Rancho santa fe news 2013 07 26

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.com VOL. 9, NO. 14

a night full of



JULY 26, 2013

RANCHO SANTA FE — No amount of drizzle falling on Saturday night could dampen the spirits of family and friends of Rancho Santa Fe resident Chief Denney and fellow stars of the show “Flipping San Diego,” Chris Bedgood and Elisa Stabile. The show premiered Saturday on the A&E channel, and was celebrated red carpet-style at the Cielo Village Clubhouse. The show, which features Denney, a real estate entrepreneur, Bedgood, retired military and now real estate investor and Stabile, an entrepreneur, transform run-down houses in San Diego into livable homes. “Flipping San Diego” airs Saturdays at noon. Photos by Tony Cagala

Above: From left, stars of the A&E show “Flipping San Diego,” Chris Bedgood, Elise Stabile and Chief Denney pose for cameras before the screening of their show. Left:Invited guests to the premiere of “Flipping in San Diego,” include from left, Imran Clark, Darrell Kucan and Stacy Kucan.

Above: From left, in-laws of “Flipping San Diego’s” star Chief Denney, Irene Gabriel, Patricia Gomez and Michelle Mercado.

Left: Jonathan Bills and his wife Dawnita attend Saturday night’s premiere.

RSF Foundation relocating to Encinitas go to North County and even the U.S. and world.” Founded in 1981, the foundation oversees donation assets for individuals and institutions. In 2012, the foundation helped allocate $1.8 million to nonprofits. Of those, 20 percent were in Rancho Santa Fe, 53 percent in the rest of the county, 24 percent in the U.S. beyond the county and 3 percent for international nonprofits. The foundation presently supports North County charities like Scripps Memorial Hospital Encinitas, the San Diego Botanic Garden and the Veterans Association of North County. Pyke noted the foundaA view from outside the Santa Fe Plaza, where the Rancho Santa Fe Foundation will soon open its doors. Representatives from the founda- tion specializes in connecttion believe the move will underscore the point that they back charities ing donors with charities. beyond Rancho Santa Fe. Photo by Jared Whitlock “We aid residents in looking at their interests and passions and translate that to charities that are a HOW TO good fit,” Pyke said. EW RULES FOR The foundation will be REACH US in its new 1,600-square-foot STINGS (760) 436-9737 space in the Santa Fe Plaza Arts & Entertainment . A11 Sept. 1, and will welcome Since July 1, county lifethe community with an Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . B12 Calendar: guards are being directed open house Sept. 30. calendar@coastnewsgroup.com Comics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B14 to treat jellyfish stings Pyke said the foundaCommunity News: with hot water or salt Food & Wine . . . . . . . . . B8 tion is discussing maintaincommunity@coastnewsgroup.com water instead of using ing a presence in Rancho Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A4 Letters to the Editor: Santa Fe by leasing a buildvinegar. B1 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A13 letters@coastnewsgroup.com ing there, but that’s just talk at this point.

By Jared Whitlock

RANCHO SANTA FE — The Rancho Santa Fe Foundation is moving from the Union Bank building in Rancho Santa Fe to the Santa Fe Plaza in Encinitas. Thanks to Union Bank, the foundation operated rent-free for 15 years. Because Union Bank will soon be expanding into that space, the foundation made plans to relocate. Laying down roots in Encinitas drives home the point that the foundation serves all of the county and other areas, not just Rancho Santa Fe, said Sue Pyke, donor services director for the foundation. “We have strong roots in Rancho Santa Fe,” Pyke said. “But moving gives us the opportunity to make it well known that our grants


Cost of a Del Mar parking space: $30k By Bianca Kaplanek

DEL MAR — The third time was the charm in determining the price of a single parking space in Del Mar. Five years after the adoption of a program that allows business owners to pay for rather than provide up to half of their required parking spaces, council members established a fee at the July 15 meeting of $30,000 per space. Parking has long been considered a problem in the beachside city, although some say there isn’t a lack of spaces, just a shortage of them in the north end of town, where most restaurants and retail shops are

located. Property owners say parking requirements are a deterrent when it comes to improving or expanding existing businesses. Whenever new development proposals are presented, providing adequate parking always tops the list of concerns, city staff said. The in-lieu program was adopted as one means to address those concerns and encourage redevelopment. Any new development or the redevelopment of more than 50 percent of an existing business in the commercial zone will be required TURN TO PARKING ON A14

Two Sections, 32 pages

Five years after a program was adopted that allows businesses to pay for up to half of their required parking spaces rather than provide them, council set the fee for the stalls at $30,000 each. Photo by Bianca Kaplanek



JULY 26, 2013



JULY 26, 2013

Proposed development prompts concerns By Paige Nelson

A sign denotes the border for the Swami’s Marine Protected Area. The California Coastal Commission cited the threat to marine protected reserves when it denied a 50-year Encinitas and Solana Beach sand replenishment project last week. The decision puts the plan in danger. Photo by Jared Whitlock

Commission ruling has 50-year sand plan ‘walking tight line’ By Jared Whitlock

COAST CITIES — Officials have been working on a 50-year sand replenishment plan in Encinitas and Solana Beach for more than 13 years.But the project is stalled at a critical juncture. The California Coastal Commission voted 8-3 at its July 10 meeting in Ventura, Calif. to deny the joint beach nourishment plan, a project that’s been touted as a means of shoring up infrastructure and encouraging tourism. Coastal Commissioner Dayna Bochco said the influx of offshore sand on beaches, particularly early on in the project, could hurt the wave quality at surfing breaks. And new marine protected areas stand to be negatively impacted, too. “There was not enough evidence to convince me this is the best we could do in terms of protection of habitat,” Bochco said. Right before the vote, Coastal Commissioner Esther Sanchez, who also serves on Oceanside’s City Council, urged the board to back the replenishment. She argued the project’s wrinkles could be ironed out down the line if need be.Yet a “no”vote would likely kill it. “They’ve worked so many years on this and there’s no time for it to come back for this round of federal funding,” Sanchez said. The Army Corps of Engineers signed on to fund a large chunk of the nourishment plan. Getting that money for the project requires approval from a federal bill known as WRDA (Water Resources Development Act). Josephine Axt, chief of planning for the Los Angeles Corps office, emphasized at the meeting that the WRDA only comes around periodically — the last bill was in 2006. To be considered as part of WRDA, Axt told the coastal commissioners they will need approval from the coastal commission and a civil works board by December. She added that meeting the deadline would be difficult, particularly if the coastal commission doesn’t back the project right away. If the plan weren’t attached to WRDA, the project would likely be dead in the water. On Wednesday, Heather Schlosser, the Corps’ lead

planner of the project, said there’s a possibility the WRDA deadline will be extended, giving the project some breathing room. “We don’t know when it will be decided if the deadline is going to be pushed back,” Schlosser said. With the coastal commission’s denial, the Corps is weighing its options, Schlosser said. One path: it could resubmit an alternative plan, including one that places less sand on beaches, for a coastal commission vote. But first, the Encinitas and Solana Beach City Councils might have to green light the alternative plan. “That would be up to the city councils if they want to vote on it,” Schlosser said. After hours of testimony in May, councilmembers from Encinitas and Solana Beach approved the last phase of a feasibility study for the project that went before the coastal commission last week. The coastal commission is also asking to approve the beach replenishments prior to the start of each one.However, Schlosser said that would likely make the federal government hesitant to allocate money to the project. The Corps, as a last consideration, could also try and proceed without the coastal commission’s blessing, she said. That would involve mediation with the U.S. Department of Commerce to determine whether the replenishment meets all the necessary environmental and legal demands, according to Schlosser. Schlosser said the nourishment would save public and private infrastructure from shrinking beaches. And the wider beaches give tourists a reason to visit. Plus, it will make the beaches safer. “As sea levels rise, the bluffs will be even more exposed to crashing waves, which carve notches into the bluffs,” Schlosser said. “Bluffs affected by those notches are then prone to episodic collapse, which have resulted in loss of lives.” On Wednesday, Katherine Weldon, shoreline preservation manager with Encinitas, said the project is “walking a tight line” given TURN TO PLAN ON A14

REGION — Eden Valley residents are speaking out against a developer’s proposed plan to build 362 new homes in the area. More than 100 residents crowded at the Elfin Forest Fire Station on July 10 to voice their concerns about the potential negative effects of rezoning the 209acre property. Some long-time residents like Andrew McSparron are worried the new homes will severely increase traffic congestion and drive away wildlife in the area. McSparron said the traffic will be “an absolute nightmare” because of its proximity to the construction site of Harmony Grove Village, a 742-home development adjacent to the property. The property lies at the crossroads of Mount Whitney Road and Country Club Drive, the main northsouth road in the area. During the construction phase, the plan, as it is now, would utilize the two-lane road to import close to a million cubic yards of fill. “We’ve seen tremendous changes occur in this valley throughout the years,” McSparron said. “It’s the scope of what they’re trying to do that bothers me.” The proposed development, known as Valiano, would require a general plan amendment to rezone the property to half-acre lots, nearly tripling the density limit allowed in the current general plan. At the meeting, developer Integral Communities

Integral Communities Developer Matt Simmons, right, standing, and Vice President of Land Acquisition Gill Miltenberg, right, seated, talk to a resident after the meeting. More than 100 Eden Valley residents attended the EIR scoping meeting on July 10 to voice their concerns about the proposed Valiano project. Photo by Paige Nelson

outlined plans to build the gated community, which will include private trails, a swimming pool and a park. “I find a sad irony in the name Integral Communities because it sounds like you’re going to integrate into us,” said Eden Valley resident Tom Voorhies. “A gated community is the antithesis of what we view our area.” Voorhies said one of the main reasons he moved to the area was because of its rural community character and how it was originally zoned — as one and two acre lots. Resident Andy Laderman said in addition to noise pollution and reduced air quality, the development will also obstruct property views for current residents. “I believe if Integral Communities is willing to work with the community, we can establish a plan that

suits the needs of this rural community,” Laderman said. Oliver Smith, Chair of the Valley Center Planning Group, said the Valley Center community has run into similar problems with developers. “I want this community to know they’re not alone,” Smith said, in reference to plans for a 1,742 home development in Valley Center. Smith said he decided to attend the meeting to offer insight on environmental consequences county planners and residents might have otherwise overlooked. “We haven’t even come close to formulating an opinion about the project,” County Planning Manager David Sibbet said during the meeting. “Nothing can really be said until the EIR goes through.” The public is invited to

submit commentary until the public review session ends July 19. After the draft EIR is completed, residents will have an additional 45 days to respond to the proposed findings. Gill Miltenberg, vice president of land acquisition at Integral Communities, declined to comment on the project until the company issues an official press release. “Projects like this are going to keep going, it’s a fact of the world,” Smith said. “We can’t stop progress—the best we can do is try to direct it.” On July 11, the members of the San Dieguito Planning Group voted 8-0 to add several comments to the project’s Notice of Preparation, asking officials to answer a number of “inconsistencies” and concerns for the upcoming draft EIR.

Board OKs additional funding for center Job center for county offenders more than doubles with expansion By Rachel Stine

REGION — The San Diego County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved over $2.5 million in additional annual funds to expand a job center providing services for realignment offenders at its meeting on Tuesday. The county’s RRC (Residential Reentry Center) is an alternative custody option for probationers and post-release offenders sentenced to jail terms. Offenders live in dorms at the RRC and receive job readiness training. “The whole focus was to make the stay in the facility productive and not just warehousing,” said Chief Probation Officer Mack Jenkins. “We’re helping take some of the inmates out of the jail, and while they are out of the jail they can achieve some skills for employment.” The RRC’s purpose is to reduce recidivism by providing offenders with the skills to be employable and find a job while they are

serving time, he said. Furthermore, the county is able to free up jail beds by having eligible offenders serve their sentence at the RRC. The RRC was established as the county faced an influx of jail inmates caused by the state prison realignment. Realignment requires felons who committed nonviolent, non-serious, and non-sex crimes to serve their sentences in county jails instead of state prisons; furthermore, offenders who violate the conditions of their parole now serve their violations in jail instead of prison. The RRC, which is run by a private company, Correctional Alternatives, Inc. (CAI), contracted by the county, initially opened in April 2012 with 75 beds. Since then, the RRC has offered evidence- and community-based job services to 710 male and female offenders, according to Deputy Chief Probation Officer Cesar Escuro. So far, 54 offenders

have secured employment while in the RRC program, but the Sheriff’s Department has not collected data on how many offenders who have received services at the RRC have been able to obtain jobs upon release, said Capt. Frank Clamser of the Sheriff’s Department. As more inmates flooded county jails because of realignment, more inmates qualified for the RRC program and the center quickly ran out of bed space, said Jenkins. Consequently, the Community Corrections Partnership, a collaboration of county leaders from the Probation Department, Sheriff’s Department, District Attorney’s Office, Public Defender’s Office, and more created to address the demands of realignment, and the Board of Supervisors increased the RRC’s annual funding from $2.1 million per year to $4.7 million annually. With the additional funding, the RRC has been able to more than double its bed space to 165 beds. The funding, which is sourced from funds given to the county from the state for realignment purposes,

will continue through the remainder of CAI’s contract to run the RRC for the county through June 30, 2017. “It’s an excellent program and it’s done well over the years,” said County Supervisor Dianne Jacob. The RRC helps our jail bed shortage, said Supervisor Ron Roberts. On July 17, there were 152 offenders serving their sentences in the RRC, said Escuro. Yet this number hardly compares to the county’s overall jail inmate population, which may rise even higher by the end of the year. Today, there are well over 5,000 inmates total in San Diego County’s seven jails. With the federal government requiring the state to release nearly 10,000 more inmates from crowded state prisons by the end of 2013, San Diego County may receive an additional 400 to 800 felons, said Roberts during the Board meeting. County staff will return to the Board of Supervisors within 90 days to address the potential for more inmates in county jails.



Views expressed in Opinion & Editorial do not reflect the views of the Rancho Santa Fe News


At least two more years of fixable property tax inequity By Thomas D. Elias

S.O.S. Save our shorebirds By M.K. Tucker

What environmental hypocrites we are here in Southern California! Solana Beach is the latest city in Southern California considering opening its beaches to unleashed dogs. Laws allowing dogs on beaches (and widespread non-enforcement of laws that prohibit dogs on beaches) are partly responsible for a heart-breaking 80 percent decline in our shorebird population since the 1970s, according to the International Shorebirds Survey. Shorebirds have no choice but to live and forage for food at the beach; it’s their natural habitat, the only place they can survive.All dogs on beaches (including leashed dogs) disturb shorebirds. It has been well documented scientifically that their mere presence is enough to stress the birds and impair their foraging efficiency. Beyond that, off-leash dogs that actually chase birds are considerably worse. Not only do these dogs interrupt the foraging and resting time of shorebirds, but in flying around to escape dogs, the birds expend large amounts of energy and precious calories they can’t afford to spare. They eventually perish as a result of this, and you and I, along with our city officials, are allowing this to happen. The ultimate environmental hypocrites of all, the California Coastal Commission levies huge fines on anyone whose deck exceeds its length limitations by an inch, but these same commissioners seem to care less about protecting our vulnerable shorebirds from

dogs on the beach. Shame on them! Solana Beach is an epicenter of environmental hypocrisy. God forbid someone smoke or drink alcohol at the beach, and even plastic bags are outlawed here (I’m for those restrictions, by the way), yet we’re somehow OK with the fact that dogs are killing off our shorebirds. Officially (wink, wink), Solana Beach law currently allows no dogs or pets of any kind on the beach, as clearly stated by posted signs. Yet during my daily walk along Solana’s beach, I almost always see several unleashed dogs, especially in the late afternoon, and many of them chase shorebirds. I’ve never seen a police officer of any kind ticket or even warn anyone with dogs on Solana’s beach, so I always assumed it was legal and that the “no dogs” signs were out of date and the city just forgot to take them down. In Solana Beach you get a ticket right away if you park your car in the wrong space, but the city looks the other way and doesn’t ticket dog owners who are allowing their dogs to kill off our defenseless shorebirds in their natural habitat. Thankfully it was from a great distance, but I've even seen a dog on Solana’s beach snatch a shore bird in its mouth and run off with it. Of course the dog’s owner looked the other way and pretended not to notice. Yes, we in Solana Beach parade as environmentalists and we pretend that dogs and shorebirds can coexist happily at the beach, but anyone with an ounce of common sense and honesty knows this is not true. Shame on us! By the way, mea culpa, mea

muy culpa! I’m an environmental hypocrite as well. As I mentioned, I walk the beach most every day, and I often go out of my way to watch and laugh at the dogs frolicking at Dog Beach in Del Mar, and I can’t wait to attend the Dog Surfing Contest in Del Mar Sept 8. I’m all for having dog beaches, but I think they should be far and few between so that shorebirds are protected year-round on the majority of beaches. On the south border of Solana Beach is Del Mar’s Dog Beach, and just two miles north on Solana Beach’s north border is another dogfriendly beach in Cardiff, so any Solana Beach resident can easily take their dog to these nearby dog beaches. Let’s be honest and ask ourselves: as much fun as it is to watch dogs frolic at our ever-growing number of dog-friendly beaches, is it really worth the price of losing our beautiful shorebirds? Another important concern: I have never walked through Dog Beach in Del Mar without seeing several instances of dog poop left on the beach. I’m sure it's only about 3 percent of dog owners who allow this, but that adds up to a lot of dog poop washing into the ocean via waves and the tide. Why haven’t the omnipresent, nettlesome Surfriders spoken out on this issue? Isn’t it dangerous for untreated dog poop to be going directly into the ocean where there are children and adults swimming and surfing? We obviously don’t allow untreated human waste into our ocean, is dog poop any safer?

M.K. Tucker is a Solana Beach resident.

Contributers P.O. Box 232550, Encinitas, CA 92023-2550 • 760-436-9737 www.ranchosfnews.com • Fax: 760-943-0850




The Rancho Santa Fe News is published biweekly on Fridays by The Coast News Group. The advertising deadline is the Friday preceding the Friday of publication. Editorial deadline is the Friday proceeding publication. The comments on this page are the opinions of the individual columnists and do not necessarily represent the views of the Coast News Group, its publisher or staff. If you would like to respond directly to a columnist, please email them directly at the address listed below the column. You may also express your views by writing a letter to the editor. For hold delivery while on vacation or for other distribution concerns and info, write to distribution@coastnewsgroup.com.


