Rancho santa fe news 2013 12 13

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.com VOL. 9, NO. 24


DEC. 13, 2013

Engineer earns department honor By Tony Cagala

RANCHO SANTA FE — It’s all lights and noise and you’re just hoping that drivers do move out of the way. That’s a little of what it’s like to be driving a fire engine en route to whatever emergency beckons, explained Engineer Nick Brandow of the RSFFPD (Rancho Santa Fe Fire Protection District). “It’s a lot of responsibility,” he said. As an engineer, not only is it Brandow’s duty to get the firefighters out to any emergency scene and operate the apparatus once there, but also to be the right hand man to the station’s captain, often serving as the liaison between the captain and the other firefighters. The sense of responsibility he has towards the work, and his leadership qualities have earned him this year’s David B. Dewey Award. “He’s been here for 10 years and he’s already demonstrated that he’s going to do very well. We’re very proud of him,” said Capt. Dale Mosby, who oversees Brandow and the other firefighters at Fire Station No. 3 in Fairbanks Ranch. Mosby knows the meaning of the award, having won it last year. “It carries on the tradi-

Engineer Nick Brandow is this year’s recipient of the David B. Dewey Award. Brandow has been a firefighter with the Rancho Santa Fe Fire Protection District since 2004. Photo by Tony Cagala

tion of being a good employee,” Mosby said. The David B. Dewey Award was first given out in 1985, explained Karlena Rannals, administrative manager for the RSFFPD. Dewey, a Rancho Santa Fe resident, served as a board member to the fire district for

25 years, Rannals said. He passed away in 1984. In honor of his service to the board, Rannals explained that a group of Dewey’s friends that he used to go hiking with in the Ranch area got together and pulled some money. “And they created this firefighter of the year award,”

she said. The award, which recognizes firefighters’ sense of duty, leadership and commitment to the fire district, is voted on by the firefighters of RSFFPD. When Brandow heard his name announced during the annual awards dinner, he said he was blown away. “I reacted pretty slowly because I was taken aback that they called my name,” he said. “I definitely didn’t jump out of my seat. “I was like, ‘Did I just hear that right? Did they just call my name?’ I think for anyone in the organization, it’s one of the coolest awards that you can get because it’s voted on by your fellow firefighters. So, to be able to be seen in that light, to be voted for firefighter of the year, it’s a great honor,” he added. He was quick to point out the great staff of the fire district as well, from the managers to the administrative staff and prevention and suppression personnel. “It’s a great department to work for,” he said. “I couldn’t be happier with the department. I think we’ve worked really hard to build the relationship we have with the community; we have great TURN TO ENGINEER ON A16

Plan could save cities money on elections By Bianca Kaplanek

COAST CITIES — A proposal by county Supervisor Dave Roberts that could save some cities perhaps $100,000 on special elections won’t currently benefit his hometown of Solana Beach, which will pay about $200,000 for a February vote on rules to govern Fletcher Cove Community Center. The Board of Supervisors voted unanimously at its Dec. 3 meeting to ask state lawmakers to allow mail ballots only for certain elections in general law cities. “Two of the five communities in my district — Encinitas and Solana Beach — each had issues where I felt they didn’t have the options they should have to make a decision,” Roberts said. “What I want to do is give them an option.”

DIVING INTO IT Barbara Allen’s passion for scuba diving has recently earned her an induction into the Women Divers Hall of Fame. B1

“It just begs the fact that The county’s 2014 legislative program, which provides there needs to be some policy direction for San changes in state laws,” Diego’s advocacy efforts in Chairman Greg Cox said.“It is Sacramento, already included counterintuitive to think there’s a need to a recommendahave the pretion to allow mailestablished votballot special elecing locations and tions in general all the tremenlaw cities for dous costs that go California Senate with that. and Assembly “Under state seats, something law we have to currently precludhave one precinct ed by state law. for no more than The suggesevery 1,000 vottion came in ers even though response to a DAVE ROBERTS the vast majorirecent special election to fill a seat vacated ty of people now are voting by when former state Sen. Juan absentee ballots,” Cox added. Vargas was elected to the U.S. “And to have the requirement to still maintain that same House of Representatives. In one precinct, only one standard is absolutely ludivoter showed up at a polling crous.” Roberts said he spent a station that was open from 7 couple of hours going through a.m. to 8 p.m.

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the legislative program. It prompted him to recall an Encinitas special election in June for Proposition A. That measure, which passed, requires voter approval for major amendments to city planning policies and imposes a citywide height limit. In that election, which cost the city approximately $300,000, only 3,330 of the 12,888 ballots were cast at a polling station. The rest, or about 75 percent, were cast by mail as absentee ballots, according to the county Registrar of Voters. In Solana Beach, a citizens initiative known as Proposition B will be presented to voters Feb. 11 to determine a use policy for the renovated Fletcher Cove Community Center on Pacific Avenue. Because Solana Beach, like Encinitas, is a general law city, a mail-only election is not allowed, and Roberts’ proposal comes too late at this point to be an option. “The state would have to change the law, and that would take time even if there is a will to modify the state election law,” City Manager David Ott said. Roberts said Geoff Patnoe, director of the counTURN TO PLAN ON A16

Dan Gibbs, CEO of Home Town Farms LLC stands at the site in Vista where a new retail store and greenhouse will sell and grow local organic fruits and vegetables. Gibbs is turning to accredited investors to get the new venture off the ground. Photo by Tony Cagala


How new SEC rules are helping one retail farming business to sprout By Tony Cagala

VISTA — On the 4.6acre dirt lot where Dan Gibbs is standing, there’s not much to look at save for weeds, a lone shrub and a couple of squirrels scurrying into holes in the ground. But Gibbs can see clearly the growing potential (literally) of the lot on East Vista Way. “The driveway will be right here,” he said, gesturing near where he stands. “We’ll have a 2,100 square foot retail store, and then a 53,000 square foot greenhouse behind it.” By next spring he plans to begin planting and in the summer open the very first Home Town Farms in the heart of the city, which will give people a chance to buy locallygrown, vine ripened and organic food at non-organic, everyday pricing. Gibbs, the 50-year-old CEO of Home Town Farms, estimates that he and his business partner Mike Castro will be able to produce around half-a-million pounds of vegetables and berries per year, using a technique called urban vertical growing. He described the technique as a “high-efficiency growing system,” that’s used on millions of acres all over the world. It’s a technique that’s been around for about 50 years, he said, but what

they’re doing is scaling down how it’s being used worldwide specifically to fit within the urban city environment. “There’s no more economical way to grow vegetables and berries than this model,” he said. “So I think once people find out that this is doable, most vegetable and berry production is going to come into the city; and outside the city farming is going to be your field crops, your tree crops.” Not only is their growing model something that may soon gain attention, but also how Gibbs is getting the Home Town Farms business venture off the ground. Gibbs is, in part, advertising for investors. He’s started running ads in various publications, including the Rancho Santa Fe News (a sister publication to The Coast News). In 2012, President Obama and Congress passed the JOBS (Jumpstart Our Business Startups) Act. With that, the SEC (Securities Exchange Commission) adopted new rules to allow private or public businesses to advertise for accredited investors, in what’s become known as Rule 506(c) Advertising for accredited investors can be done anywhere from print to the Internet, social media, radio and TV broadcasts, according to the SEC. Gibbs is relying solely on accredited investors for Home Town Farms. Because of the expense of starting a new venture like this (it’s costing about a $1 million per acre to start this kind of farm, he said), turning to the smaller crowdfunding methods as say a kickstarter or indiegogo webTURN TO FARMING ON A16



DEC. 13, 2013

Jon Canavan will return to the Poway Fire Department after resigning from Encinitas. Canavan cited personal reasons to city officials regarding his resignation. Photo by Jared Whitlock


Two retired fire chiefs from Encinitas, Scott Henry, center, and current Encinitas Councilman Mark Muir, far right, receive proclamations for their service at the Dec. 3 San Diego County Board of Supervisors meeting. As chiefs, they also oversaw fire departments in Solana Beach, Del Mar and Rancho Santa Fe, which reduced costs for those agencies. Pictured from left: Encinitas City Manager Gus Vina, Encinitas Mayor Teresa Barth, Supervisor Dave Roberts, Scott Henry, his wife Sherry Henry, Mo Muir and Mark Muir. Photo by Creative Keepsakes Photography

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Encinitas fire chief resigns By Jared Whitlock

ENCINITAS — Encinitas Fire Chief Jon Canavan resigned on Dec. 5 after about two months with the department. Encinitas City Manager Gus Vina said Canavan primarily cited “personal reasons” for his decision to resign. “When he told me personal reasons, I didn’t press him for more information,” Vina said. Vina said the “significant hours required” for the job

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also contributed to the resignation. Canavan didn’t respond to emails requesting comment on the story. According to Vina, Canavan will return to the Poway Fire Department. Before signing on as the Encinitas fire chief, Canavan was the administration chief and fire marshal in Poway. He oversaw fire-prevention activities, including reviewing construction plans and managing an annual $20 million fire contract. Canavan will not receive a severance package from Encinitas.And the city will not pick up any long-term pension liabilities due to him leaving, Vina said. During his brief tenure as Encinitas fire chief, Canavan was also responsible for two other cities. Encinitas, Solana Beach and Del Mar contracted to share fire personnel in 2009. Rancho Santa Fe pulled out of the fire contract this summer. Deputy Fire Chief Mike Daigle will serve as the interim Encinitas fire chief. Vina said the cities that are a part of the fire contract will soon discuss their options for finding a new fire chief.



DEC. 13, 2013

City faces fine up to $430900 By Jared Whitlock

ENCINITAS — The city could have to pay up to $430,900 due to sediment from the Encinitas Community Park entering downstream waterways, along with other alleged violations. The California Regional Water Quality Control Board recently levied the fine. The city, which is disputing the board’s findings, has until later this month to respond. The board’s complaint states that the city and the park contractor, USS Cal Builders, had ineffective drainage and erosion controls on the site for several months. It goes on to say documentation shows rains pushed sediment — dirt from the park — into Rossini Creek and the San Elijo Lagoon on Dec. 13, 2012 as well as March 8 of this year. “They seemed not at all prepared for last winter,” said Rebecca Stewart, sanitary engineering associate with the state water quality control board. She added that the case was “raised to a priority” because of the importance of the San Elijo Lagoon and the surrounding environment. Construction began on the community park, located behind Vons off of Santa Fe Drive, in September 2012. Rossini Creek, a riparian wetland that begins at the foot of the park, snakes southwest and discharges into the mouth of the San Elijo Lagoon, which is near Birmingham Drive and San

From left, Dan Allen, Tom Morgan, Phyllis Minick and Melinda Merryweather are shown at the Children’s Pool Walkway after Morgan donated $200,000 to the walk’s beautification project. Photo by Dave Schwab

Water, turned brown by sediment last December, travels from Rossini Creek into the San Elijo Lagoon. The sediment is from construction on the Encinitas Community Park. The city faces a fine for inadequate drainage resulting in the sediment flowing downstream. Photo courtesy of Eleanor Musick

Elijo Avenue. The lagoon already has too much sediment, Stewart said. Adding more sediment contributes to the need of opening the lagoon via means like bulldozer dredging. Absent dredging, the extra park sediment also holds the potential to sprout more invasive plants and kill fish that depend on the lagoon, according to the complaint. The complaint also states the city didn’t have a suitable

runoff management plan in place for much of last fall and winter, resulting in the city being fined for 16 days of that period. Glenn Pruim, Encinitas’ director of Public Works and Engineering, said the site needed drainage work on certain days due to the dynamic nature of construction. However, the days were spaced out over several TURN TO FINE ON A16

E-cigarettes banned in Carlsbad By Rachel Stine

CARLSBAD — Citing concerns about enforcement, potential health risks and possible risks for minors, Carlsbad banned the smoking of electronic cigarettes, known as “e-cigarettes,” in public spaces. “It’s our goal to ease the enforcement by ensuring that e-cigarettes are prohibited like other tobacco products,” said City Attorney Celia Brewer, presenting the matter before City Council on Dec. 3. She explained that ecigarettes, which are battery-powered devices that produce flavored water vapor for inhaling, are not included under the city’s smoking bans because they do not contain tobacco. Under the current laws, people are legally allowed to smoke e-cigarettes in public areas like libraries and on beaches. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is in

the process of developing federal regulations for ecigarettes, leaving states and local governments to come up with their own regulations in the meantime. Possible regulations of e-cigarettes will come before the San Diego County Board of Supervisors sometime in February, but some cities within the county, including Del Mar and Solana Beach, have already banned smoking the devices in public places. Carlsbad’s proposed ban cited concerns about the lack of studies about the health risks of smoking and being exposed to the vapor from e-cigarettes. A 2009 preliminary study of e-cigarettes by the FDA determined that there are levels of carcinogens and toxic chemicals within the devices. Carlsbad Police Chief Gary Morrison stated that because different types of

liquids can be inhaled with e-cigarettes, officers have no way of knowing what exactly is in an individual device. Every speaker at the City Council meeting voiced support for the ban, citing concerns that the devices are designed to appeal to teens and children. “(E-cigarettes) are available in flavors that appeal to teens like cotton candy, chocolate,” said Gena Knutson, the tobacco control program manager for the Vista Community Clinic. Referring to e-cigarettes as “gateway devices,” Mayor Pro Tem Mark Packard said, “They are clearly marketed to youth and children.” When City Council unanimously voted in support of the ban, several audience members at the m e e t i n g broke into applause.

Christmas comes early for coastal beautification project By Dave Schwab

LA JOLLA — The hard part of beautifying Children’s Pool Walkway — finding the money for improvements — is done, as a good Samaritan has donated the lion’s share of funding to complete the project. Walkway project promoter Phyllis Minick had much to be thankful for the day before Thanksgiving when she called a Nov. 27 news conference to announce that La Jollan Tom Morgan has pledged $200,000 to make the project a reality. “I live in La Jolla, I walk the property a lot and I saw it wasn’t getting done and I wanted it to be completed so we can all enjoy it,” said Morgan, a retired commercial Realtor and banker. “He saw that something needed to be done, and he was appalled at the condition of the sidewalks in this Village, so he stepped forward and said he would like to help us do this,” said Melinda Merryweather, one of Morgan’s friends and neighbors and a walkway improvement supporter. “Two hundred thousand dollars is literally the rest of the money we need to complete the project.” Minick said a plaque inscribed with the names of Morgan and other project donors will recognize them for their contributions. Walkway landscape

architect Jim Neri said Morgan’s donation to finish the project didn’t come as a complete surprise. “We knew there was someone out in the community — several donors, including one major donor — who would see the value of the improvements that we’ve designed and would step forward for the betterment of their community,” Neri said. Walkway improvements are to include vastly improved pedestrian flow along Coast Walk, doubleseat walls similar to existing ones at Shell Beach and Seal Rock, the planting of shade trees, repairs to the existing gazebo, the addition of interpretive/historical/educational signage near the new lifeguard station, use of native plants on the bluffs to control erosion and restricting vendor “free speech” tables to a single location. Demolition of the old Children’s Pool Lifeguard Tower is complete and grading work, including installation of utilities — water, sewer, electric — is nearly finished. Jihad Sleiman, city engineer and project manager for the lifeguard tower, said the city hopes to pour the concrete slab for public restrooms on the bottom level of the pool before work stops for the harbor seals’ pupping season beginning Dec. 16. “Work is only stopping during pupping season and will resume June 1,”

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Sleiman said, adding the city’s getting a waiver for work on completing the tower to proceed unimpeded through summer 2014. “We hope to have the core of the building (lifeguard tower) up, all three stories, and all the heavy equipment should be out of there by Dec. 31, 2014,” Sleiman said. Neri said preparation of construction drawings to improve the walkway, which have been on hold while funding was secured, will now move forward with the project likely being put out to bid. He said the current Children’s Pool lifeguard tower contractor will be included in the mix. Whoever ultimately is awarded the job, Neri said the idea will be to reconfigure the Coast Walk space, both in and around the sidewalks. “The idea will be to create some extra sidewalk width going to a minimum of 11 feet,” Neri said, noting existing sidewalk space is a little as 4 ? feet in some sections. “There will be no loss of parking, though parking will be reconfigured,” Neri added. Neri said the goal of walkway improvements will be to increase traffic flow on land, mimicking what happens offshore. “The idea is to make traffic flow smoothly through that space on land in much the same way currents drift in the ocean,” Neri said.

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DEC. 13, 2013

Court ruling a chance to make bullet train sensible CALIFORNIA FOCUS BY THOMAS D. ELIAS


Continuing saga of the community center By Eric T. Lodge

The ongoing saga of the Initiative (now known as Proposition B) concerning rental of the Fletcher Cove Community Center for private celebrations, to quote Lewis Carroll, gets “curiouser and curiouser.” After the petition had been certified as having enough valid signatures, the Solana Beach City Council was required by law to consider whether to adopt the initiative as an ordinance or call for an election. A special meeting was held for that purpose on Oct. 9. The council wisely and unanimously chose a third option: They requested, as authorized by the California Elections Code, an independent study and report regarding the potential impacts of the initiative if it were adopted as an ordinance. The purpose of such a report is to assist the council in making an informed decision about whether to adopt the initiative without proceeding to an election. As was explained to the council by the city manager, Section 9212 of the Elections Code spells out several areas that are to be covered in the report, plus “any other matters the legislative body requests to be in the report.” The council did not request that the report cover “any other matters.” The city engaged the prestigious municipal law firm of Lounsbery, Ferguson, Altona & Peak to prepare the report. According to the city manager, the report was received on Nov. 4. The detailed 11 page report concluded, in essence, that the initiative, if adopted by the city, would have little or no financial impact and that any public safety, parking, noise, and related concerns could be adequately controlled through existing laws and the permitting process. As its first order of business at a Nov. 6 special meeting the council summarily “received and filed” the report. There was no discussion of the content of the Report

and, even though attorneys from the Lounsbery firm were present, no oral presentation of the report was requested or made for the benefit of the council and the public. Then, as its second order of business, and without commenting on or referencing the report,the council voted 5-0 to proceed with the election and not enact the Initiative as an ordinance. By now everyone knows that the council is antagonistic toward Proposition B because they perceive it as an invasion of their prerogatives. It would have been embarrassing for them to highlight the fact that the independent Report that they commissioned (and paid for) concluded that adoption of the Initiative would not have adverse consequences to the city. But that’s not the end of the story. At the request of a council member, the report was back on the agenda of the Nov. 20 meeting to “discuss” and “provide direction as needed.” Apparently waking up to the fact that the report did not support the action taken at the previous meeting, the council discussion centered around alleged factual errors, unfounded conclusions, and issues not considered in the report. The council essentially requested that the report be revised to be consistent with their views. All of this raises several questions: 1) Why was the report requested in the first place if not to provide the council and the public with information about the effects of the Initiative? 2) Why did the council not discuss the report and its conclusions while the adoption of the Initiative was still under consideration? 3) Why did the council, after making the irrevocable decision not to adopt the Initiative as an ordinance, request that the report be supplemented or modified at public expense? It’s sort of like requesting an environmental impact report after a project has been completed or a surgeon ordering x-rays after completing the surgery. Just curious

Eric T. Lodge is a Solana Beach resident.

