actually creating an open wound in the eye. In addition, the Victus® Laser performs astigmatism correction, allowing for better vision with less dependence on glasses. All of these steps are performed quickly, painlessly, and with precision. When I started operating in 1983, many physicians, including myself, were hesitant to operate on patients’ cataracts unless they were very advanced. At that time cataract surgery was a more risky procedure than it is today, especially compared with the recent advancements of cataract laser preparation treatments. Just like a camera has a lens, so does the eye. A cataract is a cloudy formation on the natural lens within the eye and the only way to remove a cataract is with cataract surgery. Most of us can remember our grandparents having to stay in the hospital after cataract surgery with sandbags on their shoulders to keep their head stable while they healed. They had to wear thick glasses after surgery to see well and often times, surgeons would only operate if the patient's cataract was "mature" or “ripe” and causing severe vision loss. The good news is that today’s cataract procedures are nothing like those our grandparents went through. Much advancement in the 1980s and 1990s made the procedure much safer with smaller incisions and the invention of soft, foldable intra-ocular lens implants or IOLs. Once the cataract was removed, an IOL was implanted to replace the natural cataract lens; this IOL allowed patients to have renewed distance vision. With these types of IOLs patients would still be dependent on glasses for astigmatism and near vision correction. Today many of my patients elect “auto-focusing” or “smart lens” implants along with the Victus® Cataract Laser. These are among several IOL options that help patients be less dependent on glasses after cataract surgery. Once my patients have

undergone the quick Victus® laser preparation, they are taken to the operating room for removal of the cataract and implantation of the IOL. In addition, the Center for Surgery, where I operate houses the ORA Verifeye®, another piece of technology that has revolutionized cataract procedures. Prior to cataract surgery, specific measurements are needed to help the surgeon select the power of the IOL needed for the patient. However, these measurements are taken while the patient still has a cataract inside the eye. Sometimes, due to the cataract, the power of the implant can be off. We now have a way to confirm the power of the IOL once placed inside the eye. After the surgeon removes the cataract the ORA Verifeye® will recalculate measurements of the eye and either validate the power of the implant selected or recommend a different power. If the ORA Verifeye®

There are very few practices in the country on the cutting edge of this new frontier in cataract surgery technology comes back with a different calculation the surgeon can change the power of the implant at the time of surgery helping to decrease the risk of needing to re-operate. This is very important for the Babyboomer generation, many of whom underwent LASIK making cataract surgery measurements less predictable unless aided with the new ORA Verifeye® technology. As I look back on my career as an ophthalmologist, I am proud that we have come so far with treatment options for patients. The evolution of ophthalmology has brought about priceless advancements that I see directly when performing modern cataract surgery including: lowered risk, surgical astigmatism correction, increased availability of IOL options, greater visual outcomes, and faster, easier recovery time for patients. There are very few practices in the country on the cutting edge of this new frontier in cataract surgery technology and Morris Eye Group is among the first to offer laser cataract preparation. For those in need of cataract treatment, there are more exciting options available now than ever before! For further questions or to make an appointment, please call (760) 631-3500 and select option 2 when dialing.


JAN. 10, 2014


CAPTURING THE SUNSET La Costa resident and photographer Jim Grant captured a sunset over Swamis. All of San Diego County has been treated to colorfully vibrant sunsets for the past several weeks. Photo by

Jim Grant

Management workers get 1.5 percent pay hike By Bianca Kaplanek

DEL MAR — In an effort to recruit and retain qualified workers who provide consistent, high-level service, council members at the Jan. 6 meeting unanimously approved a 1.5 percent pay raise for the city’s 22 management, professional and confidential employees.. But the move came with a contingency that staff will return with a long-term plan to move toward performancebased compensation for upperlevel management. The compensation adjustment also authorizes the city to pay full insurance premiums, allows employees to convert accrued vacation time to cash and provides broader access to retiree health care. In the last five years, management, professional and confidential employees received 3.5 percent base pay salary adjustments. The 1.5 percent increase is the same adjustment given to the Del Mar City Employees’ Association group. The raise, retroactive to Jan. 1, 2014, will cost the city about $18,675 for the current fiscal year, which ends June 30, and $37,600 after a full year of implementation. Unlike most agencies in San Diego, Del Mar passes the cost of long- and short-term disability insurance onto its employees. Under the new plan the city will pay the full premium for upper-level management at a cost of about $11,000 this fiscal year and $21,900 next year. Previously, those employees who retired with more than 10 years of consecutive fulltime service could pay for enrollment in the city’s health care plan. According to the staff report, there is no substantial cost to the city for this benefit, except for minor administrative fees. The newly adopted plan provides this benefit to all city

employees regardless of the number of years of service. Under the old plan, professional and confidential employees could not accrue more than 380 hours of vacation time and management executives were limited to 400 hours. “There are situations where a number of employees have reached the maximum accrual for vacation, but due to workload demands, are unable to reduce their vacation balance, and therefore forfeit vacation time,” the staff report states. Now all those employees can accrue more than 400 hours of vacation time, until June 30 of each year, at which time all vacation time over 400 hours will be eliminated if not used. Those employees will also be allowed to convert up to 80 hours of vacation time to cash as long as the balance is not less than 300 hours after the conversion. This would likely apply to approximately five of the 22 qualified employees. The amendment also increases the salary of the assistant to the city manager position from a range of about

$71,000 to $93,000 to $88,300 to $115,900, which is the average range in the county for that job. The new plan will cost the city approximately $29,600 between Jan. 1 and June 30 and $59,500 in the next fiscal year. The item was slated to be approved as part of the consent calendar, in which several actions are adopted without discussion. Councilman Terry Sinnott asked that it be pulled and voted on separately so he could emphasis that the city is working toward performancebased compensation.



JAN. 10, 2014





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JAN. 10, 2014

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Remodeling project leads to greener cables


Helen Woodward Animal Center’s Pet-ofthe-Week, Rudolf, is a 1year-old, 8-pound, black, domestic short-hair cat with a snazzy white bowtie marking on his chest. He has been neutered and is up-todate on all of his vaccinations. His adoption fee is $269, and, as with all pets adopted from Helen Woodward Animal Center, he is micro chipped for identification. Helen Woodward Animal Center is located at 6461 El Apajo Road in Rancho Santa Fe. Kennels are open daily

By Bianca Kaplanek

Monday through Thursday from noon to 6pm; Friday, noon to 7 p.m.; and Saturdays and Sundays from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. (applications accepted 15 minutes before closing). For more information call (858) 756-4117.

SOLANA BEACH — Back in the day, things were made to last. Kristian Rauhala found out just how true that statement is when remodeling his house. It is also a discovery that led him to create a technology company focused on earthfriendly alternatives for today’s consumer electronics products. Rauhala and Brennan Cassidy recently launched EcoKable, a Solana Beach company whose first products are USB charging and data cables made of natural cotton insulation rather than polyvinyl chloride, better known as PVC. With a background in electronics — he co-founded companies that provide a sports fitness application and waterproof headphones — Rauhala saw the amount of electronic waste skyrocket in recent years. “What bothered him was when new a product comes out the cables are worthless inventory,” Cassidy said. While remodeling his house that was built in the 1950s, Rauhala discovered all the wiring in his home was insulated with paper that had lasted more than five decades. “So he started tinkering to make a more sustainable product,” Cassidy said. According to their research, somewhere between 20 million and 50 million tons of electronic products are discarded annually throughout

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JAN. 10, 2014

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Brennan Cassidy displays USB charging and data cables made of natural cotton insulation available from EcoKable, a Solana Beach company he co-founded with Kristian Rauhala. Photo by Bianca Kaplanek

the world, with PVC being one of the largest contributors. E-waste that doesn’t end up in a landfill for hundreds of years is burned or exported, according to the EcoKable website. Old electronic parts are often scavenged for valuable metals such as copper wires by burning the PVC insulation and releasing bad toxins into the atmosphere. The natural cotton insulation in EcoKable’s products gives consumers a better option to charge their cell phones and transfer data, Rauhala said. Cassidy is a 27-year-old Wisconsin native who landed in California with a job working with the PGA Tour. He switched gears and moved to Solana Beach about two-and-a-half years ago for a position with Insulindependence — Cassidy is diabetic — a Solana Beachbased company with a mission to “unite, expand and support

the active diabetes community.” His wife was hired by Rauhala at Pear Sports, which produces a “mobile training intelligence” system. Cassidy said he was intrigued when his wife brought home one of the cables. “Living in Solana Beach makes you more aware of the need for sustainable products,” he said. So does being someone like Cassidy who enjoys outdoor sports such as biking, swimming and triathlons. “When you’re outside you realize there are a lot of things out there worth taking care of,” he said. “The cables are safer for the environment. Even if they end up in a landfill, which I hope they don’t, they will break down much easier. “People are trying to make good choices,” he added. “They won’t live in a hut in the

woods but they will compost. If consumers are given two choices they will usually choose the one that’s better for the environment.” EcoKable’s products cost about the same as traditional cables and are shipped in environmentally friendly packaging. Right now the company offers mini-USB, micro-USB and Apple 30-pin to USB cables through its website only. For an additional $2.50, EcoKable will include a return shipping label to recycle used PVC cables. Next up are lightning cables for Apple devices. Cassidy said he hopes to convince companies as well as individuals to make the switch. “When you look in any office there are endless amounts of cables behind computers,” he said. As a resident in the San Diego city that is generally on the forefront of environmental sustainability, Cassidy said he may even make a pitch to Solana Beach City Hall. Visit ecokable.com for more information.

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JAN. 10, 2014

Rancho Coastal walks, talks with pet owners For more information visit RCHS or SDBG, call (760) 753-6413, or log on to sdpets.org. Looking ahead, parents can register their little animal lovers now for Spring Animal Camp, April 7 through April 11 and April 14 through April 18 at your Rancho Coastal Humane Society. For more information, visit RCHS at 389 Requeza St., call (760) 753-6413, or log on to sdpets.org.

Take part in free rainwater workshop

ENCINITAS — The next free cat workshop at your Rancho Coastal Humane Society in Encinitas is coming up from 10:30 to noon Feb. 8. The topic: “Answers to Your Cat Questions: Top 10 Things Cat Owners Want to Know.” The classes are for people. Leave your kitties at home. Registration is required by contacting Rancho

Coastal Humane Society at 389 Requeza St. or calling (760) 753-6413, or log on to sdpets.org. You can also register now for the second annual “5K Paw Walk in the Garden” on Feb. 22 at San Diego Botanic Garden at 230 Quail Gardens Drive. It’s the only day of the year when dogs are allowed in the Garden. Proceeds benefit your Rancho Coastal Humane Society and San Diego Botanic Garden.


issue of riding side-by-side. Haley said riding side-byside in the sharrows is not technically permitted. If the cyclists want to ride side-by-side, it would take amending the law. And that’s what the sheriff’s department has suggested to the bicycle coalitions, if they wanted to make that happen. Haley said that trafficrelated issues are the number one complaint he receives — speeding, running stop signs — that’s 10to-1 over any other complaints the department receives. “On occasion we get complaints from bicyclists who are being hassled by motorists that don’t understand the sharrows.”

Conversely, the department also receives complaints from citizens regarding cyclists failing to stop at stop signs or red lights. From June through Nov. 30 of last year a total of 15 bicycle citations were given out. Out of those 15, 11 were issued on Nov. 2, the day of the annual Bike the Coast, Taste the Coast event. “Whenever there’s an event, any type of specialized event, whether it’s a running event or a triathlon or a specific bicycling event, typically we provide more people,” Haley said. “If they’re out there, they’re going to be in the area where these people may or may not be violating the law. And if they violate the law, then they’re going to get a

citation.” Haley said it was motorists that receive “significantly more” traffic citations over bicyclists. “We rarely cite bicyclists,” he said. “We’re not specifically targeting them, but if there’s a certain area where we receive complaints, or if they’re (Sheriff’s deputies) doing their routine patrol and a bicyclist does something right in front of them, then we have to act.” Haley said the officers aren’t specifically instructed to enforce any infractions. “They’re traffic units, and that’s their job. They’re very well-versed on traffic laws. It’s a specialized position; they get picked for that job, just like a detective or any-

thing else, and they’re expected to be proactive in what they’re doing. “We don’t say, ‘pick on cyclists,’ we just give them (traffic units) the information on complaints, we give them the information on where there are collisions occurring, and they’re expected to provide enforcement in those areas,” Haley said. The most commonly cited cyclist infractions include riding outside the bike lanes, hindering traffic, riding two to three abreast, and running stop signs and stop lights, Haley said. In September, another roadway safety measure will go into effect. The Three Feet for Safety Act will require that motorists over-

installation of decomposed granite to create walkways, and some yard maintenance of the property such as removing and trimming trees. The county allocated more than $1.7 million of the grant program for the fiscal year 2013-14. For the prior fiscal year of 2012-13, the county allocated $5 million ($1 million per district).The money for the grants comes from the General Fund.