Contact the Editor TONY CAGALA tcagala@coastnewsgroup.com INDEPENDENT FREE PAPERS OF AMERICA

Maybe Proposition 13 really still is a third rail in California politics, one that no one dares touch for fear it means instant political suicide, just as surely as if through electrocution. That’s about the only conclusion to be drawn from the way the Legislature has handled the possibility of fixing or changing parts of both the landmark property tax limitation measure and some of the regulations and definitions adopted in 1979 to standardize how it is administered. There was plenty of brave talk about fixing Proposition 13 early this year, after Democrats acquired two-thirds majorities in both legislative houses. Some advocated a “split roll,” where commercial properties would be taxed on the basis of their market values while residential would continue to be based on 1 percent of the latest

tax bills, based upon price levels at their varying times of purchase. The current reassessment rules — not part of the original 1978 Proposition 13, but passed legislatively the next year — will continue. These rules often allow sold properties to go without reassessment so long as no one individual or corporation acquires a controlling interest when a property is sold. (Page 42 of the state Board of Equalization assessor's handb o o k (http://www.boe.ca.gov/proptaxes/pdf/ah401.pdf) describes how this works). In real life, this means limited partners buying properties as varied as vineyards and apartment buildings often escape the higher tax bills any home or condominium will see the moment a residential property gets a new

Whatever the reason, attempts to make any fixes on property taxes lurched to a halt when legislative leaders pronounced them dead purchase price. There was also Democratic state Sen. Mark Leno of San Francisco purveying the idea of lowering electoral margins needed to pass parcel taxes for education from the two-thirds majority demanded by Proposition 13 to 55 percent, the level now required for school construction bonds. None of that will now happen. Maybe it was because of the fierce opposition these proposals drew from the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Assn., perpetually a vocal defender of every word in Proposition 13 and its surrounding regulations. Everyone in California politics knows how much money the Jarvis group — named for Proposition 13’s coauthor — can raise and funnel into campaigns against those it deems unfaithful or threatening. Whatever the reason, attempts to make any fixes on property taxes lurched to a halt when legislative leaders pronounced them dead, at least for this year. Next year, of course, is an election year for almost everyone in the state Capitol. With legislators’ jobs on the line, it’s hard to believe either house will touch Proposition 13. So when the leadership says changes won’t happen this year, they really mean nothing will happen for at least two years. And most likely, for many years after that. This is because no one knows whether Democrats in two years will have the same size majorities they do today. If not, scratch any chance for change. The practical effect of all this is that today’s inequities will continue indefinitely. Neighbors in essentially identical homes will keep getting radically different property

owner. Even Joel Fox, the former chief of the Jarvis group who now runs both a political/business blog and a small business owners’ political committee, once said he liked the idea of changing those rules, which could be done by simple majorities in the Legislature. But that change got virtually no consideration this year, even though estimates of the revenue it might raise range as high as an annual $12 billion. That’s not what a split roll might produce, but it’s still plenty. One reason for the lack of attention: the Jarvis group and its current head, Jon Coupal, like to imply that any slight chink in any aspect of Proposition 13 opens the way to attacks on all of it. So the state will keep passing up revenue it could easily obtain and instead rely on hikes in regressive levies like the sales tax, which hits poor people much harder than the wealthy. Local governments and public schools, meanwhile, depend more and more on parcel taxes, which almost always assess the same amount for each piece of property, whether it be a onebedroom condo or a shopping mall. How fair is that? But courage is in short supply in Sacramento, which means we will not even see a few simple rule changes that could make things much more fair and equitable than they’ve been in decades.

Email Thomas Elias at tdelias@aol.com. His book, “The Burzynski Breakthrough: The Most Promising Cancer Treatment and the Government’s Campaign to Squelch It,” is now available in a soft cover fourth edition. For more Elias columns, visit californiafocus.net



JULY 26, 2013

Rotarian of the Year honored SOLANA BEACH — The Del Mar-Solana Beach Rotary Club recently recognized Radia Bencheikh as its Rotarian of the Year and presented her with a Paul Harris Fellow award from The Rotary Foundation. These honors were presented to Bencheikh for her enthusiastic and tireless leadership and service to both the club and its beneficiaries. Bencheikh served as the International Service Chairwoman this past year and led, or participated in, many local service activities. This Rotary year, she will serve as chairwoman of the Community Service Committee. She said her best Rotary experience has been “seeing the school DMSB Rotary built in El Salvador and supports each year, and playing with the young children there.” A close second was “working with the at-risk and homeless youth participating in the San Diego Youth Services’ Take Wing transitional living program.” Bencheikh’s many volunteer efforts with Rotary (and the Junior League) are in addition to her full-time job as Associate Financial

Del Mar-Solana Beach Rotary Club President Richard Fogg, left, congratulates Radia Becheikh, the youngest member of the club, on being named “Rotarian of the Year” and earning the Paul Harris Fellow awards from the club. Courtesy photo

Advisor with a local financial services firm and to her studies toward federal and state licenses and, ultimately, her certified financial planner certification. The Del Mar-Solana Beach Rotary Club is one of more than 34,000 Rotary Clubs in more than 200 countries that work to make the world a better place through

education, job training, microcredit funding, improved water and health, and the eradication of polio. Interested persons are invited to weekly Friday breakfast meetings at the Marriott Hotel in Carmel Valley. For more information, call Richard Fogg at (858) 6937556 or see DMSBRotary.com.

Stolen pup finds his way home RANCHO SANTA FE — On July 9, a Chihuahua, stolen from his beloved family, finally found his way home again. The two-year journey and approximate 131-mile trek to find them, concluded at Helen Woodward Animal Center when the pup reunited with Heather Adudeell of Riverside, and three of her five children who couldn’t be more happy to see him. Helen Woodward Animal Center staff members were introduced to the sweet-natured pup, named Jack, by an Indiobased rescue partner who had received the canine as an “owner turn-in.” The woman who surrendered the dog did not provide paperwork but did pay a surrender fee. A search by the rescue partner for a microchip uncovered an unregistered one and shortly thereafter, Jack was on his way to San Diego. When Jack arrived at Helen Woodward Animal Center, staff was immediately smitten with his gentle nature. A full check-up concluded with the discovery of a second microchip and this one had a registered match. When HWAC staff contacted Adudeell, they were informed that Jack (then named Scooter) had been stolen from the family by a neighbor’s boyfriend nearly two years prior. Devastated by the loss, the Adudeell’s had filed a police report at that time but, unable to track down an address for the perpetrator, the police did not pursue the issue. Now Helen Woodward

By finding the right microchip, Helen Woodward Animal Center reunites a stolen pup with his original owners. Courtesy photo

Animal Center is happy to announce that after two years, Jack/Scooter is finally going home. The lucky dog is now

united with his loving family and both Chihuahua and humans were excited to restart their life together.

On hand for last year’s Day at the Races fundraiser are, from left, actor Elliott Gould, Lung Cancer Foundation of America board member Dr. Susan Mandel, event co-founder Paula Friendly, KFI-AM 640 Radio host Tim Conway Jr., and foundation president Kim Norris. Courtesy photo

Day at the Races to help fund lung cancer research By Bianca Kaplanek

DEL MAR — Actress Valerie Harper, known for her roles as Rhoda Morgenstern in the 1970s television series “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” and its spin-off, “Rhoda,” and later as Valerie Hogan in “Valerie,” will make a guest appearance at the Lung Cancer Foundation of America’s fourth annual Day at the Races, scheduled from noon to 6:30 p.m. July 28 at the Del Mar Race Track. An advocate for lung cancer research, Harper learned in March that a recurrence of her 2009 lung cancer metastasized to the membrane surrounding her brain. "I can’t say it’s terminal,” Harper told USA Today earlier this year. “I'm saying it’s incurable so far, but we’re all terminal. No one is getting out of this alive. … The key is, don’t go to the funeral until the day of the funeral.” Cost for the event is $150 and includes access to the Del Mar Turf Club, unlimited food and drinks while watching the races from the private patio of Il Palio Restaurant, a private betting window, tours of the paddock, betting instructions, a silent auction, a raffle and free admission to

Camp Del Mar for children 5 to 12 years old. Day at the Races was started by Paula Friendly who, while living in Rancho Santa Fe about seven years ago, went to the emergency room of a nearby hospital because she was having trouble breathing. She said she wasn’t surprised to hear the chest X-ray revealed she had pneumonia, but she was shocked it also detected a mass in her right lung that was later confirmed to be cancer. At first she thought the doctors were wrong because she ate right and exercised. Although she had smoked socially, she quit more than 30 years earlier. The disease has the stigma of being associated with tobacco use, a lifestyle

choice, however, it is estimated that 60 percent of new lung cancer diagnoses will be on nonsmokers, Friendly said. It is no longer considered the “Marlboro Man’s” disease as it can affect young and old, smokers and nonsmokers, and people of all ethnicities and backgrounds. “Anybody who has lungs has to get in there and fund research,” Friendly said. In addition to Harper’s guest appearance, Kim Norris, a lung cancer widow and co-founder of the Lung Cancer Foundation of America, will discuss some of the latest developments in lung cancer research that she learned during a recent visit with researchers in Maryland. Visit lcfamerica.org/lcfaday-at-the-races.html


High times on horseback benefit San Pasqual students DEL MAR — Tickets are now on sale for the annual Friends of San Pasqual Academy’s “Teens, Jeans and Dreams” team penning event to be held at 6 p.m. Sept. 7 at the Del Mar Fairgrounds Arena. This year’s chairpersons are John and Gina Daley and Jeff and Jenna Daley. Ken and Carole Markstein of Markstein Beverage, Paul and Julie Ecke and Bill and Donna Herrick are main sponsors of this event. If you would like to ride in the event, contact Joan Scott at joscott24@hotmail.com. To purchase a VIP Silver Horseshoe box, reservations are recommended soon as there is a limited number. Each box is located ringside and includes a VIP wine

JULY 26, 2013


reception, a silent auction and a dinner for six that includes wine and beer. Auction items are still being gathered, as well. Karen Ventura is, once again, the volunteer coordinator for the silent auction. To donate any items, contact karenventura@kirkwoodpartners.net. Spa services, jewelry, clothing, trips, dinners, gift certificates and gift cards, vacation home stays, hotel rooms, tickets to events or art pieces will be gratefully accepted. In addition, volunteers are also need to work the “Teens, Jeans and Dreams” event. Contact Teri Summerhays at td39@cox.net. Call (858) 759-3298 for more information.

ART MEDITATION Abstract artist Daniel Stein-Kubin’s “Cosmic Meditation – Beyond Mind Frame” is being showcased at TAG Family CFO’s office Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 16904 Via De Santa Fe, Rancho Santa Fe. An artist, philosopher, life coach and meditation teacher, Stein-Kubin is from the Czech Republic and spends his time between homes in Carlsbad and Europe. Courtesy photo

Foundation offers ‘Fresh Start’ to youth with physical deformities By Lillian Cox

CARLSBAD — Amanda Thompson was a part-time teacher in a computer lab at an elementary school in 2008 when she began volunteering at Fresh Start Surgical Gifts. “I learned about it on Craigslist and always had a passion for helping children,” she recalled. Today, Thompson serves as development manager for the nonprofit that provides free reconstructive surgery and comprehensive medical services to children and young adults who suffer from physical deformities caused by birth defects, accidents, abuse or disease. The weekend of July 1314 Thompson was a team member at the fourth Surgery Weekend of the year. More than 13 children underwent surgery, and another 30 received speech therapy and laser treatment to diminish scars, burns and birthmarks. In participating in the event, Thompson said she and the others witnessed the “true definition of strength.” “All of the children went through a physical battle, but they continue to remain positive,” she explained. “They never ask,‘Why me?’ Instead, they grin and laugh and even thank their doctors after surgery.” Fresh Start was started by the late Dr. Dennis Nigro, a plastic surgeon from Encinitas. “He was going on mission trips to other countries and realized his work could be better done in his office where he had control over all the elements,” she explained. “Here in the United States we have high standards that are not always available in other places.” Subsequently, Fresh Start and Nigro worked together in establishing a partnership with Rady’s Children’s Hospital that led to the creation of the 7,800square-foot Craniofacial Kid’s Center. To date, an estimated $2 million in services are provided each year thanks to surgeons, anesthesiologists, nurses and other medical

Surgery Weekend at the Craniofacial Kid’s Center at Rady’s Children’s Hospital. From left: Amanda Thompson Fresh Start’s development manager; Lupita Morales, Fresh Start’s patient services manager and Michelle Pius, Fresh Start’s director of major gifts. Courtesy photos

professionals who donate their time. Equally important, Thompson added, are community partners generate donations. In July 2005, Fresh Start launched a foundation to fund its mission in perpetuity. The funding received from the foundation allows 100 percent of contributions to go directly to medical and dental care for their young patients. Fresh Start also hosts two major fundraisers each year: a fundraising dinner and a two-day celebrity golf tournament. The last tournament was headlined by actors Alfonso Ribeiro and Grant Show at Morgan Run Club & Resort in March. Also on hand was Angela Cruz-Salgado, a recipient of more than $156,000 in treatment over a 15-year period for a congenital bilateral cleft lip and palate. During the banquet, Angela described the anguish she endured as a child from teasing as well as the physical pain she experienced from multiple surgeries that brought her to the point she is today in her life. “Thanks to Fresh Start, I am the first one in my family to attend college, a dream come true for me,” she told the guests. “Thanks to Fresh Start, I now have confidence in myself and am living a normal life which I have always wanted.” In addition to fundraisers, Fresh Start receives revenue from surgeons and other members of the volunteer team who compete in the Carlsbad half and full marathon. “Last year our running team raised $17,000,” Thompson said. “It’s a fun, different way for people to participate.” Since 1991, Fresh Start has provided more than $24 million of free reconstructive surgery and comprehensive medical services to more than 6,100 children and young adults. The three main goals of Fresh Start are to provide medical service, education and research to help eradicate the world of correctable childhood deformities and disfigurement. “We try to keep the patient ratio 50 percent from

Angela Cruz-Salgado was six years old when she began treatment for a congenital bilateral cleft lip and palate. Since then she has received more than $156,000 in treatment over a 15-year period from Fresh Start Surgical Gifts

Angela Cruz-Salgado, right, with actor Alfonso Ribeiro at the two-day Fresh Start Celebrity Golf Tournament in March benefitting Fresh Start.

the United States and 50 percent international with children we bring here for surgical treatment,” Thompson said. In addition to the children who received care during July’s Surgery Weekend, prospective patients visited the clinic for the first time for an evaluation of their condition. Fresh Start accepts children under the age of 18 from financially disadvantaged families who are unin-

sured or underinsured. The next Surgery Weekends for 2013 are scheduled for Sept. 7 and Sept. 8, and Nov. 9 and Nov. 10. Fresh Start will host its biggest fundraiser to date aboard the USS Midway on Oct. 11. For information about tickets, volunteerism or making a tax-deductible donation, contact Amanda Thompson at 760.448.2018 or e m a i l amanda@freshstart.org.


JULY 26, 2013

Visit us coastnewsgroup.com The representation shows the proposed design of the Staybridge Suites and Holiday Inn that was approved by the Planning Commission to be built along Palomar Airport Road. Image courtesy of Alps Innovation, LLC

Bressi Ranch may gain two hotels By Rachel Stine

CARLSBAD — After obtaining the Planning Commission’s approval on Wednesday, two hotels with more than 100 rooms each may soon be constructed as part of Bressi Ranch. Local hotel developers Alps Innovation, LLC partnered up with international hotel operator Intercontinental Hotels Group (IHG) to propose building a 106-room, extended stay Staybridge Suites and a 133-room Holiday Inn at Palomar Airport Road and Innovation Way. Representatives from both Alps Innovation and IHG highlighted the need for the hotels in the area, citing the additional tourists to be brought in by Carlsbad’s first airline at Palomar Airport, California Pacific Airlines, which is allegedly supposed to be operational in 2014, as well as the growing business centers being constructed in the area.

Furthermore, they said that the hotels have the potential to create 500 jobs and bring in millions in tax revenue. “It does appear that there is a need in the community,” said Commissioner Michael Schumacher in his final comments about the project. The hotels would be included in the Bressi Ranch master-planned residential community and neighboring industrial park. Commissioners agreed with city staff that the proposed hotels met the standards of the Bressi Ranch master plan and environmental impact report. “That was the original idea: to have commercial and industrial areas surrounding the residential,” said Commissioner Jeff Segall of Bressi Ranch’s original design intent. Up until the day of the Planning Commission meeting, nothing but sup-


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port flowed in for the project from the community. But at the meeting, residents voiced concerns over what type of transients the Staybridge Suites may attract, including sex offenders and “meth makers,” as well as the added traffic and noise levels, and aesthetics over the project. Both commissioners and the project applicants agreed that the hotels would not attract such undesirable clientele and that traffic would be diverted along Innovation Way to Palomar Airport Road, bypassing the surrounding neighborhoods. Responding to their concerns, Planning Commission Chair Kerry Siekmann said, “I actually think you are very fortunate that this is such a high-level project. I think it’ll be more secure for you than another low level hotel coming in there.” Extending congratulations to the project applicants, the Planning Commission unanimously approved the project without adding any conditions or revealing any concerns. The hotels will be presented to City Council for final approval at an upcoming meeting.