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The Rancho Santa Fe News is published biweekly on Fridays by The Coast News Group. The advertising deadline is the Friday preceding the Friday of publication. Editorial deadline is the Friday proceeding publication. The comments on this page are the opinions of the individual columnists and do not necessarily represent the views of the Coast News Group, its publisher or staff. If you would like to respond directly to a columnist, please email them directly at the address listed below the column. You may also express your views by writing a letter to the editor. For hold delivery while on vacation or for other distribution concerns and info, write to distribution@coastnewsgroup.com.


PHOTOGRAPHER BILL REILLY info@billreillyphotography.com Contact the Editor TONY CAGALA tcagala@coastnewsgroup.com


Whether it’s the possibility of a magnetic levitation train or the hyperloop idea proposed by Elon Musk, founder of PayPal, Tesla Motors and SpaceX, the route of potential alternative designs for California’s putative bullet train invariably follows Interstate 5 from just west of Bakersfield to the San Francisco Bay area. That’s why the Thanksgiving week ruling by a Sacramento Superior Court judge forbidding the state’s High Speed Rail Authority from tapping billions of dollars in voter-approved state bonds for the project represents an opportunity and not a setback. Yes, cries for a new popular vote on the bonds went up immediately after Judge Michael Kenny’s decision, but that’s unlikely anytime soon. So the best course now is to make this project sensible, and the way to do that is to look hard at its potential routes. From the start, the route chosen by bullet train officials

the trains in San Joaquin Valley cities? What passengers? The experience of several European bullet trains is that most passengers stay on for the full run, not shorter increments. Until now, the High Speed Rail Authority has never seriously considered changing the route behind most of its current troubles. Even after Kenny rejected the authority’s bid to begin selling some of the $10 billion in bonds voters approved five years ago, the agency is not yet seriously contemplating a route change. But it just might if it looks in detail at what was behind that court ruling: the current funding plan for the entire project does not comply with the voter-approved proposition’s requirement that the rail authority line up funding for each segment and have all environmental approvals in place before using any bond money. Yet, the authority’s stunning first response was to note that nothing in the decision prohibits the sale of bonds, but only using the money raised. So far, the $10 billion in state bonds and another $3.3 billion or so in federal funds for the

So far, the $10 billion in state bonds and another $3.3 billion or so in federal funds for the first leg are all the project can count on out of a project cost of $31 billion. has made little sense. Yes, steep gradients on the north side of the Tehachapi mountains probably mean that, whatever its technology, the path will swing through the Antelope Valley cities of Palmdale and Lancaster, roughly tracking Highways 14 and 58 between Los Angeles and Bakersfield. But from there north, it makes little geographic or economic sense for the train to traverse some of America’s most fertile farmland, with stops in Fresno and Merced, then head west along Highway 152 over the Pacheco Pass to San Jose, before swinging north again into San Francisco. The simplest alternative would be to follow the I-5 to its junction with Interstate 580, then go west to Livermore, where passengers could quickly transfer to waiting special BART trains for the final run to and under the San Francisco Bay. Anyone who’s driven the I-5 knows that’s a far more direct route. Plus, the freeway’s wide median for most of that distance affords the project plenty of space at minimal cost, saving taxpayers many billions of dollars in land-acquisition expenses. This would also spare the farmers who spurred the Kenny ruling new disruptions, while allowing trains to run their fastest for longer distances. But what about passengers who might want to get on or off

first leg are all the project can count on out of a project cost of $31 billion. The hope is that private investors will buy in once they see how well things are going. But private money is not exactly pouring in. So it behooves the authority to cut costs before breaking ground anywhere. The I-5 and I580 route would do just that, possibly making the entire thing affordable and definitely making it less environmentally intrusive. If that brings a change in technology to either mag-lev (now operating in China and Japan and on short routes elsewhere) or the vacuum-based hyperloop concept, so much the better, since those systems would be faster than the highspeed trains now conceived. Which means the Kenny ruling, if followed up in a reasoned manner, could lead to better and more modern technology, shorter routes, faster speeds and less trouble both for agriculture and large urban and suburban populations. Which makes this as an opportunity, not a problem.

Email Thomas Elias at tdelias@aol.com. His book, "The Burzynski Breakthrough: The Most Promising Cancer Treatment and the Government’s Campaign to Squelch It," is now available in a soft cover fourth edition. For more Elias columns, visit californiafocus.net



DEC. 13, 2013

Volunteers sought for citizen committees By Bianca Kaplanek

Youngsters from Solana Santa Fe Elementary joined in the spirit of the season at Helen Woodward Animal Center, volunteering to spruce up the grounds and visit with the animals. Courtesy photo

Volunteers make season shine at animal center RANCHO SANTA FE — Schoolchildren from Solana Santa Fe Elementary added to their Tuesday Giving tasks by visiting with Helen Woodward Animal Center therapy animals and adoptables. In the midst of holiday shopping, cyber sales and frantic have-to-haves, more than 85 Tuesday Giving volun-

teers including the students, gathered at 7:45 a.m. to help orphan pets in need at Helen Woodward Animal Center. Demonstrating that giving doesn’t always require money, the Giving Tuesday volunteers instead gave their hearts, time and energy to tasks around center grounds. Approximately 75 school children (grades two through

four) from Solana Santa Fe, along with employees from Southwest Airlines, and Snooze AM Eatery in Del Mar, provided philanthropic holiday cheer. They repainted the center’s humane education building; prepped craft projects for the center’s upcoming Frosty Farms Event; and donated pet food to the center’s AniMeals Program – pro-

viding pet food to homebound elderly. For information on how you can help Helen Woodward Animal Center, call (858) 756-4117, ext. 305 or click on animalcenter.org/volunteer. Helen Woodward Animal Center is a private, non-profit organization founded in 1972 in Rancho Santa Fe.

Christina DeSanto named educator of year By Promise Yee

OCEANSIDE — Middle school teacher Christina DeSanto was recently named California League of Middle Schools Educator of the Year for San Diego and Imperial Counties. “When I think of Christina DeSanto, the first words that come to mind are dedicated, enthusiastic, energetic, someone who thinks outside the box,” Eileen Frazier, principal of Cesar Chavez Middle School, said. “But most importantly, someone who loves her students and what she does.” Frazier said DeSanto did “whatever it took” to motivate students she taught in English language development and student body leadership. “She knows how to bond with the students and once she has built that relationship with them, students do wonderful and amazing things for her,” Frazier said. Learning experiences DeSanto created for students included bringing in rock bands, motivational speakers and acrobats to drive lessons home. DeSanto also oversaw the after school Opportunity Program to help students raise grade points averages that fell below 2.0. She led instructional aides and AVID college tutors to work with students to reach their academic goals. “She guides them in becoming independent and self-sufficient learners by building a plan to check their own progress as well as their GPA,” Frazier said. “They know that she cares about them, but that she also expects a lot from them.” “I believe that Ms. DeSanto is a true leader,” Frazier added. “While work-

Oceanside Mayor Jim Wood, Pamela DeSanto, Christina DeSanto, Eileen Frazier, Dr. Duane Coleman and Dr. Ron Pirayoff. Christina DeSanto earned the California League of Middle Schools Educator of the Year award for San Diego and Imperial Counties. Courtesy photo

ing here she was a true asset not only to our students but also our staff. Because of her love for our students she always goes above and beyond the call of duty to do whatever it takes to ensure

the success of our students.” This year DeSanto works as a school-based resource teacher to guide teachers and associate director of student activities at Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School.

“She’s an amazing person,” Principal Ron Pirayoff of Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School said. “The kids are very motivated to be in TURN TO EDUCATOR ON A16

SOLANA BEACH — Volunteers are being sought to fill 16 openings on the city’s five citizen commissions. Applicants must live in Solana Beach and be at least 18 years old. Members of the View Assessment and Budget and Finance commissions must also own property in the city. Each group has seven members, except Budget and Finance, which has five. All positions expire in January 2016. Budget and Finance, which meets at 6:30 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month, will have two vacancies. Members review revenues, expenditures and a draft of the preliminary budget, investigate, review, recommend and report on cost-saving measures and suggest areas in which City Council may want to establish specific policies pertaining to revenues or expenditures. Public Safety commissioners make recommendations on the creation, operation, maintenance, use, management and control of crime and traffic safety programs. This group, which meets at 6:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday, will have three vacancies. Three volunteers are needed for Parks and Recreation, which meets at 4 p.m. every second Thursday. In addition to advising on indoor and outdoor recreational facilities and areas, members are responsible for planning, implementing and working certain special events hosted by the commission and city.

Public Arts Advisory and View Assessment will each need four members. Public Arts meets at 5:30 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. View Assessment meetings are held at 6 p.m. on the third Tuesday. Duties of the Public Arts Commission include providing direction for the development and presentation of a variety of arts, developing cooperative arrangements with other agencies to provide arts facilities, encouraging private arts funding and reviewing and recommending art to be acquired by the city. Members of View Assessment use counciladopted guidelines to review feasible solutions for development and choose the alternative that provides the best balance between owners’ desires to develop their property according to city regulations and neighbors’ desires to protect their views. Members must also review applications and make definitive decisions on projects. Applications will be accepted until 5:30 p.m. on Jan. 14. Interest forms are available at City Hall, 635 S. Coast Hwy. 101, or on the website at cityofsolanabeach.org. Click on City Government, City Clerk and Citizen Committees. Applicants are encouraged to attend a commission meeting before consideration for a position. Appointments will be made by council members at the Jan. 22 meeting. Call (858) 720-2400 for more information.



Family medicine at its best

All your local doctors in one convenient location

By Georgine Jorgensen, MD, MPH

Connor’s little pink fists clench into the air as I place my cool stethoscope on his rising chest. A shrill squeal escapes his tiny lips and his eyes strain to peel open under the bright hospital lights. Kate is watching us both intently. At 4 years old she is already fiercely protective of him. She strokes his fine, blonde curls and whispers in her best big girl voice, “It’s OK, Katie’s here.” I reassure her that she has a perfect little brother. Still weary from a 3 a.m. delivery, Jenny beams proudly at both of them from her bed, her own blonde curls matted down against her face by the sweat of labor. The large door to their room suddenly swings open as Mike and his parents burst in buzzing with anxious delight. They set down the paper grocery bag teeming with sandwiches and drinks. Grandma Donna whips out one of the three new onesies she just purchased and proceeds to change Connor. Grandpa Jack gives me a big bear hug and thanks me for being there. I tell him there is no place else I’d rather be. Everyone in this room is my patient. I am their family doctor. The doctors of North Coast Family Medical Group (NCFMG) have been caring for the families of Coastal North County San Diego for over 35 years. As family physicians, we have been trained in all areas of medicine to provide comprehensive care to our patients through all stages of life. We partner with our patients and families to anticipate their acute, chronic and preventive care needs. We can diagnose and treat the full range of problems patients typically bring to their doctors, regardless of age or gender. At NCFMG, we take care of the physical, mental and emotional health of both our patients and our patients’ families using evidence-based medicine and established practice guidelines, while accounting for individual preferences. We are at the center of patient care, coordinating and guiding our patients through what can be a very confusing and fragmented health care system. NCFMG is proud to be named the only private practice group listed among the top five medical practices in San Diego for two consecutive years. We are also honored with the distinction of having all six of our physicians named as Top Doctors by San Diego Magazine — recognized by their physician peers as doctors they would recommend to their family members. We truly are committed to treating every patient as we would want our family members to be treated. Our modern office maximizes the use of state of the art technology to provide this highly personalized care. As pioneers of medicine’s digital age, we have been using electronic medical records for nearly a decade. Our patients can email their doctors directly, check test results securely online and schedule appointments through our virtual office. For the convenience of our patients, we are open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday and every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. We have easy access to appointments — most patients can be accommodated within 24 hours of their request to be seen. NCFMG accepts many different insurance plans. Two days later, it’s time to go home. Connor is bundled tightly in his blue and white striped fleece blanket. A cozy matching hat keeps falling over the hazel eyes he can barely keep open. Three generations are ready to bring him home. I tell Katie that we’ll see each other again in a few days when Connor visits our office for the first time. “I’m excited to show him what it’s like,” she calls out as she gives me a high five on her way out the door. To learn more about NCFMG or schedule an appointment, call (760) 942-0118 or visit www.ncfmg.com.

DEC. 13, 2013

GET TO KNOW YOUR DOCTORS North Coast Family Medical Group

Specialty: Family Medicine Founded in 1978 by James Hay, M.D., North Coast Family Medical Group has grown over the past 30 years and has become one of the most recognized and respected practices in San Diego's North County. They provide continuing, comprehensive healthcare for the individual and family. Your family physicians at North Coast Family Medical Group understand the breadth and depth of medicine necessary to provide for the entire family's medical care from newborns to the golden years. C@ KCTND>D<IN <O JMOC J<NO <HDGT @?D><G MJPK <M@ <HJIB OC@ =@NO DI OC@ >JPIOT <I? >JIODIPJPNGT M@>@DQ@ JK J>OJM CJIors by the San Diego County Medical Society. This team of knowledgeable physicians include: Dr. James Hay, Dr. Richard Payne, Dr. Craig Duck, Dr. Georgine Jorgensen, Dr. Amy Kakimoto, Dr. Christine Clotfelter. To learn more about North Coast Family Medical Group or schedule an appointment, call (760) 942-0118 or visit www.ncfmg.com.

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DEC. 13, 2013

Escondido approves its new voting districts for elections By Rachel Stine

ESCONDIDO — Complying with a lawsuit settlement, City Council approved the proposed city boundaries for four voting districts used to elect councilmembers. The lawsuit against the city, settled in March, alleged that the city’s atlarge elections discriminated against Latinos, who make up the majority of the city’s population. With the voting districts, one councilmember will be elected from each district, and the mayor will be elected by a citywide vote. The intention is that it will be easier for candidates to be elected because they will only have to campaign within their districts. In this way, candidates will have to appeal to community interests, including the interests of Latinos, to garner support and consequently those interests will gain representation on the council. An independent districting commission mapped out the boundaries based on community feedback collected over the past few months and presented the boundaries for approval at the Dec. 4 meeting. In accordance with voting laws, the districts were created to cover a contiguous geographic area, contain an equal number of residents, and group together residents with shared community interests. Each of the four districts contain about 36,000 residents, one fourth of the city’s total population of 143,907 residents. The majority of eligible votes in the central district that covers most of the city’s urban downtown area are Latinos. That district is considered most likely to produce a Latino candidate. The three other districts cover the northern, southwestern and southeastern portions of the city.

The map above shows the voting district boundaries approved by City Council. Image courtesy of the City of Escondido

The boundaries were established in a way that none of the four current councilmembers live in the same district, though that was not a requirement. Four of the councilmembers, except for Deputy Mayor Olga Diaz, voiced opposition to the city’s obligation to create the districts in the first place. But they unanimously approved the proposed boundaries brought forth by the commission. The boundaries were approved in time to be used in the elections next N o v e m b e r . Councilmembers John Masson and Ed Gallo will be up for re-election and Diaz has expressed her interest in running for mayor. I n d e p e n d e n t

Districting Commission Chair Dana Nuesca said that in the beginning, the commission had to convey to the public that they were not there to solve city problems. Instead they had to focus on following strict voting laws and work to incorporate community feedback. She said that ultimately she was very happy to see the process of creating the voting districts work effectively. Vice Chair of the Independent Districting Commission John Valdez expressed that now that the voting districts are established, the residents need to work on getting the community engaged for the next election. “This is just the beginning, and now the real work begins,” he said.

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KIRK EFFINGER Residents in the San Marcos enclave of San Elijo Hills have certainly had their issues lately. While I am considerably less sympathetic to the concerns expressed by that community’s residents over plans for a new cell phone tower and especially the proposed siting and construction of a new K-8 school in their midst — their angst over proposed revisions to development of their “Town Center” certainly appears justified. HomeFed Corporation, the master developer of San Elijo Hills, is seeking a revision to development plans within the designated commercial core of that community that would frankly eviscerate one of the compelling reasons many who live there chose to. The revised plans would call for more residential units than originally approved with a commensurate decrease in available retail space and confining that retail to a single street. To be fair, the developers are facing an economic reality that argues for less retail given the relative lack of success businesses already located there are having. If ever there was a case of desire and expectation outpacing reality, this is it. City planners and other proponents of the New Urbanism have been touting

Trouble in paradise to an evermore-receptive audience, the concepts of “walkable” communities with retail and commercial spaces located near homes. It’s an attempt to get people out of their cars thereby reducing traffic congestion and the waste of precious space for parking lots, among other things. The construction of numerous mixed-use projects, as well as the growing preponderance of masterplanned communities like San Elijo, are examples of this philosophy. Unfortunately, the general public has not caught up with this new thought. As a result you see mixed-use projects throughout the region with empty storefronts or uses in those storefronts not in keeping with the original intent. In the case of San Elijo Hills, you see businesses struggling to make a go of it when people are conditioned to hop in their cars to head for the nearest big box center or chain restaurant. To their credit San Elijo residents have suggestions for the developer. The likely efficacy of those suggestions however is subject to debate. Suggestions included building space for larger, full-scale restaurants and larger storefront space in hopes of attracting more substantial retailers. They also thought creating some other type of nonretail uses within the center

would help attract more potential patrons to the local businesses. While these suggestions seem reasonable, it’s hard for me to believe HomeFed hadn’t already researched the probabilities thoroughly. They are, after all, in the business of providing real estate for what the market wants. Established businesses, and especially their bankers, typically research a location and develop analysis regarding probable success based on historical data and are less enamored with projections in virgin territory. I suspect their inability to attract the right kind of retail uses that would justify developing the San Elijo Hills Town Center stems from the so-so success of its current retailers and an overall squeamishness on the part of conservative moneymen. To avoid the proposed changes, San Elijo residents need to make an economic case.

Kirk W. Effinger was born in San Diego and raised in Southern California. He and his family have been residents of San Marcos for the past 30 years. His opinion columns have appeared regularly in the North County Times and, later, the San Diego Union-Tribune since 1995. He can be reached at kirkinsanmarcos@att.net or follow him on Twitter at @kirkeffinger

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Marines test the waters, land for Steel Knight exercise

Two U.S. Navy landing craft, air cushion, deflate on the beach before unloading vehicles and equipment. A light armored vehicle sails away from shore in the distance, having landed on the beach about an hour before. Photos by Rachel Stine

Four of 14 amphibious assault vehicles used in the drill make their way from Red Beach up to a mock-up enemy town shortly after sunrise.

DEC. 13, 2013 By Rachel Stine

OCEANSIDE — The first troops landed on Red Beach at Camp Pendleton in amphibious assault vehicles before sunrise on Tuesday. Faces covered in camouflage paint, hands grasped tightly to firearms, the Marines crawled and dashed their way up an embankment. They moved in packs up to a set of single-story empty buildings that served as a mock-up enemy town. Orders interlaced with curse words were called out amid shouts of “Bang! Bang! Bang!” Buildings were entered and quickly cleared one by one. Naval ships and hover crafts followed, delivering more land vehicles to the beach. Hundreds of troops from the 1st Marine Division took part in a largescale training exercise on Camp Pendleton to practice amphibious landings. They are part of the 25,000 troops participating in a weeklong exercise, known as Steel Knight, which is designed for units to hone their war fighting capabilities. 1st Marine Division commanding general, Maj. Gen. Lawrence D. Nicholson, said that with operations in Afghanistan and Iraq winding down for the first time in 10 years, the Marines are getting back to their roots, their amphibious operations. He said that the extensive exercise is necessary for troops to prepare for deployment by learning how to coordinate with numerous other units, as well as sustain a large unit with food, fuel and equipment. Steel Knight is carried out annually, and the exercise has expanded considerably from last year, which involved only 18,000 troops. This year, amphibious landing and long-range helicopter raid exercises are also being carried out at Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms, Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, and Marine Corps Air Station Yuma throughout the week.