The Rancho Santa Fe Library Guild received $53,970 in October 2013 from the Neighborhood Reinvestment Program so that they could make ADA improvements and soundproof restrooms. The grants are given to county departments, public agencies and nonprofits for one-time use. A host of services, including educational/recreational

projects for children or adults, various awareness projects, public safety, or maintaining and increasing open space holdings are available for use

of the grants. Grants are awarded throughout the year and there are no deadlines for submitting applications.

veyed by engineers to make sure that it’s not audible to the people and animals in the surrounding area. The Helen Woodward Animal Center is next door to the property. Nextel merged with wireless communication

company Sprint in 2005, but in 2013 the company shut down its Sprint/Nextel networks, which carried an iDEN or 2G signal in favor of the 4G LTE upgrades. The proposal will next have to be heard by the county before proceeding.

its day-to-day operations and the specific population it serves. The Bread of Life Rescue Mission on Apple Street in Oceanside shelters 18 women and 32 men in separate bunk bed quarters. Residents range in age from 18 to 70 and are helped on a first come, first served basis. “When one person is squared away as far as housing we bring another one in,” Pastor Steve Bassett, of Bread of Life Rescue Mission, said. The routine at the shelter is fairly structured. Residents eat dinner at 4:30 p.m., settle in for the night by 7 p.m. and need to be out and doing something productive by 7 a.m. A light breakfast, sack lunch and hot dinner is provided. Bassett said one of the most important things the shelter provides residents is a safe place to stay. The Bread of Life

Rescue Mission shelter is open from Dec. 1 through March 31. If residents have not found permanent housing by March 1, they create an exit plan with their case manager. Their next step may be to relocate to another shelter, stay at a campground, or seek temporary housing. The Community Resource Center in Encinitas houses 14 women and children through the North County Coastal Interfaith Shelter Network. It is a rotational shelter in which residents stay two weeks at a church, and then relocate to another church. Each host church provides three daily meals and showers. A set of inflatable mattresses and bedding moves with the residents. “It’s the very basics,” Ohlmaier said. “Bedding and some kind of privacy. It’s a bridge to more permanent housing.”


education, he’s challenged bike groups to come up with a campaign to devise on their own just what needs to be communicated on. Vina said increased enforcement hasn’t been discussed by the bike groups, but that he’s aware of what he calls an “interpretation issue,” between law enforcement and bike groups. The issue revolves around what’s actually allowed by law on a sharrow, he explained. “And that’s something that still needs a little work and clarity,” Vina said. Where there is disagreement between law enforcement and cyclists is the


money would be going toward the painting of interiors and exteriors and some repairs to the building. Other uses of the funds would also go towards installing air condition dampers, patio umbrellas and stands and office equipment. One of the projects includes the purchase and



sure it’s lubricated for about a half-hour and that’s it,” Willis said. He added that the noise level of running the generator has been sur-


County include the Bread of Life Rescue Mission, Interfaith Community Services, Salvation Army, Community Resource Center, Operation Hope and Catholic Charities. Part of the effort to solve the problem includes six winter shelters that are open from December through March and provide beds and services for 244 individuals. Shelter is paired with services that build self-sufficiency. Individuals who stay at the shelters are required to work with a case manager and set goals to find a job and secure permanent housing. “It is not counseling,” Esmeralda Ohlmaier, social services manager of the Community Resource Center, said. “It’s getting them work ready to find a job, secure housing, or find better employment.” Each shelter is unique in

RANCHO SANTA FE — The Rancho Santa Fe Garden Club is hosting a freeworkshop for homeowners interested in a rainwater harvesting or greywater system suitable for their property. Topics covered include: • Rainwater harvesting systems • Calculating poten-

tial rain capture at your home • Selecting a storage tank and accessories • Rebate programs available to homeowners The instructor, Candace Vanderhoff, manages, consults, and designs water harvesting systems, sustainable landscapes, and water conservation

products for RainThanks and Greywater. To register for the workshop or for more informatio, email conserve@ sdwd.org or call (760) 633-2676. The Santa Fe Irrigation District, Olivenhain Municipal Water District, and the San Dieguito Water District.

taking bicyclists or other motorists must do so with a three-foot buffer. With the sharrows in place, Vina said that it’s an approach that helps include more modes of transportation. “And to me, the key is to make sure that when we do those things we are very thoughtful about the public safety, whether you’re in a car or on a bike or on the sidewalk. Public safety has to be the guiding light here.”



JAN. 10, 2014


La Jolla Today The Nooren residence at 8001 Calle de la Plata in La Jolla Shores is the third LEED Platinum home in La Jolla. Built extensively with recycled materials and utilizing the latest in energyefficient technology, the Nooren home is truly “green” and a model of resource conservation at all levels.

LEED, or Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design, is a program that provides third-party verification of green buildings satisfying prerequisites to earn points to achieve different levels of certification. Developed by the U.S. Green Building Council, LEED is intended to help building owners and operators be environmentally responsible and use

The Nooren home at 8001 Calle de la Plata in La Jolla Shores went through an extensive process to get approval for construction. It went through even more work to make the home only the third in the community to be designated with LEED Platinum status. Courtesy photo

resources efficiently. The LEED rating system offers four certification levels for new construction — Certified, Silver, Gold and Platinum — that correspond to the number of credits accrued in five green design categories: sustainable sites, water efficiency, energy and atmosphere, materials and resources, and indoor environmental quality. Started in 1998, LEED standards have been applied to more than 7,000 projects in the United

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States and 30 other countries, covering more than 1.5 billion square feet of development. During a Dec. 5 open house, Jack and Jill Nooren, owners of the Shores LEEDcertified home, walked guests through their dwelling, discussing the finer points of energy-efficient building. “LEED recognizes that we need to become more ecologically responsible in the way we design and build homes and the reason for that obviously is we need to limit the use of our natural resources, not just water, sewer and waste but also gas and electric,” said Jack Nooren. “So the LEED process looks at the global picture, which means they examine, when you do demolition, if you’re recycling any of the content of the old structure, which is what we did.”

The Nooren project featured an integrated design team consisting of Joseph Diasparra, Hill Construction Company, David Keitel, Domusstudio Architecture and LEED consultant Stephanie Fagen Ecopious. Among the Nooren residence’s LEED components: • Drought-tolerant and indigenous landscaping • A drip water-irrigation system • A photovoltaic, passive solar-heating system featuring a 100-gallon storage tank, providing 60 percent of the home’s hotwater needs • Use of energy-saving appliances • Recycling of 75 percent of all waste generated during home construction • An LED lighting package that reduced the house’s demand for energy and electrical costs

Project architect David Keitel said there are significant upfront costs associated with building a LEEDcertified home that are more than made up for over time by cost savings. “There is an initial upcharge for building a LEED home, but there are so many efficiencies implemented through the LEED process, that it really makes what we’re doing a nobrainer,” Keitel said. “The Noorens have tax rebates and credits coming back to them on their taxes this year for building this house, which really adds up very quickly.” Nooren said he feels construction similar to that done on his home will be the rule, not the exception, in the future. “It’s a standard of how construction should be and how people should think when they build,” he said Nooren. “Everything we built in here was all about what we could recycle.” Besides conserving energy, Nooren said LEED design is also about not wasting space. “This house is only 2,350 square feet on two levels with 4 1/2 baths,” he said. “We don’t have any wasted space because we have our kitchen, dining and living quarters all in one area downstairs. Nooren said the bottom line with LEED building is that, in the end, it saves money, as well as energy. “We’ve lived here almost a year now and the highest monthly bill we had was $36,” he said. “We have six inches of Styrofoam on our roof, plus hatches we can open up to to get air circulating so it never gets warm in here. We don’t have air conditioning. We never need it. How many $3 million homes get built without air conditioning? Not very many. This is one of them.”

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Creative mornings at Center for Arts make a guitar out of a tissue box or shoebox and can pretend to make their own music. During Second Saturdays workshops, children typically have two or three craft projects to work on that are related to upcoming shows or events at the center. The monthly themes for the rest of the season are Classical Cello, Feb. 8; Spring/Seussical March 8; Piano April 12; String Quartet May 10 and Summer June 14. For more information

about Second Saturdays, contact Education Coordinator Kirsten Vega at (760) 839-4176 or kvega@artcenter.org. For updated craft information for a particular workshop, visit artcenter.org/performances. Fore center productions, the ticket office can be reached at (800) 9884253. Tickets can also be purchased online. To learn more, including performance dates, times and ticket i n f o r m a t i o n , visit artcenter.org.

ESCONDIDO — As part of its monthly Second Saturdays series, the California Center for the Arts will host a free arts and crafts workshop for local families 10 a.m. to noon Jan. 11 at 340 N. Escondido Blvd. All ages are welcome. No pre-registration is required. Once a month, the Center's Education department offers free art and dance activities for the whole family. The one- to two-hour classes, held in Studios 1 and 3, explore art

or movement. They provide the materials, attendees just bring their creativity. For January’s theme of jazz, families can use pastels and paint to create art inspired by the work of 1920s American artists such as Georgia O’Keefe and Willem de Kooning, whose work was popularized during the Jazz Age. During the free workshop, jazz music will be playing in the background so families can move to the beats while they craft their creations. Families will also be able to

Solutions sought to poverty

Magic Bullet fund helps dog OCEANSIDE — Buddy is a 7-year-old Labrador retriever mix, the pet of Amanda and Mike Toler of Oceanside. Buddy has osteosarcoma. The cost of treatment is out of reach for Amanda and Mike, but they are not willing to give up. The Tolers discovered The Magic Bullet Fund (MBF), applied for financial assistance, and the fund agreed to help. MBF helps when a dog would not be able to receive treatment without financial assistance. MBF was founded by medical animal writer Laurie Kaplan, in honor of her own cancer survivor, Bullet, in conjunction with the release of her book, “Help Your Dog Fight Cancer.” Thanks to the assistance of MBF, Buddy will have a chance to survive cancer. A diagnosis of canine cancer is not necessarily a death sentence.Veterinary oncology has made advances in the past decade and there are treatment options available to those who want to fight their pet’s cancer. Cancer is as unpredictable in pets as it is in humans. The real miracle for

chance to survive cancer. Donations can be made by mail to Magic Bullet Fund, PO Box 2574, Briarcliff NY 10510. Donations are tax deductible. MBF operates through donations from individuals and corporations.

RANCHO SANTA FE — Mainly Mozart will travel to Rancho Santa Fe Jan. 24. The McDermott Trio will perform at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 23 at the auditorium at The Scripps Research Institute, 10550 N. Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, and at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 24 at the Rancho Santa Fe Garden Club, 17025 Avenida De Acacias.The program includes Mozart Piano Trio in B flat, K. 502, Zwilich Piano Trio, Brahms and Piano Trio No.1 in B, Op. 8. Tickets for the Rancho Santa Fe concert are $70 at mainlymozert.org. Anne-Marie McDermott, Spotlight Series Curator for Mainly Mozart, is one of San Diego’s leading producers of chamber music, having produced its Spotlight Chamber Series since 1996. The Spotlight Chamber Series evenings take place January through June.

Mainly Mozart expanded its educational outreach programs for youth this past summer 2013 with the creation of The Mainly Mozart Youth Orchestra. The MMYO offers new, unique opportunities for the nearly 200 young artists selected through auditions to participate in the year-round music education and performance program. During the 2014 Mainly Mozart Festival, the Youth Orchestra will be featured in two free half-hour Overture concerts preceding Festival concerts on June 7 and June 14, and will perform in a special collaborative matinee concert with the Mainly Mozart Festival Orchestra, including MMYO Artistic Advisor and Festival and Cleveland Orchestra Concertmaster William Preucil, on June 8, 2014. Visit mainlymozart.org for more details.

these families is that they can have an extended goodbye, time for special moments that will bring lasting memories, and the very important ability to say, “I fought for my dog’s life.” Donate to help Buddy get treatment and a chance to survive cancer at themagicbulletfund.org. Donate at themagicbulletfund.org to help more dogs receive treatment and a

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Mainly Mozart launches new season in Rancho Santa Fe

Amanda and Mike Toler of Oceanside hug their dog Buddy, who will get funding from the Magic Bullet Fund to pay for his cancertreatment bills. Photo by XXX

Ca ll To da y

COAST CITIES — The Vidanta Foundation is encouraging North County students to take part in a literary contest, with prizes as much as $1,000, focusing on finding solutions to Latin American poverty. The contest welcomes submissions in English and Spanish in a variety of forms, including essays, short stories, testimonials and poetry. The deadline for submissions is Feb. 15. Dowload applications at danielchavezmoranaward.com/award/literature/. E-mail the completed form in its entirety to submissions@danielchavezmoranaward.com. The awards,open to 12- to 18-year-olds living in the U.S., were created by Daniel Chavez Moran, a Mexican entrepreneur and philanthropist who founded Vidanta Foundation, a nonprofit that aims to reduce poverty in Latin America through the promotion of economic development, social sciences and culture. Award categories include Health, Sciences and Technology, Literature and Public Policy. This award category, Literature, calls on the creativity of today’s youth to use the beauty of language and its expression to raise awareness of poverty in Latin America. In particular,this category calls on submitters to use all literary devices at their disposal to come up with submissions that educate while stirring the emotions. For information, see danielchavezmoranaward.co m/award/literature/.



JAN. 10, 2014

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JAN. 10, 2014 Send your arts & entertainment news to arts@thecoastnews.com

Best Overlooked CDs of 2013 By Alan Sculley

As I finish this year’s this column, I’m blotting up a little blood from the floor, the result of splitting hairs to come up with this ranking of best albums that deserved more attention than they received. It was that close, and not a lot separates the top three, and albums four through 10. The depth of quality is also striking. Another dozen albums got strong consideration before being eliminated. To help put this list in perspective, at the end of this column you’ll see a top 10 albums list that combines albums included in this column with the top 10 list I did for higher profile albums. This creates an overall best 10 albums list for 2013.

Gary Robertson will perform his cowboy poetry at the Civic Center Library Jan. 11. Courtesy photo

Cowboy poetry performance will share universal stories Promise Yee

OCEANSIDE — Cattle rancher and poet Gary Robertson will perform his cowboy poetry at the Civic Center Library Jan. 11. Robertson urges people who are not cowboys and have never heard cowboy poetry to attend. “If I do it right, if I write the poem right and tell the poem right, everything I write about agriculture and ranching hopefully transcends that,” Robertson said. “Hopefully it touches people who choose mechanics, skydiving, serving in the military, people doing what they were meant to do.” His poems share universal messages about family and everyday humor. Robertson also likes the challenge of turning a joke he has heard into a poem. “I write about family stuff, relationship stuff,” Robertson said. “You don’t have to wear cowboy boots and a cowboy hat to get it, if I do it right.” Robertson, now age 62, has been writing poetry for 25 years. “I have made my living livestock ranching all my adult life,” Robertson said. “I’m a poet and a cowboy.” Both ranching and storytelling are in his blood. His father and grandfather were ranchers. His grandmother was a

Chickasaw Indian who shared storytelling with him. “My grandma was the greatest storyteller I ever knew,” Robertson said. “My grandmother on my mom’s side was Chickasaw Indian. My dad was a transplanted Texan to Oklahoma. Being Texan and Indian I had no choice, but to be a storyteller.” Cowboy poetry follows the tradition of spoken word and is shaped in part by listeners’ response to it. The voice and location where a cowboy poem is told is as much a part of the experience as the poem itself. “It comes from a tradition of the cattle drive days,” Robertson said. “It’s a way of storytelling and sharing.” Cowboy poetry dates back to the 1880s when cowboys told each other poems and stories as entertainment. Some cowboy poets write in free verse, but Robertson prefers to write in rhyme and meter. “Style wise it hasn’t changed a great deal,” Robertson said. “The subject matter has in some cases.” Robertson draws his inspiration from cowboy poet legends Buck Ramsey and Joel Nelson, and contemporary lyricist James Taylor.

His performances blend poetry and storytelling. Robertson’s ranch in Oklahoma is also used a film shooting location. He said the best piece of advice he got on his writing was from a screenwriter he met who told him to “tell the story.” Robertson continues to follow that advice. “I don’t do a poetry reading,” Robertson said. “I tell a poem.” Robertson sells CDs and publications of his poems. He advises people to read cowboy poetry deliberately and out loud. “For me it’s a spoken form of communication,” Robertson said. “I’ve had a lot of poems published and it’s a great honor. But I sell CDs because I want people to hear it.” “I hope someone reading it to themselves appreciates the structure and goes back and reads the story.” Robertson has been a feature performer at Colorado Cowboy Poetry Gathering, Arizona Cowboy Poetry Gathering, Cowboy Hall of Fame, Gene Autry Museum, The Conejo Cowboy Poetry Festival, and Big Bear Cowboy Poetry Gathering. Robertson will perform at the Civic Center Library community rooms at 3 p.m.