JULY 26, 2013






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JULY 26, 2013

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JULY 26, 2013



Shining a light on Goulding

Paul Bergen: Gentle artist, voice of thunder KAY COLVIN A Brush With Art


he posting reads s i m p l y : “Bergen, A. Paul 01/06/1939 ~ 07/06/2013 ENCINITAS — Born in Wasco, Calif., A. Paul Bergen was an accomplished singer, musician, artist, and writer, with an MA in Philosophy of Religion from USC. He passed away peacefully with his wife, Linda,

Send your arts & entertainment news to arts@thecoastnews.com

By Alan Sculley

Paul Bergen was an artist in every sense of the word and a tireless advocate for the arts. Photo courtesy of Jim Babwe

and daughter, Shani, by his side.” These few words scarcely begin to hint at who A. Paul Bergen was in life. According to fellow professional singer and longtime friend Stan Beard, “A more manly man never existed… His spirit could never be crushed” in spite of a diagnosis of polio at age 13 that prevented Bergen from follow-

ing his early dreams. According to Jim Babwe of Encinitas “Paul created and defined his life by working through hardship, answering challenges with accomplishments… The way Paul responded to challenges in his own life made him an inspiring teacher, one who TURN TO BRUSH WITH ART ON A15

When the title song to Ellie Goulding’s first album, “Lights,” took off, reaching number two on “Billboard” magazine’s all-format Hot 100 chart (and topping four other charts) this past August, it created a situation that can have a daunting side effect for an artist — expectations for what comes next. Goulding, though, says she never felt the pressure of delivering on the success of “Lights” with her second album because she wasn’t experiencing what it felt like to have a major multi-format hit single in the United States in the first place. “‘Lights’ was a huge song, but I was still here. I was still in the UK writing,” Goulding said in a recent phone interview. “I was kind of unattached from it. So it wasn’t like I was there feeling it, feeling the fact that my song was big. I was here. “So I think it made it easier for me to just crack on and write an album I wanted to write, as opposed to one that other people wanted me to write.” Goulding might not get another hit like “Lights” from her second album, “Halcyon.” But her music shows considerable growth on the second album, as her writing has become more ambitious and sophisticated. “I’ve learned more about my writing and my singing, my voice, and I used my limitations and my strengths in the way I write lyrics and songs,” she said. But pressure or not, the “Halcyon” project came with its share of difficulties — some of which, Goulding said, stemmed from events in her personal life. “I suppose with ‘Halcyon’ I was in a place where I went through a breakup unexpectedly and I saw everything kind of change,” Goulding said. “I started building almost like a sort of a potential life in London with this person and all of that stuff. So the second that dissolved, I was kind of like a bit of a free bird again, and I think that shaped ‘Halcyon’ quite a lot.

Ellie Goulding will open for Bruno Mars at the Valley View Casino Center July 30. Photo by Meeno

‘Lights’ was written when I was quite young, and I think it shows. It’s still quite naïve.” Goulding did not reveal which relationships she was talking about. But it’s been widely reported that she dated a London DJ named Greg James for 18 months before they broke up at the end of 2011. Goulding then went on to date electronic artist Skrillex, but that relationship ended this past fall with both artists saying that it was too difficult to maintain the kind of longdistance relationship necessitated by touring and other commitments to their music careers. In any event, the emotional upheaval filtered into songs on “Halcyon,” and Goulding said she can hear the confusion in her life in the songs. Goulding, though, doesn’t seem at all confused when

it comes to her music. Now 26, she landed her UK record deal with Polydor in 2009 and released her first single, “Under the Sheets,” that fall. She followed that with “Lights,” which was released in the UK in March 2010 and topped that country’s album chart. The U.S. version of the album was released in February 2011 and then followed by a deluxe edition called “Bright Lights.” The “Lights” album was a pretty straightforward collection of danceable electronic-flavored pop tunes. She hasn’t abandoned her synth/electronic sound on “Halcyon,” but the second CD, which was released in October, is more mature and multi-faceted than “Lights” and it shifts away from dance pop. In fact the only full-fledged song in that TURN TO GOULDING ON A15



JUL. 26, 2013


Send your arts & entertainment news to arts@thecoastnews.com

Filmmaking event is a race against the clock By Tony Cagala

COAST CITIES — Sitting over coffee outside a local café along Coast Highway 101, Roman Koenig admitted he was already starting to feel the anxieties creep in. Over a period of 48 hours, Koenig and his band of filmmakers will have written, directed, produced, edited and starred in a short film. That’s the premise behind the 48-Hour Film Project, a now more than 10-year-old competition meant to advance filmmaking and promote filmmakers. “San Diego is going into its tenth year,” said Liz Langston co-founder of the 48Hour Film Project. “It’s one of our largest cities and it’s one of our most vibrant filmmaking communities.” About 40 percent of the filmmakers participating do work in the film industry, she said, and some end up moving to Los Angeles to work in the business. For young filmmakers, it’s a “rite of passage,” Langston said. For film crews, the 48-hour deadline can be harrowing, exhausting, even overwhelming. But Koenig is no stranger to deadlines. The 42-year-old is a former journalist and now the editorial director for the North Coast Current; he’s also an assistant professor of journalism and film at San Diego City College. “It’s a lot like putting out a newspaper,” he said of managing a film production. There is the parallel, he said, between putting out a newspaper and making short films — especially in a 48-Hour Film Project setting. “Because you’re working on such a tight deadline, that you have to be organized…you have to be on top of everything,” he said. Going back to his childhood, Koenig said there were two things that always interested him: Film and journalism. “And somehow, those two things have sort of paralleled all these years since I’ve been in school all the way through to my professional life. “And I don’t know what it was about it, but it really seemed like a really cool thing to do,” he said. He started making movies in 2000, completing an independent feature in 2001 called “Human Resource,” which earned an honorable mention in an online film festival. In 2002 he made a follow up film, and then got swept up in work as a reporter. For Koenig, who has competed in the event since 2009, mainly as a way to keep his filmmaking abilities sharp, said that in the last couple of years the nerves have only increased, as opposed to decrease. “And I don’t know if that’s because…each time I’m wanting to do something better every year,” he said. At a kickoff event on July 12, Koenig received a genre to work within and a few other parameters to include in his film. He spent the night writing, turning the finished

Crew member Ary Hernandez of San Diego, left, slates a scene with actor Elaine Litton of Cardiff on the set of “The Truth Fairy” on July 13 at Writer/director Roman S. Koenig of Encinitas, far left, directs a scene on the set of “The Truth Fairy.” On set Co-Merge in downtown San Diego. “The Truth Fairy” is Mercury with him are actor Mary Cherwink of San Diego, seated left, crew member Ary Hernandez of San Diego, cen- Cinema’s entry into this year’s San Diego 48 Hour Film Project. The film premieres at 6:30 p.m. July 30 at Reading Cinemas Gaslamp 15 in ter, cinematographer Jacob Roark of San Diego, seated right. Photos by Carla Van Wagoner downtown San Diego.

screenplay over to his actors early the next morning. After filming at a downtown San Diego location for 12 hours on Saturday and editing the project through the night and into Sunday morning, Koening was able to finish his

film and submit it before the 7:30 p.m. deadline. Their finished project: “The Truth Fairy.” “What we ended up doing was a ‘Judge Judy’-style courtroom story with tooth fairies as the plaintiff and defendant,”

Koenig said. Elaine Litton, a CardiffBy-The-Sea-based actress,filled the role of the “Judge Judy”type. All of the production went well, Koenig said. While he said he was

happy he hasn’t made a bad film since entering the contest, there are two films, his 2009 and 2010 offerings, which he’s really happy with; and both of those films were selected to be on the “Best Of” screenings for San Diego entries.

Of the 72 teams that entered in San Diego, 59 of them were able complete and turn in films for judging, said Duane Trammell, co-producer of the San Diego event, amid TURN TO FILMMAKING ON A15


JULY 26, 2013



Contact us at sports@coastnewsgroup.com with story ideas, photos or suggestions

Serving up a winning tournament At 33, Alastair Garland is making his debut as tournament director By Tony Cagala

From left, James Schwab, founder and publisher of Spotlight Sports magazine, Kendrick Azubuike, Monica Robinson and John Carney at a press conference on Monday. Azubuike, a basketball player from Army and Navy Academy and Robinson, a tennis player from Fallbrook High School are the recipients of the inaugural Spotlight Sports/ John Carney Award. Photo by Tony Cagala

Inaugural award goes to prep athletes By Tony Cagala

COAST CITIES — Life and sports share a parallel. What you can take from one, you can apply to the other and vice versa. For Kendrick Azubuike, sports and basketball were ways for him to get away from anything. Going to the gym, or playing on the courts was a way for him to relieve stress. Monica Robinson uses the lessons tennis has taught her in her everyday life. Tennis has taught Robinson that hard work, passion and heart will get you through, she said. “Tennis is such a mental sport. Whenever I’ve had a challenge in, let’s say the classroom or in life, I know that my mental toughness follows through.” On Monday Azubuike of the Army and Navy Academy and Robinson of Fallbrook High School each earned recognition when it was announced that they were the recipients of the inaugural Spotlight Sports/ John Carney Award. James Schwab, founder and publisher of Spotlight Sports, wanted to create an award that would honor a really special type of student athlete — a student athlete that went above and beyond in demonstrating outstanding leadership, character and achievements in the class and the community. “We feel that these two are truly representative of that,” Schwab said. The award, named after former San

Diego Chargers kicker John Carney, was presented to the athletes by Carney at his coaching facility in Carlsbad. Carney, Schwab said, was a great fit to name the award after because of his personal and professional accomplishments. “Sports is a microcosm of life,” Carney said. “There are good times and bad times…there are times where you ignore the critics and maintain your direction and positive outlook on where you’re headed and what you’re going to do to get there.” Sports help to instill discipline, teamwork and sacrifice, he said. “Sacrifice, because at times you need to sacrifice the enjoyable things you want to do to put in the hard work and the time so you’re successful on the field and your team is successful on the field.” Carney would know a thing or two about success, having spent more than 20 seasons in the NFL, with the Chargers and the New Orleans Saints, earning two Pro Bowl nods and is the fourth all-time scorer in the NFL. Given all of that success, he still recalls his high school days proudly spent in Florida at Cardinal Newman High School, he said. “We were the Crusaders and we got to experience a 10-0 team my senior year…it was a special time,” he added. TURN TO AWARD ON A14

CARLSBAD — Clad in jeans, a pair of adidas and a polo shirt Alastair Garland appeared the picture of cool. Despite this being his debut as the tournament director for the Southern California Open, which begins this weekend, Garland, 33, said everything is looking “pretty good.” “Pretty good,” if you also include the return of Martina Hingis to the tennis court after years away from the game. Hingis will be playing doubles with Daniela Hantuchova. It probably helps that Garland represents Hingis, too. With planning beginning months in advance of the tournament, and with the players having already committed, some of the only items left to do are finishing the grand stands and constructing the pavilion arena. Though with the players expected to start showing up on Wednesday, Garland has taken to working 12 to 14 hour days. “There are definitely ups and downs every day,” he said. “But things are moving in the right direction. I think that you can’t anticipate everything, but for the most part we’re working with a very experienced group, a very good group.” The tournament, the second stop on the Emirates Airline U.S. Open Series, has long been a mainstay at the La Costa Resort and Spa. Garland said the tournament is a fantastic event for the players, not only staying on site, but because there’s a good amount of prize money up for grabs, and there’s also a number of ranking points the players can earn here. “I think it’s one of the

Alastair Garland, 33, is making his debut as tournament director of the Southern California Open at the Omni La Costa Resort and Spa, which begins this weekend. Photo by Tony Cagala

favorite events for the players,” he added. And the city gains a lot of good exposure from the tournament, too, with the influx of revenue it generates and from the TV time it receives. As a former No. 1-ranked tennis player at Pepperdine University, Garland did consider at one time going pro. “But tennis is tough and unless you make it into the top 75, it’s really difficult to make a good living for the rest of your life,” he said. “And I was also interested in the academics side of things, the business side of things. And I think unless you’re a hundred percent sure that’s what you want to do, then it’s probably not right for you.” Still, having been a player, Garland said it helps him to understand what the players needs are. “This year we do have a very strong player field. We

have 11 out of the top 20 players committed,” he said. In addition to Hingis making her return, last year’s champion Dominika Cibulkova will be back to defend her title. The tournament will also feature the world’s No. 2-ranked Victoria Azarenka and No. 4 Agnieszka Radwanska. After this year’s event, tournament officials will meet with the new owners of the La Costa Resort and Spa, Omni, which purchased the hotel earlier this year. “We renew the contract with La Costa, sometimes it’s not year on year, it’s for multiple years, if we can continue here at La Costa we will,” Garland said. The Southern California Open begins July 29 through Aug. 4. Tickets are available online at southerncaliforniaopen13.com

St. Katherine College in Encinitas ushers in a new sports era By Tony Cagala

ENCINITAS — The most important things needed to build an athletic department from scratch are coaches, teams and a place for those teams to play. Saint Katherine College is doing just that and they now have all of the pieces in place as they undertake adding six new sports to the school. They already have a baseball team, which under Head Coach and Athletic Department Director Mike Scolinos, finished the season with a very successful 22-8 record. Adding softball, women’s volleyball, and men’s and women’s soccer, the school is poised to add another dimension to campus life. This fall, the college will begin their inaugural men’s

and women’s basketball seasons under newly hired head coaches Scott Mitchell and Nathan Coromelas, respectively. “Our goal is we want to become a Division I university someday,” said Scolinos. “So, that is our goal and we’ve put a timeline of 12 years,” he said. And is that an ambitious timeline? “Insane,” Scolinos said. “But you know what? If you don’t set the goal and don’t dream it, you’re never going to do it.” The school has applied to enter the NAIA division, a division that includes Cal State San Marcos, a school they hope to form a natural rivalry with. The Fighting Firebirds men’s basketball team will play a number of top tier teams in their first season,

Saint Katherine College is setting an ambitious goal of becoming a Division I school for athletics in 12 years. Scott Mitchell will lead the men’s basketball team in their inaugural season this fall. Courtesy photo

including against CSUSM, UCSD, Weber State and the University of Utah, along with other Christian colleges. For Scott Mitchell, his expectations for the season are to compete and “not get run off the floor,” he said. Taking the job as a labor of love, Mitchell, who played and coached professionally in leagues around the world, said he still had some basketball left in him to help get the program started. Having to recruit his entire team this season certainly was a challenge, but the biggest challenge, he said, was not having a history. He wasn’t able to point out to recruits how the team did last year to help convince them to come and play for Saint Katherine. Though buoyed by some local talent, including Alex

Perez, a graduate of La Jolla Country Day, Travis Mitchell, a Torrey Pines grad and Jon Viles of San Dieguito Academy, most of his players have come from around the country. Last Friday, Mitchell and his assistant coaches were able to recruit Jimmy Roethler a 7 foot, 280pounder from Indio High School. In the ‘70s Mitchell was drafted by the Golden State Warriors where he spent time under Head Coach Al Attles, an offense-minded coach that would eventually take the team to an NBA Championship in 1975. Mitchell said he learned from NBA coach Dick Motta that in order to have a good offensive program, you’ve got to have a really good defensive program.

But being a selfdescribed “old guy,” and having played for so many different coaches, it was hard to pin down a single influence that helped shaped the way he played and coached. The coaching philosophy he’s bringing to the court: “We’re going to score 100 points every single game. We’re going to press, press, press; we’re going to shoot a lot of threes; we’re going look to score a hundred points a game and we’re going to have a lot of fun.” The Firebirds open the season Nov. 2 against Chapman University. They’ll play all of their home games at Ramona High School and hold practices at the Solana Beach Boys & Girls Club; their first home game is against Point Loma Nazarene University Dec. 10.



JULY 26, 2013


Contact us at sports@coastnewsgroup.com with story ideas, photos or suggestions

Camp Pendleton hosts free youth football, cheer camps By Promise Yee

OCEANSIDE — The intensity on the field could be felt as 150 boys, ages 8 to 17, focused, sprinted, caught footballs and ran them in. Many of the boys had played on Pop Warner football teams, but this camp was coached by NFL players. The free football and cheerleader camp was held July 18 and June 19 at Camp Pendleton Marine Base. Hall of Fame Los Angeles Rams running back Eric Dickerson and former Los Angeles Rams cornerback and punt returner LeRoy Irvin were among the NFL players who volunteered to coach. During football camp skills were taught and coaches barked out uplifting sayings to inspire the boys to bring their best to each drill. The first day skills were introduced. Position drills, speed and agility were taught. The second day the boys competed against each other and pushed their newly learned skills. The annual camp began three years ago when Irvin suggested the idea to Dickerson. Irvin was raised in a military family and knows the challenges kids face moving, changing schools and having a parent who serves our country. He and a friend talked about starting a youth football camp on base. Irvin said he was behind the idea, but knew he needed a bigger name to draw sponsors and asked Dickerson to help. The Eric Dickerson Foundation reached out to companies and private donors and made it happen. NFL players were recruited to coach includ-

Volunteer coach and U.S. Marine Bo Boston, center, leads boys in a cheer. The camp builds skills and confidence. Photos by Promise Yee

ing Marcus Allen, Marshall Faulk, Christian Okoye, Leonard Russell, Vince Ferragamo, David Hill and Anthony Miller. After a successful first year, boys attending the camp asked if it would be held again next year. Dickerson said he could not say no. “My first year holding the football camp at Camp Pendleton was the greatest feeling I had since I played in the NFL,” Dickerson said. “It is important we continue to invest in the

future as we were given those opportunities.” The camp continues to be an action packed twoday annual event. Drills, relays and speakers are changed up every hour. The second year a cheerleader camp for 50 girls, ages 6 to 14, was added. The cheer camp is coached by former Los Angeles Rams cheerleaders. Drills, teamwork, dance routines, kicks, speed and agility are taught. “Both camps will also

include a strong message about the importance of education, commitment and community giving,” Geri Murillo, Eric Dickerson Foundation administrator, said. “The coaches want to give back to the community as they were given.” Boys and girls received lessons on sports injury prevention, nutrition, goal setting and sportsmanship. They were also given a camp T-shirt, fed catered lunches, and sent home with a goodie bag. An award was given to

Darius Dortch, 11, of Camp Pendleton, builds his speed in a sprinting drill. “I love it!,” Dortch said. The two-day football camp was held on base for children of active duty military.

every participant. Murillo said the goal of the camp is to instill confidence and personal best in youth. “The goal here is to build confidence to participate in future sports, whatever it is,” Murillo said. “It might not be football. Whatever sport it is, we want the kids to give it their best.”