DEC. 13, 2013

With end of the year parties approaching, following some of these tips may help you to feel and look your best. Courtesy photo

Glitz it up for year-end parties (BPT) — ‘Tis the season for glitzing up a sparkling holiday look. From office parties and family gatherings to community events and charity galas,now is the time to look and feel your best. It may be a hectic time of year, but with a little preparation and creativity you can dazzle all season long. Try these quick and easy tips from beauty and style expert Jennifer Walsh for a stellar head-to-toe holiday look: * Start with your hairstyle. Create a chic and classic look by pulling your hair back into a simple ponytail and embellish with a jeweled headband to shine in the festive holiday lights. Complete the look with

understated stud earrings. * When it comes to makeup this holiday season, you can be more daring with your eyes and lips. A deep smoky eye in shades of gray, bronze or plum is sure to turn up any look. If you are looking to catch someone special under the mistletoe, nothing stands out more than a bold red lip. * For your nails, opt for a gel manicure in a neutral hue that will go from day to night. The gel finish will last for weeks without chipping — no matter how many presents you wrap or parties you attend. Moreover, it will save you the time, hassle and expense of multiple visits to the nail salon. * A sleeveless black dress

is perfect for the holidays, allowing you to attend a variety of events by changing just a few accessories. Choose two elements of your look to introduce shine, texture or color. I often go for a bold statement necklace or add a glitzy belt. On those chilly nights, incorporate a simple wrap or cardigan. * Finish your outfit by selecting a pair of eye-catching shoes with metallic studs or jeweled trim. They are a great way to show off your personality and are sure to turn heads. Follow these tips to create a holiday style that is all your own and get ready to hit the town while enjoying the season’s festivities with family, friends and loved ones.

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DEC. 13, 2013





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DEC. 13, 2013

College redraws boundaries COAST CITIES — The MiraCosta College Board of Trustees has voted to adjust its trustee area boundaries to accommodate North San Diego County’s growing population and to change from an “at large” voting method to an area-specific system. The college contracted with National Demographics Corporation to submit plans for the remapping, held a public hearing in October 2013, and at its Nov. 5 meeting approved a proposed plan that uses 2010 census data


to create trustee areas as nearly equal in population as possible. The board also adopted the “by-trustee-area” election system. The seven elected members of the MiraCosta College Board of Trustees will each represent and must reside in a specific area of the college district and will be elected only by the voters residing in that trustee’s area. The MiraCosta Community College District currently utilizes the “atlarge” method to elect board members, which means trustees are elected by voters in the entire district. The change of election system and the revised trustee-area map must be approved by the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges. Following approval, the documents must be submitted to the San Diego County

Registrar of Voters before April 24, 2014, in order to be in effect for the November 2014 election. Current board members are Jeanne Shannon, Area 1, Solana Beach and Del Mar; Ron Ruud, Area 2, Encinitas and Rancho Santa Fe; Jacqueline Simon, Area 3, South Carlsbad and Encinitas; Leon Page, Area 4, Carlsbad; George McNeil, Area 5, South Oceanside; David Broad, Area 6, Northwest Oceanside and William Fischer, Area 7, Northeast Oceanside. The MiraCosta College district includes the communities of Oceanside, Carlsbad, Encinitas, Cardiff, Olivenhain, Leucadia, Solana Beach, Rancho Santa Fe, Del Mar, and parts of Carmel Valley. For more information on the proposed plans, contact the MiraCosta Community College District’s Superintendent’s Office at (760) 795-6610.

On Dec. 3, City Councilman and mayoral candidate Kevin Faulconer joined Campland on the Bay, the Friends of Rose Creek, San Diego EarthWorks, Native Americans and the Rose Creek Watershed in unveiling the Rose Creek Mural painted in February at the first-ever Rose Creek Fest. Photo by Dave Schwab

Rose Creek mural unveiled By Dave Schwab

REGION — District 2 City Councilman and mayoral candidate Kevin Faulconer joined Campland on the Bay, the Friends of Rose Creek, San Diego EarthWorks, Native Americans and the Rose Creek Watershed at the Dec. 3 unveiling of the Rose Creek Mural painted in February at the first-ever Rose Creek Fest. “Part of what makes our city great is our ability to connect with our natural environment,” said Faulconer, who officiated at the mural dedication. “This artwork celebrates an often

over-looked natural resource that provides an abundance of recreational and environmental opportunities for San Diegans. I am proud to join community members to remind San Diegans of the need to protect Rose Creek and high-

company operating Campland on the Bay adjacent to Rose Creek, talked about the watershed's significance. “This is a very special place for all of us because it’s a way we can connect, not only to history, but to

Over 90 percent of California’s wetlands have been destroyed.” Rebecca Schwartz San Diego Audubon Society

light its important relationship to improving the water quality of Mission Bay.” Kelly Makley of Rose Creek Watershed, an alliance of organizations formed to help plan the future of the 23,427-acre watershed that extends as far as Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, said, “All of us are trying to raise awareness for this important resource.” Makley thanked Friends of Rose Canyon, Friends of Rose Creek, Friends of Mission Bay Marshes and the San Diego County Bicycle Coalition for participating in the mural unveiling. Stanley Rodriguez, a Kumeyaay Indian educator, singer and storyteller, was present to dedicate the mural. Rodriguez noted that Rose Creek has been historically important to tribal people who gathered shellfish and building materials there in the springtime. “We need to take care of our land, take care of these things because we are the stewards of this land, we’re the stewards of this area,” he said praising event guests and thanking them. Michael Gelfand, president of the management

beauty and the interconnectedness of everything,” Gelfand said, noting the creek “has a lot of meaning to kids who can explore nature and the lifeforms that thrive in an area where salt and freshwater converge.” Rebecca Schwartz of the San Diego Audubon Society said the environmental significance of Rose Creek cannot be underestimated. “The whole northeast corner of Mission Bay is the 7 percent of what remains of a once vast 3,000 acres of wetlands and is an incredibly important habitat for birds and fish, as well as being a nursery for juvenile animals, as well as a flyway for migrating birds,” Schwartz said. The watershed, said fellow Audubon Society member Sylvia Busby, is also “one of the most threatened habitats in San Diego.” Schwartz said the devastation of the watershed is indicative of California's wetlands in general. “Over 90 percent of California’s wetlands have been destroyed,” noted Schwartz. “It’s important to protect wetlands, not only for the wildlife, but for the ecosystem.”

Parade of Lights set to sail By Promise Yee

OCEANSIDE — Dozens of brightly decorated boats will motor around Oceanside Harbor in the annual Parade of Lights Dec. 14. Joseph Helgren, of Helgren’s Sportsfishing, said it takes a day to get the 75foot Electra powerboat ready for the parade. It’s all hands on deck as family and friends pitch in to put in place 1,000 feet of strung lights and a giant inflatable Santa Claus and snowman. “The day before we buy new lights if need be and reuse lights that are in working shape,� Helgren said. “It’s a tradition every year.� Helgren said he remembers his family participating in the parade for more than 20 years. Each year Helgren’s Sportsfishing takes about 60 passengers on board to have a bird’s eye view of the boat parade. “On the water you can see all the lights and all the people waving and cheering you on,� Helgren said. One winning boat decoration the family entered was an inflatable Santa Claus casting his fishing pole off the front of the boat. “We’ve placed a couple of times,� Helgren said. Other boats are decorated with inflatable Christmas characters and lights strung in the shape of holiday words, stars and Christmas trees. Boaters compete for the



DEC. 13, 2013

An inflatable Santa Claus waves from the Hannah. Parade boats are decorated with inflatable Christmas characters and lights. Photo by Promise Yee

best decorated powerboat, sailboat, best of event, and most creative awards. A dockside light contest is included for boaters who want to participate without

taking their boats out. The Oceanside Yacht Club has coordinated the annual boat parade for more than 10 years. However, the tradition spontaneously began years before that when the harbor opened in the 1960s. “For years people would throw lights on their boats and cruise around the harbor,� Jim Jenkins, Oceanside Yacht Club member, said. Now boat owners register to participate at no fee and are given a parade lineup order. This allows spacing for larger boats to maneuver the tight turns of the marina. The local event still has a grassroots feel with decorated kayaks and motorized rafts spontaneously joining in after the parade begins. Harbor shops also participate by donating prizes for boat parade winners and having extra staff on hand to serve the crowd of more than 2,000 spectators. The parade is an opportunity for community bonding. Its repeated theme is holiday cheer. “It is the Corinthian spirit,� Jenkins said. “The true Corinthian spirit is opening up and giving back.� “The most rewarding part is hearing kids sitting on rocks cheering,� Jenkins added. “It’s a expression of the season in a whole different manner.� The Parade of Lights takes place from 7 to 9 p.m.







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DEC. 13, 2013 Items on this page are paid for by the provider of the article. If you would like an article on this page, please call Chris Kydd at (760) 436-9737, ext. 110.

Could this be your solution to numbness, neuropathy or sharp pain?

Take a trip back in time when visting Lucky Street Marketplace in Oceanside. Visit them at 1722 S. Coast Highway 101 or online at luckystreetproductions.com.

A time machine is discovered in downtown Oceanside MOST EVERYONE WOULD LOVE TO REVISIT THEIR CHILDHOOD and we found a way to do just that. In fact, you don’t even have to leave North County San Diego. Nestled in the heart of downtown Oceanside is Lucky Street Marketplace, a wonderland of vintage memorabilia. This huge warehouse, once home to the North County Times, has been transformed into a warm and welcoming venue that could best be described as Parisian flea market meets old time Main Street. From the moment you walk through the entrance you can’t help but feel nostalgic. Good old-fashioned friendliness and great customer service greet you at the door. Each of about 30 boutiques sells unique items that are sure to remind you of some stage of your past. You’ll find utterly romantic, hand-written love letters from WWII, vinyl record albums from just about every era, freshly baked confections that smell like mom’s kitchen, gorgeous vintage and repurposed jewelry and the list goes on and on. As you stroll down the aisles, the sights and sounds will fill your senses and may trigger a few forgotten memories. Your nose may discover the unforgettable aroma of luxurious handmade soaps and scrubs as you sing along to the toe-tapping melodies,

often being played by live musicians, throughout the marketplace. Proprietors, Denny and Yvette Golden, are the colorful visionaries behind this shopper’s paradise. They have organized a troupe of diverse and imaginative vendors to create a treasure trove of unusual and fabulous merchandise, sure to take you on a sentimental journey. Each vendor treats their space as their own signature specialty shop, resulting in a myriad of rare and fascinating wares in a nothing less than magical setting. Whether your style is sophisticated coastal, European antiques,retro Mad Men or environmentally conscious, there definitely is something here for everyone and every age. Coming in January 2014, a new and exciting addition to Lucky Street Productions is the vintage apparel, shoes and handbags section. This area of the marketplace will feature beautiful, upscale garments and accessories, as well as adorable retro fashions, all truly vintage, of course. The upcoming Lucky Street events will be on: Dec. 13 through Dec. 15 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Jan. 10 through Jan. 12 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Jan. 24 through Jan. 26 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Parking and Entrances at 1722 S. Coast Hwy and 1715 S. Freeman Street. Luckystreetproductions.com

Do you have any of the following symptoms? Pins and needles feeling? Numbness in the hands or feet? Tingling or burning sensations? Weakness in the arms or legs? Sharp shooting or burning pains? If so, you may have a condition called Peripheral Neuropathy. Numbness, tingling, and pain are an extremely annoying problem. It may come and go...interrupt your sleep...and even make your arms or legs feel weak at times. Maybe you’ve even been to other doctors and they claim all the tests indicate you should feel fine. More Drugs Are Not The Solution. A common treatment for many nerve problems is the ‘take some pills and wait and see’ method. While this may be necessary for temporary relief of severe symptoms, using them long term is no way to live. Some of the more common drugs given include pain pills, anti-seizure mediations, and anti-depressants — all of which can have serious side effects. My name is Dr. Jeff Listiak. I’ve been helping people with neuropathy and nerve problems for more than seven years. Neuropathy can be caused by Diabetes, Chemotherapy, Toxins, etc. It may also be compounded by poor posture or a degen-

Don’t let numbness, tingling and pain hold you back from enjoying life.

erating spine stressing the nerves. The good news is that NeuropathyDR™ combination treatments have proven effective in helping patients with these health problems. Here’s what one of my patients had to say: “I had been feeling very sharp pains in my feet… they just felt like they were on fire. I just couldn’t stand it… every night for the last year or two. I’m so excited today to tell Dr Jeff that four days in a row I have felt no pain whatsoever.” — Marilyn You could soon be enjoying life...without those aggravating and life-disrupting problems.

Don’t Miss This Limited Time Offer. It’s time for you to find out if NeuropathyDR™ treatment protocols could be your neuropathy solution. For the next 14 days only, $49 will get you a complete NeuropathyDR™ Analysis that I normally charge $197 for! What does this offer include? Everything. • An in-depth discussion about your health and wellbeing where I will listen…really listen…to the details of your case. • A posture, spine, range of motion, and nerve function examination. • A full set of specialized xrays (if necessary) to determine

if a spinal problem is contributing to your pain or symptoms. • A thorough analysis of your exam and x-ray findings so we can start mapping out your plan to being pain and numbness free. • And, if after the thorough analysis we feel we can’t help you, we’ll tell you that right away. Until Dec. 31st, 2013 you can get everything I’ve listed here for only $49. So, you’re saving a considerable amount by taking me up on this offer. Call (760) 230-2949 now. We can get you scheduled for your NeuropathyDR™ Analysis as long as there is an opening before Dec. 31st. Our office is located just off Interstate 5 and Encinitas Boulevard. When you call, tell us you’d like to come in for the NeuropathyDR™ Analysis so we can get you on the schedule and make sure you receive proper credit for this special analysis. Sincerely, Dr. Jeff Listiak, D.C. P.S. Remember, you only have until Dec. 31st to reserve an appointment.Why suffer for years in misery? That’s no way to live, not when there could be help for your problem. Take me up on my offer and call today (760) 230-2949.

Help bring holiday joy to our military heroes Help be a hero to the heroes this holiday season. For military families with loved ones deployed, it’s hard enough to have to endure a holiday season without their mother or father around the dinner table. And still harder if their loved one comes back having sustained combat injuries. That’s why the nonprofit S.O.S. (Spirit of Sharing) is rising to the occasion by helping provide not only the basic necessities any family would need, but also by bringing a little holiday cheer into the lives of military families that are in need. The primary focus of S.O.S. has always been to provide the elements of the holiday season that a family might not ordinarily be able to enjoy. S.O.S. helps all active duty military families purchase holiday food items at Thanksgiving, and for Christmas, the kids get wrapped presents from Santa Claus. Striving to build relationships with each family, S.O.S. is able to gain better insight and understanding of individual and familial needs and interests. Each family is generally provided with several weeks’ worth of groceries and all of

The Oceanside-based nonprofit Spirit of Sharing has helped to provide active duty military families in need with some holiday cheer. Since 2000, the nonprofit has helped more than 300 military families.

the goodies that make the holiday season so warm, comforting, and special. S.O.S. also provides each child in these families with age-appropriate and personal gifts, including clothing, educational materials and toys. Each gift is individually wrapped and labeled by our wonderful volunteers and personally delivered at Christmas. Based in Oceanside, Calif. the small nonprofit helps active duty military families throughout Southern California,from the Naval Base in San Diego to Edwards Air Force Base.

Since 2000, when the charity was started with the adoption of two families for the holiday season, they’ve continued to grow each year. To date, more than 700 military children and 300 military families have received help from S.O.S. The Campbell family, who founded S.O.S. is very sensitive to the stresses that military children experience’ In fact, many of those working with S.O.S. are military veterans and/or spouses. With the toll of multiple deployments over the last 10 years affecting families, S.O.S. is seeing an increase in the

amount of military families in need. And they still need help to continue to do so. With year-round fundraising efforts, S.O.S. is always looking for donations of any kind, including gas cards, gift cards for clothing, toys — even groceries. People interested in donating items may call S.O.S. directly at (760) 859-5911, or emailing questions to spiritofsharing@gmail.com. More information is available on their website at spiritofsharing.org. S.O.S. is at 3355 Mission Ave. Suite 11.



DEC. 13, 2013

This potato is sweet for the Aztecs JAY PARIS San Diego State is going bowling and that always beats striking out. That the Aztecs landed in the Famous Idaho Potato Bowl Dec. 21 won’t make the game’s web site crash from those seeking tickets. Even if Boise is swell, and you can’t beat the babbling creek running through downtown for fishing and fun. But Aztecs fans leaving sunny San Diego to get blue in the face while watching their favorite team on the Bronco Stadium blue turf is a stretch. In this case, being a couch potato (bowl) never sounded so appealing. Still, there’s no mashing here of where San Diego State landed when it wrestles with the MidAmerican Conference’s Buffalo. It beats the alternative, which is staying put despite a 6-2 Mountain West conference record. After finishing second in the MW’s Western Division there should be a lasting memory other than getting your doors blown off in the regular-season finale. That’s what happened to the Aztecs against UNLV, and because of it, they were this close to watching others march in the bowl parades. The back room deals and winks to school administrators nearly had SDSU with its nose pressed on the outside of the bowl window’s glass. But right prevailed, so we’ll cancel that lump of coal for MW Commissioner Craig Thompson. The MW’s big man on campus delivered, disguising well the MW’s bitterness toward SDSU for nearly bailing earlier in the year for the Big East. So the Famous Idaho Potato Bowl isn’t the Big Sexy. The Aztecs (7-5) drew Buffalo (8-4), and besides its famous wings which came to life at the Anchor Bar, I can’t think of anything charming about it either. But it’s not as much as who you’ll play as that you’re playing. In reaching a bowl game for an SDSUrecord fourth straight time, it makes for a good note in the media guide and, more importantly, gives coach Rocky Long a jump on 2014. With the game comes additional practices, and that’s as attractive at SDSU as an extra ticket to its men’s basketball games. Or a coveted parking spot. Let this warm your

engine: Those four consecutive bowl games match what the Aztecs earned in the 41 previous seasons. The 33 wins collected over the four-year span is eclipsed only by the 197477 run of 36, which came on the heels of some coach named Don Coyrell building the foundation for that success. So the FIPB isn’t the TGOTA — the granddaddy of them all. It doesn’t smell like a rose, but it’s better than a fistful of thorns and that appeared to be the Aztecs’ equivlaent of bowl swag. But Jim Sterk, SDSU’s athletic director, went to work. He burned the phone lines without burning bridges while nudging San Jose State (6-6) to the margins. It was impressive that the Spartans handed Fresno State its lone loss, and we admire SJS coach Ron Caragher from his previous work at the University of San Diego. Still, there needed to be a pot at the end of the Aztecs’ rainbow, considering they started 0-3 and rebounded like their-one time star, Michael Cage. We’re mashing pigskins and hoops here, but the bottom line is if the orgy of 35 bowls can’t find room for a team going 6-2 in its conference, something is amiss. We say that while recognizing these games are really about two body parts: backsides in the seats and heads on hotel pillows. And if Bronco Stadium is filled with Aztecs red-and-black, you can call me “Spud.” But not calling SDSU’s name on bowl selection Sunday would have left many fried. That the Aztecs were plopped in the Famous Idaho Potato Bowl is keen, no matter how you slice it.