1) Crocodiles: “Crimes Of Passion” (French Kiss Records) — The Crocodiles have drawn the beyond-unlikely comparisons to the Jesus and Mary Chain and the Archies. But on “Crimes Of Passion,” such a seemingly polar opposites combination makes sense. Like the Jesus and Mary Chain,the Crocodiles like to coat songs with fuzzy guitars that bring a density to its sound. But the darn-near-pretty vocal melodies of songs like “She Splits Me Up” and “Marquis De Sade” still shine through. This healthy dose of Archies-esque ear candy turns songs that would otherwise feel grainy and monochromatic into colorful, multi-dimensional and inviting gems. 2) Sharks: “Selfhood” (Rise Records) — “Selfhood” leans more toward classic Britpop than the punkier earlier output of Sharks (two CDs and two EPs over four years). The shift works well, considering the group has always shown an uncommon gift for great pop melodies. Such contrasts are especially apparent on songs where the Sharks pull back a bit on the tempo on such songs as “Grey View,” (a chiming pop gem), “I Won’t Taint” (a muscular song with some particularly melodic guitar work) and “Sundays Hand” (which has a little Smiths melancholy to it). Sadly, the Sharks disbanded in July.But they left an impressive going-away present with “Selfhood.”

This husband and wife duo of Luke Doucet and Melissa McClelland stood out in the crowded Americana field with a great set of songs that kicked hard at the stylistic boundaries of the genre. Songs like “Peterbilt Coalmine,” “Mismatched Eyes (Boat Song)” and “Wisconsin” fit comfortably within Americana. But “No Glamour In The Hammer,” verges on crunchy power pop, while the tribal thump and ringing guitar of “Achilles’ Desire” gives that song a rock feel and “Jane,” with its striking descending chord pattern, falls somewhere between pop and rock. It all makes for a diverse, literate and enjoyable album that keeps delivering stylistic surprises from start to finish. 5) Filligar: ”Hexagon” (self-released) — This Chicagobased band began to get some notice with its fourth album, the 2010 release “The Nerve.” (“Spin” magazine even touted Filligar as a next big thing.). If Filligar keeps making albums as good as “Hexagon,” that prediction could come true. The album starts out especially strong, hitting a high point with this pair off songs: “Lock & Key” starts out in a stately march and builds into a powerhouse rocker with an explosive jam. Next comes the truly epic “Money on the Dark Horse,” a keyboard-accented track that quickly hits an intensely rocking, hypnotic groove. A couple of songs after that don’t take wing, but “Hexagon” shows Filliger is ready to be seen and heard – and not just by a lucky few people.

6) Jesse Dee: “On My Mind/In My Heart” (Alligator Records) — Charles Bradley and Allen Stone have gotten more attention, but when it came to soul music in 2013,Dee deserved just as much acclaim for his second CD, “On My Mind/In My Heart.” A solid songwriter with a supple and rangy tenor, Dee evokes classic Stax soul (“No Matter Where I Am”), Jackie Wilson (“I Won’t Forget About You”) and even a bit of early James Brown (“Boundary Line”). At 23, Dee’s music should grow more unique in the future. For now, Dee already sounds like the best of today’s new generation of soul artists.

7) The Del-Lords: “Elvis Club” (GB Music) — In the mid-to-late 1980s, the DelLords made four of the best albums of authentic, non-nonsense guitar rock any side of Bruce Springsteen — then broke up and stayed away for the next 22 years. This year brought the reunion album, “Elvis Club,” which found the band back in peak form. Songs like “Princess,” and “Me And The Lord Blues” are punchy and tuneful. “Everyday” (co-written by Kempner and Dion) has a pleasant ramble that mixes 4) Whitehorse: “The Fate Americana and rock, while Of The World Depends On This “Damaged” revisits the group’s Kiss” (Six Shooter Records) – love of rockabilly. 3) Imaginary Cities: “Fall of Romance” (Turnout Records/Votiv) — The follow-up to an impressive debut album, “Fall Of Romance” delivers on the promise of the debut. The group has grown more ambitious this time out, building up its instrumentation to symphonic pop levels and getting playful with its sonics. But the real strengths are the lovely melodies (both vocal and instrumental) that make for a beautiful pop album that shows uncommon maturity,creativity and depth.

8) Dolly Varden: “For Awhile”(self-released) — After a five-year gap, this underappreciated veteran Chicago band returns with a set of songs that are richer and more developed than ever — while retaining its signature mix of delicate country tinged ballads and highly melodic rockers that have made Dolly Varden the rare group that effortlessly bridges the gap between rock, pop, country and soul. “For Awhile” was worth the wait. 9) The Wild Feathers: “The Wild Feathers” (Warner Bros. Records) — Imagine the Jayhawks with a more wallop in their rockers and you’ll have an idea of what to expect here. The Wild Feathers sound especially Jayhawks-ian on spacious and appealing songs like “Tall Boots,”“How”and “Got It Wrong.” But the Wild Feathers also like to rock, and on songs like “American,” “I’m Alive” and “Backwoods Company,” the group punches up the tempos and volume without losing the melodic strength that is present throughout the album. 10) Barrence Whitfield and the Savages: “Dig Thy Savage Soul” (Bloodshot Records) — In the 1980s, Whitfield stormed onto the scene playing a raucous version of soul/rock/blues that made his group one of the best partystarting live acts on the planet. Since the mid-’90s, Whitfield has largely been off the national radar. But in 2010, he reunited with original Savage Peter Greenburg, and the new album, “Dig Thy Savage Soul,” (with a revamped edition of the Savages) picks up where he left off, rocking off the roof on a collection of originals and smartly chosen obscure covers. Honorable mention: The Bronx: “The Bronx (IV)” (White Drugs/ATO Records); Belle Adair: ‘The Brave and the Blue” (Single Lock Records); Mountain Sounds: “Mountain Sounds” (self-released) Kara Grainger: “Shiver & Sigh” (Electro Groove Records); Andy T/Nick Nixon Band: “Drink Drank Drunk” (Delta Groove Music); JoDee Purkeypile: “Messenger” (selfreleased); I Can Like Any Sonofabitch In The House: “Mayberry” (Sad Crow Records); Bobby Long: “Wishbone” (ATO Records); The Cash Box Kings: “Black Toppin’” (Blind Pig Records)’ Holly Williams: “The Highway” (Georgiana Records). My overall top 10 albums of 2013: 1) Queens Of The Stone Age: “…Like 2) Clockwork”; Arctic Monkeys: “AM”; 3) Willie Nile: “American Ride”; 4) Vampire Weekend: “Modern Vampires of the City”; 5) Crocodiles: “Crimes Of Passion”; 6) David Bowie: “The Next Day”; 7) Sharks: “Selfhood”; 8) John Fogerty: “Wrote a Song for Everyone”; 9) Imaginary Cities: “Fall of Romance”; 10) Kasey Musgraves: “Same Trailer Different Park.”



JAN. 10, 2014



CALENDAR Got an item for Arts calendar? Send the details via e-mail to calendar@coastnewsgroup.com.

JAN. 10

WOOD ART The Escondido

Arts Partnership presents “WOOD, A Furniture Show,” from Jan. 10, through Feb. 1 featuring a gathering of top furniture makers in Southern California showing their work at the Escondido Municipal Gallery, 262 E. Grand Ave. Escondido. The opening reception is 5:30 to 8 p.m. Jan. 11. For more information, visit escondidoarts.org.

JAN. 11


Casino Spa & Resort will continue its free Events Series in January 2014 featuring Mick Adams & The Stones, a tribute to The Rolling Stones at 8 p.m. Jan. 11 in the Infinity Showroom. On Jan. 18, hear David Brighton, a tribute to David Bowie. For more information, visit palacasino.com.

JAN. 12

JAZZ FUN The January installment of the Center Stage series will celebrate jazz with “Get Hip!” at 10 a.m. Jan. 14, at the California Center for the Arts, 340 N. Escondido Blvd., Escondido. It will feature the Metta Quintet and high school jazz band students and feature a JazzReach presentation titled "Get Hip!" For performance dates, times and ticket information, visit artcenter.org. LEARN TO DRAW Artist Linda Luisi will teach right brain drawing, shading for depth, and color harmony for all levels from 9:45 to 11:45 a.m., four Tuesdays Jan. 14 through Feb. 4 at the Carlsbad Senior Center, 799 Pine Ave., Carlsbad. To register call (760) 602-4650, or visit carlsbadca.gov/parksandrec.

JAN. 15 N EW



ZOCATEQ Through Jan. 12, 2015, see Jim Hornung's “Zocateq: Tribal Work and Cultural Protectors” at the Encinitas Community Center Gallery, 1140 Oakcrest Park Drive. The Zocateq is a mythical creature created from SUPPORT THE MUSIC the bones of different ani- Carlsbad Music Festival has mals. begun efforts to raise $5,000 for its 2014 event. To make a tax-deductible BELLY UP Singer/song- donation make a check writer and performer Vonda payable to: Carlsbad Music Festival, PO Box 4067, Carlsbad, CA 92018 or by credit card at carlsbadmusicfestival.org.

JAN. 16

JAN. 14


‘GREEN BIRD’ Take in

VONDA SHEPARD Shepard will play a live, seated show for one night only at 8 p.m. Jan. 16 at the Belly Up Tavern, 143 S. Cedros Ave, Solana Beach. Local artist Dawn Mitschele will open for her. Tickets $20 pre-order/ $22 at the door / $35 reserved seating. Visit bellyup.com.

art at the Opening Reception for “Songs of the Green Bird” by Johnny Nguyen, part II of the Supper Club Artist Project, 6 to 10 p.m. Jan. 18, at The Hill Street Country Club Gallery, 212 D Artist Alley, Oceanside, The show features a collection of works by Nguyen inside a marketplace in Vietnam. Alongside will be photographs taken by the Oceanside community from the Jan. 2 Pop-up ART Workshop inside the Mainstreet Oceanside Farmers & Sunset Market

“New Year Romance" Dance/Mixer DJ Pam, icebreakers, photos, psychic & more! Upscale classy dress (no jeans/no shorts)

Ages 40-60ish, Sat, Jan.18th 7:30 to 11:30 p.m. The Handlery Hotel 950 Hotel Circle North San Diego, CA 92108 Price: $15 prepay/$20 door Parking: $3

“Scialla!” (“Easy!”) a comedy directed by Francesco Bruni will be shown in April during the San Diego Italian Film Festival, which will last from January through July at the La Paloma Theatre in Encinitas. Courtesy photo

Italophiles have even more to cheer about


Watercolor classes for beginners will be held in the Solana Beach area from 2 to 5 p.m. Jan. 15, Jan. 23, Jan. 30 and Feb. 6. Cost is $100 plus $12.50 extra for special paper. There will also be a Drawing for Beginners class from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Jan. 23, Jan. 30, Feb. 6 and Feb. 13 in the San Marcos area. Cost is $100. To register and for location, contact swanson121@cox.net or go to offtrackgallery.com.

Send your arts & entertainment news to arts@thecoastnews.com

KAY COLVIN A Brush With Art


here are many cultural events to look forward to in North County during the upcoming year, but none are more anticipated than the slice of Italian culture brought by the San Diego Italian Film Festival to the La Paloma Theatre in Encinitas. Now in its eighth year, the SDIFF (San Diego Italian Film Festival) is expanding its programming in North County. Over the past two years SDIFF has found a second home at the historic La Paloma, where audiences have shown enthusiasm and appreciation for the current, award-winning Italian films that SDIFF brings to San Diego. The Film Festival will show one Italian film at the La Paloma each month from January through July. All of the movies, which are in Italian with English subtitles, will begin at 7 p.m. on Thursday evenings.

All of the movies presented by the SDIFF will be introduced by one of the group’s film experts, who bring insight into the context, cinematography, politics, cast or simply aspects of Italian culture. Most of the featured films are not available for viewing outside of Italy. The nonprofit San Diego Italian Film Festival was founded in 2006 by a group passionate about Italian culture — especially cinema — and dedicated to bringing not only Italian films, but also “an Italian perspective” to San Diego. Executive Director Victor Laruccia states, “The San Diego Italian Film Festival is about more than just movies. It is about identity, history and a shared appreciation of Italian culture and great cinema. The San Diego Italian Film Festival is a place for a diverse audience of film lovers and those who appreciate Italian culture.” For six years the viewings have been held at Balboa Park’s Museum of Photographic Arts. However, in 2012 SDIFF board member Anthea Beletsis suggested that the festival bring some of the films to North

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County. Cardiff resident Beletsis says of the decision to increase programming in Encinitas, “This is music to my ears since I love having our films in my home town and in a ‘real’ theater. La Paloma is one of the few big-screen, traditional movie houses that remain in San Diego, complete with popcorn and candy.” The theater is located in downtown Encinitas, close to restaurants and parking. Beletsis continues, “As with last year's miniseries, we have chosen a variety of films and genres to give audiences a good taste of what Italian cinema has to offer.” The selection of films for 2014 will give audiences variety, including drama, romantic comedy and even a nod to Shakespeare with the screening of “Caesar Must Die,” directed by the

famed Taviani brothers. The series opens Jan. 23 with the comedy-drama “Matter of the Heart” by the celebrated Italian director Francesca Archibugi. Most of the screenings will be on the second Thursday of each month. Tickets are $10 ($8 for SDIFF Members, students, and military with ID) and can be purchased at the theater’s box office (cash only). For more information, including list of featured films and complete screening schedule, visit sandiegoitalianfilmfestival.com. Kay Colvin is director of the L Street Fine Art Gallery in San Diego’s Gaslamp Quarter, serves as an arts commissioner for the City of Encinitas, and specializes in promoting emerging and mid-career artists. Contact her at kaycolvin@lstreetfineart.com.



JAN. 10, 2014

Following a few tips can help ease the cost of ski trips this winter season. Courtesy photo

Stretching your ski vacation dollar (BPT) — With the Olympics right around the corner, skiing is on a lot of people’s minds. While ski trips can get pricey quickly, there are ways to give your budget a lift. “It’s not unusual for ‘ski vacation’ to be synonymous with ‘expensive getaway,’“ says Jeanenne Tornatore, senior editor for the travel booking website Orbitz.com. “But it doesn’t have to be that way. These seven simple tips and tricks can stretch your dollar and get you slopeside for a fraction of the price.” * Borrow your ski equipment. One of the big expenses of a ski vacation — especially for new skiers — can be gearing up. Tap friends and family to bor-

row ski gear for your trip — from coats and ski pants to ski boots and snowboards. * Travel’s new rule: Pack light. Most airlines let you travel with a ski bag as one of your checked bags. Just be conscious of the weight allowance and take as much as you can in a carry - on bag to avoid extra fees.