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Log on and tune in to ‘Del Mar Fairgrounds Radio’ DEL MAR — The fair has ended but the Del Mar fairgrounds, at 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd., has more summer fun on schedule. Del Mar Thoroughbred race season runs through Sept. 4 and includes 12 weekend concerts and family fun. More information, visit dmtc.com Listen to “Del Mar Fairgrounds Radio” every Thursday from 2 to 3 p.m. The weekly Internet radio show features up-to-date news and information about events at the Del Mar Fairgrounds. Listeners can call in to ask questions or make comments, and the shows are archived for later listening. Tune in at wsradio.com. Call (877) 474-3302 or visit surfsideraceplace.com For the second year in a row, racing fans who want to shop or dine in Del Mar have a free and easy way to do so using the “Shopper Shuttles” that

start and return from the bus compound area alongside the track’s Mission Tower Building on the west end of the facility. The shuttles run each racing day between 5 and 10 p.m. The Del Mar shuttle basically follows the city’s main street of Camino Del Mar as far as Hotel Indigo, then returns to the track along Coast Boulevard. A complete shuttle route with stops can be accessed on delmarracing.com - under “Season Info” and “Shuttle Information.” The Showpark Racing Festival Horse Show runs from July 22 through July 28. This free equestrian event and The Showpark August Festival Horse Show runs July 31 to Aug. 4. Both equestrian events take place at Horsepark, the fairgrounds’ equestrian facility two miles east of the fairgrounds at the intersection of El Camino Real and Via de la

Valle. For more information, v i s i t delmarfairgrounds.com/calendar or showpark.com. There is also Bingo Del Mar every Monday. Play games

on traditional paper cards and fun electronic machines. Support charities and nonprofits while you win. For more information,visit bingofundelmar.com.


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JULY 26, 2013


How to make great choices when it comes to technical gadgets Think you and your family are major multigadgeters now? Consumer Reports notes that the mobile wave is still cresting: More than 240 million smartphones and tablets will be sold in the United States this year, according to the Consumer Electronics Association. Add in millions more cameras and other hand-held devices, and America is on track in 2013 to acquire a new gadget for roughly every man, woman and child over the age of 12. Here’s Consumer Reports’ advice on how to make great choices in smartphones, tablets, cameras, ebook readers and more: — Phones, meet cameras. Cameras, meet phones. Despite their tinier lenses and image sensors, the best new smartphone cameras can capture images as good as those from highly ranked basic cameras, but only under

optimal conditions. Only a few have very good video quality. Tablets’ cameras aren’t as advanced as those on phones, though some (including the latest iPads and Galaxy Note tablets) offer flash, panorama modes and rudimentary manual exposure. — E-book readers are down — but not out. With ereading migrating to tablets and phones, you may see less need for a dedicated e-book reader such as the Barnes & Noble Nook or Amazon Kindle. And you’d be right. So why consider an e-book reader? Because the best are lighter and cheaper by half than even a small, light tablet. They’re also much better for reading in bright light (say, at the beach), and they run for weeks — in some cases even months — on a charge. — Displays get sharp and wide. Manufacturers are packing more pixels into each square inch of phone and tablet displays. The result is sharper type and better-looking images, including videos that meet the 1080p resolution spec of “full HD” televi- The Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 is a leading rival of the iPad Mini, accordsion screens. Another slim- ing to Consumer Reports. Photo courtesy of Consumer Reports

Songwriters’ workshop in La Jolla LA JOLLA — The “Collective Songwriting Experience” offers a highly specialized workshop from noon to 3 p.m.Aug.24 at the La Jolla Community Center, 6811 La Jolla Blvd. It will explore creative thinking through the experience of music creation. For non-musicians and musicians alike, this experience works to teach how to apply the creative thought process to be more innovative and authentic in life and work. For reservations, call



the uncertain WRDA deadline and coastal commission’s rejection. Sand replenishments aren’t new for the cities. This past September at a cost of $22.5 million, a separate SANDAG project deposited 1.4 million cubic yards of sand on beaches throughout the county, including in Solana Beach and Encinitas. Yet Solana Beach City Manager David Ott said officials have made it clear regional nourishments like this aren’t planned over the long term, making regular replenishments in Solana Beach and Encinitas critical. “We don’t want to miss this opportunity,” Ott said. For Encinitas, sand would be dredged from offshore and carted to beaches every five years,widening beaches by 100 feet on average. The first cycle would unload 680,000 cubic yards of sand. And subsequent nourishments would place 280,000 cubic cards of sand on the beach. The projected cost of Encinitas’ portion of the 50year project: $108 million.

(858) 459-0831 or visit ljcommunitycenter.org. Cost is $40 Exercise the creative mind through vision, focused attention, free-form writing and the songwriting process. As a group,we will contribute lyrics for our original song via a collective songwriting exercise. With help from your music director, we’ll build the song structure, discuss genre and mood, and pull it all together into a completed original song.

In Solana Beach, the replenishment calls for 420,000 cubic yards of sand every 13 years, adding 200 feet of beach at an estimated price of $70 million. San Diego Surfrider has argued beach nourishments are welcome in some cases. But the project involves dumping too much sand on the beaches during the first Encinitas cycle, potentially transforming the waves at reefs like Tabletops into mush. The group took its message to the July 10 coastal commission meeting. “Protections of these spots that provide opportunities for beginners through experts remains a bedrock principle under the coastal act,” said Surfrider member Jake Wyrick. He added there aren’t enough legal measures attached to the contract to hold the Army Corps of Engineers accountable in the event of damage to surf spots. Julie Chunn-Heer, campaign coordinator for Surfrider,said the large quantities of sand could bury underwater habitats at the Swami’s marine protected area. New marine protected

If you play an instrument, bring it along. If not, just bring your creative mind. Participants will receive a recorded demo of the original song they helped to create. Director/producer, Astra Kelly, is a singer-songwriter, guitar player, performer, music producer and vocal coach. The flagship is The Band Experience; a series of programs based upon the experience of music creation at themicnetwork.net.

areas that limit or ban fishing went into effect about a year ago throughout Southern California. She said the project, if approved, would set a dangerous precedent for meddling in the reserves. “Experimenting in healthy reef systems should not be allowed,” Chunn-Heer said. But representatives from the Army Corps of Engineers stressed the project had already been through multiple layers of environmental review. In a July 15 letter, Larry Simon, a coordinator with the coastal commission, said the Corps should be held accountable with stricter guidelines for monitoring offshore sites and the entrance of the Los Penasquitos Lagoon at Torrey Pines State Beach. Encinitas and Solana Beach have each funded $500,000 in technical studies and labor that moved the project along. Encinitas’ $500,000 came from the transient occupancy tax — a tax on short-term rentals passed by residents. The listed start date for the nourishments is for the end of 2015.



to pay the full amount for each space before a permit is granted. Properties owners planning minor expansions or a change of use can take advantage of an annual payment plan of $1,000 per year for each stall for the length of time they participate in the in-lieu program. Council members had discussed the fee twice before, most recently during the July 1 meeting. They asked staff to return with additional information, including how the fee would relate to the parking management plan. According to the staff report, setting the in-lieu fee schedule moves forward a program that is already in place. It is one tool in the plan that provides funding to help build or lease space for additional public parking. Council members also wanted clarification on how the money would be used. All funds collected must be deposited in a designated account that can only be



Having pride in representing your school and forming a bond with the team is a big part of your high school experience, Carney said. One of Azubuike’s favorite memories while playing at Army and Navy Academy was the team’s CIF game this season. “It was probably my best game,” he said, adding that it was hitting a solid three-pointer near the end of the game that gave the team their first lead. Azubuike said receiving the award was a “really big accomplishment.” “I’ve

ming factor in some big phones, including models from HTC, LG, Motorola and Samsung, is a display that runs nearly all the way to the edge of the device. — Apple holds an edge in apps ... iPhones and iPads are the way to go for the most, and most varied, apps. Though Google Play and even Amazon’s Appstore carry most major apps,Apple usually has them first. It also offers many titles that never make it to other platforms. And if you’re looking for the most innovative apps, you still can’t beat Apple. — ... But no longer in design innovation. iPhones and iPads remain high performers in Consumer Reports’ Ratings and by far the most-owned brands of mobile devices among its readers. But more phones and tablets than ever are matching or beating Apple’s models in its Ratings. Among the most dominant alternatives to Apple devices: a slew of superb phones and tablets from Samsung. Still, Apple retains unique strengths, including its elegant iOS operating system, largely unchanged for a few years

and familiar to many. — Don’t be afraid to mix or switch platforms. Adding a new OS to the mix, or even switching entirely, isn’t as daunting as you might fear. Today’s operating systems are quite intuitive and easy to learn, and chances are you can easily transfer much of your content. — Built-in speakers are better — but not great. Looking for a smartphone or tablet with speakers that do a decent job with music and video soundtracks? Several new models are billed as offering enhanced sound quality, but they’re not as good as the ads might lead you to believe. Even the phones and tablets that stood out in Consumer Reports’ tests didn’t sound as loud or as rich as even a low-cost speaker. — Battery life gets longer. Manufacturers are tweaking batteries, circuitry, software and more to maximize run time. If you’re among the onethird or so of readers who bought a tablet or phone two or more years ago, battery life alone could be a reason to upgrade.

used to acquire, develop, operate or maintain offstreet parking spaces for use by the general public. Money can also be used to develop and operate a year-round shuttle system to transport people to and from off-street parking spaces available for use by the general public along Camino del Mar through the village and to Powerhouse and Seagrove parks at the foot of 15th Street. Options for those offstreet spaces include restriping the existing City Hall lot to gain additional stalls, leasing property for a lot or contributing funds in a private/public partnership with a new developer. Money collected could be leveraged for minor projects, such as supplementing capital improvement parking projects, or for major efforts, including installment payments for construction bonds or loans. Planning Director Kathy Garcia told council members employee parking, which is also a concern, is being addressed. Once the city collects

fees for 50 in-lieu spaces it must begin to provide those stalls. Currently, off-street public parking is available at City Hall, under the Inn at L’Auberge and at the Shores property. Council opted to designate City Hall as the location for public parking. “It’s a little bit of crystalball gazing because we don’t know how much will be collected, how many businesses will take advantage of this and how many would pay the full fee up front because of new construction,” Councilman Don Mosier said. “But I think the fee itself … is the right number. “The determination of this fee has been put off for five years,” he added. “It’s time to decide that this is either the right number or we want to think about it some more. I think it’s time to move.” Staff will next prepare an application, covenant requirements, administrative procedures and an application fee. The progress of the program will be reported annually to council members.

always played basketball my whole life and I did community service a lot in high school, but I never really looked for any acknowledgement for anything that I did,” he said. Assistant varsity basketball coach John Maffucci said that Azubuike always wanted to learn and do things to become better. Watching him grow from the seventh grade on up through his senior year, Maffucci said Azubuike is very mature. “He knows what he wants and is going after it.” He’ll be heading to UCLA in the fall and will attempt to walk on to the

Bruin’s basketball program under head coach Steve Alford. He’ll be majoring in the field of sciences. Robinson said it was a big honor to be one of the first ever to receive the award, adding the she looks forward to seeing who the future recipients will be. “It’s just a really big honor from Mr. Carney to be awarded, especially a graduate from Notre Dame,” she said. Carney is a Notre Dame alumnus, and Robinson will be heading to Notre Dame this fall with the hopes of majoring in business with a minor in Spanish.


instructs by example.” With the natural gift of a deep, resonant voice, in 1960 Bergen became a professional singer, performing and recording with notables such as John Williams, Norman Luboff, Roger Wagner and Fred Waring. His many movie soundtrack credits include “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” and “Damien: Omen II.” As a studio singer, his voice was recorded on over 8,000 radio and television commercials and he was nationally recognized as a voice-over artist and narrator, featured for 30 years as the voice of Disney on Ice. Musician Peter Sprague recalls their first meeting: “A. Paul had music flowing through him from a deep place. What blew me away was the dude that was singing the bass part had such a fire and intensity he was shaking the speakers loose… and all of this emanating from a guy zipping around with crutches.” In 1964 A. Paul met Linda Wallace, who at age 17 was thought by her parents to be much too young for the 25-year-old man. Married since 1968, they proved to be a perfect match as the couple was inseparable for 45 years. Carolyn Cope of Encinitas reflects, “The love they shared was electric.” Relocating from Los Angeles to Encinitas with Linda and their daughter Shani in 1980, Bergen contin-



vein is “Only You” which has the hooks to work on pop radio has imaginative sonic touches and a richer melody than much of the material on the “Lights” album. Several other new songs, meanwhile, show even more growth from Goulding. For instance, “Figure 8” has an enticing sound created by its darkly hued melody and big, but deliberate, beat. “My Blood,” has a symphonic sweep as it flows from understated moment to a full-bodied chorus complete with choir-like harmonies. Even a song like “Anything Could Happen,” which starts out sounding like a modest, albeit catchy, dance-pop tune takes sharp turns as it builds into a fairly epic anthem. Goulding is spending July and August opening for Bruno Mars on his summer tour. She has a band with a pair of multi-instrumentalists and a drummer/programmer, which she said has allowed her to bring her music to life on stage. “It’s very different (from the “Lights” tour) because I have a whole new album to perform now,” she said. “It’s very different. Yeah, I guess because it’s quite a leap from my first record, there’s definitely a difference live. It’s just a bit more full now. “I don’t know, it just seems like things make sense a bit more and everything’s a bit more rounded and the whole production just feels a bit more certain now.”



JULY 26, 2013 ued his career in spoken and musical voice work but later expanded into the visual and literary arts. Singer-songwriter Steve Denyes says, “A. Paul was an artist in every sense of the word (but) more than that,

A. Paul supported the arts in a truly heart-felt way.” Steve Denyes Singer-Songwriter

he was a tireless advocate for the arts working behind the scenes to create opportunities for other artists and supporting them along the way.” As board member of the 101 Artists’ Colony since 2002, Bergen contributed time and energy towards furthering community arts. Longtime friend Billy Stewart of Encinitas says, “Paul supported the arts in a truly heart-felt way, that is to say with his wallet out, not just the typical ‘I love art!’ lip service.” Stewart recalls, “After a life of music Paul one day decided to try painting… He could sing in bursts with the thunder of Zeus and assumed something similar might be coaxed from tubes of paint… These bursts resembled to him the birth of a small star or planet spewing fragments of light, and he dubbed them the ‘Nebula’

series.” According to Bergen’s published artist statement, “The Nebulas represent for me a visual expression of my evolving concept of the God of creation, which I see as an ever evolving, all encompassing, fluid force… always changing, ever expanding; and the creative impulse flows without ceasing throughout the vast universe of its Being.” Creating without ceasing is what A. Paul actualized in life. In 2000 his first book “Masonville” was published, followed by “Naked in the Tub with Vera” in 2010 and “The Undressing of Kathy Howard” in 2012. Stan Beard says, “His books, so cherished by those of us who knew their author, provided a glimpse of his intellect, right alongside his simple upbringing, carnal desires, social views, and devilishly funny, wonderfully

off-putting ability to make people both squirm and laugh.” In his final manuscript “Death of a Mennonite” Bergen wrote, “The purpose of this universe is to create life, and the purpose of life is to enjoy the universe… For all of the pain and suffering we may bear, see the heavens on a starry night, a butterfly in flight, touch a lover’s lips or hand; it’s all good, it’s all right.” Many will agree with Stan Beard as he says, “This world is a lesser place without the unique creation God fashioned in A. Paul Bergen.” Kay Colvin is director of the L Street Fine Art Gallery in San Diego’s Gaslamp Quarter, serves as an arts commissioner for the City of Encinitas, and specializes in promoting emerging and mid-career artists. Contact her at kaycolvin@lstreetfineart.com.


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preparing the films for judging with co-producer Robyn Sarbis. Though no film from San Diego has won the best film of the year award yet, Trammell said that some of the films have been selected to be screened at the Cannes Film Festival. The winner of each city contest will be screened at their end of the year event “Filmapalooza,” and 12 of the best films will be screened at the Cannes Film Festival. San Diego is one of about 120 cities worldwide in the competition. It’s also the only city where the films are shot and screened in HighDefinition. But Koenig asserts that the essential part of the film remains its story. “And not just the story,”

he said,“but the ability to tell it in a way that removes anything superfluous — removes all the extra stuff that beats around the bush. “Because you basically have six to seven minutes to tell a complete story and that means every shot counts,” he said. While he waits for the judges results, Koenig will continue work in the media and his teaching. For the past several months Koenig has been working on creating a 10-episode web series, set in the future where information and news is traded on the black market. “It’s something that I would like to do and get preproduction going on by the end of the year,” he said. Visit mercurycinema.com to view the trailer for “The Truth Fairy.”



JULY 26, 2013


JULY 26, 2013



Feeling the squeeze I am two inches slimmer today, or so the lovely woman told me last night. I really want to believe her, skeptic that I am, and will put that information to the acid test today by trying on my most snug jeans. And how did all this come about, you wonder? I got wrapped. A fun and adventurous friend of mine encountered a local businesswoman at a street fair who offers herbal body wraps and does in-home demonstration parties. It sounded like a hoot, so she asked if I would let her host it in my home. Hey, the prospect of losing any part of my belly is a glorious reason for a party. And it was great fun, because the only people who will accept your invitation are your most outgoing, brave friends who are very comfortable with their bodies, and share your ability to laugh at yourself. It made for a great crowd. We managed to walk around with wrapped bellies, wrapped upper arms, wrapped necks and such for the evening, as the item worked it’s alleged magic. I rather hoped to see smoke coming off my body for some serious results, but no luck. It was a hilarious mix of semi-mummy status and a walking infomercial. The gracious merchant offered to take before and after photos, which turned out to be where even the most relaxed of us draw the line. We drank lots of water during the treatment, but, I fear, swiftly retoxified our systems with wine and food immediately afterward. Yet according to “after” measurements, minor results were gotten all around. Like anything in life, however, major results require multiple and regular treatments. And like everything else, it would get expensive. Still, a good time was had by all, complete with that great game where you can steal someone else’s gift, played as our wraps percolated. And who knows, maybe I’ll be able to zip up those jeans for a day or two. Jean Gillette is a freelance writer who does not now, and has never had, a waist. Contact her a jgillette@coastnewsgroup.com.