Jay Paris can be heard talking Chargers football on 1090 AM on Monday and Friday mornings. He’s also the Wednesday morning co-host of “Hacksaw and Company.” He can be reached at jparis8@aol.com and followed on Twitter @jparis_sports.


Contact us at sports@coastnewsgroup.com with story ideas, photos or suggestions

Star Wars characters line up for a group shot after a soccer game at the Magdalena Ecke YMCA soccer field this past Sunday to raise money for Micah Hogan, front row center, who has Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Photo by Jared Whitlock

The force is strong with local family By Jared Whitlock

ENCINITAS — This past Sunday night, multiple Jedi, Chewbacca and Princess Leia faced off against storm troopers and Darth Vader. The saga played out — not on TV or movie screens — but a Magdalena Ecke YMCA soccer field. The six-on-six match of Star Wars characters was held to raise money for 12year-old Micah Hogan, who has DMD (Duchenne muscular dystrophy), a degenerative muscle disease.

Donning a Chewbacca costume, Christian Hogan, Micah’s dad, took part in the game. “Normally we’re out here playing a game as part of our co-ed soccer league, getting exercise and trying to win — but this one had meaning,” he said after the game. “It feels like an accomplishment to raise money and know it’s going toward research that could help your son and all the others affected by this.” The novelty of a Star Wars game was an added

bonus, said Christian, who scored a goal during the match despite the limited vision his furry mask afforded him. The shot drew plenty of “Go Chewie!” cries from the crowd. Micah, who was diagnosed with DMD just before his fourth birthday, waved a lightsaber and clapped from the sidelines. “When you find out about your son having Duchenne muscular dystrophy, you’re lost,” Christian said. “You don’t know

where to turn to, where to run, who can help.” Because of the disease, Micah’s muscle cells are easily damaged. Those with DMD are typically bound to a wheelchair by age 12, have heart and lung problems in their teens, and only live into their late 20s. Micah largely gets around on a motorized scooter, but he can still walk. Although his parents dress him and assist with other routines, he attends TURN TO FORCE ON A16

Register Now for Rancho Santa Fe Little League RANCHO SANTA FE — Registration is now open for Rancho Santa Fe Little League until Jan. 11, 2014. Register online only at rsfll.com. Players registering for Majors, AAA, Minors, and Rookie/Machine Pitch need to attend an evaluation at Richardson

Field. The purpose of the evaluation process is to ensure team parity. All players attending an evaluation should bring a glove

and wear cleats if possible. Evaluations will be held Jan. 26. Make up evaluations will be held Jan. 29. T-ball players do not need to attend evaluations.

Little League season will officially open March 8, 2014. Additional Opening Day information will be announced in January.



ty’s Office of Strategy and Intergovernmental Affairs, plans to meet with state Sen. Marty Block and Rep. Toni Atkins to discuss introduction of a possible new law when both legislative bodies reconvene next month. Roberts said his pro-



community support,” he said. For the past two years, Brandow has been at Fire Station No. 3. The firefighters are rotated throughout the stations annually, but in instances of seniority, some are able to stay at their stations for two years before transferring. Brandow has been a firefighter for 10 years now, and said it was the variety that drew him to the career.



school and can perform other tasks on his own. Christian compared DMD, which occurs in one out of every 3,500 male births, to a small hole in a large bag of water. Slowly, Micah is losing crucial substances from his muscle fibers. Once a year, Micah and his parents go to a clinic to gauge his muscle strength, flexibility and bone strength. Based on the results, doctors recommend ways to ease the symptoms. To date, there isn’t a cure or a silver-bullet treatment for DMD, though steroids can help. For Christian, that’s the most frustrating part. “You can’t give your kid medicine or a Band-Aid to fix this,” he said. Recent studies indicate there could be hope for treating and potentially curing DMD. In the past



months. It’s unfair to draw the conclusion the city was out of compliance for much of the fall and winter, he said. Pruim said the city reported the initial Dec. 13, 2012 discharge to the regional water control board shortly after it occurred. “We did the right thing,” Pruim said. “And we notified the contractor to make the changes and get the site back into compliance. There may have been other periods for a day or two where things weren’t in compliance. But we were constantly working with the contractor, and the contractor was working with us to get the site in compliance.” Further, the city and USS Cal Builders were implementing stormwater controls laid out by a state-licensed consultant, he said. “If those were inappropriate, it’s hard to see why the city would be liable for that,” Pruim said. Stewart said the site now has adequate drainage basins and other flood control measures. And she noted there’s

RANCHO SANTA FE NEWS posal would be optional for cities. It will also be presented as a trial basis in San Diego only. “It’s not meant to be a statewide fix,” he said. Roberts said he doesn’t know why mail-only elections are allowed in charter cities and not general law ones. “I think it’s just one of those things that never

caught up,” he said. “There’s been hesitancy in Sacramento to change voting laws because some people believe it favors one political party over another.” General law cities are bound by all state laws, while jurisdictions that have opted to become charter cities have complete authority over all municipal

affairs, including election codes. “The whole idea is to save money and give governing bodies more options,” Roberts said. “And any time we can save taxpayer money, it’s a good thing.” He said he hopes to have something on the issue come out of Sacramento in the next 12 months.

“I’ve always really enjoyed that team atmosphere and the variety of not knowing what each day or each call is going to bring,and then being able to,at the end of the day, turnaround and see your body of work and what you’ve been able to do or help with,” he said. Brandow came to the department in 2004. Before that, he was building custom homes in Rancho Santa Fe, when he heard they were looking to hire. “It was a funny thing to

have happen,” he said. “To be working in Rancho Santa Fe, building custom homes and see that they (RSFFPD) were hiring when they were building Station Four on Del Dios Highway and then have things unfold from there.” Living with his wife and two children in Carlsbad, his work schedule revolves around 24-hour-on, 24-hour-off shifts. But it isn’t all just waiting for something to happen. They are always operationally ready, he explained.

“There’s a lot of training,” Brandow said. “We cover a broad range of emergencies; we’re an all-risk fire department, so no matter what the type of emergency it is, we’re going to be able to respond and help mitigate the issue.” Firefighter/paramedic Troy Duncan said that Brandow gives the newer guys at the fire station something to strive to be like. “He’s the one you look up to,” he added. In May Brandow will be taking his captain’s test.

year, there have been breakthroughs in experimental gene therapy, for instance. Which is why it’s crucial, more than ever, to funnel money toward DMD research, Christian said. “If it gets to the point where he’s not walking anymore, but they’re close to finding a treatment or cure to help him live longer, that would be amazing,” Christian said. Initially, the Star Wars game was conceived as a surprise birthday party for Eric Castillo, who is Christian’s good friend and teammate on the soccer team. Because Castillo has a long tradition of supporting muscular dystrophy, another teammate, CJ Machado, decided the match would also be a good opportunity to benefit Micah. Machado then went about finding the costumes and tracked down a documentary crew to film the

match. She intends to share the footage of the event through Love Amazingly Productions, her production company, with ESPN and other news agencies. She’ll also post the video on YouTube. “Our goal is to raise awareness of Duchenne muscular dystrophy to more across the world,” said Machado, who wore a Princess Leia costume. She envisions the Star Wars soccer game becoming an annual event. “Sometimes, you need laughter to get through something as tough as this disease,” she said. For his part, Micah was overheard calling the event “fun.” However, he was reluctant to answer questions; his dad noted he’s generally shy with strangers. Christian and Micah’s mom, Denise Hogan, have participated in other benefits for their son. Denise has run seven half-marathons —

the first being not long after Micah was diagnosed. And Micah’s 10-year-old sister Samantha got in on the act by completing a 5K last year. “Doing something to help him saved our lives, our hearts, our spirits and helped us move past that initial desperation we had,” Denise said. The family will all be running in the Disneyland Marathon Weekend next August to raise funds for Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy, which funds DMD research. Their goal is to reach $10,000. Donate to the Hogan family at parentprojectmd.org/goto/micahsmiles. To learn more about DMD, go to parentprojectmd.com. “You realize how precious life is with this disease,” Christian said. “And our hope is to extend his life for as long as possible.” A video of the event can be found at thecoastnews.com.

no estimate of how much sediment flowed into the lagoon during the two discharges. Over the years, residents have raised worries about contaminated soil at the park, once used for flower growing. To meet environmental standards, the city buried the soil below the site and covered it in geo-fabric netting during grading. Stewart said the water board is confident the contaminated soil was buried deep enough to prevent it from flowing into the waterways during the two discharges, and during future rain events. However, the city and USS Cal Builders didn’t take samples of the discharges. If they had done so, that would have put residents’ fears to rest, she said. “If either the City or USS Cal Builders had done the required monitoring during the discharge event, that would have been proof that the contaminated soil was indeed mitigated properly,” she said. Doug Gibson, a wetlands ecologist, and who is the executive director of the nonprofit San Elijo Lagoon

Conservancy, said there isn’t evidence so far of large quantities of sediment affecting the lagoon. The group will continue to monitor it, though. Even if the sediment doesn’t result in negative impacts, it “doesn’t let them off the hook,” Gibson said. “We hope the city and others take this as a learning opportunity about drainage,” Gibson said. He added that restoration efforts near the mouth of the lagoon, like planting native vegetation, could absorb any potential sediment. Gibson hopes the city will contribute. “Our goal is to work collaboratively with the city,” Gibson said. The city has the option of paying the full fine, entering into a settlement or taking part in a public hearing in which the San Diego Water Board can affirm, reject or modify the fine. If the city is ordered to plunk down money, USS Cal Builders could also have to pay a portion of it. A representative from the company could not be reached for comment by press time.

A decision on how to proceed is due by Dec. 23. The City Council will give direction on how to respond to the complaint in closed session next week. Councilman Tony Kranz said he was “disappointed” upon hearing about the park sediment flowing into the waterways. “It concerns me a lot — the environment is one of the most important things we have to protect,” Kranz said. Kranz said he looks forward to all parties involved laying out the details of what occurred. He added that he anticipates the item being discussed in open session. Rossini Creek runs through resident Eleanor Musick’s backyard. On Dec. 13, she captured a video showing the normally clear water transformed brown from the sediment. “It was so different — it was alarming,” Musick said. The creek dried up earlier this year, drawing the attention of some residents, who pointed to the park’s construction as the likely culprit. Stewart said no evidence at this time has been found to support that view.

DEC. 13, 2013



site wouldn’t be able to produce the amount of capital needed to get the business going. “I needed to go after the larger investors that could see the vision and the possibility and the benefit of this,” Gibbs said. “But it hasn’t been done, so it’s risk capital.” Accredited investors are legally defined as people having an income in excess of $200,000 to $300,000 for the past two years and expect the same for the current year, or someone that has a net worth of $1 million or more. “Those people play a really, really big role in the startup community, and really in fueling entrepreneurship in the United States,” said Dr. Bennett Cherry, an associate professor of entrepreneurship at Cal State San Marcos. What the accredited investor brings to a new venture is not only the money, but also possibly access to all sorts of networks — reputational, information, social — that gives the business access to resources they may not originally have had access to, Cherry explained. Two of the investors that Home Town Farms could mention, Bill Scripps and Greg Horn, have been involved with the company since early on. Horn, the ex-CEO of GNC (General Nutrition Centers), has been an accredited investor for at least 10 years, and said he’s been involved with Home Town Farms for more than a year. He discovered the investment opportunity not through one of Gibbs’ advertisements, but through a concerted effort to identify businesses in the local and organic foods area with the highest potential, he explained. “I think that the local and organic food movements are converging and I have been on the lookout for investments in this area



her class.” Her goals for this year include increasing parent involvement. DeSanto said middle school is a critical time for parents to become more involved due to increased peer pressure and more decisions students need to make. “Some parents think school is 100 percent of what happens, but we all have roles, the kids, parents and school,” DeSanto said. Since the school year started DeSanto has organized a schoolwide book club that brought 250 parents and students to the kick-off assembly, which featured a pilot, skydiver and flight instructor. The reward for book club readers who met reading goals was a trip to the San Diego Air and Space Museum, which DeSanto wrote a grant to fund. In spring DeSanto

because I think that the trend is so strong,” Horn said. As an accredited investor, you’re owner of part of the equity, Horn said. “You’re sharing in the rewards of the company.” Cherry said he knows there are a lot of people that aren’t happy with the idea of equity crowdfunding. “But I also think it tends to be the people who have historically made money off of the traditional ways of seeking and finding equity investments,” he added. Horn said the seeking out of new investors makes sense. “It kind of democratizes matching investors who are on the lookout for businesses to invest in — just in a much more efficient way of matching them to the opportunity,” he said. Though with more businesses being able to go out and seek more investors, one concern, says Cherry, is who is going to be watching over them? Who’s going to be making sure that there’s not a bunch of schemes going on or a bunch of fraud? There are a couple of websites that help to verify those businesses looking for investors, Cherry said. Sites like Crowdcheck.com, founded by entrepreneurs and business lawyers, help provide some oversight of businesses seeking out equity investors for the public. The SEC also offers some background information on the companies and private funds that have filed notice of sales with the commission. With Gibbs’ business background as an entrepreneur, CEO and vice president, he envisions the spread of Home Town Farms to be really quick based on people’s reactions to it. His intent is to take Home Town Farms national. While keeping their corporate stores in Southern California, he’s envisioning the countrywide stores to be run as franchises.

plans to hold another reading club with the reward of attending a Padre game. “I don’t do anything halfway,” DeSanto said. “I’m big all the time.” Her bravado reflects her original career interest to become a sports broadcaster. DeSanto attended a teachers college with the goal of journalism in mind. “I fell into teaching accidentally,” DeSanto said. “I had a key opportunity at the right place and right time.” DeSanto credits her teaching success to working with principals who believed in her and allowed her to incorporate out-of-the-box strategies to engage students. When asked about the rewards of teaching DeSanto shared her passion for education and love for her students. “The best reward is when I see they get it,” DeSanto said. “It is a visual. I can see the light bulb go on when a student says ‘I got it.’”



DEC. 13, 2013


Send your arts & entertainment news to arts@thecoastnews.com

Musician Joe Bonamassa succeeds with ambitious project Mainly Mozart series By Alan Sculley

Joe Bonamassa came into 2013 feeling it was time to open a new chapter on his career. “To me, you have to do that every once in awhile.You can’t just keep playing the same tunes over and over again,” the guitarist said in a recent phone interview. “I don’t want to become a tribute act to myself. It’s dangerous, but it’s also what else are you going to do? It’s not time to call it in, pack it in. It’s time to almost say we’re done with this part of our life. It’s time to invent the new one.” So he decided to do something special that would encompass his musical life up to this point — something that no other artist had done. He scheduled four shows at four different venues in London. Each show would focus on a different side of Bonamassa’s music and feature a different band lineup The result of this grand adventure can now be seen on four DVDs called “Tour De Force.” Each of the DVDs, which were released on Oct. 29, documents one of the four shows in London. Seeing the shows now, one would never know that right up until the time of the shows, Bonamassa had reason to wonder if he had bitten off more than he could chew with this ambitious project. The preparation process began with three weeks of rehearsals in California. This was followed by a warm-up tour in Europe, and then another couple of weeks of rehearsal in London — just before the actual four shows. At first, things seemed to be going well, Bonamassa said. The rehearsals went as planned, and at the outset of the warm-up tour, Bonamassa and his bands were on fire.


CALENDAR Got an item for Arts calendar? Send the details via e-mail to calendar@coastnewsgroup.com.

DEC. 13

LOCAL BAND Leucadia 101

Main Street Association presents an After Hours Sessions with Mattson 2 & Second Cousins, a locally grown band, from 7 to 9 p.m. Dec. 13 at the Encinitas Library, 540 Cornish Drive, Encinitas. Tickets $15 at the door.


PEACE Two Masters annual yuletide concert

will feature Richard Rudis and Diane Mandle at 7 p.m. Dec. 14, at Jois Yoga, 575 S. Coast

Joe Bonamassa performs at the Valley View Casino Center Dec. 14. Photo by Christie Goodwin

But that flame faded. “It was weird because the band came out on the tour like really playing great,” Bonamassa said. “Then all of a sudden we hit Luxemburg, and all of sudden we just kind of decided to collectively forget how to play our instruments. It was really weird, because this was the start of it and it was the worst possible time.” There was no choice, though, but to move forward, and the problems that had surfaced during the warm-up shows would have to be addressed during the London rehearsals, with Shirley working with the bands to tighten up arrangements and nail down the live versions of the songs. What helped Bonamassa was that by the latter stages of the final rehearsals, he had decided to let go of the presHighway 101, Encinitas for an evening of vibrational healing with the earth (giao om) and chiron (wounded healer) gong and ancient Tibetan bowls. Tickets are $25 in advance, $30 at the door. Bring a mat to lie on. (760) 704-0595. HAPPY HARMONY The Music Men Chorus Barbershoppers celebrate the Christmas season with holiday shows at 2 p.m. Dec. 14 at the San Marcos Senior Center, 111 Richmar Ave. and on Dec. 15 at the Oceanside Senior Center, 455 Country Club Lane. Tickets are $8 in advance and $10 at the door. Call (760) 453-2223 or (760) 599-9452. LAGUNA CHRISTMAS The Laguna Playhouse, 606 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach, presents “A Christmas Memory,” based on the short story by Truman Capote. Performances run through Dec. 29 with 7:30 p.m. and 2 p.m. performances. For tickets and times, visit purchase.lagunaplayhouse.com. SCULPTORS GUILD The San Diego Sculptors Guild will host a Featured-Artist reception for Julia S. Rasor from 5 to 9 p.m. Dec. 14, at The San Diego Sculptors Guild in Spanish Village, Balboa Park, with a

sure he was feeling to deliver — a lesson he had learned from doing several other concert DVDs earlier in his career — including 2012’s “Beacon Theatre: Live From New York” and a career defining DVD, 2009’s “Live From Royal Albert Hall,” which included an on-stage collaboration with Eric Clapton. “I have been down this road about 10 times before,” Bonamassa said. “You just go, if you trust the process and trust your ability as a musician, it generally will work out the way you want it. If you freak out and everybody gets uptight, then it’s going to sound uptight. I just think, for me, you’re definitely better off just being nonchalant and it’s going to be what it is. If you make a clam, just keep going. Don’t freak, and just go.” large-scale sculpture unveiling, new artworks from the “Transformation” series. For more information, visit sandiegosculptorsguild.com or call (619) 238-0522. CD DEBUT Singer-songwriter Andre Stevens-Thomas is releasing his new CD “somebody, somebody, LOVES” at 8 p.m. Dec. 14 at the Carlsbad Village Theatre, 2822 State St., Carlsbad. Tickets $35 at the door, or $30 online at carlsbadvillagetheatre.com.


North Coast Symphony, under the direction of Daniel Swem, presents “A Holiday Celebration,” at 2:30 p.m. Dec. 15 and at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 17 at Seacoast Community Church, 1050 Regal Road, Encinitas.The suggested donation is $10 general. Visit northcoastsymphony.com. FORMAL BALLROOM Like to Ballroom dance? Qui Vive Dance Club will host formal dinner dances with 5:30 p.m. cocktails, 6:30 p.m. dinner and 6 to 9 p.m. dancing Dec. 14 at the Town & Country Hotel, 500 Hotel Circle, San Diego, with the band, Swingtime. Cost is $115/couple and dress is formal (Suit/Tux).