* Choose an easily reachable resort. Flying into to smaller airports can mean heftier prices and inconvenient connections. Look for ski resorts that are within close proximity of major airports where there is more airline competition. Ski destinations like Keystone and Breckenridge are both family-friendly and an easy drive or shuttle ride from Denver International Airport. * Stay in a vacation rental. Large ski areas have plenty of lodging options aside from hotels. From condos, cabins and private homes, vacation rentals are a great alternative, especially for large groups and families. Vacation rentals typically go for a flat daily or weekly fee, so the more people you invite, the less it will cost per person. * Location, location, location. While slopeside hotels let you walk out your door and hop on the lift, opt-

ing for lodging a little farther from the mountain can save you cash. And most ski resorts offer free shuttle services with stops throughout town, so getting to the lifts is not a hassle. * Discount lift tickets. If you’re a student or a senior, be sure to bring identification to take advantage of any discounts available. And for those who enjoy sleeping in, you can opt for half—day or evening lift tickets that are discounted compared to full-day passes. * Timing is everything. Many travelers end up paying too much for a ski vacation simply because they choose to vacation when everyone else does. In general, lift tickets and lodging will be most expensive over Christmas and New Year’s, MLK weekend, the President’s Day holiday and spring break during the month of March. Prices are relatively low in the early season, which occurs November through midDecember. They will often drop again in April, after spring break. The month of January is perhaps one of the best-kept secrets to skiing on a budget. After the December holidays, you’ll find plenty of snow without the crowds, typically resulting in lower lodging rates.


JAN. 10, 2014



Are we still getting ‘jiggy’ with it? As 2014 rolls in, I was immediately concerned that my slang would need a serious update in order for me to stay cuttingedge hip. OK. I will never be hip, but I love to at least speak their language. I find the evolution of slang one of the best parts of the word world. Keep in mind I have been observing it for … ummmm … I’ll admit to several decades. I never actually used the ‘50s slang, like “Daddy-o,” “hep cat,” “classy chassis,” “peepers (eyeglasses), “Crazy, man,” “Real gone” or “Put an egg in your shoe and beat it!” but my big brother did. I carried over into the ‘60s with “Cruisin’ for a bruising,” “Fat City,” “Race for pinks,” “Made in the shade,” a “Punk,” and “Meanwhile, back at the ranch” (from all the Westerns on TV). One I don’t remember, but that I plan to start using immediately was “Shoot low, they’re riding Shetlands,” meaning, “Be careful.” I rolled with “Bitchen,” “Boogie, Bogart, booking,” “That’s boss,” “Bummer,” to “Cut down” meaning to insult, going to the flicks and freaking out. I was fascinated to find some ‘50s expressions that are apparently classics and still in use — maybe not by Jay Z or Kanye, but by some of the younger folks I encounter. There is “dibs,” as in “Dibs on that last cookie,” “Cooties,” and “Had a blast,” “Hanging out,” and “Ankle-biter” for annoying toddlers. I’m sorry to report that “Cray-cray,” “Amazeballs,” “Totes,” “I know, right?,” and “Adorbs,” are approaching the chopping block. And “Selfie,” “Twerk,” “Phablet,” “Emoji,” “TL/DR” (too long; didn’t read) and “Srsly” have been added to the online Oxford Dictionary, which may be their death-knell. If you are going to be truly cool (another ‘50s holdover), you should TURN TO SMALL TALK ON B11

PLAYING FOR AARON CARLSBAD — The Carlsbad community continues to rally around one of their own. On Saturday members of the La Costa Canyon soccer team and the Carlsbad Lightning Soccer Club hosted a fundraising scrimmage match at Poinsettia Community Park for La Costa Canyon grad Aaron Loy. Loy, 19, came down with bacterial meningitis late last year while attending school at UC Santa Barbara. His lower legs had to be amputated due to complications with an infection. During the scrimmage each player wore the number four on their backs (the number Loy wore while playing lacrosse at LCC). His number will be retired at his former high school. A series of fundraisers have been held since his procedures to help pay for the costly medical bills. — Tony Cagala Above: Players from the Carlsbad Lightning Soccer Club and the La Costa Canyon High School soccer team host a scrimmage to help raise funds for Aaron Loy. Right: John Tapia, left, from Rancho Bernardo High School, representing the Carlsbad Lightning Soccer Club and La Costa Canyon student and soccer player Ryan Blasena participate in the fundraising scrimmage for Aaron Loy. Photos by Tony Cagala

Preservation efforts on hold for ‘Top Gun’ house By Promise Yee

OCEANSIDE — Many people know the Victorian beach cottage on Pacific Street as the “Top Gun” house featured in the 1986 movie staring Tom Cruise, but historians see it as a significant historical landmark. The Graves House, as it is historically known, is one of the first beach cottages built in 1887. The architecture and location of the Victorian house with gingerbread features and an ornate chimney are key to its historical significance. “A folk Victorian is absolutely rare by the beach,” John Daley, vice president of the Oceanside Historical Society, said. “It’s not being saved because it’s the ‘Top Gun’ house. It’s being saved because it is a significant era of architecture.” The house now sits protected behind a fence until a $209 million luxury hotel development and preservation efforts by SD Malkin Properties begin. Construction is expected to start in fall and preservation efforts will follow. The Oceanside Historical Society and SOHO (Save our Heritage Organisation, spelled with a Victorian “s”) have been keeping an eye on the house for quite some time. “It’s the last of its kind,” Bruce Coons, SOHO executive director, said. “We worked with the city and developer to explain its historical significance. In this case it worked out. At one time it was thought of bulldozing it. We’re TURN TO HOUSE ON B11

The “Top Gun” house is one of the first Victorian beach cottages built. Preservation efforts will begin on the historic house as part of a luxury hotel project. Photo by Promise Yee



JAN. 10, 2014

HELPING CASA KIDS From left, San Marcos Councilmember Kristal Jabara and San Marcos Mayor Jim Desmond, joined other City Council members, School Board members and Kaiser Permanente executives spent Dec. 17 to wrap and sort gifts for youth at the Casa de Amparo Center for at-risk youngsters. Encinitas staple Jamroc officially closed in December. Bull Taco will be moving into the site later this month. Photo by Jared Whitlock

Jamroc closes, Bull Taco moves in By Jared Whitlock

ENCINITAS — After nine years on Coast Highway 101, the Jamaican restaurant Jamroc closed its doors in late December. “Thank you to all the residents and friends who supported us through the years,” said David DaCosta, who operated Jamroc with wife Tina DaCosta. “As they say, one love.” The idea for Jamroc came about when David, who was born and raised in Jamaica, introduced authentic Jamaican cuisine to Tina. She loved cooking and wanted to share the food with more people. The menu offered Jamaican favorites like jerk chicken and curry goat.

Tina’s full-time passion was running Jamroc’s kitchen, David noted. But due to health setbacks, she could no longer dedicate the required amount of time to the restaurant. “You can’t run a restaurant part time,” David said. Bull Taco, which currently has locations in Cardiff, Oceanside and San Clemente, will move into the space. The restaurant is due to open in late January, according to David. “We’re very excited for them to take over and wish them the best,” David said, adding that Tina and him live in Encinitas and plan to stay in the area.

Courtesy photo

Center calling out for photographers REGION — Calling all photographers. The California Wolf Center is asking for help. Each year, the center, near Julian, teaches thousands of people about wolves and their role in the ecosystem. To aid in these efforts, they need high quality photos of their wolves. They ask that photographers consider signing up for one of its photography tours for a chance to photograph the wolves from the other side of the fence. Reduced rates are available for photographers who are willing to donate the use of their photos to the California Wolf Center. For more details, call (619) 2349653. The California Wolf Center is a conservation, education, and research center dedicated to wolf recovery in the wild. It is 50 miles east of San Diego, near the town of Julian. It is a state-wide organization with staff and volunteers also working in Northern California striving to pave the way for the return of wolves in our state. Founded in 1977 to educate the public about wildlife and ecology, the center is currently home to several packs of gray wolves, some

of which play an important role in our educational programs. These wolves serve as ambassadors representing wolves in the wild. The center staff also hosts highly endangered Mexican gray wolves, now being reintroduced into the southwestern United States. A visit to the center provides a unique experience involving one of the most charismatic and controversial species in North American history. The California Wolf Center is dedicated to the recovery of wolves in the wildlands they once roamed. It envisions a landscape where wolves thrive in healthy ecosystems and wolves and people successfully coexist. The center is working toward this goal through: — Conservation: partnering with stakeholders to implement proactive solutions that enable wolves and people to successfully share the landscape and leading the way in endangered species recovery programs. — Education: increasing awareness and understanding of wolves through engaging educational programs and public outreach.

— Research: studying wolves' biology, behavior, and history in California. The California Wolf Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. On Dec. 28, 2011 a 2 1/2year-old, male gray wolf entered California after traveling from northeast Oregon. Designated OR7, his behavior, called dispersal, is not atypical of a wolf his age. Historically, wolves inhabited California, but were extirpated. Before OR7, the last confirmed wolf in California was here in 1924 and since then, investigated “sightings” have turned out to be coyotes, dogs, wolf-dog hybrids, etc. CDFW wildlife managers anticipated that wolves would eventually enter California, and have been preparing for it. The state of California is not intentionally reintroducing wolves at this time. Gray wolves pose little direct risk to humans and any wolf that enters California is protected as endangered under the federal Endangered Species Act. CDFW provides these maps to show the route that Wolf OR 7 has traveled since his entry into California. The maps will be updated periodically as additional data becomes available. However, there will be an intentional delay in posting new map information to protect the current location of this wolf. This wolf's movement pattern, in terms of timing, direction and distance has so far been unpredictable. Therefore the maps will provide useful information on where he has been recently, but not where he is now.




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ODD FILES BY CHUCK SHEPHERD Too Much Money During the 2012 presidential campaign, Mitt Romney caught criticism for his proposed California home with parking on an upper floor, requiring a car elevator. Much more elaborate elevator access will be available in the new Porsche Design Tower near Miami (opening in 2016 and already 80 percent sold out, according to a December report by Slate.com). The 132 oceanside units (in square footage from 4,300 to 17,000 and in price from $5.3 million to $32.5 million) include glasswalled, elevator-accessed spaces for two or four cars (for people who would rather admire their Bugattis and Maseratis than the Atlantic Ocean). Can’t Possibly Be True Tension over digital security is such that an alarming disclosure made in 2004 (and largely ignored) can resurface on a website in 2013 and appear even more astonishing. At the height of the Cold War in the 1960s (and largely because of Pentagon-White House contentiousness), “safeguards” were installed to prevent rogue generals from launching nuclear war on their own. What today would be a “PIN” number was assigned to each missile, but Strategic Air Command generals mocked the PINs by setting each one to “00000000” — a code that today would be ridiculed as naive. (Furthermore, “00000000” was then written out on each missile’s instructions, according to the former launch control officer who disclosed it in 2004.) Inexplicable David Friehling, who was identified as Bernard Madoff’s accountant soon after Madoff’s 2008 confession to running his notorious Ponzi scheme, provided evidence in November that a certain Madoff associate knew all along that Madoff was running bogus numbers on his books — testifying that he dutifully certified all such falsified documents that the associate showed him. Friehling, who pleaded guilty in 2009 for his personal role in the scam, also revealed that somehow he had actually blown $4.3 million of his own money in the swindle. The Continuing Crisis When a pickpocket shared a taxi ride with him recently in China’s Hunan province and somehow managed to lift Zou Bin’s iPhone, Zou was frightened that he had lost all of his beverageindustry business contacts and began text-messaging desperate pleas to the thief. Several days later, in the postal mail, Zou received a list of his contacts, apparently carefully copied from the phone, totaling 11 handwritten pages of names and numbers. On Chinese social media, the earnest thief was referred to as “the conscience of the (robbery) industry.”



JAN. 10, 2014

Issue of malodorous Cove prompts lawsuit against city By Dave Schwab

La Jolla Today LA JOLLA — Will allowing the public access to cliffs above La Jolla Cove dissuade sea lions from congregating there and alleviate or solve the ongoing problem of foul-smelling marine mammal and bird waste buildup? The answer may soon be “blowing in the wind” as the city has bowed to public pressure, installing a gate Dec. 31 in the fence on the Cove bluffs, which for years has deterred visitors from stepping onto the rocks above where sea lions in ever-larger numbers are hauling out. Responding to recent developments at La Jolla Cove, District 1 City Councilwoman Sherri Lightner said it has been “legal for people to walk on the bluffs,” despite the fact that the fence has been up for more than a decade. “As a long-time advocate for the protection of public views and physical access to our beaches and coastline, I have supported installing a gate in the fence at La Jolla Cove,” she said. Nonetheless, Lightner urged residents and visitors alike to “be cautious when accessing the area because the bluffs can be unstable and slippery, and to be careful not to harass or disturb the marine mammals and winged wildlife.” Long term, Lightner said she supports developing a citywide coastal management plan to deal with the proliferation of seals, sea lions and migratory birds along San Diego’s 26-mile coastline. Lightner said she will push for city funds to be included in the upcoming budget cycle to develop a plan that could incorporate best practices from other California municipalities like Pacific Grove, Carpinteria and San Francisco that deal with similar challenges of balancing the needs of people and marine animals. “I will continue working with interim Mayor Gloria and city staff to address coastalaccess issues, as well as odor problems related to the growing populations of birds and marine mammals,” said Lightner. In other developments with the Cove stench problem, a group of La Jolla merchants known as Citizens For Odor Nuisance Abatement have banded together and filed a lawsuit in Superior Court against the city of

community CALENDAR Got an item for the calendar? Send the details via email to calendar@coastnewsgroup.com.

Jan. 11

MUST BE THE MONEY The Oceanside Public Library invites all to meet Henry DeVries, author, educator and marketing expert at 1 p.m.Jan. 11 at the Civic Center Library Foundation Room, 330 N. Coast Highway, Oceanside. DeVries is the co-author of “How to Close a Deal Like Warren Buffet.” For more information, call (760) 4355600 or visit oceansidepubliclibrary.com. FRIENDS AND FUN Catholic Widows & Widowers of North County will take a Jan. 11 morning hike at Lake Hodges and lunch at Macaroni Grill, Escondido. Jan. 14, the group meets for Happy Hour at Bellefleur Restaurant, Carlsbad, Jan. 15: Golf (call for location and tee time) and Jan. 16, bowling at the Vista Entertainment Center and Happy Hour at Famous Dave's BBQ,Vista. WILD SIDE WALK Join the free Wildlife Walk from 9 to 11 a.m. Jan. 11 on the Santa Inez Trail in San Elijo Lagoon. This area received an Orchid Award for the creation of nesting islands and restored habitat for sensitive and endan-

The city installed a gate in the fence at La Jolla Cove on Dec. 31 with the hope that as more visitors are encouraged to venture out onto the rocks, the groups of sea lions and birds that have gathered — and defecated — on the cliffs will begin to retreat, taking with them the stench that has plagued the area for years. Photo by Jim Grant

San Diego and Gloria seeking to both abate the odor problem and open the fence up on the bluffs. Norman Blumenthal, founding partner of Blumenthal, Nordrehaug & Bhowmilk, who is representing the La Jolla citizens’ group, said his clients felt the odor problem has gotten to the point where something needed to be done to spur action to alleviate it. “The best analogy is if you had an open sewer in front of your home and the city refused to fix it,” Blumenthal said. “We’ve been 2 1/2 years down this road and the problem with the odor has not been abated. The city, as the owner of these rocks, is responsible for them. It’s a public nuisance and it’s awful.”

gered species. For information, Beach Presbyterian Church, visit SanElijo.org. 120 Stevens Ave., Solana Beach. Screenings, giveaways, Jan. 12 door prizes, a free lunch and MAKE SOME HISTORY entertainment. For any ques(858) 509Every Saturday and Sunday, tions, call from noon to 4 p.m., enjoy free 2587. FRESH AND TASTY family activities at the San Dieguito Heritage Museum, Visit the Encinitas Wednesday 450 Quail Gardens Drive. In Farmer’s Market from 4 to 7 January, get ready for spring p.m., 600 S. Vulcan Ave. at E cleaning by making your own Street. For information, visit soap. For more information, Encinitas101.com. WAKEN THE MUSE visit SDHeritage.org or call North County Alive Poets' (760) 632-9711. Society meets to share poetry Jan. 14 at 11 a.m. Jan. 15 at Ducky GENEALOGY GROUP Waddles Emporium, 414 N. The Computer-Oriented Coast Highway. Bring copies of Genealogy Society will meet at 10 a.m. Jan. 14 in the Carlsbad City Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive. Professional genealogist Anne Renshaw, will present “The Three Faces of FamilySearch: FamilySearch, Family Tree, and FamilySearch Wiki.” For information email boylepam@ gmail.com or call (760) 476-9289. KEEP SEARCHING North San Diego County Genealogical Society will hold its monthly Business and Sharing Meeting at 1 p.m. Jan. 14 in the Community Room at Carlsbad Cole Library, 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive.