County develops new rules for jellyfish stings By Jared Whitlock

ENCINITAS — Jellyfish have been known to sting upwards of 100 people on Encinitas beaches during peak days. In the past, those stung and staggering towards lifeguard towers in pain were sprayed with vinegar. But now they’re given another treatment. As of July 1, lifeguards countywide are supposed to attend to jellyfish stings with hot water or saltwater, according to officials from the San Diego County Emergency Medical Services. Not everyone is a fan of the policy change; some residents argue that vinegar remains the best remedy for easing the hurt of a jellyfish encounter. However, a body of new evidence says otherwise, said Dr. Bruce Haynes, medical director of county EMS. “Vinegar has been widely used locally, but literature indicates that’s not the best course,” Haynes said. Haynes, who oversees EMS protocols, said all county lifeguards are expected to follow the new jellyfish procedure. He doesn’t expect lifeguards to object, but if they do, EMS could reconsider the policy change. “My advice is to try the treatment for a time,” Haynes said. “After that, we’re open to discussion.” The updated policy came about after a regularly

of injuries inflicted by jellyfish species like Portuguese man-of-wars that aren’t found in San Diego waters. “No treatment was found to be uniformly effective for all jellies, but hot water helps with most of the varieties,” Clark said. As well as dousing jellyfish stings with vinegar or hot water, the new EMS policy says lifeguards should scrape venom sacs from the skin. Clark said if lifeguards aren’t in sight, beachgoers could remove the sacs in a pinch, as long as they’re careful. “Flick off the venom sacs with a credit card or some other kind of flat surface,” Clark said. “The goal is to get rid of the sacs without crushing them. If crushed, the venom will spread.” He added it’s best not to use bare hands to remove the venom sacs. After scraping, Since July 1, county lifeguards are being directed to treat jellyfish stings with hot water or saltwater. Some hot water or salt water argue the long-prescribed vinegar method remains the best way to ease the pain. Photo courtesy of Wikimedia should be applied, followed by the topical cream lidocaine. the review. And vinegar scheduled two-year review of approved it. Despite the review, Haynes noted one study works on some local jellyfish county EMS guidelines. Carlsbad resident Mark A task force made up of was especially influential to species, but not others. Bergseid said vinegar is “For certain species, paramedics, toxicologists and county EMS — “Evidenceproven. He noted his 7-yearBased Treatment of Jellyfish there’s actually some eviother medical professionals recommended reworking jel- Stings in North America and dence vinegar can make the old daughter was stung at Stone Steps Beach in lyfish treatment guidelines to Hawaii,” a 2012 review from pain from stings worse,” Encinitas on the last day UC San Diego’s Department Clark said. reflect recently released Clark’s review notes that vinegar was offered. of Emergency Medicine. studies. A lifeguard sprayed her the American Heart Never mind folklore, From there, the EMS injury with diluted vinegar, baking soda and urine aren’t Association recommends Base Physicians Committee and Bergseid said his daughvinegar for jellyfish stings. gave the new policy its bless- effective fixes for jellyfish zaps according to Dr. Richard But Clark said that vinegar is ing and forwarded it to TURN TO JELLYFISH ON B3 better for taking the bite out Clark, one of the authors of Haynes, who ultimately

Community colleges face challenges of bolstering online classes By Rachel Stine

REGION — With incentives for online course offerings from the state, local community colleges are expanding their online education offerings and working with the challenges of teacher trainings and student retention that come with it. As part of the 2013-14 state budget, Gov. Jerry Brown maintained incentives for community colleges to improve access to online classes through the California Community College Online Initiative.The initiative creates a systemwide program designed to improve students’ access to online courses while reducing the costs of those courses for the students and colleges. Today, 27 percent of community college students in California take at least one online course each year, according to data from the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office. Nearly 17 percent of all courses offered at community colleges in the state are offered online. Local North County community colleges, MiraCosta College and Palomar College, have been

bolstering their online course offerings to align with the state initiative and accommodate for the increasing demand for these classes. Palomar College’s online course offerings have remained steady over the past few years due restraints on class offerings from reduced state funding, said the school’s Director of Communications, Marketing, and Public Affairs Laura Gropen. Last year, about 11 percent of Palomar’s 4,749 classes were online courses, similar to previous years, she said. But with increased state funding this year, she anticipates the number of online courses offered to increase, along with the total number of courses offered. “I anticipate revving up all of our classes including our online classes,” said Gropen. MiraCosta College, which is about a third of the size of Palomar, offered about 200 course sections taught only online as well as 100 hybrid classes that were taught both online and on campus last year, numbers which will be increasing next fall for the 2013-14 school

year. Over the past three years, the number of fulltime MiraCosta students enrolled in an online course has increased nearly 40 percent, according to the school’s data. When registration opens, online classes normally fill up before on campus courses, according to MiraCosta College President Dr. Francisco Rodriguez. Only a few courses cannot be offered online at the colleges, including laboratory and oral communication classes. Online community college courses offer a number of advantages for students as well as the schools. With online classes, students can complete class instruction and coursework on their own schedule and save the time and expense of travelling back and forth to campus. “For students who are accustomed to technology, this is a natural way of learning,” explained Rodriguez. By offering courses online, community colleges course capacities are not limited by the amount of availTURN TO COLLEGES ON B3

Sobering program ends By Promise Yee

ESCONDIDO — Interfaith Community Services’ sobering mat program will end July 15. This means adults who are intoxicated will no longer have a place to sleep it off until they become sober, but instead will be sent to hospitals or the county jail. The Escondido Community Sobering and Stabilization program has provided a safe place to sober up and a bridge to additional community services for 16 years. “It’s a controlled, closeddoor environment,” Craig Jones, Interfaith Community Services associate director, said. “It’s staffed 24/7.” At the facility 10 mats are laid out on the floor and clients,who walk in or who are referred to the service by police or hospitals, rest and sober up on the mats.Men and women are grouped on different sides of the room. Staff talks to clients if they are awake,but most clients choose to simply sleep it off. Showers, restrooms, hydration and some food are provided to individuals during their stay. Stays are a minimum of four hours and up to 23 hours. Jones said if a client is not sober within 23 hours they would be checked out and then checked back in.

“The goal is to give them as much time as they need to reach an initial sober state,” he said. Once clients reach a sober state an interview is held and recommendations are made on next steps for clients. For some their intoxication is just an isolated incident and they return home, for others it’s a repeated occurrence and additional social services are recommended. “This has been an effective means of helping people enter recovery,” said Patti Hamic-Christensen, Escondido Community Sobering and Stabilization program manager. “Without it these individuals are likely to remain on the street or end up in more expensive facilities for the public like the hospital or in jail.” It is up to the individual to follow through with recommendations. Jones said individuals have to be ready to change. “For deeper chronic substance abuse problems, homelessness, and other issues we show them a route to available community services,” Jones said. He added men and women often come to the sobering mat program several TURN TO SOBERING ON B15


JULY 26, 2013


Former realtor found land that was ‘perfect’ for English Tea garden By Lillian Cox

VISTA — Several years ago realtor Barbara Barker sold all her rental properties and built a tea garden where visitors could relax and reenergize in a natural setting.

Her inspiration came from the late Brett Bravo, author of “Crystal Healing Secrets,” who was also Barker’s friend and mentor. “Whatever was wrong with you, she could heal,” Barker explained. “She

wanted to create an Emerald City that would be a retreat where healers would congregate and work on people.” Barker promised Bravo before she passed away that she would meditate and

From left, guest Lynn Garland and Barbara Barker, owner, Memories English Tea Garden. “No matter what happens in the day, the minute I step foot in the garden I feel better,” Barker said. Courtesy photo

give some thought to her concept. In 2003 she came across the property that would become Memories English Tea Garden. “I waited a long time to find it and when I stepped on the land I said, ‘This is it — this is my healing garden,’” she said. Before opening, Barker spent a year building a fence and converting a rundown house into a caretakers cottage that would also have a sunroom and classroom. She also planted lavender fields, rose gardens, vegetable gardens and more. Finally, in 2004, Memories English Tea Garden debuted. Barker asked for a $10 donation from each guest that would be earmarked for international outreach programs benefitting clean water and world hunger projects as well as the locally based Alpha Project. In turn, each guest would experience a magical afternoon beginning with Queen Elizabeth’s signature English Tea served in china cups and saucers comple-

mented by finger sandwiches made with cucumbers and scones with wild blueberries that grow in the garden. Barker’s specialty is a savory potato scone topped with sundried tomato and pesto using a variety of homegrown vegetables such as chard and kale. Barker also serves her own chocolate truffles as well as pineapple cake with guava sauce using natural sugar from white sapote, a tropical fruiting tree on her property that has been compared in flavor to the peach, pear and even vanilla flan. Following the tea, Barker leads a class on a variety of topics ranging from learning how to prepare and present an afternoon tea to the healing benefits of chocolate and sachet making. Art teachers are also invited to use the gardens for their classes beneath the large shade trees. There is a cutting garden on the property with French and English lavender, which are used to make potpourri. During winter months Barker takes her tea party to private homes and community clubhouses. “A lot of women have their own beautiful china, but don’t know what to do with it,” Barker explained. “I show them what pieces they need to use, then serve the food on their china and do the dishes afterwards by hand — that’s part of the

deal.” Last year June Austin was a guest at Memories English Tea Garden. “It’s just a fun thing to do,” she said. “I am intrigued by Barbara’s imagination including the garden and what she put together for us. “She’s a wonderful cook and her scones were fantastic. We made a sachet and talked about teas around the world.” A few months later during winter months Austin turned the tables and invited Barker to hold a tea in the clubhouse at Pacifica in Oceanside where she lives. Barker will do so for a minimum of 10 guests. “There were a lot of people,” Austin remembered. “Some people brought their own cups and dressed up and some didn’t. Barbara made gluten-free scones for those who wanted them. We had people from South Africa and they loved it. We would do it again.” Barker says she is also the beneficiary of rewards that result from hosting her garden teas. “When adding value to the lives of others we are multiplying our own joy and our own peace,” she explained. “The minute I step foot in the garden I feel better, no matter what happens in the day, even if I go there to weed. I like the workout and I like being out of doors.”



JULY 26, 2013

ODD Bipartisan talk discusses veterans’ tuitions FILES


By Ian Brophy

Annals of Invention Although Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (the alleged 9/11 mastermind) was waterboarded 183 times among several extreme interrogation techniques, he and his CIA captors eventually reached a moderated state. In 2003, though still housed in a “black site” in Romania, “KSM” asked permission to design a household vacuum cleaner, and the highest echelons of the agency cooperated, according to a former senior CIA analyst, speaking to the Associated Press in July. In reality, when a detainee exhausts his intelligence value, the agency’s main mission is to keep him “sane,” in case he is later put on trial, and the vacuum cleaner project was thought likely to engage KSM, who, 15 years before the murders of nearly 3,000 people on Sept. 11, had earned a mechanical engineering degree from North Carolina A&T State University.

OCEANSIDE — Assemblymembers Rocky Chavez-R and Sharon Quirk-Silva-D laid out a bipartisan plan to cut down on the $286 million California spends on unemployment insurance for veterans, at a town hall meeting on Tuesday. The meeting was held at MiraCosta College’s Oceanside campus and informed attendees about Assembly Bill 13.The bill would give all veterans who choose to go to school in California in-state tuition, which would make an education affordable for veteran’s using the GI bill. “I would much rather use the money to invest in people’s education to get them to work, than to pay for them to be unemployed,”Chavez said.“When people have an education, then they have the ability to go off and get a job and fulfill the American dream the veterans fought for.” Both Assemblymembers talked about the importance of bipartisanship for this bill to be successful. Chavez said the bill would never have gotten out of the Assembly if not for a bipartisan effort. Assemblymember Quirk-Silva said veterans’ issues are not a republican or democrat issue, they are an American issue. Students,college officials and community members were among the 14 attendees. George McNeil, a trustee at MiraCosta College, said he supports the

The Entrepreneurial Spirit The gourmet lollipop company Lollyphile announced its latest flavor in June: Breast Milk Lollipops (four for $10). Owner Jason Darling said it “slowly dawned on” him that his friends were “producing milk so delicious it could turn a screaming, furious child into a docile, contented one. I knew I had to capture that flavor.” Marketing Challenges: (1) The Rocket Fizz Soda Pop and Candy Shop franchisers, already with a lineup of sometimes-unappreciated flavors such as buffalo chicken wing soda, briefly experimented in June with “ranch dressing” soda, a mistaken adventure that co-founder Rob Powells jokingly blamed on his business partner. (2) Brewmaster John Maier of Rogue Ales in Newport, Ore., pointed out that “wild yeasts” have been used in beer for centuries and thus (according to a June report on FoodBeast.com) his company’s Beard Beer (from yeast of beards, including at one time, his own) should be regarded as a traditional brew.

Science on the Cutting Edge C a r n i v o r o u s Vegetation: It was a special occasion in Surrey, England, in June as a rare plant prepared to bloom. The 3-foot-tall Puya chilensis, native to Chile, features neon-bright greenish-yellow flowers with blooms large enough to yield drinkable nectar, but its most startling distinction is its ability to nourish itself by trapping small animals in its razor-sharp spines, leaving them to decay. (At Britain’s Wisley Garden, it is fed with ordinary fertilizer rather than animals.)



able classroom space. However, class sizes for online courses do not differ from their on campus counterparts so that professors’ workloads remains the same. The cost of providing an online course versus an on campus course is fairly similar because the cost of faculty is identical and classroom facility costs are replaced with the technology costs needed to deliver the online course to students. Consequently, the cost for students of online and on campus courses are the same at both colleges. Whether offered online or in a classroom, course content is comparable, and in some cases the same, according to MiraCosta and Palomar college administrators. Furthermore, a course offered online earns equal credit as the same course offered on campus. For professors, teaching an online course presents a new set of challenges. “For new faculty, the first challenge we face is making the class ‘alive’ through the online presence of the instructor and the students,” said Lisa Lane, who has been teaching history courses online at MiraCosta for over 20 years.“We want to take the ‘distance’ out of distance education by providing a learning environment even though people at first feel disconnected.” “Some of the technical challenges include providing students with clear navigation and instruction, creating ways for students to interact and learn together, and providing meaningful content as a foundation for the course,” she added. Both MiraCosta and Palomar offer extensive train-

Assemblymembers Rocky Chavez, left, and Sharon Quirk-Silva discuss the benefits of Assembly Bill 13, and explain that veterans cannot afford out of state tuition using the GI Bill at a town hall meeting on Tuesday. Photo by Ian Brophy

bill and that it would positively affect the college. “We will probably bring it up to the board in our August meeting to have formal support of (the bill),” said McNeil. “We owe the veterans, and the school benefits from having the veterans there.” Chavez said the 76th district,which he represents, has more veterans than any other district in California. He

ing and development opportunities for professors who wish to teach online classes. These trainings teach professors not only how to utilize the technology needed to teach a class online, but also how to engage students without seeing them face-to-face. Yet since online courses were first offered at the two community colleges, the student retention rate for online classes has been lower than that of on campus classes. One issue that community colleges face is that community college students drop out of courses for a variety of reasons, and those reasons can be much more difficult to determine when students are not present on campus. “The reality is that across the board…community college students leave a course for a whole host of reasons,” said Gropen. “Contacting a student who is failing but still attending an on-campus class is easy, but reaching a student who is failing an online class but doesn’t use email much can be difficult, making intervention more of a challenge,” said Lane. Both colleges have increased their development sessions for professors. They are working on finding ways to better prepare students for online courses and dispel the myth that online courses are easier than on campus courses. MiraCosta College is in the process of building an orientation to online courses for students. With the colleges’ efforts, the retention rate gap between online courses and on campus courses is narrowing significantly. “Access to higher education has been enhanced with the advent of online education,” said Rodriguez. “This delivery mode is here to stay.”

added that many veterans born and raised in California become residents of other states while serving and are unable to come back and attend school due to the expensive out-of-state tuition. Harmony Hodges, a MiraCosta student, said her brother faced the same dilemma after he could not afford to come back to school in California. “He is actually at ASU now

because he is a resident of Arizona, instead of coming to school here,” she said.“I think this bill would have helped him a lot. The bill has passed through the Assembly and will now go to the state senate appropriations committee in August. Chavez and Quirk-Silva both talked about the difficult road ahead, but stressed the importance of bipartisanship for this bill to succeed. “My sense is the citizens really want government to work for them and this whole polarization thing isn’t good,” added Chavez. “Whenever you can have bipartisan effort on a particular issue, like education and veterans, then that is a good message to the community.” McNeil said the meeting helped him understand the difficulties of getting the bill passed, but added that he is confident people will see the benefits of it. “I had heard that it passed the Assembly with flying colors and I had hoped that it was just going to pass the senate the same way, but I found out it is going to be a little more difficult to get it through the state senate,” McNeil said. “All of the schools right now are hurting for money and that is where it gets difficult. But the school is going to gain by having more veterans and the community is going to gain by having the veterans stay here and not be on assistance, and actually be working.”



ter “immediately started feeling better.” He doubts that heated water or saltwater would have produced such quick relief. “I’m glad it was the last day,” Bergseid said. “She would have been screaming for half an hour she was in so much pain.” He added county EMS should take another look at its policy in light of his daughter’s experience and other beachgoers who have benefited from vinegar. At the Moonlight Beach lifeguard tower, bottles of vinegar were pulled last week to comply with EMS guidelines, according to Encinitas Lifeguard Capt. Larry Giles. Giles said he hasn’t received enough feedback from his lifeguards to form a “positive or negative” impression of the policy change. “I’ll survey staff over the next few weeks to get their response,” Giles said. “In a month, I’ll talk to the county and give them input.” Removing vinegar hasn’t gone unnoticed by beachgoers; Giles said he’s received a handful of complaints. “We’ve used vinegar for more than 50 years,” Giles said. “So people understandably want to weigh in on a transition like this.” Encinitas doesn’t keep statistics, but Giles noted the consensus seems to be that this has been a moderate year for jellyfish stings. July and August typically see more jellyfish, along with people in the water. “The combination leads to more stings,” Giles said.