That’s exactly what Bonamassa and his bands did over the four nights in London. Together the four DVDs showcase the depth of a song catalog Bonamassa has built over a 10-album solo career that began with the 2000 album, “A New Day Yesterday.” There’s also plenty of variety, as Bonamassa showcases high powered rock in a trio format, his blues roots with an electric band supplemented by a horn section and even an acoustic side to his music as part of his wind-up show at Royal Albert Hall. Of course, the playing skills that have made Bonamassa one of music’s most acclaimed guitarists are on full display as well. Bonamassa will return to the studio in January to open the next chapter in his career by recording a new studio album. Before those sessions happen, Bonamassa will tour this fall, playing a show that will be similar to the Royal Albert Hall concert. He’ll open with an acoustic set and then plug in for a second set, with the same musicians from Royal Albert Hall taking the stage with him (except for Schierbaum, who will be replaced by keyboardist Derek Sherinian). “It’s trying to honestly make the best night of music I possibly can for the fans that have supported me over the years,” Bonamassa said. “So when they see it, they go ‘OK, I get it.You have two different bands.’ It’s like Barnum & Bailey in the three rings. They walk out and they go ‘Wow, that was really a cool experience all the way through, from start to finish.’ And that’s all I can really ask for. That’s what I try to give to the fans.” For information viciwill@ pacbell.net or call (619) 303-3350. GYPSY JAZZ Carlsbad City Library hosts a free holiday concert by Patrick Berrogain's Hot Club Combo at 2 p.m. Dec. 15 at the Georgina Cole Library, 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad. For more information, visit patrickberrogain.com. IN THE SWING Hear “A Swinging Holiday Concert” by the Coastal Cities Jazz Band at 2 p.m. Dec. 15 at Calvary Lutheran Church, 424 Via De La Valle, Solana Beach. Tickets: $15. Call (858) 775-1113.

launches new season RANCHO SANTA FE — Mainly Mozart announces that the new Mainly Mozart Youth Orchestra (MMYO), led by Music Director Hernan Constantino, begins its inaugural season this December 2013 with a four-concert series at San Diego’s The New Children’s Museum, 200 W. Island Ave., where it is Orchestra-in-Residence. The Mainly Mozart Youth Orchestra also travels to Rancho Santa Fe for a Showcase concert on Feb. 1 at the Rancho Santa Fe Performing Arts Center featuring all five of the ensembles. The series launches with a 6 p.m. concert Dec. 15 with a holiday program full of popular works including Irving Berlin’s “White Christmas,” Victor Herbert’s “Babes in Toyland,” and selections from “The Nutcracker.” Young rising star saxophonist Austin Gatus guests as soloist with the orchestra. The program will also include Leroy Anderson: “A Christmas Festival,” Mozart’s “Sleigh Ride” and more. Tickets are $15 or a four-Sunday package for $60, by calling (619) 466-8742 or visit mainlymozart.org. Austin Gatus, at the age of 17, already has an impressive resume. Saxophonist, guitarist and composer, he pursued his love of music from a young age, even while battling leukemia at 9 and undergoing three and a half years of chemotherapy. His focus and passion for music resulted in his performing, at age 12, with saxophone superstars Kenny G and Dave Koz, at 14 with Mindi Abair at the San Diego Gaslamp Jazz Festival, and at 16 with the Average White Band with

their saxman, Freddy V. Recently, he appeared twice with Kenny G and the Orange County Symphony, and then with the San Diego Symphony. In California, he has appeared at such venues as Humphrey’s by the Bay, Thornton Winery, House of Blues, Staples Center for the Clippers, Petco Park for the Padres and Pauley Pavilion for the UCLA Bruins. Mainly Mozart expanded its educational outreach programs for youth this past summer 2013 with the creation of The Mainly Mozart Youth Orchestra. The MMYO offers opportunities for the nearly 200 young artists selected through auditions to participate in the year-round music education and performance program. During the 2014 Mainly Mozart Festival, the Youth Orchestra will be featured in two free half-hour Overture concerts preceding Festival concerts on June 7 and June 14, and will perform in a special collaborative matinee concert with the Mainly Mozart Festival Orchestra, including MMYO Artistic Advisor and Festival and Cleveland Orchestra Concertmaster William Preucil, on June 8, 2014. Visit mainlymozart.org for more details.

Freewill offering. For more information, call (760) 753-6582 or visit encinitaschurch.com/music/orga n-and-music-concert-series.

12:45 p.m. Dec. 18 at the Encinitas Library, 540 Cornish Drive. For more information, visit Encinitasca.gov/WedNoon.


DEC. 20

TUNES IN TOWN Hear DARING DICKENS A holi- Seaweed & Gravel, and the

day comedy inspired by the works of Charles Dickens, “Dicken’s Unscripted,” will be on stage at 7:30 p.m. Dec.16 and Dec. 17 at the North Coast Repertory Theatre, 987 Lomas Santa Fe Dr. Suite D, Solana Beach. Tickets are $20-$25 at (858) 481-1055 or northcoasCHRISTMAS CANTATA trep.org. Redeemer by the Sea Lutheran Church presents a Christmas Choir Cantata at 5 p.m. Dec. 15, AUDITIONS Carlsbad 6600 Black Rail Road, Carlsbad. Community Theatre announced For more information, call (760) auditions from 6 to 8 p.m. Dec. 431-8990. 17 at the Woman’s Club of CLASSIC CHORALE Carlsbad, 3320 Monroe St., Lighthouse Christian Church Carlsbad, for the new season of Company. invites all to a free Christmas Showcase Concert by the San Luis Rey Appointments: Laura Case Chorale & Orchestra at 7 p.m. lcase.cct@ gmail.com or (760) Dec. 15 and Dec. 16 at 4700 720-7296. Mesa Drive, Oceanside. For more information call (760) 7260590, or visit wlightcc.org. LUNCH AND MUSIC CEREMONY OF CAROLS Aireene and the Hobos, a four Hear the Christmas Vespers piece alt-folk band with vocals, concert at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 15 San accordion, banjo, guitar, bass Dieguito United Methodist and percussion, will play timeChurch, 170 Calle Magdalena. less Americana music, noon to

DEC. 17

DEC. 18

debut of Laurel Sorenson’s "See What You Got" EP at 6:30 p.m. Dec. 20 at Leucadia Surfboards, 1144 N. Coast Highway 101, Leucadia. Part of the proceeds from EP sales will benefit the Encinitas Community Resource Center.


‘ASH GIRL’ San Dieguito Academy presents “The Ash Girl,” an eerie re-telling of the Cinderella story. The play is at 7 p.m. Jan. 10, Jan. 11, Jan. 16 Through Jan. 18 in SDA’s Clayton E. Liggett Theatre, 800 Santa Fe Drive, Encinitas. Tickets are $8 for students and $15 for adults and will be sold online at seatyourself.biz/sandieguito. ‘NUTCRACKER’ Encinitas Ballet performs “The Nutcracker” ballet at 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. Dec. 21 at the Carlsbad Cultural Arts Center 3557 Monroe St., Carlsbad. Tickets at californiaballet.org.




DEC. 13, 2013 Send your arts & entertainment news to arts@thecoastnews.com

Celebrating ocean-inspired art and cuisine KAY COLVIN A Brush With Art Encinitas artist/designer Jolee Pink thrives on creative challenges — the bigger the better. In her innovative new book Living Coastal: Inspirations for Entertaining, Decorating and Cooking California Style, she masterfully elevates the dining experience and shapes trendsetting tablescapes by merging art and cuisine. The fusion of culinary and artistic talent brings San Diego’s community of artists and chefs together to celebrate the spirit of the Pacific Ocean. Published by Chefs Press, the 112-page book presents 16 different oceaninspired themes for special occasions. Pink comments, “Part art book, part cookbook, Living Coastal is a unique mix of tantalizing seafood recipes, extraordinary artistic creations, eco table linens and clever decorating tips to inspire your next celebration. Mike Pawlenty’s visually stunning

photography brings the book to life.” Pink adds, “It was fascinating interpreting what motivated the chefs and artists to pursue their passion - how life experiences and creative inspiration came into play.” Eighteen featured chefs share enticing recipes using sustainable seafood and fresh local produce. Examples are Maine Diver Scallops and Baja Prawns by Bernard Guillas of The Marine Room, Sockeye Salmon Benedict on Cheese and Chive Biscuits by Matt Gordon of Solace & The Moonlight Lounge, and Lobster Ceviche by Tim Johnson of Zenbu. Living Coastal’s decorating themes have a distinctly coastal vibe. In each case the ocean-evocative table linens are Pink’s own designs. In selecting other elements for her book Pink approached the table as a composition balancing color, form and texture. She chose a diverse group of artists working in a wide range of mediums including ceramic, glass, metal, paints and succulents. The artists incorporated oceanic colors and imagery in their work created for the book.

Jolee Pink, author of Living Coastal: Inspirations for Entertaining, Decorating and Cooking California Style Photo courtesy of Mike Pawlenty/Chefs Press

Many of the artists are familiar to readers, such as Matthew Antichevich, sculptor of Cardiff’s iconic “Magic Carpet Ride” (a.k.a. “The Cardiff Kook”), and Mark Patterson of Surfing Madonna mosaic fame. Grace Swanson’s intricate gourds make a cameo appearance along with Lemongrass Center owner Tara Teipel’s appealing succulent design. Other featured artists

include Danny Salzhandler, Cheryl Tall, Elon Ebanks, Mike Totah Charles Bronson, Garry Cohen, James Stone, Lea de Wit; Donna Butnik, Kathleen McCord, Julie Ann Stricklin, Karen Athens and Britton Neubacher. Jolee Pink is no stranger to creativity. Having grown up primarily on the West Coast in San Francisco, Seattle and San Diego, she had an innate appreciation of

the ocean and environment. With a bachelor’s degree in art from UCLA and a master’s in telecommunications and Film from SDSU, she began her artistic career as a graphic designer and later added hand-sculpted clay to her creative repertoire. After relocating to Encinitas, in 2008 she started Wabisabi Green, an innovative artisanal quality, eco-friendly home decor and gifts company featuring graphically bold designs for green living. The modern collection of brightly colored decorative throw pillows and table linens reflect the Southern California lifestyle and are a testament to Pink’s commitment to sustainability. The products are made of the best organic and sustainable materials sourced worldwide. Inspired by nature, these durable eco goods are created to bring art, color and comfort to living environments. The line is designed, printed and fabricated in San Diego. Thriving on creative challenges, Pink conceived her most complex project to date: writing a book that combines her interests in art, food, entertaining, the environment, and the coastal California lifestyle. Pink found the greatest

challenges of the publishing process to be bringing all of the elements together in a way that captured the book’s theme in an impactful way and making sure that the writing was entertaining and easy to follow. Her dedication to the project is being rewarded by overwhelmingly positive response to Living Coastal’s beautiful photography, recipes, art and clear, concise writing. After working on the multifaceted project for over a year, Pink says, “It feels wonderful to have seen the book through from concept to completion. I’m ready for my next creative challenge.” Living Coastal is available at Lemongrass Center, Queen Eileen’s, Bamboo 2 U and Tikis Too, Sea Salt Candy Company, Warwick’s, and select Barnes & Noble and Whole Food stores, as well as online at wabisabigreen.com, chefspress.com, amazon.com, and barnesandnoble.com. Kay Colvin is director of the L Street Fine Art Gallery in San Diego’s Gaslamp Quarter, serves as an arts commissioner for the City of Encinitas, and specializes in promoting emerging and mid-career artists. Contact her at kaycolvin@lstreetfineart.com.

Foster teens holiday party RANCHO SANTA FE — With the arrival of the holidays, members of Friends of San Pasqual Academy once again hosted its annual Holiday Party Dec. 10 for the foster teens of San Pasqual Academy. Ellie Cunningham created beautiful Christmas stockings for all the youngsters and Monica Sheets made name tags for them. Patty and Marc Brutten purchased a special gift for every student again this year (rumored to be an Ipod Touch). Carole Markstein purchased many raffle items, Jennifer and Steve Dunn delivered iTune gift cards for all the students and Shelby Strong decorated sugar cookies again with the foster teens. Karen Ventura baked more than 500 cookies for this activity. Nina and Larry Williams donated hair products from Sojourn, Donna Herrick donated new clothing from Sidestreet Boutique in South Lake Tahoe and Stephanie Jensen purchased gift cards for all the foster teens. Joining the Friends, National Charity League Chapters and Torrey Pines High School National Honors Society collected pajama pants, under the direction of Teri Summerhays. Friends of San Pasqual Academy, due to the support of many, also provided a beanie, sweat pants and a sweatshirt with the school logo.



DEC. 13, 2013

Who’s NEWS?

Society visited the schools just before winter break to offer fur therapy to students facing final exams. “That little break can be enough to cut some of the stress,” said Business news and special RCHS staffer John Van achievements for Zante. For more information, North San Diego County. visit Rancho Coastal Humane Send information via email to Society, 389 Requeza St., community@ Encinitas, call (760) 753-6413, coastnewsgroup.com. or log on to sdpets.org.

Help for Philippines

Sweet charity

Pala Casino Spa & Carlsbad’s Karen Resort’s Getting Involved in Macbeth, owner of Nana Volunteer Events and Keek’s Gourmet Cookies, Services (G.I.V.E.S) program using organic ingredients, together with the Pala Band offers a philof Mission Indians donated a n t h ro p i c $13,048 to the American Red and tasty Cross for Philippines Relief. opportunity Pala team members from to give back each department in the casito the comno participated and the Pala m u n i t y. tribe added its donation to NK’s will their efforts. donate 5 percent of Eclectic choices each comThe Oceanside Art KAREN MACBETH p l e t e d Museum store is a destination online order. Customers can in itself and does not require choose to donate to 14 differmuseum admission. The ent North County Museum store supports c h a r i t i e s . V i s i t regional artists with hand- nanakeeks.com or call (888) crafted gifts, jewelry and 939-1114. wearable art. Season items include holiday ornaments, Hotel holiday one-of-a-kind cards and speThe Park Hyatt Aviara, cialty wrapping paper. 7100 Aviara Resort Drive | Store hours are Tuesday Carlsbad invites all to its line through Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 up of holiday events. p.m. and Sunday 1 to 4 p.m. Through Dec. 28 visit Peppermint Mountain Village A for animals and Festival of the Trees “Pause for Paws” lead to through Dec. 27.The trees are “Doggie De-stress” events at auctioned off and proceeds both campuses of Mira Costa benefit the Semper Fi Injured College. Love on a Leash cer- Marine Fund. tified dogs from the Pet Through Dec. 22 Assisted Therapy program at enjoy Teddy Bear Tea at 11 Rancho Coastal Humane a.m. benefiting Rady


Children’s Hospital San Diego. Gingerbread Housedecorating classes for kids are rom 2 to 3:30 p.m. Dec. 21, through Dec. 23. Adult classes are 9 a.m. to noon Dec. 14 and Dec. 21.

Doc earns Diplomate

Dr. John J. Riggs, of C a rl s b a d , has become board certified by the American Board of Optometry. To attain this honor, Riggs completed a series of rig- JOHN J. RIGGS orous postgraduate activities. This achievement earned Dr. Riggs the title of Diplomate, American Board of Optometry.

Mayo Clinic partner

Palomar Health announced a formal collaboration with Mayo Clinic Dec. 4. Palomar will be the first health care system in California to announce this relationship, which will bring Mayo Clinic expertise here to San Diego Palomar Medical Center is at 2185 Citracado Parkway, Escondido.

New director

The Mountain Peak Charter School Board of Directors has appointed Amy Heald to the position of Acting Executive Director. She had previously served as Director of Educational Programs and Services.

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DEC. 13, 2013

FREE PERFORMANCE Melody Sanderson, 13, of Encinitas, stars as Clara in the Janice Lee’s Youth Ballet of Encinitas’ free, hour-long performance of “The Nutcracker” at 1:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. Dec. 15, in the Encinitas Library, 540 Cornish Drive. For information, visit janiceleeballet.com or call (760) 753-7811 Courtesy photo


DEC. 13, 2013


Number of new cocktail ingredients is sobering It is a sad sign of the times, but apparently I am not drinking seriously enough these days. That doesn’t mean I need to drink more. It means that since I last mixed a cocktail, a whole new closet full of flavors and strange beverages have become a bartender’s staples. I thought technology was the only thing passing me by. My bartender-by-hobby dad had given me a pretty thorough training in his day. I knew what orange flower water was. I knew about sweet vermouth, a Pimm’s Cup, Angostura bitters, ginger beer and simple syrup. With heaping understatement, I would say the menu has expanded. I wanted to serve some fun cocktails for my grown children and their significant others this Christmas, so, of course, I turned to the Internet. I found a fabulous site with 106 “chic” holiday drink recipes. I discovered that every third recipe, I had to look up an ingredient. It was sobering, which is counterproductive, in this case. I had to look up a ginger liqueur called Domaine de Canton along with a dozen other liqueur flavors I had not yet encountered in my sheltered gin-and-tonic world. I puzzled over Monin violet syrup, cachaça, Lillet Rouge, agua luca, St. Elizabeth Allspice Dram, Pisco Quebranta, Nouaison and Soju.And for those with a very strong constitution and a taste for history, there is a resurfacing of absinthe … gack. You’ve got your vodkas in a dozen possible flavors plus vodka infusions. And for garnish or muddling, don’t forget the basil, wheatgrass and sage. Maybe someone still orders scotch neat, water back but it is rather retro boring. Between now and Christmas, it appears I’ll be cruising the aisles of my area liquor stores fighting a complete sensory overload. My daughter-of-a-masterbartender-reputation may take a real hit. Perhaps I’ll default to champagne. Or Margaritas. Or beer. A little red food coloring and we’re good to go. Jean Gillette is a freelance writer remembering the simplicity of a wine cooler — in 1970. Contact her at jgillette@coastnewsgroup.com


Local woman joins diving hall of fame By Jared Whitlock

ENCINITAS — Resident Barbara Allen gained a license to teach scuba diving in 1957. Little did she know, the certification would later open the door to worldwide travels, a career and a lifestyle. And recently, her passion for diving earned her a spot in the Women Divers Hall of Fame. Allen always had an affinity for the water. Growing up in Los Angeles, Saturdays were reserved for the beach. “My parents would pile my brother, myself and anyone in the neighborhood who wanted to go to the beach into the car,” Allen said. We would spend all day body surfing and swimming.” A competitive swimmer, she also lifeguarded at a Los Angeles city pool in high school and college. Although she had never been scuba diving, her boss at the pool saw potential. He encouraged her to take the Los Angeles County Underwater Instructor’s Course in 1957, which required weeks of intense physical and mental training. Allen became only the second woman at the time to complete the course. In the process, she fell in love with scuba diving. She soon found exploring offshore reefs with colorful fish swimming through them gave her a rush.And there was a good vibe to most divers. “I found this kinship with ocean Through diving, Encinitas resident Barbara Allen developed a love for photography. She snapped this picture of a friend TURN TO DIVER ON B11

feeding sea urchin to Garibaldi at the Coronado Islands in the late 1960s. Allen was recently inducted into the Women Divers Hall of Fame. Photo courtesy of Barbara Allen

City focuses negotiating energy on power station By Rachel Stine

CARLSBAD — The city of Carlsbad dedicated time, money and energy opposing the construction of a second, larger power plant next to the existing Encina Power Station. But with overriding approval for the project from the state and a regional power shortage, construction is inevitable.