Jan. 15

GET HEALTHY The Solana Beach Community Senior Center will be hosting a Health Fair at 10 a.m. Jan. 15 in Debin Hall of the Solana

Claude-Anthony Marengo, incoming president of the La Jolla Village Merchants Association, said the group will vote at its Jan. 8 meeting on whether to support the lawsuit filed by La Jolla merchants against the city seeking redress of the Cove stench problem. Marengo noted the situation at the Cove is complex. “Once you get past the barrier (fence) issue, you’ve still got to deal with the smell,” he said. Blumenthal said people thus far have been disappointed by the city’s response to the problem. “I think their excuses smell like rotten fish,” he said.

your poetry for tique. RSVP to Jablonski ktshere@gmail.com.

cri- from Jan. 16 through Feb. 9 at Katie the AVO Playhouse, 303 Main at St. Tickets from $22 - $30 on sale online at moonlightstage.com or by Jan. 16 phone at (760) 724-2110.moonSUPER SALADS Enjoy a lightstage.com. 2014 TAX CHANGES The free cooking demonstration, “Build a Better Salad,” 6:30 to National Active and Retired Employees 8 p.m. Jan. 16 with Chassie Federal Bell’s salad-making tips and Association meets at 1:30 p.m. tricks with nutrient dense Jan. 16 and every third greens, fruit and veggies to get Thursday of the month at the more bang from your salad. Oceanside Senior Center, 455 For more information, visit Country Club Lane, in SDCL.org or call (760) 753- Oceanside. Dale Huffman, CPA, will speak on tax changes 7376. MOONLIGHT SEASON for 2014. Visit See the comedy “Nunsense” narfechapter706.org.



Who’s NEWS?

eant March 1 to crown a Strawberry Queen and Princesses to reign over the 2014 Strawberry Festival which will be held Business news and special May 25. The pageant is open to achievements for women aged 14 to 21 North San Diego County. young who live in San Diego Send information via e-mail County. Interested conto community@ testants should e-mail coastnewsgroup.com. vistaberryqueen@gmail.co m or call (760) 716-9477 for details. Grants available The Carlsbad Hospitality world Community Foundation is MiraCosta College’s offering grants Community Hospitality Management Engagement – Leadership and Voluntarism, For more Program offers training for information, contact John those interested in hospiDuca at (619) 822-4485 of tality or restaurant manjohn@sdfoundation.org. agement careers. This Letters of Intent are due spring semester, MiraCosta no later than 5 p.m. Jan. 13, is offering HOSP 130 Conference and Special 2014. To learn more, visit Event Management, HOSP Front Office carlsbadcharitablefounda- 133 Management, HOSP 145 tion.org. Hospitality Supervision Visit Grauer School and HOSP 153 Restaurant Management. Spring The Grauer School is semester begins Jan. 13; hosting semi-private late start classes begin the Discover Grauer Tours at week of Jan. 27. Fees are 9:15 a.m. Jan. 23 and Feb. 6 just $46 per unit for for prospective student California residents. To families. The hour-long apply for admission, to tours are limited to eight enroll, or for additional families per tour. information, call (760) 795RSVP to grauer6620 or visit school.com or by calling miracosta.edu. (760) 274-2116.

Rhoades school tours

The Rhoades School, will host Open House tours for kindergarten through fourth grade 9 to 11 a.m. Jan. 14 and for grades 5 to 8 from 9 to 11 a.m. Jan. 15. The program begins promptly at 9:15 a.m. To reserve a spot visit RSVP@dseltzer@rhoadesschool.com.

Festival time

The Vista Chamber of Commerce is beginning preparations for its spring Strawberry Festival Pageant including the pag-

Visit OMA

The Oceanside Art Museum hours are Tuesday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday 1 to 4 p.m. at 704 Pier View Way, Oceanside. The museum store does not require museum admission. The Museum store supports regional artists with hand-crafted gifts, jewelry and wearable art. Season items include holiday ornaments, one-ofa-kind cards and specialty wrapping paper. Store hours are Tuesday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday 1 to 4 p.m.


Say you saw it in the Rancho Santa Fe News!

Norma Nelson-Wiberg joins Bank of America RANCHO SANTA FE — Bank of America Home Loans hires Norma NelsonWiberg from Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Banking to further build its San Diego market presence. “We

We continue to carefully grow in the region.” John Bianchi SVP Mortgage Lending

continue to carefully grow in the region and are thrilled to add her team of such seasoned professionals,” commented John Bianchi, SVP

Mortgage Lending, Bank of America Home Loans. The team includes Norma Nelson-Wiberg, Nick Aldridge and Shawn Woolf. Norma Nelson-Wiberg (NMLSR#: 4488015) has more than 34 years of experience in the real estate finance industry including both sales management and origination. She spent the past 18 years with Wells Fargo and played a key role in the original development of Private Mortgage Banking. Her tenure with Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Banking included 10 years as Branch Sales Manager in the San Diego marketplace with a focus on affluent market areas such as Rancho Santa Fe, Del Mar and La

NORMA NELSON-WIBERG Jolla. Her accomplishments include five years in Leaders Club and five years in President Club, all while maintaining the highest level of customer service in the industry. Mrs. Nelson-

Wiberg’s personal production exceeds $1.5 billion in originations and her team $8.9 billion in funding in the past 10 years. Wiberg has built her success from strong relationships with her clients and partnerships with financial advisors, CPAs, realtors and other professionals, where her focus ensures that the financing of high-end real estate transactions are consistent with the goals of every client’s financial plan. For more information, or to contact Norma NelsonWiberg, please call (858) 354-4777, email norma.nelson-wiberg@bankofamerica.com or visit the his website at mortgage.bankofamerica.com/ norma.nelson-wiberg

Better heart monitor found Changes REGION — Research by the Scripps Translational Science Institute (STSI) has found that a small adhesive wireless device worn on the chest for up to two weeks does a better job detecting abnormal and potentially dangerous heart rhythms than the Holter monitor, which is typically used for 24 hours and has been the standard of care for more than 50 years. T h e findings, w h i c h were published and made publicly available online by the American Journal of Medicine Jan. 2, suggest that the ZIO Service — which includes the ZIO Patch, data analysis and a diagnostic report provided by device maker iRhythm Technologies of San Francisco — could replace the Holter monitor as the preferred method of tracking electrical heart activity in ambulatory patients. “This is the first large prospective validation that this new technology superseded the device invented by Norman Holter in 1949,” said study senior author Eric Topol, M.D., a cardiologist

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JAN. 10, 2014


directs STSI and serves as the chief academic officer of Scripps Health. “By tracking every heart beat for up to two weeks, the ZIO Service proved to be significantly more sensitive than the standard Holter, which uses multiple wires and typically is only used or tolerated for 24 hours. “For millions of people who present each year with suspected arrhythmia, this may prove to be the new standard for capturing the culprit heart rhythm electrical disturbance, most commonly atrial fibrillation which carries a significant risk of stroke,” he said. The ZIO Patch is a Food and Drug Administrationcleared compact, low-profile, noninvasive, water-resistant device that is worn for up to two weeks throughout normal activity then mailed by the patient to iRhythm for data analysis with a proprietary algorithm. The Holter monitor, which was first introduced in the 1940s, includes a cellphone sized recorder typically worn at the waist and five to seven lead wires that attach to the chest. The STSI study used electrocardiograph data collected from 146 patients who were fitted with a ZIO Patch and a Holter monitor after being referred to the cardiac investigations laboratory at Scripps Green Hospital for ambulatory heart monitor-

ing. The Holter monitor was worn for 24 hours, and the ZIO Patch was worn for up to 14 days. Over the course of the study, the ZIO Service detected 96 arrhythmia events while the Holter monitor detected 61. T h e researchers c re d i t e d t h e p a t ch ’s superior p e r f o r mance primarily to prolonged monitoring. Physicians who reviewed data from both devices reported reaching a definitive diagnosis 90 percent of the time when using the patch results and 64 percent of the time when using Holter monitor data. A survey of study participants found that 81 percent of them preferred wearing the patch over the Holter monitor, with 76 percent saying the Holter monitor affected their daily living activities. One unexpected finding was that the Holter monitor detected 11 more arrhythmias than the ZIO Service during the initial 24-hour period when both devices were working simultaneously. However, all of those arrhythmias were picked beyond 24 hours by the patch during the device’s extended monitoring period. The ZIO Service detected two arrhythmias not captured by the Holter during the initial 24hour period.Other study coauthors were Paddy Barrett, M.D.; Ravi Komatireddy, M.D.; Sharon Haaser; Sarah Topol; Judy Sheard; Senyase Encinas; and Angela J. Fought. Funding for the research project was provided by iRhythm Technologies and through a National Institutes of Health Clinical and Translational Science Award made to STSI. STSI is a NIHsponsored consortium led by Scripps Health in collaboration with The Scripps Research Institute.

proposed to Recreation Fee Sites REGION — Cleveland National Forest officials gathered public comments on proposed changes to the Corral Canyon, Holy Jim, Mt. Laguna, Ortega, Tenaja and Wildomar Recreation Fee Areas at the end of 2013. The forest is proposing to eliminate or substantially reduce the size of these standard amenity fee areas. These proposed changes result in more than 30,000 acres becoming free to the public. Comments deadline was Dec. 13, 2013, and will now be compiled, analyzed and shared with the California Recreation Resource Advisory Committee. The proposed changes to the Cleveland National Forest recreation fee areas will be presented to a citizen’s advisory committee, called the California Recreation Resource Advisory Committee (R-RAC). Committee members represent a broad array of recreation interest groups. More information about the R-RAC, including meeting dates and locations can be found at fs.usda.gov/main/r5/recreation/racs. If adopted, it is anticipated that the proposals for the Cleveland recreation fee areas would be implemented in the winter of 2014. In the interim, consistent with direction on implementation of the national review, the Cleveland National Forest has not been issuing notices of required fees or enforcing recreation fees outside of the listed recreation sites and reduced area boundaries. For more information about this fee proposal, please contact Jacob Rodriguez by phone at (951) 736-1811 or by email jfrodriguez@fs.fed.us. Comments may be submitted to: Cleveland National Forest, Trabuco Ranger District, 1147 E. Sixth St., Corona, CA 92879 or by email at jfrodriguez@fs.fed.us.

Interfaith CEO retires By Rachel Stine

REGION — Richard Batt retired from his position as the CEO of Interfaith Community Services less than two weeks after the North County nonprofit suspended its merger with the Community Resource Center. Announcing his decision on Dec. 23, Batt said that he was leaving for personal reasons, including the need to care for his elderly father who has advanced Parkinson’s disease. “I came to Interfaith with the goal of helping it become one of the best social service organizations in the region. We advanced toward that goal but there is still more to do,” he stated in a letter to Interfaith employees. Based in Escondido, Interfaith has provided food, emergency shelter, employment assistance and other services throughout North County for 31 years. Associate Director Craig Jones was appointed to serve as interim CEO. He has worked for the organization for 16 years. Interfaith’s board of directors will determine a process for filling the position permanently and a replacement will likely be selected within three to six months, said the agency’s Director of Community Connections Jason Coker. Interfaith commended Batt in a press release for

Richard Batt resigned as CEO of Interfaith after serving for two years. Photo courtesy of Interfaith Community Services

his work leading the effort to create a plan to solve homelessness in North County, launching the organization’s employment services department, and the expansion of its temporary housing program. Batt was hired as CEO in September 2011, taking over from Suzanne Pohlman who led the organization for 30 years. His retirement comes on the heels of the deferral of the merger between Interfaith and the Community Resource Center in Encinitas. In mid-June, the two social services organizations announced that they

planned to join together to create one primary North County agency to cut down on duplicate services and reduce overhead costs. The new agency would have combined Interfaith’s $10.4 million operating budget and specialties in veterans’ assistance, addiction recovery programs, and senior services with the Community Resource Center’s $4.2 million annual budget and robust domestic violence programs and employment assistance. Batt was poised to take over as CEO of the joined nonprofits once the merger was complete. Laurin Pause, the executive director of the Community Resource Center, had retired in July, but has since returned to her position. The Community Resource Center did not respond to a request for comment. The merger was to be finished by Dec. 31, but was called off on Dec. 11. An Interfaith press release attributed the suspension to the agencies’ inability to resolve issues including corporate identity, finances, unified governance, and the organizational culture. But Coker noted that the merge has not been completely abandoned and may be resumed sometime in the future. “The merger is not entirely off the board,” he said.

Escondido charter coming back to life? n’t mean it is the only factor, but it’s a legitimate concern since restricting governments Kirk to paying prevailing wage can Effinger introduce higher costs for taxpayers on city projects. These costs are not limitCertain people in Escondido who have an almost ed to paychecks, either. pathological hatred of Mayor Sam Abed and those members of the city council who make up the majority on it — Ed Gallo, John Masson, and Mike Morasco — are sounding the alarm over what they perceive to be nascent attempts to resurrect a charter effort once thought dead. I have to wonder whether it is the message or the messenger that engenders so much vituperation on the subject. I have been openly critical in the past over the way the notion of making Escondido a charter city has been handled but, living with the experience and the way chartering was handled in San Marcos, I disagree with critics that — taken as a whole — charters are a bad idea. It’s hard for me to reconSan Marcos Unified cile the idea that it’s better to have Sacramento essentially School District, which, like all telling a city how it should be public school districts is run rather than having a meas- required to pay prevailing ure of local control that gives wages on all projects, is paying residents and taxpayers credit over a quarter-million dollars for knowing what is best for to consultants on the San Marcos High School reconthem. This is especially the case struction project whose sole when you consider the disaf- role is monitoring the payrolls fection of a large number of of every contractor involved voters over the way their state for compliance. (To be accuhas been run by Sacramento rate,it’s really the district’s taxpoliticians these past several payers who are paying.) Properly drafted, a charyears. The issue of prevailing ter can put in place better prowage requirements is a moti- tections and opportunities for vating factor in many cities’ taxpayers, including the bugadecisions to charter.That does- boo opponents typically trot

Charters can also open the door for creative revenue opportunities that may not be available under the state’s General Law provisions.