Encinitas lifeguard Robert Harmon demonstrates how to treat a jellyfish sting on junior lifeguard Nick Schwarte during a trial run. Under the new guidelines, lifeguards scrape off the venom sacs of a jellyfish with a flat surface and then apply hot water or saltwater. Photo by Jared Whitlock

Nigella Hillgarth, executive director of the Birch Aquarium, said blooms of jellyfish are drawn to shores in the summer by warm water and deep ocean currents. A handful of jellyfish species are regularly spotted in San Diego. The most common being purplestriped and moon varieties. Purple jellyfish can grow up to 12 inches long, while moon jellyfish are typically about 10 inches. In recent years, Hillgarth said there’s been an uptick in rare black jellyfish with 25-foot long tentacles off the San Diego

coast, likely because they’re in search of food. They’re stings can be especially painful, but they aren’t life threatening. “More research should be dedicated to the different jellies and how exactly their stings affect humans,” Hillgarth said.

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JULY 26, 2013


Community ‘garage lab’ opens for citizen scientists By Rachel Stine

CARLSBAD — Pursued by the city for years, Carlsbad’s first community science lab and incubator opened to entrepreneurial scientists and curious community members on July 12. “This has been in the works since 2009,” said Councilmember Farrah Douglas at the opening.“In my eyes, this is just the beginning. It’s going to grow, it’s going to get a lot bigger and our citizens are going to benefit from it.” The city aspired to open a community lab to provide the necessary space and equipment for scientific entrepreneurs to collaborate and develop their ideas without deterrent start-up overhead costs. Ideally, work within the lab would produce new companies that could contribute to Carlsbad’s thriving life-science industry. Joseph Jackson and Kevin Lustig of the nonprofit Bio, Tech and Beyond approached the city about founding and operating the lab, and in January of this year, the city provided them the lab space by leasing a city-owned vacant building on Faraday Avenue for $1 per year for the next five years. “There are really good incubator labs out there, but they are very expensive and privately owned. This is like a community garage in a lot of ways, where everyone is welcome,” said Carlsbad’s Director of Community and

Economic Development Kathy Dodson, who worked on behalf of the city to establish the lab. What was once an abandoned Farmer’s Auto Claims building now contains a myriad of donated equipment, lab benches, and scientists eager to get started. Budding equipment company Algi is one of the lab’s first residents, and its founders plan to conduct experiments to measure the photosynthetic abilities of different strains of green algae. They hope that their measuring device can help utilize the electrons produced by green algae during photosynthesis to make biofuels. Algi CEO and co-founder Jonathan Meuser explained that the Bio, Tech and Beyond lab met all of the company’s initial needs. “I needed a place that is affordable, seeing as we’re trying to get off of the ground, where we could do experiments, we could do demonstrations, we could have deliveries sent to and also that we could use as an address to apply for government grants,” he said. Carlsbad resident Richard Sportsman hopes to use the lab space to study proteins and conduct experiments for his family-owned wine analysis equipment business. “I think this lab is great because it allows certain companies that don’t have access to some of the biological tools and equipment to come here and use it,” he said, as he

demonstrated a puzzle game for people rearrange proteins. Jackson of Bio, Tech and Beyond said has been thrilled with, “the tremendous reaction in the community with people coming out from everywhere, people with 15-20 years deep experience with pharmaceuticals and biologics showing up and volunteering their time, finding equipment.” “Life science is obviously the bread and butter of this region,” he added. But Jackson said that now that the lab is open, Bio, Tech, and Beyond must work extremely hard to obtain the necessary funding for the lab’s remaining start-up costs. Ultimately, the community lab aims to be self-funded through membership fees, corporate sponsorship, and community donations. “Of course money, money, money is always number one. We can do things much less expensively than a typical university lab or other environment with our overheads but still gotta have some cash flow to really do it,” said Jackson. He said that among other things the lab is in need of a plate reader, single channel pipetters, and distilled water. Bio, Tech and Beyond is currently sponsoring a 50-day online campaign to raise $50,000. The campaign ends Aug. 11, and donations can be made at indiegogo.com/projects/bio-tech-beyond. “I’m just so excited to see the combination of scientists,

From left to right: Bio, Tech and Beyond co-founders Kevin Lustig and Joseph Jackson, Senator Mark Wyland, Mayor Matt Hall, and city councilmembers Keith Blackburn, Farrah Douglas, and Lorraine Wood cut the ribbon opening Carlsbad’s community science lab and incubator on July 12

Jonathan Meuser, right, CEO and co-founder of Algi, demonstrates how his company’s device measures oxygen and hydrogen output of green algae during photosynthesis at the community lab opening. Photos by Rachel Stine

community people, corporate opening that just makes me combination, the right mix for people that are here at this think that we’ve got the right Carlsbad,” said Dodson.

Lots sold in Rancho Santa Fe Former concession operators sue city RANCHO SANTA FE — The San Diego office of Colliers International announced that 29 completed estate lots in Montagna, a development within the master planned community of Cielo in Rancho Santa Fe, have sold for $10,235,600. These lots are situated on the ridgeline of Cielo and include panoramic views. David Santistevan, Gunder Creager and Ciara Layne-Trujillo of Colliers International were the brokers in the transaction representing both the seller and the buyer. The seller was Rancho Cielo Estates, LTD, and the property was purchased by Taylor Morrison Homes of California, LLC. Earlier this year, Santistevan, Creager, and Layne-Trujillo represented Rancho Cielo

By Jared Whitlock

Montagna, at Cielo in Rancho Santa Fe, has sold 29 completed estate lots. Courtesy photo

The Cielo communiEstates, LTD in the sale of 41 improved estate lots in Cielo ty is on the north side of Del to California West Dios Highway at Calle Ambiente, and is comprised Communities. of 1,740 acres with 528 home sites and 60-percent open space. Cielo is a private, gated community located in the community of Rancho Santa Fe. The development includes a wide variety of family recreational facilities, parks and is surrounded by golf courses, horse stables, and a 50,000-squarefoot commercial center in front of the entrance to Cielo. Colliers International is the third-largest commercial real estate services company in the world with 12,500 professionals operating out of more than 500 offices in 61 countries.

ENCINITAS — Treggon Owens and his wife June, who ran the Moonlight Beach concession stand for more than three and a half years, filed a breach-of-contract lawsuit against the city last month. The couple is alleging the city prematurely terminated its lease with them when it didn’t have the power to do so. At the beginning of 2009, the Owens signed on to take over the concession stand. The one-year contract included four one-year renewal options. In 2010, 2011 and 2012, city staff sent letters to the Owens notifying them they were renewing the contract. But Attorney Michael Curran, representing the Owens, argued the couple retained the right to renew the contract each year, not the city, given prevailing legal cases and government code. “The city wasn’t in a position to renew the option; the city wasn’t the option holder,” Curran said. Jace Schwarm, city risk management department leader, said staff wasn’t able to comment at this time because the matter is in litigation. Curran said the Owens originally “didn’t think anything” of the city’s lease renewal notifications since “they’re not lawyers.” Also, the city and the Owens disagree over the contract’s termination date and

the legal options at the couples’ disposal. In February 2012, city staff sent the Owens a letter stating the lease would end in nine months due to a planned revamp at Moonlight Beach. This past fall, construction crews tore down the old concession stand and started work on a new one as part of a 3,600-square-foot building. The city maintains the February 2012 letter triggered the end of the contract, according to a response letter from the city sent to Curran. Consequently, the letter states, the Owens had until February 2013 to file a claim, but because they didn’t do so until June, they have no legal recourse, as per the California tort claims act. In turn, Curran said the tort claims act doesn’t apply to the case because the contract explicitly allows the Owens to take legal action, making the timing of the lawsuit irrelevant. Regardless, the February 2012 letter was only a warning of the end of the contract, rather than the actual termination, he said. Curran went on to argue the contract wasn’t breached until this past spring. He maintained the Owens were under the impression they would operate the new stand once the upgrades debuted. “They believed the contract was still in place,” Curran said. This past February, the city announced it was seek-

ing proposals from businesses to operate the space. Curran said his clients were led to believe the process was a formality. The Owens turned in a proposal. Yet ultimately, the city awarded a new lease to Moonlight Beach Deli & Dogs this past May. The Owens submitted a plan to take over the concession stand in mid-2008. Upon inking the deal with the city, they spent roughly $80,000 on repairs, a menu expansion and other improvements, according to the lawsuit. The 2009 contract with the city stipulated the Owens would pay $25,000 or 14 percent of gross revenue; whichever is greater, to the city annually. They maintain they were unaware the Moonlight Beach upgrades would come so soon; the city was talking about improvements at Beacon’s Beach first. “There’s nothing in the contract to advise them that their lease may be disrupted,” Curran said. With the lawsuit, the Owens are seeking $120,000 in damages. That includes money for the repairs and lost profits. Additionally, they’re seeking to recover legal fees. The case was filed with the San Diego Superior Court. Last summer, the Encinitas City Council approved the $4.8 million Moonlight Beach project.



JULY 26, 2013

A friend of the friends Microbrewery may hop into downtown Carlsbad David Ogul Mary Jane Boyd is hardly what you would call a rabble rouser. But she does care about her community. The Solana Beach resident has been involved in a number of causes over the years, including a successful effort at bringing art to the local library, making Solana Beach roads safer, and becoming part of a Community Emergency Response Team dispatched to help at fires, floods and other catastrophes. So involved has Boyd been that the Chamber of Commerce named her Civic Member of the Year in 2010. Now she’s taking up a new cause: Boyd has become the public face for a drive to open up the Fletcher Cove Community Center to local residents who want to hold a wedding reception or other special event at the renovated site.The Solana Beach City Council a few weeks refused to allow such rentals after hearing from an array of residents who live near the civic treasure with breathtaking views of the ocean, but Boyd isn’t taking “No” for an answer. A group called Friends of the Fletcher Cove Community Center has launched an initiative “to ensure that the center is able to be used by Solana Beach citizens for special events, as promised during the fundraising drive that enabled the city to refurbish it for community use,” and Boyd is its spokesperson. The group has to collect 1,301 valid signatures from registered Solana Beach voters — or 15 percent of the total — within 180 days to trigger a special election on the measure. It began circulating petitions on July 10. At issue is City Hall’s refusal to allow parties of up to 100 people where guests could drink beer and wine while listening to non-amplified music. Neighbors noted they already have to put up with crowds flocking to the city’s most popular beach and they already have to deal with such civic events as the summer Concerts at the Cove series and the Fiesta del Sol street fair.It doesn’t help that several bars and eateries are just a couple

blocks away. Allowing private parties at the community center in which alcohol could be served would create “a potentially significant impact on the neighborhood,” resident Richard Jacobs told the council. Friends of Fletcher Cove noted residents from throughout Solana Beach raised $225,000 of the $350,000 needed for the renovation of the center, which now is used for meetings, children’s art classes, a community sing-along and adult education courses. Boyd lashed out as opponents as “a small group who wants to control the use of that building. That building was there long before they bought their houses or built their homes. This is a community center, and it should be available for the community to use.” Friends of Fletcher Cove say the center was rented for weddings and other special events before falling into disrepair in the 1990s. “In 2007, the city solicited citizen funds to remodel the dilapidated center, asking citizens to ‘Join Your Neighbors; be a part of the restoration of a major Solana Beach landmark’ and promising the FCCC would be used for ‘classes, meetings, civic events and celebrations.’” Current restrictions, Boyd told me, “are a slap in the face to those of us who contributed to the rehabilitation of that building,” which, by the way, is a former Civilian Conservation Corps barracks that was moved from Vista to Solana Beach in the 1940s. The initiative calls for celebrations on up to two weekend days per week, with all events — including cleanup — done by 10 p.m. It also limits the city to charging “nominal fees” for special event permits and rentals. In case you’re wondering, Boyd has no intention of throwing any parties at the Fletcher Cove center herself. She lives near the Lomas Santa Fe Country Club and has access to that facility. David Ogul is an award-winning reporter and editor who has worked at numerous Southern California daily newspapers in a career spanning more than three decades. He now runs his communications company and writes a column twice monthly for The Coast News. You can follow him on Twitter via @ogul, and he can be reached at OgulCommunications@gmail.com

Roberts appointed to national health panel COAST CITIES — Supervisor Dave Roberts has been appointed to a position on a national healthcare advisory panel. The National Association of Counties has appointed Roberts to serve on its Health Steering Committee. The panel, which includes county leaders and public health executives from across the country, considers all matters pertaining to public health and healthy communities. The committee evaluates

and makes recommendations upon issues such as disease and injury prevention, health promotion, health disparities reduction and financing the delivery of health care. Roberts is a former senior manager for the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, an international nonprofit organization. In that role, he drew upon his background as an appointed health policy advisor to President Barack Obama and former President George W. Bush.

By Rachel Stine

CARLSBAD — A new microbrewery and restaurant may hop into Carlsbad Village after the Planning Commission approved its plans at its July 17 meeting. Brought forth by the operators of Carlsbad’s Ocean Palms Beach Resort, the twostory, debut Bluewater Restaurant and Brewery would provide local, seasonal beers and gastropub food along the beachfront on Carlsbad Boulevard between Oak Avenue and Pine Avenue.

Barry Blue II, who would oversee the microbrewery and is a brewer, said that he hopes to establish a place where locals will say, “Their beer is great, their atmosphere is great, their food is great, and you can watch the sunset every single night.” “It’ll be a real asset to the community,” said Commissioner Hap L’Heureux. The applicants proposed demolishing a non-descript commercial building and several residences that currently

stand at the 6,637 square-foot site to make way for the microbrewery. “I think that what is currently there is a mess and this is going to clean it up,” said Commissioner Jeff Segall. “We need more of these, not less in Carlsbad.” Haley Griffin, a representative from Tobo Investments, which owns the Best Western hotel adjacent to the property, spoke at the meeting about concerns over the noise and traffic brought by the microbrewery and its construction.

Concerned about the noise, the commissioners added one condition to restrict delivery hours to the restaurant to between 8 a.m. and noon and another to restrict the outdoor dining hours to 11 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and midnight Friday and Saturday. With those conditions, the commissioners unanimously approved the microbrewery. The project will receive a final vote at City Council during an upcoming meeting.

Bar moratorium falls one vote short of passing By Jared Whitlock

ENCINITAS — Three councilmembers gave a moratorium on new bars the thumbs up at the July 17 meeting, falling one vote shy needed for the measure to take effect. Councilman Tony Kranz opposed the moratorium. But he said that doesn’t mean he’s “throwing in the towel” when it comes to addressing problems associated with late-night drinking. “It’s important to take this incrementally, and I don’t think a moratorium is the first step in the process,” Kranz said. Kranz said the council should pursue other changes like a “deemed-approved ordinance” — a check-in program that requires bars to regularly demonstrate they’re complying with public safety and noise standards. Should a deemedapproved ordinance and other calming measures fail, Kranz said the council should take a look again at a moratorium. The moratorium would have put a 45-day hold on new or expanding liquor licenses for pubs, bars and breweries planning to stay open past 10 p.m. By law, after the 45 days, a moratorium can be extended for 10 months, and then a year following that. Councilwoman Kristin Gaspar joined Kranz in voting against the moratorium. She said the newly formed Encinitas Hospitality Association, a collection of 26 bar and restaurant owners, has demonstrated it’s taking residents’ concerns seriously. “I think they’ve shown us in the past week they’re committed to this process,”

Signs against a bar moratorium leans against a wall outside of City Hall. City Council didn’t adopt a moratorium; two councilmembers said other measures should be tried first. Photo by Jared Whitlock

Gaspar said. At its July 11 meeting, City Council directed the association to bring back a proposal addressing nightlife issues Aug. 28. Danielle Yi, spokeswoman for the association, said the group has posted banners in front of bars reminding patrons to act responsibly, among other initial steps. It also plans to host weekly community meetings for residents to air out concerns and help the association craft its proposal. Shirley Finch said past meetings with bar owners have largely proven fruitless. “We don’t want to get into lengthy meetings…we’ve already been there done that,” Finch said. Residents have long complained about the downtown bar scene getting out of control. So the City Council asked the Downtown Encinitas Mainstreet Association to facilitate stakeholder meetings with the bars, residents and law enforcement last year. The resulting recommendations on curbing excessive drinking and rowdy behavior did-

n’t go far enough, many residents maintained last month. Meanwhile, bar and restaurant owners said the Encinitas Hospitality Association will be different. Because more from the community will be involved, and the owners are more engaged this time around, the meetings will produce solid solutions, they argued. Four businesses have an application in for a new liquor license or to expand their current one, according to Planning Director Jeff Murphy. If the moratorium had passed, the applications for two of those businesses, and possibly a third, would have been frozen until it expired. Deputy Mayor Lisa Shaffer said a moratorium is simply a timeout while councilmembers mull over potential solutions. It isn’t about

“punishing responsible business owners” or “vilifying neighbors who want to live peacefully downtown,” she said. “I see the moratorium as a tool in which we’ve captured the attention of business owners, and the residents and staff, and we’ve signaled this is a priority issue for the council,” Shaffer said. Shaffer added that she personally supports mandatory midnight closures for all bars. But that’s not on the table; the city doesn’t have the legal authority to make existing bars turn off their lights by midnight. “We couldn’t shut you down at midnight even if we wanted to,” Shaffer said. Mayor Teresa Barth said she’s disappointed the moratorium failed. “It’s symbolic more than anything — to say that we are taking it seriously,” Barth said. City Council will hear the Encinitas Hospitality Association’s proposal Aug. 28. At that time, councilmembers will also consider the deemed-approved ordinance and changes to conditional use permits. Additionally, councilmembers are due to discuss land-use modifications aimed at controlling the number of bars. Most City Council items only demand a three-fifths vote to pass. However, items like moratoriums require the backing of four out of five councilmembers.