It’s important to keep in mind there is still a long road ahead before this project sees the light of day, if ever.” Matt Hall Mayor,Carlsbad

After spending six years and about $2.3 million opposing the project, the City Council decided at its Dec. 3 meeting to re-focus its energy to try negotiating with NRG and SDG&E on the eventual expansion. “At the end of the day, you want to create energy and we want a clean site,” said Mayor Matt Hall, addressing NRG and SDG&E representatives. NRG, the owner of the Encina Power Station, first proposed the second plant, the Carlsbad Energy Center

Project, on its 95-acre property along Carlsbad’s coastline in 2007. The planned plant would consist of two nine-story industrial buildings and two 14-story smoke stacks and generate 558 megawatts of power. The plant would eventually replace the first three units of the existing 59-yearold power station. Construction on the more than $500 million project was originally scheduled to start at the beginning of 2014. Carlsbad viewed the new power plant as a dangerous safety risk and a coastline eyesore that went against city land use regulations and offered no local benefit. The city cited that the plant would be too close to Interstate 5 and lack sufficient access for emergency vehicles. It argued that with new air-cooled plants, the project should be located out of sight, in an industrial area. Officials added that without a contract to sell the power locally, the power produced at the site would not benefit local residents. NRG obtained permit for its project from the California Energy Commission in May 2012. The city’s opposition to the project was overruled by the California Supreme Court. At the time, Hall said in a statement, “It’s important to keep in mind there is still a TURN TO POWER STATION ON B11

The Jonathan Tarr Foundation is honored during an open house on Tuesday in Carlsbad. From left to right in the front row: Robin Tarr, who established the foundation in memory of her son, California Senator Mark Wyland, foundation President Evelyn Kheo, board member Noralie Lannon. Back row: board member Sherry Yardley and board member Steve Lannon. Photo courtesy of Robin Tarr

Foundation board honored for volunteer efforts By Jared Whitlock

ENCINITAS — California Senator Mark Wyland honored citizens who enrich their communities through volunteer efforts at an open house in Carlsbad on Tuesday. Among the recipients was Encinitas resident Robin Tarr, who founded the 501 (c) 3 Jonathan Tarr Foundation. Robin established the

foundation in memory of her son, who died in a car accident in 1998. “We’re very touched to be recognized and honored,” Robin said. “It’s so kind.” The foundation has given more than $264,000 in scholarships to underserved students not usually targeted for academic assistance with post-secondary education. Eight others in North

County were honored during the open house. “These volunteers embody the true American spirit and are dedicated stewards of their communities,” Wyland said. “I believe it is important to honor selfless individuals who notice the needs of others and without hesitation, offer a helping hand,” he added.



DEC. 13, 2013

Solana Beach disagrees with center use policy report By Bianca Kaplanek

SOLANA BEACH — Council members have questioned the results of a report they ordered in response to an initiative that could dictate the use of the Fletcher Cove Community Center. City Attorney Johanna Canlas sent a letter dated Nov. 26 to Helen Holmes Peak that lists a handful of “significant impacts” council members said are not discussed or analyzed in the report they ordered on Oct. 9. Council members said the document does not address the fact that any changes to the potential new law could only be made by the voters in an election, which the city would have to pay for. However, in two sections — under fiscal impacts and in the conclusion — the report states that the city “may face costs from increased elections.” The letter also states any legal challenges to the measure, if adopted by voters at a Feb. 11, 2014 special election, would have to be defended and paid for by the city. According to the initiative, Fletcher Cove Community Center will be “available for use by Solana Beach residents.” City officials are concerned that language could result in equal protection claims. “While the

City Council members have challenged a report on a use policy for Fletcher Cove Community Center, saying it does not accurately and completely discuss or analyze all potential impacts. Photo by Bianca Kaplanek

Constitution does not presume distinctions between residents and nonresidents … to be discriminatory,” the letter states, the measure is unclear whether nonresidents are excluded from using the center. The measure, now known as Proposition B, allows the city to collect “nominal fees.” Because the amount is not specific, coun-

cil members fear the city “would only be able to charge a small amount and would not be able to recover costs.” City officials say Proposition B does not take into consideration the number of parking spaces available at the community center because it does not limit the number of people who can attend special events there. Canlas writes in her let-

ter that the law “could be challenged by neighbors if the parking situation has a negative impact” on the area. City officials also said the report did not fully address any impacts from confusion between legislative acts and administrative functions. The report, prepared by Peak and Inga Lintvedt, from Lounsbery Ferguson Altona & Peak, analyzed, according to the election code, any impacts the new law may have in seven specific areas. The election code allows

the preparers to study any other matters requested. “The City Council did not request that any other matters be analyzed,” the report states. According to the conclusion, the use policy is not expected to have any negative impacts. The city “may face costs from increased elections, but … is not expected to lose any money from allowing special event permits to be issued for FCCC,” the report states. “Likewise, based on the documents and analysis included in this Report, there are not expected to be adverse impacts to the City’s General and Specific Plans, zoning, land use, housing, funding for infrastructure, schools, parks, traffic, parking, open space, business retention and employment, vacant parcels, agriculture, business districts or areas designated for revitalization.” City Council received the report at the Nov.20 meeting, which Tom Campbell participated in via telephone because he was out of town. He said he didn’t have a chance to read it thoroughly before the meeting and wasn’t feeling well. After returning home and rereading the report he said he had concerns that some conclusions “may not have been based on the actual facts and there were issues that were not considered.” He asked that the item be discussed at the Nov. 20 meeting so he could voice those concerns publicly. At that meeting council members voted unanimously to share those issues with Peak. “We would have been happy to cover those if they had requested that,” Peak said. “But they did not request that.” “It was my understanding that everything would be looked at,” Mayor Mike Nichols said. “It doesn’t make sense to do some things and not others. They read what was being proposed. We thought they would do the work and analyze everything.” Fletcher Cove Community Center is a 1935 Civilian Conservation Corps barracks on Pacific Avenue

with sweeping views of the Pacific Ocean. It is used for community meetings and classes and was once available for private celebrations that occasionally disrupted the adjacent neighborhood with loud music, traffic and overconsumption of alcohol. The parties stopped more than a decade ago when the building started crumbling. But after a renovation project was completed in 2011, residents sought to use the facility again for private celebrations. Those living near the facility set out to avoid repeating history. They worked with city officials and community members who wanted to use the center for weekend celebrations — many of them donors to the $370,000 renovation effort — to work out a compromise. Most issues were resolved except alcohol consumption, which isn’t allowed at any city facility. Council members were set to make the final decision in June but when it was obvious there wouldn’t be consensus, they tabled the discussion. That prompted a group of residents called Friends of Fletcher Cove Community Center to gather signatures for a citizen initiative so voters could decide what events could take place at the center. To avoid a $200,000 special election, City Council adopted a 14-month trial use policy, but those behind the initiative said it was too restrictive so they submitted the petitions. Council’s choices were to call for the election or adopt the policy, which they say is flawed. “In my opinion the report is very thorough and clear,” said Mary Jane Boyd, a member of Friends of Fletcher Cove. “The council is trying to cover themselves and not take responsibility for the decision they made to call for a special election.” Nichols said he is not blaming any of the attorneys for what the council considers an “inaccurate and incomplete report.” “How we got here is irrelevant,” he said. “There are impacts that need to be identified that the public needs to be aware of.”

ODD FILES BY CHUCK SHEPHERD Compelling Explanations The Bank of England, arguing before the U.K.’s Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards in October, warned against limiting the bonuses that bankers have come to expect from their lucrative deals — because that might encroach on their “human rights.” The Bank suggested it is a human rights violation even to ask senior executives to demonstrate that they tried hard to comply with banking laws (because it is the government’s job to prove violations). Slick Talkers (1) A young woman, accosted by a robber on Washington, D.C.’s Capitol Hill in October, told the man she was a low-paid intern — but an intern for the National Security Agency, and that within minutes of robbing her, the man would be tracked down by ubiquitous NSA surveillance. She said, later (reported the Washington Examiner), the man just “looked at me and ran away (empty-handed).” (2) A 29-year-old cafeteria worker at Sullivan East High School in Blountville, Tenn., swore to police on the scene in October that she was not the one who took money from a co-worker’s purse, and she voluntarily stripped to near-nakedness to demonstrate her innocence. “See? I don’t have it,” she said. Moments later, an officer found the missing $27 stuffed in the woman’s shoe.

City opts to improve service, not create own police department By Bianca Kaplanek

DEL MAR — After spending $25,000 to evaluate law enforcement needs and options, Del Mar officials agreed at the Nov. 18 meeting to try to improve the services it receives from the Sheriff’s Department rather than create its own police force. The study, conducted by Ralph Andersen & Associates, provided input on the existing contract and level of service, as well as the benefits and disadvantages of staying with the Sheriff’s Department or creating a standalone department either by itself or with other cities. Del Mar has contracted with the Sheriff’s Department

for police services since its inception in 1959. It is currently one of nine cities to do so. Under the current contract, for a cost of about $1.7 million, the city gets one patrol deputy 24/7, a traffic officer weekdays from 10:30 a.m. to 7 p.m., a full-time detective and regional services such as SWAT, aerial support, search and rescue, the crime lab and bomb and arson. Of the 213 felony and misdemeanor arrests in the city in 2012, 119, or about 56 percent, were at the Del Mar Fairgrounds. Council members noted Del Mar is unique because the combination of the beach

and summer fairgrounds activities attracts visitors like no other city in the state. As the cost of law enforcement steadily increased, the city directed a Finance Subcommittee to look into cost-saving measures. What members discovered was dissatisfaction with the services being provided to the county’s smallest city. Calls to the Sheriff’s Department are broken into four categories. Priority one calls include serious accidents, SWAT team involvement, disasters and airplane crashes. Average response time in June through August of this year was about 14 minutes. For priority two calls —

homicides, hit-and-run injuries, robbery, rape, assault with a deadly weapon, burglary and grand theft, for example — the average response time during the same summer months was a little more than nine minutes. Driving under the influence, accidents with minor injuries, hit-and-run with property damage, an escaped prisoner, arson and child stealing are among the priority three calls that averaged a 13-minute response time. Prowlers, assault, indecent exposure, vandalism, trespassing and audible and silent alarms constitute priority four calls that had an average response time of 55 minutes.

Consultant John Goss said the benefits to staying with the Sheriff’s Department include regional resources, the ability to respond to major emergencies and costeffective services. The disadvantages are a perceived lack of visibility, staff continuity and contract negotiations because of the nine-city contract, limited communication with the ranger and lifeguard, inappropriate detective assignments, such as spending too much time reviewing red-light camera tickets, and slow response times. Goss said, in his opinion, the Sheriff’s Department TURN TO SHERIFFS ON B11

10 men charged after attempted maritime smuggling event By Tony Cagala

DEL MAR — Ten men are being charged with possession with intent to distribute and conspiracy to distribute a controlled substance following their arrest on Nov. 8 near 12th Street. Of the 10 individuals, two were U.S. citizens, the rest were Mexican nationals. Just after 3 a.m., Border Patrol Agents spotted an unlit panga vessel traveling 3 miles off the coast of Oceanside in a southern direction. Border Patrol Agent Jerome Conlin said that the Coastal Surveillance System on Carlsbad’s Ponto Beach was also used to confirm the agents’ initial detection of the panga.

A helicopter from the Office of Air and Marine was called in to assist in the search for the vessel. The panga was spotted approximately 2 miles off the coast of Del Mar just after 4 a.m. still traveling in a southern direction, when it turned towards shore. Two people from the vessel attempted to flee, running in opposite directions. One man was arrested, but a search for the second suspect was unsuccessful. Border Patrol Agents conducted a simultaneous search near 12th Street and discovered a commercial box truck with the name “La Guadalupana Imports” on it illegally parked A subsequent search of the truck revealed a man sleeping in

Ironies The Seattle City Council voted in October to seize a waterfront parking lot by eminent domain from the 103-year-old owner after negotiations to buy the property on the open market broke down. The state is funding a six-year tunneldigging project in the area, and the city has decided it needs the property for notyet-specified uses — except that in one part of the property, the city said it plans to operate a parking lot. Karma (1) Larry Poulos was stopped on an Arlington, Tex., street in September, bleeding from a head wound and complaining that he had just been robbed by two men. A friend of Poulos later corroborated that, but police also learned that the money Poulos had been carrying was the proceeds of his having robbed a credit union earlier that evening. He was treated for his wounds and then arrested. (2) At least 44 health workers were struck with a suspected norovirus in September at a Creative Health Care Management convention in Huron, Ohio. (Noroviruses are sometimes called the “Norwalk” virus, named after one notable outbreak in 1968 in Norwalk, Ohio, about 12 miles from Huron.)



DEC. 13, 2013

Agents with the Border Patrol and the Office of Air and Marine stopped a panga boat as it came ashore in Del Mar on Nov. 8. The vessel had more than $4 million in marijuana bales. Photo courtesy of Border Patrol

the driver’s seat and several people lying in the cargo area. All were arrested and taken to the Imperial Beach Border Patrol Station for interviews and processing. A total of 41 bales of marijuana were removed from the panga. Border Patrol estimated the marijuana had a street value of $4,105,000. One of the suspects, Jorge Rodriguez-Hernandez told interviewers at the Imperial Beach Border Patrol Station that they were waiting for a boat to arrive, and that he would be paid $900 to help move

bales of marijuana out of the boat and into a truck, according to the filed court complaint. One suspect said that

the drugs were originally to be unloaded in the Los Angeles area but that the drop off was changed to Del Mar.


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DEC. 13, 2013


St. James Academy - a Hidden Gem! North County’s Premier Catholic Elementary School For over 60 years, St. James Academy has exemplified a higher devotion to excellence. Many things have changed over the years: the building has been completely remodeled, technology is lightning quick, communication is global and access to information is immediate. What hasn’t changed is our goal to prepare students to live responsibly and faithfully in an everchanging world.

The Heart of Our School is Our Children

Our learning is based on the teachings and philosophy of the Catholic Church and following Gospel values to make a difference in our world. As the challenges of contemporary life evolve, St. James Academy continuously evaluates the best processes to enable our students to meet the current and future needs of our community. The vision for St. James Academy is to enable students, educators, and our community to gain both the desire and the

opportunity to practice scheduling, a choice of elecChrist-centered action in tives and a flex period everyday life. where they can get extra help from teachers, retake or makeup tests, or work on An Outstanding homework. Extra opportuPreschool nities include athletics, In living our vision, we music, performing arts, fine have grown to include an arts, Spanish and a surf outstanding preschool. This club! program’s goal for three and four year olds is to Fully Accredited and ensure that your child's Dedicated first school experiences are St. James is a fully filled with love, laughter, accredited, Catholic eleand learning. mentary school (Preschool-

One to One iPad Program

We are in the second year of our one to one iPad pilot program. The program includes fourth grade through eighth, and the rest of the school shares a school set of iPads. This program is offering our students the opportunity to utilize new technologies and learning techniques in order to give them a greater advantage in their learning and future educational and career choices.

8) that has been serving the San Diego North County Coastal community since 1952. St. James employs fully accredited teachers. Students at St. James are blessed with a dedicated teaching and support staff committed to providing a strong educational program that integrates spiritual, moral, academic, social, cultural and physical precepts. The Academy is part of the vibrant St. James Catholic Community.

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DEC. 13, 2013

EDUCATIONAL O PPORTUNITIES The Rhoades School — Kindergarten - Grade 8

Teaching to the top The Rhoades School is unique among the educational options that exist in San Diego County. As a Kindergarten – Grade 8 school designed for and dedicated to serving bright, high achieving students, we focus on teaching children How to Think, not what to think. Recognizing that teacher expectations, communicated either implicitly or explicitly, directly influence student performance (Rosenthal. R., and Jacobson, L. 1968; Cooper, H. M., 1979.), Rhoades School faculty set the achievement bar very high and engage students in a rigorous curriculum that

requires them to think persistently, flexibly, and clearly, while striving for accuracy and precision. Ours is a warm, welcoming, and inclusive community; students, families and faculty alike appreciate being part of this supportive and nurturing environment where all members are known, valued and experience a sense of belonging. Remarkably diverse in their achievements, The Rhoades School’s alumni/ alumnae find themselves well positioned for continued, impressive success, not only in the secondary school setting of their choosing, but also in

the college environment. In September of this year, members of the graduating Class of 2009 began their university studies at Stanford, Cal Tech, Northwestern, Carnegie Mellon, UCLA and Berkeley, to name but a few. The Rhoades School is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges and a member of the National Association of Independent Schools. Come, visit Rhoades and see for yourself if we are the right educational environment for your bright, curious child. We look forward to welcoming you soon.

Discover Grauer tours... ■ Scheduled

at The Grauer School The Grauer School is hosting semi-private Discover Grauer Tours on Thursday, January 9th, January 23rd and February 6th for prospective families. “Discover Grauer Tours are an excellent way to learn about The Grauer School’s programs and view classroom dynamics in action,” states Elizabeth Braymen, Director of Admissions. “We encour-

age families who would like to get an inside glimpse into the school to sign up for these free, semi-private tours.” The Grauer School is a grades 6-12 college preparatory school that is the regional leader in the small schools movement. The Grauer School focuses on college preparatory rigor balanced with expeditionary learning and Socratic teaching. As a small school by design with approximately 150 students total, The Grauer School emphasizes relationshipbased teaching that stems from its small class sizes with a student-to-teacher ratio of

6 to 1. “The best way to understand the power of relationship-driven education, a core feature at The Grauer School, is to witness it firsthand,” Braymen adds. “Once you step onto campus, and especially after you see a class in action, you’ll understand why the seniors in our graduating class were accepted to 89% of the colleges to which they applied.” RSVP to the “Discover Grauer” event at www.grauerschool.com or by calling (760) 274-2116. The Grauer School is currently enrolling grades 7-12 for the 2014-2015 academic year.

DISCOVER GRAUER Discover the secret to educational happiness. Take a tour with us and learn about Grauer’s outstanding educational program. Our approach to college preparation cultivates thoughtfulness, achievement, pride, and happiness. Grauer graduates from the Class of 2013 were accepted to 89% of the colleges to which they applied. Sign-up for a Discover Grauer Tour on our website. Choose from tours on 1/9, 1/23, and 2/6/2014. Or call to schedule a private visit. At Grauer, you’ll discover that the school of your dreams actually exists right here in Encinitas, California.


A modern approach to traditional Martial Arts Not all martial arts schools are created equal, and West Coast Martial Arts Academy is the real deal. In addition to popular martial arts styles such as Kempo, Jiu Jitsu, Judo and Boxing, West Coast Martial Arts Academy (WCMAA) teaches a rare traditional style of Kung Fu only taught by a select few in the world. This exclusive and traditional training, and a friendly family atmosphere, make WCMAA a unique place for students of all ages and skill levels to learn and progress. Tiger Claw Kung Fu is an art that has not been commercialized due to its strict rigid guidelines. If

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Exclusive and traditional training, and a friendly family atmosphere, make WCMAA a unique place.