College board elects president, vice president By Promise Yee

OCEANSIDE — MiraCosta College’s board of trustees recently elected David Broad as board president and Jeanne Shannon as board vice president. Both have served as board members for three years and will serve one year in elected positions. Broad is a native of England, an Oceanside resident and a board representative of Area 6. He is a retired general manager of Genentech, which produces biological drugs for the treatment of cancers and immune disorders. While working at Genentech in 2001, Broad reached out to MiraCosta College and helped set up a biotech-certificate program to train workers for the IDEC/Genentech facility. After his retirement from Genentech in 2008, Broad became president of the MiraCosta College Foundation and has been active in the foundation’s fundraising efforts. About 60 percent of MiraCosta students work while they attend college and 36 percent of students receive financial aid. “I’m passionate about the education community college provides,” Broad said. “In Britain you don’t have anything similar.”



JAN. 10, 2014

out over councils setting their own pay. Charters can also open the door for creative revenue opportunities that may not be available under the state’s General Law provisions. If they want broad support, it would be a real good idea for the city council to at least hold a couple of workshops to hear what citizens might want. This gives the city an opportunity to present their case for the charter and quite possibly get an idea or two that hasn’t been considered. Trotting out the anti-prevailing wage argument as if it is the sole reason to have a charter is, as has already been proven, a recipe for disaster. Since newly enacted state law requires charter cities to follow the same position on prevailing wages as general law cities, the suggestion invites yet another Escondido trip to the courts. Most importantly, it is simply not a strong enough argument to overcome the antipathy of organized labor and their allies. If the Escondido City Council wants voter support for a charter, they should also ask for their help.

Kirk W. Effinger was born in San Diego and raised in Southern California. He and his family have been residents of San Marcos for the past 30 years. His opinion columns have appeared regularly in the North County Times and, later, the San Diego Union-Tribune since 1995. He can be reached at kirkinsanmarcos@att.net or follow him on Twitter at @kirkeffinger

In loving memory of

Annette Liebman Parks

June 28, 1921 - December 19, 2013

MiraCosta College is working on improving its student success rate. Students’ goals range from earning a certificate, to a degree, or transferring to a university. Photo by Promise Yee

Broad describes community colleges as taking the top 100 percent of the class and not leaving behind a student who has the desire to learn. “Many students come from tough backgrounds and are working so hard to improve their lives,” Broad said. Shannon, the newly elected vice president, is a Carmel Valley resident, and board representative of Area 1. She manages her own

accounting and tax practice and teaches accounting and tax classes at the University of San Diego and University of Phoenix. “As vice president I hope to help assist the board and continue to serve the college by providing leadership on issues like student success and growth,” Shannon said. Broad said this year MiraCosta College would focus on the student success movement, which strives to improve the suc-

cess rate of community college students. The movement pushes community colleges to finetune their efforts to help students achieve a certificate, degree, or prepare to transfer to a university. A challenge is community college students come from a wide range of backgrounds and have distinctly different education goals. Broad said the Oceanside campus focuses TURN TO COLLEGE BOARD ON B11

Annette Liebman Parks, age 92, died on December 19, 2013 at her home in Carlsbad, California. Annette was the eldest of three girls born to Maude and Arthur Liebman of New Haven, Ct. on June 28, 1921. She grew up in New Haven then moved to New York City to study dental hygiene at Columbia, later becoming a dental hygienist. During her stay in New York, a friend arranged a blind date with a young Army Lieutenant and radio announcer named Bert Parks. She later said that sitting across from him that evening, all she could see were his lips, and she wanted to kiss him. Of course, she didn’t, but after several years of on and off courtship, they were married in Atlanta, Georgia on June 8, 1943. Like many young men in wartime, Lieutenant Parks shipped out less than three weeks later. They would be separated for two and a half years. When he returned, they found a one bedroom walk-up apartment in New York City and started a family. Twin sons Jeffrey and Joel were born in

August of 1946. The growing Parks clan moved to Greenwich, Ct. toward the end of the decade, and Daughter Annette Jr., nicknamed Petty, was born there in March of 1949. Greenwich became the family base for the next forty-plus years with Florida, and later Rancho Santa Fe, California as second residences. Annette was a gifted storyteller who loved to tell jokes and get people to laugh. And she loved her bridge games. As one close friend famously commented “Annette’s wit and sense of humor made her everyone’s favorite bridge player, but her skill made her their least favorite opponent.” Bert died in 1992, Annette Jr. followed in 2007. Annette is survived by sons Jeffrey and Joel, twin sisters Martha and Mildred, grandchildren Brooke Annette and Aaron Jeffrey Parks and her beloved dog, Frodo, who we are happy to say has found a new and loving home. Per her wishes, Annette’s final resting place will be El Camino Memorial Park in San Diego, California. In lieu of flowers the family requests donations in her name to the charity of your choice.



JAN. 10, 2014


Are your children thriving in school? At Del Mar Pines, we believe the elementary school years are the most formative of a child’s life. For 35 years we’ve challenged the minds and engaged the hearts of our thinker with a lifelong love elementary school experistudents by encouraging a of learning. Come see for ence can have on your thirst for knowledge and an yourself the difference our child’s life. inquisitive spirit. Through a safe, nurtur- Celebrating 35 years ing environment, we provide • Kindergarten through sixth grades students the opportunity to • Small instructional groups led by master teachers express intellectual curiosi• Weekly instruction in music, art, physical education, ty and creative expression computer science, library, Spanish and hands on science while promoting strong • Integration of technology through the use of one-to-one interpersonal relationships. iPads/Macbooks Our goal for each stu• Cultivation of individuality as well as a cooperative spirit dent is to leave Del Mar Pines School as an inde- • Fostering a joy of learning pendent, resourceful • Fully accredited by WASC

Each student leaves as an independent, resourceful thinker with a lifelong love of learning.

St. James Academy — a Hidden Gem! North County’s Premier Catholic Elementary School For over 60 years, St. James Academy has exemplified a higher devotion to excellence. Many things have changed over the years: the building has been completely remodeled, technology is lightning quick, communication is global and access to information is immediate. What hasn’t changed is our goal to prepare students to live responsibly and faithfully in an everchanging world. The Heart of Our School is Our Children Our learning is based on the teachings and philosophy of the Catholic Church and following Gospel values to make a difference in our world. As the challenges of contemporary life evolve, St. James Academy continuously evaluates the best processes to enable our students to meet the current and future needs of our community. The vision for St. James Academy is to enable students, educators, and our

community to gain both the desire and the opportunity to practice Christ-centered action in everyday life. An Outstanding Preschool In living our vision, we have grown to include an outstanding preschool. This program’s goal for three and four year olds is to ensure that your child's first school experiences are filled with love, laughter, and learning. One to One iPad Program We are in the second year of our one to one iPad pilot program. The program includes fourth grade through eighth, and the rest of the school shares a school set of iPads. This program is offering our students the opportunity to utilize new technologies and learning techniques in order to give them a greater advantage in their learning and future educational and career choices. A Stellar Junior High Program We have an almost completely new Junior High program. Our Junior High program has been designed specifically to prepare our students for success in high school. They have a longer day, two days each week of block

scheduling, a choice of electives and a flex period where they can get extra help from teachers, retake or makeup tests, or work on homework. Extra opportunities include athletics, music, performing arts, fine arts, Spanish and a surf club! Full y Accredited and Dedicated St. James is a fully accredited, Catholic elementary school (Preschool8) that has been serving the San Diego North County Coastal community since 1952. St. James employs fully accredited teachers. Students at St. James are blessed with a dedicated teaching and support staff committed to providing a strong educational program that integrates spiritual, moral, academic, social, cultural and physical precepts. The Academy is part of the vibrant St. James Catholic Community. A Hidden Gem St. James Academy is just minutes away from the beach and is tucked away in a beautiful Solana Beach neighborhood, which gives us a great sense of privacy. If you live in North County, call us for a tour of this hidden gem at (858) 755-1777 or visit our website at saintjamesacademy.com

Christmas Eve cat up for adoption at animal center RANCHO SANTA FE — In the early morning hours, Helen Woodward Animal Center staff stumbled upon a tiny, unexpected Christmas Eve guest. Heading into the adoptions building, they noticed a small crate placed alongside the equine stables. Inside a male, 7-year-old, domestic short-haired cat had been abandoned with

It is always emotional for us when we see an adult family pet that is given up without any real explanation.”

only a note. Unable to care for him any longer, the former owner expressed an apology and a reassurance that the feline was up-to-date on his shots as of last year. Center staff has renamed the affectionate cat George Bailey after the Ed Farrelly lead character in the holAnimal Services Manager iday film, “It’s a Wonderful Life.” The George. an adult family pet that search began immediate“It is always emo- is given up without any ly for new home for tional for us when we see real explanation,” said

Helen Woodward Animal Services Manager Ed Farrelly. “You can see the sorrow and confusion on George’s face. It really hit us all so close to Christmas.” C e n t e r Veterinarian Dr. Stephanie Oba provided George Bailey every health check and procedure required to be deemed adoption-ready.

He received a full dental, and a normal two-week vaccination wait period was imposed on Dec. 25, before he could start his quest for a home. For more information on George, or to adopt George, contact the Adoptions Department at (858) 756-4117, ext. 1, visit animalcenter.org or stop by at 6461 El Apajo Road in Rancho Santa Fe.



JAN. 10, 2014

Where to go when traveling abroad E’LOUISE ONDASH Hit the Road To appreciate the public restrooms we have in this country, you need to leave the good ol’ USA. The ready availability of bathrooms here is something we take for granted, but travel to other countries and you’ll never take clean facilities, running water and toilet paper for granted again. In general, Americans not only have easy access to public potties, but they are free. Not so in many countries, where you not only have to search extensively for a public throne, but it’ll cost you to go — anywhere from 25 cents to more than a dollar. Sometimes these bathrooms are guarded by what I call the “toilet toll Nazis” who stand at the door and prevent passage unless you pay. Not to pick on France, but I’ve had some memorable moments in their loos. Once in Paris, near the Louvre, I was grateful to find a restroom, but didn’t see the

elderly woman sitting at a tiny table in a corner collecting Euros. I buzzed right into the building, but was accosted while washing my hands. At first I thought she was just another visitor, but eventually she walked over to her table and pointed to the neat lines of change stored in her little metal tray. I had no money, and tried to explain that I’d have to get it from my husband. She was not happy. After that, I made sure I had a supply of comfort station coins. On another occasion, my husband and I joined a daylong tour of the battlefields of Normandy in Northern France. Very early one Sunday morning, we drove to a nearby town where we were to meet the guide. When we arrived, I was ready for a pit stop,but nothing was open. I eventually had to make use of a tiny sheltered corner with a couple of waisthigh bushes just outside a hotel door. Our tour group consisted of seven men, one other woman and me. We were well into the afternoon when we confided in each other, and then to the guide, that we needed a rest-

Completely automatic, Sanisettes are found all over Paris and will be free as of sometime this year. These public restrooms have automatic everything – doors, toilets, sinks and hand driers. And best of all, when visitors leave, Sanisettes are washed, sanitized and dried automatically in about a minute. Courtesy photo

room break. He looked at us like we were from another planet. We searched, almost in vain, for a public bathroom in the tiny village where we had stopped for lunch (which he also clearly considered a timewaster). We finally found the vilest latrine I’ve ever encountered.


Let’s just say that the smell was overwhelming and the plumbing non-functional, but we were desperate. Another time in Paris, we had dinner at a little back-alley restaurant called Roger la Grenouille (Roger the Frog). The dining room seemed pretty 20th century, but when I ventured to

iting Third World countries. Once in Turkey, while touring ruins, our guide searched for half an hour for a Western toilet for one of the women in our group. In some countries, it’s not uncommon to have to BYOTP — bring your own toilet paper. You may have to do without if you aren’t prepared, or there may be enterprising women and girls selling toilet paper — usually not more than five squares at a time — at the door. In defense of Paris,the city also has some of the most hightech toilets in the world. Called Sanisettes, these streamline public bathrooms are worth a visit,which I did in 1996.At that time, as I recall, it cost about 50 cents a visit. As of this year, though, they will all be free. The doors open and lock automatically — a little scary, but maybe not as scary as knowing that after 15 minutes, the door will open automatically. This is to discourage vagrants from taking up residence. By the way,a handle is available on the inside for opening whenever. Flushing is automatic, as are the water faucets and blowdriers, but the most impressive thing is what happens after you leave. (This is the part I really wanted to see.) The entire interior is washed, sanitized and dried in about a minute. I think the British have the best name for these space-age public conveniences. They call them Superloos.

the back, I was surprised to find a very crude “squat” toilet without even a water tank. A large pitcher of water was provided for flushing. This would’ve been a real problem for some of the potty princesses with whom I’ve traveled. They’ll use nothing but E’Louise Ondash is a freelance writer liv“Western” or sit-down toilets ing in North County. Tell her about your — a sizable problem when vis- travels at eondash@coastnewsgroup.com.



JAN. 10, 2014


Gen 7 — the next generation of wines FRANK MANGIO

Taste of Wine A new wine release event flashed across the Internet recently, to celebrate the bounty of a special harvest from the Gen 7 winery and its newest releases. It was a time of celebration for the Bacino family in the Crosby community in Rancho Santa Fe. This family came from a legacy of success with the famous Brookside Winery, which produced wine for over150 years in California, and had a number of retail locations headquartered in Cucamonga in Southern California. Over 636 stores put the family in sixth place in wine sales nationwide in the ‘50s, with over 6,000 vineyard acres. Tim Bacino is the current winemaker and he has a model to guide him in his efforts to make Gen 7 wine. “I’m not doing this just to sell wine, but to continue our family legacy. I want to pass it on to the next generation,” he promised. The Gen 7 name on the bottle reflects seven generations of winemaking, including his daughter Gabriella who helped make the wine in his 2008 Road to Zanzibar zinfandel blend. Bacino is one of the growing trends in winemakers that source the best grapes available in California, like Napa Valley, Santa Barbara, Lodi and Temecula, and artistically blend the best together.

Executive Chef Stephanie O’Mary-Berwald has created a strong seafood menu at Pacifica Del Mar.