JULY 26, 2013


Who’s NEWS? Business news and special achievements for North San Diego County. Send information via email to community@ coastnewsgroup.com.

for Design Prototypes and Toshie Ono for Architectural Model, — Architectural Model, Best of Class, Jorge Avil —Architectural Drawing, Toshie Ono and Sheila Stern, Computer Aided Design.

RSF Puttkammer joins Colliers

CELEBRATING 30 YEARS IN THE COMMUNITY From left, Jesse Menashe, Josh Menashe, Shannon Menashe and David Menashe. On June 27, David, with friends and family celebrated 30 years living and working in Rancho Santa Fe at the Rancho Santa Fe Golf Club. Throughout those 30 years, David has shown involvement in many areas including as a wealth management advisor and coaching youth basketball at RSF Community Center to name a couple. David has also served as a board member on the Board of Directors for San Diego State Business School. Courtesy photo

The San Diego office of Colliers International announced that Rancho Santa Fe resident Rick Puttkammer will be rejoining Colliers International as a Senior V i c e President in the San Diego office. A 25year veteran in retail property sales and leasing, Rick RICK will lead PUTTKAMMER Colliers’ expanded retail division. Most recently, Rick was a Senior Vice President at Flocke & Avoyer here San Diego. Rick and his wife, Kim, live in Rancho Santa Fe.

Wicked good chefs

Rancho Santa Fe Scouts earn top award RANCHO SANTA FE — Two Rancho Santa Fe residents — and 2013 Canyon Crest Academy graduates — recently earned the Girl Scout Gold Award, the organization’s highest honor, for their outstanding commitment to community service. Troop 1109’s Rachel Marren and Malia Rappaport completed their unique service projects after three years of planning and preparation. For her Gold Award project, Marren renovated the previously disorganized and poorly stocked general store at Seacrest Village Retirement Communities. Because many residents cannot drive, the Seacrest shop is their only place to buy necessary items on short notice. Marren brought in vol-

Rancho Santa Fe residents Rachel Marren, left, and Malia Rappaport were honored at Girl Scouts San Diego’s recent Gold Award ceremony. Courtesy photos

unteers to organize merchandise and help employees manage inventory. The new general store gives seniors immediate

access to essential products and increases the shop’s potential profitability. Marren will begin her

freshman year at Rice University in the fall. To earn her Gold level, Rappaport, a San Diego State University freshman, educated local elementary school students about disabilities through presentations focusing on tolerance and acceptance. Rappaport believes that younger students are more receptive to new ideas, and as such, she felt she could positively influence them to be more inclusive of their peers. Rappaport is a student leader with “I Am Norm,” a national campaign that redefines “normal” and promotes inclusivity. She also created an “I Am Norm” club at Canyon Crest Academy. Marren and Rappaport are among the 48 San Diego Girl Scouts who earned the Gold Award this year. Just 5.4 percent of Girl Scouts nationwide achieve this level of recognition. The roots of the award are in the history of the organization, whose tradition of the highest leadership awards for Girl Scouts has included The Golden Eaglet of Merit (1916-1919), The Golden Eagle (19191938), First Class (19381982) and The Curved Bar (1940-1980). In 1980, the name became the Girl Scout Gold Award.


Wicked Kitchen, a customized personal chef service, is now available for in-home cooking in Rancho Santa Fe and surrounding communities. Owned and operated by Jon Pozgay and Gail Root, Wicked Kitchen offers a weekly fresh service, a bi-weekly fresh-tofreezer service, dinner parties, l u n ch e o n s , JON POZGAY & cocktail parGAIL ROOT ties and special events. Call (858) 8321167, email info@wickedkitchenchef.com or visit wickedkitchenchef.com.

Top honors Robert Stiefler II of Rancho Santa Fe, class of 2015 received Faculty Honors at Trinity College in Hartford, Conn., for the spring 2013 semester.

Input for project Join the Community Open House - Watermark Del Mar to be held from 5 to 7 p.m. July 29, at the Powerhouse Community Center, 1658 Coast Blvd., Del Mar. A development team is in the early stages of planning a residential project called Watermark Del Mar for the vacant property southwest of the intersection of Jimmy Durante Boulevard and San Dieguito Road. The open house is to introduce the proposal to the community and get early feedback.

Best of best Four MiraCosta College design drafting students were honored with ribbons at the San Diego County Fair. The award-winning students won two Best of Show and five Best of Class awards. Winners were: — Best of Show and Best of Class, Chris Rosenbaum,

Cool down with ice Rita’s Ice Custard Happiness celebrated its grand opening at 3263 Camino de los Coches, La Costa on July 18, serving up free Italian ice all day. For more information, visit ritascarlsb ad.com.

Dive in On July 13, Harrah’s Rincon Casino & Resort, 777 Harrah’s Rincon Way, Valley Center, debuted Adult Swim Saturdays at Dive: a 21-andup day club with live entertainment, cabanas, a lazy river and swim-up bar plus indooroutdoor ‘ritas Cantina, featuring tacos and specialty margaritas. For more information, call (760) 751-3100 or visit harrahsrincon.com/divedayclub/.

SKINS expanding Encinitas-based SKINS Compression, makers of gradient compression sportswear, announced the hire of sales representative, Conor Fournier. Fournier has joined forces with SKINS North America as an independent rep to focus on forming and expanding partnerships in Northern California. Fournier is an Ironman athlete in addition to a runner and cyclist and was head buyer for Nytro Sports.

Storage anniversary Solana Beach Storage, at 545 Stevens Ave., celebrated its 40th anniversary July 13 with a festival and barbecue. 100 percent of proceeds went to the San Dieguito Boys and Girls Club. County Supervisor Dave Roberts presented a plaque to owner, George Hunt for the company's contributions to the community over the decades. It was proclaimed to be “Solana Beach Storage Day.”

Tonic stars at Open Tonic by Martina Hingis was named official clothing partner of the Southern California Open Women’s Tennis Association Premier 700 Tennis event July 27 through Aug. 4 at LaCosta Resort and Spa, Carlsbad. Tickets for the Southern California Open can be purchased online at southerncaliforniaopen13.com or call (760) 930-7032.

Moonlight opens concessions The city of Encinitas announces the opening of Moonlight Beach Deli and Dogs at Moonlight Beach, 400 B St., Encinitas, every day from 7 a.m to 7 p.m. as of July 12. It will offer food and various rentals such as soft surfboards, boogie boards, beach chairs, umbrellas, kayaks and electric bikes.



JULY 26, 2013


unday wrapped another year of Comic-Con International at the San Diego Convention Center. The annual crowd favorite event revealed some secrets about upcoming films, comic books and TV shows. As it has become tradition, some of the world’s biggest stars paid a visit to the convention and to the city, promoting new books, movies and more. Photos by Daniel Knighton

Actors Katey Saga, left,l and Charlie Hunnam (“Sons of Anarchy”) appear at Comic-Con on Sunday.

Actors Tom Cruise, right, and Emily Blunt appear at an autograph session to promote their upcoming movie “Edge of Tomorrow.”

Marvel Comics legend Stan Lee (center) poses with his co-authors of “Romeo and Juliet: The War”, Terry Dougas (L) and Max Work.

Camarillo resident Corinne Soutar dresses as a USO girl from the “Captain America” movie.

Actor David Giuntoli (“Grimm”) talks to fans at Entertainment Weekly's Brave New Warriors panel on Thursday at Comic-Con.

Actor Matt Smith, right, (“Doctor Who”) talks to fans while actor Kit Harington (“Game of Thrones”) looks on at Entertainment Weekly’s Brave New Warriors panel on Thursday at Comic-Con.

Actor Tyler Posey “Teen Wolf” appears at Entertainment Weekly’s Brave New Warriors panel at Comic-Con.

Fans dressed in elaborate costumes are a common sight down in San Diego’s Gaslamp District during Comic-Con.

Actress Sandra Bullock appears at ComicCon to promote her upcoming film “Gravity.”

Scottsdale, Ariz. resident Megan Rhea dresses as the Batman character Harley Quinn at Comic-Con.


JULY 26, 2013



Art meets music meets wine & food at Amaya La Jolla 11:30pm. Valet parking available in front of Amaya. Visit .amayalajolla.com.


iP ad Your Wi n e Choices at Flemings

Taste of Wine Prospect Street in La Jolla is squeezed with many restaurants vying for prominence. Some have a west-facing view of the Pacific which may give them an edge, but only one has that “wow” look, with curb appeal reminiscent of a Venetian Palazzo or Roman Villa, with dramatic wrought iron, gold leaf and cubic stone mouldings. Presenting the new Amaya La Jolla! This urban dining work of art is the sister restaurant to the original Amaya at the Grand Del Mar resort. Both were architecturally carved by the masterful Warren Sheets, evoking a European style interior warmth and elegance from floor to ceiling. Familiar faces from the original Amaya lead this new addition to the La Jolla dining scene, including Manager

Flemings Prime Steakhouse and Wine Bar has rocked the restaurant world with an exclusive customer service: the Flemings WiNEPAD, a custom app on iPad that helps guests easily navigate the restaurant’s wine list tableside or at the bar. All 65 locations have it offered complete with labelCamron Woods is the Executive Chef at the new Amaya La Jolla, after specific tasting notes. five years at the original Amaya at the Grand Del Mar. Photo courtesy of Amaya

Ashlee Cote, left, table server and Casey Eades, operating partner for Fleming’s La Jolla, demonstrate the new WiNEPAD with a bottle of Ladera Howell Mt. 2008 Cabernet. Photo by Frank Mangio

Nolan Seu, Lead Sommelier Andrew Adelson and Executive Chef Camron Woods, the star chef since the original Amaya opened 5 years ago.

“I always get asked about what is different in the menu and the wines between the two Amyas,” Woods observed. “The answer is not that much. I worked many

years perfecting the Amaya menu and we want to keep our favorites coming with this new location. The only new feature here is the Southern specials every night. I get an opportunity to cook the food that I grew up with in the South,” he happily explained. It all adds up to luxury dining with a casual, fresh feel. The wines are global and regional consisting of 300 labels with surprising

value: all are under $100. There is also an impressive lineup of 20 wines by the glass. I had a bottle of Lewis “Mason’s” Cabernet from Napa Valley, a provocative taste sensation ( $95.) to complement the smoked King Salmon, a perfect pairing. Amaya La Jolla is open for lunch and dinner daily. Live entertainment nightly in the lounge from 7pm to 11pm, Friday and Saturday nights from 7:30pm to

Ashlee Cote table server and Casey Eades Operating That’s only the beginning of what this wine-centric device can do to customize your wine experience. It has the ability to match up your current mood for a particular tasting wine with the “What’s Your Mood” function. Whites range from Fragrant and Fruity to Rich and Elegant. Reds include TURN TO TASTE OF WINE ON B9

Taste and smell the coffee love at Revolution Roasters DAVID BOYLAN Lick the Plate Truthfully, I’ve always been as much of a fan of the scent produced from roasting, grinding, and brewing coffee as I have of drinking it. Revolution Roasters, which shares a space and provides coffee to Café Ipe in Leucadia, takes all of those sensory experiences to another level. Stop in on a Saturday morning when owner Dan Scheibe is roasting beans and you will get an up-close look at the process and be completely overwhelmed by the wonderful aromas. I’d also highly suggest picking

up one of the brown paper bags he packages his beans in and give it a good whiff, yes, go ahead, smell the bag, it’s amazing. Then order up a cup from Café Ipe as it tastes pretty darn good too. I sat down with Dan recently to learn more about how this venture came to be and his roasting process. You grew up in Brazil and Encinitas, do you have early memories of coffee in your life? In Brazil, when I was a kid, my first experience with coffee was watching my parents and their friends always have a cafezinho after dinner. A cafezinho is a small but very strong cup of coffee, loaded with sugar. It was really tasty and I was always trying sneak sips while my parents were not looking. Later in life, I was turned on

to espresso by a friend of mine, Joe Burdo, who introduced me to home roasting coffee beans and making espresso from them. I was really drawn to the process of making the coffee from scratch and the prospect of having freshly roasted coffee. Was there a moment in your life that awakened your coffee senses and took them to a new level? I had been home roasting beans for a little while when I went on a trip to British Columbia in 2007 where I met Richard Haverkamp, owner of Backyard Beans in Summerland, BC. I walked into a barn in his back yard, just as he was dropping a batch of dark roasted beans into the cooling tray of his vintage 1979 Probat L12

Dan Scheibe of Revolution Roasters creating his amazing coffee with his Probat roaster on a Saturday morning. Photo by David Boylan

roaster. After that experience, I decided I would take the time to learn all I could about coffee roasting and how coffee gets from farm to cup. Roasting coffee is an art, did you have a mentor or were you self-taught?? My friend Richard Haverkamp was a real inspiration in getting me started. I really credit him with giving me the tools I needed to proceed forward with my vision. After that I am largely selftaught. I literally decided to purchase a coffee roaster from a roastery in Maine and figured out the details of roasting on my own.

From what I’ve heard, the actual coffee roasting machine used to roast beans plays an important part in the process, tell me about your roaster. Yes, that is right. The coffee roaster used to roast the coffee has a huge effect on the coffee being roasted. I believe Probat, a German manufacturer of coffee roasting machines, makes the best quality batch coffee roaster on the market. Our machine is a Probat L12. The advantage of this machine is that it provides superior control and even heat transfer to the coffee, allowing the roaster to coax the best possible fla-

vor from each coffee that is roasted. I take pride in the fact that there is no automation on my roaster. This means I have to rely on all my senses to accomplish a proper roast. As a result, all of the coffees roasted have a distinct finger print that differentiates our coffees from all others. If I were to introduce a friend to Revolution Roasters who is more of a mainstream coffee consumer, what blends would you suggest starting them off with? The act of drinking cofTURN TO LICK THE PLATE ON B9


JULY 26, 2013

Annual Cardiff Beerfest benefits Rotary charities CARDIFF-BY-THE-SEA — Cool down your summer at the Encinitas Coastal Rotary Club BrewFest Encinitas, being held from 4 to 7 p.m. Aug. 3 at the MiraCosta College San Elijo Campus, 3333 Manchester Ave. Tickets can be purchased online at encinitascoastalrotary.org or brewfestencinitas.com. The day will include samples from 15 craft breweries, three gourmet food vendors and nine charity partners, including


fee goes way beyond providing fuel for your brain. It is quite literally an indispensable part of a person’s daily routine. The wonderful thing about coffee is that there is no limit to how detailed you want to be about your own coffee experience. We pride ourselves in educating consumers about the options they have no matter what kind of coffee they like to drink. By doing


Big & Intense, and Rich & Voluptuous. Sweet wine moods feature Sweet & Mouthwatering and Sweet & Powerful. Other fun settings are: wine list, recommended wines, perfect pairings, spin the bottle, share the wine and other fun information. Check out the “Fleming’s 100,” an exclusive collection of 100 wines served by the glass. Fleming’s is well-deserved its reputation as the steakhouse destination for lovers of fine wine. See more at FlemingsSteakhouse.com.

Wine Bytes North County Wine Company in San Marcos is celebrating its third Anniversary July 27 all day and until 9 p.m. Huge selection of great wines at 50 cents a taste. Food and raffle drawings. The night before, from 5 to 9 p.m., “big gun” tasting flights from $10 and more. Details at (760) 744-2119. The San Diego Country Festival happens July 27 from 1 to 4 p.m. at Bernardo Winery in Rancho Bernardo. $25 in advance, $30 at the door. Over 20 San Diego wineries will be there for tasting. Food vendors will have tasty snacks. Silent auction. Call (858) 487-1866. Carruth Cellars in Solana Beach is doing a wine tasting and art raffles July 28 from 6 to 9 p.m. to benefit breast cancer research. Hors d’oevres and live music. $40 in advance, $45 at the door. Call (760) 4583130.

MiraCosta College Foundation. Parking is free and visitors can buy tickets for $40, which includes a free Designated Driver. Tickets for the VIP section with special beers are $75 and fest goers can also buy a VIP Designated Driver for $25. Your participation helps give money back to charities, both locally and around the world and 100 percent of the profits go back to help numerous Rotary charities.

this, remove the intimidation aspect. We encourage them to smell and taste the coffee and evaluate the experience based on what their senses tell them. We offer a limited variety of blends and single origin coffees, so the consumer doesn’t get overwhelmed. In this process, we don’t tell the consumer what is the correct way to enjoy coffee, but rather we challenge them to explore the options and empower them to make an informed decision.

Revolution Roasters is located inside Café Ipe at 970 N. Coast Highway 101, Leucadia. Shop hours are 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. Find them online at revoroasters.com.

Fleming’s La Jolla offers a First Friday event, Aug. 2 from 5:30 to 7 p.m., with “Fleming’s Reserve” featuring the best of the best. Most are reds from Napa Valley, paired with small plates. Cost is $55. RSVP at

(858) 535-0078.

Lick the Plate can now be heard on KPRi, 102.1 FM Monday-Friday during the 7pm hour. David Boylan is founder of Artichoke Creative and Artichoke Apparel, an Encinitas based marketing firm and clothing line. Reach him at david@artichoke-creative.com or (858) 395-6905.

Frank Mangio is a renowned wine connoisseur certified by Wine Spectator. His library can be viewed at www.tasteofwinetv.com. (Average Google certified 900 visits per day) He is one of the top five wine commentators on the Web. Reach him at mangiompc@aol.com.


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JULY 26, 2013


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Important, but not always easy, to ‘love thy neighbor’ JOE MORIS Baby Boomer Peace In my last column I finished with the words: “Don’t store up treasures on Earth, for the real treasures are those that are stored up for

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heaven.” I was blessed to receive many, very kind responses where the most typical response was, “Thank you for reminding me of what is most important.” But of course I had that one critic who was bound and determined to demean my character and spirit. Nothing I could say or do in an attempt to appease him mattered. I likened it to an evil assault.