In-home tutoring helps your child . . .

beyond just getting better grades Tutoring can bring many benefits to your family and child. Martha Garcia is Spanish and French teacher and tutor since 2005, who has helped many students succeed, gain self-esteem and improve their grades. Here’s how tutoring can help. Fewer distractions. In the classroom, noise, friends and other distractions can affect your child's performance. Private one-on-one tutoring provides learning in a more controlled environment. Less frustration. As a parent, we all know how frustrating helping your child with

homework can be. Personal tutors are professionals and remove these frustrations. Build confidence and selfesteem. The more confident a child feels the more relaxed they become elevating their performance. Contagious enthusiasm. By using a specialized language tutor, your child will learn from a teacher with passion for foreign languages and a cultural background that makes languages fun and interesting. Catch-up. Sometimes your child may have missed key points in the syllabus due to an illness, vacation or may just not

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DEC. 13, 2013

Concours d’Elegance Signs warning of contamination removed brings the best in autos By Tony Cagala

LA JOLLA — Mark your calendars, car lovers. Celebrating its 10th anniversary, the La Jolla Concours d’Elegance automobile showcase is readying a weekend of automotive events. The La Jolla Concours d’Elegance brings some of the most exquisite automobile displays in the world to be showcased. This celebratory automotive weekend will begin April 11 with the Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Contemporary Classic Cocktail Party at the La Valencia Hotel. The La Jolla Concours featured events will continue April 12, with the annual Ferrari and Maserati of San Diego Motor Tour and the Bentley Saturday Evening VIP Reception on the Concours lawn. Saving the most extravagant for last, the weekend will commence with the La Jolla Concours d’Elegance April 13 with more than 150 spectacular vehicles, a wine garden, VIP Lounge, VIP Hospitality Suites and general admission tickets for the 2014 Concours. Celebrating European racing history with the marques of Bentley and Ferrari, the 10th annual La Jolla Concours d’Elegance will

honor everything from the Parisian roots of the first ever motoring events in the late 1800s to the continental racing phenomenon spreading across Europe throughout the 1900s and into the modern day. Staying true to tradition, it will also be featuring the La Jolla Motor Car Classic at the Concours, which will once again be free and open to the public and will expand the show from the Ellen Browning Scripps Park into the La Jolla Village roadways displaying a variety of automobiles. The 10th annual La Jolla Concours d’Elegance proceeds will go toward the betterment of the Monarch School Project, which educates students specifically who have been impacted by homelessness, as well as the La Jolla Historical Society, which preserves the history of the gem known as La Jolla. The Monarch School Project and the La Jolla Historical Society are both 501c3 nonprofits. For more information, to obtain a registration form or purchase tickets to the featured weekend events, visit LaJollaConcours.com or call (619) 233-5008.

CARLSBAD — Signs posted along the shoreline of Lake Calavera warning of possible contamination were removed on Dec.5, more than a week after escaped sewage flowed from a storm drain into a nearby creek and eventually into the lake. The spill happened on the morning of Nov. 25. The duration of the spill was really short, said Mark McPherson, chief of land and water quality division for the Department of Environmental Health, San Diego County. “It was only 12 minutes,” he said. Spilling at about 950 gallons per minute, the county estimated that 11,400 gallons of sewage spilled from the sewer main. “They recovered about 3,000 gallons,” McPherson said, adding that the sewage release was estimated at 8,400 gallons that went into the unnamed creek, which flows into the lake. McPherson said that samples were taken from three different locations around the lake, including the creek outlet, the middle of the lake along the north shoreline, and another one at the southwestern corner of the lake. The department tested

After sewage leaked from a broken sewer main into a creek that flowed into Lake Calavera in Carlsbad on Nov. 25, water samples taken showed no signs of total coliform, fecal coliform or enterococcus. Photo by Tony Cagala

the water for total coliform, fecal coliform and enterococcus. They OK’d the removal of the warning signs after having received the test results. “Anytime there’s a sewage spill, the municipality or the waste water agency…and it enters a public area, especially the water, they have to call the Department of

Environmental Health to report it, and we look at it and direct the sampling and ensure that…they prevent access from the public areas that have the potential to be contaminated,” McPherson said. The spill was attributed to a broken water main, which opened a sinkhole on the 4700 block of Lake Boulevard in Oceanside, according to a

county news release. Oceanside water crews were still doing repair work along Lake Boulevard on Thursday. Lake Calavera is overseen by Carlsbad. The lake is an open space preserve where hikers, joggers and bicyclists often use the more than six miles of trails that surround it for recreational purposes.

A glimpse inside the Scripps Encinitas Birth Pavilion HEALTH WATCH

As director, it’s my job to help the team pursue excellence. I want ROM THE TAFF OF CRIPPS EALTH everyone to feel super special about what they He bicycles with fel- do. Carlsbad resident Douglas Fenton, M.D., low physicians, motorhas the quintessential bikes, skateboards and W h a t n e w p r o g r a m s h a ve Southern California paddleboards. yo u b e e n w o r k i n g o n ? But Dr. Fenton really lifestyle. We initiated an OB lights up when describ- hospitalist program. This ing his work as medical means we always have an director for the Leichtag obstetrician in the hospiFamily Birth Pavilion at tal, 24 hours a day, 7 days Scripps Memorial a week, 365 days a year. Hospital Encinitas. If there’s an emerSince assuming the gency during childbirth, role in 2009, Dr. Fenton we don’t have to wait for has focused on making an on-call physician to Scripps Encinitas the drive here. best hospital in North The hospitalist can County to deliver a baby. step in immediately, and as a result, patient safety W h a t i s y o u r r o l e a t t h e is very high. B i r t h P av i l i o n ? We are also expandI believe our commu- ing our neonatal intennity deserves the best sive care unit (NICU), care and that starts with which we run in partnerchildbirth. ship with Rady To make that happen, Children’s Hospital, to I work with colleagues, a care for more pre-term fantastic nursing staff babies. and others to develop That way we can take and implement new pro- care of them here, rather grams that improve qual- than sending them to ity and enhance another hospital, and patient satisfaction. mothers get to stay with





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their babies. We have also implemented perinatal consultations for women going through high-risk pregnancies. Ho w w i l l t h e B i r t h Pav i l i o n b e a f f e c t e d when the ne w Critical Care Building opens in 2014? The Critical Care Building will have an enormously positive effect on the entire hospital. It will allow us to expand the postpartum unit, moving it upstairs, directly over the Birth Pavilion.

lent experience that is consistent with good medical practice. This approach governs everything we do. We were the first hospital in San Diego to receive the BabyFriendly designation from the World Health Organization and the United Nations Children’s Fund. This recognizes our commitment to helping women breastfeed. New moms have so many questions, and we want to help answer them. I’m particularly proud of the respectful atmosphere at the Birth Pavilion. Everyone enjoys their job and is working to create an excellent patient experience. This is one of many reasons why we have some of the highest patient satisfaction scores in the region.

What are you most proud o f a t t h e B i r t h P av i l i o n ? Many women come to Scripps Encinitas because we’re very supportive of natural childbirth. We don’t fit any patient into a mold. Rather, we discuss the patient’s expectations and how we can meet W h a t d o y o u l i k e m o s t ab o u t S c r i p p s E n c i n i t a s ? them. This hospital has We want to ensure all families have an excel- kind of a small town feeling. There’s that intimacy: you know people and they’re happy to see you and say hello. It’s like coming home. “Health Watch” is brought to you by the physicians and staff of Scripps Health. For more information or for a @TheRSFNews physician referral, call 1800-SCRIPPS or visit scripps.org.

DEC. 13, 2013



Read your way around the world this holiday season globe more often, there is a greater diversity in local cuisines — including France where “people spend an inordinate amount of time thinkE’LOUISE ing about, talking about and ONDASH consuming food.” “The Food Book” is an Hit the Road excellent pre-trip reference or If you are looking for a a great gift for foodies who like book for that traveler on your international cuisine or want gift list or something special to know more about it. for yourself, here are my picks: “Paris, I’ve Grown “The Food Book: A Accustomed to Your Ways” Journey through the Great (Outskirts Press; hardback; Cuisines of the World” (Lonely $24.95): You could call this Planet; hardcover; $25): book “Slow Paris” because Readers — or perusers — can author-traveler Ruth Yunker open to any page and begin of Newport Beach gives us a learning about the usual and visitor’s view of the City of unusual culinary offerings in Lights that is minus the major lands far and not-so-far away. sites, but full of detail about There may be 888 pages lingering in a place you love. Yunker was lucky enough in this little square, fat tome, but much of the space is devot- to spend six weeks there in her ed to beautiful photos that favorite arrondissement — the capture the unique foods of 47 15th — and she takes us along as she learns the small-butcountries. Each chapter touches on interesting facts about life in native dishes and dining, and Paris. (Examples: Not all greetincludes notes on the culture, shopping, religion, hierarchy ing cards come with of ingredients, drinks, celebra- envelopes; never greet dogs tions, etiquette and the occa- before greeting their owners; and there is joy in photographsional interesting fact. For instance, Indians eat ing the reflection of a yellow more than 4 pounds of rice a umbrella in wet cobblestones.) The portraits of people week; in Jamaica, Red Stripe beer is available from vending and pictures of places that machines; and Ghana is reput- Yunker paints with her words ed to be the friendliest coun- allow readers to easily share her bewiltry in Africa. derment, Readers will find that frusmany of the typical foods traof countries endure, but as technology shrinks the world and allows people move about the

Lonely Planet’s “The Food Book” is a one-stop culinary reference providing insights into the culture, history and the essential cuisine of 47 countries. The 888-page book, with its hundreds of color photos of food and people, is a great gift for the traveler or foodie. Courtesy photos

tion, humor and gratitude that Barbara McNally travels to she experiences during her Ireland, home of her ancestors, stay. and discovers not only the beauty and history of the “Unbridled: A Memoir” country, but how to navigate (Balboa Press; softcover; the world on her own. And yes, there is a brief$14.95): Forget “Fifty Shades of Grey” and try this real-life but-torrid love affair. There fantasy about a woman whose also is a big surprise on the marriage goes awry, but is home front upon McNally’s lucky enough to have the return from Ireland. Just when you think that means to follow her adventurous late grandmother’s path perhaps McNally, now a San to independent adventure. Diego resident, is a bit too self-

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Barbara McNally of San Diego wrote about finding herself and independence through travel to Ireland and Jamaica after a divorce in “Unbridled: A Memoir.” She says that “freedom has taught me that taking responsibility brings … the joy of giving and the joy of leading a purposeful life.”

absorbed, an incident in Jamaica changes the direction of her life and puts it in perspective. “Unbridled” is definitely chic-lit, but oh, so many grades above a Harlequin Romance.

band suddenly in 2008 as they were sailing off the California coast. They had been married a mere six months. Traumatized and wrongly diagnosed with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), “I found myself locked up in a psychiatric unit by the very company that had brought me to America,” she writes. “Instead of restoration, my symptoms worsened and, eventually, I had to take the multi-billion dollar company to court to get the matter settled.” The case apparently went her way because MorrisRobertson bought an RV, named it Reggie and set out on what became a three-year journey encompassing 50 states and more than 80,000 miles. To add structure to her trip, though, she left with rules: no big cities; visit towns in alphabetical order (even if 3,000 miles apart); and let the American public vote for the destinations. In addition to the towns and attractions like the Grand Canyon which garnered the most votes, Morris-Robertson includes runner-up destinations, her favorite watering holes and restaurants, and a bit on the culture and oddities of the winning areas. Proceeds from the book go to Our House Los Angeles, which provides grief support, and Cardiac Risk in the Young, a United Kingdom charity that raises heart health awareness. Reggie the RV is plastered with stickers from McNally’s many stops, is on display in the Lemay Automobile Museum in Tacoma, Wash.

“A to Zee Across America” (AuthorHouse; softcover): This quirky guidebook to the U.S.A. was born of E’Louise Ondash is a freelance writer livtragedy. Author Kay Morris- ing in North County. Tell her about your Robertson, a Brit, lost her hus- travels at eondash@coastnewsgroup.com.

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DEC. 13, 2013



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LUNCH Mon-Fri 11:30am-2:00pm DINNER Mon-Thurs: 5pm-9pm Fri: 5pm-9pm / Sat: 4pm-9pm Sun: 4pm-9pm The Bing foodies from left: Clarke Ledger, Aaron Kim, Margaret Calvani and Royce Cansler. Photo by David Boylan

Where Bing Surfboard’s folks eat around town 211 S El Camino Real, Encinitas • 760-632-0888 (In the LA Fitness Shopping Center)

DAVID BOYLAN Lick the Plate

The new Bing Surfboards retail store opened in Leucadia recently and it’s a beauty. They have a great selection of boards, apparel and accessories for anyone on your holiday shopping list who would appreciate the coastal lifestyle.

Bing Surfboards goes way back to 1959 when Bing Copeland opened his first surf shop with his friend Rick Stoner and became one of the major surfboard manufactures of the ‘60s and early ‘70s. The whole story is worth checking out on their website. I wanted to get to know the folks behind today’s Bing Surfboards so I approached them about participating in a “Lick the Plate” column.They were quick to say yes — surfers always have strong opinions on food. Following is a look at some of their favorites. Margaret and Matt Calvani are the current owners and Margaret had some really nice selections. She started with Fish 101 in Leucadia where she likes the “good fish for a good price, and super fresh raw oysters.” She also likes that the owners are on site every day and the staff is friendly. Her favorite is the fresh fish plate with a grilled catch of the day, side of brown rice and a clean fresh green salad. It says something that Fish 101 always makes a list when I do these guest columns. It’s definitely a Leucadia gem. Margaret is also a Café Ipe fan. “Best latte in Leucadia with a simple and fresh breakfast/lunch menu if you’re just meeting a friend or want to soak up some sun outdoors and listen to the live music. My personal favorite is the veggie bagel sandwich.” I’ll second that, and don’t forget to get some Revolution Roasters coffee when you are there. Rico’s Tacos in Encinitas wraps up Margaret’s list. “Mexican is not my favorite, but when I do crave a burrito I go to Rico’s because they don’t use lard in the beans and you can order a fairly light burrito without feeling like you swallowed a brick afterwards.The Justin Burrito is the one to get, it includes French fries.” I did not know of this non-food coma burrito and will have to put it on my list. Thanks Margaret! Clarke Ledger is the manager at the new Bing Surf Shop and starts off with one of Leucadia’s hidden gems, Fulano’s. “It’s my favorite TURN TO LICK THE PLATE ONB11



DEC. 13, 2013

South American wines on a roll


2009 E. Guigal Cotes Du Rhone France.


Taste of Wine Sensing an opening for their quality wines, Chile has been moving smartly in the American market to consolidate their wine sales gains and find new markets to present their Cabernet, Chardonnay and Syrah. Their “home-town” grape, Carmenere, is getting a reputation as the national grape but has a way to go for quality, with a distinctly “bell or jalapeno pepper” taste. It was February 2010 when the earth shook tragically in Chile just before the harvest (seasons are reversed in South America.) Steel tanks were flattened and broken bottles were strewn all over the land as Chile lost some 20 percent of their wine. Leading wineries such as Concho Y Toro, Emiliana, Casa Lapostolle and Montes made sure their vineyards were restored and muscled their way to save the 2010 crop still on the vines. Emiliana, located in the Colchagua Valley just south of Santiago the capital of Chile, is the foremost organic winery located in the foothills of the Andes

Twenty/20 at the Sheraton Carlsbad hosted a Chilean wine dinner recently. Organizers included: Food & Beverage Director Chris McNally, Sous Chef Andres Honojosa and Concho Y Toro rep Art Pinn. Photos by Frank Mangio

Mountains, similar to the Central Coast of California. It produces rich, dark fruit from a lineup of Syrah, Carmenere, Merlot, Cabernet, Petit Verdot and Mourvedre. Their Coyam 2010 Blend caught my attention ($24.50). Winemaker Noela Orts emphasized the high standard for production and full expression of terrior. The Los Robles Estate is certified organic and biodynamic. See more at emiliana. Alberto Siegel is a distinguished gentleman farmer from Santiago Chile and of Austrian descent. He started out selling fertilizer to Colchagua Valley wineries, before selling wine as a broker with his own brand, Vina Siegel. Varieties grown are: Sauvignon Blanc,

Chardonnay, Cabernet and the Gran Crucero blend 2010. “Our wines have rich minerality and we do well in America, our second largest market behind England,” he said. “Americans like to try different wines and this helps us with our lower prices than similar California wines. This year’s harvest was a challenge for us as the weather was colder than most, so we lowered yields to keep up the quality of the wines.” C h i l e a n w i n e s w ere spot lighted at a recent wine dinner at Twenty/20 at the Sheraton Carlsbad Resort. Food and Beverage Director Chris McNally was very excited to display the recently arrived Executive Sous Chef Andres Hinojosa,

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Noela Orts is one of Emiliana’s winemakers at the Chilean Los Robles Estate. She has also made wine in Spain and New Zealand.

originally from Chile, who created a wine pairing dinner with the master winery Concho Y Toro. It is considered Chile’s finest wine due to its popular Don Melchor brand, a 100 percent Cabernet. McNally emphasized the importance of Chilean wines when he stated, “We see great growth from that region. We are creating menus with that influence, and Chef Andres is giving us fresh insight with his dishes like Pollo Arvejado, a Paprika Chicken, paired with the 2011 Chardonnay Marques Casa De Concho” ($16.99). The most acclaimed TURN TO TASTE OF WINE ON B11

About This Wine: Who says a French wine has to be overpriced and complicated to be enjoyed in America? I’ve got one and it’s from my favorite French wine country, the Rhone Valley in the south of France. Savor aromas of red, dark berries with s l ow - b u i l d i n g smokiness, including lively cherry and raspberry palatepleasers, a strong finishing punch and lingering spiciness. Roughly 50 percent Syrah and 50 percent Grenache, with a dash of Mourvedre. About The Winery: The Guigal family is well known as the kings of the Rhone in volume, quality and prestige. Young Philippe, only 37 years old, is running the

winery and puts out 3.5 million cases per year of our wine of the month, with grapes sourced from the south. Long aging is the secret, much longer than most in France. The Cost: You can buy this wine at North County Wine Company in San Marcos for $14.97. Call (760) 744-2119.



DEC. 13, 2013

Gifts for foodies... guaranteed to leave taste buds dancing (BPT) — Between the growing trends of boutique restaurants, creative home cooking and entire television networks dedicated to food, you probably know a few people who consider themselves “foodies.” Whether they love craft beer, decadent chocolate treats or gourmet cheeses, you can find many great gift ideas for people passionate about food a n d drink. Make their holiday extra bright by indulging their interests and exploring some of these top trends in food-related gifts.

lovers and gourmets. The hard mineral composition means this particular type of salt can be carved into a variety of useful items, such as a Himalayan salt block ideal for serving warm grilled meats or chilled for serving sushi. Gourmet chefs at home can infuse food and drink with a subtle hint of mineral-rich salt, adding a unique layer of flavor.

that’s truly one of a kind.