Tim Bacino, owner-winemaker of Gen 7 Wines of Rancho Santa Fe. Courtesy photos

If you ask him, Bacino has a special affection for his Zinfandel and it was on a pedestal at his new release event, labeled as the 2010 Dryfarmed Old Vines Cienega Valley 1832 Zinfandel ($48). These are plantings that are over 100 years old. His great uncle left France in 1832 and came to

California to make wine from a purchased 250-acre farm in Hollister, the first vineyards in the area. The 2010 is a very big Zin and shows flashy fruit with dynamic body and a peppery finish. Gen 7 released four other new wines on this day: A Brut style sparkling wine; a white blend of Viognier and Muscat; a French style light and crisp Chardonnay with just a “kiss” of oak, from the Central Coast; a Cabernet Sauvignon with grapes from the Temecula Valley that Bacino says “will convince wine drinkers of the quality of Temecula grapes.” Gen 7 wines have been on the market for almost three years now and are in some wine departments in grocery stores and wine shops

in San Diego County. You can purchase these handcrafted wines at gen7wines.com or call at (619) 540-1986. Grillin’ and Chillin’ at Pacifica Del Mar Grilled seafood is the passion at Pacifica Del Mar. The menu and wine list is seeded with a large array of examples of this model and diners are all the better for it. Pacifica is fortunate to have Executive Chef Stephanie O’Mary-Berwald, a fresh talent, back in the kitchen, providing a new and exciting touch to the menu. Her Peruvian heritage seasons her dishes with a South American background, but her tendencies are to present high quality

Eat for FREE on your Birthday Excludes beverages and gratuities. Excludes alcohol. Not valid on holidays. Must be accompanied by a guest. MUST SHOW proof of birth date (drivers license). Up to $18 value. Please consider the value of this coupon when tipping your server. Offers cannot be combined with other promotions & discounts. One offer per table. Ask server for details. With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior purchases.

Mediterranean dishes. With a dramatic view of the Pacific atop the Del Mar Plaza, you’ll want to zoom in on such dishes as: Miso Marinated Black Cod, Grilled Swordfish and Mahi Mahi, Slow Poached Maine Lobster and my choice, Pan Roasted Seabass with soy glaze, bok choy and green curry-coconut sauce. Berwald loves being in San Diego because “in San Diego there are lots of local seafood companies that provide fresh, highly acclaimed selections.” I asked her what else she sees as a fast-growing trend. “The surge in interest for Kale, which has a texture and flavor that is increasing of interest. It’s wonderful uncooked in salads, chopped in small pieces and as a hot side for seafood entrees.” Pacifica has been awarded the prestigious Gold Medallion for “Best Seafood Dining in San Diego.” LUNCH Mon-Fri 11:30am-2:00pm DINNER Mon-Thurs: 5pm-9pm Fri: 5pm-9pm / Sat: 4pm-9pm Sun: 4pm-9pm

211 S El Camino Real, Encinitas • 760-632-0888 (In the LA Fitness Shopping Center)

On the wine side, Pacifica uses an iPad system on each table, so diners can electronically browse the extensive list for a favorite selection. I liked the half-bottle choices so customers can try big name wines at less than the price of a full bottle. I chose a Napa Valley 2007 Trefethen Cabernet. For more, see pacificadelmar.com. Wine Bytes Il Fornaio in Del Mar has its Festa Regionale now through Jan. 19, this time with menus from Trentino-Alto Adige. Pairing wines include Teroldego and Pinot Noir from the district. Call (858) 7558876. The Ramona Wine Trail, with Eagles Nest, Schwaesdall and Pamo Valley are dong a three winery tasting with cheese and olives, Jan. 11 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Cost is 24. For tickets, call (760) 505-8229. Europa Village Winery in Temecula presents Egg Cooking Jan. 11 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Find out how many ways you can use an egg. Tastes are paired with wines. $45. Call (951) 216-3380. Blind Tasting Game happens at Bacchus Wine Market, downtown San Diego Jan. 11 from 2 to 8:30 p.m. Eight wines are brown bagged and you guess the grape inside. Prizes. More information is available by calling (619) 236-0005. SDSU in San Diego has an Open House for its Wine Education Program for spring 2014, Jan. 14 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Hospitality and prizes. Details call (619) 594-6924. Frank Mangio is a renowned wine connoisseur certified by Wine Spectator. His library can be viewed at www.tasteofwinetv.com. (Average Google certified 900 visits per day) He is one of the top five wine commentators on the Web. Reach him at mangiompc@aol.com.



JAN. 10, 2014


Something for everyone at Blue Ocean Robata & Sushi Bar DAVID BOYLAN Lick the Plate


nce in a while, a new restaurant opens that really excites me on many levels. The recently opened Blue Ocean Robata & Sushi Bar in Carlsbad is such a place. While Robata-style grilling has been around forever in Japan and in larger U.S. cities, it’s catching on with the foodie crowd and when combined with a sushi bar and an innovative kitchen menu like Blue Ocean has done, it’s a trifecta of culinary sensory delights. And let me clarify that when I say something for everyone, I don’t mean in a massive menu from a chain restaurant kind of way. Blue Ocean will delight sushi lovers and those who enjoy grilled meat, poultry, fish and veggies. First off I’ll give a brief history and description of Robata-style cooking. Robata means “fireside cooking” in Japanese, and, put simply, that’s what Robata is: Japanese-style grilling. For all those people who think Japanese food begins and ends with sushi, Robata grilling actually has a much longer history and tradition. Robata started in northern Japan and it actually came from the Japanese tea ceremony. If you see really old homes in Japan, in the center of the living space there would be a dug out pit. In the center of the pit was charcoal and a chain hanging from the ceiling attached to a teakettle. People eventually started using that same technique to cook. Typical dishes included hot pots, and eventually Robata came out of that. Robata grilling uses a special kind of white oak called bincho, a compressed hard-wood charcoal and the preferred technique is to get the juices to drip out from the ingredients and cause a little puff of smoke to enhance the flavor of the food. Unlike a stovetop, you can’t adjust the heat when you’re working with charcoal this hot. Instead, the chefs have to adjust the height of the food for each ingredient and carefully track the time it stays on the grill. As you may imagine, the grilling possibilities are endless. We tried the Korobuta sausage, Wagyu meatball, flat iron, sea bass, black cod, asparagus and zucchini and they were all amazing. They were grilled perfectly and the flavors were incredible. I love mixing up meat, fish and veggies and Blue Ocean takes the age old surf and turf to a whole new level. Of course the experience does not stop at the Robata

grill. There is a full sushi bar and I should note that the ownership behind Blue Ocean already has a track record with sushi with their Love Boat restaurants. We had to try a roll and some Nigiri so we went with some albacore and blue fin and an Aloha roll that featured pickled ginger, avocado, shrimp, and crab that is deep fried with a pineapple sauce. A lot going on for sure but it all worked together perfectly. In addition to the Robata grill and sushi bar, there is a nice selection of entrees from the kitchen that includes some great looking mussels with lap cheong sausage and togarashi matchstick fries, sticky pork ribs, honey lacquered duck breast and a lobster crusted fillet mignon. The dessert menu is equally impressive with a ginger butterscotch pudding and a chocolate almond torte standing out among several selections. Again, back to the some-

and the food came out quickly. There are several options for seating including a nice dining room, bar, sushi bar, or by the Robata grill. It’s a contemporary space yet it’s warm and inviting at the same time. We tasted a lot on our one visit and still only scratched the surface of what they have to offer. Blue Ocean is the best new restaurant on the North County dining scene and I’d encourage a visit for sure. They are located at 2958 Madison Street in Carlsbad. Call (760) 434-4959 and check them out on Facebook at facebook.com/BlueOceanSD.

Flank steak and Sea Bass fresh off the Robata grill at Blue Ocean. Photo by David Boylan

thing for everyone point I made earlier. The talent in the kitchen at Blue Ocean is formidable with Corporate Chef Michael

Zonfrilli and Chef de Cuisine Andy Halvorsen teaming up to oversee the Robata grill and kitchen menu. Lead Sushi Chef Brandon heads up the

sushi bar team and Director of Operations Jimmy Oh makes it all run smoothly. It was a full house on a recent Friday and the servers were all attentive

Lick the Plate can now be heard on KPRi, 102.1 FM Monday-Friday during the 7pm hour. David Boylan is founder of Artichoke Creative and Artichoke Apparel, an Encinitas based marketing firm and clothing line. Reach him at david@artichoke-creative.com or (858) 395-6905.



Rules of Surfing 101 CARLI LEAVITT


s a female surfer in San Diego I get a lot of attention in the water. Sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s bad, but every time I hit the surf it seems like all eyes are on me — and my pack of beautiful female surf buddies. This past weekend was no different. A friend and I went for a mid-day surf in Ocean Beach and as we started our paddle out, we could sense that everyone was watching to see if we could actually make it past the

break— no pressure. Luckily we did it no problem and proceeded to have a great surf session, holding our own against the crowd of guys in the water. I was sitting in the line up, watching the crowds converge. Beginner surfers mingled and often tangled with more advanced surfers and visitors from out of town bobbed in the middle, when I started thinking about the concept of surf etiquette. I’ve learned a few things here and there, like don’t drop in and hold onto your board (that’s a story in and of itself — basically if you bail your board to get under an overhead wave and it goes flying at a bunch of people, you WILL be yelled out of the water, and rightfully so). TURN TO SURFING ON B11


Contact us at sports@coastnewsgroup.com with story ideas, photos or suggestions

Chargers looking to lasso another unlikely playoff win JAY PARIS

There are plenty of things to keep in mind when hitting the surf. Courtesy photo

Chargers are believers in winning season By Tony Cagala

SAN DIEGO — In the Chargers locker room, belief has set in. It didn’t take a string of five wins in a row, a series of improbable outcomes, or a missed field goal to send them into the playoffs for it to set in. It didn’t even take a win in the first round of playoffs. Belief has been a part of this team from the beginning of the season – the belief that they could go in and play against any team and beat any team. Quarterback Philip Rivers said on Monday after the team’s 27-10 win in Cincinnati, that he wouldn’t have picked the Chargers to

JAN. 10, 2014

Believing in the team, coaches and organization has played a major role this season as the Chargers continue to push forward in the playoffs. In the next couple of days, head coach Mike McCoy will begin game planning for the Denver Broncos. Photo by Tony Cagala

be in the playoffs when they were 5-7 mid-season, if he hadn’t been in the locker room all season long and known this team. He wouldn’t have picked the Chargers to beat

the Bengals in the playoffs, if he hadn’t been in the locker room and known this team. “All that matters in a football game is that your team believes in you, and that’s the most important thing,” said head coach Mike McCoy. “You’ve got 53 guys on your roster, and your coaching staff and everyone in the organization, as long as they believe, you’ve got a chance. When people don’t believe, you’re playing with two strikes against you,” he said. Still, the Chargers are being touted as underdogs all throughout the playoffs. But that isn’t something that second-year linebacker Melvin Ingram is thinking about. Ingram, whose impact on the defense has been felt since his return after missing 12 games due to injury, said he TURN TO CHARGERS ON B11


Bill is a professional photographer who blends his lifelong passion for sports with his skills in photography to capture memorable moments of all types of action oriented events.Call Bill to learn more about how his sports, portrait and commercial photography services can meet your needs.



There are big doings in Denver this weekend and all the best in trying to locate a vacated hotel room. Events like this are special, a real opportunity to say “I was there’’ to friends and family. Jealous, you bet your buddies will be when showing your prized ticket stub to the National Western Stockshow and Rodeo? Oh yeah, there’s a little football game hogging the headlines in the Mile High City, too. Saddle up, pardner, because the Chargers’ season continues to have plenty of giddy up. They’ve got a Sunday date with the Denver Broncos, the AFC’s top-seed in the playoffs, and wager against them at your own risk. I’ve got crow feathers stuck between my teeth from doubting the Chargers. The Bengals have lightning bolts across their backs, after being eliminated by the Chargers last Sunday. The Broncos? They’re still smarting from that recent Thursday night visit when the Chargers made Denver’s Peyton Manning look old while giving their season a fresh glow. Guess what? The odds makers are again finding fault in the Chargers, and we’re not talking about Philip Rivers’ choice of ties. The Chargers keep your stomach in knots because they keep turning the NFL upside down. They’ll jog onto Sports Authority Field as a 10point underdog, with the Las Vegas smarty-pants still not impressed. Maybe they shouldn’t be. Maybe they grade the Chargers’ squad and figure the Broncos’ explosive offense will bring the Bolts back to earth with a jolt. Maybe they look at Manning and see everything the opposite of the Bengals’ Andy Dalton: a smart, experienced quarterback not prone to the mental errors, which led to Cincinnati’s crash-andburn. But if they look closely, it’s no longer about rosters, but confidence. “I think all that matters in a football game is that your team believes in

you,’’ Chargers coach Mike McCoy said. “That is the most important thing. As soon as people don’t believe, you are playing with two strikes against you. You cannot worry about going on the road or being an underdog or anything like that.’’ This is no longer about rings around the Chargers’ trunks as a faith that the roots are strong enough to withstand those winds of adversity. This is no longer about a rookie head coach, but one leading a savvy staff that isn’t outsmarted often. Plus the Chargers are playing loose, as if it’s a pickup, two-hand touch game down at the park. Sure the stakes are higher than who buys the postgame beverages, but the Chargers, to borrow a baseball phrase, are a tough out. No AFC team can match their five-game winning streak. No AFC team can point to winning at Philadelphia, Denver, Kansas City and Cincinnati. No AFC has added an impact defensive player in the last month, like the Chargers did with linebacker Melvin Ingram. And the Chargers’ belief isn’t false bravado. Not after playing keepaway from the Broncos in that season-turning, 27-20 conquest last month in the shadows of the Rockies. But prevailing two straight times in Denver won’t be easy, and really, the Chargers, seeded sixth, shouldn’t win. Then again... “They’re a No. 1 seed for a reason,’’ Rivers said. “This is a heck of a team and it’s rare to play an opponent three times in a season and being a division opponent, one we know well, they know us well. It’s going to be awesome.” We think Rivers was talking about the AFC Divisional Game. But for someone with an affection for bolo ties, cowboy boots and western-style shirts, maybe it’s the rodeo which caught his eye. One thing we know: we’ll be watching on Sunday and so will the rest of the NFL.

Jay Paris can be heard talking Chargers football on 1090 AM on Monday and Friday mornings. He’s also the Wednesday morning co-host of “Hacksaw and Company.” He can be reached at jparis8@aol.com and followed on Twitter @jparis_sports.

Businesses fill shelves of pet food bank ENCINITAS — Empty shelves at the Community Pet Food Bank at your Rancho Coastal Humane Society (RCHS) are received a 5,000-pound donation from Dirty Dogs dog wash in Cardiff and Carmel Valley. Dirty Dogs held a pet food drive during December with all donations going to RCHS. “The Pet Food Bank is keeping people and their pets together,” according to RCHS Community Liaison Nick Winfrey. “Senior citizens living on fixed incomes, the working poor, people with disabilities or terminal illnesses and the homeless often struggle just to feed just themselves. Thanks to the Community Pet Food Bank they no longer have to choose between whether they get to eat or they feed their pets,” Winfrey added.