Actually it was evil due to all the vile language used to demean my character. There was no counter to the points I raised by this critic, just childish nonsense packaged in four-letter words. There are treasures that cannot be measured by the “things” we own. Of course we all need a certain amount of earthly treasures in today’s society like a roof over our heads, food on our table and a means to get to work to make the money to avoid living under a bridge somewhere. But, one of the heavenly treasures that the universe wants us to learn is to respect the spirit that lives in each of us, even the spirit in our detractors. Our spirit, our soul, is the offspring of God and it means we have a direct link to our maker. No matter what religion you are, even being atheist like my detractor, we all (well, most of us) have this inner compass that directs us to respect others. I happen to be Christian so I have come to understand that the entire New Testament boils down to two simple lessons: To love God with all your heart and soul and love your neighbor as yourself. Think about that a little. If everyone lived by those two lessons there would be no

With coupon. Offers expire 8-9-13




JULY 26, 2013

Hiker, naturalist and author Tom Stienstra loves traveling the Pacific Crest Trail, but he thinks hiking and camping in the San Diego area is “as good as it gets,” he writes. “Everywhere you go, you will find camp-

grounds and parks, from primitive to deluxe. The region is one of the few that provides year-round recreation at a stellar level.” Courtesy photos

You can change your camping experience E’LOUISE ONDASH Hit the Road My parents never took us camping. “Camping is no vacation for your mother,” my father proclaimed. “She’d have to do all the things she does at home without the conveniences.” It was hard to disagree. Who would voluntarily take 11 kids (ages 13 to 1) into the woods to cook and change diapers (no disposables) for any reason or amount of time? So we kids built forts in the back yard, gathered sheets, blankets, graham crackers and Kool-Aid, and were grateful that our parents let us sleep outside. Maybe if they’d had Tom Stienstra’s latest edition of “Moon California Camping” (Avalon Travel; $24.99), things would’ve been different. “It’s the one book that’s vital to people,” says Stienstra, outdoor guru, author and longtime San Francisco Chronicle columnist. “My hiking and fishing books are very popular, but you don’t have to have them. You have to have this book. It can change your experience.” Stienstra has just stepped inside his Bay Area home for a phone interview. Minutes earlier, he was

doing what he does every day: relishing every waking moment and thanking his lucky stars that he’s alive. “Before you called, I was trying to sneak up on deer and get a close head shot (with my camera),” he says with unabashed enthusiasm. “You should wake up every morning and feel like a golden retriever. They are always happy and excited about what’s coming.” Stienstra, who says he’s hiked 25,000 miles and driven more than a million throughout California, nearly died at age 12 when his head collided with a hatchet. It was wielded “by a guy who was robbing a gas station. When I got out of the hospital, everything was different. I’d go for a hike and feel like I’d been there a hundred years ago. I felt kinship with another time — like I didn’t belong in the present. Right out of college I was a sports writer in Green Bay, feeling like I didn’t belong there — like I should be out in a canoe. One day it hit me that there were 70,000 people in the stadium watching 22 guys and they all needed a hike.” Stienstra sounds sincere when he says that the San Diego area is one of his favorites. “When I think about the places I treasure, San Diego is in the top five. One thing about your area that’s unique is that you have some of the best coastal campgrounds on the entire West Coast.” That’s good news and

about gear last week and I made a list,” he said. “You can get outfitted with everything you need at first for $250. You accumulate over time. You go from a one-day hike to one overnight to backpacking for a week.” The time to start is now,

Stienstra urges. “Never be a prisoner of hope. I know firsthand how fast life can end. You need to treasure every day.” E’Louise Ondash is a freelance writer living in North County. Tell her about your travels at eondash@coastnewsgroup.com.

ATTENTION READERS! Tom Stienstra, 59, has hiked more than 25,000 miles and driven more than one million in California. “If I go a day without learning something new, I’m disappointed,” says the long-time outdoor columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle.

bad news, because when reservations open each year, “all the campgrounds sell out from here to Monterey Bay in one day,” Stienstra explains. “The camping spots are so popular that there are people selling them on Craigslist. It’s kind of frustrating that a handful of people with computer skills can work the system.” But never fear; Stienstra’s book helps locate other great campsites — like Millard Canyon and Millard Falls, a mere 5 miles from the I-210 freeway near Pasadena. “There are amazing waterfalls in Southern California,” Stienstra says, “and most people are totally unaware they are there. Ninety-five percent of the people go to 5 percent of the campgrounds. They have no

The 18th edition of “Moon California Camping” (Avalon Travel; $24.99) by Tom Stienstra is a must-have for veteran and novice campers and hikers. Its pages hold extensive information on and detailed maps of more than 1,400 tent and RV campgrounds -both well known and unknown – and hundreds of tips for campers of all skill levels.

idea what’s in their perimeter. If you want to go to one of (the mostly unknown) places, you’re screwed unless you have this book. Everything is mapped so you can see what is within 5 to 10 miles. The worst thing of all is to hear about a campsite, it’s full, and then you spend the night in the car. I’ve given away at least 100 of my books to people who just spent the night in their car.” While Stiensta is a veteran outdoorsman, his book includes a how-to guide for the ultimate novice, including a realistic equipment guide. “Someone asked me

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Items For Sale

CELL PHONES Currently offering free cell phones with a new contract. Visit our website at: http://www.tmiwireless.com/?aid=5 4955

10 ft X 8 ft METAL SHED good condition $100 (619) 277-3961

NOSTALGIC RADIO beautiful 1930s Philco “baby grand” repro am/fm, great sound, perfect condition, only $29 OBO, call Shelley (760) 809-4657

Per Paper 1-2 wks 3 wks 6 wks 12 wks 26 wks 52 wks

MIRRORED PLANTER unique, Gothic design, white wood, inside or outside garden, 30” high x 25” wide, beautiful, only $49 OBO call Shelley (760) 809-4657

NEW EURO-TOP QUEEN MATTRESS Brand New Queen Mattress $100.00 Made by Serta - and in sealed factory wrap. 760.822.9186

COMPUTER MONITOR Gateway 15”, like new $60 call (858) 5661318


MICKEY MOUSE CLUB slot machine 15” x 10” $59 (760) 7583125

MICROWAVE Sharp Micro Carosel II. Works perfect; cheap because it is an older model. White, w/blk. door. $20.00 (760) 942-4694 13” COLOR TV with built in VCR player, perfect condition $85 (760) 448-5350


METAL FILE CABINET 3 drawer with locking key, legal size $85 (760) 448-5350

Items For Sale

OWL DRUG COMPANY BOTTLE Hard To Find 6 inch Clear Medicine Bottle with Logo “1920ís” Great Condition $19 OBO please call Shelly (760) 809-4657

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA used, model C4000 Zoom $50 (760) 758-8958

PRINTER AND TV brother MFC8300 copier/ fax/ printer excellent condition $20, 20” panasonic tv free digital converter $20 (760) 633 3348

STAR MATE SIRIUS SATELLITE radio system with home and car kit with remote, still boxed, brand new $100 (760) 448-5350 TOM TOM NAVIGATION 5” screen, voice recognition, free lifetime traffic & maps, $225 new, asking $125 in box condition (760) 632-8184 2 TABLE LAMPS matching set, ivory color, good condition, $25 for the pair (760) 207-8537 BRAND NEW FULL SIZE MATTRESS Brand new euro top mattress $95.00

New Full matching Foundation $72.00 Can be sold together or sold separately Call or Text 760.822.9186 BRAND NEW QUEEN MATTRESS & BOX Must Sell New Queen Euro top Mattress and Foundation. Still In Factory Wrap $150.00 Call or text 760-822-9186 METAL BED FRAME adjustable, fits all sizes $30 (760) 756-2255


Items For Sale

MEN’S COWBOY BOOTS Size 9d dan post brown men’s cowboy boots. Made in the U. S. A.!!! $75. (760) 942-4694

ESTATE SALE AUGUST 3 & 4, 2013 9 am - 5 pm, 2393 Carriage Circle, Oceanside 92056, quality leather furniture, appliance, bdrm furniture, woman’s clothes, books, tapes, CD, DVD, linens, toys, china and cutlery



“WRAP & CRAFT” Rubbermaid “Wrap & Craft” to store wrapping paper. $15. (760) 942-4694 15 GALLON PLANTS “Actually larger than 15”. fan palm, jade, crown of thorns, black pine, loquat, macadamia nut, (760) 436-6604

4” TOILET SEAT RISER like new, with 2 support rails, paid $35, will sell for $10 - Carlsbad (442) 3339032 8 FT ROUND CARPET shag like, rust color $50 (858) 756-2255

BATTLE STAR series, carriers, amphibious, & battleships. 1941 present day. Awesome ship designs onto apparel, mugs, posters,& steins. Honorable gifts. zazzle.com/sgtskullnstein

BEAUTIFUL WHITE WEDDING GOWN Size 12, worn once. Stored in original bridal keepsake box. Perfect condition. $30. (858) 7591154


Items For Sale

HANGING LAMP W/BULB stained glass; colors white, sky blue, green, gold and lavender 19” deep x 14” tall perfect condition, beautiful $20 (760) 599-9141 HOT WHEELS box of fifty hot wheels in original packaging. random models. $40 (760) 726-8491 HYDRANGEA PLANT potted, currently blooming deep pink flowers $15 (760) 207-8537

LADY NORELCO electric shaver, made in Holland 1953, never used in original box $30 (760) 845-3024

LIKE NEW HUNTER AIR PURIFIER. $99.00-hunter 30381 hepatech air purifier features a whisperquiet fan that draws air into the unit without excessive noise. Operational manual included. Pictures available. (760) 842-1970

MATERNITY CLOTHES Box of quality laundered, ironed maternity clothes. Some are new. Size s, m, l,. Nothing over $5. (760) 942-4694


Home Services

NAVY aircraft carriers awesome ship battle star designs onto apparel, mugs, posters,& steins. Honorable gifts. zazzle.com/sgtskullnstein PENTEX ME SUPER 35mm SLR with lenses and accessories $150 (760) 757-5445

PIZZA SIGN LED/Neon sign, extra bright, just plug it in, hang it in the window, comes with chain $30 (760) 500-0772

SHIRLEY TEMPLE cobalt blue glass table pitcher 6” tall $49 (760) 758-3125

THRUSTER Panasonic speakers $75 (760) 758-8958

VERTICAL ADJUSTABLE STABILIZER and balance pole, floor to ceiling, paid $200, sell for $75. Carlsbad (442) 333-9032

VIETNAM war battle star collection: apparel / mugs / key chains Visit Online Store www.zazzle.com/sgtskullnstein VOYAGE OF THE BOUNTY (ship) old map 42” wide x 30” tall wood frame with glass $25 (760) 599-9141


Home Services

CANON FTB CAMERA single lens reflex w/50 MM F1.8 FD lens w/ strap, great condition $49 obo (760) 809-4657 CLASSIC CRYSTAL LAMP On Metal Base 30 inches High $19 OBO please call Shelly (760) 8094657

EXTRA CLOSET SPACE portable, metal simulated wood, clean, 3 ft wide $50 (858) 756-2255 FIREWOOD FOR SALE Eucalyptus, Avocado and pine. Seasoned, ready to burn. $130/ truckload delivered. (760) 942-7430 GREYHOUND BUS TICKET round trip to Long Beach, CA. valid through May 2014, sell for $15. Carlsbad (442) 333-9032 HAMILTON BEACH big mouth, deluxe 14 cup food processor $50 (858) 755-2428


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GOLF CLUBS 7 Spaulding iron clubs, 2 golf bags, 2 pair size 8 medium golf shoes, $100 obo (760) 753-7932


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GOLF CLUBS full set, Tour Model 2, with woods, bag and accessories $85 (760) 448-5350 TENNIS RACQUET Prince Graphite Composite 4 3/8 Excellent Condition $25 (760) 809-6348





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JULY 26, 2013


SOUP TO NUTS by Rick Stromoski

By Bernice Bede Osol

FRANK & ERNEST by Bob Thaves

THE BORN LOSER by Art & Chip Sansom

BIG NATE by Lincoln Peirce

MONTY by Jim Meddick

ARLO & JANIS by Jimmy Johnson


ALLEY OOP by Jack & Carole Bender

FRIDAY, JULY 26, 2013 Although you might become involved in several enterprises in the year ahead, try to single out the ones that have legitimate promise. Otherwise, you might be kept busy, but constantly be anxious. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — Usually, you are single-minded in your plans. Today, however, you could muddle your affairs by involving yourself in several projects, not properly following through on any of them. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Favors that you request today could either be ignored or carried out poorly by associates.To be on the safe side, it’s best you rely solely upon yourself and not on others. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) — By including too many people in your plans today, your endeavors could be overshadowed by everyone else wanting to follow their own ideas.You could be left on the outside looking in. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) — Unfortunately, if you’re not careful, you could get caught smack in the middle of a situation where you have to please everybody. Don’t get snookered into it — it’s an impossible situation. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) — Even if your strong views are diametrically opposed to those of your colleagues, allow your intellectual adver-

saries a chance to express their thoughts. The helpful things you learn might surprise you. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — You’re right to be wary of a promotional scheme presented to you by an entrepreneur with a poor track record. She or he could be promoting another pig in a poke. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — There will be an eventual day of reckoning if you don’t guard against impulses to make commitments that you never intend to follow through on, just to appease others. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) — To use your time productively, you must first have a feasible, effective game plan and then stick to it. You may be tempted to start more than you’ll be able to finish — don’t give in. ARIES (March 21-April 19) — Without thinking, you could allow an associate to lay claim to some of your resources. What’s yours does not belong to anyone else unless you choose to give it. Use your discretion. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — Although you might get off to a good start by knuckling down to business, favorable results are questionable because you could let up just when the finish line is in sight. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) — Just because a friend has an idea, don’t automatically give it credence. Check things out thoroughly — this glib pal might have a rather unsound plan. CANCER (June 21-July 22) — Being willing to work hard is not the total answer for achieving success today. Unless you take off your blinders and evaluate things for what they are, you risk wasting your time and effort.


JULY 26, 2013

ART GIFT The Carlsbad Friends of the Arts Board, from left, Joann Johnson, Sandy Guendert, Naomi Marblestone, Dottie Demmers and Amanda Ecoff celebrate a gift of $20,000 to the city of Carlsbad Cultural Arts Office. The Friends provide major support for the popular T.G.I.F. concerts in the park, as well as Art at Jazz, The Three Part Art education program and the receptions and open studios at The Cannon Art Gallery. Courtesy photo



times before they build trust with staff and commit to getting additional help. “There are substantial barriers,” he said. “It can take multiple contacts before they reach a comfort level working with us and are ready to make a significant change.” In 2012 there were 2,583 total mat stays. Of those stays 34.8 percent of individuals went to an emergency shelter, 27.8 percent entered to a substance abuse facility, 12.6 percent acquired transitional housing, 2.9 percent were hospitalized, 0.3 percent went to jail, and 9.9 percent returned to the streets with-


wars, there would be no greed and there would be a happy and harmonious world. John Lennon, in his oft unusual methods, penned the song “Imagine.” One of the lines in his prose finishes with “… and no religion too.” Religion may just be the best and the worst that humanity has had to struggle with. Each religion seems to think their God is their own and they are willing to kill or maim you in order to force their belief down your throat. Wars continue to be fought defending a God that just happens to fit inside the box that each religion has placed around God. Each religion seems to be a critic of the others. It is this festering negativity that sticks in the psyche that causes its followers to be taken away from the real truths of their religion where hatred and revenge can override the good and become the focus instead. It galls me every time a pastor of mine infers that Jews will not go to heaven because they haven't accepted Christ as their savior. To me that is just flat wrong because we are all His children. My daughter and I have penned a book on spirituality that will come out soon. We already know that we are going to get a lot of grief from what we have written. We

out housing. The sobering mat program is set to end in midJuly because the property lease is up at the city building where the program is held. The city leased the property to Interfaith Community Services at close to no cost because of the community services Interfaith provided. Jones said it is difficult to find a place to relocate the program because of cost and type of service. The current location is within an industrial park. The Interfaith Community Services 34-bed residential addiction recovery program is located in the same building. Jones said a new location has been found for the

residential addiction recovery program to move into in mid-August, but the sobering mat program is limited to locations zoned for medical support services. Jones added Interfaith Community Services is still open to ideas and partnerships to restart the program at a different location. “We believe strongly in this particular service,” Jones said. “We’re looking at any and all possibilities.” A partnership with TriCity Medical Center almost solved the problem, but the planned property purchase fell through. Jones said ideally he would like to run the sobering mat program in several cities along the (state Route) 78 corridor.

know we will be criticized without mercy by some and that the criticism will be difficult to accept. We will be tested when trying to “love our neighbor” while our character is being assassinated. But Christ was also quoted in books like “The Book of Thomas” and the “Book of Andrew” (both are Disciples who penned these books, which were overlooked by Constantine when he assembled the New Testament 300 years after Christ). In these books he was quoted as saying: “learn to love the spirit that lives within every human being but have the wisdom to turn away from the evil that comes from those who have not yet discovered this spirit within themselves.” In other words, don’t let evil get the best of you. Focus instead on the good things in your life instead. That, of course, is easier said than done. I watched a VH1 show recently featuring Taylor Swift. Ms. Swift at one point between songs told her audience a story about one of her critics. She said that she gets volumes of mail lavishing her with adoration but she told of one detractor (a newspaper music critic) who just seemed hell bent on destroying her. This critic wrote vile things about her character and did everything he could to get inside her head to destroy her, to turn her into something she wasn’t. She

said that at one point she even tried to communicate with this person in the hopes of changing this critic’s mind and perception of who she really was. But, she eventually came to the realization that this critic was not to be persuaded. She came to realize that this soul-less critic had come to own her (which was his goal) because she allowed the criticism to fester in her head from the time she woke up to the time she went to sleep. When she finally came to the point where she knew she had no control over what this critic thought and said, she decided to throw up her hands and to give it all over to God instead. She decided to forgive her “enemy” and to focus on the positive things in her life instead. I don’t remember the title of the song she wrote in regards to this experience but she ended up winning a Grammy Award from it and grew as a person as well. In conclusion, God wants us to be happy. We can’t be happy if we are mad or bitter. So despite your critics, despite my critic(s), we should do our very best to accept the bad with the good, learn to forgive, forget and focus on what is most important in our lives instead: love, happiness and peace. Joe Moris may be contacted at (760) 500-6755 or by email at joe@coastalcountry.net.



JULY 26, 2013









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