Personalized stoneware

Sweet and salty treats

Winter days call for warm baked goods, whether it’s a classic casserole or rich home-

Flavor fusion is featured in

some o f the


pie. Cooks and bakers love to personalize dishes with updated versions of classic recipes, adding herbs and spices for extra flare. And when that dish is cooked in cusH i m a l ay a n tomized stoneware, there’s no salt is also touted as a healthy, mistaking who created the culiHimalayan salt natural source of sodium by nary masterpiece. Personalized stoneware is gaining populariHimalayan salt is a trendy many health experts. ty; by adding a name or special and truly unique gift for salt message, you’re giving a gift

n a t i o n ’s most popular restaurants, but home chefs are enjoying these taste mash-ups, too. One classic blend that has been gaining popularity is salty and sweet combos. Gift ideas that feature this ultimate mix include gourmet dipped pretzel rods in various types of chocolate. Sea-salt adorned confections are another popular option — look for caramels and truffles sprinkled with

sparkling sea salt for the per- gourmet caramel apples and fect salty and sweet pairing. cake pops, tantalizing temptations appeal to anyone with a Glass sets for beer sweet tooth. Gourmet popcorn and fruit baskets make great aficionados It’s official — the craft beer gifts for food lovers too, and movement is here to stay.There combining a few special treats are more breweries in the U.S. in a gift basket is a fun way to than ever before, and beer con- present their favorites. noisseurs are even picky about the mug they drink it in. Craft Made in the USA Things made in the USA beer enthusiasts know that one of the best ways toenhance your embrace the idea of “home is drink is to use the correct glass. where the heart is,” while proGlass sets make great gifts that viding quality goods that last are not only useful, but can the test of time. Patronize bouserve as a beautiful display in a tiques that feature local artibar or kitchen when not in use. sans, or when shopping online, For example, beer lovers will look for the location where the enjoy a multiple glass beer tast- item was created. For example, ing set. Be sure it includes glass- RedEnvelope’s animal wood es like a hand mug for light ales, cutting board comes in pig, cow, footed glass for wheat beers rooster and chicken designs — and pale lagers, and an English ideal for any chef — all made in pub glass for dark English ales. the USA.

Gourmet goodies

Unique gourmet treats are sure to impress even the most refined palate. From handdipped Champagne strawberries from Shari’s Berries, to




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Grill mania

Both men and women are refining their grilling skills by cooking dishes in their favorite barbecue style — and winter isn’t stopping them. Indulge their passion with a grilling gift that features some of today’s top spices and sauces. Trending spices of the year include turmeric,juniper,smoked paprika and galangal, a Thai ginger. Does your favorite griller like some heat? Add in some Sriracha or Korean chili paste for that spicy kick foodies are looking for.Cheer your favorite foodie with a gift that’s sure to please.These top trends in foodand drink-related gifts will stand out from the others under the tree.

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long road ahead before this project sees the light of day, if ever.” But with the official shut down of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station this summer, the San Diego region is in need of an additional 600 megawatts of power, according to CAISO (California Independent System Operator). SDG&E has offered to purchase the power generated by the new power plant if NRG agrees to change the proposed plant’s


wine in Chile is easily Concho Y Toro’s Don Melchor Cabernet Sauvignon (2008 — $90). This ripe, dense red shows mocha and toasty oak with a rich cassis flavored black cherry and plum character. Ripe tannins lead to a long, juicy finish. Concho Y Toro, based in Santiago, is the largest producer of wines from Latin America and a global leader.


place to go for Mexican food. After walking by this place for four years due to local rumors I decided to try it out. It’s one of the best local restaurants in town offering quality instead of quantity. The combo with the beef taco and chile relleno are a go-to for me.” Thanks for the reminder Clarke. I pass it daily too and it’s time to devote a column to them. Clarke is also a fan of Seaside Market and their Cardiff Crack Tri-tip. “It will turn a vegetarian into a carnivore.” Then on the other end of the spectrum, Clark heads to Mozy's Café, “for when I've had too much Seaside and Fulano’s, but still crave a burrito these guys still serve healthy options that don’t



“provides satisfactory service.” Some residents disagreed. Robin Crabtree, a member of the subcommittee who lives in the beach area, said taking 55 minutes or more to respond to summer parties and drunk and disorderly visitors “is just unacceptable.” “I’d like to see Del Mar get better service for our money,” she said. “There’s a quality of service that we enjoy with our lifeguard department, with our fire department,” Bud Emerson said, noting that one reason Del Mar opted to become a city was dissatisfaction with San Diego fire and beach safety service. “We wanted a department that we knew and that knew us, and we need cops that same way,” he said. “And it’s not just to catch us speeding. … They need to know us. They need to know who we are, how we live.They need to be part of our community.” Jim Benedict, also a sub-



DEC. 13, 2013 technology. NRG has agreed to amend its project if the city lends its support. City staff suggested that council consider negotiating with NRG and SDG&E in an attempt to make changes to the energy infrastructure and property use of the project to benefit the residents of Carlsbad. Assistant City Manager Gary Barberio acknowledged that, “The city has invested significant resources, both time and energy and finances, in the opposition of this effort.” But he conceded that because of the SONGS clo-

sure, “The energy supply environment in California has dramatically changed.” Residents who helped the original opposition effort spoke out against negotiating. P l a n n i n g Commissioner Kerry Siekmann said, “Our big motto was, ‘The wrong power plan in the wrong location.’ And it still is.” “I don’t want the public to think that we’re changing course. I think it’s prudent that when we see the writing on the wall...it’s in the best interest of everybody, especially our community, to find some compro-

mises,” said Councilmember Keith Blackburn. “(NRG and the city) both understand each other’s positions. But, they’re fighting for what’s in the best interest of their business and we’re fighting for what’s in the best interest of our community,” he added. As a whole, council agreed that it was worth working on negotiations in the hopes of reaching compromises between NRG and Carlsbad’s competing interests. They voted unanimously to that effect.

See conchoytoro.com. Wine Bytes Bacchus Wine Market downtown San Diego has an Italian Sangiovese Tasting Dec. 14 from 2 to 8:30 p.m. Some of Italy’s finest wines are based on Sangiovese. Sample six wines for $20. Details at (619) 2360005. Tuscany Italian Restaurant & Lounge in Carlsbad presents Jazz & R&B Christmas Songs featuring The Tuscany All Stars House Band Dec. 15 at noon. In the Copa

Room. Tickets are $30 in advance. Call (760) 929-8111. RELM Wine Beer Bistro Carlsbad returns with events starting with a Holiday Wine Tasting Dec.15,5 to 8 p.m.,with more than 70 wines to try for only $25. Appetizers served. Details at (760) 434-9463. Wine Steals in Cardiff has a holiday dessert wine tasting Dec. 18 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Taste these wines for $5 each. No RSVP needed. Vittorio’s Trattoria, off Interstate 56 in San Diego is

planning a Robert Sinskey Sonoma/Napa Vineyards wine dinner Dec. 19 at 6 p.m. Cost is $49.50. The vineyard’s rep will speak about the wines. A Pinot Noir and the winery’s blends will be featured. RSVP at (858) 538-5884.

skimp on taste.” Way to balance it out Clarke. Bing Surfboards Marketing Director Aaron Kim is up next and he starts out with Pollos Maria in Carlsbad. “This place has awesome grilled chicken. I usually get a half chicken plate or go with chicken tacos, chicken flautas or chicken burrito. Basically anything with chicken is a winner.” Next up for Aaron was Yoshino Japanese Deli in Carlsbad.This is a place that I will be writing about soon as the buzz has been huge. This is how Aaron describes it, “The best Poke bowls and premade sushi plates in North County and the price is right as well. I got hooked on Poke in Hawaii and this place is the closest thing I can get to satisfy that craving. They are small and sell out quick. They

open at 10:30 a.m. and the poke bowls are usually gone before noon and it’s cash only.” Just FYI Aaron, you may need to get there a little earlier now, ha! East Village in Encinitas rounds out Aaron’s list. “I go there to get a fill of Korean style food. Convoy Street is a bit far for most days so this is the next best thing. The beef kimchee burrito is awesome. Most people go for the Monk Stone Pot which is basically Korean bim bim pot but Americanized to appeal to the local customers. It’s an awesome place to eat with friends.” Royce Cansler is the owner of Bing Surf Shop and chimed in with a couple of local favorites. He is a big fan of Rimel's in Cardiff. “I love the variety of food and the taste and

freshness of all their dishes are great.” Pelly's Cafe & Fish Market in Carlsbad also makes his list. “Fresh seafood and their fresh fish counter allow you to grab something to cook at home as well.” Nice picks Bing Surfboards. A couple of new ones for “Lick the Plate” to check out for sure. The Bing Surfboards store is located at 802 N. Coast Hwy 101 in Encinitas. Reach them at (760) 944-6300 or bingsurf.com.

committee member, said the report was not meant to be a reflection on sheriff’s Capt. Robert Haley or his department. “We have probably one of the worst labor contracts in the county … and that drove up our costs,” Benedict said. “Just the fact that we have one officer 24/7 throws us into a position that’s just problematic. “One thing that I was shocked at was … the 55 minutes for the priority four (calls),” he added. “If you had somebody looking in your window that was a prowler, do you know when the sheriff would come? … In 55 minutes in August, 44 minutes in the average over the year. … I think it’s almost outrageous and that has to be fixed.” In response to the report, Haley said he had a crime analyst review calls to Del Mar in 2012. He said priority one calls were all collisions that included an unfounded military airplane crash and a two-vehicle collision with one person transported to the hospital. “It’s already transport-

ed,” Haley said. “There’s no rush to get there.” Other calls included a train versus pedestrian, in which a female was killed, a two-vehicle collision with the parties exchanging information and a vehicle versus pedestrian with the victim refusing medical attention. “Those are not calls that a deputy has to get there in one minute,” Haley said. “Accidents where we had minor injuries, the average response time was (less than a minute). We knew somebody was hurt. We got there quickly. “If there is an active prowler we will be there within one to two minutes,” he said after the meeting. “If a report is pending and the crime is not occurring, that is a very low-priority call. “If any call we receive is for an ongoing crime, we will be there extremely quickly, including the times when a deputy has to come from Solana Beach or Rancho Santa Fe,” Haley said. “The safety of the public is our number one priority and we would never hold a call

where an active prowler was outside the house.” The consultants estimated a standalone police department would be $200,000 to $300,000 more per year, with a start-up cost of nearly $1 million. Council directed staff to work with the Sheriff’s Department to improve service and implement some of the recommendations from the study, such as increased foot patrol, better access to data and using someone other than a detective to review red-light camera tickets. “I think that there is agreement that the relationship between the city of Del Mar and the sheriff is broken,” Benedict said. “A short term goal is to see if it is repairable.” The Finance Subcommittee will fine-tune the impacts of developing a city police force if services don’t improve. An update will be provided in about six months, with a full report and service e v a l u a t i o n expected in a year.

Frank Mangio is a renowned San Diego wine connoisseur certified by Wine Spectator. He is one of the leading commentators on the web. View and link up with his columns at tasteofwinetv.com. Reach him at mangiompc@aol.com.

Lick the Plate can now be heard on KPRi, 102.1 FM Monday-Friday during the 7pm hour. David Boylan is founder of Artichoke Creative and Artichoke Apparel, an Encinitas based marketing firm and clothing line. Reach him at david@artichoke-creative.com or (858) 395-6905.

Barbara Allen was recently inducted in the Women Divers Hall of Fame. For her, diving paved the way for a future career and travels. Photo courtesy of Barbara Allen



people,” Allen said. “They were just a different breed. They’re very open, positive and often very helpful.” Soon after, she landed a job as a scuba instructor and befriended Bud Browne, a pioneering surf photographer and filmmaker. They traveled to Hawaii and eventually met a who’s who list of surfers and divers. Names like John Severson, who founded Surfer Magazine, stand out in Allen’s mind. “Hawaii was the place to be at the time,” Allen said. “I met wonderful people who are legends.” After moving to San Diego in the early 1960s, diving led her to another favorite hobby: underwater photography. While working as a secretary at San Diego-based General Atomics and teaching diving on the side, she became active in the fledgling San Diego Underwater Photographic Society.

Loma. They even went as far as Key West, Fla., to monitor how a water outfall near a power plant impacted flora and fauna. At a conference in Long Beach, Allen demonstrated Westinghouse’s new semiclosed circuit, mixed-gas rebreather — a technology advance that allowed divers more time to examine deep reefs. Allen said diving has changed over the years, largely because of the equipment. In the late 1950s and early 1960s, many dove with only a mask, fins, regulator and a tank. “I had a wetsuit and it was considered sissy,” Allen said with a laugh. Now, there’s more equipment for added safety and divers can stay underwater for greater lengths of time, she noted. In the 1970s, she moved to San Francisco, where her camera lens documented how pink dye, which mimicked sewage, circulates in water. Other environmental studies followed. And she

My parents would pile my brother, myself and anyone in the neighborhood who wanted to go to the beach into the car.” Barbara Allen Women Divers Hall of Fame Inductee

Famous photographers like Ron Church were also a part of the club, and their influence rubbed off on Allen. Not long after, she won club awards for her pictures of sea life and marine topography. Her underwater photography skills were put to good use in 1964, when she visited Cabo San Lucas, Mexico — a trip she remembers well.The clear, undisturbed water offered glimpses of turtles, exotic fish and black coral. Toting a camera in waterproof housing, she captured the ideal conditions. “It was 60 feet visibility with 75 degree water — it was wonderful,” Allen said. In 1967, she joined a Westinghouse ocean research laboratory team in San Diego. One of the team’s first studies involved surveying and photographing plants and marine life in kelp beds offshore of Del Mar, La Jolla and Point

later held a variety of careers in diving, including issuing and monitoring lagoon boating permits part time for the city of Carlsbad. She hasn’t been on a dive in five years, but has especially warm memories of long trips through the South Pacific. In 1986, for instance, she surfed and dove quite a bit during a yearlong jaunt through Australia in a van. Thanks to a network of oceanography contacts built up over the years, she had plenty of offers of places to stay and access to spare diving equipment. According to the website for the Women Divers Hall of Fame, the organization includes, “The most notable women leaders and innovators in the diving community.” Being inducted is “icing on the cake,” Allen said. “It’s special to be recognized among your peers as a pioneer,” she said.



DEC. 13, 2013

SOUP TO NUTS by Rick Stromoski

By Bernice Bede Osol

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2013 FRANK & ERNEST by Bob Thaves

THE BORN LOSER by Art & Chip Sansom

BIG NATE by Lincoln Peirce

MONTY by Jim Meddick

ARLO & JANIS by Jimmy Johnson


ALLEY OOP by Jack & Carole Bender

Step up and do your best to get things done this year. High energy and plenty of good ideas should help you reach your goals. Your responses will be quick, and your actions will impress onlookers. Prosperity is apparent, but frugality will also be part of the deal. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) — Push your ideas, discuss your intentions and show confidence in your every move. Your enthusiasm will help to motivate others as well as lead to some new possibilities. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Follow your heart and your dreams. Creative pursuits that have been carefully thought out will be successful. Your ability to get things done will enhance your popularity and attract valuable partners. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Change the things in your life that haven’t been working. Look at your options, speak up about what you want and follow through with your plans. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) — Network, socialize and interact with your peers today. Get involved in organizations that have something to offer you. A business venture should be seriously considered. Put your creative talent to work if you want to make a splash.

ARIES (March 21-April 19) — Patience, compassion and supportive dialogue will help you gain respect and avoid criticism. Don’t let a job you’ve been asked to do get you down — get it over with and keep moving. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — Today calls for a diversion. You should take time to pursue some new activities or cherished hobbies. Put romance at the top of your list and work on the quality of your personal life in general. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) — The value of certain partnerships will depend on the discussions you have and the ideas you present. Have alternatives ready to offer but be willing to compromise and make things happen. CANCER (June 21-July 22) — Network, join in the festivities and share your thoughts, ideas and capabilities. Don’t be afraid to be a little different if you want to encourage an enticing partnership opportunity. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — Make your move with confidence and dash. Your intellectual appeal will be your ticket to the spotlight. Be persistent and entertaining to win the support you need. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Don’t say anything that you may regret. Size up your situation and offer a kind word or gesture. Make decorative changes to your surroundings. Actions will take priority over dialogue. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) — Add a little excitement to your life. Travel plans or signing up for an interesting course will lift your spirits. A relationship may take an unexpected and costly turn. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) — Good fortune will come through interaction with people of different backgrounds. Find ways to make personal improvements or to indulge in a trip that will bring you satisfaction or joy.




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DEC. 13, 2013

Don’t believe everything you read JOE MORIS Baby Boomer Peace I’m sitting on my deck. I’m listening to La Fiesta de Guadalupe from all the resorts on the bay. Puerto Vallarta and all the surrounding cities are celebrating this holiday all the way through the 12th of December. It is a party every night and happening everywhere you go around the entire Banderas Bay. I had the honor of entertaining and being entertained for the last three weeks. A very nice lady by the name of Jan from Montana, who has been coming here for 30 years,let me be a tourist and showed me all her favorite spots around the bay. We went to little villages on the ocean, tasted many different fare at excellent eateries both on the water (actually, tables in the sand like you see in the commercials) and up high in the hills of the Sierra Madres with breathtaking panoramic views. I especially enjoyed a little place in La Cruz with a Jimmy Buffett atmosphere and music. We even sailed on a beautiful boat owned by a guy who went to Crawford HS the same time as me but was one year junior. He has sailed the world. All the ladies were astonished at the beauty of the area as well as the friendliness of the natives. As one woman we met from Washington said, “my friends thought I was nuts coming to Mexico what with all the news of violence. I have had the most fabulous time and will encourage all my friends to come here as it rivals Hawaii with its mountains and falls and beautiful waters at a fraction of the cost.� My friends said much the same thing. Unfortunately our national press has misstated the reality of Mexico and instead focused on the cartels killing each other along the borders. I could go on and on about the reasons for the press discouraging American travelers from coming here but then I would be going into a grand dis-

sertation on the failings of our own government instead, which consistently points fingers and never takes blame for callous lies and scandals. I received many calls and emails this last week from readers of my column who are so exasperated by what is going on in the United States and would love to learn more about my experiences now that I live part time down here. All I can say is don’t believe what you hear and read about Mexico. There is absolutely nothing to fear here and it is like going back in time. The people are fabulous, there is no graffiti anywhere, there are no teenagers hanging around street corners smoking cigarettes or pot, the kids all wear school uniforms and complete families, including teenagers, flock and frolic in the ocean together with picnics in the sand. People think I promote Mexico because I want to make a buck selling condos. Right here in print I want to tell you that I have not made one dime. Anyone who has contacted me and is interested in this part of my world is always referred over to a lady friend of mine who sadly lost her husband to brain cancer suddenly two years ago. As Ana tells me, people who visit here fall in love with the place but people always fall in love with their vacation destinations. It takes the average visitor about seven years to pull the trigger.No one comes here,falls in love and then walks into a

real estate office and buys a home or condo. It takes several trips to any exotic place before serious investing takes place. I write about Puerto Vallarta because it took me more than seven years of visiting to eventually buy and it was the best thing I’ve done in 30 years. But, that is me. I don’t expect anyone to be like me because we are all different. Two weeks ago I met a lady, about my age, and her daughter on the beach in Nuevo Vallarta. They were here on a charity and humanitarian visit to save unhealthy dogs. She had to be flown out of a remote location and rushed into surgery at one of the excellent hospitals here. The doctors told her that she would have died had she arrived 10 minutes later. Apparently she had recently had surgery on internal organs back home in Canada. They so botched the surgery that she nearly died while here. When I met her she had been released from the hospital 48 hours earlier and was taking in the beautiful 85 degree weather and strolling the beach. She was from Vancouver escaping the frigid weather and was happy to be alive. Next week I have another friend coming and then for New Years, two more will be here to welcome in the New Year with me. Joe Moris may be contacted at (760) 500-6755 or by email at joe@coastalcountry.net.

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