The Community Pet Food Bank has come a long way in a short time, according to RCHS spokesman John Van Zante. “When we opened the Pet Food Bank 14 months ago there were only three clients on the first day. Now we’re providing more than 10,000 pet meals every month and that number is growing. This donation from Dirty Dogs means a lot.” Winfrey points out that Dirty Dogs joins several other animal friendly businesses that support the Community Pet Food Bank. For more information about the Community Pet Food Bank, to make a food or financial donation, or to learn about volunteer opportunities visit Rancho Coastal Humane Society at 389 Requeza St., call (760) 753-6413, or log on to sdpets.org.

and second screening (using phone, computer or tablet at the same time) in your everyprobably find ways to day speech. That all sounds really include omnishambles (a hot mess), double denim (too nifty to me. much denim in one outfit), dad dancing (find Jimmy Fallon on Youtube), binge- Jean Gillette is a freelance writer watching, mummy porn who probably needs to stick with the (steamy novels for women) Queen’s English. Contact her at






excited they’re restoring it.” About 10 years ago the neighboring Victorian house was torn down, but focused efforts helped put the Graves House on the national register of historic buildings, which protects it under secretary of the interior’s standards for historical preservation. “Architecture influences our lives and adds to our quality of life,” Coons said. “It’s hard to explain a connection. You don’t realize something until it’s gone.” The house is currently in sound structural shape and locked behind a fenced enclosure to guard it from trespassers until final preservation efforts are made within the next few years. Members of the Oceanside Historical Society and SOHO recently took a look inside the house to ensure it was structurally sound. “It’s in very good shape,” Daley said. “The porches don’t look so good. They’re pine and the wood does not stand well in the outdoors. The house itself, the ceiling and roof are in great shape, no rain leakage.” The group jacked up the sagging porch as a quick cosmetic fix. And there are plans to paint the exterior its original tan color before major preservation work begins. “It’s never been off



JAN. 10, 2014

our radar list,” Kristi Hawthorne, Oceanside Historical Society president, said. “We’re hoping it’s painted in February or March before a further facelift is done.” Once hotel construction starts the house will be temporarily moved to the north end of the construction site. Then toward the end of construction the house will be permanently relocated within the hotel property, restored for adapted reuse by the developer and used as a commercial building. Construction is expected to take a few years. Speculations are the 500-square-foot house will be used as a coffee house, gift store or ice cream shop. To maintain its historical integrity its architectural features will remain in tact and preservation efforts will match original interior trim and exterior features. The porch will be redone and flooring will be restored to original wood. “Most windows are original, a couple doors are original,” Hawthorne said. “It will be restored to its closest historical state.” Once preservation is completed the house is expected to be a big draw to hotel guests and other visitors. There are no plans to open the house for viewing until preservation efforts are completed.



didn’t think about being the underdog, over-dog, or the upper-dog. “If we need motivation because people don’t believe because we’re a whateverunderdog, we’re in trouble,” McCoy said. “You got to go out there because you believe that you can do it, and get it done, and that’s why we’re here today,” McCoy added. “We’ve been underdogs plenty of times this year and won.” What the Chargers don’t believe is that they’re done in the playoffs. “I don’t think there’s any secret formula we found, it’s don’t turn the ball over, create turnovers defensively, which they’ve done, and score one more point than the other team,” Rivers said. “And we’ve done that now for five weeks.” For the next couple of days, the Chargers will work on


on training students in certificate programs and the San Elijo campus in Carlsbad focuses on educating students for university transfers. “I believe that the student needs in Area 1 are different from the other areas,” Shannon said. “In Area 1, many of the graduates of Torrey Pines High School and Canyon Crest go onto four year schools.” “The students in the Oceanside area are from more



In an attempt to help fellow San Diego surfers stay safe and have a great time in the water without getting a stern talking to from some locals, here are a few tips I’ve learned along the way: Hold Onto Your Board: Although the imminent doom of a big wave crashing on your head may seem like the worst thing in the world, it’s a lot worse when someone’s board is caught in the wave as well. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT bail your board EVER. I know sometimes your board gets ripped out of your hands and it goes flying whether you want it to or not, but always do your best to hold onto it. I learned this lesson the hard way with an overhead day at Cardiff Reef. I paddled way past the break and was far ahead of the line up when a close out set came out of nowhere. I paddled my hardest to get over it and when I couldn’t, I bailed my board and dove for my life. When I reached the surface, it looked like the whole line up had been taken out by the wave so I thought I was in the clear until I heard a man yell, “it’s pretty hard to get past a wave with a big telephone poll flying at your face.” That’s when I realized my board was the telephone poll and all eyes were on me — in a bad way. Oops! That was an embarrassing moment, but luckily no one got hurt. Don’t Drop In: This can be a little tough while you’re still learning to understand the surf in San Diego. The surfer

Chargers quarterback Philip Rivers said he wouldn’t have picked the team to be in the playoffs if he hadn’t been in the locker room all season and know this team. Photo by Tony Cagala

their game plan before facing off against the Broncos in the divisional round Sunday in Denver. It’ll be the third time these two teams will face each other this season. The series was split with the Broncos taking the first game and the Chargers win-

ning only a few weeks ago in Denver. “We’re out to continue to believe in ourselves,” said veteran cornerback Eric Weddle. “We’ve got an ultimate challenge this week, but we’re excited for the challenge.” Weddle reiterated Rivers’

comments after Sunday’s game that they’re only eight quarters away from the Super Bowl. “When you really think about that, it’s pretty surreal,” Weddle said. “We’re excited; we’re chomping at the bit. If we could play right now tonight we would and we’d be ready to go.”

disadvantaged families and their needs are very different.” Part of the student success movement requires every student to declare a major of study and set learning goals. “Community colleges have had open access for everybody to get into any class since1960,” Broad said. “The majority of students were not college ready in English, math or both. That is no longer acceptable.” In addition to focusing on improving its student success rate, MiraCosta College is also

continuing to expand its facilities to accommodate growing academic demands. “MCCC (MiraCosta Community College) is very much concerned with student success,” Shannon said. “We would like them to have the classes available to them and to do so without any wait lists.” A new science building with laboratory space was recently built on the Oceanside campus. “The biggest issue had to do with lab space,” Broad said.

“The lab was full day and night.” Another new science building is under construction at the San Elijo campus. It is expected to be open for classes next fall. “MiraCosta is in an excellent place right now,” Broad said. “We have a balanced budget, have invested in new science buildings to meet the burgeoning demand for classes in the sciences, and are intently focused on student success.” “It’s an exciting time to be here.”

closest to the peak has the right of way. If you are sitting to the right of a surfer paddling for a “right” wave and they catch it, you need to pull off. Granted if they don’t make it into the wave or immediately fall, you are welcome to go but don’t drop into the wave in front of another surfer going down the line or you will get a whistle, cat call, or flat out yelled at until you move. Learn Where To Paddle: It may seem as though paddling over an oncoming wave is the most important thing when you’re out in the water. Seeing the ocean rise in front of your face and come towering toward you can be terrifying, but keep in mind if you see a surfer coming down the line as you’re paddling out, it’s important that you paddle behind them. It’s not okay to cut off someone who is on the wave already. It may seem rough to duck dive or turtle to get past the breaking wave, but you’ll appreciate it the next time you’re on the wave heading toward oncoming traffic. Don’t Snake: What does it mean to snake someone on a wave? Well, basically it means you are paddling around another surfer as a wave is coming in order to position yourself inside the peak. This is a great way to really upset someone and when it happens to you, you’ll understand. Be respectful and let the surfer with the best position go for the wave and wait your turn.We all know surfing is amazing and we all want to get as many waves as possible but patience is a virtue in life and in the water.

Don’t Paddle Out Through The Line Up: Sometimes it’s hard to stay out of the way as a new surfer, or even a veteran for that matter, but it’s important to do your best. Don’t paddle out in the middle of the line up where everyone is catching and surfing waves; instead try paddling into the channel around the side of the break so you are out of the way of other surfers. Share The Stoke: This is a rule for surfers of all kinds. No matter how great the surf may be or how long it’s been since you’ve been on a board, always share the stoke.What’s the stoke? The stoke is that excited, all encompassing feeling when new or old surfers see the waves and just cannot wait to get in the water. It’s the smile you see on a 12-year-old’s face when she first stands up on a foam board in the white water or the grin on the veteran surfer who caught an insane wave. Surfing is something we all love and the best days in the water are when everyone is happy to be out there. So share the stoke, get your friends on boards, and be kind to those surfing around you. Respect The Beach: We all love the ocean and beaches of San Diego. Remember to keep them clean so we can all enjoy our beautiful coastline. If you come across trash in the water, take the time to paddle back to shore and into a trashcan. Apologize: If you do happen to send a board flying through the line up or accidentally

drop in on someone, it’s always appreciated to flash a smile and sincere sorry (this works especially well for us female surfers). We are all having fun and enjoying the beautiful San Diego surf so don’t be hostile. Share the love and see how a smile can calm even the rowdiest surfer. With so many beautiful beaches and great surf spots in San Diego, this area is ideal for a fun surf vacation. I was lucky enough to grow up in North County with some of the best surf spots — and surfers — in my backyard. My first wave was caught at Turtles in Cardiff and I honed my skills over the years at Cardiff Reef, Grandview, Ocean Beach and Sunset Cliffs. Now I surf every free minute I have and share my love of surfing with those around me. Surfing is something that soothes the soul. After a long workweek or stressful situation, there is no better way to wash away your worries than a dip in our beautiful ocean. Catching waves is the goal, but the experience of being in the water is what we crave. Nothing is better than a bright sunny day in the water when it’s clear enough to see the bottom, watch the kelp sway, and catch a glimpse of the vibrant orange Garibaldi beneath the surface or even a pod of dolphins frolicking in the surf. So grab your favorite group of friends, pack the car with wetsuits, boards and sunscreen, and hit the surf! Carli Leavitt is a Cardiff native who spends her free time surfing, blogging, and enjoying all San Diego has to offer.



JAN. 10, 2014

SOUP TO NUTS by Rick Stromoski

By Bernice Bede Osol

FRANK & ERNEST by Bob Thaves

THE BORN LOSER by Art & Chip Sansom

BIG NATE by Lincoln Peirce

MONTY by Jim Meddick

ARLO & JANIS by Jimmy Johnson


ALLEY OOP by Jack & Carole Bender

FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 2014 Build a solid base in the coming months. Focusing on what’s important to you, along with forming a solid plan for the future, will allow you room to coast through any excessive situations you face this year.You can have fun and be frugal. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Your strong opinions will place you in a position of leadership. Take what’s yours and don’t hesitate to be aggressive. Showing passion and a desire to get ahead will attract interest. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Question certain emotional issues before it is too late. You must stay on top of any situation that could alter your financial future. Problems with institutions or agencies can be expected. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) — Do something nice for someone. Your generous deed will help your reputation. A life change will help you pursue more options. Favors will be granted and support will be offered. ARIES (March 21-April 19) — Don’t worry about ticklish matters; take the initiative and do whatever has to be done to stake your claim. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — The more you discuss your plans, the closer you will be to achieving them. Setting your course

of action is a good place to begin. Honesty will pay off. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) — Secrets must be kept if you want to prosper. Money matters will develop, and the information you have will require discretion. Love is prominent, but don’t mix business with pleasure. CANCER (June 21-July 22) — A change will do you good. Visit a destination that offers something unique or could bring you in touch with someone unusual. Don’t instigate change, but welcome what does come your way. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — Travel in search of new people, places and interests that will help you broaden your horizons. Don’t let an emotional issue get you down or stifle your fun. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Rest, relaxation and a little pampering will be good for you. Include someone special in your leisure plans, and you will make an impression. Love is highlighted. Enjoy the moment. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) — You’ll face opposition, and you should avoid situations that are demanding, overbearing, aggressive or excessive. Protect your home, your assets and your emotional, financial and physical well-being. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) — Speak up. Don’t let anyone push you around. Focus on your beliefs and concerns in order to open up a way to fix an intolerable situation. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) — Don’t gamble with money, love or your health. Protect what you have, making whatever changes are necessary to ensure your safety and happiness. Proceed with caution.




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JAN. 10, 2014

WELCOME BACK Herb Josepher is once again the manager of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties network of offices in Rancho Santa Fe. Josepher’s return has been met with enthusiasm from the agents he worked with for many years as the leader of the five offices. Josepher has founded a number of successful real estate brokerages, and gained a following as a business coach. “It’s great to be back,” Josepher said. “I’m looking forward to many more years helping our agents provide their clients with exceptional service.” Courtesy photo

Patients have ‘skin in the game’ with the new health care reform HEALTH WATCH BY THE PHYSICIANS AND STAFF OF SCRIPPS HEALTH By Chris Van Gorder, president and CEO, Scripps Health

Jan. 1 marks the beginning of a mandate under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) for most Americans to obtain health insurance coverage or pay a penalty. The new year also means that no one can be denied coverage because of a preexisting condition, and more people will qualify for MediCal. Despite implementation issues and other problems with the ACA, its goals are laudable. It is intended to ensure health care coverage for the 48 million uninsured and to rein in the nation’s skyrocketing health care costs, which total more than $3 trillion a year. Health care in this country is already changing and must keep evolving because it’s broken. While it is a crisis, it also presents an opportunity for everyone involved, including patients, to identify areas for improvement. We have to break out of the old paradigm of doctors ordering tests and treatments for patients as an answer to

every real or perceived ill. Instead, patients and doctors must partner together to create individualized care plans that make sense, avoid waste and produce the best outcomes. The ACA places more emphasis on wellness and prevention of illness, with hospitals being reserved for the sickest of the sick. Insurance plans now must cover preventive services such as mammograms and annual physical examinations, but the real responsibility lies with the individual. While preventive care will be covered, for example, it will be up to the patient to schedule and complete screening exams and wellness check-ups, which can identify potentially serious illnesses such as cancer in their earliest and most treatable stages. Also, individuals will be encouraged to take inventory of unhealthy lifestyle behaviors, such as a diet high in sugar, fat or junk food, or a lack of exercise. Such behaviors have been proven to contribute to heart disease, diabetes and other preventable illnesses. At Scripps, we have had

programs in place since 2006 to encourage our employees to adopt healthier lifestyles, including a smarter diet, regular exercise and a healthy work-life balance. Besides being in step with the spirit of health care reform, it’s the right thing to do for our employees. And physicians can help their patients make the same types of changes. In the near future, innovations will make it easier for patients to partner in their care. The fast-emerging world of digital medicine will bring health care to patients’ homes and even their smartphones, helping them better manage chronic conditions and enhancing their regular doctor visits. While the ACA and its initiatives may not be perfect, it is the law of the land and a step toward addressing the nation’s health care problems. The next steps — and real change — will happen as health care providers and patients work together so the right care is delivered at the right time, in the right place.

“Health Watch” is brought to you by the physicians and staff of Scripps Health. For more information or for A physician referral, call 1-800SCRIPPS or visit scripps.org.

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